#it’s hard cause he toyed and played with a woman’s heart when she truly loved him
carlysky815 · 1 year
First image: 5:36 AM day of cat’s release
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Second image: 8:12 AM day of cat’s release
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Third image: 8:16 AM day of cat’s release
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It’ll probably (no it will) change again within the next couple of hours. But with how it’s going the 50/50 is leaning more towards forgiven, because as of 8:30 AM (as of posting this) he’s inching close to a 52% forgiven.
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angelkurenai · 3 years
Wish upon - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Title: Wish upon
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You were close when Wanda’s grief took over and she inevitably started controling an entire town, including you. Being her closest friend, though, instead of simply playing along, you were given a normal life of your own, with a daughter and husband whom you knew very well but never thought you had feelings for. Months later as you try to figure out your emotions for Bucky, the man seems to be trying to find every reason to stay close to you. Including asking you to join him when he’s ready to follow Sam in his adventures.
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“Is that... Is that what I think it is?” you blinked several times, head tilted as you took in the object your husband was, full of pride you could clearly tell, holding and showing off to you.
“You bet it is. Polished, glittered or bedazzled, I can never tell the difference it's equally sparkly anyway, but above all ready to deliver justice. It's finally finished. Right on time at that.” he set the small pink and sparkly shield on the kitchen counter, right next to the baby bottle you'd just filled, because he knew just as well as you did that it was honestly the only way you'd keep looking at the toy and hoped that you'd like it. Which you did, sure, but not in the way Bucky hoped. “Well, what do you say about it?”
“I say that it would certainly deliver justice, no doubt by dazzling the bad guys first and foremost. Besides-” you tore your eyes away from the toy to narrow them at your husband “Just on time for what?”
“Halloween, of course.” he shrugged casually as he slowly made to reach for a piece of the potatoes you'd cooked to have on the side for dinner, but you noticed him and slapped his hand away, earning a not-so-innocent smile in return “I mean... What else is there else to talk about, of significance, in a small town like Westview besides holidays and who the new otherworldly couples in town are. The second having little to no point when one's wife can read minds, amongst so many other things, and said one is a metal-armed 106-year-old.” he sighed, raising his metal arm which he usually kept covered when outside “Honestly, I don't know who're gonna get called out on it first. Wanda and Vision or us.”
“We're handling it great. Besides, oh well a 15 year old gap is so overrated anyway. I tell you, 106 is the new 30, don't you worry a second, dear. You don't look a day over that.” you smiled sweetly, leaning in to peck his lips as he grinned.
“Ah yes, coming from the woman who last time we fought you told me that it's time to stop mourning over my buddy Rexi the dinosaur cause they're all gone now.” he said with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged.
“I don't see what you mean, I was still right.” you brushed him off, checking once more the temperature of the milk “Besides, getting off track here? You still haven't explained to me how that lovely and sparkly shield is of any use to us in Halloween?”
“Well, not us, obviously.” he turned to, according to everyone including him, his little princess “Jean of course!” he picked one of her hands and let her tiny fingers wrap around one of his as she let a giggle when he kissed her belly “It's all you've been talking about with Wanda these days. Her boys have their suits already in mind, it wouldn't be right for Jean to not have hers. It's her first Halloween anyway, even if she can't do any proper trick or treat yet.”
“I'm well aware of that, seeing as I've been planning all of ours suits. And no-” you raised a finger when you saw him raise an interested eyebrow “No, I'm not wearing the skirt version of it. Besides, what we're talking about here is Jean and I still fail to see how a shield will be any part of our little Phoenix's suit.”
“Well, because it's Halloween and she's- Well, she's part of this and she'll- The shield is part of the suit, honey. Obviously. I don't see what confuses you so much as to-”
“And I don't see what confuses you so much that you'd make a shield for her, beautiful as it might be, even though it has no place in all of it. Especially after I made it quiet clear on what costume will be.” you pointed out, baby bottle back on the counter as you crossed your arms over your chest “Honestly, I would rather her have a sparkly version of Sam's redwing before incorporating the shield in her phoenix look.”
He let silence fill the room, save for your daughter's adorable baby noises, before he finally spoke in all seriousness “No, no you wouldn't. You hate that thing too... It was the main reason that made me ask the question, like when you realize you've met your soulmate.”
“I-” only half a pause before you nodded “Yeah, you're right. I hate it... although I can't really remember how it looks like sometimes to be honest. Huh weird.” you let out a breathless laugh, frowning nonetheless.
“Oh how I'd wish for that sort of blessing.” he huffed “Including its owner.”
“Hush you love him!” you hit his shoulder “And, well, that's still all besides the point. Because Jean is not going to have a redwing or shield to her phoenix look in any sort of way. Maybe next Halloween if you wanna choose the costume, fine by me. But this year I am following through with my plans and not changing my mind.”
“Plans of what? Her being a phoenix bird? I get it, it's all magical and what not but-”
“Not just any phoenix bird, geez weez, do you not even listen when I speak, Mr Barnes?” you shook your head with a roll of your eyes.
“Well, sometimes it gets impossibly hard when you look as stunning as today, Mrs Barnes. Sadly all words fade away and as I am captured by your beauty all I can seem to hear is kiss me. How can I not comply?” he said so innocently and with such an adorable smile you couldn't help your fond one in return.
Seeing such adoration and love written all over your face had your heart on overdrive again, as if it was the first time you realized you were in love with him again. It was incredible how you could barely remember that moment whenever you thought about it, however you didn't care. You couldn't find yourself to care when looking at him had your chest fill with warmth, a pleasant buzz all over your body and no weight dragging you down. He made things more simple, having his love and having him by his side made life have meaning and your future full of hope. It hadn't been easy, that much in a way you could remember, but you knew it was worth it because he was worth it. You wanted to give him all your love, wishing that it could live up to the one in his eyes for you in return, so that he could understand what you did from the first moment you met him: he deserved it.
And even if- you couldn't explain why you thought so, but even if there were ever people that would willingly leave him behind, even if you'd never understand that, you were ready to show to him that you could and would be with him till the end of the line. This love you had in you for him had sealed the deal long before you even knew about it.
If anything, you were more than willing to live in this small town, heavens in these four walls of your house, so long as you had him by your side and were able to give him all the love you didn't know you had for him.
You shook your head lightly and gave him “Sweet talking me will get you nowhere, darling. Or rather-” you paused, smirking at him “It might get you in one place. The bedroom.” you grinned when you saw his eyebrows raise in interest “To get Jean's suit. Cause I remember I have some adjustments to make.”
“Bet you do.” he huffed like a little child “Cause she'll be a bird and not a superhero who-”
“Not just a phoenix bird, Buck. The phoenix, that's different.” you pointed out, making him frown.
“How is that different? And what... is the phoenix?”
“Well, it's-” you started but paused abruptly, frowning at your own thoughts “It's actually-” you blinked several time and let out a nervous laugh “Funny thing, I... can't remember. Wow that's... it happens all the more often lately.”
“Can't be important then, right?” he brushed it off casually even though you kept frowning in deep thought which for some reason didn't lead anywhere “Certainly no more than Jean's suit that it... And how we could incorporate a shiel-”
“No.” you cut him off before he could get to complete his sentence “Not gonna happen. I've already got everything planned, you're not going to ruin my plans.”
“Is this how it's gonna go every Halloween now? Us fighting over what Jean's costume will be until she's old enough to choose herself?”
“Oh dear, of course not. It's not fighting when you don't stand a chance against me in the first place.” you shrugged innocently and he tried to look stern by narrowing his eyes at you but you smiled and pecked his lips before speaking “I mean, you could never say no to these pretty eyes, could you?” you batted your eyes at him and he very fast, much faster than last time, sighed in defeat and nodded his head “Besides, you don't have to worry. Next Halloween we'll make her a costume that incorporates the shield too, happy?”
“Always.” he breathed out with such ease that it took a few seconds for you to not openly stare at just how much relaxed he looked, how he truly meant it and how shockingly different he looked while admitting it compared to only a few months ago... months, you weren't sure of the time anymore but truth was that you didn't care, because if there was one thing you could remember was that he had not always been like this and to have him truly happy made everything worth it.
“However-” he cleared his throat, as if noticing how you'd zoned out “That doesn't really solve the problem. Having to compromise, you know. Why should any of us have to? However, if we were to have more than one option...” he trailed off, leaning in closer without any regard for your personal space, not that he needed to, as you narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him “Say... if we were to have more than one options then things wouldn't be this hard, right? Just... to make it easier on ourselves?”
“Make it easier... how exactly?”
His hands found your hips, earning a small giggle from you as he pecked your neck once, twice and three times before he kissed your cheek and the temple, whispering in the end “Let's make more.” it earned a squeal from your as your eyes widened but he grinned even more widely “Come on, think about it. A little boy or maybe another baby girl, Jean would make a great sister. And we wouldn't have to argue about the Halloween costumes. Besides... would be a fun process either way.”
“You have to be kidding me.” you gave him a serious expression but his hopeful smile- no, scratch that. His smile that was bordering that of an idiot, if not lovesick one (but you were on the same boat on that), didn't fade in the least bit “Oh you have to- Alright, Mr Barnes, how about you learn how to feed your daughter without making a mess first and then you can come and talk to me about a second or third one hm? Cause, good as you might be at changing diapers, it ain't just that.”
“She just makes a mess because she enjoys to laugh at my expense, just like you and Sam.” he pointed out and you fought back a smile “And- Hold up a second... did you just say third? You think you're gonna let me ask for a third one too?”
Your eyes widened when you realized that he was really considering the prospect before your lips parted, you being ready to retort-
Only for no words to be uttered after that from your lips. The only sound being a deep intake of air as you were startled awake. Soon followed by a groan as you took in your surroundings and realized you were sadly still in your room. Sadly? Really? You didn't know if that was the case but even if it was, you didn't want to think even more about it. You buried your face in your pillow, not ready to face the day yet because... who were you even kidding? You wanted to go back to it. If not that fake reality, if not the playhouse that Wanda had built out of her grief and had dragged you into it as well - and maybe you hated yourself for how part of you did want that - then at least your dream would be nice.
It's been months and yet it feels as if it's been just yesterday that you were all released from her control. How could you not feel that way after all? When you were awake, the fake reality you'd thought your life was constantly on your mind, and when you were asleep even if you were not thinking of it, you were dreaming about it. It was constantly on your mind. And as if the experience itself, mind-control and all, hadn't left you with a few mental scares to add to your already existing ones to take care of, then the realization of the truth that lay within your own heart, was more than enough to keep the events replaying on your mind day and night.
To put matters simply: when you had followed your best friend, Wanda, after seeing her so distraught, leaving SWORD, you had never thought you'd find yourself playing house with a fake copy of one and only James Bucky Barnes thanks to said best friend. But while there was a chance for that, you never thought there was a chance that you'd realize you had feelings for the man all along.
Your life had been different there. Maybe because you were always close with the other Avenger, who knew. While there were times where you'd experience Wanda's grief, her nightmares from time to time came to haunt you at night just like it did with the rest of the town, your life was mostly... good. No, forget that, your life was nearly perfect. You had everything you wished for and things you didn't even know you had wished for. Maybe deep down you had always wanted it, a normal life, peace and calm, a kid whether it was yours or not... Bucky. You had probably always wanted him but didn't know it yourself, no doubt you were too busy crushing over Steve.
If only your current self could see your past self, or at least self of barely a year ago, you'd have smacked some sense into your stupid self who thought Steve Rogers was the only man you could ever have eyes for. While you had come to be very close with the Captain and ended up doing almost everything together, everyone thought there was much more to the two of you, that it hadn't even occurred to you to think that Steve wasn't really the one you wanted. Maybe you had convinced yourself so, in a way that now that he was no longer there you were more shaken by the fact that you were not shaken by how he had decided to live his life with Peggy in the past than his absence itself.
You had not felt any sort of betrayal, nor that you were suddenly all alone, certainly not as if anything was missing from your life. Granted, you had plenty to think about most of the time, day and night, but that didn't change things. You wished Steve had had a happy ending and you would on the occasion miss him the way you'd miss... a brother. You were always calm, no worries or fears, content with the fact that you knew he had been happy even if it was away from you because, in a way, you wanted it to be that way, it was natural. However, the mere thought of someone else leaving, someone that you thought far too often about, made your heart leap to your throat and your stomach tie in knots. The mere thought that Bucky could leave the way Steve had done made your throat close in a painful way and your eyes burn with tears, making you realize just who mattered the most.
If, again, Wanda plucking the truth about your feelings for the man to give you a life with him wasn't proof enough.
Your phone buzzing made you jump once more, eyes landing on the device on the nightstand. Reaching for it you were not surprised to see the messages that were pilled in your inbox. All from the same specific someone. A specific someone you had found yourself speaking with all the more often lately. Each time successfully managing to make you smile in one way or another, without fail.
Good morning. :)
Did I use that one correctly? I keep forgetting them, no matter how many times you show me.
And show him you had, just like that there was an option for him to choose from different ones instead of having to type them, but that was still work in progress. So even if Bucky learning emojis was a memory that you'd cherish forever, it wasn't the only important one at the moment.
On second thought, it's a bit too early.
You're probably still asleep. Nevermind. Sorry for bothering you.
And then more, shortly afterwards.
I only wanted to know if you're alright, that's all.
Anyway, hope I didn't wake you up.
He, much like everyone else, thought it was hard on you to deal with Steve being gone so he did his best to keep in touch and being as selfish as you were, you didn't bring yourself to tell him the truth that you cared more to know about how he was and wanted the contact for that. Maybe he was also worried about you after Wanda's mind-control too. But if Sam's words were anything to go by, then it was all an excuse for Bucky to stay close with you. You didn't let your hopes get up for that reason though. You could gladly take whatever you got without wondering.
Again it was followed not much later by another message.
I've actually got something to talk to you about. Something happened, though you could already know if you saw the news. Can I come over to talk with you? I need your opinion on the matter.
And shortly afterwards came.
I've already got your favorite breakfast. To make up for, probably, waking you up. :)
The next one had taken longer, he had probably been waiting for an answer all that time. You couldn't help but feel bad about it. That and the fact that the reason behind you not replying earlier was because of how immensed you were in your fantasy life with him that you had not told him a thing about.
(Y/n)... are you sure you're alright? It's getting late even for you.
Truth was you had more trouble waking up after having a dream of that time. But you couldn't tell him that. And then there was the latest one.
Alright, I'm coming over. I really hope you're not dead in there. I'm not going to let you hear the end of it if you are. Oh dear, I sound like Sam right now. Forget I ever said that. Both of it.
Before you even had the time to think about what he could mean, because no you had really not seen the news yet, let alone type back a reply, the door to your bedroom burst open. It earned a squeal from you as you looked with wide eyes at Bucky standing on the doorway. You weren't even surprised how you hadn't heard him, not when he already had keys to your apartment and could easily sneak up on you. Not that him surprising you was what you cared about at the moment. It was, and you could only admit it to yourself, more important how you looked at the moment – and having just woken up you weren't sure just how attractive you looked – than anything else. Especially when Bucky looked better than ever with that new haircut that you were sure he'd gotten on purpose, just to test how much your heart could take.
“I thought doors existed back in your days, Barnes. Maybe knocking was an option too.”
You saw him let out a sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing “What would have been the point if you were dead? You wouldn't have replied anyway.”
“Bold of you to assume I would miss on another chance to lecture you about the proper use of emojis, Mr Barnes. Even death could not stop me.” you broke into a grin and he chuckled.
“What, did I really mess it up?” he asked with a small, far too adorable for your own good, frown.
“Oh no you got it just right.” you said softly, adoring the proud look on his face before you added “However, I've told you, you don't have to type them anymore. There is an option on your keyboard with that kind of stuff for you to-”
“Eh alright, alright I get it. I suck at it. I'm not even gonna try using them anymore.”
“Wha- No!” you whined softly “No, Buck, I didn't mean that. Come on, you're good. You just... have a lot to learn still.” you shrugged “That's all. We didn't do great at first either. Nobody really got emojis a first, but you'll get the hang of it.”
“But you still think I am a grandpa when it comes to technology. And my age doesn't help on that case either.” he shrugged, as if he meant it casually as a joke but you could see a small hint of self-consciousness there as well.
“Nonsense.” you said softly, finally throwing the blankets off you “You're far from a grandpa, Buck. In fact, I strongly believe that 106 is the new 30, and you don't look a day over that.” the words were out of your lips before you could even think about it and when you realized what you'd said, your smile flattered a bit. You were glad his back was turned to on that second that he didn't notice. You cleared your throat, sobering up “Besides, new things are not everyone's cup of tea anyway.”
“Uh yeah...” you notice the relaxed, and almost happy, look fade away from his face as his eyebrows pulled back into a frown. He looked down for a second, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets “Things do change. Sometimes faster than we can adapt to the new world around us.”
“Alright, unless you're channeling Charles Darwin right now, which I don't think you are, care to explain to me what's wrong? Because... I am guessing something is, judging by your expression.” you got up and approached “Is this... about the shield? I- I don't know if Sam giving it up is that much of a good choice however... he must have his reasons, right?”
“Well, yes, but- this is not just about that.” he sighed, finally looking up to meet your eyes “Something happened and I've been thinking about it, I wanted your opinion on it. You know it matters to me.”
“...And? There is more to that, come on. Tell me.” you knew him too well and you hadn't even realized when that happened too “You know you can... Always.”
“I do.” he paused for a moment, holding your gaze before he let a soft sigh “It's just, I am going to go find Sam and... I want you to come with me. If you're up for it, I would like you to be there with me... maybe?”
“You know... I should punch you just for doubting whether I'd follow you or not. But just because it won't lead anywhere for me-” you smirked at him “Buy me dinner too and consider yourself excused and me up for any challenge. Strongest Avenger at your disposal, Mr Barnes.” you patted his shoulder, enjoying the deep chuckle that came from him. Even if his next words made the air get caught in your throat.
“It's a date then.”
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rpd-rookie · 3 years
Summary: Leon meets Y/N again and let's say she isn't done playing with him. You don't mind company in your hot tub, do you Leon?
Author’s note: Sorry about the long wait. I know it's been a while since I haven't updated this fanfic or posted a RE fan fiction. I was busy with work and writing for other fandoms. Hope you'll forgive me and that you'll like this chapter.
Tags: NSFW / Flirting / Slow Burn / Teasing / Seduction / Roleplay / Hand Jobs / Slight Angst / Explicit Sexual Content
(Part 1)
PART 2: The Game
Men are foolish to believe they have no weakness. All men have weaknesses. And even if Leon wanted desperately alcohol to be his only one, he had to admit there was another. One more pleasant and yet sometimes as hurtful and as destructive. Women. Sultry strong women. Those who steal your heart, toy with it like a cat plays with a mouse, crush it with their sharp stilettos to finally throw it back at you without an ounce of remorse or sympathy.         How many times he had fallen for those women! How many times he had hurt himself! … And asked for more.
There was possibly something rather addictive, something even rather masochist in doing so. And the fact that he was aware of it showed how stupid he truly could be.
It was a lovely night, slightly cold but starry. The fresh marine wind was blowing softly in the trees and the bursting bubbles of the hot tub massaging his tensed muscles were filling Leon’s ears with a peaceful melody he would gladly listen to for hours.         Eyes closed, he could almost imagine what it truly meant to be on holidays, what it truly meant to relax, to forget. Almost.  The truth was he could not escape Raccoon City … as he could not escape Spain, or Tall Oaks or any other place he had been, any other place he had survived, any other place he had lost. They always knew how to creep into his brain, always knew how to tie his stomach in a knot, how to make his heart heavy, sometimes –often- in moments when he was the most eager for peace of mind. They were doing it right now. They had been doing it for quite some time now. Since the bombing in DC or maybe before.
“You almost make brooding look hot, you know?” Leon immediately jumped and turned around, startled by the cheerful voice pulling him out of his dark ominous thoughts. A reflex he had acquired and sharpened over the years fighting deadly BOWs.    But when his blue eyes lay on Y/N (or Y/SN; He didn’t really know how he should call her), he relaxed and allowed his tightened lips to slightly curl into a weak but sincere smile. “Years of practice.”             “Then that explained the wrinkles on your forehead.” She approached him soundlessly, leaving the shadows in which she had been watching him, and squinted at his face, possibly trying to detail all the little aging signs carving his skin. “Is that why you’re wearing a fringe?”      “It’s not a fringe!” He replied rather offended and yet perfectly aware that she was merely teasing him the same way she had teased him in that bar a couple nights ago. But his hair was sacred! And he hated when someone was making fun of it.    Too bad his little attempt at sounding aggressive only made Y/N laugh and want to mock him a little bit more. Just for fun.            “Well, it looks like a fringe… An emo fringe.” Leon frowned and without realising it brushed his hair aside with an annoyed pout the woman found just adorable. “Wow. You’ve got two eyes. Who would have thought?”          “Are you done?” She chuckled, eyes shining with mischief as she sat on the edge of the hot tub, legs crossed so as to deliberately show her bare smooth thighs no longer hidden under the white hotel robe she was wearing.       Leon couldn’t help but gaze for a second or two, suddenly wondering how that beautiful skin would feel against his calloused fingers, around his waist. Probably amazing. Electrifying. Damn she was good! He thought. Pulling him out of his traumatising memories to throw him deep into a well of lust. Not many women could do that. And it was annoying as much as it was endearing.  “Would you like me to keep you company in there?” She offered in a voice that could not disguise the lewd seconds thoughts she had in her mind. But then again, disguising them wasn’t what she wanted. And they were both adult and experienced enough to know that a woman offering to join you in a tub wasn’t doing it to have a chat about the weather. And that was fine. Leon could use some distraction right now.       “Depends. Will you keep taunting me?” He questioned trying to resist her a little bit longer even though, for some weird reasons, watching her fingertips touch the bubbling hot water and softly caress the surface was making him suddenly aching.         It was as if he wanted his skin to be the water, as if all the things she was doing –even the one that should be innocent- were purely sensual … sexual even. Whether it was always fully voluntary of not, Leon wasn’t sure. But damn, she was surely making her way under his skin.   “Well you have to admit my little taunt got your mind of whatever you were thinking about.” She smiled and brought her fingers to wet her neck as she discreetly and proudly peeped at Leon who was observing the droplets running down her skin with dilated pupils. “You’re cleverer than what you let on.” He admitted. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re playing with me or if you’re just flirting.”          “Why not both?” Her fingers fell to the collar of her robe to slowly brush the soft fabric off her shoulders, revealing more burning naked skin that made Leon briefly fidget under the water. Was he that touch-starved? “Why not something else?” Could she hear his erratic heartbeat in his chest? His brain screaming at him just to grab her and pull her in his laps? See all his attempts at keeping his cool slowly crumbling to let the obscene fire growing in his loins take over?        Her mocking smile made Leon think she probably could.         “And what would that something else be?” He asked, curious.
He watched her take a step back. And unconsciously, he leant closer. Like a magnet. Not willing to be left alone or to let her go. And miraculously, unlike many women before her, she didn’t leave. She simply stood where she was and brought her hands to the belt around her waist.             “What do you what it to be?” And Leon stared; hypnotized again by her enticing moves he wished were quicker. “Or better question. What do you want me to be?” She unknotted the belt and let her fingers crawl back to the collar of the robe to open it slowly. The mere sight of her décolletage made Leon gulp and suddenly all his tries to keep his eyes on her beautiful face became vain as they always found their way back between her breasts. “A college student with daddy issues …” She opened the robe wider, showing more of her skin “…who’s eager to spread her legs for a married man who lost wife, kids and beagle to his best friend? Or…” more of her breasts, her rosy nipples, her belly, offering a glimpse of her young body “A very naked young woman seducing an old –clearly naked as well- emo boy in a hot tub?” The robe wasn’t covering anything that should have been covered anymore. Leon could see everything, everything enough for his cock to harden under the water and for him to thank for the bubbles hiding his arousal.           “Is that what you really are?” She entered the hot tub, towering him like a naked Venus calling to be touched. And god knows how hard it was for Leon not to touch her or to stop thinking about pressing his face against her womanhood. “That looks like what I am right now. Don’t you think?” She let herself slowly sink in the water, not taking her eyes out of him. “And that looks like something you like.” She purred and when Leon thought that she would sit on him, straddle his legs and finally feel his aching member against her… “Only a fool would not like it.”            “And you’re not a fool … Leon.” … He froze.
Leon’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? “What did you just call me?” His tone, though tinted with surprise, had recovered its seriousness and gravitas. But it didn’t seem to unsettle the young woman before him who was still keeping her aura of sensual cheekiness.    “Isn’t that your name?” Leon frowned, wondering how she knew and what the hell her intentions were. “You know it’s hard to pretend to be someone else when your name and photo was shown on national TV barely a week ago. Leon S. Kennedy the national hero who saved America from bioterrorism yet again.”        “ So you knew all along?”    “ I call it naked truth.” She smiled proudly and he couldn’t help but laugh a little at the pun. “What? You said it yourself, I’m cleverer than what I let on.”           “ So this little game … What was it for?”  “ We can continue if that’s what you want.” She came closer to him, (colour) eyes staring deep in Leon’s own.           “ Cause we haven’t stopped playing?”     “ Well, I’m still playing.” She put a hand on his sculpted pectorals.
The contact, warm and delicate, made Leon slightly shiver and he looked at her palm slowly going down his firm chest, caressing his skin down to his carved abs, following the line of hairs below his navel until it finally reached his still hard sex  “And with what I’m feeling right there. It looks like you can still play with a little help.” He winced as he felt her delicately grab his shaft.           “ You’re impossible.” He managed to say between gritted teeth.        “ I know. You told me last time... You want me to stop?”  She murmured in his ear, her hot breath tickling him in a pleasant way.    “I didn’t say that.” His eyes found her face again but only for a short while. Soon they focused on her lips, now so close to his. “Good.”
For an instant he thought she would kiss him to eventually put an end to that game of theirs. That would have been the perfect occasion for them to finally let go to their most primal impulses. But she did not. Instead, she remained the way she was, her face a couple inches away from his, her parted lips so close to touch his and her eyes locked with his. Perfectly in control and taking an excruciating delight in watching Leon lose his composure as her hand was slowly toying with his manhood under the bubbling water. “I think you needed that.”  “ You have no idea.” A guttural moan escaped the barrier of his lips and his stomach tensed. Leon could feel his member throbbing in the girl’s grip. He was close already and not even slightly ashamed about it. That was what she wanted, wasn’t it? For him to crumble under her touch. And maybe that was what he wanted too now that he was thinking about it.          He closed in blue eyes to focus only on her, on her touch, on her hand, moving up and down in cock, again and again, on her fingers, sometimes caressing the tip, sometimes tracing the prominent veins of his shaft, slowly, oh so slowly. A pleasuring torture he almost wished would be never-ending.           “ You know, if you want me to fuck you, you should stop with that amazing hand of yours and quickly climb on top of me.” She chuckled at the sudden dirty talk and surge of confidence, happy to finally see him that way.          But as his hands grabbed her hips to bring her in his laps she purred “As much as I would love this, we still have more games to play, Agent Kennedy."
Leon's eyes opened in a flash. Flabbergasted, he felt an atrocious void and a terrible discomfort when, completely powerless, he watched the girl stand up and leave him with nothing less but a smile and a wink. But as much as he wanted to be vexed or resentful, he couldn't help but laugh, thankful that somehow she had managed to take his nightmares away for the night. Sure he had blue balls but those were the best blue balls of his life. " We sure do, Y/N"
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. “I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
Too late | Dazai x reader |
Too late | Mafia Dazai / dazai x fem!reader |
( A very shitty attempt at a song-fic. )
Warnings- toxic relationship (minor mentions of abuse?), death
A brunette sat on the cement. The tan folds of his coat fluttering out behind him. The wind brushed his hair from his face, it stung his eyes and brushed his skin with bitter cold air. His fingers dripped the brightest shade of crimson. His eyes had dilated and shook with shock and fear. The skin his hands desperately held, already losing its warmth. Lips stained the color, as well as the outfit that resembled his own. Those blood-stained lips coughed final words before letting go. How, how had this happened? Why had he never predicted this? Why would you ever do this?
He knew those answers like he knew his own crimes. After all, how could he forget? He’d been the reason you fell, he’d only denied it for years.
The sun fell softly along the stone. A boy, no older than 15, walked along the stone edge of a bridge. His brown locks flying within the wind whilst he adjusted the bandage over his left eye. He paid no mind to you, even as you walked behind him. Your feet carried you on the safer ground, next to the edge. It was common to find the two of them like this. You were always with him, whenever you could be at least. He never seemed to notice you were there; You didn’t mind it though. The rare moments where he did suddenly ask you questions were enough. Rushing to close the distance between you and him, you caught a glance of his eyes darted to the side. He was looking at you, the single eye that showed seemed puzzled, before he parted his lips to talk to you; His arms opened at the same time. Skipping around steps, he smiled, “Hey, why are you still following me, woman? Don’t you have a better hobby than stalking me?” so he did notice you at times.
Flustered you froze before chuckling with a light hum. “No, not really Dazai-san. I think you're interesting! You're the only one I can't read.” you were referring to your ability. It wasn’t much, so you weren't too high up in the ranks. You could read thoughts, see their feelings in the form of aura, and manipulate that aura. So far, you could make people freeze up and lose themself in an overdose of emotions. Also known as individual illusions created by their auras; things only they could see. It was hard to believe you were even in the mafia. Your bubbly appearance and lack of interest in killing made you look harmless. You never killed, but when you worked with another they sure had an opening to kill.
Dazai leaned down so he leveled with you. “I wonder, have you ever thought of using that ability to induce such outrageous depression, one acts on it?” blushing you took several steps back shaking your head.
“N-no, sir! I d-don’t think I could do that. Well, if Dazai-san really wanted me to, I-I could try it for him!” What were you saying? Knowing this demon prodigy, you’d probably end up not meeting the expectation and ending up punished. Though, would that be so bad?
He puffed his cheeks out, jumping from the edge to land in front of you. With a half-smile, he flicked your forehead. “You keep doing the opposite of what I predict. I really can’t get a read on you.” turning away you covered your face.
“I-is that a compliment?” you mumbled, looking through your fingers. He shrugged, jumping back to the ledge. His eyes lost their glimmer as he looked down. He seemed to be judging the distance; With a heavy sigh, he looked back to the sky.
“If only this was a little higher. I think falling into the water and dying right away, without the pain of falling to the ground, would be okay. I’d drown unconscious, how peaceful that would be.” you didn’t respond as he turned and began walking again.
Year after year you walked by his side, growing with him. Slowly that bubbly gaze began to fade ever so slightly. The fun-filled times like the day on the bridge no longer existed.
My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
Standing next to the demon prodigy you stretched out your hand with a sigh. “Ability: vortex of emotions.” from the shadows you worked alongside him. The enemy's hands reached their head. A perching scream echoing as they turned their gun to themselves. Looking to the side your eyes met the brunettes; They were colder than they were a year ago. Sighing, he raised his pistol and shot. He pushed past you, and you followed numbly.
I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home
Entering the box he called his home, his hands grabbed your waist pulling you towards him. His fingers lifting your chin. The flutter of your heart pounded against your chest, the closer his face came to yours. “You really should stop following me everywhere. If you won’t at least try to kill.”
Cross your heart and hope to die. Promise me you'll never leave my side
Nodding as he released you, he sat at his desk. “Mori won’t be happy that we clocked out so early.” he leaned back groaning. “Found a new suicide method? I don’t want to deal with his annoying voice tomorrow!” his older persona slipped through. The light in his eyes spread before it disappeared with your silence. Yet despite that, there was a caring hint to his posture. The way his hands moved softly, how he traced your bow. How he exhaled with a sigh when you closed the door
Show me what I can't see when the spark in your eyes is gone
Another year went by with a soft ease. You stood in Mori's office, a blank expression on your face. You were sure you were dead. Messing up like this, letting somebody get away. You were shaking, unsure why your breaths still rang. The doors opened to the brunette mafioso. Dressed in all black, a short ginger walked at his side. The way your emotions suddenly changed was unnoticed by everybody but Dazai. His eyes set in glares as you looked away. Your heart raced, why was it you still felt like this? He treated you as a pawn, yet you still ached to kiss him. Mori blamed your failure on Dazai’s lack of discipline with you. “I’ve been more than lenient with how she follows you around. If this happens again, it will be you who pays the price Dazai.'' Why did this have to happen in front of the ginger? His eyes looked at you with sympathy. It was weird to see such a thing. Dazai rolled his eyes stepping closer to the ginger as his eyes darted to you. Puffing your cheeks out you looked away.
Once you were in his office, he practically pulled you by the ear. Pushing you to the floor with his frustration. “I don’t understand why I keep you around! All you seem to do is put me in situations that bore me to death!”
You've got me on my knees I'm your one man cult
You looked up with begging eyes. “Please, I’m sorry Dazai-san! Please forgive me! I’ll do better! Please don’t leave me.” he was the first person to ever make you feel real emotions. Fear, excitement, lust, love, heartache, despair. He gave it all to you.
Cross my heart and hope to die Promise you I'll never leave your side
It was an unexpected look, an unexpected plea. His eyes showed excitement. “There, there’s the reason! You can’t stop doing the opposite of my expectations, every time I think you’ll do something, you manage to shock me, even in this kind of situation! I wonder, would you commit suicide if I died? It would be so unexpected!” his voice was full of wonder as he lifted your chin using the front of his foot.
Looking at him he smirked. He'd known, all along, about your feelings. He teased you all the time, but maybe he could finally get an expected reaction from you. It would be possible to toy with you. Maybe then he’d be satisfied with you. “Would you ever be only mine? Something only for my eyes?” with wide eyes you nodded.
Cause I'm telling you you're all I need I promise you you're all I see
With a smile, you brought your hands to press against your chest. With a desperate smile, your eyes filled with that childish light from when you were 15. “Even if I'm only being used for your satisfaction, it would be all I need! You're the only one for me." Once more he was shocked by the response. Nearly losing the balance he had, his hand reached to his face a soft snicker leaving his lips.
“You’re utterly helpless.” he hummed, removing his foot from under your chin. “Come here darling~” he was certainly stressed today. A little fun wouldn’t hurt, right? “Tell me you’ll never leave.” he hummed holding your chin within his fingers. The blush on your cheeks darkening in your complexion.
'Cause I'm telling you you're all I need I'll never leave
His lips met yours. Shivering you closed your eyes, letting a tear fall. You wished he truly loved you back.
Another year passed, you stayed by him no matter what he did. He was crueler than ever. He often left you at night to go hang out in a bar. Those nights were lonely but a ginger often peeped in to see you. “You look like hell.” he would always tell you how messed up you looked. “Why do you stay by him?”
The images passed by your head. The boy you fell in love with. The young 15-year-old. The one with a smile that would show itself here and there. The young boy who jokes around, the carefree one. You picture the feeling of his fingers over yours. Cold yet so warm in those years.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
“I love him.” you hummed watching the male drop a bottle of wine in your lap. He walked out leaving the gift. He knew you understood how cruel he was. He had never really pitied anybody before but you… you were something he pitied. A demon prodigy's toy, your relationship was nothing more than toxic.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Sipping on the wine you drank yourself drunk. “I love him… he loves me. I love him. He loves me, I know he does. I’ve seen some softness in those harsh eyes.” you wiped the tears looking up to the ceiling. What had you gotten yourself into? Why did your heart have to play you like this?
I will follow you, I will follow you
He stood looking so conflicted, broken, and unsure. It wasn’t the first time you saw him without the bandages but it was the first time your dull lifeless eyes saw him this vulnerable. “Figures, you do follow me everywhere.” his voice was blank of anything; You could no longer read his voice.
Come sink into me and let me breathe you in
It was true, you needed him, so of course you followed him everywhere. “Go, we’re done! I’m not going back! This is all Mori's fault! He’d be alive if it weren't for inviting that damn organization here!” he was upset, yet he seemed so confused. Like a child, he had no grip on what he was feeling. Was he angry, grieving, sad? He couldn’t tell.
You ran to him wrapping arms around him. “I will go with you! I will follow you!”
I'll be your gravity, you be my oxygen.
You'd hold him down during this pain. You’d help him achieve whatever it was that he needed. “Even if it is death, I will not leave.”
So dig two graves 'cause when you die I swear I'll be leaving by your side
With a soft sigh, he pushed you away. “That changes nothing, follow if you have to but I never loved you.” you backed away smiling you curtsied.
“I know Dazai, I know you never did and never could. You are a demon prodigy, one that can’t understand his own feelings. I wish I could help, but your gift cancels mine out.” your voice was sweet as honey, but he shed you no more glances as he walked away. Following him, you sighed.
Two years later your empty eyes sat at an agency desk, you'd bought an outfit to match his. Those feelings refused to leave you even after all this time. They surged more than ever. He was like his 15-year-old self again, different but at least there was life in his eyes. He laughed and flirted just as he did those years ago.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
You looked to the cafe waitress’s hand, then your own. How you wished to be her. You stood up, walking out and to the office of the agency, sitting in your chair, Kyouka walked up to you. She once had your eyes. Dull, lifeless, broken, but then Atsushi seemed to save her. “Do you love him?” she asked tilting her head as you looked from your phone to her, you sighed.
“Yes, but I'll suffer for life over this. I had my chance and now it’s gone.”
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell
She set down a small piece of paper. “I found this.'' She tried to give you a smile that wasn’t pity. They often asked why you always looked so disturbed. Maybe it was the fact you were really all alone now?
And you can throw me to the flames
A tear dropped from your eye. Something, a feeling you hadn’t had in so long. It was worth it, these empty dull years. “A tossed away letter to apologize.” you held it to your chest.
I will follow you so you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
You found yourself alone on a mission. This was assigned to both you and Dazai, but he had other things he wanted to be doing. Neither of you knew how dangerous this was. He had not batted an eye at this mission. It was simple, a simple recovery mission. A ransom kidnapping, simple in and out. You could handle it without being seen. You ached for the warmth of his hand. A little light lifted your eyes as you stepped into the building.
When his fingers opened his phone accepting the call, he nearly fell over dead. The mission you were attending wasn’t a retrieval; It was a set-up. Despite how careful he'd been, somebody had found out about you. More so his past with you. His mind was too focused on you to think of who let it slip.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Dazai pushed past the doors too late. This was his fault, all of this. The loss of your true self.
I will follow you, I will follow you I will follow you, I will follow you
You'd always said you would follow him. It was always like that. He had taken years to figure out why he never ignored or let you go. He was selfish, he had grown attached. Ango and Oda had even offered the thought. The thought that, maybe in this heart; swallowed by black, he loved you.
It was his turn to feel desperate as he dropped down. The blood flowing from your stomach in spurts.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
He held your hand in his while also trying to keep the bleeding down. “I’ll get help! Just hang on, we just need Yosano!” it was the first time your heart slowed like this; The first time you could read him like a book.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Your hand was growing cold, your breathing staggered. You looked to be in so much pain. “No, I won't be that long. You should leave, you don’t love me so…” your voice trailed off as your head tilted to look at his cheeks. Tears… there were tears.
He shook his head pressing your hand to his forehead. “I will follow you.”
Your eyes widened as a light chuckle left your lips, “I will follow you.” you hummed, as the crimson left your lips. He was forced to watch you die in his arms. There was one final look on your face. A giant smile, a real smile on your lips. “I love you Osa…” then, you were gone.
Another, another friend in his arms, dead. No, you are more than a friend. “I… I love you.” he’d never said those words, and it didn’t matter now. There was no going back. He held you to him, cold and motionless.
Somebody from the mafia had done this. Somebody would probably be Mori… he’d dropped this low before, it wouldn’t shock him if he were trying to drive Dazai to murder again; To get him kicked from the light.
For you, for the wish left by Oda, he wouldn’t let himself fall that low. He’d be strong.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
ADG Tae fic
Warnings: reference to non con. yandere behavior
hello my darlings! A little later than intended. blame my computer problems. But here it is! the next ADG oneshot! love you all, I’m off to go rewrite everything I lost on the Yoongi chapter. I’ve been avoiding it.--- Chaotic puff. 
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Taehyung watched the screen a vicious smirk playing across his lips as he watched her run through the alleyway. His poor little bird, always running. She had to know by now that she couldn’t escape him. How many years had they been playing this game? She had to know by now that she couldn’t win, but it was cute to see her try.
She hated him. That was okay though. She just needed a little push in the right direction. He was tired of watching from a distance. He was tired of watching her and only seeing her face to face a few times a year. They’d been playing their game for so long now, she had to be tired as well. His sweet Aerie was an excellent opponent, but she had to know that it would all come to an end eventually.
He could remember the first time he had seen her. They’d been so young then. They’d both been on the train. Taehyung had been exhausted after a night of hacking, and she had been immersed in something on her own computer. Her glasses had slipped down her nose in the most enchanting way. Her hair was piled haphazardly on top of her head with strands falling down all around her face, though she didn’t seem to notice or care, and he couldn’t help but wonder what kept her so immersed. He’d pulled out his own computer and set to work finding her among the other people doing work on the train.
He’d found her easily enough, and the cause of the little furrow between her brow became evident enough. It was a paper for school, a literary analysis for an English literature class. Her face was all scrunched up as she looked over The Picture of Dorian Gray. She was intensely focused on it, and a little digging into her files and schedule had told him that the paper was due in a few days. He found her concentration, the way she poured over each line, endearing. He loved the way she chewed on her inner cheek as she thought over paragraph. She was just adorable.
A little digging into her computer had given Taehyung access to her life. He knew exactly how to go about finding her. He knew what school she went to, her major, where she lived, and he pursued her with enthusiasm. The only hitch in his pursuit was her continued rejection, something Taehyung had not anticipated. Why would he have? No one had ever rejected him before. She couldn’t have done better. Even if she tried, Taehyung wouldn’t have allowed it. She was his from the first moment he saw her on that train.
Aerie may have looked sweet, but she was a snappish creature by nature. She rejected every bouquet, every invitation to dinner. She’d rejected his affection at every turn, rejected his every effort, until she’d taken matters into her own hands and begun their little game. He’d gone to offer her the world, only to find her gone. Her apartment was empty. A quick search revealed that she had even dropped out of school. She’d simply vanished.
Taehyung’s first instinct had been panic and rage. How could she leave him like that? How could she reject him? And then there came a new feeling. Excitement. If she wanted a chase, he would give her one. It had been no trouble at all for him to track her down. She’d changed cities and was doing her best to keep a low profile, but she had no idea who she was dealing with. The look of shock on her face when he’d appeared on her doorstep had been so satisfying, so adorable. The frying pan she’d taken to the side of his head, was less adorable.
Taehyung had become smarter after that. His little bird was so prone to flight that he had to be more careful in his approach or risk another frying pan to the head something he had no intention of repeating. She’d been easy enough to find again though. She was never really out of his reach not with all the resources he had at his fingertips. He’d cornered her just a few hours later in a bus station a few towns over, succeeding in knocking her out and taking her to a hotel to wait for her to wake up again. He wanted her calm when he made his offer again, a life by his side.
She had not been calm though. She had fought him tooth and nail to get out of that room and had laughed in his face when he’d made her the offer, and it was something he couldn’t understand. How could she refuse him? He was handsome. He was young. He was wealthy, and he had chosen her. Out of every woman that had thrown themselves at his feet, he had chosen her. None of that seemed to matter though. She looked at him as though he had a second head, as if he was the most vile being on the planet.
It had been the beginning of a longstanding game between them. He would chase, and she would run. Sometimes he would let months elapse before he took her again. He loved the look of shock and horror on her face when he showed up again. It was something he would never get tired of.
The next time he decided to take her, he brought her to what the boys had dubbed as his play house. The house was situated in the middle of nowhere. Even if she was able to make it out of the house, there was nowhere she could go. He had designed it especially for her after all.
The area surrounding the house was made up of a series of mazes designed to keep her in, and most paths led back to the house, back to him.
The games were fun, but Taehyung was craving more now. Everyone was settling down. Namjoon had Y/N even if she had engaged him in a chase of their own. Hoseok had Iyla. Jin had taken his patient as his own, and Yoongi had sired a kid with one of Jimin’s girls. It was time to settle down himself, but that required nailing down his little bird.
He’d indulged her long enough. He’d given her plenty of chances to end this on her own, plenty of chances to surrender, to come to him of her own will. He let her believe that she’d managed to escape him, but she was never truly out of his grasp. He always knew where she was, always. A few sneakily placed tracking devices on her body ensured that.
She was a smart little devil. He’d give her that. His first few attempts at trackers had been foiled by her throwing out her phone each time she came in contact with him. He had quickly learned that he couldn’t place trackers in any of her devices. So when he’d switched to placing chips on her person, he’d errored on the side of caution and placed several in assorted spots. She’d never be able to get rid of them all. Of that, he was confidant. She was smart, but not smart enough to find all five trackers, and they ensured that Taehyung had no problem tracking her down for the endgame.
Taehyung stood up from his chair with a leisurely stretch. It was time to fetch his little bird.
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Aerie woke up in a house she was horribly horribly familiar with. She’d been there more times than she’d like to admit over the years. She knew that within its walls lurked the psycho that had been nipping at her heels for years. Every time he tracked her down, he brought her to this horrible place. The house was like its own circle of hell with Taehyung ruling over it. Each time she was there, there was some new horror awaiting her. There had always been a way out, but it came at the price of playing his twisted games. She’d learned early on that Taehyung never did anything out of the goodness of his heart. Nothing was free, and she’d given up more than she’d ever wanted to admit over the years. He’d slowly taken everything from her.
In the beginning, he’d only been a stalker, the creep she kept rejection. She’d thought that if she moved away, if she laid low for a while, he’d forget about her and find a new obsession, and she would be free to enroll in a new school and live her life free of him. That hadn’t been the case though. He’d followed her wherever she went.
She knew he was toying with her. She knew he was letting her escape. He’d made that clear, made it clear that she had no power in their relationship. As much as she hated to use that word to describe them, it was the best fit. Twisted and horrid as it was, it was still a relationship, and Taehyung had made his affection for her more than evident even if she had done the same with her hatred for him. That never seemed to bother him too much though. He wasn’t delusional. She knew that he understood her hatred of him, he simply didn’t care. He seemed to think that time would reverse her contempt. It had not, and as much as she hated to admit it, this was not the first time she had woken up in the house tied down and practically naked.
Her hands were bound by leather cuffs to a bed that looked more like a bird’s cage than it did a bed. It was a glaring reminder of his degrading little nickname for her, his little bird. She hated that nickname as much as she hated him. The bed didn’t just look like a cage, it functioned like one as well. If Taehyung wished he could lock her behind the elaborate bars to rot. It was degrading, but so were most of the things he did to her. This time even her legs were restrained held apart by a spreader. It was only the beginning of her humiliation. Taehyung hadn’t even made his appearance yet.
She took a moment to shake off the last vestiges of grogginess caused by whatever drug Taehyung had used to knock her out his time. His more violent methods didn’t leave her with a lingering feeling of nausea, but they did cause more bumps and bruises. It was hard to say which one was worse, but she supposed that it didn’t really matter. It wasn’t as if Taehyung gave her a choice in how he captured her.
Once she didn’t feel like her head was spinning and her stomach wasn’t about to heave its contents all over the red bedding, Aerie took a look around to see where her tormentor was. She couldn’t see him through the intricate bars of the bed, but that didn’t mean much. He could be lurking somewhere just out of sight. What she did notice was the set of skimpy lingerie that clung to her body. She should have been used to it by now, but seeing his selections still made her skin crawl. There was no such thing as modesty when it came to Taehyung.
This particular set was black, lacy, and strappy. It didn’t cover much though. Much to her annoyance it was lacking in two distinct areas. There was no material where the cups of the bra should have been, there was nothing. Strips of lace curved up around the top of her breasts, but the majority of her chest was left exposed to the room. Her panties were lacking as well in the fact that the lace was missing one vital component, the crotch. In its place were two silky straps that curved down between her thighs and back up around her ass leaving everything but the area right above her center exposed. His lingerie choices were typically risqué, but they usually covered a bit more.
As much as she hated the lace wrapped around her body, what was worse was the collar fixed around her throat. This was an item she was intimately familiar with. The collar was made of a thick leather that was wrapped in a sumptuous black lace. The front of the collar was decorated by a single silver ring that Taehyung took full advantage of in his escapades. As his “little bird”, Aerie was nothing more than a pet to him, and the collar staked his claim in a blatantly obvious way.
She was ashamed to say that Taehyung had been her first, though it hadn’t been her choice. She could still remember that horrible day vividly. It had been a little over two years ago. She’d been particularly resistant to him that night, sick of him and his games. Her sharp tongue had been her undoing. She’d pushed Taehyung too far, refused him one too many times. Granted it was bound to happen eventually, but that didn’t make the result any less traumatizing.
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Aerie woke up groggy doing her best to shake off the remnants of a drug induced sleep. It was like swimming through a fog. When she finally shook it off, she wished that she hadn’t. Her hands were bound above her head by leather cuffs, and she was dressed in a set of skimpy lace lingerie that certainly wasn’t hers. She couldn’t recognize the room, but she did recognize the man pacing around the room like a caged animal even if she wished that she didn’t.
Everything came rushing back at the sight of him.
Aerie hadn’t been on a date in a long time. Her stalker had put a damper on love life. Moving around from place to place in an effort to avoid him didn’t leave much time for dating, but she was excited. She’d even taken the time to do her makeup with what little skill she had and curl her hair all in preparation of her date with Minho. She’d met him at the store she’d been working at to make ends meet while she tried to hide from the man who had been making her life a living hell. He was sweet, and she enjoyed talking with him. One date couldn’t hurt especially not with someone has lovely has Minho.
The grin that had stretched across her face had been there all day that is until she saw the man of her nightmares stalking into the restaurant practically radiating fury. She stared at him like a deer in the head lights as he paused by the first few tables. The world stopped for a moment only to start again with the sound of bullets.
Taehyung released a volley of shots into the air sending the entire restaurant into a panic, a cacophony of screams filling the air.
“Everybody out!” He growled eyes fixated on where she sat across from Minho, and the patrons scrambled to obey him.
Minho reached across the table grabbing her hand as he stood up to flee the restaurant with the rest of the customers.
“Not you.” Taehyung growled stalking towards them pulling up a seat and taking a seat beside Aerie.
“We don’t want any trouble.” Miho stuttered eyes wide and frightened eyes his gaze flitted between Taehyung and the door.
“Don’t want any trouble?” Taehyung laughed arching one perfectly manicured brow as he draped an arm across Aerie’s shoulders keeping her in place. “You should have thought of that before you took out my girl. Isn’t that right, little bird?” He purred leaning in and brushing his nose over her neck in a motion that was far too intimate for what the two of them shared.
“Look man, I didn’t know she was taken!” Minho gulped raising his hands in a motion of surrender.
“Didn’t know?” Taehyung laughed moving his hand so that it was curled around the back of her neck one finger twirling a strand of her curled hair. “That makes it all better then.”
Without any warning, Taehyung drew his gun again and fired three shots directly into the other man’s head as Aerie screamed in horror beside him. His hand fisted cruelly in her hair dragging her back against her seat stopping her from running as she so wanted to do.
“Aerie, Aerie, Aerie.” He cooed his grin vicious as he gazed down at her. “You’ve been a very bad girl, little bird.”
There was a sharp prick, and then everything went dark.
That brought her back to the present where Taehyung had only just noticed that her eyes were open.
“You’re awake.” He grinned coming to take a seat on the edge of the bed. “I thought that I’d given you too much of the sedative for a minute there. How are you feeling, little bird?” He cooed moving up the bed so that he was sitting next to her hips, trailing a finger across her clavicle.
“Fuck off.” She growled trying to squirm away from him without much luck as the cuffs dug into her wrists keeping her in place.
“None of that, little bird.” He growled pressing down to keep her from wiggling away. “If you wanted my attention, you could have said something. I would have been by your side in a heartbeat.”
“Fuck off.” She repeated kicking wildly in the hope of landing a hit. She was almost successful, landing a hit to his upper thigh, but it was just shy of where she need it to land, and only served to piss him off.
Taehyung was quick to straddle her hips keeping her pinned down as he wrapped a long fingered hand around her throat.
“If you’re going to act like a whore, little bird, I’ll have to treat you like a whore.” He growled grinding his hips against hers.
“Get off!” She shrieked trying to buck him off without much success.
“If you’re going to be a whore,” He snarled moving down the bed and binding her legs so that they were spread apart. “You should at least by my whore, don’t you think?”
“Get off of me!” She shrieked again tears brimming in her eyes as the panic began to settle in.
“Such a shrill voice.” He hissed moving off the bed to grab something. He returned much to quickly. “If you can’t be sweet for me, you should remain silent.”
There wasn’t anything she could do as he wrenched her jaw open shoving a ball gag between her teeth and fastening it behind her head with practiced ease. “There.” He purred moving back so that he was settled between her spread legs. “Much better.”
She thrashed against her bindings as the monster tore off the skimpy underwear. Tears burned her eyes as he shoved a finger into her cunt. She wasn’t ready for the intrusion, but Taehyung didn’t seem to care as he pushed forward. He only paused as he was met with a resistance he hadn’t expected.
He pulled back a slow smile spreading across his features. “Little bird.” He cooed gently brushing the tears from her eyes. “Such a good girl, saving herself for daddy.” He pressed kisses down against her throat trailing them down towards the lace that covered her breasts before he savagely tore that from her body just as he had the panties.
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy can be gentle.” He promised pressing a kiss to her nipple that had pebbled from the cool air. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to punish you for letting that leach put his hands all over you.” She whimpered her pleas coming out as a garbled mess against the gag.
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She’d always thought her first time would be, well maybe not romantic, but at least nice and with someone she chose. Having that choice ripped away while being violated by the man who had made her life a living hell had made the blow all the worse. It had taken her a long time to recover from the trauma of being raped by her stalker, and that time had been made even longer considering that every time he came back to torment her, he had no problem with repeating the process over and over again. It was horrible, but she expected it now. It was just one more thing to get over with before he put her through whatever game he had prepared for them this time around.
“Hello, little bird.” His deep voice washed over her filling her with deep seated dread. “Did you miss me?” He cooed entering the cage like bed and perching himself on the edge of the mattress as he grinned down at her.
“Fuck off, Taehyung.” She growled pulling on the restraints that kept her arms in place. She knew better than to pull of the leg spreader. If she pulled on it, it would only make her predicament worse.
“Aerie, Aerie, Aerie.” He tutted one of his long fingers slowly trailing up her bare leg. “Why must you always be so rude, little bird? Haven’t you missed me at all? I’ve missed you.”
She grinned viciously as she jerked at her arm restraints trying to lunge at him. “What do you want, you fucking psychopath? Can’t you find another girl whose life you can ruin?”
He laughed showcasing that box shaped grin that would have been endearing on anyone else. “Why would I do that when I have you?” He cooed trailing his finger up to her thigh.
“What do you want?” She growled again.
“I have a proposition for you, little bird, but why don’t we have some fun first?” He hummed slowly crawling on top of her while she glared up at him.
“Or you could just tell me.” She grumbled wishing that any of her limbs were free so that she could smack him.
“And what would be the fun in that?” He chuckled placing a kiss on the soft skin of her belly. “I’ve missed you so much, little bird. It’s been so long.” He purred trailing kisses up towards her exposed chest.
“Get off of me!” She growled bucking her hips up in an attempts to throw him off thought he motion only seemed to encourage him.
“And if I don’t want to?” He asked smirking against her skin as before nipping at her exposed nipple eliciting a yelp from her. If there was one thing that Taehyung loved about his little bird, it was how sensitive she was. Her reactions were just as adorable as that first night.
“Fuck you.” She hissed doing her best to wiggle away from him despite her restraints.
“Oh, you will.” His grin was positively devious as he dove down to attack the sliver of her neck that was left uncovered by the collar.
He loved that collar. He loved the way the lace looked against her skin and how easy the loop made it to manhandle and restrain her. He’d more than once attached the matching lace covered leather leash to that little loop. Seeing her in that collar always got him fired up. Once he brought her home he’d have an array of collars for her, but this one would always be his favorite.
“Get off!” She shrieked wishing not for the first time that she could torment him just as much as he tormented her.
“Hush, little bird.” He cooed lifting his head so he could brush his nose against hers affectionately. “Let me make you feel good.”
It was a source of never ending shame for her that Taehyung was in fact an excellent lover. He pulled her pleasure from her by force with the persistence of a dog with a bone. Even if she resisted, he would make sure that she came for him, more than once. It was a matter of pride for him that he could make his little bird writhe with pleasure beneath him despite her protests.
“Stop!” She shrieked taking the opportunity to head butt him forcing him back much to his displeasure.
He hissed placing an elegant hand against his throbbing nose as he glared down at her. She was still feisty no matter how many times he played with her. He loved it.
“That wasn’t very nice, little bird.”
“That makes two of us.” She snarled relieved that he had backed away for the moment. “What proposition did you have?” She asked hoping to distract him.
“Eager aren’t we?” He cooed sitting back so that he was settled on top of her thighs.
“Just tell me, you sick fuck.” She huffed glaring up at him.
“This is something best discussed over dinner. Though I’d love to keep you just as you are.” He purred his eyes trailing over her form.
“Then let’s have dinner.” She’d do anything to avoid his more amorous attentions even if it meant sitting down to dinner with him.
With a sigh Taehyung set to work undoing the restraints at her ankles before unclipping the chain that kept her attached to the bed, though he left the cuffs on.
“Let’s get you dressed, little bird.”
She didn’t fight him as he pulled her up from the bed or when left her standing in the middle of the room her hands still cuffed together. He knew better than to leave her completely unrestrained. This wasn’t their first rodeo. She’d be more than happy to take off down the twisting halls of the house if he gave her the chance, but it was harder to escape from him if she was still bound, and it was better to see what he wanted before she made her escape. Taehyung would eventually start a game that would lead to her eventual freedom. He liked games.
He returned moments later with a long black dress in hand.
She didn’t argue or fight when he uncuffed her handed or when he stripped her of the strap of cloth he called a bra. Even if the dress was revealing, it had to be better than the lingerie he had provided.
She was right. The dress was revealing, but so were most of the clothes that Taehyung had forced her into over the years. This dress wasn’t the worst of them. The material was soft and silky against her skin leaving her back completely left exposed to the air. The top wrapped around her neck before diving down into a deep v ending just before her belly button. Not even her legs were left covered. There was a slit up the side leaving the entirety of her left leg exposed. But overall it was still better than the lingerie. Anything was better than the lingerie.
What surprised her was that Taehyung had removed the collar. He loved that collar almost to the point that she would call it a fixation, but she supposed that it didn’t match the aesthetic of the evening gown.
She allowed him to seat her on a long ottoman as he pulled her hair back in a sleek pony tail, and gave her a pair of earrings to match. They trailed down from her lobes in a line of stones that ended just at her jaw. She was dressed far too nicely for dinner with her worst enemy, but what choice did she have? It was always best to cooperate until he made his intentions for the evening clear.
He led her through the twisting halls of the house until they came to the overly ornate dining room. She never understood why the house was so sumptuously decorated. She’d seen it during the many times she had run through the halls in many failed attempts to get away from the psychopath that made her life hell. It wasn’t as though he lived in the house. She’d figured that out pretty quickly. The house was completely unlived in. She didn’t know where he lived, but it wasn’t here.
He seated her at the table before going out to get the meal he had had prepared for them. Taehyung wasn’t much for cooking, but he found that the staff at Namjoon’s estate were more than willing to work with him, and they did a far better job of it than he could. He would have asked Jin to do it knowing that his hyung was an excellent cook, but Jin had been busy preparing for the journey to go and retrieve Namjoon’s wife. She’d finally been located in some dingy little village in Italy. More than that, she’d been found in the final stages of a pregnancy that could only have been Namjoon’s doing. His hyung was as ecstatic as he was angry to find her. He knew that Namjoon had always wanted to be a father, but it had to hurt knowing that his wife had run off with one of his enemies and was peacefully playing house with them. It didn’t matter though. Namjoon would have her and the baby home in no time just like Taehyung would have Aerie home where she belonged at long last.
They both remained silent for the beginning of the meal as they both cut into the steaks that Namjoon’s chef had prepared, but eventually, she couldn’t take the anticipation anymore, though she hated being the first one to crack.
“Why am I here?” She asked setting aside her cutlery as she stared him down from across the table.
“Can’t I just miss you?” He teased setting aside his own utensils. He chuckled seeing the completely unamused expression on her face. “No. You wouldn’t believe that would you? I have a proposition for you.”
“So you’ve said.” She grumbled crossing her arms under her breasts.
“I’ve enjoyed our games, baby. I really have, but I’ve grown tired of them.” He drawled leaning back dramatically with a long suffering sigh. “I want to put an end to them.”
He could see her brighten up at that staring at him with interest. “You’re going to let me go?”
He laughed at that finding her suggestion amusing. “Of course not. Why would I do that?”
“Then what do you mean?”
“I want to play one last game. If you win, I’ll let you go, for good.”
“And if I lose?” She asked her eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“You come with me willingly. You surrender, be mine.” As she stiffened her mouth set in a thin line of dread, Taehyung couldn’t help but smile. “No more running. No more games. As simple as that.”
“And why would I agree to that?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “You don’t really have a choice. I could always take you by force.”  
“Like you haven’t before?” She scoffed her gaze taking on a hard, bitter edge.
“One last game.” He assured her even though he didn’t have any intention of playing fair. She didn’t need to know that though.
She eyed him weighing her options. On the one hand, he could be lying, but on the slim chance that he was telling the truth, she would be free of him. She’d never have to worry about him lurking in the shadows at every moment. She couldn’t remember the last time that she had been free of him. It would be like the sun coming out of months of rain, but there was a much greater chance that Taehyung was lying. It could just be another twisted part of his games, one designed to crush her hopes.  But on the off chance that he was actually telling the truth, that the offer was genuine, she had to take it.
“Fine.” She agreed reluctantly. “What kind of game do you have in mind?” She asked even as she began to wonder if this was the right move after all. She knew better than to underestimate him. She even had a few small scars as a reminder of that. 
A feral grin spread across his face as he registered her agreement. She didn’t trust that grin. It never preceded anything good. It was too manic as was the light in his eyes. They always shone too bright whenever he got excited, but his excitement always brought her pain. Even though his eyes were shining with that disconcerting glee, they were dark. It was like two black holes staring back at her ready to suck her into his madness. 
“You remember the mazes. Don’t you, little bird?”
A grimace spread across her features, but she nodded. She had extensive experience with the mazes that surrounded the house. They were Taehyung’s favorite game. He’d set her loose in them to run like a scared rabbit. Each time they were different, and she hated them more than anything. They were as dehumanizing as they were unfair. They changed even as she was in them. The walls moved at their master’s bidding, confusing and turning her around through the endless halls of greenery. 
“I remember.” 
“You’re aware by now that there is more than one maze.” He began leaning forward gleefully. Of course she knew. She had tried more than once to slip through the gates that separated the different parts of the labyrinth. “All three sections will be available to you tonight. I’ll give you a twenty minute head start before I follow you in.” 
That caught her attention in the worst sort of way. Taehyung hardly ever entered the maze. She could only recall him doing it once before when she’d fallen and twisted her ankle rather badly after trying to scale one of the hedges. He preferred to watch and taunt from the cameras and speakers hidden throughout the infernal maze. 
Her new found hesitance didn’t seem to deter him though. He continued with just as much enthusiasm as before. “If you can make it out of the maze before dawn, you win,” His grin got even wider excitement coursing through his veins. “But if you fail to solve the maze or I catch you before your time is over, you’re mine.” 
It seemed simple enough, but nothing was ever simple when it came to Taehyung, and this would be the first time that he had actively hunted her through the maze. While she would have the whole of the labyrinth at her disposal, Taehyung still held an unfair advantage. They were his mazes. He knew them far better than she did despite the many times she had run through the mazes. He made sure to change them before she ran a particular section again. She had no idea how large the full Maze would actually be or what sort of traps he had laid for her within it. 
“As simple as that?” She asked slowly, skeptically. 
In the past, if she could complete or beat his game, she was free to go. He would even have some faceless driver take her back to the city where she would run as far as she could as fast as she could even though she knew he would find her again. She had no more desilusiones of being able to hide from him permanently. It was the whole reason she had decided to agree to this despite the unfair odds. It was a chance for complete freedom. 
“As simple as that, little bird.” He purred dark eyes boring into her. “Shall we?” 
He was more than eager to begin. The sooner they started, the sooner she would be in his arms. He had everything prepared for her. 
He’d moved into the house that Namjoon had provided in the vicinity of the main estate. With Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all starting families of their own, Namjoon had formed a sort of gated community surrounding the main estate. There was a house for each of them. Hoseok had taken Iyla from the main estate to settle her into her new home before Namjoon and Jin returned with Y/N. Yoongi and his little family had moved into their designated house as well. Sen was thrilled with the space for their son to run around in, and Taehyung could hardly wait to fill his own house with little ones. They’d have to start right away once he took her home. He wanted a big family after all. They’d have to start soon if they were going to meet his goals. 
She nodded stiffly standing up from her chair. It was better to get it over with whether she was going to win or lose. If she won, it was all the better to have her freedom sooner. If she lost, it was better not to have her hopes up for too long. It would only prolong her heartache.
She was quick to leave the heels that had been foisted on her at the door. They would do her no good in the maze. Heels never worked well on the soft ground and the grass. They would only slow her down. If she was going to fail, she preferred it be because she had failed to solve the maze than give Taehyung the added satisfaction of catching her himself.
She was about to head into the maze through the entrance Taehyung had led her to when he pulled her back by the wrist. The jolt sent her flying back into his chest much to his delight.
“I’m giving you your head start, but I’ll see you soon.” She was going to bite back with an acerbic response, but Taehyung cut her off with a searing kiss, one she wanted to immediately wipe away, but that would have only served to make him angry, and she had no time to waste.
Without a word to him, she hiked up her skirts, disappearing into the maze.  Twenty minutes wasn’t a long time, and she had to make the best of it or regret it later.
She had never had the entirety of the maze open to her, and it made her apprehensive. Even one section of the maze was hard enough to master, let alone all three of them. Trick walls and dead ends littered the halls, and Taehyung always made sure that each time she entered the hedges that she’d find them just as difficult.
She rushed through the paths cursing the dress that Taehyung had dressed her up in. The slit at least provided her with free movement, but only the demon that was Kim Taehyung would force her to run a maze in an evening gown. He was over dramatic like that.
Another thing to curse was the abundance of dead ends that thwarted her at seemingly every turn. They forced her to back track far more often than she would have liked or was prudent. No matter where she turned, it seemed like she was only going in circles. As much as she hated him, she had to admit that he had pulled out all the stops for their final game.  
Taehyung had retreated into the house to wait out the twenty minutes before he could follow his little bird into the maze. Logically, he knew it wasn’t long to wait, but the anticipation made the minutes stretch on into eternity. He passed the time watching her on his phone. The cameras gave him an unfair advantage, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He was more than happy to watch her wear herself out. He had always kept the maze at least somewhat fair, but he wasn’t willing to give her that advantage this time. He had promised her that if she could escape the labyrinth before dawn, she would be free, but there was no escape. The only exits lead straight back to the house, and making it back to the house did not count as solving the maze.
He knew it was unfair, but it didn’t matter. He was tired of waiting, and she would be his whether she liked it or not. This at least gave her the illusion of a chance. There would be no escaper for her.
When the twenty minutes had past, Taehyung took to the maze, leisurely strolling down its paths as he trailed after his prize. He had the advantage of his little spies and the trick walls. He could herd her however he liked with those. He had the entire labyrinth at his fingertips, and she would never even know. Or perhaps she would. She was a clever little bird, and he wouldn’t put it past her to have figured it out. It was one of the many things he loved about his little bird.
With every step he was brought closet to her, he made sure of it. Doors were strategically closed guiding her towards dead ends and herding her back towards him. There was no need for him to strain himself. His poor Aerie was going to be exhausted before the evening was over, but that wouldn’t stop her from putting up a fight. He expected he’d have to carry her back to the house whether it was because she refused to come or from sheer exhaustion. It didn’t matter to him. She’d be in his arms either way.
It was easy to catch up to her with how much backtracking his meddling had forced her to do, but Taehyung wasn’t finished playing yet.
“Give up, little bird!” He called out knowing she was just on the other side of the hedge. “I’m going to find you!” A grin spread across his features as he heard the sound of her taking off further into the maze.
Perfect. She was headed directly to the center of the maze. He’d catch her there, and even if he didn’t, it wouldn’t be long until he caught her, not when he could see her every move.
“Come out, come out where ever you are!” He trilled out turning a corner and catching the faintest glimpse of her ankle as she ran around a different corner.
“Wouldn’t it be so much easier just to give up?” He cooed driving her further into the maze. It would be easier to subdue her when she was tired, and with the way she had been running around, she was bound to be exhausted. “I know you’re tired, little bird.” He sang catching another glimpse of her turning a corner. “You’ve done so well, but it’s time to go home. Don’t you want to go home, little bird?”
Her heart was pounding against her chest as she ran further into the maze. Taehyung’s words hounded her every step pushing her forward as panic coursed through her veins. Even if she was going to lose, she wasn’t going to go willingly. He’d have to drag her back. And with every step she was regretting her decision to run the maze. It felt less like a chance and more as if he was toying with her. He was always toying with her.
“Come on, little bird!” He called again drawing nearer excitement coursing through him as he pushed her towards the end game.
She burst through the path and into what had to be the center of the maze. There was a fountain there and two other paths leading out, but just as she made to run towards one of them, a gate slammed shut. She made for the other path only for the same thing to happen. There was only one way out, and she could hear Taehyung coming down that path calling out to her.
“No!” She shrieked pulling at the wrought iron of the gate trying to force it open, but it was no use. The door wouldn’t budge.
“Awww,” she could hear her tormenters deep voice coo, far too close by for comfort. “It looks like you’re trapped, little bird.”
She whirled around to face him eyes wide and chest heaving. “You cheated.” She hissed hands gripping the bars behind her as though to stabilize herself.
“I never said I wouldn’t.” He shrugged strolling towards her. “Game over.”
“You cheated!” She snarled again though her back was pressed against the bars in the hope that she’d somehow slip through them A foolish hope. He wouldn’t allow her to escape, not now.
He held out a hand to her smiling brightly as he beckoned her forward. “Come along, little bird. It’s time to go home.”
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herstarburststories · 4 years
The devil at your door
Kinktober day 3: Demon
Suptober day 3: Demonic
Pairing: Demon!Dean x reader
A/N: This one goes for @holylulusworld's 10k celebration, my trope was Lovers to Enemies. Congrats again, hon! And this is also my piece for @hardcoresupernatural 's Halloween challenge with the prompt: I'm not scared of you.
@deanmonandnegansbitch's asked: Deanmon x Reader, he realizes no one could tame the marks hunger like she did. And yet he lost her by sticking his dick in other women
Warnings: dirty talk, mentions of boob fucking, hints of dark sexual, angst if you squint, teasing
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Spending his whole life in imaginary chains had frustrated Dean Winchester more than he was aware of. He’d always done what his dad taught him; kept himself from what he wanted in order to be the good soldier — the hero — even if it was against his own desires. 
Dean saved the world once or twice and didn't get a thank you, a break long enough to relax or even visit the beach for the first time. No, hunters were never kids. Hunters never had time for fun. Hunters were made to be hunting. He always found himself fighting winless battles and ending up drowned in whiskey and self-pity.
Now it was all gone. His old persona never had time to be human, so losing that side of him wasn't a big deal. If anything, he felt better now. Whatever his green eyes wanted, Dean would go and get it.
No barbed ward could contain a demon, much less the Knight.
At first, it was funny. Messing around with Crowley, fucking some good, new pussies after tasting only yours, and causing destruction whenever he felt like it.
Then the thrill expired. Honestly, the Winchester pictured it would last longer. Crowley started bitching around like a whiny little man and the new girls no longer could satisfy him — that is, if they ever did. Dean was pretty sure he liked them so much because the cat and mouse play of finding a new toy, but at some point, the cat gets enough of the foreplay and wants to eat the prey. They were so boring in all their humanly forms: they didn't have his stamina, they didn’t know his sweet spots, and they didn’t enjoy all the mischievous things he wanted to do.
Only painting his knuckles with an aleatory idiot's blood could get a real smile out of him these days. Nonetheless, even throwing punches gets exhausting when they stop fighting back.
Where was the fun of being free?
It clicked him like one of the worst sounds of tortured souls screams; you. 
You used to be the wild in Dean's heart during hunter days. You knew all the bad things he wanted to do, and you moaned in pleasure through them. You knew his body and yours like religion and shamelessly worshipped them.
When he finds himself at your door after leaving a woman who just wanted some vanilla sex in a cheap motel, it shouldn't have been a surprise. At least, it's not in his uniquely demonic brand of rationality. As you open the door, the look on your face tells him you agree with that. 
Or so his deranged mind said.
You crossed your arms, the angle exposing your cleavage more as you leaned against the rose-colored door that he helped you paint months ago.
Dean used to think this little apple pie life was so savage, something out of his reach that he’d only get to touch in case of a miracle, like caressing the fire only to get a feel for the burn. Now he can't help but scrunch up his nose, disgusted by domestic, urban pleasures.
“What do you want, Dean?” You looked him up and down, a humorless smile on your face. “Got tired of fucking everyone with a pair of boobs?”
“I'm more interested in your boobs, sweetheart.” Dean isn't put off by your sarcasm, countering with the same flirty tone that used to get you riled up all the time.
Isn't the past such a beautiful memory?
“Go find someone your species, Winchester.” You rolled your eyes and pulled away, pushing the door closed before Dean's foot interrupted you.
He faked a pout. “Wow. That's racist, Y/N. This demon’s got feelings, you know?”
His childish attitude heats your system. Only Dean, demon or not, could push your buttons and get on your nerves in a matter of seconds. You pushed the pink door fully open with enough strength to make it slam against the wall with a loud crack. Dean doesn't look affected, though. You furiously glare at his lopsided grin.
“Do you also have a brain? I told you to leave. Get lost.”
“Come on, baby girl. I know you miss my cock. What about a night to remember?”
Believing he was the man you once loved was getting harder with every word he said. Your body seemed to recognize him easier, aching for him like some kind of spell. All you had after Dean Winchester left was a longing body and fury.
“Do you really think I'm gonna let you in my house for a quick fuck like I'm one of your one night stands?”
Dean appeared to be considering it for a moment, eyes focused on anything but you. His lips pursed before he glanced at you with a malicious beam. “Yes. You always said I was the best sex you ever had. Why not get a bit of it? You already know you won't regret that, sweetheart.”
You studied him, picturing what would bring a man who ran away back to what used to be his home. Dean had left as soon as he became a demon, the only trace of his existence being a note addressed to Sam and pieces of your heart. When you and Sammy finally found the eldest Winchester, he made was certain to make sure that you were aware of his very active sex life. He’d tacked on that he'd kill Sam and you both if you tried to save him.
You let him run like water after this. The Winchesters might have that wondrous codependency, but you didn't need something like that in your life. Especially not with a demonic cheater and murder.
Your eyes were too wide to ignore the warning signs now. Yet, that didn't answer why he was in your doorway. If he wanted to be saved, he'd go for Sam and call you from there. If he wanted to kill you, he wouldn't spend time talking about fond memories. He didn't look like a lost puppy looking for shelter either. So, what the fuck was this green-eyed devil doing here?
Quietude thickened while you noticed Dean not seeming to notice your silence, his eyes too busy observing your breasts. Your Dean Winchester was always a boob man, and he was looking like he'd fuck your titties on your porch for all your neighbors to see. It certainly wouldn't be yours and his first time with public sex. Still, that wasn't the point: he was here, hair longer than usual and cock clearly starting to awaken in his jeans…
Because he had missed you.
You chortled in dismay, unable to discern whether he was kidding or not despite the bulge in his pants, and that glimmer in his eyes already confirmed your suspicions. You knew him.
The realization almost cheered up your soul. Your reasoning stopped you from collecting hopes about that demoniac form of a man. Dean was here for carnal desire, not love. He had sex with other women while you spent sleepless nights crying into his old shirts. He broke you as the monster that he was — he deserved to suffer.
You didn't care if your heart would be a little more broken, or you pussy a bit needier after that.
“You missed fucking me, Dean? Missed my tight pussy squeezing your cock? Maybe my mouth on it? Or how you got it between my boobs? Did you miss how I taste?” You took a step closer to him, making Dean lift his glare to your face again. 
He wore a cocky smirk as he answered, “Not as much as you missed me.”
Dean was right. Your body cried for him, and so did your soul. Who fucking cares? He didn't before, and you would not now.
“Liar.” The word rolled letter by letter off of your tongue. “I can take care of myself, even call a friend to do that, but you came back just because you can't forget how eating my pussy like a fucking feast feels like. Can you, sweetheart?”
You used that stupid nickname that he often gave people. You were very aware that it would irritate him, as it was laced with the implication of another man putting his hands on you.
Dean quickly grabbed your waist tightly, pulling you closer to him. He groaned. It was that fucking sound he made when something truly made him furious, and you knew your panties were gone. His eyes flashed into darkness that replaced his glistening greens, and for some calamitous reason, that turned you on.
“You better not have let anyone fuck what's mine, Y/N. I'd rip his throat in front of you and fuck you right next to his body,” he spits out jealously. His posture radiated that usual, alpha-esque tenseness that tumbled you two into angry, possessive sex so many times before.
“So jealous. I loved to tease you only to get you rough on me. Throwing me against the wall, going so hard inside my pussy that the bed broke, holding me hard enough to leave marks. You wanted for my bruises too, right? How I'd scratch your back, bite your collarbone, ruin your neck for everyone to see you were mine, but I guess what you really liked about me was that I was as hungry for you as you were for me. I would’ve let you do anything to my body, and I did. Because I wasn’t scared of you, Dean, and I’m not scared of you now either.” The way your arms compulsively wrapped around his neck made you wonder if you really wanted to strangle him or pull him closer. You could smell his manly cologne mixed with sulfur. It shouldn't make you want him more. Your knees shouldn't be begging to kneel for him and suck his cock. Be stronger. “You could come in, throw my clothes away and fuck my boobs with your dick instead of your eyes. Hurt me good enough to make me ask for more. But you know what?”
“Mm?” Dean's reply came in a hum as you pressed your hips against his, causing his clothed cock to rub on your belly. It was a tiny bit of relief — finally. He missed this so much: he couldn't wait to slip into your tight pussy.
“You won't.” Your lips brushed against his before you pulled away. His hands left your body from his surprise at your words. A wry smirk was wrung from your lips despite your wet pussy. “You stuck your dick into other women as soon as you became… whatever this is.” You scoffed, pointing at him with a feigned disgust in your eyes that you knew your body disagreed with. “Go have fun with your hand, Dean.”
A light rose painted door was ultimately closed in his face.
Leave a comment and reblog. Feedback is magic! Check my day 1&2 of kinktober and my masterlist ♡
Dean's sweetheart: @akshi8278 (dean taglist open)
Hunters: @demonhunterbarbie  @bi-danvers0 @emilyshurley @desimarie12 (spn taglist open)
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Perchance to Meet pt 6.
Hi fam!
Sorry this took awhile to come out! This took lots of more of my time to come up with and I wanted it to be what I had envisioned so it took longer!
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x fem!reader
Warnings: slight abuse, mentions of abuse, some angst and some fluff?
I think this will have one more part but yeah we’re getting near the end! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 7)
The pride Aizawa has for his students is off the charts as he sits with some of them. He, along with some other well-known heroes have been called in for an extensive mission. Sir Nighteye and his assistant and sidekick Bubble Girl go over the mission.
He takes in the details about Overhaul, or also known as Chisaki Kai and logs it into his memory. He also takes in how his students are handling the grueling information, most notably being careful of his common problem child who ran into the little girl they’re planning on saving as well. He watches the videos of the surveillance done on the men that Overhaul keeps company. Watching for patterns, where they go, what they do etc. However, a particular picture and set of videos cause his heart to skip a beat.
There is Overhaul, at two places he knows all too well.
If Aizawa is panicked he doesn’t show it. But he’s internally trying to find the connection as to why he would visit the places (Y/n) works. It could all be a pure coincidence and that’s what he’s hoping for. There’s no way she would associate herself with someone like that willingly. If she was that kind of person, he would have detected it on her and not gotten himself involved with her. But what if he’s wrong? He has been wrong before, but he knows he isn’t wrong about this.
The meeting ends with final words and plans on what to do. There are some who are unsure of the plan, especially if it involves children aiding them but he knows better. The plan seems entirely logical so long as everything accordingly and everyone brings their A game.
Aizawa prepares to leave the meeting room when he is stopped by a gloved hand. “Sir Nighteye needs to see you briefly, can you hang back?” Aizawa shrugs his shoulders at Bubble Girl and goes back to his seat. He sees Mirai set up another slide show and begins to wonder what this is about and why only he was held back.
“Eraserhead, we’ve done some other research and recon and would like to inform you of another side mission along with the main task at hand.”
He sees Shouta nod and he urges Bubble Girl to show him the video.
“We found this video the other day. The date shows this happened a couple weeks ago. There used to not be a camera here but because of an incident involving an employee, the establishment added it.”
When the video starts, all he sees is Overhaul, his minions, and what seems to be a client buying his product. He starts to take in the background and notices he’s been there many times before. He keeps his stoic face as the video fast forwards to more action. Something happens and part of the camera is covered in blood, obstructing the view partially. Then he sees the door of the building open up
And there she is.
The expression on her face is one he’d hoped he’d never have to see. She’s terrified, flabbergasted, and now covered in blood. He can’t hear anything but now he sees that all eyes are on her. He can see (Y/n) attempting to bargain with who he assumes is Chisaki, and then for him the unthinkable happens.
Her body goes limp as she’s being apprehended and taken away.
Aizawa isn’t one to lose his cool, but that made him jump out of his seat. The two heroes in front of him glance at each other and stop the video. They give him a couple minutes to truly digest what he saw.
“We know that you had a special connection to (Y/f/n). Overhaul not only has a child, but an innocent civilian that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clearly, stopping Overhaul and saving the child are most important, but this young woman has been considered missing.” Sir Nighteye pauses and then continues.
“We had to keep quiet about all aspects of this mission and keep this info from the public in order for the plan to work and succeed. I’m sure you understand.” He practically answers Aizawa’s unasked emotional question.
Aizawa sighs deeply, “I get it. What does this have to do with me?”
“You might be the only one who can rescue her. There’s already a lot on this mission that we don’t want to overwhelm anyone, but since it’s you we know you can handle it. Besides, she knows you.”
He can’t get the sight of (Y/n) being hurt and taken out of his head. This is what he wanted to avoid by being with her but apparently not. No matter what he does or tries people he cares about will be in danger because of him. So, logically, what should he do with his emotions and the woman that has invaded every fiber of his being?
He contemplates his next move as he steps out to see his students.
The sound of a metal door clicking closed rouses her from her sleep. Her eyes are slow to adjust to the dim lights that barely reflect off of the cold tile floors beneath her. The four walls around her are plain, nothing on them except for the 28,643 spots that litter them. (Y/n) tugs at her arm and remembers that her arms are chained to a nearby wall. The chains are long enough for her to move with limited mobility but not enough for her to reach the door.
Her eyes and nose lead her to an object on the ground by the door. It looks like her morning meal as she crawls over to the bowl, plate, and cup. She’s starting to regret telling him what her favorite go to breakfast was because this was all she’s had for… Shit how long has she been here? A week? Two weeks?
Her first couple of days she resisted eating anything that was given to her as a form of protest. That earned her Overhaul using his quirk on her, whimpers and yells emitting from her throat at the pain until he put her back to normal. The next time she disobeyed him, he took it out on Eri. The way the “no” escaped her lips, dry from lack of use and childlike in her fear, he knew her soft spot.
Which is why she’s eating now. (Y/n) must be close to to Eri’s room or something because she hears her screams almost as if they’re right in the room with her. It rattles her to the bone, hearing such an innocent girl screaming, yelling, and thrashing in pain. It made her sick. How could that man, no monster, do this? She can’t believe she fell for his act, those eyes and that voice that could persuade anyone got to her. The feel of bile fills her throat the more she thinks about him, Eri, and where she is.
(Y/n) can’t help the tears that fall freely down her face as she thinks of Eri. But also of Aizawa. Fuck, she wishes he was here assuring her that everything would be fine. He’d save her from here, they’d apologize for all the words and nasty feelings shared and then live happily ever after the end.  But she knew better than to think like that. All that did was earn her talks with Overhaul. Sometimes he wouldn’t lay a hand on her but if she was acting out he’d just grab her jaw aggressively, playing with her inevitable death, but always repeating the same things:
“You shouldn’t have been there, Angel”
“Well I did want you to myself eventually but I’m sad it had to be this way”
“Eri would be very upset if you didn’t eat, she hates hearing you cry”
“This is all your fault you know”
Yesterday’s was a new and longer one
“No one will come save you, you quirk can’t save you. You’re such an admirable person that I wanted to love but with your insistence that some hero, someone with a quirk unfit for this world will come to you, you are just like them. Disposable.”
The bruises on her jaw had just healed from the last time but they can match the ones that fade and return on her wrists and anywhere some random hooligan had dared touched her.
(Y/n) finishes her food and pushes the empty dishes toward the door. Usually they’re picked up immediately, followed by pairs of feet walking outside. However, this morning is different. No one comes to pick up her dishes and there’s no one walking outside her door.
What the hell is going on?
Her confusion deepens as her door is swung open forcefully, knocking the plates over making a loud sound. She defensively puts up her hands to block out the person and the light emanating from behind them. When nothing happens, she moves her hands and sees another person she’s come to hate strongly. The white haired man in front of her says nothing as he walks up to her, noticing her body flinching upon their close proximity. Most of his body is covered in a long white jacket and there’s another plague mask hanging out of a pocket. She can feel his breath on her cheek as he unlocks her chains, toying with her emotional state.
Once the cuffs fall freely to the floor, he grabs her wrist and commands, “Come with me.”
It was hard for him to believe what he was seeing in front of him but he pounced into action. Aizawa immediately sees Overhaul takes his quirk. Upon entering the strange cave, he sees the girl in question being protected and shielded by two of some of the best students he’s ever seen. Before he’s able to do more damage and prevent Overhaul from using his quirk further, he’s abruptly taken away from the fight from one of his lackeys, his right-hand man if he is correct.
He lands in an unfamiliar room and is on high alert but thrown off from being attacked. Eraserhead quickly does surveillance but is cut short by an attack from behind. He feels his body slowing and only slightly panics. Then he hears a voice above him begin to talk and mumble to himself about Overhaul and their plan. With his face and body connected to the floor he’s rendered immobile. For the most part he tunes out the figure looming over him until particular words catch his ears.
“I do want to kill you, but it would be better with an audience don’t you think?”
A strong hand grips Aizawa’s hair and force his eyes up and ahead. It takes a while for his eyes to adjust to the room. In front of him is a chair; how long had that been there? What’s more important is who’s sitting in the chair.
It takes more strength than he would like to admit when he sees (Y/n)’s limp. She’s breathing, barely but breathing. He can’t fully investigate the state of her body but he can tell that they had gotten to her. Fuck, he wants to reach out and pull her close but there’s a number of factors preventing him from doing so; other than being held down against his will.
“It’s pitiful really, to see you with such a unique quirk reduced to this. I can feel how much this hurts you to see her but I’ll end that soon.”
The blade that was meant for the black haired man never came, as the door behind them is burst open and Chronostasis is apprehended. Aizawa reclaims mobility in his body and pushed himself off the ground to see an injured Suneater holding onto an unconscious Lemillion. Relief floods his body as the police capture the Shie Hassaki aide and exhales deeply. He turns on his heel quickly to find (Y/n) and get her the help she needs.
“Eraserhead, who is that?”
He approaches her body and kneels down. “Hey, (Y/n) can you hear me?” He lightly taps her cheek and sees remnants of bruising. He lowers his voice so no one else can hear, “Kitten please wake up.” He continues to trace his fore finger and thumb along her cheek to rouse her.
His heart drops when he notices her lips move. “Ung, Sho-“
“Sh sh sh,” he coos, “don’t talk. I’m going to pick you up okay?” Aizawa carefully checks for any restraints and seeing that there are none, picks her up bridal style and begins to take you toward the police.
Now that they are in the light, tears threaten to build behind his eyes upon really seeing her. Discolored skin around her wrists, neck, jaw, and ankles lets him know that she was held here for too long and was possibly, no for sure hurt and abused. Aizawa does his best to keep her body still while rushing toward the surface where he knows she can get help. He feels her cold finger touch his neck making him stop. “We have to keep moving, kitten.”
“Where’s Eri… He was, he was hurting her. Please we have to…”
His almond eyes soften. Even though she’s hurting and in pain, probably closer to death than she’d ever been before her heart still goes out to others. Aizawa isn’t entirely sure of her whereabouts but he needs to keep pressing on. “She’s safe. She’s being rescued just like you are right now.”
(Y/n) nods and then rests her head to his chest clinging on to the familiar amidst the strange. The police and a couple other heroes are all heading toward the top of the building to meet up with the rest of the teams involved. Aizawa holds her tightly against his chest, relishing in this feeling that he knows won’t last forever.
Upon reaching the morning light and bumbling sounds of sirens and commotion, Aizawa treks toward an open ambulance. He drops her off with a medic and hurriedly asks them to look over (Y/n). He hesitantly walks away but turns to see your face, an all too familiar look of knowing that he never wants to see. Her eyes are telling him to go because it’s his job and his job comes first. He’s gonna come back he promises, once he finds Eri.
When (Y/n) wakes again, she finds herself surrounded by bright white and beeps. It doesn’t take as long for her to come to her senses. There’s a drip inserted into her arm and exhales. She notices the wraps and bandages around her previously open wounds and bruises. They are still sensitive to the touch as a reminder that everything that happened had actually occurred. She’s lucky to see clock and calendar near her bed.
Two weeks.
Two whole weeks she was gone. Did anyone notice? How was her shop? Oh God what about Eri? What about the little girl she yearned to see again but couldn’t what happened-
“You’re awake.”
Aizawa stands in the doorway of her room with a small grin. He’s not entirely sure what to do. Is he allowed to rush to you and comfort you? He came out relatively unscathed, but has to deal with a student and a colleague who lost a mentor and friend. That was harsh losing the one who told him about (Y/n)’s whereabouts in the first place.
Her voice is still hoarse from lack of use and malnutrition. “How’s Eri?”
“She’s having fevers from over using her quirk but she’s stable. I’ll be staying by her side to monitor her with my quirk.”
“I see.”
Silence falls between the former couple as they both struggle to find words to say. He knows he needs to go check on Eri but he knows he’s needed and wanted here. He slowly walks in and shuts the door behind him. The look on her face is one of shock, probably because she didn’t expect the work driven man to stay with her, a mere civilian.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said.” Aizawa takes a chair and goes up to her bed to be closer, his eyes never leaving hers. “I wanted to protect you from this. I didn’t want you hurt because of me.” He pauses to collect his next words.
“(Y/n), I,” he looks up to meet her gaze, “I love you. So much so that it scared me. But what scared me most these last couple of months was not knowing how you were, or where you were. And when I found out that you were taken, I couldn’t show it but I was frightened.”
He squeezes her hand that snuck its way into hers. “No please, let me finish. I’ve lost someone close to me before and I didn’t want to feel that again. My job, my students, they are my life. Then you showed up and changed everything. I was happy and content for once but once the threat of villains increased I figured it was better to have you alive and hate me, than be dead because you loved me.
“I couldn’t do that to someone I care about.” All the emotions Aizawa had held in for too long come flowing out. Small and few tears fall down his face as he buries his head into (Y/n)’s bed. “I didn’t want to say what I said that day, but I wanted to protect you and myself,” his confession comes out muffled from his face being buried in the sheets. He feels a dry hand caress his cheek and he meets her gaze.
“Shota,” she cries, tears falling freely. “I missed you so much.” She coughs as her crying causes her to hiccup. “I wanted to be mad but I couldn’t. I wanted to hate you but I couldn’t. And I wanted-mmph!”
Aizawa interrupts her wailing by placing his lips on hers carefully. He holds her face in his hands and wipes her tears gently with is thumb. The simple gesture sends butterflies to her stomach that she hasn’t felt in too long as they separate.
“God Kitten I missed you.” He brings her in for another kiss, this one stronger and more intentional than before. The kiss was filled with unspoken apologies, whispers of love, and admittance of wrongdoing. The hero was careful with (Y/n) as he pulled her toward him, to hold onto her a little tighter. A cough breaks the spell cast on the two rekindled lovers. Aizawa does his best to hide his annoyance and the awful timing at whomever was at the door. It amused (Y/n) to see that he hadn’t changed too much.
“Um, Sen-I mean Eraserhead? They need you to see Eri-chan. Should I leave or-?”
“No Midoriya, it’s fine,” he scoffs out. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right there okay?”
The young up and coming hero was clearly flustered at the scene in front of him and from his teacher calling him by his real name. “Yes sir! But shouldn’t we be using our hero names?”
“We’re safe here. Also, this is long overdue but this is (Y/f/n)
“My girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?!” The green haired teen kindly meets her and bows to the both of them as he takes his leave. He turns around to view the couple one more time. He notes that he’s never seen his teacher look at anyone so softly, well maybe with Eri-chan but…
“Geez, why do I always have to be the first one to know crazy news?”
Taglist!: @kiribaku-queen @cupcake-rogue @shinsouskitten @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus @susceptible-but-siriusexual 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 81 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Sutan and Violet skipped out on their party plans, Bianca’s friends deeply disapproved of her new relationship, Adore struggled to get over Pearl, and Alaska harbored a secret unrequited crush on her best friend Jinkx.
This Chapter: New Year’s Eve continues, full of love and betrayal.
“Well? What do you think?” Bianca asked, when Courtney stepped away to greet Alaska. Her voice was low, and she was trying extremely hard to appear casual, but Jinkx could see the anxiousness in her eyes.
Jinkx grinned. It wasn’t very often that she had any kind of leg up on Bianca Del Rio, and she was prepared to milk it.
“Come on!”
“I think she’s incredible. Gorgeous, charming, and she clearly has good taste-” Jinkx batted her lashes, framing her face with her hand, in an obvious reference to Courtney gushing all over her about what a big fan she was. Then, she gave Bianca a once-over. “Well, good taste about some things.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Bianca grumbled, bumping Jinkx with her hip, suddenly looking more like herself than she had all night.
Jinkx laughed, feeling quite pleased with herself. The truth was, Courtney was everything she’d been expecting, based on what Alaska had told her: vibrant, fun, bursting with warmth and positive energy. The only surprising thing so far was Bianca. She’d known her for almost twenty years, and hadn’t ever seen her so sparkly-eyed and doting. This relationship was clearly making her happy, giving her a new kind of brightness, and that was lovely to see.
“No, but seriously,” Jinkx continued, linking her arm through Bianca’s. “I think you guys make a great couple. Sugar Mama is a good look for you.”
“I...” Bianca opened her mouth, at first looking like she was about to protest that characterization, but then seemed to think better of it, her lips twisting into a smirk. “Yeah, well…”
Jinkx laughed, watching as Courtney gave Alaska a hug and skipped back to them, arms immediately winding around Bianca’s waist, eyes shining with love as she gazed up at her. Bianca whispered something into her ear, too soft for Jinkx to hear, before kissing her gently.
It was all disgustingly cute, Jinkx noted, nose wrinkling just slightly.
Raja held Raven’s hand as they slowly moved through the Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition at MoMA, the evening's guests all holding little glasses of champagne, the low tone of constant chatter all around them.
The dinner had been lovely, Raven taking obvious delight in the decadence of it all, but Raja had to admit that she missed her brother, Sutan’s absence on New Years like a little hole in her heart.
She knew he was sick, knew that it made sense that he was spending the evening at home with Violet, but Raja couldn’t help but feel forgotten.
Sutan had confided in her that he told Violet he loved her, and Raja wasn’t jealous. She wasn’t, because Sutan and Violet had only been together for about 6 months, and she had been his best friend since before they were born, their history spanning literal decades compared to Violet’s months.
In all honesty, Raja had been wavering about whether or not she wanted Violet to come along for Aspen, Kahmora a complete disaster when she had joined them. After the ‘love’ reveal though, she was happy for the opportunity to spend a few days with her brother’s girlfriend, and figure out her exact motivation for being with him, to scratch deeper and see what was hiding underneath that polite surface.
“Ooh” Fame turned around, a smile on her lip. She was wearing all white and looked positively radiant, her hand on Patrick’s elbow. “What about this one?” She pointed at one of the pieces, a group of women all standing together. “Don’t you think that would look fetching in the master bathroom?”
“Well,” Patrick looked at the painting, his other hand in his suit pocket. “Where else would you put a late 19th-century avant-garde?”
“Oh please,” Fame slapped Patrick’s arm, and Raja had to quickly take a sip of her drink, hiding her smile. “It’d be a print. You can’t hang actual art anywhere near a shower. Don’t play smart.”
“Of course, love.”
Raja had to admit that she loved how much Patrick adored needling Fame, giving her small pushes towards the edge a game they often played together, since Fame was so easy to toy with. If it had been anyone else, Raja would have stepped in to stop them, but with Patrick, she knew that he’d always be there to help put everything back together.
“I like that one-” Raven pointed to a large painting of a woman in a low cut blue dress, brown curls spilling down, two other women at her side.
“You would,” Raja pressed her lips against Raven’s temple, lowering her voice to a growl, the woman in the painting basically showing off her breasts, “wouldn’t you, you dirty girl.”
“Raj!” Raven gasped, slapping her chest before giggling.
Dahlia smoothed down her scarlet-colored velvet gown, surveying the club with a smile. She would never have admitted it, but when Pearl invited her to this party just yesterday, she’d immediately gone out and splurged on a new dress--and she was glad she had, because she looked like a million bucks. The top was draped, held up alluringly by delicate straps that threatened to slip down her shoulders at any moment, the waist fit her like a glove, and the slit showed off her long legs to perfection. She tossed her glossy dark hair over her shoulder, loving the many pairs of eyes that were so obviously drawn towards her.
“Can I get you a drink?” Pearl asked, voice low and sexy in her ear.
They’d started their own party earlier, pre-gaming and fooling around in Pearl’s apartment as they got ready. Dahlia had been in the middle of straightening her hair when Pearl’s fingers slid up her thighs, which nearly caused her to burn her ear. At this point, they were each about five (or so, they hadn’t really counted) drinks in and fully ready to have the night of their lives.
“What do you want?” Peal asked, lips grazing her neck.
“Surprise me,” Dahlia said, biting back a whimper. She turned to Pearl, cupping her cheek and saying, “I’m gonna go wash my hands.”
She continued to feel her fantasy as she walked across the dance floor to the restrooms, humming slightly to herself as she stepped up to a sink, hips swaying as she washed her hands. She was just about to reach for a paper towel when she glimpsed a figure in the mirror behind her, coming out of a stall.
Dahlia felt her heart sink. What on earth was Adore doing here, looking at her with that hurt puppy expression, completely destroying the delightful buzz that she’d had going on?
Apparently wondering the same thing, Adore burst out, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m...it’s a party.”
Adore swallowed, and for a second Dahlia felt the guilt tighten in her chest. They hadn’t seen each other since that awful gig, when Dahlia had ditched the band and left with Pearl. She’d spoken to the others a few times, intentionally failing to mention that Pearl was more than a one-time thing.
She and Adore had been friends since high school, but for the first time in almost ten years, looking into her face was like looking at a stranger. Dahlia didn’t like to think about how much she’d hurt her, their friendship now probably beyond repair. For a few days after their fight, Dahlia had held out some hope, but when more than a week went by, and then two, and then three and no communication from Adore, she realized that it was truly over between them, despite Aja’s insistence that there was still hope, that she’d be fine after she nursed her wounds for awhile.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” Dahlia said, feeling defensive as she added, “Believe me.”
“Yeah, but how did you-”
At that moment, the door to the bathroom banged open, and in waltzed Pearl, still turnt up to 100, holding two drinks in her hands.
“Heyyyyy, D, are you ready to fuck this party up?!”
Adore turned toward her slowly, a look of horror on her face as the situation dawned on her.
Pearl looked hot as sin, her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, a black long sleeved crop top clinging to her fit arms and shoving off a tone stomach, a skirt tight around her hips and ending just above her knees, a gold chain digging into the skin on her waist, her heeled boots making her ass look amazing. But Adore didn’t appear to be admiring her beauty or chic fashion sense. Instead, the look on her face was one of pure disgust.
“Are you…” Adore turned back to Dahlia, asking, “Are you here together?”
“Hell yeah!” Pearl exclaimed, before Dahlia could respond. She shot Pearl a look, trying to tell her to shut up with her eyes, but it didn’t do any good. “It’s good to see you, Delano. You look hot as fuck tonight. Want a drink?”
Adore blinked, clearly trying to figure out how Pearl could be such an absolute fucking idiot. (Dahlia was wondering the same thing.)
“...No. No, I don’t want a drink. I want you to leave. Both of you!”
“Why should we leave?” Pearl asked, sipping one of the cocktails. “We don’t have the problem here, and you don’t have to have one either.”
“Because! I’ve known Jinkx since I was a kid and my sister’s here and you’re just here to...why are you here? This isn’t even your scene!”
“I thought it would be a nice change of pace,” Pearl said. “You seriously need to relax, I thought we said we were gonna be friends.”
“Friends? Are you fucking serious, Pearl?”
“Yeah? Why not? It’s not like we ever really worked as a couple.” Pearl held out the other cocktail glass, which Dahlia assumed was meant to be for her, shaking it slightly, the ice clinking against the sides of the glass. “Jack and ginger…Isn’t that your drink? Consider it a peace off-”
“Pearl! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you have brain damage?!” Adore cried, slapping her hand away, liquor sloshing over the side of the glass. “You cannot seriously be fucking one of my oldest friends and think everything is gonna be cool! Or that you can buy me off with one cocktail from a fucking open bar!”
“This is so boring.” Pearl groaned slightly, rolling her eyes. “You’re totally ruining my buzz.”
“Good!” Adore yelled, voice hoarse, the tears filling her eyes telling Dahlia that they had about 30 seconds before a full emotional meltdown. She put her hand on Pearl’s arm, trying to signal for her to shut the fuck up so they could get the fuck out.
“Adore, there’s no need to make a scene. Why don’t you grow up and come do shots with us-”
“Do shots with you?!”
“Yes! We can all have some fun, and - what?” Pearl finally noticed Dahlia’s nails digging into her wrist, turning to her with an annoyed expression, which Dahlia ignored.
“I’m sorry,” Dahlia said instead, directly to Adore, as sincerely as possible.
Adore took a deep breath, eyes dull and glassy as she said, “Whatever. I just...please, just-”
“We’ll leave,” Dahlia assured her. After everything that went down, it seemed like the least she could do.
“But-” Pearl began, still not getting it.
“Pearl! Enough! Come.” She grabbed Pearl’s arm and pulled her towards the door, turning at the last second to give Adore one last, “Sorry.”
Adore nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. Her sorry clearly wasn’t enough. It probably never would be. She held her gaze for one more split second before she couldn’t stand it anymore and pushed the door open, shoving Pearl through.
“Hurry up lovely eyes!”
“I am, calm down-”
Sutan grinned as Violet grabbed yet another stack of papers from the living room table, moving them out of the way as quickly as she could, the table not at all ready for dinner, since neither of them had expected to be home. They were waiting for their food, the local Chinese restaurant nearly groaning on the phone when Sutan had placed his order, so he had promised to tip generously, though he always did anyway.
Sutan watched Violet, a small smile on his lips as the ends of his girlfriend's hair was still damp, the blue wrap dress and the thick socks so unlike the gown Sutan knew she would have otherwise worn, not that he himself wasn’t in a pair of loose sweats and a sweater.
Sutan didn’t normally pay much attention to what Violet was doing on the living room table, since they both preferred to either eat in the kitchen or at the TV, but it seemed like he should start checking in more, everything he stumbled upon utterly fascinating.
So far, he had seen completed patterns for skirt embroidery, all marked in Violet’s neat handwriting and completely idiot proof, his girlfriend clearly still not trusting the tailoring department to do their job while they were away in Aspen.
He had spotted what he assumed was the beginning of Raja’s MET clothes, seeing his twin's face stare back at him highly amusing. Violet had already done several small collections, fabrics and sketches all stapled together in little collages that gave a quick overview of her thoughts.
“Where do you want me to-” Sutan took a stack of paper from the table, wanting to help Violet, but all he managed was to make his girlfriend whip around, her eyes wide.
“I am!” Sutan laughed, hooking his thumbs on top of the layers of fabric so it wouldn’t go anywhere as he walked over to the chest of drawers, putting it down to the side. “I didn’t realize you were so messy, Violet.”
“Please,” Violet snorted, leaning on her crutches with a raised eyebrow. “Like you’re one to talk, Mr. Kitchen Table.”
“Ha!” Sutan grinned, the taunt hitting exactly right, though he hadn’t actually thought about the kitchen table in forever, the surface somehow always clean when he needed it.
In the elevator, Dahlia fumed silently as she slipped on her coat. She’d been expecting an epic and glamorous night, not the shitshow that had just occured. Even more annoyingly, Pearl seemed unfazed by the whole thing.
“So, where to?” Pearl asked, her voice obnoxiously chipper.
“I don’t know,” Dahlia replied sullenly.
Completely oblivious to her tone, Pearl soldiered on. “There’s this great dive bar a few blocks from here, it’s-”
“A dive bar?” Dahlia cut in bitterly. “Dressed like this?”
Dahlia had not dropped nearly $300 on a new dress and spent two hours getting ready to end up in a dive bar. She crossed her arms.
“Well...I... Okay, if you want another fancy party, I can find one.” Pearl pulled up Twitter on her phone, scrolling through her feed. “I know my boss is at that MoMA thing, but I bet we can find something better-”
Suddenly though, even the thought of another extravagant party left a terrible taste in Dahlia’s mouth.
“Maybe I should just go home,” Dahlia sighed.
“What? Why?” Pearl’s head was tilted, confused, and looking at her big blue eyes, Dahlia couldn’t hold in her exasperation for a second longer.
“Because! I’m not really in the mood to sip champagne after all that! I know you’re like, hashtag unbothered by the whole thing, but it kind of sucks that I lost one of my oldest friends!” she burst out, just as the elevator reached the lobby.
Pearl touched her gently on the hand, saying sincerely, “It’s her loss, D.”
Dahlia sighed. She appreciated that Pearl was making an effort to be all ride-or-die, but it just felt too much like dismissing her feelings. She had lost something, something important, and she felt like shit.
“I just...wonder if it was worth it…” Dahlia admitted, and Pearl’s brow creased, finally bothered for the first time.
“I didn’t force you to come out with me,” she said quietly.
“I know,” said Dahlia.
“Or to fuck me.”
“I know.”
They stared at each other, a few moments of awkward silence passing before Dahlia finally looked down. It wasn’t fair of her to put all of this on Pearl, she knew that. But she couldn’t help feeling a bit resentful.
“If you really want to go home, I can get you a cab,” Pearl finally said.
Dahlia swallowed, a deep sigh leaving her. “Okay…”
So much for her epic, glamorous New Year’s Eve.
Still shaking a little from that awful confrontation in the bathroom, Adore walked towards the bar to order a drink. She’d been doing her best not to think about Dahlia or the whole mess with Pearl over the holidays, but Aja had asked her a few days earlier if they were gonna work things out, for the sake of the band.
Adore was thinking about it--after all, she loved her band. She loved writing music and she loved performing, and Dahlia had been part of it from the beginning. So she was trying to work up the energy to talk to her again. Or, she had been until tonight.
The fact that she was still dating Pearl was the last thing Adore expected. From Dahlia, that is. From Pearl, at this point nothing would surprise her.
She glanced around the room, wondering where the fuck Courtney was. Of course, she finally spotted her with Jinkx and Bianca, perched on a sofa, hanging on her sister’s arm...and likely her every word, if the look on her face was any indication.
Adore rolled her eyes, in no mood for Courtney’s slavish puppy love at the moment.
“What can I get you?” asked the bartender.
“Double Jameson,” Adore replied immediately, then after half a second added, “Actually, make it a triple.”
“You got it.”
Adore put her head on the bar and groaned slightly. Beside her, someone chuckled drily.
“Sounds like your night is going about as well as mine.” The tall blonde grinned at her sheepishly, recognition dawning in her eyes. “Wait, aren’t you Courtney’s friend?”
Adore puffed out her cheeks. She’d been known as ‘Bianca’s sister’ for most of her life, and she was resigned to it at this point. But now, she was gonna be ‘Courtney’s friend’? When would she just be herself? “Yeah. I’m Adore.”
Thankfully, the bartender set Adore’s drink down just then, allowing her to take a giant sip.
“Alaska,” supplied the blonde. “I work with Court at Galactica. I love her so much, she’s just the sweetest thing ever. She talks about you all the time.”
Frustration reaching a boiling point, Adore burst out with, “Yeah, Courtney’s the fucking greatest. My best friend. Although you wouldn’t know it tonight, since all she cares about is my fucking sister and the moon that apparently shines out of her ass.”
Alaska looked taken aback for a moment, and Adore squeezed her eyes shut, embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, I’m just...yeah, I’m just having a real shitty night, and I...please forget I said all that.” She couldn’t help finishing with, “Even though it’s true.”
Alaska laughed, a long infectious laugh that made Adore smile in spite of her wretched mood. “Consider it forgotten…But are you okay? Feeling a little left out?”
“I mean, I guess. I don’t know. I just saw my ex, who is now dating my former friend.”
“Why don’t we talk about you instead? What’s your story?” Adore asked her.
Wincing, Alaska sipped her drink. “Let’s not. I’m…sort of going through it tonight.”
“Oh yeah? Is it worse than your friend of ten years fucking your ex right after you broke up, and then the two of them showing up pretending like everything is normal and your ex asking you to fucking do shots with them?”
“Uh…no…not worse than that. Jesus.” Alaska shook her head and gestured to Adore’s drink. “You sure a triple’s strong enough?”
Adore laughed and shook her head. “It’s not. But I’m working with what I’ve got.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I hear that.” Alaska reached out and put a hand on Adore’s. “They both sound like assholes, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Adore said gratefully, looking into Alaska’s kind brown eyes and feeling seen for the first time all night. She cleared her throat. “...Okay, I just told you my shit. Wanna tell me yours?”
“Well…” Alaska chewed nervously on the straw in her own cocktail. “I have this friend…”
“Yeah…?” Adore prompted.
“I’m in love with her, and she doesn’t feel the same way, so I come to these things to torture myself.”
“Fuck.” Adore nodded, completely understanding this girl’s pain. She tossed back the last of her drink, then slammed the glass back down onto the bar, thinking that they may as well have some fun. “Fuck it. Do you wanna dance?”
“Sure!” Alaska said, a beautiful smile blooming on her face.
It wasn’t until they were on the dance floor, Adore’s hands circling Alaska’s waist, that she began to feel how tipsy she was. She hadn’t intended to drink, and certainly not to this point, but here she was. Thankfully, Adore didn’t seem to mind supporting her weight.
She leaned in close, mouth right up against Alaska’s ear, and said, “Your friend is a dumbass.”
Alaska giggled. “Thanks, I think?”
“I’m serious! You’re totally hot.”
“Shut up.”
“Fuck you, I will not!” Adore held her tighter. “Is she here?”
Alaska glanced to the side of the room, where Jinkx was laughing with someone. She nodded.
“Wanna make her jealous?”
“How are we gonna–” Alaska was cut off by Adore’s soft, warm mouth against hers, plush lips pressed to hers, hands pulling her closer. After her initial surprise, she relaxed into the kiss, winding her fingers in Adore’s long, messy red hair and opening her mouth, letting her tongue inside. It had been so long, and she maybe responded a little too ardently. Maybe let it go on a little too long. Maybe pressed against her too hard…but damn, she felt good.
Adore pulled her head back, grinning wickedly, and whispered, “Is she looking?”
“Is…what…oh, shit.” Alaska suddenly remembered what she was doing and glanced to the side without moving her head. “Yeah, she’s looking,” she answered softly.
Adore kissed her again, sliding her hands down to her ass. Alaska’s heart raced and she whimpered slightly. Adore released her again and winked. “Happy New Year,” she said, sauntering away.
Alaska brought a hand to her mouth, watching her walk away with a slightly dazed expression. She caught Jinkx’s eye for a split second and then looked away, blushing.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Long Walk to Birmingham
Request:  Hi can I request 18 from the Angst list please ? For Tommy Shelby
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings:Abuse, alcohol, language
A/N: This is barely edited because it was sooooo long. I do really like it though and there will be a second part because I feel that it needs one.
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Glass shattered as the man’s rage wreaked havoc through the small cottage. Y/n shrank into the corner and prayed that perhaps he would forget about her. The china cabinet had been pushed to the floor, all her mother’s good china broken, and the dining table that her father had worked on for hours was in pieces. A tear rolled down her cheek at all that was lost. 
“I can’t believe this!” the man roared and grabbed a plate off the floor. “I can’t believe you went behind my back!” He through the plate at Y/n, it shattered inches from her head, getting a shriek out of her. 
“Dad, I’m sorry,” she let out. “But we need the money.”
He scoffed. “I decided what we need around here, little missy! Not you,” he pointed at her. “Not you, you fucking whore!”
Y/n pushed herself up and brushed off the powder the plate had left. Never once had her father said an ill word to her. Not once had he raised his voice to her. It hurt to know that she was no longer a child in that sense. In his eyes, she was now a target he could attack. “It was just-”
“Just what?” he asked, venom laced his words.
“Just an old horse,” she whispered, but he heard her loud and clear.
Her father stood before her in the blink of an eye, hand raised. It came down with a deafening sound. Y/n stumbled back, clutching her face. Tears sprung from her eyes, he’d never once laid a hand on her. He grabbed her chin and pulled her to him and forced her to look up at him. “Now, don’t you ever, ever, do anything like that ever again. You hear me?”
She nodded, tears rolling down her face.
“Do you hear me?” he asked again.
“Yes, yes sir,” she muttered as he released her.
That was 3 days ago and the anger and violence had only increased. 
Y/n was used to it, of course. Her father had always been a violent man. When she was a child, he only ever laid a hand on her mother. No matter how much her brothers and her wanted to get involved and save their poor mother from her abuser, she would have none of it. In her mother’s eyes, her father was the love of her life. He had saved her from a backwoods way of life in the middle of nowhere in Scotland. He was what brought air to her lungs and life to her heart. It hurt Y/n to know that her mother believed her father was no monster. All the pain that had befallen the family was always caused by him. 
Once he had gotten into a fight with a man at the pub in their small village. It had cost her father his job and the family was left to starve. He, of course, didn’t see it as his own fault. It was never his fault, not when his youngest son died from starvation that winter. 
Nor was it his fault when he sent his eldest son away to work in a factory because the family needed money. The poor boy never returned home as he had lost his footing and had fallen into the equipment. Her father said no one was at fault but the boy.
And so, when the man ran out of children to bury in the ground, he turned to his only daughter. Her father sent her away to Birmingham, which was only an hour or so from home, but still a foreign land to her. Y/n stayed with her great aunt, who was just as cruel as her father, made it clear that it was an inherited trait. She worked all the jobs she could manage. Five days a week she worked the morning shift at a bakery near her great aunts. Three days a week she worked at a pub and sometimes she would tutor children on days that allowed. The money she brought in was more than her father had ever seen in his whole life. 
He didn’t know an honest day’s work if it stared him in the face. 
She hated it, living in Birmingham, at first. It wasn’t home, even though home wasn’t much better. People were rude and everywhere was filth. But once she took the job at the pub, the city became brighter. For she had fallen in love.
Y/n never meant to fall for Thomas Shelby, half the time she wasn’t even sure if people were allowed to look at him, yet she fell. She fell so hard that she didn’t know how it felt to love. Half the time she thought she was dying because never had she loved anyone in her life. Her heart would clentch and flutter all in the same beat. Cheeks red, it was always hard to hide her feelings, but it didn’t matter either way. Mr. Shelby never really gave her a thought. He saw her, but she knew he just saw straight through her. She was nothing but the barmaid that worked for him. 
He would never see her in any light.
She was nothing but the daughter of a drunk and abusive man, who would never amount to anything. She would marry a poor man and have his poor children and forever stay poor. That was the life she was destined to and that is likely what Thomas saw when he looked at her. Y/n was not what he wanted in a woman if he wanted anything at all.
Y/n waited for the lights to go out beneath her door. Once the house was dark, she threw her covers off and quietly changed into a pair of trousers and a button-up shirt. She was tired of being home and, more importantly, tired of her father throwing her around. Her beatings had just gotten worse with each passing day. It seemed that her father liked that she had stepped out of line, it gave him a new toy to play with. She slipped on a pair of shoes and opened the window, careful to make sure it didn’t squeak. Climbing out the window, she landed on her feet and made her way to the road. 
It was a long walk back to Birmingham, but she could no longer live with the Devil.
Her feet ached the longer she walked, but there was no time for rest. One foot in front of the other was the only way she would make it to safety. Y/n knew that once her father learned of her departure, he would track her down because if she was gone, so was his money. So, ahead she went for that was the direction of the promised land. 
As she walked, all she could think about was what she was going to do once back in Birmingham. She knew that it was no longer safe to stay with her great aunt, meaning she had no home. Perhaps the bakery owner she worked for would allow her his couch for the night. His wife loved her and would probably allow it. She couldn’t keep the same jobs, though. Her father knew where she was employed and it would only be a matter of time before he would show up there looking for her. 
She would have nothing. No clothes but those on her back. No job. No house. No nothing. She was nothing but a street rat, how great. 
It was midafternoon by the time Y/n reached the outskirts of the city. Her stomach grumbled with each step down the cobblestone street. Her hair stuck to her sweaty neck and she was covered in dirt from the road. She looked like she belonged to the streets. Perhaps, she did now. 
Continuing down the street, her path came to an end at the steps of the Garrison. She knew it would be best to keep walking, refuge was somewhere, but not here. Yet, she couldn’t move. She wanted one drink. Just one drop of the drink that could make her feel less. Feel less of the blisters on her feet. Feel less of the bruises that covered her face. Feel less of her broken heart. 
With what little strength she had left, she opened the pub door and walked inside. No one noticed her arrival as everyone was too drunk to care. To them, she was just a man who had gotten off his shift at the coal factory, not some girl on the run from her father. Y/n went up to the bar, she noticed that the Shelby’s were occupying the private room at the moment.
“Harry,” Y/n said quietly, trying not to gain anyone’s attention.
The man turned, a towel and a glass in each hand. He raised a brow and looked her up and down. “Y/n? What are you doing wearing that?”
She sighed, “It’s a long story, believe me. Can I stay in the backroom for a while?”
He gave her a soft smile and nodded. “Would you like something to drink? On the house for you tonight.”
“I’ll take some whiskey.”
Before she could protest, Harry handed her a bottle. “You look like you need it, now go before Tommy sees you.”
“You won’t tell him, will you?” she asked, her eyes pleading with him to keep her secret. Her boss didn’t need to be aware that she had been beaten black and blue. It was no one’s business but her’s anyway.
“No, dear, now go.”
Y/n scurried off to the backroom, shutting the door behind her. Finally, alone, she let out a deep breath. 
Freedom at last. 
She never knew that freedom would be the back room of a pub in the middle of poverty, but did anyone know what freedom truly looked like. Y/n opened the bottle and drank down as much as she could manage. It felt good, the liquor burning her throat. It traveled through her veins, easing her pain. 
There was a large crate in the corner of the room that once held bottles of whiskey, now empty, Y/n decided to sit in it. Night was now upon her and there was nowhere else she could run. Might as well have her fun while she could. 
By the time her eyes closed, the bottle that Harry had given her was empty. Her lips were turned up in a smile. Freedom at last. 
Once everyone had left the pub, the Shelby brothers exited their private room. It was now quiet enough for them to have a conversation with Harry.
“How’d ya do tonight?” Arthur asked and finished off the last of his whiskey.
He shrugged, “Did alright, I suppose.”
Thomas nodded and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He pulled one out and placed it between his lips. “Have you seen Y/n lately? She was supposed to work yesterday.”
Harry turned pale, he had seen her for sure, but he didn’t like what he’d seen. “No, no. Haven’t seen her.”
The man raised a brow and pulled out a box of matches and lite his cigarette. “I’m sure.” He turned to his brothers. “We need to go over the plan for tomorrow before any of us leave here tonight.”
“Ya, I guess,” Arthur mumbled, he just wanted to get some sleep. “We can discuss it over a bottle of well-aged whiskey. Just had some shipped in from Ireland, it’s in the back. Let me grab it.”
Harry couldn’t help but squeeze his eyes shut at what would be discovered. But he promised Y/n that not a word would come from him and he wanted to stay true to that. 
Arthur walked to the back room and stopped in the doorway. He wasn’t sure who was laying in the crate, but he knew no one should be. Without a word, he motioned for his brothers to come to his aid. Thomas and John came up behind him and peered over his shoulder and the figure that laid lifelessly in the whiskey crate. 
“It’s Y/n,” Harry said from behind them. Though he said he wouldn’t tell the brother’s anything, he knew that if he didn’t, they might shoot her. 
“What do you mean that’s Y/n?” Thomas asked, his eyes not leaving her exhausted body. 
Harry wrung his hands together, his nerves getting the better of him. “She came in a little bit ago, all black and blue and told me not to say anything. She looked like hell, but I gave her my word.”
He nodded, biting down on his cigarette. That was probably the reason she had missed her shift the day before. Thomas brushed past Arthur and walked up to the crate. Looking down, his heart ached at the bruise that took up Y/n’s cheek and the bags that were under her eyes. He didn’t know how it happened, but he knew it would never happen again. Scooping her in his arms, her bottle of whiskey clattered to the floor. “Let’s get her a proper bed.”
Y/n batted her eyes open, an unfamiliar ceiling staring down at her. Panic filled her chest, her breath coming in at ragged intervals. This was not where she was supposed to be. Not that she knew where she was supposed to be.
With a grunt, she pushed her body up, every muscle screamed for her to lie back down. Her body was exhausted, but her mind was racing a mile a minute, there was no way she was going to stay in bed. A cloudy mind, body riddled with exhaustion, Y/n imagined she was back home, in the small farmhouse that she had grown in. She had collapsed along the road and her father had picked her up, dragging her back to the hell she was trying to escape from. 
On weak knees, she threw her legs over the side of the bed and used the bedframe to push her up. The walkout of the small bedroom was a struggle, but once there, she knew that she definitely wasn’t home. Voices floated up from a flight of stairs and Y/n couldn’t help but follow them, her legs barely carried her down the stairs before she had to lean against the wall and catch her breath. 
“She’ll be alright, Tommy,” Polly’s voice reached Y/n ears. “Y/n’s strong and she just needs rest.”
“I know,” the man sighed.
Y/n reached the bottom of the stairs, her lungs screaming for air. It would have been a good idea to stay in bed, it was clear she needed to rest. But against her better judgment, she continued on her way and stopped at the entrance of a kitchen.
“Now, let’s not…” Polly dragged out as her eyes landed on Y/n in the doorway. She walked past her nephew and gently grabbed Y/n by the elbow. “You shouldn’t be out of bed, dear,” she led Y/n to a chair at the table. “Let me get you some tea.”
Thomas was leaning against the counter, arms folded across his chest. Polly set a cup of tea in front of the girl before she excused herself. There was obviously something going on that Y/n was unaware of.
“Nobody’s seen you in days, Y/n.” He knelt in front of her and cupped her bruised face in his hands. His thumb circled the large bruise that was forming, it would be ages before it went away. “Seeing you in that whiskey crate, you had me scared to death.”
Y/n shook her head, letting his hands fall. “No need to worry, Tommy. I’m fine and you’ve got more important things to worry about.”
Tommy shook his head, that was not true. It was hard for Y/n to see, she had too many things to worry about, but the young man could never stop thinking about her. Day and night, she was in his thoughts. There was nothing he could do to keep her from his dreams, but there was nothing he wanted to do either. 
“Y/n… Y/n, you’re the most important thing I have to worry about.”
That was not what she was expecting. 
Sure, Y/n had always wanted Tommy to confess his feelings for her, but she knew it was impossible. It was only ever a dream in the back of her mind. She knew it would never happen. But it looked like she was wrong.
“No, I’m not,” she brushed it aside. As much as she had wanted this, she knew he was just saying it. “You have your business and your family to worry about. I shouldn’t make the list of worries.”
He shook his head, standing up. That was not the reaction he was expecting. “Why do you have to go and make this difficult?” he asked her. “I am in love with you and have been since you walked into the Garrison, looking for a job.”
Jaw to the floor, this was too close to the confession she had pictured in her head. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
Tommy turned to the counter, bracing himself against its surface. “This is not how I wanted to tell you. All broken up because someone laid a finger on you,” he said more to himself than her. “Who did this to you, Y/n?”
Y/n shook her head, why was her life so screwed up? Why couldn’t she have a normal, happy family? Instead, she had a violent father, a blind mother, and dead brothers. Tommy turned back to her and stepped in front of her, his hand rubbing circles of his back. Before she knew it, Y/n was sobbing into his chest. “He’s never done this before,” her voice broke with every word. 
“Who, Y/n? Who?” his words were barely above a whisper.
She let out a sniffle. “My-my dad.”
Tommy instantly froze up. How could a father hurt his child like that? Granted, his own father was a piece of trash, fathers still should never lay a hand on their kids. “You’ll be alright, Y/n. I’ll make sure of it. That piece of shit will never touch you again.”
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
I Didn't Know This Was A Date
You end up on a date unknowingly.
Warnings:Adult situations +18 ,Smut ,Masturbation ,Swearing
A/n: So I'm basing Clark's confidence issues on my own, I'm either overconfident and cocky or have absolutely none whatsoever and can got from one to the other in seconds. I have nothing against Lois as a character but I do think she is spoiled and a little selfish I don't want to make her mean and turn her into the typical rival, but at the same time I could see her getting a little too wrapped up in the whole hero thing and I am 99.9% sure that if they broke up she would find it hard accepting him moving on.
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​
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I Didn't Know This Was A Date
You quickly cut across the field to your little blue farm house, heart racing as you replayed his words over and over. Squealing girlishly. Wow he was hot, soo hot and sweet he seemed shy but he definitely knew he was attractive. Shit this was so crazy but you trusted him. Martha had told you lots about her Clark, that he was shy and been raised a true gentleman, he was kind and it sometimes caused him problems smart, gentle and loving a true catch by the sound of it.
He had seemed all these things and more, you scaled the steps to your house running straight to the master bedroom pulling out a pink medium sized suitcase before gathering clothes you'd need, then your essentials pajamas underwear, make up bag and a hair kit. Finally you came to the dress you would wear on the night you smiled you would look stunning if you did say so yourself. After deliberating packing then repacking you looked up at the clock nine pm sighing you decided it was time for a shower then bed. Making your way to the bath room you were flooded with thoughts anticipating what was to come.
You debated on weather to epilate, honestly you couldn't be bothered but decided it would be best to just in case anything did happen between you a the blue eyed hottie. You quickly washed your hair epilating your legs then shaved tidying up the apex of your thighs a little not that it needed much doing to it, it was your legs you never bothered with. You couldn't help but moan as you used the shower head to rinse yourself,rocking forward as the spray hit your sensitive clit biting your lip as you imagined him there with you, a burning hand pushing you back against the cool tiles pinning you with one hand on your ribs fingers splayed almost covering your whole rib cage, you size kink was well and truly activated by the hulk of a man you hummed imagining how he would use his size and strength to hold you still ,use it to man handle you, manipulate you into any position, to fuck you anyway he saw fit weather you liked it or not.
You thought about how he navigate the shower head between your open legs forcing the spray on your heated core, angling it to graze you swollen clit. FUCK. You grunted head falling back to the wall widening your feet letting the warm water hit your bundle of nerves mouth open panting as you lost yourself in the fantasy, he'd tease you moving the water in small circles the back and forth letting it caress you from your ass all the way up to your tender clit leaning over you, crowding you with his huge form.
You shivered you wouldn't be able to escape, not even if you wanted to, his piercing blue eyes would be all you saw as you managed to open your eyes mewling softly , he'd have to audacity to still look a little shy as he toyed with you. Finally he'd let his hand slip down your body dragging the pads of his heated fingers in slow patterns, your hand followed as you held your eyes close imagining he was there instead, he would ghost them along your seam slow, prying your lips apart, but once he opened you up he wouldn't waste time spearing you with one then two digits stretching you, tormenting your walls as his thick fingers easing their way inside you crooking them forward scissoring them trying to prepare you for his cock, he would move slow at first then fast forcing you into a sudden climax.
"AH OH FUCK YES C-Clark shit hah!~" you cried out his name as you came across your own hand bucking and twisting as you held the water firm on your erect clit the whole time panting hard as you came down finally pulling the water away for a few moments the cursing as you returned it to wash away your mess that still clung to you.
Clark laid in bed his jaw clenched growling trying to keep quiet not wanting to disturb his mom, erect cock in hand furiously pumping it, he'd been at this now for nearly half an hour, the same as you. In this moment he didn't know if his super hearing was a gift or curse. He could hear you, crying out for him as you fucked yourself in your bed across the field, he could even hear the fucking vibrator be turned up a notch as you cried out high and desperately for him once again panting and groaning.
Fuck that was good but something tells you that once you get to bed you’d be forcing another few climax's out of yourself over him tonight.
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He grunted as he closed his eyes concentrating on the soft whimpers he had half a mind to go over there and fuck you properly, pin you down and force feed you his cock....not that there would be any forcing from the sounds of it you'd be happy to oblige. That toy wouldn't compare to anything he could Would do to you, fuck you'd be so tight for him, even with how wet you'd be he'd have to be careful not to hurt you, that's not to say he would be gentle. No. He would be delicate enough not to break bones or tear you but that was about it.
He grunted tightening his fist until, it was slightly painful, just the way he liked it. He always put his pain kink down to the fact he couldn't ever really get hurt, he was indestructible, the man of steel, but when he first discovered this as a teen he thought he was weird for enjoying it so much, strange that he would get off faster if his sensitive erect cock was pinched and pulled at or squeezed painfully tight.
It then developed into a size kink, wanting to find the smallest woman he could that would give him that delicious pain and pleasure mix that he craved. He grunted biting his other hand as he panted harshly hearing you begin to come undone again moaning out for him, thinking about him.
He groaned throwing his head back hearing you finally come down from your high panting laughing a little hoarse from your screams, you'd be more than hoarse when he finally finished with you, you'd loose your voice completely after he hung your face off the side of the bed and plowed your throat he gave one final harsh pinch with the side of his thumb and pointer finger imagining breaching your cervix and came the hardest he thinks he ever has jerking his hips seeing stars for a second, he was so lost in his orgasm he thought he was going to fall out of bed.
He wondered what you was imagining, if it was the same as him, he could see it now him standing up right with you folded in half before him, hooking your bent leg over his arms as he pulled them up to your sides knees nearly at your armpits as he pulled them back, facing away from him as his hands threaded together cupping behind your neck holding your entire weight on his forearm as he pulled and pushed Into you pounding away
You'd cry and moan for him, begging him to slow down as it was to much, he wouldn't tho he'd just tell you to enjoy the ride and fuck you until you felt him for days, stuffing your tight little cunt full until you'd struggle trying to get away from him, it'd be impossible tho, you wont get away until he decided to let you which was unlikely, not until he floods your tiny pussy, even then he knew it wont be just the once, no it normally took four or five rounds to empty his balls and you'd be getting the full dose each time, weather it was down your throat, in your cunt or across your tits if he played his cards right he hoped he could spend himself in that prefect peach of an ass either way you was getting all of it.
"Oh-fuck yes yes fuck baby so tiny and tight for me fuckfuck fuck that's it ugh!"He came in thick powerful ropes, thankfully he had angled himself up towards his chest when he finished not getting any on the sheets cumming across his stomach and chest instead, he was a little shocked as a few drops had made it to his collar bone.
He was frustrated and hurt when he came here today, wanting his moms advice on how to get over Lois and now he was happy and for the first time in a long time hopeful, he could definitely see himself with you but didn't want to rush, he was finding peace with the fact that he had been falling out of love with Lois for a long time, all she seemed to go on about now was the next article she could write about Superman even going so far as to 'accidentally' fall out of a moving car into oncoming speeding traffic so she could,write about how she was saved. That particular one had made him very angry.
He panted resting an arm across his closed eyes catching his breath as his cock finally seemed sated for now, he listened he could hear the relaxed heartbeat of his mother he hadn't woke her which was good, he was embarrassed being caught as a teen and he would hate it even more now. He turned his head a little listening out for you he was greeted with you moaning drowsily about drenched sheets then a few moments later light snores you was out like a light.
He chuckled you'd fucked yourself into a coma just for him. He smiled moving his arm from his eyes a relief flowed through him. His mom was right you did like him, he might just be good enough for you after all, he was going to try and win your heart over the next week, determined to make Saturdays party you first time together he exhaled content tucking himself back into his boxers then made for the bathroom to clean himself up flushing the toilet roll away when he finished making his way back to bed hands behind his head.
Bottom line she wanted him to be superman day and night,she even started calling him Kal when not in the office. Then there was the sex now he wasn't against role play in the bedroom, quite the opposite but it would be nice to hear his name every once in a while, his human name the one he has grown up with and as for using his powers he didn't mind occasionally but they aren't toys or party tricks, it got exhausting, he sees being superman as a job in itself, but it was a job Lois never gave him time off of, he drew the line when he found it hard to relax and just be himself that was when he new he had to call it off.
He nearly lost who he was to a symbol of hope, he knew if that happened he would have grown to hate superman and everything it stood for which could only end in disaster. The whole situation had been weighing him down for the best part of a year as he tried to deny it, putting the break up off willing her to change and when she didn't he finally called it quits and has felt guilty ever since, until today that is.
After meeting you today and getting them nervous flutters in his stomach again he felt nothing but relief over it, he knew it was the right thing to do, this is what it should feel like, light and happy, care free and warm. For the first time in what felt like years he fell asleep with a smile across his face.
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All day there had been casually flirting on both parts which gave him hope that you was interested in more then just a quick fuck still tho it was torture watching other men giving you looks and not being able to do anything ,you laughed a little nervous as he leaned in over the table as you waited for your food.
The next evening you found yourself in a quaint little diner near Clark’s apartment for dinner after spending the day exploring the city. Clark couldn't take his eyes off you, you were stunning dressed in a floral print button up shirt that you had tied in the front showing a small patch of skin of your tummy and high waist light blue jeans showing off your curves , he groaned inwardly the jeans were like a second skin cupping your ass perfectly your hair was down and you had spent most of the day tucking it behind your ears, a nervous habit he assumed.
"So Ma said you moved here four months ago bit of a jump what ,made you decide to come all this way?"
"Well my parents were separated , my mum was well-to put it bluntly she was like Lois, she wanted my dad to be something he's not and she destroyed him constantly chasing her version of perfection without any care to how unhappy she was making him in the end it drove him into a deep depression. One day he had a wake up call and threw her out he tried divorcing her but she wouldn't sigh the papers she kept trying to make his life worse didn't want him to move on she used me as an excuse to keep hanging around...Dad was well off I think that's the reason she wouldn't leave. When he passed away mum was left hardly anything even our housekeeper got more then she did, he really fucked her over for the hell she put him through. After the will was settled she kept harassing me for money and the house each week another sob story and another amount. One time I felt sorry for her and let her in she got me drunk and tried to make me give her the deeds for safe keeping that was the last straw after that I started searching online and after about a week I found the farm house It needed a lot of work doing to it but I liked that... I fell in love with it and put in an offer straight away. Three weeks later I was on the plane" he blinked it was a little sad you ran to the other side of the globe to avoid your mother.
"Wow did you ever tell her?" You shook your head
"No she came over when the the day before I left I let her in and she lost her shit screaming about where all the stuff was and I told her it had been packed she asked why and I told her that I was moving  she thought i was just moving across the county she flipped when i told her I was coming to America and never coming back, she asked where but I wouldn't tell her it ended in an argument she called me a thief and said some shit then left she was just angry that I like my dad had figured her out." He looked shocked how could a mother do such a thing, but then again money is the root of most evil.
"That must have been hard"
"No not really she hadn't been in my life since I was seven when my dad threw her out and I knew what she had done to him fuck I was the one who found him when he tried-I mean it wasn't a big loss" he picked up on the correction but decided not to push it.
"So you came over here to get away?"  You nodded sipping your pepsi
"Yeah in a way I should thank her its the best thing I've ever done, its strange and I still get a little confused at times as you saw with the whole,chip incident earlier but I  really like it over here, smallville is wonderful and much more laid back" he smiled biting his lip as your face lit up.
"Well I for one am glad you made the move" he winked at you you giggle blushing. Busying yourself fiddling with the straw in your drink.
"So my mom? When did you meet her?" You looked up quickly.
"Oh she came over the day I moved in, I was lucky she did i was freaking out it had just sunk in that I was over here completely on my own and didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do, I had nothing to eat the trucks were held up and I couldn't figure out how to turn on the electricity I just sort of sat on the porch with my carry on luggage and broke down she came over with a peach crumble and a bottle of wine and we spent the morning on the porch eating it from the tray and she showed me the fuse box in the basement which I didn't even know the house had to turn on the electricity then went back home coming over with more wine my stuff showed up at lunch time by that time we were both a little tipsy and we have been friends ever since, she helped me sell the fields on the property to the local farmers in return I gave her the small paddock on your side of the road that came with the house. Every time I get confused, need help or if I'm bored I'll pop over to bug her" he laughed not exactly sure what to expect but honestly he didn't know what he was expecting but you getting drunk and eating crumble together wasn't a scenario he could ever have imagined.
"Yes just nice to see a girl with a healthy appetite ,don't get that much around here" you giggled a little
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You were interrupted when your food arrived. He watched as you closed your eyes moaning a little at your fully loaded burger grunting at the sound a little, fuck did you have to make them noises he though as he twitched a little, you stopped looking at him staring at you
"What? Is everything okay?" He snapped out of it
"Well I've never heard him referred to like that before!"
"Yes well the bigger I get the bigger the boobs" he blushed unconsciously glance at your chest you snickered catching him as he started to eat, he enjoyed your company as you spent the time flirting and getting to know each other, you were easy to talk to and laid back, full of funny stories about your home and the differences you'd noticed being here.
He was enamored with you the whole time. He told you about his work and the different articles he had written then just out of curiosity he brought up the topic of Superman wanting to hear your views
"Superman? He's the flying one the lycra and bed sheet right?" He bellowed a laugh slapping his thigh a little.
"I'm not wrong tho am I? I suppose I think he's cool  I think people should cut him some slack I mean he is doing more for others than most, leave the man alone you know?" He smiled nodding he found it refreshing to hear something other then the same old 'he should reveal himself' or the negative 'he's an alien and should go home'
"Yeah I agree, so you wouldn't want to know who he was? Or for him to reveal himself?" You leaned back in your seat then shook your head
"No honestly I'm not that interested, he saves people and that should be enough, he don't have to but he is and that shows that he is a better person then me but then again I’m lazy, as for revealing himself I think we owe it to him to let him have a bit of normality, I mean he was here his whole life, living just like one of us then suddenly one day he had to step up and kick the shit out of that other fuck nut. I feel a little sorry for him" you sighed he frowned that he hadn't heard before
"Sorry for him?" You nodded offering him some of your chips that he had been eyeing up.
"Yeah he was never really given a choice was he? One day he was normal like you and me living his life the next being called out by the freaky one with the buzz cut and lisp" he leaned forward stealing more chips fries off your plate.
"Well he did have a choice he could have stayed hidden" you scoffed
"With them holding the world as hostage, he had to think of his loved ones he must have a family and friends you can't live your whole life without having people you want to protect" he smiled wide his eyes soft, you were the complete opposite to Lois she felt like he should tell everyone who he was believing that if he proved he was one of you people would accept him more, not that most didn't but a few still held him responsible for what happened.
"So you wouldn't mind if he swooped down and took off with you?" You laughed
"To our first date?" you blushed at him not realizing he had classed this as a date but was ecstatic trying not you squeal in excitement.
"Depends, if I'm falling to my death I'd appreciate a lift, but if he did it for shits and giggles.... well there'd be more shitting then giggling I tell you that much I'm not one for heights" he roared up unable to stop the bellowing laughs from escaping
"You think I'm joking I threw up once because I wore heels.....okay I was a little drunk and the stairs were glass but that's not the point I am just uncomfortable with heights I don't even wear high heels anymore kitten heels only" he smiled shaking his head
"Gotcha no heights" he said stealing more fries off your plate making you roll your eyes.
Once you'd finished your food he lifted his glass to you, you followed suit raising your glass.
"Date? I didn't know this was a date Mr Kent?" He smiled sheepishly then cleared his throat nervously his voice wavered a bit.
"Well that's only if you want it to be?" You stared at him making him squirm a little then smiled nodding
"Yes I would like that But for the record if you'd asked me I wouldn't have turned you down" then tapped your glass with his
"R-really you would have said yes?" You smiled at his flustered expression it was strange how one moment he was confident then the next a sweet shy teddy bear, you knew it must be something to do with his ex but you was patient enough to wait it out, he has had his confidence knocked and you were determined to build it back up.
"Clark would you like to go out to dinner again tomorrow? Make it our second date" He stuttered flushing as you held on to his hand across the table then nodded smiling.
"Yes I-I'd love that" you smiled at that.
"About what?"
"So what do you think? Seriously?" He asked walking down the road as you left the diner you tilted your head a little staring up at him he squeezed your hand.
"Well we only met yesterday and you only came here to help me with my ex ,I just wanted to know what you really think about all this? About me?" He tried to keep his nerves at bay as he asked you, he wanted to know straight away what your thoughts were, as soon as the question left his mouth he wanted to take it back dreading your answer.
You felt a little sorry for him, what ever his ex had done had really knocked him, you hummed lightly, wanting to pick your words carefully, you had to get across that you really did like him and wanted to pursue him and not just for his looks either.
"Really? You really want to try? And not just be friends?" He said in slight disbelief you nodded
"Fine enough dicking about I like you, really like you, I'm really attracted to you Clark, not just your looks, your sweet, kind and I've had a brilliant time today laughing more than I think I ever have on a first date, it true we have just met but I'm not someone to waste time or beat around the bush, I like you a lot if I thought nothing would come of this I wouldn't be here...I know that you've been hurt but I-I do feel there's something between us, something has just sort of clicked and would like to explore it if you would like to." His heart soared at your words and his shoulders relaxed letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"Like I said I felt something  and I definitely want to carry on and see where this takes us." He grinned wide tucking you into his side
"Good I was so afraid you didn't feel the same!" Silence fell over you, you could feel there he was thinking to hard, he took a deep breath and turned to you smiling then leant down ever so slowly,tentative and nervous giving you every opportunity to back away but you didn't leaning in closer to him wanting him to make the decision,  he made a slow decent licking his lip lightly,you braced yourself your breathing hitched as he descended towards you shifting a little, you cautiously rose to meet him but he hovered lips just above yours breath fanning across your lips unsure he was thinking to much you could see it you made the decision for him standing on your tip toes pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss, moving in sync he melted into the kiss before opening his mouth wrapping his arms around you pulling you flush against him groaning as he grabbed your ass in his huge warm hands tugging you towards him leaning down so you could plant you heels back on to the floor.
You mewled winding your arms around his neck locking your fingers together playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He licked at your lips coaxing them open once you did you whined as his tongue wrapped around yours twisting and licking dominating your mouth then he slowed his movements relishing in the kiss holding you tighter to him afraid you'd leave, you grunted softly then pulled back for air before gasping then dragging him back this time more desperate you dove straight in running your tongue across the inside of his mouth moaning fucking his mouth with your tongue trying to taste him as much as you could grinding against Him slowly making him shiver before biting at his bottom lip sucking it harshly. Then pulled away panting. His face glowed a bright red no doubt your did to, you stood by his side and he pulled you in under his arm squeezing your bicep reassuringly.
"So we are dating now then?" He asked still trying to calm his heart beat, yours was racing to which didn't help.
"I would say so yes." He smiled down at you resting his face on your Head kissing it every now and then unable to stop now.
"Good, I couldn't stand everyone looking at you today unable to do anything about it" you faltered as he growled the words out. You flushed, the possessiveness in his voice was enough to make a girl swoon.UGH.Panty dropping you all but melted at his words clenching.
"This" it was the only warning you got before you squealed he lifted you up wrapping your legs around his waist pinning you to the nearest wall grinding slow against you making you moan into him, your clit erect almost instantly as he rocked across it threw your jeans, the cotton of your panties becoming a damp.
"Oh really and what are you gonna do about it then?" You asked a cheeky grin he raised an eyebrow
He laughed a little as you wriggled against him trying to get away not wanting to seep threw onto your pale jeans his hands merely held you firm as his cock throbbed against you, you could feel it hot and twitching he rubbed harder moaning into your mouth as he took your breath away, kissing you deeper than before, almost trying to devour you as he licked into your open mouth then coiled his tongue around yours caressing it with a thrusting motions making you groan lightly.
He began sucking yours into his mouth pulling away he trailed a few light kisses down your neck then licked at your neck just below your ear nipping it before opening his mouth wide biting down and sucking heavily, you cried out arching into him pressing your core firmly onto his very eager cock making him hiss and pull away he grunted keeping your rocking hips still looking at his work a dark bruise forming on your neck high enough that it wont be getting covered any time soon he puffed out his chest a sense of pride then leaned forward kissing it softly making you sigh then ran his nose across it before speaking lowly into your ear.
"Oh my god Clark I'm so sorry! that is so embarrassing!" You panicked and felt like you could cry covering your crotch and ass looking around for something to hide it with he smirked a little he couldn't help being smug, that was just a little taster and you’d soaked yourself through.
"There we go now everyone will see that your all mine" you whimpered as your pussy shuddered he hissed feeling it. Then set you back down chuckling lightly as he spotted the wet patch on your jeans you followed his gaze and gasped mortified
"Nothing to be sorry for its very flattering! But here use this" shrugging off his jacket you accepted it gladly pulling it over your arms and holding the neck breathing in his scent, he groaned in his chest. It drowned you, the hem falling to your knees ,You looked perfect. He will definitely be putting you in his clothes more often, he cleared his throat tugging on his jeans rearranging himself then took hold of your hand walking towards his apartment. Yes today had been good but something tells him this week would only get better and better.
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doctorreids · 4 years
folklore - spencer reid x reader
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word count - 1.7k 
a/n - see @ the end ! 
warnings: slight sexual content, nothing explicit though. 
“i never needed anything more, whispers of ‘are you sure?’ ‘never have i ever before.’”
The glare of headlights filtered through his car as he drove down the main street, few cars passed. Red and green lights mixed together as he reached each stoplight.
The reality of what he was about to do hit him, just 20 minutes from her apartment he thought about turning back.
The ‘what if’s’ swirled around in his head. What if he wasn’t good enough? What if he truly hadn’t changed and he was just kidding himself? What if she was better off without him?
He would be lying if that last thought didn’t make tears pool in his eyes.
The late-night drive, however, did remind him of August's past. When he pulled up outside her apartment when they had the rare week off and told her to get in. Alex Blake had kindly given them the use of her beach-side Hampton’s summer home. The five-hour drive stretched well into the night.
He could remember her laughter in the passenger seat and her soft snores as they travelled down the highway. Talking nonsense and playing ‘I spy’ to pass the time before the sun began to set, the sky turning from blue into a purple-pink sky with red hues.
Before she drifted to sleep she turned towards him and whispered, “Red sky at night shepherd’s delight, red sky in the morning shepherd’s warning.”
The memory made him smile.
It also made him wonder if this was worth it. If he was too late.
“So you’re telling me you’ve never played ‘Never Have I Ever’?” She giggled.
“Nope.” Popping the ‘p’, he shrugged.
Pulling herself onto his lap, she peered up at him.
“Well then,” she sighed comically, “guess I’m just going to have to take your Never Have I Ever virginity! Pass me the wine.”
Tipsy and thinking nothing of it, he passed her the wine.
Hours passed and the questions got dirtier and dirtier. No longer did he blush or feel awkward at her suggestive comments, he made them himself.
They were both slurring, roaring with laughter at times. He had never felt more whole.
“Awk, Spencer, pick your jaw up from the floor.” She straddled him, her finger traced along his jawline.
He smiled up at her before pressing his lips to hers. His hands rested on her hips, she was fully pressed into his chest. She toyed with the buttons on his shirts as he kissed her neck.
He could not describe the utter state of bliss he was in; all he could feel, see, and hear was her. Her soft whimpers at his touch, her soft butterfly kisses on his chest, her bright eyes staring back at him, so full of love and adoration. He never wanted that feeling to end. He had never felt braver as he slipped off her top, placing kisses down her stomach and her thighs, watching her body react to his touch and the soft gasps that escaped her lips. He was on a high that he believed would never end, her touch was like ecstasy, he was filled with complete euphoria.
Whispered ‘I love you’s’ passed between them, he finally knew how it felt to be a teenager falling in love for the first time. She was his true first love. She was the kiss under the bleachers that he never got. She was the prom date he had waited for. He felt 13 years younger with her - shy, bashful and unsure.
The universe and all its questions had all its answers when he was with her.
“august slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine, and I can see us twisted in bedsheets, august sipped away like a bottle of wine.”
The memory of the past August made him smile. They spent the day on the beach, reading and Y/N pulling him into the water despite his protests of it being too cold. They cooked together, showered together, and spent every other moment with each other. If he thought hard enough he could still remember the smells of the local Italian restaurant, the smell of each bottle of red, white and rose wine they drank. He could recall every word that was said.
“I love you.”
“The earth has rotated roughly 212.9 times in the seven months we’ve been together.”
“Not a more accurate figure, no?”
“I’m not a calculator, my love.”
He laughs audibly at the memory. He took so much for granted; how she would listen to his ramblings about everything and anything, especially things she didn’t understand. She would listen so intently, her eyes following his every word and gesture, and she would try her best to talk about astrophysics or whatever his chosen topic was in her own vocabulary, in a way she could understand.
She thought his mind was amazing, he thought her mind was too.
She was patient. She was kind. She was kind.
The memories don’t feel like they are his. They are only a slippery slope into madness. Tempting him back to the days of curling up on his sofa clutching some novel that reminds him of her.
His copy of Pride and Prejudice is now completely worn as he finds himself reading it over and over, remembering the sound of her voice of one summer afternoon in which she read it to him.
He had it memorised cover to cover but he couldn’t bring himself to read it aloud, only her voice could gently relay one of the greatest love stories of all time. A story he had hoped they would rival.
Maybe it was too big of fantasy to maintain hope but without hope, he was lost.
He didn’t feel as though he owned the memory of the past August. Almost as though he was out of his own body, watching it happen. Watching things be so perfect and then watching them fall apart. It was a vicious cycle.
“your back beneath the sun, wishin’ I could write my name on it.”
The morning sun flooded the room as he rolled over to face her. The thin white curtains did little to keep the light out. He couldn’t figure out what time it was and he couldn’t be bothered to look at the small alarm clock beside him.
Her back faced away from him, soft snores came from her mouth. He traced his finger all so gently along the lace of her nightdress to the base of her neck, along the straps and soft cotton material. The sun illuminated her skin, an angelic halo encircling her.
Not even Michelangelo could paint something so heavenly.
Each time he looked at her he felt winded. He was not one to dwell on luck, he focused rather on what was guaranteed and soundproof, but he knew he was so lucky to call her ‘his’. To be able to hold her, to watch each sunrise and sunset with her, was everything to him.  
It was at this moment he decided on their future - the girl before him was the woman he knew he was going to marry. Someday, he promised himself.
“I can practically feel you burning holes into my back, Spence.’ Her laugh cracked with sleep as she turned to face him.
They lay there for a few moments holding each other’s gaze, irises swimming with love. He grabbed her waist, a soft muffled hum as she rested her hand on his chest.
“I can also hear you thinking. Penny for your thoughts?” Her voice was gentle.
He hummed.
“I think you can hear my aching head rather than my thoughts, sweetheart.”
“Aw, does poor Doctor Reid have a sore head?” She teased.
Lifting her head with his index finger, he said, “Now, what did I say about calling me Doctor Reid.”
“Ah, yes. How could I possibly forget! At least one of us can remember last night with some degree of clarity.”
He laughed, “I just have a hangover, I remember everything. Not like you on some of your girl’s nights with Garcia.”
Pulling her pillow from underneath her, she hit him with it.
“You promised you wouldn’t speak of that!” She groaned.
“And you promised you wouldn’t call me unless…” He trailed off.
He wished he could stay there forever as their laughter mixed together.
There are moments after laughing, those deep belly laughs, where silence fell upon them both and she would look at him with that mischievous look in her eye and he would fall over and over again.  It was pure, unadulterated joy as they caught their breath.
These are the moments he wishes more than anything that he could live once more.
The empty passenger seat reminds him of the silence of their apartments as they grew further apart. It reminds him when she would sit there and stare out the window without as much of a glance towards him. It also reminds him of the drive home from their august trip. She was glowing, happily chewing on a piece of candy or eating the Cheetos they’d specifically bought for JJ and claiming she would buy more packs when they got back. (She never did.)
Time seemed to slow as each stop light turned red. The drive extended by a few extra minutes. More time to psych himself out. To tell himself to turn around. To remind himself that she wasn’t his to lose.
She was her own person, it was the reason he loved her so. She couldn’t be owned by anyone. In another way, neither could he. Maybe it’s why they clicked together like missing pieces of a puzzle. It’s a possibility why they fell apart so quickly, those pieces must have gotten lost somewhere along the way.
He no longer felt the anxiousness of before, determination surged through his veins. Each red light he stopped at reminded him of each mistake, each time he missed the cracks and signs. This time, he promises himself, he would be better.
He took the next right, knowing that she was 10 minutes away.
He was 10 minutes away from either making the best or worst decision of his life.
600 seconds away from his heart’s home.
a/n: hi guys!! sorry for the long wait - results week was very weird for me, and i had to get my grades reassessed and that was another week before i found them out too (which i went up to 2A*s and an A which was way more than what i originally got) which was amazing! i’ve just been going through a rough patch mentally and i’ve been busy sorting out university etc. i feel as though i owe you all an apology for not updating as often - this chapter just took it out of me but i’m looking to update at least weekly or maybe twice a week!! thank u for all the support it means so much <3
taglist: @itsfangirlmendes @toosassy2handle @supernatural-strangerthings-1980 @rexorangecouny @myheartbelongsintz @toizerdecker @baddestbau​ @haylaansmi​ @hess016 @blameitonthenight21​
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It’s Inky again here again with more Momma Pomma content
What could possibly be better than going on a beach date with the two people you love most in the world? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
That’s what Sooga thought to himself as he sat on the sandy beach, watching as Pomma and Kohga splashed around in the waves. Truly, he had no idea what he had done to deserve the hearts of the two most incredible people in the world. That didn’t stop him from trying to figure it out, though.
Before he became too lost within his own thoughts, both of his lovers suddenly called him over, requesting that he join them in the water. Never one to refuse, he got up from his spot on the shore and made his way over towards the two in the water.
While doing so, he had accidentally splashed Kohga, who splashed him back right away. Pomma, having been caught in Kohga’s splash, splashed him in return. Within mere seconds, all three were splashing one another, playing around like little kids, all while gentle waves rocked their bodies.
Just as Sooga was about to splash Kohga, he felt an ominous presence behind him. He tried to turn around, but it was too late, as a massive wave suddenly crashed into him, forcing his entire body down into the water.
He tried pushing himself back up to the surface, but was unable to. The sheer force of the water kept him pinned down, and left unable to breathe. He thought he would be able to hold his breath until he was able to breach the surface again, but soon enough, he felt himself getting lightheaded. That wasn’t good.
In a panic, he began thrashing around, so desperately trying to get the oxygen he so desperately needed, but he couldn’t.
Sooga heaved as he pulled his head out from….somewhere. That was strange. He was no longer at the beach. And he wasn’t wet at all. He had no idea what was going on, until his eyes managed to focus.
He was in bed, with both Pomma’s and Kohga’s arms around him. The ‘somewhere’ he had just yanked his head out from just so happened to be the latter’s large chest.
Ah. He had been suffocating in his girlfriend’s massive breasts. Of course.
He was about to settle back down and return to sleep, when he felt the soft body in front of him shift.
“Mm…Sooga…? What’s wrong….?”
Despite his recent near death experience, Sooga couldn’t help but swoon upon hearing Pomma’s voice. She always spoke in a soft tone, but hearing her when she had just woken up was magical.
“It’s nothing…Don’t worry about it….Go back to sleep…”
“Sooga I can feel your….yawn….boner….”
“You can huh- Oh!”
Sooga pulled himself away from Pomma and looked down. Sure enough, there was a sizable tent in his underwear. But why did he have one? He was just suffocating in Pomma’s brea- Oh. That’s why.
“Pomma, I am so-“
“If you were having an exciting dream and needed some help, you could’ve just said so.”
Pomma let out another soft yawn as she slowly sat up. She was wearing a short red nightgown that Sooga swore was partially see-through.
Sooga looked at her with wide eyes. She was truly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Both inside and out. He couldn’t help but stare.
As his eyes glazed over her soft features, he found himself lingering on her breasts. He shouldn’t be staring at them, especially because they were the cause of his poorly timed erection, but he couldn’t stop.
“You know that you’re allowed to touch, right?” Pomma grinned at him as she allowed one of the straps of her nightgown to fall down her shoulder. That was enough to do it for Sooga.
He grabbed her shoulders and carefully pushed her back down onto the bed before straddling her stomach. Then, without skipping a beat, he cupped his hands around her massive tits and began massaging them. They were so soft, as always. So big, holdable, and squishy. They were perfect.
Sooga had seen a couple lewd magazines containing women throughout the years, though it was never on purpose, and they always seemed to portray women with large, perky breasts that didn’t contain a single stretch mark. Pomma’s were nothing like that.
Yes, they were large, of course, but they were covered in stretch marks. Some might’ve found them ugly, but to Sooga, they were beautiful. She also had marks on her stomach, thighs, and rear end, and Sooga loved them just the same. Each mark was as special and unique as the woman who lay beneath him.
After spending a good couple of minutes admiring Pomma’s breasts, he pulled the front of her nightgown down, finally exposing them in their full glory. They were even more beautiful like this, as he could finally see her nipples. They were big, soft, and just looked perfect for sucking on. So of course he had to test his hypothesis.
He cupped his hand around Pomma’s right breast and lowered his head. He hesitated for a moment, his hot breath teasing her, until she finally spoke up.
“Don’t be shy, baby, go ahead and help yourself.”
Sooga didn’t need to be told twice, as he immediately wrapped his lips around her nipple and began to suck.
Pomma hummed softly and tangled her fingers in Sooga’s silky hair. She loved watching her precious baby boy get like this. Even though Sooga was the one who had woken up aroused, he was still focusing on pleasuring her. What an absolute sweetheart.
Sooga closed his eyes and purred in response to the fingers in his hair. He loved having his hair played with. Especially by a woman who was so soft, so loving, so gentle. It only motivated him to further pleasure her.
He carefully took her nipple between his teeth, making sure he wasn’t being too rough, then began slowly pulling away.
Meanwhile, he pinched Pomma’s other nipple between his forefinger and thumb. Instead of tugging on it, as he was doing with his mouth, he slowly rubbed the sensitive bud between his fingers.
Pomma gasped in pleasure and tightened her grip on Sooga’s hair. “Good boy….Good boy, Sooga….Just like that….Mmm…”
He did as he was told, continuing to tug on one nipple while massaging the other. Beneath him, Pomma let out sighs of pleasure and breathy moans, her lips parted oh so sweetly.
Though after a good minute, she gently tugged on Sooga’s hair, signaling for him to stop, which he did immediately.
“You’re being such a good boy for me, Sooga. Such a good, good boy. You deserve a reward. Especially since you’ve been doing so much to please me, despite the fact you’ve been hard this whole time.”
She gave him a warm smile. A smile that made him feel more loved and valued than any words could. He didn’t need a reward. He would be perfectly content merely sucking on his girlfriend’s breasts until he fell back asleep. At least, that’s what he thought until he realized what his reward actually was.
Pomma had pulled up the front of her nightgown, exposing her bare, hairy pussy.
While Sooga himself much preferred to be well groomed in the nether regions, neither of his partners shared that preference. They both had massive bushes, but he never minded. In fact, he found it quite attractive.
Not even realizing that his mind had begun to wander, Sooga was snapped back to reality upon feeling the cool air of the bedroom against his hard cock. Pomma had pulled the front of his underwear down when he hadn’t been paying attention.
“Look at you….all hard and throbbing for me…” Pomma’s voice was almost whiny as she spoke, her fingertips gently brushing against the underside of Sooga’s shaft.
“Does my baby wanna fuck Mommy’s pussy?”
“Hm? Yes what, baby?
“I….I want to fuck your pussy, Mommy…”
“Atta boy~”
As Sooga readjusted himself into a better position, Pomma used two of her fingers to slowly rub her pussy. She was wet. Very wet. Having her breasts toyed with was a massive turn on for her.
Once Sooga was ready in his new position, Pomma moved her hand away and spread her legs open. He placed one hand firmly upon her waist and used the other to line himself up with her awaiting entrance. But before he began pushing in, he glanced up at her, just to double check that everything was okay.
“Go ahead, baby.”
Sooga didn’t have to be told twice, as he immediately began slowly pressing in. While he was carefully sliding himself in, Pomma wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a soft sigh. Sooga was a big boy. Very big. But she had taken him enough times that she didn’t need prep anymore.
Once he was about halfway in, Sooga stopped and looked down, wanting to make sure that Pomma wasn’t in any pain.
“You worry too much, baby. I’m okay. You can keep going.”
Sooga nodded, and once again began pushing himself in further.
“I can’t help but worry….I know that you aren’t weak by any means….but I’m still afraid of you getting hurt….especially by me….”
Pomma sighed softly and cupped a hand around Sooga’s cheek. “Hey….Hey….It’s okay. You’re not hurting me. If you were, I’d let you know. Right now, you’re doing just fine. I promise.”
That seemed to reassure Sooga, as soon enough, he bottomed out, balls deep in his girlfriend, who he couldn’t help but admire. The way her eyes had fallen half shut, the way her plush lips parted, the way her plentiful chest rose and fell with every breath. She was gorgeous. And he just had to let her know that.
“You’re so beautiful, Mommy…” He said as he began to slowly thrust. “More beautiful than any other woman I have ever seen…..Your body is just….It’s so good….It’s so soft…and full…”
Tears began to well up in his eyes as he spoke. He utterly adored the woman who lay beneath him.
“Mommy I love you so much…I never…I never thought that a woman could ever make me as weak and lovesick as you do….I would do anything for you….you’re so good…I love you….I love you….”
Unable to hold back, tears began rolling down Sooga’s flushed cheeks. Tears of love, joy, and admiration. It wasn’t the sexiest thing, but it was pure, raw emotion. And Pomma loved when Sooga showed her that.
“I love you too, baby. You’re such a strong, handsome, wonderful boyfriend. Now give Mommy a kiss.”
Sooga immediately did as he was told, pressing his slightly chapped lips against Pomma’s. And despite the fact Sooga was still slowly thrusting into her, their kiss was borderline chaste. Full of softness, rather than fiery passion.
A few moments passed, and Pomma slowly pulled away, a pleased smile playing across her lips as she began to speak
“Now, be a good boy and breed Mommy’s pussy~”
Those words lit a fire inside Sooga that not even the sun could compete with. After placing both hands on Pomma’s waist, he began thrusting into her at a speed that would make a pornstar jealous. His hips snapped against hers each time he buried himself deep within her pussy.
Meanwhile, Pomma tightened her hold around Sooga’s neck, squeezed her eyes shut, and moaned as she was plowed like a damn field. Sooga usually tried to be gentle with her, but when she brought up breeding, he turned almost primal. He did, however, save enough brain power to kiss all over her neck as he continued to thrust.
“You sound so good when you moan for me, Mommy….It drives me fucking crazy…..I’m going to breed your pussy so good….I swear….I’m gonna fill you with triplets….” Sooga muttered against her soft skin. All she could do was moan in response.
Sooga’s cock was throbbing inside of Pomma, and he could feel pressure in his abdomen begin to build.
“Fuck….I’m gonna cum….I’m gonna cum so deep inside of you….”
“Ah-! Let me see your face! Let me see your pretty face when you cum!”
Sooga, of course, did as he was told, and pulled away from Pomma’s neck, allowing her to see the honestly quite pathetic look on his face. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes were glossy, and he was drooling like a mutt. He was a hot mess. Pomma loved seeing him that way. And with just a few more thrusts, Sooga finally hit his peak.
“FUCK!!” Sooga cried as he came, balls deep inside of Pomma, pumping her full with his heavy load. All the while, he was in pure ecstasy, panting like a dog.
Once he had sufficiently emptied his balls inside of his girlfriend, he slowly pulled out, watching as his cum dripped out of her wet and creamy pussy. He wasn’t quite done yet, however, as he still had one thing he needed to do.
Without saying a word, Sooga used two of his fingers to roughly rub Pomma’s beautifully erect clit. Up and down, side to side, around in circles. Until Pomma came with a loud moan, squirting as Sooga continued to rub her through her orgasm.
Finally, the couple were satisfied. Thoroughly exhausted as well. Sooga flopped down next to Pomma and wrapped his arms around her before they both let out a loud sigh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Soogie.”
“Are you two finally gonna go back to sleep now?”
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Not altering her typical nightly routine, Aditi found herself clutching onto one of her empty glass bottles by the end of the evening. Thankfully, she made it back to her room before finally closing her eyes, in hopes of a good night’s rest. Her last thought was that she would end up in the same office once again.
And wouldn’t she know it, she actually returned into the very same office, seated on the very same chair, with the very same man expecting her visit this time, smiling widely as he arched his back like a cat, basically buzzing as he greeted her: “Ah, if it isn’t Aditi. Back already, you just couldn’t get enough of me the last time.” He chuckled, leaning back in his chair and opening a notebook, scribbling in it as he continued. “Not that I can blame you, of course. I also have been looking forward to our....reunion.”
He slid the notebook aside, instead focusing on her again and asking: “How was your day? Did you follow my advice or were you not ready yet? Have you read any good books lately?” Typical therapist talk, though there was something about it. He didn’t break eye contact, just like last time, but this time he seemed more prepared.
Aditi blinked rapidly to take in the vision before her, not believing her eyes at first. Why was she back here? Her dreams rarely repeat. What is this? Her confusion turned to annoyance quickly, growling at the man in front of her, already unhappy with his presence. “Is this some kind of joke?” She spat, looking around the room for the sign of any change in scenery. “I try to drown my sorrows with alcohol to sleep peacefully for once, and I’m sent back here. Wonderful...” She grumbles.
Her gaze narrowed again at his questions. “It has been one night. I am not a speed-reader, I prefer to take my time and enjoy books. As for your advice, yes. I did open up to one of my roommates. Which wasn’t very successful, due to her having no emotional intelligence whatsoever.” She couldn’t help but pout that time, actually angry her attempt to open up took a backseat. “What on earth could you possibly have for me now? What else do you want to know?” She asked, guarded and standoffish.
“Magnificent! I see we are already making great progress, good job!” He remained calm, not caring about Aditi’s anger in the slightest, merely jotting something down in the notebook as he continued: “It is an important first step to take the courage and open up to someone. It is great for coping and you have more support that can help you direct your focus away from the past.”
The fact he practically ignored her seething anger only fueled it to new heights. “Your “step forward,” got me nowhere, aside from being judged.” She hissed, her hands gripping the table hard enough to leave small indents with her claws.
“Quite the opposite, Aditi.” He reassured her, observing her denting the table, the wood basically regenerating itself after a few seconds, elaborating: “How would you feel, if someone suddenly revealed something deeply upsetting to you? Maybe your friend was caught off guard. I’m sure they will react differently tomorrow, when they have time to digest the information. You said they lacked emotional intelligence. So it takes longer to compute.”
“You have an answer for everything, don’t you?” Her bright eyes shined through the dark, staring straight through him with an unreasonable amount of annoyance.
He chuckled, looking up at her, intense eyes almost glowing in the blue light. “I can get you something to drink if you want, but therapy usually takes more than one session. Granted, most people only need one session from me.” His laughter was darker this time, more sinister, but before Aditi could question him, he procured two pieces of paper and two pens.
“For our session today, I thought we would make the pictures ourselves. Who needs Rorschach anyway.” He spoke lightheartedly, sliding a paper and pen across so Aditi could take it, explaining: “It is easy, really. We all have something that causes us grief. Just let your thoughts wander and draw what’s currently haunting you on the paper. I will do it too, since you seem to like it when I participate.”
Aditi scowled down at the blank thin canvas offered to her. What causes her grief? What kind of therapist needs to know that? Did he believe he could make her grief subside by talking about it? Ridiculous. However, she knew the dream wouldn’t end unless she played along sadly. Disgruntled, Aditi picked up the pencil and paper and began to draw. She drew three sketches that immediately came to mind when associating with grief.
The three sketches she slide over to him, were; a sketch of a boy with spiky hair and wearing a button up shirt and tie with a smile, a sketch of her own clawed hand, and lastly, a sketch of a woman with short hair, cat pins in her hair, and broken arm. She too was smiling. She tapped her foot impatiently while awaiting his own paper and the questions to come.
He merely smiled, unfazed by her impatience, turning to his own paper and beginning to scribble. His artistic talent came fully to shine, taking a few minutes longer than her as he drew like a madman. He handed Aditi his paper, revealing a small picture. It showed a man with black hair that was parted in the middle, he looked similar to Albert, trying to get away from a group of horrific looking creatures and a man, only a big, toothy smile visible.
As sneaky as ever, Aditi grabbed his paper quickly, eyes glancing over it and firing her question off before him. “Who is this? Why does he look similar to you?” She questioned.
“He is my arch nemesis. We met during college. He....doesn’t have it easy at the moment. Someone wants him dead and almost succeeded, he disappeared for a few months. I am concerned he will meet an untimely demise.....” He sounded like he wanted to add something to that, but he already said enough. He was just a dream after all.
“And that brings you grief... why exactly?” Aditi asked, one of her claws carefully tracing the sketch under her palm. “You say he is your worst enemy, yet you feel grief at the thought of his demise? Do you worry you’ll be bored once he’s gone and nobody will challenge you? Or is it.. something else?” She inquired, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s....complicated...” He responded, sighing into his hands as he contemplated whether he should tell her or not. He decided with a more simplified version: “He...challenges me in a way I have never seen with anyone else before. In university we raced to be the best in our class and he pushed me to great heights. Without him, I feel....bored. Nothing presents a challenge anymore. What fun is it to be at the top without someone you can watch squirm at their defeat?” He chuckled at the thought, reveling in the thought that he won in college against Vincent, even if their rivalry wasn’t the reason for his concern. It was… something else entirely. “Enough about me, dear. It’s your turn.” He held his hand out expectedly.
Begrudgingly, Aditi handed over the paper, watching him study the little scribbles closely before he wondered: “Who are they? A friend? Or a relative?” He seemed oddly off-put when he said relative, not even questioning if Aditi hurt them. He already knew she did.
Her expression flattened. Not deflating with depression, more so turning into a forced neutral gaze. “The male is one of my partners. The female is... my sister. A relative, yes.” She explained.
He studied the drawings a little closer, squinting and nodding to himself. “I see. Something bad must have happened if it causes you so much grief. Did you get in an argument with your relative and your partner got hurt in the process?” He traced the lines with his maybe gloved hand before putting the paper back down, looking back up at Aditi.
The tall girl sighed at him requesting an elaboration from her. “My partner, he... I was fated to kill him and be the successor to his legacy. Of despair, that is. The later years of my life, when he rebelled and chose hope, I was taught to hate him for betraying us. And now, look where we are. How can I be certain he loves me? Or that he is only toying with me to keep himself safe? How could you love someone who was destined to be your enemy? I don’t understand how he can choose. I understand Lucy. She found me, and I am grateful for her existence to no end. She means a great deal to me, and I would do anything to protect her. I feel the same about him. Yet... there is always the doubt in my mind. That he can’t love me. That he would be better off alone.”
“Just because he chose hope over despair doesn’t mean that he cannot love you. One doesn’t exclude the other.” His gaze softened a bit as he continued: “Your concerns are valid and you are not stupid for having these doubts, but if you ask me, you should seek conversation with him. At the end of the day, I’m just a therapist, and not a mind reader. All I can do is reassure you and encourage communication.” He grabbed his pen and drew a heart around the three of them, showing it to her: “See? It’s not as difficult as you think it is. Sometimes life seems like rocket science, but really, it’s just a quick skip over the river. You just need to take the offered hand.”
At this advice, she sunk into her chair and huffed. “.. It feels impossible to communicate how I feel to him without hurting his feelings. I fear, should I say anything wrong, he’ll blame himself. I pick my words carefully, but, there is no use tiptoeing through a minefield, is there? At times, it... feels better to be silent. To not make the problem worse. It’s... difficult to understand why anyone would choose me. Truly, their standards for beauty must be low.” She tucked a hair behind her ear and frowned at the ground.
He nodded at her doubts about the relationship, admitting to her: “I don’t think that silencing the problem away is going to help. You may not hurt him at the moment, but you are hurting yourself that way. If you leave these doubts unaddressed, they might be the reason the relationship will fall apart. Even if it hurts for a moment, I’m sure he will understand. It is a roadblock you need to work past. You are an intelligent and beautiful young woman, I’m sure both of them are willing to work with you for you.” He tapped his pen against the sketch of the three of them, surrounded by the heart again, inquiring: “Don’t let your doubts, or your pride, get the best of you. You might regret it in the end.”
“... I suppose. I don’t want it to fester forever, but I also don’t want to blurt out my own worries during an awful time. Timing does matter, I believe.” She sighed with a frowning, knowing he was right but unable to fully vocalize it outside of a slight nod. “.. I will talk to him. In the future. I will.” She promised to herself and him all the same.
“Now. About your sister.” He folded his hands together, resting his chin atop them as he leaned forward to listen.
She paused to inhale before speaking. “My sister has never liked me. We had opposing views from a young age. Our...” She swallowed trying to hide the contempt she held or having to use this word. “... mother. Our mother pitied us against one another frequently, to build our competitive spirits. She wanted a life she couldn’t have. I only wanted her to stay safe.” Simplifying their story into a normal family felt so strange. She was stubborn about not telling this man everything just yet. Dancing around the details would be fine for now. “She was reckless. I saved her from danger, took the blame for her idiotic decisions, and showed her everything I knew. Yet it.. was never enough. She never wanted anything to do with me. Mother treated her differently as well. Gave her... things I wasn’t allowed to enjoy myself. I grew jealous because of that. Between her taking my efforts for granted and my own jealousy, I came to resent her, sadly.” Her eyes looked to the side, clearly unhappy with this fact. She didn’t want to hate her own sister. She was the closest she had to someone who understood her own strife. Why did they have to be enemies? Was it her own fault? Was it Trifle’s? Both of theirs? Or was it all to blame on Celia? Would blaming anyone even fix the problem at all...?
He listened patiently when she revealed her concerns about her family. For a moment, just a moment, he felt a connection. It made him shiver, but he quickly disguised it as an arm movement. He had this weird feeling yesterday too. He should look into this more. But for now he needed to offer some advice. “So your sister got preferred to you by your abusive parental figure?” He tried to sum it up, humming and tapping the pen against his palm. “Maybe....try to see things from her perspective? I understand you wanted to protect her, but maybe she didn’t see it like that at all? Think about her character in comparison to yours and what your attempts at protecting her might have looked like from her perspective. And, if you find something....maybe try to contact her and apologize? I know, I know, it doesn’t fix anything that happened, those memories will always remain....but it is not only to clear your conscience, but also to show her that you changed. That you realize your past flaws. Try to explain yourself, how you feel jealousy over everything she had that you were denied. Try to explain your perspective too. Maybe she will understand it. Maybe she won’t. But at the very least you tried and got it off your chest.”
“I never.... said... she was abusive..? My mother.. I mean.” Aditi spoke of her confusion before being able to filter the words coming out. Realizing she had let out her doubts, only made her surrender more information. Was there any use in hiding it? He’s inside my head. He likely already knows. This “therapy session,” is only fun and games for him. “... Captor. She wasn’t my mother. She was my captor. My birth mother died when I was very young. My birth father likely doesn’t know I exist, since he never reared his face in my life. My captor raised me. Celia, is her name. My sister... isn’t blood related. I don’t.. have a family. I never have.” She admitted, frown noticeably turning less forced and more genuinely sad. “Trifle,'' is my sister’s name. She wanted freedom. I wanted her to keep her head down and survive. We had different priorities. I hate..” She took a deep breath, shuddering on the way out. “I hate her. I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t want to hate her. But, every time I see her I- hah... she’s everything I’m not. I feel like a child again when I look at her. I feel helpless to my own emotions. It makes me feel... weak. So, I... I don’t look at her anymore.”
“Ah, so she wasn’t your mother after all, and she is not your blood relative. You were....all her prisoners, do I understand that right?” Now he had a better picture of the situation, thinking about it for a moment. “It is a difficult situation you are going through, and it probably always will be, but please trust me when I tell you, that it is okay to feel resentment. When you see her, all you can think about is what she had and what you hadn’t, right? ....I think you should take your time with this. Maybe tell her or write to her that you need some time away from here if you and her see each other often and just...take your time. It is okay to feel resentment, it is okay to carry that resentment for years, but you must also not forget that you are not there anymore. You have a place of your own, and you have acquaintances and you have a relationship” He smiled, tilting his head lightly as he assured her: “You are not alone. And things will get better. We will take it one step at a time, alright?”
The advice centering her family affairs seemed to catch her off guard. All her life, by everyone she confided in about Trifle, she was told her resentment wasn’t valid. She was wrong for hating her sister so adamantly. Trifle didn’t deserve it. She was a victim too. Never mind that Aditi was treated worse on purpose. Poor Trifle would never hurt a fly, and Aditi was cruel to her, so she must be in the wrong, right? She was the villain, like always. Everyone invalidating her only grew her hatred more, towards her sister and herself. It felt strange looking someone in the eyes, who thought she wasn’t entirely at fault. She couldn’t seem to find the words. What was there to say? The fact someone finally understood filled her with relief and tons of sadness on top of it. She barely knew him, and he understood her side more than anyone else did. It was pathetic, but gratifying, all in one. “... We? What do you mean? You intend to keep coming back to my dreams?” She felt herself smile for once. “You’d miss me too much? Heh..”
“Yes, Aditi, I just don’t know how to continue without my favourite hostile patient by my side, we are essentially best friends now!” He chuckled, he had no malice in his voice. He was just joking, thankfully, starting to chuckle to himself as he leaned forward, commenting: “I can tell you have taken a liking to me too, considering all the information you share with me.” He had a little smile on his face, a mixture of smug and happy, enjoying that he finally got through her walls. At least a little.
That description of her family life made him furrow his eyebrows though. Could she be...? No, this wasn’t possible, was it? He didn’t know, it could be her. But there were so many people with the same story. Did her find her? After all those years? “Aditi, would you mind answering me a question? You can always decline of course.” He cleared his throat, getting a little nervous as he asked: “Are you....did you have a name before your current name? You were ‘adopted’, weren’t you?” He just....needed to make sure....
Hearing his question, one of her hands reached up to toy with her midnight hair. “Yes. I’ve had three names in my lifetime. Aditi is my chosen name. Oddity was the one my captor gave me. My birth name was Orabelle.” She explained, tilting her head to the side curiously. “Why do you ask?”
When she said her name, he dropped the pen he had still been holding in one hand, his face morphing and making it look like he just invented a brand new emotion. He muttered something under his breath, hand starting to erratically grab the pen and write something in the notebook, calming himself down in a matter of seconds. “....I’m sorry Aditi. but I cannot tell you yet....I will eventually though, I promise....” And he meant it.
A weird noise echoed through the office, like a cuckoo-clock that was being tortured and Albert sighed, the disappointment heavy on his face. “It seems like this is the end of our session. How unfortunate.” His lips quirked up to a gentle smile, his two fangs poking out from his upper lip again as he ended their conversation with: “I hope we can see each other again very soon.”
Aditi watched his responses to her comments, mouth twitching to a smile when she felt needed. The reaction to her name caught her attention most, of course. When he dropped the pen, her smile dropped with it, back into a curious frown with her eyebrows knit. As he promised to inform her of it later, her mouth opened to protest but was once again cut off by the strange sound. “What do you m-?” She began, but as soon as the words left her, she jolted back to reality, waking up in a cold sweat like before.
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tryingmybestpls · 4 years
She (See You Again Pt. 2)
Pairing: The Mandalorian x fem!Reader
Summary: Sequel to See You Again. Reader gets comforted by the Mandalorian, causing some feelings to rise to the surface.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Mentions of child death, mentions of violence and torture
A/N: I feel like this is shitty but I also don’t if that makes sense? I don’t know I feel very meh about this whole thing.
Part 1 is right here
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Y/N wished she could forget the way they looked when she had found them, but that image would be burned into her mind forever. Luna was hidden behind her father, clutching the stuffed nerf toy that Y/N had bought after her first day as bounty hunter in the Guild. Her sweet little girl that wouldn't hurt a bug and that made friends with everyone had spent her final moments in fear. Her father had died protecting her, his blaster still clutched in his hand. Arn was a good father, a great father until the end.
Y/N had took her time, carefully wrapping the bodies in extra sheets. Tears streamed down her face as she dug two deep holes under one of the few trees on the property. It was Luna's favorite place on the entire planet. Every time Y/N would come home, she would sit with Luna underneath that tree and tell her about everything and anything the little girl wanted to know as the sunlight streamed through the branches, warming them. Luna would curl up up into her mother's side, holding onto one of her toys, listening closely. Sometimes they'd be woken up by Arn an hour or two later, when the sun was setting. It was times like this that the outside world faded away and the only people in the galaxy was Luna, Arn, and Y/N.
When Y/N first held Luna in her arms, she'd knew that she would do anything for her little girl. Y/N loved her child with every fiber of her being, more than she though would be entirely possible. That's why she didn't mind taking up bounty hunting. Y/N needed to make good money for her little girl and bounty hunting was a steady profession (if you were good at it like Mando or Y/N). Of course she wished she could be there for every single little moment, but Y/N was okay with missing that (well not entirely) if that meant she was able to give Luna everything. The last thing Y/N would be able to do for her sweet little girl would be burying her in her favorite spot, underneath that big deal, next to her father.
The bounty hunter waited until they were both buried before she made her way into town on a speeder. Y/N was armed to her teeth, completely full of rage. Those bastards were going to pay to what they did her baby, to Arn.
And they did.
Every single imp that had wished they had died in the war or wished they were locked away fro life. She was merciless as she cut through the battalion of stormtroopers, her rage and grief fueling the mess she was creating. The village was littered with bodies, their helmets smashed in and blaster holes in their armor. The war lord that had orchestrated the whole thing was hiding when Y/N burst through his door, cowering in fear of the woman painted in blood. The man had begged and pleaded for mercy, but it all fell on deaf ears. Torture was never her thing when she had worked for the Guild, but this situation was different. She had wanted to make him feel like she feeling in that moment.
So Y/N carved his heart out of his chest with a vibroblade.
After that, the rage had dissipated, leaving behind this hollow feeling in her chest. The villagers wandered out from where ever they were hiding, looking for the new Republic soldiers that must of helped them out, but only found Y/N. The bounty hunter let them take care of the mess, the villagers's gratitude falling on deaf ears as she left town. Y/N felt still guilty over the whole situation. She knew that if she been there, none of this would have happened. She felt like there was no reason for her to continue her profession since the only reason for her to be in that line of work was gone. So she sent the message to Greef Karga, let him know that she was leaving it all behind, but gave him the coordinates for emergencies.
It had been two cycles since then, two cycles since her little private life had been ripped out of her grasp, since her little ray of moonlight had been ripped away from her. Now she was sitting on the little couch in the home that was never truly hers, a cup of warm tea in her hands. The Mandalorian had retired to the bedroom and the Child was sleeping in his cradle. The house was too quiet and Y/N couldn't stand it. She stood, grabbing the threadbare blanket that rested on one of the chairs in the room and then grabbed a flashlight before walking outside.
It was a warm summer night, the hum of insects filled the air. Earlier, Y/N and the Child had been playing, enjoying the weather. The mood had shifted now it was just her out here, making her way towards the tree. This wasn't the first time she's done this, going to the tree in the middle of the night. Sometimes Y/N just gets too restless, too lonely. She just wants to feel close to her daughter.
Y/N spreads the blanket out on the ground, right next to the unmarked graves. She lays down on top of it, looking up to see the moon through the branches and leaves. Being out here, under the moon brought her some sort of comfort. Inside, everything reminded her of the two people she lost. Y/N couldn't even inhale without a wave of hurt crashing over her sometimes. Out here, she could pretend that everything was okay.
The Mandalorian was about to drift off when he heard the front door open and shut softly. The noise made him sit up in the bed, his head turning towards the window. The bounty hunter stood and walked over to it. He opened the curtain slightly, hiding his bare face as he looked out the window. He could see a beam of light coming from a flashlight aimed towards a tree. Mando could see glimpses of Y/N as she moved around before the flashlight shut off.
He let go of the curtain, moving back to sit on the bed. Some part of him told the bounty hunter to go out there and make sure his friend was okay, but the other part of him told him to let her be. Y/N most likely needed some time to herself, after all she had been only focused on him and the Child for the past week. Mando felt bad that they have invaded her life in such a way, especially with what he knew now. He couldn't comprehend how she was just okay with him and the kid being in her sacred place. He didn't even like other people on the Razor Crest.
The Mandalorian wiped a hand over his face as he mulled over his thoughts. He still was incredibly confused about what he had learned earlier in the week and even more confused by his feelings about the situation. The bounty hunter had started to look at his friend in a completely different light and it was hard to act like everything was okay with this new information weighing heavily on his shoulders.  The entire time he had known her, she had a child, a family. A little girl that Y/N had skillfully hid away, in hopes that she'd be safe from the worst in the Galaxy. Mando didn't understand how she was able to carry on, able to keep going after something like that.
He sighed, grabbing his boots from beside the bed. Y/N has been feeding him and the Child, caring for them, and letting them use her home. The least the Mandalorian could do is to make sure his friend was okay. He stood up and put his beskar helmet on. There was no reason to darn all of his armor if he was just going to go outside to possibly comfort her. Mando tried his best to be silent as he left the bedroom and moved through the small home before he slipped out the front door.
The incessant buzz of the insects greeted him as the Mandalorian walked outside. He kept his visor on the woman laying underneath the tree as he made his way towards her. It didn't take him long to reach Y/N. She didn't even glance at him and surely didn't pay him any attention as he slowly sank to sit down beside her. One arm was tucked behind her head while the other rested on her stomach.
"You didn't have to come out here you know." She announces, still keeping her eyes on the sky above. The Mandalorian nodded, shifting so he could find a more comfortable spot. He’s laid on worse, at least there’s a blanket to slightly soften the ground.
"I know." He responds, trying to figure out what to say. Y/N glances towards him before looking back up at night sky, sighing softly.
"Mando, can you please lay down? I came out here to calm down and I can't if you're as stiff as a statue." She tells him, her voice as calm and even as ever. Mando nods his head and does as she asks, laying down on the blanket beside her. He feels like he should say something to her, but he's a Mandalorian. They don't talk about their feelings.
"It's a nice....tree." The words are incredibly awkward as they go through the modulator in his helmet. Mando immediately regrets even coming outside, calling himself every name in the book. Y/N cracks a small smile, a soft chuckle slipping out.
"It is. It was her favorite place." Her voice trails off towards the end, the smile on her face falling. The Mandalorian's eyes widen slightly under the helmet, once again feeling that he is intruding on something special, something way too intimate.
"What-What were they like?" He questions, not knowing why he is asking. Y/N stays silents for a moment and Mando wants to take those words back, wanting to shove them way down.
"His name was Arn. He was extremely kind and nice-a shitty pilot though." That smile appeared on her face again, humor filling her voice, "Arn was handsome and funny and he was the only one in my battalion that was the same age as me. That's why we had an...arrangement. When I found out I was with child, he wanted to marry me-make the whole thing legit. The war was over and things looked nice for once."
"You didn't want to marry him?" The Mandalorian is genuinely curious as he tries his best to remember the man from the hologram she had showed him. He was handsome, from what he could remember. Y/N sighs, shaking her head.
"No. I loved Arn, but not in the way he wanted me to. He was upset, but there wasn't much that I could do. I still wanted him in Luna's life, so we made a deal. He'd take care of her and I'd provide for the family. Arn was much better at emotions than I was." She explains, Mando watching her the whole time. Y/N turns her head, looking at something he can't see beside her as she continues, "That's what I thought before I had Luna though. When I looked at her-Maker, everything changed."
The Mandalorian stays silent as she takes in a shaky breath. Through his visor, he could see that she shut her eyes.
"She was the sweetest little girl in the entire galaxy. When we went into the village, she had to greet every person she saw. When I'd come home, Luna would always want to sleep right next to me- she just needed to be right next to me all of the time. And I loved it so much. I loved having her so close to me. I was looking forward to it when I last came home and-" Y/N's voice breaks and her eyes open. Her throat is closing up, that oh so familiar pain setting in as she desperately tries blink away the tears in her eyes. Her hand slips off of her stomach, resting beside her on the blanket.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Mando doesn't know exactly what to say. He's at a loss for words and he is trying to figure out how he is suppose to console his friend. It's not that he usually doesn't feel empathy, but right now his heart is aching and he just wants to help her.
"The first time you came with the Child...it hurt. I mean there is other children i the village, but seeing you with that little green baby? It felt the Galaxy was mocking me. Like everyone but me is allowed that happiness, is allowed a family." There's no bitterness in her words as she forces them out, a stray tear rolling down her temple. The bounty hunter stops breathing for a moment, guilt suddenly filling him. He never thought about that, even after she had told him about her secret life. The Mandalorian felt like shit for coming here and hiding out with the Child, unintentionally worsening her pain. He turns his helmet towards her fully. Mando doesn't really know why his hand reaches out and rests on top of hers, but it does. Y/N stiffens for a moment before easing up slightly, her hand moving slightly so she's holding his. This is new territory for both of them and neither of them know how to feel about it. All they know is that they don't hate it.
"I wish-I wish you would've told me. I never want to hurt you, unintentionally or not." He tells her and for the first time tonight, Y/N turns her head to look at him.
"We weren't close like that, Mando. We didn't share emotions with each other." She replies and the man beside her sighs in response.
"I know. Are you-Is it okay now?" The Mandalorian asks and Y/N gives him a small smile.
"I would've made it clear if it wasn't, Mando. I lo-I enjoy having the two of you around. And besides, it's good seeing you so happy." She tells him and the bounty hunter doesn't really understand why his stomach twists in knots or why his face is suddenly feeling hot under the helmet. Y/N looks back up at the sky as she says, "You're a good dad, you know."
"How do I know? How can I tell if I am doing it right?" It's a moment of weakness, she notes. While he may be holding her hand, it's the Mandalorian's questions that catches her completely off guard. It's out of character for him, but Y/N isn't about to let them hang in the air.
"You won't be able to tell. There's going to be days where you feel like you're the worst parent in the Galaxy, but trust me when I tell you that you aren't. That kid is lucky to have you and you're lucky to have him." She replies, her words settling over him like a wool blanket, warming him from the outside in. The Mandalorian swallows hard.
"He really likes you, you know. I have never seen him take to someone so easily." He starts, looking up at the moon through the branches, "My offer still stands."
"Do you act this way toward Greef? Or do I get special treatment?" Y/N teases, desperately wanting to lighten the conversation, “You’re getting awfully soft on me, Mandolorian.”
“Don’t go telling everyone.” He retorts and Y/N is once again surprised at his attempt at humor. Mando didn’t know how much he wanted her to be happy until he hears a soft laugh escape her mouth. He glances down to their still intertwined hands, a thousand thoughts filling his beskar covered head. Her eyes feel heavy, her emotions having worn her out. Y/N shifts on the blanket, moving a little closer to her partner. The Mandalorian is drawn out of his thoughts when her shoulder touches his. He’s about to move, sitting up slightly, to give her more room when she holds onto his hand a little tighter, making him stop.
“Stay. Please.” Y/N voice is soft as she looks at back at him. Mando looks back at her, trying to quickly decide in his mind. Worry was now etching into her face, her mouth opening so she could try to take back her words. Instead of letting her speak, Mando lays back down, arms pressed against each other. His heart is beating fast and Maker, it has to be loud enough that she can hear it.
Multiple emotions are swarming through the Mandalorian’s head. For one, he was still worried about Y/N, worried about what might happened if she stays here all by herself. Another part of him was sort of happy that Y/N was letting him and the Child stay here, more than enjoying how she took care of them. The bounty hunter was also confused on how he felt about how their hands entangled together and how close they were right now. Those feelings he is sure that he has never before. It something that is making him more at ease than he has ever felt in his entire life. He isn’t quite sure why these feelings are suddenly arisen now-especially since they’ve worked together on multiple bounties-but when it comes to Y/N there isn’t much he was sure of anymore.
The Mandalorian glances down at the woman who is now resting her head on his shoulder. She’s fast asleep, the worried look on her face having melted away. He would most likely never say it aloud, but there’s a word on the tip of his tongue that. Kandosii’la. Mando was sure that he could call her that and Y/N would never know what he was saying. Only he’d know. That’s when it hit the bounty hunter-a word for how he felt about the woman against him suddenly appeared in his mind. A word that made his stomach twist in a dozen different knots.
Mandalorian Translations
Guuror- to be fond of
Kandosii’la- stunning
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niceandspicehotel · 3 years
I won’t forget you (Kyra)
Just a reminder that this is not canon
TW : Blood, Death, Sinkhole, Angst
Characters: Iris, Lily, Jasmine
Hope you enjoy <3
What would you do if such a disaster struck?
Iris groaned feeling like a massive weight had landed on her body, everything was spinning around her and a lingering pain could be felt on her forehead. Feeling a sort of liquid dripping down her face, she brushed her hand against it and a scarlet colour stained her fingers. Panic setting in her mind, she placed her arms flat on the ground to stand on, a sudden string of pain strikes every part of her body.
Tears blurred her vision as she pushed every will in her body to get up, her feet were eventually on the ground but an unbearable pain attacked her left leg making her hiss. Instinctively, she leaned against the nearest wall she could find trying to adjust herself to minimise the pain as much as possible. 
She wiped her tears away as her eyes studied her surroundings, everything within her sight was nothing but debris. Gazing her eyes upwards, the debris ended at the top which formed into a circle, she could see the sky within that circle. “A sinkhole...?”
Trying to recount her memories, she winced when her mind tried to find what happened. Last she remembered was that she was making her way to a cafe with-
Her eyes widened as her limbs went numb, her thought scrambled into millions of pieces, “Lily! Where are you!”
Lily, the last person she was with yet Iris couldn’t see her anywhere within her view. She pushed herself walking forward with her hands on the wall to keep her stable, each step only to be like a stab on a leg. She pushed the pain as far back as she could as she continued to shout for Lily.
“Iris…” A weak voice called out, Iris scanned her surroundings until her eyes landed on her in the middle of the place. Forgetting her leg, she tried to run towards Lily but the stinging pain on her leg caused her to fall on the ground due to the intense pain. Determination seeped through her veins as she crawled her way to the other woman. Lily's lower bottom had been completely paralyzed from the debris on top of her as she struggled to try to push off it but alas her body felt too weak to do it. 
“Lily! Oh my god..” Iris said, getting to a meditating-like position. Every part of her body, especially her right leg screamed bloody mercy but her focus had only to be on her friend. Gently holding Lily’s head, she placed it on her lap, their hands connected and relief washed over Iris as the familiar warmth overtook her but it wasn’t enough to ignore the danger in front of her. “Hold on! Help will come!”
“We don’t know if that’s true…” 
Iris bit her bottom lip as she looked down at Lily, the gorgeous emerald eyes staring back at her with hints of defeat. Lily tightens her hold on Iris as if a way of reassurance. Iris shook her head in disbelief, fighting the urge for tears to come. “Don’t say that, there will be.”
Gathering as much air in her lungs as she can, her throat was raw with fiery pain as she screamed for help incessantly. Lily sighed, feeling tears fall down her face as her vision blurs. “Please stop…”
“There will be help! Help!”
“Please help! She’s trapped!”
“Honey, please…”
“Anyone! Please!”
The sudden voice raise from Lily startled Iris. Her expression softened as the reality hit her, tears ran down her cheek as her breathing became inconsistent. She didn’t want to accept it, she refused to. 
Lily stretched her free hand to caress Iris’s cheek as she wiped away some of the tears. 
“Look at me, love.” 
Iris obeyed as her eyes once again made contact with the shining emerald ones. She always loved her eyes, the gentle yet astonishing look in them was what attracted Iris the first time she saw Lily. From there, she fell in love with her personality and the person she was. 
“I don’t want you to go…” She said in between short gasps of air. Lily only vaguely smiled as she used her free hand to bring Iris down to her level, placing her lips onto her forehead. “I know...I know…”
“I love you, Lily..”
“I love you too…”
The two stood still in comforting silence, holding each other as time went by and every second put a painful ache in Iris’s heart.
“She’s breathing!” A voice screamed causing Iris to lift her eyelids open. She hissed and instinctively raised her hand to cover her face when a blinding light was facing her. 
“Ma’am, you’re safe now.”
The man said as her vision adjusted to the light, her eyes widened when she saw the rescue team in front of her. A glisten of hope lightened up in her eyes. “Lily! They arrived! We can get out of-”
Lily's eyes were closed, not responding to Iris’s call. The hand that held Iris’s hand felt ice-cold, the now-familiar warmth gone. A pair of hands went on each side of her shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. “I’m sorry for your loss…”
Iris only nodded as she slowly placed Lily’s head on the ground, her feet felt numb as she used the support of the man to get up. Words couldn’t form in her mind, everything felt like static. She willingly held tight to the man as he tightened the rope around her. She stared at Lily’s lifeless body the whole time as she slowly went back up to the surface.
“Thank you ma’am for doing this interview with us. It must have taken a lot to open up again.” The interviewer said to Iris. The restaurant had a relaxing atmosphere and the food was above average. 
“Yes, I hope I can provide as much information as I can.”
The interviewer smiled as she placed her elbows on the table resting her head on her hands. 
“It has been 2 years since the disaster of a sinkhole happened. How do you feel knowing how fast time has passed by?”
More questions went along as Iris tried her best to answer them. Nothing too personal, just questions her experience of seeing it first hand. She even mentioned her late girlfriend which caused the interviewer to raise an eyebrow in concern. 
Eventually, all the questions were answered. The interviewer looked satisfied as she turned off the voice recorder. Her demeanor suddenly relaxed as a tired look washed over her. “Oh my god, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you so much for doing this.”
Iris laughed as her expression softened. “No worries Jasmine, I hope the article comes out well.”
“Right, also I’m sorry for your loss.” Her eyes showed hints of empathetic feelings. “I can’t imagine how hard it was for you.”
Iris softly smiled, memories of Lily’s laugh playing in her mind. She truly did miss her, every day there was something that reminded Iris of her. From the little toys in the shops that Lily loves staring at to the smell of cafes that remind her of when she used to cuddle with Lily.
“Yeah, it was. But eventually, I learned to move on from it all.” She said leaning towards Jasmine, “Which reminds me, wanna have dinner with me without the work stuff?”
Jasmine widened her eyes before giggling, her face seems lit up from that response. “My, you are bold.” 
“It was worth a shot.” She shrugged. 
“Fine, I’ll go. But you pay.” She said teasingly.
“You got yourself a date then!”
What they didn’t know, across the street, Lily watched them from the distance. No one could see her but she didn’t mind that
A soft smile appeared on her face as she watched her lover moved on. Her chest tightened at the sight but she knew it was time to let go.
“I hope you can make her smile as brightly as I could, Jasmine.” She whispered before fading away.
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