#it’s probably really low quality buT HEY I TRIED
akanemnon · 1 month
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This was originally just gonna be another low quality hand drawn fanart. But I made too many mistakes so I decided to finally digitize something. I absolutely ADORE your dark world teen Frisk design, from the heftiness of the body to the badass armor and buster sword. This probably has to be the most effort I’ve ever put into a fanart. I really hope you like it, but hey, you decide how to feel about it :) PS: Before anyone asks about the hearts, I was messing around with photoshop textures and tried to use a marble texture, but after changing the color and zooming in. It now looks like some sort of cells. Sorry about that.
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Hey you 308k(!!!) people who have watched Nerdy Prudes in less than three days:
First of all I love you! I love you, I love your excitement for this show, I love all of the love going around. I'm so proud and excited by how well this show our little fandom's been obsessed with for months is doing.
Did you love it? Do you want more? Do you wanna maybe watch Steph and Pete fall for each other again, or see Grace be unhinged in a completely different context? Do you want to know who the hell most of those random people in "Hatchet Town" even were, or learn about the Lords in Black (why was the yellow one so excited about Pete being a Spankoffski?), the Black Book, and the Cult of the Starry Children? Do you want to meet two of the coolest people in all of Hatchetfield (who, believe it or not, haven't been in a stage show yet)? Do you want MORE BOPS written by Jeff and MORE KILLER STORIES AND BRILLIANT DIALOGUE written by the Langs, all of it delivered by the Hatchetfield musicals cast you know and love?
Then the (roughly) 230k of you who haven't watched all of Nightmare Time should check it out!
"But Brooke," you might say, "I tried to start with Episode 1 (available under the livestream tab on Starkid's youtube account) but the low quality of a zoom-call video really put me off!"
Okay, understandable. It didn't personally bother me, but I totally get it not being other people's jam. But I will say that the episodes get better in production quality as they go along, and I would try each one before giving up and moving onto the next. Nightmare Time 2, especially, is a completely different viewing experience from Hatchetfield Ape Man.
And here's the kicker: IF ENOUGH PEOPLE WATCH NIGHTMARE TIME 2, WE GET MORE OF THE NERDY PRUDES CHARACTERS!! We get more of Grace, Ruth, Richie, the Lords in Black, and the Black Book. And that's just the stuff that's been confirmed (the planned Grace episode of NMT 3 sounds like the completion of the teen slasher trilogy, so I imagine Steph and Pete will probably be in it as well).
So please, 230k Nerdy Prudes fans who have not watched Nightmare Time, do yourself and all of us a favor and get your Nightmare Time on!!
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mncxbe · 1 year
OMG OMG, what about, Bsd characters(pls include jouno, I'm starved of content from him) with a drunk s/o, that is all like "I have a boyfriend/girlfriend, don't touch me(or sth else, but u get the gist-)" ALSO if you don't want to do this, don't. <<<:
Ok I love the idea. I tried to make it as silly as possible hope you like it♡♡
Note: I have some Ango content for tomorrow👀
Strawberry Daiquiri
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: silly/ fluff♡
starting off with our blind king; let's assume that you're so drunk you don't recognize him
he's amused by your act at first, but the longer you keep it up the more frustrated he gets
he does find it cute that you're so loyal to him tho; also worried that you're so drunk
surely teases you about it the next day
Although he may not seem like it, Jouno was a supportive boyfriend; your unyielding determination was his favourite quality. He didn't see any problem with it until one day you decided to beat Fukuchi in a drinking competition.
"I'm telling you Sai. I got this" you said as you walked into the captain's office with a handful of bottles of sake.
Your boyfriend only rolled his eyes and went back to his business. He returned three hours later when he finally managed to finish the last of his reports. Knocking at the mahogany door he gently pushed it open, stepping inside the room.
"Captain" he saluted with a small bow and Fukuchi waved at him, utterly unaware that the man couldn't see it.
Just then, your voice echoed through the room; a high pitched groan.
"Naah captain I'm sure I'll beat you. Pour more for me." Your words were slurred and Jouno could sense your hightened body temperature, a sign of clear intoxication.
Fukuchi chuckled, filling your cup again.
"You think you can take it? You look quite plastered to me"
"I'm not done 'till you are."
A smile rose to Jouno's lips as he caught the hint of resolve in your voice, but he knew by your fast heartbeat that you should probably stop drinking soon. He walked to your side, gently seizing your forearm.
"Let's go home Y/N. I think you've had enough to drink tonight"
"Huh? Fuck off dude I have a boyfriend." you said nonchalantly, yanking your arm away.
For a brief moment Jouno was baffled, hand frozen in mid air as he watched you down another glass; but then he snapped back to reality.
"Hey Y/N look at me." he said playfully, seizing your chin to make you look up to him. "It's me, Sai"
"Sai..." you contemplated, his name rolling off your lips in a low hum "Ah Sai"
From across the table Fukuchi let out a low chuckle. "Take her home, Jouno. She's drunk"
"No I'm not. I ain't stopping 'till I get you... uh..-till you give up" you mumbled, causing Jouno to sigh.
"We're out of alcohol Y/N" added Fukuchi, dangling the last empty bottle before your eyes.
"Please dear let's go home" Jouno cooed, his fingers gently intertwining with yours and you eventually got up, holding on to the back of your chair for support.
"I consider this this a draw, captain" you said sluggishly and Fukuchi nodded.
"Goodnight to you two"
With that, Jouno snaked an arm around your waist and walked with you out of the office, down the halls of the Hunting Dogs's headquarters and on to the crowded street. He raised a hand to hail a cab and as soon as the yellow vehicle pulled over, your boyfriend opened the backseat door and placed you inside; then joined you in the backseat.
Jouno gave the driver your address and the car drove off towards your apartment.
"Are you feeling ok darling?" he asked in a concerned voice and you nodded, scooting closer to him.
"Yea I am..." After a moment of silence you added in the same slurred, giddy tone. "Say, are you really my boyfriend? You're handsome."
Jouno blushed furiously at your words, his lips curling into a sly smile. "You bet I am pretty girl."
The lights of the city came and went in blurry waves, causing your head to ache. You leaned your head on the crook of Jouno's neck, shielding your vision. He only chuckled, placing one of his hands on top of your head.
"Go sleep darling. I'll wake you up at home"
You mumbled a mhm before closing your eyes and, drunk on love and sake, drifted into a deep slumber.
such a tease; will make fun of you about it tomorrow if you don't recognize him
he's a smooth operator
he's all like: "Aww sure my sweet lady. How about you tell me more about that boyfriend of yours then?" and just sits there listening to you praise him
probably carries you home and puts you to bed after
It was Yosano's birthday and she decided to take the Agency members out for a drink at a local pub. The place was cozy, dimly lit; low, wooden tables lining the sides of the room. Peach Pit's "Alrighty Aphrodite" sounded through the speakers in the corner of the room.
Not only three hours in you were plastered, body hunched over as you rested your arms on your table. Seeing your state, Dazai made his way to your side and took a seat next to you.
"Everything alright bella?" he hummed cheerfully, causing you to moan.
"Ah shut up. My head hurts." you whined, holding your head between the palms of your hand. "And just so you know I already have someone so... [you hiccup] just let me be."
"Oh I see" Dazai chuckled, placing his drink on the table. "Why don't you tell me more about that boyfriend of yours then."
Only then you raised your head, eyes half lidded as a tender smile rose to your lips. "My 'samu is such a darling. So handsome and smart. He gives the best hugs you know?"
You casually wrapped your arms around your own body, demonstrating your words. "Just like this. And he's so handsome and... he's caring. I love him lots ya know?" you went on.
Dazai chuckled upon hearing your words. "Is that so?"
"Yea. And- Hold on mind if I just?" you asked, leaning your aching head on his shoulder "Mm this is better. Anyway, 'samu's the one for me. I just know it. Did you ever feel this way about someone?"
"I did. I do, in fact." he replied, taking in your sleepy features: your cheeks were flushed, nostrils slightly flaring as you steadily breathed in and out, lashes fluttering shut.
"That's nice then" was all you said before dozzing off on his shoulder.
Your boyfriend smiled again and placed a chaste kiss on the crown of your head.
"I love you too, bella" he said in a hushed voice before downing the rest of his drink, the golden liquid warming up his insides just like you did with his heart and soul. [so cheesy of me nah]
poor baby is so confused at first
he frowns so much
if you do end up recognizing him and get all giddy and affectionate he's gonna blush so much omg
probably asks you not to get drunk again cuz he's lowkey scared you'll get brain damage
"Piss off. I have a boyfriend" you said with a blank expression as you brushed his hand away from your shoulder, swaying your hips towards the bar.
Akutagawa was left speechless, utterly confounded by your sudden actions. 'What the...' he thought, walking right after you. The roaring music in the bar made it impossible for you to hear him calling out your name.
"Hey Y/N. Cut it out will you" he hissed, seizing your wrist.
"Let go of me" you pleaded, trying to free yourself but ended up stumbling backwards. If it weren't for Rashōmon you would've fallen flat on the hard floor of the bar; the black tendrils wrapped around your waist, bringing you back to your feet.
After you managed to regain your composure your glassy eyes met his, gazes locked in a drunk daze. Then a sign of recognition flashed in your eyes and your lips curled into a soft smile.
"Aww Ryuu baby" you giggled, arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm quite drunk baby"
"I can see that..." he stammered, trying to hide the rosy blush that bloomed on his cheeks upon hearing your endearment. "Want me to take you home?"
"Yea I'd like that sweetie" you continued in the same slurred voice. You pulled away from him a bit but your faces were still mere inches apart, a giddy smirk on your lips; fingers toying with the tufts of his hair.
Just when Akutagawa was about to walk towards the exit your lips found his and you pulled your body flush against his. The kiss was sloppy and warm, the taste of alcohol on your sugary lips causing your boyfriend to moan lightly. His hands came to rest on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
After a few moments he gently pushed you away. His face was red as a tomato.
"Come on Y/N. Let's go home"
"But I wanna kiss you mooore" you pouted and attempted to kiss him again but he leaned slightly back, chuckling.
"How about you kiss me at home? I'll let you kiss me all you want." he said awkwardly but it wad enough for you to take a step back.
You grabbed his wrist and marched through boisterous crown and towards the back exit of the bar where you car was parked.
"We better hurry then" you added playfully, voice muffled by the sounds around you.
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Not sure if this is a pointless question, but I read your “what if Charlie time travelled from the end of BD2 to the start of Twilight” meta, and I propose a vaguely similar scenario:
The year before Bella comes to live in Forks, Charlie gets into bird watching. Really into bird watching. Turns out there’s a rare species of bird living in his garden, so he sets up high-quality cameras in order to capture images of this bird.
Charlie loves birds so much now.
Bella comes to live with him, all is ok, until the motion sensors on his (well hidden) cameras start going off frequently at night, and Charlie can’t for the life of him figure out why. Fear not, he can slow down the footage he captures! Maybe the bird lives in his roof now, and–
Hmm. That looks suspiciously like Edward Cullen’s face (we’re talking very, very high quality cameras here). Pfft, don’t be ridiculous Charlie, of course it’s no–
Oh, oh yep. It’s Ed. Moving very quickly towards what looks like Bella’s bedroom every night. Instead of denying it, Charlie is 100% convinced he’s right on this (he is).
What does he do?
Anon's referring to this post.
I sigh as I write this but anon, sadly, this would never happen. First, Edward enters at night, has low/no body heat, and there weren't any automated lighting systems and if there were he probably would have moved faster or scrammed.
A vampire's natural speed is such he'd be a blip on a camera, likely not captured at all depending on the frame rate, and in dim lighting he'd be barely visible and even if Charlie's gone all out for some reason with infared Edward wouldn't pick up on it without giving off heat.
Edward's more likely to get caught because of Bella's window hinges, which notably squeaked when he first snuck in, but he uh... greased... those...
Edward's getting caught when Bella fesses up (which was never).
What Does He Do?
Alright, Edward gets caught on camera.
I'm going to assume this is before Edward confessed to Bella that he'd been doing this, as he'd been doing this for quite a while before he fessed up to her.
Which means Edward hasn't introduced himself as boyfriend, Charlie has no idea that Bella and Edward interact much if at all, Bella for that matter doesn't know either as she's been sighing from afar and having emotional whiplash from Edward's push and pull technique of acting as if he's very intrigued and then ignoring her for weeks straight the next second.
Charlie at first wonders if he's hallucinating, because what the fuck, this kid is moving crazy fast around their house (he's there for only one frame as the frame rate's too slow to fully catch his movement) and... int he middle of the night like this and then he just leaves at daybreak? What is he, Dracula?
Charlie, not being highly technical (canonically the Swans are not the most compute friendly family/reminiscent of the times when personal computers weren't everywhere yet necessarily) might wonder if he's been hacked by some local who has beef with the Cullens. It's possible, he supposes, he doesn't know how hacking works but this is also something easy to check and put a stop to.
Charlie goes to visit Dr. Cullen, shows him the video, and says, "Hey, can you confirm whether this is happening and get your son to knock it off if it is?" Charlie's not going to press charges, this is stupid kid bullshit (as it just looks like Edward's running around I imagine and I doubt he has cameras that capture Edward actually going into Bella's room), but he needs to stop this.
Carlisle has a talk with Edward in which Edward is mortified, mortified beyond imagining, and tries to explain to Carlisle just what he's doing running around the Swan household at night and getting caught on camera. He tries to explain that he's deeply worried about Bella, she might die in the middle of the night because of spiders, but it... doesn't sound... good...
Edward does, I imagine, come off as an anxious person in love who isn't sure how to handle his feelings/isn't quite mature enough to admit Bella's need for privacy/that Edward can't control every aspect of her life nor should he. I imagine Carlisle and Edward have a good long talk about this, Carlisle thinks everything is resolved, and Edward immediately returns to breaking into the Swan house.
He just destroys Charlie's security system first.
The mystery of who keeps breaking Charlie's cameras (and Charlie does suspect Edward because of this except... how the hell is he doing it?) is resolved to Bella later as canon progresses. She finds it funny and romantic. Silly old dad had no idea a vampire in love with her was breaking into her bedroom.
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thrawns-babygirl · 2 years
would you be comfortable writing pegging for crosshair? if so, uh 😳 something femdom like in your collared fic
if not, feel free to ignore. have a wonderful day!
Hey so uh I'm really sorry that this took so long. I have had a lot going on irl atm and tried my hardest to get this out for you within a reasonable timeframe.
Crosshair calls reader sir in this and i consider that entirely gender neutral because like, the clones call Ahsoka sir in the show so im still considering this femdom but its still relatively gender neutral despite the fact that it's afab reader.
Rating: E (18+) Warnings: Pegging, sub!cross, pet names, cross calls reader 'sir' Word Count: 2000+
(I apologies in advance for the quality of this one I have never pegged anyone irl or written pegging before so like..... sorry lmao)
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There was a single word in the entirety of Galactic Standard Basic for what Crosshair was being today.
A fucking menace.
He has been snarky, rude, mean, downright unbearable all day. He turned the scathing remarks up to eleven, he was being entirely insufferable. The rest of his squad had absolutely zero idea what came over him so when you turn around in medbay to see the entirety of Clone Force 99 standing there sans Crosshair you knew they were there with a single request.
Control your man.
You let out a sigh as Hunter explains he’s at the shooting range at the moment, blowing off some steam with direct orders not to return to the barracks unless he’s lost his maker forsaken attitude and to probably expect him in your quarters after you finish your shift.
While you and Crosshair had never exactly made an announcement or made anything official, the rest of the Batch weren’t oblivious to the fact the two of you had a relationship of sorts. Him disappearing all night and coming back to the barracks the next day with marks and bites on his neck that mirrored yours was a pretty big hint. They all agreed not to push him about it, he would talk about it in his own time, and they had never brought it up to you. Until now that is.
“I don’t know what you expect me to do about his behaviour, you know as well as I do that when he’s in one of his moods only he can get himself out of it” you sign off a report, marking a group of cadets as medically fit for battle before turning to face the men in front of you.
“Nah you mellow him out big time” Wrecker states as if it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy. You simply raise an eyebrow at the large man before turning to the others. They simply nod in agreement before Hunter speaks up again; “Look we don’t care what’s going on but he’s being an absolutely insufferable di’kut today, and I know it’s not your job to settle him down, but if you could, I don’t know, do something to help calm him down before he comes back to the barracks we would appreciate it” he’s rubbing his temples. Damn, maybe he has been worse than usual.
“He means sex!” Wrecker belts out. Earning a chiding “Don’t be so crass Wrecker” from Tech before he also looks at you “he is correct though” he adjusts his goggles, somewhat uncomfortable with the topic of conversation. You sign off on the rest of your reports before logging off your terminal for the day before gathering your things, looking up at the batch you let out a sigh, “I’ll do what I can but I have no promises that I’ll be able to do anything about him” you power down your terminal and move towards the door to your office, Hunter opening it and ushering his brothers through before throwing a thankful look in your direction and following his squad back towards their barracks.
Its two hours later that there is an alert at your door signalling that you have a visitor. You make your way over to the entrance to your modest quarters, lights turned low, clad in only a thin robe as your door slides open revealing Crosshair, still in his armour, 773 Firepuncher resting against his hip as he taps his foot impatiently against the floor before barging past you into your room.
“Well hello to you too Crosshair” you close the door and turn to face him, watching as he leans his precious rifle against the wall of your room and begins shedding his armour, dropping the hard plastoid haphazardly to the ground before he’s standing before you in just his blacks. “Single braincell sharing di’kuts locked me out of the barracks” he huffs before removing his boots and laying back on your bed.
You chuckle at that, if there was one thing Crosshair could do, it was be very creative with insults. Usually however they were being thrown at the regs, not his own squad. “Well from what I’ve heard you’ve been a little abrasive today Cross” you smile at him, sitting down on the bed next to his stretched-out form, running a hand along his clothed thigh as he relaxes against your pillows, arms folded behind his head as his eyes track the movement of your hand against him. He just huffs, not bothering to deny it.
“Wanna talk about it?” you move fully onto the bed now, kneeling between his legs as your hands continue to soothe circles into the tense muscles.
“No.” he deadpans, eyes tracking the movement of your hands working their way up his calves to his thighs.
“Do you think your brothers deserve to be on the receiving end of your shitty attitude?” you side eye him. You do hate nagging him, but sometimes it does take a gentle nudge for your grump kinda-boyfriend to get the hint.
“No Sir” its almost a whisper, and your eyes widen slightly. Oh, so this is how he wants it to got tonight? Sir is only ever used in one context when it comes to you and Crosshair, usually its Doc or whatever name he chooses from a plethora of pet names he has for you.
Sir only means one thing.
You smirk down at him as he avoids eye contact with you. Crosshair is an experienced man, you knew this when you first started whatever this thing is that the two of you have going on, however he still sometimes has trouble giving up control without feeling well… embarrassed for lack of a better term.
You continue running your hands up his thighs, towards the growing tent in his undersuit, purposely avoiding it and moving your fingers into the waistband of his blacks, peeling the tight fabric from his body. “Blacks off, then hands by your sides. You don’t touch me or yourself unless instructed, understood?” ordering clones around comes rather naturally to you, considering the number of soldiers that seem to dislike medical exams more than separatists, you’ve developed a ‘no nonsense’ tone over your time working on Kamino that also happens to work very well in situations like these.
You move over to your bedside table, retrieving all the necessities, before turning back towards Crosshair who is now naked, hands by his sides and staring up at the ceiling just as you ordered. “Hm, looks like you can follow orders” you sneer at him, and you don’t miss the shudder that wracks his body as he finally makes eye contact with you. You pop open the bottle of lube, coating your fingers with a generous amount before tossing the closed bottle onto the bed. His cock is throbbing, beads of precum shining in the low light before rolling off the tip of his length and leaking onto his toned abs.
“Wider” is all you say, all you need to say as Crosshair opens his legs, allowing you access to his puckered hole. You run a single finger around the rim before slowly breaching him, pushing it inside ever so slowly. You watch his face for any signs of discomfort but his parted lips, rapid breathing and throbbing cock indicate anything but. You add a second finger, slowly scissoring his entrance open, trying to find that perfect spot that will have him coming apart at the seams.
He's writhing and moaning, fists still clenched obediently at his sides as he screws his eyes shut. You’re hitting that perfect spot inside of him over and over again but he knows he can’t cum yet, the two of you have done this enough that he knows he needs your permission to cum.
You run your free hand along his body, avoiding his weeping length, the pads of your fingers glide along his tensing abs as your didgets continue working him open. Once you’re satisfied that he is adequately prepared, you remove your fingers, earning a low groan from the man beneath you as you wipe them on the sheets next to you. “What do you want tonight? You’ve been such a good boy, no touching or talking out of turn. I’ll reward you by letting you decide what you get” you give him a sweet smile as he pants atop your sheets, sweat clinging to his body as he looks over at you with blown pupils.
“I… I want your cock…” you frown down at him, trying to look as disappointed as possible as if the sight of Crosshair looking entirely debauched beneath you wasn’t slowly eroding your dominant façade. “Now here I was about to reward you for being a good boy… that’s no way to ask for what you want” you stand up off the bed, moving to tie the robe tighter around you as you hear him whimper out a soft apology. “Sorry, Sir, please let me have your cock Sir” he looks like he’s about to move his arms to reach out for you before he steadies himself, keeping them firmly balled in the sheets of you bed by his sides.
You smile, he really was getting the hang of it. Removing the thin robe around your body and retrieving the leather harness from where it was placed on your bedside table, you slide it up your legs before securing it tightly around your body. The entire time Crosshair’s gaze is transfixed, as if he’s enthralled by the sight of you. You smile down at him again, face softening slightly as you take in his form. He’s absolutely ruined and you haven’t even gotten to the main course yet. Eyes blown wide, cock flushed and leaking, chest rising and falling with rapid ragged breaths.
“Hands and knees pretty boy” you order and him and he obeys immediately, shifting into position with a strangled “yes sir”.
You kneel behind him on the bed, resting the faux cock against his prepared entrance, teasing him before breaching him with the thick head of the strap. His eyes flutter shut, fists clenching and unclenching as he lets out a loud moan. You take a handful of his ass as you slowly feed the thick toy into him as he writhes and groans beneath you, head shoved into the pillow muffling his sounds as the stretch of the toy overwhelms him.
After what feels like an eternity, you’re fully sheathed inside of him, stretching him out before setting a brutal pace. “Does this feel good baby? Is this exactly what you needed to take your mind off things?” you’re panting now from thrusting in and out of him, hips pounding into his as you repeatedly hit that spot inside of him that has him whining and moaning your name. “Y-yes Sir kriff- Thank you sir” his voice has been reduced to a course whisper as he nears his peak at an alarming speed, his neglected cock leaking a steady stream of precum onto the sheets beneath him as he fists the sheets.
“Sir can I cum… Kriff sir please” his voice cracks on the last word. Usually you would make him work harder for it, beg more, but he seems to already be holding himself back and you can’t bring yourself to torture him anymore, especially since he’s been so good tonight. “Let go baby” your words send him over the edge, ecstasy washing over him as he lets out a string of ‘thank you’s before you pull out and he collapses onto the bed beneath him.
You rid yourself of the toy before turning on the shower. You walk over to the bed and hoist Crosshair up, carrying most of his weight on your shoulder as you lead him towards the running water.
“feeling better?” your voice is soft, its teasing edge from before nowhere to be found. The soft smile he gives you is proof enough that whatever mood he was in before has passed and you feel your chest swell with pride knowing that Wrecker was right, you do mellow him out. You watch him stand on unsteady legs under the warm water before leaving to change the sheets.
Despite being locked out of the barracks you always knew he was going to be staying in your room tonight.  
@where-is-my-mind-tho @starborncyare @antishadow2021 @healingskywalker @crosshairlovebot
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for future Crossmut
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rabbitf0ot · 1 month
Chains and tears
husk x gn!reader, fluffy, meetings, Husk and reader becoming friends. tw: ownership, Alastor being a huge prick, short of panic attack, SPOILHERS!!
Alastor, Husk and Charlie will speak, each one of them being represented by a color, each color being the color of the names written above. Alastor’s influence over reader will also be written in green
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You hadn’t been in the hotel much, being a new resident, around just enough to see Angel’s “fight” with Husk and to meet Lucifer, the king of hell itself and father of the hotel host, Charlie, the worst representation of a demon you had ever seen, being more of angel then anything else. Although Charlie’s reception had been nice and warm, you hadn't made any friends yet, you’ve tried to, really hard, but you had always been a social awkward, both as a human and a demon. Not being able to make friends didn’t mean that no one had caught your eye, being an observant person- demon? You don’t know anymore has its qualities, when you weren’t being overwhelmed with Charlie’s group activities and what she called “Welcome to your new home” gifts, you were analyzing the others, not in a creepy way, just in your own oddly curious manner. It didn’t take you much to have mental notes of all of the Hazbin residents, Charlie being classified as a sweet and “innocent” demon, that probably didn’t had many struggles during her life or that at least hadn’t been fooled during her lifetime, or else she wouldn’t be that trusting. Well, that’s what you assumed. Sir Pentious wasn’t far away from Charlie’s description, just less innocent with an ego a little way too big when it came to his machines, but with a low self-steam. Vaggie was said as Charlie’s girlfriend, someone who balanced Charlie’s innocent and childish personality, someone more mature and suspicious, Angel wasn’t very different from your old college classmates, always going to many parties and using their humor to avoid thinking about their problems and traumas, somewhat unstable people that could be triggered out of sudden for refusing to set their boundaries until it was too late. Lucifer, you hadn’t been with him much, the best information you could take about him was when Charlie had a phone call with him and you heard their conversation. Absent parent, maybe even a negligent one. Alastor, you didn’t want to think of him, ẏ̶̮ö̶͇́ȗ̴̻ ̵͇̒c̴̢̛ǫ̴̕u̴̩͌l̷͋ͅd̶̹̉n̸̛͈’̵͔̊t̴͉̆ ̷̡̽t̵̢̃h̵̠̀i̸̮͆n̸̠͑k̸͔̅ ̷̯̕o̵̜͠f̵̼͂ ̸̟͂h̷̛̪ï̵̖m̶̢̋. And Husk, Husk in your eyes, was rather.. charming, having your attention since the start, you didn’t know why though, maybe it was due to his older age, or due to the so familiar but oh, so good smell of cheap booze mixed with an expensive perfume, or maybe the way he talks and the small cute and endearing cat sounds he makes, you’re not sure, either way, the extra attention you had over him bought you to where you are right now, keeping a long distance from the others, just a few feet in front of Alastor as you follow the hotel residents that do the same, following Charlie as shows the place to her father
“So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven, we just need a little more time to prove it-“ Charlie’s words were cut off by a background sound, Husker’s voice. “Hey boss” all that Charlie and the others were saying became nothing more then simple buzzers, “boss”. That called your attention. Why would Husk call Alastor boss? Why was it so hard to think of a reason? You follow the others, just a bit longer, long enough simply to turn in the hallway and disappear from Husk’s and Alastor’s view. You stood there, listening, the others not even noticing that you were behind, but it didn’t surprised you, they didn’t notice when Alastor and Husk also did. “Uh.. can I have a word?” You hear a rather creepy cracking noise followed by Alastor’s voice, that sounded rather annoyed and snappy “what is it?” “You and I both know that Mimzy only shows up when she needs somethin’. That bitch is trouble and who knows who kind of demon she fucked up with to come run into you this time?” “It’s nothing I can’t handle! Don’t worry Husker, who in the right mind would cross me?” The cockiness on Alastor’s voice makes you insides twitch, the submissive tone Husk used after it just made everything worse “I-I mean, you’ve been gone for a while and it’s not like anybody knows why” “they don’t need to know!” Alastor says before adding in a “pet like manner”, and the fact that he’s talking like that with a conscious being, a grown ass man, the person you wanted to be friends with made the hair of your neck stand up “and don’t you worry your fuzzy head about it” a low growl indicates they’d you’re not the only one disgusted “you may owe my soul but I ain’t your fucking pet!” You shiver at another cracking noise and Alastor’s convinced chuckle “but you are!” “Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash” and these were the last words you heard before the lights of the hallway started to fail and the place to get a reddish atmosphere, weird radio noises polluting the ambient “what did you say?” You flinched and took a step back when hearing a groan and chain noises followed by something heavy hitting the floor, a green light coming from the part of the hallway that alastor and husk were “nothing!! I- uhh-“ a chocking noise, another painful groan, your hearth aches, barely having time to recompose, “if you ever say that again, I will tear your soul appart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me” “u-understood” “lovely!” You don’t need to see husk to be aware that he’s shaking, even you, who isn’t the one being threatened is at the very edge of shaking “good talk my good man” the atmosphere stars coming back to normal “always nice to catch up” alastor says and walks pass you, not bothering to do anything other then smile at your threateningly.
You shake, mentality cursing yourself for not having interfered while Husker was being threatened, but the fear you felt was overwhelming. You can only imagine what was going on Husker’s mind. Forcing your shaky legs to move, you walked towards the cat demon, you were going to speak, say something, ask something, probably something stupid like “are you okay?” “Do you need to vent?” But you stopped yourself once you saw the Bartender form laid on the floor, shaking, the fur of his neck and back standing on end while his tails furiously flicked around, in a mix of shame and impotence with an undertone of fear. Seeing that, the first thing you do is to crouch and take one of his paws while you gently wrap an arm around him, trying to give him the support he needed -emotionally and physically- he looked at you, his eyes shining with fear and shame while his lips instinctively curl into the form of a growl, showing his fangs. You don’t let go. You keep holding his paw (taking that opportunity to discreetly squeeze his paw beans that were so cute!) and helping him to stand, after a few moments of silence you ask, your voice barely above a whisper “are you okay?” He doesn’t answers, all that he does is to look at you and growl loudly, you don’t feel intimidated, you actually feel bad for him. Imagine just being threatened and having to comfort you a random person who you had never spoke properly with before? It must be just.. depressing. That makes you ignore his growl, his snarl, his rude mumbles and his tail flicking around and casually hitting your legs from time to time. You ignore, giving him supper as you ask “apartment or bar?” Husker looks confused for a second, but soon lets out a “tsk” noise while looking down and mumbles “bar”. He accepts your help, for a while, at least, before the hallway before the bar ended, reaching the hotel lobby, where he pushed you away, loosing his balance for some seconds due his shaky legs before he regained it, forcing himself to walk normally and come back to his spot at the bar, immediately coming back to clean some cups, griping on them rather tightly to hide his shaky paws.
You didn’t talk with Husk anymore, but you kept yourself around, distant from the others, like usual, watching the residents of the hotel, the souls Husk called friends to not notice -or to ignore, you can’t tell- the way his tail would flick around him, or how he would tense up when Alastor’s name was mentioned, how his ears would move constantly, searching for any noise, footsteps, radio static, anything, not noticing even the most clear signs like Husker unconsciously scratching cups with his claws as he cleans them with a thin dark red rag.
You wait, sitting on the sofa next to the bar, by yourself, sometimes refusing Charlie’s asks to join the group. You wait, reading a book, using your phone, doing anything, anything that wouldn’t take you away from the bar. You wait one hour, two hours, three hours. No one but Husk is at the bar anymore. Still cleaning bottles. Once you notice that no one is coming back, you walk towards the bar, getting a loud snarl out of him. It doesn’t makes you back off, you just walk behind the bar balcony and grab one of the rags the bar had and start to clean the bottles with Husk. He’s staring at you the whole time, and as much as it bugs you to the point of starting to sweat, you stay firm. “What are you doing?” Husk asks, his tail flicking annoyedly behind him, but lower and in a calmer peace. Less annoyed “helping you to close everything” he looks at you, in a mix of anger -probably for thinking that you’re pitying him- and confusion -why would you help him anyways?- “why” he asked, no, demanded an answer. You shrug and simply says while putting the cup you were cleaning away “bc I can”
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And that’s how you spent 2 hours cleaning everything on the bar in an awkward silence with your bottled up crush.
I hope you all enjoyed it!! I wanted to make a more detailed meeting with Husk, how reader got close to him since in almost all the fanfics I’ve read, Husk and reader already date or are really close to. I plan on making this history last more 2 or three parts, one of them (probably the last one) being spicy. Anyways, hope you all liked it
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ixelx · 9 months
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I was messing around with an incorrect quote generator. Most of them are Hellsing x Male reader.
The rest are my ocs, and my Uglydolls x child reader book on Wattpad.
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Hellsing Ultimate:
M/n: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Integra: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
M/n: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Seras: Actually I did the math, Integra would have $225, not $0.15.
Integra: Fam I’m right here....
Alucard: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
M/n: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Alucard: Sorry I only have a dollar
M/n: :(
Seras: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Integra would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Alucard: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Seras: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Pip: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Seras: Apply juice to what
Walter: Directly to the forehead
Integra: Great chat everyone
Male name]: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Integra: Rude.
Seras: That’s fair.
Alucard: Not again.
Anderson: Are you going to want this back?
[Male name]: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Integra: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Seras: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Alucard: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Anderson: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
[Male name]: Bye Integra! Bye Seras! Bye Alucard! Bye Anderson! Bye Integra!
Seras: You said ‘bye Integra’ twice.
[Male name]: I like Integra.
[Male name]: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Integra: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Seras: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Alucard: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Astoria , about Clemontine: Apparently we're getting someone new in the group.
Morizane : Are we stealing them?
Nanako: New or used?
Astoria : Wonderful responses, both of you.
Uglydolls x child reader:
[Name]: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Lou: >: O language
Kitty: Yeah watch your fucking language
Tuesday : 'The fuck word'.
Mandy: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Kitty: Oh my god they censored it
Tuesday : Say fuck, Mandy.
Kitty: Do it, Mandy.Say fuck.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
[Name]: So.Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Lou: ...I did.I broke it.
[Name]: No.No you didn't. Kitty?
Kitty: Don't look at me. Look at Lydia.
Lydia: What ? !I didn't break it.
Kitty: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Lydia: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Kitty: Suspicious.
Lydia: No, it's not!
Mandy: If it matters, probably not, but Tuesday was the last one to use it.
Tuesday : Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Mandy: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Tuesday : I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles.Everyone knows that, Mandy!
Lou: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, [Name].
[Name]: No! Who broke it!?
Mandy: [Name]...Kitty's been awfully quiet.
Kitty: REALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
[Name], being interviewed: I broke it.I burned my hand so I punched it.
[Name]: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
[Name]: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
That's it. Also...
Please read this. It's literally the only one there (for now)
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moonsapprentice · 10 months
Me after disappearing off the face of the earth then posting a fanfiction literally no one requested : 😝❤️
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⋆ ✶ ✷ 𝔏𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 ✷ ✶ ⋆
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Established relationship, smut, fem reader (sorry), slightly subby Eduardo, nipple sucking, brief fingering, vaginal sex
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Being awoken by gentle touches and small smooches wasn’t the way you expected to be woken up. However, that’s what happened.
You and Eduardo were home alone, Jon and mark being out of the house for the night. You’d spent the afternoon watching movies and kissing and having a fun time with eachother. Once you got sleepy, you fell asleep cuddling as he spooned you from behind.
Suddenly though, you’re lulled out of your peaceful slumber by big hands touching you. One hand loving on your hip and the other halfway up your shirt caressing your tummy. The poke of stubble and the brush of lips touch your neck.
With a yawn your eyes reluctantly open, as you already know who it probably is.
You mumble breathily. Eduardo smiles brightly as you open your eyes.
“Hey, sweatheart. How’s my favorite gal?”
His voice has a slight husky quality, as if he’s been sleeping too. However the small purple circles you see in the corner of your eyes say otherwise. He lifts up her shirt a bit for more skin to skin contact.
You seem a bit confused, wondering what’s happening.
“…’m okay…is something wrong..? What time is it..?”
Eduardo glances at the clock.
“…looks like it’s 2am.” He says a little sheepishly, still rubbing her hip. “Nothin’ is wrong, baby. don’t worry”.
“Well then why’d you wake me..?”
You ask in a mumble as you feel the slightest bit of irritation. snuggling into your pillow, he continues to gently touch your hips. He occasionally even moves down to your rear end or up to right over your ribs
“Well, you know..”
He looks a little more embarrassed, which is strange. Usually he’s quite arrogant and cocky. Even when he’s being mushy with you.
“We haven’t done it in a few days.”
Eduardo says in a low voice, making sure to keep his voice low enough to not disturb her too much. He gives her hip a few gentle squeezes as well.
You blush as your irritation goes away partially. You’re still a little pissed he woke you up at 2 in the morning to have sex. However, you’ve also been feeling a little pent up. You also know how high your boyfriends libido is.
With a heavy sigh you rub your eyes and glance back at him. He does that little goofy smile of his that you just can’t say no to. You flip to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Eduardos smile turns into a big grin when you flip to face him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, nuzzling into her neck with a low hum.
“Thank you….I know you’re tired I was just…”
He tries to find a word, but can’t. He just sighs and kisses your neck with a slight roughness
“…it was just keeping me up. I was gonna wait until morning..”
A small moan escapes your mouth as his lips move around to the front of your throat.
“It’s fine.”
You smile slightly, gently massaging his neck and shoulder as your head tilts back. His lips make their way up your neck and towards your jaw, his stubble scratching you a bit. You shiver, which makes him grin in return.
Ed presses his big body against you, making his bulge apparent. When you cup his cheek it twitches in his pants
“I haven’t even done anything yet…” you mutter, amused he’s so hard so quickly.
“…I’ve been wanting this for hours..”
Ed says huskily, groaning quietly when you press a kiss to his lips.
Eduardo sighs in pure pleasure, his legs slightly trembling. He squeezes you close, pressing his body into yours. Eduardo arches his back when you kiss up his neck with the utmost care, looking like he might pass out at any second. Your gentleness is really getting to him.
With a soft chuckle, you press a kiss to his pulse point. Eduardo sighs and melts even further when you do so. Before he can say anything, he simply makes a low, animalistic noise in his throat.
“Whoa, what a noise.”
Eduardo laughs, burying his face in her neck.
“You made me do that..” He says in a quiet voice.
You smile, already knowing that. You press your sweet lips to his neck once more, licking your lips before you do so. He takes in a sharp breath as you suckle on him. his hand instinctually grips your hip like it’ll save his life.
As your tongue brushes his neck he moans quietly and grabs onto you tighter. His eyes flutter shut while you pull your lips away, which causes an audible ‘pop’.
“Fuck…well…I should’ve expected that…we always leave behind a few marks.” He smiles weakly. You simply hum in response, too busy focusing on how his slightly hard cock has become absolutely rock hard in his pants. It’s like a lump of coal was dumped in there.
It doesn’t help that he’s wearing grey sweatpants as pajamas.
With a small bite of your bottom lip you just can’t hold back and you trail your fingers down his spine. Eduardo shivers slightly when you touch there.
“That’s my spot..” He whispers, nibbling on your neck.
However, your hand goes lower. It dances along his body, trailing across his ribs, his hip, his waist, until you stop right above the lump. There’s a small wet spot on his pants. That’s where precum is dribbling out you imagine.
Eduardo’s breathing becomes faster, and his heart pounds in his chest. He looks at Raine, his gaze wide and his pupils dilated. He lets out a low groan. The tingles in his belly turn to fire, feeling like he’ll cum if you so much as poke his dick.
You chuckle loudly, giving a small rub. That incites a noise to escape the back of his tight throat. Ed is gripping onto your shirt for dear life. However, you move your hand back up. You run your hand up his tummy and his chest. He grumbles, feeling as if his groin is on fire.
Eduardo tries to act tough but simply can’t when he’s around you.
“You’re cruel…” he murmurs, sounding like he’s pleading for you to show him some mercy.
To his dismay you just chuckle mischievously. One of your hands rubs his chest while the other pulls the neckline of his shirt down. The man groans as he feels your tongue on his collarbone.
His hand clutches your tit, the other one desperately lifting your shirt up for just the tiniest bit of contact. He shivers aggressively as your hands come down and part his thighs, slipping your thigh between them. It just barely touches his dick, feeling how it twitches and shakes along with his body
“C’mon baby..please…I’ve waited long enough…”
He thrusts his hips foreword a little, just desperate for friction, contact, anything. He tries to tug your shirt off.
You at least lift your arms, allowing him to rip your shirt off and see you in your bra. His hands work quick as he tugs your boobs out of the cups and his mouth latches onto your nipple.
You feel a tingle in your intimate area while his tongue traces your nip. His finger rubs the opposite one. After a minute or two he switches sides, sucking on the other one and fondling your free tit. The room fills with quiet moans and muffled groans from you and him respectively.
Finally, he pulls his mouth away. His face is flushed like he’s run the mile in grade school, and so is yours. He takes your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. You do the same to him, taking his shirt and pants off to leave him in his boxers. His erection is painfully obvious.
He rolls over on top of you, his hair messy and his grin wide as usual. He trembles, the coil in his stomach feeling ready to snap. His hands are trembling along with the rest of his body. Your knee comes up between his legs, tracing up his inner thighs.
His stomach turns into a churning ball of fire when you moves her knee so close. He gasps and looks at you with wide eyes.
“please, baby…” He says, sounding absolutely pathetic.
Eduardo makes a frustrated low sound that comes out in a moan when you move your knee down.
“My mind’s all over the place…” He mumbles before biting his lip in annoyance. You can tell that he needs a release.
You chuckle, finding humor in the desperate state that this usually macho man is in. The chuckle gets cut off by a sharp gasp however, as he rips your panties pants right off your body. It leaves you cold. Exposed. He grins at your state of wetness.
“Mm…” Ed moans involuntarily as he licks his lips.
“…I was gonna eat you out…but you’re already so wet for me…” he murmurs huskily, his pointer tracing your folds.
You shiver, your clit throbbing for just a little touch. You let a moan slip out as his thumb flicks your bud. He chuckles heartily. A soft squeal escapes you as he sticks his middle finger in.
Your face is hot and wet from sweat, your breath labored and your abdomen full of molten lava as he moves his big finger back and forth. He curls his finger forward which causes you to gasp.
“So warm…” he whispers. Eduardo takes his finger out, licking it clean. You frown, which causes him to laugh.
Your eyes light up with stars as he slips his boxers off. His hot cock springs out, dripping salty precum onto your thigh. You’re finally getting to the good part. With a surprising amount of care he spreads your legs farther apart.
Eduardo’s cock twitches as he sees how wet your folds are, how you’re so ready to take him. He could cum right now and be content with it. He bites his lip.
He lines his girth up to your hole. Slowly, very slowly, he pushes the head in. You both lose your breath, his knees going weak and your back arching off the bed.
Once he sees you’re ready he moves the top of his shaft in, then the rest, until his whole rod is inside you. At that point you’re a mess on the bed. You’re dripping wet, your belly is full of butterflies. Both of your arousal is through the roof
“…are…you ready…?”
Eduardo asks, not wanting to hurt you. When you nod he sighs and starts slowly moving. He groans loudly as he clutches your hips.
His heart palpitates as he sees your face, the way it contorts in pleasure as he thrusts into your tight cunt. As you clench your walls around him he moans in sync with you. He bites his lip hard.
Skin slaps against skin as he continues his rhythmic thrusts. He desperately wants to go faster, to roughly slam his cock into your pussy. He sighs and it turns into a moan. He holds himself back and continues his slow, long strokes.
You reach up and gently take his stubbled cheek in your hand. He leans heavily into your touch, his hand brushing hair out of your face.
“…you’re so gorgeous honey…so gorgeous.”
Eduardo murmurs sensually. His hot breath touches your face, making you shiver in arousal. A sweet moan escapes your throat when he goes faster. Your sounds have him doing what he did before: losing himself in his passion. now he’s kissing along your collarbone, working his way down to your boobs again.
He rests his forehead there as he slowly picks up the pace, moaning into your skin. Occasionally his tongue flicks out and he suckles into your nipples or between your tits.
Ed moves quicker, soon enough he’s roughly slamming into you. Moans echo all around the bedroom as wet, sloppy noises escape from the friction between your hot cunt and his big dick.
Your hands dig into him, gripping and pulling him closer. The coil in your stomach is boiling hot and about to explode. He kisses his way up your neck and your jaw, meeting you desperately at your lips. He kisses you with intense voracity. He slaps your thigh, gripping your ass and pulling you closer so he has more leverage to fuck you harder.
Ed growls loudly, so close to cumming. He bites your lip hard as he grips and kneads your asscheek. Your walls tighten around him, causing a deep groan to escape him. You can tell he’s close from the way he twitches inside you.
He slams into you harder and harder, moans coming out of your throat in rapid fire. Your back arches intensely as you get closer to your release
“ ‘m so close..”
You manage to get out. He goes even faster in response. He holds back his orgasam, wanting to please you first. And please you he does. You moan, your head whipping back as your cunt twitches and cums on him. A few seconds later he can’t hold back either. He moans and pulls out just in time, his sticky seed coats your tummy as you heave under him.
He collapses on you, panting and sweating heavily as he rests his head on your chest. It’s hot and humid, your skin sticking together. You heave in sync, panting to get air in your lungs. The oragsam was so powerful between both of you.
He grins and squeezes your ass, knowing deep inside him he needs a second round.
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moonahstone · 1 year
(ignore the fact I straight up forgot I had tumblr and pretend I don't disapear regularly)
You've seen the season 5 trailer, I've seen the season 5 trailer, you know my brain is instinctively rotting with no regard to my own health so lets cut to the chase on a run down of said trailer and what the hell I think is going on in it!! Plz excuse the low quality images and if you don't want to see anything from the trailer do not open this next part <3
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Something big is coming. Initially my mind went to potential kid at button house but the rest of the trailer kind of had me leaning elsewhere to the idea of them having to move? I'll go into more detail but either or of them feel like they could fit for "life changing" as both having a kid and moving houses are massive steps in life. I'm kind of hoping for the former because there could be a really cute story line there but also the latter is where I'm placing most my bets.
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BARCLEY! MY LEAST FAVOURITE AND FAVOURITE GUY AT THE EXACT SAME TIME! I HATE EVERYTHING HE DOES IN A GOOD WAY! No but seriously, Maybe something happens to him and he sees ghosts? Or maybe he just goes snooping a little too much and gets trapped. If so I'd love it if the ghosts tried to mess with him to get him out and we could get a little Jemima back! Though I'm not sure how old her actress is now so it might now work :|
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U good Thomas?
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I'm feeling like if Cap's backstory is explored here this could be Pat picking fun at him a little on something related to said backstory? Not necessarily but something along those lines. There isn't a lot of context attached to this but I'm kind of hoping it's something like that. It could be nothing though, this line could have been in any season and I would believe you, it is a very them moment. Maybe though its a little exploration of the Cap's sexuality though? I don't personally think he needs one, I think it's better as it is, making it clear that a LGBT character doesn't need to have a whole coming out scene or anything like that to make them valid, more characters who are gay rather than gay characters. I think I've ranted about that before though and how Cap is the kind of rep I want. If it is something like that though, I don't mind, I still love a good bit of rep!
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I mean it is what it says on the tin. They are being investigated for the claims regarding the fire. Thus triggers various theories for me, mostly surrounding the fact that that will not go in their favour and will cause financial difficulty but whatever, these claims will control and be the main plot of this series, like how running the guest house was a focus of series 4.
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Not entirely sure? Maybe something associated with the previous thing of the fire but whatever it is if it is to do with the fire then maybe some sort of lawsuit is placed against them? MAybe it's assumed that they started the fire on purpose to claim off of it and they're forced to gather money to pay back some kind of fine? I'm not sure of those legalities but it could work and could lead to an ending of them being forced to leave for financial difficulties. On that maybe it's to do with the loans from season 1 that Mike took out and they simply ran short of cash for paying it back. Regardless, it wouldn't be so significant in the trailer if it wasn't important for the series (probably)
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... I'm not happy about this but also I am. The clothes, the room dress, this just is a Kitty flashback. Hey maybe it could be Thomas but it couldn't be anyone later. I don't know when the pineapple became more popularised but everyone's shocked, Kitty was shocked at the concept of a pineapple in earlier seasons and just look at what she is wearing. Whatever episode this is in, this has to be the episode where we find out how Kitty dies.
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Same to the Kitty point. This has got to be Cap dying. Even if it isn't it's a little bit of backstory because he has his lil hat on! I can't read the signs so I am likely missing a huge context lump but the sumary of it's his backstory stuff I think covers the most part. This too will likely shatter my entire soul
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Oh boy that's gonna be a stinger. It looks like older decor in a way so could be a flashback to when older ghosts and Robins friends got sucked off (chance for a little Mary appearance??? PLeaSE) but also the floor (maybe because of the low quality) looks kind of dusty and leafy which likely means nothing but to me it associates with the current disrepair Button house is supposed to be in? That is likely (and hopefully) me reading too much into things but if so, I'm going to bawl either way. Regardless, we will see someone else move on, mostly clear due to what Robin was saying over the top (Something like "There is battle to when one of us go whoomf")
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Maybe about Alison and Mike leaving? He's trying to lighten the mood? Or talking about peoples deaths? I know lots of people have said Caps death is probably going to be something very silly and if so this would be a likely appropriate response. Or its him talking about his own death and is one of those things trailers do to make them more editable for adverts as it is the last season, going out with a bang is an appropriate little phrase for them to snip in.
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I'm absolutely stuck on this theory that Alison and Mike will be forced to leave Button house at this point, hence Kitty's reaction which would be pretty appropriate, 'nough said.
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This feels significant. Like REALLLLLY significant and I can't figure out why. Maybe the framing? I have no clue but currently thinking if it is forced to leave, they had until midnight on a specific day to pay money or if not, maybe the time that the captain died? Maybe he died after being attacked or something while wandering around Button house at midnight and Alison finds out after finding him sleepwalking around the house which he has always done but she's never noticed before. Like how Fanny always throws herself out the window. It would work as well because of the time difference as that clock I believe is about 4 hours behind so if he died at midnight then he'd be walking around at about 4 which would be a bit late for people to be up (ordinarily)
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Nothing really to add, just reiterating that they all look pretty crushed and defeated in this screenshot - throwing hands at one theory AGAIN
Sorry for how long this was but in summary: I think the gate house burning will cause massive financial problems for Alison and Mike and they will spend the entire season trying to fix these problem but be unsuccessful. We know how heart-breaking this show can be after all. It would lead to a very tragic but very round ending where Alison and Mike are forced to leave via financial difficulties and they are forced to say goodbye to the ghosts and there could be a heart-breaking scene as they pull away and the ghosts run after the car like children following their parents down the road. The though crushes me a little but I feel like the most logical ending is that they have to leave. If that is how it ends though I think the last line should go to Julian awkwardly standing there as everyone's sobbing and he just kind of goes "... Now what?" I don't know why, I just think it would be funny :D
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shion-yu · 7 months
False Alarm
Sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. An early Cliff and Theo/Al story, mostly fluffy banter and then some angst. 2,810 words, no TWs but CWs low intensity hospital setting, transplant talk, mention of internalized homophobia.
Cliff wasn't sure what to make of Theo, the lawyer he was doing his summer internship with before he started his first semester at NYU. When Cliff thought about what a lawyer should look like, he had certain expectations. A lawyer was extremely formal, never smiled or laughed, never asked questions, and always wore a suit. The only one of these qualities that Theo possessed was the suit wearing, and even then he could occasionally be caught wearing khakis and a button down. 
The craziest thing about Theo though, was that he was openly gay and no one seemed to care. It floored Cliff. His mom had always looked down on gay couples they saw in public. She looked down on everyone, but especially people who "chose" to stand out. Yet here Theo was, with a big office overlooking the financial district and an incredible case record under his belt and nobody ever seemed to disrespect him. He even had a picture of his partner on his desk where anybody could see, including the clients who came for consultations and business partners whose opinions really mattered. Cliff didn't understand how Theo got away with it, but he did. It definitely left an impression.
This particular day though, Theo seemed frazzled and distracted. Cliff was sitting across from him in Theo's office just having his weekly check-in with the lawyer. Theo usually seemed very put together and focused, but today he kept checking his personal cell phone on his desk like he was waiting for something. "So Cliff," Theo said, "Still think you'd like to go to law school after your first month here?"
"I think so," Cliff said. He tried not to watch as Theo glanced at his phone yet again. "I like the research. And I like going to court."
"You've certainly got the brains for it," Theo said. "When you're at NYU, take lots of diverse classes. Everything can always tie back into law and make you better at practicing it."
"Thanks," Cliff said.
"No problem," Theo said casually, but he was immediately distracted when his phone buzzed with a call. He looked at the caller ID and nearly jumped out of his seat. "Sorry Cliff, I've got to take this," Theo said hurriedly. "You're fine here, just, hey, pour yourself a coffee or something." Theo motioned to the full coffee pot on one of his other desks and then stopped paying attention to Cliff.
Cliff tried not to be nosy and listen, but it was hard not to when they were in the same room. He made himself a cup of coffee even though he preferred tea and sipped awkwardly. He hoped it gave the impression he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation Theo was having that clearly was not about work. "Are you sure that's all it is?” Theo was saying, his voice concerned. “Tomorrow? What time? Does he need to stay overnight? NPO after midnight? Okay. Yes, of course. Thank you Doctor."
Theo set his phone down, took a deep breath and then sat back in his office chair. "Sorry Cliff," he said. "You can come back now."
Cliff awkwardly returned to his seat a cross from Theo, placing the steaming cup of coffee on a coaster at the edge of Theo's desk. "That was my partner's doctor, I've been waiting for that call, sorry to be so distracted," Theo said. "He's going to the hospital for a minor procedure tomorrow, so I probably won't see you for the rest of the week." 
"Oh," Cliff said. What else was he supposed to say? "I hope he's okay."
"He's fine, thank you," Theo said. "He's got a port, I don't know if you're familiar, it's like an IV in his chest. Anyways, it got infected so they're replacing it with a new one." Cliff honestly had no idea what Theo was talking about, but it sounded serious. It seemed Cliff wasn't very good at hiding his expression, because Theo added, "He's got a disease called cystic fibrosis, so he's in and out of the hospital a lot. I don't want to say it's not a big deal, but well, it's not an emergency. Don't worry." 
"Okay," Cliff said. He nodded to the framed photo on Theo's desk. In it, a slightly younger Theo had one arm slung over the shoulders over a guy with curly dark hair, thick glasses and dimples. "That's him, right?"
"Yup," Theo confirmed. "His name's Al. He's a good guy." The way Theo was smiling as he said this was different from the way Theo usually smiled at everybody else. Cliff didn't know how to define it - fond, perhaps? "Next time he comes around I'll let you meet him. You'd like him." Now Theo had a weirdly knowing look on his face, as if he understood something Cliff didn't. 
"Sure," Cliff said. He was so confused. 
His confusion didn't abate even when he did meet Al about three weeks later. Al was shorter than Theo and wore very casual clothing that stuck out in the law firm. His cheeks were pink compared to the rest of his olive skin, which Cliff soon realized was from coughing. Al coughed the entire time he was in the office to drop off a lunch for Theo, and he dragged a metal cylinder on wheels behind him that connected to clear oxygen tubing in his nose. Cliff was startled; the oxygen hadn't been in the picture, nor had he expected Al to sound quite so sick. But everybody else in the office seemed to know Al well and think nothing of it. Al himself seemed energetic and cheerful, which was not how Cliff pictured somebody sick in his head.
Still, Cliff wasn't used to sick people, even if Al was apparently not contagious. He was sort of hoping Theo had forgotten about his promise to let him meet Al, but Cliff had no such luck. "Al, this is my intern, Cliff Barrows," Theo said as he led Al right to Cliff's desk.
Obviously unable to hide when his boss stood right in front of him, Cliff stood up and forced a polite smile. "Nice to meet you," Cliff said, sticking his hand out to shake.
"Nice to meet you too! I finally meet the famous Cliff," Al grinned, shaking Cliff's hand. His grip was firm and sure, not weak at all.
"Famous in a good way," Theo reassured Cliff. "I told him all about what a good kid you are."
"Uh, thanks," Cliff said, trying to keep a questioning tone from creeping into his voice. He felt awkward standing right there in front of the two of them under scrutiny. "Um... I'm just gonna get back to work then," he said, sitting at his desk and typing something nonsensical into an open word document until he was sure the pair was no longer looking at him. 
Cliff tried to look subtle as the two men walked away. Theo led Al towards his office with one hand around Al's back, Al coughing as they went, but he was also laughing. Cliff had no idea how he could seem so happy. Cliff had googled cystic fibrosis when Theo had mentioned it and it didn't really sound like a laughing matter to him. It sounded incurable and painful. Then again, Cliff supposed they couldn't be gloomy all the time. Or maybe even most of the time, since Al and Theo seemed to be normal unlike Cliff who could indeed go around with a perpetually serious look on his face. 
Al sat heavily in the chair on the client side of Theo's desk, coughing until Theo handed him a glass of water to sip on. "Thanks," he croaked, smiling up at his partner gratefully. 
Theo sat across the desk from Al in his chair. Although Al got to see Theo in his formal attire every day before and after work, seeing him wear it at work always felt different. Theo carried himself so confidentially and spoke with such a professional tone, it honestly made Al want to grab his tie and kiss him right there in the office. Theo's desk had definitely seen some action after hours before.
"Stop looking at me like that," Theo said, opening up the salad Al had brought him.
"Like what? I don't know what you're talking about," Al said innocently.
Theo mixed a packet of dressing up with his salad. "Like I'm a piece of meat."
"Aren't you?" 
Theo shook his head with a smirk. "You're so damn predictable," he said. "You keep your hands to yourself mister, I've got court later today. Thanks for the food." 
"You're welcome," Al said. "By the way, you were so right about that Cliff kid." 
"Right?" Theo said around a mouthful of lettuce. "He's definitely gay."
"So gay," Al agreed. "And adorably awkward.”
“He’s actually a better speaker than you might think,” Theo said thoughtfully. “When it comes to work stuff anyways,” he added, seeing Al’s incredulous look of doubt.
“He gave me the ‘wow, you must be dying’ look,” Al said. “You should probably tell him I’m fine. And that his face is an open book." 
Theo shrugged. “I don’t know how reassuring ‘My partner’s fine, just waiting for a double lung transplant’ is, but sure, I’ll tell him.”
Al rolled his eyes. “Thanks a lot,” he said sarcastically. “Anyways, I’m heading home. What do you want to eat tonight?” 
“Anything. Shake Shack. Anything."
"So... Shake Shack," Al said. 
"How did you know?" Theo grinned. "Okay, be careful on your way home baby. Wear your mask on the train."
"Ugh, Theo, it's July," Al whined, but Theo knew he would behave. Al was usually great about taking care of himself, but especially now when he couldn't risk any illnesses lest it ruin his chances of being on the transplant list. It was also why he tried not to leave the house much these days, but he'd had a doctors appointment a few blocks away so had taken the opportunity of already being out to visit Theo. 
Theo kissed Al goodbye and watched his partner walk down the street from the windows in his office, dragging the wheeled oxygen tank behind him. He shook his head, wishing Al would just take a cab, but Al hated wasting money if he could do it the cheaper way and Theo suspected it was far more about independence than cost at this point in their lives. 
They'd been together about five years now and had lived with each other since day one, having met as roommates. Theo had been in his last year of law school while Al was struggling after the death of his husband. At first they were just friends and that was enough. Right person, wrong time Theo thought, because it didn't seem like Al was ready for anything more. But then Al had gotten really sick and although he insisted Theo didn't need to worry about it, it was impossible. Theo spent every day studying at the hospital so that Al wouldn’t be alone until feelings became inevitable and Al made the first move. The rest was history. 
Theo smiled to himself thinking about Al, absently eating his salad until he was interrupted by his phone ringing. It was Al, which was odd because Al had only just left his office. "Babe? You okay?" Theo answered.
"Meet me at the hospital," Al said in a breathless rush. "I’ve got lungs."
Theo was speechless. This was the moment they'd dreamed of for months, and it was happening now. Right now. "Theo?" Theo realized he hadn’t said anything in response.
"Holy shit. Holy shit, I love you so much. Yeah, okay, I'm coming."
False alarms for this sort of thing should be illegal, Theo thought to himself angrily. The doctor had just left the room and explained he was so sorry, but the lungs weren't a perfect match after all. They were going to someone else - someone who wasn't Albert. Al had been congenial about it, nodding as if it didn't bother him. But Theo was livid and could barely contain his anger as the doctor closed the door. 
The silence in the room was heavy. Al had been changed into a gown, given CHG bath and gotten labs done, and had his port hooked up to fluids. He sat there in the hospital bed where they'd waited with excitement for the past two hours, now lost for words. 
"It's not fair," Theo said finally. His hands were balled into fists, which were shaking. "How can they do this?" Al was quiet. He looked out the window with a calmness that Theo didn't understand. "You're not mad?" 
"No," Al said softly. "I'm not mad. Can we go home though?" He was already going for his clothes, unbuttoning his gown. "Hey, if you hurry you can still make it to court this afternoon." 
Theo shook his head. "I don't care about court. I already told work I didn't know when I'd be back. They're going to be more surprised when I say nevermind." 
"Sorry," Al said, as if he’d ruined a casual date and not lost the opportunity of a lifetime after it was crudely dangled in front of him.
"Don't apologize," Theo said. "If anything, this place should be apologizing to you. How are you so calm?"
Al shrugged. "Someone else is getting lungs. Someone who needs them. I'm not going to be mad about that."
Theo sighed. "You're right, but I'm still pissed. Can I be pissed for you?"
Al seemed to consider it for several seconds and then nodded. "Yeah. You can be pissed for both of us, okay?" 
"I gotcha, baby," Theo said. He forced a tight smile at Al, who gave a tired smile back. 
Al was discharged and they arrived home around dinner time. Theo was starving, but Al said he didn't feel like eating. Theo didn’t feel like seeing anybody else for the rest of the day, even a delivery driver, and ended up throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. He called Al to the table when it was ready, hoping the smell would entice him. "You should eat just a little," Theo said. 
"I'm really not hungry," Al said quietly. "I just want to go to bed and have this day be over."
Theo felt a pang of pity and sighed. "I know. Just a few bites?"
Al finished half a slice and then shuffled off to bed. Theo ate the rest of the pizza alone, letting all the negative thoughts he was having get to him for just a few minutes. He chewed the pizza like it had personally done something offensive to him and then scrubbed the dishes clean, his stomach aching from eating too much. Then, he took a shower and forced himself to let all the tension leave him. He imagined it swirling down the drain with the soapy water, leaving him exhausted but calm. As upset as Theo was, Al was the one these things were happening to. He had to be strong for Al. 
Theo went to the bathroom, now in fresh pajamas and ready to be there for his partner. Al was lying on his side but not asleep and peeked over his shoulder at Theo. Theo sat next to him on bed and rested a hand on Al's arm. "Should we talk about it?" He asked.
"Nah. What is there to talk about?" Al said in his usual gentle tone. If Theo didn't know any better, he'd think Al didn't care, or was totally fine. But he also knew that wasn't possible and Al hid his feelings well. 
"What happened today was kind of crazy," Theo said carefully. "Crazy and honestly... not okay. It was like the biggest news of your life and then the biggest let down. It's a lot to take in."
Al sat up and looked at Theo. His green eyes were always so forbearing. "It is a lot," he said. "But ya know, I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be. Coz when I got the call, I didn't think, 'I'm going to live.' All I could think was, if I die, I'm not ready. So... Maybe today just wasn't the right time."
Theo hadn't expected Al to say anything like that. He swallowed down the lump that had risen in his throat and took Al's hands in his own. "You're right. It wasn't meant to be, and maybe it was for the better."
Al nodded in agreement, leaning forward to press his forehead against Theo's. "I love you, Theo," he said. "Thanks for being there for me." 
"I love you too," Theo said, taking Al’s hands in his own and squeezing them. "And next time you get the call, it's going to be the right match."
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the-raging-tempest · 1 month
For Lariel: Philautia 2, Philia 3, Agape 5
For Zrise: Storge 1 (ough), Ludus 1 & 5
For Anton: Ludus 2, Pragma 1, Philautia 4
Dujour! This is the worlds longest post. I'm so sorry. These questions so good they got me monologuing. LMAO.💕💕
Anton's are shorter, but don't be sad. He's a simple boy. I can explain more but… man has only elevator music in his mind.
A little tiny bit of content warning as per usual for Zrise. Damn he always seems to do that. HAH.
Agape number five for Lariel here!
Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
Lariel is difficult to describe in this regard. I know I often say she feels she won't receive love. I have probably not properly articulated this many times. Mostly just because it's more work to explain it. But hey, that's what these ask games are for haha. She's a little contradictory here.
Lariel is the kind of person that believes there is no true 'deserved' or 'worthiness' when it comes to love. It's why her own springs up the way it does. Love is something you can cultivate. At least in the sense of empathy, appreciation, kindness. Trying to love things around you is something you can practice. But to BE loved. That has nothing to do with oneself.
In her mind when people aren't loved it is not in their control. You can not make someone love you. All you can do is love. But this is where the low self esteem comes in. She on some level believes there must be a reason she is not loved like how she read in stories. Like other children. That yes, it's not about her worth really. More… that she must be fundamentally incompatible with people.
She believes that's probably for the best. As she sees herself as a danger. Despite trying her best to put herself out there. (In her own shy non-direct way) That all she can do is love. And if she is loved, one day, it won't be because she is now somehow worthy. But because she found someone who for whatever reason is compatible with her strangeness.
The concept of 'self love' is not really something she has considered. I don't think this is an idea she was really exposed to. In her mind, yes love is something you do. But she's never considered pointing it at herself.
She does not believe you have to love yourself to be loved. She feels she loves many who hate themselves deeply. On some level that's when her instinct to help and show love gets triggered. She is a weak to a wounded heart.
Lariel also doesn't truly get the idea that perhaps others don't accept her love BECAUSE they hate themselves. She kind of recognizes the self in the other. But not in the sense that I think the Pathfinder setting has the kind of psychology studies to put it into words.
What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
This is such a good question for Lariel! I'm going to try and also talk about what pushes her AWAY from people as well as draws her in.
In my mind the closest people to her are people who draw her out of her shell. She really values someone who speaks their mind, or at least tries too. She so often holds her tongue or stays quiet about her own feelings. So someone who wears their heart on their sleeve is really valuable to her.
She has a bias that I'll try to explain. People who are TOO polite, who never say what they mean, who only say what other's want to hear. She does not like or trust them. She finds their friendship shallow. But people who… are too rude, who enjoy making others uncomfortable with 'harsh truths'. Lariel also really does not like them either. She values authenticity. A level of being willing to hear others but remain true to ones self.
I like to say it but I really do mean it with Lariel. Raw and ugly emotions, as long as they come from a place of honesty, she is here for. She will always hear them out. Those who try to obscure, deceive, or manipulate, she can not stand. Basically Lariel has a high tolerance to someone who is lying to themselves. She does not tolerate those who try to make her believe and validate their lies. Those who would warp HER to their reality. She is more tolerant of delusion than dishonesty.
She does not hold lying against someone, but she will hold deceit against them. If she can intuit or she figures out that someone is lying to protect her, to protect themselves, that they don't even realize they are lying. She is very understanding. But if they are lying to move her away from her truth, she feels a deep and complete revulsion.
Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
OUGH is so right. This one is a rough one to write… probably rough to read. Unfortunately neither of the twins were loved unconditionally as children. Neither of them are confident. Their self esteem is in the garbage it just… manifests differently for both of them. Zrise does try to project an air of unapproachable confidence, an indifference, a detached kind of persona. How successful that is really depends on his audience.
It's affected him in the sense that as a child, he tried very hard to be liked. By visitors, staff, his teacher, his family. As a teenager, that manifested as looking for anyone who would show him an ounce of affection, but also lashing out. Anyone who would validate him positive or negative. Pranking, fighting.
That validation loop became quite toxic for him as a young adult. That's when it became truly self destructive. Sex became the way he saw himself as wanted and valuable. He was (and still is it just looks different) a very insecure guy. He would still act out for attention. But now it wasn't childish pranks, or fighting with his stepfather. Now he would push himself to do things he didn't really want to. Dangerous, uncomfortable, painful things. Because he wanted to be liked. He was easily peer pressured. Into drugs, drinking, smoking, tattoos, piercings, clothing, relationships, sex.
He was constantly trying to earn approval. But it was always shallow and empty. The high never lasted long. The insecurity would crawl back. Only now he was shamed or made fun of for being so willing to 'humiliate' himself.
There was never a moment where there weren't 'conditions' to anything he received from his family. His mother and grandfather worship Calistria. One must always gain. It must always be a transaction.
Zrise had to do what they wanted or have his 'medicine' taken from him. If he did not meet expectations in training or schooling, he would have something he cherished taken from him or destroyed. He and his sister MUST be of value to be tolerated. Love was never on the table. Only a place to sleep, food to eat, connections, training. Those are what you get for being 'useful'. Investment in an asset. And he MUST prove to be worth such an investment.
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
This is so fucking funny. The whiplash. (Affectionate) In my mind this is how things usually go down for him now, as in, when he's an inquisitor. It would have gone down different before he left Galt. But Zrise hasn't been in that position in like 7ish years. I am probably giving like way too much context here but I think this kind of matters for this question.
There's kind of two types of 'strategies' he has. They greatly have to do with if he can currently be open about his worship. As an inquisitor there are times deceit and subterfuge are required. As a Sanctified Slayer rooting out enemies of the faith can even require you pretend to worship another God as cover.
With his work he's basically always staying at someplace temporarily. Usually an inn. Sometimes with other faithful. Always moving around. He's a very perceptive guy. One of his highest stats. He's always kind of taking in the environment. The exits, the danger, the conversations, the clientele. But this also means he's also waiting… for an opportunity.
If he notices someone give him a second glance, look at him with a curiosity, whether it's because they think he's attractive, or because they notice the signs of the Goddess of Lust. He's good at picking up on someone's interest in that direction. Zrise is also not the type to really fight to sleep with someone. Unless he has something to gain from it. As in, it's part of his cover, part of his job, he needs information they have, etc. To be honest, he often prefers to wear his Calistrian symbols. It's almost like… leaving out bait. People who are in the know, and interested, usually show it.
If he can be open about his worship of Calistria. That's usually how he breaks the ice to be honest. He'll get straight to the point. He'll ask a leading question. Usually try to ask them if they are 'interested' in the worship of his Goddess. He's the type to try to leave just enough up to imagination but make his intentions clear. Ask if they are curious. If they'd like to see for themselves. That he can show them true divine pleasure.
I'm trying to think of a concrete line, but honesty it's hard. I think he uses a few different approaches in that direction. Really depends on the energy he's getting from them.
If he is hiding who he worships… he tries more standard pick up lines or techniques. Buying a drink. Asking if they are all alone here,? Do they want company? And moving from there. But he's also just less likely to seek hook ups in this position. Due to needing to be vigilant.
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
I love this question of Zrise. I'll answer it kind of two fold. There's getting the engine running and there's the engine has shot through the ceiling and left the building. HAH. This following answer is also NOT about him really having love in his heart. To be clear. Not that these wouldn't work. But I am making the assumption that 'seduction' here is more meaning people who don't have any emotionally honest rapport with each other.
Basically I'm just trying to include a disclaimer that mentally there is a kind of switch that flips. What would guarantee to get him going with someone he loves would… expand and shift. Love would make him much more open to someone's emotional needs from sex. Vs without love in his heart its a big ick for him. This is also different than how he was 7 years ago but alas.
First there is the 'mechanical' response he has. The knowing he will probably be having sex. The standard glances, touches, words. Basicly any interest directed AT him. That basic anticipation. The best way I can describe is that he's easy to 'turn on' but usually it's the type that can also be quickly extinguished. A kind of conditioning. Mostly his body and mind knowing sex will occur and so it responds.
I'm trying to think of HOW to describe. He tends to get going from those who are confident about what they want from him. Who aren't afraid or self conscious. Those who aren't needy. Nothing turns him off faster than when he feels someone NEEDS his reassurance to get off. He likes confidence but not CONTROL. He's a switch and a brat to his core. He likes when dominance and submission, give and take, is a back and forth.
It's hard to… articulate but Zrise doesn't like to be seen as just a tool. That will get someone sex with him, but it's not quite so fulfilling to him. He probably won't hook up with them again. He likes, no LOVES, being a GOOD tool. He likes being chosen because the other party assumes he's well suited to their needs. He likes being seen not as a toy. No, he's the BEST one. It's not that someone NEEDS him, it's that they WANT him. He has a purpose, and he's doing it well.
So the moves that work on him, really depend on the context. Pulling his hair, works if it's how you show you want him. Doesn't work if it's coming from the place of making him bend. Hand against his inner thigh, works if you like what's on display. Not when someone does it to try and make him want them.
Sorry if that's not the most direct answer but alas to me it makes more sense to me this way.
Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
Mixed reports. Whatever happens to Anton, happens naturally. He does not go out of his way to flirt. He does not try to flirt. He doesn't even really know when flirting starts. He's never practiced. Getting someone to be interested in him is not a skill he believes he has. He does not observe it to happen.
Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
He hasn't been in a long term relationship. Anton is not saddened by this. The only marriages he has seen are 'business agreements'. He's not really interested in that. He is interested in companionship or partnership, but he hasn't had a close reliable person who fits that description.
Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
When talking with my partner about this question he was possessed to answer in character. So Anton would say:
"I'm very good at remembering. People don't seem very invested in remembering. But they should try that."
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baileypie-writes · 29 days
~Poisony Dating Headcanons~
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(Apologies for the low quality photo)
Fandom: Futari wa Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Poisony
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Poisony rejecting Reader at first, possibly OOC Poisony(it’s been a while since I’ve watched Futari wa Precure), protectiveness(Poisony), jealousy(Poisony)
~Futari wa Precure Masterlist~
Guide: Reader’s dialogue is uncolored and Poisony’s dialogue is red.
~ Before meeting you, Poisony would rather die than do anything to betray the Evil King. However, after knowing you, she couldn’t help but be drawn to you. She didn’t think it had anything to do with romance. She thought it was just interest. However, as time went on, she began hating herself for falling in love. And not only that, but with a human from the Garden of Rainbows.
~ You would be the one to confess, because she would refuse to do it herself. It’s a high probability that she would reject you at first. But she would later accept, because she couldn’t bear the awful feeling it gave her for not seizing the opportunity she’s secretly been dreaming of.
“Poisony? What are you doing here? I thought you said no.”
“I’ve changed my mind. Now, what was that place you said you wanted to take me to?”
~ When a person interests her, she does tons of research on them. So it’s safe to say that she knows everything about you. That may or may not be creepy, depending on how you look at it. And it can be both convenient and inconvenient. On one hand, you don’t really have to tell her anything, because she already knows. But on the other hand, you can’t keep any secrets from her, because if she doesn’t already know, she will find out.
~ Poisony is very protective of you. If she senses even a slight chance of danger, she sends you home. She wants to keep her job as a villain out of your life as much as possible. However, this doesn’t mean she wouldn’t use her powers to protect you if necessary.
“Hey, get out of here. There’s a ‘no soliciting’ sign right there. Can’t you read?”
Salesman: “I’m sorry ma’am! I’ll be going now!”
“Who was that?”
“Some annoying salesman.”
~ On top of that, she also gets very jealous. Being who she is, she has never learned to share, so she doesn’t get or like the idea of sharing your attention with anybody. Luckily though, because of her bold looks, she’s the one who gets the most attention from strangers. So there’s rarely a chance for her to get super jealous anyway. But pray for the unfortunate soul that experiences when it does happen, because she doesn’t know or follow the Garden of Rainbow’s laws.
Random person: “Hey, can I get your number?”
“Oh, I was actually asking them.”
“I know.”
~ Poisony can be pretty picky when it comes to dates. If a certain activity looks unappealing, she won’t do it. And once she makes that decision, it’ll take a ton of convincing for her to change it. She may not know what kind of dates she likes, but she sure knows what she doesn’t. If anything does seem interesting to her though, she’ll be sure to experience it to the fullest before making a final judgement. And when it comes to things you like, she tries her best to keep her opinions to herself.
~ She doesn’t show a lot of affection. She doesn’t feel a need to. In her eyes, you should know that she loves you, so you shouldn’t need any convincing. Yes, that thought can be incorrect depending on what you think. But remembering where she comes from, it’s not necessarily her fault. It’ll take some teaching, but over time, she’ll grow to love affection. Her favorite thing to do is leave lipstick marks on your face.
“Ugh. It won’t come off.”
“Why would you want it to come off?”
“Well, it’s not exactly appropriate for a family gathering.”
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pangolinheart · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023 DAY 28 - BLUNT
Sid can be a little bit indelicate, but Rielle can be pretty blunt herself.
(I swear I don't want to become "The SidWoL Guy" but I went to a movie tonight so I didn't have a lot of time to brainstorm/write and this was such low-hanging fruit. I swear I'll come up with a better ship eventually. Until then, please enjoy Rielle being smarter than Sid and Rhiki combined. And also a teenager.)
Rating: General Genre: Fluff, humor Characters: Rielle de Caulignont, Sidurgu Orl, Z'rhik Irhi (Warrior of Light) (referenced) Relationships: Sidurgu Orl/Warrior of Light (implied) Word Count: 876 Content Warnings: None
The door to the Forgotten Knight didn’t need a bell – it creaked loudly enough to signal the arrival of any new patrons. Out of the corner of her eye, Rielle saw Sid stiffen, his eyes flying to the open door, only to relax again when he saw the mud-caked laborer slumping through it. She rolled her eyes. This was getting painful to watch. Sid had been jumpy ever since they’d received word that Rhiki would be passing through Ishgard in the next few days. Well, not jumpy, per se – he wasn’t really expressive enough for that to be accurate – but she could tell he was anxious with anticipation.
“I don’t know why you’re so excited about Rhiki visiting,” she complained as he settled back into his beer.
“What? What are you talking about?” He was trying to sound confused, but doing a poor job. She’d come to realize he wasn’t actually very good at lying. Despite the muted quality of his expressions and mannerisms (well, other than the angry ones), he was quite easy to read if you knew what you were looking for.
“I said I don’t know why you’re so excited. You obviously are: you’ve been watching the door like a hawk for the past two days, and you’ve insisted on going out to wander around more than usual.”
He huffed, frowning and trying to play off his unwillingness to meet her gaze as offense rather than embarrassment. “I am not excited. To see Rhiki, or about anything else.”
Ugh. Why did he always have to be so difficult? “You’re just going to say something stupid and make her mad again.” She informed him in annoyance. The two were always bickering over something. They rarely got into real fights anymore, not like they had in the beginning, but they did seem to enjoy their petty arguments. She had no idea why. It was like they didn’t know how to be nice to each other without veiling it behind playful jabs and affectionate pejoratives. Though he tried to hide it behind a scowl, she could tell that Sid secretly liked it when Rhiki teased him. Usually, anyway. But sometimes he still said things so blunt that they actually upset her.
“And even if you don’t end up fighting, you’re just going to stare at her with that look on your face whenever you think she isn’t watching.”
“What look?” Sid demanded, seeming more convincingly annoyed this time. Probably because he was.
Rielle made a face. “That look that you do. Like an abandoned chocobo chick that’s been left out in the cold. I don’t know what you would call it, but it’s sad to look at.”
She rolled her eyes at him again. She wasn’t telling him anything that wasn’t true. He wasn’t as subtle as he obviously thought he was. She was honestly surprised that Rhiki hadn’t noticed it – she was usually so perceptive about other people’s feelings. Sensitive to them. Not like Sid, who wouldn’t recognize an emotion if it bit him on the arse. It seemed so obvious to her, but Sid seemed to be something of a blind spot for Rhiki.
“You two should just kiss already and get it over with.” She said, giving him a pointed look.
“What?!” The firelight made it hard to tell, but she thought he was blushing. Rhiki was right, it was funny to see him so flustered. No wonder she liked teasing him so much.
Rielle shrugged. “It’s obvious you like her. So, you should just tell her, or kiss her, or… do whatever adults do when they like each other. I mean, I know what normal adults do, but-“
Sid grimaced, still trying to hide his mortification behind a stern expression. “Well, of course I like her. She’s a fellow Dark Knight and a friend and she’s helped us out more than a few- Wait! What’s that supposed to mean?!” He didn't wait for an answer. “You know what, I don’t even want to know.”
He was so stubborn. Or stupid. Or maybe both. It was hard to tell. “Well, suit yourself then,” she relented in exasperation. “Sit there and pine, or whatever you want to call it. See if I care. I just don’t want to watch you sulk when someone else finally gets up the nerve to admit their feelings to her. It’s bound to happen, you know. She’s the Warrior of Light, after all. And she’s fun. And nice. I’m sure she has lots of admirers.”
Sid looked affronted, but also too rattled to form a quick rebuttal. When he had found his words again, all he had to say was: “I don’t know what sort of books you’ve been reading or what’s gotten the idea into your head, but I do not like Rhiki. Well, I like her, of course, but not, you know….”
“Sure, Sid. Whatever you say.” Fine. He could be that way if he liked. He was only hurting himself. And her, a little, by forcing her to watch him brood. If he wanted to suffer, he was welcome to it. Far be it from her to get in the way of his masochism.
She was definitely still going to tease him about it, though.
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splendentmoon · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes /3/
Third part!!!
-Reactions of the team when they say 'I love you'-
MK: Thank you family!
Spindrax: oh no
Yin: Feels fake but okay
Jin: -A nervous mess-
Red Son: Can I get a refund?
Jin: Plan G time.
Spindrax: You don't mean plan B?
Jin: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip plan C due to technical problems.
Yin: What about plan D?
Jin: Plan D was that desperate attempt to disguise himself half an hour ago.
MK: What about plan E?
Jin: Red Son dies in plan E.
Red Son: what?!
Spindrax: I like plan E.
Red Son: excuse me, WHAT?!
-Everyone is standing around the broken coffee pot-
Yin: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just want to know.
MK: ...I did. I broke it.
Yin: No. No, you didn't. Jin?
Jin: Don't look at me. Look at Red.
Red Son: What?! I didn't break it.
Jin: Hey, that's weird. How did you know it was broken?
Red Son: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Jin: Suspicious.
Red Son: No, it's not!
Jin: I don't know if it matters, probably not, but Spindrax was the last to use it.
Spindrax: Liar! I don't even drink that shit!
Jin: seriously? So what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Spindrax: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everybody knows it, Red Son!
MK: Okay, let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Yin.
Yin: No! Who broke it?
Red Son: Yin... Jin has been blaming everyone, it's obvious who it was.
-everyone starts arguing-
MK, being interviewed: I tore it up. I burned my hand, so I punched him.
MK: I predict that within 10 minutes they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig's head on a stick.
MK: .........the good thing is that they are not going to blame me......on the other hand..........they will destroy the house.....
DBK, entering his house: Hello, people who do not live here.
MK: Hello.
Yin: Hello.
Jin: Hello.
Spindrax: Hello.
Red Son: I gave them the key to my house just for emergencies!
Spindrax: We're out of candy.
Red Son: *Posts a very low quality image in the group chat*
Spindrax: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I would have 15 cents.
Red Son: If I had a dollar for every ounce of anger I felt in my body after reading this, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to shoot you
Yin: Actually I did the math, Spindrax would have $225, not $0.15.
Spindrax: oh
Jin: If I had a dollar, I would buy a can of soda :)
MK: while you're there, could you buy me an orange juice please?
Jin: sorry, I only have one dollar
MK: :(
Yin: Hey, I just realized my friend is right, Spindrax would have $22,500 because it's a dollar per pixel, not a penny
Jin: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and a juice
Yin: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Red Son: Yes, and they want soda and juice
Yin: Apply juice to what
Red Son: Directly in the forehead
Spindrax : Great talk everyone.
MK: The dumbest scar stories, come on!
Spindrax: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Yin: I once dropped a hair dryer on my leg and burned it.
Jin: I have a piece of graphite in my leg from accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in first grade.
Red Son: I was getting a cup of noodles out of the microwave and my hand fell off and I got burned really bad.
MK: ....
MK: I have so many scars both physical and emotional...
MK: We have to distract these guys.
Spindrax: Leave it to me.
Spindrax: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. discuss!
Yin, Jin and Red Son: -Immediately start arguing-
MK, looking in horror: Oh, this. I don't like this I don't like this at all.
-The squad is at Red Son's house-
Spindrax: Ohhhh, everyone has their own oven?
Red Son: ...N-No...
Red Son (laughing): How many ovens do you think I have?
Spindrax (pointing to his kitchen): Three, I thought!
Yin: I see a-
Red Son (pointing at a device): This is a microwave.
Spindrax: Oh, well, I-
Red Son: Hey, wait, wait, actually- wait- -plays with the microwave buttons-
Red Son (Amazed): It Has a Bake Setting!
Jin: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
MK: Shall we do "rock, paper, scissors" to see who picks first?
Red Son: Now I just found out I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to "rock, paper, scissors" anything!
Red Son: I'm someone who has four ovens...
Red Son (stronger and too happy): I'm someone... who has FOUR OVENS...
Red Son: I didn't know it was so rich in ovens...
Jin (pointing to another appliance): Also the toaster oven!
Red Son:
Spindrax: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four-Five ovens!
Red Son:
Yin: Red Son can't see well without wearing his glasses!
Red Son: Yin, look, I wore the glasses for many years. My eyes are much better now. Look.
Red Son: *points to MK* MK.
Red Son: *points to Jin* Jin.
Red Son: *points to Spindrax* Sasquatch.
Red Son: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a brain cell.
Yin, MK, Spindrax and Jin: ALL HAIL to the guardian of the sacred brain cell!
-the squad is at a dinner in a restaurant, but someone has been murdered-
Red Son: You're acting pretty nonchalant about someone whose life is on the line. Who's to say you're not the killer?
Spindrax: It's a murder, not a tax audit. I'll be fine.
Yin: What about MK? Nobody ever suspects MK!
MK: Well, what about Jin? They have a weapon!
Jin: Red Son has a knife.
Red Son: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! -stabs Yin in the arm-
Yin: Who the hell broke the toaster?
Spindrax: It was Red Son.
MK: It was Red Son.
Jin: Red Son broke it.
Red Son:
-When MK disappears for an hour-
MK: Did you forget that I only went to buy juice? Did they really drop everything and come here for me? How did they get here so fast?
Jin: Various traffic violations.
Yin: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Red Son: Approximately thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Spindrax: Also, that's not our car.
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torawro · 1 year
Hey sosa!!! Sorry if you’re getting a lot of byakuya ask! So I got something I’ve been thinking about. Imagine byakuya gets taken to a strip club/gentlemen club by his peers and renji to help him ease up a little bit and to get out more and he wasn’t really all that impress until he sees reader and boom! He’s been stuck on them from that moment on and tries everything to get her! From visiting often, to VIPS rooms, giving gifts and eventually trying to make her quit because he’s so rich he can easily just pay her lifestyle if he wanted to!
EEEEEEEK!!! So whatcha think about that? And if you ever build a headcanon off this I’ll be foaming at the mouth 😮‍💨cuz your and writing is 🤌🏾😮‍💨
P.s. I might even come off anon if you can guess who wrote this🤭🤭
HI NONNIE !!! i am soooooooo incredibly sorry for being late :(( i'm finally getting to all my asks >< please don't apologize i absolutely LOVE AND ADORE the saturation of byakuya related content i've been getting in my ask box and i want more :D love a reason to talk about my maaannnnnn. also, i think i very much know who this is but u shall let u come forward if you wish :))))
okay i personally LOVEEEEE THIS IDEA???FDKFDEKF LIKE THIS SOUNDS SO GOOD ! i think this kind of scenario is def something he would do to an extent 🤭 i would like to add, at first byakuya wouldn't want to go to this kind of place because, as prideful as he is, he thinks he's 'above it' and thinks that men who frequent these establishes so often are lowkey 'tasteless' because he just doesn't understand, subjectively, the appeal of watching barely clothed women dance in front and around him. but he may understand why other men might go.
and then he folds.
it's because renji is annoyingly persistent and figured the only way to get him and his other male friends/colleagues to stop asking is to go. so he promise he'll go just once and one time only just to see what the hype is about and it's like you said, he wasn't all thatttt impressed (at least they had decent drinks) but probably wouldn't come back on his own free will. until he sees the reader 🤭 she comes out in an outfit that is revealing but isn't all THAT revealing compared to her coworkers and his eyes are immediately drawn to her. there's also a certain elegance, poise and finesse that is threaded within her every movement but at the same time, she's still very sensual and feminine. the combination was incredibly sexy and captivating to byakuya, his gray silver eyes would continuously find their way back to her, like metal to a magnet. your gazes met twice during the night; your eyes were beautifully beguiling, but there was an amicable quality to them that felt inviting. you even gave him a wave as you left, and byakuya's eyes widened in surprise but otherwise his face didn't give away any emotion to his other colleagues.
all night he would think about you. yes 'kuya was a quiet man by nature but this time he was somewhat lost in thought pondering and contemplating about you and as he parted with his friends and arrived at his lavish, expansive bachelor pad, he was also already considering returning back to the establishment.... just to see you.
but ofc because he is as stubborn as he is quiet and intelligent, he wouldn't actually go back for almost another week. he made sure to go discreetly on a day/time that none of his colleagues would be there b/c he knew if they ever saw him they'd never let him live it down. this second time he goes back, he sits in a section by himself and just watches you, gingerly sipping on the alcohol he's been served. the way his eyes became low as he stared at you dance and manuever on stage, you would think he was glaring at you but it was quite the opposite. he was observing you, drinking you in, trying to figure you out just by watching you; byakuya could be very astute. either way it made you hot to have this handsome man's eyes on you all night. it wasn't in a creepy or predatory way which was a change of pace u could appreciate. in fact, you found it-- and him-- very attractive.
byakuya would find himself giving into his more primitive desires and visited a third and fourth time and the fifth time is when he gathered the courage (?) to request a private room with this woman. he figured it was time to talk to her. in all honesty, he didn't really like the idea of visiting this place so often because it made him a hypocrite but he came for you. and now, it's time he'd show you his world after getting to watch u in yours. he def courted her using his polite manners, chivalrous attitude and...basically just being himself and he was such a breath of fresh air, and sexy too, how could u resist?
i don't want this to get any longer than it already is LMAOOOOO but as u can see.........the wheels in my brain were actively turning as i typed and this was too good of an idea that i could most CERTAINLY flesh out so i thank u for this <3
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justadekusimp · 2 years
hey! can i have a romantic mha (student not teacher) matchup? i’m bisexual (male preference) and use she/her pronouns.
personality: my mbti type is ISFJ. i’m a bit reserved at first and it takes a while for me to trust people, but once i do i’m more free spirited. i’m passionate, creative, competitive, independent, and curious. i’m very protective over and loyal to the few people i care about. my sense of humor is sarcastic and i like teasing. i love martial arts (i really like training with weapons and fighting), reading/writing, art, gaming (mostly genshin), music (i enjoy all genres except for country), and watching anime. my love language is a mix of intellect, quality time, and acts of service. touch is reserved for very few people and mostly in private. i have two younger brothers that i love very much. my favorite color(s) are blue, purple, and red.
appearance: i’m 5 ft tall, tan skin, dark brown eyes, and soft facial features. i have thick black hair that falls just below my shoulders and choppy curtain bangs. my aesthetic is a mix of citycore and “downtown girl” vibes. I like to wear jewelry and I don’t really wear makeup, but every now and then I’ll do some simple eyeliner.
thank you!!
@emsilverblades I'm so sorry for taking over a month on your matchup.
Matchup 1:
Tumblr media
Your compatibility with Eijiro Kirishima is 79%
While your compatibility is high, It might not be as pleasant as you would think.
He's hot
He's Caring
He's strong
He tries his best in everything
He ALWAYS makes sure that your opinion is heard
Your personalities are similar, Which can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. You both rend to try to be of service to the other and it can go many ways:
For example:
You and Kirishima are deciding who is going to pay for the pizza you ordered was just delivered to your door.
You insist that is was your treat and that you should pay.
But he says that that wouldn't make him that much of a man.
So you both offering to pay back and forth while the delivery man is just standing in the door.
You both are getting a little angrier and then-
Scenario 1: Chance of happening: 60%
You both laugh uncontrollably and decide to split the fee even though he feels bad because he most likely eats more than you.
Scenario 2: Chance of happening: 70%
One of you lets the other pay but you are still low-key salty about it. Not like either of you would say anything about it. You both would probably like to avoid any arguments that could develop from it. You might say it jokingly but not seriously.
Scenario 3: Chance of happening: 30%
One of you lets the other pay but you are still low-key salty about it.
And you say that.
And he is surprised.
And says that it's not a big deal, he just did it because he wants to treat you.
And you try to get him to see your Point of View but he
Now you're both frustrated and your voices start raising and he asks for a minute to breathe outside.
So yeah, those are SOME of the ways that could go.
Kirishima done! Your Other Match-ups are Coming soon! I'll just edit this.
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