#it’s the most real relationship he’s ever had but it’s literally fake (at first)
gregmarriage · 2 years
that whole thing where it’s like “a man ruins every romantic relationship he has with a woman because his real soulmate is a man” or whatever, but apply it to gob bluth
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thagomizersshow · 1 year
Ranting about how JP is not a good critique of capitalism made me want to talk about a sci-fi monster movie that is an excellent AND highly relevant exploration of anticapitalistic themes: Alien (1979).
First I want to say that if you haven’t seen Alien, please do so before I spoil it for you. It’s not just one of my all time favourites, but also one of the greatest pieces of science fiction ever created. For real, please go watch it.
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The biological aspects of Alien are often the most talked about themes in the movie, which is fair, because they’re simultaneously very interesting and in-your-face. Most viewers remember the movie for the gory sexual imagery, not for an authentic depiction of class struggle. I actually wrote a video essay a while back that I never made about how our innate disgust and resulting fear of parasites/parasitoids is the primary driver behind the xenomorph’s ongoing popularity. I’m not immune to this aspect of Alien’s eternal intrigue, that’s for sure.
However, there’s one narrative element that makes Alien ripe for class analysis, especially today, and that is the film’s portrayal of artificial intelligence.
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AI in Alien is consistently shown to be hostile to the crew, but not because of a glitch, like HAL in 2001: Space Odyssey, or because they decide to rise up against their oppressors, like in Terminator. No, what makes Ash, the android, and MOTHER, the ship’s AI, so threatening is that they are doing exactly what they were programmed to do — whatever it takes to ensure corporate interests. In this case, they are programmed to ensure the survival of an extraterrestrial monster at the cost of the crew.
The audience isn’t privy to all the things that Ash does to meet this goal, but at the very least he breaks quarantine protocols, does a shitty job of watching the facehugger, lets Kane join the rest of the crew for a meal (when they still don’t know what it did to him!), plays dumb once the xenomorph is on the loose, and attempts to murder Ripley when she discovers his mandate. If it weren’t for Ripley being a determined badass, Ash might’ve gone unnoticed until the whole crew was dead and the Weyland-Yutani Corporation had their mitts on the alien so they can cause another catastrophe.
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This horror, that you will encounter AI whose programming doesn’t care if you live or die, is what makes Alien’s take on the subject so relevant. Dipshits like Elon Musk or some shitty tech journalist might try and convince us that ChatGBT scary because it can fake being human, as if Skynet is right around the corner.
No, the real horror of AI is that the people in power (our bosses, our politicians, etc.) are going to use it to exploit us, just like how they use everything else.
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In the end, it takes being skeptical of things that seem trustworthy for Ripley to defeat Ash. The audience finds out from the Nostromo’s captain, Dallas, that Ash was a last minute addition to the crew, as chief science officer. This is a role that inherently engenders trustworthiness in the face of the unknown, especially for a crew that is basically a bunch of working joes. It’s not unbelievable to conceive this was purposeful by Weyland-Yutani to make Ash above suspicion. That, combined with literally naming the ship’s AI MOTHER, of all things, shows that the company is deliberately weaponizing aesthetics to foster a positive relationship between the crew and their AI agents.
Alien serves as a reminder to be vigilant as we enter the AI boom, because these programs will be used to exploit us, and corporations WILL try to cloak this purpose behind relatability, convenience, and trust. The AI we encounter is more likely to be Ash or MOTHER than it is to be Data or Skynet.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 4 months
Can I request for an blurb?? Never requested to anyone but I have this idea!!
So like H nd reader is in a relationship but H being famous nd all so because of that media nd his fans doesn't know he is in relationship nd to hide that thing he had to do PR relationship with someone else!! Nd he doesn't acknowledge that he had being ignoring reader nd spending more time with that pr girl!! So one day H came home nd reader was crying nd saying to H "do you love me?? Nd saying please don't leave me" nd H assure her she is it nd in few months he proposed the reader by saying how she is the only girl for him nd to never doubt his love for her!!
Ahh so sorry for such a lengthy request!! Nd it's okay if you don't wanna write!!:)
words: 4k (sorry!!!)
warnings: angst, lots of it. a fake pr, crying, some smut too. happy ending.
i changed this a bit, especially the ending. hope you don't hate this!
"I miss you," you whispered into the dark emptiness of your bedroom, clutching Harry's pillow tight. Another restless night alone while he was off being pictured with that pretty model for their fake relationship.
When would this torment end? Your heart ached constantly from the secrecy and lies shredding your real romance with Harry. All you wanted was to be open about your love...
It had started off so blissfully a year ago when you literally crashed into Harry outside of a coffee shop. You'd been rushing out the door, distracted and clumsy as always, when you rammed straight into a solid wall of human. Your face went bright red as you scrambled to pick up your scattered belongings.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm such a disaster, I seriously need to watch where I'm going..." you babbled, finally looking up into the kindest pair of green eyes you'd ever seen.
The man was watching you with an amused tilt to his soft lips. Something about his tousled chestnut hair and casual style felt vaguely familiar, though you couldn't quite place him. 
"No worries at all, it's my fault. Are you alright?" He asked in a deep, sumptuous voice that made you shiver.
As realization dawned, your mortified expression deepened. "Oh wow...you're...I just headbutted Harry Styles in the stomach."
He laughed easily, dimples flashing as he bent to help gather your dropped papers. "Very impressive ab attack there. Been taking self-defense classes?"
You flushed again at his playful teasing, finding yourself surprisingly flustered by this international superstar's carefree charm. Most celebrities seemed to carry an air of inflated ego, but Harry radiated a humble warmth.
"Do you, er, come to this cafe often?" He asked curiously as you both stood. "I don't think I've seen you around before."
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear shyly, you shook your head. "No, I don't. I was just stopping in for a coffee on my way to work."
"I see." His gem-green eyes slowly traced over your features, as if admiring a fine work of art. The intensity of his gaze sent a tendril of heated awareness washing through you.
Before you could think better of it, you blurted out the first thing on your mind. "Would you...maybe want to get coffee? With me, I mean? Right now?"
Harry's full lips curved in an amused smile. "I'd love that, actually."
You could scarcely believe this was reality as you led him back inside the cafe, trying not to visibly swoon at the casual brush of his fingertips against the small of your back. For the next hour you talked and laughed more freely than you had in ages, feeling utterly intoxicated by Harry's mere presence. Everything about him radiated authenticity and vulnerability, a creative wildness simmering beneath his polished exterior. You felt like you could be yourself with him instead of carefully cultivating persona upon persona as you did with most people.
By the time you forced yourself to reluctantly leave for work, exchanging numbers with Harry, you were positively giddy. Dancing through your day in a euphoric bubble, you hardly noticed the pitying looks from coworkers.
"You know he's just gonna ghost you, right?" Julie the receptionist said flatly when you told her about your morning coffee date. "Have you seen how many girls fall all over themselves trying to get Harry Styles' attention? You're out of your league, sweetie."
You frowned at her harsh dose of reality. As if you weren't well aware of your lack of impressiveness compared to supermodels and actresses in Harry's orbit. Still, you couldn't shake the magnetic connection you'd felt with him, the bone-deep certainty that he was someone truly special. 
Much to everyone's shock, Harry didn't ghost you. In fact, a simple text from him that evening asking how your day was led to a rapid-fire exchange of messages stretching long into the night. Over the next few weeks, your life revolved around hushed phone calls, secret rendezvous at out-of-the-way cafes and restaurants, and marathon conversations revealing every layer of one another.
Harry was purely intoxicating - a whirlwind of brooding intensity balanced with vivid spontaneity and an excellent sense of humor. He seemed utterly fascinated by every small detail you revealed about your life, respectful in a way that made him feel like a wonderful dream. And you fell harder and harder for Harry with each passing day. Something about his quiet attentiveness and insatiable curiosity about you made you feel cherished in a way you'd never experienced before. Gone were the shallow, vapid interactions you were accustomed to in the dating world. With Harry, you could truly be yourself - he somehow coaxed out your authentic self that you typically kept heavily guarded. 
At the same time, you were in absolute awe of the whirlwind of depth and experiences that defined Harry's life. His stories of touring the globe, writing deeply personal lyrics, collaborating with musical icons - they all painted a vivid portrait of an artistic soul soaring to brilliant creative heights. You drank in every glimpse into his inner world like a lifeline to another realm of existence.
Yet whenever you'd express feeling unworthy of his profound love and admiration, Harry was quick to sweetly rebuff you.
"Y/N, you dazzle me more than anything I've experienced in this mad career of mine," he insisted one evening over a cozy home-cooked meal you'd prepared. Catching your hand across the table, his green gaze pinned you in place. "Don't you see? Your warmth, your light, your way of finding detailed beauty in such seemingly ordinary moments - that's what enchants me. You make me want to shed all the superficial trappings of fame and just...be."
You felt yourself falling deeper and deeper, tumbling into an intimacy more profound than you'd ever imagined. If Harry hadn't told you himself that he'd only had a few relatively tame celebrity girlfriends in the past, you'd never have believed his immense experience from the way he worshiped you.
"So responsive, so gorgeous," he rasped against your swollen lips, calloused fingers stroking delirious patterns over your sensitized skin. "God, I could spend eternity between your legs”
Those stolen passionate encounters, tangled up and gasping one another's names with wild abandon, only added to your lovestruck infatuation. You felt deeply seen and cherished on a soul level, like you were both puzzle pieces finally slotting seamlessly together.
In the dreamy, lust-addled haze of new love, you almost didn't notice the growing tension in Harry's manner as typical relationship pressures began encroaching. Paparazzi grew increasingly aggressive in tracking his day-to-day movements whenever out in public. Well-meaning friends expressed concerns about the obvious strain he was under from lack of a romantic life in the public eye. And perhaps most troubling, his management team forcefully "suggested" it was time for him to embark on a high-profile PR romance to capitalize on album promotion and touring.
Harry had looked utterly fed up that evening when he broke the news, pacing in your living room.
You watched him apprehensively. "They want you to do...what? You mean...go along with a staged relationship? Like have a beard or something?"
"No! Absolutely not, I won't do it. I won't treat you like some secret, and I refuse to fake anything in my private life for publicity."
"Harry..." you tried to soothe him, rising to your feet and rubbing his tense shoulders. "I understand the pressures you're under-"
"No, you don't!" He rounded on you with surprising intensity. "You don't get it, Y/N. You are the best, most precious thing in my world - my safe harbor from all the bullshit fake expectations. I won't sully what we have with PR lies. I just...won't."
His words were at once incredibly romantic and terribly naive. As much as you longed to stay cocooned in the warm, intimate bubble of your relationship, you knew the real world would inevitably intrude. Harry was a public figure on a massive scale, his romantic life constantly scrutinized. For the sake of his livelihood, he might not have any choice but to bend to the publicity machine's demands.
Those first seeds of conflict only blossomed further over the following weeks as the PR relationship issue remained unresolved. You did your best to stay supportive and understanding, but it was a challenge keeping your own hurt and insecurities at bay.
"I just don't see what the big deal is," Harry groused one evening over a tense dinner. "So what if they want me to go out a few times with some model or actress, let the paps get pictures? It doesn't mean anything to me."
You poked at your food sullenly. "It's not that simple though, is it? Couldn't something like that, even if fake, seriously complicate things for us?"
He reached across to squeeze your hand. "Baby, you know you're the only person who matters to me. A little PR sham doesn't change how utterly mad I am about you."
But it did change things, whether Harry wanted to admit it or not. The striking difference in how he treated you, his real partner behind closed doors, compared to how he'd have to pretend with someone else for public consumption - it stung deep.
One night shortly after, you were cuddled up watching a movie when Harry's phone started incessantly buzzing. Pulling it out with a furrow in his brow, he quickly scanned a series of messages and emailed photos. An unmistakable look of chagrin crossed his face.
"What is it?" You asked, unable to ignore the sinking feeling in your gut.
Harry sighed, shoulders slumping. "Looks like the publicity team is really pushing ahead. They've, uh, they've arranged for me to be caught having dinner with Kendall Jenner tomorrow night."
Your heart plummeted as an uneasy feeling settled over you. This was really happening - right before your eyes, your private intimacy was being infiltrated with PR lies.
"So you're...going to be going out with her? In public, on a fake date, while the whole world watches?" You tried and failed to keep the hurt out of your voice.
"Not a date!" Harry was quick to insist, shifting closer to pull you into his arms. "Y/N, you have to understand this doesn't mean anything. It's all just smoke and mirrors, love. You're my world, I promise."
You wanted so desperately to believe him. But the lingering ache still took root somewhere deep inside as you watched the paparazzi frenzy ignite over Harry's "outing" with Kendall. Photos of the two models laughing intimately over drinks and dinner plastered every gossip rag and website for weeks. 
It soon became a narrative that followed Harry everywhere - probing reporters shouting questions about whether he and Kendall were officially an item now. Rabid fans prying him online, trying to get every new shred of detail on the new, perfect couple.
"Hey, come here," Harry murmured soothingly whenever he saw the sadness and uncertainty cloud your eyes. He'd pull you into his chest, peppering kisses over your face. "I'm yours, baby, only yours. None of that bloody circus matters to me, I hope you know that."
You wanted to have his quiet confidence, truly. The way Harry could compartmentalize the fake PR relationship and his very real feelings for you with such clear separation. But it didn't stop the anxiety slowly gnawing away at your trust and security.
Increasingly, special romantic gestures from Harry felt like overcompensation for all the public affection he was faking with Kendall. When he'd surprise you with extravagant getaways to exotic locales, you couldn't fully relax into the pampering without wondering how much of it was just hiding guilt. And his constant reaffirmations of his love and devotion started ringing hollow amidst the growing circus his life was becoming.
The worst of it came at one of his first concerts after the publicity whirlwind began. You'd been so looking forward to experiencing the screaming crowds in a whole new light as Harry's actual partner, not just a casual fan. But the huge video screens kept flashing candid photos and fake couple shots of Harry holding hands and hugging Kendall, selling their phony romance to the fans.
You couldn't hold back the tears slipping down your cheeks as Harry serenaded the arena full of thousands, having no choice but to play along with the charade on the world stage. He caught your eye for just a second during the encore, and his smile instantly morphed into a look of sheer sorrow and guilt, looking at your tear-ridden face. He knew you, even if he stood so much away from you.  But there was nothing he could do then except push forward with the manufactured story.
That night after the concert, an emotional Harry fell into your arms the moment you were alone in his dressing room. He clung to you desperately, peppering apologies across your tear-stained and defeated face.
"God, Y/N, I'm so sorry," he rasped, emerald eyes awash with remorse and frustration. "Seeing you hurting like that because of this bloody sham...it killed me. You have to know how madly in love I am with only you."
You nodded, finding it hard to speak past the lump in your throat. Of course you knew, deep down, that Harry loved you wholly. His attentiveness, the intense spark of intimacy and passion between you, the emotional connection - it was all achingly real. This PR relationship was merely a toxic byproduct of his celebrity, something massively unfortunate but not defining your actual bond.
And yet...Harry couldn't deny the growing chaos enveloping his personal life. The fake romance was now Priority One to his team, staged and milked for every ounce of publicity. Constant video calls and strategy sessions mapped out each calculated move - where Harry and Kendall would stage a coffee run for the paps, when they should be papped holding hands emerging from a nightclub, how often they should update their couple-y Instagram shots together.
Harry grew increasingly sullen and withdrawn the more deeply engrossed he became in maintaining the facade. And you couldn't ignore the mounting jealousy and hurt rapidly corroding, chipping away your self-esteem and faith in the relationship.
"Maybe...maybe we should take a break," you finally broached one afternoon after an especially grueling set of publicity demands. Harry's head whipped up from where he was moodily going over plans for an upcoming awards show appearance.
"What? Why would you say that?" There was an edge of panic in his tone. He looked shocked, but you knew it was a long time coming.
You shrugged. "Harry, can you honestly tell me you don't resent me at all for the toll this whole – charade has taken? That some part of you doesn't wish you could just live your life freely without me holding you back from giving publicity stunts like this your full effort?"
He immediately rushed to gather you into his arms. "No! Never, Y/N. You're my world, my everything. Without you, all this would mean nothing!”
Burying your face into the strength of his shoulder, you wished you could cling to his words and find comfort there once more. But the turmoil swirling around you was rapidly becoming too overpowering.
"I'm just...I'm so tired of feeling like an afterthought, Harry. Of being the dirty little secret you have to hide away while flaunting someone else to the world. I can't keep living like this, sinking into doubt and jealousy constantly."
Harry's arms tightened around you convulsively. "Don't say that, my love. You could never be an afterthought to me. I need you here, by my side, to keep me grounded and remind me of what's truly real."
Though his words warmed your heart, you found yourself pulling back to gaze at him searchingly. "Then prove it. Enough with the grand romantic gestures, the desperate promises. I need you to actually fight for me, for us, instead of just going along with everything. Either that, or–” the lump in your throat deepend, “ –you can let me go”
Harry was taken aback by your words. But still, there was a part of him that didn;t fully understand what you were going through.  "You know it's not that simple, Y/N. One wrong move that tanks this publicity team's plans and my entire career could crater."
"So what?" you challenged, tilting your chin defiantly. Harry wasn't the only one being forced to make impossible choices. "Is the career really more important than your actual life, your happiness in a real relationship? Because I love you with everything, but I can't keep sacrificing my sense of self-worth and spinning out into reckless jealousy every waking moment just so you can have the best of both worlds."
"I...you have to understand, none of this publicity shite actually matters to me. Not really. It's all a smokescreen that will fade away eventually. But you, us - this love is my truth, my be all and end all. Don't give up on me, baby. I'll fix this, I swear it."
You wanted so badly to believe the desperation in Harry's voice. But the ache of sadness and insecurity had burrowed too deeply. What once would have swept you up in romantic adulation now just hollowed you out further.
"I really hope you can, Harry," you rasped, pulling away with immense reluctance. "Because I can't keep holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop much longer. This half-life just isn't enough anymore.I can't, Harry.I can't keep living like this."
Harry looked hurt now. He knew it was only a while before it all came shattering down, but the thought of Y/N walking away felt like a shard of glass lodged in his heart. 
"From this moment on, things change," he rasped. "No more bowing to bloody publicists and image managers. My truth, our bond, comes before anything else. You're about to become my permanent bloody shadow, love."
A smile curved your lips at his words. Reaching up to trace the sharp edge of his chiseled jaw, you felt a wave of relief and renewed hope. "Well, I do make a devilishly charming shadow, if I say so myself."
Harry's gaze drank you in like a man rewarded with an infinite oasis after years of directionless wandering. "That you do, baby. No more hiding that radiant light of yours, yeah? "
He sealed the vow with a kiss that seared straight through to your bones. You clung to him, every brush of his hands and velvet tongue rekindling the deepest intimacy between you two. 
When you finally pulled apart, chasing oxygen, Harry made an immediate move to sweep you up into his arms like a blushing bride. "Come on, love. Let's go remind the world of who they're dealing with, shall we?"
You looped your arms around his neck with a giddy laugh as he strode through the penthouse with you cradled protectively to his chest. Despite his determination, his hold was soft, cherishing. Like you were something infinitely precious to be handled with utmost care, or you would break.
Without explanation, Harry marched you both out and down to where a sleek black car was out front, the doorman quickly ushering you inside the backseat. Once the privacy partition rolled up, Harry immediately turned to you.
"I mean it, every word," he stated plainly. "No more deceptions or hiding our connection. From here it's full transparency and only the truth."
you felt overcome by tenderness and awe. "So...does that mean an end to the fake relationship with Kendall then?"
"Among other things," Harry confirmed without hesitation. To your surprise, he reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone and thumbed it open to the camera app, situating you both in the frame. "We're going to document and share every moment of us, the real us. Let my supporters and fans see who truly holds my heart before all others."
You blinked in astonishment as he looped an arm around your waist, pulling your bodies flush as the camera captured. Was this really happening? After all your heartbreak and insecurity brought on by that disastrous PR relationship, was Harry truly throwing it all to the wind?
That was clearly his intention as he leaned in to nuzzle your cheek dotingly, snapping pic after sweet pic of shameless embraces and intimate caresses being exchanged between you. Each time the shutter clicked he murmured loving adorations, his focus immovable.
"Gorgeous girl...my forever woman...heart and soul of my entire world..."
You blinked back tears. When was the last time you'd felt this elevated by Harry's worshiping? Your shaky exhales intermingled hotly as he maneuvered you fully into his lap, slanting his mouth hungrily across yours.
"My everything," he growled against your lips before kissing you breathless.
"Harry..." you finally managed to gasp out as you pulled apart, "what are you doing? If you post those shots, then-"
"Then the whole world will know I'm mad for you, and only you," he said, with nothing but seriousness and devotion in his voice,  "No more closeting my actual partner away like a mistress to be hidden from disapproving eyes. You're the only romantic relationship fully grounded in truth that the world needs to be focused on."
You shivered at the assurance in his tone. This was really it - the definitive line in the sand. And with Harry looking at you the way he was, you couldn't find it in yourself to argue or question further. You simply melted into his heat, losing yourself in the incredible feeling of being staked as his claim.
With a few taps, Harry posted the first of intimate photos and captions that set the internet instantly ablaze. Breathy confessions of forever love intermingled with searing makeout shots - it was a rush of letting go of months of pent-up passion and adoration for the world to finally bear witness.
All the while, Harry refused to tear his stare from worshiping every inch of your body. His broad palms trailing over the exposed curves of your hips, waist, the swell of your breasts - anchoring you fully into the present.
Your social media was immediately swamped by a plethora of comments, tags and speculation over the tsunami wave of intimate reveals. Harry's fanbase seemed to have divided between celebration and outrage over their beloved idol being so thoroughly claimed by an average nobody. 
More jarring, however, was the media/PR teams' explosive reactions. Both your phones blew up with frantic calls and enraged messages demanding explanations and emergency meetings. As expected, the team working to orchestrate Harry's fake relationship with Kendall were melting down over the sheer negligence of you both, and damage control now being initiated.
For a long while, you both simply ignored it, too immersed in devouring the rebirth of your connection to spare any attention elsewhere. You reveled in being subjected to Harry's fervent, undivided worshipping as his fingertips and lips swept across every velvet hollow and slope. His sensual assault was purposefully overwhelming, etching his permanent claim over your quivering form.
"They'll keep the noise up for a while, try spreading all sorts of misinformation and manipulation to regain control of the narrative," Harry finally mumbled without breaking the rhythm of stripping you bare and lavishing undivided attention over each exposed new expanse of satin flesh.
You shivered beneath him, and he tilted your chin up with a knuckle to capture your gaze, "But none of that shite matters now, okay? All that matters is that I’m all yours now. Only yours.:
And you were never letting him go.
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crushmeeren · 10 months
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♡ Master List Link
♡ Gojo / Fem Reader
♡ Warnings; cursing, kissing, blowjobs, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, dirty talk, bit of brat tamer Gojo
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Satoru who is the prettiest, no — the most ethereal man you’ve ever come in contact with. It’s comparable to gazing upon the biblically accurate form of an Angel. Whose beauty you fear may burn your eyeballs out of your skull.
Satoru who is annoyingly aware of how breathtaking, how feminine he is. The man hit the genetic lottery. Who regards you in the exact same light. Who gets you giggling every time he dramatically complains that you must’ve bewitched him.
Satoru who is so insanely tall, it gets your heart thundering every time he has to tilt his head down to meet your gaze. Who winks each time, sporting a knowing grin like the bastard he is. Who has long, slender fingers that envelope your entire hand when he sweetly laces his dainty fingers through yours.
Satoru who enjoys accentuating his fingers by wearing eye catching black rings. Who places a hand on the nape of your neck, the cool metal of his rings making you shiver as he guides you in different directions.
Satoru who has tons of admirers. Girls and guys alike. Who could not give less of a fuck, and pays them no mind. Whose crystal blue eyes always seek you out, no matter where the two of you go. Who ignores all the unrequited stares of longing he receives. Who gravitates towards you like the beckon of a siren call.
Satoru who tells you the cheesiest, cliche, most tooth-rottingly sweet pick up lines that you’ve ever had the misfortune of hearing. You reluctantly admit it makes you fall more in love with him each time.
Satoru who gets the biggest thrill out of playful flirting with you. Whose giddy when he manages to get under your skin. Who coos at you and thinks it’s so cute when your eyebrows scrunch together and your lip curls up in annoyance. You struggle not to punch him sometimes.
Satoru who started to become obsessed with you. Who was enamored watching you teach his students. He admires the way you fill in wherever you’re needed. You mainly go on missions, but recently you started teaching to help Yaga and subsequently started spending more time with Satoru. He started requesting you help in his class so often it became ridiculous.
Satoru who clings to you like a koala in bed when you cuddle. Whose long limbs tangle with yours and cause you to wake up sticky with sweat — and not in a good way.
Satoru who takes you back to all the random sweet stands and shops he finds while he’s sent away on missions. Who, of course, returns with trinkets or items he knows you’ll love.
Satoru who is unbearably difficult to read at first. Who wears a fake smile that’s razor like at the edges until you coax him into letting his guard down. Whose real smile is warm, lighting up his whole face and melting your heart. Satoru who’s another version of Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Satoru who is nothing short of petrifying when he’s truly furious. Who is 100% unhinged. Whose blue eyes glow as he massacres anything that stands in his way. Who gives you chills when you witness this side of him. You’d never wanna be on the opposing side of Satoru during a fight.
Satoru who is definitely an asshat. Who is annoying. Who texts you at 2 am for a booty call, which is funny because you’re already in a committed relationship. Who only texted the literal words “booty call” before you’re swinging open your bedroom door ready to rip him a new one. He’s already naked when you get there, and you’re ashamed to admit you gave in.
Satoru who learns he loves to bake with you. Who loves making cupcakes. Who whips some up for your birthday. Who was so excited he was practically vibrating when you ate one. Surprisingly, they were amazing.
Satoru who you’re unconditionally in love with. Who wants to marry you someday. Who becomes the best daddy to your little ones. Who is your other half and who you share the deepest, richest love with. Who is the best thing you’ve ever experienced.
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Satoru who has to admit that he has a thing for bratty girls. Girls who aren’t afraid to be bitchy towards him. Who are mean to him and don’t put up with his bullshit. Who step up and put him in his place.
Satoru whose cock gets full and achy along his inner thigh when you come into his classroom to bitch at him about stealing your bento box. You know he loves it, the man leers at you as if he’s going to devour you whenever you do come in and yell at him.
Satoru who eagerly makes out with you in his classroom. Whose tongue plays with yours as his limbs buzz with lust and the anticipation you two getting caught. Who has a bit of an exhibitionist kink. Who will unabashedly shove his hand down the front of your pants and play with your clit until you shove him away.
Satoru who grips your hand and sends you two straight back to his home once you’re fed up with his attempts to fuck you in public. Who will lay you out on his bed and groan when you snarl at him “honestly Satoru you’re such a fucking dumbass.” Who hums in agreement, sinking his teeth into your collarbone and neck until your bitching turns into breathy moans.
Satoru who wears a smug expression when you lay pliant under him. Who pinches your nipples and bites at the fat of your tits until you’re crying out, weaving your fingers through soft, white hair.
Satoru who rubs tight circles into your clit with his thumb until your orgasm starts to burn in your lower belly up. Who stops right before you go over the edge, just to get you to bitch at him. “Are you fucking kidding me Satoru? What is wrong with you.” Who cuts off your complaining, slipping two fingers into your pussy as an apology. Who thumbs at your clit again and works you over until you cum for him.
Satoru who swears he’s on cloud 9 when you roll him onto his back. Whose cock twitches violently when he gazes down at you. Whose head gets fuzzy when you start to suck his cock, swallowing him until he’s shiny with your saliva.
Satoru who pulls you off and flips you onto your back. Who splays his hand out on your sternum. Who tries to shove you through the mattress as he pushes his thick cock into you, spreading your pussy to the max. Who tilts his head, wolfish grin on his face as your whines fill the air.
Satoru who calls you his “fussy little brat,” when you writhe underneath him. Who teases you with the shallow rocking of his hips. Who’s so condescending when he bites his lower lip before asking “where’s that shitty attitude you had earlier hmm? Not so big and bad now are ya? Needy little brat.”
Satoru whose arousal is turning him to ash while he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. Who drapes one of your legs over his shoulder and bends you in half. Who throws his weight into his thrusts, bullying your g-spot until you cum around him three times.
Satoru who lets his fingers wrap around your throat like a necklace. Who squeezes gently to make your head fill with cotton as he fucks you. Who watches your eyes roll back and feels your back arch into his thrusts. Whose mouth drops open as he says “fuck yes, that’s right baby girl. You just needed me to fuck that shitty attitude outta you huh? Don’t worry I’ll make you cum on my cock a few more times.”
Satoru who takes note of your fourth orgasm building. Who releases your neck as you swallow air desperately. Who rubs quick circles into your swollen clit as you cum. Whose name you wail when you squirt all over his pelvis.
Satoru who can’t fucking take the way your warm pussy sucks his cock like a vice. Who presses his forehead against yours as his cock kicks inside you repeatedly. Who murmurs “I’m gonna fill up your bratty little pussy since you’re being so obedient.” Who buries his cock until his balls are snug against your ass and cums with a whimper.
Satoru who pulls out so slowly. Who allows you to melt into the mattress. Who cleans the both of you and nuzzles into your neck. Who loves the aftermath of sex when you cling to him adoringly. Who revels in the fact he has the privilege to tame the brat in you one hundred times over.
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wekiaam · 6 months
2D NEWSIES: What I would change
I just realised I've been making fake concept art for a nonexistent animated Newsies adaptation for four years now. Over time, I've been getting so many ideas for this adaptation if it ever became real, I thought I would share them with you guys! This includes story changes, cut and additional songs and ideas for characters and style. I would love to know your thoughts on these!
When I started making concept art for "2dsies" as I came to be called, I intended for it to be based on the Broadway version and the Broadway version only. However, stories on stage differ a lot from stories told on screen, it just doesn't work the same way. I do still prefer the storyline of Broadway Newsies, but I think the best version would be a combination of the best parts of all different versions, plus some necessary changes. I would want Newsies to be a love letter to every production we've had, to everyone who made happen and every theatre kid who's been geeking out over it since 1992, while also being its own standalone movie that can be enjoyed by anybody. I am in no way an adequate screenwriter, these are just a few suggestions I have for a better story!
Like I said, the story will be based mainly on the Broadway storyline, meaning we still have Artist Jack, Katherine, and most elements from the show that aren't in the movie. It will, however, be quite different from the show and the movie, and maybe add some more of the real events from the newsboy strike. There are still some details and scenes I would like to add and some I would remove completely.
- I like the history lesson opening from the movie, it gives people just enough background information on the real historical events the story is based on. I don't know if it should be Racetrack or Jack narrating, though.
- In Santa Fe (prologue), Crutchie mentions he's afraid the other boys will find out about his bad leg, even though they all literally know him as Crutchie, and it seems to be the first time Jack tells him about his dream of going to Santa Fe, even though they've clearly been best friends for a long time. It feels off, UNLESS they only just met, which is why I love @raggedy-albert 's theory so much. I would have the scene start off with them as kids, and have them grow up throughout the song.
- I want to add a scene in the beginning of Katherine at the New York Sun to establish her character and motivations, and possibly a little foreshadowing. Just an idea for a scene; she goes to the editor to let him read her story covering the trolley strike, but he reminds her of "her place" and that she's lucky enough to be in the position she's in and that she should go review a vaudeville or something. This would not only give her a similar motivation to the newsies, but also, if we're gonna bring the women's rights movement into the story let's do it right!
- Of course I'd also like to add more romantic interactions between Jack and Katherine, to make their relationship more believable. However, I don't think they should be a couple immediately after the finale, I was more thinking of an open ending to their relationship where Jack takes his first step to staying in New York by finally asking her out.
- Maybe add the actual scene where Jack and Davey visit Brooklyn instead of having them tell the other newsies what Spot said right before Seize the Day. Show don't tell, you know?
- A scene where Jack visits Crutchie at the refuge, similar to the one in the movie, but with the sadness Jack describes it with in the show. Again, show, don't tell. Show me how Jack visits the place of his nightmares again only to find his best friend in a worse state than ever and being unable to save him.
- Katherine punches Jack after the rally. Give it to me.
- Additional scene after Jack and Katherine's song after the rally where Jack formally apologizes to the newsies. Because in the show it just cuts from "omg he's a sellout *spits on the floor*" to "yay captain Jack is back" and it just doesn't sit right with me.
- There should be an entirely new Pulitzer song. The Bottom Line is good but by far the most skippable song on the cast recording, and The News Is Getting Better (the off broadway cut song) is a little Better but not quite the evil capitalist song we need.
- Swap Something to Believe In for When I See You Again. It's such a sweet song and I think it suits Jack and Katherine a lot better. It's much more "Neither of us know what tomorrow brings but when I'm with you I know we can change things for the better, even if it's scary but for now let's be here together and forget the world for a bit" instead of "I love you but I'm still gonna chase my cowboy dreams"
- Cut Letter From The Refuge, since my idea was to have this be a scene instead.
- Some lyric changes!
In Santa Fe: "Crutchie's callin' me, he's fine, just too damn slow"
In Once And For All: add this lyric from the movie, "Better to die than to crawl".
In Seize the Day: "Friends of the friendless seize the day, raise up the torch and light the way", not in the song but in the reprise where all the working children of the city gather before the finale.
Additional: "Still it seems like the dream of a boy, not a man", from The Truth About The Moon, a cut song from the movie that was supposed to be sung by Sarah. I don't know where I would put this lyric, but it could be said or sung by Jack as he realises what he's really looking for is not actually Santa Fe.
- I want to add more girls to the background newsies, first of all.
- Sarah still won't do anything for the plot, but Davey and Les could mention that they have a sister. She's still canon to me.
- Speaking of Les, let's make him more likeable and also more helpful.
- Snyder has two scary dogs with him at all times.
- Just and idea, maybe Denton could still be a character if we replace Darcy with him, or maybe combine the two. Have him be Katherine's chaperone and friend formally, but also her reporter bestie. They could be a fun journalist duo!
- The movie will still include the iconic choreography, which means it couldn't be fully 2D, but rather a mix between hand drawn and CGI.
-I would love for the backgrounds in the movie to be similar to impressionist and romantic art styles from the 19th century, to really sell how it's a story told from Jack's perspective. Especially his dream-like imaginations of Santa Fe would be brilliant in this style.
- I want to include a lot of weather foreshadowing. Rain right before Seize The Day and the sun breaking through when Davey starts singing. Mist surrounding Snyder and sudden darkness whenever he's near. A beautiful sunset when Jack and Katherine are alone on the rooftop. And of course, partly cloudy, clear by evening. It's such a cool way of visual storytelling when you have a plot that has no magic involved, like in most Disney movies.
- The real people characters' designs (Pulitzer, Hearst, Roosevelt) can be based on political cartoon caricature versions of themselves.
And lastly, quotes from the movie I liked that could be inspiring for the animated movie:
-"When I created the World..." "🙄" and "Where was I?" "You created the World, chief?"
- "No, we'll be just a bunch of angry kids with no money"
-"What, you couldn't stay away?" "Well I guess I can't be something I ain't." "A scab?" "No, smart."
Many of these ideas are still in development. Some might work, some may not, but I will be basing any future work I'll post on here on these ideas. I would love to see you guys  discuss and add on to these!
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shrimplymoray · 8 months
This post is me madly projecting with some x reader stuff. Not requested, I had the idea and my besties said "YES DO IT" so this is happening now lmao.
This has been on my drafts for a looooong time, so that's why I'm actually posting this now lmao.
Octavinelle Trio x Reader who is autistic with a special interest in Moray Eels
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul first laid eyes on you for purely business reasons. During the holiday season, the Mostro Lounge stays understaffed most times, and you were oh so kindly falling into his flourished word traps to strike a deal.
He, however, would have never expected all you wanted from him was to know all about Moray Eels that he, as a merfolk, knew. That was... rather odd and maybe even boring?
He got intrigued, were you trying something with the twins? They were his most loyal workers, so he couldn't allow you to do anything.
When you get into a relationship, after much hard work on both parts, he expected, no, hoped you would change this special interest from the slimy eels to the much more interesting octopus.
You... didn't quite catch the hints, though, and this has led to some rather jealous and insecure moments with Azul. Especially if the twins were involved.
One could say that he was so insecure, in fact, that he felt ashamed of even showing his octomerman form to you.
But after you realized all this jealousy and insecurity on his part, you did all you could to show how much you love him and appreciate him for the way he is.
Now your eel-filled room has a little octopus cove, full of things that remind you of Azul or that he enjoys so that he has a safe space to come to.
He still will glare at your Eel stuff when cuddling, almost as if the carnivores were real and trying to get a bite out of you.
"I suppose it wouldn't be bad to stay a bit in here, with you, if you promise me you won't be cuddling those slimy eels to sleep, but rather this much more elegant and cuddly octopus plushie..."
Floyd Leech
Floyd first approached you on a whim. He was bored, you looked interesting enough, and you didn't seem to have any sense of self to run away from him in fear of getting squeezed till you popped, and as such, he stuck for a while.
You were quite different from most people he knew, and sometimes you reminded him a bit of himself or Jade, which gave you some points on his side.
The thing that made him stay, though, was the moment you opened your mouth and asked him if he ever saw a Moray Eel.
You're really asking that? To him? A literal Eel-merman? Hah!
He did indulge you for a while because you actually seemed to know your facts. He would just push you around, sometimes carry you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, while you blabbered out.
When it came to you two dating, it was very much a surprise for everyone. Floyd? Sticking to someone for so long? That's new.
Floyd tends to cling to you a lot, and even though it gets boring to him real quick that you repeat your eel facts, he cannot for the life of him stop you, since when you ramble is the best time to cuddle.
Floyd will, though, get easily jealous of your eel collection. You have the real eel deal (ha!), and you keep cuddling the plushies? Meanie :(
He will constantly just take the plushie off of your hands and plop himself on top of you. No fake eel, just the real deal.
He didn't really tell you he was a mer-eel, he actually just oh so happened to be taking a swim when you were close, and oh, look, he is an eel!
He lets you play with his fins and will take any chance he can get to use you as his cleaning shrimp to get sand off of him. He just like how your little cute hands feel scrubbing the sand from him, it is like exfoliation!
"hey hey, guppy, wanna do something fun? ya can bring the tiny morays with ya, if ya don't mind a bit of dirt, ahahah~!"
Jade Leech
First met you as a tutor for your work at the Mostro Lounge, per Azul's request.
Found your mannerisms quite interesting, you reminded him of himself and a bit of Floyd too.
He was happy when you didn't distance yourself from him when he talked about his interest in mountains or Mushrooms.
In return, you told him you really really really liked Eels. Specially Morays.
He faked not knowing it and let you talk about it since as long as he could rant about his fungi findings he didn't mind having to hear what he already knew.
When you two began dating, he was very perceptive of your needs. sometimes to a scary level, actually.
He doesn't mind at all your eel-filled room. he finds it endearing, and he even uses some miniatures you buy to put on terrariums he gifts to you.
Autistic x autistic relationship, basically.
He will use your eel interest against you in a silly way, like "I can show you an incredible moray fact if you perhaps go hiking with me :)"
Tbh if you are with him, you should do the same. Makes things fun for you both.
Floyd and Azul are so tired of hearing the both of you talk about each other and enabling each other's interests, but Jade will never judge you. And he will actually shove shiitake mushrooms down other's throats if they do judge you.
The moment he showed you his mer form as per your request, after knowing from Floyd that they both are eels.
Jade doesn't mind you picking and prodding around his mer form if it makes you happy, but if you keep your guard down he will fake drowning you "just for fun :)"
Make sure to hide his mushrooms in return, or he will try funny business again, just saying.
"Oya~ I would never intend to purposefully hurt you, my pearl. But a predator is inclined to bite when their jaws are so open near a cute prey, fufufu~"
I wanted to write something for my fave trio for a while, so I hope yall like this! Other posts and the request for Bee and Vixx will be done shortly after this, Since I already have it in my drafts almost finished! Hope yall enjoy a bit of eeltism!
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Is Eridan’s fake attempt for land dweller genocide just a manifestation of his guilt of orphaning all those trolls? He says he wants to kill them all so they will no longer have to deal the loss of losing their parent to some finned hipster asshole?
So Eridan's life pre-SGRUB is primarily concerned with one thing: it is his Duty as a violet-blood who is close to the Heiress to feed her lusus so that it doesn't throw a tantrum and Kill Everybody. It's a manifestation not of guilt, but of anxiety.
He describes the murder he commits in pursuit of this as "all i evver done practically," and we never see him participate in a hobby he enjoys - we learn he's a hipster because Karkat calls him one, he FLARPs to fill Gl'bgolyb's belly, and people have fought with me before, but I maintain that his "interest" in military history is also just a part of his posturing/something he reads like somebody would doomscroll, as it validates his anxiety, because he only ever talks about history twice, in the vaguest possible terms, and the first time, it's just part of him posturing at Kanaya, and the second time, he's literally just. Wrong? He's just incorrect?
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
Like I just. Don't believe him when he says he's obsessed with military history when he doesn't seem to be able to name five specific battles, and thinks the main attribute a military leader needs to succeed is "persevverance". We know that Karkat's interest in romance is real because he brings it up more than twice and also starts infodumping about it to Vriska at one point, but Eridan only seems to mention it because he thinks he's supposed to care about it.
Which is pretty much, like, one of the biggest tensions in his character: how he feels he's supposed to act vs. how he actually feels about acting that way. He faces multiple pressures to be a certain person, which run counter to his actual feelings.
He has to be a murderer, because if he isn't one, then Gl'bgolyb will do a genocide on his entire species.
He has to be an unrepentant murderer, because they live in a horrible fascist murder-society where highbloods are supposed to kill lowbloods all the time for literally any reason.
He has to be the one getting his hands bloody because his ancestor, Dualscar, was also the Orphaner, and (especially highblood) trolls need to take up their ancestors' mantles.
He has to be rude and condescending to everybody else because that's how highbloods, and especially sea dwellers, have to act.
He cannot express compassion, sympathy, or pity, because sea dwellers and highbloods aren't supposed to act that way.
Magic has to be fake, because it's for shitty wigglers, and Eridan's not a wiggler anymore!
He has to be in a torrid pitch relationship because that was the most defining one Dualscar had, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to be in a flushed relationship because Dualscar had an unrequited flushcrush on the empress, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to hate the lowbloods because he's a highblood.
He has to hate the land dwellers because he's a sea dweller.
But wait! That's weird. He has to hate the land dwellers and lowbloods, but he's the one responsible for making sure they don't all die by keeping Gl'bgolyb full?
In truth, it would be all too easy to solve the land dweller problem once and for all. You'd just need to lighten up on the feeding schedule for a while. Maybe you'd be a little too busy to bother with that hassle for once? Or maybe you could happen to be off your game for a spell? It happens, even to the best sometimes. But nah. It would make her upset. More emotions. More problems. That's all you need.
And he has to be an unrepentant murderer even though he clearly feels more guilt for it than Feferi?
That should keep her happy for a while. And make a freshly orphaned troll somewhere pretty sad.
And you claim magic is fake idiot stuff for babies but you like it SOOOO much?
You also like MAGIC, even though you know it to be FAKE. Like a made up friend, the way wizards are. Made up make believe FAKEY FAKEY FAKES. It's still fun though.
So we can see that Eridan is basically being pulled two ways at all times.
On one hand, there's everything society says he needs to be: an unrepentant murderer, a military dictator, ruthless bloodthirsty sea-dwelling aristocracy, hater of all low bloods and land dwellers, Orphaner Dualscar's heir.
And on the other hand, there's the guy Eridan actually is: doesn't give a shit about the hemocaste, just wants friends and/or relationship partners, likes magic, like hipster stuff, kind of a tool, guilty and traumatized.
It doesn't help that the people he's surrounded by are the least likely to recognize his distress as distress - Feferi loooooves being a princess, Kanaya has never really voiced any strong opinions on the hemocaste because it largely doesn't concern her since she's a rare jade blood, and Vriska is doing a lot better than Eridan is at fitting the mold they were born into (not that she doesn't have problems, she's just doing better than Eridan, which is a low fucking bar). Even Karkat, because of his own hangups about being a mutant pariah, venerates the society he was born into, because he (wrongly) sees it as a means to gain validation so he can hate himself less. As a result, Eridan winds up with basically 0 support system, because pretty much every aspect of his life reinforces that the thing society says he should be is correct, and that there's something wrong with Eridan for being unable to meet that expectation.
Especially because, for at least all the "murderer" he's supposed to be, if he fails to meet that expectation, everybody dies. So it's not just that he's got a pushy lusus and a shitty society, like Vriska does, but that there's also the added weight that adhering to those expectations is literally, objectively, the correct thing to do, so long as he doesn't want literally everybody to die.
As a result, he's constantly trying to overcorrect his behavior and cognition to line up with what he thinks he's supposed to be. That's why he's constantly saying slurs even though he doesn't actually treat anybody differently for their caste. That's why he's constantly talking about murder and military history, even though he clearly doesn't enjoy doing either of those things. That's why he's always pushing this image of a big bad fascist wannabe, even though he actually wants to be a magic-slinging wizard.
The thing about genocide, for Eridan, is that he's already obsessed with genocide - the prevention of genocide. Keeping his species from being genocided is, without exaggeration, the most time-consuming pursuit in his life. BUT WAIT! He can't say, think, or believe that his actions are for the benefit of the land dwellers, because first of all, he feels kind of guilty about killing them, and second of all, because he's not allowed to express compassion to the people he's keeping safe. So between the stress, the cognitive dissonance, the anxiety, and the fact that Eridan doesn't really do a lot of introspection because he's so overwhelmed by emotion, his existing preoccupation with genocide is transmuted into something that's socially acceptable: "wanting all the land dwellers dead."
"[I]t would be all too easy." Indeed: if he ever slacks in his duties, they will all die. In fact, it's easier for him to let them die than to not. He clearly doesn't like doing all that killing, and it clearly makes him feel bad, and takes up a shitton of his time if nothing else, so it's probably occurred to him over, and over, and over, that maybe he should just... not! What if he just stopped.
Well, then everyone would die. Gl'bgolyb would raise her voice a little and it'd kill all the rust bloods, then the bronzes, the golds, the limes, the olives...
Wait! Is he feeling bad for them? He's not supposed to be feeling bad for the low bloods! Shit, shit, shit. Say a slur and then say something about how you WANT all the low bloods dead. PHEW. OKAY. SAFE. But that means you need to kill all the lowbloods. Because you said it, so it has to be true, and also, this is the way you're supposed to be. So, fuck, well, go commission a doomsday device. Okay, done. PHEW. It probably doesn't work, but nobody can say you didn't try! Hooray, you did it! You have performed a Sea Dweller Action! Oh it's time to go kill some people again. Damnit. Killing people sucks. It makes you feel bad, and it takes up so much of your time. What if you just didn't...
And we can see this with the way his lust for genocide is described. There's no mention of why he hates the land dwellers, no mention of how he believes society will improve with them gone, or even what they're doing that's so bad in the first place. He rambles at Feferi about "keeping the bloodlines pure" at one point, but this is clearly contradicted by him stating he wouldn't kill Kanaya, because what sort of friend would he be? (And the fact that he cares about Kanaya, Vriska, and the anon-blooded Karkat, who could be literally any blood color, at all!)
So yeah, like, the thing is, he doesn't want to kill them all. He even calls himself out for knowing his latest doomsday plot was a bust from the start:
You are almost starting not to care about this stupid doomsday device which probably won't even work. She probably KNOWS you know it won't work. She has probably put all the pieces together and knows it was an elaborate ruse to be in cahoots with her again.
And so does Feferi:
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance CC: I t)(ink deep down you stack t)(ese plots against you so you fail because you know it's wrong.
And here he is outright contradicting his stated goal of killing the land dwellers because, jegus, he'd never kill his friends:
CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after GA: Can You Just For A Moment Entertain The Thoughts Of One Untouched By Megalomaniacal Derangement And Tell Me Why Id Want To Assist You With That CA: wwell CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
And a reminder that one of his closest friends at this point in time is Karkat, whose blood color is currently anonymous to his friend group, meaning he could be literally any blood color and Eridan wouldn't want him dead:
CC: You know, I'm not sure w)(y we never talk about our romantic aspirations. CC: We s)(ould more often. It is kind of -EXCITING! CA: shrug CC: Probably because you fill your gossip quota wit)( your nubby )(orned bro.
But Karkat also explicitly lumps himself in with the low bloods, so Eridan can't even use the excuse that Karkat might be nobility (but sea dwellers are still suppose to hate land dwelling nobility so that still wouldn't be a defense EVEN IF it was true):
Because Eridan does not want to genocide the land dwellers. He's just anxious.
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bomber-grl · 9 months
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no pronouns used)
Warning(s): Super long so beware
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A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Hiro would absolutely adore your intellect, skill, or a heroic trait like bravery.
His adoration for your intellect, if you’re a genius like him, mostly stems from admiration and interest in your skill, especially when it’s something he’s never seen before.
I say skill because even if your intellect isn’t your strong suite your hobbies like art, knitting, anything that takes skill impresses him.
He knows what it’s like to have to wait for a project or experiment to finish so he not only admires your patience but just your ability overall
He’d literally be in awe if he ever saw and most realistically ask about it and if you could draw him-
He’s mostly joking
Last would be a trait of yours. We see in the series that hiro really admires and respects tadashi for his actions and that’d be the same with you.
If you are brave or passionate and use those traits to help others you’ve won hiro over.
Honestly home dude really adores your anything if we’re gonna be real here.
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
Despite how awkward and kind of distant he can be when romance comes into the question he can get pretty needy 😭
If you don’t give him enough attention then he’ll pout and get at you for it
Most times it’s just him joking around and faking being hurt but in the rare occurrence that he actually does care then he’ll practically be begging
No he wouldn’t he’d try to be sly about it while simultaneously failing to
But then when he gets attention he over thinks and flushes from head to toe and actively tries to pull away
Like make up your mind???😭😭😭
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
His favorite part of your body would be tied between three things
Your hands, shoulders, and lap
The only reason why this is, is because of an instance of when hiro accidentally fell asleep on your lap and woke up to not only the best bed but best head massage he’s ever had.
He then woke up fully and flushed more than ever before but let’s not talk about that.
He’d probs end up falling asleep even more and more likely than not ask for you to play with his hair
Yknow despite the fact he absolutely flusters at the thought and stutters throughout the whole time he’s asking you
Not to mention how he complains when you’re done playing with his hair /massaging his head😭
He comes at you for leaving his hair “a mess”
Like boy you got bed hair all the time it ain’t my fault
Also he likes your shoulders because this insomniac falls alseep on them everywhere
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
The most unfunny person known to man kind and yet he still thinks he’s funny as fuck
He thinks he soooo funny when he hides behind something and jumps out at you
And when you flinch? Yea best believe he’s gonna be laughing his nerdy little ass off as if he wouldn’t break down the moment you even mention holding his hand 🤨
He usually pulls stunts like this all the time which is why when the two of you are at the store and he jumps out just to see a rando-
He’s so embarrassed 😭😭😭 the little bastard even goes up to you afterwards all mad while you try not to laugh too loudly
He’ll literally be shaking you back and forth to stop your laughter, which just makes it even worse.
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Home dude is a literal nerd so best believe he’s never been around someone he deems as attractive
He sees your looks and personality as something that attracts him to you
He really admires traits of yours that I’ve mentioned previously
But physically wise he’d really admire prominent traits of yours
Like traits that are noticeable at first glance
Like moles, freckles and even dimples
He’d find himself looking at them more often than not and if you have pretty eyes then this man is absolutely floored
I mean no wonder his only way to flirt is by shooting out insults.
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Cuddling with hiro is one of the most impossible tasks
He’s so fidgety and stiff
He can’t relax for the life of him 😭
He’s all bark no bite especially when he says he’ll cuddle you and goes on about how flustered you’d be
Yea, no.
I mean, sure you can cuddle hiro a little bit but then he just clams up
He much rather prefers you two just be in your own space while facing the other so you can casually talk about whatever you want
Ofc he says that then the very next day you wake up to you and hiros limbs intertwined with another and are met with a very flustered hiro.
Who then denies the situation ever happening, it’s the only way to save face
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly just going out to eat casually
I mean cmon
You’re both probably young and he’d much rather go out casually and secretly to avoid being not only teased but having to take a chaperone
I mean that’s so embarrassing especially for a teen to have to go through
The only way the two of you would accomplish this successfully would be in the lab at school or if you were to hang out in hiros room pretending to work on something.
Even then cass is doting and quite literally there for every possible outcome
Honestly you’d probably end up sneaking out and eating burgers or something at like 3 am 😭
While you’re out there at night hiro would probably try and scare with you with ghosts and Japanese urban legends
How romantic ☺️
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Hiro would probably express emotion around you like he would with anyone else
Especially if(most likely) you guys started out as friends.
Ofc hiro is an absolute menace and can’t be described as anything else but a gremlin however he would honestly be more open with you
You’re his age, and probably his closest friend - now turned lover
He doesn’t need to sugarcoat things and despite how difficult it can be to express how he truly feels I think he’d be open to it, especially if it’s being open to you of all people.
If we’re talking about romantic feelings then hiro is most definitely joke flirting and just being how romantic friends
Well, atleast until the actual romance comes into question then he’s absolutely no where to be seen.
He flusters and stutters at the littlest things and implications
Not to mention his awkwardness so I’d imagine he’d be more stiff on the romance front.
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
He’s pretty laid back but I don’t really see hiro as the type of guy that would want to take the initiative or want to over power his significant other
He doesn’t really have any interest in that and would much rather just have an equal power dynamic
I mean unless he’s taking the lead in robotics then he won’t do so any other way
Even then he’ll probs work alongside you
He very adamant on being on equal standing even if it’s “not a big deal”
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Honestly hiro is just existing 😭
He’s never really ever considered any romantic relationships with anyone into the mix of what he’d want for his future.
I mean, until recently he got into SFIT and changed his life plans. He doesn’t really think of romance often however he does enjoy his relationship with you
Yknow, despite the constant teasing, prodding and just absolute gremlin activities.
He’d probably count you into his life plans when you two get the closest you’ve ever been, otherwise hiro has no plans on kids and quite frankly
-It’s really not on his mind 🤷‍♀️
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Honestly the first thing hiro does is try to resolve it right then and there
He’s very set on trying to solve issues as soon as possible but eventually he settles on you guys just giving each other space so you won’t say anything you’ll regret later
It honestly depends who initiated and was at fault
I mean I’m not the type to shift the blame on anyone but if you know you did something wrong or he knows he did something wrong and is the problem then he’ll definitely apologize as sincerely as he can
If you’re the one in the wrong then he’ll very much be petty
Hell refuse to apologize first and is very stubborn
He’s honestly just hurt but also mad you won’t admit you’re wrong or apologize (if you’re hesitant to)
However once you do he’ll be a bit petty still but ultimately he’ll understand and although it can be awkward, you’ll find common ground.
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
I feel like hiro would gift you little things
Hiro is a guy of many talents so I’d imagine little gifts like those hearts made of gum wrappers or papers aren’t a rare occurrence for you to find
He’s always casually gifting you things whether he knows or not
And if he’s aware, he tries his best to not fluster and stutter while he shoves the gift into your hands and runs away
If you ever do mention how much gifting you things affects him then he’d definitely ignore you for a good while 😭
He takes so much offense that you’d make it obvious and would pout about it until you apologized and he’d just say “yea I didn’t really care”
Like what???😭😭 bro had you apologizing, on your knees, basically begging for forgiveness and he hits u w this then casually asks if you’d like to come over to eat dinner.
🧍‍♀️it’s ur turn to ignore him and turn the tables on him
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He’s so grateful for you
He finds the relationships in his life as very precious to him so he’d definitely view your relationship as worth it
Especially since you’d most likely get together once you’re close friends
He really thinks of your relationship as valuable, why else would he be with you if he didn’t?
Even if it didn’t work out you’re still a close friend of his so of course you hold value to him.
G- Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
He can be pretty sassy and go all out on the jokes and teasing however he can be really gentle at times
Especially since he cares so deeply for you so he’ll make sure that even if him being gentle causes him to fidget and fluster
Mostly due to it being foreign to him
He may not be the best but the effort he puts in to be gentle in both emotionally fragile situations and when you get hurt just makes up for it
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Ok not really cuz I’m not gonna do my boy hiro like that but still😭
Hiro is always teasing and prodding at you for the littlest things
He’s an absolute menace
So imagine when this menace finally holds hands with you and when you turn to look at him, he’s starts tweaking
This is one of the romance part of your relationship so itd obviously be foreign to him
He’s stuttering and is this close 🤏 to combusting
His hands are sweaty and he’s constantly apologizing for it and will NOT tolerate any teasing or he’ll run away.
He’s not really able to show much affection through physical touch since he freezes up so much but at times when he knows you need support he’ll hold your hand.
It then becomes apparent to everyone around you due to the very intense blush hiro is sporting.
I do see it becoming casual eventually but that doesn’t really change hiros blush
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He isn’t really one for hugs
We’ve all seen how awkward he hugs and how hesitant he seems when giving one
But he’ll definitely give you one if you ask
Very awkwardly and stiff yet cutely tho so 🤷‍♀️
Also if you were to ever ask for a hug where everyone can see you two
He doesn’t hug you often at first but if you’re more cuddly then he’ll definitely get in the habit while staying with his usual attitude
His hugs are obviously stiff but they’re really nice
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Absolutely terrified
Any normal person would feel this way about someone they care deeply for, but with what happened with tadashi just really made this fear even worse.
Since he’s also a hero/vigilante he’ll try his best to protect you, even if at times it can seem risky or spontaneous
Regardless of whether you’re a hero/vigilante and are able to protect yourself then he’d keep an eye on you, always.
In the actual scenario of you getting hurt during battle hiro would absolutely throw the whole plan away and go to you.
If it’s not in battle but still serious he’d be the first person asking to see you and is that person you see once you wake up.
If the injury is small he’d have Baymax assist with a bandaid or something but he’d still tell you to be more careful.
You guys can joke and tease at eachother all you want but this is one of the more serious things hiro would absolutely not want to joke about.
Even if you’re the one who got injured, he’s seriously just concerned for you.
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
So with how things have been going you’d think that hiro wouldn’t take the longest time ever due to his shyness
But he actually ends up being the first person to say it in your relationship and even says it pretty early on
Atleast in comparison to how long he’d probs take to say it
The reason he says it is only because of a fluke
He’d be all sleepy while you’re over due to an assignment the two of you have to work on or something of the sort
And because it was almost near an all nighter then best believe hiro is exhausted
And your comforting presence doesn’t make it any better
So finally when you realize hiro blissfully falling asleep you decide to cover him with a blanket and help reposition him so that he doesn’t hurt his neck while he sleeps.
While you do so you decide to also just go to sleep and when you turn off the lights and say good night to him you unexpectedly hear a goodnight back and an “I love you”
The next morning only then does hiro realize what he said and although he’s this close 🤏 to dying he still manages to tell you that he meant it
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
I’ve said this one and I’ll say it again
He’d joke around with humor that can best be described as gen z TikTok humor
I mean, he’s literally a teenage boy who probably had unrestricted internet access from an early age.
Let’s be real here
So he’d probably send you the Smurf cat vids, that one dancing wolf thing, and those “send to your green person 🥰” and it’s a slideshow of Shrek…
Most jokes just consist of weird teenage boy jokes and that chronically online TikTok humor 😀😭😭
He mostly just roasts you then apologizes because he realizes that it could actually hurt your feelings 🧍‍♀️
He’d probs just do lame pranks tbh
He’d just wait behind something to scare you
And even if you didn’t react he’d laugh his little ass off 🧍‍♀️
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
Despite how much hiro wants to be the non jealous type, he unfortunately fits the profile
Even if he doesn’t try, if he ever sees you talking to any guys or just hanging out with anyone else for too long then he’ll get kinda upset
He’ll ask u about it too but he’s not that confrontational unless you purposefully try to make him feel this way
Which would be ideally never
If he can’t shake the jealous feeling off then he’ll end up confessing it to you between embarrassed pauses
If you try to coddle and tease him then he’ll just run away from you cuz ain’t no way
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
Ok ok so that’s kinda sorta rude 😭
But hiro is barely getting around with the hand holding, you really think he’s gonna be kissing you?-
Yes, yes he will
I’d imagine your teasing on how flustered and awkward he gets when you hold his hand finally made him get fed up so he just decides to kiss your cheek…
He literally evaporated from that one thing because despite trying to he backs out then you’re the one to kiss his cheek 😭
*Hiro exe has stopped working*
He had an internal freak out then turns around trying to be all nonchalant with a “hey”
Y’all don’t rlly kiss or else it’d be the death of him but that doesn’t mean kisses between the two of you are practically non existent 🌝
You’ll probably be the one to kiss him first and that knocks him out for the rest of the evening.
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
He obviously doesn’t show you physical affection besides him touching the behind of your knees to trip you so how does he? 🌝
Well he gifts and spends time with you
I’ve already explained the gift thing, he usually gifts you little origami things or snacks
Besides the gift giving his love language would more accurately be quality time
He loves to spend time with you and just spend hours joking with you in the most cringe ways
He really adores you and thinks if the time he spends with you as precious, yknow despite the boarder line bullying
He’d probably indulge you if your more into physical touch, however the most frequent hugs you’d get from him are side hugs.
Even then, he’d more than happily hug you (ofc with his usual stiff and awkward self)
Honestly just be around hiro more often than not and you’ve already won him over
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you ever decide to sleepover (which was probs accidental from that all nighter scenario)
Then the two of you would wake up (you were woken up by him first by getting abused 😔/j)
And then make your way to the kitchen since Cass is occupied with the Lucky Cat Cafe
You guys would make an absolute mess with food due to being distracted and it was so bad 😭
Hiro even ended up burning his pancake and bro still ate it 💀💀💀
Y’all would probs have to beg Cass to make you two something and have to hurriedly clean everything up before doing so to avoid punishment
Because ain’t no way 😭
Honestly fun because you two end up walking around San fransokyo but still 🤷‍♀️
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Anything happening to his loved ones or those he cares for.
That’s an obvious fear for any sane person but, again, because of how sudden and horrible tadashis death it just reinforced this fear even more.
The thought of anything happening to you, his friends, and especially his aunt just had his stomach churning and makes him feel nauseous at the thought.
He’d still have nightmares about Tadashi which turned into even more serious ones about others in his life
He’d really appreciate you being there for him, especially if you slept over on one of those particular nights.
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
So insanely obvious
Not only is he painfully obvious but he’s so oblivious to the fact
He’s always offering to help you, he’s one of those people that flirts by roasting or joking around with you, and the blush that just so happens to appear on his face the minute you walk in doesn’t really help his case
Let’s not talk about how his eyes would stray away from what was in front of him anytime you’d pass by
If tadashi was still around during that time he’d obviously tease hiro about it and mention it in casual conversation
Hiro would obviously end up confessing to his crush on you and tadashi would tease but ultimately encourage him like any good older brother would.
If this took place after hiro got into SFIT then he’d be encouraged by his friends who can obviously see hiros crush on you.
He doesn’t exactly try to not make it obvious but it doesn’t really matter anyway because of all the ways he physically shows his crush on you.
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
When considering pet names don’t expect him to be lovey dovey
He’d call you those cringe ass nicknames like “pookie” or “sugar booger”
Only ever calls you this to get on your nerves and absolutely evaporates when cass or anyone from the friend group overheard him calling you these names 💀
Any other “pet names” he’d call you would either be nicknames many others who are close to you call you or nicknames he makes of your name.
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
It honestly depends on the day and how it’s going for hiro
He’s honestly more on the patient side and more likely to hear you or other people out
If he’s a bit more worked up from the long day at SFIT then he’ll have a harder time tolerating anything and is more prone to lashing out
Would probs just ask you to give him some peaceful silence while you’re there with him
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
Because of how loud and laughter filled time you spend with hiro the moment it gets calm and quiet it almost feels foreign
The two of you obviously settle down and relax for what seems like the first time in forever
Moments like these end up with you and hiro accidentally falling alseep in eachothers arms or it makes hiro feel comfortable to talk about tadashi and more serious matters
In the case of the latter, if you ever mention a serious matter then hiro will feel even more comfortable and even happy you can share stuff like this with him.
Honestly moments like these are so sweet that even gremlin hiro won’t wish for anything to disrupt them
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Home dude is absolutely the least romantic person
Well that’s what he initially thought
He never really imagined a relationship in his future, but he could easily say the same about him joining SFIT
As I’ve previously mentioned, hiros go to ways to convey his love and affection to you is by gift giving and just spending time with you.
The only ways he could flirt without absolutely losing his composure is by literally bullying you and just play fighting w you
It’s the only way hiro can effectively just get along with you.
In instances of actual romantic gestures he’s pretty awkward
I mean hiros a teenager, it’s to be expected
But I feel like when there’s certain instances that are very emotionally charged
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There are times where he’s secret yet open alike
He can keep secrets from you (although he’s pretty bad at it 😭) he’d probs try his best to keep his more personal issues to himself to not only burden you but just avoid sharing it.
Obviously he’s entitled to privacy but hiro would eventually learn that keeping secrets isn’t exactly the way to go
Even if he did want to keep anything from you he isn’t exactly the best so either he continues trying to lie and gives up or you seriously confront him and he admits defeat.
When it comes to other topics that aren’t so serious or personal then he’s an open book
You’re most likely in or at least aware of his schemes and plans if you aren’t participating.
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Your overall presence brings him comfort and makes him feel safe
It doesn’t really matter where you guys are, the streets of san fransokyo, just hitting up a corner store or even when you’re at SFIT
Most times you’re both enjoying the other and your time is usually filled with constant teasing and jokes played on each other.
When it comes to more serious discussions he’d really appreciate it if you kept quiet and gave him the opportunity to go at his own pace.
When you create this environment and make him feel like he’s not on the spot, only then can he relax and be more open with you.
Despite how chronically online he can act at times just know it isn’t how he is all the time.
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
He’d be pretty protective of you
Especially with how heroes have become a norm in the world of big hero 6 so he’d be more aware of where you are and what condition you’re in
He’d obviously protect you by physically defending you regardless of whether or not you’re also a vigilante/hero
But he’d also have your back if anyone were to ever pick on you
He literally just has zero tolerance policy for anyone who tries to start shit with you
It’s literally all 😐 with him cuz he really just ain’t gonna tolerate all that
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
there was so many factors to consider here
You guys were obviously close friends before you started dating and feelings were obviously apparent
As was the unbearable tension around the two of you, especially with how hiro would constantly joke around how friends dothen become so painfully aware that he completely freezes up and starts stuttering 😭
It was especially awkward when you’d be around the friend group and if you met and befriended hiro before tadashis death then best believe tadashi is gonna have to bring it up to hiro.
Because of this and hiros shy nature when anything romantic happens, he seriously refuses to make romantic advances
I mean the person you’re used to joking around and boarderline bully is now a romantic interest so it’d be so odd to have to become lovers
It’s so crazy too because once you actually confess to him everything happens so fast and it’s all spontaneous
You’re casually just chilling with hiro and all of a sudden you decide to just blurt out that you like him
He’s obviously caught off guard and accidentally hurts himself, then everything just unfolds from there and despite how awkward the air is the two of you end the night dating.
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
If you ever get hurt because you accidentally cut yourself or trip and scrape your knee he’ll help you and most likely just get Baymax to treat your little injury
If this is the scenario of you falling, hiro is so obviously gonna laugh his ass off before he helps you up
He’s absolutely in the dark if you’re sick
He doesn’t even realize
Which is a complete lie cuz he kept spamming your phone when you didn’t show up to classes or respond to his texts/TikTok’s
He only found out once you either finally texted him, or more likely, he showed up at your house and decided to take care of you with the help of Baymax
Honestly thank goodness Baymax was there cuz otherwise you probably would’ve died due to hiros clumsiness.
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
*breathes in* breathes out*
The absolute devil in human form
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Demon spawn
Call him what you will but he’s the absolute worst teaser to be around
He’ll tease the hell out of you for the smallest of things and absolutely gain joy from your reactions
Especially if you’re the type to be more visibly flustered or embarrassed than the average person
Just throw the whole thing (hiro) away at this point honestly
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s so unserious😭
He’s kinda sorta bad at getting the clue so he’d go up to you and still joke and tease thinking you’re being unserious
If you’re actually serious then he’d automatically drop his joking tone and would ask what was wrong
Whether or not you tell him or not is up to you but if you opt to not telling him he’d be there for him and be chill about it even if he’s a lil hurt
He’d probs just drop it and try to change the subject (if u want) and you’d go back to your usual playful banter.
Although, he’d probably be pretty awkward if he’d have to comfort you 😭
U - Ugly (what are some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of hiros would be getting to involved with his work
Because of how his work with robotics is constantly calling his name he can not only forget to eat and just take care of himself, but he’ll also forget to even call or talk w you
He won’t even realize until he sees a “missing poster “ around SFIT with the ugliest god damn pic of him he’s ever seen
Even then if you act petty then he’ll feel pretty guilty but then he’ll turn the tables and feel offended that your guilt tripping him
Like who do u think u are? 🤨
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s absolutely proud of your accomplishments
The type of boyfriend he’d be depends on how he feels and the situation at hand.
Hiro would be so proud at your accomplishments, discoverys, research and your skills
Especially if that contributed to your success to your respective major
It honestly depends how vocal he’d be about it
He’d probs cheer you on, especially when the friend group is there to cheer you on alongside him
He’d more shy and awkward to be vocal if it’s just him but he’d still let you know how he feels
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Hiro isn’t really the type to be all that concerned with how he looks
I mean he’d occasionally be self conscious, but it’s mostly because he’s going through puberty and is a teenager
The only times he cares is when he’s getting ready for something fancy or when he’s going out with you
He’d probs look at himself and think that he doesn’t look bad
He’ll definitely wonder if he’s one of those ugly guys pretty people get with
Even if he isn’t all that insecure he gets so unbearably flustered and self aware if you mention how cute he looks.
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
If you’re a vigilante alongside big hero 6 then not having you be near the fight or not fight at all is not really an option
So in this case he’d be neutral about letting you fight but he’d of course still be there to defend you in the case that anyone tries to sneak up on you
He’d definitely fight for and with you. He’d be by your side and would absolutely put his all into making sure the two of you guy’s successfully accomplish your mission and win the fight
He won’t hesitate when he learns you got into a fight with villains.
And what’s more is that he won’t hesitate when it comes to civilian fights, not physical ones but more accurately described as disputes.
He’d definitely help when you’re being targeted or cornered by people who are trying to start and argument with you.
Will most likely tell you if you were in the wrong but only after the two of you won’t the dispute
He’s not gonna throw u under the bus like that in front of others.
W - Wild card (random relationship headcanon!)
He’d info dump and uses you to rant about his interests 😭
You’re honestly a victim due to how many times he pulls you into the lore of his fav fandoms
But if you ever show interest in it he’ll gate keep it
I mean atleast if you ever wanna rant to anyone or info dump he’ll always be right there 🤷‍♀️
If you’re a victim he has to be one too
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s pretty 50/50 most of the time
Since your relationship consists of online humor and just constant jokes he can tell when you’re not in the mood pretty quickly
Like if you’re upset and not in the mood to joke around he automatically picks up on it
However there are instances where he’s just his awkward self or just preoccupied with other things like his projects
I know I said he’s like 50/50 but he’d be able to read how you feel pretty much right then and there he’s just a bit awkward when addressing it so it’d take a bit longer for him to discuss it with you
Especially if you’re not the one to mention it, then there’s just a tension that hangs over the two of you.
This applied regardless of whether or not it’s a negative emotion/situation
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Hiro is the most awkward stiff teenage boy
Plus he’s a nerd so it just makes his ability to act on romantic gestures even less
I don’t really imagine hiro as the type to enjoy any form of PDA
Especially since he even hesitates with hugging and is quite stiff so if you ever wanted to very obviously hold hands or even kiss-
Well then forget it because before you can even speak to him he’d combust on the spot
He’s pretty affectionate in his own way but physical touch much less PDA would not be among them.
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
Hiro isn’t the type to really miss you
At least hat’s what he thinks
He usually starts off his day with thinking about you and throughout his day he’ll casually mention you in his mind
Saying things like “hmmm I wonder what y/n is doing” or “y/n would like this”
Him missing you eventually becomes apparent to everyone around him whether he notices or not
Hell casually sigh while sitting at a table at SFIT or the lucky cat cafe and it will eventually be addressed by friends or Cass
The one time that they actually do have dinner together 💀
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
The worst sleeper ever if we’re gonna be real here
If you ever say that to his face he’d take actual offense 😭
Once you and hiro shared a bed whether he fell asleep on accident or you two just wanted to he does not give you a comfortable experience
Not only does he sleep sprawled out and all over the place but he also just has no regard for you
When he gets sleepy he’s honestly adorable though so it kinda makes up for how bad he sleeps
He’s pretty delirious and out of it once he’s sleepy and he’d probably let you hug and kiss his cheek easier than he would if he was more awake.
Even then he more likely than not snaps out of it and flusters up a storm
He has the worst bed head ever 😭
But that just makes him even cuter and if you say so he either 1. Doesn’t care because he’s sleepy and just lets you coddle him or 2. He absolutely denies it and gets all sassy with you
All that sass and usual jokes all go down the drain when the two of you wake up the next morning and the both of you are cuddling and he practically flies off the bed
Which causes him to yelp in pain and wake up Baymax that just makes the whole situation even worse with his scans and analysis of your heartbeats
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed and don’t be afraid to let me know about any grammatical errors/spelling mistakes :)
Also if u saw more than 1 prompt for a letter, no u didn’t 🌝
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tracyfan2005 · 18 days
How preparing for a date made Kitty and her dad to have a very passionate moment in the kitchen (it's suggestive)
A date. Kitty knew that word too well - she knew what it meant, she knew what some people would do during dates, she knew how it worked and more. Well, she did have dates with her fake lover (fake in the meaning she didn't love him back) - Daniel. They would usually take the place in various restaurants, where he would always buy for both of them pretty well-done food, rarely they would go on a long walks through various places. Usually, those places would be the local park, near the swimming pool. Sometimes, the dates would even take place in a swimming pool! Those dates should make her anything romantic, right?
However, she never... Could really feel anything romantic from all of those dates she went with Daniel. She felt like it was just an average casual meeting, rather than something romantic, something passionate. She just couldn't feel anything about it.
So, she thought... She thought about going on a date with her dad, her real lover, however there was a simple problem - most places, where two or more people in love would go were usually public, especially restaurants, so things could get worse. Literally, she and her dad couldn't have that type of date, because people... Would find out about their relationship.
About their incestuous relationship, they were both hiding from everyone. Additionally, Kitty needed to ask her father, if he would want to even have a date in the first place, because sure, he could go on dates with her mother, but with her? His own daughter?
Of course they did kiss passionately a lot, of course they were dating secretly together, however... A date? Wouldn't it be too much?
Maybe she should ask him, anyway, because the worst thing he could say was no.
So, she decided to ask him. So, when the day, where both her mother and her twin sister were out for shopping, she walked towards her dad, blushing a bit.
Her dad, noticing it, asked, "Sweetie? Do you... Want to kiss again~?", with a flirtatious tone in his voice.
She shook her head. Her father was surprised a bit.
"Then... What do you want to do together? We're all alone, no one's there, just the two of us... ", he was right, they were alone.
Completely alone, with no one else in there.
Kitty sighed, saying, "Dad... I thought about... Having a date together... However, I'm aware about how our relationship wouldn't allow us to have one, without someone noticing and acting... Weird... I... I just want to share more love with you, and all, however I feel like it'll be impossible, because of us being blood related... I... Dad, I don't think we could ever-"
Suddenly, her father grabbed her paw.
"Sweetie... We don't have to be in a public place to even have a date. We can have a date at home", as he said it, she blushed more, because of how unexpected those words were.
So... They could have a date at home... It did sound weird, however that had to be the only way to show more of their love, without worrying about someone else learning about their relationship.
"That... Sounds like a good plan, dad! What... What do you want to do?", she asked him, "Because... There's not so much things we could do together at home-"
"Oh, there are some things we could do!", he told her, "How about we would cook some food for our date and then - watch a movie together?", he suggested, giving her the same warm smile, like always.
At first, Kitty was conflicted between if they should really do that or not, however she felt like there was no other options, so she nodded.
Her father seemed to be happy over her decision.
"Great! So... Let's cook something, shall we?", he asked rhetorically.
She blushed, as they both walked to the kitchen. Kitty wondered what they should even cook for both of them, as she knew her "boyfriend" would usually want to eat spaghetti, so what if they would cook anything other than that? How about it?
"Hmm, dad, would you not mind cooking some lasagne?", she suggested him, as she noticed how he was looking through the cookbook, "Because not only we both love it, but also, when my mum and Mimmy came back, they would believe we cooked lasagne because we wanted to surprise them... What about it?", she asked him.
Her dad nodded.
"That does sound nice, Sweetie... And they wouldn't even question what we were doing at all!", he chuckled, at the thought of both of them being surprised they cooked something like lasagne.
She chuckled, too. Oh, the date was going to be great, and no one was ever going to know what was it! No one!
During the cooking, Kitty was teasing her own dad from time to time - either by suddenly snuggling towards him, kissing him on the cheeks or even - showing signs of wanting him to give her such a passionate kiss, like how they would privately do. However, she wasn't the only one, who was a teaser.
Her dad was also a teaser - often snuggling to her, kissing her, too, on the forehead and on the cheeks, making some comments about how well she was cooking, how she did X that way, how the food was going to taste etc. He was even trying to, what seemed to be, massage her back, however she would often tell him not to do that... At least not when they were cooking.
After the lasagne was done and was put in the oven, her dad looked at her, blushing. What was he... Thinking about? She wondered, because he seemed to want to do something with her... However, what was that thing?
"Dad, why are you looking at me that way?", she asked him.
He chuckled.
"Oh, Sweetie... The lasagne is going to be in the oven for a while, so how about we could... Share some love between us?~", the tone he said with it made her blush, "How about I would massage you and kiss you, while you would be enjoying it?~", as he added, she just wondered what he did mean by it, however...
It was a date after all, so of course they needed to share some love between them, so she agreed.
Her dad smiled, as he said, "Oh, Sweetie, you're going to love it~", and then - he started to massage her back.
It did cause her to shook for a bit, however... She enjoyed it. She greatly enjoyed whatever her dad was doing to her - she loved the way he was touching her back, making her feel warmth... A different kid of warmth, that she would often only feel in her dreams.
That kind of warmth, that she wanted to explore soon, but how?
How to explore it?
Her tail did move a bit, as the redness was all over her face, making her feel weird. However, she enjoyed it. She greatly enjoyed it.
Her dad was doing it so passionate, to the point, where she looked at him, begging for him to do more of those things, to do more... More! She needed to feel that warmth again, she needed to! She really wanted to have it all! There would be no exception, at all!
Her dad would notice it, as he chuckled.
"You're so desperate for my love for you, Sweetie?~ Don't worry, I will give it to you~", and soon enough, he made her get closer to him, to the point, where she could hug him, and then he started to...
Kiss her neck.
Kiss her neck, making her blush a lot more, and her feeling like she was going insane. He was really passionate about kissing that part of the body to the point, where her whole body shook, as she could tell how her father really wanted to do it, to make her be crazy, to make her beg for more.
Beg for more pleasure.
Beg for more of those type of things.
He wanted her to beg, however she couldn't really say anything, so all she did was to purr. Her whole family were cats, well cats, who walked on two legs, after all, so it wasn't that unnatural for her to purr.
Her dad hear it, as he showed some of his fangs.
"Oh, you want more?~", he asked rhetorically, before he gave her that passionate kiss, where she could literally feel how he was licking her neck, how he was doing it.
The whole thing, the whole action, was making her go crazy from the whole experience, go mad from it, to the point where she was purring for more, for more of it. And of course her dad was doing more - he was licking her passionately, he was giving her those sort of passionate kiss on her neck.
It was amazing, it was literally amazing experience, to the point, where her dad suddenly stopped, making her be surprised.
"Papa? Why... Why did you stop? It was... It was amazing! Please! Give me more!", she begged him.
Her father chuckled, as if he wanted to tease her.
"Oh, you want more love from me? You want me to give it to me? You want me to-", suddenly, the clock, that her father set earlier, "AH, lasagne! Lasagne!", then, he went to the oven and opened it slowly, "I almost forgot about it!", and then he put some gloves on his paws, as he was pulling the food out of the oven.
Kitty was... Was honestly confused what was about to happen, before that alarm started to beep. Was he going to give her more love or something else? Or was he wanting to go far than that? As she wondered, she noticed how her dad put some parts of lasagne on the plates.
"The food... Is ready", her father told her, sounding like he was ashamed of himself, "What... What film do you want to watch?", he asked.
Did he regret doing those things to her? Or did he want to watch the film? Maybe, she would ask him later about it, yes, maybe.
"How about the newest romance and thriller film - "The Day The Love Stopped"? I heard lots of good things about it!", she told him, trying to act like she wasn't begging him to do more, "How about it?"
Her dad nodded.
"It sounds nice... Let's watch it, Sweetie!", as he said it, he took his plate and walked to the living room.
Kitty, of course, did take her own plate, however she wondered... She wondered what he wanted to do to her. Was he going to kiss her even more or... Something more?
Either way, maybe they should just enjoy the film, Mimmy and her father's "partner" were going to come back soon, so there might not be a chance to talk about it.
So... Maybe later, she would find out what he wanted to do to her?
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andrea-lyn · 2 years
If you know one (or two) things about me, it’s that I am occasionally chronically late to a fandom (sometimes accidental, sometimes on purpose), so I missed the ATLA renaissance, but I found my way around to it, which means! Recs! 
This is going to be majority Sokka/Zuko, with a couple others in here. There’s def a second post coming as I make my way through the tag. As ever, master rec post can be found pinned on my tumblr here! 
Zukka ATLA Recs
Wooing the Water Tribe by lenaballena (ALL TIME FAVE RIGHT HERE)
Zuko is courting Katara, and with every passing day finds new and insane ways of showing that he would quite literally move the spirit world and earth to make her happy.
In hindsight, it probably would've been better if Sokka had realised he was in love with Zuko at literally any time before this. Or preferably, never fallen for his best friend in the first place.
exothermic reaction by blueconsequences
When Sokka is temporarily blinded by Fire Nation soldiers, the members of the Gaang take turns to care for him.
One pair of hands is warmer than the others.
Love's Such an Old-Fashioned Word by drvcos
When invited to the 100th anniversary of his father’s company, after 15 years of radio silence, Zuko decides to show how happy he is to all the people from his past. There’s only one (fatal) problem.
Zuko is a frazzled single dad, Sokka is an absolute flirt, and the “fake” that comes before their relationship doesn’t feel all that fake.
like real people do by verdanthoney for bleekay
Sokka knew he would be dealing with a raging case of baby fever during their annual vacation on Ember Island. What he didn’t expect was to discover that he was also hopelessly in love with Zuko, and had been for years without realizing.
Spirits Help Us, There's Two of Them by hopepunk
Sokka and Zuko are both weird guys. Fortunately, they're the same kind of weird as each other.
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
isn't this the vision that you wanted by nebulastucky
Firelord Zuko - ender of the Hundred Year War, ruler of the Fire Nation, payer of respects and reparations - takes advice and counsel from representatives of every nation, division, and specialty.
But teenage boy Zuko - friend of turtleducks, wielder of fun looking swords, stumbler over words and feet in the presence of cute boys - only listens to two people, and they are conspiring together to ruin him.
or: Iroh just wants what's best for his nephew, and Katara just wants to know everyone's business.
we had a moment, we had a summertime by nebulastucky
Sokka shrugs. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You get captured and killed by the Fire Nation,” Toph provides.
“They won’t execute me in a tea shop,” Sokka says around a sudden lump in his throat. “That’d be bad for business.”
or: the one where sokka falls for a tea shop and a boy with too much charm for his own good.
Ignition Point by Yuu_chi
Most people know they're a bender since birth. Sokka just had to discover it at twenty when he accidentally burns his own house down.
Alchemy by mindbending
Sokka (a.k.a the Silent Knight, a.k.a. the sharpest detective in Caldera City) has three cases weighing on his mind.
1.) Zuko, son of the mob boss Ozai, has gone missing under sinister circumstances. 2.) Lee, a teahouse waiter with the face of an angel, wears a scar of mysterious origins. 3.) The Blue Spirit, a lithe and enigmatic cat burglar, keeps stealing into the Fire Nation’s storehouses (not to mention Sokka’s dreams).
Sokka sighs and takes a swig from his special bottle. It’s hard solving three completely unrelated mysteries at the same time...
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
this chapter was so emotional and sad. The way remus was touching sirius, feeling his heartbeat and putting his hand on his chest all the time, like he needed to feel close to sirius’ heart :( I wonder what was going through his head
yeah…might be slightly spoilery but i’m actually in the mood 2 talk a bit abt what’s going on inside his head so 🤭
the thing is i’ve literally been thinking abt this for months like. this was part of a convo i had explaining this whole arc back in january:
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so like. literally for remus this whole experience has been. forced 2 work w a guy who represents everything u hate -> start 2 realize that maybe there's more 2 him & begin 2 empathize w him -> hate urself 4 it & hate him for it -> conflicting loop of feelings where u care about him but u hate that u care so u try 2 stop it but u can't stop it. figure once ur done w this mission u won't ever have 2 see him again so just push everything down
and THEN the mission goes sideways and suddenly s is right there. and they need to get him 2 work w the order. and the thing is s was sponsoring him for a year and a half. like they had a year and a half of slowly developing this relationship that r absolutely did not want but was unable to stop feeling things about and was made even more painful by the fact that he knew it was all built on a lie--like even when he did let himself feel something for s, the follow-up to that was immediately like 'oh but this is all fake he wouldn't act this way or be like this if he knew what was really going on.'
so then s is there at order hq and r's walls are immediately back up & he's putting all his effort into reinforcing them. he's like yeah that year and a half was all fake it was just an act none of it was real and i don't care about u. & all he wants is 2 ignore s & move on but he's right there! working w the order! befriending lily! but r is still like. well he's just playing along til he can escape surely that's it. and then suddenly hq gets attacked and it's just the five of them in this little flat and r is still trying 2 ignore him & keep his walls up but he is also still inexplicably drawn 2 him and can't entirely fight it...and then they finally put some of the animosity aside & start working together & he can't ignore the fact that. hey maybe some of that goodness i saw before was real...and even the badness is no longer entirely the same like he's changed! he's grown! he's still changing and growing and like r says when he finally confesses--it isn't fair! (does he say that? i actually can't remember if i ended up including that line or not lol. anyway) like it isn't fair because s is supposed to be evil and everything r stands against and everything he hates and yet he's come along and wormed his way into r's life and made r care about him and part of him hates that but most of him is like. falling in love. and unable to completely deny it anymore. and when they finally reach this breaking point where r essentially confesses all this it's like. he's letting his walls down, finally, after this slow and painful breakdown of all these defenses, and he's letting himself feel hopeful and be vulnerable and think ok maybe we can have something real.
and quite literally immediately after that it's ripped away. and not only ripped away, but r finds out that s knew, when they had that first kiss, that he was going to be losing his memory, that he planned to leave like this, and he still smashed through all r's fucking walls and made him hope they could have something real, knowing it wasn't true. so he's pretty fucking furious! and he's immediately swinging back into denial! the walls are back up reinforced he's like fuck sirius black i hate that man and his fucking mind games i don't fucking love him and i never will so i don't even fucking care that he's gone.
problem with that is. well of course it's not entirely true is it. and as much as he's trying not to care he can't help agonizing over what s could possibly be going through, whether he'll even make it through this alive or whether voldemort will just kill him, and he hates s for making him care and then putting himself in jeopardy like this because now r has to suffer this horrible burden of just worrying about him all the time, even when he doesn't want to, and he also has to carry this burden of wanting him back and wanting things back the way they were even though he knows it's not possible, and he hates s for making him want that, too.
so. yeah. all those conflicting feelings are there during the hookup. and in this ch he's like. giving up, essentially. like he is constantly battling the remnants of this love but for this one night he gives up the fight and just lets himself feel for s, and not all of it's good--the love and the hate are very much intertwined, at this point--but for one night at least he can pretend that he has him and they're together in the way they might have been, had s not left. and it's all confused and compounded by the fact that s doesn't know him, and still finds him, and still wants him, and yet clearly isn't treating this the same way--for s, it's just a casual one-night stand, and it hurts that he can't feel the way r is, but it also hurts when there are those flashes of something deeper, because recognizing the depth of what they might have had if they both just hadn't denied it for so long is incredibly painful. and r is feeling all this, but he isn't consciously processing it--he's shoving all of it down and away and going "this doesn't even matter, it's just a one night stand, i'm not going to care about this" etc. etc. fun!
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catastrophicdisasters · 2 months
i promised myself i wouldnt keep inflicting TUA essays on people who... probably do not want to hear them lmfao so, MORE YAPPING INTO THE VOID
i'm in the middle of my rewatch rn (i am not going to be caught up in time but we're not thinking abt that rn) and have Thoughts abt the Luther / Allison... thing
i mean, we all agree while it's not technically incest... it's still incest, right? that said, they did kind of pop off with the dancing in the moonlight dance scene. i rlly want the dress Emmy wears, it's so pretty
BUT like, i remember watching it the first time and being like "... why?" bc it's just... it's kinda cute, but mostly it's just weird. even at the time, i didnt think it was going to last the season, i fully expected (hoped) for it to get wrapped in the "we shouldnt be doing this" by the end of s1
but watching it back it really just highlights how alone they both are? that, realistically, it was never more than a friendship / tiny crush, that just... ended up going to more places than it should've because they were just so, so isolated from normal life?
allison says it herself - "maybe you're the only person who really knows who I am and still likes me anyway". they never had any real human connection other than the rest of the Umbrellas - they were child celebrities, superheroes, even!
and Allison may have left, may have had a life outside of the academy, but when you think about it she went from being a famous child superhero to a famous actor - nobody ever knew her. it's even implied that she rumoured patrick to love her ('i heard a rumour that you love me'), so it's likely that even her husband didn't really know who she was. and also, let's face it, who in the 'real world' is really going to understand what it's like to be part of a family of superheros and raised by a robot mother and... Reginald? (im not even gonna begin to unpack what he did to those kids, jfc) other than someone else that was there, who experienced all of it, right along side you
(shared trauma, and all that)
"You're the sweetest, kindest man I've ever known" - yeah, probably because every other man she's ever met has wanted to use her for something, most likely her fame. to be able to say that they dated ~Allison Hargreeves~, one of the amazing Umbrella Academy kids, or that famous actress, and not because they actually liked her or had any interest in her as a person. or, she rumoured them to be interested in her, so the entire 'connection' she had with them was fake from the outset - entirely built on lies and superficial bullshit
(coming back to this at the start of s1e8, the way she visibly deflates and looks kind of uncomfortable/resigned when the policeman recognises her and starts acting differently. but then she takes advantage of it. admittedly, in this case, she’s trying to hunt down her sibling, but... you know?)
in fact, it's likely that none of her connections outside of the academy were ever real, so it's not surprising that Luther is the only one she felt that kind of connected to. they all talk about how Five thought he was superior to them all, even before he jumped; Viktor was left out of everything;, none of them took Klaus seriously, and i'm p sure i remember it showing him rolling a joint at a breakfast; it sounded like Diego and Luther were always at odds with each other (and if she was closest with Luther anyway, she'd take his side in any arguments); and Ben looked pretty shy, and then he was gone too.
and Luther... Luther lived to be Spaceboy, the academy's Number One. he says it, too: "I sacrificed everything for him, my entire life. I never left this house, I never had friends, and for what?". maybe Allison had these fake connections, but Luther didn't even have that
so it's not surprising that they were - or thought they were - in love with each other. they literally have no idea what real human connection looks or feels like
i don't think their relationship was ever meant to be anything other than a way to highlight that, personally
everybody else's trauma manifests in clear ways, but Allison? with her movie star life, her husband and child? she's normal! she got away! and Luther? he was happy as Spaceboy, nothing bothered him! just endless frustration at his siblings who didn't take their jobs seriously.
and their weird little psuedo-incestuous relationship proves that
at least to me, anyway! obvs youre free to disagree with me lmao, and i havent gotten to s2 in my rewatch yet so i couldve forgotten / missed something entirely obvious
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epersonae · 4 months
Because you foolishly agreed to more than one of these: Director's Cut of "BIGFOOT STOLE MY HUSBAND!", please.
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before I even start on this, let me just say that I love that you've picked out my three OFMD fics that imho get the best comments in very different ways. for the benefit of all the broken hearts gets the in-depth analysis and plot-based screaming; I spit on your grave is full of I NEEDED THIS CATHARSIS; and BIGFOOT STOLE MY HUSBAND is about 80% "would it be weird if I wanted to kiss bigfoot/o no you've awakened something in me", which me too bud (actually this comment is one of my favorite comments on anything ever).
Sometimes you write something you're not into entirely out of spite, well, 80% spite and 20% as a gift to your friends lol.
Which is to say that someone posted a link to a pretty bad (and also at the time the only) Ed/Stede/Bigfoot fic in a server I'm in (come ON, "it was all a dream"?!?!?! COWARD) and we got chatting about what a good fic would be like, and then dammit now I have an actual idea.
I said in my previous director's commentary post that I often need a hook to get into a story, and the camping narration that it starts with was the hook.
My ex-husband (first spouse, the bad marriage, the divorce) was very outdoorsy in that Pacific Northwest way; in college he'd worked for a summer as a guide on Mt Rainier and then the following winter was the caretaker for a lodge. He was not as gung-ho about it as some of his friends, but he did always want for us to go on a "real" backpacking trip, and we did a lot of car camping. And like, we had some real awful arguments and terrible experiences, but also there was a lot I enjoyed about it, and I hadn't (still haven't) done that since before I got divorce. (iirc we didn't go out at all that last summer we were together, which feels like part of the "everything coming to a head" of that year.)
So apparently I had a whole bunch of pent-up feelings about camping, both the actual physical experience of being in the woods/mountains and the experience of doing something that your partner is into WAY more than you are. (Which, yes, is both about the camping and Bigfoot.)
One of the other things about that fic is the whole scent experience, obviously, and that is the 20% gift for a friend aspect of that story, because one of the people who I was more or less writing it for is someone who I thought would appreciate that particular aspect. My beta also pushed me to be more specific and detailed about the actual fragrance notes, so I did two things. One, I looked up perfume sites and stuff for the kind of language people use for that, and two, what ended up being the most notorious (?) details: I opened up my spice drawer and literally smelled all of my spices to find something that might be a little unusual but also felt right. And that is where the cumin thing comes from.
(I think the commenter experience of "would it be weird if I were into this" comes both from my commitment to sensory detail and to Ed's inner narration of "would it be weird if I were into this")
Finally, I knew it needed to end not with Bigfoot, but with them affirming their connection to each other, and I did seriously laugh out loud when I realized I could use "he's got nice hair". It's so stupid and so perfect.
(also the detail of the two of them having a selfie with a roadside attraction fake taxidermy Bigfoot is stolen from my experience going to the Portland Maine cryptozoology museum and doing exactly that with Ryn, who loved all things Bigfoot.) (I've had relationships with at least four people who are/were really into cryptids, I have no idea what that's about.)
[ask me for the director's commentary on a fic!]
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scrapcheese · 3 months
DRAGON MAID THEORY: Kiyama is Takiya
1. First, before we begin, I just want to say that this kid just straight up looks like Takiya. Like look at the hair, the hairstyle matches. Especially the bangs, they look identical!
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2. Kiyama is a fake name he made up on the spot. However, the name "Kiyama" is literally just Ta(kiya Ma)koto -> Kiyama
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3. The kid in the oneshot is obsessed with some sort of anime series and stays at home playing video games all day, which matches Takiya's otaku tendencies
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4. And the thing the king says to him about "crafting a strong outer image, a mask to connect with others" is basically the same thing Takiya says to Shouta
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5. In the oneshot, they defeat a water dragon that speaks in olde english by cutting off one of its horns. Does that description sound familiar to you?
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That's probably because the dragon is most likely Telne! In ch 133, we see Telne follow Takiya seemingly because she thinks that he's the one Elma likes, but when she confronts him, she points at her horn (which she is missing one of, most likely because it was cut off by "Kiyama"), then Takiya reacts with suprise and starts apologizing to her. Why else would he be reacting like that if he wasn't the one who cut it off?
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5.5. Also this highschool girl teaches her to dress cute, which implies that this is the reason why she dresses the way she does in the main story.
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6. At the end of the oneshot Kiyama says that if he ever makes a bond like their group had, he'll try to preserve it the same way the King kept their party together.
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And that is basically Takiya's role in most of the story so far. For example, he invites everyone to the hot springs in ch 33 and when asked by Fafnir why he did it he said "to make a community". Elma also notes that he is like the oil in the cog that makes relationships run smoothly".
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7. Author said that the oneshot will have relevance to the future arcs and shows Takiya at the end. Like come on. He has to be related somehow and this is the way that makes the most sense.
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Bonus: Also I'm certain that king Obayashi is in some way related to Kobayashi, which is why Takiya is really close with her. They have the same hair color and it would explain why Kobayashi has this high affinity for magic and otherworldly things if one of her parents is directly connected to the other world.
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Also probably explains ch119 quite a bit and why he looks so nostalgic/like he's reminiscing something the whole time.
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Main Panel 2023
What was Jensen’s experience voicing the Red Hood? And when will we see him on the big screen?
That was his first big voiceover gig and it was great because then it got him the opportunity to play another character in that world so he loved that experience and he’s continuing to do stuff like that just as Batman instead. And he’s ready and waiting for somebody to give him an opportuniy like that on the big screen. x
What is their favorite food that they ate on scene? And what is their favorite food to eat behind the scenes?
 Jensen says it would be so much easier to name the least favorite. 
Jared says they were literally watching outtakes in the green room before this panel but in the s15 ep with Mrs. Butters the scene where Sam gets cake for his birthday, Jared was training for a marathon and he was hungry all the time so there was like 3-4 leftover cakes and he took every one of them home, and the scene with Dean and Amara in the bakery there was a bunch of real stuff in the case and he was like 'I’m taking that home' about a bunch of different things so he would take food home all the time. 
Jensen asks Jared if there was anything from catering or craft services he would almost eat daily and I love it because before Jared can fully give his answer Jensen is saying the katsu chicken, and because it was Jared’s favorite they all had to have it once a week too. 
Jensen mentions a trail mix craft services had that he would eat so much off, and then one day Maisie went up to him as he was having a handful and asked him if he knew what the raisins, peanuts, and almonds were and he was confused until she told him they’re just obstacles keeping him from the m&ms.
So that was something off camera he would eat almost every day, on camera Dean ate a lot of crap. The worst was the turducken, he was forced to eat so much of it, it got to the point where he would eat- he would take a bite and because it was so in character would take a bite at the beginning of a scene, now they know that’s a rookie mistake, you take a bite at the end of a scene so when they yell cut you can spit it out into the spit bucket and you don’t have to swallow but his dumbass was constantly eating throughout a whole scene so he got really good at taking a bite in the first take and then shadow biting in the second. Jared says Jensen would even do this when the coverage was on him so the cameras would be over his shoulder and yet he'd see Jensen grab the food and eat but he'd just be fake eating. His favorite to eat were the taquitos they were so good but they never got to have them again because they were store-bought and the grocery store that sold them went out of business. x
Next is not a question it's a fan telling them a dad joke x
What is an item on their bucket list?
Jensen doesn’t have a bucket list. Jared has one item and it’s to make Jensen create a bucket list. x
Would Jensen ever consider doing the Masked Singer?
No. He’s only seen a few of those early on and he’s seen promotions of it, and the costumes look very uncomfortable, and the singing has to be prerecorded so you’re just dancing around in a furby outfit. Jared asks him if he would do it? And Jensen replies that not on TV.  x
When the SPN reboot comes around, is Jesus going to be a part of it?
Jensen points towards Jared and says he already is, and then gives him a little pat on the knee and it quickly goes from cute to hilarious because Jared stretches his arms out like on the cross 😂
Jensen doesn’t know but maybe, hopefully, we’ll see. x
What is one of their most memorable times where they tried to impress their wife?
Jared replies that he likes to lead with his worst qualities so he thinks the majority of the first year and a half of his relationship with G was probably all failures because he was like 'listen i'm gonna fart, and not shower, and not take good care of myself but if you can deal with that the rest is actually decent'.
......and they say romance is dead.
Jensen says he’s been trying to impress D since he met her and he doesn't think he's done it yet but he desires to keep trying. x
Are they still interested in re-doing Lonesome Dove together? Or is there some other project they want to star in together?
Jared would love to he thinks it'd be an awesome idea. And actually, the key makeup artist on Walker won an Emmy award for makeup on Lonesome Dove. Hell yes, he’d love to.
Jensen says it would be fun to do something as brothers again whether it’s Lonesome Dove or SPN. x
Was there something they were looking forward to watching or something that surprised them that they watched while they weren't working?
Jensen didn’t watch anything, three kids under the age of ten is consuming. 
Jared watched Top Gun Maverick which was awesome. Beyond that Coco Melon.
Jensen says he's seen so much Bluey, he almost had to go as Bandit for Halloween until his daughter decided she didn't wanna go as Bluey she wanted to go as Black Cat. He does say that D watches Gilded Age and he proxy has watched it and gotten into it but it’s a soap opera. He also watched all of Gen V cause he was curious to see how bad he looked so he watched his scene but ended up watching the whole episode then wanted to see everything so he went back and started from the beginning, and called Kripke to ask how many hit shows one man needs. x
What is something they took for granted while they were on SPN and didn't realize?
Jared's honest answer is he thinks he took for granted the city of Vancouver. He and Jensen did a really good job in the last 2 or 3 years off if they had a late call or night shooting at 6pm they’d sneak off to ski or go for a bike ride or something but often they were just working and he didn't have an excuse G, D and the kids weren’t in Van most of the time they were at home watching them taking them to school and stuff but he doesn’t think he took enough advantage he thinks he kept waiting for life to happen to him instead of realizing it was already happening.
Jensen says the set atmosphere. It really became what it was organically, it naturally established a really fun, welcoming culture on set that as guest stars would go on they would comment on it and say it was the best place to work. And they’d think that’s cool never really thinking it was by design but now they both know how precious that is and understand that in order to achieve that you have to put in a certain kind of work, they were doing that work unknowingly by being themselves and treating everybody as equal. He takes that knowledge now when stepping into other sets and he's very hyper-aware of the culture of those sets and he does everything he can to make it a welcoming, fun, entertaining space to create. x
Do they remember their first concert experience and who was it they went to see?
Jared doesn’t remember which one was first but in San Antonio, he saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice. And, his mom took him to the TMNT concert as a Christmas gift.
Jensen’s first concert was with his mom and his aunt, it was when he was 6. The Michael Jackson thriller tour and he was terrified because of the lights and the costumes and the roar of the crowd he had never been in a crowd that big and then he came out and blew the roof of the place. And then first concert on his own was Van Halen. x
How do they prevent burnout?
Jared says they burn out all the time and then they have moments like this with the fans where they remember why they like to stay lit. Jokes aside he thinks they do burnout, he knows he does, not a lot but he gets exhausted and he thinks Sam and Dean did as well he thinks all the characters that they’ve played have then you kind of remember why you keep fighting, why you get back up, you get a little help from your friends and you kind of fake it till you make it and then you're back on track. It gets hard for sure but ideally, the good they've been a part of and the families they’ve built and been invited to be a part of certainly give him energy, and motive him.
Jensen says they also started doing this at an early age where they conditioned themselves to work this hard, the strike and the pandemic were pretty bad for them they don’t know how to turn it off or shut it down because they’ve been doing for so long it’s how they’re wired so it’s like Jared says yeah, they burned out on occasion but also know that this is what fuels them so it's easy to recover and jump back in the pool when they love it and have been doing it this long. And they have people that inspire them and give them energy to keep going through the moments of exhaustion. x
What was their very first acting role in school?
For Jensen, he did drama class cause he had to pick an art elective and his first big High School production was Cyrano de Bergerac. He played Christian the character that needs Cyrano to speak for him to win over Roxane. But he was maybe a junior or freshman then in his senior year he did West Side Story.
Jared’s first legit role he can recall doing was Mercutio, he doesn't think anybody would sit through it, there was also a play called Candida but he doesn’t really recall the first one. It was all stuff that high schoolers don’t really grasp yet but it got him curious. x
Do they have a passion or a topic that they could confidently teach a one-hour class on?
No. But Jensen does think they could both fill 60min on set etiquette. Not just how to act or the art of filmmaking but what the different departments do and why and the craft that goes into a day on set. x
Do they have any plans for their canceled shows?
Jared says it was obviously not their choice for the shows to not come back and they’re gonna find out what their industry is gonna look like in the next couple of months. He'd love for them to come back but he doesn’t know what the world is gonna look in terms of content like 3yrs from now.
Jensen says the shows weren’t on air for long enough for them to generate a worth for them to be taken and shopped around it’s an unfortunate by-product of the industry, people move pretty fast and when things get shelved or cleared off the table everybody is moving on so it’s hard to resurrect things that there's not a want or need for it to be brought back. That unfortunately the shows didn't have enough time to root themselves and find their legs, and it was really unfortunate timing because both shows were great. But their industry is in such a transition period right now crazy things are happening all over the place. He and Jared were very fortunate to do what they did when they did because SPN survived some rough waters but he doesn't know if the show would have made it through something like this, and Jared takes it one step further and says if last year had been the first season of SPN they'd have gotten axed. x
What's their most memorable photo op?
Jared says they've had some funny requests at times.
Jensen says there was a line they used to have, he doesn't know where it went or when it was removed but he does remember at one point MC looked at him and went 'it's come to this'.
Jared shares a story about a photo op they had with Krista, and she wanted to do a funny mid-action pose like a bodyguard diving and she could have just posed but instead, she did a full-on dive across several times.
Jensen says that a funny thing though that he'll get asked to do rock, paper, scissors a lot and it's not a video just pick one of the three, he's always gonna do scissors because that's what Dean did and it's what he's married to at this point so if you want to beat him do rock, and if you wanna let him win do paper, or just don't do anything, you don't have to it's a picture. x
J2 Main Panel Hawaii Con '23
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wormlips · 4 months
The way I got into Thramsay, I was frightened at the thought of reading ff about them, even though I shipped the guys from Killing stalking — arguably not as whumpy. But, they were the most toxic pairing I’d shipped, up until that point. I had only ever watched GoT too, till recently. I thought the fanfiction would be darker, I think. But I was still intrigued, cause I did draw them on one occasion. Then like 5 years later, I came to check this tag on a whim, and had such a visceral reaction to some fanart on here. Long story short, I now strangely ship three pairings where one half of the ship kidnapped (“kidnapped”) the other. And two where one character has .. lost some bits. *whispers* how are there two?? 💀
Yeah it's funny how you can tell yourself 'im just going to take a quick look' and then fall head-first into things. like you never saw it coming but suddenly it's a part of your life
or dismissing a thing only to return years later and realize that it was right up your alley all along
Your ask made me write even more because like you I hadn’t shipped anything on thramsay's level before so i didnt have a good frame of reference what it might have been like but i were intrigued too and it's cathartic putting into words what i think makes them so captivating to me
I definitely had interest in toxic relationships with abusive and dark elements in it long before but none where one of them had literally removed body parts from the other. I think Ive always been on the softer side so I need (needed? Idk if i do currently) some sort of mutual feelings even if it is irrational or non genuine like people who cant help but still love someone who hurts them or the reverse - loves someone but cant keep from hurting them. The DA fic kind of pushed that to its limits but it contained some sort of lingering sentimentality amidst graphic descriptions of flaying and i was thinking you can do that??? Though in that fic the torturer had been corrupted by magic so their relationship had been normal at one point which separates it from thramsay. but it had been proven to me that ppl could justify* ”love” in horrible conditions that is interesting to read and i should stop writing but i went into thramsay fics to find out if someone had done so (also whatever else, i was fucking around to find out)
It just hits the spot i ❤️ characters being conflicted about their lover and i want to be unable to tell if the ”love” they feel for their counterpart is actually something else
even though i'm not particularly into show-verse thramsay anymore the best example i can give is the infamous bathing scene where ramsay asks if reek loves him and reek says of course with full conviction and it's like obviously it isn't true though reek might feel like he does because he has conditioned himself to have that response, he brainwashed himself to cope and for safety because he has to believe so ramsay can't find out he's lying but then if he thinks he feels it so much that he does............? how do we define real vs fake love an-... whatever i'm going too far we don't need a philosophical discussion of this rn
you can make it worse by switching between him being self aware of all this to fully believing he's always been ramsay's, the way he slips back into theon's thinking patterns in the book from reek's and anything inbetween until you have toxic sludge on your hands and furthest thing from a normal, healthy relationship
and even more fun if you do the same to ramsay, it doesn't have to be real love but it's such a clingy obsession and dependency, mutual belonging and the idea that he will always return so his closeness, his whispers will be likened to that of a lover because what else is there to compare it to *there's probably a better way i could put it but by justify i mean the author writing something that makes sense from the character's point of view. i don't want to be misconstrued
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