#it’s weird I’ve been on and off with this series for 4 years now and it only just hit me right now
misterbaritone · 1 year
Despite being a comic book, Kengan Ashura(and Omega too I guess) has more motion blur than I’ve ever seen in any other medium.
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jellyfishcharm · 9 days
i am currently getting into the marauders fandom, and i am overly confused rn. i have never had an interest in reading harry potter but after begging from my best friend i started ATYD, and because i wanted to understand it better i started the actual harry potter series (pirated, fuck jkr) i have a ton of questions and i dont really think theyre things i can look up, so i turned to tumblr.
(please keep in mind i have not read the harry potter series so im like completely lost)
1) what is the source material for the marauders fandom? i thought ATYD was what jump started this whole james, sirius, remus thing but apparently it’s been going on since like 2003 so i’m just confused what is the canon information? the most confusing is wolfstar and how people talk about snape. is snape good? is he bad? am i missing something? was james bullying snape or snape bullying them? and is wolfstar supposed to be the “canon ship” or smth?
2) why is jegulus so popular? don’t get me wrong i love the concept of it from what i know (not very much im afraid) but i thought james and lily were like the end all be all canon marauders couple?
3) why is james desi? im all for it and as a black/jewish/gay girl myself the whole representation of poc and jews in harry potter along with jkr just put me off from the series for years but nothing about james reads as brown for me, so im just wondering how people got to that conclusion
4) why is there this weird hierarchy in this fandom? i keep going online and seeing old fans complaining about how things are so different now but like.. that’s how fandoms work? things are gonna change? it’s okay to like things that are old in fandom i mean i definitely do but it’s like they have such a superiority complex over others it’s kind of putting me off
5) why is everyone forgetting that the marauders were a group of little white boys in the 70s? they’re literally wizard racists (i thought)? i just don’t know how everyone thinks they’re so progressive when so many of them are wizard nepo babies. also
i really don’t want to seem negative or like i’m allergic to fun, i really love the fanfictions and the cosplays i’ve seen, this fandom seems so fun and the fact it’s been going for 20 something years is so cool, but i just have a lot of questions and im hoping the tumblr community can help me. i’m hoping reading the original series will clear some things up for me, and if you guys have any other harry potter/marauders related things to tell me as i get more into the series/fandom let me know!
(i’m also fairly new to being so active in fandom spaces so be nice)
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dr-spectre · 5 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of people in the Splatoon community say that Splatoon 3 ROTM will be the last time we will see the New Squidbeak Splatoon which includes Callie and Marie, but like… no?! Nintendo hasn’t outright said “hey y'all, you like the Squid Sisters and wanna see them continue to grow and develop? TOO BAD BITCH!! THEY AIN'T COMING BACK AFTER THIS GAME HA HA! IT'S JUST OFF THE PEAK AND DEEP PEAK NOW BUDDY! ENJOY!!”
When that person said in the Splatoon 3 direct “witness the finale of the Splatoon Saga” she meant the finale of the trilogy set up from Splatoon 1, the story of the New Squidbeak Splatoon vs the Octarians. The Splatoon games up until this point have always had a consistent throughline of developing the Octarians and giving more insight into the conflict between them and the Inklings. Octo Expansion was about diving deeper into the Octolings, them reaching the surface and living with the Inklings. In Splatoon 3, it seems like the Inklings have accepted the Octolings and are living peacefully alongside them. (Or they are just really dumb and still don't realize that Octolings aren't just Inklings with weird hairstyles.) 
Splatoon 3 ROTM marks the finale of the New Squidbeak Splatoon vs Octarians storyline as DJ Octavio’s entire army literally got turned into mindless furries and he became allies with the New Squidbeak Splatoon at the end of the game. Whether he’ll stay as a good guy remains to be seen but by judging Smollusk’s dialogue in Side Order where he says that Octavio is just flying around in his new machine nowadays, he’s probably gonna stay at the very least neutral to the Squidbeak Splatoon. His mission to save his race is basically over now, Octolings are living on the surface and his army is a bunch of furries. We will most likely never see the Octarians as enemies ever again in the series and the developers will move on to different threats never seen before and start a new storyline, or maybe they’ll focus on the Salmonids for Splatoon 4 but we’ll have to wait and see. 
Now I wanna roll back to the Squid Sisters, listen, aside from the Inklings, Callie and Marie are the most iconic characters in the entire franchise. If you tell a random person “do you know Splatoon?” They are probably gonna think of the Inklings, the unique gameplay and then the Squid Sisters. The only other characters that rivals their popularity are arguably Off the Hook, Deep Cut are still recognizable but they aren’t on the same level of popularity as those two groups in my opinion. 
It would genuinely be a bad financial and story mistake to never ever bring back Callie and Marie for Splatoon 4 and onwards, they are extremely iconic and profitable characters that people LOVE and wanna see more and continue having brand new adventures. Now, do I think they are gonna have the same role as before? No, I think they may take a break or step back from the Squidbeak Splatoon and let Captain 3 take control over Agent 4, Neo Agent 3, etc.
For Splatoon 4, I am guessing they are still gonna perform as the Squid Sisters, but in the main story mode or dlc I'm hoping that the developers take an Octo Expansion/Side Order route with the Squid Sisters where you get to hang out with them and learn more about them. How are they doing currently? What was it like for them at the start of their careers? Some more info about how they were as kids? How do Callie and Marie look back on the events of Splatoon 2? How do they feel about the other Idols and characters? 
There’s still so much left for these girls and just never seeing them again after Splatoon 3 would be a massive mistake and destroy all that interesting potential and lore. 
Also, the way that the Splatoon world works is that it’s an ever evolving world that follows our time, meaning that the characters age and go on new journeys as the years go by in our world. We see updates on past characters and are shown where they are at, the only times when that doesn't happen is when a character is fucking dead (Commander Tartar and the Octoweapons except for Octostomp) or they are in a location that isn’t the focus of what the writers wanna tell (C.Q. Cumber), heck even a character like Iso Padre who was a small side character in Octo Expansion managed to make an appearance in Splatoon 3 and show that he actually made it to the surface! 
Callie and Marie are not going anywhere, you can rest easy. The credits song "Wave Goodbye" is not called that in Japanese, it's called "Star of the Sea Breeze" and we all know that the localization team can make some pretty bad mistakes....
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OKAY so rangers apprentice is this book series set in medieval europe-adjacent, like it has countries clearly inspired by european regions and the names are usually related to the real world name, so that combined with the locations is not hard to figure out which countries are which
the main character is this 15 year old kid named Will who grows up throughout the series (11 books), and he’s the ranger’s apprentice in question. the Rangers are this ultra-secret group of spy archers who work for the king and a lot of ppl think they’re dark wizards but they’re actually just good at camouflage, so Will is apprenticed to one of the rangers and he ends up saving the country a couple times.
there’s not much of an overarching plot through the whole series but there are smaller arcs that go through a couple books, like books 1-4 are mostly together and then 5-6 could have been one long book, book 7 is a weird outlier that takes place between 4 and 5, and so on.
what’s interesting about the setting tho is that there’s not explicitly magic systems/users, but it’s heavily implied that there’s more to the world than meets the eye (i think there’s demons in a spin-off series? idk haven’t read that one yet) it’s sooooo fun
and the characters are super engaging too!!! there’s Will, the protagnist; Halt, his mentor; Horace, his best friend; Alyss the love interest; and lots more side characters that are interesting too and even tho i described them as how they relate to Will, they all get super interesting development and backstory. this got so long i’m sorry but rangers apprentice is one of the best book series i’ve ever read and i highly recommend it :33
Finally archers getting the attention and spotlight they deserve! (can you tell I’m partial??)
It’s really interesting (in a good way) that there’s a “lack” of over-arching plot. a lot of longer “media” i’ve “consumed” (at least lately) has suffered from a sort of burn-out where the stakes feel wonky and over done, yet underwhelming after going on for so long; it’s often affected other stuff like continuity and character development and consistency (hello supernatural, how goes the Winchester self sacrifice reset?). I’m actually really excited to see how smaller chunks over longer time will feel after so long.
I also love the idea of a magic system not being explicitly stated wether it’s it a star wars-y “long time ago in a galaxy far far away” type thing were it’s implied that you’re reading an in universe recollection where you’re already supposed to “know” or it’s a narrative tool for the author to frame perspective/plot twists etc
I’m gonna go now and start looking for epubs and shit even though my kindles broke :,( (fuck you ryaniar) and i’m looking for a new one
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kkcauseway · 10 months
Oh Baby P1
The life you've always wanted- Joel x F!reader
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Chapter summary: You and Joel had been actively trying for a baby for a couple of months, you made the decision to finally take the leap and expand your family. You're happy and safe in Jackson surrounded by family, Ellie is thriving and so the only thing missing is a baby. Chapter warnings/content: Tw-morning sickness, talks of previous illnesses. Fluff, Joel being ADORABLE and happy and just ugh (Actually bad how much I love this man I swear.) No use of Y/N. Wordcount: 3.8K A/N: hope you enjoy! This is my favourite series that I’ve ever written. So I hope you love it as much as I’ve loved writing it!!
Next I Series masterlist I Main Masterlist
You and Joel have been actively trying for a baby for a couple of months, deciding to finally take the leap and expand your family. You’ve lived in Jackson for three years. Maria first brought you here after finding you injured so you could be nursed back to health. Offering you a place to stay once you recovered. Since then you’ve always stuck with her and Tommy and the three of you became very close after a short space of time. That’s how you met Joel, after he and Ellie too finally settled in Jackson. Firstly watching from a distance as he began repairing his relationship with his brother, finding it much harder to get Maria to warm to him, but it happened eventually. Then you two were introduced, and the rest is history. You and Joel have now been together ‘officially’, for just over a year, but have known each other for over two. You fell in love incredibly fast and the idea of a baby, whilst Joel’s petrified, he’s also quite excited.
It's a sunny morning and you wake early, head resting on Joel’s naked chest, exactly how you'd fallen asleep after he kissed your forehead a final time to say goodnight; your legs intertwined, his arm wrapped around you, hand resting steady on your hip. You lie there for a couple of minutes, your head slightly raising with each rise of Joel’s chest, listening in tune to his heartbeat. You nuzzle into his chest hair, forever grateful for how warm he is, when you suddenly put a hand to your stomach. Something feels different? this morning. Whilst you’re stuck on this thought, your stomach contents suddenly begin to churn, and it doesn’t take long for you to realise it’s not going to settle down. You shoot out of bed, not caring that you’re naked, shoving Joel off you and run into the bathroom. Planting your knees to the floor, as you heave into the toilet bowl. The abrupt getting out of bed, causes Joel to jolt awake; confused. And when he finally fully wakes, enough to take in his surroundings, he can hear you in the bathroom.
Whilst you continue to retch over the toilet seat, emptying your body of the contents of the night before, you can hear Joel shuffling on his bare feet, making his way towards you. He kneels next to you and brings a hand to your back, stroking it in circles. “S’going on baby?”
After a couple of seconds you’re finally able to take a breath and can rest your head on one of your arms that’s hugging the toilet bowl you moan “I don’t know, woke up feeling weird and now this, man I really hope it’s not the fever Ellie had. Ugh.” You lift your head to rub at your temples.
Two weeks ago, Ellie had come down with some kind of flu, nobody had any idea where it had come from, but she was bed ridden for the first five days. And has only began feeling completely better about three days ago. You stayed with her the most, opting out of patrolling to be there to help her in any way she needed; holding her hair back as she hurled, talking to her, helping her calm down after her crazy, vivid dreams, and keeping her as hydrated as possible, she wouldn’t eat until day 4, but you sure as hell made sure she drank. You wondered if you would catch it, along with everyone else, especially Joel. Joel was petrified of you catching it too, but you had been fine up until now. This mornings shenanigans being the first sign of any symptoms.
Joel reaches his hand round to your forehead and holds it there. “You don’t feel like you have a fever baby, you might be slightly warm, but nothing like what Ellie was. Maybe it’s just an upset stomach?” He sits there watching you a second, stroking at your back again, hating seeing you so weak and fragile “Cmon baby, let’s get you back in bed, ready to get back up?”
Just as Joel goes to stand, your breathing speeds up and another wave of nausea hit you. He bunches your hair and holds it back out of your face.
“That’s it, let it all out” Joel begins rubbing circles on your back again. You let out a painful moan, he hates seeing you like this and he knows how much you hate feeling like this. “Better out than in baby”. He utters reassuringly. It takes time but Joel’s there for you throughout.
You thought it was over, but then again you're retching, only now, your body has nothing left to give, the dry retching scratching your throat agonisingly so. Your eyes won’t stop watering, so you try your best to steady your breathing.
“Ugh, I hate being sick” you whine.
“I know baby girl, I know, m’sorry” Joel gets up and grabs a cloth and a glass of water, bringing the cloth to your lips. You take it from him and sit back on your heels, panting as you wipe your mouth. He then offers you the glass, you down the lot.
“Good girl” he praises taking the empty glass from you. “Come on, let’s get you back into bed before y’start to freeze.” Joel helps you to stand, you cuddle into his warm chest as he quickly leans round you to flush the toilet, before carefully helping to guide you back to the bedroom.
"I'm sorry" you mumble as you climb into bed.
"You ain’t got nothing to be sorry for, don't be silly." Joel tucks you back into the bed covers.
"I bet I look a right mess, didn't even get my fuckin' robe." You sigh, embarrassed. He carefully sits on the edge of the bed next to you then.
"No baby, none of that talk.” He strokes your cheek and you lean into his touch. A subconscious movement. So comfortable, so known. Natural. “Y’know you're still super sexy to me regardless, and that I’ll always help you no matter what it is. Now you get some rest, I’ll find Maria, tell her you can’t help her out at the farm today, I’m sure she’ll understand.”
“N- no babe, just give me a few minutes to sort myself out, catch my breath properly, I’m sure I’ll be okay to work. I need to work. Babe I promised, I can’t let people down they need me”. You whine, tears threatening release.
“I know you hate letting people down, but this is necessary baby. You’ll be no help t’anyone when you’re like this. Maria’ll understand, plus it wasn’t a choice, you’re gonna stay in bed, you really aren’t well at all.”
“Okay” you mumble quietly before sighing, you know he’s right of course, you can feel just how bad you are. “Thank you Cowboy.” You squish further into the mattress then.
“Now I’m scheduled on a patrol with Tommy today, back tonight, you gonna be okay alone, or do I need to try find someone to replace me? If you need me here baby just say, y’know I’ll happily stay. Much rather be with my girl.”
“I’ll be fine, like you say probably just an upset stomach; I’m just gonna sleep it off if I’m 'not allowed to work'.” You try to look at him with a cheeky grin, but the sickness is still so evident on your face. Pale skin, dark bags under your eyes.
“Yeah” he sighs. “You're staying home today baby, rest up” he urges kissing your forehead as he strokes your cheek once more.
Joel leaves the house after you practically beg him to leave. He’s so overly concerned for you it made it painful to see him go. Yet all he would do is stress, the patrol will be a good distraction and it means you can just sleep. You love that he cares for you so deeply. Encasing yourself in the sheets, lying on Joel’s pillow to be surrounded by his smell it doesn’t take long for sleep to overcome you. About an hour or so later, you wake to a knock at the front door, you tie your robe round you and make your way to the front door. Noticing you feel much better now, sickness seemingly subsided completely. Hallelujah!
Opening the door Maria’s stood staring at you, her, and Tommy’s two year old son Ted pressed to her hip, sleeping with his head squished into her shoulder, his teddy turtle gripped by his small palm. Worry is written all over Maria's expression. So you’re quick to move out of the way of the door, allowing her entry. Nobody has said anything yet but once the door is shut she breaks the silence.
“Joel says you’re sick, what’s wrong?”
“To be honest I feel much better now, I’m not sure what came over me this morning, must have just been an stomach upset. Maybe something I ate last night? I threw up a couple of times, but I feel fine now, I’m just really stupidly tired.”
“Well, when Joel told me you woke up throwing up and couldn’t work today, I though it must’ve been Ellie's fever. Yet there was another thought in the back of my mind, and I think your symptoms have just confirmed that.”
You look to her puzzled, “confirmed what? Maria what are you talking about?” She just stares at you, as if she wants you to work it out alone. What other thought? Of course she leaves you to think and it suddenly hits you, your period is late, in fact you’ve missed two months now. The first missed month you presumed was because you were stressed due to Ellie’s illness. But two in a row. It must be. Surely? How had this not already crossed your mind?
“Oh my God, Maria! I think I’m pregnant!”
“My thoughts exactly!” she replies smiling. And then she holds out her hand giving you a box; a two pack of twenty-year-old or so pregnancy tests.
“I have a mind for these things, you should know that by now. And it’s hardly a secret that you’ve been trying. I’m actually surprised neither you or Joel had that thought cross your mind!”
You laugh. “I think we just didn’t expect it would happen, I dunno, but holy shit, Maria I might be pregnant!”
You both race to the bathroom, Maria waiting outside of the closed door, whilst you do what needs to be done to the tests. With the flush you open the bathroom door, so Maria can enter. It only takes about 30 seconds for the bright red double lines to appear on the first test, you then look to the second, once again seeing the same result.
Squealing you hug Maria, tears in your eyes. “Oh my God, it’s finally happening! Maria, I’m gonna be a Mama! Oh, I can’t believe it!”
“Oh, I’m so happy for you two!”
The noise and the force of the hug causes little Ted to stir and he lets out a quiet whimper. 
"Sorry Teddy Bear, didn't mean to wake you" you whisper.
Maria then begins stroking his head "Shhhh... Go back to sleep baby it's okay."
And just like that he’s back asleep.
“I can’t believe it Maria, and I can’t wait to tell Joel, he’s gonna be so happy, we’ve both wanted this for so long.” Tears well in your eyes once more.
“You’re gonna have a little baby you!” She exclaims.
“Eeekk! (The scream much quieter than you want it to be, but you don't want to disturb Ted anymore than you already have) "You know what, why don’t you, Tommy and Ted come for dinner tonight, I’ll cook, and can tell everyone. We need to celebrate!”
“That sounds absolutely perfect! We’ve needed some happy news like this round here for a while!” She exclaims.
When Joel returns home from patrol that evening, you, and Ellie are in the kitchen, Ellie’s sketching at the table, whilst you stir the pasta sauce you’re making.
“Mmm something smells gooood” Joel moans, as he traipses up behind you hugging you. He places delicate kisses at your neck. 
“Hi baby.” You let go of the spoon and turn in Joel’s arms to face him, taking his face in hand and kissing his lips.
“Ughh, gross, do you two have to do that here”. Ellie pretends to gag.
You both turn to look at her.
“Sorry Ellie, but it’s not a crime for a man to miss his girl, thought you’d be used to it by now”. He laughs.
His girl, GOD, you love it when he calls you that.
“It might not be illegal, but it should be yuck, and no I will never get used to it!”
You both laugh in response.
“And if it’s any consolation” Joel releases you and begins walking over to Ellie hugging her from behind, his arms around her shoulders “I missed you too” he gives her playful kisses all over her face -that he knows she hates.  You laugh watching the moment unfold. Ellie squirms from the interaction. “Ewwww gross, get off meee!” she squeaks. Joel eventually backs away laughing as he does. She playfully scowls at him. 
You’re already laughing and it doesn’t take long for Ellie and Joel to join you. Man you love your little family, and the thought of it growing even more makes your heart feel as though it could explode.
Joel turns back to look at you then, noticing the colour’s returned to your cheeks. "Feelin’ better now I take it?"
"Mmm, loads better thank you, I invited Tommy and Maria over for dinner. They’ll be here soon, should be a nice evening" you smile.
”Sounds lovely” Joel agrees. He has no idea.
Turning back to the pot, you suggest Joel and Ellie go and sit in the living room, it won’t be long till Tommy and Maria arrive and you need to make sure everything’s prepped for dinner. They’re too distracting with their teasing ways so you kick them out of the kitchen, they can piss each other off elsewhere. Tonight has to be perfect! You try thinking of the best way to break the news. Devising how, when, where.
Tommy and Maria soon arrive with little Ted, who’s freshly awake from a nap. He energetically runs straight to his Uncle, who picks him up embracing him. “Hey little man!” “Hi Jo!” You laugh at his pronunciation of Joel's name. You watch the way Joel is with that little boy, it as per usual causes your heart to flutter. And now he’s going to be a dad again; he’s going to do the most amazing job. You secretively place a hand to your stomach stroking slightly. Still flat but so full of happiness, hope.
When dinner is finally plated and served you all sit round the dinner table, Ted playing in the living room with his already full belly, Joel offers to open the bottle of white wine in the centre of the table. All part of your plan. Pouring Maria’s, Tommy’s, his own, and then when he goes to pour for you, (best for last, as he always says) you stop him. “Not for me tonight, thank you.”
Tommy, Ellie, and Joel all look to you shocked; you never say no to a glass of wine.
“No wine? Jeez what’s wrong” Tommy jokingly questions you with a laugh.
Maria elbows him.
“What, haven’t you heard?" You quiz their perplexed faces.
All three of them look at you puzzled. You turn to Maria:
"Oh my, my, Maria, I thought it was common knowledge, but obviously not."
Maria laughs in response. Not one hundred percent sure on your plan, but aware of what the outcome is going to be so she plays along.
"Well everyone knows, or well I THOUGHT everyone did, that it’s bad to drink if you’re expecting” you smile.
“Expecting what?” Ellie quickly speaks up. Oblivious.
Joel stands still in his spot, staring at you. “Wha- you mean?”
“Yeah!” You exclaim.
He shoves the bottle of wine onto the table and pulls you out of your chair and into his embrace. Crying and laughing, he grips onto you with so much love. Full of desperation to have you even closer. He kisses you over and over on the lips, before finally pushing you, arms-length away from him, so he can carefully caress your still flat stomach.
Finally, on watching Joel’s actions it computes in Ellies head, “Holyyyy shit!” She stands from her seat. “So, I’m finally gonna be a big sister woAHHHH.”
Joel embraces you once more and turns to Ellie. “Seems that you are kiddo.”
“Congrats!” Ellie walks closer to you, inviting you both into a hug, before getting down on her knees in front of you. She brings her lips right onto your stomach; “Hi baby, about time you came along” she whispers. You laugh wetly at her response.
When you had first started trying for a baby, you'd asked Ellie how she felt about it, because the last thing you wanted was for her to feel pushed aside or replaced. She was elated with the idea, and was just as nervous as you and Joel were for it to happen. So it’s a massive relief for all three of you, that it's a dream, finally being made into a reality.
You stroke a hand into Ellie's hair and smile as you take in the moment. Home, the most wonderful place to be, you don’t think you could be happier than you are right this second. In the arms of the man you love, being embraced by Ellie too as you have Joel's baby, no yours and his baby inside of you. YOUR BABY! IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!
Ellie finally stands back up, “I’m starving” she groans, walking back over to the table with the goal of wolfing down her food, you and Joel too make your way back over to your seats.
“Congrats to you both!” Tommy shouts across the table.
“Thankyou!” you say in unison.
“Knew it must’ve been something drastic for you be saying no to wine” he cheekily utters.
“Tommy Miller, you cheeky bastard!” You exclaim shaking your head as you laugh.
“Hehe nah I’m only playin, I’m happy for y’all. About time my big brother had some added responsibilities!” He grins.
“Tommy!” Maria scolds at the same time as Joel playfully kicks his shin under the table, causing him to jolt and knee the table.
He turns to look at his brother “I’m only playin’ you know I’m happy for you! You took the piss outa me all the time when we were having Ted even after he was born.” He rubs his knee “You’d done the dad thing before I hadn’t, and you always used that to your advantage. So I think it’s about time I get my own back!”
Joel looks to you shocked.
You sit up straighter in your seat “don’t look at me Miller!” You hold your hands up in surrender “you know exactly what you were doin’ to him!”
He shakes his head “Forever a grudge holder huh baby brother?” He questions playfully focusing back on his brother’s gaze. “Even turnin’ my girl against me?”
He shrugs with a cheeky smile still caked on his face “I am genuinely happy for you both I do mean that. From the bottom of my heart. Plus Ted’s gonna love having a little friend and I for one am not ashamed to admit that I miss the newborn stage! So Uncle Tommy is very much looking forward to newborn snuggles! But to answer your question yes, I’m gonna love every second of watching you sweat over the next 9 months”
You smile at that. Tommy’s cute, but him and his brother are forever in competition, they love each other dearly but love pissing each other off more. This is your family. Your dysfunctional PERFECT family. With the news out, hearts aflutter, emotions high you all begin to eat your meals, chatting any old nonsense. Once the meal is over and the dishes are clean. You offer Tommy and Maria a nightcap. You all sit chatting away, them three on the three seater, Ellie on her stomach on the floor, face hidden within the confines of her sketchbook adding to the conversation every so often , and you’re snuggled on the armchair. Maria, Tommy, and Joel all have a whiskey, whilst you’re stuck with herbal tea. Not that you’d change the reason for that that for the world. Ted is napping upstairs, Joel having worn him out but it’s not long until you hear him stir.
Maria goes to stand, as you move too “I can go?”. You ask her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah course, best start getting some more practice in anyways, plus, me and Teddy are besties, and I haven’t had a cuddle in AGES!” You moan.
“Baby, he was literally cuddled up to you and fell asleep on you, what like not even an hour ago?” Joel replies laughing.
“Exactly Cowboy, that’s tooooo long without a Teddy cuddle, and seriously they’re the best when he’s still sleepy.”
“Amen. They really are!” Tommy butts in.
“I’ll be back” you wink.
You climb the stairs and walk into yours and Joel’s bedroom where Tommy has set up the travel cot.
“Mama?” he asks sleepily rubbing his eyes.
“Hi Teddy, no not Mama it’s T” you whisper (Ted can’t say aunty, when he tried it came out as T, and well it stuck)
“T!” he almost screams in excitement. His voice laced in sleep. 
“Hi! My bestest boy, you wana come down and see Mama and Daddy?”
“Yeh” he rubs his eyes again and then lifts his arms up for you to grab him.
You lift him with a groan. He’s wearing blue, star pattern footie pyjamas. Once in your arms, he settles quickly into your side, before abruptly raising his head again.
"Oh, Where Tudle!"
"Here, I'll get him for you" You reach into the travel cot and grab his teddy turtle. You give it to him and he smiles as he holds it in both his hands and stretches his arms up "Yay Tudle!"
"You really love turtle don't you Teddy Bear?"
"Yah!" After he and turtle have had their moment, he places it into his one hand and puts the thumb of his other into his mouth. Cuddling once again into your side. He’s always so warm and cuddly. You walk back out of the room and make your way back downstairs.
“There he is!” Tommy shouts.
Ted rather than removing his thumb from his mouth, shouts a muffled but clear enough “Daddy!”
You walk over to Tommy, and he takes Ted off you, sitting him in his lap. You then make your way back over to the armchair.
“Did you have a good sleep bud?” Tommy asks.
“Yeh! An tudle” he holds his turtle up into his dads face.
His mispronunciation of turtle forever making everyone laugh.
“Turtle did too huh?”
“Yeh! An now no sleep.”
“No, you’re awake now bud, you can stay awake till we go home, okay?”
Tommy then passes Ted to Maria, planting a kiss to the top of his head.
“Hi Mama”
“Hey! You look very sleepy, baby Teddy.” She says wiping the underneath of his eyes. 
“I no sleepy, I awake.”
“Yeah you’re awake now…” she kisses into his hair before adding “Hey Baby, did you say hi to Uncle Joel?” Maria asks pointing to him.
He looks to Joel, “Hi!” big grin on his face.
He really is the sweetest little boy; you can’t help but smile at him and the way Joel acts with him.
“Why hello little man, I heard you and turtle slept real good in our room!” he smiles back at Ted.
“Tudle say fanks”. He holds his turtle up again.
“Well turtle is very welcome, and you tell him he can sleep over any day he wants”.
“Yay!” at this, Ted shimmies out of his mothers grip and runs the short length over to Joel, hugging his legs. Ever since the kid learnt to walk you swear, he’s got faster and faster. Joel grabs him to sit onto his lap and pulls him into a tight embrace. His entire body covering Joel’s chest he lies there comfortably putting his thumb back into his mouth. You don’t know why, but it’s as if your emotions are now on overdrive, pregnancy hormones don’t kick in this early, do they? Well, whether they do or not, you’re crying. They’re happy tears, but you’re crying. You sniffle, slightly louder than you mean to, and everyone’s gaze turns to you, including Ted’s.
Joel quickly takes Ted off his lap and places him on the sofa next to him. He shoots up “Baby what’s wrong?”
“Joel I’m okay I promise” you laugh “It was just a cute moment, and I couldn’t stop the tears, they’re happy tears. Pinky promise”.
"Oh pregnancy hormones, I remember them well" Maria butts in.
“Jesus” he gasps “You had me worried for a second”.
“Well, you know me Miller, like to keep you on your toes” you reply laughing again, but still crying.
The next thing you know, you hear the soft taps of tiny feet padding towards you and then feel a soft pulling on the blanket you have draped over you. “Jo help”, you laugh at the tiny voice, and Joel bends down to scoop Ted up, placing him on your lap.
“T why cwying?”
He cuddles into you.
“I’m okay Teddy baby, I’m just very happy”. You wipe away your remaining tears.
“Happy yay! tudle happy too.” He holds his turtle up once again. You swear he’s the happiest little boy.
“Yeah, I’m happy Teddy bear and I’m very glad to hear turtle is too.”
Ted then persists to ask everyone else in the room if they’re happy. Once it’s concluded that everyone’s happy, especially because Ted is here. (Which he felt very proud in knowing.) You have something very special to tell him.
“Hey, Teddy bear?”
He turns his gaze back to you.
“We have something to tell you”. He looks to Joel, who’s crouched down the side of the armchair, nodding, then back to you.
“It’s very special kiddo!” Joel adds.
Ted nods in response.
“So, Teddy bear, you remember how I told you that before you were born, you were in Mama’s tummy?”
“Yah” he nods turning to look at Maria and points at her. “There” he then looks back at you.
“Yeah, good remembering Baby!” Maria praises him from across the room.
“Well, now there's one in here!” you point to your own tummy.
“A BABY?!”
“Yeah, Teddy bear in T’s tummy” Joel adds.
He grabs you t-shirt and pulls it up, so a bit of your tummy shows “In there?”
“Yeah, in there, good job bud!” Tommy pipes up.
You all laugh for a moment before Ellie pipes up. Coming to kneel next to where Ted’s sitting.
“Hey Ted, you know how I look after you, cus I’m bigger and we play lots and lots of games?”
“Well, when this baby comes, you will be lots bigger, so you will have to help me to look after them”
“I help, pwomise.”
“Good, high five!”
They high five. And you laugh again, you never thought there would be a point in your life where you would be this happy. Especially with the added ‘end of the world’ element.
“El can draw?”
“You wana draw? Sure, bud come on”, she helps him off the chair and he runs over to her space on the floor. Sitting on the floor crossing his legs.
When Ellie and Ted are out of your space, you take a second to take in your surroundings. Ellie is thriving in Jackson life and dotes just as much as everyone else on precious Ted; She’s going to be the best big sister. Tommy and Maria are cuddled on the sofa laughing. They really are the best people so besotted with one another. And then there’s Joel, the love of your life, the father of your child. You turn to him and find he’s watching you. You look back into his eyes and you both smile. He lifts an arm and rests the palm of his hand on your stomach. You look down as you place your hand atop his, but then lift your gaze back to his eyes. He's smiling so wide. "I love you", he utters softly. "I love you too Cowboy".
Life is good, and it's about to get so much better.
Next I Series Masterlist I Main Masterlist
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Last Part of this AU, thank you guys for loving this so much! It’s been fun!
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liked by cozane, ziongisele, urbanwyatt, druski, nemoachide, arithedon, and 10,679,289 others
voguemagazine: @jackharlow has found happily ever after! 
For Vogue’s April issue, Jack Harlow & Stacey James candidly open up about the good, the bad, and the beauitful parts of their whirlwind romance. “One night I asked him the dreaded question no one likes to ask, “What are we? We’re perefct for each other? Why aren’t we together?” And he was like “This really awkard. I have to go.”
Tap the link in our bio for the full profile. Photographed by @urbanwyatt 
view all 222,916 comments
user: um???? 
user: please tell them this is a sick joke
druski: thanks for the invite! 🙄
user: imagine asking a guy that and he RUNS away!!
SZA: lol
user: no way, poor Y/N
user: He was just with Y/N 4 months ago!! The aduacity 
summerwalker: the nerve of men 
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Liked by 30,745 users
theshaderoom: uh oh! Roommates, Y/N seemingly deactivates her Twitter and Instagram accounts after ex man Jack Harlow pops up married to mistress Stacey James, 4 months after he cheated again and begged her for forgiveness! (See previous posts)
view all 5,793 comments
user: Jack has really shown his ass these past two years
user: praying for y/n cause whewwwwww
user: she needs to get over it, that man didn’t want her
user: stacey prettier anyway
user: it’s one thing to have a baby on her but to marry the bitch too??? His momma need to whoop his ass
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liked by neelamthadhani, jackharlow, cozane, nemoachida, kimkardashian, goldenbarbie, jaydacheavs and 478,799 others
thatgirlstacey: happy birthday to my beautiful husband and baby daddy! You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. There’s no one I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. Willow & I are so lucky to have you in our life
user: the best couple!
user: girl he probably cheating on you
user: goals
neelamthadhani: Aw love you guys
user: y/n better
kimkardashian: can’t wait to celebrate tonight 💋
user: why was Jack seen without his ring recently 👁️👄👁️
thatgirlstacey: not that it’s any of your business but it’s because he was getting it cleaned. Y’all y/n stans are almost as pathetic as she is
user: y/n has been off the internet for over a year now and you still talking shit??? You weird as hell
user: haaaa drag that hoe
user: you got the man, why continue to mention his ex
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liked by 856,037 users
theshaderoom: whew chileee! #JackHarlow did not hold back when asked about his ex Y/N Y/L reportedly dating his very good friend, and collaborator #Drake! If you recall Harlow and Y/N were dating for 2 years before Jack cheated and had a baby with now wife, #StaceyJames. 
While on The Breakfast Club, Jack went on to say that he has no respect for women that date their ex’s friends. “I don’t want to slut shame but no self respecting woman homie hops. It’s disgusting but you know, b*tches are weird these days”
When asked if he’s spoken to Drake since the news dropped he says “No, and I really don’t have anything to say, he’s just as bad as she is. We were boys, you just don’t do that. But it’s whatever, I’m happy she’s out my hands though.”
What ya’ll think about his response, #Roomies?!
view all 9,306 comments
user: oh someone needs to kicked his ass
user: what’s wrong with homie hopping? 
user: two years ago he would’ve beat someone’s ass for speaking on y/n like this
user: oh so now she’s weird because she don’t want him anymore
user: he’s right? 🤷‍♀️ 
user: why he caling her all these different types of bitches? has he lost his mind
user: he needs to watch his mouth, he know Drake got mob ties 
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Liked by SZA, summerwalker, cardib, latto777, chloebailey, champagnepapi, druski, Keke, and 993,016 others
yourinsta: Let’s make one thing clear. I’ll homie hop, sibling hop whatever don’t care. I’ll fuck your opps, it does not matter. Maybe they’re my soulmate and the universe brought you to me to introduce us.
Now, back to being a new mother and writing new music 💋
view all 24,036 comments
user: omg!!!!
user: now how clayborn get into this
user: this is crazy but I’m so happy my queen is back
user: wait
claybornharlow: 😳😟
user: NEW MOTHER??!!!!
user: you’re a mom?!!!
SZA: I love you boo! I’m coming to visit soon, I have gifts for my god daughter 😍
user: you betta drag that wispy cloud
theestallion: HOTTIE 🥵
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liked by justinbieber, yaonlylivvonce, urbanwyatt, normani, saweetie, rubirose, yourinsta and 1,657,035 others
champagnepapi: a lot of you boys wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me so don't forget to wish me a happy fathers day June 18th.
comments on this post have been limited
icespice: 😍
yourinsta: papi 💋
tinashenow: sheesh
druski: I know my boy throwing up right now
NickiMinaj: look at my baby 😍😍
urbanwyatt: 🥴
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Thank you to my sweet sweet anon who gave me the idea of reader going ghost and getting pregnant ;) i changed some things around tho but thank you love
Tag List:
(message me if you'd like to be added)
@heavyhitterheaux @hoodharlow @neon-lights-and-glitter @babiefries @toocriticalharlow @macey234 @jackmans-poison @dstark-0706 @harlowsbby​ @xxkoolkatxx 
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oreo102 · 5 months
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna… also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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idontplaytrack · 24 days
Capri x (Darby’s sister) Reader (Future, Late 20’s/early 30’s)
Reader is cooking in the kitchen waiting for Capri to come home
Capri is absolutely exhausted after a long day of coaching for cheer camp
Their daughter (4) is out with her aunt (darby) giving the couple some alone time
This life thing
Capri Donahue x Harper!Sibling fem reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, smut
Into the future, Capri and reader’s love had grown, so did their family. (Bonus chapter to the ‘My Charmed One’ series)
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You were in the kitchen, making dinner while waiting for Capri to come home. Today’s been the quietest the house has been in ages, seeing that Adelaide yours and Capri’s 4-year old was out with Darby and Alex for the day. You knew Capri would be exhausted, she’s been coaching at a cheer camp for the last three days. As much as she loves her job, it still takes a toll. Rest was much needed no matter how motivated she was.
Capri got off work around 4:45, and it takes her about an hour to get home. So, judging by the time on the clock right now, you had quite awhile before she was home with you. She did send you a text on her way home to let you know that she was going to be back soon, so that made you more excited. In the meantime, you were making her favourite pasta dish for dinner.
You were done cooking, so you went to tidy up the house some more since you had time to kill. While you were wiping the TV console with a rag, Capri returns home. “Hi, baby!” Capri gasps, running up to you. You abandon your task, stood up and hugged her. “Hey, honey.” You kissed her on the cheek, chuckling over your words.
“Wow, it’s quiet around here.” She noticed.
“Darby and Alex took Addy out. Won’t be back until after dinner.” You pressed another kiss, to her lips.
“I know, it’s just…been awhile since we got any alone time. The house being so quiet’s a little weird.” Her hands fall onto your hips, she gazes into your eyes, brushing the stray hairs out of your face.
“How was work?” You asked.
“It was good, but of course, I’m tired and just glad to be home with my lady.” She grins cheekily. You laughed, resting your forehead against hers.
“So…what’ve you been up to today?” She asks, leading you over to the couch to sit down.
“Honestly, once they picked Addy up after breakfast, I went back to sleep, took a shower and just didn’t do anything until I had to make dinner and tidy up the place.”
“Hey, well, as long as you’re doing what you gotta do and you’re happy and rested? You know?” Capri said back.
“It’s so weird though. I’ve never had them or anyone spend the whole day with her.” You sigh.
“She’s fine, I’m sure of it.” Capri assured.
“I know, but it’s like— she’s never spent this much time apart from either of us.”
“When she left, did she throw a tantrum or cry?”
“No, she immediately ran and jumped into Darby’s arms.” You chuckled at the thought.
“Which is great, she knows and trusts them. She loves them both.” Capri continues.
“That makes sense, but I’m just not that used to it because like I said, too quiet. But it’s nice.”
“Nice?” She asks, chin leaning on your shoulder.
“Of course, my brain doesn’t feel like it’s gonna shut down like when she screams and squeals whenever I try and get her to pack up her toys, eat her food or try and get her to shower?”
Capri laughs, “That’s true. It is frustrating when those things happen sometimes,” Sneakily, she pressed a kiss to your neck which made you gasp. “It’s been a minute since we…”
You nodded quickly, the desire quickly washing over you. You had no idea how much you wanted to do something like that again until it was initiated. It’s always been the last thing on your mind these days. Or, in months, even. You two were always so tired with work and looking after Addy that nothing else was on your minds than the usual routine.
“I think…we should have dinner first.” You squirmed, fighting a laugh.
“Oh.” Capri replied teasingly, “Are we still going with the sex being dessert thing?”
That did it for you, you laughed. “I don’t know. I just— want you to have your food before we do anything, y’know? You just got back from work.”
“Unbelievable, I can still make you so flustered after so many years together?” Capri asks while squeezing your thigh.
“Always.” You admitted with a bit of a laugh, “Let’s eat dinner first, don’t want it to get cold.”
“Okay.” Capri agreed, taking your hand and walking into the kitchen with you.
Capri manages to kick the door close quickly, almost as quickly as she plopped you onto bed. “I’m so lucky.” She smiled, gazing into your eyes lovingly as she hovered over you.
“You’re lucky?” You scoffed, “Please. I’m the lucky one. Still don’t know how this happened.”
She grins. “Are you always gonna be all flustered when I do this?” Tease.
“Always.” You admitted.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. That’s not the only thing I love about you.”
Your heart fluttered.
“You know it. We’ve been through so much together.” Capri says, hands trailing down your front, “You’re so strong, so motivated, so intelligent and so loving and kind. The best partner and mother I could’ve ever imagined for myself and my kid.”
You’d pursed your lips together, cheeks growing hot, “I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.” Capri presses her lips against yours. Straightening up, her eyes gazes down at you, tracing your body. You start to avoid her gaze. “Hey.” Her hand stops on your hip, “Look at me, y/n.” And you did, immediately. Your heart melted at that, it always does. You loved yourself, you did. But the attention always makes you feel things.
“You wanna do it?” Capri asked softly, “You’re sure?”
“Mhm.” You nodded in confirmation, “I’m sure.”
With that being said, she begins to attack your skin with kisses, all over. Expertly, she was working over the spots that made you tick. “Shit.” You cursed, “Shit, that feels so good.”
Capri hums in approval, continuing her ministrations, sucking at your neck with just the right amount of pressure to make your arousal grow. When she’s heard that you were ready for more, she starts to move lower. Her hand reaches underneath your shirt, holding onto the hem as she looked at you for an answer. You swiftly nodded, allowing her to remove the clothing. Once that was out of the way, your pants and underwear were off too, abandoned along with your shirt in some corner of the room. You whined as you palmed your breast and groped it before she wrapped her lips around the tip. “Ugh, fuck.” You groaned, “Fuck, that— keep going— keep going—”
“Of course, baby. Of course my darling’s gonna get whatever she wants…” Capri’s hand slides down your front, cupping your cunt, her fingers in your folds, “and definitely whatever she needs.” As she uttered that last word, two fingers plunged into you, hitting your sensitive spot and caused you to scream. Capri took great pleasure and pride in that.
A breathy whimper made her coo at you, and made you so frustrated because she was doing it on purpose to rile you up. And it always worked. Always. She never failed to have her way with you, you’d fold all the time.
“I know, I know…” Capri spoke to you sweetly as her fingers carried on their push and pull, fucking you into oblivion. You had zero idea what kind of god forsaken noises you were even making but they sure were working in your favour because you were getting closer and closer to your high.
“Mm— fuck— fuck— fuck!” Your chest heaved, back arching off the mattress pushing her deeper. Capri only smiles at you, knowing exactly how you were feeling.
“Keep going.” Capri whispers, thumb now pressing onto your clit every time her digits pushed their way into your tightening walls. “Let me hear, huh? Am I making you feel good, darling?” Words get caught in your throat as you swallow painfully, eventually moaning. She slaps your cunt when you didn’t verbally respond, you yipped, toes curling. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, “Fuck. Yes. Yes. Yes, you’re making me feel—”
Finger number three slid into you without resistance, you gasp, begging her to go faster. Capri obliged, basking in the filthy filthy noises coming from your mouth and the juncture between your thighs. At the same time, she fondles with your tits which made your head spin. You were finally pushed into overdrive when her lips made a return to your nipple, sucking it like her life depended on it. Barely straddling you, her fingers fucked you while her mouth gave your sensitive nub the much wanted attention. Your climax hit, causing your hand to clutch her shoulder for support as you cursed and cried through every single moment. You felt your whole body literally convulsing but no, Capri doesn’t just stop. She never does, she would only gradually slow down. Which helps, usually. But right now, you were bordering overstimulation given how long it’s been since you two had been intimate.
Right before you told her to stop, she did. She stops before you asked. “Let me help—”
She shushed you, “All good. I don’t feel like it. Took care of myself last week and I’m settled for awhile.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment for a split second but you quickly regained your composure, “Okay.” She lays down beside you, brushing the hair out of your eyes and kissing you softly on the lips, “You good? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m okay.” You nodded, “Didn’t hurt me. It’s just been awhile and damn, that was— crazy. Almost forgot how good it felt.”
Capri giggles, “Really? That’s…not very nice for me to hear.”
You sulked.
“Kidding, kidding.” She gasped, eyes meeting yours before she engulfed you in a hug, “I get it. You said they’re getting back at 9?”
You nodded, head snuggled against her chest.
“Thirty minutes.” Capri noted, “Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re showering with me.”
“How nice.” You poked her chest playfully, “One more minute though.”
Hearing some chatter from the other side of the front door, followed by a familiar jingle of keys, the front door swings open. “Hi, mommy!” Addy attacked Capri first with a hug— to her legs, given her height. Capri quickly picked her up. “Hi, my love.” Capri grins, kissing her on the cheek, “Did you have fun?”
“Uh-huh.” The kid nodded excitedly, “We played mini golf and we had milkshakes after dinner.”
“Hi, baby.” You walked over to them in the kitchen.
“Mama!” She squealed, turned around and hugged you while Capri was still holding onto her. Capri lets her go once you held on.
“Thanks…for spending all day with her.” You told them.
“We always love spending time with her.” Darby chuckles, “Sometimes a handful, definitely takes after your wife.”
Capri snorted, laughing.
“We always have a lot of fun.” Alex quipped, “And I always have a lot of fun seeing Darbs run after her.”
“Alex!” Darby chided quietly while you excused yourself and took Adelaide into her room to her a new outfit before you gave her a bath. “Yeah, well…she’s thrilled to be staying up past her bedtime, obviously.” You heard Capri joke while you exit the living area.
“You sleepy, lovey?” You chuckled as you got her dried off and dressed. Adelaide nods, nuzzling her head in your chest once she was fully redressed. You carried her off the counter and walked over to her bed, tucking her in.
Once she was actually sleepy, she wouldn’t be as chatty or be wanting to get out of the bath when you weren’t done.
“You want a story, baby?”
“No, mama.” She shook her head, “Can you lie here? With me?”
“Of course, baby.” You agreed, quickly climbing into the bed with her, letting her snuggle with you. You stroked her hair as she had her head on your chest, lulling her to sleep. “Good night, lovey.”
“G’night, mama.”
Capri showed up in the doorway, watching you both. “Hi.” She smiled, mouthing to you.
You smiled back, looking between her and Adelaide. Your heart swelled, she was a spitting image of Capri. Capri walks on and sat down with you in Addy’s bed. “She looks so much like you.” You remarked, patting the girl’s back while you glanced at Capri.
Capri nods, then shrugs, “I see a lot of you in her too. She’s a good mix of us both.”
You slid out from beneath Addy and left the room which Capri, leaving the door ajar. After saying bye to your sister and Alex, you and Capri turned in for the night. “You know…some nights I just lie here and think about how far we’ve come, how much we’ve done together, been through together. All…for what we have now. A family of our own, giving her all our love, giving her the best. We have so much love, Capri.”
Capri pulls you into her arms, “We do. We do have so much love to give, that’s why we had her. She’s everything to me, like you are. You two make me feel so happy, motivate me to get up everyday and give it all I’ve got. You two are my world.”
“Well, you guys. Are my entire world.” You said back, “I’m so lucky. To have you and Addy, my sister, Alex. To be able to have gotten married to you, the love of my life. Have a kid, start a family. It hasn’t been easy. We’ve worked so damn hard and I’m proud of what we’ve overcome and achieved.”
Capri kisses you on the side of your head, “I’m proud of us. We’re doing a fucking great job at this life thing.”
“Yes we are.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Loved writing this one hehe. Thanks sm for the request and waiting🫶🏼 wasn’t sure if you wanted smut but it seemed like the right direction to take for a part of it😶‍🌫️
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alldaysarenights · 6 months
On Discworld…
…and the things I’ve learned so far.
I know, I’m late, but sometimes it’s fun to discover something on your own and in your time.
Recently, I’ve started reading the Discworld series, beginning with Rincewind. And there are so many tiny things I’ve discovered, I don’t even know where to start.
I’ll give D&D a go first. As a passionate player and also a I-once-ran-a-short-campaign DM, I couldn’t but notice all the references there to find, especially with Rincewind. Right now I’m 4 books into his story, barely at the beginning, yet I’ve laughed my a** off a few times. Always wondering what he took from a former campaign. Well, at first I wondered if Sir Pratchett actually played. The internet was quick to answer the question, yes, yes of course he did. Would have been more surprised, if he didn’t.
I discovered stuff about the gods playing dice and there are sorcerer, barbarians and the luggage, which slightly reminds me of a mimic. But I guess this beast came afterwards. I told the other players of my group, and they agreed on the resemblance. Now we definitely have the plan, to tame a mimic, lol.
I could quote you so much stuff, but I’d fancy you going on an adventure and see it for yourself. Read the books, assemble some good friends, and have some fun on a silly campaign. Not necessarily in this order.
Next thing that keeps popping up in my mind, while reading, is Good Omens. I came from the Neil Gaiman side, getting lured in by Morpheus, whom I met doing some research. My comic book dealer was happy to help. Naturally, there was a point where I did read Good Omens. And it was weird, this was Gaiman, but also not, and it was so funny. I knew one day I would have to read Discworld. Unfortunately, I was a bit discouraged by the massive amount of books. The problem sorted out itself, after a friend, I’ve talked to about it, enabled me to read them.
With it came a list in which order I should proceed, so I happily jumped in, secretly nurturing the idea of reading all the books within a year. If it works out, no idea, we’ll see. If so, I might write another article on the experience.
Anyway, the point is, knowing Good Omens well as for watching the series multiple times and doing the same to the book (reading actually), I couldn’t but notice some stuff that definitely came from Terry’s side. Like phrases, he kept using. I did read: “Not as such” as an answer more than once. No matter who said it, in my imagination it was Crowley for a split second.
The first book got me so confused, I completely forgot that this was Terry Pratchett. I caught myself thinking, I was reading Neil Gaiman. This set my brain on halt and the world stood for a second. Amazing what books can do to you.
I’ve realised Death and the horsemen and how they seem unable to start a proper apocalypse. Also, sometimes there were phrases sounding a lot like Agnes Nutter. As well as the tone it is written in, the tiny wordings you sometimes aren’t aware of as an author. And it led me to the conclusion, (of course there is no other evidence and I could be totally wrong), that Neil must have invested a lot of time in re-reading the Discworld or maybe already know them by heart. For some of the things I’ve realised definitely played a part in GO2.
It is amazing how much two people can morph into one, and yet there must be a lot of work behind the scenes. I for my part can only hope that my writing buddy and I can get to this point some day. At least I’ll have to convince him to write a full-grown novel together first.
So you might ask yourself, and I know because so did I, what’s the whole point of this article? Fair enough. I came to the conclusion, that fun expands with knowledge. And I know, my sense of fun probably differs from that of others a lot. But if you are able to grasp those tiny hints and hidden pleasures, it can make a story twice as joyful.
So go out there and consume all those stories. Not just by reading. Listen to people telling their stories, watch movies, series, anime. Maybe go to the opera or watch a play. Memorise a poem or play a game. Find the medium which suits you well but keep on searching, you’ll never know what you might learn from it and what pleasures and magic are hidden in those stories. Because our world is built, or maybe better, powered by storytelling.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I wanna start this out by saying I’ve known about vivzie for at least maybe 5 years or more now, and have never been interested in her shows until my YouTube recommended was bombarded with videos covering Hazbin which forced me (sarcasm) to watch both series overnight.
I started with ep 4 first because it was the most controversial and I wanted to actively torture myself, half of the interest in ep 4 for me was the fact that I generally have a strong stomach when it comes to certain shit, including what I’ll call trauma porn, which is basically just a constant flow of traumatic horrible shit happening to a character or characters on screen for sympathy or to poorly simulate a provocative, deep story through a constant bombarding of terrible things. I like horror and I was groomed using some fucked up shit so emotionally I’m not easily fazed by a lot of things outside of extreme sexual violence. I also have a noncon kink as a victim of sa. I’ll say that I wasn’t as disturbed as I’d initially thought I’d be, but like. Very confused and bewildered by everything that was happening, it’s difficult to describe, but at some point I stopped trying to be immersed and kept thinking about how this got published as is. The moment that it all turned into what I could best describe as a music video I almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity and how bad this all was. Like. They thought this was what? Thought provoking? Not clearly just a fetish put on screen for the shock value of it all?
It’s not one of the most tasteless depictions of sexual assault I’ve seen, but that’s mainly because it’s so juvenile, it’s akin to how children write things like this in their fanfics and oc stories. I definitely understand why people were caught off guard by it — especially younger viewers because this is tasteless as all fuck. I get having certain fucked up kinks, but like. Inserting certain things into your works meant to be seen by a larger audience is so fucking stupid.
But like, I’d argue it’s all over the place as someone who’s seen media like this. Like in helluva boss, I’d argue the stolas kidnapping episode was full of it. In a lot of yaoi stuff that I was groomed on violence is a sort of “foreplay” in the story, it preludes the noncon bits, plays into greater themes of humiliation and domination. Moxie also has a bunch of weird shit done to him that fits a lot of the shit I’ve seen including that whole episode where they meet his dad. Admittedly, I liked fizz and asmodeus because the next time we see them they’re being domestic and shit and it was a good break for my brain because I couldn’t stand the plot and a good chunk of our cast, but yeah they also fall into yaoi tropes though it’s not the most egregious. Stolitz is just your general yaoi trope, questionable consent paired with a will they won’t they with the objectifying party realizing they’re actually in love with the person they’re constantly objectifying who is made out as the bad guy for not reciprocating their feelings for obvious reasons. Also the royalty x poor person plot line where the poor person is bought at some point for the royal, the only thing inherently different than most stories I’ve seen as that stolas is the bottom and blitz is the top. Half of the reason I can’t stand any of this shit is that most of the masculine characters will definitely have a male love interest or character that they use to write in more yaoi storylines and. Yaoi storylines suck ass. It’s a shame that this is counted as queer fiction at all because it is just plain yaoi shit, and as a gay guy I hate that.
Anyways fuck this show actually coming out and fucking with the YouTube algorithm enough to get my attention, I wish I could take those hours of my life back, but I will definitely rant about this again.
Please come by again to share if you do! Lord knows there's so much to be ranted about.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 9 months
Sunflower: Book 1, Chapter 3
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Tom Hiddleston x OFC Series rated: M Chapter warnings: drinking AN: Can you believe it? We're at chapter three! Three consistent weeks of Sunflower! That's like a posting record for the last three years! Look friends, I know a lot of us, me included, are in some pretty crazy weather right now. It's either super cold or super snowy or if you're really unlucky- both. Stay safe, stay warm
Masterlist Chapter 2 Chapter 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3
They sat in a corner booth of a small private restaurant. It was peaceful and empty. Places like this were frequented by locals primarily while the visitors would sleep in and wait for the brunch buffets, fast food joints and reservations for celebrity chiefs. Even on The Strip, locals had their places. 
They were in the weird in between time where Las Vegas was either still sleeping off the night before or had already gone to work, contributing even more to the isolated feeling that hung in the air. 
It was places like this that the resident celebrities could slip in and get some eggs and toast without any fuss. Places like this, Elton John or Celine Dion were just another local hiding from the flashing lights. Places like this embodied the vibe of the locals. The walls screamed, ‘Look, we all just live here’.
“Thank you again,” she picked at the airy sleeve around her wrist, “for the clothes.”
“It’s the least I can do for asking you to hear me out.”
“I- I know who you are.” She blurted out and his whole body stiffened. “I called Ashley- My sister- to cancel breakfast and she looked you up.”
“And?” He was cautious now, so different than the carefree charm that seemed to drip from his pores and that worried her. It was like the warmth had been sucked from the air around him in a instant. 
“You’re an actor. I- I’ve not seen anything you’ve done. I don’t really see much movies. Why me? Why just a normal girl? Don’t you have an actress girlfriend or something. Won’t insisting on trying to be married ruin your career or life or something?” Her insecurities were all the more raw knowing that not only did she drunk marry a hot man but a famous one at that. 
“Maybe that’s why.” The waiter refilled their coffees, interrupting the conversation though Tom was quick to thank him for the refill. “Maybe I need something normal. I’ve done the actress partner thing and it just- it’s too much attention. My ex, my last serious relationship- she got married this weekend.”
“So you drown your loneliness and marry a stranger?” She scoffed at him. “That’s not how anyone should solve their problems.” It was the Vegas way though. 
“Perhaps. But perhaps it’ll work out.” 
“What about your career?”
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure.” She wasn’t as sure as he was but really, what did she know?
His phone rang though he was quick to dismiss the call. “You have every reason to be worried but I can promise you, I’m not going to force you to do anything. One year- give us one year to see if this was a mistake or not.”
“I know it’s probably not going to work out, most marriages don’t and we don’t even know each other. Let’s take the time to get to know each other though. Let’s see what happens. Let’s take our time. If it doesn't work out and we still don’t want to be together in a year, we split no fault, no questions.”
“So we play pretend?” 
“It won’t be pretend. We stay loyal to each other. We put in a honest effort. And if I ever make you feel unsafe or we fight too much, we pull the plug. I know I’m asking a lot-” The ringing of his phone interrupted him again. 
“Do you need to take it?” 
“No…” His answer was reluctant as the phone lit up once again with another call. 
“You sure?” 
He sighed. “I Should. Here,” He handed her a few twenties from his wallet. “That should be enough for the bill and tip. If you wouldn’t mind? I’ll try to be quick but…”
“It’s fine.” She wove him away. Was this her first act as his wife? It felt surreal. “Tom?” 
He turned to her, phone halfway to his ear. “Yeah?” 
“I think this is a dumb idea but, okay.” 
His face lit up in a smile. “Okay.” 
“This is Tom.” 
“Do not ‘This is Tom’ me.” Luke was angry.
“What’s got your feathers ruffled?” Playing dumb was always a good move with Luke. It’s far better to admit nothing until he knows exactly why Luke is mad at him this time. Tom had learned the hard way that if he started talking first, he was likely to admit to flirting with a interviewer when Luke was mad about a too high room service bill.
“Have you lost your bloody mind?” That wasn’t a good sign. 
“Is the correct answer ‘Yes’?”
“Damn right it is. You have ten seconds to explain to me why there are pictures of you kissing a brunette in a bar the same night Sophia got married. Go.”
“I’m human and allowed to kiss women, Luke.” Tom leaned against the side of the building, standing in the shade. 
It was quickly getting hot outside with the sun beating down. He wanted his sunglasses but they were back on the table.
“True. I’d rather you did it discreetly but that’s true. How about why there’s pictures of you with the same woman wearing a wedding gown. Tell me you crashed a wedding.”
“I crashed a wedding.” 
“You didn’t get married?”
“I got married.” 
“Oh thank god.” There were three heartbeats exactly, Tom had counted, between Luke’s reflexive answer and the realization hitting. “The fuck you did! You’re going to get it annulled, right?” 
“No, we’re not.”
“Have you lost your mind?” 
“That seems to be the question of the day.”
“Do you have any idea what this will do to your career? Your reputation?” Luke sighed. “I feel sick.” 
“It’ll be fine, I have faith in you. You can clean nearly anything up.” The door opened and Tom glanced over. She was beautiful even the morning after, with her hair in a lightly contained mess.
“This is a mistake.” Luke said as Tom watched her look around before catching sight of him. 
“Hopefully it’s the best mistake I’ve ever made,” Tom smiled as he disconnected Luke’s squawking as he pushed himself up off the wall.
“Here,” She held out the excess cash. He’d given her too much for the bill, even factoring a generous tip. Though he took it from her, he didn’t stop to count it before putting it in his pocket. “What now?”
“Well, if we’re going to give this a chance we should get to know each other. We can walk around, get to know each other? Do you want to stop by your room to get a change of shoes?” The started walking together back toward the hotel. It wasn’t far but her feet would quickly start hurting. 
“I don’t have a room. I’m a local.”
“Oh,” the silence was awkward. 
Two strangers stood in the bright sun of a waking city. They hardly knew anything about each other and yet they were husband and wife. The biggest adventure -or mistake- of their lives stretched out in the twelve months before them. 
For better or worse, they had taken their first steps down this path together, as partners. Their lives would forever be changed and shaped by the decision made this morning. With the path that took them to this point as unknown as the future, let us walk along side them as the Las Vegas sun beats down around us. 
“So, why were you drinking by yourself?” Tom stood close to her. It was dark yet the Vegas heat radiated up off at the pavement. The shared a smoothie in a large cup. The alcohol was strong but she was having the time of her life.
“I work here. Why are you drinking alone in Las Vegas?” She danced in place to the music playing from the speakers as water spouts shot in the air, lit up in a rainbow of colors to the tune of the music.
“I’m not drinking alone, I’m drinking with a beautiful brunette.” It took two tries to catch her hand, but when he did, he spun her around just to see the smile that lit up her face.
Tag List: @winterisakillerr, @alexakeyloveloki @jennyggggrrr, @dangertoozmanykids101, @tilltheendwilliwrite @tinchentitri @wizardcherryblossom, @buttercupcookies-blog, @violethaze, @kats72
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 1 month
Who are your favorite side characters in The Mandalorian?
The Mandalorian is one of those rare instances where I enjoy almost all the side characters. Especially in the first one and a half seasons, the side characters feel so grounded and real—even when their concepts are full-blown quirky sci-fi (dear, dear Frog Lady). They fit the world, they support the story, they have heart, and enough of their own stories leak through to convince us they had lives before we (and Din) meet them.
But I have favourites, of course. And reasons. I have many reasons.
Side characters I love absolutely and have no notes on:
He wins your heart so fast, old Kuiil. His calm willingness to help Din is endearing, in and of itself, but the fact it stems from this beaten but not dead hope that if someone can just get that prize, then his home can enjoy peace—the very thing he set out to find after a life of slavery? Heart-breaking.
Cara Dune
Strong female character with an actual story arc? Who gets to be strong physically in a very believable manner but at the same time has a backstory and shows a healthy range of human emotion (which includes *gasp* empathy)? In my Star Wars?
It’s more likely than you think.
One episode. Just one episode in the entire series and she is forever remembered. There’s still so much about her I want to know. Why does she know how to use a blaster in a village that doesn’t have weapons? What was her life before Sorgan (assuming she came from somewhere else, which is highly likely?)
I don’t want them to answer any of that in the show or movie (I don’t trust ‘em), but what we saw of her in Chapter 4 is enough to make me want to explore this character over and over again in fics.
Peli Motto
Really thought she was just gonna be a swindling mechanic but she consistently lets her heart of gold and her eccentricity shine through and, for that, I love her forever.
Migs Mayfeld
Remember watching Chapter 6 the first time and hating this guy? Then watching Chapter 15 the first time and hating him in the beginning but then slowly, begrudgingly warming up to him until he cemented himself as a good guy forever in the end?
I’ve been chasing that high for four years now. Nothing’s come close.
Characters I have some notes on (it’s not their fault; season 3 did them dirty)
Greef Karga
Oh, I adore Greef.
I really wanted to put him in the first category, I really, really did, and seasons 1&2 Greef belongs there for sure but season 3 Greef… I don’t know what happened. They played it off for laughs but that sudden pompous attitude and the ridiculous attire and the strange tone in the interactions with Din… it didn’t feel like the competent guild leader and boss/friend/father figure he was previously.
I’m actually not sure if he belongs in this category or not. Bit of a paradox. Can I say his character did anything wrong when, technically, he was dead and other characters reanimated his dead chassis and turned it into a glorified Iron Man suit for the baby?
Paz Vizsla
Again, it’s not him; it’s season 3’s treatment of him. He didn’t do anything wrong except die.
The Armourer
I really loved her in the first season. She was such a pleasant surprise. But every appearance since has left a weird taste in my mouth. She quickly became a tool for the writers to cram in lore (which in itself didn’t always seem too well fleshed out which only made her seem weirder), and whatever beliefs she had held with such devotion seemed sacrificed to suit the plot (“she gets to take her helmet off and walk both ways, that’s totally fine, I’m endorsing it, even; but if anyone else dares show a glimpse of their chins, it’s a trip to the skanky cave water for you.”)
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lilydoeswrite · 8 months
wattpad link previous chapter series masterlist next chapter
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summary: It is the 66th Hunger Games when Oceana Fontaine is reaped as tribute, and at just thirteen years old, the odds are certainly not in her favour. As much as it is seen as an honour for Oceana to represent her district in the games, it is also practically a death sentence. But Oceana knows she needs to go home and is determined to, no matter how low her chances are and with the help of her mentors, she might just do that. But if she is to win, she will have to learn where her biggest strengths start to turn into her biggest flaws and weigh her options carefully as she starts making choices that pushes her morality and the lengths she will go to for love.
tags: slow burn (finnick x oc), eventual violence, the usual stuff when it comes to the hunger games, not sure what else
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Everyone crowds around us the minute we get off the train, Peacekeepers helping to maintain order as one by one, we slowly walk out of the doors. I follow Stella’s instructions and try my best to copy what Finnick and the other victors are doing. I force my sweetest smile which I hoped looked as genuine as Gill’s and wave to the citizens. I’m guessing our arrival is a big deal considering the crowd of people that have shown up. The cheers and shouts are starting to get overwhelming as I hear a few shouting my name from behind, I turn my head and give whoever is chanting my name a wave as I continue walking. Gill is next to me and seems to be getting an equal amount of attention. 
Thankfully, we quickly arrive at the car and clammer in, shutting the door behind as I sink into the soft leather seats the minute I’m sure we’re out of the public eye and heave a sigh of relief. I hear a couple of chuckles coming from those around me but I couldn’t care less, instead, I close my eyes and lean my head against the window. “It’s over now, right?”
“Yeah,” I hear Finnick’s voice and I nod with a hum. “We’re just going to the Training Centre right now, it shouldn’t be that long of a car ride.” I nod again and I hear the engine of the car revving. I lift my head up and look outside the windows, the vibrant lights shine harshly as the streets are teeming with people in their weird and funky outfits.
I watch as we drive by street after street, the colourful dazzling lights are captivating and the big screens placed on buildings with advertisements of the Hunger Games. The capitol is bustling with life as loud music and voices from outside leak into the car in words I couldn’t quite decipher. 
After a while, we finally arrive at the Training Centre. The Training Centre would be where we live and train for the time before the actual games– this will be my home until then. There’s a tower designed exclusively for the tributes and their teams and each district has an entire floor to themselves. It’s easy to remember– your district number, your floor. We split up as we get into the lifts but I stay close to Finnick and Coral. I’ve only been in lifts a couple of times but this elevator has to be more glamorous than other ones; the walls are made out of crystal so you can watch as the people on the ground floor shrink into microscopic creatures as you make your way up. 
Stella’s duties don’t conclude at the station like how I thought it would. She will continue overseeing us alongside the rest of the victors into the arena. Stella smiles as she shows us the floor we’d be taking over and it’s nothing short of grand. The floors are grey and polished with fine lines of deeper and lighter shades running through them, they look like cracks but they aren’t. The walls are white and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling over what I guessed was the dining table. There are a significant amount of chairs and couches in the living room, probably to cater towards the amount of people we have and the kitchen is huge. I barely have any time to take it all in before Stella is showing me to my room and wishing me good night. 
The door shuts behind me and I’m left alone. The curtains are drawn up and so I get a good view of the city. The room is significantly larger than the one I have at home and it’s lavish just like the train car, just with more gadgets and buttons. The shower has at least a dozen buttons on a panel to adjust all sorts of settings from the water temperature to the type of soap to use. Heaters that blow-dry your body come on when you step onto a mat, so there’s barely any need for towels. I also don’t have to spend time combing through my tangled hair as there is a box that I can place my hand on that sends a current through my scalp which untangles, parts and dries my hair almost instantly. 
I’m in awe as I continue to explore the room. I approach the closet, my hand freezing upon the panel of buttons before I play around with them and program the closet to my taste, as well as to get something to wear to sleep. The whole room feels surreal to me. You’re able to see any part of the city through the windows on command and you can receive food in less than a minute if you were to whisper a type of food from a huge menu into a mouthpiece. I scan the menu, there’s almost every dish possible on it. 
Eventually, I end up lying down on the bed, dressed in soft silk pyjamas. I tuck myself into bed, my head resting on a soft pillow as I hug another, longing for a sense of comfort. My eyelids feel heavy and I have a hard time keeping them open before I decide to shut them, sinking into the mattress. 
“Up, everyone! Up! It’s an important day today!”
Stella’s voice wakes me up as I open my eyes, sitting up groggily before I climb out of bed, throwing the blanket and pillow aside. I shower and dress for the day. I’m dressed in a pair of black pants which were a little big on me and a blue shirt when I head out of my room for breakfast. “Good morning.” I smile at Finnick and Coral who are the first to greet me as I sit down at the dining table. Stella smiles at me as she places a cup of water on my table. I thank her before looking at the variety of food on the table, opting for some fruits which I scoop onto my plate. I peel my banana, taking a bite of it as I chew the soft flesh of the fruit. 
“Is that all you’re going to eat, Oceana? You’re going to need much more than that.” I look up at Coral in confusion, to my knowledge there is no training going on today. “There’s the opening ceremony tonight, so you’re going to need a little more to fuel yourself. You’re most likely going to skip lunch by being at the Remake Centre preparing for it.” She further elaborates. 
I nod, thanking her before scooping some scrambled eggs onto my plate and making myself a bowl of granola. Today is going to be a long day, especially with the opening ceremony which also meant the remaining tributes from the other districts would be arriving today. I’m finishing my plate of fruits and eggs when I hear a chair being pulled out and glance up to see Gill sitting directly opposite of me. “Good morning, Gill.”
“Good morning, Oceana” he smiles as he helps himself to the food, “slept well?”
“Yes, thanks for asking,” I reply and he nods, “how about you?”
“A little too good,” he laughs, “I overslept, Stella was shouting outside my door to wake me up.”
Everyone chuckles apart from Stella who has now taken her seat, shaking her head. “Today is a very important day, it’s essential that we get a good start to the day. I’ll let Clifford explain,” she turns her head to Clifford who nods before standing up and clearing his throat. 
“As Stella said, today is very important.” All eyes are on him now and silence falls over the table. “Today is the day where the remaining tributes of the other districts arrive and so tonight is the opening ceremony. You will be discussing your strategy for the games with your mentors today before you go off to the Remake Centre. The opening ceremony is where you are introduced to the citizens of the capitol, and not just citizens, but sponsors, which will be important for the games. You have to make sure you leave a lasting impression on them.” He looks at Gill and me who both nod before he continues. “As soon as you’re done with breakfast, you’ll start discussing strategy.” Clifford sits back down and Stella gives him an approving nod before all of us go back to eating our breakfast.
As soon as I’m finished, I follow Finnick and Coral to one of the many rooms on our floor. The room is just as grand as the others, there’s a big television screen on the wall and a few plush chairs sitting opposite of it. The windows span across the wall, leading warm rays of sun into the room and the curtains seem to be made out of silk. “So…Strategy,” I try to break the awkward silence which fills the room, taking a seat on one of the chairs.
“Right, so strategy. Are you planning to make some allies or are you going to go solo?” Coral asks, sitting down as she looks at me. 
I open my mouth to respond but pause, realising that the thought of how I would approach the games has so far never crossed my mind. “I don’t know,” I answer, pressing my lips together. “I’m sorry but I just haven’t thought about it yet.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Finnick laughs, “that’s why we’re here to help.”
“Exactly,” Coral chimes in. “Well, if you were to make allies, it’d typically be with the other career districts– 1 and 2. Eventually you’d have to break your allegiance to each other, though.”
Districts 1 and 2? Do I even stand a chance against them when it’s time to break our allegiance? All of them look pretty strong and confident, including Gill. Gill, would he try to kill me? If District 4 was to have a victor it couldn’t be both of us so who would go home? Was it worth it to make allies? If I go solo would it be worse? It can’t possibly be worse. At this rate, I’m panicking as question after question races through my mind. “What did you guys do for your games?” I ask, trying to calm myself down.
“Well, I made allies with the other career tributes at first,” Finnick says, “but then I went off on my own.”
“Same here,” Coral smiles. “It may be scary to do so, but it will also be beneficial to you.” 
We spend a while debating on if I should make allies before actually discussing the rest of the strategy– what to do in the training sessions, what to say in the interviews and how to present myself in order to gather sponsors. I tell them what Ms Bronte said to me before we left for the Capitol and they find it not only helpful but sweet. Coral says that my looks would help me get sponsors which I’m not sure how to take, although I take it as a compliment. Finnick also repeats what he says on the train– master the art of survival skills and that a high training score would serve me well. 
We form a rough idea of what the strategy should be before I’m required to go to the Remake Centre. I’m unsure why I have to be there hours early but I get my answer when I’m whisked into the centre. I walk through the corridors next to Stella who leads me into a room where a woman with curly pink hair stands, “Valeria,” Stella smiles, greeting the unfamiliar woman which I assume would be my stylist. 
I’m taken aback at how normal she looks, all the stylists I’ve seen on television have dyed themselves, stencilled and surgically altered their faces so much so that they don’t even look human. The only thing that seems remotely altered is her hair and her purple lips with her brightly coloured pink eyeliner which clearly had been applied by a steady hand.
“Stella!” She squeaks in a high pitched voice, smiling. “Is this Oceana? Why don’t you look beautiful! I can’t wait to see you in your costume, you’d look amazing!” She instantly showers me with compliments, commenting how my eyes were just the right shade of green and how my hair looks lovely and how my features compliment each other just well. Stella just stands by the side and smiles before saying goodbye to me, leaving me in the care of my stylist.
“Now let's get started, shall we?” She claps her hands together enthusiastically and I give a forced smile. 
I can’t help but wonder if she also enjoys watching the games considering she’d have to grow close to the tributes as a stylist. She must enjoy it, though, she’s from the Capitol, and everyone in the Capitol enjoys watching the Hunger Games.
I can’t help but wonder if she’ll find joy in watching me die.
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author's note: surprise! another chapter out since i've finished chapter seven and i'm now working on eight :) not much action going on in this one which i apologise for but thank you for reading all the way <3 if you like this please consider commenting and reblogging! thank you, and as always constructive criticism is welcomed :))
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asha-mage · 4 months
Tagged by: @gunkreads (thanky!)
1) Last book I read:
The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi. I really really love me some historical fiction that digs into the actual political complexities and realities of the feudal system. Defiantly one of the spicier books I've read recently, which made it fun to listen to when I was doing mundane activities like shopping. The audio book narrator is absolutely stellar though, and I would recommend to anyone who likes feudal politics.
2) A book I recommend:
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune has become my Swiss army recommendation: a light contemporary fantasy, full of warm vibes and a sweet story at it's heart. It's still got teeth for tackling social issues- beneath the sweetness it is primarily a criticism of our Foster/education systems and how they fail the most vulnerable. I seem to recall that one of the praise quotes floated on this one a lot is 'feels like being wrapped up in a big fluffy gay blanket' and concur.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
In Other Lands by Sarah Reese Brenan. A Narina pastiche about a annoying know it all who gets taken too a fantasy other world. It's incredibly funny and compelling and weird, and I couldn't stop reading it. Brenan is a master at making her characters both three dimensional and frustrating and so easy to love, and while I wish I knew more of the exact details of her world- she engages with the ideas and conflicts she sets up in a such multifaceted way that I don't really think I mind the lack of a map, or timeline, or political flowchart.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. I've lost count of how many times I've read it exactly- more then thirty and at least once every few years since I first read it. This one is a core memory for me, or maybe a load baring pillar of my personality.
5) A book on my TBR
Oh man. A lot. Like. A lot a lot. But I really am hoping to get to Ocean's Echo by Evrina Maxwell this year. I adored Winter's Orbit so much, but Ocean's Echo has just been sitting on my nightstand, waiting.
6) A book I’ve put down
I really tried with Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat. I just couldn't get into and I don't know why. I may swing back to it when I find the time. It feels like I would like it a lot if I could get far enough in.
7) A book on my wish list
Lava Red Feather Blue by Molly Ringle. It seems very up my alley.
8) A favourite book from childhood
I've always had as soft spot for the Artemis Fowl books. I fell off them in a way I didn't with the likes of Percy Jackson and I wonder if I would feel the same way if I circled back around to them now- probably not but they'll always have a special place for being the books to introduce me to the heist genre and predispose me to liking things like Ocean's 8 and Leverage.
9) A book you would give a friend
As a gift? It would depend on the friend. A Psalm for the Wildbuilt by Becky Chambers probably- since it's short sweet and pretty impossible to hate imo. I have problems with Becky Chambers's brand of....warm cynicism? Their is an undercurrent to a lot of her works that boils down to 'humanity is screwed already short of some kind extra-human intervention', especially her Wayfareres series. I feel like Wildbuilt is one of her books that engages with that idea in a more thoughtful and interesting manner. It has some of the most thoughtful and interesting conversations about humanity and nature that I've run across in a long time, and it's short which is always a plus for a gift book.
10) The most books you own by a single author
Robert Jordan baby, at a cool 11 (or 14 depending on how you count the last three). I adore Jordan's Wheel of Time series more then I can put into adequate words. Core memory. Load bearing pillar. Canon event. Etc etc.
11) A nonfiction book you own
Not many. I'm not a big nonfiction reader to be honest. I think I have a copy of the Sawbones book, by Dr McElroy hanging around somewhere.
12) what are you currently reading
I'm currently revisiting the Percy Jackson series. I intend to probably take a tour through the whole thing- the original five, HOO, Magnus Chase, Trials of Apollo, etc etc. Partly it's a desire to watch the show but also a desire too reexamine my relationship to these works. I read them while I was in their target audience, and while not as foundation for me as WoT, I would say their still pretty important.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
I think I want to try and give Heaven's Official Blessing another go. It's the only MXTX work I've bounced off of, which is weird since I'm pretty sure consensus is that it's her best work. I've been meaning to get back to it for a while. If still bounce off it, I'll try something off TBR- either Ocean's Echo or Lava Red Feather Blue.
Tagging: @highladyluck @veliseraptor @ace-and-ranty
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zaddyazula · 10 months
gimme yakuza propaganda so i can see if i wanna peep it
well there are currently 9/11 main line games (i shall explain) and all of them are available on modern consoles (a lot of them came out on ps3 or ps4 originally).
there are two remakes, one for yakuza 1 (a ps2 game) and one for yakuza 2 (another ps2 game), called yakuza kiwami and yakuza kiwami 2. they are actually pretty good remakes from what i’ve seen, but i haven’t played the original two. this is why i said 9/11 main line games.
the total order goes (chronologically):
yakuza 0
yakuza (kiwami) 1
yakuza (kiwami) 2
yakuza 3
yakuza 4
yakuza 5
yakuza 6
yakuza 7/like a dragon
yakuza lad gaiden (the one that just came out)
they are all classic fighting games until 7, which is turn-based, i am still raging about that. gaiden isn’t though. also as you asked me about a while ago now, the guy with the spiky hair is the protagonist of 7 and he will be for 8, which is coming out january next year.
the main protagonist (table slam guy) is the or one of the protagonists in every other game (0 has two, 4 has 4, and 5 has 5).
women are written decently well, a lot, lot better than mgs, though there is about two main characters who are women per game 😭😭😭😭😭😭 not one of its strongest points but they all have clothes on!! the bare minimum we love to see it. (i will just say there is actually a fat woman who is a main-ish side character in 4, who is done pretty well!!! so hurrah!!!!)
characters are extremely well written and the writing is good for the most part, there are a couple of moments in earlier games (more 3,4 and 5) where you’re sort of shocked by how ridiculous it is, but it works decently well. i prefer the first couple of games, and then the 6+. there are a few spin-offs available in the west, being dead souls (zombie game), which is ps3 only, and lad:ishin, which is set in the 1860s (and a couple more others but i can’t think). the table slam man (kiryu) has actually started to remind me a lot of snake, and the series’ stories are actually quite similar.
talking about kiryu, he respects women!!! to the point where he refuses to ever hurt a woman, and has on many occasions beat someone up for hurting a woman. not to say he doesn’t have weird-ish female relationships, but they’re overall quite sweet and last for the game, and are then never touched upon again. they’re nowhere near a meryl-snake level catastrophe.
the games themselves aren’t too long for the most part, the longest i found being 5 (30 hours) and 7 (39 hours), but that’s including all the time fucking around doing karaoke or other things. 0 took me about 28 hours; kiwami 1 took about 22 hours (i think); kiwami 2 took me about 26 hours; 3 took 16 hours; 4 took 23 hours; 6 took 21 hours, and gaiden took 11 (it’s a lot shorter).
going back to karaoke - the amount of optional shit you can do is crazy. substories are probably the biggest thing with this, some of them being decently long and others being pretty short. they are usually quite fun and can give you a break from the story (which can at times be miserable). karaoke is probably my favourite mini-game in the series. you basically just press buttons with the right timing and it is ridiculously fun and silly. other mini-games are available, such as pool, bowling (in the earlier games), fishing, claw-machines, arcade games, DISCO (in 0 but it’s class), darts and probably some others but i can’t remember. the story can get a bit depressing, but it’s balanced out by the silliness the games also have, and surprisingly it works? in mgs, it sort of half works, you’ve got a monkey who smokes cigarettes and drinks coke and then the world is falling apart. war had changed. snake is old and dying and he cannot escape the world yet. and then johnny shits himself. comedy 👍 but with yakuza, the two different sides work together really well, especially in 0, and it ends up making sense eventually.
i think that’s it you have been yakuzer-propagandad!!!!
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orangelemonart · 1 year
TL;DR your art from 10 years ago just made me relapse on homestuck; thank you.
Here’s the full story
My homestuck phase started in the omegapause and fizzled out circa 2018. In 2017 or early 2018 (dated by the comment I left), I watched a YouTube upload of your gigapause-era Masterpiece Theatre III lyricstuck and thought it was great
I’m now twenty years old and I’ve been an ex-homestuck for five years, I still celebrate 4/13 but I have other special interests to fill my time and i do the ex-homestuck thing of joking about homestuck being a trashfire. I have said that “I will never reread homestuck” to friends more than once
Yesterday I found an animatic of the same song for my current special interest (ace attorney) and was like “where do I know this song from?” the whole time, and then it hit me that it had to be from a lyricstuck because the song is just perfect for a lyricstuck. So I went and rewatched the lyricstuck to scratch that itch and found myself having homestuck feels in the year of our lord two thousand twenty three
For everything wrong with homestuck (and there was plenty wrong with homestuck), this weird work of fiction consistently pulled off sincerely impactful moments within the context of intentionally absurd lore, it laughed in the face of the idea of “avoiding being cringe”, and I think this is why it was so addictive to a generation of autistic teens
So now I’m on a nostalgia bender and downloading the unofficial collection to re-examine this flawed but iconic story from my childhood, now with more maturity to understand the thematic elements buried behind the shitpost tone (which child me barely engaged with beyond “noooo hussie don’t hurt my faves T_T”)
Makes me happier than you people will ever know to hear my art from back in the day was so loved. My friends often joke about me being “tumblr famous” and I know they don’t mean it like this but every year it feels more and more like laughing at me not with me. My follower count and notes drastically plateaued after homestuck hahaha.
I forget that there actually are people out there who actually liked my art and consider it part of their experience with a story they loved! That’s incredible! I’m honored!
Anyway homestuck isn’t as cringe or problematic and people keep claiming it was, at least no more than any other series from that era. Be proud of liking a series that was so revolutionary in storytelling, there is no multimedia project quite like homestuck!
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