#it's hard to state just how excited i am...!!!! getting answers to more story things is something i want so much. i love the ER world
unicornjoking1111 · 6 months
Don't believe that void state exist? I got you!
So believing in something were whatever u desire will happen instantly is a really shocking and unbelievable thing to hear! Especially the ongoing experiences we face throughout our life which can be frustrating and unbelievable.... I will make it simple!
I am not sure if you will believe in void state.. but I will tell you what made me believe in void state!
The success stories!!!
There are a lot! I mean alot of success stories present here regarding void state! But lemme tell you a few questions!
Is all these success stories real?
Maybe! Because anyone can fake a success stories and us people have a really good knowledge regarding the void state aren't we 😂? But there are millions of success stories here and you think all the people waste their time into putting a fake success stories for views and attention? If you say that yes all the success stories aren't real.. then think again cause we all have brains everyone use it!
Nevielle goddard!!
Do you believe in him? Of Course because this community wouldn't exist without him 🙃🙃 so u might be aware that the void state is also came from him! (I might be wrong cause there are some people who knew about the void state before nevielle) but instead of void state he used "I am" and also gave his method on how to use it! This is the post I saw! The creator of this community itself explained about the void state what more could u expect 😭😭😭
For me personally! One of the mind blowing success stories and one of the person who made me shift from a loa girly to a void girly is due to her! Not only did she managed to get into the void state with such hard challenges but she also inspired almost everyone! Also the success stories with her photos made me believe her so much because the photos are not from any social media so can confirm that this is real and also the success story is truly shocking and exciting! Because she has her desired body, luxury (such as yacht,shoes,trips and also her dress which I really loved 😍) these are hard real evidences she posted which made me believe in the void. Even if you don't believe her or some people will say AI or some bullshit! Why would a person like her be on the Tumblr if she has everything she wanted? Think about it! Like you have a luxury yacht,trips and a type of body she has and so on... Why would she wanna be here anyway? She would lived her life to the fullest!
Our bloggers!
The knowledge and effort the void bloggers make are truly helpful and hands off to them! But there are some bloggers who have been exposed to lying for "entering the void"! But just because they lie does that mean the void is not real? Think again! Because this world is truly imagination and nothing can stop you! The void state is real no matter if you believe it or not! Even if you still don't believe it the only way to make u believe is to test it yourself! Try it! Would u like to do it no matter what? Or just be a Hatter and roam around?
At last me!!
I believe that void state is real 💯 because I tried it out myself and I am gonna say that this is real because I felt the symptoms of how the void state feels like such (no senses, floating) I believed like about 85% now I believe 100% that this is real. This might lead to another question! Just because I had symptoms of entering the void state doesn't mean the void state is real cause u didn't manifest anything? My answer is....
I believed it! I am still gonna believe it no matter what! Cause that's how much trust I have in myself! Plus all these hard facts I have given and still u refuse to believe it shows how much limitation and immaturity u have about yourself and not seeing the beauty of what actually life is all about...
If this post really made u believe it! Don't be so frustrated if u didn't get into the void state! And also if you didn't enter the void state don't overthink about how void state isn't real and shit! Just come back to this post and remind yourself!
I have given you all the logic stuff I could have given you! To prove that this is real! If you still don't believe... try it yourself! It's your path and I know for sure it's going to be wonderful 😍😍😁😁😁
Once I enter the void I will make sure I will show you the luxury stuffs (since I am very materialistic than I ever imagined lol and also I am living in luxury so... Why not more 😅) I will make sure I will get into the void no matter what and be the next success story! And you will be too 😄😄😍
For now goodbye...
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Protector (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
Warning: Mentions of abuse
I get to see a USWNT game in January. They’re not even my countries team, but I’m more excited to see them play so here’s another story! Enjoy!
Words: 4.7K
"Hey Lin-"
"Y/n, I need your help. Emily is in trouble. Her boyfriend is getting violent."
"Send the address, I'll be right there." Due to being deployed a lot and living in different states, I had never met any of Lindsey's teammates, even Emily who was her bestfriend. She was my sister though, I would do anything for her, especially if it meant she was safe. There was also no way I would leave anyone to be abused when I could stop it. I had been cooking a very late dinner so turned everything off and rushed out.
I beat Lindsey there by a few minutes, but wasted no time running to the door knocking loudly. "Who the-"
"Who the hell am I? I'm Y/n, it's not nice to meet you. I'm looking for Emily."
"She's not here."
"A Liar and an abuser, I'm not surprised. Emily!"
She slowly stepped out, a bruise starting to form around her eye. He stepped closer, obscuring my view of Emily, "You need to leave."
I noticed my sister and a few of her team mates arrive behind me as I stepped closer to him, "You need to step the fuck aside before I make you."
Of course he didn't move out of my way, instead he decided to step closer. Being maybe 5'6 and lanky, he wasn't all that intimidating to me despite his attempt. I knew not to underestimate a person, but I was fairly certain he wouldn't be able to do much to me given I was a marine who also had boxing as a hobby. He managed to land a light punch to my jaw before I pushed him onto the ground. The girls rushed to Emily while I stayed between him and them, "So you like hitting women huh? You'll never hurt her again."
"If you leave, you'll regret it," He threatened through gritted teeth. Emily flinched, hiding behind Lindsey.
I turned to the girls, face and voice softening as not to scare her, "Take her to pack her things. I'll watch him."
Once they were gone, I gripped his arm, pulling him up, "Get up. You've got 3 options. First, you let her leave without a fight and never contact her again, that's probably the safest option for you. Second, you try your intimidation on us because you think you're stronger, I prove you wrong again, then she leaves and you never contact her again. Third, you let her leave, but you continue to harass her, I make one phone call and turn your life into a living hell. Actually, make it 4 options. Touch her again and I will make sure you never talk or walk again."
He lunged forward, arm swinging but I grabbed it, twisting it behind his back so hard there was a pop. He cried out making some of the girls rush back into the room. They looked between us, but I spoke before they could, "How's the packing going?"
"We've got the essentials packed."
"Pack all her stuff, I'll keep him out of the way."
"We can't move it all," Kelley protested.
I had a plan though. I knew some people who would help without hesitation even with how late it was, "Yes we can, just do it, I'll sort out the rest. I don't want her coming back here."
While still holding him, I pulled out my phone to call them. After explaining the situation, they agreed to help. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door, a couple of the girls came to investigate, "Kelley, answer the door."
"What if it's his friends?"
"It's not, just answer it."
"Who are you?" Kelley asked the group of people currently standing on the door step. She reluctantly stepped aside so they could come in.
"Thanks for coming guys. Kelley will show you what needs to be moved." The rest of the girls came out of the room to investigate. Emily looked even more scared at the sight, "Mikey, take over here would ya."
Once Mikey had him secured, I moved slowly over to Emily. "Hey, it's okay. These are some buddies of mine, they're going to help get your stuff out of here. This is Mikey, Jake but we call him stitch, Oscar and Raya."
They went to help move stuff while I stayed with Emily for a bit to make sure she was okay. I was a bit worried about what sort of injuries he could have caused considering how bad the bruise on her face looked. I know what those sort of people can do, I've seen and experienced it on multiple occasions.
"Those uh friends of yours, are they criminals? " Emily asked quietly when they went out of earshot.  
"No, they're marines. Practically family at this point."
She looked down, playing with her fingers, "Sorry for assuming, it's just when you called him stitch it-"
"Hey, hey it's okay. Stitch is our medic, he's stitched us up enough the name kinda stuck. Would you let him have a look at you? I just want to make sure you're okay."
She reluctantly agreed, but looked fairly nervous so I took her into a room away from everyone especially him. I held her hand as Jake knelt down to her level, "Hey Emily, I'm Jake. Do you have any injuries besides the bruise on your face?"
"Um, my nose kinda hurts, so does my wrist. He um got my stomach as well." I felt an intense urge to go beat the crap out of him. I gripped the blanket to control it and so I didn't grip her hand any harder. Jake worked his way through her injuries, moving slowly so he wouldn't scare her. There was nothing that serious, they would hurt for while, but it made me relax knowing she was at least okay in that sense. Though I didn't know Emily, I wanted her to be okay. Emily and I stayed in the room when Jake left so she could have a minute before facing it again, "You okay?"
"I'm scared. What if he comes for me? Or the girls or you?"
I slowly wrapped my arms around her, her face buried in the crook of my neck as I rubbed her back. Her shoulders started shaking and I felt wetness forming on my skin, "He won't. I won't let him hurt you again. I won't let him hurt any of you."
Another 20 minutes later, everything was packed into Jake's truck and my car. We were going to store it at my place until after they finished camp and Emily found a place to stay. The girls took Emily back to the hotel, while I dropped her stuff off. Lindsey had asked me to come to the hotel afterwards so that's what I was going to do. Before I left, I gripped the collar of his shirt, "You come near her again and I will make you wish you were never born, am I clear?" He nodded frantically as I pat his clearly dislocated shoulder, "You might want to get that checked out."
When I got back to the hotel, it was just the girls who had been at the house. Lindsey pulled me into a quick hug then promised to order me something to eat since I never got to finish my dinner. I laughed before going to sit next to Emily on the bed.
"Hey, are you doing okay?"
Emily pulled me into a hug, wincing slightly, "I-I, thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. He won't be able to hurt you again."
"How do you know?"
"Because I'll make sure of it. Can I get pictures of the marks?"
She shielded herself slightly, I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable, but I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I had some connections in the police, ones that I knew would put him away. I quickly added that she only had to do it if she was comfortable and explained what my plan was. Thankfully she agreed after a few minutes.
Slowly more of the girls piled into their hotel room, all wanting to make sure Emily was okay. I was about to head back to my place when Lindsey stopped me  "Can you stay? Just in case."
"Yeah, of course. I'm starving though."
Lindsey chuckled, patting me on the back, "Your food is on it's way. Ladies this is my sister Y/n."
The girls introduced themselves, though between the games I had watched and Lindsey talking about them, I already knew who they were. Ali came up, hugging me quickly, "It's nice to meet you Y/n. Thank you for helping Emily."
"Of course, any friend of Lindsey's is a friend of mine and I'll do whatever to protect my friends."
I was sharing a bed with Lindsey, but after everything that happened, I couldn't sleep. I heard the blankets moving around and saw Emily tossing and turning. Terrified look on her face. I quietly slipped out of bed, going to sit on the edge of her bed, she sat up suddenly, eyes wide, "Hey, hey it's me, it's okay, you're safe."
She clung onto me, sobbing quietly as I held her. I lay down with her practically on top of me. My fingers slowly ran through her hair, my other hand tracing patterns on her lower back as I whispered reassurances. Slowly, her sobs turned into sniffles and her breathing evened out. I kept doing what I was doing until I fell asleep with hopes she would remain in a peaceful sleep.
I woke up with Emily still asleep next to me, arm thrown over my stomach and head buried in the crook of my neck. Lindsey was quietly moving around, getting ready for the day when she noticed me awake. "Thank you Y/n. We have training in a couple of hours, but coach said she can be excused today, we'll drag her along anyway so we can keep an eye on her. I just wanted to let her sleep a bit more."
"I can stay with her while you guys are at practice."
"You've done enough, I don't want to put you out."
"Seriously it's not putting me out, I have the day off today."
"Thank you Y/n, seriously we are so grateful for what you're doing for someone you barely know."
"You don't-"
"Have to thank you, I know but I'm going to anyway."
About an hour later, Emily started stirring. She muttered something and went to pull away quickly, but I stopped her, "You're okay."
"I'm late for training."
"You don't have to worry about that today, they excused you. I'm going to stay with you so you don't have to be alone."
"You don-"
"Don't protest, I'm doing this because I want to not because I have to."
We stayed in bed for a while until Emily's stomach growled loudly. I sent her to shower and ordered breakfast. We watched crappy YouTube videos while we ate, an attempt to make her laugh and not think about last nights events. It somewhat worked, she was laughing quietly occasionally and seemed a bit more relaxed. We didn't really do much after that, just watched more tv and talked a little bit until I had to take a phone call.
When I came back, Emily was hunched over her laptop, frustration evident. I sat down next to her, "Are you alright?"
She sighed, closing the laptop, "I'm looking for apartments, there's not very much around at the moment that's not outrageously expensive. I might have to look for a room instead."
"You can stay with me for a while until you find a place if you like. Don't protest by saying you don't want to intrude. I have a spare room that's not being used. That way you don't have to be alone or with strangers, well you know what I mean by strangers."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Your stuff is already there, you can move in after camp."
The girls had gotten back from practice about an hour ago. Most of them were hanging out here again. It gave me a chance to get to know some of them better, something Lindsey had wanted for a while. It wasn't great circumstances, but I was glad to finally meet them. By get to know them better, I mean they asked me a bunch of questions about being a marine, growing up with Lindsey, and anything else they could think of. Eventually, the conversation turned back to Emily because I had to head out.
"Any luck on apartment hunting? You can stay with me after camp if you need to," Kelley asked.
"Not yet, I'm going to stay with Y/n for a while until I find a place."
Most of the girls looked like they weren't sure what to think, but no one said anything. I understood it, I barely knew Emily yet I was letting her stay with me. I was however pulled aside by Ali, Ashlyn and Lindsey as I was leaving, "Yes?"
Ashlyn stepped forward, possibly trying to be intimidating, but I wasn't sure, "Why are you doing this for Emily?"
"Uh, I want to help her. I have a spare room."
"You're not trying to make a move are you? Use her vulnerable state to get with her? I swear if you a-"
"God no, I'm not that type of person, you should know that Lindsey. Emily is one of your best friends. I just want to help her, make sure she's okay and safe. I have a spare room that's free, might as well use it. There are no ulterior motives."
"Sorry Y/n, I do know that, but we just wanted to make sure. I don't want her to get hurt again."
"It's okay, I get it. I'll see you tomorrow." ---
"So um this will be your room, do with it what you want. I own the house so you can put anything up on the walls. My room is just down there, my door is always open if you need anything, metaphorically anyway. That room at the end of hall is a home gym, you're free to use it whenever. Jax is a great cuddler, listener and running buddy, if you give him treats he will love you forever. He might seem intimidating but his bark is nastier then his bite. He is very protective though so you'll be safe when you're with him. Help yourself to anything in the fridge." Jax was my German Shepard and ex military dog. He was my friends originally, but due to circumstances he couldn't keep him anymore so I offered to take him in a few months again. He is now my bestfriend and the best cuddle buddy out there. Emily stood there awkwardly once I had finished the tour, "Um, I'll leave you to get settled. Do you want something to eat?"
"No thank you. I ate before I came. Um Lindsey is going to pop by before she leaves if that's okay?"
"She's my sister, of course it is. Also, you don't have to ask for people to come over, it's your place now too. Just a heads up, the guys come over every Friday night for drinks and a BBQ if the weathers fine otherwise pizza. You're welcome to join. Um I'll be in the gym if you need anything."
"Thank you."
It had been a month since Emily moved in and things were going pretty well. We had gotten a bit closer, Emily was starting to open up a bit more. She seemed a bit more relaxed. Loud noises and sudden movement still scared her and she was still having nightmares, but she was spending more time home alone without freaking out. It was slow, but she was making progress. Her ex had been picked up a few days after everything happened, he had made bail though and there was a restraining order against him. We hadn't seen him. Until tonight anyway. We were watching a movie on the couch when there was loud banging on the door. Emily jumped and moved back on the couch, knees coming up to her chest. "Stay here. Don't move"
"That bitch called the cops on me, where the fuck is she?" He slurred, obviously drunk and very pissed off.
"She didn't, I did." Jax started barking like crazy when he stepped closer, "Jax heel," I commanded quickly before he could lunge, he returned to my side instantly, still barking and snarling, "You are playing a seriously dangerous game showing up at my house. She's not here and you have 5 seconds to leave before he is no longer standing next to me and I magically lose the ability to tell him anything. You show up here again and it won't end well for you."
Just as he was about to leave, I spoke up again, "My advice is let it go before you completely ruin your life. She's gone, get over it. Maybe get some therapy too."
I quickly made a call to the police about him breaking his restraining order before going to find Emily. She wasn't on the couch which made me panic. I searched the living room and kitchen with no luck. Everything in me wanted to call out for her, but I didn't out of fear I would scare her even more. I searched the gym, bathroom and her room before checking my room. When I didn't find her I started to really freak out. Until I remembered where I used to hide when I was a kid. I went back to her room to check the closet but she wasn't there so I checked mine. She was huddled in the back behind some clothes. I saw her freeze.
"Hey it's me, he's gone," I told her softly as I sat down next to her. She clung to me sobbing like the first night. I held her tight, rubbing her back and whispering reassurances. "He won't come back. They're going to pick him up for breach of bail and breach of the restraining order."
"He could have hurt you," Emily managed between sobs.
"He didn't. Even if he did, I would never let him hurt you Emily."
"I know. I'm sorry I'm in your room. I-I felt s-safer here."
I held her tighter, "It's okay, I understand. We can stay here as long as you need. Though there might be a pile of dirty laundry in here somewhere."
Emily laughed and scrunched up her nose, "That explains the smell."
I pouted, "Now you're just being mean. There's no dirty laundry, that's in the bathroom, I just wanted to make you laugh."
"Thank you Y/n." Emily lent forward quickly, lips connecting with mine. It took a second to register what was happening before I pushed her away gently, "Emily."
It's not that I didn't want her to kiss me, under any other circumstances I would have kissed her back. Since she's been staying here and we've gotten closer, I've started to develop a small crush on her. It was never part of the plan, I never wanted it to happen. In some way it felt wrong. I was supposed to be helping her and here I was developing feelings for her. I wasn't going to act on them, not after what she had been through. I was never going to take advantage of her for my own feelings. Even if she had kissed me, it had only been a month since everything and after everything that just happened, she was emotional. She pulled away quickly. Arms wrapping around herself, almost shielding herself from me, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Emily," I went to reach for her, but she quickly pressed further back into the wall, "Em, I'm not going to hurt you, I would never hurt you. I'm not going to take advantage of you either."
"You're not, I want this Y/n, but I get it, you don't want me. I shouldn't be surprised, I'll leave."
"No, Emily wait. It's not that I don't want you. You just got out of something horrible, it's only been a few weeks. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you're vulnerable, emotional. I don't want to take advantage of that. I know what it's like, you need time to process it, heal from it."
"I-I w-ant to feel l-loved," She spoke so quietly I barely heard her.
I slowly wrapped my arms around her when she didn't move back, "You are so loved Emily. By so many people, by your team, by your family, even by me. I will do everything I can to make you feel loved, but not like that, not yet. Just give it some time. I'm not going anywhere." Emily pulled back after a few minutes, "What do you mean you know what it's like?"
"My father was abusive, I dealt with him until I was 13 and my mum found out. I never saw him after that, but it took a long time to move past it. When I was 20, before I joined the marines, I was in a relationship with a guy who was very emotionally abusive. Lindsey got me out before it turned violent. I've only been in a relationship once in the 10 years since."
"I'm sorry Y/n. D-did Lindsey go through that as well?"
"Thankfully, No. Lindsey and I have different dads." ---
Over the last couple of months Emily had started to be herself again according to Lindsey. I didn't know what she was like before, but she seemed happier, bubblier, more talkative and more interested in going out and doing things. There were still some things that hadn't gone away, such as flinching at sudden loud sounds or movements, she still had nightmares, but they seemed to become less frequent, I would know since she sleeps in my bed every night. It had started out a few nights a week, when she was so tired and needed a good nights sleep. Over time it had become every night. I never protested it, in fact it was something I loved. The sleepy conversations we would have in the middle of the night, the way she was extra cuddly and cute when first waking up.
Despite trying to stop it, my feelings for her had grown over time. I would like nothing more than to be with her, but I pushed it all aside. After what she had been through, I wasn't going to be the one to make a move. The last thing I wanted to do was take advantage of her or do something she wasn't ready for. I needed her to be sure that it was something she actually wanted and it wasn't just an emotional response.
I was lying on my bed, deep in thought. Just because I wasn't going to do anything about my feelings, doesn't mean it was easy. There was something about her that made me want to do anything for her, that made me want to be around her all the time, made me want to do anything to see her smile or hear her laugh. There was some part of me that still felt bad, guilty about the feelings I had for Emily. It was never supposed to happen, when I first met her, all I wanted to do was help her, I had no intention to fall for her.
"Hey Y/n."
"Huh, what?"
Emily giggled, "I just said hey. Are you okay?"
"Sorry, just a bit distracted. I'm okay."
She sat down on the edge of my bed, playing with her fingers nervously, "Um can we talk?"
I sat up quickly, everything I've ever done running through my mind. Did I do something wrong? Did I make her uncomfortable? "That's never a good thing, what's up?"
"Um, do you remember when I kissed you? What you said when you turned me down?" I nodded, unsure of where this was going, "I uh, I've uh, um-"
"Take your time Em."
Emily took a deep breath, "You said you would make me feel loved, but not like that. You said not yet. W-what did you m-mean by that?"
"Um, I don't know." It was habit, just denying things that could get me into trouble. There's was a reason she was bringing it up and I didn't want to lie to her, "Okay, that's a lie. If it was any other circumstances I would have kissed you back without hesitation."
"What about now? W-would you k-kiss me if I asked?"
"It depends, how are you doing now? After everything that happened, are you ready? Are you sure you want it?"
"I've thought about it a lot. I don't think I ever loved him, I'm over him. I know that's not what you mean. I've still got some things to work through, to unlearn which will take time, but I am ready Y/n. I trust you, I trust you with me, with my body and with my heart."
"Emily, are you asking me to kiss you?"
After moving closer, I slowly cupped her cheek. There was a split second where it looked like she was going to pull away, but she covered my hand with hers, and lent in. "Are you sure?"
"Kiss me," She whispered with no hesitation. I lent in connecting our lips in a soft, slow kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sync. She pulled me closer, I complied instantly kind of going up on my knees due to how I was sitting. I felt myself lose balance and fell on the floor before I could stop it. Emily landed on top of me, bursting out laughing. I couldn't help join in, her laugh was contagious.
"Note to self, don't pull you closer while on the edge of the bed."
I laughed again, pressing a kiss to her temple, "I have awful balance."
"I noticed. Did I hurt you?"
"No, I've had worse things then a pretty girl land on me."
"I-im he-heavy though."
"No you're not, you are perfect and if he told you otherwise then he's delusional."
She blushed, resting her head against my chest, "You called me pretty."
"You're beautiful Em."
Emily pulled back, connecting our lips again, it was short and sweet leaving me wanting more, "So are you Y/n. You don't have to be so careful with me, I know you're not going to hurt me."
"I know, I just don't want to accidently scare you or hurt you. I've done it before."
"Y/n, maybe you have, but that's habit. Since that night I kissed you, I've never flinched, I've never been scared around you. I trust you Y/n."
I slipped my hand under her shirt, tracing patterns on her lower back. It was something that I did occasionally when she had nightmares to calm her down. She looked down at me with a small smile, "I don't know how I'll be with sex, there was some stuff there that may have caused problems."
"Woah, I'm not thinking about sex. If doing this makes you think that or makes you uncomfortable, I can stop doing it."
"It's comforting actually. I just wanted to be honest with you now incase that changes anything."
I kissed her softly, "It doesn't, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
She kissed me a bit harder this time, "If you keep kissing me like that, it may be sooner then expected.
The team had another camp and somehow all ended up at my place. No one had known about the development in Emily and I's relationship until she had sat on my lap to cuddle because there was no room next to me. There had been shouts of 'Called it' from all over then a bunch of questions. Emily had answered most of them while I got up to use the bathroom and get drinks. Lindsey appeared next to me in the kitchen.
"You and Emily huh? When did that happen?"
"A week ago, give or take. I know what you're thinking, but she kissed me a few months ago, I turned her down. I never took advantage of her. I let her come to me when she was sure she was ready."
"I know Y/n. I know you would never do that. She seems happy, comfortable with you. Have you talked about what happens when you get deployed again?"
"Not yet, I don't know if I'm going to sign again yet, but we will have that conversation soon."
"Wait! If you and Em are dating, does that mean I can get regular photos of this adorable boy?" Rose asked excitedly from her spot on the floor where she was cuddled up with Jax.
I laughed before throwing a bottle of water at her, "I think that can be arranged."
When Emily went to the bathroom, everyone turned to me. They all had serious looks on their faces making me a little bit nervous. What if they didn't actually approve and were just pretending for Emily?
Ashlyn stood up, standing over me, "You might be Lindsey's sister and very intimidating, but you hurt her and we will end you. Understand?"
I nodded quickly, sitting forward in the chair, "The last thing I ever want to do is hurt her. Trust me, I would hurt myself worse then you ever could if I did. I care about her more then you guys will ever know."
"Good, so we're getting pizza right?"
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hysteric-glamour · 7 months
Hey, Babe. I WANT IT ALL! - Sylvia Plath's Fig Tree Analogy and my harvest of fruits.
                 The over-consumption of media and the world around makes it hard to bring down the taste of this ordinary life. As a young girl who craves the experiences in movies and books, I can’t bare the hungry feeling for something more exciting in life. I’ve always felt I must pursue greatness, but oh how difficult that has come to be. I have yet to know and even less to find out what I am to become. There are so many things my mind has loved, and I can’t choose just what I want to be. Though I’ve learned to grateful for the things I have, I can’t help but want more. I want more and more and more. MORE!
Recently, people on the internet have gone into discussion about the analogy of the fig tree by Sylvia Plath. Upon hearing about this analogy and the conversation behind it, I have come to see that I am not the only girl, or person, that has been arguing in her mind over who she is, before she even gets to be anybody. In Plath’s famous book “The Bell Jar” she wrote, "I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet."
Oh, how easily and gracefully Plath put the feeling of an overwhelming and overcomplicated dilemma that occurs within one’s mind. I particularly identify with the part where she states the hunger she feels, and how she starves, because lately I’ve leaned on to sitting and doing nothing, only because I can’t decide what I want to work on, so I work on nothing. How my mind decided that was the best option, I’ll never know. It felt as if somehow the answer would just fall upon me, perhaps as if one of the figs from the fig tree would have fallen off a branch and landed on my hand, fresh, plump, and purple, ready to be eaten. But, like Sylvia wrote, they were only rotting away. Therefore, I have decided to act. I still don’t know which fig to eat, but I will pluck them all from the tree, carry them away in a basket and cut them into pieces, getting a taste of each to see with one may be the best. So now, I am writing. To the world or to whoever may see this. I am starting my blog to expand my options and get a taste of all my harvest.
-Ali McQueen
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mcalhenwrites · 3 months
I'm sincerely trying to find answers to these questions. I'm seeking advice.
I'm going to start this off by stating that I'm still writing. I haven't quit. I'm not going to quit. This is about sharing. I've had so many people assume I quit writing or only will write for the sake of being a published author. I'll always be writing as long as I'm alive.
And as someone who firmly believes that people can choose whether or not to share their art with the world and no one else gets to decide that, I also believe that it's not wrong to want to have readers. Libraries and bookstores and art galleries and art sites and everything else - we connect to each other through art. It wouldn't exist if everyone just went, "Welp, I made the thing, good for me. Done!" And if someone is going to tell me that I should feel that way, I hope you keep all your writing and art to yourself. If not, I'd consider it a kindness to us both if you don't respond to this post through comments, DMs, or asks. Thank you. ;)
So onto the questions I'm seeking advice on.
How can I overcome the shame of posting writing for about 14 years and still barely getting readers? (But often getting a lot of critique?)
I've been in writing circles, reading and cheering on others, and they read one anothers' writing, but I'm frequently passed over/ignored - and that's the kinder response. I've been told that I'm there for my support only, that I'm not a good enough writer myself, that my characters are all the same.
How does one keep posting links to their published work or AO3 chapters/works, when they never get any likes or reblogs across several websites?
When friends have done nothing but scold them for not being good at PR, when I'm just... I'm a writer, not a businessman. And I am trying, but even popular authors on social media have mentioned that word-of-mouth and boosting of their work on social media has impacted their success? That M*sk taking over one of those sites has negatively impacted their interactions and therefore their sales? (Wouldn't this mean they also suck ass at PR? xD)
Am I supposed to believe I have a chance, when even established authors are struggling?
I don't like myself very much, and I'm ashamed of level of skill, even though I enjoy writing so much I can't help but always want to do it. I can't help but create stories and get excited about writing them down. There are even times I feel like I've made progress. Gotten better as a writer.
But it's so hard not to end up letting other people make me feel ashamed.
It's true I shouldn't listen to those people, but why have they been so many, and why is the positivity always so few and far in-between? Maybe if it was one voice in one-hundred, but what if it's twenty voices out of thirty? What am I to believe then? When even friends clearly have no faith in my works and don't want to be seen associating with it?
I wanted to be a published writer. I wanted to make a little bit of an income on writing, so I'd have reason to do what I love even more.
But I've spent most of my life feeling like a fool who keeps humiliating himself. Who wonders if the truth is that I'm worse at writing than even I'm willing to admit.
I had one story that "took off" on AO3, but even that lost readers by the end, and no one is interesting in anything I have created before or since then.
And that story... I've been editing it heavily and even added chapters, and I'm like, "I should post the new version sometime" but I'm convinced no one even wants it. (And I'd have to do it for free, and I can't afford to do things for free. I just got on medicaid finally and went to a food pantry last week and keep applying for help, and I have to wait until April to see a doctor to get critical help for my multiple health issues that might make my ability to work even harder. I broke down and crocheted stock for a table this month, and the pain in my wrist is excruciating, and the pain my heart that I can't spend half that time making personal passion projects with something I only want to do as a hobby is even more excruciating. So no, not every story of mine can just be churned out for free.)
Anyway, thank you for reading and your time, and if you have legitimate advice/answers/support... I could use it. I could use it more than ever. 
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Last night I put on 3 subs in my playlist, Moza morph's void state guided sub, void state booster by v1per, and Slade (bless Kai they're amazing)'s void state sub. At one point after v1per's subs I decided to try out your distraction method and affirmed
"I have all I want. Creation is finished, I am the void." And I KID YOU NOTTTT IT GOT ME THE CLOSEST I HAVE BEEN TO THE VOIDDD I FELT. I'll try my best to desc the feeling (it's diff for everyone but at least this is what it's like for me)
I felt like I was slipping away like I was falling through a rabbit hole and time slowed down for me and then it stopped. I felt floating like I was a jellyfish, serenely floating in the dark open seas. Though my vision is dark most of the time, I saw faint blue flames before it faded away then, my vision went bright. I was surprised but didn't waver. I affirmed again "I'm already in the void, creation is done" and kept focusing on my breathing. The bright light grew even brighter and I even felt buzzing, at this moment I can still hear the subliminal and I can still feel some parts of my physical body but I didn't really focus on it.
But then this bitch sneezed bc of a loose thread from my blanket😁 and when I did the pain in my left hand (for context I fractured my bone rip, which is why I wanted to enter the void to manifest that I never slipper and fell) and then I lost everything.
Personally for me, affirming all the time doesn't get me very far. That's why if I'm using the lullaby method I have to end it before I sleep, because I simply can't fall asleep while affirming I don't know why. At one point I need to say "creation is done. I am limitless" or else I won't be able to fall asleep while affirming ksjdkdk. Tips for those who are still struggling: it's been 8+ months ish since I discovered the void, and PERSONALLY what really helped is;
Finding what's good for yourself. Don't really depend on the void. When I realized that I don't need the void, because I AM the void, and that i am a more powerful being than the void, which is just a meditative state I stopped obsessing over it. Meditation helps for me, but again nothing is necessary for you to enter the void aside from yourself. Each loa bloggers have a different perspective on the void so take everything with a grain of salt, but one thing for sure the void is a meditative state and you're much more powerful than it. And find methods that you're comfortable with not that it's necessary but if you feel like you need to use a method (which again you don't really need you just need to set intention really) then find methods that are suitable for you. Mix and match! You can mix and match them if you'd like, and if it helps.
Thank you SOOO much rem! I really can't thank you enough for the method you made ilysm thank youuu, but do you have any tips for me? The second I get into the buzzy buzzy light state I feel really lost, so what do I do from there on to make sure I enter the void? Thank you for answering!
Tldr for you guys:
The void is real, because you are real. Find what suits you, because everyone is different. This isn't a one size fits all, realise that you're much greater than the void and find your own path. The void feels diff for everyone, and I find my experience different than some success stories, but that doesn't mean that their success stories are fake, it's just how their void is and how my journey and theirs are different. You can do this ok? You've done so well and I'm proud of you guys who have been trying. Thank you for holding on.
Lastly thank you rem, this was a long ass post but if you're reading this thank you so much I'm so grateful I discovered you.
omg this is so exciting!!! i’m so happy the distraction technique worked for you!!!
i think next time you get to that point, just try not to focus on symptoms (which ik can be hard since u said it was a bright light) but just try to distract yourself (hence the distraction method lol) and start concentrating on something else, like counting or reciting song lyrics or something!! hopefully next time you won’t sneeze and you’ll get in!! 🤍
can’t wait to here an update!! :)
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ktrivia · 2 years
A Sniper's Competition (Crosshair x Reader)
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The Republic had many humanized weapons in this war but all of them were well known by the Separatist forces. All of them but me, that is. The Republic brought me in at the beginning of this war to be one of their secret weapons. A sniper who could go undercover and stay unknown to the enemy. As the war grows closer to a close, the Republic is sending me on a new mission, one that includes four experimental clones. Which another sniper, who was known for his disdain for others, already in the squad, things were sure to get interesting.
Author’s note:
Sorry for the long wait everyone! Life has been very hectic (major exams and catching Covid for the first time). This story is back and shit is going down! I'm excited for the plot to really begin now and the twists and turns to start. Please let me know what you think because your comments and reblogs are truly what keep me motivated to keep going with this story!
P.S. Let me know if you catch an Easter egg of a well-loved Bad Batch character
Also I am officially writing Fives x Reader oneshots and drabbles as a prequel to this series! There is now a section on my master list for and I would love to write more for one of our favorite ARC Troopers so please PLEASE send in some requests! Sometimes we all just need a little Fives goodness in our lives.
Enjoy the chapter!
Mando'an translations:
Vod: Brother
Gar kebbur gar jatne: You tried your best (just like I'm trying to string together sentences in Mando'a)
<- Previous Chapter : Next Chapter ->
The only men sitting past the door were Rex, Echo and Anakin which meant the rest of the Batch was in the cockpit. The four of us looked at each other, no one sure of what to say first. The events of the day had taken a toll on everyone it seemed. 
“How much longer are we in hyperspace?” I questioned as I moved to sit next to Anakin who sat across from two of the only remaining men from the original 501st. 
“A couple hours,” Rex answered, checking me over once again for injuries. “How are you feeling?”
“A lot better, Rexxie,” I assured before turning to Anakin. “But I need your help.” 
Before I could continue on, he spoke. 
“You can’t feel the force can you?” 
“Not at all,” I confirmed. “And it honestly feels like I’m missing a limb.”
“It happens,” Anakin began, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “You basically fried the receptors in your body that let you feel the force because you used so much of it at one time. That part of you needs to heal. You were never trained to recognize the warning signs of wearing yourself out like that.”
“How long will it be like this?” I asked, trying to keep myself from reaching out to the emotions of the men around me. 
“Give it a couple days and it should start to come back. If it doesn’t then come by my quarters and we’ll contact the temple for suggestions.” 
I reached up to my shoulder and gripped his hand in thanks before turning to Echo who now wore someone’s spare set of blacks. Because of his emaciated state, they hung loosely on his thin frame.
“What about you, Echo? How are you feeling?”
He gave me a small smile and explained that Tech had performed another health assessment on him and done what he could to make him more comfortable until we got back to base to a proper medic. They had given him a bit of food and water, but he had a hard time keeping it down so they had held off after that. The room went quiet, the four of us still taking in the reunion that had occurred hours ago. 
“I’ve uh, been meaning to ask,” Echo prompted hesitantly, sorrow in his eyes. “What happened to Fives?”
My heart stopped as I met Rex’s panicked expression. How did we tell Echo that his twin had died? How did we even begin to broach what had happened?
“I assume he’s gone,” Echo said, his voice cracking as he did. “Otherwise, I’m sure he would have been here for this.” 
Tears sprung to my eyes at the thought. There’s no way in hell that Fives would have missed this. He would have fought anyone and everyone to be on this mission to rescue his brother. 
“Yeah, Echo.” I confirmed. “He’s gone.”
My voice broke and I couldn’t help the tears that streamed down my cheeks. Across from me, I could see Rex’s eyes glistening as he tried to keep it together. 
I barely noticed the door to the bunk area whooshing open as Crosshair emerged. He quickly took in everyone’s expression but those observant eyes landed on me and widened. 
I thought he was about to get jealous of either Anakin’s hand that still rested on my shoulder or the mention of Fives, but he surprised us all by quickly claiming the seat next to mine and grabbing hold of my hand. He gently caressed it in soothing motions, but didn’t say a word. He sat there as a reassuring presence. Maybe he was ready to make the effort for there to be a relationship between us.
“Can I ask what happened?” Echo asked timidly. 
“Of course you can, Echo,” I confirmed, willing strength into my voice. 
“He was your brother. You have every right to ask that,” Rex added, ferocity clear on his face. There were many cases where the clones wouldn’t know what happened to a lost brother and when they would try to ask, their requests would be denied. The administration didn’t bother to keep track of which clones were lost, only that their numbers had been depleted in general. 
I wasn’t sure where to begin the story, but thankfully Anakin spoke up. 
“It started with Tup,” he began, voice going quiet like what he said was a secret. To be fair, it was a secret to most. 
“He killed Master Tiplar,” Anakin continued solemnly. Echo’s face somehow paled more than it already was. 
“He killed a Jedi?” He asked disbelievingly in a whisper. His gaze went foggy, and Rex put his hand on Echo’s shoulder in comfort. It dawned on me that Echo had also just discovered Tup’s passing as well. Crosshair’s hand now clenched mine tightly. Glancing over, I could see confusion and discomfort apparent on his face. Echo wasn’t going to be the only person hearing this story for the first time. 
“He did,” Anakin confirmed with a sorrowful nod. “It was clear that something was wrong. We thought it was some kind of virus or biological agent so we sent him back to Kamino with Fives in charge of him. Even when Tup left he wasn’t mentally sound. He couldn’t focus and just kept repeating himself.”
Anakin’s head bowed and I gently grasped his hand, offering him comfort. Anakin bonded with his soldiers, clones or not, and I remembered how hard this whole situation had hit him when it happened. 
“Then what?” Echo asked quietly. Anakin turned to me. 
“You’re probably the best person to tell him the next part,” He offered, Echo’s face contorted into a look of confusion.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because I was on Kamino when they got there,” I explained, voice growing thick as the memories flooded me. Crosshair tensed next to me.
“You were there?” He murmured, eyes shockingly full of concern. I nodded my confirmation and squeezed his hand before turning back to Echo.
“I hadn’t seen Fives since we had broken up,” I started. “We were together for about a year, and I hadn’t seen him for a few months. The second he saw me he tried to tell me what had happened with Tup, but I was about to leave on an assignment. I just-,”
My words choked off and it felt like the air around me grew physically heavy. My eyes widened in panic as I tried to pull in air, but even that felt like I was inhaling lead. Crosshair’s hand pulled from mine and wrapped around my shoulders pulling me against his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus on breathing. When I re-opened them, Anakin was crouched in front of me. 
“Hey,” he said quietly, placing his hand on my knee. “You’re ok. It's just the force. It can be a little overwhelming at first when it comes back on line, but it’ll ease. There are a lot of heavy emotions in here right now and that can be hard to feel.” 
At the mention of the force, I could feel Crosshair almost retract his hold on me, but instead he squeezed tighter, hands roaming over my shoulder and arm. I worked to pace my breaths in time with Crosshair’s rising chest, and while they were still weighted, it was slowly getting easier to breathe again. When I could finally speak without gasping for air, I looked back to Echo. 
“I’m so sorry. This is your story and time and I just interrupted it.”
He shakily rose to his feet and stumbled over to me. His flesh hand reached out and grasped mine, squeezing as hard as he could. 
“It’s our story, Vod. You take your time,” he reassured. The three of them grounded me until I was ready to continue the story. 
“Fives tried to tell me something was wrong,” I began again. “He tried to tell me something had happened to Tup, but I had to leave. He never knew, but I stopped in the med bay to check on them, but they told me Tup would be fine and Fives was healthy. The Kaminoans don’t usually lie to me. I could feel they were lying, but I thought it was because they didn’t know what was wrong with Tup yet. But I had to go, so I left. I have a little friend who works in the med center that kept me updated as much as she could, but her droid could only find out so much information once the Chancellor got involved.”
“The Chancellor?” Echo questioned, sunken eyes widening. I hummed in agreement. 
“Fives said he had discovered something and the Chancellor needed to hear it. But they say that once he got to Coruscant, he tried to murder the Chancellor in his office. Then he got a hold of Rex and Anakin.” 
I trailed off and looked to them to continue the story. Rex spoke this time.
“He found Kix at 79s and had him contact me and the General. We went to meet with Fives and he trapped us in a ray shield. He tried explaining himself but the Coruscant Guard… they shot him. We tried- we really tried to help him but he was too far gone. All he said was the nightmare was over.”
Rex’s hand clasped together as his shoulders hunched over and his breathing shortened. With effort, I extricated myself from the men around me and made the short crossing to the Captain. Standing in front of him, I pulled his forehead to my chest and stroked gently over his cropped hair. Strong arms pulled me as close as possible as his breaths turned ragged. 
“You did what you could, vod,” I reassured. “We all did. Gar kebbur gar jatne.” 
I held him there for a while as the silence of the room settled. Resurfaced memories had reopened old wounds and everyone was trying to grapple with it in their own ways. Clanking footsteps came closer and I glanced over to see Echo standing there. He sat down next to Rex and put his arm over his shoulders, pulling him away from my hold. Tears almost left me again at the sight of Echo comforting his brother. Even after all this time and the torture he undoubtably endured, he remembered the little things that helped Rex while he was mourning. 
The exhaustion hit me suddenly from the conversation and events of the mission so I went back over to where Crosshair was still seated. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed in content when his arm circled my shoulders, a warm and reassuring weight. My eyes drifted shut as I listened to the lingering conversation. I was almost asleep, Crosshair's light rubbing on my shoulder lulling me, when I heard Echo ask a question that made me perk up. 
“Before Fives was sh-shot,” he began to Rex, “what was he trying to warn you about?” 
My eyes remained closed but I was alert and listening. 
“He said there was a plot against the Jedi,” Rex said softly. Crosshairs ministrations froze at the mention of the Jedi and I grumbled at him, displeased with the lack of the soothing motion. He huffed a small laugh before resuming again. I felt the tension leaving my body as his hand worked its way up towards my neck, rubbing the tight muscles there. I groaned quietly at the sensation. 
“Get a room,” Anakin muttered under his breath. 
“You’d hear me either way, Skywalker,” I grumbled back. Crosshair choked on his breath and I could only laugh. Anakin said something else but I didn’t hear it as part of Rex’s comment caught my attention. 
“-he said something about a chip controlling us. That we were programmed.”
My eyes shot open and I bolted upright. Connections were rapidly forming in my mind. I could hear the four of them questioning me as I ran to the cockpit of the ship. The door slid open and my eyes landed on Tech in the pilot’s chair as he typed on a datapad. In the periphery, my mind took note that Hunter and Wrecker were also there, the larger of the two sound asleep. 
“Tech, where are the scans of Echo’s brain?” I asked frantically. Hunter stiffened at the tone of my voice. 
“They are on my data pad,” Tech replied simply, not looking up from what he was doing. 
“I need it. Now,” I demanded. Tech glanced up, confusion clear. 
“Why do you need it?” 
“Give me the datapad, Tech. I need to check something and time may be of the essence.”
I stormed towards him, ready to take the datapad from him whether he wanted me to or not, but Hunter blocked my path. 
“You need to calm down,” he instructed, arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“It is ok, Hunter. She can have it,” Tech said calmly. Hunter glanced back at him, not convinced I wouldn’t do something to Tech, and stepped just far enough out of the way for Tech to hand me the datapad. 
“I pulled up his scans for you,” Tech stated as I wrenched it from his hand. 
I scrolled through the slices of the scan as quickly as I could, looking for what I had seen earlier on Skako Minor. I made a sound of success when I found the right slice. I turned it back to Tech and pointed at it.
“What the hell is this and why did you tell me to ignore it?” I questioned. His eyes squinted as he focused on the spot before his face smoothed into understanding. 
“Oh! That is Echo’s inhibitor chip.”
Taglist (let me know if you would like to be added!):
@1fineslytherin @buddee @possiblyexisting @ttzamara @angstforce99 @crosshairscyare @rndmpeep @whore4rex @twinkofthedink @clone-whore-99 @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @sweetsunflowerkisses @amyroswell @mellowstatesmanhandsempath
@ben-is-a-hoe @scioness-7 @eternalwaffle @espuma-y-arrecife @philiasoul 
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msfcatlover · 11 months
OKAY THIS IS A BIG ONE, just answer the ones you want to :D
DC (preferably Batman or Green Arrow or Superfam but actually everything) - games, comics, movies, books, fandom
what is your (can be more than one each category):
favourite fan AU
favourite headcanon
favourite female character
favourite male character
favourite comic
favourite canon AU (you know all these Future State and Kingdom Come and Injustice and Arkham verse and all that!!!)
favourite ship (IF you have one, otherwise the ones you can tolerate)
favourite death (if the character died more than in one universe or more than once, specify which death)
favourite powerset
favourite resurrection (LOL, same with #8)
favourite AU villain/antagonist (those who aren't villains but you imagine would be cool villains in your opinion)
favourite canon villan/antagonist (if characters like Jason or Talia then specify which plotlines/comics)
favourite DC loser.
sorry for bad English!!!! have a good day/night
Oh boy, that’s… that’s actually really hard for me. I have a hard time picking favorites, because I generally love things for very different reasons. I know much more clearly what I dislike when I see it; enjoying things is sorta my default state, y’know?
Like, take the AU question. I’d be hard pressed to tell you whether a good Reverse Robins setup was something I liked better than, say, @jube-art’s Superfam/Batfam role-swap (which, if you haven’t seen it, go check it out!)
I’m also working my way through canon chronologically, and am still in the early/mid-90s, so there’s a lot of characters I haven’t officially gotten to, and a lot of stories I haven’t gotten the chance to really dig into yet. (I made it to Knightfall, realized I hadn’t put any of the buildup to that arc in my comic library, and decided to go back and read Barbara’s time with the Suicide Squad instead.) I don’t feel comfortable planting a flag on this until… oh, at least until ~2006, probably. (Which, given just how many books/characters suddenly got added in the 90s, will probably take a while.)
(There are also lots of characters who have so much potential in their backstory/power set, but who never got to use them to their full potential. Or who only had the cool parts of their backstory tacked on as an obvious retcon in the process of writing them out of the story, because the fans were vocally upset about them, meaning they never got the exploration any of those story ideas deserved.) (I have a special level of ire for power sets that are really cool on a surface level, but where the creators added just one power too many to stop them from being fully interesting. For example, Menagerie’s bugs having mind control properties overcomplicates her too much, in my opinion. Or—if you’ll let me hop over to Marvel—a character like Alpha who has all the “standard” superpowers, but only one at a time? What makes that interesting is having to choose between being super-strong or invulnerable or super-fast (etc.) therefore this character should not have ranged attack options built into said power set; it disincentivizes him from ever getting up-close with enemies, forcing the writer to choose between having the character be stupid or having the character never use the interesting elements of their powers. (…I mean, Alpha being stupid is kinda the point of his plot, but you see what I’m getting at, right?))
I will say, I adored Jason’s post-Crisis Robin run (in both Batman series, though for very different reasons) and so far very little has brought me as much joy as reading DC’s Detective Comics from that time period! And those few pages of Dan Mora’s B&W cyberpunk short that went around recently had me absolutely frothing with excitement for the possibilities that verse holds. And Jason being Tim’s Robin brings me endless joy, which neither canon nor jerkfaces will take from me.
(Aaaaaaaand while shipping isn’t the catharsis I come to comics for (thank gods, basically every canon ship I’ve witnessed thus far has been awful in motion even when their potential is off the charts,) I can actually blame DCEU SuperBat for getting me into this whole mess in the first place. Blame @susiecarter, whose fics I found immediately after watching someone do a deep-dive analysis of everything that went wrong with BvS, which I paused when I thought, “Huh, these are actually all really good points… I bet fanfiction has done this exact story, but with much better execution, recognizable characterization, and probably a hell of a lot gayer. Let’s go check.”)
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rotworld · 1 year
i hope the new year has been kind to you !! please don’t feel pressure to write. take time to rest well. i go back and reread old pieces of yours all the time! i admire your writing a lot and wanted to ask if you had any more advice about writing .. am excited for whatever you post, whenever it is you post it ^__^ your sandman fic is so evocative and interesting.. the prose is so .. thick in a glutinous dough kind of way.. i don’t know where it’ll go.. thank you again!
thank you and happy new year! so far so good lol i’m with family and very happy. i appreciate your patience and understanding. while i am working on stuff again, i’m also sort of stranded away from home until the later part of this month lol so my schedule is a bit strange.
as for writing advice, here are some exercises to try!
->rewrite a classic: china mieville wrote four final orpheuses, a short story which explores four different reasons why orpheus failed in his quest to bring eurydice back from the underworld. these range from a moment of weakness to simple human error and tell radically different stories about their relationship and his state of mind in just a few brief snippets. 
find a story like a classic myth or fairy tale and rewrite it in ways that resonate with you. change the ending, reinterpret the characters, or focus on a different perspective. if you’re not sure what to do, try coming up with questions you want answered or alternate possibilities: how did marya morevna first defeat and capture koschei the deathless? what does the sea witch get up to when mermaids aren’t pestering her to see the surface world? hope is the last thing in the box pandora opens; what does it look like, and what does she do with it?
->imitate another writer’s style: i made a post one time about voice and said you shouldn’t feel pressure to change it, but i also think going out of your way to emulate another writer for an exercise can be fun and useful. for the sandman fic, i tried to imitate the “feel” and structure of gaiman’s writing. when i first read the comic, i was really amazed by how many plot threads he would juggle each arc, and how those threads would weave together in the finale, so i wanted to use that along with the more dreamy, surreal prose and absurd humor. 
find a writer or specific work that you enjoy and wouldn't mind imitating stylistically. study their voice (the aforementioned post has specific examples of what to look for) as well as how the work is structured. you could write fanfiction or something original with this exercise, but i think it’s easiest to stay in the same genre and use similar themes or aesthetics as the work you’re using for reference. 
->if you get stuck, time travel: recently i read a book on revisions (unfortunately can’t remember the title/author, i skimmed it at the star but didn't buy it) that gave advice along the lines of “if you suddenly get stuck and can’t figure out why, the problem is several sentences ago.” the thinking here is that we sometimes write ourselves into a corner without realizing it, and you need to back out of the corner by retracing your steps. you might’ve gotten bored or lost focus and that made the last few sentences really rough or go in a direction that’s hard to work with. go back a paragraph or two and reexamine what you have, cutting it entirely if need be. 
alternatively, i’ve found that if i get stuck at the very start of a piece, then the problem is where i’m choosing to start. i’ve been working on something about certain characters involved in certain illicit businesses and wanted to open with a party at a fancy venue. i was hellbent on opening with some scene-setting narration/exposition on the venue itself as the reader travels there, and i wasn't getting past the first sentence. so eventually i shifted forward. instead, the reader would have just arrived at the venue and the opening would introduce one of the characters at the party. this also just didn't work, so i moved forward even further. everyone's at the venue, the party has been going on for a while, and it starts with the reader considering the reasons they should not be at this party. what ended up working was cutting my initial, slow-paced plan and starting closer to the action, and i think that's a good idea in most situations. 
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taestefully-in-luv · 1 year
Just finished re-reading our time chapter 1, and by god, am I impressed.
Like, all the little hints? It must’ve taken so long to plan ahead and decide which hints to drop when and where 😭✋🏻
I’ll talk about what I remember happening in this chapter (my memory sucks </3) and what I think it was a hint for. Lmk if I’m incorrect or on the right path? Hope it makes some sense 😭🫶🏻:
THE COUCH STAIN. I assume this was a stain Haru made, and that’s why JK was so sad about it, which is just, ouchies. Also, if I remember correctly, the guest bedroom used to be/ was Haru’s, so it also makes sense why Jungkook didn’t want to sleep in there.
THE AFFECTION. Jungkook cupping OC’s face while apologizing for turning on the lights? Fucking heartache inducing frfr. Beautifully written ugh. Plus, during the movie night, I’m sure he usually gets cuddly when tipsy, but since he’s also used to it (or was used to it 💔), I think that’s also why he was being more touchy than usual.
THE TENSION. Obviously, the tension between Kook and Misu was one of the few things that got fully explained, and damn does it make so much more sense.
SOMEWHERE TO BE, THINGS TO DO. Jungkook’s errands here are obviously meeting up with Jimin and doing whatever it is they’re still doing. (The case?)
MOVIE NIGHT. So, it said that they watched three movies but Jungkook was already on his fourth glass of wine. Which, knowing what we know (i.e. the likelihood of Jungkook being a recovering(?) alcoholic are pretty high), makes sense. It’s a tiny little detail, but makes more sense later. Plus, it adds to the ouchies. Also, Y/N mentioned Misu stating that the real reason she broke up with Jungkook was because “he was better as a friend”. I assume this is another nod towards his (possible) alcoholic tendencies. It also makes sense why Misu wouldn’t air it out to anyone, especially Y/N.
That’s all I really remember from this chapter, but I hope it’s (almost) everything!
Enjoying it all immensely, as always!!
hello @dearly-somber 🥰 i know it’s been MONTHS but i figure this is a great time to finally answer these chapter by chapter asks you left for me with your thoughts~
since i will be updating the story soon :)
first of all thank you for re reading the chapters and sharing your thoughts i love it😭 i’m excited to go through these!
1. the couch stain!!! yup, haru was the one who spilled hot chocolate on the couch and jk got sad that yn has no idea. the entire line “you see a stain, he sees a story” is hint for how much deeper it was for him
2. oh yeah not showing affection is hard of course but he’s especially uhhhhhhh “deprived” because in truth, he hasn’t touched her in quite some time so it makes it all harder. especially bc he doesn’t feel like he deserves to touch her no matter how badly he wants to 🙃
3. the tension between misuk and jk probably won’t get better 🥲
4. i can confirm his busy schedule when he’s not with yn has mostly to do with jimin, yes
5. i won’t give a direct answer to this because his alcoholism will be discussed more in future chapters…how it started, why etc etc
off to ch 2 analysis 🏃‍♀️
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whenthechickencry · 8 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 4
God damn, they went weirdly hard in this scene on console.
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I don't really have a lot to say about this scene other than it''s really goofy to compare how Yasu used magic to how Tohya does lmfaoooo
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He's just throwing an actual tantrum omg I remembered him leaving but not him literally crying at Beatrice
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you are so bad at lying
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Nanjo on panic mode when they actually check her corpse lmfao.
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I also don't really have a lot to say about this scene - it's a good scene made to help you understand the world after a lot of people gave up in episode 2, it is said by Virgilia because that is someone whose words you trust right now, it's also a little boring to get explained stuff like this again on reread lol.
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Eva is an accomplice this time so she should know about Kinzo's situation so I am pretty sure she is just fucking with Natsuhi as she does in episode 1 - though I guess she might have also been recruited later when shes just kind of walking around solving the epitaph.
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Of course, the trick here is just to leave everything prepared except the first and last rooms where Shakannon are, and Shannon would run from the first room to the last one after her corpse was discovered... the fact that they left the master keys is pretty risky though, they could have decided to not follow the order at any time and fucked things over....
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Battler immediately figures it out too!
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I imagine Beatrice was a bit hesitant to use this since it might be above Battler's grade, though I think the fact she did shows she trusts his intelligence more than before.
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This is probably one of the first times you see Beatricce really flair around - Battler is off the trail by now but she still has to figure out a way to word things without saying things that give her away! It's pretty exciting to read even knowing the solution.
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This is a cute line haha. I think it shows that even if he has improved a lot he still has a lot to learn - after all pushing on Kanon is actually what he should have done in that game even if 'Kanon' isn't the culprit!
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Team Beato is freaking out here, rightfully so! One wrong word to this repetition request and she either gives her game away or makes the mystery basically unsolvable!
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You can tell by now they are really having fun together lmfao. Ronove realizes how difficult the situation is and asks for time.
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Um, ah that's a way to interpret that interaction Rosa, though maybe she meant it sarcastically.
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These are the hints they are talking about Taiwan, though there when they start talking about the symbol for Maria's name and stuff is where I kind of went "no way I'm getting the answer to this" when I first read it lol
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I imagine Kinzo didn't like that since it gave 2 possible hints to the puzzle - you could link village to Maria as stated and then you could link 'Maria' to the church and give a kind of shortcut to the answer.... also I guess everyone is in agreement Maria was disliked by Kinzo even though he probably met her like, 3 times tops after she was a baby. It's kind of interesting how both of Yasu's games had her assume the family wouldn't even bother solving the epitaph - but as soon as someone with an idea of what actually happened writes a story suddenly the family cares!
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This line always makes me chuckle - especially Natsuhi's ???
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It's a bit funny how they just spell out what they will do later and yet it still feels like a betrayal somehow, doesn't it? I think it's trying to make you lie to yourself so you understand a bit more about why people choose to live in magic. Also these lines pretty much spell out Beatrice motivations - to make Battler accept her.
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I think by this point Eva was probably already recruited - I think she wouldn't be this bold and remark about how she isn't scared of the culprit otherwise.
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Interesting how Eva knows this! I kind of assumed she sincerely thought her stupid - but I guess this makes sense! There's a reason why she asked her for help specifically earlier!
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Woah that's a line I didn't expect lol - I guess it shows how Eva's spite for others is also her feelings of insecurity.
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Seeing Eva break is kind of cute - I guess I would too if the thing I wanted since I was born but was always denied would be given to me magically!
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The way the game plays the creepy music before switching to Happiness of Marionette I think really highlights how this huge amount of gold being found will just lead to greed and not actually anything good...
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Kinda funny how this is the opposite conclusion Eva seems to have gotten in her actual, real, life after Rokkenjima.
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Man, this family is so fucked.
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Guess this time Yasu told Eva this was a prank too - I wonder if she gave Eva any hints about the epitaph on her way as well.... also this entire scene is really tense as you can tell they are both ready to kill each other as soon as negoations break off. Also if Eva just wasn't destroyed by her greed and actually told the siblings there wouldn't be any more murders by Yasu - but I am sure the siblings would uh. Figure something out between themselves anwyasy.
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Of course, the purpose of this scene is to get you thinking into what makes someone a witch. If the Golden power was granted to Eva upon finding the room, how did the original Beatrice get it?
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The sponsorship system is interesting - in reality, it was probably something Yasu made up to play with Maria.... though there is a lot you can say about Lambdadelta and Bern based on who they sponsor but I'll probably have more to say about it later.
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It's kind of funny how many things you can imagine this line is referencing (or a combination of things) from Takano's efforts to get her grandfather acknowledged, to Satoko's efforts at improving herself for Satoshi to Satoko's efforts to trap Rika in GouSotsuMeguri - I don't really have a very well developed theory on WTC as a series since I read things wildly out of order and am a rather new fan and didn't even finish Ciconia yet - but that's part of the reason I am rereading now.
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sinqueen69 · 1 year
For the ask, if you haven't answered yet. 2, 9, 17, 19, 33, 34, 38, 45 and 57 for my favorite Sterek.
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? - Stiles would have Derek focus on Stiles' heartbeat and scent, knowing Stiles was safe next to him. Derek would stay awake all night after he calmed Stiles' down with hair pets and soft words, promising to stay up all night to protect them both.
9. What are their thoughts on having children? - As I'm a firm believer in Eli being a Stilinski-Hale hybrid child, I am down for them having kids.
17. Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately? - Derek, to the surprise of everyone but Stiles
19. How do they feel about PDA? - Stiles wants to show Derek off, Derek is a bit more subdued but he is smitten with how excited Stiles is to just hold his hand or kiss his cheek
33. Who's the better cook? - Stiles has been cooking for him and his Dad for years. Derek however can hold his own and always takes the chance to cook for Stiles whenever he can.
34. Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush? - Stiles tells all the jokes and stories and Derek blushes all the way to his ears. But Stiles' has to work hard to get that kind of blush because Derek has a surprisingly high tolerance to dirty jokes [he did live in New York for a while]
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla? - Stiles wants to try everything, Derek generally likes to keep things tamer but is willing to try anything Stiles offers up with his usual amount of research and planning.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other? - It's hard so they end up swapping hoodies or shirts so they can cuddle the item for scent and comfort to fall asleep.
57. Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart? - I think surprisingly everyone Stiles is the serious one because he knows how to shop and budget from a young age, so Derek likes to toss random things in just to see Stiles puff up and then cave because Derek doesn't ask for much so if he wants a little treat then who is Stiles to say no?
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
Just read the latest chapter and must I say I'm excited we made it to the New York arc (also excited to see the chapter count go up lol)
I really like how your version of Mike is less cagey when it comes to Will. Like if Will asks a question, Mike tries his best to answer, even when he is conflicted about it, compared to how he just doesn't do that for Troy until it's time for them to address his connection towards Will.
Can't wait to see how Will coaxes Mike outta his guarded state of mind/self-esteem issues while they're in nyc. Will has sooo much patience and I think you captured Will's grace that's in canon when it comes to Mike's flaws. Also happy to see Mike having his trip cuz he was so geeked about it in earlier chapters which was so cute for his usually stoic bad boy persona.
Was wondering if Mike didn't have either Troy or Will, would he be more self-destructive? Or would it be fairly the same since Max is there?
Hi dear Lex!
I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter. I have to say, getting to NYC after all this time feels like the ultimate feat so I am so happy ngl! The next chapter taking place in NYC I am very excited for.
I'm so emotional over the fact that you like that little aspect of Mike in Demons. I feel like that's very intentional on my part. Like we see Mike try so hard with other people, successfully in some ways with Max and maybe less so with Troy (not that he doesn't want to, just that they both have trouble finding the ways how because of their trauma) But in all of those instances he seems to instantly put up walls, to play things off, to deflect, to turn things around on the other person.
Where as with Will, for whatever reason, we see that he is unable to do that most of the time. Even when he's trying to lie, he isn't always successful at it.
And we see him deflect: say things like "don't worry about it" and Will can see right through this. Which in turn, I think, catches Mike off guard, and forces him to be vulnerable. Because Will will always be asking him the tough questions. Because, he's the first person in his life who's not afraid of the answer, the first person in his life who doesn't let him get away with it. And no matter how much Troy and Max love him, they still allow Demons' Mike to get away with not letting people know him, with refusing to be vulnerable. With sinking into the who he's been told he'll be.
I think, deep down, Mike wants that with Troy. And I personally think that there are small moments where the two of them reach that, but I also think that Mike is at this point in his life where he wants that with a partner from the get go, and all the time. Mike wants someone who's going to challenge him in the way he needs, and make him grow as a person, even if it fucking hurts. And Will is exactly the person who is providing that.
HAHA, I too, am totally in love with Mike just like fan-girling over going to NYC as if he's an 11 year old about to meet the backstreet boys. I think he is just so desperate to get out of Hawkins and experience something new, away from the people he thinks he needs to be away from, that he would have taken that offer, even if it was the devil himself.
The only thing is......it's Will Byers who's offered and I don't know, what teenager wouldn't say yes to their crush asking them to the city w/o parental supervision? To disappear into a city where no one knows him? I think that would be hard to pass up.
I think the thing of "not being known there" will be a huge thing for the boys in NYC, especially for Mike.
Hmmm, I think if Mike didn't have Troy or Max with everything that happened to him in this story, he'd be more self-destructive. I mean, like he admitted, it's almost a mystery that he'd even still be alive. I think maybe the jumping he talks bout, might have already come to fruition. WHICH IS SO SAD. T-T
I also think that maybe his relationship with Richards would have been even more dependent and fucked up? I think Troy is the person that grounds him in that, and without them having that special connection and protection and understanding from both of them, I think that without the other neither one of them would have made it to the age we see them at, 18.
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imekitty · 1 year
I have a very cursed question that you may not want to answer and if not, I understand. Your stories are always pretty fucked up (I say this lovingly) so I must ask, what is the most fucked up idea you've ever had/the most fucked up thing you've ever considered writing? Is there a line too far for the great and disturbing mind of Imekitty?
Well first, I am delighted to get this ask! Makes me feel accomplished as a dark angst writer. <3 Like truly, I think all darkfic writers want their disturbing minds to be acknowledged.
It's funny timing because I've recently been thinking of some great GREAT ideas for Dis4 (i.e., the future sequel to Disillusioned), ideas I am just so unbelievably excited about. But it's hard for me to judge how "fucked up" my own ideas are, honestly. Like I often have to ask a friend if they think an idea of mine is too dark or not because I'm just not sure. Things that seem tame to me are sometimes too much for my readers.
So I couldn't tell you what is the most fucked-up idea I've had because...I don't know lol.
Now is there a line too far? Hmm. There are some things I will never write in the Dis series, sure, but that's not because it's too far for me on a personal level, more like I think it's too far for my readers.
Like for example, I purposely try to make my readers uncomfortable with all of the sexual undertones and rape analogies in the Dis series, but while I love dancing on that edge into the depraved and obscene, I never actually cross it. I know readers find some of the horrible implications thrilling, titillating even, but I won't ever actually confirm those implications or write out detailed scenes of sexual torture. Because while I think Maddie would certainly be interested in Phantom's reproductive capabilities, it's not something I want to state or write explicitly.
But apart from sexual torture, I mean I love the Saw series, the creative murders in Hannibal, like I can't think of anything I draw a firm line at for myself. I mostly think in terms of my readers and what I think they'll tolerate. I try to keep my dark angst as classy as possible, I guess you could say.
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gakkubi · 2 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, this feels like a bit of a loaded ask;;
So I'm currently working on a big ol fic and the ame trio (and original akatsuki) are a part of it. It has 3 original characters (2 being parents and one being a young child) that join Akatsuki. I was wondering if you had any tips for writing the ame trio as sort of older siblings to this kid? Also any general tips on writing the trio would be nice too if you have the time... I really love your work regarding the three. 💖
Hello!! Wow, this is such a lovely and fun ask! It's not a loaded question at all. I'm glad that you feel like asking my opinion on this, our own works are such personal things! I'm also super excited to know more people who are working on creative content (art & writing) with the Ame Oprhans. <3
I'll try to give an answer as detailed and helpful as possible! Leaving it below the cut because it will also be long, as I can't manage to be cohesive lmao.
I hope it's not a problem, but I'll rearrange a bit the order of your questions: first, general pointers about the Ame Orphans (+ Hanzo and Amegakure), and then how it'd relate to them being older siblings to your OCs.
The original Akatsuki timeline: I think the context of what was happening in the Land of Rain during the time of the original Akatsuki is a bit messy/vague, which makes it hard to understand, that's why I'm including it in the answer.
Bear with me for a little while, I know it feels like I'll be going on a tangent but I believe to better understand the characters, it's important we understand their environment just as much.
--- First off, I think it's good to clear up that the Akatsuki was not opposed to Hanzo (or his government). This is a misconception I see rather frequently, and it contradicts directly a lot of Yahiko's own actions - why would he want to ally with Hanzo if the Akatsuki was opposed to him? It's important to keep in mind that the trap that got Yahiko killed only happened because Hanzo "wanted to use the Akatsuki's influence to assist with peace negotiations between the three countries (waging the Third War)". (Ch.446). That is why Hanzo betrayed them... you can't betray your enemies.
I believe the misconception comes from, well, the fact that Hanzo killed Yahiko, and the fact that Kyusuke saw the Ame Orphans wearing hitai-ates with the Rain symbol, assumed they worked with Hanzo and stated that in a very... snarky manner. (Ep. 346).
Was Hanzo popular? Was he hated? Both? I don't think we have canon information enough to state either. What we know is that Yahiko (and, in extent, the Akatsuki) had a goal of working with him, or at least not against him - after all, the Akatsuki was all about estabilishing peace, not more conflict.
"Just like Hanzo, we hope that one day we'll be able to bring peace to the shinobi world..." Yahiko on Ep.346, English dub.
--- What was the Akatsuki's goal besides, well, world peace?
As far as we know, Rain didn't have a central government (like Fire and the other Great Nations had the Kage and Daimyo) -- Rain is not ever even called a "Country", probably because of that. When you a weak/non-existant/unstable government in a nation, it opens space for the rise of criminal factions. You don't have to search too much to get reference for that; crime-dominated cities are good examples, even if in smaller scales, for what happens when governments lose control to factions (mafia, gangs). When these factions wage war against each other, citizens suffer. In Rain, you also have the factor of Rain being occupied and used as battlefield for the Third War. We can assume the Akatsuki was trying to peacefully work against both of these situations.
Achieving "world peace" is a very broad goal -- you can try to do that through many different ways, as Nagato (post Yahiko's death) and Madara show us. We can tell through the story that Yahiko's Akatsuki, on a daily basis, tried to pave the way to world peace through local action: being the "guardians" of small villages (ep.346) and protecting it from local criminal gangs, as well as more 'international' actions such as helping (interfering?) with the conflics between the Great Nations (ep.347).
In this regard, we can also safely assume the Akatsuki grew to be known/powerful enough to have influence, or at least enough to pose as a threat to Hanzo; they were not just a small little group ninja among other similar groups of ninja. I think it's quite safe to assume that a lot of people heard about the Akatsuki (and the three main leaders), given that they caught the attenttion of Danzo, who is not even a Rain citizen...
2. The Ame Orphans.
I have a series of analysis of the Ame Trio as inviduals if you want to read, so I'll try to keep a simpler answer here, and more directed at your question.
I think writing them as older siblings to your character would depend a lot, of course, in what is the relationship of your character with them. Are they a member of the Akatsuki?¹ If so, what is their role in the Akatsuki? Are they trying to figure out where they fit, or do they start more or less knowing what is it that they will do?²
¹ Side note: You did mention one of the characters being a kid - if your child character ends up joining the Akatsuki... I wonder how the process of bringing a child into an organization that deals with war will work in the first place? We know the Shinobi World doesn't oppose children dealing with violence -- but how do the Ame Orphans, who are rebels against the system, feel about it? I'm very curious. I can totally see the Akatsuki having a "younger members" section, but I also feel like there would be some resistance to that idea. I wonder if this will cause some conflict until they decide what to do about your OC? Will they all be on the same page? Will of some of them be too idealistic ("we can't do what everyone else does and involve children with violence") and others be too realistic ("this is the world we live now, and we need to play the game to change the rules")? ² Side note: Especially for the adult characters, I think their "roles" will influence a lot with which of the ame orphans they'll interact most. Yahiko is the leader, of course, which means that he will probably interact with everyone more or less equally, and for that same reason will probably be in too much constant hurry to be present all the time. I think Nagato and Konan are the ones you can have a lot more freedom in this regard!
--- I don't think making the Trio behave as "older siblings" would be, in any way, OOC - in fact, it's entirely in their character to do that very naturally and instantly.
Yahiko is the most obvious one in this regard, having cared for Konan and Nagato with a (quite extreme) overprotection, and then serving as the leader of the Akatsuki and caring for everyone else. We saw how Nagato behaved as the Akatsuki's leader as well; he was distant in many ways (for obvious reasons), but he disliked name-calling between the members and chose members with similar interests to work "better" together (I mean, Kishimoto did, but you can extend that to him). We saw how he behaved with Naruto during the Edo Tensei, warm and proud and also worried about hurting him with his own powers. And Konan was the one Jiraiya called "happy and caring", and despite the coldness we usually associate with her (after Yahiko's death) she really was; she gifted Jiraiya with flowers, made origami to play with Chibi, and then gifted Naruto with flowers right after all the Pain Arc ordeal. She has a will of doing good to others that is very natural to her.
--- I find that, in order to highlight a character's virtues, we have to first identify and understand a character's flaws -- and in the Ame Orphan's case, how these flaws strain the relationship between them and how this can affect the relationship between your characters and them.
We know that Yahiko was so convinced that Nagato was the one to "save" their country and so adamant on the idea of having him as the Akatsuki's leader, he didn't really care for Nagato's (and Konan's) own opinions about it. (Ch 509/510). Of course his fiery will is a reason why Yahiko is admired, but couldn't his tunnel vision on his ideals also make him excessively busy and even hard to work with? We have a pretty clear implication that YahiKona didn't 100% happen because he was so stubborn on pushing Konan to be with Nagato despite neither of them wanting it. I'm not sure if YahiKona is a thing in your story, but if canon Yahiko was too focused on his goals to allow himself to be in a relationship with the person he loved, and even disregard their beloved's own desires, one can only wonder what it means for his other relationships...
Konan, like him, is someone who is also loyal and duty-oriented. Pretty much everything she does in Naruto is because she's extremely focused on her goals. She stays with Nagato after Yahiko's death, despite not fully agreeing with him or his methods (as implied in canon and stated in Akatsuki Hiden), because she's loyal to him (her family). Her whole reason to fight Obito is because he's a direct threat to her ideals and goals and family (as Nagato believed in Naruto). If Yahiko is insufferably loyal to his ideals, then Konan isn't all that much better, maybe just less obviously so. In Akatsuki Hiden, she misses a pretty obvious implication Nagato makes about them (YahiKona) because she can't think of anything besides the Akatsuki. Again, even if YahiKona isn't a thing in your story, one can only wonder how such extreme focus (and little thought for anything else) affects her relationships.
Nagato is, of course, also loyal and duty-focused, but he has a factor neither of the previous have, which is the Rinnegan. Jiraiya states that he mastered all jutsu natures (fire, water, etc) by age 10 - in the flashbacks, we only see him using "normal" ninjutsu. Nagato does not use the Rinnegan willingly until after Yahiko's death. He can't, and he doesn't want to; we know he is scared of the powers he can't control. Think about it; Nagato is a person who is scared of himself. He's scared of what he can do, because he can't control his powers once they unleash. How confortable can he be, interacting with others, if he has such a relationship with himself? We know he is nervous, insecure, hesitant despite being so powerful - maybe that's why he relies so much on Konan, and especially Yahiko. How confortable would he be with protecting others, if he can't safely use his own powers to their full extent?
3) Now, back to your character - how the "older sibling" relationship could estabilish.
Please note that this will be heavily influenced by how I would write such a thing, based on their personalities. It will be wonderful if you agree, but feel free to disregard if any of these don't sit right with you at all~!
I think Yahiko is the easiest one to know; we has a pretty strong tendency to protect the "weaklings". Konan and Nagato are way more powerful than him, we know, but only physically. From the start, they relied on him for everything, and kept on relying on a lot as the years went by. I think it would be extremely natural for Yahiko to take someone under his wing if they seem too lost or too much in need of guidance.
I believe Konan, on the other hand, would have her attention caught by someone who doesn't obviously need so much support. We know Yahiko is loud and expensive, and we know how quiet and composed Konan is compared to him - so I think someone who puts on a strong façade, but shows cracks of maybe needing help, needing to talk, needing care, would be the one to catch her eye more than others. It would be a more delicate relationship, one that Yahiko (being so blunt and on hurry all the time) could easily miss. And maybe you're thinking: "that also sounds like Nagato" - yes, I think Nagato and Konan gravitate towards similar things in general.
But Nagato has the Rinnegan, which adds a complexity factor that Konan, despite all of their similarities, doesn't have. We associate Nagato's behavior with insecurity and shyness, but we don't associate Konan with either of those, despite her also being a quiet and reserved character - Konan has full control of her powers, whereas Nagato doesn't. I think Nagato would face an internal conflict when meeting new people and estabilshing relationships: a tendency to be kind and helpful vs. a tendency to isolate because of the general sense of fear he constantly lives in. Your OC being a child would only amplify that: the desire of protecting someone who is fragile, especially considering how much the trauma of being orphaned impacted him (he knows "pain"), vs. the expanded fear of hurting that person who is so much more fragile than most (a child, not an adult). Maybe that extra nervousness could call the attention of the other rain orphans...?
-- So, I know I talked a lot, and I hope this will be helpful (or at least interesting) for you. It was surely a lot of fun thinking about all of this to answer your question, and I'm curious how your imagination will build this story~!
I hope you're having fun writing it, and I'll be super eager to read it once you publish it. :) Good luck! I'm sending a lot of creative vibes for you. 🌸
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
Oh oh my I didn’t think my idea was like yours I only came up with that because in my twine story a character off mine creates dimensions and can evade the Mc. (Super Hero)
But that’s awesome you will add a stat (hehe)
I mean it’s a brain turner that’s for one.
I mean she is at this point unkillable hmm 🧐
Question how does she remember is it like with Flash when he changes the timeline or is it like a coma patient it comes back over time?
Because if it’s like flash I got a way but it’s more of pushing her mental state to the breaking point then we she rewinds time she will look insane no matter what.
Also is their another person who can do what she does?
I got to work on my story now but this has helped me think of a possibility but it’s more complex I’ll need time but I’ll be back ohhh before I go since you have helped me to when I release my demo I’ll let you know
Bear hug 🤗
Bear hug! 🤗
Alright so it most certainly isn't like flash power. You know how you rewind a movie to your favorite scene? That is kind of how her ablity works. Her ablity only works in a forty eight hour period. Which means it will need to cool down for at least an whole three hours.
For example. Your MC could get a passing grade on their exam. Yesenia could rewind time to the point before the exam started. By rewinding time she can also gets to see a glimpse of what happened in that exact time frame. So all your answers will be revealed to her. Am I making any sense?
Yesenia never loses her memories. By rewinding time, she also has the ablity to wipe a person's memory. So that they won't have any recollection of what actually happened.
Time riffs are hard to explain. I'll leave that to the professionals.
And anon please do! I'll reblog the hell out of that demo. Now I am just excited. Can't wait to read it. Tomorrow I'll start planning out the type of MC I want to create for your If! 😲😫 I can feel it. Your if is going to be so good!
Woah! Who's that person and can we eat I mean date them? A person who can create another dimension! I'm sticking to them like glue! Never leaving their side! Anon now you got me pumped.
But Anon remember the instructor can remove a users ablity permanently or temporarily. 🤔 the ablity that was stolen from you was disintegration. By touching that undying cockroach hand we can shatter them into nothingness. Even if they rewind time we'll do the same thing over and over again! 😈
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alexsiple · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to say that I read your essay and it really resonated with me. I'm a bit younger than you, only 19 but I already go around with all those doubts. I just feel lost in life, don't know what to do. I create a lot of art in different mediums, I always loved to write. For the longest time I promised myself I would become a published author. Now, I think I would like to have my works up as free, so anyone can read them. Still, I don't do much to accomplish this dream. I always tell myself there's time yet it feels like it's slipping through my fingers. It's hard watching people my age, sometimes younger be so successful in life. I also see all the people that started their careers at a later time, it doesn't do much to help. I often question the point of everything. What's the point of the degree in getting, it's not going to give me a job. I wonder what's the point of all the hours I spent drawing, writing, these works aren't really going to give me much in life, they are always just going to stay with me. That should be enough. It doesn't feel like it's enough.
Sorry for rambling. Anyway to end this on a happier note, I recently watched everything everywhere all at once. It helped me calm down. I do really wonder about the points of thing, about failure. In fact, I have a crippling fear of failure, that's why I never start anything new. And yeah, after watching the movie I think maybe the point is that there is no point. We are meant to keep going and just appreciate the small things, the big things.
ah, dear anon, thank you for writing this all out to me and thank you for reading my essay with such an open heart. i am so glad it reached you somehow. i'll put my thoughts below this line just so i don't clog people's dashboards LMFAO
first of all, it's okay to feel lost! and please know that being nineteen (in my experience and observation) is super hard for most people. especially for artists. this is a time where you're supposed to - by society's standards - be moving to an "adult phase" where you have everything figured out, and at this point i believe that a lot of being an artist means a constant stage of figuring things out. but you are also incredibly young, like, me too, lol. it's okay at any point in life to not have achieved everything that everyone your age seems to have. it's hard to feel like it's real but many people who are much older than you are in that same state of feeling lost and like they've wasted everything. you mention that seeing these stories of these people does not really help- i totally understand. more than you know. it's hard to give yourself kindness in these circumstances.
honestly, you do still have time. to write and to create and to live a full life. i obviously am going through a lot of the same things myself and don't have the clearest answers, so take it all with a grain of salt, but i'll offer you my perspective: i think that if you love to write, you should. write what you love and what gets you excited to live. for me, art and writing are things that make life worth it. everything i've made is accessible online to pretty much anyone because the act of giving the world art is something precious to me that makes me happy. this is not true for everyone! but i think that if you find a way of making art that makes you happy, you should keep at it. your way of writing - even if you feel you're not doing enough - is valid and you're still making something, aren't you?
i think also it helps to find something you love in life outside of making art so that when you take a break from creating for whatever reason, you don't feel like a failure, like you're not doing enough, etc. that's helped me. it may sound simple but honestly having goals to have friendships, to travel, to learn languages, etc. has helped me shift my focus from only being on art and how my art makes me worthy. if you find purpose in other things then obviously you will not believe your only purpose is to make art.
on getting a degree: obviously i don't have a writing degree but i've always wondered if i should go for one. if it's anything like art school degrees i'll tell you that you should only go if you feel as if your soul will gain something from it. do you like learning? do you want to travel somewhere else and meet new people? does school feel valuable to you? these are only things that you can answer for yourself, i've found. you are an artist, someone who writes, and so you probably realize that you can live your life in a way that is unpredictable, or unprecedented, or that deviates from the norm. you don't necessarily have to get a degree. but does it excite you? do you think it'll lead you down a new path in life? with animation, i partly went to get my degree because it would get me a job (in theory) and partly because i felt this experience was important for my path in life. can you find that in something else that isn't a degree? of course. it's up to you. i truly think that whatever you choose will lead you somewhere new and grow you as a person, especially if you go into these choices with an open heart and excitement for experience.
you are not rambling! i enjoy this sort of ask and conversation LOL. this answer is messy and may not help you. hopefully it gives you some nugget of insight. i can only offer my own experience but i also mean it when i say that you obviously care about writing and art or you wouldn't be thinking about it. i don't think you should give up on what you love. from time to time at least, tap into that feeling of love and dedication and ignore the background noise for a while. just make things you love. the other stuff comes later, even though it seems like the most important. i've posted stuff that has been seen by no one, or only one person. in the end the only thing that was important in those cases was that i was proud of that work, that it felt meaningful to me.
everything everywhere all at once is PEAK cinema. it really is so healing lmfao i'm glad you liked it. you say you have a huge fear of failure but again, this is because you care so much. you seem pretty strong and passionate! your last line on the meaning of the movie is so true. there kind of is no answer. living is hard to parse out. be kind to yourself and find fulfillment and joy whenever and wherever you can! i know you can do this! follow your curiosity, dude. do what feels right. the only person who can judge your failures is yourself. that is your greatest power.
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