#it's not taking the title away as queen of ya
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May 21, 2023: The Wrap wrote about book adaptations and the authors who appear in them.
The list isn’t in any particular order and Jenny Han and Judy Blume alongside Sarah Dessen.
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cjsmalley · 3 months
Wished Away 9
Tylers meet Phantoms:
“Christ, Mum,” Rose said as she took in how Jackie, Pete, and Tony were dressed, “we’re just meetin’—”
“Royalty!” Jackie squeaked. They were all done up like they were meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace itself!
“Honestly, Mum, they don’t care,” Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing her mother’s wrist and tugging her through the console room and to the wardrobe room, “I told ya ta dress casually. Let’s just hope the Ol’ Girl has clothes fer ya.”
It took about an hour to get everyone redressed, in things much more casual but still nice, before Rose led them back to the console room.
Jackie was clearly anxious, “Are ya—”
“’m sure, Mum. Danny an’ Sam don’t do formal unless they have ta. Unless you’re an annoying subject or someone threatenin’ war, ya don’t even have ta call ‘em by their titles. They’re just Danny an’ Sam ta family.”
“Lookie what I found,” Jenny bounded from the innards of the TARDIS, holding a tiny bike helmet.
She went to her toddler uncle and put it on him, making sure it fit right, “Landings in the Realms are worse than normal ones. The TARDIS does Her best but the Realms give her…nausea? A headache? She just doesn’t do good.”
“Oh, goody,” Jackie said lowly, hugging a strut for dear life already.
“Let me protect Anthony,” Bad Wolf came out, holding out her arms; without hesitation, Pete handed his son over.
Bad Wolf settled Tony in her arms, against her chest and shoulder, and then spread her feet and crouched slightly, clearly bracing for impact; she stayed steady even as the TARDIS began Her flight.
Everyone else was thrown about the console room, the Doctor and Jenny barely holding on to work the console, but Bad Wolf and Tony did not move an inch.
The landing was rough, just as Jenny said it would be, throwing even the Time Lords to the grated floor before the TARDIS stopped quaking.
Jenny recovered first and stood up, rubbing her shoulder, to peek out the doors, “We’re in the Palace. Uncle Danny and Aunt Sam are waiting…”
Slowly, everyone picked themselves up and Rose reemerged, straightening with some popping from her knees.
Jenny led the procession out, racing to hug a man and a woman, “Uncle Danny, Aunt Sam! How’re you?”
Danny and Sam chuckled and hugged her as one, “Good, doing good. You?”
She let go of them to drag Jackie, who was hesitant, forward, “This’s my Gran, Jackie. Mum’s side, duh. Completely human. He’s my step-granddad, Pete, and Mum’s holding my uncle, Tony.”
“Yer Majesties,” Jackie tried to curtsy even though she was in trousers, “an honor ta—”
“Oh, enough,” Sam chuckled, “didn’t they tell you? We don’t do formalities with family.”
“Family?” Jackie’s eyes were wide, “I know Rose said—but—”
“We count Clockwork as family,” Danny explained, “and he’s claimed the Doctor as family. The Doctor and Jenny. Rose’s basically married in by this point. Common-law, you understand. That makes her family our family. Welcome to the Palace, your home in the Infinite Realms.”
“My god,” Pete muttered, somewhat disbelieving.
“Not a god, not yet anyways,” Danny winked.
“Where’s Dani?” Jenny burst out, “Is she still in school?”
Sam grinned, “With Anakin, in the nursery. We let her stay home today.”
“Oh, Gran! Can I introduce Tony to Anakin? Please!” Jenny nearly begged.
“Anakin’s our youngest,” Danny explained kindly, “around Tony’s age, actually. We also have a nanny looking after them, Nanny Clara. He’d be perfectly safe.”
“Well…” Jackie looked to her husband, who nodded, “if you’re sure.”
Jenny cheered and took Tony from Rose, dashing off with him deeper into the Palace.
“Jenny knows the Palace as well as anyone,” Sam assured, “and if she gets lost, she can flag down a servant for help. She’s heading directly for the nursery. It’s the most defensible part of the Palace.
Danny stood up, helping Sam, “C’mon, we can talk over food; stay close, Tylers. Doctor?”
“Rose and I can bring up the rear,” the Doctor agreed, taking Rose’s hand as they began walking.
The Palace was a gothic masterpiece, in a very literal sense, though even Sam had wearied of all the gloom and had sought artists and artwork to fill the halls, soft, plush carpets and tapestries to keep the warmth, glassworks to fill the once barred windows. Statues and busts dotted the hallways, some classical, some avant garde
Masters had given their masterpieces, their magnum opuses; they were paid handsomely of course, in either coin or material.
Oils, watercolors, acrylics, textiles, glass, all created for Her Majesty the Ghost Queen. For His Majesty the Ghost King.
It wasn’t yet a riot of color, nor would it ever be, but it was more alive.
Jackie gasped and the group stopped, turning as one to see what had captured her attention.
“When they said the family was huge…”
Ah, it was the most recent family portrait; all the children were gathered around Danny and Sam, all in formal wear.
“We…sometimes people sell the souls of children to me,” Danny started, causing her and Pete to whip around to him in horror, “I know, it’s horrible, isn’t it? But anyways, we adopt the kids. Only Dani—Danielle—isn’t adopted.”
He pointed out each child and gave their backstory.
“Good Lord, you were young!” Pete said at Damian’s story.
“Old enough to be king,” Danny shrugged helplessly, “it…it wasn’t easy, we had help, so much help, and we made mistakes…”
“All parents do,” Jackie told him softly.
“So we’ve been told,” Sam smiled just as softly, “and we’ve learned and made new ones with each kid.”
Danny coughed and continued to point out kids and tell stories, until all had been covered and then they moved on.
As they neared the dining room, Danielle and Jenny joined them with each holding a toddler.
“Oh my,” Jackie said, taking in the Anakin Skywalker; she knew who he grew up to be, or would have if he had not been adopted.
“We’re hungry, Dad,” Danielle said.
Danny waved them into the dining room where the smaller table was already set for a meal; there were two chairs with booster seats and Jenny and Danielle put Tony and Anakin in them before sitting beside them and helping them get food.
The group chatted over the meal, Jackie and Pete slowly relaxing at how easy going the Royals were, and generally had good cheer.
After the meal was done, Jenny asked, “Do we put their photo up on the family wall now? I know you’ve got me, Dad, and Mum…”
Danny chuckled, “We can, if they’re okay with it.”
“Family wall?” Pete questioned.
“We keep walls of pictures of the extended family,” Sam explained easily, “you know, like Rose, the Doctor, and Jenny. Harry’s and Neville’s parents. Damian’s paternal birth-family. The Royal Portrait is just the immediate royal family. The walls are for everyone and everything else.”
Danny and Sam led the group out of the dining room and down another hallway; the walls were plastered with photographs. Some were professional, most were candid and amateur.
A common camera sat on a small round table; a high-end camera but nothing too expensive or professional.
Danny picked it up, saying, “If Jackie, Pete, and Tony don’t mind—”
Jackie decided it would be a family photograph and dragged the Doctor in; Rose and Jenny came without complaint.
Danny took a set of pictures.
After that was done, it was decided it was time for the Tylers to leave, taking pity on the still disgruntled TARDIS.
They were, however, invited to the next family gathering.
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rahuratna · 12 days
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Synopsis: Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) x Fem Reader
As a crime journalist with a chequered past, you find yourself re-located to Esuha City through no choice of your own. Working alongside pro-hero Fat Gum, each new case exposes more of the dark underbelly of the city, and what it truly means to be a hero.
Genres: Suspense, mystery, romance, humour.
Rating: M
Warnings: Violence, substance abuse, adult themes, explicit sexual content in later chapters.
Cross-posted from Ao3.
Title from: "Era Vulgaris" lyrics, by Queens of the Stone Age.
Divider by: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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It was time.
Your belongings all fitted into a small cardboard box, a foot each way in length and width. First, the framed pictures and accolades that sat around your desk in the tiny, crowded cubicle. Then the other personal items, including the stationery, coffee mug, journal and numerous blank spiral-bound notepads.
In went the small basket of plastic flowers gifted to you by Mrs Honda. They had never been to your taste, even before they faded, but you'd treasured them since she'd handed them over to you after that last appearance in court.
Packing was complete in a depressingly short time. The books stacked waist high against the walls of your cubicle, the archives you'd spent many sleepless nights poring over, the rows of files piled on flimsy bracketed shelving, bowing slightly under their weight, would not be leaving this office with you. You'd signed a non-compete to avoid any issues if a rival news group employed you, and all of this would have to remain.
Not that you had much hope of that happening. Your new posting was in downtown Esuha City, at a small local tabloid, the only kind that would currently employ you.
Once your box was packed with its meager contents, you paused, taking in the cubicle you'd spent the last six years ensconced in, eating cheap, steaming cup ramen, the tinny radio from across the hall on full blast for the evening news, peeling off your wet coat and socks after hours spent standing in pouring rain at some event or other.
This was where your career had been made. This was where it had ended.
All right, so you were entitled to a dramatic flourish, considering your circumstances. Technically, your career wasn't over.
You picked up the box with an air of finality, shrugging away your procrastination of the inevitable. There was still that long walk to the train station to endure, through the halls, past the cubicles and offices of the people you'd worked alongside for years.
A walk of endurance.
You could take doors slamming against the prod of your questioning, the roughhousing of other journalists as you waited outside the scene of a crime, fingers numb with cold. You could withstand a shower of flying spittle as some corporate bigshot screamed into your face, apoplectic with rage. You had even learned to stand silent witness to grief, despair and unimaginable violence.
This, on the other hand, was different. Their stares weren't even disapproving, or angry. Just pitying.
Your pace increased, and even though the box you carried was shockingly light, your breathing was laboured by the time you reached the front doors.
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"Reporting for duty, Fat Gum!"
"Nice and early, Kirishima. Good on ya."
Tamaki glanced between the two manifestations of pure sunshine that, unfortunately, made up the rest of his team. His shoulders came up defensively.
"I thought today was going to be admin. Can't you leave me here in the office to handle things?"
Fat Gum's large hand steered Tamaki out the door, and right out of that particular delusion.
"Come on. What have I told you about practicing your 'helping people' face?"
"I've never possessed such a face."
Kirishima slapped an open palm against his chest and flashed a confident grin.
"Like this! See? It's easy."
Tamaki shook his head woefully.
"I can't help it. I look nervous all the time and my smile comes out wrong and I scare people. Or make them feel sorry for me."
Fat Gum stroked his chin in apparent thoughtfulness.
"Guess you're right about that. You do look scared a lot. Need to work on that, 'fore we let you out into the streets again, huh?"
Tamaki's mouth fell open, and he craned his neck to catch a glimpse of Fat Gum's face.
"Are you for real? I can actually stay here at the agency and ... "
He received a good-natured, if callous, belly laugh from the BMI hero.
"Nah, just kidding. You're going on patrol with us. Ain'tcha a lucky guy?"
Tamaki retreated into hopelessness once again. For two kind and cheerful heroes, Fat Gum and Kirishima seemed to take some sort of special pleasure in tormenting him. He'd just have to endure.
As they made their way out into the chilly street, Tanaki considered his unique position at Fat Gum's Agency. As much as he still needed to work on himself, he knew, on some level, that he'd made large strides since he'd started his studies here.
His internship had been a success, if harrowing in its social nature. Attached to a hero like Fat Gum, there was no bypassing any form of public interaction, as Tamaki had successfully done in the past. Taishiro Toyomitsu was a 'tender tank' indeed, warm, effusive, generous, always ready with a quick snack and words of encouragement or support, but he didn't hold Tamaki's hand either. There was a rough, tough, independent streak to the man, one that didn't brook wallowing in weakness or accepting one's flaws as part of nature.
He'd made it clear to Tamaki that he'd expect him to improve as a hero, because heroes weren't perfect beings that sprang fully formed into the public eye. They had to actively work on themselves, much harder than the people they protected on a daily basis. Fat Gum himself had steadily climbed the ranks through sheer incremental labour, gaining the trust of the community he had grown up in, effectively working alongside other heroes that people could consider to be far more powerful than he was.
Tamaki raised his head slightly when he realized that Fat Gum was speaking again, words slightly muffled as he popped the steaming taiyaki he'd bought from a street vendor into his mouth.
" ... and there'll be new deliveries coming in for Okita Groceries. Gotta keep an eye on that later. Clover Fields Nursery is also holding a fundraiser some time this morning. Traffic might be a problem if they're taking up the corner across from Gijima Group Building. Hmm. Let's see. Oh, I got a message from Tachibana at Esuha Shimbun. They're getting a new employee today. Someone he wants to talk to me about. I gotta stop by there too."
Kirishima was nodding along earnestly to the listing.
"Where should we go first?"
Fat Gum raised a burly fist, pausing in thought before swinging his arm out towards the south-west district that was crowded with various business enterprises and office blocks.
"The newspaper building. Tachibana gets there pretty early. Let's see what he has to say."
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Esuha Shimbun was small and focused enough to be classified a tabloid, but its reputation as a long-established and trustworthy news source for the locals made it worth its salt. Tachibana had been the assistant editor for many years now, his own roots in the community providing him with a network of information (and imformants) that often proved very useful to Fat Gum.
The building was an unremarkable light grey, the sign for the newspaper headquarters half hidden in a shadowed entryway. Tamaki spotted the short, bespectacled man outside, waiting for their approach. He frowned. Tachibana only met them out here when he wanted to pass along confidential information.
Fat Gum raised a hand in greeting as the assistant editor spotted them and hurried over. Tachibana started speaking as soon as they were within earshot, his rapid-fire delivery jumbled and nervous.
"Oh, there you are. She's due any time now. Apparently she took the first train out and she's going to - "
"Hey now, hold on."
Fat Gum raised a quelling palm.
"Who's 'she' and what's got your head in such  spin?"
Tachibana took a small, bracing breath before adjusting his glasses.
"The new columnist, that's who. She's going to be here soon."
"And that's who you wanted to tell me about?"
"Well ... yes. Her. She specializes in crime writing. But ... you see ... she's been involved in reporting on certain types of cases. That's what I wanted you to know about. There was a big court case surrounding that last one. It's the reason she's been transferred here. One of our sponsors also invests in a big Tokyo newspaper where she used to work."
Fat Gum scratched his chin lightly, frowning.
"Sounds like a lotta words for a simple warning, Tachibana. What exactly do you want me to know?"
"Some of the cases she covered don't exactly put heroes ... in the best light. It's why nobody in the big cities wants to employ her anymore. That court case she was involved in was a good example. The hero didn't come out of it looking great at all. One could say ... his career pretty much went downhill from there. So listen."
Tachibana leaned in urgently, voice lowering even further.
"I had no say in her ending up here. Just ... watch your back, okay? Be extra careful with how you handle cases from now on."
Fat Gum reacted exactly the way Tamaki expected him to. He chuckled, fishing a now slightly cold taiyaki from the paper carton he carried.
"That's it?"
Tachibana let out a frustrated huff.
"I knew you wouldn't take this seriously enough. Just ... just be careful. And don't say I didn't warn you."
"Warn him about what?"
A distinct feminine voice, calm and crisp, sounded from behind them. Tamaki froze before turning slowly. Tachibana's complexion had lost a little of its ruddiness.
It looked like the subject of their conversation  had turned up at a most ... inopportune time.
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You'd done your research on the area, of course. Which was the reason you'd known about him; BMI hero, Fat Gum. Seeing him in person was ... certainly something, though. You'd seen pictures of him, but nothing had prepared you for how tall he was in his current form.
He towered over the two youngsters who were, presumably, his interns or sidekicks, and definitely dwarfed the diminutive assistant editor who was now looking at you as if you'd donned a tengu mask and danced threateningly in front of him holding a spear.
Your eyes met Fat Gum's, the large, tawny-gold irises surrounded by the black material of his mask, disconcerting in their wide, frank appraisal. He grinned and the lengthening of his sizeable mouth heralded a low rumble that then pitched forward seamlessly into a full throated laugh. His belly heaved and he slapped Tachibana's shoulder so hard the smaller man stumbled forward. Fat Gum wiped a tear of mirth away from his eye, completely oblivious, it seemed, to the tension that had permeated the air.
"Now this'll make a funny story."
He waved to you, large hand encased in a worn, red glove of sturdy material.
"Hiya. You must be the new columnist."
You nodded slowly before approaching.
"I am. But are introductions really in order? It seems Mister Tachibana was doing a good enough job before I came along."
The assistant editor sputtered.
"Now, I meant no harm. You have to understand - "
"Ya, he was telling me watch my back 'round you, missy," Fat Gum chirped cheerfully.
One of the sidekicks, a dark-haired boy, moaned slightly before covering his face. The other boy flashed a sharp row of teeth in an amused grin. Fat Gum continued undeterred, now munching on a stick of pocky he had pulled from God-knows-where.
"That ain't gonna change how I work, obviously. You're welcome over at my agency any time! Come see how we do things. Get to know the town. You're gonna need to be familiar with stuff if you wanna get in on the good stories, ya know?"
So saying, he handed you a stick of pocky. You took it. You weren't sure you had a choice in the matter. Fat Gum offered a small salute and a "See ya!" before turning his portly form towards the main road and ambling off, trailing his sidekicks in his sizeable wake.
Tachibana mumbled some half-hearted apology before hurrying into the building, leaving you standing on the street with your satchel slung over your shoulder.
That was certainly one way to start your first day at work. Your patchy history with pro-heroes had followed you all the way out here, it seemed. Not that you expected any different. This hero, Fat Gum, seemed genuinely unconcerned though.
Raising the stick of pocky to your mouth thoughtfully, you took a bite.
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rascalentertainments · 6 months
My Official Wish AU Title: 🌟🌟🌟
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Not sure if this will be an entire full length story or just bits of ideas to accumulate yet. It'll depend how much people actually like the idea here. And I need some pics of Valentino's concept so I can come up with a better redesign idea for him, I just keep losing the post that had it. 😅 But, as for the story plot, I can give ya a synopsis: *clears throat*
In the beautiful kingdom of Rosas, the citizens happily live their lives without a care in the world. Thanks to their wonderful and magical rulers; King Magnifico and Queen Amaya, together they created a place where everyone's wishes can come true..... Or so they thought.
Behind the castle doors, the two rulers (and their proud lynx, ) have been taking control of people's wishes, choosing who really deserves happiness or misery. They feed on the hopes and dreams of their citizens, quietly gaining power that will soon become insufficient. Magnifico's true goal is to harness infinite power. To rule with such cosmic force that no one would dare defy him. To catch a Star.
Not all the citizens had the wool over their eyes, as a small group of them quietly fled from Rosas into what was nicknamed "The Enchanted Forest". There the people made their own lives away from Magnifico and his dangerous magic, but they know they could only hide for so long.
Asha, a young woman of 17 who grows restless in the village and wants to venture back out into the world, but still has fear of Magnifico finding her family. Especially with her saba, Sabino growing weaker everyday as a result of losing his wish.
So in an act of desperation, she wishes upon a star for a miracle, for her family and people to restore what was taken from them. Her wish is granted, but not in the way she ever imagined: A Star comes down to Earth, taking the form of an excited, shape shifting, glowing, teenage boy. Together, the duo (along with Asha's loveable and loyal pet goat, Valentino) travel to Rosas to restore the wishes to their rightful places. Only Star has no idea what he's doing....but he'll try. 😅
Its A bit long, and its inspired by the bits of the original movie we did get to see. I thought the hidden village idea was an intriguing idea, really. So if I did do a full on rewrite, I'd include those deleted scenes as sort of bridges to other scenes I write and add interactive fun.
My last addition for now is that Star and Asha's dynamic would be A little more akin to Hercules and Meg, since he's heard stories about Greek heroes and such that humans have recorded in books. Asha is a little more down to earth and Star helps her see the good and magic still in the world despite the looming threat.
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That's all I got for now, and I hope its good. Fantasy is not my strongest thing to write, I'm really into Sci-fi/Superhero, p. But I'm willing to try new things. Its no "Kingdom of Wishes" level of excellence, but if this grows some more, I'd be happy about that and appreciate it.
Thanks so much for reading this!
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
Category: Hurt Comfort
Summary: When Billy saves you from your abusive ex, you slowly realize that he is much more than the arrogant bully you first took him to be. 
Warning: toxic relationship, physical and verbal abuse sequence (if this bothers you at all please scroll on), sexual abuse insinuation, description of injuries, cannon typical swearing 
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“Hey, angel.”  
    You jumped as Billy banged his shoulder against the locker next to you, looking up from where you had been twisting in your code sequence.  
    “They tell me you’re best friends with the king,” he crossed his bare arms and looked you up and down. “May he rest in peace.”  
    “He’s still king,” you gave him a look before returning your attention to your locker. “Steve’s just had a change of priorities.” 
      “Yeah, a ball and chain’ll do that.” Billy smirked.  
    “They say you’re gunning to take his place.”  
    “Actually I’m going for the title of god.” Billy leaned closer, his voice lowering. “Most of the girls already call me that anyway. Shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.”  
    “You mean most of the cows?” You opened your locker door so fast he barely had enough time to pull away before it smashed into his face. “Word travels fast, Mr. Tight Pants. I know who you’ve been fooling around with.” You began to absently paw through your locker. “Get the opinion of someone who actually has standards, then we’ll talk.”  
    “Yeah well, they say that you could be queen of the school if you weren’t such a freak.” Billy scoffed, waiting for you to respond, continuing at your silence. “Must be hard, wanting to get with Steve and him going off with a little miss prim and proper which you clearly can never be.”  
    “Get lost, Billy.” You breathed, gaze fixed on your locker.  
    “But getting under your skin is just so damn fun, baby. Are you Stevie’s little guard dog, defending his title? The king is dead,”  
    “Get away from me, I mean it!” You slammed the locker door so hard it banged shut and flew back open.  
   Billy caught it, brow furrowing. “Did I strike a nerve or something?”  
    You didn’t respond, fists clenching as you looked back at your locker. Billy followed your gaze, taking in the thing that had made you so upset. There, half-hidden among your books and jacket, was a piece of torn notebook paper. On it, scrawled in pencil, were the words ‘Tonight at nine’.  
    “Well, well, well,” Billy looked between you and the note. “You’re freakier than I thought.”  
    “Shit,” you grabbed your books and closed the locker, making sure it clicked into place this time.  
    “Hey, hold up,” Billy grabbed your arm before you walked away. “Are you bein’ blackmailed or somethin’?”  
    “And here I thought you were stupid.” You jerked away from him. “Leave me alone, idiot.”  
    Strangely, Billy obeyed, staring after you as you hurried to your next class.  
                                                      # # # # #  
    “Let me go, Brandon, let go!” You squirmed and thrashed, desperate to get out of his hold. “I’m sick of this, I want out!”  
    “Aww, you’re so cute when you play hard to get.” Brandon released you, smirking as you fell to the ground. “Why’d you come if you don’t want it, baby?”  
    “I came to tell you I’m done, Brandon.” The leaves crunched under your hands as you tried to crawl backwards, never taking your eyes off him. “I’m done with the drinking, done with the parties, done with you!”  
    “Turning soft just like Steve, aren’t ya?” Brandon grabbed you by the front of your shirt and yanked you back up, grinning when the fabric ripped under his grip. “Too bad he’s not here, baby. Maybe he’d get some lessons on how to handle a girl like you.”  
    You gave a muffled cry as he smacked your face and jerked you around so that your back was pressed up against his chest. “We’re done, Brandon,” you clawed at his grip on your hips. “We’re done,”  
    “You’ll be screaming for me to keep you in a second.” Brandon pushed your hair aside and bit your neck, hard.  
    Your cries echoed through the woods, fighting to run in a place you had once met Brandon in for fun. It was dark and too cold for hunters to be out. No chance for anyone to hear you. Before this had been the reason you had chosen such a private spot in the woods. Now it was nothing but the biggest mistake in your life.  
    “Taste so good,” Brandon took a hand off your hip to wrap around your neck.  
    You took your chance, twisting around and punching him in the face.  
   “Shit!” Brandon released you and stumbled back with a hand to his nose.  
   You broke into a run, heart pounding in your ears louder than Brandon’s yelling. You headed for the road, dodging trees and jumping over roots and rocks. Just get to the road and find the car, you told yourself, forcing your panicked thoughts to focus even as you ran at breakneck speed. Get to the car, get to the car, get to the car.  
   You burst out onto the road and fell, knees throbbing painfully as you scraped yourself up from the gravel. This wasn’t where you had parked the car. Brandon was close behind, you could hear him crashing through the trees. The moon was bright but not bright enough. You looked around, trying to figure out which way to go. A car sounded in the distance, coming fast. You started towards the sound, only to scream as Brandon grabbed you from behind.  
    “I’m gonna kill you!” He whipped you around to face him and grabbed your hair, slapping you hard. “You broke my nose, you little freak! You’re dead!”  
   “Brandon, stop!” You raised your hands up, shielding yourself from his blows.  
    Car headlights shown on you both, causing Brandon to release you instantly. You stumbled away as the car you had heard in the distance now screeched to a stop in front of you both, headlights staying on as the driver stepped out and slammed the door behind him. “What the hell are you two doing?”  
    Your beating heart twisted into your stomach. It was Billy, his tall figure monstrous in the light of his car. Before you could think you were limping towards him, pretending that it wasn’t a bad idea, knowing that you had no other choice. You could see his face in the headlights, see his eyes slowly take you in. Your face was bleeding. Your clothes were ripped and covered in dirt and blood. Tears blurred your vision. Your body trembled.  
    Billy’s expression softened with surprise and something you hadn’t seen before. Something like pain. Then it hardened and he was pushing you behind him as he stepped between you and Brandon. “The hell did you do to her?”  
    “You know how it is, Bill.” Brandon shrugged as if his nose wasn’t dripping blood. “Dumb cows need training.”  
    “Well she’s mine now, so get lost.” Billy looked over his shoulder at you. “Get in the car.”  
   You blinked at him for a second but obeyed, looking at Brandon as you limped over to the passenger’s side and got in.  
    “That’s my girlfriend, Billy, you can’t just take her!”  
    “I can take whatever the hell I want, and you’re gonna stay out of my way!” Billy growled before turning away.  
    You watched as he slid back behind the wheel. “You’re gonna run him over.” You weren’t sure if it was a question or a statement.  
    “Damn right I will.” Billy gunned the engine and slammed down on the gas, giving a war whoop as Brandon just barely jumped out of the way.  
    You shivered and scrunched down in the seat, thoughts spinning so fast it made your head hurt. You were in Billy Hargrove’s car. This should not make you feel as safe as it did. Where was he taking you? Why had he been driving out in the middle of nowhere to begin with? Why was he alone? You pressed a hand to your head and made a small noise, looking to see your fingers covered in blood illuminated by the moonlight.  
    “Are you all right?” Billy’s voice sounded rusty, as if he was unused to asking such things. “Let me see.”  
    You tensed as he touched your chin, allowing him to shift your head so he could look you over.  
    “Jesus, he did a number on you.” Billy’s thumb brushed over your cheek before he pulled away, gaze flicking between you and the road. “I’m gonna kill him.”  
    “Not worth it.” You rubbed your hands together and shivered again. “But if anyone could get away with it, it’s you.”  
    Billy smirked at that, reaching over to crank up the heat and shift the vents towards you.  
    You looked at him, taking in his slicked back hair, his unbuttoned shirt, the smell of expensive cologne. “You’re going on a date.”  
    “Not anymore.” He glanced over at you. “We gotta get you cleaned up.”  
                                                 # # # # #  
    “Come on,” Billy opened the hotel door and flipped on the light, stepping back so you could walk inside. “You’re all right, I promise.”  
    “You want me out when your date shows up?” You regarded the double bed before looking up at him.  
    “I’m gonna call her and tell her to beat it.” Billy shrugged off his jacket and tossed it onto a chair. “You wanna shower or somethin’ while I go get the med kit? Maybe get something to eat, there’s a diner right down the-,”  
    “I’m not sleeping with you, Billy.” You hated the tremble in your voice as you said it, knowing full well that you were too weak to resist should he make a move.  
    “Eww, gross.” Billy grimaced. “And you say I’m the one with low standards? You’re not doing anything you don’t want to ever again, not with me or anyone else.” He pointed to the bathroom. “Now go shower.” 
    “What if I don’t want to?” You asked, giving him a look.  
    “That doesn’t apply to self-care shit.” Billy pulled his keys out of his pocket and left, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone.  
                                                    # # # # #
    The shower felt amazing. You kept making it hotter, hot enough to wash the dirt away, hot enough to burn the open wounds. So hot that you couldn’t think about the way Brandon grabbed you and pushed his body into yours. About the fact that you had been stupid enough to meet him in the first place. You hated him so much.  
    “I put some soap on the ledge.” Billy’s voice caused you to jump.  
    You peeked out around the shower curtain to see him close the door behind him, giving you the privacy you needed. Accepting the bottle, you couldn’t help but smirk as you realized it was Billy’s personal soap. Of course he would have soap, and everything else needed for a sexy overnight. The silky suds filled the room with a warm, fresh, musky scent. You slipped your hands over your skin, enveloping yourself with him, pretending it didn’t make you feel safe. That the scent of the man you had despised from day one was calming your racing thoughts.  
                                                 # # # # #
    You walked out dressed in Billy’s shirt and a pair of his sweatpants, trying not to limp when he looked up at you. “Thank you. For the soap.” 
    “Not a problem, sweetheart.” Billy smirked as he looked you over. “You, uh, you look good.”  
    You looked down. “Thanks.” You crossed your arms over your chest.  
    “Here, come sit down.” Billy moved the first aid kit he had been sifting through and sat on the edge of the bed.  
    “Why do you have a med kit?” You did as he asked, easing your aching body down with your back resting against the headboard.  
    “Susan wanted me to have one in case Max fell off her skateboard.” Billy noted the way you flinched when you moved your legs up onto the bed.  
    “Smart of her.” You watched as he tore open a packet of antiseptic wipes with his teeth.  
    Billy grimaced. “Pretty much the only smart thing she’s done.” He moved to sit on the edge of bed next to you, gaze focused on your cut lip. “Hold still.”  
    “What do you mean?” You cringed as the wipe touched your cut, fingers curling into fists in your lap.  
    “Easy,” Billy’s voice was soft, softer than you ever thought possible. “Well, she married my dad, and that was dumb. She moved us from Cally, also dumb. There’s a whole list.”  
    “That’s why you’re mad at everyone.” You watched as he finished with your lip and got another wipe.  
    “What’re you, some kind of shrink?” Billy scoffed and pressed the wipe to the cut on your cheek. “What’s up with you, dating scum like Brandon?”  
    “Wasn’t always like this,” you hissed at the pain.  
    “Almost done.” Billy’s hand pressed over your fists, his ring cool against your skin still hot from the shower.  
    You didn’t push him away. “It was fine starting out. Then he started pushing, asking for things I didn’t want to do,” Your throat tightened as the events of the evening flashed through your thoughts. “Not as bad as tonight.”  
    “What was different about tonight?”  
    “I broke up with him, like the idiot I am.” Your gaze fell to hide tears gathering in your eyes.  
    “Hey, he’s the idiot here.” Billy squeezed your hands before pulling away to get a band-aid. “And it’s over now, you’re gonna be done with him.”  
    “That’s easy for you to say, Mr. Tight Pants.” You gave him a look.  
    “Didn’t I tell you?” Billy tucked your hair behind your ear and held your head still as he pressed the band-aid over the cut. “We’re dating now.”  
    “What the-,” you cut yourself off with a hiss of pain.  
    “I’m done, it’s okay, I’m done now.” Billy caught your hand as you reached up to touch the band-aid. “Don’t mess with it.”  
    “I’m not dating you, I can’t.”  
    “Mmhmm, yeah you are.” His attention averted down to your knuckles, thumb brushing over the bruises starting to form from where you punched Brandon.  
    “Gotta keep an eye on you.” Billy’s eyes met yours as he brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. “If you want me to.” Another soft kiss. “I’m not gonna force you to do anything.” Kiss. “Your choice, angel.”  
    God that made your heart stutter. You looked down, heat flooding your face. No wonder he had charmed so many girls into one-night stands that they talked about for days. But this, what he was implying, sounded long term. It sounded like a relationship, one that felt safe and warm and what the hell was this man doing to you?  
    “Look at that,” Billy was smirking proudly. “The freak is speechless.”  
    “You can’t call me a freak if we’re dating, Billy.” You looked up at him.  
    “Don’t call me Mr. Tight Pants and I’ll think about it, baby.” Billy’s hand moved down to rest on your leg, expression softening once more. “How’re your knees?”  
    “I got most of the dirt out in the shower.” You bit your lip, careful to avoid the cut. “I think…I think my ankle is twisted or sprained or something.”  
    “I’ll look at it, angel, don’t worry.” Billy slowly pushed the fabric of the sweatpants up to reveal your bruised and bloodied leg. “I’ll take care of it.”  
    “I don’t…Never had anyone say that before.”  
    “Oh yeah?” Billy grinned. “Well get used to it.”  
                                                 # # # # #  
    “Hey, angel.”  
    You looked up as Billy leaned against the locker next to you, smirking as he looked you up and down. “How’re you feelin’?”  
    “Better.” You nodded, glancing around at the people watching you as you closed your locker. “Brandon’s been talking, telling people I’m a…I’m a,”  
    “Don’t worry about it.” Billy pulled you close and draped an arm around your shoulders. “Brady and I’ve got a little hangout planned for after school. He’ll make sure to set everyone straight.”  
    “You’re not going to kill him?” You started to walk to class with Billy beside you.  
    “Do you want me to, princess?” Billy looked down at you, smiling as you bit your lip and took a second to decide. “Nah, I won’t. A little freak I know told me he isn’t worth it.”  
    “God you have got to stop calling me that, baby.”  
    Billy chuckled. “Love it when you call me that.”  
    You came to the doorway to your class and stopped. Billy wasted no time in leaning down to kiss you right in front of everyone. “See you later?”  
    You nodded with a smile. “See you later.”  
    Billy was grinning like a fool as he walked away, you and several other girls in the hall staring after him.  
    “I can’t believe it.” A blonde girl looked between you and Billy. “You? Billy chose you? What do you have that makes you so special?”  
    You shrugged. “You know what they say, Delores. I’m just a freak.”  
And with that you turned on your heel and walked into the classroom with a smile on your face.
Fanfic Masterlist
Taglist Request Form
Special shout out to @billysbabyy​. Our conversations inspired me to write this <3
Writer’s Haven Taglist: @alexxavicry @captainsophiestark
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hanmaitani · 3 months
Give It All Up
PAIRING - Faerie Prince!Kita Shinsuke x Wingless Faerie!Reader WC - 2.1K GENRE - fluff, light angst CW - mentions of insecurity
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"Crown Prince Kita Shinsuke seems to be floating on cloud nine."
At least, according to the talk of the entire kingdom. Words are whispered from one faerie's lips to another's ears. Passed around like the hottest gossip. It's incredibly difficult for anyone to not notice how inexplicably happy Shinsuke seems to be.
The whispers talk about how he seems to always be carrying around books now. It's not that Shinsuke hadn't been studious before, but he was almost never seen without a book now. The librarians gossip about his late nights in the hidden shelves. They say he's searching for something, trying to memorize the contents of the books he finds.
And he is trying to memorize. He's trying to fill his mind with new history and topics to tell you, so he could whisper stories to you when he visits your home in the afternoons.
He is trying to search for something. He turns over every page in every book he holds. Looking for a way to give you wings of your own. It's not that he minds that you don't have wings, he doesn't. But he knows that you mind. He knows that it's a wish of yours to be able to fly on your own.
So he looks. He searches. Day and night.
"Crown Prince Kita Shinsuke has requested something unusual."
The tailors whisper among each other in hushed tones as they work in their offices. Orders have come down for new clothes for the Crown Prince. His usual orders call for all black garments and the occasional gold formal wear. Nothing but sleek elegance that was befitting of his title.
The new orders had come down with a request for the stitching. Lavender colored stitches not hold together the black cotton. They adorn the sleek garments with elegant lavender designs sewn into the fabric.
The whole kingdom whispers gossip about the usually stoic prince now with a permanent smile fixated on his lips. They try to piece together what's changed in him. The seriousness fading into gentleness.
They try not to stare too hard, too long. Try not to stare at all. They just can't seem to help it eventually. As summer fades to autumn, they're all sure that maybe their eyes are playing tricks on them. Double takes have to be done as the prince passes by.
His once pure white and gray wings have started to shimmer a different color. A thin sheen of purple now covers them from base to tip.
The whispers get louder and no one can explain the occurrence. No one can recall this happening before, one's wings changing colors past adolescence.
The only one seemingly unsurprised by this new development is the Queen Regent herself. Shinsuke's grandmother seems unbothered, she looks at the new wings fondly even.
Her unshared explanation for them comes from stories that were passed to her from her own grandmother. Something that hadn't been seen in generations. A sign of his love, his affections for a hidden girl.
Shinsuke spends his afternoons sneaking away from his duties early to find you. He adores how you look when he visits your home, the way your cheeks never fail to heat up when he greets you with the same "how is my beloved today?"
He isn't entirely sure when he started it, but he was quick to adorn you with the title of 'my beloved' and you'd since had no complaints.
He finds himself smiling more whenever he's with you in your home. Crystals that hang from your ceiling refract sunlight in rainbows across your form as you dance around the small space. Even when he isn't with you, your laughter rings in his ears, memories of how you pull him to spin with you.
He knows that he's in love.
He does the chores around your house, hushing you when you try to get up to help him.
He always laughs, ushering you back to your seat with "I know ya can do it, beloved. Ya shouldn't have ta." Kisses pressed to your cheeks as he insists; "Shouldn't need t'lift a pretty finger."
He always laughs when he says it, but he means it truly. Never wants you to live without his offered assistance again.
He's there as much as possible. But he can't always be.
When his duties force him to be elsewhere, he sends the fox spirits to watch over you. It's where he finds you today. On another adventure that they've taken you on, accompanying you into the edges of the forest.
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He hears your laugh before he spots you, and even then, he hangs back for a few moments.
Your hands are tangled in the fur of one of the foxes, your front pressed against its back as it races against its companion. Your hair is caught in the wind, getting in your face, but your smile is as large as ever, your eyes squeezed shut in joy.
He imagines that he would do anything to be able to have you be this happy always. To keep the smile on your face just like that. To keep your laughter.
His wings take him towards you before he's consented to the motion, pulling him forward until he's flying next to you.
"Havin' fun out here?"
You're still laughing when you open your eyes to look at him. "Shin!" You giggle around his name and tug softly at the fur of your fox spirit, feeling it slow down under you. The second it fully stops you're flinging your arms around Shinsuke's neck with a smile. "You'll have to race with us next time!"
He smiles at you fondly, fingers picking a twig out of your hair with a laugh. "Yes. Next time I will." He chuckles and helps you gain your balance on the ground below you, lowering himself and letting his wings drop. He's gotten used to the walking by now. Happy to stroll leisurely alongside you. "Would ya allow me to show ya something?"
You eagerly nod when he outstretches his hand, following his guidance further into the forest.
He brings you to parts you never dared to wander into on your own. It was within the boundaries of the kingdom, out of your touch. It's all idle chatter as the two of you walk. Vague conversation about what he did today. Rambling about the adventure the foxes had taken you on.
You force him to pause every now and then, small gasps of wonder when some trinket along the forest floor. He pauses patiently with you whenever you request it, gathering loose twigs as you walk. You barely notice as you tuck your trinkets into your satchel. It's not until he's placing his makeshift crown atop your head that you even notice that he's been twisting the twigs into its shape as you move along.
"A crown for my beloved." He whispers as he adjusts it on your head.
You giggle and brush your fingers along it as he tucks leaves and berries into the accessory. It's lost on you it's true meaning. His imagination of placing a real crown on your head gets lost in the wind that carries both of your laughter away when you twirl between the spots of sunlight that split the shade of the trees.
His fingers dutifully cover your eyes as you both near his surprise spot, your giggles filling his ears as you trust him to guide your steps. "Okay, ready?" When the light filters back into your sight you nearly gasp at where he's brought you.
"What is this place!?" You rush forwards easily, giddily touching ceramic mushrooms just bigger than you. There's small sparkly trinkets creating pathways between them and your fingers rush to inspect them.
"There's a village," he explains softly, content to watch you jump between different areas, amazed, "a human village not too far from this edge of the forest." You look back expectantly, only to find him right next to you. He opens your fingers, having just closed over a small jewel, and takes your treasure, tucking it gently into your makeshift headpiece. "Their children come here often, leaving offerings for us."
Your face seems to glow, having never had this experience before. He lets you take it in. Helps you adorn your headpiece with the jewels you find, sticking them together with small bits of tree sap.
You're still giddy by the time that he leads you back out of the forest, back to what you've both claimed as your own meadow now. You're sighing in content as the two of you settle into the grass among the flowers in the late light of the day.
You're happy. You both are. You didn't mean to let the words slip when they did.
"I wish I could fly with you, Shin." Shinsuke’s fingers pausing mid-trace on your skin are the only things that make you realize that you'd said it out loud rather than just thinking it. "I'm sorry. I just-"
He shakes his head and pulls you into a seated position in front of him, facing away. "Sit here my beloved," he mumbles and presses kisses to the tops of your shoulders. "I'll give you wings right now."
Your head is tilted, confused, but you trust him. You let him be, only gasping slightly when you feel a cool liquid against your back. You learn the feeling to be paint.
Shinsuke is diligent with his work. Quiet as he traces the pattern onto your back. Outlines of wings that fold against your skin, the open back of your dress allowing him access to paint them folded to the front of your torso, to wrap them onto the tops of your shoulders, folding over your collarbones.
You can see the tips of them painted in metallic gold and you wish them real. Staring at them like if you wished hard enough they would unfold off your skin and take you flying with Shinsuke.
You can't see your own back, the pattern he traces onto your skin with the paint, a pattern that matches his own. You can't see the way the light filtering through his wings onto your back makes him imagine your wings matching his in color too.
You're as quiet as he is through the process, letting him work. It's only when he's paused for longer than a minute that you realized he's finally finished.
You wonder to him aloud, "are they pretty Shinsuke?"
He sighs slightly, leaning to press his lips to where the base of them would be. You shutter at the feeling. "My beloved, everything about you is beautiful." His fingers trace the outline of one, sending shivers down your spine as his lips press kisses to the outline of the other.
"Your wings would be beautiful," he admits, "but you're perfect without them." Your lips tremble as you breathe quietly, eyes fluttering under his touches. "You're gorgeous as you are. Every freckle, every single thing you call a blemish, every dip in your skin. Wings or no wings."
"Do you mean it, Shin?" Your whisper is breathless as you turn to face him when his kisses reach the tip of your shoulder. He's quick to catch your lips in a kiss. It's soft and consuming as his arms pull you against him.
"My beloved, I would give it all up for you."
The full weight of his words is lost on you. The implications that he would leave behind his crown, his title, his kingdom all for you. The things you had no idea he had. You only knew the smallest basis he admitted to. He would give up his flight for you.
"Come here." He's gentle as he pulls you back down to lay in the grass, the setting sun making the gold on your back glitter as you both lay on your stomachs. "Would ya like to touch them?"
He asks the question casually, as you lie in your meadow. The intimacy of it not completely lost on you as your fingers brush against his wings gently. They flutter under your unsure touch and you notice how content his face seems to get, eyes falling shut as he basks in the way your fingers run along the edge of his wings.
He would be yours the second you asked. He knows it. He'd give all of it up for you.
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@all-in-the-fandoms @pearl-blue-musings @qichun
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11vr1 · 2 years
Morning ⭒ Shuri Udaku
Synopsis › A brief look into a rare morning waking up with Queen Shuri. 
Pairing › Shuri x Singer! Fem Reader
Inspo › “Morning” - Teyana Taylor, Kehlani
Includes › Fluff, non-sexual nudity, non-sexual intimacy, they in love in love, tiny bit of insecurity, Shuri not taking care of herself, touch, skin to skin, they have good hygiene, reader is lazy, singer!reader
P.S. ›  I know the song is absolutely filthy and this is not but I’ve never written smut. Even this was a stretch for me. 
P.S.S. › This is the first fic I've ever posted. Pls, be nice to ya girl. She’s sensitive but loves any kind of feedback. Let me know how you feel about these two. They might become a little series.
You felt a warm pair of lips press tenderly against your skin, traveling along your arm, inching towards your sleeping face. The sun streamed in through the floor to ceiling windows, flooding the queen’s quarters with the white gold of its light. Shuri was always up and ready to greet the day before you. “Morning has arrived, sthandwa wami,” the raspy voice of your lover roused you from your rest. My love. 
“Tell it to go away,” you mumbled, shuffling underneath the satin sheets, finding warmth in her embrace. There was no place you’d rather be than in her arms. Behind closed doors, Shuri was yours and yours alone. Her title didn’t follow her here. During moments like this, she was simply a woman trying to wake her girlfriend. 
Shuri grazed the tips of her fingers across the flesh of your thigh. Her touch left a trail of fire in its wake. She slipped under the band of your lace panties, quickly pulling and letting it snap. The smirk spread was sly as you jerked slightly. “It's past time we got up. Besides, my arm is going numb.” 
“Ow! Fine. Fine. I'm awake.” Finally, you relinquished her arm from your capture, sighing long and deep at the loss of your pillow. The queen chuckled as she untangled the rest of your limbs with no help from your limp body.
“Griot?” Shuri spoke to the empty air. 
“Good morning, your majesty.”
The covers fell from her body, displaying the sculpted bronze planes of her bare back. You sat up to admire the view. All those years of agonizing pining were worth it, you thought. “What's on the schedule today?” 
The disembodied AI listed both yours and the queen’s agenda. You planned a relaxing, stress free day in the studio for yourself. The queen on the other hand was expected by the elders. 
It took everything in you to leave the comfort of Shuri’s enormous sized bed and make the cold trek to the bathroom. You turned on the shower, periodically checking its temp then stripped the little clothing you had on. “Are you going to join me?” you asked, leaning back to peer through the open door to see her staring at her kimoyo beads. “I thought I was the slow one.” The water from the rain drip head cascaded down the length of your body, effectively chasing away the rest of your drowsiness. 
Two tattooed arms draped around your shoulders. “I am here.” The stealth of the Panther often took you by surprise. The feeling of Shuri’s touch against yours was indescribable. Nothing could compare. You’d hardly noticed the soft beat of your shared playlist began to play. 
She took it upon herself to lather shea body wash across your skin, talking sweet nothings in your ear while christening you with chaste kisses along the way. “Do you have time for lunch today?” you leaned back to gaze into the depths of her onyx eyes, your own hopeful.
“I will make time.” 
“Griot, don’t let her forget.” 
“I won't, miss.” 
“You don’t trust me?” she teased, tilting your head further back, leaving suds across your cheek. 
You turned around to face her, eyebrow raised. “Hhayi.” No. Your response was straight forward, yet remained light hearted. She was working herself ragged these days, barely taking time to rest. More than once you found her in the lab, lids heavy, back hunched uncomfortably over her work station. “I know you too well to leave you be. You stand me up, I'm coming to snatch your ass.” The running water did nothing to drown out your shared laughter. She knew you meant it. 
You grabbed Shuri’s soap and washed her in return down the valley of her breasts to the toned abs of her torso. Each stroke carried your love. “I'm serious, though. Take a break sometime today,” you added. Caring for her was an honor. Bast knew she wouldn’t if it were solely up to her. 
The Panther ceased your motions by grasping your hand in her own. “I promise.” She closed the already small distance between you, brushing the tip of your nose, “I appreciate your concern for me. I don't deserve—” 
You promptly shushed her with your own lips. Her taste was irresistible, uniquely Shuri’s. No one in Wakanda could get away with interrupting the queen except you. “None of that. You deserve plenty.” 
Her arms snaked around your waist, feeling your natural contours, finding a place within the slope of your neck. Heady breaths stuck to the droplets dancing on your skin. She stilled to cherish this moment, already beginning to dread having to part. “I'm just blessed to have you.” 
“And I you.” You gave her one last peck on the cheek before turning the shower off. “You’re ntomb’am. While you’re going out there to save the world or whatever, I’ll be here for you.” My girl. 
“The legendary Black Panther’s protector,” she laughed, guiding you out of the stand-in. “It has a nice ring to it. My enemies will fear you.” She might’ve thought it was funny, but you couldn’t find the humor. Shuri was your intombi, your girl. What you wouldn’t give for the promise of more sunshine-flavored mornings like these.
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xiyouyanyi · 4 months
Modern Era At Last: Spider Queen Special
My original idea for this AU starts with "Filling up the Celestial Realm", so we'll just say that S1 works more or less the same unless otherwise specified, and let the real diverging point start at the Spider Queen Special.
-Hell no, the trigram furnace isn't kept in the throne room, it is where it is in Tusita Heaven, Lao Tzu's place. And the place is quite empty and quiet when they aren't refining elixirs and the flames have been extinguished.
-Which means MK and Pigsy/Tang wouldn't be going to two different buildings, just two wings of the same building.
-It's also Lunar New Year, during which all the Kitchen Gods went back to submit their reports to the Celestial Host, so most of the officials and guards are gathered around the administrative halls.
-To celestials, it's more of a daily meeting, though. A.k.a. "Those last few hours where you are stuck in the office, desperately wishing you are somewhere else."
-Red Son has access to the place because PIF, as the former Grand Mistress of the Wind Bureau, keeps a backdoor key. The spider minions sneaked in by turning themselves tiny and latching onto the jet's wing before the formation activated.
-The gang landed in the Wind Bureau sky-harbor, right next to Lao Tzu's place, and immediately ran into Lady Hanzhi, known to Red Son as "Auntie Wind"——which, coincidentally, was not too far off from her most well-known title nowadays, Feng Po. 
"Please, that name makes me sound so old! Why not Sister Wind?"
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-She acted like she always does: your overly helpful, enthusiastic, pushy aunt who seems to delight in embarrassing the youngsters, and immediately jumped to conclusions, asking Red Son if he was taking his cute dragon girlfriend on a date.
-Upon being met with an unambiguous "NO!" and some desperate attempts at backtracking ("We are just…not hating each other at the moment!") she chuckled, but was perceptive enough to understand they were in a bind, and immediately agreed to help out before Red Son even got the full story out.
-Naturally, that left Mei a little suspicious. "Uh, we are like, stealing your stuff? Ya' really don't have a problem with that?” 
-Hanzhi just laughed and was like, "You think I care about my job? Or want to be here? Even though Little Red's mother left me quite the mess to sort out, I'll take an old friend's kid over The Reasons We Are Here at any time of the year!"
-Which, to her surprise, failed to be assuring when she opened her Wind Sack and told Red Son and Mei to get inside.
"Okay, not to be mean or anything, but that's just…sus." "As suspicious as a bunch of mortals sneaking around in funny modern day robes? My, whenever I thought your fashion standards could not get any worse than these awful queues and melon hats…but ah, I'm rambling." "The point is, your friends are going into Tusita Heaven while the furnace is unlit. No one will be there, except for the new furnace-fanning boy and…That Lady." Hanzhi wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, the old witch with a broom. Pretty easy to fool, but remember, stay at least five Chi away from her, or your entire mission is a bust." "You two, however, are going into the Peach Garden. With actual guards and visitors, and one of my junior brothers as its new warden. You are not getting in, or out, without someone leading the way."
-Kui Mulang is still working as a furnace-fanning boy——he could have been done with it long ago, had he not intentionally fucked up during the Three Rhino Kings fight out of spite and got his sentence prolonged. When the place is not in use, he's put in a cangue and chained to a pillar in the storage room.
-When Pigsy and Tang entered the lab sector in search of the golden pill, he took the latter hostage through a combination of deception and the space-warping magic of stellar gods. 
"Now, hog, pick that vial of liquid off the shelf, and pour it on these chains," The Wood Wolf Star exposed his teeth in a feral grin, as he poked at Tang's back with the ethereal dagger,"very, very carefully. If you spill a single drop on me, my hand may just slip."
-Jiang Ziya's dead and deified ex-wife, Ma The Broom Star, makes an appearance as the cleaning lady on duty.
-She can passively curse people AND immortals with bad luck: not kill-your-entire-family, ruin-your-life level of bad luck like what the Taisui Star or the Dipper Mansion deities are capable of, but things like making people slip and fall on their butts, sneeze/burp at the most embarrassing time, arrive late to urgent meetings, etc.
(Also, firing comets out of her broomstick like a true witch.)
-MK, affected by her Aura of Inconveniences, fell right into the (unlit!) furnace while trying to sneak past her using the building's support beams. She heard the scream, but thought he was one of those bratty immortal acolytes and responded to his cries for help like the bitter old lady she was. 
"Serve you right for horsin' around, boy! Now sit in there and think about what you've done, till I'm done cleaning this place! Goodness gracious, I'm never so glad to have a daughter, not that my good-for-nothing ex-husband didn't try turning her against me, yeah, some Grand Master of Strategists you are, Jiang Ziya…"
-MK then committed the grave error of asking "Huh? Jiang Ziya? Who?" and was subjected to a long, incensed, caustic rant, most of which he tuned out for the sake of his own sanity.
-Meanwhile, at the Peach Garden: Hanzhi walked in without much of a problem, using the excuse that she is bringing her junior some tea right after getting dismissed from the meeting. Said junior is one of the 28 Lunar Mansions: Bi Yuewu of the White Tiger Mansion, a.k.a the Moon Crow Star.
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-In ancient Chinese astrology, the Bi Star was seen as having power over rain, and the section of the sky it was in charge of housed the Tianyuan constellation, or "Heavenly Orchard". His Stellar Beast form, a one-legged crow, is based on Shang Yang: a mythical bird that would dance before every huge storm like a goofy weather forecast guy.
-He excels at controlling cloud formations, to the point he got "borrowed" by the Wind and Thunder Bureau more than some of the Water-aligned stars after deification. That did not translate to battle prowess, though, and he mostly relies on his formations to misdirect, trap and stall enemies for the rest of his team to handle.
-After Kui Mulang's sentencing, Star Lord Mao had taken over as the substitute leader of the White Tiger Mansion stars. As a fellow bird star and the anxious secretary to Zi Huohou's shy intern, Bi looked up to him, a lot. 
-Today happened to be his shift——one of the 28 Lunar Mansions is exempt from the daily meetings, to watch over their sector of the sky. Like most celestials, he was used to Hanzhi just walking around, finding people to chat the moment she was off-work, and wasn't surprised when she came out of the treasure storage room without her Wind Sack.
"Little Red, you've actually been here before, I trust you know where the kitchen is? Go there, grab a peach, get out, and please please please don't try to go into the garden proper if you can't find one. Just return to this room and wait, Auntie Hanzhi will handle it." As the shrill screech of a defensive formation triggering echoed through the pavilion, and Bi leaped out of his chair, Hanzhi could not help but sigh and thought, Of course these kids tried to go into the garden, why wouldn't they.
-Except they didn't try to go into the garden. It was the spiders, and a tiny immortal girl with an embroidered ball.
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-Yep, it's Li Zhenying, Nezha's little sister, only mentioned once in JTTW! Here, she's a bit older and the holder of one of Nezha's magical weapons, the embroidered ball.
-In Zaju plays, this ball contains a shit ton of demons and evil spirits, subdued by Nezha and now working under his command, but that's not safe for kids so it just has a mouse inside now.
-Specifically, Lady Diyong, who's serving her prison sentence in there after her second capture and acts as Zhenying's unwitting hamster-slash-playmate. 
-The way the ball works: it can keep beings captive and enable the holder to use their powers, like a magical Pokeball. Once something is inside, it can only be released by the one who initially captures it.
-So Li Zhenying used Diyong's power to get under and past the defensive formation undetected, because…she's bored and wanted to practice some Cuju, and just happened to run into two very lost and frustrated spider demons.
-They decided to stalk Red Son and Mei together, in their mini-spider forms——it was the former who had the backdoor key, after all, and without that, they wouldn't be able to get back to the mortal realm safely after snatching up the three items.
-So they crawled into the Peach Garden and lay in wait. And waited. And waited. And no one came. Then, when they tried to leave, they couldn't, and kept circling back to the same place until a 12 year old popped out of the ground and yelled "Stop right there, bug people!"
-They laughed. They stopped laughing when one of them got sucked into the embroidered ball like a Pokemon. The sight of a huge, muscular spider guy desperately running away from a little girl was still pretty comedic, though.
-He didn't last for long. Diyong started screeching inside the ball because ewwwww, spider people, gross! She's not into that and she doesn't want them as her future neighbors! Get them out of here, at once! 
-Zhenying found her terror quite amusing, but ended up doing so because all the screaming was getting annoying. And that was what Hanzhi and Bi saw when they charged into the depth of the formation: Li Jing's youngest kid, swinging her toy around in a circle and sending two black dots flying into the sky.
-Hanzhi let out a silent Oh no at the sight. Bi let out a loud "You WHAT?!" as Li Zhenying explained her encounter with the spider people, and commented that pest control must be quite hard if all the bugs in here could grow into people. 
-Bi proceeded to have a nervous breakdown because I let a spider demon infestation happen right under my nose and trapped Devaraja Li's daughter inside my formations, oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm so dead.
-He was too busy curling up in a ball and rocking back and forth to notice Hanzhi slipping away, an immortal peach hidden in her sleeves, to retrieve Red Son and Mei. Back at Tusita Heaven, however, the rest of the gang weren't having a good time. 
-Ma had finished rambling about Jiang Ziya's great-great-however-many-times-great-grandson, the "Biggest Shame of Qi", and was about to narrate the start of their lineage's miserable downfall with a spiteful glee in her voice.
-MK asked her why she was so angry, which just made her more angry.
"Why am I so angry? Oh, I have no idea! Maybe it is because my bastard ex-husband wrote my name onto his oh-so-mystical-scroll and made sure I can't even DIE PROPERLY, boy! I raised his daughter after he divorced me and ran off to fight a war with his sorcerer friends, and this is how he repaid me——" "No, I mean, why are you so angry at people you've never met before? They are your kids and grandkids too, right?" "Exactly! I never got to meet them, and that's why they are a bunch of pathetic, dull-headed degenerates who got played like a fiddle by their own noble clans!" MK severely doubted that. "I never got to set them on the right path, grab them by 'em ears and scold them properly, match them up with good wives that weren't their own half-sister——for heaven's sake, that Duke Xiang, what was he even thinking?!" She paused. When she started speaking again, the indignance had drained away. "I never got to see any of them with me own two eyes, or speak to them, because I wasn't in their ancestral temple. I never got to meet any of them, and now they have been dead for thousands of years, and I…I couldn't even blame all of that on Jiang Ziya."
-For the first time since MK met her, the old woman fell silent. He was about to return to his own crisis of self-confidence when the entire furnace shook and violently toppled over, spilling him out onto the floor with a yelp.
"Go." She said, the tip of her broom still smoking, without sparing a single backward glance. "Scram back to your quarters, boy, before more of the Broom Star's bad luck rubbed off on you——"
-Then the lab's other wing exploded.
-Let's rewind back to the moment before this, when Kui Mulang was holding Tang hostage and threatening Pigsy into destroying his chains with a vial of corrosive chemicals. 
-With no other choice, he complied, and the moment the last chain came apart with a sizzle, Kui Mulang shattered the cangue via his Stellar Beast transformation——but not before trying to stick the dagger into Tang anyways and failing, due to his golden barrier triggering in a panic.
-Turns out, it was these magical chains that truly shackled him and his powers, and the cangue was just additional humiliation. 
"Ah, a thousand thanks to you," the beast's eyes narrowed into a slit, as it turned towards Tang, who was desperately trying to scramble away inside the golden bubble, "Golden Cicada. Now that you are a Bodhisattva, I bet your Body of Manifestation would taste even more divine."
-What ensued was a pure horror movie chase sequence, as the pair ran for their lives, toppling over shelves, throwing anything they could get their hands on at the Stellar Beast in the hope of slowing it down.
-The explosive reaction between two reagents did end up accomplishing that. Not hurting it permanently, but the big bang managed to draw Ma and MK's attention and stopped the former from asking too many questions.
-Turns out, being one of the 28 Lunar Mansions didn't actually protect you from the Broom Star's field of mundane bad luck.
-It wasn't enough to defeat Kui Mulang, and her comet attacks were doing no lasting damage, but he kept missing his targets by a tiny margin, or tripping and falling like a Looney Tunes character, or MK's staff just happened to knock a chunk of the ceiling loose and pin him down briefly…
-The problem was, her bad luck field worked on her allies too, and there were a lot of mutual misses and wacky fails, and the consequences were worse for MK than for their opponent.
-Red Son and Mei were on their way back with Hanzhi when they saw the commotion from afar; they basically dashed right into that one Community meme. 
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-Hanzhi assessed the situation briefly, told them she'd deal with Kui Mulang, while they went and grabbed their mortal friends, as well as whatever they needed from the lab, fast. Then she stepped back and unleashed the full might of the Wind Sack.
-The giant AOE attack caught all three combatants, lifted them off the ground, and firmly slammed them into the nearest standing wall, allowing Red Son to grab a very disoriented MK and rush away in the chaos.
-The fight was still ongoing when the gang hurriedly dragged the furnace into their drone, activated Red Son's backdoor key, and blasted off into the mortal realm. It didn't last much longer after the Thunder Bureau reinforcements arrived, led by Heavenly Lord of the Nine Thunders, Wen Zhong.
-Wen Zhong was a loyal man of principle in life, even more so after his deification, when he was basically made the head of the Celestial Justice Department (Thunder Bureau isn't just in charge of weather, but also divine retribution and punishment.)
-He's what a lot of people think Erlang should act like: grim, serious, utterly dedicated to maintaining order and justice, and an absolute powerhouse (he also has a third eye, btw).
-Hanzhi knew she wouldn't be getting any leniency from her senior brother this time, so she didn't even try to argue when he ordered his Thunder Generals to detain everyone involved and take them away for questioning.
-Bi Yuewu was interrupted from his mental breakdown by Star Lord Mao, who, like the majority of officials, had just been released from their end-of-day meeting when the Thunder Bureau received an emergency message from Tusita Heaven and flew off in a hurry.
-Putting two and two together, he quickly guessed that their old squad leader had broken free, and went to gather the rest of the White Tiger Mansion stars for their own emergency meeting. Bi was the first person he seeked out, and the situation…didn't look all that great.
-But Rooster Man, being the good bro he was, listened patiently to Bi's story, and told him it wouldn't be a problem. He'd take Li Zhenying home to her brothers, let them come up with a cover story, while the spider problem…well, that was what his Stellar Beast form was for, wasn't it?
-A few miles below, two tiny spiders, still falling towards the mortal realm, suddenly heard a rooster's crowing and were struck by the worst headache they ever experienced.
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sjmgirlie · 6 months
“Why would SJM make Elain and Lucien mates if they weren’t going to be together?”
Because she always knew she wanted to dive into either a 2 mate story or a rejected bond story.
Look at the characters chosen:
Lucien - loved Jesminda with everything he had. She had CHOSEN him, loved him for more than his title, made him feel like a real male. Then she was taken from him against his will. Killed in front of him, and he had to escape to not be killed as well. Can you imagine the pain of that?
Elain - all her life was told she was nothing but a beautiful face. Found love in Graysen, but had that ripped away from her like her mortality. Then was thrust upon some male that she had never met before, taking away another choice in her life.
Azriel - never received a mate, and loved Mor from afar for centuries. She had chosen his “brother” over him, but he still silently hoped something would happen. But again and again Mor chose others. Rhys saying that Azriel showed him it’s not the family you are born with but the family you CHOOSE that matters.
Is it a coincidence that the love triangle (ya, it’s literally a triangle. No more no less) all have experienced choices being taken from them? I think not.
SJM said she originally had Lucien and Nesta in her mind as mates, but then she changed it to Elain, and Cassian and Nesta became the couple. Why would she do that?
First, Nesta would have rejected the bond immediately. Like, literally right there in Hybern. She is not a polite character, and the story of the bond wouldn’t be able to be dragged on.
Second, in conjunction with the above, we needed the bond to still be in place for Lucien to come back with Feyre to Velaris. To give him a “role” in the court. To have HIM volunteer to find a firebird. It’s not a coincidence the spell cleavers son is the one to hunt for the cursed queen.
Third, Elain’s story (as well as Lucien’s as her mate) is about choice. Azriel’s part in the story is about being chosen. This is not a coincidence. If SJM wanted Elucien to happen, she wouldn’t have brought Azriel into their story. All of the build up romance moments would not have been between Azriel and Elain, rather than Elain and Lucien. Lucien isn’t even there for half the books?? Making an appearance which is uncomfortable and leaving.
The Elucien/Eriel story is one of choice. Will they chose to follow what the cauldron said? The cauldron that Azriel questioned for his feelings for Elain? The one we found out as readers is actually corrupt and was used to breed powerful offspring?
Think about it:
Rhys parents did not truly love each other - most powerful high lord born
Tamlins parents did not love each other - Tamlin is a powerful high lord
So the followed their bonds, were miserable, but at least made powerful offspring for the Asteri right?
What about mates who actually love each other?
Lucien’s parents might have been mates but they did love each other - he is powerful
Feyre and Rhys are mates but also love each other - Nyx is for sure powerful.
There is a very clear distinction between Elucien and Feysand and Nessian. Anyone who pretends there isn’t in failing to see the message.
If Elucien was to be endgame, their would be moments and scenes in the books to show growth and love. There isn’t. Because they won’t be that story. They will be the story of the power of love conquering the mating bond. That they will decide TOGETHER to reject it. To find happiness where they want it. To care for each other enough to want that for each other.
THAT is the next story we will see.
The women who never got to chose, and the man never chosen.
And don’t worry about Lucien, he will get his happy ending. It’s an SJM book, everyone does.
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yours-truly-bunie · 2 years
Hello hope you have a nice day, and ignore this request if you want! Can i ask for a scenario/headcanon with Idia, Malleus and Riddle with Gn Yuu who finds an injured winged horse in the woods and decides to take care of it in secret only for the horse to attach to Yuu and follow them back to the dorm one day, Yuu living for the Beast tamer title!. Thanks for your attention!
Hihi! Omg first askdbfbdjdb anyways, okay! Also I'm so sorry but I don't know how to write for Idia yet. Apologies.
Beast Tamer
Reader x Malleus, and Riddle.
Summary:you've met an injured winged horse whilst you were roaming around the woods and decides to take care of it without the others knowing. Unbeknownst, the horse started to get attached to you and followed you back to your dorm.
Warnings: none?? Ooc I think? I'm a bit crusty lolol
It was midnight, obviously, and you were heading back to the dorm after you took care of an injured winged horse
You were walking back when you heard some footsteps as well, but you didn't mind it
The moment you step foot inside your gate you almost immediately noticed a familiar figure patiently waiting for you!
Malleus also felt your presence but what he didn't expected was another one too
As he is, he got a bit upset he didn't get to spend time alone with you
When you walked closer to him you smiled and greeted him
"Hello, Mal!"
His heart warmed and greeted you as well, he's a bit suspicious of the fact the other presence he felt wasn't with you
He got a bit protective at the thought of someone stalking you
You both went on with your usual nightly walks and you both can't help but feel the other presence again
You guys sat down on a bench and continued speaking to each other
Was until the winged horse you found showed itself
Malleus immediately stood up and took you in your arms
You calmly explained to him that you know this horse and how you met him
Malleus somehow calmed down?? No idea but you both agreed to take care of it :>
(Malleus DOES get somehow envious of that horse of yours when you spend more time with it, so remember to give some for your dragon fae too!)
Riddle 🜲⚘
Riddle was not at all happy when you were late for your evening tutoring session with him
Its not like he's upset you're late and he won't be able to see you! (He won't admit it lmao)
He's upset because your 5 minutes late and you know what the Queen's rules say
So he got up in search for you
The last time you both spoke to each other, you mentioned going into the forest in search for ingredients for you next alchemy project
He was searching for you for a full 15 minutes!
Riddle was almost giving up until he heard a noise in the corner a few meter away
He cautiously walks towards it
He didn't expect to see you treating an injured winged horse
You were always so kind.. No wonder he fell for you (finally he admitted it)
He clears his throat to make his presence clear
You and the horse immediately turned to see a riddle who looks like is about to give you a good scolding
The horse got alarmed by an unknown figure so he stood up from your arms
You tried to calm him down but it did not work at all
So, Riddle barged in
And oh boy did the horse calm down
It's probably because he's in a club full of horses but ok 💀
He helped you take care of the horse
Time skip-- you both decided you should keep the horse (obviously in your dorm not his)
Either way it all turned out great! Just leave out when the horse basically destroyed your table when you two were studying for an upcoming test :))
Note: as I said I'm a bit crusty since this is my first time doing a request but uhh here ya go! I hope you liked it huhu ;; I also might not be able to write fanfics so quickly since exams are up sorysory
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Potion Accidents: Yuu get´s turned into a Child-Rook
´´ is for thoughts, it´s 693 words and sorry if Rook is ooc I straight up have no idea how to properly write for him
ah Children what a beautiful view to see the young frolicking around enjoying life an-
“get back here ya damn Monster!” Rook´s train of thought was interrupted by Epel running after a dirty Child Yuu, it seems like he found an opponent for the title of the most troublesome Pomefiore member even though Yuu is only temporarily in their care thanks to Epel being rather competitive in his Potiology class which caused this unfortunate accident
“do ya even know what´ll happen to me if Vil finds out about this!?” Rook almost feels bad for Epel but the view of such a small creature tricking him is far to amusing for him to pass up to watch the chaos unfold
“Rook! can´t ya help me! this menace is far to quick even catching Grim would be easier…” it seems like his time for observation is over “monsieur Crabapple I didn´t think our dear little Trickster would give you so much trouble, but they are surprisingly fast if only this is how they acted when they are older, they would make such wonderful pray…” Rook sighed but could practically feel Epel staring at him, no doubt annoyed at his eccentrics “but I suppose playing a little game of tag with our tiny Trickster would be beneficial for both of us”
as fun as it was watching Epel struggling with the Child again Yuu, chasing after them doesn´t sound interesting to Rook, after all children aren´t nearly as interesting as the people he usually hunts but it will save them from a lot of trouble from their Fair Queen
“little Trickster I hope you are ready because because I will not go easy on you just because you are a Child”
but even though Rook promised to not go easy on them, it turns out that Yuu is more troublesome than he anticipated not only did they manage to jump onto the Chandelier to run away from him but they also managed to hide into a group of students (even throwing some his way, which for a Child is incredibly impressive) or they even managed to blend into their enviroment to sneak away from him, he´s incredibly impressed and is even starting to doubt if Yuu truly didn´t keep their former intelligence but he does know one weakness Yuu and pretty much all Children have
“Little Trickster I have something for you for winning our little game” he can´t see them but knows he got their interest “I found your favorite treat when I visited Sam´s shop earlier, but considering you aren´t here I suppose I will have to eat it myself” he waited for a few minutes but to his surprise the small Human didn´t appear, time for his last ditch effort which he hoped he didn´t have to use
Rook sighed “okay Little Trickster it seems you truly did win, we won´t force you to take a bath and will accept our punishment from our dear Fairest Queen with dignity” he could see Yuu peak out from under a small table covered with a table cloth that reaches the ground, a perfect hiding spot for them, but now he has to be really careful to make them feel truly guilty otherwise they will actually be in deep trouble
he did his best to force out a few fake tears “the Horrors I can just imagine our dear Queen will do… oh the Horrors he could inflict on us!”he tried to keep watch on Yuu in the corner of his eye and the moment they tried to slowly sneak towards him he decided to strike
“oh Dear Little Trickster you where a most wonderful opponent, but we truly need to have you cleaned up I can assure you you won´t want our Queen to hear abo-” but just like someone summoned him Vil decided to appear behind him “do tell me Rook what am I not supposed to know about? It wouldn´t have anything to do with Pomefiore being covered in mud and thrown into chaos would it?” Rook truly is in trouble now, it seems like Yuu truly did get the last laugh now...
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butterfrogmantis · 10 months
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Well, it happened. I got attached to the pirate crew and then other people got attached to the pirate crew and now we have a small crew! (with more potentials from other people I just had to put a cap on it yesterday)
Captain Bluebeard (Born: Blueblood Smurf) was the son of wealthy noblesmurfs who were murdered by pirates. As an adolescent he joins a sailing crew which is then plundered by pirates, and he’s given the option to die or join their side. He switches for fear of his life and spends years at sea as a pirate, until his ship is captured by Navy Smurfs. Blueblood narrowly escapes his execution and goes on to continue a life of piracy, having gotten a taste for it. He serves as the first mate aboard the ship that murdered his parents until overthrowing the captain, which is where he earns his title (and by now in his 400’s, his impressive beard, which becomes his new name and symbol).
Bluebeard starts a new crew under the name of “The Devil’s Sarsaparilla”
Bluebeard is … powerful man. Ruthless and merciless to his enemies and fiercely protective of his crew, essentially. He’s no stranger to high sea battles or negotiations or the ‘persuasion’ of Navy secrets via unscrupulous methods but he’s also a surprisingly fair boss and the crew, in return, are loyal to him which is how he maintains such a strong position.
Cutthroat was a pirate aboard the first ship Bluebeard was part of, but he’d traded ships before it was captured. Bluebeard knows him to be a cunning Smurf and good fighter and invited him on, and Cutthroat is honoured at the chance to be his first mate and lord his positon of authority over the rest of the crew (something Cutthroat loves to gloat about). An arguably even more bloodthirsty man than even the captain, Cutthroat has no patience for the shenanigans of the crewmen and delights in reporting Scallywag’s antics to Bluebeard so he may ‘deliver suitable punishment’.
Another weird thing to note about Cutthroat is that his stance on relationships often times comes across as extremely ‘holier than thou’ and very much into ‘marriage before anything’ and can be borderline homophobic, despite the fact he’s so clearly in love with Bluebeard in some other sense of the word. (This is the character that’s lowkey just a mockery of a certain someone’s stuff to make Cutthroat seem nonsensical to the other character’s and even more ruthless and also his descendant Brainy is gay so ya boo sucks to him). Note this ONLY applies to Cutthroat, Bluebeard himself doesn’t really care what his crew are into as long as they’re good pirates and whilst I can’t speak for other people’s ocs Swashbuckler is … well idk but he’s straightn’t so he takes extra delight in helping Scallywag hide a lobster in Cutthroat’s pillow.
Cookie … really should not be on a pirate ship? Note it’s possible she has a nature name but the crew call her Cookie after her speciality biscuits. She’s a sweetheart and despite the plundering’s of her crewmate remains as such. There’s rumours she’s the aunt of one of the men who was just like ‘yeah ik we’re pirates but she’ll turn the nasty slop we’ve been eating into a 5 star meal’ so Bluebeard was just like ‘eh’ and Cookie became the ship’s mom. That’s not to say she doesn’t have her own secrets …
@chaoticsimp15's bean Herbalist! A transmasc pioneer of natural medicines and a worthy adversary to the ship where cuts and stab wounds are plentiful. Herbalist lost an arm to amputation following a poisoning and despite run ins with other dangerous plants like the kind that almost took his eye, has developed an interest in them and his knowledge of healing herbs makes him a well-respected member aboard the ship, who even Cutthroat has to give some level of respect after having his life saved a couple times.
@coconuttyglittersmurf 's bean Anne! (Queen Anne's Lace) Dreamt of a life of piracy and ran away to join a crew. Bluebeard may have been dubious about her apparent naivety at first but Anne shows good prowess with a sword, dedication and loyalty, all things Bluebeard needs and he’s an equal opportunity employer (diversity win, the murderous pirate is a feminist) and I think perhaps Cookie would become fond of her :)
@schtroumpfalunettes’s bean Rosemary! Became friends with Anne (Anne Bonny and Mary Read parallel) and joins as another buccaneer. Highly enthusiastic, cuts down enemies with glee. I see a scene of Bluebeard standing there in the back watching her go ham on a rival pirate boat and being like ‘dang glad she be me crew’
@a-doodling-tanuki 's bean! Scallywag :) As described by them, Scally was picked up from a pirate wreckage where they thought he was a smurfling and would make a good cabin boy, only to realise he was in fact an adult of diminutive stature, so Scally became a steward instead (general cleaning and maintenance of the ship, often works under Cookie as a sous chef) Best friend and fellow fun-haver with Swashbuckler, often scolded and told off by Cutthroat and Bluebeard and forced to mop the decks as punishment.
The man of the hour; Swashbuckler (cheering noises). Swashbuckler had been a cabin boy and sailor on merchant ships as a child, but after the death of his father he turned to piracy in order to steal medications for his younger sister who suffered with a weakened immune system. Swashbuckler loved the freedom and loot piracy brought and less so the plunder and murder – he was a good hearted Smurf and a lover of jokes, but he was also an excellent swordsman and a fierce opponent in a duel. It was perhaps his youthful ego and lack of experience that ultimately cost him.
Skelly’s sister! I’ve decided not to name her since that’s kind of a key part of the lore of Skelly not remembering, F. But since Skelly remembers seeing her in his dreams & she’s Tuffy’s direct ancestor, I can * certainly * design her >:)
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+ Uncensored death art
Bluebeard, Cutthroat, Cookie, Swashbuckler and his sister are mine
Other oc's are tagged above!
Franchise and descendants (c) The Smurfs
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (26)
*How Arachne Crane survived the Sandwich Zoo Incident*
Arachne: *is busy making her sandwich in front of Brandy* I’ll just add some more cheese and. . . PERFECT!
Brandy: Hey, princess!
Arachne: Mmm. . . Maybe more pickles-
Brandy: Yo, Capitol girl, give me that sandwich already! I’m hungry!
Arachne: Can’t you wait for a sec?! Don’t you know how important this creation is to me?!
Brandy: What are you blabbering about?! It’s just a freaking sandwich!
Arachne: This *aggressively holds up the sandwich* is the epitome of beauty! Just look at it!
Brandy: Huh?! I don’t get-
Arachne: It will definitely surpass stupid Plinth’s secret ham sandwich recipe!
Brandy: Plinth’s what?
Arachne: And once it does, I shall regain my rightful title as the ✨Sandwich Queen of Panem✨!
Brandy: Witch Queen my ass! Reaper’s right! You guys from fancy school are stupid and crazy!
Arachne: I heard that!😠
Brandy: Good. Now give me that stupid bread! *tries to forcefully take it from Arachne*
Arachne: *holds the sandwich higher* I changed my mind! You don’t get the privilege to taste my heaven bread anymore! *looks away from Brandy*
Brandy: THAT. IS. IT!😡 I’ll kill you myself! *suddenly grabs the bread knife below and tries to slash Arachne’s throat*
Arachne: Wha-
Festus: *aggressively runs to Arachne and shoves her out of the way*
Brandy: Sh*t! I miss! *drops the knife*
Arachne: NOOOO!! *tragically drops the sandwich on the ground* How dare you, Creed!! How dare you ruin my heaven bread!!
Festus: How dare you claim the title of ✨Sandwich Queen✨! I’m the ✨SANDWICH QUEEN✨!!😡
Arachne: Stupid idiot Creed! You’ll pay for this!! *tackles Festus and repeatedly punches him*
Festus: Coryo! Coryo, help! Crazy Crane’s punching me!!😫
Brandy: Now’s my chance!!😈 *quickly tries to strangle Arachne from the back*
Arachne: Wha-?! *is choking*
Festus: Your neck!!😱 *tries to loosen Brandy’s hold on Arachne’s throat*
Arachne: Le- Let go!!😫 *is still choking*
Coryo: *joins the scene* What are you guys doing?!😱 There’s a freaking camera crew here!!
Lucy Gray: *also joins the scene* Stop choking her, 10! It’s not worth it!
Brandy: My sandwich!!
Lucy Gray: You’ll get killed!!
Coryo: The Peacekeepers are coming!
Brandy: Fine! *lets go of Arachne’s throat*
Festus: Oh, thank Panem! Crane’s still breathing!
Arachne: *faints from the shock*
Coryo: Medic! Somebody call the medic!
Festus: Help! Crane gave me an ugly black eye!😭
Peacekeeper: What the- What happened to her?! Why is she knocked out?!
Festus: She’s fine.
Lucy Gray: She was fighting-
Festus: Allergies.
Coryo: Rabies! Rabid raccoons! It was rabid raccoons, officer!
Peacekeeper: She was fighting our sacred rabid raccoons?!
Lucy Gray: Yes.
Peacekeeper: Fighting the Capitol’s sacred rabid raccoons is illegal.
Festus: It can happen.
Coryo: Totally normal.
Brandy: My sandwich!😭
Peacekeeper: Right?😒
Festus: But she still needs to go to the hospital.
Coryo: Oh, speak of the bread! The medics are here!
Festus: We’ll take her there ourselves, officer! *princess carries Arachne* Bye, guys!😙
Coryo: Bye, officer. Bye, Lucy Gray.
Lucy Gray: See ya tomorrow, Coryo!
Coryo: Don’t forget to tell Tanner!
Lucy Gray: I will! *glares at Brandy*😠
Brandy: I was hungry!
Lucy Gray: I saw you secretly stealing and eating Tanner’s bread rolls earlier.
Brandy: I’m still hungry.
*Meanwhile, at the hospital*
Arachne: Where am I?
Coryo: Thank Panem! She’s finally awake!
Arachne: Snow? Creed? Why are you- Why am I wearing an ugly neck brace?!
Festus: You don’t remember?!
Arachne: Remember what?
Coryo: She’s still in shock.
Festus: We should call Felix! He wants pictures.
Arachne: Pictures? Pictures of who-
Coryo: Of you. But don’t worry about it. It’s just class protocol. You know how Felix is.
Arachne: Ok?
Festus: You also gave me a black eye. So you have to let me copy your biology assignment-
Coryo: Festus! Bestie, don’t be like that. You’re giving her unnecessary stress.
Arachne: Just go away! I’m tired!
Coryo: Fine. Whatever. But let me make this clear before I go.
Arachne: What-
Coryo: I’m the true Sandwich Queen of Panem! Not you! Not Creed! BUT ME!
Festus: Why?!😭
Coryo: I’m literally going to marry the ✨Sandwich King✨ (Sejanus) after graduation. That makes me queen by default.
Arachne: Heck, no!😡🔪
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x Male Reader- CHAPTER 7: “Double Coronation”
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STREAM MISAMO’S “Do not touch” MV! PREVIOUSLY ON TTOTB CHAPTER 6: [The Fighting Machine]...
THIS LUNATIC IS CHOKING JENNIE OUT!" Knight said as Seulgi succeeds on making Jennie powerless, crashing onto the canvas where it allowed her to tighten the hold further and wrap her legs around Jennie to make her sleeper hold unescapable.
"The Queen Of Doom, this crazed maniacal Seulgi delivering the doomsday prophecy she has prepared for The Korean Warrior!"
Jennie is doing everything she can to escape Seulgi's sleephold, slapping and hitting her head from behind but that only makes the latter become infuriated and tighten the choke even more, which Jennie now started to struggle on her breathing.
"We need help out here! Somebody send help to Jennie here guys!" Knight pleaded on the commentary as they can see how Jennie is beginning to fade away.
"Wait, Jennie is trying to fight her way out of Seulgi's sleeper hold!" Kwangsoo reacts as the crowd cheered when Jennie slightly gets up on her knees with Seulgi still wrapped on her back.
"... but not enough." Knight continued when the crowd became saddened that Jennie has already given up, her body dropped again.
"Kang Seulgi has completely decimated Kim Jennie."
The show ends with The Bloodline walking out of the arena as Momo didn't lose nor win in her first match while Jennie was left faded to black by Seulgi until the medical and security personnel finally rushed to the ring to provide assistance for Jennie and separate Seulgi from her.
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2023  | FIVE DAYS LATER The current Tokyo Middleweight Champion of JFF's developmental program UCF which stands for Upgrade Combat Federation Jeon Somi along with her bestfriend and sidekick Kim Sejeong are currently standing in the middle of the ring in front of 5,000 people around the performance center for their scheduled segment. "It's the 5 year anniversary of Upgrade Combat Federation and the same thing we said a year ago still stands today." Sejeong said in her mic, doing hand gestures to express her words more impactful. She spreads her arms and poses boastfully. "We are too good to be humble!"
Somi smirks and nodded. Sejeong continues to speak. "And that's why our tandem is still in the center stage." "Hey, Sejeong-ah let's get straight into it." Somi excused Sejeong, placing her hand on her shoulder. She followed, allowing the champ to do the talk this time. "Choi Yena, she ain't gonna make it here tonight, okay?", she said; referring to her rival who got viciously attacked in the backstage earlier. Yena was even supposed to fight Somi for the title in the main event. "But let's be completely honest here, I just did Yena a favor. I know girls like Choi Yena, she ain't built enough to handle this life." Somi patted her title belt wrapped around her waist. "She doesn't know what it takes to be the A-champion." "Talk that talk, Somi-ya." "Everybody in the back, they're praying for my downfall. They don't wanna see me win. You got people from different brands to come here and try to take what I built." Somi said. "Heavy lies the head that wears the crown, and you are all looking at the one with the heaviest head and the biggest crown here in UCF!" Somi pointed at herself while unbuckling and raising the title belt on her right arm, Sejeong is hyping and praising her bestfriend more as a support. The arrogant fun they've been having didn't last long when the arena suddenly went dark as the familiar theme resonated through the speakers. Once the titantron played in the entrance screens, the crowd popped in amazement while Somi and Sejeong are still staring unbelievingly at the person who just showed up for tonight's show. "Uhh... what?" the color commentator of UCF, Ok Taecyeon expresses his mixture of surprise and confusion after this particular prizefighter makes her unexpected appearance tonight. "Man, this place is shaking! W-we never thought that we would see Hirai Momo again!" he said. The recently main roster debuted Hirai Momo walks down in the pathway while the crowd goes chanting "MOMO!" along with the flow of her badass theme. "Yeah, and she's dressed to fight too!" Taecyeon's partner in commentary, Cha Eunwoo agreed. "Listen, I didn't think we will see her again after seeing her antics from Clash In The Combat in Seoul, South Korea ten days ago when she costs Kim Jennie the Japan Undisputed World Championship by helping her cousin, Yuta Nakamoto. As far as I'm concerned, Hirai isn't welcome here. Somi needs the time off." Momo is now climbing the steel stairs through the ring. Somi watches her as she goes while the fear and irritation gets her, shaking her head while whispering "ah damn it." "It's Hirai now who is sitting at the biggest table in JFF." "Well she's hasn't been invited into this particular table, hasn't she?" Momo enters the ring, grabs a microphone from the production staff and stands in front of Sejeong and Somi who were yelling "Get out!", "Leave!" and "You don't belong here anymore!" while the crowd goes contrast rather at their pleads, saying "We want this!" otherwise. "Somi, like I said before: I GOT NEXT!" Momo stated, officially announcing that she's the one who stepped up as the replacement for Choi Yena tonight with General Manager Bang Sihyuk to accept that request. Momo immediately Somi, Sejeong charges at her but she she threw her rather out of the ring. She shouted a battlecry as the crowd cheered. "Momo is dropping everything now at this point.", Taecyeon said. "We said, expect the unexpected." "Is this gonna happen?" "Yeah, same question. is it really gonna happen?" The referee enters the rings and monitors Momo just in case the brawl continues. Somi who is agitated, went all around the ring as she composes herself before finally enter the ring to accept Momo's challenge. With the two fighters now being in the ring, the referee called for the bell to ring and start the match.
-------------------------- As the match progresses, both of them slowly stood up but Somi went first, goes to jump attack Momo but she caught her by gripping both her legs. She throws her away then went for a punch. Somi stepped back into the ropes, tries to return the favor but Momo blocked, again she did another shot then another and another until she starts to target Somi's midsection either, firing fast blasts on it. Momo pulls Somi's arm and pushes her through the ropes on the other sides, she catapulted and Momo greeted her with a shuddering super kick onto her face. Somi bounced through the ropes again after getting dazed and Momo carried her to be slammed with a Samoan Drop maneuver.  The weakened Som crawls in the corner while the fired up Momo shakes the ropes aggressively, earning anoher cheers from the  crowd watching the fight. "It's Hirai now, adrenaline will make you do crazy things." Taecyeon said. Momo went to the opposite corner, clutching her knee that was previously targeted by Somi. "Blowing up a real head of steam, that knee having a big effect on Hirai's body." Momo runs ahead to the sitting Somi and harshly bumped her rear through Somi's head as she flew herself in the corner. She tugged Somi's body again and she landed perfectly on her shoulders again as she carried her. Meanwhile, Sejeong who is watching at the ringside to support her friend distracts Momo as she climbs up at the apron. The referee stopped her, Momo saw her and Sejeong quickly surrendered only for Somi to attack Momo as she turns around with double knees pressed on her face. Momo got dizzy, the exhausted Somi noticed and encouraged herself to get up with a mad slam of her hand in the ring. She stands up and runs through the ropes but Momo quickly recovered, throwing her up and catch her for another Samoan Drop. "What goes up, comes crashing down! Now this could be it?" Momo hooked Somi's leg, the referee slides in and began to count. "Tokyo Middleweight on the line, Hirai with the cover and..." "1... 2...-" Somi kicks out. Momo looked in the disbelief while the exhaustion is also present within her now too. Both remained laid on the ring, Sejeong climbs again and problematically searching ways to help Somi retain the title and not just by watching her for support. The referee is giving her a warning, adding more to her troubles. "Kim Sejeong knows and realizes there's nothing she can do at this point." Eunwoo said. Sejeong jumped out with her hands both up, proving that she's following and  that she's not gonna do something that will ruin the match as the referee simulteanously guarding her and checking up on both fighters. "Take one more look. Somi thought she had her, but then she gets dropped." Taecyeon said as the screen shows the replay of Momo's counter to Somi's impending attack. "And in that moment, Hirai thought she had Jeon and she thought she had her first taste of gold." As Momo stands up, Sejeong once again climbs up to attempt distracting her but it completely failed when instead she received a superkick, crashing back into the ringside. She turns around, saw a glimpse of Somi already about to blindside her as she bounced in the ropes and fly through her but with a quick instinct, Momo clutched Somi's arm and slammed her roughly with a Urinagi move. "Went for too many times, paid off the first time, not the second time, no chance!" Eunwoo called as Momo went out of the ropes and climbs in the turnbuckles. "Could this be the moment?" "No chance!"
"Flying Momo! Hirai got all of it!" Taecyeon exclaimed as Momo successfully splashes brutally onto Somi's helpless body. Momo hooks the leg, the referee began to count with the crowd joining. "1...2...3!" "What the hell?! WE GOT A NEW CHAMPION!" Taecyeon yelled shockingly as the bell rang for the finish. The crowd erupted in joy while the other has this astounded look in their faces. "Here is your winner, and the NEWWWWWWWWWWWWW Tokyo Middleweight Champion, Hirai Momo!!!" the ring announcer proclaims as the referee hands in the title belt and approaches to Momo who is still kneeling and heaving in her deep breaths. "W-what is this, this was not supposed to be how the night ended." Taecyeon said. "I-is the Tokyo Middleweight going to Knockdown?!" "Looks like it is, Taecyeon. But one thing's definitely we're sure of is that... The Bloodline has another gold to be stored in their prized collection!" Eunwoo replied. The show ended with Sejeong feeling pity for her defeated friend and frustrated at herself for not being able to help properly while Momo stands tall in the middle of the ring, celebrating with her newly won championship for the first time in her career in front of the Tokyo crowd. -------------------------- SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 | THREE DAYS LATER The current Japan's Tag Team Champions Myoui Mina and YN and 'The Honorary Muse' Minatozaki Sana are at the backstage along with the newly crowned Tokyo Middleweight Champion Hirai Momo. They were cheering her up for her match tonight with her challenger for the title against the fighter Jeong Yunho. "Let's go, Momo! It's about time to represent The Bloodline again tonight, but you already know that." Mina said to her cousin who wasn't looking again them, rather focused at somewhere else but still listening to their words of motivation. "Yeah! We're abut to go out there and handle business. We got your back just like we did last week. Let's go get it, Momoring!" YN starts to jump up and down at the rising excitement he's feeling of being involved in another chaos with his family. Suddenly, she was stopped by Momo who pressed her arm on his chest. All of them looked confused at Momo. "I got this. Yours are off the game today, YN." Momo said to YN who became silent. She turns around and gazed. "Hey, Sana. You're going?" Sana looked at her puzzledly. "M-me?" YN and Mina directed their eyes at the Honorary Muse, especially YN who looked baffled and ridiculous at her. "Gotta go guys." Sana patted Mina who gave her a proud smile while YN glared as she makes her exit behind Momo off the curtains with the theme began playing in the arena. ------------------------- Momo pushes Yunho through the ropes, she attempted for a superkick but Yunho caught her feet. He used both to add more strenghth as she carried Momo and plants her down to the ring. He covered Momo, the referee began to count. "1....2...-" Momo kicks out at two. Yunho lifts her body up and locks her head up to prepare her for his finsiher called the Endgame but Momo separated and blows the back of Yunho's neck. The athletic warrior gets stunned. Momo hooked his arm for a Urinagi slam but Yunho prevented, dragging her feet down and roll her up for a pin. "1...2...-" Momo kicks out. Another near fall has been broken. Yunho charges through her at the corner but she defended with an elbow to the side of the face. Seeing him bent his body had Momo to take the opportunity by sprinting through the ropes and attack him for crossbody but instead she was caught in the mid-air by the powerful Yunho. He throws her behind with a fallaway slam, Yunho positioned himself at the corner. "And now, it's Yunho's opportunity to claim the gold." Knight says as he watches the fuming fighter dialing up his advantage. He ran, but thankfully Momo was pulled out of the ring by Sana. Yunho was irritated by what she did, so he went out of the ring and start chasing Sana around like cat and dog. Sana entered the ring and slides off. Yunho still chased her but instead met with a surprise superkick by Momo who remerged in the ring. Momo hanged her arm around Yunho and lifted him up, slamming him down hard to the canvas with her finisher, the Ultra Urinagi to secure a victory. "1...2...3" The bell rang, Hirai Momo successfully retains her title thanks to the assistance by Minatozaki Sana. She snatches the belt away from the referee and instead took the honor to hand it to the champion and raise her arm proud to display the representative of The Bloodline in front of the booing crowd. --------------------------------------- Minutes later, it's time for The Honorary Muse to focus on her own worry as she faces the high-flying, superhuman-like fighter Lee Jihoon or better known by his alias Woozi in a match tonight also. With The Bloodline on the ringside for her, watching and supporting her through the match, they saw Sana trying to set up Woozi for a Purple Thunderbomb with couple of arm pounces on his spine. She carried him but Woozi backflips, Sana tried to grab back but Woozi avoided her by stepping on her shoulders and perform another backflip then a kick straight onto her jaw. Sana collapses in the ring, Woozi did a taunt and climbs through the turnbuckle. However, Mina climbs in the apron, distracting Woozi as she got blocked by the referee. That allowed Sana to slowly get up and carry Woozi from behind with a clean Purple Thunderbomb. She pinned him exactly as she slammed his body, but Woozi kicks out at two afterwards. Sana pulls up Woozi but the latter tries to fight back with some punches around her body. She lets him go, runs through the ropes but Woozi jumped and wraps his legs around her leg then spin her for an amazing hurricanranna move. He pins Sana, but she kicked out at two also. "Woozi not looking to slow down." Kwangsoo said as the fighter carried Sana on his shoulder but he dropped her shortly when he observed YN climbing up through the apron and quickly fought him with a punch. "And now, once again but this time it's the 'Main Event' Myoui YN. Sana from behind, rolling up Woozi for the victory, and Woozi kicks out again!" Woozi runs and bounces at the ropes and delivers a terrifying high knee right into Sana's face. YN backs up again but Woozi parkours in the middle rope then lures him away with a flying kick on the face. Sana caught Woozi again from behind, surprising him with a suplex then a cover. However, the referee didn't counted right away because the pissed off and arrogant YN tried to enter the ring again to lay his hands finally on Woozi. As YN backs out in anger, the referee then counts but Woozi kicks out. Sana peeked at the ropes to talk with YN. "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to get on him!" "I had him!" "I'm just helping you, okay?!" YN continues to push her back in the match and spit his excuses but Sana had enough, she rolled out of the ring and stares dangerously at YN as she pushes him. "WHAT ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO DO, HUH?" "OH, SO NOW YOU'RE BLAMING ME?" "YOU COULD'VE STAYED THERE! CAN'T YOU SEE I ALREADY HAD HIM?" "THEN GO BACK AND FOCUS ON THE MATCH THEN! I'M TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, I'M JUST LOOKING AFTER YOU!" YN and Sana traded barbs with each other, Mina steps in between and tries to break up their argument. They were too occupied to settle with this conflict that they didn't even noticed Woozi charging at them with a high cannonball to take them all out at the ringside. Woozi grabs Sana and rolled her back in the ring. He climbs up to the corner and stand at the top rope before he executes a picture perfect shooting star press through Sana's poor body. "With a style! Highlight of the night and Woozi gets the win!" Knight exclaimed as the referee counted to three on the pinned Sana. The referee raised his arm in victory. Woozi let the ring immediately when Momo enters and tries to chase him. Woozi celebrates with the crowd with The Bloodline suffered in the growth of their problem as they failed to provide their service for Sana in return.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023 | ONE WEEK LATER After Yuta Nakamoto delivers his speech for The Bloodline's Acknowledgment Ceremony to celebrate and congratulate Hirai Momo's title win last week as a complete group, they were about to leave the ring when Sana requests for a mic to be handed. "Can we cut the music for a moment, please? Can we just cut the music for one moment?" Sana speaks as she requested for Yuta's theme to be stopped. That took the rest to face her confusingly, especially Yuta. "Guys, I'm sorry. Sorry." Sana apologizes as she knew what that looks could have mean about. YN began to yell "What are you doing, Sana?!" and even Jinyoung who just asked her calmly. Jinyoung saw Yuta gesturing for an initiative. He gets another mic and gave it to him. "I-I just wanted to say that I know I'm not technically 'Blood', right." Sana mimics the quotation mark. "But the way you guys are taken me in as a family as of late, I wanted to show my gratitude and I wanted to ofcourse, publicly acknowledge The Empire Chief." Sana pointed her hand at Yuta who nodded and satisfied at her respectful remark. Yuta grins and smiles impressively at Sana who blushed at that reaction. The crowd then chanted her name loudly, capturing Yuta's attention. "I like you, Sana." Yuta said. Sana's eyes widened and her face nearly reddened. She wasn't entirely sure what it actually meant. Her heartbeats quickened but she tried to be steady. "I like you.... but what are you talking for, right now? What are you saying right now?" Sana's face turns clueless. "I get it. I've been seeing what's happening here but like... why are still here?" She gasped and furrowed her eyebrow, encapsulating her confusion further. The crowd slowly booed. "What is going on, muse? Why do you still have that scarf on? Why are you still tagging along with us? This whole thing, w-what is this about? What do you want?' Sana remained silent, she doesn't know what to respond other than just to release some "huhs?" and "what?". "I'll tell you what I want. I want you to take that scarf off." "TAKE IT OUT! TAKE THAT SCARF OFF!" YN shouted at Sana who got taken aback. "Y-Yuta, I don't know if you're kidding or not kidding but if this is about what happened between me and Woozi last week, I-..." "Sana... I'm not going to tell you again. Take. that. scarf. off. Now." "LISTEN NOW, SANA! TAKE. THAT. SHIRT. OFF!" YN yelled at her again. Jinyoung snatches the mic away from Sana's hand. Sana still tries to explain but it all just falls in deaf ears of The Empire Chief. "YN." YN aggressively tugs, untangles, and rips the scarf out of Sana's hair and neck. The Japanese woman was frightened and nervous at what is going on for her. "See, this is what I'm talking about, I need you to listen for once. I don't want to see you in that scarf ever again, do you understand me? You ain't ever gonna wear a Bloodline scarf, EVER AGAIN!" Sana just stares terrifyingly and heartbroken at everything she's listening to Yuta's words. The man she deeply idolizes, respects, and admires discreetly... is the one who is commanding right in front of her to leave him and his family alone with utter dislikedness. She feels like she's about to cry, her body starts to slightly shiver in her emotions. "You ain't ever gonna wear that scarf...
... because I got you a new one." Yuta reaches inside his shirt and throws a red cloth at Sana who catched it while shocked at what she just heard. YN who is walking around behind feeling confident and relieved, had to halt all that when he saw Sana holding a piece of clothing. Sana slowly unfolded the scarf and spreaded it, showing to everyone what it looks like. The red scarf has The Bloodline logo and prints on it with the letters spelled out "THE HONORARY MUSE" engraved on it. "Wow." Both Knight and Kwangsoo reacted in awe while the crowd cheered and clapped for Sana who still can't processed what just happened. "I guess, welcome to the family." As Sana reads the words again and realized that Yuta himself gave that scarf to her, that only confirms one thing. She finally did it. She is now an official honorary member, an Honorary Muse for The Bloodline. Sana became delighted and jumps in glee. She excitedly wears the scarf around her head and neck then raised her arms in glory. Yuta just amusingly watched Sana being very happy with the gift. Sana quickly high fives and hugs Mina and Momo who couldn't contain their happiness for their new co-member and friend. For YN though who is uncomfortable and humiliated, Sana mocks him closer to his face before facing Yuta. "Anything you wanna say?" Yuta smirked. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU, EMPIRE CHIEF!" Sana stepped forward to approach Yuta, circling her arms to embrace him thankfully which made him unaware of. Yuta felt Sana shake through her sniffs as she finally cried on his shoulders. To comfort and be guilty of the prank that he planned to do to make her mistakenly believe that she's going to be kicked out and declined to be part of his family, he made his apology with a simple caress and pats on her back while repeatedly telling her to slow down her cries. The show ended with The Bloodline: Mina, Jinyoung, and Momo celebrates  while YN is on the corner, watching Yuta and Sana hugging together with a frown and mixed feelings disturbing him inside, not with disappointment anymore... but because of something confusing that he couldn't yet exactly identify the reason why.
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Jamie Lannister x queen!OC (Oneshot, maybe another part)
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A/N: I gave my best. Hope ya like it. I maybe do another part. But first enjoy this one. Warnings: Spoilers Season 7, fluff, mentions of war Words: 780
The Lannister Soldiers celebrated their win. The Tullys a few miles away mourned their deaths.
She looked over the crowd and spotted him sitting with a skilled mercenary. They looked in another direction than her. Her sister smirked at her as she noticed her staring at the Lannister.
"My sweet sister, I can´t believe it: You are ATTRACTED to someone!"
The blond girl smiled and looked at her sister's shiny eyes and wrinkles as she started laughing.
"My dear sister, you believe everything, don´t you?"
Her sister smiled again and shook her head.
The blonde girl took a sip of her wine and smiled once more, catching the attention of the Lannister. He met her gaze as she turned to face a soldier holding a letter.
"Your Majesty, an enemy surrounded our country. 1000 men. 50 horses. We have only 30 soldiers left. What should we do?"
The queen looked at the letter and gestured to stop him from speaking.
Her eyebrows raised as she saw the signing.
"My Queen, is something wrong?"
She nodded.
"Yes, the signing. Get me there. I want to see it for my own."
The soldier bowed and left to prepare for her ride back. She nodded to her sister, and both of them got up. Her view flew to Walder Frey, who sat in the front and sipped at his beer, talking to his wife.
"Poor little thing"
Her sister whispered as they descended the few stairs to greet the Lord and his wife before leaving.
"My Lord, I am so sorry, but we have to leave. Another battle in my country started. We will visit you soon."
Waldar Frey looked at them and smiled. He spat out the few lines he said.
"Of course, Your Majesty."
They bowed and turned around. Her soldier stood in the corner and nodded to her to hurry up. Her sister cursed because of the behavior of this dipshit. She felt the view from the Lannister in her back and smiled.
"Ya know he is watching, don´t ya?"
She smiled, and that was enough to say.
Her horse was already ready as they got out. Her commandant came up to her.
"One of our soldiers is missing. We don´t know where he is."
The woman raised an eyebrow.
"We need everything we can get Ser. If we lose this battle, I will lose my title and my right to rule over the Western countries. How long does it take to be back home?"
"Four weeks."
"They all will be dead."
The commandant nodded, and she sighed. Once again, she was about to lose her country.
A voice in her back interrupted her thoughts.
"My Lady, I think we found one of your soldiers stealing weapons from our one."
She turned around, and her sister started smiling as they saw the Lannister and the mercenary.
"You stand in the presence of the ruler of the Western countries. Isabella Evans. One of the best soldiers her age. She is no Lady."
Her soldier said till she raised a hand.
All the eyes laid on her, and she felt interested views from the Lannister.
"Give me my soldier, and everything will be good. We don´t have time to discuss this shit. There is a war waiting for us. Get on your horse, and I don´t like to hear anything about that anymore."
She waved that everyone should leave her.
"So you are a queen. My Queen, it was nice to meet you."
The mercenary said, bowed, and left.
The Lannister looked at her with a tilted head. She smiled as she looked at his sparkling eyes.
"I never thought a queen of the Western country could be such beautiful. All the stories told us that you are monsters that eat themselves."
She laughed.
"We got told everyone here is rich and powerful, and there is no need to have a war."
"Then we got told fairytales."
He laughed too.
"Ser, I would love to talk further, but I am stressed about stopping a war."
He said, bowed, and smiled as she got up on her horse. The reins in her hand to turn her horse. She knew who he was. She knew he was a Lannister, and she knew that the stories were true: He was the good-looking one.
"Ser Jamie, I hope we see each other again. Maybe if everything goes wrong and you need me again to save the Seven Kingdoms. We will see again, I feel that."
She winked and waved at him and turned her horse finally around. He just stood there with a huge smile and a sense that told him: They will meet again.
Part 2??????
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deathlessathanasia · 8 months
Here are all the Hera-centric retellings I know of and also have read so far:
„We Goddesses: Athena, Aphrodite, Hera” by Doris Orgel - As the title suggests, there are three sections in this book, each retelling some of the myths each goddess appears in from her own perspective. The retellings are pretty short and straightforward, nothing to write home about, but fine enough for what they are especially given that the book seems targeted to a younger audience.
„Olympian Confessions: Hera” by Erin Kinsella - Hera is written very sympathetically here, in fact she is positively saintly and has done nothing even remotely questionable in her entire life - hell, she's not even involved in the Trojan War! Such characterization is certainly different than the usual, but it is also boring as hell imo.
„The Goddess Queen”, first novella in „The Goddess Legacy” by Aimee Carter. - Goddess Legacy is itself part of the Goddess Test series, which I personally hated and found utter trash. Hera's portrayal is especially atrocious and shallow throughout the other books, but in this one story she is allowed to be a more complex and interesting character.
„Hera, Queen of Gods” and „Hera, Queen of Mortals” by T.D. Thomas - Not actually a retelling, but Hera is the main character so I'm including it. This duology (I think it might be called Goddess Unbound) was so forgivable that I hardly remember anything about it. I do recall constantly questioning everything that was going on. The only notable thing about it is that Hera dumps Zeus, too bad that she does so for a high schooler.
„Wings of Fury” and „Crown of Cinders” by Emily R. King - This one sounded sooo promising. Hera during the Titanomachy? Yes please! Too bad it did not live up to my expectations. If you are interested in Hera this won't do much for you, as the character that bears her name really has nothing to do with her and is just your generic YA female protagonist.
„Hera: The Goddess and her Glory” by George O'Connor - Honestly, I feel like this one is more about Herakles than it is about Hera.
„Hera” by Julien Longo - Here we have far more of a reimagining than a retelling, and there is very little you will find recognizable beyond the names of the characters. There is also a sequel to this one, but I haven't read it.
„Ithaca” by Claire North, The first book in The Songs of Penelope series - I was very hesitant to include it because it is not actually about Hera, but she does narrate the story and that must count for something. I actually complained several times even on this blog about this series and the way the gods are portrayed in it, but there are also some aspects I enjoyed and the writing is beautiful.
„Hera” by Jennifer Saint - This is definitely my favorite on the list and has what I consider to be one of, if not the best portrayal of Hera I have ever seen. It also includes some of my favorite more or less obscure versions of myths, such as Hera as the mother of Typhon and Hera not being eaten as a baby by her father. Mind you, the book is not perfect, I found several decisions questionable and there were myths I'd have liked to see explored or explored more thoroughly, but this remains the best Hera-centric retelling so far, in my opinion.
„Queen of Heaven” by Ava McKevitt - Again we have here the first book in a series. This one, too, includes some stories I rarely see explored, such as Hera being chosen by the Argive rivers to preside over Argolis, Hera raising Thetis, Kronos and Hera conspiring for the birth of Typhon. However, Hera is such a ridiculously submissive and passive figure for the most part (even when she does something wicked she feels oh so very bad about it)! She takes care of both Athena and Dionysos as children, has Hephaistos by herself but not purposefully and then drops him from Olympos by accident, Kronos is the one who approaches her for the creation of Typhon, Angelos simply runs away after stealing from her mother and giving her stuff to Europa and Hera doesn't persecute her at all, she is nice and sympathetic to Kallisto, Hephaistos is the one who talks the gods into binding Zeus and Hera plays no active role in that conspiracy, she has no intention to take revenge for Zeus's infidelities until she gets inspiration from Medea. This leads me to how confusing the timeline is. As an example, Zeus's children by Europa are born before Apollo and Artemis and Io's adventures take place later than the voyage of the Argonauts. , And then there is the characterization of Thetis, of which the less said the better.
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