#it's to keep her pride intact
poemsforchan · 3 months
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
summary: you meet Chan at a club and things get steamy from there.
word count: 3,579 words
warnings: NSFW, chan is always referred to as Chris, might be ooc?, mentions of alcohol, a lot of kissing, reader gets called pretty, sexual activities in the car, naked humping, thoughts of raw sex, that is all I can remember.
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The blinding lights of the club hurt your eyes when you walk through the door. The stuffy air and loud music hit you full force and you almost feel like turning around and going back outside, where the atmosphere was chillier and less suffocating. Your friend’s hand on yours is what makes you move forward, navigating through the sea of bodies with a quick “Sorry!” or “Excuse me.” being thrown into the air even though no one could really hear you. Your friend lets go of your hand when you reach the bar, immediately trying to get the bartender’s attention to order a drink. In the meantime, you look around the place in hopes of seeing your other friends you were supposed to meet. You suspect it would have been better to meet up outside the club. You shoot up a quick text to the group chat and wait for a response, expecting at least one of them to check their phone. Your friend returns to you with a big smile and a colorful drink in her hand and she promptly drags you to the dance floor, swinging from side to side to the beat of the song. It doesn't take long until you spot your friends and you move from your spot to stand beside them, exchanging hugs and loud words.
You dance with your friends for a bit, screaming lyrics and laughing as they make you twirl and do some silly dance steps. Mid twirl your eyes catch the stranger standing near the wall. He’s not alone, two other guys standing next to him with drinks in their hands and they laugh at something, but he’s staring only at you. The man is cute and very much attractive with dark hair, full lips and big muscles but you don’t stare at him for long, a bit too shy at the intense eye contact but you can almost feel him look at you even with your back turned to him. One of your friends catches your attention and you discreetly move your head towards the stranger behind you. She squinted her eyes in his direction, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be discreet and not completely obvious.
“You should talk to him!” She screams over the music, giving you two thumbs up in approval. You shake your head in horror, denying her suggestion. “He keeps looking at you!”
You want to check if it’s true but decide against it, not knowing what you would do if those intense eyes were still on you. You can’t help but feel a bit self conscious and scared that you were reading the signs wrong. You didn’t want to make a move just to be turned down because he was actually looking at one of your friends. Or maybe he was just looking around, too bored of the party and your eyes coincidentally met. You didn’t have much to lose but you wanted your pride to be kept intact. The rest of the group caught up on what was happening and they too proposed you going to talk to the mysterious man but when you denied their offers, they didn’t push you too much.
You kept having fun with your friends, the time passing too slowly and there were still a few hours to go before the agreed time to leave. Your friend, thankfully, asked you to go outside for a bit, feeling too hot and tired dancing. There’s an open area used mainly by smokers but a few people are sitting on the floor against the wall talking to each other. You and your friend find an empty spot, the rest of the group deciding to stay inside. She sits on the floor, completely ignoring the fact that it’s dirty, and you settle for leaning against the wall.
“You ok?” You ask her just to make sure.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you? We can leave earlier if you’re feeling tired.”
“Don’t worry.” You answer, looking around the place. “The guy inside was really hot. I kinda wish I had the guts to talk to him.”
“He was totally checking you out.” She laughs, looking up at you. “You’re so sexy, you should've jumped on him.”
You shake your head at the thought. “Never. Maybe he was looking at you. There’s no way I’ll embarrass myself.” Your friend replies with a “No way!” a bit too loud that has some people turning to look at you. “I’m serious!”
Your friend starts rambling about all of the signs the man was showing when looking at you, set on convincing you that he was indeed into you and should go for it. You don’t pay much attention to what she is saying, instead only catching a few words from time to time as you look at the people outside. You feel sleepy already - your day was too long for you to be partying all night but you weren't about to leave knowing you could stare at the pretty guy for a bit longer even if nothing was going to happen. You look back at your friend, still rambling about the man being “a pussy” and “doesn't know what he’s losing” as she gets up from her place to start walking inside. You laugh at her passion, your hand already holding hers so you don’t get lost in the crowd. The loud music hits you full force once again and you can tell your friend is still talking but you can’t really hear anything. The woman stops abruptly and you bump against her back, looking over her shoulder to see what happened. The pretty man stands in front of her, a shy smile on his lips as he says something near her ear. Your heart drops a bit and you scold yourself for getting a little bit of hope. He says something to your friend, she laughs and you just want to get out of there. You squeeze her hand before letting go, trying to signal that you were going back to the group standing a few meters away. Your friend quickly turns around with a big smile.
“He’s asking if he could steal you from me for a bit!” She screams over the music. You look at her confused. You? Maybe you didn't hear her correctly. “Was telling me he thinks you’re cute and wants to talk to you.”
“Why wouldn’t he just talk to me?” You ask a bit too loud, making the guy hear you too.
“I didn't want to seem like a creep or come onto you too strong. I don’t know, I’m nervous!” He replies, scratching the back of his neck.
Your friend pushes you closer to him before shouting a “have fun!” before rejoining your group. They’re close enough that they can see you if you need someone to save you and that makes you relax a bit. Still, it’s a bit awkward. The man’s eyes are too intense and you try your hardest to avoid eye contact. Instead, you look at your hands picking at the skin around your nails. A warm hand settles on yours, stopping your actions and making you look at the owner. He gets closer to your ear before saying “I’m Chris. You?” and you feel like you're going to combust on the spot. His hand is holding yours, his eyes are looking at you and you have an urge to just scream. His thumb is rubbing circles on your palm, moving to your fingers and then up to your wrist. He repeats the action multiple times, still looking at you and still waiting for your response but your brain is practically malfunctioning. You manage to say your name without embarrassing yourself further but you believe there’s steam coming out of your head when Chris smiles so sweetly at you and your legs turn into jelly. Your heart is beating too fast, your body is too hot and Chris is too close to you. Your eyes go from his to his lips and you don’t think you have ever wanted to kiss someone as bad as you want to kiss Chris. “You’re really pretty.” You hear him say and you swear you’re about to pass out and humiliate yourself in front of the hottest guy you have ever met. “Wanna go outside so we don’t have to keep yelling at each other?”
You almost want to argue that you haven't been yelling at each other because your brain turned into mush and you’re not talking at all but you still nod and he guides you outside, your hand still holding his. Chris takes you close to the spot you had previously stood with your friend. The cold air helps you organize your thoughts and stop overheating. With the stuffy air inside the club, the proximity and Chris’ breath hitting your neck, it was a matter of time before you passed out.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you since you first walked in.” He admits before his eyes widened and he quickly said “Not that I’m stalking you or anything! I just happened to see you and you’re really beautiful but I was so, so nervous. I don’t think I’ve ever done this but I knew I was gonna regret it if I didn't make a move. My friends were giving me a pep talk and when I saw you come back inside I just went for it. I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Don’t apologize, that was cute.” You giggle a little, feeling a lot calmer knowing you weren't the only one anxious. “You caught my eye too, I was just too shy to make the first move.”
Chris lets out a breath. “Good to know. I was scared my rambling was going to push you away and make you think I’m weird.”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry, I don't think that.” You chewed on your bottom lip, thinking about what to say next.
Chris’ eyes move from yours to your lips for a second before he snaps back to reality and his eyes move up again. “I’m glad. Are you… are you sober?” Your eyes alternate between his and the tongue wetting his lips. Chris’ hand is still holding yours and he uses it to his advantage, pulling your body closer to his.
“Yeah…” you whisper, not wanting to break the moment. Your throat is dry and you wonder if alcohol would have helped you in this situation. “I’m the designated driver. Are you?” you ask back.
“Drank water all night.” He replies.
His answer is enough to make your lips crash. Chris holds the back of your head with his free hand while yours is grabbing his shirt. His lips are soft and taste a little bit minty - it makes you dizzy. You can't think of a kiss better than this one but you reckon it has to do with the man kissing you rather than the quality of it. It’s a bit sloppy and fast but knowing you’re kissing Chris is enough for this to be the best kiss of your life. He’s the one stopping the kiss first and you mindlessly chase his lips, your eyes still closed. He chuckles and gives you a few pecks. You open your eyes and immediately wish you hadn't. Chris looks even more handsome with red, swollen lips that shiny a little from the lipgloss you had. His hand slides down your body from your head to your waist and you’re as close as possible. Every single thing you want to do to him plays in your mind like a movie and you even get surprised at your thoughts. It’s definitely a first.
For the first time since he talked to you, you let go of his hand to wrap your arms around his neck. His grip on your waist suggests he’s trying to hold himself back, eyes burning with desire. You pull him for another kiss, nails lightly scratching the back of his head as you play with his hair. You push Chris against the wall to deepen your kiss as you open your mouth to welcome his tongue. You don’t think you can go back to living your boring life after tonight and especially not after Chris starts being bold and slips a hand to grab your ass.
“Come home with me.” Chris whispers against your lips, then moving to kiss your jaw and neck.
“Can’t.” You manage to breathe out. “I have to drive my friends home.” You explain, throwing your head back to give him more space. The man sucks a hickey on your neck and hums at your words. “The backseats of the car are really spacious though.”
You don’t know why you were so bold suddenly but you knew you needed some kind of relief. Plus, having sex in the car was safer than going to his house. Right? It didn't matter either way - not when Chris looked at you with those eyes; like he was ready to undress you right there. He holds your hand again and guides you through the still full place until the exit. You manage to send a text to the groupchat informing your friends regarding what is about to happen (texting with one hand was harder than you expected but you’re almost sure they will be able to understand despite the horrible mistakes). When you reach the exit, you guide Chris to where your car was parked and the walk felt longer than you remembered. You unlock your car but Chris claims your lips before you have the chance to open the door. His hands travel up and down your body and you pull his hair a bit to make him stop. The man full-on groans while kissing you and you’re quick to reach behind you to grab the door handle before you decide to just drop on your knees to hear him groan like that again. You open the door and quickly go inside, laying on the backseat with your head propped on the window. Chris gets on top of you, almost forgetting to close the door if it wasn't for your warning. He goes back to kissing you as soon as you’re in the privacy of your car (which wasn't much. Sure, your windows were tinted but you doubt you will be controlled enough that people passing by don't know what is happening). You separate just long enough to pull his shirt off before your lips are crashing again.
“Do you… fuck… do you have a condom?” You ask, breathless, while grinding your hips against his already hard dick.
His eyes widened. “No! I didn’t think I was gonna need it.” He runs his fingers through his hair, making it even more messy. “I can just go down on you or something?”
The thought of Chris between your legs is definitely something and you’re inclined to say yes but, today, you’re focused on both of you. However, you hope you can see Chris again to fulfill the fantasy of having the handsome man pleasing you with his tongue, whether he’s between your thighs or under you while you ride his nose. Right now you have to deny his request, instead unzipping his pants. “We could just… do this?” Your front humps against him and Chris groans, moving his hips.
“Yeah… yeah, that’s fine.” He replies weakly. “Just… hold on, fuck.” Chris grabs your legs to help you take off your shoes and then works to unzip your jeans, sliding them off your legs with a bit of struggle. He pulls his pants and boxers down just enough to take his dick out and your jaw drops at the sight. Chris is pretty everywhere and you mentally curse yourself for not having condoms on you because you could be feeling his dick inside of you right now. One of his hands rests next to your head, supporting his body while the other guides his dick to touch cunt - your underwear being the only thing in between. Chris groans with each thrust, surprisingly vocal in this situation, which gets you to imagine how much louder you can make him be. For the first time in your life, you kind of want to get fucked raw by this guy you just met. Obviously you don’t. Instead, you pull your underwear to the side so you can get more friction. Chris, to your displeasure, thrusts against you rather than into you but it’s the best you will get in this situation. The tip of his cock bumps deliciously against your clit and you cling onto his shoulders like he will just disappear. He kisses you and bites your neck between sweet, groans and then his warm hands are pushing your top up so your bra is on display for him.
“Take it off for me.” Chris pleads and you immediately do as it says. The position is a bit awkward and it takes you a bit longer than normal to take off your strapless bra but as soon as you manage, Chris’ hand is touching your boobs, pulling softly a nipple between two fingers. “You’re so pretty.” He whispers. “And you have the prettiest pussy…” Chris grunts. Your brain almost doesn't process the words coming out of his mouth. The man who was too shy to talk to you had the dirtiest mouth during sex but you would never complain. Not when he looked at you like you were an angel, the prettiest person he has ever seen. “I can’t wait… f-fuck… I can't wait to fuck her.” Chris’ hand slides down your front until his fingers are circling your clit for an extra stimulation. It’s too much and not enough at the same time. You think your brain short circuited due to Chris’ words and at the fact that his dick, at times, gets dangerously close to your entrance. “You’d take me so well, wouldn't you?” You realize Chris’ words aren't directed at you and the whiplash you get from the guy you talked to at the party and the man humping you in the backseat of your car is insane.
With difficulty, you find your voice to whimper a “‘m gonna cum. Keep doing it like that.” that has Chris kissing you again. His fingers maintain the rhythm you asked for and it doesn't take long until you cum with a moan of his name. Chris helps you ride out your orgasm and his thrusts get a bit sloppy at the same time. Your hands find his hair, now slightly more curled than you remember seeing at the party and sticking to his forehead. “Are you close?” Chris nods eagerly. You pull his hair a bit, drinking in the way a moan falls off his lips so red and swollen from all of the kissing. Chris thrusts a few more times before spilling all over your stomach with heavy breaths.
Post-nut clarity hits Chris hard. “I am so sorry!” He says with widened eyes. “I don’t know why I said those things.” He looks down at your body, his cheeks getting a cute shade of red that you’re not sure is from the heat or embarrassment. “And I got you all dirty, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine, don’t worry. I enjoyed it.” You calm him down but feel a bit shy yourself. “I have tissues in my purse. I think I threw it in the front seat. Can you get it for me?”
Chris looks over the front seat and reaches to grab the purse. You grab the tissues but he stops you and takes it from your hand. You never believed in love at first sight but butterflies are partying in your stomach while Chris gently cleans you. When he’s done he pulls your panties back in place and smiles kindly at you, dimples on full display. You tug him for another kiss, this one slower than the ones you’ve been giving him so far. You both get dressed fairly quickly after you read the clock and realize your friends might show up at any moment. Chris opens the car door, looks around to see if anyone is near and then hops out the car. You get out after and leave the door open to hopefully get rid of the smell of sex. Chris pulls you by the waist to get another kiss and it confirms that you both like kissing each other more than anything.
You see your friends walking to your car when you stop kissing, a bit drunk and laughing loudly at something.
“I have to drive my friends home but… You could come to my house after.” You say quietly, a bit shy and scared that Chris didn’t feel all of those butterflies too and this was a one time thing. “If you want.”
He pulls out his phone from the back pocket and hands it to you unlocked. “Give me your number and I’ll text you so you can send me the address? My friend is gonna drop me off at my place and I’ll just drive to yours when you’re done.”
“It’s late though. Are you sure?” You question, taking his phone and creating a new contact with your number.
“One hundred percent.”
You get teased by your friends all the way but you barely listen to their words, thoughts filled with Chris and the second encounter happening when you get home.
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
I wonder what would Miguel’s reaction be if the reader just did the ‘hey’ rizz on Miguel (uncle Aaron’s style) 😭😭😭 mans for sure would be hella confused and tell the reader to just go back to work or something, meanwhile the reader ends up feeling embarrassed 😭😭😭
I could just imagine lyla messing with the reader by playing that encounter over and over again, rip to the reader 😭
But miguel on the other hand wouldn’t think much about it at first until he randomly thought about it 👀
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
contents: light-hearted for the most part, some alcohol involved
word count: 2K
Your hand was awkwardly placed on Miguel’s shoulder as you looked up to him with a smirk on your face, his expression contorting into one of confusion and disgust? A conversation with Miles about how his uncle used this technique with women had elicited you to try it out with Miguel, but it clearly failed with the way he was looking at you. You’d heard about other women trying to flirt with him in the past, but a part of you hoped that he’d more receptive to your advances. While you weren't expecting for the man to downright fall in love with you, you also weren't expecting him to glare at you in response.
You heard LYLA's giggles coming from the back of the room and you did your best to ignore them, keeping your hand on Miguel’s shoulder as you waited for some kind of response. "I don't have time for your jokes. The fate of the multiverse is hanging on by a very thin line so go back to work and don't bother me," he spoke, the temperature of the room seemingly dropping with how indifferent he sounded. Your hand immediately dropped from his shoulder, hanging by your side as you nodded.
You turned to look back at Miguel once you got close to the door, his back turned towards you as he analyzed the events unfolding on the monitors. You wanted to apologize to him for how awkward the situation had been, but you decided to swallow it down and keep whatever pride you had intact. You walked over to the cafeteria, sitting down on one of the benches as you buried your head in your hands.
"What's going on, chica?" You heard someone ask you, seeing Miles approach you with a styrofoam box. You thanked him for the empanada, taking it out of the box as you took a bite out of it. “I tried out that whole thing you told me about and it ended extremely bad."
"What thing? The whole electricity thing?"
"No, the thing you said your uncle did. The shoulder thing and saying 'hey.'"
"Oh yeah, I guess I should've mentioned that it only worked when uncle Aaron did it."
You rolled your eyes as you took a bite from your empanada, glancing over at Miles. "Yeah, guess you should've," you muttered in response after you finished swallowing, putting your empanada down on the box. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I tried it out on Gwen and it's basically the whole reason why she shaved the half of her hair off," he responded with a small shrug, taking a bite out of his own beef patty.
"I guess that does make me feel a little bit better, yeah."
"Who'd you try it out on anyways?"
Miles' eyes widen as he looked over at you, letting out a small scoff. "Crazy Miguel that chased me on all fours?" He asked you, taking your empanada away as you were about to take another bite. "Wish he would chase me on all fours. You don't know how lucky you had it, man," you responded, letting out a small chuckle at the way his brows furrowed.
"Maybe you deserve getting rejected."
"Are you still bitter over getting that B in Spanish?"
"It's an A, thank you. But I mean, at least he probably doesn't know what's going on."
You shrugged as a response, looking at the other spider variants passing by. "Wish I could've seen you though," he says, glancing over at you. You were about to speak once more when an orange hue popped out of nowhere, LYLA making herself shown. "It's a good thing I recorded the whole thing then!" She announced, holding up a tiny screen as the events unfolded.
You cringed as you witnessed the scene from an outside perspective, noticing the little things you hadn't before. The height difference just looked completely awkward as you held your hand up to his shoulder, acting domineering in the situation. "You know, I like you a lot better when we're bullying Miguel," you mumbled from underneath your hands, the AI bursting into laughter once more. "You know I can't be subjective with my bullying. Toodles!"
You glanced over at Miles, seeing him struggle to contain the small giggles coming out of him. At seeing your expression, he couldn't help but laugh audibly. "Sorry, but it's just.. that's priceless," he mumbled, wiping at faux tears. You rolled your eyes and the two of you continued talking about art and what he wanted to pursue. Eventually, you ended up having to leave due to some disturbance in your universe and as you were leaving, you couldn't help noticing Miles and LYLA talking in hushed whispers.
Buzzing noises in the bedside table next to you awoke your slumber the next morning, the buzzing happening every five seconds. You rolled over to your side, grabbing your phone from the table as you tried to find the source of where all the commotion was coming from. You ended up on the shared website that HQ had, seeing your face plastered on the front of the newsfeed.
More specifically, your face contorted into that stupid smirk that would be controlling your nightmares for the next couple weeks. You groaned, seeing laughing emojis circulating throughout your screen before you decided to completely shut off your phone. You pressed your face deeper into your pillow as you tried to fall asleep, prolonging having to see everybody around again.
Loud knocking on your door woke you up and while you were debating on telling the person on the other side to leave you alone, you put on your bunny slippers and decided to open the door. Miguel’s gaze narrowed as he saw you pajama-clad, your bunny slippers squeaking on the floorboards. "I’ve been calling you all damn day. We needed your help with an anomaly and nobody could reach you," he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest as he looked down at you.
"It's so funny that you mention that, actually. I turned my phone off since it kept buzzing," you mumbled, looking off to the side to avoid his gaze. "That's not what you have a cellphone for. Don't let it happen again," he responded, his expression hardening the longer he kept you under his gaze. You stayed quiet in hopes he wouldn't ask what had your phone buzzing and nodded, going to grab your phone to turn it back on. You were instantly bombarded with texts, most of them from LYLA just spamming you with the video.
That night, Miguel decided to investigate what exactly was the cause of your phone buzzing constantly, his eyes widening as he came across the newsfeed. He saw your face plastered on the video with the title "Newbie tried to seduce Miguel O’Hara. Epic fail!" As he looked through the video, he started to piece the puzzle together and why you looked so dejected when he sent you back to work.
He had played it off as one of your stupid jokes but he hadn't been able to get it out his mind after it happened. He was determined to talk to you the following day, confirm his suspicions that you were flirting with him before he got any further ideas about what your intentions had been.
However when Miguel approached your desk the following day, he didn't find anyone there except for a discarded burger wrapper and a half empty cup of soda. "Hey, do you know where they're at?" He asked the person who sat at the desk next to you, but they didn't prove to be much help. He let out a small groan, going back to his office after getting an anomaly report.
The following week continued like that, with Miguel wishing he could just get a glimpse of you and your silence being the only thing that remained. He decided to look at your location through his watch, appearing in your universe a couple minutes later. As he looked around, he couldn't help but find it endearing the way that the citizens appreciated their Spider-Woman.
He showed up at the trashy bar your watch indicated you were at, completely taken back to see you taking shots like they were water. "Miguel!" You announced, your voice finding him through the conversations and music circulating the bar. You seemed glad to see him but then your face soured like you'd just taken a bite out of a lemon. "What are you doing here?" You asked, your voice slightly slurring as you ordered another glass.
He sat down next to you, letting out a small chuckle as he rested his head on his hand. "I'm here because I was worried about you. What happened?" He inquired. pushing the glass that the bartender had set down out of your reach. "You rejected my love, Miguel! You don't know how miserable I am," you whined, your head slightly lolling down. "All you did was say hey to me," he remarked, slightly amused at your state. "Exactly! Who needs roses and big romantic gestures when you have a hey like that one?"
Miguel found himself entertained by your antics for a little while longer before he took you to your apartment after you demanded more shots. He was going to be a gentleman and just leave, but you kept a grip on his hand. "Please stay," you mumbled in a drunken state, and even then, he was unwilling to deny you anything. He nodded, taking off his shirt to get comfortable when he heard you retching in the corner. "Jeez, I know I've let myself go a little but that hurts, mami."
You flipped him off as a response, getting up on shaky feet as you held onto the wall. He helped you into the bathroom after that, helping you empty your bowels into the toilet without much judgement. He watched as you took off your shirt, grabbing the shirt he'd tossed to the side and putting it on. "You smell good, Miguel," you mumbled, padding back to your bed to the best of your ability. He laid down next to you, his hands wrapped around your form as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. "You smell pretty good too. Despite all the vomit."
You woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache and a weight resting on top of you. You hoped that you weren't stupid last night as you turned around to face Miguel’s sleeping form. You slapped his arm, waking him up in mere seconds. "What?" He mumbled groggily, running a hand through his hair as he stretched. "Did we sleep together?"
"No," he offered, looking at you as he played with the hem of his shirt. You bit down on your lip, feeling a little assured by the fact. "The time I do sleep with you, I'll make sure that you remember it," he added, in a volume so light you would've missed had you not been paying attention. "What? But you rejected me," you inquired, your brows furrowing. "No, I just didn't know what you were trying to do with that. You haven't left my mind for weeks and I wasn't sure if you were just joking or not so I pushed you away," he responded, pulling you closer to him.
You leaned in, your lips hovering above his for a millisecond before he pushed you away, chuckling. "No I'm not rejecting you before you make that assumption. You just smell like vomit. Go brush your teeth and then you'll get a kiss," he told you, letting out a small chuckle at your little pout. "You have to admit that they 'hey' thing worked since you're in my bedroom," you spoke, your eyes glinting with mischief as you got out of the bed. "Mhm, cariño," he remarked, laying back down on the bed.
After you finished brushing your teeth, you walked back to bed and hovered above Miguel on the bed, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Hey," you whispered, looking into his eyes before your lips pressed against his.
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applecidersstuff · 3 months
Yes, yes, Bianca is the older sister character, and no one can argue with that, but can I tell you who I see as thee eldest daughter character?
Clarrise La Rue.
Clarrise who was ares cabin counselor since she was 12-14 and was the eldest child of ares at that point.
Clarrise who tried her best at keeping her cabin intact while her brothers didn’t give a shit about her, her feelings and wellbeing.
Clarrise who went on a quest to please her father, but none of her brothers went with her and her father said that he would prefer they went on the quest instead of her.
Clarrise who desperately tries to keep Chris alive and at the border of sanity because he was the only person to actually care about her.
Clarrise who has exactly three people close to her.
Clarrise who looses two of them to war and her own pride.
Clarrise who’s so hostile that the only reason she’s friends with Beckendorf and Silena is Silena’s stubbornness.
Clarrise who hates Percy not because she dislikes him, but because she envies his relationship with his father.
Clarrise who has no relationship with her mother, and when she visits her in TTC is the first time she does it in years.
Clarrise who hates her father for neglecting her in favor of her brothers, but desperately tries to get his attention and praise at the same time.
Clarrise who’s forced to raise her siblings instead of her father and still getting nothing for it.
Clarrise who’s only childhood dream is to break free and leave camp behind, just to keep going back even after getting into college because she can’t live without those responsibilities even if she hates them.
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy pride!!! I would die for a continuation of lady mo please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Wei Wuxian is keeping himself upright through sheer force of will and his utter refusal to let Lan Zhan be right about anything.
He has been sort of exhausted lately, but he’s been training himself into the ground and keeping to ridiculous Lan morning routines and he has a curse mark slowly killing him, so he thinks he’s entitled. He would have made it to the Jin tower just fine if he hadn’t run into Song Lan and had to hunt down a town fierce corpses and fight Xue Yang. That alone would leave most people exhausted, so he has a perfectly good excuse for his vision to be going fuzzy on the edges.
Except he’d literally rather fall off his sword and snap his neck then admit that. He can’t even let that happen, because A-Qing is flying on his sword with him, and she’s not even a cultivator. Her bones will break a lot easier than his will.
He’s not even injured. Or, well, not any injuries that count. He once fought off fierce corpses right after having his core ripped out, being tortured, and dropped from a height high enough to kill. Some bruises and cuts are nothing, and they don’t feel like anything now. Maybe he should have let Xue Yang stab him a couple of times. It would have made everything more believable and also would have let him nap with his dignity intact.
They land back at the inn and the rest of the Lans look extremely relieved and then confused when they see their newest additions. Except for Jin Guangyao, who only shows that he’s noticed them by raising a single eyebrow and looking to him immediately.
Jin Guangyao is a stone cold bitch that’s too smart for anyone’s own good. Wei Wuxian sort of regrets that they’d never had any reason to really get to know one another during the war. Surely Jin Guangyao could have steered him away from some of his worse decisions.
“We’re bringing guests,” he announces to all of them, jumping to the ground and nudging A-Qing to do the same with a guiding hand on her hip. “Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, who I assume you all already know. And A-Qing. They’ve had a rough time and we’re going to be very nice to them.” He looks over to Lan Xichen. “I guess it’s a good thing that you brought the carriage. They can ride in there the rest of the way.”
The awkward silence is broken by Jin Guangyao saying, “Madame Jin is not fond of accommodating extra guests.”
Madame Jin is going to make Jin Guangyao deal with it because she’s petty that way. Apparently Jin Zixuan plays interference as much as he can, but considering he’s no longer fighting fit and the perfect heir he once was, his ability to influence his mother has been similarly reduced.
A politician down to her core. Wei Wuxian might be able to admire it if it didn’t make him hate her so much.
“I’m not fond of Madame Jin, so I’m sure it even outs,” he says carelessly.
Some of the Lan go to the effort to pretend to be appalled but most of them seem to have no problem agreeing, regardless of all the rules of propriety and respecting one’s elders that he’s breaking. People take their cue from their leaders and Lan Xichen is straight up just pretending he didn’t say that, probably because he agrees.
He’s treated to the rare sight of Jin Guangyao’s dimples. “Can you at least pretend not to be a menace? I can only put out so many fires at once.”
“I can pretend,” he agrees and then A-Qing is faking a coughing fit to hide her giggles.
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babybluebex · 11 months
rememories | tommy shelby x fem!reader
summary: the lee family trashed your betting room, including your most prized possessions, and tommy does everything in his power to soothe you and right the wrongs that the rival gang caused. pairing: tommy shelby (peaky blinders) x fem!reader tags: s1!tommy, tommy being a sweetheart, your daughter's name is thomasine (thanks @lost-in-sokovia for that one), no real warnings for this other than like angst? brief emotional distress? idk author's note: it's come to this lol. i'll be fixing my cillian masterlist later and reblogging it, so y'all can read all of my old tommy fics (and a few other cillian characters lmao) but i hope you enjoy this one!
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The backroom was in total disrepair. Chairs were tipped over, things were thrown from tables, coins scattered everywhere and marks of bludgeonings on the walls. The poor little room was merely a shell of itself, its personality and life battered away. You could still hear your husband’s jaded laughter as he made fun of John for wanting to marry Lizzie Stark, but mere minutes ago now seemed like a lifetime away.
Scudboat sat as Arthur poured him whisky, and he explained how the Lees, “the whole lot of ‘em”, came in and destroyed the betting backroom. He was ambushed, he said, or he would have done a better job defending it. You held Tommy’s hands as fear made your own shake, and your husband sighed. “Find what can be salvaged,” he said, narrowly missing John’s angry fit as he kicked a box over. “Anything is better than nothing.”
“This is terrible,” you sniffled, and Tommy extracted his handkerchief for you. It was one that you had bought for him right after you had gotten married and just before he went to war, and you were always amazed that the silky cloth made it as far as it did. You dabbed at your eyes, scowling at your dark makeup that came off, and your heart beat fiercely against your ribcage for a moment. “The children. Was Finn here for this, Scudboat? Or Thomasine?”
“Nah,” he said. “Finn was off in town; Thomasine ain’t come home from school yet.”
“Oh, Tommy, they can’t see the house like this!” you whimpered and clutched your husband’s arm. “It’ll upset Thomasine too much. I’ll fetch her from school and keep her away from the house for a while until this is mostly fixed.”
Tommy nodded wordlessly in agreement, and he began to take off his cap, but he quickly stopped. He was fixated on something on the floor at his feet, and you looked down to match his gaze, only to be greeted with the big leather book that held your most prized possessions: your photographs. You kept the album in the betting room because it was always filled with people, witnesses in case something happened, and, really, who would want to ruin Tommy Shelby’s wife’s photographs?
Your knees crunched on glass as you lowered yourself to the album, and you took it in your shaking hands. The dark green leather was stained black with spilled ink and oil, obscuring your gold-foiled name on the spine, and you opened the book with a creak of the old pages. You didn’t want to have to assess the damage, but the first page already had you weeping pathetically again. The first photograph, the first one ever taken of you and Tommy, sitting and laughing together as Ada tried out her new camera, years and years ago at fifteen and thirteen. It was gone. The page was yellowed all around where the photograph should be, but the picture itself was gone. You wanted to throw the book across the room and scream; you weren’t concerned with material things, many girls from Small Heath were the same way, but those photographs were your pride and joy. The next page was a formal picture taken of Tommy wearing his Army uniform, his lanky seventeen-year-old build a little too small for the uniform that he would grow into. The corner of the photograph was torn but, thankfully, mostly intact.
The third page made you press the book to your chest. Your wedding photographs. You and Tommy had gotten married quickly, two days before he had to go to France, and, in your haste, you hadn’t been able to afford much. You could only afford a single copy of each photograph: one of you in your Sunday best that was your wedding dress, one of Tommy in his uniform, and one of you together. All three photographs were torn to shreds, settled in the spine of the book, waiting for you to find them. Those wedding photographs were the most important thing in the world to you, and now they were gone. Not even pasting glue could fix it. “Tom!” you sobbed, pressing the back of your wrist to your mouth. “O-Our wedding photographs! Th-They’re all ripped up!”
Your husband’s attention went from Scudboat to you, and he walked over to you and knelt down next to you. He took the small bits of photographs in his fingers, examining them intently, and he sighed heavily. “Fuck, love,” he whispered, and your sobs grew heavy. If Tommy was resigned to fate, then there was no chance of them being fixed. “I’m sorry.”
“We-We don’t have any extras, do we?” you stuttered. Your mouth felt dry as your fingers tried to match the ripped edges of photographs up, but they were too far gone. “Tom, d-do we have any others? Th-These aren’t the only ones we have, right?”
Tommy sat down next to you and put an arm around you, and he watched you frantically sob for just a second more before he used his strength to pull you into his chest. The photo album fell out of your hands, and you clutched your husband as you wailed in sorrow. Your wedding photos were gone.
“Mummy?” you heard a little voice call from the doorway, and you turned to see your wee daughter, Miss Thomasine Sophia Shelby, standing at the door. She was holding her school books in her arms, the pink ribbon in her hair coming loose. Thomasine was born just after Tommy come home from France, five years ago, and she looked like a Shelby, dark hair and bright eyes, but she had her father’s smile. “Mummy, why’re you crying?”
You sniffled and wiped at your eyes, not caring that you streaked your makeup to hell and back, and you mumbled, “People came into the house, did us over. I-I’m just sad, that’s all.” You didn’t want to worry your daughter with the real reason why you were so upset, because, truly, you felt silly for being so distraught at fucking photographs. It felt ridiculous for you, as a grown woman, a mother, to be crying over photographs.
Thomasine ran to you and sat her small body in your lap, and she wrapped her small arms around you. “Don’t be sad,” Thomasine told you, and you laughed humorlessly. “It’s okay, Mummy.”
You sniffled and soothed your hand down Thomasine’s hair— the ends of her long hair were turning a little ginger, just the same as her father’s tended to do in the sun— and you kissed her forehead. “Thank you, love,” you whispered. “Hug your father, he’s sad too.”
Thomasine crawled out of your lap and into Tommy’s, and Thomasine started to suck her thumb as Tommy stood up and settled his daughter firmly on his hip. He offered you a hand to stand up, and you sniffled as you gathered the soiled photo album up in your grip and stood up on your own. “If you find any of ‘em,” Tommy called to the room, and he gestured to the album in your arms. “Bring ‘em to her, don’t waste time. Yeah?”
You hardly slept that night. After securing the house and making sure that there wasn’t any other part of it that the Lees had touched, you had tried to go about your life normally, but it was difficult to pretend like you didn’t know that, at any time, rivals could enter your home and slaughter every last one of you. You put Thomasine to bed after dinner, and your girl fell asleep quickly, but you yourself were awake for hours. Tommy had taken your photo album and put it away in his wardrobe; “If you keep it, you’ll fret over it forever.” He was right, of course, because, when the sun came up, you had tugged it out and was trying to sort through the scraps of photographs on your bedroom floor. The room was cold and part of you wished that you could be in bed, holding your husband close, but you needed to do it for yourself. You had managed to salvage a single photograph by the time Tommy was blinking himself awake, and you sniffled as you beckoned him over. “Tommy, look!” you exclaimed. “I-It’s Thomasine!”
“Jesus, woman,” Tommy sighed groggily. “Have you been at this all night?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed. “Her baby picture, look!”
Tommy reached down for you and he took your hand, and he helped you stand up, his hands going to hold your cheeks. “I know you’re having a hard time with this,” he whispered. “But obsessing over it is only going to make it worse. They’re as good as gone, darling.”
“B-But—” you sniffled, and Tommy shook his head.
“You have to let it go,” He told you firmly. “Come back to bed, you don’t have to be awake for hours.”
“Oh, Tommy,” you sighed, shuffling back up to bed. Your joints hurt from sitting on the floor practically all night, and your vision watered up as you watched Tommy gather up the album and photograph scraps and set them back in his wardrobe. “What am I going to do? All of my favorite memories are lost.”
“You still have the memories in your head, love,” Tommy told you, sitting next to you. You leaned into him and pressed your cheek to his warm chest, and you sniffled as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“I just…” you mumbled. “Our wedding pictures is the thing I’m most upset about. We were so young, and that was before everything went to shit, and we were so happy…”
“We’re still happy,” Tommy assured you. “We’re happier now, because we have Thomasine. We’re a complete family now.”
“You know what I mean,” you said. “We were poor kids, and-and looking at those pictures gave me hope that you’d come home when you were in France. They were my lifeline for a long time, and to have them ruined like this…”
Tommy’s lips formed into a thin line, and he rubbed your back comfortingly as you finally laid down and tried to settle into sleep. Your sleep was thin, hardly even deep enough to call proper sleep, but you finally woke up and got out of bed when you heard shouting down in the bottom of the house. You were used to that, but you still felt like you ought to make sure everything was alright, so you pulled yourself from bed and went about groggily getting ready for the day, slipping on a dress and spraying on perfume before descending the stairs.
The noise seemed to be coming from the back room, the ruined betting room, and you carefully pushed back the plush curtains and opened the doors to see a sight. Your eyes first landed on your husband, dressed in his old uniform. It certainly looked too small for him, tugging a little at his chest, but you clenched your teeth together at the sight. How long has it been since you saw him in the pea-soup-green uniform? Five years, at least. “Tommy,” you said softly. You couldn’t help yourself from stepping closer to him as his head snapped to look at you, and his hard gaze softened in the way it always did when he saw you. He never subjected you to his steely gaze, and, whenever you saw it, it always reminded you of what a feared man he was.
“Fuck, love, what’re you doing down here?” Tommy asked. “You’re supposed to be asleep still.”
“Heard shouting,” you said softly. The other men were bustling around the room as you smoothed your hands up Tommy’s chest, and your eyes went all watery again. “This isn’t happening, please, no.”
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked. “Talk to me, darling, what’s the matter?”
“How long have you known?” you asked, sniffling. “Leaving us like this, how could you?”
“The uniform, Tommy!” you cried. “You’re being called to the war again, why else would you have this shit on?”
Tommy grabbed your cheeks and kissed your forehead, and he angled your head to the side. Arthur stood there, behind a massive camera, angled at a blank space on the wall, and your breath caught in your throat. “What is this?” you asked.
“I’m not being called back,” Tommy explained. “I got to thinking about our wedding pictures, and I went to see the photographer who made them. He said the film was too old and that they couldn’t make you new copies, so the next best thing was to retake them.”
“Oh?” you asked. You sniffled and wiped your nose, and you gently reached out to touch the camera. “We… We’re retaking our wedding pictures?”
“With a few adjustments,” Tommy said. “Back then, I couldn’t afford to even get you so much as a bouquet, but now… Well, I took your measurements to a dress shop, and even though the dress was pre-made and only adjusted to you…”
“Tommy?” you whimpered.
“I got you a wedding dress, love,” Tommy told you. “Better than the flour-bag Sunday best that you had on.”
You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands, and you sobbed once before flying to your husband and crushing him in a hug. “Oh, Tommy!” you cried. “Thank you! Can I see it?”
“Pol’s got it in the kitchen,” Tommy told you. “Go put it on, why don’t you let me see it?”
The dress was beautiful. Eggshell-colored silk that fell below your knees with long sleeves and deep neckline, very fashionable and pretty, and it fit you like a glove as Polly helped you into it. She primped you a little, fixing your hair and patting red rouge onto your lips, and she upturned a vase next to the stove and handed you the bouquet of wildflowers that Thomasine had picked a few days earlier. You felt timid and almost nervous as Polly escorted you back to the betting room, and you cleared your throat once you passed the threshold, afraid that, if you spoke, your voice would give up on you.
Tommy looked to you in an instant, and he gave you a small smile as he stepped towards you. “Aren’t you a sight?” he said in his rumbling timbre, putting his hands on your hips, and he kissed your lips for a moment before he added, “Thomasine might get a brother before the day’s over, if you keep looking that beautiful.”
“Oh, shut up,” you giggled, and he steered you in front of the camera as you smoothed down your dress. You were suddenly nervous, and you clutched Tommy’s hand as Arthur cranked the camera, preparing it to go off. “Tom?”
“M’right here, pet,” Tommy said, squeezing your hand. “Just smile; everything will be fine.”
By the time night fell, you had a whole slew of new film, new pictures to replace the ruined ones. Recreations of your wedding pictures, an updated picture of a smiling Thomasine, even one of Tommy kissing you when the camera went off on accident. Thomasine was tangled in your skirts then, gazing up at her daddy, and you looked at the film as you sat by the fire that night, smiling and admiring it. That was your favorite memory; you, your husband, and your daughter, smiling, laughing, loving. It was perfect.
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker
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*Banner by my love @persphonesorchid
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
Word Count: 12,353
Warnings: Smut
AN: This is the penultimate installment of the Autumn Leaves Collab, which is hilariously the reason I even made a Tumblr. We have one cute autumn-themed fic for each of our beloved boys by some seriously fantastic writers, so please go and check them out! Hope you all enjoy :)
(Right) Hook
It was a beautiful autumn day. The leaves were a gorgeous blend of crimson and gold, the temperature was brisk but not freezing, and the sun was kissing the horizon, setting the entire sky aflame in a blaze of unadulterated glory.
You couldn't have asked for a better day to be backstabbed by your friends. In fact, you didn't have any friends. Just terrible people who promised you donuts and cider and then turned around and forced you into a haunted corn maze.
Your best friend had laughed herself to tears watching your expression change when you caught sight of the sign and realization dawned upon your stupid, trusting brain.
"You betrayed me!" you screeched. Mijin dug the knife in deeper by cackling like the evil witch she was.
"It's your own fault for not looking up the name of this place beforehand," she snickered, wiping her eyes dramatically. You huffed and crossed your arms, sinking into your seat with no intention of getting out. They could drag your cold dead body from the car if they wanted to go into the maze.
"I'll pay for your donuts."
"... Okay."
"FUUUUUUUUUCK THIS!" you screeched, sprinting away from the terrifying clown that had leapt out at your group. Your friends doubled over laughing as you sped off, eager to put distance between you and the most recent jump scare.
In fact, you had been a little too eager to escape, and after a couple twists and turns you realized you were lost. Alone. In a creepy corn maze. While the sun was going down and probably also laughing at your idiocy. Fuck.
For a few slow, spooky moments, you struggled between your pride and your sanity. Should you call Meej and ask her to find you, and deal with even worse teasing later? Or should you just woman up and get through this maze to keep the last remaining shreds of your dignity intact? Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket.
Well, that decided that. You weren't gonna go crawling back to her now. They would find your cold, dead corpse in the morning and she would cry at your funeral and you would sneer at the asshole from your new home in hell. If this wasn't already it.
The wind picked up and you jumped as the leaves of the corn stalks rustled tauntingly around you. Every little echo and noise sounded like another monster sent to get you, and a falling leaf made you jump and put your fists up for a fight. The shadows looked as if they were reaching for you with inky fingers, and you couldn't tell if your shivers were from the bite of the air or the chill in your chest.
In your head, you knew that it was all fake, that anyone coming at you was just a paid actor in makeup and costume. Unfortunately, your cowardly reflexes and adrenaline convinced your body otherwise and you crept through the maze like a very tense, jumpy mouse. You were so intent on the possible danger ahead, however, that you didn't notice someone creeping up behind you.
"Boo." You felt the barest whisper of hot breath on your ear and you froze. Then your body went on autopilot.
"NOOOOO!" you screamed as you automatically whirled to face your attacker. You weren't entirely sure what had happened, but suddenly the knuckles of your right hand were on fire and there was a collapsed zombie in front of you cradling his nose.
"Oh my fucking god," you gasped as you realized what you had done. You crouched next to the poor dude probably earning minimum wage, and rummaged around in your bag. Did you not have any tissues or napkins or anything?
"I am so sorry, are you okay? Wait that's a stupid question, your nose is bleeding, uh, fuck, shit, can I help? Oh god."
Your victim's shoulders began to shake and you panicked more - you didn't mean to make anyone cry for fuck's sake. Shit, who was the real monster here? Then you realized that he was laughing.
"Uh… zombie guy?" you asked stupidly, wondering just how hard you had hit him. He smiled widely at you. Unfortunately, combined with the costume makeup and the blood flowing from his nose, the gesture was not as reassuring as he intended it to be. You appreciated the attempt, though.
"I'm Jungkook. What's your name?"
You stared at the boy, wondering just what was going on in that head of his and just how hard you had hit him. Because you were raised to be a polite young lady and some of society's training stuck despite your attempts to fuck the patriarchy, you ended up responding automatically.
"I'm [Y/n]."
Why had you said that? Was your first name and appearance enough for him to figure out your full name and sue you? Was that why he had asked? Well too bad zombie conman, joke was on him because you were broke as shit. The safest thing would probably be for you to peace out and make yourself scarce, but you were still worried about the blood dripping from his nose.
"Um, I didn't break it, did I?" you asked timidly as Jungkook got to his feet. He offered you a hand up, which you took despite feeling like you should be the one helping him. His skin was warm despite the fact that he must have been in the maze for at least an hour already.
"I don't think so," he replied, dabbing at his nose with his sleeve and adding real blood to what was (hopefully) just fake decoration. "That was a mean right hook."
"I'm so sorry!" you blurted again, guilt filling you at his words. Wait, you weren't supposed to admit fault out loud if you were getting sued, right? You had watched that in a show somewhere.
"Nah, it was hot."
You blinked at him. Surely you hadn't heard correctly. By the way he was grinning at you - and it was not cute, considering you were now staring at a grimacing zombie covered in blood - you in fact had. This guy was not right in the head, and you began backing away slowly.
"Okay that's great!" you babbled. "I'll-see-you-around-bye!"
With that, you turned and sprinted away despite your protesting legs. You really had to start going back to the gym sometime. If you did, maybe your rusty skills would be brushed up enough for you to defend yourself from this weirdo.
Jungkook stared after you as the moonlight illuminated your fleeing form. Your feet barely made any noise as they pounded through the dirt and leaves, and he found himself even more enamored. You hadn't even given him enough time to tell you you were heading deeper into the maze instead of towards the exit. Well actually, that was probably a good thing. He had to be out here for a bit longer and this meant that you might still be around when he got off.
"Dude, what happened?"
He turned to see Taehyung who was dressed as a creepy clown and, in his opinion, looked way scarier than any undead creature could. Because clowns were real. And they could be anywhere.
"I think I'm in love," Jungkook sighed, unable to keep himself from poking his nose despite the way it made him wince. It was sort of like wiggling a loose tooth, except in this case it was a reminder of the beautiful moment he met his future wife. He was rewarded by his friend's very unimpressed expression, only mildly obscured by the giant red nose on his face.
"With someone who physically assaulted you?" asked Taehyung, crossing his arms and somehow going from creepy clown to bitchy clown. It was amazing what his friend could do with one tilt of his hips.
"I mean I got closer than I was supposed to because she was cute. And then she punched me."
Jungkook touched his nose again with a dreamy sigh as he gazed in the direction you had run off to. What were you doing now? Were you thinking about him as much as he was thinking about you?
"My head rang like a bell. Like wedding bells. Our wedding bells."
Taehyung closed his eyes in resignation, knowing his friend was a goner and probably already picturing your babies sparring with each other. If he was talking about the same girl he scared away from her group earlier, she definitely was pretty enough for any of them to get a little closer than strictly necessary for scaring. He opened them again and scanned his friend just to make sure he was really fine.
"Wait, do you have a boner?"
"She had perfect form, okay?!"
"I fucking hate you," you groaned as you sank down onto the picnic table bench next to Mijin. After what had to have been at least half an hour (the corn maze couldn't even possibly have been that big) of what felt like constant scary clowns and zombies and evil butchers popping out at you, you had finally found the exit. And of course your friends had already escaped and were sitting and eating donuts and drinking hot cider like the assholes they were.
"Yo, what took you?" she asked unsympathetically with a mouth full of cinnamon, powdered sugar, and deep fried dough. "After that clown, no one else showed up. We got done like twenty minutes ago."
"What the hell?" you whined, unceremoniously grabbing your friend's cider and downing it, wishing it had something stronger so you could forget this evening had ever happened. It definitely wasn't because you needed the warmth - you were sweating like a pig from fear and more physical exertion than you had performed in the last month combined. Were you just cursed? Wait no, you did not want your thoughts to go there right after that horrible experience.
And because it just wouldn't quit, Mijin poked your shoulder and pointed to where a familiar looking zombie was strolling towards you in a decidedly un-shambly fashion.
"[Y/n]!" chirped the zombie - Jungkook, was it? - as he waved cheerfully in your direction. Meej raised her eyebrows as you looked behind you and then pointed to yourself in confusion, as if he could have been referring to anyone else. Suspicion began to bloom in your mind.
"Jungkook," you greeted as he came closer, ignoring the curious eyes of your friends. "Do you happen to know the reason I was constantly assaulted by horrifying creatures while my friends here made it through untouched?"
The boy grinned at you, and now that you weren't overcome with hysteria and guilt, you realized that even under his make up his eyes were large and mesmerizing. Wait no, he was a weirdo, why were you noticing how pretty his eyes were?
"Yep," he said unashamedly, his smile widening at your inadvertent pout. "I asked my friends to help."
"I said I was sorry!" you cried indignantly, crossing your arms and scowling at the reason your lifespan had been shortened by ten years. "You didn't have to torture me!"
His eyes widened in surprise, making them impossibly bigger and - dare you say it - cute.
"It wasn't for that!" he protested. "It was so I could catch you after my shift!"
"I - what?" you asked stupidly, now completely bewildered. Jungkook suddenly looked down at his feet, and his voice took on a more hesitant tone.
"I was gonna get a late dinner now, um, will you come?"
Mijin's eyes were now burning a hole into the side of your head as you resolutely pretended neither she nor the rest of your friends existed. What the fuck was going on with your life today? First you got tricked into a haunted maze and now the fucking zombie you punched was asking you on a date?
"Um, it's past midnight," you mumbled, unable to come up with any other response as your brain continued to buffer. The hopeful gleam in those large, innocent eyes did nothing to help. Neither did his adorably bashful expression.
"Okay, early breakfast. On me. Please?" he asked, voice taking on a begging quality. His lip began to jut out in a pout and even under the horrible zombie make up you noticed it was full and plump. "It's the least you can do after you punched me in the face."
At that your friends began to snicker and Meej outright snorted. You felt your own face begin to burn despite the nip in the air. And then your so-called best friend decided to punish you for ignoring her.
"Yeah, she's free," she offered, making you swivel and gape at her second betrayal of the evening. Never one to do anything by halves, she then proceeded to hammer the final nails into the coffin of your friendship. "And she has no plans tomorrow that would make her have to go home early."
"Great!" said Jungkook happily as he and Mijin ignored your indignant splutters. "Just let me get cleaned up and I'll be back here in fifteen."
He jogged away with annoyingly bouncy steps and you whirled on your Brutus.
"What the fuck?" you hissed, ire rising at the smirk on her lips. You opened your mouth to screech at her and she shoved a donut hole into it.
"He's cute," she said conversationally as you chewed hard, determined to give her a piece of your mind. You swallowed, took a deep breath to prepare for your rant, and she stuffed another one past your lips.
"There, there," she said, patting your head as you glared at her, cheeks full of delicious pastry.
"He seems like a nice guy, but keep your location sharing on and if you don't text me every half hour I'll come find you okay?" she said soothingly, patting your bulging cheek. "If it really was something nefarious he'd probably pick a girl who couldn't fight back."
You pouted and slouched in your seat as your other frienemies snickered. Fuck those NPCs. You didn't know them. They weren't even important enough to have names in this universe.
You sulked while you waited for your mysterious zombie boy. Why were you being forced on a sketchy late night date with a total stranger who liked getting punched? Meej continued to feed you donut holes, petting your head and back as if you were a baby. Unfortunately, it was actually working to chill you out because you were an easy bitch.
You glanced up at the familiar voice, gasped, and immediately began choking on the powdered sugar that flew into your windpipe. Jungkook had removed the zombie make up and clothes, and while he had seemed cute, you hadn't been expecting him to be a total fucking smoke show even with a swollen nose. Fuck location sharing, you would let this guy dismember you and thank him for it. From the way Meej chortled as she handed you more cider, she knew exactly where your mind was at.
"I-uh-yeah," you said suavely, getting up and tripping over the bench as you tried to get out. He moved easily to grab you before you could land on your ass and you felt yourself pressed against a very firm, muscular body.
"You okay?"
Oh no, he was even cuter up close. You gulped and nodded, unable to tear your gaze away from his large, sparkling eyes or his wide smile. His two front teeth were ever-so-slightly larger than normal, making him look like an adorably handsome bunny. Who happened to be ripped beyond belief.
A flash went off and the two of you turned to see Mijin, who was pointing her phone at the two of you. You quickly stepped away from him, wondering if your face was as red as it felt.
"Don't mind me," she said innocently, tucking it back into her bag. "Just getting a picture so if [y/n] goes missing I can give the police a lead. Jungkook, right?"
You glared at her, knowing that while it was kind of true, she probably also wanted to memorialize the stupidly dazed expression on your face. The upside was that the muscle bunny wasn't offended, which gave him points toward not being a Gen-Z Ted Bundy.
"Jeon Jungkook," he told your friend with a grin and a nod. "If that helps."
"Good boy," Meej said approvingly. "Have fun, kids."
She gave your butt a goading slap as you turned to follow Jungkook away, and when you turned to yell at her she somehow managed to throw another donut hole right into your mouth. Maybe she really was a witch.
As you walked towards the parking lot, it hit you that you were about to get into the car of a complete stranger. Granted he was a very attractive, nice-seeming stranger who looked to be about your age and whose full name you now knew, but still. This was what all those old stranger danger videos warned you about. The darkness of the night and the rustling of the leaves did nothing to lessen the creepiness of the atmosphere. As if coming to the same realization, Jungkook turned to you with an uncertain expression on his face.
"There's a Denny's about five minutes away from here, it's the only place still open for food," he explained, pointing his finger somewhere to the east. "You can tell your friend that's where we'll be."
"Denny's," you mused, shooting off a quick text to Meej. "You're a real romantic, Jeon Jungkook."
That bunny-like smile appeared back on his face and you felt your heart give a hop in response as the two of you began walking again. You couldn't tell if it was just because of him or also because you had eaten too many donuts.
"I also make some mean ramyun, but hopefully I'll get to show you another time."
"Hm, that's very presumptuous of you considering you're taking me to a Denny's after midnight," you teased. "Are you just that charming?"
"I hope so," he told you earnestly, the blush that rose on his cheeks doing more to endear him to you than anything else so far. You reached his car, and he gallantly - and cutely - scrambled to open the passenger door for you. When you smiled at him in thanks, he froze and stood at the door, gaping at you like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh… is everything okay?" you asked uncertainly, grin slipping off your face. Jungkook turned bright red and swallowed, shaking his head.
"Y-you're just even prettier when you smile," he stammered, before closing the door and hurrying to the driver's side. You barely heard the slam over the way your blood began to pound in your ears, and a small voice inside of you screamed that this was all way too good to be true and you were about to get murked. Another voice, one that sounded suspiciously like Meej, told it to shut the fuck up. Mijin had the unfortunate (or fortunate) habit of always being right, so you decided to listen to that one instead.
Jungkook still seemed flustered as he got into the drivers' side, which was absolutely fucking precious. It relaxed you further despite the awkward silence that descended as the two of you tried to figure out what to talk about.
"So… was that clown also your friend?" you finally asked, remembering the recurring horror that had kept you lost in the maze for so long. Jungkook grinned and nodded, though he quickly turned his eyes back to the road.
"Yep, that's Taehyung. Honestly I think his costume is the scariest," he confirmed, and you shuddered in acknowledgement.
"Yeah, zombies and werewolves and stuff aren't real. But clowns are, that makes it worse."
"EXACTLY! See, you get it!"
The awkwardness between you dissipated as you began to banter back and forth more comfortably, and you found yourself laughing outright more often than not. As it turned out, not only was this zombie boy a confusing mixture of sexy and adorable, but he was also funny and kind. You had a feeling you weren't going to come out of this night alive, but for entirely different reasons than you had initially expected.
The easy conversation continued through your late dinner/early breakfast, and you found yourself enjoying talking to him even more than the greasy eggs and bacon on your plate. He was just so sweet and cute, it was impossible not to like him.
As the food dwindled, you found that you didn't actually want this night to end. You realized you were growing increasingly enamored with this strange boy, but you weren't sure if he felt similarly after actually having a conversation with you.
Well, you were a strong(ish), independent(ish), woman who knew what she wanted, right? You were a twenty-first century girl! All you had to do was be brave and be the one to ask for his number!
You took one look at Jungkook's handsome face and sparkling eyes and decided no, you were not a brave, strong, independent woman. He was way too attractive for you to be able to grab life by the proverbial ovaries and just straight up ask him out. You let out an internal sigh at your own cowardice, then eyed the table where his right hand was idly drumming the edge of the forgotten menu. Do it, bitch, whispered the Mijin-voice in your brain.
Steeling yourself, you set your own hand on the table and crept it forward until it brushed against his own. He stopped talking mid-sentence and froze, then pulled his hand back as if he'd been scalded. His eyes were so wide it would have been comical if your heart wasn't currently sinking in your chest.
"Uh, I have to pee," he stammered, before bolting upright and almost running to the bathroom. You sat there, stunned and humiliated. That had actually been worse than just hearing no. What should you do now? Stay here and be awkward? Call Mijin and have her come get you?
Before you could fully make a decision, a beautiful guy who was decidedly not Jungkook plopped down into his seat. Another equally gorgeous boy sat in the empty space next to you, giving you a bright smile that squished his eyes into adorable crescents.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!"
"Why are we doing this again?" complained Jimin from the passengers' seat as Taehyung followed the car in front of them. "I'm tired, I want to go home."
"Because," said his best friend, "we all put enough effort into Kookie getting this date and he better not fuck it up."
"Wait, with that girl you told me to scare away from the exits?" he asked, suddenly interested. He sat up a little straighter in his seat. "She was super cute."
"Yep, and now I'm invested and I want to see how it goes."
They both sighed a little when they followed Jungkook's car into the Denny's parking lot. It made sense, it wasn't like there was anything else open or around, but still. Denny's? Taehyung parked far enough away that it was unlikely they'd be noticed, but when Jimin went to follow you and Jungkook inside, he tugged him over to the windows instead.
"Seriously?" he asked incredulously, staring at his friend in disbelief. "This is literally the creepiest thing we could be doing, and that's saying a lot considering where we work."
"I'm not hungry," Taehyung replied with a shrug, crouching behind a bush to hide his form from the parking lot. Jimin rolled his eyes but followed suit. When Tae got like this, it was usually better to just humor him.
"Man, she's really pretty," said Jimin, trying not to think about the fact that he was currently admiring a girl through the window of a Denny's while hiding in a bush. Surprisingly, the date actually seemed to be going well - you were laughing, Kookie was laughing, and you were smiling more often than not.
Honestly it was beginning to get boring and Jimin was feeling more and more like a stalker. And watching the two of you eat an absurd amount of eggs and bacon was starting to make his stomach grumble. He was cold, tired, hungry, and it didn't seem like things were going to get interesting any time soon.
"Can we go yet? I think he's doing fine."
As if on cue they watched as you tried to touch his hand and, in true Jungkookie fashion, their friend panicked and ran away. Taehyung gave him a pointed 'I-told-you-so' look, which Jimin ignored as he got up and dusted himself off before heading towards the restaurant doors. If Jungkook was too scared to properly flirt with a pretty girl, then his hyungs would just have to show him how it was done.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!"
"Uh, I'm [y/n]," you replied automatically, before cursing yourself for giving your name to a stranger for the second time that night. Should you be worried? Weird things definitely tended to happen when you sat alone at a Denny's after midnight, but they usually involved alcoholics or tweakers, not beautiful mystery men. Well, maybe they were alcoholics or druggies and it just hadn't destroyed their systems yet.
Seeing the trepidation on your face, the other boy gave you a reassuring grin that simultaneously relaxed you and made your face warm.
"I'm Taehyung. We work at the maze too. We - er - we came here to get some food, and recognized you."
A lightbulb went off in your head when he said his name and you gaped in shock. What the fuck? The creepy murder-clown was secretly also a hot guy? Was everyone that worked at that maze secretly a supermodel? They both laughed and you realized you had said the last bit aloud.
"That's really sweet of you," said Jimin, scooting a little closer to you with a twinkle in his eye. Despite the fact that he had probably been outside scaring people all night, he still smelled quite nice. "I'm not aware of that being a prerequisite, but if it is you'd definitely be a shoo-in."
You felt your face flush bright red at the compliment, but luckily you didn't need to respond because Jungkook chose that moment to return. He looked incredibly pissed, which was honestly pretty hot. And confusing. If he wasn't interested anymore, shouldn't he be relieved to have a distraction?
"What are you guys doing here?" he asked flatly, crossing his arms as he eyed the way Jimin was crowding your space. You were clearly flustered, and the way Jimin was looking at you made his jaw clench in irritation.
"We just wanted to get some food," said Jimin innocently. He smiled at you again and inched even closer, pressing his muscular thigh against yours. "But now that I'm here, I think I'm more in the mood for dessert."
Suddenly his warmth was gone and you realized that Jungkook had picked his friend up by his armpits like a dog. The effortless way he lifted him had you eyeing the stretch of his jacket across his biceps, and you recalled just how firm his body had been earlier. He deposited Jimin next to Taehyung with an uncaring thwump and sat next to you, right where his friend had been. His thigh was just as firm as Jimin's, and you felt your chest go fluttery at his proximity.
"Can I get you guys anything else?"
The tired looking waitress sighed when she saw the two new additions to the table, and while they ordered, Jungkook turned to you with that bright smile.
"Did you want anything?" he asked softly, leaning in closer so you could hear him. You were incredibly confused. First just a brush of your hand was enough to send him fleeing, but now he was sitting in your space and looking at you like you were the only person in the room. Maybe he really did have to pee that badly and you had bad timing? Either way, you wanted to prolong this time with him.
"Um, I could go for a milkshake," you replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and trying not to stare at how close his lips were to your own. "I don't know if I can drink a whole one though."
"We can split one!"
Jimin's voice broke through the small bubble that had enveloped you and Jungkook, and you looked across the table to see a cherubic smile on his face. You didn't know him well enough to know that this was actually his shit-eating grin, and you also didn't see the knives Jungkook was currently hurling out of his eyes.
"No way, she's gonna share one with me," he protested with an annoyed huff, before turning to you again and looking uncertain. "I mean, only if you want to."
Fuck, this boy was way too cute. You were getting an enjoyable whiplash from the way he switched between being possessive and shy. You nodded, unable (and unwilling) to resist the hope glimmering in his eyes. You gave your order to the waitress, who had started tapping her foot impatiently - not that you could blame her - and brought your attention back to the table.
"So you really punched our Jungkookie in the nose?" Taehyung asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. The full force of his attention amplified your embarrassment and you covered your face with your hands.
"Wait, what?" chortled Jimin, reaching across the table to tousle Jungkook's hair. The former zombie scowled and flicked his friend in the forehead, and the two began to stage an odd over-the-table battle. You slumped further in your seat.
"Your hand looks bruised, let me see."
Warm, gentle fingers pried your own off your face as Taehyung pulled your hand closer to inspect your knuckles. You fought down the urge to shiver as he brushed his thumb across your skin, and the small smile he gave you - more of a smirk, really - made your cheeks heat up.
"He's hard-headed for sure, but it doesn't look too bad," he said with an unfairly attractive arch of his brows. The hint of a smolder in his dark eyes made the gesture seem more suggestive than it should have, and you swallowed hard, unable to look away. "Want me to kiss it better?"
All of a sudden, your hand was back at your side, but now enclosed in another warm grip. You looked at Jungkook in surprise, though you couldn't say you weren't pleased at his attention. He laced his fingers through yours, and you marveled at how perfectly your hand fit into his.
"Leave her alone, hyung," the boy said with a glare, rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek. You hadn't prepared for how hot that looked, or what it did to your insides, and your cavewoman brain short-circuited at the action.
"Are you going to kiss it better then?"
Oh fuck, you had said that out loud. You watched the glare evaporate off his face as he whipped his head to stare at you, then your joined hands. You could almost see steam coming out of his ears as his brain buffered, and your insecurity began to re-establish itself. Until he pulled your hand up to his face and brushed his full, soft lips against your skin, making you shiver.
Your own lips parted slightly in surprise as you stared at him, fully aware that your heart was pounding and your skin was tingling. His own dark eyes looked back at you, and the intensity in his gaze made you wonder if perhaps he wasn't so innocent after all.
"Is that better?" he murmured against your skin. You nodded, momentarily mute, and his happy smile took your breath away. In a burst of courage, you leaned forward and planted a soft peck on his nose.
"Just returning the favor," you said with a shy grin, ignoring the "ohhhhhhh nice one" from Taehyung. The dazed look on Jungkook's face was definitely worth it.
"You know, I think I cut myself shaving this - "
"Shut the fuck up hyung, you grow like five hairs."
Jimin's offended expression made you laugh, and some of the embarrassment you felt at the two other boys witnessing your awkward fumbles with Jungkook dissipated. His grip on your hand tightened as if taking ownership, which set your silly, weak heart aflutter. You relaxed a little further once Jimin's food arrived and he focused his attention more on eating than on sending you flirtatious glances. Until the waitress brought your milkshake.
"What flavor did you get?" asked Taehyung interestedly, eyeing the tall glass with poorly concealed mischief.
"Um… cookies and cream…?" you ventured with a frown, considering the coloring made it pretty obvious. Taehyung's cheshire grin widened, and from the corner of your eye you saw Jungkook's ears turn pink.
"Oh, do you like cookies?" asked Jimin, having been lured away from his pancakes by the promise of being able to tease his friend. You glanced between the duo, feeling like you were missing something.
"Uh… doesn't everyone?" you asked. Jimin chortled in glee at your response and you spared a peek at Jungkook, who looked resigned and annoyed.
"Well our Jungkookie here is the sweetest of all, wouldn't you say?" said Taehyung with a shit-eating grin. "And his cream-"
He was cut off by a stream of milkshake hitting him in the face. Jungkook glared at him from beside you, straw to his lips and pointed straight at his friend. You and Jimin burst out laughing at the shocked expression on Taehyung's face, and you couldn't help but want to rib him back for how much he had been teasing Jungkook all night.
"Well tell me," you drawled, "how does his cream taste?"
Jungkook choked from beside you, and Jimin laughed so hard he fell sideways into his friend's lap. Taehyung just grinned and wiped some with his index finger, then held it out to you.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" he countered, recovering from his surprise impressively quickly. Your jaw dropped in surprise, and as if he took it as an invitation, he brought his finger closer.
Only for Jungkook to lean forward and lick it clean instead. Which was not hot. Definitely not.
"Thanks, hyung," the boy said with zero expression on his face while Jimin gasped for air. You were actually starting to get concerned for his lungs. "The ice cream was good, tasted like there was some bullshit mixed with it though."
"Maybe Taehyung should take his head out of his ass," you said without thinking, then blushed when you realized you had acted as if you were with Meej and the rest of your friends. They were just so goofy that you had gotten too comfortable, too fast. You needn't have worried though, because Jimin had fallen to the questionably clean floor under the table and Jungkook was staring at you with an even dopier grin than when you had punched him.
"You're amazing," he breathed, making you blush even harder. To avoid having to respond, you took a large slurp of your milkshake, then sighed in contentment.
"Kookie, you invited her to the Halloween party already, right?" asked Taehyung, eyes amused. He clearly wasn't offended by your remark, and that helped you relax again. Especially because Jungkook took that sparkling gaze off of you to scowl at his hyung. His attention was making you feel too many things.
"I was going to, before you showed up," he complained, and you fought down the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth at how cute he sounded.
"Oh please, you ditched a pretty girl alone at a Denny's after midnight before we showed up," retorted Jimin, who had finally recovered and was running his hand through his hair to fix it. You couldn't help but giggle at the way Jungkook's plump lower lip began to jut out in a pout, and you squeezed his hand in reassurance.
"So what's this about a party?" you asked him, chest tingling at the way he immediately perked up and turned back to you. His eyes were so large and bright that you were left momentarily breathless.
"My roommate and I are having a Halloween party this weekend," he explained, looking adorably hopeful. "Um, if you're free, would you want to come? You're welcome to bring some friends if you want."
"If you give me your number, I can - OW!"
You suppressed another giggle as Jimin glared at Jungkook, who had not-so-subtly kicked him under the table.
"I'd love to," you replied, ignoring the two older boys. Jungkook's face lit up brighter than the moon outside, and you unlocked your phone and handed it over to him so he could enter his contact information.
He pouted a little when you did deign to get Jimin's and Taehyung's numbers as well, though he snickered when he saw that you named them TweedleJim and Taedledum. They did tone down their aggressive flirting - slightly - but by the time everyone had finished eating and paying, you wondered how purple the older boys' shins were going to be tomorrow. There had been a lot of kicking from your irritated date, and he had decidedly muscular thighs and calves.
"It was great meeting you," said Jimin as the four of you left the restaurant. The mischievous cast had returned to his face, and he pulled you into a hug that lasted far longer than necessary and only ended when Jungkook shoved him away. Taehyung didn't hug you, but instead took your hand and pressed his lips on your knuckles right where Jungkook had.
"Can't wait to see you this weekend," he said with a wink and throaty chuckle as the youngest ripped your hand away. He stomped towards his car, towing you behind him, and you gave a half-hearted wave to the two monkeys sporting identical grins behind you. You had to half-jog to keep from falling over, but the way Jungkook's cheeks were puffed out ever so slightly was too cute to be annoyed with.
Despite his irritation, he still opened your door for you, and your insides melted further. When he entered the driver's side, you took a moment to admire his pouting profile as he started the car. Then you grabbed his right hand, tracing the skin of his knuckles with your thumb.
"Jungkook, you know I think I like you a lot, right?" you asked, smiling at him. It was a little embarrassing to say aloud, but he seemed like he needed the reassurance after being teased by his shameless friends all night. His large eyes widened in surprise and a slow smile began to consume his face.
"Yeah?" he breathed, eyes shining as he looked at you. You noticed he had a cute mole under his lower lip.
"Yeah," you confirmed softly, gazing back at him and feeling your cheeks warm. You weren't sure who moved first, but then his soft lips were pressed against your own. The kiss was sweet, sweeter than the vanilla still lingering on his lips, and you sighed in contentment as you tangled your fingers in his baggy shirt to bring him closer. He complied, letting his own hands cradle your cheeks gently.
Then twin thuds sounded from either side of you, and you broke away to see Jimin and Taehyung grinning from opposite windows. You screamed in horror and clung to Jungkook before realizing who the fucking idiots staring at you were, and Jungkook swore under his breath.
"I'm going to murder them," he hissed as you laughed weakly and pressed a hand to your pounding chest. It had gone from butterflies to straight up heart attack far too quickly for your preference, and you whole-heartedly supported his statement.
"I'll help," you offered with a scowl as the two idiots gave you cheeky waves and scampered off to a different car. "Do you have an extra shovel?"
"Oh, I couldn't let you do physical labor like that on our first date," Jungkook replied innocently and you smiled in spite of yourself.
"But Denny's and getting harassed by your friends is fine?" you countered, though you placed a chaste peck on his cheek to show you weren't actually bothered. Despite the fact that you had literally just kissed, his cheeks flushed.
"We'll do something better next time," he promised, and your heart fluttered at the casual way he said it. Still, you couldn't help but give him a little shit.
"What makes you think there'll be a next time?" He whirled to look at you, eyes wide, and you began to giggle.
"That wasn't nice," he complained, that adorable pout making its way onto his face again.
"I'm sorry, what can I do to make up for it?" you teased, eyes flicking back down to his lips. He grinned and leaned forward, but a loud honk from what was presumably Taehyung's car startled both of you again.
"Let's get you home," he groaned, leaning back in his car. You laughed and took his hand, twining your fingers with his as he drove out of the parking lot.
"I mean, I doubt they'd follow us all the way to my place…" you said, brushing his hand with your thumb. Jungkook drove a little faster.
"You think I should've put a shirt on under this?" you fretted as the Uber driver pulled into the parking lot of a decently sized apartment complex. Mijin rolled her eyes as she adjusted the halo atop her cow onesie, which was the exact opposite of yours in terms of being revealing.
"You're the one trying to seduce a guy who's clearly already gone for you," she deadpanned, making you flush.
"We just met a week ago! How would you know?" you protested, checking the tape keeping your robe semi-decently over your chest for the hundredth time since you'd entered the car.
"I've read your texts, they're disgusting," she said fondly. "He texts you good morning and good night every single day with hearts and everything, it's pathetic."
"I think it's cute," you said defensively, making her laugh and ruffle your hair.
"That's because you're just as whipped as he is."
"Be nice to me," you warned. "Or else we can go back and you won't get to meet any of his hot friends."
"Bitch I'm the one who agreed to come in case this is secretly an enclave of hot serial killers."
"Er, not to interrupt, but is this the right apartment?"
You both looked at the Uber driver, who you had completely forgotten about, then at the building outside.
"Yep, thanks! Sorry about that," you confirmed, opening the door and hopping outside. You shivered in the cold and mentally cursed yourself for going the hot girl route instead of the sensible funny costume route. Then again, you had goals for tonight that hopefully involved a cute ex-zombie between your legs.
As soon as Meej got out of the car, you nodded to the Uber and scurried up the stairs to the proper apartment. Even without knowing the apartment number you could've guessed which unit was the right one from the music pulsing in the air.
You opened the door cautiously, not really knowing what to expect, and a wave of warm air and bass blasted out at you. There was a decent amount of people in the room, and you stepped inside with Meej in tow.
"So where's your man?" she asked, trying to scan over the sea of heads. You shrugged, also looking around to see if you could find him.
"You made it!"
You turned to see twin gorgeous boys wearing togas and wreaths, and smiled despite knowing they were probably up to something already. Mijin outright ogled, and you couldn't really blame her.
Jimin was a vision in white, with a golden belt bearing a sun motif and a laurel crown. Combined with his smooth, pale skin, he nearly glowed. Taehyung wore a green toga, with silver moon adornments and a small toy bow-and-arrow. It played wonderfully with his tanned complexion, and you stared for a moment despite being preoccupied looking for Jungkook. They were already gorgeous before, but in their costumes they truly personified the Greek gods they were dressed as.
"Hey guys," you greeted, but before you could introduce them to Meej they grabbed both of you and all but dragged you further into the house. You sighed internally. It appeared that their antics were already in motion.
"Where is she?" Jungkook complained from his seat on the couch as he pouted into his plastic cup. He had been daydreaming about seeing you again since pretty much the second he had dropped you off that fateful night. The two of you had made out for an inordinately long amount of time in your parking lot, and he had driven away with a happy heart and a raging boner.
Between that right hook, first date, and the constant texts you'd been exchanging throughout the week, it was safe to say he was completely enamored. Not only were you scrappy, but you were gorgeous, funny, and nice, and talking to you just felt right. And amazingly, you seemed to feel the same way. So where were you? You said you couldn't wait to see him, so why weren't you here yet?
Jimin chortled at his younger friend's expression, patting his head like a child. Which he definitely looked like considering he was sagging in his seat in a cookie monster onesie.
"She'll be here," Taehyung assured him with a grin. "If not for you, then for me."
Before Jungkook could respond to his obnoxious friend, a slightly slurred, high-pitched voice came from his side and he winced.
"Uh, hi Dina," he said with a polite smile at the girl dressed as a slutty cookie. So this was why she had pestered him to know what his costume tonight would be. He looked around for help, but of course his two friends had oh-so-mysteriously disappeared in his time of need.
The sound of the door opening drove Dina out of his mind, and his gaze shot hopefully towards the entryway. It was hard to see, but there you were with that friend who had forced you to go out with him that night. He needed to remember to thank her for that. She would probably be the maid of honor at the wedding.
Even from halfway across the room, obscured by other partygoers, you were so pretty he wanted to die. Had you somehow gotten cuter since he had last seen you? He shot up immediately, not even noticing that Dina had been trying to sit on his knee, and she was sent toppling to the floor.
"Owww," she whined despite not looking like she had hit anything. Jungkook sighed in frustration. He really did not want to deal with her right now, not when you were right there, but he wasn't an asshole.
By the time he had helped her up, made sure she was fine, and pried her clinging acrylic talons off his arm, you were nowhere to be found. With an annoyed scowl, he realized that neither were Jimin or Taehyung. His eyes narrowed. They wouldn't.
He found you in the kitchen, sipping a drink and being caged against the counter by Taehyung. Jimin was engaging your friend, who looked more amused than charmed. Your expression was decidedly patient, which soothed Jungkook's ruffled feathers somewhat despite the way his hyung was staring at you like the hunter he was dressed as. Then he got a full view of your actual costume.
He had thought he couldn't be any more attracted to you, but you had proven him wrong. You were wearing a silky boxing robe tied tightly over some criminally short shorts that revealed a very appealing amount of leg. Your knuckles were wrapped in athletic tape, and his nose and his dick twinged at the same time. You were perfect.
Jungkook would have taken more time to admire you, but Taehyung was way too close, and currently playing with the hem of your robe. Something in his brain growled mine.
Then the older boy tugged you towards him by the tie of your robe and Jungkook went on autopilot, striding forward and ripping you away from his hyung. He opened his mouth to yell at Taehyung, until he realized he was holding you and his hand was touching warm, bare skin. He looked down and you stared back, mouth open and face pink. He looked further down and realized your tie had gotten undone. Your breasts were somehow still covered, but it was completely obvious you were wearing nothing underneath. His brain short-circuited.
Jungkook stood there, frozen and gaping, for an embarrassingly long amount of time. Then your friend surreptitiously stomped on his foot, and he came back to his senses. He was not about to let his hyungs see you like this.
You gave a squeak as he scooped you into his arms, clinging to the front of his onesie in a way that he quite enjoyed as he strode wordlessly out of the kitchen. He didn't even see Dina, who he almost trampled into crumbs in his haste to get you away. He quickly made his way to his room and shut the door behind him with his foot.
"Um, Jungkook?" you asked timidly, looking up at him with wide, confused eyes. He froze again when he realized what he had done, and that your robe was still untied and revealing a tantalizing amount of skin.
"S-sorry," he stammered, trying and failing to not ogle at the expanse of skin revealed by the cascading fabric. "I just… didn't want them to see…"
Your lips began to twitch up into a smile, and you brought your arms around his neck.
"Oh?" You asked softly, voice almost a purr. The look in your eyes made his heart stutter and his dick twitch. You brought your lips to his ear, and your hot breath sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. "And why's that?"
You licked the shell of his ear, tongue warm and wet, and something in him snapped. Jungkook tossed you into his bed, and crawled over to trap you between his arms. The flash of worry that he was going too far vanished when you grabbed the front of his onesie to pull him down and crush his lips against yours.
"Because," he said as he pulled back, slightly breathless. You were a vision below him, splayed out and licking your lips as you stared up at him with hooded eyes. "You're mine."
He saw your mouth begin to curve into a smile before he was on you again, hot and hungry and demanding. Your lips slotted against his perfectly, and the whimper you gave when he sucked your lower lip between his teeth added more fuel to the heat blooming in his abdomen. You evidently felt the same, because you wrapped your legs around his waist to bring his hips against yours, making you both gasp as his erection rubbed against your clothed core. Despite the tickle of his costume, it sent arousal flooding through you.
"O-oh, Kookie," you moaned as he turned his attention to the line of your jaw, planting soft kisses and nips until he reached the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Then he began to suckle harshly, making you gasp and tangle your fingers in his hair encouragingly. If his hyungs couldn't keep their hands to themselves, he'd just have to show them who you belonged to.
His hands skated across your bare stomach, making you shiver, until they came to rest at your covered breasts. Then he sat back, looking perplexed.
"Why isn't this moving?" He complained, tugging lightly at your robe. You burst into giggles at the confusion on his face.
"It's boob tape," you explained, and laughed harder at his uncomprehending expression. "It's basically double-sided tape for clothes. Did you never wonder how girls wear drapey stuff without nip slip?"
"I just thought it was some weird boob magic," Jungkook responded sheepishly, and you dissolved into giggles again.
"You're cute," you said between chuckles, then gasped when he ground his hips down hard against you.
"Cute?" he asked darkly, making your mouth go dry. He proceeded to peel the robe off your chest - luckily the tape stayed on the fabric and not your skin - and his gaze went molten. He stared long enough for you to begin to squirm beneath him, and you brought your arms up to cover yourself. His own shot out to grab your wrists and pin them on either side of your head.
"No, let me see you," he demanded, and the pure want in his voice went straight between your legs. His eyes raked over you like hot coals, the heat in them bringing a pretty flush to your cheeks.
"God you're so beautiful," Jungkook whispered reverently before descending again to devour you. You moaned into his mouth, wrists straining half-heartedly against his grip, and he took the opportunity to part your soft lips with his tongue. He licked into your mouth in hot strokes, and your thighs tightened around his hips in an effort to bring him closer. The whine you let out as his cock rubbed you through your shorts made him even harder, and he broke away from your mouth to trail wet kisses down your jaw and your neck. This time, he went past your collarbone to suck bruises that bloomed red and purple on the skin of your chest.
"Jungkook," you moaned breathily, trying to control yourself despite how good he was making you feel. The way he was pinning you down so easily despite how shy he had acted at the beginning was doing a number on you.
He paused to give you a boyish grin at complete odds with the way he was making your pussy clench, before dipping his head to roll your pert nipple around his tongue. Then he sucked hard and you keened, arching into the warm wetness of his mouth.
"Fuck, touch me please," you begged, desperate to feel his hands on you. His eyes darkened further and that innocent grin turned wicked.
"Anything for you, baby," he promised, and the pet name turned you on even more. He released your hands to explore your soft curves, and yours immediately went to the buttons of his adorable but currently unappreciated cookie monster onesie.
You were able to make quick work of them despite the distracting way he was nipping your neck and pinching your nipples, and you forced him backwards so you could shove the upper part of his costume off his frame.
"Oh, fuck you," you groaned when you got a full blast of his glorious body. Jungkook smirked as you ogled his abs, no trace of that stumbling boy left in his dark eyes.
"I mean, if that's what you want," he teased, preening under your gaze. You wanted to roll your eyes, but they were still glued to the hard ridges of muscle on prominent display.
"Shut up and take this off," you grumbled, shoving his onesie further down his waist. "It's tickling me."
Jungkook grinned impishly at you before obeying, and when he kicked his costume to some random corner of his room you sighed in a mixture of arousal and despair at the way his muscular thighs flexed. He was just so perfect, and by the size of the bulge straining against his boxer briefs he was going to be just as perfect there too.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him back down to smash his lips against yours again, not particularly caring that this kiss was much sloppier than prior. By the way Jungkook groaned against your mouth when your tongue skimmed his, neither did he.
It was even headier now, with his toned chest pressed flush against your breasts. You ground your hips against his with a breathy whine, raking your nails lightly down his back. When you squeezed his ass - yes, it was just as firm as you'd hoped - he bucked forward, driving his cock harder against you. You briefly wondered if you were soaking him through your shorts, then decided you didn't care.
When you began to wiggle out of your shorts, shy Jungkook made his appearance again. He pulled back, eyes wide, though he couldn't stop himself from licking his lips.
"A-are you sure? I was just… kidding," he said, as if you couldn't see his dick leaking through his boxers and you weren't half naked on his bed and begging for his touch. It was cute, but this sweet Jungkook wasn't what you wanted right now. So you pouted and began to push yourself off the bed.
"Fine, then I'll go see if Taehy-oof!"
Your gamble was rewarded as you were immediately forced back onto the bed, Jungkook's hard eyes blazing above you.
"I said you're mine," he growled, giving your nipple a hard pinch. You yelped at the mixture of pain and pleasure, and felt yourself grow impossibly wetter at the edge in his tone. You threaded your hands in his hair to bring him down for a kiss, but he paused, lips hovering over yours. "You're mine, right?"
Despite the aggressiveness of his actions, there was a hint of pleading in his tone, and you couldn't help but smile as your heart fluttered.
"Only if you're mine too," you replied, making his eyes light up. Jungkook had been yours since you had delivered that knock out punch to his nose heart. He closed the distance eagerly, and you lost yourself again in the heat of his lips and tongue. When one of his hands found its way between your legs, he groaned at how damp you were even through layers of cloth.
"Yours," you murmured, rubbing against his hand shamelessly. His eyes flashed and before you could process what was happening, your shorts and underwear were ripped off and you were bare beneath him aside from the robe halfway off your shoulders. His hand went back and you moaned as his fingers dragged along your wet folds before changing course to start rubbing light circles on your clit.
"You're so sexy," Jungkook groaned against your mouth as you bucked your hips forward, chasing the friction. He pressed his middle finger into you, and the sound that you made was almost enough to make him explode then and there. You were so hot and wet and tight around him already, and if you felt this good around a finger he couldn't wait to feel you around his dick.
You licked sloppily into his mouth, rutting against his hand as he pumped his finger in and out of you and swallowed your whimpers. When he added a second finger your breath caught in your throat, nails digging into the skin of his back.
"J-Jungkook," you gasped when he began grinding the heel of his palm against your clit while rubbing his fingers against your walls. He was working you up embarrassingly quickly, and when your orgasm hit it almost took you by surprise. Your body went rigid as waves of pleasure shuddered through you, and Jungkook hissed and pressed wet kisses all over your neck, working you through your high as your walls spasmed around his fingers.
"Wow," was all you managed when you came back to reality. It was partially due to the orgasm, but mostly caused by the beauty of Jungkook's flushed face and disheveled hair hovering above you as his hungry eyes drank you in. You tugged him towards you by his hair and kissed him hard for a moment before pushing him back a little and giving him your best seductress eyes.
"Fuck me now, please," you said sweetly, in a husky voice you were surprised came from you. Jungkook's eyes somehow went even darker and he almost dove to the side of his bed to open his nightstand, retrieving a condom he ripped open in record time. You giggled a little at his eagerness. Until he kicked his boxers off. Dicks were always objectively funny looking even at the best of times. So why did his make your mouth water?
"Is there anything about you that isn't sexy?" you said in a half grumble, making him laugh as he rolled the latex over his tantalizing length. He hovered over you, one hand by your head and another on his cock as he lined himself up, and you reached up to thread your fingers through his silky hair. He smiled down at you, eyes bright. Then he rubbed his tip against your folds and you moaned, tightening your grip.
"If it makes you feel better, everything about you is sexy too," he breathed, eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and lust as his lips fell to capture yours. All you could do was gasp against his mouth as he began to press his cock past your aching folds. Despite how wet you were, it was still a slow, excruciatingly delicious stretch, and he cursed, hips stuttering against yours.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, thrusting lightly in and out to coat himself further in your wetness. The feeling was definitely mutual, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to encourage him to go deeper. When he bottomed out, you both stilled for a moment to get your bearings, though he wasn't sure how much good it did him with you quivering beneath him and your walls hugging him so tightly.
"Please move," you finally whimpered when you couldn't take it anymore, giving a little buck of your hips that had Jungkook hissing. His lips crushed yours again as he began giving slow, measured, pumps that had you arching your chest against his hard pecs. He was glad he'd made you cum once because he didn't really think he was going to be able to last very long. Though that didn't mean he wasn't going to try again.
So when he angled his hips a certain way and you cried out and clenched around him, he maintained that position despite the way his thighs protested. He kept one hand on your waist, locking you in place, and brought his other to rub his thumb lightly against your clit.
"Oh fuuuuck," you groaned, head falling backwards Jungkook worked his magic on you. You were usually content if you could get on top and rub one out with a guy during sex, but this boy seemed determined to ruin you for anyone else and the worst part was that you wanted him to. He was hitting all the right spots and doing all the right things as if you'd been having sex for years, and between the thick drag of his cock and the attention he was giving your clit, you were hurtling towards the edge a second time.
"God, do that again," Jungkook groaned, and you hazily wondered what he was talking about, unable to think past the delicious way he was pounding into you. You didn't realize you were pulling his hair, and when the coil inside you snapped again you gave another hard tug with a desperate whine.
He fucked you through your second high, shuddering at the way your already snug walls squeezed him like a vice. The sounds he was forcing out of your throat were too much, and he felt himself starting to lose it.
"Fuck, [y/n], I'm gonna cum," he cursed, pace growing uneven even as his thrusts became harder and deeper. To his shock, panic, and disappointment, you pushed him off of you and onto his back. Then you ripped off the condom and engulfed him in the confines of your greedy mouth and he gasped, hips stuttering against you.
"Fuckfuckfuck," he choked, spilling himself down your perfect throat as you swallowed around him. Even after he was done, you kept swirling your tongue around his length as he moaned and let his head fall back against his sheets. You gave a little suck that had him whine and thrust against you despite the oversensitivity before you pulled back, looking way too innocent and cheerful for what you had just done.
"Taehyung was right, your cream's pretty good," you said with a wink, and he felt his entire neck and face go red.
"Oh my god," he complained, tackling you back down onto the bed and holding you against his chest as you giggled and wrapped your arms around him. The two of you lay there, snuggling and enjoying the post-coital haze.
"Hm?" he asked a little sleepily, opening his eyes and blushing at the cute way you were looking up at him.
"Did you mean it?" You looked sheepish, and he woke up a little more.
"Mean what?" he asked in confusion, and you flushed, looking uncertain. He brought his hand up to stroke your cheek, trying to reassure you even if he wasn't exactly sure what he was reassuring you about.
"Um… about me being yours. And you being mine," you mumbled shyly, avoiding his eyes. He felt his heart swell at the pink rising on your face, and he couldn't keep the stupid lovestruck smile off his face.
"Of course I did," he replied, holding you tighter and smushing your face into his chest. "You're my girlfriend now, you can't escape." Your muffled laugh was music to his ears, and you hugged him back just as hard until you finally pulled away, complaining you couldn't breathe.
"Okay, boyfriend," you said, eyes sparkling happily. He was elated that he had been the one to put that expression on your face. He was less elated when you began to clamber out of bed after kissing him on the nose.
"Nooo, stay here," he pouted, then tried to pose on the bed in an enticing manner.
"I want to, I really do," you told him ruefully as you blatantly eyed his abs. "But I can't just straight up ditch Mijin when I begged her to come with me."
"Oh yes, the maid of honor," Jungkook said with a nod, mollified by how disappointed you actually sounded. You looked confused for a moment before your attention was drawn by your robe.
"Ah shit, the tape isn't sticky anymore," you grumbled as you futilely slapped the fabric against your chest. Jungkook was momentarily mesmerized by the way it made your breasts jiggle before shaking himself out of his daze.
"I'll wear it, and you can wear mine," he suggested eagerly. It wasn't quite the same as seeing you in his clothes or anything, but it was close. You shrugged in agreement, slipping off the robe - which should not have been as arousing as it was when you were already basically naked - and tossing it towards him as you padded around the room to grab your shorts and the onesie. Jungkook stared at your ass for several enjoyable seconds before going to his dresser to grab some basketball shorts.
"This is… kinda big."
He turned around and felt himself torn between laughing and melting into the floor. You had put on the cookie monster onesie, which was sized for him, and were almost drowning in it. You had rolled up both the sleeves and the legs multiple times and yet it still looked hilariously large on your smaller frame.
"You look perfect," Jungkook promised, making your face flush that pretty pink again. Though you frowned when you looked at Jungkook, who was now wearing basketball shorts and your boxing robe. "What's wrong?"
"I… don't know if I want people seeing how hot you are…" you grumbled, eyes glued to his six-pack. Jungkook's heart fluttered when he realized you were jealous, and he grinned at your adorable pout. He strode up to you, enjoying the way you licked your lips when he cupped your face.
"How do you think I felt seeing Taehyung all over you?" he demanded, making your eyes widen before he bent down to capture your lips. Feeling you melt against him was enough to rile him up all over again, but when his hands began to wander you pushed him back a little.
"Fair enough," you replied breathlessly, sounding incredibly reluctant but firm. "Let's go."
You resolutely marched to his door and pulled it open, only to run into a very irate, very drunk cookie.
"Uh…" you began awkwardly, not exactly sure what this chick was doing here.
"Jungkookie, who is she?" the cookie wailed, pointing at you with a venomous glare. You would've felt more worried had Jungkook not looked so done with his life. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"This is my girlfriend, [y/n]," he said, shooting her point blank with the truth. By the way she reeled backwards, it might as well have been a real bullet. Jungkook took the opportunity to usher you past her, lock his door, then take your hand and tug you to the living. You were impressed at the speed in which he had done everything, and wondered just how many quick escapes he had to make from that girl.
"Nice costume."
You turned to see Mijin, Taehyung, and Jimin smirking at the two of you. A fourth extremely beautiful man had wandered somewhere near the vicinity and brightened when he saw you. Despite the pig nose and the blanket he was wrapped up in, he was still impossibly tall and handsome and broad. This had to be the last super hot guy in Jungkook's friend group, right? It was just impossible for there to be more.
"Oh! Are you Jungkook's mystery punching girl?" he asked cheerfully, seeing you with Jungkook. You blushed at the descriptor, and Mijin chimed in before you could.
"I'm Mijin," said your friend as she shook his hand, utterly unfazed by his weirdness. Well, he was a fucking dime so you supposed you couldn't blame her. The man beamed, making his eyes sparkle.
"Yep. It was love at first fight," she said with a grin, and you rolled your eyes at the terrible pun. To your surprise, the new guy's jaw dropped and he stared at your friend in wonder. Then he elbowed Jimin away from her and held out his hand with a charming smile.
"Then it's meant to be, because me Jin!" he said proudly, pointing at his wide chest and ignoring the way Taehyung facepalmed beside him. Meej chortled, giving his costume a very obvious once-over as Jin snickered at his questionable wit.
"Are you a pig in a blanket?" she asked, clearly vibing with her very handsome, very lame suitor.
"Holy cow! You got it!" Jin said cornily, and you heard Jungkook groan at the guy's terrible joke - considering Mijin's costume was exactly that. A cow with a halo. Unlike the rest of you - including a now pouting Jimin - your friend smiled widely.
"Yeah, can you believe [y/n] told me my costume was lame?" she asked indignantly, making Jin gasp in affront.
"They tried to say the same thing about mine!" he complained in commiseration, and the two of them cast peevish looks at the rest of you. You and Jungkook made eye contact and despite the short time in which you had known each other, you knew exactly what he was thinking. What the fuck is happening?
"Uh… we're gonna get drinks…" said Jungkook slowly, backing away from the two farmyard animals. He took your hand again and the two of you fled the scene, once again almost trampling a bawling Dina.
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles," you heard Mijin remark from behind you. All you heard after that was a weird squeaking, as if someone needed to replace their windshield wipers.
"Jungkook, is it weird to say that those two together scared me more than that maze?" you whispered loudly as he handed you a beer. He shook his head and stared behind him, shuddering.
"To never being that fucking corny," he pledged, holding his own bottle out. You nodded and clinked yours against his and took a much needed gulp. Then, unable to resist, you leaned in to kiss him. It ended up lasting much longer than you had intended, and when you pulled away he had a dreamy smile on his face. "I guess it'll be nice if the best man and the maid of honor are together though."
Jungkook distracted you with another mind-melting kiss, and by the time he released your lips, your legs were jelly. He noticed the way you were clinging to him and grinned that sweet smile at you before easily picking you up and setting your butt on the counter.
"Better?" he asked, nestling himself between his legs and tilting his head up to look at you upside-down. You giggled and leaned down to give him a peck, then stroked through his hair with your free hand. The two of you watched the party from the relatively quiet confines of the kitchen, where Meej and Jin where getting increasingly close and Jimin was now attempting to avoid the advances of a sad cookie while Taehyung laughed his ass off on the sidelines. It was odd how easily things had come together when you were the last person who would ever willingly enter a haunted corn maze.
Jungkook snuggled his head under your chin and you smiled, wrapping your arms around him and letting your hands rest on his bare sides. Who would have thought getting lured out of the house by the promise of donuts would lead to so much more? You knew Mijin would use this as an excuse to drag you out to more activities, but when Jungkook nuzzled your shoulder you found yourself more excited than chagrined. Fall might be ending, but your time with him was just beginning.
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bby-deerling · 6 months
Hello! Hope you’re doing good!
I have two request if it’s no problem with you (please please please write both only if you can 🙏🏻)
One is a Sanji x reader where in pre time skip reader would flirting with Sanji, everybody on the crew notices (even Zoro and Lucy) but Sanji never does (in this house we love oblivious Sanji) and it’s until the post time skip where everyone is together again where reader is like “I used to have a big crush on you, like flirted with you everyday type of crush” and Sanji being like “that’s not true” and the crew is like “nope, reader always flirted, you’re just oblivious” (and finish whoever you want, can be funny platonic or actually end up together)
And request two: Zoro x Reader where reader is a runaway prince/princess (who is with the strawhats because they wanted to sail and live adventures) and when some guards found them they took reader to their kingdom so reader marries someone else (basically Whole Cake arc but instead of Sanji is reader) and Zoro realizes his feelings for reader when the strawhats plans to rescue reader and go save them
If you only want to write one it’s okay! Choose you’re favorite one! This are some ideas I had on the weekend. Thanks for writing and sharing fics, all are damn good!
Have a nice day!
hello sweet anon! thank you so much for the requests! i may revisit that zoro request later, but the sanji one is really speaking to me right now!
dense (sanji x gn!reader fluff)
wc: 469 masterlist
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“You know,” Brook says, sipping on his cup of tea, “out of everyone I expected Sanji to end up in an arranged marriage with against his will, I would have thought it would be you!  YO-HO-HO-HO!”
Blood rushes to your cheeks as the rest of the crew, save for the cook, erupts into laughter, embarrassed at the skeleton bringing up your blatant and unrequited crush on Sanji.  After two years apart, you had finally been able to come to terms that your feelings weren’t returned, and had toned down your shameless flirting.   You don’t normally mind when your crewmates tease you for the way you used to throw yourself at the cook, after all it was equal parts funny and embarrassing, as long as the jokes weren’t made in front of him.
“What do you mean?” Sanji asks, sleeves rolled up as he washes dishes at the sink.
“How noble of you to protect their dignity.” the skeleton muses, leaning back in his chair.  Sanji simply looks puzzled, seemingly feigning surprise as to what he was talking about.
“Come on Sanji, you’re making it worse by acting like you don’t know!” Nami scolds, squeezing your shoulder in sympathy as she notices your eyes are fixed on the floor.
“I apologize, Nami, I’m really at loss—” he starts, only to be interrupted by Luffy.
“There’s no way you don’t know that they were in love with you!  Even I knew that!” he exclaims.  “Also, is there any meat—”
“They’re what?” Sanji spits out, jaw hanging on the floor.
“Is that what the tension was about?” Jinbe asks, and Brook nods in response.
The cook’s eyes are fixed on you, scrutinizing every aspect of your face in hopes that this was all a bit and that he truly wasn’t so clueless as to miss any sign of your affections for him.
“Don’t look so surprised, Sanji.  I practically threw myself at you for months.” you say, unwilling to meet his stare.
“Seriously, Sanji, they flirted with you every single day and you never reciprocated!  It was pathetic to watch!” Nami explains, making you flush even more red.
The cook redirects his attention to the sink, staring into the cool metal and focusing on the feeling of smoke filling his lungs.  Was he really that oblivious?  “Excuse me…” he mumbles, abandoning the rest of the dishes to slink out of the kitchen.
Luffy, Brook, and Nami explode into laughter as the door shuts and your face burns red.
“You gonna go after him?” Nami asks you with a sly smile after she catches her breath.  You shake your head, trying to keep some semblance of your pride intact.
"I’ve waited long enough, he can come to me.” you say, arms crossed but secretly pleased that perhaps your feelings weren’t as unrequited as they seemed.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Hey!! Love your art and your meta posts. I was wondering about your thoughts on something because I don't think I've ever really read about much of it in canon (might be missing something though), but do the batkids have their own Brucie Wayne-esque personas? I figure they'd be expected to act a certain way, like they've been taking in by a party loving play boy, they're gonna be a at least somewhat spoilt social butterflies right? I just can't stop thinking about the kids hitting like teenhood and having to adopt and put on that kind of act because it would be a little suspicious if nothing about Brucie rubbed off on them. Maybe they steal Bruce's cars or crash a gala, something staged just for the tabloids like that. Idk, I just find the idea of (most of) the kids not being raised anything like that and having to act up in the name of keeping their identities safe really interesting because I don't think they'd find it fun, I think it would actually gross them out to throw around money and act like brats.
lovely anon this is SUCH a fun question and i shall answer it in parts. the first is this — what is the purpose of the bruce wayne persona?
bruce created a specific public image of himself for several reasons — to deflect any suspicion that he’s batman, to justify his frequent disappearances from the public eye, and to be consistently underestimated by people he was in opposition with (gothams corrupt elite, the gcpd, etc). the popular interpretation of this is that he’s like a kardashian, but to be honest id say he’s a lot more like a donatella versace— relatively reclusive but who occasionally pops up doing the weirdest shit ever. he posts on dick’s insta like bruce WAYNE ❤️
wrt his kids, no, i don’t think many of them have that sort of glamorised persona. part of it is that the “gala” trope in fandom just…… doesn’t really exist in the comics? like bruce will take vicki vale to an event, or go to a luthercorp thing to gather intel, but the idea of everyone hitting up an event at the gotham four seasons is not a common story beat. and even then, again, the performance has a purpose outside of just being a distraction.
in particular, u have to consider how his kids are different from bruce. jason and dick were both lower class, if not actively below the poverty line and acting spoiled won’t win them any favours. cass straight up isn’t interested in that kind of performance. damian is honest to a fault. duke has his own family that he’s proud of. when u consider that damian and cass and duke and dick also aren’t white, u have to think about how acting like a glitzy idiot would help them in the same way it would bruce. short answer — it very much wouldnt. many people will think less of them regardless. it would be dehumanising, and because none of them have that same degree of disconnection from the standard person that bruce has, how would them being seen as spoiled idiots help them?
dick has always lived with civilian neighbours, had civilian jobs, and fostered civilian relationships. him being a cop was bad, but he takes a lot of pride in being someone who’s like… dependable. a good neighbour. jason is legally dead, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as the dumb poor kid either. cass would probably play with peoples expectations of her, but not like an established persona that she has to take on. duke is, again, very attached to his family and where he grew up, and is very aware of assumptions people might make about that. damian would rather kill himself than pretend to be an idiot. tim, again, is a strong maybe, but i also don’t think he’d give a shit. he really values keeping himself as tim drake intact, away from robin. he wants to keep being himself.
i just think most of them would stay out of the public eye. remember — bruce isn’t active online. there is still massive control over released information about him, especially with babs. i think they would purposely make themselves boring and unassuming.
the short answer is that none of them, truly, possess bruce’s raw commitment to the bit.
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simphornies · 3 months
So my sad gay self found this while scrollin: https://youtube.com/shorts/KTjKsm2uLPA?si=aHCxEMjey1iZ_u0A
Very cute, very wholesome I AM YEARNING. So if I may request a mlm!reader who will just casually people soda tabs as a subtle means of flirting or asking for affection (mostly because its such a uncommon practice that it removes most of the actual stress of flirting) with Vox?
No pressure, please take you time! Kisses darling <3
A/N: Honestly the soda tab thing is SO CUTE. I'm experimenting with more with how I write Vox so hopefully this is good
Word Count: 1.7k (1,755)
Soda Tab [ Vox x M!Reader ]
“Vox what the fuck is that?” Velvette pointed at a jar full of soda tabs on his desks.
“I’m gonna be real honest with you.” He took a deep breath in, “I have no fucking idea.”
You were just a regular sinner in the Pride Ring. You grew tired of the one time dates that ended with your date wanting to take you home into their bedroom. You held yourself to a standard. It made sense why you were placed in this ring considering your pride never allowed you the speak freely, not wanting to damage whatever was left of your reputation after a failed relationship.
You eventually landed a job with VoxTek as an operation’s manager. The job wasn’t easy but it paid and gave you shelter. Your soul remained intact but your sanity was slipping.
Then it all changed when the fire nation attacked when Vox personally invited you into his office to discuss a promotion. He needed someone that could hold their composure better than the Vees during important meetings and speak on their behalf. You were basically Vox’s representative so they wouldn’t have to deal with whatever, or whoever, you had to deal with. You held your status with pride and Vox admired the way you didn’t take anybody’s shit professionally.
After years of working with the Vees, you became close with them. Conversations with the three weren’t easy but they were mandatory for you to be able to represent them properly. You and Vox were particularly close.
So when he invited you to a celebratory dinner, you donned yourself in the best suit money could buy and set off. You never admitted it but Valentino definitely caught onto your secret crush on Vox.
Vox rarely faltered his usual persona in front of you, only losing composure a couple of times when his emotions were at an all time high. What you didn’t know is how he admired your consistency with perfection. Perfection. Running this business with Velvette and Valentino, who are both hot-heads in their own way, was difficult at times but since you stepped in, it’s been smooth sailing. Your constant shower of praise fueled his ego and he enjoyed keeping you around, just so he can get his fill of ego juice.
This dinner he arranged was to celebrate your work, and to boast about how he’s so smart and picked perfectly because of course he picked perfectly. He was the Vox after all. So when he saw you running up to him a couple minutes early before the arranged meeting time at the limo, he was taken aback at your suit. He was enamored.
You matched him in colors, even wearing the same bowtie as him but blue. Your suit was a darker shade of his and he loved it. It was perfect. You were perfect to him. He didn’t know why his heart pounded louder so he assumed that he was just excited to talk about how he made an amazing decision to you.
“Vox, sir! I hope you weren’t awaiting my arrival.” You said, anxiously fixing your suit and straightening out any loose ends.
“Oh don’t worry about anything. I just got here. The suit is perfect. Where did you get it?” Vox spoke, looking down at you with his hands behind his back.
“I listened to your suggestion, sir, and went to Velvette to get suited. I paid her in full, of course.” You spoke formally. So formal that it somehow bothered Vox in a way. As much as he loved being perfect, he wanted to see you when you weren’t so…tense.
“Paid? You shouldn’t have to worry. You are a part of the Vees, services are free for us.” He laughed. He took note of how you looked in front of him. You stood up straight, not a single thing out of place. He wondered what exactly could break this perfectionist standard you held yourself to.
“He likes you, Vox.” Valentino said, “I’m fuckin’ blind and I can see the way he eye fucks you whenever you start talking about how you’re the shit and you know what’s right or whatever.”
“And how can you be so sure, Val? I think he just respects me.” Vox scoffed, “Not any of that nonsense.”
“Yeah and because any other demon would willingly hang out with your egocentric bullshit. I’ve known you for years and I can’t stand hearing you say you were right. Even if you were.” Velvette rolled her eyes, “He literally posts romantic bullshit all the time and they’re all about bosses.”
“Are you stalking our employees?”
“Cut the shit. It’s not ‘stalking’ if his account is open to me.” She flipped him off, “And he’s basically a Vee. He likes you. And now you’re going on a date. Be a dear and stop beating around the fucking bush and own up to it.”
Vox recounted the conversation he had with the two other Vees. This wasn’t a date. Or at least he didn’t arrange it to be one to begin with but with this revelation, it might just turn out to be just that.
As the limo began to slow, he glanced over at you. He sees you fiddling with…a soda tab? He squinted at it, trying to understand why you kept fidgeting. “We’re here.”
You quickly shoved the tab in your pocket and looked at him, “I’ll get the door for you sir.” You reached for the door on your side but he stopped your hand with his own.
“No, I got it. Come on.” He opened his own door and pulled you out, keeping your hand in his as you stepped on the curb. Your hands were warm and he enjoyed it. He looked at the way you instinctively held his hand back and he couldn’t help but feel how perfect it fit in his own.
“Thank you, sir.” Your thanks got a scoff and you stiffened, pulling your hand back down to your side. “I’m sorry.”
“No. Not that.” He said, grabbing your hand again, “For tonight, call me Vox. No more of that sir bullshit.”
You nod in response, unaware of why he’d grab your hand to say that. You were even more confused when he didn’t let go until you had to sit across from him.
“Regarding today’s meetings, I’d like to discu—”
“Hush. Please. No business talk. This is to celebrate you!” He proudly spoke, “I picked the best demon to be our representative and I’d like to give you another promotion. To be one of the Vees.”
You choked on your wine, “Excuse me? Me? No, I can't possibly be a fit person for that.”
“Look. You’re aware of our image, correct?”
“Yes. Perfection.”
“Well that’s exactly why you’re going to stand by us and be part of us. I have contracts ready for you to sign so you can get a couple of souls under your belt. Some goons to do your dirty work.”
“Sir—Vox. Vox, I thought this was a business dinner regarding my work quota for the week?” You questioned.
“What—No. You already exceed the quota triple the amount majority of the time. Consider this a…date.” He grinned, taking enjoyment in your flustered state. “A congratulatory gift for your hard work and your promotion. I called it too, by the way, your success with us.”
You were dying on the inside. He just gifted you a promotion and a dinner and now the dinner’s actually a date? You panicked, not having anything to give him.
“Well…I’m flattered but I don’t have anything to give you a gift in exchange.” You rummage through your pockets. Your fingers grazed the soda tab and your cheeks flushed a light red. “Actually…Here. A small token of my appreciation.”
Vox squinted at the soda tab you held towards him. “A soda tab?” He asked, “Do you just carry soda tabs? Why?”
“Just…trinkets! You know, my little collection. Actually you’re right, I’m sorry. It’s probably stupid.” You start to retract but he swipes the soda tab out of your hand.
“No. I’ll keep it. It’s weird and a little stupid but it’s…” He flips the soda tab around, looking at it from different angles, “Admirable. In a sense. Thank you.”
Oh if only he knew what he unlocked. Ever since the date, he’s been getting soda tabs from you. You were greeted with confused acceptance every time you gave Vox one out of nowhere. He tried asking you what they’re for exactly but you’d just run off, using work as an excuse.
“Vox, when are you going to cash these in?” Velvette asks, picking a pink soda tab out of his container.
He looked up, confused, “Cash them in? What are you talking about?”
Velvette bursts into laughter, “Oh my god. You’ve just been collecting these and didn’t know?!” She taps through her phone and shows him a video explaining the soda tab trend.
His face turned red, “These…these are for kisses? He didn’t tell me these were for kisses—I thought they were just trinkets! That’s what he said!”
“Vox for someone as smart as you, you’re really fucking dumb.”
“Can you go get him for me?”
“I guess.”
You walked into his office thinking it was to talk about the latest update on his Angelic Security System. “Vox, I’m pleased to inform you that production is 80% complete. I was thinking the best workers get compe—” He cuts you off by placing a single soda tab on the stack of papers you had in front of you. You look at him confused.
“I’d like to cash one in.” He says, looking at you with a confident smile.
“Cash one in…” You think for a bit and as soon as you realize he knew what they were for, panic sets in and your face turns red. “Oh! Uh—Haha. What do you mean?” You lie.
“Y/N, dear, you’re terrible at lying. You’re perfect at everything but lying. And if you wanted some special attention, you should’ve said so.” He leans closer to you as he gestures to the jar on his table, “Also. I’d like to cash in half of this jar. 280 of them, including this one, I believe.”
“Sir! I can’t possibly—” He shuts up you with a sudden peck on your lips.
“Ah ah. None of that sir bullshit. I told you to call me Vox. Now…” He leans back and pats his lap, “I believe I have 279 left? Chop chop.”
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emojellyace08 · 5 months
Hi! Big fan of your oneshots. Can I request a female Gojo x lookism men characters. Where Gojo dies and is reincarnated into the popular webtoon Lookism but "HE" became a "SHE". Gojo being gojo causes mayhem wherever she goes and rizzing people especially teasing the students at J-high because she is now their teacher. And Gojo is more chaotic than Goo and I imagine her saying to Gun, "I'm the strongest". Since he reincarnated as a girl and in a world without curse energy he doesn't have any CE but he is still super strong just like the OP characters in the webtoon especially since he's an expert in the martial arts. He still has the six eyes but not as OP and draining he just can see really well than the average person.
Female! Gojo Reader x Lookism Cast!
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𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐀 (𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐥). 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 (𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲) 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬,𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝)
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In the world filled with infinite possibilities, you wouldn't expect to end up in another universe. You, one of the most (if not) powerful sorcerer in the whole world ends up dying in the hands of Sukuna. And you wouldn't expect to get reincarnated in an ordinary world without curses. Well, that's what you thought at first.
You were first confused at how did you turn into a baby. But lucky for you, your family is part of one of the most wealthiest and powerful Yakuza in Japan. Growing up, you were confused about your identity. Asking your mom if you really turned into the opposite sex. "Ma, can I ask you something?" "Sure darling, what's the matter?" she asked with a sweet tone as she prepares your meal. "Am I really a girl?" "Well, physically you are a girl. But if you feel like not fitting with the other little girls, it's okay if you like masculine toys. But inside of you must be always genuinely kind and is ready to help others without wanting anything in return."
You may still have the familiar sapphire blue eyes, hair fluffy like clouds, skin white as snow, and your personality intact with your female body, you still can't help but to feel weirded out in your early life. Without your powers, you felt the familiar feeling of dread linger through your soul. All the training and physique were wasted because of that monster! But you forced your dad to teach you martial arts. He almost scolded and beaten you up for "disobeying" his rules as you are not fitted to replace his heir. Feeling that familiar burst of pride in your heart that wanted to explode and lash out to him and knowing to yourself that you have LOTS of experience in your past life as a Jujutsu Sorcerer, you trained yourself for years to prove your own father wrong and show him who really is the weak one. Time-skip ahead, you successfully graduated and hired as a teacher for Physical Education knowing that you are body-kinesthetic.
You made your way into the school hallways with your bag. Instead of books for your lessons that you will discuss about, it's filled with sweet treats (and some lip balms to keep yourself ✨sexy, gorgeous, and daring✨. You remember high-school days when many teenage boys at your age often fight outside your house when they used to court you. "Sorry, I'm not attracted to men and girls are really scary! Sheesh people are so cheesy these days!"
Knowing your instincts, you tend to be a bit too friendly with other people as you are excited to annoy another living soul in this earth today. "He~~LLO!" you greeted quite loudly as the poor guy squeaked in surprise at your presence. "WUAH FUCK! Oh, shi- I'm sorry sunsengnim!" (teacher). "Oh, NO WORRIES PAL. You must be new here, right?" you questioned as you introduced yourself to the new student. "Well, I am (*insert female name here*) and according to every men and women that I had rizzed, I'm the most prettiest and sexiest woman and teacher in this country. Well then nice to meet you." you winked as to express your friendliness as he awkwardly shook your pale hands with his sweaty ones. "Ah, I'm sorry for the overflowing enthusiasm. Let's go to your new class for us to meet them!" you chuckled as you ate your mochi, even offering to share Hyung-Seok but he politely declines.
The moment you and Daniel entered the Fashion Department class, everyone's jaws dropped as it almost hit on the floor for dramatic effect. And you know that you weren't wasting their time when you gave all those candies as prizes by making up a warm-up game before classes begins as they are already fond of you! The other boys trying to impress you as you platonically tease them even though you have no romantic attraction on them. And the GIRLS WOULD LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Your hair and eyes also makes them fond of you (especially Zoe since she's a Beauty-Nerd). "OMG ARE YOU AN ANGEL OR SOMETHING?!" she squealed as you let her braid her hair as you relaxed on your chair and placed your legs on the teacher's table despite it being against the rules on free time. The others were doing their own shenanigans as you keep telling them to quiet down. "So, you think I'm hot or something? I'm glad you know. Oh Zack stop abusing Jiho's hand it's just arm wrestling!'
And they also enjoy your performance activities too! Since their courses is all about sewing with those mind-twisting history behind it, of course they will get sleepy and stressed out about it. But being the bold and bright-spirited that you are, you know school won't be fun without a little stretch of your body. So you make sure that whatever you teach them sports will be easily followed, yet you tend to forget to uncomplicate the rules since you're pride and confidence gets in the way at times. Sports and a little bit of martial arts (especially with the boys) are so fun! Being competitive, you taught them not only the basic techniques and skills that all can master. But you also thought them discipline when using it as you also sighed to yourself that you can get a bit cocky when fighting too as the adrenaline keeps chasing you to your high when fighting a strong opponent. You can see Daniel, Zack, heck even Jay taking down notes to this. The other departments are also fond with you as they really idolize you as their teacher (especially The Architecture Department).
But despite having your comedic side, it's rest assured that you are not letting anyone slide whoever tries to mess with you or anyone you know or fond with. The bullies will just stare at you cowardly as you look back at them with your striking cerulean eyes yet they seem uncanny because of your menacing expression. "You little fuckers, didn't your parents told you to not disturb anyone in the way?" "WE'RE SORRY SUNGSENGNIM!"
Yet since your family background is REALLY involved with the gangs (and the 4 major crews as you have minor knowledge around it), you started to get involved with the drama. Not only because you want to protect the innocence of your students as you grew fond over them, but because you tend to get a bit bored on teaching and pissing off your co-teachers. You smirked as the thought of fighting strong opponents excites you.
And you're excitement matches up with the sturdy and powerful fighters in this universe. You even helping out your students to bring down some of the most-feared men in Korea like Jonggun and Jungoo. You even got to flirt with them with a moment before you went face-to-face with the two as you declined their offer as they asked you to be their new member for Charles Choi's success.
"Miss, I'll ask you again. Why is it that you don't want to join our team? Are you so worried about leaving your students?" The black eyed male whispered at your ear as crimson-red blood drips down to his chin as you smirked at the bruise you gave him at the side of his lips. "And for a hottie like you, I didn't expect you to be this strong! So why not join us for a million won and even more?!" the blondie exclaimed as he swung his pipe as his weapon of choice. Him looking around at the building with lots of damage done from your fighting. "First of all, that's three questions. And yes, I have no plans to team up with your shitty team since I like hanging out with my students. And lover boy take note of this, I'M GOING TO SHIT ON YOUR FACE BECAUSE I"M THE STRONGEST!" you maniacally laughed as you landed a kick on Shiro Oni's face once again as he's starting to feel aroused excited about the energy that you're giving him. "If so, then LET'S FUCKING KILL EACH OTHER RIGHT NOW!" he ripped his shirt off as he rushed towards you as you did the same with that smile. "OI YOU'RE FORGETTING ME HERE I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER!" Goo replied as he plans to attack you from the back.
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sonofatoasterwaffle · 1 month
Timber Timbre
The firework that sets him off is probably a Roman candle, and way closer than all the other ones have been, by Hen’s estimate. Eddie is on the ground before she can say anything and Hen’s blood runs a little cold at the realization of what’s happening. 
“Eddie,” she says gently. “It’s still fireworks, it’s okay.” 
Eddie is squatting low behind the kitchen island, head down, and he’s visibly shaking. He nods jerkily, but his breathing doesn’t slow at all. Hen’s heart hurts, but she’s careful not to get too close. She’s well versed in many a mental health crisis, but what to do when your friend is having combat flashbacks feels a little out of her depth. She gets low with him, keeps her tone soft and even. “How can I help, Eddie?” 
His eyes are wild when they meet hers, his hands clenching around nothing like he’s physically clinging to the present. “Can you-“ he stutters. “Where is-? I need Buck.” 
Hen is on her feet as quickly as she can without startling him. “I’ll find him, okay? You stay right here.” 
Downstairs, Buck’s holding the heavy bag for Chim, saying something that was probably meant to be encouraging but comes out more antagonistic. Their shift into being brothers has obviously been going well. They both stop in their tracks when they see the look on Hen’s face. 
“Eddie needs you.” It feels important to say it the way he did.
Another firework goes off then and Buck pales. “Oh, shit.” 
Then he’s taking the stairs two at a time with Hen and Chim not far behind. “Kitchen.” She calls after him. 
Eddie is where she left him, but now his hands are pressed against his ears. Buck squats down in front of him slowly, ducking his head so he can catch Eddie’s eye. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s me, I’m here.” He says, like it’s definitely not the first time.
He looks back and Hen and Chimney, whispers, “Can you guys sit with us a second?” 
They nod, taking their places off to the left across from them, backs against the kitchen counter. Close enough if they need help, far enough away to keep their bubble intact. Hen’s grateful for the direction, and when Bobby comes out of his office, she waves him over, finger to her lips. He doesn’t question it, just squats down on Hen’s other side. 
Eddie shudders, breathes hard out of his nose. Says, “Buck.” Real soft. 
Buck nods, scoots closer at the recognition, reaches out to run his fingertips feather-light over Eddie’s forearms. “You’re in LA, Eddie. At the 118.”
Eddie gasps like he’s just reached the surface of water. “Doesn’t- doesn’t feel like it.” 
Buck grimaces. “I know. I know, let’s go through it, okay?” 
Eddie nods, once, lets Buck take his hands and keep going. “I feel,” Buck prompts. 
Eddie closes his eyes. “Panicked.” 
Buck nods, soft look on his face like pride. It makes Hen’s eyes water. Their boy has grown up so much. 
“Because the fireworks made me think about,” 
“The chopper going down. Getting shot at while the fire was burning. Greggs.” Eddie grits out through bared teeth. 
Buck rubs his thumbs over the backs of Eddie’s hands. “But if I look around I can see,” 
Eddie forces his eyes open with what looks like immense effort, trains them on Buck for a solid ten seconds before he looks around the rest of the room. “You. The 118. Bobby. Hen. Chimney.” 
He looks at each of them in turn. Hen nods encouragingly, waves a little, which seems to increase the recognition on his face. 
Buck smiles at him. “Yeah, that’s good, real good.” 
Some of the tension seeps slowly from Eddie’s shoulders, and Buck rewards it with a squeeze of their joined hands. “Tell me what day it is.” 
Another firework goes off in the distance and Hen wants to murder someone. Bobby looks like he’d help her without a second thought. The fucking audacity to set off explosives when you live by a firehouse is astounding. 
Eddie winces but Buck stays firm with him, tapping his fingers rhythmically against Eddie’s knuckles. “What’s the date, Eds?” 
“Fourth of July.” 
“Exactly. Which means,” 
“Morons.” Eddie answers, rote, like he’s been trained. The way Buck’s handling him right now, Hen supposes he has been. 
“You got it.” He praises, pressing forward until his forehead rests against Eddie’s. “Chris was excited, though, remember?” 
“Poke cake.” Eddie responds and Bobby smiles. 
Midwestern traditions often mystify Hen, but Christopher was so excited to make that weird jello cake with Bobby and Buck that she couldn’t help but decide she loved that one. They spent all evening in Bobby and Athena’s kitchen last night, making gratuitously American dishes that should be objectively gross but that Denny and Chris were wild for. Poke cakes with red and blue jello, things being called “salad” that have never and will never be salad, and burgers that were always a welcome staple in Grant-Nash cookouts. 
Buck is tapping his fingers on Eddie’s knees now, alternating as he prods Eddie to talk him through Christopher’s latest science project. Bilateral brain stimulation, her brain provides. Works for most long-term trauma treatment but can also be helpful during flashbacks. Evan “Internet Research Extraordinaire” Buckley certainly hasn’t been a slouch in this endeavor. 
As he talks through Buck’s prompts, Eddie is slowly relaxing, sitting up on his own a bit more but shifting closer to Buck, tension slowly bleeding out of him as he points out the things he knows, the things he can see, what Bobby made for dinner, what Chimney’s favorite show is right now, what class he helped Hen run flashcards for. It makes Hen’s heart grow too big in her chest. To know that they’re a part of Eddie’s recovery, of him feeling safe. 
“Where are you, Eddie?” Buck asks again after a few minutes of this. They’re side by side now, shoulders brushing as they lean back against the island cabinets. 
Eddie takes a deep breath, sags a little against Buck. “I’m in LA. I’m at the 118 firehouse. You’re all here with me. Everyone’s safe.” 
Hen smiles encouragingly at him, Chim says, “We’re here for you, man.” 
Eddie looks away, mutters, “Esto es tan vergonzoso,” color staining his cheeks. 
“Nuh uh.” Buck answers, firm. “None of that. No tienes nada de que avergonzarte.” 
Hen knows Buck spent a while in Peru. Bartending, she thinks. She’s heard him speak Spanish to people on calls before, but his accent has historically been horrendous. It sounds like being in the Diaz orbit has been helpful for that. Hen doesn’t speak Spanish well, but she’s been in LA long enough to get the gist most of the time. 
“Sorry you guys had to see that.” Eddie apologizes anyway, ignoring Buck.
Bobby shuts that down immediately. “Everybody’s got their demons, Eddie. We’re just happy we can help with yours.” 
He tells Eddie he should take the rest of the night, even as Eddie protests that he’s fine and he doesn’t want to leave them hanging. “It’s just a few hours, Eddie. Take him home, Buck?” 
Buck nods, looking relieved that he didn’t have to ask permission. Eddie still looks a little mortified, but it’s tempered by Bobby’s careful hand on his shoulder. “Get some rest, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“When do you think they’ll give in and just get married?” Chim asks after Buck bundles Eddie into his Jeep. 
Bobby snorts. “I’ve had the paperwork ready to go for years.”
Also on AO3
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ghostlynachopanda · 1 year
Marks pt 2
a/n: 43 assignments, 3 exams, and 2 lab reports later she lives. barely lol. Grammarly called it mid, it's a chonker lowkey. here's this one pals.
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 2.3k
part one
Wednesday had not been able to initiate any kisses for 9 days, 18 hours, and 36 minutes — not that she was counting. At first, watching you cringe at any look was amusing. Unfortunately, the marks she gave you were starting to fade. Wednesday craved to give you more, but you stuck to your word.
You had tried so hard to hide to hickeys on your neck. At first, you pulled the hood over your head, making it near impossible to see your face. Watching you cower behind the hood of the jacket she let you borrow was comical. The sight made a smirk pull at her lips.
It took more effort to keep a neutral face when a teacher told you to take the hood off. Your classmates took notice immediately, forcing your efforts to be in vain. Some sent you looks of concern and others wore a knowing look. However, no one was brave enough to say anything.
For once, Wednesday wondered what it looked like from everyone else's perspective. To have their object of affection be so obviously claimed by someone else. She briefly wondered if it inflamed jealousy in her classmates, but that thought quickly morphed into pride. You are hers.
Any amusement she felt was washed away when you moved your hand away from hers under the table. She immediately sent you a look mixed with concern and confusion. You answered with a raised eyebrow and gesture towards your neck. Her features instantly fell. She didn't think you'd actually follow through with the punishment.  
You shook your head and tried to focus on class. The disappointment Wednesday was feeling was palpable — at least it was for you. You could see her out of the corner of your eye. She kept a hand under the table as she went turned her attention back to her notes.
You huffed quietly, annoyed by how guilty she was making you feel. You eyed the hand in her lap, sitting there tauntingly. You could feel your resolve crack the longer you looked at it. You gingerly reached out to grasp it. Noticing how Wednesday was snapped out of her foul mood.
You decided then that having no contact was practically impossible. Wednesday sought contact almost as much as you did. You weren't entirely sure you could go without any contact from Wednesday for long. When she brushed her thumb over your knuckles you're resolved broke.
You realized shortly after that not kissing Wednesday was also an impossible task. Not only were her lips captivating in every way imaginable, but having the sweet aftertaste of her was something you desperately craved every moment of the day. Your resolve broke once again. You fleetingly thought about withdrawing the punishment altogether but decided against it. Settling for not letting her initiate any kisses for the time being.
However, Wednesday wasn't satisfied; even when she knew your resolve broke. She itched to have her lips on yours of her own volition — to leave more of her marks on your skin. The only way she could get what she wanted was through retaliation. 
Her retaliation was something she'd normally be ashamed of. She wanted to break your resolve entirely. She wanted you to be the one to end the punishment early so her dignity came out intact. You didn't need to know about her internal torment. Not when this whole situation was your fault.
Wednesday started to take her frustrations out in the kisses you shared — kissing you ardently. She had no reservations in holding back, letting her hands wander in place of her lips. Purposefully leaving your clothes rumpled, your chest heaving, and your lips swollen.
Wednesday had watched your resolve crack each time she kissed you. Unfortunately, her own resolve was cracking with each kiss. She needed you to extract the punishment. Her invitation to review notes was a cover. She was going to get you to drop the retribution before anything else.
Wednesday had a plan in place, and multiple backup plans were included. She went through her routine of tidying the room before your arrival, going through every possible scenario as she waited. She was so preoccupied she didn’t hear the knock on the door. Only taking notice when Enid opened the door.
"Hey! I didn’t know you were coming, what's up?" Enid inquired, opening the door wider for you to step inside.
"Wednesday invited me over to go over some of the notes from this week. Are you studying with us too?" you asked in return. Unintentionally inviting Enid to stay.
You busied yourself with taking out the necessary materials, not noticing the glare and shake of Wednesday's head. Enid gulps before going to her side of the room to grab her school bag.
"Nah, I think I'm gonna head out. I told Yoko I would gossip with her tonight anyway," Enid said, lying through her teeth.
"Oh okay. Have fun and stay safe," you replied cordially, finally looking up at the two.
"Sure! Text me if you want me to bring anything back," Enid easily responded. Bouncing over to give you a hug, ignoring the deadly look Wednesday sent her. "I'll be back later! Try not to hurt your brain too much, love you!"
You sent a friendly wave towards the already shut door, hoping she didn’t feel obligated to leave. You turn to look at Wednesday, who already rid her face of any murderous traces. She looked you over, noticing how you are wearing a hoodie — something that will get in her way later.
She silently takes calculated steps in your direction, cautious not to step on your things. When she reaches her desired distance, she reaches for your hand. "I've missed you," she whispered.
She watched your breath hitch and your eyes scan her face. Your lips parted and quivered with unspoken words. She let you take a moment to gather yourself, knowing your response will guide her plan.
"I've missed you too," you replied breathlessly.
Wednesday knew you were so close to breaking your resolve. She was also aware she was just as close to breaking her resolve too. Your warmth was tantalizing. Your eyes swirled with nothing but love, it was affecting her train of thought. Her brain was slowly starting to become single-minded. Her thoughts want to think of nothing but you.
She knew what would have to happen for your resolve to break, to fall into a million pieces. It was the same intimate act that would collapse her own. She knew she stood there for too long and needed to move on to her first backup plan.
Wednesday cleared her throat and took a step back, keeping your hands connected. "Let's go ahead and-"
"Can I kiss you?" you asked quietly, cutting her off. She hadn't expected that, but she could make it work. It had nothing to do with the fact she wanted to kiss you. More than anything.
Instead of verbally answering, she pulled you in by your hand. Putting her free hand on the back of your head to pull you to her. She stopped when you were only a hair's breadth away.
Your eyes were closed, your cheeks were red, and you just looked completely at her mercy. It was utterly satisfying, knowing she had all the power in this situation. Knowing she had won. With that, she closed the distance and gently brushed her lips against yours.
You put your hands on her waist, pulling her as close as possible. Her, now, freed hand moved to your neck, gently tracing the almost faded marks she memorized. A shiver ran wracked your body, causing Wednesday to smile into the kiss.
She had always thoroughly enjoyed how responsive you were. Even if the responses were small or insignificant.
Once again, Wednesday let her emotions poor into the kiss. Easily forcing it to become heavy. This time, you equally responded to her. You reciprocated all of her actions in your own way.
When you pulled away, your breaths were heavy, mingling in the short distance between your lips. You press your forehead on hers, trying to catch your breath.  
Wednesday slowly and gently guided you to her bed. Sitting you down before settling over your lap, legs on either side of your own. Naturally, you put your hands on her waist to steady her. Her eyes swam with adoration and desire.
You can't help but lean up to connect your lips once more. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of her lips and her taste. Your fingers graze the skin of her stomach, hesitant on moving upwards.
She moved one hand to one of yours, softly moving it toward the expanse of her skin. Your hands are cold against her torso, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin. She nips at your bottom lip at the feeling, making you release a quiet groan. Eager to hear that sound again, she tilts her head to bite your lip more forcefully.
The feeling have you tightening your grip on her waist, pulling her flush against you. Disconnecting your lips to trail them to her jaw, she tilts her head to give you more space. Leaving open mouth kisses in your wake, slowly working your way up to leaving your own marks.
You trail your hands higher, gently playing with the fabric of her bra. You use her soft sounds and reactions to guide you, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. You lightly move your hands under her bra and graze the underside of her breasts as you bite down on her neck. You gently run your tongue over the rapidly reddening spot to soothe it.
Wednesday's breathing is loud and uneven. Breathless moans leave her lips every time your teeth graze her neck. She pushes herself against you and grinds down on your lap. You pull away, the absence of your warmth pains her.
"Wednesday, take it off," you breathlessly pant before returning to her neck.
She understands straight away and rushes to remove the jacket she's wearing. She carelessly tosses it somewhere behind her, moving to get your jacket off next. It proves more difficult, as you refuse to detach yourself from her.
When maneuvers it off she forces her lips onto yours. Teeth accidentally clacking against each other. Your hands move back under her shirt, moving to rub the skin of her back. You drag your lips to her neck, once again leaving trails of color. You find the juncture between her neck and shoulder and bite down just as you drag your nails down her back. Her breath hitches and then she lets out a long quiet moan.
 She pushes you onto your back, forcing you to bring your hands from under her shirt. You lean on your elbows and try to catch your breath as she looks at you. You can see the hickeys you left and feel proud.
"My turn," she stated.
Just as your lips met you both hear the loud sound of keys outside the door. The sound of the key sliding in and out of the lock snapped you and Wednesday into action. You both rush to put your jackets back on, hoping it wasn’t obvious.
The loud thud outside the door startles you both, "Oh no! I dropped my book!" Enid exclaims, voice muffled by the door.
The absurdity of her action makes you laugh. Wednesday can't help but smile at how lovely your laugh sounds. Though that smile is replaced with a glare when Enid walks through the door.
Enid scans the room, immediately noticing the marks on Wednesday's neck, and smirks. You finally got your revenge, Enid notes. The blonde notices you laughing with tears collecting in your eyes and asks, "Why are you laughing?"
"You’re hilarious Enid, thank you," you reply between giggles.
"Well thank you, ma'am," Enid says bowing.
You feel the threatening aura Wednesday is emitting. Clearly upset you two were interrupted, again. You turn to look at her, "Wednesday, let's go to my room. My roommate said they won't be coming home tonight."
It's silent for a moment, "Fine,"
You stand in the middle of the room, hoping to stop Wednesday from attacking Enid. You gather your stuff quickly before bidding goodnight to Enid as you and Wednesday walk out the door.
"I almost killed her," Wednesday says.
"I know," you answer.
Wednesday shakes you awake in the morning. You blink owlishly at her, "Are you alright?" you ask hurridly. 
"This," she gestures to her neck, "This isn't funny." 
You blink a couple of times, "I don't know what you're referring to, Wednesday. I'm going back to sleep."
"Help me hide them," she demands
"You reap what you sow, Wednesday"
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Running on basically no sleep 😙✌️
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638 @tundra1029 @greyscxle-is-taken @the-lazy-turtle
615 notes · View notes
australet789 · 1 month
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TLK: Everyone comes back
"What's that, mother?"
"That's... our sign to come back."
A little glimpse of Sameera and Ahadi when they lived in the desert.
Sameera's reason to leave The Pridelands was "duty". While members of the Desert Pride are scattered around different biomes, they have one thing in common: when they are going to have their cubs, they need to come back to their place of birth, kinda like salmons. It's their way to honor their ancestors and keep the history of the land intact. Usually just females do that travel, so the Desert Pride is believed to be a big lioness pride.
So now that Sameera has fulfilled her duty with her Pride, she is going to come back to Takatifu.
She doesn's know that Takatifu has already fulfilled his duty with The Pridelands... and with his own Circle of Life.
The title of this piece is based on a song from my country "Todos Vuelven"
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earthstellar · 2 months
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What made me cry the absolute hardest in this episode is realising that Superbia died in a posture that could still provide Lulu with cover in the battlefield.
His arms are splayed out, not as if to catch himself, but like he's making a half-circle with his arms.
We later see Lulu in this scene take cover behind Superbia's curved arm, his hand open and on it's side to make a wall/shield.
Even in his moment of death, he thought about how he could still protect Lulu.
He died in an honourable way that fulfilled his desire to die pridefully; Proud of his efforts against Ira, and proud of Lulu for continuing to live-- He had faith and trust in her to know to use his body, to keep fighting even despite the grief.
I think he didn't crystallise when he died like the other Death Drives because he had felt the connection of courage and love via Lulu. He had something to anchor himself to the world physically.
He may have lost his outright desire to die, but accepted it in the end anyway.
His desire to go on protecting Lulu and helping her to continue the fight overruled his original death drive; His pride for Lulu overruled his desire to seek his own prideful end, and as a result, he was able to achieve both of his desires:
Die with his pride intact, in a respectable way, and to continue to assist Lulu for as long as possible.
He knew he would die. He ejected Lulu immediately, specifically to prevent Ira's killing blow from cutting through her pilot pod inside of his chest.
So, he didn't crystallise even though he achieved his desired death, because he still had something to live for.
It was no longer about the satisfaction of dying with his pride, but it was about the satisfaction of seeing through Lulu's goal of saving the world -- In an earlier episode, when he and Lulu successfully merge, he says something to the effect of "your desires are now mine".
I just really fucking love Superbia and this show hit me right in the fucking heart.
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bumblebeehug · 9 months
Gave him her heart
Ship: Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia Summary: Lucy worries about what to get Natsu for his birthday, not knowing how ridiculously easy it actually is. Day 5 of Nalu Week 2023 - prompt: gifts Ao3
Natsu was a good man. He was wild, fun, crazy, but most of all: good. Lucy was very aware of this and knew that such a good man truly deserved the best. So, naturally she felt slightly panicked when she realised his birthday was coming up.
Lucy liked to believe that she was good at giving gifts. She was observant, both on the battlefield and off, so she knew what people looked a little extra at when they browsed shops or went by markets. Wendy turned to sweets, cute dresses or jewellery, something Lucy was relieved over when she noticed it – Lucy was nothing if not good at picking clothes and accessories, and Wendy was transparent with her tastes (sweet = good, savoury = fine, if there was a good reason to why it was gifted, otherwise a little weird, and sour = danger zone. It could be risky, but citrusy tastes were appreciated in sweet desserts). Erza was also easy to please with gifts – either go the sword and armour route, or go the girly route, possibly with some suggestive books. Gray appreciated nice soaps and clean décor for his house, and if she wanted to be funny with him she could always gift him underwear, seeing as it was the only clothing that stayed on for a while (though since him and Juvia got together it wasn’t really an option – Juvia didn’t care too much about what Lucy gave him, underwear or not, but Lucy herself felt weird about it, so nowadays she kept to soaps). Carla liked tea and pretty dresses as well, but appreciated flowers and other handmade things, and Happy was never happier than on his birthday, when he practically could get buried in the number of fishes he’d be given.
Natsu, however? Lucy wasn’t too sure what she could give him. He liked loads of things – food, fights, adventures, funny hats, board games: few things were off the table with that guy. If she gave him a bouquet of flowers he’d probably smile and say thanks (and maybe he’d try to eat them once he got home), if she gave him tea, he’d probably set the leaves on fire and accidentally get high or something – she didn’t want to risk it either way. He’d be thankful for any clothes she would give him, but would most likely only wear them when he really had to, or to sleep if they were comfortable enough. He really liked his special made ones, that managed to stay intact no matter how hot his fire was. He would definitely try to eat the soaps, and that wasn’t worth it in her opinion, and if she gave him a fish he’d very likely think she was either giving Happy a gift through him, or that she was confessing her undying love for him, since that’s what it meant when Happy gave fishes as gifts to the opposite gender (of the same species, might be important to add).
Point is: giving Natsu gifts was hard when you knew him too well. She had even considered giving him jewellery that matched with the ones she had gotten from him recently, but it once again came down to him only wearing them as a chore, and her pride couldn’t really take that. She would have to put a pin in this challenge though, because she was expected at the guild to help cover a shift for Mira as she dealt with one of her requested missions.
As she entered the guild hall, she was relieved to see that it was rather empty. It had its perks, working at a bar in the middle of the day, and since she saw some of her closer mates, she knew she could take her chance to dig around and find out what others would be gifting him.
“Hi Master,” she greeted Makarov, still using the title he had tried to give over so many times already. Though technically he was still in charge, so Lucy thought it only appropriate to keep calling him master until he truly was off the position. “I’m covering for Mira this afternoon.”
“I heard,” he grumbled from his position in the wheelchair. “You’ve been behind the bar before, so you know the drill. In fact, could you bring me a plate of fried squid and a beer? Just put it on my tab.”
Lucy took his order and sent a note into the kitchen per his request. Normally Mira would help out in the kitchen as well, but since Lucy had limited experience with cooking the meals they were serving, she was excused to just manage the drinks and easier snacks, like nuts and chips. As she waited for the staff in the kitchen to finish the order, she poured a glass of beer for Makarov. Half with light alcohol, half with none. He was currently cutting down on his alcohol intake, Porlyusica’s demand, but to not make him fall back immediately from quitting cold turkey, they slowly made him drink lighter and lighter.
“So, Natsu’s birthday is coming up,” Lucy said, trying to cover it up as small talk, but realising it was obvious what she was trying to do.
“I’ve heard.” A smug grin graced Makarov’s face. The relations between the mages in his guild were always amusing, especially in the stage that Lucy’s and Natsu’s had been in the last couple of years.
“I’m a bit curious…” She gave him his order. “What do you think he wants? You’ve known him for longest.”
“Child, I’m too old to remember all my guild members’ gift preferences, and I’m definitely not rich enough to give away gifts like it’s nothing. For a long time now, I’ve allowed myself to forget who likes what.” Lucy smiled, ready to brush the topic off and take another order across the hall, but he continued. “I do, however, know that you could give him a stick or a pebble you found on the sidewalk, and that boy would treasure it like it’s his most sacred, most valuable item in his possession. Do what feels right, Lucy.”
She thanked him, but within she felt like she was back at square one. She knew he would be happy about getting any gift, but she didn’t want to give him just any gift. She wanted it to reflect how much she appreciated him and their friendship, and she wanted it to stick out. Maybe it could even suggest that she appreciated him more than a normal friend, but only if he started overthinking the gift (which she doubted he would do anyways). It was meant to be subtle, but not subtle enough for it to never be discovered by him. And if it needed to be discovered by him, whatever this little message it was she was trying to convey to him, then it would have to be flashing in neon lights above his bed when he woke up in the morning.
So, she spent a few hours continuing to ponder on what to do, as she was taking more and more orders as people kept dropping in. At around 6:30pm her true saviours arrived at the guild hall. Her team, plus a few other closer friends and minus Natsu and Happy, who were camping today and tomorrow, were back from one of their shorter missions, and they were probably starving for some dinner. Lucy was quick to come over and take their order, also grabbing her chance to question them about their thoughts on this conundrum.
“Hi guys, did the mission go well?” She greeted them, preparing her notepad.
“It went great!” Wendy beamed, and Lucy made a quick mental note to ask about the mission more in detail at a later date. She must have done a good job if she allowed herself to be this proud – Lucy always thought she was too harsh on herself when they fought on missions.
“Gray even kept his clothes on,” Erza added, praising the man on her right.
They took a quick moment to chat, and as they finally decided on what to eat, Lucy seized her moment.
“So,” she started, already knowing she would never live down asking a question like this, considering that many of the people at the table were quite transparent on their opinions on Lucy’s and Natsu’s relationship, “Natsu’s birthday, huh?”
The silence her sentence brought made her regret it immediately. She could already see how their brains were working on new ways to tease her for whatever she was going to say next, but she would have to swallow her pride once again. It’s for a good cause, she kept telling herself.
“Have you gotten your presents yet?” She chuckled awkwardly, hoping their answers would be enough to inspire her, so she could get their food and forget she ever brought it up in the first place.
“I have too.”
“And I’m with Wendy on her gift,” Carla added, still making it painfully obvious that nobody was elaborating their answers. They were making Lucy work for it; she just knew it. They loved grabbing their chances to make her say embarrassing things, and today was no exception.
“Really…” She forced out a laugh. “So, what have you gotten him?” She tried again to prompt anyone at the table to speak up, but they knew she would have to continue pressing, and that it would sound more and more desperate the less information they gave her, so after they all stayed silent for another minute, Lucy gave in.
“I’ve just completely blanked out; I can’t even remember a single thing he likes! Please, help me! Give me some inspiration!”
Erza exchanged a glance with Wendy before she answered.
“Well, he likes fire.”
“And fighting.”
“And ugly tourist shirts,” Gray chimed in. Lucy groaned.
“I can’t exactly give him a clip card for sparring matches, and I’ve already considered a bonfire, but I wanted to have a get together later with all of us where we make a bonfire and drink hot chocolate and stuff.” She spared Gray a short glance as well. “And he only wears his special made clothes, so I can’t give him a shirt to frame for 200 jewel.”
“Then we can’t help you,” Erza said, flipping her bangs as she always does when she lies. Lucy pouted.
“I’ll get you your food, please help me afterwards?”
After 30 minutes she finally had four hot plates balancing on her arms, ready to serve to her stubborn teammates. They were chatting along just fine now, so hopefully the would have forgotten their silent agreement to keep themselves clammed about their gifts. Lucy hurried to place out their food, hoping that they would notice her way of bribing them by giving them extra big portions.
“Now please...! What should I give him?” Lucy sat down at the table. She wasn’t going anywhere until she got an answer she was pleased with.
Wendy gave her an apologetic smile.
“Well… We can tell you what we think, but don’t you think he’d like it better if it truly came from you?” Erza nodded along.
“I’m going to give him a sword that’s enchanted with endless fire,” she revealed. “But you know, it’s not really a gift that screams ‘Lucy’.”
“Erza’s right. I’m giving him some scrap wood I found in the woods because I can’t really bother, but no gift we tell you to get will be as appreciated as the one you come up with,” Gray said, taking a sip from his beer.
“And we’re getting him a small cupon at a restaurant,” Wendy added.
Lucy sighed.
“I know it won’t be the same, but my creative well has completely dried up. Nothing I think of feels like enough. If I get him something I’d appreciate it would be like I don’t know him at all, and that doesn’t feel fair.” She started to feel hopeless. She didn’t like how drained she got from worrying about this – she loved Natsu! And she would love to properly show him how much she loved him, because he truly deserved that. Platonic or not.
“Hey, you look like you’re giving up, that’s not like you! Think of it like this, we’ve all combined our own interests with Natsu’s interest: Erza with the sword, Wendy and Carla with the food, and me with the scrap wood that shows that I have zero interest in him. Why don’t you write something to him? It may not look like it, but I think he know how to read. At least simple words.” Gray gave Lucy a half-hug from his seat in an attempt to comfort her.
“So… you think I should write him a letter? Would that be enough?” She felt sceptical, but it could work.
“You spitting on him would be enough,” Carla snorted, almost offended by her obliviousness.
“Carla!” Wendy burst out, not before Lucy raised an eyebrow in confusion. Her gut told her not to ask, and for once, she decided to actually follow that gut feeling.
“Do you really think a letter would be enough though?” She asked.
“How about you give him an experience? A friendly date of sorts,” Carla suggested.
“An experience?”
“Like going to the movies, or to a restaurant, or maybe picknick or stargazing?” It was Erza who spoke up this time, and Lucy thought she could see a sparkle in her eye. If she didn’t know better, she would almost think that Erza had been on dates like that herself.
“Hm… I guess you’re right. If he doesn’t like it, I’ll just have to ask him directly, I suppose.”
Lucy stood up from her seat at the table and bid farewell to her friends, along with her thanks. A letter would have to do, and she had a gut feeling that told her that she would figure out a good topic to write about. She hurried to end her shift so she could get to her gift-making. A good idea rarely stayed for long in one’s head.
When she finally sat at her desk, pen in her right hand and paper in front of her, she knew this was the right thing to do. What better way was there to tell Natsu how much she appreciated him, if not through words on paper? It was her speciality, after all. She had even lighted some candles to keep her company, since she knew she would sit there for a while. There was a lot of things she wanted to tell him and thank him for, and the letter would be the perfect way to convey these feelings. Right. Feelings. That could include her less platonic ones, and even if this was a great opportunity for that as well, she didn’t know if she was quite ready to go that far yet. In the meantime, she would just have to tell him she loved him in every way except the straightforward one.
Four hours and 16 pages later, she had her letter. It was ridiculously long, she knew that, and he probably wouldn’t be able to read it in one go, but her heart felt light. A letter was the perfect gift. She had even included multiple invites to ‘experiences’ she wanted to give him, and if he took as long to read it as she thought he would, then those experiences would be experienced with about one week in between them. Lucy gave the thick envelope a quick lick to seal it, and after that she couldn’t help but to give it a soft kiss. She had poured her heart out, and though it would be embarrassing for her to know that he would read such things, it also felt very right. It wasn’t a love letter, but in a way, it felt like it was. She had told him all the things she loved about him, all the moments she especially appreciated him being there, and how great her entire life was thanks to him. If read with the intent of reading a love letter, it could very well translate into one, and maybe, someday in the future, he could look back at it and see the hints she left him.
Lucy leaned back in her chair with a big yawn. It was well into midnight hours by now, and she really needed a refreshing shower. A thought went to how Natsu and Happy were having it right now, in a tent somewhere in the woods. Though she was happy to get to sleep in her soft bed, she was missing them. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. To speed time up she hurried to the bathroom so she could get into bed as soon as possible – her apartment wasn’t the same without those two.
Lucy cursed herself. Why, why, why had she written that letter? It was the most obvious love-confession anyone could ever read, how on earth had she not realised that when she read it through yesterday? She was dragging her feet behind her, because if the embarrassment wouldn’t kill her when he read it later, she would have to kill herself, and no one non-suicidal would ever look forward to something like that. So, her feet dragged. The letter felt heavy in her hands, and she knew that as soon as it would be opened, she would feel naked. Her gut was begging her to turn back, but her heart told her that celebrating Natsu today was more important than her pride. Him and Happy were coming back from their camping trip, and they promised her they would stop by the guild to say hi before heading home, and that’s when they would be surprised with a small celebration. Nothing like other events, where people went completely wild, but a celebration big enough to show him some appreciation.
Checking the clock one last time, she made sure that she was there before they arrived. They woke up pretty late generally and their favourite camping spot was about an hour into the woods. 10am. Maybe they hadn’t even woken up yet, but Lucy didn’t want to risk it. She wanted to prepare and decorate the guild, and then she would grab something to eat, considering she hadn’t eaten any breakfast yet.
As she entered the guild, she was relieved to only see her team and a handful more people. They were chatting and blowing up balloons, and they had turned one of the tables into a gift-table. Lucy hurried to put her letter amongst the others, eager to get the gift out of her hands.
“Good morning, Lucy!” Levy greeted her with a hug. “You’re pretty late, did you stay up last night?” Lucy chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, I had something important to finish.” She felt her team’s eyes in her back – they knew she had stayed up writing, and though Lucy knew she hadn’t written a love confession of any sort (other than platonic) she still managed to feel a blush creep onto her cheeks.
“So, do you need help with the balloons?” She offered, greeting the rest of the group.
“It’s fine, you go ahead and grab some breakfast instead,” Mira smiled.
“How did you know I haven’t eaten?” Lucy sat down at a table.
“You have a tendency to forget to eat when you have other things on your plate,” Mira just answered, placing down a yoghurt bowl with homemade granola and fruits. Lucy could only smile sheepishly, slightly embarrassed how obviously nervous she was about this event. She was sure Erza had told her about her moment of weakness yesterday, so she reminded herself to try to keep herself under the radar. She’d just be here, sing a happy birthday song, eat a piece of cake and watch Natsu open his presents, then the day would be over and the whole Lucy-confesses-her-feelings-though-a-letter thing would be over! No unnecessary teasing from her friends, if all went well.
“I’m back!”
The guild door shot open with a noise loud enough to give the untrained ear a heart attack. Lucy however had a trained ear, so she just turned her head and met Natsu’s happy gaze, her heart fluttering at the fact that his eyes immediately searched for her and no one else.
“Happy birthday!” The guild cheered. Lucy stood up from her place at the table, not really knowing why until Natsu stood in front of her, just an arm’s length away. If she reached, she would be able to bring him into a hug, and it truly itched in her arms to do exactly that.
“Hey,” Lucy smiled softly. “Happy birthday.” Watching Natsu’s smile go from surprised and generally happy, to soft and caring made Lucy lose what little control she had, and she caved into her needs to hug him. As soon as she felt him hug her back, she knew that whatever the others thought about the content of her letter contained, as long as Natsu read it and took it to heart, all would be fine.
“Thank you,” he whispered, tightening the hug for a second before he went ahead and thanked the rest of his friends, never straying far from Lucy.
The birthday party was overall a quite big success, everyone had a great time, and Natsu, who not so secretly had been itching to open the presents, finally gave in and announced what he was planning to do.
“Time to open the presents!” He cheered, almost jumping in place in excitement, clearly not representing the age he was turning (400-something years old) but making everyone smile regardless. Everyone except Lucy, whose heart flew up in her throat, suddenly getting the strongest urge to grab her letter before he got to it so she could throw it away or burn it. Not because she didn’t want him to read it – she would just prefer it if he read it somewhere more private, where the burning eyes of her much beloved friends could read it and jump to conclusions. So, she hurried close to whisper her plan to Natsu – despite him being the cause of these nerve-racking feelings, he was still her partner in crime, and she knew he would break his neck to achieve whatever she asked him to do. This time, what she asked him not to do.
Natsu shot a glance to Lucy, who was whispering just quietly enough that no one else would notice, unless they had dragon ears and paid attention to her. Lucy, who saw that he had heard her, hurried to shoot her shot.
“My gift is the letter, I would kinda like it if you read it after the party instead? It’s just – it’s quite long and it won’t be any fun if you sat down and read it here, you know?”
The ball was in the air, and now she could at least sleep well knowing that no matter the outcome, she did try her best to steer the situation into best case scenario – all to her means of course.
Natsu, the king of pranks and someone who was surprisingly good at sneaking around, despite his usual love for the “let’s just barge in and fight anyone who tries to stop us” approach, still managed to keep up his gleeful demeanour as he had listened to Lucy’s request. He once again met her gaze and gave her a quick nod, ensuring that she had scored. The rest of the evening would manage to stay calm and uneventful. All thanks to their ways to keep down low. It was really convenient to have dragon hearing at times like these – though usually she had that thought on missions, and not happy, meant to be uneventful celebrations and parties.
The birthday boy himself didn’t mind opening Lucy’s gift later. In fact, he was just happy he was getting something at all from her, considering how stressful most birthdays could be for her. Sure, she already knew what genre people liked, but getting down to picking the actual thing and managing prices was a hard task for Lucy to tackle without stress. So instead, he went ahead and opened the elongated, wrapped gift that said “Happy birthday, from Erza” on the card. He would make sure to ease Lucy’s mind today, considering how stressed she clearly had been the last couple of weeks.
Natsu couldn’t stop grinning. He truly had the best friends ever, and despite him not being a big birthday celebrator when it came to himself, it felt good to be appreciated. There had been good songs playing, yummy food to eat, and most importantly: good company. He especially loved the presents he had gotten, since they clearly were gifts that his friends had carefully thought through and taken into consideration before giving them – yes, even Gray’s gift was appreciated, because though it seemed silly, he did sometimes need firewood after hard missions to speed up his recovery. Everything was dear to him, so when he finally got home with that thick letter in his hands, he couldn’t wait a second more to open it. This, you see, might be the dearest gift of all.
The softly written “To: Natsu Dragneel” on the front of the envelope made Natsu’s heart beat harder. He knew that the content in it probably wasn’t anything out of the ordinary stuff the two of them said to each other, but still. He liked that Lucy had put extra thought into whatever she had written. Or, at least he hoped she had, seeing as he didn’t actually know what the letter said yet.
Happy peaked over Natsu’s shoulder, closing the door behind the two.
“So, what are you waiting for? Open it!” Happy urged, eager to see what Lucy wanted to say to him, but clearly couldn’t since she had to write it down. In his opinion a speech would be quicker, knowing how slowly Natsu read.
Carefully Natsu parted the sealed wax from the paper, making sure not to tear anything. If he could make some space, he’d want to hang everything on his memory wall later, and in that case he didn’t want to ruin it.
Still standing just inside the door, Natsu began to read. The letter started out rather normal. She was writing the obligatory happy birthdays and saying hi to Happy, who she knew would read over Natsu’s shoulder despite it being a private message. That part piqued Natsu’s interest a little extra. What did she have to say to him that not only had to be written, but wasn’t meant for Happy to know? It sparked some hope in his heart that she possibly could feel something special about him – special-er than what they already had. He continued down the page. She started reminiscing about the past, and about halfway through the second page, Happy gave up on Natsu’s slow reading and told him he’d simply read it after Natsu was done with it. Natsu took a seat as he joined Lucy’s trip down memory lane, enjoying the new information on how she saw him when they first met, during their first missions and more. He especially liked learning that despite his foul mood the first days together, she still had fond memories of him, like when he included her in his list of friends when they fought Macao (before they knew it was him, since he had turned into a Vulcan) and how the reason she didn’t refuse to get along with him after he had seemingly deceived her for a mission, was because he had managed to get a few lucky words in. Something like “because we thought you seemed nice” had made her stick, and Natsu could only thank his past self for accidentally pressing the right buttons.
As he continued reading, he was struck by the wonderful realisation that he truly mattered to Lucy. It’s not like he didn’t know that she enjoyed his company, but seeing in in black and white was completely different. It wasn’t just that she had written something along the lines of “I care about you, your existence matters to me” (though that would have worked as well), but the fact that she could remember so many small details of what he had said and done, that she may as well have written a complete book with all those moments, and it would probably be at least 200 pages long. He knew she had been cutting down on what memories she brought up in the letter, because enough talks with one person made them show how much brain capacity they had, and Natsu knew that her brain capacity was way longer than a 16-page letter. This was her way of being concise. Yet she still managed to bring up moments he only vaguely remembered, sharing almost exact quotes of what was said and by who. Mostly the who was either Natsu or Lucy, but it was still impressive.
Natsu had never been interested in reading. It was a chore he had to go through to get the money he needed for food, had never been any more interesting than that. Except for two occasions: Lucy’s first published book, and this letter. Sure, he had been reading it for almost double as long as it probably took to write it, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t interested. This letter was so far the greatest thing he had ever received, which wasn’t an easy thing to manage.
At 4am had he gotten to the last line of the letter. His eyes were trying to force him to rest, but his mind fought it like never before. He had skipped dinner for this, and he was not planning to give up last minute, just to succumb to something so superficial, boring and unnecessary as sleep. No, he gathered up some extra will power and pulled though. “Though you probably understand this after reading this letter, I am simply eternally grateful for everything you are, and what you’ve just read is the best I could do at describing my gratefulness in words. Thank you for all you’ve done, and for being unapologetically you. No one else could make me as happy as you have, so once again: Happy birthday, Natsu Dragneel.” She had signed it with her signature at the very bottom, ensuring that all he had just read was completely and wholly from Lucy. After reading the whole thing, he felt his legs itch. No, maybe it was his arms. Feet, hands? No, it was most definitely his soul that had started to climb inside his body. He wanted to go to her, and he wanted to see her. Preferably five minutes ago. He threw another glance at the clock. 4:50am. He had been tossing around, unable to even do as much as close his eyes, for the last 40 minutes, and he knew he wouldn’t feel better until he was within a 20-meter radius of Lucy. Or rather, 2-meter radius.
Not bothering to sneak around the heavy sleeper that the exceed was, Natsu jumped out of the bed and pulled on his slippers. In less than 3 seconds he was out the door, and in another 3 he noticed that he was running. He wasn’t quite sure what he would do when he saw her, especially considering that she most likely was asleep in this hour, but he simply had to get to her, quickly. The time was ticking, like he was a bomb soon to explode, like he was going to run out of time if he didn’t arrive soon. Wind blowing in his ears, he could barely make out the sound of his heavy breathing. He hadn’t run this fast in Mavis knows how long, and he might actually had made it outside her apartment in record time. His chest rising and lowering in big breaths, he managed to make something of a sigh in relief to see her window slightly opened. Climbing the wall quietly was no challenge with Natsu’s experience, so he swiftly pulled himself up, making sure to fully open and enter the window as quickly as possible – though this time with less success since he didn’t have as much experience with that part. Usually he just barged in after scaling the wall, seeing as the time he did it at was most often a time where Lucy either was away or awake.
Either way, he didn’t manage to sneak in as stealthily as he’d like. The window creaked and his body almost fell limp after getting a whiff of Lucy’s calming scent – that he had been running like a maniac to get there didn’t help either, and after a loud, nongraceful landing, Lucy was already awake.
“Natsu? ‘s that you?” She mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Yeah, sorry for waking you,” he whispered, finding his balance on his legs again as he stood up.
“No worries.” Lucy had now swung her legs over the edge of her bed and sat in a more upright position. “Did you need anything? Is Happy alright?”
“Yeah, he’s at home sleeping. I just felt like coming here,” Natsu said, full transparency.
“Alright,” Lucy said, now taking a better look at his face. He looked red and flustered, but with his heavy breathing it might just be the fact that he ran to her place.
“I read it.”
Lucy’s face started getting hot as well.
“The letter?”
“The entire thing.”
“Wow. Uh, so what do you think of it?” Had the hour been normal she might not have asked him such a bold question, but something about the way the streetlights and moon illuminating the room made her feel brave. Perhaps she still thought she was dreaming, but this felt much too real to be just a dream.
“It’s perfect.” Natsu took a few steps closer. He could now make out most of her facial features, sleepy yet alert of his presence.
“I’m glad.”
A few more seconds went by, though it felt like minutes.
“Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“All of it. All the things you wrote?”
A soft smile graced Lucy’s lips.
“Of course. I would never lie about those things.”
Natsu knew he could be dense in most situations. He couldn’t always read the room, and he wasn’t good at subtext. This time however, he had felt something the whole time as he read that letter. Maybe it was what other would call “reading between the lines” but he suddenly had great confidence in something that could change their relationship forever. Of course, it was a very long shot, but perhaps the adrenaline from all that running was just what he needed to gather the courage to take it. He did, however, decide to test out the water first. Running headfirst was usually his go-to method if he could choose, but he wasn’t blind to the delicacy of the situation he was putting himself in.
“Can I assume things?” He tried.
“Assume things? From what I wrote?” Lucy asked, curious where he was leading this conversation. She was very aware of her heartbeat, but she didn’t know that she didn’t have to be this time, considering that all that Natsu was hearing was his own.
“It depends. What do you want to assume?”
Natsu swallowed. Did he always have this much saliva? If so, maybe something was wrong with him. He swallowed again, clenching and unclenching his fists. Had he ever been this nervous in a situation as calm as this? No bandits, no monsters, no big wild animals – not even an annoyed Erza was around.
“That…” he started, his tongue thickening as he spoke. Not literally, but it sure felt like it. He could barely concentrate on what he wanted to say, gazing into those doe eyes. She was so, ridiculously pretty. He knew that before, of course, but he almost found it unfair. How could he think of any words when she sat there, looking all nice and pretty. “That you like me?”
He had said it as a question, though it sounded more like a statement right now. Lucy’s heart must have skipped a beat or two. She was still sleepy, but the tiny possibility that this wasn’t just a perfect dream made her stop herself from straight up answering yes.
“Well… I hoped my letter was clear on that. You’re my best friend in the whole world, how could I not like you?” She let out a small chuckle at the very idea of disliking a friend. She didn’t, however, predict what he would say next.
Natsu reached out his left hand, touching a piece of her hair that had fallen out from behind her ears.
“But can I assume…” He put it behind her ear, “that you like me more than a friend?”
Natsu’s eyes were darker than usual in the dimmed light, but Lucy saw clearly that he was being serious. Though, this exact facial expression was one she had never seen before. She had seen his tender look, his soft look, his happy look, his loving look, but she had never seen this combination of all. And it was her he was showing it to. In fact, maybe it was exactly this expression that made her admit the truth for once. For so long she had been scared that he would feel bothered or surprised by the very idea of “liking beyond friendship”, or love, as she would prefer to call it. She had been afraid that he would find her fantasies of the two of them living their life together as a couple weird, or even mildly repulsive. That her confession would lead to their friendship breaking apart forever. That, however, could no longer be the case. Lucy wasn’t blind, and she certainly wasn’t dumb. If Natsu looked this… happy? To even assume that she likes him beyond friendship, then the outcome from telling him the truth couldn’t possibly be bad. She tilted her head lightly towards his hand, sharing another smile.
“Yeah. I do like you more than a friend, or a best friend.” Natsu took another step closer, now close enough to make her feel his hot breath on her face that he had tilted upwards, towards him.
“Then…” He bended down slowly to come closer to her sitting position. “Can I kiss you?” His words didn’t come out louder than a breath, but Lucy knew what she heard. Her heart had never danced as wildly as it did when she nodded and closed her eyes as Natsu closed the space between them.
The kiss itself was probably nothing special to someone watching. It was plain and soft, just two mouths pressing against each other. For them, however, it was nothing short of magical fireworks. Lucy’s cool, soft lips against Natsu’s hot, slightly rougher ones sent shivers throughout both of them, as if the small touch had opened a completely new door, a way for them to connect and become closer than ever.
Inexperienced as they both were though, they soon had to break it off to breathe. After less than 20 seconds, Lucy pulled their faces together again. How could they have been missing out on this awesome experience for all the years they had known each other? Natsu knew that this already had topped the list of his favourite activities – even placing higher than eating and fighting. The next time they went up for air, they couldn’t stop themselves from giggling.
“Can this count as a birthday gift if I haven’t slept since yesterday?” Natsu asked, more energetic than reasonable after his long day.
“If that makes you happy,” Lucy smiled, giving him another peck on his lips. Whatever they decided to do from this point on, Lucy knew they would figure it out. After all, if they had managed to overcome the obstacle of going from friends to whatever this was, then they could definitely manage anything and everything else thrown at them. What’s important was that they from this point out, took on every challenge together.
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lauversversion · 5 months
Remus Lupin x Reader
first fic ever so please be friendly!! English is not my first language and i am using this as practice :)
Intro: Sirius and James are SO over you and lupin beating around the bush. So they create a plan to get Remus into realizing how much you like him.
She/Her Reader
Not very serious just fluff :D
Word count: 1455
“Gosh! You two are so immature” You exaggerate the ‘so’ while rolling your eyes. 
James and Sirius look at you smug as they rest on the gryffindor common room couch. 
“You know we’re right.” Sirius says as he crosses his legs and props them on the coffee table. You sigh and look around for the book you misplaced when suddenly you hear the portrait door open. Remus walks in. Your eyes soften, “You okay..?” 
He had just come back from Madam Pomfreys after his latest transformation. You would love to say that he was the one to tell you about it but you found out on your own. You could tell he was still not used to you knowing as he looked at you bashfully and nodded.
James rolled his eyes at your interactions and kicked Sirius's leg.
Remus sat next to you laying his tired head on your shoulder. You opened the book you had since found under a pillow and read softly, it was just loud enough for Remus to hear. You could tell James and Sirius were gossiping about it, but paid no mind. This was routine. Any time that Remus was exhausted (usually from a lycanthrope transformation) He would have you read to him as he napped.
He was just trying to regain his energy before the next class you would tell yourself. (he would tell his teasing friends the same unbeknownst to you.)
“For fucks sake Remus it is so obvious!! She's practically slappin you in the face with a sign that says ‘I LOVE YOU’”
James tells Remus as he swings round the bedposts in their dorm.
“You know nothing of romance James.” Remus says with a snicker shutting his dresser closed.
“Oh and you do? Wake up moony.” Sirius says writing something down swiftly in his notebook.
“Okay just listen to me, she's..” He pauses. “Beautiful. Y-You know how I feel about her - but she is very different compared to me and while she tries and acts like me being a..” He pauses once more. “About my situation..I know that deep down it's bothering her. I'm better off keeping our group intact and just letting my feelings pass.” He says with a deep breath in.
James and Sirius share a knowing look filled with two very conflicting feelings. Pity, and Mischief.
You exit your charms class walking with pride seeing as you had just been awarded a perfect grade on your latest quiz. Suddenly you spot James and Siruis whispering to each other in the halls. You run up to them in excitement ready to share your newfound academic success. You notice a mischievous smirk on Sirius's face as you approach with a wave. 
“We're talking about your boyfriend. Not sure you're gonna want to hear this.” Sirius says.
You roll your eyes but continue walking with them with a new curiosity.
“Anyways. He was being such a dick showing off his test results. He alwayyss does this and it's getting to be too much. He knows we are shit at potions.” James says confidently.
You furrow your brows but are silenced by Sirius’s response.
“God tell me about it ! Not to mention his werewolf transformations are getting annoying. It's an unnecessary responsibility for us.” 
James nods more than needed to and hums “You are soo right. Not to mention he's just ugly” 
Sirius holds in a laugh. “And him complaining about not having a girlfriend is soo embarrassing like maybe fix your hair and then you will get one.”
You have had enough as your jaw is practically on the floor.
“Gosh! What is wrong with you two ??! You are so pathetic insulting one of your bestfriends behind his back. And none of it is even true ?? He gets good grades, wow what a crime!” You say sarcastically. 
“Also how dare you talk like that about his lycanthropy. It was your choice to help him and I thought you made said choice because you were good friends but clearly NOT! There is nothing wrong with him being a werewolf. Obviously I wish he didn't have to go through all of it but the fact that he does should not influence our friendships.”
“Also..ARE YOU CRAZY????” You turn to James. “Since when has anyone on this damn planet ever even thought he was ugly?? We both know he is one of- no, THE, most attractive guy in this school. And you have no right to insult him for not having a girlfriend. First of all he doesn't need one. Second of all any girl would be blessed to date him. I think I would quite literally pass out if I had the chance.” You mumbled out the last part not so quietly. “And his hair is lovely!” you finally finish with a stomp.
James and Sirius have a devilish grin as they share a knowing look at one another. In unison they say, “We know!” and turn the corner. Your left disheveled and confused. “W-what just happened..” you mumble to yourself.
Remus leaves his potions glass gleefully as he passed his quiz with flying colors. James shoves him a slip of paper and runs off with Sirius round the corner. He rolls his eyes and slowly walks unfolding the parchment. In James' horrid handwriting it reads: 
“Bout to help you get some!!!!!!!!! (with a poorly drawn smiley face) Please wait by the corner and listen in!! BE SILENTT!!”
Remus’s face is dusted with a light pink shade from embarrassment and heads to the corner quietly to wait.
At first he is hurt. Why are his friends saying these things? He can't even fathom what they are saying and while he tries to process he hears Sirius holding in a laugh quite obviously. His eyes widen realizing what they are doing. Then, it starts. You ramble on and on praising his name like he is crafted by some god. His face had never felt more warm as he holds his hands to his cheeks feeling the heat. 
When you start going on about his looks he sinks down on the wall now hiding his face in his knees grinning like an idiot. When he hears you softly confess to wishing you could date him he has to cover his mouth with his hands not knowing whether a gasp or a shriek of delight would come out. 
He then here's footsteps as James and Sirius pass by him winking. He swiftly gets up and is left to decide, does he:
 Run after James and Sirius to likely murder them.
Turn the corner and melt into your arms.
He for once chooses the choice that was most risky and whips round the corner. Seeing you made him more hot and red then he thought was possible. Before you could even process him showing up he hugs you tight. 
 You instantly recognized the tall figure in front of you but before you could even process he scoops you into a hug. You two have hugged before but this was.. different. Something was off. There was no longer any space between your bodies. He had been squeezing you so tight that you were fully pressed into him and even had been pulled off the ground ever so slightly. While you wished you could be held that way forever, he distanced himself from you and said a little too quickly, “I think I'm in love with you.” Before you could respond he took a step closer, his actions moving faster than his words. 
“Would you let me kiss you?”
Likewise your actions moved quicker than your words and you tipped your toes, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly. 
When you separate quickly scanning his face for any ounce of regret you instead find a face buzzing with excitement. He lifted you off the ground to his height and kissed you, one hand now resting on your lower back and one on your arse. Your hands were still wrapped around his neck but one traveled to his hair. The kiss was passionate but not rough. Not fast but not slow. It was perfect. You two clicked. As the kiss parted only for air you looked up into his eyes. He did the same. You started giggling and hid your face into his chest. “What?” He says with a laugh. “I love you.” You say into him. “What was that?" he teases. You looked up at him with the widest grin “I love you.” 
“I know.” He says softly moving your chin upwards so he can kiss you again.
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