#its Harry Potter btw
Tomarry AU where Tom HATES this book he read because his favourite character dies a miserable death. So what if his favorite character was a no-named side villain? Why does it matter that he only had like seven lines (seven is Tom's favourite number anyways)? He was still gorgeous, smart and strong and beautiful — and it doesn't matter that others think he isn't all that because they would never know him— understand him like TOM DOES.
An AU where Tom has a healthy obsession with a character named Harry Potter, a no named baron's son who was the first to go against the king (MC's father, and the mc who is incidentally known as Draco Malfoy, ahem anyways); he tries to “poison” him. But he gets caught or to be more precise he ends up sacrificing himself for the common girl Hermione Granger (the female lead, I'm sorry guys but imagine the fucking drama.) who gets blamed for his transgressions.
But that is not why Tom falls for this weak villain, no — it's because he respects how this no-named orphan became a baron on his own two feet without anyone being there for him especially in a world where old money and title is everything— and he hates how he had to give his life for the MC to notice the female lead? (Harry is better looking and smarter than her anyways — Tom, in an online forum perhaps.)
Anyways, now imagine Tom dying (he hated it so yes he ends up looking for immorality anyways.) and waking up in the world he hated. Now imagine, Tom Riddle, waking up in the body of a Duke who wasn't even given a name in the novel. (He would know because he has a photographic memory, ok? It's totally not because he read it more than 14 times) and then saying fuck it and owning it.
Just think, Tom taking over the world slowly with his worldly knowledge while trying to keep Harry alive because even though he was right about Harry being smart; the guy treats his life like Draco treats his money - you get the idea.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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More Tomarry doodles 😌✨️💚❤️
Au where Harry is constantly struggling bc of Tom's good looks and gestures of affection. He totally has a crush but really REALLY doesn't know how to deal with it.
He's seen either frowning or looking constipated whenever he's by Tom's side and people naturally mistake it as distate/hatred (which technically wouldn't have been wrong back in his old timeline).
In reality, Harry is so down bad for his past nemesis that he's always close to hyperventilating at the proximity between them. With Tom manoeuvring situations behind the scenes so that they can constantly be near each other/are partners in every class they're in, Harry has no chance to relax his heart at all and thus, suffers. It just so happens that his face, misleadingly, reflects that pain. Lmao.
-end (tbc?)
Probably my last doodle (of them?) for awhile bc I really need to finish my other wips and I have an upcoming bday project to work on hhhh. Like I'll still make time for them but right now? it's a challenge. /n
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
scorpius is a libra because he popped out of his mum a week or two earlier then expected because he refused to be a scorpio named scorpius
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 10 months
I just saw someone post really cool fanart that they made of dorlily (which is dorcas and lily if you didn't know) and someone in the comments said "when did we start shipping dorcas and lily? I'm lost" and it made me really think about how this fandom, the marauders fandom spesifically, has this sort of hive mindset. It's like every opinion must be collective or favoured by a large majority. "when did WE start shipping" someone posted a fanart of a ship they like. it is not a WE matter. it is a them matter and has nothing to do with you, so what does that even mean. And I think this hive mentality really contributes to how toxic this fandom has become, why its so hard for people to accept headcanons without criticizing the creators for having those headcanons, why there's constant unnecessary ship wars. we all do not need to agree. we all do not need to have the same opinions in this fandom, in fact its making the situation worse. i am begging you all to start thinking about how to behave in fandom spaces.
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t1oui · 3 months
hi everybody i'm having some thoughts right now and i need to share them. mentions of walburga black's a+ parenting in this fic idea so do be aware of that
what if regulus's parents send him to "conversion camp" after he comes out as trans but the conversion camp actually turns out to be a safe house for queer kids run by effie and monty that's masking as a conversion camp so homophobic parents send their kids there.
so reg arrives dressed up in a nice dress and with walburga aggressively using she/her pronouns and his deadname and the second she leaves effie is like "well that sucked, why don't we get you some more comfortable clothes and you can tell me your actual name?" and regulus is like oh. oh this is the best thing that's ever happened to me and my parents are idiots
i'm envisioning that the place is a farm and so the only rules for kids at the safe house are 1. be nice to each other and 2. find something to spend your time on every day that's not just a device (it doesn't have to be farm related) (this is a muggle au if you couldn't tell)
and ofc because it's effie and monty's place james is there and he likes helping out on the farm. reg takes one look at him and is like yeah ik i was gay but this man confirms it
that's all i have rn as far as plot and story (i mean james and reg fall in love obviously but other than that idk) so here's intros to the cast of characters and their roles in the story !! (this is my favorite part):
james potter (18) - he/him pansexual (+ maybe ace) - son of effie and monty - helps out on the farm
regulus black (17) - he/him gay & transmasc - sent there after coming out as trans (or just after walburga finds out bc let's be real he probably knew not to tell her) - currently trying to figure out his hobby
sirius black (18) - he/him gay - knew james in school, came here after fight w/ parents when he was 16 - makes art
remus lupin (19) - he/they bisexual & transmasc - father disowned him and his mother, with the best of intentions, sent him to the farm when he was 16 in hopes that his father would reconsider cutting him off - works in the garden/greenhouses, helps with the bees
barty crouch jr (17) - he/him bisexual demiromantic + hypersexual - sent there at 15 by his father after some scandal with another politician's son - makes pottery, some of which he sells at the farmer's market every saturday
emmeline vance (19) - she/her queer - sent at 17 by her parents after they caught her with a girl - works in the orchard & cooks
marlene mckinnon (18) - she/her lesbian - lives down the road and comes by to help james
lily evans (18) - she/her lesbian - sent at 15 by her sister after her parents died and petunia got custody of her - makes her own clothes and sells them at the market
mary macdonald (18) - she/her bisexual - adopted by the potters at 13 after her parents died in a car accident - looks after the goats and llamas & helps with the horses
pandora rosier (18) - she/her pansexual transfem - sent at 17 after her parents found out she was trans - works w the horses
evan rosier (18) - he/they biromantic asexual & bigender - sent at 17 after their parents caught them wearing "girl clothes" - writes + draws, helps rem with the bees
dorcas meadowes (17) - she/her lesbian - sent at 17 (a few months before reg) after her parents caught her watching... adult content of two women - makes & sells bouquets, effie helps her <3
peter pettigrew (18) - he/him aromantic (NOT ace) - marlene's next door neighbor, has had sex with barty multiple times and these two fuck in the WEIRDEST spots (poor james keeps catching them :')) - helps emmeline in the orchard
severus snape (17) - he/him bisexual transmasc - sent by his father at 14 after starting to present as a boy - cooks, helps lily with her clothes making sometimes, writes sad boy poetry (/half joking)
narcissa, alice, and xeno will also be in the story i'm just not sure exactly where they fit in... xeno's another neighbor and narcissa's a former safehouse resident who's now living w alice but that's all i know rn
now as for SHIPS...
so i know there will be jegulus of course, and since sirius is totally going to pine for gardener/beekeeper remus wolfstar too. i want rosekiller, but because of barty and peter's dynamic, i'm thinking romantic rosekiller w/ sexual party and queerplatonic... peter x evan (idk their ship name 😭)
as for the GIRLS... omg i have so many thoughts guys AAAAA
first of all i cant decide between pandalily and dorlily for lily and i don't want a triad (i don't ship panda x dorcas) and i don't want both so that's... rough
and then there's also marylene.... BUT DORLENE-
i wanna put sev with someone (ik he's not a girl but i'm having thoughts for him rn)... maybe he smooches w emmeline?? but i feel like she'd make fun of him 💀 (in a joking way but yk)
or maybe emmeline could go with mary panda with lily dorcas with marlene... and... sev with xeno?? guys am i a genius
so yeah other than jegulus, wolfstar, and partyvan idk what to do. live laugh love multishipping am i right
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lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
Harry and Snape are like soulmates in a way- they're supposed to be together.
Because the fact is, just one small thing could have changed everything. Maybe if Snape hadn't lashed out at Lily that day, she would have still been friends with him. Maybe if she had accepted his apology, he would have abandoned the death eater wannabe friends just to be her friend again, because she meant that much to him.
And because one small thing could have changed Snape and Lily, said small thing could have changed Snape and Harry.
Snape could have been one of Harry's godfathers, if he remained Lily's friend despite her being James. Or he could have been Harry's actual father if he and Lily ended up being more than friends. Or he could just have been Harry's mum's friend Uncle Severus, who would play with Harry just for Lily's sake.
Maybe if Lily had stuck with Snape even after his mistake but made it clear that she didn't want a repeat, maybe he wouldn't have gone down the Death Eater path. Maybe she could have shown him that muggles aren't bad. Remember, he's half blood. His father, who abused his wife and probably Snape too, was a muggle. Petunia, who wasn't very nice all the time, was a muggle. Ending up in the anti-muggle house isn't gonna help Snape realise muggles aren't bad, not when he probably believes muggles are bad people thanks to his dad. Maybe, if Lily had been a good influence on him, he would never have joined Voldemort and therefore never have heard the prophecy, and therefore Harry would have grown up with his parents. And with Snape.
Either way, there are so many ways Snape and Harry would have ended up with one another. Maybe, in another universe, instead of Snape loving and hating Harry in equal measure and Harry not understanding Snape, maybe Snape helped raise Harry, maybe he and Harry always got along.
Lily and James. Doe and Stag. They ended up together.
Snape and Harry. Doe and Stag. They're meant to be together too.
They're meant to be family.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Get ready guys because this is a DOOZY and it's LONG
I've been thinking about an alternate cursed child timeline where Harry Potter lived (no need for logistics... cough) but Voldemort still ruled so the world was Dark, and Harry has all three of his children (albeit, Albus and Lily were accidents. Oops) but when James is 9, Albus is 7, and Lily Luna is 5, the Death Eaters find where they had been hiding. Ginny and Harry are killed almost immediately, and being the Gryffindors they are, James trys to save them and Lily refuses to leave her big brothers side, whilst Albus runs off to hide. James and Lily die. (At this point, Snape would be teaching and Hermione is out scavenging with Ron. None of them could have helped. They blame themselves, but Snape always tells them it was inevitable despite being distraught himself)
We cut to see Voldemort and Delphi (who would be 15, as she's only 8 years older than albus I think) walking around the house the Potters had been hiding in, and Delphi makes the discovery of a trembling little boy hiding in a wardrobe. Now, Delphi had been waffling on about wanting a pet for years. Typical child things, which Voldemort always refused, as he sees them as useless, and isn't Nagini enough? She's much better than some pesky Kneazle.
But alas, looking at this terrified child gave Delphi a new idea, one her father might just not refuse. Upon asking Voldemort if she can keep this halfblood as her new pet, promising to feed him and train him and wash him all by herself, Voldemort laughed. Wouldn't it be the cruelest revenge on Harry Potter, and his blood traitor slash mudblood friends that just keep causing trouble, if he took in the young boy? Yes. It would.
Now when I first thought of this timeline it was really dark like, Albus wasn't allowed to go to Hogwarts as he was The Augureys pet and a Halfblood, so his whole education was locked in a room with Delphi Riddle whilst reading tens of books a day. Ofcourse, this was all useless, as he wasn't given a want and infact, his pasttimes included snapping the wands of the people who they capture. Also, he wasnt socialised at all until he was 11 and spent those 4 years alone with death eaters. He worked as that of an assistant, to both The Augurey and on occasion the Dark Lord if he was needed. Albus is given the nickname Munin, one of the messenger birds of Odin. It's rather muggle, but Delphi had an odd fascination for those types of things. In this timeline Albus isn't as snappy or angry. Instead, he's jittery and hyper vigilant, he still hates loud noises but his reaction to it is always rather 10x more, so he'll rather physically jump/scatter to hide behind Delphi OR he'll look as if he doesn't care at all, merely blinking. He also still hate seeing touched, but doesn't do anything to stop people if they pat his shoulder or his head in passing. He scurries instead if walks, like he's constantly scared he's going to be late to something. But he never stutters, speaking clearly and calmly whilst rubbing his sweaty hands together to stop his nerves. Basically he's anxious, all the time. Besides this, he's in some parasocial relationship with Delphi where he worships her like she's some type of god because she has tricked him into thinking that she saved his life, and without her he'd have been avada kedavrad already. Delphi doesn't play into these silly feelings but she absolutely uses them to her advantage. Albus would be sent off to deliver messages to people, or help out on voldemort day, or chaperone Delphi everywhere. He needs to declare whenever she enters a room. She'll often taunt him by making him tag along with her on matters which don't need him, usually because they are in Hogwarts. He hates walking through Hogwarts, getting whispered about always makes him feel sick. (Now just letting you all know everyone HATES Albus because he's Harry Potters son, but they can't do shit about it because he's also The Augureys favourite.) It isn't all bad though as during a lone mission in Hogwarts to go deliver a message to Headmaster Umbridge is where he first met Scorpius, the Scorpion King. (They were 11)
But... now that I've really gotten into the timeline, I feel like it isn't silly enough... like, why not. Why isn't it silly. Why can't I make it a little silly. So, I kept everything that was dark about it, and just added small stuff that was stupid.
Albus talks back to Voldemort and has no idea why everyone else always panics when he does so, because Delphi does it all the time so isn't it normal.
Albus has free range of whatever Manor Voldemort resides in. He is always in that fuckass kitchen eating crap
He writes a letter to Hermione, Ron, and Snape once every 2 weeks when they finally have the ability to talk to him again because they hadn't seen him since he was 7, Snape being the exception, but they never had the chance to speak). They are so confused by the shenanigans he gets up to. Also, why does he keep telling them about Delphi sneaking into the Dungeons to talk to some muggle girl?
Him and Scorpius or on that bullshit. Like, they are always up to something whenever they see eachother.
Instead of having a dark mark like everyone else, he has a matching Augurey tattoo with Delphi on his back. It works like a dark mark, but the charm on it is less potent.
He also has matching outfits with Delphi, he's kind of like her dress up doll. She gave him a little feathery cape and a backless suit.
He quite literally sits at Delphis feet like a dog. He sleeps on the floor with like pillows and blankets. His back aches.
One time Hermione had told Albus they should all meet up, and said she'd make a plan so he could leave safely without getting caught and hurt for wandering around. Albus asked for where they would be meeting and as soon as he got a reply, casually just strolled out of the Manor with a simple nod to one of the deatheaters on watch outside
There's more stuff... more serious, more silly. I'd say he's alot like Snape with Voldemort but he really isn't. Delphi quite literally just views him as a cute little pet she can carry around and show off, and all the assistant things he does is just some added bonus. He isn't a spy for whatever Is left of The Order, refusing to give them information when they first met up (information he knows because he is always following behind Delphi during meetings and mission etc etc)
I might draw him... maybe.
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trohpi · 6 months
the struggle of being a rarepair shipper is real. like, what do you mean my favorite peter pettigrew ship is between him and susan bones’ mom, aka amelia and edgar bones’ sister, aka a character with no canonical name or personality?
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kendodante · 6 months
If you think Scorpius it's the top, you're Immediately hot.
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hinnypottter · 7 months
I have a friend who had never watched or read Harry Potter before.
She started watching the movies a few months ago and today we saw the last one together because I wanted to see her reactions to the plot twists, to Snape being in love with Lily, to Harry being a Horcrux, to the character deaths and so on...
It was all very fun, but when we reached the epilogue it was the absolute PEAK of the evening.
The way she GASPED and nearly CHOKED with popcorn when her brain grasped the fact that Harry's son name is Albus Severus Potter will stay with me forever.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
You know what I need in this moment of chaos? A cold cigarette to ease the pain (a Drarry modern au texting fic)
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
my fav new thing to do is trolling jegulus shippers by saying jegulus is hinny-coded
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ahkylous · 8 months
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Just kinda in the mood to scribble some random junk, dunno how many I will do - depending on the amount of people who actually request and all - but if not soon then probably sometime in the future.
Gravity falls, Drifting Stars and Over the Garden Wall are kinda what i'm into at the moment so any of those would be cool but again im open to mostly anything (no nsfw)
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wyvernspirit · 2 months
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Revelations were had in the discord
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fuck marry kill: black sisters
fuck narcissa, marry andy, kill bella
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tw/ heavy talks of homophobia
"Hey, looking good, where are you heading?" Sirius commented as James walked into his living room. Sirius came round to help Regulus with something he needed to do for work. Sirius and Regulus are surrounded by books, contracts and general mess as James uses the mirror above the fireplace to take off his jellewery, leaving it on the mantlepiece in-front of him.
"Oh my cousins getting married, i'm leaving soon,"
"Soon, it's barely ten am!" Sirius exclaimed.
"Indian weddings are like all day events,"
So, James hadn't been looking forward for this wedding. It wasn't that he didn't like his extended family, he does. He gets on alright with them. His parents were going to be there, and he gets on well with his cousin, the one getting married. It's just... some of the older members of his family.
He's avoided telling Regulus about it for a particular reason
"A wedding? Why didn't you tell me, I haven't prepared anything, when do you leave?" Regulus asked, taking his nose out of a book.
"My parents are picking me up in roughly half an hour..." James was really trying to avoid this conversation.
"You haven't mentioned this to me, how long have you known about this?" Sirius asked. despite the length Regulus and Sirius has lived at the Potters, they never really met much of James' extended family. A lot of them don't live in England, and the ones who do, don't speak great English. James has always been able to communicate to them, as English wasn't his first language. It wasn't even his second. Barely his third... But his parents thought it might be for the best they don't meet. So they only ever met a handful of them, majority of being on his dad's side. Regulus nor Sirius ever asked about it.
The point was that, Regulus and Sirius didn't know his family very well. If they went to this wedding, they would be completely out of place, and James isn't sure how much they'd enjoy it. He isn't sure he's going to enjoy it.
"I want to say a month, I haven't really been thinking about it," James said loosely as he walked out the room briefly, coming back in with his sherwani, the jacket which went with his outfit.
"A month? Why haven't you told me... what can I do with twenty minutes?" James and Regulus had been to weddings together before, if they ever have a plus one on an invite, it's always them.
Which is what the issue lies in...
"Yeah, that's why I haven't told you... you're not exactly coming," James said, knowing that would be better than umming and erring.
"What? Why?" Regulus didn't sound hurt or offended, he sounded confused.
"Cause I didn't get a plus one on my invite," James started to button up his sherwani, as he leaned against the arm chair facing the couch which Sirius and Regulus were on. Work completely forgotten.
"Oh..." is all Regulus said.
"Why didn't you get a plus one? Has no one else got a plus one?" Sirius pushed.
"No, Indian weddings don't really work like that..." James didn't want to have this conversation, he just wanted today to be over with. "I called my cousin about it but they said it was final, I asked about that and they people did, but it didn't 'work out' for me... I don't plan on staying that long anyway, so I just left it at that,"
"Well, you should have pushed it, surely if you explained that you wanted your boyfriend there they would understand," Sirius pushed, sitting on the edge of the couch now.
"I... kind of don't" James said, immediately back tracking when regulus does pull an offended look, "It's not you, I would love you to be there it's just..."
"It's just what, James? Why don't you want me there?" Regulus spat, filling the air with tension.
"It's my extended family... they don't... love the fact I'm gay," James admitted and the air radiating of Regulus cooled, "It's just... my family is very religious, which you guys know from my parents but they also come from apart of the world which is still living with out of date ideologies... gay marriage isn't even legal there yet, and only in the past five years have being gay been decriminalized..."
Horror and shock paint Sirius and Regulus' face as James speaks.
"I've never intended for them to know, it was easier that way, especially as they didn't love my way of live before... not being a doctor or following down an academic job, so every time I saw them it was a lot 'why you not a doctor yet?' or being compared to my cousins, which is normal in Asian families, I mean my dad's parents are Vitaminise, along with all their family, so it's disappointment from both ends, you know,"
James took a deep breath, letting them catch up.
"If you never told them, how did they find out?" Sirius asked innocently.
"Because my mum told my aunt, and it spread like wildfire... she told her a couple of months after I came out to her, you remember how long it took for my parents to get comfortable with it... they're fine with it now... but I know my extended family, and now every event since has been filled with weird looks, side comments and my Nani asking me 'when will I meet a fine lady'... just worded differently in Urdu..."
"So they didn't give you a plus one because..." Regulus started, but James finished Regulus' sentence.
"Because they didn't want me bringing a man as a date to the wedding? Yeah... it's a sort of tell not show sort of thing in my family... I'm the only open gay person in my family, and I didn't even come out on my terms... the point is you wouldn't have a good time at this wedding, homophobic family members and large get togethers don't mix well, and you don't have to be subjected to that, as I said before I don't plan on staying long,"
As James finished speaking, there was a honk from a parked gold Honda from outside their house.
"If they're being horrible to you about this, you shouldn't go James... that's unfair on you," Sirius said, as James slid on his sandals.
"It's fine, my parents want me to go, plus being a first cousin makes me in the bridal party for the groom, I'm my cousins best man... the wedding doesn't even started till one pm, I have four hours of mehndi and meeting my cousins soon to be in laws ahead of before the ceremony even begins... it'll make it worse if I don't go,"
Regulus nods, Sirius has a look of defiance on his face but James ignores it.
"Well, come home as soon if they're making you uncomfortable,"
James plants a strong kiss on Regulus' lips and leaves for the longest wedding of his life.
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