#its also on the 9th so its like not that much in advance i think ill be fine
cottageivy · 1 year
no bc why is the one ohio screening for rwrb four hours away 😭the world hates bitches who cant drive
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katz-chow · 1 year
Coming from puff puffs blog 🤧🤥 hope you don't mind 😝🙈🙉 ur also totally gaining a new follower..
WHAT ARE YOUR HEADCANONS ON SOAP? 🥰🥰🥰 unless you've already done this before then I am so sorry 😓
relationship with soap headcanons
warnings: sfw, fluff, some angst, relationship arguments, family trauma mentioned, religious trauma, homophobia, bad dad
a/n: my fav cod man is soap so this took my top priority!!! i think about this man a lot, 09 and reboot version. reboot is my fav though, realistically, he's who i would actually get with. here’s all the things i’ve thought about him, there’s probably more tbh… OK OK HERE :))
childhood hcs
johnny soap mactavish comes from a large family of 5 siblings, he's the second oldest. it's elsie, him, blair, callum, and olivia.
growing up in a family of mainly girls got him on that respect women juice. he would always have to make sure his younger siblings are ok and aren't you know, being bullied. his parents were adamant on 2 year age gaps between them all.
his cousin, jack, was an sas operator and that was what made him want to join. they had to call security forces to arrest him out at some point because he kept sneaking in to watch them do stuff lol
elsie left for uni with her bf to live in soho when johnny was 16, the same year he would talk to recruiters around his hometown, driving hours and then getting rejected the same day due to his age
9th grade (year 10) chemistry got him obsessed with stem and its *explosive* results. he aced chemistry and then took advanced chemistry and physics just because he loved it so much
after this, as soon as he turned 18, he went to sign his papers THEN graduated school (he's just like me fr). his mom was so worried for him, especially when her sister told her about the danger that jack would get himself into. in the end, he promised he'll always call her and his siblings
his dad's an ass, hes an alcoholic, a cheater, a *bitch*... he would always take the kids to church on sundays and twisted the religion into a reason for his behavior. claiming that johnny's mom being at home was just "their culture"
she makes a killer shepherd's pie though
always had had some sort of love-hate relationship with the catholic faith. on one hand, it was nice to know there's always at least someone watching out for him, but after hearing the constant belittlement from his father, claiming he wasn't "manly enough" for not willing to give his life up in the service, he started to resent the “all merciful”.
he ended up blaming god for all his faults, letting him take accountability. this especially happened when he got diagnosed with adhd when he was 17, his dad didn’t believe in mental health. his mom was only a bit better about it, they both refused meds for him.
he's bisexual, leans towards women though. found this out after a truth or dare game in junior year (year 12) and some beers in a closet
at one point, callum acccidently let it slip at dinner when johnny had first moved out that he had met a cute guy and their dad screamed and yelled at the whole family, especially their mom, about "raising a fucking whore of a son, dragging the family down to shite"
blair called and told johnny a few days later and johnny rushed his work as quickly as possible and begged his chain of command for a few days off to go back home to his family
his family gets loud…like really loud. there’s 7 people what do you expect?
it gets especially bad when it’s sunday morning and you gotta get 7 people awake and looking their church best for an hour and a half 😔
johnny is the quickest everything there is, which has its downsides too. he could run and swim the fastest in the family, but he was also the quickest eater…meaning he’s on dish washing duty. he’s quick at that too so by the time everyone’s finished, he’s washed all the other dishes that took to make dinner
broke his arm chasing a cat through someone’s yard (he was 14)
had a goat scream and kicked him because he wanted to give it a hug
he got a part time job at a local bakery in 10th grade (year 11). the pay wasn’t much but neither was the work really. olivia, who was 9 at the time, made him promise that he’ll get her a doll to have tea with. her tea set had 4 cups but only one of her, so she must get another one to join her! he kept his promise; he ended up getting three dolls for her
he can make amazing soda bread and brioche loafs now too, still keeps a starter from the owner of the bakery to this day
he had a mountain bicycle that he would take everywhere. had room behind his seat for packages and his backpack, which he would tie down. that thing had such a loud bell too, would ring constantly to “let people know hes coming and get ready”
was terrified of selkies for some reason, always had the window closed and made callum sleep by it while he slept by the door
wasn’t much of a troublemaker, but would get into trouble with his adventurous heart.
got lost in the woods once and after a while of fake courage, he sat down and cried until elsie found him. he was 20 yards (13 meters) away from the clearing 😭😭
laugh at that guys, mf was 15
personality & relationship hcs
johnny is such a fun lover. he’s handsome yeah, but what makes ppl flaunt over him is his humor. he’s what jessica rabbit said “he makes me laugh”
such a charismatic and charming person, gets it from his dad. he could talk about just about anything, also the type to strike up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store. then end up with their number and a date or helping them dog sit
this isn’t always a good thing though, one time before he was medicated, he would talk on and on, his story becoming incoherent due to the amount of self-interruptions he made, that a group of guys got so annoyed at that pub, they punched him.
he was young, 19, and couldn’t fight, so he didn’t win and came back to the barracks with a nasty black eye
he likes to be the big spoon, has to hold something in order to sleep
feel like he’s the type to wrap his arms around a pillow and lay on his stomach to sleep
speaking of sleeping, he HATES sleeping with socks on. he tried it one day and he just shivered at the feel of it, woke up and his socks were missing (he found them under the bed)
i also feel like he sleeps like a log, unmoving once he finds his comfort, i also think it's because he had to sleep in the same bed as his siblings at one point and he didn't want to wake them by moving, so he got accustomed to being a still sleeper
one time he accidentally got into a fight at a bar when a guy kept being misogynistic and was arrested and kept in jail for the whole night until one of his civilian friends bailed him out
johnny's the type to race you in the rain to the car. again, he's quick so he's always ahead of you but then he slips from the rain and ends up all wet and muddy and in the car.
his favorite thing to do is hear you laugh. he'll do anything to hear you laugh.
whenever you're sad, he'll purposely stub his toe or trip down the stairs or make you kiss his "owie" (a papercut) to get you to cheer up. like yeah it hurts like a fucking bitch but seeing you sad hurts more than a silly tumble
number one date event is city exploring and hopping. like cafe hopping, pub hopping, museum hopping, restaurant hopping, anything that makes you get up and get going with time to sit and chill at the same time.
feels like he can eat a lot, he's the type to eat your food if you end up not liking it or being too full
when he gets home from missions and the initial excitement of seeing you dies down, he also dies down and nap for hours until it's the middle of the night and he gets up to eat something.
he loves naps. feels like he needs a nap time every day if it was possible
he's a very kind lover, he's easy going so its not hard that sometimes people take advantage of this and push his buttons until he can't take it anymore
causes a huge blowup because he can have a nasty temper whenever he bottles stuff up and pushes things aside
not a physical manifestation of anger, but definitely a verbal anger, will say things he doesn't really mean just to say it and realize right after the words leave his lips that he fucked up
but he'll stake out in front of the guest bedroom in which you've locked yourself in until you come out and he gets the chance to forgive you
the type to stand in the rain and hold a sign saying sorry right outside your window, a very cheesy romcom style (gaz made him watch them)
he loves you more than anything and loves you even more than you can keep up with him and laugh at his jokes, no matter how awful they are
he wants 4 kids by the way
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ink-flavored · 2 months
Get to Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
This looked fun, and I love answering lists of questions
Tagging: @foxys-fantasy-tales @noblebs @ceph-the-ghost-writer @auntdarth @damageinkorporated @srjacksin @wyked-ao3 @alesseia and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank Questions for those who join me!
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I’ve been on Tumblr since 2014, but I didn’t make this writeblr sideblog until 2019.
What led you to create it?
Mainly because I crave organization, and I felt weird posting my fanfiction to a blog where I didn’t really talk about writing. Plus, I didn’t feel like anyone on my main would have been interested in hearing me talk about my original writing either, and even if they were, it would have been drowned in everything else I reblogged. I wanted to have a place that was 100% dedicated to writing to keep my blog topics more organized.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
I love talking about writing, for one, but I also love how many varied ideas you see in this community. There are SO MANY incredible WIPs waiting to be discovered here, of any genre you can think of, featuring ideas that make you salivate. The world-building some of you people have going on is fucking amazing, and I’m eating it.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I love talking about stories, including yours! Come say hello if you feel at all inclined to!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
More people going crazy and/or stupid about their own stuff. Be your own biggest fan, and others will follow!
The kinds of writing I always enjoy seeing more of, in general, though: poetry (literally any kind of poetry), fantasy (high & urban), sci-fi (hard & soft), crime (bonus points if set during the Prohibition), romance, erotica (bonus points if kinky), detailed world-building (bonus points for fiddly politics, more bonus points if it’s inspired by other cultures than the generic European template), and any of these things in combination with each other!
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Reblog other people’s work if you want them to reblog yours, always send someone an ask if you reblog an ask game from them, don’t be afraid to self-reblog no matter how annoying you think it is, but most importantly, do whatever you want forever. Have fun.
Lots more under the cut!
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Mainly my [currently untitled] urban fantasy anthologies and Pride & Justice. My anthologies are getting outlined for my own make-shift “write as much as you can” challenge I’m doing in parallel to NaNo this year, and I’m basically always thinking about P&J at all times whether I like it or not.
How long have you been working on them?
My anthologies are only officially around… a year or two old, probably? I had the initial impetus to start them ages ago (like, closer to 4 or 5 years ago), but didn’t start working on them as an actual project until relatively recently. Hell, I didn’t have the idea for an erotic urban fantasy anthology until December 2023!!
As for Pride & Justice, it will celebrate its second birthday on August 9th! It’s the only WIP I have such a specific date for, since it originally started as a fanfic I did for AUgust2022.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
For my anthologies, I’ve always loved urban fantasy, but pretty much all the urban fantasy I could find growing up was lacking in some way (to me). Either the fantasy elements were pasted onto our already existing world—usually “in secret” or with some other excuse to keep the “regular people” from finding out—or it was a genuine fantasy world with more advanced technology, but always a detective story. Seriously, what’s with urban fantasy and detective thrillers? They’re cool, but there’s so many of them…
I craved something closer to a “slice of life” urban fantasy—what would a fantasy world with our current level of technology and manufacturing actually look like? How would people live, what would a city be like, how would things like magic change what a sufficiently advanced culture looks like? And then, of course, the crazy magical sex????? That’s the logic I’m working from with both my anthologies, a sort of “what-if” combined with a slice-of-life peek into urban fantasy lives.
For P&J it’s a lot simpler: the fanfiction I wrote simply didn’t want to be a fanfiction. It wanted to be something bigger, more original, with more room to breathe. I gave it permission to be itself.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All of the time. Forever. If I am thinking about something, it’s probably my WIPs.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I reflexively answer “fantasy, and I dabble in sci-fi and contemporary fiction.” Sometimes I clarify I write both high and urban fantasy, because most people assume high fantasy. I usually also mention I write poetry, and sometimes I’ll mention my Magnet Monday schtick.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Well, if people could get really cool about me saying “fantasy romance and erotica” that would be neat. I think we’re still a little ways off from other people’s reactions not being 1) smiling stiffly but politely before changing the subject or 2) making a rude face before changing the subject.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
List them all? We’d be here a while.
I have an OC Roulette that I spin when I need to pick a character at random for whatever reason, so I’ll just list the ones currently on it:  Pride, Justice, Kindness, Ollie, Sofia, Dante, Honesty, Lust, Xinya, Yu-Qi, Jao, Han Lao, Sita Zhai, Asim, Mira, Cahaya, Priscilla, Henry, Yvonne, Harlan, Hayden, Lenora, Teconia, Seraph, Park, Jamie, Kiran. And the OC Roulette list will surely expand as I come up with more blorbos.
Who’s the most unhinged?
It depends on how you define unhinged, I guess? Yu-Qi could be considered unhinged because she’s a God-Dragon who does not care much what you think of her and does literally whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Priscilla enjoys violence to a suspicious degree, to the point where her husband just sighs and shrugs about it. Honesty is an Evangelical Christian angel with the one and only mission to carry out God’s Word. Take your pick, really.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Can I just blanket say “the protagonists”? Generally, I use the POV characters for a reason, and it’s because I find them the most comfortable to write. I very rarely write multi-POV stories, and when I do switch POVs, it’s usually for one very significant part that the regular POV character isn’t present for or something. So—Pride, Xinya, Asim, Priscilla, etc.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Honestly, not really. Sometimes I get nervous about people accusing me of self-inserting or whatever, but then I remember that those people are stupid and lame. Of course my characters are going to be at least a little like me—I created them. Some will be more similar than others, but I put a little bit of myself into everything I write, including the characters. And even if they were self-inserts, who cares? I can do whatever I want, and don’t need to cater to pissants.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
They fly off the handle sometimes. The most persistent example is from The God-Dragon’s Wife, which was supposed to be about a monogamous couple, but a prominent side character started hassling me to make it a polycule so she could join in. I am now rethinking the entire plot to see if I can make it work.
In general, though, I feel like my characters exist somewhere in between “totally under my control” and “completely unrestrained.” I can drop a character into a scenario and act them through it, and there are absolutely times where I go “nah that’s out of character,” and have to change something. But for the most part, it’s like… observation. If I have a good handle on a character’s personality, arc, and motivations, I can just watch. Wow, look at ‘em go…
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
Honestly, no preferred medium for questions. Send me an ask, reply in a post, DM me, message me on Discord (if you have it), leave a comment on my website, whatever. I love talking about my characters, and if you also want to talk to me about my characters, well that means I love you too.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
Usually I scope out a blog and see if their WIPs are interesting enough for me to want to see regularly on my dash. Sometimes I’ll see a post from someone looking for other blogs that post [x] genre or [y] content, and if they match up with what I do, I’ll skim their intros (if they have them). I don’t like horror, so I’m not gonna follow people who only post horror stuff. I really like fantasy, so I’m more inclined to follow people who post fantasy stuff. If I see a particularly interesting WIP, I’ll follow the person even if it’s not the kind of thing I normally read. It all depends!
What makes you decide against following?
Genres I don’t like to read and my personal squicks, usually. Maybe the WIPs didn’t grab me. Some writeblr blogs are also people’s main blogs where they post a lot of other non-writing things, and I usually don’t follow those since I’m here for the writing first and foremost.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Sometimes! Usually it’s my mutuals who talk to me the most, so I interact with them the most. As a general rule though, if you talk to me, I’m gonna talk to you back, no matter what our following status is.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
If I know enough about them, yeah! I have plenty of other people’s OCs floating around in my brain from time to time, especially if they’re a regular occurrence on my dash.
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senkusphone · 2 years
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@aresagainstthemachine asked so this one is for you. Video of it working at the end.
Here's the one project I am so proud of I named my entire blog after it.
Back in 2020, while I was stuck at home with few pleasant things to do, I decided to bring this contraption to life.
Only recently had I gotten into this inspiring series called Dr. Stone, and when I saw them make this device in the anime, I knew it was my divine calling to build it, for I had prior experience building circuits with vacuum tubes, an interest that was fostered greatly by my late grandfather when I was a boy. It had been because of the stories he'd tell me that I built my first crystal radio back then (which took me about 4 years of trial and error). Now, people had ''built'' the phone on youtube at least once before, but I was not satisfied with what they did, when they used parts that were too advanced and didn't even get it to transmit a voice, only to pick up radio stations. So I tried to go beyond while being as accurate as possible to the level of technology they had, I was seeking to achieve more with less
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Making something that picks a radio signal is relatively easy, the challenge was making it also produce its own signal so it could truly be used as a phone (or more accurately, like a walkie talkie), and I restricted myself to use the most primitive tubes I had, the ones most similar to what old Kaseki would have made.
(Happy birthday to Kaseki by the way, February 9th) I started out using this beautiful Western Electric 262-A tube. This general purpose triode was developed around 1928 by the Bell Telephone company and one of the things it was known to be used for, was in cinema projectors to amplify the sound from the early talkie films. I think that's interesting enough to mention.
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It wasn't long until my experiments showed great promise, eventually I moved on to a type 45 vacuum tube, another triode which is more powerful as a transmitter than the 262-A yet its construction is much more primitive. This tube is very similar to what Senku & Co. would've had.
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I started building the definitive device, simultaneously laying a plan to combine a transmitter and receiver in the same unit using just one tube, a task that required this one part to perform four different duties (because I hadn't read the manga, and I didn't know the final unit they dispatched used two tubes instead of just one). On new year's eve at the end of 2020, the circuit was broadcasting One Small Step by Lillian Weinberg, loud and clear to a radio across the room.
You can get a recording of that in the link below as Tumblr won't let me upload it (yes I am using discord to host files, it also works for hosting images for your fanfics on Ao3, you're welcome).
The wooden circuit board was wired with homemade wires, made by cutting a sheet of copper into strips, and wrapping them in cotton and thread. A relay is used to switch the phone from receiver mode to transmitter mode with the push of a button.
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Then the coils were calculated and wound, including the iconic large transmit coil
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but would this coil that was made to look like the one in the series, be suitable to repeat what I had achieved in my experiments, would it resonate and produce the signal?
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I intended originally to have this project done before season 2 of Dr. Stone started, and put out a youtube video, but that ended up not happening. Still, the unit finally came together, and the plastic housing was a tupper with the rim cut off, painted orange and applied lettering.
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By now season 2 had already ended, I believe, or it was soon to. Before I painted the case, I had to have one definitive test, to see that my creation demonstrated the functionality it promised, and now I had just the right voice to do it.
The final circuit was based on the work of radio pioneer Edwin Howard Armstrong, who was one of the fellows who invented the wireless world we know it today.
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I turned the switch, and watched as the tungsten filament in the tube started glowing red. First I adjusted the receive coil and a radio station came in on the crystal earpiece, then, with a radio receiver in tune nearby, I started the sound I wanted to send over the air, and I pressed the transmit button...
It's true, it can be done. Today, there are people still alive who saw the day when the cutting edge of electronics was at this level. How far we've come from these baby steps, over such a short time.
Isn't science awesome?
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I still haven't built a second unit.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Heyy I just wanted to come on here to say that I reallyyy love your blog. I was just messing around and found an old post of yours titled "Pluto in Aquarius: what's to come" and I thought it was soo well written. I love the choice of pictures for the post as well. You don't even have to answer this ask. I just wanted to come on here and appreciate your work, that's all. Keep up the dedication!
pluto retrograding back into capricorn: a prediction of what's to come
hahaha too funny!!! "i didn't have to answer this" but it was so well planned! i was in the middle of drafting this post when this ask notifications popped up!! so thank you so much for the compliments and i hope you enjoy this one equally!!
house matters:
THIS IS THE FIRST OF TWO PLUTO RETROGRADES THAT WILL OCCUR - this one will last from june 11th to jan 20th, 2024. we likely won't see too much wildness because we only recently started experiencing what pluto in aquarius is like. we know the vibe of pluto in capricorn already and likely still feel comfortable with its predictability. THE FINAL RETROGRADE BACK INTO CAPRICORN will be september 1st, 2024 to november 19th, 2024. then we are full steam ahead with pluto in aquarius until march 9th, 2043.
live in the USA so my post likely will be slightly more focused there examples wise so i apologize in advance! feel free to comment, dm, or reblog with other examples from your country based on my prediction key phrases.
i personally am NOT a witch or anything wild, everything i am saying is purely theoretical - it is not fated to happen just because i am saying it. i am simply socially aware. i know what's up generally in the world today and what was up in world when pluto was in capricorn.
like last time i am going to start light and get darker so mentally prepare yourself for that (tw: COVID-19, assassinations, and other abrasive topics that may make people uncomfortable) depending on where they are currently reading from - but we are talking about pluto so... expect the unexpected?!
let's get to it!
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time and schedule changes
in the US people have been saying that daylight savings hour should be concluded indefinitely because it is unnecessary. we don't need "daylight" like we used to because we have advanced technologically. there are more risks with keeping time change then there is with getting rid of it. i could also see this being about the 4-day work week because it was trialed at the beginning of the aqua pluto transit and it was a success. capricorn is a worker and can be about workplace efficiency too, so we could see the work week become "refined" to be 4 days only.
the rise of new non-tech and/or tech-intensive careers
where there are AI doomers, there is a market. we will see old-school businesses and professionals trying to justify and reestablish their career without AI involvement - ground zero for this prediction is real-estate (people fighting virtual or 3D-tour technology) and politics (look at the tiktok ban nonsense - i can see them saying their jobs are necessary 100% of the time... or they don't need to evolve...). capricorn again represent efficiency when it comes to working, so we could see people commingling with tech to make the most out of AI in new ways to make their careers and the work they do more efficient (and less time consuming to piggyback off of the 4-day work week prediction).
the collapse of dead space
there is a chance we will see some sort of conversation about what to do with places we no longer use - strip malls, movie theaters, mineshafts, etc. pluto retrograde makes me think of fear mongering (yes, i see the irony between that statement and this post) - i can see where with climate issue and the haze that is falling over old-money US currently that people might start talking about building bunkers in preparation of a mass natural disaster or "apocalypse." my logic behind this is that capricorn represents reliability, money, and underground places while pluto is demolition and extremes.
technology failures and setbacks
enjoy your air conditioning when you have it and if you have it - i sense that we will likely face more blackouts and rolling blackouts this summer than ever before. i also think we could see AI doomers in full swing or we will see that AI is monitoring more than it should and people will distance themselves from it.
extreme weather and climate shifts
as we have seen in the past few days, wildfires are on the rise across canada. pluto can represent extremes and electrocution while capricorn can be ashes, dryness, and old trees - people are predicting "dry thunderstorms" and stating that wildfires can occur because of these storm systems/conditions. while it is not winter here in the US this retrograde, the second retrograde will be near enough to the season: expect an extreme and EARLY winter. capricorn symbolizes cold, ice, and snow. the extreme of that being a blizzard, of course. this past winter in buffalo, new york we saw how bad it can get. where i live (almost three hours from buffalo) we had no solid snowfall... i don't think i will say the same in 2024 - the movie the day after tomorrow comes to mind.
repression of freethinkers
pluto retrograde can make people less likely to "fight against the patriarchy". we might see those who were fighting back being prosecuted or jailed (incarceration is pluto ruled). while aquarius welcomed change, shifting backwards into traditionally-minded capricorn can cause this silencing.
real-estate crisis
real-estate is starting to straighten out but i want to point out that when pluto initially entered capricorn in 2008, there was a huge scandal surrounding the housing market. the subprime mortgage crisis caused a recession to occur because the market crash and lenders couldn't return on their loans. we might see similar problems again. right now lots of homes are overpriced and if certain lenders are using the money on loan and we crash again we can see another market crash.
recession or depression
speaking of market crash... it's the roaring 20s. i don't think it is a coincidence that the Great Depression was in the 1920s, while the Great Recession was when pluto initially entered capricorn in 2008. could there be a Great Depression part two? MAYBE. considering pluto in retrograde typically indicates trouble with power dynamics and capricorn can represent business and the economy.
the death of politics and/or the church
2024 the year of the election - it's early to be talking about it for some of us, i know, BUT the campaigns are beginning. i want us to be aware that going between tradition capricorn and utopian aquarius during this time may cause some chaos... we have biden and trump again on the trial... two recent POTUSs... there are a lot of extreme people who are not happy with either of their times in office. i want to just put out there that JFK was just passing through texas on a friendly visit when his assassination occurred. pluto represents assassinations, so it might be in the stars during the retrograde seasons (hopefully not though). i feel like it will be someone close to the presidents if so because capricorn can be a "watchman" while pluto can be betrayal. since capricorn is the church, we could see the death of a pope or higher church official that causes havoc as well. alternatively, we could see people saying (towards the end of the second retrograde) / questioning why we even need a president.
capricorn terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: colds (COVID being labelled the common cold while it is mutating?), hair, hysteria (another outbreak? panic early in a presidency?), limitations (lockdowns? maybe for COVID or the air conditions because of wildfires?), minerals (running out of them), mining industry (the end of this industry all together and switching to renewable resources by the end of this cap pluto era), old age (the boomers are dying off? or are we going to make a discovery of some sort about aging or age related diseases), orderliness, responsibility, tile, afghanistan, greece, lithuania, mexico, and tombs (are we going to say goodbye to cemeteries?).
plutonian terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: aliases, alibis (governmental riffing similar to how no plan was in place when for COVID-19), cemeteries (removal of that method if too many are dying at any giving time - mass graves?), convicts (prison release due to overcrowding? the mega-prison of el salvador?), corruption (governmental likely?), earthquakes (more environmental issues on top of the wildfires?), liars, massacres (the rise of crime?), murder, nihilism (the rise of philosophy at the time of war?), ransom (war?), satire (rise of political satire?), stolen goods, and taxes (trump-esque no? likely to be brought up during the presidential campaign).
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snowaftermidnight · 6 months
Marble Moon AU Explained
note: while this is heavily inspired by the movies Europa Report and The Thing, it doesn't follow their events exactly! in other words, having watched either movie will not spoil this AU for you :3 (also if you haven't, please watch both of those movies theyre so good)
I haven't figured out everything for this AU yet so some stuff might get changed later (which is why i'm not posting 100% of what i have written lol) but this is the synopsis:
A manned mission is sent to Jupiter's moon Europa for the first time. The crew of astronauts consists of the full cast of Marble Hornets. In this AU, they're all research scientists, most of them in graduate school or post grad (yes ik a deep space mission irl wouldnt be grad students but. shh gbhfdjbf)
The objective of the mission is to confirm biological readings taken by a rover stationed on the moon. A base of operations was constructed in advance of their arrival by some little robot dudes, and another is currently in construction under the ice, scheduled to be finished a few months into the crew's arrival.
Now before I continue, if you're not familiar with Jupiter's moons, here's some infodumping background info :D
Jupiter has like. over 90 moons discovered atp? but the 4 largest are named the Galilean moons, since they were discovered by Galileo. Europa is one of these moons, and it is theorized to have a global liquid ocean under a thick layer of ice (i say "theorized" but it's pretty much agreed upon by astronomers lol).
for reference, Earth's ocean is about 11 km deep at its deepest point. Europa is 1/4 the size of Earth, with 1/9th of its gravity. its ice shell is 15-25 km thick, and the ocean under it is anywhere from 60-150 km deep!! aka at the very least almost 6 times deeper than Challenger's Deep!! it also likely has hydrothermal vents (think underwater geysers) and produces its own CO2. because its ocean is so deep, the mission is mostly focusing on the ice shell and the top layer of the open ocean, around 4 km.
so!! here's what each character is on the mission for :D
alex: marine xenobiology, invertebrate xenobiology; he proposed the mission, and is using it as his thesis. he's trying to document the first alien life, and is hoping for it to be equivalent to around the cambrian period on Earth.
amy: paleontology, invertebrate paleontology; she and alex are engaged in this AU, and she was the first crew member to join besides Alex. her thesis is trying to find evidence of preserved remains/fossil life in the ice (and on the seafloor if theyre able to reach it eventually)
jay: geophysics, glacial ice and tectonics; he was friends with alex through undergrad and grad school, and joined the mission because alex asked so he could study the tectonics of the ice shell (it behaves kind of similar to how the Earth's crust floats on the mantle!)
brian: medical grad student, specifically studying the effects of low gravity on astronauts; he and alex have been friends since high school. he was asked personally by alex to join the mission, and alex then suggested inviting tim as well mostly to convince brian
seth: botany, aquatic botany and low-light environments; also a general handyman around the base.
sarah: seismology, marine volcanology; she and jay are also collaborating on tectonics research
tim: astrophysics, radio astronomy and deep-space objects; last minute addition. he was friends with brian in undergrad and grad school, and brian convinced him to join the research mission. also helps seth with base repairs sometimes since he worked construction in undergrad and does the observatory repairs/maintenance himself
jessica: astrophysics, meteorology of Galilean moons and Jupiter's magnetic field; she and tim worked for the same professor as research students in grad school so they're pretty good friends
After landing, the first few months of the mission are fairly normal, but the crew is made aware of an incoming magnetic storm from Jupiter. The storm will be strong enough to block radio signals to Europa and within the moon itself for an unknown amount of time. They're told to carry out the mission as best as possible, and a rescue team will be dispatched "as soon as the storm ends" (aka they're left for dead). The team have nothing to really do besides keep working, so they try to keep going. Around this time, the under-ice base is completed, so Alex and Amy move down to it, followed eventually by Brian, Sarah, and Seth. Jay, Tim, and Jessica are left in the original base on the surface, as their research can't be done under the ice.
The storm prevents communication through the ice, and eventually, Jay gets worried about Alex and the others since he hasn't heard from them in a very long time. Alex, being Alex, recorded himself on a tape recorder rather than taking written notes of his findings, so Jay starts to retrace his steps and get more information rather than immediately go to the underwater base and risk walking into a dangerous situation. He'll still have to go down there eventually, and who knows what he'll find? lol
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moonlight-yuyu · 26 days
University Reading for 🏹🤍
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
Rising Sign: Taurus in the 1st House
With Taurus rising, you have a steady, patient, and determined approach to life. At university, you're likely to be consistent in your studies and prefer a stable environment. You value quality over quantity, so you're more likely to focus on a few subjects deeply rather than spreading yourself too thin. Your practical nature means you excel in areas that require perseverance and tangible results, like science, business, or the arts.
Sun in Capricorn in the 9th House
The Sun in Capricorn emphasizes your ambitious, disciplined, and goal-oriented nature. In the 9th House, which governs higher education, philosophy, and travel, this placement suggests that you take your studies seriously and are highly motivated to succeed in your academic pursuits. You might be drawn to fields like law, philosophy, or international studies, where you can combine your love for structure with a deep interest in knowledge and exploration. You're likely to aim for positions of authority or recognition within your academic field, possibly pursuing advanced degrees or leadership roles in student organizations.
Moon in Gemini in the 2nd House
The Moon in Gemini suggests that you have a curious, adaptable, and communicative emotional nature. In the 2nd House, which relates to personal finances and values, you might find comfort in accumulating knowledge and intellectual resources. You could be drawn to part-time work, internships, or side hustles that allow you to use your communication skills while studying. Managing finances might be a fluctuating area for you, but you are resourceful and can find creative ways to support yourself through your education.
Mercury in Aquarius in the 10th House
Mercury in Aquarius indicates a highly innovative, analytical, and forward-thinking mind. Placed in the 10th House, which governs career and public reputation, this suggests you are likely to pursue a unique or unconventional career path. You might excel in fields related to technology, science, or social reform. Your communication style is likely to be progressive and ahead of its time, which could make you a standout in group projects or presentations. Networking and building connections with professors and peers will be crucial for your success.
Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th House
Venus in Sagittarius brings a love for adventure, learning, and broad-minded experiences. In the 8th House, which deals with shared resources, transformation, and deep connections, this placement suggests that you might find fulfillment in deep, meaningful relationships with mentors, friends, or study groups. You may also be drawn to studies related to psychology, philosophy, or metaphysics. Your passion for learning about the deeper aspects of life might lead you to explore topics that others find complex or intense.
Mars in Gemini in the 2nd House
Mars in Gemini in the 2nd House gives you a dynamic and mentally agile approach to earning and managing resources. You're likely to pursue multiple interests or income streams simultaneously, which might make you quite busy but also very skilled at juggling different tasks. This placement suggests that your energy is best used in environments where you can be mentally stimulated and communicate actively, such as debate clubs, writing, or any field that involves quick thinking and versatility.
Overall University Experience
Your chart indicates a blend of stability and innovation in your university experience. With a strong focus on building a solid foundation (Taurus Rising, Capricorn Sun) and a drive to explore new ideas and concepts (Mercury in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius), you are likely to thrive in an environment that allows for both structured learning and intellectual freedom.
You may excel in fields that require both discipline and creativity, and you're likely to stand out for your unique approach to solving problems. However, you may need to ensure you don't spread yourself too thin, particularly with your Gemini placements, which can lead to a scattered focus. Balance your diverse interests with your need for stability, and you'll find success in your academic endeavors.
Ideal Majors and Courses for you in university:
Law or International Relations (Sun in Capricorn 9th House)
Your disciplined and ambitious nature, combined with your strong focus on higher education, makes you well-suited for a major in Law or International Relations. These fields allow you to engage deeply with structured thinking, critical analysis, and the broader world.
Courses to Consider: International Law, Comparative Politics, Global Governance, Constitutional Law.
Psychology or Sociology (Venus in Sagittarius 8th House)
Your Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th House indicates a deep interest in understanding people, relationships, and the underlying motivations behind human behavior. Majoring in Psychology or Sociology would allow you to explore these areas while also satisfying your love for philosophical and metaphysical inquiries.
Courses to Consider: Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Sociology of Religion, Human Sexuality.
Communications or Media Studies (Mars in Gemini 2nd House)
With Mars in Gemini, you have a natural talent for communication, adaptability, and quick thinking. A major in Communications or Media Studies would allow you to harness these strengths in dynamic and versatile fields.
Courses to Consider: Digital Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Media Ethics.
Computer Science or Information Technology (Mercury in Aquarius 10th House)
Mercury in Aquarius in the 10th House suggests a strong inclination towards innovative thinking and technology. A major in Computer Science or Information Technology would allow you to apply your analytical mind in cutting-edge fields, potentially leading to a unique career path.
Courses to Consider: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Data Science, Cybersecurity.
Business or Economics (Rising Taurus, Moon in Gemini 2nd House)
Your Taurus rising and Moon in the 2nd House suggest a practical and financially-minded approach to life. Majoring in Business or Economics would align with your interest in stability and resource management, while also allowing you to use your communication skills.
Courses to Consider: Financial Management, Microeconomics, Marketing Strategy, Entrepreneurship.
With your 9th House Sun in Capricorn and Venus in Sagittarius, you have a natural curiosity about life's big questions. Philosophy courses can enhance your critical thinking and broaden your intellectual horizons.
Public Speaking or Debate
Given your Gemini placements and the need for communication skills in many of your potential majors, courses in Public Speaking or Debate would help you refine your ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively.
Ethics and Social Responsibility
In fields like Law, International Relations, Business, and Media, understanding ethical principles is crucial. This aligns with your Capricorn Sun's focus on responsibility and structure.
Foreign Languages
Venus in Sagittarius and your 9th House placements suggest an interest in travel and global cultures. Learning a foreign language could be beneficial for both personal growth and career opportunities in international fields.
Electives and Extracurricular Activities:
Study Abroad Programs
With a strong 9th House influence, you're likely to benefit greatly from study abroad experiences that broaden your perspective and allow you to immerse yourself in different cultures.
Research Projects
Whether in psychology, sociology, or technology, engaging in research can satisfy your curiosity and give you hands-on experience in your chosen field.
Internship Opportunities
Practical experience, especially in business, media, or technology, will complement your academic studies and help you build a solid foundation for your career.
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josiedoe · 11 months
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funny weird fursona from ages past hours while i wanna take this opportunity to share my art, i kinda also wanna reach out to everybody who had cringy neon old fursonas and oc's that they're embarrassed of or feel like they need to shittalk every time they mention them bc "theyre totally better at making characters now i swear!" this is my fursona splash. i've changed sonas a few times, but none of them will be as important to me as her. she's not there yet, but next year in february, on my birthday, she will be 9 years old. i made her feb 22nd of 2015, my 9th birthday. i stopped using her eventually, because i thought i'd grown out of her. i used to show her to people and laugh about how stereotypical of a mary sue she was, how she had a demon AND angel form, how i'd ship her with characters from whatever media i was interested in at the time, how she had super secret sparkle powers that could do anything and how she's "not me anymore" then i remembered how crushed i felt when my friends at the time first started calling her one. i was knee deep at that point in thinking mary sues were dumb, and felt really bad about it when a friend said she was a huge mary sue and how i should probably change her. they even got mad when i said i didnt want to and told me i "couldn't take criticism". ive tried so hard over the years to distance myself from her while trying not to be too hard on her, to enjoy her in an "ironic, more experienced way" and regard her as what NOT to do.
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this is the first ever drawing i did of her. another oc of mine turns 9 on my bday, and ill do art of her too, but this is where i made her. she was a drawing of firestar that i got bored drawing and decided to slap some neons on from the ms paint advanced preset colors. as you can see, she hasn't really changed much. her name used to be colordrop, because i had a stuffed bunny around that time with the same name. i think i renamed her to splash because i liked splashkittyartist. is the art good? no. did i really care? not really! i didnt even know it was bad at the time, because it honestly wasn't. i just wasn't as far in my art journey as i am now. im glad i never deleted my deviantart account, and i plan at some point to go through and save the images that are important to me on a google drive of some kind. aslong as im able to remember and keep her, she's an important part of myself. she's still me, just from a different time, and also so much more than that. im not sad about her, not in a nostalgic "i wish i could go back way". im happy, if anything, because i only recently realized we shared a birthday. isn't that cool? to not only have an oc that was made on your birthday, but reaches milestones with you? when she turns 18, i'll be 27. when she's 27, i'll be 36. i think that's pretty neat. i think it's important for every artist, if they struggle with this, to look for their old oc's and fursonas and whatnot from when they were kids and instead of looking at them through a lens of "im better now, do you see how bad i used to be at this whole character making thing though? its funny.", instead be kind to your old creations and go "wow, i had alot of fun with you. i wonder if i can have even more." if you're able to, start using them again. write with them again, even if its small and silly and more out of whimsy and joy than actual plot development. i implore you to be kinder to kid you. even if kid you wasn't very kind themselves. if you would look at another kids drawing and oc and go "wow thats amazing! you're so creative!", then you should regard what you made then with the same enthusiasm. put your own work on the fridge if nobody else did. anyways, ramble over. i'm very passionate about this subject because i lived it, and i deeply enjoy reclaiming what i was made to feel embarrassed of. so moon darkraven, demon wolf with an anime scythe and scene bangs and red eyes and neon colors that don't mix, i think you're doing great. i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and that so is the person who made you. happy early birthday to me and my special little gal
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nicomrade · 1 year
Another question about the timeline, where do you see Baku's visit to Eba's building and where does he learn the truth about Hal fit in (chapters 534-535)? I say this because during chapter 324, in a flashback that takes place after the bet against President Sakai (which happens before Baku goes to the Eba building) Baku thinks that Kyara will be a real ally when he stops being a referee, giving us the idea that Baku did plan from the beginning to lose the first Surpassing the Leader, which provokes another question, if at that time Baku didn't know that Hal would be the next leader, how could he predict that he would survive in the face of such a bet?
Sorry for English, it's not my first language.
dont worry about your english its good ^-^ its also not my first language so if u need me to rephrase something u can just ask :]
so i dont really know when baku visits eba's building exactly because its kept vague... but i agree it makes the most sense if its after the gamble vs sakai, i dont think we have a date for this? & it also has to be after nov 20th because thats when eba records the message, but before nov 23rd because thats when hal has the game vs fukurou so maybe its like this?
nov 20th (eba records the message intended for souichi)
nov 21st the gamble vs Sakai in the restaurant?
nov 22nd baku enters eba's building and finds out the truth about hal?
nov 23rd hal goes to bakus gamble in his place
i need to reread the 1998 flashbacks i might be missing some cues. the Sakai gambles (vs the son and the next day vs the father at the restaurant) could happen before nov 20th? but not too much before because i doubt eba would only record the message for souichi like 4 days after souichi got the book??? what would happen if he got here too quick and there was no message? after making the book, recording the message would probably be the first thing he does i think. im also biased towards putting baku's discovery of hal's secret as close as possible to the gamble vs fukurou cause thats the most dramatic and heartbreaking timing for things lol
for the foreshadowing about kyara becoming a real ally, the manga loves to make us question how much baku has stuff planned in advance- like, is he really SO GOOD he knew all along it would turn out like this? i think he genuinely loves risking his life and happens to have fate on his side. he DOES have plans but can he forsee things 2 years into the future? could he really know kyara would leave kakerou if baku lost surpassing the leader? i think this bit about kyara is probably one of these cases, like a stray thought he kept in his head for later, maybe he thought kyara might leave kakerou before?
and whether baku KNEW hed survive surpassing the leader or not is also one of those big questions. i think its yakou that first makes the theory, right? that baku lost on purpose and planned it all along? i think its true he did lose on purpose but only once he got there on april 9th. but that last part is my own speculation so with that in mind heres my theory for april 9th
i think after hal took his place for the nov 23rd gamble and never came back, baku was smart enough to know it meant hal died. i dont think he had any reason to think he couldve survived, somehow, so when challenging STL in 2001 when he has THIS LOOK
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i think its because hes shocked to see hal (/souichi) alive. he truly believed he was dead and now hes realizing hes going to play STL with hal. and in that instant i think he makes the decision to lose on purpose because he thinks, if its hal, i will survive, he wont kill me. i think he had a more elaborate plan for the gamble but he didnt use it because he didnt expect hal being there and so instead he seizes THIS opportunity to be the funniest gambler in the history of kakerou and lose STL on purpose and still live LOL + kick in the mangas whole story (or he didnt have the heart to win against hal and kill him "again", you can choose your reading of this scene)
so baku finds out hal is a liar & a kiruma -> the next day hal takes his place in the gamble and dies -> 1.5 years later it turns out hal is alive & the leader of kakerou now??? AND HE HAS TO KILL HIM??? -> insane little plan to lose & survive and re-challenge souichi later. this is sooo messy and heartbreaking and i love it which is why its my interpretation of the events i just really love the tragedy between baku & souichi 🐝
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repost-this-image · 2 years
Medieval Europe and SW Asia in One Post
Fun fact for those outside the US: Americans are mostly taught the history of our own country in K-12 schools. (In some states, badly.) We get 9-10 years of US history, 1 year that’s divided up between Civics (how the US government works) and the history of the individual state you’re in, and 1-2 years of World History that does NOT cover anything in Europe or SW Asia after the fall of Rome. Which means that to learn that stuff, you either have to take those history courses in college/university, or do a lot of independent reading.
I did a lot of independent reading.
So here’s a brief overview in very broad strokes of Europe and SWA from roughly 450 - 1600 CE. If you want to know more, I highly recommend the YT channel Extra Credit Extra History. It is well-researched, worded in a way that isn’t as horribly dry as the Durants’ books, and comes in bite-sized pieces that you can enjoy on the go.
(History behind the cut.)
The Fall of Rome and the Early Middle Ages
OK, first of all, only the western half of the Roman Empire actually fell in the fifth century CE. Everything from roughly Greece on eastward stayed Roman under the new capital of Constantinople. Constantinople had its own large library and was a center of learning and culture to rival Rome in its heyday. (This is important to remember for later.)
In Europe, you mostly had a bunch of tiny kingdoms under feudal lords, with the Catholic Church being a sort of cultural glue holding everything together. Most people were illiterate, but the Catholic clergy kept as much ancient knowledge preserved as they could, all in Latin. Most people could speak Latin as a result of the Roman Empire taking over their country a few centuries back, so it made sense as a universal language for Europe.
Because most educated people were in the clergy, the Catholic Church became not just a major religious power, but a huge political power as well.
Meanwhile, the Arabian peninsula was mostly a bunch of warring tribes until the late 7th century CE, when this guy named Mohammed united the Arabs under a religion he called The Way of Peace, or as most of us know it today, Islam.
The Muslims proceed to not only form a pretty strong nation known as the Caliphate, but to take over almost all of SWA (Constantinople and a bit of modern-day Turkey held firm), the Sahara Desert, and the Iberian peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal) within 100 years of Mohammed’s death. This is one of the most rapid expansions of an empire in history. Everybody was taught Arabic, and the Caliphate took a strong interest in learning and preserving as much knowledge as they could. In terms of cultural advancement, you could think of them as basically Rome 2.0.
In the 9th century, this guy known as Charlemagne the Frank is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope and proceeds to take over France and most of central Europe. He stops the expansion of the Caliphate from going past the Pyrenees mountains too. The Holy Roman Empire (which still doesn’t actually include any of Italy, much less Rome itself) remains a major player for like 900 years.
France itself has two French languages by this point, named by how you say "yes." Langue d'oui will become standard modern French. Langue d'oc, also known as Occitan, is still spoken to this day but is slowly dying out.
Britain and Ireland are, at this point, minor insignificant little islands that nobody in mainland Europe cares about, except for the Vikings, which do a lot of pillaging and also establish quite a few towns and territories in Ireland, Britain, and an area of northern France that gets the name “Normandy” from all these Northern invaders.
Meanwhile, a bunch of feudal lords are expanding their holdings into little kingdoms, bringing about the High Middle Ages.
The High Middle Ages
Then in 1066, a couple of centuries after the Vikings settle in Normandy, a Norman named William decides to conquer England. All of England’s royalty for the last 1000 or so years have been descended from William the Conqueror.
Meanwhile, the Ottoman Turks have taken over the Caliphate and called it the Ottoman Empire. This empire will stand until WWI (no really).
“Oh No,” says Pope Urban VI, “Muslims have taken over the Holy Land! That’s where Jesus lived and stuff!” So he begs the nobles of Europe to go on a crusade to take back Jerusalem. This goes horribly. There are ten Crusades over the next couple of centuries. They are mainly notable for how sadistically cruel European knights were in their butchery of the Jewish and Muslim people living in the Levant. None of them succeed at retaking it.
Meanwhile, Eleanor of Aquitaine, a French noblewoman, marries King Henry II of England. If you know the Robin Hood story, then you know her 2 kids: Richard (the Lionheart) and John II.
John II was disliked by the people because he was very, very bad at making war. So the nobles came up to him and had him sign the Magna Carta, which established the British Parliament.
Traveling minstrels called troubadours are totally the latest musical craze at this point. They mostly write in Occitan and are the source of a pretty big chunk of the European secular music that's survived from the Middle Ages.
In the 12th century, the Ottomans finally do what they’ve been trying to do for centuries and take Constantinople. And one of the first things they do is start translating all the ancient books into Arabic so they can learn lots of Cool Stuff.
Traders then bring this Cool Stuff, including new numerals they adapted from the ones used in India, to Europe, where it gets translated again into Latin and the educated classes go gaga for all the new old knowledge.
But wait, time out, says the Catholic Church. You can’t use those new Arabic numerals. The Roman numerals are what we’ve been using for centuries and we’re pretty sure that it’s like, blasphemy or something to not use Roman numerals. A bunch of cities actually banned Arabic numerals for years until the Church came around and realized that God probably doesn’t care how you write numbers and also Arabic numerals are way easier to work with.
The Late Middle Ages a.k.a. The Renaissance
So now we’ve got good times in Europe. Kingdoms have been gradually expanding, so there are fewer tiny little fiefdoms dotting the land and more moderate-sized kingdoms. Traders are getting Cool Stuff from Asia. Crops are doing well. Yeah, things still suck if you’re Jewish, but for the Christian majority, things are going pretty good.
And then the plague happened.
The Black Death killed off about 1/3 of Europe’s population at the time, and kept coming back in waves from 1352 all the way to 1666. Nobody knew exactly how it was spread, except that it might be through the air. It’s terrifying for everyone, because unlike famines, the rich can’t buy their way out of a plague.
At the same time, things are heating up in England and France.
You know how Eleanor of Aquitaine was a French noblewoman? That technically, according to France, made the English king a vassal, or subject, of the king of France. And Edward III was all "No way, bite me" and France was like "Yo mama" and they started the Hundred Years' War.
(It was technically 119 years long, but when the war's that long already, what's a couple of decades, amirite?)
England ended up taking over most of France at one point, a French peasant girl named Joan wore armor because she believed she'd gotten a message from God, and by the end, France owned France again.
Meanwhile, England had just gone from "a tiny insignificant country on some island that Europe doesn't really care about" to a major player. They fought a war against France! And held their own for most of it! And France had been a big deal pretty much since Charlemagne!
The Bohemians in what is now the Czech Republic tried to start their own church and their own democracy in one fell swoop, and the Church came down hard on them.
The Cathar Christians in the region of France known as Albi caught the Church's attention as well, and since the Cathars were essentially heretics, the brutal Albigensian Crusade wiped out entire villages.
Meanwhile, the Church's view on witchcraft has changed.
See, for most of the Middle Ages, the official view was that if you accused your neighbor of witchcraft, that meant you were a heretic, because you believed in supernatural powers other than God and the devil. So people didn't do a lot of accusing people of witchcraft.
But with plague going on, and people needing easy scapegoats, and a lot of medieval people really hating on women (see: Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, and the dude who wrote the Malleus Malificarum), you had a recipe for Bad Times. Jewish people, people with leprosy, and Romani were blamed too, because they got blamed for most everything. But now, people were very focused on the idea that the devil was making trouble by tricking women into practicing the Dark Arts.
Thus, western Europe began hunting "witches." This is not the same thing as the Inquisition, although they happened at the same time. And no, most of the accused were not actually witches, nor were they Pagans. Wicca didn't exist yet either. Please stop stating these things as undisputed fact. I am begging you.
This also meant that a lot of zealous would-be witch-hunters were killing cats, and since cats keep the rat population down, and the plague was spread by the fleas on those rats, you can imagine how well that went.
Anyway, despite all the doom and gloom, Italy was having a Renaissance of ancient art styles, featuring cool people like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and a bunch of other dudes who didn't have Ninja Turtles named after them but were still pretty great.
In the Holy Roman Empire, this dude named Gutenberg figures out movable type, and immediately uses it to print out Bibles in both Latin and German, so that everybody can read the Bible and you don't have to go all squinty reading hand-written copies in the church that are so expensive that they have to be chained down.
And then there's Spain.
The Reconquista and Why It Ruined Everything
Spain, as you'll recall, was mostly ruled by the Ottoman Empire. There was a lot of splitting up and reshuffling of kingdoms there for a while, but in the late 15th century, the young rulers Ferdinand of Castille and Isabela of Aragon decide to take Spain back. And since they're Catholics, this Reconquista (literally "reconquest") basically meant "kick out all the Jews and Muslims from Spain and take all their stuff."
So now the royal couple has a ton of stolen liberated gold in the treasury, and they want to trade with the Indies and get even richer. And when this dude from Genoa comes along saying he thinks the earth is smaller than everybody says it is and you can totally just sail west to get to the Indies, Isabela's like "Sure, I've got money to burn. Here are 3 ships."
And that is how Christopher Columbus ruined everything for the Native Americans, and as an added bonus, introduced syphilis to Europe and ruined things for a lot of people there. But the Spanish got rich AF and that's what matters, right?
Meanwhile, because Spain is Catholic now, it gets permission from the Church to run its own special Inquisition in order to find any remaining Jews, Muslims, or heretics in Spain. If you know anything about the Spanish Inquisition other than the Monty Python meme, then you understand why this is a Very Bad Thing.
The Sixteenth Century
At the same time, Spain was also fighting England and France over Flanders.
Not Homer Simpson's neighbor but the region of Flanders, which is now Belgium and parts of the Netherlands. Everybody basically wanted to take over Flanders and get hold of its awesome natural resources.
Everybody also wanted to take over as much of the New World as possible and send expeditions over there, especially since there was a chance there might be a Northwest Passage to Asia so they can get those sweet, sweet Asian spices without having to travel overland. Unfortunately, the Americas go north as far as the ice caps, and south almost to Antarctica (which the Europeans still don't know exists yet), so that's not happening.
In Rome, the Catholic Church is using money from the sale of indulgences to build some church or whatever. Martin Luther, a German monk, is Not Amused and nails up 95 reasons why, thus starting the Protestant Reformation.
In England, Henry VIII is busy having a lot of wives, starting his own church, and basically being a rather poor king, overall.
The Portuguese are mad because they feel like they've gotten the short end of the stick. So the Pope decrees that everything east of a certain latitude in South America goes to Portugal, and everything west of the line goes to Spain. Which would be awesome except that South America has a lot more land west of the line than east of it. But the kings of Spain and Portugal are bound by the Church's decree, and there are no take-backsies.
Spain has the most powerful navy in Europe at this point. It's even called the Invincible Armada. Until 1588 when Queen Elizabeth I raises up the new most powerful navy in Europe and kicks the Armada's collective ass.
Meanwhile, a fringe sect of Christians in England believe that the Anglican Church is too much like Catholicism. One group believes that it needs to be "purified" of Catholic influence. The other believes that they need to just completely separate from the Church of England altogether. Because these are views that could easily make you a head shorter (if you get my meaning), they move to the Netherlands, where there's freedom of religion. This is unusual. In most of Europe at the time, you had to be the same exact kind of Christian as the king, or at least pretend to be. Anyway, this is a fairly small group of people, and I'm sure they'll have no real influence on events in the future--
Ohmygod, they just settled New England. And rather than wanting freedom of religion, they want everybody to follow their church. Whoopsie.
So that's the Middle Ages in a nutshell, or at least the parts of it that I know about and can remember off the top of my head. Please read more about this stuff instead of relying solely on this post. It'll get you a bit of knowledge, but it's hardly the equivalent of taking an entire course on medieval history.
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jeeourney · 2 years
Is JEE your Life?
This question makes different sense to each and every person . I mean EACH AND EVERY PERSON . It has always been a question to the ones who are about to enter the process(2 years ) , who are IN the process , and who finished the process . I am in the near end of the process (written one attempt) and I think I found what my answer to this question is .
Well I think .... YESuuuu!! For me JEE is plays a very big part of my life . Since I was literally 10 years old , the name AI AI TEE (IIT) has been ringing around my ears . Everybody around me told me that if you can set your foot in the IIT campus , then your life is settled (as if I can just sit around doing nothing ) . But you know... it was just a mild dream then . When I actually entered the competitive field (say at the end of 8th standard) I came to understand how BIG this competition actually is . This field is BIG and to play here , you must really keep you body fit (literally as well as metaphorically)
I would say that I was more serious in my 9th and 10th standard than I was in m 11th and 12th classes . That .. that... HEAT , yes heat , was there in my blood . I scored 97% in my 10th board exam (corona batch nly lol!). But that too only because I did my pre-boards well. But I am having this good and a very bad habit associated to it . I know that most of you guys reading this also have the same habit . It is nothing but PROCRASTINATION . Well what's good in that ? The good thing was , I would be so dedicated to a task that I am really passionate(or sometimes worried ) about . BUTTTT (this "but") once the task is done , I RELAXXX... Even if I had not done the job to the extent I expected , I relax just because I put in so much efforts .
Sorry for deviating from the topic frensss. The things is "IT IS HARD ". Not everybody who appear for JEE gets it . Not everybody who wants it gets it . It is them who know how to get it , GETS IT . And the answer for the HOW question is not that simple . It takes a lot of hardwork, smartwork and durability . By durability I mean to say that in this jeeourney (hehe)
there would be lots of times when you are let down , lots of times where you will cry of exhaustion , lots of times to tell you to QUIT . But those are all the obstacles in the process of finding the answer to the questions HOW ? How Fast you find the answer to the question matters very little ( like 19.699669 percentile ) but what matters is that you STAND until you find HOW .
Well that is it for now . I gotta to go prepare for my second attempt as well as my advanced as well as my boards . You may think that you wasted time by reading the blog of just an ASPIRANT . Believe me , if there had been a person like me (self appreciation) who is still in the PROCESS and telling its importance , it would have motivated me more than some guy who cleared JEE in 1995 (don't know if jee existed then ) .
and if you have found out HOW , do mail me XD . Me and you still have long way to go
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cretonki · 2 years
Tron legacy soundtrack club song
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Tron legacy soundtrack club song update#
Tron legacy soundtrack club song full#
Tron legacy soundtrack club song tv#
Tron legacy soundtrack club song full#
Having worked on the soundtrack with a full symphony orchestra, I can’t wait to hear what the French duo have come up with.Ģ3. Judging by the song titles though it looks like we’re going to be getting a mixture of more traditional Daft Punk songs, like Outlands and Derezzed which have been leaked so far, but also more classical inspired pieces, with tracks like Adagio for Tron, and Nocturne referencing classical forms. sometimes some of us are bright enough to recognize a huge turd without having to step in it first.Titled Outlands, the tracks, as you can see below, is the 9th out of 22 songs set to be on the soundtrack, which so far looks set to be pretty fucking rad.
Tron legacy soundtrack club song tv#
star trek 2009 and terminator both sucked ass for removing thier original music (i would have been happy even with original classic tv show music than the terrible star trek 2009 score).i knew it would suck and was correct, im predicting it for tron 2. after seeing them remove the cool disc throwing and derezing, im borederline on skipping reboots in general. where would indy or jaws or psycho be without thier great soundtracks? im also betting the original cast is in less than 15 minutes of the reboot disguised as a sequel. sequel and reboot making is pretty much a no brainer. I am tired of shit reboot after shit reboot and shit sequel with 20 year old cokeheads aparently not bright enough to recognize music and costume continuity. At least lucas has enough brains not to drop. terminator, bond and and star trek all SUCK after removing original scores. music is 89% of a movie, dropping carlos's original score is one of the things that made tron 1 great. How many 20 year olds does it take to completely screw up a franchise? franchises do poorly when they drop original music scores that made them what they were. It's so easy to ruin a masterpiece by thoughtlessly rehashing it. Now they're going further and messing with its DNA. This musical choice is the first sign that the film project could be going horribly wrong.ĭisney, in characteristic form, used Buena Vista as a cover until they were sure "TRON" wouldn't embarrass them. (Many of the original film's references hark back further, to the mainframe era.) I'm not interested in seeing TRON advance to 128-bit multiprocessors. I suppose it's logical to try to "update" both the sound and look of the world inside the computer to address advances in the computer industry since 1982– but for me "TRON" is about the nostalgic beginnings of 8-bit home computing. Now, to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of both the film and the soundtrack, the duo has shared a. Its vision never pandered to popular audiences. The project delivered 22 tracks for fans to enjoy alongside the Joseph Kosinski-directed film. "TRON" reached iconic status because it was both artistic and entertaining. Also here is the most complete Tron Legacy Soundtrack Ive found. Would thoroughly recommend (1) OVERWERK - Create (2) Daft Punk - TRON Legacy Soundtrack Complete Edition HD 3 - You might find this similar. Wendy Carlos, on the other hand, was an inspired choice given her status as a pioneer and a highly original composer. The soundtrack to Oblivion also had Joe Trapanese as a collaborator, this time with M83 instead of Daft Punk. (Would it seem better if the "2" wasn't pretending to be an "O"?) Not to dis any artists, but there's no more justification for using them than say Tangerine Dream or… Journey. With the Daft Punk news, I'm now pessimistic about the "TR2N" project. What do you think about Daft Punk doing the score for Tron 2? Do you think that they are up to the task? Should they have gone back to Wendy Carlos to score the sequel? The original Tron featured an original electronic score by synth pioneer Wendy Carlos. “We’re always trying to do something that hasn’t been done, or ultimately, that we aren’t doing ourselves yet,” notes Banglater. The musicians, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter split their time between Paris and Los Angeles, where they have have assembled a new recording studio for the TR2N project. The “TR2N” score marks Daft Punk’s first foray into the studio since 2005’s “Human After All.” The film, currently in production, is tentatively scheduled for a 2011 release.
Tron legacy soundtrack club song update#
Billboard reports that Daft Punk has been signed to score the soundtrack for Tron 2 (TR2N):ĭaft Punk, the French electronica duo known for their robot personas, have been tapped by Walt Disney Pictures to compose the score for “TR2N”, an update of the studio’s 1982 science fiction classic “Tron”, Billboard has confirmed.
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intercitymetro · 7 months
save me fiat 500....
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something that i really feel is missing from the automobile market these days is cars that are actually cute. every car company wants to have the massive, powerful looking trucks for the many americans with tiny penises, but in reality they mostly just look like shit.
take the honda cr-v for example. between 2016 and 2022 (5th gen), the honda cr-v looked really nice in my opinion. 11 year old me really thought that honda had mastered nice looking car design, and it really does look good. then in 2023 they refreshed the look (6th gen), which makes sense, its been the design for basically 7 years, but they made it with this unnecessarily massive grill that feels so unnecessary. it really looks more fit for one of their larger vehicles, but whatever. worse though, they fucked up the hood for the engine, which now is extremely flat in comparison to the more sloped ones on the older models. this drastically reduces pedestrian visibility, especially of children. and also they are simply getting bigger and bigger, its annoying. the honda h-rv seems to have taken the place that the c-rv held just a few years ago.
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Then (2019) & Now (2023)
anyway. this is not about honda. this theme is prevalent across automakers, and don’t even get me started on pick-up trucks, which are really the worst offenders. the less pedestrian visibility and the bigger grill, the better, apparently, and while i can understand the appeal to some, it should not have taken over the market as it has. cars do not need to look badass, or fucking massive and run over a billion pedestrians turning right on red. no. they need to look cute. and that is where i present to you the fiat 500. the ideal cute car these days.
the first thing you may notice about the 500 is it’s size. it is small. of course, it is certainly larger than it was when it was first introduced, but that is the nature of automobile advancement, we learn about airbags and better rollover protection and bumpers and shit and we have to put them somewhere. so that is not really surprising, im not expecting a car to have the exact same proportions as one that was introduced in 1957. but it still shares a lot of similar attributes, like the round headlights, and the slanted back.
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Comparing the sizes
even still, it looks nothing like it did when originally presented. but that makes sense. the fiat 500 began in 1957 as of the first purpose built city cars, made to navigate the small streets of italy. they didn’t sell between 1975 and 2007, where they brought it back based off one of their concept cars from 2004, so obviously there is a lot of difference there. the car was among those made in a sort of retro style, among the mini coopers and vw beetles of the world, and it clearly worked well.
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The look these days
so, look at the face of the regular model today. it is a small car, which is very important when justifying cuteness. it has no massive protruding front end, it just calmly slopes down. i like it. in the front, it has two circular headlights, which look very good. can’t go wrong with that. and inside it is small, but tbh ive never been inside one so how would i know. (yep, really great idea to have thoughts on a vehicle you’ve never even been in) another thing i like about the fiat 500 is that it is such a good timeless design. while the car has changed, and there was a minor facelift in 2016, it looks pretty much the exact same as it did in 2007 when it was reintroduced. i think this is a testament to how good of a design it is, that it hasn’t had any really drastic changes made to it since 2007, and really convenient to used car buyers because you could get one from 10 or so year ago and it wouldn’t even look that dated. it is a very recognizable car (“is there any car more recognizeable than a fiat 500?” -autocar.co.uk), and that is something i like.
the 500 is a massively popular car. as of 2024, it is the 9th best selling automobile in europe (tesla model y is number one, boooo kinda). it rutinely sells in the hundreds of thousands year after year. so good for them. and fiat clearly knows this. they have made many variants of the car over the years such as: 500X: a slightly bigger 4 door version of the 500 500L: made before the 500x but basically the same thing (but completely different for some reason) 500C: convertible (cool!) Abarth 500: faster idk 500e: electric! they made the front lights weird. they gave it eyelids. they made it tired. 600: not a variation but a similar name so ill count it. this one is more of an suv. same eyelids as the 500e.
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^ The 500X
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^ The 500L
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^ The 500e
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^ The 600
there are also like a billion special editions of the car but you can just go to wikipedia for that.
really what i am saying is that we need a return to small cars. there are a good number of ones that look good, even if they are no fiat 500, in europe, but not in america because the haters (vw, stellantis[fiat’s owner], ford, toyota, literally everyone) don’t want americans to get good cars. so that sucks. but you gotta make them know you want it. buy more 500s. and somehow, someday, we will make cars cute again.
(worth noting that this is not a car based blog i just say whatever and im trying this out because all of my previous attempts to put together a website on my own fell to pieces. <3)
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libertyreads · 8 months
Book Review #9 of 2024--
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Cursed Cruise by Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren. Rating: 3.5 stars.
Read from February 7th to 9th.
Before I get into the review, a quick thank you to the publishers over at Random House Children's and NetGalley for allowing me access to the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Cursed Cruise is the second book in the Horror Hotel series. In this one, we follow our Ghost Gang as they board the Queen Anne in an attempt to learn more about its haunting and possibly get picked up for a TV show pilot. But things start going wrong the moment their resident psychic, Chrissy, boards. With a hundred deaths to her name, what if Queen Anne isn't just haunted? What if she's cursed? Cursed Cruise comes out on March 19th and is available for pre-order now.
There is so much I love about this group of ghost hunters. In this one, they've just graduated from high school and are set to film aboard the most haunted ship to sail the seas. I loved seeing the interactions between Emma and Kiki. Their relationship still feels so new and having them try to tip toe around their chaperone (AKA Kiki's mother) while also wanting to be accepted as a couple by her was sweet. The dynamic between Chrissy and Chase was good but not the romantic subplot I was really there for. I liked the mystery in this one. I kind of loved that we got a couple of mysteries for the price of one.
I would have loved so much more detail about those mysteries though. And that's a complaint I think I also had with the first one. The world and characters and their shenanigans are so much fun but this book is just so short. I think it's good at maintaining the YA age range and not being one of those YA books that's really an Adult book marketed as YA so maybe the length of the book factors into that feeling. It was more plot heavy than anything else which I don't love but it's also something you have to have if you're going to be in the Mystery/Thriller genre. I think if you had given me another 50 to 75 pages to dive into the meat of everything this would be a solid 4 or more star rating from me.
Overall, this was such a fun and quick read for me. I've been struggling with my reading time for the past few months since I transferred for work and that has meant a longer commute plus longer hours. And yet this was something that felt so easy to make the time for. A fast paced mystery ride that just keeps you invested.
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navxry · 1 year
aster ehe
[ aster— do you have any 'fictional crushes' on any movie, tv show, or book characters? who and why? ]
well there's a lot.
like a lot lot.
but to give the general rundown of every crush I used to have AND still have to this day.
(warning: long ass post lmao)
dear God help me
I used to really like Jack but that's cause my sorry ass was cis and straight and I did not know what it felt to like other girls.
I grew out of it cause it was cringe and tbh he wont get along with me too much LMAOOOO
I also love Newt in the books, fucking cried when I red The Death Cure (I'm so sorry Newt) AND THE FUCKING ENDING I AM WEEPING AT THE TRILOGY.
Theresa was my then crush now :/ because the conclusion was. wack.
Okayokayokay so uh next lmao
on the topic of TMR, I red a lot of books when I was in my 7th to 9th grade years (mostly cause my old phones either broke or got taken away), and I actually liked a few people I red?
I love Poison from Chris Wooding, but it became less love and more "I like the character" (and also it got me into the matters of worldbuilding with fantasy so ty Chris Wooding)
The Selection by Kiera Cass was a book I CANNOT put down and I love the MC and the male lead. I forgot their names because its been years BUT I CRAVE TO READ IT AGAIN AND THE REST SOB SOB
Uhhhhh who else fuck uh, rattling my brain---
there was this one book that's like (I forgot the title name I apologize in advance) the house is abandoned and there's the typical girl that moves in from her apartment, and the plot is just. so wack? But the ending is that this one guy she's into is running some fucking cult and he's into this other girl but it is MESSY.
And the other guy which was the bad boy was tryna help but reminded me of Scara
my dumbass back then liked the guy that ran the cult. yeah, freaky.
mmmm which book uh, fuck-
its premise is so!! Interesting!! And basically the plot is just royalty but with magic, and the parents got killed one night. and then the MC and her brother ran away from royalty (so true), and in recent times, her and her bro tried to get away cause she found em, he dies, and she's out for blood.
I'm so sorry this plot is wack its been years bUT I LOVE IT AND OH MY GOD
I am not joking the MC??? She's such a girlboss and my young self was SMITTEN. Fucking lesbian that's closeted smh smh
I swear I'm gonna write abt that plot one day in a series once I remember, trust me.
uhhhhh tv shows
um shit
so I have a confession to make:
I have no idea who I liked back when I was so young and used to wach TV shows. like a normal kid.
BUT I used to like Boboiboy because an old friend from elementary had me hooked on the series…
… buuuuuut I fell out of it and honestly lost touch with her :( it was sad because she's the first person I can say I rlly enjoyed talking abt shit like this, but. yeah. still miss her tbh.
mmmmm I think that's it? I mean, if you want me to rant abt gaming fictional characters then I'll def rb this LMAO
but yeah, that's all the crushes I have lol
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loved2 · 2 years
I love writing and reading so much. I would love to write a book some day but i don’t think it would be any good. I write poems basically everyday but it would be so scary to take it seriously. My boss and old friends keep encouraging me to drop a book about all my family (trauma) drama lmao i have a lot to say they have made life so heavy for me but i love them too much to ever let the rest of the world perceive them this way. I have also been very good in (at?) english ever since i was a kid but i don’t have the reach for even typing out small posts like this sometimes and i guess that’s okay it’s better to bite the tongue than rip it out i guess (idk what i just wrote what does that even mean but #relatable). Sometimes when i read your posts i think i sound like a toddler bc i type exactly how i think like this shit never ends and i go off track for a minimum of 5 times in every post. And its kinda become a habit to sound like i have no brain i love typing posts without proper sentences on purpose. N e ways i will be spending 2023 reading, writing, reading, reading, crying until my eyes bleed. Very excited bc i have a very diverse reading list so no more hyperfixating on just one genre at a time. Also thinking about actually blogging my actual thoughts instead of just my daily rants lmao bc i’ve been wanting to improve my english and sound more *academic* for like 2 years now but instead i keep learning 3 other languages every year bc that sounds more fun in my head. Yes very 9th profection year indeed. Yesterday i attended my aunt’s inauguration as professor and i wanted to finally attend university just so i could have extremely intellectual conversations lmao there really is no other motivation for me to go except for the vain pursuit of becoming an academic and sounding smarter. I think i am very wise maybe just bc of my trauma and having to be an adult since i was like 10 and i can have intellectual conversations and understand it but creating complex sentence sounds very… complex to me. I also think i am wise in life but not in education obviously eventhough i graduated at the top of my class. Also that time i was supposed to enjoy education i was too busy thinking about life too much so thats a blur now lol. Sorry for your eyes in advance xx I’ll write a post in a month and you’ll be thinking wow when did you start writing like this?? Sorry for being an absolute academic genius :*
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