#its islamic
sethdomain · 1 year
if i were a parent im not sending my kid to a religious boarding school that they have to live in for years lol
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formywriyinglalala · 3 months
this genuinely breaks my heart
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arabian-batboy · 7 months
I really find it interesting how Zionists have no issues constantly using words like "Islamic" or "Islamist" or "jihadist" to describe the people they're killing without any fear of being accused of Islamophobia or that they're being bigots.
Because they know that we live in a world where anything or anyone remotely "Muslim" are automatically portrayed as inherently evil and deserving of death, especially in the US and other Western countries where Israel gets most of its support from them. So therefore, no one can be mad at them for killing all of these people, right? After all, they're only killing scary radical "Islamists" and "jihadists," NOT innocent people.
Meanwhile you would never hear any pro-Palestine people calling IDF soldiers "Jewists" or "Jewish extremists," even when they're literally branding the star of David onto Palestinians' faces and houses, instead we have to be very careful to not associate Judaism with Israel's crimes and are obligated to write a long essay about how we in fact do NOT want to kill every Jew in the world before we're allowed to show a shred of sympathy toward the thousands of Palestinian civilians being murdered as we are speaking.
Yet somehow that's not enough and they still hit us with the "when you say Zionists you actually mean Jews!" all while ignoring how they themselves aren't putting any effort into not demonizing Islam and Muslims with their words, because demonizing Islam and Muslims isn't an issue to them and the only way they can justify all the killing they're doing.
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spamitami · 21 days
yes, iran IS bad. if you find yourself defending the fucking ISLAMIC REGIME OF IRAN then maybe take a few steps back and see how far into the rabbit hole of propaganda you have fallen, because oh my lord the number of pro-iran government posts that i have seen here is alarming. and i can guarantee you that these are mostly white leftists who live in first world countries saying these things.
people on here are trying to whitewash this regime, to make it fit into their good v bad, oppressor v oppressed narrative. it doesn't work like that, the world doesn't work like that. you are defending a misogynistic homophobic theocratic dictatorship.
women in iran have been EXECUTED for not wearing their hijab PROPERLY (not even taking it off, just wearing it the wrong way). women have been beaten, raped, and forced to live under a theocratic dictatorship, and you sing the regimes praises because 'west bad'.
the regime literally funds terrorist organizations all over the middle east, including hezbollah and hamas. on october 7th, iran technically attacked israel as well as hamas.
a lot of people are talking about how israel bombed an embassy. israel attacked the building next to the embassy, not the embassy itself. It was a consulate and did not have the same international protections. Of the 7 dead from the consulate bombing, 5 were members of terrorist group IRGC. 2 of the dead had coordinated terrorist attacks on leaders and were high ranking officials.
israel bombing the consulate was a response to the way that iran uses their proxies to fight israel. this is a shadow war that they have been fighting for years now, and you really expose your dumb ignorant asses when you pretend that the israeli bombing of the iranian consulate was just a random attack.
when you say 'iran has a right to defend itself', you are not standing up for the civilians of iran, you are standing up for the terrorist government.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
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I love reading fine print
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bottombaron · 3 months
you know, i can handle a little bit of fun "Nandor is dumb" talk, but i have a net-zero tolerance for any implication that Nandor is not educated.
Nandor would have been incredibly educated in his lifetime.
even (or especially) as a soldier in the Islamic World. being a soldier was more like getting sent to boarding school that's also a military camp. they weren't just concerned with creating loyal fodder for war. they were building the next government officials, generals, accountants, advisors, etc. it was important that young men knew how to read, write, speak multiple languages, learn philosophy...sometimes even studying art and music was mandatory.
if he was nobility (and its most likely he was), take all that shit and multiply it exponentially. Nandor would have been reading Plato at the same age most people are still potty training. he would have been specifically groomed in such a way to not be just a brilliant strategist and warrior, but also diplomate and ambassador of literally the center of scientific and cultural excellence of the age.
so like yeah, he can be a big dummy sometimes, sure. but that bitch is probably more educated than any of us will ever be.
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religion is actually pretty cool its just the fandom sucks
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hindahoney · 8 months
funny how you'll never hear western lefties talking about muslim countries that have been committing vile atrocities and human rights violations for decades with the same vitriol they do with israel. instead they're always tiptoeing around islam’s misogyny, antisemitism and homophobia. but bring up the sole jewish state on earth and they're frothing at the mouth
They never want to talk about any other country in the world other than Israel. But it's not antisemitic, right? No one wants to talk about how Jews were genocided in nearly every country in the middle east even prior to the founding of the modern state of Israel, nor do they want to talk about how on the day Israel declared independence nearly a million Jews were forced out of their homes that they've lived in for over 2,000 years. Do they ever wonder why there are only 8,000 Jews in Iran now, when before the 1960s there were over a million? Certainly it couldn't be because they were killed and exiled, right?
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madame-helen · 1 year
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piosplayhouse · 2 months
Rumors are going around on twitter and weibo that starember might have left the tgcf manhua team omg.. they're unfounded right now but can we get a prayer circle going for hoping that it's true!! 🙏🙏🙏I'm so tired of their consistent racism and orientalism being passed around in the manhua space, people have been raising the alarm on it for literal years now
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Some 1.6 billion Muslims are held accountable for the criminal gang of ISIS and their likes by Islamophobic crowds in the United States and EU, ranging from widely popular comedians like Bill Maher to mass murderers like Anders Breivik. Did any one of these Muslims vote for ISIS or al-Qaeda to be their democratically elected officials? If Islam is to be held accountable for a small gang of Muslim criminals whom no one elected as their representatives, then why should Western liberal democracies not be held accountable for mass murderers like Tony Blair and George W. Bush who were in fact fairly and freely elected by UK and U.S. citizens as their representatives?
Hamid Dabashi, Europe and Its Shadows: Coloniality After Empire
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jay-wasreblogging · 3 months
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belovedviolence · 7 months
i love religious imagery and depictions of religious guilt but it's so upsetting that most of the time it's christianity which is taken into discussion. don't get me wrong, i enjoy media surrounding christianity as well, but some diversity would be nice. especially since there are several religions being followed in this world, and not everyone relates to catholic guilt lol
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laundryandtaxes · 2 months
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Oh, unlike the sanctions and isolation regime and literal proxy wars that the US has been engaging in while doing things like outright assasinating this country's most prominent general on the basis that he allegedly armed terrorists just like the US has done for my entire lifetime, some other sort of thing
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lidoshka · 1 month
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Ok, just this last image about babarian king Zoro and I'm done.
btw, go check the "Medieval Zosan AU" series by @hazel-athena!
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 days
i find it really pretty that in islam, we believe that souls just know each other. like the hadith says:
الأرواح جنود مجندة فما تعارف منها ائتلف وما تناكر منها اختلف تفسير: أنه روي أن الله تعالى خلق الأرواح قبل الأجساد وكانت تلتقي، فلما التبست بالأجساد تعارفت بالذكر الأول فصار كل واحد منها إنما يعرف وينكر على ما سبق له من العهد المتقدم translation: souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with explanation: it is narrated that Allah (exalted is He) created the souls before the bodies, and they would meet one another. when they became mixed in with the bodies, they gained familiarity with one another based on the earlier memory. then each one of them began to show approval and disapproval according to what happened in the previous time.
so like. everyone im friends with now. our souls knew each other before we were born. theres something so beautiful about that
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