#its like. when i tell her something and shes doing something 'more important' shell tell me to shut up
iknaenmal · 2 years
3, 10, 21, 30 for the ask game - cerulean
Ooh hello cerulean hi!!!! Ok lets see :]
3- hmmm my mother usually puts scented candles at home, though i dont really know what scents they are, but im going to go with vanilla!! I like vanilla :)
10- OH im excited for when the stuff i bought in the homestuck website finally arrive home ! Hopefully theyll be here before christmas or smth. And also!!!! I canr WAIT for the exams to end. Ive got three tomorrow, which are the last one and oh my god. This time tomorrow ill be free from exams forever. Well. Until december
21. Oh uhhhhh hmm id sayyy to PLEASE get better friends. Ive got a friend who is uh Not Really Nice at me but. I dont know how to end my friendship with her. And i dont know what i would do if ever got to because shes been my friend as long as i can remember... but anyways! Lets move on
30. Hmmm this ones a bit hard! this kind of flower i think!!↓
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im not too sure if its exactly the same im talking about but its the closest i could find! so, we had lots of flowers of this kind at the house i lived when i was a kid, and everytime i see one i get reminded of those times.... my uncle and aunt and cousins live there now, so we sometimes go visit them but its not the same as actually living there you know?
#should i tag this as anon or???#anon#cerulean-lives-dont-matter#ask game#uh im actually pretty embarrased of talking about that one friend since i dont want to be badmouthing..#but i think id feel better if i did idk#well ill just. tell about it here in the tags#so. uh. okay she has been my friend since we were both like six or something#and she was nice at first! i think so#well i clearly remember one time where she threw the birthday present i had made her because it was#not good enough apparently#but we were kids! and kids do things like that aaaaall the time dont they?#and she was fine! until like two years ago..#i think its because like three years ago i made a new friend and hung out a lot with him#so maybe she just didnt like that and she got mad with me for that?#its like. when i tell her something and shes doing something 'more important' shell tell me to shut up#but when the one doing something important is me well then she can talk all she wants#i also have to wait for her in school and stuff and if a go to home without waiting her#because its raining and shes taking a long time joining me#she will send me a message asking me why i left her hanging#but then shell tell me she exited before me and she left#and if i ask her something about the exam like i did like half an hour ago#shell tell me i dont know i need to do homework bye and just. leave!!#but well. this year we were in different classes for.. idk for the first time in my whole life!#my mother told me to use this to stop being friends with her or something#since she doesnt really like hee#her*#but honestly? i dont know how to do that and i dont know what id do later#im not all that interesting and i do not have friends in my class... it would surely be a mess.. i dont know#ok. im so sorry for rambling ill shut up
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hey! I know you wanted more requests for people besides the marauders so you can do this for anyone you like but maybe reader who is just soooo in love with them that anytime they do something nice for her she starts crying? Like happy tears because she's just so in love and she doesn't know how to express that. If you don't want to that's fine!
Hi, thank you! I decided to go with Sirius anyway because I felt like he'd be the most fun. (This is gonna be me btw, the first time I experience romantic love there's no way I'm gonna be able to handle it)
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“Do you think it’s a bad idea to show off my tattoos on the first day?”
“Mm, maybe,” you muse, looking longingly at the way Sirius’ inked-up forearms pair with his black dress shirt. “I feel like after the interview it won’t matter, but today you probably want to present your straightest-laced self.” 
“Gross,” he grunts, but starts rolling down his sleeves. 
It’s a rare sight, Sirius up before noon, but his job interview is scheduled for ten and he doesn’t feel in a position to negotiate. The frail morning light bounces off the full length mirror he’s standing in front of and illuminates the room as he purses his lips and starts unbuttoning his shirt. You’re lying on the bed watching him get ready, trying your very best not to look enthralled and wanton (it is a constant effort). 
“My most gorgeous, radiant angel, could I ask you for a favor?” 
You grin, warmth flooding your chest. “You don’t have to butter me up. What is it?” 
“Grab the bigger version of this shirt? I think I may want a baggier tuck.” 
You hum and get up, padding into the closet. Sirius’ clothes are all strewn over the floor and dresser, but miraculously the shirt you’re looking for is on a hanger. As you reach for it, you nearly trip over a small box on the floor. It looks like the shell of something Sirius was sent in the mail, plain cardboard with the shipping label torn off. You bring it back out with you. 
“Thanks, lovely,” Sirius says as he takes the hanger from you. 
“No problem,” you reply. “Want me to recycle this for you?” 
He turns to look, blinks, then looks harder. “No. Where’d you find that?” 
“On the floor.” 
“Must have fallen off its shelf.” He discards the smaller shirt on the bed and starts doing up the buttons of this new one, smirking when your eyes track the deft movements of his fingers. “Don’t throw it out, it’s got important stuff in it.” 
You weigh the box in your hand. “It feels empty.” 
“It’s got important, lightweight stuff in it.” 
You eye the barely-open flap of the box, intrigued. “Can I look inside?” 
You think you catch a flicker of hesitation across Sirius’ features, but it’s quickly schooled into insouciance. A vine of nervousness winds around your gut. “Sure,” he says, “go ahead.” 
You look at him a bit longer before slowly peeling back the cardboard flap. Inside is a mishmash of things. Paper, mostly, but you recognize one item immediately. It’s a flimsy, neon orange paper wristband, a venue’s name stamped haphazardly onto one side. At the first concert you’d gone to together, Sirius had griped endlessly about how the orange contrasted with his outfit horribly and brought out all the ugliest hues of his skin (there aren’t any, but you were too timid to tell him that at the time). He’d seemed desperate to be rid of it. But here it is, carefully clipped off instead of torn and preserved like something special. Something warm and weighty blooms in your chest. 
You take out one of the pieces of paper, unfolding it. It’s your handwriting, thoughtless scribbling you’d left for him to find on the fridge one day after you’d left for work. Have a great day, love you. 
Another is a bar napkin, containing a whole back-and-forth exchange between you and Sirius from the first time you’d met his friends. You’d kept passing it to him under the table, asking Do they like me? Are they just being nice? Is Remus always so frowny? and he’d passed it back saying Yes. Yes, they love you. James is this nice to everyone, but I can tell he likes you. Remus is being a sourpuss because he hasn’t eaten yet. You’re perfect. 
By the time you come upon a polaroid you’d forgotten he’d taken of you in his kitchen, you’re pressing your lips together to keep them from wobbling and your entire being feels warmed by incandescent, aching fondness. Your heart feels so big you can’t breathe around it. You’re not sure you have room for this much love, but you’ll happily carry it around like a weight in your chest for the rest of your life. 
You’re all too aware that Sirius is watching you now, so you try to keep it together for his sake, but when you blink a tear slides down the side of your nose. 
“Hey,” he chides lightly, amusement inlaid with a bit of panic. “Don’t.” 
You sniffle, then laugh wetly. “Can I hug you?” 
Normally he might make a joke (Not if you’re going to get snot all over my interview shirt) but something in your expression must sway him, because Sirius’ eyes go soft. “Yeah, baby. Of course.” 
He doesn’t make you get up, crossing the distance to the bed and wrapping you up in his arms. You let out a little sob at the contact. 
“I’m gonna clean off your shirt once we’re done,” you promise, gripping his shoulders. 
“Okay.” He sounds amused. 
“I just—I didn’t know you kept this stuff.” 
“It’s cheesy.” 
“It’s not,” you insist, hugging him tighter. It makes you happy beyond words, to know you’re bringing this out in him. To see, with your own eyes, how much he loves you back. You can check in with yourself at any time and know you’re happy in your relationship with Sirius, but you never could have imagined how spectacular it would feel to know that you make him this happy in return. “It’s special, Sirius. You’re special.” 
“James’ mum used to tell me the same thing.” 
“Oh, shut up.” You smack his arm, pulling back with a huff. You’re smiling, though, and he sees, taking your wet, blotchy face between his palms and grinning at you. Honestly, if he weren’t Sirius Black, he’d be such a dork. 
“I love you,” he says, a significance in his tone that contradicts the playfulness in his expression. “Do I let you forget it?” 
“No,” you tell him. “You don’t, it’s just…I just really love you too, you know?” 
His smile spreads, flashing canines the second before he pulls you in for a kiss. It’s firm and spirited, and Sirius holds you there until you’re laughing into his mouth. 
“I know,” he says, pecking you once more on the lips before letting you go with a swipe of his thumbs across your cheeks. “Alright, gorgeous, clean me up, would you? I’ve got other people to go impress.”
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arachine · 1 year
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૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა ... i'd follow you anywhere .ᐟ
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ᥫ᭡ pairing :: neteyam sully x avatar! reader
ᥫ᭡ genre :: mature
ᥫ᭡ synopsis :: in which reader uses her new avatar body to finally show neteyam just how much she loves him… + based off of this thirst!
ᥫ᭡ general tags :: 18+ (explicit sexual content, explicit language), minimal angst (?), lots of fluff and banter lol
ᥫ᭡ content warnings :: characters aged up to 20, oral (m receiving), cum swallowing, dacryphilia (v tame), corruption
ᥫ᭡ word count :: 2.5k
ᥫ᭡ note :: guys this is what happens when i ask for thirsts!!! i get carried away and never know when to stop ;(( anyway, here, have this while i work on my annual dick analysis for jake & quaritch.
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“Where are you taking me?”
“Shh, you’ll see, kitty boy,” you giggled, tightening your grip on his wrist.
Neteyam shakes his head, tongue in cheek. He could never say no to you—not that he wanted to…he always wanted to play with you. He’d follow you into the depths of hell, or whatever the na’vi equivalent of hell was. Yeah, he’d follow you there, he thinks—definitely.  
The boy relinquishes all of his motor skills to you, allowing you to drag his body further into the forest. He mirrors all of your agile movements, jumping when you jump, running when you run—and then you come to a halt, turning around quickly to face him. You’re so close—too close, the sudden proximity disrupting his equilibrium.
“Don’t go falling for me now,” you grab his forearm before he can fall, pulling him back up with a wink. He scoffs at this, mumbling something sly under his breath. You were always so quick-witted, with quick reflexes to match, too. To anyone else, this would be annoying, but to him, they were your most admirable traits. It’s what made him fall for you.
“Ha, ha, can you tell me what we are doing all the way out here now?” he raises his hands, gesturing to the clearing that you were now standing in. You smile wildly, pursing your lips together in avoidance. The boy reaches behind you to pull your tail, tickling your sides until you surrender.
“Okay, okay, just s-stop it already,” you belt out, “I wanna show you somethin’…gotta be nice to get it, though.” He retracts his hands, letting them fall slowly to his sides. Just what were you planning?
Grabbing his hand this time, you usher him to follow you with a tilt of your head. You lead him to a tree surrounded by shrubbery, a spot that, up until now, only you were privy to its whereabouts. The perfect place for privacy.
Letting go of his hand, you push him down to sit on the forest floor, with his back resting against the bark of the tree and you nestled between his legs. His pulse quickens. What was so important that you needed to drag him so deep into the forest? In such a secluded place, nonetheless. 
“I’ve been wanting to try this with you for a while,” you start, voice so low, just barely above a whisper. His eyes squint in confusion, but he remains silent—listening, as to not scare you from continuing. 
“You know, growing up in a shack with grown men…you hear a lot of things,” a silence, “things only men talk about.” Your eyes flitter to his, unmoving. 
“like, the things they missed doing on Earth, the girls they miss fucking—and what they’d do to have a woman’s lips wrapped their cocks…” The last bit comes out more hushed, gently kissing the shell of his ears. His tail reacts to you before he can, swishing in jagged movements, exposing his excitement. 
“Has anyone ever kissed you down there?” your eyes flit to his groin. 
He shakes his head eagerly, “No, I have n-never heard of this…nobody has ever…”
“Can I?” you tilt your head, flashing him your best doe-eyes. It was fun teasing him, a feeling that you’d never grow tired of. From first glance, to first introduction, you’d been bound at the hip since you could talk. Everything he did, you did, and vice versa. If you were feeling sick one day and couldn’t play, then shit, he was too. If you wanted to jump off a cliff one day, he’s jumping with you!
His loyalty to you was unyielding, grounding. And as the years passed, and the two of you transitioned from bright-eyed little kids to gangly, awkward teens on the cusp of adulthood, you started to realize something. That you wanted to be all of his firsts. 
Determinedly, you set out to do just that. On his thirteenth birthday, you kissed his cheek. A scintilla of your love, stained onto the expanse of his face that served as a mental reminder that this boy was yours—promised to you, and only you. 
Then, three more years passed. The boy with the rounded cheeks and toothy smile, had begun to change. It started out slow, though, then the differences became more gradual. 
The first to change was his face. What was once round and doughy, had now become slim and sharp. And then it was his physique. No longer was he the awkward child with gangly limbs, and a head too big for his body (as you liked to put it). No, he was much more…different. And each and every one of these changes, a testament to his inevitable journey into adulthood. 
On his sixteenth birthday, you kissed him. Once. But in that one kiss, you poured every ounce of love that you’d collected over the years. Every thought, every wish, every yearn, went right into that kiss—another piece of your heart that you carved just for him.  For him to have and hold, to keep safe. 
And when it was over, you pulled away with a smile, and a dagger of a tongue dipped in poison, ready to deliver heartbreak. 
You’re a man now, you uttered. I wanted to give my best friend his first kiss. And that was it, that was all it was ever going to be—because you were human, then. Still a weak, measly, little human who spent all her time living in a false reality, chasing something (someone) that could never really truly be promised to you. Not until you made the change.  
So, you waited. And…waited, and waited, and waited until one day you could meet his eye without having to look up, or for him to drop down. You waited until the day when you’d be recognized as his equal. 
Today was that day, on his twentieth birthday. And so you ask again. 
“Can I kiss you down here?” 
He nods. Once, twice, then stutters out an eager yes. Gently you smooth your palm up and over his knee, the skin of his thighs, and then stop beneath the fabric of his loin cloth. Your fingers trace the area teasingly, and you giggle when his hip juts up from the sensation. So sensitive. 
Slowly, you remove the cloth from his body, and take him into your hand. He’s semi-hard and leaking pre—and warm. So, so warm. You bring it up to your cheek, rubbing it against the area before turning your head to leave a zephyr-light kiss on his shaft. You kiss it once, then twice, then kiss it again for every year you spent not kissing him. 
“What are you doing?” he laughs, “Come on, it tick—hahhh.” A whine vacates from his throat upon you licking a long stripe from the base of his shaft, to the tip of his head. Naturally, his hands find solace atop of your head. 
“So dramatic, I didn’t even do anything yet.” This time, you take him into your mouth, forcing him to watch you as more and more of his length disappears into the cavern of your mouth. 
Technically, you’d never done this before (save for the few times you practiced on fruit) so it was your first time, just as much as it was his. But he didn’t have to know that. You wanted to appear like you knew what you were doing, or at the very least, like you’d done this before. You try to remember all the things you’ve heard over the years.
1) Girls who used teeth were bad, but girls who flattened their tongues and relaxed their throats were good. 
2) Girls who didn’t use spit sucked, but girls who got really messy were good fucks. 
3) Girls who didn’t play with balls were lazy, but girls who did knew how to have fun.
So, you use an amalgamation of all of the tips that you garnered. You flatten your tongue, ease your throat so that you can take him farther, until the head of his cock hits your uvula. 
“Shhit, mmf,” he breathes, attempting to stifle a moan by digging a hand into the forest soil. Immediately, you grab his hand and place it back onto your head, pulling off of him with a wet pop.
“Keep ‘em here,” your hand fists his length, “want you to use me. Wanna make you feel good, ‘kay?” His dick twitches in your hold, because fuck, the sight before him is almost too much for him to handle. 
You, before him on your knees, with your dainty hand wrapped around him, and your face wet with drool. And you want him to what? Use you? To make him feel…good? God, if he didn’t know any better, he’d think this was Eywa playing tricks on his mind. Giving him a taste of euphoria before yanking him back to reality. 
He has half a mind to pinch himself, and half mind to poke you, because there’s just no way this is real. Bullshit. But then you’re sinking back down onto him, and swirling your tongue around his head, and using your hands to massage his balls, and—
“Fuck,” his hands reflexively push you down onto his length. His body shivers when the tip of your nose makes contact with his pelvis. You’re so warm, and wet, so inviting, he can’t seem to let go. He keeps you there until you physically can’t fathom it, and pull off of him in search of air. 
“That felt…nice,” he says bashfully, “can you do that again?” You nod eagerly, accumulating a generous amount of spit in your mouth to use as a salve, lathering it up and down the length of him before he guides you back to his awaiting cock. 
He watches intently as your lips stretch to accommodate him again. Now his hands, which are tangled in your tresses, are moving more confidently. They push and pull you, maneuvering your head gently and at a steady pace, then gradually, they increase their speed. 
Neteyam does this a few times and then allows you to take the reins. When you’re ready, you take a deep inhale through your nose, and push yourself down until you feel the weight of him hit the back of your throat. The first time was a bit easier, mostly because your jaw wasn’t as fatigued as it was now, but you persevere anyway. 
Inhale, exhale. A mantra that you have to repeat to yourself to distract you from the urge to gag. You try your best to keep your jaw relaxed and your throat open by digging your nails into the fat of his thighs. 
When you look up at him, there’s an elated expression molded onto his face. His head is thrown back against the tree, hair strewn about with tendrils sticking to his forehead, and his eyes are shut closed. 
He looks…so beautiful. That’s when you feel a tear ribbon down your face and onto his thigh. You’re unsure if it’s because of the air steadily leaving your brain, or if it’s because of how pretty he looks right now—all sweaty, slick with your drool.
You settle on the former. It had to be the air. Eventually, your lungs give out and you have to take a breather. The sudden loss of warmth forces his eyes open, and then they fall on your face. Your eyes. Doe-eyed and clouded. Cheeks stained with tears. 
“Pretty.” Is all he says, bringing up a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You work him the rest of the way with the iota of energy you have left, concentrating on the head of his cock while your hand fists him to climax. 
His abs begin to tremble and flex when you switch between hollowing your cheeks and massaging his balls. A visual indication that he was close to coming. 
“Waitwaitwait, it feels like,” he’s panicked, trying to push you away. You dodge his attempts to remove you and continue your assault, only this time, you gently apply pressure to his perineum. Unceremoniously, he pushes your head down to the hilt and you moan around him from the force. 
The vibrations from your throat makes his head feel all fuzzy. He’s so close, on the precipice of euphoria. And your hands—that are still situated on his thighs—rub the expanse of them reassuringly, coaxing him to finish right on your tongue. 
With a final lazy piston, he comes into your mouth, and the warm, salty seed that you’d been anticipating leaks down the column on your throat. Moans tumble from his lips, along with hushed expletives, and he’s shaking. The cords of muscle beneath your palm tense and flex before regressing to their natural, relaxed state. 
You remove your mouth promptly and rise to your haunches, making sure that his eyes are locked onto yours as you stick out your tongue to show him his seed. 
“No, do not swallow that, I didn’t mea—“ Disobeying his wishes, you do it anyway. Swallowing it all all down and making it a point that you did so by sticking your tongue out again. His tail flicks in response, eyes wide in disbelief. 
“Why did you do that? It’s dirty,” he caresses your cheek, wiping away the leftover spent from your mouth. 
“‘Cause I wanted to…” You counter. “And it’s not dirty, you tasted good.” 
Neteyam rolls his eyes at this, like him tasting good is too hard for him to believe. 
“Don’t believe me? Here, try it.” And then you give him the gift that you had gifted to him all those years ago. A kiss. It’s equal parts sweet and needy, different from the first time it happened, but that’s because it was supposed to be. You wanted him to know exactly what you meant. No more waiting. No more pining. 
When you draw back, breathless and dizzy, he’s still stuck in a stupor. Lips jutted out and waiting for you to kiss him again. Again, again, again. He opens his eyes, and sees you staring back at him. 
“See, I told yo—“ He takes a fist full of your hair and connects his lips to yours. This is him returning the gift. Letting you know that he got the message, loud and clear, and that it was reciprocated. Every ounce of love that flows through his heart is poured into your own; he hopes you can feel it. 
“I told you not to fall for me,” you whisper, looking up at him with an avian flutter of your lashes. Neteyam’s hands find solace on the sides of your cheeks, and then he speaks.
“I think I fell for you a long time ago.” Warmth washes over you, his sweet words and strong hands overriding all of your cognitive functions. Specifically, the one in charge of keeping you calm and collected. 
“Good, ‘cause I think you’re gonna fall for me a lot harder when you see what I have planned for you later.”
“What’s later?”
“Shh, what fun would it be if I told the birthday boy the surprise?” You grin cheekily, unaware of the way your tail swishes from side to side as you say it. Neteyam knows you’re up to no good, but he doesn’t care. He’d follow you anywhere, after all. 
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© arachine 2023
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luniidae · 2 months
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~ Stubborn ~
Chapter X
Note: Damn, it's been an eternity since the last chapter and I'm sorry for that. The last few months have been exhausting and it was hard for me to write, so... I don't know if I'm satisfied or not but hey, I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless 🖤
Raphael accepted to teach Luvia how to use her power, on one condition only: since the blood magic practice required a lot of energy, she would have to eat properly and daily again. Because despite her fancy appearance, Luvia has been weakened by all those days spent in her bedroom, barely eating anything. Her eyes weren't as shiny as usual, just like her skin.
Luvia used to be pale, but this time, she looked sick. Sick and exhausted. But she was determined to make everything she could to prove him she was strong enough to endure this new step in her magical education. She wanted to be the only owner of her body again, to be something, someone.
"What are they doing here ?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
About a week later, Luvia seemed to be in a better shape. Her face had regained color and the dark circles under her eyes had completly disappeared, almost as if nothing wrong ever happened. She looked ready.
One day, Raphael and her headed to the training room where the young woman used to practice magic with Korilla, the Cambion had brought five debtors with him.
"As indicated by its name, blood magic requires blood, and you'll make a use of theirs", he made a gesture to designate the miserable beings who followed him.
"But I can use mine", she replied with a hint of challenge in her eyes. Raphael chuckled.
"Oh no, you can't. Not yet. Don't be so eager ... You have to start from the beginning if you want to be as efficient as possible"
Luvia looked a bit annoyed by his response, but she couldn't really protest.
"One more thing before we begin though"
Raphael headed to the young woman
"Here, you'd need these", he handed her a pack of rings which were claw shaped,
"Your supposed claws are too short, so I had these made to fill this little... Inconvenience", he added almost coldly while he was taking one of her hands to put the rings at the end of her fingers.
Luvia's sudden transformation had a few side effects on her, including her nails which will never become claws. She felt a bit hurt by the way he talked about it, as if the fact that she would never be what she was supposed to be wasn't that important. His tone seemed almost reproving and it hurt her. It was his fault if she was in this state, his fault if her "claws" wasn't enough. She wanted to tell him but she remained calm.
"Be careful, they're very sharp", he warned her.
"Say that to them..." She answered with a bold look, giving a nod towards the debtors behind him.
"Do not play this game with me, Luvia ...", Raphael stared at her with a calm yet menacing look, "Now, let's get started"
He grabbed one of the debtors - an elf - and brought her before Luvia who suddenly looked a bit confused.
"... Is there anything wrong?", he asked.
The young woman hesitated for a second, then she finally spoke
"Have I ... To kill them ?"
"Well, it is up to you, but no, you don't have to"
"How am I supposed to do then?"
Raphael raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"Be creative, Luvia. Feel free to scrape them, cut them, stab them, slice their throat, disembowel them even if you want. But remember this: you only need blood, not a slaughter"
The Dracanist had never hurt anyone before, beside her Lackey, but that was different... It was to protect herself.
The miserable woman sounded lost, she weren't really looking at Luvia, as if she couldn't see her.
"They're all doomed, Luvia. They're nothing but an empty shell, so do not hesitate. You won't have this luxury when you'll face more.... "Conscious" creatures", the devil said, stopping the track of her thoughts. Raphael was standing a few meters away, his arms crossed on his chest. 
Luvia took a step forward, grabbing the debtor's wrist delicately, making her shiver 
"Now, make it bleed"
His tone was clear. This was not a suggestion, but a command.
Slowly, gently even, Luvia made her index run along the woman's wrist. She stopped for a few seconds as she saw their flesh being cut as much easy as a piece of paper. Those claws were really sharp...
A scarlet line appeared on their pale flesh, and a few drops of blood fell on the floor, the uncomfortable drip resonating in the silence of the room. Luvia gulped as she couldn't tell how she was feeling at this very moment. It was a mix of disgust and fascination.
Her eyes began to glow with a scarlet sparkle while wisps of blood swirled around her head.. Her power was now awoken.
"What am I supposed to do now ?" She asked again, looking at Raphael.
"You're not controlling anything right now, you need to focus on a specific intention. This a mind game but it is not that different from your usual use of magic"
He took a few steps forward and reached her, looking down at the debtor's arms.
Luvia could feel the familiar sensation of the power within her, but it felt slightly different. She could feel her veins shivering of excitement and her blood boil, it wasn't unpleasant at all. It was warm and comforting, like a discreet yet friendly embrace. The swirls of blood started to crackle and glow as the Dracanist tried to concentrate. But she couldn't do anything with such a poor amount of blood. She needed more... She looked up at the elf, her eyes staring at everywhere and anywhere at the same time. Luvia couldn't help but feel sorry for her. They never have done anything to her and she didn't want to hurt them either but she needed to.
"Go on", the devil said, "You won't make any progress if you're so hesitating, unless..."
He paused for a second, "... Unless that is too much for your sensitive soul", he smirked, his chin resting on one of his fists.
She glared at him. He knew which button to press to make her react, he knew how strong her spirit of contradiction was and how she could be stubborn. And it worked.
However, she also noticed that Raphael used to keep his human form whenever they met recently. It was very unusual since he didn't need to hide his true form from anyone here. But she didn't dare to ask him why... Anyways, she wanted to show him he was wrong about her, and she took the debtor's other wrist firmly, having no idea that she was doing exactly what he expected from her.
Luvia frowned, hit right in her self-esteem. After everything she went through, after the horns, after Haarlep... Being called "sensitive" sounded like an insult in Raphael's mouth. She was mad at him for what he had done, for letting what happened to her happen. But she was even more mad at herself, because despite all of this, she was enjoying the moment and his presence. She has always liked spending time with him, but in those particular circumstances, she felt really dumb...
She took a deep breath, her gaze whispering a silent apology to the poor creature in front of her. She cut the elf's flesh again, confidently and stronger this time, and the crimson liquid flowed out her parted skin.
The bloody wirls became more intense and she could feel the power withing her increase. Luvia started playing with those bloody ribbons, making them dance around her hands and her fingers. She made them spark, crackle, flying away. She kept playing with these for several long minutes, forgetting about her victim, about Raphael, about everything. All this energy, this power, around her, this blood, it felt like.... Home. Like a faraway heritage she never knew yet hidden deep inside, waiting to be revealed.... And used.
Although Luvia thought only a few minutes had passed, her trance had actually lasted a little longer. After a moment, the debtor suddenly collapsed on the floor in a loud sound. Back to her, the Dracanist stepped back in astonishment.
"What happened to her ?!" Luvia exclaimed.
"Out of resources already.... Fine, next one", the Cambion said as he was turning on his heels, about to reach another guineapig 
"Why, what ? What do you mean ?"
Raphael raised an eyebrow.
"You know what happened, we studied it. Do not tell me you forgot everything already..."
"But I... I didn't imagine it would look like this", she admitted.
The debtor was laying down on the floor, completely dry and paler than ever, almost grey or blue. The elf seemed like "absorbed" from the inside and her eyes were nothing but dark holes now. The vision was disturbing since she now looked like an old corpse with an expression of terror. 
"Did I... Kill her ?", she asked, an uncertain echoe in her voice.
"You used her, that is different", he brought her a dwarf this time, he looked more agitated than the previous subject... 
"And you need another one. He's shorter but he's a tough one", he taped his shoulder and took a step back.
As if she had already forgotten about the poor elf, Luvia was surprised to feel more comfortable despite the troubled look of the new debtor. She almost..... Liked that ? She tried to shake off this feeling but she couldn't ignore this sense of satisfaction than was running through her body, to see the fear in their eyes, the apprehension of an inevitable moment... She felt more confident, but the young woman was still hesitating though.
"You want to try something else, don't you?", Raphael asked with a smirk, perfectly knowing the answer.
Luvia looked back at him, a hint of anticipation in her eyes. The sight and the smell of blood were intoxicating, almost natural to her, she wanted more of it and soon, the urge to take it would be stronger than the will to spare them.
”You know...", the devil started,"I said there was no need for a slaughter because I wasn't disposed to send anyone to clean the mess after. But i wouldn’t mind a little bloody show...”, he said nonchalantly 
"I...I don't know...", She said.
"Why come on, Luvia. We both know it is a matter of time before you finally accept this part of yourself"
The young woman raised an eyebrow.
"What do you know about myself anyway?" 
Raphael chuckled.
"Oh dear, you are like an open book. You are not very good at hiding your emotions, and looking into those crimson eyes of yours are enough to know that you're denying the truth, your thirst for blood. You are just too afraid to admit it.... Let me help you"
The Cambion snapped his fingers and the dwarf was now hanging up by his feet, screaming in panic like a pig. 
Luvia frowned since the sound of the debtor was really annoying.
The dwarf was gesticulating in all directions in a vain attempt to free himself. Luvia wondered if he was aware of what was happening and what was going to happen to him. She could almost have felt compassion if seeing him in this state had not awakened something else in her: a primal, voracious instinct, a hunter's instinct that was just waiting to blossom.
Killing prey that didn't flee or resist wasn't stimulating. That had been the case with the elf. Static, submissive, it didn't take much effort or pleasure to settle her score. On the other hand, a prey fighting for its life... This is a very interesting spectacle. Luvia was doing her best not to let this new sensation overwhelm her, but deep down she wanted to see him run, flee from her, hoping to escape her.
She imagined catching up with him and pouncing on him like a displacer beast. She would have pierced his flesh, would have marked him alive, taken his vital essence to increase her power... Luvia shook her head to clear her thoughts.
"Come on, it's never good to repress your true nature", said Raphael playfully, "Or are you really not ready for this training", he added with a hint of challenge.
It's true that Luvia wasn't supposed to start this early. After all, despite her grown up appearance, she was barely 15 years old. Perhaps she should have waited before confronting herself with the tumults of her deep nature. But Luvia didn't care...
Everything always went too fast in her life anyway, today wouldn't be an exception. She glared at Raphael, and with a violent slash of her claws, slit the throat of the poor dwarf who began to bleed out in grotesque suffocation, his eyes bulging, gesticulating even more. Once again, the reddish liquid began to glow upon contact with Luvia, enveloping her in a scarlet swirl... The more she wielded this power of hers, the more her brain felt "anesthetized", making her incapable of feeling the slightest scruple or feeling of empathy towards the poor wretches she mutilated. She almost ended up getting a taste for it.
However, despite her efforts, she was unable to maintain the flow of her magical energy. Once her victim ran out of blood and died, the scarlet swirls would disappear. She concentrated harder, cutting into the pulpits in various ways, in various places, in the hope that it would make a difference. In vain. And soon, the ground was littered with corpses bathing in their own blood.
“That will be enough for today, Luvia” Raphael told her, slowly approaching her and struggling to avoid the pools of blood.
“No, I can do it!” retorted the young woman in a determined but slightly panicked tone. If there was one thing that Luvia had trouble dealing with, especially at her young age, it was frustration, and she couldn't stand the idea of ​​being interrupted in her progress.
“I said, that’s enough”, insisted the Cambion firmly, slightly annoyed to see her once again challenging his authority.
"But I was almost there! I only need a few more. Two or three at most! It's not as if the corridors were empty of them!", she replied in an almost authoritarian and flippant tone.
Raphael didn't know what to answer at the moment, taken aback by the bitterness of her words. His eyes widened for a brief moment then seemed to soften. The subject had never been broached until now... To tell the truth, he had never intended to do so, which did not seem to be the case for Luvia who was struggling more and more to keep her calm.
"It would be so easy, huh?", she continued in a sarcastic tone, "To just... Do it again and... And... Leave me...."
Her voice cracked and her fists clenched so tightly that her hands were quickly covered in her own blood. Blood which crackled only very faintly. She was doing everything possible not to let her emotions carry her away, but her breathing quickened and keeping her teary eyes wide open didn't stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks without the slightest effort. Luvia couldn't finish her sentence.
It was too painful for her, but there seemed to be something else. With what she had endured recently, and added to that a first approach to blood magic that was intense to say the least, it was logical that the young Dracanist was somewhat "disturbed", and her vision became blurred.
Her face, which had previously displayed an expression of anger and pain, was suddenly very expressionless, almost lifeless, with a hint of worry. Her eyes finally rolled back as the muscles in her legs gave out. Raphael barely had time to catch her before she hit the ground.
The Devil had acted without thinking, which surprised him. Ordinarily, he probably wouldn't have lifted a finger and let her fall on the floor. He carried her out of the room and ordered other debtors to clean up the place while he took her back to his room, just like he did a few weeks ago, when he took her from the Boudoir. She seemed so peaceful, and yet there was a real storm brewing beneath the surface. The next few months, maybe even the next few years, would not be easy for her...
Luvia woke up in her room two or three hours later, her vision blurry and her head heavy, trying to put her mind in order. She briefly remembered the last events, her training with Raphael and her inability to control her power. She felt ridiculous, useless, she wanted to succeed on the first try, but she was far too ambitious... Or...
She noticed a plate next to her bed, full of fruits and pastries...
"For my stubborn little mouse"
The note said.
........ Yes, stubborn.....
To be continued...
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yanosbian · 6 months
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i think shima feels more compelled by mitsumi's encouragement because he knows it isn't superficial. he's known from the beginning that mitsumi isn't like most people who want to use him, or only appreciate him on the surface. i think since he can tell her encouragement is genuine and selfless, and most people around him are putting up a facade just to please others, it's like a golden egg in between all of the spotted ones. i think, to a certain extent, it can also remind shima of how he is also putting up a facade, only doing what's expected of him, but when he sees someone genuine it makes him think about himself, and how he could be making himself happy by enjoying the moment and doing things for himself.
obviously, shima as a character does so many things for other people. he always went along with ririka because they'd been friends for so long and he didn't want to upset her. he always agrees with the girls around him because he doesn't want to be disliked, even if he knows their appreciation for him is superficial. he has a facade that he uses as a shield in order to protect himself, even if it stunts his own potential and growth of his own indepedence. shima is definitely dependant on other people for his own validation and tries to please others to protect himself (similar to mika but in a "different way") (is it tho?)
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and this brings us to the relationship between mitsumi and shima. not really talking about mitsumi's "feelings" for shima, although i think those also play a part ofc. ever since shima has met mitsumi, he's been aware of how passionate of a person she is. mitsumi stands out to everyone ofc because... shes born a to rule the world! (joking) (sort of) but to shima i think its
like a stark contrast to everyone who surrounds him. she's always appreciated him in ways that are genuine (how many times have i used this world oml) and without self-interest. she's encouraged him to join the drama club because she believed in him and wanted him to do something that would make him happy. she looks out for his happiness and cares about him in a intangible, honest way.said i wasn't gonna talk about their relationship/when they dated but even when he found out mitsumi liked him, it wasn't because of his appearance or some other fake part of him, but because of his actual personality. when she broke up with him, she hammered into him that she likes him for who he is within his soul. she'd want him to be happy and would care about him.
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he is important to her, which is something were shown he isn't used to. ever since he was a child, everyone wanted the surface shima, his facade. he knows people would be upset if he was a real person, and not just a doll for them to project their image of him onto. he's internalized this since childhood, and it's stunted him being... himself. he's afraid of finding his own genuine personality. he's self concious, working to please others. 
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however, since he's met mitsumi, he's done so many things he otherwise wouldn't do. he''s been able to break out of his shell he constructed for himself. he'd been able to break out of the pressure ririka put on him, and join the drama club for himself as a result.
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tldr, i think mitsumi shows how much she cares about shima (and everyone around her!) and he feels affected by that
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blues-of-randomness · 3 months
The Pasts of the Forgotten Critters/Frowny fox (rewritten)
The forgotten critters were all part of different collections, paired with a smiling critter that was supposed to be part of the same collections.
Dogday, Catnap, Hoppy hopscotch, and Silly Shelly were part of the Pet collection
Jerry Giraffe, Clever Claws and Bubba Bubbaphant were part of Safari collection (In my au Bubba is an Indian Elephant but I could see Playtime co trying to sell my off as an African elephant thinking people wouldn't tell the difference)
Kickinchicken, Picky Piggy, and Molly Mc Moo were part of the farm collection
Craftycorn and Jolly jaws were paired up in a fantasy collection as Jolly wasn't any ordinary shark, he was supposed to be a Megaladon.
and finally Bobby and Frowny were made as a set for a Wild things collection (hence why their pendants are almost identical)
Their purposes and stories within the cartoons:
Jerry was going to be a love interest for Craftycorn. The two of them were paired up with the image of two shy souls who barely fit into the world coming together and changing each other for the better. Jerry was an expert at measuring, he could even guess how tall something was without needing a ruler. This, Without saying, was very useful for Crafty's art projects
Clever claws was smart but he was also dazzling, attractive, and oh so cool, everything that Bubba lacked. While Bubba was shown to get picked on and teased for not fitting in, Clever claws was able to mask himself and fit in with the crowd. He even tried to teach Bubba how to mask and fit in with the crowd but whenever Bubba tried it was met with failure, he did everything Clever claws did but it wasn't enough. Clever claws knew this and it wasn't fair, he became Bubba's best friend and taught him there was nothing to be ashamed of even if no one liked him.
Jolly jaws and Kickinchicken were paired as a playful duo, Jolly jaws was just as adventurous as Kickinchicken but he was more in favor of being save while doing (hence why a lifesafer is his pendant) While Kickin was more or less about being reckless and having fun. He teased Jolly jaws about being safe, calling him a coward, etc. One day the two of them had a surfing contest but during the surfing Kickin was knocked off his surfboard, Jolly jaws was happy until he realized that Kickin never resurfaced. He quickly dove under the surface and rescused Kickin from a watery grave. That's when Kickin really learned about the importance safety.
Molly Mc Moo's purpose in was to teach about how there needs to be a balance within someones life when i came to something they enjoy. In this case it was teaching Picky Piggy there was nothing to be ashamed of when it came to her love of Pb&J sandwhiches even if it wasn't healthy because Picky had control over herself and cared about her healthy. As long as she kept that up there was nothing wrong with a little treat now and then
Shelly and Hoppy were paired together as competitive opposites situation. Their story was supposed to be a parody of the tortoise and the hare. The two would race but Hoppy would hurt herself going so fast and Shelly would help her out teaching her that sometimes slower is better.
And finally Frowny was a fox who was hurt and bullied all his life. Then he met Bobby and she showed him what love is and how to be happy despite all the pain he's been through
Reasons for rejection:
The kids weren't impressed with Clever claws, some of the older girls thought he was a typical "self centered prince charming" and the kids thought that Jerry looked weird and made fun of him.
Similar reasons for Frowny fox, the kids hated how he smelled and saw no point in having a "Sad toy".
The kids were scared of Jolly jaws because he was a shark they tried removing his teeth but he looked too silly without them.
There was nothing wrong with Milly MC moo its just that Kickin and Picky were more popular so Molly was thrown away
Silly Shell was playing on the swings with Hoppy when he fell off, he retreated into his shell but it cracked and shattered upon impact with the ground. Shelly was deemed too hazardous for the children.
Without Molly and Shelly they could still have pet and Farm sets but they saw no point in realising Bobby, Bubba and Crafty on their own so they were all combined into the smiling critters we know today.
As time past the critters had moved on from their lost companions and forgot about them, not because they didn't care about them, it was more of a "I thought you were dead" type of forgetting
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rainparadefromhell · 1 year
How Never Have I Ever Uses Music to Hint at the Future
 I’ve always loved the way music tells a story, especially in movies and tv shows. These things usually go unnoticed unless you’re a college student trying to ignore homework on a Tuesday afternoon. I have been aware that NHIE has been whispering a secret story through its soundtrack for a while now but never had time to actually compile it into one monster of a post. So I’m doing it now!
This is where I try to convince you that the show has been hinting at Devi ending up with Ben all the way since season one. There are over 100 songs in the official soundtrack and of course, I can’t go through them all so I’ll just stick with the most important moments from all three seasons and lyrics that I think encapsulate the core message of the songs.
 The Pilot – Introductions
Paxton’s intro song (Dancing On My Own – Robyn) makes a lot of sense for both characters. It talks about trying hard to get someone’s attention and failing at it. It is a song with a dramatic, pulsating beat that plays over Paxton’s big entrance into Devi’s class.
 I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh
I'm right over here, why can't you see me? Oh
I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, ooh
I keep dancing on my own (I keep dancing on my own)
 Ben is introduced with a softer melody (Rubia – Juan Wauters). It is in Spanish, a language I don’t speak as well so I won’t try to translate it but I will leave you with this Pitchfork review of it written by Steven Arroyo :
“Rubia” still succeeds wonderfully on these terms, a longing love letter to someone with a memorable nose in a far-away country…
 Te guardo un lugar en mi corazon
No quiero irme, chequeo hora son
Me iré pensando que
Muy pronto contigo yo estaré
 There is an important moment near the end of the episode when Devi goes to talk to Paxton (and asks him to have sex with her) in which Playing Games by Anna of the North plays.
 I've been playing games with your heart
Left you thinking in the dark
Just to make you feel unsure
Then I know you want me more
 This whole song is very interesting to me. The singer seems to describe a situation in which she has the upper hand in a relationship.
I’ve been playing games with your heart, so I know I’ve made my mark is a lyric I think perfectly shows Devi’s desire to enter a relationship. It is not because she actually likes Paxton. In fact, she doesn’t even know him yet. I think it tells of Devi’s reasons to have a boyfriend – to make a mark not just on him but the school, and her peers as well. She wants to stop being “invisible” as to somehow regain some power over her situation in s1 (the death of Mohan) as well as distract herself from it.
 Episode 2
The song Dancing on The Limit (by Prizes) plays as Devi dreams of Paxton coming into her room to have sex with her. It is the first “love song” of Devi and Paxton which I find genius since it doesn’t actually depict reality.
I'm never gonna quit it
Back in love within a minute
We're dancing on the limit
But I love the way you're making me move
 It is a fantasy, something Devi feels when she imagines what would be like to be Paxton’s girlfriend.
 Episode 6
In Ben’s episode we get so much more insight into who he is, and not just that shell of an obnoxious overachiever he built for himself. We also get insight into his feelings for Devi when he is having dinner with the Vishwakumars where after choosing not to “nuke her back”, he actually has a fun time with her family as the song (Call Me by Sarah Rebecca) in the background goes :
 Call me angel, I could save you
I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
 At the very end of the episode when Devi Venmos Ben so that he never has to “accept food from a pedo again” another love song can be heard (Lost – Boy Harsher).
 I’m the one that holds you
In the middle of the night
 I'm the one that wants you
Forever til we die
 Episode 7
In this episode Devi and Paxton kiss for the first time to Fire For You by the Cannons which at first seems like a really sensual song… until you actually read the lyrics.
 I could've died for you
How could you not know?
I was alive with you
But you brought in the cold
Was I being lied to? Wish I never met you
Started to regret you
  Episode 10
 Boys Like You -  Kids at Midnight
We’ve reached my favorite NHIE song. I love the synths. I love the 80s vibe. I love everything about it (No wonder why that Malibu kiss got an MTV nomination).
Certainly the most interesting thing about this song playing during this scene is right as the camera lowers on Devi’s phone, we cut to Paxton leaving a voicemail with these lyrics in the background :
 She said, "Boys like that should be in second place”
Now do with that what you will but this is the most intentionally placed lyric in season 1, in my opinion.
 I know it hurts right now, one day you'll realise
There's no need to hide yourself from the world
All my life I've been hiding myself
Just waiting for a boy like you
 Episode 8
In the scene we see Devi apologize to Ben about the cheating when the song Up All Night by The Undercover Dream Lovers starts playing. The song is seemingly about second chances and not letting someone go. I thought the theme of driving was interesting considering Malibu.
 Caught up on the freeway
You test my patience all the time
Find another exit, ooh
Blocking you from mine
 Episode 9
Heat Waves – Glass Animals
 During Paxton and Devi’s kiss Heat Waves plays and I have to admit the song as well as the scene are amazing. However, I’ve seen this song misunderstood by Daxton fans so much, probably due to the scene trending (mostly on TikTok where people enjoy quick content without much context).
The writer of the song, David Bayley says this about what it means, mentioning another song called Your Love : “They're both definitely two of the songs that are about relationships and sort of knowing that they're doomed,"
Bayley uses the term Heat Wave to represent an illusion of a highway mirage (the air that rises off asphalt on extremely hot days making it seem like the road is wet).
So the love that the writer describes is just like the heat waves – an illusion.
 Now I gotta let you go
You'll be better off in someone new
I don't wanna be alone
You know it hurts me too
You look so broken when you cry
One more and then I say goodbye
 Episode 10
GOLDEN – Running ; Ben comes into the girls bathroom to try and make Devi feel better after she is rejected by Paxton. As he is saying “When are you gonna to realize that that dick doesn’t deserve you” the lyrics playing are :
But I get these feelings
That I can't explain
It’s in my veins
being the underdog all the time
 Hello Pongo – Summer Love
Another love song that plays when Ben and Devi see each other at the dance.
I've been lookin,
for you my summer love
forever summer love
Sam Smith – Love Goes
This song is – do you wanna guess? Not a love song. It is a sad one.
I hope you understand that I have to send you away
You may not understand, but I know that you will one day
You're broken, I know this
And if you knew it, you would love me a whole different way
But that's how love goes, goes
I also think it’s funny how just as Devi and Paxton are about to slow dance the DJ plays a different, more upbeat song which tells us they aren’t really that compatible with each other. They just never manage to catch that love song!
 I wonder if season 4 brings us a Ben and Devi slow dance…
Episode 1
 Josha Daniel – Dream of You ; We finally get something close to a love song for Daxton in the first scene of season 3 even though it it pretty vague and repetitive.
 We are never gonna waste our time again
I can't sleep when i dream of you
I can't sleep when i dream of you
 Ilo Ilo – Clementine ; Devi and Paxton almost have sex
Trying to erase you from my spotless mind
Hit fast-forward but I'm stuck in rewind
 Episode 3
Afternoon Bike Ride – Before The Fall ; Devi tells Nalini she and Paxton broke up
After an autumn of ends lеd to silence
Winters cloak covered the tracks of the tyrants
Spring couldn't bring on the promise of June
With no voice to sing and nothing to bloom
I found the mention of June interesting even if it wasn’t intentional because it almost seems like an answer to Heat waves (Sometimes, all I think about is you, Late nights in the middle of June).
Mel Blue – Finding You; Ben tells Fabiola Devi broke his heart
I lost you love
You lost you too
I lost myself
I’m finding you
Episode 5
Carla Morrison – Eres tú ; Ben and Devi say goodbye to each other after their bet at the coffeehouse
(I found a translation for this one)
Today I woke up wanting to kiss you
I have a thirst to caress you
Entangle myself with you and not let you go
You're so intoxicating
It's you
 Episode 10
“Because I’ll miss you. A lot.”
“Wait. There’s the stomach knots.”
Jaguar Sun – Car Keys
Oh, how you've grown
Look back now
And move on
Don't worry, about a thing
Just grab those car keys
And drive into the rain
Another song involving cars, driving… I’m starting to think all of this makes sense! Also I love how the song mentions growth because Devi did grow so much in season 3.
 Prinze George – Take off
 Saw you in the living room
You were wild with light and I wanted you
Tried to do the woman thing
I was eager, young and abandoning
I would force you to love me
I would force you to stay
I would force you to love me
I would stand in your way
And you can't take off without me now
After Boys Like You this has to be my favorite NHIE song. It also has an 80s vibe to it and the two songs feel very much connected in my mind. The lyrics talk about standing in a lover’s way. Preventing them from leaving you and closing that chapter of their life.
I am still in your way
This lyric that appears later in the song shows that after everything that happened to them in season 4, they are still in each other’s way. They can’t forget about each other even after actively pursuing other people.
 After analyzing so many songs, I really have to give credit to the show. Most of these were chosen so carefully to fit certain moments. You can really tell the show was made with a lot of intention and love, at least soundtrack wise.
 As far as proving who the main couple (endgame couple, whatever you wanna call it) in season 4 is, to me that is pretty obvious even without the support of the soundtrack. I’m very curious about the songs we’ll get to hear in the new season and I also wonder if we will hear some old ones again.
Let me know what you think!
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cloverofhope · 7 months
I’m asking, tell us abt ur au pls
Ohohohoh gladly
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putting a keep reading thing here bc this is gonna be a longish post lol
Quick backstory
Okay, so a little backstory of the au itself. It was originally a roleplay plot that I made to cheer a friend up bc he was upset about something in another roleplay chat, but the plot then was very different to what it is now. Haive didn't exist at the time, nor did most of the characters that are going to be from Haive (aka Berks equivalent.) It was originally called "The Flipped Universe" or at least that was the second version of the plot was. I genuinely cannot remember what the original version was called anymore.
An argument happend and the second version was effectively dropped before we went onto the third version which was effectively the same plot except we switched who played hiccup and boy oh boy are they a good runaway!hiccup player. Most of the times we started the roleplay it, it took place after httyd2 so I'm writing what would've happened from httyd on.
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Characters that are important right noW
Clover- she's the main character in this story. She's effectively the Hiccup of Haive. She's a little bit shorter than Hiccup and doesn't grow much past her height in this part of the story. Clover has red hair that goes to about her upper back when she lets it down, and emerald green eyes that could pierce into your soul if she's pissed off. She's pretty artistic, spending any free time she can find drawing something if she's not already focused on something else. She's got a heart of gold and stubbornness to go with it. She's fairly inventive, and she has a lot of spontaneous ideas that do work a fair amount of time
Iris- She's the light fury in the cove. She lost her right tailfin. She's mostly white with spots along her back and head that are grayish purple, but they look more gray than purple. Her ears have pastel blue spots along the top. She doesn't trust easily but once you've earned her trust, there's almost nothing she won't do. She's not the most playful or chatty at first but after she meets Clover and some of the other dragons she really opens up her shell
Rollo- She's the dragon rider that Clover convinced to help. After being raised by dragons, she DOES understand Dragonese and will eventually teach most of the others in the group, one of them being too stubborn to learn. She's the most ruthless of the group in this and sometimes has to be physically held back so she doesn't hurt someone who doesn't need to be hurt. Rollo doesn't understand some traditions at first, and Clover isn't the best at explaining why things are done the way that they are. She's got black hair that's been dyed with flowers that primarily grow on Haive and on islands near it, especially at the nest Rollo grew up on. She's a little bit taller than Clover
Rou- He's the most playful and silly woolly howl anyone could meet. He loves to sing songs for those he loves and is fiercely protective of his family. He's got blue scales and his 'fluff' is a milk chocolately brown. (I'm pretty sure- Its been so long since I've seen his ref sheet lol). Him and Rollo are effectively siblings after being raised together.
Wilder- Clover's younger brother. He's about five years younger. He's a clever little guy who wants to be just like his sister when he grows up. (Or at least he will eventually lol). He's got red hair and freckles galore. He cares a lot, sometimes too much.
mm i think thats all the characters imma do for now- at least in this post- I don't need it being 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 characters long lol
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The 'What Ifs' that this AU is based off of that don't really spoil anything
What if Toothless was a light fury instead?
What if Dragonese existed in the movie universe?
What if Hiccup and Toothless ran away before Astrid ever found out?
What if httyd was more gay?
What if hiccup had help while training toothless?
As I'm thinking- I'm realizing that most of the other 'what ifs' spoil a lot- so that's all ya get for now
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Headcanons! These won't spoil much- right?
Furies bond with other species by mimicking behaviors
Light furies are great swimmers
Dragons have a whole ass culture, some things can vary from nest to nest, but most things are pretty similar
not exactly sure how to explain this one, but an alpha's command isn't like spoken words- its more a sense only a dragon can feel, and isn't something humans can possibly learn
fury eggs don't explode- nor do woolly howl eggs-
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hmmm not sure what else i can add that doesn't spoil a whole lot- so enjoy this!
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teeth-cable · 1 year
You want to know how stupid the Helluva fandom is?
People still think Loona is a teenager. Like even if you missed Vivziepop's age confirmation they: sell sexy merch, nobody thinks Tex is a teen, Loona can drink alcohol in a show made by Americans, is at I.M.P. during the day and she has been adopted for at minimum 5 years.
Like did people legit forget about the sexy merch?
Though I will agree that they do write her weirdly because it seems that just by her behavior she's at max been stuck with Blitzo for 2 years.
Like she never calls him dad and is acting like she's in the phase "UGH YOUR NOT MY REAL DAD," and somehow she didn't make any friends for 5 years after she was put in a safe environment? Like Hell does apparently have an education system due to the cut Charlie comic so what's going on?
Also does that mean Loona never attempted to go outside by herself without Blitzo. I get he is overprotective but he had a job that he couldn't bring Loona too judging by the photos in his phone and mentioning he used to go after hellborns. We know she got a human disguise without Blitzo knowing somehow so....
Like what has Loona been doing besides working at I.M.P. for the past 5 years?
Like a way to fix this is something called adult adoption. Blitzo could find a homeless Loona and take her in which would fix a lot of plot holes.
And like when they write her in a way that makes sense they always find a way to undercut it. She shows up to hang out with Vortex which tells us the audience they are still on good terms despite Loona having a crush. They are mature about it and its her social awkwardness fucking her over with other people. Then Bee shows up who is being genuine and kind to her Loona acts like a bitch for no reason. I think we are supposed to think she's jealous but like its not clear. And even if it is she knew Vortex had a girlfriend ahead of time and even if she didn't know Bee was gonna be there one would assume Tex would bring his gf to a party. Even if you didn't know she was Bee. Like Loona is allowed to be slightly jealous but she isn't allowed to treat Bee like that.
Like Vortex is Loona's only friend and she isn't at least going to try to be nice to someone important to him.
Like Vortex never even told Loona to cool it or defend Bee so I'm confused about what's going on with him. Like realistically if I brought someone to come hang out with my friends and they acted like Loona we would be having a serious conversation or I'd drop them because like your giving this person a chance and they disrespect your loved ones immediately. If the show had good writing Vortex would pull Loona aside immediately.
Like Loona literally is acting like a child in this.
Then Loona acts like one again because she cares more about having fun than checking if her father is ok. Like Bee had to threaten her to check on Blitzo. I know Vortex probably doesn't know her situation but if I was him I'd think Loona and Blitzo hate each other or something.
Then Loona has the gall to act like she cares about Blitzo at the end suddenly? Its even more ruined by Seeing Stars. Like I feel there's two versions of Loona and the writers can't pick which one is the actual one. Like sometimes Loona actually acts her age and seems like a character with a hard shell but a softie but other times she doesn't act like an adult and is just bitchy for no reason. And it sucks because i love the former characterization but it gets dragged down kicking and screaming due to the latter.
I did read fan theory that Loona was originally a teenager but they changed it so they could use her as furbait and sell sexy merch.
And you know what a lot of plot holes and issues would be solved if she was around Octavia's age.
Like she can't go to the human world because she's a kid
Explains Blitzos protectiveness
Makes her bitchy attitude less egregious
Also explains why she's not in a lot of eps because she's at school
Would get rid of her inconsistent writing
But it would have to be before the pilot when this concept happened because they literally had her drinking and possibly get syphilis (im aware it can be inherited but since the show is a raunchy comedy...).
I actually don't blame the fandom for thinking she's a teenager. The lewd side of fandom is just a small part of it. As someone who is critical of HB, I easily forget too, Loona is supposed to be 22 and not a teenager because of how much the show treats and write her as one.
Almost all of her actions can be explain by trauma but I am very hesitant to say this because the times Viv has used trauma is to excuse characters’ terrible actions and she never hinted at Loona's trauma in Season 1.
But still, it can explain why she only stays with Blizto, never straying, it t’s because she doesn't feel comfortable being in public by herself. She had to stay in a crowded pound with Hellhounds who were jerks and mean to her through her life until she was 17. Loona doesn't like hanging around people because she's scared they will hurt her plus Blitzo can protect her. Blitzo is a person she can retreat to for safety so it’s important she has him around if something bad happens. People who have PTSD and trauma from abusive households tend to stay away from crowded areas because it's unpredictable and triggering for them also people with trauma tend to be closed off and distant towards others. The only reason why Loona went to the party is because Tex was there, another person she can rely on. If he wasn't there, Loona would have stayed home. It also would explain why Loona treated Bee like a bad person. Trauma can cloud your perception of others and second-guess them. Or maybe Loona got scared that Bee would take Tex away from her for the whole party, making her lonely in an environment and with people she doesn't know and she didn't feel safe with. Trauma make people act out and think irrationally to protect ourselves from experiencing the same form of trauma again or dealing more of it.
I wish Viv did relate Loona's actions in this EP to her trauma instead of making her jealous of Bee because she still has a crush on Tex. It downgrades her character into a petty teenager and doesn't make sense because Loona knew Tox for a few hours before he told her he had a girlfriend so she already knew and time has passed, why would she still have crush? Also if Viv did hint at Loona's trauma in this EP, it could be use as foreshadowing for Loona's pound scene in Season 2 and wouldn't make her trauma come out of nowhere.
It's very obvious, the writers have different versions of Loona and they can't pick a single one to stay with. I rather take this EP version of Loona who acted like a petty teenager and randomly felt affection for Blitzo than Seeing Stars’s Loona where she was an abuser to him.
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persephone11110 · 2 years
kissing you during life and death
tom kazansky x reader
tw:sad w/happy ending, death, alzheimers diease, curse words
summary : her entire career she’s beaten death like no other, but this time around she can’t.
callsign:blackbird(reader likes to toe the line between life and death) ofc name: demetria kazansky
San Francisco CA, 09/09/89
“Oh geez just fucking kiss already” slider yelled across the bar at the two pilots. you looked back at your friend giving him the bird, Iceman gently grabbed your head making your lips crash together with his.
Your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach, you Demetria Knight are kissing the Iceman. you’ve never felt this before in your entire life , kissing him felt life ending in a good way.
Till this day 30 plus years later kisssing your husband gave you life every fucking time.
When the doctor told Tom you had alzheimers, never in million years did he think his wife Blackbird could die by a diease, unlike this time a kiss wasn’t going to solve the heartache you both felt.
Telling the kids, something was wrong with their mother who’s beaten death over a thousands of time felt like hell. One of the few things you could remember was your son TJ sobbing aganist your chest begging you to tell him that the doctors wrong about the diagnosis. Lizzie laid her head on top of her father’s shoulder , weeping . Hearing the sobs of her children almost made her break apart even more than already had.
Surely right, you were only 58 years old, lived a somewhat healthy life. So why is death knocking on your door tonight?
You, Demetria Rose Kazansky have a date with death a person your very familiar with. Unlike the other times you and him talked , this time he told you werent making out alive this time.
You felt your life crashing down into pieces, you couldn’t remember a time you and death talked and he didn’t spare you.
You stood shell shock , staring at a painting of you and Tom both in your naval dress blues holding hands. There a detail you remembered by heart, you and Tom were equals in your marriage, you wanted to follow stereotypes and take pictures in a dress, Tom wasn’t having it and told you,“we both protect and serve , we both wear the uniform”.
You wanted to be Demetria Kazanksy again.
Ever day Alzheimers won aganist your brain making you forget about important and simple things.
The biggest thing you forgot was about Carole Bradshaw’s death, in your mind the woman was alive and healthy.
You and Carole talked for awhile she told you about how her and Goose were doing.
Walking in on this Tom felt his heart be repeatedly shattered with pain. Here’s his wife deteriorating and losing against death and their nothing he can to do stop it.
Carole visited you again but this time you could feel the looming sadness coming off her.
“sweetie come with me when your ready” she told you grabbing your hands with tears sliding down her face. Before you could ask her what she meant she was gone back into the light.
The diease won in the end , you and Tom were in bed with your head against his chest.
“I love you the most”
“I love you til death do us apart” you whispered so softly as your voice lacked its usual base from all the crying you did earlier.
He kissed you one more time, your chest was taking awhile to go up and down,you and Tom both knew was this meant.
You never questioned Tom’s love for you, tonight he needed for you to remember this.
“I love you my darlin” he switched from being behind you to being next to you, gazing into your dark eyes.
Your dark eyes shut with one more final look at the man you loved with your entire heart.
Tom stood infront of a podium in his dress blues, talking to crowd of people at your funeral about you. Talking about how much he loved you was easiest task in the world, letting you go may never happen.
You walked across the aisle of people in uniform and people in black. You caught the sight of your granddaughter Rosie sobbing alongside her uncle and mother.
The look of Ron Kerner and Pete Mitchell crying made you take a double glance.
You walked towards your husband Tom touching his cheek lightly, kissing him on the side of his face.
He looked to the side“she’s right here with us in life and death. The tiniest tear fell down his face, he could’ve sworn he felt a kiss against his cheek.
“i’m ready Carole”, she wiped a tear from your face , wrapping her arms around your shoulder.
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zonaenthusiast · 10 months
One Piece Live Action
Here is the first of my reviews on what I liked and didn't like about the first episode of the live action. I have been writing as I watched the episode for the second time, so it is written in chronological order with references to future episodes.
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To begin with, I was very happy with Roger's execution scene. I have to admit that, as soon as Garp appeared giving the previous speech, I doubted if it was like that in the manga. I had to look it up and I'm still hesitating, but I couldn't find anything about Garp being present that day. It's a pretty cool addition, it makes a lot of sense: Roger originated the great age of piracy while Garp is a very proud marine who works every day to erradicate it, his face when Roger says his last words is magnificent. And for those who watch the live action without knowing the original story it means nothing, but for those of us who do know what Garp and Roger really are to each other it was great.
From the beginning you start to notice that the characters are slightly different (I think the Luffy in the manga wouldn't know what mutiny means) but Oda was right when he said that there are things that maybe his Luffy wouldn't say, but it looks good because the words are spoken by Iñaki. Luffy for me is the one who behaves the most different from his original version and I'm not sure he convinces me all the time, but I think our Luffy would be very difficult to translate to the screen by a real actor without being unbearable. Luffy's case is more obvious but it will happen with Nami and Sanji as well, their personalities are very intense and for a live action it was necessary to tone them down.
Alvida is wonderful from the first minute, the actress is a 10/10 in all her scenes (Ilia, please call me, I am free on weekends), confident and menacing and sometimes ridiculous. Perfect. Koby more of the same, Morgan Davies has done a great job playing the scared Koby from the beginning. I loved the first scene of Luffy and Koby together.
What I didn't like so much is the battle against Alvida, the action is one of the weakest points of the series and they have been smart to reduce it just to the necessary because most of them are just barely good enough.
However, one of my favorite things about the live action is how they've connected the characters from the different arcs, especially the villains, it gives it a greater scale that in the manga we didn't see until much later. In the Marineford saga especially, we started to see that many characters know each other because of x or y, because they have a common past, because they did business together, whatever. I thought it was smart to add something like that already. In this chapter, for example, we have Morgan mentioning that he was the one who arrested Kuro.
I say this because adding the fun fact that Zoro killed the previous Mr 7, something that in the manga is only mentioned in passing a whole saga later and has no importance and using it to justify his presence in Shells Town, is brilliant to me. The my favorite is number 1 thing? Foreshadowing at its best if we have a second season.
I'm also of the opinion that while Luffy has the worst action scenes because in the end seeing the fruit is weird at times, Zoro has the best ones. Fellow Zoro stans, I don't know if you feel the same way I do but they are a delight to watch for me. Mackenyu, you are glorious.
Shanks... I liked him but my god, the hair. What is that, is that a wig? is that his hair with a bad dye? I don't know but it looks terrible, the whole wig thing in live action is a complaint I have. The series has opted for an artificial look on purpose and you can tell, similar to the series A Series of Unfortunate Events (and it was a good idea because the gyojins probably would not have worked otherwise), but the hair department doesn't convince me. Also, Makino seemed a bit weird to me, if she hadn't been characterized at the beginning I wouldn't have thought it was her, but then she has a scene with Luffy (small Luffy, you did great too!) in which I did appreciate her personality better.
Another thing about this live action… is that it's not subtle at all, Oda is a master of show don't tell and the difference starts to show soon. Luffy doesn't go around asking people what their dreams are in the manga (he does it only in very few occasions) and I think they could have worked on the script a little more to see how Luffy, without asking directly, inspires people to tell him those things.
We move on to the bar, the moment when Luffy, Zoro and Nami see each other for the first time (kind of, because Luffy and Nami notice Zoro but he doesn't notice them and Luffy and Nami don't seem to notice each other either). Very well done too, I loved it and it's one of my favorite scenes in the whole live action. Luffy eating with Coby, Zoro picking a fight (my god, he is FINE) and Nami taking advantage of the chaos to get what she needs. The stuff with Zoro, Rika, Helmeppo and the rice balls, even if it's different, makes me infinitely happy that it was kept because it's important to understand that Zoro is much less of a dick than he appears to be.
Luffy, tell Sanji about the rice balls, this fandom is begging you.
I also found it curious that they have chosen to insist a lot on Zoro being a bounty hunter, we see Zoro emphasizing several times throughout the live action on the money they provide him, and it's striking because it's not like that at all in the manga. It gives him less of a sucker vibe and that makes me a little sad because I really like that Zoro became a bounty hunter because he needed to eat and he didn't know how to get back to his village. I like my men dumb as a rock. I assume they did it that way because they wanted to tell us what he is but what he doesn't want to be, just like it happened with Coby and it's going to happen with all the mugiwara, so Luffy can ask him the question about what his real goal is.
Anywat, both the first time Luffy and Zoro talk and Luffy and Nami talk inside the navy base are perfect, you can see the differences in their personalities from the first moment. I will always defend that meeting Luffy changes the lives of all the mugiwaras but the most obvious changes are in Zoro and Nami (maybe Robin), they owe Luffy their literal personalities.
I think Zoro breaking into Helmeppo's room while the latter is naked and acting cool with the Wado Ichimonji is cinema, I'm glad they included it. The haircut was a great touch.
Luffy and Nami's shenanigans inside the navy base, from the safe robbery to the fight in the courtyard where they are joined by Zoro... I really like that. The part where Zoro is about to leave but decides to turn around and fight them fits his personality from the beginning very well but it's actually pretty Nami coded too, she has a scene like that in Orange Town in the manga where she almost leaves but in the end feels bad for leaving them to their fate and comes back. Zoro and Nami are very similar and this live action highlights it a lot, we'll see that (episode 5, my beloved).
The battle against Morgan is short and concise, and I repeat: I think they did very well not to drag the action out longer than necessary. The part of Zoro carrying the safe and leaving Nami speechless before such a display of brute force I personally liked it a lot, it's a clear reference to the scene of Luffy and the cage in Orange Town in the manga.
The Shells Town escape also is a great idea. I already wrote a post about why I don't agree at all that Zoro's loyalty to Luffy is immediate and Nami certainly isn't loyal from the start. That they don't say yes to Luffy, but that it's more of a we have to get out of here and right now these other two people are the only allies I have works very well with them because it's exactly how they started in the manga as well.
To finish with this first review, I want to mention a last point in favor of the live action: increasing Garp's presence in the saga and making him the big antagonist present in all the arcs, I will go deeper into this in other chapters. It's very important to see how his relationship with Koby develops (and to think that this was written before the recent events in the manga, good lord).
And Buggy has the best first appearance of all. My king.
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for that ask game you reblogged: questions 20, 29, and 31 :]
aughhh im really bad at remembering things if im not asked about something specific but ill try: mm the reason cats eyes glow in the dark is because they have a lining in the back of their eyes called the tapetum lucidum that reflects the unabsorbed light when its dark out which gives it a second chance to be absorbed so they can see better ^^ (sorry if you knew this again im bad at fun facts)
favorite song lyrics: not good at favorites but currently im listening to bullets and “we could be perfect one last night, and die like star crossed lovers when we fight. and we can settle this affair, if you would shed your yellow, take my hand” in our lady of sorrows is really neat, because i’ve always felt like yellow symbolized not simply happiness and positivity but more like a mask, it kinda has the vibe of like uncanny valley and something is wrong. like its a very cheery color but its also like a warning, a kind of sickly color, like the feeling of impending doom but you cant tell why or whats wrong. yellow feels like its the first time you realize that something is off. kinda gives me a mix of stranger and corruption vibes. ooh or like a person who seems like they live a very neat and clean life but the more you watch them you realize that this perfect cleanliness is seemingly the only thing that matters to them anymore and theyve gone from a normal person to a shell of their former self who excessively cleans because they cant go back now this is the only important thing and if they lose it they dont know who they are anymore. all of this to say that this has absolutely nothing to do with the song i just wanted to rant about the color yellow oops ill stop now. i swear its important to analyzing the song i just don’t know how. hard to put into words. ive always imagined that the lady (i dont know her name sorry ill just call her the lady) and her lover were like hunting vampires and now theyve gotten caught up in it and like this is their life now so i interpret this line to be set in their last night while surrounded by the vampires. and so like they can tell that something is wrong and hes begun to accept that this might be their last day together so hes trying to get the lady to accept it and just let them spend one last night without being caught up in fighting vampires. but this is her purpose now and she cant just stop and move on. I HAVE CONNECTED THE IMAGINARY DOTS. THIS MAKES SENSE I PROMISE. CAN YOU TELL IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS WAYYYY TOO MUCH LMAO. @humanteethmarksonhumanbone this is our lady of sorrows’ backstory btw since you wanted to know more about her, and congrats on picking up on the vampire theme that was very intentional! i still have more to tell you later but heres my lore rant
that was long jesus fucking christ
this is very important to me
and uhhh so sorry can you tell me what 31 was again?? i got caught up in the second and forgot oops
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77angelnumbers77 · 11 months
for the writing prompt: fem!eridan and vriska fighting/sniping while subtly implying their gf is better
Super rough, this one. Thanks for the awesome prompt!! Absolutely obsessed with this.
"Why are you bothering me?"
The ship needed routine maintenance, and without a crew, the work fell to Vriska. She had been broken up with Eridan for two sweeps, but selling the boat would send off the wrong message. Something like "I only bought it for you" or, worse, "I can't be on the sea without thinking of you". Which, no, it wasn't that big a deal. The whole relationship was about their ancestors -- Eridan herself? Vriska could honestly care less.
That being said, the rope holding the anchor is fraying, which means that the rope that more or less holds the craft together is capable of fraying, and of course that means that Eridan is here to flaunt her imagined superiority, right when Vriska has more important things to worry about. Just great.
"That's no way to greet an old friend," Eridan's tone suggests that she is enjoying this immensely.
"Well I don't see any of those," Vriska deadpans, running the heavy rope through her point stumps and trying to simulate in her mind how long it will take for the rope to actually snap.
"You're not looking at me."
"Do you need something?" Vriska snaps, dropping the rope to the deck with a heavy thud and finally turning to her solicitor. Eridan smiles like the purrbeast with the cream, decked to the nines (eights) in heavy gold rings, a cape that kisses the deck, her long scarf, flapping in the wind, and those stupid pants. She hasn't changed at all.
"I was wonderin' if we could spar," Eridan gurgles out in her weird seadweller accent that stretches the W's into throaty waves. "Like old times."
"Do I have to?" Vriska asks, feeling like she already knows the answer. Eridan's rifle is out of its holster. It doesn't dwarf her like it did in the past, it fits nicely in her hands, she doesn't struggle to hold it up, which is dangerous to a girl down on her luck. The dice are out before Vriska has a chance to consciously think about it.
"I have a new kismesis," Eridan says conversationally. To someone else, it might've sounded casual. Vriska can tell she is practically vibrating with the excitement of it.
"Do you want me to be jealous or something? Congrats."
It's just the right thing to say to Eridan, who does want her to be jealous, who wants to be seen as a prize that everyone is vying for. She always hated Vriska blacker than Vriska could ever hate her.
With a snarl, the rifle goes off, a warning shot meant to make Vriska jump. She does not jump. The shell lands somewhere in the ocean behind her.
"Polluting?" Vriska lunges forward. "Nasty."
Dodging her prosthetic claws, Eridan sets her rifle up for the next shot. With a flick of her wrist, Vriska has an axe, heavy even distributed across both hands, one augmented. It's not a bad choice, she can move quickly with it, and it's hefty enough to work as a shield too, if she's lucky and holds it parallel to her shoulders. Either way, it'll make Eridan's job more difficult, and for that Vriska thanks the dice.
"Aren't you doing to ask who?" Eridan shoots again. It's loud, and it embeds itself into the mast of Vriska's ship. Now she's angry.
"I actually couldn't care less. Stop destroying my ship," she snaps.
"It's Sol," Eridan discloses like she's telling Vriska some great secret.
"Ew," Vriska says reflexively. "Does she even use her ablutionchamber? She's always online."
"Don't talk shit about her hygiene," Eridan gives Vriska an opening, which she gladly takes. She attempts to disarm her opponent, grabbing at her forearms and leaning on her one-handed strength. Eridan holds fast. "That's my job."
Vriska wrenches the rifle out of Eridan's grasp and chucks it overboard without a second thought.
"What the fuck?"
"Fetch," Vriska commands flippantly. "You swim, right?"
Eridan doesn't move except to ball her hands up into fists, to shake with some sort of effervescent rage. It's not going to work on her. Vriska has a mast to take care of, rope to replace, and finances to lust after. Serves Eridan right. She goes back to her diagnostics.
"Sol is a better kismesis than you ever were," Eridan shouts.
Vriska can barely help rolling her eyes. "I find that hard to believe."
"Like you'd know. You don't even have a kismesis. I was the only one. You can't compare at all. I bet that makes you angry."
Vriska sighs, deciding that she's not going to get any work done as long as Eridan is here. "Your information is outdated."
"Yeah, I've been with Terezi for ages. Not sure where you're getting your intel. The same place you got the scoop when we were FLARPing? That explains a lot."
Eridan mouths something -- there might be words behind it, but Vriska can't hear her over the crashing waves. Nor does she particularly want to hear.
"Terezi, huh?"
"Yeah. She's a lot less pathetic than you. I couldn't even hate you right, you were just always so pitiable. Platonically, of course. I never really wanted to fix your soggy ass."
Eridan is gaping now, like a fish.
"Sol doesn't pity me at all. Her hatred for me is the blackest variety. Darker than the pitted trenches of the sea. It's not your run-of-the-mill hatred, it's the type they write sonnets about. Epics," she quite literally spits. Flecks of saliva fly out from behind her teeth. It's disgusting.
"Cool," Vriska pretends to dislodge something out from under her nails. "Are you done yet?"
"You know what? Yeah. Fuck you, Vris," Eridan turns with a dramatic sweep of her cape. She spits right onto the deck before jumping off the side after her rifle.
It might, Vriska reflects, be time to sell this piece of junk before Eridan takes its value down further.
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amethystunarmed · 5 months
find the word!
I was tagged by @marypsue and honestly I have been so excited to do it! The words Mary gave me are sharp, take, moon, pile, and dream. I have to see if they show up in any of my WIPs, and then post the snippet they appear in if they do. I actually managed to find all of them, and was able to show five different WIPs which is fun! So without further ado, here are the snippets!
Here is a snippet from the sequel to my Nibbly Prophet Mark Chasity AU, Hungry for More, all from Grace's POV:
The figures pull apart when she walks in. They were close, clearly having a private conversation she was not supposed to interrupt. Her dad is panting, his cheeks a vivid red. Were they arguing? Oh, heck, Grace hopes she didn't interrupt something important. Dad turns, and she can see the moment she registers who she is. He smiles, automatically and effortlessly, but his brow furrows. “Grace!” He greets, voice still breathy from the argument, “Give me one moment, dearheart, and I-” “Now, now, Mark,” the other man drawls. “Aren't you going to introduce me?” Her dad glares at him, sharper than she's used to. Her dad has never really gotten mad at her or Mom, praying with them when other, lesser men would yell or snap. It's odd, seeing this temper on her father, even more alien than the lace and makeup and heels.
From an original work that @little-engineer-who-cant and I are working on about Fae Courts. The Winter King, Magnus, realizes just how dangerous his visitors from the Summer Court are.
Shade hurls himself at Magnus, practically gliding across the room as though he is not rolling over a bed and across a distance of six feet. Every movement is fluid, easy, with no unnecessary effort made. A knife as long as his forearm appears in a flash from beneath his robes, and slices through the air at Magnus’s throat. He barely manages to catch it with the tips of his claws, and even then, he can tell Shade has enough strength that holding it is going to be a challenge. The worst though, is the presence in his mind. The moment Shade’s arm pressed against his collarbone, a wave of will crashed into his mind, demanding he submit. The force of it nearly staggers him, and he grits his teeth with the effort it takes to stay upright. Magnus had been honestly disappointed when he had met Shade. The supposed best assassin in the realm had appeared to be no more than a lap dog to a stagnant ruler who had no idea exactly what he had stumbled across. He figured Nightshade of the Unseelie Court was a distant memory, declawed by Aziz or tortured into a shell of his former self. However, Magnus realizes this snarling beauty pinning him to a wall, with bared teeth and slitted pupils, putting enough strength behind his blade to sever his head from his body, is Nightshade. And that Aziz hasn’t destroyed him, or even tamed him. He has done something far more dangerous. He has earned his loyalty.
This snippet comes from another Hatchetfield fic, set during Ted's tenure at Abstinence Camp, and my personal theory as to how he survived angering Lumber Axe.
The thing giggles again. It takes Ted's chin between its... Fingers? Hooves? The more he thinks about it, the more it makes his head hurt. "I do so love your fear, Teddy Bear. It almost makes me want to just keep you like this forever!" A golden box shines out of the darkness. Behind it, Ted can see a hulking, fuzzy figure, nearly as tall as Lumber Axe. He wants to get a better look but the box... He can't look away from the box. It shifts and changes as he looks at it, endlessly spiraling fractals of interchanging squares and Ted holds out his hand to grab it, stretching himself forward, desperate and- The light extinguishes. Ted falls back, panting. The moon is in a completely new position, far across the sky. The wind blows again, but in a different direction from when Ted had first begun his run for his life. It is far colder, the backend of the evening chill soaking though the ground. It is not the reason Ted shivers. “Not yet, I think,” it says, almost like an afterthought. “We still have so much time left.”
This is from the yet to be named part 4 of the Would You Like to Add Another Member to Your Party? series, where we get to see what Nancy thinks of Steve joining the Hellfire Club
It happens a week after Eddie invites Steve to the Hellfire table. Eddie is just trying to get his social studies notebook from where it is buried under the piles of loose homework in his locker, when Nancy Wheeler slams his locker door shut. "What are your intentions with Steve?" "Jesus Christ Wheeler!" It takes all of Eddie's willpower to keep his volume normal. "Way to sneak up on a guy!” He grasps at his chest, trying to convince his heartbeat to slow down. It won't though, not in the wake of what she'd asked him. She knows she knows she knows she knows.
This is from a sequel (like, way down the line in the series) to Somebody's Gotta Do It, the first fic in my series where Ted and Duke work to get Peter into Ted's custody (and maybe fall in
“Dude, was he not like, a total superhero when he came and got you?” Max asks. Peter thinks back to the night. To be honest, he just remembers being upset. Upset at Ted for butting in. Upset at his parents for giving him up. Upset at the universe giving him diabetes and fucking up his whole life. He thinks he made it to the porch before he totally broke down. And, even though Peter was fucking pissed at him, Duke had wrapped an arm around him, it had all felt like it was going to be okay. “Yeah, I guess.” “Right!” Max exclaims, “I'd never seen anyone stand up to my dad like that! I thought he was gonna deck him, it was amazing.” Max sighs, staring dreamily at the ceiling. “He's a total DILF.” Peter chokes on his hot chocolate.
The words are a giving are growl, still, anxious, shadow, and purple.
I am going to tag (with absolutely zero pressure) @little-engineer-who-cant @snarky-wallflower @pawpunkao3 @aether-wasteland-s @tapestryoftrauma @nabwastaken @midnightnautilus and YOU (you know, if you want)
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theopenbookwigtown · 11 months
🏡 Back home in Shropshire, but what a week it's been. 🌟
Grateful for everyone who joined our journey - the locals' warmth, the visitors' love for The Open Book. 😍
It's been the most wholesome week we've ever had.
🗓 18th - 23rd July 2023: ⏰ 41 hours open 🤝 319 people greeted 🐶 16 adorable dog visitors 📚 81 books found new homes
As I've been doing all the posting this week, Gary wanted to say something...
I did not want to be a bookseller. I wanted even less to pay for the privilege.
Stephy had other ideas, however, and it’s in my nature to follow her lead even when I’m convinced she’s gone off the deep end. And so, in 2017, we booked our place at the end of a 3-year wait and Stephy impatiently dreamt of our upcoming trip. This, I believe, is called “foreshadowing.”
2 days before our trip in 2020, we were all locked in our homes for the foreseeable future. And so, in 2020, we booked our place at the end of a 3-year wait and Stephy impatiently dreamt of our upcoming trip.
I tell you this to emphasise that, despite two 3 year waits and a pandemic, I was no more enthusiastic about our bizarre little holiday. I was convinced that we would see too few customers and I would be bored out of my mind or, much worse, that we would see too many and I would be forced to relive the retail experience that made me promise “never again” as a teenager. Either way, I was terrified that my anxiety and my atrophied social skills would leave me trapped in a solid week of awkward interactions and uncomfortable silences.
I ran these scenarios in my head, preparing myself for any eventuality, but I could never have anticipated that I would fit in almost immediately. We were soon visited by many of the locals, invited to events and welcomed into their stores as though we were regulars. This strange, wonderful place embraced us with everything from casual Good Mornings shared across the quiet road as we all set up our signs and displays, to conversation in the street to compare notes after closing. It is rare that I feel a sense of belonging, but I found it here and instantly fell in love.
With the help of Stephy's boundless energy and contagious enthusiasm, I fully discarded my shell within days and, by week's end, was actively greeting everyone who walked through the door with a genuine “How are you today?” like some kind of crazy person.
It was in this question that I found the real treasure of this place, the thing that makes The Open Book far more than the sum of its parts: Those who visit, do so looking for a story or two, sure, but if you ask them, and if you listen, they often gift you a story in return. We encountered people bursting with the kind of joy and wisdom that only comes from a life well lived and learned important life lessons that we will carry with us forever. All it took was a word and an ear.
The dream, the one I didn't understand, can be found here in Wigtown but you are missing the point if all you are looking for is a quaint, cosy stay in a bookshop. The Open Book wouldn't work anywhere else because The Open Book is Wigtown. There is a perfect storm here. The right people in the right place at the right time with the right idea have created something truly magical. How else can I describe something wonderful that shouldn't exist, but does anyway?
This is a place where a modern shop with modern comforts exists but the penny sweet is alive and well, where a parade of 40 horses might run right by your front door and bagpipe music can be described as "spontaneous", where a "little concert" is both cosy and breathtaking in equal measure, where you can enter a store to the sound of live banjo music and learn of the owners attempts to purchase a life-sized triffid, and where you will learn the secret to a long happy life is to pull up your socks, always be curious, never stop learning, and buy a second TV for your spouse.
In just one week, a bookstore had become a home, a handful of strangers had become neighbours and friends and a holiday I would gladly have missed had become a memory that I will cherish always. I leave this place healed and inspired, thankful for the kindness and the stories that I will take home with me, and saddened beyond measure to say goodbye so soon.
I did not want to be a bookseller, but I will be forever grateful that I was.
Until next time, Wigtown.
💛 Stephy & Gary
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pandorias-box · 5 months
As Frost Begins to Fade
// A Muse Mixup Madness Epilogue
Pandoria took a deep breath before entering the very heart of the Giant Chasm, almost being blinded by the fading light of the sun that shone from its exterior. Though this place was isolated from the rest of the world, life had managed to thrive here. The sounds of wild Pokémon echoed across seemingly endless strands of towering pine. It was almost primeval in a sense, untouched by the grasp of mankind. But it was like this for a reason. A beast dwelled within this crater.
One of ruinous frost and desolation. One that could cause a winter storm during the hottest of summer days. One that called out to her and claimed her to be its Chosen. The Pokémon known as Kyurem, the lord of the Boundary.
She had come here for a reason, one that many would call her foolish for. She sought to speak with it. To ask why the draconic husk chose her of all people to be its emissary, but only for a fleeting moment. It knew of her plight, longing for a part of her that she held dear. It too, was from another world. But that was where their similarities ended. The beast had seemingly tormented her, influencing her thoughts and behavior, and even changing her appearance. It subjected her to a “trial”, as it called it. But if anything, it felt more like a curse. One that she was given no other choice to bear.
As she continued to venture deeper into the chasm, she came across a clearing of long since dead trees that had toppled over for some reason. And then she looked down. She was standing in an impact crater. The trees surrounding it were bare of pine needles that looked like towers of stone. They were petrified, but if one tried to touch them or even get close to them, they would probably shrivel to dust. A sight both harrowing and beautiful, Pandoria thought.
But she could not linger for much longer. The sun was long since fading away and her gifts were to disappear by sundown. She had to face the icy wyrm before losing all recollection of the day.
The dragon’s lair was covered in frozen stalactites that looked like wicked fangs and talons. Crystalline ice formations were stuck to the cavern walls. And at the center of it all was a lone figure: a large and unmoving dragon type Pokémon that watched over its domain like a statue. The source of her newfound but temporary gifts.
She stood at the cavern’s entrance, hesitating to step into the same room as this primal beast. But she had to stay strong. She could not let her fears overcome her. The sound of footsteps echoed within the stony chamber. She gazed the unmoving legendary in the eyes from afar.
“Kyurem, lord of the Boundary and eternal frost, I have come here in order to ask you a single question. Why did you call to me to be your Chosen?”
Pandoria was met with silence. Maybe the shell in front of her was truly a statue. But then she felt a familiar presence. Though its powers still flowed through her, she felt as if she was being frozen over. The same feeling when it first reached out to her.
You are a fool for coming here, but I commend you all the same, starchild. You know exactly why I had called out to you. We are kindred: those from beyond the horizon longing for a part of themselves out of reach.
“Yes. That is what you told me. I know of my situation better than anyone. But there is something you had forgotten to tell me. Something important.”
And what might that be? Kyurem snarled.
“You are in pain. Your very being is shattered. In times forgotten, you used to be a beacon of hope and protection for people who worshipped you, or rather the complete version of yourself. But then you bore witness of mankind’s ambitions. Their desire for power tearing the land, and you, asunder. You saw their greed. Their carelessness and folly. You hated them with restless furor and vowed to get revenge on them for what they did to you.”
The beast growled once again. I do not need to be lectured on my own history, insolent weakling! Shards of ice began to surround both Kyurem and Pandoria, almost like a crude cage.
In her mind, Pandoria was fearing for her life. But she had to be stalwart. She had to understand why it did the things it did. To try to understand the heart of a creature that lacked one.
“I am saying this because my people had experienced the same thing, or rather something similar, many lifetimes ago. We too sought power. We too were ambitious. In the end, the one we revered cast its judgement and rid us of the one thing that made us so prosperous. But, to tell you the truth, that wasn’t the end. We learned from the sins of our forefathers. We knew that it was in pain and only tried to subdue it for both our sakes. Humanity never gave you a second chance, nor did they want to. They sought to pursue a world of truth and ideals rather than nihility. I know now why you called for me, Kyurem. You are alone. And then you found someone who too wishes to be whole again; me.”
The beast fell silent. The jagged shards of ice surrounding them seemed to shrink in size. It let out a quiet grumble.
You…how do you know such things to be true? For all you know, I could just be toying with you for amusement.
“If you were, then why did you spare me?”
Silence fell once more. A low growl emanated from its body.
Good…good. In the end it seems that you have proven yourself to me. There is a reason why I have never had a Chosen, and that is because they all view me as nothing more than a heartless demon. I commend your strength and your will, starchild. Despite my influence, you resisted and very few have been able to defy the tempting call of icy oblivion.
After Kyurem spoke, Pandoria’s head began to once more throb in pain. She clutched it before falling to her knees on the cavern floor.
At ease, starchild. I am not trying to torment you. That is merely a result of my influence over you coming to an end. It appears that the time of departure hath come. The sun has now waned, and in accordance to our deal, you shall no longer be my Chosen and you shall forget all that hath transpired on this day. When you awaken, it will feel as if you have long since been dreaming.
“I…I understand.”
Now, go forth and out of my sight. May not a memory remain!
All a sudden, a bright light enveloped the chasm’s cavern and the beast began to fade away. And so did Pandoria.
She awoke in the same position where its voice first called out to her, that being sprawled on the ground in her motel room. A familiar chuff echoed quietly as she was soon met with a nudge from her companion. Her body no longer felt and cold or pain. What was done was done.
“Ah…Hyperion. It seems that I had accidentally slept through the whole day. How curious. Perhaps we will venture to the Abyssal Ruins or Lacusona tomorrow.”
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