#its unnecessary but i really want it ya know?
terrarium-of-mistakes · 9 months
Don't you just love it when you're trying to find something that does exist. This information is known. But because of googl's inability to understand you aren't starting from zero, all you get is "Oh, you want to know about this? Here's the basic surface level information (that isn't even correct)."
Then you think you finally found a keyword to refine your search and now it's all "hmmm, a interior decorator I see." Or it's "HEY BUY BUY BUY BUY YOUR SHIT YOU STUPID IDIOT"
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Leah Williamson “take that stupid hat off or I don’t kiss you!” in the car
stupid hat II l.williamson
"take that stupid hat off or i don't kiss you!" you warned as your girlfriend parked, chuckling to herself with a shake of her head as she killed the engine. "hats staying on babe, and so is my effortless charm." leah batted her eyelashes making you fake gag.
"its not even warm, its night time and we are in the middle of london, why do you need to wear it!" you argued, your girlfriends affinity for covering half her very pretty face with some sort of headwear your forever pet peeve.
"fashion darling, fashion." the blonde poked your nose, tapping her puckered lips with a wiggle of her eyebrows. "nope. hat on, no kiss." you smacked the brim of the cowboy hat sending it sailing down onto her nose as you clicked off your seatbelt.
"oi don't squash it!" leah warned with a huff, carefully fixing it as you exhaled deeply. "if i had my way i'd run it over." you mumbled, your girlfriend shoving you with another huff.
"well then baby i hope your outfits worth it." you winked as she scoffed, blowing her an air kiss and opening your door. "babe!" leah groaned, grabbing the waistband of your jeans and pulling you back into your seat.
"leah!" you laughed as the blonde leaned over you and pulled your door shut. "no!" you dodged her lips which tried to steal a kiss on her way back, shoving at her chest.
"no kiss? no family." leah sighed, finger pressing down on the child lock button. "so you're locking me in a car when we're already late for game night with your family because i won't kiss you...instead of just taking off that horrible ugly hat?" you questioned with a quirk of your eyebrow.
"exactly-hey my hat isn't horrible and ugly! i got it in nashville! you said i looked cute in it." leah scowled, fixing where it sat on her head as you rolled your eyes again. "because you wouldn't stop pouting that they didn't have those special flared pants which fit your skinny chicken legs." you teased, her scowl deepening.
"leah. my love it might have been cute in nashville but in the middle of london its hideously unnecessary. i'd have almost preferred one of your baggy greens and that's saying something!" you sighed as the blonde made a noise of offence.
"take the hat off and i'll kiss you." "kiss me and i'll take the hat off."
your girlfriend grinned as you faltered, caught in a trap of your own making. "got ya there hm baby girl?" the defender smiled smugly, tipping her hat to you as you pulled a face of disgust.
"okay." you gave in, leahs eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "really?" she questioned slightly dumbfounded it was that easy. "yes? unless you've changed your mind and you don't want a kiss." you shrugged, leah quick to scramble to correct herself.
"what can i say? your charm is irresistible...even in that ugly hat." you leaned over toward her, ducking your head closer until your lips ghosted hers.
"too bad i know you well enough to resist." you smiled right as your lips were about to touch hers, hand shooting across to press the child lock button as the other grabbed the hat off her head.
catching her off guard allowed you the brief moment of time to open the door and almost roll out as leah lunged for you. but you only gave her a wink and shook her hat at her, blowing the blonde a kiss as she shook her head but followed suit.
"such a shame if this...fell in the pool." you teased, placing the hat down on your own head and backing up with a grin as leah locked the car and started toward you.
"or if it was tragically, horribly destroyed by the dog." you sighed, spinning on heel and smiling at the footsteps that raced toward you. "leah!" you laughed as her arms wrapped around your waist and she pulled the two of you off the path, nearly sending you both stumbling into a hedge.
"take the hat off and i'll kiss you." leah mocked making your grin widen. "happily." you winked, pulling it off and tossing it aside, hand gripping the back of her neck and finally pulling the defender into a proper kiss.
"leave the hat in the car williamson." you pulled away and leaned back as leah chased your lips again, patting her chest and gently unwrapping her arms from around you.
"and why would i do that?" she called after you, picking up her hat and dusting it off with a frown. "well you might need it when we get home and i'd hate for you to lose it." you warned, still walking up the path leaving her behind, pausing to spin around and meet her curious gaze.
"you know what they say lee, save a horse ride a cowgirl?"
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elioslover · 11 months
Ray of Sunshine - Grumpy!Harry x Reader.
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Premise: Harry has a tendency to be moody, but what happens when he meets his match? this one's especially for @harrysonlylover 💞
Other Writing
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: She/her pronouns. 3rd person.
Harry’s car skids recklessly into the almost-full parking lot, dismissing the concept of carefulness in favour of confronting the driver behind the wheel of a sunshine-yellow ‘60s VW beetle, who had pulled into the lot moments before- which should have never happened because it had been behind him, to begin with. 
As if his mood hadn’t been less than pleasant for the past month, what really set him over the edge was the lack of apology from the said sunshine yellow driver, who only honked his way and proceeded to turn into the parking lot as they seemed to have always intended. 
With agitation, Harry neatly swerves into the nearest parking space, barely managing to stay in the lines as he reaches over and snatches his work satchel from the passenger seat, slinging it over his shoulder as he slides from the seat and exits his vehicle. 
In hot pursuit, his long legs help him catch up to the sunshine car just in time for the driver to exit, her back turned to him, leaning in through the open door to collect her items. 
By the time she turns around and lazily swings the door shut Harry is peering over her, wearing a black hoodie, brows furrowed, his body tense. 
She recognises him in an instant- it’s hard not to remember the face of a man who is scowling so sinfully as he hit the hooter for an unnecessary amount of time- all because he couldn't be bothered to indicate. 
“Did you not see my blinker?” He grumbles. 
“Clearly not.” She torts, her face still and expressionless. 
“You’re a moron. It was on.” Each word is more annunciated than the last. 
“It wasn’t.” She shrugs, slinging the straps of her bag over her shoulder. 
“You clearly need glasses.” Harry huffs in disbelief. 
“Maybe if you weren’t blasting your music so loud you would have heard that it wasn’t on.” 
Harry feels a wave of shame wash over him at the idea of her seeing him getting a little too into his playlist, in turn, his chest simmers with defensiveness and deflection, 
“Your driving fucking sucks…” He says, getting no response only encourages him to rant further, “And your car looks like it’s hanging on by its last thread, no wonder you’re a bad driver.” He gestures to her car with a look of distaste, “It’s a piece of junk.”
She adores her car, it is not only special but holds the heart of many fond times, adventures, people, and sometimes just conversation. The car sure has been through the wringer- in age alone- but she can hardly afford another, and she certainly doesn't want one. 
So, she tries not to find offence in this grumpy strangers declaration of her ‘piece of junk’ and does her best to take a deep breath before responding in concession- though her agitation has morphed into sarcasm and it seeps through your sentences,
“Okay, sorry Mister Mercedes. Guess I’ll be more careful next time.”
Harry didn't know what he wanted her to say, but it certainly wasn’t anything along those lines. So with an eye roll and the reminder that he’s close to being late for work, Harry starts to walk away and points out matter-of-factly, 
“Yeah fuckin right, you’re an accident waiting to happen.” 
“I heard that.” 
He turns on his heels to see her as calm as ever, an amused sparkle in her eyes, a smirk playing at her lips,
“What ya gonna do? Chew me out some more?”
Harry stared seethingly at the rude and reckless driver who couldn't care less about his mood, her focus was on gathering all the necessary items for whatever task she so desperately had to complete that she was willing to almost kill him. 
He meanly mutters, “Have a fantastic day," before walking off for good, dreading work and in a worse mood than ever. 
Harry has an hour for lunch, grateful for the assortment of cafes and restaurants scattered within the city square, along with plenty of boutiques, art deco, and antiques to name a few. 
Most days, he is likely to grab a sandwich or coffee- or both- from the restaurant directly across from his office block, but that would be the third time this week and Harry can’t fathom facing any of the staff in fear of becoming a ‘regular.’ 
He meanders around the centre and stakes out the array of food options displayed in each glass window. 
Just when he thinks he may settle on some early afternoon sushi, Harry spots a bright object from the corner of his vision, his head snapping with such haste he must have strained a muscle. 
Parked directly in front of a shoe boutique is his notorious enemy; the sunshine car. And leaning back against a pillar just outside of the store is the bad driver from behind the wheel. She is halfway through smoking a cigarette, her other hand occupied by scrolling through her phone. 
As if his scowl was so strong that it was sent straight to her, causing her to sense his presence, she looked up from her phone and smiled mischievously at the realization of her new enemy's arrival. 
She tucks her phone into the pocket of her black slacks, taking a puff of her ciggie, a cloud of smoke mixing in with her greeting,  
“Ah, Mister Mercedes.” 
Harry nears but notices his frustration thicken with each step into her space. He crosses his arms across his chest, 
“I recognised your car.” 
“Oh, that old piece of junk?” She asks with nonchalance. 
“Bothered you so much that you decided to come over here?” Her pout is melting with pure mischief. 
“I’m sorry, okay.” Harry concedes, but it doesn't come off as anything but frustrated so his tone softens in volume and intention, “It was a rough day.”
“Okay?” His brows furrow.
“Yeah, okay.” 
“Fucking insufferable.” He mutters.
His frustration slips over like that of water on a duck, her mood has been calm all day, and his attitude wasn’t likely to spoil it- right? With another puff, she ponders aloud, 
“Is there anything else I can help you with?”
There is a moment where Harry almost ponders the purity of his intentions, but dismisses it and chooses to interrogate her- he is far too invested in finding out more about his enemy,
“Do you work here?” 
“Obviously.” She shrugs with the softest of scoffs. 
“Hope you’re a better employee than a driver.” 
Now he’s starting to get under her skin. this is her hour for lunch, why can’t it be spent in peace? She does her damndest to maintain a cool demeanour as she asks again,
“Why are you still here?” 
“To apologize, Jesus.” Harry doesn't mean to snap, but neither of them is surprised when he does. His juxtaposition of words and tone render his sorry useless- they both know it.
He tries to reason with her, explaining his frustration, “And all you said was okay.”
She peers over at him incredulously, repeatedly intrigued by the attitude of this man who has gone out of his way to make an enemy out of her, 
“What do you want me to say,” her tone facetious and fiery, “I forgive you, we all have bad days, sometimes we take it out on strangers to avoid hurting those close to us, you’re probably actually a great guy?” 
“I- yes.” 
“Well now that I’ve said it, you can go on your way.” 
Harry feels stunned like she just let him walk out into the snow knowing that there was soon to be a blizzard, he can’t reason with her- nor does he care to at this point, 
“Jesus. I take back my apology.” He grumbles, hands raised in defeat, his head shaking as he scoffs sourly, “Such a mature little thing, huh?” 
She ignores everything but the last sentence, slowly enjoying the opportunities he’s giving her to indulge in going out of her way to increase his already extreme grumpiness. 
Once more, Harry curses out under his breath and with zero intent to say another word, begins to walk away from her. 
Pulling the phone from her pocket, ready to continue her prior activities, she chuckles and calls over his shoulder,
“Bye, Mister Mercedes.” 
It has likely been less than a week since their last interaction and Harry’s enemy has decided to treat herself to a proper lunch- sitting down at an actual table in an actual restaurant for a change. 
However, she underestimated her fitness levels and loosely accounted for a good portion of the time her lunch break consisted of. By the time she arrived and got back to her own store, there would be less than twenty minutes left to sit at a table. 
Takeout would have to do, and once she has placed her order, she waits off to the side of the main counter, waiting to both pay and be gifted with grub. 
The food comes quicker than predicted and with excitement she thinks can't be topped, she reaches for her wallet, but the hostess stops her in her tracks and gestures to one of the tables scattered throughout the eatery and informs her, 
“The man at table four already paid for your order.”
It’s her sworn enemy, packing up the contents of his belongings before taking a final sip of his nearly-empty Americano. Harry doesn’t acknowledge her.
“What’s with this guy?” She ponders aloud before making the swift and frustrated decision to go over to his table.
He is already standing up to leave, still not looking her way, and with a bough of confusion, she finally speaks up, 
“What’s this about?” 
“Strange way of saying thank you, Sunshine.” 
Harry frowns and she doesn't enjoy the way it makes her feel, giddy and begging for more opportunities to bother him, 
“Thank you.”
“Whatever. You’re still a pest.” He grumbles, almost bumping his shoulder into her own as he slips past and hastily exits the restaurant.
Harry walks into her store with a better attitude than he has in a long time. Things were starting to look up, but one little thing was still bothering him, and she was staring right at him with a scowl that gave him a run for his money. 
Anyhow, he’s here for a reason; an attempt to smooth over the rocky start that was more than likely his fault. And he hopes she’ll take his apology this time. 
Harry approaches, and with each step, he gets a better view of her distinct frown, lips turned down, eyes quickly turning to loathsome slits. She is no longer leaning across the front counter with laxation, her body stiffening to attention, her hand pressed firmly to her hip. 
She couldn’t fathom anything could have worsened her week, and here he was, presumably planning on sucking away whatever remained of her soul for his own sick gain. With a chest simmering with chaos, she asks with incredulity, 
Harry blinks back, a little awestruck, ignoring the pang of disappointment that greets his heart when she seems to confirm her distaste for his presence, he embraces his mildly peppy mood and remarks playfully, 
“Well hello there, Sunshine.” 
“This is not the time.” She snaps.  
“Aw, is Miss Ray-of-Sunlight in a mood today?” He coos. 
She huffs, hardly meeting his eyes, and Harry quite likes how well she emulates his usually grumpy demeanour, he wonders how similar they might be, decides to find out, 
“What happened?” He meets her at the counter, lazily resting his body against the counter courtesy of the elbow he balances on. He leans a tad nearer, a tantalizing smile playing at his lips as he teases,
“Did you almost crash into someone with your junkyard on wheels?” 
“I’d rather drive this than parade about like an absolute dick in an overpriced German car.” Her tone drips with what Harry feels is both disappointment and disgust. 
He feels frozen under her words like his Sunshine had just revealed herself to be Medusa, a sly Succubus. 
Now what does he do? His confidence sits on the floor with his converse, his sentences have turned to slosh in his skull and she is staring at him with such distaste that Harry certainly won’t be saying a word. 
Stunned to silence, he leans away from her, settling a safe space between their bodies as his features morph from friendly to confused. This only seems to increase her frustration and she fiery snaps, 
“Why won't you stop fucking pestering me?”
Harry subconsciously steps back, straightening up and stacking his defensiveness around his skin like a shield. He has no power to prevent a petty eye roll, 
“Oh, please. This is no treat for me either, Sunshine.”
“Are you kidding?” She gets ready to leave him standing alone in the middle of her own store. 
Harry panics and blurts, “Hear me out!” It comes off more desperate than he would have liked. But she has stopped and addresses him with crossed arms, waiting for his next words. Harry is in autopilot mode, more nonsense spilling from his lips, “I- want to make it up to you?” 
“Why, so you can clear your conscience?” She scoffs with sass. 
“Sure, whatever you say, smart mouth.” Harry has regressed and reflects her unpleasant temperament.
“Go away.” 
Their gazes are glued by the calamity of their conversation, tied together with frustration that feels impossible to unwind. 
Harry just wants to tell her why he’s here in the first place, but what’s the point? His presence is evidently worsening her day. 
And though the soft curiosity in him wants to know why she seems so down, Harry’s focus is returning to the ruin of his afternoon. So, in true fashion, he flails his arms in disappointed defeat and turns his back on her with a wonderful version of goodbye,
“Fine. Fuck it. Have a miserable one, Sunshine.” 
“Likewise, dickhead.” She dismisses, grateful his mood is now as miserable as her own. 
When Harry finally exits the glass entrance to the bottom floor, relief rushing over him now that work is over, he’s hardly paying any attention to anything or anyone, already scanning his phone for notifications. But then he sees his cloudy sunshine leaning against a wall, arms crossed, no car in sight. 
He ponders pretending to not have noticed- walked away and gone about his eve. That would never happen though, he wants- needs to see her again- his stomach stays unsettled the deeper their discourse divulged. 
He heads over to her with unnecessary haste, scolding himself as he comes to a halt in front of her. She has been aware of him from the minute he exited the building, already prepared for his arrival. 
His body waits expectantly as she eyes him up and down, a cheeky glint in her eyes and when Harry understands that she is in no rush to speak up, his undying impatience rears its head, 
“What do you want?” 
“For you to stop being so grumpy.” She shrugs.
“Rich coming from you.” He mutters, but when she attempts to turn her back on him as they had done so many times before, more words rush out, “Okay, okay. What’s up?”
“I’ve decided to hear you out.” 
“Gee, how kind of you.” 
“I cannot imagine how anyone deals with you on a daily basis.” 
Harry doesn’t take it as an insult, he is fueled forward by the fact that she might be willing to listen,
“I’m actually very likeable.” 
“Do you want me to hear you out or not?” 
He thinks for a moment, leaving her to ponder what in her right mind caused her to take a walk to see him in the first place. 
But, he wants to do this as… right as their attitudes might approve of, so he bravely wraps his palm atop her own, gently gesturing for her to follow and she allows him to drag her along. He encourages, 
“What?” She asks but proceeds to let him guide her. 
“It’s almost six, let’s go eat.” He informs, one step ahead of her as they take the short trip to his regular restaurant
“That is the last thing I want to do with you.” She grumbles. 
“I’ll pay.” He soothes. 
Harry keeps her hand cradled in his own, even as they enter the restaurant and he asks the waiter for a table for two. In fact, he only lets go to pull out a chair for her. 
He asks what drink she prefers and if she’d be open to splitting a plate of fries with him. 
But she has been eyeing him with suspicion, and once it’s clear that this won’t waver until she confronts it, the waiter leaves and allows her to question, 
“Why are you being nicer than usual?” 
“Can you stop being snarky for even a second?” He nearly snaps. 
“Ah, Mister Mercedes is back.” She nods as if it were what she had expected all along. 
“No,- Jesus fuck.” Harry feels desperate again, scooching his chair forward, his arms folded across the table, leaning in to ensure her unwavering attention,
 “I- almost got into another accident the day we met.” He sighs out with shame, ready to be met with warranted ridicule. Her expression has already turned to one of bemusement. But he’s not done yet,
“Turns out my left blinker bulb burned out... so...”
She tilts back and finally relaxes into her chair, a gleeful grin spreading to her sparkling eyes, 
“Sweet vindication.” 
Harry has little confidence to spare, now that his confession is out in the open, he is in the dark. 
Her demeanour has slightly diverted swells of amusement and satisfaction dancing along the tabletop.
“Just wanted to try and make it up to you.” He shrugs earnestly, unfortunately having to rely on her newfound information to dictate her next reaction. 
“Make it up to me?” 
He can’t convince himself to meet her eyes, his lowering to study the rings donning his fingers, fearful of humiliation, but not enough to waste the opportunity sitting across from him, looking overjoyed with sweet satisfaction, and far too endearing for him to resist,
“Mm. I didn’t want you to think I was just a grump but…” Her face seems to soften and he feels it safe to continue, “Been tryna ask you out on a date. since.” 
“A date?” 
“Yeah, a date.” 
“Are you crazy?” Her features return to one of confusion, bewildered at his seemingly sudden turnaround, “I don’t like you.”
“Well, I like you.”
“Forgive me for finding that hard to believe.” 
It’s true- that he likes you, and that it’s hard to believe. He likes the surprise shifting his statement. 
“I do.” He nods as if it’s been obvious from the start, “And your attitude, and your silly yellow car.” He admits with bashful fondness, “Guess I hoped we could start over?” 
“Sunshine.” She says. 
He ponders aloud and it’s her turn to lean forward, stretching her arms across the table. Her gaze has returned to one of sternness, 
“My car. Her name is Sunshine.” She allows Harry a moment to soak up the coincidental information. “She is a piece of junk, but I love her, so shut up about my baby.”
Harry’s head tilts back when a bough of laughter suddenly leaves his lips- amused and even more attracted than he thought possible, he nods along in agreement and chuckles, “Fair enough.” 
There is an elongated pause- at least Harry perceives it to be- as she thinks over the oddly pleasurable past few weeks of finding herself in the presence of a grumpy but playful man. 
So, she gives him one last good look over before deciding to openly give in, 
“You have been a consistent pain in my ass.” He pouts cutely, and she goes on, “Guess we’ll have to find out if there’s more to you.” 
He smiles at that, his head and heart finally settling at the promise of better nights of sleep to follow. Moreso, he’d like to find out more about this so-called Sunshine who seems to simultaneously rile him up and calm him down with ease, 
“‘M name’s Harry, by the way.” He extends a hand.
“Y/n.” Her palm meets his eagerly.
Here we go children, this one was really fun to write, I hope it meets your expectations! - Em. xo 💞 this one's especially for @harrysonlylover 💞
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taintedtort · 2 years
prompt ✧ petnames theyd call you
characters ✧ childe, albedo, kazuha, xiao, wanderer
warnings ✧ gn!reader, none!
a/n ✧ wrote this while high
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✧ baby/babe
yes, common and kind of boring, he‘ll admit that, but the name just flows past his lips effortlessly. the first time he called you by it, he didnt even notice. honestly, you almost didnt either, thanks to his completely nonchalant behavior, but once you actually heard his words repeated back in your head a deep blush fell onto your face. you didn’t bother commenting, not wanting him to take it back and not say it again.
“hey baby, hand me that will ya?“
✧ sweetheart
its a sickly sweet name, and you honestly didnt expect it when he first decided to call you it. you‘d thought he‘d go for a more common one, most likely one he‘d seen in books, but no. you dont dislike the name in any means, when he says it in such a light tone, trying to gently get your attention, you can’t help but smile with pink cheeks.
"sweetheart, i could use your assistance.“
✧ my love/love
he sees it as poetic. of course, he didn’t call you this until well after the two of you had said those three special words to eachother. honestly, he doesn‘t verbally call out to you very often, so whenever he does the nickname brings butterflies to your stomach. he knows this, obviously, and will intentionally try and get a reaction out of you. it always works, especially after he follows up with a nice compliment.
"my love, you‘re the most breathtaking thing i‘ve ever laid my eyes on.“
✧ honey
sometimes people tease him for it, saying it makes the two of you sound like an old married couple. not that you minded the thought at all, in fact you quite liked the idea of being married to xiao. he‘s a great boyfriend, and you‘re sure he‘d make a great husband too. however, much like kazuha, he doesn’t call you out very often. its really cute when he‘ll lightly scold you while using your petname.
"honey— you could get hurt, please stop.“
✧ a variation of your name
he‘s not big on cute, coupley nicknames, he thinks they‘re unnecessary. and since you like to shorten his name(s) and make weird different versions, he figured he‘d do the same. if you already have a short name, he‘d call you by the first letter. sometimes if you call him by a stupid petname, he‘ll repeat it back to you with a mocking tone while rolling his eyes.
"hurry up, babygirl.“
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
First - Part I: Time
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Part of my “first”-series with dilf!joel! 
Summary: You go to IKEA to buy a new bed, but after getting Joel to assemble your new piece of furniture. it somehow also ends up being the first time you have sex. 
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), Joel hates IKEA, reader is overthinking, domestic fluff, Joel is lovely, pussy eating, creampie, unprotected piv sex, cute sex!!! Fluff!!! Filth!!
Word count: 4.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48689506/chapters/123842593#workskin
First: Time
Since the kiss on your front porch, Joel has taken every opportunity to press his lips against yours when nobody has been around to see. Making out is so easy, uncomplicated in the sense that it isn’t hard to find out what the other likes, but there’s always something stirring beneath the surface when you feel Joel’s cock start to harden against your stomach. It makes you pull away and come up with excuses, and Joel takes it politely when you reject him.
You aren’t inexperienced, but for some reason, Joel Miller, certified hot neighbor, and possible boyfriend, makes you nervous. 
Even more so when he suggests joining you on an outing to buy you a new bed like he has a say in which one you’ll choose. Your old one barely made it across the country in the moving truck, the old bed frame creaking so loudly that you were scared that it would splinter and land you in a claim of compensation with the moving company.
Additionally, it’s simply terrible to sleep in, and when it had finally broken its last proper spring, you’d settled for a month on something that resembled a military cot. Not ideal for you back. Not ideal for inviting Joel Miller over.
“Sarah ain’t home anyway,” he had said, “And with how that stepladder turned out… You probably need someone to assemble it, so ya don’t end up on the floor, sweetheart.” 
Sweetheart. Sweetheart sweetheart sweetheart. What easier way was there to get you to say yes? 
And so you find yourself in an IKEA not long after. Joel wants to play the gentlemen, pushing your cart around the furniture store, but he seems tired of it when you keep adding unnecessary bibs and bobs as you are forced to walk down the fixed path design. You ignore his tiny grunts, knowing that he would be more suited for powering through the halls than stopping every goddamn second.
“Ain’t this cute?” You ask as you show him a kitchen container that’s shaped like a flower. 
“Very,” he replies without the same enthusiasm. 
“What about this? I should totally get these,” you go on as you reach the cutlery and glasses, showing him a set of brass coffee scoops. 
“Sure,” he answers, but he isn’t really listening. 
Eventually, you reach the section of pillows, blankets, and bedding. He wants to go straight to the rows of beds along the wall and surrounding the path on the floor, but you grab at the end of your cart to steer him towards the linens. 
“I feel like I should get some new bedding to go along with the new bed, don’t you think?” You scan the different patterns and colors. Joel hums beside you, clearly lost in his thoughts despite being the one who suggested coming along. 
“Yeah, I really think this lilac set would look fantastic against my skin when you fuck me,” you say without any suggestive tone to your voice, then wait.
“Sure wou—“ Joel takes a second, nearly snapping his neck as he quickly turns towards you to look at you. He splutters, “Wait, what?”
“What?” You smile too innocently, “I didn’t say anything. I just said that these would look fantastic with my bedroom walls. Honestly, Joel, you should listen more.”
Joel narrows his eyes at you, parking your shared cart that he has nothing of his own in. He walks towards you again and God, you want to kiss him as he smirks at you, “You’re playin’ with me.”
“Not at all,” you say with a soft giggle as he looks around for other people, who, luckily, are nowhere to be seen, before kissing you in the middle of the store. You wrap your arms around his neck as his own comes around your waist. 
It only takes a moment for him to pull back. You miss him the second that he is gone, though instead of going back to your cart again, he scans the room once more and then grabs at the hem of your jeans. 
“What’re you—?” You look down with surprise and a pulsating feeling between your legs. 
“I’m so fuckin’ bored, let’s just go do what we’re here for,” he yanks at the front of your jeans and steers you towards the row of beds. Your head swims and your legs try to follow wherever he tugs you. 
“O-okay, yes, alright,” you stutter. 
Joel only lets go when you choose the first bed to try out. You try to concentrate on the design as you run a hand over the material, but the grasp Joel has just had on your clothes makes you wonder if it translates into the bedroom. Fuck, you need a bed. 
Unfortunately, you are also very picky; too soft, too hard, bad design, bad bed frame design, made of plastic, not convincing enough to look like wood.
“How do you like this one?” You ask as you lay down on the millionth bed with Joel. It’s the first one that has some potential. You wiggle to get comfortable, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“No,” he simply replies, turning onto his side to face you. You turn your head, not daring to mirror his position. 
“Right, let’s hear it, Mr. Miller, what’s the verdict of this possible contender?” You sigh dramatically. 
“First of all, ’m not the picky one here. We’ve had some fine contenders,” he points out and makes you smile, “But this one? Wouldn’ trust that bed frame, the headboard.”
“And what has the headboard done?” You roll your eyes.
“Nothing, but I’d for sure have you break it. We need somethin’ sturdier.”
Your breath catches in your throat and you’re sure that every drop of blood in your body goes down between your thighs. 
Eventually, you arrive home with a bed that has a name that you are unable to pronounce and a Joel who tells you not to disturb him as he assembles said bed with a difficult name. 
You try protesting against being left out of the project, but Joel reminds you of the stepladder massacre from the day that you had met, making you shut your mouth and pout prettily in your living room. 
He leaves your house briefly to get his power drill from his garage, and you practically froth around the mouth at the idea of him power drilling his way to fixing up a new bed for you. If only he’d allowed you to join him, so you could’ve at least silently watched and admired him from the other side of the room. The images that flood your mind are as relentless as Joel’s comment about your new bed’s headboard. 
When he eventually comes into the living room, he takes your hand and leads you through the house to show you his masterpiece.
“One new bed for the lady, even put the mattress on,” Joel says, stopping in the doorway to your bedroom. You look up at him with a smile and kiss him softly. He is warm, slightly sweaty after working in the August heat. 
“Thank you, Joel,” you say against his lips, and there it goes again. You wrap your arms around him and he cups your face, and then you kiss like your lives depend on it and stop just as things start to get heated. 
“No, don’t,“ Joel mutters quietly as you try to pull away, not letting you as he starts tugging a little at your hips, “Don’t run away from me again.”
“Mhmm… okay,” you hum and find his lips once more, but you pull away as soon as you can feel the hard bulge of his cock underneath his jeans. God, you want him, but he has no idea how much that scares you too. What if you lose him right after? What if you can’t be what he needs? Oh God, what if it’s bad? Nothing is better than disappointment. 
Joel furrows his brow in confusion and then takes a step back from you to look at you properly, “Is something wrong? Did I do something?” 
“What? No! No, of course not,” you run a hand over your forehead and through your hair, letting out a sigh that’s followed by an embarrassed chuckle, “I promise. It’s just...”
Joel has crossed his arms over his chest like he usually does when he is expecting bad news, probably a rejection in this case. You hate yourself for making him feel like he needs his guard up.
“I’m shitting my pants here, Miller, look at you,” you groan with brutal honesty at the tip of your tongue. He raises a brow at your choice of words, but doesn’t interrupt you, “Haven’t you ever wanted something so badly and then been afraid of getting it in case you’ve piled the expectations too high?” 
Joel shifts his weight from side to side for a moment. He doesn’t say anything to you for what seems like minutes but is, in reality, nothing more than ten seconds. 
“Can’t say I’m not jus’ a lil’ hurt that you think you’ll be disappointed by now,” he finally replies without looking at you, tapping his fingers on his arm.
“I just meant that I want it to be perfect and there’s no way I’m going to be perfect and then I’ll worry if I disappoint you,” you confess. 
You hear him scoff in disbelief at your postulate like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard, “Sure, I’m definitely gonna turn ya down after gettin’ in bed with you and knowin’ you probably wanna do it again in the near future.”
“I’m sorry, Joel,” it does sound pretty ridiculous. You step towards him again, tugging at his arms to uncross them until you can walk into them. You look up at him through your lashes with an apologetic smile, “I don’t think you know just how much I think about your hands touching me.”
Joel’s offense is gone from his face in mere seconds, “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” you confirm with a little newfound confidence. There’s something good about having told him your concern, putting it out there for him to do with it what he wants despite how badly you want the ability to read minds right now. You decide to stroke his ego a little, “With your job? I bet you know how to use them.” 
“Then lemme show you, baby. I’m great with my hands,” he kisses your lips again, but only briefly, following it up with descending down your neck. You let him for the first time, tilting your head to the side to give him more access and shivering at the feel of his nose bumping along your carotid artery. 
You hold onto him as he backs you further into the room, shoving down the instinct, caused by anxiety, to make him stop once again. Just let yourself have this, you try to remind yourself, don’t overthink it. You’re cute. He is sexy. He wants you.
“Tell me whatcha like,” he says as he guides you across the floor that’s scattered with cardboard and tools, “Maybe decidin’ what we’re doing will calm you a little.”
“Uh, it’s been a while,” you suddenly feel the edge of your newly acquired bed hit the back of your knees and make you fall onto it. Looking up at him from this angle makes your pulse quicken, your blood going straight to your clit and making it throb behind your denim jeans. 
“Or not. Should I list suggestions?” He asks, sinking to his knees on the floor at the end of the bed. You spread your legs a little without thinking and he smirks at you as if you’ve lost a bet, “I could eat your pussy. Would ya like that?”
You moan at the mere words.
“Need to hear you say it,” Joel’s hands are on the hem of your jeans like they had been in the middle of Ikea. He does quick work of undoing them, but not pulling them down just yet, “Say yes, baby.”
“Yes, fuck, I want that,” you have to stare up at the ceiling again to keep your composure. You have a feeling that none of your expectations have ever been too high. 
“Will you then tell me what you like? Tell me how to suck your pretty little clit?” His fingers curl into the denim and start pulling until he needs to sit back to get your jeans all the way off. He accidentally pulls your socks off too, but it just earns you a kiss to your ankle before he crawls forward again and you feel like prey at the mercy of a predator.
“Go slow,” you say breathlessly. 
“Of course,” he reassures, hooking a finger into the waistband of your panties next, “Tell me if I’m too much.”
“No! I mean, this is good, I like your filthy words,” you suck in a breath as your cunt is exposed to him, cheeks burning up with shyness but he just groans. It feels very vulnerable to be naked from the waist down when he isn’t, 
“I can touch you?” His voice indicates a question. You nod slowly, tensing up quite a bit as he rests one huge hand on your left hip bone and reaches between your legs with his index- and middle fingers. He runs them through your glistening folds, earning a gasp. 
“Do you usually come from touching your clit or?”
“No, yes, but I like my g-spot stimulated too. Simultaneously,” you try to reply confidently. 
He hums and nods, taking it all in. It takes a few extra seconds before he gently rubs his fingers along the side of your clit, dragging his fingers up and down slowly to test out the waters and see how sensitive you are. He guesses very, because you let out a soft moan at the contact, so he keeps going.
“We’ll get to your g-spot,” he says matter-of-factly, and your eyes nearly roll back into your skull at the promise. It’s been a while since you’ve been in a position like this, too busy restoring the house and falling in love to even think about seeking out casual sex. Who knew that you’d end up with something so not casual? 
“When did you last do this?” You ask right before he leans down to taste you. 
“Eat pussy?” He asks with a smirk.
“I meant slept with someone in general,” your head swims. Joel may have halted his head’s movements down towards your cunt, but he still has his fingers between your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows to look down at what his hands are doing.
“Don’t think I’d use in general about sex,” he replies smugly instead of giving you a proper answer. You realize it doesn’t matter as he rubs teasing circles around your clit, still avoiding any direct touch to get you properly worked up and wet. You cannot wait for him to follow through on his plan to eat you out, which you aren’t sure when you last had a guy do to you. 
“Fine, forget I asked,” you moan with a roll of your eyes.
Joel can sense the brat in you looming under the surface. He gets bolder, eyes changing to something hungrier than soft. He pulls you by your ankles to get you closer to him instead of the other way around. It makes you yelp, but he chuckles, “And there’s that attitude I like. Are you gonna let me now? No more interruptions?”
“No more interruptions,” you confirm.
Finally, he lowers his head between your legs and puts a stop to the noise in your head. You have been fantasizing about this position for months now, waited for the opportunity to lift your legs up to wrap them around his neck and shoulders. 
His tongue is warm and wet on you, trailing through your folds as if he is eating ice cream and it’s melting in his hands. He makes you throw your head back, makes you look up again as you don’t want to miss seeing him like this but only to have you force your eyes away because it’s too much. 
“Shit, Joel,” you swear when his nose bumps your clit. You try to lift your hips up into his mouth, but a big hand rests on your pelvis and aggressively pushes you down into the mattress again. That ignites something close to fire in your body, and Joel senses it immediately when your skin grows hotter.
“You like that, baby?” He pulls away from you for a moment, arousal dripping off his stubble, “When I get a little rough? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised with the way you like me to say filth.”
“I don’t want you to say anything right now,” you whine, “Not what your mouth is for.”
“And I told ya to guide me,” he retorts, replacing his tongue with his fingers whilst you are talking. He spreads your lips open, watching as another drip of slick runs down between your cheeks to pool on the mattress. 
“Don’t need any guidance,” you squirm as he holds your labia apart, clenching around nothing. 
“Then ya ain’t gettin’ anything,” he threatens, “I can watch your pussy jump under my touch for a long time. Ain’t gotta be home later. This is only to do it exactly how you want it, sweetheart. Needa know how you like to fuck.”
Your pulse quickens at the thought of him being a little mean if you don’t show a bit of cooperation. Your mouth parts as you pant in your compromising position. Joel looks up at you expectantly and you realize that maybe, as much as this is a bit of fun, it’s possible that he just wants to be reassured too. 
“I want you to pay more attention to my clit, use the flat of your tongue, and don’t suck until I’m close,” you explain while your head spins. Your elbows ache from holding yourself up. 
Another droplet of slick runs down. Without warning, Joel catches it with the tip of his tongue and it has you crying out. He remembers your demands, swiping his tongue through your folds and licking your clit expertly. 
“Need your fingers inside me,” you only just manage to let out whilst your orgasm burns low in your belly. He follows through but only after pushing your t-shirt up to expose your bra, cupping your breast with his left hand, and sneaking his right down between your legs.
Your nipples harden underneath his touch. Your pussy clamps around his fingers. And then he sucks your clit into his mouth, causing your hips to stutter and your thighs to twitch. He wiggles his head a little, goes rougher.
“Just like that, keep go— oh, Joel, you’re gonna—“ you flop down onto the bed again, elbows giving out underneath you. With the way that the pressure keeps building, you scramble to grab the sheets with both of your hands, “Gonna make me come, baby. Just— Ah!”
Everything fades as your orgasm begins. The flutters of your walls are intense, causing you to throw your head back into the mattress and concentrate on each pulsating contraction of your cunt. 
Joel pumps his fingers as he works you through it, sucking your swollen clit until you have to push him away to stop it from hurting. He lifts his head at your indication of wanting him to stop before removing your legs from his shoulders. He crawls into bed with you, hovering on top of you with his clothes still on and his legs hanging out off the edge. 
“Now how was that?” He asks despite knowing the answer. The warm and handsome smile that you love so much translates so well into the context of being in bed together, and with a little more confidence from just having climaxed, you cup his face and kiss him. He tastes deliciously of you. 
“Can’t complain,” you say with a little laugh and earn a little glare that Joel cannot keep on his face for long. He nudges your nose with his own and kisses you once again. The nervousness that you had felt earlier seems so far away now, so silly when he makes it so easy to forget. 
“Take your pants off, Miller,” you add, moving to crawl back on the bed. You start undressing yourself completely, pulling at your t-shirt, “Can’t just be about me as much as that sounds entertaining.”
“Confident after havin’ climaxed,” he says out loud like it’s a mental note for himself, removing his shirt. He laughs whilst getting out of his jeans, out loud at your outraged noise. 
You don’t know if it’s the comment that makes you the worst undresser in history, but somehow your bra becomes stuck in the sleeve of your t-shirt. Before you know it, the shirt simply won’t move anymore despite being halfway over your head, “Oh no.”
You can feel Joel moving on the bed. His attention is on you immediately, “What?”
“It’s stuck,” you admit but only after a long pause. Warmth creeps up your chest to your face as embarrassment fills you up, and even more so when Joel barks out a laugh at your eagerness getting the better of you.
“Sit still, you’re only makin’ it worse, we gotta start from scratch,” he says as you continue pulling at the fabric. He starts tugging your clothes back on until he has your face visible again and your body as dressed as before. 
“Hey you,” he says with a boyish grin, then slowly works your clothes back off the right way. 
“Hi,” you sputter when you’re finally completely naked, voice flustered. Joel is only in his boxers now, and God, he is tenting in them. It’s been on your mind a bunch of times; how big is he? Now that you see him straining against the fabric, you know that he is going to be the biggest you’ve ever had. 
After he has tugged off his boxers, and you’ve nearly passed out from the vision, Joel pushes gently on your chest to get you to lie down. He helps you to bend your legs, plants your feet flat on the bed, and then settles on his knees between them. 
“Condom?” He asks, stroking your thighs as he waits.
“I’m on the pill,” you reply, “And it’s been God knows how long, so I’m clean.”
“God knows how long,” he snorts, leaning down over you and holding himself up on his elbows, “We better fix that. Don’t ya think so?” 
“Mhm,” you look up into his eyes, “Definitely. Yeah.” 
“Wrap your legs ‘round my waist,” he guides you softly, can sense your hesitation or maybe it’s just how he can feel your heartbeat against his own chest. It’s rapid, beating like a scared animal.
You do as you are told. He is able to get even closer now, and when he is flush against your body, he kisses you slowly until he is allowed to slip his tongue into your mouth. You slide your fingers through the curls at the back of his head, and he hums into your mouth. 
When he needs air, he only pulls back inches. 
“I want you so much,” you breathe quietly, hands still at the back of his head. He smiles softly at you, reaches down between the two of you, and presses the tip of his cock against you. 
The whimper you let out as he pushes inside has him attentively moving slower. Inch by inch, he fills you to the brim and you can barely believe that just a few months ago, this had only been a brief fantasy. 
“Okay? You want me to stop?” He questions with genuine concern, but you quickly shake your head. That is the last thing you want.
“No, you’re just big … and it’s been a while,” you blush. 
“Okay, tell me if it’s too—“
You pull him into a sweet kiss, legs tightening around his waist to make him realize that you don’t want him to go anywhere. When you pull back to talk, he is on the brink of interrupting you again. You shake your head, “Joel Miller. Shut up and just fuck me.”
“Wow, yeah. Can do.”
The slow outwards drag of his cock is almost more intense, leaving you empty for the briefest moment before it fills you up again. You moan as your muscles squeeze around him, accepting him so easily as you finally relax into him.
He rolls his hips sensually, fucks you open till your new bed squeaks and you hope that he was right about its sturdiness. For show, and to test it out, you reach above your head to place your palm against the headboard. 
“Let’s see then,” he chuckles breathlessly.
“Wouldn’t even— fuck. I wouldn’t even be mad if you break my bed,” you pants, “Angle your hips a bit.”
You squeeze your legs around his waist to guide him, and when his cock nudges against your g-spot, you clench involuntarily around him. It pulls a groan from his lips, filth spilling from his mouth, “Yeah, you like that? Want it again?”
“Fuck yes, I want it again,” you whine, eyes falling closed and breathing rapidly, “Just like that! Fuck, Joel!”
Joel picks up the pace, leans further into you. He also adds more force behind his thrusts, making your eyes roll back when his pelvis aligns with your clit. The hand on the back of his neck slides down for more leverage, holding on for dear life as he pounds you into the mattress. 
“Keep going, I��m almost there,” you cry, heat continuously pooling at the base of your spine. Suddenly, you have both hands on his back, raking your nails down until they dig into the widest part of his back, “Faster!” 
“I know, baby,” he growls, but it sounds mostly out of breath. He gives you everything he has, seeking out your pleasure by making the bed slam into the wall, “Can feel you. Let go, baby, come on my cock.”
It is nothing but raw and hot pleasure in the next moment as he gets you to orgasm, causing you to release a breath that you do not know that you have been holding. You are taken aback by its intensity. A high-pitched cry leaves you as the first clench of your cunt hits you and Joel continues fucking you through it. 
“You’re fuckin’ incredible,” he pants, buries his head in the crook of your neck to chase his own reward. He comes after a few more thrusts, coating your walls in his warm come and saying your name. You don’t think your name has ever sounded so beautiful with a string of swear words following it. 
Time stands still after Joel pulls out. You expect yourself to be blissed out, sleepy, and quiet, maybe even annoyed at having to get up and clean yourself up, but instead, you find that you cannot stop grinning up at the ceiling. 
“We are definitely fucking doing that again,” you say despite being completely out of breath. 
“Was that perfect?” Joel teases, “Or did I disappoint ya?”
“Fuck you,” you giggle, still high on dopamine. You suspect you will be in the coming days, weeks, months, years. Hopefully.
“Just did,” he says proudly.
“You sure fucking did.”
“You always get so foul-mouthed after sex?” He turns onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. He rests his free hand on the sweat-dampened skin of your stomach, “Or?”
“Only if it’s fucking good,” you respond but mostly to the ceiling. You want to cry, giggle, scream, and laugh out loud, but mostly you want to say that you love him. One thing at a time, you think to yourself, next time. Even if the next time is in a moment.
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"I've mended all my ways, repented, seen the light, and made a switch."
The fact that Rollo has a voice line where he genuinely expresses an interest in visiting the Mostro Lounge KILLS me 😂 This fan art in particular makes me laugh a lot!
It's also at this point that I realize I thought the Heartslabyul headcanons with Rollo would be super long (because of there being 5 members in that dorm), but the Savanaclaw and Octavinelle headcanons ended up being even longer...
A Big Octavinelle Welcome to Rollo!
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Rollo's interest was piqued when he first heard about the on-campus eatery that Azul runs. However, he keeps flip-flopping on whether or not he should go. On one hand, he’s curious about what it’s like—but on the other hand, does he really want to give that smug octopus his business??
… Eventually, Rollo gives into the temptation. He settles on an excuse to go while still protecting his ego and guilty conscience: I must survey his cafe to ensure that there are no misdeeds being committed… Who knows what sort of shading things may be happening without a watchful eye and regulations?
He goes through the mirror and emerges in the world wet and full of wonder. Down a corridor with glass walls, Rollo peers at the passing marine life with caution (as if they, too, were in on some scheme). For as peaceful as the bottom of the sea may be, he’s wary of the monsters that also lurk in its depths.
He follows the faint sound of smooth jazz to the lounge. Upon entering, Rollo finds it packed with mob students at every table, stuffing their mouths with food and filling the air with noisy chatter. He reluctantly wades over to the front desk, handkerchief to his face to keep himself strong in this dense den of depravity.
The suited host greets Rollo with a bow and a smile that feels a little too familiar. That immediately sends alarm bells ringing in his head. “Welcome to the Mostro Lounge, Rollo-san. Azul has been anticipating your arrival for quite some time.” (“… Has he now?” How positively shady!)
“We have a table specially reserved for you. Please, right this way.” He follows the host, not letting his eyes wander off his back for one second. To Rollo’s shock, he’s seated and handed a menu without any issues, then is left on his own to peruse. Odd. Given his other experiences at NRC, he was expecting some sort of unnecessary ruckus—
CRASH!! Right on cue, a mob student goes flying across the room and smacks right into a wall. A waiter with a face nearly identical to the host’s is the assailant. “C’mere!!” Floyd says coyly. His grin isn’t quite as coy—it’s maniacal. “I’ll squeeze the rest of the tip right outta you! That’ll teach ya to cheap out on us!”
Floyd advances on the frightened mob student, who is scrambling away on his hands and feet. Rollo blinks and rubs at his eyes, wondering if what he just saw was real or a figment of his imagination.
Jade is suddenly blocking his field of vision, wearing that same suspicious smile again. “Would you care for recommendations?" he asks, gesturing to the menu. "If you'll direct your attention here, this is our limited-time autumn menu. It features an assortment of freshly picked mushrooms..."
Rollo tries to get up or to crane his neck—anything to get a better look at whatever the pandemonium that Jade is trying to conceal is. Alas, the eel follows him like a shadow and expertly blocks all of his attempts (all while reciting the recommendations as he had promised earlier).
“Please keep your eyes on the menu, Rollo-san,” Jade advises patiently. “It will be difficult for you to decide which items you would like if your eyes are wandering to places they shouldn’t be. You must believe me when I say there is nothing of importance in this lounge but your own leisure.” (There’s a light chuckle that accompanies those words, and he doesn’t like it one bit.)
Rollo is forced to browse the menu (and forced to listen to Jade drone on and on about mushrooms). He’s appalled by the absurd pricing on the items (did the devil set them?)—even the simplest ones have huge markups!! But ultimately, he has to concede and opt for the overpriced plain dishes to appease his sensible palate. No indulgent dishes for him, no sir!
Jade doesn’t move until the conflict is settled; when he finally clears away with Rollo’s order for the kitchen, Floyd has finished “cleaning up” after the public nuisance. He casts a nonchalant look around the room and goes, “Hah? What’cha gawking at? Everybody go back to eating unless you wanna be next.”
“… That man just now, what happened to him?” Rollo speaks up—not that he would ever defend the scum of NRC, but he has a thing or two to say about the way the problem was handled. At least air the dirty laundry in private.
“Ehhh, who’s askin’? I don’t have to answer to anyone!” Oh no, Floyd’s eyes have lit up like those of a cat that has spotted new prey. “Hehehe, I know exaaactly who you are! Azul’s special guest guppy…!” (“Everyone and their brother seems to know,” Rollo grumbles.)
He’s unnerved by the way Floyd’s grinning—as though he knows something that Rollo doesn’t—so he quickly drops the question and shoos the eel off. Unfortunately, Floyd keeps returning to his table to annoy him with little disturbances: offering a refill on water (which sloshes all over the table), asking if he wants straws or napkins (then chucking a handful of them at him), calling him by the wrong name (which Rollo makes sure to correct), etc.
… Rollo’s starting to believe Floyd is doing all of this to purposefully annoy him. (He has to resort to taking deep breathing exercises and mutter various peaceful mantras to keep himself from lashing out at the waiter.)
Rollo never thought he’d be thinking this, but the other twin is his savior from the hell that is dealing with Floyd. In comes Jade with his order, which contains many more items than Rollo recalls ordering. Many of them are extravagant and arranged on ornate china platters. “On the house from the manager,” Jade explains, setting the heavy tray down. “I will leave you to enjoy your meal. Come along, Floyd.”
The twins skitter off, leaving Rollo to his own devices. He takes a second to decompress from the stressful encounter with the Leeches—and when Rollo thinks about it, he doesn’t mind the atmosphere of this place. It’s quiet and calming, with a classy yet understated look to the lounge itself and its staff. Maybe it’s not so bad after all.
He places a napkin in his lap before beginning on the feast, taking care to carve everything into more digestible chunks before nibbling at them. Of course, Rollo doesn't plan on gorging himself (there's no way he could finish all of this!), but he doesn't want to be wasteful either. Perhaps a healthy compromise would be to take the rest to-go and eat the leftovers over the course of a week.
As he's in the middle of mentally plotting out his next meals, the entire lounge unexpectedly darkens. Gasps and cries of surprise ring out from the mob students. Then a blinding spotlight appears in the middle of the room, and Rollo almost chokes on his buttered bread roll.
Azul is illuminated by the spotlight. He throws his arms out in a friendly gesture, beaming out to his captive audience. “Gentlemen! It is with great pride and pleasure that we of the Mostro Lounge welcome you to this special evening. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy your meals and conversations set against a calming backdrop of the sea’s melody.”
Their performance begins: Azul on the grand piano, Jade on contrabass, and Floyd on drums. Rollo wants to detest it, but he can’t bring himself to. If he closes his eyes and wills his mind elsewhere, the opening notes envelop him and soothe his weariness, like waves washing away his fatigue and stress.
“I’d like to dedicate this song to a very special guest,” Azul announces, “to our visitor from the City of Flowers, Student Council President of Noble Bell College, and, of course, our dearest friend, Rollo Flamme-san! May the bond between us and our schools be ever stronger.”
His eyes fly wide open. The spotlight drastically swivels, the bright, hot lights suddenly on him. This time, Rollo really does choke on his bread.
He downs what he can of his meal as quickly as he can, wanting to slap some money on the table and to be out before Azul can embarrass him further. That crafty octopus has planned for this though—none of the mob students stop by to give his check, locking Rollo in a social circumstance where he has to stay put (or else be labelled as a dine-and-dasher, a criminal).
He sits there quietly coping and seething for the entirety of the performance. The calm waters the music once provided has suddenly turned scalding. Rollo’s gaze seemingly burns holes in the Octatrio as they finally (FINALLY!) wrap up and bow for their audience.
Azul and the twins then make their way to Rollo. Were it not for the booth itself, there was no doubt in Rollo’s mind that they would be circling him like sharks. Jade and Leech stand on either side of them while Azul clasps Rollo’s shoulders in an overly familiar way (it makes his skin crawl).
Before he get a word out edge-wise or demand for the check, Azul declares, “Our dear Rollo-san just so happens to be Mostro Lounge’s 10,000th customer!! As such, he has won himself a most generous prize: one free consultation with yours truly! A round of applause for him, everyone.”
The applause kicks up, and Rollo’s head is spinning from confusion at Azul’s ludicrous statement. He doesn’t have the luxury of fully processing what it could mean or what his true intentions are—Jade has looped one arm under his, and Floyd has seized the other.
What is the matter with these two?! When I said I was interested in a visit to the on-campus cafe, never did imagine I would be accosted by thuggish men during it!!
“Release me!! Unhand me!!” Rollo roars, flailing his limbs uselessly as the twins drag him off to one of the back rooms. The mob students avert their gazes, pretending as if they don’t see him—they’re unwilling to get involved themselves. “IS THIS HOW NIGHT RAVEN COLLEGE OPERATES?!”
Into Azul’s office he’s ushered, seated before the proverbial mob boss himself. Crossing his legs and lacing his fingers together, Azul calls for Jade to fetch tea. Floyd lazily flops onto an adjacent seat and drapes his limbs all over it.
“Rollo-san, it’s been so long! We must catch up before getting down to business,” Azul croons. His voice is disgustingly sweet and slimy, caked on thick. “Tell me, how have you been? How are you finding our fair school? I’m all ears.”
“Don’t act as though we are friendly. Nothing could be further from the truth.” Rollo makes a face, concealing his grimace of disapproval with his handkerchief—Azul spots it and his eyes glimmer with recognition. “I’ve seen through your ruse, you miscreants. I won’t be deceived by the likes of you and your minions.”
“Oh? And what, pray tell, are the misdeeds you suspect on our part?” Azul asks innocently.
Jade places a fresh cup of tea in front of their guest, then Azul. The steam rising from the cups shrouds their faces in a curtain of faint white, obscuring both truth and lies. Floyd is on the edge of his seat, waiting for a good brawl to break out. Jade joins him, matching his deranged grin. (All they’re missing is the popcorn.)
“… I thought it odd that you would be ‘anticipating’ my arrival and that you would go to the trouble of preparing to receive me. Trying to win my favor with free food and a show, it’s clear you were trying to butter me up for something.”
“Me? Butter you up? Never,” Azul insists, but his smile is a little too wide. “I only wish to help you, to deepen the relationship between ourselves and of our respective schools. Networking and making useful—oh, excuse me, I mean deep—connections is important for young adults.”
Azul bows elegantly. “… I offer you my services, Rollo-san. Speak your heart’s desire, and I shall see if I can make it a reality. In return, I expect a favor, should I happen to call upon you. We will also serve as each other’s contacts for our own schools. You see? It is a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
Rollo instantly sees what he is: the devil looking to make a deal. The twins with their razor sharp teeth, his hellish imps seeking free amusement.
He stands, fists clenched, expression enraged, and lets nasty words torrent out. “You’re sorely mistaken if you think I’m open to negotiating any sort of terms with you. You’d be better off propositioning someone with fewer brain cells. Maybe start with your dopey-eyed classmates before you attempt at seducing something out of me.”
The thing he wished for more than anything else… that was something no one could make a reality. The best he could hope for was some form of retribution—retribution that Rollo sought to bring about with his own hands. He would never be able to live it down if he entrusted his ambitions to someone else, let alone a nefarious mage. Soon, brother. Soon, I will bring about a fairer world in your name—a world without magic, without sin, without suffering…!!
“I understand.” Azul nods, accepting Rollo’s decision, but doesn’t totally back down. He offers a rectangular angluar cut of paper. “My card. If you ever wish to have your woes be heard, you know how to reach me.”
Rollo snatches it out of his hand and crushes it. He storms out without another word, crumpled business card still in his grasp.
“How unfortunate that Rollo-san did not take the bait,” Jade sighs. (“It was funny watching his face twist though,” Floyd cackles, flopping over in his chair.)
“No matter.” Azul says with a shrug. “I foresaw this from the very beginning—which is exactly why we took precautionary measures to ensure that we still earned something from his appearance at all. Isn’t that right, boys?”
They smirked at each other knowingly. Everything had been carefully calculated from the moment Rollo had stepped onto campus. The big show they had put on, the loud declaration to the lounge and its customers… “Our dear Rollo-san just so happens to be Mostro Lounge’s 10,000th customer!! As such, he has won himself a most generous prize: one free consultation with yours truly!” (That had been a convenient lie, made up for the whole publicity stunt.)
All of it was an elaborate pretense for one explicit purpose: to plant a seed of suggestion in the other customers’ heads. A free consultation for the 10,000th customer? Then perhaps they could be the next lucky man to be the 20,000th one. More incentive to return, more lines skewered with tasty bait, cast out into the sea of waiting customers.
“Fufufu, another excellent job well done, if I do say so myself.”
While Azul and the twins are gloating in private, Rollo has made his way to the first fireplace he can find. He furiously casts Azul’s accursed business cards into the flames, relishing the moment it turns entirely black and ashen. No, Rollo swears to himself. He won’t be swayed by the devil. He was made stronger than that.
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 7 months
#canon divergence where they get drunk as hell on hot toddies one night and keep calling each other papa bear and baby bear
.....can i have this? pretty please? how can i get this? what can i do?
one (1) beautiful kiss is my fee
it’s a dark and chilly night. spring is just around the corner, but before it comes, winter’s using its icy clutches to snatch them up one more time.
ian is grumbly (“we’re so close to tomatoes mick 😩 i can practically taste em”) but mickey sees it as an opportunity to trap his husband in for the night and get him good n liquored up.
they’ve been on a bit of a hot toddy kick for a lot of winter, claiming that it’s something they can be overly decadent about because what they’re spending on ingredients, they’re saving on their heating bills - their internal temps and shared body heat rendering their furnace unnecessary.
they’ve tried apple cider toddies, ginger, even a coffee recipe that left them both grimacing at each other after a single sip, never to drink again.
tonight it’s a tried and true favorite - bourbon, honey, a lil cinnamon stick that mickey always ends up puffing on like a cigar to make ian laugh. he’s returning with their third round (it’s very cold, okay?) and ian is a heavy-lidded, slightly swaying angel where he’s waiting for him on the couch, the blanket bunched over his lap.
“thank you, honey,” he grins, amused beyond belief with his own joke as he accepts the warm glass with both hands. it’s only interrupted when his sip leaves him sucking in quickly, cooling his mouth with a breath. “oo…that shit is too hot.”
mickey helps himself to the other end of the couch, “yeah alright, goldilocks,” remembering to at least blow on his first because this has to be their hundredth hot toddy of the season, and his husband is sometimes a simple man, bless his fucking heart.
and speaking of.
the sound of glass hitting their coffee table is mickey’s first warning of the approach. what comes next is the shifting of the couch cushions, ian helping himself to every inch of his personal space. “goldilocks, huh?” he murmurs through a drunken grin, lifting mickey’s glass now too and taking it away with great care. “think i’m more of a papa bear, no?”
mickey blinks. can’t help the smile that tugs at his own mouth. “no.”
but he’ll definitely take ian loving up on him, all that warm, spiced bourbon warming his belly. “mhm…”
“and who’s that make me, huh…?”
ian noses close, sharing his smile with him as their lips brush. “mm…baby bear, of course…”
mickey can taste the honey. the cinnamon. the deep, infectious desire to play as it radiates off his husband. “you callin’ me short?”
a beat… “no, baby…”
“think i’m more of a papa bear outta the two of us.”
ian’s big ol head lists back a little, his heavy-blink unconvinced. “no, baby…”
and really, how is that not an invitation to play?
“oh yeah,” mickey insists, using the space to flip the script and start crowding ian instead, pushing him back to the other end of the couch until he’s made himself sooo fucking comfortable in his lap. “you’re baby bear, on account-a how fuckin’ cute you are.”
ian looks up at him, trapped in now by mickey’s thighs squeezing him on both sides. “whole point of goldilocks is sizes, mick,” he slurs. like he’s really doin somethin with it. his big thesis statement. “papa bear’s biggest.” and of course those big ol arms wrap around mickey to prove it. “like me.”
mickey grins down at him from his seat in his lap. can’t deny that ian being so fucking huge is a very real turn on for him. but. “‘big’ don’t gotta mean size, ya know.”
“that right…?”
“uh uh,” mickey explains. and damn, fucking on the couch could be nice right now, huh? “‘big’… ‘papa bear’… s’all about power.”
ian blinks up at him. processes. and then slowly, his brows furrow in amusement. “mick…you want me to call you daddy, just fuckin’ say so.”
it’s got them both collapsing into a mess of drunken, breathy giggles, the wind whipping away outside as ian gains the upper hand and lowers mickey onto his back on the couch, following him down with a steamy “c’mere, baby bear.”
by the time they make it back to their drinks, they are no longer too hot.
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ipkkndlovescenes · 3 months
Ye Ishq hai ya kuch aur hai
Arshi Poolside Moment
Epi 25
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"Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey..."
A dreadful night drenching him completely with burning memories. A girl in red made him halt his tracks of life for the very first time, and his heart an unknown tune along with his heartbeat. He had no idea it was her heartbeat mixing with his own. She was unaware, too, along with him. But he was enraged over this, and not only that, but he was furious over saving her in the rain as well. 
Whose fault is that?
It was hers...His brain denied his heart, but his heart was pinching his brain constantly.
How dare she has this much power over him to make him restless?
Walking back and forth, he was immersed in her thoughts, in his own guilt for making her suffer this much, but his brain had this big NO written all over for the acceptance over anything, so he called La to get Khushi Kumari Gupta's number who was the reason of his restless state of mind.
Ye Ishq hai ya kuch aur hai
Yaa Bas Khali Khali shor hai
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Well, his ears got entangled with something very different.
Chalo Maiya ke Bhavan ...Bhavan
Ah, these suit Khushi's personality yet fit on him right now as he was proceeding towards her, and she was instigating his hopes by admitting falsely that " hum aap hi ke phone ka intezaar kar rahe thay..." I was waiting for your phone call.." Like, really, Khushi?
While he was adamant about making her life hell...
"ittni asaani se chain ki saans nahin laine doonga?
"I won't let you breathe peacefully...Khushi Kumari Gupta."
Was he complaining or stating his own state of mind?
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"Ji? Aap Kaun?"
Who are you?
How dare she? How dare she forget me that easily? The one who was the reason for my sleepless night? That nonchalant attitude of her enraged him a little more, and he demanded her to be awake along with him by assigning her overnight unnecessary work. It was pretty much obvious, and he wanted to see her, talk to her, yell at her and much much more but being a BOSS. Of course, he wouldn't accept her effect on him.
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"If your nonsense has reached its end, then do what I said...and tomorrow morning reach my home at 7 am sharp" Well, a man who didn't want to see her in his office was inviting her over to his home. Interesting...He couldn't sleep either. A silhouette in red was hovering over his brain while he was tossing and turning, even turning off the light wasn't helpful.
"Every man somewhere in the world has a woman who was created just for him. She is not better than the others, but she’s the only one he really needs. And every woman, too, has such a man; But very few lucky people meet each other."  ~Boris Akunin~
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The day reached with a revelation to Khushi that the fire and the water live under one roof. Anjali, such a sweet person, is living with that Alligator? Even HP couldn't resist denying that I guess.😆
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The second revelation was when she stumbled upon the beast's den, where he was busy nurturing and watering the plants so diligently. A true "What the!" moment for her.
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He stumbled while turning around, and she dropped the typewriter to save him. Well, he was saving her as well, you know.😆 They both claimed it after falling for each other or saving each other, and it is a really complicated issue, but not for Anjali, who hid her laugh.
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Well, she wasn't the only one who was stunned. He wasn't expecting her there either. He must be thinking of her coming into the living area where he could see her, yell at her, and say "Get out", but things got a bit daring here
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The second revelation was like a fire on ice when Anjali dropped a bomb on his ears, telling him that Khushi was also here in Shantivan.
What the hell? How dare she?
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An astonishing look followed by a killing and devilish stare at her like he was gauging her moves, thinking of her as a real culprit here, like a gold digger. He had no idea she was wondering too that Chote is the one who is allergic to sweets as well when she heard his name for the very first time from Nani. She didn't want to cross his line [ Arnav's rekha]  either.🤣 I mean his shadow, a venomous one whose hiss she could feel and hear from miles.
Anjali invites her over for breakfast and the very first blessing they both received together. "May God bless you both!"
God Bless dono ko!!!
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Nani picked the right vibes here. Were you getting wet in the rain like Chote, Khushi bitiya? 
Yes, Naniji, Bitwa and bitya are sailing in the same boat...
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They both were getting drenched again in the pool of that drenching night...or you can say that they had been inundated with complaints from their eyes.
Arshi poolside moments
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 High Quality & Cinematic BLs
Ones that are very well made with a tight narrative and no cringey dialogue. For example: Old Fashion Cupcake or His. Japan knows what tf it’s doing, okay? You don’t come from a tradition that gave us Kurosawa and fail at broad scope cinematography. 
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Comfort & Joy 
These are the ones that I love even though they’re artsy, but they also end happily and didn’t hurt me too much.
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1. Old Fashion Cupcake 
(Japan 2022 Viki)
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review.
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2. Restart After Come Back Home 
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de (Japan 2020 grey)
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth your patience. Full review here.
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3. Life: Love on the Line 
AKA Life Senjou no Bokura (Japan 2020 Viki) 
This is a beautiful movie and a good BL, if a bit adult and gut wrenching at times. Goes through young love, break up, and reunion - but it’s actually a saga of self acceptance. You want the director’s cut. Like His, LLOTL is an exploration of suppression and the limits we impose on ourselves when we’re dishonest about who we love. In high school, serious and self contained Ito fell in love with Nishi, the manic pixie dream boy of the dream he didn’t know he had. Nishi, emotionally and mentally fragile, struggled to fit into the world. Ito, however, found it all too easy, except for the whole - ya know - gay thing. This movie is about Ito’s willingness to sacrifice not just himself but his love (and even Nishi himself) to social and familial expectations and the misery that results. It has a hard fought happy ending that then follows them through the rest of their lives in a (slightly unnecessary but welcome) epilogue montage.
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4. A Tale of Thousand Stars 
(Thai 2021 GMMTV YouTube)
With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers.
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Work & Angst 
These are ones that I watched but were really difficult for me for personal reasons. Some may not have happy endings. I tend to call these moody arthouse smackdoodle. They like to pretend that "ambiguous" is somehow unique and special rather than bog standard commonplace for narratives of this type. Hold onto your psyche, these dramas will test you. But they very well done. 
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5. His the movie 
(Japan 2020 Viki)
His is about being a grown adult and still struggling with coming out as gay. It addresses the consequences of life choices disingenuous to identity. Nagisa turns up on Shun’s doorstep with his precocious daughter in tow. This is a touch confusing to Shun since they were each others first love. Shun has retreated from society, rejecting the world before it can reject him, already brokenhearted because without Nagisa he never had a reason to fight. Nagisa went the opposite way, tried to pretend to be something he was not and ended up with a daughter he adores and a wife who hates him. This movie is beautiful and the setting is unique and interesting but I'm not wild about the ending.
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6. I Told Sunset About You 
(Thai 2020 grey) 
I don’t have a ton to say about ITSAY because I’ve never managed to finished it. This one was too close to my own queer journey and it seriously messed with my head about 2/3 of the way through, so I stopped watching to protect myself. However, I can tell you that the production values are unreal for Thailand, using a soft lens, diffuse lighting, and a nostalgic atmosphere, paying close attention to framing, and forgetting neither background nor close-focus expressive detail. It’s a remarkable piece of work. I caught no mistakes in makeup, wardrobe, body positioning, reflection, or boom mic placement - so they clearly had continuity eyeballs during filming and on final product (which most Thai BLs don’t spring for). So yeah, the filming, directing, and acting is insanly good, but what’s really stand out in ITSAY from a film perspective is their smooth as butter invisibly perfect editing. Post production on this series must have been a BEAST.
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7. Your Name Engraved Herein
(Taiwan 2020 Netflix)
This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
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8. Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D 
(Vietnam 2019 Netflix)
Like YNEH or Dew, this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma, and social acceptance. 
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9. His the series 
AKA His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love
(Japan 2019)
Boy goes to visit his absent father, ends up kinda homeless on the beach, gets adopted by local family, falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
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10. I Want to See Only You
AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan 2022 grey)
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). For me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable. Full review here. 
More Like This From Japan 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit.
Does the Flower Bloom? (Japan 2018) - May/December romance about an artist student, the house he inherits from his dead parents. and all the people around him who are obsessed with him, including an older man.
Junjou: Pure Heart (Japan 2010) - I shoudl probably rewatch this one, it’s been a while. 
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan 2017) - It’s not as good as any of us wanted given the beautiful glory of the original manga (I Hear the Sunspot). Also it doesn’t really end happily. Disappointing. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan 2022 Gaga) - After Mitsuru’s cheerful outgoing boyfriend Koichi is killed but stay’s walking around, everyone else begins to forget about him. Mitsuru recalls their romance while trying to understand what’s going on, hold onto his love, and come to terms with loss and identity. Sad and creepy but somehow still beautiful, Japan spending all its pennies on pain. 
Darker BLs and more thoughts on Moody Arthouse Smackdoodle here. 
Tangential blogs posts:
10 Best Uses of Cinematic Storytelling in BL
Top 10 Highest Production Values in Thai BL  
Some Noodling on BL Production Houses & Studios
This post the result of an ask from @theklutzymaniac, updated end of 2022. 
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gifti3 · 1 year
Okay i wrote this in record time for me. i just got the urge and boom here it is. I wanted to get this out fast so I didn't forget about it.
I called it a CEO AU but honestly its just an AU where MC works as Lucifer's assistant and is ready to wrap up this part of their life and move on to different work.
All the brothers are mentioned in this. And this can be whatever you want honestly. Platonic not so platonic. Maybe MC is dating one of them, maybe not. I kept it pretty vague!
MC is gender neutral.
"What is this?"
You push the envelope forward. "My letter of resignation."
Maybe it was a bit much handing it to him in person like this, but emailing just felt too cold. And yea he was your boss, but you considered Lucy a friend too and wanted to leave on the best note possible.
"I know you're busy but I wanted to let you know asap so we can plan accordingly."
Surprising to you, Lucifer seems slightly caught off guard. "Did you find new work?"
You nod with a smile. "Yep! It’s pay and benefits aren't as good but it's practically my dream job."
Lucifer observes you. It was obvious that working as his assistant was a lot of stress on you. Asmodeus mentioned your frustrations to him several times. But you always pulled through in the end. 
Did he overestimate you? No, overwork you?
"When do you leave?"
"2 weeks!"
"They're literally going to the other side of the world you guys!"
“They’re what!?” Mammon responds, bewildered.
"They're moving to the other side of the world! A completely different country--this sucks!" Asmodeus lays his head down in his arms.
Unease fills the meeting room. This was new information to the rest of the brothers, including Lucifer. MC had never mentioned anything about moving and now an unwanted change had become much more unpleasant.  
"Hey MC! Why didn't ya mention ya were moving to the other side of the world?" Mammon approaches from the meeting room, wasting no time.
"Ohhh... right, I forgot to mention that part to everyone. But it wasn't really that important honestly."
“What do ya mean it’s not important. It’s kind of a big deal!”
"....Okay yeah you're right, but it honestly slipped my mind. By the way, not on the other side of the world. Asmo likes to exaggerate, I swear. Either that or his geography could use some polishing."
You continue dropping random items from inside your desk into a box. You still had a week and half left but you wanted to take all your personal non-work stuff home to avoid forgetting anything. You were honestly surprised by how much unnecessary crap had found its way into the desk. It was a stark difference compared to your first couple of months working here.
When you first started, it sucked honestly. If it wasn't for the amazing pay you would have quit fairly quick. 
The first several months were rough, but with time you started getting used to working for the overbearing perfectionist that was Lucifer. Things started to feel routine, you could access possible issues before they happened. And Lucifer’s brothers coming in and out of this building stopped being an annoyance and began to be something to look forward to. You made friends with each and every one of them. Then even Lucifer eventually came around. And before you knew it had been 4 years.
You always thought about moving on to new work but would forget about it and go back to the usual routine. But recently, you were starting to feel content--no resigned. Like "I guess I could stay here forever…" resigned. And it scared you! So you immediately started job searching more seriously and your months of work paid off.
But I'm still gonna miss this place.
Next, Asmo is out of the room. He walks straight for you and wraps you in a tight hug. "MC don't leave us please!"
"I must--AH you're squeezing me too hard!"
He loosens his hold. "Sorry."
You pat his arm.
“Aren't ya gonna miss me--us? Whatever new people ya meet couldn't measure up to the Great Mammom!”
"That’s definitely true, but I need to spread my wings and fly you guys. Hmm…that sounded better in my head."
You notice Leviathan standing off to the side listening so you give him a smile. 
"Levi, why are you standing over there?"
He jumps but makes his way over from your prompting.
"S-So you really found your dream job. It sucks you're leaving but maybe it's a good thing too…"
You nod. "It's new and a little scary, but just consider it me starting a new arc in life."
"And honestly if you guys really want to talk to me, then keep in touch. You literally all have my number."
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to help much for cheering up Levi or the other two.
Fortunately though, Satan appears before the silence becomes unbearable.
"So you're finally escaping Lucifer MC?”
"Ha! I guess you could put it that way..."
Asmo crosses his arms, his frown deepening. "Please don't let him overhear that."
Satan shows what he's hiding behind his back. "I'll miss your company but I'd like to send you off on the right foot so I brought you a couple of items."
He hands you the gift bag.
"If this isn't a book, I'll be shocked," you say.
You peep inside and realize there's multiple things.
A hardback book from a series you and Satan are currently reading (of course), a neck pillow, and a kitty eye mask.
"Oh wait there's something else."
You dig in and pull out a bracelet. But not just any bracelet. A very limited edition one. It was official merch for one of your favorite series, but you couldn't afford it at the time when it was released.
"What the heck, how'd you find this? This came out years ago!"
"Lots of online searching, and thanks to Levi and Asmo we found a somewhat reasonable price to all pitch in for."
You put the bracelet on. 
“And in such a short time too…Im.never taking this off!” 
You grin. “Well…now I gotta hug you all!”
Before he responds you're crushing Satan, managing to fluster him. You then pull (a blushing) Levi and then Asmo in for a hug, the latter eagerly returning it. 
“No way ya guys are making me look bad,” Mammon says.
"Get in on the collab next time!" Asmo quips.
“Don't worry Mammon, I'll give you a hug later.”
“What? I didn't say anything about a hug…”
“So you don't want one. Got it.”
“Hold on, wait a second…”
You smirk and shake your head. “Okay help me move my stuff you guys so we have a reason to keep talking.”
"Is Belphie still ignoring me?"
Beel nods. "Sorry MC. I think he just needs more time to process."
The other day after leaving the meeting room the youngest made a beeline for the elevator. He didn't even look your way.
"Ah he wounds me..."
"I'll talk to him. Maybe eating out together would help clear the air?"
“Oo, you, me and Belphie. Let's do it!”
Beel smiles that way you love and you give him a sudden hug. It couldn’t be helped, you had a soft spot for the two youngest brothers.”
“Beel, I’m gonna miss you so much!”
He returns the hug. "Me too. I wish you didn’t have to leave, but what makes you happy is most important."
You pull back to look at his face. “I swear you're way more mature than some of your older brothers.”
As your last day gets closer and closer, the brothers (6 out of 7 at least) accept your impending departure. And along with that came endless gifts. It was like Satan triggered a competition to see who could do better. And it looked like you'd have to spend extra money on moving all this extra stuff that had been dumped on you.
Especially after that shopping spree Asmo took you on.
Start your new life with a new wardrobe MC!
Even Belphie had gotten over his initial shock after your dinner with him and Beel and gifted you several items. 
Please make sure to answer mine and Beel’s messages right away.
Don't worry I won't miss any of you or your brother's texts!
Who's talking about those others?
You chuckle at the memory. Belphie was too much sometimes.
You shake your head and sniffle. 
….Oh god. 
You wouldn't see them in person like this anymore! These moments with them. They would be far and few between once you started your new job.
And for some reason while you're surrounded by half packed boxes in your home, it’s finally hitting you.
Your phone pings and you wipe your eyes.
A text from Lucifer.
That was the last person you expected. He hasn't really been talking to you much outside of work since you gave him your resignation, and even then it was purely professional. It made you feel bad. Like your relationship had regressed.
So you quickly respond.
L: Did you already schedule transportation to the airport?
M: of course 👍 don’t wanna wait last minute
L: Make sure you double check the dates too.
M: lucy are you gonna miss me? :3c
If you didn’t bring it up, he might not say it out right.
L: You're so troublesome.
L: But yes, I will miss you.
L: And I honestly don't understand why you're leaving.
You stare at the messages. How were you supposed to respond to that?
M: i have to. it's what i want to do with my life…
L: Okay. Make sure you're on time tomorrow.
That's it? 
You let out an annoyed sigh.
You're in Lucifer's office first thing in the morning. He looks up with you with a raised eyebrow when you barge in.
You drag a seat directly in front of his desk so he’s forced to look at you. "We are handling this right now. I want to leave here with no loose ends"
"What is there to handle exactly? Youre leaving this job in 3 days to start your new one."
"Lucifer, you're obviously upset at me and I want you to be happy for me....like everyone else."
"I'm not like everyone else."
"Obviously, everyone is different. You're all different. That's not what I meant..."
You take a deep breath, lean forward and rest your arms on his desk. "Be vulnerable with me this one time. I know you're going to miss me but I feel like that's not enough for you to be so cold towards me like this..." 
He’s quiet.
"Please Lucy?"
"...I don't want you to leave. The idea that I won't get to see you easily bothers me."
He looks away
"And I feel like I'm the reason you're leaving."
“I'm so sorry, I know sometimes I joke around with your brothers but Lucifer it's not actually you. Work like this has always been stressful for me. It's always been. And I just happened to find where my limit was in this particular job.”
“I love you and all your brothers but my final goal was to always aim for work that would be easier on me mentally in a place where it was enough to sustain me. I just got too used to being here.”
"You handle every situation so calmly though. You're always on top of everything
"Heh my acting skills are just that good! But you're starting to understand I hope?"  
He crosses his arms. “I can’t be happy about you leaving MC.”
Your brows furrow.
“But I suppose I can support you going for what you really want.”
“You know what…I’ll take it!” You rest your head on your arms.
He smirks. “Now get out, I'm busy. We can talk more afterwards.”
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lonelycowgirls · 2 years
Been There All Along
She's here and she's beautiful. Harry and Stella are complex characters because humans generally tend to be. So, keep that in mind when reading. I left my desk last night and found it hard to accept that these two people don't actually exist. Ya girl's a little too ✨invested✨ in her made-up people.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this. She's a long one, so get a nice hot drink and settle in.
Please like, reblog and follow if you enjoy it!
My asks are also open for feedback and ideas to how this universe can continue.
I give you... Part 2.
Nel xo
Where Harry goes on a lovely Sunday stroll with an old friend and things get reminiscent.
Read Part One here.
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Warnings: angst | swearing | mentions of blood
Word count: 4.1k
Harry took a deep breath in as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight outside his London home. Through the busy Saturday traffic he could just about hear the birds chirping. He loved days like that, where the sky was wall-to-wall blue, where the air was chilly but comfortable if you warmed up and chased the sun's rays. He pulled the front door shut and trotted down the three steps that led to the pavement below. The terraced South Kensington abode he shared with Stella was stifling him. So, when Ellis texted to say she was in town for work, he'd jumped at her offer of a cup of coffee and a stroll.
He'd left Stella and the cats catching up on the previous night's episode of Love Island. She was due for an evening shift that night so she just wanted to chill after making a Sunday roast for the two of them. They'd had a long few nights talking things through and making up for lost time. There was rather a lot that they needed to think about and a lot of things they both needed to consider, they'd realised.
He pulled his sunglasses down from where they'd been rested atop his head and set off in the direction of the tube station. He kept his black scarf wrapped over his mouth and chin, for warmth and in the hopes of harbouring some anonymity for as long as possible. He could usually get away with it - it had been over a decade and both he and Stella had gotten very good at sneaking around so as not to be noticed, but it was always a challenge.
Walking along the pavement, he noticed the woman in front of him and marvelled at her wonderful shoe choice. Knee-high boots of dark green snakeskin. She looked great in her dark brown suede coat with its marabou feather trim. Of course, he couldn't just stop and tell her that he liked her outfit, but in that moment he really wished he could. He took a step off the pavement edge and overtook her, turning his head to nod in acknowledgement, being sure not to linger too long.
As he approached the station he began to get slightly anxious as he saw the large crowds funnelling in and out of the station. He questioned why he'd recommended that he and Ellis should meet there a little over half an hour before. He kept his head down and adjusted his tote over his shoulder.
"Hey, stranger." He heard Ellis before she squeezed his arm through his big puffer jacket. She said it close to him and pulled him into a hug quickly. She knew to be discreet so as not to draw any unnecessary attention. He bent slightly to bring her close for a quick squish before letting go with a smile.
"So good to see you, mate," he responded. "Love the hat." He said, tugging the green woollen brim of it over her eyes in jest. She laughed and stepped back to start walking.
"Thanks, dickhead," She replied. "Come on then, show me where you get your pretentious non-fat, no-foam, sugar-free latte's, Mr Hollywood."
"Oh, God you sound like Stella." He grumbled, still with a smirk as he led the way to Florence's Patisserie. They did the best lemon shortbreads, he made a mental note to remember to grab one for Stella.
"I'm only pulling your leg. We have much to discuss though." She looked at him with a knowing, mischievous glint in her eye. Ellis was always the 'wise' one of their friendship group. Always the one to oversee drama and try to distil it. She and Stella had always gotten along, since school, but she'd always been closer to Harry.
It was only a five-minute walk from the station to the café and Harry was glad of it as he'd started hearing whispers from the pedestrians flocking the streets.
"It never gets any less weird, does it." Ellis said rhetorically, as she glanced at a group of girls with their camera phones pointed at the pair. Harry gave her a tight-lipped smile. It definitely didn't bother him as much as it used to. It only really became a burden to him when his friends began to feel uncomfortable being around him. It terrified him to think that he could have lost crucial friendships in the past because of it. People that could have been a big part of his life had he not been famous. It made him that much more thankful for his blonde friend of over a decade, and the feeling warmed his belly.
The familiar pretty millennial pink writing quickly became visible in the distance and Harry sped up, seeing the end in sight. He held open the door for Ellis to step through and followed her, asking what she fancied.
"They do every alternative milk you could think of, if that's something you're into now?" Ellis gave him a look.
"Just good old cows milk will do for me, lad." He nodded and stepped up to order.
"Can I have a triple shot flat white, please? And a," he motioned for Ellis to order.
"Just a regular vanilla latte, please," She said, smiling. "Oh, and one of your delicious-looking pan-au-chocolat's as well, please." She thanked Harry for paying and they moved to the end of the counter to wait. Harry asked her about what she was doing for work in London while adding a sugar sachet to his coffee. They were halfway up the road when Harry stopped.
"Shit, I forgot about Stella."
"I forgot to get her anything," Ellis clutched her paper cup for warmth. "Wait here for a sec." He rushed back in the direction of the shop but slowed when he heard a camera shutter. He looked to the side and spotted a paparazzo getting out of a car with a huge camera hanging around his neck. He inhaled sharply, nostrils flaring and turning back to hurry to pull Ellis across the road.
"Bloody hell, Harry how do you keep living like this?"
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"Right, so tell me the story. I've heard parts of it from Stell, but I always like to get both sides." Harry sighed and took a sip from his coffee.
"What's Stell's side?" He side-eyed Ellis through his sunglasses, genuinely curious. Ellis side-eyed him right back.
"I'm sure what she's told me is what she's told you," they continued on towards the Heath and Harry swung the rickety old wooden gate open for Ellis to walk ahead. He took another sip of coffee and looked in front of him at the expanse of grassy hills, their destination; a rusting metal bench that sat at the peak. "She feels guilty about the way she handled the situation, but she doesn't regret it." She paused for a moment in thought, he marched by her side, beginning to see his breath exhale into the air as he panted. "She just wants you to be a bit more present, I think."
Harry thought back to their confrontation at MSG.
“You’d know all about it if you listened to anyone talk about anything that wasn’t to do with you.”
Stella always knew the buttons needed to push Harry to another level. It really hurt him to hear her say that. He'd always felt like he made an effort to listen to others - above all, to listen to her. But it definitely made him think twice about the way he'd been treating the people he cared about the most.
"Yeah, we spoke a lot about that. I'm trying, El."
"I wanna say I know you are, but to be completely honest, I don't know if you are or aren't... because we don't really speak much anymore do we?" Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, did all the women in his life recently come together in a meeting and decide it was time to give him a hard time? "Don't stress, I'm just saying." Ellis held her hand up in surrender before he could respond as she watched his brows furrow into a harsh line.
"I thought I was bloody trying, but I had so many exciting things lined up and Stell was so busy with work and..." Ellis pushed for him to continue.
"You can say what you want Harry, I won't tell Stell."
"Argh, she's just infuriating when she gets like this. Like, I don't think she realises how much pressure I'm under every bloody day. She literally ranted at me over the phone over nothing and then she laid me out in front of the people I work with and... listen, I don't wanna sound like a misogynistic prick but sometimes I just don't need all this... this feminine rage!" He finished, his free hand animated until it slapped back down to the top of his thigh. Ellis took a moment before the laughter pushed through her lips into a cackle. Harry snapped his head to look at her and then couldn't help but laugh a little. "Why are you laughing?" He asked in a tone of desperation.
"Oh, Harry you make me laugh. Just say your girlfriend is pissing you off, for God's sake. It's fine! I'm sure I piss Michael off on a daily. You've been with Stella for what? 10 years now? I mean bloody hell if she weren't pissing you off sometimes then I would think something was wrong."
"12 years actually," Harry smirked, tipping his head back to finish off the dregs of his coffee. "Honestly, we argue and bicker but she's never looked at me like she did in New York. She's the best, you know that, but she does do my head in when she gets into these... moods."
"Is it her being in a mood or is she just, I dunno, crying out for you?" She looked at him and he looked contemplative. "I've gotta be honest, and you already know how much I admire your relationship and how you've been able to make it last, but I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with you."
"Meaning?" That stung, but Harry tried not to take offence, he knew Ellis had no ill intent.
"You need to remember how hard it must be for Stella to be in a public relationship. You're literally one of the most famous men in the world right now and she has to navigate that every day," Ellis looked ahead of them, thinking about how much hate Stella got every day and how Harry never defended her. She got a little pissed off at the thought of that. "And half the time you're not even around to make all the agg worth it." She blurted out, taking a gulp of her latte and wincing at the burn at the back of her throat. Harry sighed heavily, growing agitated.
"She kept saying stuff like, 'remember who you are', on the phone. What the fuck is that about? Seriously, she can't expect me to be who I was when we were 16."
"I don't think she really means that, mate."
"Well, last time I checked, she was thoroughly enjoying the perks of being with 'one of the most famous men in the world'." Harry said, smirking cheekily in Ellis's direction.
"Don't be a cocky git, H." Ellis shut him down. She hoped that he hadn't become that person.
Harry chewed his cheek to keep from smiling, he was only winding her up but he knew he could let his ego get the best of him sometimes. He was self-aware, but he tried to go easy on himself after attending therapy sessions over it for many years. How was he not meant to get ahead of himself every once in a while when he had women, and men, lining up to tell him how amazing, handsome and talented he was? Holding up signs asking if they could call him, Daddy? Offering him jobs left and right, in industries he never thought he had any business getting involved in, with an insane amount of zeros added to each cheque they sent Jeff's way?
Stella always kept him on the ground. She'd check him, toot sweet, and with no remorse, and he needed that. But he remembered all the memories they made when they were younger, back in the 1D days. She'd fucking loved being Harry's girlfriend, that was a hill he would gladly die on. She'd loved the fast-paced, glamour of it all. She'd loved being by his side and knowing that almost every girl in the world wanted to be in her position. Travelling the world and fucking their way through tour dates. Waking up, naked and barely remembering any words in the English language but each other's names, and being too in love to worry about it. She'd stayed in the best hotel rooms money could buy and he'd flown her out first class whenever she'd had time off at university. She'd eaten at the best restaurants cities had to offer. He thought back to buying expensive lingerie for her, scheduling it to be delivered while he was rehearsing and returning to the many hotel rooms they stayed in to find her wearing it, sprawled on the bed and looking better than he could ever have imagined. He always marvelled at the way she could take his breath away. Every damn time.
She'd lived every 19-year-old's dream.
"I know she loved being with a pop star when she was a teenager, even into her early 20s... that life was new and exciting, for all of us. We all got swept up in it, including you." Ellis snapped him out of his wandering mind and he frowned, nodding. It was true, Harry's life went from zero to 60 overnight and thus so did Stella's. He made sure to take his friends with him for as long and as far as he could. They had amazing times. But everything changed when Stella graduated into midwifery, it was her dream and she was damn good at it. But her life became very serious, all of a sudden. Harry had begun to feel inadequate as a partner, he found her so impressive and it made him feel inferior. What he had to offer, she didn't want or need anymore. She had this wonderful qualification to bring life into the world, after dedicating years of her life to educating herself for it.
It caused havoc in their relationship, and confrontation began to bubble to the surface in ways it hadn't before. They'd nearly separated but decided to push through. Stella took a year out and Harry knew it was time to call it quits with the band. They'd spent time at home for the first time since Harry got on the X Factor and it changed everything. They both knew they had become a forever thing.
She gave up everything for him, to make it work. Now, perhaps it was time for him to consider doing the same. He looked at his friend, his brows deep in a frown behind his sunglasses.
"She's a grown woman now, Harry. She needs stability and support, she needs a man." Ellis nudged his side, smirking with a wink. "Her man."
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"Alexa, play BBC Radio Two." Stella called to the little robotic woman who lived in her bedroom, before she began to ascend the stairs, cup of tea in hand. Delilah, the ginger Maine Coon Harry had brought home almost three years ago, dipped in and out of her legs to follow her, always her shadow. Their other cat, a Ragdoll named Percy, stayed in the living room. He'd jumped, or more accurately plopped, down into the dip in the sofa that Stella left behind when she'd gotten up. Percy was Stella's granddad's beloved pet and she'd taken him in after he passed away. He was 13 years old and yearned for a much slower life in his old age. But she adored him.
Stella and Delilah crossed the landing towards the main bedroom and while Stella went into the ensuite, the cat made haste to sit underneath her dressing table, knowing she would soon be required to keep her owner's feet warm by cuddling up on top of them while makeup was carefully applied.
The figure in the mirror over the sink stared back at Stella, with bags under its eyes and hair pulled up in a messy - not even a nice messy - bun with flyaways sticking out all over the place. She shook her head with a sigh and flicked the cold tap on to splash water over her face, in an attempt to bring her dull skin back to life. Work was killing her, she'd leave one shift, only to be back in for a double six hours later. It'd been a few days since she'd flown back from New York and she'd been almost flat out since. She hoped it was a temporary thing, due to staff members calling in sick and kept her fingers crossed it would die down soon.
The radio had been purely background noise until she heard the familiar notes and dulcet tones of her other half.
"You know it's not the same as it was..."
"You've got that right, babe," she chuckled sadly to herself. She thought back to the night Melanie gave birth to baby Molly and took a long shaky breath inwards.
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Wednesday 21 September 2022
The room was dark, all but silent apart from a few monotonous beeps signalling Melanie's heart was still beating. Stella remembered the first time she'd been privy to a situation where all that mattered was that the beeps kept coming. One at a time, steady and consistent, that's all that was needed. She'd had nightmares where the beeps stopped. Dead. Silence.
George's voice, calm but stoic, shook her out of her daze. "You did everything you could, Stella. Dr. Brooks knows what she's doing, this baby will be fine." Stella looked up at him beside her, dressed in his blue labour scrubs, hairnet and mask.
"She has to be, George." Her voice was shaking, what had just happened was one of the most traumatic labours she'd come up against. She couldn't help but blame herself. After all, she'd been up for close to 22 hours by then. She wasn't up to assisting in Mel's labour, she'd been selfish in her choice to rush back and take over. She raised a wobbly hand up to her forehead and rubbed, willing herself not to cry.
Dr. Brooks worked skilfully and moved with absolute purpose, decades of experience had made her hands nimble. This baby needed to come out quickly and efficiently. Melanie had already lost a lot of blood and they couldn't afford for the baby to be starved of oxygen.
Stella closed her eyes and breathed deep.
"Take deep breaths for me, Mel." Stella was between Melanie's legs and it had been nearly an hour of intermittent pushing, to no avail. How could that be when she was fully dilated? "Come on, I know you can do this."
"I can't, I ca-can't." Melanie stuttered above her, taking huge drags from the gas and air, nearing unconsciousness.
"I don't think she's getting any contractions now, G," Stella stated, eyes wide in early panic as she looked at her general manager for help. Stella had already had to cut into Melanie in an attempt to accommodate the baby's head and shoulders, but she was just not budging.
"Stay calm. Mel, Melanie," George spoke gruffly over Stella's head and she snapped her head to look at his sudden move to the top of the bed. Melanie's head had gone slack, the spout of the gas and air tube hanging from her lips that were rapidly turning blue.
"Fuck." Stella whispered, barely audible. The following moments were a blur. She looked down at her gloved hands, gloves that were once blue but had turned red. She looked down at her scrubs, red, all the way down to her knees. "Fuck."
"Alright, here she is," Stella startled out of her reverie with the cry of a newborn. A beautiful newborn baby and it was possibly the most gorgeous sound she'd ever heard. The relief nearly took her out at the knees. George threw an arm around Stella's shoulders and squeezed and she smiled for the first time in what felt like days. Her ears pricked up as they searched for the all-important sound and there it was. Beep. Beep. Beep.
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Under the flowing water of the hospital shower, Stella felt numb. She rested her head on her shoulders and let the droplets run down her body, breathing deeply. She thought about Harry. She wished he was there, it made her face crumble for a moment and she let a fist hit the shower wall in frustration. She might have fucked up her job and her relationship in one night, impressive even by her standards.
Stepping out in a rough, clinically pressed white towel that probably took off a layer of skin as she rubbed it up and down her limbs, she'd never felt more drained. She was tired to her bones. A friend on another ward, Angel had travelled in to bring Stella some clothes as she only lived a short walk away. She'd left them in Stella's locker for her to collect before going on her shift.
She dragged the velour trackie bottoms up her legs and threw the hoodie over her head, forgoing a bra - there was no way the girls were going to be constrained while she was in this mental state, that might've actually driven her to the brink.
She rubbed her hands over her eyes and tried to get the image of Melanie's unconscious face out of her mind. Baby and mother were both alive. Melanie was torn up, but she was alive. That's what mattered.
Towelling her hair dry, she couldn't wait to get home, get into bed and most likely cry herself to sleep. Throwing her bloodied scrubs into the wash bin next to the lockers and grabbing her bag from her locker she left and pushed the door to the staff changing area open. Had it always weighed a tonne? Shuffling in Angel's sliders that were a size too big for her, she smiled softly at Val who was still at the front desk. She'd probably finished, gone home and come back in the same time Stella had been dealing with Melanie. Val smiled smugly and looked to her right. Stella followed her gaze and nearly doubled over when her eyes landed on him.
"Oh my god," she sputtered through a breath. "Harry."
He looked up at the sound of her voice, his eyes fluttered open and he shook his head slightly to adjust to his surroundings. Vision clearing and landing on her, he rose from the hard plastic chairs and Stella finally broke down. Her face crumbled at the pure comfort he brought just by being near. He was wearing what he'd worn to the arena the night before.
"Harry, have you been here all night?" She sobbed and he welcomed her to step into him bringing his hands to cup her cheeks, catching her tears with his thumbs. He nodded subtly, his brows pinching in the middle, exhausted and emotional. She dropped her bag to the floor and craned her neck slightly to push her lips to his, short quick pecks as he stroked the skin under her eyes.
"I love you," he whispered. "Please, don't ever run away again."
"I love you too, I'm sorry, baby." She whispered back, stroking his hair back and scratching the back of his neck.
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"And you flew right after her..." Ellis said wistfully, looking at her friend as they neared the metal bench at the top of the Heath.
"Yeah... not gonna be winning any awards for eco-friendliness any time soon." He joked.
"Fair play, you can be a bloody romantic sod when you want to be, H." She marvelled, looking out to the skyline below them. He looked out to watch the rest of London going about their lives. An older couple caught his eye, holding hands and walking in step with each other down the hill. He thought about Stella for the umpteenth time that day; that was nothing new. They weren't perfect, but that night when she'd helped bring new life into the world, they'd brought new life into their relationship. And watching the pair of strangers continue their stroll, as the man brought his partner into his side to kiss the top of her head, he knew it would all be worth it in the end.
Because she'd been there all along.
Hope you enjoyed this little glance into Harry and Stella's world. If you've made it this far, I love ya!
See you next time.
Nel xo
Itty bitty taggy listy:
@lomlhstyles | @jessitpwk
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blazethecheeto · 9 months
dude this book. i need to talk. about it. im going insane.
everyone who hasn't read it, PLEASE DO!!! it's a dark academia book about a bunch of gay silly magic people that join a society and try to kill each other. there's time travel, a big ass polycule, aesthetic scenes, the prettiest writing style in the world, science, philosophy, and fucked family. (opposite of found family).
(extremely chaotic unorganized long rant below, with spoilers. click at your own risk)
i had to power through the first one, it felt long, and unnecessary and like trekking through a JUNGLE with the thickest and most intricate ecosystem that i had to peel back and unravel for hours and hours. only to like move the plot by an inch.
BUT THIS. olivie blake found her footing because this was so good. i am aware the reviews hate on this book and some people don't like it, but personally i adore it and it's really well written.
bro they all had such wonderful voices, like they were distinct and unique from each other but not drastically, noticeably different I NEED TO LEARN FROM THIS. six of crows and the atlas six do multi povs so well <3 its like this book was made for me, each character was perfect and incredible and gay and silly and-
reina. love of my life. i look forward to all her povs because the plants are so silly and she's the best character. i said it. she's canon asexual now too YEES. i needed more of her because she was barely in the first one, and they DELIVERED. the juicy plot with her 'god complex' (ily callum) and her feelings getting hurt and learning she actually is lonely and wants friends? she's so wanda maximoff. next book better have her opening up and learning to love people or i riot (and also her killing people and being the badass she is)
parisa always my fave too, i do wish her character wasn't always talking about sex or romance, there were some great moments in this book where she showed off her telepathy powers (the prince in the tower!!) it was awesome. i'm glad they acknowledged that side of her with reina, (oh my god i ship them so much wait till i rant about them-) but dude i still HATE DALTON. SO MUCH. OH MY GOD. every time it's her pov i dread seeing dalton, i wish she could give that up. generic white men should die.
CALLUM. whatever turned him from complex, daunting, and a psychopath last book to janus from sanders sides this book- beautiful choice. he's literally the one sassy wine-sipping gay aunt that feels nothing and everything at once, also extremely mentally ill and depressed. he's SO FUNNY. his povs are fucking hilarious to read, and he quickly became one of my faves bc of how complex he is. i'm not smart enough to decipher and psychoanalyze him but god i LOVE CHARACTERS LIKE THIS.
i don't know what happened but nico is literally one of my faves now too, he's so silly and sweet and kind and i loved his relationships with everyone this book. like him trying to murder tristan in multiple different ways oml. he's my bbg. tristan was hit or miss for me, i did find him interesting but he's not my favourite. doesn't mean i hate him, he's so very british, i feel it radiating off the page. libby my queen my icon, her dream povs were so trippy i loved it- so so realistic to a real dream, that was the most surprising and unique part. also my bisexual queen seducing belen??
i did not like ezra and atlas was a little iffy here and there but tbh the cast was so well rounded and interesting and unique but paralleled each other so well?? THE RELATIONSHIPS. I DONT THINK ANY BOOK HAS THIS INTRICATE WEB-LIKE RELATIONSHIPS WITH EACH OTHER. they're one big polycule.
nico and libby <3 i love them so much as siblings/queerplatonic partners. i don't ship them romantically, because i LOVE how they subverted the eye-rolling predictable ' YA academic rivals enemies to lovers' trope. when i started TAS, i immediately thought they were gonna get together and assumed the worst. but no, they still had the banter and importance in their relationship but without the romance? instead both of them were gay af. it's beautiful. i love subverting tropes so much. they're each other's 'other half' and they're hilarious together.
NICO AND TRISTAN. they were such a highlight this book, it was unexpected but so funny. nico trying to murder tristan and their little talks because 'they're not friends...just coworkers' yeah right, the best friendships start with creatively murdering each other. tristan being droll and chill af, and then nico bouncing off the walls my adhd king.
reina and nico broke me?? like that one chapter where they sparred and caught up with each other and reina was guarding her hurt feelings. DUDE THAT KILLED ME. made me stare at the ceiling for a good minute. their friendship is everything to me, they contrast each other so well. she deserves to be treated better- when they had that projection chapter and she saw that nico downplayed her skills...like she was good, but not good enough for him to care about her. AGGHGH.
REINA AND PARISA. NOW THIS. THIS HOOKED ME INTO THE BOOK. i ship them so bad guys. they parallel each other and are both hot and enemies to lovers and wlw slow burn and- look. reina is asexual, therefore the only person to truly see and understand parisa for who she is, and not be influenced by her body. like that one projection. she can help parisa understand HERSELF and who she is past her sexual desirability. how to love someone again. romantically. then, on the flip side, parisa can help reina see and understand OTHERS. reina only sees people as one trait, cut and dry- without any of the complex feelings. parisa is a telepath, she knows how to read others. THEY CAN BOTH HELP EACH OTHER AND LOVE EACH OTHER IN WAYS THEY NEVER COULD HAVE OMFDADJFLSKJADFL- also reina pinned her against a wall and they want to kill each other and every time they interact i scream into my pillow-
'You can't love anyone right?"
"I've met very few people worth loving."
*throws myself off a building*
now we just gotta play the familiar game "IS IT DELUSION OR IS IT JUST SLOW BURN" and find out whether their insane chemistry pays off in book 3.
the nico parisa scene was actually sweet ngl, even though i don't ship them. the whole callum and tristan thing was so bitter exes situationship coded and i ate every second up. especially that last conversation. AND OFC. GIDEON AND NICO?!!! AAAAA THEY WERE SO CUTE THEY'RE ENDGAME I SCREAMED WHEN THEY KISSED DUDE THEYRE SO-
now for the actual plot. this book has so many interesting subjects and philosophies and debates i'm not smart enough for this. but past all the aesthetic glamour, it's science, time travel, dreams, multiverses, fate, reality, and the complexities of the human mind. and my god it's fascinating as fuck.
do i have any idea what they do in this society?? NO. am i entertained? YES. especially that whole explosion paradox to bring libby back to the future. the whole powering the connections via aurora borealis? the whole debate about being gods? i love it. i love it.
alright im so sorry for that rant, i gotta go now but DUDE I LOVE THIS BOOK NO MATTER HOW WEIRD IT WAS
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heartlessfujoshi · 22 days
Familiar Places - An IgNoct fanfic
Title: Familiar Places Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Ignoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ignis Scientia) Rating; General (Minor Angst - Tooth-Rotting Fluff) Word Count: ~4,500 Summary: It’s Noctis’ 18th birthday, and it seems that everyone on Eos has forgotten about it. 
A/N: Happy birthday to Noctis! :D Gosh, it felt good to write the birthday boy again. :) Please enjoy! 
Noctis looks at himself in the mirror, adjusts the simple tie around his neck, and stares back at his reflection. He doesn’t look any different. Not that he would know what one should look like when they turn eighteen. He tilts his head, fixing a bit of his unruly hair, then sighs. Birthdays are dumb. He hates having to deal with people wishing him well tidings on this day, when it really isn’t all that special. It’s Friday, and that was it.
So what if he’s now of legal age to do most things in Insomnia? That is, except for drinking, which is fine. He has never cared for the taste of liquor the few times he’s tried it under certain circumstances. 
Picking up his phone, he checks to see if anyone has said anything yet, but all lines of chat are completely quiet. No messages from Prompto, none from Gladio, and definitely none from Ignis. He doesn’t know why, but his chest aches as he lingers on the last text he’d exchanged with Ignis, which had been all of three days ago. And all it had said was “Fine.” 
Ignis had wanted him to go to the Citadel to attend some stupid meeting, and he had wanted to stay behind at school with Prompto, as the two of them were working on a class project. Of course, all Ignis had said was that single word. Straight and to the point - that has always been Ignis’ motto. 
He turns off the light, and heads out into his kitchen, where there’s a tray full of pastries sitting on his counter. Apparently Ignis had come by at some point to drop them off, as he knows they weren’t there last night when he went to bed. Looking around, he tries to see if his Adviser is around, lurking in the shadows, but no - he’s alone in his apartment. 
“Happy birthday to me.” He mumbles, picking up one of his favorites - one made with Ulwat berry. 
Dusting off the sugar from his fingertips, he grabs his things and heads out of his apartment. He’s taken to riding public transportation in the morning, while he saves using the Regalia for the afternoons. Taking public transportation to the Citadel, where he goes regularly each week for training with Cor and the Glaives isn’t an easy task, hence the rides in the Regalia. It’s also the time of day when he gets to speak to Ignis, which he looks forward to most days. One of the perks of living away from the Citadel with his father is that he’s able to blend in with the rest of society. No one pays him any attention, but if he’s in the Regalia, then all eyes are on him. Anonymity has its perks. 
Prompto doesn’t greet him with a happy birthday when he sees him. They do share a hug, and then Prompto launches into telling him all about this game he’d been playing the night before, which Noctis remembers as he’d had to help him solve a difficult puzzle through chat. He wants to ask him if he knows what day it is, but then stops himself because he doesn’t want the unnecessary attention from any of the other students. 
The day goes by fast. School has only come back from summer break the week before, and it’s their final year. He had always thought that his third year would be the worst, but so far it’s proving to be the easiest. That all can change, though, but for now, he’s going to count it as a blessing. 
“Hey, want to go to the arcade?” Noctis asks Prompto, as they get their trainers back on, slipping his school shoes into his locker. 
Prompto grimaces, then shakes his head. “I can’t! I have plans, Noct. I’m so sorry!” Prompto rushes to slam his locker shut, and then starts to walk away. “Maybe tomorrow? See ya, Prince!” He waves, and then leaves the school building, leaving Noctis to stare after his best friend with an open mouth. 
Tomorrow? What good would going to the arcade be if they went tomorrow? Today is his birthday, not tomorrow. Noctis sighs, then turns back to look at his shoes. Was the world against him today? That had to be in. The Six are having a laugh that the Prince of Lucis has yet to hear someone say ‘happy birthday’ to him. 
Not even his own father has reached out to him to wish him well. Usually his father is the first person to send a text - always at the exact time that his mother gave birth to him. But not today. The last text he has from his father was from over a month ago. He knows that tensions have been high between Lucis and Niflheim, but not even a text?? 
Noctis puts his bag over his shoulder, and leaves the school grounds, only to find that the Regalia isn’t there. No car to take him back home. He looks up at the sky, and isn’t at all surprised to see that the sky has gone grey. He can feel a chill in the air, and as he begins to walk towards the underground, rain begins to fall. 
He gets down below just as a deluge occurs, the sky’s opening up with a torrential amount of rain. His feet pound on the stairs, rushing to get further away from the wetness, water running down the stairs towards where he’s going. He pulls out his phone again, making sure he hasn’t missed a text from anyone. Still no communication from anyone. 
Is my phone dead? 
Flipping through his contacts, he finds one for the video game store he likes to visit, and tries to call the number. It rings, and as someone picks up, he hangs up. Okay, so his phone is working. That’s good. 
But why does he feel so bad? 
Rather than go straight home, Noctis decides to head to the largest public library in Insomnia, which is only a few stops away from where his apartment is. If no one is going to be bothered to wish him a happy birthday, he’s going to go and do something he hasn’t done in ages. He can’t remember the last time he willingly went to the library. Ignis is the one that frequents the library, often dragging Noctis with him as it will help educate him on the workings of the Citadel, and what he’ll need to know when he takes over duties for the King. 
The library is quiet. There are people milling about, trying to stay out of the rain, as it is still a torrential downpour. Noctis walks in, shaking his head to get some of the water off of him, but it doesn’t really help as he’s pretty much drenched. He looks around, deciding on where he should go, and heads up to the second level, where the historical books can be found. 
It’s like Ignis is with him, which is mildly comforting. It’d be better if Ignis had actually been there, but Noctis can’t be upset with him. He knows that his life has become more difficult, with more tasks now falling onto his shoulders. His future right-hand man. Looking to his right, he feels a pang in his chest, missing the presence of who should be there. 
Choosing the library might not have been the best idea, as now he’s more depressed than he had been at school. He pulls his phone out, and debates on taking a selfie in the stacks, wanting to send the picture to Ignis to show him where he is, but the ‘Fine’ text mocks him, making him remember that they aren’t really on the best of terms right now. He loses the smile that had begun to appear on his face, and pockets his phone again, feeling defeated. 
He finds a quiet corner, and sits down, hoping he isn’t ruining the furniture with his damp clothing. No one comes near him, which again, he’s grateful for but begins to wonder if there is something wrong with him. Brushing it off, he closes his eyes and sinks further into the comfortable chair, deciding that a quick nap might help get him out of his funk. 
It’s dark when he wakes him, Noctis looking around in confusion as he’s forgotten where he is. Library. Right. He picks up his bag, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. Still no calls or texts from any of his friends, nor from his father. Hadn’t he reminded everyone a week ago that his birthday was coming up? Maybe he had done a bad job of saying something. 
Luckily, the rain has now stopped, allowing him to head to the underground without any worry of getting drenched again. He stops at one stop before his station, and heads back up topside to grab his favorite meal. If no one is going to celebrate his birthday with him, then that’s their loss. He’s going to enjoy the rest of his birthday by himself, and that’s going to start with some delicious Galahd food. 
He eats at the stall by himself, ordering all of his favorite menu items and devouring them as if he hasn’t seen food in days. He tips the chef nicely, then walks towards his apartment building, figuring the walk will do him well as he has to work off the food he’s just consumed. No training today, which he had assumed was because it’s his birthday, but since he hasn’t gotten a call or text from either Cor or Gladio, Noctis figures that maybe it’s just a lucky day. 
The apartment lobby is decorated for the late summer holiday, and his doorman greets him hello before hitting the elevator button for him. Noctis gets into the elevator, and pushes the button for his floor. He walks off the elevator, and heads to his apartment, keeping his head down as he’s in no mood to make eye contact with anyone - friendly neighbor or not. He wants today to come to an end. Eighteen has been terrible so far, and he doesn’t expect it to get any better. 
Putting the key into his lock, he twists it, noticing that there was light streaming from under the door. Did I forget to turn off the lights again? Ignis is going to kill me. He twists the handle, and then pushes the door open. He’s about to check on the lights when he looks up and stares in shock as every single person who he’s been thinking about over the course of the day is standing in his apartment. “Surprise!” They all shout, balloons and decorations filling his apartment to the brim. “Happy birthday, Noctis!” Everyone yells, poppers exploding as they shout their birthday greeting to him. 
“What?” He stares at the group - Gladio is there, dressed down in his workout clothes; Prompto is there, snapping pictures with his camera; Cor is standing off to the side with his father - his father is here. And then, standing front and center is the one person he’s been missing the most - Ignis. 
“Apologies, Your Highness.” Ignis greets him with a wane smile. “We had to keep this secret from you.” 
“Sorry, Noct!” Prompto appears next to him, snapping a pic of the two of them with his camera. “I know you wanted to go to the arcade, but I had to come here to help set everything up! But where the hell have you been?! We thought you were going to be here hours ago!” 
Blushing, Noctis looks around, still stunned by the surprise of everyone being here. “I thought you forgot.” 
“How could we forget your birthday?” Gladio threw his arm around his neck, and began to rub his fist against the top of his head. “You told us last week!” 
Noctis feels sheepish, struggling to get out of his hold as Gladio stops rubbing his head. He breathes a bit easier, pulling at the tie around his neck, which is still in a knot because he hadn’t bothered to do anything with it at the library. He gives his future Shield a grin, scratching the back of his neck. “Did I?” 
“You know you did, you jerk.” Gladio gives him a smirk, then turns and walks over to where Cor is standing. 
He approaches his father, who has taken a seat, no doubt because his knee is bothering him. “Hello.” He greets him, taking the seat next to his to be on the same level as him. 
“Happy birthday, Noctis.” His father hands him a small package, which he takes with his hand. “I apologize, we can’t stay for very long. When Ignis had informed me that you had not yet come home after my final meeting was over, I told Cor that we should come by.” 
“I’m glad you did.” Noctis sets the gift down. “I didn’t expect to see either of you here.” He looks over at Ignis, who is having a conversation with Prompto, who is in the process of taking pictures of everything happening around them. “Thanks, Dad.” 
“It isn’t every day that you turn eighteen.” His father stands up, using his cane to balance himself. Cor is at his side in an instant, his father rolling his eyes. “I’m not an invalid, Leonis.” 
“I did not say that you were, Your Majesty.” Cor looks at him. “Happy birthday, Noct. No training tomorrow.”
”Seriously?” He asks, surprise returning. “You never give me two days off in a row.” 
“Yes, I do.” Cor gives a nod, Noctis hiding his eye roll by looking away as Cor then looks at his father. “Ready to go, Your Majesty?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Regis looks around the room. “Boys - I am glad that my son has such a strong bond with the three of you. You didn’t have to do this for his birthday.” 
“We wanted to do something fun, Your Majesty!” Prompto walks over with Ignis, who has yet to look at him since apologizing to him. “Noct deserves it!” 
“He does, indeed.” Regis’ hand falls heavy on his shoulder, Noctis turning to give his father a polite smile. “Enjoy yourself, Noctis. Happy birthday.” 
“Thanks, Dad.” He wishes goodbye to both him and Cor, and then turns to look at his friends, who are already pulling pizza out of boxes. “Sorry, you guys.” 
“You should be.” Gladio shoves a slice into his mouth, then drops down onto his couch. “Where did you go? Since I know you weren’t training today.” 
Noctis walks over, and grabs a slice of pizza. Even though he’s still pretty full, there’s room in his stomach for a bit of pizza. “I went to the library.” 
“You did?” Prompto exclaims. “Willingly?!” 
A soft laugh leaves his mouth as he picks up his piece of pizza, and starts to eat it. “Is that so surprising?” 
“It’s your birthday.” Prompto nods. “Why would anyone on Eos want to go to the library on their birthday?” 
Noctis doesn’t know how to answer that. He knows why he chose to go there; because it was a special place to Ignis. Ignis, his closest confidant who has become too distant from him these last few months. He knows it’s because of the pressure of work, and the tasks he’s been given as he’s training to be his Adviser, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Any place he can go that reminds him of Ignis, he will visit without hesitation. 
“Did you find any books to your liking, Your Highness?” Ignis asks, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. 
He gives him a small smile. “I did not.” 
“Why am I not surprised by that?” The smirk on Ignis’ lips makes his heart do a dance in his chest. 
Gladio reaches for the remote, and turns on the television, Prompto shutting off the stereo as it had been playing music in the background. “You sure did spend a lot of time there. It’s almost 8!” 
“I fell asleep.” Noctis admits, knowing that his friends are going to tease him. 
Gladio and Prompto burst out laughing, while Ignis has a thoughtful look on his face. Nothing else is said, and they go about the evening, hanging out and watching television, eating all of the pizza that Cor had so generously brought over. 
Prompto yawns. “It’s late.” He looks at his watch, then looks over at Gladio. “Can you give me a ride, big guy?” 
“I suppose I can.” Gladio yawns as he stands up, stretching his arms over his head. “You good, Specs?” 
“Yes.” Ignis nods. “I can manage to get home on my own.” 
“Okay, good.” Gladio looks at Noctis. “Happy birthday, jerk.” 
“Thanks, asshole.” He groans as Gladio pulls him into a bone crushing hug, then feels his ears ring as Gladio bellows out a loud laugh. 
Prompto hugs him, getting in one more shot of the two of them with his camera. “Happy birthday, Noct. I’m really glad we surprised you.” 
“You did.” He smiles at his best friend, then says good night to both Prompto and Gladio. The apartment is deafeningly quiet. There’s a slight rustle, as Ignis begins pulling down decorations before heading into the kitchen to put whatever food is left away. Noctis approaches him, knowing it’s best to stay out of his way and leans against the counter. “Thank you for leaving breakfast this morning.” 
“Did I?” Ignis asks, tying an apron around his waist, as he begins to wash the dishes without any prompt to do so. 
“It was either you, or maybe the Six came and visited me this morning, offering me their own way of celebrating my birthday.” 
Ignis laughs, which makes Noctis smile. “I somehow doubt that the Six are involved in bringing Ulwat berry pastries to you.” 
“So it was you.” He grins, happy to see Ignis so relaxed. This is the only time of day he gets to see him like this. “You made them, didn’t you?” 
“I did.” Ignis nods, scrubbing a plate with a sponge. “Don’t tell Prompto, as he begged me to bring him some.” 
“You didn’t?” Noctis gasps, and then begins to laugh as Ignis shoots him a look. “Fine, I won’t tell. Your secret is safe with me.” He pretends to zipper his lips, then tosses a pretend key away. 
Ignis finishes cleaning up, then goes over to where his bag is, and pulls out a wrapped box. “Happy birthday, Your Highness.” He hands it to him, keeping his eyes lowered. 
Noctis brushes his finger against Ignis’, and feels electricity shoot up his arm at the not-so-innocent touch. To his credit, Ignis doesn’t make a sound, but Noctis can see that his face is now slightly flushed. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Ignis. You already do so much for me.” 
“Were you really at the library today?” Ignis asks, as Noctis holds the present with both of his hands. “Why would you go there?” 
“Because I know it’s your favorite place.” Noctis can feel his soul leaving his body, as he admits it out loud. It’s one thing to know something, but informing the person that he’s aware of it, it makes it so much more real. Might as well go all in. He takes a deep breath, and meets Ignis’ eyes, who is finally looking at him in a proper way. “And since you had forgotten my birthday, I wanted to be somewhere that reminded me of you.” 
“I didn’t forget, Noctis.” His knees tremble at the way Ignis says his name. He hardly ever calls him by his name. It’s always ‘Your Highness’, or some variation of that title, but never his full name. Sometimes, if he’s lucky, he’ll get him to address him as Noct, but that’s only usually when Gladio or Prompto are around. “I was here, waiting for you to come home.” 
His heart is pounding hard in his chest, as Ignis removes the apron around his waist. The present in his hands feels like it weighs a million pounds. “Should I open this now?” He asks, as Ignis turns his back towards him, the tension continuing to run high in the room. 
“If you wish.” 
Noctis pulls at the packaging, and reveals a beautiful leather notebook, full of blank pages. “Ignis.” He whispers, as he touches the engraving of his name on the front cover. “This is too much.” 
“It’s more practical than anything.” Ignis has returned, and is now standing in front of him. “You will need to take notes about my day-to-day dealings at the Citadel. I’m sorry it’s not very personal.” 
Ignis may think that, but Noctis stares at the beautiful leather notebook, and knows that Ignis chose this one specifically because he knew that Noctis would like it. And he does. Gold shimmers on the edges of the pages, and he can see a beautiful midnight blue pen sits in the pen holder that’s attached to the notebook. While yes, it may be a practical gift, Noctis stares in wonder at the engraving. Ignis did not have to do that. 
“It’s beautiful.” He sets the notebook down, and without thinking, steps forward and puts his arms around Ignis - one around his neck, while the other slips under his arm to wrap around his back. “Thank you.” He rests his head against Ignis’ shoulder, hoping that he isn’t overstepping their invisible boundaries. 
It takes Ignis a full ten seconds to lift his arms, and put them around Noctis’ body. He wants to cry. Ignis has never been someone who hugs, and to feel his arms around him like this - this is the best birthday gift he could ever receive. “I’m glad you like it.” Ignis’ voice sneaks into his ear, as Noctis has yet to lift his head up from where it’s resting on his shoulder. “You deserve so much more than I could ever give to you, Noctis.” 
Lifting his head, he stares into Ignis’ eyes, which are blazing with a look that he’s never seen before. “You already give me more than I need, Ignis. And it makes me want more.” His own cheeks burn as he refuses to close his eyes. “You don’t understand, do you? How much I-“ 
But the words that are on the tip of his tongue disappear into the void as Ignis’ mouth touches his with the barest hint of a kiss. Noctis makes a noise in the back of his throat - shock, surprise, desire - a culmination of all three, he doesn’t know. What he does know is that Ignis’ lips are touching his, and he’s returning the kiss with as much effort as he can. His arms curl tightly around Ignis’ body, and he feels the pressure of his arms surrounding him, squeezing him with as much enthusiasm as he’s showing to him. 
He parts his mouth, and feels Ignis’ tongue slip in. He hears himself moan into Ignis’ mouth as their tongues connect for the first time, his brain shutting down completely as he surrenders himself to the kiss. Ignis makes a noise that will live rent-free in his head until he’s no longer a part of this world, dying to hear him make it again. They stand in the middle of his living room, holding each other as their mouths continue to learn more about each other in ways that can only be explored through the intimate act of a kiss. 
Their kiss comes to a hasty end, as they both take gasps of breath, but don’t pull apart from one another. “Noctis, I…” Ignis’ forehead presses against his, as they stay close. 
“I know.” He doesn’t need to hear him say it. “You know that I-“ 
“Yes.” Ignis nods his head. 
Confessions of love are never easy to get out, but knowing that Ignis knows how he feels and vice versa, it brings a sense of acceptance inside of Noctis. Reaching for him, Ignis’ mouth returns to his, and they share another amorous kiss, Noctis becoming lightheaded as he forgets the importance of breathing. They fall back onto the couch together, both laughing as they have yet to disentangle themselves from each other. Noctis puts his head on Ignis’ shoulder, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Does this mean we can do this all the time now?” He asks, staring at his fingers that are laced with Ignis’, resting on top of his thigh as he snuggles up against the man who has been the only constant in his life besides his father. 
“Maybe not all the time, but I do believe we can engage in certain….things, if you wish.”
He lifts his head, and sees Ignis has a smirk on his lips. “Oh, you’re a bad man, Ignis.” 
“I suppose that I am.” 
They kiss a few more times on the couch, and then Ignis is gathering his items to head home for the evening. As he walks him to the door, Noctis stares up at him, feeling very shy. “How did you know?” He asks, as he opens the door for him. 
“You went to the library and fell asleep.” Ignis lowers his head, and brushes a kiss against his lips before bringing them to his ear. “You went because of me. Because of how you feel. And you were comfortable enough to sleep there.” 
“I can fall asleep anywhere.” His cheeks burn with embarrassment, hating that he’s so easy to read. 
A soft chuckle sends a shiver down his spine. “You can, but knowing you went there to be close to me? That, my darling, is why I knew you’d reciprocate.” 
“Always so technical.” He pushes him, but then pulls him back towards him and kisses him flush on the lips. “Good night, Ignis. Thanks for making this the best birthday ever.” 
“Anything for you, Noct.” 
He closes the door after sharing one more kiss with him, his insides fluttering like crazy. To think that the day had begun with Ignis’ own baked goods, and is now coming to a close with the touch of his lips still clinging to his own mouth. He had thought his friends had forgotten all about him, but they had done the complete opposite - they had surprised him with a celebration. 
Touching his lips, he falls onto his bed, and smiles. Tomorrow is a new day, and now that he knows what it feels like to kiss his future Adviser, he plans on finding out all the ways he can make Ignis make those deplorable noises again. Things have changed between the two of them - for better, or for worse, Noctis doesn’t know. What he does know is that he has the best friends on the planet, and can’t imagine living this life without any of them in it. Especially Ignis, who has made a claim on his soul and will forever own it. 
--- Cross-posted to AO3
7 notes · View notes
the-owl-tree · 8 months
I liked “only warmth, only love” and re-read that specific scene every time I’m having a breakdown but I know it’s ass. It was disrespectful to Bristlefrost too, if we’re thinking about it. Not her dying, but the how. It was unnecessary to double down on her wanting to be nothing but a baby making housewife even in her final moments. She didn’t even think of her family who’d been shunning her up until that point and how she’ll never see her mother again. I always found that more sad. That arc just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth because it really felt like they stopped caring about a cool concept
I think it's one of those things that works as it is and I don't think it's the most egregious example of the book's misogyny, it's a big event that has an impact on everyone. A code is added! Other characters are impacted! But I guess it's similar to Silverstream to me where her death has profound consequences on the plot and characters other than Graystripe, but the added context of how other she-cats are treated, the double standard of mothers versus fathers, "the purpose she-cats is to bare children", the expendability of she-cats to the writers, and so on and so on. Ya know? Good on its own, but the series' poor writing decisions and issues bring it down upon further analysis.
It could be argued that it is in line with Bristlefrost's "boy crazy" character to fantasize about kits and that it does thematically work as a symbol of her "defying borders" contrasted to Ashfur enforcing the code. But, you know, the context of it all...it's just kind of an eyeroll moment after they kept reducing her to pining after Rootspring. I really do wish that her final fantasy was her whole family together, both Dovewing and Ivypool and Tree and Violet and so on, no borders to stop them. I think it adds more relevance to her building that bridge her mother and aunt couldn't in their lifetime, and it's just...better? Her imagining surrounded by loved ones (loved ones that we know) while Ashfur is forever alone, clinging onto a love he will never have.
I think it's fine to like the death, totally understand why people adore it, but eh....I guess I'm a little cynical about it lol
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kiawren · 2 months
Anyway.. Kiawren date I thought of last night Ok I didn't think everything through so I'm just making it up as I write now
Wren meets kiawe at like 8.30am in the morning and they were so happy and energised which he rarely is in the morning. Kiawe's like have you eaten breakfast he's like Erm no (used to eating lunch straight) and kiawe's like 😐. You need to eat before we do anything. So they go to the restaurant Mallow's family runs ☺️ they got a booth and at first they sat opposite eahc other and wren was like. Wait. And he gets up and sits on kiawe's side together. Anyway so Wren gets like pancakes idk and kiawe has already had breakfast so he just gets like a drink and while they were waiting for their food they were like bumping knees playfully and their arms were touching and stuff and mallow came back and Kiawe got a bit flustered so he inched away a bit (they haven't made it official but our friends all know).
After that we walk around Royal avenue and decide to see a battle royale I think he should get like free tickets cuz he's a trial captain so we got free tickets lol.
Oh ya mallow mentioned she was going to watch the Minior shower at night with Lana cuz sophocles told them tonight the shower is very visible so kiawrens like ok we're gonna go too.
Wren remembers kiawe would like to have a litten so he suggested going to find and catch one. Okay I made this shit up on the spot last night but I think Rowlets can only be found in lush jungle on akala, popplio in the waters near seafolk village on poni and litten on melemele wandering around urban areas. So we take a ferry to melemele and the sights and the sea breeze is so good... Okay then we find and catch one. Actually I don't like the idea of beating a wild pokemon to near-death submission so I think my toucannon just heat up it's beak (when did this turn into a 1st person pov) and litten felt the heat and warmed up to it and also purred and heated its back and kiawe's arcanine was also really friendly to it okay litten catch accomplished
Then they have lunch on melemele and go to the beachfront where they chuck pyukumuku in the water and wren catches a one.. I actually rlly want one but I haven't went to find it in the game idk why I'm so lazy. Anyway after this it's like 5pm idk...
They then take a ferry to Ula'ula and got takeaway food at Malie city btw I love the music there so much I hc there's this old man busking and playing the music there on some cool traditional instrument idc.. then they sit in the park to have their dinner and watch the sun set and the view on the pond is really nice Erm yeah then they take the bus up to the observatory and meet their friends there and sit on the grass as the sky gets dark and the Minior shower happens. And wren caught a Minior that day too 😁
On the ferry home to akala kiawe's kinda tired so wren let's him rest on their shoulder kiawe's kinda awkward about it like are you sure. And then he couldn't really rest his mind cuz he was feeling so flustered about it too. The sea at night time is so nice btw. Then back on akala each of them said he'll walk the other home oh wait actually what if wren said that but remembered he still has to give kiawe something. So kiawe's like great I get to walk you :) and wren's like urh no after we stop by my dorm I'm sitll following you back and kiawe's like What that's so Unnecessary but he relents cuz wren really likes him so much and wants to be romantic okay and he also doesnt want the night to end yet.. They stop by wren's dorm on route 8 and wren gives kiawe an origami red tulip they made. Becuz I was thinking if I showed up with a tulip in the morning that's kinda weird cuz what's he gonna do with the flower when we hang out the rest of the day. So it makes more sense to give it at the end of the day. Okay yeah kiawe's heart swells so much they uhm they haven't kissed yet actually. They just hold hands. Okay then wren sees Kiawe back to his house. You know there's this kid outside his house in the game that speaks to the MC. I think for some reason he was still outside and went Kiawe is that your boyfriend.? And Kiawe was so 😳 he couldn't speak so wren was like Yes😁👍 and the kid was like Ohhh.. Ok. and then they said goodnight and Kiawe really didn't want to close the door and he was like are you sure you don't want me to see you back and wren's like yah I'm sure it's not like a whole island away. Okay then they finally finally say goodbye and goodnight and see you tomorrow.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
"Birthdays", "awkward", "Taennie", "imagination", "TAE", "liar, attention seeker". If these words do not leave your mouth or a jikooker's, you’ll have a stroke.
There. Fixed it for ya 😘
Also, literally no one here is having a stroke over any jikook video. Maybe anon you need to "get out of your imagination" . Y'all so desperately want us to feel something about those teasers and clips that you are willing to imagine that we are having strokes over them. It's a fckn entertainment show, not a "day in the life of an idol couple" vlog series. They went to those locations with a crew, those aren't clips from their private trips. Why tf would we feel anything bad about a travel show? We've seen multiple seasons of BV and ITS. We know the drill. The only difference this time is that instead of the seven of them, it's just two. That's it. It might be a huge deal for y'all, as it should be (would've been for me if it were taekook), but trust me, we really, really aren't bothered.
Btw, didn't jimin travel to the US for hobi? He shows up for all of them bcs that's who he is. He is a very caring friend. What you forgot to mention is, jimin himself said that he hadn't met jk on his bday last year, infact he met yoongi on his own bday eve, who brought a cake for him. Why do y'all always ignore all the other members in favour of proving your narratives? Jimin himself said he was only close to yoongi and hobi last year. As for jk's bday in '22, hobi, jin and jimin all went to wish him. Y'all really need to stop singling him out. Just like how jungkook only saw jimin and hobi. Similarly in solo era, jimin only met yoongi and hobi. Seems like y'all are trying to downplay his relationship with yoongi here.
"Jungkook said “speak to someone” and not himself because they couldn’t even sit down and have a heart to heart" 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sure love. Believe this if this gives you happiness. Why tf would they want to have a heart to heart infront of cameras??? Or do y'all really believe that anything and everything that's shown on tv is real and unscripted?
"For all you know jennie was probably the reason he became a little bit happier. " Y'all really need to stop using taennie. Proving anything in regards to tae ain't doing shit for your ship. Why is your side hell bent on proving him straight and involved? What does it have anything to do with jikook? Someone does have something to do with jikook though, and she's been a bit quiet since dropping those bombshells. But you'll never see us even talking about her after that. Bcs we really don't care about jimin's dating life. But jikookers are weirdly interested in tae and his alleged relationships, going so far as to pair him with his wooga squad friends.
"You’ve turned these boys lives into a lie so that you could force a reality that isn’t true onto them" No love that's all on you and your fellow dummies. The people who believe that a queer couple will enlist together. The ones who refuse to believe that jk and tae are very close, closer than any other pair in BTS. The ones who've oversexualize jikook to the point of not even understanding the difference b/w reality and ff.
You have an entire series coming in less than a month and instead of being happy about it,here you are, picking up unnecessary fights. Are y'all ever satisfied with your ship? Does your ship even exist without mentioning taekook and tae?
Hi anon!
It's always the same things with them. Just like they have their chosen moments to proof Jkk (GCF Tokyo, RoseBowl, Hickey-gate, enlistment, coupledays... some weird number theories... you know the drill) they also have their chosen topics to disprove Tkk (Taennie, Get out of your imagination, ITS talk). I think a lot is about contesting with Tkkrs for them? Like.. the usual rebuttle to a Jkk debunk is to come with something about Tkk. As if Tkk being not real would make Jkk real suddenly.
I have seen the birthday talk so much it gets boring... and the thing is, it's always about Jm going to Jk's birthday and not the other way around (I am actually unaware of the times Jk spent Jm's birthday with him outside of when they were together because of band stuff... anyone know?). But Jk actually does not always spend Jm's birthday with him right? When they were in Busan it was clear they were with their respective families.. and not spending Jm's birthday with their families combined. So how does all of that hold?
I'm very tired of Jkkrs saying things like... you are turning Jkk into fanservice and reducing their relationship to only that. No we are not! Not around here anyways.. and I'm not going to be held responsible for whatever it is other Tkkrs are saying.
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