#jake lockley mention
variety-fangirl · 2 months
Neighbours / Moon Boys x fem!reader
Summary: you're the new neighbour, looking for a change of scenery and people, a fresh start. Your neighbour, Steven, is someone you find yourself trusting easily and quickly. Something about you both draws the other in, enticing each other to explore what this could mean. Yet, you have a secret about why you moved, will you feel comfortable enough to open up to him?
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS angst but mostly fluffy, mentions of previous toxic and abusive relationship (beginning of physical abuse, manipulation, and emotional abuse), swearing, let me know if I missed anything! Will add more later as the story progresses.
Author's note: Hello! I am back with something quick and lovely that I have been working on for a while. It feels good to get slowly back in to writing 😊 College really had taken so much out of me and my joy for writing when all I was doing for 10 months straight was writing long essays, it was also nice to take these months to relax and come to terms with everything. So much has been happening 😮‍💨 But I hope I will be back more consistently now, fingers crossed! I've been mostly writing to get new and fun ideas, hoping it would entice and inspire me to write. I hope you guys enjoy anyways and feel free to ignore my rant 😅 Feedback, comments, likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated and lets me know how I'm doing. Thank you for reading and enjoy my loves 💜
Word count: 1.9k
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You huff as you place another box on the floor of your new apartment, watching the movers bring in two more. You felt thankful that you had decided to pay extra for the movers to help you bring all your belongings up, far too much to have done on your own.
There were endless stairs, and it would have taken you hours to bring it all up here yourself, especially with your new sofa, bed, and dining room set. All were bought cheaply from a friend second-hand who was more than happy to help you. She was one of the only ones you'd told where you were going, and had left your address and new number with to contact you. Everything new and different, nothing to remind you of the old life that you'd left behind.
You started unpacking the basics whilst they brought the rest up, there were still quite a few boxes because you had to buy most stuff brand new. Luckily you had hidden as much money as possible before leaving, so you had more than enough to buy what you needed. You would work on buying extras and niceties when you had spare money throughout, you'd moved far enough that you were hoping not to have to move again unless you wanted to in the future.
That was at least the hope. Not because you were forced to leave in the middle of the night terrified for your life.
You try to take a deep breath as you subconsciously rub at the scar on your neck, you are safe now. You wanted to distract yourself for as long as possible, so you sorted the boxes out where they needed to go, to their newly allocated rooms.
It would be weird to live on your own again after so long, it had been five years since you'd run away from home and four since you'd started dating and moved in with your now ex, Noah. It was a scary thought once more, to be alone. More alone now than you'd been before, at least you had your best friend, Natalie, at home. Now, she lives four hours away from your new place in London.
You made her promise to conceal your number and hide your address, you knew he'd go to her first to ask where you'd gone. She would lie, she'd always been good at it but he wasn't stupid. He knew you would have told her, you just prayed he wouldn't hurt her. You could never forgive yourself if she got hurt because of you.
She was one of the only people who meant anything to you in this world. She at least had her boyfriend, Tyler, who was like a brother to you. He would protect her, he always hated Noah for how he treated you. Tyler had hated Noah from the moment he met him, made you known of it also but you just chalked it up to a bad first impression and yet it never improved no matter how much time they spent together. It wasn't until three years in that Noah showed his true colours and by that point, it was too late. You were in deep and he was a master manipulator and narcissist, he'd played you well. He almost came between you and Nat but she wouldn't allow it, tried to make you see him for who he really was. It didn't take much convincing when the major problems started in the last year of your relationship together.
The first time he'd hit you was a year before you left him, he apologised and said he was drunk. The typical excuse and blame on anything but himself. Promised he "won't do it again", two months go by and it happens again but this time more frequently. He drank more, went out frequently, and came back later. By the six-month mark, you caught him cheating for the first time (that you knew of).
That was the moment you vowed to leave him, it was as if all the years of manipulation and abuse faded away and you came to your senses. You had to save enough though to leave, so you let Nat and Tyler know of your plans and they helped you to set everything up. It took you six months of planning and saving, and you were finally ready.
The night finally came, you waited and told him before he had a drink, that you were leaving him. He started out crying, begging you not to leave him, you didn't budge. He tried to initiate sex, but you said no and he didn't like that. That night was the worst abuse you had endured the whole of your relationship combined. He threatened you, managed to get you down on the living room floor with a knife in hand, and held it to your neck to the point of blood drawn. You sobbed, pleaded with him, said just about anything to get him to calm down. You would still leave but you would say anything to get him off you. He began slowly slicing your neck open whilst screaming that he loved you, only luckily managing to get an inch before you kicked him in the balls hard enough that he collapsed just to the side of you.
You ran to the bathroom and locked the door, terrified out of your mind. You grabbed the first aid kit to clean and patch up the gash on your neck. Having done this a few times when he threw stuff at you or pushed you into surfaces sharp enough to cut skin. You had a few scars all over your body, it wasn't pretty but you wore them proudly to signify that you were a survivor. He tried to bash down the door before leaving, yelling about going to the bar and he would 'see to you later'. You knew that would be your only open window to leave, he would be at least two hours there. You immediately called your best friend, she and Tyler came over to help you in any way they could.
You packed two suitcases of clothes and shoes, a duffel bag of prized possessions and important bits, a backpack of money and goods to sell, and quickly changed from your bloody clothes into something clean but comfortable. You grabbed the first aid kit too for your neck. Everything was packed into your car in less than an hour, saving you enough time to wipe anything important and any trace of you behind, away. You immediately booked a two-day stay at a cheap hotel an hour away on Natalie's computer for the night so you could figure out your next move. He would come looking for you the second that he realised your stuff was gone and that terrified you, he was not a man who gave up on things he wanted.
It had taken you two months to find this apartment after a lot of rejections and failed apartment searches. It had immediately caught your eye when you saw the ad for it on one of the apartment renting sites. It was perfect for your situation. Multiple floors of tenants would make it far harder to search through unless you knew which floor to look at so you could blend among your new neighbours. A locked front door that had a security number code to be allowed entry and without it you couldn't enter. Security cameras on each floor show all angles of the apartments, which each tenant has access to for their safety and peace of mind through an app you can download on your phone.
You had downloaded and gained access before you'd started moving the boxes in. You were given access a week beforehand, which helped your anxiety and tight chest to ease just an inch. You knew it would take some time for you to feel safe and be able to walk down the street without looking over your shoulder every five minutes or keep your taser on hand in your pocket with your fingers gripping it just in case. You were constantly worried and paranoid that he was watching you from around the corner like he would pop out at any moment and drag you "home".
The police had never given a fuck about you or your situation, Noah's family has money and connections, so it was always swept under the rug. Just another number, another person to suffer in silence, until one day your dead body would have turned up. They would just pretend they didn't know. A murder gone wrong, you imagine they would chalk it up to.
You take a few calming breaths whilst unpacking, listening to the footsteps and quiet chatter from the moving company men. It eased the anxiety when someone was around, it helped you to feel safer and calmer. As if, if someone was with you or near you, you could be protected from the 'big bad wolf'. You were hoping to become friendly with some or all of the neighbours on your floor, not just for safety in case something happens but also because you'd never been allowed to make new friends with your old neighbours. Noah had made sure of that.
So, you were hoping that this move would be the perfect opportunity for you to do so. You loved to bake cakes and savoury treats but hadn't been able to with Noah because he always ruined things you loved, but now he was gone you could finally pick it back up again. You were planning to bake something sweet as a gesture to introduce yourself to your neighbours, hoping it would make a good first impression.
You walked back into the open apartment that was now your own little safe haven and smiled with contentment, this was the start of a happy new beginning for you. No more fearing what mood Noah would be in that day when he woke up, no more being abused daily, no more sobbing silently into your pillow or taking an emotionally broken moment of peace to cry out your feelings in the shower after he'd hit you. Just you, your new clean apartment, and the ability to do as you please without fear.
It didn't take the movers long to bring the remainder of your boxes up between the three of them. They took off just moments ago, and now you were finally alone. It felt strange, not hearing shouting or items smashing. Just pure blissful silence in your home. Your own place to do with as you please. It felt wonderful to have freedom.
You felt tears cloud your vision as you stared out the window you'd opened when you first stepped inside the apartment, feeling the warm Summer air blow in. The overwhelming emotions of freedom and serenity hit you like a punch to the gut, a sob immediately pulled from you as you sank to the ground. You felt the year-long toll of abuse and terror that had been weighing down your shoulders finally crumble and release you while the sun flowed into the room. You fought the battle and came out victoriously on top for the first time in your life and it felt amazing.
Once the sobs quieted down and the tears had stopped, you took a moment for yourself. You opened a bottle of your favourite wine and picked up an empty glass to pour yourself a drink. You took the bottle with you as you sat back down on the floor in front of the open window, feeling the warm breeze kiss your skin gently and watched the sun in peace. It was still early in the day, you would have plenty of time to unpack later on. But for now, you just want to relax without worry for the first time in a long time.
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shorlinesorrows · 7 months
don’t mind me I’m just busy having Feelings over the scene in the Moon Knight tv series where Marc meets the avatars/gods for the first time.
words can’t describe how distressed I got when Harrow showed up and started speaking, dripping poison into the words “he is unwell” with a tint of false concern, just the right amount condescension, and a spoonful of pity
thinking about how from that moment Marc (and the whole system) was disregarded as unreliable despite the fact that the situation had nothing to do with their DID. thinking about how the avatars and their gods stopped listening to him.
thinking about how the moment someone is neurodivergent, or disabled, or different in any way that isn’t palatable, that’s “scary”, they stop being worth listening to
not a person, just something to disregard, lock away, or pity.
And how Harrow got away with it, how he was able to frame himself as the caring “good guy” for revealing this incredibly personal piece of information to a group of people who had no business knowing it, effectively silencing someone who desperately needed to speak. For his own gain.
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age-of-moonknight · 22 days
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“A Little Chaos,” Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 5/2024), #1.
Writer: Dan Watters; Penciler and Inker: Marco Renna; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Moon Knight Annual#Moon Knight Annual vol. 5#Moon Knight Annual 2024#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Moon Knight#Marc Spector#Jake Lockley#Steven Grant#Colleen Wing#Khonshu#there’s SO much I love here I don’t know where to begin so I’ll go chronologically EXCEPT#Joke’s on you Nightmare you just stuck your hand down the garbage disposal#but in other news «Ms. Wing» he’s so polite#and alshsksh «little god botherer»#Mr. Knight should get «professional god botherer» put on his business card#it’ll have everyone reenacting that one scene from American Psycho hahaha#big fan also of Marc being so entirely unimpressed by Nightmare#not only is he not the scariest malicious entity to try and trespass in Marc’s brainpan but Marc knows exactly what is going to happen next#because JAKE AND STEVEN JAKE AND STEVEN JAKE AND STEVEN LET’S GOOO#(and even a Frenchie mention!!!! RAAAAAAH 🗣️🗣️🗣️)#(and Steven???? with the garrote??? I’m so proud oh my gosh?)#love the insinuation that Nightmare ranks below even SERE school/psyop training in terms of «how likely it is to mess with#this particular mind» let alone Khonshu#and I’m fascinated by this discussion of how that old quality of Marc chasing thrills and danger#(something I recall being discussed more in the first volume) is actually something that’s shared across all three of the guys#just in different manifestations (a gamble of finances is still a form of gambling particularly when those finances
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lockley-spktr · 8 months
God, I am so nervous for when we see the Moon Knight system again and finally get to learn about Jake because they’re either going to mess it up horribly or land it perfectly.
I feel like the writers and directors struggled with Marc based on how they spoke about him in Assembled: The Making of Moon Knight. If they struggled with him, when he’s not all that difficult, I can’t imagine how they view Jake.
I look at how Loki’s story was handled in Season 2 of Loki and I just…we need more women directing and writing because they seem to understand characters with trauma better than men do.
I’m not saying Moon Knight Season 1 was a disaster. Most of it I quite liked, but there are certain things that bug me about it and most of it has to do with how Marc was treated.
I don’t think it helps that the general Marvel audience seems to let things go right over their heads and miss the point.
Since I brought up Loki already, Loki ending up alone when that’s the one thing he didn’t want to happen isn’t an amazing ending. You can tell men were in charge of that season, especially with the way the women, specifically Sylvie, were treated.
What's going to happen to/with Layla? How are they going to handle her relationship whether it remains romantic or shifts to being platonic with the system? Etc.
Let’s just say I have a lot of concerns going forward.
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emfleaa · 3 months
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had many thoughts about this today so I put them on ‘paper’ so to speak
I’m aware I am not the first to make this connection, I just had fun making this :3
Text from top left to top right, in typical English reading fashion in case you can’t read my poor hand writing:
Khonshu or Khonsu is typically depicted with a falcon head (aside from the human depiction, I mean). Most likely a Lanner falcon in original depiction (or possibly a peregrine falcon…).
However, the Marvel depiction of the moon god is clearly not a falcon at all. Beak is far too long, eyes too big and further up the head. I don’t believe Khonshu matches any bird exactly; as his skull is over exaggerates proportions (I assume to convey as much emotion as it can).
(Poor example of what he’d possibly look like with feathers.) But I believe the closest match would be a carrion crow (ironic considering how he met Marc). A carrion crow skull has many features in common with Marvel’s depiction of the moon god.
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therealraewest · 27 days
My therapist: okay but really Evil Jake Lockley isn't-
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Does anyone else ever think about the possibility of (in a marvel/dc crossover) Tim Drake getting adopted by Marc Specter/Steven Grant instead of Bruce
Like Tim’s parents decide to take him on an archaeological dig and they get murdered and Marc or Steven are there for reasons (mercenary? Archaeologist? *shrugs*) and he finds like a nine year old Tim and says “is anybody gonna adopt this?” And then doesn’t wait for an answer
Also I’m gonna say Khonshu is nice in this au he’s like the systems dad (Marc is his favorite child) and that Tim and Khonshu have an agreement that if something happens to Marc Tim will be the next Moonknight (Tim definitely becomes they’re Oracle)
Also Bruce and Steven/Marc start dating and that’s how he eventually adopts Tim as well Boom (they probably met because of Tim knowing the batfams ids)
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oddballwriter · 1 year
request for moon boys with a reader who's kind of squeemish and sort of faints when they see blood? XD
Warnings: mentions of blood, Jake being Jake 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
Honestly, he's not a big fan of blood either
I mean sure as a part of MoonKnight he has to get used to it but he does what he can to get whatever he fights down and not dead
It's usually Marc and Jake who gets blood on themselves but sometimes when he comes back from a mission he's got a few spots on him
If you could look and see the blood he sort of tells/begs you not to look at him as he runs to get a change of clothes and clean himself up
Usually you hardly see any blood unless you accidentally draw it yourself
If that is the case just call him so he can handle it. He just gets a little ick out of it and that's do-able compared to you possibly fainting
Marc Spector
He wants to keep you out of his MoonKnight work so you aren't there to see the blood but sometimes he comes home with some on him
He does that same where he firmly tells you not to look at him till he patches himself up and cleans off any blood on himself
If you get a cut he tells you to look literally anywhere else while he gets you some stuff to fix you up
He doesn't make fun of you or make you feel bad because you have a genuinely serious reaction to it and he'd rather you not pass out
So if he has to put a bandaid on you so be it
Jake Lockley
Yeah that's gonna be a problem
He usually deals with stuff while in civilian clothes...
... and he's messy when he does it some times
So it gets on him
He actually figures it out pretty fast though
He has a bag with extra clothes and wipes in the back of his car's trunk
Jake just cleans off any blood on him and changes clothes in a spot where no one can see him
So when he gets home, you have nothing to faint over
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bullsandthebones · 2 years
should I:
-write fics?
-scream bc the sun is up?
-stare at the ceiling some more?
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soft-persephone · 1 year
We’re not a Galaxy but a Supernova
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Marc Spector x Female!Reader
A Searching for Stardust One Shot
WC: .7k // Teen // warning: mention of self hate, violent behavior // yearning, slight angst // CH.4 //
Nothing without you - Tanrielle
I was listening to this song and these words just came to me. First time that’s ever happened to me
Unknown : if you miss me, look at the moon.
Marc put his phone away before he could regret sending it.
He let his mask fall over his face before descending back into the night. Before succumbing to the prison that held his sanity hand in hand with his freedom. His destruction. His savoir.
You were done practicing for the show and now it was time for you and your troop of dancers to take the stage.
You practiced all day and performed all night.
He was serving Khonshu more nights than most. Long insufferable nights they were booming, but he couldn’t say some part of him wanted it. He hadn’t felt so sane in such a long time.
As much as he hated being away from you, he needed this time to be apart from you. It’s what he told himself.
This time away could give him the answers he needed.
That maybe these feelings could mean something, and he could keep himself and his life from bleeding into yours and hurting you.
So right now Marc would settle.
He’d settle for the nights he’s fronting in the body and not serving Khonshu to watch videos of your performances. To watch an interview every now and then. He couldn’t bring himself to watch them all. It made you too real. It exposed some of the things left secret and unspoken between you two.
He hoped one night to see you perform in person.
That he could somehow convince Jake and Steven. Make a night out of it without causing their suspicions.
It was getting hard to explain why he was all of a sudden interested in Ballet and performing arts.
You spun and you glided.
You leaped and extended your body in ways he didn’t know was humanly possible, and he’s seen some things.
Watching you on stage filled him with such a rush of emotion as reading French poems did for Steven as certain Spanish ballads made Jake feel when he drove throughout the night sometime.
Watching you dance filled him with.. a love.
A love for life he hadn’t known he still had. For every person walking the street, for every moon that glittered in the night sky and every sun that graced the sky each day. For each star that was born and each one that died. Displaying the same dance that bewitched you both and captivated you together every other night. Those rare and precious nights that were beginning to stretch far in between space and time as those stars above.
It made him wish to be with you, properly.
He wanted to explode into non existence each night with you.
“Take five!”
Your Apple Watch buzzed with an unfamiliar number sending you a message.
It was about time for a break anyway.
Why you used it as an opportunity to see a random message, you did not know.
Unknown : if you miss me, look at the moon.
Your heart swelled.
It was him. It had to be.
Tears trickled into the corners of your eyes, and you had to close them a moment less you cry.
You had danced every night thinking of him.
Searching the crowd, wondering if you’ll see his face among the sea of thousands.
If he liked the Ballet or found it boring all together you did not know, but you ached to see him.
Your body was always moving. Prancing about all day, doing the same dance each night. Pushing yourself past your limits each and everyday to earn your spot as the head dancer. The one that called the shots each practice.
It was a highly competitive position, and in your nights when you weren’t wallowing in your grief, you’d been spending them with your illustrious lover. . . the stranger.
A stranger who distracted you, but you would not have had it any other way.
It was the first face since your husband's passing, that held such a place in your heart.
The first face that didn’t feel like a betrayal.
Even if he was a stranger, you hoped he didn’t leave your life anytime soon.
So you danced for him.
Wherever he may be, you danced each night for him.
You used to dance for a stranger, but now you could proudly dance for the moon.
Your moon.
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casinocarpediem · 6 months
Fucking Marc Spector for being a little bitch and cums so good he passes out ending up with Jake fronting and absolutely rocking our shit
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garmesean · 10 months
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these have been fun little redraws🫶🏻. her spider suit is coming along, just slowly😪
if you’d like to follow my pinterest here, i post more art works/studies along with other fun things if you wanna check it out. likes and reblogs are always appreciated!🫶🏻
- g.a.r.m <3
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bobattef · 2 years
A third.
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You exhale out a long breath of defeat.
The heat inside this apartment is something you’ve never experienced before.
Even the stone design of the balcony you’re stood on is hot underneath your palms as you lean against it, looking down on the streets of Cairo below.
You’ve stripped down to your undershorts and sports bra and you still feel like it’s not enough.
The shower earlier on only made it worse. 
Like the water from the pipes evaporated a little too quickly and replaced themselves with sweat.
“Urgh, where is he!” the sheer intensity of the heat affecting your mood.
You didn’t want to come here. 
Yes, you moan about the weather back in London but you’d kill for a bit of rain right now. 
Closing your eyes you smile weakly at remembering how different your life was back in England.
Working part time in the museum, the most exciting things that would have happened to you back then was to actually catch your bus home on time!
You laugh at the irony of wishing the grey clouds and rain to disappear almost every day.
That’s when you hear the click of the door opening.
“Finally!” you can’t even hide the frustration on your voice.
“Please tell me we’re leaving this lava pit of a city” you say as you make your way back through the bedroom and into the front hall.
That’s when he sees you, properly sees you.
He’s hardly ever in charge of the body as often as the other two are. 
They constantly switch from one to the other but him, he stays put, waiting in the darkness, until the situation arises, usually dire ones! 
You’re breath taking stood there in front of him, the sweat on your skin glistening in the sun that’s pouring through the bedroom.
Just wearing a tiny pair of shorts and a crop top, he can see your cheeks are flushed by the heat also.
You stop in your tracks as you look at the man in front of you.
Somethings different about him, he has a full on feral look on his face right now. 
“Everything ok?” you ask, but barley make a whisper.
He doesn’t answer you.
“Marc?” …silence.
“Steven??” …silence again.
You know something is up but as you go to ask him again, you spot his injury.
Blood has started to seep out onto his shirt through his lower abdomen.
“YOU’RE HURT!!” you don’t mean to screech but it makes him look down at the hand that is now covered in blood from clutching his wound.
“Mierda!” he curses under his breath. Too quiet for you to hear.
“For gods sake!” you storm over to one of your suitcases, emptying out the clothes you had previously packed and finding the first aid box.
“Honestly! Can nothing just go right for 5 sodding minutes!” you don’t mean to snap at him, he’s injured, so you should be sympathetic but he told you he was grabbing something last min, not going out fighting or whatever it was that caused the injury.
“Can I ask or is there no point?” you don’t even look up at his face knowing he won’t tell you anything.
He’s always been this way, they both have.
You know Steven would tell you everything in a heartbeat but Marc keeps him in line.
Making him promise to keep his mouth shut about the antics they get up to being the avatar of Khonsu.
He uses the excuse of keeping quiet means  protecting you.
“Sit!” you tell him and he does what he’s told.
*Maybe this is Steven, Marc protests a lot more* you think to yourself.
You lift his soaked shirt, slowly as the fabric tries to cling to the bloodied wound, he winces.
“Sorry” you mumble to him.
“Hmmm, I need to clean it up a bit first” you say to him as you rummage around the small medi box.
You’re kneeled on the floor in front of him, the contents of the box spread across at his feet.
Grabbing some gauze you start to dab the wound, cleaning up the blood surrounding it.
“Good news” you say to him, still avoiding the glare he has on you right now, “it’s stopped bleeding, but I’ll need to sew you up”
You feel him shuffle underneath the grip you have on his thigh, his muscles flexing under your touch.
“Kay” is all he musters.
“Lay down” you tell him and he slowly leans back onto the bed.
You straddle his legs, your hips resting either side of his thighs.
He lets out a low grunt, in pain? You can’t work out but you have a feeling that somethings up with your Moonknight, and it’s not just this wound.
You’ve patched him up you don’t know how many times before.
His protection from the god of the moon will make this deep gash leave not even a smidgen of a scar tissue behind but for the first few hours after a hit, you need to be the one healing him.
“You ready?” you ask him, looking up at him for his answer as his eyes he had previously shut now fly open.
“Qué?” he answers but then clears his throat “what?” he corrects himself.
You shrug his answer off and apply a piece of gauze directly over the cut you can now see clearly.
“Argh!” he cries out and grabs you by the waist, his fingers digging into your flesh there.
“Sorry, this one had saline on it” you tell him quickly.
His head falls back onto the pillow with a gasp but he doesn’t let go of you.
You start to chew your bottom lip, working out what the man laid beneath you isn’t telling you.
You’ve been in his life for almost 4 months now. Travelling alongside him for the last 2 months.
You know about his personalities, spending just as much time with each of them.
Laughing with each other, crying with each other or even just fucking each other.
You’ve seen this man in all his glory and his vulnerability countless of times but tonight you feel as if you’ve never seen this version he’s putting on.
He bucks his hips into you the first time you pierce his skin with the needle.
You try to ignore the obvious hardness of him that is straining against the denim of jeans as you get to work stitching up the cut.
Honestly this man could fuck you anywhere and every where, he has no qualms about it when the moment takes him but even you are surprised at him being turned on by what is happening right now.
You tie the last bit of stitches into a knot, it’s not your best work but come sunrise, it’ll disappear alongside the rest of the wounds you’ve tended to on the Moonknight previously.
He was a good patient, laying somewhat still whilst you got to work on him but your mind still raced around how he’s acting towards you tonight.
You place a large sticky pad over the stitch, making it look a bit neater.
“There you go, all done” you say to him, looking up to his face, you notice his eyes are trained on yours.
That same feral look spread across his face that he presented to you when he first walked through the door.
A few loose strands of his hair have fallen on his face, sticking there due to the humidity of the room.
His chest is heaving underneath his bunched up shirt, exposing his muscular stomach and chest to you.
You can’t help but drop your gaze as you trial your fingers along the familiar lines and curves of him he sucks in a breath.
You should be chucking him into a shower of some kind, making sure he’s all cleaned up so he can get into bed and get some rest.
But the familiar butterfly feeling he always causes you down below has started to churn up.
He swallows deeply as your hand finds his waistband and you slip two fingers underneath the clothes, stroking the hair there. 
If he wanted to stop you he would.
He’s always been vocal to you, when a certain job hadn’t gone to plan and he returned to you bloodied and bruised.
A simple patch up as he held onto you and you fell asleep would be what he wanted those nights. 
But he hasn’t protested any of your advances so far.
You unbutton his belt as his eyes don’t leave your face, he notices you biting your lip as your eyes drop to where you pull his hard cock free from the restraints of his clothes.
You shuffle yourself further down the bed, using a hand to pump him a few times before you take him in your mouth.
He curses under his breath again as a hand tangles up into your hair. 
You flick your tongue effortlessly over the tip of his head, tasting the pre cum that had leaked there.
Hollowing your cheeks you take him further into your mouth, almost making it to the base of him, his cock practically hitting the back of your throat in one movement. 
“Fuck!” He rasps out at you. The sound sending signals straight to your core.
You’ve always loved knowing just how hot you can get him.
Both of them.
Marc was always a lot more dominating in bed, you loved nothing more than being fucked deeply into the mattress by him as he’d call you all sorts of lewd names with his hands around your throat. 
But you also enjoyed the pining sounds that came from Steven’s mouth as you rode his cock slowly, sensually, telling him how good he was at filling you up.
That’s what you loved about this whole situation.
You had the best of both worlds in the bedroom.
“Mmm Cariño” he mutters quietly, lost in the feelings of pleasure you’re giving him but you hear it. 
*is he speaking Spanish to you?* 
That’s got to be a first…
You use a hand to stroke the part of his cock that’s just out of reach from your mouth.
He’s the biggest you’ve had.
A mixture of your tongue flicking his sensitive spot and the feeling of your lips moving up and down his shaft is bringing him to his high.
You’ve learned to know his clues as to when he’s close.
His muscles tighten.
The tops of his legs flex as his abs almost ripple in ecstasy. 
You love just how well you know his body.
“No” he whispers out to you but you can’t hear him.
Instead, the wet sounds of your mouth moving over the spit coating his length hit your eardrums.
“Mi angel” he mutters as he grabs either side of your face, pulling you up from your task of pleasuring him.
“Everything ok?” you ask him as you swallow the excess salvia that’s built up in your throat.
He smiles at you, nodding slowly his eyes have now drooped in pleasure, sweat has formed across his forehead, turning his loose curls wet.
“I need to be inside you Cariño” the last word of his sentence rolling off his tongue.
You’re quite liking this new pet name he’s given you. 
His hands fall to the top of your undershorts, the heat of the room has caused them to hug your hips so tightly but the Moonknight has no problem rolling them down, you help him get yourself out of them. 
You’re now naked apart from the sports bra you stripped down to earlier.
Kicking off his own trousers and underwear, he leaves his shirt wrapped around him, fearing too much upper body movement would cause you stitch work to pull open. 
You straddle him once more, your now slick cunt hovering above his cock that’s been lubed up by the workings of your mouth.
He settles his hands back into position on your hips, he wants to dig his fingers in, marking you but he also acts like you’re made of glass, being so gentle with you.
Making it even harder for you to work out which avatar of Khonsu you’re with right now.
You grip your hand around his cock, lining it up with the entrance to your cunt. The first feeling of his tip pushing between your folds always makes you moan.
You sink yourself down lower onto him, taking his full size inside you, he fills you up it no time. 
Nothing but a low rumbles comes from his throat as he bottoms out inside you.
You feel perfect for him, like you’re made for him.
You take a few moments whilst you adjust to his size.
But you soon start roll your hips on top of him, causing the MoonKnight to grunt and groan in pleasure.
His hands move up to your sports bra, pulling the fabric down and exposing your breasts. He doesn’t mean to pull you down towards his chest so quickly as the sharp stinging pain from his wound causes him to curse.
“You ok??” You asked him concerned, your face almost touching his as his arms snake around your body, holding you flush against him.
He doesn’t say a word as he starts to fuck up into you.
His cock touching that soft spot deep inside you with perfection.
Now it’s your turn to moan as you rest your forehead against his.
You want to kiss him so badly but the snapping of his hips into you starts to rock your whole body.
You don’t know if you’re being fucked by either Marc or Steven but you don’t care right now.
You focus on the man laid beneath you as the familiar tightening feeling starts to grow in your stomach.
His face is contorted in pleasure also, moans and curses falling from his lips, that have now become swollen, making them look even more kissable.
You can’t help yourself as your lips come crashing down on his.  Your tongue darts inside, turning the kiss more urgent as the thrusts from his cock hit that sweet spot of yours.
He kisses you back feverishly, like he’s tasting you for the first time.
“Mi amor…fuck…you’re perfecto, so so perfect for me” he moans into your mouth.
Sending you towards your high even quicker.
“Mmm gods!” you cry out as you break away from his kiss.
“I’m gunna, I’m going to…ah” you can’t even string a sentence together right now.
You rest your head in the crook of his neck, kissing, sucking and biting him gently there as his hips start to turn sloppy.
You know he’s close also.
“Cariño…look at me” he says to you as he cups your face, pulling your gaze up towards his. 
“I want you to see your pretty face when you come over my cock” 
This has got to be Marc, you start to think to yourself but the thought disappears as you melt into his eye contact.
The coil he wound up deep inside you reaches its limit, you can’t hold back the moans of pleasure that washes over your body as you orgasm.
He follows quickly behind you.
Coming inside you without a 2nd thought.
Your walls contracting around him, milking his cock.
He never lets go of his grasp on you, you sink onto him, forgetting for a moment that you might be hurting him.
He plants a kiss on top of your forehead, more slick with sweat now after your session.
You smile against his skin. Post sex sleepiness starts to creep in.
You wanted to leave this city tonight but for now, you’re right where you want to be.
He rolls slightly onto his side, needing to relieve some of the pressure on his wound.
He pulls himself out of you, choosing to instead wrap one of your legs across his. 
His arm still snaked around you, pulling you closer to him, not caring for the stickiness of both your skin on each other.
*He really is in the mood for hugs tonight* you smile to yourself.
You’re almost fully asleep now, not even trying hard enough to put together a sentence you just mumble his name out:
“Marc?” he lets out a quiet chuckle to himself.
“No bebe” 
Your eyes try to widen but you’re so close to falling asleep that they don’t quite make more than a flicker.
“Steven?” you manage, surprised that your shy, sweet man had these type of bedroom moves in him. 
“Shhh mi angel, sleep” he says to you as he rubs circles on your back with the palm of his calloused hands.
You’re definitely snoozing now, you can barely hear anything that’s being said in that room.
Just as well as the man that you’re wrapped around whispers to you:
“Mi nombre es Jake” 
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jaggednes · 2 years
When Steven gets dressed (and isn’t extremely exhausted) he takes a bit because he’s overly anxious about everything and often runs late because of it.
When Jake gets dressed he takes a while because he takes a lot of pride in his looks and wants to always look his best. However, he plans for the time it takes and works his schedule around it.
When Marc gets dressed he just throws on whatever he fucking wants and barely does anything cosmetic. Despite that, he always ends up looking amazing without even trying (and Steven hates him for it).
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therealraewest · 28 days
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Jake is here and he's taking care of his friends!!
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evilbubu · 2 years
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