#james just has a million jobs in my mind
Jegulus meet-cute but James is a water aerobics instructor and Sirius is forcing regulus into swim lessons at the same pool
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neaverse · 2 months
i am here asking for your favorite fics (i can tell you have good taste<3) 🫶
hi bella!!! thank you for the ask<33
okay so i read a lot. When i say a lot i mean a lot. The amount of fanfiction i’ve consumed in the last three years is probably unhealthy, but what can i say really? I don’t have much going on in my life🤷🏼‍♀️
so going into this, i contemplated how i should categorise my favourites. Current favs? Fav fics per ship? In the end, i decided to simply compile a list of fics that i still think about weeks and months (if not years) after i first read them. Fics that punched me in the gut, fics that made me question my whole existence. I could probably go on forever with this list but i’ve narrowed it down to 10 to make the job a little bit easier for both me and you hahaha!
In no particular order:
The World Is A Violent Sky by anonymous
Harry Potter wants to die; Draco Malfoy wants to live — a story of life and death, everything in between and beyond — in the form of scatters of love and hurt like freckles of stars forming into constellations.
Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars
Regulus Black was fifteen the first time his name was called at a reaping. He's twenty-five when it happens to him again. A lot has changed in that time, and one of them is that he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it home. Nothing or no one will stop him, not even James Potter. James Potter has no plans to stop Regulus Black from making it home. In fact, his plans revolve around the opposite. He has his reasons, but he's made his choice to get Regulus out of the arena, even knowing it'll be the last thing he ever does. Sirius Black was sixteen when he volunteered to take his little brother's place in the arena. At twenty-six, without the option to do it again, he has no choice but to be a mentor to his brother and best friend, knowing that only one of them can make it back out. Two names called, a mentor on the verge of falling apart, and more secrets and grief between all of them than they know how to handle. None of them are prepared for what comes next, or how far they'll go to make it through.
Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey by @sobsicles
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn't as black and white as it seems. Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options. Harry's life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment.
Art Heist, Baby! by @otrtbs
When James Potter answers a mysterious ad in his local coffee shop, the last thing he expects is to be thrown into a world of white collar crime, but how can he resist when the mastermind behind the operation has dark hair and brooding eyes and promises wealth beyond James' wildest imagination? He would do anything for that boy named after a star, including stealing millions of dollars of fine art.
Orion in the Sky by space_wingding
Draco Malfoy owns a bookshop in the Lake District. He’s also cursed. Enter: Harry Potter.
Berlin Angel by @de-sire-blog
Berlin is absolutely miserable in February. Or it’s just Sirius. Alternatively: A story of how Remus Lupin stepped into Sirius’ life, flashed his trademark grin, and reminded him that life is a beautiful thing meant to be enjoyed. No risk, no fun!
Stop All the Clocks (This Is the Last Time I’m Leaving Without You) by firethesound
Living with Draco was difficult; living without him is unbearable. But if there’s one thing Harry learned from the war, it’s that even when one life ends, the rest of the world goes right on living.
Dear Reader by @calamitoustide
never take advice from someone who's falling apart Regulus has been quite obsessed with this anonymous advice blogger Helios and becomes concerned when they begin to post cryptically to an unspecified “Reader” At the same time, he’s starting Uni and has to deal with his brother being back in his life and a certain boy he won’t leave him alone.
Starvin’ darlin’ by @showinalittlelife
The man suddenly drops the knife, he sighs like all his dreams have been crushed. “Oh, dear, I can’t eat you! You’re rotting! What a shame, thought I’d found a looker too,” he whines miserably. The thoughts in Evan’s mind are racing too fast for him to make any sense of them. He has so many questions—too many questions that are probably better left off unanswered, but before he can think properly, he opens his mouth and speaks. “You think I’m a looker?” or: Barty is a cannibal, Evan is dying and they go on a little road trip!
Running on Air by eleventy7
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
I know confessions are over but It's crazy how good is Tom in interviews. Keep watching these actors doing interviews a none of them are at his level. Understandable why Tom's interviews get millions of views. Tom could have a future as a TV host, if he wanted to.
I still remember the rumors he could be hosting the Oscars, and most of the people thought he could do a great job. SNL is another thing I hope he does one day, maybe after his run on the West End, he feels comfortable enough to do it.
Hey Anon! 👋🏾😃
I don't think your ask needed a "Confession Sunday" tag (imo) lol, but anyway lol....
No I agree with you, Tom is great at interviews! 😃 I think we should all just go ahead and crown Tom the "King of Rizz" and get it over with by now lol. 😅
Keep watching these actors doing interviews a none of them are at his level.
Lol Idk which actors you've been watching interviews of, or who you're comparing Tom to, but I think it's good to keep in mind that Tom is an outlier.... He's not the standard. I think a lot of fans keep trying to compare other actors out there to Tom in interviews, but you have to keep in mind that MOST actors are NOT going to be "Tom Holland" in interviews. I don't even think I would want EVERY single actor to be Tom Holland in interviews tbh lol.😅 You need diversity.
There are actually very few actors who have that type of level of charisma in interviews. Interviews are actually quite daunting for most actors because a lot of them are shy or used to playing a different character onscreen, but not really opening up in an interview and being vulnerable. Even the greats like Leo, River Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington, etc... A lot of them are actually quite reserved or don't even like to do interviews lol. Many great legends of actors out here were awful interviewers, but GREAT actors onscreen. 😃
Then, you have some actors who are both... The ones who seem really charismatic (aside from Tom) are Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, etc.... Some of the GOATS that I mentioned are just a big ball of charisma. But not all of them are like that. Nothing wrong with that! 🤷🏾‍♀️ I just think it's good to recognize that they are an outlier, but not the standard.
I still remember the rumors he could be hosting the Oscars, and most of the people thought he could do a great job. SNL is another thing I hope he does one day, maybe after his run on the West End, he feels comfortable enough to do it.
Ooof.... At this point, I don't think I'd want Tom to host either. 😔 I never was a fan of anyone young hosting the Oscars (I think the James Franco and Anne Hathaway hosting fiasco is still etched in my brain somewhere 😩). Plus, I can't imagine all of the backlash he would get. 😩
But at the same time, lately, it seems like everyone HATES SNL (especially after Timmy's episode 👀), so while I would have wanted Tom for that show in the past, I'm guessing now wouldn't be a good time for him to host a show like that. 😔
But Tom definitely has the charisma for live TV and comedy. I guess having a comedic father helped a lot lol. 😅
Let's find him something else that he can host that isn't the Oscars or SNL lol.
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Main Masterlist
Hi I'm J and this is my master list of stories. I have only written several and I focus my posting mainly on Ao3 but fret not. All stories there will be posted here. :) If you don't have an Ao3 account, you can find my works here too.
I am a big fan of Dramione, Bucky Barnes, Marvel BOTH Comics and Cinematic Universe and Eddie Munson. I write with a reader insert and if I'm writing for a couple like Dramione or Romanogers; I usually put myself in the story. The girl, who is asian, five feet flat and an introvert and has a name that starts with J. That would be me written in the story. Here is the list below. Categorized by the Character I write. This will be updated from time to time. :) I mainly post on Ao3 with my series but my one shots will be posted here in my tumblr first. :)
FOR TAGLIST: Please make sure to follow me and message me through my ASK if you want to be included. :D Thankieee!
🤗 - Fluff
💔 - Angst
🖤 - Dark Themes Involved
🌶 - Smut/Lemon
Warnings: My story is for 18+ readers. I have the tendency to be dark and I'm a bit graphic with violence, mentions of blood, rape or other dark themes. Please be warned.
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➡ Same Old Hawkins, Or Not? (Eddie Munson x Harrington!F!reader) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETE; Undergoing Editing] Summary: After a series of unfortunate events in Utah that she would rather forget which she moved to from Hawkins. Reader moves back to her old hometown just in time for her senior year. She half expected it to be the same old boring Hawkins as she remembered back at middle school. 
She was wrong. Apparently, Hawkins is now home to the monsters she thought only existed in D&D and now she is in the middle of an impending doom on her beloved hometown. Really, she was just passing through and now she might have a reason to stay.
Yeah, it’s nothing to do with her small crush on a certain fellow senior. A metal head who is always up to no good. It’s really about saving the town she is starting to love again, yes?
➡ Here We Go Again (Sequel to Same Old Hawkins, Or Not?) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETED] Summary: The Summer of '85 is on the roll. Reader has started her job as a printing personnel in the Hawkins Post with the help of Nancy and Jonathan who are both in their internship as a writer and photographer respectively. Eddie on the other hand is working as a part time mechanic at Jaeger’s Auto shop while Steve continues to work at Scoop’s Ahoy with Robin alongside him.
The kids, well, they are enjoying their summer with the mall in full operation and the upcoming fair that is being planned by the Mayor. Really, as long as all of the upside down remains quiet, everything will be great.
Unfortunately, their plans are going to be in ruins when one Billy Hargrove starts to take interest in the reader. Though, it was much better if it was just some misguided infatuation but apparently there is much more into it than meets the eye.
Reader was really happy not to deal with the upside down and would face a million Billy Hargrove, in fact the rest of them would be happy not to deal with it at all. Apparently, its not done yet. It is just getting started.
➡ Magnetic Attraction (Werewolf!Eddie x Human!Reader) 🌶🤗💔 In Progress.... [Writing parts]
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➡ Mind Palace : Lee Bodecker 🖤💔 In Progress... [Set in a Universe called Mind Palace. It will have Eddie and Bucky soon and other characters I can write on. Lee is the first one to enter]
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➡Untitled Dramione 🤗💔 In Progress... [Set still in HP Universe but altered. Already four parts in.]
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oonajaeadira · 3 months
Hi Adira!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Looking forward to hearing your answers!
Oh Kat, you beauty. Thank you for coming into my inbox and leaving me pressies!!!! Your year of asks is a lot of fun!
My favorite word is clandestine. I actually have a show that leans heavily on it and it never fails to catch the ear.
My least favorite word? Monsieur. I am not fluent in French but I can get by and have not-terrible pronunciation, but I fail at that word every fkn time and it's COMMON.
I'm turned on by a sharp mind and a kind heart. And a hairy chest. Or smooth collarbones. Big hands. Strong arms. A good laugh.
I am not a fan of copycats--dude, just be yourself, not me! And hovering--those folks that stand to the side and wait for you to notice them? Dude, just sit down! Join the convo! You're being more rude by forcing us to acknowledge you and break the flow just to invite you in! And bad hygiene. All I'm asking is that you don't have crust in your ears or in your nails and that you wash your butt. Boys especially need to wash their butt and underballs or I walk.
My favorite curse word is balls. I know it's not really an FCC no-no, but it's what I use most of the time. That and Jesus ass and fkn hell.
I love silence. A nice quiet fall evening? Bliss. But I also love the sound of thunderstorms and crickets in the summer. And a really good meditation chime or a minor-tone windchime. And bagpipes. Bagpipes have good vibrations and induce a drooling trance state.
I'm...a mouth noises person. Mouth noises are the devil. I tolerate it because human bodies have a lot of moisture and it's asking too much not to smack and pop and slurp and swish, but it won't go unnoticed. And I put it in perspective because nothing was as horrid as the thick lapping sound of my last dog licking herself for hours on end. Hence why I started sleeping with earplugs in. Secondly, we have a glass cutting board and the SO is a generous chopper of things and nothing will set off my tinnitus faster than the harsh, repetitive clap of steel on glass.
If I had to swap professions...I'd love to go into art curation. Or theologian. I kind of wish I'd become a librarian. Or just straight up read tarot for a living. I started college as a biology major with a path toward becoming a vet. I'm glad I didn't do that, but if I had, I would have liked being a death doula for pets. I find that honorable and compassionate. I've been thinking about volunteering in hospice for a while now, so maybe someday I'll do that.
There are a million jobs I would never enjoy and they all have to do with money, finances, sports, food processing, cleaning, and the beauty industry.
Heaven has always sounded like a giant bore to me. But an afterlife where all the cool gods hang out? Yes. The thing I'd want most is a look of approval from Anubis. If I die and Anubis is there weighing my heart, all I need is to see that look in his eye that says, "Good job. I'm so proud of you. Welcome home."
Thank you for such interesting asks, friend!!!! <3
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puella-peanut · 1 year
I wish you would write Daniel flirting with some other guy while Terry is jealous and trying to get his attention. They're not together yet so Terry really has no claim and they're in public so he's trying to remain socially acceptable lmao. Daniel being oblivious or not is up to you
Oh my god, I love this. Terry trying to remain socially acceptable, Daniel being oblivious to the effect he has on people men. Some real potential for comedy here folks. And let Terry get his comeuppance for once, hehe. Here are some thoughts...
—Terry has always been a planner, always has something up his tailored sleeve. Which is why he’s at a total loss for how badly his plan for the afternoon has gone awry. He’d intended to sweep Danny off his little feet at this fancy afternoon garden party he’d cordially invited the boy to—to give the poor darling a taste of the finer things in life, and of course to show what he, Terry, would be giving him when he made things official (because of course Daniel is his already, he just doesn’t know it yet).
—But, well...maybe it had been a mistake to buy Daniel that gauzy, see-through summer shirt, and those matching slim-cut trousers (in full white to set off that delicious tan skin), and have him parade about the garden, growing more sun-kissed and lovely by the hour. The boy is turning heads with a vengeance which is one thing (and Terry does so love to show off what is his)...but the problem remains that these upper class louts don’t know that Daniel is his. (Neither does Danny-boy.) Fuck.
—And really, this is stoking Terry’s ego to see how everyone desires his boy, but also—he’s pretty much done nothing but swat these men away from Daniel since they’ve arrived. Just like keeping a swarm of bees from an especially attractive flower. Whoever knew taking the boy out would be such a job and a half? Terry’s not had such an exhausting time in a while—he’s had multi-million business deals less stressful!
—And well Christ on a stick just what he needs—here comes the buffoon of the hour, Spencer James-Edgar Lovejoy-Phillips the Fifth with his idiotic name, too many hyphens, his Swiss Bank Account(s), hideous love of pinstriped suits, and—
—...Apparently an interest in Daniel that runs deeper than just lust. (!!!) Terry’s gaze sharpens, he immediately shifts so his body is as close to Daniel’s as possible without having an arm around him. If only, but that might scare him off, skittish thing that he is. Anyhoo, Terry sends Spencer an ice cold smile as he sips his 5000 year old wine—all while fantasizing about Spencer’s (slow and painful) demise. 
—Meanwhile, Danny innocently prattles on, and clumsily flirts (and it would be so utterly adorable if Terry had been on the receiving end!)—but Spencer looks too damn charmed for his own good, and so smug that the boy is clearly interested (un-fucking-believable!!) in him. Terry silently fumes and wonders if he should round kick him into the bubbling fountain nearby. Maybe he can pass it off as an accident? Man accidentally dies after falling into garden-fountain and snapping his neck: he can taste the headlines now. He shoves a fist into his pocket. This is not happening. (Except that it is.)
—...Terry can’t believe the thought crosses his mind as Daniel and Spencer chit-chat, but, does Daniel have a thing for blonds? Sure, Spencer is tall (though not nearly as tall as Terry, hah), with golden-blond hair (so what?), grey-eyed (Terry preferred his own blue), broad-shouldered and fit (nothing on Terry though). He’s so jealous that even though he’s grasping at straws at this point he’ll do anything to soothe his ruffled feathers. 
—And FOR FUCKS SAKE did Spencer just brush Daniel’s arm? And did Danny lean into it a bit?! 
—Anyway, Terry breaks his wine glass since he’s holding it so tightly. What a pity it isn’t Spencer’s neck. (At least Danny is concerned that he hasn’t cut himself too badly. Take that, you blond fuck.)
—Terry gets his boy to bandage up his hand (so the party isn’t a total loss). And Danny does fuss over him in the privacy of a secluded gazebo, wondering innocently if Terry has heatstroke, or maybe it was the wine? The moment is sweet, and Daniel looks like a wood-nymph in the afternoon sun. If only Spencer were here to stew in jealousy, it would be perfect. Heh.
—Somehow the afternoon ends with Spencer falling into the garden fountain, spraining his arm badly. The guests wonder what happened, and Terry just shrugs. He was probably tipsy, the Lovejoy-Phillips family could never hold their liquor, could they? Terry just soothes Daniel, anxious thing, while Spencer departs to nurse his wounds. Terry just grins as he leads Daniel away--no one even noticed his scuffed shoe, did they?
—In the car, Daniel can't stop babbling about what a good time he had, and how kind (the men) had been to him. His obliviousness is totally adorable, and Terry's jealousy is soothed. Until he says that Spencer did give him a private number, and told Daniel to "expect a call" later on that week. 
—It's a good thing there's a driver, because Terry would have dissolved into road-rage by now. 
—When night comes, Terry has one hell of a migraine, as his pale-Irish ass has been deeply fried by the sun. He had assumed that he might be leaving with something along those lines—but a rival?! For Danny’s heart?! Unacceptable. He’s going to destroy Spencer. In fact, he’s going to start planning his demise tonight. Just as soon as he gets an icepack and some fucking aloe vera first. Damn it. 
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Home is where the heart is (wessa family)
I know! It's been a while (to say the least) but I *finally* present a fic for all of you who are still reading them! If you haven't realized, I'm having a lot of trouble writing fics I actually like, and so I haven't been posting much. But, I shall not burden you with anymore boring this about my life, so here's the fic (that I didn't proof read, so please don't come at me):
Tessa was pacing nervously across the institute halls, her mind running at a million miles per hour. Thoughts came and went in a flurry; she couldn’t seem to calm them no matter how hard she tried. So, for the past four hours (yes, four hours), she’d been unable to do anything but worry. 
She couldn’t read, she couldn’t sew, she couldn’t train. She’d tried organizing her things, only to get more stressed, and make a mess of her already tidy things. 
Finally she had desisted from trying to do anything useful and had let herself worry. She had assumed that after a while she’d run out of things to worry about. What she hadn’t taken into account, however, was that her brain would simply go in circles, thinking about the same things over and over again like a broken record player. 
Will, who must have suspected his wife’s tendencies after years of marriage, had put his hands on both of her shoulders and looked into her eyes, telling her to not worry and kissed her forehead before reluctantly leaving her to go to Idris. 
Tessa had promised him she wouldn’t and though she didn’t mean to break his promise, the second he left, worries invaded her mind and refused to leave. 
She had only managed to make a cake in the time Will had left. After leaving it on the cooling rack, she would check on it every twenty minutes until Bridget got tired of her popping into the kitchen so much and prohibited her from coming in until it was teatime. 
Tessa suddenly felt the urge to check on the cake, almost going against Bridget’s orders when she heard the front door of the institute open.
“We’re home,” Will said cheerfully.
Tessa ceased her pacing and rushed to the staircase to see both Will and James standing by the door. James had been bent down, fixing a latch on his truck, before she looked up and saw his mother. Tessa’s heart skipped a beat and she stood frozen for a split second before she quickly went down the staircase, clutching the banister as she descended.
James smiled weakly at her and she came down. When she reached the final steps, she practically jumped them and threw her arms around her son. She held him against her, caressing his hair and rubbing his back lovingly.
“Oh Jamie bach,” She said, “How I missed you.”
“I missed you as well, Mam,” James said, rather muffled, since he had his face pressed to her shoulder. 
“You didn’t deserve it,” She whispered in his ear, so only he could hear it. “You didn’t deserve to suffer like that.”
“Neither did you,” he said softly.
Tessa pulled away. “Why didn’t you tell us something was wrong the second it happened?” 
“I didn’t want you to worry,” 
“We are your parents,” she said exasperatedly, “it’s not your job to shoulder every burden that comes your way, Jamie. That’s what we are here for, and if you face a problem, you tell us. I thought you knew that.”
James looked down, “I just didn’t want your feelings hurt.”
Tessa leaned down and looked into his eyes. “It hurts me more to know that you felt you had to suffer to spare my feelings. Promise me you will never do that again, Jamie. Please.”
James nodded quickly, not quite able to look her in the eyes. Tessa looked at him a second longer before crushing him into another hug. 
“Jamie! I hate to admit that I missed you, but it has been truly dull with only Mam and Papa here to keep me company.” Lucie said, hopping down the stairs. 
James only grinned at her. 
The Herondales were finally reunited. Currently, they were enjoying each other's company in the parlor, where they frequently spent time together. Though the remaining Herondales had maintained their tradition since James’ time away, it wasn’t quite the same. Now that James was back, however, the evenings spent together seemed just like they were before. 
Will had decided to sit on the floor (for reasons that are unknown) by Tessa’s legs. Lucie, always willing to accompany her father, sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and she read alongside him. Tessa stroked James’ hair from where he was laying on her lap. His eyes were closed and his facial expression serene. 
Will was enthusiastically reading out loud from a book when Lucie sighed dramatically. 
“Can we skip this scene?” she asked, “It’s incredibly dull.”
Will sputtered, “Skip this part? Lulu, have you gone mad? How are we going to simply skip a scene out of a Shakespearean play?”
“By flipping the pages until you see the next scene.” Lucie said, rolled her eyes.
Will’s eyes widened as he stared at her. “Take that back, Lulu.”
“I will not.”
“Lucinda?!” Lucie said. “Since when is my full name Lucinda?”
“Since I realized that ‘Lucie’ doesn’t sound intimidating enough.”
“Should’ve thought about that before naming me.”
“Can you two stop bickering?” Tessa said, exasperatedly, “Jamie just came back and this is how you act? Can’t you be civilized?”
“James understands the dire situation we are in, don’t you Jamie?” Will said. 
James smiled, clearly amused.
“Just skip the scene, Will. Lucie’s right, it is terribly boring.” Tessa said.
“Thank you!” Lucie said, at the same time that Will gasped. 
“I guess now we know where Lucie gets her disgraceful opinions about literature from.” Will said. “James?”
“Sorry Papa,” James said.
“It doesn’t contribute anything to the plot.” James argued.
“Is that so?” Will said. “Then why did Shakespeare write it?”
“Lack of editors?” Tessa said.
“He was intoxicated?” James added.
“Mid-life crisis,” Lucie concluded.
Will looked at his family in shock. “My own family horrifies me.” He turned back around slowly. 
Tessa nudged the back of Will's head playfully. She looked back down at James and saw him smiling softly with his eyes closed. Tessa’s expression softened; how could anyone be cruel to her sweet, soft-spoken Jamie? He had always been even tempered, kind and eager to help those around him. He was so sweet, it didn’t make sense as to how someone could treat him any way that wasn’t kind. 
Tessa had desperately wanted James to have a wonderful time at the academy. Both she and Will would spend hours thinking about how James might be faring. Of course, they had faith that James wouldn’t be completely alone, as they were certain the Lightwood boys and Matthew Fairchild would be friendly towards him. But, they also knew that James was so incredibly different from the other boys his age, and they weren’t blind to the fact that a number of shadowhunters thought his golden eyes weren’t “natural”. 
As they were parents that only wished the best for their child, they were worried; of course they’d be. But neither of them could have imagined in their wildest dreams that James would inherit powers. Nor could they have imagined that they would appear in the most inconvenient time possible. James’ situation was vastly different from Tessa’s, since Tessa’s powers had never manifested on their own. Not only that, but Tessa didn’t even have access to her power until she was sixteen, while James was still only fourteen (practically a baby, in Tessa’s eyes). It was safe to say that Will and Tessa were more than worried upon hearing about James’ situation. 
Now Tessa looked down at James, relieved he was here, safe from scrutiny of those with little empathy. She planted a kiss on his forehead. James opened his gold-colored eyes and shared a smile with her.
Tagging (I really hope the links are workingg): @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif   @icouldnotask @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairs @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette @theenchanteddreamer @cheeseandmacarons @shadowhunting-hoolingans @writeordie-4 @amchara @myangelbach @livingformyself @dancing-under-the-moon @julescarstairs @wouldyouknowmeblind @grace-lightwoodd @livingformyself @ilikebooksandtvshows
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midnights-dragon · 5 months
things that make me smiley. and happy. i need this list. personal or something ignore me
skipping steps or walking funny just for sillies
getting tackled by a dog that’s like. five pounds tall and has no hand eye coordination
drawing stars everywhere specifically in the method that goes up down left right down
cosmic brownies
seeing (or experiencing !!!!!) childlike wonder & whimsey (esp since i didn’t get it enough as an actual child)
the frog and toad book
that moment right before falling asleep. peace.
AQUARIUMS!!!!! sharks fish rays turtles whales anemones crabs seahorses belugas manatees crocodiles sharks sharks SHARKS
my hair when it gets all fluffy and curly not friZZY but cURLY
old history.. learning about old cultures… the romans and the greeks and the spartans? the vikings? the ottomans? native americans? yeah all roads lead to rome more like all dicks out in rome. they were all gay
on a related note queer people in history (looking at you shakespeare and alexander the great and hamilton and that one viking and )
skipping rocks on frozen lakes or ponds and trying REALLY HARD to get them to crack the ice but they don’t and it makes me laugh
seeing old, ancient art in modern settings (MICHAELANGELOOO I LOVE YOU BELOVED i have a pop socket of his hands)
the fact that cats used to get worshiped why don’t we do that anymore . we should do that again i think
accidentally writing something REALLY good and unplanned and just sitting there for a sec processing your mIND
being asked about things im smart about (plz ask me about the bible PLSPLSPLS i need the religious trauma to amount to something)
remembering dreams they don’t even have to be good i just like to remember them
when i say hi to my cat and she meows back (i hope she knows i love hher r)
finding treasure in the woods (probably trash but i will be taking it home)
i have shoeboxes of old stuff like ticket stubs and cards and random shit like that i have like 10 of those shoeboxes and i go through and look at them. the socks my old dog used to wear to walk are in there n sometimes i cry but thats ok
cleaning kennels at my job at a vet clinic. making it nice n clean for the next lil dude who comes through so they can have some comfort
specifically aarons thinking putty but esp the ones that are themed
people watching in coffee shops and libraries. once i saw a baby take his first steps in a starbucks
learning about my biology. my therapist has a degree in bio and told me the like anatomy of having a panic attack and it HELPS.
freckles and vitiligo and acne and UNIQUENESS ON PEOPLE !!!
seeing my reflection in a puddle and being like oh hey that s me and the trees behind me :3
watching utterly mindless shows that go on for like theee million episodes (greys anatomy i am kissing you on th mouth)
watching ANIMAL disney movies. fox and the hound. aristocats. bambi
80s artists especialy like queen and david bowie and frank sinatra and the smiths and abba
that one website of the cat playing the bongos
being able to seperate the person who introduced you to a media from a media after a long time of negative connotation
looking up hozier lyrics
so much more but i forget about the good sometimes .. i will add onto this later i think
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
No heroes or villains
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A Westworld x sort of Western-Prospect AU x my mind doing stuff
Candice ’Ruby’ Mason & Ezra ‘Gunslinger’ James & Logan ‘Maverick’ Delos | ft Charles ‘Hoodoo’ Leon
Words: 2,060
Warnings: a few, guns, a hostage, sexual innuendo, drinking at a sex club
An: Not me with new characters and scenarios always in my mind even though I have a million x 10 wips. I’ve been thinking about this pair a lot lately. They won’t leave me alone. I literally have one wip and 2 requests planned for this week - these three need to let me breathe lol. As i sort the wips to focus on this summer, and pick the last Pedro characters I’ll write before taking a break from his characters, this will likely be in that last batch.
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Earlier that day
Dust kicked up in the air as the small unassuming carriage came to a full stop. Ruby reaches behind her, without looking, and rests a hand against Ezra’s chest. She hated spooking horses, humans she didn’t care so much.
They’ve been tracking this carriage for days, the impatience radiating off of Ezra made it clear he was ready to end this job, collect the pay, and pick a place to rest for a while. Without a respite or a pleasure den to bask in between jobs, Ezra’s becomes tetchy.
Ruby feels Ezra’s chest rise and fall as he takes a breath. The lone rider in the carriage exits and steps aside to take a piss.
Taking quiet measured steps, Ruby creeps up behind the man just as he closes his trousers and presses the barrel of her pistol into the center of his back.
“You stay put right there if you know what’s good for ya.” Ruby presses harded, the man stills and slowly turns his head to view her.
“W-what the hell is this?”
Ezra steps infront of the man, careful to avoid the wet spot on the ground and flashes a menacing grin, “oh, it’s elementary. You see, my partner and I intend to relieve you of your load.”
The man’s eyes jump from Ezra, to Ruby. “I intend to surrender nothing.”
Ruby shakes her head, with one quick movement she takes his pistol from his belt holster.
Ezra howls, he has his double colts trained on the man.
“You gotta watch that one, she’s quick.”
Ruby holsters his weapon and stands next to Ezra.
“Risky move,” Ruby steps away from Ezra, and circles the man like a vulture, “Comin’ out this way by your lonesome. Didn’t your mamma teach you better than that?”
“I gather it’s safe to assume otherwise, little bird,” Ezra takes a step closer to him and shoots him a warning look as the man starts to make a run for it. The man stops, feeling Rubys run against his back again, “carrying such precious cargo. You really should have some company.”
“Saftey in numbers and all that,” Ruby adds, she nudges him in the back with the barrel of her gun oncemore.
Ezra clears his throat, holsters one of his weapons and looks the man over.
“I’m gonna be straight with you. No one has to die, amigo. You can hand that cargo over to my charming yet dangerous companion and walk away with your life. Or, put up a fight and lose your life.”
The man frowns, he glances nervously at Ruby, then returns his eyes to Ezra.
“The choice is yours, Blondie.” Ruby stands next to Ezra once more, she grins at the man.
The man swallows, looks around, then back at them. He forces the words, but they finally come.
“I won’t resist.”
Ruby moves closer, looking up at the tall man, still grinning. “Attaboy. It would be a shame to destroy such a pretty face. Now, you help us transfer those sacs to our carriage. One step closer to freedom. I promise.” She lightly slaps his left cheek before stepping away. The man jerks his head back.
Ezra chuckles, amused by the whole scene.
Holding the man hostage, Ruby watches him as Ezra retrieves their carriage. Once it’s there, they keep the man at gunpoint as he does the heavy lifting. They also checked his carriage for hidden weapons, there are none.
Ruby leans against a tree, watching as the man transfers another sac, “Poor thing, this must be your first run. Sorry for the rough lesson sweetheart, but it's tough out here. Next time, be prepared.”
Ezra circles the scene, eyeing how many sacs are left to transfer, “Oh my Ruby. Sweet as pie and as deadly as a viper.” The man’s eyes meet Ezra’s. “She’s a special one - “ Ezra pauses, waits until the man puts the last two inside then continues talking, “ah, you forgot something,” Ezra signals for him to roll down the canvas securing the back. “Tie it now. We wouldn’t want any losses along our journey.”
“No. We sure wouldn't’. I’d be a waste of your hard work.”
The man finishes the task before glancing at Ruby.
“There , see, that wasn’t hard.” Ezra takes off his hat and bows to the man. “Much obliged.”
The man starts to say something but is cut off as Ezra roughly grabs him by the collar and shoves him against a nearby tree. The man pushes back until he feels a colt pressing against his gut.
Ezra is close, real close, his nose pressing against the mans as he stares daggers into his eyes, “dont make this more difficult than it has to be, friend. Sit.”
The man sit down. His eyes float to Ruby who watches over Ezra’s shoulder.
“Don’t mind him, his mood shifts.” She said with a shrug.
Ezra kneels down, grabs a fist full of the man's shirt again, “Ruby, the rope. Now.”
Any patience Ezra had left is long gone. She sighs and undoes the length of rope from her belt. She walks over to them and kneels down behind the tree.
“It’s an easy knot, by time you get out of it, we'll be long gone and you can continue on your way.” Ruby grabs hold of the man's wrist and ties them.  
Ezra holsters his last colt and leads the way to the carriage. “Let’s get out of here.”
Ruby winks at the man tied to the tree, pets his horse, then joins Ezra on their carraige before taking off.
Two days later
Ezra reclines against the building, observing the small town at the peak of day. A market, people coming and going, goods stores receiving orders.
“Who is this friend of yours anyhow? What’s his name?” Ezra asked.
“You wanted a prospecting job next, so here you go,” Ruby sips some water from the canteen before handing it to him, “ he has many names.”
Ezra grins, continuing to watch her as he holds the bottle. “What’s his name?”
“Call him Hoodoo. He’s our ticket.”
Ezra nods, then takes a sip of water. “Quite the moniker.”  
“This place is supposed to have generous deposits. Gems, metal. We gotta pass through Pariah, and drop something off for him in exchange for the information. Two nights til the next train passes thru.”
“You know the last time I spent two nights in Paraiah I got arrested.” Ezra smirks, reliving the memory.
Ruby smiled, “I did too.”
“Hell, it takes a lot to get arrested in Pariah,” Ezra pulls her closer and locks one arm around her shoulders, “look at us.”
Ruby scratches the scruff of his patchy beard with her nails. Ezra grabs her chin, his brown eyes fixed on hers.
“Pariah watch out.” Ezra leans forward to kiss her, Ruby stands on her tipy toes to meet his lips with hers.
“He’s ready to see you now.” A voice from behind them said.
Ruby breaks away from the kiss first and follows the guy inside the house, Ezra follows.
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Once they enter, Ruby finds Hoodoo in the back of the Casino, a cigar between his lips and the rim of his hat casting a shadow over his eyes.
“Spitfire, is that you,” his deep voice reaches out before he raises his head.
“The one and only.” Ruby stands infront of the table, her hands resting on her hips.
He’s a big man, one of the biggest Ezra has seen in a while. His hat continues to conceal his eyes.
“Thought you were dead.”
“Almost.” She replied with a grin. He chuckles in response.
Hoodoo raises his head and lifts the rim of his hat, setting it at normal level. His dark brown eyes focus on Ezra, his expression is hard to read.
“I see you found yourself another one.”
Ezra quirks a brow, then looks at Ruby.
“He as crazy as the last one?”
“No,” Ruby shakes her head and affectionately pats Ezra on the shoulder.
When Hoodoo rises from the chair, he towers over both of them. He steps around the table and places his large hands on Rubys shoulders. She’s already shorter and smaller than Ezra, she appears tiny before Hoodoo.
“Look at you,” the serious man cracks a smile, like a proud father, “come on, let’s talk. Bring your boyfriend.” He wraps an arm around her, leading her to a back room.
Ezra shrugs and follows along.
Pariah, night one
The Golden Kingdom (brothel)
Ruby sips her drink and drapes her legs over Ezra’s as they lounge on the red velvet couch, watching everything before them. With her free hand, she massages the back of his head.
“Would you like to partake in any of the activities tonight, gem?” Ezra kisses the length of her arm closest to him.
“Not sure yet. I’m content just watching, and drinking. We can’t get too wild, we have an early meeting in the mornin’, unload that cargo.”
“I’m aware, “ Ezra nuzzles his face in the space between her neck and shoulder, whispering against her skin, “when was the last time first light stopped us from having a wild night?”
“True.” Ruby turns her head, offering him more of her neck to kiss.
Ezra slips his hand under her shirt, “I propose we take a look around, see what visual delights entice our senses and head back to the room.”
“I like that plan.” Ruby grabs his hand and slides it out of her shirt. “Come on cowboy.”
The two of them walk the massive room, red curtains drape from the walls, bowls of fruit and chalices of wine spread out on countless tables, music playing, lit candles, incense, faintly in the background the sounds of pleasure and boisterous conversation.
When Ezra takes a step away to piss, Ruby continues to explore until a familair figure catches her eye. She can identify this tall, lean, dark haired figure with ease.
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Feeling someone behind him, Logan assumes it’s his partner, “I didn’t know the body could bend like that,” he titls his head and chuckles, “That’s what I need tonight, to fuck like that - “Logan glances over his shoulder and does a double take.
“Well, “ he lowers his glass as he turns to view her, “look at you.” Logan smiles fliratiously at her. “Last time I saw you, you shot me.”
“I did. I’d do it again.” Ruby’s eyes moved over him, she still hated him, but he looked delicious as usual. “Still a vile piece of shit?”
“You know it.” Logan responds proudy.
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Logan steps away from the sideroom, giving her his full attention. Standing too close, he arches a brow and wets his lips.
“You look good Ruby.”
“I know.” Ruby flips him off and continues walking, heading back to where she last stood with Ezra. Logan follows.
“What’s it been? A year?”
“About.” She reponds shortly.
Logan chucks the rest of his drink, and places it on the tray of a passing server.
“What do you say to an adventure? Like old times? The person I came with..a real bore. But you,” Logan walks backwards infront of her, forcing her to look at him, “we - we know how to have fun. I like this gold paint, you would look delicious painted gold.”
Ruby rolls her eyes, “I’m not alone.”
“You know I don’t mind group action.” The diabolical grin Logan flashes sends a wave of heat through her body. Ruby resists, putting more space between them.
She takes a few steps then notices Ezra coming her way.
“Ready for that room Gem, I’ve had all the voyeriusm a man can take,” Ezra draws her into his arms, “you and me, we need to -” he stops, noticing the tall man watching them with a perverse half grin.
“Over me so quickly,” Logan rests a hand over his heart, “I have to say, it hurts, just a little.”
“I take it this is the other one Hoodoo was referrin’ to?” Ezra continues to hold her, his eyes on Logan.
“Moving fast you two, you met Hoodoo? That’s like meeting the dad,” he whispers that part, “ I’m impressed, or jealous.” Billy grins. “what's the secret? Big cock?”
Ruby turns and grabs Ezra by the arm and pulls him backward. She doesnt mind Ezra laughing at Logan’s comment, “Goodbye Logan!” She calls back as her and Ezra head toward the entrance.
Now that I got some of this out of me, I’m gonna try to work on my actual planned wip 😁
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
KALGOORLIE, Australia (Reuters) - A top mining conference kicked off in West Australia this week with an address by global investor and economist Dambisa Moyo, the first woman to deliver the keynote in the forum's three decade history.
Yet while Moyo had top billing, she is one of only five women out of 71 speakers due to address the event in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, a fact that has not gone down well with some delegates at a time when the mining industry faces scrutiny for a perceived culture of sexism.
"There are more speakers who have the name Peter, Mark and James than there are women at the whole event," Fortescue Metals Group Chief Executive Elizabeth Gaines, who addressed the conference on Tuesday, told Reuters.
A bombshell report published in June by the state government of Western Australia, home to the bulk of the country's iron ore industry, detailed cases of "horrifying" behaviour against women and criticised mining firms including BHP and Rio Tinto for overlooking criminal behaviour.
"If you had asked me at the start of my professional career whether I thought I would still be talking about gender diversity in 2022, I would have thought that we would be living it by now," Gaines said in her conference speech.
"Unfortunately, the reality is that we are still having the same conversations about equality that we had 30, 20 and 10 years ago," added Gaines, who was forced to appear at the event virtually after her flight was cancelled due to bad weather.
In February Rio Tinto published its own report which found that nearly 30% of women employed by the global mining giant had experienced sexual harassment at work, with 21 women reporting actual or attempted rape or sexual assault.
The mining conference is the first major industry event that international visitors and regional executives have been able to attend since the pandemic began, with a record of over 2600 delegates in attendance.
Jessica Farrell, assistant president at BHP Nickel West and another speaker at the conference, also criticised the lack of female participation at the event.
"The onus for that is on both the conference itself, but also on the members," she told Reuters.
Farrell gave evidence on behalf of BHP in the West Australia parliamentary inquiry into sexual harassment in the industry.
“You look at the information there and it’s just simply got to stop. And we are the ones that can make that change," she said.
"We want our industry to be one where all people can come together and feel safe and respected at all times, and perform at their very best."
In response to the industry allegations, BHP has committed to spending about A$300 million ($208.68 million) on safety at its camps and villages.
Australia accounts for about half of the world's iron ore exports, and women have long complained of sexual harassment in mining camps and offices.
The recent findings led top miners to set diversity targets, regulate alcohol consumption in camps, and increase safety checks at camps and sites.
But the sector's Australian workforce of 150,000 is still predominantly - five-sixths - male, a gender mix that's little improved since the industry's beginnings over a century ago.
Top miners last month identified labour shortages in Australia as one of the key reasons affecting production and revenue.
There’s intense demand for people with skills in statistics, analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence, Gaines said.
"Which is why it’s more important than ever that we equip the workforce of the future for these types of jobs and attract the best and the brightest minds from across the diversity of our population," she said.
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antimonyandthyme · 1 year
am deep deep deep into the baseball reruns and unsurprisingly deeeeeep into the moneyball rewatch and i am being romantic and incoherent about it in my head
first of all, every time an amazing concept is introduced the mighty rio grande by this will destroy you plays and the soundtrack moves me to the moon
second, “people running ball clubs, they think in terms of buying players. your goal shouldn’t be to buy players, your goal should be to buy wins.”
third, “people are overlooked for a variety of reasons and perceived flaws. age, appearance, personality. bill james and mathematics cut straight through that. billy, of the twenty-thousand notable players for us to consider, i believe there’s a championship team of twenty-five people that we can afford, because everyone else in baseball undervalues them. like, an island of misfit toys.”
fourth, the interaction between billy beane and david justice, where billy cuts david’s ego down to the quick, then builds it up right away again. “yankees are paying half your salary. that’s what the new york yankees think of you. they’re paying you three-and-a-half million to play against them.” then turns right around and says, “i’m not paying you for the player you used to be, i’m paying you for the player you are now.”
fifth, the streak.
sixth, scott hatteberg’s walk off home run. guy who was written off and signed back on and then hit the winning home run that broke the one-hundred-and-three year record.
seventh, the entire exchange between john henry and billy beane. “i know you’re taking it in the teeth out there but the first guy through the wall, he always gets bloody. always. this is threatening not just a way of doing business but in their minds, it’s threatening the game. really, what it’s threatening is their livelihoods, it’s threatening their jobs. it’s threatening the way that they do things. and every time that happens, whether it’s a government or a way of doing business, or whatever it is, the people who are holding the reins, they have their hands on the switch, they go batshit crazy.”
eighth, when peter brand has to show billy beane a home run clip as a metaphor, to emphasize to billy that he’s hit a home run without knowing it.
nine, how can you not be romantic about baseball?
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Moonraker | Film Locations
Several locations have caught our son's eye and he pointed out to us that it's strange it's the museum in France and he said that it seems this idiot goes to places trying to be weird and useless and point out any means Jason. And also the sites of poison are where insects grow or be fought and the catacombs in France is one place is love insect poison and it is a huge cavern and yes the guy at Bass River Marina Cape cod used to mind that out in the seventies and that was actually Jason. And the reason why he be down there is the bug poison and he was taking it and stockpiling it and he was ordering more as a local government and kept on doing it just like he did in the Napa valley it's not a humongous amount of poison and he was refining it there but it's enough poison to knock out a city area 10 by 20 miles and to kill everybody topside and below the poison would filter down. And a lot of people got anxious about him because of his activities they're always fairly evil and saw him placing bombs. The issued a lot of warrants and the rest of tons of them and grabbed tons of arms all over Paris France and France was talking about thousands of snow millions of bombs and we went and grabbed millions of them. We placed them in his areas, and a lot of them have not been detonated yet but we're going to momentarily due to a smile and his mouth. It is a ton of balls a lot of them are conventional some nuclear we're going to use both of them on this little p**** f**** loser don't talk so sweet dude Jason you're an animal. And we found more today so we're putting them back in his areas more so. And he did not steal a chateau from France but he's been stealing space shuttles and those are property of the American government so therefore not his so we've been stealing them back and Max are engaging the idiot now they're taking them back to what's up you want more how about we get rid of all your idiots and give me the last one today Jason. It's not up to me he says it's I'm afraid to use up to me little s***. You shut your mouth you think so well Duke Nukem Blockbuster are you up to anything right now I want everything this little a****** has back in his areas so they're nice and warm and toasty moments.
And my son said the last part
Thor Freya
We're up and we're out and we're at it and we need more troops and they're coming in with a huge numbers for volunteers huge we're going to clean this idiot out and then we make him face the music. Right now we plan on wiping out most of his major areas and since he's opening his mouth to me I'm going to wipe out the rest of them and make it a lot safer it seems to not care so I'm going to go down to the small little areas he's in and put little ones in there and blow the crap out of those until there's none of them left people like insects if you don't constantly get rid of them they come back. By the time it was just doing the movie most of his will be gone and it'll follow him and die as they do so.
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
I'm sending Duke Nukem Blockbuster troops, and additional to what he needs for the performing the bomb operations and security for such as to clean out any residual areas of these imbeciles and we're doing it now and they'll do so for his direction and we thank you for your input it's very helpful
Thor Freya
He says yeah to me and I accept that as a good sign thanks me and we're off I could get the job done this little pipsqueak and stop bothering us
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
You see not even attracted professionals you can't stand hearing you for a millisecond you little s*** you fart and why should we should they look what you're doing just putting bombs all over the place and even Justin our areas you suck badly you sat there bothering his mom from inside the womb could hear you complaining I want this I want this. Well it was too much for her and you had to come out so he came out turns out Lily is sitting there threatening you for your poison it's kind of a woman's thing to do she's ruined your nuclear stuff
How many times I tell you to shut up Stan but okay
Haha lol that's fun what a little retard
Zues Hera haha now it's like that little teeny guy on fantasy Island trying to threaten me what a freaking a****** only a little squirt I can't wait till I get to step on you quite literally
Yeah do that too when it's Dune, you're going to straight down we're going to step with you you worm. And by the way you kill somebody you hear a day you shouldn't even exist
Oh you want some Jason says to Olympus
We just told you what we're going to do and that's what we're doing it's because you're in complete idiot and you say things to us you should not say you try and do things you should not try and do you're a baby and juvenile so you're going to take you down I'll get you out of the way and shortly
0 notes
samthemarvelfan · 2 years
Breakeven: One Shot
Summary: It was Bucky choice to let you go. Now he’s learned that when hearts break, they don’t break even.
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,100
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, sad Bucky...a hopeful ending?
A/N: Yay! A oneshot! This is my submission for @pellucid-constellations​ beautiful writing challenge! I hope you enjoy it. Feedback is so, so appreciated! (Inspired by the song Breakeven by The Script)
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Amends: to atone, do penance, or pay the price to redeem one’s self.
The word has been burned into the soul of Bucky Barnes for the past few years.
Set things right with any and everyone he’d hurt or wronged—that was his goal. One of the many his therapist had made for him, and for the most part, he’d done it.
“James?” The barista calls, drawing Bucky’s gaze to the counter. He smiles lightly at the young girl taking her job so seriously. He admired the work ethic.
The paper cup is warm against the sensitive vibranium of his left hand, the scalding black coffee inside. A stark contrast to the chilly autumn air whipping its way through the streets of New York. He’s walking the path he’d walked a hundred times before, though he’s doing it for the first time in months.
“You gotta let yourself feel things, James.” His therapist told him. “Even if their painful. It’s a good thing to feel, it’s a reminder that you’re human. That you’ve got yourself back.”
Bucky sighed heavily, waking the familiar cobblestones of Park Slope. He passed the bookshop that had the best collection of records from 30’s and 40’s, the bakery that had been run my the DiNuzzi’s since 1929, and the pink house with the pink roses and pink shutters.
Why someone would want to stick out like a sore thumb in the neighborhood, he’ll never know.
By the time he’d gotten back to his apartment, it was almost 4. Too late for lunch, too early for dinner. He’d run out of excuses and he’s pretty sure his therapist would want to see his journals were at least scribbled in for their next session.
So, Bucky grabbed the leather-bound book he kept situated neatly on his coffee table, a pen, and opened it to a clean page.
His knee was shaking as he got up the courage to write down his thoughts. His therapist told him to write letters—to himself, to his parents, to people he loves, hates or has hurt. What he does with the letters is up to him. He could burn them for all she cared, just write the thoughts down.
Bucky fiddled with the pen, before finally putting it to the paper.
Hey Honey, he wrote.
Thought about you a lot today. About us. I walked the old neighborhood again. It’s different and the same every time I see it.
Bucky’s heart was racing as he wrote. Your image clear as day in his mind.
I went to that coffee shop you told me about once…almost didn’t though, I was afraid you’d be there. Tucked away on that turquoise sofa in the corner, reading a book about to people that hate each other falling in love. Those cheesy stories were always your favorite.
Bucky smiles briefly, remembering how you would shush him when he made fun of your excitement as you turned each page.
The thought of seeing you terrifies me. Mostly ‘cause I don’t know what I’m supposed to say if I do.
He gets the urge to put the book down. To call it a day and not feel what he’s feeling right now, but then he’ll have no reason to think about you. So he continues.
Am I supposed to pretend I don’t know you? Am I supposed to shake your hand like we’re strangers? Hug you like I’ve done a million times? I don’t know the rules anymore, Y/N. I just wanna call you, see you, to hear your voice. That’d be enough.
He flips the page.
I want a lot of things, Sugar. I want to tell you I’m sorry. I want to tell you I choose you. Over a mission, over Sam, over the fucking pardon. I’d go back a pick you—us. Not like you’d ever make me pick one or the other. You always understood…never blamed me for doing what I thought I needed too.
You saw me for me, saw past the monster I tried to convince you I was. You saw the Bucky I used to be.
James felt his eyes brimming with tears. He bit his lip, hard enough to taste copper on the tip of his tongue.
I miss you. I feel like the biggest idiot, pushing you away. I thought, not that it matters now, but I thought I was holding you back. That you shouldn’t have to deal with a guy that barely has his life together. You didn’t deserve all of the glares people sent your way, or the constant fear of losing me. I know you hated that more than anything, and I’m sorry for that too.
I hope you’re happy, Baby. I hope you’re somewhere right now with someone who makes you smile. God, you deserve the world. I’d do anything to make sure you got it, too.
I hope you’re dancing in the kitchen making brownies. I hope you’re drinking iced coffee with way too much almond milk. I hope you still stick your tongue out when something is a little tricky, and that you still say ‘oops’ when you bump into the furniture.
He held the page tightly, snuffling as he wrote his final thought.
If there’s still room for me in that heart of yours, I hope we find our way back to each other. ‘Cause I promise you, Baby…I’d never let you go again.
To the moon, Sweetheart.
Love, Bucky.
Bucky closed the book gently, letting out a small breath as tears fell from his eyes. He put the book back in its place on the coffee table and stood, scrubbing his hands down his face.
He should call Sam, see if he wants some company for a few days. Just to get things off his chest.
Bucky pulls out his phone. As he does, your name flashed across the screen.
Something that hadn’t happened in months.
It was a text.
Bucky couldn’t even move as he read the small preview of your message still on the screen.
Hey Buck, you wrote.
Went to our coffee shop today…
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starryevermore · 2 years
between the lines ✧ steven grant
the good life ✧ a steven grant anthology | ao3
pairing: steven grant x fem!librarian!reader
request: How about Steven and a librarian!reader, who’s also sort of like Steven? A bit insecure, shy, etc. He meets her when going to research more Egyptian history or something. It’s post-Moon Knight so, Steven has a little more confidence than before. - @blackwidownat2814
summary: steven has a crush on a little librarian. 
word count: 2,412
warnings?: fluff, general awkwardness, pet name (love), not proofread
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Why are you even going to the library?, Marc asked as Steven caught his reflection in Gus’s fish tank. Steven, suddenly aware of the state of his hair, started combing his fingers through it, trying to make it look somewhat presentable. Don’t you have a million books here?
“It’s always good to support your local libraries,” Steven dismissed, giving up on his hair. He was almost certain he was making it worse. “The more ya use them, the more fundin’ they get. They’re very important to the community.”
And that’s why you keep buying a billion more books?
“Didn’t you just say I had a million? Make up your mind, Marc,” Steve said. “Anyways, got lots of books to check out. Laters, gators.”
Steven had started going to the library years and years ago to research more into Egyptian history and the mythology. Back then, he was really struggling to make ends meet with a job that just barely paid minimum wage. So, he couldn’t really afford to buy the books he was interested in. The library was his only choice. And it was the library where he fell in love. 
Not with the books, though. 
With you. 
You were a recent graduate with a Master’s in Library Science. An American, he had realized quickly when he heard your accent, though it was clear enough that you had been living in England for quite some time. He’d wondered if you’d also gotten your bachelor’s in England, too. Regardless, you had only recently started working at the library, nervously flitting through the shelves, trying to organize them. 
“Last librarian didn’t care one bit about making sure this place run smoothly,” he’d heard you muttering to yourself as you pushed a cart around. “Clearly didn’t care about the patrons either. Who the hell has this many James Patterson novels? Do people even still read these? Not a single person’s checked one out in the last month I’ve been here. And yet they take up a whole damn shelf! We could put so many better things there! Ugh, I should put some of these in the sale pile, bet no one would even notice to care.”
Steven had cleared his through, waving slightly to catch your attention. You jumped when you saw him, nearly tumbling over your cart. “Oh dear! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to give ya a fright. It’s just my first time at the library, ya know, and I don’t really know my way around and it’s been a long time since I’ve been in one, so I’m not quite sure where to begin looking, or if you’d even have any, but, um, do you happen to have any books on ancient Egypt? The history of it, I mean?”
You were clutching your hand to your chest, trying to catch your breath. “Um, yeah, we do! They’re in the nonfiction section. Though, I suppose you would have guessed that…Um, if you go straight down this way, you’ll see the stairs. Take ‘em straight up to the second floor and go to your left. It’s all organized by the Dewey Decimal System, which is a terrible system and I’m thinking of overhauling it. Just need to figure out a better way to organize, ya know. Um, it should be the 900s. I think maybe in the 930’s? If I’m wrong, there should be a few diagrams listed on the ends of each shelf to direct you. We actually just got these really interesting book the other day. The Book of the Dead, I think? I don’t think anyone’s checked it out and…I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“I ramble too!” Steven said. “I think people think it’s annoying. Actually, I know they do. My co-workers are all the time rolling their eyes and ignoring me whenever I go off on a tangent.”
You smiled a bit. “Well, my fellow rambler, feel free to go off on a tangent with me about whatever amazing book you decide to check out, okay? I’ve been wanting to learning more about ancient histories, and I think you could be a great person to learn from.” Your face fell slightly, your eyes going wide. “Not that you should feel like you have to! It’s totally your choice. Like, if you’d rather only talk when you have questions about the library or are checking out a book, fine by me! I don’t want you to feel like you’re being shoe-horned into a friendship! Shoot, I’m so bad at this…”
“No, no, you’re perfectly well! Wonderful, even!” Steven flushed, realizing his words. “I-I mean…I would love to talk to you about the books I read.”
“It’s a date then!” You frowned, your brows furrowing together. “Not, like, a real date, I mean. Unless you want to make it a real date! That would be fine, too. But, I-I mean…”
“Maybe start as friends?” Steven suggested. Then he held out his hand, trembling slightly. “Hi friend, my name’s Steven. With a ‘V’.”
“Oh, good. Stephen’s with a ‘PH’ are right assholes. Met one back when I was on vacation in New York a few years ago, and I swear I’ve been met a more pretentious asshole in my life. And…I’m rambling again, aren’t I?” you said. “What were we talking about? Oh! Right, I should introduce myself. I’m Y/N.”
And from there on out, an awkward sort of friendship began to bloom. 
Any time Steven finished a book, he would come to talk to you about what he learned, what his favorite parts were. And you would always listen, face propped on your hand, nodding along, asking questions when you were confused and when you could tell he was particularly interested in stuff. You liked when he went on tangents. Said it made you feel better when you went on tangents yourself. 
But Steven loved your tangents. He loved the way your eyes would brighten, how you spoke with your hands, waving them around as you talked about your favorite books. Steven liked to read what you read. He felt like that gave him a good insight into who you were. He liked knowing you were a fan of romance. Sometimes, he would daydream about what his life would be like if he could finally man up and ask you out on a real date, if he could sweep you off your feet, if he could make you feel like your life was a fairytale. 
Steven had always been so sure that that would remain a fantasy. He was an awkward sort of guy. The few times he had tried asking you out, you’d been totally oblivious. But now…After everything that happened with Marc and Khonshu and Layla and defeating Harrow and Ammit, Steven was ready to give it a crack at it again. 
And, he owed you an apology, too. He did sort of disappear without a word. 
When Steven arrived at the library, he found you in the the children’s section. Oh, that’s right. You always had an hour’s worth of activities planned for the children each week. 
He looked at the books scattered about, a small smile on his lips. The Kane Chronicles? Magic Tree House: Mummies in the Morning? The Egypt Game? 
“Hi, love,” he said, when he got closer. 
Your head jerked up, your eyes going wide. 
“Steven!” you shouted when you saw him, jumping up and throwing your arms around his waist. You squeezed him tight, burying your face in his chest, like you were scared you were going to lose him. “Oh, Steven, you doofus! You had me worried sick! Where the hell have you been?!”
Oh. I see why you like the library now, Marc said. Steven could practically see him wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Sorry, love, I got a bit busy,” he said, wrapping his arms around you. Oh. Oh, he liked this. 
“I couldn’t find you at all,” you mumbled. “Even went to the museum you said you worked at, and they told me you’d been fired! I was so worried something happened to you.”
“I’m sorry, love,” Steven said, fighting the urge to kiss the top of your head. “I…just needed to get out of the city for a bit. But I’m back now, and I’m gonna make it to you, yeah?”
You pulled away, sniffling slightly. Oh, he hadn’t meant to make you cry. “Deal. But you gotta start by helping me clean up here.”
“Of course, love,” he said, kneeling down, collecting the scattered papers and crayons. “So, what’d you do with the young’uns today?”
You ducked your head down. “I thought it would be nice to tell ‘em some stories about ancient Egypt. Pulled some fiction books, too, in case they preferred that. Printed off some coloring pages.”
“What is because you missed me?”
Damn, Steven. That was almost smooth, Marc said. 
“Maybe,” you mumbled. “You’re one of my only friends.” Then, your head jerked up, as if you realized what you said. “I mean, I have other friends. I totally have other friends. I’m in, like, a bajillion group chats and stuff. And, and…”
“It’s okay,” Steven said, reaching out, grabbing your hand, “You’re one of my only friends, too.”
You stared at where your hands connected, trying to figure out what to say. You almost looked like you were going to say something about him holding your hand. But then you clicked your tongue, saying, “Would you like some of the leftover coloring pages? I was just gonna leave them out on the circulation desk or maybe over here, in case other kids swung by and wanted to color. But, uh, you’re free to take some, too.”
Steven shook his head. “As fun as that would be, I don’t know if I’m the right demographic to be coloring.”
“Anyone can color though. I mean, they make adult coloring books, don’t they? So clearly coloring is a rated E for everything sort of thing,” you said. “But honestly, kid’s coloring pages are so much better than the ones they make for adults. Like, adult’s coloring books are so detailed and really hard to see sometimes and it can get really hard to focus, so I don’t really see how anyone can relax coloring those pages. But kid’s coloring books? So easy. Don’t have to think too hard, you feel less guilty about coloring outside the lines since you don’t feel like you’re ruining someone’s work of art. Not to say that kid’s coloring pages aren’t works of art but…Shoot, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
Steven couldn’t stop the smile from taking over his face. “It’s alright, love. I don’t mind. You know that.” He cleared his throat. “So, what’s the best coloring pages you’ve got?”
“Oh, um, a lot, actually! There’s the Sphinx, some pyramids, an ankh. I think there might be a few of some gods and goddesses?” You hummed quietly, flipping through the sheets you had in front of you. “Looks like we got Osiris, Set, Isis…Um, ooh we got Taweret! I didn’t know we had her, actually. I think I’ll keep that one for myself. And…uh, I don’t think I know this one?”
Steven looked at the page you were showing him, almost laughing to himself. “That’s Khonshu, god of the moon. Though, honestly, he looks more like a bird brain in real life.”
His eyes widened when he realized what he said. “Oh, uh, I mean…I just went to Egypt, ya see. Saw some of the art and stuff, ya know. Just thought he looked more like a bird brain.”
“Oh, ok!” You pushed the page towards him. “D’ya wanna color him in then? Make him look a bit more accurate?”
“Can we color together? If you’re not too busy?”
Go, Steven, go! Go, Steven, go!, Marc cheered. 
You smiled softly, reaching for the basket full of crayons, placing them where you both could reach. “I’ve always got time for you, Steven.”
And so the two of you knelt at a table meant for children, Steven ignoring the aches in his knees, focusing instead on how much he enjoyed being with you. How you focused so intently on your coloring. How you didn’t care too much about making sure things stayed inside the lines, instead working on the masterpiece in front of you. 
“That looks really good,” Steven said as you placed your crayons back in the bin. 
You smiled at him, glancing at his. “Yours, too. Hey, maybe we could trade? I take yours, you take mine.”
“You want my coloring page?” Steven asked. 
“Yeah, well, I mean, if you want to switch! You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m sorry. It was a stupid idea, you can just forget about it—”
Steven reached across the tiny table, grabbing your head. “I’ll trade coloring pages with you if you promise to go on a date with me tonight.”
“A date? You wanna go on a date with me?“
“I wanna go on a million dates with you, love,” Steven said.
You smiled a bit bigger. “I-I didn’t think you liked me like that, Steven.”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re brilliant! You’re so smart, and you’re so kind. You love this library as if it were your own child. You’re always nice to people, even if they don’t deserve it. You listen to me ramble, and you actually care about what I say…Love, you’re amazing, and I would be so lucky to date you.”
You leaned over, your lips brushing over his cheek. “I would love to go on a date with you, Steven.”
“Good,” Steven laughed, “because I’ve asked you out three times already, and this is the first time you noticed.”
You ducked your head down. “Oh. Oh, dear. Well, thank you for sticking around. I’ve always been a bit oblivious.”
“Well, at least we can be oblivious together,” Steven said. He reached for your coloring page, switching it with his own. “I’m gonna go figure out what we’ll do for dinner, then I’ll come by when you get off work, yeah?”
“I can’t wait,” you said. “Oh, and by the way, if it matters in what you decide, I’m a vegetarian.”
“Me too!”
Okay, so what we’re saying is, no steakhouse?, Marc grumbled. 
And Steven thought back, “Definitely no steakhouse. We both know what happened the last time I ate steak.”
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anauro · 2 years
how do you picture regulus, barty and james?
Hi dear!
I’ll assume you mean how exactly I see them and that you talk about drugs and surgical scrubs. 💙
Like pretty much everyone, I see Regulus as Timothee Chalamet. My Regulus is half French from his mother side and my boy has type 1 skin on the Fitzpatrick scale.
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Poor baby just cannot tan for the life of his and he almost bathes in factor 50 sun dream during the summer months. He takes great pride in his porcelain skin that has no freckles and minimal amount of moles.
He’s always clean shaved and his curls end just below his ears, so he can cover the worst or bite makes with them.
He’s got no tattoos and no piercings, but he does occasionally paint his nails black, but promptly takes it off before seeing anyone. He also wears signet rings, either on his fingers or around his neck when he’s at work.
He’s rather skinny, but does have some muscular forearms, courtesy to his job. This man can hold a grown man’s jaw with just his pinky. His hands have very good stamina, if you know what I mean 😏
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My fancast for him is Maxence Danet-Fauvel. Do I need to say more?
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This man lives and breathes sport. He does the same cardio as Henry Cavill (if you know, you know) and he cycles to work, no matter the weather. He only owns a car cause his father got him one.
He’s very well built and knows it. He’s got a small tattoo of vine just next to his hip bone that Evan dared him to get when they got drunk after passing their finals. He also used to be a big (maternal) grandpa’s boy as his father was largely at work and not really a parental figure. He has his year of birth tattooed just above his left anterior cubital fossa (?? elbow pit) .
Barty doesn’t have any piercings, but I think he’s the most likely to get his dick pierced. Maybe he will.
I don’t think it surprises anyone when I say I picture James as white in this fic. I love the idea of desi James (and he is desi in my other fics), but as a white person, I don’t feel comfortable having a poc character who is a drug addict and a shit parent. I don’t mind if others do, but I personally can’t.
Now my overall James Potter face claim is actually a guy I know in real life, who is also called James and is half Pakistani. For obvious reasons, I can’t share his picture here but trust me when I say he’s a hottie 😅
I’m quite used to the idea of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter, purely cause I’ve seen about half a million of tik tok edits with him, but if anyone has any other fancasts for him then I am very open to suggestions.
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My James is a mess. His hair is longer than it should be —somewhere by his shoulders— and he barely even combs it so it’s even more unruly than before. He has like a 3 days old stubble and he’s got all sorts of minor cuts and abrasions where he scratched his own skin off when high.
He’s got a scar on his left forearm from where Sirius accidentally injected him into the artery and not the vein. His nails are bitten and his lips are chapped.
He’s a mess. And Regulus is still falling for him.
And of course he too is more on the muscular side, but nowhere near as Barty. He used to though and so he still looks quite good, even though he hasn’t seen a swimming pool in years.
He’s shaved over his chest and stomach purely cause they shaved him in the hospital pre-surgery. And he’ll keep it this way, cause he can see Regulus likes it.
He’s got the tattoo over his heart, which is E and F intertwined and an H below it.
He’s got the cut just over his right hipbone and lots of bruises over his lower stomach from the injections Regulus gives him.
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house-md-obsession · 2 years
Shake [James Wilson x Reader] Part Four
Her eyes shifted from the brunette with an amber tint in her hair as she glanced back down to her hot cup of coffee in hand. Despite having slept a lifetime for many people, she still felt the pangs of exhaustion on her overworked body tugging at her joints as well as her lack of ability to focus on one thing at a time as she gradually recovered. She found herself longing for the comfort of James' bed, as odd as it was. Not him, but the wonderfully luxurious bed in which she now sees a necessity.
'Who knows if I'll sleep that well again without that damn bed.'
Her eyes flit up to the previously mentioned Thirteen. She flashed her the familiar lost-in-thought smile in which her face is normally decorated.
"I'm exhausted, I am so fucking sorry." She stated, a soft laugh elicited from the two. Despite having slept as much as she has, she still felt tiredness tug at her eyes.
"I can tell. Wilson said you were wiped but I didn't expect you to still be a walking corpse." She said, and ___ sighed, tightening her messy bun that lay upon her head. Her soft baby hairs sat wildly as they wanted, too short to go up with the rest of her hair.
"Yeah, I'm honestly not doing the best. I think House was actually right in forcing me to take the week off. I can hardly focus on anything."
"There's this really weird thing that happens, when you don't sleep like you're supposed to—"
"Shhh... I'm feeling the consequences of my actions. Trust me. I'm a million times more miserable than I look, and I know I'm roughing it right now." She stated, feeling her joints ache as she reached for her cup of coffee. Every movement felt as though there was sand in between her joints. “I’ve also got a lot on my mind that I am trying to navigate. I just haven’t had an opportunity between such big cases. I know it is literally our job, but we haven’t had an easy case in months. I miss the times I was able to just go screw with Wilson while he wrote up emails.”
"So... how do things seem?" Remy asks, seemingly pushing for a conversation she didn't quite want to bring up. Not directly, at least. ____ cocked her head, setting her cup down once again.
"How does what seem?" ____ asked.
"Things." Remy said, again, indirectly pressing. Still confused, ____ was about to ask for clarification, before her eyes caught those of the softly parted brunette male, making his way towards the two from the coffee counter, two cups in hand.
____ smiled, and moved over in her booth to make room for her friend as his eyes met hers with a warm, shy smile making its way upon the flirts' face.
"You look much better than last night." He commented, setting the cups down in front of them. Remy gave him a quiet 'hey' as he got situated.
"Hey, James. You meeting someone?" ____ asked, moving over a little more so he could get comfortable. He moved over a little more, mere inches between the two.
"Thirteen let me know where you guys were going so I swung by and gave you a house key." He said, and dug into his pocket for a minute, before dishing out his keys. He plucked a freshly made, bright silver one from his key ring, and handed it to you.
Thirteen's eyes widened, and to seemingly keep her mouth shut, she took a sip of her coffee.
"Thank you..? I don't...?" ____ stammered, wondering why this was necessary besides so she can grab her stuff later, but she assumed she'd just go back to her place until later.
"I know your apartment is on the rough side of town, and I have a conference I leave for at the end of the month for a week, and I just wanted to extend... the offer of somewhere... safer to you. Plus I'll probably be working late, so you can grab your stuff at least." He said, 'cooly' as he could. Thirteen shot James a confused look. She arched an eyebrow and leaned forward a little.
"Are you asking her to house-sit or are you inviting her to move in?" James' face went red and he let out a nervous laugh.
"I'm just letting her know she is always welcome over if she needs to! When House and I went by her apartment to grab some stuff the other night it was... shady." He said, trying his hardest not to offend the girl next to him, avoiding eye contact.
“I am happy to house-sit. We can talk about that later, I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow at the latest.” ___ said, and James was happy to take any out of this conversation, even if his out is ‘house sitting’.
"Who is the other coffee for? House?" Thirteen asked.
"No, no. That ass can buy his own coffee after the emotional torment I was subject to last night." He said, a sigh leaving his face as he paranoidly glanced around the room, as if to judge whether or not it was clear to say what was on his mind in the moment. Remy cocked an eyebrow, obviously intrigued by the vague statement.
"What 'torment' did you have to endure?” She said, gently tossing her long, chestnut hair behind her shoulders.
“It is a crime and extremely offensive for me to be friends with a female that is not the exact same age as me.” He said, feeling a heat make its way to his face with the mere mention of the conversation. He almost felt like he was ripping the innocence from his mature, younger friend by even thinking about her following the visuals House had nearly injected into his head.
Several hours were spent on and off “teasing” Wilson for his intentions with the young colleague the two shared. House consistently swore she was only around for being an excellent doctor and a total idiot with the passion for her job to leave her relentlessly exhausted at all times, seeing as she needs to be virtually held at gunpoint to sleep.
“You’re keeping her around and only doing this as a fastpass into her panties. I’ve seen her ass, I don’t blame you, but at least be honest and stop making yourself look like you’re sacrificing things so she feels more compelled to lie with you.” He remembers House uttering. Wilson just threw him another hateful glance, and resumed his attention back to his phone.
‘Maybe I seriously like her around. Is that such a forgein concept to you? I have a plethora of female friends that I have never tried sleeping with. You can’t seem to make friends with any woman without making it clear the relationship is one-way.’ Wilson thought to himself, just before standing up to check on you. That was the last comment House got in last night before finally dropping the topic.
At least, until midnight struck another day.
“Says House?” ____ asked, cocking her head.
“Implied House. He also implied a lot of other things that have me ignoring his existence today.” He said, taking another heavy sigh as he took a sip of the warm coffee in hand. He felt the urge to glance at ____ as she was part of the discussion, but ignored it.
‘I don’t want her knowing House thinks of her that way. Besides, I have more than one very close female friend, so it's not like she would gather that from this conversation. Right?’ He thought to himself, before finding his inner monolog more confusing than beneficial.
He would, in moments following, find that this did not work as planned.
He sat up readjusting his position next to the tired woman next to him. She slowly nodded, finally understanding what the conversation likely included. She fought off a soft giggle, watching her brunette friend fight a soft blush that was finding its way up on the flirts’ cheek.
“Why are you so pressed? Sounds like textbook House to me. Angry and horny.” Remy muttered, once more taking a sip of her coffee. James stuttered over himself.
James, in fact, was not entirely upset because of the misogyny that he had to endure by sitting idly by his now hammered best friend. He, too, was drunk, while you slept heavily in the other room. Occasional, soft snores could be heard in the living room.
“So, you’re not gonna even try?” The diagnostician said, setting his now-empty scotch glass back onto the coffee table.
“House. She is not interested, and young.” James muttered for what felt like the millionth time.
“‘Young’ is an awful excuse to not pursue the babe in your bed. You really can tell me more about her than any of your ex-wives but you refuse to even try going on a date with her.” The drunk spat out, some truth to his searing words that James refused to accept.
“Maybe I want a serious, platonic relationship like this with someone other than you, House. Whether or not I like her doesn’t matter, I’m not pursuing anything.”
“Now that you’ve made it very clear you’re not going to sleep with her, when I do, I’ll be sure to take pictures.”
“Yes, that is textbook House. Doesn’t mean I should have to deal with him reducing my friends to nice bodies.” He said, glancing to his left and unintentionally making eye-contact with the hopefully-unaware person that brought upon the subject matter.
Both Remy and ____’s eyebrows arched, shooting the oncologist a curious glance as he continued to clam up.
“Who is House jealous that you have around?!” The pair spat out at once, almost as if they had rehearsed the moment a million times. He was mildly taken aback, wondering why this conversation didn’t run through his head as a potential outcome to the topic posed.
For obvious reasons, he was not sure he was ready to sell out his best friend to the innocent, or so he assumed, younger woman next to him that he was not sure would like to hear of the ways her boss objectified her while she was unconscious in the other room.
James felt the familiar heat he tried to overcome over the last few minutes on several occasions burn as it finally won– the tall, flushed brunette finding himself stumbling over words in his head, unknowingly stuttering a response out to the two.
“Cameron.” He spat, little thought following the exclamation. She was the first, non-___ girl that he has even remotely considered a ‘close’ friend over the two facing him.
He locked eyes with ____, and she looked puzzled. He knows, even while absolutely exhausted, she was not buying the lie the man spoke. He knew she was calculated, and knew this was not something she would drop until she knew who he was really referring to. He could feel the urge to call him out to his face– a characteristic he both loved and hated about her– but watched as she readjusted in her seat.
Strangely enough, she nodded, flashed him a smug grin, and shrugged.
“Sounds about right. He always did want to sleep with her.” ___ said softly, taking another sip of the now less-scalding, bitter coffee. James watched in shock as she seemingly continued about listening, not a word leaving her lips. Her baggy eyes now trained on the opening and closing of the slightly busy coffee shop.
“Cameron? You still keep in touch with her?” Remy asked, setting her now almost empty cup to the table. James pulled his confused face from the apparently disinterested girl next to him.
“Well, yes, but very sparingly.” He said, shifting as he felt Remy nearly see right through him. Her face quickly became that of disbelief, but she knew better than to press the man for more answers than he was ready to give. She cleared her throat, it becoming increasingly obvious that she did not believe a word he was saying.
“Okay. Okay. Not Cameron. But who it is doesn’t really matter. They’re a close friend and that is that, I don’t know why House seems to think I only ever want to sleep with the people I have around me. Maybe they’re just good company.” He explained, and relaxed, not realizing the short lived lie had already begun to take a toll on his physicality. The bigger lie he didn’t need to address was that he’d almost definitely, on more than one occasion, found himself wondering what this ‘unspoken’ person would be like as a romantic partner, but that’s just curiosity, right? Is it a crime to imagine what a friend would be like as a partner?
He glanced back at ____, who was still seemingly anywhere emotionally than the coffee shop.
“It’s House, Wilson. You know better than anyone else his cynical ass only brings young women around for one reason.” She said, letting a sigh leave her lips, as she sat back against the rest of her chair. “You’re telling me he’s never harassed you for anyone else?” She pushed.
“Yes, of course he has, but he is particularly insistent with this person in specific.”
“Maybe it is his weird ‘House’ way of getting you two together. He is very good at reading people.” Remy said. She took the final sip of her coffee, gently setting the empty cup down onto the table. She glanced over at her friend, noticing her blank stare towards the floor. ‘Maybe she should get going.’
‘“I-I mean, maybe. But regardless it isn’t any of his business. And I don’t even know if I could be in a romantic relationship with this person. I’m not sure it has even crossed my mind prior to this conversation.” He said, rubbing his thumb against one another underneath the table. He felt unusually nervous speaking those words right next to the unspoken woman in question. He caught another glimpse of the unusually quiet ____ next to him. She had her eyes trained on the door again. He gently tapped her thigh under the table, and she whipped her head around to look at him. She came to, seemingly previously stuck in another universe before flashing him a soft smile.
“‘M sorry. I didn’t sleep well last night. Sorry, I am listening!” She muttered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, flashing a sleepy, almost distracted smile to the oncologist. He felt his anxiety manifest as butterflies in his stomach. He was unsure if it was because of the smile or the subject matter.
He flashed a warm smile in response, feeling his anxiety climb higher with the innocent action.
“Hey, ____, I’m sorry to drag you out. You don’t look well. Let me take you home.” Remy interrupted, and ____ shook her head.
“No, no, it’s okay! I’ve missed you guys. We haven’t hung out like this in months. I’ll go home and go to bed later. Do either of you have somewhere to be?”
“I’ve got work in about an hour. But, Remy is right. You should go rest.” James said, finding his hand rubbing her shoulder. She flashed him a warm smile, and shook her head. “I can take you home if you need, too, or you can grab your house key from my car.” He said, glancing at Remy to watch as she nodded her head in response.
“I have a lot on my mind right now. This is more helpful than you know.” She said.
“So… Who is the extra coffee for?” Remy asked, and James, without a word, hands it to Remy seeing as ____ has not even nearly finished hers.
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