#jamie is NOT the right person tho
lingeringscars · 6 months
Callie never wanted to get married. It was never a dream for them. After her mother died, she was even more sure that marriage was not something that she wanted. Callie does not trust good things or forever, and this is still relevant even after they were adopted, though it has gotten better. Stef and Lena's marriage and eventual divorce and later marriage also impacts things. Their divorce felt inevitable, but seeing their commitment and love for each other has made Callie consider that maybe, some day, with the right person, she could get married.
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
the biggest difference between how the maruarders fandom at large characterises james (mostly talking in fic, but this extends to a smaller extent to memes and general discussion, but those are a bit harder to generalise) compared to the jegulus fandom comes down to how much moral complexity - or complexity full stop - james is afforded.
in the fandom at large, james tends to be characterised primarily as a happy-go-lucky, loyal friend, someone who's strong convictions extend to his relationships. he's strong, and athletic, and popular, and he had a good childhood, he's easy going. and that's all well and good, i don't necessarily disagree with that characterisation, but i think more often than not, people stop there with james's character. and he's shoved into a stock role, as the mom friend or as the "ally." the most conflict james is able to have - outside of the war, which isn't actually a conflict for his character - is his relationship with lily, and maybe with sirius after the prank.
basically, james's characterisation in the marauder's fandom at large lacks internal conflict, and without that conflict, he stays an unambiguously "good" person.
whereas, within the jegulus fandom, if the fic takes place in canon then james cannot be unambiguously good or loyal. by being with regulus, james now has to lie to sirius at the very least, if not all his friends, and he also has to grapple with the dubious morality of being with someone who outwardly expresses bigoted beliefs. by being with regulus at all, no matter what reg's actual beliefs are or if he's actually a "good person" or not, james is at least partially condoning the rhetoric regulus espouses in public.
with this added layer of obligatory complexity, it's very easy for james in jegulus fics to have the outward appearance of the happy-go-lucky mom friend, all the while having a very different inner character with serious flaws and issues that need to be worked through.
i think, because james in jegulus fics has his flaws on full display from the get-go, he's not placed on so much of a pedestal. it's much more likely that james will be allowed to make mistakes, or hurt people, or suffer from self worth issues. this carries over into AUs where it's much more likely in jegulus fic that james not be a wholly good person, or not have morals that align with the other characters.
i have a thousand more things to say, but i'll leave it at that for now.
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solemntitty · 11 months
cleaning the kitchen sink before I go to bed is self care I keep telling myself, bc I know in the morning if the sink isn't clear it will take up RAM in my brain
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inkedbybarnes · 28 days
be your date
bodyguard!bucky barnes x actress!fem!reader
summary: you are invited to this year's met gala, and your bodyguard is against the idea of letting you go alone.
word count: 500+
warnings: 18+ mdni. nothing sexual, but still. some banters. hints of fluff. a sprinkle of tension. grumpy but protective bucky (yes, that is a warning!) sort of bratty reader? lack of met gala knowledge probably. usage of petnames such as princess. lowercase writing.
photos used are only for aesthetic and not to describe or visualise the reader!
note: just a little drabble to the story/plot i've been writing! since there was recently a met gala, i thought this would be a great tease for this story. i hope you enjoy this one!
dividers made by @firefly-graphics!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated. thank you! ♡
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“you shouldn't go.”
as a celebrity, privacy was a rare luxury, and having your personal life being constantly invaded became your new norm.
it also meant having a personal bodyguard to keep you safe, but no one ever warned you about having a bodyguard who was both relentlessly protective and unbelievably attractive with a permanent frown on his face.
god, would it be so bad to have a crush on your bodyguard?
“you can't tell me what to do, you know that right?” you shot him a defiant look, although you knew he wasn't trying to control you, just keeping you safe.
getting a reaction other than a grunt from him was your favourite hobby, anyway.
a delivery was found on your doorstep this morning, containing an invitation and a bouquet of flowers. bucky was beside you as you opened the envelope, and immediately, he was against the idea.
“what even is the met gala?” he eyed the invitation you were holding, brow furrowed while he looked offended by the piece of paper. “it doesn't sound safe.”
bucky had learned about the letters that you would constantly receive, and how half of them were unusual and even concerning. you could still remember the frown he had kept all day when you received a marriage certificate in need of your signature.
he made sure to burn it by the fireplace.
and grunted at it one more time.
“nothing sounds safe to you, jamie.” you argued, rolling your eyes at his protectiveness. you slipped the card back into its envelope, unaware of the faint flush that spread across his face as he heard you call him by the nickname you've given him.
“it's a ball that a bunch of celebrities go to every year, but i don't really find it that special. my manager thinks otherwise though.” you explained. “and i do have to go alone if i'm attending it since it's really private. they even prohibited phones inside, so it should be safe.”
“i don't buy it.” bucky pursed his lips, remaining unconvinced. “i'm coming with you.”
“they won't let you inside. they treat this ball as a highly exclusive event. even bodyguards are off the list. i find it silly as well, don't worry.” you sighed, recalling how uncomfortable it was every time. you had no choice since your manager called it good publicity and a necessity for your career. “oh, unless i bring a date. i could probably sneak them in as a plus one. they love seeing a new pair to spark conversation. do you have anyone you trust enough to be with me so you can calm down?”
you waited for his response, but instead of answering, bucky took a step towards you, his gaze intense and unwavering. he looked at you with such intensity, making butterflies flutter in your stomach that none of your co-stars could do to you.
“i'll be your date.”
your eyes widened in surprise. was he serious? “what?"
"you asked me who i trust enough to be with you." he repeated, his face now inches away from yours, a faint smile dancing across his face. “well, princess. that person would be me."
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i may have changed reader from sunshine to confident/bratty because i genuinely can't write a sunshine character without giving up... i'm not the best with jolly emotions. i think it still worked out tho!
oh, and here's a silly lil instagram post. thank you for reading!
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if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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faggy--butch · 5 months
I saw you mention Jammidoger and I'm a little ? about the context, can you elaborate? Have a great day no matter what tho
Sure! Last year, Jamie did a video with OBGYN Mama Doctor Jones, who is a wonderful person to watch, she uses gender neutral language to talk about reproductive care, talks about trans care, all that good stuff. The video in question is an interview with Jamie, in which he does talk about how trans men deal with a lot of medical transphobia in general but especially in reproductive care, but then be says something along the lines of "But this is a small violin in comparison to what trans women go through" This didn't sit right with me whatsoever.
He minimized everything that he said just seconds before.
We know for a fact that cis women are marginalized in the medical system, that cis women die from lack of care when it comes to all sorts of things but especially reproductive health.
Trans men and mascs deal with that but WORSE. Just an example is that when you are on testosterone, it can be harder to know when you are ovulating or pregnant, and if doctors are already unwilling to listen to AFAB people ( and I say AFAB in this very specific medical context) think of how much harder it is for trans men to navigate.
It can and Has killed us. Robert Eads was denied medical care over and over because he was legally male, and he died of Ovarian cancer. That's serious! that's no small violin. It was kind of crushing tbh to hear him say this. Jamie obviously comes from a place of privilege, he was able to fully transition and I'm happy for him but that's no excuse to be reductive and ignorant.
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 24
“ it feels so good ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by calemakar_, trevorzegras, dylanduke25, and 127,985 others
yourusername i found these in my blackmail album but i promised them i wouldn’t use the pics against them so.. photo dump 🫶🫶
like look at little lukey lookin all cute i couldn’t help but post it for the whole world to see
tagged: trevorzegras, lhughes_06, dylanduke25, colecaufield, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, calemakar_
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missseraphina puck bunny
username17 i cannot escape that jamie pic
→ username80 why would u ever want to escape 🙄
username24 ok but.. why is the quinn photo lowk cute tho
trevorzegras the first pic of me is ruthless
→ yourusername dogs are out and about
→ trevorzegras SHUT UP
→ yourusername ravaging and rampaging 😘
calemakar_ oh NOW you post me
→ yourusername says the old ass man that never posts me
→ calemakar_ it’s a five year difference. AND ALSO YOU LITERALLY ACTIVELY TALK TO NATE??
→ yourusername actively is a STRONGGG word
→ yourusername we dm like once a week 🙄🙄
→ calemakar_ same thing
→ yourusername but i actually hate you both and i hope you lose against the sharks
username47 cole and cale’s pics 😭😭
colecaufield i’d like to think i look amazing
→ yourusername ofc ofc you ate it up
→ trevorzegras i’d argue differently
jamie.drysdale absolutely foul
→ yourusername you have no one to blame but yourself 🙄
lhughes_06 aw you think i’m cute
→ yourusername lmaooo not anymore
→ lhughes_06 i know you’re lying
→ yourusername oh yes i just think you’re superrr cute and totally irresistible
→ lhughes_06 i’m so glad you were brave enough to admit your true feelings
→ yourusername 😐
→ lhughes_06 😳
jackhughes i knew i shouldn’t have showed you those pics on ft
→ yourusername your fault fr
→ lhughes_06 oh when were u on ft 🤨
→ jackhughes like 4 days a week
→ yourusername jack that’s a gross exaggeration
→ lhughes_06 why not me
→ yourusername didn’t know you were so desperate for my attention moose
→ lhughes_06 well now you know 🙄
→ jackhughes when did i say you could start flirting in my replies
→ yourusername not flirting 😒😒
dylanduke25 THATS ME I MADE IT!!
→ yourusername yes u looked adorable there
→ dylanduke25 😁😁
→ lhughes_06 wb me :( yourusername
→ yourusername no response
markestapa god he’s complaining again what have you done
→ yourusername I BARELY DID ANYTHING
→ mackie.samo clearly you did something
→ yourusername you two are always ganging up on me
username31 jack in the back of that first pic
username97 photo evidence of quinn on the phone w me
username83 quinner’s such a supermodel
_quinnhughes my picture is suprisingly the least embarrassing
→ yourusername oh just you wait 🫢
→ _quinnhughes i take it back
luca.fantilli how adorable, duke and luke dressed like church boys ready to golf
→ lhughes_06 targeted
→ dylanduke25 am i allowed to report this as a hate crime
→ yourusername little cuties 😚😚😚😚
→ luca.fantilli my little baby boys 😝😝😝
→ lhughes_06 stfuuuu
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liked by _quinnhughes, luca.fantilli, jamie.drysdale, and 77,156 others
yourusername a little appreciation post for the only person in my life i can simultaneously hate and love (would not recommend getting an older brother)
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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jamie.drysdale would not recommend getting a younger sister
→ yourusername i found out about how you tried to ship me off to australia as soon as i turned 2
→ jamie.drysdale 10/10 would try again
username16 I LOVE THISSSS
_quinnhughes where’s my older brother appreciation post jackhughes lhughes_06
→ jackhughes appreciation posts only happen when the person actually appreciates their older brother
→ lhughes_06 you’ll get it when i get my younger brother appreciation post
→ _quinnhughes ihy jackhughes
trevorzegras is that my favorite drysdale
→ jamie.drysdale yes 😘😘😘😘😘
→ yourusername i’m right here 🙌
username68 okay but this is incredibly sweet
→ username75 yes!! u can see how much they love each other
markestapa i think you should appreciate me n mack too
→ mackie.samo FRRR
→ yourusername well i do appreciate you guys i would just hate my life if either of you were my brother 🤗
→ jamie.drysdale stop trying to steal my sister
→ _alexturcotte and my honorary sister
→ jackhughes and my soon-to-be sister
→ rutgermcgroarty HUHHHH?? jackhughes
luca.fantilli waiting for my older brother appreciation post adamfantilli
→ adamfantilli stay waiting
username25 drysdale siblings 🔛🔝
username11 whatever would we do if they weren’t siblings
→ username83 luke would be lonely for the rest of his life
colecaufield theoretically what would happen if i replaced jamie
→ yourusername you would get married to trevor
→ colecaufield hell no
→ yourusername HIGHLY debatable
_alexturcotte is my appreciation post happening soon
→ yourusername u dont even need a post i appreciate you all the time 🥰🥰
→ jamie.drysdale ok this is starting to get unfair
→ _alexturcotte i’m just better 🤣
lhughes_06 cute
→ markestapa loser
→ trevorzegras weak
→ yourusername ur cute too luke
→ _quinnhughes oh please
→ dylanduke25 embarrassing
→ edwards.73 you can do better
→ jackhughes moosey this is lame
→ mackie.samo oh luke…
→ adamfantilli is this supposed to be flirting
→ colecaufield this is so sad
→ luca.fantilli wtf is this
→ missseraphina thanks for the compliment 🤭
→ jamie.drysdale hey now this is still my baby sis
→ rutgermcgroarty even i could do better than that
→ _alexturcotte lmao
username72 yall i think luke blocked that seraphina girl LMFAOAOAO
→ username5 i think they all blocked her 😭
→ username5 besides drizz bc she thinks it’s funny
lhughes_06 and also now that you’ve had your sibling time with jamie, imy and u need to come back to the lake house rn
→ yourusername yeah yeah i’m already omw back 🙄
next chapter notes ) a filler chap with dryshughes crumbs and seraphina’s delulu antics 🤍🤍 we are inching our way closer to the finish line!!
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys @loveforaugust
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wicchyy · 6 months
0.1 — drunkfession ; james potter
sum: alcohol has both you and James thinking about what could’ve been
warnings: drunk teens
notes: wrote this months ago but its literal shit needed to clear my notes tho!
James stumbled in his steps as he climbed up the corridor stairs. His head was heavy, his eyes bleary, but even in his drunken state he was still able to make out the person stood before him.
Judging by your puffy lips and reddened cheeks, he was able to either guess you were drunk or had been crying. Your hair fell in its silky locks, tangled by the ends. James just wished he could comb through them, make them look perfectly straight just how he liked it. His heart ached a bit when your eyesight avoided him immediately.
He knew he’d hurt you, he knew how you and him didn’t talk much more these days, didn’t joke around even when you’d been promised a friendship still. But none of those compared to you avoiding eye contact with him.
The breakup didn’t go well. He had convinced you that both of you weren’t good for each other. And maybe you weren’t. Things were messy for you, and he was in a complicated situation as well. You’d gone through a list of hookups after. But James, James had gotten into a semi serious relationship with Lily Evans. At first he tried to hide it, then things got more complicated and James couldn’t keep things away any longer. The news came a few months after your breakup, but the fact hurt, and maybe mixed with a bit of alcohol in your senses— you had broke down to the pictures of them together.
James didn’t knew what was going on in his head then, maybe he enjoyed Lily’s company, maybe he did like her. But if he did, then why was he so completely over her in just a week, or why— even worse, was his heart panging in his chest and his heartbeat ringing through his ears when he sees you like this.
And why, when the air gets colder and the leaves turn browner does he have you feeling like his girl again?
“Hi.” He starts simply.
You wave your hand, “You can cross, Potter.”
He wants to speak, but the words don’t come out right, “I— I don’t—“
“You know, you can speak to me properly. Know you’re drunk ‘n all, but it’s really not that hard, Potter.”
“What d’you mean?” He asks harshly.
You lean away from the wall, “I mean, you’ve been avoiding me all the time. ‘S not like I’ve done anything wrong, have I?”
“Oh, c’mon Y/n. I—“
“Why’re you even here?” You slurred, “Shouldn’t you be busy with Lily?”
He rolled his eyes, clearly irritated by the question. “I have an actual life other than her, thank you very much. And besides— ‘s not like we were anything.”
You knew. Of course you knew. You were friends with Sirius and Marlene, Merlin, one of those were bound to say something. “Really?” You asked, not to sound too interested or anything.
He hmm-ed, answering simply.
“Then why’d you break up with me?”
One. Two. The seconds passed by just as direct as your words. Unsurprisingly aiming for his heart.
“You know I cant answer that, Y/n.”
You scoffed, “Why not? Haven’t had actual closure all this time. Might as well, right? We’re both drunk, probably wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.”
Truthfully, even if you were drunk off your arse, you knew you wouldn’t forget about anything about this night. Even starting from this moment, it had all been captured and stored in your memory. Just like all the other ones with James in it, it was tucked in the safe space of the small slot in your heart.
“Yes. No— lie. I remember everything with you in it.” Just like your minds were the same, he admitted just a bit more bravely than you.
“I just want to understand, Jamie.”
There it was. Jamie. He knew the nickname was coming, and yet he still expected a small heart attack to occur when you pronounced the name so gently, just like you used to.
“I know you do.” He sighed, running a hand through his mess of curls. “But I don’t know either. My head was a mess, just like you were. And I guess— I guess I never apologized to you and never helped you through it. But you should know, Y/n, I really am sorry for all of it.”
Your eyes shot up to the ceiling, avoiding the mess of tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “I didn’t ask for your apology. I asked why.”
More tugging on his hair, “I don’t— don’t know, Y/n. I guess, things were really messy and I did the first thing that came to mind instead of thinking it through.”
“You should’ve spoke to me. Asked me for help. Or something. I was there for you, Jamie. You had me, just like I thought I had you.”
The words cut. He knew, and you knew too.
“You were there for me?”
You rolled your eyes again at him, a small laugh escaping and your voice going down. “You know you’ll always have me, right Jamie? No need to be so choosy with my words.”
His beautiful hazel eyes light up, “I know.”
“You avoided me. You acted like I didn’t exist.” You frowned. Even with his poor eyesight, James could see your eyes turn glassy.
“Honey—“ James stopped himself, “Sorry, Y/n. I— I didn’t know you felt that way. You said you didn’t want to talk to me.”
“What?” You suppressed the want to smack his head, “When did I ever say that, you idiot?”
“I dunno! I just got the vibe!”
“You’re so stupid, Potter! This is why I hate you!”
“You don’t hate me.”
“Yes, I do.”
James scoffs, “You could never hate me.”
“Right, because you’ve treated me so perfectly.” You mumbled.
The staircase didn’t have much air as the window was far on the top end. You felt yourself getting hotter, particularly the heat reaching up to your cheeks when James clicked his tongue and pursed his lips.
“Let me treat you perfectly then.” He offered, you weren’t sure if he meant it or if it were just one of his mindless, drunk flirting. Probably the latter.
You scoffed, “Not a chance, Potter.”
“I mean it.” He took a step forward. His fingers twitched, itching to grab ahold of yours. He knew just then what it’d feel it, yours were cold and his was warm. He knew it was like whatever this was between you two, just something teetering on the edge, if he had a chance to grab ahold of you he knew he could warm you right up. But James hadn’t yet trusted himself if he was able to earn your heart and not break it again.
“I have experience in not believing what you mean.”
“I wanted it to be you, Y/n. So badly.” He confessed in a whisper.
“Then why not?” You only dared to ask as the tears finally drop gently across your cheeks.
Why not? Well, it was quite clear then why not. Because his robes were decorated with red and gold and meanwhile yours were lined with astute silver and green.
You. Always you. How could he ever forget … about you? Even if it’s been months since your breakup, and months since you’ve spoken so intimately with each other, everything about this felt natural.
“You know why not.”
You rolled your eyes, pretty sure your cheeks have been rained with black mascara by now. “It sucked to see you trailing after Lily for weeks. It sucked because I knew how it felt having you on mine.”
“I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, trying to lighten the mood with your insistent remarks the whole conversation. “You’ve said that before.”
“Honey.” James smirked ever so slighty. He moved his face closer to you until you could feel his breath fanning over your nose. “I’m so, so sorry.” Your cold choulder was suddenly touched by a warm presence, his fingers creeping up to twiddle with the thin strap of your dress.
“Jamie..” your voice wavered, serving as a warning to James.
“I could have you forgiving me so easily, you know that?”
You decided then, if James wanted to play this game then you could compete as well. “How about, you spend more time trying to get a sincere apology to me ready by next morning. Maybe then I’ll see if I’m ready to forgive you.”
“God, I had you tearing up a minute ago and now you’re back to this?” James panted.
Your hand pushed at his chest, “See you in the morning, Potter.”
James smiled politely, the smile you hated. Then his head dipped lower and pressed a singular light kiss on your clavicle. “Goodnight, then.” He whispered against your skin.
“Ugh. Goodnight, Potter.” You replied swiftly before quickly leaving.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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weird-is-life · 9 months
If you feel inspired could we mere mortals have some insecure remus thinking his crush would never like him, maybe he thinks they're into sirius or james but literally everyone else thinks he's stupid or blind because it's obvious they're embarrassingly smitten and absolutely infatuated with him. remus lupin just deserves unconditional love ❤
Hiii lovely, I am so so so sorry, this took me so long😭 I hope you will like this, tho. Warnings: pet words, too much affection, fluff (1.1k) and yes, Remus deserves all the love in the world🥺
"You're staring," James nudges Remus to his shoulder, looking amused towards the other side of the Great Hall.
"What...- Did you say something?" Remus asks, eyes averting from your figure for a few seconds.
"I said," he chuckles," that you are staring and it's quite obvious, may I add."
"Oh." There's no point in denying, that he likes you and that he is hopelessly in love with you to James, because James knows how big Remus's crush is on you. Too bad, Remus thinks, that you like his best mate Sirius and not him.
Suddenly Sirius appears at the table, sitting down next to them, "Moony, what got you so red, huh?" he joins James to tease him. Remus just ignores him, stirring absent-mindlessly the food on his plate.
"Don't look so grim, Remus. We were just joking," James pats him on the shoulder. "But I don't know why you won't ask her out, she likes you."
"Jamie, I know you are trying to make me feel better, but please don't," he sighs," we all know she likes Sirius, and I respect that."
"What? Moony, don't be stupid," Sirius groans in frustration over how blind his best friend is," we may flirt sometimes, but that's just that, nothing more. She very clearly likes you."
"That's just simply not true, is it? What would she like about me? I'm me and she is well, y/n," he says rather calmly," there's no chance she likes me like that." With that Remus gets up and leaves, his breakfast remaining untouched. 
Of course, James and Sirius can't have Remus being this self-conscious and miserable, so they decide right there to make a party tonight and invite you. They are hoping, that it will be enough to get you two idiots to make a move.
Later that day, you come to the party, all dressed up in your prettiest dress just for one person, Remus. But as you scan the room, you can't find him anywhere.
As the party goes by and he doesn't appear to be coming, you excuse yourself from your friends, lying about not feeling well.
And as you step out of the Gryffindor common room with a frown on your face, you stumble right into something or rather someone, nearly falling on the ground. Luckily, they are quick to react and save you from falling embarrassingly on your ass.
"Easy there, sweetheart, don't want you to hurt yourself," you recognise Remus, without even looking at him. His voice and scent familiar to you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that," you say sheepishly, cheeks flushed as your mind registers the pet name.
"It's okay," he smiles at you, altough it falters a little before he asks" are you leaving the party already?"
"I was on my way out, yeah...."
"I-is the party not enjoyable?"
"Not really, my friend wasn't here, i only came, because i thought he'd be here" you say and you can see, how Remus's smile drops.    
Remus didn't know, you were seeing somebody."Oh," he says and then hesitantly adds, "but i-it's definitely his loss."
"I think so too," you say, biting back a smile at Remus's not knowing, "are you just now joining the party?"
His cheeks go pink a bit, " ahh, yes. I was planning on being here on time, but I seemed to have lost a track of time in the library."
"Well, from my side, you didn't miss out on anything yet, the party has really just started."
"Then you should stay, too." Remus tells you, he hopes, that you can see, he wants you to stay.
"I should?" you tease.
"Yes, I'd lo...-like for you to stay," he shyly admits.
"I would love to, but-"
Remus's interrupts you before you even get a chance to finish, " oh, I understand. You probably want to go look for your friend."
"Not at all,"you smile sweetly at him,"I was about to say, that I'd love to stay, but only if you get me some better drink, than the disgusting beer there." He looks at you, clearly confused.
"B-but what about your friend?" he doesn't want to overstep, if you already have a date for tonight.
"Remus....," you whine and put your face in your hands, "I don't understand how can you be so so smart and at the same time be this oblivious idiot."
"What do you mean?" he frowns.
"Fuck, okay," you sigh," I like you Remus. I wasn't waiting for some other guy, I was waiting for you."
His mouth is wide open, Remus thinks that he might be dreaming, because this can't be real, there is just no way. " I- what? Y-you like me?"
"Yes, I've liked you since like forever," you nervously mumble.
"But why?"
"Why?" you look confused at him.
"Well yeah, I'm just me, boring guy that spends all of his time with books or with his 2 mates. Sirius is definitely much more better, much more fun," he shakes his head, he thinks he isn't good enough for you.
"Are you serious? I'm not interested in Sirius, I'm interested in you," you poke his chest," you make me laugh, you are always up for explaining me something when i don't understand it. You are kind and most importantly you have a good heart," you blurt it all out, " I don't want Sirius, I want you, only you Remus."
He looks stunned, at loss for words for a moment, but when he finally catches up to what is happening, he bashfully confesses to you, "that's good, because I really really like you, too. So much, that i might pass out if i don't get to kiss you right now"
"Can you just kiss me then already, Rem? Please?" You impatiently tell him. He doesn't waste any time, his soft lips are kissing you, making you dizzy in a matter of second. It is a sweet but short kiss, that has you chasing his lips for more as soon as his pulls away. Remus chuckles at that, "I will definitely kiss you some more, sweetheart. I just need to get you that drink you wanted and tell you all the lovely things I think about you."
"Fine, but only if I get to tell you as well."
"But you already did," he protests, he doesn't think his heart can take any more fond words.
"That wasn't enough, I need to tell you all of it. Especially how handsome you are," you kiss his cheek and drag him towards the party with a huge grin.
The whole night you and Remus basically take turns at being sickeningly affectionate with your words about each other, as James and Sirius watch you two in horror and delight. They are glad to see Remus receiving all the love, that he very much deserves, but they are not so looking forward to witnessing these endearments all the time from now on.
Although, they won't mind it that much, if it keeps Remus this happy and content.
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turnertable · 1 year
I’m suffering the post-concert blues from a festival I didn’t even physically attend, only through a TV (Glastonbury of course!) and was wondering if I could put in a request for just some general fluff between Alex and the reader after his show with the monkeys at glasto this year? Maybe reader being just extremely proud and some tired but cute as fuck fluffiness. I’m not great with actually putting my ideas into words and describing them, sorry! Hope you understand what I’m on about <3
written by meee, first fic. sorry if it's shit
warnings: none, just silly sick Alex fluff
word count: 2k
Sick Day at Glastonbury
(Alex Turner x Reader) (the car era !)
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(gif credit to @alexturner )
The final chords of R U Mine? buzzed across the field of Worthy Farm, Somerset and Alex finally breathed out after all the excitement of the Glastonbury Festival. "Third time's a charm." Alex said under his breath as he did his bows and blew the kisses like usual, turning to his bandmates to leave the stage with a smile. His voice was on the brink of collapse but the attention was enough to make him want to do it all over again.
At the side of the stage, stood her. His pride and joy, the one person he needed to prove himself worthy to still, to impress. Even with the mirrorball right there, somehow she glowed brighter. Y/N could hardly contain her excitement as she cheered him on at this final hurrah, like she hadn't been screaming his name after every song as a measure of her pride in the band. The anticipation of seeing each other again was magnetic and it only took a few steps.
As the Monkeys left the stage, Y/N offered a soft smile and congratulations to Jamie, Matt and Nick, her voice hoarse from the screaming which the boys could understand and offered her hugs before running off to their girls desperately. Y/N loved Alex to the ends of the earth but dating a lead singer did mean you were left at the side of the stage the longest because he was always the one to cue the lights to go down, this was almost a game to see how long he'd take at each gig she attended. Eventually, Alex got off the stage and smiled so wide at the sight of her, running over and picking her up excitedly.
"Babeh!" He chuckled a bit at his excitement as she clung to him. "We did it!" His voice was getting hoarse since he was supposed to be on vocal rest. Y/N pulled him for a kiss to shut him up which Alex of course didn't mind, it was the only polite way to keep him quiet.
She got down and looked at him like he was a god, noticing his messy hair after and giggling. "Al, you look like a lion" She tried to tame it slightly but it was too far gone plus he looked too cute to try to amend perfection. He smiled back like she was an angel before him and shrugged.
"You seem t' like it tho.." Alex hummed as he wrapped an arm around her waist, attempting to lead her backstage so they could both rest after all the raucous. She smiled and looked down, nodding, "perhaps…" as she followed Alex back to the dressing room, letting him rub her side as the crowd became quieter and quieter.
Alex opened the door and held it for Y/N, "Ladies first, me love." Y/N slightly swooned at his gentlemanly moves. Even if she was used to his actions, the looks and gravitas of Alex Turner would forever be a shock of her system. She waltzed in and essentially fell onto the sofa from the exhaustion of jumping around for 2 hours, making Alex chuckle softly at the sight.
"You ok, babeh?" He sat on the arm of the chair, coughing as his voice squeaks due to the laryngitis he was facing; frankly the fact he even went out on stage was a feat for only the best. Y/N offered him a sympathetic look and a nod, mumbling out a small "tired." with a whine.
As they shared a moment of mutual sympathy, Alex attempted to pull Y/N to sit up gently so she could lay in his lap from the sofa as he rested his voice, just so she knew that he was there for her, even if he couldn't say it. Y/N complied and Alex's hand found it's way into her hair to softly stroke it as he looked down at her with awe and love. She was his, the muse in every word he wrote, the light of his life. He just hoped she knew it.
Y/N shut her eyes and hummed to herself to fill the silence of where Alex's words would usually occupy, much to his joy. Everything felt perfect in this moment. If the festival hadn't felt like a milestone, this comedown was a haven well deserved. Alex's gaze never left her face, studying it like it was the first time he'd ever seen it: tender touches traced her jaw and cheek. This made Y/N giggle slightly, remaining serene amazingly.
"Alexander, that tickles." One of her eyes opened up for a second to see his reaction with a sweet smile. What voice Alex had left was a breathy, squeaky mess so to avoid being compared to his younger self, he offered a cheeky shrug and a poke on the cheek. Y/N noticed and thought to herself: "Do you want some tea?" She tried to sit up as she voiced her concern for him.
This wasn't just an offer of a beverage and the pair of them knew that: Y/N wanted to look after a very sickly Alex. Being the man of the relationship, he had been handling laryngitis "well" or in actuality, he hadn't been able to have a smoke for a week and lay on the tour bus bunk for hours at a time. However this was not a usual Alex is ill situation, it was Glastonbury and a continuing tour after it: there was little time for reluctance nor resistance to being looked after for Alex. He nodded and let her go to the kettle as he sat on the sofa silently, putting his feet up which Y/N smiled at softly as she turned back to look at him, exchanging a look of "it'll be ok baby".
On the table that housed the kettle, also sat the record player which Alex always requested on the rider: a man who loved his profession didn't cover it. If Alex wasn't performing, the 8 track or gramophone filled the fleeting seconds until the next time he was on stage. Naturally Y/N got the record from before the show back on, much to Alex's enjoyment as he hummed out as if to say "good job" and leaned his head back. Y/N leaned against the table as the kettle boiled, watching her boyfriend relax and grinning to herself at the sight of Alex Turner relaxing for once in his busy life.
"You good?" Y/N joked, checking he was alright since this was odd for her to see. Alex offered her a thumbs up and a stupid smile, making Y/N actually laugh and narrow her eyes at his need to one-up her joke. Alex's wide smile and her genuine chuckle was rudely interrupted by the click of the kettle going off, leading them to both jump at it which only prompted another soft laugh and gaze between them. Y/N turned back to the table to make their tea, making sure to do it perfectly for Alex, he only deserves the best.
"Now I know it's not beer or the best rolled, organic cigarette but… I think I make a good cuppa." Y/N said all cutely as she set the drink down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Alex smiled softly and sat up, gazing at her with such a grateful look. No words were needed for Y/N to understand how much Alex loved her and appreciated this. She scurried off to get her tea and came to sit with him, leaning on his shoulder to stay close to him and holding her cup in her hands to stay warm.
"I don't know if you need to hear this because I think the crowd said it for you.." Y/N whispered to him as she continued, "but I'm so fucking proud of you, there's no band that could do that 3 times that well as the monkeys…" Alex immediately turned to her and kissed her temple with need after that reassurance, not being able to thank her vocally. Y/N lit up and sipped her tea before cuddling into him more and sighing. "I'm glad I'm here, to watch you do this…" Y/N just gushed on and on about the band and himself, not quite finding the words specifically but talking like she couldn't ever stop praising him.
Alex's smile felt permanent as far as he was concerned, just the way she made him feel was like a drug and he was so ready to be able to talk properly again so he could tell her that but alas, here he was, non verbal with tea in his hands and a sore throat. "I love ya." Alex squeaked out and blushed slightly, "Sorry luv, it's like we're back int boardwalk, aye?" He continued into the joke to hide the disdain he had for his voice right now.
Y/N smiled brightly and shrugged, "I'd still kiss 20 year old Alex, don't you worry. His voice was cute too…but don't let him out just to talk to me. Vocal rest, Turner." She scolded him slightly but it was all in the name of love and wanting him well again. Alex nodded and smirked at the comment, looking her up and down to be funny, making Y/N tap him softly. "Behave yourself, not like that." Alex was content with that answer and sipped his own drink, listening to the music that filled the room.
As cups drained and cuddles were exchanged, Alex and Y/N's eyes became heavy with warmth and comfort; "Do we need to go back to the hotel?" Y/N mumbled out, followed by a yawn. Alex hummed in response as he nodded with shut eyes. Stretching and leaving Alex's arms, Y/N giggled slightly, "are we that old now where we won't even enjoy Glastonbury after hours?", causing Alex to crack up a bit. Alex looked at her and shrugged like "yeah and what about it?, the smug persona hadn't left since the last time they were at the festival, just it wasn't to get a girl but in fact, a bed to sleep in with the love of his life.
"Back in a sec." Y/N got up and went to leave to find Steve or anyone from the crew to get the pair of them a ride to the hotel. It was a benefit of dating a rockstar, she got what she wanted with more included but honestly Alex's needs were shared right now. Once the ride was confirmed, she returned to Alex and packed their stuff they desperately needed, anything that the crew wouldn't be able to get them later. Alex came to help and yawned as they waited for the knock on the door to leave. His hand found its way to her waist again, it was his way of keeping her safe within the feeling of fame; plus he knew she liked it. She smiled up at him and rubbed her eyes as the knock came at the door as the cue to go.
They snuck out of the dressing room and out of the back to their security, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible in this massive festival where Alex was already under a lot of pressure. If he was seen ill and half asleep, the NME would have it on the website in an hour. They stayed hidden, heads down and walking fast to that car on the other side of the festival. Luckily, the paps only caught what they couldn't see as the pair stepped into the car and sped off to their hotel.
Alex sighed out and looked over at Y/N who was already looking at him. That knowing gaze was unstoppable at that point. It took a lot to get the rockstar away from the music but for Y/N, the golden boy of Glastonbury Festival would call it a night.
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moncuries · 5 months
Hi! Not sure if you’re still doing this but I wanted to know if you have art tips on drawing faces and bodies for poses? Like step by step way of doing things if you do that.
P.s. love your art!
i will try to help!
I almost always use a reference photo to start. if i cant find the pose i want then i frankenstein several images together. for simplicity's sake im using a random portrait that kind of looks like my oc jamie (from an editorial called MONO #ChuckII STORY by Fucking Young!) im crediting it bc im going to show it unedited but typically i dont bc beyond using it for planes of faces, its not recognizably linked. so...transformative work. from there i block in the edges of the face and broad shapes w a light colour. i usually "dim" or sometimes blur my refs bc it helps me see the broader shapes? idk if that makes sense at all.
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and then i usually go right into the nose bc to me its like... the foundation of a face. IF I AM DRAWING A REAL ACTOR/person. i pull up a ref of their face at the same angle. i sometimes have to scour for these. and from here i draw in black bc it means i cant pussyfoot and my lines have to be decisive.
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tbh tho, it is very unnatural for me to stop or to do stuff in too specific of an order so this all looks very odd to me..anyway then ill putter around to other features and hair. by the time ive got eyes/mouth/nose and hair if its the same as whoever im drawing, the ref is put to the side until i have to shade, (if i use it at all again)
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and then i just clean up my sketch till im happy, flipping the canvas with a hotkey OFTEN. i simplify shapes in hair a lot for flow. then he gets filled in with grey (these are usually when i post wips) and then i jump into colouring!
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and since you haven't asked for that, ill leave you with that!
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codename-adler · 30 days
AftG AUs I NEED : An Open Invitation to All Writers
sharing ideas i’ve toyed with for so long but i’m beginning to accept i prolly won’t ever write, thus i’m taking a chance some of these will bewitch someone out there body and soul, and i’ll be able to scratch the itch a little… the more the merrier after all !
The Last of Us : either a romantic version of Joel & Ellie’s dynamic (obv. with the ages adjusted) /OR/ episode 3 AU 🥲 [any ship] {EDIT: i KNOW it’s been done already once, twice, but i *need* more! not just with Andreil! let’s be explorers of possibilities, cmon!!}
Detroit: Become Human : this one i’m really only thinking of Andreil, with either as android and the other as human… i don’t necessarily see them conforming to a specific plot line from the game, i think the android/human dynamic is interesting enough and fits them perfectly, but go off i guess !
Brokeback Mountain : i don’t really need to explain this one do i? happy ending vs. canon character death, that is the true question… [any ship]
Titanic : it’s got so many options and tropes, it’s like a buffet for fic writers ! could be used as setting only, or follow Jack & Rose’s tragic (or not!) love story. [any ship]
The Haunting of Bly Manor : Jamie & Dani haunt me still. great opportunity for Renison, Lailalvarez or Kathea, or perhaps a gender swap on mlm ship? or not, leave them boys as is. haunt me, it’s all i ask. [any ship]
BBC Johnlock : don’t shoot the messenger alright? sorry for the ptsd flashbacks btw. i just think their dynamic and crime/detective AU are great opportunities. i’m personally partial to Jeanaaron for this one, as they were my og idea bc the similarities are??? amazing??? Sherlock!Jean & Watson!Aaron, and the Reichenbach Fall??? so neat. but really, [any ship]
The Maze Runner : Thominewt // Kandreil !?!?!? it’s right there! [any ship] tho.
SKAM : ofc Robbe & Sander from WtFock are physically the perfect Andreil which leads to a great adaptation opportunity here, but Élu from SkamFr are also a great blueprint for a Kevaaron story. honestly any S3 Skam + [any ship]
Dune : listen, i don’t have all the answers. idk how that would even work. but surely you can figure smth out ! [any ship]
Inception : i love the movie. i love hans zimmer. i love Arthur x Eames. NORA SAKAVIC LOVES ARTHUR x EAMES. they’ve got such Andreil vibes, but so do Jerejean, even Renison. and the Foxes as dream crew??? so perf it’s insane. give me and Miss Sakavic what we really want. [any ship]
The Fault in Our Stars : 🥲 [any ship]
CA: The Winter Soldier / Civil War : so it’s kind of like an amnesia AU, but more angsty bc Stucky dynamic. Andreil’s the perfect fit, but who knows who else… [any ship]
Jujutsu Kaisen : 🥲🥲 [any ship.s]
Attack on Titan : 🥲🥲🥲 endless, endless paths… to pain ! [any ship.s]
How I Live Now : is that too niche? or too boring? 🤷‍♀️ (also let’s leave out the cousin thingy…) [any ship]
Red, White & Royal Blue : duh. (but not so duh, apparently, since i’ve yet to read it !!!) [any ship]
The Old Guard : oh the possibilities… Yusuf & Niccolo my loves… nobody be doing it like them, nobody. absolutely one of the most movie ever… top 10 of mine for sure. ugh, gosh ! foxes as Immortals?? the action, the mystery, the soulmates?? please i’m begging. [any ship]
that's what i'm letting go of for now... if anything inspires you, please tag me in your works so i can indulge in and appreciate what you've come up with!!
Love, Adler xx
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kaisfruit · 7 months
junkrat x lucio wholesome hcs PLEEAASEEE PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏
Boombox (Junkrat x Lucio) Wholesome HCs
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A/N: IK THIS SAYS ANON BUT THIS IS MY BFF YALL THX U FOR REQUESTING POOKIE ILY <333 also this just kinda turned into boombox hcs in general im srry qwq warnings: junkrat is his own warning that's it
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I'm just in love with them. I need to get over that first before I type ANYTHING
Lucio staying up with Junkrat when Jamison is really into whatever he's working on at the moment
To be honest, seeing Lucio get tired makes him feel a bit bad and it ends with them both going to bed bc it's okay if Jamie is sleep deprived but it can't be his fault that Lucio is as well. That won't do at all!
And i see a lot of ppl being like "Lucio helps calm Jamie down <3"
Lucio is an enabler.
Lucio: Hell yeah. Lemme get my phone
No one else is allowed to find the video funny tho
That's right. Lucio def notices how everyone in OW treats Jamie (idc im projecting here. WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO HIM IDC IF HE'S A CRIMINAL HE'S FUNNY)
DVa can maybe find it a bit funny, but that's cuz she gets BFF privileges
Lucio constantly hitting Junkrat with the "hold on, this song reminds me of you-"
Eventually he just makes a whole playlist
Junkrat has it blasting constantly in his workshop
That or he has every song by Lucio on shuffle
Now, Jamison's,,,talent,,, is a bit harder to show affection with
It took Lucio a long time to really grasp Jamie's love language, but now he knows that 99% of the time that Junk's bombs towards him are romantic
The other 1% are accidents and Lucio is the only person Junkrat apologizes to
He doesn't even do that for Roadhog, so this is a very rare honor
Junkrat is so on board with Lucio being a freedom fighter
"HELL YEAH! fuck the government! down with the enforcer! BLOW THEM UP!"
The enthusiasm is much appreciated, but Lucio does have to explain in detail what he's really fighting for
Junkrat's chaotic nature is just on board with anything
And, despite being the resident yapper of overwatch, he really does like listening to lucio telling him abt things he wasn't aware of while being in Australia
Lucio's telling him so ofc it has GOT to be important, yk?
Sorry this is all just such word vomit. They're my two mains and I just....love them both sm i cant
They're just such a chaotic duo together
Like yeah, Lucio is a pretty chill guy but god does Jamison bring out the worst in him sometimes. They're perfect for eachother
On the rare occasion, Lucio can get Junkrat to settle down long enough for cuddles <3 ofc the lad is still a bit twitchy but it helps him realize that maybe this isn't so bad
Lucio shows Junkrat a kind of love Jamison has never seen before and Junkrat helps Lucio learn that it's okay to lose his cool sometimes
They just compliment each other so well
TL;DR Lucio and Junkrat are so good for each other I will throw hands over this
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scouts, how do you feel about eachother's partners?
James scratches the back of his head, "Honestly, I'm still kinda confused that the Pyros are so damn different. I mean, I guess when there's only one chick on the base... Proper chick, I mean. Not whatever the hell the RED doc has going on."
Jeremy smacks him upside the head, "Say one more thing about our doc, I dare ya."
"You wanna go, pally? You fucking wanna go?"
"No fighting! Just answer the questions, dummkopfe!"
"Yes, vati!"
"Yes, sir!"
James laughs nervously, trying to wipe his sweaty palms off on his shirt, "The RED Sniper, tho? Yeah, I get why the kid would go after him."
Jeremy glares at him, "Don't call me 'kid', I'm older than you!"
"By three months!"
"Still older!"
"Jungen! Ruhig sein!"
James & Jeremy share a terrified look.
"Well, I think the BLU doc is a coward & an ass, & I don't get why James chose him out of everyone else." Jeremy quickly explains.
"You're just biased cause your doc constantly shit talks Fritz."
"Yeah, & he's right! What sorta person tries to homewreck a happy couple while being in a relationship already? Oh, right, ain't that what your ma did, Jamie?"
"You take back what you said about my ma, you pig!"
"Try me, chucklehead!"
They both suddenly hear very loud, very angry German cursing. They both run off before Ludwig emerges from his bedroom, covered in baby puke & looking murderous.
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sparrow-marrow · 5 days
CSOCW 24- Day 2- Mission
As Jamie is not a VILE operative or some sort of field agent, here is a collection of them coming across various VILE members over the course of a week
-Monday- Tigress
It was already gearing up to be a terrible day, It was absolutely pouring outside and of course it was Jamie’s turn to grab groceries. The walk to the store was worse than normal, with cars splattering mud and dirty water on any poor soul on the sidewalk, and water high enough to cover the soles of their shoes.
Finding all of the items on the list was easy enough, but the real trouble came when she and another person both reached for the last maroon lipstick. “Ugh, do you mind?” the person said as Jamie got a look at her, white hair, pale, she also had a beauty mark, good looking, but holy fuck that outfit. A plain brown trench coat over a, honestly, shitty looking, one piece.
“Hellooo? Are you listening?! I said I needed that!” The lady sneered at him. Jamie shook out of their stupor and sneered right back, “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over that atrocious outfit of yours.” With that Jamie grabbed the lipstick and walked off to go pay, leaving the lady in shock.
-Wednesday- The Cleaners
Learning that your little brother is a hacker international super thief (vigilante?) really sends you for a trip, thankfully Jamie has the local dirt bike track to let off some steam.
The rev of the bike always helps Jamie’s stress unwind, though this time it was a bit different, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Coming to a stop, Jamie took off their helmet and looked around, almost missing a pair of guys hidden in the trees up ahead, one tall and one short, both looking almost dead.
“Hey bozos! Get off the track before you get run over!” Didn’t move, so Jamie did as Jamie does. Played chicken with ‘em and almost ran them over. But as she got closer, the pair just disappeared, poof, gone. ‘Huh, weird’, He thought, and just continued on their way.
-Friday- Paper Star
“FUCK YEAH!!! This concert’s gonna be awesome!!” Jamie shouted as she walked into the venue, he had been waiting for Ice Nine Kills to perform in the area for 2 years and now it’s finally happening! They were so caught up in her excitement that he didn’t notice the other person right in front of them.
The two collided and paper was strewn across the floor. “Oh SHIT I’m so sorry, here let me help pick it up.” Jamie helped the girl pick up the mess and took notice of her outfit, specifically a pin on her jacket, “You here for the concert?”, she nodded, ”Same here, I’ve been waiting for 2 years! My name’s Jamie, what’s yours?” The girl kept quiet for a second, “Tammy. Thank you for the help.” Jamie smiled, “No problem, it was my fault anyway. See you in the pit, Tammy!” Jamie waved and hurried to the stage.
The concert was electrifying, INK played songs like “A Grave Mistake” and “Ex-Mørtis”. When it ended the adrenaline was coursing through Jamie’s veins as they saw familiar two-toned hair, “TAMMY! OVER HERE!!” Jamie yelled as she made her way towards her. “How’d ya like the concert?” Jamie asked as they walked out of the venue, “It was good, I liked when they played Hip to be Scared.” Jamie pulled out his phone, “Mind if I get a selfie? Since it was both of our first INK concerts.” Tammy thought about it for a moment, “Alright.” The pic was taken and Jamie turned to thank Tammy, but she was nowhere to be found. “Huh, where’d she go?” Jamie then sent a couple of videos and pics including the selfie of them and Tammy to the group chat with her, his brother, and their friends saying ‘Concert was great! Even met this cool girl named Tammy, she disappeared really quick tho :(‘
Not even 5 seconds later, Player called. “Yello?” “JAMIE CORDELIA BELLAMY, WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?”
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incorrect-pipravi · 3 months
Thinking about when Naomi mentioned Andie's friendgroup she wasn't a part of! It was definitely a popular group, too. So there was Andie, Emma and Chloe. There was also Chris, Max and Jamie. So basically girl trio and guy trio. That is what makes sense to me and I have such a vivid image of each personality! To summarize it
Andie: The Queen Bee. Natural leadership skills, bossy, ruthless, ambitious, gorgeous, materialistic, fun loving but also secretly compassionate, motherly and insecure. Andie would definitely be the protective mom friend. She'd be a control freak, too.
Chloe: I imagine Chloe to be a Nat-like personality! She comes across as tough, ruthless confident and blunt. She is never afraid to be brutally straightforward and tell it like it is but she also has a playful side where she likes to mess with others emotions by makung fun of them. Bit of a bad girl vibe as opposed to Andie's clean girl. But she's also loyal, passionate and supportive. Always having your back if you're on her good side. She comes across as rather aggressive but beneath that is quite an insecure and vulnerable girl who's afraid of showing weaknesses and get hurt again. She stays in the group because she enjoys popularity and good time and she's willing to turn a blind eye to a lot of stuff.
Emma: Emma is a bit of a Naomi personality. She comes across as warm, caring and bubbly, being a bit of a people pleaser. She's also usually smooth and social which mixes well with her warm, motherly nature. Emma is the most naive out of three girls and is mainly in group because she wants to fit in and maintain friendships she believes are genuine. She has a bit of a nerdy side where she's interested in history, especially history of fashion. Emma is also very insecure and those insecurities can make her act out and mess up. That's why she's rather unpredictable and has that air of mystery around true nature of her intentions.
Jamie: Jamie can be a difficult person to predict or put in a box. He's known as a bit of a silent troublemaker who's good at manipulation and is always up to something. He's fun loving, moody,laidback and despite prefering to just goof around, has a serious, calculating side to himself that gives him an air of mystery. Jamie is also caring and protective of those he holds close. Jamie struggles with self esteem issues which make it difficult for him to have hope in himself or some ambitions. That leads him to find an escape within hedonism, partying, alcohol, messing around and sex. Jamie has many intellectual interests and is a bit of a nerd, too.
Max: Max is known as your typical class clown jock. He comes across as chaotic, chirpy, loud and goofy. Always up to something and never having any chill. He's known for his unpredictable mood swings. He can be bouncing off the walls, living it up one mo ent and then sit in the corner sulking the next. Max has this childish edge to him where he can't fully grasp consenquences of things he says/does which leads to trouble. Max is a shameless attention seeker. He can get pretty manipulative, sneaky about it too. Despite how he acts, he's known to be a bit naive and a people pleaser towards the right people. Underneath the manic persona, Max is emotionally wrecked, desperate for attention/affection and struggling with self esteem and deep insecurities. He doesnt have much goals in his life except of living it to the fullest while he can and maybe find someone who will understand him for once.
Chris: Chris is known as the hotest guy in school, sure but he doesnt really care that much. He's the type that comes across laidback, warm and smooth. He's usually rather calm and reserved, being a bit shy. He's the kindest out of the boys, being a bit of a people pleaser. He has a playful, fun loving side and is always up for a good time. Chris is known to be a bit naive, too. Chris is really insecure underneath the surface tho. Those insecurities can make him act out recklessly aswell. Chris is also smart and a good student that has a natural curiosity towards knowledge. He is good in science, history and it became an inside joke that he's a walking google search. Chris is mostly there because he likes validation and benefits that come from being popular aswell as to maintain friendships with his boys. However Chris is also bit of a mysterious person because he has a cunning, sneaky side to him and no one is sure about his true morals and intentions. He turns a blind eye to a lot of things, too.
I’m so invested in this universe!!!
You gave them such an intriguing personalities that makes you naturally want to explore them. I love how you described them perfectly. I can literally see all of them being the way you described, especially Jamie.
I LOVED THIS! Share more?
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izzyspussy · 10 months
may or may not be putting this in tatg (& if i don't maybe i'll make it its own fic) but like. and i know other people have mentioned this, right, about how when one parent is abusive there's no realistic way for the other parent relationship to be all hunky dory or whatever.
and the way jamie talked about her in season one, the way his childhood bedroom is as-was and there's such an abundance of publicity-looking photos on that shrine as compared to personal photos which are all kid photos, etc. we can - if we choose to - assume that there was at least some kind of in between period where jamie and his mom were not as close.
and idk i'm just thinking about the specifics of that in between period and how they both felt about it / their motivations / etc, and how we can also assume - if we choose to - that georgie pretty much knows What Happened wrt james. i mean there's equally as much room to interpret it as jamie didn't tell her exactly what happened in amsterdam specifically but she could tell he didn't have a good time and took him back, or maybe he did tell her exactly what happened and she took him back for the same reason of like overwriting the memory or whatever. like those two are equally canon-supported takes imo.
and tbh i don't think either one of those is more likely than the other, but personally i think the way the vibes feel to me, i err toward the latter. because when jamie told roy he seemed to know like okay this isn't a good experience but it's not that bad and assumed roy thought the prostitute would have had a worse time somehow. so from that we can maybe assume - if we choose to - that he wouldn't really know to hide it from georgie (of course on the other end, we could assume instead he would have felt the feelings without thinking about them and hid because of that even without knowing, but that's not what i'm assuming rn). but we can ALSO assume that since jamie so automatically didn't think roy was talking about him when he said "traumatizing" then.... georgie wouldn't have said as much when he told her.
and like. okay. so maybe she thought if she said the big scary words, if she said "traumatized" if she said "abuse" if she said "rape" that would make it worse. maybe she thought she needed to not make a big deal about it, right, to protect jamie, to not make him even more upset. i know that this is something that people think when faced with this, especially with kids.
but i also know. most of the time. in my experience. that is not the right choice at all. it seems right, and the people doing it absolutely are doing what they think is best and honestly there's not ever going to be much of a "best practice" for this because everyone is affected differently, etc. but in my experience. it's the wrong thing to do.
and it's also kind of a known phenomenon that people don't want to admit their parents were wrong or to hold things against them, especially when they have an understanding that the parent in question was going through their own struggles or surviving their own traumas at the time. buuuuut. not wanting to feel a certain way doesn't actually make you not feel that way. and additionally, not know why you feel a certain way doesn't make you not feel that way. in fact, even not realizing you feel a certain way at all doesn't make you not feel it either!
so. i think jamie was probably really upset with georgie for never saying it. for just trying to help jamie through it by moving past it, instead of ever facing it directly and calling it what it was and impressing upon him how serious it was, how wrong. (and he was also angry about this wrt to teachers, doctors, coaches, etc etc. not ted, even tho it's the same and he should have been, because it was in a pretty messed up spot when ted didn't step in, when he didn't step in again, when he later suggested more of the same just moving right along, and he maybe couldn't feel angry at ted right then whether knowing why or not, these things are sooo complicated, but later probably! later, he might be angry enough to call ted up in america and say hey man. i need to say my piece about this actually.)
and all that shit was true for him - that he didn't realize he felt that way, and if he did he wouldn't know why, and if he did he wouldn't want to - until he got to a better enough and stable enough place that he could work through all that and then have a conflict about it.
but anyway, yeah! so that's part of the reason why they were maybe not totally estranged but definitely strained in season one, maybe for a lot of season two, and however long before canon. (i think i'm headcanoning here that they started rebuilding/healing their relationship around the christmas episode, though i don't remember exactly where that falls in the timeline other than "before wembley".)
and then on the other side! georgie would probably - despite all efforts, and knowing she was being irrational, and knowing it wasn't jamie's fault - would feel a little bit sort of something similar about jamie being ""close"" with james in immediately pre-season one times. like because, he's her son, she loves him so much, and he's supposed to love her too, and he's like hanging out with her abuser. his own abuser too, yes, but! again, feelings don't care about sense. and like, she was never really angry with him, she was never actually disappointed in him like he thought she would be, but there would be this sort of background bitterness that he was (seemingly) choosing to spend time with james and change his behavior to suit him.
it's a really complicated, excessively shitty situation!
but yeah i think probably they never really talk about or even really need to talk about georgie's side of things of feeling shitty about jamie choosing to be around james, because that's totally not his fault and he was suffering for it anyway, and imo that's just one of those "your kids will hurt your feeling sometimes" facts of parenthood type of things. it would simply... pass.
but either in very late canon off-screen, or else post-canon, they absolutely do have to talk about it and let jamie get out that she did him wrong by not saying those words and making a suitably big deal over It All. and like of course he's aware she did what she thought was best and there's no real way she could have known how that would affect him or not, but it is something he has a right to be upset about and have addressed.
anyway all that to say. that's why he's not calling her about his nightmares in tatg. (and also this is at least preeeetttyyy close to my actual canon interpretation of their relationship and why it is the way it is and why it isn't the way it isn't.)
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