#jasmin answers
bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Does anyone else other than hazel end up finding out abt dev’ prosthetic?do Winn and jasmine find out?
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Eventually he does get comfortable enough to let other people see it, he still refuses to tell anyone what happened though.
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botanicalbarnes · 2 years
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frozenoj · 2 months
Have you heard about the nonbinary third party presidential candidate Jasmine Sherman and their indigenous vice presidential candidate partner Tanda Blubear?
I have! Jasmine Sherman is one of the only candidates (for any office, not just president) I've seen that still cares about covid.
Here's one of their tiktoks about their platform for anyone who isn't already familiar!
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Are you actually going to vote for jasmine? Do you actually think they could win or are you hoping this gives way to more opportunities for third party in the future?
If you don't think they could win-- how does Trump winning help minorities or Palestine? /genq
This is the 100000th ask like this so don't take my tone personally but,
People in Palestine are experiencing a genocide. Black people in the USA are being systematically killed. The genocides of all native tribes in the USA are being carried out with blood quantum and attacks in our sovereignty. Queer and especially trans people are having their rights attacked and eroded. Book bans are happening. Bodily autonomy rights are under attack.
The idea that there are "lesser" evils is propaganda.
You're either commiting genocide or you're not. Your commiting hate crimes or you're not. You're oppressive or you're not.
"lesser" isn't fucking real.
Evil and fascism are here and passing legislation that's getting people killed and forcing them to flee as political refugees to other states and countries.
And what is Biden doing for any of us now? What are democrats not doing now that you think they'd magically be able to do after November? They already have the presidency. Kamala is literally in the WH.
Further, leftists were told 4 years ago y'all would push Biden left and organize behind a 3rd party if we did, that way the next election, we wouldn't have to vote for Biden.
And what did you instead when we tried to demand the stimulus checks or COVID vaccines or uplifted 3rd parties or criticized him and his party for anything while he was in office?
The time for y'all to organize under a Democrat has come and gone and it's not MY problem that you didn't do anything useful with that time.
We kept our end of the deal and Biden won.
"what if Trump wins"
If you don't want to find out then vote how leftists are telling you to.
Like what did liberals think would happen if liberals didn't? Like how did you think leftists would react to establishment liberals betraying them, really? Especially when it's been multiple elections in a row, now?
I don't know if Jasmine Sherman will win but I know I'm not voting for Kamala because a vote for her isn't a vote for anything except for the atrocities already happening to continue and enabling fascists.
Trick me once shame on me, trick me 4x imma start saying fuck you, get the fuck out of my face with your bullshit, ya feel me?
"how does Trump winning help"
It doesn't. So vote for Sherman. Don't like it? Then I guess more people shoulda considered that in the last 4 years instead of 3 months before the election ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hahaha sure! <3
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disneyboot · 29 days
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taterswithranch · 26 days
seen the requests so I'll say it
Tabi asking Jasmine if he can refer to her as "mother", since he was raised in an orphanage.
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owl mother adopts any sad traumatized orphaned children
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
OK, just wanted to throw this out there. I have seen lots of Jason/Jazz where Jazz is tall as fuck (is it because of Jack's genes or being liminal? I'm just curious on which it is or if its both?) but usualy Danny is also a giant in these stories. Can I just get someone else to see the possibilities of Tank Jazz but with imortal/forever14 Danny?? like pissing off jazz is scary enough, the bats fear her only second to alfred, and the way she talks about her brother, the high king who gained it through right of combat, who will go absolutely feral if you threaten his family, who yes can do the eldrich entity size of a building thing but its honestly as draining if not more as the wail, then one day he just pops up outa nowhere at family dinner night with the waynes dead tired cause he spent last who knows how long at royal court arguing with stupid eyeballs. Sam and Tuck have finals so he dosent want to bug them but he just wants a hug and someone to take care of him for awhile cause he's working himself sick again so Clockwork punted him over with a staybag (including lots of ecto cookies, his favorite star jammies and Bearbert) and a stickynote to Jazz stuck in his hair and everyone else is like "this is him???? this tiny child????" Jason is just happy to finally meet his brother in law who had also set up a house call with Frostbite a while back to fix his pit tainted ecto.
Part 2
My dude. My dude, I love this so much!! >w<
I honestly have always headcanoned Danny as forever 14. At least in his ghost/Phantom form. His human/Fenton form still grows and changes and such. This then causes such a severe disconnect between the two that people just assume that Fenton and Phantom are completely separate entities/people.
Now with tall Jazz I’m going to have to say that it’s a combination of both. Like she had always carried Jack’s height in her genes. It just needed to be unlocked somehow. That’s where being ecto-contaminated and liminal come into play. It just kinda fucks around and finds out honestly. Like the exact science is there she just doesn’t really care about it being there.
I do love the idea of where a very sleep deprived and weary Danny is basically forced into taking a sabbatical by Clockwork and the King’s Council. Jazz being the Queen Mother, is the one most qualified to be able to take care of the little King. And so Jazz does exactly that.
Thank you so much for sending me your ideas and headcanons! I love to hear about other people’s thoughts and opinions on things like this. ^w^
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odinsblog · 8 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race. Although Cornel West is my next choice should he get far.
Yeah, sorry but Hell NO.
I’m all for audiobooks and JAWS readers, but I’ve never heard of Jasmine Sherman before and as far as I’m concerned, Ms. Sherman is just another throwaway vote. She has the same chance of winning the next election as a randomly picked name from a hat. Same goes for Cornel West and for 🤡 RFK Jr., and same for Marianne Williamson, and in fact, same for anyone who isn’t named (I honestly cannot believe that EYE am saying this, but here we are) Joe Biden.
Look, in 2020 I went through the same journey that I think a lot of voters are going through right now: I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to vote for Biden because he had (and still has, tbqh) a lot of conservative policies that I vehemently disagree with—LOL, don’t even get me started on Title 42, okay? But at the end of the day, I carried my Black ass into that voting booth and I begrudgingly did what I had to do.
All I know is, I do not want Donald fucking Trump in the White House. That’s it. Not “lesser evilism” not “he’s the next LBJ” not anything else, except for I’m voting for the person who has the best chance of beating Trump and keeping his racist ass out of the White House. THAT’S just about my only motivation here. Dassit. Periodt. I can deal with everything else later.
And I can live with myself with that vote.
But yeah, I’m Black and I gotta live not only with myself, but I also gotta live in this world and look other people in the eye. People who don’t even have my extremely limited level of privilege.
I’m not gonna go into detail about how a Trump presidency would make literally everything worse than it already is—and yes, sadly that includes Palestine, Ukraine, transphobia, homophobia, immigration, and whatever else is allegedly important to disproportionately ☭ white, online “leftists” 🙄 who keep telling people not to vote, or keep telling people to vote for candidates who cannot win.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump getting back into the White House is an existential threat to everything I hold dear. So no, anon, I will fucking not be throwing my vote away on some random ass person I’ve never heard of before, who has no mf chance of ever winning.
And yes, I still have problems with Biden. Like, a lot of problems. Like, a LOT, lot. But he’s the best chance we got at stopping Trump, and Trump needs to be stopped. That, plus I desperately want to see Trump pay for everything he’s gotten away with so far. Voting for Biden is the best way for me to give that a chance.
So yeah, I am deathly afraid of a second Trump term. And a big part of what is driving that fear is the fact that Joe Biden is vulnerable and super beatable. Like, his winning the next election is not a guarantee—did Hillary Clinton’s completely preventable loss teach you nothing at all??
Anyway, I’m not tryna write a book here. I think I’ve made my thoughts clear on Jasmine Sherman and whoever else is the flavor-of-the-day that can’t and won’t beat Trump. Biden is really fucking up and making himself even more beatable by unconditionally supporting Israel, and if he wins he might continue to fuck up, but I promise you that Trump will do unimaginably worse to Palestinians—and that’s not hyperbole.
Lastly, I really debated long and hard about whether or not to make this post rebloggable. PLEASE don’t make me regret that decision, OKAY??
Like, I know that a lot of people who unconditionally LOVE Joe Biden (that’s not me, btw) and the Democratic Party will be tempted to add, “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!” to this post, but I am begging you to please resist that urge, okay? I don’t know how to precisely put it into words, but unless you’re already convinced and have decided to vote for Biden, there’s just something about adding that braindead slogan that is incredibly off putting. It’s like an annoying ad that you want to skip and ignore on YouTube; it’s vapid; it’s old + tired; it’s lowkey offensive, and it tells people that you haven’t really given a lot of thought to anything and you’re just another insipid Blue MAGA sycophant blindly hopping on the bandwagon. Please find a better more intelligent way to express your support of Biden, okay?
ALSO, if you just search for Jasmine Sherman on Tumblr, you get a lot of anonymous asks like this
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And sorry, but having lived through the 2016 and 2020 interface elections, yeah, it just smells fishy af. Chipping away at Biden votes is another way to help get Trump re-elected. And Trump supports Putin and Netanyahu
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
do you think the dubcon cod fics is just the natural evolution of the “one direction kidnapped me” fanfics of the early 2010s
i think dubcon/noncon/kidnapping was popular looooong before the children found it in the 2010’s, but i wouldn’t be surprised if some of the people specifically writing call of duty dark fics came from that era
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ang3lik · 1 year
maybe ultraviolence (🖤) for mindy meeks martin? idk shes rlly underrated
📜 | fluff hc’s. mindy meeks martin
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scream masterlist main masterlist
• she absolutely loves the feeling of you twirling her curls. she loves head massages too. when she gets out the bath of shower she shoves all her products into your hands and makes you do her hair care.
• she’s such a big cuddler!! especially after a long day all she wants to do is face-plant onto her bed and if you’re there big bonus!
• mindy isn’t the best cook, but she does have pizza dates with you. she’ll make pizzas with you too, shaping the dough into a heart and flicking flour on you. she definitely kisses you and dots a bit of sauce in your nose and you both take so many pics.
• mindy’s not a big drinker but she does like a little wine here and there. if you go out to dinner she’ll drink it or if you’re having a movie night she will too. she doesn’t like beer all that much, but if she’s getting drunk she goes all the way with tequila or vodka.
• she’s a spoiler :( she’s seen almost every movie and read every book, so be careful when you’re telling her about a book you’re reading or a movie you want to watch because she gets excited and spoilers slip out.
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artist-issues · 6 months
Raya and the Last Dragon popped into my head today and I kept thinking about how the incredibly unsubtle and poorly executed message of trusting others felt like a first draft.
What do you think about it? Would a revised script with the same story premise fix that film? Or was it doomed from the get go in what it was trying to say?
Good question! I go back and forth. I think the movie's biggest weak point was its writing, so I guess I'd say, "a revised script with the same story premise would fix it!"
There's nothing wrong at all with a message like "Without trust, we can't stand together." Because it's very true. Everyone has priorities, and there's always a chance they'll choose themselves over you, or over the "greater good." But if you keep trying to take control of the situation by believing the worst about them before it happens, you'll be exhausted & jaded, they'll be exhausted & jaded, and all your time and energy will be spent on competing with each other for the grand prize of "who can look out for their own interests better."
I think Raya and the Last Dragon's premise works for a truth like that. It makes total sense to have a girl who's competitive become jaded and control-freaky when her father, the symbol of the virtue of trust & good faith, is murdered by betrayal. And not just any betrayal, but betrayal from someone she directly tried to befriend and trust as a sort of "first experience" with that good faith her dad was always talking about. Makes total sense. And it's impactful; something that traumatic and personal would cause a relatable character flaw that the heroine needs drastic measures to overcome.
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I actually love the concept of Sisu too. I like the idea that she's this pure, selfless soul who's got childlike faith—but, all the jaded people in a post-apocalyptic world respect and consider her worldview because she's a revered dragon. So she really does change minds just by being around them, just by coming back and existing in the first place. I mean, if she had been just a sheltered girl from, say, a different country, who came into the broken Kumandra with stars in her eyes, the bad guys wouldn't have thought twice about whatever she exemplified. But she's a dragon.
And step back and think about it: having a group of characters from every walk of life come together as a mini-experiment in trust and unity during the course of the adventure is a great idea. It's not flashy or original, but it's classic and true. Avatar the Last Airbender has a crew of characters from each tribe combining to defeat evil. When Kenai has a prejudice against bears in Brother Bear, how is that character flaw solved? Not just by him turning into one, but by him having to travel with and get to know one.
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What they get to know is that they all have something in common: they've all lost people to the great evil in the world. And, they all want the same things, despite cultural differences. They all want their families back, they all want safety and success.
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So yeah, the pieces are all there. The problem is, the writing was just super clunky. Theres a lot of telling, when it comes to the story, instead of showing. There's not no showing. There's just not enough.
I know this is already a long post, but I'll just point out: Aladdin's message had a lot to do with trust, too. But no character ever said out loud, "you have trust issues and you need to work through them." Certainly not more than once. The closest you get is Genie telling Aladdin to be himself.
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Instead, you're just shown that Jasmine is the type of girl to give an apple to a hungry kid without even thinking about whether or not the shopkeeper wouldn't want her to do it. She's the type of girl who plays along with a scrubby boy from the marketplace trying to help her. She's the kind of girl who goes out with a Prince even though she has reason to believe he's already lying to her. She just does those things, and never says, "hey, why did you lie to me--you have trust issues!"
Meanwhile Aladdin's whole story is him bending over backwards to control what everyone thinks of him, because he can't trust them to accept him as he is. But he never says, "Trust gets me hurt." He just says, "if Jasmine knew I was really some crummy street-rat, she'd laugh at me."
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Those sentences that the characters say are well-written because they are realistic. Only in our modern psycho-babble Instagram-influencer culture, where everyone thinks they're an expert on the human psyche, are teenagers starting to say things like "My trauma causes me to struggle with trust."
What Aladdin says is much more immediate, much more down-to-earth than that. It shows where his brain is in that moment. He's not thinking about the general philosophy of truth and trust. He's just thinking about what he should or shouldn't say on his date, and how scary the idea of getting laughed at is. We, the audience, are smart enough to infer that it's all rooted in trust issues. We don't need Genie to deliver a speech six times to make it abundantly clear.
I'm capable of identifying that as the problem, but I'm not great at doing it, myself. I know the language, I'm not great at speaking it. But actually I'm going to punt this part of the question over to @doverstar , who is very skilled at "show, don't tell," especially in dialogue. How would you re-write that scene where Sisu is trying to convince Raya of the importance of trust?
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One final thing that I think handicaps Raya and the Last Dragon is that, because of the way they're written, the characters lose likability. Theres a way to have a traumatized, defensive girl who thinks she knows everything still be likable. Just like there was a way to have a selfish, insecure liar be likable in Aladdin.
I think there are other issues—I'd have completely written out the baby and the monkeys, and I'd have cut the fight sequences between two teenage girls way shorter because nobody cares about them. But that can be for another post.
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syl-stormblessed · 1 year
reblog for a bigger sample size!!!!!!!!
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I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race.
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It's time to actually put the people in America first. We do that by meeting everyone's basic human needs. This includes guaranteed housing, universal healthcare and education, UBI, and environmental/infrastructure reform. In doing this, we give people a fighting chance to create a more sustainable model for society that ensures the general welfare of people within our borders for generations to come.
1) Housing- Decommodify housing and eliminate rent, mortgages and property taxes 2) Healthcare- 100% coverage including vision and dental 3) Education- universal education up to and including doctorate level studies 4) UBI-a monthly disbursement based on the cost of living in a resident's state 5) Environment/Infrastructure reform- Abating the damage caused by climate change through sustainable development and creating an infrastructure that fosters community
The Jasmine Sherman for President campaign envisions organizing through various strategies. They aim to leverage social media and technological advancements for rapid outreach to a wider audience. Direct action and mutual aid will be prioritized to attract like-minded individuals and build a strong support base. The campaign will also focus on nurturing relationships established through past coalition-building efforts, aiming to strengthen connections and amplify the campaign's impact. By combining these approaches, Jasmine Sherman's campaign aims to effectively engage, mobilize, and expand its reach in pursuit of its organizing goals
Source on ballotpedia
Their campaign site:
Jasmine Sherman wants to help the at-risk and vulnerable communities by providing Guaranteed housing, Landback, Universal basic income, Free Education, and Universal healthcare, for all. They also believe in the rights of the child, the rights to gender affirming care, ending the disability restrictions, restorative justice, abolishing the police, abolishing prisons, triple bottom line accountability for corporations, reparations, a progressive tax, an index living wage, immigration policy reform, sustainable energy, decriminalizing all drugs and sex work, age caps and term limits for all elected officials, and rewriting the constitution.
They seem like a very good candidate and I hadn't heard of them before, tysm for bringing them to my attention!
Looks like the Green Party has ballot access in 46 states as well! Additionally, The Green Party will host a primary debate on May 11th. Definitely something to pay attention to!
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ac1dxandy · 9 months
Draw Dave and Shawn Kissing on front of Jasmine and Sky😈(btw i love your arts and Artstyle:3)
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I mostly wanted to shitpost tbh xd
And ahhhhhh thank you :D
Here's a bonus doodle
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darkspellmaster · 4 months
I also think Aladdin would've been greatly improved if he had more competition for her hand. The only source of conflict in that whole movie, outside of Aladdin's self esteem issues, is Jafar, who wants to use him to get into the Cave of Wonders and then only wants him out of the way when he's disguised as a prince. By adding in another good option like a version of Jafar who's the same age as her, it would add more personal conflict for Aladdin and make him need to actually prove himself to win her over. As is, it does seem like Jasmine picked the best option out of the shitty hand that was dealt to her and Aladdin just needs to go to therapy instead of trying to get another partner. Again, that's just me.
Well the series did allow for a few. The most well known was, of course, Mozenrath, (favorite of mine, not gonna lie, Rip Johnathan Brandis), who sometimes flirted with her and clearly had a thing for her, but also lusted after power, so there was that. And then there was Daru Tavelevil, who was this conman like dude who came off as cultured and impressed Jasmine a bit with it, turned out to be selling iron to one of the other villains. Prince Wazoo was a snooty guy who tried to win her over, but, um...he was more of a joke character, and some people have shipped her with Arbutus, who was a kind of cross between Beast in personality, and Poison Ivy.
In the original Arabian Night's story there was a small conflict in the form of Aladdin, using his Jinn to beat the son of the Vizier who was an option for the Princess to marry, though, depending on the retelling if she was into the guy or not. Some versions have him a clown, some have him a threat, others just have him as like, parents wanted them to marry because. From what I've read and seen of the making of Aladdin, there was going to be more to it. Aladdin's mom was going to be in the movie, being the moral voice to her son with the Genie, helping him to see that he had to make it up to the princess, and be better for her. Basically, what you're saying is Mozenrath should have been in the original movie. XD I mean, given what Iago said about how strong he was in magic, and then later we see what he does when he brain washes here, I can see where people would want that to happen. I do really wish they would have kept his mom involved somehow, it could have helped with some plotting beats, but at the time, most animated movies were between 89 and 93 minutes long. You didn't have the 2 hour plus run time some of them get now to expand on dynamics, so the songs had to do the heavy lifting. Could it have made for more drama, yes. But I'm not totally sure it would be as needed in this case, as the romance, while important to the story, was more about the growth and bonding between Genie and Aladdin. Showing how their friendship allows him to become more honest and true to who he is. And while I'm all for the romance in the story, I'm okay with it being the B plot of the relationship dynamic. Opposed to Beauty and the Beast, where the Romance is A plot, and everything else is B plot. Aladdin was a shift from that formula at the time.
Same kinda with Hercules, Mulan, and Hunchback. Family and Friendships took the mainstage, and romance moved to the back. Aladdin kinda was a bit of a start of that.
It's fun discussing these sorts of things. Ps. if you ever get the chance, and you can find it (since Disney still doesn't have it up on Disney Plus) look up the Aladdin series episode The Secret of Dagger Rock. It's the one where Jasmine fights Mozenrath to free Aladdin. (Additionally for Evil Jasmine, look up Forget Me Not, where she gets tricked into thinking she's a famous villain and totally leads the hell out of a team of baddies, forcing Abis Mal to ask for help to stop her from Aladdin. It's where her black outfit first shows up)
Hope the answer is good for you.
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