#jason rod
confused-wanderer · 2 years
After several posts and headcanons and theories, I have come to a conclusion: Dick and Jason have a more or less similar relationship to Steve and Bucky. Think about it.
The “Golden boy” and “sweetheart” who is constantly praised and looked upto, yet only the other one truly knows how feral the other is cuz they knew them long before shit hit the fan and they KNOW that chaotic gremlin hasn’t gone- it’s just been better at not getting caught.
Jason coming back from the dead just to hear everyone talking about Dick as if he’s a God, and stopping himself from dragging his brother down there cuz only ONE of them has put people in hospitals, left every criminal with PTSD and Jason aint it. Sure, he’s making up for it but Dicks got a fucking head start.
Jason being the only one who can see right thru Dicks bullshit and is full aware of chaotic-feral-no-self-preservation-don’t-believe-me-then-WATCH Dick fucking Grayson. It’s why during operations he loves pairing up with Dick cuz the guy has sheer unconventionality and Jason is HERE for it.
Some new hero: Oh my god Nightwing’s so calm and always knows what he’s doing!
Jason *flashbacks to last night when Dick tried to cook pasta and ended up blasting his bathtub and frantically calling Jason over while the pasta kept exploding in the background and he didn’t want to piss off Alfred*
Justice league: Nightwing always knows the right things to do, and knows how to act in every situation.
Jason *thanking god his mask was on so no one could see him dying cuz before he died Dick had literally stolen the Batmobile and allowed Jason to joyride; was also the same person who taught Jason how to hit clean cuts and decimate any opponent by any, and I mean ANY means necessary*
New teen titans: Gah Nightwing is so professional!!
Jason *remembers when Dick yelled “want some GROUND for your coffee DIRTBAG?!” Before throwing sand in their faces and absolutely demolishing them by fighting dirtier than Jason had seen anyone*
And Dicks grateful cuz Jason’s the person all his guard crumbles in front of. One who knows what he’s thinking, knows the real him. Someone he doesn’t have to pretend in front of, and would help him no matter what happens, even if he gets a earful later.
Jason’s the mother hen, and Dicks the idiot who would throw himself in danger every chance he gets.
It’s also why all the OG teen titans and Jason both meet up for tea just to talk about Dicks shit and silently agree to form an alliance. It’s their bonding point and now they hang out a lot too.
Dick has a feeling something’s going on, but he’s too afraid to ask.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i know everybody makes fun of Thalia and Jason for being underpowered compared to the rest of the Big 3 kids, I have done so on multiple occasions myself, BUT. Okay.
I do think the Grace siblings aren't so much underscaled to the others, but instead their powers just aren't nearly as precise. Like, Nico and Hazel can control literally any stone/earthenware/metal material and summon reinforcements and a whole bunch of other little things, Percy can control all water just in general, etc etc. Jason and Thalia? Jason can control all air, which is OP as fuck when you think about it. He flies through controlling the air to lift him. Which means he can lift/carry/etc anything by just controlling air the right way. Like, people talk about Percy being OP as fuck with the water thing but Jason's on pretty equal ground with "can control all air/wind."
And then the lightning/thunder. I know everybody likes to go "oh well what if they could control nerves and electrical impulses!" you are thinking too specific/minute. We don't need to go that far. The Grace siblings can cast a concentrated fucking explosion whenever they want and it will not harm them at all AND it has area of effect damage and potential residual effects. Armor does not do shit against a literal three MILLION volts. And lightning is BIG. Like okay yeah sure not great for small combat or close-range with allies but put either of them against an army? Bye bye. Does not stand a CHANCE. And we've already established in The Lost Hero that if you put Jason in a room full of conductive metal and his allies are not at risk? You are a GONER. Zero questions! You can fight skeletons and rocks and maybe water. You cannot fight three million volts straight to the face. The Grace siblings do not need bells and whistles they have Cast Beam Attack and there is nothing you can do about it. And this does not even touch upon how fucking loud thunder is.
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dangerk33paway · 5 months
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i’ve come to the conclusion that i may have a type….
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halfghostwriter · 2 years
“You’re listening to Wraith Radio, your number one link to the living realm. I’m your host, the wandering ghost, Ellie Phantom. This week, we’re taking a tour of the cursed and creepy Gotham City. Longtime listeners will note that this place is nearly impossible to get into for us uninvited specters and spirits, but even longer time listeners will know my fun little method for getting around anti-ghost wards. That’s right, dear listeners, I’ve been playing human, and let me tell you, it may have been the best decision I’ve ever made.
Now, you all know how bored I can get playing human, what with the whole ‘being bad at being alive’ thing. I spend way too much time trying to remember things like how far a human body should be able to bend or how fast a heartbeat should go to have any real fun in my human form. In my defense, it’s not my fault my vital organs don’t work the way they should, that’s on the evil billionaire who made me. But anyway, I’m wandering through this place called Park Row, trying to practice breathing and blinking without needing to think about it, when all of a sudden this group of humans come out of nowhere, shooting each other.
Well, I love a good fight as much as the next ghost, so I get closer to them, try to see who’s on who’s side, who wants to put a bullet in who, when one of them grabs me and puts a gun to my head. So now there’s all this shouting, some threats get yelled out, and I’m thinking, ‘man… I am killing it with this human disguise!’ And it’s true, I was! They really thought I would die to a bullet! So I’m getting ready to phase out of this guy’s grip, maybe rough him up a little, when I see a bullet go straight through his arm. The guy drops me, and suddenly I’m hooked under this other guy’s arm, being thrown around like a potato sack.
And this is where it gets good. Because see, as fucked as my biology may be, I do have a damn good ghost sense. And this guy? He was about as ghost as any undead could be. Yeah, you heard me right, listener. The rumors are true. Gotham, as inhospitable it can be to any and all unwanted ghosts, does in fact have an undead population. Now, that’d be incredible on its own, but this guy? Folks, this guy was fucked. Up. You know that feeling you get when someone nearby gets punched in their core? That real quick ‘oh shit I gotta help this guy before they cease to exist’ feeling? Think that, but constant. Like this guy should be in so much unbelievable pain. And he’s throwing me around like I weigh nothing.
So I’m kind of freaking out, and I look up to ask this guy if he’s okay, and. Guys. You’re not gonna believe this. It was the Red Hood. He’s an undead. I know! It’s insane!
So he throws me to the side, kinda blocking me with his body while he’s shooting these people, and I think he told me to run at some point, but I’ll be honest, my brain just kinda stopped. Cause I’m not thinking about the fight anymore, now I’m thinking ‘holy shit, I need to get this guy to a doctor.’ I was actually in the process of starting to ask when one of the other guys’ bullets grazed me. So I decided against it.
Instead, I took out one of my spare inter-realm radios from my bag— always good to keep an extra in case the first gets destroyed— and one of the flyers for Wraith Radio with the airtime on it, and I snuck it into his pocket and disappeared.
And now, here we are, live on the radio, with— hopefully— Red Hood tuning in. So here we go: Red Hood, I am offering to bring you to the ghost zone doctors to get your core fixed. All I want in return is either an interview or a tour of your haunt, whichever you’re more comfortable with. You helped me out, stopping those guys from shooting me. Granted I would’ve been fine if they shot me, but you didn’t know that, so it still counts as a massive favor. I’m not gonna force you, obviously, but coming from someone whose unstable core almost melted her to death, I really think you should come with me. I doubt you remember much about the afterlife, what with the whole ‘being revived’ thing, but trust me when I say that getting an offer to go to this place as a human is rare, and probably won’t happen again. I will be waiting tomorrow at noon at the same place I was yesterday, hopefully not surrounded by people who wanna shoot me this time. Cool?
Anyway, back to talking about the city—”
Jason stared at the glowing radio. He genuinely couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He remembered that girl, she was so scrawny that she looked like she could keel over at any minute. And apparently, she was some… horror radio show host? Sure, she pegged him as dead, but she probably said that about every interesting person she talked about on her show. And now she was going back to the same place she almost got shot? This kid was gonna get herself killed. Looks like he was going to have to talk some sense into her.
Part 2
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ajearthlinggg · 3 months
my fav movies as clickbait YouTube titles
Heathers - If you ever see this blue liquid, DON'T DRINK IT!! 😧😧🏑
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - (STORYTIME) my gf's CRAZY exes! (They tried to KILL me!!) 🎮
Hot Rod - Man tries CRAZY bike trick (GONE RIGHT) finds out his dad's a LIAR!!! 🚲
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arley-ology · 5 months
When he gets overwhelmed or frustrated, Jason will quite literally ground himself by sitting with both his hands and feet on the ground so he doesn't accidentally shock anyone or cause a city to lose power. This becomes a problem on the Argo II, where going on the ground is dangerous for the crew, so he has no place to safely put his excess electrical energy. He has to apologize to Leo regularly for short-circuiting the ship. Turns out he is a great power source for jump-starting the electrical, though!
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tinylilemrys · 1 year
I don't really know how to explain this and it's not important anyway because it's not relevant to anything at all, but if Ted Lasso had a little brother, the only person I could see playing him is Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Like a completely different energy to Ted. A lot more academic and intense and DTF(ight), but undeniably positive and kind too. It would just WORK okay. Trust me.
Ted's baby brother, about a decade younger than him, bane of his life, he loves him so much:
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puffpal7 · 7 months
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@dykes4putty & @rod-putty hi. I drew more noellene + putty and my oc :]
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fangomusic · 2 months
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Please, Try Again
While Kanye West updates some of his songs directly on streaming services and Taylor Swift has re-recorded dozens of her own songs to regain control over her rightful work. The re-recording of a song can sometimes breathe new life into a track that initially went unnoticed. Often, an artist revisits a piece with a fresh perspective, an updated production, or a different approach, which can resonate more strongly with listeners.
These new versions might capture the attention they originally missed, connecting with an audience in a way the first recordings did not. Whether it's due to changes in musical trends, the artist's evolving style, a better production approach, or simply better timing, the re-recorded version can lead to the song's long-overdue success, showcasing the transformative power of reinvention in music. We can call them demos if they went unpublished, other can be named early or original versions if they didn't get the attention they deserved on the first try. Anyway, in this playlist you'll find 20 examples (plus an honorable mention not available on Spotify) of revered songs that were re-recorded.
A-ha, Take On Me A-ha first released "Take on Me" in 1984, but the initial version failed to gain much traction. Despite its catchy melody and innovative sound, the single didn't chart significantly and received limited attention. However, the band remained determined, leading to a re-recorded version and the creation of an iconic music video that would eventually propel "Take on Me" to global success.
Blondie, Heart of Glass Blondie initially released "Once I Had a Love" in 1975 as a raw, disco-influenced track during their early recording sessions. Regardless of its potential, the song didn't make a significant impact at the time. However, the band later reworked the track, transforming it into "Heart of Glass," which became a massive hit in 1979 and one of their most iconic songs. The evolution of "Once I Had a Love" into "Heart of Glass" highlights Blondie's innovative approach to blending rock and disco elements. Coldplay, Don't Panic Coldplay first released "Don't Panic" as part of their debut EP The Blue Room in 1999. This early version of the track showcased the band's budding sound but didn't receive widespread attention. However, when the song was re-recorded and included on their 2000 debut album Parachutes, it became more widely recognized, helping to establish Coldplay's signature style and contributing to the album's critical and commercial success.
Due to character limitations on Tumblr 😟 if you want to read the whole article click here.
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i DO think that leo valdez deserves to go a little feral. batshit. like really scary. maybe because jason is hurt.
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Transformers (vol. 2) #48: Subscription Cover
Pencils/Inks: Andrew Pepoy
Colors: Jason Millet
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rhoddys · 2 years
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I actually wasn’t gonna share this with y’all cuz I don’t super like it especially cuz my style is like kinda goofy in this for some reason but have this quick and messy sketch
Falsettos/Dst au yippee
Max as Whizzer + Willow as Trina
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have The Experiment 2010
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cryptocollectibles · 2 years
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Star Trek #50 (July 1993) by DC Comics
Written by Howard Weinstein, drawn by Rod Whigham, Carlos Garzon and Arne Starr, cover by Jason Palmer.
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babanoelshop · 1 month
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(via "the best jason derulo, rod lever arena" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by mohamed Gamal)
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westeroswisdom · 3 months
While waiting for S02E01 to start, check out the 4th House of the Dragon podcast for 2024.
Featured is showrunner and executive producer Ryan Condal.
Among other things, Ryan calls Vhagar the "LeBron James of dragons".
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