#joker but instead of joker it's freaky
deedeedeedeedeedeedee · 4 months
I wonder how the bat kids deal with Bruce's weird freaky tension with the Joker because at some point you need to catch on. Like okay, you just capture him to what...stare at him in the eyes, deeply???
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skinks · 8 months
tina fey said it all but god if I can’t get the bug out of my ass about saltburn… I think mostly because it’s become this Cultural Moment thing among younger people who seem not to have watched anything more challenging than fnaf lore explained videos until now. I hate that it fails so completely at the script level because you know there’s nothing I’d love more than to support a female director who clearly has an eye for form, but instead she uses it to draw attention to just how shitty her writing is. it’s as if someone painted a beautiful mural specifically to draw your eye to the clogged overflowing toilet at the centre of it. Listen to me. There is NO TWIST IN SALTBURN. it tells us from minute one that barry’s a bad egg. if you were blindsided by act 3 of saltburn it’s like you’re telling me you were surprised Jack Nicholson goes nuts in the Shining when his first scene involves him talking with barely concealed contempt to his son about cannibalism. IT IS SIGNALLED. the difference is that Saltburn expects you to be shocked when this turn happens. aren’t I clever and crazy and fucked up, it says. aren’t I a twisted fucking cycle path. aren’t I the jared leto joker of films. No you are not, saltburn, and the rhetoric this attitude has given rise to leads the sheltered young people to think that anyone who has a problem with the movie must be a prude who couldn’t handle how fReAkY it was. shaking in their seats at the thought of someone eating come, or period sex, get a grip. my problem is that it wasn’t even close to being subversive enough to warrant all the histrionics. it’s like an annoying 11 year old learning to swear and thinking you’re offended when really all you want is to talk to another adult. ultimately however none of this matters
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turbo-systems · 6 days
damn i never noticed that, poor dude is depressed having a breakdown in the rain and then going to church to pray the heartache away will his suffering ever end 💔 he finally went indoors tho
please do yap about it i'm very interested :)
i think when he's not locked in he just doesn't give a shit he'll say anything like in ienomi where he made dirty jokes about his ex wife and his gf at the time
okkie so MAKES REVOLUTION technically doesn't have a theme since its his debut album but it was meant to be just a provocative eyecatcher. Restoration Level 3 was meant to be the 3rd Level TMR has reached, being that MAKES REVOLUTION was first level and the summer tours at the time was the 2nd level. This ties into LEVEL 4 since it was meant to extend the project further down the line. Then there's the Joker tours, okay for clarification, Joker '97 (or Jorker if u wanna go by the official trading card name) Triple Joker, King of Joker and Joker Type 2 are all different things. Joker '97 is the name of the live tours TMR did right after Restoration Level 3. Triple Joker is the name of the album, KING OF JOKER was the main concert for 98 while Joker Type 2 was the tours that were happening right before the FORCE era. Notably, the main theme song for that time, Joker, refers to the theme of the album which was TMR going crazy somehow. KING of JOKER is more complicated because there's like 4 costumes but the main two (both on the left) are the ones used for the concert. From looking at the concert itself, I guess it represents a transformation to a beast I think.
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Joker Type 2 is just military themed. The Force on the other hand is more sillier and vibrant. The Force was made to represent both the Force from Star Wars and the force of nature referencing off of the album cover. For this one, I guess the apparent theme is just death and life from what u can see, also this is the first album to show two TMRs interacting with each other, kinda like Seventh Heaven but more older.
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Now for TMR-E, this is a doozy because this is the most apparent time in the project where there was a storyline actually in the making. So right after LIVE REVOLUTION '99 THE FORCE, both Takanori and DA sealed up TMR and started to work on TMR-E together which was meant to be like a continuation sort of thing. The storyline for this was that they died and had to find their way back to unseal TMR. Storywise, the MV of Kageroh shows the both of them covered in blood and beaten up, representing the death of them emotionally and physically. Gekkoh was the point where they were ascending up to the moon but started to break free from their emotionless prison, seeing that Takanori at some point starts to visibly show anger towards the viewer. Winter Dust is the last of the MV and shows them attempting to unseal the project within the moon. Despite this being the last TMR-E MV, the project actually didn't get unsealed until the LIVE ARENA '2000 concert (aka my favorite concert). The concert was amazing because it depicts the unsealing in the most awesome and TMR way possible. Not only did TMR and DA change the concert's theme to orchestra to synth rock, they blew up the damn sealings in Winter Dust and started playing bangers. Now, it might be obvious that BLACK or WHITE vers 3 is ofc included in the story but HEAT CAPACITY also plays a part in this. (also to mention that the star motif used in TMR-E is also used in the MV for Heat Capacity) The thing with Heat Capacity was that it was meant to be an angier parody of the already popular TMR songs HIGH PRESSURE and HOT LIMIT with the recording crew being in the background and being about summer. Instead of this song being like 'Im freaky and I wanna be with you!' the song takes a more dreaded approach as the song is about TMR feeling intense anxiety/frustration and dealing with them incorrectly through power. And I guess how Progress fits here is that the album represents a Progress forward for TMR. The main theme of the album is TMR trying to find his way within the subways of London, maybe being an indirect sequel to the Der Freischutz/LOVE SAVER storyline. The album is way more somber compared to the FORCE but switches up as it goes from hopeless to hopeful, sorta like a realization that you can't be in despair all the time. Anyways, thats it for now, I would love to get into coordinate, seventh heaven and esp vertical infinity but those are way more complicated than the first few albums, hope u enjoy this yap session
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lazaruspiss · 11 months
Power Play
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Page One
No more of this ‘grief’ crap, thought Scratch. Six months since Joker died. Time Harley moved on. And if she couldn’t move on? Well, it’s time the gang did.
Scratch was smart. Everybody said it. And he had a plan. Harley had one of her freaky Joker statues, the ones with a television set sat on the shoulders, in her room. Every night she kissed the creepy video reel of his face goodnight. Right on the grinning lips.
Scratch was gonna put a bomb inside it. Kill Harley and decapitate the old boss too. Nothing says “put Scratch in charge” like that.
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Page Two
Harley was out. Gang war with Penguin’s crew. That’s all they did these days. Defend instead of expand. Scratch was gonna change that, he thought, slipping into her room.
Red and black, everywhere. The curtains, the carpet, the bed. Like playing cards, Harley said when she handed out the new uniforms. Clubs and hearts.
Joker was in the corner. Grinning at him. His eyes followed Scratch around the room, interrupted by occasional static. I dare you, they said, as Scratch crept up to the smiling ghost.
“Sorry boss,” he said, taking out the screwdriver and the small explosive charge. “But I’ve gotta do this. For the gang.”
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Page Three
“Bad idea, Scratchie.” Joker replied.
Scratch froze. Terrified.
“Bad idea, Scratchie.” Joker said. Same intonation as before.
“Bad idea, Scratchie.”
Scratch relaxed. She’d cut it together. Made it out of old tapes. But that meant-
The skull-cracking impact of Harley’s baseball bat cut off the thought.
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hazzybat · 7 months
Omg I saw you repost a Tommy cash thing (yes he would bottom cuz that man would literally be up for anything I think he's an absolute deviant lol) and it made me think of him in your monsters AU! I don't know if you'd be tempted or plan to write him but now I can't stop thinking about it. I can totally see him being a vampire based off aesthetics. Or because I've decided in my brain that he is some sort of sex fiend (in a good way) maybe an incubus. Either way I can totally see him being Bojans type. What monster would you assign him as? (if it's not gonna cause spoilers) if you don't plan on writing him into the AU I would absolutely love a ficlet/side story of him and Bojan orrrr him and Bokris? (I can see him and Bojan being super into eachother and Kris joining the fun for a bit of spice)
Oh yeah I haven't reblogged Tommy in a bit but I do love the fucking weirdo he is!
So I don't have a plan for him in this fic mostly cause it's a Joker Out fic with a cameo by Käärijä so no real reason. Could be a fun mention somewhere though.
I did actually write a thing of him as an incubus and ended up using a lot of that to inspire Bojan. I think he would maybe still be an Incubus but a much older and more experienced one. Bojan does flirty, kinda puppy love and Tommy does freaky, nasty, sex dungeon shit because yeah he's a freak. (If you like käsh and really kinky stuff I have a fic with him publicly cumming/getting milked as part of an art exhibit with some help.)
Otherwise I could also see him as a centaur (cause raked music vid). That could be pretty fun to play with too. He's such a horse girl so I think I'm leaning towards centaur just for some variety in the monsters.
Dunno if the horse cock would make that option better or worse. For having fun.
This is a long answer but if you want to read about an incubus Tommy getting blown by Käärijä you can find it here.
Figured I'd do that instead of pasting it here.
Let me know if you have more thoughts and I might end up writing some Tommy/Bojan/Kris fucking?
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yeetus-feetus · 11 months
i know batman can't kill or he'll go completely off the deep end, but there was nothing stopping Alfred from killing the joker. Like, we know Alfred uses guns, has used guns, continues to even though Bruce hates it. The only thing stopping Alfred from popping one in the Jokers head is the stupid plot.
Which is a missed opportunity for some freaky joker resurrection story afterwards.
Can you imagine Alfred kills the joker, someone brings him back, and now Joker has a grudge against agent A. That would make for a hilarious and awesome plotline.
Maybe Jason's story would be a little different.
Also the writers are so lazy with Jason's story. There are so many missed opportunities for him. And the whole Gotham War thing is pretty stupid, not that I haven't loved the drama- but it feels like lazy writing again. And they've really screwed over both Jason's character and Bruce's.
How could you have your most popular character that you market to the masses as a SUPERHERO, act like this? Batman isn't a superhero anymore, he's not even a detective anymore. He's a madman.
In fact, maybe they should have him kill joker at this point, with the way things are going he's probably going to end up killing Jason with heart failure anyways.
And if they redeem batman after this instead of going down the decent into madness and villainy road, then that's lazy writing again. Commit to what you've now portrayed him as.
And don't be lazy at that either. I want to see the League try to take down batman. I want it to be paced correctly, I want it to be intense and dramatic and properly played out.
If you're going to write batman like a villain, don't you dare backtrack and pretend like everything is fine and he's still a good person and a loving father.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
Palace Of Faiytales (II)
Hewo! And welcome to yet another round of Riddle and Ortho getting in potentially more life threatening situations while Idia munches on sum chips. :'3
This time is more characters flavored. :3
What we will have in this part:
-Exploring the palace
-Learning more about Neige and Idia's connection
-trying to find out who Vil is
Yep... I will keep the bullet points. :3
Now! Without further longing it! On with the exploration!
When we last checked: Ortho and Riddle were cornered by some wierd af people in costumes with masks. Also there's an UFO... :'3
Ortho's all like: 'there are 99.9% chances of us being screwed over...'. What is the 0.1% left? Well... Probably screwed over but less.
Except that a very familiar voice calls for them. The UFO dissappears and a woman dressed wierdly came and hugged both of them, saying something in between the lines of 'I let you to stay after school and you decide to go in a palace, goddamnit kids these days...'.
Ortho recognised the voice as his mother, while poor Riddle was processing the fact that he was hugged by someone.
The man in black with a white mask seems to be their leader as he demanded for them to go to the safe room they found down in the dungeons.
Only now tho, it occurred to Ortho and Riddle that the palace itself was different now. The main hall looked akin to a ruined castle from a horror movie. All the red carpets were now black and tattered or stained. Weapons stuck to the wall, marks of a fight everywhere on the furniture, the stairs seemed to be made out of shabby wood. Out of all of them, Neige's portrait was the only thing unchanged.
Ortho does voice the fact that this was not the castle they came into, with one of the women of the group telling him that it was like this when they came by. They initially headed to the dungeons, assuming they were caught in there.
The dungeons were exactly like last time, but now the transition from the main hall to them looked natural. Riddle wondered if the hidden button was responsible for this shift in scenery, painfully aware that cracks in the walls were sometimes big enough to crawl through them instead of the initial perfect and clean walls with only doors as the only way to pass from one room to another.
The safe room glitched one time to a classroom, which was very freaky for both boys.
Now the wierd adults introduce themselves as the Phanthom thieves of hearts. The ones who used to venture into palaces to change rotten people's hearts and have them confess to their crimes. Unfortunately, Queen, Noir, Mona and Panther couldn't make it this time, so it was just Skull, Fox, Oracle and Joker.
Riddle and Ortho were both in awe, but that awe turned to surprise when they realised that not only both Ortho's parents were there. The guy they saw last night at LeBlanc was actually their leader, Joker.
So the 2 get introduced to the concept of metaverse and Metanav along with why stealing the treasure of the palace is important in order for the rotten soul to confess to their crimes.
Since probably their poor little vent escape is now patrolled, they had to go the Phanthom thieves's route, through the dungeons!
And that's how Ortho and Riddle learn to sneak up, ambush and fight the shadows of the palace. Hoo boi did Riddle lose his shit when he realized he would have to use a gun. Ortho was ecstatic to use a gun tho. Video games prepared him for this moment. :'3
But, passing through the dungeons, they noticed the lack of prisoners. It was quite wierd, as they did find a few, who were starving in their cages, food and water put out of their reach. Both boys were reassured by Skull that even if it looked messed up, it's not real. He added that it is a sign that in real world, these persons must suffer from something caused by the real palace ruler.
Now it is a very eager game of rock-paper-scissors in between Riddle and Ortho to see who gets the privilege of punching Shadow Neige first. They are in a cognitive world, so the real Neige won't know anything about it. >:3c
Ortho tried his best to memorise the faces of those persons before they returned to the real world tho.
Back to the real world, indeed Futaba and Yusuke were in the group along with Mr Kurusu and...
Their PE teacher, Mr Sakamoto.
Man did both boys lose it at that one. Mr Sakamoto notes how Ortho was that one student who got a ball spiked in his face and our Boi dies on the inside from embarrassment.
Going back at LeBlanc, Ortho and Riddle tell their side of the story, how they got into the palace and how at first everything looked like a fairytale Castle. Mr Kurusu does bring out the risk of mingling with a minor's heart. While back in the day, they targeted adults, Neige was just a young raising star in acting. Besides, they, as adults, couldn't know anything about what goes on in between the students. Sakamoto did reason that even if he is a teacher at Shujin, he wasn't yet close enough to know what Neige's ways of activity are.
And that's when they turn to Ortho and Riddle. While Riddle was a bit skeptical, Ortho was more than willing to throw hands irl with Neige.
Sorry, bby... We aren't throwing hands yet... :'3
So while the adults were a tiny bit skeptical as they are still kids and they have 0 idea what they are supposed to do in certain situations, they do task Riddle and Ortho with gathering information.
Well isn't it ironic considering when exactly the P5 game takes place? :/
Boy o boy the next day is a blast for Riddle. Not because he had school or because of the new info... But actually because of the fact that he had PE!
And now he could confirm a bit his theory about the paintings. The knights in the paintings from the palace were a few more athletical students that often hung around Neige. It was clear from their play that they have some physical aptitude and could use it for 'other things'.
Riddle also notes that Jade seemed to know Mr Sakamoto, as he asked how was his mother. Riddle passed it off as 'oh his parents and the teach know each other' type of thing.
In the breaks, Ortho told Riddle about how Idia seemed to be very on edge lately. He seemed excited for something, but also that he will need to go to town and get some things for his little 'project' he plans on showing for the possibility of a college. Recruitment. Ortho tells Riddle how Idia mentioned it will be 'so groundbreaking that no student's stats can match with it'.
Unknown to the 2, someone heard them. Well... 2 certain someone with a history of squabbling.
:'3 They get caught sneaking on the roof by Deuce and Ace.
Deuce of course with his attempt at being a' honor student' tells them that the roof is off limits, while Ace just tries to make his buddy leave them alone so they won't get in trouble with the Shroud and the criminal record guy.
Ortho picked that one up and instantly asks what's the gig with the 'Shroud' or the 'criminal record'. Riddle is also curious and enraged by this, demanding answers (and scaring the living daylights out of Adeuce).
So all 4 go to the roof, where, after a short intro to the 2 newcomers: Deuce Nijima and Ace Trappola. Ace tells them about a rumor going around Riddle that he was expelled from his previous school due to an 'incident', which made students to go nuts with theories, until the 'criminal record' one came up. The fact that Riddle was also a bit more retreated also added to the mistery.
Boy did Riddle blow a casket about it. (Adeuce got again scared)
As for Ortho, people often knew almost nothing about Idia, which made him to be 'shrouded in mistery'. Adding to that the last year's incident where a student successfully managed to do something that shouldn't be spoken about, students were more scared when they realised Idia had a direct involvement in it. Rumor of course was going around that Idia was responsible for it.
Ortho does remember that suddenly, last year, Idia's best friend stopped coming around. His brother was depressed about it and his parents only told him that his friend moved cities. He didn't know anything else about it.
Riddle cleared it up that he was just transferred from another country. No record on his name and no expulsion, since he was a straight A student back there. Ortho just says that he dyed his hair to match with his brother and that their father dyed it for them after some tutorials on the internet and a lot of silly time in the bathroom with the hair dye. (the stain on the wall will forever be in there... Futaba gave up on that one :'D)
Riddle notes how Ace had a few bandages, the ginger brushing it off as him being clumsy. Deuce backs it with remembering Ace slamming into the door this morning.
Riddle does not buy this. He is the son of 2 doctors. If he doesn't know at least a bit of the basic wounds in medicine, he would might as well be called a fraud. He knew those wounds couldn't be caused by 'clumsy accidents'.
But they bond! Deuce notes how he promised he would help the Student council president move some files and documents around, so he had to go. Riddle did ask who was the student council president.
Ace says that it was Vil Schonenheit. And that in the student council was also Neige, who was 'Shujin's sweetheart'. He notes how both Riddle and Ortho were visibly annoyed at the mention of Neige, so Ace changes the tone.
He tells them to keep their mouths shut. Even if he was a first year, he knew very well what can happen if you go against Neige. Everyone saw him as a 'prince charming'. There was no way that speaking ill of a good guy wouldn't bring some simps up your ass.
Ortho puts it simply: if there was a way for Ace to make Neige pay for what he had done to him, will he take it? Ace responds that it wasn't Neige who did this, to which Riddle retorts with the fact that the ones responsible were Neige's buddies.
Ace tells them to just fuck off and don't cause him any trouble, because mingling with the higher power won't do anything good for them, before leaving as he did not want to get associated with those 2 more than the bare minimum. Riddle wanted so so bad to strangle him. Ortho's all like 'leave the violent tendencies for the palace'.
So what they conclude:
-Vil was the student council president, Deuce helping him with some trivial things.
-Ace had an intercalation with Neige, which resulted with this state.
-a rumor was going around them being dangerous people.
It was by no surprise that probably Neige started the rumor. He seemed to have the influence and of course he could start a gratic phone effect, letting the rumor become worse and worse on it's own.
So the 2 decide to go and seek Mr Sakamoto to tell him what they found out. Since he was a teacher, he could put a word to the other teachers and bring up the suspicion of something going on in between the students.
But to their unluck, they happen to bump into Neige's buddies. Being after classes, the said students drag both Riddle and Ortho behind the school, in a quiet manner.
Ortho tells to Riddle subtlety that he will try to pull a run for it, they just gotta get the perfect opportunity.
Behind the school, the students ask them if they plan on threatening their 'school sweetheart'.
They knew Neige was onto them.
Riddle is the one who raises up, saying that they don't even want to mingle with their 'school sweetheart'. Ortho backs up on it, saying that they don't care about Neige, they just want to study.
Well that sure got a laugh out of Neige, who came by.
Neige did play the cute card, saying how it's alright if they don't want to mingle with him. But it gets a bit darker when Neige pulls out the fact that he had some dirt onto Idia, showing some photo evidence with Idia himself going out of a sus alley with a box of things. Neige of course could pass it off to the authorities, saying that those were illegal things such as substances or weapons.
He also adds that... After all, Idia wasn't that clear of rumors about doing some... Illegal things...
Neige gives them a little warning. Speak anything of what happened today and he will add them as Idia's accomplices. Anyway he will make those photos known to the police in a week, so for Idia... It was no escape.
That's when Ortho flares up and kicks the one who was holding him off. Riddle wasn't restrained, so he runs after Ortho the second this happened, betting on the surprise and shock to make a clearing to escape.
And the students after them.
Ortho pulls out the metanav, saying that they can make an escape if they run after the corner when activating it. So they give it a shot.
Except that they bump into Adeuce once making the corner turn, getting all 4 of them straight in the metaverse, while the students lost them from their sights.
In the metaverse, Ace and Deuce have a spook. :'3 Riddle and Ortho don't really do anything to calm them down since they were back to their metaverse outfits.
How much Adeuce screaming? Yes.
Yeah... Ortho shuts them up before they could gain the attention of more guards. Now because of that, they had to hide in the palace. And unlucky for them, they couldn't go to the dungeon safe room since that one was guarded.
Where they do end up is climbing the stairs to the next floor of the castle. Which again switched from the gruesome insides to the fairytale halls and rooms. Adeuce are confused af, but Ortho tells them to 'shut up before a guard would throw us in the dungeons or kill us on the spot.'.
They see a big ballroom, where a lot of masked people were dancing along an orchestra's tune. Everyone wore some medieval attire, fit for the rich people of those times.
To not attract too much attention, the group of 4 decided to go around the walls, trying to avoid the party and hide by the decorations and tables. Adeuce were absolutely baffled at this set-up, but now it was not the time for these kinds of loud reactions.
There was no kind of exit from here, so it meant they either find another switch or get back down to the ground floor.
Where the switch was? In the middle of the dance floor. There it was a piedestal which holded a statue of a prince and a princess dancing. There was a button like mechanism in front of the princess's sculpted shoe. It was quite obvious due to the Cristal color it had.
So the 4 contemplate. They had to find a safe room, but they need to pass by this room. They needed someone who looked pristine enough to pass as a dancer.
They all look at Deuce. :'3
Deuce says he doesn't know how to dance, but Ortho gives to him an earpiece, saying that they will guide him from under the table. That, for Deuce, is even less reassuring.
But in the end he invites a random woman to dance. Poor Deuce he was as red as a tomato, bearly able to concentrate. The woman assumed he was a 'misterious charming man'. No, gurl, he was just dying on the inside. But with the table squad's guidance, Deuce gets close enough to the button and pressed it.
The whole ballroom turns into a torture room. Weapons hanging off the walls, machines were laying in there too. The walls were now tartered too, as instead of dancing people, there were bodies laying down, some being tortured by guards. The Chandeliers became some wooden ones that holded knives and old candles.
And unfortunately, Deuce was caught in the middle of that.
The other 3 tried to get to him, Ace grabbing a sword nearby while Riddle and Ortho used their own weapons to try and reach to Deuce before the guards would.
But something else got to Deuce before them.
~~~~(Tw for Blood)~~~~
"Well, well, well... If this little guy doesn't look exactly like me..." a distorted voice called.
A blonde boy came in, dressed with pieces of bloody armour as his golden eyes sparkled with malice. In his hands, he holded a bat with nails in its top. On his face, only a patch was covering his bloody left cheek. Deuce only made a few steps back. "YOU!" He accused.
"indeed me... The Prince's trusty spade..." The other 'Deuce' replied. "Unlike a preppy little boy, I am not so easy to flatter.
Deuce felt the bat into his stomach, making him to fall on the floor and cough a bit of blood. But despite that, he immediately rose up and punched the shadow in his face.
"You bastard!" The shadow cried in pain as he holded his probably broken nose. "How ya like this?!" He declared, dropping the bat, as he punched Deuce as well into the face, but the bluenette got it into his cheek, making him to cough blood yet again, splattering it on the ground.
The 2 resulted to a punching fight, Deuce holding off incredibly good against his shadow self. "Woa... Juice got sum moves..." Ace gasped. "CONCENTRATE OR WE WILL BITE THE DUST!" Riddle yelled as he summoned his persona, clearing a few of the guard. It didn't help that the bodies of the tortured tried to stop them too.
"I am not helping him any more!" "But I do! I am helping my prince!" "I DO NOT!" Deuce yelled, resuming to a high kick into the other's face, sending the shadow right to the floor.
But your silence speaks for you...
The bluenette groaned as blood trailed down his lip corner. He clenched his teeth, keeping his posture as the shadow charged at him. He was fast enough to make a clumsy evade, but he wasn't that lucky the second time, where he got a punch in the chest, making him to back off a bit. "You're pathetic." the shadow Deuce called.
Are you really? Was it a mistake that you betrayed the 'prince'?
"N-no... It wasn't... Mom was proud of me... I was proud of me..." Deuce trailed, feeling the headache growing stronger.
I see... So you have no regrets... Very well... I am thou... Thou art I! The past will define you, so go with your head forward and ride to victory...
Deuce charged, pushing off his shadow with his whole body, the other him falling on the ground, looking with genuine horror towards the bluenette.
The golden eyes filled with rage as a mask was covering them. "Come to me!" Deuce demanded as he ripped the mask off with one hand, the blue embers swirling around and pushing off any unfortunate soul in his close vicinity.
Ace could only back off a bit as he heard a motor roaring to life. As the fire cleared off, there was Deuce, in a wierd attire, on a motorcycle, which had a higher back, looking akin to a person guarding him from the back. The front was giving a slight horse like look, as if it was pulling it.
"Holy shit! That's a motorcycle!" the ginger exclaimed as Ortho rolled his eyes. "What do you expect it to be? A limo?"
(Explanation format! I'm home!)
With the new persona on hand, it was by no other chance that Deuce powered through the entirety of the enemies.
Oh... And Riddle gets another persona through convincing a shadow to remember that it was a pixie. He does have a panic moment bc of it, since he was wonky on switching them up.
After that, Ortho, Riddle and Ace joined him on the motorcycle. They had to scramble before more guards would come.
And what better way than through the stained glass window?
Yep... They were screaming their asses off before getting thrown off the metaverse, ending up sprawled behind the school. They get found out by Mr Sakamoto. And BOI is it a sight to see 4 teens in some wierd af position, all with their faced on the concrete and groaning or whining about Deuce's driving skills, whereas Deuce himself was groaning since 'he still doesn't have a driving licence'.
Awkward times. :'3
Poor Adeuce getting hit with the fact that their PE teach is also apart of the Phanthom thieves and what exactly was that world they just got out alive from.
But still... Deuce had sum dirt on Neige. He told them that in middle school he used to do Neige's bidding, thinking he was a good guy, but once he saw his mother sad about it and very disappointed in him, he tried to cut ties with Neige and be an exemplary student, which in turn made his mom very proud since he at least tries to correct his mistakes and be better.
Mr Sakamoto leaves them off the hook this time, with just a warning to be more careful, since now they had a deadline. Deuce insisted that he wants to help out, since he doesn't want other people to end up how he did then. Ace needed to be a bit persuaded by the bluenette, but in the end, both were on board with it.
So they are 4 now... Hooray :D
Back at his home tho, Deuce's mom asks how was school today. Poor lil Deuce says it was the usual, but he does ask if she happens to have some of those motorcycle magazines, since he was curious about them. His mother does raise a brow at that, but in the end she leaves him off the hook in favour of aunt Sae coming to visit.
At night tho, cue velvet room meeting! Riddle finds out more about the ability to hold more personas. It was a pretty short visit compared to the others, so this time more rest for Riddle! :D
The next day, since these 4 kids were dead set on overthrowing Neige, Mr Sakamoto called them to help him clean up with him after classes. It was the best cover-up they could get. :3
Futaba was also in there after classes, so they got a Navi and a pro thief on the team up. Ace was left to watch around and make sure no one catches on the fact that they aren't there.
Ace and Riddle showed to be the most skeptical about it, but hello? Who gives a shit if they break the law in the cognitive world?
Oracle and Skull lose their shit when they realise poor lil Riddle had now 2 personas. He was, in fact, a wildcard! They had to reassure poor lil Riddle that it wasn't a bad thing tho. :'3
But realising they couldn't call them all 3 'kid', they put codenames for the ones who do have a persona. It did not take too long since they had to hurry, so they rolled with the first option.
Deuce-Spade (see what I did here? :3)
So off they were through the palace. With Futaba around, they gained a concrete mapping of the already explored floors, choosing to explore more the new floor.
Unfortunately, no matter the switch of scenery, you couldn't pass to the throne room and go further into the palace. It was blocked by something. Apparently only the prince and king could enter. :T
Since the king was considered to be Vil, someone who clearly had more authority over Neige's actions, they had to somehow gain access in there. Futaba did say that it must refer to the student council room, as only the ones who are apart of the council can access it.
Meanwhile, Ace meets up with Vil by pure accident and tries to bullshit his way out of a convo about why the hell is he bandaged so much. In the end he succeeded! Bless that half a braincell he was holding. :'3
So with a plan set, the group now had to gain access to that room AND have Neige see it.
So why not through their 'Honor student'.
It was a simple plan. Vil needed a coffee and it took a while for it. So the kind and pure lil Deuce offered to stay in his stead in the line and get it for him, since he also wanted to take something from the school shop. Since there was a student council meeting then, Deuce just asked where he should bring the coffee to. Vil was tired, so he gave him the place and a thank you in advance, mentioning that it was for a few other council members too. Deuce reassured that he can handle it, making Vil to go on his way to prepare everything for the meeting ahead.
So Deuce got Riddle to help him out carry it, since Ace and Ortho were just making sure Neige was attending.
Imagine Neige's surprise when before the meeting would start, Deuce and Riddle come with the said coffee, serving it to the ones who requested it. Funny enough, Neige requested tea, which they also covered since Vil mentioned that in the order. Vil himself was pleased with the job well done, so the 2 got his praise before leaving without any kind of issue as if THEY owned the place. Vil also appreciated that the 2 were so hurried to tend to their studies that no one got a chance to tell them to leave.
It was exactly what it was needed to sell the idea to Neige.
So it was a short meeting, but in the end, Vil was glad it took less with the coffee gathering being taken care of by Deuce and Riddle. It seemed like the transfer student wasn't that bad as the rumors made him to be.
But to his unluck, Vil oh so happened to pass by sum chatter, hearing something about 'getting in the throne room before Neige's doubts erase their opening.
And because he was close enough, he got wrapped into the metaverse.
Cue Vil losing his shit over the fact that he was faced with sum wierd ass dressed people in a gruesome Palace.
And... Was that a cockroach?! Bruh everything smells so bad too...
Aparently Flame met his match in being a dramatic Primadona. :'3
Also Ace was there. Hello Ace! OwO/
Ace is the sane one and approaches Vil calmly about it, while Rose and Spade slaughter a shadow.
Yeah... Vil would have had brain damage if it wasn't for Ace doing the explanation part.
The good part: the managed to get to the next floor! And it was in the same gruesome style as the others.
The bad part: it seemed shadow Vil was there too, drowned in paperwork and seemingly not minding Neige enjoying how someone was getting tortured.
~~~~(Tw for blood and gore)~~~~
"Stop it! Neige! Are you nuts?!" Vil yelled. He allowed himself to use some profanity in this situation because, dear heavens, it was messed up!
The other Vil rose his tired golden eyes from his desk, looking at the scene before him. "Leave him be... He can't be stopped anyway..." he mused as he sluggishly grabbed yet another paper to see. Even when tired he still looked impeccable.
"Guards! Take those thieves back to the dungeons!" Neige demanded as he summoned some guards. The others took a fighting stance, Ace gripping onto his weapon he picked on the road.
Vil tho, had an axe on him he got from the torture Hall. Gripping the weapon tightly, he smashed the head of a guard with it, rushing for the other Vil as he slammed his hands on the desk.
"Get up and punish him!" "He can't be punished... He is a hero... He is doing good." the real Vil clenched his teeth. A guard tried to get to him but Rose shot it down with his Pixie persona. "We got your back, Vil-Senpai!" Flame mused as he took down another guard. Neige just scoffed as he left the room through another passage.
"Are you going to let him go?!" Vil yelled. His shadow self looked lazily at the direction Neige went off to. "He i-"
"He. Is. Not. A. Hero!" Vil spoke with a burning rage. "Go after him!" he demanded.
Why don't you go after him?
The blonde snapped his head around, looking for the voice. For the whisper in his ear that told him to go. To take matters into his own hands.
He couldn't. He couldn't risk his image, he couldn't risk mingling in things that did not concern him.
Does it really not concern you when it's an unjustice? You should be an authority figure! Yet you simply watch this nefarious boy doing horrendous acts while preaching about good. How hypocritical can this be?
Vil looked at his shadow self. The golden eyes glimmering as he looked straight at Vil. He spoke those words on another voice.
I am thou... Thou art I... Take me with you and uncover the truth...
The blonde only groaned in pain, looking at the axe in his hand. He rose it up in the air, the shadow looking at it expectantly.
Do it!
The shadow Vil's head split open in the middle as the axe's blade plunged in it. The blood splattered everywhere as Vil took the bloody weapon out with a swing, letting the body to fall into a pool of a gloopy blood it oozed off. Vil grabbed something from his face, ripping it without a flinch as he turned towards the passage gate.
"You are mine, you bastard..."
Small blue flames came at the boy's feet as the blood off his face ignited with the same blue fire, Vil charging through the passage way. "EYO WAIT FOR US!" Ace yelled as the group followed suit after him, guards still going for them.
Shadow Neige just got at the end of the tunnel when he heard the rattling of chains. Turning around, he spotted Vil in some new attire, behind him a doll-like persona charging. On the blonde's face, it was read one thing.
(UWU explanation format)
Vil really did not hesitate. It took Flame and Spade to stop him from annihilating Neige on the spot. Unfortunately, the palace ruler escaped and they had to flee as already they made a commotion and guards were after them.
Ace is salty about it tho... How come Vil gets a persona before him?!
But they escape again! At least they are alive! :D
At the school front tho, someone seemed to be waiting. A police officer, which made the students to assume something bad happened in the school.
Deuce tho was happily throwing himself in a hug to the police officer, who turned out to be his mom. She came to pick him up from school since she finished the shift early today.
Cue wholesome moment. :3
It was a short intro to the lil gang before Mr Sakamoto showed to to say hi to Mrs Nijima. Apparently they were good friends and also used to be 'partners'. At that it was clear as day the subliminal message.
So to finish off the day, everyone went to LeBlanc, where Mrs Nijima got filled in over the whole ordeal.
To say she didn't blow a casket about it was an understatement. Boy she was ready to rip heads off in there. Deuce sile explains quietly to his other buddies that the 'Shroud' case gave his mother so much trouble to deal with.
It turns out that the Shroud case was a case that involved mainly Idia, since his best friend last year threw themselves off the rooftop of the school. No one had any idea why and nor the students or teachers could give any kind of lead to what may have caused this tragedy.
Idia was way too devastated to even mention about it. It was clear he was the only one who holded any information to the case, but he would either refuse to communicate or spiral into a breakdown about it. After all, his best and only friend wasn't there anymore. The case was still open to investigation up to this day.
Ortho was shocked to say the least. He seemed to have fully believed the 'oh he moved away and we fought' excuse. But if it was that grave and Neige kept targeting Idia, there had to be a connection in between the two.
And also it leaved them with just a few days before the deadline. They had to hurry up! They also had Vil on the line-up too, Ace as an occasional helper and info man from outside(he knew the most gossips and also could infiltrate in any group easily). And with the og Phanthom thieves on board, they only needed to locate the treasure and steal it.
Oooooooop and now we are getting close to the finish of the Palace of faiytales arc!
We are so close to the boss Neige! :3
So how do you think the first boss would look like? How would he act and how would they get the treasure?
Oh and what would be the treasure?
For a granted, only the ones in discord will know exactly what palace will follow so looking forward to that one. :3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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Me: I should message Liz just out of nowhere with an ai generated message that sounds professional sending her a bill of 1200 $Kamala for the insolence of breaking up with me. A 400 interest rate for each week.
Admin of stream: wtf
Sarah: That's so fucking based. Can I send it instead? I feel like I should be the one to send it.
Me: Yeth <3 and calm down guy, that's like 10 dollars in usd lol.
Admin: usdeez nuts, that's still... Just so insane. Like, it's so petty, and...
Roastie: It's stalker behavior
Me: (nasal voice) "It's stalker behavior" shutup bitch. Even your broke ass can afford ten dollars. It's justice. It's a transparent judiciary instead of black people in low income neighborhoods spending their life in prison.
Roastie: wtf are you even talking about? Are you insane?
Me: Oh so now I'm not a stalker anymore but insane?
Roastie: I didn't say it stopped you from being a stalker just...the priorities changed...
Admin: How is this fun? Opening old wounds? An argument? Someone inevitably says something hurtful?
Me doing my Cristian Bale voice: I'M JUSTICE SIMPLER, I'M GOTHAM'S RECKONING
Sarah: lol! Admin: Why are you enabling this? lol
Me: WHAT MAKES UP... 50% of the crime rate but only 15% of the population? ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES SIMPLER. I am the night...
Sarah: omggggg I love it
Roastie: Weren't you just telling us to sympathize for blacks now you're making jokes like that?
Admin: He's a liberal. That's what they do.
Black atheist man: I was gonna go to bed and y'all be talking about black people when my back it turned. Typical white behavior
Me still doing Bale voice: Ah, Nightwing... Help me beat up my ex for ten dollars. We must save Gotham.
Sarah: Yes
Black atheist man: I did not ask you FEMALE
Roastie: What's wrong with being female?
Me: Everything
Roastie: Sarah is female.
Me: She has female genitalia yes.
Roastie: Then that's a female dumbass.
Me: That's very transphobic of you Joker...
Sarah: Ew, I don't wanna be some fat FtM trans who thinks not showering for two weeks makes me a man.
Me: Yeah but if you did that it'd be boy-smell so it's fine.
(literally everyone groans)
Admin: Gross
Black atheist: Freaky ass nigga
Roastie: I hate you so much Jim (I'm just giggling and smoking)
Sarah: Y'all niggas can't appreciate a good menace to society
Admin: Ok that was uncalled for
Me: Well we're doing the Batman thing so that's why he's monkey-man. He has the strength and agility of ten monkeys.
Sarah: LOL
Admin: That was not her aim and you know it. God... You two play off of each other
Sarah: It's called a healthy relationship. You should try it some time.
Me: He can't cause he's an incel but somehow it's still men's fault.
Me: See? I touched a nerve
Admin: I literally sleep with like three girls at the same time
Me: That's not a big accomplishment dude, I've done that.
Sarah: You better not be doing that shit now.
Me: Hon, we talk like several hours a day half of it here. If I was screwing around you'd know about it.
Black atheist: He could do better
Sarah: Fuck you monkey-man
Me: I couldn't. But I appreciate the offer monkey-man. You keep metropolis safe.
Black atheist: Ok one, the next person to call me that is getting shot.
Sarah: Typical behavior.
Black atheist: Shutup. Secondly, I am not offering. Gay nigga.
Admin: He does that all the time. He thinks EVERYBODY wants him.
Me: Noone proves to me they don't.
Admin: The fact you have exes kinda proves they don't.
Me: Thus proving you two wanna be my next mistakes.
Roastie: Just admit you're gay Jim, God damn.
Me: You'd be watching ya cuck
Black atheist: Can women even be cucks?
Me: I mean sure they can.
Sarah: Stop trying to groom my boyfriend into your cuckold fantasies.
Roastie: I'm not grooming anybody! Ahhhhhh! How are you both this crazy?!
Sarah: "Take your meds schizo!" Fucking reddit trash bitch.
Me: You're cute when you're angry Sarah: You're always cute
Admin: Both of you need meds. Prozac or Zoloft is sounds like.
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Freaky Friday: Metropolis Edition
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JDcxKia by Jasontodd908 Clark Kent finds himself foolish enough to say that he wishes he had Bruce Wayne's life instead of his own. He didn't mean it, but he winds up regretting it even still. And Bruce? He's taken along for the ride as well. How are the Worlds Finest gonna get outta this one? And what was that saying? Be careful what you wish for? Words: 30812, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Cat Grant, Alfred Pennyworth, J'onn J'onzz, Joker (DCU) Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Fatherhood, Regret, Vigilantism read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JDcxKia
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knowlessman · 2 years
bnha ep 10-13 I think. oh yeah, the big boss guy, that's what was up. handface. professor facepalm.
(watching OP) author really said "I am going to make a character that is the most hateable little shit. I'm gonna make sure nothing about either him or his design is likeable. gonna put him in a fucking diaper." -- stg the most mid anime op I have ever seen this many times
League of Villains? not Every Villain Is Lemons?
greninja to the rescue! …did you really have to save him tho? -- see, not having to listen to mineta in english is like, idk, a third of the battle
they want to kill him because he is batman, yes
oh, he didn't even teleport them far, just to random parts of the dome 'XD
the name does stick : ]
stop giving this guy lines, why does he have lines now
'XD it cuts to three of the villains in the water while Deku's talking and you have two normal-ass-looking people and a fucking Cenobite
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k thanks for sharing, worst character
oh stop being generous, froppy, you were always the only way anybody was gonna get off that boat and you know it
"episode 11: game over." well that's cheery. also I saw spy kids 3 recently, dang is that not a good movie but it isn't, like, not fun. they say "game over" so many fucking times tho, I did not remember that and was not prepared for it. fun guessing-game at the end tho where characters keep showing up to fight and only the ones that absolutely shouldn't be here get to have shots of them actually fighting. I wanna see danny trejo punch a giant robot goddammit. -- ahem. anyway. anime.
…so, todoroki. cool guy. how is a guy this cool in the same show as mineta, anyway?
'XD who is this silly goof? "audio girl used Aimed Kick! dumbass learned Volt Tackle!" -- jiro and kaminari. got it. also Quiet Metal Gear's quirk doesn't even benefit from her boobs being out, she literally just shat an entire rubber tarp out of her back, which was covered -- momo, right. also creators please just stop writing teenagers and then Doing This Shit, wtf
"when he overuses his quirk, his brain short-circuits" well that's a problem; he didn't look like he had much dumber to get
nooooo, not hat-n'-clogs D:
six-arm guy's secret ability: really good hugs
bakugo's learning to pretend he's got anything other than violence in his head when somebody calls him on it ("I'm gonna beat up that portal guy! not because he stood in front of me, but because if he's gone, the enemy can't escape"), and I guess that's character development?
he fuckin said the spy kids 3 thing. is that gonna be a thing here, too, have I been bamboozled
also yay for emergency exit makin his exit in an emergency, gotta love it
and now the other guy said it. maybe it's just this episode tho, they've said episode titles a few times
-- "'game over?' what are they planning?" to put sylvester stallone in a giant robot, by the sound of it
im sorry how long has this disaster dome had a bouncy castle in it
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walk faster dude you're gonna go poof any second
"we got a Continue" maybe facepalm is just all arcade lingo and that's his deal. maybe his villain origin is that he tilted a pinball table too hard
gotta be at least one or two heroes here who do illusions, right? could be all might isn't even here.
walks right past Thirteen "sorry, Aizawa"
Kirishima. got it. the guy who reminds me of a certain danganronpa character whose name I also forget is Kirishima
o_o dang, this one-punch villain reject goes harder than I expected -- oh nvm lol he's just a freaky-looking namekian
"the joker is the good guy actually" -- "he's already figured me out?" elle woods what, like it's hard?
aye, the shonen way. all the chips, right now, they'll either come back later or they won't but that's a problem for a future that won't exist if the present isn't saved. -- I thought he was gonna blast mojo piccolo to bits, but instead he just blasted off again
…oh damn, I got confused and thought this was ep 13. welp. was figuring on finishing the season this sitting, so here goes
every time this opening starts and it shows deku in the school uniform I think I'm looking at yu yu hakusho or mob psycho or something, and I've never even watched those
jiro asking a libertarian with a hostage why he doesn't have a job, like that's a good idea
not missing the fact that we're seeing a villain stimming btw : / -- "these casuals are wrecking me, all might OP, plz nerf!"
"it might be the case that I can't move right now, you warthog-faced buffoon" (geddit, might)
holy shit it's mccrassidy overwatch how in fuckaroo did they get the rights to him
there's that spy kids 3 nonsense again
probably ain't much more dangerous than a villain who learns from his defeats and doesn't take it out on his underlings. wassit called, the Evil Mastermind List? that.
CAT PERSON. …the bell is a little much tho
deku: literally exists bakugo: "and I took that personally"
ayup. next season next time. maybe with less of a break between, but fucked if I ever know when I'm gonna do what. : |
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shipping-kitchen · 2 years
Honestly, I’m a proshipper mostly in defence of the weird kid that I used to be.
When I was seven years old, I wanted to run away with the villain of my favourite YA books and I wrote little love letters to him all the time.
When I was ten, I started shipping the main character of another series and her mentor (who was four hundred years older and also a skeleton).
When I was twelve, I started shipping myself with the Joker and wrote a few little stories where he kidnapped me and we fell in love
I finally discovered fanfiction at the age of thirteen, and I was overjoyed to find a world of weird fiction and pairings and the ability to read the same plot over and over, instead of reading the same book over and over.
It’s hard to put into words how much discovering online fandoms felt like coming home. Finally being seen.
At fifteen, I had a challenge with my friend group to see who could find the freakiest fanfiction and read it out loud without laughing or flinching. I have incredibly fond memories of those days.
I have always been a weird kid, for more than just my taste in fiction. But I’ve always been thankful that fandoms were a safe space to be weird, to be freaky, to be unabashedly strange and obsessed with things that other people don’t understand.
I will stand here and defend any amount of strange and unusual fanfiction if it means that one other person can come into fandom spaces and feel the same relief I felt at thirteen: that I was finally not alone, finally not judged, and finally not the weirdest person in the room.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
(can I share some random trivia with you?) So I've read somewhere that Tim Curry (the guy who played original Pennywise), was the first choice to voice Joker in Batman:Animated Series and even made few episodes (I don't think recordings were ever released?!), but they thought he was 'too scary for children', so they took Mark Hamill instead.
(I love trivia!!)
Oh that's such a shame that they weren't released!!
'Too scary for children''- with just his voice?? That is SO cool! Pennywise' voice WAS freaky!!
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hood-ex · 4 years
For a batfam prompt: Dick as Nightwing, fear toxin, and Bruce?
Dick was in the middle of trying to stanch the bleeding from his nose when his comm started beeping in his ear. He sighed at the terrible timing and quickly wrangled off one of his blood coated gloves to receive the call. 
“Talk to me,” he said, voice sounding high and distorted as a result of pinching his nostrils closed. 
“Whoa,” Babs said. “What the hell is wrong with your voice?” 
“Got a bloody nose,” Dick explained quickly. It was really uncomfortable trying to breathe and talk only through his mouth. He was definitely going to need a huge glass of water after this. “What’s up?” 
“The Owls are what’s up. I need you to get your tush to the cave ASAP.” 
Ah, fuck. 
“What kind of trouble are our freaky electrum filled friends getting up to?” he asked, already tugging his glove back on and booking it back to where he’d left his bike half a block away. He knew he looked fucking ridiculous running while holding his nose, but it seemed pretty insignificant compared to the idea of Talons running loose and slaughtering people. 
“Just one friend, actually,” Babs said. The lack of urgency in her voice made some of the anxiety in Dick’s chest dissipate. It also made him realize that they were talking about a member of the Court and not the Talons. 
“Oh yeah?”
“She was schmoozing it up at the Aparo Auction House with Brucie Wayne and a hundred other rich people.”
A feeling of disgust settled in his gut, his mind replaying the time he infiltrated one of the Court’s underground auctions. The same auction that had tried to sell off the crowbar Joker had beaten Jason with. 
A shiver traveled all the way down to his toes as he leapt over a puddle that was in the middle of the sidewalk. His bike was now in his sight. He could tell it was his because of the way its blue accents gleamed in the moonlight. 
“Looks like Scarecrow and the Court have been doing business with each other,” Babs said in that slightly distracted way of hers that Dick was used to hearing when she was trying to talk while rubbing at her eyes. It was something she did a lot since her eyes were always strained from looking at computer screens for hours on end. “Fear toxin was released through the vents at the auction. It caused an absolute shitstorm of chaos, as you can imagine.”
“Damn,” Dick said, straddling his bike. He was secretly glad he was wearing his thermal suit so he wouldn’t have to ride to Gotham on a cold seat. The only thing he was annoyed about was that he was getting blood all over his handle bars and helmet. “Is B okay?” 
“Yeah... about that...” 
The anxiety in Dick’s chest cranked back up tenfold. Irrational images of Bruce lying dead in a red-stained tuxedo flashed through his mind. He shook his head, mentally yelling at himself to cool it. If something like that had happened, Bab’s wouldn’t sound as casual as she did now. 
“He keeps thinking you’re dead,” she said, and for a second, Dick thought he misheard her over the sound of his tires peeling off down the street. “Red Robin says he keeps switching between rationalizing that you’re alive and thinking you bit it.”
“Huh,” Dick said, not really sure what to make of that. It wasn’t the first time Bruce had delusions of him or someone else dying while on fear toxin. Dick was just slightly surprised because it had been years since he was the sole subject of Bruce’s fear. He wondered if it was tied to Bruce knowing that a woman from the Court was at the auction. Bruce might have associated her with Dick in his mind since the Court had been after Dick for the last few years. 
“All I’m saying is that you might want to hurry home quick, Hunk Wonder. Robin and Red Robin are out distributing an updated antidote to the people who got dosed at the auction. B’s antidote won’t really kick in for another thirty minutes.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“It should take you longer than that,” Babs said suspiciously. 
Dick grinned under his helmet. “It would if I wasn’t making my way there like Sonic the Hedgehog on a caffeine high.” 
“Gotta go, O! I’ll catch you at Cass’s birthday party next weekend!”
Dick disconnected the call, knowing full well that Bab’s hated when he did that and was sure to give him an earful the next time they talked. But that was a problem for future Dick to deal with. 
The ride to the batcave was filled with a lot of weaving and a few angry honks directed his way. Dick was pretty sure he might have even shaved off his expected arrival time by two minutes. He was very decidedly not going to share that with anyone else except for Roy. Roy was the only one who would appreciate it without giving Dick the third degree about safety precautions. 
The cave was about as lit up as it could get when Dick’s bike came to a screeching halt next to one of the batmobiles. Alfred had probably turned on all the lights since they’d learned over the years that shadows and fear toxin really didn’t mix that well.  
Dick left his helmet on his bike and hurried over to the cot Alfred always had them lie on when they were sick or injured. Sure enough, that was where Bruce was currently sitting, his feet bouncing in agitation against the floor. He was already out of his batsuit and was dressed in a soft looking blue shirt and gray sweatpants. 
Bruce’s eyes were squeezed shut and his arms were wrapped tightly around himself, his knuckles white. Dick wasn’t really sure what the correct way was to approach him, but he figured letting Bruce know he was there was probably a good first step.
“Hey, B, I’m here,” Dick said, walking slowly up to his dad to try and give him enough time to work out what was real and what wasn’t. 
Bruce’s head jerked at the sound of his voice, his bloodshot looking eyes immediately seeking out Dick’s own. He looked... well, not okay but not terrible either. Mostly just pale and a little shaky. 
It was the way Bruce was staring at him that made Dick feel nervous all over. His eyes were wide and haunted looking as they soaked Dick up like a sponge. It was the kind of raw look Dick had only ever seen on parent’s faces when they realized their baby wasn’t coming home. 
It was Bruce after Jason’s death. It was Bruce after Damian’s death. It was Bruce after T—
“You want to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?” Dick asked quietly, becoming more alarmed as he noticed Bruce was breathing so quickly that his chest was practically heaving. 
Bruce’s voice cracked as he murmured, “Dick?”
Bruce’s increasing panic didn’t make sense until Dick reached out his hand to comfort him and saw all the blood coated over his glove. 
Oh wow. He was a fucking asshole, wasn’t he?
He jerked his arm back to his side and whirled around so that Bruce couldn’t see all the dried blood on his face.
“I’m okay, Bruce. I’m okay. I got a bloody nose from patrol and... just wait, okay? Let me clean this off.” 
You’re such an idiot, Dick thought as he jogged towards the shower area, ripping off his gloves as he went. Once he was hidden from Bruce’s sight, he quickly peeled off his suit because, yeah, he found that blood had dripped on it as well. No wonder he was staring at you like you’d actually... like you were really...
He grabbed a clean towel from the pile they kept on a rack, and then he wet it and went about scrubbing all the blood off his skin until his face looked raw and the towel looked rusted. He was shivering by the time he was done. The cave was always cold and the water definitely wasn’t helping with that. 
Dick looked in the mirror and made sure there was no more blood on him before he went to their extra clothes supply rack. Weirdly, the shirts and hoodies from his own pile were missing. He barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes, knowing Tim and Damian had probably been taking his stuff again. Tim always forgot to replace the clothes he borrowed after washing them, and Damian usually hoarded the clothes in his bedroom. 
Bruce and Jason’s stacks were still pretty well stocked. Dick made a considering sound in the back of his throat as he looked between them. Jason would definitely blow a gasket if he realized someone had taken his clothes, and contrary to popular belief, Dick really didn’t like fighting with Jason. On the other hand, wearing Bruce’s clothes was kind of weird. 
Says the guy who wore his batsuit, his traitorous brain reminded him. 
Shrugging, Dick grabbed some red gym shorts from his own pile and a black t-shirt and hoodie from Bruce’s pile. He did end up taking Tim’s Nike slides because his own slip on shoes had been stolen by two kleptomaniacs.
By the time he’d gotten himself dressed, he saw that Alfred had returned from upstairs and was coaxing Bruce into eating an artfully prepared sandwich. Dick wouldn’t mind eating one as long as there was no sign of cucumbers in it. 
“Ah, Master Dick,” Alfred smiled, looking both happy to see him and also relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with Bruce by himself. Bruce whipped around to where Dick was, and their eyes locked briefly before Bruce dropped his gaze like he was embarrassed about needing to reassure himself that Dick was actually there. 
“Hey, Alfie,” Dick said with a small smile of his own. He plopped himself on the cot next to Bruce, and before Bruce could protest, he grabbed Bruce’s fingers and forcefully pressed them against his wrist where his pulse was beating steadily. Bruce’s fingers trembled against his skin from the effects of the toxin, but he didn’t try to move them away. Instead, his shoulders relaxed into a more comfortable position, and he ended up leaning some of his weight against Dick’s shoulder. 
“You gonna eat that sandwich?” Dick asked Bruce who had closed his eyes and seemed to be silently counting the beats of Dick’s pulse. 
Alfred would normally intervene at a time like this and insist that he could go get Dick his own sandwich, but this time, Alfred stayed silent and watched them both with a knowing look. 
“No,” Bruce shook his head lightly. “You go ahead and eat it.” 
“Are you super-duper sure? Or just super sure? Or just duper sure? What level of sure are you?”
Bruce finally cracked the tiniest of grins at the game Dick used to play with him back when their worlds were a little smaller. Back when Casa de Wayne only had a population of three. 
Score, Dick thought with a smile of his own, feeling proud of himself. 
“I’m super-duper sure you can eat the sandwich,” Bruce said. 
That was essentially code for: I’ll throw up all over the floor if I have to eat even a bite of that sandwich. Dick took it as a sign to back off. 
“Well, as long as you’re super-duper sure,” Dick said, making grabby hands at Alfred for the sandwich in question. Alfred only looked mildly exasperated as he handed it over. 
Bruce’s fingers tightened around Dick’s wrist. “Trust me, I’m good.”
When Dick looked over at Bruce, he realized that Bruce’s eyes were open, and this time, they looked much clearer. The antidote seemed to have finally made its way through his system. 
“Good,” Dick said, playfully jostling Bruce’s shoulder. 
There was no stopping his surprised laugh when Bruce jostled him back. 
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Rank all of the disguises Quackerjack wore from worst to best. All of them. >:)
... Hoo-boy, this is going to be a matter of my personal opinions, and because I'm quite literal, you specifically said "disguises" but I think I'll toss in alternate costume changes commentaries as well. I had to combine stuff since Tumblr has a a 10 image limit still after all these years. 👀
So, anyway, worst to best? This is going to be a long post, lol
Yet another Joker reference saturating the already broken comic version of QuackerJack
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Oh my God, I swear, I know too much about Joker lore than I want to. It's not that I hate the character, but Joker is freaking everywhere now, and this one in particular is just disgusting because this is referencing the variation of Joker that cut his own face off and stapled the rotting meat flesh back on his head.
I mean, it's bad enough to try to shoehorn "The Killing Joke" elements into a Disney spin off franchise, which, while a phenomenal story that is a must read for Batman fans on account of how influential it is in the modern mythos... It's also freaking disturbing content-wise and it's weird that it's being referenced in a franchise that was originally aimed at kids. This also applies to referring to "Death of the Family", which, again, has Joker mutilating his own face just because he can. That knowledge alone is freaky when we realize this is the last image of original continuity QuackerJack, and we can't see his face, and he also has a Duck face mask hung up on the wall. Also, there's a wanted poster of QuackerJack pinned up that replicates a famous wanted poster for Joker. The whole panel and outfit is just Joker fanboy-ing and infecting QuackerJack with this. I can't like this, it's just all sorts of gross and disturbing when I know exactly what materials it's referring to. 😒
Anything QuackerJack is forced to wear against his choice or will
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Not pictured: That time Paddywhack stripped him down to his boxers and socks.
Jumpsuits and business attire is clearly not something QuackerJack would chose to wear on his own. He's not happy in them.
Darkwing Dubloon Universe QuackerJack
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This is a pirate costume? Oh, Jacky, you can do better, dude.
This giant teddy bear with murder in its eyes
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This counts as a costume because he did wear it. Prove me wrong, lol.
Anything QuackerJack wears as either an additional ensemble for adapting his outfit to the situation/gag, or just as a one off joke that wasn't meant to be incognito
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It's clear that Jacky likes to dress up. This guy was probably a theater kid in his youth or something, either that or costume designer for drama class.
Nega-QuackerJack gets a separate entry for both costume changes because he's one of several different versions of QuackerJack that exists
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If he had more screentime, I could put him higher on the list, but Nega-QuackerJack is a cinnamon bun, shaped like a friend, gosh I cannot express how much I adore this version of QuackerJack and it's an absolute crime that his screentime doesn't even exceed 9 minutes. This is what I imagine QuackerJack was probably like personality-wise before he snapped. A good soft boy, and I love that his Darkwing Duck hat sits on top of his cap, as does the face mask. He's got a costume on a costume, and his tinkering outfit includes two magnifying glasses adapted into eyeglasses, I bet he made that rig himself.
The ever trusty Trenchcoat and Fedora
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He's used this multiple times, and it somehow manages to flawless in concealing his identity until he throws it off himself. The only thing I could add to it as a suggestion is that maybe he should tuck the dingle-dangles of the cap into the back, so that it doesn't immediately give away his appearance to us at a first glance. Other than that, nearly flawless.
Dr. Heebie
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The introduction atmosphere alone gets bonus points, look at that lighting for that framing bit, that's amazing. I love the attempt to hide one of his most identifying features, his toothy grin, by wearing a mask. At this point, I think everyone just mentally accepted his cap as a feature on his head because regardless of how visible it is, no one in-universe seems to catch on that he's wearing it in all his costumes.
Dr. Loon
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Words cannot accurately describe how much I love the effort in this. Instead of hiding his main body costume under the new outfit, he's gone and taken it out of the equation entirely, leaving the cap and shoes instead. He's got pants, he's got his cap braided like hair to tame its dingle-dangles behind him, he's got glasses on, he's got a fake beard strapped to his face with obvious straps and it hanging so loosely, he's got another hat on... The glasses, beard and hat all draw attention away from the fool's cap. He's put a lot of effort into this, and this is one of my favorites of his overall costumes he's used.
An Actual Jester
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This disguise is perfect. He didn't have to change anything about his existing fashion, he was 100% prepared for this exact situation. Brilliant. 😁
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FULL REVIEWS: “Once Upon a Swap”
Watching this show all over again reminded me why I liked it so much, but you can’t knock it out of the park every time.
When this episode was gonna come out, I knew everything I needed to know. Body swap. That’s the name of the game and that’s really all there is to it. When it first came out I thought it was...fine. Now it’s been some time. Let’s see how it holds up.
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The cold open starts at Eda’s Human Collectables stand and we get a better introduction to Boscha. Unlike Amity who is misunderstood, Boscha is a full grade queen bitch. She bullies Luz and wants to own King, but even she’s not immune to this cuteness. Even Eda doesn’t like her.
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We get a couple more of Luz’s little sayings that I love:
“Teens can be sour but I’m a little sweetie.”
“Did I spell something wrong? Or did I spell something right?”
Eda tells her to stop it (Nooo!) and an argument quickly leads into the episode’s premise. Body swap!
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I’m not a furry but
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The infamous Disney do-me eyes.
Body swaps as a trope are...fine, I guess. My favorite part is when the voice actors imitate each other’s performances. That doesn’t happen here. I guess because of magic or whatever they use the trope Voices are Mental. Kind of a cop out to me. 
Also, Freaky Fraturday? Disney OWNS Freaky Friday. Just say Freaky Friday. Whatever.
The Owl House fam bets that whoever has the easiest life has to clean Hooty. Simple enough as the episode splits into three parts. 
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The A-plot has Eda getting pampered around town until she’s picked up by some old ladies who run a kitty cafe. It’s creepy but kinda fun. Eda tries to split when they want to put little costumes on her then it goes from kinda creepy to holy hell.
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I take everything I’ve said about this show not being scary back! Good lord.
Another cat called Bowtie (who has the same color scheme as DC’s The Joker. You can’t unsee it) says that the cats get babied so much that they lose their minds. That’s enough nightmare fuel. Switch to comedy!
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King tries to prove that teenagers are a stupid, easily manipulated bunch and he’s right for the most part. We get some really good jokes and that’s about it. We also get a look at Boscha’s group including Skara, Amelia, Cat, and some guy I don’t know. I’m going to call him Tucker.
Fuck Tucker. Tucker sucks.
 Boscha shows up to establish dominance that doesn’t involve a t-pose. Instead it’s a race around dead man’s curve, which is the dumbest most cliché teen thing since “the big dance.” I didn’t know I was sick of “a race around dead man’s curve” until this episode. 
King learns what a straight up bully Boscha is and we cut to the C-plot.
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Luz decides to bring on the magic and do Eda’s job better than Eda did. It works for a bit until the thing that Eda said would happen happens. Luz gets taken in by the guards and Lilith shows up to reveal that Eda used to want to be in the Emperor’s Coven. As in past tense. Kind of a weak reveal but whatever.
Luz escapes and somehow meets up with the others and one cluster mess of a body swap later, The Owl House fam escapes with Luz having to clean Hooty. 
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This episode is...fine. Nothing is bad. It’s just not that memorable. It’s got a good scare and some funny jokes and...that’s about it. I think what really hurt it for me was watching this episode right after Lost in Language. Kinda took the wind outta my sails or something. Not a big fan of Voices are Mental trope because I love it when voice actors try to imitate each other. We didn’t get that here and I feel like I missed out.
Not bad. Just okay. A typical body swap episode.
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endlxssnights · 3 years
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|   |   |   HARLEY QUINN   ⚜   INTRODUCTION   |   |   |
FROM THE RECORDS OF ARMES SALLOW INTERVIEW 4472: Harley Quinn Dr. Harleen Quinzel SOURCE: DC Comics MEMORY STATUS: Fake DATE: December 17th, 2021
Can you tell me your name?
Dr. Harleen Francis Quinzel.
Where are you from?
Gotham, New Jersey. Specifically the Narrows, even more specifically, Cherry Street.
What’s the last thing you remember?
Booking a one way flight out of Gotham City. I don’t even wanna step foot in that town ever again.
We have a history of memory loss here.  Do you feel as though you may be missing some memories?
No. I wish I had forgotten lots of things from back home.
Have you found a job here in Sallow Hills?
Using my PhD. Dr. Quinzel at your service for all your head-shrinking needs.
What was the strangest thing you had seen before arriving here?
Oh, sweetie. I’m from Gotham.  I stuck around even after the freaky-deaky stuff started. Strange is normal and normal is weird.
Do you believe in the supernatural or the mythical?
Kinda? There’s always some basis in science to it, even if it seems fantastical at the start.
What traits would your friends give to you?
Oh- uh- I don’t got a lot of friends.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
I wanna to leave now.
This is Harleen, not Harley.
She remembers nothing of Arkham Asylum or being a rogue.
Harley believes that she was employed at Blackgate, not Arkham. As such she was around Zsasz, Penguin, Hush, & Falcone instead of The Joker, Ivy, Riddler, etc. Eventually, the instability and lack of safety led her to leave,
She remembers who the rogues are, but not how she knows them. Also doesn’t remember the Joker
All my characterization of Harleen comes from the comic book by the same name. Harleen is amazing and I recommend everyone who is even a casual fan of Harley should read it.
Once Harley remembers I’ll do an updated interview!
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