#jokes aside he looked so carefree it was lovely to see
maddneys · 27 days
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#i think someone might be questioning some life choices 9-1-1 | 7.06 There Goes the Groom
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wqnwoos · 9 months
joshua hong breaks your heart three and a half times before you can even reach nineteen, and yet you can’t stop loving him with the pieces that remain.
i. the first time ; when you meet
the story of you and joshua starts at the beginning, which sounds pretty redundant, but it’s the beginning in more may than one. the beginning of friendship — the beginning of freshman year — the beginning of something bigger than two fourteen year olds can imagine.
it starts, as you say, at the onset of freshman year. you’re nervous — extra nervous because these kids went to the same middle school, and you’re the stranger, the outsider, the transfer student who nobody knows yet. it’s obvious in the way they talk to each other; gossipping about unfamiliar names, inside jokes only they understand.
and so homeroom begins with ice breakers, and it turns out that you and someone named joshua hong have the same favourite colour and you both like horror movies, and that’s enough for you to think to yourself, that one. i want to be friends with that one.
for a moment, it seems like that sentiment is mirrored. when lunch is called, and you’re stuck in the corner of the canteen, eating lunch alone, joshua hong appears to your side, holding his tray. he smiles at you first, and when he speaks, he speaks softly; you like him instantly, especially when he gets your name right first try, and talks to you about the horror movies you like.
unfortunately, your conversation lasts about five minutes; it’s interrupted by joshua’s actual friends, waving from another table, yelling for him to come join their arm wrestling competition, and someone wants his chocolate milk, and, and, and — because of course, joshua is popular.
he’s also incredibly polite, for a fourteen year old boy, looking between you and his table, eyes torn, mouth twisting. but you make the decision for him; you stuff the last of your food in your mouth — it tastes like cardboard — and you gesture for him to leave, saying, through a dry mouthful, “i’m done anyway, go ahead!”
he leaves then, sending an apologetic smile you pretend not to see. you won’t be pitied, not even by popular guys with nice smiles. but when you walk out the cafeteria, as alone as you were when you walked into it, your silly, young little heart does break a little.
and then it’s glued back together by clumsy fingers the next day. joshua’s in the cafeteria before you, and this time, he waves you over to his table, patting the seat next to him. he introduces you to his friends, who are nice and sweet and funny, and you do like them, you just like joshua that extra little bit more.
ii. the second time ; when you fall, suddenly, completely, absolutely.
by the time junior year rolls around, you and joshua are joined at the hip.
you do everything together. you’re at his house more than your own; his mom calls you the second child she never had; your mom calls him by his nickname; you know his deepest darkest secret, and he knows yours; he’s your favourite person in the world, and as teenagers are apt to do, you’d never willingly tell him such a thing.
“you’re disgusting,” you tell him, whenever he belches, unashamed, on your couch after a horror movie marathon. “you’re the worst!” when he tickles you within an inch of your life, rolling onto the floor with you in a mad tangle of limbs and giggling. “i hate you,” with a smile on your face, when he teases you about a crush or pinches your nose a little too hard.
“you love me,” is always his response — easy, carefree, and the l-word rolls off his tongue so confidently, sometimes you wonder how he does it. but you do love him. as a friend, of course, and nothing more, despite what other people say. at school, people think you’re together — people pull you aside in the locker room, giggling like they’re in on your secret (“so, you like like him, right?”) and nobody believes you guys when you deny it.
“it’s not like that,” you find yourself saying over and over, until it feels like the words are tattooed on your tongue. “he’s just josh, you know?” and he is. he’s just your joshua. nothing more, nothing less, he’s just your person — your best friend.
you manage to convince yourself as well, with those repetitive words, until one day, you find out you can’t.
it’s a sunday, and so of course, he’s singing sunday morning as the two of you stroll down to the park, hands stuffed in your respective pockets. it’s late september, but the dregs of summer are lingering longer this year, and the two of you are drinking them up before autumn rolls around, and strips the greenery bare.
“your obsession with that song needs to be studied,” you say, and it comes easily because you haven’t realised yet.
“your brain needs to be studied,” is his quick retort, as you guys make it to your usual spot.
it’s nothing special, this spot — to an outsider, at least. it’s a crumbling wall to the side of the park, that overlooks a pond (an ugly, swampy looking pond, but a pond nonetheless).
to you and joshua, the deteriorating wall is your Place, with a capital p, because that’s how important it’s become to the two of you. it’s simply. a little bit ugly, but who cares, when you have your whole life stretching in front of you, a wall to sit on, and a best friend to argue over the red gummies with?
“there are five red gummies,” he pronounces, peering inside the pack. “i call dibs on the third!”
“what?” your voice raises automatically. “absolutely not. you had the third one last time.”
“last time there were six!”
“that’s so not fair!” you poke his rib, scowling. “we’ll split it. for justice.”
joshua sighs, long and reluctant, but nods, setting the packet between you — but moments later, when you’ve spiralled down a tangent of cursing out your physics teacher, he swipes down on the third, stuffing it in his mouth with a triumphant, guiltless grin before you can even say stop.
“you’re evil,” you say, slow and shocked, narrowing your eyes at him. “you’re actually fucking evil!”
“sorry,” he says, without the slightest hint of remorse.
“i hate you.” and again, you’re smiling — and so is he, throwing his head back to laugh (because the thought of you hating him is so ridiculous that he has to laugh), and his darn eyes catch the afternoon sunlight at just the right angle, twin pools of honey brown, and you’re drowning in them; and his laughter sounds like music, and his hair’s blowing back in the breeze, and the lines of his face are lighting up golden; and oh, fuck, you’ve forgotten how to breathe.
“you love me,” he says, normally, casually, his ordinary response, but it feels like he’s plucked the sentence straight out your mind, where it had been nothing more than a half-formed sentiment you’d pushed into the corner.
cheeseballs, you think to yourself, breathless, stomach sinking, eyes wide. i think he’s right.
i think i love him, your fifteen year old self thinks, and then your fifteen year old self’s heart breaks.
it’s more painful than the first time. much more.
iii. the third time ; when he leaves (because you push him out the door)
the third time is not like the others. you can’t pinpoint a specific moment; it happens gradually. less of a shattering — more of a slow crushing, like joshua is pressing down on the centre of your chest, slow, heavy, and completely unaware of how blood is spurting from the cracks of your heart.
because he doesn’t know — of course he doesn’t know. and he can’t know now, now that the two of you, as a unit, have become past tense.
you can barely call himself your friend anymore, and it’s entirely your fault.
not even a month after that fateful day in junior year, joshua had gotten himself a girlfriend. and she wasn’t mean and you couldn’t hate her even if you wanted to, she was the sweetest person alive, and had no problem with you; but still, that step did mean other things, like backing off joshua a little. there was another priority in his life now.
they only lasted three months, but it felt significant. it felt like a sign — he’s not yours, he can never be yours, and so even after emily benson and joshua broke up, you kept your distance. then he joined the football team, with seungcheol and mingyu and those guys, and you joined the photography club with wonwoo and seokmin and those guys, and there was suddenly this divide. a line drawn; you were the artist.
because joshua did try, and he definitely tried more than you. he’d invite you over to his house for movie marathons, and you’d decline. he’d wave at you from across the football pitch, and you’d pretend not to see.
you only see his mom in the supermarket now. she still hugs you, calls you her other child. you don’t know what to say to her.
it is, technically, your own fault. self-preservation instincts; because being around joshua hurt like a bitch after that sunday. there was an ache in your heart you’d somehow not noticed for two years, but now that you’d noticed it once, it was there always, a permanent throbbing pain in your chest.
you think of it as losing your heart; you’d given it to joshua without even realising, and he hasn’t realised either. and so the hot, slippery organ is left in his hands, and you don’t know how to get it back.
senior year comes, and it’s clear to everyone that there is no longer a you and joshua. sometimes you get questions about it; “did you guys fight?��, “what even happened? was it emily?”, “did he cheat on you?”, and you answer them all wearily with a smiling front.
just drifted apart, i guess, you always say, paired with a nonchalant shrug, like it doesn’t kill you a little every time you see him.
you wonder what he says, when they ask him. if they even ask him at all.
iii.v half broken, half mended
joshua shows up at your house.
it’s the night before graduation, and if it were a movie, it would be raining when he knocks on your door — but it’s still warm, there’s still faint sunlight behind him, and he’s panting slightly on your doorstep, eyes wide with something you don’t have the time to read before he’s rushing out words, garbled with speed.
you’ve just woken from a nap, and you don’t understand a word he’s saying; you hear a whole lot of “we” and “friends” and before he can get any further, you raise a hand to stop him.
“what — what are you talking about, shua?” you question genuinely, rubbing your sleepy eyes as though this is some sort of twisted dream.
joshua lets out a breath on your doorstep; he looks harried, panicked, like if he doesn’t say everything he needs to, he’s going to explode. but he holds back, inhaling, exhaling, suddenly short of breath at the sight of you, up close after what feels like forever.
“where did you go?” he says finally, and you can hear fifteen year old shua in there, a crack in his voice, emotion leaking into it.
you know what he means, you know exactly what he means, and you don’t have an answer for him. “i didn’t go anywhere,” you reply, voice small. you don’t look at him, because both of you know it’s a lie.
“you did,” he repeats needlessly. “it felt like you left me.”
you don’t have anything to say, and so you stay silent. there are birds chirping, you realise absently, somewhere behind him.
“was there a reason?” his words are growing quicker now, spilling out of him like they’re overflowing; and maybe they are, maybe he’s kept them locked up just as long as you have. “there must have been a reason — you need to tell me, i deserve to know. don’t i?”
his voice is tinged with a sort of raw desperation that pulls at your heart, because no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise, he’s still your shua, he’s still your person, and you can never hate him.
he deserves to know, and you’re too cowardly to tell him.
joshua waits. (he’s always been the more patient out of you two.) “you won’t tell me,” he realises finally, stepping back just once. “god. fuck. i don’t even know why i came.”
he turns, and you blurt three words that halt him in his tracks. you see the way he freezes on the spot, and so you repeat them again, just so he can be sure.
“i love you,” you say, softly, but he hears you. he hears you and turns around, and his pretty doe eyes are round with confusion.
you don’t realise you’re crying until he wipes away the few that have spilled oit the corners of your eyes; he does it delicately, with hands that tremble a little. they’re unfamiliar in their familiarity, those hands, and the feel of them makes you close your eyes.
both of you are breathing shakily. like you’re on the cusp of something new; something bigger.
“how long?” he asks quietly, hands trailing down to cup your cheeks.
you don’t open your eyes when you speak your next words, pouring from your mouth into the space between you. “since we were fifteen.”
joshua’s quiet for a moment, and when you open your eyes, there’s a ghost of a smile playing on his lips, and the ghost of tears filling his eyes. “haha,” he whispers, leaning closer, “i win.” his lips brush against yours, so light and feathery it could barely be called a kiss.
he pulls back, forehead against yours, and smiles, properly this time. “since fourteen,” he says, and it feels like your heart is mended and broken at the same time.
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an / typed this out in an hour of feverish inspiration. idk. 💪
taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya
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vax-merstappen · 5 months
dancing with the F1 boys
no bc imagining dancing with these guys was literally the cutest thing ever! my personal favorite to write was yuki, like i was melting from the fluff. hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing!
Lando Norris
Lando had been practically begging you to come with him and some friends to his favorite club. You asked a few of your own friends along and told Lando you would meet him there. When you and your girlfriends walked into the club, you instantly noticed your boyfriend standing at the front of the club, headphones on and mixing music for the crowd. You always thought Lando looked super hot when he would dj and you grabbed your friends and pushed your way to the front, where he would be able to see you dancing. Little did you know, nothing turned Lando on quite like watching you enjoy yourself to his music. After his set was over, he pulled you aside to dance with him and do other incredible things in private.
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Oscar Piastri
Oscar wasn’t one for dancing in public, as both you and him knew that he had two left feet. But when you asked if he would come with you to your best friend’s wedding, you knew that there would be no better opportunity to coerce him onto the dance floor. You let him have a few drinks and chat with a few of your mutual friends at the table while you danced with your best friend. When you noticed him watching you as you moved, you ran over to the table and pulled him to his feet, dragging him over to the floor. He couldn’t help but smile as you danced so carefree while holding his hands. Eventually he couldn’t help but move along with you and the beat, your mission of getting Oscar to dance finally completed.
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Max Verstappen
You had spent one of Max’s days off on a romantic trip together. You had spent the entire afternoon exploring the city and laughing with him about inside jokes only the two of you understood. You had finally sat down in a park where you would be able to watch the sunset. As day turned to night, you heard a busker with a violin start to play somewhere nearby. You looked Max in the eyes before asking him if he would dance with you. “Of course, schatje.” You spent the last minutes of sunlight in each other’s arms moving together, not caring who was watching.
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Charles Leclerc
“Ma chérie, would you listen to this and tell me how you like it?” Charles asked. You walked into the room to see him seated at the piano, looking at expectantly. “Of course, amour.” He started to play and you closed your eyes and listened to the notes echo through the space. You loved when he would play for you, especially his original pieces. As the song continued on, you began to dance to the music. Your eyes were still closed, so you couldn’t see Charles watching you or the beaming smile on his face. “How was it?” he asked after he stopped playing. “I think it’s your best one yet,” you responded, and you pulled your boyfriend in for a kiss.
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Carlos Sainz
When you admitted to Carlos that you had not listened to many Spanish songs, he immediately turned on Spotify and began playing his favorites for you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close, beginning to dance along and sing the lyrics. You had to admit that the songs he picked were catchy and you began to dance along with him even though you didn’t know the words or what they meant. You just loved seeing how happy the music made your boyfriend.
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Lewis Hamilton
One of your and Lewis’ mutual friends was a pretty famous singer and she wanted the two of you to be in a music video for her latest song. Of course you both had enthusiastically agreed. You were on set for the day, shooting various scenes where you were walking around the city together. Finally to end the video, your friend had told you to just dance to the music together in your own way. Lewis gave you a warm smile as you began to move your hips to the beat. He grabbed your hand and spun you around, just for you to land laughing in his arms. Your bodies continued to move to the music until the song ended and you kissed as the final note played on the set.
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Daniel Ricciardo
One thing you and Danny always liked to do was karaoke, even though neither of you were particularly good singers. Daniel was so passionate about music that he was always down to sing to his favorite songs, even if it meant showcasing his not so great voice. This particular night, Scotty and Chloe had egged you both on into doing a duet. Standing on the stage, you both belted the lyrics to your favorite song, dancing around the music without a care in the world. You took a bow when you were finished singing and immediately went to cue up another song, not wanting your musical moment with Danny to end.
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Yuki Tsunoda
A week ago, Yuki had told you that he had never played the Just Dance games growing up. You immediately decided that you needed to fix this and planned a date night in where the two of you could play the game together. While you waited for your takeout food to arrive at the house, you took Yuki through your personal favorite dances. At first you beat him easily, as you had some memory of which dance moves would come next. But as the night went on, Yuki began to catch up with you and eventually outscore you at your own game. Your food arrived and you demanded a rematch after the meal, as you weren’t one to simply lose. Yuki laughed and agreed to keep playing and you both ended up laughing and dancing together late into the night.
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Alex Albon
It was a depressing rainy afternoon and you had been curled up feeling sad all day. Alex had been on a call with his race engineer for work, but once he finished he immediately noticed something was wrong. He asked you what was wrong and you replied, “Nothing much, it’s just a gloomy day.” Alex told you he had an idea and to follow him. You did and he led you downstairs and out the front door. You stood where it was dry as Alex ran out into the rain. “Come on, baby, let’s dance in the rain!” he shouted and you couldn’t help but smile and run out to join him. Even though you both got soaked, you had an amazing time splashing through the puddles in the arms of your amazing boyfriend. When you went back inside, you both curled up in warm blankets and dry clothes. Only one movie came in mind to watch, Singin’ in the Rain.
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Logan Sargeant
Logan had got a bad result in qualifying and was feeling down about his chances during the morning of race day. He had been tense all morning, so he was relieved when he was allowed to go take a quick break in his driver’s room. He walked in the door to see you waiting for him. You could tell Logan had been feeling down. An idea came to mind and when he sat down next to you. You turned your phone’s volume up and hit play on Logan’s favorite hype song. You got up and started dancing and singing to the lyrics. Logan started to smile and even got up to dance alongside you. “Thanks, babe,” he whispered to you as he pulled you close. “That’s just what I needed.”
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unreliablesnake · 7 months
Sharing is caring – part 2 (Phillip Graves x reader x John MacTavish)
Summary: Soap doesn't want to cause drama so he doesn't give in to his needs. But then your try to persuade him through your boyfriend.
Note: part 1 / These two have some weird relationship, right? / If you wanna know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
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“Mind if I take this one?” You looked up from your book and glanced over at the empty lounger next to you. Once a smile showed up on your glossy pink lips, you nodded, and Soap couldn’t help but gulp. “Thanks.”
He took a seat next to you, then put his glass on the small table between you and took off his shirt. It was easy to tell you were watching him like a hawk through your sunglasses, and behind the casual facade, he was already losing his mind.
You were right there, offered on a silver plate by your husband, or boyfriend, or whatever the hell he was to you, and he was feeling like a stupid teenager again, terrified of the possible consequences of making a move on you. What if both he and Graves read more into your friendly behavior?
“He told you, didn’t he?” you asked him with the same damn smile. At first he played dumb, pulling down his own sunglasses enough to give you a questioning look. “So he did. That’s okay. It’s better if you know what you got yourself into by coming here.”
Soap pushed the sunglasses back to their place and leaned back on the lounger. “Even if he told me, I wouldn’t want anything from you. You’re taken, and I don’t want drama,” he told you.
Fuck, no, that was a lie. He wanted every piece of you, he wanted to see what you were offering. Hell, he needed to know, otherwise he would surely go crazy around you during those four days he was planning to spend here. But despite Graves himself giving him the green light, he still didn’t feel like it was right.
You let out a long sigh before standing up and sitting on the edge of his chair, your fingers absentmindedly tracing his abs as you began to talk. “There would be no drama. We both spend time with others sometimes and it has never been a problem as long as emotions aren’t involved.”
“How do you make sure no emotions will be involved in the end?” he wondered out loud.
“I love Phillip. I would never leave him for someone else,” you answered, sounding completely sure about it.
But Soap wasn’t convinced. “And if it just happens?”
“Are you afraid I would fall for you?”
“Well, I mean, I know about the effect I have on some women,” he replied with a smug smirk. You let out a carefree laugh upon hearing his words, then picked up your glass to take a sip from your drink. “But jokes aside, you’re really not afraid of this happening?”
“No,” you replied casually.
This made Soap think about the offer. He found you attractive, he wished he could have some fun with you, but he was a guest here, Graves was his friend, so it would have been weird to have sex with you with him in the house. It was a tough case, although he didn’t really see how this could work out.
Eventually he closed his eyes and tried to think of anything but you. It only worked for five minutes, because then he felt you sit down on the edge of his seat and clear your throat. “What is it?” he asked.
“Talk to Phillip. If he tells you the same thing, would you reconsider your answer?”
Soap let out a long sigh. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
This drew a smile on your lips. “Good. Go.” He blinked a few times and asked you if you meant right now. “Yes, now. Please,” you added as you leaned closer until your lips touched his.
You were hesitant or you were just waiting for him to make a move. Either way, Soap could feel his cock twitch in his boxers, and he so desperately wanted to kiss you, but something told him he shouldn’t do it. So he put a hand on your shoulder and gently pushed you away.
“I’m sorry,” he said before getting off the chair and going back into the house.
Inside Graves was sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap, but when he noticed Soap approach him, he closed the lid and put it on the coffee table. “Why do I have a feeling you turned her down?” he asked, earning a grunt from the sergeant who sat down on the other couch. “Man, I’ll have to handle her cranky self now,” he noted with a sigh.
The Scotsman looked over at the Shadow with a questioning look, wondering why he said that. Was he trying to guilt trip him into sleeping with you? This relationship was fucked up if that was the case, and a part of him was already considering leaving for a moment.
“Look, she’s used to getting what or who she wants, if you turn her down, she’s gonna be upset. Why did you do it anyway? I’ve seen men trying to impress her, they can get truly desperate, even when she’s clearly not interested in them,” he explained. “But she likes you, it’s clear as day.”
“You’re dating and it seems to be serious,” Soap began once he checked to see if his host was wearing a wedding ring. “I don’t want to fuck that up.”
“You wouldn’t,” Graves assured him with a laugh. “In fact, I’m seeing someone tonight to give you some time alone.”
“And she’s not worried about that?”
“How many times do you want me to tell you? This is an open relationship. It might not work for others, but it sure works for us.”
Soap gulped, gathering the confidence to ask about the details. “Can I ask you something?” When the other man nodded, he went, “How often do you guys sleep with others?”
Graves thought for a moment, as if it was a complicated matter. He knew there were highs and lows in the relationship that affected the answer, but it was hard to figure out how often it happened since they didn’t really keep track. “It depends. Sometimes about once a month, but other times our relationship is so good we don’t even think about seeing others for months,” he said in the end.
“How long have you been together?”
“For about five or six years, I think.”
The sergeant let out a thoughtful hum. “Haven’t you considered marrying her? She could be your trophy wife,” he suggested with a cheeky grin.
But the other man just rolled his eyes. “She’s more than that. Much more,” he corrected himself before stopping for a moment to look out at you. “But I’m not sure she wants marriage.”
“Have you asked her?”
“No. Why?”
“Maybe you should.”
“Nah, I’ll wait for her to tell me when she’s ready.”
Soap stretched his legs and arms as he leaned back. “And that’s how you’ll end up living as boyfriend and girlfriend for the rest of your lives. That’s the problem with people, they don't talk to each other anymore,” he said, sounding like an old man to the commander.
With a huff, Graves picked up his glass from the table and raised it to see how much he had left from his whiskey. He didn’t want to admit that his friend was right. The idea of marriage had appeared in his thoughts several times over the past years, mostly when he updated his will and his lawyer asked him about you.
But you were enjoying this lifestyle, you weren’t the type to drop hints about marriage left and right. You always said you were happy you could be this open with each other. When you decided to move in with him, it only happened because living apart was becoming inconvenient with all those heated nights you wanted to spend together between his missions.
“I’m bored.” Graves felt your arms sneak around his neck from behind as you spoke, leaning close to his ear. “Your friend is really mean,” you complained quietly so only he would hear.
He turned his head to the side to give you a quick kiss. “Or you just pounced on him two seconds after he arrived and he’s still in shock,” he informed you with a smile. “Give him time, baby.”
With a sigh, you rested your chin on his shoulder. “Don’t leave tonight,” you asked him before placing a soft kiss on his shirt.
“I can’t cancel last minute,” he told you, his voice still calm and steady despite the need to pull you over the couch and spank you for being a brat.
From your groan he could tell you were rolling your eyes at him. “I canceled two months ago because you asked me to,” you pointed out.
“Fair enough,” was all he said in the end.
“Maybe we could try something new tonight,” you began as your lips traveled up to that sensitive spot behind his ear. “Why don’t you ask him if he would like to join us? Maybe he would say yes sooner if he knew you were one hundred percent on board with this.”
“And if I’m not on board?”
You let out a low chuckle. “Next time it’s your turn to bring someone to play with us. Please?” you asked sweetly, your hand moving from his chest towards his jeans.
But Graves was quick to catch your hand and pulled it up to his lips. How could he say no to you when you were all sweet and seductive? You always got what you wanted, he knew it was probably partially his fault, so why would it be any different now?
He glanced over at Soap who was looking anywhere but in their direction. “Hey, John, she has an idea. Why don’t you join us? In bed, not at dinner. Well, there too, obviously,” he said with a smile.
Soap gulped loudly at the thought, his brain short circuiting from this information. His gaze moved from Graves to you, and he saw that pleading look on your face that he knew he wouldn’t be able to ignore. So that’s how you wanted to play? Fine. Let’s see who chickens out first.
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sturniolowhore · 5 months
blushing at my screen over your series of chris and venus.. how many more parts are there gonna be 🤭🤭
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summary ⎯  venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister.
part one! ♯ part two! ♯ part three! part five! ♯
part six!
warnings ⎯  suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?)
A/N ⎯  finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
A/N FOR CHAPTER ⎯ thank you so much first of all and i think they'll be two more part after this 😊 i'm sorry this is so short but lil moment at the end 😇
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
chris 🤍
leo told me he's out for the day
saturn 🪐
yeah he is?
chris 🤍
sounds like the perfect time for me to come over again :)
saturn 🪐
that could happen
chris 🤍
saturn come on i know you want me just as much as i want you
saturn 🪐
it sounds like a really good idea
chris 🤍
that's what i thought
saturn 🪐
lilo misses you
chris 🤍
lilo misses me or you miss me?
saturn 🪐
maybe a bit of both?
chris 🤍
i'll be over in fifteen😇
saturn 🪐
already undressing
chris 🤍
saturn 🪐
relax i'm joking ... or am i
chris 🤍
you have to follow through with that now or it's just disrespectful
saturn 🪐
the doors unlocked
chris 🤍
good fucking girl
saturn 🪐
mhm 😊
things between chris and venus have been good, very good actually. it's been a little while since their confessions in the kitchen and they've managed to sneak around perfectly undetected and see one another as they desire. of course it's a little hard when they can't just reach out and touch one another for the sake of it when others are around but they know their reasoning so they tolerate it. plus, it makes the moments they actually spend together that much more special, that much more craved.
chris drives with a smile on his face, his hands clutching the wheel and images of venus flashing in his head. she's always been a resident in his mind but ever since he found out his feelings for her were reciprocated, it's as though she lives in his head permanently. he's not complaining though; he'd think about her forever if he could and he's not even exaggerating.
maybe it's the small mounts of traffic in contrast to usual or maybe it's just the fact that he really wants to see her, whatever it is, he swears he makes it to her house in no time. he parks the car in the driveway, carefree because leo isn't home, and then approaches the door. his smile grows when he twists the handle and, true to venus' words, the door is unlocked and welcoming him flawlessly with open arms.
he makes a beeline straight for her room and the sight before him when he steps inside quite literally makes his jaw drop. he's in complete and utter awe. he's fucking speechless. venus is sitting on her bed in a navy blue set that makes her brown skin stand out like never before and hugs her curves perfectly. she's looking at her phone and biting at her lip and chris wants to replace her teeth with his immediately.
she doesn't even notice him at first, too busy looking at her phone, until he speaks up, "holy fucking shit saturn."
her eyes shoot up as soon as the words leave his mouth and she gives him a sheepish grin, shutting her phone and tossing it aside, "you like it?"
"like it? i fucking love it; god you're so sexy," he mumbles, already getting turned on at the mere sight of her.
he wastes no time in joining her on her bed, his hand quick to wrap itself around her throat whilst his lips fight with hers. a groan falls from his lips as she slides her tongue into his mouth and he lets her do all the work for a brief moment before his tongue takes over, swirling inside her mouth and then swiping over her teeth. his teeth sink into her bottom lip and she whines at the contact, her hands gripping his t-shirt desperately.
"i missed you," he hums into her lips and she smiles so beautifully, he wants to repeat his words for an eternity.
"i missed you too," she responds and then throws her head back when his mouth attaches to her neck eagerly, sucking and grazing the skin not so gently.
"chris⎯  don't leave marks," she manages to breathe out and he knows they both deep down really want him to but they ultimately can't because how is she going to explain that to her brother?
he licks a stripe at her collarbone, "one day i'm gonna mark you up all over and you're going to say nothing about it."
"i can mark you up right now darling and no one would know except me," she tells him and he moves away from her throat, looking up into her eyes with the most lustful expression clouding his features.
"go on then, i'm not stopping you," his voice is low and she has no fucking choice but to oblige and so she instantly begins sucking at his skin, her hands holding his hair firmly and tugging at it making the prettiest whines slip out of him.
"need to be inside of you," he whispers and she connects their lips as he begins to remove his pants and boxers, the sight making her salivate instantly.
"take this off," she fiddles with his t-shirt but all he does is smirk in response.
"you do it ma," is all he needs to say for her to listen quickly, tugging the material over his head before reaching out her fingers and sliding paterns across his torso easily.
he takes the waistband of her thong in between his fingers, "as much as i love this, i'm gonna need it off so i can ruin you as much as i want."
it's off within seconds and he almost moans at how easily she complies, how evident her want is from her actions and the way she can't keep her hands off him for even a brief second.
his fingers move to her entrance and she moans but before he can dip them inside, she shakes her head, "please i just want you."
"don't want me to stretch you out a little?" he asks hesitantly but all she does is shake her head again in response.
he cannot complain in the slightest. he lines himself up at her entrance and stays there teasingly. she huffs out a frustrated breath before she decides to move herself and sinks down onto him. he moans at the sudden contact and his hands move to either side of her waist to steady her body.
"oh fuck, someone's a little desperate," he teases and she whines when he begins thrusting into her at a a slow rate.
"please chris," her words are said breathlessly as she moves against him.
he thrusts again but softly, "what is it ma? 'm gonna need you to use your words."
"please go faster," she whispers and he grins, increasing his pace and watching as her body jolts in delight and she throws her head back in pure ecstacy.
moans and whimpers fall out of her easily as he works his way inside of her, moaning himself at the tightness and the way the two of them slot together so perfectly. her hands stay in his hair as she bites at his earlobe, swirling her tongue across the skin and moaning directly into his ears.
his hands on the other end are quick to find her bra and he uses his fingers to remove it and throw it some place in the room. he attaches his mouth to her boobs and she sounds so beautiful with her noises, he can't help but make his pace merciless. he feels her walls clench around him and he knows she's close, just like he is. he slaps at her ass and she falls into his chest, breathing heavily and grinding onto him to her help her get closer to her release.
"you feel so fucking good around me," he whispers into her ears as he shifts, hitting that spot and causing her to release a string of curses at the feeling.
"chris 'm so close," she tells him and her needy voice alone could make him cum on the spot.
"c'mon ma, cum with me," and that she does, clinging onto him and panting as they cum together and meet in the middle.
her eyes flutter shut and she falls into his chest with him still inside of her. he strokes his hand through her hair and she hums contently at the gentle comfort.
"you okay?" he asks softly and she nods eagerly, lifting her head to kiss him gently and smiling against his lips.
he can't help but smile in return. he's just so happy he gets to have her after years of wanting to have her. to be frank, it's a surreal experience mangled with the best emotions he's ever felt in his life. he just enjoys existing with her and times like these make him consider how thankful he is that they actually were able to communicate and display what they wanted.
when they're all cleaned up and clothed, laying beside one another in bed with a movie playing from the television, he watches her discretely. her eyes are glued to the screen and there's a slight crinkle in between her eyebrows due to her concentration. there's something so effortless about the way she carries herself and he finds himself mesmerised whenever he so much as looks at her or even thinks of her.
"what are you looking at?" her voice interrupts him and he smiles sheepishly at being caught flat out staring.
still, when he answers though, he isn't embarrassed in the slightest, "you're so cute."
"shut up," she shakes her head at him but the words are contradicted when he sees the way her eyes light up and he notices how the distance between them decreases even more, if possible that is.
their embrace is thoroughly tight and he feels safe in it and he knows she does too. he doesn't want to escape it. he could die intertwined with her and die a happy man.
lilo walks into the room and settles in the small space between them, half of her on either of them as they continue to watch the screen. chris honestly admires venus the entire time and the question lingering on his mind gets closer and closer to being said aloud whenever she smiles.
"venus..." he says into the air and she turns to look at him with the most adoring look in her eyes, he swears he's never felt more seen.
"i like it when you call me venus," she swipes her fingers across his hand and how can chris possibly turn back on the thoughts in his mind when she says something like that so casually?
"wanna hear it more?" he ponders and she raises her brows in amusement, leaving him to continue with whatever he's saying.
"look i know it sucks that we have to keep this a secret but i really like you venus," he pauses and the pureness in her eyes makes him want to never stop talking, "i'd really like to be your boyfriend."
he thinks his breathing short circuits in the silence of the room until she beams at him, pulling him into one of her infamous kisses that makes him feel like he's above every other thing in the universe. he feels like he's on fire whenever they're together and instead of trying to put the fire out, he's jumping into it feet first because he knows venus is burning with him and that makes it all worth it. he's lighting up in flames and his insides are hot but he's glowing with affection and that's exactly what he desires so he doesn't quite mind.
"i'd really like to be your girlfriend too," her voice is so fucking sweet, he feels like he's watching the pour of honey before his very eyes.
"and with lee, we'll tell him soon okay?" he just knows exactly what to say because he's aware venus is worrying about his reaction.
the longer they leave it a secret, the madder he'll inevitably be. it's not as though leo doesn't want venus and chris to be happy, he just doesn't want to ever get between them. chris is his best friend and has been for as long as he can remember and venus is his sister, the person he'd die for without hesitation. the idea of something happening between them to the point it strains his own relationships with them scares him. that's why he tells his friends venus is off limits, because he can't handle having to watch the people he loves the most not love one another or end up hurting one another.
"it's going to be okay," he reiterates and she believes him without another word because it's him.
but then it's like her world flips upside down and the universe is mocking her when she hears footsteps outside of her room. her heart fucking plummets and the sound of a fist tapping at her door is enough to drive her to insanity.
"vee, can i come in? did chris leave his car here or something?" leo asks from the other side of the door.
shit. shit. holy fucking shit.
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captmickey · 17 days
Out of curiosity, what game has your favorite writing for Guybrush? Personally I'd say probably Tales, I especially love how his and Elaine's relationship is handled there.
Oh my dear sweet Anon, I was in the midst of writing about just that for a different comment.... this one, to be exact:
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So ah.... might as well merge that with your ask.
In a super duper condense nutshell, Tales is my absolutely favorite version of Guybrush (if we take Dadbrush and SoT out of the equation.... which that's a thought I've had in the past) because of what they decided to push for. Aside from no longer being a walking punch line and as you so rightfully pointed out in regards to his relationship with Elaine, Guybrush throughout the story learned the importance of opening up to people and knowing it's okay to ask for help. He also learned first hand that his actions had genuine consequences to them. And he grew to be selfless instead of selfish.
But in a longer format? This is now my "Welcome to Mickey's incoherent TED Talk why Tales of Monkey Island is amazing and I will not take any slander on my boy's character".
(Also I might forget a point or five so keep that in mind... I have a lot to say about this game haha)
So lets get to it: Tales!Guybrush is, in my humble opinion, the iteration with the most depth (if we don't take SoT!Guybrush into account).
Up until Tales, there wasn't much exploration about his character. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go about and say he had NO character (in fact I'd say the opposite). He has it, though we only see it either if we interact on things and he does/responds to the thing that's not 'nah' or 'no' or digging through the dialog tree.
For example, in MI2, after digging through multiple dialog trees, it lets us know that Guybrush still loves Elaine even after they broke up and that he felt pressured by the pirate community to do something grandeur and even adopt that meaner personality he sports in the game. In MI3, if you screw up the elevator puzzle two-three times on Skull Island, Guybrush shows he is still very petty and even mean by shoving LeFoot off of said cliff.
But in Tales, it's where we get SO much depth with him with both his interaction, dialog tree, and even his reaction to the adventure as the story continues. It's, to date, the only canonical MI game where Guybrush not only expresses more emotions aside from his usual light-hearted, somewhat carefree, and even snarky personality. It's also the one to force him to look at how his actions badly hurt not just those around close to him, but even himself.
With exception from SoT, Tales is also the first time we see Guybrush react in hurt, guilt and even genuine anger and not petty irritation.
Now mind you, I love Return dearly (Boybrush my beloved~). It's funny, the puzzles are challenging enough, my vindication is through the roof with that game (GUYBRUSH AND ELAINE ARE END GAME WITH CHILD, SUCK IT THOSE WHO SAID IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN!!) and it's the perfect send off to the franchise if there's to never be another Monkey Island with Guybrush getting his rightful and hard earned happily ever after (and I'd love for there to be more 'Guybrush narrating to his son' kind of games but that's a topic for another day).
But after thinking about it properly, as great as a send off as Return was, it didn't hit in the same way that Tales did - narratively and character speaking. Like I said, I love the jokes, I genuinely get a good laugh especially so from LeChuck of all characters, but Tales did something that I have grown to respect and admire it for. It gave us back the badass and loving Elaine, it gave us back a genuine threat that is LeChuck who even reached out to (demon) Godhood. But more importantly, Tales stood out because it had Guybrush grow up.
What was said about Guybrush is previous interviews, and it bleeds into my incoherent ramblings, is that he's more of an idealist than an optimist and can often times be considered one of the more dangerous people to be stuck in a room with (because he is smart and he can be very mean). And throughout the series until Tales, you can't entirely fault him for being like that.
He's so experienced in the pirate-y game that he reminds the players at any given opportunity that he knows what he's doing. He knows enough to not rely on others and is willing to push people away just to get to his goal. And because he's so experienced and knows what to do, he tries to keep doing things alone even though the game - repeatedly - says otherwise:
So within the context to Tales, Guybrush by then is no longer this naive, wide-eyed wanna-be pirate.
-He's established (if Morgan is anything to go by).
-He has his wits to him (if LeChuck's remark is anything to go by).
-He's seasoned in his usual adventuring antics ("I feel a pirate-y quest coming on" he says, not eagerly... almost like it's a Tuesday for him).
In Chapter 1, after he steals the Screaming Narwhal from Van Winslow, he tells tries to tell him how he doesn't need a crew (plot twist: Winslow ends up being the best crewmate he ever had in the series)
In Chapter 2, when LeChuck insists on solving the puzzle himself, Guybrush is annoyed (aside from it being, y'know, LeChuck) because he was so certain he could do the puzzle alone (plot twist: he couldn't)
In Chapter 3, how he told Morgan to basically sit down and let him do all the work via talking to a mutinous crew and an out-of-touch captain (plot twist: he needed to brute force the crew in the end).
At every single point when he tries to do things alone (and friendly reminder: he's trying to fix a situation he inadvertently caused via Pox), there was always someone that made the process easier... primarily Winslow and Morgan.
(I should note, this isn't me slandering Elaine.... I genuinely believe her when she says she was trying to break whatever connection Guybrush, LeChuck and the Voodoo Lady seem to have but that... that's another rant for another day).
Anyways! Speaking of my all time favorite first mate.... lets talk about how he was the one that actually got Guybrush to begin his growth. In chapter one, Guybrush had zero issues using a bomb to knock Winslow off the ship, he had zero issues of straight up stealing the literal only means of escaping the island and yet Winslow, though competitive and having his own fair share of snark, treated Guybrush as an equal... even though he was in every sense of the word a threat to stealing the ship. He welcomes Guybrush to the challenge, tells him how he could (and should) do better when his initial plans fail. Even when Winslow looses, he smiles and commends Guybrush, calling him by new title of Captain... there's nothing malicious in his words or tone - he's genuinely happy for Guybrush which throws him off since he's not used to it.
He's not used to people being a good sport or even nice to him (ESPECIALLY the nice thing). So when Winslow asks to join, Guybrush is (rightfully so) super hesitant on letting Winslow in on his crew of one. He's been hurt, he's been mutinied, even in the prologue he was betrayed by the crew we the players only see if we click on the hatch of his ship... but Winslow pushes through and makes himself a crewmate for Guybrush. And not just any ol' crewmate. Winslow decides and goes to be the BEST one by freaking MILES by being the only one to not even indulge in mutiny and genuinely respect Guybrush (I don't think he's ever called Guybrush by his first name now that I think about it), even going so far as to save him during chapter 5 and telling LeChuck, a DEMON GOD, to stay away from Guybrush.
I've made a mention that Guybrush is known to be mean, especially so to people who wronged him. But he's not an overall mean-spirited kind of a person (....excluding MI2 where he's just mean). He'll show concern every now and again with a snark dashed in, but with Winslow, we get to see Guybrush gradually view Winslow less as a crewmate and more as a genuine friend. And that's not to say Guybrush hasn't seen a crewmate as friends (looking at you, Barber Quartet and Carla), but his banter to Winslow is more akin to a friend than a crewmate.... especially so by Chapter 5 when saved.
And I can't talk about Guybrush opening up without mentioning Morgan LeFlay. The key person to Guybrush's growth. The one who put a mirror in front of him and had him really and truly comprehend that his actions have consequences. She's the first one that both us and Guybrush learn is an actual fan (yes I am refuting Planet Threepwood as that just monetized his image for tourists (and they utilize his image wrongfully at that)) and even outright says how she was inspired by him to not only learn how he fights, but how to hold her breath like him.
She really highlights all the cool parts about him, even if she got it wrong in some aspects (such as thinking he fights his way to victory instead of talking and using his wits.... which Guybrush outright says he's known for far more) and Guybrush, because he has that bit of an ego to him, just took it, he didn't really think much of it. He even makes a few jabs at her for being his fan. But all in all, he likes her.
Until the betrayal.
And that betrayal really is the light to the whole thing about Guybrush growing up and facing different aspects of his emotions and personality.
Up until the betrayal, through the entirety of Chapter 3, even when Morgan is irritated that he's not looking at her as an equal and he refutes her help for the good first half of the chapter (pretending to be his wife aside), the two eventually find common grounds and Guybrush, thanks to Winslow and learning to open up a bit more, starts to view her as a friend. Guybrush and Morgan even grow a bit of a banter between the two!
But she betrays him so thoroughly that it causes Guybrush to put back up those walls of his and push everyone away.
He is hurt and he is angry.
Two emotions he had not shown throughout Monkey Island. Irritation? Sure. Aggravation? Absolutely! But hurt and genuinely angry?
Not. Once.
And it wasn't LeChuck that pushed him to show it... it was a supposed friend! And that's so incredibly wild to me! You'd think Guybrush would show some form of anger towards LeChuck for constantly being his nemesis, constantly trying to kill him and steal Elaine, but no... no it was a fan who betrayed his trust (that he RARELY gives, I should stress) that got him absolutely angry.
And it's because of that betrayal arc that actually made me adore Tales!Guybrush. Because it really only gets worse for Guybrush and he's really pushed to a limit.
Throughout Chapter 4, he is constantly refuting help from anyone, it's really the Guybrush we're used to of being essentially a loner and doing things by himself (not that he could push Winslow away anyways.... he was stuck on the Narwhal). He even makes a very snide and very mean remarks that boils down to how her betrayal is essentially what messed up his plan to save Elaine AND the Caribbean, and he even angrily tells her how HE (not him and Winslow, not him and the Voodoo Lady - JUST Guybrush) needs to save his wife and cure the Caribbean. Not WE.
(and something I thought of as I type this and I have no idea how to shoehorn this into the rambling but worth noting - at the start of the quest, he always focused on just curing himself and Elaine. The Caribbean was a bonus but it was really an adventure driven to save his wife.... and then Winslow gets Pox'd and he changes that tone from 'saving Elaine' to 'Elaine AND the Caribbean')
It goes from bad to worse during the courtroom when Guybrush gets a one-two combo of hurt: Elaine is so far gone Pox'd that he and the sponge can't reach her, LeChuck (his arch-nemesis that he was, until this point, the ONLY ONE to openly say he did not trust while everyone else did) comes in to be the only one on the island to defend him, the reveal that the Voodoo Lady had been behind essentially everything in Guybrush's life and kept throwing him in harms way (though that is also a rambling for another day)... all forms of trust, new and old, is shattering for him.
As I've said, this chapter is where we see Guybrush - not Poxed - genuinely hurt and angry, and aside from Morgan, he shows it on the Voodoo Lady by losing his cool with her, angrily saying that he no longer trusts her.
Yet he still, somehow, reels back that anger. Somehow. Not entirely.
Because it reaches to a head when he goes to DeSinge and finds a dying Morgan, who is apologizing to him because she was trying to make right to him after hurting him. A gesture Guybrush had never been given before: he never had anyone try to do right by him... and it cost them.
Someone is dying because he made them feel bad. They're not seeking revenge, they're not trying to hurt him... they're trying to say sorry.
And failed.
And there.... THERE we see for the first time Guybrush genuinely and unapologetically Angry. Granted, his anger, initially, was thinking DeSinge killed her, but he's not entirely wrong to blame DeSinge. If DeSinge had never gone after Guybrush, if DeSinge had just let him be to cure the Caribbean, if DeSinge had not been so villainous, Morgan would still very much be alive.
Guybrush could have, under different circumstances, met Morgan and maybe their friendship wouldn't have been so tarnished because of gold or silver.
And while Guybrush is angry and blaming DeSinge... he decides on something that he hasn't done in the franchise: getting revenge.
And not just comedic revenge as he's shown in the past, he's genuinely after DeSinge for killing Morgan and wants to strike him down in return.
And I. Adore. Tales. For. That!
He shows his anger again when LeChuck mocks Guybrush while he's a ghost, but it's not NEARLY as furious as when he looks out the window and bitterly says DeSinge's name. Not even when he declares how he's going to take down LeChuck is he that enraged.
His foundation of trust and genuine friends is shaken and shattered and bruised, but this is the only game where Guybrush takes action. He never really outright bemoans or says out loud "it's my fault", but he lets his actions do the talking.
And before it's pointed out "But it's still for his own gain", I'm gonna have to put one huge giant asterisk to that:
He needed the locket, but he cheers up Anemone by reuniting them with Winslow (and silly remarks aside, he genuinely is happy for their relationship).
He couldn't touch physical items, but he speaks rather warmly towards Winslow and asking if Winslow would still willingly help him as well as seek out advice.
He cheers Morgan up and offers her way back to the realm of the living... and that one had no ulterior motive. It was the least he could do after mis-hearing her dying words and it was his own way of apologizing to her.
I've also said in the beginning of this ramble that this is the only game to let Guybrush feel hurt. And again, not in that comedic kind of way.
In previous games, when he's discouraged or feeling some form of despair, it's always followed up with some kind of joke or laugh. Something at Guybrush's expense. And it would make sense considering whenever he felt that despair horizon of sorts, he was always (shocker) alone.
As mentioned before, he is incredibly used to doing things alone and without help. Tales changed that.
When Elaine "agrees" to being a Demon Bride (which, side tangent, she clearly began plotting on how to use it against LeChuck with her very loud and very apparent 'Hmmmmm' alley-ooped with "Yeeeeesss.....!" Like something clicked for her as an improved plan), Guybrush (RIGHTFULLY) feels discouraged: again, he's been betrayed by one too many people, the world is ending, LeChuck is a GOD, he's dead, and Elaine (as far as he knew) agreed to being a Demon Bride. After having four (well, three) whole chapters of opening up and relying on people to going back to being alone... no one can fault him for giving up.
And it's not the "Ah well, sucks to suck" like he does in Escape, he genuinely sits on the floor of Crossroads and sounds like he's just about ready to cry (Mickey where-- "C'mon Morgan, I just lost my *wife*" he says with the last part having his voice wavering, come freaking at me).
It takes Morgan... MORGAN, the one who brought out ANGER out of him, to not even cheer him up, but to tell him to give it one more go to try and save Elaine and the world. She even says how she admires his dedication since it never ever wavered... both in his memoirs and as she witnessed first hand, so he has to get back up.
But!! The biggest kicker was that he was not quickly bouncing back going "Yeah, you're right lets go save the world" and proceeds to make a fourth wall joke-- he looks away! He has a brief moment on his expression of feeling hurt and betrayed at his supposed dedication (again, he genuinely believed Elaine's lie and I'll get back at that in just a minute). He tries to think of a plan but he's so incredibly hurt that he quickly finds flaws within his own plans and I just....! He's the guy that always think of something. Whether it's a coherent plan or a Guybrush plan, he always has some kind of a plan.... maybe not Elaine-level, but he's not dimwitted to not be able to think of SOMETHING.
He is, frankly, too hurt to think of a solid enough plan and to think back on the adventure. It takes Morgan to suggest he finds some shield to block the attack (his body against voodoo root beer) for him to finally click a plan and perk just a little bit back up.
That hurt continues strong when he faces off against Elaine after reclaiming his body and pleads desperately that it's him, to please stop. There is no quips during that moment, he's just desperate for the one person he unapologetically and whole heartedly loves that just describing her has him swooning in love, flaws and all.
But my favorite favorite FAVORITE thing, since this is Guybrush finally expressing his anger and hurt, is how he shows it towards Elaine. When the control over her disappears and she's conscious again, if going through the dialog tree, Guybrush makes her promise him one thing and one thing only - To not give up and become LeChuck's bride again.
Not find a way to save Guybrush, not for revenge.... but to not give up.
It's the first time we see him be selfless. He's not asking her to use that mind of her's to find a way to save him, all that's on his mind is keeping Elaine safe and destroying LeChuck.
So he makes Elaine swear to not give up and is genuinely stern and demanding with her when she asks him to not talk like he's going to die again (which... is a hard promise since he's a ghost controlling a literal corpse at this point) but he stops her, and very very VERY sternly and nearly shouting at her to promise him just that. He would never raise his voice to her in ALL of Monkey Island!! He would sass every now and again, sure, but he would never ask her of nearly anything.
And that's how you see the lesson of asking for help had finally set in! He makes her promise him, he tells her to light the cannon, to attack LeChuck while the Undead Pirate was between realms, Guybrush had finally FINALLY started to ask for help and it's not for himself!
And the final act Guybrush does in tales is, hands down, the most selfless thing he had ever done in the entirety of ALL of Monkey Island: He sacrificed himself.
This is the same man who would saw off a peg leg, nail shut a person into a coffin, steal a monocle, destroy a ship with a boulder, steal artifacts for his own gains, mock, jab, and embarrass anyone that would cross him.... and he sacrificed his only means back to the realm of the living for Elaine and everyone else.
Tales, in that moment, became hands down my all time favorite iteration of Guybrush. He had shown an immense level of growth, he showed he was open to having friends, asking for help, understanding when things are bigger than him, letting himself feel such strong emotions like anger and hurt... Tales!Guybrush has easily the grandest and greatest character growth and one of the main reasons why I refute anytime someone say he's just a bumbling moron who is needlessly mean.
I'm sure I'm missing something or a detail or another reason why Tales is my favorite iteration (note: iteration, not game.... that one is in perpetual cycle with Curse), but for now I'll end it on this note:
He can be mean, he is definitely a goof with his own quips, and at times even selfish... but Guybrush Threepwood at his core is cunning, hilarious, and he is unapologetically loving to those that matter in his life. He just picks who gets to see that side of him.
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elisysd · 1 year
Easy – Camila Cabello
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy
Hyde Park at this time of the year was beautiful. It was not summer anymore but fall was not there yet. It was a perfect in between. Strolling along the path, Charles and Lyanna were peacefully enjoying the end of the afternoon, hand in hand. The park wasn't too crowded, the usual tourists having deserted London a few weeks ago. Lyanna had spent the afternoon taking Charles to her favourite places in the English capital. A far cry from the tourist spots, for which Charles was grateful. He wanted to discover Lyanna's London, not the postcard version. He already knew that side of the city. And that had made the young woman happy. He had listened for hours to her tell him story after story. He couldn't help wondering if he too was like that when he talked about Monaco. Seeing her so passionate left a bitter taste in his mouth, a feeling of guilt he couldn't ignore. He couldn't see himself asking her to leave this city that had made her so happy for him. He knew it was something they would have to discuss sooner or later. How to deal with the distance. What to do about it. He knew that one of them would have to make a compromise if they wanted their relationship to last.
They ended up stopping in front of an ice cream shop. Lyanna turned to Charles with a big smile on her face. He found her adorable. She looked like a child on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa Claus. It was rare to see her like that, so carefree. They both ended up ordering two vanilla ice creams. If some people found that boring, they were far from it. As Lyanna had explained to Charles, the simplest things were always the best. And Charles could not disagree with her.
“Oh my god, Lyanna Michel?”
The actress turned around and came face to face with two teenage girls who couldn't have been more than fifteen years old. One of them took out her phone while her friend walked towards Lyanna, looking shy.
“Hello girls.” She greeted them.
“Oh my god, it’s really you!” exclaimed one of them.
“We’re huge fans of yours! Would it be possible to have a picture? It would mean a lot.”
“Yeah, sure. No problem. What are your names girls?”
“I’m Lucy and this is Jasmine.”
One of them turned to Charles to ask if he could take the photo, which Charles gladly accepted. It wasn't every day that he was asked to stand behind the lens and not in front of it. Lyanna took the two girls by the shoulders and smiled broadly. They took a few shots before taking their phones back.
“Thank you so much! You’re like… my idol, I love you so much. It’s because of you that I want to be an actress. I aspire to be like you one day.” Confessed Lucy.
“Well Lucy, do you want some advice?” asked Lyanna.
Lucy nodded, eager to hear what Lyanna was about to say.
“Don’t try to be someone else. Be you. Always. If you want to follow this career path, that’s what you have to remember. Always be natural, it’s a field where everyone want to be someone else, what will make the difference is your authenticity. That and working hard.”
“Thank you for you time and I promise that I will remember that. Have a nice day!”
“You too girls.”
When they had gone their separate ways, Charles returned to Lyanna, handing her the ice cream she had set aside.
“You were great with them.” He said to her.
“Well, I try to. It does not happen often though, don’t worry.”
“My girlfriend is famous, that is something that I will have to remember.”
“Girlfriend, hum? I thought we agreed to not put any labels on ou relationship, yet.”
“Sorry, slip of the tongue.”
“I’m joking, Charles. I like it.” She confessed while slipping her arm beneath Charles’s.
“Thank God because I wasn’t really sorry and it was not really a slip of the tongue. I’m serious about us Lyanna. I don’t see myself with someone other than you. I don’t want to scare you away but…”
“You don’t. I’m not scared, strangely. I thought I would be but I feel fine about it. About us.”
“I’m glad. So does it mean that you will let me take you out on a proper date tonight? I was thinking about Italian food?”
“I would really like that to be honest and it’s perfect because my favorite Italian restaurant is not far away from the apartment.”
Once inside, Charles felt panic sweep over him. This wasn't the first time he and Lyanna had been alone together, but this time it was as a couple and not as friends. He was putting pressure on himself that he knew was unnecessary. As for Lyanna, she had locked herself in the guest room to get ready, leaving her room to Charles. If Charles was stressed, she was not; she felt serene. Charles already knew a lot about her and her past and he was still there, he hadn't run away. Her greatest fear had not been confirmed. She put on a bright red midi dress with puffed sleeves and applied the same colour to her lips before knocking on her bedroom door to see if Charles was all right.
When he opened the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. He knew Lyanna was beautiful, he wasn't blind, but seeing her in red disturbed him more than he cared to admit. His gaze riveted on her lips. Everything about her appearance invited him to give in to her. He cleared his throat to try to compose himself.
“Charles, are you okay?”
“Perfect. You sure you want to go out?”
“Did you change your mind?” she was suddenly worried he didn’t want to be seen with her.
“No. No absolutely not. It’s just… Fuck you’re gorgeous, Lya. I would rather have you all to myself right now than being out in public and not being able to touch you as I would love to right now.”
The young woman became as red as her dress as she slowly began to register what Charles implied. To avoid further embarrassment, she turned away from him to pick up her handbag. A small smile of pride stretched across the pilot's face as he discovered how much he enjoyed making her feel uneasy. Seeing her blush because of him gave him sensations he didn't find unpleasant.
The restaurant had a plant-based decor. Ivy surrounded the pillars supporting the ceiling and the place had a subdued, intimate atmosphere that the couple loved. The waiter took them to the back of the restaurant, to a table isolated from the rest of the room where they could be really at ease. As they sat quietly at their table, the waiter came back to them and, holding out the menu with a trembling hand, confessed to Charles that he was a fervent Ferrari fan and if the driver didn't mind taking a photo, he'd be happy to do so. With a broad smile Charles thanked him for his support and let him get his phone out to take a selfie. Wishing him a good end to the season, he went back to work, leaving them alone at last.
“Sorry about that.” He excused himself.
“I say it’s a tie, ball back into play. To use a sporting metaphor. And since you’re so good with balls…” she teased him referencing to his football skills.
“Are you mocking me, miss Michel?”
“Me? Mocking you? Never, I wouldn’t dare.” She looked at him with a malicious gleam in her eyes.
“You will laugh less when I’ll punish you.”
“And what are you going to do to me, hum?”
“Keep going and you’ll discover it soon enough, love.”
They kept teasing each other and laughing together for a while before moving to more serious topics and conversations.
“How do you feel about meeting my family, officially?” asked Charles
In a few days' time he and Lyanna would be flying back to Monaco to celebrate Charles' 26th birthday with his close family and friends. A big party was organised. A room in a luxury hotel in Monte Carlo had been rented and made private so that they could all get together. Pierre was invited too, and it wasn't stupid to think that Kika would be joining him. Lyanna was delighted at the prospect, looking forward to meeting up with the young Portuguese girl whom she considered to be the little sister she had never had.
“A bit stressed, I admit. I’ve never really met in laws before so it’s all pretty new to me.”
“Don’t worry, my mom is looking forward to meeting you. And you already know my brothers and some of my closest friends. You’ll be fine.”
“What if your mom doesn’t like me?”
“She will love you Lya. I don’t see why she would not. I’m happy with you and it’s all that matters to her.”
“Should I bring her a gift or something?”
“Hey, it’s my birthday. Not hers. Speaking of, can I have a hint on what you are going to give me?”
“Not even in your dreams, Leclerc. You will have to wait.”
The evening passed so quickly that soon it was just the two of them in the restaurant. It was as if they were in their own bubble, far away from everything and everyone, from problems and tensions. So much so that neither of them saw the paparazzi taking shot after shot from outside.
“I had an incredible time tonight Charles” admitted Lyanna as she walked through the door of her flat.
“Me too, but I'm glad to finally be alone with you.”
The young man approached the actress, grabbed her by the waist and gave her a slow kiss. Lyanna's arms naturally went first around the pilot's broad shoulders before settling in around his neck and playing with the hair at the base of his neck. She pressed herself against him a little harder, eliciting a groan from Charles.
“What are you doing to me, Lya?” the pilot muttered hoarsely.
“I could ask you the same question.”
The young woman's lips returned to Charles'. With a clumsy gesture he got rid of his jacket before doing the same with Lyanna's, which he threw into the corner of the room. With a clumsy hand, trying as best she could to stay in the warmth of the Monegasque's body, she got rid of her heels, which were hurting her feet. Losing her balance, she was barely caught by the pilot's firm hand. 
“So eager. Be careful, Lya.”
Charles pulled her back against him before cupping his hands under Lyanna's thighs and lifting her onto the kitchen counter. The kisses and caresses became more urgent, clumsier. They became a combination of gasps, whimpers, and ruffled fabrics. 
“Lyanna, babe. If we keep going, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop myself.” Warned her Charles between two kisses.
Her eyes clouded with desire and her breath coming in short gasps, Lyanna gently moved away from him, letting her head rest against his chest.
“You’re right. We should stop.”
“Yeah, we should.”
“But I don’t want to Charles.” She said looking at him determinedly in the eyes.
That’s all Charles needed to hear before pouncing on her. Between two tender touches, Charles carried Lyanna to the bedroom where he laid her more or less gently on the bed before joining her there. It soon became impossible to determine where one body began and the other ended. Under the light of the full moon, they became one.
Sore but satisfied, Lyanna woke up the next morning to Charles spooning her. She could feel the Monegasque's deep breathing against her neck and the warmth of his hands on her bare stomach. Trying as best she could to free herself and reach for her phone to check the time, she was surprised by the number of notifications waiting for her. After many contortions, she managed to free herself from her boyfriend's embrace. Without a sound she put on one of Charles's T-shirts and slipped out of the room to let him sleep.
It was the message from her best friend that caught her attention. A few words were written but just enough so Lyanna could get a hold of the situation.
Daily Mail. Paparazzi. You and Charles. (by the way you guys look so cute I want to throw up)
Her agent's message was much the same. Except that she asked him what Lyanna wanted to do. First of all, Lyanna decided to look at the photos to see for herself the extent of the damage. She had no trouble finding the article as it was trending on the internet.
She moves on as fast as a Ferrari
After denying rumours a few months ago that she was in a relationship with Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc and casting doubt on a potential romance between herself and her playing partner David Halloway, Lyanna Michel was spotted yesterday getting cozy with the Italian team's number 1 driver.
Lyanna read the article no further. There was no point, nothing good would come of it anyway. She didn't want to ruin her day with it. She wrote a quick reply to her manager asking her to let it go and prepared breakfast. The day was full enough for her as in the evening she was invited to an event with UNICEF, with whom she had recently become involved, to discuss the association's missions and set up new projects.
Charles woke up alone in bed, but with Lyanna's scent on him. Clumsily, while still asleep, he reached for his phone to check the time and, like Lyanna, found himself swamped by messages. When he realized what was happening, his first thought was for Lyanna. The last time the press had interfered in their relationship, they had been just friends, and that had already ended in tears and screams. He had no desire to see it happen again. Wide awake this time, he rushed out of the bedroom, dressed only in his boxer shorts, and found the young woman, smiling, making coffee and cutting fruit. The radio was playing softly in the background. He stopped dead in his tracks; of all the scenarios he'd imagined, the one before him wasn't one of them.
Swaying her hips to the music, she was completely in his world. The shirt rising dangerously high up her thighs made Charles swallow, images of last night flooding back into his mind. When she finally noticed him, she gave him a gentle smile before approaching him with a steaming mug in one hand and a bowl of fruit in the other. She placed a light kiss on Charles's cheek, standing on tiptoe as she passed, and set up the table.
“You okay, Charles?”
“Yeah. It’s just. I was not expecting to see you like that, that’s all.”
“Why?” She asked laughing slightly.
“Have you seen the news?” he asked with caution.
“You mean the Daily Mail and the pictures? Yep I did.”
“And you are okay with it?”
“Does it make me happy that the paps caught us? Obviously not. But it was a risk and I know that being with you will bring attention, that’s something I came to term with. I made peace with the fact that no matter what we’ll do, people will talk and judge. It’s still not a nice feeling, but what can we do about it?”
“I… I definitely was not expecting to see you like that to be honest.” Admitted Charles.
“Oh, sorry. Do you want me to cry and push you away?”
“No absolutely not!”
“Thought so. And to be honest, after last night I feel so great that I don’t think anything or anyone can bring me down.”
“Glad to know that I made you feel like that. It’s flattering.”
She smacked him on the back of the head. They spent the morning and the day doing nothing but playing together, chatting and staying in bed. Then came the time for them to leave for the event. Dressed in a black jumpsuit for Lyanna, Charles having decided to wear an outfit of the same color, they set off.
It was an intimate event, with a few influential personalities, nonetheless. Lyanna met and chatted with some of the association's leaders, while Charles preferred to stay in the background and leave the young woman to her business. He found her attractive in the way she asked questions and mingled with people. He whispered a few words in her ear before heading for the buffet, where he had an unobstructed view of the room. His gaze never left Lyanna for a moment. He still found it hard to believe she was his. The more time passed, the less he felt like letting her go. He knew she'd come with him to Monaco the very next day to be there for his birthday, and then she'd come with him to Las Vegas too. But then he'd have to say goodbye, and that was a moment he dreaded.
A few minutes later, the young woman joined him, and he took the opportunity to hand her a glass of champagne and some hors d'oeuvres he'd set aside for her.
“Did I tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman in the room?” he asked her leaning towards her to brush his lips against hers.
“Charles stop, we’re in public.” She scolded him, laughing.
“Let me be a proud boyfriend, okay?”
They were so much in their own world that Lyanna didn't hear someone approach her and greet her.
At these words, she froze, her face suddenly pale. Slowly she turned around. In front of her, a young blond man with ice-blue eyes was staring at her, sincerely surprised to find her there.
author's note: Happy quali day!! Hoping for a nice quali session for Charles and a good sunday. The Ferraris seem good even though we all know that we don't have the right to be happy when we support FerrarI, so let's not get our hopes up. I really loved writing this chapter and hope you like it as well! Let me know what your thoughts are, as usual I love interacting with you and reading your reactions. It always makes me happy.
taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13
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Can I request Scaramouche x Singer!Reader?
Like Scaramouche finds their songs online and really likes them, and ends up somehow getting backstage tickets for a concert?
Tags: Fan!Scaramouche x Singer!Reader, Heacanons, Fem!Reader, Modern AU, Mean x Mean LMAO
Warnings: None
As an idol singer, you are used to seeing stadiums filled to the brim just to see you perform. You relish in the fame, but don't care much for your fans as you are used to the attention. That is, until one of them catches your eye backstage.
* ˚ ✦ Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [03/01/23] ❞
Scaramouche has never been a big fan on music.
People would usually take one look at him and think, yeah, that guy totally listens to my chemical romance.
He doesn’t, contrary to popular belief. Who do you think he is, Xiao?
That’s why, when he discovered K-pop, it became his biggest secret of all time.
Could you imagine Scaramouche, the mean shorty with a stick up his ass 24/7, jamming it out to Twice?
His love for girl groups grew when he came across a dance practice video of yours on YouTube.
Not only were you insanely pretty, but you had the vocals, dancing skills, and stage presence to turn you into an absolute machine.
He would rather die before the day he openly admits you as his bias.
One day, as he’s aimlessly surfing the internet, he comes across an extremely sketchy website.
A website, which was selling tickets to one of your concerts.
Now, Scaramouche should know better than to buy tickets for a concert on a website filled with ads about promiscuous women 5km away from him, but the tickets were cheap.
And who is he to say no to cheap tickets to one of his favorite girl groups?
He should count his lucky stars because the tickets were actually real.
Fast-forward to a few months later, Scaramouche was standing backstage to one of your concerts.
He supposed he only had himself to blame for this. He didn’t actually bother reading what the tickets were for, just that he thought it’d be funny if he got shitty tickets to a concert that ended up being real.
And they were very, very real.
Scaramouche supposed he didn’t care though, because he was going to meet his bias backstage. It almost felt surreal!
When you and your group wrapped up the song and said goodnight to your adoring fans, you were watchful of your attitude when waving to them.
Fans always liked when you’d act cute; never mind the fact that you were a literal adult, but that’s what this industry called for nowadays.
When you finally walked out of sight from the seats in the stadium, you dropped your smile.
Wiping away your sweat, you finally let your true demeanor shine around your coworkers.
You weren’t necessarily a raging Diva, but it was safe to say that most of your fans would be offended at your crude language and carefree attitude.
The other girls in your group always joked about how you lived a double life.
As you continued to walk further backstage, you didn’t realize there was someone aside from your group with you.
Another fan.
Scaramouche was frozen. You were way prettier up close. Those cameras did not do you justice.
You tried to maintain your fake smile again, but it was very difficult when you were tired and just wanted to crash in your bed. Did you guys even do backstage passes?
Scaramouche greeted you, and you tried to be polite, but that other side of you was definitely starting to peek through in your interactions.
He picked up on it too.
Even though you’re his bias, that doesn’t stop Scaramouche from being disrespectful to just about anyone. 
“What’s with your ugly attitude?”
The rest of the group’s jaw dropped. So did your smile.
“Haha, you’re talking with that bowl cut?”
Now you started to bicker. Your coworkers were too tired to stay back and watch, so they left, leaving you and Scaramouche alone.
“Wow, your company does an amazing job at hiding how much of a bitch you really are!”
“You don’t even try! What, did you get backstage passes like a weirdo to harass me?”
You had never experienced this kind of treatment from a so called fan before. Honestly, you were more intrigued than offended.
This was absolutely not how Scaramouche expected his meeting with you to go. Security started to notice the commotion, and told Scaramouche they would have to escort him out.
Before they could, Scaramouche pulled on his lower eyelid, sticking his tongue out at you.
Now you were truly interested.
You told the security to lay off, scrawled your number on a napkin, and roughly thrust it against his chest.
Scaramouche looked at the napkin, bewildered, as he noticed what the numbers were when it fell into his palm.
He looked up at you, speechless.
“You’re a funny dude. Call me!”
And with that, you proceeded to give him the bird as you sauntered away.
Scaramouche thought that maybe he paid to see a bootleg version of you.
He was never buying tickets off sketchy websites again.
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a-wild-julibean · 1 year
oopsie here's an unsolicited sae analysis post
Too lazy to add photos so you guys are going to have to survive with just text lmao (warning! long post!!!!)
I feel that sae's biggest issue is his relationship with failure. Like every gifted kid expected to perform, sae has no idea how to react when things don't go his way. Unsurprisingly, he's a control freak (rin says himself that the reason sae chose shidou is because he'd be able to control a "demon" nobody else could) so things always *have* to go his way, and when they don't, he kinda bluescreens almost.
The earliest form of sae failing to accept losses or just being wrong in general is when rin and sae are eating ice cream together. Rin wins and sae loses, but sae instead turns it into rin "losing" and sae "winning" by telling rin that he shouldn't waste his luck on something like that. Yet, it's clear in sae's initial reaction of disgust upon seeing the losing result that he doesn't truly believe that. He just hates losing *that* much and is a stubborn bitch so he then proceeds to never correct this belief over the course of literal years. Sae cannot in any way shape or form accept defeat and grow from it. He is almost like the opposite of isagi. He cannot consolidate and adapt.
Delusion time for a moment: there is kinda no basis for this interpretation, but i feel that the ice cream scene can be applied to sae and rin themselves. What i mean by that is, i believe rin is actually more talented than sae. Some circumstantial evidence for this includes: rin's very first play/moment on the field is him pulling off honestly a crazy move for a toddler who's never played. The smoke effect that represents ego is immediately present as well. Additionally, sae's egoist bible profile includes that he asked santa to show him his yet discovered talent, which then can be interpreted as sae believing he doesn't have talent (vs. rin who does). Or, it could just be sae joking lmao he's a pretty funny dude after all.
Basically, when looking at the itoshi flashback through this lense, a lot of moments are recontextualized. Sae immediately approaches rin after rin first plays and says he'll be the best *after* sae, almost as to reign in rin's talent so he never dreams something beyond what his brother can do. His cruelties could possibly stem from jealousy.
Sae is forced to contend with immense pressure from all around him while rin can mostly play carefree. Sae is japan's greatest treasure and therefore must perform for the sake of his entire country. Rin just obeys his instincts as a child and everything works out. He even mentions after sae leaves for spain that without sae, soccer is restricting essentially because sae paved a path for rin and took on that "restrictiveness" upon himself. So two things rin has that sae doesn't: talent and freedom. This obviously worsens after the spain trip.
(quick aside: cannot believe sae was sent to a foreign country alone that does not 100% love accommodating foreigners for FOUR YEARS. AS AN ADOLESCENT. LIKE THOSE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT YEARS.)
Now we return to the point of sae being unable to accept failure and such. Unlike what we have seen from the blue lock boys, being faced with the world makes sae cower and fail himself before the world does. He deems being the best striker impossible and switches to midfielder without really trying his absolute hardest in order to become the best. Unable to learn and grow from failure and unable to accept a loss, sae basically self sabotages when he changes his dream. Once again though, sae's stubborn as shit, so when he changes his dream he goes all in on it.
Even still, when sae returns he isn't 100% on the idea. He goes to see rin, likely the first person he sought out after returning, basically just for some validation. After 4 years of being valued for nothing other than soccer, i feel that sae probably just wanted comfort from his brother that isn't really connected to soccer. Rin then proceeds to reject sae's new dream and boom every resentment bottled up between the two explodes.
When sae plays rin, his goal *is* to crush rin's dream like his own was. He desperately wants to prove to himself that his choice to change wasn't wrong by showing up rin, his "more talented" brother. He wins, but isn't happy about it at all.
I think we all know that sae doesn't literally mean what he says when he then tells rin to quit. A lot of it is projection and defense mechanisms. But once again, he cannot accept defeat or admit to wrong doing so he doesn't. And then, again, the stubbornness comes back to prevent him from changing later down the line. Sae still loves rin of course and watches over him in his own way (watch sae's reactions to rin during the u20 match for proof of this), but yeah. Older sibling moment!!! He is never wrong :)))))
lmao okay that's it thanks for reading!! remember sae did nothing wrong <333 (delusional)
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lunathebee · 2 years
hi there:)
how would you think the moon boys would react if you told them they are your first relationship
maybe a first kiss hc along with it🫶🏻
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Warning: fluff, nothing alarming
A/n: I will post a first kiss HC soon!
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🍓 Steven Grant 🍓
Flustered boy
"It's also my first relationship... as well."
I don't think it's unusual for two people to be clueless in a relationship.
Steven would feel a lot more comfortable knowing Y/n would understand why he's acting like this.
And since y'all don't know how relationships work, it's more carefree and joyful.
I mean, who is going to stop Steven from writing tiny notes around the house? Not Y/n
And who is to stop Y/n from making lunch boxes with cute bunny apples? definitely not Steven
You guys can do all the cliché and childish stuff because, obviously, you guys never got shamed for it in the past or got shut down by someone for it.
Steven would be so excited to be Y/n's first relationship.🥹
To him, being in a relationship with someone means sharing everything he's learned on his own in the past; it's just that simple.
He might be a bit clueless at a lot of stuff, but somehow he always makes up for it by showing his charm.
"You...get me flowers?"
"Well, of course I would; is it in your favorite color too, see?"
🍓 Marc Spector 🍓
Nervous, veryyy nervous
💀💀💀 He's sweating, he feels the need to be a perfect lover, he loves Y/n, and he definitely doesn't want to make a bad impression.
Also, Marc would double-think everything he wants to do.
"You don't have to try so hard, Marc."
"What? I'm not trying; it's my responsibility."
Marc would also be glad that this is your first relationship; he doesn't trust anyone.
You only need him; what more can you ask for? He is up for cuddle talk.
But there would be times when he would hide "stuff" from you because he was afraid you would leave him if you found out.
Marc has a strange mindset on relationships; he thinks they should only be filled with happiness and laughter, and the rough parts shouldn't exist.
"But then it wouldn't be a healthy relationship; I'm your lover; your struggle is also my struggle, we can fix it together."
"I...I would love that, thank you..."
It might not be Marc's first relationship, but it's his first REAL relationship. You know what I mean?
🍓 Jake Lockley 🍓
"How come? You're not joking, right?" He would definitely be surprised.
Like is he the only one who can see your beauty?
Jake would also think anyone who has rejected you in the past is a fool.
But let's put it aside. He has you now, and he won't let you go.
Jake loves to spoil you with gifts and clothes.
He thinks you look the most beautiful when you're confident, and by wearing clothes he bought for you, you're showing everyone that "This is my man, look how well he treated me, look how happy I am with him, you don't have a chance."
HFAKJDHJ not me imagining that rn
Ahem, I don't think Jake will think much about the fact that this is your first relationship; even if it weren't, he would still treat you the same.
But Jake would use it to its full advantage,🤭 teasing you and saying it was just a normal couple thing
"Babe! Stop gripping my thigh."
"Hm? But this is normal; are you shy?"
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half-dead-writer · 4 months
|| First Impressions ||
[ John Doe / Joker x Reader ]
Reader, a homeless thief, gets to stay at the abandoned subway where the Pact resides. John's the one to show him around.
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🌈 || John Doe / Joker [Batman: The Telltale Series] 🌈 || ~1,4k words 🌈 || gender-neutral reader
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TW: I don't know shit about Batman or DC I got interested in it purely because of Telltale's game. I'm weak for sweet men with mental issues. I was very surprised to see there's like no Joker x masc reader so I came to fix that. Which... still turned gender-neutral, curse my genderless writing. Well, I'm planning to write more, so this is kind of like a part one I guess. I wish I was better at nailing the character's behaviors but well, I can dream.
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You took a few careful steps before seeing the full Old Five Points, the abandoned subway station with a woman wearing black and red clothes walking close behind you.
"Here we are!" She extended her arm to properly show you the place as her voice lightly echoed.
"Isn't it lovely?" Harley added after a while, judging your reaction with a carefree smirk.
You looked around the place, still rightfully distrustful of her intentions, but for your sake you decided to play nice.
"It's- spacious." You tried to compliment the place with a halfly-joking tone.
"Yeah, it is. Hopefully there's gonna be a place for you to stay." She commented with a (not so) subtle undertone of dominance as she walked down the stairs, not bothering to look if you're following her. "As long as you contribute, that is."
You stayed silent, not really knowing what to respond to the girl's flaunting of having a steady place in the group. You were fortunate enough to convince her to let you stay as you had nowhere else to go.
You were a mere homeless thief, lots of those could be found in the streets of Gotham. Maybe she saw something in you, or maybe she thought you'd be gone sooner than later. Harley was still a new person to you and you had no idea what her deal was, except that she thrived on chaos, so maybe that's why she let you join - because she wanted some entertainment out of you.
After a short moment Harley exclaimed again.
"Oh, Puddin'!" Her melodious voice echoed again, leaving you wondering who else is residing here.
You were a bit ashamed to admit to yourself you had no knowledge of who, where, and why. Your only briefest idea of the place was that there was a couple of criminals living here. You were determined to finally have a "home" or at least not sleep on the street, hence why you took the offer of staying here.
You noticed a tall man wearing a funky outfit come out of what you now saw was a small building with "Ha-Hacienda" signed on it.
"Harley! You're back!" The man remarked happily while approaching. "How was the trip? Oh, you brought a friend?"
You didn't want to stare too much at the uncanny looking fella who had a wide smile on his face, which was the exact opposite of him, as he looked you up and down, making you slightly uncomfortable.
"Poor thing doesn't have a place to stay, so I thought we could spare some here." You heard as she faked the care in her tone.
You saw as she put the hand on her hip while speaking. "I still got some errands to run, so I'll be going. But I hope you show our new member around, won't you darling?"
"Of course!" He grinned even wider, fiddling with his hands in excitement and looking at you after.
"See you later, Pud'." She kissed him on the cheek with the audible "mwah" at the end, making the man giggle quietly and then turned to you both as she was leaving, motioning her fingers in a "bye-bye". "Don't forget to behave."
You weren't quite sure if she was referring to "Puddin'" or you, but you assumed it was you.
Finally you were left alone with the eccentric fellow. You had no idea whether it was safe to trust him, but aside his creepy look he didn't seem as... harmful? Although you were cautiously wary, at least he tried to be friendly.
"Oh boy, a new face!" He rushed you out of your thoughts with his cheerful demeanor. "Y/N, huh? I hope Harley didn't scare you too much. She's good at that." He chuckled.
You didn't really know how to behave, nor what to say, as the nameless man kept talking.
"I... I guess so." You finally managed to get a word in. "I mean- it's a good trait, if you think about it. At least in this line of work."
"Heh, right. That's Harley!" He confirmed once again, clearly thinking fondly of her. "...I'm getting chills just thinking about her-"
You were a bit bored of him gushing about the girl, but you weren't about to stop him.
"Oh! But where are my manners- You gotta excuse me, I'm a bit rusty with introductions." He once again put his hands together, trying to keep his eagerness at bay not to scare you off. "Name's John."
"Y/N. But- You already know that." You smiled politely yet awkwardly, also being rusty on meeting new people.
"Yes- And what a lovely name it is!" He put his hand on your shoulder, seemingly not aware of how "in your face" he was.
The sudden gesture made you shudder involuntarily, not used to other people being so touchy. You cringed at yourself slightly.
He quickly took away his hand, tilting his head slightly. "Oops, sorry for startling you. I didn't realize I was that scary." You were unsure of how much truth hid behind his words, as he turned more sheepish.
"Uh, nah, it's fine- You got a lovely name too." You didn't think much as you copied his compliment, rushing to get away from the awkward situation and in turn getting into yet another one. You didn't wanna be too forward, in case he thought you weren't sincere.
"Oh, you think so?" He put his fingers to his chin in a thoughtful manner. "Isn't it a bit... hm... common?" He turned his attention on you again.
You merely shrugged, looking around, unsure what to say.
"Well- There's a reason it's common, right?" You had a faint worry of conversation becoming too flat, but John didn't seem to mind.
"Guess I can't argue with that!" He chuckled. "But anyway, I'm supposed to show you around-"
. . .
John appeared to really be as friendly as he portrayed himself, or at least he seemed genuine in wanting to know you. Chit-chatting to you non-stop as he showed you the place, which wasn't really much, given the place was just a subway turned into something livable.
Last stop he showed you was his "Ha-Hacienda", which you couldn't disagree was a bit cozy looking. Well, as cozy as it could get in a place like this. The entrance was decorated with some lights, which made the thing pop a little. The only thing that wasn't really homey was the lack of solid 4 walls, as the room was fully visible through the big windows. You shouldn't really judge it too much though, at least he had somewhere to sleep, unlike you.
"So? What do you think?" He extended his arms as he showed you his room.
As you walked in, you could tell it was his room. The walls were decorated with various things like masks, photos of John with other people, some cobwebs here and there, even an Arkham t-shirt.
"It suits you." You lightheartedly said, in the best way possible.
"Hah, I'm glad you think so!" He sat on the bed, looking at his things proudly. You wondered if his cheeks hurt from smiling so much around you.
"I wonder where you are gonna reside, though." He opened up with yet another topic when things were just about to get quiet. This man was a never-ending talk, but you kinda liked that.
"Oh- I- actually... don't know." You admitted, scratching your arm a little while just lingering in his room on your feet, not wanting to overuse his hospitality and, god forbid, making him angry by sitting on his chair - you were still cautious on that, although you were opening up slowly.
"Well- I know the subway's cold walls and floors are inviting, but you know what, I like you." He flashed you a toothy grin. "Maybe you could stay here. We should get you some sleeping bag- or, you can even take the chair, if you'd like."
You were a bit surprised on John's offer, but you couldn't deny his room was better than some cold hallway. At least the ceiling's lights gave some sort of illusion of warmth. And from what you observed of him, John was quite mindful of your comfort, so you didn't have to worry about any inappropriate stuff going on.
You took a moment to process the offer and nodded your head.
"Um- okay. That's very nice of you to offer." You showed him a genuine smile, him quickly reciprocating.
"Then it's settled!" He got up from the bed he was sitting on in a sudden spurt of energy and added after a while.
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yuutsunaoi-writes · 8 months
Not sure if I'm ever gonna make this a fic but it has been plaguing my mind lately. I mean I really wanted to turn it into a fanfic but I've spent weeks working on the snow white saiouma au so I think I'll postpone this idea for now.
Shuichi is your typical quiet guy who keeps to himself, who also goes to an all boys school. Miraculously, he is not bullied for being awkward. Simply because there are other more 'bullying-material' kids aside from him. Aside from that, he's unsure how else is he able to avoid the bullying.
He frequents a supermarket near his school. He goes to the supermarket almost everyday. One day, he walks in and finds himself surprised when the cashier cheerily greets him a 'good evening!' with a kind smile on her lips. She's new for sure - since usually Shuichi's presence is left ignored until he goes to pay for the things he picks up from the shelves.
While walking around the supermarket, Shuichi sneaks glances at the blonde behind the counter, noting how he feels quite at ease at seeing her bopping her head to the music playing through her earphones. She looks kind, and Shuichi notes to himself that maybe he could also give the cashier a kind smile in return.
When Shuichi goes to pay for his things, the cashier with a musical note hairpin tucked on a strand of her hair is quick to start small talks, her carefree aura making Shuichi feels comforted somehow.
That's how Shuichi ends up befriending Kaede, always dropping by the supermarket and at some point starts walking the girl to her house since her shift ends late into the night. At that point, they've known each other for a few months. Shuichi's told that Kaede is working to save up some money.
After Shuichi is finally comfortable enough to talk to Kaede and joke with her, he walks into the supermarket one day, a small, happy smile on his lips when it falters a little at seeing a student from his school talking to Kaede.
Shuichi obviously knows who Kokichi is - he's not really a bully, since he pranks literally everyone he wants. No discrimination whatsoever.
As it turns out, Kaede has been friends with Kokichi for a long time - childhood friends, she says. Shuichi and Kokichi somehow are only able to meet that day because Kokichi drops by on a weekday instead of the usual weekends. (Shuichi usually drops by on weekdays after school.)
The conversation that day is undeniably slightly awkward; Shuichi mostly listening in to Kaede's and Kokichi's banter. They're working pretty well together. Some part of Shuichi is envious.
The next day, when Shuichi goes to school, for the first time, Kokichi goes up to him and suddenly strikes a conversation.
Shuichi has never felt so anxious.
Ever since then, in some way or another, Shuichi is always being dragged into Kokichi's business.
Shuichi is confused how Kaede even gets along with Kokichi. Kokichi is a huge liar, a troublemaker, a prankster, loves to get on people's nerves, and, most of all, loves to run around in Shuichi's head all the time! He gives Shuichi riddles and too-vague hints, and then never speak of them again. Shuichi could always ignore these riddles and lies, but he finds himself itching to solve at least one of Kokichi's riddles just to gain some control over his life that is now filled with 'nishishi' laughs, stupidly low key cute mischievous grin, and barely-understandable riddles. At times, he finds himself only thinking of that guy.
Ever since meeting Kokichi at the supermarket, he keeps on seeing Kokichi and Kaede together at the supermarket - like Kokichi makes it his mission to run around in Shuichi's head. Kokichi keeps on saying horrendous things jokingly - like how he would send out assassins to assassinate the rude customers - while Kaede could laugh about it and just tells Kokichi that he's exaggerating. It's aa if she didn't care. But judging by how Kaede seems to understand the underlying meaning behind Kokichi's words, Shuichi believes that Kaede definitely could understand Kokichi.
Needless to say, some part of Shuichi is envious.
That's basically how the idea goes. I really want to write it out but yeah, like I mentioned at the beginning TT
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richmond-rex · 2 years
okay I just saw a Richard III stan on twitter claim that there's no way Elizabeth of York could have loved Henry VII because he was Ugly(tm) and so I just had to say/vent: the obsession with using physical attractiveness to unironically rate and compare historical figures is really fucking weird. This generally tends to happen with women (Henry VIII's wives in particular) but it's pretty common to see it with fans of Richard III as well, who are generally negative to Henry VII. Which is both very frustrating and very funny, because putting aside the generic compliments issued to royals, NEITHER of them were hailed as singularly attractive or singularly charismatic during their time as far as I know, they both looked like Some Guys who ruled the nation and (in Henry's case, idk much about Richard's reign) were quite good at it. And in Henry's case, its doubly weird and mean-spirited because I believe he was sick when his portrait was being made?
I mean, it's certainly not as though someone insulting a historical monarch's physical appearance is a major crime or anything lol, you do you, but it does become an issue when it spills into an analysis and examination of them as rulers and individuals. There's really no need to turn important periods of history into a hotness contest.
Also (more of a general rant), generally speaking, attractiveness was a feature conveniently assigned to most people of high status, and was almost a exaggerated. It's also relatively easy to identity genuine undeniable attractiveness based on the sheer intensity and awe with which contempraries raved about the people who possessed it (Elizabeth Woodville, Edward IV and all their children were key examples of that lmao, as well as geoffrey of anjou and Philip iv of France as far as men were concerned), which was usually quite rare because the majority of people were not supermodels and were not expected to be lmao.
(a bit irrelevant, but I feel like the guy who played Henry in the white princess was absolutely perfectly for a younger version of his portrait, I haven't watched the show but I absolutely loved his casting)
Oh, I think Jacob Collins-Levy does look like a young Henry VII indeed, even if a more 'polished' version of him. Certainly, I think the real Henry VII had a much stronger nose, which leads me to the main part of your comment: some people find big noses attractive, for example. People experience attraction in such different ways! Someone might be attracted to another person's voice or hands, to someone's attention to detail or alternatively to their carefree attitude, to someone's jokes or their way of speaking or caring for their family or someone's intellect and insight. Attraction is a vast and varied universe, and to me it seems quite childish to reduce it only to someone's facial features. We don't even know what his body looked like, for example; we only have Vergil's word that his height was 'above the average', and Bishop Fisher's word that Henry was 'tall and of a fine build'.
Even if you consider Henry Tudor to have been the ugliest man in the world (which I doubt, as he was described as 'remarkably attractive' in his later years still), it's quite possible there was something about him that charmed people around him, in the sense that he was able to inspire extraordinary loyalty throughout his life. Thomas More said Bishop Foxe would give up his own father's head in order to serve Henry VII; Thomas Lovell was reported to have only one painting in his multiple residences, precisely a portrait of Henry VII. Henry was able to inspire and retain the trust of 400 Englishmen for two years in exile. The same thing that was attractive to his followers might have been attractive to Elizabeth of York as well, surely? We don't know!
According to a Venetian ambassador, Henry was 'gracious and grave', and according to Commynes, he was 'very pleasant, an elegant character, and a fine ornament in the court of France'. Once, during a conversation with the Spanish ambassador, his speech was described as 'like precious jewels'. I find it doubtful that Henry VII was an all-around unlikable, unattractive figure. And that's simply going by the premise that he was extraordinarily ugly, though when compared to other European rulers at the time, it seems reasonable to call him 'just some guy', if not actually attractive (see Charles VIII, Maximilian I, Louis XII, Ferdinand of Aragon, and even Philip 'the Fair').
I linked portraits in this ask but I don't even believe they are much conducive to a good discussion on attractiveness at all. It's not uncommon to find that many figures who were described as handsome/attractive (eg: Philip the Fair) don't actually look handsome/attractive to a 21st-century audience. And that might be simply because portraits or painting techniques of the time weren't able to transcribe their real physical attractiveness to us or because their ideas of attractiveness were different from ours—to which I ask: what's even the point of using portraits to call a historical figure attractive or unattractive, then? It's perhaps more useful to go by awed reports of a certain historical figure's attractiveness, as you said, and even then, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The resident Spanish Ambassador in England, for example, never once mentioned Elizabeth of York's looks in fifteen years, even though her beauty was mentioned elsewhere by other people.
Those types of comments against Henry VII do sound mean-spirited, as you said, even if not especially heinous (he and his family are, after all, dead). It's a sterile argument and proves no point as to a historical figure's ability to inspire loyalty or love in someone else, and even less as to their ability to rule well. If anything else, quite frankly it's not an argument at all, it's just the expected pettiness of a bad loser lol It gets even weirder at their insistence that Richard's reconstruction is especially handsome (which has inspired even some... questionable poetry).
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mr. bepop or faye valentine for the character asks 😸
putting it under the cut ^_^
favorite thing about them
ahh i genuinely just think hes like. a very stylish character like perhaps derivative of the whole show's aesthetic but yeah. hes just a cool jazz cowboy who can do tricks and shotcha. i think the way his like. carefree nature is challenged by the end of the show is really good also.... like yeah this dude is reckless and youre kind of meant to suspend your disbelief at first just to see him pull cool stunts and shit but by the end its very much commented on as a specific flaw of his and its like. yeah! clever way to show off a characters problems being enabled and made worse to the point of them being visible to others.... its cool its cool
least favorite thing about them
i think his hair looks STUPID in official art often i like it when its drawn as just like. visibly curled or messy i guess
favorite line
guess i shotcha....
but also "whatever happens happens". :+)
compounding these because my answers the same. i think its funny to interpret him faye and jet as just like. awkward situational polycule LOL mostly just because when i was watching the show i kept making jokes like. Yuup. these guys are all divorced to each other without ever having been married
him and vicious im just not big on "enemies who want to fuck each other secretly" type dynamics
random headcanon
schizoid guy swag....! and also i just like. randomly headcanon him as latino because i was listening to a lot of volta when i was watching the show and i very quickly associated frances the mute with his storyline hah. so hes very much tied up with that in my mind
unpopular opinion
uhhhh i think hes cool but not in the way weird old anime fans think hes cool. i think his self destructive habits make him very interesting....
song i associate with them
CYGNUS VISMUND CYGNUS !!!!!!! i also do have a playlist for him hehe
favorite picture of them
first ones that came to mind :+)
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faye time now.....
favorite thing about them
I LIKE THAT SHES JUST LIKE. very openly bratty and annoying and that she does anything she wants. like i think the flippant way she treats the rest of the bebop crew rules i like that shes very selfish and just puts herself first. makes the few moments when she actually gets worried about the others really poignant....
least favorite thing about them
wouldnt say i completely dislike it because i do think it was handled tastefully but i think the subplot of like. oooh yeah guy who revived her from her cryosleep or whatever being someone shes very romantically into made me roll my eyes a bit. i do think it makes her like. presence during the timeframe of the show way stronger but from a story writing standpoint im just like Bah a bit lame that shes The Woman and shes constantly Romancing men
favorite line
none that come to mind i just like it when shes mean 👍 oh uh not a line but it was cool when she just ate dog food that one time
see above answer for spike hah
most relationships honestly....... i think she deserves to have some genuine connections with people and aside from spike and jet she really doesnt have any hah.
random headcanon
she would love shitty 90s era pop songs.........
unpopular opinion
unpopular opinion uhhhh i think she is a cool character who is not just a sex object
song i associate with them
hmmmm ^_^
favorite picture of them
love pics of her and ein HEHE
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mliter · 1 year
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Miles "Spider-Man." Morales
"Change always comes. What matters is how you face it."
September 2011. I was 9 years old. A friend at school tells me that there's a new Spider-man. "Like the one from the cartoon?" i questioned, with her replying that he looks like me. (with a smaller forehead.)
I go home and look it up. Who's this new Spider-man? I see him and think he's so cool.
My connection to Miles is a bit different than most, due to unfortunate circumstance. Because it was his reveal and the following online reaction is what got me to realize what racism was and fully grasp that there are people that no matter what i did or said, don't like me or straight up despise me for the skin color i was born with. I'm not sure what kind of forum i read the news on, but i was so confused and distraught that i even made an account and asked those monsters questions.
I was a pretty ignorant, carefree kid back then. After my family immigrated from Africa to the US, we THEN moved to Canada due to the racism my family was dealing with (i don't remember any of this. i was too young.). I was living a sheltered life with few friends in a pretty diverse neighborhood, as far back as i can remember. I was surrounded by pretty well adjusted kids and adults. I even got to know my neighbors and eat their food. I noticed they were different from me, but i didn't pay any mind to it, nor did i think it mattered because it would be pretty boring if we were all the same. Things weren't the same after this incident. My views back then didn't change, i just thought racists were just really mean/evil people. I think every poc got their own version of this story, where they first learn while young that a good portion of the outside world refuses to see them as human. That one's mine.
The character himself is great. Miles is smart and passionate kid that puts himself before others, even while still trying to figure himself out. I admire his great connection with his community. He's got cool lightning powers as well. As time would go on, he would end up embodying the best of the marvel community and the idea of a superhero. Well, to me.
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Years pass by, and Into The Spider-verse is announced. "Ohhh shoot they're making a movie on this dude?" i thought.
Aside from it being one of the greatest superhero movies and animated movies of all time that revolutionized the industry, i was shocked to see the reaction to it. Even my own family liked it. My uncle specifically liked how the characters looked black. He's a bit of a nerd and he's grown up with the features and struggles of a black person being discounted or treated as a joke in fiction, with rare exceptions. I've already gone over how I've grown up seeing how black characters are seen and handled.
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Miles in this movie is my favorite incarnation of the character. His origin starts off the same, but with more spider people. His journey to becoming Spider-man is quite unique. I'm excited for what comes next, like everyone else.
Seeing so many people from all over connect with Miles's story, drawing him, making songs, all sorts of tributes made me really happy. There's a lot of passion and love for this character. He means a lot to a lot of people. There are still sick people out there that despise him for obvious reasons, but there are far more people telling them to fuck off now then there was back then. Things are better now. And i think they'll get better. Nobody doing it like my Spider-Man.
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Can you do hanako, tsukasas, Teri, and nene with a s/o who is like kokchi or shinbou. Good night/morning
Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru, and Nene with a s/o whos like Shinobu❣︎
Warnings: none
A/n: hello!!
You may request whatever you want<3
I’m sorry about the wait but its here now so that's a good thing!!
Good morning/night for you as well and I hope you enjoy!
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- When Hanako first met you, you looked like the sweetest person ever
- But soon he realized
- Looks can be deceiving
- While you weren’t like this around him
- You were with others
- And it shocked him
- He didn’t know his s/o would be so cruel to people
- If you ever say a mean comment to someone in front of him, he will comment on it
- “That wasn’t very nice y/n!” His poked your shoulder
- He would be kind of concerned about it
- If it gets out of hand he will have a little talk with you about it
- He is okay with a little teasing but he doesn’t want you bullying someone until they start crying in the corner-
- If you tease him, he wouldn’t mind it
- A little hurtful nickname isn’t too bad
- But if it jabs him in the heart and gets really personal then he wouldn’t say anything but you should be able to tell that he is hurt
- He does find your smiling nature that you use to hide your intentions very interesting
- He will examine you while you do this and tease you
- He knows you so well
- He will probably predict when you are going to say a sadistic joke
- As long as its not too harsh, he doesn’t have a problem with it!
- His job is to keep supernaturals and humans to play nicely with each other
- It’s also his job to make sure you aren’t causing someone to cry
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- He loves it
- He adores this trait about you and will encourage it
- You are so mean to people-
- You two are perfect for each other
- He loves tormenting people physically and you love tormenting people mentally
- Perfect couple
- If you cause someone to cry he will laugh and praise you
- He will gladly make fun of people with you
- It’s like a cute thing you two
- Make fun of people until they cry :)
- He find your happy and carefree face while you are totally killing someone on the inside hilarious
- They can say something to you but that won’t affect you
- And he loves that about you
- You two were meant to be
- If you make fun of him, he will laugh
- Are you really trying to get to him?
- He will give you a warning
- But if you don't listen he will say something 10 times worse
- It doesn’t really affect him but he much prefers the making fun of others like a cute couple thing
- He is by your side supporting you 100% of the time
- The worst comments are the best to him
- You are the best thing to have ever happen to him<3
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- You and him have the same problem
- You have such a fake smile on but you two both have secret intentions
- He wants to kill supernaturals, you want to hurt people on the inside
- In a way, you are one in the same
- You might say that but Teru would never agree
- However, because of this it’s easier for you to read each other
- He knows when you are up to something
- He can tell in the way you smile and act
- He can read you like no one else
- Teru wouldn’t understand the pleasure you receive from making fun of others
- Just not something he’s use to doing
- If he sees you being mean to someone he wouldn’t stop you but he will bring it up later
- He would ask why and when you tell him that you said it because you wanted too
- He didn’t really get it
- If it gets to an extreme that the person starts to cry he will pull you aside
- He wouldn’t want this person upset over something you said
- And he doesn’t want worse to go to worse and something bad happens to you in the end
- He will confront you about it and recommend you stop
- If you don’t, it won’t bother him as much but he will pull you away if things are getting out of hand
- He doesn’t mind the small teasing towards others
- If you tease him, he's fine with it too
- He finds it very interesting actually
- He knows that you don’t mean it when you call him mean names and such so he doesn’t mind at all
- He knows his darling better than anyone else
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- She does not expect this from you
- You are so cute!! Her dream from the sky!
- You are everything she could have wanted and more
- But when it comes to others
- You are brutal
- You will bring up one person's insecurities and make fun of them for everything they did in like and her jaw would be on the floor
- Since when-
- How could her perfect s/o be so mean to others??
- She doesn’t care as much as she says she does
- If you are a still sweet to her, she wouldn’t mind
- If you cause someone to cry then she would be slightly more worried
- She would make up excuses to get out of certain situations if you are getting to hostile with someone
- You would be able to tell they are excuses and call her out for it
- She will turn into a mess because she doesn’t want you to think she's a bad girlfriend for it
- She just doesn’t want people getting hurt
- It disappoints her slightly, she doesn’t want you to not get along with her friends or with your classmates
- She could never stop loving you though, you are perfect in her eyes
- A actual dream for her
- She wouldn’t want you to change but she will probably talk to you about this
- She would tell you that she wants you to get along with the people she gets along with and she doesn’t want any tension and she hopes you understand
- If you do, she would be extra happy
- She will thank you and give you lots of affection
- Happy daikon
Tagging~ @stuckindreamland06 @levwillcommitarson @bladethrowsshade
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