#just cuz ur ship isnt canon???
sapphofrog · 4 months
self care is blocking ppl who complain abt gloria scott and whine abt how theyre no longer listening to s&co bc of the (not even comfirmed romantic) johnmariana implications
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princsstwilightsparkl · 3 months
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saying "if aroace people can date, then can lesbians date men?" is absolutely aphobic narrative btw!
#sorry just have to say this lol#so tired of people generalizing all aroace people as romance averse#its absolutely erasure of the rest of the spectrum#the top tweet isnt so bad depending on who theyre talking about#if a character ACTUALLY is canonically romance/sex aversed then yea its weird to erase that#but if they're canonically AROACE and you go 'erm that character cannot date or have sex🤓☝️' ur being aphobic as fuck#the 'shown no attraction to anyone' part kind of throws me off there#i hate when people say 'well this character didnt have feelings for anyone in the one year time span of the show so theyre romance aversed-#and nobody can ship them or else i'll harass u and subtweet u!1!!'#like. a characters life may not involve sex or romance at all fucking times. that does not make them aroace.#ur headcanon- even if you think its based on a logical conclusion- is not reality#sometimes yall just be making shit tf up#complaining about 'fanon' as if ur not the one pretending ur hc is real and treating everyone else like theyre the bad ones#but if that tweet is just saying that IN ADDITION to theyre canon identity then yea. thats valid.#their* </3#obviously the reply is fucking disgusting#i couldnt reply directly cuz my twitter is priv#people will say this kind of shit to ME- AN AROACE PERSON#u preach about aro/ace erasure but when an actual aroace walks in you tell them their way of being aroace is wrong#not everyone is the fucking same.#non-partnering aroaces deserve more rep but telling partnering aroaces that their way of being aroace is wrong is genuinely horrific#like actually fuck u#aromantic#asexual#aroace#arospec#meowing (yapping)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
one of the WORST things i see in fandom/ship discourse is when people say "straight ships just dont sit right with me.." like hey.. what do u mean by that.
ESPECIALLY if we're talking about GIRLS who EXCLUSIVELY like mlm ships... i dont care what you say, i think youre fetishizing gay men and youre weird for this. (same thing with guys who exclusively ship wlw but i see that less in fandoms.)
but then, on the other side of this we get people calling them "heterophobic.." NOOOO THAT ISNT REAL IM LITERALLY RIPPING MY HAIR OUT THAT IS NOT A THING.
its not "straightphobic," in fact its literally more homophobic than anything (do not deny that its super fetishy, we all know that its fetishization so dont play dumb..)
(im not saying u have to ship straight ships btw i literally dont care, ship what u want, im SPECIFICALLY talking about people who hate on them, call them toxic because theyre straight, comment on every post that their gay ship is better, etc.. generally just people who are super annoying and fetishy about it. not just people who ship what they ship.. the thing im talking about is basically watered down fujoshis..)
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kacchanrawr · 2 years
kind of a negative rant? sorry im tired
These past few months or whatever the mha fandom's been so tiring. As we get closer to mha's ending, there's so much discourse and discussion about what ship's endgame or what the characters' endgame will be or whatever and it's so tiring to look at. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble or anything. It's nice that you're hopeful for a bkdk ending and you can analyze whatever you want and all, but god how many months has it been of those discussions popping up every single day? Do you not get tired of this? Yes dudebros being homophobic and their views are so heteronormative and shit blahblah yes it could make sense with your analysis and all that bkdk would be canon. But seriously, I swear this is just a cycle.
How much media have queer people analyzed and shit to say hey it would make complete logical sense for these two to end up together only for the writers to go "lmao no here's the poorly developed het couple take it"? Every time we go "hey maybe this time it'll be different", and like well it's good to hope, it does end up being true sometimes, but some of you trust Hori too much lmao. Maybe it's just me being a pessimist, but the way I see it, it's "don't hope for shit when he hasn't given a reason to show he'll be different" and not "he hasn't done anything to lose my trust yet so yes"
He's given me no reason to think he's being some kind of genius that's subverting expectations and ochako's writing is supposed to be a critique of how shounen love interests are written blahblah. Would that be nice? Sure. But it's "he's not great until proven otherwise" and not "he's amazing until proven otherwise"
I get the feeling of wanting all that to be true and bkdk to be canon, I would also want that. But the way I see it, it's just a possible path that could make sense, not THE path the story's gonna go with. Like just because there could be dots to be connected for bkdk to end up canon, it doesn't mean the dots are gonna be connected that way. So the thing with beefing with dudebros or antis or whatever is that while some of you are convinced that path is THE path, but they don't even see it as one cuz you're not having the same train of thought? Idk how to put it, but I just think it's kinda pointless to try to reason with them and shit.
Anyways I'm kinda just waiting for the story to end already. I've already the lost the feeling of being excited for chapters every week to see what will happen next and think about the future, I just want to see how mha will end. So this is all just rants from a pessimist who doesn't really care anymore if bkdk doesn't become canon (or if izu//ocha becomes canon in a shitty way cuz lol what did we expect). I just want a satisfying end for bkdk and my fave characters really
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flightfoot · 24 days
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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transfemlogan · 5 months
is it too late to ask about your problems with canon moceit. im really curious cuz i like their canon dynamic
okay so okay. okay. okay.
i will say i do not like patton ships in general, minus royality, so some of my moceit dislike stems from that. like again im very neutral on ships, but i tend to stray away from patton ships. hes 1 of my least fave characters so i just dont like imagining him in dynamics.
BUT! a lot of my moceit hate stems fron how they're written. i don't like how janus'& patton's relationship in canon is written. i know we havent gotten a lot of in canon interactions bcuz its been almost 4 years but it feels very, very fast past & like... not how a relationship should span.
i know people get so pissy when you say this but it is inherently pattons fault that the dark sides exist— it's all of the light sides fault, dont get me wrong, but it is especially patton's fault metaphorically. i am not trying to demonise him or hate on him or like say he's the villain or whatever dumb shit, but patton represents thomas' morality. the dark sides exist because thomas views them as inherently evil & thomas' views and opinions are morality. that is the definition of morality.
metaphorically speaking, thomas' morality is the reasons the dark sides exist and patton represents his morality.
janus is a dark side. he was casted aside because thomas views lying as an inherently a bad thing because he is catholic. patton casted janus side because patton thought lying was an inherently bad thing.
so when i see like... janus & patton interact in the into the unknown video or in the 5 years video it's so strange to me to see there be 0 awkwardness. no grudges held against each other. no mishaps or underlying opinions. theyre just ... friends?
like, if you are pushed and demonised by this person, you are not going to just casually talk to them after getting accepted. i cant even remember if patton apologised to janus at all in POF. & like janus knows how pattom treats roman & c!tjomas & i know janus isnt going to demonise patton back (well. glances at how he treated roman. maybe he would.) BUT THERE SHOULD BE SOME SORT OF LIKE. "HEY U STILL DID THIS SHITTY THING TO ME."
like it's not a one time thing, for like 30+ years thomas did not know he had a deceitful side or a dark creativity or whatever the hell orange is. this is 30 years that the dark sides were demonised and treated like this. this is years of their life. that shit fucks with you. it's like getting bullies for years and now all of a sudden your bullies are like "ok ur fine now" except way fucking worse.
& especially for patton to not be hesitant to trust janus still or slip up and say something that implies that he still doesnt agree w/ lying or something or like. saying something that he knows is bad now but has thought for years so it's just a habit.
the fact that there's no hesitation on either of their ends to me is sooo EUGHH. like it'd be way more interesting to see them stumble over their friendship & struggle but they just DONT. DO THAT. & ITS TERRIBLE I HATE IT.
& i hate the idea of them ever being in a romantic relationship with each other. like... patton, you demonised this guy for fucking years. you treated him like shit but now you're nice and attracted to him. like it feels like one of those awfully written enemies 2 lovers. like thats.. very weird to me.
outside of canon, i think their dynamic is kind of fun. like . not exactky polar oppisites like how remus & patton are or virgil & patton are but not exactly different sides of the same coin like how janus & logan are. but like. i dont even know how 2 describe their dynamic. reaching for the same goal with the same methods but very very very different opinions.
IDK LIKE. YEAH i understand the reason 4 why people ship them, but they have the same issues as prinxiety 4 me i think. like acting as if their past can just disappear like that. 30 years is a lot of time of your life to be treated like that, and a simple "i trust you" or whatever will never erase that. & im not saying they cant try or that they shouldnt (they definitely should!). just that there needs to be more push back. more struggles within their relationship for it to feel realistic. (& a romantic relationship just icks me out. janus you should not get into a relationship with that man.)
(if any moceit shippers want 2 talk abt moceit on this post, feel free !!!) (also the opposite is true, if u hate moceit like me feel free 2 express that also.)
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zai-doodles · 2 years
Ok ok last question then I’ll stop bothering you lol (but I eagerly look forward to anything you will say in the future about fairytail!)
I think I got your thoughts on Nalu, but what about other ships? You said Gajeel and Levy are your fav ship, could you tell us more why? What about Gray x Juvia? Do you have a least favorite ship?
(And don’t be sorry for rambling a lot/your posts being long! I really enjoy reading your thoughts!)
bestie i literally love u i never have the chance to post my ft hc stuff im THRIVING
aight so im going to make enemies with this post i can feel it in my bones gjkfdhgsfdkj
however i just want to say if u like these ships thats completely fine and if you read them diffrently than i do thats also dope
so lets start positive!! i LOVE gajevy sm its so perfect i just ljdghfkjd
no listen like the thing that gets me abt gajevy is how it elevates gajeel as a character SO MUCH and gives levy so much agency at the same time, like u cant tell me ft would have embraced gajeel the way they did if levy didnt CHOOSE to forgive gajeel in some capacity and like fuck imagine ur GAJEEL in this situation like bro wakes up everyday and this is just his life
gajeel lost metalica at a young age, and (i dont remember too much of canon but im pretty sure its implied he just kinda fucked around until phantom tropue picked him up which yikes) like this CHILD was on his own most of his formative years and then got picked up by a super shitty abusive group of ppl and he just LEARNED to blend in, like yea metalica made him kind of a punk but he was a KID so during those years he was alone he probably just closed himself off to survive and learned to prioritize himself over everybody else and to do that it takes a level of desensitizing urself to others pain
and like ok again im playing hard and fast with canon but i THINK its implied he like, had done a lot of bad shit with them or whatever right? like what he did to levy and fairy tail wasn't NEW, so when the events in canon happen and he ends up at fairy tail, in my mind that's the FIRST TIME he has to face how HIS ACTIONS DIRECTLY HURT SOMEONE
and not only thats but someone who OBJECTIVELY DIDN'T DESERVE IT
like ugh gajeel just,, having to learn to let himself care but also it fucking sucks bc it just makes it set in more and more what a bad person he is (he isnt but he thinks he is) THEN FUCKING LEVY PULLS UP AND JUST?? IS THE BEST???
she literally blows thro all his expectations of her bc at this point i think hes use to dealing with ppl being afraid of him bc that ssomething he understands and control, what he DOESNT understand is her being NICE to him and it makes him RESPECT her and its so out of no where that by the time the GMG roles around and gajeel has fully accepted the fact that he indeed has emotions like everyone else, ONLY TO HAVE TO FACE LEVY BEING SCARED OF HIM AGAIN
learning to put others needs above his own and being empathetic in his own fucked up way
ok enough positivity time to make ppl mad
gonna link my juvia is a lesbian post here bc it sums up a LOT of my feelings on gruvia but the tldr is that my personal hc is that juvia is a lesbian with a serious case of comp het from trying to fit in with other kids growing up and it literally was just never corrected until she got to fairy tail and actively started to form friendships
the main reason i dislike gruvia is that it paints gray as the one who needs to change in order to accept juvias feelings and not just cuz he needs to grow as a person and learn to allow himself to be vunrable.
like grays arc doesnt ONLY center around juvia but its a big part of it and juvias growth CENTERS around gray and we can talk about the the borderline misogynist idea of having a female character whos damn near whole identity is her feelings for a man where she never grows or learns meaningfully but instead just very slowly chills out more so from being sidelined than growth but i digress i just dont like them
last is jerza,, i just dont like em,, jellal is really boring in my opinion and he had a lot of potential but meh? his redemption is neat and his history with erza has potential but i feel like the point of erzas arc is about growth and moving on and while i think her and jellal can still be friends and have each others back she still has so much healing to do after tower of heaven
idk i dont see a lot wrong with jerza i just feel like its a lil bland and not my cup of tea
and yes queer platonic nalu is my life id die for them actually and i have more stuff about natsus abandonment issues and how they carry into his relationships with ppl but imma stop bc this post is long jgkfhgdjhfdjk
tldr: i love gajevy, actively dislike gruvia, very meh about jerza, love qpp nalu
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ztarduzted · 9 months
oh uh btw you are entitled 2 ur own opinion and i 100% understand if u dont agree and in fact i expect it its just me personally i cant stand it uhmmm ok yaya opinion made bye bye 😋😋
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pineappleciders · 1 year
aubrey! for the ask game:D?
erm yeth pleathe🤓*adjusts glasses*
Sexuality Headcanon: i have said it before and i will say it again i think aubrey is lesbian. idk whag it is. i think she might've had comphet for sunny idk tho🤫 (idk considering her childhood crush on sunny isnt actually canon but uts a thought)
this is mainly why i dont really like aubrey x male characters and why kimbrey is my fave<<33
Gender Headcanon: tbh i haven't really thought about it much. i really like transmasc aubrey but i dont hc her as transmasc yknow??? like i reflect onto her because she was literally me when i was little and the family issues and all that but ya its mostly me projecting. other than that i tgink you could say aubrey is transfem, transmasc, nb or whatever and id be like yeah cuz idk shes just aubrey
A ship I have with said character: kimbrey js very cute i loooove that one photo of them doing a fistbump. i love best friend dyanmics soooo mcuh
if i have to choose a more main stream ship itd probably be sunburn, specially omori x hs aubrey cuz i think sunnys little crush on her is cute. but i like transfem/genderfluid sunny x aubrey even more cuz again lesbian aubrey
A BROTP I have with said character: kelbrey!! kel and aubrey are gay best friends and i love their friendhsip so much. i can understand why people ship them cuz of their dynamic but i just prefer them platonically!!
A NOTP I have with said character: minus the obvious ones (such as maribrey...) i cant really see basil x aubrey romantically. i mean i dont have anything reallt against the ship i just cant see it working or them having feelings for each other
A random headcanon: kim has those like. i forgot what theyre called but those earrings that open ur earring hole and r like a ring i forgot the name and aubrey always thought they were super cool when she saw that kim got them so when they became closer kim pierced her ears and now aubrey has the same earrings. also post game in college i think shed get a few more piercings, on her ears and face (and probably gets some matching ones with kim :3)
General Opinion over said character: i think shes one of my favorite omori characters (i dont really have a tierlist but herand kel are so smrungjly to me so i call them my favs)
i think her trauma and story and personality is all really realistic and relatable and i love her character so much. she deserved so much better. i also kin her to an unhealthy amount but we dont talk about that
sorry for typis its 5 am j havent slept nya
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discountskeppy · 2 years
You should do posadist for the ask game
hells yeah >:3c
Sexuality Headcanon: its sexuality is far beyond our feeble human comprehension, and we could never fully understand it. which is to say it is kind of unlabeled. or it could have some kind of cray alien sexuality... hmm... gleepglorpsexual.... or maybe like aroace would that be the vibe? idk vote on your phones
Gender Headcanon: i think this guy. it has like every little crazy freak xenogender out there (thats not to say xenogenders are crazy freaks, im saying it has the xenogenders for crazy freaks) idek xenogenders dude i couldnt even name them but it has them ok. also as u can tell i refer to posad with it/its. it prolly uses like weird freak neopronouns too but idk shit abt those either
A ship I have with said character: NONE it does not have tiiiiime for our silly little human relations......
A BROTP I have with said character: the other wackies OBVIII they are such besties they have like little teen slumber parties its fun they play truth or dare and call their crushes. also ik nazbol is a wacky but im bringing him up cuz i think he and posad have like. a special bestieism ok
A NOTP I have with said character: kinda all of them >_> it just isnt like a romantic guy to me ok
A random headcanon: has lil pet bugs it does like. ethical genetic experiments on (idk how an ethical genetic experiment works but.. suspend ur disbelief ok)
General Opinion over said character: ITS FUN i rlly like it as a character. like even if i break myself out of my own head and actually look at canon, it is like a good addition to ask and it just. was surprisingly rlly helpful
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matoitech · 2 years
i dont like when shipping and a media like, having a romance or being about romance get entangled n talked abt the same way if that makes sense, bcuz i think it makes ppl rly stupid abt the existence of romances n love stories in fiction sometimes being very important or even one of the major if not the most major enjoyment of the story. and sometimes ppl get rly like its stupid/fucked up that ppl r making this media abt shipping :/ when its literally a romance and the 'shipping’ u speak of is the romance. like ik canon fictional romances in media r still referred to as ships i think? which is probably not helpful. but when it comes 2 stuff like promare where its marketed nowadays As a romance and the staff r rly explicit abt like, the romantic relationship being their main focus, it feels like one of those things thats like.. yeah this movie is definitely not entirely a love story to where ur supposed to just ignore the antifascism plot n pretend u can extract the love story from it cuz theyre both tied in 2gether intensely and thats a big part of what makes it hit but its kind of silly imo to like get mad that a lot of ppl who just watched it casually walk away like cool animation n music n romance, esp when galo and lio rly genuinely r the highlight of the movie and that was intentional. a lot of love stories r wrapped up in other plots thats just how love stories work esp in action movies. like ‘shipping’ isnt an intended enjoyment here ROMANCE is. those things dont necessarily have like a crossover bcuz love stories existed long b4 f*ndom did. but its still like. man this rly is something they wanted ppl to take from the movie and its where most of their effort n good writing went in ykwim. 
to b fair i dont think this happens a lot bcuz generally ppl either do not care to discuss it or they recognize that a movies love story being enjoyed by an audience is probably the desired outcome from ppl who r writing a love story. and btw this obv isnt talking abt ppl who the Fascism Is Bad plot goes completely over their head cuz they rly do view romances in fiction as just Fandom Shipping or whatever n all they care abt is pairing two men together im talking abt like, ppl acting like love stories in fiction were invented w fandoms or whatever n thats like bewildering and a depressing way 2 view love. and also its just kind of fucking stupid
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misqnon · 2 months
hi its march! my anon name changes with the months /j
ok thats fair if u didn't have a guess. maybe it just felt really obvious to me because i am... myself...
its hard NOT to ship op characters. they all have such fun dynamics!! hannyabul and magellan is like.. im being silly when i say i ship them,, but also they ARE kinda real boyfriends to me.
its such a shame when ppl ignore the silly side of zoro. he has a few extremely wholesome, adorable, fun moments with luffy in wano and.. yeah ... im excited for u to see the interactions they have. add that to the list of things i am excited for!! lol. do the 3 dangly earrings signify he uses 3 swords??? i Never noticed this but if so... thats genius?? either way they r so pretty and in wano they zoom in on his earrings multiple times and show them like . waving in the wind or something idk. its so .. i love it. one more thing im excited about LOL
HELL YEAH.. i honestly am not a huge fan of the wci arc. i really disliked it the first time i read it but i think there r a lot of things that contributed to that. i couldn't remember a lot of the story from before, i started it in the anime and then switched over to manga at some point so it was a bit of a jarring difference, i have complicated feelings about sanji, and i was really sleep deprived when i was reading it. it was super difficult to get through cuz it just felt like everything dragged on and on.. so when i was rereading i was really dreading coming back to that arc and having to slog through it again. but actually it wasn't that bad. its still nowhere near being a favorite for me, but it does have a lot of good moments. anyways i think u will have a much better time than me and im looking forward to seeing ur reactions!! (as usual)
dragon: "i miss my husband, sabo. i miss him a lot" /ref
one of the sanji tiktoks is actually extremely topical considering what arc ur on so ill probably send it when ur done with wci!!
i watched the scene u sent and!!! robin puts her WHOLE SOUL into that "i want to live!!!" i dont remember the japanese version that well tbh cuz its been so long since i watched it. so the dub is probably what i will remember when i think of that scene now...
i wont kill u for liking la luffy.... because i havent watched it yet LOL. i might end up agreeing with u (although tbh i doubt i will,, i tend to be more fond of things im familiar with). i like edgelord zoro but its only when he has a healthy amount of silliness to go along with it :( im very very sad to hear he isnt nearly as goofy in the live action. ive seen a few moments of him joking around but.. i miss u silly guy... i miss u....
live action usopp seems like he has more rizz than anime/manga usopp (forgive me for using slang. i have been told it sounds really odd when i do bc it sounds like an old man using it LOL). i think that is a very interesting choice!! cuz i love usopp and i do think hes really charming and a lovely person,, but i feel like him having 0 confidence in himself is so important to his character?? but he seemed like he was an enjoyable character to watch so maybe i shouldnt get too hung up on it.
tongue piercing doflamingo is canon to me too 🫡 its very fitting considering hes always doin something with his tongue
straw hat crew supports and encourages sanji to explore his gender because at the end of the day their friend is their friend and gender doesnt matter
im glad i didnt spoil anything phew!!
i will accidentally influence u to like law more. just like u influence me to like sanji more. tradeoff /j
penis death... yeah... penis death.... i love it.. its so insanely funny to me. penis death. also i find it funny that he seems to have a milder reaction to chopper saying it compared to luffy. like is that his soft spot for the cute reindeer showing?? is it bc theyre both doctors?? idk i like to analyze his relationships with the straw hats..
im procrastinating on the tierlist (im actually very busy irl with moving) but i will no t forget to send it,, i swear!!
u probably have turned on sending images in asks but i do this on my phone and im also.. kind of a tumblr noob.. so i dont know how to .. i will look it up. or just send the tierlist (when i make it) in a separate ask on my computer.
in terms of favorite characters we have in common: link, sesshomaru (i still haven't finished inuyasha. its been .. 10 years or something), kagamine rin (although tbh i like len more (im not actually that into vocaloid.. just a little?)), crowley, robin, doflamingo
i do know a lot of the characters on there but havent actually consumed the media theyre part of to feel super attached to them. i have too many things i plan to watch/read/play and i just end up not doing any of it LOL
i will keep trying for sure 🫡 ive been drawing a lot more recently. because.. im hyperfixating on anime characters. did i already say that
im pretty sure that any characters that have black eyes oda just makes them brown whenever their eye color is visible. and similarly, the anime just makes anyone with black eyes have grey or white. i dont know if oda has thought abt most of his characters eye color,, or if he actually does just plan for them all to have brown eyes. but headcanoning crazy eye colors is more fun imo!!
the anime notoriously does NOT know what colors things are. my favorite guy law has grey eyes in the anime and theyre gold in the manga.. which is devastating!? cuz gold is way more interesting and fitting and... yeah. i will forever be upset abt that. if they're gonna whiten all the characters to such a crazy level why cant they change the eye colors that are objectively WRONG (following manga canon)
brown is a good choice for luffy!!
i also love nami having brown eyes. they're pretty!!
grey definitely does work for zoro!! idk hes pretty no matter what.. and i cant clearly picture any color for him. i think most muted colors would look good
usopp having brown would look good too!! i was trying to think of the characters color pallets when i was imagining their eye colors and tbh hes worn a lot of brown so.
YEAH i saw that colorspread n that was why i was like . . yknow what... brown eyed sanji.. bc he looks very pretty there tbh. to go on a bit of a tangent, im kinda a blue eyed hater because my whole family (outside of my dad) has blue eyes . I've seen too much of it.. its boring. my mom has literal baby blues tho theyre so bright and. yeah its.. its striking.. its cool. its interesting. but the rest of us just have regular blue eyes. theyre dark and kind of grey. its too boring!!! and . therefore.. brown eyed sanji.. brown eyed sanji is best .
i am so .. i miss robins early design .. they kept her blue eyes (which again.. are objectively wrong according to manga canon) but they just had to make her like. the palest member of the straw hats. i love her having blue eyes so im not complaining that they didnt fix it but its like ... why did u fix one thing and not the other... i find that very frustrating. i wish they had just kept both her skin color and her eyes LOL. also cowgirl robin was so cool 😢
franky with pink eyes is SO GOOD??? tbh no matter what eye color he has i think it should be bright and vibrant
thats what i was thinking too!! the purple goes with his color scheme.
no worries abt not being able to reply <3
dressrosa is by far my favorite arc!! and then next i think is wano, egghead (the most recent arc), and impel down
those are my absolute favorites but other ones i like are arlong park, syrup village, punk hazard, sabaody/post war/return to sabaody, marineford (this would be another absolute favorite if not for the fact its so painful), whatever arc zoro joined in, drum island, skypeia, and.. controversially i do like fishman island despite also finding it a bit boring
i also rly enjoyed the reverie (it counts as a separate arc on the wiki) this one is apparently directly after wci.. i can never remember when it takes place chronologically. theres not really any action but i dont even care... i dont read for action
people dont like post timeskip one piece as much for some reason? its confusing to me bc almost all my favorite arcs are post timeskip.. im loving the focus shifting to the whole world.. and i love reading about huge world events. and i love theorizing about things. its all very fun
its really hard to choose just a few favorites LOL. i keep wanting to add other arcs i really enjoyed . augh.
what are YOUR favorite arcs :o
no u’ve put me on the hannyabul and magellan train now. its my new otp. sorry. u did this
YEA HIS 3 EARRINGS ARE FOR HIS SWORDS!! and yes im. so excited for so MANY wano moments (that i know of but havent been completely spoiled for: everyone in beast pirate disguises, zoro and luffy reunion (+ everyone else ofc!) sanji’s raid suit and subsequent Germa Angst, THE ZORO / SANJI DEATH PACT??. DEMONIO FLEUR!?!??! (GOING TO LOSE MY MIND AT THAT ONE) AND MORE. and if theyre gonna be animation zoro’s earrings like that then damn. i got even more to look forward to on top of tht
i like wci but mostly for the sanji arc. i dont care much for the setting (although the alice in wonderland insp is cool!) and i actually love pudding but the fact she’s apparently 16 puts a bad taste in my mouth every time she’s on screen. it doesnt feel like its dragging on yet but as much as i do wanna continue i keep not having the motivation bc i know i still have quite a bit to go through vjbjfdkn. im glad u enjoyed it more ur second time tho!! (katakuri….gotta get to katakuri at least)
and yes…YES……SANJITOK/…
yea the opla is so fun and a great ride but like anything it has its problems! although im still just amazed that it somehow seemed to break the live action anime curse and be the only one to do so with moderate success and yet it adapted. probably one of the hardest and longest anime to adapt ever. like how. do tell me if u watch it!! 
jacob is just too hot to play usopp is the issue- KNDFSJSKL /HJ. it’s definitely still played as fake confidence but its a different flavor of it for sure.
and yes beautiful. gnc sanji my beloved. transji my beloved. sanji forced to lipsync for his life by iva my beloved
i am completely ok with this character influencing btw. tradeoff initiated. i actually saw a law post and thought of u the other day!! i was gonna send it to u but i was like i’ll wait for the next letter…so here
idk if this is fanon or canon a lot but ppl say law has a cuteness to weak animals bc of bepo. robin core
omg tumblr noob…i’ve been on this damn website for more than 10 years 😭
slay im glad we have some in common >:^) inuyasha was my first actual anime! and sesshomaru my first anime crush…wow. love that guy. [don’t watch the yashahime sequel. i dont wanna talk abt it 😐] and thats valid i love both the kagamine twins!!
i havent had time to draw but man…i draw like. in my mind. u know. i…i think about things…i COULD draw…that counts right,
i agree! i was surprised no one has asked in an SBS but i know it HAS to have been a question so maybe he has a reason he isnt answering??
I HEARD HIS EYES ARE GOLD IN MANGA WHICH IS SO FUCKING COOL?? GOLD EYES ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAV IN CHARACTER DESIGN!! and god. yea. yea. like oh okay you can get the colors wrong on everything and not change them to be right but u can make usopp whiter than a sheet. ok. i see how it is. they even lightened CHOPPER FOR PETE SAKE???
im not a blue eyed HATER but i definitely prefer brown eyes. as a brown eyes haver im pushing back on the blue eye supremacy with spite ‼️
dont even get me started on post timeskip robin. biggest downgrade. like at least franky is still himself and can change his hair and his face is still franky. someone else worded it best in saying oda took away so many features that made robin’s character design recognizable and unique that she feels like a completely different one. APPARENTLY robin was never supposed to be tan and anime assumed that too, but idc if u keep the blue then keep the skin color…its like. blatantly just colorism there
omg…DRESSROSA WAS VERY GOOD! that makes me think…hey have u seen this video . made by the same editor as the last one i sent u also…that makes me so excited to move forward. AND MAYBE ITS JUST BC IM GAY AS HELP BUT I LOOVVED IMPEL DOWN !! 70% FOR THE NEWKAMA AND 30% FOR CROCODILE
i didnt think fishman island was anywhere near as boring or badly paced as i heard. it was literally fine imo. not my favorite but not bad! except um. fishman island sanji can burn pls stop making me hate my favorite character (THOUGH I STAND BY RETURN TO SABAODY SANJI BEING WORSE THAN FISHMAN ISLAND. AT LEAST HE WASNT SNIFFIN PPL WHAT THE *FUCK* WAS THAT]
and i defintely see the post-timeskip haters points sometimes. there’s less time spent with the characters just. getting to interact and chill- partially bc the anime doesnt really do filler now but also partially bc now the crew is so large that oda never writes them all in one place. theyre always splitting up. and also the obvious things like robin getting sidelines and her design change, zoro is less silly, overall there’s less lightheartedness (although at times i can appreciate that). but the thing that bothers me most is it feels like oda got more brave with the off color jokes and sexualization and such. it was there pre timeskip (esp starting around thriller bark) but post timeskip its just like. sexualization and perv jokes are turned up to 200%. and yea im bitter bc sanji got worse in that aspect (although i actually prefer his post timeskip design! i like his stupid little goatee and his new suits/outfits are very nice! and his character development has obviously. gotten some spotlight) but damn if they couldnt give that to some of the other crew members too! though i digress. and ur right- the arcs and story HAVE improved and been super epic!
hmm..i think my favorite arcs would have to be [as of where i am currently] water 7/enies lobby, impel down, and dressrosa. whole cake will probably be up there when i finish it just bc of it being the My Guy Arc.
help im running out of one piece questions…uh…uh…any other strawhat headcanons? about anything!
p.s. i saw this and it made me laugh so hard
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princsstwilightsparkl · 3 months
"your ship will never be canon" yeah my ship is a four-person polycule where two of the people are basically a canon couple, two are dead, and two hate each other, what the actual fuck did you think i was expecting? use your imagination.
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divainity-aa · 5 years
relations  tag  dump.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
if anyone else saw the post saying that katara was gonna be 16 and sokka was gonna be 14 in the live action here is my take:
im pissed ab this.
and no, it’s not because its most likely being done so they can make zutara a couple. i dont care about that. i have nothing against zutara. i may not ship it myself but if you ship it good for you. ive seen cute fanart and cute fanfics for zutara that ive really enjoyed. i like zutara. not my favorites but i dont dislike them. just wanted to make that clear. that isnt what im mad about here.
im pissed because its gonna ruin katara and sokka’s characters.
by making katara older there is not a doubt in my mind that they will make her more “motherly” seeing as she will likely be responsible for taking care of sokka and aang. there has already been way too many issues in this fandom with stereotypes of katara being reduced to “just the mom friend” and nothing else. in my opinion many of the mom friend stereotypes that have been pushed onto katara in fanon has led to a lot of sexism towards katara and this will inevitably end up forcing the mother role onto her even more and thats just a no no for me. katara literally fights sexism in the NWT, plz dont force her to be a 16 year old girl forced to care for her brother and the avatar because she is older than them. katara deserves more than being forced into a motherly role for aang and sokka. again this is just my take on what i think will happen if katara is made to be the older sibling. i could be wrong. but i would really hate to see this happen because i know itll result in more sexism towards katara and i would really hate to see that.
and now sokka. a major part of sokkas character comes from the fact that he is an extremely protective older brother. because he is the OLDER brother he feels the need to be the man if the tribe. he is very responsible and very serious. this all stems from the fact that he is OLDER. he even says that he is the leader because of it. sokka pretty much IS the leader because he keeps these younger kids on track as an older brother. his insecurities largely stem from the fact that his little sister is a prodigy bender and he is not. there was literally a whole episode about it. and being an older brother w a prodigy sibling mirrors zuko and azula PERFECTLY and that parrallel is one of the most compelling things about atla!!! that will all be flushed down the drain. sure you can still have sexist sokka getting his butt whooped by suki without him being the older brother, sure sokka would likely still be insecure of his status as a nonbender without being the older brother, but in my opinion it would be much less compelling that way seeing as it stems from his status as. an. older. brother. his status as the older brother is also part of the reason why his relationship with hakoda is so interesting as well. his father left him behind to be the man of the tribe because he was older. he wants to make his father proud by proving that he can be a man. his healthyrelationship woth hakoda also DIRECTLY parrallels to zukos horrible relationship with ozai. WHICH IS ALSO AN EXTREMELY COMPELLING PART OF ATLA. sokka just wants to make his father proud by proving that he CAN protect katara. without this, his protectiveness is gone, leaving his protectiveness over Yue in the northern tribe and his protectiveness of suki at serpents pass and his protectiveness of toph on the airship rooted in nothing. sokka is protective BECAUSE he is the older brother. sokka as the younger sibling will reduce him to nothing more than comedic relief and strip him of much of the traits that make him an amazing three dimensional character.
all in all you dont have to agree with me. im not one of the writers. i cant confirm that mom friend katara and comedic relief sokka are what will result in the live action show due to the age swap. but i am very very very very VERY confident that that is what the characters we know and love will be reduced to should this occur. just my thoughts. just my opinion. (if you disagree thats okay but plz be respectful i tried v hard to be respectful when writing this as well)
tl;dr while it may seem inconsequential to change the ages of sokka and katara their roles and older brother and younger sister help shape their characters and changing that just to make zutara canon (even tho i have nothing against zutara. zutara stans please do not attack me ur ship is cute i swear.) it will also change the dynamic of the show we know and love and i am too attached to their original character arcs to be happy with this change.
have a lovely day everyone. go drink some tea and read a fluffy fic and distract urself from another live action atla disaster.
EDIT: keep in mind the age swap isnt like totally confirmed yet so this could all end up being for nothing but yk still wanted to put my thoughts out there🥰 now if you will excuse me im going to write a college essay and then some fanfic cuz why not
EDIT TWO: pretty sure its fake. im sorry for how long this is. false alarm everyone! i think! i hope!
EDIT THREE: i ship zutara now lol. i still stand by this post tho. not happy ab the character age swaps.
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miwtual · 2 years
fandom wise HMMMM naruto and character wise Tasm!Peter cuz im evil >:) i don't have alot of ships for you atm so no #2 here dgtfdgh
alright this is going under the cut because its gonna get long lmao
send me 1, 2, and/or 3!
fandom: naruto
Favorite character: ill be basic and say naruto like i love so many of the characters but naruto i will always go back to <3
Least Favorite character: danzo all the homies hATE DANZO
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (in no particular order) nejiten, sakuhina, kakaguy........ dude i never ship anyone lmao this is hard so thats all ur getting rn HJBSDKF
Character I find most attractive: kakashi. call me basic but that mf FINE and i feel VERY strongly about it
Character I would marry: shino my beloved <3
Character I would be best friends with: SAKURA
a random thought: naruto and jjk are not the same. yeah they have a lot of similar aspects to them but i think thats more the fault of shounen animanga in general and its tropes rather than "jjk is trying to "copy" naruto!1!!!!!'11!!!!"
An unpopular opinion: i dont think boruto should exist!!!!! the show or the child!!!!!!! naruto should have just ended and maybe gotten a short epilogue thing but other than that i feel very strongly that boruto is just boring and is a rehash of naruto where it doesnt even take away the characters FROM naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!! if it was something more like legend of korra where a lot of time has passed and things have changed pretty drastically in the world THEN it would be fine ig but it just isnt!!!!!!!!!!! its boring! if i wanted to watch boruto have adventures like his dad I WOULD JUST WATCH HIS DADS ADVENTURES!!!!!! AND I HAVE!!!!!!
My Canon OTP: i dont really have a canon otp. i do think sasusaku is cute tho so ig i'll put them here JHBSDKFJ
My Non-canon OTP: nejiten theyre canon to ME and thats what matters
Most Badass Character: sakura idc
Most Epic Villain: orochimaru tbh SJFL hes just funny to me
Pairing I am not a fan of: naruhina, its just hard for me to believe that they fell in love or whatever after she literally said like. 6 words to him ever JHBKDF
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): literally all of the ladies + shino, need i explain
Favourite Friendship: team kurenai theyre so sweet ok
Character I most identify with: probably hinata tbh
Character I wish I could be: sakura <3
character: peter parker (tasm)
How I feel about this character: because of personal trauma reasons from Bad People in my life who literally were OBSESSED with this version of peter i. cant say i like him very much JSBHKDFN not in a bad way tho just in a personal trauma type of way
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: ngl i dont think i ship him romantically with anybody, like him and gwen are cute and all but i feel like gwen is just. way too good for him HSDNFL
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: him and his aunt may are so sweet <3
My unpopular opinion about this character: hes a better peter parker than he is spiderman. it makes sense in MY head ok
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish we got to see what he meant by how he "got dark" when he mentioned it in nwh.......... like what do u mean got dark peter? did u become more of a batman vigilante type who was more violent and didnt care about who got hurt in the process??? what do u MEAN peter TELL US
Favorite friendship for this character: i feel like if we were given more time with harry they'd be such cooler friends......... i want them to be besties i just dont think 1 movie did it SKDFL
My crossover ship: this variant of peter and kirsten dunst's mj watson just makes sense to me dont ask me why alright. they just Make Sense
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