#just not wake up tomorrow morning dear god
magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
#i so desperately wish i would just die without killing myself#just not wake up tomorrow morning dear god#i dont know what im living for anyone. i really dont i really dont#im too tired too sick and not motivated enough to make it through life#i barely want or care about anything anymore#i just wanna die. i just wanna sleep i just wanna rest i cant fucking do this#theres barely anyone that i should stay alive for. my absence would be forgotten in weeks to months anyway#im too much of a fuckup to help anyone which is one of the few things i even care about anymore#i cant do any of this. i dont want any of this#im so tired of the pain im so tired of the god awful fucking pain all the time the physical pain the emotional pain#its been my whole life. my whole life#im tired of being lonely. ive gone through most of the horrid shit in this life alon3#its too much. its too much. its too fucjin mich im tired of failing over and over again im tired of crying#im not good enough for anything. im not good room for absolutely fuckin anything or anyone#god just take me already#life has already been so cruel i dont understand why you must prolonged my suffering#i wasnt even fucking 2 yet when this shit started. god. god fucking damn it god this pain has been my whole fucking life i just want it to#end#.#id throw myslef infront of a car if it was certain death and wouldnt traumatize anyone else#god fucking damn it why is it so hard to die. why. why why why fucking why am i still breathing god just let me fucking go
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2tcs · 23 days
Danny’s Journal or A Countdown to the Beginning
Summary: A look into the year leading up to the accident from the perspective of a forgotten journal.
February 9, 2002
Dear journal. Mom and Dad said they had a surprise for me and Jazz when we get home from school. Please God don't let it be another ghost gun or something. My hair is still singed from the last one.
Update. It was, in fact, a gun. Jazz now has a mild burn on her arm and is screaming how they need therapy. Not disagreeing but I don't think it's going to happen.
February 12, 2002
Dear journal. Happy birthday. A year ago Jazz gave you to me for my birthday. How my parents haven't accidentally destroyed you I don't know.
Me Tucker, Sam, and Jazz went out to eat for my birthday. Sam even had her family driver take us a town over to try that new restaurant. Well, that's what their excuse was.  I think they were trying to get me out of the house for a little bit since Mom and Dad are going on a rampage through the house disassembling all the appliances. It's 10 pm and I can still hear noise coming from the basement.
March 26, 2002
I have the best idea for an April Fools prank. It involves chez whiz and glitter.
April 1, 2002
The prank worked like a charm. The jocks are going to smell like cheese for weeks. And they ain't ever getting the glitter out.
On the downside. Dash broke my arm and Mom and Dad put a “Fenton Anti-ghost Cast” on me. It kinda glows and makes my arm feel weird.
April 23, 2002
Sam’s birthday party was a glorious disaster this year. Her mom decided to do a princess-themed party. We have been preparing for this day since Sam found one of her mom’s work journals. We managed to sneak paint and glitter bombs into the venue before anyone got there. We even managed to get one on each of the chandeliers. It was awesome. Everyone got covered in black paint and red glitter. 
What we didn’t account for was Grandma Ida hiring professional snake handlers to bring in a bunch of snakes for Sam. The snakes were non-venomous and luckily were all caught after one of the rich people bumped into the table that the snake cage was on. And the paint was non-toxic so it was easy to clean off the snakes too without them getting sick. Still kinda feel bad that the snakes got caught in the crossfire though.
May 20, 2002
🎵Schools out for the summer!🎵 Lol this is going to be so exciting. Our last summer as middle schoolers. Nothing but the big leagues after this!
June 13, 2002
Dad wants to go camping for Father's Day so we're going to head out tomorrow morning. Think I heard them mention Lake Arrowhead. That'll be cool. Haven't fished there before.
June 15, 2002
I don't know how but we're in Gotham. Apparently, there's some stupid ghost conversation going on so we're going to be stuck here for the next week. On the pulse side though I found a really cool cafe not too far from the hotel. And they don’t seem to care if you just hang out as long as their not busy and you buy something. Me and Jazz will probably be spending a lot of time here or at their library. It’s huge and has an entire section of space!
June 16, 2002
Turns out I'm allergic to something called Blood Blossoms. Mom and Dad ended up having some guy try to cleanse me of “the evil spook” after I accidentally brushed up against the flowers he had on his table. Jazz had to convince them to get me to the hospital. Luckily one of the guys walking around had an epi pen. So that helped. Still sucks and now I'm stuck at the hotel while Jazz frets like a mother hen. I don't think she's even realized that she has a rash on her hand from when she threw the flowers away from me.
June 19, 2002
So… Batman is real… wtf? He apparently has some questions for Mom and Dad but they haven't come back yet. He apologized to me and Jazz for waking us up and gave us suckers? Which. Weird. And Jazz threw them away when he left because “stranger danger is still a thing even if they are a hero”. RIP little Root Beer flavored DumDum. You will be missed.
And on the other hand, Robin was pretty cool. He's snarky and brave and hilarious and he is just so cool. 10/10 New favorite Robin. He even gave me a book recommendation for the report I'm supposed to turn in at the start of freshman year.
June 22, 2002
We were supposed to leave Gotham today. We were supposed to finally head to one of the lakes on the way home to do some camping and fishing. We were supposed to have a relaxing time. So please journal. Can you tell me why the giant wannabe scaly just threw the GAV? Now we are going to be stuck in this stupid city for another week while Mom and Dad fix it.
June 24, 2002
I made a new friend! Do you remember that cafe I talked about a few days ago? Well, I met a guy there. His name is Jason. He’s an absolute lit nerd but is way cool. The guy’s got muscles underneath his school uniform too. The guy looks like he could snap me like a twig yet isn’t at all like Dash. Hopefully, we can keep in contact after we head back to Amity. For now, we are planning on meeting up at the cafe tomorrow with our favorite books. I found “Star Stories”at the library so I’m bringing it with me. I don’t know if he likes stars but I hope he likes some of the stories about them.
July 9, 2002
Finally back at home. Dad had smuggled fireworks into the GAV (how they didn’t explode when KC threw it in Gotham idk) so we spent the 4th of July shooting them off at the lake. We ended up going to Lake Erie for the camping trip because Mom heard something at the convention about a ghost hanging out around there. Didn’t see any ghosts but the fishing was good. I even caught a bass the size of my head! All around it was really fun! Oh and the stars were so clear! The Summer Triangle was so clear you could point out Vega, Deneb, and Altair! It was so cool! Did you know that Vega is in the Lyra constellation? Or Deneb is in the Cygnus Constellation. And Altair is a part of the Aquila constellation!
Maybe I should ask if Mom and Dad could get me another journal for charting the stars. I’ll need the practice if I want to become an astronaut.
July 29, 2002
It’s a good thing that I got two of everything when me, Sam, and Tucker went shopping for school supplies. I got a lot of new space-themed stuff but the moment I got home Dad insisted on ghost-proofing my new backpack… It melted. I don’t even know how he managed to melt a canvas bag. It didn’t even catch fire first. Just started melting the moment Dad started spraying his new “Fenten Ecto-Rejecto Spray” on it. Wtf Dad.
On the plus side, Sam found a new coffin backpack and Tucker was able to get a new bag that had a pouch that he can put the walkman he got yesterday for his birthday. He is so hyped about it. 
August 6, 2002
School starts next week and I am so hyped. Finally going to be a high schooler. Cool Kids Club here we go!
August 15, 2002
Kill me now. May the Gods strike me down and end my suffering. May the Faits find me lacking and cut my string. May the Crone tear me from the tapestry, the mother rejects my thread from the loom and the maiden take the wool of my youth and set it aside.
Sam has just informed me that that isn’t quite what the Mother, Maiden, and Crone do but whatever. Just know that everything sucks because apparently someone called the house phone and told Mom and Dad that there was a ghost in the school. The A-listers are blaming me for ruining their high school debut.
August 30, 2002
Mom and Dad have started making more noise in the lab than normal. It’s gotten to the point that Jazz has been spending more time at the library to study. Speaking of Jazz, she has been obsessing over self-help and psychology books lately. I mean. Jazz has always talked up therapy but now she’s kinda getting snooty about it. Sam suggested we start hanging out at that gazebo thingy at the park so we can get our work done on the nicer days. We’ll have to hang at Tucker's place though on the rainy days. Sam’s parents have decided that it’s time to put their foot down and get Sam to “socialize with your actual peers Sammy-kins so that you can make better connections and start networking” or whatever. So basically Sam’s mom doesn’t want her to be associated with us plebs I guess.
September 8, 2002
Mom and Dad repurposed the fridge so they could put samples in it. Apparently, the one in the lab broke. The green stuff in the tubes kinda creeps me out. Jazz is yelling at them about it. I kinda agree. Cross-contamination anyone? Think I’m gonna eat out at Nasty more often.
September 28, 2002
Either I’m going crazy or the leftover chicken and noodle soup in the fridge was moving. Like the noodles were wiggling around like worms or something. Jazz ordered pizza.
October 5, 2002
There are new wires in the house now and they glow? Mom said that they had some sort of breakthrough and are using the samples that they have to coat some of the tech in the house to “ecto-proof” it. Apparently, the ectoplasm doesn’t like electronics so they weren’t really able to mix it with tech too well. Some of Mom’s blueprints look like Star Wars blasters. Dad’s are less impressive.
October 29, 2002
Mom and Dad have locked me and Jazz in our rooms because of the “Ghost Menaces”. Me and Jazz have both taped warning signs on our windows so some brave trick-or-treaters don’t accidentally get hurt.
November 1, 2002
The signs worked but I saw Mom and Dad taking off in the GAV around midnight. Whatever. Me and Tucker did manage to reach a new level in DOOM last night so that was cool. And it’s World Vegan Day today so Sam is going to take us out to eat at a vegan place for dinner. I have no clue what Tucker’s going to eat. Well probably get it to-go so he can get something.
I found out where Mom and Dad went last night. The cops showed up and gave Mom and Dad a ticket for destroying a part of the park's water fixture. Someone had organised a haunted forest thing in the park and my parents went absolute ape.
November 2, 2002
Who told Mom and Dad about Dia de Los Muertos? Or that there was a little remembrance celebration/party thing going on today because of it? I’ve decided to make deviled eggs in protest of their chaos and have also bought candy skulls to eat.
November 18, 2002
Apparently, there is an Occult Day(?) and Sam insists we spend the day researching cults. Tucker has found a tech cult online that says there is “Techno Magic” and he is now trying to learn it. Sam has found a book of curses and has been giggling since she found it. Sam giggling is terrifying. I am concerned.
November 28, 2002
The turkey came to life and attacked us. Mom and Dad are blaming ghosts but me and Jazz agree that this is totally their fault for putting the stupid ecto in the fridge. At least the rest of the food was edible. I mean. It had a kinda glowing but I haven’t gotten sick yet. So yay?
November 29, 2002
So the food wasn’t good and I ended up getting sick this morning. fml Jazz is mad that I ate some of it. I am fully aware of what food safety is Jazz. But I was hungry and after the turkey, I was just tired and hangry. I had no clue you had ordered pizza so :p
December 5, 2002
On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me! Nothing because my family is insane. Mom and Dad are already starting their yearly Santa argument. Sam and Tuck are both out of town to visit family for the holidays, Jazz is avoiding the house because it’s “disruptive to my mental development” and I’m grounded for yelling at Dad when he burst into my room and accidentally made my little Rover fall off the shelf and brake.
December 9, 2002
Mom and Dad’s insanity is ramping up. They almost never leave the lab now and whenever I try to bring food down to them they either just mumble and keep working or start arguing again. The whole in the wall has a frame now too.
December 24, 2002
I made a mistake when I brought Mom and Dad their dinner today. In my defense, I was just tired of them yelling about Santa. So I asked why they had hazmat suits but me and Jazz didn’t if ecto was so dangerous. Because if it’s that dangerous then the fact we have ecto in the fridge means that we should all have suits. Jazz is furious with me cause now our parents are making us try on our new suits tomorrow. I am terrified of whatever monstrosity they create no matter how “fashionable” Dad claims they will be.
December 25, 2002
It’s worse than I thought. Mine’s white.
January 15, 2003
Gods, I hate this. I’ve been sick for the past week and Jazz says we’re almost out of soup. I keep going back and forth between being hungry and puking up whatever Jazz feeds me. Mom says that she has some tea that may help but when Dad brought it up it tasted funny. It did make me feel a little better but it just had a really weird taste. Dad said it’s just because I’m sick so everything tastes funny right now.
January 19, 2003
Is it weird that I want to lick the ecto in the fridge? I’m pretty sure it is but it still kinda looks lickable to me. Like how you know that D batteries are not edible but almost everyone has licked one at some point?
Jazz just gave me a lecture about putting things in my mouth that I shouldn’t… Again…
January 27, 2003
Jazz scared me this morning. I walked into the kitchen this morning and just saw glowing eyes. Like a cat’s eyes in the dark. Jazz thinks I’m hallucinating from lack of sleep because of the all-nighter I pulled with Tuck trying to pass the next level on DOOM but I swear that her eyes were glowing.
February 9, 2003
I’m starting to worry. I know they're obsessed with their dumb portal but they haven’t eaten in 2 days. Jazz is planning on going down there and persuading (yelling at them) them to eat if they don’t come up for dinner tonight.
February 12, 2003
Happy Birthday to me. I am now 14 years old. Mom and Dad forgot it was my birthday again. They ran into the kitchen this morning because they completed their portal. They even dragged me and Jazz down into the lab to see them turn it on before we went to school. It didn’t work and now Mom and Dad are going to take a drive around town to clear their heads. They probably won’t be back until dinner time. Sam and Tucker are coming over after school though so at least it will be quiet while they are over. And I think Jazz is going to make a cake if the box of mix I saw her trying to hide from me yesterday is any indication. 
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withahappyrefrain · 3 months
The new clip of Lewis making out on a bed 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 it makes me so feral I need to be put down. It's giving fresh home from a suicide mission and desperately wanting to get his wife pregnant (again?) cause he's just ao happy to be back with her after almost not coming back
The way he manhandles her so effortlessly too? I'm fucked up nonnie.
Anyways, here's Bob with a feral breeding kink under the cut!
As soon as your daughter was fast asleep, his hands were all over you, tugging your clothes off.
You couldn't even make a joke about greed being the seventh sin, as Bob's lips were pressed against yours, tongue eagerly exploring your mouth.
When your back hits the mattress, your husband hovers over you, as if he's trying to commit all your features to memory.
"God, I missed y'all. I missed you, missed my wife so much," he moans against your neck, his hips rocking against yours. You can feel his growing bulge, eliciting a whimper.
Ten weeks with no contact makes one very desperate.
"Fuck, need ya s'bad. Need to be inside ya right now. Please sweet girl?"
Bob doesn't have to ask twice as you're already shimmying your hips to rid yourself of your sweatpants.
You know it was a tough mission when he doesn't wait for you to come while he's in-between your thighs. As soon as he can hear how wet you are, he's lining his cock to your entrance.
The stretch is a pleasurable ache, which you welcome enthusiastically. Bob has to hold your hips down so you wouldn't try to get more of his cock. He may be desperate but he's not going to hurt you.
"Easy there baby, don't -fuck- don't wanna hurt you. Fuck, you feel s'good. S'fucking tight."
Bob's rural accent only comes out two times: when he's with his family and when he's fucking you. You adore the change in his voice,
"Robby, need-"
"I know, I know. Just a little more and then you can have all of me."
Normally, you two would have a moment once he was fully inside. But this past mission caused him to come closer to death than he ever wanted to.
The sounds of skin slapping against skin and your audible wetness quickly fill the room, both you and Bob grateful that your daughter was a sound sleeper.
"Oh m'god, angel, feel s'good. Fuck, you're so tight. Wanna feel you up, want that little pussy of yours full of me."
His words make you moan, one of his hands quickly covering your mouth, though the smirk remained on his face.
"C'mon, need ya to be a good mama and not wake our girl." You tried, though a moan did escape when he pressed your knees to your chest, allowing him to thrust even deeper.
"Ya like that? Want me to make you a mama again? Put a baby in you again?"
You nod desperately, eyes rolling back as his cock continues to brush against a specific spot that is sending you closer and closer to the edge.
He has the audacity to chuckle, "Can tell ya want it. Clenching me so hard. Gonna fill ya up s'good, make ya s'full of me. Gonna give ya a baby."
His words and thrusts make you dizzy with pleasure. He's only this way with you, only this vulgar.
When you feel Bob's fingers draw circles on your clit, your legs begin to shake. It's too much after going without his touch for so long.
His lips replaces the hand that was covering your mouth, swallowing your needy moans. Your hands find purchase on his hair, holding onto him for dear life.
"That's it, take my cock. Such a good girl, such a good little wife f'me. Gonna make that belly round again."
"R-Robby, I-"
"I know. Just let go baby, I gotcha."
Normally you could hold out a little longer. But your husband felt so good. It felt right to have him here again, inside you. So you tipped over, allowing your body to be pushed over that pleasurable edge. He held you as you rode out your high, large hands gripping your hips so hard you were sure there would be bruises come tomorrow morning. Bob wasn't far behind, his hips stuttering as he came.
For the next few moments, you both were silent. Then, you finally gathered enough courage to ask,
"How bad was it?"
Bob lets out a nervous laugh, "Was hoping you'd keep me warm tonight, if that's any indicator."
Your lips formed into a worried pout, fingers finding his hair.
His blue eyes bore into yours, "I'll tell you tomorrow morning. Promise. But tonight, I just wanna be close to you."
You nodded, wrapping your around his shoulders. Bob rested his head on your chest, relaxing as he finally felt at home.
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mins-fins · 2 months
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HI BABY!! okay um before you purge me and murder my entire family i'm sorry for not calling you yesterday.. it was after the first show and i was exhausted but anyway, how was the concert? did you enjoy it? do you think i did well? do you—[a small shout is heard from behind him] I AM NOT "WHIPPED" SHUT UP! ignore chenle he doesn't know what he's talking about, is it bad that i love my dear partner so much? he's just sad and lonely—AM NOT!— ARE TOO! STOP YELLING AT ME!! you're gonna come tomorrow right? if work doesn't keep you in that is, god i hate your job, and i miss you, i miss you so bad, it's going to be hard to do this when international tour dates start, all we have connecting us is some stupid phone..[another shout is heard from behind him] OKAY FINE! it's too late, we have to wake up early tomorrow, alright bye i love you! sleep well!
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NOVEMBER 23, 22:45 PM
haechan totally tried to trip me on stage today, that little shit..anyway, hi baby!! sorry for the like— two calls every week but it's been so hard to find alone time for myself these days, i really like japan though, we should come here sometime for a trip! just me and you, maybe on one of my breaks, if i can even get one. i miss you, having jeno as company is beginning to get boring, i mean, i love jeno obviously but i see him every single day!! i'm literally about to go insane without you here, i'm about to pay for your flight here and make up some excuse to your manager about a family issue or something.. will they even believe that? i don't care, it's been a while since we went anywhere together, just the two of us, also, did i tell you your mom called me? apparently she really liked our performance, she called me to tell me about it!! anyway um, i have no time left, hope you have a good night, i love you!!
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NOVEMBER 26, 02:09 AM
jeno snores way too loudly, so no sleep for me, and he also complains so much about everything so now i have to whisper for this, but anyway, i know you're probably asleep as well so it doesn't matter if i send this cause you'll see it in the morning but i don't care! whoops, right, whispering. i can't believe that you can't come to the shows, it's all sooooo boring without you. i always search for you in the audience but then i don't see you and i get upset, you being in the crowd would make everything much better, hopefully you can at find time to get here before the final japanese show this year.. is this corny? i don't think so, i just— i miss you, i say that all the time but i do, a lot. um yeah that's all, i should probably sleep now, i love you!
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DECEMBER 2, 21:37 PM
I KNEW YOU HAD SOME STUPID PLAN! i can't believe i didn't even notice you sneaking up on me that was….. i can't start, i'll go on and on forever. how did you even get backstage? did you talk to mark or something? i don't know i guess i'm just— i'm just very surprised, you didn't even tell me anything! i'm not going to lie.. it was such a smart plan, i'm glad you were able to make it, seeing you again was so nice i almost cried having to let go of you, and yeah i tried to contain myself in front of the members but i couldn't, they had to get it though! because when you're partner is right there you can't just stand there and be normal, i did mean to trap you in that hug! god being able to wrap my arms around you again was so nice, you give such good hugs you know? i know you won't be here for long but let's make the most of our time together okay? i'm happy you're here, alright i have to go now, good night, i love you.
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DECEMBER 10, 09:30 AM
hi hi!! happy to say that i will be back soon! don't be surprised if i just randomly show up in your house one day, world famous idol na jaemin in your kitchen, making himself some coffee, you might have a heart attack, i hope i don't scare you again, not like that one time after hot sauce promotions ended.. your face was hilarious, i'm sorry for that one baby, i was really just trying to surprise you.. anyway, tour picks back up in february, so we have time to be idiots and go on stupid dates, get chased down by the staff.. okay maybe not that, the last time they almost caught us was funny though. alright um— just wanted to tell you i'll be back soon! i'll make sure to pass by a convenience store and get you ice cream, and yes i'll remember to get cookie dough this time, still not sure what you have against strawberry..alright that's it! i'll see you soon, i love you!!
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delta-pavonis · 1 month
Fic Teaser: Parasomnia
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(The morning after Special Exhibition, so spoilers there if you haven't read it. This little bit is rated T.)
Dear Dream,
Many would start such a note with “I just couldn't bear to wake you…” but, to be quite honest, I fear it would be too disingenuous given that I did everything short of cracking the smelling salts to wake you before I left. I was worried enough that I checked all your vitals. Upon finding you not dead, nor bradycardic, nor hypotensive, nor hypoxic, nor hypoglycemic, I decided you needed the rest.
Make yourself at home. And I mean that truly. Hell, you know where the toys are kept if you somehow feel the urge. (I, for one, am giving my bollocks and backside a break for at least a few days. No regrets, though.) There is barely any food in the pantry because of my holiday schedule, but there is plenty of coffee and tea. Enjoy anything and everything I have in stock. Or just order takeaway.
I left my car here and took the tube in. Keys are by the front door. You are welcome to drive my car to the hospital or get on a block south and ride in to pick up your car. I told the hospital parking attendant to log it under my name, so no rush getting here, your car is safe.
Rest. Go back to sleep if you want. (Actually, drink a glass of water first. We exerted ourselves rather, ah, thoroughly last night.) Take all the time you need. 
I’ll be back about 6 tomorrow morning. If you're around, we can have breakfast. If not, I hope I’ll see you soon. 
Text me when you are up and moving?
P.S. Last night was fantastic. You are absolutely stunning. xoxo
Dream reads the letter fully three times before putting it down.
Something in his chest soars.
He wants Hob to be his very, very badly. 
Probably in ways Hob very much does not intend. 
Dream drops the note to run his hands over his face and flops back onto the bed. The sheets smell of Hob and he turns to press his cheek into them before he can think better of it.
Oh, yeah, he’s proper fucked. 
One hand wanders down to his abdomen, to above his groin, and for a moment he feels Hob within him again and groans. His other hand lands on the bruising on his shoulder, presses softly, just enough to remind him of Hob's mouth. 
Dream closes his eyes and remembers the taste of Hob, his skin and mouth and sweat and cum. He suddenly misses him, desperately. 
Which is insane. 
They’ve known each other–actually known each other, not the weird parasocial relationship he had with Hob via his TikTok ASMR videos–less than a week. How can Dream possibly miss him?!?
This is just the rush of a new relationship. It will pass. It will pass.
But Dream doesn't want it to pass. 
God, it has been ages since he felt this good. Since he had someone respond to him, to his intensity, in kind, to meet him punch for punch. It is what he thought Corin would be, or Calliope, or, fuck, Nada way back when. He thought they could become this. He and Killala had it for one bright, shining moment, before they burned themselves out.
And yet here Hob is, matching his steps, following his lead in this dance, seemingly without much effort, on the first try. Dream is going to have a whole lot of trouble letting that go, now that he knows it possible. 
Dream grabs his phone from where it was placed on the nightstand next to the letter and looks at the time. 
Which makes him sit up in bed like a shot.
It is almost five in the evening. He has slept for over twelve hours.
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bueckerslover · 4 months
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P.S. I still love you
pairing: chris x fem ! reader
-> warnings: cursing, angst. i think that’s it sorry in advance 😔. slightly short
dear y/n,
it’s been a year already can you believe that? it feels like we met just yesterday at a random party i was invited to and to think i was going to skip it because i had a meeting the next day, i remember how i accidentally bumped into you causing you to spill your drink on yourself god i felt so bad watching you try to dry it off i just kept apologizing and you said it was fine but that still didn’t stop me from feeling bad.
i remember that after that party we became great friends and how inseparable we were, remember that one time when we sat up on your roof drinking sodas (considering we were both underage and hated drinking) watching the sunset that’s the day i realized that i loved you and wanted to be with you forever.
remember that time we went to the park with cat (absolute insane name for a dog by the way) then somehow his leash came off making us chase him around the whole park but before we caught him you tripped causing me to fall on top of you making us laugh uncontrollably for about five minutes, that was one of my favorite moments together (out of so many of course)
do you remember when we tried giving cat a bath? that motherfucker couldn’t stay in the bathtub for more than two seconds especially since he was a very hyper dog, i remember when he first jumped out you tried running after him but accidentally slipped on the bar of soap making you fall into the water, bubbles in your hair drenched in dirty dog water and yet i still thought you were the most beautiful girl i ever saw.
remember on our two year anniversary i took you to france for a week? gosh i was so nervous the day i gave you the tickets since you “never liked me spending money on you” but at the end you absolutely loved the trip especially that special dinner we went to where i gave you the necklace you’ve been wanting for weeks, i’ll never forget the look on your face when you saw the necklace it made me feel like i fulfilled my purpose as your boyfriend.
one of the memories that brings a big smile to my face is when i remember the day nick and matt met you for the first time they were so excited because i would never shut up about you and how great you were so when they finally got to meet the reason for my happiness it was awesome, having you all getting along was amazing i loved how they accepted you with open arms, the thing i hated was how nick would always steal you from me but i forgave him when i found out you two had a lot in common more than you and me i got a little jealous but opposites attract or whatever they say.
i loved when we would go sit in your car watching the sunset or sunrise while talking about our future, i loved the way your nose would scrunch every time you laughed or smiled, i absolutely adored your voice and how your voice sounded like honey in the early morning when you would wake me up.
i loved how much you helped matt when he had any problems or questions about anything and how you never made him feel dumb for it, that’s one of the many things i loved about you how you helped others and never made them fell stupid for the questions they asked.
i loved the way you would talk to little kids, how caring you were for them and it always made me think of how an amazing mother you would’ve been.
you know matt and nick still talk about you, same with my mom and dad they all miss you even trev misses you he always sits or lays down in your spot on my bed, fuck we all miss you y/n especially me, we had a lot of plans together we had so many ideas for our future! i even bought a stupid ring that i was going to give to you on our fifth year anniversary which is tomorrow but sadly not everything goes according to plan.
but i know that you’re no longer in pain and in a better place, you probably won’t read this stupid letter but thank you for giving me the best years of my life and giving me amazing memories that i will cherish for as long as i live.
ta chérie.
P.S. I still love you.
with that the boy folded up the letter placing it in an envelope tears streaming down his face but what he didn’t know was that the love of his life was there watching him write that letter with tears running down her face as she smiled sadly at him, she never got to tell him everything she wanted or the fact that they had a baby on the way.
i cried a few times while writing this um it’s mostly based off of a movie i saw a few years ago that randomly hit me (movie: P.S. I Love You) also idk why but the songs i was listening to while writing this were depressing so that didn’t help at all but i hope you enjoyed this and pls don’t hate me 😔
tags: @sturnioloslurps @sturniolos-blog
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hollandroos · 11 months
Liar / Spencer Reid
Paring: Spencer Reid X Reader Insert
Words: 900
Warnings: Angst Angst Angst. No happy ending
A/N: Now I know what you're all thinking.... Soph, since when do you write for criminal minds? well.... what do you think I watched religiously during my very painful pregnancy and the last five months post partum?
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Your packed bags fell against the door to what was once your shared home. Now it just felt empty. Empty draws, followed by an empty bathroom cabinet that once contained items that were now packed away tightly in a suitcase. Followed by an empty bedside table, and an empty mug cupboard because you bought every single one of those prized mugs - and you’d be damned if he expected you just to leave them behind. 
Spencer stood before you, eye bags partnered by the suit he must’ve worn home on the jet - the same one he left in three days ago. The same one you had ironed just five days ago, and snuck a loving note in the front pocket. You wondered if he got it. If he had, he hadn’t mentioned it. 
Be safe, I love you. Please eat. 
You’d thought it’d be cute if you sprayed the paper with a spritz of one of your perfumes… the one he used to compliment you on every time you wore it. Somewhere down the line he must’ve grown tired of it. He’d stopped complimenting your perfume long ago.
Come to think of it, he hadn't complimented anything about you in a long while. You merely felt like a side gig in Spencer Reid's busy, ever chaotic life.
“What are you doing?” He asks softly. His eyes rack your bags before landing on your tear stricken face.
You swallow, however the lump in the back of your throat refuses to budge. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“It looks like you’re leaving me.”
Spencer shoves his hands into his pant pockets, gripping tightly onto an old lip balm and a foreign hair tie. He looks exhausted. You want to crawl into his arms and beg him to get some well deserved rest. Rest that you needed too. God you needed rest.
“And considering it’s just gone two am, I’d assume you were trying to slip out before I got home because you couldn’t tell me yourself.”
“You’d assume correctly.” You straighten out, feeling your eyes well up with tears that were so goddamn close to spilling over. “I’m sorry.”
Maybe if you cried he’d beg you to stay, promise to fix it and try harder. You imagine he’d beg you to crawl into bed with him and sort it out tomorrow when you both weren’t so sleep deprived. You’d both shimmy under the covers and get that sleep in you’d been craving. The reality is however, you’d probably wake up and the space next to you would be cold again. And you’d be alone once more. 
Truth be told you didn’t sleep very much while Spencer was away. Your bed felt so much colder, and the genius wasn’t all that good at using his phone so you’d wait and wait for a text from him, just to let you know that he’s okay and before you knew it the sun would be coming up and your phone hadn’t pinged once.
You wondered how often you crossed the man's mind while he was away, because he crossed yours plenty. It seemed as though you were a foreign thought. 
“Are you?” He raised a brow, not much emotion crossing the man's face. It made your blood boil, because if he did love you as much as he once claimed he wasn’t very good at showing it.
You tried to remember when you first noticed his love for you fizzle out. Maybe it was when he stopped opening doors for you first, or complimenting your new outfits. Maybe it was when he started to sneak out of bed in the morning without giving you a kiss and a feeble I love you. Or when rereading the books he’d already ingrained into his memory became more enticing then a shower with you. 
Despite this, you never stopped your attempts at sharing your love with him. Dear god - you had so much of it to give, and he had been at the receiving end of it all. 
“Are you sorry?” You spit back, definitely harsher then you had intended. 
“Am I sorry?” He questioned, seeming awfully confused about the whole ordeal. If he wasn’t confused then he was just acting dumb. “Why would I - You’re the one trying to leave me in the middle of the night, why should I be sorry?”
“When did you stop loving me?”     
Spencers poker face finally breaks, however instead of breaking into a look of sadness, remorse, or anything of the sort it’s just confusion.
“I never stopped-”
“You’re not a liar, Spence, don’t start now.” 
With a heavy heart, tears now spilling freely down already damp cheeks and tight fists you grip the suitcase handles and haul your entire life out the door of your previously shared apartment. 
It’s crazy how you could pack up your entire life into two raggedy old suitcases. 
You wondered if it’d break Spencer's heart to find little pieces of you around the apartment - pieces that hadn’t been important enough to take with you. If maybe he’d cry when taking down photos of the two of you or miss your presence in your designated barstool at breakfast.
Tonight, Spencer would be the one sleeping in that cold, lonesome bed down the hall, while you cuddled up in some overpriced hotel sheets feeling heartbroken, yet equally proud for finally allowing yourself to walk away.
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n4giism · 9 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ frontal lobe muzik by daniel caesar ࿐ྂ
blue lock x fem!reader
characters: rensuke kunigami, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri
content: part 2 of weird/bad habits they have. a bit of cursing (kunigami) and i added two parts for bachira bcus he’s #bestboy
ari’s note: i love daniel caesar sm omd. also for part 3 i’m probably gonna do reo, yukimiya and another character i haven’t decided yet lol so stay tuned!!
part 1. part 3.
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rensuke kunigami: setting alarms every second and not getting up
it was your first time sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend. it had been a long time into your relationship with kunigami but you both never slept over at each other's houses before, let alone in the same bed. that is until today where you both lost track of time and it had already gotten too late for kunigami to head home. hence you suggested for him to just sleep at your house for the night and he agreed.
seeing your boyfriend aggressively doing something with his phone made you curious to ask what he was doing. was it something he always did before bed? you were very curious.
"what are you doing, kuni?"
"i'm setting my alarm to wake up for gym tomorrow. i gotta get up at 6. you can go to sleep first, it'll take awhile." he replied, kissing your forehead and looking back at his phone.
"what? it's just one alarm, why would it take so long?" you asked and sat up from lying down beside kunigami, who was currently leaning against the headboard.
you scooted closer to him and saw the monstrosity he had created. on his phone, in his clock app, were what felt like a hundred alarms. all one second apart from each other.
"oh my god, kuni.. what the hell are you doing?" you asked, shock laced your voice as kunigami kept setting more and more alarms.
he mentioned getting up at 6, and he was already setting alarms for 7am.
"what's wrong? i'm just setting my alarm." he replied, confused as to why you were shocked.
"you said 'alarm', kuni. what you're doing is setting 'alarmsssss'! with an 's'! plural alarm!" you explained, eyes wide; still shocked that he had set so many alarms.
"you're overthinking it, dear. i probably don't even need this many alarms. i usually get up at the first one, trust me. i'm just taking precautions." he chuckled light-heartedly.
"you sure?" you asked, concerned and worried. it would be living hell if the alarm rang for an hour straight. plus, having your sleep interrupted at 6 in the morning on a weekend does not sound like a lovely idea at all.
"yes, trust me. i'll turn off all the other alarms once i'm up, okay? you won't even know i'm awake!" he reassured.
you eyed him suspiciously, but ultimately let it go and just went to sleep. he is kunigami rensuke, after all. you trusted him. he keeps his word.
kunigami bonus!:
god, you were losing your mind. it was currently 6:08am. how did you know the exact time? it's thanks to kunigami and his army of alarms. you heard him snooze them 8 times already.
and to make it worse, kunigami's alarm sound was the rooster crowing one.
you whined and covered your ears with the blanket. but even that couldn't block out the stupid alarms. you could even hear kunigami snoring away.
"kuni.. get the fucking alarms," you mumbled, eyes closing but the constant rooster ringing in your ear kept you from drifting to your slumber.
it rung for another 3 minutes - the longest 3 minutes of your life - until you decided to get up and turn the alarms off yourself.
getting up, you reached over kunigami's body and grabbed his phone. you took his hand and used his finger to unlock the password and you finally shut off all the alarms.
sighing, you placed the phone back on the bedside table and went back to sleep, "so much for, 'trust me!', 'you won't even know i'm awake!'" you mocked sleepily.
let's just say, kunigami did not go to the gym that morning.
meguru bachira: using auto caps in the middle of a sentence
he does this very often, especially when he’s trying to emphasise a point. his texts also have a lot of typos, only god knows what he’s trying to say.
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meguru bachira pt 2: refuses to leave until you say “i love you” back
“i’m going now!” bachira called as he put on his shoes. he checked that he had everything he needed for soccer practice and stood up from the stool.
you emerged from the bedroom and ran to him, engulfing him in a tight hug, “okay, take care. have fun at soccer!” you said and pulled his face down to give him a kiss.
“i will! okay, i’m going now. bye bye, i love you.” he said and picked up his shoe bag and opened the door.
“okay, bye!” you waved.
“i love you.” he repeated.
“i know! take care!” you said, worried. why isn’t he leaving yet?
“i said i love you!!!” he pouted.
“yes, i heard. now go! or you’re gonna be late!” you pestered, about to close the door but bachira quickly put his foot between the door and the wall.
“say it back!!” he whined.
“what? meguru, you’re seriously gonna be late!” you replied, panicked.
“you don’t love me anymore?” he whimpered, tears forming in his eyes.
“what! meguru, what are you on about? of course i do.” you answered and embraced his body lightly.
“then why didn’t you say it back!”
“oh my god, bachira. you’re really like a child.”
“i don’t care. i’m not leaving until you tell me you love me.” he said, put down his shoe bag and stood his ground. crossing his arms and huffing, he meant what he said.
“oh my god.. okay, okay! i love you too, megu! i love you so much! now please hurry and go! or isagi’s gonna be calling my phone non-stop asking where you are!” you said and motioned your arms for him to go.
“okay! bye!! i love you sooo much, y/n!” he exclaimed, happy that you told him you love him. he picked up his things and walked off.
hyoma chigiri: giving you a cup of ice when he's mad
dating chigiri came with many things. it included him sharing his hair care tips with you and a lot of healthy eating because he prioritised healthy eating a lot.
but it also came with his princess needs. like how he needs his hair to air dry for 15 minutes before he applies all the different hair oils, hair serums, hair masks and whatnot. he also had a strict diet. and he always, absolutely always, made time for his leg care where he’d hog the tv for an hour or so, and move all the sofas and the coffee table away to roll out his yoga mat and just meditate and do whatever he needs to do for that hour.
dating chigiri also came with his many weird habits. the one that baffled you the most was him giving you a cup of ice when he’s mad.
because chigiri had a strict routine to follow everyday, sometimes it hindered with your own needs too. like wanting to use the bathroom but he was in the shower for what felt like forever, rinsing and shampooing his hair.
it was especially difficult when the two of you just started living together. the both of you were unable to coexist in the same house and adjust your routines to one another. but with time, things changed and now the two of you live comfortably. you found yourself pondering about the first time chigiri got mad at you over something small and it made you giggle a bit.
it started when you found his secret stash of strawberries. chigiri’s favourite fruit was strawberries in the fridge and he always included them in his diet - whether it’s in his morning breakfast, or blending them in his protein shake.
not knowing the strawberries were so important to him, you ate just a few of his strawberries. you did not know that chigiri counted his strawberries, and only ate a certain amount at a time. you also did not know that he had a small notebook that he uses to keep track of his routines; counting strawberries included.
chigiri was appalled to discover that he was short on strawberries when he was making his protein shake that afternoon. he noticed the green leaves of the strawberries were in the nearby bin and he connected the pieces together to come to the conclusion that you had ate his precious strawberries.
“hyo! could you help me here, please? i dropped my lip balm behind the dresser, i need you to help me move it!” you called from your bedroom. chigiri rolled his eyes, huffing in annoyance.
you were on your phone waiting for chigiri when he came in the room holding a glass of - what looked like - ice.
“oh thank goodness you’re here, hyo.” you sighed in relief upon seeing his face. he pouted, placed the glass of ice on your dresser and walked away.
“what? hyo! hello!? hyo? what is this for?!” you called again and looked at the glass of ice, puzzled.
he didn’t talk to you the entire day, but he followed you around the house like a puppy, and whenever you attempted to throw the ice away, he’d quickly intercept, shaking his head silently and placing the glass on the counter. then when you asked him for an explanation, he walked away.
after a few attempts of discarding the ice - and chigiri coming to stop you - you gave up, and just left the glass there.
it was around 9pm and you were washing the dishes with chigiri standing right beside you, until he turned his head to where the glass of ice was and he saw that it had melted into water.
“you ate my strawberries,” he finally said.
“what? hyo, you didn’t talk to me the whole day, and the first thing you say after, what, 9 hours, is ‘you ate my strawberries’?” you replied, jolting a bit when he suddenly spoke.
“yeah.” he answered quickly like it wasn’t a big deal.
“i told myself i’d talk to you after the ice melted.” he added.
“is that what all this is about, hyo?” you muttered and he nodded.
“i’m gonna break up with you if you try that again,” you threatened light-heartedly and chigiri quickly bit back, “then i’ll give you more ice cubes. once it melts then we are dating again.”
he knew you were joking and that’s the worst part. chigiri always had his way, he knew you couldn’t not love him.
you looked at him and he gave you a blank stare.
“you’re so weird, hyo.”
“but you still love me.”
“… whatever.”
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loki-laufeyson223 · 2 months
A New Heir Part 1
Word Count: 552
Warnings: Pregnancy mentions, Loki being an excited soon to be father, like one "cuss word", and leg-kicking fluff
I wake up and turn over slightly and feel rustling behind me in the soft silk sheets and deep green comforter. “Darling? What are you doing? Are you alright?”, my husband, Loki, asks from behind me. “You child is kicking the hell out of my bladder and I have to pee.”, my husband quickly gets out of bed and makes his way to my side to help me up. “Here, let me help you.”, he insists, helping me hobble, still half asleep, to the bathroom. 
I heard him go into the kitchen and fill up my army green Stanley he bought for my birthday in March, then we had only just recently learned I was pregnant. Loki sets the cup down on the nightstand on my side of the bed and walks back towards the bathroom when he hears the toilet flush, letting him know that I need help. “Never get too much sleep with a Lokison.”, I remarked on the way back to the bed.
 Loki’s eyes went wide with shock, I completely forgot I hadn’t yet revealed the gender of our baby yet. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”, I chuckle. Loki is still staring at me with complete and utter shock, mouth hanging slightly open. “What is it honey? Is there something wrong?”  “No, no. Nothing at all whatsoever. It’s just... we're having a boy. Now we absolutely have to come up with a name. Oh gods, I can’t wait darling-”, I cut him off by placing a finger over his mouth and he grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm and he hummed.
 “Loki, yes we are having a son and yes I cannot wait either but, it’s 2:30 in the morning. I would love to celebrate tomorrow but, as of right now I’m beat and like I said there is never much sleep with a Lokison.” Loki rolls his eyes at me but, as I move my hand up to cup his cheek he leans into my touch smiling as he nuzzles his nose into my palm. “Yes of course darling.”, he says, adjusting my pillow so I can lay back down and covering me up with the comforter.
 I let out a long breath I didn’t even know I was holding as Loki sinks into bed beside me. “Oh, my dear there is no way possible for you to understand just how excited I am for our child to arrive.”, I beam up at him just at the smile I hear in his voice. As I look at him I see a clear, sleek film covering my husband’s eyes. He wraps me in his strong arms, holding me as close as possible with my 8 month belly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Goodnight my dear.”, he says softly.
 “What about Narfi?”  “What about it?”  “For the baby. I like the sound of it. Narfi Lokison, it fits.”  “Narfi Lokison…”  He slowly repeats, as if testing out the name. “I quite like it dearest.”  “Really?”  “Of course! I think we should use it. I love it. Now, what were you saying earlier? That you were beat. In that case, should we get to bed?”  “Now that sounds good.”  “Goodnight my queen.”  “Goodnight my king.”
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love-kurdt · 3 months
Swooping, Sloping, Cursive Letters: 10
word count: 637
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June 11, 1988
Dear Will,
It’s 2:03am right now, and I can’t fall asleep. You may be asking, “Why can’t you fall asleep, Michael?” Well, William, I can’t fall asleep because I keep thinking about how much I want to kiss you. And in case you didn’t know, I want to kiss you a lot.
I think about you and those fucking gorgeous lips almost every waking moment. And the urge to follow through with my desire to kiss you always gets stronger whenever you’re in the room. Which is unfortunate, since you’re always in the room now— specifically my room, because it’s summer, so of course we’re hanging out every day. We made that stupid promise to dedicate one-on-one time to just the two of us. If only “one-on-one” was synonymous with “you-on-me.” Or “me-on-you”…? Either would work for me, honestly. But there’s something about the thought of you straddling me and leaning your entire body weight onto me that makes me weak in the knees. I’m kind of glad your mom wanted you home tonight, because there’s only so long I can refrain from lunging into your space and holding your face in between my hands and
I swear to God you’re in my walls, Will. Because the second I went down the horniest tangent these letters have ever seen, your voice came through on my walkie, asking if I was still awake. Your breathing sounded congested and labored, like you’d just been crying. Of course, I threw my pen down onto my desk and answered. You told me you’d had a nightmare, and that I was the first person you thought of after you woke up. I know this is kind of fucked up, but I felt a small sense of pride that you hadn’t gone to El or Jonathan first. But then you told me that your nightmare had been about me, and that pride was instantly ripped out of my chest. Before I could apologize for anything Nightmare Mike could have said or done, you told me that I had been cursed by Vecna and you couldn’t save me in time. You broke down in the middle of describing my bones snapping, and all I wanted to do was hold you and tell you that it was okay, that I’m still here. So I did.
I snuck out and biked over to your house, climbed the trellis below your bedroom window, and knocked. You let me in with wide eyes, and I just stood there for a second, catching my breath. I am not athletic at all. I can’t say the same about you; your muscle definition in the tank top you were wearing made me feel a little dizzy. But this was not the time for pining, so I took a step towards you and pulled you in for a hug. You smushed your entire face into my sternum, and I could feel new tears wetting my shirt. I just held you tighter, rubbing my hand up and down your back as you cried. A while later, you pulled back to apologize, but I reassured you that it was okay before smoothing your bangs back and kissing you on the forehead. I thought you’d freak out at my impulsivity (at least, that’s what I was doing, internally), but you just smiled up at me and hugged me again. You probably chalked it up to me being a good friend. And I’m glad you think so. I’m trying to be a better friend.
I eventually had to go back home, since my parents are dragging me to see Nana tomorrow (today?) and they’d be mad if they found my room empty in the morning. I wish I could’ve stayed. I promise I’ll make it up to you sometime.
previous letter | next letter
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moonlit-midnight · 1 year
Love looks Beautiful on You
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto.
Genre: AU, Romantic Fluff, Married life.
Reader is a female. Fluff without a plot, just some sweet moments between a happily married couple.
Implication of a dark past in the last part.
Azul Ashengrotto can barely keep his eyes open.
He just wants to succumb into a deep sleep.
But god, fighting to stay wake on the phone with you; his lovely wife at one in the morning is one of his favorite romantic things.
“Hello, my beautiful love.” Your lilting voice greets him on the other line.
“Hello, my spring sunshine.” He greets back, voice laced with endearing affection.
“You know, you should stop losing sleep over me.”
“Why? It’s only one in the morning.”
“You need proper rest, Mr. Ashengrotto!”
He grins at your nagging tone. A short pause ensues before you break it with a deep sigh.
“What kept you awake this time, Azul?”
“I miss you a lot.”
“Don’t even start being mushy. You video called me three times today.”
Azul laughs shortly. “I’m not being mushy.”
Another deep sigh. “Okay dear husband, what do you really want?”
“Is’'t it obvious? All I want right now is to be home with you, my dearest wife.” He says steadily, fighting his sleepiness.
He expects you to counter him with a sweet romantic reply, but you snicker at him instead.
“Well, screw your business trips, Azul.”
“Screw it indeed.”
“Just go to sleep.”
“Okay.” Azul lets out a long yawn.
“Good night.” You bid him goodbye in your usual mellow tone.
“Good night, sweetheart. See you after tomorrow.”
★ —
“I love you, sunshine.” Azul croons, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“I love you too, you lovable fool.” You lean over, brushing gentle kisses on his lips.
Your husband has a habit of saying I love you, and lovey-dovey stuffs out of the blue. He just loves reminding you that you are so loved and cherished by him, and you won’t have it any other way.
“Your lovable fool.” He snuggles close, nuzzling his nose against your cheek.
“Stop being cheesy.” You laugh softly, playfully jabbing his forehead in an affectionate way.
“Okay.” Azul chuckles lightly. “Let’s sleep already. It’s almost two in the morning.”
“Sleeping in the backyard on the trampoline? Are you serious right now?” You make a face at his suggestion.
“Just this time, please.” Azul kisses you before pulling you into his arms. “I’m too tired to go back inside.”
Closing his droopy eyes, he listens to the gentleness of your calm breathing and eventually he falls into a peaceful slumber.
“Okay, just this time.” You chortle, letting yourself melt into your beloved’s embrace.
★ —
It is nearly six in the morning by the time Azul wakes up.
Propping himself up, he watches you sleeping soundly, the gentle rays of the early morning sun shining down on both of you and Azul.
His aquatic blue eyes trails over the visible faded scars on your arms which you received from a certain family member back when you were a teenager.
It hurts looking at them, but beyond those scars, you were a strong woman.
You had a fierce heart of a warrior, and for that, your beloved husband is proud of you for surviving your battles.
Despite your countless flaws, you were a blessing to Azul, and he is truly grateful to God for bringing your existence, not only in his life, but also in the world itself.
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Hi so I read your peaky blinder imagines on Wattpad so i was wondering if I could request it on here?
If I can,can u do one where the reader is the Shelby sister. So she has anger issues and one day she gets home from hanging out with her boyfriend, Isaiah. She has been dating him in secret. One of the peaky blinders found out and told her brothers, when she comes home, John, Arthur and tommy start shouting at her. She doesn’t like it so she starts to shout at them.
She ends up at the garrison drinking heavily and then the three brothers show up and find her drunk. For then she spill a secret she should have, she’s pregnant…
Shelby Sister- Anger
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YN Shelby is much like her brothers, but she's probably the worst at handling her emotions. Her boyfriend Isaiah helps keep her emotions at bay. Breathing techniques help as well.
Today YN gets home after hanging out with Isaiah, she had just told him that she was pregnant, of course he was concerned about how they will deal with this since her brothers are so over protective of her. But Isaiah loved YN and knew that whatever happens he will do what he can to be by her side. YN knew she needed to tell her brothers that she had been seeing Isaiah in secret, but she knew telling them that she was pregnant wasn't a good idea. Slay one dragon at a time. YN walks through the door when shouting immediately starts
"What are you thinking YN?" Arthur yells
"Your sneaking around with Isaiah?"
"What? How did you..." YN starts to ask
"One of the peaky boys has spotted you two down by the cut"
"Don't play dumb YN!" John yells, the one brother rarely shouts at her. At this point YN starts to get angry, while her brothers continue to yell and reprimand her she finally blows
"Shut up! All of you shut the fuck up!"
"YN Shelby! Don't you tell us to fuck up!" Tommy points at his sister
"Stop it! Stop yelling at me. Tommy you fucked Grace and married her because she was pregnant. You fucked some girl and got her pregnant before you went to war. John you fucked Martha at 16 and got her pregnant and Arthur you got married to a bitch who loved god more that you! So all of you just fucking shut up!" her brothers stand in front of her shocked that she would yell at them like this. YN storms out of the house and finds her self walking to the Garrison.
John was the first one to get worried when YN didn't come home after an hour. Normal when YN gets angry she leaves to cool off but always comes back home within half an hour. The three brothers decide to go looking for their sister asking any of the peaky boys who are roaming the streets if they have seen YN. Finally one of them let's them know that she's at the Garrison, but to be warned she's had a lot to drink. Immediately the three brothers are off to the pub where they find YN drunk, stumbling around chatting to anyone
"Oi YN" John shouts
"Look who it is! My dear brothers. My brothers who try to control my life!" YN yells. Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose sighing
"YN let's go home"
"No I'm having fun"
"Your drunk"
"I'm not" YN frowns before taking another sip from her drink. Tommy, annoyed, walks over to his sister and snatches the glass off her "hey!"
"YN home now!" Arthur shouts. Groaning YN finally leaves with her brothers in silence.
Once their home YN stumbles to her room throwing herself on her bed with tears running down her face. Her bedroom door opens and in walks her brothers
"YN what's going on?" John asks sitting on the end of her bed
"I just don't know what's wrong with me and Isaiah being together, especially now that I'm pregnant I thought you would..."
"You what?" Tommy yells
"Shit I wasn't..."
"Fuck YN" Arthur rubs his hands over his face
"We're all emotional, YNs drunk so why don't we go to bed. YN sleeps it off and we can talk about this tomorrow?" John suggests
"Johns right. Go to sleep and we will talk in the morning"
The following morning YN wakes up with a killer headache but her nausea isn't from the alcohol last night or from the baby inside her. No it's the worry of what her brothers will say to her. Begrudgingly she gets out of her bed and walks slowly downstairs to see her brothers in the living room. Tommy nods at the chair in front of them where there's a glass of water on the table. YN picks up the water drinking it to quench her thirst
"Ok let's talk about this. So you and Isaiah are having a child. Does he know?" John asks
"Yeah. I wasn't meant to tell you yet. Knew it would upset you"
"So when did you plan on telling us?" Tommy asks with a cigarette in his mouth. YN shrugs not actually having an answer
"How long?" again YN shrugs in response this time to Arthur
"Well guess we're planning a wedding then"
"Tommys right. Your pregnant. At least Isaiah is a decent bloke" John sighs
"I'm not happy this is how we found out. And I'm not happy my sister has been sneaking behind us, but if your keeping this baby, then we should get you and Isaiah married"
"You love him right?" John asks
"Yeah of course I do"
"Then you'll have no issues marrying him then?"
"No, but I'm just confused. You were shouting at me yesterday"
"We shouting because you lied" Arthur says
"So your ok with me and Isaiah"
"Not really, but not much we can do about that now" Tommy gruffly says "now you better go tell Isaiah the good news" YN stands up quickly and hugs Tommy. Yes they shouted, but they just wanted the best for their littlest sister.
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babybluebex · 2 years
Bex can I request Charlie dating and maybe nsfw hcs? Mwah take care of yourself
yes charlie my dearest love i absolutely can expand on him (wish there was more of him that didn't have IRISH MIKE splashed across it but i'll take what i can get)
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my dear charlie
as an aside, doesn't pertain to anything else in this post, but he wears a small gold hoop in his left ear
(bc i NEED a joe character to wear something in his piercing and it's gonna be charlie)
anyway (gets nsfw after this, so i'll hide it under a cut)
he loves you so much, and he loves your body
he's always got a hand on your back or squeezing your thigh
sitting next to him on the stools in the pub and his thumb is rubbing the inside of your thigh
he loves to cuddle with you
laying between your legs and using your tits as a pillow is his favorite position to cuddle
he could fall asleep in that position (and he has)
his full body weight pressing down on you and you brush back his short curls "charlie baby, you've gotta wake up" and he groans and smashes his face closer into your tits
he's such a baby when you have to wake him up in the morning too
whining and groaning, silly thing
but he loves always touching you, and he loves kissing you
he'll kiss you anywhere he can in that moment, on your hand or cheek or the back of your head
when you instigate the kiss, you touch his cheeks and cup his jaw as you kiss him, and his arms wrap tight around your middle and press you right up against him
he'll leave hickies everywhere too
he'll leave them on your arms and legs, on your hips and stomach and tits, even on your side
if you tell him "don't mark me up, i have work tomorrow", he'll give you a mark that can be easily hidden under your shirt
he also loves being goofy and shoving his head up under your shirt to get at your tits
god charlie loves every part of you, but he LOVES your tits
he loves to suck on your nipples and bite them and hear you gasp
if he could, he would put your entire boob in his mouth and just watch tv like that
he DOES do something like that, nipple in the mouth as he watches telly
you know exactly when he's feeling frisky too, bc he'll start to go for your tits
in the pub and his arm is around your shoulders, and he tugs at the neck of your shirt like he's trying to pull it down
he likes PDA, not an obnoxious amount but he does like to show others that you're his girl
he'll kiss you in public and have his arm around you
and he starts to tug at your shirt or kiss your cheek and you’re like “alright time to go home”
he's not picky, he'll fuck you in whatever position he can manage to get you in
doggy? great! missionary? cool! cowgirl? right on!
he's just so excited to be having sex with you that it doesn't matter to him how it happens
he eats pussy like a champ too
getting down between your legs and looking up at you with his big brown eyes as he gives your cunt fat licks with the flat of his tongue
he could have his head buried between your thighs all night if you let him
sucking your clit and fucking your cunt with his tongue
oh also, pull his hair and watch how quickly he falls apart
or kiss his neck
THAT is charlie's weakness: kiss his neck a little bit and sigh in his ear and he's hard in an instant
and he takes his time with you
he'll fuck you until you come at least twice before he even thinks about coming himself
grabbing your waist and rolling his hips slowly into you, burying himself up to the hilt inside you and groaning softly
"jesus christ, love... so fucking tight"
he's not very vocal, but what he does say, it's all about you
"you feel so good" or "fuck, baby, so perfect"
he likes to come on your tits (duh) and he'll wait until the very last second to pull out and paint your chest
he doesn't mind getting a little gross, he'll kiss you after you give him head, even if you've still got a mouthful of cum
this is super long but bare with me for one more thing: anal. he LOVES it.
seeing your ass split on his cock is such a good sight for him
he could come just from the very thought of fucking your ass
sometimes during sex in your cunt, he'll put his thumb in your ass just to feel your tight rim clench around him in some way
when he's in your ass, that's when he gets a little rough, spanking you and pulling at your hair
he always comes super hard when he's fucking your ass
the type of orgasm where he sees stars flash in his vision and he's outta service for a few minutes afterwards while he tries to get his ears to stop ringing and his heart to stop racing
but he always, always thanks you after sex, no matter what kind
"thank you, darling, i love you"
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roostersmustache · 2 months
Songs of Silence, Two (SNEAK PEEK)
Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character
Author's Note: This is just the sneak peek! The full part comes out tomorrow, 04/09/2024, at 12:00pm EST!
Synopsis: Ingrid finally starts to accept that she doesn't want to marry Thor, and the thought process nearly drives her mad. Its even worse because she can't communicate with him, and whoever took her voice from her is still out there.
Ingrid still can't speak but Loki sure can get into her head.
Warnings: None of this is accurate, Swearing, adult themes, angst, possible MCU spoilers, possible Loki spoilers.
SOS Masterlist
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Ingrid had been on edge all day long. 
She had plans to accompany Thor to his mandatory training today, and normally, she enjoyed watching the prince’s spar with each other. But today, the air between her, Thor, and Loki was thick. Ingrid had no desire to look at Thor after he had thrown insults her way the day prior, and she couldn’t look at Loki because her face would get hot. 
But that didn’t stop him from being inside of her head. 
The prince had successfully, for the second day in a row, weaseled his way into Ingrid’s mind. Sometimes she didn’t know he was there until she started thinking about the conversation they had had in their minds yesterday, and he’d pop back in to add some of his own commentary. It was driving her insane, and of course he knew that, but no matter how many times she telepathically told him to stop, he’d just throw a wink at her. 
When Thor came to collect her, he knocked on her door. She opened it, revealing Thor in the front, and Loki behind him. Her eyes quickly met Thor’s and then darted over to Loki, who on eye contact, gave her a smile that had her shuffling nervously where she was standing. She had decided at the last minute that going to the training would be too much with Loki there, so she hadn’t put her dressing gown on. She needed a break from his voice in her head. 
“Darling,” Thor started, quizzically looking at her state of dress. “Why are you not dressed?” 
She huffed, not knowing how to reply without her voice, and just shook her head at her fiance. 
“What do you mean, dear?” Thor asked. “I don’t understand.” 
God she wished Thor was the one that could communicate telepathically with her, and not his cunning, sexy, and up-to-no-good brother. She just sighed at the prince and shook her head again. 
Thor looked back to Loki, who had leaned up against the wall, looking at something other than the couple trying to communicate. Thor tapped his brother's arm, and Loki coolly averted his gaze back to Thor, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“You’re good at magic, brother, have you any idea what my bride seems to be trying to say?” 
Ingrid’s eyes went wide, and she desperately wished she could tell Thor she didn’t need Loki’s help talking to him, but she couldn’t. She turned her gaze to Loki and narrowed her eyes at him. A warning. 
“Just tell him I don’t want to go,”  She said to him. 
Loki smirked back at her, turning now to face her. She felt small under his sharp gaze, and she wished for nothing more than to just close her door and curl up under her sheets. 
“But why don’t you want to go?”  He asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. 
“I don’t feel well,”  She said back, her glare deepening. 
She hoped he couldn’t see any of the images playing inside of her mind, the image of him kissing her forehead the night before had been a constant reply in her mind. Shamefully she was disappointed he hadn’t actually kissed her. When she thought about that upon waking up this morning she had slapped her wrist. Crushing on Loki was one thing but cheating on Thor with his mischievous brother would be seen as an act of treason. 
“That it would,” he said, confirming that he had just heard that entire thought she had. “But wouldn’t it be such fun to sneak around?” 
“Loki,” She warned, he gave her a smooth smile. “Just tell Thor I’m not going.” 
“But that would be entertaining, darling,” he drawled. “Reading your every thought while sparring against my brother. Him completely oblivious to the fact that his bride wants me instead.”
She let out a puff of air at his words, heat rising to her cheeks. She couldn’t deny it, and she didn’t want to deny it either. But Ingrid was scared. She had been by Thor’s side her entire life, and while she had always had a stronger draw to Loki, Thor was safe. Loki was off limits. Yet that seemed to excite her more. She couldn’t deny that the prince elicited a fire within her she had never felt before, and the pure fact that he felt the same way as she did only ignited the flame. 
She heard him laugh in her head. 
“Get out of my head, Loki,” she said, having a hard time forming the words in her brain with her muddled thoughts. “And just tell him I don’t want to go.” 
“You’re no fun,” he teased. 
Ingrid watched with battered breaths as Loki turned to his brother who had been suspiciously eyeing them both during their telepathic conversation. Ingrid knew Loki wouldn’t reveal the true nature of their conversation, but she also knew that he was the God of Mischief. She just hoped he’d tell the truth rather than twist it. 
“She doesn’t wish to go, brother,” Loki said, leaning back up against the wall and giving Thor a feigned sad glace. 
“What?” Thor asked, giving Ingrid a confused look. “Darling, the people are expecting you to make an appearance there today.”
“She doesn’t feel well,” Loki confirmed, his gaze back on nothing. 
“Are you alright?” Thor asked, his confusion melting into concern. “Do I need to send a healer?” 
She shook her head at him and crossed her arms over her chest. She was happy to see him believe her, and she was surprised Loki had told the truth and not caused anything further. For that she was grateful. 
“I could stay and keep an eye on her, brother. I have a vast knowledge of medicine, she’d be in good hands.” 
Or not. 
“No,” Ingrid said to him. 
“But the people probably want to see both of  their princes, I think we should just send a healer.”
“I’m the only one who can communicate with her, and besides, they don’t care to see me. This training is for the people to see how well their king performs on the battlefield, as if they don’t already know,” Loki said, lightly bumping his brother's arm. 
“He’s right,” Thor said, looking at Ingrid. Her eyes pleaded with him. “I want to make sure you’re alright, and despite his title, I trust my brother with you. It would bring me much comfort to have him here with you.”
Ingrid just sighed in response, her shoulders deflating. Loki was stressing her out, and the last thing she needed was to be alone with him for god knows how long. Their training usually lasted a couple of hours, so she was nervous about being in such close proximity with the god for a while. She couldn’t stop the part of her that was excited, though, because that part of her was very much there. She was scared to give into him, but god did she want to. She had spent years dreaming about those lips of his and what they felt like, the way his Asgardian leather hugged his form, and the smooth silk of his voice in her ear. 
“Don’t worry, princess,” Loki started, waltzing past her and into her bedroom. “You're in good hands.” 
“Come get me if she gets worse,” Thor said to Loki. Before he headed out, he leaned down and cupped Ingrid’s cheeks, looking into her eyes. “We’ll get your voice back, my love. In the meantime, feel better and don’t hesitate to hit my brother if he bothers you.” 
Thor said goodbye to her by reaching down and kissing her firmly on her lips. He squeezed her hand and nodded at Loki as he left, leaving Ingrid standing in her doorway, frozen in her spot. She was tempted to turn around and go into her room with the door wide open, but she couldn’t stand to leave her door open. She didn’t like everyone looking into her room when they passed by. 
Quietly, she turned and walked back into her bedroom, softly closing the door behind her. She noticed Loki lounging on her bed out of her peripheral and she internally debated on where to place herself. She still wanted to curl up into her sheets, but with Loki on her bed, that option was out the window.
TAGLIST (Let me know if you'd like to be added!):
@adharanotfound , @skylarisaturtle
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janeths · 10 months
Worst month
This is more of a self ship… oneshot..? Uhhh. I’ve been having a crappy months, so this more of a vent post.
Even though it’s still a self insert, ima still use Y/N. Just that Y/N uses she/her pronouns, is chubby so… yerrrah Also it will say that Y/N is close to Mario and Luigi, but doesn’t specify if they are family or friends. So ye
Warning: Low self esteem, mentions of suicide, depression, scars, self hatred, IF YOU GET UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THOSE, PLS DONT READ IT.
Bowser may also be OOC 🫠🙃🥲
Also cringe 😬 so uhhhh yeahhh 👾
Summary: It’s just one of the most shitty weeks, Y/N has hasn’t been herself lately, she feels god awful but doesn’t want to worry Bowser. Even more he doesn’t completely understand human emotions. She tries hard to get rid of them but nothing succeeds.
Kinda proof read 🤷‍♀️
It’s awful, so awful, I keep trying to put on this stupid fake smile, just for them not to worry about me. I wasn’t even paying attention to what one of the Koopa soldier had asked me. Bowser nudged my arm . “Y/N? You okay? He asked you something and you didn’t answer.” “Oh sorry about that what was the question again?” “My lady, I asked you if you wished for us to build a garden just for you. Outside of the kingdom of course.” I was confused for a moment. “Bowser, why did you say anything?” I look at him. “Well, I wanted you to be the one in charge. I know you’ll choose a good spot.” He smiles, as the Koopa says, “Where do you think we should put it my lady?” “I uh..” Out of all the times… why now? He’s asking me a question… Y/N just answer it… but think about it… Did the Koopas thought of it or did Bowser? “Well… I say close to here, maybe down in the south… To where the grass ends. Yeah somewhere around there.”
Gosh I felt like shit right now, I can’t do anything but just smile, maybe if I excused myself… “Bowser honey, I’m a bit tired… I’m going take my leave. If you both excuse me…” I give them both a nod and leave. I think Bowser is going to stay up for a while… the least I could do is shower, right? Maybe it’ll clear my head.
I did in fact not took a shower, and laid there. I couldn’t even get my own clothing off. I just laid there, trying so hard to fall asleep. Maybe I should stay in bed tomorrow…
The next morning I woke up feeling a warm hand on my torso. I think I’m going to leave for a bit, maybe that’ll clear my mind…
I slowly crept away from the bed, gave Bowser a small kiss, slowly walked towards the balcony, and jumped off on a tree. “Ow! I shouldn’t have done that…” I felt scrapes around my legs and back, bleeding. “Well… I guess I don’t have to harm myself anymore.” I awkwardly laugh and puff up my dress, and headed towards outside the grassless lands.
As I finally saw the other side, the river and pond, birds chirping, I see a tree close to the pond. “I’ll sit there…” I walked towards the tree, sat down, and started to cry. “What is wrong with me? I can’t believe I just left the kingdom just like that… I feel so pathetic. I didn’t even tell Bowser… It’s fine to want alone time but… this isn’t right…”
Instead of just a day, it became 3 days, then 5, then a week. It was awful, I just couldn’t stand it anymore, I just really wanted to kill my self but… then I wouldn’t see Bowser again… Every morning, I would wake up extremely early just to run away. It’s not that I hated here, I dearly love him, I love our kingdom… but… why even choose me?
I tried hiding away from him, I didn’t want him to worry, I told him I’m feeling under the weather and wanted to be alone. Though he didn’t like it the idea of me wandering off by myself, but I did reassure him that I’ll be close, in case something went wrong.
Another week came again, and I couldn’t even get up the bed. Bowsers been quite busy these past days so I guess it gives me more alone time. “You haven’t been yourself lately, are you alright dear?” My body perked up, scaring me. “Uh- yeah… I’ve just been feeling under the weather that’s all. I’m gonna get more sleep. You.. go on with your day…” “Y/N, it’s nighttime…” He opens the curtains, showing me it’s night, he inhales and coughs. “Y/N…” He hesitates. “…When was the last time you took a shower?” He whispers trying not to trigger me. “I don’t know, weeks? ” I say, stare at him then rolled over to the other side, not wanting to see him. “It’s fine…” I just immediately wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want him to know I’m suffering this badly, I didn’t want to show him that I’m weak, a worthless human. “No- don’t ‘it’s fine’ me. Y/N!” He completely takes my covers revealing the dirty, ripped dress, covered in dry blood I’ve been wearing weeks ago. “You’re dress! Y/N! Why haven’t you told me- I- How come I didn’t know-” “Cause I hid it.” I guess he never saw something like this before, cause he couldn’t speak, he just kept saying my name over and over. He sighs, went and closed the door, came back, sat down on the bed, pulling me close to him, and holding me tight into a hug. I just felt like doll, so numb, I couldn’t move anything, I just felt so weak. “Y/N why haven’t you told me? You know that I would never judge you… You know I would listen to you even if took you hours, days, weeks, months. Or I couldn’t understand human emotions. I know you have a struggle with communication, especially when it comes to your deep feelings.” I was a bit shocked about that statement. “How did you-” “Y/N I wasn’t born yesterday, I know how part of it feels.” He says as he stroked my hair. “I…” “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me now, whenever you feel like you are ready.” I feel my eyes tearing up. “I-I want to say it but it’s just so difficult for me. I’ve been holding it in for so long, I just don’t know what to do with it…” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s start something small then. Have you been having headaches?”
“Yes. Horrible headaches. I just couldn’t stop crying…Each time I would cry, my head would hurt more and more. ” I wipe my tears away.
“Hmm..” He touches my chest gently, and his other hand grabs mine. “What about your heart? Does it hurt? Does it go together with your headaches?”
I nod, frown, feeling in shame, that I have to be treated like a child just to say something. “It feels so heavy. I feel like I have ton of stairs. No matter how much I run, up and up, I still can’t find my place. I still still can’t find an exit. And I end up falling again. It’s just a cycle..” I think he found my spot to let everything out. “You know how you always asked me when we were gonna go to the other world and I always say ‘I really don’t want to right now, maybe next time.’ It’s because…” I bite my lip. “Take your time.” He rubs my back. “I.. don’t like much my family. Yes, I know their family by blood but… sometimes it just doesn’t feel that way. They always…” I start to cry quietly, he notices it and wipes it away. “They are so mean… They never tried to interfere with my life… They said some things… horrible things, that it will always be stuck to me. I was a really good child, but not good enough to be held by. I would always calm myself down when there was no one. I was always alone. By the time I grew up, they would say that I was just saying that, that they were there for me. I have no memory of them trying to comfort me, it was always being yelled or scolded at. They would say mean things, saying that I would never get a boyfriend due to my own mental health. That they’ll leave me the second they know. Even when they found out about our relationship, they said that you would leave me, you were just toying with my own feelings, just for you to get pleasure. They were trying to gaslight me…They even thought it was a good idea that they took my medications because it would make me feel better. And.. I’ve been suffering without them.”
I took a minute to breathe.
“I know you love me. Very much, you show it to me every single day. You never once yelled at me, or went abusive. You truly care about me…. Which I can see that in my eyes…” He pulls me tight to a hug, resting his chin on top of my head. “Even my own shitty friends. I thought I could trust them. I gave them so much love, I was always there for them when they needed it the most. If they had a problem I would always solved it. They had a thing to do and they only trusted me, I would do it. When they invited me, I wouldn’t even hesitate and would be on my way..But when… I felt down, I felt depressed, no one was there. No one. When I would invite them to hang out, they couldn’t cause they were either too busy or somewhere else. Yes I get it, everyone has something to do, but they wouldn’t even answer me till 3 months… saying ‘oh sorry, couldn’t make it.’ Why the fuck would you send it in 3 months just say oh sorry? At least they could have said “oh I’m really sorry, I forgot to message you. I was away for a while. But when do you want to?’ No nothing none of that.I suffered so much with my own terrible nightmares, I felt so alone. Sometimes I feel like they invite me cause they feel extremely bad about me.” I grip his arm, feeling more tears coming. “You’re doing good, Y/N. You’re doing great. Just breathe…” He caressed my back.
I stopped talking for a moment, trying to bring my breathing to normal.
“Mario and Luigi are the only people that didn’t shame me, didn’t judge me, they were always there for me. They knew how much I was alone, and would always invited me over. It felt genuine comfort. That is until my family didn’t like the idea of me hangout with them…” I sigh. “I just have so much pain and anger in me, sometimes I wish I could destroy myself. I hate my father and my mother, I hate everyone. Nobody cares about me, nobody ever wanted to stay with me. I hated everyone so much. I wanted to do things on my own, I didn’t want to depend on anybody, but it was such a pain…” I was crying so much that I started to hyperventilate.
“Y/N! Calm down.” He hugs me tight, trying to soothe all around my body. “ I’m here alright? I’m right here. Those people are in your world, they can’t hurt you here. You’re safe..Oh my Love, I hate seeing you like this… Please let it all out, don’t stop alright? I want you to let every emotion out of you.” I felt like such a baby letting all my cries out, hearing my own hiccups, trying to talk to him. “B-Bow!-” “Shhh Y/N, let it all out. Yell, scream, hit the pillow, anything. I want you to get rid off it.”
Couple minutes passed, I just felt so weak from crying so much. My body felt so numb, my head, chest, and stomach hurts. “I’m so scared. Every time I see a shooting star, I always wish that when I wake up, I wake up here next to you. I’m scared that when I wake up, I won’t find you here next to me, that it was all a dream, you weren’t real…god I feel so weak… I’m so sorry…” He kisses my cheek and hugs me tight. “Why are you sorry? Y/N, I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you took the time to tell me. I’m so proud of you for living, that you are here with me. I’m so proud that you made it this far. You are a strong woman, you know. I’m proud that you are living here.” He starts to tear up. Those words mean so much to me. So much. “I’ll do anything to make you happy, I’ll help you. We’ll do this together, alright? If you need the help from your world, I’ll go with you, money is no problem. I’m not leaving your side, not now nor ever. I love so much… My love.. my dear…My Y/N…” He caress my face, and kisses me passionately. “You did such an amazing job, love. Tomorrow we’ll start our plans. I’ll ask Mario and Luigi to help us, I’m sure they’ll be just as happy as me that you’re gonna get the help. And we’ll be there to support you. For now, you need a bath, and I don’t want you getting sick.”
I sigh, nodded at him, and stood up. “You go take a shower while I put the onsen.” He says.
Once I finished taking a shower, I went ahead and walked towards him, standing behind him. He was playing around with the water, making circles. You’ve done this before… “Hon, come here.” He turns around smiling, extending his hand towards me. I gently hold onto his hand, while grabbing my own towel, feeling self-conscious. “What is it?” He looks down at my legs, then looks up at me. “You know I don’t and won’t ever judge you. I love your body, no one’s here but me. It’s alright. If someone were here I would rip their head out.” That made me chuckle, and felt reassured, knowing he would do that. “Right…” “Or, I could look away, you get in, then I look back at you.” I nodded, he looked the other way, took off my towel, and sat next to him, feeling the water warm. “Can I look now?” “Hmm… no.” I lightly chuckle, and turns around looking around my body, seeing scratches all over me. “Y/N?! Where did you get all those scars all around you?! There all over-” “Ah!” He pulls my arms and one leg up. “Bowser!” “What happened?!” “I fell! That’s all!” He places my body down, gently. “Y/N, that’s so many marks, but…” He says in a worried tone, then looks at my stomach. “I uh… I fell from a tree…” I awkwardly laugh. He sighs, and pulls me into a big hug, making me splash the water. “From the balcony?! Y/N you could have a broken bone! You know you’re delicate.” “I-how did-?!” “I saw strips part of your dress. Y/N…” “I uh well.. I’m here now. Let’s just focus-” “Y/N…” I look at him, he looks at me with a worried face, caressing my stomach, tracing around one stretch mark, then onto tiny bits of scars. “You know I love your stomach. It breaks my heart… that you’re hurting your body…” I look down at my hands, then at my thighs. “I just don’t like it… nor my thighs. I feel so ugly. I just wished I looked like the other pretty girls. They don’t have to suffer with a body so pretty. They can wear pretty clothing, pretty hairstyles. I’m nothing like them. I want to be like them.”
“My dear, you’re marvelous and stunning. Oh if you could see through my eyes, you would find yourself ravishing. Your stomach is perfect, I love grabbing and squishing it, kissing you there. I love laying there, if makes me feel at ease. And every time you stroke my face and hair, I just… it’s brings me so much joy that I found someone. Same thing with your thighs. I just want to squish them, cause they’re thick, and more thick means I can put my head on top of them.” He again hugs me very tight, his hand, reaching out and grabbing my thigh gently. “Whenever you wear the clothing I made especially for you, I’m always in lovestruck. You looks so pretty, makes me happy that you love wearing them.” I sigh and smile, at the wonderful moment.
Couple of minutes have passed and I felt myself getting tired. Then he spoke,
“What do you think about us going to your world? To do what people do. Me and you on a date. Taking me to your favorite places.” My world?! “I would love that, but what about- you know..?” I gesture his huge body. “I can ask Kamek to turn me into a human.” He chuckles. “Well, that could work. But wouldn’t the transformation hurt?” “Nothing hurts for me darling. To me, it’ll feel like a pinch.”
An hour later passed and I was just there, sitting on his lap, resting my head onto his chest, feeling the warm steamy water around me. “ I think we should get out. I’m feeling really tired.” “Same here.” We both get out of the onsen, dried ourself up, and I felt myself walking fast towards the bed, and jumping onto it, bringing the covers. “You aren’t going to get dressed?” He asked. “No, I’m too tired, I don’t feel like it.” He smirks and chuckles, then jumps onto the bed making me jump. “Ah! Hey!” He snuggles close to me, feeling his chest onto mine. “What do you think I’ll look like as a human?” He grins. “Hmm… quite difficult… You being human… you’ll have your red hairs, thick eyebrows.I think you’ll have a red beard and mustache.” “A beard? What makes you say that?”
“Well… I do have an image that you look like a motorcyclist. It’s quite hot.” I kiss his snot, and he sighs happily. “I love you Y/N... Don’t ever change yourself. Don’t let others throw you around, or I’ll fight them.” I chuckle lightly feeling more tired. “I feel safe around you… I feel peace… I feel loved…”
“I’m glad.” He smiles and kisses me.
why date real men when you can date fictional characters (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Uhhh yeah that’s really it lmao,
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yaggmurwrites · 1 year
betray me. | armin a.
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pairing: armin arlert x reader -mentions of eren jaeger-
word count: 2k
warning: mentions of killing-knife
summary: this video ( dangerously yours) as armin arlert.
author's note: definitely not my best story. but i haven't written anything in a long time. i'm a little rusty. i hope you like it. enjoy!
*highly recommend listening "river waltz by lang lang" while reading!
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"Oh I don't know if this is the effect of alcohol but I will tell you something very very important."
"Yes I'm listening."
"But it is very, very important."
The blonde man's smug look brought a smile to your face. His face was slightly red, which gave him a very innocent look. An innocence that almost makes you forget the truth.
"It is so important that it could cost me my life."
The man burst into laughter. But the smile on your face faded in an instant.
his life.
"As a result of your mission we will destroy Armin Arlert!"
no no no...
You came back to reality in an instant. You remembered the main purpose of being here.
You blamed alcohol too, for distracting the topic, trying to maintain your calm and professionalism.
"Oh dear, you drank too much tonight. Drop it. Let's g-"
Interrupting you, he repeated his words as if he did not hear you
" It could cost me my life."
You put on a serious expression and raise your voice a little bit so you can get the man's attention again.
"What do you mean when you say it could cost you your life?"
He looked at you with dull eyes. I'm not like a person you think. I have enemies, he faintly smiled. And if it gets to them, to him I guess they won't keep me alive.
" This will be the end of Armin Arlert baby. Thanks to you, we will achieve this. We will wipe that demon from this world, all we need is..."
Then shut up. Don't tell me anything. I'm a stranger, how can you trust me with something like that, you said.
"I love you..."
" All we need is for you to fool him with love."
"... and you love me too. I have no stronger faith than love."
"Don't be ridiculous Eren. Don't try to teach me my job, you know I hate it. Why should I fall in love with that devil? My heart is full of you, and even if it wasn't, I'm too professional not to mix mission with love."
You're being ridiculous Armin. You're smart enough to know that love won't be that easy. You do not even know me. How long has it been since we met-
"5 days, 3 weeks, 7 years- they don't mean or change anything. I have known you since eternity. It's like I've lived my life to find you. I've looked for you in every woman I've been with. I'm ready to worship you. I can't believe I just said that- I don't even think there is a god but i am so, so ready to be your servant. I looked for traces of you everywhere I went. And finally i found you. Even by a silly coincidence, I finally found you. I see no choice but to trust you darling."
"I dont like you. I just killed some time. Besides, you wouldn't be able to see me next to you when you wake up tomorrow morning. Because I was going to leave and you would never ever see me again. Almost as if I never existed. We can still do this. Shut up and don't throw more words. Let's forget everything. Please let me leave. "
Let you? Oh, what are you trying to say my dear? Don't you understand that I love you, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If you don't want to be here, you can go. But I can't let you take your love with you.
Why don't you want to understand? I'm not the person you think i am. Please you need to listen to me. Fuck it, I dropped my guard for a while and I was that person but I'm not. You can't trust me.
Is it because of Eren Jaeger? Is it because you are his woman and he made you come here to-
There was no trace of the man's drunkenness. He was as sober as someone who didn't put a drop of alcohol in his mouth.
...end me?
"What? H- How?"
did he know? from the very beginning
I knew it all along, I knew it wasn't a coincidence that we had that stupid encounter. But i didn't care. And I don't care.
"And it didn't make any difference?"
No. It didn't make any difference. I trust you, determination flowed from his voice.
You didn't know what to do, how to feel. You didn't expect things to come here. Did the fact that you were thinking about these right now meant you were in love with him? But it was impossible not to fall in love with him. Even if you spend a short time together, he almost hypnotized you with his words. You didn't believe in love before. You never defined what you feel towards Eren as love. You liked him deeply. But it wasn't love. It was eternal trust. Conflict of interest but it wasn't love. What was love? Could this be love? Could you betray your mission, Eren, for love?
I will betray you, you couldn't hide the emotions in your voice anymore.
"If you betray me, you betray yourself first"
"Yes, yes I know."
That's why you should listen to me. You should know my secret. You should hear my part of the story, he took a deep breath and continued
Whether you trust me or not, I can send a team of people to destroy Eren at the end of this night.
Destroy him- No!
You weren't in love with Eren, but you had very great and strong feelings for him. In order not to let someone down, you don't have to be in love with them. Your trust in him was endless, so was his trust in you. You couldn't let him down. If what Armin said is true, you should have prevented it somehow.
"He made too many mistakes and his biggest mistake was sending you here. He knows me well enough to know that I will fall in love with you. But I guess he didn't know you that well because you fell in love with me too. How could he miss this?"
"Why should I fall in love with that devil? My heart is full of you..."
"If I betray you I betray myself. If I betray Eren, I betray our mission"
our memories...
"Our mision is very dearer to me."
Dearer than I, the man asked. You've never heard him so sincerely before. But how long have you known him anyway.
no. yes! no..
"No not dearer than you..."
He must have been pleased with the answer he get, as he suddenly became excited. He continued in a confident tone.
"Then will you let me defeat him...
defeat him
...by telling me his plans. That's the only way for me, I mean us- to defeat him. We can't both win, you see."
"I am beginning to see..."
"You will help me, right my darling?"
"You think you're very smart, don't you? I see everything now. You will deceive me by telling me that you love me. You didn't see me as a threat from the beginning anyway. You made me fall in love with yourself. It must have been easy for you. I understand again why you are being called the devil. I was going to fall in love with you and I'll sell you my mission, and Eren?"
The man was taken aback by your sudden rise, obviously not expecting this. But he immediately removed the puzzled expression from his face. He was ready to use all the leverage he had.
" What are you talking about my dear? I thought we were on the same side here because love requires this."
" Fuck your love! Maybe that's why I hate love. Love doesn't need anything, do you understand? This is why I hate love. I can't suddenly give up everything for you. I don't have anyone or anything except Eren and this mission. I only have them, okay? If you take them from me, I'll have nothing left. I won't let you do it. You are not as smart as you think. Because you lost. Because I won't let you win. You forget how close love is to hate-"
You don't know what you're saying. Stop this bullshit baby, man took one step to hug you but you stopped him and took a step back.
" You never loved me! Never. I knew that deep in my heart. But I wanted to believe. Because I loved you, I admit. And you goddamn bastard! You sulked this feeling. You used it it."
" Stop acting like a child. We are not playing games here. We have serious issues."
"Yes. Yes we have, aren't we?"
After that you kept your silence for a moment. You calmed down hoping the man would approach you. Fooled by your game, he turned towards you and rested your head on his chest.
Without him noticing, you slowly brought the knife you hid in your dress to his neck.
Well.. I wasn't expecting that. Will you kill me, he let out a melodic chuckle. He didn't look like he was scared.
"Will you let me light one last cigarette? I won't try to escape or resist, I just want to smoke one more time then you can kill me."
He broke free from your grip before giving you the right to reply, almost as if he was mocking you. But he didn't try to escape as he promised he just sat on the couch and lit a cigarette.
Will you really going to kill me, he asked.
Yes. Yes I will, you replied annoyed by his ignorance.
You already know why I'm here. Give me what I want and leave Eren alone or I'll kill you, you continued.
" You won't do it. You can not do it to be more clear. You can't stab me with that knife. You can't kill me in such a brutal way. You can't do it because you love me. Isn't it true?"
No. No it's not true, you said almost shouting from anger.
He got up from his seat and began to shuffle through his books. You didn't understand what he was doing and you were confused. At the same time, he continued to talk.
"A frightened woman like you can't kill the man she loves like that, can she?"
You grasped the knife well, but you couldn't keep your hand straight because of anger.
He had taken something from the library, but it was not visible in the dim light. He slid close to you and nearly sank into you. In one hand he had things from the library. And with the other empty hand he grabbed your chin and aligned your eyes.
"Why are you still waiting, do you want me to beg you? I'm sorry darling, but I dont seem to be not in the mood for prayers tonight."
You do not believe that I will do it, that's why you act brave, you shouted as tears flowed from your eyes.
"You lied to me. You fooled me."
You fooled me too darling, he leaned and gave you a kiss.
You stabbed the knife in your hand into the stomach of the man in front of you. You didn't know if it would do fatal damage to him, but you did it anyway. Before the man lost his balance, he threw things from the library into your hands. Then he grabbed onto the chair to hold on and looked at his stomach. He had given you the documents you needed. You move forward without looking back. The last thing you heard as you left the room was "I love you."
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the end seemed to be over in a hurry because from the beginning, i only set up the introduction and development part of the story in my head. i don't like killing my characters in such a simple way :) thank you for your time!
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