#just so tastie when the girls get to hang out. please god more of this im drowing to death
newtlesbian · 1 year
the bowling ep didnt even get to be a dee episode. girls episode that turns into so dennis episode just like she said she cant have anything that is hers without it being turned into the dudes of the gang. and even works as commentary of the viewers talking more about the guys than the girls even though as a group it was a girls episode and they had better interactions with each other. tragic all around and predicted by dee
ill analyze how artemis and gail fucked each other but its in a threeway with frank. perfect way to show no attention paid to women individually and their relationships to other women. because always the men are taking up space. but hey it was genuinely a really funny episode the jokes were solid. just speaking from a character thing i want more deetention this season. good deetress moments at least which i lov. but ive said it before i wanted to see dee and the women take a W already
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
On Monday and Tuesday, I was a writer. Storming through 39,000 words on my new book. God, it felt good! I need to use this time wisely. I won’t get any more free days until June.
Pleased to say I’ve been given a promotion at one of the educational establishments I work at. They have made me a Module Leader. For an unskilled labourer (with a big mouth), this is a great honour. Who would have thunk it? When I got unceremoniously tossed out of my last job (for being loyal), I had no real idea of what I would do. What do you know? I’ve become a teacher. I wasn’t very convincing when I started but I’ve finally got the hang of it. I am truly honoured and flattered to be rewarded in this field of work. After being in the music industry for 40 years, I’ve mastered a new skill! Big cheesy grin!
The Trouble and I were both working from home yesterday, so the deal is: if I make a cuppa for me, I make one for her and take it upstairs. Seems fair. The coffee she makes for herself is rubbish. She says the only reason she married me is because she loves the way I make her coffee and says, sometimes, it tastes like cooked food.
At just before 1.00, I grilled some bacon for us both. We love a hot sarnie at lunchtime. While we ate our sandwich, we watched another episode of ‘Daisy Jones And The Six’ on Amazon Prime. Thanks to C.c. Corroyer for turning us on to this show, clearly influenced by the sexual politics within Fleetwood Mac. The drama stars Riley Keogh, eldest grandchild of Elvis Presley, so this girl has been around the music industry from day dot. One of the co-stars is Sam Claflin, who we enjoyed as Mycroft Holmes in the film ‘Enola Holmes’. We’re now hoping they re-new it for another series.
Once The Trouble had finished work, she came down and cooked dinner. I don’t ask her to cook dinner. She cooks when she feels like it. Most evenings, I will make or buy dinner for her (and our son). Last night, she cooked kedgeree with cod, haddock and salmon. Absolutely bloody delicious! In any given week, we actually end-up eating a lot of fish.
Tonight, I will make my super-tasty, honey-roast ham & grated cheese omelette, and then I’ll get a portion of chips to throw on top. It will be the third time I’ve made it. They love it in here!
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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yijanlee · 2 years
Chapter Six of " Whiskey & Cigarettes"
ps : I'm not good at english.
I drove her to the bar she kept mentioning, and then I returned home right away. I changed into my pajamas, and consumed the stake she had cooked for me, observing that it was tasty despite being a little cold at the time, I stepped outside to my balcony up in my room, and lit up a cigarette.
I'm not the kind of person to smoke nonstop. I sometimes smoke when I'm stressed or just need a time to loosen up.
And cigarettes made me remember a long-ago promise to my mother saying that I'll never do alcohol or cigarettes like my father did when I was a child, and I failed her by breaking that promise.
Every time I thought of my mother at night, I felt horrible and break to pieces.
My father told a big fat lie about my mom's death. Declaring that She died from a terrible illness, wasn't even true.
My father poisoned her after their argument that night; back then, they were a toxic couple. With both of my eyes, I saw it as clear as crystal.
I could still feel the pain of how my father would constantly mistreat my mother and how, whenever I stood up for her, I would receive the same discipline as my mother.
He made me call him "Godfather," which is funny because I wasn't even permitted to mention his name.
Prieto "Papa" Vargas.
The name of the person who murdered his own wife in front of his unico hijo. My own father is my greatest enemy.
I took a mouthful of smoke and let it out.
ring! ring! ring!
There are always these fuckers trying to ruin my great fucking night whenever I smoke.
I answered the call with an irritated grunt.
"speak." I instructed the caller as I took a mouthful of smoke in and exhaled it
" Hello ? Are you Celesté's boyfriend ? " the caller inquired, Uncertain of the boyfriend part.
" Yes, why is that ? " I asked, i had to admit i like the sound of that "boyfriend" thingy but i preferred "husband" more anyway.
" Celesté's drunk as fuck here and we don't know where she live at right now since she told us she already left her old apart—" the caller got interrupted by the noise coming from the background
" Hiél is a good- gooood~ kisser~ i like him~" I heard Esta (Celes) from the background, I stood up straight and put my cigarettes in the ashtray that was next to me.
" I'll pick her up, don't fucking leave her there all by herself, got it ? " I instructed the caller who I think might be her friend, Unless I'm mistaken.
" Y-yes of course ! why would i leave her here !? that would be so rude of m—" After hanging up the phone, I hurried to my closet to get my black hoodie before running downstairs to get my keys and leaving the house. Fuckin' hell she's drunk ?!
" Hello ! are you her ride ? " The person who called me was guiding Celes at all times while holding her on her shoulder.
" Yes, that's me." I approached the two who were looking at me; the girl who appears to be Celes' friend had a really concerned expression.
I pulled Celes from her friend and opened the passenger door. I brought Celes to the seat in bridal style. God this woman must be mad.
I locked the door and faced Celesté's friend. Fuck I should have taken my four-seater vehicle.
" What happened to her ? " I questioned Celes' friend in a cold attitude.
" You see— I— I told her to not drink another glass but she didn't listen.." The unknown figure said.
At this point, I'm just pleased Celes is safe and just doing okay.
I exhaled with relief.
" There is no uber at this time, therefore I'll call someone from my office to bring you back to your house safely. " I took my phone out of my pocket.
" Hello Mr. Ice ? " One of my employees responded. thank god.
" I have a friend here- sorry what's your name ? " I turned to face the person in front of me.
" Lia, it's Lia " she stated
" Okay, I have a friend here named Lia who is unable to book an uber; pick her up and drive her home safe and sound; I'll send you the location." I stated,
" Sit down on the bus station; they should have arrived by now. Just be mindful of your surroundings." I turned to face Lia and pointed toward the bus station that was nearby.
" Thank you very much, and please take care of her.. mr. Ice ? " She hurried to the bus terminal and smiled up at me as she did so.
I then proceeded to my car, where I sat in the driver's seat. I started the car and sped away, beeping Lia to say goodbye and thank you as I went.
While we were traveling, Celes spoke often about silly things.
" You know Hiél ~ I'd kiss you every single time if i was your wi— wife~" she turned to face me and grinned. I chuckled each time she mentioned my name. she's cute.
" I'll kiss you too." I had a smile on my face as we headed home.
I parked right in front of my residence, walked around my car to get to the passenger side, I leaned forward and grabbed her heels and lifted her in a bridal style.
She wrapped both of her arms around my neck and continued to give me little kisses on my face and neck. This woman is just clumsy and touchy when she gets drunk
She continued to hum a song, and even her murmurs sounds adorable.
We went inside as I went upstairs and brought her into my room. sliding her carefully to the bed. God, her skin on mine felt so soft.
I got up and grabbed a set of pajamas from my walk-in closet.
Changing her clothing could be unpleasant to anybody, but I have seen her body far more frequently than anyone else. She trusts me with her body, and I know this for myself. I'm not a pervert who freaks out every time I see a woman's body. Lol that's crazy. fuckin' hell who am i even explaining to ?
" Hiél ? " Celes talks a lot while asleep when she's affected by alcohol, and I've learned to adapt to that. However, sometimes I just record what she says and send it to her the following day to make fun of her. lol
" shush baby, I'm changing your clothes stay still for me mhm ? " I murmured. While still changing her clothes.
She informed me she feels more comfortable without her bras after I unclipped them because she never wears one to sleep.
" Hiél, i love you~ " she gave me a flying kiss as I was gathering her clothes off the floor. I love her. i love how everything about her is so perfect.
" I love you too, Está" I gave her a kiss on the forehead and took her worn clothing into my arms, then tucking her in my comforter to keep her warm before going downstairs to wash them.
I used to call her Está back when we were just in high school, and using it again made me feel so content. ha. i don't know what this woman did to me i love her anyway.
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spyoikawa · 3 years
still on that saiki k brainrot so hear me out-
metori, saiki, teruhashi, aren and hairo with an s/o who really loves to bake/cook-
no thoughts just Reader learning how to make coffee jelly for saiki (like maybe they make him a tower of coffee jelly for an anniversary or his birthday-). no thoughts just Reader cooking something for metori who pretends to not want to eat it cause it’s ‘peasant food’ but ends up really enjoying their cooking. no thoughts just cooking/baking date with teruhashi. no thoughts just teaching aren how to cook/bake and having a food trade with him, bringing him lunch/a snack to school. and no thoughts just hairo hyping Reader up while they cook/bake and making stuff for him to bring to class rep meetings-
thank you! <3
the excitement I got got I saw teruhasi- i don't see a lot of writing for her and I get happy when I get to do less than common things! Thanks!
I'm running low on creative juices, so please I hope you don't mind if I use the exact scenarios you suggested 💀
Note: some of the things I wrote felt really rude so please don't mind the tone tags in parentheses, also i have not edited this yet
Saiki, Teruhasi, Hairo, Aren, and Saiko with an S/O who can cook/bake
Saiki Kusuo (italics = saiki telepathy)
Although it was undeniably tasty, your boyfriend's obsession with coffee jelly was not only getting out of hand but also quite expensive-
I mean he spent 3,000 yen for one serving-
But yanno what it's ok, coffee jelly is easy to make, and this gives you an excuse to hang out (not that you need one)
"Ok Ku, i had an idea"
I like it, just make sure you teach me how to do it too
"Rude. I wasn't finished"
You did in your head
As endearing as it could be sometimes, Saiki's mind-reading could be a pain occasionally
You wound me.
"Good. (/j)"
After a long debate over recipes and serving sizes, there it was, in all its glory, your first batches of coffee jelly
it was heaven
You did end up sharing the recipe with him, but it still became a little tradition to make the coffee jelly together
It just tastes better that way :)
Kokomi Teruhashi
In the midst of your TV and cuddles date, Kokomi huffed and turned off the TV
But of course it was rude to just turn off the TV, so she offered to play a board game instead
You did play with her, but your curiosity was begging as to why she wanted to change the activity
"Hey Kokomi, this game is fun, don't worry... but why'd you turn off the TV so suddenly?"
"Oh, it was nothing! I just thought you would like this game, and I wanted you to enjoy yourself more!"
Now, that's the answer the most perfect girl in the world would give
But Kokomi is still human, there's gotta be something wrong
You spent a while thinking to yourself about what you were watching, you two agreed on a documentary, then after the documentary, the channel played a cooking show with a guest baker/cook Makoto Teruhashi- oh.
So that was it
At the end of the round, you stood up and offered your hand to pull up Kokomi with you.
"Hey, wanna make a bet?"
She looked up with a bit of curiosity.
"I bet you, I can make your favorite dish, far better than Makoto can"
She smiled a bit, "sure!"
Her favorite food was simple, so you taught her to cook it and added in some other things just for fun (and so she can't recreate it without your secret ingredients)
Now you guys have cooking dates often and always find ways to spice up foods (and beat Makoto at whatever he was doing on tv)
Hairo Kineshi
my thoughts and prayers go to you
we all saw what happened when he tried to make crepes
but in his mind, it was a learning opportunity
You guys were taking an after-school stroll, the weather was really nice, it would be a shame if you two just went home and did nothing. Walks like these tend to get sentimental and nostalgic, so your conversation subconsciously started to drift towards school life.
"And do you remember that time we had to get kuboyasu, kaido, and nendo to play on a baseball team? Oh my god thank god it didn't go too poorly, that one player really pulled through at the end..." you laughed out
"Haha I do remember that, I can't believe we got them to play, it really could've gone worse" He smiled as he remembered that day, but then his eyes drifted up to a bakery across the road. "Speaking of poor experiences..."
after he explained to you he and kaido's crepe disaster, you couldn't help but tease fun at him for a bit
but you did agree to teach him more about cooking and baking
he's a bit too passionate about cracking eggs, but hey, at least you can work faster
after many, many burnt crepes and pans, there it was, a fallen appart, incorrectly folded, but still a properly cooked crepe sat there in all its beauty
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it kinda looked like this
Although he does learn many different things with you, crepes will be the thing he makes over and over again, even when he has it down to a science, just because it's the first thing you taught him, and he will keep that sweet memory forever (get it. sweet? Cause crepes? Im funny i swear.)
Aren Kuboyasu
He actually knows how to cook pretty well
He's not really sure when he picked up cooking, its kinda just stuck around, but he enjoys it, it makes him seem more goody
and he can treat you :)
I will die on my "aren lives for the most basic/domestic activities hill"
cooking with him is always an experience, he will play music in the background, and pull you aside to dance at random times
also does that really hot thing where he stands behind you, reaches around to hold your hands, and basically has you in a cage while showing you how to do something
it's one of those spontaneous things to do, if there's nothing else to do, might as well make something to eat
firm believer in "if you have to eat to live, you might as well eat delicious foods" so he will always try out new things with you if its healthy and tasty
"bab look at this show" you called out from where you were sitting, there was a cooking show/food documentary on, and it was showing a special food. "it says this chicken has a secret sauce they dip it in"
he walked over to the tv and watched it for a couple seconds, thinking a bit.
"...wanna figure it out?"
"yes. I'll make the chicken if you figure out the sauce?"
will you ever know if you got the secret sause? Nope, but you did figure out a chicken recipe that is good as hell
he probably writes down all the recipes you "invented" together for safekeeping and so he can return to it later, but he refuses to show it to anyone
Saiko Metori
as much as I love him, we all saw in that one episode how picky he is while eating, and is probably a bitch to please while cooking/baking
so after a lot of convincing, you got him to sit in the kitchen with you so he can watch you bake for the two of you
in reality, all you have to do is give the dish a fancy rich-sounding name, you just have to be really careful with what you say
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like this 💀
you decided to bake for him today, baking is a lot more "by the book" than cooking, so you thought he would take a bit of comfort in knowing it was done in a professional way
"alright tori, so I think I'll make a heavy pastry made with fine cacao and extracts, baked into a rich dessert for a fine sweet palette"
"you're making brownies aren't you"
Told you, you have to be as specific as possible
He does eventually get interested in what you're doing though, as he never really sees his personal chef cook, and wants to help you by the end
He really did enjoy it! It quickly became one of his favorite treats
But funny enough, no matter how many bakeries he tried or how many times his chef tried, they never tasted the same
(you put in special spices as your own little mark on the treat)
so he ends up having you over for more cooking dates
Which he really does enjoy btw
as a tsundere he will look all annoyed and probably call you a plebe, but these are his favorite types of dates
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Song Lyrics Prompts:
Am I just making this, so I have content in the future if I ever have writers block? Maybe, what about it?
"And I start to give into the sin."
"Mom, am I still young? Can I dream for a few months more?"
"Crimson and bare as I stand, yours completely."
"Miss your teeth dug in my shoulder as we rolled in early morning."
"Sweaty fingers push down on your throat. You say you like it rough, but it's hard to think I do this out of love."
"Why don't I do it for you?"
"How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?"
"Can you break my legs tonight? Can you help me take away the pain?"
"I feel the way that you stare at the back of my neck, from the back of the porch while you're mowing your lawn."
"Twinkle twinkle little star, alcoholics don't get far. Unless they drink and drive, let's go for a ride!"
"My daddy's got a gun, you better run!"
"If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything! I could even learn how to love!"
"I always I might be bad, now I'm sure that its true. Cause I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you."
"Look at you go! I just adore you; I wish that I knew what make you think I'm so special."
"Me and my husband, we're doing better."
"Awe home, let me come home. Home is wherever I'm with you."
"You call it crime; we call it smart family business."
"At first: when I see you cry, it makes me smile."
"You told me that you loved me by the water fountain."
"Now he's grabbing her hips, pulling her in. Kissing her lips and whispering in her ear, and she knows that she shouldn't listen."
"He talks like and angel, but he looks like me."
"Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killing. Sending everyone running like children."
"Bad little boy, that's what you're acting like. I really don't buy that you're that kind of guy. And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?"
"So, you say, it's not ok to be gay, well I think you're just evil."
"Big girls you are beautiful."
"I don't think I can stand to be where you don't see me."
"Well, I don't want to eat the rich, I'd have to eat my hero's first."
"Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes."
"Closer to me baby I won't bite. You look so tasty, but I won't bite."
"I'll call you when the party's over."
"Don't let them fuck you honey, no, don't let them try."
"I'm the worst mistake your god has ever made."
"Mommy why do I feel sad? Should I give him away or feel this bad? No, don't you choke, Daddy chimed in go for the throat."
"Everything was so sweet, until you tried to kill me."
"My strait jackets custom made though!"
"Careful with me I'm volatile. Carful with me, I'm homicidal."
"Baby can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure ride, fuck this tension."
"Blood still stains when the sheets are wash."
"All the good girls go to hell."
"Look at you, needing me. You know I'm not your friend without some greenery."
"You best promise to love me, and damn it you fuck me- over I will rip your fucking face apart!"
"Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well."
"Show and tell, I'm on display for all you fuckers to see!"
"Why is it so hard to see, if I cut myself, I would bleed?"
"You are my strange addiction."
"I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do."
"Caught the teacher giving his eyes to a student. Pouty, pretty cute and she bit her lip back to him."
"Teacher's pet, if I'm so special why am I secret?"
"Please don't try to kiss me on the sidewalk on your cigarette break!"
"I'm not afraid anymore, what make you sure you're all I need? Forget about it!"
Might do a second part later lol, I listen to a lot of music, and this is kidna calming to make.
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todoscript · 4 years
Love Capsule
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anonymous requested: Can I request a Bakugou scenario where the reader and the Bakusquad drag him out on a shopping trip and they see a whole section of vending machines and decide to check them out to see what cute, tasty or weird things they can find and the reader and Bakugou either get lost/ditched or squeezed together in a tight row but they have a good time and maybe the reader got a rare all might mysery figure and Bakugou wants it, so they they he can have it in exchange for a date?
genre: fluff pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader word count: 4.8k+ warnings: bakusquad shenanigans. bakugou cursing. pining.
author’s note: My Bakugou angst fic isn’t done yet but I wrote this request on the side. I wanted to have something to publish after not posting any written work for awhile so I did my best to get this out asap. sorry if it seems rushed! (also reposting this because the post stopped showing up in the tags).
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There are only a fair bit of things Bakugou loathes more than wasting his valuable time. And that includes wasting that time by getting dragged into public places he has no desire to be, alongside the four most senseless nitwits the boy has ever had the displeasure of befriending.
It feels less like a friend group to him and more of a gathering of idiots as he watches four out of the six huddle around the aisle of vending machines across the mall. Where’s the other one, you might ask? You’re standing right next to him, sipping a bottle of sweet lemon tea dispensed to you from those vending machines.
“Ooh, look at this one!” The other girl in his squad, styling unruly pink hair, pokes a finger toward a blue machine in particular. What she finds interesting about it is that it’s absent of all buttons except a single one above the coin slot.
“Says here that you only have to pay a hundred yen for a mystery item,” Sero reads the instructions printed boldly across the surface, his grin showing his pearly whites. “Can range from food to even toys and cheap plastic jewelry.”
Popping up behind his taller friend, Kaminari squints incredulously at the sign before his eyes brighten like he’s concocted a conspiracy. “No, dude, I’ve heard of these kinds of vending machines before! They want you to think it’s some ordinary convenience vending machine, but these things actually have some super-secret big prize hidden inside!”
“Uh, no, that’s how you get your money robbed from you, Kaminari,” Kirishima tells the blonde, and yet his warnings end up floating from one ear and flying out the other. Kaminari fishes out a small stash of coins taut in between the lint balls of his pockets.
“Yeah yeah, just wait until you eat those words when I come home with a Playstation 5!”
“Why would there be a Playstation 5 of all things in there?” Ashido asks skeptically. She notes the small slot near the bottom, appearing sizable to dispense a large water bottle at most.
“Okay, maybe not an actual PS5, but probably the voucher you take to the game store to retrieve one, of course!” He waves the doubt away as he kneels and begins his succession of slotting coins in the machine until agitation eventually ebbs his features. About five hundred yen down the drain and all he’s amounted with in exchange are two Gudetama keychains, two packets of off-brand oreo cookies, and one can of that cheap instant black coffee he dislikes. Though if it’s one thing, he and the drink have in common it’s that they’re both positively bitter.
Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido all snicker wryly behind him while he deadpans at the snotty series of prizes with the skin between his eyebrows crinkled in defeat. Ashido takes this as the time to move along the row, dragging her sullen blond friend by the elbow. “Moving on! I want to get to the one with the Yakult drinks already!” She points onward and leads her compadres down the treasure trove of intriguing automated food vendors. Two of the boys press forward enthusiastically. Kaminari has to be lugged out of his brooding in order to play along.
“God, please just take me out already,” Bakugou mutters while leering his signature miffed face behind them. According to the giggle he registers chiming to his left, it seems you heard his complaints.
“Hm, not having a good time, I’m guessing?” you ask. The metallic edge of your lemon tea creases into the cushion that is your plush bottom lip. Bakugou finds himself staring there longer than he should and immediately tears his eyes away before he’s caught.
Your playful tone throws him off a beat later than he should’ve taken to reply. “Of course. I didn’t even want to be here to begin with,” he sneers with a brisk click of his tongue, crossing his arms. In a sense, he’s only telling half of the truth.
It’s true Bakugou did not desire to be here on his own accord. The squad dared to call him at the dead of midnight, when he was already tucked into bed by nine o’clock sharp and indulging in a needed rest, only to be ruefully awoken by his phone blaring across the expanse of his dorm room. The four should’ve suffered an earful from him as they tried to arrange a shopping trip of all things at that hour. However, his disinterest in the subject withered at the bait of your name casted into the conversation. Which to them was hook, line, and sinker. The cunning group of friends reeled him in at the idea that his crush would tag along. So, in the end, they got the rowdy blond to yield to the stupid shopping trip.
Though could it count as a shopping trip when four out of the six in their group were so transfixed by the weird vending machines in the place? The same four that organized said gathering to begin with? They’ve yet to cross into a single store here for crying out loud.
“If all you morons are gonna do is waste your damn money on these things, then this is a complete waste of time.” Bakugou doesn’t sugarcoat his irritation in the slightest. You still try to quell the bitterness in his tone with the saccharine that saturates your own.
“Aw c’mon, Bakugou, lighten up,” you tease playfully, pinching a small bit of the fabric on his arm to lightly urge him forward.
“You should at least try and join in on the fun with everyone—” At the turn of your head, your sentence cuts off, astonished to come across an empty space where your quartet of friends should be.
“And they’re already gone…” you say in disbelief. Your finger initially pointed in that direction falls limp. With their speedy curiosity plowing down the line of machines, the four have effectively ditched you two, leaving no trace of where they could’ve taken off for next.
The sigh from your lips lingers in amusement. “Well, guess it’s just you and me, Bakugou.”
When your eyes meet him again, you witness the scowl he glares at the abandoned space in front of the vending machine. The leer is menacing enough that if the contraption were an actual person, they might have rattled in fear, dropping down the snacks and drinks contained inside to sate his anger.
“Um, Bakugou?” you attempt to call out to him, but he’s too fixated by the peeved thoughts strewn in his head to hear you properly.
What the fuck are those dunces thinking? They planned this, didn’t they? God, I’m going to fucking kill them all! He babbles a seething torrent in his mind. Each one is more unrelenting and harsher than the last while a vein blisters prominently on his forehead.
What were the odds that going on a little shopping trip would end up with him left behind with his crush? Well, Bakugou thinks it’s absolutely none, and that this shit had to be preordained. If not, then it was just his bad fucking luck he supposes.
“—llo, earth to Bakugou Katsuki? Please send back a reply when you receive this message.”
At last, your voice surfaces, no longer drowned in Bakugou’s turbulent sea of thoughts as the hand you wave in front of him swims its way to his attention. “Huh?” He shakes his head twice to grip himself back to the matter at hand, observing in time the playful smile that curls mischievously on your lips.
“All back together I see. Good.” You start pulling on his arm and lead him in tandem with your steps. “Now let’s get going!”
Though he quirks up an eyebrow, Bakugou, weirdly enough, does not reject the way you drag him along without waiting for his response. In fact, with the other four gone, he finds it compelling that you’re taking the reins and asks mildly, “What? Are we gonna be doing some actual shopping now?”
His joke earns him your laughter resonating in melodic lilts to his ears before you leave his side to toss your empty bottle into the recycling bin. “Nope, we’re gonna be doing something even more fun, of course!” Then you resume dragging Bakugou down the walkways of the mall.
It’s not long until he questions the consecutive twists and turns he’s forced to take, having only been answered by your pursed grin multiple times.
“Hey, no more questions! Just trust me!” you quip at his refusal to be quiet and just obediently follow. The blonde can’t help it, of course, given the circumstances he’s wound himself in. Not many boys his age can control themselves if the person they like is pulling them along with as much enthusiasm as you are right now. But Bakugou is different from those other simpletons, crafting a mask to cover the elation hidden beneath with usual displeasure. Nothing but his uncharacteristic lack of annoyance and the ample glances in your direction could truly give himself away to his affections for you.
So with that, he places a generous amount of hope that you guide him somewhere more entertaining than that borefest he witnessed from the squad earlier.
But the moment you two reach your destination, he wonders if he may have accidentally misplaced that same hope down a rabbit hole instead.
“What the…” Bakugou’s words drift in the air at the quizzical sight before him. Mouth hanging open, he’s unable to conjure any sensible thoughts in time before you step in front of him.
“Tada! The Capsule Toy Gacha Room!” You spread your hands outward to present him an unhindered view of the room. It’s teeming with small capsule toy machines that line the walls, stacked on top of each other not to waste a single space inside. His red eyes squint at the assortment of bright colors painted on each machine that assaults his vision.
“Why the hell are there so many of these things?” Bakugou asks, jabbing a finger at the machines. You reply as you walk inside, “It’s the Gacha Room, Bakugou. Of course this place is gonna be filled with them.” You impart him an answer he is not at all satisfied with.
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid! Glad it hasn’t really changed,” you say, noting the only real difference between then and now were the new toys and characters updated with the current trends. He begrudgingly trails behind you into the narrow corridors sandwiched with the machines on each side. The modest little tune you hum between your lips is a stark contrast to his disgruntled huffs accompanying his dragging feet.
Bakugou thinks being here is not any different from what the other four are frolicking about outside. This might be the worse alternative, considering you give money to a machine that grants you an item at complete random. You have no way of knowing what or who you’re going to get until the colorful sphere pops out at the bottom. And then, in an instance, your anticipation fades away when you open it and receive the character no one particularly cares about—the little charm inevitably gathering dust, forgotten in the drawers of your desk. Overall, these toy capsule machines were just gluttons devouring the money of parents whose kids always whine about never getting what they wanted.
Still, because it’s you, he stays and watches you indulge in your little nostalgia trip.
As your eyes glide down the row of toy dispensers, trying your best to decipher the items contained behind the blurry glass, you chime in, “Say, Bakugou, don’t you have any memories of gacha machines?”
Bakugou’s brows furrow in contemplation. He racks through the nooks and crannies between the crevices of his mind and recalls some standout memories. “I guess. Few of ’em were stuck in front of the arcade place near my neighborhood,” he answers, but those memories immediately begin to sour the more he looks into the details.
You don’t see how his face slowly contorts with annoyance while he plays back a scene in his head.
At the time, Bakugou had only sprouted to the young age of five years old. He’s huddled around his posse in front of the arcade he mentioned, slotting a coin inside the capsule machine that was stocked full of charms of Pro Heroes, which housed a very special limited edition prize of All Might to honor their collaboration with the famous Number One of Japan.
The boy was positively giddy at what was to come out, remaining hopeful thanks to the giant poster of All Might gazing down upon him with his triumphant grin. Yet even when his squeaky little voice hollered out a “Plus Ultra!” to reinforce his luck, he was given dirt in response.
But you know who did get that mystery All Might prize?
Deku. Fucking Deku.
Right after he had his spin of the machine, the green-haired boy stepped up, gave it a go, and got All Might on his first fucking try. To say five-year-old Bakugou was bitter would only be putting it mildly. The unbridled emotions bundled in his tiny body were just waiting to burst in an explosion.
But in the end, did he fight Midoriya for it? No, he did not. For if he did, his mother would have scolded the hell out of him, and his young self reflected in the moment that avoiding parental wrath outweighed the limited edition Mystery All Might figure charm, as sad as that sounded. So since then, he’s tried to repress that memory in the far corners of his mind.
But it seems God just desires to spite him.
“Hey, look!” You pull lightly on his shirt to capture his attention, eyes trained forward at whatever piqued your interest. Bakugou peeks over your head, and what he’s met with does not please him.
“They have a gacha machine featuring Pro Heroes here!” you shout cheerfully, walking toward it with the hem of Bakugou’s shirt in hand, who begrudgingly follows along despite a groan nearly leaving his mouth.
“Isn’t this cool?” you ask. You squat down to peer into the peculiar machine located at the very bottom of the stack. Bakugou clicks his tongue as part of his reply, hands buried in the pockets of his trousers.
“Hey, one day they’ll be making toys and charms of you as well, Mister ‘I’m Gonna Be The Number One Hero,’” you say with a giggle, and your comment sparks a bit of pink to dust his cheeks while he looks down at you from his standing position.
He attempts to join you and your fixation on the Pro Hero capsule machine. However, when he starts bending his knees, he finds this to be a bit difficult. The more he squats down, the more Bakugou realizes they truly made this place for children and not bulky teenagers like him training in hero school. His knees and bottoms almost brush up against the plastic sheen of the machines on each opposing side.
Though he has to fidget into a particular position to get somewhat comfortable, he eventually gets there and kneels next to you.
“Why don’t we give a go at this thing?” you suggest, and he tilts his head, eyes narrowed.
“No way, these are a fucking waste of money,” he rejects.
“Hey it only costs two hundred yen!” you counter, “And plus, you might get a certain hero you want, like say... All Might?” You attempt to lure him in using his idol’s very name, but Bakugou doesn’t take the bait so easily and remains rigid in his stance.
Even if he did want to try for All Might, he’s sure his capsule is long gone by now anyway.
“Aw c’mon, Bakugou, pleaseee?” you draw out your pleas in a cute little tone that takes the blond by complete surprise. Unaware of how much power you have over him, the doe eyes and pout that paint your features make it difficult for him to maintain his hardened facade. Feeling his walls begin to melt away at the endearing sight, he ultimately grits his teeth, eyes shut as his hands rummage down into his pockets.
“Fine,” he mutters in defeat, and that smile appears on your lips once again as you lift your arms in triumph.
Pulling out two separate hundred yen coins, he promptly slides them both into the coin silt. When he hears them clank against the other change inside, he goes for the handle and gives it a quick turn. One of the capsule balls begins its journey down the machine and quickly arrives at the hatch that Bakugou lifts to retrieve his prize.
Snapping the capsule open, he’s met with Endeavor’s ugly mug, seeming even more unsightly from the low-quality production of the charm. The paint job is beyond sloppy, with the colors on the costume not depicted accurately and the figure’s pupils drawn to make him appear cross-eyed.
“Hm, you got the number one hero,” you tease, lightheartedly nudging your elbow at his sides because you know full well it isn’t the number one hero he wanted. Bakugou ignores your taunts and shoves the flame hero’s plastic face down the depths of his pockets, making sure to give it to Todoroki later just to annoy him.
“Yeah yeah, your turn, princess.” He scooches a bit to his right to let you have your go. You gladly follow, taking out the two hundred yen from your money pouch.
Bakugou remains disinterested throughout the entire process but is still attentive enough to observe how you hum those casual tunes of yours despite doing something so mundane. He also starts absorbing the cute shape of your nose and the outline of your lips from this angle. It isn’t long until he realizes how close you are in this position, to the point where he could practically smell your fragrant scent, and soon that pink hue diffuses on his face again.
Fuck, I need to stop that, he urges.
By the time he turns away, the capsule machine has begun its machinations once again.
The sizable sphere descending the hatch this time has striped patterns of red, yellow, and blue, colors that remind him all too much of a certain Pro Hero— Wait. What the fuck—
“This one looks a bit bigger than the others, don’t you think? Wonder what... Oh, hey, it’s All Might!” You go through the emotions—curiosity, anticipation, and then finally, glee.
Bakugou feels like he’s reliving those horrible memories once again as he beholds the shiny, miniature figure nestling in your palms before you lift it to grant a better view of its glory. It twists around from how you pinch it by the attached string while it’s hovering in the air. When the Pro Hero’s face turns in the blond’s direction, it’s like the inanimate object is somehow taunting him.
Compared to Endeavor’s shitty charm, All Might’s is a proper representation of who he is. The better quality plastic molded accurately into the man’s figure, the crevices between his muscles delved into displaying his well-defined physique. The colors on his costume are all correctly painted in his signature red, white, yellow, and blue. They even got the broad grin and shadowy features on his face to the tee.
Whichever company created this toy indeed did All Might justice because it looks exactly like the one Midoriya unsealed right in front of his envious five-year-old eyes.
Bakugou’s body shakes with suppressed anger. His hands clench and then unclench themselves while in conflict with his thoughts. Then, he suddenly moves toward you, darting for the charm that you narrowly pull out from his grapples in time.
“L-Lemme see!” he demands, shifting his hand around to grab hold of it for some reason. The act has you befuddled while you continue to move the toy away to evade capture.
“Huh? Why?”
“I need... to fucking make sure— OOF—”
His sputters are the last things that escape his lips before he staggers off balance due to all those hasty movements. It sends his body toppling over yours onto the floor, where your head would’ve thumped against the hard ground had the boy’s well-trained instincts not maneuvered a hand beneath it in time to cushion your fall.
Your descent to the floor is not at all graceful, wincing slightly at the impact. It’s when the pain ebbs away that you and Bakugou finally realize the very awkward position you’re suddenly both in.
Bakugou is hovering over you, body between your legs as one of his hands is cradling your head. The other is situated next to your face against the ground to keep himself upright, letting his eyes stare down at your stricken expression.
Unknowingly, you had settled your hand on Bakugou’s shoulder out of impulse during fall. The other one is still grasping the All Might figure, which is unharmed despite the abrupt movements.
Bakugou can feel your even breaths caress his lips from how close in proximity both of your faces are in this position. If any of you so much as move the wrong way, your lips would undoubtedly collide into each other. Though Bakugou doesn’t mind the notion, he isn’t going to instigate it if you aren’t willing. But the way your eyes line toward his lips, giving him a similar enamored look to the one he has right now, it seems both of you are on the same page.
Taking your mutual fixations as the sign to continue, Bakugou draws himself forward to close the distance while you rise to meet him in the middle.
And finally, he gets to kiss those lips of yours. The lips that adorn your cute face he always snuck glances at. The lips so unhinged in their playful teasing toward him. The lips he’s been so mesmerized and bewitched by throughout this chaotic excuse of a shopping trip.
And when they meet, they’re as full and soft as he imagined them to be, melding perfectly against his.
The hand he’s nestled under your head allows him to press you further into the liplock. You’re nearly enveloped in his wistful machinations, wanting to drown in the sea of his affections as your arms find their way around him.
You would’ve allowed yourself to do so, if not for the unfortunate security camera you catch in the corner of your eye from where you laid.
Your eyes widen, staggering out of their half-liddedness. You pat your hand in rapid succession against his shoulder, getting the blond to stir and separate from the kiss—an act he detests as he doesn’t want the embrace to end.
“What?” he gruffs. You point up at the ceiling, and he turns in that direction. When he detects the security camera about to automatically shift toward this particular side of the Capsule Toy Gacha Room, his face grows full of panic. He lifts himself off your body immediately.
With the two of you remembering where you are, you rose from the ground and cleaned yourselves up. You try to appear pristine as possible, without letting any suspicion about what has happened get tossed in your direction. Still, the red faces plastering both of your features are already a dead giveaway.
“I… Uh…” Bakugou’s still lost in the haze of the heated moment, unsure of what words he should utter. Much to his relief, his burden lifts when two notifications from your phones ring in sync together, diverting your attention.
When you open your phone and slide across the notice, a text message from the Bakusquad ascends onto the screen.
Mina: heyyyy just finished going through all these vending machines! you wont believe how much money we spent!!
The message follows a selfie of the four holding a myriad of drinks and snacks together in the picture. You can’t suppress your giggle at the endearing sight. Another chime sounds when a new text pops up at the bottom.
Eijirou: let’s all meet up again at that blue mystery vending machine!
“Well, you heard them,” you say while clicking off your phone, “we better get a move on.”
Bakugou relays your words back in a slow nod, following through with a rough “yeah” that cleaves his throat. The two of you walk alongside each other once again while you leave the Capsule Toy Gacha Room. Only your steps padding against the mall’s confounds accompany the quiet atmosphere established between you two—awkward and a bit unnerving.
It’s when you’ve both made it to the meet-up spot in front of the blue vending machine that you alleviate yourselves of the strained tension.
“Soooo… was there any reason you wanted to get your hand on this thing so badly?” you question, drawing out the All Might charm that led those heated events to transpire. It dangles between your fingertips and glances at Bakugou along every rotation. The blonde bounces his eyes between you, All Might, and the ground, unsure if he should admit that he was acting out of childish jealousy and bitterness.
“I… Urgh… Fuck…”
You raise an eyebrow when he fumbles with his words. He mutters blatant obscenities between every possible resolve that crosses his mind.
“Look, forget it. It’s not important,” Bakugou concludes, but you think differently, not satisfied with his answer.
“No. Tell me.”
With that weight in your tone, Bakugou realizes he can’t avoid the subject any longer. He releases a long sigh as he leads you through the infamous tale, observing how your expression grows from concerned to downright amused.
“Really? You’ve held a grudge for that long?” The laughter you initially attempt to suppress ends up bubbling from your throat. Hearing it spurs Bakugou to clutch his hands together into shaky fists.
“Look. If you know me, then you should remember I never want to lose to fucking Deku. The fact he got the All Might charm right after I got garbage fucking pissed me off!” he exclaims loud enough for his harsh words to reach a couple walking by. They spare worried glances at the blonde when they stroll past him.
“Hmm…” you muse in thought. Bakugou can tell by the glint rising in your eyes and your tone that you’re up to something again. “I can give you mine if you want. But only for a very small price.”
He quirks an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “And what would that fucking price be?”
The smirk prominent on your pretty lips widens while you teeter your weight to your tippy-toes in front of him.
“A date. Just a single date will suffice,” you tell him, and Bakugou’s caught off guard by how simple the offer is. His delayed response has you leaning forward, appraising him for an answer.
“Well..?” You wave the charm before his eyes by the thin string as if to hypnotize him. But in all honesty, Bakugou knows that sweet smile of yours and luster in your eyes is all you need to have him wrapped around your finger.
His playful smirk surfaces his lips. He provides his answer by snatching the figure right from your dainty fingertips.
“You got yourself a deal, princess.”
You happily clap your hands together. “It’s settled then! We’ll have a date here at the mall next week!”
“Hah?! Why the fucking mall again?!”
“Because we didn’t do much here anyway, so I say we should give it another shot together next week!”
“What? And go shopping? I don’t wanna be your bellboy the entire time—”
“Mom! Mom! Look at that boy’s All Might toy!”
You and Bakugou are both surprised by the new, high-pitched voice that enters in the middle of your riffraff. Your eyes trail along to sound and come face-to-face with a young boy staring at the toy in Bakugou’s hand.
“I want one too!”
Unable to control his gloating, Bakugou dangles the charm next to his face.
“Yeah well, too bad, kid. It’s mine so f—”
“Bakugou,” you warn. You halt the obscene words from entering the boy’s ears and avoid giving his mom a hard time.
“Argh… I mean... scram!”
You almost smack yourself. You can’t believe Bakugou has the guile to argue with a child at this age.
Though he forgoes the curses, that doesn’t make Bakugou’s words sound any less harsh. As a result, the kid pouts. He pouts hard. His eyes start to become glassy, lining the edge of his lashes with droplets. Recognizing her child on the verge of breaking out into tears, the mom acts quickly. She’s by his side, patting his back.
“Sweetie, why don’t you go to that blue vending machine over there and see if you can get a toy too,” she cheers him up instantly, dropping a hundred yen coin down her son’s small palm.
“Okay, mom!” he responds, gleeful again.
He dawdles over to the machine with purpose in his steps, inserting the coin, and pressing the lone button on the mystery vending machine.
You and Bakugou don’t perceive any noise emitting from the machine, and yet the little boy is putting his hands into the slot to pull something out.
“Mom, why did the machine give me a paper that says PS5?”
Both of you go rigid. Kaminari is not going to be happy hearing about this.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 07 / all for us
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summary: it feels as if god is blessing you personally when levi decides to spare you. but as the day goes on, you can’t help but notice things and ask questions, some of which you didn’t ask.
note: why was this chapter so hard to write
taglist: @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @the-sun-baby @uniquepickle @ascybous @messyhairday-me @stupid-stinky @saturnalya @megumitodoroki @kouyume @quacksonlover81 @gipumar
word count: +3.0k
warnings/notes: cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of drinking and driving, vomiting, mentions of blood, mentions of ocd, the reader is confused
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LEVI ackerman knew he wasn't a good person. he knew from the moment he watched his uncle slaughter a man in front of him at the age of eight.
levi knew the moment he killed a man for theft. he knew the moment people would cower before him in highschool when he'd walk through the halls. he knew the moment he was sucking the smoke from a cigarette into his mouth.
he knew the moment he found himself fighting police officers. he knew the moment he was pushed against the hood of a car with his hands cuffed behind his back.
he knew the moment when erwin smith sat down in front of him with no emotion written on his face. the moment when erwin said he knew levi had done it, but he would be defending him either way. the moment when levi disobeyed the oath as he spat out his testimony. the moment the gavel was slammed down along with the verdict of 'not guilty'. the moment he stepped into the sunshine, erwin's hand in his, for the first time in months, knowing damn well he didn't deserve it.
but levi didn't care, he never did. the world he was born into was cruel. he had to fight for his place at the top, for his food, for his clothes, for everything. if no one cared about him, then why should he care for others.
but as he stares down at you trembling from fear on the floor, he can't help but think that he's incorrect.
"please don't hurt me again," you plead in a whisper, tilting your head to the floor.
levi only sighs, walking in and shutting the door behind him. he crouches in front of you, hand now awkwardly stroking your head.
"what happened," he asks, and it's something that comes as a shock to you. you were slightly prepared for a beating.
you snap your head up to look at him in shock.
"what have you got in your hands," he points at the scrapbook held to your chest.
"oh!" you fumble to show him, "i saw this earlier... i wanted to look but i didn't think you'd allowed me. i'm sorry, please don't hurt me."
"i would've let you, i barely look at this thing anymore. can you tell me what happened now," he scoffs at the front cover of the scrapbook.
"when i was going to put it back, a book on the shelf fell. then another book on the top shelf fell off, so i used the lower shelves as a ladder. as you can see, it didn't work," you look ashamed while you gesturing towards the shelf.
he just huffs, "go sit on the couch. we can look through that book after i clean."
you obey and watch levi heft the bookshelf back onto its legs. his fists clench as he looks down at the pile of books surrounding his feet.
hastily, levi's picking up the books by the color and placing them back onto the shelf. when he's finished, he takes a step back to look at it. he's unsatisfied, instead more frustrated as he starts to take all of the books off of the second bookshelf he has.
but in the middle of taking the books off the shelf, he twitches and taps the book against the wood five times. he's putting the books back onto the shelf, going back to the other bookshelf and taking all the books off of that.
you stare in absolute bewilderment. the shelves had looked perfect and identical to you, not to mention clean. as he's in the midst of taking the books off the shelf, he taps the book against the wood again.
and with that, he's placing it all back onto the shelf again. he sighs in relief after he's checked everything, finally trotting to you and plopping down next to you on the loveseat.
nervously, you scoot closer to him in order for you both to be able to see the scrapbook. he watches you flip it open past his baby picture, instead turning to the page that showed his mother feeding him.
"that's my mom, kuchel," he gently rubs his finger on the photograph, "think i was around a year at this point."
humming, you flip to the next page. when you realize it's the picture of levi at his mother's funeral, you try to flip the page but levi stops you.
a sigh, he explains, "my mother always had a very weak immune system, according to my uncle. because of where we lived, we both ended up getting deathly ill and we were too weak to get any help. i had to watch her die and wait for someone to come check up on us."
"i'm assuming it was your uncle," you tilt your head.
"it was. he took me in afterwards, gave me food and a shower. he even taught me how to hold a knife and how to fight for future reference. he had some work to do while i would fight for food."
you point to the one of levi standing in front of a building. to which he replies with, "first day of kindergarten. my mother was still alive back then so she decided to take the picture."
he turns the page for you, a relieved look in his eyes at he stares at the next photograph. it's a picture of levi, in high school, wearing a tux while standing next to another man with a bubbly girl holding onto levi as she holds up a peace sign.
the boy, who's also wearing a tux, has ice blue eyes and wavy dirty blonde hair that obviously hasn't been styled. he's got a gentle smile on his face while he looks at both the girl and levi, someone who levi was obviously fond of.
the girl has dark red hair in low and loose ponytails with freckles painting her tan cheeks. her eyes shine an emerald green along with her pearly white teeth.
"that's... isabel and farlan. met them in 8th grade, and we were at junior prom in this. farlan took me as his date while isabel went stag. i'm glad i still have this picture."
you resist the urge to fight back the joke of his type in men, instead asking, "are you not friends anymore?"
levi stays quiet for a moment, "they died in a horrible car crash a month later. some asshole decided to drink and drive while driving a semi. rear ended them at 45 miles per hour and killed them on impact. isabel was slouching in her seat and farlan was hunched over the wheel apparently. it was gruesome."
"i.... i'm so sorry," you reluctantly touch his arm.
he waves his free hand up and down in dismissal, despite hurt he actually was, "it's fine. happened years ago."
he turns the next page in order to distract himself from the sheer awkwardness that bathes the room. the next picture is of him, around the age of 24, standing in the sunlight while he smiles softly to the sky.
"erwin was my attorney, before he became a prosecutor, when i went to jail. he proved me not guilty and this was the picture he managed to take of me right after we left the courthouse. it was the first time i'd seen the sun without handcuffs on in months," he huffs with slight annoyance at the memory, something that surprises you just a bit.
"why'd you get arrested?"
"nothing you need to worry about," telling you would only make you fear him more. and that would be a pain to deal with.
the next page after is blank, along with the rest that follow.
"i stopped because i thought it was stupid," he crosses his arms, nudging the back of the scrapbook with his knee.
"i don't think it's stupid," you shake your head, fingertips gently tracing the grainy and textured paper.
"why's that?"
"well," you smile a bit while your mind wonders to the scrapbook pieck made you one year for your birthday, "it shows you the good memories that you might've missed as the time passed. reminds you that there's something in every little small day. it helps you keep the memory alive, even if some of it is upsetting, and i think it shows how much you've changed as a person."
levi stares at you, slightly flustered at your words as you relook at the photographs with gentle hands.
he stands up, "i just remembered the tea." ah, a sound excuse. if only levi had made tea.
you watch as he seems to rush out of the room, something you shrug off while gently putting the scrapbook on levi's desk and laying back down on the couch. you play another movie on the television that hangs on the wall, perking up when levi walks back into the room with a tray. it holds finger sandwiches and some lettuce mixed with some fruit in a small bowl along with tea. cracked sunflower seeds sit on a small plate on the side, and you feel yourself droll when you realize at there's cheese, lettuce, and ham on your sandwich.
levi places it on your lap, simply nodding at your kind, "thank you, levi."
he doesn't answer and just goes back to his desk, while you chew quietly.
it stays that way until erwin comes home.
it isn't until your eyes are fluttering open that you realize you've fallen asleep. you flinch at the sight of erwin's face close to your's, but slowly relax when he pulls away.
"i'm sorry, i didn't think my kiss would wake you," he places a loving hand on your head.
"'s fine, probably needed to get up anyway," you reply groggily while rubbing an eye, "how long have i been asleep for?"
"levi said since a little bit after lunch. it's only three o'clock at the moment," he sits on the edge of the couch, smiling at how you shuffle to accommodate him.
"sandwiches must've been tasty.... did you just get off work," you sigh and snuggle up under the thin blanket that's been laid on top of you while you were sleeping.
erwin lays his large hand on your cheek, which has you tense for just a moment and then relaxing.
"i got off a little while ago but i needed to run errands," a thumb strokes at the apple of your cheek, something that you disgustingly find comfort in.
"where did levi go?"
"went to make himself some tea," he chuckles with a shake of his head, "he claimed that he felt withdrawals."
you shake your head while laughing, "i doubt he said that. how was work?"
"i guess i can say it was adequate. i missed you and levi the whole day, but would often get distracted by my clients and their necessities. i'm dealing with a kidnapping case at the moment. a girl around your age named ymir was recently found by her girlfriend, historia. i can't say anything more," he pulls his hand away from you and uses it to pinch the bridge of his nose.
you feel yourself get the chills.
he's.... working on a kidnapping case.
he's prosecuting.... a kidnapper.
he's punishing someone who's doing the same thing as him. someone who took away a girl and kept her trapped for months. god knows what the man did to the girl.
and here you are, letting erwin hold your cheek and looking through an old photo album with levi.
you feel sick to your stomach, shooting up while slapping a hand to your mouth and grabbing at her's shirt.
"i'm gonna throw up," you barely are able to speak without the feeling of your food coming out of your stomach.
startled, erwin stares, "what?"
"can... need a can," you gag and lean over the edge of the couch.
erwin gets up when he realizes just what it is you're asking for, rushing across the room only for you to spill your guts out onto the floor.
it's been forever since you've thrown up, minus when levi kicked your stomach, and it has your whole body shaking. the intensity of it all has your nose dripping with blood and tears falling from your eyes, forcing you to seal your eyes closed.
"what happened here," levi sounds scared as he stands in the doorway, but before erwin can even finish his sentence levi is slamming the door behind him while he storms out.
erwin sighs with frustration, helping you scoot down the couch so he can place the trash can in front of you without the bottom being dirtied. with shaky hands, erwin's pulling all of your hair out of your face while you sob and gag into the trash.
it's ten more minutes before you're able to lay back down. blood and tears stain your face and you dazedly stare up at the ceiling.
"i'll be back with a towel and some water, levi will be back soon with an avalanche of cleaning products," erwin reassurances while he stumbles out of the door.
just as erwin leaves, levi enters. he's got a mask that covers his nose and mouth and rubber gloves that match with his cleaning apron. he's carrying a sponge, some spray, a towel, a broom/dustpan, along with some breath mints.
levi squats on all fours, scrubbing at the floor aggressively as he rides the room of the stench and the stain.
"s... sorry," you croak and levi grimaces.
he ignores you in order to keep scrubbing at the floor just as erwin rushes in with a warm towel and some water. he wipes off your blood, tears, and the mouth to rid you of your vomit. you look at him dazedly as he helps you drink the water he's given you.
levi passes a few breath mints to you when you're done drinking the water, which you eagerly take. you plop them into your mouth, sighing as you rest back against the couch cushions.
"take her to her room," levi orders erwin while spraying the spray onto the floor and couch.
erwin does so in silence, carefully carrying you to your room and laying you on the bed.
"levi won't hurt me will he...? please tell me he won't," you grit your teeth while holding onto erwin's shirt sleeve, tears welling up in your eyes.
"no, he won't. he's just scared," erwin grabs the hand on his sleeve and holds it in his own.
"of what?"
"uncleanliness. a while after he started living with me, i took him to a psychiatrist as i had noticed strange behaviors. he ended up getting diagnosed with ocd, and the psychiatrist thought it had to do with his upbringing in poverty. if things aren't a certain way or clean enough, it causes him to spiral," erwin explains carefully, trying to find the correct words and meanings as he speaks.
"doesn't that... give him more of a reason to hurt me...?" you squeeze his hand tightly and pulling it closer to you in fear.
"it doesn't. why are you insistent at how levi might hurt you," he bunches his eyebrows up in concern while scooting closer to you.
"he's done it so many times before... remember? if i say the wrong thing... i'll get slapped. if i make a mistake, he'll beat me.. i just don't want to hurt anymore," you sob hysterically, bringing your free hand up to your face to cover your eyes.
erwin stares in bewilderment. he hadn't realized just how much levi's beatings effected you. of course, they were supposed to affect you in some way, but not enough where you were terrified of making a wrong move.
"he won't hurt you unless you've deserved it, and you've done nothing in a while. he loves you," erwin stroked his thumb across your skin.
you raise your hand from your eyes to stare at him, heat swarming your face, "he does? he doesn't act like it.."
"of course he loves you," erwin smiles, "i love you as well. we'd never hurt you unless given a reason."
something about his sentence makes your head throb in pain. maybe it was the secret confusion that lingered in your head. they said they loved you, even though they kidnapped you and beat you half to death. but then again, they did provide you with things you'd mentioned to them before in order to keep you happy. they even bought a grand piano for you.
it has your heart speeding up and your body hot, bashfully looking to the side.
you loved them back didn't you? they'd treated you with such care, hadn't they? bathing you, feeding you, dressing you, and even visiting you. anytime they were around you, your heart would speed up and you'd get a weird feeling in your stomach.
that meant love, did it not?
subconsciously, you furrow your eyes and grit your teeth. they didn't love you. they were just crazy.
well, maybe they weren't crazy, maybe just misled. you've yet to learn about erwin's past, but based on the way he acts, you assume that it might be a sensitive topic. that had to be the only logical solution, right?
but if they weren't crazy, they'd let you outside, right?
but then again, the outside world could be dangerous at times. when you went outside last time, you did get scuffed and bruised because of the concrete. maybe they just wanted to protect you? that had to be it.
you open your mouth to reply, but the sound of your door opening and closing has you slamming it shut.
"she's still crying," levi asks while walking closer, frowning at how you grip erwin's hand tighter.
"it's best if i let you and her speak about it," erwin says sadly, letting go of your hand and making his way to the door, "alone."
you gulp as soon as erwin shuts the door behind him, staring at levi anxiously. he plops himself next to your body, just like erwin did before.
"please don't hurt me..."
sighing, he lays himself down next to you and pulls you close to him.
"i'm not going to hurt you," he pulls your head into his chest and wraps his arms around you, "not unless you deserve it."
"but...," you quiver, "you were so angry earlier."
"i wasn't angry. i was just... nervous, i guess. and it wasn't at you, or because of you, it was at the mess."
a silence floods the room as you relax in levi's embrace, heat once again spreading to your cheeks.
"what made you puke? i know lunch wasn't that bad," levi grumbles while rubbing your back, arm slightly stiff.
"erwin... was telling me about his case. the one about the girl getting kidnapped...," you tense up again while levi sighs.
"why would he tell you that? i swear he's gonna end up shooting himself in the foot one day," he shakes his head, "you're not like that girl."
"how so..."
"we did it because we love you, not because we wanted to use your body," he scoffs, "surprised you think of us that lowly."
"n-no! i-i don't," you exclaim.
"i know, i'm just teasing. but don't doubt us like that. we want to love you and care for you, not use you," you trace your finger in a circle at levi's sentence, embarrassment washing over you like a wave.
"you love me?"
"yeah, wouldn't do what i did otherwise."
"i think..." you furrow your eyebrows, unaware of the slightly shocked expression of levi, "i think i love you too..."
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Hello darlin, can I a request a nsfw poly Annie x Mikasa with a male bodied reader
Well howdy there, partner. Here, let this here waterin' hole quénch that thirst you have.
Tbh I got too carried away with the smut so don't expect it to be good 😂🤠
Three's a crowd
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Warning: NSFW 18+ SMUT
Male!bodied reader X Annie X Mikasa
Threesome / Poly
Your poly relationship with Annie and Mikasa was, for the most part, great. All three of you loved each other equally. Respect was held in high regard amongst you but sometimes, Mikasa and Annie... well... They would clash.
It wasn't too often, but it did happen. So as you stand there with your arms folded in exasperation as those two hash it out, your mind just zones you out to a better place. A one where two competitive girlfriends would just relax a little. You knew they'd sort it. They always did. Hell you'd only come upstairs to grab your notes and you'd heard them yelling. Knowing better than to get involved you just awkwardly squeeze by them, your eyes scanning the surface of the drawers for your papers.
"Okay then. Y/N, what do you think?" Annie asks, her piercing blues lassoing you and pulling you right into the rodeo pen. This wasn't one Mare you fancied taming right now - you could see the thunderstorm brewing behind her orbs.
"To be honest, I have no idea what you're arguing about." You reply honestly.
"Is that so?" Annie frowns.
Mikasa cuts in; "We were discussing who would get to..." Her irritation is dampened by her timid side - her face begining to flush and her fingers fumbling with one another.
Annie rolls her eyes. "For gods sake. We were arguing about who gets to have you fill them up later."
Your body freezes.
Surely they wouldn't debate such a stupid top-
"Hey. We can sort this out." You grin eagerly, placing the papers back onto the wooden surface. "But ladies... You gotta make up."
You genuinely didn't like it when they fell out. But to your joy, Annie grabbed the shy Mikasa who was now even more flustered.
"You annoy the hell outta me." Annie mutters, her eye lids becoming heavier than usual. "But God do I love you..."
Their lips connect in a slow, yet deep embrace, your heart swelling that they'd made up.
Among other things swelling.
You watch them for a little while, the room filled with the gentle echos of their smacking lips and small exhales, their tongues slithering around the others, like two coiling snakes fighting to the death. As usual, Annie gets fired up pretty quickly, pushing Mikasa down gently onto your large bed that you all share.
"Annie..." Mikasa gasps as her blonde lover pins her by her wrists and her mouth hungrily devouring that sweet spot on her neck.
Mikasa's legs automatically wrap around Annie's waist, her arousal sending her body into autopilot, her hand sliding up her shirt and rolling her breast in her hand. Deep breaths errupted from Mikasa's flushed face, her innocent eyes blinking up at you.
You begin to remove your shirt with haste, Mikasa's mouth had barely uttered; "Please, come here..." when it was a crinckled mess on the floor.
Annie's peachy ass was up in the air as she was lowered over Mikasa - you decide that would be your first target. Rubbing nyour hands roughly over her perfect behind, you allow them to run up the sides of her stomach and around to her tits, your mouth trailing kisses down the back of her neck as she sits up to lean into your touch.
Mikasa watches your hands caress Annie under her shirt, your longing, desperate face now biting into the side of her neck.
Annie let's out a moan, her hands unzipping Mikasa's trousers and begin to slide them down her perfect pins.
Mikasa sits up, now in just her shirt and panties, the visible damp patch on her crotch already becoming larger as her tongue slides back into Annie's mouth, her delicate fingers pushing her shirt up and over her head, exposing your greedy hands that were pulling on her now errect nipples.
You can hardly contain yourself, your swelling cock already pushing the boundaries of your thread count, your hands gliding down Annie's stomach and pulling off her bottoms too.
Mikasa gasps as Annie's gorgeous form is stripped bare, your hands taking all innocence from her body - it belonged to you and Mikasa. You tug Annie's hair, pulling her head back as you slide your wet muscle down her throat, Mikasa's mouth latching onto her nipple and sucking.
"Huahh ~!" Annie's high pitched moan calls out as your finger begins to slide along her wet slit, Mikasa's teeth now nipping at her breast.
"Annie's been bad again..." Mikasa mutters between mouthfuls of her girlfriends flesh.
"Guess we gotta teach you both a lesson, huh?" You breathe, your finger circling Annie's clit from behind as your free hand splays across her throat.
"There's more than enough cum in me for both of you..." Your chest heaves as your heart pounds the much extra needed blood supply to your now solid cock, Annie's whimpers vibrating your hand as you give her neck a little squeeze.
You remove your wet finger from her soaking lips, repositioning yourself so you were in a better position to marvel at the view - Annie's face pink and her hair already a mess, her tits raising up and down with her heavy breaths.
The raven haired siren encases her lips around her lover's clit, a squeak of joy in response to her taste as she flickers her tongue against her nub, her ass in the air just begging for you to touch it.
You pull down her now soaked panties with anticipation - harshly shoving the tip of your tongue right inside her tight cunt.
"Ah~~!" She cries loudly into Annie's vertical mouth, her hair being tugged by Annie as she rocked her hips against her tongue.
You swivel your position, pulling Mikasa down onto your face as she continues to work on Annie.
"Mikasa... Fuck..." Annie hisses, her orbs eyeing the delicious buldge in your trousers eagerly as you drink deeply from Mikasa.
Your cock is becoming painful now, your hands removing themselves from Mikasa's ass and - without stopping your tongues movements, you unzip and free yourself, Annie gasping at the sight of your glory, her mouth salivating as her grip on Mikasa's gorgeous face tightens.
"Y/N... I'm going... Ah ~ " Mikasa's knees begin to tremble, her insides clenching and grasping for any part of you to hold onto - you feed her with two of your fingers, her tight internal ridges pulling you in happily.
Mikasa's face is cherry red as Annie removes herself from her mouth, watching her orgasm, her eyes closing and her mouth open wide as her high pitched squeals fill the air.
"Yes! Y/N!"
Her pussy massages your fingers, sucking them in as her golden wave crashes across her body, her cum dripping down past your fingers and into your waiting mouth.
Annie lovingly reaches down and cups her face, her mouth reconnecting to hers as she begins her recovery.
You sit up and watch them make out, your dick craving some sort of friction, and Mikasa's soaked cunt is still in the air, ripe for the taking.
"Ahh ~ !! " She cries loudly in ecstasy as you slide your fat head into her tight entrance.
"Good girl..." You grunt, watching them trying to kiss through Mikasa's hysterical songs of praise.
A string of saliva connects their lips together as Annie slowly pulls away, watching your struggle. Mikasa's constrictive core a challenge to stuff yourself inside of - but after a few pushes you reached your cosy destination, your entirety being pressed and released as you roll your hips, your fingers kneading into her tasty ass cheeks.
Annie gets up, Mikasa too far gone to be of any use with her mouth now, as it just hangs open, her eyes rolling and only your name now the only word she was capable of muttering.
"Y/n...y/n...y/n... Ah~ Ah ~ oohhhh ~~!"
Annie stands above Mikasa, a leg on each side of her bent over form as she runs her fingers through your hair, you gladly take her into your mouth.
You sit back on your feet, one hand on Mikasa's ass and guiding her up and down your shaft, the other on Annie's ass, pressing her cunt against your face with as much force as possible; making out sloppily with her nub of nerves.
The sounds of both of these gorgeous woman crying your name out in desperation was almost too much to bear - Annie's orgasm peaking as she tugs at your hair, taking out her joy.
"y/n, ah! Don't stop! Yes! Oh fuck!" She gasps in a high pitched tone.
"y/n... Y/n..." Mikasa is still squeaking weakly, her overstimulation now hurtling her into another climax.
"Shit!!" You hiss as her contractions get even more tight around you, her juices covering your groin and splashing up onto her ass, her vocals now too high pitched to be heard by humans.
You were nowhere near done.
Annie moves back a little, her knees weak from that mind blowing end.
You sit up slightly and thrust harder and faster into Mikasa, her over sensitive cunt not able to handle your girth as you stretch her and absolutely destroy her pretty little pussy.
"Pah... Oh... Y-y/n..." She begs and pleads in a language only known to the heavens as her entire body burns white hot, your hand reaching down and tugging on her nipples harshly, drool begining to pour out of her mouth as you re arrange her insides with your manhood.
Your balls slap against her pubic bone, her cunt squelching beautifully around you and the scent of her cum was breathtaking.
"ah~~~ pah, please... Hua~~"
Annie latches her mouth onto your neck and sucks, biting and licking, moving up to your mouth and tasting Mikasa off your tongue.
"She tastes so good..." She hums, glancing down as you push her into the bed with your deep thrusts.
You remove yourself half reluctantly, not taking your eyes off Annie as you pull her down by her nape, pushing her face towards Mikasa's now wider hole.
Annie immediately places her three fingers inside of her, trying to recreate the thickness of your cock, as her tongue slithers onto her clit, laying upside down underneath her.
Mikasa's face is streaming with pleasured tears, her body overloaded with beyond amazing sensations.
As Annie gladly overtakes Mikasa's body, you grab her legs and push them as high to her chest as they'd go before Mikasa's ass being in the way.
Your cock is soaked in Mikasa's sweet juices and you eagerly begin to insert yourself into Annie's just as tight slot, more than happy to stir their mixed pots with your cock.
Annie groans loudly, the vibration was all Mikasa needed to be hurled into another dimension, now squirting over Annie's face and down her chest. You watch her now soaked tits bounce as you thrust, your cock so close to reaching its overload.
You shuffle back and pull Annie out from under the ruined, shaking mess that was now Mikasa, your hands grabbing fistfuls of her hair as your back hunches over her, pushing yourself deeper and deeper into her deep, warm pocket.
"Y/n... Yes... Ah!" She cries out, your thumb rubbing her clit, her face and chest that was gleaming in Mikasa's cum bobbing violently with your harsh movements.
"I'm... Cumming..." She whispers, eyes crossing upwards and her nails digging into your skin.
Her back arches as she spasms around you, the red mist of crazed lust taking over her.
"y/n! Yes! Oh my god... Ah! This cock is the best...! Ah... Ahh...!"
You can't take it anymore.
With a small roar your hips stutter as your steaming hot cum begins to collide with her cervix.
You quickly pull out of her, your ropes pulsing up her already cum soaked chest and face as you lean over her and slide back into Mikasa, thrusting deeply.
"FUCK!" You curse, your orgasm still coming in huge waves, Mikasa's insides starving only for your cock as it weakly twitches to pull in your seed.
You pull out, splattering more mess on her beautiful ass, back down and into Annie your knees suddenly giving out. You're still cuming as Annie's tight pussy leaks with your now more watery junk, your vision fading as you slump down, finally begining to re enter reality.
After a few deep breaths, your eyes open to the view of both your girlfriend's covered in your mark, breathless and destroyed.
"Oh my god, y/n..." Mikasa whimpers. "That.. was...amazing..."
You nod in agreement, even though she can't see you. You didn't quite have the energy for words right now. But you weren't surprised. Your sex life with these two was always absolutely mind blowing.
Annie sits up, kissing your arm and instantly becoming needy.
"I guess you do have enough for us both..." She chuckles lightly - still out of it. "I guess we'll have to shower together now."
Mikasa finally springs to life, rolling onto her back, both you and Annie leaning down and kissing her affectionately.
"You did amazing." You praise. " Both of you."
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shinydixon · 4 years
Blind date ( Billy Hargrove x Reader)
@rynn-lee​  :hi there! 🥰 i just saw that your requests for drables are open, and i wanted to ask if you could do #130 for billy 👀 thanks in advance!! 💜
Prompt: 130. “I think I’m your blind date” (changed a little)
Words: 964
Warnings: None
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“…Fuck me”
You knew that going to a blind date was a bad idea, but since Benny’s has the best burger in the entire city, you decided to go, in the end tasty burgers are pretty exceptional consolation prizes.
What you didn’t expect was to find the infamous bad boy of Hawkins sitting on the booth assigned to you.
“I wish” he said with that smug grin of his.
Billy Hargrove was trouble.
Flirting with every female human being at school, fucking them and then throw them away after he had done the deed.
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” you asked him while sitting in front of him, hoping this was just a tragic coincidence.
“I think you’re my not so blind date, princess”.
God you just wanted to slap that grin out of him.
Of course, you shouldn’t have listen to Carol when she started bugging you on go out with an handsome friend of her.
You should’ve known better that Carol befriended only Tommy’s friends, and, even if you’ll never admit it out loud, Billy is the most handsome among them.
You just accepted because she couldn’t stop asking and used the “best friend’s card” over you.
“Okay, this must be a joke, adios Hargrove”
You started to stand up from your seat, but Billy’s strong hand grabbed your wrist.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“We won’t start anything Billy! I won’t be another notch in your belt”
You tried to pry away from him, but his hand won’t budge.
“Please (Y/n), just give me a chance” I promise this time is different”.
You stared at him for a moment, his blue eyes looked sincere.
You knew you’ll probably going to regret this, but you decided to give him a chance.
Sitting again in front of him, you finally were able to move your wrist away from him.
“Why me? We just talk like what? Once?”
Even thought you were friend with Carol, you were so much different from her.
You weren’t a party person, showing up only if Carol begged you to go with her and most importantly, you were still friend with Steve Harrington who, with your disappointment, have been ostracized.
Steve was such a sweet and funny guy, and you decided to keep hanging out with him despite Carol and Tommy’s disapproval.
Once Billy took Steve’s place, both as the Keg King and in the gang, you saw him more than you like, but since Carol asked you to be polite, you agreed with yourself that the only interaction you’ll ever have with Billy would be “hellos” and “goodbyes”.
“Why? A guy can’t decide to go out with a pretty girl like you?”
Here we go again with that grin of his. Does his jaw never get tired to grin like that?
You just gave him an “are you serious?” look, before his facial features changed into a more serious one.
“Okay, true we never really talk but I watched you, a lot. All the little things you do captivated me and I’m not sure why. The way you bite your lip when you concentrate, both during a test at school or during a beer pong match, or even how you smile at Carol when she talks about Tommy, even thought you’re not interested. For the first time I feel like I had to really know you. And as I said before, you’re beautiful and that’s a plus”.
You were stunned.
Who could’ve have thought Billy Hargrove was capable to feel something with his heart instead of his dick?
“Well Billy, this is your first and last chance, do your best” you said, smiling at him.
“Oh, I will”.
In the end, you didn’t even notice the time, you and Billy kept talking and laughing until the waitress asked you two to leave because it was closing time.
Also, you didn’t expect Billy to insist walking you to your car.
Once you both got there, you stare at each other, until Billy broke the silence.
“So, what do you think? Did you have fun?”
“I can say, I’m open to more dates to know who the real Billy Hargrove is”
“Good luck with that”
You both stare at each other smiling, until Billy took a step toward you.
“Can I?” he asked, moving one of his arms to your waist, while he reached with his other hand to your cheek, caressing you so gently, like he was afraid to broke you.
You didn’t give him an answer, you just leaned toward him, your lips meeting his.
You saw Billy kissing other girls at parties, and you can’t help but notice that the way he was kissing you was totally different.
You saw him kissing his flings in an animalistic way, all tongue and teeth, while the kiss you were sharing was slow and passionate.
Both of you didn’t want to stop but eventually the need of air became too much.
You ended the kiss but couldn’t help to stare at each other.
He didn’t want to let you go, tightening his hold on you.
Eventually, you both really needed to get home, you because of your curfew, Billy because he didn’t want to piss off his father, although he wouldn’t care if that means spending more time with you.
“Is it okay if I come to pick you up for school on Monday?”
“Sure, I’d like that”
And also, you were dying to take a ride on his blue Camaro. That car is so awesome!
“Goodnight Billy, see you on Monday”
“Goodnight princess”
He leaned down again, pressing your lips into a quick kiss, before walking back to his car.
You couldn’t help but smile during the wall journey at home, thinking about seeing him again on Monday.
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klvbxlove · 3 years
omg (kanji & yu x gn! reader)
a/n: Y’ALL OH MY GOD. i’ve been wanting to write this for the longest time but never got the chance to ‘cause i was busy with other stuff. but now, i finally got to it! although i had to stop on a few occasions ‘cause writing some of the scenes had me blushing LMAO (PLEASE I JUST WANT YU AND KANJI TO BE REAL WTF). oh yeah, and just to clarify, i don’t own the song featured in this drabble! it’s actually pretty catchy (and spicy *WINK WONK*), y’all should listen to it. it’s a shame it’s not available on spotify or any other music streaming services, tho 😭
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reader type: gender-neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): lime, romance
trigger warning(s): slightly suggestive content
summary: on a hot summer day, while cleaning your living room, you decided to dance to one of your favorite songs-- and having sinful images of yu and kanji in your mind. 
song(s) featured: “omg” by itano tomomi
audio link 
lyrics (romaji & english translation)
lyrics (kanji & kana)
word count: 1.6k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(e/c) = eye color (n/n) = nickname (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   君もカレも魅力的、OMG!    誰か一人なんて 選べない    試してみる? tasty    急に奪って今すぐに kiss me
   The song hadn’t gone into a minute, yet you could already feel your hips swaying to the beat. You weren’t even sure if you were cleaning your living room right now. It was more of you being distracted by the catchiness of the song and just wanting to dance. Every once in a while, you would lip-sync to the lyrics. Pretending you were performing it on stage. 
   But this was the type of song you would only perform for your boyfriends, Yu and Kanji. A private show, if you could put it that way. 
   ふと目が行く    その手つきにもう夢中    肩のラインも SO GOOD    頭の中は君と make love make love
   Due to the summer heat coming from outside, you turned on a fan to cool down. You could feel the air flowing your body and brushing up against your clothes (you were wearing a light, oversized shirt and one of Yu’s boxers. What? They were comfy!). But despite that, you could still feel some sweat rolling down. 
   You weren’t so sure if you were hallucinating, but you swore you saw Yu and Kanji in the same room as you. Shirtless. It was almost as if they were there (or it might be just the heat). 
   With their backs towards you, you watched as they were also cleaning the living room and getting more work done than you were. They were also affected by the heat, as there was sweat dripping off of them. At one point, Yu sighed and ran one of his hands through his gray hair as if he was getting tired already. You couldn’t blame him. 
   You also couldn’t blame yourself for subconsciously licking your lips. You really couldn’t get enough of your boyfriends. But the fact you got two of them instead of just one? You almost wanted to consider yourself lucky to be with such amazing men. 
   止まらない 想像が 伝わったら いいのに
   Oh, yes. Your imagination has gone crazy over Yu and Kanji at random points. 
   This song spoke to you a lot!
   こっちもそっちも捨てがたいの OMG!    早く早く私捕まえて    胸の内は nasty    シャイだから言えないの feel me
   You didn’t find any point in continuing to clean the living room. There would always be another time for you to finish up. So instead, you let your body move to the beat of the song. You had memorized the choreography of the song out of pure boredom, and needless to say, it was your go-to dance. Especially when you couldn’t get Yu and Kanji out of your mind. 
   You almost didn’t want anyone to know about how nasty your mind was when it came to your boyfriends. Your imaginations belonged to them. 
   uh yea yea    ah uh yea yea    ah uh yea yea    ah... oh, OMG! ×2
   You waited for the perfect moment for the beat drop. 
   And then...
   OMG! ×2
   It came. 
   You loved this part of the song. You felt a sense of boldness flow through your body as you dropped to the floor and continued the dance. Your imagination must’ve gotten to you, but you were seeing steam emitting from the room. 
   And it just so happened that Yu and Kanji were sitting on the couch, watching you (They must’ve decided that cleaning would save for another day, as well). From a glance, you saw Yu smirking at you. Meanwhile, Kanji’s face was turning a light pink while he bit his bottom lip. 
  Feeling their eyes on you sent a tingling sensation in you. And it flew throughout your body when you laid on your back and lifted your legs in the air as you continued the dance (**). 
   At this moment, you felt free. So free. It almost felt like you were wearing nothing but your undergarments. The air conditioner was able to hit all the spots on your body, cooling you down. But still, it wasn’t enough to stop the heat that you were feeling. And it wasn’t because of the summer weather. 
   顔がタイプ uh uh    ��んだか気も合う uh uh    知性的なのも    他の誰よりも like that, like that
   Eventually, you got back up on your feet, but your body was still moving. All you could think about was how badly you wanted Yu and Kanji. Nothing else was your concern at this moment. You had no idea how long you could handle the wait for them, considering how they were still hanging out with Yosuke and Teddie.  
   2人きりだと 時が速いの    秘密のお泊まりあるかも
   And considering how it was still afternoon, you could have your boyfriends all to yourself for the next few hours. The excitement was getting to you--
   “Well, well. What a nice surprise we came home to see. Right, Kanji?” 
   ‘OH SHIT.’
   You swore your head could’ve been snapped off your neck by how fast you whipped it. Turning your head around, you saw your boyfriends standing in front of you. Yu had an amused look on his face, and Kanji was flustered. Almost similar to how they looked when you imagined them watching you dance. 
   “U-Uh, yeah. I guess,” Kanji mumbled as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He was already feeling something in the down area of his body, and there was no way he could ever try to hide it. At least only you would be able to see it. And Yu, too. Thank the heavens that Yosuke and Teddie (or God forbid, the girls!) weren’t there to see it, though!
   Meanwhile, you stood there in your spot, not moving a single inch of your body. You certainly weren’t expecting your boyfriends to be home that quick. Let alone catching you dancing to quite a spicy song. Were you embarrassed about it, though? No, it was mostly you being in shock. 
   And it wasn’t as if you wanted them to catch you.
   Yu chuckled. “Those were some interesting moves you got there, (Y/N),” he said. You felt like your eyes were about to widen from how his voice sounded (there was some lust behind it). “Never knew you were quite a good dancer until just now. Another nice surprise to discover, too.” 
   “It’s nothing, really,” you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “I just got obsessed with this song and wanted to learn the dance.”
   “We’re still not gonna deny that you’re good at it, though,” Kanji pointed out. At this point, he was surprised he didn’t get a nosebleed after watching all of that. His eyes were practically glued onto you as he watched your body move to every beat of the song. 
   How you didn’t notice him and Yu walking into the house in the middle of your dancing session, Kanji didn’t know. Either way, he couldn’t let out the noise when he watched you get on the floor. 
   Unbeknownst to you, Kanji’s imagination also went crazy. 
   “Aww, thanks!” you smiled, then bit the inside of your cheek. A habit you did whenever you felt flustered. 
   “But don’t you think you’d be good at dancing upstairs in our bed?” Yu’s voice suddenly deepened. It almost sounded like he growled. 
   ‘Wait, what--’
   “E-Eh?” you tilted your head. 
   “Because I certainly think so,” the gray-haired male said before he slowly walked up to you and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you close. When you looked at him, he had a sensual look on his face. A look that always sends butterflies in your stomach.
   You almost didn’t have the time to make a noise of surprise when Yu suddenly locked his lips onto yours. Your (E/C) eyes widened. But it wasn’t long before you gave back into the kiss. No matter how many times you’ve done this, you could never get enough of how Yu was a great kisser. It always had you melting. 
   In just a matter of seconds, Kanji walked up behind you and began to place kisses on the back of your neck. At the sudden touch, you let out another small gasp. Yu found the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. He also slipped one of his hands under your shirt and caressed it using his thumb. You let out a small moan at his touch, and Yu smirked into the kiss. 
   But it certainly didn’t help (or you know what? Maybe it did!) when Kanji subtly sneaked his hand under your boxers and began to play with the hem of your underwear. 
   Oh God, you felt like the steam was starting to come back inside the room. For all you knew, you were probably in heaven. But this was sinful.
   Yu eventually pulled away, and a string of saliva followed. With the smirk still plastered on his lips, he whispered, “I think it’s time we take (Y/N) upstairs to our bedroom and have them perform just for us. Isn’t that right, Kanji?” 
   Said boy looked at Yu and had the same smirk. “Hell yeah.”
   And before you could say anything, Kanji lifted you into his arms and carried you bridal-style. It prompted you to let out a squeal. 
   Yu chuckled. “That’s a cute noise you made there, (N/N). Although, you’re cute all the time. And don’t go denying it.” 
   ‘Oh, God damn it!’
   “Damn right, they’re always cute!” Kanji agreed.
   Yu nodded. “But enough talk about that. How about we head up to our room now? And don’t worry, (Y/N). We’ll take real good care of you, we promise.” 
   A clenching feeling was building up in your stomach, but there was also some excitement. So with a nod and a flustered face, you allowed Kanji to carry you upstairs with Yu following behind the both of you. You had the feeling you were going to be sweating a lot in the next few hours. Again, not just because of the hot temperature. 
   Not that you minded.
(**) if you watch the music video for the song and go to the 1:37 timestamp, you’ll see the move i’m referencing (i’m not a dancer so i’m not good at explaining dance moves LOL). here’s the link if you wanna watch it. but as an fyi, it’s quite short.  
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Hellooooo!👋 This request thingy looks fun! May I ask for 49 and 2, please? 👀 Tasty blood licking *oh la la* 🤤👌 And I have to confess that I just loooooove your writing! It can awaken my thirst even when everything else fails 😍 Thank you for gracing us with all this steamy, messed up goodness 😈😈😈 Love you!
Pairing: Hawks x Reader Prompt: I want to bite you all over. I bet your blood tastes lovely~ Word: Licking Warnings: noncon, blood play, blood drinking, bondage, kidnapping, yandere
“Aww, little bird,” the pro hero known as Hawks coos at you as he watches you dangle. Your hands are shackled above your head to a chain connected to the ceiling, leaving your toes to barely scrape the ground. The way you’re hanging makes your shoulders ache, and you don’t know how long you’ve been here. Your memory is a blur, a foggy haze surrounding your mind that makes it hard for you to think.
He places a feather under your chin and forces you to look at him. “You need to look at me when I’m talking to you, do you understand?”
“Y-y-es,” you whimper at him as your body can’t seem to stop shivering from both the cold of the room and the fear of Hawks himself.
“Ah, little bird, I want to bite you all over. I bet your blood tastes lovely,” he whispers darkly to you before running the feather down along your skin. In one quick movement, his feather slices down on your upper breast. Your skin splits open as blood begins to trickle down your body. You twitch at the pain but continue looking at Hawks, too afraid of what he may do if you stop.
He takes the feather across the other breast as well, before putting his mouth over the wound. The sensation of his tongue running along the wound makes it burn, and you wince at the feeling. He laps at the blood like a man starved, groaning as the taste of your sweet blood fills his mouth.
The feather continues to trail downwards, making small slices all the way down your body, along your stomach, before finally reaching your pelvis. He cuts deep right above your folds, and you let out a gasp and try to jerk away from the pain. He simply digs his fingers into your hips roughly to hold you there, making another few deep cuts across your skin. The blood drips down in between your legs, and he eagerly seals his mouth over your clit.
You let out a broken moan as he sucks on the swollen bead, feeling aroused despite the pain. Your blood has mixed with your juices and he won’t stop moaning at the taste, sending pleasurable sensations traveling all the way up your body.
“Oh fuck, you taste so good,” he groans against you before continuing to place kitten licks around your pussy, occasionally returning to give a hard suck to your clit. “And so wet for me, little bird.” He uses his free hand to make more cuts along your blood slick thighs and you glance down to watch your blood drip on the hard cement. “You enjoy this, you know you do.”
You shiver at his words and glance away, not wanting to see the amount of blood you’re losing or the look of sheer lust in Hawk’s eyes. He gathers up the blood on your thighs with two fingers before sliding them inside of you, curling up immediately to find that spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. You let out a choked sob at the sudden burst of pleasure, and you shake your head furiously as you try to not feel it.
“Shhh, I want you to cum for me,” he pumps both fingers against that spot as he takes your clit into his mouth. He lashes his tongue across the bead, occasionally stopping to thrust his tongue into your aching pussy alongside his fingers.
Your gasps and moans fill the quiet of the warehouse, and you feel yourself beginning to tighten up. “Please, please don’t do this, Hawks,” you try to reason with the number two pro hero. “I won’t tell, I promise, just stop.”
He chuckles against your pussy as he slips a third finger inside, scissoring them out inside you as he stretches you. Tears run down your face at all the conflicting sensations, leaving you confused and off balance, unsure how to handle what is going on.
All too quickly, he pulls his fingers out of you and rubs his cock against one of your wounds. You glance down and see his sizeable, girthy cock coated in blood. You pull and squirm at your bonds, trying to get away. The clanking of the chains sounds so loud in the closed off space, and you are secured so tightly that they do not budge at all.
“I’m going to make you feel so good,” he mutters as he begins to push inside of you. You whimper at the feeling of him bottoming out inside of you as tears roll down your face. He leans in to kiss the tears away before pulling almost all the way out of you and slamming immediately back in. You let out a scream as he sets a fast pace inside of you, balls slapping against your skin. He grabs onto the chain connecting you to the ceiling, using it as leverage to force yourself further down on his cock.
“God, shit, this cunt is so tight, you feel so good around my cock little bird.” He reaches down to stroke your clit in tight circles, and you clamp down hard on his cock. “Oh, do you like to be praised? Want me to tell you how much of a good girl you’re being?”
You let out a choked sob as you feel yourself clenching down again, the waves of pleasure building higher and higher. The blood loss is making your head spin, leaving you feeling dizzy and weak and only intensifying the pleasure. When he leans down to bite into your neck, the waves finally break and you cum hard around his cock. He grunts at the feeling of your pussy fluttering around him, barely managing to pull out before he meets his own end. He strokes himself through his orgasm, hot ropes of cum landing on the cuts around your cunt. The salt of it against the open wounds makes them sting, and you feel your eyes begin to water in pain.
“My little bird, you did so well,” he whispers gently at you as he reaches up to unfasten your chains. He lays you gently on the ground as he gets disinfectant from a bag across the room. He meticulously cleans and bandages your wounds as he sweetly coos at you for being such a good girl for him. He lays down alongside you before gathering you up into his arms, and you cling onto him as you cry. “Shh, my little bird, I promise I’ll take such good care of you now that I have you.”
Tags: @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @dee-madwriter, @lildreamer93, @katsukisprincess, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @mimikarasu, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @k-atsukidayo, @gallickingun, @togasknifes, @sunniebunnie20, @knifeewifee, @sadistiks, @cutesuki--bakugou, @league-of-thots
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
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We Dream in the Dark, for the Most Part
Read here on AO3!
Jason is in the middle of lathering his hair with shampoo when suddenly the lights go out, leaving him in darkness. An instinctive chill runs down his spine, only to be replaced with annoyance. Of course. Beyond the shower spray, he can hear Lian shriek in fear, followed by Roy muttering curses.
Jason sighs. “Roy?” he calls.
“Handling it!”
It was a grueling patrol, but Jason is relieved to be home. He missed having Roy by his side tonight, but their usual babysitter, Mrs. Peterson from next door, came down with pneumonia yesterday and canceled. She doesn’t seem to have any idea that her neighbors are vigilantes, but they pay her enough that she doesn’t ask. Lian is coloring at the coffee table while Jason toes off his boots, leaving them at the front door. She’s wearing her fluffy Stitch pajamas, which she’s been practically living in for the last week and a half. “Hey, princess.” Jason drops a kiss on top of her head as he passes. “Where’s your dad?” “In the kitchen. He’s playing with the electricity again.” “Oh, good. Because, you know, I was actually hoping our place would explode, just to spice things up.” Lian giggles. “Has he fed you yet?” She shakes her head, her black pigtails swinging back and forth. “Nope. But he promised me special sushi if I cleaned up all my books.” Jason will never understand Lian’s passion for her “special sushi,” which is just deli ham slathered in strawberry yogurt and rolled up like a spring roll from hell. Jason gets nauseated just thinking about it, but the kid loves the stuff. “And did you clean up?” Lian points over at the bookshelf against the wall. They don’t have a huge apartment by any means, but Jason insisted on dedicating an entire wall to his books. That was one of the conditions when Roy first asked Jason to move in with him and Lian. It took weeks of finagling to convince Jason to relinquish a small section of the bookshelf for Lian’s picture books, which are indeed all in their right places. “Then it looks like you’ve earned your sushi, little miss. I’m gonna shower first and then I’ll make it for you, alright?” “I can make it by myself.” Jason snorts. “After what happened last time? I don’t think so.” It was his own fault for thinking a five-year-old could prepare her own food. It took a solid hour to scrub the yogurt stains out of the carpet. Jason pokes his head in the kitchen on his way to the bathroom. “Tell me you’re not burning the building down.” “Okay, then I’m not burning the building down,” Roy says around the screwdriver trapped between his teeth. He stands in front of what was once a light switch, tinkering with something that he most definitely should not be tinkering with, but Jason is picking his battles today.
“I’m not going to bother telling you that you’re on your second strike with the landlord. If he has to come up here again, I’m not defending you.” “You know what I miss? The old days when people would greet each other by saying things like, ‘hi, sweetie, how was your day?’ ‘Oh, it was lovely, darling. How about a kiss after spending hours apart and missing each other dearly?’ ‘Babe, it’s like you read my mind!’ You know, stuff like that?” Jason arches an eyebrow. “I’ve got mobster blood caked in my hair. Still want a hello kiss?” “Not really, no. Go shower.” “Try not to blow a fuse in the meantime, please.” Roy salutes with his screwdriver. “Aye, aye, captain.” Jason goes to the bathroom and relishes in the feeling of peeling off his armor and the bodysuit underneath, every layer soaked with sweat and blood. It’s a good thing his Red Hood getup is all dark colors, or he’d have scarred Lian for life ten times over already. He turns the shower knob as hot as it’ll go, letting his muscles slowly unravel under the spray. He takes his time scrubbing off the blood and dirt, whistling some shitty pop song that Dick paid Barbara to blast through the comms all. Night. Long. Jason has plans to add that to his repertoire of torture techniques if he ever needs some extra edge. It’s definitely effective. Jason is in the middle of lathering his hair with shampoo when suddenly the lights go out, leaving him in darkness. An instinctive chill runs down his spine, only to be replaced with annoyance. Of course. Beyond the shower spray, he can hear Lian shriek in fear, followed by Roy muttering curses. Jason sighs. “Roy?” he calls. “Handling it!” Another sigh. This is what he gets for leaving Roy alone. It’s Jason’s own fault, really. He quickly rinses the shampoo from his hair and leaves the bathroom, and towel wrapped around his waist. He navigates the pitch black apartment and finds Roy lighting a match in the kitchen. He’s got Lian tucked in one arm. “What did I say?” Jason asks. “I know, I know—” “I said not to blow a fuse. That was your one job.” “Technically, I didn’t blow a fuse. I just overloaded the circuit and cut off the electricity for the whole building.” Jason smacks himself in the forehead. “Wonderful.” Remind him again why he’s in love with this man? “I’m sure it’ll be fixed in no time.” “You can’t see it, but I’m rolling my eyes.” “You’re overreacting. It’s just a little blackout.” “We have ice cream in the freezer.” “I’ll buy more.” Jason runs a hand through his wet hair. “You’re killing me, babe. Again.” “It’s just one night without power, right? I’m sure it’ll come back on in the morning.” He bounces Lian a little, who’s got her face buried in Roy’s neck. Poor thing is terrified of the dark. “What do you think, pumpkin? You think you can be brave for one little night in the dark?” “I don’t like it. It’s scary.” “I know it is, sweetheart. But do you want to know a secret?” He leans in close to her ear, mock-whispering, “Jaybird over here is afraid of the dark too.” Lian looks at Jason with wide eyes. “Really?” Roy nods. “Yep. But you know what? He’s so brave and strong that he overcame that fear and now it hardly bothers him anymore. Do you think you can be brave like that?” “I can be super brave.” “That’s my girl. Not, sit here for a minute, ‘kay?” He sets her down on the arm of the sofa. The match has fizzled out by now, leaving them in complete darkness. “I know I have some scented candles around here somewhere. Dinah keeps getting them as gifts and pushes them on me when she doesn’t like them.” Jason’s eyes widen. “Wait, watch out for the—” Roy trips with a shout, glass shattering as he falls. “—coffee table.” Roy just groans in response. “Hang on, let me get a light.” Jason makes his way to the drawer they keep the emergency flashlight in. He turns on the beam to show Roy on the floor, surrounded by glass shards and clutching his leg. There are several small cuts peppering his knee like he crawled on a beach made of broken bottles. Jason gasps. “Oh my god, Roy! You broke Lian’s crayons!” Roy flips him off, angling his hand so Lian can’t see. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Jason helps him up and hands him the flashlight. “Lian, honey, will you help him get to the couch? I need to put some clothes on.” And he’s almost positive there’s another flashlight somewhere in Roy’s nightstand. They’re going to need all the light they can get. Jason gets dressed and retrieves the flashlight, plus one of Lian’s Disney princess glow sticks. When he returns, Roy is on the couch with his leg propped up on what remains of their coffee table. Lian is shining the flashlight on her tiny first-aid kit which Kori gave her last Christmas. She sifts through her collection of band-aids. “One to ten?” “Barely a two,” Roy says. “I already dug the glass out, and none were deep enough to need stitches.” Jason checks him over anyway, just to be sure. He wipes away the blood and applies some ointment over the cuts. He turns to Lian when he’s finished. “Can I trust you to finish this up while I make dinner?” She nods enthusiastically. Perfect. Lian can keep herself busy plastering Roy in Hello Kitty bandages, and Jason will have time to figure out what the hell they’re doing, food-wise. “How do you expect to make dinner without electricity?” Roy asks, reading his mind yet again. “What, did you never have to eat cold leftover pizza in your million-dollar mansion growing up? Weird.” He dodges the pillow Roy throws his way, laughing. “Those jokes don’t count when you also grew up in a million-dollar mansion.” Thirty minutes later and the three of them are sitting on the couch, Roy and Jason eating cold mushroom casserole while Lian enjoys her ham and yogurt. Once you get over the temperature difference, cold casserole turns out to be just as tasty as hot casserole. Gordon Ramsey should take notes. Jason managed to track down the candles Roy was talking about earlier and set them in various places around the living room, lighting the room in a dim glow. It’s not perfect lighting by any means—not even good lighting, really, but at least no one will be falling into another coffee table anytime soon. Roy’s knee is covered in Hello Kitty band-aids, some of which are in spots that weren’t even cut up by the glass. Roy doesn’t seem to mind. Jason took a picture for potential blackmail reasons. “I’m bored,” Lian says after a while. “You could always go to bed,” Roy suggests, “given that your bedtime was fifteen minutes ago but your daddies are nice enough to let you stay up this long.” “That was nice of us,” Jason agrees. “I think we’ve earned a quiet night to ourselves.” Lian pouts. She grabs Jason’s arm, clinging to his bicep like a koala. “But it’s dark in my room.” “It’s dark in there every night.” “It’s really dark tonight. Can I stay here with you instead?” Her eyes are big and innocent, perfectly disguising the mischief lurking within. This girl could be a successful con artist one day. (Not that Jason or Roy will ever let that happen. She’s going to grow up and become a veterinarian or something equally harmless.) Roy and Jason meet eyes, having a silent conversation over Lian’s head. Finally, Roy sighs. “Fine. You can stay up with us a little longer, but only because of the blackout, okay? Don’t go thinking that this trick is going to work tomorrow night.” Lian claps her hands, bouncing in her seat. “Can I have coffee?” “Absolutely not.” She isn’t deterred in the slightest. “This is gonna be so fun! We can stay up all night long, even past midnight and three o’clock which is when the ghosts come out.” “Ghosts, huh?” Jason says. “Yeah, Aunt Stephanie told me all about it! Three o’clock is when the witching hour happens and witches and ghosts come out like Bloody Mary and Freddie Cougar and they call come into your house and walk around but you can only see them if you’re awake, which I’m gonna be because I’m not even tired, I could stay up all night long and for a million, bazillion years, and—” She lasts seven minutes. Lian is fast asleep now with her head in Roy’s lap, her tiny feet dangling off the arm of the sofa. Jason drapes a blanket over her, kissing her on the forehead. He’s careful not to jostle Roy’s bandaged leg as he takes a seat beside him, putting his arm around Roy’s shoulders. “Well, I’m fucking exhausted.” “It’s cool if you want to go to bed,” Roy says. “I don’t mind sticking around here with Lian until the power comes back on.” “Nah, it’s fine. I like it better in here, anyway.” In here, where the light is. Roy doesn’t comment on the hidden meaning that he definitely catches on to, and Jason loves him for it. He just kisses Jason’s cheek, settling against his side. Jason doesn’t mention the darkness thing often. Or at all. After all, grown men don’t get scared of the dark—especially when they live in a place like Gotham and were raised in a literal cave. But if Lian insists on having the hallway light on in addition to the night light next to her bed, then Jason isn’t about to discourage her. Roy never says a word about it. Every night he keeps the door to his and Jason’s bedroom cracked open just enough so a sliver of hallway light floods in, and it’s good for both of them, really. Jason feels safer with the light on, and they both feel safer being able to hear every creak and draft in the apartment, falling asleep knowing that nothing will sneak up on them. Even when Jason was living on his own, post-resurrection, he always kept a lamp on when he went to sleep in whichever safehouse he was squatting in that night. Back before he had a place to call home. On especially bad nights, he would turn on the lights in every single room, even the one in the microwave. Only then could he sleep soundly. He can’t exactly do that now, but he doesn’t need to. Whenever his head gets too heavy to bear, he’ll simply wrap his arms around Roy and fall back asleep to the sound of Roy’s heart beating under his ear. He falls back asleep in minutes. Jason isn’t entirely sure what caused the light issue in the first place. Sometimes he can’t remember if it arose before or after he was adopted by Bruce. Other times he’s sure it’s lingering trauma from the coffin, from waking up in pitch blackness six feet underground. No bearings, no sense of what was happening or where he was. The only thing in there with him was the thick, cloying darkness on every side of him. Jason shivers just thinking about it. “We should get her a new night light,” he says. “Battery powered, not a plug-in. It would be a good investment if you ever try destroying our electricity again.” Roy hums. “We can pick one up tomorrow. I need to take her clothes shopping anyway. And it might be a good idea to have a couple for the living room and bathroom so we don’t have a repeat of tonight.” “Good idea.” God, Jason’s craving a cigarette right now. Every nerve in his body urges him to get one and soothe the anxiety buzzing in his brain, but he has a rule against smoking in the apartment or anywhere near Lian. He’d settle for a beer instead, whatever keeps the buzzing at bay, but he doesn’t drink at home either out of respect for Roy’s sobriety. He’s stuck. Roy must notice Jason’s twitching fingers because he reaches into his pocket, careful not to wake Lian as he pulls out a stick of nicotine gum. “Here.” Jason unwraps the gum and shoves it in his mouth. He takes a deep breath in as he chews, letting it out slowly. It takes the edge off some, but not completely. Still, it’s better than nothing. “You’re just carrying these on you now?” "Came in handy, didn't it?" “And I thought Bruce was the king of being prepared for everything.” Jason straightens the wrapper until it’s flat like a card. He holds it over the nearest candle until it catches, watching the flame consume the paper, eating away at its edges. He blows it out just before it gets too close to his fingers. “When I was a kid,” he says after a minute, “my mom and I used to light candles like these. The heat would get turned off pretty often since she was usually too high to remember what day it was, let alone when the bills needed to be paid. But whenever it happened, she would send me to the store with a couple dollars and I’d buy a bag of marshmallows. We’d roast them over the candles and pretend we were camping.” “That sounds nice.” “It was. I mean, now I realize that it’s actually really fucking sad that we had to resort to candles ‘cause my mom wasted all her cash on drugs and couldn’t pay the heating bill. But at the time, it was nice. It’s one of the few good memories I have of that time.” He feels more than sees Roy’s fingers lacing through his own, clasping their hands together. “I was telling the truth earlier, you know. You’re brave and strong and badass all the way.” Jason snorts. “Even if I get freaked out every time the lights go out?” Roy doesn’t laugh with him. “Yeah, even then. And you know why?” He rests his head on Jason’s shoulder, lets Jason feel his warmth. “Because of all the things to be afraid of, you picked the one that can be fixed by just turning the lights on. Once you do that, there’s nothing left in the world that can scare you. And that’s pretty damn badass if you ask me.”
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
Sleep Over Part 2
Word count: 1151
Characters: Le Comte, Leonardo, Dazai, Sebastian, Isaac, Arthur, Theo, Vincent, Mozart, Napoleon, Jean, William
Warnings: none
I freaking love the ending- just so y’all know.
A soft melody shifted through the air growing in volume the closer Gwen came to Mozart’s music room. The piece he was playing had a light, airy tone and Gwen could feel herself bouncing her head along with the beat. The usually cold musician seemed to be in good spirits today, assuming by his music, which is something Gwen would definitely be using in her favor. Standing outside the door for the music to stop, and gently swaying to the beat, Gwen found herself raising her hand up to knock after the music did stop- but before she could hit the wood the door swung open revealing an blank faced Mozart. 
“What?” He asked, his voice steady. 
Gwen shifted the sliver tray in her hands the treats, consisting of chocolate, coffee just the way he liked it, and rogue, on the plater grabbing the vampire’s attention. Gwen could practically see his mouth watering. He reached out to relieve the girl of the tray when she suddenly stepped back, just out of arms reach to Mozart, and said, “uh, uh, uh... the only way you’re getting these lovely, tasty, mouth watering treats is if you do something for me,” in a teasing sing-songy tone of voice.
Mozart’s face crumbled in disappointment at her statement. Taking on a hesitant expression he asked the girl he had grown to tolerate what she wanted. 
“Good question Wolf, well you see there is an... event... of the sorts occurring tonight and I would appreciate it if you would attend... and you kind of can’t say no because Le Comte said you had to come,” Gwen rushed at, smiling, stumbling over her words, and whispering the part about Comte saying Mozart had no choice in the matter. 
“So be it.” 
Scoffing, Mozart yanked the tray out of Gwen’s hands and slammed his door irritatingly. A loud bang and the once happy song turned violent resonated from behind the closed door.
Outside the music room Gwen’s face lit up like a little kid on Christmas as she skipped down the hallway towards the kitchen to retrieve another round of treats for one of the more stubborn men. 
And that’s how the majority of the conversations between Gwen and the other men went- her bringing treats to bribe them with before telling them that they can’t refuse because a pureblood told them they couldn’t.
Arthur was easy to get to agree as well as Vincent, Dazai, and Napoleon. Isaac got flustered and whispered he would come, but only because she brought him a pie before slamming the door on her face. Theo had made her bark once and agree to making three times the normal amount of his favorite pancakes the next morning.  
Sebastian would be forced to come to insure the happiness and wellbeing of the attending residents. Poor man.
All it took for Leonardo to come was a kiss on the cheek, but Jean was probably the most difficult to convince. Jean was not a social person, anyone could see that. He tended to avoid any sort of interaction with everyone, and saying that Comte told him to come would make him want to not show just to piss the master of the mansion off. Gwen also had no idea what treat he liked or what to get him to bribe him with. Jean was like a wall- a hard, unmovable, brick wall. But after many minutes of deflecting his self-depreciating comments and refusals she finally managed to get him to agree.
“If you come I swear I will leave right now and clean out your portion of the stables for a week... you do not have to talk to anyone and I promise to try to keep Arthur away from you during the event,” Gwen pleaded glancing up at the marble statue look alike through her eyelashes. Poking out her lip for an added touch. 
Once Jean’s stone cold façade fell Gwen knew she had him. 
“If you wish, mademoiselle, but please leave the stables to me, I shall not ask such a woman to dirty her hands on my behalf,” Jean responded after kissing the back of her hand and taking his leave, the shadows seemingly swallowing his form as he quitely walked away.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” Gwen whispered while pumping her fists in the air and doing a little celebratory dance in the middle of the hallway before suddenly freezing her motions and gasping out, “wait I haven’t done the sheets.”
It was already dark by the time Gwen had finished preparing for the sleep over.
“Okay, so blankets, pillows, snacks, beverages, a mountain of pancakes, alcohol... what else am I missing?”
“Perhaps the guest, luv.” 
Arthur’s voice startled Gwen causing her to whip around in his direction all while almost knocking over one of the piles of neatly folded blankets. 
“By Jove Gwen some would think you were providing warmth for an entire army with that amount of blankets.” Arthur’s flirtatious laugh hung in the air.
“Thank you for putting so much effort into this for us Gwen. Theo what do we say?” Vincent said walking through the opened door, past Arthur who was currently walking over to the small selection of adult beverages, and straight towards a somewhat worried Gwen at Arthur’s display of licking his lips and hands reaching out to grab for a bottle. Her attention was quickly stolen away from the author by being hugged by Vincent, his warm body and sunflower scent washing over her. 
“Yeah, thanks or whatever Hondjie,” Theo’s gruff voice was muffled, distracted even, as he made a beeline for the pancakes.
A little while later almost everyone was in the same room, including a certain William Shakespeare who randomly showed up to talk to Comte but quickly regretted the action as he was now sandwiched between a smirking Leonardo and a glaring Theo. Everyone who was currently in the room could feel the tension between the trio, it was suffocating.
Isaac was quietly chatting with a barely awake Napoleon who was slumped in a chair his head falling back every once in a while. Le Comte was gracefully resting in a comfy recliner beside the roaring fire place, drinking a fruity smelling tea. Arthur was seeing how fast he could chug a bottle of wine after Theo said he couldn’t do it in under thirty seconds. Jean was huddled in the corner of the room appearing more like a scared cat on attack mode than an actual man. Mozart was leaning on the wall close to Jean with a disgusted expression on his dedicate featured face as he took in the other men’s actions. Sebastian was helping Vincent, who looked ready to burst into tears, untangle himself from about three blankets. All they were missing was the eccentric Japanese author. 
“Hey Cara, if Shakespeare starts ruining your time do not hesitate to call for me... I’ll make sure the little devil learns his lesson,” said Leonardo, the snugness in his voice was almost laughable, but the threat hanging in the air caused William to gulp and find his shoes incredibly interesting. 
“...truth or dare? What in God’s name is that Sebastian?” Isaac’s questioning voice rose above the rest of the chatting residents. 
“It is a children's game, Master Isaac. One person asks another ‘truth or dare’ and the person being asked has to pick one of the two actions... pick truth you get asked a question, and you must answer, pick dare you must do the dare someone gives you,” Sebastian responded while helping Vincent to his feet after they killed the blanket monster that attacked the painter. 
“Let’s do it,” hiccupped Arthur as he wobbly flopped on the floor swinging his feet back and forth in the air, and laying on his stomach in front of a disappointed looking Comte.
“Gwen truth or dare?” Arthur continued.
Gwen thought for a minute and choose the safest option, “truth.”
Arthur’s smirk spelled trouble. 
“What’s one thing that gets you hot and bothered every time?”
“Easy. Handcuffs.” 
The reactions of the men in the ranged from almost spitting out their drinks, gasps, knowing and dirty smirks, blushing faces, and Arthur saying, “you kinky girl.” While chuckling devilishly. 
“Napoleon, truth or dare?” Napoleon only responded to Gwen’s question by cracking his eye open and whispering a sleepy, “dare.” 
“I dare you to pin Isaac.” Napoleon eyes shot open as mischief ran ramped on his expression.
“You vile woman-” was all a horrified Isaac could get out before he found himself wrestled to the pillow and blanket covered ground. Isaac’s yelps and screeches merged with the demi vampire’s full blown laughs as Napoleon pinned Isaac’s wrists above his head all while sitting on the physicist’s waist, successfully leaving the smaller male to his mercy. 
“Curse the day you were ever born Gwen!” Gwen just smirked at Isaac’s cursing.
“Leonardo truth or dare?” Napoleon questioned while glancing up at Leo, Isaac still pinned under him.
“I dare you to jump completely clothed in the thermae.”
Leonardo came back a few minutes after standing up and walking out of the room, completely soaked, clothes sucking his skin, and dripping water onto the floor. He walked over to Le Comte, who stared at Leonardo with an don’t-you-dare glare, plopping himself down on the arm of the recliner and leaning against the golden pureblood and saying, “old friend... truth or dare?”
Comte growled out, “truth.”
“Who in this room do you find attractive in a sexual way?”
“Sebastian, Arthur, Isaac, William, Gwen, and you. Jean, truth or dare?” Comte said those names so nonchalantly Gwen almost missed the fact that her own name was included in the list.
Jean appeared incredibly startled at being asked but non the less picked truth. Le Comte in return asked if Jean had ever been kissed before causing Jean to turn bright red and huff out, “...no.”
The next few minutes consisted of the rest of the present men being asked the same question and doing whatever they were told... until Isaac thought it a good idea to dare Vincent Van Gogh to bake a cake with no help which lead to the men and Gwen to all trudging their way to the kitchen and pilling themselves in a corner.
“Oh my god... he’s putting both self rising flour and baking powder in the-” Gwen stopped her rushed, worried whispers towards Sebastian to gasp and tug on the butlers coat sleeve, continuing by gritting her teeth and rushing out, “Sebastian that was a cup of baking powder. Sebastain he’s pouring white vinegar in the liquid's bowl... oh shit... Sebastian this is going to be so much to clean up.” Gwen took to hiding her face in the impassive butler's shoulder as he patted her head while screaming internally.
“... and now to pour the liquids into the dries... or wait is it pour the dries into the liquids? Oh well,” Vincent mumbled to himself as he suddenly took both bowls, one in each hand and suddenly dumped both into an even bigger bowl. 
“There that should do the trick.”
There was one second of peace before all hell broke loose. 
Vincent’s concoction exploded as batter was sent flying. The slicky, goopy liquid stuck to the walls, the cabinets, the residents, the vegeables, the spices, the utensils, cups, bowls, plates... everything. 
“.....what the hell Vincent?” Gwen wasn’t too sure who said it, but she couldn’t agree more as she slowly wiped off the batter from her exposed cheek.
“So are you still enjoying the thought of a ‘sleep over’?” Comte questioned Gwen as they both stood off to the side, watching as chaos reigned free in front of them.
“I regret everything.”
Back in the room they started the sleep over in 
A well known Japanese man threw himself through the window against the wall, stumbling and looking around confused at the lack of people in the room.
“Huh. Guess I’m early... Yay sake!” 
Closing the opened “door” behind him Dazai didn't notice his sleeve getting caught in the window as he all but tried to sprint over to the alcohol only to be tugged backward and fall hard against the floor with a thud.
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lovinkiri · 4 years
Yours, At Last
Ask: Noncon Male!Reader x Toga with BDSM and dirty talk. And sex toys.
Warning: Dirty talk, slight BDSM, pegging, and NONCON so do not read if it makes you uncomfortable.
I mayyy have gotten carried away 😳🤭
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You sighed in exhaustion. The train you'd boarded was crowded, everyone shoving into someone, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident. You were on your way back from the the bar, a bachelor party. Your good friend, Katsuki Bakugou, was getting married. 
Yes, Katsuki Bakugou, the most stubborn and hot-headed person you had ever met, was getting married first. You were happy for him and you showed as much tonight. Katsuki was also a good person deep down, you knew this. But still, it couldn't help but make you wonder if you'd ever find that person. 
You'd snapped out of your thoughts as the train announced you station. As it slowed to a stop, you pushed towards the door with mumbled apologies. Apparently, an apology didn't mean much. An obviously agitated old woman shoved you, pushing you straight out of the door and into Toga. 
Quickly catching your own balance, you caught her, your hand on her lower back. She looked at you with rosy cheeks and almost sparkling eyes. "A-Ah.. Sorry about that." You let her go and bowed your head. Giving a small giggle, she took your chin and lifted your head. "Oh, don't worry."
With a small nod, you pulled away  from her and walked off. You ran into Toga often after that and you felt your relationship stronger with each conversation. That is, until you caught her stalking you at work. She said that ever since she'd net you at that train station, she'd simply wanted to know more about you. So rather than ask, she decided to watch.
What you didn't know was she'd been watching you longer than she admitted. Before you'd even met her at that train station. But she'd never tell you that.
It didn't matter though. You were creeped out either say. There were do many red flags going off in your head that you chose to end your friendship, telling her to keep her distance and ignoring her pleas.
"C'mon, baby! Wakey, wakey!"
Groaning, you stirred from unconsciousness. You felt sore, uncomfortable. And you weren't sure why until you allowed your eyes to flutter open. Seeing Toga's love stricken face was enough to bring out the reality of the situation. You lay in you're bed, hands bound behind your back. 
"Toga? What the hell, get out of my apartment!" You struggled with the cuffs around your wrist, looking away from her. You didn't hear the shuffling of her clothes being discarded. "Y/n, baby.." She practically dung as she climbed over you. You couldn't help but blush at her exposed body. "T-Toga!" 
She grinned and sat over your crotch. "Oooh, I like it when you say my name, Y/n! I've been waiting for this, you know!" With that, the needle of a syringe was in your waist in a second. Too shocked to react, you watched her with wide eyes as she pressed the down on the plunger. 
In only a couple of seconds, your legs were numb. "What.. Did you do to me..?" You asked shakily. She smiled at you, something you'd think was cute about a month ago. "I just don't want you to kick me. It'll wear off soon though. By then, you won't be kicking though." She laughed towards the end, like it was a joke. Like this was a joke. God, you hoped it was.
Your hopes fell as Toga ground herself into your clothed cock. You could practically feel how wet she was through your sweatpants. Toga moaned softly as her clit pushed against the fabric. "Mmm. I can't wait to get these clothes off of you." She grinned.
You tugged once more at the cuffs, not liking that despite the circumstances, this was getting you hard. It'd been do long since you'd had sex that your body immediately reacted to the attention. 
"Is this your first time too? So romantic!" She panted, a grin still present in her face. Rather than tell the crazy chick the truth and ruin her happy mood, you instead chose not to answer the question. 
"I don't think I can wait anymore. I really want you." She lifted her hips and tugged down your sweats enough for your dick to spring out. Sitting on your thighs, she admired it, giving slow strokes. "That looks.. Really tasty." She said with a breathy laugh. You watched as she leaned down, wrapping her pink lips around the tip. Running her tongue around it, she moaned softly. You groan left your lips as you held back from bucking up into her mouth.
Pulling off with a 'Pop!' She smiled at the sound before moving further up your hips, positioning you at her entrance. "W-Wait, Toga! Don't you want this to be special? More romantic?" You pleaded. She titled her head to the side and laughed. 
"Silly. If its with you, it's already special." She slowly sunk down, the tip of your cock pushing into her tight hole. She winced and bit her lip, but didn't stop until you were fully buried into her. 
Once full, she sat and regained herself before slowly grinding. You bit your lip and gripped the cuffs, moving your upper body as much as could you. You didn't want this to feel good. You didn't want this at all.
Pressing her hands against your chest, started to bounce. It wasn't long until she was a moaning mess. "Oh my god, oh my god." She whimpered softly. A moan pushed past your lips. "Fuck.." You mumbled. 
As expected, she was tight around you. Her warm walls seemed to suck you in with every drop of her hips. She allowed her fingers to pinch and squeeze at your hardened nipples. "Please.. S-Stop.." You grunted, earning a giggle that turned into a moan. "You know you want it baby.. You were so hard for me." She cooed mockingly.
It didn't take long for her cum, her head falling forward as she her walls tightened. "Yes, yes!" You groaned, not too far yourself. It seemed she new that because she bouncing didn't stop. Of course it didn't stop. Toga's always been full of energy. 
"I-I.. Not inside.. C-C'mon, Toga, not inside.." You begged. She shook her head. "I need it inside, I need it. Give it to me, baby, please." She whined softly. You groaned loudly, bucking your hips up into her as you came. She gasped and stilled, her mouth hanging open as you filled her up further.
As things settled down, it was quiet, both of your panting filling the room. She slowly pulled herself off, moving to her clothes and sliding on her panties. You watched her, so many thoughts filling your head.
What was her plan? What was she gonna do? What if she got pregnant? Were you ready for that? You didn't think so. Neither was she. What was the plan? 
You watched as she picked up a bag you hadn't noticed when you woke up. Your eyes widened as she pulled out a strap on. The dildo attached was purple and long, thick with bumpy ridges on the sides. She attached his and you shook your head. "Oh God, Toga please.." You whispered, though you knew it was worthless.
She giggled softly and walked over, ball gag in hand and strap on attached. "Open wide and I'll think about it." She grinned. With hesitance, you opened your mouth for what you thought the ball gag. Then the dildo was stuffed in your mouth. You sputtered around it, gagging and choking. 
"Shh, shh. Through your nose, babe." She gently tapped your nose. Closing your eyes, you were slowly able to switch your breathing to your nose. Climbing over as that her knees rested on either side your neck, she grabbed the headboard and started thrusting into your mouth.
You whined around the dildo, obviously embarrassed. Your mouth became covered in spit and you struggled to keep up with her thrusting. "You're so cute like this." She swooned softly. You gave another whine, your pride diminished into nothing. Then she fully pushed into your mouth. You gagged loudly but stayed still. Squirming would just make this worse and the situation was bad enough as it was.
Slowly pulling out of your mouth, she gently praised you. "That's a good boy. You sure you haven't done this before? You're so good at it." 
You didn't get a chance to answer before the ball gag was in your mouth. Exhausted, you laid there and accepted it. It wasn't until she moved between your legs that you shook your head. She spread your still numb legs. "At least its all lubed up now." She joked.
You narrowed your eyes at her before closing them tightly as she pushed in. "Mmm!" You groaned. She leaned down and kissed at your neck. "You're so tight, Y/n." She mused softly. 
Once she bottomed out, your head fell to the side. He tip of the cock pressing against your prostate was amazing, causing you to once again curse yourself for enjoying this. 
After a moment, she gently rocked her hips against yours. You gave a muffled moan and she started her actually thrusts. Your eyes rolled back slightly as the unfamiliar pleasure surged through you and to your cock. "You like that, baby? You like being fucked into the mattress, don't you?" She pressed gentle kiss to the corner of your lips. You only moaned in response.
"You're mine now, okay? You said you wanted to find someone, right?" She gave a particular hard thrust that made you cry out into the gag, giving a quick nod. She pressed her forehead against your chest. "And I'm taking such good care of you. I mean, so what if I watched you? It's just because I care. That's why I'm doing this. You don't want to be alone forever." 
It was odd. Everything she said started to make sense to you. No one had ever gone that far for you. It made you feel special. Everyone around you got so much attention and you sat in the background, ignored. And for once, an attractive girl likes you and you turn her away for following you around. She cared enough to do it. No, you didn't want to be alone forever. 
"I admit, it hurt for a while though. So be grateful I'm even giving you this." Her nails dug into your thighs and you whimpered, spilling muffled apologies and "thank you"s. She felt her smile against your flesh. "Such a good boy. Being so good, taking my cock so well." She cooed.
The feeling slowly came back to your legs. As she predicted,  you didn't kick her. Instead, you closed them around her hips. You were so close and Toga could feel tell. And what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't give you what you wanted. The next thrusts were quick and deep strokes. Enough to make you moan out, pushing you over the edge. You moved your hips as best as you could as you rode out your orgasm.
Then, once again, there was only panting. Toga slowly pulled out before removing the gag. "Himiko.." You mumbled. She grinned, ecstatic to hear her first name leave your lips.
"Don't worry. You've got me now, Y/n. You'll never be alone again. Never."
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I forgot that you existed: Chapter Three
A/N : Chapter three is here. It’s a little bit longer than the previous chapters got a little carried away. Things are getting little steamy between our ex lovers. In this chapter I have incorporated some other songs felt it will go with the situation the songs go side by side with the scenes as you read. Hope you like it. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary: It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realize you are still not done with each other.
Warnings: mild cursing
Mini playlist: It’s nice to have a friend by Taylor Swift, Physical by Dua Lipa, Into you by Ariana Grande
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In the evening a barbeque was arranged. All were enjoying chatting, eating and drinking. You occasionally glanced towards Tom and El all cuddled up. When suddenly Paddy called you
“Hey Y/N it’s been so many years didn’t hear you sing”
“Then how are my albums selling if I’m not singing Pads” you joked giving a surprised look
“I meant up close live like you used to do”
“Yes Y/N please sing something I always wanted to go to your concerts but never got the opportunity” El insisted
“But I don’t have my guitar or any kind of instruments”
“That’s not a problem we have your old guitar wait a minute let me get that” Ed got up to bring it.
“You still have that?”
“yeah Tom insisted to keep it here” Harrison said.Tom and you looked at each other.
“Okay this song is totally dedicated to you guys and please no posting in your social media accounts because this will be in my next album too, the music company will kill me.” You joked. You tuned in the guitar and started playing
School bell rings, walk me home Sidewalk chalk covered in snow Lost my gloves, you give me one "Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun Video games, you pass me a note Sleeping in tents
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Zendaya leaned her head on your shoulder you smiled at her.
Light pink sky up on the roof Sun sinks down, no curfew Twenty questions, we tell the truth You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too Something gave you the nerve To touch my hand
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Harrison got up from his seat and grabbed your shoulder from the back giving you a hug as you sang.
Church bells ring, carry me home Rice on the ground looks like snow Call my bluff, call you "babe" Have my back, yeah, everyday Feels like home, stay in bed The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
It was an emotional moment for all of you as everyone gathered around you for a giant hug though Tom kept his distance.
“Okay enough of tears. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day because its beach day.” Harrison announced. Everyone cheered.
“So better we all get a goodnight’s sleep”
��You were a late riser when you are on a holiday so when you woke up Zendaya was already dressed for the beach day
“Good morning sleeping beauty”
 “Morning” you mumbled
 “So excited for today?”
 “Then get your ass out of the bed and freshen up”
 “Yeah” you rubbed your eyes
 “I'm going downstairs to check what others are  upto don't fall asleep in the bathroom.”
 You got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and then have a shower . The cool water relieved your muscles instantly .
 Paddy, Jacob and Ed were busy setting up the table. Harry and Chloe were helping Sam in the kitchen.
“What's up boys?”
 “Breakfast is almost ready”, Sam said, tossing the ingredients in the fry pan.
 “The food looks so delicious gotta take a picture will make a perfect story. Oh shit I forgot my phone.”
 Tom was coming down the stairs as Zendaya stopped him.
“Hey Tom can you please go and tell Y/N to bring my phone with her when she comes downstairs.?”
Tom hesitated to go but eventually agreed .. "yeah okay"
You came out of the bathroom all fresh a towel wrapped around your body. As you started humming a song and drying your hair with a blow dryer.
Tom stood in front of your room. He really had a bad habit of not knocking before coming into your room since childhood so out of habit he just opened the door.
 As the door flung open. You shrieked, clutching your towel tightly.
“Oh my god!!! What the fuck Tom!!!”
 Tom couldn't help but stare at you in a towel hair all wet, beads of water dripping down the ends. Your smooth skin glowing in the sunlight coming from the windows giving you an ethereal look.
 “Stop staring you creep and close the fucking door!!!” You yelled again.
Tom was startled as he closed the door behind him.
 “Seriously” you huffed “I said to close the door and leave not to come inside you idiot!!”
 “It's in a way your fault why didn't you lock the door?” Tom quipped back
 “What!! After all these years you couldn't learn the basic manner of knocking the door before entering someone's room. And it's my fault?”
 “Okay I'm sorry calm down I just came to convey Z's message she said you to bring her phone as she forgot to take it with her that's all.”
“The message has been received and now you may leave I have gotta get dressed”
 Something went across Tom's mind as he gave you a mischievous look "what if I don't?"
 ‘What do you mean?” You were confused
 “I meant this isn't the first time I have seen you like this, actually seen more than that.” He winked.”Then why so shy to change infront of me now?”
 You narrowed your eyes," you think this is funny Holland?"
 “Whatever you think princess.” he grinned
 Tom was testing your patience but you weren't the one to give up so easily . So you decided to play along with his dangerous game.
 "You know what I actually don't mind either ." you smirked. "But I don't think El would be quite pleased to see her would be husband with his ex just in a towel."
 You started walking towards him with a sultry look in your eyes, your hand grabbed the tucked end of the towel as you motioned to remove it from your body. Tom was stunned by your answer little did he expect you would say that. Inappropriate thoughts started to hover in his mind but half of his mind reminded him it is wrong he's engaged to El and he can't break her trust. Tom shut his eyes and turned his back towards you as he opened the door and left closing it behind . You shook your head and laughed at how flustered he looked. You quickly got ready putting on your shorts and an off shoulder crop top.
 You came downstairs, breakfast was already served. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and toast instantly made you hungry. There were freshly baked muffins too.
 “Here you go rock star.” Chloe handed you your plate of food.
 “Thanks darlo” you cooed
 You bite into your muffin as you get lost in its flavors.
"mmmmph.. I think I had a foodgasm" you giggled as others also started laughing.
“How do you cook so tasty food Sam? it's too good. I missed this so much”
 “Glad you liked it Y/N”
 You went to pick up another piece of muffin from the plate on the table as you were interrupted by another hand. It was Tom. You looked at him.
"Umm.. ladies first" He said moving his hand.
 You took your piece and went to chat with others.
Tom's eyes followed you thinking of how unbothered you were after the little stunt that you pulled off a while ago.
 “Yo man where are you lost at” Jacob broke his train of thoughts
 “Nothing bro” tom shook his head
 “Where's El?”
 “Oh she's getting ready will be down in a minute.”
Finally you were all on the beach. The weather was perfect and you can't wait to go surfing after so many years. You spread your towel on the chair and put your bag on it. You grab your sunscreen lotion and apply it to your exposed areas. As you heard El calling sweetly. She looked gorgeous in bikini top and a sharong.
“Tommy can you please help me apply the lotion on my back.”
“Sure darling.” Tom took the lotion and started applying it to her back.
You kept looking as you smiled, eyes furrowed.
 "Typical" you heard Zendaya saying and looked at her as she rolled her eyes.
 "I find it cute though" you winked as both of you started giggling.
Tom looked at both of you scrunching his face as he understood why you both were laughing.
 You then spoke loudly to grab everyone's attention "are we going for surfing or not because the water will not come to us we have to go to the water! Or are we here just to apply sunscreen and get tanned" you gave a side look, that was enough to get on Tom's nerve, your revenge taken for the morning fiasco.
 Zendaya gaped at you with a smile. "You are such a bitch" she lightly punches your arm giggling.
 “Wasn't that the plan?” You raised your brow
 “Don't get so cranky grandma we are going for surfing. Let me get the surf boards first” Harrison said.
 “Do it fast.”
“Hey El you’re not coming?”
“Oh no I can’t surf”
“Tom can teach you, can’t you Tom?”
“Oh no it’s ok we have come to enjoy don’t want him to give surfing lessons instead of enjoying I can learn afterwards as he’s going to be there for me forever”
“You are really a sweet girl El I really like you. Tom is really lucky to have you”
“Thanks” she giggled shyly as she hold on to Tom’s hands.
 You felt really good surfing after a long time. You made Harry click some good Instagramable pictures of yours while surfing. You were all wet when you came on the shore, clothes sticking to your body. You raised your hands above your head and stretched your body. When you heard someone say
“Nice tattoo”
You looked at the man with flowy dark brown hair and indigo eyes. He was tall with a broad chest and well defined abs . You glanced at your tattoo on the left side of your hip and then looked at him
 "Umm thanks" you furrowed your eyes smiling.
 “Solo trip?”
 "Oh no with my mates they are over there" you pointed towards your group.
 “ Oh great!! By the way I'm Steve.. Steve Johnson  and I know who you are. Big fan of your works.”
“Thank you” you smiled shyly
 “I really like your tattoo”
 “You like my tattoo or is there something else you like ?” You narrowed your eyes grinning.
 "Yeah I like you too by the way" he scratched his head giving a goofy smile looking down his feet then to you.
 You shook your head and laughed
 “But still what is the meaning behind it?”
 "Nothing special. I just liked the design and I had a scar over there so I had to cover it up." That wasn't the actual story behind it and you knew it very well.
 Tom was with El listening to her chatter but all his attention was in your conversation with Steve. And he knew that the tattoo on your hip was there for a special reason not for any mere scar.
 Happy first anniversary to us. You clinked your champagne glasses together. It's been one year since Tom proposed you to be his girlfriend. Tom had decided to have a candlelight dinner with you at his house. He had cooked your favorite dishes. After dinner you both sat down on the all couch cuddled up to binge watch star wars movies.
 “Please never leave me even if I am being an asshole to you sometimes. Please don't ever leave me”
��I'll always be there for you dummy.” You messed his hair. “Besides who else will tolerate your tantrums other than me.”
“Pinky promise?”
 You giggled “yes pinky promise.” You both hold on to your pinkies.
“You know what I'm thinking to get a tattoo”
“Don't get under your foot it really hurts” Tom chuckled.
 And the next day you were in a tattoo parlor as you went through the catalog and found the exact design you wanted.
You couldn't wait to show it to Tom as you reached his house you just ran inside as you saw him in the kitchen you went and hugged him from back and gave a kiss on his cheek. “I have a surprise for you”
He turned around the kitchen island to face you.You lifted your top to reveal your hip. You had got a tattoo of two hands pinkies intertwined as a reminder to your yesterday's promise of not leaving each other.
The promise you made was already broken. And maybe the heartbreak you had was a scar for you. 
“Okay then you enjoy your day I gotta go find my friends.See you around.”
 “Yeah sure.” You gave a smile
As he left Z, Chloe and El huddled around you
“Oh my god Y/N who was that hot guy?” Z asked excitedly
 “Umm his name is Steve and he likes my tattoo.” You giggled.
 “It's barely our second day here and you got someone to get laid way to go girl” Chloe lightly punched your arm
 “Oh shut up I barely know him” Harrison called you all to say something. Z, El, Chloe went towards him. As you were about to go you heard Tom
“So you finally found someone who can apply sunscreen on you too”
“What!? Oh come on we weren’t making fun of you, we just didn't think you were such a hopeless romantic type of guy”
 “When you are with the right person it feels good to be a hopeless romantic. Like take it for yourself you were always a fun type not marriage or romancing type”
 “So you're admitting that I was fun, glad to hear that.” You winked.
“Hey Y/N come on lets play volleyball”
“Yeah coming!! Haz”
“So what are teams?”
“It's me vs you. 
“Fine by me.Gonna kick your ass like always.”    
“Don’t get so overconfident darling I have upped my skills. Okay let's toss  whoever wins will get to choose first their team members.” 
“I’m gonna be the referee” El announced.
Harrison won the toss he chose Ed, Jacob, Tuwaine, Chloe, Harry
You had hoped Haz took Tom in his team but damn you Haz ,so you had Z, Paddy, Tom, Sam in your team
“Hey we are short of one player” you complained
You saw Steve coming from the other side with his friends. Zendaya elbowed you
“Babe it's your chance go and ask him out” You giggled and immediately ran towards Steve
“Hey hi”
“Hi again beautiful”
You hesitated a bit “Umm do you wanna? do you mind if I ask you to join us? We are playing volleyball and I'm short of one player.”
 “Of Course love, it will be my utmost pleasure.”
 You both came back and took your positions at the back. The game started and you were impressed by Steve's skills. He was really good at the game.
“Didn't think you would turn out be such a player.”
“I can be more than that love if you want.” He winked.
You blushed profusely “for now I just want to beat my best friend's ass in the game”
“As you wish mam”
Tom was standing in the front and he could hear all of your conversations. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't feeling jealous.
Both the teams were on tie the last round was do or die for you.
You went to serve the ball but accidentally it slipped and it went and hit at the back of Tom's head. You gave a panicked look while others started laughing.
“I'm really sorry Tom the ball slipped from my hand” you also started giggling.
“But I think you did that intentionally Y/N” Tom said angrily
 “What do you think I don't understand why you are acting to be so nice”
“What are you saying Tom I don't understand I already said that I'm sorry it was totally an accident?”
“Are you sorry? You just can’t tolerate that after so many years finally I’m happy with someone”
“Yo Tom calm down” Jacob said
 “Yes Tom stop overreacting!” Chloe yelled
“Tell your friend to stop acting to be so nice!!”
“Hey man you are unnecessarily making a big deal out of it” Steve came in your defense.
“You please stay out of this. Its between us”.
“Tom you can’t speak to Steve like this”
“Oh now I get it all this to grab his attention. You are wasting your time on her dude take my advice leave her she anyways will leave you after she gets whatever she wants from you”.
Your blood was boiling at Tom’s words. El was totally confused at the whole scene she wasn't getting why Tom was reacting like that, your temper rising as you noticed her and abruptly spoke
“Hey El I know you are totally confused at what is going on let me give you a pretext to it ,you actually know half of my identity that is I'm their childhood friend but I'm more than that to your fiance actually.” you jabbed at her
“Y/N I said you no” Tom yelled
“Oh it’s too late now honey”
“For the record I'm his ex girlfriend. We had been in a relationship since we were teenagers then we broke up six years ago. But I guess he couldn't get over it as that is why he couldn’t say you about me” you glared at him looking up and down. “Maybe you are failing to give him the love he needs that is why he can’t forget me and is acting like a dickhead.”
El was definitely hurt by your words. She ran towards the beach house teary eyed. Tom ran after her “El wait! Don’t go! I can explain!! Please listen!!”
“Fuck you Y/N!!!”
You gave him the finger with both your hands with an uninterested look on your face.
The game obviously had to be ended after the heated argument. And everybody came back to the beach house. You were all sitting in the living room. Tom and El were in their room. Probably sorting out the matter after your big revelation.
“What is the problem with Tom?” Z exclaimed
“He has totally gone nuts” Sam scoffed
“Y/N are you okay?” Harrison nudged your shoulder
“Yeah I'm fine but I really feel bad I shouldn't have spoken to El like that. That was totally rude. I just got really angry. I didn't do it intentionally.
“It's okay Y/N we know it was never your fault. Tom has always been a dickhead.” Harry reassured you
‘I think I need to talk to El and clear things out before it gets more complicated.”
El was standing at the porch when you approached her.
“Hey” she gave a half smile
“Listen I came to apologize for today. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that. It was so rude of me. I just couldn't control myself after what Tom said. I don't know what Tom said to you about me but I have no intention of interfering in your lives. I'm really happy for both of you. To be honest I still love him, he is my best friend though he doesn't see me like his friend anymore. I don't want to become the reason for a rift in your relationship.”
“I understand Y/N in a way it was Tom's fault, he was the one who overreacted in spite of you saying sorry.”
“Thank you El for understanding.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure”
“Why did you guys break up?”
You sighed deeply “because I was way too selfish. I couldn't give the love he deserved. But now I feel you can fill that void in his life. You took El's hand in yours El “I'm giving his responsibility to you El. Please never leave his side. Fill his life with love and happiness he deserves. And if you guys want I can..I can leave tomorrow itself.”
“No Y/N I wouldn't want that you both share a past together but that should not affect our future. You will always be a good friend to me.”
“So if we are all good you guys are coming to the party right”
“Party??” El gave a confused look
“Yeah Harrison arranged a sort of welcome and success party for me, gonna have fun tonight.”
 “Yeah sure and I'll persuade Tom don't worry.
 You chose your little black dress with a deep plunging neckline as your outfit for the night. Zendaya was still confused between two of her outfits. You both did your make up and got ready.
“What's with that cleavage?” Zendaya quipped
“I don't think I stand a chance with that Steve guy after today's events so I have to find a new one” you laughed.
 As you guys reached the night club, you could hear the music blasting from outside. The bouncers checked your ids and let you in. Harrison ordered the drinks as you all gathered together. Harrison raised a toast
“To our long living friendships and our rock-star's successful album.”
You all cheered.
“Okay guys the drinks are on me for tonight, help yourselves” you announced.
The boys cheered. Everyone scattered the couples went for a dance as you looked at Tom and El dancing and laughing. You were sipping on a margarita when you felt a light tap on your shoulder and you looked back.
"Hey you went away without even saying a proper goodbye"
“Umm hi, sorry actually I wasn’t in a good state at that moment”
“Yeah I understand. how are you now?”
He was checking you out all thanks to your dress
“Up here Mr.” You grinned
He gave a lopsided smile “you look hot”
Physical by Dua Lipa starts playing
(Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenal Don't you agree? Don't you agree? You got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this planet compares to it Don't you agree? Don't you agree? )
 Zendaya came and grabbed your hand “come on slowpoke. Let's burn the dance floor.” She pulled you to the dance floor.
(Who needs to go to sleep, when I got you next to me?
All night, I'll riot with you I know you got my back and you know I got you So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical Lights out, follow the noise Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical)  
You both swayed to the music as you both started lip syncing with the song loudly and laughing. You grooved sensuously giving occasional glances to Steve. He took the que and approached you. You felt his arms around your hips as he turned you towards him. You put your arms on his shoulders as you both swayed to the music looking into each other's eyes.
“Hey Steve!! come on mate you have to go!” you heard a group of men calling out
“Er... sorry I have to leave my friends are calling. See you again” 
“It’s ok bye see ya” You came back to the counter. You ordered some lemon drops. You gulped it down and bite into the lime.
“Didn't think you will make him leave you so soon”
You rolled your eyes “wasn't today enough for you.”
“I can never get enough of you princess”
“Stop calling me that!!”
“Why does it turn you on?”
“Huh!!” you deadpanned. “It makes me feel nauseated. You don't excite me anymore Holland” you grinned. He was going to say something as Tuwaine interrupted
“Hey let’s do power hour” Tuwaine suggested
“Yessss!!!!” the boys shouted in unison
“Guys seriously none of you can handle yourselves after that. We girls have also come to enjoy not to carry your drunken asses home” You jabbed.
“We can handle ourselves Y/N don’t worry” Harry assured you
“We’ll see that”
The game started only Paddy didn’t participate as he was not sure of his capacity to handle . Jacob gave up half way through the shots. Sam and Harry both struggling to keep up the pace lastly giving up. It was now between Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine. Tuwaine won eventually. And now all the boys were definitely drunk as you had expected.
You were having your shots as Tom took one from you.
“Aren’t you already enough drunk loser”
“I’m not a loser” he said in a raspy voice
“Then who lost to Tuwaine anyways I’m gonna go dance you sulk here loser”
 Into you by Ariana Grande starts playing
(I'm so into you, I can barely breathe And all I wanna do is to fall in deep But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line So name a game to play, and I'll roll the dice, hey)
You walked to the center of the dance floor swaying your hips a little as you start grooving to the song. You felt a little tipsy as you danced along the song, drunk sweaty bodies hovered around you. 
(Oh baby, look what you started The temperature's rising in here Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move Before I make a move)
You started dancing with some random drunk guy. You glanced at Tom as you placed your hands around his neck and danced with that guy. Yes the alcohol in your system wanted Tom to make a move.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Tom clenched his jaw as he gulped down a shot slamming the glass on the bar counter and started walking towards you. You continued to dance sensually.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You felt a familiar pair of arms around your waist as he turned you and pulled you closer to him. Your palms resting on his broad chest. The smell of his cologne taking over your senses.
(This could take some time, hey I made too many mistakes Better get this right, right, baby)
You placed your hands around Tom's neck as you get lost into each other's eyes. The world seemed a blur to you at the moment as you cared less of who was watching, you just wanted to live this moment.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He took your hand in his and twirled you around a few times before pulling you closer, your back pressed to his chest, your bodies swaying, occasionally grinding against each other.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He brushed aside your hair with one hand, his other hand on your shoulder as he kissed you behind your ear. You gasped at his touch as you felt your body was on fire. You tilted your head a little to give him more access as he brushes his lips on your neck. Tom's hands ran down your arms lacing with your fingers.
(Tell me what you came here for 'Cause I can't, I can't wait no more)
You suddenly felt whatever is happening is wrong, you pulled away from him to leave as he caught hold of your hand.  
(I'm on the edge with no control And I need, I need you to know You to know, oh)
You looked at him and then to your hands. He pulled you impossibly closer as you slammed into his chest. Your legs were wobbly as he steadied you by holding your waist. The smell of his cologne doing things to you. Old memories, nostalgia hitting you. He lifts you up and spins a little.
  (So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You look at him with droopy eyes as he brings you down; he hugs you even closer. He knelt near your neck, nose brushing against the bottom of your ear. You whimpered when his hot breath ghosted your ears. "Do I still excite you babygirl?" he whispered in your ears. You could just hum in response, your body shivering at each and every touch of his.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Purple lights danced across Tom's face illuminating his  brown eyes, highlighting his each and every feature. You went dizzy when his lips ghosted at your sweet spot at the nape of your neck. You threw your hands around his neck tugging his hair at the bottom. His hands snaked around your waist sensually gliding to your thighs at the hem of your dress.You weren't that drunk so soon the realization hit you where it is leading to. You thought, what were you doing? This is so not right. You struggled to free yourself from his hold pushing him away by his chest.
(So come light me up, so come light me up my baby A little dangerous, a little dangerous my baby A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you ) song fading away...............
You both stand in the middle of the dance floor breathless. You ran your hand through your already messed up hair. You stomped off to the bar counter as Tom followed you.
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