#just when I thought it couldn’t get more father/son than this bruh I was so wrong
pegging-satan · 1 year
Brah I just saw a Ranpo and Fukuzawa edit to the song Mockingbird AND THEY PUT THAT SCENE WHERE RANPO STARTS CRYING SAYING IM SORRY AND HUGS FUKUZAWA TO daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird ima give you the world ima buy a diamond ring for you ima sing for you I’d do anything for you to see you smile IM ABSOLUTELY INCONSOLABLE RIGHT NOW bro I am in fucking hysterics I’m gonna start crying fr I keep replaying that part and it just makes me go
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absolutebuffoonery · 2 years
PT 3 (including finale): I convinced my dad to watch merlin with me and here’s what he has to say
pt 1
pt 2
“They’re loving that.”
“I don’t even wanna know what they’re doing in there.”
-When Merlin and Arthur get caught in the net booby trap
Arthur, to Merlin: You’re the only friend I’ve got and I couldn’t bear to lose you. 
Dad: *literally gasps and gapes at me in surprise*
Merlin: Really?
Arthur: Don’t be stupid. 
Dad: *laughs hysterically*
*uther emerges from the veil*
“Wow, of all the dead people, he got the right guy”
“Was that a reference to fisting?” -the horseplay scene when Arthur threatens Merlin with his fist 
“Okay that was pretty gay.”
(I don’t even remember what he was talking about here, but he was right)
“Arthur’s unconscious again, alert the media.”
“I really don’t know what to make of Mordred.” 
(whenever he said something like this I had to hold in an earth-shattering screech)
“Okay, this son of a bitch has to die” -About Mordred, s5e12
“I am OBSESSED with her.” -about Gwen after she runs someone through with a sword in s5e12
Arthur: “Just... hold me.”
Dad: *just nods his head*
(I think he was simply acknowledging the queerness)
Arthur, during That scene in s5e13: I want to say something that I’ve never said to you before.
Dad: Ohh boy. 
His thoughts after the finale (he wrote an Official Statement for his “tumblr fandom,” including the hashtags at the end):
Well, watching Merlin was a much more satisfying experience than when my kids made me watch Glee with them. Although it was difficult at first to accept the way they bent time to accommodate Merlin and Arthur being contemporaries, I got over it because they succeeded in creating a relationship between two boys-to-men who wouldn't normally exist in each other's worlds. In actual Arthur lore, Merlin is old and wizened long before Arthur is even born. In fact, you remember in an early episode when Gaius references magic being necessary for Uther and his queen to produce a son? Well, in Arthur lore, that magic was cast by Merlin, and Merlin was present during Arthur's childhood. But ok, let's give the BBC some breathing room because they did a good job showing the generational transition from the failings of toxic masculinity (Uther's reign) to the superhuman potential of unapologetic bromance (Arthur's reign). In fact, how many times did I furrow my brow when Uther did something stupid or said something weenie just because he thought he was being strong, but he was actually being...alone. When it was Arthur's turn to do something stupid or say something weenie, he had a posse of good bros by his side to prop him up.
Even in S5E3 when Arthur gets the opportunity to see the ghost of his father and be like, "Bruh, I miss you," Uther instead treats Arthur like shit and belittles him for not being a dick to his people. Respect through fear, I believe is what the ghost Uther was preaching. But that strategy was pretty much self-defeating, given that respect through fear got Uther prematurely dead. Luckily Arthur didn't give it too much thought and decided, "Yeah, nah, I'd rather hug my droogies and marry a servant woman and be respected for doing the right thing, so biyee douchebag." In fact I'm assuming the writers created this post-mortem meeting not as merely another display of magic, but as a tangible means of showing Arthur's wrestling match with his own conscience. Even the playful and boyish banter between Arthur and Merlin (and the way they gaze at each other adoringly) is an example of Arthur's determination to part with toxic masculinity, especially when he gives Merlin the opportunity to be right sometimes without getting his chainmail hoodie in a bunch.
  This could absolutely be a lesson to voters the world over, who have the power to put real leaders in office but choose crusty old assholes instead of fresh, young minds and hearts. All the Uthers in the world are giving AOC and Sanna Marin shit for dancing. Can you believe we actually live in an era when our leaders get chided for dancing? For fucking dancing! Meanwhile AOC and Sanna Marin are attracting loyal followers in New York and Denmark, who would follow them to the ends of Camelot, while the same old self-serving ancient curmudgeons who keep getting elected are busy pulling Agravaine after Agravaine out of their bungholes. Perhaps I digress.
  Their parting from lore that is a little less acceptable is what they chose to do with Lancelot. Love triangle with Gwen and Arthur, yes, but Lancelot's BBC fate was less than satisfying. There are many tellings of how Lancelot dies, both with and because of Gwen, but the BBC opted against putting Arthur's best knight at the roundtable through most of this series. How fascinating. And weird.
Anyway, the end: Avoiding spoilers, I'd say the series ended appropriately. My 20-year-old daughter is traumatized by the ending, but I know enough about Arthur lore to know that the end is appropriate and loyal to legend. Camelot enters a new era, Merlin finally gets the respect he deserves, and a strong woman rises to power (I hope she dances). Satisfying. My parting thought: Walking away from this series, I've discovered a new career aspiration. I don't need to be king of anything, but I really want a job that allows me to say, "Ready the men, we ride at first light" without getting bullied. I mean, that's just really damn cool.
Thanks for all of your comments and responses. It's been fun. 
#Merlin #ArthurAndMerlinOTP #ToxicMasculinityVsBromance #ArthurWasPan #TristanAndIsoldSpinoff
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Never Let Me Go Ep 8 Live Blogging
Another Tuesday
Ep 8: Life
Part 1
what the fuck cuteass boyfriend montage qlfjsjkjd with this music bg they’re so cute TT
ah the scene from the trailer about the humans being split in two
stop saying Khun Nueng while you’re playing boyfriends, let’s get another Ai’Nueng pls pls
Never Let Us Go hat where Nueng’s like agh figure out the answer to the “Us” yourself
debtors after Palm’s mother and the police questioning Palm’s father
the Chopper holding his palm over Ben’s mouth is so awkward
damn an apology from Aun after finally realizing that his actions of sending photos of Ben kissing nueng and outing him actually hurt Ben. Wai and Thua our supposed friends couldn’t.
Palm confronting his mom about whether she actually loves him and why she left them. “I’m sorry I love myself more than I love you” rip this is why I shouldn’t and don’t want to have kids
“You will understand when life forces you to choose between you duty and your heart”
I hope their mother-son relationship continues to grow from here on out :< Palm missed out on so many years
Part 2
oh Maggie has found them
pls Nueng’s eyes squinting just a little when Maggie said the hostel is cute and him just watching her and Palm’s conversation lol
naurrr ep 8 and PalmNueng (temp) boyfriends is too late for us to get Maggie and Palm montage or cute moments
lmfao should’ve just let the camera go
“It’s good that he got to protect someone other than me” oh NuengDiao you dumbass
oh Maggie figured out Palm likes Nueng good for her
“but I have a bright personality, so people misunderstood that I flirted with you” people being Nueng
pls Ben talks so callously to Chopper knowing that Chopper likes him. “In grade 10 I didn’t think you were good looking” “I was never your type”
girl Ben straight up asking Chopper if he still likes him pls okay
I just don’t like Ben’s way of handling things why tf is he all smiling and asking “would you still have feelings for me?” Also, this means they both knew why Chopper and Ben stopped interacting, so why was there a vibe of ohh I'm ben and idk why you stopped interacting with me chopper
Part 3
they fr took Palm’s mom
Linguistics: it’s fun that Palm’s mom calls Nueng gu-meung but Nueng refers to her with Pom and -krab. don’t think there’s another relationship like this with Nueng
Part 4
hmmm very cute, though a bit casual for love confessions
oh they take it to bed? bruh i can’t see anything bc I turned my brightness so low when they started kissing cuz i’m at school
Rewatch: I rewatched it at home and ooh Nueng taking off Palm's shirt and pushing him back on the bed, okayy
Got spoiled on before watching:
Chopper previously confessed to Ben
Overall Thoughts:
Good but I'm kinda not super attached right now, idk. I wonder if I would've liked this one if I binged it. It's like fine and good and I smiled a lot while watching but I feel like I should be more attached or think about it more.
Fave Scene:
The first boyfriend montage with Palm and Nueng >.<
Ben saying that Aun outing him really hurt him
Posts I made
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere:
didn't track this
12 hours later 
Part 1: 565k || 2: 398k || 3: 343k || 4: 397k
Avg: 425k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious): 
Ep 1 - 1: 2.2M || Avg: 1.35M || Max Part: 1
Ep 2 - 1: 1.4M || Avg: 1.1M || Max Part: 1
Ep 3 - 1: 1.2M || Avg: 1.031M || Max Part: 1
Ep 4 - 1: 1.4M || Avg: 1.090M || Max Part: 1
Ep 5 - 1: 1.2M || Avg: 1.084M || Max Part: 1 (also part 3 with kiss has almost same views bc of NuengPalm kiss)
Ep 6 - 1: 1.3M || Avg: 1.101M || Max Part: 1
Ep 7 - 1: 1.2M || Avg: 1.068M || Max Part: 4 (bc of NuengPalm kiss - slightly higher than part one
0 notes
anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Fuck the context and the way you portrayed shinso in your brother fic of him was so hot. Can’t wait for him to become unhinged and not even care what his parents would think/if they’re home and just defile you whenever he wants bc he’s just that desperate
Prelude -  gonna call this mess “FaMiLy BoNdInG” and bruh trust me it’s a mess but I tried so enjoy k gbye
Pairing - Aizawa X Reader X Shinsou
Prompt - at the top and combined with these two!
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Warnings - psuedo-incest, NSFW, non con, dubcon, all the cons. Step dad Aizawa and step bro Shinsou are a force to be reckoned with. Mentions of DP at the end.
Music - I listened to https://open.spotify.com/track/1xFfbxmfenEpn4WawGWXiA?si=OUFp4ANsSR-6V_H187Eblw while writing even though it has NO relation to the fic spsosfnjsdhgsslfdn dead
You were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking soda and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when your stepbrother had come up behind you, looping his arms over your shoulders as he leaned down.
“Hey girlie, what’re you doing?”
“Nothin’.” You shifted, moving so his mouth was away from your ear, squirming uncomfortably. 
There was a beat of silence, before Shinsou stood, his presence looming behind you like a harbinger of evil. “Come up to my room? I’m tired, wanna hold you.” You sighed, hunching your shoulders and curling in upon yourself. You knew it wasn’t a question, wasn’t a request that you could ignore or refuse. He was just giving you the illusion of having a choice. Well,  you did have a choice;  go with your brother willingly, or get dragged, risk him getting angry if you said you were feeling sick, get into a fight with the man that could pin you to the ground without breaking a sweat.
“Shinsou…. “
“C’mon.” He didn’t wait for you to figure out how to beg for him to leave you be, grabbing your arm and hauling you to your feet with ease. You went limp, what else could you do?
The purple-haired man reached under your skirt, a modest, knee-length thing, wrenching your panties down with one hand.  You squeezed your eyes shut when his hand brushed against your hip, when he eyed the panties clutched in his fist.
Then he was tugging you along, headed towards his room. 
You were so tired.
Mind almost shutting down, you stumbled when the audible clanking of the garage door beginning to open could be heard.
Dad was home.
Wide eyed, you caught Shinsou’s equally-surprised gaze, the man in front of you tightening his grip on your arm. Without another word, his pace was quickened.  Aizawa wasn’t supposed to get home until midnight, was supposed to be working late at the office. 
Shinsou tugged you into his room, slammed the door shut,  pushed you onto the bed. He had a sense of urgency; he was stressed, thrown off by the sudden and unexpected arrival of your father. “Gotta be quiet now, don’t want dad to hear us, right?”
You nodded, dazed, exhausted. Nothing had happened yet and you were already retreating inside your mind, resigning yourself to whatever your older brother was going to do today. He had said he wanted to cuddle, but that usually meant lazy sex while he hugged you, kissing your neck and falling asleep after making the both of you cum.
Without any preamble, the man climbed onto the bed, putting a hand on your shoulder to gently guide you to lay back. Then he was scrabbling at your shirt, pulling it over your head and leaving you in nothing but your bralette and skirt. He kneeled between your legs, pulling your skirt up to mid thigh to give him more room to maneuver.
“Shinsou please don’t, dad’s-“
“Shhhh, just do what I say and you’ll be fine.”
Shinsou spat into his palm, the sound making you cringe as you thumbed at the soft blankets underneath you. He was unbuttoning his pants, shoving at his underwear until he could get his cock free. The man went quicker than usual as he slicked up his length with his spit, very much aware of the presence of someone else in the house. 
At this point, Shinsou really didn’t care.
He had been fucking you for so long, pulling you aside for a quickie when your parents ran to the store, taking his time when they went away for a weekend,  fucked you on the couch when they went out for date-night. Feeling particularly bold today, he barely thought to pause when your father had gotten home. Right now, he wanted to lay down with his little sister, fuck you until you fell asleep, and then cuddle with your pliant body. Dad home or not, he was determined.
Your skirt was pushed even further up your body, the material bunching at your waist so your stepbrother had unfettered access to your bare pussy. Clenching your eyes shut, you turned your head away as you felt Shinsou pull your hips into his lap so he could rub his cock against your folds. He hissed at the sensation, spitting into his hand again before reaching around his cock to smear his saliva onto your puffy slit, too impatient and hurried to properly prep you.
It was odd to see the purple haired man like this; usually he was very laid-back, slow and gathered in his movements. Right now he was rushing, pushing the tip of his cock slowly into your entrance when usually he would still be making you cry on his fingers. The stretch was immediate, almost burning, and your lungs tightened.
A hand reached up to cover your mouth, Shinsou’s thumb massaging your cheek as he hushed you. You grabbed onto his arm, not to pull him away (it would be useless, he was so much stronger than you), but to ground yourself,  able to do nothing but hold onto the man causing you pain.
The sound of dishes clattering down in the kitchen had Shinsou’s hips bucking forward suddenly, filling you up, pressing too far, too soon. He swore lowly, hand tightening around your mouth as you let out a pained noise.
His hips stilled, the hand not at your mouth petting soothingly at your hip in an imitation of comfort. Funny, you thought - you wouldn’t need comfort if your stupid step brother could manage to keep his dick in his pants.
As the seconds passed, both of you aware of Aizawa down in the kitchen, your muscles slowly relaxed. The stretch burned less, felt more manageable. Still, you were entirely unprepared when Shinsou drew his hips back before rutting into you.
You screeched, the sound muffled by his hand but undeniably loud.  Shinsou leaned over you, unwittingly pushing himself deeper as he tried to soothe you with his quiet “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
If you were able, you would scream that you weren’t. You weren’t okay, nothing was okay. Everything about this was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. The way his hips were twitching into you, the way he kissed your cheeks and thumbed away your tears. The pleasure that was sparking in your core, the fact that it was your stepbrother getting ready to pound you into the mattress.
He was thrusting smoothly now, cock drilling into you a a steady pace. You were getting wet, the slide easier and less painful, pleasure slowly filtering in. When Shinsou plucked at your clit, you squirmed, hips shamefully moving to meet his own. He started increasing the pace, breathing heavily as the two of you rocked together on the bed. Occasionally his bed creaked, the wood rubbing at the joints and squeaking. 
On one hand, you hoped dad didn’t hear. On the other, you wished he would -  that he’d come save you from his son.
You got a mockery of your wish.
“Kids?”  Aizawa was walking up the stairs, the third step that always creaked whenever someone tread on it announcing his ascent.
“Shit.” Shinsou breathed, pulling out of you, manhandling you quickly. He threw back the covers of his bed, shoved you down, settled behind you. He didn’t have to tell you to be good - the taboo, disgustingly wrong nature of what he had been doing was too embarrassing for you to reveal to your stepfather. Accusing his biological son of assaulting you? Raping you? Would dad even believe you? You didn’t want him to see you like this, you couldn’t.
Dad knocked as Shinsou pulled the covers up, covering your state of undress. You knew your bralette straps were still visible, and Shinsou still had his shirt on. It would probably just look like the two of you had been napping, but then again, it would still seem odd. Whenever your parents were home you stayed as far away from your brother as possible - you weren’t one to just go cuddle with him.
The door creaked open, and your dad peered in. You were so embarrassed, half-naked and utterly humiliated underneath the covers. You didn’t know what to feel or what to do, frozen in fear and indecision. 
“Hey dad, need something?” Shinsou rumbled from behind you, voice steady and monotoned.
Light eyes scanned the room, before settling on you and your brother. Aizawa gave you a confused glance, obviously not expecting you to be in here, before his eyes shifted to the man behind you. “Wanted to let you know I’m home. Mom won’t be back until late, do you two have any specific requests for dinner?”
Shinsou shifted closer to you, so close that you could feel his rapidly beating heart through the warm flesh of his chest.
“Nah, we’re fine with whatever.”
Aizawa nodded, giving you one more confused glance. Maybe he could tell something was up? You felt like you couldn’t breathe. As the dark-haired man turned, obviously moving to shut the door and head back down to the kitchen, Shinsou was pushing his cock into you, his heart trying to beat out of his chest against your back.
Before you could stop yourself, you were whimpering.
Shinsou froze as Aizawa turned back, stepping further into the room. You were quiet, tears budding at the corners of your eyes.  You couldn’t make yourself utter another word, completely unsettled at the situation. What were you supposed to do? You wanted him to save you, but you didn’t know how to ask. Your stepfather was studying you, was waiting for you to say something more. His gaze was flickering between you tearful eyes, your bralette straps visible above the blanket, the position you and Shinsou were in. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
All three of you were silent, the moment seeming to stretch on forever. 
You were so tired.
Breaking the stillness, Aizawa took another step into the room, brows slowly drawing down as the realization dawned upon him.
“Shinsou.” HIs voice was low, he rolled his son’s name in his mouth quietly, almost hesitantly. “What the fuck is going on.”
Your brother’s cock was still inside you.
“I was tired. (Y/N)’s cuddling with me, she was telling me about a dog she saw-“ Aizawa snorted, arms crossing as he took another step towards the bed. “Nice try. Don’t lie to me. Tell me what the fuck you’re doing.”
Shinsou was silent behind you, his heart beating loud and fast against your back.  
“(Y/N), what’s going on?” His voice was softer as he asked you, throaty still - but softer.  The tears clouding your vision finally flooded, streaming down your cheeks as you looked up at him. 
“Please… I....” You couldn’t formulate the words, mortification surrounding your body, Shinsou’s hand squeezing bruises into your hip. It was too much. You wished you had never existed,  that none of this had happened.
Unable to get an answer out of either of you, Aizawa strode forward, grabbed the covers, ripped them off the bed and dumped them in a heap.
You sobbed.
Both men were silent as you cried fat tears, embarrassed at being revealed, gratification at dad finally discovering the awfulness you had been subjected to these past few months.
Shinsou thrust his hips further into your warmth.
You choked, eyes snapping up to Aizawa. Shinsou was supposed to stop the second the two of were caught. He wasn’t supposed to keep going. Why wasn’t dad saying anything? Telling Shinsou to get off of you, get out of the house? Why wasn’t he calling the police? Why wasn’t he pulling your skirt down, trying to preserve your modesty?
The man was staring at the mess between your legs, Shinsou’s cock sliding in and out of you as you sobbed. Aizawa was breathing a bit heavier, his face, stance, demeanor no longer angry.
Dread filled your bones, settled like hot glue.
“Can you see how wet she is? She’s dripping.” Shinsou prodded, Aizawa frozen in place, mouth dry as he watched. “She’s always so warm inside, feels so nice.“
He was egging Aizawa on, seizing the moment and capturing his dad’s hesitance, manipulating it. You let out a whine as Shinsou’s pace picked up, cock beginning to hammer into your pussy. The purple haired man looped an arm underneath your thigh, hefting it into the air to allow Aizawa a better view.
“Doesn’t she sound so sweet? She tastes just as good, feels even better.” He was breathing heavily now, as he rutted into your warmth. Dropping your thigh, Shinsou reached for your clit, trapping the nub between his fingers and flicking at it. You cried out, your own hips squirming in indecisiveness , unable to choose between puling away or pushing back into the delicious sensation. It didn’t take much more to have you cumming.
Shinsou grunted as your walls squeezed around his cock, giving a few more frantic thrusts before he shot his load deep within your cunt, hips twitching as he worked through his own orgasm
You watched Aizawa sit down on the bed, close to your knees.
“How long?” He sounded strained. Shinsou shrugged, still panting.
Aizawa’s rough hand rested on your knee, his flat eyes closing as he paused. “Get up.”
The command wasn’t directed at you, but at your brother. Somehow, you didn’t think it would end up with your stepdad kicking his son out of the house.
Shinsou seemed to think the same as he pulled out, uncaring to the way you flinched as his cock dragged against your sensitive walls. He was silent as he shuffled to the end of the bed, tucking his dick back into his pants. 
Aizawa grabbed your ankle and in one smooth move, dragged you to him. You squeaked at the sudden movement, eyes wide as you watched Aizawa look you up and down. The front of his slacks were tented.
He pulled you into his lap, your back to his chest, turning so the both of you faced Shinsou who still stood at the foot of the bed.
“Does he make you feel good?” The older man’s stubble was scratchy against your cheek. You didn’t know where this was going, felt so lost and bad and sick.
It was impossible to lie. You knew if you did, Shinsou would cut in, tell his father how he made you cum everytime. How most of the time, you were screaming in pleasure before he would even take his pants off. 
Looking at the floor, you missed the look between father and son.
“He touch you here?” You gasped as a large hand grasped at your chest through your bralette. Aizawa’s hands were bigger than his son’s, rougher and more confident in their touch.
“What about-“ tears streamed down your face as the hand slid further, over your tummy, over the fabric of your skit, down to your abused, sensitive cunt. “-Here?”
“Please stop, please.”
Aizawa didn’t answer, let his hand rest over the top of your pussy, feel his son’s cum slowly leaking out. “Shinsou, come here.”
The purple-haired man obeyed, stepping closer, falling to his knees at the edge of the bed when Aizawa motioned for him to do so.
“Clean up your sister.”
You weren’t too surprised. It shouldn’t have been hard to see where Shinsou had learned his nasty little tricks from. Still, it hurt your heart, struggling in your step-dad’s lap as he held you in place. 
Shinsou was smiling, leaning forward to shove his face in-between your thighs, chuckling when you yelped as he tongued over your hole. You used your hands to shove at his head, pull at his hair, but he caught them in his grip. They were pulled down by your sides, where Shinsou held them still.
“No, no! Stop! You can’t, no—dad!!” You were sobbing, pleading as Shinsou continued his assault on your cunt, licking out his own cum from your insides. Aizawa was holding your legs, keeping you spread-eagled and open.
“I’m not a good guy (Y/N), neither of us are.” His hardness was rubbing up against your back as you squirmed. “And from now on, you call me daddy.” “No! I won’t, let me go!” You thrashed, putting all your energy into loosing the iron grip holding your legs. Shinsou pulled back, licking his lips as he glanced up at his father.
“She was like this when I first had her. Mouthy little thing, still hasn’t learned proper manners.” He didn’t wait for Aizawa to respond, leaning back forward to continue slurping at your swollen lips.
“That’s alright, she’ll learn… I am a teacher after all.”
You wanted to vomit. You went limp, sobbing raggedly in Aizawa’s arms - completely demoralized and humiliated. There was no use fighting when Shinsou had been hurting you.  Now with two fully grown men focused on you? Forget about it.
Aizawa was quiet as Shinsou worked you up to an orgasm, the only sound besides your crying the wet, squishy lapping of Shinsou’s tongue suckling at your pussy. When he switched his focus to your clit, you wheezed, jolting in place as his tongue started laving over the little bud rapidly, quickly throwing you higher and higher and-
You wailed through your second orgasm, almost unable to breathe. 
Moments passed before you were able to calm yourself, ugly-crying and begging the two men to please, please leave you alone. Please leave, don’t touch you.
If you weren’t numb from your orgasm, you would feel sick.
“Shinsou, where’s your lube?”
Purple hair bounced as your brother cocked his head, still kneeling between your legs. “She doesn’t need lube, she’s soaking wet.”
“She’s gonna need it if we’re both going to fit.”
Neither man seemed to be able to hear your panicked pleas, too excited about prepping you to take both of them together.
What an awful attempt at family bonding.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Delivery HCs with 1-A’s Big Three
A/N: Maybe I’m a bit biased because I want to be a pediatrician when I’m older, but I think children are the true gems of the world. I’ve seen a few deliveries in my life, and it’s a moment that not even magic can explain. I can only imagine what it’s like for the parents--to see the baby you’d start a war for if need be. So, here’s my attempt to translate that special love within a headcanon. 
Enjoy and continue to stay safe honey bunnies
Also, remember to thank a (good) mother for being literal superheroes once in awhile. Delivering is no joke!
Warnings: all the wonderful things that come with pushing a baby out of a 3-4in hole
All characters are aged 18+
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Midoryia Izuku:
when you and your husband got to the hospital, the nurses were suprised to find you laughing and your husband muttering 
they soon came to find out he was reciting how to books about delivery
the buff, muscley, #1 hero who scared villains into a crime rate of 2% was wiggling his knees in fear every time you had a contraction
he was running around, calling his friends and family about how he was going to combust
asked you every five minutes if you were ready to push 
“izu, honey, i don’t think it works like that”
“true....but are you ready?”
it was funny
but it stopped being funny after 14 hours of labor, when the contractions got really bad
now you were just snapping at izuku to quiet down otherwise you’d united states smash his face in
him: 😧
the nurses: 👀
he knows you’re in pain but damn 
it’s a relief when you get the epidural 
after that, it was a relatively smooth birth 
it still hurt like hell, but your husband is holding your hand, giving you encouraging kisses
one final push and the baby is out
immediately, the little boy is screaming his head off making his presence known
you let your head fall back with a relieved sigh as your body works to get the placenta out
whiles you do tiny pushes, izuku is in a love-struck daze as he stares at your son
it’s like he has tunnel vision
suddenly, nothing in his life was ever more important than this tiny little human who couldn’t weigh more than his left hand
the nurses hand you your son and you laugh through your happy tears
“it looks like i’ve got two cry-babies to deal with now” you lovingly smile
izuku is on his knees, sobbing, kissing your forehead and rubbing his finger against his child’s cheek
he’s so thankful
he’s so very thankful, he doesn’t even know how to comprehend it
you’re the best hero in his eyes
“he’s so beautiful” he repeats, like a broken record
there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you or his son
he silently makes an oath to do everything in his power to see his family smile with security every day
izuku feels like he finally knows what being #1 truly is
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Bakugo Katsuki:
pregnancy wasn’t easy for you 
having twins wasn’t rare, but it made the process riskier
giving birth is still quite dangerous, like women are superheroes bruh
due to forseen complications, you were scheduled for a c-section 
unfortunately, you’re blood pressure sky-rocketed and you had to deliver your babies two weeks early
on the way to the hospital, your contractions were tearing you apart
during each shake and scream you gave, katsuki would hold your shoulder and let you dig your nails into his arms
he took it without complaint
it was like you were a different person when a contraction hit
you never complained about the pain, but he could tell you wanted it to end with how your head would fall like dead weight
never admits to the few tears that slipped past his cheeks
he never wanted to see you like this again 
when you make it to the hospital, they wheel you into the surgery room and he follows after
is relieved to see that you can no longer feel the contractions
in fact, even with all the IVs in you, you seem a lot better--more alert
he makes his way over to you 
“sorry for the car ride. i think i drooled. i probably looked gross. still do” you joke
he speaks in the softest voice you’ve ever heard, kiss your dry lips
“no baby, you look beauitful” 
and he means it
you do. you’re the most beautiful woman he knows
you feel a lot of pressure as they take the babies out, but once they do, the sounds of your children make you tear up
bakugo is frozen as he watches his babies, one boy one girl, get cleaned up
there’s a softness in the air as the nurses lay the boy on your chest and the girl in katsuki’s arms
your heart explodes with so much love that the heart monitor does a little jump that makes everyone laugh
but katsuki makes a pained expression before lowering himself so that his forehead rests beside your ear
he can’t tell what he’s feeling bc he’s felt love before but this was different
this was so overwhelming that it sent his knees buckling
you use your free hand to smooth down his hair as he cries 
“thank you” is all he’s able to say until the tears are gone
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Todoroki Shouto:
when shouto looks back on one of the happiest days of his life, all he feels is shame and embarrassment 
he was just doing everything wrong that day
no thoughts, head empty
of course you had to go into labor the day he decided to take a tiny job 30 fucking minutes away from the hospital 
he made it to you in 20, he broke several laws to do it
when he gets to the hosptial, he can barely talk 
the nurses had to call you to make sure this crazy man was actually the father of your child
misses the baby floor twice
walks into the wrong room three times bc he forgot how to read
when he finally makes it to your room, he’s fed up with himself 
“what took you so long? the front desk called me, like, ten minutes ago”
“i don’t wanna talk about it”
“are you having an attitude with me right now? when i’m about to deliver your child?”
shouto: ☹️
shutting up was the smartest thing he did that day
when the 15th hour of labor hit and you were gripping your husband, screaming and rocking on your knees for any type of relief, todoroki was nearly begging you to take the drugs 
“sweetheart, please consider the epidural”
“no, shouto. i’m doing this without one”
“why do you want to suffer when technology and modern medicine--”
“todoroki shouto, you give me one more lesson about modern medicine and i’ll rip your quirk right out of you”
“i dont think that’s--”
the nurse finally chimes in: “sir, i mean this in the nicest way possible. shut up”
after 24 grueling hours, you’re pushing
it’s taking everything within shouto not to pass out from the blood, the screaming, and how tight you’re squeezing his hand 
the baby is out and crying her little head off
you’re happy it’s all over and shouto should be too
but he’s going over the past 48hrs and letting it confirm how he’s just not set up to be a father 
he’s almost grateful that you would hold her first bc he doesnt want to screw up more than he already has, but you have a different idea
understanding the emotions and self-doubt reflected on his face, you say 
“shouto, i want you to hold her first”
he’s shocked and starts his stuttering, but the nurse is already on it
“you heard mama, open your arms big guy”
once the nurse helps him find a good hold, todoroki doesnt even notice the tears falling down his cheeks
“look at you,” you sniff. “you’re a natural”
his eyes are wide with child-like wonder and he manages to give you a trembling smile 
“you think so?” you nod and he’s smiling so big, you wanna take a picture. “she’s so beautiful, just like her mother”
he leans down to kiss you 
wonders what he did in his past life to deserve the love he was given the chance to feel today
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annavoncleves · 3 years
the saga of henry the young king
ok so, henry the young king, eldest (living) son of henry ii (he did have an older brother, william, but william died as a baby so in practice henry's oldest) dad's the king of england, lord of wales and ireland, count of anjou and maine and aquitaine, and eventually brittany
lots of titles, lots of sons as well, and rather than the oldest son getting everything like comes in later (unless he's an only child/only has sisters) at this point he has to share with his brothers, though he does get the Best Cut, which in this case is the kingship of england
kingdoms are a lil different to other realms, in that, whilst counties and duchys can be split whilst dad's still alive, bc those are vassals of the kingdom, the throne can't be split up, obviously
so even though henry is named 'henry the young king' (an attempt at securing the throne, after the absolute clusterfuck that happened to henry ii's mother, empress matilda, whose throne was stolen by her cousin stephen after her father's death, bc she was a) a woman, gasp and b) the lords of england didn't think SWEARING AN OATH TO RECOGNISE HER AS QUEEN BEFORE THEIR KING AND PEERS was BINDING ENOUGH, so that henry's chosen heir would. actually get the throne when he died) he has no actual power
which tbh, looking at his record, is probably a good thing, bc although he thought a lot of himself, he wasn't actually that great a leader of men
he was a very good jouster tho, but that's neither here nor there 
SO. henry ii is king. henry the young king is basically the king-in-waiting, whilst all his legitimate* younger brothers get THEIR inheritances (well, richard and geoffrey do, getting aquitaine and brittany. john - later known as bad king john, yes the bad guy in robin hood, he's based off THIS john - is the youngest and doesn't get shit, gaining him the nickname 'lackland') 
*henry ii was a bit of a slut, but all kings were, and was actually pretty good to his bastard sons, by the standards of the day, anyway. he made one of them an important bishop and gave the other a position at court. fun fact, when henry ii does eventually die, it's one of his illegitimate sons at his bedside, and none of his legitimate sons
[in the words of the astounding @searchingforserendipity25: “to be the only illegitimate son at that bedside, crowded by all those absences” damn queen, go off]
BUT. henry the young king, king in name, but JUNIOR king, and only titular. younger brothers get their lands. he's pissed.
daaaaad, he whines, i want a go at ruling now
i'm ruling now, wait your turn, henry ii says
no, fuck you, henry the young king says and starts a rebellion
despite being... well, a bit useless, henry the young king is VERY popular (idk, bc he was moderately handsome and good at jousting?? it makes no sense to me why the people liked him as much as they did, he didn't exactly do anything to earn their love or allegiance as far as i can see) and quite a few lords get behind him
also wanting a bigger portion than they've been given, richard and geoffrey join the rebellion, bc they want more of that sweet, sweet land, as does their mother eleanor of aquitaine who fell out with her husband at some point
henry ii, against all expectations, successfully puts down the rebellion and henry the young king et al are in troubleeee, but henry ii can't afford to really punish his ungrateful offspring as much as he'd probably like, so he goes the other way and gives henry the young king a nice big allowance to keep him happy, which works for a little bit
then henry the young king, beautiful imbecile that he is, decides he's gonna rebel again. it ends the same way. he's just not very good at war, is the only conclusion i can come to
SO the second rebellion is in progress (henry the young king is allied with his brother geoffrey again, but not richard, who appears to have learned his lesson... for now. richard does rebel again later, but he waits for the right moment, proving he had some degree of intelligence that the other two... lacked) when henry the young king gets sick
i'm gonna have to copy and paste from wikipedia for this bit to explain what he was sick WITH bc there is no way i can beat this: "[Henry] had just finished pillaging local monasteries to raise money to pay his mercenaries [when] he contracted dysentery at the beginning of June."
you heard that right
he got dysentry whilst PILLAGING CHURCHES
it was a real Bruh moment for karma
anyway, he starts getting sicker and sicker until it becomes clear He Ain't Surviving This, at which point he does what a lot of people do when faced with the reality of their own mortality: say 'oh shit, i fucked up' and try and apologise
he's also pretty out of it so at some point in a presumably feverish stupor 'as a token of his penitence for his war against his father, he prostrated himself naked on the floor before a crucifix'. just stripped off, got on his belly, presumably in one of the few moments he was not shitting himself, and says 'lol my bad'
unfortunately for henry the young king, he's got form for being a tricksy, underhanded bitch. (seriously, why was he so popular?? enquiring minds - mine - would like to know) and when the messenger gets to his dad saying 'welp, i'm dying, i'm real sorry about the wars, come see me on my deathbed?
henry ii takes one look at that and goes: 'he's not really dying, is he?’
the messenger: uh. yeah. really dying.
henry ii: sounds fake
the messenger: no, he's really really sorry and really really dying
henry ii: this is Definitely A Trap
so henry ii isn't gonna be taken to a secondary location to get imprisoned or murdered by his rebellious son, which u can't entirely blame him for, considering henry the young king is currently In The Process Of Attempting To Depose Him when this all goes down, BUT henry ii also figures that if his son really is dying, and he doesn't grant him forgiveness, then he's gonna be haunted by that shit/his son won't find peace/bad things will happen. so he takes one of his rings and gives it to the messenger and says, take this to my son as a token of my forgiveness. the ring couldn't come from anyone else, so henry the young king will know it really comes from his father, and henry ii doesn't get possibly murdered, so everybody wins!
messenger goes back to henry the young king, who we presume has now got some clothes on, or at least a strategically placed sheet, and gives him the ring. as expected, henry the young king dies soon after, get this, holding the ring that his father sent him.
like. i don't think he was a good king. i don't think he would've been a good king. but. he dies holding onto this ring. and he's got a lot of people around him, but his dad isn't there, just this ring. 
when henry ii gets the news that henry the young king is really, really dead now, he is meant to have said the absolute soul-crusher of a quote that made me want to tell you this whole saga in the first place: "He cost me much, but I wish he had lived to cost me more."
like??? this kid tried to overthrow his dad. TWICE. he spent all the money his dad gave him and then some, which led to the aforementioned pillaging monasteries, he signed up to go on crusade that his dad specifically told him not to fucking go on (which he died before he could fulfil)... he did EVERYTHING wrong. like. so much.
and his dad just wants his pillaging, disobedient and wasteful son back.
and that is the story of henry the young king, the only junior king england ever had.
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S2 11 | Battleplan
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 1912.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, blood, murder, dead body, swearing (always).
A/N: This is kind of a filler. Not too long. Bruh, LAST CHAPTER OF SEASON 2.
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Things were complicated. Melissa wasn't talking to Scott nor me, she witnessed me flashing my eyes, and she saw Scott as a werewolf.
When Matt had dragged my unconscious body to one of the rooms where almost everyone was, I woke up for a couple of seconds, Stiles was unconscious on the floor, and Mr. Stilisnki had been hit on the head, falling to the ground. Then, the Kanima appeared, I found strength from somewhere deep inside me when I saw that he was planning to attack Melissa. I took the arrow out of my belly, the pain made my eyes flash, and while I stabbed the Kanima on the back with the same arrow, my eyes met Melissa's.
Stiles was receiving help. I felt bad because a couple of days before I had promised to protect his father, which I wasn't able to do. Not only that, but he was also ignoring me.
I was sitting on the bleachers, a lacrosse game would take place in a couple of minutes. I noticed Stiles and Scott talking to each other, and decided to go up to them. "Hey," I whispered, hands inside the pockets of my jacket, it was freezing. Scott glanced up, offering me a little smile. However, the other boy continued talking without acknowledging me.
"It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" His eyes were teary, legs bouncing up and down. "Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just-. I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do. I can't-."
"It's okay."
Stiles shook his head. "We're losing, dude."
We were losing. We were losing people, and maybe we were losing ourselves on the way.
"The hell are you talking about?" Coach appeared from behind them, and even though I saw him coming near, I got startled. I was jumpy. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."
"What? What happened to Greenberg?" He began looking around.
"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less."
"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"
"Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself."
"I already did that today, twice." I almost chuckled.
"Get the hell out there!"
The hazel-eyed boy restlessly grabbed all of his things. Before he could walk to the field, I stopped him, my hand clutching his jersey. "Stiles, I-"
"I can't talk," He didn't even glance at me. "This is important for me." Wasn't I?
"Yeah," I whispered, but he was already running to the field. "Good luck," I muttered. I heard Scott calling my name, but I just offered him a smile as he did before.
I went back to the bleachers, deciding to sit next to Melissa, but she quickly waved Lydia over. I didn't think much about it, or at least I tried not to while I sat next to Noah. His arm went around my shoulder as he kissed my forehead. For a moment, I thought I would break down. Noah couldn't help but scream for Stiles when his son walked to the field.
Things got even more complicated. First, Isaac came to the game, sitting down next to Scott. They both seemed to be friends now. Then, I noticed that Gerard was wickedly smiling while peering at Scott. Something was going on. Next, Jackson took a player to the ground, inducing him into unconsciousness. Coach asked Scott to play, and Melissa suspected that something more was going on, something more than just a lacrosse game. But then Scott disappeared while Coach screamed for him to come back.
I got up from the bleachers, determined to search for him even though my wound was fresh, and still hurting. But then everyone on the bleachers started cheering up, Stiles had scored. And another one. Then, again. The team hugged each other, congratulating. Stiles glanced at the bleachers, his eyes met mine. I was clapping, proud of him, grinning widely. He beamed back, but just for a couple of seconds as he seemed to realize something, then the smile wasn't for me, it was for Lydia Martin. And I suppose that is how everything should be.
The buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the game and our victory. The excitement didn't last. The lights went out, and someone screamed. Everything seemed to slow down. People falling to the ground, screams, bumping into others, running, fear. I made sure that Mr. Stilisnki was fine, running to the field, searching for Stiles. But I tripped, falling to the ground. I tripped over someone just lying there. I tripped over Jackson's unconscious body.
"Jackson? What's happened to Jackson?" Lydia's terrified voice sounded all over. "Jackson! Jackson! Jackson, what's happening?" She kneeled on the floor, next to him. I quickly got into the same position as her, grasping her arms, doing my best to calm her down.
"Can we get a medic over here? We're gonna need a medic!"
Melissa came running to us, putting her head over his chest. "He's not breathing. No pulse." She started pressing his chest, trying to bring him back. "Get down here." She glanced at Lydia. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up."
"Stiles?" I whispered to myself, running to all the lacrosse players, looking at them in hopes of finding a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
"Where's Stiles? W-where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?"
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The last hours were horrible. I spent them being embraced by Scott, reassuring each other, convincing each other that Stiles Stilisnki was perfectly safe.
I ran with all my strength, the wound on my stomach was burning, and it was probably bleeding as Melissa told me not to force myself. But I couldn't help it. Stiles was back. Stiles was in his house.
"You came running?" Mr. Stilisnki's eyes were wide open after he opened the front door, letting me come inside the Stilisnki household. I nodded my head frantically, glancing around. "He is upstairs." He smiled. I grinned, running towards the steps until his voice stopped me. "Lydia is there too."
"Uhm," I turned around. "C-can I wait here until she comes down?" He seemed confused. "I don't want to interrupt their, uhm, talk." He shook his head while smirking, muttering something under his breath. "Want something to drink?" I approved, following him to the kitchen, and sitting down on a chair. "How are you feeling?" He handed me a cup.
I fiddled with it, feeling the warmth go through my hands. "I did look inside the backpack." He waited for me to go on. "Some pictures of famous people she admired, and a picture of her with the friend who took care of me."
"No picture of you."
I sadly smiled, glad that I didn't have to say so myself. "Love," I sighed. "It's a strange thing. Mr. Stilisnki," He glared at me. "I mean Noah," I laughed while continuing. "How can I trust people when the ones who should teach me about it weren't even there?" My voice cracked. "Now, I'm terrified. I don't want to get too close because something bad could happen."
"Or something beautiful," His hands grabbed mine, thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Love feels good and hurts so bad, that doesn't mean everything will be wrong. There will be joyful and sorrowful moments. You need to go through all of them."
"If they ta-."
"Nobody is going to take you away, okay?" He softly whispered. "I will take care of that."
"Uhm," I heard someone, turning around to see Lydia. I smiled at her, although I don't think it looked like an honest one. "I'm already leaving," She glanced at the older Stilisnki. "Thank you for letting me stop by."
After we heard the door close, he nudged me. "Go."
I tried to calm my nerves while breathing deeply. I lightly knocked on the door, and when I heard his voice my stomach fluttered. However, I didn't like what I had in front of me. His cheek was bruised, a large bruise all over it, and his lower lip was busted.
My hands grabbed his neck, moving his head to the other side so I could examine his wounds. "Who did this?" He didn't reply, eyes meeting mine just for a couple of seconds. "Who did this, Stiles? I swear to god I will kill whoeve-."
"That's your problem." He pulled my hands off him. I studied his body posture, he was anxious and mad. "You don't know what you are, but you still throw yourself into trouble. A pepper spray?" Why was he talking now about the other day? "Pepper spray against a Kanima? Got beaten and shot, you still ran your mouth and insulted Matt which made him hit you, even while you were unconscious." His lower lip trembled. "And I couldn't do anything about it because I was paralyzed!"
"I would do it again."
"See, that's the problem. Y-you don't care about getting hurt." He stepped closer to me. This time, his eyes didn't leave mine. "But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my fucking mind." His eyes were teary, and at this point, mines were too. "You see, death doesn't happen to you, Y/N. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh?" He was screaming now. "And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" I flinched a little, not liking when people raised their voices. "Um- I'm so sorry." He brought me closer to him, hiding his face on my neck. "I missed you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"
"Is this why you ignored me on the field?" I embraced him tightly, terrified that he would disappear. I felt him nod. "Stiles, I would do anything for you like I know you would do anything for me." I felt him nod his head, bringing me even closer to his body.
Our eyes met. Arms still tight around each other. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He got closer, head inclined to the right side, getting closer.
"Y/N, wanna have dinner here?" We jumped apart. Warm invading our faces. Stiles blushing quite hard. "Oh, did I- does Chinese sound good?" We both nodded, shyly smiling as he closed the door behind him.
I found the strength to turn around and glance at him when I heard a faint melody resonating through his room. He had moved closer to his computer, playing the song. My eyebrows were furrowed, waiting for him to explain what was going on. "What is going on?" I whispered, not having the strength to talk louder.
He beamed at me. "I want to slow dance like we did at the dance." He came closer, asking for permission to place his hands on my waist. Of course, I nodded my head as my hands travelled from his chest to his shoulders, resting there. "But just with you."
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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thehopeelias · 3 years
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More tutb art? Big shocker 🤣🤣
@maybemayura read the first half of tutb for her first time recently so I felt like I got to relive some of my favorite parts! One chapter that I ended up going on and on about was chapter 22 when Nathalie tried to leave. I realized just how much I loved this chapter and thought I’d share some of my analysis from it!
Before you keep reading, there’s obviously huge spoilers here so if you haven’t read Throwing Up These Butterflies by @mymayura then go do that first!!
The main thing that gets me is when she couldnt zip up her sweater bc she was getting so much bigger! its such a small detail but mm was able to make me feel so hard with nathalie’s inability to ZIP HER SWEATER. like there she was trying to leave the man she feels she is burdening and ruining his life. she wants to be capaple of at least sparing him her troubles. and she cant even zip her freaking coat because of HER mistake. HER stupid wish that caused all these problems to begin with. but how can she be mad at her stomach? she WISHED for it! she wants it more than anything! thats why the wish happened. its her deepest desire and the very reason she is leaving and the very reason she cant. zip. her freakin. sweater. its this endless loop of emotions that happen in such a meaningless task.
ive reread it quite a few times 🙈 and have focused on each of their sides during the scene. i love the complexity of nathalie’s side the most from that scene because of the overwhelming amount of emotions she is facing from all angles. she’s hating the man she loves on top of ALL of that. but gabriel’s side is incredible too! and reading it from his side, he is so desperate to keep her because he WANTS her. but he is SO afraid of losing her. she is walking out of the door because of HIM and if he pushes or does something wrong, the fear of her and his child dying is on the brig. not the right word but just right there. all he can think about. this scene was so pivotal because it became too much for gabriel. the fear of losing her from his house and losing her from his life just pushed him over the edge. in ch 23, when fu left and Gabriel was sobbing at her side. he was sobbing because this scene pushed him to it. all that emotion, the intensity, SO GOOD
So those are my general thoughts 😆 If you don’t want to read my line by line (nearly) analysis then yall can keep scrolling 🤣
Gabriel running two steps at a time down the stairs. ive already mentioned his desperation to stop her but BRUH!!! and when he gets between her and the door! i can just picture nathalie glaring at him in frustration while he basically spreads his arms across the door keeping her from leaving.
Then him trying to stop her for “her own safety” as he claims, pisses her off because she thinks he’s lying! and not just lying but lying about having an ounce of care for her! she’s convinced she’s a burden and that he would be better off without her. to hear him lie about caring for her well-being just seems like he is mocking her. a glance at what she wants but thinks can never achieve.
when she calls him cruel. i know she means it but man that hurts. even now she still loves him and still wants his love but she thinks he’s humiliating her and trapping her and just being awful. seeing someone you love in a “cruel” way like this, hurts.
“She got your personal number?” “Yes, somehow. I wonder who could have given it to her.”
sarcastic witty nathalie still shines strong in such an emotional scene like this and i love it.
‘Nathalie, it’s not what you think.” She laughs bitterly. “Of course it’s not. Look, sir, I couldn’t care less about the implied infidelity as we’re not together”
THE SIR WAS ITALICIZED (i think... i read it that way at least) and if i remember right in ch 20, gabriel made it a point for her to call him ‘Gabriel’ as he is the father of her child now. but she SPECIFICALLY calls him sir here. she’s just like ‘lets cut the facade, the fantasy, the bs dream, and remember how this relationship works. ur my boss and thats all this is ever going to be” which im sure stung gabriel a lot seeing how he doesnt want her to think of him as ‘sir’
THE DATES!!! ok it was like a super dumb idea by gabriel but “good intentions with horrible actions” is kind of his thing 🤣 its so sweet tho thinking he was doing that to try and protect her! i also liked in another chapter he admitted to himself he felt bad for leading some of the women on. he was really using them but he still had that empathy and i thought that was actually sweet. Gabriel might be an idiot but he can still be sweet 🤣 back to the point, can u IMAGINE nathalie’s reaction to seeing those pictures? gabriel JUST found out she’s pregnant with his kid and she feels horrible about it. he’s never moved on from emilie and she never thinks he will. she loves his devotion to emilie afterall. so seeing the pictures, not only was it hard to see him with other women but also hard to accept that he CAN move on and HAS moved on. not only has he not moved on with her but he didnt even take his unborn child into consideration. Not to mention, Victoire telling Nathalie to leave and spare gabriel of her burdens just confirmed everything she had been dreading, crying, and fearing for 5 months.
oo oo i loved how gabriel said “You’ve had to deal with her before.” something i love about gabenath is that they have so much chemistry. YEARS and YEARS of chemistry. and u can see that here. Gabriel points it out cuz nathalie really has been apart of his life long enough to know victoire’s a snake.
Super small but: ‘Nathalie winces. “She paid a visit to the house.”’
I can visualize that wince SO much. the pieces are coming together and she’s starting to feel awful about assuming the worst.
‘“Exactly. Adrien and I have been trying for weeks to get her off our backs. We thought — I thought that...’
I love that he was about to have adrien share the blame but was like NOPE! this is all on me. im dumb and my son is wise. 🤣
she asks if the dates weren’t real. again with the dates. pretty much the biggest issue here. the unspoken conversation happening between them, we the audience can hear so loudly. yes she asked that, and she’d never assume he would be loyal to her in that way but we KNOW she wants that. we know that she doesnt truly want him with another woman. Gabriel denying it but also wanting to yell OF COURSE NOT BC IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! its just such a cool thing.
They FINALLY break the tension and “somewhat” resolve the tension. i feel like gabriel had ONE sigh of relief and then Nathalie’s coughing got out of hand and the tensity instantly explodes again. he was already blaming himself for causing her to be upset and now she might die because of it. like AGH SO GOOD!
And that’s the end of my analysis for the section in ch 22 😂
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
can I get hcs of kenma and tendou with a quiet and reserved S/O but she’s secretly really pervy? Nsfw maybe 👉👈 I love your writing!! (*^▽^*)
Thank youuu😘
You may! I‘m writing Kenma’s separately because my posts are too long so look out for pt. 2 later! Ps. Idk if it’s spelled ‘tendo’ or ‘Tendou’ so I might swap from time to time lol.
I literally love this one shot!
Tendou Satori x “Timid Girl by Day: Naughty Girl by Night” S/O
(Slight NSFW)
“I was in the chess club, too Y/N. State champ, 1984!” Exclaimed Tendou’s father loudly. His mother, who was sitting across from him at the restaurant dinner table beamed at him.
“She’s a keeper, Tendou. You better not do anything to lose her!” Satori’s mom reached over to hold onto your hand and you gave her a sweet smile, happy that you had won your boyfriends family over.
“I was state champ last year,” you mumbled to his family quietly and they practically gushed to death.
“How did our strange Tendou get you?” Questioned his mother rather rudely.
she shoulda kept that in the drafts
You shrugged, feeling the need to defend your love. “Tendou is the kindest, most gentle, honest boy I’ve ever met. I’m lucky to have him. Right, Ten?”
Your boyfriend Tendou had been staying out of yours and his parents conversation for the majority of the night, a little because his parents didn’t need any help in counting his faults but moreso because his girlfriend......had her foot pleasurably kneeding his crotch under the table. Very pleasurably, considering the man had a mild foot fetish. You were softly running the underside of your foot along his length that has hardened fully due to your ministrations. You used your foot to nudge his thighs apart and fondled his balls.
“Right, Ten?” You repeated.
Tendou looked at you across the table when you evilly invited him into the conversation, knowing that he wasn’t listening a damn.
“S-sorry w-what?” He pretended to cough quickly in order to cover his moan when you fondled his balls. You were literally going to make him cum and you haven’t even stuttered once when talking with his parents.
“Aren’t you listening?” His mother snapped.
“He never listens.” His dad muttered.
“Your parents were just saying how lucky you are to have me because of how quiet and reserved I am.” You gave him a sexy smirk and slowly grazed the length of his his member from top to bottom. Tendou had to increase the force of his coughing and look away because his eyes wanted to roll to the back of his head.
“Sweetheart, drink some water will you?” His mother waves the server over and points to the water pitcher.
“And Ten, I was telling your parents how you are the best boyfriend in the world because you......”
Tendou couldn’t listen to you when his thoughts were so consumed by lust. It wasn’t his fault that he hadn’t any more blood in his brain because it had all migrated south. He was so turned on by not only your movements, but the fact that everyone who knew you, including him, thought you’d be the last girl to be doing what you’re doing right now.
He fell in love with the shy girl in school—because you were so pretty and quiet and you spent all your lunches in the library like he used to do before Ushijima invited him to start joining him for lunch. You were very reserved, never choosing to roll your school skirt to make it shorter like all the other girls in school and Tendou saw that as endearing.
And you were nice to him. When he built up the courage to sit next to you and start a conversation, you were quiet but the nicest person he’s ever met..... Even though his personality should have scared you like it did everybody else.
you two started dating and you never changed from being mousy and reserved
That is.....until it came to anything sexual
Something intimate had only happened between you two once before and you had been interrupted by Tendou’s parents, but he caught a glimpse of your very strong naughty side
But even that brief moment was nothing compared to this
Touching him under the table while his parents were right there....this was one for the books
But what can you say? Your perversion came out like a bat of a hell when you saw Tendou so nervous introducing you to his family, looking so cute in his green tux. You’d never seen him so reserved but you knew it was because his parents weren’t his favourite people in the world. You don’t know why but seeing him like this made you want to make him orgasm, and he was rendered powerless to stop you
“Ten, are you not feeling okay honey? You haven’t been answering us.” You asked your redhead sweetly as you agonizingly-slowly removed your foot off of him and slipped it back in your flats. You gave him an innocent bat of your eyelashes.
Tendou held back his whine from your removal.
His parents asked Tendou if he needed to go see a doctor again due to his strange behaviour that he used to exhibit when he was young.
Satori only needed to see the doctor if they could give his gf a prescription of what to do with a bf’s serious case of blue balls.
Nevertheless, Ten tried to explain himself to his parents because the threat of seeing his childhood doctors was an absolute no.
“N-no I mean s-sorry! Y/N, parents, I-I’m fine, trust me—“
You interrupted him. “No, I don’t think you’re fine, Ten.”
“Yes I am—“
Irritated with him, you turned to grin at the older couple. “Mr. & Mrs. Tendō, your doctors are very unnecessary. I know just how to help your son,”
Tendou watched how you brought a glass to your lips after you spoke. You had asked the server for a straw earlier, which was pretty odd in a five star restaurant, but now Tendo knew why. With your eyes innocent and with his parents eyes on their son in worry, you took a sip of the water. Then, you slipped the straw further into your mouth suggestively. You circled your tongue around it for your boyfriend’s hungry eyes only. Tendou’s dick twitched under the table.
You rendered the sexy clown speechless momentarily. lets all applaud
“Son, I thought you got over that awful odd phase you’d been in because you got to Shiratorizawa....”
Your bf rushed to defend himself even though he barely heard his father. “Dad! I promise I have and that I’m fine! I don’t need any more help—“
“It’s nothing like that, Mr Tendo. But you do look like you’re a little under the weather, Ten. Maybe you need to leave early?” When your boyfriend’s eyes flicked back to you, you flicked the tip of your straw with your tongue— the same way you wanted to do to certain other tip.
How can your eyes remain so innocent as you do this?! Satori thought. Horny, annoyed with his parents, and confused, Tendou shook his head at his dad. “No! I’m okay, reall—“
You kicked him under the table. The idiot was not getting it! “No YOU’RE not, Ten. I think you’re feeling sick. With JUST a cold. And I think you need me to take you back to my house so I can nurse you back to health, correct?” You spoke slowly hoping your boy would finally get the gist.
Finally, that lightbulb turned on. 💡
Our cherryhead baby was like:
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His eyes lighting up because the sexy redhead FINALLY understood your sexual innuendo, he nodded. His mind ran with thoughts of you and him in your bed: hopefully naked. Keeping up your impeccable sweeter than though charade that his parents ate right up, you turned to his parents. “I recently got my acceptance letter into the nursing program at Kyoto University.”
“What?!” Mrs. Tendō’s jaw dropped. She grabbed her husbands hand and squeezed it excitedly. “But that’s one of the top 2 Universities in Japan!”
You smiled, blushing shyly. Your boyfriend was shocked at how you are truthfully so insanely bashful and that it wasn’t an act with his parents. He couldn’t think about that for long though, because in that moment your foot unexpectedly grazed his erection again and it felt sooooooooooo good that he had to let out a strangled cough to cover his moan again.
You were happy with his reaction. “See, the poor thing is still coughing. Would you two mind if I took him home to help him? I promise he’ll be back to normal after.”
“Go ahead, chess champion, Kyoto U student!!!! Please keep our son and be a good influence on him!”
Satori couldn’t help but think, ‘Good influence?!’ As he bit back a moan of sexual frustration when you removed your foot again. He was embarrassed by how close he was.
“Great!” You smiled. “Let’s go, Ten sweetheart. The sooner we get home the sooner I can make you feel better.” You got up, straightening your humble dress and rounded the table so you were standing behind your sitting boyfriend. His parents began busying themselves with collecting their things.
From behind, you leaned over and whispered in your man’s ear,
“When we get to my house, I’m going to make you cum so hard that you’ll make a riddle about me, too.”
Your boyfriends eyes rolled back and his leg started tapping on its own like a dog wagging its tail.
Tendou’s parents were busy with the cheque.
“Our valet just pulled up so we are going to go now, but Thank you so much for joining us for dinner, Y/N.” finished his parents approvingly. “You are without a doubt the kindest, sweetest, most modest scholar we’ve ever met. And by some miracle you are dating our son! I hope you get out of that timid shell one day, Y/N, because you deserve all the praise.”
You blushed, giggling like a school girl as you hugged your boyfriend, just enough so that he could feel your boobs pressed to his back. He wagged his tail more.
“Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Tendou. I promise that I shall work on my timidity and modesty.” On your son’s dick, that is, You thought to yourself, smirking because you were only a 10-minute drive to your house.
Baby Kenma in part 2 later lol
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
[EP31 Spoiler] When Tsukishima said that people in the 7th called Ogata "mountain cat" as a cruel joke, I'm surprised to see Sugimoto genuinely feeling bad for Ogata. Like bruh he straight up shot you in head, remember? I understand why Tsukishima appeared uncomfortable recounting this because he was judged by his father's sins too, but Sugimoto's reaction was a surprise to me. Your thought?
I don’t really think it’s surprising.
I’m not sure if you’re just an anime viewer or are you also following the manga (if you aren’t I recommend reading it as it’s much, much better than the anime) but I warn you my answer will include also parts that will refer to scenes in the manga that weren’t included in the anime (because the anime decided not to animate them) or that in the anime continuity have yet to happen as the manga is the original source of material and behaviours.
Anyway, let’s start with the part that’s common in both media, in short the scene in question.
Here it’s how it is in the anime.
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And here there’s the manga version.
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The dialogue and the core of the scene is more or less the same so I won’t dig too much into the small differences and just discuss the scene.
A bit of technicalities, first.
Words used:
Yamaneko (山猫)= “Wildcat”, litterally “mountain cat”.
Ōyamaneko (オオヤマネコ)= “Lynx”, litterally “big mountain cat”.
Meko Oyasi (メコオヤシ)= “Cat monster” (oyasi are, losely, malicious Ainu mythological creatures, Tsukishima will later see the meko oyasi as equivalent to the Japanese ‘Bakeneko’ (化け猫) = “monster cat”)
Now... the slang for geisha ‘wildcat’ has a complicate story but, back then, was used for ‘geisha’ who actually slept with customers. Now, a geisha isn’t supposed to sleep with a customer or engage with him in any sort of sexual act. That’s why ‘geisha’ who slept with customers were viewed as a fraud, people who deceive others, because they passed themselves for geisha when they actually were prostitutes.
So the sentence Koito said actually means ‘the son of a swindler is a swindler’.
The ‘joke’, if we want to call it as such, is objectively pathetic and dumb, a way to attack a person not over something he can control, like his character or his actions, but over something he can’t control, like who gave birth to him, made worse (although Sugimoto can’t know this part) by how Ogata’s mother didn’t slep with Hanazawa for money but because she fell for him and if there was a swindler in the story that one is Hanazawa who took advantage of her feelings and then dumper her.
But, back to Ogata, he has no control over his mother’s work or what she chose to do prior to his birth, nor he had the chance to chose her over another woman as his mother. He is also not his mother, and being a swindler isn’t a genetically trasmissible trait.
So what the 7th division called a joke is actually a personal attack done in really poor taste based on a wrong assumption (that Ogata’s mother was a prostitute) and a fallacity (frauding behaviour isn’t heriditary) that aimed to hit Ogata not for a fault of his but for something he had no control over in a time in which he hadn’t betrayed the 7th yet (as the joke started prior to Ogata’s betrayal).
Attacking Ogata defining him a fraud, a swinder, was a big blow in a time where honour was held so valuable, so it’s not really minor.
Back to Sugimoto though, Sugimoto is an adult.
He can see it’s a low blow, something petty and childish, something completely different from calling Ogata ‘murderer’ or ‘jerk’ or even a ‘swindler’ but for things HE and not his mom, did, and it’s a joke the 7th division passed on way before Ogata shoot him and way before Ogata betrayed them.
Therefore, even if he wants Ogata dead, in such circumstance he decides not to side with people who take fun slandering others for reasons that aren’t connected to their crimes... or try to. But we’ll get to this part later.
(and of course there’s to keep in consideration Sugimoto is not overly fond of Koito either, so he’s likely not going to humour him).
There’s more though, as Sugimoto isn’t coming to this realization only due to his ‘deductive ability’ but more due to personal experience.
If you’re only an anime viewer you might not know it, but Sugimoto also suffered being attacked for something he had no part in. This part was completely censored in the anime, like all the scenes that end up involving Umeko, but Sugimoto’s whole family fell sick with tuberculosis. While Sugimoto was forced to watch his relative die one after the other the village he lived him shunned him and his family, with people considering to burn down their house with them in... and, although we don’t hear it, it’s possible they also insulted them.
The result is that Sugimoto takes very poorly when people badtalk about other people for reasons unrelated to them.
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In case you missed it, the one Shiraishi does is another cruel joke.
‘Sono Ainu wa omae-san no kai inu ka?’
Lit: “That Ainu is your pet dog?”
When he says “pet dog” this translates as ‘kai inu’’ (飼いイヌ) a word that sound similar to ‘Ainu’ and that therefore was used to insult Ainu.
Anyway Sugimoto can’t help but loathe that joke because he had been on the receiving help of something similar and can’t help but be reminded of it when Tsukishima explains him the whole thing.
He very likely wouldn’t have felt bad for Ogata at all if they had attacked him for something that Ogata did, but hearing them attack Ogata for something he had no control over had instead to ring a bell in him, reminding him of his own drama, hence the rejection of their actions, especially when Koito, whom Sugimoto sees as a spoiled brat, seems instead in favour of them.
Said all this, despite knowing what the men of the 7th was wrong, neither Tsukishima nor Sugimoto truly managed to avoid following their example, although in a more veiled way. I would say hypocritical much but the truth is that when you are angry at someone or even hate that person (for rightful or wrong reasons) in many cases YOU feel legittimate to be a jerk and do things you reproach in others.
Tsukishima, angry about how Ogata killed Maeyama, referenced to it calling him a ‘pet cat’ on his face...
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...and later on referred to him as an ‘Ōyamaneko’.
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Sugimoto too is not above making references to Ogata being a wildcat by saying Ogata claw things for the fun of it...
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...and by using ‘nekoyoke’ (猫よけ), which yes, means “cat repellent”.
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So as you can see neither Tsukishima nor Sugimoto are so morally above others they don’t slip into petting insulting despite knowing it’s wrong but, at least, both of them tried to be mature about it.
So that’s how I see it.
Sugimoto, despite hating Ogata, could see the joke was wrong because it rang a bell inside him, one he couldn’t ignore as it’s deeply tied to his personal tragedy so he refused to partake in the act.
However, as things between him and Ogata worsened, despite his attempts he slipped in the act, albeith not in an openly manner... because humans are often just like that, when they’re angry at someone it seems fair even attack them with slander instead than sticking to the right motivations. Which is sad... but human.
At least that’s how I see it. Of course I can be wrong in my interpretation.
Anyway, thank you for your ask!
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crystalirises · 4 years
Clouds V.2.
Help girl, I think I’m confused./j
I swear I posted this??? Huh??? I can’t find it on my blog? Bruh???? 
Sorry if I did post this and this becomes a repost, I just can’t find the original post (am I being dumb wtf???)
Anyway... uh... second version of the Clouds fic I posted. Again, sorry if this is a repost I literally am so confused rn. Help ;-; (did I delete it??? omg I can’t remember whut)
It can also be found on Ao3 but Tumblr is being weird for me rn so I can’t add the ao3 link ;-;
Edit: I found the original post but it doesn’t appear unless I click on the fundy tag on my own blog but if I look at just the blog it doesn’t appear... I am so confused tumblr what did I do.
So, same warnings as the previous Clouds fic.
TW: Poisoning and Major Character Death
The pitter-patter of his footsteps echoed loudly against the cobblestone, wringing his hands together he wondered if it would be too inconsiderate of him to cancel at the last second. Ghostbur would be here at any second. The thought only fueled the terrible anxiety that had taken over him the moment Ghostbur had suggested his idea. He should just pretend he was sick... Yeah. Yeah. He could do that, right?
His ears twitched at the top of his head, drooping as he recalled that today was supposed to be a happy one. Phil had come over and Eret had shown him around the castle as Fundy watched from behind the corner. Phil had given nothing away, his lips set into a thin line as he took in the stone walls of the structure. Fundy felt his heart pound at the recent memory, he really thought Phil was going to refuse.
"As you can see, there's plenty of room here for Fundy. I was actually planning to give him this entire wing of the—" Eret was a great host, a perpetual smile on their face despite the tense atmosphere between them and Phil. Fundy didn't know how Eret could keep their calm when he was over there panicking.
"That's enough, Eret. I've seen enough." Phil's voice cut through the air. It was the only time he's spoken since the tour began. Eret turned to face him, their flurried movement muffled by the soft red carpet beneath their feets.
"What's the verdict, then?" Eret's voice was soft, a hint of their own nervousness coming through his tone. Fundy was shaking. He liked Eret. He really did. But Phil... He didn't know what Phil knew about Eret but—
"You're a kind person, Eret, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into this adoption thing." Phil let out a sigh, gesturing to one of the rooms. "Shall we look at the papers then?"
The two disappeared into the room, leaving Fundy to his thoughts. Eret had left the door open a crack, an invitation. Fundy couldn't bring himself to hear Phil break the news that, no, he wasn't getting adopted. Not if Phil had anything to say about it. Fundy sat down in one of the alcoves, forlornly gazing out the window at the clouds that drifted into view. It felt as if an eternity had passed before he heard the creak of the door.
He looked over at the two, a warm grin on both their faces. "You'll be a great parent, Eret. Take good care of him." Phil patted Eret on the back. "If they ever do you wrong, Fundy. Don't ever hesitate to tell me."
And with that, Phil walked away, declining Eret's offer to escort him out the castle.
He looked at Eret - his dad? mom? ren? - disbelief on his face as he realized that it was over. He... He had a parent again!
"D-dad?" The word felt foreign against his tongue... but it felt right.
Eret smiled, opening up his arms. "Come here, son."
He practically jumped into his new parent's arms, a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time bubbling from within him. "Thank you."
Fundy awoke from the memory, a smile had climbed its way to his face as he thought of the events of the morning. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with Eret but Ghostbur paid him a visit. The ghost looked pale - well paler than a ghost should be - he flickered in and out of view so fast that Fundy thought his mind was playing a trick on him. Fundy expected that visit, but he didn't expect what Ghostbur wanted to say.
As blood seeped from the ghost's chest, he had fallen to his knees (uh... Fundy wasn't sure if the ghost tail could be counted as knees), begging Fundy to give him one last day to be a father. If it had been the old Wilbur, Fundy would have said no. But... He couldn't help but pity Ghostbur. He was trying so hard to fix his mistakes… and it wasn't like he knew what he had done in his life. How could Fundy leave him in such a desolate state?
He should have said no. What would he even say? There’s so many things he wished he could say. But Ghostbur… he wasn’t Wilbur. Wilbur was gone, replaced by a pitiful remnant of the man’s spirit. Maybe he should just leave and say he was sick—
“So— Fundy!”
Shit. Too late to go back now. A shiver ran down his spine as the ghost’s presence made itself known, Ghostbur’s low voice causing him to jump a bit as he turned to look around. Ghostbur had a soft smile on his face, his complexion paler than before. Phantom blood clung to the man’s yellow sweater, dripping every so often only to dissipate the moment it reached the ground. Fundy could only hope that Ghostbur’s blood didn’t end up inside the picnic basket he was carrying.
“Hey. Hey, Wil. So, what’s with the picnic basket?”
“Oh! I was wondering what we could do today and then I remembered. Remember when you were younger and we would have a picnic near the riverbank?” There was a glint in Ghostbur’s eyes, Fundy swears he’s seen it before. “I… I thought we could do that.”
Fundy doesn’t have the heart to tell the ghost that... technically… the only person who’ll be eating was Fundy. He sighed, nodding as an answer to Ghostbur’s question. “We used to do it with mom.” He does not miss the way Ghostbur’s smile disappears, grief flickering on the ghost’s face at the mention of his old love. The sad emotion faded just as quickly, replaced by that infuriating smile as if nothing had just happened. “Lead the way then, Wil.”
“OH! Right!”
Ghostbur floated beside him, the cobblestone pathways gave way to wooden bridges and wooden bridges gave way to grassy plains. Fundy wondered why Ghostbur wanted to have their picnic away from New L’Manburg when there was a river nearby its borders. He would ask… if the ghost didn’t keep changing the topic every second. Ghostbur alternated between telling what he had done that day to what Fundy had done that day. Fundy could hardly keep up with the conversation at all. It was almost as if the ghost was rambling.
“I helped Niki with her bakery today—“
“Oh? That’s great, Wil—“
“Have you talked with Niki recently?”
“Well, I—“
“Oh, I also had a small chat with Phil!”
“Uh huh.”
“He eventually had to leave for something, mentioning Eret and a meeting…”
“That’s probably cause—“
“You like Phil, right?”
“Yeah, Wil can you pick one—“
“Oh I also picked some flowers and some berries today.”
“That’s great, Wil.”
“I made you a salad!”
Fundy tuned out midway, seeing as Ghostbur didn’t really care for what he had to say. He looked up into the sky instead, watching the clouds float by, their ethereal presence soothing him a bit. He began to trace their edges, imagining a world within the clouds. If he looked closely, he could almost see a cloud that looked just like a salmon. He felt a sharp pang in his heart, a memory from his childhood echoing from the recesses of his mind.
“My little champion, look at you. When did you get so big, huh?” Wilbur held him closely to his chest, a calloused hand caressing his hair as they made their way through the grassy field. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, a beautiful day… a peaceful day. “What present do you want, huh?”
He looked up, the clouds that floated above their heads looked like the marshmallows that his uncle Tommy had once given him. He pointed at one that looked suspiciously like a flower, “Clouds.” Wilbur laughed, holding his son closer.
“You deserve the world, Fundy.” He placed a small kiss on the top of Fundy’s head. “Someday.”
“Hurry up, you two!” His mother’s voice drifted across the field, the sunlight tangled in her long red hair. She had gone ahead to unpack for the picnic. Fundy could remember her smile, her deep love for him… but… he… he can’t recall what she looked like…
“Fundy?” He tore himself away from the memory, his mother taught him to see the shapes in the clouds, didn’t she? there was a cold hand pressed against his cheek, Ghostbur’s eyes peered down at him from above. The steady noise of a rushing river registered in his ears, how long had he zoned out? He moved away from Ghostbur’s touch, the heat returning to his cheek. “We’re here.” The ghost gestured to the idyllic spot they had stopped at… it almost felt familiar…
“Huh. Sorry, I was… thinking.”
“It’s alright, so— Fundy. Here, sit down.” Fundy looked at the patch of grass his father had pointed to, the picnic basket having been placed down beside it. “Are you hungry? Now, we both know I’m not a great cook but I… tried my best with the salad.”
Fundy hesitantly looked inside the basket, nightmares of Wilbur’s… less than stellar cooking coming to mind. The salad looked dangerously pink, a multitude of berries mixed into the strange creation. Fundy looked up, the chill of Ghostbur’s eager gaze eventually forced him to take the salad out of the basket. He tries not to jump as Ghostbur claps his hands together, spinning mid-air with an almost manic glee.
“It… looks great, Wil.”
No, it did not look great, but… Ghostbur seemed so happy, and Fundy hasn’t even taken a bite yet. Ghostbur giggled, floating down to sit beside Fundy. “It took me a while to gather everything I needed.”
Fundy looked at down at the pink mess of a salad and shakily took a bite. He tries not to gag at the bitter taste on his tongue. Ghostbur looked so happy and he didn’t want to ruin the poor ghost’s efforts. He sighed, shoveling more of the muck into his mouth. The sooner he finishes eating, then the sooner he can get back home to Eret. Ghostbur hummed beside him, seemingly satisfied as Fundy continued to eat.
“You know…” Ghostbur’s voice broke through the silence. Fundy looked up, shaking his head a bit as the world blearily spun around him. “I… don’t like Eret.”
“Wil… the papers were already signed, okay?” Fundy nearly snarls. He didn’t come here to talk about this. “It doesn’t matter what you— I-I thought you wanted to spend time with me!”
Ghostbur blinked down at him, his mouth agape in surprise. “W-wha— Of course I do! I-I’m just… I-I don’t see why you need another father when I’m right he—
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, Wilbur. It’s been fun, it’s been great. But if this is all you wanted to talk about then I’m leaving.” Fundy sighed. He didn’t know what he expected, but he had heard enough. His head was starting to pound… he turned to stand up, “You know what, Wil—“
He shuddered, falling back onto the ground as the world faded into a blur. He felt weak, his head beginning to ache… was he… was he sick? He shivered, curling into himself as a wave of nausea rolled over him.
“Wha— Wil… What did you—“
“I’m sorry, Fundy.” Ghostbur floated into view, a halo of white around his form as he placed a cold hand on Fundy’s head. “I… I tried! I want you to be happy Fundy but I just... Eret? You want Eret as your dad?”
He felt those ghostly hands gently caress his hair, exhaustion seeping into his veins. “It took me a while to find those foxgloves… Niki almost caught me… b-but you have to understand, Fundy, I’m doing this for you!”
“I—“ Fundy whined, his headache worsening as his vision began to blur. He felt so tired…
“I know it hurts, but I promise it’ll be over soon.” Wilbur let out a small huff, wrapping his arms around Fundy’s shivering form, wishing that he could provide some semblance of comfort. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Just… you must be tired, huh?”
Fundy cried as Ghostbur began to hum a familiar tune.
‘I don’t want this.’
‘I don’t want to die like this.’
‘Why did I trust you, Wilbur?’
Fundy began to weep, Ghostbur’s constricting embrace the last thing he feels as he finally falls into sleep.
“It all started on a day like any another”
Fundy woke to a bloody red sky.
“All the salmon had swum to the sea”
The sun was setting in the distance.
“When my lover she darted, away from the stream”
Fundy felt the soft grass that tickled against his skin.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me”
The clouds were beginning to drift away.
“And my chest though it ached, there was hope”
Where was he?
“A little beacon of light”
He knew that song. He looked up, a familiar silhouette stood nearby.
“Though my sunniest days were now stolen away”
There was a satisfied grin on Wilbur’s face.
“Hello, son.”
“I still had our son by my side.”
I am so confused I swear I posted this ;-; (maybe I deleted it idk...)
So yeah this is the second version, hope you guys liked it! Sorry if this is annoying, I’m trying to sort out some stuff on Tumblr cause some of my posts are just *poof* ;-;
Anyway, bye bye.
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Rengoku Kyoujurou x Litte Sister Figure!Reader (Part 4)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
I wanted to say that marrying has deep meaning than it thought. It’s about commitment, because you’re going to spend the rest of your life with your loved one.
Bruh, I acted like I already married, can somebody find me a husband like Kyoujurou or Sanemi
And please, please read from the first part because if you haven’t, this really sounded like incest, holy shit
Because it’s too long, I put the Keep Reading!
When they said woman-side parents don’t go easy on male one, they’re probably true, probably wrong. It could be easier or the obstacle became tougher.
You sat with folded feet there, covered your mouth with your palm.
When Kyoujurou gave his father with kneeling bow in his room, Shinjurou poured his sake all over his son body, from head until the hair was wet. The liquid dripped to the floor. He gave displeased face towards Kyoujurou.
But Kyoujurou didn’t budge, not a single protest even said. He sticked his forehead on the floor. His palm held his figure to kneel still.
“Father, that’s too-”
“Quiet, (y/n).” His voice was fierce. You jolted and not going to interfere anymore. “I want to disillusion him, bring him back to this cruel world. To think that this half-assed and stupid boy about to marry my daughter. Hah.”
He threw the empty bottle to his side, turning around and sat with crossed leg on the engawa.
“Don’t ever show me your face if your only main reasons are your heart and that you’re eligible to marry her. You are even far from ‘eligible’ word, you shit. You don’t deserve her.”
“Then, I will come to you when I fulfilled the requirements.” He bowed once again towards his father and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me.”
“As if.” He mocked him again.
He went out first, you stood up and closed the door. You followed behind him, looking timidly at his wet hair.
“Kyouju- Aniki-”
“Don’t worry about it. Father have been always like that.” He turned around and smiled, tried to not make you worry.
“Fi- First, let’s change your clothes.” You pushed him into his room.
You make him sit down on the tatami. You put towel on his head and ruffled his hair.
“You should wash your hair. I will take your new kimono and put it in front of the bathroom.” You stood up.
“Sorry for making you busy.”
“No, it’s okay. Half of this is my fault too.”
And the shouji door was closed. He sighed. On the other side, you pulled some new clothes and sighed too.
Well, Shinjurou being your father isn’t technically wrong. As soon as you stepped in this house, your family name maybe not automatically become “Rengoku”, but he’s still your step father after all.
You really pitied Kyoujurou at this point. First, he made efforts to melt your heart and now, in order to marry you, he had to melt his father too.
That wouldn’t be easy. He had to fulfill the requirements that both of you even didn’t know what are those, and what he should do to accomplished them.
You prayed towards Ruka’s Altar, even though you never met her in person, but you prayed that everything will be fine and that she will give blessings to both of you.
Everyday, Koujurou always tried to talk to his father. He also tried to make him proud on what he did as a Pillar and often told him about your development, about how he loved you.
But when he did, Shinjurou will either ejected him again or worst, pouring his sake all over him again.
And today, he got slapped because he’s such a stubborn son. It’s the final warning.
After dried his hair, you helped him changed his bed kimono. He groaned at the redness on his cheek.
“Are you okay? Should I-”
“It’s fine.”
“Don’t worry! Don’t worry! Father always like this after all!!”
You faced his chest, pulled his kimono collar and clasped your hand there.
You sticked your forehead on his chest.
Your shoulder trembled. You suddenly sobbed, still grabbing on his collar.
“W- why are you crying?! Are there something hurt you?!” He pulled you into his chest, patiently rubbed your head.
“It must be really hard.”
“No, it’s just-” You sniffled. “It’s not fair when you’re the only one who worked out on things, and I- I’ve just watched here, I’m so useless, I wanted to do something too ”
“Hey, that’s fine by me.” He wiped your tears, slowly kissed your eyelid. “That’s how it should be. You don’t have to worry.”
He actually wanted to crybtoo, but he held it. He is the only sunshine for you and he couldn’t let himself cry too.
You didn’t say anything again but bawling on his chest. You knew you couldn’t let Kyoujurou being humiliated more at this rate. You had to step up, you had to show Shinjurou that you love all of Kyoujurou, accepted his weakness and strengthness whatever the form it took.
You had to show it.
But how?
That night, you sleep again with him. He caressed your head non-stop, soothing until you became calmer. He even cheered up for you. The flame never lose his light towards you, the flame that never gave up on you.
You should help him. For the sake of your relationship.
One day, you have small chit chats with Mitsuri on dango booth. 
“Yeah.” You relaxed your shoulder. “I think we had to work on it, somehow.”
“As long as there are love between you two, everything will be fine!!” She cheered you up,
“I know. But apparently not for Shinjurou-san.” You bit the dango from the stick, threw it into bin.
“Hmm, what about- looking for information about how is his engagement with Ruka-san?”
“How am I supposed to know that.”
“I don’t know, maybe… Getting clues on your daily life.”
“I don’t know if it works, but let’s try that.”
Senjurou ever told you, Shinjurou only soft towards you. He often asked to Senjurou on how are you doing and where did you go if you were in mission. He cherished your cooking because it reminded him with his wife, secretly of course.
This is probably the only opportunity you had.
You must help Kyoujurou if you really wanted to be happy with him
And so, the saga on how to get Shinjurou’s blessing continues.
In the morning, instead of Senjurou, you will be the one who prepared breakfast and delivered it to him.
“Father, your breakfast is ready.” You bowed in front of closed shoji door. It’s Shinjurou’s room.
“Just leave it there.” He shouted from inside, not even bother to open the door.
You sighed a little. Ok, morning didn’t work, then let’s try in the afternoon.
You became often brought him sake, talking a light topic with him while he sitting on the engawa and you sweeping the yard.
Sometimes, you sat beside him with some distance, drinking tea and snacking together.
You did this for almost 1 month.
But you still don’t have a single clue. The mixed feelings and the urge to know ‘his requirements’ were really bothering you to the core.
When Kyoujurou went on long term trip to collect some information with Uzui in the city, you became sadder and lonely. For a moment, you didn’t have his chest to cry, didn’t have body to hug on, and didn’t have ‘your walking heat’.
You often asked how is he doing, did he change his eye patch, did he eat regularly, you became more stressful than the usual because he rarely reply your messages. Not to mention you had to deal with Shinjurou’s blessings while he’s away.
You even didn’t really focus on your training and often daydreaming in the middle of it.
A light sword attack blow landed on you from your tsugako, you didn’t anticipate it. You received that attack and resulted with red bump on your forehead.
“(y/n)-sa !! I’m sorry!!”
“It’s okay! I’m not really focused on the training.” You touched your forehead and whimpered a little. “Could you train by yourself for now? I will clear my head.”
“Su- Sure.”
You were going back and dozing off at home. You rolled your body around on the engawa while grunting.
“Hrrgghh, hoooooow- whoa!”
You eventually rolled pass from the edge of engawa. Your body hit the ground with your face kissing the soil. The bump on your forehead became worsened.
“GAAAAH!!!” You stood up, stomping on the house, went to the kitchen where Senjurou cooking for dinner.
“Nee-chan?! Why are the dust all over your body?!”
“I will clean myself up. Senjurou! Let me cook for this once!”
“O- Okay.”
After you cleanse all the dirts, you cooked your favourite dishes, the special dishes that was from your family, special recipes that passed down from ancestor to ancestor.
“Ne- Nee-chan! Your skin, it’s burning. Also the cuts on your fingers too! Aren’t you too reckless?!”
“This is okay! See? I’m still alive!!”
“That’s not the case! Nee-chan!! At least treat your fingers!”
You didn’t hear him. Your only focus now is Shinjurou. You walked to his room while bringing the dishes you made. You forced open his room.
“Why are you suddenly barging like that?!” Shinjurou jolted and didn’t look displeased. Luckily, he still sat on the engawa not sleeping or anything.
“Excuse my rudeness. Father, as Kyoujurou’s future wife and future mother, I also have obligation to made you give us our blessings. However, I didn’t think I could fit on your family, but I tried. And this is my last attempt.” You kneeled bow him, presented him the dishes. “After eating, please reconsider your rejection towards us. Reject us if I didn’t fit to be his wife thorough this food.”
“Oi, oi.” He rubbed his forehead. “It should be Kyoujurou who did this, you aware of that, don’t you.”
“Yes! He also struggled and I just helped him, this is the only thing I could do for this family, after you took care of me and claimed me as your daughter! So, please, eat and tell me the taste. From there, I will know if I’m eligible to have Rengoku as my new family name.”
After that, Shinjurou didn’t say any single thing and ate your food. You gulped in anticipation. Only silence and some munching sound from his mouth was heard.
He finished the dishes, looked at you straight while crossed his arms.
“Ye- yes, Father?”
“Come with me to the town.” He stood up, and get ready to went out.
“Tch, I’m not going to repeat my words two times.”
You just followed him from behind when both you walked to town in silence. You were wondering, what will he do?
He stopped in front of the tailor shop. He signed ‘stay here’ to you, so you waited in front of the shop.
When he stepped outside from the shop, he gave something to you.
“This is from Ruka, let’s say that this is her gift for you.”
“Shiromuku and… Hakama. Father, is this for wedding?” He nodded.
“Listen, (y/n).” He walked, went to your home direction. You ran a little to match his step and walked beside him. “The essence of marrying someone is making two family into one. When you married a woman you loved, it means you 'married’ to the whole family too. And I can’t just let that stupid son of mine easily said he wanted to marry you only with love. I need him to show me his sincerity. Is he going to make you happy for the rest of your life? Is he going to be a responsible father to your children? I need to him to assure me that he will not and never hurt you when you become married couple.”
His long explanation made you opened your eyes. You don’t know why but it sounded like Kyoujurou wasn’t his son but you, even though what he said is all necessary.
“Then…” You stopped and looked at him. “Tell me what should we do. He already did his best to show you that he deserved me. I wanted to do something too, for your blessings.”
He blinked twice, thrice.
And spurting out laugh.
You became embarrassed, thought that you probably spouting nonsense.
“You use 'we’ instead 'he’. Impressive daughter.” He wiped his tears. “I still don’t know how could you attracted to my foolish son.”
“I- ”
“No need.” He walked towards you, patting your head. “I already gave my blessings for you, from the very start. You brought joy to this house once again, Ruka must be so proud of you from up there.”
Your eyes glistened. “Then, it means-”
“But I still not give my blessing for Kyoujurou.” It’s his final words, before both of you headed home.
Your heart about to explode. You couldn’t stop smile on the way while hugging the Shiromuku.
After you do some gratitude expression and Shinjurou went inside his room, you ran to your room, trying on your Shiromuku.
You swirled around. The traditional kimono made waving motion on the lower part. The white fabric were really match your hair. You giggled all by yourself.
“(y/n), I’m home! Do you miss- (y/n)?”
He stunned all of the white clothes. He even lose words on describing how gorgeous you are.
“Kyoujurou- wah!” He hugged you, lifted you up and spinned you around.
“My bride!” He said cheerfully. “Where did you get this? Does this mean Father finally accepted us?”
“Not yet.” He put you down. “You need to try once more.”
“That’s what I’m planning.” You striped down your Shiromuku (you still wear your daily kimono inside). “But first let me-!”
He cupped your cheek and showering your face with kisses. In his embrace, you felt like you are plushies toy, he really squeezed you.
“I miss you!!”
“Haha! I miss you too, Kyoujurou!”
“You didn’t want to use Aniki again?”
“Actually, I’m more comfortable when I called your name.” He fluttered and covered his face.
“Change it to 'Honey’ or 'Sweetheart’. Can we marry faster?”
“Try then!” You pushed his body outside your room. He chuckled, and grabbed your hand.
“I always thought what I’m lacking at.” said Kyoujurou. “Now I know what I’m going to say to him.” Kyoujurou already consulted with Uzui, as person who already has three wives, on how to ensure his father. Uzui has given all of things he knew.
He told Kyoujurou, “Let’s positioned yourself as your father. What do you want for your little princess? The best, right? Then, say those things, you had to promise him you would protect her.”
Kyoujurou became firmer and steadier.
You intertwined your fingers with him.
You trust him, ever since from the start, you already give your life to him, and so he does.
You could do this.
“Father, I come here again.”
“You again? How many times do I have to told you that I don’t want to see your face?”
“I know.” Kyoujurou head was facing him. He became really serious.
“Then, why-”
“I know that I don’t deserve her, I know it from the very start I laid my heart on heart. However, I loved her from the depth of my heart. I’m not promising her with fake vow, I came here because I pledge to protect, to make her happy and being a responsible parents in the future. I want to grow old with her, I want her to be by my side after I opened and closed my eyes, I want her to cook my food, I want her to bear my children and take care of them. I don’t care how many times you repelled me, I won’t give up. I won’t give up if all of these are necessary for marrying her.”
The tense was really different. You looked at him with glistened eyes, almost dropped your tears. But you managed to hold it.
“Therefore, Father, please give me your blessings. Please let marry her.
“Not bad.” He rubbed his chin, smirking. You sensed a glimpse of bad feeling. “Very well. You said that you loved her?”
“Yes, Father.”
“If you really loved her that deep-”
He threw short sword- a Mamogatari- in front of Kyoujurou.
“A duel?” You asked.
“No. Commit seppuku for her sake.”
Note: Seppuku is belly cutting; consists of plunging a short blade into the belly and drawing the blade from left to right, slicing the belly open.
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nightingales-posts · 5 years
In a cat's eye, all things belong to cat (Damian Wayne x Male Reader)
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Summary: Older!Damian(16) with CatLad!Male-reader. Reader has an ill sibling and was trying to survive.
Warnings: male reader, fluff, angst
A/n: Bruh(x3) Gif credits go to the author L/B/N - little brother’s name
Being a thief wasn't your dream.
You just had no choice. After your parents death you were the only one who could take care of your little brother.
They weren't the best parents, mom wasn't working and dad was some mobster working on mafia. But still they were your family.
And your ill sibling was the only reason you stayed at home looking after him.
He needed special treatment that your parents were paying for but after them passing away you had to find other ways to get money.
And what is better than dressing up as a cat and robberies?
You started from the bottom just getting in some rich people's houses and getting cash.
You had a credo - Steal only from rich, they won't become poor.
 And one day you broke into Wayne manor smelling easy money.
 For your surprise this place was highly protected even for billionaire-family.
 But you still managed to get in and steal some money along with fancy looking stuff.
 After this you had little robberies here and there.
 But then you met him, Robin. You were well know by that time and he was ready to arrest you.
Howecer you were really good at hiding and sneaking around, you heard it since your childhood.
You run on him a few more times after the first meeting and managed to escape every time.
Until one day when he finally got you.
 You were terrified, though that you are going to jail and L/B/N is going to be alone scared you.
 You sat on his bike hands cuff together.
 "I know about your little brother and I have an offer for you if you are interested".
You looked at him totally confused. He had an offer? For you?
"It may sound shocking but this city needs protectors and we could put your abilities in good use"
This was the day when Catlad was reborn on the side of the Bat.
Everyone was little cautious of you when Damian brought you to the Bat-Cave and Batman wasn't really pleased.
But Robin insisted on you staying with them and being a vigilante.
You honestly couldn't understand why he wanted you to be a hero because you literally shoot him every time you two met.
There was some heated debates with Batman,Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin involved.
So you were staying at the side with Red Hood that just looked at you and sighted mumbling "Like father, like son".
Finally everyone settled down and Nightwing was quick to congratulate you with joining Bat-Family.
It took time to them reveal their identities and after they did you felt really embarrassed beacuse you used to steal from them.
And it took even more time for Damian to ask you out. And when he finally did you were really surprised.
You had few dates before he officially asked you to be his boyfriend and all of his brothers were there quietly spying on you two.
Everyone was teasing Damian for taking so much time for asking you to be his lover but they were really happy for him.
He had troubles with making friends since childhood and seeing you with him was a happy sight for his family.
Damian was shy at the beginning not knowing what to do but you were ready to take everything slow and he was really grateful for it.
He paid for yor little brother's medical treatment and even changed him to the best hospital in Gotham.
You tried to stop him from it but he simply didn't listen to your complaints.
Damian and L/B/N get along really well and you were happy to know it. They even gossip about you when you are not around.
Also he loves to spoil you a lot, always leaving different gifts and notes. You tried to convince him to stop spending so much money on you but he ignored you again.
Usually calls you Habibatan in Arabic or something similar.
But sometimes he just simply refers to you as beloved like his mother.
About Talia, you thought that she would try to kill you when you two would meet because you heard stories from Damian's. But she was really nice to you which surprised you a little bit.
In general he is a soft shy bean that loves you a lot even if he doesn't say that out loud.
(Also he allows only you to call him "Dami").
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keroujack · 5 years
Hi, can you do #46? Your writing is amazing, I’m a little jealous 😭❤️
bruh dfjkasla;d you’re unbelievably sweet thank you so much ❤️ i really hope you like it!!
46. “What happens if I do this?” 
Steve was 15 and the neighbors were moving out.
He’d watched them pack from his spot on the roof. The little spot right outside his bedroom window. Allowed him to see down into the living room of the next house over. It was already piled high with boxes when his mom let the statement slip at dinner one night.
“The Upton’s are moving to the Hamptons,” she’d said.
Steve couldn’t remember a single time either of his parents had ever spoken to Mr. or Mrs. Upton other than the occasional hello while crossing paths to get the mail. Couldn’t quite understand why the news was important enough for her to waste her breath over.
His father didn’t. He just hummed.
Two weeks later, the house was empty.
Steve was 16 and they still didn’t have a neighbor off to the right hand side.
He’d watched his fair share of Open Houses from his spot on the roof. Thought about taking a look himself on more than one occasion. Considered what it would be like to jump over onto the little patch of roof that matched his own, how easy it would be to open the window and climb inside. The thought was tempting, but the small gap between houses made his palms sweat. Was enough to keep him on his side of the line.
So he just watched. Watched couple after couple after couple, one upturned nose after the next, walk through and leave. Never saw the same face twice.
Maybe that was the beer’s fault, the weed’s, made his memory all hazy and weird. Mostly, out there on the roof, staring at the stars, he thought maybe it was the house’s fault.
Big empty houses could be intimidating. He should know. He lived in one.
Steve was 17 and there was a moving truck outside.
A moving truck, a beat-up Cadillac, and a shiny blue Camaro.
He watched them unpack from his spot on the roof. Sipped a beer, slow, careful, kept his eyes on the living room below.
From what he could see, they were a small family, normal enough. A quiet father with stern eyes. A young mother with bright orange hair. A small daughter with a head of her own to match.
If he hadn’t been watching closely, he might have thought that was it. Father, mother, daughter. Small family of three. Quaint and picturesque to fit the small-town Indiana mold.
Except, that wasn’t it.
There was a fourth person walking around the house. Somewhere. What had to be a son. Broad shoulders, blond hair. Hands curled around cardboard boxes so tight they creased beneath his fingers, lined with rings.
The other three, the picture-perfect three, spent their time in the living room, hanging curtains, arranging vases on shelves, but the son, he only came into the room to pick up another box, to drag it somewhere else. Spent his time somewhere else. Out of the frame.
Time passed. Steve had another beer. Watched the lights go out one by one by one until the house was as dark as it had been these last two years. Dark and desolate.
Steve was 17 and they finally had neighbors again.
“The Hargrove-Mayfield’s,” he learned, as per his mother’s explanation a few nights later. “From California.”
“That’s cool,” Steve said. Hardly even a hum of a noise as he pushed at the broccoli on his plate. Had to punch at the silence somehow when his father didn’t.
The explanation ended there, dinner went back to cold silence.
Later that night, he climbed out onto the roof, the late-June air outside his bedroom window warm, perfect. His parents would be gone again in the morning and he’d bought a brand new bottle of whiskey off Tommy, could hardly even wait to drink it beneath a blanket of stars. There was no breeze to rattle the trees, the slow burn of alcohol cut at the back of his throat, and if he squinted hard enough, he could see the Big Dipper.
Life was lighter. Summer was here.
The world outside was dark, calm, but the light from the living room next door drew his attention like a moth to a flame. The dull hum of noise. The cadence an argument, volume that matched.
There wasn’t much he could see. Mostly just hands. Young hands. Lined with rings and waving like mad. On the opposite side of the room, the hands were stronger, rougher. A father’s hands. Balled into fists. Unmoving.
Until suddenly they were. Moving. Grabbing a vase off the shelf to throw against the wall. Cracked it, shattered it clean. Sent shards and flowers to the floor with a violent crash.
The crash gave way to silence, silence to flat air. To empty space. Disappeared and faded into the light. Into the house.
For two years, the house next door had been empty. Dead. Lifeless. Now it was full of fire, with hands that dripped kerosene and a dark rosewater stain that licked at the wall like flames.
When Steve closed his eyes, he could hear sirens.
When he opened them again, he could hear the telltale flick of the locks on the window across from his. Watched a hand lined with rings pull it up, open.
Steve watched him, lazy, hazy from whiskey as he-the son-climbed out the window, shut it behind him. Faced the yard with a heavy breath that Steve might have seen if the air’d had any kind of chill to it.
It wasn’t like it was weird. He knew the kid had seen him, they’d caught each other’s eyes as he sat down on the little patch of roof that mirrored Steve’s, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket before he completed the full motion.
The kid had even spoken to him after he’d placed the cigarette between his lips. After he’d felt at his pockets with ring lined hands and grabbed at his thighs with well-practiced intent. Voice low in pitch, in volume.
“Got a light?” he asked.
“No,” Steve said, shook his head, doubted the kid could see it against the night sky, the black tiles that pillowed his head.
The kid’s laugh was sharp, humorless. A little mean.
“Jesus.” He took the cigarette out from between his lips and stuck it behind his ear. “’Course you don’t,” he mumbled, rubbed a hand that glinted gold against the moonlight over his face. “Fuckin’ hick town. Of course you don’t.”
Steve sat up, slow when he felt his cheeks heat, felt something irritated, annoyed flood up his chest. He took another long sip of the whiskey, winced around it, made sure to feel it burn all the way down before he screwed the cap back on.
Thoughtless. He threw the bottle over the gap before the kid had his head fully turned in his direction, caught it with an ease, an effortlessness Steve could admire. 
For all this kid knew, Steve was a stranger, an idiot that laid on the roof of his house in the middle of the night, but he didn’t hesitate to unscrew the cap. To wrap his lips around the bottle and tip his head back, to close his eyes and take a smooth drink.
Silent. Steve just watched.
The kid threw it back over after another even swig, but he kept his mouth shut. Made it clear he didn’t have anything more to say.
That might have been the first time, but it was far from the last.
Steve was 17 and the new neighbors had a habit of getting loud.
The situations were always similar. Steve would watch from the roof, hear the phantom hum of an argument, prepare for the locks to undo, for the window to open once the argument gave way to silence. To him.
“Billy,” he’d said after the fourth time, after Steve had thrown him the beer he’d convinced himself was just an extra when he’d grabbed it on the way out.
“Steve,” he replied, didn’t flinch when the can cracked a few feet away. Billy’s eyes were on him-blue, he had blue eyes, Steve realized-as he took a sip.
And so it went.
Steve was 17, Billy would be 17 next month, and apparently, he wasn’t the only one that preferred stars to the interior of a big house.
“Know anything about stars?” Billy asked him one clear night in July, when the moon was bright and Steve’s watch told him it was nearing 3 AM.
“No,” he said, honest. “Do you?”
“Not a clue.”
Steve laughed. It was easy to laugh with Billy. He’d cried out on the roof more times than he’d ever admit out loud, but he never laughed.
Billy was funny when he wasn’t an asshole, when he wasn’t filled to the brim with angry red, when his temper had calmed and argument-born adrenaline had all but disappeared.
“My dad’s a dickhead,” was the only explanation he’d ever offered. Let it slip after five weeks and half a bottle of cheap vodka that they’d been tossing back and forth. Was quick enough to cover it with a quip that Steve didn’t have to answer, didn’t have to know how.
He could just laugh. So he did.
Steve was 17 and he wasn’t sure he’d ever laughed so much in his life.
He didn’t laugh that night in August, though. The one that changed things.
He’d been in his room, had the window open to allow the air to circulate. The shouts that came when the sun went down didn’t surprise him, nor did the strong, angry sets of hands he saw arguing when he climbed out and sat on the roof. To wait. 
It was the absence of a bare hand, raised, the flash of an elbow, pulled back, a fist that hooked right to left that made his breath catch.
The hands lined with rings, covered in blood when they came back into the frame.
Steve felt his heart hit the ground.
Billy’s lip was split when he climbed through the window not five minutes later, blood a fat line down his chin.
He didn’t sit once the window was closed behind him. Not even a hey.
Didn’t need one when he was already at the edge of the roof.
“What happens if I do this?” he asked, gestured across the gap between houses, to the space where Steve was sitting. “If I jump over. Is your roof gonna cave in under my ass or what?”
“No,” Steve said, confused, hated how much red there was covering Billy’s face, his hands.
“Okay.” Billy nodded, eyed Steve, the space around him. Took a hard breath in and then out. “Back up.”
Steve didn’t need to be told twice. 
Billy jumped the gap without another word, without hesitation. Landed on his feet with a dull thud, a hint of a wince that pulled at the corners of his lips.
The weight of his body knocked into Steve’s when he sat down next to him, heavy, careless.
The blood down his chin was so much worse up close. Deep, dark, dripped a thick shade of red down his tanned skin. Steve had to ball his hand in the hem of his shirt to keep from reaching out to wipe at it.
His eyes were closed. His chest was almost heaving, up and down and up and down harsh, rapid.
“Yeah?” He sounded breathless. Different.
Steve didn’t bother asking him if he was okay. Decided to take a leap instead.
“Do you wanna come inside?” he asked, watched when the question made Billy open his eyes, revealed a cool shade of blue that seemed to steam against the red, the blood on his face. “You’re bleeding like crazy, man. I mean, I could-I have stuff for that. That could help you clean up.”
Billy swallowed hard, considering. Was slow to shake his head. “Don’t wanna bug you.”
“You’re not bugging me,” he insisted, knocked his shoulder into Billy’s when he didn’t move. “I mean it. Come on.”
Steve stood up, held his hand out. An offer. Billy eyed it. Eyed him.
Took it without a word, let Steve pull him up. Let Steve help him in through the window and lock it behind them.
Steve was 17 and he’d do anything to protect him-Billy- from the house next door. The monster that lived in the house next door.
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Home PT. 8
iktor Drago x Cyra (Black OFC)
Cyra (Ky-Ra) -Sun or throne
Kazimir (Kah-Zee-Meer) - Bringer or Announcer of peace
Viktor Drago is married to the love of his life, they have a 5 year old son. He is willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Warning: Kidnapping, abuse, mentions of child abuse
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Flashback #8
Viktor couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. As usual he meet her at the gym when she was finished. She had been quiet, normally she had a story to tell him about her day. 
Now they were eating dinner together and she hadn’t tried to steal food off his his plate. 
“Vik…” she stopped looking at him before looking away. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I leave in two months, I go back home.” 
Everything stopped for Viktor. He knew this day was coming but still was not prepared at all. 2 months, he would no longer have his girlfriend here to hold. Surely when she got back to America she would forgot all about him. 
“Viktor did you hear me?” She had set her fork down. 
“No, I’m sorry.” 
“I said, I don’t want to leave you, I love you.”
Cyra has never been shy, but telling a man that she loved him made her feel bashful. 
“I love you too Cyra, how can we make this work?” 
“Come with me?” She perked up, “I already got offered a job.”
“That would mean I would have to leave…”
“Ivan.” She said a scowl on her face, she never cared for the man. 
“And my home, this is the only place I have ever know.” 
Vik bounced around the ring, he was throwing light punches, not ready to down his opponent, they wanted a fight, he would give them a fight. He could already tell that his opponent was tired, his opponent threw sloppy shots that left him open. The bell dinged signaling the end of round 4, Viktor sat in his corner, looking around the ring into the crowd, he wanted to see his wife face. 
“Damm you are doing good, two more rounds then lay him out.” his trainer said. 
Viktor just nodded, spitting in the bucket before drinking some water. 
“Is she coming?” his trainer asked. 
“I hope so.” was all he said before shoving the mouth guard back into his mouth. The bell dinged and Viktor stood, this time he took his frustration out on his opponent, hit after hit to his middle, making him double over before Viktor hit him with a uppercut, his opponent went down, hitting the mat hard, blood spraying from his mouth. 
“Cyra are you sure?” 
This was Trey's third time asking her so she ignored him. Yes she was sure, she didn’t need medical care, neither did Kazi, they both just wanted to see Viktor. 
“Fine.” Trey gave up. 
The traffic around the arena was hell. Trey double parked in a spot meant for law enforcement, Cyra jumped out before he even turned the car off. She grabbed Kazi and walked towards the entrance. 
She was stopped at the door, someone asking for tickets. She never had tickets, she tried to tell the guy but he stood firm. Until Trey caught up with her, he flashed a badge and they were let in. 
“Hold him.” Cyra handed Kazi over to his uncle. 
The arena was packed, seats filled to capacity with spectators. Cyra learned from Viktor that people loved violence, they liked seeing two men fight almost to death for their entertainment. 
Trey walked in front of her, moving people out the way easily. They made to the section right behind the announcer table, Cyra leaned against the barrier on her tippy toes. 
She didn’t say anything, just looked at her husband. Kazi started whining, he never been to a fight, it was too much for a child. When Kazi spotted his father he shouted out his name, causing Viktor to turn. 
The slip cost him a punch that landed squarely on his jaw, making him stumble into the ropes. He leaned against the ropes, looking at them. Cyra smiled at him, tears in her eyes. 
He pushed himself off the ropes, more energy in his step than before. He was going to finish this and now. 
Flashback #9
“It’s our last night together.” Cyra was cuddled in Viktor arms. 
“I got you a present.” He said quietly. 
He gently moved behind her, reaching for something in his gym bag. 
“Close your eyes please.” 
Cyra did as he asked, eyes closed firmly. 
“I never really gave you an answer on if I would go with you or not. I thought it over and yes I would love to go with you.” 
Cyra eyes popped open in shock, she turned to face him, “what did you say?”
“Your eyes are supposed to be closed.” 
“Forget the gift Vik, what did you say?”
He grinned at her, she would never get enough of this smile. 
“I said I want to go with you, my gift to you is my passport and my plane ticket.”
Out of an Manila envelope he pulled out his brand new passport and an online ticket for a flight to Atlanta, the same flight she was on. 
“Are you serious? Like this isn’t a joke.”
“I wouldn’t joke like this Cyra. I love you and I would miss you a lot, plus it’s time for me to go, I need to leave the nest.”
“Oh my god Ivan will kill me.” 
Viktor eyes turned dark in front of her, his eyes were so expressive. You could read them like a picture book. 
“I wouldn’t let any harm come to you.”
“I ment it like a figure of speech. But surly he is upset?”
“Yes, very much so. But it isn’t his choice, it’s mine. I can’t live my life for him and his goals.”
Cyra flung herself at him, looping her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. 
He threw the papers down and gently laid her down on the bed. Cyra legs wrapped around his torso, bringing him closer. 
Viktor was a passionate lover, his rough hands trailed under her shirt. Cyra gave a little whine when he detached from her lips, but quickly changed to a whimper when he kissed her neck. Viktor pulled her shirt off, throwing it to the side. 
Viktor was done playing, he quickly hit his opponent with a 3 punch combo, two to the ribs and as he bent over a left hook that laid him out. 
He referee did his count, at the count of 10 the ref stood declaring Viktor the winner. The referee tried to do the traditional hold the boxer arms up thing, but Vikor quickly snatched away from his, running out the ring to get to his wife and child. 
Cyra ran into his arms, Viktor held her so close, hugging her tighter than he ment to. 
“Babe…” she squeaked out.
“Sorry, what are you doing here? You and Kazi should be getting check out.”
“We are fine, baby we are fine, not hurt at all.” 
They walked over to the barrier so she could grab Kazi, Viktor took him as soon as he crossed. Kazi never seen Viktor like this, he wasnt allowed to watch the fight, never come to the arena, and by the time Viktor got home he was already cleaned up, taped up, bruises covered. 
“Tata!!!!!” Somehow Kazi voice rose over all the cheers, boos, and talking of the crowd. 
Trey hopped the barrier, being the voice of reason, herding the family to the back, past all the eyes, the reporters, and other spectators. 
Behind closed door they broke down, until now Kazi hadn't seen her cry, but she could help it. The tears just flowed even thought she was smiling. Viktor had his nose in Kazi hair, pecking his forehead with kisses. 
“God I missed you two so much.”
“I wanna get down Tata.”
Kazi wiggled his way down, already more interested in the locker room more than his parents. Cyra hugged her husband once again, needing to feel his mass, even if he was sweaty. They stood there quiet and in an embrace, just happy to be reunited. 
There was a knock on the door and Trey got it, it was Viktor manger and trainer. She pulled away from his arms. 
“Congrats on the win baby, I am so proud of you.”
Viktor didnt let her move out of her arms, Kazi came over to hug his dad legs. 
“Let me get those gloves off Champ.” his trainer said. 
Viktor reluctantly let her go, and sat in one of the chairs, letting his trainer take off his gloves and the tape underneath it. 
“I cant wait to get home Vik, our home.”
“I know babe, me either.”
Cyra waited patiently while Viktor did his after fight routine, taking his gloves off, getting checked by a doctor, his eye was starting to swell and his ribs looked bruised. 
He declined to do his post fight interview rescheduling for two days later, he skipped his shower, getting dressed quickly. Viktor picked Kazi up, wincing at the pain he was in. As a family they left to go home.
Later that night…
Cyra couldn't sleep, she kept checking on Kazi just to make sure he was there, after her third trip she slid back into bed quietly, not wanting to wake Viktor.
“You dont have to keep checking on him, you guys are safe.” he said quietly. 
“I know, its just that I keep thinking this is all a dream.”
“Come here.” 
Cyra snuggled into his side, Viktor wrapped her arm around her, not caring about his own discomfort, to be close to her. 
“You know Ivan did this all, he was sill mad I left, left him, left my home.”
“You didnt leave home, you left him and built your own family and home. You have a happiness that he will never know.”
A tear rolled down Viktor cheek, “He could have hurt you two, I will never forgive him.”
“You dont have to we both know he is trash babe.”
“I love you so much Cyra, thank you for coming into my life, loving me, and having my son.”
“I love you to Vik, we are in this together until the end.”
Flashback #9
Viktor was overwhelmed, Cyra tried to prepare him for a new city, but he didnt expect this. they had landed at the busiest airport in America, Hartsfield Airport. 
The walk from the plane to the baggage claim took them underground into a train to be transported to the other side of the airport. Viktor tried not to take up to much pace, but he couldn't help it. At the curb they waited for Cyra brother, another thing for him to be nervous about.  
When a tall guy walked their way, he could tell it was Trey by the way she jumped to hug him. Introduction were made and Viktor helped load the bags, not saying much. 
He opened the door for her, catching Trey staring him down. 
“Ayy bruh you good, you being real quiet.” they pulled of into traffic. 
“Stop Trey, he isn't much of a talker.”
Heat flushed his cheeks, “I am fine, just soaking in the new scenery.”
Trey proceeded to put him through 21 questions and Viktor answered them in honesty. Every now and then, Cyra jumped in telling him he didnt have to answer anything. 
They stopped in front of a apartment building, Cyra seemed to be confused as to why. 
“Whats going on Trey.”
“Aight so check it, I did something for you and I hope you like it. Like I know you already got a job lined up but I didnt want you stressing about anything, so I found you a apartment and paid it up for 6 months.”
“Wait, are you serious?”
“Yeah, come on.” Cyra got out the car so fast, Vikor didnt have the time to open it for her. He followed behind the siblings, as they chatted. The apartment was on the first floor and Trey let them in, stepping back so Cyra could inspect it. 
Cyra grabbed Vikor hand, pulling him around the apartment, even small it was bigger than where him and Ivan home, old home he thought to himself. 
“Babe this is perfect.”
He nodded in agreement, he didnt care where he slept as long as Cyra was by his side. 
“This is our home now.”
“Yes, Home.” Viktor said. 
Kazi splashed in the tub, getting water everywhere, Cyra let him, not caring he was making a mess. 
Cyra had the news on in the background but wasnt paying attention to it at all. 
Broadcaster: Ivan Drago, the famous boxer and father of Viktor Drago was arrested approximate 72 hours ago, He had been indicated on charges of kidnapping, child endangerment, assault to just name a few. Ivan Drago along with 4 other people have not entered any plea agreement at this point. Reached out to Vikor Drago for a statement and was turned down by his management.
The End
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