#king aidoneus
infernalzeus · 7 months
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Of noble King Hades Eubouleus, I will sing…
All images found on Pinterest
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lordroma · 1 year
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I'll be working on a redrawing of the Lore Olympus panels to make the hiatus more bearable, if you want to join look for the instructions and calendar on the instagram profile @loreolympians
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kuwentista · 8 months
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officialdaydreamer00 · 11 months
(part 1 here)
you did notice him some time ago.
the cloak clad boy with the prettiest fiery blue hair.
he who watches from behind the trees. never gets close, never interacts.
"do not go near that boy, for he may be bearing ill intents. do you understand, my child?"
"yes, mother..."
mother always told you that, which left you wondering why. the boy didn't try to approach you, when he could have done it long ago. instead, he chose to observe. he responded to your smiles and waves with his own, albeit shy ones.
the more you looked at him, the more your heart felt strange. it was a warm feeling that engulfed you whole, as if you had seen him somewhere before. had you known him from somewhere? anywhere?
but you grew up with only the presence of your mother, exactly what made you feel that way?
peculiar, indeed, and you intended to find it out yourself.
so despite your mother's words, you wandered beyond the borders, the one that your mother put up to, in her words, protect you from the horrors of the outside world. she was protective, that you were always grateful for, but it soon felt rather overbearing.
it had been quite a while since you last ventured out of your home. mother used to bring you along to places. something happened, however, and she never let you leave the house ever since. you understood, of course, but the growing want to explore pushed that thought away. so the moment your mother left the house, you left too.
there he was again, at his usual spot and gazed over the little place you called home.
he looked confused, his pretty golden eyes darted around, seemingly searching for something, or rather, you. you decided to approach the boy, and with every steps you made, that feeling came back as stronger than ever.
the boy soon turned to you. he flinched back in panic(?), before slowly calming down when he saw it was you. that was when you noticed some things about him.
he was tall, towering over your form, yet he didn't give off a threatening aura. pale white skin, ghostly even, all hidden under a black cloak. the fiery blue hair that you saw was, indeed, fire, strange how it didn't burn you. and his eyes, a molten gold so eerie yet so soft as he stared at you with an expression difficult to read. melancholic? wistful? you couldn't tell which.
his hands held yours so gently, and they fit so perfectly together. he called you 'his queen', you didn't understand why, but something in your heart stirred. as if a force took hold of your soul, you responded.
"We have met again, my King."
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taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb @twistwonderlanddevotee @siren-serenity @hisui-dreamer @xen-blank @taruruchi @cheezy-moon @minimallyminnie @axvwriter @mermaidfanficlibrary @cookiesandbiscuits @eynnwwyjth @cave-of-jade @bun-lapin @krenenbaker @thehollowwriter @red-viewe @jaylleoo14 @edith-is-apparently-a-cat
reblogs are very appreciated!!
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kopivie · 11 months
share some hades!wrio headcanons? I'm actually SO invested i'm going to die
oh! i think i can come up with a few! it'll probably be some facts about him, and maybe some writing? (note: i'm coming back after finishing this and.. i got so carried away.)
(also as a side note, if i were to write a fic about this, i might use a lot of greek/ancient greek terms and words, so if you see something like that, please don't be alarmed.)
first and foremost, i'm definitely clinging to That One Part of wriothesley's canon lore of him abandoning the name given to him before his murder trial. canonically, he just picked up the name "wriothesley" from an obituary because he didn't want to use the one his foster parents gave him. what that name was, we will probably never know (unless it's said in his story quest, which i haven't done yet.) that said, allow me to jump into my hades!wriothesley hcs :D
"wriothesley" is a name that very few actually use. much like canon, people often refer to him as "your grace". however, he has many, many monikers; "the duke of meropide" and "king of the underworld" are just two of many.
underworld residents (or to overworlders, meropide prisoners) coined a bunch of new terms to refer to the elusive duke: aides or aidoneus (meaning "the unseen" or "the invisible one"), orcus (meaning "killer" or "the one who kills"), ditis pater/dis pater/dis (all meaning something along the lines of "rich one"), or clymenus (meaning "the illustrious" or "the revered one")
note: these are all actual names used to refer to hades in greek mythology.
no one calls him those names to his face or in his presence. those names are spoken in whisper -- saying any of those names seems to evoke a physical reaction to anyone who may have been in the fortress long enough to understand the weight behind those names.
hades!wriothesley is not a benevolent being. he is extremely objective. he seldom makes emotional decisions, which leads people to believe that at times, he has no emotions to speak of. (which isn't true, obviously.) his impartial decisions have cost many a life.
i think that because he doesn't rely on his emotions when making many decisions, that is the reason why he goes overboard when it comes to you. it's a little like shaking an unopened soda bottle for an hour and then suddenly opening the top.
wriothesley's love overflows, it gushes, it stains everything it touches. it seeps into every pore and changes you from the inside out. the problem with this, however, is that you resist this change initially.
you are receptive to his... i don't wanna call it advances, since that often has a negative connotation. wriothesley is anything but pushy and inappropriate. he's gentlemanly and chivalrous, so much so that you almost want to scream sometimes. let's call it courting — you allow him to court you, although you keep him at a distance.
why do you keep him at a distance? i... don't really know. perhaps someone can send in a suggestion. but the point is that you don't fully indulge yourself -- sometimes you do, but you become slightly distant and apologetic afterwards. wriothesley understands and is happy to be patient with you, but...
i think my suggestion for your hesitancy would be that you can feel the love that he exudes, and it scares you. you're afraid of what might happen if you allow yourself to sink too deep.
and that... that is probably why you resent him when he takes you to the fortress. that's part of the reason, anyhow. you were afraid of drowning and he literally took you to the bottom of the sea. in a metaphorical sense, he basically tied a brick to your ankles and dragged you down to his own depths against your will. you can't fight, you can't resist -- you can only endure. that is why you're angry with him.
"why do you resent me so?"
hades has the audacity to ask you such a question as you study a flower that he'd brought back from his latest visit to the overworld. you hadn't known of his departure, but when he gifted you this fresh plant, you felt something ugly and bitter stir within you. you became fixated on it, deciding to hole yourself up in your room to spend time with the only thing that gave you peace. you don't react to his question.
he stays quiet for a while, but he doesn't leave. after about five minutes, he inquires again. "please, blossom. i must know. i just wish to make you happy."
you all but slam your hand down on your desk. "happy? you want to make me happy?" you haven't raised your voice, but your tone is as icy as the vision that dangles from his clothing. "set me free. let me go home."
wriothesley is quiet again. "...will you at least look at me?"
the wetness in your eyes forces you to shake your head. "you haven't earned my gaze."
"and what must i do to earn it?"
"i've already told you."
"what else must i do?"
that gets you to turn around. "why are you so stubborn? what is preventing you from letting me go? you yourself can wander between the realms freely, but i can't?" your eyes sting with unshed tears, though the sensation doesn't last long. your frame trembles as you cry, and wriothesley cups your face to wipe the tears away. "do not touch me." you hiss at him.
wriothesley gives you a humorless smile. "you're not pushing me away."
...he's right. why aren't you pushing him away? "you haven't earned the right to touch me."
"haven't i?" hades is leaning in closer. you can smell peppermint on his breath. did he drink tea before coming? his thumb caresses your cheek. your eyes list to the side. "blossom," he calls you. "please."
you have a hard time resisting when he begs you like this. you hate how you let him get away with murder. he's trapped you here against your will, denied you of your freedom, and yet you still allow him to treat you like a deity. you allow him to do as he pleases. you don't feel threatened by him, no -- what you feel is his sincerity. his longing. his love.
you lock eyes with wriothesley. he's sharing a breath with you now. "wh-what do you want?" you ask. "you've already taken everything from me. how greedy can one man be?"
wriothesley's eyes glimmer in the lamplight. you can feel his gaze drop to your lips. his voice is noticeably deeper when he asks, "do you want to find out?"
you're not sure what you feel when he kisses you. the kiss is soft, sweet, and tastes of peppermint. his lips are warm, as is the rest of him. he licks into your mouth slowly and patiently, and you don't fight him.
because really, you've never wanted to push him away. you want to accept wriothesley for who he is, bloodied hands and all. you want him almost as bad as he wants you. and yet you just can't accept him in his entirety-- not as he is now. not when he's secretive and evasive. but his affection gives you some reprieve; his love gives you peace overwhelming, so much so that you let your own feelings shine through in moments like these.
you end the kiss first. you pull away, breathless, though you notice that he doesn't move an inch. after a brief silence, you finally speak. "you're too much for me." you murmur. "you'll be death of me."
wriothesley takes your hands in his. "for as long as i rule the underworld," he replies, "death will never find you. and that's a promise."
(also obligatory catte tag bc i need a fellow wrio lover to see this 🫡🩷 @catcze)
(p.s.: lemme know if i shouldn't tag you in this stuff, okay?)
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
My favorite epithets of King Hades
Agesilaus (Ἀγησίλαος) - The Leader Aidoneus - (Ἀїδωνεύς) - The Unseen Necro Soter (νεκρός σωτήρ) - Savior of The Dead Eukles - The One With Good Reputation Isodetes (δέω) - The Imparcial Judge
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dhampiravidi · 11 months
a second chance at death (and happiness)
Achilles had known that he would choose glory over a long life the moment he won his first duel. Granted, that duel had been against Patroclus, who he had already fallen in love with. The two vowed to bathe in the Lethe together once they reached Elysium, so they could have one or more lives together somewhere else. They shared the same heart, so they should share the same adventures.
And then Patroclus died, killed by Hector while wearing Achilles's armor. Achilles had never known grief like that before, and his only comfort was the visit from his beloved's ghost, after he'd tried to bury all his pain with Hector's. When Apollo's arrow, guided by Paris, found its home in Achilles's tendon, he cried out of course, but he was glad. He could tell by the strength of the poison (and how it sapped his own) that it was going to kill him. For a second, he remembered kind Chiron, and his own son Neoptolemus--and he pushed their memories aside. Achilles would be with his missing half as soon as he closed his eyes...
He found himself in the Fields of Asphodel, where he and the other shades, ghosts with hardly any color, wandered aimlessly between plain trees, only able to groan as opposed to talk. With a heavy heart and rage directed at the gods, Achilles sat and wept. Patroclus had gone to Elysium--why wouldn't he?--but Achilles had been damned. It felt like forever before he and all the other shades' attention was drawn to something with an enticing scent that seemed familiar...ah, blood. The thing that landed him in his own personal Hell. But he never expected to see Odysseus, solid and alive in Hades. As soon as he got the chance, Achilles warned the man against dying, explaining his own suffering. Odysseus had always been a person who commanded respect, and yet Achilles did not truly understand why until the hero convinced Lord Aidoneus himself to resurrect Achilles.
The king of Hades would warn Achilles against being impious in any way, but Achilles already knew. He would not mess up his chances at an afterlife (or another life) with Patroclus. And maybe he'd get to see his son after all--according to Odysseus, Neoptolemus should've grown up and married. Achilles had a brief reunion with his mother (a big hug and lots of kisses on his cheeks), then went to join Odysseus.
"I hope I'm not too late," Achilles said, only walking up to the older man once he and his people were done burying their friend. He held out his hand, thankful for the opportunity. Just breathing fresh air felt like a blessing, though it was far from the kind Achilles desired. "You quite literally saved my life. I am in your debt."
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nevraeldarya · 5 months
hello Have you ever read "Gods are perfect from the word go(untill they aren't)"? if so: What would Rhea think of this Percy? (because he was being created by ror Poseidon, I think she would find him interesting) and Poseidonas and Aidoneus?
I love that fic !
Rhea respects Percy despite not agreeing with his morals, she will find the relationship cute, she will give him a point for not getting stabbed (well she did insult the blond a lot 💀), but most importantly she will tease Poseidon about being a softy 🤣
But otherwise she will find it super funny and cute !
And OMG I loved the chapter where Percy accidentally got everyone to sacrifice things for ROR Poseidon and created a cult.
Honestly can't wait to see what will happen between the two sea kings.
We all know our dear ROR Poseidon will not even give him the acknowledgement PJO Poseidon thinks he deserves (which is none by the way) I can't wait !!!
Also Poseidonas will say "At least one of your counterparts has manners" and Aidoneus will smile fondly ! (Family man !)
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ofsappho · 7 months
treehouse chapter 31 (tumblr version)
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🔞 Dream of the Endless I Lord Morpheus x reader 🔞
Unplanned pregnancy, SMUT. 6.3k words of sin and both Morpheus AND Reader being wet cats.
crossposted to AO3 (want to read the whole story? click here)
Morpheus is not thrilled that Johanna Constantine has swooped in to save you.
please read my statement on Palestine here
tags under the read more
Tags: jealousy, exhibitionism, public (not actually) sex, fucking on the throne, she can't fuck you like I can, cockwarming, orgasm denial, CNC but not really, one sided hate sex (she hates him but wants to fuck him, he loves her and wants to fuck her) THIS IS UNEDITED, DO NOT HATE ME
Morpheus POV
He hates her, this knight in shining armor. Loathes her, even. He hates that she’s touching you, and he hates that you find comfort in it.
But Morpheus has no wish to soil your rooms with what hell he plans to wreak upon Johanna Constantine’s head, so he wraps you and the interloper in threads and transports you both into the throne room, the true seat of his power.
As Dream reclines in his great chair of white marble flickering with streaks of onyx glass, he settles on a form somewhere in between the man you love and the dragon that went against his own kind for you. “On what business do you trespass in my realm for? You were not invited here, Constantine, nor did you petition for an audience. And I certainly did not grant you permission to speak with my bride.” You have laid with him and loved him, and you should know what manner of creature you’ve permitted to lay a claim to your heart.
Does it matter to Dream that you still balk at the thought of marrying him? No, not particularly. It’s semantics - if you agree in the future, that’s functionally the same as you agreeing now.
You face him with fury blazing in your eyes. “What the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with you, Morpheus? I don’t fucking need permission to talk to anyone,” You snap, your cheeks flushed and chest heaving.
You don’t understand yet. Morpheus reminds himself that you’re new to this, new to this world, and how these things are done. “This does not concern you,” He says to you, not dropping the mask of the fierce dragon despite how badly he wants to go and be soft and comfort you.
But you have your rules and so does he. Johanna Constantine has trampled on every one of them through daring to breathe in your direction and she knows it.
You wield your force of will like a knife to his throat. “Yes, the fuck it does.”
Morpheus wants to do selfish, despicable things to you. He wants to kiss you, feel you sigh and tremble in his arms, and make Johanna Constantine watch as you give in every single time.
Constantine cuts in, as impetuous as the rest of her line. “I come here on mortal business, Dream Lord.”
“You have no right-“ He rises to the provocation like a snake in the grass, fangs bared and venom dripping to the ground. Is he not king here? Is Morpheus not the name all must answer to and shake in terror at the sound of it?
“Oh, I very much do. You see, I’ve made a deal. You remember the rules. I represent two humans who are in search of their child, metaphorically. A child I have found here, stolen away by you. I deliver their child safely back to them, where she belongs, and they pay our arranged price. Hell, I even gave them a Friends and Family discount.”
Morpheus tenses as the magic Constantine invokes settles upon him like a yoke, binding him to the ancient rules of hospitality and obligation.
Orpheus invoked such rules in pursuit of his bride. Where did that get him? Nothing much other than his death and Eurydice returned to her master, Aidoneus.
So - he must house this thief and give her the honors due to an invited guest until her quest is done. “Do you intend to take her by force? I did not think a Constantine would be so stupid as to try my might.”
Unwillingly, his gaze is pulled to you. You have that effect on him, a magnetic grip that draws Dream to you with the strength that not even gravity could exert.
It destroys a part of him you brought to life to raise walls of gilded magic around you to keep Constantine from tearing out his heart and soul in taking you. But he must.
Tears glimmer pearlescent in your large, pleading eyes. “Morpheus. Morpheus. What are you doing? Let me go. Stop it. Please.” As he would rather your hatred over your absence, Dream remains unmoved by your cries.
Constantine’s face hardens. “Of course not. She must come willingly. But if this is how you treat her, well, I thank you for doing my job for me.”
Out of sight of either of you, Morpheus’s fist tightens in the sleeve of his dark robe. His fingers dig so deeply into the marble arm rest that he leaves behind fingerprints in the solid stone. Constantine is doing this on purpose. She must be. Reminding him over and over with every word how you’re not meant for him.
What can Johanna give you that he can’t?
You’d be safe with her. And Morpheus thinks you might be happier not cut off from the world and the life you love so much. He loves how much you love it and your people, and that you find love growing in places he’d never think to look.
If he had been Nada, he wouldn’t have chosen himself either.
Morpheus can’t even be good enough to let you go. His awful adoration of you traps him as the villain to your maiden, the death of your life, the true evil you must be protected from.
That cult only endangered you because of him. And Morpheus is going against the laws of nature to have you. The sharpened edge of an ax will remain at your lovely throat until the day he finds the strength to look away, or until it ends your life. Whichever happens first.
“Your family has been much favored by me. You have directly benefited from that benevolence. Is this how you seek to repay me?” Morpheus feels your heart beat furiously in your chest, as furiously as your hands on the bars of his cage.
No, he’s not angry with you. He understands your longing for the Waking world like he understands his own longing for you. Like the yearning of blood to rush through one’s veins.
“What can I say? I just work here. Sorry,” Constantine shrugs.
“You cannot have her. Do you understand me? She is mine,” Dream growls, his voice underpinned by the faintest sound of claws against stone.
“Let me go. Let me go. I’m begging you. You said you would be different. You promised. Please. For the love you bear for me-“ You say.
For the love he bears for you.
He’s almost moved to do as you wish. Almost.
Constantine knows better than to rap at the bars of your prison. That could be interpreted as an attack on his realm, giving him ample cause to expel Constantine. Just as he cannot harm a guest, she cannot harm her host. “Release her, Dream of the Endless. Come on. This is horrid. Absolutely horrid. No fucking wonder she doesn’t want you,” The woman spits in her coarse, common accent.
“I’ll let her go once you’re gone,” Morpheus replies, magnanimously ignoring her rudeness.
“And I’m not going, so that unfortunately puts us at an impasse.”
You’ve lapsed into silence and your pretty mouth twists into a furious scowl. There’s a humming in the back of his many sharp teeth, like the electric tension that hangs in the air before lightning strikes, thrumming through his stardust bones when you watch him.
It’s best to get Constantine safely tucked away before your thunder shakes the throne room from ceiling to floor. “Per your deal with the mortal Willow, I shall house you in appropriate state until your mission fails. Go. My Vizier will see to it. This is family business. Stay out of it, and out of my way.”
Reader POV
Your stupid tears have long since dried by the time he frees you. You’ve got half a mind to demand he return Johanna to the throne room so you can go with her. Especially after that display of fucked up posessiveness Morpheus seems incapable of restraining, getting the fuck out is looking more and more appealing by the second.
You don’t have to put up with this. You don’t have to put up with him. You can just leave if you want to. And you do want to.
“Well, Morpheus,” You say in a short clipped tone instead of doing the logical thing of leaving. “That certainly was a display. Are you pleased with yourself?”
He leans back in his throne, unwillingly drawing your attention to the long, lean lines of his chest, his chiseled stomach, his thighs under his close-fitting pants. “That depends, my dear. Which answer would please you?” And his eyes- they flicker and gleam in his godly face, sapphire and aquamarine and onyx.
A warm breeze curls past your cheek and a bead of sweat drips down your neck under the silk robes you wear, kissing your spine as it goes.
You dig your nails into your palms in an attempt to regain control of your breathing, to slow down the desperate, panting rise and fall of your chest. “I am deeply uninterested in your efforts to please me. All you’re capable of is disrespect and humiliation,” You hiss.
The air tastes hot on your tongue as if someone’s stoked a fire in the throne room. The fire burns with smoke and something animalistic, something musky, the scent of bare skin on bare skin.
Morpheus’s gaze darkens as you draw closer. “But I live to please you. Every breath, every gesture, every move I make will bring you pleasure.” You’re not sure if you’re stalking towards him because you want to hit him or kiss him.
When you reach the throne, you grasp the arm rests and lean over him, your hair falling around your face like a veil. “Every breath you take has done nothing but hurt me.” You’re taller than him as long as he stays seated, and you take complete advantage of this, snarling in Morpheus’s face like a lioness.
Morpheus swallows, a movement so sudden and quick like the flapping of a bird wing. It’s one of the few signs that you’re affecting him at all.
But you want more than that. You want to take his frozen heart and dash it on the floor until it shatters. “And if I am to be the Queen you want me to be, what makes you think I’d let your foolishness stand? Did your mom not teach you basic courtesy, oh great paragon of feminism?” Because that’s how you felt when he raised those golden chains around you in a beautiful cage. You felt shattered. Betrayed.
And above all else, stupid. You should’ve known better than to believe Dream.
Just as his hand reaches for your waist, you dance out of reach. “That’s right, you’re a god so you probably don’t even have a mom. My mistake for expecting better from you,” You tell him in a cold and cruel voice, from a very safe distance of a few feet away.
“Do you think insulting me will accomplish anything?” You see his long, razor-sharp teeth shine in the light as he speaks.
A low humming sound registers a little too quietly for you to hear precisely what it is. It sounds like a heartbeat thudding alongside a thousand voices whispering in a dark and sinister melody.
His smoldering, smokey gaze drinks up the aroused flush reddening your cheeks and your half-lidded, languid eyes. “It’s certainly pleasing me,” You murmur after a pause to stop the urge to pull your heavy robes from your limbs and leave them on the ground until the heat kindling between your thighs abates.
“You’re very clever indeed, little darling,” Dream praises you. He takes an odd delight in being insulted, more amused than he is offended, treating you like a kitten that’s learned to roar.
That only eggs you on further. “I can see that mortal niceties are lost on you and you don’t deserve them anyways. So let me speak in a language you’ll understand.”
In a split second, Lucienne’s earlier warnings make sense to you. This is about power and having power, the power to keep the thing Morpheus loves most, sees the most value in. You give him power and he’s afraid to lose it.
He’s afraid to lose you. That he might hurt you in the process is a cost he’s willing to pay.
“You will not put me in a cage, you will not dictate to whom I can speak to and when. I’m not asking. I’m ordering. Every time you disrespect me, you only reveal yourself to be unworthy of me, your kingdom, and of your power.”
Morpheus merely smiles and bows his head. “Hauteur becomes you.” Is he teasing you or being sincere? The bastard has the audacity to have fun at a time like this.
And despite yourself and your convictions, you’re having a little fun, too.
“And it would be very easy for me to find someone worthier. Johanna Constantine, for example.” You toss the suggestion his way as carelessly as you might let a sleeve fall off your shoulder, revealing the bare expanse of your back to ignite Dream’s hunger.
And ignite his hunger your words do.
He sits upright in his throne as rage battles his self-control in the angular confines of his preternaturally-handsome face. When Morpheus blinks, the black of his pupils grow and grow until they swallow the sclera.
Unconsciously, you take a step back.
It seems as though self control is losing.
“That is a dangerous game to be playing, my love,” He says silkily, his mouth twisting into an expression that should be a smirk and comes off more as a snarl.
You can no longer pretend that you don’t care, that this is just a game.
“Oh, so she threatens you? No, you should be fucking threatened by me.” You get louder and louder with each word. “You need to be fucking terrified right now. I swear to God I will bring her back in here and fuck her in front of you if I have to.” He’s as common as the next human man, so obsessed with his possessions. “Don’t test me, Your Grace, lest you find yourself dethroned,” You tell him through your mouth filled with rancor and spite.
And then Morpheus is up on his feet before you can blink. He surmounts the distance between you in only a couple of steps and towers over you, wrapping cool fingers around your wrist with a grasp tighter than a manacle. His dark eyes are filled with a frantic wildness that scares you as much as it attracts you.
Morpheus bends down until his mouth is level with your ear. “You’ve forgotten something,” He whispers.
Your heart beats so loudly in your ears that you can barely hear him over it. “And that is?” You’re trembling. Do you want him closer? Do you want to shove him back? You turn the two outcomes over and over in your head as you try to pick one.
His nose brushes your hair and he swallows, his pale throat bobbing with the effort.
Morpheus’s voice coils in your ears like a snake, his words writhing and twisting as they take the whole of your focus captive. “Who you belong to. I’m out of patience, darling, and I think you need to be reminded of who possesses you, who’s devoted to you above all else.” Burning hot need scorches through your stomach and your breath catches in your lungs.
He drops into a rough, raspy growl. “Who you’ll always come back to. Who adores you. Who worships you.”
You fall into Morpheus’s embrace without a second thought. It’s the most natural thing in the world, giving in to him. His mouth on your mouth, kissing, biting, he lays a palm on the back of your neck and presses his other hand between your collarbones, trapping you where he can devour you.
His sharp nails dig into your skin and his tongue presses between your lips, turning the kiss into a mess of slick saliva and your ragged gasps for air, your high-pitched whines when Dream’s teeth- no, fangs, leave imprints of his love on your bottom lip.
Then you fight him. Not for freedom, like before. For sovereignty. For domination, for hegemony. You wage war, grabbing a fistful of his beautiful black hair and dragging him down to you, and you take control of the kiss, using your tongue wickedly against his before breaking away. Morpheus might have his hand near your throat still, but you’re shoving his face to the side to sink your teeth into his neck.
He groans at the unexpected burst of pain and the pleasure of you doing it again and again, marring his pale skin with glimmering red-gold marks.
“You’re a fucking menace,” You hiss.
The very instant Dream’s had enough, the hand he’s resting on your collarbones moves upwards until it wraps around the base of your throat. He’s careful with the practically-nonexistent pressure, far more careful than you would’ve liked in a time before he got you pregnant, but it’s such an effortless show of control that you release his hair and gasp breathlessly anyways.
“Good girl,” He whispers. “Very good. But this is just the start. You’ll be begging for me before we’re done here.”
He’s kissing you once more. Your nose knocks into his from your enthusiasm and he laughs with his head tilted back, making a bright, happy, human sound. Then Morpheus folds his arms around your waist and lifts you into the air so he can continue to ravage your mouth, softly kiss your cheeks, and occasionally nuzzle your hair while walking backwards without tripping.
Your knees knock into the marble stone of his throne. Morpheus has led you here and his intentions on what he plans to do become clear when he elegantly lowers himself into the seat, keeping one hand cupping the back of your neck while his other hand trails down the neckline of your gown.
There’s enough room on the throne for you to kneel in his lap. Morpheus doesn’t even need to help you; you crawl atop him all on your own with eagerness that almost disgusts you, your body animated by desire as bright as an open flame.
Once you plant your knees solidly on the outsides of his thighs where you can rock your humming clit against his fully-hardened cock, you hear a sharp ripping sound. Cool air chills your exposed breasts and now-naked thighs. Dream’s fucking ripped your beautiful, splendid clothes straight down the front and now the remnants hang from your shoulders in tatters.
“Fuck-“ You exclaim as your cheeks flush from embarrassment. Anyone could… anyone could walk in and see you, see what he’s doing to you.
Then his hand clamps down on your jaw to prevent you from looking around. “Look at me, darling. Come now,” He hisses. This close, you can see scattered flecks of light in the pure black of his eyes, a whole universe in his gaze. Beautiful.
“Someone’s gonna- Morpheus, please, not here,” You whisper shamefully as he teases one of your swollen tits, rolling your nipple between the pads of his fingers. You cut your pleasured moan off by biting down on your lip. “What about Lucienne, ahhh, or Matthew…” He switches to your other breast, massaging your flesh in slow, luxurious circles, and your eyes flutter shut.
Without so much as a warning, Morpheus removes his hands altogether and sits back to look at you, folding his fingers under his chin, arrogantly tilted up. Those fingers would be better served on you, you think grumpily, or between your legs, dealing with the wetness trickling from your cunt.
His expression is remote and utterly heartless. “I told you to look at me.” There’s nothing soft or gentle in that face, a mask of porcelain skin stretched taut over a skull far too severe.
“But,” You start to beg. Doesn’t he realize what he does to you? You can feel the hunger churning viciously in your stomach, like you’ve spent your whole life starving and the embrace Morpheus is denying you is everything you need to sustain yourself, every flavor you crave.
Your mouth twists in a scowl as he bats away your wandering hands tugging at the collar of his cloak. It’s not fair that Morpheus gets to sit there unbothered while you’re practically melting. “A queen, begging for me? I’m honored,” He teases.
The moment before you resort to desperate measures, like clawing open his clothes yourself, he slips his hand in your hair as if holding back was torture for him to. Morpheus licks a hot stripe along the length of your throat, nipping and kissing over your pulse. “Can she make you beg like this?” Your skin muffles the sound of his voice.
You feel him stroke your spine with gentle fingers, counting each vertebrae. Then Morpheus finds his way towards your rounded hips, squishy and soft, and he groans under his breath in appreciation.
“Who…” Truthfully, you’re not listening to him, not even a little bit. Your back arches, encouraging Morpheus to palm your ass. He plays with one of your cheeks, bouncing your flesh in his hand, and when you gaze into his eyes, you see pure adoration warring with pitch-black possessiveness.
His fingers dip down, down between your thighs, and come back shining in the soft light streaming through the stained glass windows. “Johanna fucking Constantine, my love. Does she make you this wet?” Morpheus cleans his fingertips off with his tongue. His eyes shut as he savors you.
The sunlight flickers. One brightly-lit moment, he’s the angel finding heaven in your body. The next shadowed moment, his obsidian claws almost pierce your skin. A wraith from smoke who’s only aim is to make you moan and tremble.
And forget. Morpheus almost succeeded in making you forget why you’re fighting in the first place.
You pin his wrist to the high back of his throne. “Are you fucking for real right now?” A shiver runs through you. You put more of your weight into your grip. Dream could throw you off with just a thought, but he doesn’t.
Fuck talking. It’s so much easier to articulate your feelings through fucking him. “ I was just saying that to- to-“ He leans forward to take one of your hypersensitive, swollen nipples into his sinful mouth. “God, Morpheus, please.” He kisses, then sucks ever-so-carefully.
You no longer hold him away from you - you clutch his wrist for stability as pleasure ripples under your skin straight for your cunt.
Blindly, you grasp for the stone, eventually planting your elbow on the spot next to his head. “Oh, I am being very, ‘for real.’” Morpheus switches to your neglected breast, now mouthing along the heavy curve then kissing along your sternum.
He brings you pleasure. Traps you in a cage. You hate him and he loves you. You’re determined to say no but Morpheus will always tempt you to say yes.
You spread your thighs further, bringing your dripping core closer to his hips. “What are you, five years old? You have to learn how to share, Dream.” As you grind, you gasp and your eyes roll back. Your clit throbs and sensation wraps around your insides like honey, warm and sticky and sweet.
By now your arousal has leaked all over your thighs and his pants.
He lifts his head from your tits and his free hand cups your cheek. “That’s exactly what I’m doing,” Morpheus croons, watching your face shift and slacken as you whine. “Let them watch, let her watch. Why wouldn’t I share such a precious and rare thing as you?”
Everything happens so quickly.
No matter how sweetly you plead or how urgently you nudge him towards your cunt, Morpheus’s hands go literally everywhere else.
You shove the last of your robes onto the ground like they’re burning your skin and they might as well - you can’t stand anything touching your skin that isn’t him.
He slaps your bare ass with a light touch, more of a love tap than a proper blow. A drop of sweat slides between your tits and Morpheus traces its path with his mouth. Murmurs echo in the space between you and him. If you listen closely, you can hear Dream say how much he loves you, how beautiful you are.
You’re perfect. You’re divine. I’m sorry. Don’t leave me.
You don’t say anything in return. You just stop his words with kisses. Those are simple. The taste of him on your tongue. It feels good, so good, and it doesn’t hurt like listening to him does.
Morpheus could beg like that for the next fifty years and it wouldn’t be enough.
When he tries to talk again, you growl and dig your nails into the nape of his neck. None of that shit. His fucking words got you fucked up to begin with.
He rests his forehead against yours. His long eyelashes frame his vulnerable gaze, as delicate as fractured glass. A stray breeze could shatter him.
No. Fuck Dream. You’re not the bad guy. You’re not the villain. He is. He can’t- he shouldn’t make you feel so fucking guilty…
There’s no preparation. He doesn’t warm you up or ease you into it. You blink and in a single, lust-filled moment, you’re turned the other way around where the whole throne room and palace and this plane of reality can see you, naked and aroused and dripping wet for their king. They can all see how much he wants you.
It shouldn’t make you wetter. It does. A fresh trickle of arousal drips from your swollen folds and you hear Morpheus mutter a hushed curse before delicately dragging the tip of his pointer finger through the shining path it took.
He moans as he tastes you.
Morpheus kisses the back of your neck as he shifts under you. He pulls his thick, angrily-hard cock from his pants and you eagerly rock back on your knees, trying to catch the tip between your thighs.
“I thought you didn’t want to be seen,” Dream laughs darkly, holding your hips up with one arm so you can’t sink down on his dick and soothe the hollowness in your stomach that’s devouring your senses, craving to be filled by him.
Frustrated tears gather in your eyes. He’s rubbing the fat head of his cock through your folds, just grazing your clit with every teasing motion. “Just fuck me already.” Your thighs quiver each time he does.
Pain shimmers through your nerves as he bites down on your throat. You arch your back and rake your nails through his thick hair. “Just fuck you already…” Dream’s voice mockingly draws out the last word.
If you weren’t so fucking horny and half-out of your mind, willing to do almost anything, even crawl on your hands and knees for him, you’d be looking for the nearest knife.
“…Please,” You say through gritted teeth, humiliation blooming red in your cheeks and across your chest. Oh, he’s in for it. First he’s going to make you come, and then you’re going to kill-
He slips into your cunt with a harsh curse, the breath in his lungs stuttering from how tight you are around his dick.
“You only had to ask nicely, little darling.”
Your eyes roll back in your head, driven by the feeling of his cock spearing you open inch by inch. Morpheus holds perfectly still. You’re doing all the work as your hips roll against your will, your muscles flexing to suck him deeper and deeper into your cunt, and gravity does the rest. He doesn’t need to do a goddamn thing, the fucker.
He runs his palm over your bare spine over and over, soothing you as you shake and cry out. You’ve never felt more wanted or debauched in your entire life.
Behind you, you hear him gasp when your pussy milks his cock. “Deep breaths, my love.” Your core has almost swallowed him whole. Almost.
In this position, the tip of his dick is angled so that it brushes your most sensitive spots with each movement. It’s torturous. You can feel Dream in your guts, stretching you out so perfectly that you barely register his muttered curses and eloquent praises.
Shhh. Good girl. You can endure it, I know you can. Doesn’t it feel good? Fuck.
“Can you take the rest, sweetheart? For me?” His voice is strangled and stuttered and strung out, as if Morpheus is just seconds away from losing his entire fucking mind. His hands ghost over your hips, his fingers tremble on your skin. He wants to reach out and pull you down onto his cock so badly, you can tell.
You cry out as your inner thighs finally meet his lap. Your back arches, your thigh muscles shiver and ache. The feeling of the full length of his cock buried into the depths of your pussy clenching helplessly over and over, scorches your veins with a pleasure as bright and clean as vodka burning the back of your throat.
When you involuntarily shift to try and find a more comfortable position, one that’s easier on your stretched cunt, your eyes roll back and you whimper hazy little noises between hitched breaths.
“Good girl,” Dream moans. One of his hands grasps you possessively, like his fingers are loathe to leave your skin even for a moment, and he cups your hip, then the soft, squishy curves of your rounded belly.
His breath stutters across the back of your neck, damp with sweat. The entire weight of his focus rests on you. All of it, every giddy dream-feeling and dark night-belief. Morpheus touches you and the baby like you’re his whole world, safely contained in the space between his palms and the span of his arms.
You can almost taste his thoughts
How could he ever look away, Morpheus asks himself when he kisses your shoulder reverently. Why would he ever want to?
You’re soaked, your slick is drooling all over the seat of his dark pants. Your body feels like it’s hanging by a thread, desperate for him to do something.
To move.
“And here I thought you had no need for me.”
You shut your eyes as white light sketches across the backs of your eyelids. “Morpheus… ah…” Your voice trembles and trails off into a sweet, desperate sigh.
You’re just so full in this position, forced by the stillness to think of nothing but Morpheus buried deep inside your belly. Every time you try to rise, to shift and ease the hot, slick pressure between your legs, he keeps you from rocking back and forth and deriving any true pleasure from this with a tight grip on your round hips.
He takes your earlobe between his teeth and the sudden, sharp pain makes you shriek and your cunt spasm. “Control yourself. Let this be a lesson, my love, in discipline.”
The incomprehensible, borderline-Lovecraftian cosmic deity fucking you in his ridiculously grand throne room groans in the same timbre that has haunted your fantasies since that very first night together. It’s so familiar and comforting that it breaks your heart.
Through the foggy haze clouding your mind, you vaguely remember that Dream was talking to you. “What-“ Before you can finish that thought, his hands loosen ever-so-slightly. Your animal hindbrain takes over in an instant, urging you to circle your hips, grinding the tip of his dick against your sweet spot.
“No, my darling. I’m not going to move. Not until you beg,” He says in a voice richer and more intoxicating than blue-gray tobacco smoke lacing the air. The sound clogs up your lungs until you’re groggy and weak and utterly dumb.
You curse under your breath as you cast your bleary gaze about the throne room. Is that a footstep you just heard, or some stray conversation wafting towards you as the speaker momentarily enters to see your lewd display?
Any respect Lucienne has for you would disappear in an instant. Matthew would never be able to look you in the eye again. Desire would merely laugh, their teeth snapping with amusement.
Your body betrays you.
Abstractly, you’re horrified by the thought. But right now, practically driven mad, the need to orgasm wrenching your muscles taut…
And as if Morpheus is reading your fucking mind, “I might not even let you come. Perhaps- I’ll simply leave you alone, wet and wanting. See if Constantine can do half of what I do to you.”
One of his palms moves from your ass and ends up pressed against your belly, right above where he’s buried inside your pussy.
“No, no, please, don’t-“ You sob, batting at his arm as his fingers rub tight, torturous circles into your swollen, aching clit.
With every firm brush, your thighs clench and tears of frustration, pleasure, and terror, all at the same time, run down your flushed cheeks. Morpheus might keep you here for days, playing with you, bringing you to the edge over and over and never giving you release.
“Shall I summon her? You’re so desperate that you’d let me as long as I fucked you? Don’t lie - fuck, I can feel how you tightened up when I said that.”
It’s too much, like pressing your tongue against a hot pan and feeling the sting down to your bones, and not enough at the same time. 
“I need to-“
“Beg,” He says, before the sound turns into a choked groan in your ear as your muscles ripple around his length.
His arms coil tighter around your hips and waist. “Please.” One little, tiny word leaks from between your kiss-swollen lips.
You rock back and forth and Morpheus permits it, helpless to his own desires.
He pulls you upright, your back snug to his chest, and you feel him unencumbered by clothing. His skin radiates heat like a furnace. “Who?” 
As you shift, he grinds up into your cunt in achingly slow thrusts.
“Morpheus,” You demand, as infuriated as you are close. “Please let me come.”
Your hand grasps behind you until your fingers find his soft hair that’s cool to the touch. You tug and pull on Morpheus’s hair, urging him to meet the rolling, deep pace you’re riding him.
“…I’m sorry,” His voice wisps through the air. And underneath it, something forlorn and horribly lonely.
Later, you’ll tell yourself it was just the feeling of getting fucked within an inch of your life that wiped away your filter, that you didn’t really mean it. “No- Don’t… don’t want anyone else. Just you, my love.” The term of endearment slips off your tongue almost as an afterthought.
“Come for me, my queen.”
Your body shudders on top of him and you let out a long, keening moan. Your eyes stare unseeing at the opulent surroundings, the rich, ornate beauty that pales in comparison to the being bringing you so much pleasure.
There’s a loud roar in your ears. Your insides wrench themselves into knots, tighter and tighter, you can’t breathe, you can’t think. You can only come and keep coming. Your cunt gushes, the slick dripping all the way down his thighs from your stretched core.
Morpheus pants in between fevered kisses and mouths greedily at your shoulder. A burst of warmth flutters against your walls, finally soothing the ragged edges of your orgasm splitting your belly open.
When he tries to kiss your sweat-damp cheek, you turn and meet his mouth with yours.
“We fucked on your throne,” You murmur in a rough, conspiratorial tone.
Morpheus hums his assent as he runs his palm over your baby bump in gentle circles. “You indulge me.” He picks up your hand and kisses it delicately, his scintillatingly blue eyes never leaving your face.
You slump backwards into his solid, comforting embrace. “And if Lucienne had walked in on us, it would’ve been all your fault.”
His chest rumbles with a purr. “After all, I am… a menace.”
He’s smiling. The bastard is smiling. Not a full smile - a half-tilt of the corner of his mouth that fills your stomach with butterflies, a mask resembling the man who lit your cigarette.
Like blinking during a sunset and missing the switch from day to night, the afterglow dissipates in an instant and takes your good humor with it. “Let go of me.” Feeling has returned to your fingers and toes and you have no need for his embrace, or so you tell yourself.
You carefully avoid touching him again as you stand to find the shreds of your clothing reforming into a large cloak that covers your nakedness.
It makes your stomach turn, how easily you give into Morpheus every fucking time, that you find more comfort in his shadows than you do out in the sun.
“By Your Grace’s leave,” He says quietly.
Morpheus has never been small to you. He’s always larger than life, more vibrant than Technicolor, loftier and greater than anyone you could imagine, a presence so grand that he generated his own gravity.
But he seems very small as he sits back in his throne with hunched shoulders. He sits there defeated and you almost- you almost run back to him. You can feel the impulse in the back of your throat, clinging like arsenic and something of the same bitter, regretful taste.
“We can’t go on like this anymore, Morpheus.” Your words exist in parallel universes - the one where all he can do to change your mind is to fuck you, and the one where all you can do is cause as much damage as you can.
It’s a compulsion at this point and you’re so sick of it, so sick of yourself, like poking at a rotten tooth despite instructions to leave it alone.
Maybe it’s a compulsion for him, too. The ashamed tilt of his gaze directed towards the floor tells you that you’re right. The more you fight him, the more lashes he can add to his back.
Faced with the cold account of all of your mistakes, and his, you turn and flee the throne room, tears trickling down your cheeks.
So this was actually supposed to be smuttier but it languished in production hell for months because (writer's block / health issues / disabilities / mental health issues / life events) so I was like. Perfection is the enemy of completion. I will just post it unedited and not fully written to my original plan. Please don't hate me.
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infernalzeus · 8 months
This blog will be used as a digital altar to King Aidoneus/Hades :)
Some info about me:
I use they/she/he pronouns
l am a witch
I've been worshiping King Hades since the beginning of my practice (time flies! 🪰)
Some info about this blog:
Hate and discrimination of any kind is strictly prohibited and will never be tolerated. I will block you.
My other blogs:
@theironqueenofhell -blog dedicated to Queen Persephone
@thefloweredblade -blog dedicated to Lady Aphrodite
Khaîre Hades!
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lordroma · 1 year
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So, I made 6 versions of Hades
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 year
Fandom : Percy Jackson
Title : The Shadow and the Sun
Summary : "Nico di Angelo has always been.. off-putting. Death-bringer. Cursed child.
Feared and respected in equal measure. Cursed with the dying breaths of every mortal. Eldest of the gods. First son of Kronos. Lord of death, of decay, and devastation. An unnatural presence at the Councils that took place at the Winter Solstice on Olympus, a shadow looming in the corner of everyone's mind. Quiet, and contemplative, and yet so, so intimidating. Keeping to himself, and still his aura managed to shake even the most battle-hardened of his peers
Aidoneus, the mortals called him, Unseen One. Lord of the Damned. The Rotting Prince. The Ghost King. Cursed to forever be lonely, to never have a companion
Until of course, he met a certain golden-haired god of the sun, and his world grew much brighter than it had ever seemed before
(AU where Nico is Hades and Will is Apollo)
Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/49903090
Rating : General
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emilystheories · 2 years
Elain Archeron: Queen of Hel.
(Spoilers for ACOTAR and Crescent City, slight TOG spoilers).
Throughout the books, Elain has been repeatedly connected to spring. For example, Elain's scent is described as a "promise of spring." We also know that the drawers Feyre painted for each sister likely foreshadows their fate, and Elain's drawer is covered in flowers.
Thus, many people have theorised about Elain and her link to spring (myself included), with many believing that Elain may end up residing in, or ruling the Spring Court. Whilst that is still very possible, I want to point out a different possibility.
Persephone is known as the Greek Goddess of Spring, and eventually came to be the Queen of the Underworld.
Elain has a number of similarities to Persephone, even just visually and aesthetically, as you can tell by this Persephone art piece below:
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However, there are more similarities beyond that. For example, Persephone's sacred animal is the deer. Elain has also been likened to a deer (for example, the Suriel refers to Elain as a "trembling fawn," and states that she has "doe eyes.")
Persephone is also known as "The Maiden." Recall that when Elain, Nesta and Briallyn were thrown into the Cauldron, they came to represent the different parts of the three-faced goddess; Briallyn as the Crone (she was turned into an old woman, rip), Nesta as the Mother, and Elain as the Maiden.
Further, I have long since believed that Nesta and Elain's power will represent the two halves of the Cauldron; Nesta's power is death and destruction, and Elain's power will be life and creation. This aligns with various tales of Persephone, in which her own abilities revolved around life-giving (ie. necromancy), fertility and growth.
Hades and Persephone.
Evidently, the most famous stories of Persephone often involve her husband Hades - King of the Underworld.
Some may argue that Feyre and Rhys's story was already a Hades and Persephone retelling, but take it from SJM herself; in her (now deleted) Pinterest board for Elain, there were various images of Hades and Persephone art, as seen below:
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If Elain's story is also shaping up to be a Hades and Persephone retelling, then I believe it will be far more literal; Elain will quite literally become the ruler of the Underworld - the Queen of Hel.
Obviously this calls into question who Elain's Hades will be. I originally wrote this theory under the assumption that it will be Aidas; the 5th Prince of Hel. This is because Hades's other name is Aidoneus, or otherwise known as Aides. Additionally, SJM mentioned that she originally wrote an (unpublished) duology called "Hades," which was inspired by Greek and Roman mythology; evidently, this ties in much more with the mythology included in the Crescent City world (as all of the Princes of Hel, so far, are named after Greek mythological figures). Similarly, in SJM's Pinterest board for Crescent City (and more specifically, for Aidas and the Princes of Hel), there were again multiple Hades and Persephone (or related) images, as seen below:
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(And, perhaps it's a little cracked out, but I see some parallels emerging between the Cauldron "purring" for Elain, and Aidas's cat presence).
However, if that's not your cup of tea, then the great thing about this theory is that it works for all of the popular Elain ships:
Azriel: Most of us agree that Azriel is connected to Hel in some way (I myself have theorised that he is the 8th Prince of Hel, to match the 8 courts of Prythian). He has "ice cold" hands (just like the Princes of Hel), his shadow powers are very Hel-like, and his backstory is still shrouded in so much mystery. He could very well be the Hades of this theory.
Lucien: I firmly believe that the Princes of the Hel are the Valg. With this in mind, it is *very* interesting that Lucien has the power of light and fire, the two things the Valg (and the Princes of Hel) hate the most. Perhaps it'll be a spin on the Hades and Persephone myth, where Elain is taken to Hel, and Lucien will come to help rescue her.
But, to be honest, I don't want this theory to centre around shipping, nor do I want my account to isolate people based on certain ships. Instead, I want this theory to focus on Elain's own agency as a person, and how a story arc in Hel (and becoming their Queen), would be super bad ass.
Has Elain already made contact with Hel...?
Since being made fae, there have been occasions where Elain is a little out of it. In ACOWAR, she states that she is "always dreaming," and this dream-state is then described as a "murky realm."
But then in HOSAB, we learn that Apollion, the 7th Prince of Hel, makes contact with Hunt and Bryce in their sleep, he even tells Bryce that they are meeting in a "dream world" - an in-between sort of realm. Thus, does this suggest that the same thing is happening to Elain...?
It's also interesting that the Cauldron gifted Elain seer powers. However, in ACOWAR we see Elain track down the Suriel's location; this ability is near identical to the mystic powers we see in HOSAB. We also know that the mystics can be used to contact those in Hel...
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Elain's book.
If this theory is correct, it suggests that Elain's book will take place not in Prythian, but in Hel. I don't know about you guys, but I think that would be incredible (and I mean, considering that SJM universe readers have known of the Valg since 2012... actually seeing their world and what is going on, has been a long time coming).
Not only that, but it makes total sense from a narrative perspective. Most agree that Elain's story will involve facing Koschei, but Koschei's siblings (The Weaver and the Bone Carver) bled black blood, a turned the enemy soldier's into "husks" - thus, Koschei is likely Valg/connected to Hel. Most also agree that Elain's story will involve the Dusk Court (and it's Starborn inhabitants); but it is quite evident that the Starborn consists of those who have Valg powers (ie. shadow manipulation, mind speaking), or are connected to Hel (especially given how Aidas and Apollion are watching over Bryce). Thus, Elain going to Hel genuinely makes a lot of sense.
Most importantly, we know that Aidas and Apollion wanted Bryce to travel to Hel, as "Hel's armies" are ready for her. Evidently, Bryce was not able to achieve this.
But Elain can.
As of HOSAB, we know that the Asteri's true goal is to enter the ACOTAR world once more, and to "exact revenge." Imagine a scenario where this happens; that the Asteri and the Vanir of Crescent City are unleashed onto Prythian. When almost all hope is lost, a rift opens, and Elain emerges with Hel's armies; thousands upon thousands of Hel's warriors, and creatures of the night - bowing down to their Queen. BRO THAT'S GIVING ME CHILLS JUST TO TYPE. I cannot think of a single better thing that would be a huge "screw you" to every character (and reader!) that has underestimated what Elain is capable of.
Because, irrespective of the men and ships involved with Elain's story; Elain as Persephone, as the Queen of Hel - the most powerful world in existence, would be so damn epic.
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mortimerlatrice · 5 months
@chanbig tagged me for the top 10 songs I listen to most of my Playlist (@shou-jpeg also tagged me for 5 songs I actually listen to... I think this qualifies XD)
Found a website that pulls top tracks from the past 4 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months! All three have some good songs and I personally think more song recs are better than less SO you get all three:
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I think it's important to know that my Playlist is just a mass of every song that I've liked and haven't tired of listening to (because those get un-liked) and that I frequently play it in chronological order by add-date or on shuffle.
I am also attempting to make a crack-y music video with Strangers by Kenya Grace which I think is why it's sitting on top XD
[text playlists under the cut]
4 Weeks:
1. Strangers by Lenya Grace
2. Disco! in the Panic Room by Bug Hunter
3. Casual by Chappell Roan
4. My Kink is Karma by Chapell Roan
5. Die in the Disco by Night Club
6. Speeddance by Reptile Youth
7. HYACINTHUS by Aidoneus
8. Thunderous by Stray Kids
9. Ultralight by Oh Wonder
10. Soldier, Poet, King by Vinni Marchi
6 Months:
1. Strangers by Lenya Grace
2. Yes, to Err is Human, So Don't Be One. (Song) by Will Wood
3. golden retriever boy by KiNG MALA
4. Highway by Jeff Satur
5. she calls me daddy by KiNG MALA
6. Dum Dum by Jeff Satur
7. ก่อนที่เธอจะลืมฝัน by Jeff Satur
8. ซ่อน(ไม่)หา by Jeff Satur
9. Casual by Chappell Roan
10. Black Tie by Jeff Satur
12 Months:
1. Somebody I F*cked Once by Zolita
2. Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä
3. Gold Guns Girls by Metric
4. Stand by หล่อ by New Country นิวคันทรี่
5. In my Dreams by Besomorph, The Tech Thieves
6. Pretty Please by Jackson Wang, Galantis
7. Switch by AFROJACK, Jewlz & Sparks, Emmalyn
8. Dangerous by The Tech Thieves
9. Up All Night by The Tech Thieves
10. Daydream by The Tech Thieves
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"Who are you?! You do not carry human essence with you. Only the little one." The ghost voices sang to them in a language they didnt understand for a moment. Bjt then it suddenlt seemed to change when they inhaled more smoke and mist from the river. The noises and voices turned into words they could understand. The Tomura spoke to the half transperant forms in the water. "We are searching for the one that reigns these lands. We can both feel his presence." The beings in the water chuckled for a moment befpre they looked up to the two Naga. "You two are lookinh for Aidoneus? Does the King know you two?" One womanly voice asked them as a head poked out more from the crowd. Though as soon as she did the other's chuckled. "Says the one that didn't manage to get in his pants." "Oh wow, we all don't know him like you wished you would." "Yeah, as if he knows you." But the voices died down when Dabi spoke.
"Yes, he knows us. We are just here to visit some people. My mate wishes to spend some time with his beloved humans. They died tragically and now he just wishes to rest his mind and know that they are at peace." He explained and looked at the human like creatures. They paused for a moment before they disappeared into the water again, the two Gods looked at one another for a moment but then they heard more. A floating piece of wood was brought to them, carried to them by the figures in the water. They invited them on what they called a "navicula". It was basically a bowl like tree that floated on the water, carried by these water creatures. They didn't talk any more as they brought them to the other side of the lake. It took a while but the travel was smooth. Tomura took the time to relax and look at his little one. How peacefully they rested in his arms and he used the time to feed them fruits and give them the water that they had stored.
When they had reached the other side he smiled and thanked the creatures before he traveled with his mate further. He held the child in his arms as he could tell they had gotten closer to what they could tell was the main throne hall. Soon he and Dabi entered a big cave with what he saw that the cave turned into a hall. It qas decorated with big pillars and murals of what he assumed was Kai. The man was in a weird looking robe as well as what looked like a small crown and helmet. It was like combination as the crown had long spikes that looked really nice. When they walked further into the hall then Tomura froze up when he saw the stuck up bastard, but not just him. There was a floral scent along him.
The newest chapter is out now. Here is a little peak to the newest drama
Ya’ll start devouring and giving praise
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evermorehqs · 7 months
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Daimaō Bowser is based on King Koopa from Super Mario Movie. He is a 34 year old immortal turtle, florist, and uses he/him pronouns. He has the power of creating small balls of fire through his mouth. Daimaō is portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe and he is NPC.
Bowser could still remember that day like it’d been yesterday. The moment when the Mario’s brothers hit him with the star’s super power. Everything changed. He changed. Suddenly he wasn't King Koopa but a small turtle in a jar forever changed. The love he held for Princess Peach had been thrown out to the dirt cast out forever into the dirty mud. What was once pure and magical had been ruined by a bunch of good for nothing plumbers. Nothing could go worst than it already had until one day it did. Evermore found in an unusual body form, in an unusual town with unusual people. Stranger was the fact that he was working on a flower shop creating beautiful arrangements for weddings, dates and all the couple stuff. Gazing into the distance as he remembered his love Princess Peach while gently caressing a rose. Walking around town blowing tiny fire balls from his mouth with every huff and puff he made. His favorite past time was listening to John Cena's program every Tuesday and Thursday as he waxed on poetry about loved ones. Finding himself regularly calling asking for advice on what to do with his love Peach. He's been told plenty of times to stop calling, that he was delusional but Bowser knew Johnny was just kidding! They were the best of friends. Finding inspiration from John Bowser began a Podcast titled "Bowser's House of Love" that he puts out every other day. He has four listeners but he knows soon enough he'll get more, meanwhile he'll continue dreaming of Peach.
❀ John Cena: Bowser's delusional thinking John Cena and him are the best of friends. Sometimes Bowser sends flowers to the radio station where John's show is broadcasts. For some reason he always get's a return to sender must be because John is so modest. ❀ Persephone Kouris: Probably the only person that tells him to hang there but he isn't sure if she likes him. They work together at the flower shop and sometimes when he's talking about his sweet Peach she tells him he is delusional. He thinks she means it in a good way but maybe she just doesn't know what it means, after all there's nothing wrong with having illusions. ❀ Hades Aidoneus: Apparently he's not the only one that has a trick with fire? There's this Hades guy he's seen around the cemetery? That's so freaky, whatever he's going to challenge him to a fire off.
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