#lady things
liveandbreathemusicals · 11 months
Gay people will be like “this is my comfort show!” And then show you the most emotionally devastating, stress-inducing, tragic piece of media you have ever witnessed
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
not being able to find older bf!simon around the house and while you’re looking for him, you catch something out the window-
nearly all the women in your neighbourhood gathered at the end of your driveway
you come outside to investigate only to find them with their attention glued to the front of your car, it’s not till you walk around the front you find the lower half of simon sticking out from under it
on his back, knees bent, massive boots planted into the concrete, bare arm occasionally stretching out to find another tool
“you alright, si?”
you hear him grunt before he’s calling out to you
“yeah, i’m right sweet’art- sortin’ out that bit thas’ been givin’ y’grief”
breaking your gaze from his massive thighs flexing under his jeans, you scan back over the crowd that’d formed
all of them married, all of them a good ten years older than even he was- you couldn’t really blame them really, you had eyes
you could hear him shuffling out from under the car before he suddenly straightened to full height, wiping greasy hands on the front of his old-white-singlet
he pulled up the bottom of it to swipe his forehead and you think you heard someone gasp
wrapping a firm arm around you, he gives your backside a pat before he kisses the top of your head
“got t’keep y’safe, y’know?”
“thank you, baby- now be polite and say hello to your audience”
oblivious as ever to anything other than you, simon threw a look over his shoulder before he followed you back into the house
“oh, ‘ello ladies”
(someone throws a street barbecue and you force simon to talk to the other men around the burner and multiple husbands request him to start “doing that shit” in the garage with the door shut, please)
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softestaries · 4 months
Lady Danbury: is something going on between you and my brother?
Violet: remember that time you fucked my dad?
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podcastwizard · 1 year
"knight posting" this and "guard posting" that. i'm the princess's trusted handmaid who provides her advice and comfort in my soothing, low-class style. i am saying things like "if you don't mind me speaking out of turn, my lady..." and sharing fairy tales and lullabies my sad mother taught me. also i am fucking the jester.
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hansoeii · 3 months
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the doctor on their way to steal your heart
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nirivenova · 10 months
I forgot how uncomfortable pelvic exams were :/ glad I don't need another one for like 3 years or something
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ditzybat · 2 months
tim drake is the type of guy to drop random lore then walk away.
tim: ugh i hate baseball, it’s like, when you have to play it in order to save a whole planet once, every game after seem boring
dick: that’s not…
tim: only downside to that was how we almost totaled barts brand new spaceship
dick: what spaceship??
tim: oh, hi mom
shiva: hello timothy, how are you? still keeping up with your training i take it?
bruce: mother? she’s not your —
shiva: let’s spar then timothy, let’s leave it strictly non lasting injuries, i don’t rather feel like dying by your hand again today
tim: of course!! ^-^
bruce: again?
tim: man i forgot to take my meds again
duke: your meds for what?
tim: i have no spleen, so i have to take probiotics, it really is manageable but i dont know where those pills went
duke: i’m almost scared to ask, tim, how did you lose your spleen?
tim: weird spider dude, it was a whole thing
tim: you talk a lot of shit for someone who got replaced as heir to your immortal grandfathers empire by me
damian: you what!?
tim: i regularly beat his ass at online chess every week too, and i don’t think you’ve seen him since he stole your corpse
tim: here
jason: what’s this?
tim: a box of all the photos i took when i obsessively stalked you for your entire tenure as robin
jason: thanks?
tim: you’re welcome, bye!
jason: … creepy ass kid…
steph: so how did you to get together?
bernard: well —
tim: i saved him from a getting cut open by chaos monster cult members
bernard: yep, i was rescued from being a vessel for a greek god, and we just really clicked afterwards
steph: well, it’s better than the brick
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
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Jump Scared by your Mostly, Not Quite Dead Mom.
Episode 53 Part 35 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
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There's mourning my loss and then there's THIS mess.
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MY Mayura, my beloved~
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And my little Sentirobot, Choline! (named after Succinylcholine) Her mouth is a little projection~! Also, in case you're wondering, yes, I'm rewriting that all Peacock users can only have one (1) Sentimonster at a time. Seems like a weird limit to put only on the Peacock (and maybe Butterfly) when all the other heroes can unlock limitless uses when they reach the arbitrary goal of "adulthood". As a grown up, Nathalie gets to make multi-monsters. As a treat.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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part 1
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canisalbus · 5 months
*carefully picks you up and peeks into your conch snail shell*
Ehm... Sorry to bother, but... Could we, maybe, possibly... see Vasco's wife and her lover pictured by your hand? Sorry again, thank you for listening. Take care.
*delicately lays you back into the water to prevent any stress or dehydration*
Unfortunately I don't have her lover figured out yet, but I think Ludovica looks something like this:
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patroclusdefencesquad · 3 months
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what the fuck is this show
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yrsonpurpose · 2 months
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jane & guildford + soft touches
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laurasbailey · 1 year
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BAFTA Award winner Laura Bailey loves a dramatic, perfectly-timed gay pause
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
Welcome to the great donkey contest of 2024
I must confess that I, once again, forgot the date of the yearly donkey contest, so I had to leave early (I had a restaurant reservation in another town) and have no idea what was the jury's verdict on each of these donkeys. Therefore, you are the jury. It will be heartbreaking, but I will ask you to vote at the end of the post, setting aside the known fact that all donkeys are the best donkey.
There were Poitou donkeys, Berry donkeys, Bourbonnais donkeys, Provence donkeys, Andalusian donkeys, and common donkeys who seemed to have no distinguishing features other than being acceptably donkey-shaped. I can't possibly post all my photos, so I have chosen 4 noteworthy contestants (or 3 and half, one is very small) for you to vote on. I'll add that I only stayed long enough to watch 2 donkeys demonstrate their skills, so in a spirit of fairness I will not mention anyone's job. You won't be voting based on how good they are doing their specific donkey job but on how good they are at being a donkey.
Donkey #1 — CHEWBACCA.
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Chewbacca is big, and he has ears. These are his most salient characteristics. Each one of his ears looks like a separate fluffy ferret-sized mammal attached to his head, gently twitching or napping. Chewbacca's hooves are the diameter of a medium pizza and he looks very formidable but he is extremely kind. I know the most pressing question is "Can I scritch Chewbacca's ears?" and the answer is yes, but then he will immediately appoint you ear-scritcher in chief and will look very sad when you walk away to meet other donkeys.
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Chewbacca's ears on their own could be enough to let him win Hairiest Donkey in any contest—but he is mixed breed, and there were purebred baudets du Poitou in attendance. Their entire identity is "the hairy one", and giving the Hairiest trophy to another donkey would result in massive spread of existentialism among Poitou donkeys.
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(He is not a contestant, as I didn't have time to get a good aperçu of his personality.)
(Same for this shiny black donkey, pictured here canoodling with a Poitou lady—unfortunately I don't have photos of him in motion, but believe me when I say he was the glossiest donkey I've ever seen. When walking or trotting he shone in the sun like a freshly-polished dress shoe.)
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Back to our contest.
Donkey #2 — UGOLIN.
Ugolin (who seems to go by "Glin") is a shaggy, gangly teenage boy whose main characteristic is being utterly love-starved. Left unattended, Ugolin would wander about the donkey contest, stopping in front of every child or adult he encountered, hoping someone would love him.
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I was initially the only human Ugolin did not want cuddles from, because he was scared of Pandolf and seemed to think of me as his minion. Then I tied Pandolf to a tree and crouched down a few metres away from Glin, unsure if I had a chance now—and after hesitating for about 2 seconds he came over to kiss my forehead. My friend was so touched by this moment that she (somehow) got her phone to turn her photo into an impressionist painting.
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"Can I scritch Glin's ears?" Yes. He is desperate for someone to pet his ears.
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Donkey #3
—no, sorry, it's Ugolin again. It's very hard to get rid of him.
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Donkey #3 — THE BABY.
The baby has no name. The baby has no skills. The baby is not good at anything other than being tiny enough to walk under her mum's belly. In the absence of any other qualifications she was happy to show off what is possibly the most low-effort limbo dance in the world.
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"Can I scritch the baby's ears?" No. Big point against her, here. She will, however, come over if you say "awww le petit ânon <3" and let you pet her tiny nose. (More nose photos in this post if you missed it)
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Donkey #ah no wait here's Ugolin again
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He actually overcame his intense fear of Pandolf to come trap us in his forcefield of infinite neediness! I'm proud of him.
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Donkey #4 — MYRTILLE.
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Myrtille is in her mid-thirties, and did not come to the donkey fair to demonstrate any particular skills or be admired by us, but because she likes to meet new donkeys. She was not tethered to the rope and yet did not wander around to mingle with humans like other untied donkeys did; she shuffled from one end of the rope to the other like a friendly pensioner at a continental breakfast buffet, making small talk with everyone. It was hard to approach Myrtille (as a human) without feeling like a third wheel.
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I don't mean to gossip, but she spent quite a while flirting with the glossy black donkey.
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I love her. She's my favourite. I was not able to pet her or take a good close-up photo of her but that's okay. Myrtille is like a tempting rollercoaster at an amusement park that you are barred from by the sign that says "You must have ears THIS long to go any farther." I wish her only good things.
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libraford · 1 month
Like... when I'm pointing out that a recipe image is AI, the purpose is not to shame them for posting AI, because even people who are familiar with the tells will sometimes fall for it.
I want you to have reasonable expectations about your food.
Because when I see this:
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I remember this:
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Which was a full decade prior to AI-based misinformation, and just how many people were pissed off that the Pinterest post misled them.
And even more-working in a craft store during the Pinterest heyday:
"We want to make this." Shows a picture of:
-a marimo moss ball terrarium in a light bulb.
-a resin-treated natural wooden shelf with glow in the dark resin in the cracks
-a really complex diorama made using museum grade resin and hand-painted figures by a miniatures artist
...to name a few.
"I'm sorry, but we do not carry (unfinished wood pieces, light reactive resin powders, live marimo moss balls, museum grade resin). Is there a tutorial attached with a materials list? No? I'm sorry, we don't have those. You can make something like this with what we have, but it won't turn out the same as in the photo. You want it exactly like the photo? I'm sorry, we can't special order these items, they're not featured on our list of vendors. I'm sorry, no, I don't know where to get them. Oh, you want me to walk you through the steps of making it since there's no tutorial? I can really only guess, but it looks like... oh, you want someone who knows for sure? I'm sorry, but no one here is terribly familiar with the process. You might see if you can reverse image search and find the source of the image. You say you want to speak to my manager? You say I'm being rude to you? You say I should be going out of my way to make you happy? You say you'll leave a 1 star review?..."
If you ask a bartender to make you the 'celestial milkshake' and show them the photo, they are going to go through the same course that I just went through, but with mixology. They are going to explain that cotton candy dissolves when put in liquid, that edible glitter doesn't look like that, that the liquers listed in the recipe don't interact well, and that the image you have given them is essentially concept art by someone who has never even worn an apron.
Having reasonable expectations for your food is not by any means shaming you for falling for AI. It is saving you the embarrassment and them the frustration.
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tipytap · 7 months
tmagp is one of my fsvorite examples of “characters don’t know what genre theyre in”. Sam hears a case about the magnus institute where someone explored it and saw The Horrors and then went “Lets go explore the magnus institute!!!” He’s filling out the creepy paperwork. and laughing about said creepy paperwork. he got a mysterious email with nothing but an address and names and just WENT. Sam this is how you get eaten.
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