poppitron360 · 5 months
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I’m sorry but their “Reluctant Besties” dynamic is just too cute I had to draw them-
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Devil May Cry + Lady in Devil May Cry 4 & Devil May Cry 5
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penguinparty88 · 1 year
Clarissa: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant.
Emma, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you.
Leonora, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please.
Emma: Coming right up.
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rain-day-today · 4 months
This is so so dumb but here me out
Natsu and gray entering a costume contest together
Everyone thinks that they did it because of Erza or something , and that their entry gonna be some half baked random apart duo.
They walk in
Full on crossdressed (and crossdressed well might I add) . like Cancer magic long hair, fake boobs (the things are actually real they just pushed up their man titties), the whole shabang and then some
as Starfire and Blackfire
Natsu & Starfire =pink hair + green eyes + FIRE + childish feisty personality
Gray & Blackfire = black hair + dark (violet/black?) eyes + siblings rivalry + sarcastic personality
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musewrangler · 4 months
He was down the ladder with practised speed and running for the place he’d last seen Piett. There were too many bodies, flung about as though by the hand of a tempermental giant.
Veers swallowed the bile as he breathed in the powerful scent of ozone and copper and raw meat.
Please, please, please…
He forced himself not to look at broken bodies far too small to be in the midst of a conflict like this. He tuned out cries and shrieks of agony and loss.
Because he’d just spotted a dust covered Imperial boot—-a boot that moved, thank the Force .
The General dropped to his knees and began to heave at the debris covering his friend. Moments later, Havell joined him, blood trickling from a gash in his cheek and more relief coursed through Veers.
With the big Sergeant’s brawn added to the effort, they freed Piett in no time.
He was wheezing and struggling for breath not only because he’d been flung under the rubble, but also because the back of his cuirass was dented impressively.
“Get a medic over here!” Veers ordered. “Piett. Firmus . Where are you hurt?”
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illyrilex · 1 year
KOFtober prompt at the Bad Place: Friendship
King and Mary’s bromance, past and present
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kale-theteaqueen · 11 months
✨ A03 Master List ✨
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The Masterlist is getting a bit long so I've decided to split off my appreciation week posts! Click the links indicated for those below.
✨ A Court of Thorns and Roses ✨
Lady Death and Her Kingdom -- Nessian in which Nesta sees the dead, multichapter fic, ongoing
And Now She Becomes Death -- Nessian, in which Hybern revenge kidnaps Nesta for beheading the king, multichapter fic, ongoing.
To Pay a Debt --Nessian, in which Nesta leaves Velaris after seeing that she hasn't been included in Feyre's paintings, but her mother has, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Whole Truth -- Nessian, in which Elain reveals that their father sold Nesta multiple times when they lived in the cabin, multi chapter fic, ongoing.
Burning From the Inside Out -- Nessian, in which it is revealed that Nesta has chronic pain/illness, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Hike, Alternatively -- Nessian, alternative take on the hike, in which Nesta attempts suicide, multichapter fic, completed.
Of Death and Resurrection, Nessian/Rhysta Brotp, in which Nesta sacrifices her life to save Feyre, but can't be fully killed due to her power, thus requiring Rhys to go into her mind to save her, multi chapter fic.
Of Open Wounds and Retribution, Nessian, set in the ODaR-verse in which Nesta meets Tomas Mandray at a peace summit between humans and fae, and the family discovers what he did to her, two shot, completed.
The Consequences of Normality, Nessian, in which Nesta tries to conform to IC expectations post-ACOSF, and Cassian realizes that he prioritizes them over her, three shot, completed.
Like Fire, She Raged -- Nessian (ish), In which Emerie calls out the IC for their treatment of Nesta/treatment of Illyrian females, two-shot, completed.
Three Little Words -- Nessian, in which Nesta asks Cassian if he loves her, because he didn't say it during ACOSF, one shot, completed.
Modern AUs
The Humble Art of Gift Giving -- Gift for ACOTAR Secret Santa, in which Nesta takes gift giving very, very seriously, and Cassian loves her all the more for it. One shot, completed.
Of Shadows and Light, Gwynriel, a sequel to Of Death and Resurrection that follows the development of Azriel and Gwyn's relationship, multi chapter fic, completed.
Character Appreciation Weeks
Nesta Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
Cassian Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
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firawren · 8 months
Austen brOTPs
I did polls for best and worst Austen sibling duos, so how about the non-sibling and non-romantic duos?
Again, please vote by book depiction, not movies.
In alphabetical order by last name for fairness, so read the whole list first before you vote!
I have a silly version of this poll with inanimate objects and concepts that you should vote in too!
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kenny for the ask meme 🧡
Fantastic. Let's get the most important one out of the way🧡🧡 The silliest little booger🫶🫶🫶
Favorite thing about them:
Two things; his unwavering kindness and his immortality.
I love how kind and sweet and charitable he has remained despite, or maybe because of, all the horrors that he's been through. He could've become a cynical asshole and I wouldn't blame him, but instead he dedicated his time caring for his sister, become a symbol of hope for South Park and become a philanthropist once he became rich enough to afford it.
His immortality is just a dope fucking concept and I have so many different AUs and stories in progress where it's the centered topic. It just fascinates me i love it
Least favorite thing about them:
Literally nothing. I love all his ugly ass booger attributes. Even his stupid ass hair dryer side profile. Maybe I hate that he doesn't have enough episodes where he's the main character
Favorite Line:
"Yeah, people don't even care if shit's dumped everywhere. Everyone just loves technology."
"Sometimes, people do stupid things. Sometimes they don't realize what should have come first. Until it's too late."
(Sorry I couldn't pick just one. He's my favorite little guy.)
Kenny & Kyle >:))) their friendship is SO unexplored even though they have so much canon potential. The fact that Kenny went to Kyle to get his help as Mysterion "because I think you are the smartest kid in class" is so telling for how much he respects Kyle. Then also that Kyle is the one to initiate Kenny's cheesing intervention in the major boobage episode speaks for how Kyle cares for him. And the "I can't die" "It's not pretty cool, Kyle, it fucking hurts!" conversation is so juicy and full of interesting conflict potential. Maybe that's why K2 are the dynamic that receives arguably the most attention in my fic🫶
Also Kenny & Tweek. SO MUCH untapped potential in that dynamic.
And Kenny & Cartman!!! They're such interesting foils in every way, the "fat ugly mean kid and the detached loner poor kid", both the poorest kids at their schools and both with a fascinating dynamic with Butters. They're best friends and rivals, they're each other's biggest haters and somehow have a soft spot for each other too.
Kenny and Butters. I'm not gonna elaborate because I'd be sitting here all day but if I could summarize it I'd point you to Mysterion vs Chaos, the fact that Paladin Butters had a canon crush on princess Kenny in TSOT, their canon sugar daddy/baby dynamic in post covid when Butters literally scammed everyone else in his path, and the fact that I love tragic characters finding joy and wonder in each other.
Can't really say any bc Kenny has interesting dynamics with everyone lol but if I have to name popular romantic ships that I just don't see I'd name Crenny and Stenny shjshsk SORRY
Random Headcanon:
He loves food and eats FAST like a starving animal (licking his fingers afterwards and everything) he's not exactly the kid your mom would love for his dinner table manners
Unpopular Opinion:
He isn't suave or handsome. IRKS me when he's a big ladies' man in fics. He's stinky and not an overly smooth flirt; any attention he gets from girls is because he's genuinely kind and sweet
Song I associate with them:
Favorite Picture of Them:
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He's such a wannabe mysterious little fucker
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bisexual-queenie · 1 year
Could you please post some Mha Pro Heroes head canons. By pros I mean the current pros.
Of course! Im super happy I got this ask!
(Trigger warning: A very small mention of a cult, but its not explicit)
All of nationality headcannons:
Mic: Half Japanese Half Italian
Edgeshot: Half Japanese Half Thai
Nighteye: Half Japanese Half Vietnamese
Miruko: Half Japanese Half Dominican
Mount Lady: Half Japanese Half Swedish
Present Mic, Edgeshot, and Nighteye are neurodivergent (ADHD, ADD, and Autistic respectively).
The Lurkers have a groupchat that was supposed to be for professional uses only, however it soon became so much more chaotic in a matter of minutes. People think Edgeshot, being the leader and all, created it, but it was actually Kamui (bless his heart by thinking it was gonna be professional). Edgeshot and Mount Lady quickly filled the chat with as much chaos as they could muster in 5 minutes.
Present Mic remembers every pro hero’s birthday, and you bet your ass he throws them the most spectacular birthday party ever (and by spectacular I mean the party fits what that hero is most comfortable with. If the hero in question doesn’t like huge elaborate parties, the party is more quiet and private. If the hero is a known party animal, then the room quickly becomes an elaborate house party)
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu know how to professionally throat sing. (Listen to “Genesis” by Otyken as a reference thats where I got this one lmao)
Some headconnons regarding pronouns and sexuality! (Please note these are no way cannon whatsoever, but rather something my brain think about a lot)
All Might: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi)
Eraserhead: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay)
Present Mic: Genderfluid — He/She/They (Bi)
Midnight: AFAB NB — She/They (Pan)
Ingenium (Tensei): AMAB NB — He/They (Bi)
Nighteye: Trans Man — He/Him (Gay)
Mount Lady: Cis Female — She/Her (Bi)
Kamui Woods: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight but such a wonderful ally. Would definitely hand out water at pride parades)
Edgeshot: AFAB NB — They/Them (Pan)
Best Jeanist: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay) (But like, he still could care less about gender, he identifies as a cis guy but trancends gender at the same time, y’know?)
Gang Orca: AMAB NB —They/Them (Gay) (In his words: “Orcas dont need genders”)
Miruko: Cis Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
Hawks: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi) (Never really put much thought into his identity, but is a huge supporter if everyone else in his usual nonchalant way)
Endeavor: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight) (I wholeheartedly think he doesn’t really understand, and thinks he is trying, but sometimes doesn’t show correctly, you know what I mean?)
Fat Gum: Cis Male —He/Him (Straight Ally all the way! He’s the one parading everyone around at pride event, wearing pride merch and making food for everyone)
Ryukyuu: Trans Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
(Please tell me if I used the correct terminology or not)
Nighteye can play the piano like a pro.
Present Mic loves playing the acoustic guitar. Hes THAT guy at a campfire.
While there is the obvious romatic relationships I adore (Erasermic, Edgejeanist, Nightmight, Kamui x Mount Lady, etc.), there are so many cute scenarios for platonic relationships
Eraserhead and Edgeshot being frenemies but caring for eachother so dearly.
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu BROTP
Gang Orca thinking they are the third wheel for Edgejeanist, but little do they know they consider them to be their “third”.
Lurkers being super close with one another
All Might caring for every pro hero like a mother hen
Nighteye and Midnight having gossip sessions
Miruko and Hawks BROTP #2
Ok, possibly the weirdest one yet: Yoroi Musha (the elderly hero, former number 9 hero) is Edgeshot’s adopted dad. (I saw it in a fic once and fell in love with it).
- The story (in my head) goes that Edgeshot was born and raised in a cult in rural Japan, and then one day when they were like 10 the comune gets raided after a tip was given, and Yoroi Musha led the raid. His eyes fell into a young, malnourished, and terrified Edgeshot and was like “they’re my child now” (This is the super simplified version, and Im super intrested in writing this!)
All Might considers Gran Torino to be his father figure. As a result, Nighteye considered him to be his father in law. Gran Torino wishes he can deny this, but at this point he cannot.
Last but not least! Eri, once she gets comfortable enough, considers every pro hero to be her aunt/uncle/somewhere in between.
Thank you @dragonspiritxx for the wonderful ask! I hope you like this!
Hopefully everyone else will to! I haven’t posted anything MHA related since I graduated high school back in May and started college as well, so Im glad Im back in the groove!
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sotwk · 6 months
SotWK's Fic Trope Rankings
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Thank you so much for tagging me, @thatonetimetraveller! <3 I was hoping to get invited to this--it's a fun game and gives useful info at the same time! :)
I ranked these tropes as a writer, so while these preferences may also influence fics I prefer to read, it doesn't necessarily mean I will never read tropes I don't write. :)
I would like to give honorable mention to two tropes (are they tropes?) I wish were included because I LOVE them so much:
Caught in the rain (aka Wet Blorbo)
What might make me different from other fic writers (as far as I've seen in my orbit), is that Family, Platonic, and Married Relationships are especially dear to my heart. I'm a mom, a wife, and I grew up in a large family, so that carries into my stories. The only reason I haven't written more of them is because I've been too busy chasing what is "popular".
I am definitely not the writer to go to for Smut, AUs, or things that stray too far out of Tolkien canon. It's just not in my wheelhouse. (I don't even really know what ABO or Bang or Die means, haha.)
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Link to Game
Tagging: @hobbitwrangler @emyn-arnens @scyllas-revenge @minaturefics @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @emmanuellececchi @tamurilofrivendell @firelightinferno @lathalea @heilith @quillofspirit @laurfilijames @cycas @erathene @lady-of-imladris @stormchaser819
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Miss Pauling for the ask game 👀?
favorite thing about them She's just adorable I think her design is really really cute. I love "little lady who kills people" as a trope and the kind of "geekiness" she brings to it is so fun
least favorite thing about them I don't like how she isn't allowed to be friends with any other women :( it's just misogynistic character writing, I think she should have some kind of positive relationship with another woman at some point, even if it's just a friendship and not a romantic thing
favorite line The one where she's like Saddle! Engie, saddle 'em! Saddle 'em up!
brOTP I really really really think she and Sniper hanging out is so funny. Her hanging out with any of the mercs is funny but I think she'd jibe especially well with Sniper, who also likes guns and is weird socially and in my heart of hearts is also kind of a nerd (in a very 1960s prog rock and acid sort of way)
OTP She should fuck that old Administrator
nOTP Scoutpauling but yall knew that already
random headcanon This is a weird choice for this one but to me she's in her mid-thirties. She's definitely older than Scout to me, older than Sniper, maybe about Demo's age
unpopular opinion Idk I have a lot of them I feel like? I don't like her and Scout but I also don't like her and Zhanna. I think she would be Attracted to Zhanna but not pursue her romantically, and Zhanna would sacrifice her in a heartbeat before the group even really needs to resort to cannibalism so it just wouldn't work out
song i associate with them Hmm...... she kind of has I Monster - Back Seat of My Car (Sticky Black Vinyl Mix) energy. Don't question my vision
favorite picture of them
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I love her in this whole comic in general but especially as she's hiding bodies. She's just so cute
[ID: Two panels from the Meet the Director comic of Pauling on the phone with Admin, one where she is hefting up a bag of Mann Co. "corpse-grade quicklime" and the other where she is loading bullets into a revolver. End ID]
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funishment-time · 4 months
For the ask thing (if it's still going), can I ask for Korekiyo?
always willing to do more of these! it's always open!
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korkin it up in korktown
(tw: all things to do with Kork. you know the drill)
Sexuality Headcanon: this is...difficult. because of the Horrors. but in a world where he exists without his Sister in the background, i think he'd be pansexual. while his Love Hotel is...augh, it does give us some insight about him, and it seems like he's fully in control of his mind there. he at least likes guys sexually imo. further, other non-horrific interactions with Shuichi feel quite flirtatious...so he's a boy-liker for sure. at the same time, he did, uh, have a thing with his own Sister. so women are not off the table either, it seems? just hopefully...you know...ones he's not related to. all in all, i don't think Gender in a partner matters to him. humans is humans
Gender Headcanon: again, hard to know because of the Horrors. but again, without Sister Korkette's influence, i still think he'd be the slightly genderqueer goth king we all stan. you'd never really know his gender identity, but he could tell you everything about Alternate Genders around the world
A ship I have with said character: i kind-of think Shuichi x Korekiyo is cute. they both seem quite taken in by each other in the FTs
A BROTP I have with said character: if you haven't played UTDP or Summer Camp you are missing out on the absolutely adorable subtlety of the friendship he has with Syojack. it is Hilarious. she doesn't think he's cute and he doesn't think she'd be a good friend for his sister and they have a Disgusting Mutual Respect. he calls her "little lady" once. bless
A NOTP I have with said character: i don't think this needs to be said. i think we all know the NOTP
A random headcanon: even in a world without Sister Korkette he'd have a genuinely maternal/paternal side. i get the Vibe that he's quite nonjudgemental and sincerely loves humans. just...the Horrors. as has been previously stated
General Opinion over said character: 🧵/10 korkmanity is beautiful
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
Sans Undertale.
the funny one. blue guy. skeleton dude. if u please
favorite thing about them: god how to choose. i love how contradictory he is. i love how much he blends into the background and has a net zero relevance on the game's story, and yet he sticks out like a sore thumb, both thematically and tonally. the judgement spiel makes him the direct deliverer of a core game mechanic, and yet he's... such an outsider about it. i love how morally grey he is. a resonance hybrid between a painfully selfless good man and a self serving bastard. he's the depressed nihilistic man. he is his girlfriend's manic pixie dream girl. he is just some guy. he is the last barrier against universal annihilation. he serves cunt (but only once). he parallels flowey in his refusal to engage the narrative, but whereas the narrative starts orbiting flowey instead, sans condems himself as the audience to the player's actions. #finalgirl. also it's still a theory, but if the otherworld stuff is ever confirmed ingame that will make him the most video game character of all fucking time. hands down. no competitors.
least favorite thing about them: every morning i wake up and i stare in the mirror and i ask myself "do i wanna fuck sans undertale??" and i hesitate. and well i could do without that kind of pressure
favorite line: "that's a promise" "besides. chances are... i've already tried to steer you in the right direction. so what can i say? what can i say that will change the mind of a being like you...?"
brOTP: i like whatever he and grillby got going on. that barman/regular comradery, the mood of the bar late at night and being the only client left. the silent vulnerability of it. it's all hypothetical since grillby doesn't really Have much of a presence in the game, but they obviously get along well. alphys too, what a pair of nerds. oh my god i didn't mention papyrus. oh well, they don't feel like a brotp tbh, it's like. they're halves of the same coin. sans inevitably implies papyrus in my mind, and vice versa. do NOT separate them.
OTP: do you have to fucking ask
nOTO: you know people usually put stuff like incest or age gap ships here because they make them understandably uncomfortable, but if there's a ""ship"" that i violently HATE re:sans it's. whenever they make him and toriel a mother-son dynamic. i am not talking about platonic or qpr soriel, i love those as well, they are besties first and lovers maybe, i mean SPECIFICALLY the take that she's his mother. no the fuck she's not. infantilization of sans and mommyification of toriel aside, that's the entire point of their friendship she is NOT his mother. they're on the same level, he is literally the first person she's gone eye to eye with as an equal in her centuries of isolation and THAT is what helps her snap out of her cycle. she is not his superior, he is not her protège. it grosses me out so much.
random headcanon: half decent singer, but hates to sing in public unless he's being a clown on purpose. used to sing papyrus to sleep as a baby. that's a pretty standard hc though, uhhhh.... he hates drinking. though he's surprisingly knowledgeable about corks, for some reason.
unpopular opinion: abby i'm so sorry i know u like it & i 🤝 about it in some cases ex: specific fics we both like, but he does NOT canonically have 1HP outside of a genocide battle. and i'd really appreciate it if people stopped pushing that hc on everyone else.
song i associate with them: Pinch me by the Barenaked Ladies, and If I Ever Feel Better by Phoenix. helplessness but silly and helplessness but funky. v sans songs
favorite picture of them:
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heart eyes motherfucker
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dante-winning-archive · 6 months
favorite thing: It's hard to choose, but I think what initially attracted me to him is that despite everything he's been through, he's a good dude. Like in the anime, there were times where it seemed like Dante wouldn't help someone, but in the end he'd do what they needed him for.
least favorite thing: the implication that he was gonna kill Vergil or die trying, forever leaving Nero in the dark. I understand why, but still...
favorite line: "He's your father!" It's really the delivery of the line that puts it at the top of my list.
brOTP: Lady and Dante are ride-or-die besties in my heart.
OTP: me and Dante. I really don't ship him with anyone.
nOTP: with Vergil and/or Nero
random headcanon: he likes pineapple on pizza
unpopular opinion: he likes pineapple on pizza
song I associate with them: RAM RANCH
favorite picture of them: look at the way he has to bend his knees to put her down. It's so cute.
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spidermanifested · 1 month
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@canirim clapping my hands okay Mei Paninya Scar. Lets Go
sexuality headcanon: Baby Bi. i think that she does not yet know that girls are also a viable romantic option but if she realized she would be over the moon about it. transfem al is a fun concept and i think if that happened she would go all in on the new fantasy of BEING SWEPT OFF HER FEET BY A BEAUTIFUL LADY KNIGHT
gender headcanon: once again i dont have anything too spectacular. shes gods specialest princess and shes never going to die
a ship i have with said character: her and al are pretty cute i guess although im not hyper invested in them
a brotp i have with said character: her and scar are literally everything. she shoupd have been allowed to kill people for disrespecting him on screen
a notp i have with said character: have not seen any mei ships aside from al/mei honestly? Which i mean is. for the best given this fandoms track record
a random headcanon: i envision that part of the reason shes so comfortable adopting random middle aged men is that she was largely raised by her mothers extended family after said mother died in childbirth. her clan is very tight-knit anyway and she's never had a reason Not to trust the adults around her, they all treat her like their own daughter which both gives her a very optimistic view of people in general and also leaves her feeling that deep sense of obligation to return the favor somehow. she knows all their lives are resting on her shoulders and THEY know its fucked up to be relying on a child for something like that but also they dont have much of an alternative. theyre all just trying to do the best they can. I Thinnk About This A Lot
general opinion over said character: mei chang i would kill the sun for you
sexuality headcanon: Romantically Inexperienced Awkward Teenage Lesbian
gender headcanon: i think when she grows up she should get butcher. not the profession. theres too many of thosr in fma already
a ship i have with said character: winry/paninya is really cute....... and honestly i liked their interactions in 03 better than the manga or brotherhood, they should get to be partners in crime and do stupid shit together. wish we got to see more of them hanging out in rush valley
a brotp i have with said character: i like that her and garfiel are buddies
a notp i have with said character: ???
a random headcanon: i fully believe the only reason she had the guns put in her legs was because she thougjt it would be cool. she convinced dominic on grounds of self defense but she absolutely was just thinking wouldnt it be sick if my knees had guns in them
General Opinion over said character: she has such a fun personality and design and i wish, so hard her storyline was different. its agonizing to watch her episode seeing her go yeah so i lost my whole family and home and also my legs in an incredibly traumatizing childhood accident and then an adult man kidnapped me off the street and forced me to undergo painful invasive surgical procedures against my will. But like i can walk again so it was pretty great of him actually and i can only hope to repay his generosity someday. Girl you do not need a random stranger chastising you for stealing from rich tourists. you need therapy to come to terms with the fact that uour right to bodily autonomy was infringed upon,
sexuality headcanon: could be gay could be bi i dont really have him pinned down as anything but "very repressed". i dont think hes ever been in a relationship, hes always seemed to have way bigger priorities, but with him i dont feel like that translates to "UNINTERESTED in relationships" because of how much of his character revolves around denying himself comfort and identity. i think if somebody kissed him he would cry
gender headcanon: i dont think hed describe himself as anything besides a man if you asked him, but i also think his experience of gender is also one of those things that got a little foggy and disconnected along with the other identity related baggage. Gender: A Necessary Violence and the Only Means to Achieve It. whatever pride flag goes with that one
a ship i have with said character: still championing my scar/greed agenda
a brotp i have with said character: aside from him and mei, his relationship with his brother is very interesting to me and i like to stir around all the complicated feelings he has to have about that guy in the soup of my mind
a notp i have with said character: ive seen him get shipped with olivier sometimes. Dont really like that one i must say
a random headcanon: when he was a teenager he used to privately write poetry and then got really embarrassed about its perceived amateurish shortcomings and stopped forever
general opinion over said character: the single most interesting and layered character in the whole series honestly and once again i wish we didnt take That Direction with him towards the end. all his thoughts and feelings are so tangled up, i love the way he cant seem to help but attract community and compassion despite how hard he tries to shake it off, whatever he thinks of himself hes still at his core an incredibly kind person clinging to a reason to survive. Save me mr xbox logo
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