#last time someone fucked me with sh shit all-over my body it was horrible i hate when people pity me and treat me like glass
honeyed-disgraceful · 2 years
The balcony is 2here I go be insane and procrastinate
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dinogoofy · 3 years
Erron black/F! Reader
Old friend.
This one took a little bit, sorry if it's not quite as quality as my other fics!
MAJOR TW for Guns, threats, and Kano being a dick to precious puppies.
You and Erron black had grown up together. Two kids brought closer by horrible lives. Sharing the scraps of food you had with each other. Ranting about awful parents, ranting about school. In your teenage years, you were the one to patch him up after fights. He was the one to beat the shit out of your bullies. The two of you hated that town and everyone in it. You used to think the two of you would stay as thick as thieves forever. Your paths only split when you wanted to live a normal life. Live the peaceful, country way you had seen so many others do, but never grew up with yourself. Erron, however, only wanted money, glory. He wanted to take the back roads and do all the things normal folks wouldn't dare to get his fill. 
You didn't understand his choice to be a mercenary, but it wasn't your choice to make for him. Whatever life he wanted to have was good enough for you as long as he made it out of that shitty town. He didn't contact you much. He only really showed up on your doorstep when he was dying and needed someone to patch him up. But at least he was coming to see you, right? 
With a sigh you stepped into your little country home, smiling slightly at the immediate sounds of your fur babies running to meet you. A blur of orange fur rushing to thread between your legs and trip you, while your sweet pound mutt waited patiently for you to set your keys on the key rack. 
"Hey boys." Chester meowed at you rather loudly, only to take off when you leaned down to pet him. The crazy feline darting under Archie's body as he happily waited for his own pets. It was easy to smile at the warm welcome, immediately a little more relaxed after finally getting home. You stretched at the door, setting your bag down to head into the kitchen.
The first thing you settled on was giving your boys their long-awaited scoops of food, both of them sat down neatly next to each other. Only Archie waited for your go-ahead, Chester already digging in by the time you gave him a laughing "Ok, Archie." 
You patted your mutt before taking some leftovers out, eyes catching on the printed photo of you and Erron from senior year. It's been a few months since last he came to visit. The thought made you a little sad. But the memory of the photo gave you a nostalgic, happy feeling. With an arm slung around his shoulders, and a goofy look on your face, Erron was the complete opposite of you. The goof pretended to be annoyed at your antics, but you could see the slight smile at the corner of his lips.
"Come on! Just one photo. It's not like it's going to kill you, Erron."
"It's not going to kill me, no. But I might end up killing you."
"Pfft- yeah right."
Your smile grew a bit wider. You sat down at the table alone as you finished your dinner. Erron had always been a strange one. Always tough, trying to be unfeeling. Not wanting anyone to be close. Not wanting any affection besides the one-night stands and the women he infatuated. Always the one to flirt, but never with you.
No. Not ever with you. You smirked. He always acted differently around you. More nervous, more fidgety. You'd been in love with him since before you even knew what love truly was. And you had known for years that he loved you back. You had just been waiting for him to admit it. You'd scoffed at yourself time and time again for not making the first move, but Erron wasn't ready for that. You didn't think he was, at least. You just wished he had gotten therapy like you had asked him to.
The scraping of your fork against your plate was your only indication that you had finished eating, you definitely spaced out a bit. You always did when you thought of Erron. Maybe he would visit soon. Maybe you should stop thinking that to make yourself feel better. 
The plate clicked lightly against the floor when you set it down for Archie to lick before you set it in the sink. By the time you turned off all the lights and headed to bed Chester was already asleep on your pillow, Archie curled up in his own bed next to the nightstand. You moved the orange tabby slightly to the side so you could lay down, and he yelled in protest the way that annoyed kitties do. It was easy to slip into a comfortable sleep with your boys next to you. 
The sound of your sweet Archie growling a feral warning was what woke you up that night. You shot out of bed, ripping off the covers and grabbing the shotgun from under your mattress. Archie never growls. An unhinged bark sent a jolt of panic through you, along with Chester, who woke up to sprint under your bed and hide. Archie certainly never barked. Not like that. Not in that way. Something was wrong. You clicked off the safety and cocked the shotgun.
You moved slowly at first, creeping your way over to the sound of Archie's growls, but when he let out a sharp whine, your vision went white-hot with rage. 
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DOG!" You shouted, finally turning the corner and into the living room where two figures lurked. The lamp was still on, and as your eyes adjusted you could make out the masked face of Erron, and the form of some asshole looming over Archie with your baby backed into a wall. 
Erron didn't respond at all at the sight of you. The unknown figure by your dog stood up slowly and whistled.
"You did say she was a feisty one." You scowled, keeping the gun pointed squarely on the man.
"Erron. I don't know why you're fucking here, but please tell me you don't know this asshole so I can just shoot him." Erron rolled his eyes at you. The figure laughed, moving away from Archie, who sprinted over to you so that he could cower behind your legs. Your eyes were trained on the figure as he proceeded to sit in your own fucking armchair.
"Name's Kano. Leader of the black dragon." The black dragon. The group of mercenaries that Erron had joined. Why the fuck did Erron bring this guy into your home. Erron called your name.
"Set the gun down, sugar." You didn't take your eyes off of Kano. 
"Respectfully, Erron, I don't think I will." Kano laughed, but you didn't think anything was funny. Erron called your name again, strutting over to you carelessly. Archie growled as he got closer. He set a hand on the gun, pushing it down.
"Calm. Down." You huffed but gave in. Sending your friend a nasty look as you lowered your defense. Erron wouldn't willingly let you be in danger. There's no way he would. You had to remember that.
"We came here for some help. 'Know that cave at the edge of your property?" The cave? You found it when you had just moved in, part of an old interlocking set of mining tunnels carved out of the land in the early 1900s. When you checked it out at first, it was Erron who actually went with you. You had a fond memory of fucking around in the tunnel, only to find an old elevator next to a dead-end tunnel with bloody handprints and markings that trailed across the wall and into the elevator. That was enough to get the two out of there. What would they want with it?
"What about it?"
"Those runes we found in it match what a client is looking for. We just want to check it out, and get outa' you're way." You laughed, glancing between Kano, who was currently putting a cigarette out on your favorite chair- and Erron, who still stood next to you in an almost defensive manner.
"Am I supposed to believe that there's no catch to this? No killer secrets? No blackmail?" Kano snickered, standing from his chair and walking over to you. You stood strong, but the beating of your heart sped up. You hated feeling afraid.
"The catch is, you show us the cave, and we leave your little buddy here alive." You scowled, and Erron sighed deeply at his boss, knowing already that he had started something.
"First of all, you don't get shit if you threaten my dog, asshole. You piece of human sh-"
"Just think of it as a favor between friends." Erron interrupted. You frowned at his words. His paycheck was definitely depending on it. Your thoughts split In two different ways. One, the fact that he's using your friendship to manipulate you into doing him a favor, two… it felt relieving that he still thought of you as friends. 
You finally gave in, sighing and relaxing almost completely. Archie nuzzles your leg before running off. You turned your head just slightly to watch him out of confusion when a sudden yank catches your attention. Kano had snatched your shotgun straight out of your hands. Erron stiffened next to you.
"I'll take that!" 
"You-!" Erron held out back just as you went to lunge at Kano. You struggled against him for just a moment before he gave you a bit of a push to set you back. What had gotten into him?!
"Ah ah ah! Sorry, Sheila, there's no way we're gonna let you keep this on you. Erron?" Kano taunted. You went to yell in protest but only yelped, Erron's hands suddenly holding onto your arm.
"Just comply. It'll be over soon." Erron whispered. You grumbled in protest but didn't fight it as they took you from your warm house. 
Kano walked proudly ahead of you and Erron while navigating to the cave. Fucker didn't even know where he was going. You had been scowling the whole time, a surprising feat while Erron was around. Speaking of which, His hand on your arm had softened its hold, but the strangest thing was that he still wouldn't look at you.
"This is your idea of a visit?" You mumbled to him. He shook his head, his heavy steps landing on a twig he forcefully snapped as you walked. He was definitely in a mood.
"This' a business trip, hun. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for that." You snickered.
"Yeah right. You'd end up here eventually." You said the words but didn't quite believe them as you walked. "Don't think you could stay away if you tried."
"-And I tried." You ignored the painful sting in your chest, going silent before shouting another set of directions to Erron's dipshit boss. You could almost feel Erron's gaze change as his eyes remained on you.
"-look, I didn't want you to get caught up in all this. It's bad enough that I'm here now." The words made you frown slightly. You elbowed Erron in the side, trying to make a little light of the situation.
"Better than Kano coming out here by himself." Erron laughed. 
" 'Betcha you'd've killed him the moment he stepped into your house."
"I almost did." You couldn't see Erron's smile through his mask, but the happy look in his eyes was infectious. You couldn't help but blush a bit, walking closer to him. His hold on your arm was loose and comfortable at this point, and you couldn't make yourself break out of it.
"You lovebirds done shit-talking or what?" God, you hated this Kano guy. The rest of the walk was silent. After about 30 minutes of almost tripping on fallen limbs, you finally made it to the cave. 
"Quite a big place for such a little property, huh?" You didn’t respond to Kano. Ignoring him as Erron guided you to walk past him.
"Oh don't be coy. Where'd all that fire go?" Kano was taunting you again, but both you and Erron ignored him this time. Erron spoke over him when he tried to speak a third time.
"Which way d'you go from here?" You laughed.
"You think I know? I try to stay away from this place as much as I can. Haven't been here since you were with me." Erron furrowed his eyebrows, taking a moment to click a flashlight on. He looked around for a moment, before setting out in a direction. Kano followed behind, a little too close to your back for your liking. 
Shivers ran rampant across your skin when you finally found the elevator. Kano pushed past you forcefully, knocking you off balance. Erron caught you with a steady hand around your waist. You relaxed in his touch, and once again pushed forward.
"Ahh! Look at that beauty!" Kano took out a camera, and you flinched at the flash. 
"I'm sure the client won't mind if we keep a few copies of the pictures to ourselves, now would he?" Kano laughed. Being around Erron was nice, but you were losing your patience. It was late, you had work in the morning, and you were just plain tired of this black dragon bullshit. You didn't notice when Erron's arm fell away from yours.
"Look, I showed you the cave. Just give me my gun, and let me go back to bed." Kano snickered at your words, Erron loomed behind you. 
"I don't think you'll be going far." Kano spat on the ground after he spoke, you scowled. 
"Excuse me?" Kano's smile was gritty and disgusting. He whistled at Erron, walking past you with your shotgun held loosely in his grip. You contemplated snatching it, but when you whipped around-
It almost felt like you couldn't breathe. You were staring down the barrel of Erron's pistol for a long moment. 
"Look kid, we can't have someone like you knowing about this cave thing, it's too risky and all that blabber, you understand. You've been such a delightful host and all, but it's time for you to go." Kano laughed.
"Can't tell any divine dipshits about our little meeting if she's dead anyway, now can she Erron?" Erron had never been so out of focus before, his stomach wringing in knots. He hardly knew what to think as he pointed the gun at you, something he'd never thought he'd ever do.
"Hey?" A little voice called out. A little face leaning down to peer at the little boy with his head buried unto his knees. He hardly glanced up. 
"Hi." He had murmured so quietly.
"Do you want to share this sandwich with me? You look lonely."
"Erron?" Your voice quivered. Panic was written all over your face. His finger lingered on the trigger as his chest squeezed.
"Sit still, dumbass." You squeezed his bloodied arm.
"That shit burns!" He hissed out. You laughed at him, dabbing at the large cut he had gotten from some idiot with broken glass on the school grounds.
"Well duh. It's isopropyl alcohol. It's gonna burn like hell." He was cute when he was confused. You laughed. 
"It disinfects the wound, Erron."
"... I knew that. I'm not fucking stupid." He had grumbled.
"Nothin' personal." He finally spoke. The words hurt him as they came out.
"That's not how you use a rifle." Throwing popcorn, at Erron, you quickly stole the remote to turn the volume up.
"Shh! Just shut up and enjoy the movie. Westerns aren't exactly supposed to be realistic."
"Well I can't really enjoy an unrealistic western, can I?- he's holding that wrong-"
Your face started to shift from panic to anger as kano patted Erron's shoulder, walking back into the rickety elevator.
"Panicked now, aren't ya Sheila? Want to beg? Or are you the proud sort?" You snarled at him.
"No." You said stiffly. "No. I want to see you do it, Erron." Kano laughed from the elevator. Erron remained stiff, his smooth voice taking a moment to come out.
"Look, you don't know-"
"I said do it, Erron!" You snapped, stepping closer to the cowboy. He didn't step back, his hand didn't waver. You stepped close enough to him that the barrel of his pistol pressed to your forehead. 
"Go ahead! Be Kano's little lapdog. Shoot me." You spat, the adrenaline working its way into your system. "Shoot me and say goodbye to all the FUCKING years I took care of your ass and bury me in that shitty town we grew up in Erron!" Erron's stone-faced seriousness finally broke, and even though he was wearing a mask you could still see the rage in his eyes as he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forcefully yanked you closer to him. He kept the gun pressed to the side of your head.
"Do you have any idea who you're provoking? You. don't. know me. anymore. Sugar. You don't have any idea what I'm capable of!" You let out a curt laugh.
"You and I both know I still do." You snarled. Both of you went silent, the tension crackling between the two of you. You could see the panic that hid under the steely overlaying emotion in his eyes. Only Kano's ongoing childish taunts remained.
"Well then, Erron? Get on with it!" Erron's stiff posture remained, he spoke to Kano, but his eyes remained on yours. 
"Fuck off Kano." Kano didn't take that well.
"Excuse me? I'm your boss, dipshit. You can't just-" All of a sudden, Erron pushes you back, reels around, and shoots through the spaces in the old metal elevator, the bullet hits the back of the wall, and ricochets through the old, decaying pulley rope that held it up. Kano looks up in horror and rage. His screaming and cursing faded as the elevator launched down and crashed to the very bottom of the mine.
All is silent. All that can be heard is your labored breathing from all the shouting and adrenaline.
"Still want me to shoot you?" Erron asks. Speaking smug words with a tone only you could recognize as him trying to hide his panic. You scowled again. Walking over to him with tears stinging at the corner of your eyes.
"You're such a fucking asshole!" You shouted, punching him in the shoulder. Erron didn't flinch.
"And?" You couldn't stop the tears now. All the pain, and heartbreak, and sadness rushing out at once. You weekly hit his shoulder one more time, and grappled him into a hug, burying your face into his chest without being able to stop your sobs. Erron stood stiff. After a moment, his arms slid around your waist, and he held you back tightly.
"Kano's gonna kill you for that." You laughed through the tears. Erron didn't respond. His hand left your side for only a moment, and when it held onto again he had taken off his mask, letting it drop to the floor. Erron buried his face into your hair, holding you a bit tighter than before. 
It was quiet again. Erron squirmed after a moment.
"...I wouldn't have buried you in that town." You snorted, not taking your face out of his chest, biting your nails into the fabric of his shirt just a bit.
"So you admit you would've shot me?" Erron didn't react to the words. He only sighed into your hair, lifting a hand to pinch your ear. You pulled yourself out of his chest with a laugh, and his hands settled on your waist. You wiped your tears, your nose, and tried to make yourself a little better. It didn't really work. Erron could see that. He lifted a calloused hand to your cheek anyway.
"Just because you've come to your fucking senses doesn't mean I'm not still mad." You sniffled, smiling still as the bitter words fell out of your mouth.
"Yeah, well you should be. Kano was being an asshole anyway. That's the only reason I let you go." Erron coughed, you raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not buying it. He rolled his eyes, huffing through his nose.
"... Maybe not the only reason." The smile returned to your face, and you rolled your eyes at him this time. At this point, it was almost like he didn't realize it himself.
"God, you're really not fooling anyone, dumbass." Erron scowled, about to retort when you decided, Fuck it. And clutched his face to pull him into a kiss. He didn't respond at first, stiff and uneasy.  Always so stubborn. After a second or two though, he melted into your lips, pulling you closer. It was hard to hold on to all your anger when he was just so kissable. He'd get his ass beaten for this little stunt. You would make sure of that, but right now all you wanted to focus on was the relieving kiss you had waited so long for.
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silversatoru · 4 years
hi!! me again, saw that you want some bnha requests and hoo boy do i fuckin got one for ya
im a hardcore member of the fuck bakugo 🖕🏼 squad but i also wanna fuck bakugo ya know?
therefore i would like to request a smut fic where bakugo is so painfully angry at the fact that he has a crush on the reader that he ends up getting caught stealing their panties and chaos ensues 😌
anyway love you bye ❤️
touch-starved bakugou katsuki x f!reader
tags/warnings: nsfw, oral sex (male receiving), mild obsession, dom?reader, characters aged up
w/c: 1.9k
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katsuki bakugo hates a lot things.
he hates hero training, he hates his annoying classmates, and he hates the fact that it rained today. he hates living in the UA dorms and he fucking hates the overly salted bowl of ramen he was forcing down his throat right now.
bakugo katsuki hates almost everything, but he doesn’t hate you — and he hates that doesn’t.
having a distaste for the world made things easier, because if he always assumed the worse than he’d never be disappointed. he’d gotten pretty far with that logic — that was up until you waltzed into his life and fucked it all up, sending his logic hurling out the window.
when he looked at you he didn’t feel the same hate that he felt for the world around him — in fact when he looked at you he felt a disgusting urge of optimism. he liked the way your hair fell around your shoulders, the way your lips curled when you smiled, and the way your skirt rode up your thighs. he didn’t hate anything about you and that’s what he hated most.
see ya later, katsuki! you’d called to him after hero training today, your round glossy lips pronouncing his name in a way that made his heart flicker and his blood boil over. why did everything about you have to be so fucking perfect? he couldn’t find a single flaw on your annoyingly pristine body no matter how hard he searched for one.
your voice consumed his mind — everything you said to him today replaying on repeat at the center stage of his brain:
come eat lunch with us, katsuki!
hey katsuki, did you finish the math homework? number seven makes like- no fucking sense.
have you seen those chips i like, katsuki? i swear if denki ate them all again i’m gonna kill him
your voice was precious, a terribly sensual melody in his sullen ears. and the way you clung to the ends of your words for just a little too long was repulsively adorable too.
katsuki needed something, anything, to get you off his mind. sitting here and daydreaming about you was making him irate with himself — forcing intrusively irrational thoughts through his thick head. something, anything, he needed to stop thinking about you.
he tossed what was left of his shitty ramen into the trash can and exited the kitchen. the common area was filled with students right now, you included, and it was much too crowded and annoying for his liking. you were sitting with hanta, laughing at some shitty fucking joke he was spouting off.
not that he enjoyed watching that lanky scotch-tape dispenser flirt with you — but it was keeping you busy. your dorm room would be empty right now, wouldn’t it?
katsuki’s not sure how he ended up here, seething with anger and digging fervently through your drawer of panties. surely you wouldn’t mind if he took just one pair, right? you have to understand that he wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t absolutely need them. he wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t make him so fucking angry — this is your fault, not his. 
he lifted the lacy material closer to his face for further inspection, unable to prevent his mind from wandering to how it would look wrapped around your body. fuck, they even smelled good — not that he was smelling them intentionally or anything, don't get the wrong idea. he just so happened to get close enough that the soft aroma of cherry blossom fabric softener wafted into his nostrils.
simmering with anger and foggy with unwanted lust, katsuki pocketed the panties for later and turned back towards the door — the same door that you were now standing in front of with immense confusion in your eyes. fuck. 
“uh... hey katsuki, whatcha doin?” you stepped into the room and closed the door behind you, cocking your head to the side. 
“i- uh- it’s fucking none of your business,” he snarled at you, face flushing as he tried to figure out how long you’ve been standing there and how much you saw.
“you’re in my room dude, it’s totally my business,” you raised an eyebrow at him, “and that pair of panties you took is one of my favorites, maybe you could pocket one of the uglier pairs?”
“god, fucking dumbass, this is your fault! i wouldn’t be here right now if you weren’t so fucking infuriating,” his face was so angry and flushed you could have sworn there was steam sizzling off his skin.
“me? it’s my fault you’re standing in my room with a pair of my underwear in your pocket and an obvious boner in your pants?”
katsuki grimaced, faltering for just a second as he awkwardly shifted his sweatshirt and pulled it down to cover his swollen erection, “yeah shithead, that’s what i just said. weren’t you fucking listening?”
“this is horribly desperate, katsuki, you could have just asked. i’m more than willing to help you out with this,” you stepped forward and began to shorten the distance between the two of you.
“willing to help me? are you insane? i don’t need your fucking help!” he tried to retaliate, but you were already inches from him, reaching down and dragging a hard palm over the lump in his jeans.
“quit screaming like a lunatic and let me help you, i know this is what you think about,” you pressed harder and gave him an icy stare, the boy using everything in his power not to crumble under your touch.
he’d never been touched like this by anyone, and he was so caught off guard by your sudden movements that he simply stared back at you, frozen in place. no arguments, no insults, no deflective blaming — his brain could barely compute his own name now that your hand was prodding at his bulge.
“that’s what i thought,” you cracked a small smile, “poor katsuki, always pushing everyone away and never getting any action. come sit down”.
katsuki failed to wrap his brain around the current events, wondering how his failed attempt at stealing a pair of panties had led to him sitting on the edge of your bed while you stripped him of his trousers. you were sinking to your knees now, head perfectly level with his cock that was standing flush against his abdomen.
he almost flinched when you reached out and brushed your delicate fingers over the red, swollen head of his dick. his cheeks were flushed with a deep red, and he wanted nothing more than to yell you, to tell you how much of a freak you were. but he didn’t, because as much as he hated to admit it, your touch was the best thing he’d ever felt.
your fingers were wrapped around his shaft now, pumping slow strokes as you warmed him up. he hissed and squirmed under your brand new touch — eyes squeezing shut and hands grabbing fistfuls of your comforter. katsuki had touched himself plenty of times, most of them while thinking of you, but your hand felt so much better than his ever did.
“you’ve never been touched like this, have you?” you pouted up at him, your fingers squeezing a little tighter and pumping a little faster, “poor baby”.
“i- fuck- ah,” he choked out a pitiful cluster of sounds that didn’t actually form any words but still gave you the answer to your question.
you were terribly amused, the typically angry boy was a twitching mess under your touch and you’d barely even started yet. you could only imagine how quickly he’d melt when your lips were around his cock — you were dying to find out.
you leaned forward and began slowly flicking your tongue over the puffy tip, still pumping the shaft with one of your hands. katsuki let out strings of sounds that could only be described as mewls and whimpers, his thighs shaking and his knuckles turning white. poor poor baby, you continued to think, i’m gonna make you feel better than you ever have before.
your head dipped low, the first few inches of his cock sliding across your tongue and into the back of your mouth. the blonde boy whined and bucked his hips, his eyes shooting open at the sudden burst of hot, wet pleasure.
“hng- fuck- fucking sh-shit,” his curses came out as pitiful gasps for air as he stared down at you with wide eyes.
you gradually took more and more of his length into the depths of your throat — his extensive length, by the way. for someone so blessed with such a big, pretty cock, you couldn’t believe he didn’t put it to use more often.
katsuki was cussing you out like it was his job, but each word was accompanied by a gasp or a humiliating whimper. he was so fucking embarrassed, but he felt much too good to care right now. your wet, sticky mouth was enveloping his cock in the most perfect way, jolts of euphoria spiking through his veins and fogging his head.
there was a pressure quickly building in his stomach, a tight wam feeling that signified he was going to come all too soon. but of course you expected this — honestly he’d lasted a few minutes longer than you thought he would.
when his orgasm finally racked through him, his entire body twitched and convulsed, his hips bucking wildly as strings of white liquid sprung from his cock and lined the walls of your tight throat. you milked every drop of cum from him, swallowing it down and then pulling your head back. as much as you wanted to push him and overstimulate him you decided to play nice for his first time.
“so good, katsuki. did you like that?”
his shoulders caved in and his head hung low as he finally came down from his high — the realization of all of the transpiring events finally catching up to him. he mumbled the quietest: yeah, it felt fucking good in response to your question, but refused to meet your eyes.
“we could do this more often, what you think?” you reached up and placed your hand under his chin, coaxing him to look at you.
“fuck- fine, yeah whatever, but don’t fucking tell anyone about this,” he growled, his angry eyes and twisted eyebrows finally meeting yours.
“of course,” you smiled, standing and tossing him his pants to put back on, “i just came here to grab a sweatshirt, so i better go before anyone comes looking for me. i’ll come find you later though, promise”.
and with that you were walking through the door, wiping your sticky lips on the sleeve of your sweatshirt and heading for the elevators. katsuki sat on the edge of your bed for a few minutes longer, mind blown by the curves of your mouth and the skill of your tongue.
katsuki didn’t hate you before, and he really doesn’t hate you now, but he’s coming to terms with it this time. letting his walls down for you doesn’t sound all that bad if it means you’ll keep making him feel like this.
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anothermcytblog · 4 years
do not ask why i made this but here is the entire transcript of “Wilbur talking about eating Sand for 14 minutes...” I wrote in two hours for no reason other then boredom.
Phil, farming sand in minecraft: -it is similar to how the 0 tick farms work where it pushes pistons underneath and on top. 
Wilbur, donating with Text To Speech: Phil have you ever eaten sand? 
Phil, laughing: No. I don't think I have. I might have when I was a kid I guess. Why Wilbur? Whas- wuah wuh wuh What is this? 
TTS Wilbur: Could eat the sand. 
Phil, silent for a second: 
Phil: I could the...
Phil: I could? 
TTS Wilbur: Might be faster. 
Phil, laughing again: Inhaled sand. Okay. Into my body, then what? I need to place it dude, what do you mean? I'm just gonna shit out bricks. I'm just gonna shit out- I'm just gonna shit out sandstone is that it? 
TTS Wilbur: Then you put sand somewhere better. 
Phil, wheezily chuckling: Wil I have- I have actually no idea where you are going with this. I'm legit just as confused as some people in chat. I don't- *laughing* 
TTS Wilbur: Well if the sand is somewhere better then it's not in your way anymore. 
Phil: You okay WIl? You alright mate? We were playing Civ for a long time last night. Are you okay mate? You’re not gonna start worrying me are you? We’re pretty close to each other. 
TTS Wilbur: Yeah I’m fine. If you eat the sand and move it then you won’t have to keep shoveling it. 
Phil, sighing like a disappointed dad: Brilliant. Chat I don’t know he’s gone off the- he’s gone off *gasp* Oh my fucking god dude he was so quiet. That is a threat they make no noise when they’re on lava. Jesus. I was like “What’s hit me!?” It was like a single hit that made me think it was a player or something cause it was silent. I was just like- there was no noise. Okay dually noted, magma cubes don’t make any noise on lava. 
TTS Wilbur: Magma cubes are boring Phil. Let’s talk about eating sand again. 
Phil, laughing: Wil have you- have you ate sand is this what you are talking about *hears a ghast* fucking hell. 
TTS Wilbur: Yes I have. 
Phil, softly: What is this conversation… *Normal tone* Was it nice? 
TTS Wilbur: It gets between your teeth and is fun to crunch in the car ride home. 
[ Phil, grossed out and letting out various forms of Nope and nooo in funny tones of voice ]
Phil: Ooohhh that was a horrible vision. That was a horrible visual. You had a strange childhood Wilbur I’m just gonna say it wasn’t my fault though. *Laughing* Did you just pocket sand and start going- *mimickings eating sand* 
TTS Wilbur: Then when I get home I put it in my mouse. I successfully move the sand. 
[ Phil sighs disappointedly ] 
Phil: Chat I don’t know what we’re going to do with Wil. 
TTS Wilbur: I would sometimes put it in my pockets too yes. 
Phil: I don’t know what we’re going to do with Wil he’s a lost cause chat. Genuinely worried for my dude. It’s not five head. 
TTS Wilbur: This wasn’t in my childhood, Phil. 
[ Phil is silent in disappointed dad™ for a solid like, seven seconds]
Phil: Wil when I come to visit you, uhhh, later this year we’re going to have talks about this. We’re going to have talks, son.
TTS Wilbur: Why? 
Phil: Stop eating sand son. *Laughing* It’s not good for you. 
TTS Wilbur: What’s in it that’s bad for me? 
Phil: It is literal rocks! *Sighing* Oohh I can’t. Chattt. Tell him pleaaase. 
TTS Wilbur: So is salt. 
Phil: Oooohhh I knew he was gonna pull some weird sh- I fucking knew- *chuckling* Not the same dude. *Laughing* Not edible. Please he does not have a point do not give him any sort of leeway here chat. 
TTS Wilbur: Please enlighten me on what makes salt edible and sand inedible. 
[ Phil is silent in disappointed dad™ part 2 electric boogalo]
A TTS Donation: Human biology college major here. I do not recommend eating sand. 
Phil, cackling: Ohh… god. 
TTS Wilbur: Why not? 
Phil: Wil does sand- does sand dissolve in water Wil? I don’t think it does, does it? 
TTS Wilbur: Any further questions? Or have I persuaded you? 
[ Phil Laughs ]
A different TTS Donation: Now I know why Wilbur’s humor is so dry. It’s from all the sand he’s been eating.
Phil, losing his mind laughing: Ohhhh- *cackles* Nice Trixtin.  
TTS Wilbur: So we’re relying that sand isn’t contaminated with dog piss or something. Sand physically can not harm you if you eat it. It’s fun to chew like chewing blades of grass in fields. A simple pastime. No nutritional value like salt. 
[ Phil is silent in disappointed dad™ part 3: Batman returns ]
Phil: A simp-
[ Notification that Niachu is raiding ]
Phil, laughing and losing his mind: I didn’t even get to finish my sentence I just said “A simp” and then Niachu shows up with a raid. Niachu get your man, he’s fucking being weird. Thank you so much for the raid. *Laughing*
A different TTS Donation: Chewing sand is basically inviting fiberglass into your system. 
Phil: Yes- uh Nikki, Wil is boasting about eating sand and saying that there is nothing wrong with it. 
TTS Wilbur: I invite fiberglass into my system. Formally. 
[ Phil is silent in disappointed dad™ part 4: This time it’s personal ]
Phil: He’s lost dude. Oh nooo *chuckles*  
TTS Wilbur: My teeth grow perpetually like a hamster. Akin to a hamster I must chew sand so the teeth don’t puncture my skull and kill me. 
Phil, laughing: WHAT?! Bro you’re on some fucking shit what the fuck am I hearing? 
TTS Wilbur: It’s quite similar to the taste of pretzels. 
Phil, sighing but trying not to laugh: You need to stop- You need to stop conca- *wheezing* You need to stop comparing sand to food. He has infinite text to speech chat. I’m giving- I’m applying- I’m giving him a platform of 5.8 thousand. Dude, dangerous information he is spreading. This is the thing right chat? This is not- This is not Wil on any sort of drug at all- this is Wils natural state. Sometimes he just does this. 
TTS Wilbur: Chat. Say 1 if you’re gonna go and try some sand now. Say 2 if you aren’t and also hate anyone who looks different to you. 
Phil: Ohh my god you did not just- just rig the vote dude. You just fucking rigged the vote. *Laughing* Wil, do you just want to get on a call and discuss this? 
Phil, presumably after calling Wilbur on discord: Explain yourself. 
Phil, after a moment of silence: Guys he’s silent I’m scared. *laughing*
TTS Wilbur: Oh fuck wait. 
[ Phil, losing his mind ]
Wilbur, now on call and verbally talking: No I’d like to know- I’d like to- I’d like to genuinely know what’s wrong with what I’m saying. 
Phil: What is wrong with eating sand? 
Wilbur: Yeah. 
Phil: Bro it’s sand.
Wilbur: Well actually I’m not saying chewing- I’m not actually swallowing the sand I’m pretty sure. Might be a couple you know? Might be doin’ a couple of swallows… but. 
[ Phil laughs but in the disappointed dad kind of way ] 
Wilbur: Like you know you chew plastic pen caps. Probably something wrong about that but no one gets angry at you for doing that. As long as the sand is clean I don’t see anything wrong with chewing on some sand. Maybe you’ll swallow some as well you know it’s not- it’s not my business. 
Phil: It’s gonna ffffuck up your teeth what do you mean? 
Wilbur: What do you mean fuck up- so is chewing pen lids. 
Phil: That is nothing compared to sand!
Wilbur: Have you ever had a pretzel, Phil? 
Phil, laughing: Shut the fuck up. Yes. 
Wilbur: Nonono listen, yeah so you know- have you ever bitten the salt off of the pretzel? Have you ever done that?
Phil: Not really no. 
Wilbur: Oh. Well you can do that. Would that fuck up your teeth do you think? 
Phil, a little confused: No I don’t think it woullld. Unless… 
Wilbur: No it’s quite the same consistency as sand.
Phil: Is it thoughhhh…? Is it though? It’s sodium. 
Wilbur: As someone who- As someone who eats sand I’d say it is quite consistent- 
Phil, laughing: Shut up! Stop saying sand is okay to eat please. 
Wilbur: It’s fine to eat- literally I’ll google it. I’ve never had to google it because it’s just so intrinzic in my knowledge that is is okay to eat. 
[ Phil is silent in disappointed dad™ part 5: who raised this man? ]
Wilbur: Goodness! I didn’t realize this was an actual question. I’m obviously just so shocked that one would wonder because it’s so obviously is okay. “So I am curious, under what category does a sand cuisine fall under and why does the fascination-” This person is just being rude, I’m going to skip them. 
Phil, wheezing a little and lightly mocking Wilbur: “I’m going to skip people who don’t agree with me.” 
Wilbur: Uh this person- nonono I’m going to read out this person- This person says “At least not in a good way. It contains quartz which is harmful for your tooth enamel and over time it may harm your teeth although I know of many food recipes which consain- contain sand. There is not much problem for your gut unless you eat to much of it of course.” So basically it’s the quartz that is bad for your tooth enamel but the problem is I don’t have tooth enamel. I- I gave it up for Lentso I’m perfectly fine. 
Phil: What are you talking about? What are- *Laughing* What are you-? Wait hold up go back a sec. 
Wilbur: Yeah? I mean I don’t- I don’t know what recipes include sand but I’d love to try some. 
Phil: Go back to what you just said before. 
Wilbur: What, I gave it up for lent? Why are you laughing? 
Phil, mumbling a little: I don’t… 
Wilbur: Okay around the time of easter uhhh Christan people are supposed to give up something that means a lot to them that’s called lent.
Phil: And you gave up your enamel?  
Wilbur: Well it means a lot to me.
Phil: You can’t give up your enamel. 
Wilbur:  Wilbur: Wh- Well what have I been doing? 
Phil, laughing a little: I don’t know what you’ve been doing. That’s like saying “I gave up my bones for lent.” 
Wilbur: I think- I think we’re going off track here. The point is sand is perfectly fine to eat and that- that the quartz in it that damages your teeth I’m sure- I’m sure you guys can do fine without it. 
Phil: I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree here. I- 
Wilbur: That’s fine I’m not- I’m not saying you should enjoy eating it I’m just you should be happy with me eating it- I mean there is a lot of prejudice in this chat. 
Phil: O-ohh… I should respect your choices to eat sand and damage your teeth?  
Wilbur: Yeah. I know you’re saying that sarcastically but you really should. You should think about this one- you knowing chewing hay? Like- Like a blade of grass if you’re walking? You must have done it, hanging out the right hand side of your mouth. Maybe have a bajo with you as well. 
Phil, laughing: I think- I agree with Trixtion, “Being happy with- for you is a bit much. The most you can expect is tolerance.” 
Wilbur: That’s fine. Do you tolerate me eating sand Phil? 
Phil: Where are you getting sand from to begin with now that I think about it. You live- you live in Londen there’s just- fucking tems dude. 
Wilbur: Any convenient store, construction sites-
Phil: Ooooookay. 
Wilbur: Hour glasses-
Phil: OOOOhhh okay. 
Wilbur: Fish tanks- 
Phil, laughing: Nooooo- stop what you are doing right now. 
Wilbur: Crematoriums-
Phil: Bruhhhhhhh- *Cackling* This conversation is over. 
Wilbur: Okay, bye bye phil. 
Phil, wheezing: You know sometimes I don’t know what I expect from Wil when he’s in one of these moods- uhhh- I was not expecting that though. 
TTS Wilbur: Phil call me back. I have something important to tell you.
Phil, now on call again with Wilbur: Hey mate. 
Wilbur: So um, uh, on my minecraft did you know that concrete is made out of sand- and glass, a lot of glass is made out of sand. There is only certain kind of sand you can use for making concrete and glass right? And the thing is we’re actually uh, having a little bit of shortatage in the sand you can use to make concrete and glass so uh, due to that you can’t just use it just from like, like the desert you have to take it from like, the beach. Um, so what- there is a sand mafia that exists. 
Phil, losing his mind: Shuttt- I hung up on him- I fucking hung up on him. 
TTS Wilbur: Phil I wasn’t finished I think you hung up my accident. 
TTS Wilbur: Phil I’m going to need you to call me back. Phil, on call again with Wilbur: So there’s an actual sand mafia, you fucking-
Wilbur: Yeah yeah it’s apart of a resource depletion uh, sand is having an extreme amount of resource depletion compared to a lot of things in the world, there is a serious lack of sand- let me send you some sources of what I’m talking about here. This is national geographic and this is uh-
Phil, after a cut: I thought you were fucking with me. 
Wilbur: I am not fucking with you Phil. 
Phil, laughing: What the fuck is this? 
Wilbur: So basically the reason we need to mine so much sand is that we need to extract certain elements like titanium and zirconium. Their mineral, uh, is usually found in sand deposits due to pressure and, um, erosion. So it’s really important that you can uh- that that amount is kept under control and there is a lot of money in the sand business and where there is a lot of money there is- theres a short amount of supply, you know, you find organized crime and that’s why we have the sand mafia. I’m not going to say my eating of sand is contributing to the resource depletion because that would be uh- that would be- what’s the word… irresponsible of me but-
Phil: Mhm? 
Wilbur: I’m just saying if you wanna get into trying sand, it’s sooner rather than later. 
[ Phil cackles]
Wilbur: You think- I’m really not- I haven’t spoken a single lie this entire stream. I’ve just been talking the truth and everyone has been getting angry at me. I feel like- I feel like Jesus Christ right now Phil. 
Phil, laughing: Ohhhh-Kay alright. 
Wilbur, now sounding like he’s trying not to smile: I’ve been preaching nothing but the good word
Phil, still dying: Shut- 
Wilbur, very close to smiling: And you’re trying to crucify me. Phil: Shut- Shhhhhhhhhhhhshh. 
Wilbur, almost laughing: You’re tryna hang me on a cross, Phil. Just like the romans, dude. 
Phil: Was this the payoff? Was this the fucking- *Wheeze*
Wilbur, now back to a more calm tone: You’re tryna crucify me. You’re tryna kill Sand Jesus. 
Phil: Okay- 
Wilbur: It’s not a joke. 
Phil, laughing: I can literally hear the smile in your voice. 
Wilbur: I’m not smiling, I’ll turn on my webcam for you Phil. 
Phil, looking at Wilbur off screen: Jesus that’s horrifying. What is this- what is this angle? Oh I saw- *Laughing.*
[ Wilbur starts laughing as well ]
[ Both of them lose it ]
Phil: Oh my god I tipped over my water. I saw it- Okay okay- I’m gonna hang up. He cracked chat he cracked. Ohh fuck. *Wheezing*
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justsassysworld · 4 years
Grief Makes Bad Decisions
Grief Makes Bad (Or Maybe Not So Bad) Decisions
Beetlejuice x f!Reader
Word Count: 1823
“Gertrude, Eustace, I’m home!” you call, entering your house. 
You're roommates are a lovely, but incredibly odd couple. They're ridiculously sweet, horribly in love, and over a hundred years dead. 
Over a hundred and twenty years ago, they were killed by some random intruder, leaving them unable to move on from the place of their murder. 
You were beyond freaked out the first time you saw them, the day after you moved into their old home. Apparently, most people don't see ghosts, but you are a strange and unusual type person. It took awhile to see past their bloody and gruesome appearances, but you've grown so used to them now that you don't even notice their bloody clothes and bullet wounds anymore. 
A sense of wrongness overtakes you as you notice an envelope on an end table. It’s addressed to you.
Darling Y/N, 
It has been lovely these past six months. You’re such a sweet girl who has been so good to us. We hope you will look back on your time with us with fondness, but our time has come.
We were obligated to spend one hundred and twenty five years in our home. Today marks the end of our purgatorial sentence. We had wanted to prepare you for our departure, but the exact date slipped our mind, and was upon us before we could act.
I am truly sorry we are unable to give a proper goodbye, and wish you nothing but happiness for your future. We will always appreciate the loving care and consideration you have shown us. 
Wishing you a joyous and love filled life, 
Eustace and Gertrude Mayford
Tears prickling your eyes, a sob wrenches from your chest. You hadn’t known them long, but you were closer to them than anyone.
The next few hours fly by as you process the loss. You find yourself seated on the couch, a glass of wine in one hand, an old flyer in the other.
You’d come across it less than a week after moving in. it was for something called a “bio-exorcist.” When you showed it to Gertrude, she rolled her eyes.
“He’s a conman. After he was caught tormenting a couple who had just died and the family that moved in after them, he was forbidden any contact with the living world for twenty years,” she looked quite annoyed, obviously not liking the man. “The sentence ended a few years ago and he’s been nothing but a nuisance ever since.”
Both Eustace and her had warned you off summoning him, even for fun, multiple times, but you’re feeling lonely, and the tiniest bit inebriated, and you need to talk to someone who might understand, at least someone who knows about the spirit world.
Steeling yourself, and sending an apology to your departed friends, you say, “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,” as quickly as possible.
Seconds roll by, leaving you disappointed. Out of nowhere, the couch shudders and quakes, making you hold on for dear life. Your eyes squeeze shut until the ride comes to an end.
A maniacal laugh and a hand on your leg has your eyes snapping an eye open. You let out a startled scream, jumping up from your spot, wanting to get some space between you and the...man?
“Who-who the hell are you?” you stutter, logic refusing to make itself known.
He gives you a huge grin, mossy teeth glittering in the low light, “I’m the ghost with the most, babe.”
“So, you’re Beet-” you’re cut off, physically unable to finish.
Eyes wide, you take in his satisfied smirk and his wagging finger, letting you know he’s responsible. “Uh uh uh, babes. We won’t be using that name again tonight.”
You bolt up, pacing the floor. Experimentally, you try to speak, “So,” you sigh in relief. “You’re the...person the Mayfords warned me about? I was expecting someone scarier.”
“Scarier?” he looks at you like you’ve got two heads.
“Well, yeah,” you say, beyond blunt. Nerves making you lose all tact. “I mean, you’re hardly intimidating. You’re not that much taller than me, you’ve got a bit of a gut, and honestly, you’re more gross than scary.”
Your pacing is brought to a sudden halt by a shockingly strong pair of hands. He pushes until you’re pressed against a wall, his arms bracket your head, trapping you. Something odd grips your wrists and ankles, spreading you out before him.
You’re suddenly horribly aware of your lack of clothes, in just your pajamas, a paper thin tank top and tiny pair of shorts. His hands still by your head, he gives you a long look over, his gaze almost tactile.
Except it’s not just his gaze that’s touching you, he seems to have grown a third arm out of his chest, which is running down your body, from just south of your breasts to just north of your shorts.
“Well now, babes,’ he growls in your ear. “I could do anything I want to you, there ain’t a thing you can do to stop me. You still think you I’m not intimidating?”
Swallowing hard, you decide to press your luck. “Intimidating? Not really. Dominant and sexy? Fuck yeah.”
 A coy smile crosses your lips as his jaw drops. As what you said sinks in, an evil grin splits his face.
“Oh, babycakes,” his lips are a hair's breadth from yours. “Game on.” His mouth crashes against yours; lips, teeth, and tongues battling for control.
Your fight is half hearted at best, wanting him to be in charge. Out of nowhere you’re released, falling into his waiting arms. He carries you to the couch, placing you how he wants you, naked at crouch level, clothes melting away.
You bite your lip, looking at him with fluttering lashes. “Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Juice.”
“Fuck yeah there is,” he purrs, fingers digging in your hair. “I want you to play with your pretty little pussy while I use your mouth as my own personal cock sleeve.” 
You wrinkle your nose, about to remark on that comment, when he opens his pants, pulling out his cock. Tilting your head, you take it in.
It’s as pale as the rest of him, around average length, but really fucking girthy, perfect for sex, but it was going to be hell on your jaw. You’re up for the challenge.
Starting to lean forward, you’re surprised when he stops you. “Uh uh uh, I’m captain of this cruise.”
He pulls you up to kiss just under his belly button, before having you kiss your way to and down his shaft. At the head, he commands, “Lick it.”
You do, treating it like your favorite lollipop. Feeling mischievous, you manage to give it one quick suck before he pulls you away. “Naughty girl.”
He gives you a wink that you return.
The tease lasts much longer than you would have thought, his stamina shocking you. He reminds you that you’re supposed to be providing him with some visual stimulus, so you run your hand down to your aching clit.
Jas you start to pleasure yourself, he lets you take him in your mouth, slowly. Stroking in and out, more of a tease than anything. Every time you try to take him deeper, he pulls back or pulls you away.
You’re starting to get frustrated, when he starts to thrust, slow and easy, allowing you to get used to his girth.
“Two inside, babes,” he pants, confusing you until you realize what he wants.
Hand slipping lower, you slip your middle and ring fingers into your pussy, surprised at just how wet you are. Using your palm to keep pressure on your clit, you keep pace with him the best you can. As you both grow closer, your breathing turns into pants, moans, and groans.
“Cum for me,” he commands, a growl deepening his voice. “Cum all over your hand.”
Unable to resist, you do, thrashing and screaming around his thick pulsing cock. This triggers his own orgasm, sending a spray of surprisingly pleasant, viscous cum. You swallow every drop.
You try to lean back, but he stops you, flipping you over the back of the couch.
His hands caress your ass, occasionally dropping sharp slaps, making you gasp. One hand slips to feel just how wet you are.
“What a dirty girl.”
You feel his breath against your heated flesh, seconds before a ridiculously long tongue buries itself deep inside your core. It wiggles and worms, finding every crevice, every pleasurable nook you never knew you had. Trying to move, wanting more, he holds you tight, keeping you right where he wants you. Using his tongue and fingers he draws two more explosive climaxes from deep inside.
He then repositions you. Laying on your back, you catch your breath as he settles between your spread thighs.
You whimper, “BJ, I’m too sensitive.”
His grin is less than reassuring. He drapes himself over you, planting another lingering kiss on your lips, cock brushing against your screaming clit. “Good,” he growls, “I want you cummin’ all over my dick.” 
You try to jerk away, body refusing anymore pleasure, but Beetlejuice is having none of it. He pins your arms above your head, starting to thrust into you. Grinding and twisting, he’s buried deep. Against your wishes, your legs wrap around his hips, drawing him tighter.
Nibbling your neck, he sets a breakneck pace. A blinding light over takes you as another screaming orgasm tears through you, then another, and another. 
Finally, when it feels like you’re about to pass out, you feel his cum spurt deep inside, hearing him growl low as his teeth sink in your shoulder.
Minutes pass, or hours, or maybe even days, as you regain your senses. You’re surprised to find yourself in your bed, even more to realize it’s not your body pillow you’re cuddling, but an actual body.
Looking up as much as your sore muscles will allow, anger shoots through you.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Hey, babes,” he grins down at you, cigar in one hand, glass of wine in the other. “Mornin’”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
A minute passes, “Well?”
“I told you, ‘Yes,’ answering your question.” The glimmer in his eyes telling you he knows what you want, and he’s enjoying your frustration.
Taking a deep breath, you grind out, “Is there a reason you’re smoking a cigar in my very much non-smoking home? Also, what possessed you to pour yourself the last glass of my fifty dollar wine?”
He just gives you a shit eating grin, refusing to answer.
Shaking your head and sighing, you drop your head back on his chest, lacking the energy to argue.
“Goodnight, BJ.”
“Goodnight, roomie.”
 You’re just about to drift back off, when your eyes snap open, “Roomie!?”
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silver-embersss · 3 years
Broken Horns and Broken Hearts Chapter 9
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
“The fuck you want?!”
The drowsy teen rubbed his eyes as someone dragged him out of his rickety bed, into the ravine proper. He wasn’t wearing pyjamas, since he ran away with only the clothes on his back and an inventory full of junk, so he just slept in the same muddy clothes.
“Tommy, we have to prepare!”
“Prepare for wha- Oh. The festival. It’s like, the middle of the night though!”
Wilbur grinned at him, but the manic smile died when he didn’t smile back.
The Ex-President grabbed his shoulders in an iron grip.
“What, is the famous TommyInnit not gonna fight on our side tomorrow?”
He tried to pull away, but Wilbur didn’t let go.
“No, I know what it is.
“You’re scared.”
Tommy shook his head.
“No, Will-”
“TommyInnit you’re scared! I can see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice- you’re terrified! And you’re terrified of people seeing through you, to the coward you are!”
“Wilbur come on, I thought we talked about this-”
His voice trembled, and he let out a shaky breath.
Wilbur leaned down so that his face was level with Tommy’s, and the teen had to stare right into his maniacal expression.
“Why not be the bad guys Tommy? Let’s blow this shit to smithereens!”
“Wilbur, this isn’t the way-”
He’d tried, over and over again, to dissuade his brother, pull him back from the cliff from which he was poised to jump. It never worked.
The arsonist just turned away from him with a wild laugh.
Techno just watched, pretending he couldn’t see the tears that ran down his little brother’s face as he prepared for war.
When he came back to himself, Tubbo couldn’t help but scream.
What have I done?!
Blood dripped down the handle of his axe, and he dropped it with a small cry. Fundy knelt in front of him, a large gash across his chest spraying blood. The fox looked up at him, terrified, breath hitching and half of his face bruising rapidly.
“F-Fundy, Oh god-”
His friend’s expression warred between fear and hatred as Tubbo stumbled back. Caught between trying to help Fundy or run away, the teen took another step back, slamming into someone behind him.
“Tubbo, what- Fundy!”
Niki pushed past him to tend to the shapeshifter. She stared fearfully at him, eyes darting between the blood on his hands and his horns, glinting in the moonlight. Tubbo tried to plead with them both.
God, what happened?!
“Niki, please-”
“You- I don’t- Tubbo, how could you?!”
Niki’s eyes filled with tears as she put herself protectively between him and Fundy.
Tubbo just stared, his own eyes stinging.
“I- I’m s-sorry…”
He whispered, throat hoarse.
What’s happening to me?!
With no options left, Tubbo turned and sprinted away, bloodstained shirt flapping behind him and tears whipped away by the wind.
Tubbo crashed through the undergrowth as he ran, tree trunks whizzing past him, dark shadows that loomed above his head like disapproving gods. Often, he stumbled, grazing his palms on the coarse dirt, but still the teen threw himself forward, sobs tearing themselves from his throat. The bloodied bandages he’d wrapped around the base of his horns were coming loose, and the end of one briefly touched his face before he brushed it away.
A bramble ripped through his thin dress shirt, scoring a gash across his arm. Another caught on one of his horns, leaving a thin scratch along the dark surface. The teen pushed through the thorns, not noticing the prickly vine curled around his ankle until it yanked him backward. Pain shot up his leg, and Tubbo faceplanted into the dewy grass with a raw sob. He curled up where he lay, ignoring the throbbing of his newly-sprained ankle, tears pooling on the earth beneath him.
Tubbo flinched at the sound of his best friend’s voice. He shifted, covering his face with his hands, but froze when he heard the sound of steel on leather.
“Don’t fuckin’ move! What the fuck are you doing here?!”
The teen bit his lip hard, knowing what was about to happen and beginning to tremble. Tommy was going to kill him, thinking he was Schlatt, and even after he saw his face he’d know he deserved it… What happened next was unexpected, though.
“Y-You’re hurt…?” His voice was strangely soft.
Tommy’s sword stayed leveled at his head, but the teen took a step closer, brow furrowing.
Tubbo stopped breathing for a second.
So did Tommy.
“You’re not Schlatt!”
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck- Every nerve in Tubbo’s body told him to run, cry, punch Tommy in the face and pretend this had never happened-
Too late.
Plus, he was tired of hiding.
He raised his tear-stained face from the ground, and sat up.
To his surprise, instead of running him through like a kebab, Tommy dropped his sword and seized Tubbo in a tight hug, grinning like crazy. Then Tubbo saw the inevitable falling of that joyous smile as his friend remembered why he’d thought it was Schlatt in the first place. He began to explain, but Tommy cut him off.
“Tommy, I-”
“-We gotta get you inside, Big T! It’s fuckin’ freezing out here!”
The teen picked up his sword and sliced through the brambles wound around his ankle, before hoisting Tubbo’s uninjured arm around his shoulders to take the weight off of the sprain. It only took a minute to get to the small hillside where the entrance was concealed, but now they faced the challenge of getting Tubbo down the narrow, winding stairs to the ravine. Luckily, Techno was on guard, and he didn’t ask questions, just unceremoniously slinging the teen over his shoulder and carrying him down in silence.
Tommy whispered something to the piglin before grabbing bandages and binding Tubbo’s ankle, neither of them speaking the whole time. He almost died from the tension, but finally it was done, and Tommy flopped down on the stone floor next to his friend.
He said eventually.
“What’s with the fuckin’ Schlatt cosplay then?”
Tubbo couldn’t help himself.
He burst out laughing, and after a moment Tommy joined him.
“Schlatt… c-cosplay?!”
He giggled, and Tommy elbowed him hard.
“Sh-Shut... up!”
Suddenly, they both sobered, meeting each other’s eyes. Tubbo was the first to look away.
“You don’t have to-”
Tommy started to reassure him, but Tubbo cut him off with a gesture. He looked down at his hands in his lap, fiddling with the torn fabric of his shirt.
“I… Schlatt, he…
“Schlatt’s my dad. He’s- I have his horns.”
A minute passed in silence, before Tommy enfolded his friend in a side hug. The teen froze in surprise.
“But… don’t you hate me?”
“What- What are you on about? Why would I hate you?”
“You don’t think I’m on his side?”
“Are you?”
Tommy smirked.
“No! I mean…”
He bit his lip, avoiding eye contact.
“I don’t know.”
He whispered.
His friend cocked his head to the side, confused.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Tubbo didn’t answer for a moment, trying to think of what to say. In the end, he just blurted it out without thinking.
“I- I keep being horrible to people and I don’t remember it and I feel like I’m copying Schlatt and I imprisoned Niki and I hurt Fundy, I- I- I stabbed him, and there was so much blood but I don’t even remember how I got there but he- he could b-be d-dead and and I- I-”
His words broke down into sobs and tears burst forth anew. Tommy didn’t let go of him, just stared up at the high ceiling of the ravine. Eventually, he spoke.
“I mean, he was a bit of an arsehole anyway. I could say I’m upset, but that would be lying.”
Shocked for the second time at Tommy’s reaction, Tubbo just stared open-mouthed at his friend.
“Tubso, you really think I’m gonna stop being friends with you just because you fuckin’ stabbed someone?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Then you’re a fuckin’ dumbass, clearly.”
Tommy burst out laughing at the voice crack, and said cackling was contagious. Once again, they both dissolved into hysteria, the laughter echoing off of the stone walls.
“D’you wanna stay here tonight?” Tommy asked, with a chuckle that turned into jaw-cracking yawn.
“Wilbur said we were supposed to be preparing for tomorrow - well, later today, technically - but I could kill for some shut-eye.”
The teen leant back against a double chest, and Tubbo copied him.
“Well, I’m not exactly sure I could go back anyway… Niki-”
“Hey, it’s cool! So, Techno made some stew the other day and I don’t know about you but I am starving, wanna see if there’s some left?”
Without waiting for an answer, Tommy hooked Tubbo’s arm around his shoulders again, hoisting him up. Tubbo took a moment to consider, then frowned. He actually couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen food other than the cookies he sometimes brought to Schlatt with his coffee.
It turned out that there was stew left, and after heating it up by a precarious system of balancing bowls over a campfire and gobbling it down in three seconds flat as teenagers are wont to do, the two dragged blankets and pillows out to the main area. It was warmer there due to the fires, and there was more space than Tommy’s alcove - enough room for them to spread out, anyway. Tubbo was the king of taking up more space that should be physically possible for someone of his size, whereas Tommy tended to almost shrink in his sleep, so most of the time it worked out.
Tubbo was about to doze off when he remembered about Tommy’s frequent nightmares. Ever since Eret’s betrayal he’d wake up drenched in sweat, having re-lived the moment in his sleep, needing to make sure that neither of them were dead. He shivered at the thought of Tommy down in this dark ravine all alone, with both of his brothers off somewhere else. For all the teen’s bluster, Tubbo knew he feared being alone more than anything, and it worried him - but he seemed fine, right?
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Jake comforting Chris after nightmares or during storms with cuddles is actually my favorite thing in the entire world pleeeease don’t tell me I’ve seen the last of it
CW: implied noncon as part of a nightmare + inappropriate actions towards another person on waking. References to drugging.
Note - this is not part of a narrative timeline exactly. Consider it within the third week or so of Chris living at the safehouse.
The boy called Baldur, because Sir has a thing for old Norse God's and the boy's name is whatever he is called when he steps from the box, feels buried in the scent of cologne sprayed on soft sheets, bergamot and lavender with a deeper hint of something like moss and sandalwood underneath. The sheets are navy and slipping between them feels like drowning in a featureless pool, staring into a pond with no bottom, so far down light can't filter in any longer. There are too many pillows.
Still, the boy wishes there could be more softness, here.
He is good, in the dark, because that is what he has to be. He tilts his head back, pulling his neck into an inviting arch. He digs his heels down into soft sheets, he says the right whispered words, makes the correct sounds, keeps his eyes open when he should and closed when he should and through it all, his thoughts race in a wild screaming panic of get me out, get me out, I don't want this, this isn't what I want to be.
He buries those thoughts. They belong to someone else, and the boy called Baldur must be good, between the navy sheets, in the darkness.
I want this, he whispers, twisting fingers in short, clean-cut hair, mussing it up, listening to the low chuckle he receives as a reward.
Half of him loves the sound of that laughter - half of him is a cry of pain and fear and shame only barely covered by skin.
Darlin' you barely understand what those words mean, Sir says in response, oil-slick smooth, a man whose voice was made to be heard on TV.
The boy speaks slowly, or not at all, because silence is better than stammering, and his words are all wrong when he tries. But he can speak the phrases they taught him. In that way, he is still good.
I want you, he murmurs, and pushes up on his elbows, then, tilting his head just right to bite his lip. His heart pounds with fear he can't name, and his thoughts are sluggish and slow, the pill he is given after dinner lets him drift through the nights with only one thought at a time.
It feels awful, to think so slowly, but it helps, too.
Baldur, darlin' that is the truest thing you've said all night.
That's not his name anymore.
Some nights Chris has to force himself out of these dreams, swim up like a drowning man desperate for air. Tonight, though, the sudden realization that Baldur isn't his name anymore is all it takes for Chris to come fully awake, gasping for breath, sitting up in the twin bed in the room he shares with Antoni.
Across the room, Antoni snores lightly, soft little whistle-sounds Chris doesn't mind.
His soft jersey sheets - he picked them out himself, they are blue and orange plaid and ugly and his -are soaked with the sweat now drying on his skin, and he feels shivery and unmoored, like he'll fall off the earth and float away in space like a lifeboat lost at sea.
He slips out of bed, his hands shaking, and moves out into the wall on nearly soundless bare feet. They're all good at walking without sound, after training.
He doesn't feel real. Everything is wrong, and he wants, but he doesn't want, and he's scared of the drumbeat of it, the flames that lick his skin.
He wants and doesn't want, and he needs... what does he need?
Jake's room is across the hall and one down, next to the stairs, and Chris doesn't tap on the door to knock, he only moves in, still feeling drugged and slow, one-track thought, exhausted and throbbing with a pain that exists only inside of him.
Jake sleeps on his side, his feet hanging a little off the end of the bed sticking out from his blankets, hugging a pillow the way children hug teddy bears. Chris watches him. Jake is kind, and sweet, and treats him so well.
And Chris wants, so much, to feel real again.
He moves to the bed, focused - too focused, this isn't right, he isn't like this - and breathing a little harder, flushed, as he gently pulls the pillow from Jake's grip. The older man shifts around, rolling into his back, letting out a low exhale.
Just what Chris wanted. Doesn't want. Can't want anything else.
He doesn't climb into the bed, but pushes the blankets off towards the wall and climbs onto Jake himself, laying over the top of him, shivering at the warmth and solidity of the body he is straddling.
Jake groans, eyes moving under closed eyelids. "Mmmn, sh-shit, what-... what's-"
"Ssssshhh," Chris whispers. He knows the training will carry him through until he can make the shivering stop, the fear that chases him in the dark, the terror that it won't ever be over. Jake is the safest person he knows.
He presses his lips to Jake's and rolls his hips, whispers, "I want this," just like he's supposed to.
Are they trained to convince their owners, or themselves?
Jake's hands grip hard onto his shoulders, his eyes flying open, and he pushes Chris away from him, holding him nearly at arm's length. "Chris? What the fuck?"
His voice is slurred with sleep, and Chris tries to lean in to kiss him again, but Jake's grip is too strong.
"No," Jake says, firmly. "Absolutely not. What's gotten into you?"
"Nothing," Chris says, feeling his own eyes fill with tears. "I woke up feeling, feeling, feeling weird and I wanted, I just, I wanted to, to to to feel better, just to-... to feel better! And I thought, um, I like you, and, and and and-"
"You woke up-... Okay, liking me is not the same as-... Chris, I am not going to do anything to you. No. Absolutely one hundred percent the fuck no." When Chris's face falls, Jake sighs, blinking sleep from his eyes. "I won't ever, not with rescues. I'm not safe for you if I do, Chris. You said you woke up like this?"
Chris swallows, nodding. Jake's grip on his shoulders slowly loosens. "I was, um, I had a, a, a dream about, you, you know... And I woke up, I just... was scared, of the, the dream and I, I needed... to, to, to to to feel... um... I don't know."
Jake nods, shifting in the bed, gently moving Chris so he's lying in the spot he likes between Jake and the wall. "You needed to feel like you're here, not there. I got it. It's okay, Chris. I'm not mad at you."
Chris settles onto Jake's pillow - scratchy but fun, some movie on it that Chris doesn't know, he likes the image of the robot on one side though. Jake pulls the blankets back and Chris breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes Jake is putting the blankets on him, too. "You're not?"
"No. Nightmares are normal. But you can't try that with me, man, I won't do that to you."
"With me," Chris corrects, but his voice trails off when Jake fixes him with a long, hard stare, eyes glittering with the dim reflection of moonlight through the blinds.
"No. To you. If I... That would be wrong. And I won't. You should know that I'm safe, and anyone who would-... They wouldn't be safe. But you can stay here."
"I, I, I can?"
"Yeah." Jake closes his eyes again, and Chris watches the lines of his face relax, tries to mirror it. "If you have bad dreams, man, you can always come see me, okay? That's what I'm here for."
"Okay," Chris whispers, and he's smiling. Some of the shivery horrible feeling is gone, the fear settles into something closer to the tired he was before. He feels less worry that he isn't real, because he is, even just laying like this. "Okay, Jake."
"You can trust me," Jake murmurs, already halfway back asleep. "No matter what, Chris, I got your back. Go t'sleep, I got class tomorrow."
"Good, good, good good good night, Jake," Chris says, softly. His feet find a spot of warmth where Jake's legs had been before, and Chris closes his eyes, tapping happily on his stomach. He feels better, and nothing happened, and he feels better because nothing happened.
He waits until Jake's breathing is soft and even again, until he's sure the other boy is sleeping. Then Chris opens his eyes again to look at Jake's sleeping face, erasing the horrible smug smirk in his memories and dreams with Jake's gentle, insistent, I am not going to do anything to you.
Chris smiles, in the dark.
He never smiled in the dark before.
"I, I can trust you," He whispers, and lets himself slip back into sleep.
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kenzieam · 4 years
Remember Me - Chapter One
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@jewels2876​​​​  @moonbeambucky​​​​  @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​​​​  @iammarylastar​​​​@captstefanbrandt​​​​  @badassbaker​​​​  @pinknerdpanda​​​​  @oliviastan17​​​​ @mizzzpink​​​​​
I know I’m forgetting people, sorry. If you want in, hit me.
Rating: M
Warnings: Major angst, drama, sorrow, pain, suffering, language, my usual shit
Lev is newly born, her entire life up until the last mission gone. How does she navigate these new waters where she doesn’t remember anything anymore? And what to make of the heartbreaking way Bucky is always looking at her now?
My head hurts and I’m getting tired of the endless questions, but the people milling around me can’t seem to accept what I keep saying, over and fucking over.
“You don’t remember me?”
I study him, if only to give the impression that I’m trying really hard to remember but it’s all a blank, just a big fucking expanse of white. Not overly tall, tailored suit and smart-ass twist to his lips. “No.”
He glances at one of the others, a quiet, introspective guy who’s been doing most of the medical shit and only receives a shrug in return.
“C’mon Banner, what the hell is going on?” The little one asks, sounding surprisingly distressed.
Who are these people and why do they care so much if I know them?
“I told you,” the one called Banner begins, voice quiet and somehow chronically sad. “She can’t remember; going by my preliminary findings, it’s most-likely post-traumatic retrograde amnesia.”
“What? She hit her head or something?” The little guy looks around at the rest of them, hands out in exasperated query.
I consider answering, something cutting and acerbic about the blood-stained uniform I wear, the bruises and cuts and cracked bones that Banner has already splinted and given me lovely drugs for, but it seems like too much effort and really, if the suit can’t deduce that something went down out there based on how I look and feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, I’m not going to waste my breath.
A tall blond who’s holding his side gingerly answers, flicking a glance at me as if he’s read my apparently scrambled mind. Judging by the way the others pay attention to him, I’m guessing he’s one of the bosses. There’s a reassuring steadiness about him and I see why he’s the one everyone looks to for answers. “Yes, Tony. She hit her head, Kozlov had a few dirty tricks laid out that we got stuck in.”
The one called Tony shrugs, looking inexplicably pissed. “The rest of you look okay.”
That was far from true, every single one of them was bleeding or bruised somewhere, but if he was referring to the fact that no one else was sitting there unable to remember anything personal, then he was right. A petite redhead, her arm in a sling, shifted her weight, throwing a dirty glance at Tony, while a handsome black guy, one whole side of his uniform scorched and torn but the skin beneath thankfully intact, scoffed, looking ready to say something in return if not for the blond glancing warningly at him over his shoulder but my attention was on the brown-haired man hovering in the shadows.
As tall as the blond and heavily muscled, chocolate brown hair hung lank in a stunningly beautiful face, all the more striking because of his almost supernatural blue eyes but the most defining feature by far was his shiny, metal left arm. He looked like he was struggling with the urge to simultaneously destroy something in rage and collapse into tears, the dichotomy both fascinating and unsettling. Although heavily injured, at least to my eyes, he’d eschewed all attempts at help, insisting on everyone else being taken care of first. He’d spent most of the time here in this sterile room watching me, something indecipherable in his stare. He seemed to be taking this amnesia business far more personally than anyone else, eyes red-rimmed and swimming in tears, even as his fists, one metal and one flesh, clenched at his sides.
“I know,” the blond replies, sounding chagrined and I look his way once more, curious despite the pain in my head. He flicks his eyes to me, and I’m surprised at the distress there. “Lev took a hit meant for all of us.”
I did? Why? And is that my name, Lev?
The anguish in the metal-armed guy seems to overflow at the blonde’s words and he turns away, hammering his synthetic fist against the wall, the sound barely concealing his sob, but the group appears remarkably indifferent to his reaction, as if used to it; maybe he’s the emotional one of the team.
Or maybe, based on the way he’s been watching you; this news hurts him more.
Whatever, my head frickin’ hurts and I just want to lie down, we can all play twenty-questions later.
Banner seems to notice my weariness first and steps closer, freezing when I tense then seeming to accept my reaction almost sadly. “C’mon, let’s leave her alone. She needs to rest.”
“She can’t go to her quarters…” the redhead begins, looking between the one named Tony, Banner and the blond, glancing once apologetically at the brunette, who’s turned away from the wall to watch us again, but looks like he is barely holding on. A strange compulsion hits me, to leap off the exam table, rush to him and hold him close but it makes no goddamn sense, I don’t know this man, I need to go lie down, like Banner said.
“No.” Banner agrees, and he too flicks a look at the man, seemingly sorry to agree with the woman. “That won’t work… not right now…. Anyway, she needs to be monitored closely for the next day or so, I’d feel better if she stays here.”
Whatever, I can’t think about this, everything hurts too goddamn much. The darkness swirls up again and, rather than fighting it, I embrace it, faintly registering my body sway and tip over, the impact with the bed probably painful but I’m too gone to notice.
**********************************************************************************    Heavy breathing wakes me later and I slit my eyes open, trying to find the source. Whoever it is, they sound like they’re fighting tears and my heart cracks at the sound. I imagine the sound of anyone crying is something I don’t particularly want to hear, but something about this person’s anguish is particularly cutting.
It’s the brown-haired man, the one with the metal arm. He sits to my side, hunched over, face buried in his hands and massive shoulders shaking. It’s disconcerting to see someone so physically imposing and large looking so… broken but there’s some serious shit going on with this guy.
Before I can move though, shift my hand to brush his knee or anything really to help him, the blond appears at the doorway. I can barely make his features out, due to the dim lighting and my barely-opened eyes, but he’s not looking at me anyway. I close my eyes again, it’s easier.
“Buck, c’mon man.” He murmurs, stepping further into the room. “You need to lay down.”
Buck, okay; that’s his name.
“She’s gone, Steve.”
No, I’m not. I’m not dead.
“No, she’s not.”
Thank you, Steve.
“Her memory is! She can’t remember us; she doesn’t remember me.”
“Bruce hopes it’ll all come back.”
“What if it doesn’t?” There’s a horrible resignation in his deep voice, a stark question.
“Then we’ll deal with it.”
“She’s everything to me, Steve. She’s my life, you know this. If all we had is gone-”
“Stop it.” There’s an edge in Steve’s voice now, but I get the impression it’s not anger, but the same fear currently affecting Buck. “She will come out of this. You know as well as I do that Tony and Bruce won’t rest until they figure this out.”
Buck scoffs, but it’s half-hearted and I feel a calloused hand take mine. The touch is gentle, if a little desperate. It feels like he’s saying goodbye.
I hear Steve step in further, a hand slap lightly on a shoulder. “C’mon.” He says again and I hear the chair scratch as Buck stands. A moment later dry lips brush my forehead.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.” Buck murmurs but then my shadows are dragging me down again and if he says anything more, I don’t hear it.
**********************************************************************************        The next days pass with painful slowness, dragging like rusty blades across my skin and, based on the faint scars I find on my inner arms and thighs, that’s something the old me used to do with heartbreaking regularity.
What sort of life did I lead, that made inflicting pain on myself acceptable?
I want to stay away from the others, but it’s made difficult by their damn persistence. I’m given some space but not nearly as much as I crave. They all mean well but being asked a hundred times if some location or activity ‘triggers anything?’ gets old. And Banner, Bruce now as I’ve learned is his first name, has a thousand and one ways to try and restart my memory.
But it all remains frustratingly blank.
I remember nothing, not one thing about my life before waking up in the quinjet, everyone hovering over me looking like I’d gone and died on them a time or two.
But apparently there’s records and I spent the first few days that Bruce insisted I stay in the medical labs working my way through them.
I was an orphan, raised in a series of group homes and shoddy orphanages, fighting for scraps. Faint memories trickle back as I read this, just flashes and hints but, based on what I’m reading, that’s a good thing. Sometimes they seem little better than nightmares.
And it explains the scars.
After slumming around in dead-end jobs for a while I, seemingly on a whim, applied to SHIELD and passed the entrance exam, a surprise given my basic background, lack of higher education and chip on my shoulder regarding authority.
Following one particularly ugly assignment, where I completely disregarded orders and then told my commanding officer to go fornicate with himself, I was offered a choice.
Leave SHIELD in disgrace, or volunteer as a guinea pig, only I wasn’t supposed to call it that, even if I was.
For what exactly I had no idea, but that didn’t seem to stop me and, after a half-dozen unsuccessful tests where I nearly got my head blown off more that once testing out experimental weapons, (an expendable resource for R&D), I was offered up to Tony and Bruce.
And what a proposition they’d had for me.
For years Stark had been working on perfecting a serum similar to what his father and Erskine had used on the blond I now knew was called Steve and, with Banner’s help, he’d achieved a version he was fairly confident in.
For whatever reason, they saw something in me (that I did not and had never seen in myself) and the multiple personality and psychiatric tests that were standard at SHIELD and felt I was worthy of the opportunity. Or maybe just perfectly expendable, with no family or close friends to speak of.
And I’d apparently had no sense because I’d agreed to let them test it on me.
If the serum had failed, as it had the few other times Stark had felt confident enough to try it on a real person, I would have probably been booted out of SHIELD entirely, left to my own flawed devices; but it hadn't and I’d become the first successful recipient of serum since Rogers himself, at least for our side. There was a section included in my reading on HYDRA and their Winter Soldier program, including a group of volunteers who’d been executed by their handlers that I skimmed over, feeling the strangest sense of discomfort.
Anyway, with that came the transference to the team, and my first exposure to The Avengers.
That was as far as I got before Bruce cleared me to leave medical, despite the near crippling headaches I was still suffering from, and I was glad for it, being awakened every few hours (usually just after I’d managed to nod off again) had gotten old fast.
The topic of my quarters was still a touchy subject apparently, because I was led to a furnished but plain set of rooms to make myself at home. Steve was the one to take me and his shoulders stiffened when I asked if this was where I had lived before.
“No,” he replies quietly, not looking directly at me.
I was getting really tired of being spoon-fed inf0rmation, at the rate everyone else had decided I could handle it and there was obviously more here than Steve was willing to tell me. “Then where did I live before? Why can’t I go back there now?”
“Lev-” Although I didn’t remember this man, the look of reluctance on his face was universal. He doesn’t want to tell me.
“Goddammit, would someone tell me the truth?” I snap, slamming my fist into the wall, only a small part of me sorry for my outburst. “Why is everyone lying to me?”
“We’re not lying!” Steve almost shouts and I get the sense that this big man rarely raised his voice like this because his face went pink and blotchy and he looked away from me. “Look, Lev. This is hard for everyone-”
I snort, because really.
“No, it’s true.” He returns, finally meeting my eyes. “We just don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“By taking me to an empty room?”
He shifts uncomfortably. “Its not a good idea for you to go to your old quarters.”
“Why not?”
He looks downright miserable now. “Because you share them with someone.” He lifts his gaze to me, beseeching me to stop asking, to not press him further.
To hell with that. “Who?”
“No,” he shakes his head and get the feeling he’s digging in his heels. “Bruce said it’s dangerous to overload you with information, I’ve already said too much. Don’t ask again.”
There’s such misery on his face I pause. “Was it you?”
He starts slightly, fighting to hide it. “No.”
I feel bad suddenly, pressing him like this. It’s not his fault I can’t remember anything (at least I don’t think it is) and he’s just the poor bastard that got tasked with showing me my new room. A headache flares up with sickening strength and I suddenly don’t care anymore who I shared space with. “Okay, thanks.” I reach for the knob, hoping to keep my face from betraying my pain.
“I’m going to go lay down now, Rogers. Thanks.”
I close the door in his face before he can answer.
************************************************************************************ Murmured words against my throat.
Soft lips caress my pulse-point.
A soft, stroking touch.
Heat and weight as someone stretches out on top of me, the feeling welcoming and familiar.
A knee between my thighs, a shuddered exhale.
“I love you, baby.” A tender voice.
I wake to a dark room, cold and alone. There is nobody with me, no one whispering tenderly in my ear. Whoever they were, I trusted them completely, felt one hundred percent safe with them and…. Shit, loved them in return.
But who?
My brain has been too scrambled, my interactions with the team too awkward and stilted to give me any clues. Nobody so far has sparked anything in me like that, male or female; not that I’m prejudiced, but the weight on me, the timbre of the voice says it was a man I loved.
Steve says it wasn’t him, but that doesn’t really narrow it down. There’s apparently a thunder god running around out there somewhere I haven’t met in my new form, and his brother, plus a multitude of others, it’s all a jumbled maze in my head right now.
I could be standing right next to this person and not have a fucking clue, thanks to the tangled spaghetti in my brain.
It’s been a week since I was escorted to these empty rooms and I’ve rarely ventured out, preferring solitude to everyone’s well-meaning ‘help’. It’s not like I’m partying it up or anything, most of the time I sleep, exhausted and baby-weak, trying to remember my life when I’m awake, which usually just leads to more sleeping.
The others do get in unfortunately, because even though it’s exhausting and draining to talk with people, see the hope in their eyes that their words are going to somehow trigger some memory in me, it’s also strangely lonely by myself. I don’t have myself in my head anymore to keep me interested, the general background noise of a busily-humming brain. Mine is still shell-shocked, with no files to sort through for entertainment.
The dreams, or perhaps memories, continue. Not all the time, but enough to make me think they’re more than simple fantasy. The whispered words, the warmth of someone’s strong, muscular body. I’d sit down and try to figure it out if I didn’t now have the attention span of three-year old and the napping habits of a ninety-year-old.
“It’ll come back.” Bruce reassures me, but I’m not sure who he’s talking to, me or him.
“The memories,” I clarify. “Or everything?”
“My… ties with people, friendships?”
Bruce shifts uncomfortably. “I don’t know. It’s still too early to tell, but with traumatic brain injury there is always the risk of permanent damage, personality changes. You being serum-enhanced just makes it a bigger question mark. Steve has never experienced something like this, and Bucky’s amnesia was an entirely different set of circumstances.”
I’ve learned since that first strange encounter with him, that his name isn’t in fact Buck, but Bucky, and both are nicknames for his real name, James; but that’s about it. The guy avoids me like the plague, and I guess that’s fair, since Bruce just said he’s experienced something the same but different, and probably doesn’t want to be reminded about it.
Once or twice, I’ve brought up Bucky to Steve, the first time in curiosity, the second to see if I imagined the first reaction. Both times his face went red and he suddenly couldn’t speak clearly, suffering from an acute case of the mumbles.
It would be telling, his reactions, if I actually remembered the man and whether he was a frequent sufferer of such things, or if my questions are hitting a particularly sore nerve.
“How’s your headaches?” Bruce continues, watching me carefully.
“You tell me, I know you’ve got that computer thing watching me all the time, what’s it called, MONDAY?”
He smiles faintly. “FRIDAY, and it’s for your own protection. You insist on being alone but if you ever suffered a seizure or was suddenly overcome with pain or-”
“I’m fine, really Banner. Don’t need a babysitter.”
“Right now, you do. Sorry Lev, I know that offends your sense of independence.”
“I have a sense of independence?”
“Yes, you were very self-reliant. That didn’t stop you from maintaining strong relationships with the team, but you preferred to nurse any wounds or injuries only in the company of a select few.”
“Them being?”
He grimaces, the same ‘oh shit’ look on his face as Rogers and we’re back into the ‘keeping Lev in the dark for her own good’ bullshit. “Lev-”
“Either tell me or leave me alone, Banner. I’m drowning in ‘what’s good for me’ around here.”
“Lev,” he looks genuinely hurt and I feel bad for a heartbeat. “We just want to help you, this is as strange and new to us as it is for you, we don’t know what will trigger memories for you, or overload you-”
“I know.” I heave a sigh because, as much as it grieves and frustrates me, I do get the sense that these people truly care about me and want what’s best for me.
“Do you feel well enough to try some exercise?”
I shrug, was that something I was into before? The toned lines of my body say yes but, as with everything, I have no memory of gym training.
“You have retrograde amnesia Lev; your personal memories are affected but not the practical ones. Your body remembers repetitive activities, you can dress and feed yourself, if you went down to the training area your body would remember your exercise routine, your muscles would take over.” He paused, weighing his next words. “No guarantees, but it might help trigger your memory as well.”
I nod absently because I’m wondering the same thing. There’s small bits and flashes that I remember now, but they only come if I’m not trying to remember. My mind needs to be blank and floating, basically concentrating on the opposite of thinking and sometimes I’ll get a little hit, some quick blip. Mostly it’s early memories so far, before I joined SHIELD or the team, but I’m starting to get a sense of the scrappy orphan I was, fighting more often than not, learning street smarts more than books.
I don’t feel like talking anymore and if the old me felt the need to exit conversations gracefully, the new one doesn’t. I stand, surprising Bruce and force a smile. “Okay, see you later?”
He recovers quickly and smiles. “Yes, Lev. Later, and I’m here anytime you need to talk, okay?”
Start actually answering my questions and I will, I think bitterly as I leave.
I find gym clothes in the bag someone packed for me, as well as a set of earbuds. Huh, maybe I’ll get more of sense of who Lev was if I listen to her music choices too.
The training area is empty when I get there, which is better than I’d hoped for. I don’t want anyone watching me right now or, even worse, trying to help.
I jab experimentally at the display on the treadmill and start walking. Bruce’s right, the practical shit is still here, I can work a treadmill, but if you asked me what my favourite colour was, I’d be lost.
Oh well, at least this gives me something to do besides sleep.
After a while, I speed up, moving into a jog. Even though I’m still stiff and sore, it feels good to move, and my body seems to remember doing it and doing it well. I catch sight of me in the mirrors and can’t help but smile. I don’t know how much is hard work and how much is the serum, but I love this body, it’s toned curves and latent strength… if only my brain would catch up.
The doors open and I look up, turning down some bass-heavy rap song that old me used to listen to and stumble on the track.
He looks as surprised to see me as I do him.
The infamous and rarely glimpsed Bucky.
He dithers at the door, clearly torn between continuing what he was doing or turning and leaving before setting his square jaw and marching inside. He nods once to me, averting his eyes and heads directly to the weights section.
I try not to stare as he gets started, putting in his own set of earbuds and grabbing a large set of dumbbells. Sweet baby Jesus, but the man is a work of art, and strong as an ox to boot.
I turn up my treadmill and music, forcing myself to look away because, damn.
But, despite myself, my eyes occasionally track back over.
Sweat darkens his tank top, his metal arm shining under the lights. His skin glows with good health and effort, each muscle cut and sharply defined. Small tendrils escape his man bun, sticking to his cheeks and the back of his neck. I can’t hear him over my music, but I imagine a very manly series of grunts as he works, straining at the weights, pushing for each rep. Maybe he swears too, the occasional gasped ‘fuck’ that wouldn’t be out of place in bed either-
Jesus. Calm the fuck down.
My fingers fly over the controls and some program flashes across the screen, something with lots of hills and valleys, whatever and, for awhile, I’m too busy trying to keep up to worry about Bucky. Then, movement nearby makes me flinch, a completely unexpected reaction.
Bucky, a few treadmills away, freezes at my response, something sad crossing his face, dimming the hope I see there, it looks like he was approaching me tentatively, perhaps to talk, and I had to go and spaz instead. I swallow, trying to think of something to say, a feat in itself since this program I chose is actually quite demanding and I’m working my ass off to keep up but, before I can think of anything, everything swirls grey and my knees give out. A loud thump hits my ears and I wonder if it’s my body bouncing off the track, but it doesn’t matter, because the comfort of oblivion has wrapped around me again and nothing else matters.
Raised voices wake me later, that and another monster of a headache. This is getting old, fast and I struggle to make sense of what’s going on around me.
“We need to tell her; she needs to know!”
“She needs to know, or you need her to know?”
It’s hazy, but I recognize the voices, Bucky and Steve, apparently arguing about something I need, or Bucky needs me to know. But then another voice weighs in, Bruce this time.
“We can’t rush her; this seizure just proves how fragile she still is.”
“No, the seizure was because someone told her she was okay to go to the gym!” Bucky snaps. “Who the fuck said that?” The way he asks it says he already knows and through slitted eyes, I see him squared off with the quiet doctor, his face a stormcloud of emotion, scary even. Steve intervenes, stepping deliberately between them. Tony appears, seemingly out of nowhere and the whole tense stand-off is dragged outside the medical lab, the doors cutting off any sound.
I can’t keep up with this shit and I let the darkness take me once more. Sleep is infinitely better right now than cryptic conversations I clearly was not meant to hear.
The next time I wake, my head is better, but my body still aches; what did I hit on the way down and I seriously consider just trying to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but there’s someone sitting beside me again.
It’s Bucky and he’s staring blankly at my hand, which is currently twined with his, tears in his eyes. He looks like sitting here beside me is absolutely killing him, or is it me? Something about me is hurting him. Does he feel bad I fell in the gym in front of him? Were we friends before all this happened?
I swallow painfully and the motion startles him back to life. He looks at me with indescribable pain in his eyes, like he’s dying to say something but can’t, maybe won’t. He’s the one I heard saying I needed to know earlier, what did he mean, what is so earth-shattering that the others seem to think I don’t need to hear yet?
His other hand reaches up and, I must still be semi-dreaming, because he strokes my forehead gently, an easy intimacy, like he has a right to my body and then he murmurs, so softly I almost don’t hear it.
I jolt, but before I can get myself together enough to speak, he stands, giving me one last heartbreaking glance before leaving and I lay there for a long time in shock.
His voice; the few times I’ve heard him speak it was always in anger, arguing with Bruce or Steve or someone; I’ve never heard him tender, speaking softly and, now that I have, more questions flood into my tangled brain.
His voice is the one I hear in my dreams, the one that makes me feel safe and loved.
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adhdeancas · 4 years
Sunset Sound: Gallows Pole
In the midst of the Lawboy shitposting, a Sam-centric chapter to see what he got up to after Dean went to hell. Special thanks to my bro @friedchickenangelwings for keeping me in check forever and always, I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.
Sam sobs. He can’t help it; he can’t do anything else. His big brother’s body is impaled on the post in front of him, the ground is littered with beheaded bodies, and two little boys are crying outside somewhere in the dark. And he can’t stop crying.
“It’s not okay. It’s not!” 
He tries to take back those words that had made his brother leave, but Dean's chest doesn’t shudder back into life, and it won’t. It hangs there, heavy and lifeless, and it always will. Dean is dead. 
And for what?
When Sam’s head starts to pound from the tears, he finally takes breaths to calm himself. Common sense floods back into his head and overtakes his grief, and he pulls Dean’s body off the stupid rusty nail that killed him. He lowers him to the ground and closes his eyes, because he can’t bear to look at his dead stare any longer. 
He doesn’t want to leave the barn. He knows he has to, but he doesn’t want to leave his brother there all alone. That’s what Dean had always been most afraid of: being alone. He stands frozen to the spot for more minutes than he should, trying to reason with his grief. Finally, finally, he wins, and he turns around to see his breath in the air before him. Sam immediately gasps, another desperate sob coming from nowhere, because the night isn’t cold enough for that.
“Dean?” He screams it. “Dean!” It’s gotta be him, Dean’s a ghost, Dean’s here, Dean’s trying to talk to him. “Dean!” 
“No, I’m sorry, Sam.” Kevin Tran flickers to form in front of him, pity and sadness in his eyes. “But Dean’s okay.” 
Sam rubs his eyes. He thinks for a second he’s hallucinating again, that losing Dean for real broke down all the sanity he’d built over the years. “K-Kevin?” Though he didn’t know it was possible, his stomach takes yet another plunge, like a boulder has just been dropped on him. Kevin’s incorporeal form shakes into being the thought once more that he did that, his hands killed Kevin, he’s the reason Kevin is a ghost. He’s in a room with the corpse and untethered soul of two people he loves and two people he watched die.
As if sensing all the ways Sam is shaking apart, Kevin nods and starts to reach out before realizing it would be no use. “Yeah, Sam, it’s me.” 
“But- w-w why?” Sam curses his voice for failing him, curses the shaking that sobbing left him with, curses it because he needs to be strong now. For Dean. “Why didn’t you help us?” A ghost would’ve been a great thing to have in a fight! A ghost could probably, I don’t know, push Dean away from a deadly-sharp hook on the wall? If Kevin has been here, why- “Is Dean in the veil? Can he hear me? Dean!” 
Kevin throws a gust of air in his face to get his attention, and it hits Sam like a slap. He looks back at the ghost, wideyed. Kevin looks apologetic. “I don’t have a lot of time, but you need to calm down. Seriously.”
“I can’t calm down-”
“No, Sam, you need to calm down.” Kevin looks upward nervously, as if he’s expecting to see some big figure raise the roof of the barnhouse up and peek down at them. “I’ll explain, but first thing you need to know is: Dean’s dead. He’s in heaven, and he’s in trouble.” 
Sam drives the Impala at exactly the speed limit, eyes dried to the point of aching. Dean’s wrapped body is sprawled out in the back seat, and if Sam just glances in the rearview mirror he can almost pretend he’s just passed out. Just had one too many shots of Cuervo and conked out so his little brother can drive. Sure. Whatever gets you through the night. 
Dropping off the kids was easy. Traumatized kids don’t say much, don’t ask too many questions, and they’ll forget the shellshocked stranger that saved them soon enough. Either that or he will haunt their nightmares, but Sam can’t help that. He can’t help anyone at this point, covered in dirt and blood and exhausted. He drives out to the middle of the forest anyway, Kevin’s words on a loop in his head. 
“You have to be normal. Chuck can’t want to watch you at all. So just play into his game. Pretend to only care about Dean, get out of the life, settle down.”
Sam had frowned, Eileen instantly springing to his mind. Surely he can care about her, right? “But-” 
“No, Sam, I’m sorry. Dean told me to tell you that Eileen… it’s just too dangerous. He likes you two. He’s gotta hate your life so much he doesn’t want to see it. It’s gotta bore him.” 
So Sam burns his brother's body in a forest alone, with only Miracle for company. There’s a dagger in his chest that tells him he’s betraying everyone he cares about, including Dean. Dean wanted a big funeral. He wanted his whole family there, not just his brother and a dog. And Eileen. There are three unread texts and a missed video call from Eileen already. Apparently Kevin hadn’t visited her yet. To let her know. 
It doesn’t take Sam long to leave the bunker. It just feels like a punch to the gut at this point. That table over there, carved with their family’s names, that’s where he and Dean swore they’d be free. They swore they’d get everything they wanted and everything they deserved. And now Sam has one pillow on his bed and an empty bunker full of the possessions of dead people. 
He knows there is a plan. He knows that. And it should comfort him, but it doesn’t, because he still has to live his long, boring, lonely life without the woman he loves or the family he misses or the brother he mourns. Time on Earth is torturously slow. 
The small things make the ache in his heart just a little lighter. He finds a job he likes, teaching history and the classics to teenagers. He remembers his old English teacher, and he tries to be that to kids that need it, kids that remind him of Claire or Jack. He gets to see Jody and the girls once every few years, a risk that he knows is worth it because it keeps him going. He can’t see Eileen. It would hurt too much. They both agreed the one time they called. He keeps learning ASL anyway, and he tells the story of him and Eileen meeting (slightly modified) to the kids in his class. 
He finds a wife. It was one of the things he put off, but after three years he knows he has to get on with it or he’ll get depressed. He needs someone, even if she is boring and too-nice and entirely too gullible. She’s nice and he’s good to her, but he can’t love her because she’s not real. Not in the way that Eileen is. She might as well be a blurred out mother figure action doll, for all she knows. And he hates himself for marrying her, when she deserves someone who finds her boringness interesting, but he knows this is what Chuck expects. He expects Sam to marry a nice woman and have a kid named Dean and grow old always hurting for the old times. Oh, and Sam does. 
He’d rather be back in the pit with Lucifer than this domestic djinn dream, but he reminds himself every day that someday they’re going to get rid of Chuck and then he’ll be able to live. Dean too. Cas too. And Jack. Sam’s going to kill that son of a bitch if it’s the last thing he does, living or dead. And it looks like it’ll be dead.
His fiftieth birthday has come and gone when Kevin finally comes back. The lights in Sam’s classroom flicker and go out, and then Kevin is there, chest heaving. He runs to the chalkboard and picks up a piece of chalk, and Sam’s talking as he writes. 
“Kevin, how’s Dean? Any updates on what’s happening in heaven? Is Chu-Jack okay?”
Kevin turns around, irritated, until he sees the look on Sam’s face. “Yeah, listen, everything is… fine. We’re working on it. Look, the important thing is that you get these ingredients-” he points to the chalkboard, “and perform the spell. But listen, it’s gotta be next week. Friday. There’s a full moon, it’s… you gotta make it happen.” 
Sam’s eyes bulge. “Friday? Kevin, what the hell, a little notice would be nice! How am I supposed to get-” he looks past him to the hastily written ingredients. “These ingredients are insane! It’lll take me weeks just to fly around the fucking world to grab them!” 
Kevin throws his hands up, looking almost as stressed as Sam. “Listen, man, we’re doing our best up there! Time is fucked up and we’re trying to be sneaky and it is a lot of pressure!” he finally takes a deep breath, which seems to help. “I’m sorry, I know it’s too much to ask, but we have no choice. Call a witch friend for the ingredients, summon Rowena and let her in on the plan. It’s Friday or never.” 
He flickers out before Sam can even reply. Apparently the stress and talking like that took too much out of him. Sam’s left alone to say “Sorry,” to an empty classroom. He sits down heavily at his desk and runs a hand through his graying hair. 
He copies down the ingredients and the spell and it’s then that he knows he definitely needs help. Luckily, he knows who to call. 
The phone rings so long Sam thinks about hanging up, but he picks up just before he can. “Sam!” Max sounds winded, and the first thought that enters Sam’s head is not appropriate for the occasion. 
“Hey Max, you got a second? You’re not…” busy? Jesus, Sam is blushing.
Max laughs. “Nah, you’re good, man. What’s up?” 
God, to speak to someone who understands his life again. To really get to talk to them. “Uh, it’s kinda not the kind of thing to talk about over the phone. Can I drive to you?” 
“Hey, Rowena,” 
Sam’s natural state is apparently social awkwardness now. Dean would say that had always been true… No, not the time to get sidetracked with that sad shit. He shuffles his feet again and adjusts a candle, waiting for Rowena to appear. He’s fifty fucking years old. He’s fine.
“Hello, dearie.” 
Sam grins at her, but is once again met with the sad eyes Kevin always gives him. “Fuck, can everybody stop with the dead brother horrible life shit?” She doesn’t look taken aback, no that’s not Rowena. She looks more like a school principal that just got told off by an 8th grader, surprised and a little offended. Sam softens a little bit. “Sorry, I just- listen, I get it, okay? My life is fucked up and it’s all a lie to beat God, I know. Can we move past that and get back to the saving the world stuff?” 
A slow smile spreads across Rowena’s face, and she pats him on the cheek. “There she is. Hello, Samuel.” 
Sam rolls his eyes. “Hi Rowena, how are you?” 
“Oh, just dandy. Tamped down a few ne’er-do-wells, not a problem. Being worshipped every day is hard work, but I manage, somehow.” 
“I’m sure. ‘Jack’ giving you any trouble?” 
She waves a dismissive hand. “I’ve barely seen the boy since he took over. Apparently he’s much more interested in watching his little short films in heaven than anything down below…” Sam’s got a question on his lips but she waves that away too. Too little time to explain the intricacies of eternal family drama that heaven is currently. “It doesn’t matter. I have free reign, which means I can pop in for our little soirees.” 
Sam nods, grateful that that’s true at least. He hands her the list of ingredients and the spell and watches as she studies it. “Problem?” 
“Hm. No, I can do that.” She looks up brightly at him. “I’m the greatest witch of all time, Samuel. I’m more worried about how you will accomplish it.” She looks down at his summoning ritual and bends down to correct a chalk mark with her finger. “You’re a wee bit rusty.” 
Sam scoffs. He’s missed this. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I called up my friend Max, Max Banes. He’s going to help me out.” 
“Max Banes? Hm.” For a second, Sam thought he saw something flash across Rowena’s face.
“Nothing.” She shrugs it off. “I’ve heard of the witch, that’s all. He’ll be good help for you, I’m sure. Now, Samuel, if you’ll excuse me… Underworlds to run and all that.” She steps away, but Sam stops her before she can disappear again.
“Wait!” He hugs her tightly. She only resists for a moment before she returns the hug, a light tap on his shoulder. “Thank you, Rowena.” 
“Of course, Samuel. Until next time.” 
She’s gone with a puff of smoke and Sam is left hugging air.
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Tag list: @dochunterwitch  @justonecitizenoftheearth @gnbrules @purpe @castiel-is-a-cat @alienapparatus @damian-janus-pendragon
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softbiker · 5 years
Born to Run - Chapter 14
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Warnings: cursing, little editing, brief descriptions of violence
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: AND WE’RE BACK SURPRISE!! Seriously though, I feel horrible that I haven’t been able to update in so long - I was doing so well at first with the weekly updates and then it just kind of...stopped. Things got difficult. Sorry. But here we are, keeping things going with this fic! I’m excited! As always, feedback is appreciated! 
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There’s something heavy across her waist when she wakes up.
She shimmies, trying to dislodge it, but the firm pressure only tightens when she does. Something warm snuffled at the back of her neck, the feel of soft whiskers scratching, and it’s - oh.
A little thrill shot down her spine - still does, even after these last few weeks. He’s only spent the night a couple of times - and the two of them remain somewhat clothed - but still. Her heartbeat picked up as he sighed again, breath coming hot along her neck.
She couldn’t shake this feeling, this nagging little notion, that she’d gone zero to 60 the moment she met him; in spite of the fact that they were taking things slow, something her trust issues and his gentleman’s upbringing insisted on, her brain felt like she was on a high-speed roller coaster, white-knuckling as she hurtled along the tracks awaiting the inevitable corkscrews and hairpin turns that would make her stomach drop.
Of course, with roller coasters, it helped if you had someone’s hand to hold.
She wiggled again in Bucky’s grip, trying to turn and face him, but he groaned in protest and tightened his spooning position. She rolled her eyes a little, patting his hand where it rested on her stomach.
“Such a baby,” she sighed, morning voice little more than a croak.
Bucky groaned again.
“‘S too early,” he grumbled, the sound muffled into the space between her hair and her pillow.
“Maybe for you,” Y/N huffed. “Some of us have jobs, you know.”
“I have a job,” he snorted.
“Oh yeah? Besides being a sexy biker?”
She heard his low growl rumbling before he quickly rolled to put his weight on top of her, his fingers wiggling into the soft flesh at her sides. She squealed and bucked under him, trying to escape, but he was too heavy to dislodge and she was way too ticklish to let him keep torturing her.
“Okay! Uncle! Uncle!” she cried, breathless. His fingers stilled, but his hands maintained their grip on her waist, the weight of his chest holding her down as he smiled, his face a few inches above hers.
“Hi,” he stage-whispered. His bed-head was in full disarray after his tickle attack, random strands fluffed out in different directions and hanging in front of his eyes. She blew a puff of breath past her lips, amused at the way he wrinkled his nose as the wayward hairs waved back in his face.
Good morning,” she smiled back, still catching her breath from the assault.
He leaned down for a kiss - a morning kiss, soft and tender, a small taste to break the night-long fast. The tip of his nose traced the length of hers.
“Still too early,” he hummed, lips working their way across her cheeks and nose and eyelids.
“Mm?” she hummed back, eyes closed.
“You know it’s Saturday, right?” he half-chuckled, nuzzling down into her neck. “Don’t have anywhere to be for a while.”
She peeked one eye open, a suspicious smile tilting up one corner of her mouth.
“I know that voice,” she bit her lip. He didn’t answer, leaving his face in its hiding place at her neck. “What are you planning, Barnes?”
“Somethin’ you’ll like,” he grinned, hands sliding down to the hem of her t-shirt.
“More like ‘something that’ll get you past second base’?” she teased. No matter how she played coy, though, her body couldn’t repress a shiver at his touch, fingers slowly climbing the skin under her shirt.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, honey.”
His head popped up and he gave her a sly wink. Surprised laughter sputtered from her lips, soon cut off by a firm kiss, his own laugh pressed into her mouth.
They didn’t get out of bed for a while that morning.
Natasha dug in her pocket for an elusive piece of bubblegum she knew she had stashed there. It was becoming frustrating - the pocket was only so big. Maybe she put it on the other side?
The diner she was waiting in - Lakeview family restaurant - was the only decent place to eat in the next town over. A cup of black coffee, half-finished, sat on the table in front of her; she’s had two refills already and knows she should stop -
There it is.
Fingers grasped the missing bubblegum and wiggled it out from her jacket pocket. She popped it in her mouth with no hesitation, crinkling the wrapper and letting it fall to the table.
Another glance at her watch. She’s never known him to be late.
She had been disappointed, but not surprised, when Y/N didn’t take the deal. In fact, she acted like their conversation never happened - diving headfirst into this fling with Barnes, the two of them apparently believing this could somehow...happen at all. A happy ending, a real life? The secrets were stacked against them, Natasha knew. Barnes knew, too, but she suspected he was thinking somewhere lower than his brain in all this. He had been from the moment the good doctor moved in across the street. And the rest of the gang seemed all too happy to welcome her into the fold, ignoring the very inconvenient facts about their real identities, their jobs, their presence in this town. It could’ve gotten her killed. Almost did.
Which was why Nat only trusted one head in the group - the one on her shoulders.
She was doing this for them. They’d understand, maybe not at first, but eventually. And even if they didn’t, she could live with their anger. Better than their blood.
It’s taken a few weeks to get things in order, but she had finally made the call. Clearly, extraction was the best case scenario for the team now. The longer they lingered on this job, got comfortable with Hydra’s silence after Rumlow’s death? She didn’t want to play those odds.
A bell dinged above the diner door. She didn’t turn, refolding the gum wrapper in her hand as the booted footsteps approached slowly, quiet on the tile floor. She didn’t even look up when he wrapped his knuckles once against the table, before sliding into the booth across from her.
“Been a while,” Nick Fury raised his good brow as he leaned forward to prop his elbows on the table.
“Well, you know how it is, Nick. Busy with work,” she smirked drily.
The waitress returned, pen at the ready, and Fury requested a coffee and whatever fresh pie they had that day. Whipped cream on the side, please.
“You know, my doctor tried to convince me to try going keto,” he said conversationally as they waited. “Something about keeping my blood sugar steady.” He shrugged. “Decided I didn’t hate myself enough to do that.”
Nat rolled her eyes a little, unable to hide her small smile. She had missed Nick. But this, the chit-chat, the minutiae, was never what they were good at. People like them were rarely good at small talk.
“So.” He turned the skewered bite of apple on his fork, gliding it through the whipped cream before taking a slow bite. “I understand you have a proposition for me.”
“I do.”
He pursed his lips, nodded, never lifting his eyes from his plate.
“Then let’s hear it.”
They were slipping.
Rogers. Barnes. The Avengers.
From what they can tell, the self-righteous pricks are too far up their own asses to see what’s been going on. No one saw his men tailing them on every run. No one noticed their movement in the shadows of the town, the palms they greased, the eyes that looked the other way. Nobody was looking when their numbers doubled in size, weapons making their way through with the new men. It all hummed under the surface, dry winter air nearly crackling with the static.
Any day now, any moment - all it would take was some friction, a spark, to light the whole thing up. Burn the fucking Avengers to the ground.
Which is why he was very careful to avoid such friction. No contact - that was the rule. Keep your head down, mouth shut, do what you’re told, and don’t start shit. All the men knew, and they were scared shitless of the boss, so they obeyed. But they were restless, he knew. Itching, jumpy, knuckles cracking. They wanted a fight, and he wouldn’t hold them back much longer.
No, not much longer now.
He knew an old friend of the boss would be passing through today - on to the next town over. Better head that way if he was gonna get to the rendezvous point on time.
“I put together this team, you know.”
“They were already a unit when they were deployed in Afghanistan-”
“Yeah, yeah but I hand picked them all for this assignment,” Fury waved her off. “And now you’re telling me I made the wrong call?”
Nat sighed through her nose.
“I’m not saying they’re wrong for the job, but they’ve been out here for a long time and…” she glanced out the window at they highway just beyond the gravel parking lot. “To be frank, Barnes is compromised and the rest are content to let it happen. They need to be pulled out of the field to regroup. Period.”
“Mm.” Nick sipped his coffee. “And this has nothing to do with your...history with Barnes?”
“Don’t patronize me, Nick. I’m a damn professional, not a child. You know that better than anyone.”
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
They stared at each other across the table for a moment - Nat with her arms crossed, a deep line between her brows. Nick seemed content with a hand wrapped around his coffee cup, empty plate scraped clean of crumbs and whipped cream pushed away from him on the table.
“I trust your judgment, Romanoff,” Nick finally sighed, draining his coffee. “So what’s the move here?”
“Simple. Call it in, move on the evidence we have to clear Hydra off the streets, and send the team home for debrief,” she shrugged. “We’ve got more than enough to keep these guys put away for a little while - long enough that we can come up with a long-term plan and pump them for more intel on Hydra’s shadier business deals. Gotta be a weak link in there somewhere.”
“You gonna get ‘em to talk?”
“Somebody always talks.”
“Okay,” Nick nodded. “It’s far from the worst idea you’ve ever had. But I’m gonna have to make some pretty important phone calls. Probably have to go all the way to Pierce on this one.”
“Trust me, it’ll be worth it.” Nat tilted her head to one side. “You can salvage this whole operation before it goes south - now tell me that’s not worth a little bit of groveling to your boss.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one having to do it.”
“I don’t beg, Nick,” she smirked. “You know that.”
He huffed, shaking his head.
“Oh, I know.” He rolled his good eye as he started to shuffle out of the booth. Natasha stood up too, readjusting the jacket around her shoulders. The sun was just starting to slip beneath the horizon, casting long shadows across the parking lot outside the window. Her bike sat next to his sleek black SUV, the only visible vehicles parked on this side of the building.
Fury gave her a long look as he patted down his pockets, leaving a sizable tip for the waitress tucked under his coffee cup. Nat refused to meet his gaze, standing with her arms crossed, green eyes scanning the room. The other patrons at the cafe paid them no attention, as they slowly walked to the door side-by-side, Nat’s boots clicking softly on the tile floor.
“You don’t need to worry about this, Romanoff,” Nick sighed, pushing through the door first. The little bell above the door announced their departure. “I’ll take care of everything.”
“I’m not worried.”
He stopped at the door of his car, good eye sliding sideways for a glance at her. She was already straddling her bike.
“You’ll be hearing from me soon,” he waved, almost drowned out by the roar of her bike starting. He laughed under his breath, humorless, nostalgic, as she revved the engine a moment before throwing up gravel under the tires as she peeled away from the diner. He tried not to be irritated about the paint job on his car - already streaked with mud from these unfamiliar roads.
The highway was nearly deserted, nearly dark, as he started the long drive back to the city. Romanoff might not be worried - though he suspected otherwise - but Nick certainly was. It wasn’t like her to pull a stunt like this, and it wasn’t like his hand-picked team of Avengers to get sloppy on the job. And then there was the sudden silence from Hydra in the last weeks since their ringleader’s death; his team, and his higher ups at the agency, had always known there was someone else, a hidden hand pulling strings, but could never quite get the bastard to show their face. And now, when they all could feel something building like a wave, about to crest, Nat wants to pull the team out.
He shook his head. Too much to think about and a long drive ahead. His hand reached for the radio dial, searching past country stations and bluegrass stations and the lonely pop station - he settled on gospel, surprising himself. But it made him think of his mother, so he left it there. Flicked on the headlights, and then the high beams, showing him nothing in the darkening night besides the road stretching ahead and the now-empty fields, nearly flooded from last week’s rain.
After a while - could’ve been an hour, could’ve been 20 minutes - he heard them in the distance, that distinct roar of engines. His ears pricked; they were coming from behind him, the direction of town. Maybe Natasha changed her mind? Maybe the rest of the team was offended he didn’t drop by and they were going to haul him back to the compound for a barbecue.
Maybe he’s become one of those goddamn idiots who’s dumb enough to believe in luck.
When their headlights came around a curve a quarter mile behind him, he was nearly blinded by the sheer number. The noise was nearly deafening, and he flattened his foot against the accelerator, mentally calculating the miles between towns. Too far in either direction.
That was when he saw the group coming towards him, too.
With a steady stream of curses under his breath, he dialed Natasha’s phone number. The phone rang, twice, three times - he glanced over and saw that two of the bikes had pulled alongside him, riders covered head to toe in black leather, white skulls painted on their helmets.
“Motherfuckers,” he hissed. A jerk of his steering wheel, just a threat, and they braked a little, backing off. But there were three more directly behind him, not to mention the ones further back and up ahead.
“Come on, Romanoff-”
“Natasha - we made a mistake, they’re moving now-”
“Nick, what are you talking about? What’s going on?”
The two bikers had pulled alongside him again, speeding up and slowing down to stay just out of his reach. One of them reached over to his hip, raising an arm right at the car-
The pop of the gun and his front tire were almost simultaneous; the car went squealing and swerving across the road, black marks burned into the pavement, before a wild swing of the wheel sent it flipping into the deep ditch next to the highway, where it landed upside down and creaking.
“Nick what the hell just happened?”
“Nick are you there?”
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Hawkins’ Charm (Part 9)
Synopsys: They had gotten out of Hawkins. After all the shit that had happened, all the heartache and pain, Billy and the Reader had gotten away from that hellhole, building their life in California as he had dreamed. But when Max’s graduation rolls around and they go to celebrate, it’s as if the Upside Down was just waiting for all of them to return. And it has a bone to pick.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader; platonic!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: angst, bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, mentions of injuries and death, fighting, swearing, mentions of smut, but not full-on
Word count: 2120 (I’m sorry if there are any mistakes :D )
Italics are flashbacks
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“Billy, stop!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, throat burning with every uttered syllable, but no sound came out. When Y/N had come to and seen the bruises he’d left around her neck, she had almost passed out again, but had to remind herself – this was not Billy, this wasn’t her caring sometimes hot-headed boyfriend that had wrapped his palms around her neck and tried to squeeze the life out of her. This was a monster using him as a servant to do its bidding. 
           For a second, their eyes met as she stood at the other side of the mall, the Mind Flayer’s attention on El who laid on the ground before it. And there it was – recognition in Billy's eyes. If only for a moment, he remembered who she was, who he was to her.
           As quickly as that had happened, it was gone, and Billy turned around grabbing a screaming El who had woken up and skidded away by her ankle and dragging her towards the monster. No, Y/N thought to herself, that’s not gonna happen, and rushed to the side where a discarded shotgun laid on the ground. She checked its ammo, loaded and aimed. 
           “You,” Y/N pointed at Hopper as they jumped out of the van, “stay in the car and stay low. We don’t need someone to see your face and freak and call the cops.”
           “I am the cops,” he grunted but slid lower onto the seat, masking his face with a baseball cap.
           “No,” El butted in, “keyword – were. You’re technically still dead. At least as far as Hawkins is concerned. And the rest of the world.”
           Like a child, Hop grunted our a ‘whatever’ and watched as the group entered the store, the little ‘DING!’ ringing sharply through the air. “Stay low my ass,” he muttered and slid down the chair to vanish from view.
           Y/N tapped her foot against the tiled floor, and each little movement of the muscles tightened the feeling in her back where the salve had seeped into her skin and had lost the cooling effect, making her grit her teeth to keep the whimpers of pain at bay.
           Each beep as the items were scanned amped up her anxiety, and she started chewing on the tip on her thumb which Steve promptly slapped away from her mouth.
           “If your boy sees you without a finger, it’ll be my head he’ll come after,” he grumbled and crossed his arms mimicking Y/N’s stance and tapped his foot at the same time.
           “Oh please,” she rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you two already gone through your dick-measuring phase?”
           “When are boys ever?” Robin snarked from where she stood behind Y/N, and the two fist-bumped at that.
           “Hey, don’t I know you?” the clerk squinted his eyes at Y/N with a pointed finger in her direction. “Aren’t you that chick that ran off with Hargrove?”
           “If by that chick that ran off with Hargrove you mean his girlfriend throughout the senior year and decided to move to California with him then yeah, I guess so.” She was really over all of the judgement from others.
           Her mom hadn’t been too pleased when she’d announced that she’d be going to San Diego with Billy. Especially given how Y/N had planned on returning to New York and going to NYU at the start of the last semester. 
           Sure, it hadn’t been the most pleasant of stays, but the Big Apple had grown on her. She’d found some peace and had been able to collect her mind after everything Hawkins had put her through. That is until the tanned Cali boy slammed his way into her world.
           He completely shook everything up, from what Y/N wanted in life to what she thought she deserved. There’d been a tremendous amount of guilt that plagued her heart since Barb, and once returning to Hawkins it got bad again. 
           She hadn’t been there to help and look for her, she hadn’t stayed and brought justice to one of her best friends, instead, she'd opted to run away. Y/N felt like she’d been selfish and a horrible person. Until Billy helped her understand it wasn’t her fault. And he made sure she knew it.
           “You couldn’t have done anything,” he’d muttered in her hair one night after the boy had climbed through his window seeking solace from his dad, only to find Y/N dry heaving over her toilet seat. “Fuck, sweetheart, it wasn’t your fault, you gotta understand.”
He hadn’t known the real circumstances then, but it didn’t matter 'cause the words hit their mark either way. “That fucking lab and those people were a messed-up bunch, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take care of yourself.”
           Y/N had shaken her head. “I-I should’ve stayed. I should’ve helped Nance and Steve. I-I sh-should’ve fought for her.”
           A hand wove into her hair and made her rest her cheek against his chest. “How can you fight for someone else when you can’t even fight for yourself?”
           “So, what do you need all this stuff for?” the cashier asked taking Y/N out from her thoughts and making small talk while scanning the copious amounts of rope and batteries. “Infiltrating the CIA?” Oh, if only he knew how close he was.
           “Going on a camping trip,” Y/N gave him a tight-lipped smile. They seriously didn’t have time for this shit.
           He pulled up the two barrels of gasoline and shrugged. “Must be some trip if you need all this stuff.”
           “You never know,” Robin said curtly hoping he’d just hurry up, “maybe a bear blocks our way back to civilization, and we have to fight it off.”
           “With what? Ropes and walkie talkies?”
           “Exactly,” she gave him a sarcastic smile, and he finally rung up the total.
           Billy couldn’t breathe. He felt like his lungs had collapsed and a boulder sat on his chest, pressing down on him. His vision swam, bright lights merging in a sickening dance turning his head dizzy.
           Pain. That’s all he felt. But maybe that’s what he deserved. He’d been an asshole, a major one at that. Maybe this was his way of repenting. Spending his last moments alive in unbearable agony for all the hurt he’d caused while he was alive. Especially to those he loved. 
           His eyes dripped close, but then two hands planted themselves on his shoulders.
           “Max,” he gurgled out, pain shooting through his body right down to the very tips of his toes.
           “Hold on,” the redhead sobbed. Fuck, is she crying? Over me? “Don’t you dare die on me, or I swear I’ll dig up your grave, zap you back to life and skin you alive.”
           “ ‘M sorry,” he choked. “ ‘M sorry.”
           And he knew he was gone when an angel came into view. A beautiful gorgeous angel.
           “Billy,” she called his name. “Billy, please.”
           Fuck, she sounded so much like Y/N. His Y/N. A small smile came over his face. Maybe death wasn’t that bad when it took the form of the only person that had every truly, really loved him. Not even his mom had loved him as much as his girl did. 
           Sure, he missed her like crazy every day of his damned life, but she had left him with that bastard that was nothing more than a sperm donor to him. A little kid on his own to live with a monster. Billy wasn’t afraid of the dark or what hid in it. He was afraid of the person in the next room with a beer bottle in his hand.
           But Y/N… he’d been so shitty to her in the beginning, to her friends. But somehow, she saw through it, saw through the tall and dense walls he’d built around himself and had fallen for the man hiding inside the fortress. 
           “Billy, stay with me,” the angled pleaded. Of course, he would. He could never say no to her.
           Once they got to Joyce’s, they split up in groups, Billy taking his sister, Mike and Nancy back to their places while Joyce stayed with Will, and Johnathan took Dustin and Lucas back to theirs.
           “Have you talked with Lucas?” Billy looked over to Max and saw her visibly shrink. She folded her arms and slid down the seat a bit more as if trying to minimize her existence, and it worked as even sitting down he towered over her like a tree
           “About what?”
           “You know what,” he gave her pointed look before returning his gaze back to the road.
           For a moment, silence settled between them, but then Max sighed and groaned out “No. In fact, I actually tried to do that before everything with Y/N went down, but he just waved me off. Said it wasn’t a big deal.”
           Max’s ginger eyebrows were pulled together in a frown of hurt and confusion. “And I know I haven’t been the most understanding and was giving him the silent treatment, but I just… I don’t know what to do… I don’t know how to make it better.”
           Billy sighed, looking at how the trees zoomed past them on both sides before carefully replying. “You love him, don’t you?”
           “Yeah,” she said throwing her head back against the seat surprising him with her blatant honesty. “I mean we’ve been together, on and off, since like being thirteen… kinda hard not to.”
           As Neil’s house slowly started to come in view, Max asked him to stop on the curb.
           “Drop me off here. I’ll just sneak around the house and climb in through the window,” she said and turned to look at Billy grimacing. “Neil doesn’t really let me stay over if there are boys around.” She let out a sneer. 
           Her brother just shook his head and smirked ruffling her head. “You’re trouble, you know that, Maxine?”
           A scoff got stuck in her throat. “Me? Have you met yourself? You snuck out so many times during your senior year just to go to Y/N’s, I’m surprised Neil didn’t pick up on your routine and put bars on your windows.”
           Billy sorted. “If he’d even tried, I would’ve found a way to get to her.”
           “Sentimental asshole,” she rolled her eyes, but he could see that there was nothing malicious behind the gesture. “See you in a few hours.”
           “Stay safe,” he said, and Max nodded, quickly leaning over and pulling Billy in a tight hug. “Everything’s gonna work out. With Lucas, this whole shitshow. I promise.”
           “Do you think Y/N's gonna be okay?” Max mumbled in his ear and opened the door, her muddied up sneakers getting even dirtier.
           "She's the strongest person I know. She'll be just fine,” he looked to his lap and his heart clenched. She was, without a question, but that didn’t make him feel any less worried. Rather it terrified him to the core because who knows what situations awaited them. Billy wasn’t ready to let go of his life just yet, and he knew she'd do anything for those she loved. 
           His knuckles tightened around the wheel.
They’d make it out. No matter what. Or he’d burn everything in its wake. 
           A miracle the doctors had said. Not only that vital organs hadn’t been punctured, but that the chemicals Billy had downed a week ago hadn’t fully burned his insides apart. When Y/N heard this from the nurse, she had to rush away from her boyfriend’s side by the bed into the attached bathroom and throw up.
           Her throat burned like ten thousand hot pokers were being pushed down it. Her hands shook as she opened up the faucet and splashed ice-cold water against her face. Y/E/C eyes looked up to see the blue-black bruises littering her neck, Billy’s two handprints like tattoos against her skin. 
           No, she shook her head, not his, but that monster’s that used him as a puppet. Her Billy would never hurt her. 
           “Is he gonna recover?” Y/N asked glancing at the nurse when she reentered the room assuming her previous position. He was the same nurse that had looked at her neck and she had blatantly disobeyed his pleas for her to rest. She had to be with Billy.
           “Physically, yes… Psychologically is a different kind of story,” the nurse said. “But the doctor thinks he’s gonna be just fine. He’ll need a lot of help, but we're optimistic."
           Y/N nodded looking away from the nurse and back to her boyfriend. With shaky fingers, she took ahold of his palm and brought his fingers to her lips. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. I’ll be here for you… We’re gonna be just fine… we’ll make it…”
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Hawkins’ Charm tag list: 
@genius2050 @aiifandomsunite @ashleymarieriffle @littlefool-smalljester @infinitelycharmed23 @llcalumllhoodll @benevolentgemini @rxmanovbby @euphoniumpets @krazykatykat456 @believerofall @ccidk @babechief @meganmj @blackhood5sos @fml9603 @noodlenerd101 @universefinds @kuroidesuchloe @im-a-stranger-thing @grxxn-gardxns @springholland @beforethebraces @robinisourlesbianmom @queeneliza108 @neenaw-neenaw @lexisntthatweird @choicesismylife @mckenzie2020 @kcd15 @snuggleducky @reckless-sofia @didyouseetheflair @silver-winter-wolf @jay-ta-blog @hopeless-lovex0 @anyasthoughts @robinismyqueen @yeah-butyourenot-dacremontgomery @mcrganstarks @psychoticobsession @cutehipstergirl25 @sbfandom @mickmoon @jackyfrost01 @txhmine @dark-princess99 @morgangrice18 @changingmylifestyle367 @sweetdayme4427 @alowexpectation @sexyvixen7 @golddvstwoman @evelynfreakinaddams @sunfucked @sataninsatin @queenbbarnes @venomavocado @rangotangomango @psychosupernatural @sereiins @frickin-bats @bandsruinedmylife @thee-brunette-princess @queenskyster @aspiring-fangirls-world @gracethegeek9902 @katiexdacre @dreamwavej @escaping-reality21 @void-fire-rose @slvtherinseeker @paranoiadestroyah @arromite @jojo-buttercup @danarysstormborn @graveyard--baby--666 @teller258316 @hello-therree @stqrker @bethanystan @enthusiastoffandoms14 @i-bitch-you-bitch @billysgodcomplex @astil-be @kpopishilarious @bae-bino @billyhargrovescigarette
Billy Hargrove’s tag list: 
@la-reina-tigresa @youcanstandundermyumbrella @ephmrl-love
Forever tags: 
@lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
A/N: soooo.... it’s been a while.... a lot of things have happened and continue happening, but I hope you can forgive me for posting an update so late. Life just gets hectic and I do this for fun, so when pressing matters come up, I have to focus on them :D
I’ve started my last year of uni and I’m shitting bricks, but other than that I’m immensely enjoying everything I'm doing, mum’s visiting me next week, so that’s a plus, but also my first assignment is in less than two weeks, so yay me! :D
P.S. my tags are always open :)
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My Brothers, Corrupted
Chapter 2 : Section 8 : Thievery
Anti has, at last, brought Blue to the place where he always meant to bring him. He isn’t sure, anymore, if Blue will even survive the spell he plans to cast, but it doesn’t seem to matter to him. Meanwhile, their enemies surround and find them. Final section of the chapter.
Trigger warnings for major abuse, fire, blood and cutting, dog bites, violent attack on a character while they struggle, and violent battle, including deaths and some gore.
Find Chapter One here.
Find Chapter Two here.
 Section Eight of Chapter Two: Thievery
Anonymous asked: If you don’t treat Blue’s wounds, they could get infected.
“This place is beautiful,” he whispers.
Trick looks up.
It is the first Doktor has spoken in hours, and the first time Trick has lifted his head up from hiding in his shoulder in just as long a time.
The car comes to a stop in thick, uncut grass, swaying like scratchy curtains around the tires. Trick glances at Anti, gripping and ungripping the wheel of the car, and then out the window.
The sun is falling down, slow, slow, coating the earth in a syrupy red and orange paint. White wisps of young clouds drift not far overhead, pressed on by a warm, quiet twilight wind.
Before them, a great swollen river sings its soft and gentle way through heavy, tropical frond trees, cutting through the beachy sand of the earth.
“Do you feel that?” asks Anti, in a voice softer than the murmur of the river.
“Do… do I feel what, Anti?” asks Trick.
Anti does not answer, staring out at the river. Trick glances to his side at a faint wheezing noise and finds Dapper heaving quietly for air, his eyes blown wide and his thin form a-tremble.
“Anti?” whimpers Trick. “I think something’s wrong with Dapper!”
Anti hums, unbuckling his seatbelt. “He can feel it,” he says. “He can feel it. Come on, let’s go. Red, get up.”
Red yelps as the hand connects with his ear and rouses himself immediately, tearing off his seatbelt and trying to leap out of the car, only to be yanked back by his hand still cuffed to Dapper’s. Dapper groans out a warning noise, managing to bare his teeth at Red before sinking back into silent rocking, clutching his bear to his chest like a baby. Noodle mewls.
“Can we be uncuffed, please?” Red asks. “We’re sorry we disobeyed.”
“No. It’s not punishment, Red, it’s to keep you together. You’re watching over Dap until we are gone from this place. If any harm comes to him, it’s on you. You are not to be separated from him. Do you understand?”
Red swallows, glancing back at his little brother, dead to the world behind him. “Yes, Anti, of course.”
“Good. Dok, Trick, let’s go. We’re running out of time.” Anti extracts his backpack from the car and pulls out the stolen leather tome for which Red shed blood, tucking it under his arm. “They’re close now, and I don’t know how many they’ll bring. We have to be fast.”
“Anti, maybe they’re right,” coughs Dok, reading the message. “Blue’s body is unwell. If you would just let me - ”
“No time now,” says Anti, coming around the car to help get Dapper out. “No time now. Come on, I want to hide you.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok, as much as I agree with you, I think you all are going to be safer listening to Anti for now.
Doktor glances at you and swallows as he nods, getting up - ah, fuck, he’s so sore, but it’s not like he was about to move with Trick halfway on his lap and scared out of his mind. He helps his twin jump down from the car and into the thick, itchy grass, accepting a hand to help him get out afterwards.
“Oh, it’s hot as hell,” groans Trick, fanning himself and slapping at mosquitoes.
“Don’t roll up your pants, there might be ticks,” Dok warns. “Can we get the water out of the back, Anti?”
“Hm? Oh, sure. Just a second, let me - ”
And Blue’s body crumples to the ground with a glitch that makes the front of the car start to smoke. Anti reappears beside him, wiping his halfway-corporeal hands on his halfway-corporeal pants.
“Ready to try something fun?” Anti mocks him, shoving Blue back down into the grass when he tries to rise. “Red, get your fucking idiot twin down to the beach. Now.”
Dapper is clutching his bear to his stomach, halfway curled in on himself.
“I can feel everything,” complain his hands. “I can feel birds coming towards us!”
He covers his face with his fingers, afraid of having his eyes plucked out.
Anonymous asked: Dapper, Red, are you two alright?
“We are great,” pants Red, his voice too high-pitched and shaking like a motorcycle engine, frantically enthusiastic. “Aren’t we, Dapper?”
Dapper growls when Red turns to look at him, trying to back away, but the handcuffs keep them close.
“Okay, okay,” laughs Red, clutching at his hair. “Everything’s fine!”
He hears Anti tell him to get Blue to his feet and hurries towards his twin, dragging Dapper along behind him, still growling and hiding his eyes from the birds.
“Here, Blue, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Red reaches down to grab Blue’s shoulders, pulling him heavily to his feet. “We’re fine, we’re fine. Let’s go down to the beach like Anti said, okay?”
“Ro,” croaks Blue, clutching dizzily at his shirt. “Ow, ow!”
“What’s wrong?”
Blue spits out bile and crashes into his chest, struggling to breathe. “I’m burned, I’m burned!” he croaks frantically, pulling at the black shirt Anti put on him. “I’m fucking black and red! My h-hands are ruined! What happened, what’s happening? Dok, help me, help me!”
“Sh, sh, please, please.” Red tries desperately to quiet him. “Stop, stop, sh, Anti will punish you! You don’t want that! Come here, come here, let’s go down to the beach.”
badlypostedeverything asked: Blue, just go along with what your brothers tell you to do for now, Anti seems to be in a bad mood and you don't want to be even more hurt or punished
“What did he do to me?” weeps Blue, trying to tug back against Red, who only increases his determination to pull him down to the beach. “Wh-why did nobody come to help us? What’s wrong with Dapper? Baby, look at me, look at big brother, it’s okay, sweetie, what’s so scary?”
But Dapper will not let himself be touched or approached, yanking back on the handcuffs, his teeth out and ready to bite again.
“Blue, listen to them!” cries Red, a crooked smile imprinted on his mouth, shaking his twin by the shoulders. “We’ve just gotta go along with it for now! Anti says as soon as this is done, everything will be okay again and he’ll have fixed our mistake! Tomorrow we’ll be all safe and okay again! We just have to do what we’re told!”
“No, no, Red, p-please - ”
“Blue!” screams Red, shaking him again, harder. “Are you listening to me?”
“Okay, okay,” whimpers Blue, grabbing at his arms. “Okay, please just make this stop!”
“There’s my twin,” pants Red, clutching his arms too tight. “There’s my twin. Here, come on, I’ll carry you if I have to. Here we go. We can dip our feet in the river. Doesn’t it look cool?”
Blue cries and clutches at the dogtags around his twin’s throat for comfort, rubbing the word “Rojo” beneath his fingers. “Okay, Ro, okay, okay…”
Anonymous asked: "Yeah.. I don't think so. I could tell something wasn't right while I wasn't checking in. Guess I was right. Just know, /pal/, if you fuck up one more time, /I/ will start casting some spells, and you won't know what'll hit you. (Hold on, other me. Hold on for a little while longer. You did great. You did perfect. I want to help you.)" -PF!M
“Hold on, hold on,” whispers Blue, following Red down to the beach. He tries to reach for Dapper again, but his little brother doesn’t even seem to be registering that he’s there anymore, hiding his face in his bear’s alpaca fur between signs about magic and birds. “Hold on for a little while longer. I c-can do that. I can do that. Where are we? I don’t understand. I’ve never felt magic this strong. What is this place?”
cest-mellow asked: blue antis going to try and take the rest of your magic away
Blue lets out a weak laugh. “T-take my magic? That’s not something you can do. That’s a part of my soul. That’s how I am. In the world, that’s how I… be in the world. Not something that can be taken from me. Definitely not by Anti. Anti is a magical being, not a magician. How’s he going to cast something like that? How would he learn black magic like that?”
Blue touches his mouth, staring around him. “Then again… if big spells were going to be cast, this would be the place to do it. Some horribly strong magic on this river. In this place.”
bupine asked: blue, anti stole a book from genesis, the woman dapper was torturing, and that has TONS of black magic in it. who fuckin knows what shit anti picked up from that
Blue stares at you for a long moment.
Then he turns to Red.
“Red,” he says, shaking. “Red, I think Anti’s going to kill me.”
“Anti’s not going to kill you,” sighs Red, relaxing now that they sit on the beach. “He told me he could make you stop giving off that magical signal.”
“Sure, by stripping it out of me! Red - ”
“Then let him strip it out of you, Blue! All it’s done is hurt you! Your hands tearing themselves apart, setting shit on fire and making plants explode out of the ground, drawing those people to us!”
Blue’s eyes water up. “I thought you wanted someone to help us.”
“Well, nobody fucking came, did they, Azul?”
Red turns his back on him, staring out at the river, breathing hard.
“Even if they could… there’s only ever punishment for trying to get away. I have to stay with Anti. I have to be good.”
“Red,” tries Blue again. “Ro - ”
“Red,” calls Anti, stepping down the beach towards them. “I want you to take your little brother and hide. Don’t let him get hurt. Anybody tries to take him away from you, you kill them.”
He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a thick, shining machete. He tosses it through the air and Red startles, barely catching it instead of getting cut.
“There you go, stupid boy. Take Dapper to the trees and stay out of sight, no matter what. No matter what, you stay out of sight.”
“Yes, Anti.”
Red gets to his feet, adjusting his backpack over his shoulder and reaching out to snatch Dapper’s hand, ignoring his growling and tugging away.
“Red?” calls Blue, trying to grab his sleeve. “Red?”
“Be good, Blue.”
“Red - Jackie - I’m afraid, please - ”
“Be good, Blue.” Red pauses for just a second to look back at him, panting on the shore of that river, his hair burned, his skin reddened, his eyes wide and full of tears.
“I’ll see you soon.”
And Blue, clutching at a great dark burn over his heart, can’t seem to find the strength to do anything other than watch him walk away.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: ...Dap? I think Blue is in some serious danger.
Dapper stares around him as Red tugs him deeper and deeper into the forest, trying to tuck his bear into his little drawstring bag and get out his fine knife instead.
“I can feel birds coming,” he tries to tell Red, reaching for his sleeve. “There are birds all around. There are birds coming from the North and the South. There are ravens and condors and they all smell like magic. Red? Red? I think we’re all in some serious danger. I think someone is coming. I think Blue will be hurt. I think - I think - ”
For a moment, a flash of silver in his eyes, but you can see it flicker and fade away, and Red pulls him back, back, back into the forest, until even you have lost track of where they are, murmuring reassurances to the only little brother he can protect at all now.
Anonymous asked: "Just say the word and I can be there to help. Don't let them see you react to this. Stay quiet. If you realize something bad is about to happen, call for help. I promise, I will be there. Not long now, friend. Keep holding on." -PF!M
“Oh, shut the hell up,” scowls Anti, scooping the camera off the rocky beach. “You’re not coming. You’re not doing anything. No one is.”
Blue is panting beside him, staring up at him from behind that mask, his blue eyes wide. “Anti… listen, I - ”
“You’ve already said all you’re getting the chance to say,” snaps Anti. “So you remembered yourself, huh? You woke up and remembered everything? And right away, decided to betray me?”
“No,” cries Blue. “I - remembered? No, no, I just - I was tired, Anti, I wanted Red to stop hitting us, I never meant to sell you out, I just - ”
“You’re a fucking liar!” screams Anti, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “You remembered you used to be one of those Lapwing magicians and you called your little friends thinking they could kill me, right? Isn’t that just magnificent? Well, I got news for you, Blue - nobody’s going to be here in time to save you.”
He turns back to the car. “Trick! Dok! Come down here and help me.”
Anonymous asked: Okay, Mr. I-read-exactly-one-book-about-magic, do you even realize what you might be risking here? That maybe blue and his magic can't and shouldn't be separated?
“I was biding my time. Waiting to read everything, and thoroughly, thoroughly, to make sure that he would be safe, because I take care of my own. But then Blue just had to go and rat me out.”
Anti tugs Blue to his feet, something like anguish flashing through his face.
“Little traitor! You sold me out. Now I know you can’t be trusted with your magic. Either I strip it out of your chest, or you will use it to tear my family away from me!”
Anti hauls him forward and Blue lets out a small shriek as he is dragged into the river.
“Now it doesn’t matter what happens to you, coward deer of a boy.”
abirbable asked: Dap, you need to try and get ahold of yourself! Anti’s about to hurt Marvin really badly! Red says he’s trying to protect you, but you can’t trust him right now!
“Well, thanks,” snaps Red, trying to get Dapper to sit down with him underneath a thick copse of trees and behind a rock. “You’re all really fucking helpful tonight, aren’t you? Dap, stop, please!”
Dapper is thrashing on his handcuff, snapping at Red like a really pissed off corgi that can’t quite get off its chain.
“This is who you’re trying to rally to arms?” Red shouts at you, trying to stop Dapper from hurting himself. His wrist is already blue beneath the handcuffs. “He’s having a psychotic episode and you’re asking him to go attack his family! Blue will be fine, Anti told me he would make sure everything’s okay! Dap, please, please, oh, fuck, don’t hit your head like that, come here, bud, come here - there’s no birds coming, little man, please stop saying that - ”
Anonymous asked: what’s wrong with you, Red? Why are you now giving up? For the love of god don’t you dare leave Marvin alone to die by a thing that just told you to beat your little brother up, the whole reason you’re in this mess in the first place! Don��t you dare turn your back Jackie! Don’t do it!
Red closes his eyes tight and turns away from you, trying to hold Dapper against his chest, praying he’ll tire himself out again soon.
“I have to be good,” he breathes, pinning down Dapper’s wrists, avoiding his gnashing teeth. “I can be good, I can be good, I can be good. Everything will be fine tomorrow. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”
He rocks himself and Dapper beneath the trees, trying to ignore his little brother’s groans and frantic singing, by now incomprehensibly disorganized.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok? We aren't going to be able to get through Trick for now, but Blue is in grave danger. You need to help him!
Trick pads down towards the beach with his backpack on his shoulder, a gun across his back, and a kitten in his arms, hurrying to Anti’s side. Doktor takes off his coat, far too hot in this part of the world, and takes his own backpack out of the car, frowning over at the camera still stuck on the window.
“What’s got you so worked up? I can get Blue something if he needs it, but I don’t know exactly what you want from me. I think we’re going as soon as Anti finishes some spell to help Blue control his magic so we don’t get chased down like this again. I think - ”
He pauses, blinking back towards the road they came down on. Are there other cars coming? He could swear he hears engines.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Anti might kill Blue. Please you have to stop him, anything. Red is being an idiot and Dapper is stuck with him trying to get away to help. Please Dok, Henrik, do something!
Dok stares down the beach. Trick is helping Anti restrain Blue.
Doktor’s face shifts with worry, glancing back towards the sound of other cars.
“Anti!” he calls, moving forward a little. “I think maybe we should hide or… get ready?”
Anonymous asked: When have you EVER been able to trust Anti, Red? Huh? You don’t understand that he’s been using you for his own benefit and satisfaction, that he doesn’t fucking care about you at all, he wants to humiliate you and strip you of everything you were before to get back at a average guy named Jack. You cannot take his word as law when he shoves you in a dog muzzle and forces you TO BEAT YOUR BEOTHERS. WAKE UP JACKIE.
“This isn’t something that can be escaped,” mumbles Red, his eyes strangely dead. “Trick even tried to kill himself and couldn’t get away… I have to watch Dapper. I can keep him safe. That’s all I can do.”
Anonymous asked: I think you should get down to the beach, Dok. We think the spell Anti wants to cast might be a little... rough? On Blue? So it might be a good idea that you're there sooner rather than later, just in case.
“Mh, okay.” Dok makes sure he’s got his biggest med kit in his backpack and his gun in his pocket and starts off down towards the beach, the wind making his hair sway.
immabethehero asked: Blue!!! Find the book and destroy it!!
Blue’s teeth grit in his mouth as Anti hauls him deeper into the river. The powerful, overwhelming feeling of magic crushing down on him seems to increase with every step, until his body is practically humming with it. He is exhausted from the wounds across his body and the exertion of last night - oh, could it only have been last night that a stop to all this felt so close? - but in this river, he feels some strength returning as if - as if -
“The equator,” he gasps, whirling on Anti. “We’re at the equator.”
A cold grin snakes like a centipede onto Anti’s mouth.
“That we are, my dear.”
“You were planning this all along,” chokes Blue. “From Norway, even.”
“Oh, longer than that, Blue. I always suspected it would have to be torn out of you once I caught you. You’re not like Dapper… he’s not a normal magician. But you? With your spells and your flowers? I knew you would never be able to control yourself. Besides, I’m quite looking forward to consuming your energy like a snake with an egg.”
Blue screams and yanks his arm free from Anti’s grasp, trying to grab the backpack from him, but Anti only laughs aloud and strikes the side of his head so hard he’s woozy. He is shoved down on his knees in the river, choking as water sprays against his mouth.
“Trick, help!” he screams. “Trick! Dok! Red! Dapper! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die like this!”
“Trick,” sings Anti. “Come here and help me hold your brother down.”
Anti pulls a knife out of his pocket.
Anonymous asked: Red, if you think this is what being "good" is, then you've forgotten everything, and we KNOW you haven't
“I don’t have a choice!” he screams, trying and failing to keep his voice down, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice! Leave me alone, leave me alone, stop talking! Why is everything so loud? Leave me alone, you don’t know anything, you’ve never understood anything, please!”
Anonymous asked: And what happens when he kills Marvin, Red. What happens then? Is everything going to be okay? Are you going to be able to live with yourself?
“No!” screams Red, his voice breaking down the middle, curling himself in on Dapper, who shakes in silence in his arms. “No, I don’t want him to die! I don’t want this to be real, I don’t want this to be happening! I don’t want to be alive! Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop talking!”
Anonymous asked: Dapper dapper dapper dapper can you reverse? Please tell me you can still reverse right?
Dapper barely seems to be able to hear you, let around reverse. He shakes in Red’s arms, intermittently trying to attack his brother and protect himself, rubbing at his chest and signing incoherently about monsters and birds and home and ghosts and brothers. He has lost track of the timeline entirely, and now all he knows is that he is afraid, and angry, and in pain.
nikkilbook asked: Dapper, I think you’re right. There are birds coming. They’re coming because of what Blue did on the mountain, but that was the whole point. It might get dangerous, but I think they’re coming to help. Stay with Red for now, but be ready to move. Anti’s the reason Marvin’s magic smelled wrong—he did something just before the fire. And he’s trying to steal the rest of it away, to hide it underneath his own so no one will ever smell it again. He’s trying to kill your brother a second time.
Dapper clutches at his head, groaning and letting his head fall back onto Red’s shoulder. It’s the most trust he’s shown him in hours, and Red knows it’s only because he can’t keep reality straight right now, but he won’t look this gift horse in the mouth. He squishes in on Dapper and grabs him gently by the throat, keeping him pinned between his body and against his shoulder. Dapper groans and closes his eyes, trying to stop thinking, his face twitching and his body stiff.
bupine asked: red, we understand more than you think we do. we know how you used to be, how happy you were, what you were like as a family. you loved each other without violence or punishment. you can be that again. you came to anti to save dapper, to save jj, because you knew you loved him and being with anti wasn't safe and he deserved better. none of this is your fault. there's still time to save your twin from being killed. please, red. he could die. anti's too worked up to care if he kills him.
“I’m never going back to that person I was,” Red whispers, stroking Dapper’s hair. “Carver was right. Anti has killed him. I need to stop pretending to be something I’m not. A hero… a good person… Anti’s brother… no, no… all I can do now is be his. That’s all that’s left. That name Blue called… Jackie? Jackie is dead. And has been so long he is rotting.”
Anonymous asked: Red, Jackie, you always have a choice. You just have to be willing to make it. Remember? It’s just like the rope and the muzzle, you can always take it off, it’s only there to serve it’s purpose of silencing you. But you’ve always had to choice to take it off, and you did and you can do it again. That’s all Anti is, a rope, a muzzle, a chain, that you can take off at anytime. So do it, take it off and run. Be who you want to be, be a protector, a hero. You don’t have to be Jackie or Red, be you.
Ro shakes his head numbly, back and forth, back and forth.
“No,” he mumbles, setting his head down against the rock that hides him and his little brother. “No. I’m tired. I’m tired.”
nikkilbook asked: Red, do you recognize me? Of all the things I’ve said to you, all the things I’ve asked your brothers to do, have I ever tried to hurt you? Please, can you trust me? Even for just one hour more?
Red stares at you through darkened eyes, his thin mouth bloodless and his face blue with bruising.
His eyes flicker away again.
“I should never have gone up that mountain,” he says. “I should never have disobeyed. This is where I have let it take me.”
He reaches forward to pick up the camera in his hand, and he turns you away from himself, and stops reading.
immabethehero asked: TRICK. You don't want to do this!!!! Your brother's gonna die!!!!
Trick has a fistful of Blue’s hair. He holds him in the river, just barely keeping his mouth above the water.
“Anti?” he whispers.
“What, Trick?”
“He’s not really going to die, is he?”
Anti pulls Blue’s arm free from the water, holding it up.
“Anti, I’m afraid.”
Anti slices a scoring cut deep into his own wrist, drawing immediate blood to mix with the swift clear water of the river. Trick’s eyes widen with a soft gasp through his teeth, resisting the urge to stagger back, feeling nauseous.
“Stop thinking, Trick.”
abirbable asked: I have a sinking feeling that he has a way to take your magic anyway... That creepy book Anti’s been reading probably had some dark magic he can actually use. If you know any prayers, you might wanna say them, Blue.
“Holy shit,” whispers Blue, tears coursing down his cheeks. “Holy shit. I - I - I only know poetry.”
“Save it.” Anti pulls his arm up and sets the silver blade to it. “It won’t help you.”
“Anti, Anti, master,” chokes Blue, writhing beneath Trick’s grip. “Please don’t do this, I’m sorry! I swear I wasn’t trying to sell you out, I just wanted it to stop! I still love you, I always have and I always will!”
“You threatened to kill me just hours again!” screeches Anti, pressing the blade into his skin until a thin line of blood runs out. “You want me dead! You little traitor!”
Blue’s voice rises into a crescendo of despair. “I needed you to stop! Can’t you see what you’re doing to Red is destroying him? There’s nothing worse you could do to him than making him hurt us like this!”
“I don’t care! He betrayed me too!”
“He’d die for you! Anti, we would stand with you against anything that threatened our family - cops, magicians, a whole pantheon of gods, I don’t care! I’d fight them all for you! But I can’t watch you hurt us anymore! I won’t! This isn’t what you promised me!”
Anti laughs shakily, his blade trembling against Blue’s arm. “Remember that, do you? You broke that promise when you went up that mountain. I’m done. The orders are coming to take my boys away from me. I have to do what I have to do to keep the ones I can.” His eyes are red and wet.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, anyone who’s listening, you have to make sure the magicians get here. You can’t just let Blue die like this. I know how much Anti has tricked you into thinking this way of life is okay, but it isn’t. You have to leave, this may be your last chance to save him!
Dok’s eyes widen, turning back to watch the road again.
“Magicians?” he whimpers, glancing back at his brothers on the beach. “Are they really coming?”
His hands twitch and grip together, his teeth gritted in his mouth. He takes off down towards the river at a sprint now, pushing his body fast as it can go.
“Anti!” he cries. “There’s someone close!”
Anti turns to look back at him, pausing to put a hand on Trick’s shoulder.
“Trick, find a nest to set up in and guard your brother. Anyone tries to get near Blue and I - ”
“Bullet to the brain,” Trick finishes. Yes, he knows his place, knows what he has to do.
Anti leans suddenly forward to kiss his hair, drawing him close and squeezing his shoulder tight.
“Hey,” he says. “I love you, Trickshot.”
Trick draws in a shaky breath, laughing. “I love you too, Anti.”
“Go. Keep Dok safe. Watch my back, little brother. And don’t let anyone take you away from me, no matter what sort of lies they tell.”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Anti I think that they know where you are already doing this would solve nothing
“This is my only chance to get rid of that horrible signal he gives off,” stammers Anti. “I don’t have the strength to do it anywhere other than here at the center of the world. I have to do this or I will never be able to hide him. I will never be able to keep him. And if I can’t keep him, I have to kill him or let him go, and if I let him go he will always be waiting to steal the others from me, and I can never rest, I can never rest, I can never have a goddamn moment of peace!”
Anti chokes and cuts deeper into Blue’s arm, drawing a cry out of him.
Anonymous asked: Remember that you're back to a life with consequences since Dapper's out of commission....
Anti grits his teeth, trying to keep his footing in the rushing water.
“No, no, no,” Blue is whimpering. “I don’t want to die like this.”
“I don’t think you will,” Anti chokes out suddenly. “I was just - I was scaring you. You - you might, but I don’t think so. I haven’t read all of it, but I - it’s just magic. It’s what you do all day. Stop whining at me, you’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head to clear it and finally finishes the deep cut in Blue’s arm, pulling him up to face him as he wails and getting the book out of his bag.
Anonymous asked: Someone. Is. COMING.
Yes, someone is.
It’s beautiful out here. Thick grasses tugs at the black rubber tires of a car, and now the sun is so low in the sky she gives up her last purple rays in a sleepy twilight sigh. That grand river sweeps through the earth like a smile, rushing water carrying good clean water wherever it can go. The trees dance and sway.
A woman steps out of a car. From the camera on the window of the stole car the boys took, you can see her, as you did once before on Christmas Eve - the huge woman with a face full of flawless make-up and a thick sheet of gorgeous, shining black hair hanging down from her back. As the darkness falls, she holds up a palm full of bright golden light.
“He’s down by the river,” she says in Spanish. “He wouldn’t have come here if not to use the spellbook he stole from Tomas’s body. We act quickly, but with caution.”
“The Colombians are late,” grumbles a woman beside her. “Only time will tell if the Argentinians send anyone at all.”
There are five Peruvian magicians in total.
And two of them, you recognize.
Genesis and Hermann stand side-by-side on one side of the car, hurrying around its front to stare down at the scene before them. Hermann is slower than Genesis, who, tightly wound in gauze, nevertheless looks far better than she did the last time you saw her.
“Don’t die for the sake of these men,” cautions a fourth magician, who towers over the rest of them, tall and with a great dark beard. He holds in his hand a small gun. “The things that have happened to them are not their fault, but they are dangerous now, and the corruption is laid in deep. If you have no choice but to kill them, you kill them. This is the way it must be.”
Genesis and Hermann exchange glances. Hermann plucks at a necklace around his throat and nods.
abirbable asked: Holy fuck, Anti you need to stop. You aren’t even SURE if this’ll kill Blue?! It’s just magic?! You’re totally unhinged trying to keep these boys with you! If you call them your brothers then you wouldn’t be doing this!!!
“It’s just a manipulation, the brotherhood,” mumbles Anti, tracing Blue’s jaw with his thumb. “I’ve told you that a hundred times. It’s not real. It never has been.
“Fuck,” whispers Anti a moment later, a shuddering breath falling from his parted lips. “Even with the mask, you look so much more like him than I have ever been able to.”
Anonymous asked: You're lying, Anti. Magic isn't what Marvin does. It's what he IS. Getting rid of it will kill him and you know it. If you're going to take this step, going to go this far, going to murder one of your brothers with no way to ever take it back, at least be honest about it.
“No,” mumbles Anti. “He’ll be fine, he… he always seemed to survive, back when I really wanted him dead. Jack didn’t make him to be weak, he was always… so… maybe that was why he loved him so much, he never seemed to shatter the way that I always do…”
bupine asked: fucking hell, anti, you know it doesn't have to be like this. listen to what blue's saying, for once? give him another chance before you do something you will definitely regret
Anti shakes his head rapidly, yanking at Blue’s jaw. All Blue can do is stare up at him.
“It won’t kill you,” he whispers. “I’ll - I’ll stop, if it seems like it will. How does that sound? And then - oh, Blue, it will all be okay. The magic will be hidden, and we’ll all be safe. We’ll take everyone and run as far as we can, and I’ll keep everyone hidden until we’re somewhere new, and we’ll stay there for a long time, as long as we want, and just live. I’ll even make it up to you, okay? You’re going to be just fine.”
“Anti,” mumbles Blue. “It will hurt. Please.”
“I’ll make it right later. I will. You’ll be fine. Come on, tell me you love me.”
Blue stares up at him, mouth slightly open. Anguish passes across Anti’s face and he snarls, squeezing at his jaw. “Tell me you love me!”
Anonymous asked: then fucking die, Anti.
Anti screams in rage, shoving Blue down into the river. “Stupid fucking boy! You can die then, for all I care! I’ve never fucking loved you or any of them, I hope you know that! You fucking disgust me! Stupid, slippery little coward! You’re the one who ran! You’re the one who lost Henrik and Chase!”
nikkilbook asked: Anti, I’m gonna need you to pick whether you care or not because I am emotionally frakkin done with what you’ve done to these boys and I will not take any more of your stunted toddler-brain bull crap.
“Stunted toddler-brain bull crap!” Anti laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard, tearing through the pages of the book. “Toddler-brain, haha… I’m seven, I’m seven, hahaha, is that old enough?”
Anonymous asked: coward, coward, coward, anti. you're a coward for doing this.
“Shut the fuck up!” screams Anti. “Stop it! I’ll shut you all up!”
He grabs Blue’s bleeding arm in his own and lets the blood mingle, his eyes turning a deep black.
spicydanhowell asked: there are people literally hot on your trail right now and you have two boys having meltdowns handcuffed together and unable to fight and people are hurt. if you want to keep "your" boys, you should fucking run instead of torturing marvin
“I’ll be able to hide them once this is done,” Anti tells you hysterically, squeezing Blue’s arm until he cries out. “I’ll be able to hide him and then we’ll all run.”
nikkilbook asked: Have some dignity, Anti. Tonight is not a night for lies.
“What does the truth fucking matter? What has it ever mattered? Stop pretending you care about me or any of them! This is just a story to you and I am not a prop, I am taking action, and he will be exactly the way I want him to be!”
Anonymous asked: Don't worry Marvin, someone is coming.
“Someone help me!” screams Blue, thrashing in the water.
“Shut up!” Anti replies even louder, more and more incensed. “Stop it! No one will save you! I’m the one in control! I’ll show you! I’ll show you!”
Anonymous asked: "Anti hurt your brothers and made them thank him for it."
Rage like a fire lights up in Blue’s chest as he remembers the old mantra that once helped him keep himself intact.
“You hurt my brothers and made them thank you for it!” he shrieks, trying his damnedest to strike Anti, though the collar around his throat and the grip on him makes it nearly impossible. “You drove Trick to suicide and watched Doktor shudder through silent panic attacks! You made Dapper beat Red and Red beat all of us! You’ve let us starve, suffer, choke, hang! Take it, then, if you want my magic! Take it! You will never be able to keep us all as slaves, no matter what you do, no matter what you fucking try! You will never be my master! No matter how many times I fall, one day all fucking five of us will get back up together!”
Anti screams his fury and strikes Blue in the face, driving him back to dizziness, half-fainting in Anti’s grip.
Anonymous asked: Poor anti so jealous of love, so jealous of something you don't even know how to feel. So jealous of jack, so jealous of magic. Do us a favor and run away with your tail between your legs like the mangy kitten you are
Anti cackles wildly, a horrible light in his eyes.
“Let’s see Jack do this,” he breathes, and finds the right pages in his book.
immabethehero asked: Genesis! Hermann!!! Trickshot (the one with the gun and the cat) has given orders to shoot hsi brothers if you come near. So be careful!! Attack while invisible or something!
“Oh, look!” Genesis points toward the car, her face lighting up as she catches sight of you. “Look, the camera elves are here!”
“These are the cameras that communicate with them?” asks the woman with the dark, shining hair.
“Yes! Christofer, break the window for me, will you?”
The towering man shrugs and points his gun. A second later Genesis is pushing glass away from the door and scooping the camera off the windowsill.
“They say there’s a sniper in the trees,” she tells her friends. “But it’s the man who spared my life, I know it.”
“I’ll handle him,” mutters Christofer, stalking off towards the trees.
“We’ll go down to the river,” says the older woman. “But you two are injured. Genesis, you have your mission?”
“Yes, Emmanuela.”
“And what is it?”
Genesis clears her throat. “I’m too injured to be doing a great deal of transporting right now. But I can get myself home to base with whoever I have in tow. So I will grab one of the men and take him to safety, and that way at least one of them is safe.”
“Good work. Come on, Juana. I fear we are too late already.”
abirbable asked: BLUE GET UP AND RUN!
“I’m chained!” chokes Blue, laughing. “You know that!”
Anti grips his collar tighter.
Anonymous asked: Red please Blue is screaming for help you have to stop Anti. Dok, Trick, Dapper, anyone fucking stop him WE CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH
Doktor looks up at the little camera set beside him and Trick in their hiding place. “Hell! Trick, he’s really getting hurt!”
“Just stay low, Dok.”
“I don’t want Blue to die, Trick.”
“Just stay low, Dok! There are people right up there who want to take us away and kill us just because Anti is our brother! Anti won’t hurt Blue, I’m sure. He’s just scared of his punishment. This is what’s coming to him for going up the mountain like that.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Trick, the lady from the shed is here to save you guys! Genesis Is here to save you. DO NOT SHOOT!
“Anti told me not to listen to anyone trying to take me away,” Trick tells you, aiming his gun steadfastly up the hill, listening for any sign of any on-comer. “I’ll shoot anyone who tries to get close to us or Blue and Anti.”
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, Anti will MOST DEFINITELY HURT HIM if he thinks it means getting to keep the rest of you. You can’t just stand by and watch!!
Doktor gets to his feet.
“Deutsch!” cries Trick, terrified. “Get down! You’re going to get hurt!”
Dok is crying. Trick doesn’t know why.
“I don’t want Blue to get hurt,” he repeats stiffly, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “I don’t want Blue to get hurt.”
Trick breathes hard, staring between his gun and his twin. Beneath his stomach, Noodle mewls.
Anonymous asked: You’re a Phoenix, Marvin. Stay strong, love, don’t give that monster any type of satisfaction.
Blue breathes in deep, staring up at Anti, his eyes fixed. As his little brother turns between him and the book, Blue sees something in his eyes he has been blind to for a long time.
“You’re afraid of me,” he says. “You’re afraid of me, Anti.”
Anti stops short, his fingers on the words of the spell.
“I think you always have been.”
nikkilbook asked: That’s what Anti says to do, Trick. What does Chase say to do?
“You know that’s the word that makes the camera screech!” snaps Trick, grabbing at his ears. “I can’t hear it! Just stop!”
“I’m going to the beach,” says Dok, stepping out of the nest.
Trick jolts, his eyes huge.
Anonymous asked: Are you actually willing to let him die, Trick?
Trick squeezes his eyes shut. A moment later, he gives you the tiniest shake of his head.
“I just… have to trust Anti…”
Anonymous asked: Blue, isnt there any spell you can cast? You just need to stall, help is on the way
Anti grips Blue’s jaw squeezed shut before he can answer, keeping him contained. He’s still weak from last night, where he expended all his energy.
abirbable asked: And if he does die, what do you think will happen with all the others? Will any of them be okay with one of their brothers being dead?! Will you put them under and convince them they didn’t have a brother? That Red didn’t have a twin?
“He won’t die,” says Anti. “He has to live.”
“You’ve gotten too used to playing god with my little brother’s power,” Blue manages. “You’re reckless.”
Anti laughs, the first time you’ve heard him laugh today that sounds genuine. “Oh, wow… you always used to tell me that. Said it would be my downfall. Even when we were just small…”
immabethehero asked: Keep thinking Trick, if you let Anti do this, your brother will be worse than death. Bupine said: Anti HAS hurt blue, trick. He’s cut his wrist and he’s going to die if you guys don’t do something.
Trick shudders and gets to his feet, startling his brother.
“Dok,” he croaks. “Where you go, I’ll go. I - ”
“No,” Dok surprises him, turning around to grab his shoulders. “No, no, your punishment will be much greater than mine if you leave your post. Besides, we don’t want these people to catch us and hurt us. Trick, stay here.”
“Deutsch! I’m not leaving you, no way.”
Dok’s hands are on his shoulder. Their twin eyes meet. Ah, when was the last time Trick saw a light like that in his brother’s eyes?
“Please, Trick, let me do this.”
The trees sway above them in a tangle of darkening greenery as night falls quiet around them. Trick steps forward, closing his eyes, and wraps his arms around his brother.
“Just don’t do anything stupid,” he tries to tease, tugging at Doktor’s hair.
“You and I both know I am incapable of any such thing,” replies Doktor shortly, making his twin laugh.
Trick draws away, smiling. “Got all your doctor stuff?”
Dok has everything in his bag, from clothes and coffee to his med kit. “Got it.”
“Hey, Dok?”
Trick has eyes like the ocean where the light meets the water.
“I just really love you,” he says, very softly. “More than anything.”
A smile dawns like a morning on Doktor’s mouth and he chuckles, leaning in to press their foreheads together. His glasses bump against Trick’s nose.
“More than Anti?” he whispers, so soft you barely pick up on it.
“More than Anti,” Trick whispers back.
Doktor gives the warmest hum of gratitude, drawing away. He steps down from the nest.
“I love you too, Trick. More than anything.”
And then he is gone, darting down towards the beach.
Trick watches him go, holding Noodle to his chest.
Then he turns back to his gun.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Blue scream people are here to help
“It’s too late for all that,” says Anti. “It’s too late. You said what you wanted to say, all of you did. It’s time, Blue. It’s time, Marvin.”
Anonymous asked: Genesis and Hermann, I doubt you can hear this but you SERIOUSLY need to hurry up.
“Guys!” Genesis calls to the older women. “I think the demon is already acting!”
“Is he that one or that one?” frowns the smaller of the two, pointing down at the river. “They all look the same.”
“Oh.” Genesis stares down at the scene, where Blue and Anti are silhouettes in the water. “I… can’t tell. I don’t even know if one of those is the demon. Sometimes the red one and the one in the vest do horrible things for him, so they could be holding the other one in the river.”
Anonymous asked: Only one? Okay okay....Red and Dapper are hiding in the forest. Jameson is the most lucid but he’s scared. They’re the farthest away from the others so they might be your best shot at teleporting. I’d take some else with you though.
“Someone else? Okay, I will try. I’m not sure I can carry two at once anyway. Is there one alone I could go get? We can’t get down to the river until the sniper is gone from the trees!”
Anonymous asked: DIE THEN, ANTI. If you want peace so badly, DIE.
And this, at last, is Anti’s final breaking point.
For a second, he lifts his head up to the moon, like he’s looking for someone who isn’t there.
Then he laughs aloud, forcing himself to concentrate.
“This will make me powerful!” he reminds himself. “This will help me hide! This will keep me safe with at least four of my pets, right?”
He cards a hand through Blue’s hair, tearing his head back.
“This is what I have to do. This is what I want to do! I’ve always fucking hated you, Marvin, do you know that?”
“Please,” chokes Blue. “I’m not… I’m not…”
“You’re close enough,” snaps Anti. “And you will be until I have stolen this last, disgusting remnant from you. This last shred of power that Jack gave you to torment me.”
The book is in an ancient tongue.
Anti cannot speak it. He can barely read it. It’s taken him days. He hasn’t read the entire page.
But he read most of it. And at the top, in its quiet, poetic script, it tells him “the spell is best performed in one’s native tongue.”
Anti turns to Blue.
In Gaelic, he speaks: “What I need, I lack. What you have, I will take.”
Their arms are intertwined. Copper leaks down Anti and Blue’s arms, drifting down into the cool water of the Rio Puturnayo.
“That which is magic, make blood of, and share it.”
For this spell, there is no fire. For this spell, there are no plants.
Anti’s eyes widen for just a second.
He clutches at his chest.
Blue slumps down in the water, only for Anti to drag him back to shore.
Rough panting falls from the demon’s mouth. You hear Anti gag, once. His mouth fills up with blood and overflows. One eye is black. One eyes is blue.
“Ah, ah,” he croaks. “It burns.”
He collapses on the shore of the river.
Blood is spilling from Anti’s mouth rapidly. Barely conscious, his eyes remain slightly open, his form flickering in low shuddering buzzes of glitching, his right eye glowing a horrible neon blue.
“Uh, uh,” you hear him choke, convulsing. “Uh, uh.”
His face is taut with pain.
Doktor falls down at his knees beside both his brothers, pulling Blue to his lap and putting his hand on Anti’s shoulder.
“What did you do?” cries Dok, grabbing at Blue’s throat for a pulse. “Why - what have you - why would you do this when we trusted you to - Blue, Blue, wake up, hey! Are you with me? Oh, fuck, why are you so fucking cold? I - oh!”
Doktor lets out a breath like a wheeze, nearly collapsing alongside his brothers.
“His heart is still beating.”
abirbable asked: ...Blue? Are you alive?
Doktor clutches at Blue’s face, clinging to that pulse beneath his chin, wiping fluid streams of sticky blood from his brother’s bleeding eyes. Blue has gone pale as papal smoke, unmoving on the bank of the river.
“He’s alive, he’s alive,” pants Dok. “But I don’t know what happened to him exactly. Blue, can you hear me? I need to get him somewhere safe before we’re caught and taken away and killed! I need to get them both - Anti! Please lie still!”
But Anti has shifted from convulsions into a heady determination of twitching, struggling on shaking arms to push himself up on the beach. He wheezes like a dying thing, fountains of blood pouring from his eyes, and Dok, watching it run down the sand towards the river, cannot help but give a tiny, squeaking laugh, like he’s been caught up in a video game with so much gore it’s supposed to be a joke.
“I… feel like a fucking hurricane,” chokes Anti, spitting onto the earth and breathing hard, dragging himself to his knees. “I have never in all my life felt power like this.”
He sways and Dok reaches forward to catch him, only to fall back in terror as Anti’s form shifts, shifts, shifts.
The great black dog bares fangs dripping red.
“Nothing will take you from me now,” snarls a voice from every side, and the magicians coming down the hill towards the river pause as one. Emmanuela glares down at the water, her black hair swaying behind her.
“Now that,” she says. “Is a great darkness indeed.”
Anonymous asked: Probably not for long, Dok. You need to give Blue to the magicians. Anti stole all his magic and it’s likely he won’t be well for very long. The magicians can help him, maybe even heal him. They won’t hurt him.
“Give Blue to the magicians?” Doktor curls his trembling body around his older brother, hugging Blue’s body - gone cold, cold as old bone - to his chest. “No, no, no, I want to go back home and look after him. Oxygen, maybe - even a stimulant, look how still he is, I - oh, God protect us. What’s wrong with you, my dear brother?”
nikkilbook asked: ...if you can only take one, take Trick. It will break their hearts, but Trick needs to be away from Anti. He is a good man, a father. If you can only take one, take Chase Brody. Anonymous asked: Genesis, if you want someone alone, then Trick is hiding in a nest, but he has a gun. Doktor, who I don’t think you know, is also alone and heading to the river. Just thought you should know
“There’s two of them separated from each other,” Genesis calls. She is following after Christofer, who bounds ahead of her and Hermann, who is still limping from a stab wound from a certain time traveler. “I’ll try to grab one of them.”
“Maybe I can pin the gunman down and you can take him back,” Christofer agrees. “Maybe, don’t get your hopes up. Anyone you can’t take, we will have to restrain and get in the car if we can.”
“You’ll have to be careful with that,” grumbles Hermann, his bottom lip pouting. “Half of them are magic and the other half will put a blade in you for trying to help.”
“You’re just sore you lost, pequeño,” grins Christofer. “Enough, now. I need to find the sniper. Hide yourselves.”
Genesis and Hermann sigh in sync and exchange glances, reaching out to hold each other’s hands. A moment later, they have disappeared entirely, but you are still peeking out of Genesis’s bag.
Anonymous asked: dok, LOOK at anti. he's basically stolen your brother's fucking soul, dude, get blue AWAY from him
“He’s just trying to hide him,” cries Dok, curled over Blue’s body. “He’s just trying to hide all of us!”
He lets out a small, frightened cry as barking erupts in the trees farther up the hill - Anti catching up to Emmanuela and Juana.
“He will make them pay for trying to hurt and steal all of us,” croaks Dok, hiding his tears in his brother’s shirt. “My big brother will kill the lot of them and then we can all be safe again. Then we can all go home together, and I will take care of my whole family. Anti will tear the magicians apart.”
badlypostedeverything asked: So, whats the plan Anti? Where are you going
The black dog courses like a river in the darkness up the hill, his snout full of blood and the scent of hot fresh magic. He can tell where the magicians are.
“I see you,” sings a giggling voice from all sides, and Emmanuela pulls a heavy old axe, homemade and ancient, from her side. Her figure towers huge and powerful in the darkness.
“Come on, then,” she calls. She lifts up a free hand and light fills it again, golden and glowing. “Come on. How much of the light can a shadow like you take?”
Anti lunges forward.
immabethehero asked: Christopher? Trick, the guy who spared Genesis, has the exact orders of "shooting anyone who tries to take him or his brothers away". Choose your words carefully!
“Oh,” you hear Genesis laugh, creeping through the trees with her friend. “I think you’ve misunderstood. Christofer does not talk. There are no words to choose. He will simply attack. Let’s hope that guard boy does not give him reason to believe he cannot be saved.”
nikkilbook asked: Genesis! The demon has Blue—Marvin, the Lapwing magician—down at the river. Trickshot, the sniper, is somewhere in the trees with orders to shoot if someone tries to take his brothers away. Red, the one you fought at Christmas, is handcuffed to Dapper, who is having a psychotic episode and can’t tell what’s going on around him. Be careful, but please—help them! Anonymous asked: thank god someone is here. Be careful! Trick is hiding in the trees with a sniper guarding Anti and Blue. If he sees you, you’re dead
You hear Trick’s grim laugh from the camera on the nest, settled next to the scope of his gun. His body is low to the ground, on his belly like a snake, waiting, waiting, watching. Nothing will pass by him to touch Blue and Doktor.
“Selling me out, are you?” he whispers, his hands gripping coldly at his gun.
He lies with you in the darkness. Something howls far away. He knows it is Anti. He thinks he sees fire and his eyes widen.
A cracking in the forest trees alerts him and he turns, silent and steady, his blue eyes aglow with cold moonlight.
Okay, Trick, think. Red said there was one who could disappear and cast ice like Blue casts fire, and another who could transport, and another with hands full of light…
But he doesn’t know who’s coming to get him.
And he is afraid of what will happen to his family if he lets them by. Whatever comes, he knows they could handle it if it were all six of them together, with Anti at the wheel, and Dok by his side, Red protecting them, Dapper watching over them, and Blue caring for them all no matter what happened. Sometimes his life is like hell on earth, but that’s why they have to stick together. He couldn’t get through this alone.
He won’t be taken from Anti’s side. From Dok’s, from Blue’s, from Red and Dapper’s. He won’t!
The smallest movement in the trees.
Trick pulls the trigger and takes the impact of the kickback and the bang, loud enough to make his ears ring.
Christofer lets out a cry and charges forward, tackling Trick to the floor of his nest. At his side, Noodle lets out a yowl, trying to avoid being crushed, and Trick screams his fury, scrabbling to get his hands free. “Get off me!” he screams. “Get off!”
He drives his elbow up towards Christofer’s face, making him gasp and fall back, clutching at his bleeding nose.
Anonymous asked: Guys, please, we're begging you, they don't want to kill you, they're here because they want to help you! we trust them, don't you trust us? when have we ever tried to hurt you?
“No, no, no!” shrieks Trick. “Anti told me you were bad! Anti told me not to listen! Anti told me you would kill us! Anti told me you would kill him! I will never let that fucking happen!”
He grabs his sniper and swings hard, bashing the grip into Christofer’s face. Roaring like a bear, Christofer snatches at Trick’s collar, but Trick’s shirts are worn from Red grabbing him in the exact same place, and he tears himself free with a growling ripping sound, whirling around to bring that huge gun to bear. Ice explodes in front of him and slicks the ground underneath his feet, freezing his gun in place and sending him slipping hard to the earth, crying out as he hits the ground. He can hear Noodle howling and he chokes, scrambling desperately to get back to his feet.
But he isn’t as fast as Christofer. Trick screams like he’s being killed as he is wrapped up in the all-encompassing arms of the enormous man, feeling himself pinned against his chest.
Anonymous asked: Dok, you will never be safe with Anti. I’m so sorry, but please, take Blue and yourself to the magicians. Blue’s injuries are magic related and there’s no way you’d be able to fully heal him alone with a limited amount of resources. They can help, that’s who Blue called for to save all of you. You will never stop running away if you stay with Anti, there will never be an end to the torture and the nightmares. Marvin will die if you do not make a decision quickly.
The gunshot ricochets through the trees and sets the birds to flight.
They are not the only ones.
Terrified by the noise, you barely have time to realize what he’s doing before he has tugged Blue low to the river and hidden his body in the tallest of the grass on the bank. For a second, he looks like he might lie down with him - but then, through the forest, he hears Trick begin to scream.
Dok is sprinting back through the forest the way he came, a cry on his mouth.
bupine asked: trick, please listen to us. wouldn't you want to see your kids again? please remember, chase brody, remember who you are, remember that you're not anti's!! Anonymous asked: ANTI DROVE YOU TO SUICIDE TRICK STOP TELLING YOURSELF EVERYTHING WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BECAUSE IT WONT! AFTER TODAY NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME! YOU KNOW THIS! Anonymous asked: who has ever hurt you more, Chase? Us or Anti?
“No, no, no!” screams Trick, writhing like a rabid dog in Christofer’s grip. “No, no! He loves me, he has to, or what has this all been for? Why am I even alive if he doesn’t? He has to! He has to! He can’t have been lying all this time! Let me go! Let me go! I want to go back to my master!”
He can hear his captor calling out above him, exasperated. “Genesis, get this poor brainwashed son of a bitch back to - ”
A gun clicks.
Christofer stiffens and Trickshot stills, opening his eyes.
Doktor stands in the copse before them, pointing his little handgun right at Christofer’s head.
“Let him go,” he pants.
He has killed men before. But they were always pinned down, and Anti was helping him press the scalpel deeper into the brain.
“Let him go,” he says. “Right now, or I’ll kill you.”
Christofer stares at him, mouth calm, eyes stormy. He is a big, big man, but he is not invulnerable, and he warned the others not to die for souls already lost.
Anonymous asked: dok, please. put it down.
Dok glances over at you, his mouth slightly open. His hand trembles on the gun.
“Deutsch?” chokes Trick, staring at him. “Henrik? I - I want to go home.”
And then a girl with short, dark hair and amber eyes appears behind Doktor with no warning at all, and the second she wraps her arms around him -
He is gone.
Hermann picks up the dropped camera and sprints off down towards the river as fast as he can.
Anonymous asked: emmanuela, mi amiga, swing FAST and swing HARD
“Now there’s a voice I like!” cries Emmanuela, and she meets Anti’s back with the head of her axe. He yelps and snarls, biting forward to snap at her legs, but a burst of white light is enough to burn at him and he darts away again, circling her and Juana rapidly.
“Stupid sorcerer,” growls Anti, his eyes shifting colors rapidly. “I took up residence right under your nose and you still would never have found me if his magic hadn’t overflowed. And now it belongs to me.”
Juana lets out a cry as fire erupts in a circle around them, driving them into the center, where grass rises around their feet as if to grab them. Anti staggers, flickering between dog and man, laughing wildly as blood comes running out of his eyes and makes him shake, nearly overwhelmed.
“It must sting!” calls Emmanuela. “To be something as horrible as you, and filled with that much pure good magic! It will kill you, demon! I promise you that, if you keep it, it will kill you.”
“I,” snarls Anti, stalking forward again. “Am not a fucking demon! Our powers are brothers and what comes from Jack cannot destroy me!”
He leaps at Juana and there is, before she can do anything, a huge bite in her arm, making her scream. She points a small handgun at him, only for his body to disappear in a flash of glitching colors. Emmanuela lashes out once, twice, at the pattern of glitches that precede his appearance, but she manages to land only a glancing blow on him as he glitches around her, appearing and disappearing, sometimes two or three of him surrounding her at once, teeth bared, eyes wild, fangs red -
She lashes out a kick at his snout and drives forward with her light, an explosion of gold. Somewhere, the demon creature is screaming. This magic is antithesis. He appears again coated in burns, his fur singed and his tongue hanging desperately out of his mouth, but still he is leaping forward again, still he attacks, until -
He hears Trickshot start to scream.
Anti turns and races back towards his brothers.
In his wake, fire.
Anonymous asked: OH MY GOD I don’t know whether to cry or scream. Bupine asked: DOK DON’T KILL HIM. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCKING LISTEN TO US YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU DO. THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO BE FREE AND HAPPY, THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE!! HENRIK, PLEASE JUST LISTEN!! Two anons and immabethehero sent similar messages and were added
Trick stares at the space where his twin was.
“D… Dok?” he whispers.
He can feel his body going numb.
“Hey, it’s okay, little man,” mumbles Christofer, setting him down and readjusting his grip on him. Trick has stopped struggling, staring blankly at that empty place in the trees. “We can take you right to him if you just - ”
“Dok?” Trick whimpers, his eyes filling up with tears. “Dok? Deutsch? B-bro?”
“Sh, pequeño, sh, it’s okay,” sighs Christofer. “It’s okay, we’ll get you back to him. You just come with us.”
But Trick isn’t listening.
For a second, he is nothing but hot, rapid tears and a limp body in Christofer’s arms.
And then you see the fury fill him up.
“Anti!” he screams, so loud his throat could tear. “Anti! They stole my twin from me!”
“Idiot man,” hisses Christofer, struggling to hold him.
immabethehero asked: Wait where did Red and Dapper go? Did you already kidnap them? Red chose to ignore several other miscellaneous messages, but they were still added here.
Red hears the screaming too.
Alarmed, he finally calls a stop on giving you the silent treatment and snatches the camera up at your insistent beeping, his eyes wide. “What’s - what’s happening, I - kidnap us, who’s coming to…”
A gleam of light catches his eye, and Dapper stirs wearily beside him, rubbing at his reddened face. For a second, the light is gone again, and they are in darkness in the heavy foliage of the forest.
And then Red sees firelight flickering towards him.
You hear deep, heavy breaths as he tries to stay calm, his body tense and ready.
cest-mellow asked: dapper? red? where are you guys? the magicians are here to help you, they won’t hurt you!
“Help us?” gasps Red. “Have you forgotten I fucking killed one of them? I - I - they tied me down! They beat me, they - no, no, no, I don’t want to be stolen again, I don’t want to be taken away! They tied me up, I won’t go, I won’t!”
“There’s the ravens,” Dapper signs distantly, his hands floaty and distracted. “The condors are coming too. Oh, Red, and the fire… it’s growing, we’re in the trees…”
His hands reach out for it off in the distance. Red yanks him to his feet and crowds him behind him, staring off at the light. “How do I get back to Anti now?” he whimpers, protecting Dapper’s body with his own.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Red docs gone, Marvin's if I had to guess dead and anti it also sounds like hes gonna die
Red’s blood runs cold.
He stares at you, frozen.
“No, no,” he whimpers, staggering forward. “Then I have to go back! I have to go… Blue? Dead?”
Dapper gives a little whine, tugging against the handcuffs, trying to pull him away from the fire, growing rapid in the trees.
abirbable asked: Please save Marvin, but be gentle! He’s barely alive! Three other anons sent similar messages and were added.
Hermann races down towards the river until his feet are soaked in the water.
He has to find the hiding place, here along the shore. For a moment, you can only watch him splash helplessly through the reeds and the tall grass, searching, searching, alone in the water, until at last -
“Oh,” whispers Hermann, sinking to his knees beside him. “Oh, poor thing.”
Blue’s still body lies silent in the grass, his face gone from white to grey, his lips faintly blue. Hermann reaches out to touch his face.
“Cold,” he mumbles. “Oh, brother, can’t help you there, I’m afraid…”
He finds a thin, thready heartbeat trembling in Blue’s throat.
“I will find a healing spell. But I don’t know what good it will do… to have his heart ripped out of his chest like this… Madre de Dios, ayúdanos…”
Anonymous asked: Hermann? Have you found Marvin yet? Will you help him?
“How could I not help?” Hermann shakes a little from the exertion of running, but he does not waver in his goal, his hand falling away from the old wound on his side. “What a terrible thing to happen to somebody. I must warn you, though… I am not much of a healer.”
“You think the Chileans would mind if I borrowed some Neruda?”
Hermann sits down at Blue’s side, his hand hovering over his quiet chest.
“For once on the face of the earth,” he whispers, and his power is not like Blue’s, for only a faint white light arises in his eyes - beautiful nonetheless, cool as November ice. “Let’s not speak any language. Let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much.”
Blue is unmoving. He seems not even to breathe.
“Fisherman in the cold sea would not harm whales,” murmurs Hermann like a prayer. “And the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands.”
You see, now, something that is like Blue’s magic about him - the same brand of fatigue. Hermann sways, tired already, tired from everything, but still holding out his hands over Blue’s heart. He remembers Red calling for him the day Hermann and his friends nearly took him.
“Perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness.”
Blue gives a soft breath, his chest shuddering.
“This sadness of never understanding ourselves.”
Hermann rubs gently at his shoulder. His face has paled, paled, paled in the cold night light.
“Now I’ll count up to twelve,” he whispers, his eyes sliding shut. “And you keep quiet… and I will go.”
Blue’s mouth turns from blue to pink. Another whole breath enters his lips.
Hermann slides to the ground, panting.
cest-mellow asked: marvin? can you hear us? are you okay?
His eyes slide ever so slightly open on the bank of the shore. Hermann gives a little gasp, putting a hand on his chest.
“You startled me, amigo. ¿Cómo estás?”
Blue breathes slow and thin, staring up at the sky. His eyes are bizarrely colorless, as though cataracts had formed over him, and he shivers despite the heat.
“Red?” he whispers.
“No,” murmurs Hermann, squeezing his hand. “I’m here to help.”
Blue stares up at him.
“Anti?” he asks.
“No, no.” Hermann is frowning now, sitting hunched over him. “Can you see me at all?”
Blue blinks slowly, his eyes sliding shut again.
“You’re a blur,” he mumbles. “I’m so cold… Where’s Red?”
“Why don’t you just rest?” suggests Hermann, patting his hand. “You just take it easy.”
“… Safe?”
“Safe. Safe. Sh, now. It is all going to be just fine.”
Hermann tries not to look at the growing fire behind him. He will wade into the river if he has to, but he’s not sure he can get back up the hill safely, and his body is hurting him badly, threatening to make him faint.
bupine asked: red, blue's not dead! he's ok! one of the magicians saved him, he'll be ok if you don't hurt any of the magicians, please!
Red backs away slightly, clutching Dapper’s hand. There is smoke around the two of them now.
“Don’t fight the magicians?” he coughs, as Dapper wriggles out of his over-hot vest. “What do I… I… I don’t know what to do. Just tell me where to go to get to Anti again!”
bupine asked: anti's off fighting one of the magicians. he's in the form of a dog now as far as I'm aware
“Why doesn’t he come get me?” sobs Red, clutching at his heart. “He told me to protect Dap but I don’t know what to do!”
He staggers back towards the fire one more time, knowing full well Anti is somewhere on the other side of that blaze with Blue and Trick and Dok - or whoever is left alive.
Dapper whistles shrilly, his panic rising. He yanks against the handcuffs, but his big brother isn’t even paying attention to him.
“The trees are on fire!” he tries to tell him. “Red, above us!”
He breaks down into coughing, unable to back away. Red can’t seem to tear his eyes off the fire.
cest-mellow asked: the magicians are trying to help you, anti is the one who created the fires. stick with them and they’ll get you to safety, all of you. Anonymous asked: they saved his life, Red, we saw it happen! Anti almost killed him but the magicians saved his life!
Red bites down on his tongue, terrified. Dapper’s coughing finally catches his attention and he turns, wide-eyed, to see his little brother sinking to the forest floor, clutching at his chest as smoke fills them both up.
bupine asked: red, DON'T DO ANYTHING RASH. you can't protect dapper if you're dead.
“R-rash? Like run? M-maybe Anti is just testing my loyalty again? Maybe we’re supposed to burn? But then he’ll scoop us out before we die… like that one Bible story… in the furnace, God knows you love him…”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dap, Red, you need to get outta there! FAST. Three anons sent similar messages and were added.
“Oh, fuck,” whispers Red, his eyes full of light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Red,” Dapper is signing, over and over again. “Red!”
Red turns to him and pulls him back to his feet, grabbing his hand again.
“We’ll regroup with Anti later,” he shouts, a last-ditch attempt to convince himself he’s not disobeying. “He told me to protect you. Come on, we need to get the hell out of here!”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, dickhead!”
“Hey! When did your hands get so fucking filthy!”
They are tearing through the forest together, their hands clasped, trying to breathe as the smoke only grows thicker.
“To the river, we should go to the river,” chokes Dapper.
“I can’t go through the river, I have Anti’s camera!”
“Red, we’re going to fucking burn!”
“We’ll lose our connection to him!”
“Red! Red, please!”
And Dapper, the youngest - oh, how long has he played baby, played carver, played Anti’s, all the while trying to keep his own head fixed on straight, halfway into a psychotic episode and terrified out of his mind -
Dapper wraps his arms around Red’s chest and begins to sob. Sometimes survival is just manipulation.
“I don’t want to die, I’m scared, I’m scared!” he signs, desperate. “Don’t let me get hurt, big brother, I don’t want the birds to catch me, I don’t want the fire to come!”
And what is Red going to do - refuse his baby brother while he’s crying?
nikkilbook asked: Dap, why don’t you want the birds to catch you? The ravens at least seem to be friends.
“I plucked so many feathers out,” cries Dapper, gripping at his knife in his vest. “I know she’ll hurt me!”
“Don’t worry about that now,” calls Red, pulling him down towards the river. “I’m not going to let anyone take you from me. I swear, Dapper. Come on!”
Anonymous asked: Jameson, Genesis said this to us personally - she said if you got free, she would forgive you. We promise you she did, you have nothing to fear!
“I swear to God these fucking cameras work for them,” snaps Red, pulling him away before he can answer you.
hollenka99 asked: If it's any consolation, Dok might be safe from the fires. It's not much but at least that's one brother you don't have to worry as much about, right?
Red laughs wildly, and even he doesn’t know if the tears in his eyes are from the smoke or the fear or from the everything, the everything, the disaster that this fucking week has been. He might have a meltdown right here on the forest floor.
“At least Dok is safe,” he chokes. “With Anti, yeah? At least Dok is safe.”
nikkilbook asked: I don’t know where Anti is. But get to the river—that’s where Blue is, and it might offer some protection from the smoke and the fire. Many more people and anons added similar messages telling Red to get out of the forest.
“We’re going, we’re going,” gasps Red, and he and Dapper have reached the shore of the river, but they are more than a mile now from Anti and the others, and the river moves down, down, down farther away. Red trembles, but Dapper’s hand in his own gives him his purpose and his strength, and he squeezes his fingers and heads down towards the water, coughing.
“You just hold on to me,” he calls, pulling Dapper to his back. “It’s not going to be easy to swim with handcuffs on. You got to trust me.”
Dapper shivers, trying to focus. He seems to remember a great anger towards Red - or… Jackie? Or Roser? Or… where are they? Why is Jackie red-haired? What’s happening, he thought -
“Dapper!” Red cries, clutching his face. “Come on, come on! Listen to big brother! I got you, I got you. Do you trust me?”
“Oh - okay, Jackie.”
“I’m not - okay. Don’t be scared. Hold on to me. Let’s go.”
He’s wading into the water. Deeper and deeper.
You’re about to be swallowed up by the water.
“I’m about to lose you,” he says.
He tells himself he’s talking to Anti. He’s not.
“Please just… please just… I hope this isn’t the last time you see me.”
A nervous laugh from his mouth. A little brother clinging to his shoulders. The water lapping at his arms.
“I… I’m sorry if I… I know I haven’t always been…”
He stops short, just for a second, pulling you off his shoulder and turning to smile at you. His eyes are red, but his mouth, for once, has found its calm. He holds Dapper tight in his other hand.
“Thanks for everything,” he croaks. “Goodbye.”
He turns the camera off and shoves it in his bag, and plunges into the safety of the river, drifting farther and farther away from Anti, from Blue, from everyone, and your signal cuts out.
the-weirdest-fan asked: Genesis, I dont know if anyone mentioned it, but Trick has a kitten with him. Please take the kitten as well. I don't want it to die.
“Okay, scoop your kitten up,” sighs Christofer, still grappling with a hysterical, screaming Trickshot. “Here you go, come on, gringo, it wants you.”
Noodle mewls as he is passed into Trick’s trembling hands. Trick sobs wildly and clutches his kitten to his chest, hyper-ventilating against his fur.
“Yeah, there you go,” soothes Christofer, clapping Trick’s shoulder hard enough to make him hiccup. He doesn’t have a particularly soothing voice - he sounds like Morgan Freeman gargling rocks - but he’s trying.
hollenka99 asked: Please be careful with Trick. Obviously, do what you must to get him back to the car and make him stay there long enough for you to leave. But be careful because he's not going to accept your help (which I probably don't have to tell you). Also, look out. There's company heading your way.
“Okay, we’re being careful, real careful.” Christofer pats Trick again and turns him around, ignoring a scared little squeak as he starts to march Trick up the hill. “We’ll take you back to the other man and get the monster out of your head if we can, okay, little man?”
“No, no,” cries Trick, clutching at his kitten. “No, no, don’t want to.”
“Here, give me that camera, boy, you don’t need to be talking to him now.”
Trick sobs as you are taken away from him, mumbling about Doktor and Anti and dying. Christofer stares skeptically down at you.
“Company? Are the Colombians here? I hope Emmanuela and Juana are handling the demon alright. I think maybe I should turn you off, if you’re talking to the demon.”
Anonymous asked: Chase hang in there, they're going to take you to dok. genesis is gonna return the kindness you did by letting her go.
“We’re going to Dok?” whimpers Trick.
“That’s right, man.”
“What about A-A-Anti?”
“Don’t worry about him now. Come on, you poor fucking sap.”
Anonymous asked: oh fuck, oh fuck everything is bad genesis y'all need to snatch whoever you can and RUN, anti's basically just swallowed a goddamn nuclear bomb
Christofer stops short, staring at you. “A nuclear…”
He turns his head, surveying the scene around him. To his relief, help does in fact seem to be coming - he sees another couple cars up on the hill, and people coming out of them, directing each other. He’s fairly sure it’s the Colombians, of the Order of the Condor, or maybe the Argentinians, of the Hornero.
But not everything is good news.
“Oh, mierda,” he breathes. “The forest is burning.”
immabethehero asked: Genesis? Hermann needs help and Red and Dapper are trapped in the fire. immabethehero asked: Nevermind, Red and Dapper are in the water. Possibly Drowning. Genesis, you and the others good?
Hermann is sitting on the beach of the river with Blue asleep in his arms. He rocks his body gently back and forth, humming to himself as the fire gets closer.
“Genesis is gone,” he says softly. “Back to safety. She’s still hurt from the other day, so Emmanuela will not let her come and go.”
Anonymous asked: hermann, hermano, thank you. go now, as fast as you can!
“I’m sorry,” mumbles Hermann. “I don’t know that I have the strength to rise - I certainly cannot carry him through the fire…”
hollenka99 asked: Hermann, anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. So long as you're doing your best, that's enough for now. Good luck with the healing spell.
“Thank you,” whispers Hermann. “I’ve done all I can now. I’m sorry. I’ll carry him into the river if I have to, but that is the only safety I can offer now.”
Blue is breathing well enough for you to see it, now, but he is terribly pale, his eyes faintly open, but clouded and dull. His mouth trembles slightly open. He lets Hermann rock him, mumbling to himself. He feels like he is floating above his own body and he cannot remember his name or where he is in the world.
Anonymous asked: Christofer bro idk if you lift, but if you can get Chase secure you need to go get Hermann and our friend Marvin. I hope you can carry two dudes at once
“I can carry these little gringos. Where is Hermann? I must go get someone to help me with the fire, I will not take this little man down there. I will hurry to get him tied down in the car.”
Anonymous asked: Get out at fast as you can, while you still can. Anti will do anything to hold onto what he has, and if he notices you getting away with one of his possessions he will attack.
“What sort of a monster is this?” scowls Christofer. “It is unnatural for a demon to be so interested in keeping humans like this, and to have such power. There is some corruption in it. It has to be killed.”
Trick screeches and kicks at Christofer’s back, thrown over his shoulders like a huge teddy bear. “That’s my brother!” he shrieks. “He’s not a fucking demon! You don’t understand! He’ll kill you, fucker!”
Anonymous asked: Christopher, please, please, stay alert! Anti might come running since he hears Trick screaming, he's currently a big black dog pumped with magic and he would fuck your shit up, please be careful!
Christofer startles, staring around him.
He thought he heard something snap in the trees.
A low growl curls through the air around him.
“Okay,” mumbles Christofer, pulling Trick down from his shoulder and holding him in front of his chest. “Alright, demonio, where are you?”
Anti is on his left, a dog.
On his right, a deer.
Before him, a man.
All of them flickering and then gone in an instant.
He burns with power. His eyes are black with two bright blue glowing irises in the middle.
“Give me back my boy,” hisses a voice which glitches and spasms and growls. “Give me back my pet.”
“Others are coming,” warns Christofer slowly. His arm is wrapped around Trick’s neck, tight, tight. “You can’t beat everyone.”
“Are you sure?” echoes Anti’s voice. “Are you so sure?”
Anonymous asked: Christofer, Anti is coming and he’s coming FAST. Just hold on to Trick and run, you can’t fight him
“Ay! You there?” someone is calling through the trees in Spanish, footsteps approaching. “Emmanuela called us to come help!”
Christofer turns slowly in a circle in his little copse of trees. He just needs to buy time. He just needs to buy time to get away and bring this shuddering, hypnotized, abused little creature back to safety. Back to the twin with the glasses.
Don’t die for these men, he remembers himself saying. Not everyone can be saved.
He pulls a knife out of his pant pocket. Trick gives a short, hysterical giggle, feeling ready to faint.
“Is - is that a knife in your pocket?” he asks. “Or are you just - ”
“What are you talking about?”
“Old joke,” snorts Trick. “It’s - ”
Anti lunges forward and Trick screams as he is grabbed by the ankle and dragged away. Christofer bellows and swings his knife at Anti, catching him on the back, and Anti howls and drops Trick, whirling around to meet Christofer, lunging onto his chest.
“Hey!” someone shouts. Trick watches in horror as teeth burrow deep into Christofer’s chest and throat, leaving him wailing aloud, only for more magicians to appear from the trees, one of them pulling a bow and arrow back and aiming at Anti, who disappears into a blur of glitches. Suddenly Trick is being aimed at instead.
“Stay away from him!” Taking the form of a man again, Anti shoves into the woman, drawing a line across her stomach with a knife. She kicks up at him with a burst of electricity and he shrieks, his body dissolving.
“Anti!” cries Trick.
“Go to Blue on the river! Now, Trick, now! I’ll catch up with you but don’t stop running!”
“Anti, there’s a dozen more coming down from the hill!”
“Go, Trick! Now!”
And Anti falls upon a growing group of magicians like a wild thing, fire exploding on the earth around him, with great plants growing, growing, growing out of the earth, spreading the fire further. Glitching is his best tool now - he can move from place to place before he can be struck, fleeing from the strongest blows. A great fury is burning in his chest, so bright it is painful - he swears he can feel that Doktor is gone, like one of his ribs was removed. He has not been so far from any of his boys since he captured Blue, and not knowing where he is - whether he is even alive -
“I’ll make you fucking pay for this!” he screams, even as a gun is pointed at his head. “You stole my boy from me!”
Anonymous asked: Anti, you’ve already lost.
“No, no,” groans Anti, glitching farther and farther away from the fight, pushed back towards the great river, fire lighting up the air around him. He can hear more and more humans yelling at him, surrounding him, attacking him - a bullet cracks in the air around him and he gasps, crumpling to the ground for just a moment as steel whizzes past his ear, drawing more blood. He is dizzy and overwhelmed, power still flowing with his blood out of his mouth and ears and eyes. He looks like a monster and he knows it. He laughs aloud.
“Wrangle the goddamn thing!”
“It doesn’t act like a normal demon!”
“It’s stolen someone’s power and entangled itself with technology and electric signals.”
“Unnatural in every sense.”
“Are we sure this is even a demon?”
He screams and tears forward again, burying his teeth in another throat. A club is brought down hard on his head and he wails, glitching away, his form beginning to collapse.
Anonymous asked: jesus can someone just axe this damn dog already
“Hey, cool, a camera!” says a young man in Spanish, picking you up.
“Damascus!” someone berates, and Damascus shrieks and drops it as a dog tears past his head, nearly ripping his ear off. He scrambles away and another magician lashes out at Anti, only to have him get a grip on their ankle and snap.
abirbable asked: Christopher, I think you need to run... You don’t have the strength to face the demon, so the river might be your only chance!
“Maria, get Christofer to safety!”
“I’ve got him!”
You can see his body being dragged away, out of the burning forest, by a small girl much stronger than she looks. Another magician is trying to call down water to stop the fire, but it continues to burn.
“We have to put this out!”
“We have to stop the demon first!”
“And find the men it captured!”
“There’s no time for that! The whole forest could be gone and the fire could be spreading to the fields and the villages!”
immabethehero asked: Christofer? Hermann needs help . He’s still on the beach and Blue is with them.
“They say one of the Peruvians is down there!”
“We can’t get to him through this fire.”
“Or past the fucking - ah! Get the fucking thing off!”
Anti is breaking down.
Anonymous asked: Aw, poor Anti. Your control is slipping through your fingers like sand.
Anti chokes up blood onto the earth and laughs as the fire begins to grow to unmanageable heights, the magicians darting to get away from both him and the flames, unable to fight in a burning forest. He will track them down one-by-one, then, and pick up Dapper and Red, and go find his Doktor, and then everything will be fine.
“Back, back, back,” he groans, swaying. “Give him back to me.”
Anonymous asked: anti you can't sustain this
He laughs. “I will do… what I have to do! I - I can still catch these goddamn sorcerers. I can still - ”
A terrible light blinds him and he shrieks, falling to his side as a dog much smaller than his usual form.
There, amidst the fire and the smoke, her long, black, shining hair glowing, stands Emmanuela, glowing like a star - pure bright magic, burning Anti deeper and deeper.
He is staggering away before he can stop himself, gasping and tearing at his face. “No, no, no!”
“Emmanuela!” someone screams. “Don’t go into that fire!”
“We have to go find the other men!” Emmanuela screams.
“The fire is spreading! We have to put it out! If we find them, then we find them, but we have to put this fire out! We need your frost kid, where is he?”
“Injured! You can ask nothing of him, send others in his stead, maybe if we can reach the edges of the fire on time we can stop it from spreading! Don’t hurt the men if you find them!”
“Damascus, Ella, Maria, take the others and split up, get to putting the fire out!”
Anti tries to register what they’re saying, but his brain is full of pain and buzzing, aching, stinging magic, and he thinks he is a deer, trying not to collapse to its knees in the middle of a forest he set on fire.
Anonymous asked: this can't be it, this can't be how magic works, it can't be so cruel, marvin, if you're awake, jesus christ I don't even know what
“Cruel?” mumbles Blue.
He stares up at the sky, but cannot see the stars.
“No, no… it’s just… me. My flowers… my warmth… healing and spells whispered in Spanish poetry, protection and safety and the smell of the forest after it rains…”
He tilts his head up slightly. All he can make out is a small figure moving towards him and a great, burning light in the distance.
“What has he done with my magic?” he chokes, tears rolling down his cheeks. Hermann tries to shush him, wiping them away. “What has he done with my soul?”
Anonymous asked: Blue, you’re going to need to stay very still. Don’t waste your energy, you’re still extremely weak. He’s here to help, we promise.
“They’re right, just rest,” murmurs Hermann, petting his shoulder. “Try not to think about it. I… I’ll do everything I can for you. Just take it easy, my friend.”
abirbable asked: Hang on, Hermann! Help is on the way!
Hermann turns hopeful eyes towards the forest.
But there is only one person coming.
Trick runs towards them with his face tear-stained and a kitten on his chest. Hermann grits his teeth together, trying to think. He doesn’t have the strength for a fight right now. The fire only comes closer.
“Hey,” he mumbles - to you, to Blue, to everything. “I’m sorry.”
Anonymous asked: Hermann, can you swim? Or at least float, and keep Marvin up as well? You might have to go down the river
“Come, come,” he murmurs, scooping Blue up in his arms. “We should get in the water before the fire comes.”
Trick is shouting behind him, crying out for him to stop.
“Give me my brother!” he calls. “Stop, stop, don’t hurt him!”
Hermann pulls Blue gently to the water and carries him in until he is awash to the stomach, carrying Blue in his arms. He turns them away from the fire, buries his face in Blue’s shoulder, and hums an old song of praise, because he doesn’t know what else to sing.
Anonymous asked: trick, help blue and hermann get back to the sorcerers. they can bring you to dok, anti can't.
Trick stumbles towards Blue and Hermann, shaking like an animal in a wire trap.
“I just want this to be over,” he moans, holding Noodle a little too tight. “I w-want this to stop.”
Anonymous asked: Trick, don’t hurt them.
“He won’t hurt Blue? Please, my big brother…”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Can trick look at this camera because if so that man isnt trying to hurt him trick he saved marvins life
“Saved him?” chokes Trick, stumbling forward. “Saved him?”
“He’s okay, he’s okay,” whispers Hermann, sunk low in that river, praying Trick does not carry another gun. “We’re okay, we’re okay.”
Anonymous asked: Blue, there will be time to mourn your magic later. You're you with or without it, no matter how much it hurts. Just rest. People will come to help.
Blue hums softly and blinks up at the darkness around him, finding a familiar shape blurred before him. He sighs and reaches out for Trick, exhausted.
“You okay, love?” he murmurs, trying to find him in the dull light of his clouded vision. “Why are you crying? Come here, tell me…”
immabethehero asked: Hey magicians? One of you might need to save Dapper and Red. Dapper has a knife and a mustache, Red had red hair and an existential crisis
You can no longer find a magician on any of your cameras - some of them have been cracked and warped by the heat, others are abandoned on the ground. You will have to trust in what they said - if they find them, they will help them, but first they must put out a fire now raging for more than a mile down the banks of the Rio Puturnayo.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Anti, you're only hurting yourself at this point. Stop.
“No,” groans Anti, and now he is just a frayed and exhausted Jack, stumbling through the fire, a knife still clutched in his hands. “If I run, how will I find Doktor? I failed him… I want him, I want him back, my - my pet, my Henrik…”
He stumbles to his knees. Pain is slicing him in half, bitter and sweet magic clashing together horribly in his chest, and he can taste and smell and see nothing but copper and fire. The heat has begun to lick at him and he watches in numb astonishment as he begins to burn the way that men burn, the ends of his fingers blackening against the earth of the forest. Self-preservation drives him back to his feet, gasping for pain.
“If I run, I… how will I ever get them back? If I run… where is Doktor? Where is Doktor? Where did I let them take him, why wasn’t I watching, why didn’t he scream? I… I… If I run…”
nikkilbook asked: Trick, look at them. Anti left Blue to die on the beach after ripping out his soul. Hermann’s helping him float in the water to keep him away from the fire. abirbable and five anons sent similar messages and were added.
Tears well up and overflow in Trick’s eyes.
He is stepping down into the water, wading towards Blue and Hermann.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Hermann reassures softly, reaching out for him, holding Blue to his chest. “Look, we’re okay. Come hold your brother, he wants to see you.”
And then Trick is buried in Blue’s chest, holding his brother around those fragile ribs, clutching him close.
“Blue, Blue, Blue,” he croaks, kissing his face. “No, no, no, don’t go, stay with me.”
“Not going anywhere,” promises Blue softly, pulling him down so he can press a kiss into his hair. “Not going anywhere, amata.”
“Just rest, okay? Just rest, it’s alright, I’ll carry you. It’s okay. I love you, I’m sorry.”
“I love you, I love you. It’s okay, little brother. It’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: hey anti? it's okay.
Anti breathes in.
Breathes out.
Smoke and magic.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispers, stepping towards the river. “Hey, Anti, it’s okay.”
He is trotting slowly down towards the beach, numb to the shouting and screaming behind him, numb to the fire.
“I’ll get him back, won’t I?” he breathes. “I’ll find him again. It’s okay, it’s okay… just one battle lost, I… I have to protect what I have left.”
They’re there before him in the river - Trick and Blue and - did Dapper or Red come back? Who…
Anti stops short on the beach of the river, staring down at the water.
Hermann stares back, Blue held between himself and Trick.
Anonymous asked: hermann, marvin, i dont know if it will help much but i wanted to send you something by dylan thomas: do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day, rage, rage against the dying of the light. grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight, blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. i wish you luck
“Do not go gentle into that good night,” whispers Hermann, drawing Trick and Blue to his chest. “Old age should burn and rave at close of day…”
He never takes his gaze from Anti’s black and blue eyes.
“Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.”
Anti steps into the water and wades towards them. His blood runs into the water.
“Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight…”
Anti pulls out a knife, his body glitching and spasming unnaturally, horribly, painfully.
“Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay.”
Anti stands before him, Trick and Blue between them, a fire burning behind them.
“Rage, rage,” whispers Hermann. “Against the dying of the light.”
Anti is holding out his arms.
Hermann breathes.
“No,” he whispers. “You will have to take them from me.”
Anti’s eyes narrow.
But he does not strike out.
Gently, he reaches out, and takes from Hermann Blue’s body, pulling him to his own chest, wrapping his tired arms around him. Trick pulls away too, his face pale and reddened at the eyes, his gaze dead and sorry and all full of longing as he meets Hermann’s eyes for one moment longer.
Hermann will never forget that gaze.
Anti turns and carries Blue down the shallows of the river, across to the safety of the other side. Trick follows blindly, holding Noodle tight to his shoulder, tears running down his face, though he never once looks back at Hermann.
Hermann stands in the river for a long, long time.
Until the fire is gone out, and those who remain alive behind him have reconvened, and worried hands are drawing his exhausted body from the water, passing him to Emmanuela, who pulls him to her chest and kisses his face til he stops saying “I’m sorry, Mama, I’m sorry,” over and over and over again.
abirbable asked: Trick... you just lost your last chance at being okay and happy. If you go with Anti, only pain and sorrow await you and your brothers... Why have you shunned those who might help you?
“Time to be quiet,” says Anti softly, placing the camera in his backpack. “We have no need of you now.”
Anonymous asked: Yeah, speaking of Anti, how's that fire treating him?
“Anti?” comes a tired whisper from behind him.
His voice is flat and dead when he speaks.
“Yes, love.”
“You’re all covered in burns… you and Blue both…”
Trick never receives a reply. Noodle is crying in his arms and he holds his cat close to his chest, stroking his perfect golden ears.
“Yes, love.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m going to take you and Blue far away to heal.”
They trudge on through the darkness. They give off no signal. With Blue’s magic buried under Anti’s, they are finally hidden.
“Are the others really gone?”
Night birds call from the trees. Insects chirrup and leap around Trick’s legs, following him curiously through the underbrush of the Amazon.
“Yes, Trick.”
“Even… even Red and Dapper?”
“I don’t know where they are. I can’t feel them close. The magicians must have taken them as well.”
His stomach aches and pulls at him and his legs are sore and eaten up, even though he listened to Dok, and didn’t roll his pants legs up. There is blood somewhere on him, but he can’t seem to focus on where - just knows that he is sticky, and hot, and tired.
But at least he’s not a prisoner.
“Anti?” he whispers, the quietest one yet.
“We’ll get them back,” Anti answers, before he even needs to speak the words out loud. “We’ll get them back.”
He turns around for the first time all night, Blue dangling from his arms. Trick stares up at him in the darkness, his eyes wet.
“Don’t cry,” whispers Anti, leaning in to kiss his hair. “I’m going to make this right again. I’m going to see Blue well again and find the oldest and the youngest. I’m going to get your twin back for you.”
“You promise?” whispers Trick, clinging to his shirt, just for a moment.
“Yes,” whispers Anti. “Yes. I promise.”
He’s made assurances like these before.
Assurances of happiness, and brotherhood, and an end to the pain.
On a beach in Norway, he made promises to the man now lain across his arms.
He regrets, now, that he did not keep them.
But you will never hear him say that out loud.
 End Chapter Two: That Which is Stolen
8 notes · View notes
existentialburden · 4 years
all of the oc asks? (i’m on mobile so asks are weird)
oh!!! okay okay uh which oc oh no uhhhhhh Enny again!
how does your OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? how do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children, or their lover(s)?
Enny is a sliding scale. with the mains, she’s spiteful, cold, and just flat out mean, carefully choosing her words before speaking so everything comes out the way she wants it to. with alt Kodi, she lets any exhaustion show and she’s more relaxed, talking about her interests more and casually teasing him. with Echo, she’s vulnerable and, while still restraining her emotions, tries to at least express things through a more emotional lens- and she’s WAY more honest with him than a lot of people. with [REDACTED], she’s more playfully snarky, both teasing and calculating during their games and just generally teasing outside. she’s also extremely soft and relaxed around him, watchful but not really wary. with strangers, she’s tense and her voice actually has more inflection than most times because she’s using more intense tones for their benefit- usually she’s more deadpan (when her voice does get a tone it stands out), but that tends to drive people off. she doesn’t trust strangers so she just acts to blend in. in emotionally-charged scenarios she’s either loud or very quiet depending on the emotion- if other people are angry she goes quiet, if SHE’S angry she gets loud, when she’s happy there’s not a lot of volume change but she taps her fingers or sort of moves in place, and when she’s worried or upset she fiddles with things in her hands or digs her nails into her arms. that’s more body language than personality but!! I like those details!! make me happy.
does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? with everyone or just with certain people? is there a reason for this?
Enny prefers to be in control, taking the lead. she had Zero Control when she was younger and in order to make sure that never happens again tends to force her way into positions of power. can’t be hurt if you’re the one at the top. once she’s comfortable around a group this fades but she always at least likes a say in everything.
how easily is your OC embarrassed? what subjects make them flush and why? what event has made your OC the most embarrassed they’ve ever been?
she’s not embarrassed by a lot. being made fun of gets no embarrassment, getting caught in a ramble isn’t as embarrassing as it is frustrating that she lost track of how long she was talking..... but oh boy the topic of love. she shows love and care through actions so hearing someone she cares about just bluntly say “I love you”? fucking WILD how could they just SAY THAT like it’s a FACT that’s not how this works why do they love her what the fuck. that’ll get her flustered. feelings and shit. she’s also highly embarrassed about her creepypasta self-insert fanfiction from years ago but that will never see the light of day again so it’s no big.
does your OC have any triggers? why do these things trigger them? what are they like when triggered and how do they calm down after?
slamming doors, people yelling (specifically adult men), and her old name, but only when it’s used in reference to her- seeing people talking about main Aila isn’t an issue, but being called Aila herself makes her a little panicky. in a certain au, the distinct Mind player teal is a minor trigger as well. the first three are because of her father’s abuse, and the last one is because of an incident with a Mind player that uh. didn’t go great. slamming doors make her freeze up and she stops breathing entirely until she can calm down, people yelling makes her close to tears, frozen, and again not breathing, as well as leaving her unable to speak until a bit after she’s calmed down. her old name also makes her freeze up for a moment. enclosed spaces help her calm down because they feel like a safe zone since she can see what’s coming and she used to hide in her closet. select trusted people also help her calm down, like alt Kodi, Echo, and [REDACTED], but alt Kodi helps the most by just being there since she associates him with safety, too. Echo does NOT apply to the Mind player teal and he’d just make things worse for that specific one because of the situation.
are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? any reason behind this?
...most? Enny DESPISES feeling afraid and has a real rough time calming down when startled, and she hates feeling like she’s helpless. she doesn’t understand love for a while, too, and affection with her is weird and she can’t deal with it. she also hates feeling jealous or envious mostly because it’s a reminder that other people got to have things she didn’t. she doesn’t understand love because she’s repressed as fuck and she can’t deal with feeling any sort of affection because she’s never really gotten to express it or felt like she got it back from other people.
does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? do they have a hobby or pastime that others would consider strange or weird? how did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
!!! I mean, it’s weird for Enny, but she can paint! she learned how to paint from Cece before the ship got built and it was her first true “downtime” hobby that she stuck with. she can also carry a tune surprisingly well! what’s more surprising is that she DOESN’T know how to play chess.
how well does your OC take care of themself? do they tend to put others before their own well-being and if so how often? what is their favorite way to pamper themself?
she.... is not good at taking care of herself. she doesn’t exactly put other people before herself? she’s just not good at self-care. the ship got her a proper meal schedule, and sure, she brushes her hair, and those are two points in her favor and both things she has up on me! but her sleep schedule’s fucky because of nightmares, she doesn’t always actually take time to relax, she doesn’t think positively of herself, she doesn’t do things for the sake of enjoying herself, and she slips back into Consumption habits more often than most people on the ship, if not all of them. her self-care is occasionally going to stay in alt Kodi’s room or the other way around to swap snack stashes and vent and just hang out. it’s calming for her. sibling bonding time.
what are some of your OC’s favorites? favorite food, color, season, stuff like that! give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Enny loves dark chocolate, black licorice, autumn, rainy days, dark blue-ish grey, and bubblegum. she likes cola sodas and small spaces, and prefers pens that click over pens that have caps. she also writes in pen rather than pencil, and she was left-handed before she taught herself to be ambidextrous! she prefers enclosed spaces over open areas because she can’t keep an eye on every direction in an open area. she also prefers audiobooks over reading words and loves mysteries, and likes thunderstorms :).
does your OC like to sleep alone or do they enjoy sharing their bed? have they been to any sleepovers? have they ever been camping? what did they think of the experiences if so?
she gets real fond of sharing her bed, exclusively with people she really trusts. [REDACTED] has shared-bed privileges. she’s never been to an actual sleepover and she’s never been camping! she has stayed at alt Kodi’s before, without any of the sleepover activities, and that was always nice.
when your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
if she says “I had a bad day” she had a BAD DAY. she does like to be dramatic sometimes, but when talking about her day it’s exactly as bad as she claims it is. a bad day is “I got attacked by something/someone and feared for my life and stayed shaken all day” or “I had nightmares again last night and couldn’t calm down so I spent the entire day trying to hide away and then someone had to come calm me down and they saw me panicking and I Don’t Like That” or “a Mind player impersonated my therapist and took some of my memories and called me a horrible person just like my father and said I could never be redeemed”.
is your OC a good liar? how easy is it for them to tell lies? what is the biggest lie they’ve ever told and did they ever get found out? on the other hand, what is the biggest lie someone has told your OC and did they believe them?
she’s an excellent liar when she wants to be. lies are easy to tell and easier to explain for her. the biggest lie was probably during the Main Timeline Incident when she tried to convince Hope that the Time players were acting fucky and needed to be taken down- that one went over pretty neutrally because while Hope didn’t help her, she also didn’t go tell everyone because she wasn’t sure if that was the truth or not. if not that one, her accidental lie claiming she was in love with Kell because she just straight-up Did Not Know that wasn’t love. or the lie to herself that she had Absolutely Zero Attraction To Girls. repression’s a hell of a drug. the biggest lie she’s been told would probably be the aforementioned Mind player pretending to be Echo. that one was SO FUCKED and she fell for it. or, again, her convincing herself she didn’t like girls at all nuh-uh no way.
how religious is your OC? do they pray to any god(s) or do they not believe in that kind of stuff? what is their view of religion in general? where do they believe people go when they die? if your OC is not religious why not and what do they believe in otherwise?
she’s not religious at all. she’s neutral on religion and has a number of death theories- one is just straight-up SBURB dreambubbles because SBURB’s real so why not. another is you join the ranks of the horrorterrors when you die. in the same au as before she became an Actual God and dead players did in fact start showing up at her door so uh. that. that’s what happens. she guesses.
what is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? what is something they’re really proud of? and lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
she’s ashamed of how she used to treat Kell and alt Hurlii, and also kind of ashamed about... being abused? she knows she’s not the one who should be ashamed about that one but. :/. she’s also ashamed of jumping straight to “put main Kori out of commission” with the Main Timeline Incident. she’s proud that she’s made it as far as she has and just surviving, and also proud that she’s been able to open up to Echo and get therapy for her trauma. I think we all know what could make her tremble at this point though.
what does your OC do on their days off from working, school or whatever else it is they may do? do they enjoy relaxing, shopping, hanging out with friends? what is a normal day like for them?
she used to hang out with alt Kodi whenever she could, but on the ship, she goes and hangs out with [REDACTED], distracts herself with busywork, and spends time with her crewmates. she’s trying to be more social.
what was your OC like as a baby? what were they like as a child? a teenager? an adult? how do you think they’ll develop ten years into their future? twenty years? will they live to old age?
she baby. as a kid she was pretty quiet- one of those “pleasure to have in class” sorta kids who did their work and kept their mouth shut. she didn’t have a lot of friends. she got snarkier as she aged and became sort of a bully; she was still quiet, but the quiet angry type. as an adult she mellows tf out after getting therapy and still works on y’know, being a person, but definitely starts accepting herself a lot more and starts being The Trusted Adult. she’s going to provide a safe area for kids and accidentally adopt them along the way babey. she definitely grows to old age as a god tier :).
does your OC have any bad habits? does your OC have any addictions like smoking or drinking? how did they fall into these habits and why?
if digging her nails into her arms counts, that’s a habit. she also relapses into Consumption more than the others- frantic note-taking and knowledge absorption to an extreme. she doesn’t really know how the arm thing got started, but something about the sharpness of digging her nails in was supposed to ground her or something, and now she doesn’t even notice that she’s doing it. so it doesn’t work anymore and just leaves marks sometimes :(.
what does your OC think is their best trait? what is actually their best trait? what about their flaws? are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?
Enny thinks her best trait is her problem-solving ability, but I think her best trait is her resilience. both are very good, though! she has plenty of flaws and she doesn’t like to bring a lot of them up, but she admits them more than she thinks she does. she’s VERY aware of them though. she thinks she’s selfish, aggressive, deceptive, and generally unpleasant to be around. she thinks she’s way worse than she is tbh.
What is your OC like in bed- 
sleepy. that’s it. Enny does NOT fuck.
what’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? one that would make them laugh? one that would make their day worse? why? what words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?
depends who’s saying it! a simple invitation to hang out from some people would improve her day, but from others it would make things far worse. generally, a compliment doesn’t hurt, or an “I like being around you” or something. she tends to laugh at things that are light jabs at people and sometimes sudden tone shifts. most mentions of her past would make her day worse, and any mention of her dad is a no-go. if you want to ruin her day entirely, compare her to her father.
how much effort does your OC put into their looks? do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? could they be considered a snob or a slob?
she puts probably an average amount of effort into her looks. depends on the day and what’s going on and how she feels, but it’s generally consistent. she keeps her hair neat, makes her outfit match, enjoys having the option of makeup with no one to say whether she should or shouldn’t wear it, and just goes about her day. but she doesn’t spend too much time on it. I’d say she’s somewhere in the middle. more snobby than me, but I’m a massive slob :P
what additions would your OC make to their body if they could? let’s say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? wings? horns? do they wish they could shapeshift?
!!! I’ve gone over this in a roleplay before! she honestly doesn’t know what she wants because she’s never thought about it before, but if she happened to suddenly and mysteriously gain shapeshifting she’d spend a lot of time just trying to find anything that felt right without being her original form. eventually she’d settle back into her og form with minor changes, maybe dye her hair instantly or something. definitely dye her hair. she’d totally fuck around with a monster form too. and I mean, who would say no to shapeshifting? she would like having the option to change everything at the drop of a hat. to not be herself, and then be herself again, and then maybe try out a snake tail and have fun with that, and then-
what inspired you to make this OC? how long have you had them? how have they changed in the time you’ve been developing them?
originally she was just for a fun “opposites” AU, and I’ve had her for about... 2 years? 2 years. what really made me latch onto her was a suggestion from a friend :). she’s gone from a one-off character who was primarily bitter to my favorite good good child who is still SO BITTER but wants to do good things. plus I like her more than Deux now and that was NOT the case back then.
what traits of your own do you see in this OC? are they a little bit self-inserty? don’t be shy, we all put parts of ourselves into the creations we love!
we both get panicky at slammed doors and at people yelling, along with feeling vulnerable when we can’t keep an eye out in every angle. we’re also both ace. a lot of her interests are the same as mine, and her finger-tapping, nail-digging, and pen-clicking are all from me. we also both have to think about our facial expressions, though they come a bit more naturally to me than to her. we’re both real fond of [REDACTED], we both like monsters, and we both have too many thoughts at once. her general demeanor isn’t really me, though. she mostly took all my little details. oh shit we both wear glasses too :P and we both changed our names.
what is your personal opinion of this OC? do you love them or are they your trash child? are they your baby?
I love her so much. you don’t understand how much I love her. she’s absolutely my favorite child!!!
are you writing anything with this OC or planning on writing anything for them? do you RP with them or are they just for fun to mess around with?
I both write stuff with her and RP as her! she’s my faaaavorite. I write about her in AUs (horrorterror Enny, monster AU, superhero AU, etc.) and in canon, and I’m hoping to write more once I have more time on my hands! she’s also my D&D character in a current campaign. and I rp her on her character blog @eloquentbarrister :P
how important is this OC to you? are they a character that’s helped you through some pretty tough times or could you scrap them without feeling a thing?
she’s, uh... she’s real important. I vent through her a lot and thinking about her calms me down.
do you enjoy working on your OC or are they a bit of a chore? we all have that one character who is hard to develop!
every day I think to myself “hm, what does this action say about Enny?”, so when it comes to her I love working on her! I could write essays about her! her goals are vague in certain aus which is the only bad part but so are mine, really.
ramble a bit about this character! 
that’s all I’ve been doing this whole time :P but!! she’s so good in every AU. learning how to be vulnerable and talk to people. learning how to be comfortable with herself. giving a huge middle finger to her past, at first trying to run from it and anything she did back then, and then going “yeah, that was a thing that happened, and it was fucked up, but I’ve come a long way”. she’s so good. she’s SO GOOD. monster AU Enny is fun too bcause the plot goes from “various monster kids relentlessly interact with the changeling kid until she considers them friends and the changeling learns to trust robot dad, learning how to play an instrument along the way” to “changeling becomes best friends with a god, does some drugs in the woods, and then watches the apocalypse go down with a big ol smile”. D&D Enny is very good because she’s a halfling warlock with a fun affectionate relationship with her patron and won’t stop adopting children despite barely being an adult. she wants to kill the gods and it’s very fun and cool tbh. also HORRORTERROR ENNY......... KILLS ME.......... ughhhh I’d love to ramble about her but I’m also WRITING her and wanna share that writing y’feel? just. aaaaaaaaa. Enny “Enlightener” Delmirain’t!!!!!
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pinballwitxh · 5 years
the mentees - part 1 (eggsy unwin x oc)
summary: a seasoned kingsman agent witnesses eggsy’s last test and sends him off with some advice. budding feelings between the two are even more intense as both witness the death of harry hart and turn to each other for comfort.
warnings: just a sh*t ton of violence and cussing cause, ya know, this is kingsman.
honestly i’m not sure how this will turn out but i love the church scene so much and i love eggsy so this will be my experiment phase with writing for him! def into harry hart as daddy too soooooo that will def be coming up in my master list soon. enjoy! also I super apologize for weird spacing and shit cause idk tumblr is weird w the phone sometimes.
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The agent stared down at the computer screen with brows furrowed and hands gripping the armrests, “Come on, Eggsy, it’s just a blank. . .”
The recruit held his stance in front of JB, his beloved pug, gun pointed and ready. She could see the struggle in his eyes and it made her so frustrated that he wouldn’t just do it. The dogs had become close companions to the recruits, that was part of the idea behind owning a dog in the agency. This was probably one of the hardest tests out of them all, she had decided after passing it herself.
On the other monitor stood Roxy before her own poodle, gun aimed and ready.
She pulled the trigger and visibly the tension in her shoulders released. Merlin was congratulating her with a pat on the back, whereas Eggsy was still rigid and aiming. Arthur was growing very obviously impatient and she knew that Eggsy would not be able to do it.
In the end, he had the biggest heart of them all.
This proved to be true as he handed the gun back to Arthur, head down and ashamed. She watched as he scooped JB up into his arms and left the room quietly. Immediately she was running out of the room and met Eggsy at the bottom of the grand staircase.
“Why didn’t you do it?”
“You fuckin’ kidding me?” he snapped, “What a bullshit place this is-”
“Why would you even say that? You trained so hard, Eggsy, and you gave it all up for-”
“My fucking dog? Yeah, I did so why don’t you just leave me the hell alone and go back to your posh suits and fancy cars and forget all about me?”
‘I’d never want to forget about you, Eggsy Unwin.’
For a moment she was silent and shocked, the two had become such good friends and she would be lying if she said those words had not hurt. Agents were not supposed to have any romantic relationships, even close friendships like the one they had was hard to navigate in the agency. Eggsy pulled JB protectively close to his chest and looked down at his feet.
“That isn’t what I meant, Eggsy, you could be so great here,” she paused and placed a tender hand on his arm, “I think you might change your mind if you talk to Harry.”
The feeling of his warm skin beneath her hand felt like electricity. She had felt this way around Eggsy several times leading up to this moment, but it was so intense.
“I’m packin’ my things and goin’ home, ain’t nowhere else for me to go and I am not talking to that fucker.”
She shoved him, “Don’t talk about Harry like that, he got you here!”
“And I obviously wasn’t meant for it, so I’m not going to disappoint ‘im any more,” he began to walk away but before exiting, he turned back to her, “Y’know, you ain’t so bad,”
She crossed her arms, “Well thanks,”
He smirked, “Maybe I’ll see ya ‘round, luv?”
“That’s up to you, Eggsy.”
‘Please don’t leave.’
He nodded once more and turned to leave, reluctantly, and her heart plummeted. Once his figure disappeared from the sunlight she sighed and headed back towards the office. Merlin greeted her with a pained look on his face, he knew Eggsy hadn’t passed and it had disappointed him somewhat, as well. Though, he would never admit it, the boy had grown on him.
She was going to miss that cheeky bastard, no doubt. They’d shared some not-so-subtle glances and flirty comments with one another during his time there.
There were the secret winks he’d shoot her way, the way his eyes roamed her body when she wore a skirt, his smug smiles when she praised his work, but most of all the way he listened to her and drank in every word. In the end Eggsy would have to admit that her advice had turned out to be some of the best he’d received during his time at Kingsman.
She smiled at Merlin, “Roxy will do wonderful here, Merlin.”
He nodded, “I think she will too, good to get some females in the agency.”
She laughed, “Now I have someone to gossip and have lunch with that I can really tolerate!”
“Oh, come on now, I’m always down for a good gossipin’ sesh, yeah?”
“Considering your job allows you to attain private information, your gossip is the absolute best, Merlin.”
A few hours later Merlin received a call from Harry to reroute the Kingsman cab that Eggsy had stolen (which caused her to roll her eyes so far that it hurt.) She stood behind the computer-genius as he directed the cab to lock Eggsy in and drive itself to Harry’s house. Eggsy was obviously very mad, “Come on, bruv! He hit my fucking mum!”
She gasped quietly to herself and turned to Merlin, “Anything we can do about that?”
“I’m sure we can take care of it once Harry has talked some sense into him,”
For another hour Eggsy and Harry discussed everything and to say Eggsy felt horribly embarrassed was an understatement. She had been right, talking to Harry made everything come to light and make sense. Mr. Pickle seemed to bore holes into the side of his head the entire time, reminding him of what he had failed to do.
A high-pitched beep interrupted the two agents as they sat in the office, breaking the silence. Merlin leaned forward and beckoned her over on the other office chair, “Got a signal coming from. . .Kentucky?”
“Sure is,” he paused and hit another button to dial Harry’s contact, “Harry, listen to this. Valentine’s at last saying something of note.”
The four agents listened in separately to the conversation between Valentine and Gazelle. A location was discovered and immediately Harry was on his feet and ready to come back to headquarters. She briefly caught a glimpse of Eggsy through Harry’s glasses and smiled to herself, he had definitely calmed down and profusely apologized to Harry as he gathered his things.
“Harry, I’m so sorry and I’m gonna do everything-”
“You should be,” she smiled at Harry’s blunt retort, “You just stay right there, I’ll sort this mess out when we get back.”
“We’ll meet you at the air-strip, Galahad,” Merlin said before he hung up.
“Agent Percival, gather your things together as well,” Harry said before abruptly hanging up.
Her heart jumped at the mention of her going out into the field, it always did when she was asked to go. Especially since Harry had been her mentor, and still was, she enjoyed working with him.
Soon they were enroute to Kentucky via the private jet the agency owned. Merlin debriefed both of them once again on the information they had. While they were unsure about Valentine’s intentions, Harry reiterated that it was necessary they be on guard and ready to fight.
Agent Percival made sure that all of her hidden weapons and gadgets were working and ready before exiting the plane. Once on their way to the church, Harry went over the plan they had discussed once more. She was ready to figure out Valentine’s motives and put an end to whatever he was planning on doing.
“How is Eggsy?”
Harry quirked a brow at her, “It will take some time, but I think he’ll come back around and be joining us.”
She smiled, “He’d do so well with us, Harry, and I know you know that.”
“Of course I do, he’s just like his father,” he turned to her, “Don’t forget the rules, Agent Percival.”
Her face heated up and she turned to him, “What on earth do you mean by that?”
“You know very well what I mean by that,” he said as he placed his hands on his knee, “There’s certainly no secrets between you two and the rest of the agency.”
She looked down and tried to hide her tinted cheeks, “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
There was a silence before Harry chuckled, “He’s very loyal, you know?”
She smiled to herself, “Good quality of a qualified Kingsman,”
“Indeed,” Harry hummed to himself.
Just before they arrived she turned to him, “Thanks for teaching me everything, Galahad.”
He nodded, “You haven’t let me down, Percival, although I never doubted you or your abilities.”
It was silent then as they approached, churchgoers entering the sermon five minutes before it was scheduled to start. Stepping out of the car she smoothed down her blazer and tailored pants before taking Harry’s arm on the other side. They entered the church together and looked around for empty seats.
Unfortunately they had to sit on opposite sides of the pew since it was so full already. Soon after they sat down a small worship service began which soon turned into a rather nasty and bigoted sermon from the preacher. Percival tried not to show the disgust on her face and instead played with the buttons of her purple blazer.
“Charming sermon, can you see Valentine anywhere?” Merlin’s voice echoed in her ears.
From the corner of her eye she saw Harry’s gaze focused somewhere in the corner of the small church. Indeed, there was a small camera placed above them.
The sermon dragged on and honestly, she was bored. Valentine wasn’t showing up and nothing was happening, it seemed like a useless mission. Harry seemed to think the same thing as he sent her a quick nod from his seat.
Harry stood to leave, Percival deciding to wait about two more minutes before she also left so as not to cause a big distraction.
However, a woman next to Harry was rather peeved that he was ready to leave.
“Hey, what’s your problem?”
Every eye turned to Harry and the preacher paused in his sermon, eyeing Harry with hate.
Percival had to contain her laughter as Harry turned back to the woman and curtly responded, “I’m a Catholic whore currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam.”
The look of pure shock on her face made Percival want to laugh even harder, so she turned back to the front of the church and regained composure in her seat.
Just before Harry reached the door the woman cried out, “Just leave this church! You just leave this church like the infidel you are!”
Percival twitched a little, a high-pitched ringing filling her ears for a split moment. She shook her head to clear the sharp pain out of her head and once her eyes refocused, something was very different.
“Satan cannot save you now! You will eat your babies! You will drown in the blood of the Lord! He will not save you!”
The entirety of the congregation was standing with fists clenched and glared at Harry. Percival stood as well in order to blend in, but she couldn’t shake the slight ringing that was still in her ears.
She ducked her head out into the aisle, “We need to leave, now,” she whispered to Merlin and Harry through her comm.
Something else made her twitch again and without any control, she began to see red and was absolutely angry. Her fingers curled around the gun inside her blazer pocket and hooked onto the trigger.
She turned just in time to see Harry shoot the woman point-blank in the head. Hell was unleashed upon all of them, then.
Before the person next to her could strike her down she whipped around and shot a bullet into their head. Blood spattered and stained her dress clothes but she wasn’t concerned in the slightest.
For what felt like hours, her head was in a blur of blood and combat. Anyone who crossed her path was dead and every person around her was savagely doing the same thing. Being trained in combat by the Kingsman has given her the ultimate upper hand.
The number of innocent people had dwindled and after being thrown against a splintered pew she met Harry’s eyes. He charged her and she fought back with all the strength she could muster.
While fighting each other they managed to kill the last remaining people as well. She took hold of a broken candlestick and charged at her mentor, who easily blocked her. They pushed and shoved, punched each other mercilessly and attempted to take one another out.
They ignored Merlin’s pleas and finally Harry had her in a headlock. She growled and slipped out of his hold, elbowing him sharply in the nose. She smiled at the loud cry he made and the feeling of the bone crunching under her elbow. Just as she turned to finish him off he blindsided her with a pipe from the organ.
Everything went black and she fell to the ground with a painful thud.
Harry stood over his agent and trembled with confusion, the frenzy in his mind was gone and all he could remember was the pure desire he had to kill every single person in that room. As quick as it was there it was suddenly gone. The girl beneath him groaned quietly and sat up slowly, the left side of her face blackened with a nasty gash running through her cheek.
Her voice trembled, “W-what happened?”
Harry quickly helped her up and ordered her to stay low, pulling her towards the back of the church and under some fallen pews.
“I need you to stay here, I’m going to secure the area outside.”
“Then I’m coming with you,” she responded as she tried to stand, dizziness taking her over immediately.
“That’s an order, Percival,” he said as he pushed her back to the ground. His eyes were kind and she knew he had good intentions by keeping her there, but she felt utterly useless.
Harry stepped outside and once the doors slammed shut, she hesitantly made her way over the absolutely mangled and bloodied bodies to the front of the church. Peering out a broken window she watched the confrontation between Valentine and her mentor. She couldn’t quite hear what they were saying as focusing seemed to increase her migraine even more.
She didn’t miss when Valentine whipped out a gun and shot Harry without warning.
She clamped her hand over her mouth and sank back against the wall, tears streaming down her face and screams threatening to come out. He had just been shot point-blank in the face.
The world was silent for what felt like infinity before Merlin’s voice came into her ears, “You need to leave right now, out the back behind the dumpster-“
“And we’re just going to fucking leave Harry’s body? Absolutely-“
“There is no time, Percival!”
In her attempt to stand she fell back to the floor, broken glass piercing her palms. With what little strength she had left, she crawled outside the doors and limped to Harry’s side.
She sobbed over his body and could not bring herself to look him in the eyes, well, the one that was left. Strong arms wrapped themselves around her torso and she struggled against their hold.
Merlin flipped her so he was cradling her to his chest. She beat into him mercilessly and attempted to turn him around to at least retrieve his body, but to no avail.
Eggsy leaned back in Harry’s chair, tears streaming down his face and pure hatred growing inside his chest.
To see her so broken like that, to see the closest thing to a father he ever had shot dead, to sit in that empty house knowing he would not return killed him inside.
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wtfdavidsvlogs · 6 years
Show me What I’m Looking For... (D.D)
Warnings: Smut implied HEAVILY (its smut), swearing, fluff
Requested anon:💡: Where you're friends with David and there's definitely sexaul tension. You're hanging out with him while he's editing when he says he's almost done. You go to call an uber, he suggests it's really late and you should stay the night. You ask if he has any pants (Merch) as it would be no uncomfortable to sleep in jeans. He hands them to you and unexpectedly you start changing infront of him.
Gif by: @vlogsquadfanatic
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David was weird in the way where on posting days he needed someone to keep him company or else he would his focus. I’d think the opposite but I mean I’m glad I was his first choice of accompaniment. He was on the big bean bag chair where I was snuggled into the corner of the L couch just 15 feet away. I’ve been in this position for hours but whenever I suggest leaving he immediately stops me.
“daaaaavvvviiidd, when are gonna be done I’m bored and I wanna go home.” You said with a whining laugh. He looks up at you.
“I know I know I’m so fucking close just this last part and I’ll be done for the night I promise. He said that 2 hours ago. I groan and extend my legs. I open up my uber app and get ready to request.
“I’m getting an uber home, I need to sleep it’s like 1:30.” I say and he throws his laptop to the side.
“No no no you’re the only one left please don’t go this will never get done!” He says pouncing on top of me. He pins me arms down and sis on my stomach. I laugh and throw my head back. When I look back at him I see his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. The tension got super sexual super quick.
“Oh my god fine but hurry I’m tired.” I said with a laugh while pushing him off. He goes to get his laptop so that he can sit next to me on the couch.
“Why don’t you just sleep here tonight? I mean it’s pretty late and I’d feel horrible if something happened to you.” He said looking everywhere but your eyes. I throw my head back.
“Fine. But do you have something more comfortable to change into I’m not exactly in the mood to sleep in skin tight jeans for the night.” I said he got up quick and came running back with a pair of black clickbait booty shorts. He sits back down and looks at me. This is when I decided to innocently tease this kid to death. I stood up and stretched my back. I slowly pull my shirt over my head exposing my white lace bralette. While looking at him directly in the eyes. I unbutton my jeans and slide them down my legs I turn around and bend over to pick up the shorts he had lent to me, being sure to give him a full show. I turn to the side and look at him flipping all of my hair to one side as I pulled them up to expose my ass a little bit. I sat back down but not on the couch but on his lap. Trust me when I say this is the most beat red face I’ve ever seen on a guy before. I straddled him knees on either side keeping me propped up. I lean really close to his face. While running my hands through his tousled hair. His breathes in were nervous. We both sensed the extreme sexual tension between us but we simply never addressed it. Until now.
“I’m going to sleep now. In your bed but if you aren’t coming with me.” I said as I stand up slowly off of him while walking towards the hallway. I sway my hips with every step ever so slightly. I turn around last second. “I guess I’ll just sleep with my vibrator.” I said giggling. I could tell it was taking everything in his will power to not start feeling out like a little school boy. But his eyes, were all over me. Studying every last inch. That’s exactly what I wanted, and that’s exactly what I had. His attention.
Davids Pov
Oh my lord look at her. Jesus Christ she knows what she’s doing to me. She knows that I have to finish editing this and post it at a reasonable time and she just changed in front of me and told me she was going to sleep in my bed. With a vibrator. I was nearly tearing my pants off with how tight they were getting. She rounded the corner towards my room. I throw my head back and hit it on the couch in of the couch. I bite my lip and groan at the thought of her. She quite literally had me wrapped around her finger. There has always been a sexual attraction that neither of us did anything about and now this is it. She was killing me and I was playing into it all. She wanted my attention and she got it. I have literally never edited anything so quickly in my life. I was blue balling in the name of my career because of Y/N right now. It took 15 minutes after she left the room to finally get it posted. The moment I saw it go up I sprinted to my room. To see her and my god did I see her.
Your Pov
I knew he was being eaten up inside at the fact that he couldn’t just take me right then and there. I got myself situated to drive him absolutely crazy the second he walked in. Oh you know just in my comfortable sexy ass red lingerie I had been hiding here in case of an ‘emergency’. I bought it with Corrina about a month ago and she suggested the idea of me hiding it there. I laid on the bed and changed the lights to a a calming yellow tint. Like fairly lights to highlight the curve of my body that were being hugged closely by my top. I fixed my hair and waited another five minutes to see him barging in. All he did was look at me and I could tell he was weak at the knees. He threw his head back and shit the door quietly behind me. I sat up and sat on my knees to crawl towards him. I grab him by the collar and he pulls his shirt off.
Davids Pov
I lay her down gently on her back as I trace parts of the lace that were on the sensitive parts of her stomach. I look her up and down as if she was a meal. Where’d she even get this? I’m not even gonna question it, I’m just glad she has it.
“Baby. You have been teasing me for months now. With the way you dress, the way to talk, the way you touch me. Now I’m gonna end my suffering. And yours.” She was mine for the taking. I’ll show her exactly what she got herself into.
Your pov
He quickly put his lips to mine while rubbing my outer thighs. I wrapped my legs around him as he was completely pressed against my core. I grab the back of his head and deepening the kiss more. He moved slowly to my jaw and then my neck. It was like he knew the soft spots of my body without even having touched me in the first place. Which is so fucking sexy. He sucked on the spot on my neck that he knew he’d get a reaction from. I bit my lip in order to muffle the moan being released. Which turned to a whimper. Oddly enough it fueled him to go even harder. He reaches my legs to take off my red lacey underwear. He pulls them down slowly and carefully placed them to the side.
“I don’t want to rip those off of you, you look to fucking good in them to be ruined.” He said through his teeth. Almost a growl. I took the bra off and placed it to the side as well. I was now fully exposed to him. No barriers. No holding back. I was all his. He then proceeded to get on the same level by discarding his now skin tight black jeans and his boxers. He looked at me and kissed my lips gently again.
“You have no clue how long I’ve been waiting for this to happen, Y/N. The worst part is half the time you didn’t even know you were teasing the fuck out of me.” He said to me looking at me again. Like he was studying. I blushed and hid behind my hands. Normally I’m very comfortable with the idea of putting myself out there, but when he looked at me like that I get flustered. He pulls my hands away from my face and he just stares at me and smiles. He grinds against me and kissed me to calm me down.
“You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He whispers to me. He was at the right position, all he needed was the motivation to move.
“Show me what I’m looking for, Dobrik. Just take me.” I whisper back. He quickly thrusts into me. I let out a yelp as he then raised his hand to my mouth.
“Sh sh sh. We don’t want the neighbors to know, do we?” He whispered and laughed. Under his hand I shook my head no. He was still inside of me when he pulled back and forth. He felt heavenly inside of me. He had completely exceeded all of my expectations of what he was like in bed. I assumed he’d be shy and reserved but when he is going for what he wants, he will let nothing stand in his way of getting it. I whimper again. I’m not usually so submissive as to whimper instead of moaning but he had this effect on me which made me weak I guess. He thrusts into me harder and faster. I’ve never been ready to release so quickly. David was showing me all new angles of himself that I would have never expected. He is taking in sharp breaths through his teeth. He closes his eyes at the feeling of me wrapped around him.
Davids Pov
My god this is so much better than in my head. She is coming undone right before my eyes. I mean hell I was making her whimper. It only motivated me to hear it more. The heavenly noses that were coming from her was all I needed to get through. I wasn’t going to last much longer and neither was she. She had her head thrown back so I decided to take the opportunity to kiss her neck again. She only moaned louder the more I touched her. She was clutching the bed sheets.
“Are you ready, babygirl?” I asked her she nodded and inverted he lips and closed her eyes. One last hard thrust and she was done. He body shook under me as swears and moans came pouring from her lips. I assumed that she’d take a dominant role in this situation but she was the exact opposite. She was willing to do whatever I wanted her to. Her breath was heavy and quick. I finished inside of a condom and went to go throw it out. I threw some joggers on and walked back out. I came back to her naked body still in the same position. I lay down next to her and just stare.
“What do you want, Dobrik?” She whispered to me while turning onto her stomach and resting her head in her hand. The smile painted across her beautiful face was so stunning.
“I want you to be mine. If that’s what you want, too.” I said to her while sitting up against the headboard of my bed. She followed me by throwing on one of my sweatshirts that had been lying on the other side of the bed. The heather grey one was my favorite on her. She straddled my lap once again and she just smiled at me.
“Do you think I would have gone through all of that torture for all this months if I didn’t want you to be my man?” She whispered while playing with my messed up hair. I laid my hands to rest on her smooth thighs.
“So is that a yes?” I looked from her legs up to her eyes. She laughed and ran her fingers threw her hair backwards. She bit her lip and gave me a nod. I let out a sigh of relief and grabbed her face. I kissed her gently once again and it all felt so right. She was finally mine. Finally.
Jeez I went really over board but I thought it was so cute I hope you liked it to the anon who requested
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