#like I haven’t even played the game and I already ship these two
jelly-fish-wishes · 9 months
So I dunno if they're your cup of tea, but for your kiss meme thing you could do #14 with Geno and Mario maybe 👉👈
How about I make it angsty >:D
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Something I’ve noticed across collecting different cards is that Twisted Wonderland seems to have a bit of a skew in which characters get character x player ship bait. Between events and card lines, some characters look like they are getting neglected in the ship teasing category. Is there some kind of popularity bias behind this? Like maximizing profit or game popularity by targeting certain groups of fans among the fandom?
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Mmm… I haven’t noticed a skew, personally. If there is one at all, I’d wager it isn’t significant and it’ll probably depend a lot on what point in time you’re evaluating at. Since TWST is consistently releasing new content, the voice lines are sure to “even out” eventually if given enough of a waiting period. For example, you could say that the GloMasq boys have “more” bait lines… until Playful Land boys were released the year after, thus leveling the playing field.
All cards have character x player ship bait to some degree. Most of them will have at least 1-2 lines which involves complimenting you/your look (and if not in the card lines, then directly in the event, especially when Yuu has changed into a new outfit), Yuu touching them in some way (or being invited to), or asking Yuu to hang out or to do an activity with them. Everyone gets these lines because there are fans of every character that have spending power; it doesn't make sense to intentionally devote more lines to one while leaving the others starving for content when there are big spenders for all characters (which will vary widely anyway depending on the server too, so there are very few consistent "favorites"). Devoting time and energy to every character is what makes the most profit in the long run, as you risk losing the fans (and money) of "less popular" characters if they don't get new food too. It doesn’t matter that the high spenders for like… Azul stay because they’d still be losing the revenue coming in from Jack stans who dropped the game due to content drought.
I would say that what is and is not categorized as a "shipping bait" line depends a lot on other factors, the strongest of them all being individual perception. For example, if you ship yourself/your Yuusona with the character, you may be more likely to perceive any line spoken by your favorites as "more romantic" than other characters. This feeds into your preexisting expectations, and is therefore a form of confirmation bias. Meanwhile, if you ship two canon characters with one another, there are many more potential combinations so it's less likely that the particular ship you're into will get "bait". Additionally, some people are more liberal with what they perceive to be romantic or not. For example, Ace inviting you out to do something can be seen as both platonic or romantic, based on who is judging the line because there isn’t anything inherently romantic in spending time together. This is also the case in the main story or events; some players see Yuu giving Malleus the VDC/SDC ticket in book 5 as "a date" while others do not. This brings me to another point: character relationships within the main story and their personalities will also have a drastic impact on what is perceived as romantic or not. Rook, for example, speaks in a very flowery manner. Because of this, a majority of his lines could be seen as "bait". Characters that are gruffer (Jack) or "loner" types (Idia) would naturally have fewer inviting lines due to their characters. And again, with Ace, since he is presented as one of Yuu's closest friends in the main story, it's easy to perceive him as a platonic bestie when reading his lines since your friendship is already established.
Lastly, I think it's worthwhile to consider that there are also nuances that are lost in translation between JP and EN, which may alter which lines are seen as "bait" and which aren't. A really popular one I see floating around is Malleus's vignette level up line, which is translated in EN as "You aren’t afraid of me. But I’m starting to become afraid… of losing you.” Many fans perceive this as romantic and often joke that “Malleus missed the meeting about TWST not being a dating sim!” However, this line has a different context in JP which reads as more platonic.
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The original Japanese line is お前は僕を恐れない。そんなお前を失うことが僕は恐ろしくなり始めている。This roughly has the same meaning, but the wording Malleus uses seems to specify that he is afraid of losing the Yuu that is not afraid of him. EN omits the そんな (son na) part, which would refer to a type or kind of person (as in, “son na hito”). In this case, Malleus is afraid of losing “the kind of Yuu that is not afraid of him”. So really, the original meaning of the line is that he is expressing a fear of what would happen if his true identity comes to light (as Yuu is the one person who doesn’t know), not that he is afraid of losing Yuu as a whole.
To summarize: it’s up to individual perception and, given enough time, every boy will get their fair share of fanservice for the player.
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dedenneblogs · 4 months
quincy doodle world hc / analysis time— long post so beware!!!
Quincy gets attached to others really easily. It’s mostly because he’s so used to people abandoning him, whether that be his “friends’” fully chastising him or his father being absent and leaving massive shoes for him to fill.
So he pushes people who genuinely care about him, to an extent, like Portia and (maybe) Reginald away out of fear that the people he’s naturally made to be close to in life will one day abandon him like everyone else, so becomes distant and cruel because of that.
(on the topic, i say “to an extent” because Portia’s (unhealthy) attachment can very well be rooted in her own issues which i’ll get too someday because i love sharing my crazy thoughts and Reginald could very well just been being playing butler for pay, unless his and Quincy’s history goes back further who knows though we haven’t seen the guy since the first key)
Because of this, when he’s placed into a situation where he’s forced to gain independence (after Reginald is teleported to DoodleCo City and his private jet is destroyed) he grows the closest he’s ever been to anyone in his entire life: Player, Suzie, and TJ.
Since he lets his true colors shine (which is first seen near the end of the Book key arc when he finds solace in healing your Doodles), he forms this attachment where he always feels like he has to give back to others to make them stay (the already mentioned healing, the Miracle key arc (which i’ll get to), plus really wanting to help you out in the future while you’re rescuing Suzie).
This could also tie back to his background as the son of Charles. The bullying he endures is obviously rooted in him being “DoodleCo Jr.,” so he tries to defy this image of a spoiled brat when he’s surrounded by people (you and your friends) who see him as a person.
Then again, the Miracle Key arc shows him join forces with DoodleCo again. I see this as him falling back into old habits when he was reliant off the company’s luxuries, but it seems he only joins their “side” because of TJ doing so first; if TJ hadn’t done so, it’s very likely he would’ve stuck by our side.
So I see his decision based either one of these two factors or both:
1. Quincy understands how TJ must feel. He knows what it’s like to be perceived as something you’re not (universal anomaly; spoiled brat). Not to mention it’s eluded to in game of the twos’ character arcs ironically paralleling one another (Quincy starts as a rude only to become kinder at the same time TJ to become more rude, their worst attitudes both based in the expectations placed onto them).
(it’s also funny and weirdly poetic to think the person who is causing TJ’s torment and thus behavior would very well be a Quincy from the future / alternative timeline, Zavier)
This is why Quincy sticks by TJ’s side during the Miracle key arc and why it probably stung even more to feel like he lost him after he departed from the group and devolved into a worse person. And if this continues, we could see TJ become more horrid then Quincy was at the beginning of the game, which would be REALLY interesting to see.
2. That being said, another factor that could’ve influenced Quincy could possibly be him having a crush on TJ (ok listen).
The Frigid key arc shows TJ calling out your friend group for someone having a “crush” on someone. Now, if I’m being honest, this is probably referring to Quincy and Suzie, who very well could be endgame based off their bond strengthening PLUS helping Quincy get over his issues of abandonment, which is a theme that’s revisited at the beginning of this arc through Quincy falling back into old attitudes in the aftermath of TJ leaving.
However, from the perspective of those in favor of what seems to DW’s most popular ship (look on AO3, it’s yaoi slop central there), it’s possible this mysterious pairing is Quincy and TJ. Quincy claims that TJ is his best friend, and would add onto reason for him joining him during the Oasis key arc and could further tie into his need of helping others.
That being said, I see as being unlikely. If this pairing is to exist in any form, I’d see it more as being one-sided on Quincy’s behalf, giving so much of himself for TJ but never reciprocating anything from TJ (ah… toxic yaoi— checkmate Quilt shippers /j).
BUT YEAH uh that was a lot lollllll
(thank you @taruth3mighty for influencing me to vomit my doodle world thoughts)
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galaxycunt · 7 months
My Dinner With Buggy pt 2
I love playing with dialog so I figured why not keep going. As with part one it’s all dialogue so enjoy the ride everyone lol
Tagging @gingernut1314 @gayafsatan as yall requested a part 2 a million years ago
Sea spray hits your face as you left the restaurant, “so, what’s the move?”
Hands appear in front of you holding two bottles of wine, “one for each of us.”
“Really? In front of a lieutenant like that?”
“You gonna handcuff me, officer?”
You giggle, “miss Impel Down that much, huh?”
“God! Let’s not talk about that fucked up place. Take the wine, honey.”
“I let you order steak and this is how you repay me?”
He wags his tongue, “I’m covering dessert.”
“You love it, shut up. So where’s this room you got?”
“Couple blocks down. You don’t wanna go to a bar?”
“I haven’t seen you in at least 6 years. I wanna make up for lost time.”
“Tch. Shooting for the stars tonight?”
Buggy frowns, “I thought this was a date.”
You falter, “hey. I thought we were teasing. Come here, Bug.”
Your lips taste sweet, “I missed you a lot. I’m not the only salty dog missing their lost love, but hey, you’re more important, so there.”
You kiss him again, “let’s go out for a little bit?”
“Sure, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go. Oh shit! I forgot, I left something for you on the ship.”
“We got road wine, let’s go get it”
“This is nice, by the way.”
“It is. Too bad you ain’t a civ, easier. Even easier if you were a marine.”
“I’m gonna ask again. You’d like it.”
“I dunno, man. Lot of baggage with that. Especially on the Grand Line.”
“Not with me.”
“You already got captured once, baby.”
“I know, I know. But you hate this shit. Been in the game too long, why?”
“I dunno, maybe I felt we were doing something good. Too old for that shit, I guess”, the Big Top is as nice as you remember it, “there’s the old girl.”
He smiles, “my two girls, together at last.”
“I wonder if that note I left is still there.”
“Note? What-“
“-captain! Oh shit, look who it is!”
“-Cabaji! Glad someone’s keeping Bug outta trouble!”
He smiles at the two of you, “we should catch up. Later.”
“Thanks, man. See ya.”
“So what note?”
“Oh! It’s uh, not important. Just something I wrote last time I was here.”
“Where’d you hide it?”
“In the galley, deep, deep in the pantry.”
He kisses you, “let’s go find it then.”
“Buggy, no. Come on, you’re supposed to take me out.”
“Real quick. I promise.”
You tug him away, to no avail, “Buggy. It’s really stupid, you’ll enjoy it after a few drinks.”
“I got a few bottles in my room. We can read it there.”
“What about my gift?”
“Just a buncha jewelry, who cares? I’m finding that letter.”
Turns out he can find anything with ease if he wanted to, “aw. Your handwriting is so cute sometimes.”
“Oh, shut up.”
He kisses your temple, he’s getting very touchy, you realize, “lemme guess, treasure map?”
“Look, it’s something I wrote when we were like 18.”
“Uh huh.”
He jerks his chin toward his cabin, “let’s take this somewhere quiet.”
You hear your heart beat in your ears, cheeks on fire, “it’s really cringey. I was 18.”
“Do you really not want me to read it?”
“You’ll make fun of me.”
“I won’t. I really won’t.”
“I already know you love me.”
You laugh, “shit. Guess you’re right.”
He clears his throat, “Buggy, our paths are unwinding, the red string of fate tugging us apart.”
“Oh Jesus, it’s worse than I thought.”
Heightening his voice he continues, “if only I knew the devil’s pact I made, and the one you sold your soul to. My love I can’t bear it. You don’t even know I love you.”
“See, that’s why I didn’t wanna read it.”
“So why even give it to me?”
“Because I didn’t think you loved me.”
He grows serious, “I did. Why did you think I did that stupid shit? To impress you, dummy.”
“You’re such a clown.”
“Exactly! You liked clowns.”
You smile, “yeah, I remember that asshole at the pier.”
“Join my crew, I’ll marry ya.”
“Only if I join?”
“We been apart too long, I’m not waiting until I hit some shitty village every six months to see you.”
“Ah, that makes sense now.”
“Sometimes I’d lower the Jolly Roger, just see if our boats can pass by, if I can see you on the deck.”
“I didn’t know that.”
You stare at his lips, you wouldn’t be the only Marine turning, “marry me tonight then.”
“Don’t think captains can officiate their own wedding.”
“Let’s find someone.”
He looks at the clock, “and if we can’t?”
“Ask me again tomorrow. Do it for real.”
Buggy picks you up instead, “can we just skip to the wedding night?”
“I’m not gonna marry you then.”
He smirks, “according to that letter, we’ve been married for 18 years already.”
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emsuemsu · 5 months
Tag game
Thank you for the tag @mycupofrum 💕💕 it's always a beautiful day to talk about oneself and also as the curious girlie I am to read about other people!!!
Fave colour: black baby
Last song: according to my spotify history my last played song was on Thursday and it was Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton. That is the only song I listened to that day. It is a banger
Last film: we went to see First Omen a few weeks ago with my friend, absolutely shooketh from it, it was only us and a couple in the last row and they shushed us at one point. Never in my life have I felt more like a teenager in my LIFE. It was mortifying. I’m so embarrassed. We weren’t that loud though, just scared of the movie??? It was a good movie, enjoyed it, next Tuesday we’re going to see Immaculate, this spring is giving antichrist apparently
Currently reading: I have a few fics I’m in the middle of reading (one of them is A Violet Kind of Spin by @cassiaratheslytherpuff which I’m DYING to get back to!!!! jfc it’s so good!!!!! I feel so bad for taking such a long break from it but not a day goes by that I don’t think about it 🥹) and one book (Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski) but my reading vibes have been off for a good few months now!! I’ve read some shorter fics and listened to some podfics but reading in general feels super hard right now. I can’t wait for my summer vacation, maybe I’ll have some peace of mind and will be able to slam some words down. My tbr list is diabolical.
Currently watching: I’m going to be boring and say that I’m still on my Grey’s Anatomy grind. I’m on season 9 episode 10, 10 seasons to go. I’ve been watching s20 as it’s airing right now but it’s just not… it. This show should be taken off life support already 💔
Currently craving: a cigarette, uv index of 7, the beach and a crispy coke zero 😩
Coffee or tea: coffee, I never drink tea
Three ships: Drarry, first and foremost 🙂‍↕️ drarry has caused my brain to rot for almost two decades now and god knows when it’ll stop. I’ve been on and off the fandom, mostly off, but drarry is just a part of my goddamn DNA at this point it’s ridiculous. Next idk man. I have to say it’s a duel between prongsfoot and jegulus, your honor I love them both. Jegulus is a new acquaintance and like I don’t even know if it makes any sense at all (like where did this ship came from???) but jfc I am sat, I am folded I am silenced. But prongsfoot is the love of my life out of these two, I know for a fact that one of the first fics I ever read at the ripe age of 10 or 11-ish was Sirius/James and ever since that they’ve been in my heart, in my soul and in my mind non-stop. Prongsfoot is such a niche ship and I can’t believe it’s not more popular!!! Like they’re soulmates honestly. Funny enough I haven’t read that much of prongsfoot fics, always up for recs 👀👀 I know that was three ships already but I have to mention Kingsley/Charlie and it’s all because of @squintclover and their recent little microfics that just SLAP so hard I’m bruised black. I’m beyond obsessed.
First ship: I mean it was drarry. The one and only.
Currently working on: getting my goddamn ass off the couch and start to clean and do laundry 🥹 I have a few school deadlines as well but that does not spark joy so whatever
Thank you for coming to my ted talk once again!!! I’m tagging @valoale @cassiaratheslytherpuff @lemonlimelea @soliblomst @kk1smet @lucifergraced no pressure spill the tea if feeling like it!! 😌
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Today’s replies are mostly about our previous posts…
Anonymous asked:
Ryu??? Your last TreyRiddle fanart????? I've been starved of content of that ship and you deliver such delicious food??? Thank you so much!!! I bet Riddle is dying to bury his head between Trey's tiddies (who wouldn't??) Wonderful work!! Looking forward to see more of them in your style in the future ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous asked:
Riddle has been getting a lot of extra attention as of late not that I'm complaining boy needs some love~
HEHEHE I’ve told you, you never know when the mood for certain ships is going to hit us~ We’ve been thinking about these two (…and about Trey and Riddle too! *very clever tiddies joke*) a lot this past week.
I’ve already mentioned it, but we’re rewatching the main story, slowly but surely. And it’s a great opportunity to get inspired to draw the boys that we haven’t touched in a while. And Riddle deserves all the love!!
I’m very happy you’re happy to see them, and also happy to deliver <3
Anonymous asked:
Floyd jelly Trey and chenya are pleasuring his man
To be honest, I don’t know if Floyd would be jelly. It’s one of many things in Floyd like that  which depend on his mood. Maybe he’d feel like something of his is getting stolen, but maybe he’ll just take it as a reason to tease Riddle more + an excuse to cling to him and harass him~
Anonymous asked:
I saw your Lilidia artwork and now all I can think of is how good Lilia would look in a thong.
Please don’t let Lilia find out about it, he’ll genuinely consider wearing it… it’s not cutesy enough for him probably, but his flat-ass butt deserves it lol
masked-cat asked:
Do you ship Azul/idia and Lilia/idia separately or does Azul run a rental service? Lol
If only… If only Azul knew how popular Idia’s going to be… IF ONLY!!! Missed business opportunity!!1 lol
In all honesty it depends; sometimes they coexist, because none of them actually date each other yet, so it’s just a mix of complicated feelings between all of them. Sometimes they coexist because Azul, while being extremely jealous, knows better than to challenge Lilia. Sometimes they don’t coexist lol
Oh, I actually have a reply on this topic!
Anonymous asked:
in Rookvil marriage, Epel probably only gets to be flower boy because Rook is decided to be Vil's right man
Oh Epel is going to be so pissed lol Sorry, Epel, we can’t trust you with anything other than throwing flowers.
Anonymous asked:
Vil treats Jack and Ortho better than Epel XD
Of course he does, Jack and Ortho are good boys ❤️
I really love how in Vil’s mind the first years are a young potato #1, a young potato #2, a tiny potato, aw these two good boys, and a fucking CUCUMBER.
Anonymous asked:
So Rook is gonna be involved in the Tweels and Azul's life now that Vil is part of Shroud and how Idia is part of them?
(this is related to this reply)
Now that’s a sitcom I would absolutely watch lol But I’m afraid everyone would just be freaked out by Rook. No one knows why he’s always here, but he just is, and even if he isn’t, you know he’s lurking around. Vil is used to it, Ortho doesn’t mind it, Idia is terrified but that’s nothing new, but the Tweels and Azul would probably be very uncomfortable lol
Anonymous asked:
If Jamil and Ruggie knows about Azul's jealously, they will likely mess with him by being boyfriends together in front of Azul making him more irritated.
(this is related to this reply)
Oh they don’t care about Azul that much (OHHHHH--)
But it would definitely be funny and also could be a nice punishment if Azul becomes too clingy lol The problem with Azul is that he won’t just tolerate it peacefully, so it’s a dangerous game to play with him…
Anonymous asked:
Rook must love that he gets to see both his stalkees at the same time whenever Neige is on the hunt for more Vil pics and stuff
(this is related to this reply)
Yeah, this is always Rook’s happiest time of the day… The whole situation is quite amusing, but the fact that it’s Roi du Neige who stalks Vil… Honestly it would probably overwhelm Rook, but in a good way (so bad for Vil lol).
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villainessprefect · 2 years
title: Hope
summary: "Idia," you lift your gaze, meeting with his. He looks nervous, almost afraid. "I want to be your friend."
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 2,125
note: takes place near the end of ch.6! so spoilers if you haven’t read that far!
Read on AO3!
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The day, or rather night, comes to an end. Guests lingered about Ramshackle longer than expected as they immersed themselves in competition with video games. Laughter came from victory or misplays, arguments were unavoidable but subdued by another round of gaming, and tips and tricks were given when deemed necessary.
Despite everything, it was a fun evening.
After escaping school and stopping another Overblot, it was nice to see a scene like this play out. Especially after having the dorm renovated. There was nothing to worry about at the moment, only who would play next.
Things felt...normal. And for a moment, you felt like you belonged in this world.
One by one, your guests left until Idia and Ortho were the last ones standing. The experienced gamer and his robotic brother could definitely remain on the couch playing until the sun comes up. While you were fond of the Idia, you were not accustomed to these late-night sessions. You made terribly obvious miss plays and your eyes struggled to stay open and focus on the now blinding screen. Not even Grim lasted this long.
"It's getting really late," Ortho says as this round comes to an end. "We should get going, brother."
Idia looks at his brother then around the room. The lack of people and darkness is comforting until he realizes that he may have overstayed his welcome.
"Yeah, y-you're right."
"I'll walk you guys out," you say, already getting to your feet with a stretch.
"N-No, it's fine! You don't have to," Idia protests. "We've stayed longer than we should have. You can go to bed, you don't have to-"
"It's okay. Another few minutes won't hurt. Besides, I'd be a poor guest if I left you two to leave on your own."
Idia looks like he wants to object, but holds his tongue. He simply nods and waits for you to lead the way.
The walk from the lounge to the entrance of Ramshackle is short. You do your best to hold back a yawn to not seem that tired. You're certain Ortho knows it, he is a robot who can read vitals after all. Maybe that's why he brought it up in the first place? If it weren't for him, who knows when you would have done so.
You were enjoying being in Idia's company. Things felt a little awkward at first as the last time you saw him was during his whole Overblot incident. But you could tell he was trying his best to make things right in his own way. And you were glad that he left his room, a real struggle for him, to be here with a group of people.
"Thanks for...everything," you say to Idia as you lean against the door.
He's only taken a step out before your words make him freeze. The housewarden's gaze turns downward. Glowing yellow eyes glance your way before looking back to the ground.
"I don't think I'm deserving of thanks," he breathes out. "I did a lot to you and the others. I went into total villain mode and almost lost..." He gulps. "It...should really be me thanking you guys."
The last part comes out more as a whisper as he tries to bury his head into his jacket. A part of you thinks you imagined it in your tired state. It's rare to see him so vulnerable.
"Hey, it's no problem! After all, that's what friends are for, right?" You say with a smile as you push yourself off the door frame. "It was nice being able to spend time with you. Ortho to." You pause, a soft gaze in your eyes as you look at the brothers. "I'm glad you're both okay."
Alive, is what you really wanted to say. The fear of losing each person who reached their Overblot state was something that you could not adjust to. And this one had been extremely terrifying considering you could have lost not just one person, but two.
"We are too!" Ortho chirps. He hovers over to you, eyes shining as bright as the stars. "Could we come back another time to play with you again?"
"Of course! Ramshackle's doors are always open!" You chuckle at the thought of how they used to be literally always open. Now, you welcomed everyone. You couldn't- wouldn't turn another student away. Even if it was sometimes forced upon you, you just couldn't say no.
"Then we'll be back! Right, brother?"
"Yeah, we'll be back," he parrots, quietly. He still had yet to fully look at you, mind seeming to be elsewhere in the moment.
"Well, see you guys then. Get back to your dorm safe."
You wave and stay at the door, eyes glued to the brothers as they take their leave. Their hair stands out in the night, allowing a bright blue hue to gently blanket them. Seeing them both puts your heart at ease.
As you turn to go inside, you pause. You bite down on your lip, recalling their earlier conversation. You were sure it was meant to be just between them, but you couldn't help but eavesdrop as the volume in the room lowered.
Loneliness. Hopelessness. Despair.
Strong feelings that had trapped the elder brother for years. There's more to it, you're sure of it. Idia was alone for so long, suffering in silence. Even with Ortho, there was only so much his younger brother could do. And only so much Idia would allow him to.
Would he return to how he once was after tonight? Would he shut himself in his room again? If he had doubts about forming friendships with all of you- couldn't you find a way to make him believe that it's all true? Can't you give him a piece of hope?
You shake your head and turn around. The brothers are at the gates. It's now or never.
You shout, loud enough for Grim to hear your voice and twitch in his sleep on the couch. Idia is startled by the sudden noise. You see his figure jolt and turn to face you. He pulls his arms in front of his chest, taking a step back as you make a mad dash toward them. In his eyes, a human running at him in the dark is terrifying . Especially when he starts to think that you hate him all of a sudden.
"Eep! Whatever I did, I'm sorry!"
When you catch up to them, you grip the sleeve of his jacket. You hold onto it tightly as you catch your breath. It doesn't do much to support you, but you can keep him from running.
"Prefect?" Ortho tilts his head, curiosity, and worry in his eyes.
"I..." You take in a breath. You didn't really think this through. You're tired and can't formulate proper thoughts, let alone words to sway Idia's negativity. And now that you're here, you have no choice but to follow through on this.
"Idia," you lift your gaze, meeting with his. He looks nervous, almost afraid. "I want to be your friend."
The bold statement catches him off guard, confusion clearly overtaking any fear that stained his face.
"You don't have to believe me. I want you to and there isn't really a way I can prove it." You were regretting opening your mouth now with how 'cringe' this was going, as Idia would say. "But, if I could...just know that I'd be willing to share your curse with you. I'm not even sure if that's possible for someone like me," you let out a laugh. What were you even saying? "Doing that would mean you wouldn't be alone anymore, right? You'd have at least one person by your side and that's better than none. Err, well, one." You couldn't forget Ortho.
Both brothers are silent. It's hard to read Ortho as he stares at you, probably processing what you just said. Meanwhile, Idia has his eyes wide, cheeks tinted with a pink blush. His hair sizzles, the tips changing to a pink hue to match. His mouth wavers, but no words come from him.
Damn. Maybe you said something wrong?
"Y-You can't just go ahead and say something like that!" He shouts and pulls away from your grasp. His eyes are kept on you before he makes a quick turn and runs faster than you thought any gamer could.
"Brother!" Ortho gasps before bowing his head. "Thank you for the kind words. I'm sure my brother appreciates it." He calls out for Idia again before following after him.
"Good night!"
As they disappear, you let your smile fall. You weren't sure what to expect after rambling out the first thing you could think of. Idia isn't one to have a normal conversation and you doubt friendship was something that would be on his mind, especially one that would last a lifetime. Perhaps it was a little too strong to offer something like that? Or maybe you shouldn't have brought up his curse.
"I hope I didn't screw this up..." You mumble before heading back to your dorm.
"Ortho! Did you hear what they said?!" Idia breathes heavily as he stands in his mess of a room. Used to his own clutter, even in his current state he knows the safest path. "That was some top-tier hero speech! Like they were giving a friendship talk to the final boss. How...How could they say that so casually?! How...could they even consider it? And without knowing the full details..."
His moment of shock had faded, being overtaken by a new feeling. There's a loud pounding in his chest. It should be from overexerting himself from his little run, but this feels different. Even as he regains his composure and evens his breathing, his heart never stops thumping.
You had to be crazy, delusional to even suggest something like that to him. Especially after he was so close to destroying the world. Something like that only happened in fiction. He knows that in reality, he'd be shunned and hated.
And yet...
He can't forget the look in your eyes, the sincerity, and determination. Even in the darkness, you were shining with your words of hope. Not once did your gaze flicker nor did you stumble in your declaration. He definitely had to be hallucinating.
"They were lying, weren't they?"
"Nope!" Ortho answers. "I felt no malicious intent behind the Prefect's words. It seems like an unusual thing to say, but I believe they meant what they said."
Even his brother believed them?!
"Traitor..." he mumbles before falling onto his bed. He lies on his back, raising an arm to cover his eyes. "What a protagonist thing to say. Wanting to share my curse..."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Ortho hovers at his side. "What they said is correct. When you return, you would have someone with you. Someone you know and like!"
"D-Don't blurt that out!" Idia shouts, immediately sitting up in his bed. He shoots a weak glare at his brother before lying back in bed, his back facing him. "I'm sure...they only meant it as friends. Enemies to-to... that doesn't happen so easily."
And not for him. The curse is meant for the Shroud family . Not friends. No matter how much he may like the Prefect, nothing would blossom between them. He just avoided his bad-end route, so how could he jump into a good-end one?
"But declaring to live your life with someone is almost like a proposal. I can go ask them to clarify what they meant."
"Please, don't." Idia doubts that will stop his curious brother. "I...I'll ask them the next time we're over."
"If you are, then I won't!"
He lets out a sigh, grateful that it worked. But now, he has to live up to what he said. And just thinking about it makes his chest flutter, giving him scenarios of a better life, one he'd only dream of. There was a possibility of it becoming true, while as low as pulling an even only SSR, the chance is still there.
Hope is disgusting. It only glimmers like a star before flickering out of existence. As much as he wishes to forget it, the glimpse will always be burned into his being. This shouldn't be any different.
And yet, he feels like this spark of hope will be. Ghastly thoughts linger at the edge of the light yet never dare to enter it. This almost feels like a dream. A day he'd never thought would come, had. An eternal friendship is being formed. A secret route is unlocked.
Maybe he could become the protagonist in his own life and he'd start this new route with you.
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shadamy for ask game? :) maybe sonamyshad as well 👉👈
i can do both!!!
- amy was the one to deeply connect with shadow during his first existential crisis in sa2 and was also the only one to ever see him cry/be emotionally vulnerable
- when she hugs him by accident he doesn’t throw her off he just awkwardly stands there. keep in mind this was probably the first hug he got since maria (if she even hugged him, for all we know this was his first act of affection since we don’t have canon proof of maria hugging him)
- pink and black aesthetic
- since she doesn’t view him as her hero like sonic is, amy is less likely to be reduced to a damsel in the dynamic (i want to note that i do not view sonamy this way nor think it should be written this way bur y’know, fanon tropes). amy is strong!!! so is shadow!!! they’re a power couple!!!
- shadow can spindash as amy bats him into something with her hammer
- amy is naturally empathetic and can read shadow and understand how he feels without requiring too much work from him. she’s emotionally intelligent and therefore shadow will never feel pressured into talking about trauma or his mind. if he does want to share though, we know that amy is smart enough to help him do this, as she shares the same empathy and kindness as maria
- in shth (iirc i haven’t played it in a while) if you do amy���s mission you can’t do rouge’s and vice versa. do with this what you will about choosing the most important feminine influence in his life (no shade to rouge! i’m just sayin 😩)
- shadow has been asleep for 50 years so he’s extremely unadjusted, which makes him young at heart while still being ageless and mature via programming and trauma. therefore, him and amy can experience a lot of new things together!
- amy can learn to be stronger and independent while shadow can learn to be more expressive
- they both have relative anger issues and can go to a scrapyard and beat the shit out of stuff together
- boom shadamy 🥴 amy renovating shadow’s cave and/or moving her gremlin boyfriend out of his gross hole and teaching him how to use furniture
- oh also he’d help her with the ikea furniture so it doesn’t suck
- all the reasons above BUT you also get sonadow and sonamy so the two ship sides can stop fighting each other
- bisexuality is really awesome
- sonic and shadow can do their own thing and can also alternate dates with amy because they both like alone time and this won’t strain the polycule by having amy left alone or the boys socially drained
- amy can hit a spindashing sonic AND shadow with her hammer
- once again, imagine this in boom. sonic and shadow trying to kill each other and/or makeout but being forced to act civil for amy knowing damn well she’ll kick their asses for ruining dinner and turning into feral beasts
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hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
In Our Favor
Part 289
Scotty had followed Jim and Spock to their room for whatever chat he and Jim were going to have about Sam. McCoy walked back to their room alone. He settled on the bed with his flight class text and began on his chapters for the following week. He had every intention to have them memorized. He could hate flying as much as he wanted, but he would know everything he could about it.
A knock on the door had him looking up from his text.
“Come in,” he called.
He blinked in surprise as Spock stepped in a moment later.
“Please excuse me if I’m interrupting s- Leonard.” Spock quickly corrected himself.
“No,” McCoy said easily. “Come on in. Did you need something?” McCoy sat up and set his text aside.
“No sir, but as Scotty is with Jim, I thought perhaps we—”
“—we could hang out?” McCoy managed to keep an amused smile from his face. “I’m just reading some homework.”
“Yes. I also brought some of my work,” Spock said. He was looking around. “This is the first time I have been in here. Did they give you a different bed because you’re married?”
McCoy laughed. “No. They refused when we asked. Scotty did this. It even reverts back to two if we need it. There’s a little remote around here somewhere…” McCoy leaned across the bed to look on Scotty’s bedside table. “I don’t know where it is,” he gave up as he sat back up. “So you wanna do something, or just do homework together like old times?”
A small smile raised Spock’s lips. “It’s been a while since we have done that.”
McCoy nodded. “We don’t spend as much time together anymore. We should do better about that.” He remembered Scotty telling him how Spock had been worried about him.
“Yes,” Spock agreed.
“Oh! Have a seat!” McCoy looked at Spock still standing in the middle of the room. “I’m sorry, I should have said that first.”
“Either one,” McCoy said. “I can move some things if you need…”
“It’s fine,” Spock said as he sat down at McCoy’s desk. The prince couldn’t blame him for choosing his; Scotty’s was covered in all kinds of texts and plans.
“Hey, how’s Amanda? I always forget to ask when I talk to Mother,” McCoy asked as Spock got settled.
“She is well.” Spock gave another brief smile. “The queen is too?”
“Oh yeah. She finally seems to be getting used to the idea that I’m not coming home when we’re done here.”
“Are you?” Spock asked. He gave McCoy a questioning look.
Surprise hit McCoy. He hadn’t thought of it that way before. “I guess so,” he answered slowly. “I haven’t thought about it much. Been too worried about other things, or thinking about what being on a ship will be like.” He mused on the thought for another moment.
“What about you?” he asked.
“I always planned to leave,” Spock said. “I didn’t know this would become my path until you were sent away to school and I went as well.”
“Oh. Spock I’m sorry if I ruined—” McCoy’s voice was chagrined. Had his getting sent away changed Spock’s course?
“You did not Leonard,” Spock reassured him. “Perhaps I would have attended the Vulcan Science Academy, but instead I am here. And—” Spock paused and looked hesitant. “And I am happy.”
“I’m glad you are,” McCoy said, genuinely glad for his friend. “Me too.”
Part 290
When Scotty eventually headed back to his and Leonard’s room it was quite late already. Jim and him had worked quite long on a reply and the blond wanted to check the mail once again in the morning before sending it, but for now he was satisfied with how it had turned out.
Scotty really hoped that it would help Jim to contact Sam. The two brothers had always seemed so distant, it was about time they talked everything out.
A look of surprise washed over Scotty’s face when he entered the code to his room and it opened up to reveal Leonard and Spock sitting on the floor, playing a game of chess.
“Oh, hey Spock. I didn’t expect to find ye here,” the Scotsman said as he stepped into the room and sat down next to Leonard. He gave his husband a kiss and whispered a greeting, then turned his attention back to Spock.
“I was thinking that since Jim was busy working with you, I could use the time to meet up with Leonard. We finished our homework and once we were done, Leonard challenged me to a game of chess. I could not resist,” Spock explained and Scotty smiled softly. He remembered how the Vulcan and him had talked about how Leonard and Spock should be spending more time together again. He had apparently acted right away.
“I see. Well, it looks like Len here doesn’t stand a chance against ye, eh?” Scotty playfully nudged his husband’s shoulder with his own and Leonard sent him an angry glare that wasn’t too serious.
“Hey! I’ll have you know that I won the first match!” he protested and Scotty chuckled softly.
“That is true. The prince is a really good player. He is almost as good as Jim,” Spock agreed with Leonard who puffed his chest out with pride.
“See? I’m not just any player.”
“Of course.” Scotty patted his husband’s arm, then got to his feet to sit down on the bed.
“Well, I dinnae ken how long the rest of yer game will take, but I think that Jim could use some company, Spock.” Scotty sent the Vulcan a meaningful look and the boy seemed to understand it right away. He nodded.
“I suppose we can delay the end of our match. If that is alright with you, si– Leonard.”
The prince gave his ex-bodyguard a quick nod.
“Sure, sure. Don’t worry about it. Scotty and I don’t play chess anyway so the board can stay that way for a bit.”
“Thank you.”
Slowly, both lads got up from the ground and Spock said his goodbye and good night before he left the room to head back to Jim.
“Is Jim okay?” Leonard asked, once Scotty and him were settled in bed. The Scotsman let out a sigh.
“He’ll be. I guess. It… was a tough day for him. But I think I was able to help,” he explained and Leonard smiled, running a hand through his husband’s hair.
“Well, that’s what you do, isn’t it? You always help others. That’s why I love you so much.”
They shared a gentle kiss and Scotty couldn’t help but smile into it. Maybe Leonard was right. Maybe he really always helped others. Maybe that was the reason why others came to him so often.
“So… tell me about yer day. How was yer first time in a real Starfleet shuttle?”
They had promised Dr. Cuthbert to talk after every flying lesson of Leonard. And Scotty would make sure to keep that promise.
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marsbar17 · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if maybe I can old get some sfw/nsfw hcs for mirage x wriath? If you haven’t don’t them already pls ;-;
Of course! Everytime I see this ship I think about the early days of apex back when I was like 13 hdjdhsjka
Also I just like an hour ago I got another anon ask for this ship so this worked out pffff
Anyways I hope you like this, I put my heart and soul into it :)
Mirage x Wraith Headcannons :)
Contains: NSFW further below
• Two bisexuals in love <333
• We all know Wraith holds the reins in this relationship, ain't no way she's letting Mirage boss her around
• Just like in my Mirage x Reader headcanons, Mirage is like a lost puppy looking for affection
• Wraith is the type of person to go up to the fast food workers and tell them that Mirage asked for no pickles pffff
• Wraith is Mirages scary dog privilege, anyone who fucks with him gets a kunai to the throat
• Mirage gets invited to game night with Wraith, Wattson, and Crypto
• He feels very betrayed that they made a weekly hangout without him, and they let him win uno to make him feel better
• I feel like Wraith would have a stutter due to the amount of voices in her head, it's hard to talk while a bunch of other people are also talking in your head
• Mirage is patient and comforting with Wraith's stutter, he knows well enough how embarrassing it can feel to stumble over your words constantly
• Mirage is a great cook, he likes to make fancy-ish dinners for Wraith and he sets the table with like candles and wine and shit and he comes out like "I have your filet mignon with cranberry sauce, ma'am"
• In terms of dates, they probably stay home a lot, but occasionally Mirage will drag Wraith out to the paradise lounge or to a small coffee shop
• Wraith adopts a cat and Mirage pretends he doesn't like the cat but then Wraith finds him baby talking the cat and falls even more in love with him
• I feel like Wraith would lovingly bully Mirage with nicknames, she probably calls him dumbass, idiot, or just Elliot or El, maybe the occasional hun
• Mirage calls Wraith baby, babe, darling, Renee, or Ren
• Mirages love languages are physical affection and quality time
• Wraiths love languages are the same
• Wraith pegs him, no questions asked
• They probably switch top and bottom depending on the day and on the mood, but Wraith is always in control IM SORRY I LITERALLY CANT IMAGINE THAT MAN BEING DOMINANT
• Mirage has an oral fixation and loves having his mouth put to use, Wraith gets piercings on her nipples and her clit just so he has more to play with
• Wraith, on the other hand, isn't as into giving oral. I feel like she wouldn't enjoy the feeling of sucking dick, she'll suck on the tip and kiss all along the length, she'll even suck on the balls, but she doesn't like going too far with it
• Mirage is perfectly fine with this, plus Wraiths hands are enough to drive him crazy
• Wraith doesn't want to be vulnerable in public but she will tease the hell out of Mirage and jerk him off in public spots during the games because she knows he loves it
• Wraith leaves as many hickeys as she can all over Mirage so everyone knows he belongs to her
• Their favorite positions are riding and doggy (Mirage receiving)
• Wraith calls Mirage puppy, good boy, and whore
• Mirage calls Wraith ma'am, baby, mommy, and maybe mistress
• For the most part, even during rougher and kinkier sex, their actually very loving and intimate. Theirs lots of soft kisses and touches, comforting words, and communication
• Aftercare always consists of cuddles and talking about likes, dislikes, anything and everything
• Mirage likes to give Wraith back massages afterwards once he's got the energy back, she doesn't ask him to, he just does because he wants to
I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading! Remember that liking and reblogging my posts takes like 20 seconds and helps me grow as a creator :)
My requests are always open, so if theirs anything Apex, Overwatch, etc on your mind, shoot me a request and I'll do it!
Have a good day!
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bloomingdead · 1 year
"your fanservice should not be as important to you as getting a well-written third game,"
sure because forbidden west and burning shores are peak writing and good development right? the pacing isnt a mess, the rushed relationships arent a mess, the villains are underdeveloped as fuck.... what the fuck you are talking about a "well written third game" over a bad written and rushed ship that would also be fanservice? just please. thanks to people like you who defend that shitty writing of seyloy we are going to have a big mess for the third game
“shitty writing” you either have never had a girlfriend that you didn’t meet through an app or you’re not sapphic. my girlfriend and i played the whole dlc together and felt it was such a natural development of the crush. especially between two ~20 year olds (seyka seems like she might be a lil bit older than aloy bc of her status as an officer). the worst part of the DLC was londra tbh. his “cult” felt underdeveloped and confusing. but sure, go off abt how seyloy ruined it instead of how it actually added something of more value. londra felt like he was just there to force gameplay while aloy and seyka’s relationship felt like the true focus imo.
who knows?? seyka could have been written for the third game before they decided to introduce her sooner in the dlc. forbidden west was actually really good and i don’t understand why you’re searching through the tags if you actually thought it and the dlc was bad. i haven’t defended seyloy or talked abt it in the tags in over a month. and tbh i’m getting tired of defending it because interacting with y’all is exhausting. you try to sprinkle in opinions with no foundation/proof about the main story to act like you’re not just upset about seyka. the true supporters and fans of guerrilla can peer through your thinly veiled bullshit to see that you and the others are just upset cuz you’re obsessed with your fav/kin ship and NOTHING else can compete with/replace it. just look at the quote you chose to reference. struck a nerve, did i?
you sound like a bunch of middle-schoolers with all the whining and bitching about something you don’t get to, NEVER WILL get to control. because it’s not your fucking story. and it’s not mine either. i’m not writing that shit! i’m just part of a vast audience of plenty of other people who don’t agree with you weirdo little diehard talanah/erend fuckers. don’t buy the games if you hate them so much, don’t pick up horizon 3 when it comes out. leave guerrilla (especially the writers), kylie, and ashly the fuck alone. you’re making those of us who ACTUALLY feel normally about this game look deranged. there’s so many things to be excited about that already exist in the games, so much to look forward to, and so much positive shit you could be focusing on. but you waste your time complaining about a 9/10 game. find something better to do with your time cuz even while hiding behind anon you’re embarrassing yourself.
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maboroshi-no · 1 year
Hamefura Pirates: Geordo Route End Of Chapter 2
All of the summaries I have written so far are available in the Hamefura Pirates Summary Index.
After going to the bathroom, Katarina can't find her way back to the party venue. She wanders about until she reaches the library.
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Geordo suddenly calls out to her. Katarina is surprised to see him, so he explains that he set off in search of her since she didn't seem to come back. Katarina apologizes.
Since the library is nearby, Geordo invites Katarina to go there together. He explains that he has wanted to experience the atmosphere of the library at night. Katarina is curious about it, but also a bit reluctant since she doesn't want to worry the others. Geordo assures her that it is fine since he notified them that he would go search for her. Besides, he has also wanted to talk with her since they rarely get to be alone together. He also adds that he will leave the door open, so she can rest easy. Katarina is confused about the last part, but she grows more and more curious about the library at night. She feels like it might be her unique chance to see it since Keith might not let her wander alone at night. So she ends up accepting.
Geordo and Katarina both enter the library. Katarina takes in the dim and calm atmosphere. Geordo pulls out a chair and invites her to sit with him at the table on the back. His gentlemanly gesture reminds Katarina of how he gentlemanly escorted Maria in the game, and she feels nostalgic about it. She also remembers how she died after playing all night trying to conquer Geordo. 
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Geordo is making a wide smile from across the table. She would have found his smile charming before, but now it looks somewhat blackhearted.
Geordo tells Katarina that he is very happy to finally have some alone time with her. After all, he has met quite a lot of interference ever since they boarded the ship, and they have never been alone together even at the academy. Katarina is confused about the "interference" part, but she agrees that it has been a while since she has been alone with Geordo. The whole gang is always together and she has hardly spent time alone.
Katarina asks Geordo about his work today. Geordo suavely tells her that seeing her face makes all the fatigue from work go away. Looking at how Geordo can pull off a line like that without problem, Katarina realizes once again that he really is a capture target. But it is a shame that he delivered this line not to a lovely princess, but to a villainess.
Then Katarina remembers that her days as villainess are finally over, and she feels exuberant about it. Looking at her grinning, Geordo chuckles and asks her if something good happened to her. Katarina simply replies that she is glad that she can spend spring break with everyone. Geordo is also happy to be able to see her everyday during spring break. Then he asks her about her plans for tomorrow. Katarina replies that, with Mary and the others, they have planned to visit the places that they haven't seen yet. Geordo realizes that Mary has gotten ahead of him, so he asks Katarina if she has plans for tomorrow night after the party. He would like to spend some time with her again, and suggests that they go see the pool at night. Katarina is excited about the idea. Before she suggests inviting everyone, Geordo stops her and insists on going together, just the two of them. Katarina wonders why Geordo insists on not inviting everyone. She thinks to herself that Geordo probably wants to have the large pool to himself instead of sharing it with the others. Then Geordo tells Katarina that he doesn't mind going tonight either, and asks if she has anything planned after the party. But Katarina has already planned to have a pajama party with the girls after. Geordo realizes once again that Mary has gotten ahead of him.
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After remembering about the pajama party, Katarina realizes that she will need snacks and drinks for the night. She wonders if she will be able to take some from the party.
As Katarina is enthusiastically talking about food, Geordo fondly tells her that she has looked particularly happy ever since she boarded the Vinculum. Katarina simply replies that it is because she doesn't need to worry about her doom anymore. Geordo is confused about the "doom" word, while Katarina is thinking to herself that she is glad to have survived, to have her friends with her, and to be able to spend her second year carefreely. She lets out that she is happy to have safely advanced to the second year, and Geordo chuckles, amused that she would look forward to being a second year so much.
Geordo asks Katarina if she will spend her second year the same way as her first year. After all, new students will enroll after spring break, and the atmosphere inside the academy might change. Hearing this, Katarina is excited about the future underclassmen and wonders how they will be like. She also looks forward to her doom-free second year, and she is set on doing everything she couldn't do during her first year. And since she doesn't need to worry anymore about Geordo killing her, she might become even better friends with him from now on. She looks at Geordo and realizes once again that he is very different from his game version.
As Katarina tries to imagine what her second year will be like, Geordo tells her that he is pretty sure that he won't get bored as long as he is with her. He also adds that he is looking forward to the after graduation more than his second year. Katarina is surprised that he is already thinking of what he will do after graduation, but Geordo assures her that a year will pass in the blink of an eye. Following this, Katarina remembers that her classmates have indeed been talking about their plans after graduation. Graduation has seemed far away to her since Nicol and the others have just graduated. Katarina wonders what their graduation will be like, and whether Alan and Geordo will hold a performance again. Geordo doesn't mind holding a performance with Alan if that's what she desires. 
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Then he asks her about her plans after graduation. With this, Katarina finally remembers that she is supposed to marry Geordo after graduation.
Katarina has gone off with her life believing that Geordo would break off their engagement one day, so she has never been conscious of being his fiancée. Even now, she can't imagine herself marrying him. Katarina doesn't know what to tell Geordo and awkwardly asks him about his plans after graduation. Geordo simply replies that he will continue his work as always. Following this, Katarina remembers that, as a royal, Geordo is always busy with work. She also remembers how Mary keeps telling her about her lack of confidence regarding her abilities to fulfill the role of a prince's consort, even though she is the perfect lady. She also remembers how her mother would rather that she didn't marry someone and embarrass the family, and how her father has always let her do whatever she likes. Katarina doesn't want to get married right after graduation, and she is thinking hard about how to tell this to Geordo. 
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Since she is panicking, Geordo makes a faint smile and tells her that they still have time. Geordo's smile looks so unsettling that Katarina feels a shiver.
Katarina wonders if Geordo is really fine with her. Her mother and Keith keep saying that she is unfit to be a royal, so it wouldn't seem strange if Geordo also felt that way. But to her surprise, he has never said this, even once. But she still thinks that Geordo might break off their engagement one day, and when that time comes, she fully intends to readily accept it.
After remembering that Maria might be feeling uneasy at the party, Katarina asks Geordo if they can go back. But at that moment, they hear an explosion.
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aetherial-skies · 1 year
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*points and laughs* haha the grumpy boy actually likes hugs and calm affirmations from time to time!! what a phony 🤪
uhhh thoughts and feelings about these two and a bit about the game itself under the cut 😳
i’m in deep. RIP. i know only the prologue’s out right now but i can’t help but like the (potential) dynamic of these two. granted we haven’t seen them interact much yet, but i have some hopes and predictions
damon being the grumpy, self-important, sassy, bargain-bin lawyer and wolfgang being the calm, humble, and empathetic, *actual* lawyer is just. ugh. i just think they match each other so well. their personalities and even color schemes are opposite to each other, but not in a way that clashes, but rather in a way that is complimentary. 
i can just imagine damon slowly and reluctantly getting attached to wolfgang’s calm and reassuring demeanour and wolfgang happily returning the favour. or maybe i’m just delusional. yeah that’s probably it.
and LISTEN. i’m the type that would rather leave my shipping goggles off in exchange of actually consuming the media in a proper, “story first” manner, but i mean... just LOOK at this.
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i’m sorry but i’m such a *beep* for height differences (i didn’t even have to exaggerate it in my artworks, wolfgang really *is* just that much taller than damon). and the cool vs warm colour scheme they have going on... pls...
anyways yeah i’m reading too much into this. great game. i know it’s too early to say but i personally already like its writing better than danganronpa’s. i’ve played the entire main series and there were a lot of times where the writing was just... idk. trying too hard? to be edgy, quirky, and/or absurd? to the point where it kinda ruined the immersion for me a lot of the time. and some characters just made me feel downright uncomfortable *ahem teruteru and miu* 
but eden’s garden’s writing feels more natural and all the characters are really fun, well-designed, and feel more real. and none of them make me feel uncomfortable! so that’s great. kudos to the team fr.
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First Lines Tag Game!
Hey hey @mareenavee thanks for the tag!!!
Tumblr is glitching for me and I don't see if people post like 70% of the time. If I tag you and you've already done this the @ me so I canny sees! (I've posted this link on discord too, @ me there so that I at least know, I get so few notifications here that I'm just...I don't know why several sites are glitching so much? The internet hates meeeee) So tag teaming @paraparadigm, @thequeenofthewinter @snippetsrus, @orfeoarte, @rhiannon1199, @thana-topsy, @friend-of-giants, @archangelsunited, @tallmatcha, @saltymaplesyrup, @elfinismsarts. No pressure, but it's fun XD Rules such as they are: Post the first line/paragraph of your current WIPS Now under a cut because nesting and length!
Going with three because.. there are three? Also, paragraphs because I'm mean! The first one is from Chapter 6 of Serious Mistakes, we have a Teldryn POV chapter. Have the first paragraph! The ruins of Bloodskal Barrow overlooked the frigid waters of the Sea of Ghosts. The waves crashed constantly against the weathered, crumbling walls of its external towers. Usually, the place drew Reavers like moths to a flame but Teldryn had noticed their distinctive absence over the last week. Had she cleared them out too? It’s possible, though he was having a hard time believing it. He did this for sport and even he'd had some close calls. No, they just haven’t reclaimed the place yet. Box. Box. Where was that gods damned box? How could he forget which room he left his gear in? He could have sworn it was upstairs in the first tower! Right? Azura have mercy! He just wanted to collapse right then and there. But he couldn’t. Not yet. He had to fix this! What did that note say? He tutted, something about a scout. A second team? The scout’s name seemed familiar. Hammerfell! That’s it, Sigrun had recruited the kid way back when she was pursuing him through that dastardly excuse of a province! Back when it felt endless. When he thought the chaos of the province would be enough to hide him. The second one is from the almost completed Josh (Teldryn)/Veleth hell ship. Teldryn's POV.
Teldryn swirled the last dregs of wine in his goblet, there was what? A mouthful left? Maybe two? Not enough to last him these next few hours. Not if he was meant to behave himself. He was meant to be behaving himself. He intended to, fully, completely. No antics on his behalf. Well…not for a few more hours at least. He still had Geldis’ little gathering to attend. He could drink as much as he wanted then. Fuck around. No, right now he had to behave himself.
And the final one is a draft prompt from @mareenavee about dungeons. I'm still playing with this, it's probably going to be long. But we love long one-shots in this universe. Sydari's POV.
The Razor was stuck in between the hard, fibrous plates of the now-deceased frostbite spider’s exoskeleton. Sydari tried to yank it free but to no avail, she cursed as the magelight that hung above her in the narrow tunnel began to flicker, the magicka that fueled the spell was running dry.
“Shit!” Sydari gave the handle another tug, she lost her grip just as the spell flickered out. The weapon disappeared into the all-consuming darkness of the mine.
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schrijverr · 1 year
Holly's Letter
Years after she last saw her brother and sister, Holly sees the book A Collection of Queer Photography in the stores. It gives her the courage to reach out to them again. This is her letter.
On AO3.
Ships: byler & jargancy, Holly has a husband
Warnings: mentions of past homophobia (vaguely)
Dear Nancy and Mike,
I have started this letter a hundred times already now, because I have so much to tell you and yet I don’t know what to say to you at all. It feels odd to introduce myself, but I almost feel like I have to, since I haven’t seen either of you since I was 9 years old. So, hi, I’m Holly, your little sister. My last name is Richardson now and I am married with two kids.
I am writing you both after reading your book. I try to keep an eye out for such things ever since my eldest, Lisa, came out to me, and I hope you can imagine the shock of seeing your faces after so many years. There, right on the cover, were the two of you, just like I remember from my childhood. Thinking back, I must have stood in that book shop for 30 minutes just staring, before a sales associate asked me if I needed any help. Of course I bought the book.
When I came home, I read it completely and I cried. Truly, I did. It is a weird feeling and I hope I can explain it right. It is weird, because you two left and never turned back and I hated you for a long time over it and now I had answers. Suddenly I knew why you left. And it makes so much sense that you would go and while I am angry and sad at how you left, I am so so glad that you two are happy now. That you found a better family.
Mom and dad divorced in in 1991. They tried to keep it together for my sake, but my mom blamed him for you two leaving and dad- well, dad was just dad. It didn’t work out. I lived with mom and barely talk to dad anymore. It seemed like life fell apart when you two left.
Before now, I never put work into finding either of you. The lack of the internet made it harder, but it was more that I thought you wouldn’t want me there. Like mom, I blamed myself for you leaving, I didn’t understand. Now I do.
I showed mom the book too, she never gave it back, so I bought another copy for myself. I think she has spend days already flipping through the pages and lingering on your faces. I can’t say I blame her, me and my eldest have gone through it together and I told her about her aunt and uncle. All the little things I can still remember from when you still came home. We laughed and we cried and she hugged me. It was a thankful hug and I don’t think I can ever forget it again.
It is probably odd how much I feel like I still relate to you after 28 years, but I do. One of my earliest memories is sitting on the couch with Steve when he was still together with Nancy. I remember the games Mike and the others played in the basement. I remember the fight when you wanted to spend Christmas with the Byers. Little flashes of you, before you were just ghosts haunting family albums and strained conversations with mom or dad.
But it is more than that for me. I never realized how much I am still intertwined with you, even throughout these years without contact. Like, I never realized that the Will Byers, who made my favorite paintings, is the same Will Byers that my older brother was friends with. And I never realized that the article that got mom better pay in 1993 was written by you, Nancy. As a college student I ate at Argyle’s diner with friends after getting drunk. I still braid my hair like Steve taught me. I voted for Erica without making the connection. I also work in education. My husband loves Corroded Coffin. All these little things have bound me to the family you made and that makes me feel connected to you in ways I haven’t in years.
In your book you said you hoped I was okay and that I grew up kind. I hope I am too. I know I grew up okay, I am happy where I am. And I try to be kind, I try to do better. I don’t know if that is enough, but I’m trying. I would love to meet you and your partners. I’d love to catch up with you and hear about everything, even the small things that didn’t make it into the book. And I’d love to tell you about myself and my family too.
Of course, I can understand if you would not want to see me, or if you would, but you’d like not to talk to mom again. I can stand here and tell you how she has changed, how she accepts her granddaughter and treasures the two of you more than her old bigotry, but I don’t think that is my decision to make. So, I’ll leave that to you.
I do hope that you want to see me, that we can catch up and I can get to know your partners more personally, as well as relearn who you two are now. And I hope I can tell you about my husband, Marvin, who is a lawyer, and our two beautiful kids. I’ve already mentioned Lisa, my eldest. She is fifteen now and so smart. She is part of the debate team at her high school and helps run the GSA. Her favorite subject is Math and I’m glad, because I never know how to help Ellie, my youngest, with her Math homework, so her older sister helps her. Ellie is eleven now, already getting way too big for my comfort haha. She’s a little ball of sunshine, always full of energy and smiles. She loves drawing and is so creative. The two are adorable together.
We live in a suburb in a small town near Indiana. I myself work as a preschool teacher nearby, but I only work part time and spend most time looking after the kids while Marvin is at work. We’ve been married for sixteen years now and still going strong. It was so nice to see you also still together with your partners and happy.
I must admit how odd it was to see you grown up. In my mind you two are still the people from ‘89, a young woman and a kid, who just reached into adulthood. Now both of you are fully fledged professionals with families and a career. Just like me.
I know you haven’t been frozen in time, but it felts like it for so long. It is weird to think that you have lived whole lives, had so many experiences, grown so much, and I wasn’t there to see it. Logically, I know the same must be true for you in regards to me, but I can’t help but let it boggle my mind. But I’m glad I got my mind boggled by you looking so happy.
I honestly don’t know if anything in this letter is making sense. No matter how much time has passed since I first picked up your book, my thoughts can’t seem to order themselves. At least not coherently on a piece of paper. However, I do want to reach out and I hope that I’ll get a reply and it will make it easier to place it all.
I also hope that this letter doesn’t come off as accusatory. I admit that I have been bitter in the past, but I have put that behind me. And I completely understand why you did what you did. I think this book has given me the closure I needed to pack away that last inkling that came from not knowing why. Even if this letter gets lost or I never hear back from you, I want to thank you for that.
Rationally, I know I have a thousand more things to tell you, but I’ve also completely blanked on what to say further. So, I’m just going to wrap it up and send it, before I can think about too much and scrap the whole thing again, like I’ve already done so many times.
Much love and kisses,
Holly Richardson
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dailyhonakana · 4 months
admin 🎼 here - happy first week of daily honakana except not really because we missed yesterday, whoops! i’ll be trying my hardest to make an extra post (once i work up the motivation to)!!
anyway today im here to announce i figured out im bi and honakana was part of the reason why 👍 here’s, somehow, a five-paragraph ramble about that! this doesn’t really fit the blog’s usual posts but i figured i’d talk about it because i didn’t want us to miss posting two days in a row, and i wanted to discuss how special these two random ass girls are to me <3 this is pretty personal but i thought id get it out somewhere and this blog seems fitting enough. if its too long then just know the moral of the story is that honakana changed my life
okay so i do like guys, which is something i cannot deny. i hardly even considered the possibility of me liking girls as well, though, until i downloaded project sekai on my phone. Yes, until I downloaded project sekai. i was already a huge vocaloid fan (not to the ridiculous extent i currently am, but it was still one of my most important interests!), so of course i became a huge prsk fan, too. i immediately grew attached to nightcord, and kanade in particular! why her? i couldn’t tell you, but boy did i really like her. and i still do!
i was an active shipper of some characters from some different fandoms at this point, combing through google for ship art and reading tons of ao3 works and basically searching everywhere for scraps of content of them. all my favorite couples were straight, though - i was fine with gay pairings, but didn’t care all that much about them. now, i was thinking a lot about kanamafu (who i still love too!). and then i wondered if anyone was shipping kanade with her housekeeper. i proceeded to go to ao3 and read all of skwakr’s works, and then all the few other works tagged with honakana, and then i followed the tag and looked everywhere for honakana fanart to save and honakana AUs and canon honakana moments and whatever other content i could find of them. somehow despite the fact they had hardly anything together in canon or fanon (at the time, anyway) they were my new obsession.
why? again, i couldn’t exactly tell you. i think it had something to do with how sweet and uncomplicated their relationship was, though - it was easy to believe honami would always care for kanade, and kanade would always leave time for her, and both would unconditionally love the other with nothing stopping them. i also think it must have been because of how well skwakr portrayed that unconditional love (go read their works if you haven’t, they express such great love in so few words and they’re incredible!!!). it seemed so real to me, real enough i somehow managed to fall in love with honakana as much as each was in love with the other. oh yeah and this was while my first (male!) crush was raging on - i turned to a pair of fictional girls dating for comfort while constantly pining over him. that was incredible of me. i mean i still do that tbf
i eventually lost my interest in prsk itself and got rid of the game, but my interest in honakana didn’t waver much. i didn’t actively interact with the fandom or read every single honakana fic that was released - i didn’t even find out about their wedding event until a few months ago - but i continued thinking about the two of them frequently. recently, i started the game again, for a reason i don’t remember. i don’t think i was planning on playing it much; then, i learned about the event and that it was coming to the EN server in a few months, and after not playing for so long, i suddenly had a goal waiting to be completed in those few months. i needed to rank high on the leaderboard, and i needed to do it for those two fictional lesbians i loved so much, for some reason.
a new, more agonizing crush is currently raging on for me. i’m pretty sure the object of that crush now thinks i’m a lesbian after having explained my need to tier in the event to him (and also having an icon of marcille donato on discord). it’s now a day since the event’s ended and i’ve been thinking a lot about my orientation - yes, mainly because of him, but also because it’s something i haven’t really figured out about myself. i’ve never liked a girl as much as those two boys, but i consider way more girls from fictional media hot than guys, and there’s also … all of this to consider. i don’t know how else to say it: i do not think there is a heterosexual explanation for my two-year-strong obsession with the not-even-that-fleshed-out relationship of two girls who are not real and are not dating. somehow, they’ve been as much of a constant presence in my life as that first crush was! and so thinking about it today i have decided i do not give a shit if i’ve only ever liked real guys and fake girls, i am bi and nobody gets to decide that except for me. who cares? no one should, except for me! thank you for reading my pouring my heart out about two random anime girls and good night. i need to go to sleep save me honakana
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