#like does looking at a screen or a book feel like stabbing an ice pick through my eye socket? yes
taardisblue · 2 years
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Hey friend. Can I request headcanons for Wammy boys trying food made by their friend or s/o who's really bad at cooking?
The Wammy Boys Trying Your Terrible Cooking
Hi friend! I was going to just do headcanons but I got carried away and added a lil Drabble to it as well. Sorry it took so long though, I was having trouble with Near’s :/
- He’s going to be brutally honest with you when your cooking isn’t up to par.
- in fact, with all of the delights he gets from Watari everyday he might insist that you never cook at all. Honestly you’re both relieved.
- he’ll keep a pretty straight face while chewing, but then tell you that there isn’t really a need for you to cook again. Ever.
- it’s so brutal to everyone around you but you’re honestly grateful for both the honestly and the relief from your cooking duties.
It was a kind gesture, offering to give Watari a break. L has been somewhat of a black hole today, consuming anything and everything, and the poor man has been running himself ragged trying to keep up with L’s orders. You, feeling sorry for him, tell him to rest while you take over in the kitchen.
If only you actually knew what you’re doing.
It doesn’t help that Watari, in all his infinite wisdom, must have memorized all of his recipes, as there are absolutely no recipe cards, books, or even notes in the kitchen whatsoever.
Okay, you think, no matter. I’m smart. I can figure this out.
Don’t mind the spoiler, but you could not, in fact, figure it out and your kind yet unfortunate efforts only resulted in the most charred cake you ever did see. But, after an hour and nothing else to offer, you ice the pathetic thing and bring it out on a tray. Perhaps presentation will make up for…whatever that is that lies underneath.
That hope is soon lost as L takes a bite and promptly sets it back on the tray.
“Would you like me to be honest with you?” He asks politely.
“No,” you sigh, plopping down into the chair next to him. “I know it sucks.”
“Oh, good.”
-pfft, you think he’s any better?
- he has no room to talk, but he can and will make fun of you.
- claims that he could probably do better than “whatever the hell that was” and that inspires something of a competition.
- it starts out fun but somewhere along the line you guys got really into it and now whoever loses might cry, who knows.
You sit across from Mello at the dining room table. You eye your creation and all the confidence you had in the beginning is wiped out. It looks…less than appetizing. Though, the one next to it is not much better, looking rough (or burnt) around the edges.
Your eyes dart to your partner’s — or, right now, your opponent’s. “So, are we trying each other’s and then our own?”
“Only seems fair,” he remarks while reaching for a fork. The utensil stabs into your dish and you cringe when a piece is torn out. You can see the middle of it now, and it sure as hell did not cook all the way through. Mello seems to notice as well but like hell he’s going to back down from a challenge. He brings the fork to his mouth and doesn’t look back unless it’s on his past mistakes that led him to this point in time. He chews for a moment, and that’s when the gagging starts.
“You’re just being dramatic, it’s not that bad!” You claim, watching Mello rush to the sink and stick his tongue under the faucet.
“Fine, you try it then!”
“Maybe I will!”
Mello looks on in absolute glee when your own face contorts after your bite.
“Yeah? Is it good?”
“Amazing,” you lie around a mouthful. “Just…a culinary masterpiece.”
- bitch is honest.
- The way he sees it, he has nothing to gain from keeping how much he hates your cooking a secret.
- if he does he just has to eat more of it, and you’re living a lie. Loose loose.
- just pretty casual about it overall.
You don’t think Matt’s eyes have lifted from the screen since he pressed “start”. You know better than to tell him to stop, but somehow you also want to know that he’s being somewhat healthy. It doesn’t even have to be anything big. Hell, if he got a single vegetable in him you’d be happy.
So, you head to the kitchen. It’s never on you to make dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast. But you’re sure you can manage.
You rifle through the fridge, looking for something to make when all you find is a head of lettuce, cheese, and random takeout leftovers. Huh. Okay, this isn’t terrible. You can make something out of this! Like…stir fry? Stir fry is just a mixture of random things you find in the fridge cooked in a pan, right? Yeah. Sure.
You end up making “stir fry” and, dare you say, it doesn’t look terrible!
You make your way to the couch and place the plate you made down in front of Matt who, in a daze, reaches out and fumbles for the fork. His eyes, watery and red, stay in place as the fork reaches his mouth.
All you hear next is the defeated “game over” tune and the sounds of choking.
“Matt! Shit!” You exclaim, taking the fork from him and hitting his back to help get whatever it is from his throat. When his coughs have finally died down you ask, relieved, “You okay!?”
“Yeah,” Matt responds, sitting back and subtly pushing the plate away from him with his foot.
“…it’s absolute shit isn’t it?”
“Thank you for your honesty.”
- He’s a picky eater anyway, so the chances of him eating your food are slim to none if it looks or smells or feels unappetizing in any way.
- If he did eat your food it would be because he’s literally starving or if everything about your dish seems fine, it’s just the taste that makes you want to die.
- if that is the case…
Near hasn’t eaten in days. You’re honestly worried beyond belief but with the amount of work he has he isn’t willing to take a break and figure out what it is he wants to eat. It’s driving you crazy.
So crazy, that you’re willing to actually enter the kitchen. You try your best, and that’s all that counts.
You come out of it with a plate of food that you don’t think looks too bad! So, with a skip in your step, you head over to Near and place the plate on the floor next to him.
He seems so out of touch with reality that he takes one glance at the plate, seems to find it satisfactory, and picks up a piece with his hands to bring to his mouth. You wait patiently for a response as he chews, eyes now stationary on his figurines once again. He’s chewing slowly. You hope that means he’s savoring your cooking.
That hope runs out as soon has Near leans back over the plate, let’s the food drop from his mouth and pushes it away entirely. It takes him a moment to realize that you’re still there, and when he finally notices you looking at him all he can do is say, “thank you, but no thank you.”
You can take the hint from there.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Eventually Wins (A.B) Part 1
Andy Barber Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Warnings: Angst but eventual fluff.
Summary: dad! Andy Barber x female reader. You are having the worst day of your life and you just needed your husband. Andy and you get in to a fight and your ten month old is sick. But it is all eventual fluff.
"Where were you?" You silently spoke out from the couch as you saw your husband enter the living room with his jacket slung over his shoulder.
"Just out with some friends." He was not in a mood to talk right now so he started going towards their shared bedroom.
"You could have at least texted me that you were going to be late. I was getting worried." You hated fighting but most of all, you hated fighting with Andy. You both have always been the ones to resolve issues peacefully but you had a gut feeling that this interaction was going to be different.
"Well, I am here now so I am obviously fine." He snapped, clearly irritated by your complaints, which he subconsciously knew were right. You were taken aback by his tone because you didn't know what was going on his mind.
"Can you please keep your voice in check? I just put Gabriel to sleep." "So now I am the one causing the problems? Great." He frustratedly ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair.
"I did not-"
"I am tired and I am done arguing with you." Andy turned his back around but was stopped by your frail hands on his arms.
"I am also tired, you know. Gabriel was sick today and he did not stop crying the whole day." Your six month old son was not feeling well when he woke up this morning. He had a sore throat and a high fever so he wasn't able to eat any food or drink milk. At one point, it got too much for you and you started crying with him.
"I didn't told you to take care of him."
"What do you mean? He is our son. Of course, I will take care of him." You were offended when he started speaking like he didn't even know you, like you were a burden to him. "I have had the worst day of my life and I just needed you."
"What could have possibly been that bad about your day? You just had to take care of a child and it's not as if you had something else to do." This was the last straw because he could not just throw that in your face.
"I had something else to do and I quit my job as a lawyer to take care of our son." You could not just stand there and let him throw insults to your face. It was both your decision that you will take sometime off from work till Gabriel was a little bit older. Andy was a little bit hesitant to agree with you first but then you both thought it was for the best. He was the assistant district attorney so the job wouldn't be waiting for him after six months of leave. It just made sense for you to be the one to take a step back.
"It was your decision so don't blame it on me. God, I just need a break." Your husband looked like a whole different person right now. Gone was the caring man that brought you ice cream at four in the morning because you were craving it or who gave you foot massages after a tiring day. You did not what caused him to be this way but he had absolutely no right to talk to you like this.
"From what? You need a break from what?" Both your voices were slowly rising and you unintentionally stepped closer to one another that you were now face to face. Tears were pooling in your eyes but Andy did not take a notice of it. It was as if he was in a haze and he didn't care who he was hurting in the process.
"From you, god dammit. Can you please get off my case?" The moment those words left his mouth, it was as if he stabbed you with a knife.
He had a bad day at work today because he lost a major case today because the witness did not show up and that murderer was proven innocent. The district attorney was not happy with him and laid it out on him good. She even gave one of Andy's most important case to his work enemy, Carter. Taking him to a bar at the end of the day, his friends tried to cheer him up but nothing worked. He was a little tipsy when he got home and when you told him that he was not even there for his family, he felt like a failure. Andy turned his guilt in to anger and took it all out on you.
"Well, if that's what you want-" Before you could say something else, your son woke up from all the commotion that you were making in the living room. The look that you gave him was one of hate and loathing and you did not want to see his face right now. Racing towards the nursery, you took him in your arms and noticed that the fever was back. You cuddled with the baby and shed a few tears of your own. Your life was a mess right now and you didn't know what to do with yourself.
Meanwhile, Andy was angrier than ever. He pored himself a glass of whiskey and was about to drown it in a go, when a ringtone interrupted him. You and Andy have always kept the same phone and ringtones. It was their thing. So he didn't realise that it was your phone when he picked it up.
"What?" He snapped.
"Andy? Is that you?" a hoarse voice questioned with uncertainty.
"Yes." Quickly checking the phone screen, he realised that it was your phone and it was your sister, Josie calling.
"Are you guys on your way now?"
"What? What are you talking about?" Confusion clouded his brain as the anger slowly started to dissolve.
"Dad had a heart attack today and he is about to go into surgery. They are saying that it is a risky one and he wants to meet (Y/N) before it. Realisation slowly started to seep in him as he recalled about what you said. "I thought you guys would already be on the plane."
"Yeah yeah. We are about too." Putting the phone down, he closed his eyes tightly and contemplated on the fact that he ruined everything. Andy knew that he was selfish and a little bit narcissistic. You always tolerated these little tweaks in his personality but it got out of hand today. He knew he screwed up big time and he just wanted to fix it immediately.
He could hear you gently humming to the baby and the little sniffles along with it. His heart broke a little because he was the cause of your misery. Quickly packing your bags, he booked three seats to Los Angeles and then made his way towards the nursery.
"Hey. Uhm, I packed our bags and booked our seats. We can leave right now." Your back was turned to him as you kept rocking Gabriel to sleep. You couldn't bare to look at him right now. The things he said hurt you too much because you did not even deserve it. "(Y/N), I am sorry."
"Andy, I can't do this right now."
"Baby, I did not mean a word I said. I was having a bad day and I just took it all out on you." He wanted to take you in his arms but he knew that he should not push his luck right now.
"Can we please not talk about this right now? Gabriel's fever is spiking up."
"Let me see him and (Y/N) I am so sorry. I will make it all up to you, I promise." Andy took his son in his arms and gently started to sway him.
"What happened at work today?" You knew that he would not have behaved like this without a reason so you tried to become the bigger person. Your husband was quick to explain everything and you understood because you have been in that position once or twice. "But this does not justify your actions."
"I know and I am so sorry. I will make it up to you, I promise."
"Andy, if you really need a break from us, you can-"
"No, I don't. I didn't mean any of it. It was all out of anger." His heart broke when he saw you doubting their eight years relationship because of his stupid words. His gut twisted and he just wished that he could go back in time and smack himself.
"Oh okay. I suppose it's okay then but you can not do this again."
"I promise." Pecking you on the lips as a silent gratitude and took you in his other arms. "I am sorry about your dad. Let's go meet him."
"Okay. Can you pack Gabriel's toys and pacifiers? I am going to change my clothes." Andy nodded his head and got to work as Gabriel started to play with his stuffed toy. Meanwhile, you changed in to a simple sweater and leggings.
Your dad was one of the most important person in your life and you can't imagine a life without him. He was the first man who got you bouquets and took you out on a date. Your dad was always their for you to help you make important decisions in your life like when Andy asked you to marry him, you first asked your dad's opinion and then said yes. You couldn't imagine him as a sick person because he was the definition of health. You silently prayed that he was going to be okay.
"Ready to go, babe?"
"Yeah, let me just switch off all the lights."
"Okay. I was thinking that I can get Gabriel checked up when you go to your dad's room."
"I will come with you, honey." You watched as he strapped the toddler in to the baby carrier and kissed him on the forehead. At that moment, you knew that no matter what happens, you will always love him.
"No, it's okay. I will take care of it. You spend time with your dad when you get there. I love you."
"I love you too." Taking his hand, you both stepped out of the house together and you knew that no matter what happens, you will be alright because your husband was with you.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!! Here’s a link to Part 2
A/N: I loved watching Defending Jacob so I came up with this plot. Andy Barber has my whole heart and I hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think and message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Like, comment and reblog.
P.S. There is a part 2 as well:)
Taglist: @justile
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I have a prompt idea! The Brothers reacting to an MC that can regenerate after they die. Someone stabbed them? The wound will close in a bit. Did they fall from a high place and their body shattered? It’s all good, they’re body’ll just snap everything back into place as they’re conscious. We’re they poisoned? They’ll treat it like a stomach bug and be fine the next day. Funny part is MC could tell them the worst ways they died during their childhood in a lighthearted way which makes things more disturbing, especially since demon threats against them won’t work.
Ok first time I read this prompt I had a good laugh bc all I could think about was an MC that made that little squeaking noise those rubber chickens make when they inflate every time they regenerated lmaoooo. Could you imagine the pavlovian response all the brothers get if they hear a squeak? Like Lucifer would be trying to sleep and Cerberus finds one of his old chew toys and the fear it brings is legendary.
TW: Death, Blood, Injuries
When you first tell him he has no idea if it was a crude joke or not. You are so blasé about something that should traumatize you. He hates how you snort at his every threat. What good is blackmail if you don’t go for it?
He does not believe you at first. Just another little human talking big trying to impress him. He would keep a keen eye on you too, making sure they have no reason to get even so much of a scrape on their knee. Believe you or not he doesn’t need this program to fail. Then Belphie happened. Seeing your lifeless body made so many things happen in his mind he felt physically ill. He hadn’t felt like crying so hard since Lilith…
And then you sit up and crack your spine, like you were waking up from a nap instead of getting up after being thrown from the second story.
He-is relieved, and terrified. Were humans supposed to do that? He doesn't remember reading this particular ability in his father’s schematics. He believes you now nonetheless.
But he still doesn’t let you just go getting hurt whenever you feel like it.
“Absolutely not.” He shakes his head firmly. He is unfazed by your cute little pout and huffing.
“Lotan is friendly!” You try again pushing the form back at him defiantly. Lucifer picks it up again against his better judgment and scoffs. Friendly, if Lotan is friendly then Cerberus was a saint. “Come on what’s the worst that can happen? I’m out of school for a day or two if things get dicey.” You plead leaning up and over his desk. Ugh. He rubs at his temple in annoyance.
“The fact that you think skipping a few days of school because you became fish food as a minor hindrance terrifies me.” He drolls but picks up his feathered quill irregardless. You squeal in delight and hug him fiercely, managing to pull a smile out of him. They grab the liability agreement and run out the door already shouting for Levi to hurry up before Lucifer changes his mind. He chuckles leaning back in his chair. Fine, if they are happy… let it be on their head if it severs. Wait- could they regenerate from that? “Shit.”
He believes you. Not because he takes their word for it but the first night on duty as your caretaker you fall out of his balcony window.
One minute they are having a heated argument about his unwanted duties, him hovering over you while you lean up against the railing refusing to break eye contact. Next thing he knows the old stone gives and you both tumble.
He has wings and catches himself. You- not so much. He can still hear the sickening crunch of bone meeting stone when he lays awake at night. The first thing he worries about is how much trouble he would be in with Lucifer that he failed again. He's a blubbering mess over your body swearing he would do better if they would just get up. Whatever you want it’s theirs if you just open their eyes.
And of course, you do. He won’t admit to the scream that erupts from his mouth when you ask him to swear on that deal or they are going to Lucifer as soon as they can feel their legs. He agrees readily, glad his hide is saved for now.
When you two become closer he figures why not make some money off of this little quirk. Enter the troublesome duo of grifters.
You whimper, hamming it up for the terrified looking demon glazing between your broken leg and Mammon wiggling his ring heavy fingers at them. “Look what ya did to my human.” He tuts. “What, ya don’t look both ways when riding.” He kicks at the upended bike by his feet. The demon sputters swearing that they did and neither of them had been in the way.
“Mammon~” His human sniffles flashing him a teary eyed pout. To the other lesser demon it looked like a plea, but Mammon knew it was a warning that your leg would start mending soon.
“Who do you think is gonna pay for this?” He goes in for the kill waving his free arm down at his human’s prone form. “You want Lucifer or Diavolo ta hear about this? Ya know this human is special to us.” The demon blanches and shakes its head. Terrified it threw its wallet at the avatar of greed and bolted leaving their bike and bag behind. Waiting for the demon to be completely out of earshot Mammon turns with a dazzling smile. “Damn,” He whistles, helping his human back to their feet. Already the bone and skin had mended leaving only an ugly red stain on the fabric of their uniform. “I think you just moved up the ranks of my most favorite things. Gonna rival Goldie soon if this picks up...” He opens the wallet and pockets the handful of cash in it, tossing the worn fabric to the street floor.
“Hey.” Mammon looks down at you. You were now scowling eying his pant pocket. “Don’t forget your side of the bargain.” He chuckles raising his hands in defeat.
“Alright- Alright. One stupidly expensive ice cream coming up.” He can't hide his blush when you hug his arm close to your chest, excitedly leading him back to the main street.  
Oh like in that one anime???
But really, he is the first to take your word for it. Finds it kinda neat. Not that he is going to test it. Who would he have to play with if you were just yanking his chain?
He listens to absolutely spine chilling tales of your little “mishaps” as a child. But you brush off his concern. Don’t worry about it! Makes for great stories. To tell right?
Of course, when he sees it first hand he forgets for a moment that you would eventually feel better. He left his tank open one night to clean out some debris gunking up the water pump. Damn things get stalled so frequently now. He turns his back for a moment to get a tool and the next he smells human blood in the water!
He scoops you out of the water before whatever fiendish creatures he holds in his aquarium can take a bite and gets you to solid ground. He is panicking hardcore, he doesn’t feel a pulse. He sees that they smashed their head, blood pooling sluggishly down your temple. You must have slipped on the wet tank edge and hit their head.
Just when he is about to name another Henry in your honor you pop up spitting out whatever water that had gotten into their lungs. They flash him a knowing smirk at his red-rimmed eyes and joke that they have a killer headache.
Nurse Levi to the rescue!
Levi checks in on you again, leaning over the edge of his tank. “D-don’t you move a muscle!” He shouts down to you. Squinting he sees a hand emerging from the mound of pillows and blankets inside his tub-bed. you shoot him a quick thumbs up before turning your attention back to his giant flat screen. “You sure you don’t need Barbatos or some pain meds?” He frets. He was close to just giving up on the pump and coming to take care of his miraculously healed guest.
“Levi I’m fine! Not even sleepy.” Your muffled reply wafts up to him. You push down some of the blankets to give him a relaxed smile. “See not even a scar.” You show him the side of their head that had been cut. Sure enough, nothing was there but a smoothed patch of skin. It lessens some of his panic, but barely. He knew internal damage was still a thing to humans.
Finishing up quickly with the pump he slithers back down to your side sheepishly. He had apologized what felt like a thousand times, but he was ready to drop a couple thousand more if need be. His looming causes you to look up from the anime you were watching. The flashing blue and yellow lights illuminate their calm gaze. None of the panic he felt seemed to transfer to you. “Want to join me?” You pat at the covers. “Waters warm.” You chuckle at their own joke pulling the blue covers down and away to give him room to join them.
“I-if you’re sure.” He stammers wiping at his face to hide his flush. You nod, patting the empty side again. He joins you snuggling close, he runs a hand where a gruesome scar had been not even an hour again. You nuzzle in close. His slightly cool fingers felt great on your skin before turning back to the screen completely nonplussed.
What a weird human...
Much like Lucifer doesn’t believe you. He has never heard or read about humans being able to do that. Will not believe them and gets annoyed by the “fake” stories you kept insisting were real.
The fact that a single human has such a vividly morbid imagination fascinates him, but he won’t divulge in your little fantasy. There is only so much foolishness he can deal with.
He forgets about it after a while and you stop bringing it up. If he doesn’t believe you so be it, he’ll find out one day surely, you aren’t exactly the most careful with your body. When he does find out it about does him in.
He had warned them of climbing on his bookshelves. He doesn’t have them tethered down or stable. He doesn’t need them to be. His shelves would never even dare to topple on him. But this weak little human takes his room as a personal jungle gym, climbing up him and his things for a book. They could just ask but Devil’s forbid they did something halfway intelligent.
You hear him fretting through the fog coating your senses. His fingers shakily poking at your crushed abdomen and legs all bent akimbo clearing broken. “Don’t be dead-please don’t do this.” He hisses about ready to use magic to put you back together again. You pull your strength and grab his hand before he can interfere with your natural healing ability.
He starts, green eyes looking down relieved and amazed at you. “Don’t.” You croak, already feeling your lungs and rib cage healing. “I’m good.”  
“You’re good!” He shouts voice cracking in exasperation. “I’ve seen the aftermath of Beel’s feeding rampages that have looked better!” You snort pushing his hands away to rest up on your elbows. Eh- he wasn’t exactly wrong.
“I look like a chewed-up burger huh?” You joke laughing at his stunted and slightly disgusted look. “I’ll be ok, just help me up? My legs are always tingly after healing.” Wordlessly he follows your instructions amazed at how well you are handling all of this. Were you actually human? You stand on wobbly legs bending and popping your joints. You give yourself a quick check over “Tada!” You give him two very bloody thumbs ups once you see that you are back to normal. “It’s all good!”
He shakes his head bewildered. “I-if you say so.” Satan wrinkles his nose looking at the mess of your clothes and his room. “Go wash up. I’ll get you a new set of clothes and work on this mess.” You nod already heading to his slightly cleaning bathroom. His warm hand wraps around your wrist catching you mid stride. “Don’t tell anyone about this ok?” He pleads. If anyone knew that he had been so foolish, he would never live it down.
You nod miming zipping your lips. “Betcha believe me know huh?”
He rolls his eyes turning to the task at hand. “Don’t push your luck, or next time I’ll leave you under a shelf.”    
Believes you. You have never lied before so why do it now over something so trivial. Humans die all the time and if you say you can't then ok. He asks tons of questions about how you found out about this.
He doesn't like the stories you tell but doesn't find it off-putting how easily you talk about it. He's been around the block with mortals and they cope in all sorts of ways.
He cuddles you and coos over every story you tell then shoots off hundreds of compliments about your complexion. It's amazing how well your skin holds up to all the foolish actions of your past.
Even though he trusts you and your stories he still is super careful with you. You are not going to get hurt on his watch, absolutely not! Will patch you up if you need it all while gripping about your foolishness.
But accidents happen, and even the most watchful demon trips up sometimes.
Asmo tuts over you rubbing at the potion burning away at your flesh. "I told you the maroon bottle love." You hiss as the antiseptic hits muscle.
"Maroon and burgundy look the same, bite me!" He clicks his tongue and bites off the argument brewing within him. How can you not see how different the two colors are. You grouch some more while he works on getting the rest of his potion off your cheek. You had just wanted to use one of his acne toner, the one that smelled like cucumber and rose. He was preoccupied with his eyeliner but told you to just grab it from his shelf. He had a lot of bottles and a lot of them were definitely not for human use. 
You unfortunately just happened to pick one of them. The one you nabbed was a toner built for his stronger skin. It ate away at your cheeks and flesh of your palm on contact. It's burning and tingling making you yelp in surprise. Luckily for you, Asmo acted fast coming up from behind and knocking the toner-soaked cotton pad from your reddening fingers. He curses at you the whole way to his bathroom. Done with your right cheek and hand he nods in approval, seeing your flesh already knitting back together. "At least you have lovely bone structure. Ahhh~ I'm jealous!" He pokes a nail at the exposed bone of your cheekbone. The mending muscles and nerves almost growing over his nail before he could pull away. You quirk a brow.
"Want them? I'm pretty sure I could regrow my jawline before anybody would notice. " You shrug taking the washcloth from him to dap at your left cheek. Asmo laughs, it was a ridiculously tempting offer after all.
"Could you?" He taps at his own chin in thought. You glance back at him and sits on the toilet. In theory, you probably could. Hadn't happened...yet.  
"Ye- just give me a heads up first? And maybe some good booze to knock me out." You say only half-joking. Asmo nods eagerly, twirling a lock of soft tawny hair. He might take you up on the offer.  
He doesn't want to know and he never wants to find out. He just likes you too much to see you get hurt :(. It gets to the point where you cannot bring any past stories of incidents (no matter how funny you think they are). If a story comes out be prepared to be carried everywhere by this gentle giant. If you won't cease your foolishness then he will.
Though he probably should have heard a few of the stories. Mostly the ones about poisons and inedible things you use to eat. A lot of his world revolves around food and he loves to share it with you.
He never heard you complain about the foods he had you try with him. It wasn't until Simeon and Luke tagged along did he learn the awful truth that he had been poisoning you almost every time you two went out.  
Takes him forever to get out of his head about it. You are clearly fine and never brought it up because you just loved spending time bonding with him.
You find him in the ally behind the restaurant. His massive form curled in on itself from where he sat. "Why didn't you tell me?" He rumbles hearing you approach to stand next to him. "I could have killed you." You sit squat next to him resting your arms on your knees.
"I mean...if we are keeping count it would be dead about eight times over by this point." You meant it to be funny but he groans in anguish pulling at his hair. You grab his fists and pry them from his scalp. "Hey! Hey!" You pat his knuckles, eyes filled with concern. "I'm still here right, still kicking and eating all these awesome foods, don't worry. Please?"  You can tell your words do not calm him but he doesn't pull from your grasp either. "If you are curious, all the foods that would have done me dirty just gave me some bad cramps and gas for the evening. Nothing a tum and hot tea couldn't fix." You fill the air with useless chatter, all while stroking his knuckles.
You really wish that Luke hadn't said anything. Simeon had read the room, his neat brown brows raising in astonishment as you sank into the meal Beel bought for you. But he otherwise stayed silent tucking into his own meal without a fuss. You couldn't completely blame Luke though. He was young and just looking out for you. Though, he-well- both of you could have handled it better. With him screaming and you screaming, it was a recipe for disaster.
Beel rises a few minutes later rubbing at his burning eyes. "Are you sure you are ok?" He checks in with you once more. You nod perking up as you see him grunt in acceptance. "Just let me know next time you can't eat something."
"But it tastes good!" You pout. He frowns not budging from his spot until he sees you sigh in defeat and agree. No more purposely poisoning yourself just for munchies. "Fine-but you are just saying that to get extra portions."  
He finds out when he kills your dumbass for believing him. It totally harshed his vibe.
Here he was getting an amazing monologue, reveling in his eldest's brothers' anguish and look of anger from the prince. He was ready to give his final performance and hopefully wipe the floor with that red-headed bastard plans to "commingle"
He tossed your "lifeless" body from him, taking a sick amount of pleasure in the way your body flopped down the stairs. He notices how the other brothers seem completely unfazed by your corpse at their feet.
Huh? Perhaps they didn't understand the actions he did. Or maybe they truly have given into the demons they had become. He stops his tirade only when he watches Asmo bend down and poke at your cheek. He didn't look sad, just merely annoyed. Like you were taking too long to get up.
But that is impossible. You would never get up again... 
Mammon rolls his eyes at his youngest brother's actions. Honestly, he loved the little edge lord, but this was ridiculous. He had a racket to go check on. His hand drifts down slowly to his pocket. If he just angled it right he could probably check his phone without looking rude. He makes eye contact with Satan and jerks his head exasperatedly at Lucifer and Belphegor going at it. The blonde shakes his head and shrugs. Slowly he inches closer so Mammon can go on his phone without getting caught. Covering for Mammon Satan looks around the room feigning interest.
Beelzebub and Leviathan seemed mildly more attentive to what was going on than him. The latter of the two eating it up like an arch in an anime, while the former was trying desperately to placate his twin. Asmodeus on the other hand was having none of this. He plops down next to your body turning your head to face him. He checks you over quietly ignoring the storm exploding out of his elder brother and the rest of the gang. "Honestly darling," He strokes the bridge of your nose, feeling the bone and cartilage shifting back into place beneath his finger. "is this a good time to ask if I can have your jawline?" He sees the corner of your lips twitch.  He leans in and whispers in your ear. "How long are you going to play dead?"
"Am I boring you, brother?" Asmo glances up from his position over your head. Belphegor looks down at his face apoplectic with rage at being ignored. "And I see you on your phone Mammon!"
"Shove it! I got shit to do!"
Asmo gets to his feet dusting off his pants and ruffles. He shrugs up at Belphie who was doing a great interpretation of Lucifer when angry. He was so much like Lucifer it was scary sometimes. "Sorry honey! Just check on my bestie."
Belphie snorts making his way down to the first floor. "Just checking I killed-"
You pop up grunting loudly as your spine reconnects. "Help your bestie up?" You raise a hand for Asmo who happily takes it. You turn your back to a dumbfounded Belphie and Lucifer, both not understanding what just happened.
"About time." Mammon sighs pocketing his phone. "I got some idiots we can swindle out of some grimm."
"Oi!" Satan butts in cutting Mammon off. "You had your turn! I have some spells they said they would help me test out."
You grin, not fighting it as the two tug at you like a toy between toddlers.
"Enough!" The two jump away from you at Lucifer's roar. You squeak in surprise when a firm leather-gloved hand spins you around so you could stand face to face with a fully shifted Lucifer. "You!" He runs his hands over you in disbelief. "How..." Your first conversation with him comes back to mind.
I can't die so try to threaten me with something else next time K?
"Would someone tell me WHAT is going on and why they are still breathing!" Belphie pushes through to you and Lucifer.
Beel grabs him up before he could get his claws into you again, stroking his dark hair like you would an angry cat. "It's a long story..."
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Midnight Pleasures:
Pairing(s): Hinata x reader
What: smut
Warning(s): 18+, minors DO NOT INTERACT FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, out of character Hinata, a LOT of cussing, me forgetting what the collab was about and having to smash it in the fanfiction in one sentence Because that’s cool
A/N: this is a rich boy collab with @bakugohoex
Word Count: 3,416
Page count: 9.7
y/n = your name
y/f/c = your favorite color
Summery: Hinata is a sub and y/n sucks him off
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You weren’t a strange type of person! You weren’t strange at all! In fact, you would say that you where absolutely totally normal. But some people beg to differ.
They say how you will never get a man looking like that, or that you will never get far in life. Or how it was out of hand to want nothing to do with what people where talking about. It wasn’t your fault that you had literally no clue what was going on around you. You had no clue at all! You where like a lost puppy dog fleeing from it’s owner only to realize that the outside world was so much more curt and disgusting.
You didn’t have a lot to say to anybody in school, if you had anything to say you usually shut your mouth. Knowing the school they would probably just discard you as trash or a simp for somebody.
You hated that word
“HEY HINATA!!!” You looked up from your book to see one of your classmates, Hinata, swivel his head away from a TV screen. The screen was playing a volleyball game, but the person holding the remote quickly changed it back to professional ice skating. You looked up and glued your eyes to the screen, watching at each player skated with ease and smoothness. You ice skated also, and got pretty well known in ice skating, but you never thought twice about it. Once you where on the rink, your feet just got the best of you and you skated with little to no thoughts running through your head. The thoughts that usually hammered at your skull and then got almost infused in your brain stopped. Simply because you where ice skating. You loved the feeling of your skated skimming against the ice and the cheers of murmurs from the crowd.
“Y/n…aren’t you coming?” Hinata inquired, you looked up and saw the orange-haired boy stand in front of you. His arms reached out.
You had never been invited to something, especially someone by someone who is as well wealthy as Hinata. You smiled softly and accepted the hand that Hinata gave you.
It had been a rough year in high school for you, and you didn’t even want to go back to middle school drama. So you hoped that college would bring something out in you. Would bring you hope and fulfill your dreams that you had. To not only be the girl who ice skates but the girl who does something. The girl who never gives up, the girl who stands up for people, the girl who—
your thought where rudely cut off by Tanaka, a old friend of yours ramming his head into your chest. You fell back with a Yelp and rubbed your head slightly.
“God fucking dammit Tanaka! Would you leave her alone?!” Hinata spat at Tanaka, the bald male looked taken aback. When he was in high school he didn’t even cuss once (ok well maybe once or twice, but it was very rare for the boy to cuss).
“What are you? Her boyfriend?!” Tanaka challenged, you picked yourself up and began to open your mouth to argue but Hinata again interrupted you.
”So what if I am?!?! What’s it to you, Got a little crush on my girl?” Hinata countered, his brown oak eyes narrowed.
“Why don’t we all just calm down?” You suggested, placing a gentle hand between the two arguing boys. Of course they didn’t listen to you but instead kept on arguing. “WOULD YOU TWO JUST STOP IT?!” You screeched pushing both of them in the opposite direction.
Bout boys stared at you with wide eyes before Hinata awkwardly coughed to break some tension.
”Fuck off.” You sneered at Tanaka, suddenly feeling a overwhelming protection over the orange-haired boy. You wrapped gently hands around Hinata and dragged him away from Tanaka.
“Wow that was amazing y/n-Chan!” Hinata said in pure awe, you shrugged your shoulder and stared ahead. Not making eye contact with the male.
“It’s nothing, really,” you responded. “And also what the hell was that girlfriend thing about?!” You added, Hinata’s face blew up in a blushing mess before he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the ice rink. Since the college that you went to was known for ice skating a lot of business owners thought it was wise to build a bunch of skating rinks around campus (and they where right to think that).
Once the two do you got to the skating rink Hinata sucked in a breath and pulled out a silver necklace that had a one skate on it. You furrowed your brow in confusion, looking at the silver necklace and looking at Hinata and back at the necklace.
“Don’t worry, you can take it!” Hinata reassured, placing the necklace in your hands. You gasped in shock as you stared at it more closely. Beautiful diamonds laid it on the skate. You put on the necklace, and smiled at Hinata.
“Thank you Hinata!” You exclaimed before hesitating. “But…why did you get me this? I am just a girl that goes to your college…” You asked.
”I admire you…” Hinata confessed before seeing your confused expression and continuing on. “I admire that you have a lot to say yet still keep a pocket face, some people may see that as a weakness but I don’t think it is…” You stared wide eyes at Hinata before tears started to prickle at the corners of your eyes.
“I love you…” you said as you higher Hinata tightly. Hinata hesitated before hugging you back. Curling up into the male of your neck and whispering.
”I love you too princess…”
That was how Hinata confessed to you, it had felt right for you. It had felt like the stars aligned perfectly.
You laid on the couch, relaxed and in a comfortable position where anything can happen. You where watching this new anime called Demon Slayer that Kiyoka recommend to you. Saying something along the lines of his hot the guys where. Honestly, you didn’t get the hype, but it was pretty entertaining and you didn’t have anything else better to do then to study and actually get work done so why the hell not? Little did you know a little short orange was about to attack you. That little short orange going by the name of Shoyo Hinata. He was annoying as fuck and you didn’t want him around. “BOO!” Hinata screamed on the top of his lungs, you jumped in fear and pulled out your knife and got ready to stab somebody. Your breath coming out in short puffs as you stared at the chocolate eyed boy.
“You shit head! I was at a scary scene!” You hissed, slapping Hinata on the back of his head like Tanaka’s Mom did to him from time-to-time when the team was over at the angry males house.
“Sorryyy!” Hinata wined, rubbing his head slightly as he mumbled some cussing under his breath. You rolled your y/e/c eyes before staring at the blonde again.
“What do you want?” You asked, annoyance filling your voice and clicking your judgement slightly. The screams of Tanjiro still ringing from the TV.
“Well I had this ADHD burst of energy and I will want to bake a cake but I can’t do it alone because if I do it alone then I will make a mess and then I will clean it up and then I will start cleaning and then—“ Hinata kept on rambling about this whole chain of effects that would happen if you didn’t bake with him. You rolled your eyes and stared him straight in his bright electric brown eyes. You paused for a moment, thinking of ways to shut the male up. An idea popped in your head as you smirked and grabbed the back of Hinata’s neck and drawing him towards your lips. Leaning in closer and kissing his slightly puffy lips. He was wearing the same cherry chapstick that you commented that smelled good before you noticed that Hinata liked you. You always guessed that this was a way for Hinata to get you to notice him. The fight for dominance went on for a few minutes before you took over and pushed him on his back against the couch. The boy gasped between the kiss, his eyes started to water a little at the sudden reaction. Before things to get out of hand you broke the kiss and smiled at Hinata. Keeping a poker face on as you pulled away and swiped away the drool that was connected the two of your mouth’s. You giggled a little, a cocky smile dragging across your face.
“Shut up…” You leaned in and whispered into Hinata’s ear, biting his ear lobe a little and giggling a little as Hinata choked back a moan that was forcing it’s way up his throat.
“Y-yes ma’am…” Hinata whimpered submissively, his lip quivering slightly as you let go of his ear and going towards the dorm room kitchen. Hinata followed you like a lost puppy dog, he would be a good little puppy. You chuckled slightly at the joke that you made up in your head.
“What type of cake do you want to bake?” You prompted, getting the pantry open and seeing what cake mixes you guy’s had and if you needed to go get in a car and drive to the gas ration at this God forbidden hour.
“Oooh chocolate!” Hinata cheered, a childish smile plastered across his face as he bounced up and down. You chuckled and looked across the pantry to see if you guy’s had any chocolate.
“Well,” you started to say, smacking you lips and staring at the pantry with a disappointment look on your face. “Crap.”
”We don’t have any chocolate cake mix.”
You closed the pantry door and went towards your dorm room to grabs out jacket and skateboard. “Wait dude, did you customize your skateboard?” Hinata asked in awe as he stared at your My Hero Acadmia inspired skateboard that had Deku painted on it. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and fully pulled on a y/f/c hoodie.
“Yeah, I started customizing skateboard’s.” You answered Hinata’s question fully and explained it. A smile on your face as you glanced back at the dark-orange haired male as he ran to grab his yellow hoodie and skateboard. His skate board looked plainer then yours but that is probably because he used it more then you did. You smiled brightly at Hinata before going outside of the dorms. Hinata spoked followed and the two of you started skating down the street.
”We should do this more!” Hinata exclaimed, a playful smirk on his face as he started to do more tricks on the skateboard. You laughed at Hinata and started video him for a tiktok. The tiktok was of him singing the lyrics of Alien Boy and having a blast of his time.
“You’re such a dork…” You scoffed as you stopped recording the tiktok and editing it. Not even having to look up to know the way where the gas station was.
“Can you send me the tiktok?” Hinata requested, you looked at him and gave him a ‘are you serious?’ Look before agreeing with a nod of your head and sending the tiktok to him the moment you posted it. You guy’s started to skate more, trying to impress the other by doing some more tricks. But soon, you got to the gas station and stopped the both of your skateboards and set hem down on the outside red brick wall. You and Hinata imminently went to the candy section and got some chocolate box cake along with some different flavors of monster. You bought for everything.
“Did you get everything you where looking for?” The cashier asked, looking at the two of you and smiling tiredly.
”Yeah we did, thanks!” You chirped, getting out your card and paying for the stuff. Hinata grabbed the monster and opened it up as you guy’s grabbed the skateboard the started heading out the front door. Laughing at dumb jokes that you guys cracked with each other.
Hinata and you started following the directions, baking the cake and putting it in the oven and setting the timer for a hour. “There!” You declared, pumping your fist up in the air. Luckily you guy’s could be as loud as you wanted due to the fact that it is Spring Break and everyone went to there parents house. Well everyone but you and Hinata. Your parents never wanted you to begin with, from the very start, they made it very clear that they didn’t want you. So why would you want to got there? Of course the team knows this. The plan was that everyone in the team (and some nekoma people) was going to stay so you won’t have to to alone in the dorms but everyone seemed to have plans.
Some model had a book signing contest so Kuroo just had to go catch up on that, he seemed to be very upset to at he left you and promised that he would call you every night and FaceTime you for hours upon hours. Well, you checked your phone every second it seemed for the past two days and still no sign of Kuroo.
Suga’s parents got into a fight and they got a divorce so Suga had to go home for that. He didn’t seem to sad or caught up about it, although, you swore to yourself that you heard sobs coming from Suga’s dorm room after he told you over text that he couldn’t stay. So far he has texted you every once and a while and checked on you, made sure you where taking care of yourself.
Kiyoka was going to a party and didn’t really seem to care that she was leaving you alone. Not that she was petty or anything she just never seemed to mind if she dropped her plans when they involved you. She gave you a couple of drunk text but nothing more and nothing less.
Tanaka didn’t talk to you about the thing, he said he would be there for you but he left you alone so you didn’t know where he was. Although, from what his Instagram story told you, he has in Disney with his family and having the time of his life.
Yachi got her first new hit for a album of her song covers and needed to leave you. It was very emotional and you could tell that she didn’t want to leave you alone but she had to since her family was struggling and she wanted to make them proud.
But Hinata stayed with you, the whole time, there was not a time that you thought ‘oh, Hinata isn’t going to be there for me’ or ‘oh, I can’t count on Hinata to be here’ because he always was and he always will be right by your side. Ever since the two of you where kids and Hinata got his first volleyball, you still remember that day, he went to hug his best friend but but the friend didn’t want a hug because the kid claimed volleyball was for kids. He cried for hours and hours in class and (from what you heard) in his own home. Refusing to hug anybody until he got into middle school and you came along. You guys had known each other due to your parents working together in the same hero agency but you never started building a friendship until middle school. A lot of people say that relationships end in middle school but I reality. That is when Hinata and yours started to bloom.
“Remember when you first got your volleyball?” You popped up, laughing a little as the tips of Hinata’s ears turned a flush red.
“HEY I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT!” Hinata pouted, crossing his arms and trying to be mad at you.
“Oh ok…I am sorry…” You whispered in a pretend hurt voice, knowing full well that Hinata will come crawling back to you once you had the slight hurt tone in your voice.
“Wait no! Baby!! Come here!!” Hinata exclaimed, wrapping you in a warm hug, you burst into laughter and hugged Hinata back. Feeling bad for the brown eyed male for the millionth time in your life (no but like seriously, how did this man get you to feel bad about everything?)
“Its fine Hinata.” You reassured the worried man with some pats on the head and a kiss on the forehead. Hinata smiled innocently at you before pushing you against the couch. “Oof!” You gasped as you felt he fabric press against your back. Hinata smirked in accomplishment.
“GOT YOU!” Hinata declared proudly, trying to pin you down on your back. You cocked your left brow up slightly upwards and flipped you and Hinata over so you where on top and he was on bottom. Hinata whined and bit his lip, eyes looking at you in a pleading sort of way. You smirked seductively and leaned down to kiss Hinata. Your lips crashing with his, biting the male’s slightly pink lips to ask for entrance (which he obeyed instantly). You slipped your tongue into the wet cavern of Hinata’s mouth and started exploring every inch of it and sucking on his tongue a little bit. Hinata moaned into the kiss and started grinding his body against your pants and whining like a submissive bitch. You chuckled darkly and brought your hand to mess with his hair before yanking his hair and making him break the kiss. A string of saliva connected your two mouths and you just swiped it off and shoved your fingers inside of Hinata. Smiling slightly as he gagged.
“Want me to suck your dick slut?” Your horse whisper sounded in Hinata’s ear as you bite his ear lobe and tugged on it slightly. Hinata nodded his head ‘yes’ before letting out a string of moans. You smirked in accomplishment of breaking the presumably top male who flirted with all the girls at school. You pulled down Hinata’s sweatpants and boxers in one Swift motion all while keeping eye contact with him. Going down on your knee’s you opened your mouth and started sucking Hinata off. Your tongue swirling around his head as you slowly started going deeper and deeper until you felt it go to the back of your throat. Once you felt that your head bobbed up and down, Hinata moaned loudly and threw his head back in pure pleasure. Mumbling out praises and barely forming a sentence. You smiled to yourself as you reached down and started rubbing circles along your clit, you tongue almost lolling out to the side of Hinata’s dick at the pleasure of hitting the sweet spot.
“You’re such a girl girl yeah you suck my dick yeah you suck that dick so well yeah you do…” Hinata managed to say before moaning loudly again at the sight of you touching your self and sucking him off. He is in complete heaven. You felt Hinata’s thighs tense up around your head and you stared up at him. Expecting him to say something. “I’m gonna cum…!” Hinata mumbled out before moaning again and letting his sex face out. You moaned around Hinata’s dick and that caused both of you to cum at the same time. You guy’s where a panting mess on the floor. Hinata had his legs spread wide and your head was all fuzzy and not cleared out with good thoughts. You guy’s stood there, a few comfortable in the air as both of you where a shaking mess. Soon, you got up and carried Hinata to the other corner of the couch and grabbed a large fluffy gray blanket along with some large pillows. On nights like these, Hinata liked it if you took charge in the aftercare stuff. Not even letting you two get changed until the morning. You smiled warmly at the goofy male who laid there on the couch, almost fast asleep, while you played Death Note (he says it is to scary so you like watching it when he is asleep or cuddling with you).
“Hey baby?”
”What’s up orange?”
“Did we ever get that cake out of the oven?”
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
Eight Second Ride
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Part Three-
(Part Two)
“So you are telling me-“ Aedion scowls from the other side of her bed, “you ditched me for a sweaty bull rider and didn’t even last an hour into the date?”
Aelin shoves a spoonful of cookies and cream ice cream into her mouth and sniffles. “That’s all you got from my story?”
He slings an arm over Aelin’s shoulders and she lays her head on his chest gratefully. She’d caught an Uber back to her apartment where Aedion was already camped out waiting for her.
One look at her mascara smeared face, and he’d made a pillow fort on her bed. Complete with ice cream and “Little Women” playing on his phone.
“No, I got the whole chauvinistic asshole, bit.” Aedion stabs his spoon into the container and breaks up a particularly large piece of Oreo. “I just decided to focus on the part that doesn’t make me want to leave you hear and go and kill him right now.”
“I thought cowboys were supposed to be classy.” Aelin watched Jo play with her sisters in their attic on Aedion’s tiny screen. “Take city girls into the country to ride a horse and show them a bigger purpose in life, kind of shit.”
“Hallmark is such a liar.” Aedion huffs and squeezes her shoulder a little tighter. “I’m sorry, Lin. I know going out tonight was a big step for you. It’s a shame he acted the way he did.”
It was rare Aelin acted on a whim these days. Not like she used to do when she was in high school. She felt a pull to go with Rowan, but her gut had led her into a situation that could have gone south very quickly.
It’s a hard thing when you can’t trust yourself.
“No. I shouldn’t have gone. Especially not alone.” Aelin’s feels her thoughts drifting. Creeping towards that iron box of memories she keeps locked tight. “It’s my mistake.”
The fervor in Aedion’s voice draws her attention up to his face, and Aelin is jarred by the intensity of his expression. “Aedion-“
“It’s not your fault.” His voice is gravely, and his blue eyes flicker like the heart of a flame. “I don’t give a shit what that bastard thought you accepting his invitation meant. You don’t owe him sex because he buys you a drink.”
“Aedion-“ Aelin tries to interrupt again. A new wave of tears burns her eyes, but Aedion is on a roll and he isn’t going to quite down until he gets out what’s on his mind.
“You don’t deserve to be treated like an object that can be bought.” Aelin can’t look him in the eyes any longer, but a calloused hand guides her face to the crook of his neck.
“His friends are shitty. He should have made them shut up. Ogling you, and making you feel unsafe and uncomfortable aren’t funny jokes.” Aedion goes on as Aelin sniffles into his shirt.
“You deserve respect. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing, what he buys you, or what his expectations are. His behavior isn’t your fault.” Aedion whispers against the top of her head.
Aelin wraps the arm that isn’t squished under her, around his waist. “I love you, Brother Wolf.”
“I love you too, Fireheart.” Aedion kisses her forehead and tugs her closer, the old terms of endearment are exchanged between them with ease.
“I know you are still dealing with everything that happened a couple years ago. I’m happy to remind you how worth it you are whenever you need.”
Aedion was an island of safety in the turbulent ocean of her life. Even when Aelin was small, she’d often go to him before her own parents with her problems. He was steady, and calm. The exact opposite of her own personality.
After the incident, he hadn’t rested until she was safely at his side again. Aedion stood by her faithfully as she picked up the broken pieces of her life and held her hand as she tried to make something new from them.
“How come you already had this movie downloaded onto your phone?” Aelin teased lightly, trying to lighten the mood. “Did you suddenly develop a sense of taste?”
Aedion purses his lips. “Lysandra said this movie is, and I quote, the most accurate depiction of the female experience.” He shakes his head. “I’ve tried to watch it three times, and I still can’t figure out what it’s even about.”
“You are a simple minded creature, cousin.” Aelin grabs her spoon and scoops a melty bite of ice cream into her mouth. “Thank you for coming over.”
“Anytime, Lin.” He leans his cheek on her head as the scene on his phone shifts from the cooler grey tones of the present, back to the warm colors that represented better days. “Anytime.”
The day started off better than she expected.
Aedion was gone when she woke up- he had to rise at an ungodly hour to make it to the fire station on time.
Yet, he set her alarm clock for her so Aelin woke up in time to get ready for work. He’d also set a glass of water and an Advil tablet on her bedside table to curb the headache she was sure to have from crying.
Aelin made it out the door with enough time to stop and get coffee on the way. She even splurged and got a chocolate hazelnut Frappuccino with enough sugar to smooth her wounded feelings.
It was going so well, Aelin should have known it was the universe winding up to screw her.
It was only a couple hours before she closed shop when Lorcan Salvaterre stepped through her front door.
“Holy shit, it’s you.” Were the first words from his mouth. His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Rowan is going to flip when I tell him I actually found you.”
“What are you doing here?” Aelin’s slammed a stack of books on the counter.
Lorcan looked pensive. “Rowan said you mentioned owning a book store-“ he drags a hand through his dark hair. “I felt like I ruined his chance with you, so I thought I maybe if I apologized-“
“Let me stop you there,” Aelin didn’t bother looking at him as she labeled books and organized them into stacks. “You didn’t ruin anything, you didn’t help, but he screwed up all by himself.”’
“He realizes that,” Lorcan quickly defends, his voice gruff with irritation. “If I can give him your number I’m sure he will grovel for himself.”
Aelin rolls her eyes and slides another stack to the end of the counter. “You don’t get it.”
“Get what?” She can tell he’s losing his patience with her. Lorcan’s remorse only went so far, apparently.
Aedion’s words from earlier rang in her ears as she repeated them back to the man. “He was overbearing the entire time. Had double standard opinions about my life, and disrespected my boundaries.”
Aelin watched as Lorcan shifted on his feet, itching to say something but obviously refraining. Measuring his words carefully he looked her dead in the eye. “Look. He was just trying to impress you. Rowan doesn’t go out often. Don’t you think you are blowing this a little out of proportion?”
Red. Aelin saw red. Tasted it. Like iron in her mouth. Or maybe that was just the blood from biting her tongue so hard. “I’m working right now. You don’t strike me as extremely literate, but I have to ask for you to either buy something or leave.”
Lorcan glowered at her. “Fine.” He turns to walk out, but Aelin hears him call her a bitch under his breath.
Just then, Elide walks inside the shop doors. A backpack slung over her shoulder, finished with her classes at Rifthold U and prepared to work the evening shift with her.
Aelin is relieved for the interruption and about to take full advantage of it, when the small, brown-haired girl catches sight of Lorcan and beams like a rutting lighthouse.
“Lorcan! I didn’t know you were coming into my work, what a surprise.”
Elide. One of her best friends, runs up to the six-two tower of misogynistic cow boys and flings her arms around him. Hugs him.
Ellie she recalls the name being thrown out last night. She hadn’t put two and two together. Ellie was a common name. Of all the people in this city it had to be Elide, Aelin mentally bemoans.
She wonders if Elide knew how her cowboy behaved when she wasn’t around.
It doesn’t matter. Lorcan is all too aware of Aelin’s eyes boring into his skin, and knows he needs to make a quick get away.
“Ellie,” Lorcan pulls away from her. “I just had to see this book shop you are always talking about.”
He kisses her head, and looks at her with feigned remorsefulness. “I must have gotten your shifts mixed up in my head, though. I’m afraid I have to go. We booked a training time for six and I need to brush down Nettie before we start.”
“Oh,” Elide says, a look of genuine disappointment on her face. “That’s fine. Are we still on for a movie tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he promises. He pecks her one more time on the lips and tips his chin towards Aelin. Anger still bubbling in his eyes. “Good day, ma’am.”
Aelin releases a breath when the doors close behind him.
“I’m so sad I missed him.” Elide frowns, tossing her back pack behind the counter. “At least you got to meet him. What did you think? He’s absolutely dreamy, right?”
Aelin chokes back a gag. “Yeah. He was really charming.”
“And get this,” Elide smiles. “He’s a cowboy. Like an actual, real life cowboy. He rides pulls and does team roping. It’s sexy.”
Aelin can’t hide the grimace this time. “You are like my baby sister. I never want to hear the words sexy from your mouth again.”
At least, never in the context of Lorcan. They’d had plenty of boy talk before.
“He even carries a rope.” Elide wags an eyebrow. “Better to tie me up when we-“
Aelin holds a book over her face. “I’m not listening to this! I will file a report with HR.”
Elide laughs. “You are the boss, Lin. You know we don’t have an HR.”
“I need to get one now,” Aelin grumbles. “I don’t need an image of yours and Lorcan’s naked asses in my head.”
She wanted Lorcan out of her head entirely. Along with Rowan and the rest of their cadre.
“Fine,” Elide sighs wistfully. “One day you will be in love and I won’t hold it against you when you want to talk about whatever babe you wind up with.”
Her eyes get a mischievous glint. “Actually- Lorcan has some really cute friends. I could set you up with?”
Aelin’s brain banks. “No. No thank you. I like being alone. I’m more than enough company for myself.”
“Come on, a double date would be fun!” Elide whines and tugs on her arm. “You never go out any more. We could have a great night out.”
An image of the twins cutting lines on the bar flash across her mind and make her shudder.
“I said no, Elide.” Aelin says a bit more harshly then she intends, but Elide gets the point and backs off.
“Sorry. I won’t mention it again.” Instead of anger she looks at Aelin worriedly.
She kind of hates that more.
“Thanks.” She shakes her head and tries to clear the residual stress from her head. “I have to set up a new shelf display. Want to help?”
Elide lights back up at the prospect. She loved designing and organizing. They have a great time setting displays up together and Aelin knew it would take her mind away from the tension she’d created.
She just really hoped that Elide dating Lorcan wouldn’t drag any drama into her own life. Aelin didn’t care what half asses excuses Lorcan made, she wasn’t interested in seeing Rowan again.
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Hello! I’m so glad I got this posted today. 😂 I’m hoping to get the next chapter of DRNS out tomorrow. After that, my birthday is next Tuesday and I reaaallly want to do a mass update of all my fics then as a hooray to 21. (Yes. That is what I’m doing for my 21st 🤣) Hope you enjoyed it!
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
Hi! Can I do a request for Nishinoya? Like he always compares his S/o to kiyoko even if he doesn’t mean to. It’s a low key toxic relationship cause he still looks at kiyoko with so much love and admiration, way more that how he looks at his s/o. Could it possibly end in them breaking up and her dating someone else who treats her right? Suga if you don’t mind👉👈. This low key sucks so feel free to ignore sorry.
nishinoya toxic relationship -> sugawara healthy relationship
“y/n, did you see how kiyoko styled her hair today??” noya rushes over to you with his books in his hand 
you let out a sad sigh, tired of hearing about your boyfriend talk about another girl for the 8th time this week, “no...i haven’t seen her and i don’t want to” 
nishinoya chuckles, “why wouldn’t you want to see her? she’s a goddess”
“....and what about me?” 
“you’re pretty cool too, i guess” he says as his head lowers to avoid eye contact. you feel a sharp stab in your heart...does he even like me? just as you thought things couldn’t get worse, you see kiyoko’s figure ahead in the hallway 
you see your boyfriend’s eyes light up as his footsteps rumble in the hallways, “kiyoko, let me help you carry your books !!” 
...noya has never offered to carry anything of yours...
ever since noya first asked you out, you knew he didn’t love you like the way he loved him. but you didn’t know how to get yourself out of the relationship. all of your friends have already told you many times to breakup, and the thought finally started to occur in your head. i shouldn’t waste my efforts on someone who’s not going to try
that evening, you send him a “nishinoya, our relationship isn’t working out. i don’t want to be part of it anymore” ...you didn’t want to breakup over text, but you just couldn’t face him. hot tears run down your face before you can stop them. is this what heartbreak feels like? you didn’t want to know. 
nishinoya replied back and said he was comfortable with whatever you chose. the two of you never spoke again. it only took him three days to transform back into cheerful and lively nishinoya. 
it’s been three weeks for you and you still don’t feel the same. your friends stopped talking to you as much. they no longer asked, “hey y/n, wanna go grab a snack together?” it turned to, “sorry y/n, we’re busy” you could do nothing but watch everything good in your life turn upside down. 
you lost feeling. you didn’t even know how to describe the hollow feeling inside of you. but you looked up to one thing every day, when sugawara would stop by at your classroom to ask how you were doing before going to practice. 
now that you thought about it...sugawara had always been caring towards you. when the other team members laughed, he’d say, “it’s alright y/n, they’re only laughing because they like you, i promise”
“sugawara, do you think you can walk me home today? i felt like someone was following me yesterday so i stayed inside a store for three hours before my mom came to pick me up....” 
suga’s eyes widen, “y/n, of course. stayed for three hours?? that’s no fun... c’mon i’ll make sure you get home safe... and sound” ;) 
after a bit of time, noya realized his mistakes. he knew it was his fault for asking you out when he clearly likes someone else. he invited to you a cafe and the two of you talked about the past. when noya asked about your relationship with sugawara, you felt tense... does he..hate me for dating one of his teammates?
“it’s okay y/n, you deserve to be happy. sugawara deserves to be happy. i’m happy for you” he says as he gives you a small smile  
you heart felt light for the first time in months 
“sugawara, you could’ve told me to bring more snacks...” your eyes slowly begin to take in the beautiful sight in front of you. your boyfriend had prepared a stay-at-home movie date with you. he had popcorn, cookies, sandwiches, chocolates, potato chips, and even a tub of your favorite ice cream. not to mention the pillow fort with fluffy blankets
all he told you to bring was a bag of popcorn, so you did...but you were not expecting ...this
sugawara gives you a quick peck on the head and a squeeze on your shoulder, “don’t worry love, it makes me happy seeing you happy”
you smile as you plop yourself down on the mountain of blankets. your boyfriend laughs as he begins to wrap your body in the blankets like a burrito, “i should call you my little burrito” 
after a small discussion over what movie to watch, you rest your head on sugawara’s shoulder as he tips over to the his side a bit so you can get comfortable. he nuzzles his nose on the top of your head and gives you three quick kisses :)
you feel your heart squeeze as his sweet gesture. you’re sitting so close to him that you can feel his body warmth shield you. 
you look up at his beautiful face and he smiles, “y/n, i’m not the movie, turn your head back to the screen” 
“but i love you” 
“i love you even more” 
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dorki-c · 4 years
Fuck him up (if he hurts you)
Characters: Dabi, Fem.(Reader), Toga, Mr. Compress, Giran
Relationship: Dabi and (Reader)
A/N: Hey! I’m finally done with this one! Whoop! Whoop! It took a little while but I’m glad its done because to be honest...I really enjoyed writing this, but, I have other things that require my attention. Also! Happy belated bday Dabi!
TW: Threatening, Swearing and Cheating
Does anybody know the stages of getting over your cheating significant other?
It all starts out with denial- how bittersweet that filthy fucking word is-, although it doesn’t last long, when once you managed to eat at least five tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream whilst watching the last show of some shitty soap opera, the next stage comes to bite your ass, anger- also known as throwing or burning your exe’s belongings that they left; however, I prefer burning it (they won’t be able to sell it if they come back).
Once those first two (rather tough) stages fly pass, this third one was like hitting the jackpot for me, but probably not for you, as the mental gamble caused lots of sexually frustrated people to bargain- to play the dice, you shall, but even gamblers don’t use the ‘third time is the charm’ as its utter bullshit- and then--!
At last, when the cleaning crew arrived, and you managed to accept- with the sunshine glowing down on your skin after four long stages of shit- with the fresh thought of buying a couple dresses that you saw on sale from that one adorable itty bitty corner shop.
But I’m not like that.
And here’s why in (you guessed it) 5 stages.
1. Discovery.
Rolling their shoulders backwards, a blanket fell backwards as a tall silhouette ghosted from the bedroom door that they left open.
When the bathroom light blinked to life, (y/n) faintly heard the screeching of the door shut on itself. Though, she knew her beloved boyfriend had to go to ‘work’, what she didn’t know was who made his phone ping at 7:15 in the morning.
Scooting over to the opposite side of the bed, blankets stuck to sweat-ridden skin as they coiled around her legs similarly to a snake and ensnared them to stay stuck and stationary. The plush pillows tried to lull her back to sleep. However, (y/n) wasn’t having any of it.
Reaching out to grab Dabi’s phone- even if he didn’t give you permission- the time was as you predicted, though the contents of his notifications bleeping up was something you didn’t predict. The background of his lock screen was something to behold as it was a picture of your concentrated form doodling in a sketchbook whilst a pale white cup stood beside two fresh slices of cake.
Shakily revealing the messaging app, there was around four or five unknown contacts, all listed under the people’s numbers.
Though one of them caught your eye.
Opening the chatroom, your free hand clutched the blankets.
Dabi is going to regret making you break the way you did that morning.
(He has no choice in doing so.)
2. Kicking the asshole out.
“Toga…?  C-can you come over, please.”
The TV presented the small-town news that had little to no intervention though that didn’t mould the female into a wish less mess where a gentle hand went to work and smooth out ensnared knots. “Are you okay now, (y/n)-chan?” You never heard Toga murmur before, but that’s the perks of being alive now.
(Y/n) released the trembling bubble of air out of her lungs and into the atmosphere, readying herself for that front door to open. Shaking your head to respond to Toga’s question, a small huff was released out of the other female’s chest.
The blonde female knew why you still weren’t okay.
Whoever walks through that door will have a profound effect on whatever will happen to (y/n).
However, with the slight nudge of her friend’s hand pinching the side of her sensitive waist, a yelp was released in surprise whereas the blonde villain giggled at the reaction. “Your so easy to scare, (y/n)-chan!” Toga loved to tease you, but in this time frame it wasn’t to make you feel uncomfortable but rather the opposite.
She wanted to make your thunder stricken heart rumble with rage in an unknown and bizarre way- but to also remind that you weren’t alone-, though, you had this bubbly and extra crazy best friend who brought over too many sweets for your stomach to handle alongside the annoyance that you hadn’t noticed Dabi’s strange and desolate nature.
As Toga picked up another opened bag of candy (I think they were ‘eclairs’), unwrapped the golden covering as the crinkling plastic fumbled like sparks dancing across the fingers in a tantalising rhythm. In an attempt to grab the bag, Toga was about to throw it across the room so you could get off her because, and I quote “You’re killing me with your weight!”, how lovely that compliment is for somebody who’s blood is like a glacier falling apart after a storm chipped the exterior and revealed the icy truth underneath.
And may God cover their eyes, as that chilling sharp edge at the tip of the glacier crumbles under Mother Nature’s will (so does the female when the familiar screech of the door revealing whoever is walking through reaches her ears).
Sluggishly dripping back onto the couch where at least three of the seven stocked up with fluff blankets- wrapped around drooped shoulders- had slid onto the floor, Toga made an effort to pick them up and stuff (piling) them next to the drowsy (y/n).
“I’m home, dollface!” A familiar voice hollered.
When both of the female’s heard that voice, there was no turning back to the past.
(Y/n) glanced to a duffel bag next to the couch, then glanced towards the teenager’s sinking rage as the blonde’s lips started to slip into a scowl.
A step almost turned into two, however, was held back by the puffy eyed female. “C-c-can I handle this…please?” They whimpered.
Toga really needs to gain a resistance to (y/n) cuteness when she’s sad.
Grabbing the duffel bag, two slippers shuffled (real smooth) around the couch to enter the hallway that led to the front door. Exactly where Dabi was about to take off his shoes.
“I recommend not taking your shoes off.” The pair of blue eyes looked up in confusion. “What? So, I can’t take off my own shoes in our home?” It sounded like a tease, but what if there was another meaning behind it?
Dabi, however, knew that familiar look of sharp-edges eyes where the glossy swirling of a singular emotion led to- and his teasing didn’t make the situation, he’s found himself in, any more light-hearted.
“This isn’t your home anymore,” Hissed (y/n), where (the fuck) did she get that attitude from?
“Who told you that you can throw me o—” The heavy duffel bag clutched in (y/n) clammy hands thud against Dabi’s chest, where his feet slid against the front door’s matt- his legs trembled at the impact the bag had on his chest- along with the rising cough that caught up to him after fleeing from a hero.
“Nobody—told me what to do.” Another sniff ensued, “But, I figured out the truth.” An eyebrow twitched upwards in anticipation as his hand bawled against his hip.
“Then tell me, what’s this big ass ‘truth’ you figured out?” Retorted the male with turquoise eyes watching her head droop towards the ground to hide something.
Raising it after a momentary pause, she glowered “You’re a bloody cheater, Touya.” When tears stained the red canvas again.
“Oh, so this is what it’s about…” Voice as nonchalant as shallow murky river water, “Do you even realise why I did it?” Rolling his eyes, two fingers wormed their way towards a special ring on her left hand before it hit the ground.
“I don’t want to know why.”
3. Jealousy
It was sudden, quick, and loud how Toga came into your (lonely) apartment.
Bang went the door against the wall and crash went the multiple shoes from the shoe cabinet as they thudded against the floor.
“(Y/N)-CHAN! I HAVE GOOD NEWS!” Her shout was louder than the moans you would usually make when it was a pleasurable night with your (new) ex, however you shouldn’t dwell on past relationships.
Only moving your eyes slightly from the book gripped tightly in your hands, Toga sauntered over holding a suspiciously large bag, this only led one ping-pong ball bouncing back to another ping-pong ball within the crevasses of your mind.
Placing a ripped piece of paper in the book, it snapped shut, “Who did you kill?” questioned (y/n)- knowing that when Toga finds something, she will resort to violence, no matter the cost-, however the sweet smile presented as a defence for whatever action she committed was enough dull your concern.
 “Not telling ya!” Then getting a knife out- wait, where did that even come from-, Toga stabbed into the black plastic bag and tore it open with many- I mean tons- of clothes sliding out of the bag and becoming a miniature avalanche in the small space that is your living room.
“…H-how?” Sputtered (y/n), Toga replied: “Big sis’ Mags let us borrow some of her clothes!”
(Y/n) can only imagine how Toga managed to convince Magne to let her borrow some clothes off her, and by clothes, (y/n) could only assume its short skirts and dresses.
“But!” Added Toga, “we have to wait for Mr.C to pop up!”
Great, even Mr. Compress knows about your breakup with Dabi.
Sitting pretty on a kitchen chair, a small brush lightly dabbed a small hint of colour against the rooftop of your eyes. ���Why are we doing this, again?” Murmured the relaxed female as a small dress laid boringly over the torso where it edged closely to showing the backside of her thighs.
Chuckling in response to her inquisitive comment, the villain grabbed liquid eyeliner, although it was smacked out of his hand and replaced with pencil eyeliner matched with a scowl from his subject.
“Liquid eyeliner is cursed, don’t get that shit near me.”
“My, my, even somebody as classy as I wouldn’t offensively smack such an object—”
Oh boy, here we go again.
“Shush, I could easily get Big Sis Magne to beat your ass if you use that tone with me, sir.”— “Oh heavens no! I think Magne would pick my side out of the two of us!”— “Oh really now?”— “I believe—”
Another door slammed open and in stormed Toga in a confident catwalk down the hallway just to profoundly exclaim; “NOPE! SHE’LL CHOOSE ME AS THE CHOSEN ONE!”
Cue the laughter.
Before the sun was ready to roll itself out of the closet, the patchwork villain made his way under the thick cover of darkness to a certain broker’s office.
Pushing it open to let the light of the office room scream in his eyes before he even had the chance to speak, the older male that greeted him, offered him a seat.
“Hey Dabi, what brings you here to my humble abode?” Giran spoke out as the glistening cup of coffee placed in front of the wanderer reflected the light into its murky brown ripples. “I need you to trace this number to its origin, and quick.” Anxiously sliding his phone to showcase your number, the broker twitched his brow upwards.
“First and foremost, where’s the cash?” A thick wad of yen slammed against the table.
“Happy now?”— “Very much so!” Scowling at Giran’s happy chirp, the broker worked his magic on the burner phone to effectively trace the number back to your location, where Dabi soon enough made his way towards the destination you were at.
He doesn’t know why he’s doing this…
Nor why he still keeps the ring…
However, he knows what he’s going to say next.
4.  Anger
Simmering and low crackles of something in the kitchen of your apartment awoke the female from her drunken slumber.
What was being made and why does it smell so familiar? The waft of the meal being created swarmed the first stimulant within the hungover mind of yours truly as the wavering warmth rustled around your legs in an unspoken persuasive whisper to stay in bed.
However, curiosity killed the cat and also brought it back.
Two feet tapped the floor in alerted silence.
Tiptoeing across the room, a hand clenched the side of the doorway when two eyes surfed the surroundings outside of her den.
The sizzling stopped, with a small snap of fire going out.
At the same time this happened, it was then when she figured out who was in her kitchen: Him.
Him, with his tall stance that could make for a ladder to climb on or him with his broad shoulders that look like they were bricks squished underneath his skin, where his paired raven hair familiarly spiked up.
“What are you doing here?” If it wasn’t for the delicious food he was making, then you would’ve killed him on sight. A lacklustre glance at the female, he uses one of her spatulas to move the bacon from the frying pan onto a plate with plump golden coloured scrambled eggs.
“You were drunk, I brought you home, and am now making your hangover breakfast.” Placing the plate next to your arm resting against the counter, with another glance in your direction, Dabi made a finishing blow in the words of: “Since you can’t cook for shit.”
Oh boy, he knows you too well to expect your immediate reaction: anger.
From the built-up rage that started to stack up from days of unrest (and being bloated because of the several tubs of Bens & Jerry’s ice cream), it all started to splutter out of control.
“Oh-- So now your fucking attacking me after the shit you put me through?”
“Why should you know?” (Y/n) turned sour at his comment, “’Why’ I should know?!”
From the nearest counter, there was an empty glass. You took advantage of the potential weapon held it up ready for it to slam against the ground.
“(Y/n) -- put the glass down.” Warned the patchwork male.
With the tips of her ears feeling ever so hot, it felt like the pressure escalating within her ears caused only for her protests to be heard even through the pause of silence.
“(Y/n).” A small twitch of one of his feet made (y/n) flinch backwards. “Com’ on, I know you don’t want to hurt me.” He took another step toward, her grip tightened on the glass cup.
“Do you even know why I’m here?”
“No,” Moving her hand higher, Dabi took another step forward, (Y/n) took another step back, “And I don’t want to kno—” Blubbering a bit of salvia as the female attempted to speak, though it was incoherently heard through squished cheeks.
“Listen, for fucks sake,” Electric blue eyes pierced into your soul like a spear, it’s quite hilarious: You once loved those blue eyes of his, you once worshipped the feeling of his eyes raking down your nude body before- as they took in the sight of pleasure squirming and tightening underneath those diligently flexible fingers-, but those days are over.
He can worship your goddamn forgiveness if he’s going to restrain you like this.
5. Forgiveness
“That’s what happened.”
Two legs of your own were crossed over each other like two birds of a feather.
“Are you being honest with me?”
His hand tapped the table as he sat across from you.
“Yes, I’m being honest.”
Breathing inwards and releasing a slow, practiced breath. She glanced at the male’s awaiting expression.
Biting his ruined lip, the raven-haired male let out a breath of relief.
“Will you forgive me?”
She wishes she could.
“I’m not so sure yet…”
Dabi looked to the side to see (y/n) with both of his eyes.
“But, I’ll give you one last try.”
@glitterfreezed, @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku, @haredabi, @orenjineki
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spencersawkward · 4 years
switchblade faith // spencer reid - chapter 3
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid.
word count: 4k
content warnings: mention of rape and victim-blaming (talking about Clea's previous job in sex crimes— not her personal experience).
this chapter is drawn from the season 1 episode 17 episode "A Real Rain," which is supposed to be in New York, but I didn't wanna write about New York so I changed it to Boston.
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I drop a second sugar packet into my coffee before taking a tentative sip. my face twists in discomfort. previous to working here, I would bring my own thermos from home and it would last me all day, but I've had to up my caffeine intake to two or three cups.
"you get used to it." JJ walks over to me, steeping her tea. despite the fact that it's early, she's perfectly put together. her hair is tied up and her eyes are sparkling.
"how?" I laugh. she points to the coffee pot, which is fresh and yet somehow tastes slightly stale.
"when you've been up for twenty four hours, you won't care how it tastes."
I avert my widened eyes at this.
"you could do what Spence does and just add a bunch of sugars." she tilts her head towards Reid, who is rocking back in forth in his spinny chair with a huge volume open in front of him. he doesn't even notice us staring at him.
"ew, what?" I giggle. JJ nods.
"hey, Spence!" she calls across the office. his head pops up to frown at us.
"how many sugars do you use?"
"five. occasionally six." he says this without a hint of the shame it deserves. my eyebrows shoot up and I take another sip of the bitter drink, trying to ignore the taste. it coats my tongue.
"see?" she smirks. "just so you know, we have another case. meeting in five." she sashays away to the conference room, leaving me standing there with an overwhelming urge to sweeten my drink. I keep it at three and add a splash of creamer to drown out the bitterness, then walk briskly to my desk to grab a few of my things.
"we have a meeting, Reid." I say across the divider between our spaces. he holds up an index finger, slams the book shut, and grabs his things. I wait for him to get collected before we head up.
"what were you reading?" I ask, peeking at his workspace. books are lined up against the divider, loose papers scatter the surface, and there are three uncapped pens littered about. his disorganization surprises me.
"War and Peace." he replies, checking his watch.
it's not even nine am.
I'm staring out the window of the jet while Morgan and Prentiss battle out yet another card game with Reid. there's not much to see until we slice through clouds and fly over Boston, which is glittering in the early light. I sigh and turn back to my book, tucking my legs up beneath me.
"this is not how I planned to visit." Morgan notes, looks through his cards.
"I'm looking forward to seeing Boston." Spencer smiles softly. at this, all of us look up.
"you've never been?" Morgan asks doubtfully. Emily snorts.
"we've never had an unsub there." Reid doesn't seem to think this strange at all. Morgan and I share a glance before he speaks.
"Reid, it's an hour-and-a-half flight."
"I'll show you around if we have some time." Emily smiles reassuringly at the boy genius.
"it's an easy trip, man." Derek chuckles. Spencer isn't bothered by our teasing. instead, he draws another card from the deck and focuses on his game.
"I've never been either." I state. the team turns to me with surprised expressions, causing my cheeks to flush.
"you, too?" Morgan makes a face like I've disappointed him.
"I've been meaning to go." I shrug. "there's an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts that I wanna see."
"what exhibition?" Spencer doesn't look up from his hand.
"uh, Titus Kaphar." I haven't had the opportunity to travel much, so a lot of the art I've seen has been from a computer screen or in class in college. it would be nice to actually get some experience seeing things face-to-face.
"Shifting the Gaze!" Spencer's face snaps up to beam at me, referencing the piece so vehemently that it makes me laugh.
"yeah, exactly."
"I went to his talk a couple years back."
"no way. really?" I shut my book and lean forward while he nods. Prentiss and Morgan are watching our conversation like a tennis match. while Reid rambles about all the things he heard at the lecture, I listen intently. it's good, because I don't really feel like talking right now; my head is pounding all over again, and this is distracting.
"do you ever go to the art museums in DC, then?" I ask once he's finished. Reid gets this crooked smile on his face like he wants to say a bunch of things, but is holding his tongue. his face is animated when he tells me about the other exhibits he's seen at the Smithsonian and apparently abandons his cards. Prentiss and Morgan have lost interest in our conversation; they start their own game and let us talk for the rest of the flight.
when we touch down, I immediately feel overwhelmed by the crush of people around us. our first crime scene is a taxi cab in Hyde Park, where the driver has been blindfolded, shot in the chest, and stabbed right through his ear. the blade, broken off from the handle, is lodged in his brain.
despite the fact that his kills are violent and seemingly random, the unsub definitely isn't disorganized. he carries his MO out the same way each time, which makes all of us question if we've missed a connection between victims.
"it's possible he's a sort of serial killer groupie." Spencer notes as he examines the inside of the cab, which is splattered with a mix of rainwater from the night before and blood. I shift where I'm standing to try to follow his line of sight.
"what do you mean?"
"Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris drove ice picks into their victims' heads and broke off the handle." he explains.
"well, if he's doing that, then he's presenting a mixed profile." I frown.
"mixed profile?" the police officer next to me asks.
"yeah. the fact that this guy is shooting his victims first suggests that he needs a quick and effective means of controlling the situation, which means that he probably doesn't think he can overpower them." I say.
"he could have a physical problem-- or maybe he's just not confident because he's small." Reid is still examining the taxi for any further evidence, but it seems sort of pointless.
"plus, he's organized and hunts at night. that tells us he most likely has a steady job."
"so," the cop stares between us with a perplexed expression. "we're looking for a small, angry white guy with a day job?"
the sarcasm in his voice makes me smile a little.
"I know it doesn't narrow down a lot right now, but we know that this guy isn't blitz attacking his victims. it's more of an execution."
the officer nods at this and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I turn to Reid.
"we gotta go."
Spencer nods curtly, straightens, and starts to immediately walk back to the car. I shake my head at his behavior, then follow after.
we get called to visit a new crime scene in the morning, this time in a church. Hotch holds the door open for me and I walk in to see a body laid out in front of the pews. an older woman sits towards the back, comforted by a nun.
"how'd they find him?" Prentiss asks the police chief as she leads us to the victim.
"night janitor." she nods to a man being questioned by cops in the corner.
"did he see anything?" I ask her.
"no, but he remembered a parishioner who was here earlier," we walk past the older woman. she stares at us expectantly as the chief talks. "so there could be a potential witness."
we stop at the body of a priest, his eyes covered and a blade lodged in his skull, unsurprisingly. Emily and I stare down at him, realizing the same thing.
"first public killing." she notes as she bends down to examine his wounds. "he's getting bolder."
"the presentation is just as important as the kill." I join her on the ground, snapping my gloves tighter on my hands and turning his head to the side to get a better look at the blade. semi-dried blood coats the tied fabric around his eyes.
"I'm gonna go talk to that woman." Emily leaves. the crime scene agent crouches down on the ground across from me, and I bite my lip before making a strange request.
"would you mind... sliding that thing out of his ear?"
the agent blinks at me in disbelief, probably not wanting to pry a knife out of someone's head, but nods and does so carefully. I squint down at the wound. then I realize something.
"Reid?" my voice carries across the room. Spencer is talking to an officer when he hears me and walks over.
"this doesn't look like a normal blade, but I don't know what it is." I point at the now half-buried weapon. it sits unpleasantly out, the blood catching warm light. Spencer gets down next to the crime scene agent and examines it more closely.
"this is flint." he says slowly, turning to me with a concerned expression.
"like the stone?"
"flint is the symbol for protection and retribution in Egyptian mythology. with hieroglyphics, they used to display dangerous animals like scorpions and snakes being cut with flint knives in order to render them powerless."
"oh." is all I can manage while I process what he's saying. Spencer waits for me to say something else, but instead I bend my head down to pull back the silk tie.
"there's no way that using flint is a coincidence." I reason. the blood is all on the inside of the tie as well, which gives me pause. Reid recognizes this a second later, his eyes lifting to mine. they look almost brown in the candlelight, flecks of gold sparkling in them while his mind whirs endlessly.
"I'm gonna call Garcia to see if any of the victims have been charged with a crime." he tells me.
"good idea." we both stand, the crime scene agent scurrying off to do something else. I head back over to Emily and hope that we're right about this. flint is too specific of a weapon for it not to be intentional, right?
we deliver the profile by the end of the work day, our unsub a serial vigilante with a personal edge to all of his killings. my body is slightly shaky from downing cups of coffee without any actual food, so the promise of eating out after we finish makes my stomach eager.
we go to a Chinese restaurant by the station and keep talking about the case, despite having promised ourselves not to do so. I sit between Prentiss and Reid while I dig into my dumplings. I like listening to them swap theories and past cases, how they weave together all their stories.
"you forgot to add something to the profile earlier today, Aaron." Rossi says as he piles more noodles onto his plate. our attention immediately focuses on the Italian.
"what did he forget?" Prentiss has a ghost of a smile on her face. I've noticed that she tends to speak like she's on the inside of a joke that other people don't understand. the intonation of her words feels like a secret.
"I didn't mention the possibility of our unsub being a cop." Hotch takes a sip of his ice water. there's a moment where we all reflect on this information before Morgan breaks the silence.
"I mean, they do know the system."
"they could easily take matters into their own hands, given what they see every day." Prentiss adds. I nod.
"when someone like our victim is killed, police refer to it as a public-service murder." Reid struggles to get the noodles onto his chopsticks, which I notice but don't say anything about. he tries again, the food slipping back onto his plate. Morgan notices this shortcoming of Spencer's and I see that he's about to start teasing him, so I change the subject.
"I saw a lot of rapists walk when I was in sex crimes," I put down my dumpling while I talk. Hotch watches me intently. I haven't spoken much about my previous job with anyone on the team, especially not him. in fact, he barely knows anything about me. "a lot of the victims didn't feel safe pressing charges, or the juries said they were asking for it. it's enough to make you wanna explode."
"it's a long way from feeling like that and actually committing a murder, though, don't you think?" Emily asks.
"not really." I turn my gaze back to my plate and start to feel nauseous. there's a clinking of plates and silverware as we continue in silence. Emily nudges my arm gently with hers and offers me a supportive smile.
I hear Spencer next to me, getting the attention of a passing waiter.
"excuse me," he says in a low tone. "can I get a fork, perhaps?"
Morgan snickers as the waiter takes off to get the utensil. at this point, there's a palpable tension as we wait to see who makes fun of Reid first. he drops his chopsticks into his bowl with a defeated clatter and Derek gently pushes his knuckles against Spencer's cheekbone.
"having some trouble, kid?" he asks. Spencer smacks his hand away.
"don't be mean." I giggle, reaching onto my wrist to grab a hair tie. "here, try this." I wrap the thing around the end of Spencer's chopsticks so that they're easier to use, handing them back to him.
Spencer tries again and it works-- if not somewhat clumsily. he gives me a little appreciative smile and I smile back before returning to my food, listening to the stories that Rossi doles out. he even pays for dinner despite our half-hearted protests.
the entertainment for the evening is pretty nice, but when I've stuffed myself with Chinese food, Emily leans over to me.
"do you wanna go to that museum you were talking about earlier?" she whispers. I peek at my phone to check the time.
"I doubt we'd have much time before they close, but yeah, definitely." excitement bubbles up in my stomach as I realize I might actually get to poke around for a while. Prentiss throws her napkin on the table abruptly.
"Clea and I are going to the Museum of Fine Arts. anyone wanna join?"
I look around to gauge some reactions.
"I'm interested." Morgan nods.
"I've already been several times." Rossi takes a sip of his drink as he politely declines. Hotch shakes his head.
"I have some paperwork I need to finish."
"again?" Prentiss complains.
"I'll go." Spencer sits up straighter as he looks at his brunette friend, folding his napkin neatly on his plate. my eyebrows raise a little, although I'm not surprised that he'd be interested in visiting any museum. we stand and get ready to go; Hotch warns us to be ready to go at seven in the morning tomorrow. a little weight is lifted off my chest as I realize that there will be some reprieve during this case, and then we're wandering out into the evening air.
we ate dinner sort of early, so the sky is still slightly aglow with a bruised shade, preparing to sink into its favorite darkness. after finding the route to the museum, we hop on the train.
Boston is lovely in the kind of way that aches of neat corners and airy lights. stores crammed with antiques and novelty products line the sidewalks, people wander about as they take in a pleasant night. somehow disjointed and cohesive all at once.
whatever bit of conversation we had on the way dissipates into breathlessness once we get inside the enormous entryway. it's cavernous, extravagant, gorgeous. we flip through brochures advertising different exhibits. Emily raves about Impressionism and decides that that must be our first stop, so we head off with the rest of the museum stragglers who have decided to feed themselves with art until they're forced to leave.
my head is constantly spinning to admire something else in the enormous white rooms. it's a bit overwhelming at some points, what with the gargantuan canvases that greet me at every turn. but it's impressive, too, and I find myself hungrily reading all the small plaques. I venture out of the Impressionism vein and into Korean art, my feet carrying me away from Morgan and Prentiss. Spencer broke off a while ago; to where, I have no idea.
I check out vases and pottery, sculptures, renderings of historical events. images from the crime scenes fill my head intrusively. there's no use in trying to shut them out; they've been in my dreams for a while now, the kind that wake me up in a cold sweat. I haven't told anyone about them— I'm sure others get them, too— and I don't want to seem like I can't handle it. every time I close my eyes, I begin to feel the pressure of a knife against my temple.
"a lot of these are from private collections."
the voice causes me to jump, my skin erupting in goosebumps as Spencer stands beside me. he holds his bag against his side and follows my line of sight to the 18th-century bookshelf screen.
"that's interesting." I reply. what else is there to say to that?
"really makes you think about what other art pieces won't ever be seen by the public." he turns and starts walking onto the next work, seemingly done with this conversation. my brow furrows while I watch him go, his posture miserable as a result of his skinny build. he's quite tall.
"what do you mean?" my voice comes out quiet, but it carries in the otherwise empty exhibit. Reid turns around and stops in his place, allows me to catch up briefly. we start to read another plaque by a silver basin.
"you could have a Cézanne just rotting in your attic and it would never be examined by the right scholars." he shrugs.
"I really doubt there's anything nearing that value in my attic." I laugh.
"you ever seen 'Antiques Roadshow'?" he asks non-sarcastically. I balk.
"you never know." he's not a man of many words, apparently. I get his message regardless and we continue to walk, him setting out facts for me in neat rows, simple and easily taken in. he's definitely a know-it-all, but not in the way that makes me want to escape his presence. it's sort of comforting, having someone around who just understands everything. his absolute lack of social graces makes him easy to be around, too; I don't need to force conversation because he doesn't care.
we wind up in the mummy section, where the walls tingle with an energy that could only be described as magical.
"spooky." I nod to the domineering sarcophagus lid of Kheperra. a spotlight illuminates all of its intricacies and I make a beeline for it. Spencer trails behind me and we fall into silence as we peer at the exquisite details. it's intimidating, for sure, hulking and made of carved black stone. "you feel that?" I whisper to Spencer, who is enthralled in the image.
the way the spotlight spills over onto him is interesting; it emphasizes the shadow below his jaw and the delicate quality of his bone structure, his cheekbone prominent at the place where his ear meets his face. his lashes are long and lovely, his Adam's apple poking out of a slender throat. he turns to me with a curious expression.
"feel what?"
"the energy change," I smile. "from the ancient dead bodies."
"it's probably just the dark lighting and the media associations you have with mummies." but his eyes begin flitting about the room in a slightly panicked manner. I feel a smirk tug at my lips as I step closer to him.
"are you scared?"
"no," he scoffs and makes a face like I've made the world's most absurd accusation. "why would I be scared?"
"because we're all alone in here..." I use a lower tone to freak him out a little. "who's to stop them from coming out and... snatching us?" when my hand snakes around behind him to pinch his arm, he jumps.
"what the--" he catches sight of the devilish grin on my face. "don't do that!"
"sorry, Einstein." I laugh and turn in the other direction, him following me to the next piece. Spencer doesn't seem to have more thoughts to give on the exhibition, probably still a little creeped out. part of me begins to feel guilty for startling him, even though he constantly does that to me. his footfalls are weirdly soft.
I wonder what Spencer is like outside of work. what he does when he gets back to his apartment. how could someone like him entertain themselves? maybe he just reads books until his eyes glaze over. he definitely doesn't go out often, but maybe he has other nerdy friends. I hope he does. there's something in his eyes that's too viscous for me to grasp, something swimming and pocketed. I'd like to understand it, although that doesn't seem like a great idea to pursue. he barely gives his closest friends information about his life.
we end up at opposite ends of the room, him still examining an entombed husband and wife couple while I check out a canonic jar. the silence in this room is tangible. I wasn't lying when I felt an energy shift— it's like gold and clay and it smells like cracked cinnamon.
I'm trying to get a better look at the detailing when I feel a cold hand wrap around my forearm, easily encircling it. I jolt.
Spencer stands behind me with a playful smile, like he's quite pleased with himself.
"Reid!" I yank my arm away from his long fingers and see him let out that rare laugh. it's pleasant and fills the room with a warmer light as I rub my arm where his fingers held me. I'm surprised he was willing to touch me at all; it's pretty obvious that he's got a problem with germs, which is understandable.
"who's scared now?" he tries to defend himself with his palms when I reach out to gently smack his shoulder.
"you know, I was starting to feel bad for you." I laugh. he smiles brightly and keeps walking into the next room. I realize that the way we move is like two weighted ends of a string. he drifts out on his own, I follow, and vice versa.
I appreciate that he's beginning to loosen up around me, so much so that he smiles at a joke I make in the English Regency section. we walk quickly to absorb as much as we can before the museum closes, but we still don't get through all of it. Spencer isn't much of a conversationalist, and he doesn't really need to be. he listens to me talk, I listen to his erudite observations, smiling when he uses certain terms that sound like they're from someone much older.
by the time a curator tells us we have to go, we've completely lost Prentiss and Morgan and end up meeting back at the entrance. it's pitch black outside; Boston is still bustling, except my legs are tired and I'm ready to crash in bed. we have another packed day tomorrow.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch14 Battle Gym Leader Bea
You two had found yourselves out of Hammerlocke by sundown that day. But not before you went back into the town and stopped by that cafe you both had passed earlier, and each gotten a free piece of cake and small cup of tea from those coupon things that Applin Boy had given to Gloria as thanks for helping him. Cake and tea weren't exactly what you would call dinner but you weren't going to complain about free food. Your drizzilie sure tried sneaking it from you but settled for the small bag of fruit you tossed at it after you told him no.
"So," you asked Gloria after taking another sip of the tea you received, "You mentioned challenging Bea next right?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Remember how I told you there was four gyms that gave the same badge?" You nodded. "The Fighting Type and Ghost Type gyms give the same badge. While the Ice and Rock gyms give a different badge from the Ghost and Fighting gyms, they give the same one as well. So either someone can just chose the Fighting or Ghost type gyms then move on and chose either the Ice or Rock type gyms. But I plan on stopping by both. The closest one just happens to be the Fighting Type Gym run by the Gym leader Bea. Not only is she the top fighting type pokemon trainer, but she's been the winner of the Galarian Martial Arts Championship seven years running undefeated. They say she can go bare fists with her machomp and win."
"Wow. She sounds really strong."
"She is. Which is why I think that's why Hop's going there too." She frowned stabbing at a piece of her free cake. "He said he wanted to become stronger. Challenging another strong gym leader right after defeating Kabu but loosing to Bede sounds like he's trying to conquer another hard challenge to prove he's strong. ...I'm worried about him."
"I know, but don't worry," you assured with a smile. You remembered enough about the game to know Hop would definitely bounce back, and after hearing him speak the other day, you knew he'd be fine. "He's a strong and has enough determination in him to move a mountain if he felt like it."
...She smiled at you. "Thanks Y/n.  I knew I made a good choice in my traveling buddy."
You paused a moment...before blinking. "That reminds me. Why did you want me to come along with you back in Postwick? I mean it's not that I mind, but we were practically strangers then."
She shrugged. "I really don't know. I know it's gonna sound weird, but there's a really good atmosphere around ya. Like...You just give off good vibes, and my gut feelings are usually spot on anyways. An' I wasn't wrong!" She smiled. "You've been a great friend ta us!"
You smiled. Well that was strange. It was almost like what Sonia said about your 'good aura', but you weren't going to complain about the nice compliments.
"You're one of the gym challengers endorsed by Leon, aren't you?" Both of you looked up and blinked at the sight of an older woman, who looked older than Kabu, dressed in a blue and pink outfit with accessories, an umbrella in one hand, was pretty tall for someone you'd expect, and aquamarine eyes looking at Gloria curiously. Stunned that you two hadn't noticed noticed her walk up to you before now, both you two looked at each other before Gloria looked back to the old woman and nodded. She hummed for a moment before suddenly holding out something to her you recognized right away. "My name's Opal. If you want to know more, have a look at my league card." Gloria's brown eyes stared at the card for a moment before taking it from the lady. "I'll keep an eye on you, Child. I want to see what you can do when you go all out."
Both of you watched silently as she silently just...turned around and walked right out of the cafe. Like nothing had just happened. Leaving the two of you sitting there looking after her blankly before looking at one another with blank faces wondering if that actually happened.
Eventually you blinked as Gloria looked at the card handed to her. "Who was that?"
"According to this..she's Ms. Opal." She looked up to you holding up the card in her hand, "And the Fairy Type Gym Leader from Bellonlea!"
"What?" You held out your hand as she offered it to you. "Lemme see that." And true to Gloria's word, it was an official League Card with the picture of the very same elderly woman you just spoken too on it. "Huh." You handed it back to her. "I wonder what she was doing all the way here in Hammerlocke then?"
She shrugged before pocketing the card. "The same thing as Lee? Like maybe she's seein' the Chairman too? Or maybe traveling since I don't think anyone would challenge her yet. March is almost over so it's still pretty early in the year for anyone to gather many badges."
Wow. Almost three months had passed already? You must've lost track of time from traveling so much. You weren't too sure but shrugged. "Who knows? C'mon. Let's finish eating and hit the road before it gets too dark outside."
After the meal the two of you headed back out on Route Six as the sun nearly set in the sky making everything lightly darker but had enough light to still see. The lights of Hammerlocke shining out as the two of you left the dragon town. You were a bit nervous about running into Raihan or that Mr. Rose again, but you ran into neither as you left the town. Thank goodness. You and her then fell into the familiar routine of walking, camping, and more shaking of berry trees as you passed by them by chance. Only this time Gloria seemed to pick back up her hobby of taking pictures for her dex challenge again. The photos Victor had given her had filled up a good sizable amount of the book already but there was still more photos needed for it as well as for that curry dex challenge book she needed. It was a bit random but you were glad she found something to keep herself occupied on the way there, and photography was a pretty neat hobby. Although she didn't seem to be as into it as Victor was. If she wasn't doing that, she battled a pokemon here n' there as you either watched or gathered food or some other needed thing to be done and like before you traveled past a few small towns, houses, or other travelers heading in the opposite direction. No signs of the boys, but you were glad not having any more run ins with those Team Yell grunts as days passed as you two slowly made your way towards Stow-on-Side.
"So how long until we reach Stow-on-Side?," you asked one day while walking.
Gloria hummed for a moment before whipping out her phone and flipping through the screen once it turned on. Lately the region around you had started to get rockier with more and more hills and cliffs jutting out of the earth until it slowly consumed both side of the path the two of you walked. "According to Rotom we should be there sometime tomorrow if we keep on goin' down this pathway." That was great news! "Also accordin' ta this, there's another historical wonder protected by the Galarian Conservation Society! ...Hmm. I wonder if she'll be down here too??"
You rose a brow at her. "Her who?"
She looked at you. "When I was chattin' with Sonia at the vault I showed 'er some old pokemon fossils I picked up. Useless really. Ye find 'em sometimes and see 'em in your science classes n' museums and the like. I was gonna give 'em to Hop as a gift since he's into that kinda stuff but she told me an old scientist friend of hers was in Stow-on-Side trying out this new fossil restoration or somethin' like that. But she couldn't find any fossils to try 'em out on."
......You blinked. "Since when did you get fossils??"
"I found two by accident back when we 'ere in the Wild Area. Y'know. When I fought that wild diglett in the cave." You groaned remembering that experience. "And then some bloke traded me two he didn't want at the pokemon center for the applin I was gonna put back when the red-headed bloke didn't want it. I completely forgotten I even had them til I remembered just now."
"That reminds me. Whatever did you do with those other pokemon you were given? Especially that baby toxel. It looked pretty young."
"Ah! I sent it to Mum to take care of! She mentioned being lonely without us there so I thought she'd like raisin' the wee tyke!"
You rose a brow. "Can she handle a toxel??"
"She sent me pictures of the lil thing sleepin' with Munchlax so I think they're doing just fine!"
"If you say so."
The both of you traveled until the sun went down and you set up camp under a shady ledge before quickly packing up the next day at day light and going to travel again. Until coming to a bunch of bright stony ledges and cliffs in a dead end where the path ended just a few yards in front of the cliffside. .......Which left the both of you confused looking around.
".....Does this mean we're at Stow-on-Side?," you asked pressing you hand against one of the rocky hills before yanking and waving it back from the heat of them sitting in the sun all day. Speaking of which it was hot as you traveled. Must be entering summer territory. Your f/c eyes scanned up and down the cliffs surrounding you all and a hand pressed above your brows to block the sun. "Or did we make a wrong turn somewhere??"
"Can't be! We followed nothin' but Route Six all the way here!" Gloria had already brought out her phone giving it a little shake. "Accordin' to this Stow-on-Side's just up ahead!"
"So either your phone's broken or we have to suddenly learn how to rock climb." Your eyes scanned the ledges more. They looked a little too dangerous to just be climbing without any professional gear or unless you were a rock climbing expert. To which you had neither...."What about that corvisquire you have?"
"It's not big enough to fly either of us up these mountains!...*sigh* We might have ta just call a flying taxi at this rate."
Yeah. That might be the best option either of you two had at this point. ....Your Drizzilie, which had taken to fully putting itself into your pack with just his head peeking out from under the lid to avoid the sun, suddenly gave a look towards something shiny. Before it's eyes widened and it gave a loud chirp poking it's head out fully to the both of you. You looked over your shoulder as it continued to make noises at you. "Whoa! Hey. What is it boy?" It's arm popped out and he pointed his hand towards the other side of the dead end you were at. You both looked over and you blinked at something against the cliffside shining in the sunlight. "Hey! What's that over there?" You pointed and began walking towards it...Gloria blinked, before putting her phone away and quickly following after you. You approuched the shining thing and soon discovered it to be a- "It's a ladder!" Walking forward more it was indeed a metal ladder. Secured and bolted to the cliffside and going up until it ended at the very top of it. "....What's a ladder doing here?"
"That must be how people get ta Stow-on-Side from 'ere," Gloria reasoned. "Ya think they'd actually make this more easier to get too."
"You'd think so. Good Boy!" Drizzilie gave a huff before returning to it's spot inside your bag. Ok be tsundere. Pausing to look at it for a moment you grabbed it before immediately letting go from how hot it was. "...You really think this is the way?"
"There's no other way around here other than a taxi, and what do we have to lose? The worse case scenario is that we'll hit another dead end or just climb to the top and hail a cab like we were thinkin' anyways."
She had a point. And if you did end up just going to the top of the cliffs here you could get a better look of your surroundings. So reluctantly you nodded. "Alright. But let me go first to make sure it's safe."  Slowly and with a sigh you grabbed the metal ladder wincing in pain when the hot metal stung your hands lightly, and began to climb up. It wasn't too hard or high of a climb, and you were fast to release the ladder as hard as you can also considering the weight on your shoulders, it made it a bit more difficult. Once you reached the top however and climbed up all the way, you noticed there was nothing but more ledges, dead grass, and...another ladder leading somewhere ahead of you. Standing up, once you deduced it was safe, you carefully looked over the edge to Gloria looking up at you and waved. "It's safe! And I found another ladder!"
Gloria didn't even hesitate after that. In her excitement you weren't sure if she just didn't notice the pain or bared it to climb up but you were there to offer a hand and pull her up with you once she was there. And you two wasted no more time and got climbing. Not baring to stand in this heat anymore. The second ladder you climbed up lead to the top of one of the larger clifftops, a small pond of some sort, and another much longer ladder leading you further and higher into the mountain sides and you two went. Your muscles were sore and tired from the extra weight of your Drizzilie who peeked out and down from your bag every so often, and your hands burnt under the ladders' metal. You were sure it wasn't enough to be badly hurt for a long time, but it sure stung, and you were paranoid that at any moment you would fall. But luckily you didn't and by some miracle forced yourself NOT to look down before making it to the third ledge and ..another ladder. Gloria right on your heels. Rinse and repeat. Climb, pray to whoever heard you that you wouldn't fall, get to the top, and then do it again. The both of you must've been on your seventh or eighth ladder and ledge at this point and you were resting on your knees exposed to the hot sun tired, breathing heavy, and shaking your sore hands. Gloria doing the same with her hands before reaching up to wipe her brow and look around ...Before spotting and pointing to yet another ladder.
"Hey look! It leads up to a tunnel of some kind!"
You looked to the giant black whole that the ladder lead into and groaned. "Oh PLEASE tell me this isn't going to be another mine."
"Only one way to find out!" She happily bounded towards the ladder, and with another groan, you slowly forced yourself to stand and followed after. Where does she get so much energy? And in this heat? She was already half way up the ladder by the time you got there and began slowly climbing, grip so hard your knuckles turned white to keep yourself from falling. Gloria making her way right into the tunnel and disappearing from view as you got closer to the top yourself. "Y/N!!" She suddenly shouted echoed by the tunnel. "Ya gotta see this!!"
"I'M COMING!!," you strangled out in a shout still making your way up.
Gloria was waiting for you when you finally got to the top, letting her grab your arm to pull you with a grunt into the shady tunnel with her. With a sigh as your sore hands touched the cooled floor of the cavern, you twisted your legs around, and just sat there breathing and wiping at your forehead from the long trip you two had suffered. Gloria was kind enough to let you catch your breath, considering it must've been harder for you with your Drizzilie being no help, for around five maybe ten minutes before you turned your head..and blinked at the light coming from the other side of the short tunnel. Gloria went ahead and started walking towards it...and you again forced yourself up and walked after her. But slower this time considering how tired and sore you were. She stopped by the cavern opening and once you caught up, your eyes widened.
"Holy smokes!"
Carved into the cliffside was the BIGGEST statues you had ever seen! The stone digletts stared out blankly onto the horizon and were blocked off by a chained fence embedded into the stone ground below it. Was this the historical landmark Gloria spoke of yesterday? She started walking forward and after a moment you followed staring up at the massive stone beasts before you. A flash of light going off as she snapped a picture of it while passing....Before she turned and with a gasp that had you snapping forward pointed excitedly.
"Y/n! Look! We found it!" What was unmistakeningly a stadium shone brightly in the sunlight as you looked and blinked, and before it was a couple small buildings, one including that classic pink pokemon center. You two wasted no time in jogging towards it past the statues and up a small flight of stairs carved into the stone floor, past under a wooden gate of some kind and over to the buildings ahead. Where you saw people. PEOPLE!! Walking around doing their everyday lives as usual! You two had successfully found Stow-on-Side! The tall two story buildings were all carved from stone as well with a couple small tables in the pathway you two walked that had a few people yelling at passerbys to come and bye from them as they sat under umbrellas from the hot sun. As you walked past everyone Gloria took out her phone again and after a few taps on it nodded in glee. "This is Stow-on-Side alright! Apparently the diglett statues we saw are part of some famous ruins including an ancient mural up the path by the stadium! We should go check those out once I'm done with the battle here!"
"Once we rest first!" You sighed and again reached up to rub your temple. "I'm beat from all that walking and climbing! And it doesn't look like this place has any inn or public place besides the center we can rest up in."
You both turned right still walking along the path towards the stadium.
"Yeah? Well I can check on my regional map of Stown-on-Side. It should tell u-" She stopped. Freezing like someone paused her on tv. Her face suddenly drawing a blank. Curiously, you stopped too and turned around to give a raised brow at her suddenly blank expression. Before you turned to look where she was looking. A whine coming from your backpack as your Drizzlie poked it's full head out. And you under stood why she stopped. IT WAS THE BOYS!! Both were talking to each other walking down from the stairs leading to the big stadium, until they happened to look down towards the both of you and stopped. The four of you staring at one another in surprised silence...Before Gloria straight up BOLTED towards them both! "HOP!!"
"Glori-AH!!" The poor boy didn't even get a chance to finish talking before he was glomped by the brunette nearly knocking the both of them over in the process.
"N-Nice to see you too!," he forced out strangled by the crushing hug, "M-Miss Y/N help!"
You walked on over but didn't need to pry them apart thankfully as she let go and let Hop breathed and clutch at his chest by the time you got there. Victor looking annoyed opening his arms. "And what am I? An invisible Sobble?" Gloria giggled before giving her brother the expected hug he wanted.
"We thought we'd miss you guys here by how long it took! Were you here that long?"
"Sadly yes," Hop answered rubbing at where Gloria nearly crushed him to dust. "Turns out there was a few people here itchin' to battle Bea before going on to harder gym leaders like Kabu, so we had to camp out for a bit for an opening."
Gloria paused...slowly retracting her hug from her brother and turning to him, face concerned. "Does...D-Does that mean you didn't win?"
...He smiled. "Took me two tries! But I managed to get my fighting badge!"
"You did!! Hop that's amazing! I told you, you could do it!"
He chuckled....before his face turned back to a neutral one. "But...Glory." His hands came to stuff themselves into his pockets. "I'm still not too sure what I should do about all that stuff I told you before. About me being weak and dragging down Lee's good name and all, yeah? "..He smiled again. "But the only thing I can do is get stronger right?"
With a sigh Gloria gave her own determined smile, reached over, and made him blink as she flicked his nose. "That's what we've always told you, Hop. I never lost doubt in ya."
He paused for a moment gold eyes blinking and looking cross eyed at his nose, before his face went pink again and he chuckled. "Y-yeah! A-Actually I was hoping for a b-battle with ya the next time I saw you." Your Drizzilie whined more. "Vi-Vic's been battling me and helping me build up my team and come up with new s-strageties on how to battle upcoming gym leaders. So I'm gonna try out all kinds of different things against you and see what works!..If you wanna battle that is?"
"Do you really need to ask? You're on!"
"Then let's do this! I bet an all out battle with my true rival will help me get my head on straight-"
A screech that pierced your eardrums interrupting Hop from saying anything else. Immediately all your hands shot up to your ears and you all made some kind of cringed face or closed their eyes from the scream that came from directly behind you. You forced yourself to turn around at your drizzilie's head poking out from your bag. Mouth open wide and yelling at the top of his lungs before he abruptly stopped upon noticing you had looked at it in utter shock.....How could such a small thing make such a noise!! Slowly, the others uncovered their ears as well giving the three back and forth looks, before also looking in the direction of your bored looking drizzilie.
..........Victor blinked and pointed at your backpack. "What the absolute Arceous was THAT!?"
"I......have absolutely no idea." You eventually managed to get yourself to talk. "I've never heard him make a noise like that before."
"Could there be something wrong with him?," Hop asked rubbing one of his ears, "It is pretty hot and he's a water type. Maybe he's gotten dehydrated from lack of water or something?"
You jumped. YOU HADN'T EVEN CONSIDERED THAT WHILE TRAVELING!? WHAT THE HECK!! YOU WERE AN AWFUL TRAINER!! "I...." You swiftly turned nearly nailing Gloria in the side with your back pack in a panic. "I-I gotta get him back over to the center just in case! You two go ahead and have your battle!"
"I'll come too!" Victor stepped forward. "I meant to stop by anyways to grab some potions from the center."
If you heard him you didn't pay him much mind as you practically stumble-ran your panicked self back down what few steps you had climbed up towards the stadium and RAN towards the center with Victor right behind you. You nearly tripped and slammed in your haste turning the corner and RUNNING past the vendors calling out towards that bright pink building. The people inside jumping and looking on in surprise when you practically ripped the doors off their hinges bursting inside and without missing a beat flew to the wide eyed nurse joy standing behind the counter, swiftly turning your back where your drizzilie still bored looking despite everything that was happening right now, and in panic DEMANDED she'd take a look at him NOW!! Surprisingly no one moved, too shocked to really know how to react. It took Victor coming in and explaining calmly to the startled Nurse Joy what the drizzilie did and politely asking her to look him over did she finally react accordingly. She took her sweet time in the next ten minutes pulling your water pokemon from it's hiding place, making it sit on the counter as you watched a nervous wreck with Victor assuring you he was ok, and slowly and carefully examining him as a doctor would a patient during a physical....All to just smile at you and tell you essentially......Your Drizzilie...Was throwing a tantrum akin to that of a moody angsty teenager during puberty. ....You blinked and had to be explained to again as, even though Drizzilie was a little dehydrated from the hot weather, he was actually throwing a tantrum because he was hungry. So you, worried you might have let something bad happen to your pokemon without knowing, had panicked over nothing and rushed him over here to be told he was acting like a toddler not getting their way because he was hungry......WHAT!?
"He's perfectly healthy, you probably just haven't fed him today yet and he was just expressing that to you in what way he thought you'd understand. Although in this heat he is naturally a little dehydrated, and you yourself look it too and exhausted. My advice to the both of you is to rest here for an hour or two out of the weather and have you both drink some water. I'll lend you some and some pokemon food so it doesn't happen again. After all we don't want anyone dropping from the heat."
You sighed. Relieved Drizzilie wasn't really hurt, but annoyed he had scared you for no reason. You shot a scowl at the pokemon standing next to you and as soon as it made eye contact with you looked embarrassed to the floor. Nurse Joy was nice enough to give you some bottled up water and a small bowl of pokemon food for the two of you and you thanked her before Victor was nice enough to help you carry them over to the table and chairs in the corner. You gladly plopped yourself down in one chair exhausted, sighing as at last your muscles got a chance to rest among the cool ac of the center. Victor sat across from you as your drizzilie plopped itself on the floor by your feet with it's newfound food and water to make it happy.
".....Hey. Y/n?" You hummed from where you had laid your head against the table. "Are you ok?"
".......Would you like some water?"
He was nice enough to hand you a bottle of water which you chugged down before resuming your position of laying against the table silently resting. Even when the other two finally caught up to you and entered the center.
"My strategy goes right to the pot when I've got all these bad thoughts running through my head," Hop's voice came as you heard the door open just didn't look up.
"Yeah. But I also barely won. I blame the heat. 'Sides you're gettin' better!," Came Gloria's voice right after him.
"Hrmmm. I tried switching my team members in and out to max out their potential in every match up but we just couldn't get it together somehow. Maybe that's why I'm still so weak?"
"Call yourself weak again n' I'll drag ya ta Lee myself kickin' n' screamin' and have him talk ye out o' that crazy mindset!"
"Ok! Ok! I won't! No need to go all charmander on me, Mate. .......Oh! Y/n! Hey!"
"......Hi," you mumbled to Hop.
"So how'd it go? Is everything ok?"
"Oh yeah. Turns out he was just throwing a big whiney fit cuz he was hungry like a big baby, but he should be fine now. How was your battle?"
"OH! That's good to know he's not hurt or anything. It was fine thanks. I got to see how my tactics work on the battlefield and what to improve on. In fact I think we're ready to move on. Are you ready to go, Victor?"
"What?! You mean you're both leavin' us again?!" This time you did force yourself to look up. More out of concern than anything as Gloria stared at the two boys, and you noticed Victor had stood up from his seat. "B-But we just caught up with you!"
...Hop sighed. "I know, and I don't really wanna split up either but I still have some things I need to work out myself. And I wanna make more good choices when it comes to battling and strategies for them. .." He smiled. "But Lee really is the greatest trainer, and I don't want people laughing at him all because his little brother is rubbish. It's not enough. I've got to try harder and harder and hard 'til no one's laughing!"
"But....you're not rubbish to me."
Hop paused again before sighing again. "I know...That's why you make such a good friend and rival, Glory."
"............Hey Hop." The three looked at you and you hesitated for a moment. Would this change the game's story events?? Well it wouldn't hurt to give him some words of encouragement like you gave Sonia. "Listen. You got the Fighting Type badge right?" He nodded. "Then you're not rubbish! You said it yourself that there was a few other gym trainers were here because they didn't want to challenge Kabu yet. But you did. And you won against the guy that supposedly makes their numbers drop."
He blinked wide eyed, not really expecting that. "Yeah...But just barely. And not exactly how I would've liked."
"So? That didn't stop you from winning on your FIRST try either way. How many trainers besides you two have those bragging rights?? The dude's so powerful he personally says congrats to anyone who does beat him. A guy doesn't do that unless only a few actually manages to get past him. Sure Bede may have beaten you. Sure he said a bunch of stuff about you and your brother, but he's just doing it because he's trying to get under your skin. He's trying to make you doubt yourself. He's trying to make you lose." You pointed to the wide eyed looking boy. "Hop. You CAN'T just be calling yourself weak. Leon and you are both strong. Just in different ways and Leon sees that in you. Why else would be agree to sponsor you in the first place? Haven't you seen what you've been able to do so far?" You gestured to his back pack. "In there somewhere is four badges ok? Four badges that you won on either your second or even first try. Do you think I could have done that? Absolutely not. You have four badges and you just need eight to compete at the end of the year! It's been three or four months and already you've come farther than most of your rivals in the challenge." You smiled. "That's not rubbish or weakness Hop. That's your true strength plain and simple."
Hop continued to stare at you with those bright gold eyes for a long moment, before the biggest smile you had ever seen on him came through. "...Yeah...YEAH!!" He pointed at you. "You're absolutely right! ...I...Still need some time to think about a few things, but I appreciate the words."
You smiled and nodded. "You'll figure it out eventually. Until then, just keep calm and work hard and you'll get there. Don't worry yourself over what Bede said because Gloria's right about him being wrong."
With a nod, Hop turned back to Gloria who blinked back at him. "I'm off, mate. Off to find the kind of pokemon that I can really draw the strength out of."
She frowned. "We'll meet up with you later tho...Right?"
"Oh you know we will! I still have to beat you sometime. I'll see you around. Ok?"
....Gloria nodded and the two of you watched as they bid farewell and after a moment they were gone. You two looking after where they left....before you looked over at Gloria's sad face. "Hey. Are you alright?"
After a second or two she nodded. "Y-Yeah." She inhaled. "Yeah I'm good. It's just a bit unfair y'know? Gah!" Her hands came up to grip her head. "I wish I could just get my mind off all this!"
You opened your mouth to speak- "That child." And practically yelped, jumping up, as the both of you whirled around face to face with....Opal. The elderly woman staring at where they boys left. "Gym Challengers should battle for the sake of their own pokemon. Why worry about saving the Champion's name? We all know he's unbeatable."......You exchanged a look with Gloria. "Anyway, here's a little something for letting me watch your battle." To your surprise what she handed out (more like put in Gloria's stunned hand-) was another league card. "Now on you go, Child. You're headed to the Stow-on-Side Gym next, no? The Gym Challenge is about having fun."
You both watched silently as she once again appeared out of no where, before ignoring anything she just did, and just...Left! Gloria finally blinked before curiously looking down at the card in her hands. Slowly turning to you as she rose a brow. And looked up to you. "..This is Bea's League Card."
....You blinked. "You mean the gym leader from this gym?" She nodded. "Why on earth would she have that?"
"I'm more confused on why she's here too."
"I'm more impressed she managed to do all that climbing required to get here. Wouldn't be surprised if she did the smart thing and grabbed a taxi....But she's got a point." You pointed to the card in Gloria's hands. "We came here so you would challenge Bea. If you want to get your mind off things, then a battle against her would be the best thing to do just that."
Gloria stared at you a moment. Before looking down to the card in her hands a determined look coming over her as she inhaled and pumped a fist into the air. "You're right again! I came here to challenge the fighting type gym and it's leader! I didn't spend days travelin' and climbing an unholy amount to just quite now! Hop plans on challengin' me 'n the finals! I owe it to him to at least try my best to get there with him! If he can do it then so can I too!" She turned, her mind dead set and seeming to forget you. "Look out Bea! Cuz 'ere I come to get that badge!!"
"You can do it!," you called after her as she suddenly ran out of the center, fist still high in the air. And leaving you sitting there by yourself. After a moment you sighed and leaned your cheek back down against the table. You were too tired and sore to move at the moment and your back could use a rest from days of lugging that troublemaker aro- The chair in front of you creaked as Drizzilie climbed onto it, before pulling itself onto the table and sat there next to your head, careful to not sit on your hair spilt over on the table behind you. After a moment it gave off a questioning sound and tapped your head as if expecting an answer outta you. You blew out a breath. "I get you're used to being carried around by now, but now you're bigger and heavier. And it's starting to strain my back out." It made another squeak noise. "That means you're a big boy now. One day you're gonna be taller than ME!" You were right that Inteleons were genuinely taller than most humans if you remember right. "What then? You can't expect me to piggy back ride you everywhere. It tires me out. So after today, how about you start giving walking a try?" Your answer was a few pats to your head. "I'll take that as a yes. Because there's NO way in heck I'm trying to carry you back down those ladders."
It was...mostly a blur right after that. It was almost embarrassing how fast you were to fall asleep sleeping half way on a table, but you must've been more tuckered out than you thought. You weren't even too sure how much time had even passed. All you can remember was waking up to a flash of light from behind your retinas making your sleeping body flinch....And your hearing picking up giggling from a far distance. And the feeling of something pressed against your neck. It felt like a cool water balloon just laying again your neck, not that you didn't mind being inside from the heat and all that, but you definitely shied away from the something that was shaking and as COLD AS ICE sniffing at your cheek. With a groan from being deep in sleep for so long, your eyes slowly blinked open to blurry yellow-....Yellow?? You blinked back more in your sleepy stupor as your drizzilie laid lazily like a cat in the crook of your shoulder and next as you yawned. Reached a hand up to rub at your eyes. And looked at the yellow dinosuar as it tilted it's head at you curiously. Blank faced you sat there and stared at it. ......It blinked and gave a small noise. And you yelled up immediately shoot up to your feet as the thing gave a scared sqawk like a parrot and dove itself to cower behind Gloria shaking. Drizzilie chirping in annoyance at being disturbed from it's spot of rest on the table next to you! Everyone in the center was either hiding behind the counter or like you pressed against the walls away the scary looking pokemon who looked like a giant yellow dinosaur trapped in a blue upside down acorn. The thing gave a sad noise as you stared at it, body pressed against the wall, your chair knocked over in the process of getting up. Gloria was already cooing at it soothingly and patting it's head, camera slung around her neck and a picture in her other hand........You pointed.
"Calm down, Y/n. Ya gonna scare Arctozolt even more than the wee babe already is," she said calmly patting it's head.
......You blinked. "I SCARED HIM!? Gloria what IS that?!"
"Oh this?" She gestured to the thing glancing around nervously. The only ones not so freaked out about it was apparently her and your Drizzilie who looked more annoyed it's nap was cut short. "Remember that scientist las I mentioned before? Well I found 'er wonderin' around with the weird contraption in hand. You were still sleepin' when I went back out for food so I figured why not give it a try? This is only one of four new wee ones I've got....But I wanted to come to you straight away because...well..." She looked nervously at you with a strained apologetic look. "I think we might have ta make a run for it."
.........You blinked. "....Run from what?''
She hummed making a rolling motion with her now free hand. "That scientist lady may be lookin' 'round for me cuz I ran off with her 'research'." She gestured to the pokemon who pressed it's nose against her arm curiously.
......"Gloria." You peeled yourself from the wall finally. "PLEASE tell me you didn't steal those pokemon."
She scowled stuffing the picture into her pocket. "I nay stole anything! Especially since it was mine in the first place! They were my fossils she just did some science whatcha-may-callit to 'em. It's not my problem she throws a fit once she sees me flee with 'em. 'Sides. Do ya really want them cooped up in some lab being studied like statues?"
....Well...You couldn't argue with her there. So with a breath in you breathed out calming yourself and held up your hands. "Right." You quickly moved to grab your bag, Drizzilie taking the hint and hurrying to climb off the table to join after you. "Ok then. Let's leave. And put that thing in it's ball-" You paused. ".....hey. What about Bea?"
"I told you I came for the Fighting Badge didn't I?", she asked pulling out a pokeball, in a flash of blue the light the thing was gone. "And I walked out with it as well! No need to worry ye head off!"
You nodded already going to the door. TIME TO LEAVE!! The last thing you wanted was to be arrested by a scientist for tampering with her research or stealing or-...Or whatever Gloria did while you were out cold. Darn it you had to stop being such a deep sleeper! You should've went with her instead of sleeping in! "Which is the fastest way out of Stow-on-Side?" You asked speed walking to the doors with your pokemon at your heels easily keep up with Gloria in tow behind you.
"The fastest way out is the back path leading behind the stadium." She said pointing as you sped walked out into the hot sun. "It's up that long stairway past the mural!"
You nodded. Sounded good to you! And your body was well rested from that powernap so you had the energy now to spare. Footsteps slapping against the stone pavement the three of you sped walked past people who looked like they'd seen a ghost. Oh no. Don't tell me Gloria paraded whatever ancient thing that was on the way there! Looking around, you peeled your eyes out for any sign of an angry scientist with a machine or anything the like. And you did run into a scientist. Just not the one you were fearing. As you two made it up the first flight of steps that lead to the stadium and path to the mural, a dash of yellow side lined you.
WHOA! You yelped and swung your arms out as you stumbled a step, only saving grace was Gloria who thanks to her quick reflexes grabbed onto your pack and pulled you back upright. Catching yourself back onto your feet as the yamper culprit wagged it's lightning bolt tail and panted happily at the both of you before giving off another loud bark. ....Wait a second. A yamper?? What was a yamper doing all the way up here? That could only mean one thing.
Footsteps rapidly approuched. "I'm so sorry!" You both turned. "Is everyone ok?"...Yep. It was Sonia. You both sighed in relief to see her. Thank goodness! It was just her. The red headed scientist quickly approuched scowling at the happily panting pokemon before wagging a finger at it and placed one hand on her hip. "Bad boy! You know better than to run off and scare people like that!" The dog pokemon tilted his head at her but otherwise didn't change it's expression as she turned to you two apologetically. "I'm so sorry about that. He can get easily excited. But it looks like my yamper really likes you, huh?"
"Sonia." A hand on your chest as your headed tilted back with a smile of relief, "Thank goodness it's only you."
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to come examine the ancient ruins and mural around Stow-on-Side after flipping through all those history books in the Hammerlocke library." They had a library?? "I thought maybe something was here. Anyway, we've run into each other at a good time." She happily turned and gestured up the way towards the stairs you two were about to run up anyways. "You know the mural here in Stow-on-Side I just mentioned? It's said to tell the story of the hero of Galar as well. Though what's there today is actually a replica of the ancient art that used to be here."...She paused...and you blinked as she turned to Gloria with seemingly a bright new idea in her mind. "Say. You tend to have surprisingly sharp eyesight, so I was wondering what you might think when you see the ruins?"
Gloria blinked..her hand coming to rub her arm embarrassed. "Uh..Actually I haven't see the ruins or m-mural yet."
She blinked taken a back. "Oh really?,'' she asked surprised. Gloria nodded embarrassed and Sonia held up a hand in assurrance. "Hey that's alright. There's a first time for everything. Since you haven't see it yet, how about we go together since I'm heading there anyways?"
"Would we!?," Gloria beamed and you coughed to gain her attention.
"Aren't you forgetting we're supposed to be leaving town for something?," You pressed raising your brows.
"Yeah. We're still going the same place anyways. But don't ya think running would make us look more suspicious?"
You opened your mouth...but closed it. She had another point. It's make you both look suspicious if either of you just ran outta here like a ghost was chasing you, it'd make you look like you were fleeing the scene of the crime. Acting along with Sonia like tourists would probably help you both blend in here a little better with the other people walking up and down the stairs...You nodded. Alright. You'd do that but then you two had better skedaddle while you had the chance too. Sonia looked please at your answer and would've probably expressed it too, if it wasn't for the earth rattling KA-BOOM sound that went off like a bomb somewhere above all of you. The echo of it boomed across rattling the sky, and you and the other two girls, and a whole bunch of other people looked up in alarm at the frightening sound. Which had come in the direction of the very place you were about to head off too. Sonia's yamper made a distressed bark sound and scampered behind the woman's legs. Drizzilie too seemed mildly surprised at the sound. The best you would describe it as a far away grenade or a firework going off, but who'd have either of those around here!?
"Wha...What in the world was that!? What's going on up there?!," Sonia managed to asked out before another ka-boom noise had you all more startled. "Sounds like it came from the direction of the ruins, too!"
"Maybe some of the old things are collaspin' in on themselves from age?", Gloria suggested.
That made a worried look come over the young scientist and a hand came up to her cheek. "Oh no! That's not good! Those are historical sights we're still studying!"She gave a look to the pokemon still cowering and shaking behind her heels. "Let's have a look! Come along, Yamper!" Her heels left loud footsteps in her wake as she turned and ran towards the stairs the yamper whimpering like a scare dog before quickly running after it's owner.
You yelped as Gloria suddenly grabbed you too and yanked you into a run after her. "Come on! We gotta see what's goin' on too! That's are way outta here remember!?"
You didn't argue with that. Only willed yourself to ran with Gloria after Sonia who was already ahead of you running up the flights of stairs as fast as her legs could carry her. Without the extra weight on your shoulders anymore it was really easy to keep up with them as you all ran past people who were looking with concerned, confused, or scared faces up towards the top of the stairs. One little boy even gripping the pants leg of who must've been his grandmother sobbing in fright. Sonia was the first to reach the top of the hot weathered stairs and stop facing what must've been the source of the sounds because ANOTHER giant boom noise echoed throughout the sky. Your heart raced in your throat, and your lungs heaved as you picked up the place. The second one to get there was Gloria and then a minute later you right behind her and then your Drizzilie who had resumed to running on all fours just to keep up with the lot of you. And the source of the noises were laid at your all's feet. No it wasn't a grenade. Or fireworks. Or even ruins collasping in on themselves from old age. It was a HUGE elephant looking pokemon who must've been the size of a large soccer mom's mini van who had it's trunk halfway stuck inside the cliffside where this strange but beautiful looking hand painted mural was drawn onto the cliffside. A giant hole was in the mural sadly disrupting it's beauty as many spiderweb cracks surrounded it as the elephant thing forcibly pulled it's trunk out of it scattering rock dust and tiny fragments at it's base. And the white haired boy encouraging it on as he pointed.
"Yes! Destroy it! Destroy it all!," he shouted to the elephant pokemon in absolutely frustration, "We're going to find those Wishing Stars!" Your eyes widened in absolute SHOCK. Holy heck!! It was BEDE!! What in the world was he doing!? The others must've been in shock too because they didn't react at all staring in horror as the thing raised it's trunk again and with a sickening crunching gravel sound slammed it's trunk back into the whole it created. More cracks slowly forming across the pretty painted picture. "We've got to bring the chairman more wishing stars if we want to please him! Copperajah! If you're truly the chairman's pokemon then you should feel grateful for this chance to help him find wishing stars!" The thing gave out another elephant sound and repulled it's trunk out from the now slightly bigger hole it made.
"BEDE YA BLOODY KOOK!!," you both jumped as Gloria finally found her voice, hands flying to grip her head as she stared horrified at the destruction before her. At the sound of her scottish accent Bede let out a high pitched wail of surprise and whirled around back pressed to the pokemon's side as his wide purple eyes stared. Surprised no doubt to see Gloria there. She threw her hands at him and his mess. "WHAT IN THE WHOLE STUPID HAIRBALL BRAIN SCHEME OF YERS ARE YE DOIN' NOW!?"
Bede continued to stare at her wide eyed for a moment, before instantly righting himself and dusting himself off. "Oh my. You again." He was WAY to calm for this to be normal. "So you think that you can start collecting wishing stars now and get in the chairman's favor? That's the way of things, is it?!"
Gloria blinked and looked at him like he was stupid for accusing her of something so...so...Well stupid too. "Have ye stumbled and hit your head on somethin' or is your head so stuffed full of that fluffy hair ya can't see what you're doin' right there!?" She pointed even more at the destroyed mural. "And what are ye goin on about wishing stars for!? Like I give a ratatta's arse 'bout lil rocks when I already have the one I need!"
"I see. So you have some cunning in you. But I won't have it!," he growled pointing back at her in anger. "I won't allow anyone to stand in my way! I have to win this for the chairman! Do you really think I'd let you keep me from everything I want!!"
"Did ya even hear what I just said!? I don't want ta git in your way! I want ye ta stop damagin' that thing! Are ye deaf!?"
He chuckled without any happiness. "Oh yes. My partner's move is simply splendid, wouldn't you say?" He held up his hand and with a snap the copperajah as he called it gave a giant elephant roar before lifting it's trunk back up and striking back into the same place it had been before hand. "Now leave me be until I can figure out what to say to you officially!" He turned back around. "I have work to do."
"What do we do!?," you turned to Sonia in a panic as she as panickedly looked back to you as you helplessly pointed at the GIANT elephant thing. "I can't take that thing on with Drizzilie! I can barely beat my own sleep time!!"
"I-I-..." She stammered looking around panicked hands lightly shaking not sure what to do herself before whipping to the stairs to everyone there. Sweat on her face. "SOMEONE GET THE GYM LEADER!! SOMEONE GET BEA NOW!!"
Good idea! Bea would absolutely be able to stop this but by the time she got up here that mural would've been nothing but rubble- ?! "GLORIA NO!!!" Your hand snapped to stop the girl but she was too fast as your hand grabbed empty air.
Gloria had dropped her bag to the ground. Her hands gripping her camera so hard her knuckles were white as she charged forward with speed you hadn't seen her use before. The copperajah pulling it's trunk back again to slam it for the hundredth time back into place in the crater it made in the rock as Bede persisted in barking at it to do so. It's trunk lifted high to the point it was about to slam it back down, when Gloria slid her way between them and the mural, before holding up the camera- "SAY CHEESE!!" And a flash of bright white shot out. The copperajah gave out a pained wail as it turned itself away from the flash quickly shaking it's head. The trunk that was raised to strike the mural more instead coming to it's own body to rub at it's eyes. Bede himself flinching back with a angry cry followed by a growl and gritted teeth as he was stopped.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?," he cried out angrily to her arm wiping at his eyes before blinking wide purple eyes full of confusion at the scowling girl. "I'm doing this for you! I'm doing this for everyone in Galar!!"
"What you're doin' is destroyin' Galar! Not helpin' it ya dummy! Why would I want ya doin' this for me!?" Bede stopped seeming stunned and...it might've been your panicked mind but he looked a little hurt at her words as she glared and held up her camera at him like a weapon. "Now stand down before I get more evidence of yer crimes!"
"...I...But why? How can this be?" ..He numbly pointed at her. "How could someone like you get in my way? I was the one chosen by the chairman! I was the one to defeat the champion!" He cried out at her. "I'm one of the elite! Someone who can shoulder the future of the Galar Region!" He pointed at her. "YOU EVEN AGREED WITH ME!!"
"Since when did I agree with destroyin' ancient sights for bloody sparkly rocks!?"
He didn't get time to anwer. In fact none of you did as a group of footsteps made their way from from behind you and your Drizzilie chirped in surprise before diving in front of your legs to avoid being swarmed by a few people in police suits like you'd often see Officer Jenny wear, a few gym staff people in white suits, and at least three pokemon that you supposed was to help restrain the culprit. You and Sonia looked around yourselves surprised but relieved to see the police coming FINALLY, and Bede suddenly looked even more panicked hands at his sides and lookig around widely as he was affectively surrounded.
"Make way for the Chairman!" Hey! You recognized that woman's voice. And turned just in time for the Chairman himseld and an angry Oleana part their way through the crowd. But instead of feeling relief anymore, a bad feeling pooled at the end of your stomach. "Challeger Bede!" She yelled and just when you thought Bede couldn't have gotten any paler, his skin turned such a white the bright white of his hair could've been considered darker than his skin tone. "I wondered what you were up to when you asked to borrow Chairman Rose's copperajah.I can't believe you'd try to use the chairman's pokemon to destroy a historical sight!"
Wait wait WAIT! HOLD UP!! They actually let Bede borrow THEIR pokemon without asking what he was doing and surprised about this!? ..A low rumble noise came from the wall as a piece of it slid away between the cracks around it. A few pebbles falling from it and landing right behind Bede's feet. No one noticed but Gloria who was still standing between Bede and the destroyed mural, blinking and looking up at the stone wall. You all were too busy watching the show between Bede and his sponsors to notice.
Bede had stood there stunned for a moment before scowling and pointing at her, but his tone was obviously scared. "Who cares for some ancient ruin when the next thousand years are at stake!? Did you stand in the path of a pokemon's simple beam or something?" Wrong move. Oleana looked even more angry now. "How do you expect to support the Chairman with that sort of thinking!?"
More pebbles fell down and Gloria looked right up, twisting her body around as she took a few steps back staring at the wall.
"Bede." Bede Froze. Absolutely. Freaking. FROZE as the Chairman addressed him holding a hand up to Oleana who immediately stood down at his motion. "Young Bede." His hand was slowly returned to his pocket, the chairman's eyes scanning his pokemon who still shook it's head and the absolutely destructon of the once beautiful mural. And shook his head. How was he so calm about this? "It pains me to say this but I am truly disappointed."
"It's true that I'm the one who found you, back when you were all alone." He sighed reaching a hand up to rub his head. "I saw talent in you. You reminded me a little bit of myself back when I was young. That's why I sent you to a trainer's school, to give you a chance at success. But trying to destroy the mural, part of Galar's history! You show no love toward Galar!" He looked back up to the boy who by this point was lightly shaking. Just staring at him like a little scared mouth. "You are clearly not a worthy challenger for the Gym Challenge."
"W-W-WHAT!?," Bede shouted at him. "B-B-But all I have ever done was for you!" He placed a hand to his chest. "All I have ever done was for Galar! Y-You must be joking right!? You're disqualifying me from the Gym Challenge?! But you're the one who endorsed me! T-T-There are a hundred different ways we could sort this out!" He insisted more desperate. "Why are you chosing the worst possible option?!"
Mr. Rose just held up a tired hand again. "I don't want to hear anymore from you, Bede. We will decide what to do with you later. For now you will return to Hammerlocke with us."
"B-B-But-.." He looked around in a blind panic around himself at every staff, policeman, and other adult there watching him. More pebbles falling and Gloria's eyes widened in danger. "I-I REFUSE!! THERE WAS A MISTAKE!!"
"Challenger Bede," Oleana stated firmly, "I'll be taking those wishing stars you have gathered. And you WILL be returning with us to Hammerlocke."
"I- N-No wait!" He was grabbed by two men in those white gym uniforms and his purple eyes shrank as Oleana walked towards him.
That's when the Chairman turned towards the rest of you and smiled apologetically. "AH! Sonia! And Gloria and her friend too!" You both turned to the Chairman as Gloria paid no attention to you, the Chairman, or Bede's shaking form as Oleana collected what looked like more sparkling gems out of his pockets. "Terrible shame all this." he gestured to the seen before him and you wanted to hurl at how disgustingly calm he could POSSIBLY be about all this! "An absolute disaster." OH YOU THINK!? "I never wish to see us lose challengers for this sort of reason. Yet we do what we must do to keep things fair and sportsmanlike."
"Then why did you lend him your copperajah without watching him?," you found yourself saying with a frown, "Or have a young boy collect stones from possibly dangerous mines?"
He fell silent, giving you a look that could have been surprised at what you said as you still stared at him. The reality of what you had said not catching up to you then and there because on top of what just happened something else struck. The sound of cracking walls and moving gravel made everyone look up as the cracks and wall of the cliffside moved ever so slightly under the weight of the lose boulder as it slipped free and fell down towards the earth. Down right towards the scrambling and screaming people. Right towards the frozen form of Bede as his mouth opened in a silent scream at the heavy rock barraling towards him as he stood in it's shadow- Well the rock did made contact with the ground, shattering into lots of tinier pieces on impact. Everyone yelped and cowered, arms flying up to shield their faces or turning away as the tinier rocks flew everywhere. Bede and Gloria laid upon the ground sprawled out from where she tackled him out of the flying death maker's way. Both groaned out before sitting up. Bede once again freezing at the sight of Gloria being so close and pulling him up into a sitting position with a scowl!
"Ye alright?"......he slowly nodded. "That's good." Before she began shaking him. "WHAT THE ABSOLUTE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? NOW DO YA SEE WHY IT WAS A STUPID IDEA YA DUMMY!? YA COULD'VE BEEN CRUSH BY A STUPID FLYIN' BOULDER!!"
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" A loud female voice cried out and if you thought Oleana's loud voice was scary it was nothing compared to the slightly smaller than you woman who stomped her way through the crowd barefoot, angry, and with at least three fighting type pokemon behind her. Just how many people were going to show up here!? And how could she stand walking around barefoot on the hot ground!? The grey haired woman looked absolutely shocked at the state of her town's mural and all the debry around the ground from it, but unlike everyone else who stood around taking a long time to react, her reaction was instant. Anger flooding her features and her face looked like a tea kettle ready to pop as it turned beat red. An accusing hand was pointed at the destruction caused. Wait. She looked familiar. "WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?"....Oh right! You saw her on the card Opal had given Gloria! It was Bea the gym leader of this place!...And she did NOT look happy to see what happened. Even more unfortunate for Bede some people around him pointed him out to the angry woman and once she snapped his gaze to himself still half held by Gloria, you could tell he was just one more heart attack away from fainting. "SO IT WAS YOU!!" She pointed right at him. "IT'S BAD ENOUGH YOU INSULTED THE TRAINER I ENDORSED BUT NOW YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY OF RUINING MY TOWN'S SUPPLY OF INCOME TOO!? WHERE DO YOU THINK SOME OF THE MONEY TO KEEP THE STADIUM RUNNING COMES FROM YOU LITTLE PUNK!? I SWEAR BY THE TIME I'M THROUGH WITH YOU YOU'LL BE GLUING THE ENTIRE THING BACK BY HAND WITH NOTHING BUT A LITTLE CHILD'S GLUE STICK!!" By now Bede looked pale enough to pass as a ghost.
"Bea now, now." The Chairman held up his hands to her in a calm manner. "Calm down. I'll pay for all the damages and repairs to be fixed. We'll have an exact replica of the mural back up in no time at all. It'll be like this never happened."
"I never said he wasn't going to be punished. We were just about to figure that out just now I assure you."
She huffed crossing her arms. "Oh yeah? Is that right? If you ask me you should take away the gym badges from him-"
"NO!!" Bede gave off an 'Oof' as Gloria suddenly grabbed him to her in a protective manner and his face hit her shoulder as he blinked confused. The adults looking at her in a way that made you nervous just standing there watching.
...Bea got a look of realization over her before she pointed at Gloria. "Hey. I know you. You're the trainer that I just badge the Fighting type badge too. Are you in on this too?"
Gloria shook her head no. "NO!! Are ye kiddin' me?! I'd never do somethin' as stupid as this!" Her hand pointed at her. "BUT YA CAN'T TAKE AWAY HIS GYM BADGES!!" She then pointed at the Chairman who blinked at her. "AND NEITHER CAN YE!! BEDE WON THOSE FAIR N' SQUARE!!" Bede blinked and looked up to her in shock. "YER RIGHT THAT HE SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR DOIN' WHAT HE DID!! BUT GYM BADGES ARE A SYMBOL OF ALL THE HARD WORK YOU PUT IN AS A POKEMON TRAINER JUST TO GET THEM!! ONCE A GYM LEADER GIVES THEM TO YA IT JUST SHOWS HOW MUCH YOU IMPROVED AND GROWN FROM THEN!! IF YOU TAKE THEM FROM HIM THEN YOU'LL BE DOIN' NOTHING BUT TELL HIM HIS WORTH AS A TRAINER IS NOTHING AND I WON'T ALLOW THAT!!" Her grip on him increased slightly. "Punish him for what he did to the mural if you want, but don't you DARE take his gym badges from him!"
You weren't sure whether you wanted to bury yourself under a rock or be proud of her in that moment, but her words got the Chairman to stare at her a moment. Humming and eyeing her protective stance frowning at him before he sighed and nodded. "She's right Bea. I won't tamper with the progress he's already made thus far, but he sure will be answering for the mess he's caused everyone today." He gestured back down towards the stairs. "Come. Lets discuss what we can do about the mural out of the hot sun alright? Ms. Sonia I don't suppose you could stand by until my team gets here could you?"
Sonia blinked."...OH! I-i-...Sure."
The two of you stood there as everyone and their pokemon trickled out of the destroyed area and back down the stairs after the chairman and gym leader who shot a nasty glare at Bede before she left. ...Bede slowly pried hmself away from Gloria falling back onto his bottom as she blinked. He got up shakily, dusting himself off in the process, before looking back to her. The two of them silently staring at each others for the longest time.
"Bede," He jumped and turned to Oleana as she stood there waiting for him expectantly, "Come along. You're aware the Chairman doesn't like to kept waiting." Bede paused for a moment looking between her and Gloria exactly once, before turning and started walking towards her. She turned and walked away from the three of you as Gloria slowly stood herself. Bede not sparing either of you a head glance as he walked past the two of you head down without a word.
The three of you stood there watching everyone leave down the long flight of stairs silently ...before you finally broke the silence by looking at the mess as the copperajah lumbered past after it's owner. ".....Well I can say for certain that this so fair has been the most eventful day I've ever had in my life."
"Tell me 'bout it!" Gloria grumbled dusting herself off as she walked over to you to which you looked at her.
"Hey. Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?"
She shook her head no to your relief as she still deeply frowned. "I know the show ponyta was a looney but I didn't think he'd have the gall ta pull somethin' like this."
You hummed. ".....Somehow I don't think that was exactly all his fault."
"Whatcha mean by that?"
You went to answer her but was cut off yet again by voice. "Now that I think about it..." Both of you looked to Sonia who hummed. "You know. During one of Bede's matches, I heard the announcer say that Bede has no family. Apparently it was Rose who took Bede under his wing, and so Bede was battling for the Chairman's sake." Gloria looked between you two surprised, but you were more angry than surprised at this point gaining a frown. You had pretty much picked up on that by now. "*sigh* But that's a story for another day." She looked to the destroyed Mural. "Oh poor Bea. What an awful turn of events. I hope the mural survived all that."
"I doubt that." Gloria kicked a decent sized rock away from her at the mention.
And then that's when the rumble started. Just like the sound of the rock that nearly crushed Bede, only there was a lot more of it! The three of you looked up in horror at the cracks in the once pretty mural finally giving away under the strained weight, and it fell apart.
You quickly grabbed Gloria and yanked her behind you as your Drizzilie once again ducked behind your legs for cover as the rocks fell away and crumbled to the ground in a heap. Sending smaller rock fragments and dust everywhere making the three of you cough up a storm. But it's when you looked up however, is when the REAL mystery began. Because when the two of you looked up....your eyes widened. In place of where the mural used to be was a pile of rubble and a hole in the cliffside. But in the hole ..was a couple of statues. Two of which were two GIGANTIC dog looking pokemon holding a sword or shield in their mouths, and behind them were two kings carved into the stone.
"...Hey." You glanced at Gloria shaking dust from her hat and Sonia walked up wide eyed to the statues. "Are you ok?" She nodded before plopping the hat back onto her head. "Good. What about you Sonia?.....Sonia?" You blinked and looked over to the orange haired woman gaping up at the statues...Huh. Why did they seem familiar to you?
"......Not a brilliant turn of events, but the ruins were brought into the light for us to see!," Sonia finally said after a long moment of silence. "What does this tell us about Galar's legends?"
"Uuuuh." You rose a brow up at the statues. Not really sure if she was talking to you or not. "A....sword and shield?" You guessed based off what the things were holding in their mouths...Hey. Wasn't this whole game's thing revolved around a sword and shield or something??
She nodded. "Right! More than any hero, there's those things that appear to be pokemon that stand out! Not just that, but those pokemon appear to be holding a sword and shield as if they were using them! Anything else look interesting to you?!"
"Uuuuh. ...Those two guys there." You pointed to the two king statues. They're the same as the tapestries aren't they?"
"I didn't notice that! Oh good observation! There really were two heroes. But if that's the case then why only the one statue at Budew drop inn?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe whoever built it didn't feel like making two giant gold statues."
She hummed. "More than any statue of a hero or old tapestry, these ruins made in truly ancient times must show us the real truth! Which means that....."
"....The sword and shield are pokemon?"
"YUP!!" She snapped with a smile to you making you blink. "I was thinking the same thing! Seems like at some point in history the sword and shield were combined with the two actual pokemon and treated as the same thing!" She hummed looking back to all the rubble. "But then what? They just faded from history? Two young heroes. The sword and shield were actually pokemon. But why would the truth of these ruins be hidden when their stories were depicted in artwork?"
"...Maybe they had something to do with it?" She looked at you and you pointed to the human statues. "The kings or whoever they are. They went through a lot of trouble hiding this..maybe it was to protect the things that protected them."
She hummed. "Possibly. We won't be too sure until I get Mr. Rose's approval to study it more. Thanks! With your help I really feel like we made a big discovery here!
"Not sure how I helped but your welcome!"
"..So there was history being covered up by all that over stylized artwork. I'm gonna have to look into this some more. OOHH!! IM SO EXCITED!! NO RESEARCHER HAS EVER MADE SUCH A DISCOVERY-" A bark caught both of your attention as Sonia looked down at her feet in time for her yamper to drop something white at them. And she blinked. "Hey boy. Whatcha got there?" Not a bone you hoped. She quickly reached down as you leaned over to look and she stood up with a white mask in her hands. It was covered in does and a bit yellowed with a few scrapes, and had three black holes in it presumably for a person's mouth and eyes. "Well would you look at this. I dont think this is from the ruins. ...It kinda reminds me of the one's Allister wears."
"Who?," you asked trying to see it. Sonia handed it over to you and you grabbed it from her to get a better look.
"Allister. He's the boy who's in charge of the Ghost type Gym just down the road there." She pointed towards the exit path from Stow-on-Side. "It's located by the Stow-on-Side cemetary, but it'll take a full day just to get there from here. I just mentioned it might be his since the only one I've ever seen with that kind of mask was him at the Entrance Ceremony....But I guess you'll be headed to Bellonlea next, right?"
You opened your mouth- "Y/N!!!" You were nearly knocked to the ground when Gloria ran up to you and grabbed you suddenly. Yanking you forward hard enough to send you stumbling a few steps as she panicked. "It's that restore scientist lady! She's headed up the stairs this way!" She pulled you into a run away from Sonia as she watched bewildered down the path away from here. Your Drizzilie running at your heels.
"Bye Sonia! Good luck in your research!!," you called back.
Guess you'd be able to finally leave Stow-on-Side.
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Divining Rod
spencer reid x reader
Best years part ten | part nine | part eight | part seven | part six | part five | part four | part three |part two |part one
Summary: The death of a serial killer rises another and the team must stop it.
warnings: normal criminal minds things,
A/N: based on season 7 episode 21
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 “A row house in Demount Circle wow,” Penelope said, astonished at the news Emily just gave. 
 “I can’t believe I’m doing it.” Emily shook her head in disbelief at the news also. “I mean, it’s probably not gonna work out anyway, right?” 
 “That’s what I said before I found out I got my apartment so, you probably will,” Y/N said, laughing at the end of her sentence. 
 “Well, there are five other sealed bids, and I offered way below what the owners are asking,” Emily spoke, standing up from her chair and began walking. JJ, Y/N, Penelope, and Spencer stood up and followed her. 
 “Uh-huh, sounds to me like someone’s hoping they don’t get it.” JJ’s voice was filled with sass as she side-eyed Emily. 
 “Orthophobia, fear of owning personal property,” Spencer said from in front of the four women. He was intently looking over the case file in his hands as they walked to the round table room. 
 “No- I don’t have a fear of owning stuff, turn me loose in a shoe store, I’ll prove that,” Emily defended herself. “My fear is owning personal property that weighs three hundred tons.”
 “Actually, depending on materials used, square footage, and horizontal versus vertical construction, the average house only weighs sixty tons,” Spencer retorted, spewing off his knowledge without even a second thought. 
 “Well, thanks for that Reid, I feel light as a bird,” Emily said sarcastically. 
 “It’s okay Em, it took me months before I could even settle into my apartment because I couldn’t feel at home, it just takes time.” Truly Y/N felt uncomfortable because the last place she lived in by herself all her friends were tormented in, but Emily didn’t need to know or worry about that.
 “What‘ve we got, baby girl?” Derek asked, breaking up the conversation to bring it to the case at hand.
 “We have a killing in Enid, Oklahoma, and not the capital punishment one you are thinking of right now.” Penelope walked over to her chair and took a seat before she continued. “I’m talking about a woman named Cara Smith, who was murdered in her apartment minutes after the execution of Rodney Garret.” 
 “Neighbors saw her front door open and discovered the body,” Hotch added.  
 “Look Familiar?” Rossi asked directing everyone’s attention to the victim on the screen. Her appearance is the same as all of Garret’s victims. 
 “Young, pretty, short blonde hair,” JJ said, examining the photo.
 “And stabbed directly through the heart.” Y/N brought her pen up in the air, showing that she realized what Rossi was saying. 
 “That’s exactly the way Garret killed his victims,” Spencer said as he remembered back to the Garret murders. 
 “So are we looking at a copycat?” Derek asked looking at those around the table. 
 “Or someone creating doubt the right person was executed,” JJ countered, looking at Derek next to her. 
 “In Garret’s case there was no doubt,” Rossi corrected. “His guilt was the slam dunk of all slam dunks. Prints, DNA, a confession…”
 “He even led the police to where he buried two of his victims,” Spencer added to the list Rossi was creating. 
 “Garret killed 25 women before he was caught. If this new unsub is a copycat, the body count’s just getting started,” Emily said. 
 “Which is why we can’t waste time, wheels up in thirty.” 
 “Firing squad? That’s new,” Y/N said after hearing Garret’s choice of execution. 
 “It’s definitely not something you see every day,” JJ agreed.
 “Well, Garret had the option of lethal injection, but he chose this instead,” Derek responded. 
 “Flair for the dramatic,” Rossi stated. 
 “No kidding.” Y/N let out a breathy laugh with her words. 
 “Initial reports indicate no forensic evidence at the crime scene,” Hotch said looking at the file in his hand. 
 “What about the ice pick?” JJ asked. 
 “It was generic, no serial number or unique metallurgy,” Derek answered looking at the paper that gave more detail on the pick. 
 “Well, now, it says here-” Emily pointed to a page in her file- “that there were water droplets and a half-filled flower vase on top of the chest drawers, but no flowers. Not in the vase, not in the garbage, nowhere.” 
 “Maybe the unsub took them,” Y/N posed, looking up from her folder. 
 A pinging sound came from the laptop as Penelope popped up on the screen. 
 “Hey, say it like you mean it, baby,” Derek greeted her. 
 “You know I’m gonna,” she replied before giving what she found. “So if you look in the dictionary, the word ‘normal’-” she held her hands up to show quotation marks- “you will see Cara Smith. College student, well-liked, straight A’s, English lit major- oh speaking of which I just got a transcript of Rodney Garret’s last words, hot off the press and a gold star to the first person who can identify the source of this: ‘She comes like fullest moon on a happy night, taper of waist-” 
 “‘With shape of magic might,’ it’s from the Thousand and One Nights, not the exact translation I would have used, but it’s got its own merits,” Spencer finished the last of the poem. 
 “And in a shocking non-upset, we have a winner,” Emily said, hopefully stopping Spencer before he would go on a spew of insight of the story. 
 “Garret was a sixth-grade dropout, an unlikely guy to be quoting from a Harvard classic,” Rossi said. 
 “The choice of material does make sense though,” Spencer began. “The book is all about how a Scheherazade forestalled her own death at the hands of the king by regaling him night after night with stories.” 
 “In the end, he won him over right?” JJ asked. 
 “Yes, the king found a love for her and decided not to execute her,” Y/N answered, looking at JJ. “Although I wouldn’t say that would be a strategy that would work with the Oklahoma Department of corrections.”
 “Another body’s been found half a mile from the first victim, same M.O.” Hotch had stepped away to answer the phone and was now relaying the information he was just given to the team. 
 “That's six hours later, this guy’s not wasting a lot of time,” Derek said.
 “We land in twenty minutes, Reid, you and Y/N go to the latest crime scene, Rossi, you JJ and Prentiss go talk to Garret’s widow. Morgan and I will go to the prison.” Y/N saluted Hotch at his order. “If Garret’s got a disciple, we need to find out who he is and fast.” 
 “Such a beautiful day for such a terrible thing to happen.” Y/N’s eyes looked up to the sky, observing the blue of it and the bright sun. She wasn’t really thinking about the case until she walked up the steps, always trying to fit the last of the good in before she saw the bad.
 “I don’t think serial killers stop because of the weather, sweets,” Spencer said, raising an eyebrow at the thought. 
 “Hey, what did I say about nicknames at crime scenes,” Y/N said turning to Spencer who was slightly behind her.
 He laughed lightly. “Not to use them, because you’re afraid they’ll be ruined,” he answered her remark. 
 “Exactly.” She pulled her credentials out of her back pocket to show the officer at the door. Walking into the house, a tall man turned around to greet the two.
 “Hey, I’m detective Childers,” the tall man said walking up to Y/N to shake her hand. “You must be with the FBI.” 
 “Yes, I’m Agent Y/L/N, and this is Dr.Reid.” Y/N pointed to her right to the lanky brunette. 
 “Hi,” Childers said, holding his hand out for Spencer to shake. Spencer offered the man a small wave, as usual, opting out of the handshake. 
 Y/N offered a smile to the detective in hopes of trying to make the awkward moment go away. “How about you show us the scene.” Y/N changed the subject. 
 “Yeah, why don’t y’all follow me back here,” Childers said as he led the two over to the bedroom. “It’s unbelievable this is happening all over again.”  
 “Who is she?” Spencer asked as they entered the bedroom. 
 “Jodie Armstrong, single, works a cosmetic counter at a department store downtown,” Childers answered. 
 The body laid in the exact position it was found. Duct tape still on the mouth and wrists, and the ice pick stabbed into her heart.
 “Young, pretty, short blond hair,” Y/N said as she looked at the victim’s appearance. “That’s the same victimology as the others.” She turned her head to look at Spencer, who’s eyes had been wandering the room around them.
 “Who discovered the body?” Spencer asked. 
 “Apartment manager. A neighbor called to complain that a teapot in the kitchen kept on whistling,” Childers explained.
 “So he surprised her.” Y/N said, turning as she watched the struggle play out around her. She pictured the unsub pushing her down and tying her onto the bed. 
 The three separated as Childers went to go handle something out front and Spencer and Y/N stayed to look around the scene more. Y/N gloved her hands and squatted down next to the bed, looking closely at the victim’s head. Pushing her head to the side, she moved her hair to and fro as she examined the hair cut. She noticed it’s unevenness and well, basically, it was a shitty hair cut for such a pretty young girl to have.
 “Hey, Spence, come look at this.” Spencer looked over at Y/N who was across the room from him. 
 “What is it?” He asked, setting down the CD he had been looking at to walk over. 
 “This girl is young and she obviously cares about her appearance, she’s fit, her nails are done,” she said, laying one finger on top of the other as the listed off the things she’s noticed. “But her hair, look at it, it’s uneven.” She picked up the phone that had headphones plugged into the jack and turned it on. 
 “Could it maybe be a fashion statement, you know, look bad on purpose?” Spencer asked looking next to him at Y/N.
 She shook her head, looking through the phone in her hand. She began to look through some things in her photos before she found a selfie of Jodie and some of her friends. “Look at this,” she leaned over to show Spencer the photo. 
 With two of her fingers on the screen, she zoomed in on Jodie, who in the photo had very long blonde hair. “It was taken last night,” she said after pointing to the timestamp at the bottom corner of the photo. “The unsub cut her hair.”
 In the station, the mood was serious. Two bulletin boards stood side by side with large maps placed on the. Spencer, Hotch, Y/N, and Derek sat in swivel chairs from desks in the area they were in. Behind them sat JJ, Emily, and Rossi, who were looking through letters that were sent to Rodney Garret’s home. 
 “This new guy’s hunting in a different neighborhood,” Childer’s spoke after looking at the map. 
 “He must be comfortable in the area, he knew the victims’ routines,” Derek stated.
 “His method of ingress and egress is quiet and unnoticeable,” JJ said, leaning back in her chair. 
 “Get a load of this one,” Emily began as she turned in her chair with a letter. “Dear Mr. Garret: It took a lot of courage to do what you did. Most people are cowards and don’t do what they feel inside them. You are an inspiration, and I applaud you.” 
 When Emily had finished the letter, Y/N barked out a laugh. “I’m sorry for laughing but ‘I applaud you’?” She just shook her head, the letter being very funny to her in a weird way. 
 “These are supposed to be the non-wacko letters,” Rossi said. 
 Everyone raised their brows in question. A computer beeping signaling the arrival of Penelope’s on a screen got everyone’s attention. 
 “Hey guess what, Y/N’s genius has struck again,” Penelope began as she popped up on the screen. “The hunch about the hair was right, I’m sending you an ATM image of Cara Smith. She’s the first victim, this was taken ten hours before her murder check it out.” 
 At that, everyone’s attention was brought to a screen. The video showing Cara walking up to the machine with very long hair compared to what was left on her body. 
 “The unsub cut her hair too,” Childers said as he looked at the video. 
 “You know, there could be a sexual element involved. Trichophilia is a fetish where one becomes aroused by the removal of hair,” Spencer said. 
 “Yeah, but, either way, this is starting to look less like a copycat,” Y/N said looking next to her at Spencer. 
 “The unsub’s deviating too much from Garret’s M.O., Garret never took trophies,” Derek said in agreement. 
 “He’s also choosing low-risk victims, Garret’s stayed with high-risk target- prostitutes, runaways--” Spencer said but was cut off by JJ. 
 “Garret also got sloppy and left clues that eventually nailed him, this guy’s careful and meticulous,” JJ said.
 “He’s not that careful,” Childers corrected. “He leaves doors open, teapots boiling.” 
 “I think it’s intentional. He wants the bodies found so we know when and where he’s killing,” Hotch said.     
 The room fell silent again, everyone getting back to their work. Little conversation was made, Emily or Rossi reading off an obscure letter or Y/N saying something about the geographical profile to Spencer. All conversation halted due to Childers getting a call that there was another body. 
 “Reid and Y/N, come with me to the scene.” Hotch stood up, Y/N and Spencer following his request out of the room and to the scene. 
 Walking into the house, Y/N took note of how it was kept and lived in by the victim. She did so in hopes of gathering something for victimology. After noticing she fell behind Hotch and Spencer, she quickly caught up to them as they entered the bedroom. 
 The blonde woman laid on her back, her arms duct-taped to the foot of the bed. Her eyes were closed, and she almost looked peaceful, but the ice pick in her heart told them otherwise.
 Hotch squatted down to the bedside and examined the side of her head that was exposed. 
 “He shaved her head,” Hotch commented. Y/N and Spencer stood on either side of him, looking over the body from behind their unit chief. 
 “That’s even more humiliation and disrespect,” Y/N said. She turned her head sideways as she looked at the poor and almost frantic shaved spot. 
 “He didn’t do it to the other victims.” Hotch stood up as he spoke, looking at Childers who was on the other side of the bed. 
 “Detective when was the body discovered?” Y/N asked. 
 “Half hour ago, the killer left the front and back doors open,” Childers responded. “And there’s no indication of any contact on the wine glasses swabbed for DNA.” He gestured to the CSI unit that was brushing the wine glass behind him. 
 “Not even the victims?” Spencer asked. His face doing its normal twist as he thought.
 “The unsub probably wiped it clean,” Y/N said. The upper half of her body turned to her left to look at Hotch and Spencer.
 “Has anyone found an open or empty wine bottle in the house?” Hotch asked, turning back to the detective after looking at Y/N. 
 “We haven’t found one yet.” Childers shook his head. 
 “He probably took it with him, like the flowers of his first victim,” Spencer commented. 
 “He’s killed at six A.M., noon, and now six P.M.,” Hotch said, looking between Y/N and Spencer. 
 “That’s not a long cooling-off period.” Y/N spook with a sigh as she stuffed her hands in her pockets. 
 “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not feeling so good about the stroke of midnight.” Spencer’s eyes bounced between the three in front of him. All of them nodding their heads in agreement at the comment. 
 “We believe we’re looking for a white male between the ages of thirty and forty who is strong enough to subdue physically fit young women with minimum resistance,” Hotch said. The team stood in front of a crowd of local officers as they told the profile. Rossi and Emily had found out that the same man that wrote the letter Emily had read to them were some of Garret’s favorites. Taking that, they presumed that the man who wrote the letters was more than likely the unsub.
 “He’s forensically sophisticated and evidence-conscious,” Derek added. 
 “He targets his victims in advance and leaves no trail.” Y/N stepped forward as she spoke, coming into line with Derek. 
 “This person is also confident.” Emily paused, then continued. “He’s been taunting us by revealing his crime scene quickly.”
 “Because of his ability to plan and flawlessly execute his crimes, we’re looking for someone capable of holding down a job. Even though it’s probably menial and unfulfilling,” Rossi said. His hands stuffed into his pockets as his shoulder shrugged when he spoke.
 “The victims have all been young, blonde, and pretty. As such, they reflect a certain societal standard of perfection that may actually represent the type of women that are unattainable to this unsub,” Spencer explained. 
 “He cuts his victims’ hair, and then he takes it with him, this could be another way for him to possess a part of them,” Y/N said, bouncing off of Spencer’s statement.
 “Or to degrade these unattainable women, make them uglier,” JJ added on to Y/N’s words. 
 “The killer has been murdering in six-hour increments. He is, in effect, time-stamping his victims, there’s no reason to believe he will deviate from that now,” Rossi said. 
 “Which means the next kill will be at midnight.” Y/N emphasized her words as she spoke. 
 “The public needs to be alerted to stay off the streets for all non-essential activities,” JJ said. “Single women should not be in their homes alone,” she continued, her warning to the people relaying its importance.
 “Every available officer will be out in full force tonight, we need to blanket this city,” Emily commanded. The officer’s around the room nodding that they understood.   
 “We do have one advantage,” Hotch began. “A killer who uses this kind of precise timing and specificity is easy to disrupt. We can use his own M.O. against him,” he explained. The officer’s around the room were then dismissed and went to get ready for the night out.
 As the sunset fell over the city of Enid, the officers suited up and began to canvas the town. Emily and Derek joined them while the others stayed back and helped run point. While they waited, they had Penelope do some more digging into Garret to find out who the unsub might be.    
 “What you got, Garcia?” JJ asked as she answered the call from Penelope. 
 “I have found a thing of interest regarding these shanking attempts made on Garret in prison,” Penelope began. 
 “What is it?” Hotch asked, curious as to what she found. 
 “The timing, see, the first time Garret was attacked was May 25, 2008, the day before that, May 24, for those of you keeping score, Garret’s imminent execution date was postponed, right?” Penelope’s question was rhetorical so everyone stayed quiet as she continued. 
 “So then if you flash forward to the second shanking attempt of stabby-ness, that would be November 15, 2010. The day before that, his next execution date, also postponed.” When Penelope had finished her explanation everyone was basically one the same page of what was happening. 
 “Okay, so I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say someone decided to take matters into their own hands,” Y/N said. She crossed her arms across her chest and popped her hip to the side, the resting position she stood in when she thought. 
 “Thanks, Garcia,” JJ said, her finger hovering over the hang-up button on the computer. 
 “Ever welcome, my comrades.” JJ hung up the call and turned back to those behind her. 
 “Well, that sounds like what you would think of somebody on the outside wanting a little revenge,” Childers said, his head turning to Rossi and Hotch beside him.        
 “They wouldn’t wait five years, give it two tires, and then toss in the towel,” Rossi stated, his head shaking as he didn’t believe that theory. 
 “It sounds to me like someone just needed Rod Garret out of the way,” JJ said, adding in her own theory. 
 “But Garret was on death row, confined to his cell 23 hours a day. How was he in anybody’s way?” Hotch questioned, both theories not making sense now. 
 “Since we’re on the subject of things that don’t make sense, the unsub left the doors open after the murders,” Y/N said, bringing in a new topic in hopes of coming up with something new. 
 “Okay, that’s directed at law enforcement-- catch me if you can,” Rossi responded to Y/N’s thought. 
 “But the cutting of the hair,” Y/N said her voice trailing off in question. 
 “That’s for Garret,” Hotch finished, knowing what Y/N was thinking now. 
 Rossi nodded agreeing with Y/N. 
 “Well, what makes you think that?” Childers asked her. 
 “Well, Garret chose victims who were easy prey-- drug addicts and prostitutes. But this unsub has chosen more difficult targets but gone to the trouble of making them look like Garret’s victims,” Hotch answered, turning to Childers. 
 “That’s his way of telling Garret, ‘I can do better than you’,” Rossi elaborated. 
 “Okay, but why wait until after the execution to start killing? If the unsub really wanted to thumb his nose at Garret, wouldn’t he want him to be alive to see it?” JJ asked, not fully understanding this theory. 
 “Exactly, that’s the part that doesn’t make sense.” Y/N pointed as she spoke. 
 “Them we’re missing something,” Hotch said. 
 When the sun rose, the team had been at the station all night. In the early morning hours, another victim was found with a different M.O., stab wounds. Since the unsub could not kill his victim properly, this led them to believe that the killer could go on a spree. The unsub also removed her scalp this time, taking away most of her hair. 
 The clock on the table flipped to 9:44 A.M., and Y/N’s eyes were heavy. She laid on a bench, her head resting on Spencer’s thigh. His hand rested on his arm that was propped on the railing of the bench. The two sat peacefully, Y/N was not totally asleep, but her mind was in and out of full consciousness from the long night. She wasn’t totally sure if Spencer was asleep either, his body not moving which she was grateful for. His warmth was what kept her so at peace, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay like that for long. 
 “I never could do that,” Rossi stated as he looked at Y/N and Spencer who had their eyes closed. 
 “Do what?” Emily asked, her eyes following Rossi’s over to the sleepy couple. She let out a small ‘awe’ as she noticed the two.   
 “Take a nap, it never felt natural,” Rossi answered, not appreciating the cute moment.
 “I’m actually wide awake,” Spencer said, sitting up from his position. His movement stirred Y/N as she moved to get comfortable again, but never opening her eyes. 
 “But for future reference, polyphasic sleep is completely natural. Quite common in the animal world, and highly beneficial.” His eyes panned to Y/N who was still, he believed, asleep on his lap. “However, I believe Y/N is very much taking a real nap.” 
 “Shhhh.” Y/N reached one of her hands to her lips sleepily, placing her index finger on her lips. She sighed after a second and sat up, realizing she was now fully awake and there was no going back to whatever state of sleep she was in before. “Okay, I give I’m awake.” 
 “All right, six o’clock’s way come and gone, if our guys killed again, he’s not leaving the front door open,” JJ said after looking at the clock. 
 “Or he could just be taking a breather,” Derek posed the counter. “I mean, even the unsub has to realize he can’t keep up this pace indefinitely.” 
 “Maybe the last murder completed some sort of cycle,” Rossi said, saying his thoughts aloud. 
 “What do you mean?” Y/N asked, leaning her forearms on her thighs. 
 “A day and a night have passed, the sun rises for the first time in a world without Rod Garret,” Rossi answered, his hands moving as he spoke. 
 “There could also be a more mundane reason, our guys got a job, and yesterday was his day off,” Emily said. 
 “He killed his first three victims in their homes-” Hotch pointed to the markers on the map where the homes were- “But the last victims, Emily Sisk, he tried to but he couldn’t. SO he abducted her, took her somewhere else, and then brought her all the way back to dump her body in front of her apartment building.” Hotch’s voice got slightly aggressive as he spoke, irritated as to why he didn’t know how that happened. 
 “That’s incredibly risky considering all the increased police presence,” Y/N said, agreeing with Hotch.  
 “There’s gotta be a geographic component to the unsub’s design,” Hotch said turning back to the map on the board. 
 “Let’s connect the dots, literally.” Spencer stood up from his seat next to Y/N and walked to the board. He pulled a red marker out of his pocket and drew lines to connect all four homes. 
 The lines formed an upside-down arrow almost.
 “A tip of a spear,” Emily guessed, turning this into a game of Pictionary. 
 Y/N walked up to the board to get a closer look at the design. Her head cocked to the side as she thought. 
 “Maybe it’s an arrow pointing south? Could he be steering us to his next victim?” Derek asked as he pointed to the bottom of the arrow. 
 “It’s a quadrilateral, but there’s nothing particularly symbolic about a four-sided concave polygon,” Spencer said, pointing out the math of the shape.
 “Spence, can I?” Y/N said reaching for the marker in his hand. Spencer nodded, handing her the red marker. “Look what happens when you curve the lines.” She drew curves over the lines the Spencer drew, forming something in the shape of a heart. 
 “A heart,” Emily said, eyes trained on the drawing. 
 “Well, Garret and the unsub both killed their victims using stab wounds through the heart,” Derek said. 
 “And Garret was executed by a shot through the heart,” Rossi continued the theory. 
 Hotch then moved the clear map of all the roads and homes over the heart drawing on the board. In the center of the heart sat the home of Rod Garret’s wife, Helen Garret. 
 “Helen Garret,” Emily realized as Hotch put the map on top of the other.  
 “It’s all about her,” Hotch said, confirming the speculation Emily made. 
 After JJ, Rossi, and Hotch established that Helen was probably at the prison since she was not home, the rest of the team made their way there. When the others met up with them, all of them in their kevlar’s ready to take action, they met outside the gates of the prison to talk. 
 “So nobody saw what happened, but Helen’s car is still in the parking lot,” JJ said walking up to the group with Rossi and the warden. 
 “He’s got her,” Hotch said. 
 “The driver’s name is Dylan Kohler, he lives at 4488 Harmony Court,” the Warden said identifying the unsub. 
 “Did he work yesterday, Warden?” Y/N asked. 
 “No, he arranged for someone else to take his shift,” the Warden answered.
 “I’ll have Garcia check into Kohler, but now that he’s tipped his hand, I doubt if he’s going back home,” Rossi stated, pulling out his phone to call Penelope.
 “All right, Morgan, take Reid, Y/N, and Prentiss to the house of Kohler, see if they’re there just in case.” Derek nodded, then gestured for the three to follow him to a car to go to the home. 
 When they arrived at the home of Dylan Kohler, there was no sign of him or Helen. They headed out of the house to go back to the prison. 
 “Yeah, Hotch, they’re not here,” Derek said to Hotch when he answered the phone.
 “Where the hell could they be?” Y/N asked looking to Spencer next to her as she holstered her gun. He shrugged his shoulders, opening the door for Y/N. She climbed in hoping to the seat on the left and Spencer sitting on the one on the right.  
 After finding Garret’s secret hideout, the team wrapped up the case, saving Helen Garret and were now on their way home. Y/N sat in the seat across from Spencer, eyes glancing at him every once and a while as he read. His finger trailing down the page, his steady breathing, and the curve of his nose entranced her as she looked at him. 
 She was sleepy, there was no doubt about it. Yet, her eyes couldn’t close as she looked at him, too caught up in his domestic feel to let it be intruded on by sleep that she desperately needed. 
 Tell him, the voice in her head whispered. Tell him how much you love him.   
 She couldn’t, at least not yet. Not until she knew that Caroline was out of sight, or if he said it first. But something in her told her that he knew she loved him. Simple acts like saying you need sleep or hold my hand was ways she was able to say she loved and cared for him without having to voice it. 
 Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted though by the beeping of a computer from behind her in.
 “Oh, hey, guys, hey,” Penelope said with a sleepy voice. Y/N turned in her chair to listen to the conversation. “I just wanted to see what was going on.” 
 “This better be important, Garcia,” Emily said irritated as she was woken from her slumber. 
 “Oh, it’s nothing.” Penelope was playing it off, the excitement in her voice giving it away. “It’s just that a messenger came by the office today with some papers from Escrow!” Her voice was sing-song at the end. 
 Emily’s face became very surprised. “No!” She said, astonished and not believing the blonde on the screen. 
 “Oh, yes, the house in Dupont Circle-- you got it! Whoo!” Penelope was throwing confetti at the screen in excitement. 
 “Oh my God, Em, that’s so exciting!” Y/N said happily as she sat on her knees in her chair to face Emily. 
 “Congratulations,” Hotch said with a smile.
 Then, Emily’s face fell and she looked like she was going to be sick. Y/N and Spencer stood up to sit on the couch so they could be closer to the conversation. 
 “Six seconds, fastest case of buyers remorse ever,” Rossi said, looking down at his watch then at Emily.
 “Well, I say the moment we land, we all head over to Ziggy’s and clear out the champaign inventory,” Derek said sitting next to JJ. 
 “And talk Prentiss down off the ledge,” JJ chuckled as she looked at Emily’s horrified face. 
 “Oh, my stomach doesn’t feel so hot.” Emily clutched her stomach. 
 They all let out a small laugh at Emily’s reaction. 
 “I was in the middle of the best dream,” JJ said changing the topic. “I dreamt that I was at this exclusive salon getting my hair done.” 
 The toll from the event of the last two days pressing themselves on her dreams. The thought of having a wig made of human scalp and hair placed on her head made Y/N shudder at the thought when she was told.   
 “Ah, the psychotherapeutic benefits of dreams-- purging unpleasant images and replacing them with good ones,” Spencer said, giving insight on to why we dream things like that. 
 “Yeah, ‘unpleasant’ is putting it mildly, bub,” Y/N said looking at Spencer next to her.
 “If someone put a bloody wig on my head, I would have ripped that thing off and kept it off.” JJ thought back to how Helen let the wig sit on her head when they found her.
 “Well, you’d think instinct would take over,” Derek said agreeing with JJ. 
 “Oh, hey, Rossi, I meant to ask you, what did Helen mean at the end when she said ‘daddy was right’?” JJ asked turning to look at Rossi across from her. 
 Rossi let out an annoyed sigh. “He once told her that she was a divining rod for the evil in men. That she could sniff it out when nobody else could.”  
 “There was definitely something a little strange about her,” Emily said as she recalled the time she and Rossi had to speak with her. 
 “It’s curious, one woman at the center of two serial killers.” Hotch’s voice was low as he voiced his thought. 
 “Yeah, what are the odds of that?” Y/N said, her question being rhetorical but she knew Spencer would answer.
 Ah, there’s the answer, Y/N thought. 
 “Removing from the calculations serial killer groupies--” Spencer was cut off by Hotch lightly hitting her arm to have him stop. 
 “Y/N, why’d you ask?” JJ laughed. Y/N just shrugged, knowing she’d get the answer she kinda wanted to hear later. 
 ��You know, whether she knew it or not, maybe Helen Garret did give Dylan something,” Derek said as he thought more into it. “I mean someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they won’t grow unless they get water from someplace.” 
 That night, after going out to celebrate Emily’s new house, Y/N walked into her home. Stumbling as her lips were connected to Spencer's. The impromptu makeout session starting at the door when Spencer started to say goodnight, but Y/N had a little too much champaign and really wanted a good ‘ole fashion junior-high makeout session. 
 She pushed him back to her couch, the two giggling like thirteen-year-olds as they kissed. She straddled his lap as they continued to kiss. It was childish and full of smiles and teeth as they giggled. Still, the kiss was full of love and tenderness as Spencer would caress the side of her face with his large hands. Or when she would grab the front of his sweater to pull him closer to her.
 “I really need to go home,” Spencer said. His lips brushing against Y/N’s as he spoke. 
 She didn’t listen and kept placing pecks on his lips before she let their lips mold together in bliss. 
 “No,” she protested quietly as she pulled away, then went back to his lips. 
 He chuckled, trying to pull back again to speak, but her lips chased his. “I’m not taking advantage of you, sweets,” he said gentlemanly. 
 She sighed, knowing that she was slightly drunk and he wasn’t going to keep going since she was. “Fine, but you owe me.” She poked his chest with every word. “Always a gentleman, even when I’m horny, but it’s fine.” Her words were a slur of mutters under her breath, but he heard her and laughed. 
 “Always.” He pecked her lips one more time as she stood up and led him to the door.     
 Once Spencer had given her one more kiss goodnight, promising her a coffee in the morning at work, she closed the door and turned to the inside of her apartment. A sigh of relief leaving her as she stepped further into her safe environment. She took her boots off and placed them by the door and moved her keys she dropped on the floor in the bowl on the table. She began to walk to her kitchen but stopped when her eyes caught glimpse of a letter. 
 She hastily pulled the wax seal back to open it, but became confused as she looked at the note. 
 Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. 
 She laughed, it was a pathetic line to spook her that wouldn’t work. She put the note back in the envelope and placed it with others. 
 She thought nothing of it. She didn’t think she would need too, but everything Caroline did had meaning. This too would show it’s meaning soon.
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lnterjection · 4 years
gods of red skies (of this world to comprise)
Based on @quaranmine‘s post “that meme where the FBI shows up at your house because you know too much except it’s DreamXD and Ranboo being the only person who knows what an end portal is,” but I make it angsty.  
“And here’s our table,” Phil said, and Ranboo’s jaw dropped in such standard enderman fashion he would have been ashamed, if he weren’t so preoccupied with the sight in front of him.
Slowly, he took a step forward. Leaned over and traced a finger across the pale, bumpy endstone, its tiny craters and rivers of raised ridges. It had been so long since he felt endstone beneath his skin. 
The empty sockets stare back into him, deep cyans and swirls of black. You’re here, they seem to whisper. We’ve missed you.
“It’s a cool table, but I think this is a bit of an overreaction,” he heard Techno whisper behind him. “Phil, what do we - uh...”
“Do you - do you know what that is?” Ranboo asked. He struggled to keep the awe from his voice. 
Phil glanced over his shoulders with a bewildered expression. “No?” he said, wings slowly fanning out. “What do you mean?”
“It’s-” Ranboo hesitated, taking a step back. Should he tell them? Should - should anyone in this cursed world have that sort of power? Wouldn’t that lead to more sides, more pointless statuses of power to fight over?
He made a split second decision. 
“Um, nevermind,” he said. “I forgot.”
The lie came so easily. Ranboo internally winced at how familiar his muscles were with the phrase. 
Techno eyes him, pupils narrowing, but he doesn’t comment. Phil gives them both a cheery smile and claps his hands in a neat, smooth motion, effectively shutting down the line of conversation.
“So!” he said. “Anarchy!” 
Ranboo nodded along, tried not to be too weird (or well, weirder than he must already seem to them), and that was that.
Everything was freezing - his crystalized bed that felt more like ice than wool, his creaking, ramshackle roof with scatterings of icicles that dripped frost and cold, the way every muscle of his body felt like it was contracting into a ball of sharp diamond. 
Ranboo couldn’t complain, though. He had a place to live. He was welcome here, which was so much more than what he deserved after everything he’s done. 
He wasn’t going to freeze to death. Worse case scenario, he takes his blanket and hides under his bed. He’ll be fine. Fine.
His chattering teeth and rapidly shivering body certainly seemed to disagree with him. 
Ranboo tried to draw in a clattering breath. The winds picked up, slicing every exposed inch of skin with an unforgiving glacier.
At least it’s not snowing, he thought weakly. 
And then, through the screeching winds and enveloping blindness of night, he heard it. 
There’s something crunching, outside the fences that made up his home. Ranboo blinked slowly, wondering if he’s finally gone off the deep end. If that last tether to sanity which his mind so desperately clung to was finally slipping away, and this was the moment he succumbed to that relentless war of the mind, never to resurface again.
For a terrible, traitorous moment, Ranboo hoped that it was Phil or Techno, here to invite him into their house of warmth, a sign of friendship or at least care, after he’d been invited into their anarchist group (which wasn’t taking sides, they just didn’t want to be ruled, was that so bad?).
“Not much of a house, is it?”
And like an arrow to his heart, that hope was promptly smashed to pieces.
“Shut up” Ranboo gritted out to the figure that was no doubt leering over him with that stupid smily mask and stupid smug voice. “You’re just jealous you don’t even have one.”
His mind scrambled around desperately as he suppressed a terrified scream. Is this his mind again? But that voice doesn’t show up outside the panic room, or does it? What does he know, really? 
Was this actually Dream, here to kill him? To take revenge on for destroying the community house? Ranboo couldn’t bring himself to drag his face away from the swath of blankets that he was clinging to, but he could hear the whine of the fence gates swinging. Something snapping shut in place. 
Dream was definitely here, unless Ranboo had, indeed, well and truly lost it. Which was a likely possibility. 
Dream, what was Dream doing all the way out here? And why now, of all times, did Ranboo decide to finally grow a spine? 
Well, either he was hallucinating big time, or Dream was here to kill him. Either way, it’s not like anything he did will matter. 
“I have a house,” Dream said, sounding mildly affronted. “Now, this pathetic excuse of a cattle pen certainly can’t be called one.”
“Just shut up and kill me already, Dream,” Ranboo yelled. His voice was muffled and thrown about by the wind, but it echoed through his bones nonetheless, and this was gratifying in some horrifying way because either way it’s not like what he’ll say will make any difference. “What, are you here to finally gloat over me too? Found a different target than Tommy, huh? Just can’t find a better use of your time than torturing teenagers-”
“What? Woah, I am not Dream,” Dream said, and Ranboo took a moment to process this information. 
He finally looks up, squinting through the darkness and the biting way the winds attacked his eyes. 
The person that had his arms cross in front of him looked like a carbon copy of Dream, only with a pale blue hoodie instead of the usual lime green one.
“Just because you’ve put on a different outfit doesn’t mean you’ve changed who you are,” Ranboo snapped through chatters. “Fuck off or kill me, Dream. You’re not fooling anyone.”
“I told you, I’m not Dream,” was the reply. “Check your communicator.”
Ranboo, slowly, drew out the device and glanced at the pale, glowing screen. 
DreamXD whispers to you: I’m here.
“Really reassuring,” Ranboo said.
“Aren’t you supposed to be one of the nice ones?” ‘DreamXD’ asked. “I thought you had manners, or something like that.”
“Since when have manners ever helped me?” Ranboo bites, suddenly feeling something sullen draw his stomach down. Bittering clung to every word. “It’s like nothing around here gets done without violence.”
“That’s not my problem.” DreamXD made some shrugging motion, slowly turning his shoulders in an unsteady fashion like he was just getting used to moving his body. “I’m just here to...”
Ranboo flinched as a glimmering stick appeared in DreamXD’s hand. He recognized the telltale sheen of glowing enchantments, but that shouldn't be possible because you can’t enchant sticks. 
Dream, or DreamXD, or Not Dream, whatever the fuck he was - waved his glowing stick above him in what Ranboo assumed was supposed to be a menacing manner. He looked mostly like a deranged serial killer, which was, concerningly, also an apt description for the actual Dream. 
“I need to make an alteration to your book,” he said. “Hand it over.”
Ranboo stared at him for a long, drawn moment. His mind was blank, unresponsive, why would he want the memory book-
And then, his memory book was in the other entity’s hands, and Ranboo began yelling again.
“Give it back!” He lunged forward, but DreamXD teleported to the side and slammed his fist down on Ranboo’s back. He hit a faceful of snow and dirt, and a pained whine escaped his throat as the heel of a boot dug into his neck. 
Everything hurt. His back is now throbbing. Ranboo suppressed a sob as he heard the telltale sound of pages flapping wildly in the wind - and then the sound of ripping paper, grating against every bone of his body. 
Again - no, this couldn’t be happening again, why is this happening again, he was so careful and he hadn’t done anything and surely he had been good this time, hadn’t he?
His mind only just seemed to process what was happening. His memory book - his memory - was being stolen, torn, violated yet again and this time Ranboo could do nothing but listen and cry into the cold, gritty dirt while his neck is on the verge of snapping and what did he do?
He just wanted peace. He just wanted to be loved - not even loved, to just be left alone. To live without constant fear of pain or death or someone destroying everything he held dear. Was that so much to ask for?
Yes, a part of his mind whispered. You blew up the community house. You betrayed L’Manberg. You didn’t even have the spine to tell Techno and Phil, your new allies, what the end portal is. They welcome you onto their land and group and you repay them with more hidden secrets? How else will you betray everyone?
Everything part of him was burning. Ranboo wanted to slice and strip off all his skin, to submerge himself in freezing cold water and close his eyes and not have to worry about any of this anymore and why did he want all of that so much-
“There we go,” the voice above him suddenly said, and Ranboo made a choked noise as something hard kicked deep into his side. He tumbled across the floor with a few soft crunches before going limp, body splayed at unnatural angles that twisted knots around all his muscles. His throat felt more parched than desert sands, scraped raw and bloody. 
Something thudded in front of him, and Ranboo somehow had the strength to claw himself over through a filmy, blotched vision and drag his memory book back into his embrace. There were pages missing, ripped from the spine in jagged chunks like an unfinished puzzle shredded apart from frustration.
He choked again as a hand closed around his neck and dragged him up and something sharp and flaming jabbed into his chest. 
A coarse sleeve muffled his wailing scream. 
This pain was worse, so much worse, worse than the wither skulls and being dunked in water and all the stabs and slices he’s ever endured combined, his insides were burning and burning and on fire and covered in lava and Ranboo thought for a few fleeting moment that he would combust into sheer nothingness and he wanted to forget, forget why am I still here forget everything please I don’t want to be here-
“There we go,” the voice, that Dream voice, said, and it sounded so sickeningly like Dream but also not at all, because whereas Dream‘s voice always held a demeaning smugness about him this one had nothing but cold indifference, and Ranboo wasn’t sure which was worse but he couldn’t focus to think anyway because his entire world was red and white and burning and what the fuck was that stick enchanted with-
At some point, the pressure stopped. It faded away increments, and all Ranboo could comprehend was that eventually, as his mind flopped away from the shelter of nothingness, he was on the ground again and Dream was above him and everything was horribly, horribly silent. 
Why, he wanted to scream again to the howling winds, but his throat was spent and dead and he couldn’t move or do anything except lie there and spasm erratically like a dying animal with its guts already pooling across the stiff, blue grass. 
What did I do why is this happening please I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it’s all my fault please stop I don’t want to die-
“Let this be a warning,” the voice said in a smooth, terribly indifferent way. “If you write down what happened here, or about that end portal, I assure you that things will get much, much worse. And if you tell anyone, anyone else even a hint of what that portal is-”
Ranboo couldn’t even flinch as something cold pressed against his throat, as much as his mind leaped at the feeling. 
“I guarantee you will never see the light of day again.”
Was this what it had all been about? The portal? That he was being punished for his origins after all, for having the - the knowledge itself? For having the power to utilize it, even if he never would? 
“You really are Dream, aren’t you,” Ranboo rasped. He creaked his neck up to stare blankly into that pearly white mask. Every part of him, from his screaming body to his scattered, twisting thoughts felt weighted with magma, smoldering in its own ruins. 
Dream shrugged, a bit faster this time, and disappeared in a shower of flaking purple particles that drifted around like the snow that had, during some part of all this, began to fall. 
His eyes stung. His entire face was covered in tears, sharp daggers flicking the skin across with every movement. Ranboo couldn’t bring himself to care. He cradled his cold, crumpled memory book to his chest and knew that, as much as he hoped it was, this was not just a nightmare. Not in a world like this.
Read on Ao3 here.
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
starker abo: homecoming
warnings: emotional and physical abuse (nothing explicit!), smut at the end, implied thorki, mentioned sambucky
words: 3.7k
“Jesus, he’s such a fuckin’ crybaby. I feel bad for Quentin.”
Everyone turns to look at the table across the cafeteria. Peter Parker, the world’s snootiest omega, is perched on top of the navy lunch table and bawling his eyes out. Loki, a lithe snarky omega, is patting under Peter’s eyes with tissues. His usual posse huddles around him, cooing at and petting him.
“I don’t. His performance in bed probably outweighs his attitude, if you catch my drift.” Sam snickers and Bucky punches him in the arm. The alpha lets out a whine and rubs at his shoulder. “Hey! What was that for?” He snaps at his boyfriend. Bucky just narrows his eyes. Tony finds himself looking at Peter again. He seems to have calmed down a little. His friends usher him out of the cafeteria, no doubt to help him fix his makeup. Tony could gag at how fucking prissy the omega is.
“You okay, Tony? You look a little pale.” Steve says, and Tony can’t believe he’s actually concerned.
“Jeez, Steve, I’m fine. Your motherly instincts take over?”
The table howls with laughter.
“Good one, Stark!” Thor booms and Steve rolls his eyes. Tony sends a wink at Steve, a group of girls heading towards their table emerging in the corner of his eye.
“Steven,” Peggy, the beta exchange student from England, pipes up. A few of her friends giggle behind her. “Would you come with me? I have to talk to you.”
Steve nods wordlessly, trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
“He’s smitten, I tell ya’.” Bucky slurs, tossing a crumpled napkin at Sam.
“Idiot. I’ve got to piss, see you in Calc.”
Sam groans and Rhodey shouts “TMI!” Tony passes a table of girls on his way out, and they all call his name. He shoots them a wink, opening the double doors to the hallway. It’s actually quiet in the hallway, aside from his combat boots thunking on the linoleum floors. He fishes through his leather jacket’s pocket, looking for his cigs, when-
“Watch where you’re fucking going!”
Tony stumbles back as he knocks into, well, none other than Peter Parker. He looks like he’s going to cry again as Loki lifts him off of the floor. The tan-skinned beta flips him a bird as they walk away.
He can’t believe Quent would ever say that to him. For one, he’s not a slut. He’d never cheat on Quentin, he knows that, so why did he say it? Two, Quentin’s lucky no one was around to see Peter’s tears.
What he can’t get over is how Quentin touched him like that.
He’s heard of alphas hitting their omegas, but it’s always been an old wive’s tale, or whatever. He guesses that Quentin’s just stressed. He didn’t do so hot on his Pre-Calc test, so maybe he has some pent up anger.
Peter needs to send him some flowers.
By the time he gets back to his apartment, he’s already tried calling Quentin three times to apologize, but the alpha never picked up. He drops his Vera Bradley book bag on the floor with a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Peter! How was school?” Uncle Ben asks from where he’s seated at the kitchen island.
Peter breaks down into tears.
Uncle Ben takes him in his arms, holding him close. That’s the thing about his uncle, whenever he’s upset he just lets Peter cry it out, never asking for an explanation. Peter appreciates when his aunt gives him advice, he really does, but sometimes it’s nicer just to be held.
“I’ve got Halotop ice cream that’s calling your name.”
Peter giggles softly as Uncle Ben ruffles his hair.
Soon enough he’s cuddled under his silk sheets, a carton of peanut butter cup ice cream in his hands. In the midst of watching Cady and Janis mix together foot cream, his phone rings.  “Quentin 💕💕” lights up on the screen over a very flattering picture of his boyfriend.
“Hi,” Peter answers quietly.
“Hi honey, I just-um-wanted to say I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean any of it.”
“It’s okay Quent, I was a bitch too. I’m sorry.” Peter responds quietly, stabbing his ice cream with his spoon.
“You kind of were. I’ll catch you tomorrow, okay?”
“Bye, love you.”
Peter hangs up the phone, feeling emptier than before.
“Anthony, you are not wearing that.”
Tony smirks and adjusts the collar of his leather jacket.
“Don’t worry, dad. I know Peter. It’s all good.” He replies, running a hand through his hand. Howard clenches his jaw.
“Come on, boys. We don’t want to be late.” His mother calls, ushering the two to the car. Howard still looks pissed as he climbs into the driver's seat, Tony scrolling through Instagram as they drive to the Parker’s. A picture of Peter appears, the omega posing on the hood of a cherry red ‘65 Thunderbird. His long, milky legs are displayed by his tiny red running shorts. A sliver of his toned stomach is exposed by his cream Coca Cola crop top. His almond hair looks like it’s blowing in the wind. Red heart-shaped glasses frame his face perfectly. The caption reads “Taste the Feeling! ♥️♥️”.
A small part of Tony wants to taste him.
He ignores that part.
“Now you behave, Anthony. This deal is important, we’re paying Benjamin a lot of money for his program.” Howard reminds him.
“Yeah yeah,” Tony replies, rolling his eyes and itching for a smoke. They pull up to one of the apartment complexes in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Tony begrudgingly follows his parents, the elevator operator nervously pressing the buttons.  The elevator brings them directly to Peter’s penthouse because of course, the Parkers have a penthouse.
“Oh, hello!” A voice exclaims from the kitchen. He stands awkwardly until Mrs. Parker emerges from the other room. “Welcome, all of you!” She exclaims, giving his mom a hug.
“Oh, Anthony, I remember when you were just a baby. Your mother came to me for a dress for a gala, and she brought you along. You’ve grown into such a handsome alpha.”
Tony flushes, embarrassed. His mom laughs loudly and pinches his cheeks.
“Peter should be down soon, he always takes forever to get ready.” Mrs. Parker complains, pushing her glasses farther up her nose. “Benjamin is picking some whiskey from the cellar. Why don’t you come sit down?”
Mrs. Parker leads them to the living room, where the couches are covered with blankets and the fireplace roars. Tony sinks into the knitted blanket, sighing heavily.
“Oh, goodness, I’m sorry I’m late!”
Peter Parker is at the top of the steps, in a tight, glittery maroon dress, looking like an absolute vision.
“Come down, Pete.” His aunt calls with a smile. The omega’s heels click on the hardwood staircase as he comes downstairs. He’s prettier up close, a silver glittery barrette holding his curls out of his face. Gold glitter is swept over his cheeks and eyelids.
“Anthony,” He says, scrunching up his button nose. Tony winks at him. The only empty seat is next to the alpha, so Peter daintily sits down on the couch. He smells divine, like expensive floral perfume mixed with the sweet scent of omega.
“You can call me Tony, you know.” The alpha purrs under the voices of his parents and Mrs. Parker. Peter rolls his eyes.
“Dully noted.” He snaps back, but Tony just laughs.
Dinner goes on slowly and Tony keeps his mouth shut. Peter’s definitely checking him out (or maybe that’s just Tony’s ego.) During the meal of lamb and beef, Tony notices a bruise blooming under the hem of his dress.
The omega gives him a glare and adjusts his collar.
“Did you hear? We’re being assigned partners this time.”
“Ugh, gag,” Peter grumbles, tapping his pink pen on his pink notebook.
“I know,” Loki responds, eyes glancing to the back of the room. “I hope I get paired up with Thor, though.”
Peter smiles and picks at his cuticle.
“He better ask you to homecoming. I’m blackmailing him if he doesn’t by Friday.” He says nonchalantly, eyeing the burly blonde in the back of the room. He’s laughing about something with Anthony.
“Peter. I’ll beat you to it, you know that.” Loki jokes. Peter nudges him in the shoulder of his dark green sweater. The class quiets down when Ms. Hill steps into the room.
“Good afternoon, everyone. As you may have heard from the other classes, we’re starting our quarter project.” She announces. “I’ll be assigning you into partners, and you’ll be researching the impact and achievements of a Chinese dynasty.”  
The glass groans, a few pairs of eyes flicking around nervously.
“Calm down. It’s senior year, you should all know each other by now. I’ve already have your partners, so listen up...”
Peter studies his French manicure as Ms. Hill calls out their names. He gives Loki a wink when the teacher pairs Thor with him for the Tang Dynasty. It’s getting to the end of the list, and Peter’s worried that Ms. Hill might have forgotten him, then-
“Tony and Peter. Song Dynasty.”
The omega dies a little inside.
“Alright, get to work! Rubrics are on my desk, get brainstorming!”
The class disperses into a flurry of noise and movement. Tony slowly stalks over to him like the douchebag he is.
“How about you get the rubric?” Peter suggests, but it’s more of an order than anything. Tony smirks and places his pencil on the desk next to Peter.
“Anything for you, princess.” He teases, causing the omega to flush a bright red. Peter doodles in his notebook until Tony gets back with two rubrics.
“Song Dynasty. I’m fuckin’ pumped.”
This actually makes Peter giggle a little bit.
“Calm down, Anthony.” He quips back, a small smile on his face.
It turns out the two work together pretty well.
Tony’s definitely not a slacker, and had avid ideas that Peter wrote down. They settled on a comedy-style presentation. (Which Peter would neverdo, but who can say no to Tony’s puppy dog eyes?)
When the bell rings, Tony walks him to his next class, like a...gentleman.
Who knew?
“Good morning Midtown! I’m Peter Parker, your SGA President.”
Tony turns his attention to the T.V in the hallway. Peter sits at the newscaster desk, in a navy and white tennis polo, a matching headband pushing back his curls, and two big pearls adorning his ears. Tony could purr, but he pinches himself. There’s no way he can be falling for Peter Parker.
No way.
The entire hallway goes silent, in awe of their queen on the screen.
“A quick reminder-next week is spirit week! The days are posted on our Instagram and around the school. Don’t forget to buy your homecoming tickets. They’re being sold all week in the cafeteria. Thanks, and have a wonderful day!”
Everyone resumes their conversation.
Tony slams his locker shut.
“Oh god, you are not making me ride that.”
Tony laughs loudly and tucks his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
Peter stands with his arms crossed over his baby blue Chanel sweater. His pink lips are turned down into a frown, button nose scrunched like it always is.
“I am. Unless you want to walk?” Tony coos, handing his helmet to the omega. His honey eyes glance down at the black helmet, then back up to Tony.
“You’ll keep me safe?” Peter asks quietly, his bitchy facade dropping. Tony’s eyes widen.
“Oh, of course, Pete. I’d never let anything happen to you.” The alpha responds, genuine care in his voice.
“Well, then let’s go, slowpoke.” Peter huffs, placing the ill-fitting helmet on top of his curls. Tony chuckles and straddles the bike, waiting as Peter slowly wraps his arms around his torso, resting his cheek on his back.
“Hold on!” Tony calls as he starts the bike, causing the tiny omega to yelp. They leave school, weaving through the cars and students. Peter shouts directions to his house in Tony’s ear, the alpha smiling as the wind whips behind him. They eventually arrive at Peter’s apartment complex, parking his motorcycle in the garage for the occupants.
“That sucked,” Peter grumbles, but-Tony sniffs the air.
Peter’s turned on.
He’s about to crack a joke, but stops himself. Peter looks at the ground, embarrassed.
“Sorry. Didn’t bring my car.”
Peter tries to hide his smile.
The omega brings him up to his penthouse, heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
“Do you want anything, Tony? I’ve got...quite a lot.” Peter asks, grabbing some wheat crackers and spread from the fridge. Tony shucks off his leather jacket, placing it over the back of the chair. He runs his hand over the cool marble counter.
“I’m good, but thank you.” He responds, pulling his notebook out of his bag. Peter shrugs, grabbing his book bag.
“Suit yourself. Let’s go upstairs, my aunt will be home soon.” He tells Tony, not sparing him a second glance before heading to the staircase. The alpha rushes behind him, narrowly avoiding an expensive looking vase. They turn right down the hallway, pictures of Peter at all stages of his life on the walls. One catches Tony’s eyes, a little baby Peter with a big blue bow on his head, smiling as he plays in a pile of leaves.
“Please don’t touch anything, Anthony.” Peter sniffs when they reach his room, pink exploding in Tony’s vision. His room is huge, perfectly cleaned and organized. There are pictures everywhere, Peter smiling with his friends. A king-sized canopy bed sits in the middle of the room, expensive silk pillows arranged with care. Peter plops himself on the ground, spreading out his papers.
”Your room is...nice.” Tony comments, sitting on the ground next to Peter. He's still overwhelmed by the omegan aroma filling the room.
”Thank you.” Peter says softly, clearly pleased.
”Should we get started? I had some ideas about how we should present the civil service exam.”
They get a big chunk of their work done but end up talking about everything butthe Song Dynasty. Peter’s actually really fucking smart, wanting to study biological engineering in college. He's down to earth and an absolute sweetheart when he's not surrounded by the student body.
And he's really fucking pretty.
”I know! Fury is such a hardass!” Peter exclaims through giggles, tears coming out of his big doe eyes. His curls are a mess, splayed underneath his head.
Tony isn’t thinking when he reaches over and thumbs away Peter’s happy tears.
The omega blinks in surprise, but-
sucks Tony’s thumb into his mouth.
Tony growls loudly, removing his thumb from Peter’s mouth with a pop, leaning down, and pressing his lips to the other’s. The omega is everything Tony thought he would be. Sweet like sugar, with the remnants of the crackers on his tongue. He hums happily as Tony picks him up, pulling the smaller into his lap.
“I fucking like you, Parker.”
“Tony,” Peter whispers as the alpha lightly drags his fingers over his bare thighs. “Tony, I have a boyfriend.”
“He doesn’t deserve to be your boyfriend, Peter.” Tony says, almost frantically. “He-He fucking hurts you.”
Peter flinches at his word choice.
“He doesn’t. It’s none of your business.” The omega breathes, avoiding Tony’s gaze.
“Peter, please tell someone. Or break up with him, I don’t care.” The alpha pleads, taking Peter’s hands in his. The omega rips them away.
“He loves me. Please drop it.”
Tony bites his tongue.
“Loki, your bow is crooked.”
Loki rolls his eyes and spins around.
“Then fix it, Peter.”
Peter laughs and straightens the blue bow that holds his black, silky hair out of his face. It’s Class Colors Friday, the seniors getting their rightful color of blue. Harley takes a bite of his sandwich, looking over Peter’s shoulder.
“Uh, Pete? Quentin’s coming over here, and he looks mad.”
Peter turns around, seeing his boyfriend heading towards him with a scowl on his face. Peter pretends to light up, giving him a small wave. Before he can greet the alpha, he’s grabbing Peter by his cheerleading jacket.
“You fucking slut,” He growls, blue eyes narrowed. “You sleeping around with Stark now?”
Peter whimpers as his breathing picks up.
“Quent, you’re making a scene.” He whispers, tugging at the alpha’s sleeve gently. Quentin grins menacingly.
“Am I, now?” He chuckles, pressing a kiss to Peter’s cheek. “That’s high praise coming from a drama queen like yourself. Have fun finding another homecoming date.”
With that, Quentin pushes him back, and storms out of the cafeteria. Peter follows him, ignoring the shouts from his friends.
“Quentin, baby, wait!” The omega calls out once they get into the hallway, causing the alpha to spin around.
“Is it true? You made out with Stark?”
Peter’s bottom lip quivers as he stays silent. Quentin sighs exasperatedly, clenching his fists tightly.
“You deserve everything I did to you, Peter. And I hope you fucking know it.”
Peter doesn’t see his, well, ex-boyfriend, leave through his tears. He shuffles off to the omega restroom, trying to keep his mascara from running. He sifts through his purse for his little packet of tissues, dabbing at his eyes frantically. The door swings open, and Peter expects Loki and Harley, but the smell of smoke and musky alpha fills the room.
“Shit, Peter, I’m so fucking sorry,” Tony says quickly. Peter just whimpers and cuddles into the alpha’s torso.
“You were right,” He cries, breathing in deep breaths of Tony’s scent. The other boy strokes his curls, shushing him. “And now I don’t have a homecoming date, and all my friends do, and senior year is just going to suck.”
Tony sighs deeply from above him.
“I can go with you, if you want.”
Peter looks up into Tony’s deep brown eyes.
“Are you asking me out, Anthony?” He teases, poking the alpha’s cheek. His eyes widen in surprised.
“No! Not at all. I’m just saying, if you wanted to, I’d be willing to go with you.”
Peter laughs and kisses him.
Tony’s so fucking nervous.
His hands shake as he grips the stupid plastic corsage box in one, ringing the doorbell with the other.
Mrs. Parker opens the door.
“Tony. Come on in. Peter will be down in a second.” She says with a glint in her eyes. Tony follows her into the apartment, perfectly clean, like always.
“Let me see,” Mrs. Parker smiles, leaning over to look at the corsage in the box. “He’ll love it.”
Speaking of him-
Peter Parker appears at the top of the steps.
Tony’s mouth parts subconsciously. Peter looks-Peter looks stunning. His dress is a cherry red that matches his lipstick, all lace and off the shoulder. He walks down slowly, smoothing the skirt of his dress.
“Peter, oh my god, you look beautiful.” Tony sputters as Peter gives him a peck on the cheek.
“And you look handsome,” The omega responds, thin fingers adjusting Tony’s tie. “You bought a corsage!”
Tony laughs, opening the box and picking up the white rose. He adjusts it on Peter’s wrist as the other boy pins a white boutonniere to Tony’s lapel.
“Perfect,” He coos, pressing another kiss to Tony’s jaw.
Mrs. Parker gives him a quick, threatening talk as Peter uses the bathroom. Peter fake swoons when Tony opens the passenger door to his Audi.
They’re the perfect pair.
They take pictures and dance and kiss and it’s everything Tony could ever dream of. Peter wins homecoming queen, as he should. He looks divine on stage, sparkling tiara on his curls and smiling wide.
“Alpha,” Peter whines, 30 minutes before the dance ends, making Tony’s heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, baby?” Tony responds, grinding his hips forward against Peter’s ass, a quiet ‘oof’ falling from his lips.
“Can-Can we go back to your place? If your parents aren’t home-“
“Fuck yes.”
The car is thick with the scent of arousal, the mixing of their pheromones making Tony crazy. They’re on top of each other once they make it inside.
“Tony, where’s your room?” Peter moans as Tony nibbles on his neck. The alpha doesn’t respond, instead lifts the smaller into his arms. Tony rushes upstairs, making sure he doesn’t drop Peter. They collapse onto the bed, Tony pressing his lips to Peter’s. He tastes delicious, as always, and Tony can’t help but moan. He pulls off of Peter, shucking off his suit jacket as Peter stands up.
“Alpha, can you help undo my dress?”
That phrase sends a jolt of arousal to Tony’s dick.
He obeys, thick fingers tugging the silver zipper down. Peter steps out of the dress, his freckled back on full display, as well as his delectable ass that’s barely covered by white panties. In awe, Tony runs his fingers over the pale stretch marks littering his flesh.
“Is that- are they too gross? Quentin always said t-they were ugly.”
Tony’s speechless.
“No, no, baby,” He coos, spinning Peter around so he can see his face. His doe eyes shine with oncoming tears. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that? You’re the sexiest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.”
Peter giggles shyly, flushed.
“Fuck Quentin. He’s a pussy, not a real alpha. He never deserved you. You’re perfect, my little omega.”
They make love.
There’s nothing else to call it-not fucking, not sex. Peter rides him for everything he’s worth, tiny cock leaking against his stomach as his thick thighs straddle Tony’s. The tiara stays on, his curls becoming damp with sweat. Tony doesn’t last long, he pops his knot too early, but he doesn’t mind, since Peter is right behind him.
“Tony?” The omega whispers after Tony slipped out of him and cleaned them up.
“Yeah?” The alpha responds, breath hitting the back of Peter’s neck.
“I fucking like you, Stark.”
Tony laughs, pulls Peter closer under the covers, and kisses him.
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
young god | chapter 3
serial killer!han jisung au
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chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | epilogue |
word count: 2.7k
warnings: mature language
description: hyunjin teases you about the blind date when you come in for work. meanwhile, your first therapy session with jisung leaves the both of you more than a little...jarred.
watch the trailer here!
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You burst through the cafe’s glass doors like a madman, hair tossed about by the early morning breeze and your bag slipping off one shoulder. Glow Cafe was packed, as it usually was at 8 a.m. on a Monday -- students and professors queuing up at the register for their early morning pick-me-ups. Behind the counter, amidst the sea of turned heads, a tall, brown-haired boy cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Well, well, well -- look who decided to show up to work. How was your blind date?”
Hwang Hyunjin snickered at your reddening face, pushing up his glasses with flour-covered fingers. The barista wiped his hands on his apron before pulling out the first batch of croissants of the day out from the oven.
You shot him a death glare as you took your place next to him, throwing on your own uniform over your clothes. Still smirking at you, Hyunjin balanced a cappuccino and a croissant on a tray before sliding it towards a girl.
“He didn’t turn out to be a serial killer or something, I hope?”
“Not a serial killer, and not a wanted criminal.” You leaned back on the counter, still catching your breath. “Unless--” you gave a melodramatic gasp -- “you count the crime of stealing my heart.”
Hyunjin made a gagging noise as he took an order and slid it towards you. “No way. So you’re saying it was a success? Felix is never going to shut up about this.”
You read the slip. Iced Americano, extra shot of espresso. Easy. “I know. Honestly, though, ‘jin, he was so freaking adorable, his smile--”
Hyunjin’s hand immediately cranked up the cafe’s speakers, jazzhop music effectively drowning out the rest of your sentence, and you laughed.
Hwang Hyunjin was the second friend you’d made at Miroh Heights, the first being none other than your now-wingman, Felix. Besides being an architecture and design major, Hyunjin was also the owner of one of the hottest coffee shops on campus -- Glow Cafe. It was first opened by his grandmother decades ago, and had fallen into his hands once he’d gotten into Miroh Heights. Nowadays, his grandmother stayed in the studio apartment above the cafe while Hyunjin ran the business.
The cafe began emptying near 10 o’clock, most students and professors having shuffled off to morning classes. You wiped your hands on your apron, and Hyunjin handed a cup of coffee to the last customer. Suddenly, his face lit up and he began waving at someone behind you. Windchimes jingled as the door opened, and you turned just in time to see Yang Jeongin step into the cafe. He had propped up his rusty bike outside, and both his hands were full with crates as he waddled towards the counter.
“How’s it going, Jeongin?” Hyunjin handed him a glass of water. The delivery boy set down the packages -- two boxes of coffee beans -- and pulled his earbuds out, grinning. 
“Pretty good -- I’m getting better at lifting, you know!” A soft Beatles track trickled out from his Walkman, and Jeongin pressed pause.
Hyunjin gave a low whistle. “Our Jeongin’s gaining some muscle, huh? Just wait ‘till your sophomore year, the girls are gonna eat you right up.”
You laughed as Jeongin’s ears turned red, Hyunjin continuing, “Just don’t end up head-over-heels like y/n is right now, you hear?”
Jeongin raised his eyebrows, turning to face you. “You’re seeing someone? Well, if y/n likes him, then I’m sure he’s a really good person.” Ignoring Hyunjin’s dramatic eye roll, you grinned and gave Jeongin finger guns, which he returned with a laugh.
After helping Hyunjin and you haul the shipments into the storage room, Jeongin pulled out a long list of deliveries from his jeans pocket. “Coffee beans, check. Ah!” He tossed a bundle of newspapers onto the counter. “Here’s the morning paper, too.”
Hyunjin peered at the list, clapping the younger boy on the back. “Damn, Jeongin -- I don’t know what the entire campus would do without you. You should invest in a driver’s license sometime, it’d make your job a lot easier.”
Jeongin laughed, folding up the list and hopping on his bike. “I can’t...I can’t pay for one yet. It’s alright, though,” he added quickly. “I like my bike just fine. Well, I’m gonna get going now, see you guys tomorrow!”
When Jeongin had gone, Hyunjin pulled up a chair and unfolded the newspaper. His smile froze on his face as he read, eyes suddenly widening in horror. You frowned. “What’s wrong?” 
He held up the newspaper, waving you over. 
the headlines screamed. A photograph of a small flat, burnt nearly to the ground, stared back at you as you read the caption out loud.
“A sudden fire broke out on the outskirts of Miroh Heights at around 12:00 a.m. this morning. The remains of a young woman have been found amidst the cinders, but the body has not yet been identified. Witnesses report seeing a young man escaping the fire, leading police to suspect this was the work of an arsonist. If you have any information, please call the Miroh Police Department immediately.” You looked at Hyunjin, wide eyes mirroring yours. “Arsonist? Here?”
He shook his head, sighing. “That’s messed up. Hopefully they figure it out soon.”
You bit your lip. “I hope so, too.”
“You should all have picked someone to be your patients by now, yes? Be sure to schedule your first session with them within the next week, we will be discussing your findings next class.” Your professor gave a curt nod. “Class dismissed.”
You fumbled with your phone as you shuffled out of the lecture hall, fingers hovering over Jisung’s contact. Your heartbeat was already quickening as you skimmed over possible messages in your head. How was one supposed to break the ice after the first date? What if he had already forgotten about agreeing to the whole thing? Would you make it awkward?
You were still having a mini mental breakdown when your phone screen lit up, and a new message popped up.
💌 Jisung: good evening! i believe this is dr. l/n?
💌 Jisung: i was wondering if i could book my first appointment ;)
You stared back at your phone, smiling like an idiot, and barely resisted the urge to jump up and down like an elementary schoolgirl.
You: you certainly can. how does 7 at my place sound?
💌 Jisung: send me the address, and i’ll be there 😊
Clutching your phone to your chest and inwardly squealing, you ran back home, smile vanishing from your face the moment you opened your front door.
You had never thought your apartment was a mess until this moment. For the next hour you were flying from room to room collecting empty coffee cups, hiding strewn laundry, and washing dirty dishes. You hadn’t even had time to grab a bite to eat before the clock hit 7:00 P.M. and a light knock sounded on your apartment door, the doorbell making you yelp.
You straightened your shirt, ran a hand through your dishevelled hair, and with a shaky breath, you opened the door. Sure enough, Jisung grinned back at you. “Hey.”
He was wearing a grey hoodie and jeans, a black cap over his dark blond hair, and your favourite smile on his face.
“Hey yourself,” you replied, a little breathlessly, and cleared your throat. He had a white plastic bag in one hand, and held it up.
“Felix said your class ends at 6, so I thought you might be hungry,” he explained. “I didn’t know what you liked, but there’s this new Chinese place and honestly, it smells pretty good--”
He was right. You hadn’t eaten since noon, and the delicious scent that wafted from the bag made your mouth water. “I love you,” you blurted, eyes staring at the food, and slapped a hand over your mouth. Your gaze dropped to the ground, cheeks on fire. “Um! I--I--sorry.” Please tell me I didn’t just say that, please tell me I didn’t just--
Several mortifying seconds of gnawing on your lips and fidgeting furiously had gone by before you finally risked a peek at Jisung’s face. He was watching you squirm with amused eyes, his expression of equal shock slowly melting into...the biggest, smuggest smirk you had ever seen.
“This is going a bit faster than I thought it would, but I can’t say I’m complaining,” Jisung tilted his head at you, leaning on the doorframe.
Not able to hold his gaze, you squeaked, “just--just come in,” and practically bolted to your living room, praying to every deity you knew for a hole to swallow you up. 
Behind you, Jisung chuckled, shaking his head and following you in. You were adorable.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” You asked, after you’d regained composure and he’d set the food on the coffee table. “You can still say no if you want.”
Jisung frowned, snapping a pair of chopsticks and stabbing a piece of sweet and sour chicken. “Why would I do that? I’ve just captured your heart with Chinese takeout. I’m not about to blow this chance.” He winked, holding it up to your lips. “Ahh.”
Cheeks flaming, you ate it, and he beamed proudly. Swallowing hard, you pulled your notebook and a pen from your bag, shakily scrawling Psych Analysis Patient: Han Jisung at the top.
You ran a finger over the list of questions you’d written down in class, and settled for the first one. “Have you ever seen a therapist before?”
Jisung’s brow was furrowed in deep concentration as he spun noodles around his chopsticks. “A couple.”
You wrote that down. “What for? If you don’t mind me asking,” you added quickly.
Jisung shook his head. “It’s fine. It was when I was...younger. Mandatory psych evals in school, that sort of thing.”
You nodded, looking at the next question. “What’s on your mind right now?”
“On my mind?” Jisung repeated, chuckling. “The fact that I’m on a second date with a pretty girl?”
Burying your tomato-red face behind your notebook, you barely got the follow-up question out. “And how does that make you feel?” Gosh, you could feel his stare on you even through the paper.
“How do you make me feel, you mean?”
“Honestly?” You heard him pause, as if deliberating the words. “You make me a little...crazy.”
You stifled a laugh. “Elaborate?”
“Racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat, maybe a palpitation here or there…”
Jisung trailed off, and that was when you looked at him. His tone had been teasing, flirty, but the look on his face was completely blank, eyes dark and wide. You gulped, scribbling down some notes before moving onto another question.
“Has anything been...bothering you recently?”
At this, Jisung set down his chopsticks and slid closer to you on the couch. Your heartbeat quickened inevitably when he did so, but you held his gaze -- those same intense, black eyes that had sent chills down your spine at the diner.
“Yes, actually.”
“Do you...do you want to talk about it?”
For the first time, it was Jisung who broke eye contact. “Nothing...much, really. A little trouble sleeping. Bad dreams. A lot of things on...on my mind.” He smiled. “Finals season, you know?” 
You nodded, tapping the pen against your bottom lip. “And on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mood at the moment?”
Jisung hummed before grinning cheekily. “A 10.”
Raising an eyebrow, you asked, “A 10? Why?”
“Because I’m with you,” Jisung replied simply. “I don’t know why, but you make me feel...happy.”
His words should have made you roll your eyes, they should have felt cheesy beyond belief -- but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find a drop of insincerity in his voice. And that, you were beginning to realize helplessly, was what made you want to fall head over heels with Han Jisung. 
“What would reduce your mood to a 9?”
Jisung looked thoughtful. “If you, say, took back the “I love you” from earlier?”
You smacked him lightly, the mischievous grin on his face making your heart do somersaults. Just like that, the atmosphere had turned playful again. “What would make you an 11, then?”
“Maybe...let me...feed you?”
You gave a long exhale, closing your notebook. “I hope you have a defibrillator or something, Han Jisung.”
His face lit up into a comical expression of joy as he reached for the takeout box, blowing lightly on bites of noodles and chicken before holding them up to your mouth expectantly.
As Jisung watched you eat, a flustered smile on your face, he felt one tug at his own lips. It made his heart skip in panic. There were only a few times when he smiled without thinking. Two, actually, now that he thought about it.
One, right after killing. When the voices finally shut up.
And two, every single moment he was around you.
He found himself lost in the sound of your laughter: pure music that seemed to clear his head and make him focus on only your voice; he was mesmerized by your smile: bright as the flash of a camera and always catching him off guard. 
It terrified him how much he wanted to keep being the one to make you smile, blush, happy. He wanted to hear you talk about anything and everything. He wanted to tell you about his nightmares. He wanted to bring you to visit his mother’s grave.
The evening flew by, the two of you talking and watching the sunset through the living room window. Before you knew it, pinpricks of stars were appearing, a gibbous moon hanging in the velvet night sky. Like magnets, you and Jisung had gravitated closer with each passing hour, his arm ending up around your shoulders as you rested your head on his soft hoodie. You felt closer, too -- the polite back-and-forth of generic questions had gradually ceased, giving way to more natural, comfortable conversation.
Finally, you caught yourself beginning to fall asleep in Jisung’s arms and jolted awake. “Oh, my gosh, look at the time. Are you okay getting home this late? I don’t think the campus buses run at this hour…”
Jisung opened his half-lidded eyes to see your worried face, bathed in moonlight, and felt as if all the air had been knocked out of his chest. Your features looked so soft, one side of your cheek rosy from where you’d laid it on his shoulder. 
His peripheral vision was staining with red.
“...or you could stay the night? Oh gosh, don’t take that the wrong way, it’s just we’re already half asleep and…”
Flashes of her face seemed to replace yours like jagged puzzle pieces, her voice seeping into your words. And all Jisung could feel was the warmth consuming him from the inside out, like a spark had just gone off inside his rib cage and was beginning to burn.
“I’ll go,” he blurted, cutting you off. “I have to--I--I’m gonna go.”
You were studying his face, brow furrowed. Your gentle fingers felt like fire on his skin. “Are you okay? You look...feverish.”
“I’m fine.” He forced himself to stand, gathering the takeout boxes into the white plastic bag. “I’ll throw these on my way out. Sorry for staying so long--”
You reached out and pulled him into a hug. He smelled vaguely of smoke, the sudden sharp smell poking your nose. Not able to look him in the eyes, you buried your head into his chest, your mumble muffled by his hoodie. “You’re welcome here as long as you want. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Jisung was silent for several long moments before you felt his hand smooth through your hair, gingerly patting your head. “I’m fine,” he repeated, “don’t worry.”
His dark eyes were unreadable as both his hands moved to cup your face. He leaned in, pressing the softest of kisses to your forehead. Jisung’s lips barely grazed your skin, and yet you felt electricity shoot down your body, blood rushing to your cheeks and leaving you stammering.
“Sweet dreams,” he murmured against your temple and, as if snapping out of a trance, pulled away, disappearing into the darkness behind your apartment door as it closed shut.
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batbirdies · 5 years
NaNoWriMo 2019 Batfam Fic Part 2
Part 2 of my Jason Todd Batfam fic where Jason eventually agrees to dog sit Titus, there are some deep seated issues, unintended animal therapy, snarky text messages between robins and eventually some reconciliation between father and son. Takes place in a murky in between time sometime after Damian was resurrected.
(This is a very rough draft, I switch tenses and make lots of mistakes, you are warned)
Part 1
Jason was exhausted. He was dragging so hard that he’d fallen asleep on his couch while attempting to drink his damn coffee.
When you only slept for three hours after getting some pretty heavy exercise in the freezing rain, woke up from terrorizing nightmares and then spent an hour fighting off emotions you didn’t want to have it meant that as soon as he had calmed down enough to sit, the comfort of his couch was enough to put him out in minutes. He’d fallen asleep sitting up with his head lolling back in the couch cushions and he woke with a start to the sound of his ringtone coming from the kitchen, where he’d left his phone charging. His neck screamed when he picked his head up off the back of the couch and he groaned, reaching a hand up to rub at his aching vertebrae.
Standing up he nearly falls over, having to shake the dead limb feeling out of his legs before shuffling into his kitchen. He catches sight of the clock on the microwave and groans again, because it’s 11am and he still feels like he just crawled out from under a rock.
It’s the grogginess, he thinks later, that’s to blame for his absentmindedness. Because he doesn’t pause to check the caller ID before pressing accept and holding his phone to his ear.
“Yeah?” His voice is gravelly with sleep and he barely stifles a yawn before he suddenly feels like ice is pouring down his spine.
“Jason.” It’s Bruce, and he sounds surprised, like he wasn’t expecting an answer. Jason wants to laugh because yeah you shouldn’t. And for the life of him he nearly hangs up without another word but that would just be weird and as far as anyone else knows everything is normal in the status quo. He can just picture Dick showing up to his apartment acting all chummy just so he can get the scoop on what’s up with the black sheep of the family.
And maybe there’s a little bit of him still aching on the inside over a book and a damn movie.
“Yeah, Bruce, what’s up?” He clears his throat awkwardly, leaning against his kitchen counter and staring at his shitty linoleum floors wondering if the falseness in his voice can be heard over the phone.
“I um...how are you?” Jason blinked, feeling his shoulders crawling up to his chin.
“Fine.” His voice is clipped, but that ache goes a little deeper. He’s not...used to being asked.
“That’s….that’s good.” There’s an awkward pause on the line and Jason stands away from the counter and forces his shoulders down, stretching his neck back and forth before he walks back into the living room and perches on the edge of the couch. He doesn’t know what to say back, doesn’t know if Bruce is even expecting a response ‘cause it’s not really the typical way their calls go. If there even is one, considering he can’t actually remember the last time they spoke on the phone.
Sure he’d get a contact over comms during patrol on occasion but never a phone call in the middle of the day. There’s a weird, tight ball of anxiety hovering just below his ribs and Jason grinds a thumb into his sternum. Bruce was the one that cleared his throat then and Jason tries to imagine what he’s doing on the other end of the line. Is he at work? Sitting in his study at the manor? Down in the cave?
“I know this is...a little unusual, and very last minute, but I was wondering if you might be able to do me a favor.”
Ah, there it is. Jason feels the tension go out of his frame and ignores the twisting knife sensation in his stomach. It’s a Batman thing. That’s fine. Jason wasn’t expecting anything else.
“What can the Red Hood do for you?” He asks back, trying to keep the casual tone but hearing just how flat it sounds. Doesn’t matter, Bruce will never say anything.
“Actually….this isn’t a...cape thing.”
“Well then maybe you should spit it out.” Jason barely resists biting his tongue. It wasn’t exactly the unaffected tone he was going for. He’s usually a much better actor, he puts it down to the lack of sleep as he rubs his eyes, noticing a small chip in the finish of his coffee table when he opens them, ignoring the unexplained acrobatics his insides are doing, pushing down the thought of the gift stashed in the bottom of his dresser.
“Right...you see, I’m going out of town for business starting tomorrow. I’m taking Damian along with me, he….wanted to come.” Bruce pauses for a long moment to the point that Jason begins to get antsy, tugging on a loose thread in his T-shirt until it tears before he bites off a sigh.
“And...he is concerned about Titus.”
“Titus.” Jason slumps back in his couch, scowling at the blank screen of his TV. “Who the hell is Titus?”
“...His dog.” Mouth open, Jason stops.
“...His what?” Somehow the conversation isn’t going anywhere he was prepared for and Jason is thrown.
“Titus is Damian’s dog. A Great Dane.” The statement makes sense, in an abstract way but it still doesn’t make sense.
“And….you’re telling me this because?”
“Apparently he hasn’t been getting enough exercise since the weather’s been getting worse. Damian usually walks him twice a day, normally Alfred would handle it for him while we’re gone but his knee has been bothering him and I don’t want him doing it.”
There is a very obvious connection Jason feels like he should be making that just isn’t coming to him, like he’s looking at a puzzle missing a single piece and yet he still can’t figure out what he’s looking at.
“I….was hoping you might walk Titus while we’re gone.”
Ah, there it was, the last piece slotting into place. And Jason can see the picture now, but it’s a bizarre one.
“You want me to walk the demon’s dog.”
“I….” Jason is waiting for some sort of scolding for calling the boy names but it doesn’t come. “Yes, if you’re available.” If he’s available? What the hell kind of question is that coming from Bruce?
This whole conversation is throwing him for a loop.
“If I’m available.” He hears an odd shuffling noise in the background and he can just picture Bruce turning away from the phone to give a heavy sigh so Jason’t can’t hear it.
“Yes Jay, if you’re available.”
“Because you don’t already know if I’m available or not.”
“Jay.” And now Jason can hear that signature frustration peaking through, and really, he is being a little shit about this whole thing but his brain is still stuck at the beginning of this conversation like he’s hit a wall he can’t find his way around. He slumps back into the couch cushions, scowling at his blank tv screen, staring at his own reflection. He looks like a pissy preteen and it just makes him more annoyed.
“I don’t understand why you’re asking me. What about Dick? Or Tim? Or Cass?” Because since when has Jason been top of the list?
“Dick is living in Bludhaven again, the distance makes it difficult, it’s just not really doable for him. Cass is in Hong Kong until just before we return. Tim…” Here Bruce does let out an audible sigh, it comes out like a burst of static on his end of the line and has Jason flinching away from the phone. “Tim and Damian don’t get alone well. Damian would not be….agreeable to leaving it to him and I’m reluctant to ask Tim for a favor in Damian’s behalf at this point in time.” Jason watches his own face contort in the reflection on the TV.
“Reluctant to ask Tim, but not me.” Jason hadn’t forgotten the time the kid had snuck into his safe house and tried to stab him.
Not that Jason hadn’t returned the favor. He supposed they were even.
“That’s - I thought you might do it more for the dog.” The heavy resignation in Bruce’s voice almost makes Jason laugh.
“Why can’t this mutt just go outside on its own? Not like the manor grounds aren’t massive, he can run around and exercise all her wants can’t he?” And he’s just being difficult at this point, maybe, but he’s rolling the request over in his head looking for some kind of ulterior motive because things are rarely ever this simple with Bruce and he wants the full picture before he agrees to anything.
“Damian is insistent that Titus hates the rain and he won’t go outside longer than he has to without being walked.”
“And what, exactly, is going to happen to this dog without his twice daily walks for a week? Sudden death?”
There is silence on the line for a long moment and Jason thinks maybe he’s pushed it just that bit too far that Bruce is going to give up and try to get Dick to do it after all but then finally, he responds.
“Apparently the Breed is prone to weight issues and heart disease and he’s been gaining weight. Damian get’s….a little overprotective of his pets. If we can’t find someone to walk him while we’re gone I think he’s going to end up staying home and I’d….I’d like him to come with me.”
Jason gets this weird, unexpected twist in his stomach that makes him swallow. Bruce’s voice is quiet, earnest in a way Jason barely recognizes.
“Thought this was a business trip.” He mumbles in response, feeling suddenly tired again.
“It is…we won’t get to do much sightseeing but he expressed interest in coming along and I know he’ll be disappointed if he ends up staying.”  Jason wants to bite back something about being around more instead of leaving on stupid business trips and Justice League missions, maybe the kid wouldn’t care so much then.
But he doesn’t. Instead he thinks of Bruce calling Jason out of the blue, the kid he can barely talk to, in order to ask him a favor for the brat because Bruce wants the kid to come along.
Remembers being that kid, wanting nothing more than to follow Bruce wherever he went even if it meant spending 8 hours a day in a stuffy office while Bruce was in meetings, barely catching glimpses of him until the end of the day. That or holed up in a hotel room by himself. Living for the evenings when it would just be the two of them and they could go on some short little adventure to somewhere new. Even if it was just to try a restaurant they couldn’t go to at home.
And then he thinks of the crumpled up card stashed in the base of his dresser and it feels like there’s a weight on his chest, something keeping his lungs from expanding all the way. He looks up at the ceiling, staring at cracked plaster and poorly addressed water damage before he can manage to muster up the energy for a proper response.
“Fine. I’ll watch the damn dog, but I’m not going to the manor every day. If you want me to walk him then you’re gonna need to drop him off with me and he can stay here.”
“That…seems reasonable. Damian probably won’t be very happy about it but I think he’ll live.” There’s a hint of good humor in Bruce’s voice and Jason tries to smash down the corresponding lift in his own mood. “Thank you Jay, I appreciate it.”
“Yeah Whatever. Just text me when you’re gonna bring him ‘round so I can make sure to be here.”
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lettersandinkstains · 6 years
it’s an angry summer
warning: deals with a triggering and heavy theme. please be cautious as you read forward, the heavier parts are under the read more.
“It’s hot.” she whines as she kicks out her legs and sprawls across the other’s bed, happily sinking into the soft mattress and comforter. It smells like her, and is a relief from the ache in her stomach. “Let’s go swimming!”
Her friend hunches over her desk, eyes glued onto the screen of her computer. “I’d rather not.” She answers, without thinking nor noticing the frown that appears on her friends face. “I have to finish this project. It’s due at the end of the week.”
“You’re always working on something!” The girl’s voice gets louder with every word. “You never have time for me!”
“Are you my girlfriend?” She’s now looking over, eyes narrowed and nose scrunched up.
She gives her friend a lazy grin. “Would you want me to be? Dating you wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Go home.”
“I think I’ll stay.”
“Whatever makes you happy, I guess.”
Humidity causes her hair to stick to her face, and the downpour does not help her circumstances. It definitely doesn’t help her mood, but the sound of the thunder helps a little. She rubs at her eyes, trying to get them at least a little moist. All of this added up, the pain in her stomach was hurting worse. From rubbing her eyes to rubbing at her abdomen, she stares at her friend, who sits across in their favorite booth with a barely eating cake to go with her favorite iced coffee.
Her friend hasn’t really looked at her, with head ducked down and hair curtaining her face. The notebook is open, and words are written so neatly in between the light blue lines--and staying out of the pink margins.
Really, she’s going to ruin her posture and back. She never listens, though.
“My parents want to get a dog.” she says as she leans back in her seat, the cushion of the booth feels nice. She hasn’t touched her food yet--she’s not very hungry. She never really is. “I want to get a cat or a rabbit, but you know them, they never listen.”
The words hang in the air, and her friend shifts.
“Yeah, they never did, did they?” Her friend finally says. “They alway sucked at listening to you.”
“Now you get it,” She huffs. “So, you’re still working on that book?”
“I guess.” She hasn’t picked up her pen, hasn’t looked at her. She speaks lowly to her now, as if talking to her was some sort of crime. It isn’t fair.
“Do you love me?”
“I did.”
She smiles. The rain doesn’t seem so bad, after all.
“I hope the fall is nicer,” She shoves her hands into the pockets of her pants. They’re ripped at the knees, and her mom has yelled at her before for buying pants with tears in them. If they didn’t come with them already, she’d do it herself. Making her parents yell was always a favorite past time of hers, apparently.
“It usually is.”
Finally, she hasn’t spoken to her in over a week. She was starting to get lonely, starting to think her best friend from childhood was mad at her. Though, even if her friend was mad at her, she wouldn’t go radio silent. Maybe she’s getting tired of her? She certainly hopes not, she’s the reason she’s sticking around.
She truely is in love with her best friend.
“Don’t you miss me?”
Her friend walks faster.
“C’mon. I miss you. I miss talking to you.”
“I have things I need to do.”
“You always have things to do.”
Her friend looks over her shoulder, face scrunched up and eyes glossy. Did she say something wrong? “I have to keep moving forward.”
“Without me?”
Yes goes unspoken.
Mid-summer is truly an awful part of the year.
“How was your appointment?” Of course she’s waiting for in the nice waiting room. Her best friend did the same that night for her. She waited and she waited and she waited. All she can do is just return the favor of support.
“It went as well as all the others for the past year,”
“Well, that’s good, I guess?”
“We always talk about you.”
“Guess I’m your favorite person.”
Her friend looks around, wary about something. She’s always on edge, always worried. It doesn’t make sense, much like the never ceasing pain in her stomach or the nausea when she tries to eat.
“Please leave me alone.”
Those four words feel like a stab in her stomach, and all she can do is remain frozen in her spot as her friend walks past her, hunched over and hands shoved in her pockets.
“You can’t ignore me for forever,”
She comes over every day, almost obsessively and she feels so needy but her friend is a source of comfort. A beautiful silence amidst the chaos in her home. Her parents’ arguments had never once been something she really enjoyed listening, but even so, in a way, they were always a form of a concert. The baritone to match the alto, the way they rise further and further until silence succumbs both of them, followed by the percussion of a slamming door.
Perhaps glass breaks somewhere in the middle of the argument. It could be something remaining from a dead grandparent, a wedding photo. Their family portrait.
A picture of her.
When the yelling would cease, and both parents disappear, she was always left to pick up the pieces of broken glass. A quiet form of solidarity for herself, but she knew as she tried to fix the frames, fix the vases, fix whatever was broken, they would never be the same.
Perhaps like her parents marriage, she won’t be able to fix their friendship.
“Can I see what you’re working on?”
She deflates and takes her spot on her friends bed. The comforter was changed, she realizes. The pretty lavender was switched for some sort of shade of blue, the multitude of stuffed animals--most from her--were not on her bed. Her room is so much more different than last year.
When had she changed them? Why did she do it without her? Why is she moving on?
“We start our senior year next week. I’m excited.”
Her friend throws her black tablet pen down onto her desk and quickly stands up. She shoots her friend a glare.
“Why do you keep coming back? Why are you still here?!” Every word comes with a higher octave.
Her stomach hurts. It burns. She feels sick. The ER lights were so, so bright. The voices were fuzzy and pitched, and she feels so tired. She knew her friend waited, and she had waited through the night. For an answer, any sort of answer. An answer she cannot give her, because she doesn’t know what to say.
“Because you won’t let me go.”
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