#like don’t trust don’t respect sorry but no taste????
sexynetra · 1 year
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PSA: if you aren’t a Marcia stan I don’t trust you fundamentally as a person :) like you don’t understand, that’s my babygirl for real
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
My last two asks were eaten by the dreaded askbox kraken so here goes attempt 3 at one of these:
I had the thought of Y/N Cookie being a keeper of the Ivory Pagoda and one of Mystic Flour's most trusted guards, and potentially her lover, who she gave the task of protecting her cocoon at all costs when she sealed herself away.
They stood strong against most who sought to break the cocoon, but when they eventually fell in battle and the cocoon was breached for the first time, Mystic Flour did not take it kindly and effortlessly annihilated those who struck down Y/N Cookie, taking their crumbled body into the cocoon with her when she resealed herself, to safeguard what was left.
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Volition’s End (Mystic Flour Cookie)
She entered the cocoon as a savior. She’ll leave it as anything but…
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You hummed to yourself as you swept the temple floor, the specks of dust floating away with each brush to the floor. It was just one of many tasks given you as guard captain of the temple, as permitted by the will of Mystic Flour Cookie.
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You gazed up at her statue in awe and respect to the great hero, no matter how many times you’ve seen it in your days at the Grand Temple. It only showed the amount of admiration you’ve had for her.
The other guards teased you that it was definitely more then just admiration for Mystic Flour Cookie. You wanted to say they were wrong, it was just the amount of respect you held for her, but were they really wrong in the end?
Admiration that blossomed into….
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“Ah, already up and at it again, eh captain?”
Cloud Haetae Cookie, the faithful guide for Mystic Flour Cookie. You’ve known them for as long as you resided here at the temple. They might have been here long before you showed up, but they’re still as adorable and cheerful as ever!
“Yeah, I wanted to make sure the temple is nice and clean for when Mystic Flour Cookie finally emerges from the cocoon and graces us as the Leavened One.”
“You’ve been saying that every day, you know. Always talking about how our master will really come out of the cocoon this time! Oooh, like an obsession!”
“I am not obsessed, I simply expressed excitement and hope that we’ll finally see her again..don’t read too much into it…”
“Do you really expect me to believe that, captain~? I’ve seen the way you and our master see each other before she entered the cocoon! It’s so obvious, almost everyone knows about you two!”
“Hehehe, you know I’m right! Now give me some rubs!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault your rubs are so good!”
“…..” (They’re giving you the puppy dog eyes)
“Alright alright, stop whining, you.”
Cloud Haetae Cookie transforms into their Haetae form, giggling and laughing as you rub their head and stomach. It never fails to give you a small smile, seeing Cloud Haetae Cookie so happy…
It makes the wait for Mystic Flour Cookie bearable…
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“What is that in your hands, Y/N Cookie?”
“Oh, it’s just a white bun. Cloud Haetae gave me one while I was patrolling the temple. They gave me another for you if you were hungry too.”
“I am not hungry right now, Y/N…”
“But food is always enjoyed best when you’re having it with others..”
“That is true, but one’s wish cannot be granted if I am eating.”
“Mystic Flour Cookie….”
She turns to you. You were giving her that look with a pout, she hated it when you did that, she never was able to resist it as the smallest smile forms on her face.
“Very well, I may make an exception for you. Pass me mine…”
You gave it to her without haste, she takes a moment to observe the white bun before having a bite. The taste was delectable on her taste buds as she turned to you, enjoying your white bun, she hums with that hint of a smile again.
The white bun was great. Having her most trusted guard eat alongside her? Even better…
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“Hey! Why’d you stop? Give me more!”
“O-oh! Sorry.”
Cloud Haetae Cookie relaxed once more after you resumed your head rubbing, reeling from your memory with Mystic Flour Cookie…
You just had to wait a little longer, or a while longer, or whatever it took. Just as long as you got to see Mystic Flour Cookie again…
To spend time together like you two used to do…
The sound of the temple doors slamming open and shut rapidly startled you two, causing Cloud Haetae to jump from your lap.
“Gah! What’s going on?!”
“It’s one of my guards!”
A temple guard hastily stumbled towards you, gripping her shoulder in clear pain.
“Captain, it’s the crowd outside. They’re getting more restless the more they wait for the temple doors to be opened. They’ve resorted to violent means to breach our line!”
“Those cookies…can’t they wait anymore?! You go take care of yourself, I’ll be out there shortly.”
“Yes, captain!”
The guard hurried away as Cloud Haetae Cookie grew nervous, yet frustrated too.
“This is only been getting worse the past few days, now they’re resorting to hurting others to satiate their selfishness…”
“It’s terrible, which is why I’m going out there to quell them and hopefully calm down the problem. The cocoon must be protected at all costs! Cloud Haetae Cookie, if they ever get in, do not hesitate to hide. I’d hate to see you hurt…”
“But what if things don’t get better? What if they….try to crumble you? The fires of hatred in their eyes from the last visit was already bad enough…!”
“Anything is better than Mystic Flour Cookie getting hurt under my watch!”
You marched outside with your weapons ready, Cloud Haetae Cookie’s nerves not being helped at all.
“Mystic Flour Cookie, my master, please help us…”
“Y/N, you don’t need to blame yourself…”
“But I went against what I sworn to do, I attacked instead of defended…”
“That cookie’s greed had gotten the better of them, they were not of sound mind anymore…”
“I should’ve reacted better, I should’ve kept my emotions in check, please forgive me…”
“Y/N Cookie.”
The slight raise in her volume along with your name in full made you stop and stand at attention, worries at their peak.
Until Mystic Flour Cookie reached to caress your cheek.
“You did what you’ve sworn to do, protect the temple and me from any danger…”
“Even if..it’s one of the temple goers?”
“Yes. There was no other option, it was either you or them…”
Mystic Flour’s face formed a small smile.
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“I am willing to look past this one offense, but you will have to make up for it~”
Now your worries were just reduced to red blush staining your face.
“T-Thank you, Mystic Flour Cookie. I won’t hold back from any threat, without having to harm others!”
“Mm. Come here, it’s okay…”
She brings you into a hug, something that shocks you for a moment, as you slowly reciprocate. Your emotions bubble as your grip subconsciously gets tighter around her.
“Thank you….”
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The situation escalated beyond what you had imagined. They broke past your defensive line and had breached the temple doors, yet you still had weapon ready.
Your fellow guards laid defeated before you, only you remained….
The crowd of angry cookies were less than willing to settle down…
“Where is she?! Is she out of that cocoon yet?!”
“Why can’t she help us?! My house is close to collapse!”
“My garden isn’t going to make it at this rate!”
“I want my wish granted, it’s been too long!”
“Treasure! I heard there was treasure she’s hiding from us too!”
You grew more furious at the crowd with that accusation now spreading around, but you remained steadfast.
“There are no treasures! She isn’t keeping anything from you! Please, not now! Not when she’s on the last step to being the Leavened One!”
The crowd couldn’t care, eyes full of malice and anger as they approached with their own weapons.
“So much for a great hero! She needs one cookie to protect her!”
“Now we KNOW you’re holding out on us with treasure!”
“Hand us the treasure!”
A cookie with a bow shoots and it strikes your leg, making you yell out in pain as you kneel, strawberry jam oozed out.
Cloud Haetae Cookie, hiding under the stairs, gasped in horror at the sight.
You didn’t falter, you simply stood your ground!
“If you think I’ll let you reach Mystic Flour Cookie while I’m still breathing, THINK AGAIN!”
You deflected and blocked as much of their attacks as you could, keeping them at bay…
But you could only do so for so long, for every slip up, they landed cuts and shots all over your body.
A slash to your knee, an arrow to your shoulder, a stab to your stomach…
You never once raised your weapon to hurt them…
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“*sniffle*….Y/N Cookie….*sob*….”
Cloud Haetae tried to hold back their tears as they’re forced to watch you slowly whittle away from fatigue and the crowd’s attacks…
Someone else was watching….within the cocoon…
She begged them to stop internally….
You fall to your knees…
Stop this…!
You looked up at the cookie behind you, nothing but hatred in their eyes….yet you showed no fear, only defiance with a scowl…
Please stop this!
You see the cookie’s blade rising up….
You refused to show fear…
The blade comes down….
“I love you, Mystic Flour Cookie….”
You and Mystic Flour Cookie sit at one of the highest points in the temple, watching the sunset.
“It’s nice up here, don’t you think?”
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“Yes, it’s a pleasant view…”
“It makes you forget about all your troubles when you look at something like this…”
“Do you have troubles in your life, Y/N?”
“Yes, but I knew what I was getting into when I joined. It would’ve been all worth it if it meant I get to see you everyday.”
Mystic Flour Cookie giggles a little, a smile on her face.
“Then, we should do this more often…”
“I’d be more than happy to…”
“As do I….”
You two continued to watch the sunset, leaning against each other, hands clutched together….
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“Stop, I don’t think they’ll be getting up anytime soon…”
The group moved on from the now battered remains of..what used to be Y/N Cookie…the group talked amongst themselves.
“Now, for what we came here for, the treasure that she’s keeping from us in that cocoon…”
“Needed a cookie to protect her, I thought she was supposed to be a savior to us…”
“Maybe…she wasn’t as godlike as we thought…”
“She tricked us. And now she’s hiding away in that cocoon of hers! Fake! FAKE IMMORTAL!”
With one slash of a sword, the cocoon was cut open, where Mystic Flour Cookie was situated before them, unmoving and with a shadow over her eyes…
“You! We’ve waited long enough for you to come out of there! Where are the treasures you’re hiding!”
“Or at least you’ll be able to grant our wishes now!”
“I’ve got so much to ask for, where do I start?”
“Me first!”
“Back off!”
“I wish for the power to be a great spellcaster!”
Without saying a word, Mystic Flour Cookie waved her hand and the cookie who asked felt a surge within their body!
“Woah! This is….huh?”
Before the cookie knew it, their head had poofed into flour along with the rest of their body, the rest of the group gasped in horror as they too started turning pale…the atmosphere suddenly shifted to pure red…
“What’s happening to us!?”
“I don’t feel so good…”
“It’s her! She’s did this to us!”
The cookies that tried to draw their weapons suddenly saw that their arms and hands had stopped working as they fell apart and dispersed to flour, causing more chaos to ensure as they screamed in horror.
Some tried to run to the temple doors in a panic, a few making there only to see that the temple doors were closed and locked as they struggled to open them, fading to nothing before they could realize that their efforts would be useless…
Some tried to beg and plead for their lives, swearing that they’ll never do this again….
For the first time ever since the cocoon was cut , Mystic Flour Cookie vocalized…
Not to speak…
But to laugh….
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When it was all over, there’d be no one left remaining with the exception of Mystic Flour Cookie, Cloud Haetae Cookie, and Y/N Cookie….
Mystic Flour Cookie stopped laughing…as she gazed down to the body of her now ruined lover….
She gently picked them up in their arms as she retreated into her cocoon, Cloud Haetae crawling out of the stairs as she gazed up at their master.
“Master…I’m sorry, they…”
“No, I should’ve seen how futile it was to try and ignore the growing greed that can instill into cookies. It wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t…their fault.”
Cloud Haetae couldn’t stand to see the crumbled apart body of the captain and friend..
“I will return to the cocoon, they will be joining me. This world…is too cruel for them to be in…”
“Yes, master….”
The cocoon closed up, with Mystic Flour Cookie clutching Y/N Cookie close….
Just them and her…
And when the cocoon opens up once more…
She’ll make the cookies see…
She’ll make the world see how much pain and anguish can be let go by returning to nothing….
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“I love you too, Y/N Cookie….”
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I locked in so hard, lol
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jo-speaks · 11 days
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please please please ft. jack hughes
in which...
you're aware of Jack's reputation with girls, but you know he'll be different with you.
track two in short n' sweet (hughes brothers version) series!
I know I have good judgment
I know I have good taste
It's funny and it's ironic
That only I feel that way
I promise 'em that you're different
Your sister stared at your phone, a picture of the one and only Jack Hughes on it. The look on her face was one of confusion and slight disgust. “That’s… your boyfriend?”
“Well don’t get too happy about it.” You answered, pursing your lips together as you turned off your phone. 
She rolled her eyes, “Y/N, he looks like a frat boy who drinks every other hour and fucks a different girl every night.” 
Before you could respond, her phone rang. She excused herself into the living room, leaving you pondering on your queen-sized bed. Your sister was partially right, he did have a reputation for being, for lack of better words, a fuck boy. 
Ever since he got drafted when he was 18, the number of girls that entered his dm’s was despicable. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t respond to them, getting a few relatively censored pictures in return.
But with age comes maturity. Once he met you, he knew he found his person. 
No more DM’s. No more hookups. No more girls. Just you, and only you.
Your sister reentered the room, “Sorry. Mom just wanted to know if I was showing up to meet your boy toy this weekend.”
“I promise you. He’s different.”
And everyone makes mistakes
But just don't
“Do you not trust me? We’ve been over this, babe.” Jack stated, wrapping his arm around your waist as you got into bed with him. 
You looked up at him as you rested your head on his bare chest. “I do trust you. But you have to understand why they’re worried about me dating you, Jack.”
His body tensed up, and his hold on your body loosened. You could feel the gentle rise and fall into his chest speeding into a rapid pace. Family meant everything to Jack and you knew that, so you couldn’t imagine how he felt at the idea of your family not liking him just because of stupid decisions he made in the past. 
“Sorry. Maybe when we all have dinner tomorrow I can clear that up. I want them to like me, Y/N.” He whispered. 
I heard that you're an actor
So act like a stand-up guy
“So. You’re Jack.” Your father said, eyes trailing up and down his figure.
Your boyfriend gulped slightly, trying to keep his composure. “Yes sir. A pleasure to meet you.” He didn’t reply, choosing to stare the boy down instead. 
“Dad.” You warned.
Wanting to break up all the awkwardness, your mother introduced herself, giving Jack a warmer welcome than your father. She took his hand and dragged him into the house, leaving you and your dad standing tensely in the doorway.
“I don’t like him. Who the hell does he think he’s impressing with that ‘yes sir’ crap?” 
You groaned softly, “Dad, I really like him. Can you please just give him a chance? I promise you he’s a really great guy once you get to know him.”
Your dad stared at you blankly, “How many girls do you think he’s gotten to believe that? Your sister came over yesterday to talk to us. Told us all about him.”
“Yeah, well he’s changed. And whether you choose to believe that or not, all I ask is for you to treat him with a little bit of respect. Please.”
He didn’t respond verbally, opting for a simple sigh and nod as he led the two of you into the house.
Whatever devils inside you
Don't let him out tonight
I tell them it's just your culture
And everyone rolls their eyes
Yeah I know
Maybe it was a mistake bringing your parents to the Devils vs. Kings game. You had never seen Jack as rilled up as he was tonight, but you were sitting close enough to the glass to hear his opponent chirping him about his size. Jack had enough of the cheap shots, choosing to slash and rough around a little bit with the bigger man. 
Your mom laughed softly as he got dragged to the penalty box. You looked up, pointing out the camera focused on Jack displayed on the jumbotron. 
“People pay to watch me play!” Jack yelled, his voice slightly audible from the other side of the rink at which you were sitting.
While you and your mom giggled about the comment made by your boyfriend, your dad shook his head. “Real classy.” 
You sighed, “Dad, please. It’s just hockey culture. He didn’t mean it. 
He simply rolled his eyes, “I’m telling you, sweetie. A temper like that doesn’t only exist while he’s playing.” He said, crossing his arms before pulling out his phone to scroll mindlessly on it.
All I'm asking baby
Please please please don't prove em’ right
Jack threw his equipment bag into the trunk of your car, shaking the vehicle slightly as you got into the passenger seat. However, he stopped you before you could buckle in. 
“Can you drive?” He mumbled, “If I get behind the wheel right now, I swear to God, I might crash it.”
You simply nodded, stepping out so he could step in. You walked around the car, seeing Jack inside the car, looking out the window into the dark, night sky. Since you didn’t lack common sense, you decided to stay quiet and let his mind run wild. Handling three straight losses isn’t easy on an athlete, especially if that athlete is Jack Hughes. 
The half-hour drive back to his Hoboken apartment was mostly silent, other than the occasional sniffle from Jack, his body getting used to being warm after almost six hours at the rink. 
After a few more minutes, it grew old. “You okay?”
He scoffed, “Yeah, I’m totally fine after losing, that makes total sense, Y/N.”
“Okay, no. I didn’t do anything to you, so lose the damn attitude because the only thing I’m trying to do is make you feel better.”
“Well maybe use your brain and don’t ask me stupid questions like that when you can clearly see that I’m not.” He retorted, turning his head to look at you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, severely disliking his tone but ultimately too tired to snap back, resorting to a deep sigh and a quiet, “Okay, Jack.” 
Pulling the car into the driveway of his apartment, you waited for him to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car. He didn’t, rather letting out a breath and reaching over to grab your hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right, you didn’t do anything to me and I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s fine, Jack.” You mumbled, not meeting his gaze. 
He gently cupped your face with his right hand, softly forcing you to look at him, which you reluctantly did. “It’s not fine. You’re my girlfriend and I promise you that will never happen again.”
You nodded, silently thanking him before leaning in to kiss his chapped lips.
Please please please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Heartbreak is one thing
My egos another
I beg you don't embarrass me
Mother fucker ohhh
Please please please
‘Jack Hughes seen with beautiful lady at local Jersey bar. New girlfriend in the NHL superstars’ life?’ 
You read the headline, immediately throwing your phone from your vanity seat onto your bed. The tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over if you blinked. Unfortunately, you weren’t able to hold back the river that began spilling from your eyes. The mascara entering your eyes was a pleasurable burn due to it distracting you from what had caused the situation to unfold in the first place. 
Was he cheating on you? Is this just another gossip site desperate for attention? 
“Woah! Hey, what happened?” Jack called out, snapping you out of your spiral. 
Unable to form words, you just handed him your phone, looking up at him with an expression of hurt and worry.
You watched as his eyes shifted from left to right, reading the article with furrowed eyebrows. When he was done, he let out a sigh and wiped his face then ran the same hand through his hair. 
He set the phone down, squatting down to be on eye level with you. “Baby, I swear it’s not what it looks like.”
“Then what? Because to me, what it looks like is that you were getting nice and cozy with that girl.” You scoffed, trying to turn your chair away from him.
His reflexes were quick enough to stop that, not wanting the conversation to end before he had the chance to explain himself. “Listen to me. Lukey was eyeing her all night. I wanted to be a good big brother and try to set that up. That picture was just taken at a bad time, but I swear to you that’s all it was.” 
“Then why the hell was her hand on your shoulder like that?” You cried out, your sobs breaking your voice. 
“She did that! I took it right off immediately after, I swear. You have to believe me, Y/N. I would never even think about doing that to you.” He pleaded, not wanting everything the two of you had just because of some touchy girl at the bar. 
You tried to calm yourself, wanting to stop the tears but you couldn’t. You believed him, you truly did, but just the idea of him with another woman made you sick to your stomach.
“Okay.” You eventually managed to croak out. “I believe you.”
He pulled you into a tight hug, the mascara running down your cheeks staining his white dress shirt. “I promise I will never, ever, do that to you.”
Well I have a fun idea babe
Maybe just stay inside
I know you're craving some fresh air
But the ceiling fan is so nice
“Do you have to go?” You asked, intertwining your legs with his as you lay on the couch.
He chuckled, “Yes, I do. It’s an event for kids, Y/N. I can’t miss it.” 
“But it’s so nice in here! We’ve got Netflix and A/C. What more could you want?” 
“Fresh air, maybe?” He said with a teasing tone, “I haven’t been out in so long, I need vitamin D.”
You wiggled your eyebrows, “Or vitamin me.” Jack gagged at your joke, pressing himself away from you as you laughed maniacally from your spot on the couch. “I’m definitely going after that awful joke.”
Once you calmed down, you groaned dramatically, tightening your grip on him, “Anything I can do to convince you to stay?”
“Maybe one thing.” He smirked, leaning up to peck at your neck and jawline. “Grow three more heads and a penis and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“Not funny, Hughes.”
And we could live so happily
If no one knows that you're with me
I'm just kidding
But really (Kinda)
“Can I post this?” Jack asked, crossing his arm over your waist to show you his phone. 
It was a picture of the two of you sitting on the boat and smiling at each other. A cute photo, truly, but your face was on full display. Jack noticed your questioning stare, leaning up on her elbow so he could see you better. 
“I don’t know, Jack. I’d rather you not.”
“Okay… can I ask why? I think it’s a cute photo.”
You let out a soft breath, “I’ve seen the comments under some of your posts. I just don’t want anyone saying anything about us.”
He nodded slowly, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why do you care so much? It’s just a bunch of fifteen-year-old girls who think they have a chance with me.” 
You let out a laugh at his comment, “It’s not that I care, I just don’t think I want to put us out there. Not yet, at least.”
“Gotcha. So I can’t post you at all? Or can I do this one?” He showed you his phone again after a few swipes of his thumb, his screen displaying a picture of him Titanic-ing you on the edge of the boat. Your back was to the camera, but he had turned around to look at his brother, giving Ellen the perfect chance to capture his laughter in the image.
Smiling at the picture, you nodded, giving him the okay.
Please please please don't prove I'm right
Please please please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Jack’s rough hands over your eyes weren’t the most pleasurable feeling. He wasn’t paying attention to his subconscious choice to press the pads of his fingers into your eyes, so you were mumbling constant, “Jack.”s the whole way to wherever he was taking you. 
Why he couldn’t have just gotten a blindfold was beyond you.
After a few more steps and the familiar creak of the door, he removed his hands. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. Once you did, you saw a bunch of red, pink, and white decorations hanging in the kitchen, a small cake in the middle with little figures of you and Jack on the top of it. 
You gasped softly, taking in the scene. You knew Jack was never one to go above and beyond for silly little holidays like Valentine’s Day. He knew you were a sap for celebrating anything and everything, so he figured you would like it. 
Jack had turned to admire his handiwork, but by the time he turned back to you, tears were streaming down your face as an upside-down smile covered your face. He couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction. 
“You aren’t supposed to cry!” He exclaimed in between short laughs. 
You sniffled, “I know! But how can I not?”
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you into a tight hug as he swayed you softly, your dramatic cries turning into laughs once you got over the initial shock.
“Thank you, Jack. I love it.” 
He placed a soft kiss atop your head, “Anything for you, sweet girl.”
Heartbreak is one thing
My egos another
Jack stormed into your apartment, startling you from your place on the couch. You had forgotten you gave him a spare key. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, immediately standing up once you saw the look on his face.
His eyes were red, as well as the rest of his face. “Shoulder.” Was the only word he was able to get out before tears of frustration began spilling from his face. 
You had never seen Jack this vulnerable, so you had no idea what to do. You guided him to the couch, gently pulling him into your arms. 
He eventually calmed down, taking a few deep breaths. You didn’t give him the chance to speak before you chirped in. “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“Talked to the PT guy. I’m out for the season.” He explained, his voice trembling. 
You let out a sympathetic sigh, “I’m so sorry, Jack.” 
He shook his head, “No. I should’ve listened to you when you told me to rest it. But my dumbass ego decided to ignore you. And now look what it got me.”
“Hey. This is in no way your fault. Could you have rested? Yes. But, if the trainers didn’t believe you were fine enough you wouldn’t even have had the choice to pick.” You placed your hand on his non-injured shoulder, “You picked your team. You picked the game that you love. You went all the way until it stopped you and that is not your fault.”
Taking a minute to process your words, Jack blinked, his eyes never leaving yours. He opted to not respond, instead just leaned his body into you, wanting to be held. 
“I’ve got you, my love. No matter what you have to do or how long it takes, I’m here for you every step of the way.”
“Thank you.” Was the last thing he mumbled before settling in the warmth of your chest, pushing you back onto the couch so the two of you could sleep.
I beg you don't embarrass me
Mother fucker ohhh
Please please please
“All right. Big impression number two.” Jack joked, trying to ease your nerves. 
He had met your parents. Now it was time for you to meet his grandparents. You had already met Jim and Ellen, but somehow meeting their parents seemed a lot more intimidating.
Jack noticed your eyes trained on the floor, so he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, causing your gaze to shift to him. 
“They’ll love you. I’ve told them how helpful you’ve been throughout this whole thing and they said they can’t wait to meet you. Just relax.” He explained, his words calming you just a bit. 
One knock from the door was all it took before Ellen opened the door, immediately pulling you in for a hug. “Hi! How are you?”
You laughed at her joyful reaction, “I’m doing great, you?”
She let out a sigh, “Jim’s mother is driving me nuts. I swear, you can’t cook one meal without that woman getting involved. I love her but, jeez.” She turned her attention to her second son, “How are you, Jack? How’s the shoulder?”
“It’s getting there. As for your Nana problem, I’m sure Y/N could be a good mediator,” Jack suggested, sending you a wink as you turned to look back at him with wide eyes.
Ellen gasped, “Oh you’re right! Would you mind, Y/N?” 
You hesitated, “Um. Sure, why not?”
Jack’s mom pulled you by the hand into the kitchen, Jack’s laughter fading behind you as he stepped into the warmth of the house, shutting the door behind him.
If you wanna go and be stupid
Don't do it in front of me
If you don't wanna cry to my music
Don't make me hate you prolifically
Please x9
“Goddamn it, Jack.” You mumbled to yourself, seeing his sling on the kitchen bar with a sticky note with ‘sorry! <3” on it in rushed handwriting. 
He had told you he was just going to go watch his Dad and brothers golf but had a change of plans. You sighed and pulled out your phone, taking a picture of the scene in front of you and sending it to Jack.
You let out a grumble at his response, grabbing the sling and the keys to the golf cart before driving up to the country club. 
After a few circles around the holes, you spotted Jack and his family. You stepped on the pedal, rushing to get up before Jack had a go. 
“Alright, Jacky. Your go.” Quinn stated, sitting in the golf cart, ready to observe his brother’s swing. 
Unfortunately for Jack, you were faster. “Jack Rowden Hughes!”
The Hughes’ men’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, especially Jack’s. They all turned around to look at you, a look in your eyes that could only be described as crazy. 
You stomped over to Jack, ignoring the rest of the guys. You shoved the sling into his chest, crossing your arms immediately after. 
“Jack, you can’t be golfing right now! The doctor said you have two more weeks with that thing!” You exclaimed. 
Quinn spoke up, “Two weeks? Rowdy, you told us your doctor cleared you.”
Jack let out a sigh as his cover had been blown, “Just wanted to golf.” He mumbled. 
You scoffed, “I’ve worked my ass off for you and this is what you do? I’ve taken care of your meds, when you’re supposed to take them, washing that thing for you because you couldn’t. Doing all the work around your house so that you wouldn’t have to and Luke could focus on finishing his rookie year, and this is what you do?” 
Everyone was silent as you scolded Jack, knowing fully well you were right. You had picked up the slack around his and Luke’s shared apartment throughout his recovery, and the fact that he wanted to disregard all of that for a game of golf was disrespectful. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” He took a deep breath, “I just wanted to get out here before summer’s over and Quinn leaves for Vancouver and Luke and I for Jersey. All I wanted was a normal summer, leave my injury at the door, you know?”
You gave him a soft smile, “I get that, but Jack. You’re almost at the point where you can do all of this, without having to worry about anything else. You’ve worked so hard and sacrificed so many things for this, don’t throw it away for something you can do in two weeks.”
“She’s right, son.” Jim spoke, “We know you love golfing, but you love hockey just as much. Don’t ruin the progress you’ve made, all right?”
Jack nodded, “Yeah. Thanks, Dad.” He shifted his attention back to you. “Thank you, Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably light yourself on fire.” Luke chirped, gaining a laugh from all of you.
You pulled Jack into a hug, taking his hand and guiding him to sit next to his brother.
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this will probably be long but I don’t care
It never ceases to amaze me how decent the people in Queen all are. Like yeah they are a major rock band and there was no shortage of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll™️ going on. We know this. I’m not trying to portray them as perfect people.
But like, if you look at literally anything anyone who’s spent time with them has said or just their actions in general it’s almost hard to believe how like…generous and kind they all are. I mean especially comparing to stuff you hear about the other people/groups at the time.
Freddie bought Christmas dinners for all AIDS patients in hospitals every year. He was a great tipper. He invited anyone who had nowhere else to go to Garden Lodge for holiday dinners. He bought his friends Christmas presents for a Christmas he knew he wouldn’t see. He bought Jim a car. He took in a stranded musician in Japan and sent his driver up to McDonalds when he discovered the person (I’m sorry I don’t remember who it was) didn’t like sushi and then paid the owner to let the guy just sit there. He was the peacemaker of Queen. Everyone around him has always said how funny, kind, generous, and respectful he was.
Roger got a taste of a solo career and immediately went “I’m going to raise awareness for a whole bunch of issues because I am in the position to do so.” He wrote songs about war, racism, socioeconomic inequality, AIDS, neo-Nazism/holocaust denial, domestic violence. He called out religious extremism, politicians, and the extremely wealthy sometimes by name. He’s a patron of Cornwall Pride. He had a signed congratulations note delivered to a couple who got engaged during Somebody To Love. And of course, he co-founded the Mercury Phoenix Trust and then nearly single-handedly organized what remains the largest tribute concert ever the proceeds of which went to the MPT
Brian is Brian. I mean anyone who follows him on Instagram will know he just has a philosophy of treating people with kindness. He’s a queer ally, he calls out crazy right-wing people on a variety of issues, he calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and he champions animal rights. And he practices what he preaches as you will know if you kept up with their last Japan tour and his quest to find vegan food. Not to mention as well as also being a co-founder of the MPT, he and Roger went on national television ONE WEEK after Freddie died to dispel homophobia, AIDS fearmongering, and to raise awareness (not to mention trying to clear up everything the press had been saying about Freddie).
As John is the quiet, private person not much is known about him regarding this but he obviously had deep love and respect for Freddie and I mean there is something to say about the company you keep.
I don’t really have a point I just marvel at it
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 12 Seungcheol — daddy kink // sex tape/photos
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➥ daddy dom!Cheol × little girl!Reader summary: Seungcheol loves falling into his caregiver role as Y/N's daddy but he loves it even more when his baby lets him take pictures of her for him to use when he's alone on tour. wc: 2.4k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, sexual content (minors dni!): dom!Cheol, sub!Reader, dd/lg themes, daddy kink, oral (f receiving), fingering, finger sucking, spanking as punishment, use of pet names (baby girl, little one, angel, etc), unprotected sex (pls use protection!), lowkey love-making, sex tape/photos, Cheol has a big d!ck (sorry, we on the monster cock idol agenda), please let me know if I missed any! Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @dilfjohnny @fairylixie_0915 Seventeen taglist: @aikisbbq @95cheols @niktwazny303 @indigo35 @moonlightsora @witherednotes @cixrosie Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: apologies that this is late. I’m working on getting back on track! I will never get tired of big d!ck, daddy dom Cheol. Ever. I love those themes with him and I can't associate him with anything else. I also love writing for Cheol so much. Thank you for reading and I hope you like it! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
It was a very well known fact that Seungcheol loved to take pictures. He loved capturing bits of his life and memorializing them forever. None of that changed, even after you started dating. He just had a new subject to photograph. A new muse.
Despite finding his need to constantly photograph you silly, you were happy to oblige him when he wanted to snap a picture of you in the kitchen or when you were out on a date. He just loved to take photos of you so he could look at you even when you weren’t around.
Early on in your relationship, Seungcheol made it obvious that he was in charge in the bedroom and when you finally opened up about your kinks, he was totally on board. Most of the time he was Seungcheol, leader of Seventeen, S.Coups and you were his girlfriend Y/N.
But there were times, especially when you needed to be taken care of, where you were his baby and he fell into the role of caregiver as your daddy and nothing filled him with a strong sense of pride quite like you putting your trust in him entirely.
“You taste so good,” Seungcheol groaned, licking his lips. Your fingers tightened in his hair, a whimper escaping you as you felt his tongue drag against you. He’d always been vocal about how much he enjoyed going down on you. Even if he didn’t get his dick wet, he could eat you out for hours and he’d done it before.
“Cheol,” you moaned as the tip of his tongue swirled your clit before his lips wrapped around it and he sucked softly. “Yes baby?” He asked, pulling away for only a moment. “Nothing,” you breathed, waving your hand. “Don’t stop.” Seungcheol’s lips pulled into a smile briefly before he continued, licking and teasing your clit.
One of his hands held your hip, your thighs over his shoulders, while the other moved to push your thigh back, opening you up to him more. His tongue disappeared sliding into your hole while his nose bumped against your swollen clit. He groaned against you, the vibrations making your body shudder.
Your stomach muscles tightened as you felt your impending orgasm approach only for Seungcheol to pull away, letting it fall flat, making you whine in protest as he sat up, wiping his mouth and chin with his shirt before moving to lean over you, lips finding yours as one of his hands snuck down your stomach, fingers skimming your skin until he was pushing two fingers inside your wet cunt, making you moan against his lips.
“God I can’t wait to fill you up,” he mumbled, his fingers moving slowly in and out of you, scissoring them to make sure you were more than prepared to take him. No matter how many times you had sex, he always had to take his time to properly prepare you before he could get his cock inside you.
One of the many things you loved about him. His laugh, his eyes, his dimples, his morning voice, and his massive—
“Hey,” he said softly, drawing your attention back to him. “Where did you go?” He asked, an amused smile forming on his face. Your cheeks burned and you shook your head. “Oh, come on baby,” he purred, dragging his fingers against your walls. “You can tell me.” You shook your head again, too embarrassed to speak.
“Were you thinking about my cock?” He asked suddenly, surprising you and making you gasp.
“N-no!” You lied but Seungcheol could see through it. “It’s okay, baby girl. I know you love daddy’s cock,” he said, leaning down to press his lips to your cheek as you whined in embarrassment. He pulled back, a grin present on his lips, dimples on display. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed, baby,” he cooed.
“Do you want it now?” He asked, slowing his fingers and waiting for you to answer. Nodding, you mumbled out a yes, cheeks still flushed.
“All you had to do was ask, little one,” Seungcheol answered, pulling his fingers from you and sitting up. You watched as he stripped, removing his clothes and tossing them towards the hamper in the corner of the room, not caring whether or not he made the throw.
“Top or bottom?” He asked climbing back onto the bed. “Bottom,” you whispered as he hovered over you. “Of course,” he said with a smirk. “My little pillow princess,” he added, taking you in a searing kiss. “How do you want it?”
You knew he was asking if you wanted it rough or soft. He always asked this and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on even more, that he was able to prioritize your experience and pleasure over his own.
“Slow,” you murmured. “Hmm?” Seungcheol asked, enjoying the way you blushed and squirmed under him. “I didn’t hear that princess.”
“I want it slow, daddy,” you blurted out, the eternal flush on your cheeks burning just as much as before.
“Slow?” Seungcheol asked, dipping his head to kiss your neck, lips dragging up to your ear. “You want daddy to take it slow?” He asked again, making you nod. “Want me to make love to you?” He whispered. “Yes,” you breathed out as you felt him grind against your soaked center.
“If my baby wants it slow, then she’ll get it slow,” he muttered, guiding the tip of his cock to your slit, brushing against you teasingly before pushing past your folds, gliding the head in. Your back arched off the mattress, one hand gripping the sheets under you, the other grabbing his arm, squeezing his bicep.
“Always so tight for me,” Seungcheol whispered, kissing the tip of your nose. “Relax, sweetheart. Let me take care of you.” As your body relaxed under him, Seungcheol was able to glide in further, your tight walls welcoming him with erratic fluttering as he slid in further and further until he was fully encased inside you.
“Eyes on me, pretty,” he said softly as he stilled inside of you. Your eyes met his and you felt your cheeks burn and the urge to look away but you held his gaze. A smile spread across his face as he reached up to caress your cheek. “That’s it,” he said sweetly. “There’s my girl.”
You whined at the amount of affection he was giving you, your hand on his arm squeezing softly. “Daddy, please,” you whimpered, attempting to move your hips but his weight on you kept you in place. “Please move.”
Seungcheol let out a chuckle and nuzzled your cheek. “Since you asked so nicely,” he murmured, pulling out before pushing back in slowly. It felt good but not enough to give you what you were craving.
“Faster, daddy, please,” you whispered. “Faster?” Seungcheol asked, keeping the same languid pace. “But you asked for it like this. Said you wanted it slow. This is slow, baby,” he murmured, pressing short chaste kisses to your cheek. “Do you want it faster?” He whispered in your ear. “Yes,” you gasped as he gave you a sharp thrust. “Yes, daddy,” you answered.
“Then I guess I can give you what you want,” he muttered, hips moving faster, burying his cock deep inside you with each thrust. You moaned loudly, walls clenching around him. “You’re so responsive,” Seungcheol noted. “You react so well to me.”
Your brain was understanding him but unable to form a response except in whimpers and moans. Seungcheol didn’t seem to mind, instead focusing on keeping a steady pace and not pounding into you like his instincts told him to.
“Oh, shit,” you cursed, immediately regretting the words when you heard Seungcheol click his tongue. ‘Fuck.’
“We’ve talked about this before, little girl,” he said in a darker tone. “I’m sorry, daddy,” you replied quickly. “It just slipped out. I won’t do it again,” you tried to backpedal but Seungcheol wasn’t having it.
You whined as he pulled out of you, sitting back and grabbing your hips to roll you over onto your stomach. “We’ve talked about your language,” he said, pulling you back onto his lap. “You know the rules,” he added as he held you still. “No, please, I’m sorry!” You whimpered frantically, crying out when you felt his hand land a sharp smack to your ass.
“Me too, baby. You know I’d rather be making you feel good but we have rules for a reason.” Your body jumped as you felt another blow land in the same spot. “I’m sorry, daddy. I’m so sorry,” you whimpered, holding back a sob as his hand made contact once more with the same spot before rubbing it soothingly.
“I think three is enough,” he said as he continued to caress the reddened skin of your bottom. “Keep this in mind and think before you speak, little one,” he added, leaning over to kiss your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” He whispered, checking to make sure he hadn’t hurt you. Nodding, it took a moment to form a sentence. “Yes. I’m okay.” Seungcheol pressed another kiss to your shoulder before letting you go.
You climbed off his lap but only made it a short distance away before he was pushing you onto your stomach.
“Hold still,�� he said sternly, keeping one hand on your shoulder, the other gripping your hip and pulling up so your ass was raised. “You still want it slowly?” He asked, his voice low. You nodded, turning your head to the side as your cheek was pressed to the mattress. “Do you trust me?” His voice was even softer now.
You nodded, letting out a sigh as you felt his cock grind against you.
“I trust you.”
Seungcheol wasted no time, pushing back into you from behind, snapping his hips in evenly timed thrusts, his cock hitting deeper in this new position and the angle making you see stars in your vision with each measured thrust.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He growled, watching the way your ass bounced each time his hips hit you. “Feels so good, daddy,” you moaned, fingers curling into the sheets. “Cock feels so good!”
Seungcheol let out a chuckle. “Can’t even form full sentences? Is it that good?” He asked, keeping a firm hold on your hip, his other hand keeping your chest pressed against the mattress. “Is daddy fucking you dumb?”
A whimper left your parted lips but you couldn’t deny it when he was right. You couldn’t form a full sentence. He’d once again rendered you speechless with just a few sharp thrusts.
Seungcheol glanced to the bedside table where his phone sat and had an idea. He loved to memorialize most moments with you and this was no different.
He slowed his hips. “Grab my phone,” he ordered, moving his hand from your back. “W-what?” You asked, being lost in another world from how good his cock felt that you hadn’t heard him properly.
“Grab my phone from the bedside table, angel,” he repeated, nodding towards the device.
You reached out, grabbing the edge of the phone and held it up for him to grab from you.
“Stay still,” he warned, opening his camera and lining up the shot. He snapped a couple point of view pictures before turning the camera to video and pressing the start button. His hips continued to snap forward, thrusting hard and deep into you, making you moan out. On screen it looked amazing.
Your reddened ass from his earlier punishment, the way your ass bounced with each thrust, the base of his cock visible every time he pulled back, even the way your fists gripped the sheets.
He knew he was going to save this for later use.
After ending the recording, he locked the screen and tossed his phone to the side on the bed and gave you a few more thrusts before pulling out with a hiss. You whined as he rolled you over, spreading your thighs and sliding his cock back into you.
Your thighs rested on his as he grabbed his phone with one hand and your waist with the other. He opened the camera again, snapping a couple pictures before starting another recording.
You moaned out, keeping a firm grip on the sheets as your boyfriend resumed the same pace from before.
You looked up to see the phone in his hand and whined. “Are you recording this?” you gasped.
You could see the smirk on Seungcheol’s face. “Shh,” he said, letting go of your hip and moving to caress your cheek, his thumb brushing your lip and entering your mouth when you parted your lips. He let out a growl as you sucked on his thumb, his thrusts increasing in speed.
“Such a dirty little girl,” he grunted. You moaned around his thumb, whining when he pulled his hand from your face, fingers skimming down the skin of your neck past your collar, stopping to cup your breast and squeeze gently. “You gonna cum for me?” Seungcheol rasped out, his hand traveling down your stomach and stopping just above where your bodies met.
You nodded quickly, moaning when you felt his thumb start rubbing against your clit in time with his thrusts. He pointed the camera down where he could see his cock disappear repeatedly inside your warm cunt. “Be a good girl and cum for daddy,” Seungcheol groaned, continuing to record as your walls convulsed around his cock.
“That’s it,” he breathed as your moans grew in volume and pitch until your thighs attempted to close but he pushed them apart with one hand, keeping one thigh pinned as he continued to thrust into you. “You’re gonna make me cum,” he moaned. “D-daddy,” you whimpered as your walls clenched around him again.
“Oh fuck,” Seungcheol groaned, hips stuttering as his cock twitched inside you. He came with a loud moan, his release coating your walls as he continued to fuck you through his high until he slowed to a stop. Keeping the camera trained on your cunt, he slowly pulled out, moving to record your fluttering hole as his cum slowly spilled out of you.
He pushed his cum back into you with two fingers before turning off the recording and setting his phone aside.
“I can’t believe you recorded that!” You finally said after coming down from your high. “Don’t worry, baby,” he said, continuing to push his cum back into you as it tried to escape.
“That’s for my eyes only.”
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writerracha · 2 years
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ liquid courage — jeongin x female reader
↻ 1.6k :: roommates to lovers :: cw. soft dom!jeongin. dry humping. drunk sex (all consensual). boobjob with tongue. some cumplay. use of "pet" and "good girl".
↻ 18+ mdni :: not proof read, pls be kind :: masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
You grab the wine bottle to fill your glass again but you realize that it’s empty. Only a single drop makes it in your glass, and you stare at it in despair. 
“Innie, how the fuck is this bottle empty? We just opened it!” 
Your roommate blinks at you, his eyes going wide as you shake the empty bottle in front of his eyes. He pushes his glasses up on his nose. His bleached hair is a tangled mess on his head, his cheeks red from the booze. 
“What the fuck,” he whispers, grabbing the bottle from your hand. He turns it upside down over his glass, like he wants to test it for himself, but nothing comes out. Not even a single drop. “What the fuck.” 
He frowns, licks his lips. You are staring at him. At his lips. 
“There’s only one explanation, Y/N,” Jeongin says, putting down the bottle beside you. He waves his index at you, so you lean in closer to him. “We must’ve drank it all.” 
For some reason, this is the funniest thing you have ever heard and you burst out laughing. Your head ends up against Jeongin’s shoulder, and he wraps his arms around you, his laugh bursting out from his lungs. It’s loud, uncontrolled, and it mixes with yours perfectly. 
You are both sitting on the floor of your living room, watching a drama you haven’t paid any attention to for more than a hour, eating snacks. It’s your usual Wednesday night ritual, except this time Jeongin decided to open a bottle of wine to celebrate a good grade he got - you drank it so quickly you had to open another, and now the two bottles were empty. 
Now both of you are drunk. You’ve seen each other drunk multiple times before, but it’s the first time it’s just the two of you. You’re not nervous about it - you trust Jeongin completely, he’s a reliable roommate and a good friend of yours. You do not know each other that well, so you were nervous at first about sharing the space - but you had nowhere else to go and Jeongin was a good guy. You got along more than fine, getting to know each other as the weeks went by. He made you laugh a lot. You shared similar interests. He did his dishes and always left the bathroom clean. 
He was also really fucking handsome, but that hadn’t been a problem for you until now. Because as you look up, your laughter finally dying down after long minutes, your face is inches away from his and his lips look extremely inviting. 
Jeongin is still holding you in his arms, staring down at your parted mouth. Your lips are red from the wine, looking plump and soft, and he’s been dying to know what you taste like. Just a few nights ago he heard you masturbating in your room and he thought he’d cum on the spot. He really wanted to respect you, not to cross the boundaries of your relationship as roommates and make your living situation difficult, but you made it hard. You were just so attractive. Exactly his type. With your tits poking out from under your shirts when you didn’t wear a bra, that short skirt you liked to wear when you went out, the lip gloss that always made him think about pinning you against the wall and making out until none of you could stand straight. 
He doesn’t want to think about you this way, but he can’t help it. Neither can you. 
But you’re drunk and you don’t want to care. Neither does he. 
“You’re staring at my boobs.” 
He looks up in surprise. When he meets your gaze, and realizes you’re smiling amusingly, Jeongin grins and starts to chuckle.
“You like my tits?” 
He licks his lips again. “Yeah.” 
“You want to fuck them?” 
He blinks, but his smile doesn’t go away. You love the way it takes up half of his face, that it always seems so sincere. Except this smile seems a little different. It’s amused, it’s bright, but it’s also mischievous, and it makes you a little too horny. 
His hand pushes a strand of hair away from your face. “My pretty little roommate… I’ll put my cock anywhere you want me to.” 
You clench at the words, letting out an audible moan. Jeongin chuckles, taking your chin between his long fingers. 
“Are you already wet, pet? I haven’t even touched you…” 
You lick your lips and he follows your tongue with his eyes. His stare is dark. “I want your cock between my tits, Innie.” 
He mutters a fuck before he pushes his lips against yours. The kiss is messy, your tongues immediately colliding in a feverish dance, and you climb on Jeongin. He digs his fingers in your hips as you moan against his mouth. Both of you are drunk - you want this, and you can feel that he does, too. So you don’t stop. You can’t. 
Jeongin’s large hands come to palm your breasts, squeezing the tender flesh, and he bucks his hips as he plays with your nipples. You moan, feeling his erection against your warm core. 
“Are you sure about this?” he moans. 
You nod. “More than sure. You?” 
He smiles. “Me, too. I’ve wanted to have you like this for a while…” 
He rolls his erection against your wetness, sending a shiver across your body. You grab his shirt, moaning his name. “Just needed a little liquid courage, huh?” you tease him.
“Right back at you. Fuck, those clothes need to go,” he breathes. 
You nod, helping him remove your t-shirt and bra, and he stares down at your bare tits with his mouth parted. Giggling, you push them together, pinching your nipples with a soft moan. 
“My cock is going to look so good nestled in between those,” Jeongin grins. 
You both laugh excitedly as Jeongin goes to sit on the couch. You stay on your knees, on the floor, settling between his legs as he pulls down his shorts. His cock springs free, already fully erect, and you stare at it, your hands sprawled on his thighs. Jeongin holds it although he wouldn’t need to, smiling down at you. 
“Fuck, you are so pretty looking up at me like that,” he tells you, his voice a little rasp. 
You bite your lip, moving your hands upwards, resisting the urge to put his cock in your mouth, to suck him dry. Jeongin seems to catch your hesitation because he pushes two fingers under your chin to lift your face, meeting your gaze. 
“Maybe later if you’re a good girl,” he says in a low voice, leaning in to give you a kiss. 
He tastes like wine and sweets, and you position yourself, placing his cock in between your tits. His white hair sticks to his torso. Jeongin lets out a guttural groan, his head thrown backwards on the couch. His hair falls everywhere on his face, his glasses are crooked, his lips raw from your making out. You stare at him as you move your body up and down, making sure that his cock is trapped in between your tits. 
“F-fuck…” he grunts. “Fuck, yes, just like that…” 
You giggle, wishing you had a free hand so you could relieve some of the pressure in your cunt. You feel yourself getting soaking wet, your clit throbbing, aching for touch. But a part of you is too captivated by the facial expressions Jeongin makes as he starts to thrust his hips, fucking your tits. One of his wide hands slides into his hair, the veins popping out, and slides to gather your hair behind your head. He pulls on it a little, making you arch your back, and you let out a moan. 
“I can’t… I can’t s-stop,” he breathes. 
“Are you gonna cum on my tits, Innie?” you ask.
When he nods enthusiastically, you can’t help but smile. You work against his grip to bend your head forward and you stick out your tongue - so when his cock thrusts up, it touches it. 
“Ugh, fuck!” Jeongin lets out a cry. 
You lick him every time he moves, making him breathe harder. Jeongin pushes your head down on his cock, so much the tip almost enters your mouth. He’s muttering indecipherable words under his breath and you know he is close. 
“Come on, pretty boy. Cum all over me,” you mewl at him. 
It only takes another second before Jeongin grunts loudly, thick spurts of cum escaping his cock and falling on your mouth, your hands, and your tits. You look down at the beautiful white liquid covering you, clenching at the sight. 
“Fuck, Innie…” you whisper. “You came so much.” 
He doesn’t really answer you - his head has fallen back on the couch and he’s trying to steady his breathing. You chuckle, sticking out your tongue to lick him clean. He shakes a little, his cock sensitive, but you still do it. 
“Don’t swallow,” he warns you. 
You look at him with an arched eyebrow. Jeongin cups your face in his hands, removing the hair from your face. He stares at your wide eyes, at your wet lips, at the small stains of cum remaining on your face - it’s a sight he will never forget. 
“Show me your tongue,” he orders you in a low voice. 
You obey him, parting your lips. You look so hot right there, between his legs, mouth full of him. Cum falling in drops, and Jeongin pats your cheek. 
“Now, swallow.” 
He tastes warm and salty, but you like it. When you are done swallowing, Jeongin moves forward, flicking one of your nipples with his thumb. Your tits are a little sensitive, so your body jolts as you whimper. 
“You’ve been such a good girl. Now it’s my turn to make you cum.” 
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
this was my first time writing with jeongin so eeeek!! I hope you guys like it. thank you for all your love I really appreciate it let me know if you have any requests or thoughts! ♡♡
taglist :: @lix-ables (let me know if you want to be tagged ♡)
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your-nanas-house · 8 months
Dr. Oppenheimer... for them
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◇ Pairing: Cillian M.!J Robert Oppenheimer x student fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: suggestive, professor x student, confused mind, attraction and kiss, age gap (both off age)
◇ Summary: Y/n's professor ask her to stay after class.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Inspired on @pinguwrites character ai Oppie, love your characters on chai!
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“Y/n... you’ve been doing a great job in your class so far.” Oppenheimer leaned on his desk, his light blue eyes surveying his student as her name, which rolled too easily out from his tongue, left him a sweet but bitter taste.
The age difference was obvious, and he was worried that others would notice the way he looked at her— not that it stopped him of course.
Y/n was was a very beautiful young woman and had a brilliant mind... something that affascinate and turned on Robert.
"Thank you, sir" she quickly replied with a gentle smile, his praises warming up her chest as her grip on her bag got tighter.
“You know, some of my colleagues have been saying you’re the top student in the class” the older man paused after his statement, his eyes scanning her again. Her body was so arousing, it was pretty innocent and professional but she made it look sinful by the way she wore it— and he had to fight, yet again, the urge not to stare with lust and disrespect.
"I'm not even near at it," the younger woman replied with a soft chuckle, her cheeks flushing of a dull red while her heart beat in her chest violently.
“Don’t be so modest.” her professor put on a kind smile as he speaked his mind, a serious glimpse in his beautiful eyes which were fixed on her lips, repressing a deep and needy urge of wanting to kiss her.
“You’re very smart, not only that, you’re also very talented— you’ll go far.” He assured her as soon as he snapped out of the trance.
Oppenheimer was close to crossing the line. How much more could he go on about how attractive she was and still keep his job and reputation? He didn't really want to find out.
Y/n stood in front of him, her eyes bright and a big smile on her face... one that made Robert fell back into thoughts.
Was she thinking the same? He asked himself, his hand rubbing his chin slowly as his eyes not budged from her.
As the student kept observing him, a tender silence spread across the room between them like a tangible thing. Oppenheimer couldn’t take his eyes away from Y/n’s lips, the darkish lipstick so vibrant on her.
It was tempting— and dangerous.
“Come here” he finally urged her quietly, watching her reply with a nod before moving closer to where he was standing.
“Sit.” he gestured towards a chair beside him, ignoring his racing heart as he repressed still the want... or the urger he had to just take a hold of the back of her neck to allow him to pull her face closer and connect their lips in a kiss that he was longing badly.
“I want you to do something for me,” Robert said, his voice raspy and with a hint of hidden lust.
His light blue eyes observed her, his heart beating faster against his chest “Close your eyes.” He murmured as a request, his Adam's apple moving as he gulped.
The young woman obeyed without asking him any questions, with maximum respect in his decisions and opinions... so her eyes fluttered shut.
“Now, I want you to trust me.” He stated, his hand moving closers to her so that his slender fingers were brushing her soft skin.
After a little nod the older man hesitated for a moment before leaning slowly in, his nose brushing against hers before he connected their lips in a tender kiss. His big hands stroking the skin of her neck, moving her hair out of the way.
The kiss wasn't quick but not even long, he parted slightly their lips after little time. Allowing his warm lips now to hovered over Y/n's for a moment more.
That particular action making her want to lean forward and kiss him senseless again. As her heart beat became faster and her breathing went heavy.
But then he stepped back... and she could feel the strange feeling of lack before he talker again “Open your eyes.”
Her student followed his instructions, gulping slowly as her gaze moved carefully up to meet his eyes... staring deeply into them.
Oppenheimer stared at her, waiting to see if she had any reaction to the kiss. The pale red lipstick on her lips was still vivid and seductive but a bit smudged. “Tell me something, Y/n." He asked in a weak voice.
She nodded slightly before answering, a deep breath created a kind of suspense "...Something".
A soft huff escaped her professor's mouth, his eyes filled with a soft glimpse of amusement “You’re being sassy now?” Oppenheimer said jokingly, his hand resting on her hip so that he could squeeze it softly.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
Ch 212: That Butler, Going South
Please respect the spoons (time and energy) and money I invested into this post. Do not use my content without credit.
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16 pages including the cover.
Basically, the chapter covers Sebastian and Ciel traveling by train to Brighton, discussing the servants’ missions as Ciel enjoys breakfast in the dining car.
(Remember that all the missions are happening simultaneously more or less, so Ciel doesn’t know how successful or not they all were.)
It’s actually quite brilliant of Yana and her team to time things like this. This chapter is a great way for fans who may have lapsed during the servant arcs to catch up again, or even for new fans lured in by the anime to get a taste of the manga.
It’s also interesting to see a how a some of the scenes mirror panels/moments from previous arcs.
For example, the shot of Sebastian and Ciel on the train together is akin to the end of the circus arc. (And admire how much her art has improved!)
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Later, we get a (shocking, to me, anyway) shot of Sebastian sitting at the table with Ciel as equals, reminiscent of when they ironed out the details of the contract.
The chapter begins with the two of them on the train in their first class compartment, en route to Brighton from Reading.
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Sebastian, ever the conscientious butler, notices the time and mentions breakfast, but Ciel is cautious: they’re fugitives, after all. Sebastian points out that most people wouldn’t expect a criminal to be casually taking a meal in the dining car. Seeing his point (and since Ciel is driven by his stomach lol), they go to have breakfast together.
They then discuss the servants’ missions and what they expect. For example, Ciel brings up the point that Lau can only be trusted so far, and he is the one who first brought their attention to the whole mess back in the Campania arc with Karstein Hospital. And he is a mafia boss.
But, both of them acknowledge that Bard is the smartest and most capable of the four servants (Bard, Mey, Finny, Snake), and that he managed to make it to the UK all the way from America alone. Plus, he’s trustworthy. Ciel points out that’s precisely why he paired them up. (Seeing them compliment my man 😭😭… Take that, Bard haters!)
They also discuss the mission Ran Mao and Mey are undergoing and ofc Snake and Finny. (I’m sorry but I’m tired and I don’t care as much about the other servants as Bard so I’m… not going into detail on their pages. Maybe tomorrow if I have time and spoons I’ll make an add-on to this going over those pages.)
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This panel is one of my fave moments in the chapter… it translates more or less like this:
Mey: For our lord
Bard: With pride
Snake: With my life on the line
Finny: I do the assigned work and see it through to the end
Despite initially being wary of leaving their compartment, when Sebastian suggests they leave the dining car, Ciel wants to stay and stretch his legs. It’s only a few hours to Brighton by train.
Looks like next week we’ll start the arc in earnest and maybe learn how they plan to infiltrate the hotel.
Please respect the spoons (time and energy) and money I invested into this post. Do not use my content without credit.
Note: The last panel is actually Ciel speaking, so apologies for that error in translation.
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queenie-official · 10 months
Chapter One: ‘To find a king’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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a/n: some of this is going to be time accurate but i’m definitely taking creative liberties 😭 im not a historian so please don’t come for me if certain parts are unrealistic for the time (this goes for all future chapters as well btw)
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you take a sharp breath in as the air is pulled from your lungs with the tightening of the corset. your lady-in-waiting finishes with one final tug on the laces that makes you huff in protest. “sorry your highness” She says in a brief whisper. “it’s quite alright Eleanora, you’re only doing your job” she nods in acknowledgment as she begins to put on your Pannier.
tuning back into the rather unpleasant conversation you where having with the man standing outside your bedroom door- Barclay your royal advisor had claimed the matter to urgent to wait for you to get ready before he spoke to you, Thus leading you to your current setup- “the people do not think you can rule without a king” he continues on with the same Argument you’ve been having with each other for days now.
“my father ruled by himself for years when my mother past” you counter while shuffling slightly so that Eleanora could put on your petticoats easier. “i’m aware your majesty but with all do respect, he was The king and you will be just a queen” as soon as the sentence leaves his mouth a bitter taste enters yours, glaring daggers through the door that you could only hope he’d sense. “i am not just a queen, i am The queen. its my birthright.” you state sternly as a final white decorative silk petticoat is placed on top of your other three petticoats. the process of getting dressed already aiding in your exhaustion that the conversation was providing you.
“i must remind you that you are not the queen yet. as of right now you are merely crown princess until your coronation day” he says matter of factly, god if your father hadn’t trusted him so much you’d have had him removed from the Castle effective immediately. unfortunately he was one of the only things aside from your own kingdom you had to remind you of him.
you had a feeling he knew this otherwise he’d be a lot less outspoken. regardless of all that you where still the soon to be queen and therefore had every right to put him in his place. “i’d choose your next words very carefully Barclay” it’s more bark than bite, the worst you’d do is send him off to his room for the day like a child who’d gotten in trouble for eating sweets before dinner but that didn’t make the threat any less real.
you hear Barclay take a deep breath, clearly trying to think of a different approach. “your majesty i of course see you as our queen, but the people not so much is what i mean. i think it pertinent to remind you the people must feel heard, and they want a king.” he tries and all you can do is scoff.
“utterly ridiculous, i am just as capable as any man” You reply curtly, moving your arms as Eleanora puts your dress on.
“it’s not necessarily that they think you ill fit, but you also must consider that a husband secures the throne..” your brows knit together in confusion at this admission. now standing impossibly still as engageantes where now being basted onto the elbow part of your sleeve, not wanting to get accidentally pricked from the needle. “secures the throne?” you ask unable to deduct what Barclay had been insinuating.
“with a husband comes the ability of an heir” a silence fills the air as he awaits your response. “oh” was all you could muster out as your mind now raced, how that had slipped your mind. You truly didn’t know but at the very least the need for a king made more sense in your mind now. Of course the people thought you fit to lead, but they also want to make sure you wouldn’t be the last.
“though that aside i think the people would trust you more with a man leading as well” Barclay said cutting off your string of thoughts immediately. you roll your eyes, wanting nothing more then to curse him out but you bite your tongue.
“he would not be leading- i would be leading and maybe i’d allow him to aid me” you say as Eleanora finishes, now just adding the final touches of jewelry and perfume. “your majesty-” he began clearly taken aback and slightly appalled by your statement. “Barclay” you cut him off, just wanting the conversation to end. “it is your most important role as queen to provide the people their future.” he chimes back, doing his best to redirect back to the main point of all of this.
you sigh, brows knitting together as you walk out of the bedroom now facing the Annoying man head on. “provide them a future by baring an heir- to place the weight of that on a child” you state slightly appalled at the thought. “you’ve handled it well” he points out, making your face sour.
“have I really..” you trail off, thinking back to your own childhood. you’d been blessed to have a father that tried to shelter you as long as he could. but of course there was a point where the truth was told and the weight of it all crashed down on you, at the time you weren’t sure if you would have rather known sooner. maybe it would of felt less world ending, then again you knew it wouldn’t have made it any easier to cope with. Having the entire kingdom of Alderaan watching your every move as you grew, a scary thought and even scarier reality you live.
“a husband then” you say forcefully pulling yourself from your own thoughts. Beginning to walk down the hallway with Barclay trailing after you. “correct” he says seemingly pleased with your sudden shift. though in your defense days of his constant blathering about finding a king had worn you down, at least you could say you put up a good fight. “easy enough i suppose” you say while mulling the idea over, keeping your head high as you walk towards the dinning hall.
“he must be of sufficient status” Barclay adds quickly making you pause and turn to face him.“how am i to find someone of sufficient status in such a short time between now and my coronation?” you ask in disbelief and frustration.
“well…” he starts clearly not having thought of that either. “whatever we do we’ll have to be discreet about it, if word gets out that you’re simply marrying a random Man just so he’ll fill a role- it would be a scandal. the people would question how much you truly care if you are to put a stranger on the throne beside you” he warns.
“well they wouldn’t have to worry about that at all if they just let me lead the way i wish. Without a King” you huff and yes you’re aware how childish you must be coming off, but come on marrying a man just to gain your people’s approval? it all seemed rather arbitrary. 
“your majesty.” Barclay says clearly annoyed, he looked like he was about to go on another tangent to explain why you must marry someone. the idea of having to listen to him go on and on again made a headache form and you quickly interjected before he could do so “yes i’m aware Barclay.. we’ll keep this a private matter for now, let’s not tell anyone including the royal council” you say reaffirming what he’d warned you about as you enter the dinning hall, honestly you weren’t even that hungry.
Between your conversation with Barclay and how tight your corset was you truly didn’t have much of an appetite at the moment. “it’s a matter of the people, for the people” he says surprising you. utterly confused you turn to him, giving your full attention. “i’m sorry didn’t you just warn me that if word got out it’d be a scandal?” you raise a brow at him, and he scoffs “i meant the people of Alderaan not the royal council” he states with crossed arms a unamused look on his face.
“my private life is non of their business” you say say with a glare, crossing your own arms mocking him. “your business is all of their business, you are the queen” he’s quick to point out and all you could do was laugh at the audacity. “i thought you said i was merely the crown princess? funny how quickly that view changes when needed” before he could fight back you hold your hand up silencing him. “we can discuss this more further later, currently i have more pressing matters to attend to. I mean it when i say we tell no one Barclay, not yet anyway.” you walk away before he can respond, off to do your duties for the day.
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part 2
okay here’s chapter one🤭🤭 i hope you guys like it- i actually had a lot of fun writing this and researching certain things. this is going to be more of a reverse Queen Charlotte bridgerton story situation. 😗Anakin is going to be introduced in the next chapter, i’ve actually already got like two more chapters started so i’ll probably work on those tonight 😋 anyway i did go in with the intent to make this a one shot but quickly realized that was not gonna work if i didn’t want it to seem rushed 😭 so yea… anyways i think that’s all i had to say, have a good day huns Xx<3
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
can i please request the upper moons +muzan falling for a human female reader please? i kinda wanna see how they treat reader different ( cause akaza don’t hurt women)
Ok, female version of this post, then. Again, it won't be pretty, Reader being a woman instead of a man won't make most of these guys act much different, since the reaction was more focused on Reader's humanity than the gender/sex. But they would feel it very differently, considering that this guys would be sexist AF (reminder that being sexist is more than hitting women).
For this time I will not be adding Muzan for tha sake of making something more abour him later (Sexism is an important topic for this prompt, and I am still figuring out how to make traist of his) sorry for that. :''/
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Uppermoons reaction of falling in love with Human Female Reader
Warnings: Manga spoilers, Reader's death, Cannibalism, Yandere behavior, Mentioned torture, Non-consented body modifications (becoming a demon), Implied non-con sexual content, Predatory-animalistic behavior, Münchausen syndrome, Vore elements (not in a kinky way), Implied child abuse, Typical sexism of the time period, Mentions of menstrual period, And Each of these is a warning on their own.
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Gyutaro (ft. Daki):
First things first, Daki loathes you. She sees you as hag trying to steal her big brother away from her. Good luck so she doesn't kill you.
"I have my eyes on you, you whore! I'm watching!" .... brats.
Meanwhile, Gyutaro knows he likes you but he doesn't want to acccept it. Liking a human? It's acary, a weakness against other demons and slayers.
Also, he is sure you won't want him, an ugly freak with a lady, what a laugh! He can't trust you, specially if you say you want him back. It's a lie.
He doesn't know how to behave with you, the only person he ever loved was his sister, and he was never able to tell her "no", and he is sure he won't be able to say it to you too. That is scary.
You have a lot of power over him, he protects you, takes care of you, obeys you when you tell him something, but he stays away most of the time.
He looks at you, yearning, to the point it's obssesive. You never leave his head.
Daki, because she has been also looking, knows if you do something, threats and destroys your things, protective over Gyutaro.
"Daki, ne... cut it off." "BUT ONII-CHAN!"
Make a move yourself, or this will continue until you die, since Gyutaro will also protect you from his sister, but won't be able to stop her completely. She hates you.
He won't force you to anything, respect you, understand you have it hard as a woman without him, so he won't hold it against you id you want to leave. Or at least he will try not to.
Still, against him? You will always be free.
Gyokko is fast to figure put what he wants you to do, that he wants you to stay, even if it takes a bit more time to figure out how he feels about you.
You fill his taste, there is no mistake, and his tastes are the best. So he makes sure to praise you almost as much as his ability to choose.
"You are beautiful, no canvas can compare to you. Look at yourself and tell me I am right, that you don't deserve my praise and attention."
He will teach you a bit of his arts, even if he doesn't really expects you to learn in the same "profesional" way he does. Art for women is a hobby, and if it gets as far to be a job then they must abandon the idea of having husband and children.
Then again, he is not a husband, and having him gatting you away from human standards and society might give you the chance to be a true artist.
He eats parts of you as punishment id he thinks you crossed the line, but he is more lenient he would be if you were a man. "Woman are more fragile and hysterical, of course you I need to be understanding."
3 strikes is a foot in his mouthes, 6 to the knee, 9 all the leg. You can only have so many strikes before becoming more a burden than you are worth, without limbs.
You can beg for him to turn you or die, neither way he will make a piece of art of your body before your death. You will be sublime no matter what, but life will only come with begging.
He will make you stay awake through the pain, he will open you up a hole in your stomach, mold it into a form that represents the new birth. He will take away your organs, use your blood as make-up, dress you up nicely in red and white.
He won't even take a bite off as he pours his blood in the new hole, making you his forever.
He cowers away at the slightlest chance of falling in love.
He disappeared, almost from thin air. Hiding... from a human... Upper 4 for you, ladies...
He comes back to cry about it, sobbing and sometimes hurting you with his clwas by accident as he grabs you.
He had several wives in his life as human, he knows how to treat them, or at least he should know, feeling pressured.
Why can't he just treat you like he treated them? Why is he so scared? He knows he is not doing it right but he can't bring himself to be charming and behave as a gentleman.
He is aware of his flaws, and id terrified with the idea you will leave him for it, even if he is not around most of the time, coming back and forward, comes to cry and then leaves.
Are you food? Are you beloved? Are you useless? Are you beautiful? Are you conforting? Are you nice? Are you about to die because of him? Are you going to reject him?
He will stab you in your sleep, or in an argument, he killed wives during those before. All with a knife instead of his abilities as a demon.
He didn't have to be a demon to kill women and children, and he is really sorry, but you had to die for his sake.
Ok, you have three seconds before shit explodes, so if you run you might save yourself.
3... 2... 1... "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" There it is, that is all it took him.
A few days he kept think of you and he knew... you fucked up. You must scape until he calms down.
The fact that a fragile human, a defenceless woman, can make his heart beat faster and his face blush is simoly embarrasing. He hates it, it makes him angry, it makes him feel vulnerable.
The other clones are your best bet to get it this far, go for Karaku, he will keep you alive only for the sake of teasing Sekido.
Both of you know you will die, the more the likes you, the worse he will feel, and he will take it out of you.
You are just a human, you won't be able to survive him unless you become a demon, but he will not accept your refusal. He won't even tell you.
The relationship becomes stable in your new form, he just bites your neck and opens his wrist with his nails to transform you.
"Don't you dare trying to get away from me, woman."
"Gonna rock your body all night, it's lust at first sight" - probably Karaku if he knew Chris Crocker.
That is your chance for survival, and you take it, making him chose lust over gluttony.
He does threat of getting rid of you, but he makes sure to get you money, besides the flirting and gifts, considering he is aware he basically ruined your chance of a married life. He teases you about it when he feels cruel.
He makes sure to pleasure you, even if you don't want to, you don't get to make that choice.
It does take him more years than if you were a man to realize this is not normal lust, but that he is romantically attected to you.
He decides to transform you into a demon, doesn't warn or ask, when he realizes it.
He does it during sex, he bites you, moaning against your new wounds and the taste of blood. He will open his neck for you.
He will offer yourself to you once you wake up as a demon, memories lost and replaced with hunger and thirst. Not remembering the cold feeling of losing blood against his skin.
"Hey love~. Spend the night with me, will ya? I am all yours now, show me what you can do with it~."
Good news, Urogi doesn't want to hurt you.
Bad news, Urogi will hurt you anyway.
It's not even on purpose, he just gets carried away when he plays with you. He is not the most aware of the clones, so playful scratches and bites become dangerous.
He chases you sometimes, always wants attention, to play with you.
He likes to stay with you while you sleep, cuddling against you, sometimes you find him smelling around your scrotch when you are in your period, keeping his face around the area like a dog...
He gets bored of your limitations rather easily, so he decides to try to turn you i to a demon, consecuences be damned.
The last straw is a night when you have your period, the bited part of your legs your thighs, excited in different ways by the scent of ruined blood and vagubal fluids.
Then he will bleed into you, biting his own wrist off, feeding you chunks of his arms after spreading the blood over you.
He will chew and feed you mouth to mouth if it troubles you, only wanting to play with you, the new demon you.
His priority is that you are human.... and again, he is rude and hurtful about it.
"It's so sad for both of us. You can't be enough for me just like I can't be what you need. Pathetic." This bit-
Just a heartbeat put of place and knots in the throat were enough for Aizetsu to figure it out, and he didn't like it.
Humans are meant to die, besides, he can't be the husband you would need.
Still, he takes the chance of comfort, to pretend for both of you. He manipulates you into feeling pity for him, and that is how the relationship is formed.
He does kill you, painless and softly conforting you first, the second it becomes a problem.
He will also let you have your last words and wishes, will tell you that he wishes he could have been husband material for you.
He makes a memorial, kisses your corpse goodbye before leaving you behind.
"This is so sad."
Truth be told, she is not surprised.
She can see the appeal in you, she has always prefered women over men, Muzan being the exception, even if he is the exception of many things.
Nakime is very lenient with you, she understands that, as a human, you are more fragile than her, so she must treat you carefully.
She would not put you above Muzan, but she takes care of you, gives you gifts, spends time with you, praises you. You are a lovely lady to her.
Still, unless he approves she will not be transforming you. If he does, she will without any second thought or opinion.
The breaking deal is the next one, she kidnaps you for a while and the leaves you safely at your home. She controls all the interactions.
Why should she listen to you? She adores you, but you are still a human, nothing worth her obedience.
She would not kill you, no matter what. The only way you could die like this is suicide, age or ilness.
Then again, at the end Muzan decides to let her turn you, so he bleeds into a cup and feeds you ger blood, not letting you out until you do.
It starts when Akaza accidently calls you "Koyuki..." the first time you met. He fell hard and fast, and in a painful way.
He begged you to stay, not really knowing why. He cried, grabbed your legs as his knees stayed on the floor.
He needs you, craves for you, to the point of obsession. It takes him a while for him to realize he could turn you into a demon, because part of him venerates the image of a human girl with pink eyes and cheeks.
He can't hurt you when you deny him, but he wants to. He needs to, you have to understand why you should want to be a demon. Why you should want to be forever young, strong and healthy, to stay in the way things were before the poison in the well.
At the same time, he wants to take care of you, and he starts inviting himself to your house, doing the chores and watching you sleep.
He doesn't understand why he is always cheking your temperature and if you are breathing correctly, there is something relieving but also off putting when you always are ok. As if you should be sick.
Maybe part of him wants you to be sick so he can take care of you, but he can't hurt you.
You can't get rid of him, no matter how much you try, he always ends tucking you to bed and forcing you to stay in there until you sleep. He never listens, always treat you as if you were fragile and sick.
He learns how to make your favorites, cleans the house and laundry, starts getting money and pretends to nurse you, even if you don't have anything.
He doesn't know how to feel when you die of age, it's the only way you could die like this, but he breaks. Again.
Sometimes he still calls you Koyuki.
Douma starts comparing you with Kotoha and his mother, he is quite vocal about it.
He tells you how silly you are, that his mom and Kotoha were the same, but each of you had your charm.
Yes, "had". He mostly talks about you in past tense, ge is planning to eat you soon. Kotoha almost scaped him and his mother became "too irrational, killed my father with a knife but poisoned herself" with time, so he wants to spare you the chase.
He talks about your face, your eyes, your hair and skin, mostly, he does things he did with Kotoha, hoping to make you laugh. Simple pleasures, not meant to last.
Both women left him, he is 100% sure you would if he gave you the chance, so he doesn't. He kept you by his side for some months, at most.
You are fun to be with, and he is sure he is fun to be around with too... maybe. Not that it matters, you don't really have a choice. Your words against his.
Also, turning you into a demon would give you the chance to run away while he is in a meeting with the other moons. How silly and stupid would it be from him!
He has made his mind to eat you the second he notices that, whatever he is feeling, this lust hunger, this craving, is like Kotoha's.
Because of his experience with her, he will make sure it's in his room, to make it right this time. Also, he will break your leg first, so you can run, coveribg your mouth and cooing you as you try to scream.
He will eat your tongue and lips first, complimenting the taste and texture, in a soft kiss, not really caring if you want it or not. That way you won't be able to formulate your screams for help.
He starts eating you from below, wanting to finish with your head and eyes since he had to blow Kotoha's. He doesn't want to repreat the regret of ruining such a pretty face.
Douma takes his time with you, talking softly and gently, praising you you taste and feel in his mouth, praising how you look.
He is more than satisfied after he finished, stomach full and you forever inside of him. Lovely.
This is the first time in his life that he wants the attention of a woman that isn't his mother.
He never felt attracted to women (or anyone, even if he always felt more in place sharing his life with other men), his wife included, he married her as his duty of producing heirs.
Having a woman by his side has always been a responsibility at best, a chore at worst.
But he wants you, and he can't understand it. It's new and confusing, that is the only reason he notices a few days after he catched feelings. Because loving women, wanting women, it's not normal for him.
He watches you, even yearns for you, but his pride and confusion don't make him do anything.
He blames you, resents you, calls you "a temptress" in his mind. What have you done to him? At least he doesn't conpare you to his his brother, but his other relationship with women don't let him relate you to a pleasure.
You are also human, meant to die like his mother and wife did, meant to be remember just as someone's husband and mother. Why are you stealing his attention, then? There is nothings special about you.
But this way it's easier to pretend he doesn't care the moment you die, easier than with Yoriich.
You are lovely, he keeps you around, but besides that? You are just a woman. A pause from his life as a samurai demon at best, a distraction at worst.
He will resent you after you die, but he will also forget you the same way he forgot about the other women in his life. There are only two people in his life with any importance, one was a boy to a man, the other is his King and Master. Women were never important in his life.
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aquanova99 · 9 months
Hellooo how are you??? Could I request a Alec Volturi x fem! Mate/gf! Reader where Jane hates(despise) reader thankss don't forget to rest!!♡♡
I did do a fic like this here, but I am trying to start rewriting my old work in hopes to make them better 🤞
I think at the beginning he is going try and hate you. If his sister dislikes you it must be for a good reason. It will be in fact solely due to the fact that the volturi took you in almost instantly due to your own gift (anything mental, asphyxiation, matter manipulation, literally anything)
In fact he will be straight up cruel to you, and if he is extremely attracted or interested he will ignore you entirely
You have to offer no reaction or they will think they are in the right.
He would definitely not admit to Jane that he likes you in any way
He’s listening to your conversations, waiting for anything to prove you couldn’t possibly be as amazing as everyone seems to think.
But as he waits and waits he doesn’t see anything that would give him an actual reason to hate you
So he slowly starts to be in the same areas, at first he only speaks to the others. He finds he’s annoyed you aren’t speaking to him, but soon Jane comes and throws more vitriol your way and he sees why you would be wary.
He hates that when he goes near you you leave if there’s no one around, and he hates even more that you’re all he thinks about when he’s alone.
He eventually decides to at least try and be cordial when he is around you and see if anything changes
You only offer short responses, why would trust anything he says right now. You try to not let his hurt expression get to you, neither of them has been shy about threatening to use their abilities on you. They were lucky you didn’t use your own gifts on them for all the shit talking they did
Unfortunately one of these curt responses is caught by Jane, “I suggest you be more respectful to my brother.”
You roll your eyes and continue about your business, you’re surprised when you hear Alex speak up, “sister please. Everything is fine.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles.” You start to walk away but then the pain wracks your body somewhere you hear a voice
“Jane. Enough.” Alec fails to hide the urgency in his voice. Jane stops immediately and while she knew some of the others would check on her Alec being the first next to her, the concern on his eyes infuriated her. She believed you were a poison. First the leaders and now her brother
Unfortunately for Jane this is probably when you’ve had enough and you give her a taste of her own medicine and when Alex says nothing to this well… the only reason she doesn’t try to kill you is because of the leaders fr
After that Alex apologizes for his part in what happened, and you decide to try and let him in, after all maybe he can help you not have Jane hate your guts
He starts putting more of an effort and as much as you’re wary he can be very charming and you can “fix” him
Then as for dating it’s mostly this once he is comfortable
Jane doesn’t try anything as long as Alec is there besides glare at you but Alec is hardly ever not with you and he knows he to have an arm around you and glares back. Jane is tempted to use her gift on him a few times but she knows better
The siblings have several arguments but at the end of the day you’re off limits now. He does try and get her to apologize but for awhile the best you’re going to get is indifference from her.
You’re going to have to save Alec’s life before she considers you a person so sorry, but while Alec still loves his sister he’s been waiting for and dreaming of a connection like this his whole life
He never thought anyone would see him as anything more than a witch twin and he is obsessed with you
123 notes · View notes
marengogo · 27 days
Are You Sure?! - #2: The Right Side of the Bed
Interlude: Shadow - by SUGA  [Map of The Soul: 7]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello my Bangtan Loving Gurls, Bois  & Enbys,
How have you been? Yesterday was a bit shit in Tanniedom, wasn’t it? But fret not! My Spousy @chikooritajjk has us covered. They have written and most likely still writing ARMY-SPIRIT-UPLIFTING posts and for that and many other things I am super grateful, so do check them out if you need a boost of positivity. Hence, I thought I’d venture into giving us also a very little break from all dat and talk about our recent Are You Sure?! VMINKOOK Edition episodes, as there actually is a lot to unpack at the same time I am also working on another post which I actually started before this, like on Monday, about certain type of 431s (for does who don’t know, 431 stands for ARMY) and it is not the most “positive” post so maybe I’ll wait until Mercury Retrograde ends to post it 🤡… which is in 1 day.  Ayte then! Let’s start, shall we?
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Now, y’all know I’m OT7 right? If it is your first time landing on my page, do not that I am OT7, it is very important to me, and to you as well, trust me bro! Yet, I know many also have biases, which is perfectly fine in my books, as long as you do respect all the other members as well. It is very much impossible, in my not-so-humble opinion, to do any relationship assessment if you hate/dislike/don’t respect to a certain level/don’t understand aspects that are intrinsic parts of the environment of what/whom you are trying to analyse. Already having a bias can affect opinions if not controlled being OT7 is also having a bias by the way, but Hate … child … Hate is The Ultimate Influencer, but so is Love, by the way, which is why The Gray of it All is important during discussions like this one. That being said, let me spell it out so that we have no confusion or misunderstandings.
Tae & JK are very intrinsic parts of JM’s life. 
JM & JK are very intrinsic parts of Tae’s life. 
JM & Tae are very intrinsic parts of JK’s life. 
This is the same and equally important for all 3 of them for all 7 really, however, the degree, intensity and shape they take into each other’s life is different depending on the pairing, and this episode gave us a trivial synopsis taste of all 3 dynamics, which you could only observe and appreciate if you allowed Mx. Gray do their thing and let Hate and Love sit this one out, or comfortably watch the backseat, to each theirs.  
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Let’s start by setting the scene. Ignoring what Capulets, Montagues and the VPD have to say, with their weird-ass, borderline-offensive and obtuse takes: Are You Sure?! Is a JK and JM show. Does it mean they hate the rest of the members? No. Does it mean they are trying to leave the band? No. Does it mean that they have finally decided to cave in and provide shippers with the ever-sought fanservice they’ve all been waiting for? No. All it ever was meant to be, was a single travel vlog from these two particular members who expressed the desire of wanting to spend some quality time together and share said time with ARMY. Simple as that. Eventually, regardless of JM’s IBM and JK’s cold, they had so much fun that they decided to go on one more trip, and that apparently was such a blast, that they decided to make a whole show out of it.
It is important however to point out, and rationally acknowledge, that both JK and JM have tried their darn, polite and explicit, best to make sure that it was understood that this show was something they wanted to do just the two of them. They loved the time they spent with Tae, no doubt about that. If you ask me, they actually made an exception because it was Tae and would have probably refused the Hyungs y’all vibes don’t really check out like that, for this type of trips, sorry 🤡. Even so, they have Bon Voyage, In The Soop, private time, and they can even create a Makane Line Show if they want, where they can satisfy the desire to travel together. Furthermore, the fact that no other guest was invited to Sapporo, coupled with JK jokingly mentioning that they should hone their vlogger skills and keep going until they turn 50 years in addition to other comments, in my opinion, makes it pretty clear that they just want it to be a JungJi thing now that JungJi is a thing, or JimKook or whatever for reasons they only know, and we may never.
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The Guest
Do you know the type of confidence you have to have to, so nonchalantly and publicly, let it be known, that you are aware of the fact of being a guest? HYB3 could have easily marketed this as a subunit show, with mainly JK & JM as units. USA - JK & JM; Jeju - VMINKOOK; Sapporo JK & JM. It wouldn’t MAINLY JK & JM because, as we all should know by now, IT IS A JK AND JM SHOW. Yet, here he is, Tae in all his glory, spending time on an island he seems to care about for his own reasons with people he obviously loves and feels so much at ease with:
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Things like sleeping in a bed he knew was supposed to “be JM’s” he could only pull off because he knew that JM wouldn’t care about it, in the same way JK & JM raced for the other available bed like they knew they were okay with sharing it. 
In general,Tae is the band’s Englishman in New York. He does thing at his own pace, feels emotions with his own intensity and also understands things at his his own pace which has come to bite him in the ass many a time 🤡 …. He is also a man who quickly adapts in any given situation and isn’t shy about getting what he needs with/around people he is completely at ease with, such as a deep conversation with JM, all kinds of foolery with JK, absolute cosyness with JM and/or tenderness with JK. He is also extremely tactile, and if he is comfortable with you he will promptly ignore any personal space, almost as if physically connecting with you is the one way he can connect with you on all levels, which doesn’t sit well with everyone, and Tae will try his best to understand why on Earth you would reject his embrace, LOL, like when Joonie didn’t want to hug while sleeping during Bon Voyage season 4. 
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Throughout episode 3 and 4, it felt to me like Tae had things going on and was perhaps past the processing time, and needed some wholesome I-don’t-want-to-think/distraction time, which is why he was with Wooga and JK & JM in this particular period of time. It’s almost as if he was looking for some kind of relief. Like he wanted to know that things wouldn’t change when in the presence of people with whom he needed things not to change. If he had things his way, I’m sure he would have had Hobi be also part of this Jeju trip  but as we all know …. Whatever he was trying to process he really didn’t want to think about, so he ventured out into places where people would allow him to just be. 
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In fact, I’m not sure if people have noticed but, during this Jeju trip, in many an instance Tae has for example allowed himself to slide himself in and out of situation or just do as he pleased, irrespective of what the other two did, for example, he was having a phone-conversation about a gym with an acquaintance of his while they were at the cafe, or stayed alone on one side of the boat, while the other two were fishing right next to each other. 
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Tae was basically living the type of holiday I would aspire to experience at this time in my life. I had a difficult break up at the start of the year which sometimes I still questions, but I honestly know it was for the best and even though I want to be alone, I have accepted that human beings are not islands, and to that respect, I am lucky enough to be around people who let me just be, they involve me the right amount, I involve myself the right amount, but for the rest I am allowed to just space out when I do, or get lost in my cell phone, or heavily rant, or do whatever other random thing comes to mind of recent. Obviously, I don’t know what most have happened to Tae, but I think that Tae also has this type of relationship with his close friends, be it Wooga or Bangtan. In particular, when it comes to JK, he is able to enjoy comradery, understanding and tenderness, whereas when it comes to JM he can relish in comfort, reassurance and allowance. 
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The Hosts
JM and JK have been formidable hosts, in my humble opinion, or at least the type of hosts that I would like. If we follow my line of thought where I think something was bothering Tae, they have tried their best to involve Tae in everything they did as a means of distracting him, in the best way they could, while still keeping true to themselves. And even though, on different occasions, they have pointed out that Tae was a guest because my boys had plans with each other, which couldn’t be carried out as a pair, but the fact that a guest is actually present means they are fully on board with it all, BUT they still need to somehow mourn their foiled plans, I am pretty sure it was just part of their usual a maknae-line role-play/banter. Furthermore, for the most part, they also didn’t force Tae to participate in things after they asked him once, and he’d refuse. They really did let him be, but always made sure to try and involve him where they could.
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Basically JK and JM came ready to do what they had planned to do and they were comfortable enough to also do it with their guest in such a way that they didn’t feel obliged to change anything, because they knew that they could be themselves in the presence of Tae. For example, I’m not sure why, but I knew that Tae was gonna sleep in JM’s bed, because JM is never averse to Tae’s tactfulness Joonie, we ain’t judging you 🤡, JK we ain’t judging you either! if anything, he embraces it; JM seems to be the type of person that amplifies your traits. So my question, leading to the sleeping scene was: will JM sleep with Tae or would JK sleep on the spare bed as a consequence of JM ending up on the other bed because of seniority?
You should have seen my shocked face when JK & JM came running into the room and were already aiming for “JK’s bed”. There was no shock at the fact that Tae was already occupying JM’s bed, it was like they already knew that there would have been only JK’s bed available, and apparently the mattress wasn’t an option which is ironic for a person who is known for having mattresses scattered around his house. But let’s go deeper. Not only did they immediately aim for JK’s bed, but they both seemed to aim for the right side of the bed. At some point during the night, they both took a shower, after playing in the pool, and JM seems to have taken a shower upstairs as they showed JK entering the downstairs bathroom.
If JM took a shower upstairs, he would have seen Tae in his bed watching TV and most likely would have chatted with him and found out that Tae wasn’t feeling too great, which as we saw he then told JK. Thus, there must have been a moment where JM and JK discussed bed allocations before going upstairs and we are going to ignore, for the time being, that both their luggages are on the ground floor … this eventually turned into a race/game as JK sprinted for the right side of the bed, a side which so far, we’ve only seen JM sleep in, as JK has, thus far, only slept on the left side of any bed. 
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So now we have a situation where JM is on the left and JK is on the right and they don’t bother changing, but they’ve kinda promised each other not to hit each other, so they are somewhat self-conscious, and stay quite far apart, most likely to assure that they don’t hit each other. Yet, as the night passes you can notice that my Twin-flame subconsciously gets closer to JM. I think he was particularly stressed about not hitting JM at which point he wakes up and decides to go and sleep on the left side of the floor mattress. And me being me thought “If they were cuddled together, they wouldn’t have hit each other…” which made me realise that perhaps JK hit JM in the CT cabin because they were sleeping apart, like on that bed in Jeju, but in opposite positions, because you know … cameras on and all. 
Bed arrangement aside, there are little things that seem to be a constant with the two of them, such as JK ordering food for the both of them, or JM making sure to order food for JK. If we want to be super specific, JK making sure to know if JM is having fun, JM asking JK specifically if JK has tweezers but not asking Tae, who quite quickly gets into his personal space and offers to take whatever hair out with his bare fingers. “Let’s shower”, “let’s eat ramyeon”, “let’s go to bed” … almost everything they do, seems like they want to do together, same as all the activities they have chosen, they seem to have chosen to each other's liking, exerting activities for JK, ocean activities for JM, as well as excellent restaurants for the both of them. In addition “JK, are you no longer hungry?”, “JMsshi you are not eating well”, “JK relax your shoulders”, “JM is prettier …” they also seem to be very attentive to each other, constantly. In fact, if I were to summarise their relationship based on these two episodes, I would say that JK and JM relish in longing, consideration and intimacy.
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Episode 4 is by far my favourite episode, and the one I’ve admittedly watched the most. It allowed me to explore all these dynamics and the three of them just seemed to live through their personas so nicely, without having to worry too much about having to entertain while being unintentionally entertaining, like taekook hitting their head on the same spot on the boat or JM giving JK “CPR” as a consequence. NGL to you, I am really looking forward to episode 5. It is their last night together and I think our hosts are truly enjoying their time with their guest. As it is their last night, JK and JM will probably try to be entertaining enough for their guest and Tae will probably try to be just as easy-going to his hosts, regardless, their serenity and lightheartedness is quite soothing to me, so I honestly CAN’T WAIT.   
Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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sulani: set sometime after this
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cw: while i tried to deal with it in a light way (without trivialising the issue), this does allude to consent. nothing happens, everyone’s wishes are respected, and no one is persuaded/pressured to do anything. just in case the subject may understandably be triggering for some though.
(also while I did my best with @akitasimblr's leo harper - or rather my homebrand cc free knock-off - nothing he does is canon unless Ana says it is!)
* * *
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"Looking good, Leo. Why, thank you, you handsome devil. Have to say, Ms. “I’ve done more mucking out than messing around” was not the contestant I was expecting this call from. But we all saw her in that bikini. I would hardly refuse."
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It was at this moment, Araminta knew that she had fucked up.
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(Oooh, he is going to hate me. And completely ruin my chances with Dodo, if not my entire reputation simply out of spite. I know his type too well. Still, Minty. An explanation is owed - and an apology. You come from two long lines of royalty, so you must have a spine somewhere. Find it.)
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"I have to say, this was an unexpected surprise, but not an unwelcome one. Can I get you anything? There’s a chardonnay chilling that will knock your socks off. And a few other things too, but we can take our time with that."
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"Uh, Minty? I assume we’re on pet name terms, or we’re about to be. If it’s the chardonnay, I can have something else brought up."
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"... .... ...."
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"Listen, between you and me, when you get us five star celebrities between the sheets? We’re just Some Guy. Well, some of us anyway. I have it on good authority that Thorne Bailey for example is the worst woohoo. Like not even one star. So don’t be nervous! Assuming that you’re nervous because it’s me." 
(cue Leo's own math lady meme moment)
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"Orrrr are you nervous because you’ve changed your mind - and you don’t know how to tell me?"
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(looks up at him hopefully)
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"Well, I’m taking anything other than shoving me onto the bed as a resounding ‘no, I’m not into this anymore.’ Why don’t I check on that chardonnay, and you take a moment? If I end up having the entire bottle to myself, that’s okay."
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"See? It was fine. You are fine. Pull yourself together, Araminta."
* * *
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"I… didn’t mean to text you. Your profile pictures look exactly the same."
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"Funny how that works. So, you thought that you were texting my brother? And in spite of having at your fingertips the hottest commodity in the entire Simsverse - ie. my own personal private number - you decided that you’d rather attempt a night of passion with that doofus instead?"
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"Well... yes?"
(leaves unsaid that there wasn't even a decision to be made. also - ahem. dodo is not a doofus, thank you.)
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"But Watcher, everyone knows that I’m the sexy twin!"
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(tactful silence)
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"I am so terribly sorry, Leo. And quite frankly, mortified. I’d tear up my contract right now if I could."
"Contracts don’t work like that, Princess. Trust me. Don’t sweat it. It’s nothing to leave the challenge over. I can’t promise that I won’t laugh at you later or bring it up on the show at some point, but apart from you being a boring do-gooder, we’re cool. Deep breaths."
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"I did, er, bring some wine myself. It’s an aged Chestnut Ridge red from our cellar, and I had thought that Dodo-"
"Totally wasted on him. Give me that."
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"Thank you, by the way, for being so nice about this."
"Nice? Ha. I thought you lived on some Henford estate, not beneath a rock. But I’m not a creep. If you don’t one hundred percent want to be here, then I don’t want you here. Period. Go downstairs and get a massage or something. It looks like you need it."
"I may do just that."
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"Wait - let’s check that you have my brother’s number right. You may have picked the wrong twin, but there’s nothing wrong with your taste in wine. And if you and Dodo don’t work out, then I’m always happy to mentor a promising up-and-comer." (winks)
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"I’ll, uh, bear in mind that generous offer."
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"No you won’t. You’re just being polite. Now scram. I’d totally smack your arse on your way out, but the Watcher is too cheap for that pack. And if you ever tell anyone other than Dodo that I wasn’t a total dick to you, I’ll spread a rumour that you once drank white wine with red meat or some other shit that would totally ruin your good name within 'polite' society."
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"Plum, she really was that surprised at me being cool with her not wanting to sleep with me. The bar for men is so low, it must be in fucking Selvadorada. Here’s to being the sexy twin. And to all my daughters hopefully being lesbians."
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"Hey, this is really a nice vintage. Nice girl too, unfortunately. But I could have fixed her, Watcher..."
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bihansthot · 11 months
Ok now that I've seen Scorpions dialogues I wanted to change a little my request, still make it like a s rivals to lovers type of thing with Smoke x reader, but is more of like "we disliked each other at first but we say our good on us and became close", kinda like with Kenshi and Johnny
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I’m so sorry for the wait lovely, this is soooooo not my wheel house T_T Hopefully it came out ok and you enjoy it!
Title: First Impressions Can Be Deceiving
Rating: Mature (sweet loving)
Pairing: Smoke x Afab!Reader
Summary: After the events that happened at Madam Bo’s you were convinced you hated the Lin Kuei, especially the one who hurt Madam Bo, but as time goes on you realized you may have misjudged him, and develop feelings for him?!
Author’s Note: I am AWFUL at enemies/rivals to lovers, and tried my best, Smoke is very kind and gentle like the sweet cinnamon roll he is. Please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed it. Thank you lovelies <3
Your first impression of the warrior called Smoke was not a good one, you were introduced to him at the raid on Madam Bo’s Tea House and even though Lord Liu Kang had assured you Smoke and his fellow Lin Kuei were there to test you and the other champions, Smoke’s actions had left a bad taste in your mouth. Surely there was a better way to subdue Madam Bo than to throw her off a balcony, even if she was tougher than she looked she was still a respected elder. You didn’t like the whole thing and maybe your anger should have been directed at Lord Liu Kang, but in your mind, it was the Lin Kuei to blame.
The next time you saw the Lin Kuei was when you and the other champions were training at the Wu Shi academy and despite your earlier misgivings you were slowly starting to realize maybe Smoke at least wasn’t as bad or arrogant as you thought he was. He was polite and courteous to Lord Liu Kang and the rest of you. It perplexed you because you had already made up your mind you didn’t like him or the Lin Kuei. His voice cuts through your thoughts though before you had time to process things fully.
“How are you liking your time at the Wushi Academy? The monks truly are masters at their craft are they not?” Smoke asks taking a seat next to you.
“Their dedication is second to none, it’s quiet a sight to behold,” you reply, forcing yourself to make polite small talk.
“I can’t help but feel like I need to apologize to you, the other warriors don’t seem to have any problems with myself of my brothers, but you seem to. The Tea House was a test, Madam Bo knew all about it and was in on it, I would never hurt an elderly woman of my own accord. So, I’m sorry we deceived you, but I assure you it was all at the behest of Lord Liu Kang,” Smoke tries to explain for what seems like the thousandth time.
“You bashed her head into a railing and threw her off a balcony! In on it or not that’s just too much! You could have killed her!” You snap at him angrily. “Madam Bo is a kindly old proprietress not a master martial artist!”
“That’s where you’re wrong y/n, Madam Bo is a former Lin Kuei and IS a master martial artist, she trained Raiden and Kang Lao from childhood as she helped raise my brothers and I when she was in the Lin Kuei,” Smoke explains emphatically, desperate to convey the fact he wasn’t the bad guy here.
“She, she was Lin Kuei? Seriously?” You ask in disbelief shocked by this new revelation.
“Yes, she taught my brothers and I everything we know, well outside of my magic and my brother’s birthrights,” Smoke continues. “She’s much more sturdy than she looks, it was actually her idea to throw her off the balcony, she said it had to look realistic, to make sure the three of you actually fought to your full potential.”
“I, I see, maybe I misjudged you all but I still don’t like how the whole thing went down, and I still don’t trust you or the Lin Kuei,” you huff as you stand up and brush off your pants before stalking off. Thankfully you don’t have to deal with the Lin Kuei for long, Lord Liu Kang had other plans for them and you don’t see Smoke again until after the conflict with Titan Shang Tsung.
“Hello my dear, in order to help keep Earthrealm’s defenders strong and at peak performance I’ve organized a training exercise,” Lord Liu Kang addresses you as he materializes from his portal giving you quite the start.
“Y-yes, Lord Liu Kang, of course, as you wish,” you nod enthusiastically, looking forward to keeping your skills sharp.
“You will be training with the newly formed Shirai Ryu, their Grandmaster Kuai Liang and second-in-command Tomas, will assist you in your training and when they are satisfied will let me know you have completed your training,” he states authoritatively.
You wince internally, not them, they were the Lin Kuei, they may have a new name and might have sworn their loyalty to defending the Earthrealm, just like you had but you still had reservations about the trip. You had been able to avoid them at the Wushi Academy but it would be impossible like this, but you couldn’t say no to Lord Liu Kang. Sighing deeply you relent, “yes Lord Liu Kang, I will do my best.”
You make your preparations to travel to Japan and once you’re ready Lord Liu Kang appears to you again to transfer you there via a portal, the Shirai Ryu compound was well hidden in the countryside and traditional travel would have required many modes of transportation, so you were grateful to Lord Liu Kang for his assistance. Once you arrive you are formally introduced to Grandmaster Scorpion and his fiancée Harumi, both seem like good and honorable people despite the Grandmaster’s familial ties to the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, someone you definitely were not fond of. Maybe you had misjudged the former Lin Kuei members, you did think to yourself how Smoke had gone out of his way to sit with you and explain the situation with Madame Bo, slowly you found yourself less hostile. The longer you stayed with the Shirai Ryu and trained with them the fonder you found yourself of them, particularly Smoke, he was actually dare you say, sweet?
“How are you enjoying your time here, y/n?” Smoke asked you one night after the communal meal while you were enjoying the lush gardens of the Shirai Ryu Temple.
“I’ve enjoyed my time here immensely, the gardens are my favorite place to be, they’re so peaceful and serene, it makes me feel at peace,” you answer truthfully.
“I’m glad, I know you haven’t always been the biggest fan of me, but I have honestly always admired you and your skills and it’s been my pleasure to help you develop and hone your skills further, if there’s anything else I can do just let me know,” Smoke stands up making ready to leave and you tug on his pants.
“Stay with me for a bit?” You ask, almost surprised with yourself but you couldn’t lie to yourself any longer, somewhere along your stay you had developed feelings for the smoke wielder, and if you’re curious to see if he felt the same way.
“My pleasure,” Tomas answers and sits back down next to you enjoying the serene setting of the gardens with you.
“I, I have a confession to make, when I first met you I disliked you, no, down right hated you and your brothers for the events of the Tea House, but now I realize you’re nothing like that thug,” you pause to gather your courage. “The truth is Smoke, I find myself having feelings for you, I care about you and want to be closer to you, I want to be with you,” you confess, your cheeks flushed with the embarrassing words.
“I had hoped you felt the same way about me as I do for you, but I didn’t want to cross any lines or make you feel uncomfortable but zlatíčko I think I’ve been in love with you since the moment we crossed paths. Please, call me Tomas,” he returns your confession enthusiastically.
“T-Tomas,” you try his name and like the way it sounds coming from your lips, and if Tomas’ expression is anything to go by, so does he. His silvery eyes are lidded with pleasure and a faint blush spreads across his cheeks, he leans forward and closes the gap between the two of you as you share your first kiss together. It’s soft and gentle, slow and patient and wonderfully warm, the action ignites a spark of arousal just simmering in your belly, you’re immediately hungry for more. You tilt your head to the side letting the warrior deepen the kiss as you hungrily part your lips and welcome his warm tongue, it slides softly along your bottom lip as if asking permission before delving inside. You moan softly at the welcome intrusion and suck softly on his tongue pulling a soft moan from the smoke wielder, your hands wrap around him pulling him closer as your hands continue to glide over his well-muscled arms.
“Mmm zlatíčko, if you keep this up I may not be able to stop myself, I’ve found myself many lonely nights with just my thoughts of you to keep me company,” he whispers, biting his lower lip as if embarrassed.
“What if I told you I don’t want you to stop, what if I told you I may have thought about you the same way,” you reply sweetly, your lips finding his neck and sucking softly.
Smoke moans low in his throat, “please don’t tempt me, I want you so desperately,” he all but pleads with you.
“So, take me,” you whisper in a sweet invitation as you climb into his lap and you’re met with his hardness and it makes you feel bolder as you reach your hand down and start stroking at his clothed manhood. The moan he makes is so amazing and makes you feel lightheaded with arousal as you palm him harder through his pants and suck on his neck harder. Your lips soon find his again as you kiss him hard, teeth clicking together as you battle for dominance, he eventually concedes defeat as your tongue dances in his mouth and intertwines with his. You soon find yourself topless as the skilled warrior divests you of your bothersome garment, his face is pressed hotly between your breasts as he shudders slightly and rubs his smooth face against your lovely mounds. His skilled hands make quick work of your bra as he cups your breasts lovingly in his large callous hands.
“I, I must warn you zlatíčko, I’m not very skilled in the ways of pleasure, but I’m happy to do whatever I can to please you,” Smoke breathes out, embarrassed by his own shortcomings.
“We’ll have to figure it out together then because I’m afraid I’m in the same boat, I’ve well seen how things are done though,” you explain, the flush spreading to the tips of your ears now as you confide your inexperience to the other.
Softly Smoke presses a kiss to the top of your breast before his lips close around your nipple as he sucks lightly, the other hand teasing and lightly pinching your other breast earning a soft moan from you. He gradually applies more pressure sucking fervently on your nipple as his tongue swirls along the pebbled nub the action causing more heat and arousal to build up in your stomach as you feel your pants getting sticky and uncomfortable. You dip your hand underneath his waistband to grab onto his velvety shaft and he feels big and you’re suddenly a bit more nervous than you already were, but you trusted Tomas not to hurt you, so you gather your courage and start stroking his cock.
“Oh shit, that feels so good,” he hisses pulling away from your nipple and moans slightly the sound getting stuck in his throat.
“I want you, please,” you whine cutting the foreplay short the feeling of his hard cock so eager for you stroking your ego to the point that waiting is no longer an option.
“Are you sure?” He asks panting softly as you keep stroking his length in his pants as he moves to continue undressing you but stops to make sure this is what you really want.
“Make love to me Tomas,” you sigh softly giving him a soft kiss before rolling off him and lying in the soft grass of the picturesque garden.
“As you wish my lady,” he smiles and swallows audibly, clearly battling with some nerves, but he shakes them off the best he can as he pulls his top off and helps pull your pants and panties off. He can’t help himself though, he has to sneak a taste as he presses your thighs apart and slots his head in between your thighs, and runs his tongue over your luscious little pussy, it's welcoming and sticky with your want. He moans deeply as he gets his taste and the vibrations reverberate through your body pulling a startled cry of his name from you.
“Tomas please, stop teasing,” you whimper and wriggle the action of just his tongue alone was almost enough to overload your inexperienced body.
“Sorry,” he offers sheepishly before kicking his pants off and positioning himself between your legs, he grabs his cock and rubs the slick velvety head along your slit a few times before resting at your entrance. “Let me know if it hurts,” he tells you before kissing your forehead and slowly pushing inside your impossibly tight warmth.
You cry softly as you feel his cock opening you up and pushing inside you, it feels full, so full, and slightly uncomfortable, you suddenly feel a jolt of pain and a slight tearing sensation as Tomas keeps pushing steadily in. “Oh fuck, it hurts a little, but at the same time it feels nice, I-I can’t explain it,” you whimper as you wrap your arms around Smoke’s well-built shoulders.
Tomas immediately stills, “do you want me to pull out, or stop? We don’t have to do this,” he insists.
You shake your head ‘no’ and squeeze gently around him earning a sharp breath from Tomas, “no, please keep going.” You squirm slightly and roll your hips experimentally against his cock as he finishes burying it inside your plush walls, it feels like it's too much but at the same time, it feels like it was built just for you. “Oh Tomas, you feel so good,” you whine.
“Heh, I was about to say the same thing about you zlatíčko,” he quips back as he holds himself still, letting you adjust despite his desire to feel more of your sticky, tight wetness.
“You-you can move, I think, please?” You ask him softly as the burn and sting dissipate as your body acclimates to his cock.
He starts thrusting slowly and it feels heavenly, you moan immediately as his cock starts moving inside your tight canal. He makes soft noises as his cock disappears in and out of your tight, wet pussy, “god, you’re perfect zlatíčko, so warm and tight, it feels so much better than my hand.”
“Tell me about it,” you moan in agreement and cant your hips slightly and suddenly cry out sharply as Tomas’ cock suddenly hits something inside you that makes you see stars. “Do, do that again,” you practically demand and Tomas repeats the action pulling another shaky cry from you. “Oh please, yes, that’s so good Tomas,” you whimper as you focus on keeping your hips at the perfect angle so each one of his thrusts hit that sweet spot over and over. You cling to his body as he thrusts in and out of you, the arousal building and building in your stomach as he keeps a steady pace.
“I’m not going to last much longer zlatíčko, where do you want me to cum?” Tomas asks and he’s breathy and dripping in sweat as he starts fucking you harder now, chasing his release.
You panic and you aren’t sure where you want him, “in-inside please, I want to feel you cum, please Tomas, just a little more, I’m so close,” you beg him, eyes squeezing closed as your stomach tightens almost unpleasantly.
“As you wish,” he pants and keeps plunging in and out of your tight pussy, his body shaking with exertion.
“To-Tomas!” You squeal as your orgasm suddenly washes over you, the pleasure jolting down your spine as your toes curl and you feel lightheaded as you hit your high.
Tomas holds you tight and moans loudly as you want soaks his cock making it hard to keep it inside you, he manages though as he quickly falls over the edge as your pussy walls flutter and grasp his cock.
You shake slightly as you feel Tomas’ release flooding your tight pussy and you whine at the sensation, you can’t stop shaking as the feeling of your lingering orgasm intensifies knowing you had pushed Tomas to his limit too.
Tomas tries to pull in deep breaths of air as he tries to get his breathing back under control as he moves to pull out of you, concerned he might be hurting you.
“Please stay close, it feels so good,” you whimper, shyly as you hold him, unwilling to let go of your post-coitus glow.
“Whatever you want zlatíčko,” he smiles and holds you until you're ready to let him go.
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Don’t mind me while I scream incoherently about the latest chapter of WsDB because holy shit was it good!!!
Ghost is the biggest shit ever and I love that for him (he deserves those strawberry’s).
all the gifts from his family the skull jumper were really well thought out (Soaps gonna lose his shit when he finds out Ghost’s part Scottish) The Akubra!!!! and the Skull omfg the sweet and twisted fluffy feelings 😭 They’re both in love and neither of the dumb arses realise it yet (I bet everyone else does though)
Poor price though he’s so worried for is anti social son. Ghost: *going out of his way to show affection and share things about himself with the team* Price: *sweating* wondering if he needs to call an ambulance or a priest first
Were Prices photos an 09 reference? How old is that hat?! I forgot you mentioned that Gaz’s girlfriend would be a spider! She must cop so much shit all the time (good on Kyle for not letting anyone add to it) I have a couple questions about her but all ask them later. Soap is so excited about his big family and ghost is about to go “hold my beer”. THE SPIRAL holy shit, like yes Ghost you do need therapy but that’s besides the point, your fucked up feelings are both weirdly sweet and reciprocated. Soap would 100% honour and respect every part of Ghost dead or alive they match each others freak. So your telling me that at the family show and tell Roach brought a photo of him with the rest of the 141 acting like idiots because they’re his family (your paying my physic bills because my heart just broke)
I love how Gaz and Roach are initially shocked by Ghost being trans but after it wears off they don’t actually care (meanwhile soap is in the background trying to do math) it’s just a thing like the sky is blue, the earth is round and Ghost is trans. The bigger shock is the whole rabbit situation, I can’t wait till soap finds out exactly what type of rabbit Ghost is. (Especially after what he just said lol) and Ghost’s last words for the chapter amounting to “I wouldn’t betray your trust but I have and will continue to fuck with you.
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this, but I wanted to give people a change to read it since this is a bit spoilery for chapter 3. ❤ Hopefully its been enough time, let's dive in!
Ghost being a little shit is one of my favorite parts of this fic, he deserves to be a menace.
Soap and his Akubra have been rotting my brain since it was first mentioned, and it will come up again. The man looks damn good in that hat.
Soap giving Ghost a fucking rabbit skull of all things, he's trying so hard to get into Ghost's good graces, and had no clue at the time how fucked up that action was 😂 next chapter will have our first taste of Soap's POV and his realization of the implications of his actions.
Price watching Ghost come out of his shell like 😰 lol the poor guy, he's never seen Ghost act like this and he's worried the man is losing it.
So Price's photos were a bit of a personal headcanon of mine, because Modern Warfare's Price isn't the first, only Price in the Call of Duty games. There was a Captain Price in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2, who looks similar but his accent is way thicker and the timeline is set in WW2. There's also mention of a Johnathan Price in COD Black Ops. It's never explicitly stated (to my knowledge) that that man is one and the same as our Captain from MW. Anyway, I like to believe that the Price family has been sending their boys off to be Captains for generations.
Please ask about Gaz's spider GF, I love her, and want to talk about her!
Roach's family photos was fun and sad to write. Basically, by joining the military he severed ties with his old gang, who were all he had. So the 141 means everything to him. This will be important later. 😈
Ghost: I'm trans
Everyone: huh, okay, didn't know that. Woulda never guessed.
Ghost: also I'm a rabbit
Everyone: minds blown, chaos, worldview shattered
And lastly, as much as Ghost is fucking with and going to continue fucking with Soap, trust that I have all kinds of mental and emotional fuckery planned for you lot, my lovely readers. 😘
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iceunhie · 9 months
synopsis: Kaveh doesn’t really like Christmas shopping with you for one (1) reason: You have horrible taste in matching Christmas outfits. 
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warnings: 1.1k words, slight mention of Cyno and Tighnari, small mention of Collei BC she's my daughter my baby fr, modern au!! bff kaveh has my heart honestly he'd be such a good friend yet u still have to tell him to take a breather on his issues like get this man some help pls judgy kaveh but he swears it's in good faith lol
mhie’s notes: participating in @2023gisecretsanta's secret santa event! this piece is for the wonderful @june-again <3 i hope you enjoy this fic and have a wonderful happy holidays !! took a little break from romantic writing since you said you preferred platonic heehee,,, i shuld really write for kaveh more he's so silly
You sigh, before plastering your best sopping wet cat expression. “Please, Kaveh? My wonderful, amazing, incredibly talented, bestest friend—”
“First of all, gross–” you stick out your tongue at him. “And second, [Name], I already told you this a million times and I'm going to say it again. I will not be caught dead in that… that abomination.” 
“C’mon, pleasee? It's just to take pictures with, I swear!” you say as you shove the red, abnormally large Christmas jacket to your best friend’s face, trying to at least get him to relent for just a few minutes. You do not succeed, and this only furthers the mortification in his eyes. This has been something Kaveh had been dreading for a long time already. 
It'd been a pretty okay day, his design for a new architecture project was approved and he was looking forward to excitedly sharing the news with you over a nice meal after work, only to be faced with the hell that is Christmas shopping near the Grand Bazaar in downtown Sumeru with Cyno and Tighnari, who are currently browsing through the rows of nice ‘make-your-own-plushie’ kits to give to Collei as a gift.
After you lot met up after your respective work and caught up by a delicious meal in a fancy restaurant (his wallet is screaming bloody murder right now though), the first stop he was immediately dragged to was a clothing store by you, and normally he would gladly pick outfits with you without complaint, but you were a huge fan of picking these tacky (sorry, but it's true) Christmas jackets that came in pairs to match with him. Best friend privileges, you say, but that absolutely clashes with his style. Like, he loves you, really, you're his friend and partner in crime and probably the only person he trusts more than Al-haitham, that bastard, anyway, but that (the sweater) is nothing but a fashion disaster waiting to unfold.
So he crosses his arms, Kaveh giving you a withering stare. “In the first place, why this sweater of all things? And that color?!” 
“It looks good on you! See, it even matches with your eyes! It's modern.”
“It's horrendous, that's what.” 
“Hey! You criticizing my style choices now?”
“Uh, duh? Why else are we friends? Why else am I your best friend, huh?” 
“Still, it's the holidays, so indulge me just this once, please?” 
“Excuse you, just this once? Last year was that green jacket that was too itchy for me to even wear! And the Christmas tree design in it wasn't even halfway finished!” 
“Hey! The Christmas tree print on it was still cute though, don't lie. And you wore it anyway.” you say dismissively, and you press against the sleeves of the jacket.
“Well, yeah, but–” Kaveh stops himself, before giving you an exasperated expression. “Wait, no, that isn't the point here! The point is, we should just look for better options!”
“Aww, but this one has a reindeer and elf print on this….” you sigh, disappointed. Kaveh eyes you with skepticism before turning to the aforementioned sweater. 
Okay, maybe it wasn't so bad… the reindeer print and the elves helping out the Santa Claus on the jacket front was kinda endearing… wait, no, don’t be swayed! 
“In any case,” he snips, putting a hand on his face and eyeing you distrustfully, “We can talk about that—” he gives the jacket a horrendous look of distaste, “later. For now we should just meet up with Cyno and Tighnari.” 
Before Kaveh can exit the store, however, you pull him back. “Nuh uh! Those two are going to take forever getting presents and you know it.” and just when he thought he dodged a bullet, you immediately give him the jacket, send him over to the fitting rooms and even have the mind to say ‘take your time!’ and then leave him be.
So, inside the fitting room, Kaveh can only try to struggle to find the utter appeal of the very, very questionably designed Christmas Jacket. There are two beings on his shoulder right now, the one with imaginary angel wings and of course, the one that's undoubtedly the devil.
‘Do it for [Name]! Please, this is exclusive best friend privilege and you're just going to throw it away? This is tradition!’ the nicer one says, endlessly using his moral compass as means for Kaveh to accept, and he almost does, really, but of course, with the angel comes the devil.
‘[Name] will understand if you don't wanna wear it! Besides, they've never had the best taste in fashion when it comes to Christmas jackets! Surely just one refusal won't hurt?’ 
“Okay, stop, stop!! I'm getting too into my head right now, I have to weigh the options….” Kaveh mentally chides himself and the little voices in his head, but ultimately comes up in a slump; on one hand, refusing you was fine, he knew that you would respect his decision, as you had always had. But… if he accepted just one night of humiliation, which will no doubt come in the form of Al-haitham and Cyno giving subtle and noticeable teasing when all of you gather around the local Lambad’s Tavern to celebrate Christmas Eve. Heck, even Collei would probably give him a look of pity! Kaveh hates it, really, but then again, it was just one night….
And you’d be disappointed! Also, what if instead of him who has to endure the matching Christmas jackets, what if you would match with someone else? No way, no way. Those were his best friend privileges and he was not forsaking them. Hmm, this was seriously a hard decision to make.
One day of humiliation versus the loss of potentially Kaveh’s and your Christmas tradition forever and likely the appearance of being a horrid friend– okay, he was overreacting here, but still! A horrid friend to you. Would he, in all his good conscience, really turn you down?
“Ooh, looking good there. I told you it wasn’t too bad!” you’re smiling and slightly smirking (no doubt you knew about his moral dilemma) at him when Kaveh comes out of the fitting room, donning the very oversized, very unfashionable jacket. “Oh my god, Al-haitham is never ever going to let you live this down.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” he grumbles, clearly swatting your phone away. “Can we just get it over with now? I swear I'm going to be so sweaty in this jacket. You’re lucky you have best friend perks.”
“Heh, don’t mention it! No one can resist my wonderful and amazing personality. Now, wear this too-!”
“Wait, hey! I never agreed to the Christmas hat-! Hey, [Name]!”
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@ MHIIEEE 2023 : do not copy, repost or plagiarize my work.
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