#like vlad and danny are similar not just as half ghosts but like danny can be manipulative and its so fun
nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
okay but the vlad-danny foil dynamic drives me nuts like it does something to my brain
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Cave boy Danny. What if he offhandedly mentions his parents being THERE (as in not dead) and being Doctors (not the same kind of doctors Bruce's parents are) and things like that and doesn't realize that the batfam starts thinking that this? This is what's different with this Bruce. He didn't lose his parents and thus does not grow up wanting vengeance, and his parents are similar in personalities but in a different field!
Now Danny is still as casual young Bruce as ever but the others are just freeking out around him.
Things are strange for a while. Danny knows that his actions have caused the Waynes to be....wary around him. Even Jason- who honestly threw a whole ass parade for Gotham in celebration of Joker's death- seemed to be tense around him.
Danny can't really say he blames them. He still doesn't know why Phantom reacted the way it did- a bit alarming. His ghost side marked Joker as a threat from the moment it laid eyes on him- a threat that could not and would not be reasoned with.
His ghost -half attacked, knowing that Joker's existence threatened his core. A core that was created from the desire to keep his friends safe at the moment of his death. (He had known he would die the moment the portal's electricity hit him- and Danny had not been mournful of his end but rather horrified that Tucker or Sam could have followed him to the afterlife. His last thought as a human was Please let me live long enough to keep them safe.)
Never has that happened before- not even when faced with Vlad or Dan. It was strange to watch Phantom attack and not be in equal amounts of control within his body.
Phantom has always felt a part of him but also not. Danny had once tried to explain it to Jaz, only to end up frustrated when she tried to paint Phantom as a different personality that shared the mind-space with Danny.
Danny knows Phantom isn't like that.
He's not another person- Phantom is Danny in the same sense that Danny is alive but dead. For the same reason, Danny is the flipped color scheme of Phantom. They are one, just viewed differently.
Or maybe they saw the world differently?
It's hard to say and even harder to put into words.
The closest Danny could come to explain was an example Tucker gave him. Someone is the same but acts ultimately differently online, even when they aren't trying to catfish someone.
It's the fact they are behind a screen that gives them just the extra amount of courage. Tuck had said.
Ancients, he misses Tuck. His ship is not ready to venture into his Ghost Zone- hell, if Danny is honest, it's barely able to move. He is trying his best to get it working, but it's slow going. Too slow, even with Wayne's generosity.
"Master Brucie," Alfred started, pausing just within the doorframe of Danny's room until invited in. He does that now, keeping to his manners as though Danny was a guest of the Waynes. Not someone who he can be so familiar with.
It stings to know his killing had lost him the right to be treated as a stranger when Alfred had always treated him as young Bruce Wayne the moment he was found.
"Yes?" He asks, trying to smile. It falls flat, but it's worth the effort.
Alfred's face stays impassive, and Danny tries to tell himself that he doesn't care. He's not a young Bruce Wayne. He wants nothing to do with the Wyanes'.
"There are more gifts for you." The bulter says. "Shall I bring them to your room?"
Danny has received a lot of fan mail since his actions were leaked to the public. Everyone knew that Joker was taken out by Danny Kane. And there wasn't a single person in Gotham who hadn't been hurt or known someone injured by the madman.
He is being praised as a hero.
For murder.
Danny can't find it in himself to feel guilty about it. Joker needed to die. He had too many chances to change, and too many people got hurt.
"That's okay. I'll go downstairs and look through them. I feel like watching a movie anyway." He shrugs his shoulders while strolling to the door in his lazy stride.
Alfred steps out of his way, bowing ever so slightly. "Very good sir."
That stings.
Danny doesn't bring it up or mention that Alfred keeps a safe space between them. Not enough that it would be rude, but definitely one of a servant following a master instead of a man who thought him the younger version of his son.
When they arrive at the room, he is surprised to find a white shipping cart filled to the brim with packages and letters waiting for him. Standing beside the cart, flipping through the envelopes, is Tim.
He has yet to see much of Tim. Not since Danny proved his doubts weren't as unfound as Danny actively tried to convince the other teen of.
No time like the present.
"Hey, Tim." He calls just to mentally get the other prepared for his approach. As expected, Tim whips around with a narrow eye-ed glare that does nothing to hide his distaste for Danny. Alfred follows them into the room but stays by the door at an appropriate distance. "Anything good?"
"Good, how?" Tim bites, and Danny fights to not roll his eyes.
"I don't know. Maybe a letter from my mom saying I'm a good boy or another football from dad-"
"I beg your pardon?" Alfred cuts him off- which, okay, that's never happened before. The butler has never overstepped his position- even when they thought him harmless little Brucie- to talk over him.
Danny turns to find the man pasty white, looking both cautiously overjoyed and wishful. "Did you make a joke about your parents, Master Brucie?"
"Ugh, Yeah? Why?"
"Young sir, are- are your parents alive?"
Danny is floored by the choked-up emotion in that one sentence that all he can do is nod. Tim drops the package he was checking over, his jaw slacked, and staring at Danny like having parents was the answer of the universe.
"Thomas and Martha Wayne are alive in your universe.." Tim all but breaths. "They are alive and have more than one kid."
"Why is that a big deal?" Danny asks, unable to himself. "What happened to Bruce's parents here?"
"Master Thomas was a doctor," Alfred says, ignoring Danny's question. But he now hears the answer in the past tense when referring to Bruce's parents. "Is he still in your world?"
"Yes, and so is my mom." PHD doctors, but they don't need to know that.
"That's why you like this." Tim slumps into the chair closest to him. Danny is mightily alarmed that he seems pale now. "That's why you don't know anything about Batman. He was never inspired. You....you really are a civilian."
Danny will deny that he fleed the room when Tim burst into tears till the day he died. He does not look back even when Alfred yells for his return. He has outstayed his welcome.
He slips into his room, grabs anything not nailed down with any form of technology, and then activates his intangibility. He sinks down down, and down, to the caves. He knows where the Bats work, knows where to go from his nights where he tried to work on ship.
He flies in that direction, knowing he will never see the Waynes again. Not after realizing how much pain his lies have unwillingly caused.
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impyssadobsessions · 1 month
DPXDC PROMPT Vlad Hired the Wrong Guy
Vlad decides that perhaps a ghost can't do the job right anymore -though as much as Vlad would have loved that to be the fitting end for Jack- so he hires an assassin instead to finally put the end to this.
He hires the best. Deathstroke.
Slade however decided to take a liking to the little hero. So when Slade succeeds in his mission (or not if you want to pull some plot shenanigans) he ends up taking away something far more valuable to Vlad.
Danny. Now Imma put my thoughts below but y'all can take this anyway you want >w< <3
I can see Vlad giving Deathstroke weapons to fight/capture Danny too- not kill him though he probably can't even imagine that would be possible- with order to strictly kill Jack and maybe make it look like Phantom did it. (For some extra spice ;3) Phantom was able to fool some of Slade's attempts- but in an all out brawl- Slade wipes the floor with Danny. Danny being slung around like a rag doll, taunted, and mocked. He doesn't stop fighting which just amuses Slade more. Eventually there first fight gets interrupted (cause I imagine it was in the lab) probably be Jack and Maddie coming into the basement- but Deathstroke was able to hit Danny with the belt- forcing him to change before vanishing himself. So Danny gets "grounded" from the lab- even though he tried to play it off as a ghost attack- which made it either worse or better for him. His parents going protective mode- when he's trying to figure out how to save them. Only for Deathstroke to be in his room one day, looking for a "chat". Danny's not having it and tries to fight him only to be captured by one of Vlad's devices. Danny recognizing it. "You-You're working for Vlad!" "Oh ho ho, So you do have some brain cells that isn't used just for puns?" "Why!?" "Money. And a few unique toys." Slade tossing an ecto-ray in his hands. "I'm an assassin. I had assume you didn't need to be detective to figure that one out." Danny struggling against his bindings. Panicking. "You can't- Vlad-..." "Oh I definitely can. He is not the hardest target I had to hit- though I must admit you're an annoying obstacle." "I won't let you!" "I don't think you're in a position to stop me." Slade pressing a button to shock Danny before he a new power to escape. The shock forcing him to revert to his Human form. Imagine Deathstroke taunts Danny more. About what he is- about his parents hatred of ghosts. "Even if you save them- they would hate you. Shame." "You're not the first fruitloop to tell me that." Can see after Danny impresses him one more time- and Slade finds out Vlad is also a half ghost. I can imagine Slade finds a way to force Danny to join him. Whether its by succeeding in killing his dad and manipulating Danny into learning out to take revenge- Or by blackmailing/threatening to follow through but not just kill Jack/ but both his parents- saying he'll teach him how to REALLY fight. Even saying that with his help, he'll make sure Masters won't bother him again. Just all the manipulating. Danny at wits end might take it. Can see Vlad being FURIOUS- but now Deathstroke has weapons to not only HARM/KILL him-he ALSO becomes Danny's mentor. Vlad being the one to contact heroes he knows have history with Deathstroke... framing it as him taking away his godson. Maybe purposely sought out Nightwing. Unknowingly damning himself more as Nightwing will find out Vlad was the cause to all this- AND if Danny gets rescued/gets out of his deal- he'll have hero friends to rely on.
I just love the idea of Slade and Danny dynamic. Especially since Danny not only similar to Dick, his phantom form also looks similar to Respawn. I just think its neat XD And be a damn terrifying threat to Danny.
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Follow-up to Halfa Dash AU
Believe it or not, Danny starts to get jealous of Dash. In his eyes, Dash got everything while he got little to nothing. Everyone in town knows Dash’s “secret” and work to hide him from the GIW or prying eyes. Valerie and the Fentons work together with him, and Vlad learned to let go of his anger a long time ago and isn’t in the picture.
When Danny helped in his universe, he was called a menace for accidentally causing property damage in ghost fights, half of which is caused by the other ghost attacking him and the other half is Danny being thrown at buildings or the ground, so he literally has no control over it! Even when he tried! He still tried to help the best he could, but it was never enough for the town.
“I gave all I could for them, and then some, but what did I get? Hunted! Torn open! I didn’t expect anything, not even a thank you!”
When Dash does it, he’s considered a hero, gets pats on the back, that kind of stuff. His fire core in still underdeveloped, but he warms up the area when he’s in ghost form. People love that, unless people are already hot and sweating, but no one lashes out. Danny’s ice core lowers the room temperature, and sometimes his body temperature. No one wants to hold hands that are cold.
As you can tell, Danny is pissed about this. He’s happy Dash doesn’t have to deal with what he did, but he’s still pissed.
As for Sam and Tucker, I have two ideas.
They went along with him to the alternate universe, where none of them existed, and all live and work together to get by and help each other out. There was no way they were leaving him alone.
The alternate Sam and Tucker like Dash. They think he’s a pretty chill guy, and they don’t understand why Danny keeps avoiding him or flinching. A part of Danny feels betrayed by this, even though he knows they’re not the Sam and Tucker he knew.
I think the last straw for Danny would either be Vlad or Lancer.
When Vlad comes into the picture, he’s not just… well, not a fruit loop, but he helps Dash! He helps him with his ghost powers, he teaches him, and Jack, and Maddie! He gives tips and advice on what to expect in the future and how to deal with it, and gives him his number incase he needs him!
Danny’s anger reaches a whole new peak.
If it’s Lancer, then it’s when he figures out that Danny has no parents and is living on his own. When he talks to Danny about this after school, he blows up at him. He goes on a rant about how Lancer thinks that he knows what’s best for him when he doesn’t know the full story. He lets it slip that he’s from another universe and had really bad experiences that made it hard for him to trust people and asks how he can be sure this isn’t a trap of some kind.
Eyes are glowing green, the room is freezing, and Danny’s cussing while trying not to have a mental breakdown and failing. He doesn’t want to be put into any adoption or foster care, especially with some strangers, and he’s determined to not let that happen. If anyone, he’d allow Frostbite to adopt him.
Surprisingly, this Frostbite and the one he first met are very similar and recognize him. It’s as if they’re actually the same! Like the Ghost Zone didn’t change, or at least, the Far Frozen didn’t.
Or maybe I can add the Nightingale Family from the PenPal AU! They’d be the one able to adopt him because he meets them all over again, and they’re some of the few people who are still the same. He knows he can trust them, so when they offer adoption, his answer is yes and a big hug.
I think that eventually, he and Dash might have a rivalry-type friendship. Ish. Danny’s constantly pushing Dash to get better with his skills. Dash likes to challenge him to a sparring match or race. Or maybe it’s like this closer to the start, but Danny’s genuinely mad under the mask. He’ll start to appreciate this Dash sooner or later.
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picturejasper20 · 5 months
One of my favourite badger cereal fics genres/tropes is the GIW finding out Danny and Vlad's ghosts identities or being close to hunting them down so both Danny and Vlad are on the run and they have to work together if they don't want to get captured and you know, getting dissected for experiments.
While it can be funny but it is also interesting how they learn to rely on each other because they have everything against them. At first they work out of convenience- they share the same common goal. Over time they begin to see what they have in common, like they are the few halfas in existence (in some cases the only two) and share similar experiences because of this.
Vlad maybe at the start does it so his ghost identity doesn't get discovered or, again, for convenience. As time passes he begins to notice that he genuinely cares about Danny. Not as ¨i want him to be my pupil¨ villain way but like he cares about Danny's safety and well being. And Danny starts doing something similar. He tags along because he knows that Vlad is powerful and can protect him. After spending some days working together Danny sees that Vlad has a ¨good side¨ of him, or that he really cares about him. He begins to see him as a sort of guardian figure while they are hiding from the GIW.
I don't know, i just like this whole idea they both are borderline about to lose everything and not knowing who to turn to since almost everyone around the world believes they have to be captured because they are half ghosts. So they both have to rely on each other to pull through the whole situation.
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Clone Danny: Dan interlude 7.5
i'm writing this because im struggling to come up with the next part to the clone danny au. however I have had many thoughts about our resident evil man. So if anyone remembers part two of this au, I mentioned that I wanted to make Dan's circumstances a little different than canon, considering Danny's circumstances were different. I'm not sure where I got the idea that Dan wouldn't be inclined to destroy the world after his creation, but i'm sticking with it because I love to explore new things in aus. So 👏 DAN and i swear i might end up calling him a different name because ong i cant stand the name Dan
so. Dan. Dante? I like Dante. but i'll call him Dan for the time being. So: clone danny is not a halfa, right? not really at least. he has a core and he has the ghost sense but nothing else. big difference in canon already since there's no 'ghost half' for vlad to rip out like in canon.
Danny's family is DEAD. disintegrated [exaggeration] in a nasty burger explosion. so he's. bruce wayne levels of depressed. real bruce wayne-core
Vlad, instead of offering to tear out his ghost half, instead offers to try and find a way for Danny to be safely reunited with his family in the afterlife
(he's lying. he's gonna try and make danny a halfa)
Ofc, Danny with his ghost-core obsession being family-based, agrees. he's desperate and depressed. ripe for the picking
Vlad gets everything set up. But turning a human into a halfa is risky risky business, a 1-and-100 chance to happen successfully
so. Danny dies in the experiment. painfully. and he comes back immediately as a ghost. essentially murdered
and ye gods is he PISSED. Vlad lied to him. Vlad lied to him. Danny is a family-obsessed ghost and Vlad lied to him about his family and then he killed him
Vlad is a dead man
Danny doesn't just kill Vlad, he destroys him. He never merges with his Vlad's ghost half because he doesn't want power he wants him fucking dead.
SO dead Vlad is.
now where does this leave our precious, freshly ghosted, full-of-rage Daniel Fenton?
not destroying the world thats for certain. and, well. that's not to say that Danny couldn't go on a blind, grief-stricken rage that results in him becoming the walking apocalypse. he could totally still do that
do I want to do that? well, i don't hate the idea however I personally enjoy the idea that I came up with in the alternative
with Dan no longer a one-ghost-apocalypse, how does he become Danny's TUE? My solution: time travel. Danny doesn't go to the future to go see him, Dan comes back to the past to go see Danny.
i am not partial to the idea that ghosts age over time. So for the last ten years Dan has remained as a dead 14 year old kid the entire time. I like to think its more tragic that way.
At some point during those ten years, Dan figures out that time travel is real. And he becomes obsessed with figuring out how to do it so that he can go back in time and take his past self's life and get his family back
Yeah. a real Miguel O'Hara right here folks
Dan succeeds in his time travel, and suddenly the Phantom's nightly patrol is being interrupted by a ghost that is... unsettlingly similar to him.
Dan knows himself better than anyone. When he finds out time travel is real, he spends his time researching it and growing stronger. He needs to be as unpredictable as possible. He knows that his past self will be in his prime as the Phantom and will be used to adapting to unpredictable and seemingly invincible enemies. He needs to be able to beat that
So. Dan and Danny fight the first(1) time
Danny gets his ass handed to him
Dan reveals himself and goes on a villain monologue. Dan's ghost form is different than in canon, since its a close replica to Danny's Phantom gear. The only difference is that Dan's white CJ Mask has black tear streaks down from the eyes that are blotchy and smudged. As if he'd been crying ink. There are a few other subtle differences too, like Dan has a few trinkets that are motifs to his family, but i can't think of what without cluttering up his outfit
Dan can't kill Danny, unfortunately. As its his past self. Killing him would result in Dan ceasing to exist. However he can imprison him or overshadow him. Dan overshadows him, and Danny goes under.
This is chalking up to be more traumatizing for Danny than I thought
Danny is only partially conscious during the overshadowing. It's like one of those weird vertigo dreams. something is wrong but he doesn't know what
And it's actually his friends that help realize that something is wrong. Dan may be Danny, but its been ten years since he last saw his friends. Something has to give. Whether it be the subtle strangeness in his behavior, a dip in his humor and morality, or the way he speaks like he's reminiscing.
This idea is diverging more from canon than i thought, but Danny does eventually kick out Dan and defeat him. But its right before the nasty burger explosion. Danny can't make it in time, but Dan does. A very sudden save that Danny wasn't expecting and is confused about
Danny eventually meets up with Dan later that night to interrogate him, and brings Sam and Tucker with. They find out his whole tragic backstory
And the few days Dan has had with Sam and Tucker and back with his family have kinda reminded him what he was like before his death and before rage and grief took over his afterlife
He's kinda mellowed out slightly -- or at least snapped out of his obsession mostly.
they talk. Dan talks about what happened in his timeline. probably breaks down and cries, allowing him to properly process the grief he's been avoiding for the last decade
there's no forgiveness yet. Dan overshadowed Danny (terrifying him in the process and realizing that despite everything, there are still things that ghosts can do that Danny's not prepared for. he needs to prepare), tried to take over his life, and was all around violent and cruel to him out of jealousy and desperation. However, there is a chance of redemption
Dan doesnt want to go back to his time. his family isn't there. he's alone. he doesnt want to be alone. he's fourteen years old and dead
but... but he knows he doesn't belong here. his time with the fentons has passed, and he has an afterlife to look into. he can't... cling to the past. and its a voice that sounds like jazz saying this in his head
"you can visit" danny says after a moment, seeing the fear on dan's face. he's a bleeding heart through and through, even if he resents Dan just a little bit for what he did "you know how to time travel, right? I don't think there's any harm coming to visit"
"or," tucker says, "we can visit you! you can show us your time! i want to see what technology is like in ten years"
Dan... looks hopeful. and they mean it too. yes. visiting... that makes him feel better. "if Vlad gives you trouble don't be afraid to tell me" he offers in turn, and smiles wide and toothily. much too wide for a human. "i'll be happy to handle him again"
Danny makes a mental note to never let the two meet. "i will"
and Dan disappears
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
Taglist: @the-navistar-carol @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @gin2212 @youracearocroatneighbour @luckybyrdrobyn @deeplyconfusedbear @epilepticnerd @beautifulmomenttodrawblank @sara0055 @blusunkhild @letmesayfuxk (?) @latheevening226 @tkiesai @rosedasy @meira-3919 @igotafewbadideas @princessbelix @cyber-geist
#danny phantom#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#danny fenton is a clone#dpxdc#dp crossover#dpxdc crossover#'i love to explore new things in aus' is starry speak for:#im allergic to following the blueprint i have to make an idea my own or i get hives#my college bed is currently hurting my back so im staying up to write this#stay tuned i may just make my 'danny is a jason todd variant' au public if im awake any longer#so i went to bed before i finished this SO if anyone shows interest in my jason todd variant au in the tags or the comments#then i will still make it public#dan is such a nonthreatening name and i know thats prolly the POINT but oh god do i still hate it#Neil or Dante is what i've been calling him#or Wraith / Rath#atsv spoilers#just to be safe with that miguel ohara line?#redemption is a slow and painful thing#Dan cries when he returns. really cries.#and Danny goes home and starts figuring out a way to prevent overshadowing#he has nightmares for weeks afterwards#I want a Dan and Danny friendship#see an alternative ending: Dan stays in the present and (eventual) twins Danny and Ellie become triplets Dante Danny and Ellie#we have dan and ellie and dan and jazz#i want to see a dan who becomes fiercely protective over his past self and joins the scary dog club with one Eleanor Fenton#not seen: Dan(te) moves to gotham and accidentally befriends 30 year old Jason Todd and eventually becomes part of the wayne family#danny has to go to the future and tell dan that they're clones#when Dan's in the past he's Dan but when he's in the future he's Danny and vice versa
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asjjohnson · 10 months
What if Danny were half human, half ghost; as in half of the time?
Kind of like how werewolves have a schedule based on the moon, halfas have a schedule based on the sun.
So, he's completely human by day, and as the sun sets he turns ghost.
Perhaps his parents' inventions won't register him at all, or perhaps they would still be sensitive enough to pick up on something. But the situation would lead to more problems at night.
Since he can't shift between forms at will, it's like the fics about him being stuck in ghost mode, only every night.
Maybe his parents wouldn't notice during summer months. He goes to bed a little early; but that's good, his parents think, he's responsible enough to have an early bedtime for school. (when... school is in session, at least. He apparently wears himself out every single day during summer break?)
But in the winter months, when the sun sets before dinner, he never eats that last meal with his family. Always either not hungry or already ate. (is he... mad at them about something...?)
He's barely seen around the house in the evenings. They know he's around, but they only catch glimpses of him as he goes between rooms. And why is he wearing so many clothes does he have a fever here let me check—
And any event that takes place at night would be worrisome for Danny. Dances, going to the observatory with his family, camping... Even mornings can be iffy during the time of year when the sun rises late; when he has to get ready for school before dawn.
Vlad doesn't have much trouble with being a halfa, though. No one ever notices that he only makes appearances during the day.
Though the Bitter Reunions episode would have a few small changes. It might be easier for those two to recognize each other as halfas. At least if Vlad happens to see Danny Phantom in Danny Fenton's bed, or Danny noticing a ghost doing stuff Mr. Masters would do. Or Danny hearing Vlad's watch alarm going off just as Danny glances at his own watch as he wonders how to politely ask about the guest rooms. He doesn't even open his mouth before Mr. Master starts pushing them up the stairs, talking about how it must've been such a long and tiring trip.
Unless they're both pretty clueless and things happen more similar to in the episode. Except for them discovering each others' identities, because they don't go ghost at will. ...Though at least one of them would probably find out the other's identity anyhow. If they end up fighting until dawn they'd both find out quick. Or if Danny's defeated before sunrise, then he won't turn human, so Vlad might lock him up or something, and then Danny Fenton would be mysteriously missing the next morning. After determining he isn't in the castle or anywhere on the grounds and the vulture ghosts have not killed him, Vlad would probably put it together.
As for the reunion... those typically take place at night. But Vlad would probably have it start an hour or two before sunset, do a little mingling, and have his revenge plan take place after dark as Plasmius.
...The Maternal Instincts episode might be a little more iffy, though. How hard it would be to want Maddie to spend the night, to want to romance her, and yet, he can't be around her at night. He would need a butler or someone to greet her and Danny when they show up after dark, and it would be horrible to have to watch from a distance without being able to speak to her. ...Then again, she'd probably be too worried about her son disappearing out in the woods. When she's told that Mr. Masters has retired early but has a guest room for her, she would say to wake him up, her son is missing in the woods and she needs help searching. ...Although... Danny is probably having a very bad time if Maddie happened to lock the Specter Deflector around his waist during the day and he hadn't been able to sneak the key away before sunset.
Another thing that would be interesting to note is what would happen to a halfa during a solar eclipse. With the sun covered during the day like that, he might have some unique-looking features, stuck between ghost and human.
...Would Danny turn even more ghostly during a lunar eclipse? The sun's on the opposite side of the earth, but now even the moon is in shadow. He might run on ghostly instincts during new moons and lunar eclipses. (which doesn't necessarily mean evil. And that could possibly change the Control Freak episode by way of Danny knowing how he would behave as a full ghost.)
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inkbats-writing · 2 months
Au where the differences between Danny's and Vlad's accidents had a larger effect on their halfa status than in Canon. Because when you get to it they were very different and the fact they had similar end results is annoying.
So imagine with me for this au that a halfa can be defined as a person dying while exposed to a massive amount of ectoplasm that it excellerates the ghost formation process but before the ghost can exit the body they are resuscitated binding the ghost to the human body.
With that definition nothing really changes regarding Danny's accident. He was electrocuted while within an activately forming portal. He was exposed and then presumably resuscitated by Sam and/or Tucker bringing him back. But it does change things for Vlad.
Vlad was hit with contaminated ectoplasm. Rushed to the hospital they're treating it like an exposure to a poisonous unknown substance. They try treatments that should flush it out or neutralize it. But it doesn't work. The amount is rising in his body and it hurts. It burns. It chokes his lungs, screaming as he was shot might have doomed him, and his bones feel like liquid even when not moving.
And he dies. Many times he dies with the hospital staff quick to bring him back fascinated by this weird and interesting case. But while the ectoplasm is enough to start forming his ghost half the contamination prevents it from forming fully before he is brought back.
So 'Plasmius' forms mind and obsession locked onto the pain and agony of his death but then he fades only to reform with the next death now with anger and hatred at his former friends for leaving him behind to fading and coming back with a desire to control.
And then on the final death...when the amount of ectoplasm in Vlad is both large and purer than it has been that final death finally forms Plasmius ghost form, but it forms wrong. Too many times did Vlad's ghost half change the source of his obsession but yet still remembering the precious, still consumed by them too.
So you get two beings then. Seperate but connected one cannot continue without the other. But unlike plasmius, vlad is not truly bound by an obsession like a ghost is. He is not forcibly stagnant with his emotions. He can still change and better himself without risking his health or core.
And vlad recovers, with Plasmius watching over his human half (weaker more frail but important and needing plasmius' protection to ensure they both survive) and vlad sees how destructive and cruel and evil his other half is and feels guilt at what he indirectly created.
He is to blame for Plasmius (or he feels that way) and he does his best to mediate the damage the ghost will do in his desire to follow his obsessions. He can't stop it all but plasmius will often let him choose the target (sometimes the best you can do is making something hurt less than it could instead of stopping it outright) but he knows this can't be a permanent solution not with plasmius worsening obsession with vlad as a person himself.
That's all I really have for that but I just kinda wanted to write it down ya know?
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5 Universes Parallel and 7 Perpendicular
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse
A DPxDC Crossover // Read on [AO3] [FF.net] // Fic Masterlist
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse. 
This time, Trouble’s name went by Danny Fenton. Some random kid— “hey I’m fourteen!” — with an impossible physiology and a soul that not even the most desperate demon or benevolent angel would take. Not because Danny is in any way particularly good or evil, but because Constantine is 99.998% sure the Lords of Hell and the Heavenly Hosts even knew what Danny’s soul even was in the first place. 
(If you could even…call it a soul, anyway. He isn’t sure how he can explain it, and Danny has zero clue at what Constantine’s asking for anyway. “It’s science,” Danny would say with a shrug. “Weird science, anyway. Something about ectoplasm and imprinted consciences and mutations in the DNA. I’m not sure on the specifics, but my parents can tell you.”)
Of course, being lost in another fucking universe probably didn’t help.
He clips another cigar and lights it. Cuban, full-bodied, good blend; he got it as a bonus from some clients a few weeks back and he’d been slowly making his way through the pack. He lets the smoke settle on his tongue before he puffs it out, slinging his legs up to rest on top of the coffee table with a groan. 
Danny scrunched his nose at him, uncrossing his arms to go over and open a window. 
“What?” Constantine rolled his eyes, gesturing to the boy with a cigar. “You don’t get to complain. You don’t even need to breathe.”
“Yeah and smoking still makes everything smell like crap. It’s a terrible habit, y’know.”
He huffs, smoke billowing out, and makes a note to himself to smoke like he’s a goddamn dragon just to annoy the kid. “Hey, I think putting up with a bit of my bad habit is enough compensation for having to help your penniless ass, brat.”
Danny scoffed. “It’s not like I had any choice in that.”
Which was the crux of the matter, of course. See, Constantine has had his fair share of inter-dimensional or inter-planar travel. But shit like parallel universes …well, that was more the Justice League’s purview anyway. All those alternate universes where everything is a distorted mirror of their own reality—and apparently home to way too many evil Supermen to be comfortable with— not exactly Constantine’s cup of tea. He’s had his fair share of experiences with them, but definitely not enough to actually help someone whose universe is nowhere even remotely similar to his own.
Oh, according to Danny his Earth did have a London and an America and a Korea, etc. The majority of their countries were the same, give or take a few that only seemed to exist in Constantine’s universe. But it was the people where they differed.  Remarkably, there was no Justice League in Danny’s world. Or any kind of superheroes at all. ( Like in comic books? Danny had said when Constantine asked.)
As far as Danny knew, he was the closest thing that came to a superhero in his world and half of the time people just consider him a menace.  Even big shot ‘civilians’ like Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, or Oliver Queen were non-entities in that parallel world. Instead they got some creepy asshole called Vlad Masters who should probably get another hobby that isn’t ‘terrorizing a fourteen-year-old.’
But where this strange alternate world lacked in martians and cosmic world-ending threats, they made up for with a shit ton of ghosts. Which brought them to their current predicament: through a ridiculous set of circumstances that Danny really didn’t want to explain, the kid managed to tumble through a rift in the Infinite Realms (something that Constantine hasn’t heard of but you’ll be damn sure he’s gonna make it his business to know) and landed probably five parallel universes and seven perpendicular universes away from  his own earth and right in front of Constantine’s doorstep. (No, those were probably not the correct scientific terms but Constantine was a fucking occultist not a physicist so sue him.)
(Actually, don’t. He’d rather not deal with it.)
Constantine did try his best to do right by the kid. He’d taken Danny’s case up to the Justice League to see if they had the tech that could send the kid home. No such luck at the moment. And even if they did, they weren’t sure if they had the capabilities to connect to not only Danny’s specific branch in whatever cosmic tree was keeping everything afloat, but the correct version of Danny’s universe as well. Constantine’s other contacts said much the same thing.
And since Danny Fenton didn’t exist in this universe, he felt bad leaving the kid alone, so he offered him room and board at his place until they could find a way to get Danny home. (Or until the kid got sick and tired of Constantine’s antics and just moved out.)
(Or until Danny died. Constantine had a pretty bad track record of getting his friends killed by association, y’know. Though considering Danny’s half-ghost… could he even die again?)
(Better not push his luck.)
Constantine set his cigar aside. Danny’s still by the window, elbows propped up on the sill, eyes trained a thousand miles away. No— ‘light-years’ is probably the correct measurement here. 
Constantine rests his chin against his knuckles. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Danny shrugged, chin nestled against his open palm, fingers curled near the seam of his mouth. Nervous nail-biter, maybe? “Just…worried.” His voice is level, but you could feel the anxiety nestled deep within from the sharp staccato of his fingers against the windowsill. Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. “I’ve never been gone this long from Amity Park before. It tends to…attract a lot of annoying ghosts, and it’s up to me to make sure their trouble doesn’t get too out of hand.”
“Ah. Define trouble.”
Danny laughs. “It depends on which ghost it is, I guess. Some of the regulars honestly just want to annoy me. There’s the Box Ghost—yeah that’s literally what he calls himself, he controls boxes, no I am not making this up—who should really learn to just stay in the Zone already. I think my record for beating him is like 15 minutes, and 10 of those minutes was just trying to find him. Skulker’s a bounty hunter that’s just dead set—pun intended—on skinning me for my pelt. I don’t know what he’s gonna do with that pelt, and at the rate things are going I don’t think I’ll ever find out. I’ve probably destroyed more of his robot suits than anyone else.”
Some of his rogues want to skin him? Huh. Maybe Constantine should be more concerned about how nonchalant Danny is when describing all of this. “If you got regulars, then that means you also got ghosts that only come in sometimes, right?”
“Yeah…” Danny raked a hand through his hair. “It’s part of the reason why I’m so worried. Those kinds of ghosts have been coming up at an alarming rate recently. Like, the last ghost I dealt with was this guy named Undergrowth. He’s big, green, looks like a giant weed, and is pretty much able to control all plant life. He took control of the entire town and essentially enslaved everyone using mind vines. I literally had to develop a new powerset just to fight him.”
“Huh. Must be tough, having to fight all this on your own.” 
“It is, yeah…but I’m not alone. My friends help me.”
Constantine lowers his feet to the floor. He scoots up to the edge of his ratty old sofa and pats down the spot next to him. “Friends? That’s good, at least. Tell me about them.”
“Well…” Danny let out a sharp exhale, eyes wavering between the window and the empty spot on the couch as if deciding where he’d be more comfortable being at. Eventually, he pushes himself away from the window and tentatively sits down on the couch, fingers drumming against the burgundy cushions. “There’s Sam and Tucker. I’ve known Tucker since forever ago, but the two of us became friends with Sam back in middle school. They were there with me when I, well, became this. And ever since then, they’ve been helping me fight all the ghosts that’ve been coming through the portal.”
There’s a smile on Danny’s lips as he talks about them. Soft but bright. A flash of teeth every time he has to hold back a laugh whenever he suddenly remembers a funny story. He talks about Tucker’s genius with technology, Sam’s interest in the occult,  and how the two of them have a running argument regarding their food preferences. He goes into anecdotes about their adventures, and how so many of Danny’s own victories couldn’t have been done without their help.
“Sounds like you trust them,” Constantine said.
“With my life.” There’s an air of gravity in the way Danny said those words. As if they were an unwavering truth of the universe.
He placed a comforting hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Then trust that they’ll be able to hold down the fort until you get back.”
Danny’s eyes widened a fraction, before he hung his head low, smiling sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly finding himself feeling very awkward at this almost-tender moment, Constantine slapped his knees once and pushed himself off the couch. “Well, best stop your worrying for now, kid. Come on, grab your jacket. Let's go get some Nando’s.”
Danny’s brows scrunched up in confusion. “The heck is Nando’s?”
“Oh you poor, poor, American. Come on, let me introduce you to the wonders that is peri peri chicken.”
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse. But maybe this time, he didn’t mind Trouble so much. 
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taptrial2 · 5 months
Go. Speak about your dp au. You have piqued my interest and I must know more
OTAY!!!!!!!! uhh im self conscious so some disclaimers. 1. sonic blog followers do NOT tease me about this being super similar to egghogs i know i just enjoy this kind of thing 2. people who have followed me only on my main for a long time. sorry. im having a Creative Writing Moment and im not dedicated enough to make a dp sideblog sowwy.
danny is 14, so he can get away with being super unfamiliar with the outside world - adults give him some grace because he's a child, he's still learning. vlad is in his early 40s, he doesnt have a high school education, he has no job experience, no familiarity with the law, and a very skewed view of what is a Normal Social Cue. he doesn't get much slack. he ends up a recluse pretty quickly.
because of the way they grew up, they're very obedient and don't cause much ruckus to the point of confusion for others. if you ask them to do something ("hey can you put that down", "toss that over here", "go to [x place or room]", etc) they'll do it fast, mechanically, and without comment.
danny ends up in an untouchable social class in school below "bullying target". in canon, danny is not at the bottom rung of the social ladder - there are some people too uncool/gross/etc for he and his friends to talk to or associate with. this danny is so accepting and conflict avoidant that it isn't fun to tease or torment him. he ends up slotted into the "do not talk to" group - the ones who eat alone and are given a wide berth and aren't talked about because their existence feels taboo, like the one kid at the peanut allergy table. he is also traumatized, visibly disfigured, and is in special education, which is another level of social pariah in high school social dynamics.
the one time dash picked on him was a mistake - dash found danny's lasered off bald spot and pressed his thumb into the conspicuous circles there because he reacted strangely. everyone was laughing until danny siezed, the circles turning out to be an implanted valve that makes direct contact with the brain when pressed hard. danny almost gets sent to the hospital, but vlad demands that the paramedics not be brought in (he knows that he and danny's lack of records would be suspicious and they would get investigated. the teachers all think vlad is, like, an antivaxxer or something.). danny comes out of that with a concussion and dash is half-shunned for the week. also vlad doesn't know what insurance is and when lancer asks if he's insured he's like (vacant blink) and lancer's like Oh God No
danny makes friends with sam and tucker, but not right away. he has a strange, dark sense of humor that he doesn't know is dark (in an unfunny edgy teenager sort of way without the intent to shock), and sam thinks he's funny and starts hanging around him in their shared classes. danny is curious about tucker's gadgets and tucker is eager to tell him all about them, and because tuck and sam are already friends, they end up being a friendgroup. danny tries to undo sam's hair (no sense of boundaries) and she backhands him right in the nose and they both feel bad after. he leans on them, fidgets with tucker's hat, and is just wayyy too close most of the time, but they get used to it. sam even starts giving hugs because of him and tucker teases her about it
danny AND vlad ruin valerie's life as a family. it's a similar setup with her dad being on thin ice with his security job, and with danny and vlad (as ghosts) serially burglarizing their labs for advanced tech and money, her dad is fired, yadda yadda. she despises ghosts, hates them for what they did to her life, and is VERY motivated to do some ghost hunting work, so she ends up at fentonworks and begs them to let her have gear so she can kill ghosts!!! PLZ!!!!! and she grows pretty close to jazz as a result of their proximity. she has her job as a mascot, her ghost hunting job, AND school, so she's just as busy and exhausted and sad as she ever was, adjusting to being a latchkey kid dealing with food insecurity.
while danny is at school, vlad is working on the ghost portal, researching ghosts, and learning how to feed himself and a kid without help. he wears clip-on ties and velvet suits taken at a five finger discount from some small-time politician a handful of towns over and his attempts to come across as proper fail every time he needs some shared common knowledge about the real world. he's desperate to learn more about other ghosts, having never interacted with others aside from danny, and he wants some sense of real belonging with other humans. he's struggling in both departments and he is not emotionally stable.
vlad is assumed 9 times out of 10 to be the person who hurt or traumatized danny until he showcases the scars that perfectly match those his ward has. the assumptions are painful every time and he hates it. he's been called in for parent-teacher conferences multiple times because of danny's sensitive and otherwise odd behavior in line with severe parental neglect, and every time he is hurt and exhausted and he wishes someone would understand he would never hurt danny and he is dealing with much of the same troubles danny is. i think he'd grow resentful over time.
uhhh i have more but i'll just call it here arbitrarily 👍
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tourettesdog · 2 years
DP x DC prompt where Vlad attends a Wayne gala to try and strike business with Bruce Wayne. He brings along his child, hoping that the serial-adopter might favor someone in similar shoes. 
What Vlad doesn’t account for is one Samantha Manson attending this particular gala. The Mansons don’t have a fraction of his wealth; he never thought to consider their attendance.
When Sam sees the person with Vlad, she doesn’t know what to think at first. For a moment she thinks she’s looking at Danny, only... this person looks much more like Danny before he started to transition, with much longer hair and a dress. The girl looks as if she could be his sister-- an identical twin. 
She also seems nervous and uncomfortable, but is putting on a smile.
The striking resemblance to Danny, the fact that she’s with Vlad-- it’s all Sam needs to storm over to the pair of them.
And as Sam draws close she can sense the girl. The ectocontamination in her system has made her perceptive to ghosts, and this girl? She feels almost exactly like Danny does. Like a ghost, only faint. 
Sam demands to know who the girl is. She’s not subtle about her aggression, and Vlad quickly tries to nip it in the bud with thinly veiled threats.
The girl with him introduces herself as Danielle-- Dani. If Sam wasn’t angry before, she’s livid now. She doesn’t know who or what Dani is, but the word clone comes to mind a little too readily.
Sam doesn’t even know where to begin. She asks the girl if she’s safe, if she’s okay-- but in the same breath she demands to know what game Vlad is playing. 
“Were you really so desperate to have Danny for a son that you-- you... forced someone else to take his place when he wouldn’t?”
It’s hard for Sam to speak her mind in the public setting, using coded language. She’s cornered Vlad and is trying to speak quietly, but her anger is slipping through. Sam is very aware of people standing nearby, staring. She recognizes a couple of them as Bruce Wayne’s wards, after being introduced to them earlier in the evening.
Dani, for what it’s worth, seems just as confused. She rounds on Vlad and demands to know what Sam is talking about. Dani, up until this point, has lived a very sheltered life in Vlad’s care. She’s not aware of her original at all-- or even really being a clone. All she knows is that Vlad has taken care of her for several months now and that her memory before then doesn’t really exist.
Vlad is the only thing Dani really knows. He’s kept her on a short leash, teaching her everything there is to know about being a half ghost. She’s trusted him up until now, even when he yells at her or belittles her for things she doesn’t understand. It hasn’t all been bad, but she can’t really say she’s been happy.
And now this girl is arguing with Vlad, saying things that scare her and raise so many questions, and Vlad isn’t really denying a lot of it. Hearing the way Vlad threatens this ‘Samantha’ with a deep malice that speaks of an older rivalry has Dani’s core thrumming with unease.
That unease starts to bloom into panic and Dani feels the temperature drop around her (she’s been developing an ice core like Danny’s, but Vlad having a fire core has made learning to control hers under his tutelage difficult).
Between the ice starting to spread under her feet, Vlad’s sharp glare at noticing the chill, and Sam’s words sinking in-- Dani becomes overwhelmed and runs from the venue.
Sam tries to follow her, but Vlad stops her-- and tries to assure everyone else nearby that Dani will come back when she’s had some time to clear her head, and that they shouldn’t worry.
Dick, however, has no reservations about running after her. He’s pretty sure Dani isn’t going to stay in the building and the thought of some five-foot-tall little girl running around Gotham by herself-- when she’s not even native to the city, no less-- has him reasonably worried for her safety.
Dani sticks to running on foot. Vlad’s been very clear about not using her abilities at all while in public. 
Dick loses sight of Dani pretty early on in the chase. She might not be using an obvious ghost abilities, but Dani is fast and she easily slips aware into the dark streets.
Unfortunately, seeing as it’s Gotham, Dani runs into trouble. She gets jumped and she’s a little too startled to think straight about what to do (if she can even dare to break the no powers in public rule to get away).
Fortunately, Jason happens to be in the area and takes up the search when Dick explains the situation over comms. 
Jason hasn’t been searching for very long when he feels a strange tug from inside his chest, accompanied by a fearful feeling that he knows isn’t his.
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DPxDC one shot
(Jazz has run away with Danny to Gotham, where she meats a kindred spirit. Inspired by the fact that Dick Greyson and Jazz are in very similar situations!!) ao3
Jazz took a deep breath as she stared blankly at the mess of papers in front of her. Who knew kidnapping, her brother would require this much paper work? Usually she'd be able to knock out things like this in thirty minutes or less. Bureaucratic paper work was almost a game for her in that way. But that was before she had to lie. The fact was that even if their parents even noticed they were gone, and wanted Danny back, Jazz didn't want them anywhere near her or her brother. In fact the only people she was comfortable with letting anywhere near them were Tucker and Sam. That was it. Everyone else needed to stay at least a hundred miles away, or else she was going to whack them with the creep stick. But just because they weren't wanted in Amity by more than two people, didn't mean that people wouldn't start looking for them. Vlad and the GIW were only a few names that came to mind. So if she was going to keep Danny safe, then they needed to disappear. 
Hence why Jazmine Williams was fighting a migraine at a dingy folding card table, while Daniel Williams was sleeping in a sleeping bag on a sagging outdated couch. She had saved up roughly $10,000 from tutoring, baby sitting, and part time jobs. It was now all in a roll of cash she had hidden in her sleeping bag. It would last them a year if she budgeted, but she needed a job if she was going to send Danny to school. She needed legal custody of Danny, if she was going to send him to school. She was 19, she was allowed to adopt her brother. But she needed a lot of fake documents to even prove that they even existed, much less that she was a proper guardian. Fake documents, that would cost money.
She sighed and leaned back as Danny mumbled in his sleep. Part of her wondered if all of that would even matter. After all, this was Gotham, and Danny was 16, and he was brilliant. He could get his GED, easily. His grades might have been slipping from the pressures of being a super hero ghost, but that only proved that with the proper time and support he would be a genius! They were a family of geniuses, and Danny was no exception. "Bastard geniuses," she muttered, scowling at the thought of their "parents." She pushed the thought, of Danny graduating early out of her mind. She would not pressure him the way their parents had. Besides, Danny needed a strong, supporting social life. He needed friends that were not over a thousand miles away. He needed a community that would not spurn him because of his psychological disposition, and persecute him for his physical condition.
"Well," she thought lazily as she attempted to organize the papers for the fifth time that night, "It's summer, so I won't have to worry about that for a while. What I need to focus on now is getting a job, and where I can find some forged adoption papers. Perhaps--"
Danny's scream ripped through the apartment. The papers flew into the air as Jazz rushed to side. Danny was flickering between intangibility and solidity, as he thrashed and screamed for it to stop. She didn't know what he wanted to stop, but it wouldn't. Jazz screamed his name, grabbing his shoulders when he was tangible. She felt hot tears falling down her face, as she begged for him to wake up. At last, after what seemed to be forever, Danny's eyes flew open. The glowed a toxic green, as he took deep breaths. Jazz took him through the now all too familiar process forcing air into her half-dead brother's lungs, as he slowly returned to the present. Did he know that the exercise was as much for her as it was for him? That she needed to remember to breath, just as much as he did? Did he know the surge of panic and pain that filled her every time his night terrors revealed some new horror he had experience? 
If he knew he didn't say anything as he simply followed, Jaz's instructions. She rubbed his arms in time with their breaths. She needed to remember he was there, that he was solid, and present. She needed to remember that even though he had died, he was still alive right in front of her. "It's ok," she whispered. "It's ok Danny. I'm here. You're safe now. It's all going to be ok."
Danny nodded numbly as his eyes bled back to blue. "I know," he muttered, "I know." He looked her in the face, and reached up his hand tentatively. She sat confused for a moment, until he wiped tears from her cheeks. When had she started crying? She took in her own shuddering breath as Danny stared at the tears in confusion, as if he couldn't comprehend anyone crying for him. She pulled him into a bear hug, as tight as she could manage. He needed to feel how much she cared. He needed to know how much she loved him. 
She waited until he was hugging her back. She said nothing. He said nothing. Neither of them moved, until Danny started shaking. "I died Jazz. I...I am dead...I'm a walking corpse." She said nothing as she felt the hot tears fall down his face. What could she say to that? None of her psychology books had prepared her for this! So she sat, and she listened, not daring to say a word as he muttered his dream into her shoulder. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was saying. He had just relived his death...in his dream. He had fallen asleep thinking of his ghost dog, and suddenly, he was back there, in the lad, dying and living at the same time, as ectoplasm seeped into his blood, and electricity had ruptured every nerve in his body.  Jazz didn't think she could hold her brother any tighter, but she did. And she let her own silent tears fall as she wept for her brother. He had lived. But he had died. 
Dick Greyson groaned in confusion and panic as he stared at the wall of books in front of him. "How many parenting books are there?" he muttered as he began perusing, more than a little overwhelmed. There were at least a thousand books dedicated just to infants. There were even more dedicated to toddlers. He scoffed at a book labeled, "Do it like Batman: How to ensure your child survives the streets of Gotham" He took a picture of it, so that he, Jason, and Tim could laugh about it later. Bruce hadn't been the worst parent. He was kind, supportive, and genuinely seemed to care about all of them. But Dick was certain that the Dark Night had never set foot in this section of the book store. And now...he was missing, and Dick was filling the role he never wanted to fill, and stepping into a position he never expected to be in. He was Batman. And to top it all off, he was Damian's legal guardian.
Dick shook his head as he finally found the parenting teenagers section. It was significantly smaller than all of the other sections, and at first dick thought that might be helpful...It wasn't. He wondered if this was how Bruce felt, when he had taken him in. Did he feel this underprepared? This out of his depth? This overwhelmed with the responsibility of the mental, emotional, and physical well being of an angry, traumatized, and potentially deadly teenager? God! he really wish Bruce had any parenting books in the manner. Still, he had turned out ok right? Right? 
He groaned as he began reading the titles of the books in front of him. What even was Gotham? So your teen idolizes a Rouge: On a scale from Catwoman to Joker how worried should you be about your teenager's rebellion? Right beside, So your teen idolizes Batman: Should you be worried about them becoming the next Robin? And of course there was, Gangs and Teens: How to keep your rebellious teen out of a gang. Also right beside, Teens and Gangs: How to direct your rebellious teen to right kind of gang. "Ok, but what about when your traumatized, emotionally stunted little brother swings a sword at everything that moves?" Dick muttered.
A soft chuckle drew his attention to the person standing next to him. She was tall, with long vibrant red hair that could rival Barbra's. The young woman seemed to be around his age and had a soft smile as she glanced at him with pale blue eyes. But there was a sadness in those eyes, and an exhaustion in that smile that Dick was only far to familiar with. The exhaustion of being to little prepared for a responsibility that you were just to young for. The young woman seemed to share his sense of familiarity, because her smile brightened a touch when she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eaves drop."
"No, it's alright," Dick said cheerfully. "I have a feeling you get it."
"Brother, check," the young said, "Traumatized, check. Emotionally stunted, probably, but he's getting better. Sword, no. But expressing his rage through wanton violence, check!"
Dick laughed, "Maybe we should start a club. A...'We only have our brothers but their little shits who can't stay out of danger club?'"
The young woman laughed so brightly, it made Dick's growing smile feel just a touch more genuine. "That's my Danny! I'm Jazz by the way."
"Dick, and yes I know, it's a childhood nickname."
"Short for Richard," Jazz nodded her understanding, "Well try having the nickname 'Jazz!'"
Dick thought about it and unbidden a thousand corny jokes popped into his mind. "Oh yeah, I can see where that could get annoying. Would you prefer me to call you..."
"Jasmine, and no. I only go by Jasmine in professional settings."
"Fair enough," Dick said turning back to the bookshelf, "So, any idea which of these we should get."
"Hm," Jazz hummed, as she selected one with a raised eyebrow. "I doubt, Your Rebellious Teen: What to do when your teen goes to Crime Alley for "Supplies" applies to either of us."
Dick laughed, "I think the only reason, Damian would go to Crime Alley is to kill some one...you know maybe I should take that one."
"I wouldn't," Jazz said reading the back, completely unfazed by his brother potentially killing someone, "It looks like this book uses outdated stereotypes to categorize healthy teenage angst into wanton criminal behavior, and suggests strenuous disciplinary action that would only reinforce our brothers' negative behavior and exacerbate their psychological trauma, rather than laying out strategies that will promote healthy living, and an emotionally safe environment in which they can express themselves in a healthy, stable, and safe manner until they come to terms with the true emotional source of their destructive behaviors." She looked up, and saw Dick blink at her, opened mouth in awe. "What?" 
"Are you sure you shouldn't be writing these books instead of reading them?"
Jazz laughed and blushed, "I've always had a fascination with psychology. Mainly because my parents are certifiably insane, but it's always good to get an experts opinion, no matter how much you've studied. Besides my studies in psychology have always been focused on the development of the brain, and mental illnesses, not trauma." Here she sighed and stared at the wall of books wistfully, "If only I knew."
"Yeah," Dick said taking in the overwhelming selection declaring everything that could he could do wrong with dubious advice. "Me too."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jazz said softly. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and Dick felt her study him. She was demure, and unobtrusive, but sincere with a tough core.  
He grinned at her brightly, "You are going to make a great therapist. No, don't deny it. I can already tell. And yes I would love to talk about it. I love talking about my brother, all of them. But not here...uh...coffee?"
Jazz smiled brightly again and his heart skipped a little. "Coffee sounds great! Let me get you my number." 
"Right," said Dick pulling out his phone, "And uh, if you want to talk about it..."
He let the question go unasked, as she froze. And Dick understood. She was like Alfred. Always kind, always willing to help. Always ready to listen and support, but never allowing others to help and support her. He briefly wondered if this was the first time anyone had asked her if she needed to talk things through. After all, if her brother was traumatized, chances were, so was she. In the end, Dick was glad he had asked, because she looked up at him with the brightest smile, and said, "Yeah, that would be nice! Thank you, Dick!"
They exchanged numbers, and continued to talk about nothing and everything. And when Dick finally said good-bye with three books that Jazz deemed worthy of their attention, he felt a lot lighter than he had in a long while. 
Damian stood scowling beside Greyson as they looked over the city. He refused to call Greyson Batman in his head, because he was just so bad at it. Yes, his brother was an acceptable warrior, leader, and he had Damian's utmost respect for a great many things. But he smiled. Batman does not smile. And he joked, and ruffled his hair. Batman was a terror to the hearts of the guilty! He did not joke! Still, there was no one else, mainly because everyone else refused. Damian didn't know if they just refused to work with him, or if they just didn't want the moniker. Whatever their qualms, Greyson didn't have them. So Damian was forced to put up with a smiling, joking, affectionate Batman, when he needed to be cold, serious, and intimidating. At least until he was older. Then he could claim the moniker and Greyson could go back to...whatever it was that Greyson did. 
Damian huffed, and Greyson took that as a request to speak, "You alright kiddo?"
"I am fine," Damian scowled trying not to reach up and scratch his mask. 
"Well, it seems to be a quiet night. We can always, head in early and watch a movie..."
"Tt, crime never sleeps, Batman, and is rarely distracted by such frivolity. One would think that after all this time, you would have learned at least that much."
He watched Greyson stiffen, sigh, and then relax. He smiled at the younger boy gently and said, "You're right Robin, we have a responsibility to uphold. And I apologize if my suggestion was crossing a personal boundary. In the future, I will suggest a more appropriate time in advance, so that neither of us are uncomfortable or unprepared." 
Robin narrowed his eyes suspiciously before saying, "Have you been reading those useless parenting books again?"
"What? No!" 
"You have haven't you?"
"I just want to do this right."
"You're not my father!"
"No, I am not, but I am your guardian. Which means it is my responsibility to take care of you."
"I don't need you to take care of me! I do fine on my own!" 
"I'm not denying that Robin. You are the most capable young man I know. And your ablitites are impressive, but I still have a duty of care, not only as your guardian, but as your brother--"
"And you're still talking to that useless psychologist."
"She's not useless, and she's a friend."
"She's a meddling---" CRUNCH.
Batman and Robin spun to see a teenaged boy, in what appeared to be a formfitting black and white hazmat suite with a flaming D imprinted on the chest, floating in midair. But he wasn't just floating, he was lounging as if he was on a couch, and...he was eating popcorn? He stared at them with unblinking, glowing toxic green eyes under shaggy white hair with no expression. Slowly, deliberately and without making a sound, the boy reached down and took a handful of popcorn and crunched it in the most obnoxious way imaginable. The two vigilantes stared at the boy in stunned shock, until the boy cleared his throat and said, "Oh, don't mind me. You can keep talking. This is very interesting!"
"Who are you?" Greyson demanded, and Damian had to admit, when he actually tried, his brother made a pretty convincing Batman. Unfortunately the strange floating boy had just seen him out of character and was therefore not intimidated in the slightest. A fact that was increasingly evident when he straightened and said, 
"Oh, I'm just your average superhero ghost kid! Nothing to worry about, please go back to your conversation, it sounded really important, please don't let me interrupt." He then twisted, so that it seemed like he was laying on his stomach, feet in the air. He then gave them both a Cheshire grin, as he took another mouthful of popcorn.
Damian felt his face flush with anger as he marched up to the boy gripping his sword. "We are not your entertainment vermin! Now be gone!"
"Are you sure?" the boy said smirking, "Cause you sure are entertaining! Short stack." 
Damian growled, but stopped as Greyson lay a hand on his shoulder. "Robin, stand down. And you, who are you and what do you want?"
The boy cleared his throat and twisted so that he was standing. "We'll get to who I am in a minute. But I just wanted to come and introduce myself. You see, I'm just a simple ghost boy trying to make my way in the world..."
"Ghost?" Batman asked concerned, but the glowing teen ignored him. 
"And I floated into Gotham and thought, you know this would be a great place to haunt. The aesthetic is perfect, and the amount of ecto-energy you got here is incredible. The walls between the realms must be pretty thin, huh!"
Batman and Robin exchanged confused looks, but neither dropped their guard. "Are you saying you're dead?" Batman said, sightly horrified. 
"Yep!" the Ghost Boy said casually, "And I'm going to be sticking around for awhile, so you guys better get used to me. And maybe a few of my ghost friends who like to spar from time to time."
Damian scowled. He didn't understand half of the words this "Ghost" was saying, but everything about him had his muscles tensed, and his hairs standing on end. He didn't look dead, or translucent, like Boston, but there was something very clearly other worldly about him. He glowed the same toxic green as his eyes. His features were just a little too angular, even his ears. His teeth were just a little too jagged. And his hair...it was pure snowy with that shone and floated around him in him as if her were under water. It was as if gravity didn't apply to him...as if this world didn't apply to him. Damian's hand gripped his sword ready to fight this creature when he growled, "What's your name?"
The Ghost smiled, but before he could say anything, someone yelled "DANNY!"
"Uh oh," the ghost said in terror and flew to hide behind Batman. Suddenly a tall young woman marched onto the roof. Damian recognized her immediately as Greyson's "friend" who he had coffee with once a week. Except in all of the security videos he had watched, she appeared calm, kind, and harmless. Now she was raging with a furry that made even Damian step back as she stalked up them. 
"Danny!" she barked, "Stop hiding behind Batman, now! You are in so much trouble young man!"
The Ghost Boy, Danny, came out sheepishly rubbing his neck and he said, "Uh, hey Jazz." 
"Don't 'hey Jazz' me, you are in so much trouble! How many times have I told you not to go out at night?! Huh! What if the GIW learns where you are? Or Vlad? Or worse, our parents?! And what did I say about bothering the Bats?!"
"Don't bother the Bats," Danny said glumly.
"Don't bother the Bats!" Jazz exclaimed. "Yet here you are!"
"But Jazz--" Danny whined. "I'm so board! I still haven't mastered portals yet, so I can't go to the Ghost Zone without Clock Work, but all he wants to do is have me study! And I can't fly around during the day, and you won't let me fly at night, and I like flying! And I just want to have some fun!"
Jazz sighed, as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Danny," she said, "I love you, and I know it's hard. This whole thing is," she waved her hand in the air to express just how crazy, whatever this "thing" was. She was holding what appeared to be a high tech boomerang, that had Damian squinting, before she continued, "But Danny, we have to be carful! And there is a better way to introduce yourself to the vigilantes than...I'm sorry how did he introduce himself?"
Greyson opened his mouth, but it was Damian who said, "He was spying on our private conversation while ingesting popcorn."
"Snitch!" Danny yelled, and the same time Jazz exclaimed with a gasp,
"Danny! You know better! I am so sorry Batman, my brother is...well I love him, but he tends to get carried away sometimes. I'm sure you understand."
"I do actually," Greyson said, and Damian scowled. He had dropped the Batman persona in the presence of his "friend," the careless idiot. "But I have some questions. Danny here said he is a ghost doesn't that mean...?"
Jazz sighed as pained exhaustion crossed over her face, "It's rather complicated, but in essence, yes, my brother is dead. And he enjoys using his ghost powers to drive me insane when he should be in the Ghost Zone with Clock Work, and/or Frost Bite."
"But Jazz!"
"You have a responsibility Danny! And Clock Work has been more than patient. Now apologize to Batman and Robin for spying and get your ass to the Ghost Zone, unless you want to help me do taxes then..."
"Fine," Danny groaned, "I apologize for spying and bothering you...And also for my pain in the ass sister who can't take a joke! Bye!"
And with that, Danny vanished, prompting an angry shriek from the redhead. She then began fiddling with her boomerang muttering things Damian wasn't sure he wanted to hear. Finally Greyson cleared his throat and said, "Um excuse me Miss. but I have a great many questions about...this and---"
"Hm," Jazz said looking up at him. "Yes of course, here's my card. I know the old Batman had a no-metas policy, but I'm hoping you and I can come to an arangment."
"What makes you think there's an old Batman?'
Damian scoffed, and Jazz shot him an amused look. "You're body language, and physicality are both very different. But setting that aside, that I really hope we can come to an understanding. We don't have many places to go, and my brother needs friends who are like him...or at least friends who can grasp his situation...I can explain better later, for now I have to track him down and make sure, he's not causing too much trouble. It was nice to meet both of you!"
And with that she disappeared down the fire escape, leaving the two vigilantes in confused and stunned silence as they attempted to process what had just happened. Finally Damian spoke, "I am not befriending that hooligan."
"Yes, you are."
"Just because you are sexually attracted to his sister---"
"Excuse me?"
 "Does not mean that I will in any way get along with that ruffian."
"Just introduce him to the others, I'm sure Bart will like him."
Damian's eye's widened in horror, "I am not introducing him to Allen!"
"We'll see," Dick grinned, as he grappled over to the next building. 
Three weeks later, in Teen Titan's Tower, Danny Phantom, Impulse, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Super Boy, and Robin could be seen cleaning up copious amounts of glitter and ectoplasm, as Starfire banned all prank wars for all of eternity. Robin didn't know how he got roped in to being involved in the nonsense, but he was sure that it was Danny's fault. He was also sure that their team had thoroughly defeated Allen's team, and since prank wars were now banned, their victory would be eternal.  
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dp-marvel94 · 1 day
Graveyard of Identities- Chapter 4
Danny should feel lucky to be alive. After a month held captive by Vlad, barely remembering his life before, and nearly dying in his escape, he is finally safe, with friends in the Far Frozen. And yet, dread gnaws at him- a massive revelation at the edge of his consciousness, forgotten until the dead of night. It was a lie. All a lie. His past, his memories: all false. Amity Park, his friends and family: all real but… not his. The secret locks in his throat, unthinkable. He stays silent while the yetis welcome him as one of their own. But they do not know. And he can not tell them. He is not the Danny they think he is. He is not Danny at all.
Word Count: 6784
Previous Chapter->
Also on A03
Danny jerked awake to a knock. “Five more minutes.” He shouted, words half-unintelligible with sleep. 
Frostbite’s slightly confused voice called through the door. “I will return in a few minutes then.” 
“What? No.” The boy blinked rapidly, pulling his head off the bed. “You can come in.”
The door swung open. “Good morning.” The yeti greeted with a smile. Then his brow furrowed, shaking his head disappointedly. “You fell asleep atop the covers.”
“Oh yeah.” Danny pushed himself into a sitting position, mumbling. “Fell asleep reading.” 
“Ah.” Frostbite nodded, understanding. “I am here to collect you for first meal.”
“Alright. Let me change first.” He looked down, frowning at the robe they’d put him in yesterday. It wrapped around his front, tying securely at the back. “If that’s okay?”
“Of course.” 
The boy picked out a pair of soft gray sweatpants and a long sleeved orange shirt. The yeti helped him untie the robe and hovered worriedly while he dressed in the bathroom. 
By the time Danny was done, he was shaking slightly, weak muscles aching from the exertion. He sat on the bed, eyeing the shoes and socks Frostbite had laid out for him. He tried to bend but his back complained with a twinge of pain. 
The boy looked up at the yeti, blushing embarrassedly. “Can you help me?”
“Yes, of course.” The yeti knelt and gently slipped the socks on.
Danny slid his feet into the black tieless sneakers. “Thanks.”
A nod. “I will give you some pain medicine with your food. Now, let us make way.” He motioned to the wheelchair.
Shoulders hunched, the half ghost took small, careful steps and sat down.
Frostbite wheeled him through more similar, icy hallways, though this time, Danny tried to pay attention to the route. 
They turned right out of the room, then made a left soon after. They passed a colorfully painted door, decorated with paw prints the size of the ghost boy’s hand. 
“The nursery.” The yeti chief motioned. “I am sure the cubs would love you to visit when you feel well enough.”
Danny nodded mildly, not off-put by the idea.
They passed more ordinary doors, though made of ice. Various storerooms and recovery rooms for injured yetis and other ghosts. An open doorway led to the medical room Danny had awakened in.
“These are the defrosting tanks,” Frostbite motioned to another open doorway. “Where we treated you when your ice powers first activated.”
And just like that, his heart sank. Another memory he didn’t have. 
“Oh. So uh, was that how we met?” The boy bit his lip.
“No. You and your friends’ vehicle crashed here while exploring the realms. This led to quite the adventure.” Frostbite chuckled. “I will tell you more later. Here is the dining hall.”
The yeti motioned to another open doorway, through which Danny could see many rows of tables and a dozen yetis, with room with several dozen more.
The boy swallowed nervously, suddenly intimidated by the number of other ghosts. Then, a pair of eyes fell on him.
“It is the Great One!” The yeti closest to the door exclaimed, standing up.
Person by person, more ghosts noticed him.
“The Savior of the Realms!” Cries of excitement came, one by one, until the words overlapped.
“Lord Phantom!” “Greetings, Great One!” “Sit with us!” Bodies moved closer, all gazes fixed on him.
Danny tensed, heart pounding out of his chest. He turned his head to look up at Frostbite, eyes pleading.
“Do not crowd him.” Frostbite reprimanded sternly. “Go back to your business. Leave the Great One to his meal.”
Immediately, the hubble quieted as yetis turned away, returning to their own food. The chief started wheeling the boy towards the back of the room.
“Thanks.” The half ghost mumbled. 
“Forgive my people.” The yeti patted him comfortingly on his shoulder. “They have great love for you, even if they are over enthusiastic.” 
Danny didn’t say anything to that, a sour taste in his mouth. 
Frostbite pulled the chair up to a tall table. He motioned to an elevated chair, inviting Danny to float up to it if able. With a congratulatory nod after the deed, he stepped away. “I will inquire with the chef and have food brought. I will return shortly.”
The boy watched the chief retreat and passed through the door. Frostbite chatted with a curly horned yeti, arms waving animatedly though the word inaudible through the window. Danny breathed out, trying to force his tense shoulders to relax. He still felt fleeting gazes on him, even if they no longer burned.
Another breath. Delectable smells tickled his nose, some savory, some sweet. His stomach rumbled hungrily.
A minute later, Frostbite returned. His brow furrowed annoyedly at the curly horned yeti who trailed after, a covered dish in each paw.
“He is a healing ghost. He needed his strength.” The other yeti, presumably the chef, argued.
“A simple meal will suffice-” 
“It will not.” The chef heavily placed the two dishes on the table. “Sleetsun.” They snapped at a short yeti who was washing tables. “Grab the other dishes.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Sleetsun dropped the wash rag promptly on the floor, hurrying towards the kitchen door. And then proceeding to almost slip on said rag and face plant onto a luckily empty table. “I’m alright.”
“That boy.” The chef rolled her eyes.
Danny couldn’t help but chuckle.
Sleetsun returned soon, bringing dish after dish. Soon the table was covered with food both familiar and foreign. “Let Ms. Chillwind or me know if you need anything.” The young yeti looked down bashfully before giving an awkward bow. “It’s an honor serving you.” He hurried away, returning to his task of washing tables.
The half ghost just blinked, brow furrowed at the odd exchange. Then his stomach grumbled again and he dug in.
He started with the familiar dishes. Similar to what he had been served in the days before, there was tomato soap, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato salad, fruit salad, chocolate pudding. Everything tasted good, if mundane, much like the food he’d eaten during his time with Vlad. Actually…
Danny’s brow furrowed, holding the plastic pudding cup up to his face. His eyes narrowed at the tiny print black letters, an expiration date. “Where did you get this?”
“The material realm food?” Frostbite eyed said food almost guiltily. “We traded for it with certain ghosts who procure objects from the human world.”
The boy blinked. That raised… so many questions. And Frostbite’s guilty expression… “Is there some kind of black market for human world stuff?” His voice lowered, half way between scandalized and admiring. “Frostbite, did you trade with smugglers?”
“We do what we must to care for our allies.” The chief answered evasively. Then he motioned to the rest of the food. “Do you wish to try anything else?”
Danny huffed but put the questions away for now. His gaze flitted over the dishes. Much of the food glowed softly. There were various cuts of meat, some kind of shiny pudding, something orange and jelly like that vaguely reminded him of a sea anemone, and half a dozen other strange offerings.
He gently poked the orange thing, nose wrinkling. It was soft and supple, eerily like wet skin. “What’s this?”
“It is jelly fungi.” Frostbite said. “The flavor is… difficult to describe but it is one of my favorites.”
The boy titled his head, looking at the fungi again in a new light. Summoning his courage, he popped a piece into his mouth. His teeth meet, piercing the outer skin with a surprisingly pleasant squish.
Danny’s eyes widened, chewing slowly as the savory, custard-textured inside dissolved on his tongue. The springly outside was left, smokey flavored and growing increasingly chewy. He chewed faster and swallowed. “That’s really good!”
The boy popped another in his mouth, humming with pleasure while he chewed. He finished the second, then a third, and a fourth. 
Only then did he notice Frostbite looking at him oddly. “What?” He blushed.
The chief shook his head, expression turning amused. “I remember you quite disliking those last time.”
“Oh.” Shyly, Danny put down what would be his fifth, dread sprouting in his gut.
“The cubs always turn their noses up at first as well.” Frostbite patted him on the back heartily. “But once you have acquired a taste, there is nothing finer.”
“Yeah, sure. That’s definitely it.” The boy stuttered out. And then winced. Could he say anything more suspicious?
Frostbite did not say anything, happily grabbing a handful of the jellies. Danny picked at a few more slowly, guiltily.
Danny tried a few more dishes, this time more cautiously. Small bites, chewing slowly, he schooled his expression. And tried not to look like he was checking Frostbite’s reaction. But the yeti said nothing else about his previous…. His other self’s previous food preferences.
The boy was almost full, having tried a few bites of almost everything when Sleetsun returned.
“Is everything to your liking?” The young yeti asked eagerly. His eyes flickered to the dishes, becoming disappointed when they landed on the shiny pudding. “You haven’t tried the Aojngofls.”
“Aojngofls?” Danny stumbled over the word.
“I remember it was your favorite last feast.” Sleetsun rung his hands. “Ms. Chillwind finally taught me to make it. I made this one all by myself and wanted to know how you like it…”
The half ghost struggled not to wince. “I was saving the best for last.” He gripped the spoon and scooped a bite of the unappealingly wiggling thing.
One bite and Danny fought not to grimace. Somehow, it was crunchy and jiggly at the same time. Sickly sweet and yet disturbingly bitter. His tongue quivered, wanting to spit the thing out. But he forced himself to chew, forced himself to swallow, forced himself to smile. “It’s great.” 
Sleetsun looked like he was going to cry. “You hate it.”
“No.” The half ghost waved a hand. “It’s good.” He scooped another spoon full, placing it on his tongue. “I swear, it’s-” 
This time, he actually did gag.
“It’s awful!” The young yeti turned, voice teary. “I’m never going to be a real chef.” He ran back to the kitchen.
Danny watched the other youth retreat with wide eyes. Guilt twisted his insides.
“What was that about?” Chillwind walked by, pointing towards the kitchen.
She didn’t sound angry, didn’t sound accusatory, just confused and concerned. Her expression remained unchanged as Frostbite explained. But Danny’s heart still pounded, a sick taste in his mouth. He felt like the scum of the earth.
“I’ll talk to Sleetsun.” The half ghost finally tuned back into the conversation as the yeti woman looked at him. “Poor thing. Don’t feel bad. I thought Aojngofls might be too rich for you right now, with your body still healing. No wonder your stomach upset.” The chef gave him a kind smile, walking back to the kitchen.
Silence fell for a long while. “Do you want to finish your meal?” Frostbite finally asked.
“I’m not hungry anymore.” The half ghost’s eyes fixed on the floor.
Despite Chillwind’s words, a pit still gnawed at his stomach. The knowledge lodged in his heart, as real and solid as the table in front of him. As sure and as unsettling as the revelation that he had not been born but grown. Even if he wasn’t recovering, he would never have liked Sleetsun’s dish.
Uncomfortable breakfast completed, Frostbite began showing Danny around the Far Frozen.
“Most of the tribe resides here, in the main cave.” The chief explained. They turned left out of the dinning hall, opposite the way they had come. “Many family dwellings branch from each of these hallways.” He motioned to each open archway as they passed. 
“Wow.” The boy breathed, peering down the hallway. It stretched as far as he could see, lit every so often with glowing white orbs affixed to the wall.
“There are miles of tunnels.” The yeti said. At Danny’s worried look, he patted his shoulder comfortingly. “Do not worry. You will gather your bearings quickly.”
Frostbite entered one of the many branching hallways, pausing at one of the doors. “This is my dwelling.” A diamond-shaped carving marked the door, surrounded by gently swirling symbols like those on the chief’s armband and belt. He looked down at the half ghost, eyes wide with compassion. “Should you need me at any time, please do not fail to visit ... .though I can not say I spend much time at home.” He chuckled.
Danny’s heart twisted, just as touched as nervous. But he gave a nod, agreeing, and the pair continued one.
They walked for several more minutes, the hallway gradually curving. Various yetis passed them as they walked. One practically ran, carrying an armful of scrolls. Another hefted a pole of ice over a shoulder, multiple fish the size of Danny’s leg dangling from it. Two yetis laughed softly together, each carrying baskets of red crystals shaped like apples.
The two had just passed the last of the living quarters when Danny’s brow furrowed, noticing a spot of green standing in stark contrast to the frosty white and slate gray of the walls. Frostbite led him closer, the spot growing bigger. Not a spot but…. Something waved softly, fluttering as if in a breeze. A patch of green, not the acid of ectoplasm, but a saturated forest green. Like…
“Are those… plants?” Danny starred up, voice awed. Not just plants but vines, hanging from the ceiling over an opening in the wall. A living doorway.
Frostbite laughed, grinning at his amazement. “If you find this surprising…” With one paw, he gently pulled the vines aside. “Behold, the central garden.” 
The boy’s eyes just about popped out of his skill. A massive area stretched in front of him, paths criss-crossing. A few yetis stood and knelt, soft chatter echoing off the curved stone walls. And the garden’s content… 
In an instant, the half ghost was out of his chair. “This is amazing!”
He darted about, taking everything in with bright eyes. Trees made of crystal ice stretched above the cave walls. Red apple-like orbs hung from some, others with giant white and green seed pods. 
Excitedly, he cupped one in his hands. “It feels like paper?” Tiny letters in a language he didn’t understand swirled on the surface.
Then something bright orange caught his eye. “Are those jelly mushrooms?!”
A lattice of brown poles stood to his right. The boy flew over, gently popping one of the neon masses. “It is!” Glowing mushrooms grew from the wall: orange jellies, spotted buttons, deep purple frills and a dozen other combinations of pigment and shape. “There’s so many!”
The half ghost’s attention jerked and snapped, pulled away by different spots of color.
A purple covering the ground…. “That’s moss?!”
Green fronds waving gently. “Ferns!”
“And flowers!” Some yellow and white lay close to the ground. Others reached for the sky, conical clusters of pink petals perfuming the air.
“Are those bees?!” Tiny insects buzzed around the area as well, casting a soft ghostly glow.
Something many eyes with rapidly shifting wings fluttered in front of his face. A furry figure, glowing green, darted behind a tree too quickly to identify. And… 
“Coo-oo. Coo.”
Danny’s head jerked to the side, ears perking at the noise. “Is that a mourning dove?”
He flew towards the sound. In the crystal apple tree? There, perched on a wide branch near where it met the trunk. 
“Hey there.” The boy smiled, practically cooing himself. “Aren’t you a pretty bird?” Body almost a soft pink, it preened at light tan, brown spotted wings. “If you weren’t glowing, you’d almost look like a normal-”
“Woah!” Danny cut himself off, throwing himself backwards as the bird caught fire.
Blue flames licked at the feathers as it flapped away, a loud whistle sounding. The boy winced, expecting to feel the heat on his face but… “It’s… cold.”
The chill swirled as the bird darted passed him and landed in another tree, going back to its preening. The half ghost’s jaw dropped, watching the bird just casually burn. Below him, a rumbling laugh sounded. 
Danny looked down, finding Frostbite watching with amused eyes. The boy waved his arms, pointing. “Is that an ice phoenix?!”
“Yes.” The yeti said simply, as if it was both obvious and normal.
“Really?!” A hand went to his head. “I have so many questions! Does it actually do that ‘burn and rise from the ashes’ thing? Is it just that one or are there others? Why is it a mourning dove?!”
“I do not know, Danny. She has never burned during my existence, but she is well taken care of here so perhaps has had no need.” The yeti shrugged. “I know not if there are others of her kind. Nor why she is a ‘mourning dove’.” The air quotes were audible, Frostbite’s brow furrowing. “Is that a species of avian found in the material realm?” He idly tapped his chin. “What an odd name…”
“Odd…” The boy blinked. “Yeah, we have mourning doves. Don’t know why they’re called that though..” He shook his head. “Do you have other birds? And bugs? I saw some. And something furry went behind those trees. Maybe a rabbit or squirrel.”
Frostbite chuckled again. “I’m sure one of the gardeners can answer all your questions later. For now, we have a tour to finish, do we not?”
“Oh yeah…” Danny blushed, lowering in the air until he was floating in front of the wheelchair. “Can I fly on my own for a bit?”
“Of course, if you feel up to it.”
With that, the two continued on, back into the curving hall. Frostbite walked slowly, carrying the chair in one massive arm. At the same time, Danny followed slowly behind. After a few minutes, they came to a darker hallway, the light shifting from a soft white to shining crystal blue.
Danny’s hair turned, peering down the hall curiously. ‘What’s down there?”
“This is our hall of knowledge and artifacts.” The yeti chief said.
The walls smoothed, colors shifting, darkening. The walls were a saturated, charcoal blue and the ceiling…
“Wow.” The half ghost’s breath caught, eyes drifting up. 
The ceiling curved and rippled, a bright, watery blue. Like waves frozen in motion. He drifted up, a hand gently brushing the smooth ice. 
“There is no stone above here. The ice freezes over this passage in the rock.” The chief explained. “And because the surface is close, it allows the light to shine through.”
“It’s beautiful.” Danny said, softly, reverently. 
The boys followed the glowing ice as he floated on. His gaze flickered from the ceiling, drifting to the walls. The soft blue light cast on the scene extenuated every curve and bulge of the wall, every chip and chasm. Those were… carved lines. Pictures he realized with a gasp.
Great beasts stretched, claws extended and teeth bared. Curving, flickering lines like fire showed the rough shape of yetis dancing around them. A tall figure stood, arms spread addressing a crowd.
More images passed, dozens Danny did not have the time to process. 
Soon, they passed a lantern-lite room. Scrolls lined the ice-carved shelves, stretching from floor to ceiling. The yeti they’d passed earlier looked up from their scrolls, giving a wave.
“You have a library!” The boy darted in, again eager to explore.
“Let’s not disturb our librarian in his work.” Frostbite pulled him back. “We can return later.”
Danny’s lip twitched down, just the barest hint disappointed. 
Then the yeti’s eyes brightened, a grin coming through. “I have something to show you I believe you will find very exciting.”
That was enough to pull the half ghost away. “Alright.” He rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile. “Led the way.”
The two passed stands of weapons, massive axes and spears. Artifacts followed. First a great horn like Frostbite but made of stone. Then a statue of a yeti, made of shiny scales. A clock carved of ice.
Each caught Danny’s eye, curiosity tickling his heart. But Frostbite failed to stop at each. The boy tilted his head, excitement growing.
Finally, at the end of the hall, two guards stood in front of a podium. The yeti chief motioned them aside, each moving with a nod.
With Frostbite’s lead, the half ghost floated forward. His eyes widened, breath stilled in anticipation at what could make his guide grin like this. The boy peered over and…
Danny’s brow furrowed. “What is it?”
There on the pedestal lay a simple, unmarked roll of parchment.
“This is our most cherished treasure.” Frostbite’s words rang with reverence. “The Infi-Map.”
“How is that a map?” 
Slowly, carefully, Frostbite lifted the scroll. It unfurled, black lines and green swirls appearing “This is a map linking to every portal in existence.”
The boy blinked. “Every portal?”
“Across all time and space.” The yeti nodded “Every day millions of chasms, the size of mere atoms, open and this map reveals them. With it, the wielder may find any person or lost thing. 
Or even travel to any destination.”
Danny’s eyes widened. “Any destination…. across all time and space.” His mind whirled, trying to process. “Like… you could go back in time?”
The yeti chuckled. “Yes. You unfortunately discovered that on your first visit here.”
“What?” The boy’s jaw dropped.
“When we met, I offered you use of this artifact to return home. It whisked you away before I could explain fully and accompany you.” Frostbite explained. “Unfortunately, your enemy, Plasmius, stole it before you were able to return it to us. You explained that the older half ghost insisted the map take him to his ‘destiny.’” The air quotes were audible. “And so you chased him through time to retrieve it. This is, until with his final plea, the map delivered him right into my paws.” The yeti laughed heartily. “The look on his face was quite amusing, especially once frozen solid in ice.”
Danny winced for just a moment at the mention of Vlad, a flicker of unease breaking through. But at the same time…. “Chased him through time, you said?” Wide-eyed amazement rang in his voice. 
“Yes.” Frostbite gave a chuckle. “Plasmius made quite the mess, from the Salem witch trials, to the Rome Empire, and Ming Dynasty China. A grand adventure, or so you told me.” 
The boy’s eyes fixed on the map. Suddenly, inexplicably, something like hope stirred. “So you actually can use this to go back in time?” He asked airily, breathlessly.
If it had happened once, it could happen again. Almost thoughtlessly, his hand wavered forward, towards the map. Maybe he could…. 
Gently, Frostbite’s paw wrapped around his hand, drawing his fingers back. “I am sorry, Danny.” 
The boy looked up, eyes wide in silently pleading question. The grieved look the chief gave him cut to the core.
“The past is fragile. Time’s steady roots anchor us. They stretch up, into endless possibilities. But if those roots are damaged…”
Understanding, the boy finished. “The tree topples.” He looked down, eyes fixed on the stoney floor.
Frostbite nodded. “We of the Far Frozen have vowed to protect the Infi-map from any use which would threaten the Realms. As much as it pains me, the map can not bring back those you lost.”
Those he’d lost…. The words stabbed, a reminder of the lie. One he’d almost let himself forget for the last hour.
“I understand.” The words came out a pained whisper.
What good would going back have done anyway? If he’d never gone into Vlad’s lab, never awoken his counterpart, it wouldn’t have changed what he was.
Anger flared at the thought. Danny roughly pulled away from Frostbite. “Why did you even bother to show me this?”
The yeti’s ears flattened, a flicker of hurt. “With it, you may easily visit other of your allies and friends. Such as Queen Dorathea of the Dragon Kingdom, and Lady Pandora of the Acropolis. I thought seeing such familiar faces might bring you some comfort.”
“Oh.” The boy slowly lowered to the floor, his anger evaporated. “That sounds…nice.” If only he remembered either of those ghosts. “Maybe in few days, once I’ve recovered more.” He scuffed his foot against the ground. More people to lie to…. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth.
“Actually, I’m feeling tired. Can we finish this tour after I get a nap?”
“Yes, of course.” Frostbite straightened, offering the chair. 
The half ghost sat down and let the chief push him. As they finished the circle, returning to his room, he tried to ignore the chief’s worried gaze.
The day improved little after the boy’s self imposed isolation. He managed to collect himself, slashing some water on his face just as Frostbite returned to collect him.
“I thought we could visit the arena next and attempt some ice manipulation.” The chief suggested, ushering Danny into his chair.
Wordlessly, the half ghost agreed with a nod.
They turned the opposite direction from the medical room, the same hall they’d returned through less than an hour before. Soon, Frostbite turned down a hall, doors along both sides as Danny had seen earlier. But instead of the passageway ending in another door or a solid wall of rock, an opening at the end shone with brilliant white light.
The two passed through the open doorway and paused. The half ghost blinked, eyes adjusting to the light and after a second…. A flutter of awe leapt in his core. Snow surrounded, glistening and smoothly undisturbed as far as the eye could see. It reflected, almost blindingly, the light of….
His gaze drifted up. A ball of yellow shimmered into his view before his eyes tore away.
“That’s… that’s the sun?” He turned to Frostbite, eyes wide. “How?”
“An ectoplasmic echo.” The yeti said. “It roughly follows the pattern of the lands near the arctic circle on Earth. Fortunately for our exploration, it reflects the summer now with light shining most of the day.”
“But… how?”
“An island can take most any shape needed by its people.” The chief shrugged. “Many find comfort in the familiar rhythm of days, weeks, and months. I am sure you have noticed the cycles of active and rest, even if sleep is not necessary for ghosts. About a quarter of the village are of the dead, formerly human. ” 
“That makes sense.” The boy nodded. He would definitely go crazy without some kind of pattern marking the time. Then, Danny raised a brow, Frostbite’s last sentence hitting him. “Are you…”
“Of the dead?” Frostbite shook his head. “No. I am Zone-born, of ghostly parents. My only life has been here, in the Far Frozen.”
“But those former humans, why aren’t they….” He motioned vaguely to his human-shaped form.
“That is a question for those of the dead who are willing to speak on it.” The yeti started walking again, down a well-beaten path that curved around the edge of the massive cave system. “Let us continue.”
Something glittering in the snow caught Danny’s eye. “What’s that?” 
“Ah, our shrine!” Frostbite’s expression brightened. “You must see.”
The yeti pushed along faster.
“Frostbite!” The boy couldn’t help but laugh, taken by the excitement. “You’re gonna dump me out of the chair.”
“My apologies.” The chief slowed down. 
Danny just shook his head, an amused grin brightening his face. 
Then they rounded a snow drift, and the area came into full view.
“Oh.” Just like that, the levity was gone. “That’s…” The boy’s shoulders fell, his gaze fixed on the shallow cave a bit off the path.
Inside were carvings of a great battle. Hordes of skeletons fought against a motley crew of ghosts. A flame-haired girl with a guitar. A towering suit of mechanical parts, shooting rockets. A short man in overalls, throwing boxes. A dragon, eyes fiercely protective and intelligent, even as it spewed flames. And in the center, most prominent…
“That is you.” Frostbite motioned proudly. “It was not completed before your last visit but…”
The yeti continued, but the words were lost to the boy, drowned out by the rushing in his head.
There in the center of the scene, a glistening ice statue stood. Danny Phantom posed, majestically capped and crowned. A sword raised in one hand, a foot planted on a small but grand skeleton-embossed coffin. 
The half-ghost’s insides twist, dread ensnaring his thoughts. He stared. That… that was supposed to be him, the other Danny… but-
“Danny?” The name ripped his attention away. 
The boy stared up, meeting Frostbite’s concerned eyes. “That’s… that can’t be me.” He pointed shakily.
“Oh.” The yeti’s brow wrinkled a little, a slight revelation. “You do not remember your battle with the ghost king, do you?”
“I… no.” Danny furiously shook his head. His gaze flickered back to the statue. “I… I couldn’t do that….” He couldn’t do that. Couldn’t be that. But he was supposed to be…
“Danny.” Frostbite knelt, a paw on the boy’s knee. “This must be hard to see, with the state of your injuries… with what you have lost.” His gaze flickered to the statue. “Perhaps I did lean too regal with my portrayal.” His eyes fixed down, ears pinned back in something like guilt. “It is easy to forget you are simply a near-mortal child…” 
The yeti trailed off, a moment of heavy silence. The boy’s core quivering nervously. 
“I did not construct this statue to honor your wit or power.” Frostbite continued somberly. “The act itself was great, an extraordinary accomplishment. But that might is not the focus of my admiration.”
Danny’s mouth opened and closed, mind scrambling for something.
Then Frostbite’s gaze returned, his eyes round and warm in an almost…. parental affection. “It is your kindness, the strength of your heart. You have suffered, endured much and though you may not feel it, I know you are brave. You are so courageous to continue, despite everything.”
“No, I… I’m not. I…” The half ghost stumbled, throat thick with guilt. “I’m weak and pathetic and…” His gaze flickered back to the statue, mouth speaking before he really thought. “That’s… that’s not me.”
The yeti shook his head. “There is no shame in vulnerability, in humility.” 
“No, that’s not…” His pleading, watery eyes fixed on Frostbite. “That’s not… not it.” His heart plummeted, a block of granite in his chest. “That’s not me….” Half begging that the yeti would understand, and half praying that he wouldn’t.
The yeti’s brow wrinkled, almost sickeningly compassionate. “I understand, little one.” He leaned forward, wrapping the boy in strong arms. “There is no need for the brave, regal hero of the Ghost Zone. Especially not here, especially not for me.”
“I…okay.” Relief clashed with guilt, the truth gnawing at the half-ghost’s heart. But he remained silent.
“I will speak no more of it.” After a long moment, yeti stood. “Do you still wish to visit the warriors?”
“Yeah.” The boy rubbed at his eyes, wiping away the start of tears.
The walk-way continued, branching away from the cave wall and out into the open. Up a small snow-drift and back down, and there in the midground rose a set of icy bleachers surrounding a large oval in the snow. Fuzzy white shapes moved back and forth. The cracking sound of ice resounded, blue spikes driving into round targets, the thunk of ice-constructed weapons clashing.
Frostbite and Danny approached and the movement paused. 
“Great one!” An excited cry rose, the white shapes, a collection of a dozen yetis all turning.
Instantly, the boy blushed, the nervous feeling, still swirling in his gut, intensifying.
“The Great One is here for practice, as any of you are.” Frostbite quickly interceded. “Please leave our guest to hone his skills in peace.”
Various huffs of protest sounded, yeti warriors clambering to talk but with a pointed look from their chief, most did go back to their own practice.
“I believe we should start with drawing cold from your core and forming a rough shape.” The chief began, holding up his hands and forming an icy crystal as example. “Simply form it in your hand and hold it. No throwing projectiles just yet.”
One of the yetis near them, more flat snouted than Frostbite with a few patches of black fur, chuckled. “Make sure to warn us first this time.” He winced dramatically. “Everyone was pulling ice needles out of their fur for hours after your first lesson.”
Another warrior, this one decorated in bangles and a chunky necklace, enthusiastically waved at the bleachers. “He froze everyone who came out to watch.” She laughed, arms wrapped around her chest in mock shivering. “Remember that?”
“It was incredible.” Yet another yeti added. “I have never seen a ghost’s first ice manifest so strongly.” His gaze turned glassy, starry-eyed. “I can only imagine how spectacular your battle with Undergrowth must have been.”
“What else would you expect from the one who fought Pariah Dark and won?!” Another voice yelled, paw raised triumphantly to the sky.
Meanwhile, the boy pointedly looked away. “I don’t remember any of that…” He muttered, a bitter taste in his mouth.
“What did I just say?” Frostbite interrupted, reprimanding. “Go back to your drills.” A few apologies said, feet shuffling away and the yeti leaned forward, talking softly near Danny’s ear. “Let’s give ourselves a bit more space, hum?”
Near the middle of the field, at least fifteen feet from any of the warriors, the pair began with the basics.
“Hold your hands in front of you like this.” 
“Like this?” Danny formed a loose sphere with his fingers.
A nod. “Picture the shape in your mind, it filling the space you cradle. Focus your eyes on the space.” 
“Okay. I’m focusing.” The boy narrowed his eyes, fixed on the sphere.
“Now the cold in your chest. In the center of your being, your core. Draw it out. Let it flow from your center and out.” The yeti motioned each part with his paws. “From your core, to your shoulders, down your arms, to your finger, and into the space you mold.” He finished with a flourish, before fingers rejoined.
“Alright. The cold in my center…” The half ghost closed his eyes and searched and…
There was no cold in the center. His mouth felt dry, familiar dread sinking in his gut. There was no cold. Of course there was none. Vlad had always insisted he had ice powers but Danny had never been able to conjure anything, not even the smallest snowflake. There was no cold.
“Are you alright?” Frostbite’s worried voice broke the boy out of his growing distress. 
“Yeah. I’m fine.” Danny furiously shook his head, pushing down the fear. “Just…” His brow furrowed, nose wrinkled. “I can…” He could do this. He could. He had to.
Something flickered at the edge of his core, ambient energy dancing across its surface. He drew it out, down his arms, into his fingers and….
Neon green shimmer between his fingers, a whiff of lime and copper.
“Oh.” Danny’s shoulder fell, disappointed. The ectoblast blinked out.
“Good try.” Frostbite congratulated gently. “Delve a little deeper for this second attempt.”
The boy frowned, eyes narrowed at his hands. He could do this. He could do this. Focused inward…. Not the surface of his core but deeper. He prodded…. There. Weakly quivering, like a soft static crackle. It wasn’t exactly cold but…
“Come. On.” He strained, yanking. Energy crawled, stubbornly weak. It trickled, passed his shoulder, his elbow, into his hands… “Yes!” Light sparked on his finger, a crisp blue-green. It wavered and swirled, forming a tiny sphere the size of a quarter. “Yes!” The light flashed brighter and…
With a pop, it disappeared. Danny stared, nose twitching at the smell of ozone.
Frostbite’s furry brow wrinkled. “That does not look like…”
“No. Come on.” The half ghost furiously shook his head, ignoring the yeti’s confusion. “Come on.” He gritted his teeth, trying again…
Pop! “You can do this!” 
And again. 
Pop! “Stop that!” 
And again.
Pop! “Urgh!” 
“I’m gonna try a different shape.” A diamond, a square, a triangle, hexagon, oval, weird amorphous blob. 
“Grr.” He growled through his teeth. Each one failed, dissipating with a pop.
“I just need to shoot something!” Danny raised his hands, marching over to the line of targets.
The other warriors backed away, traded worried looks but he barely registered. Maybe he needed to try projectiles, shooting directly out of his hands.
More pops fizzled barely after they’d started. No ice. No cold. Just building frustration. Anger roared through his veins. His stupid, defective core. 
“Come on!” An ectoblast shot forth, slamming into the target. It sizzled, blackening the surface of the stone.
Another blast. “Why can’t I just?! Ugh!” 
And another and another. The blasts came until he was panting, legs shaking. The boy sank to his knees in the snow, head bowed.
His fist balled, white-knuckled grip sinking into the snow. Maybe… he just needed to feel the cold. If he felt it through his skin, his whole body cold…. Shaking handfuls of white raised towards his chest.
“Danny.” A wide paw landed on his shoulder. “It’s alright.”
The crackling anger extinguished, like a power cord ripped from its outlet. The boy looked up and his shoulder fell, defeated. 
“It’s alright.” Frostbite squeezed his shoulder. “You were badly hurt. Your core needs more time to heal.” Genuine belief sounded in the words.
But Danny wanted to cry. His throat thick with feeling, he said nothing, just letting the chief help him to his feet.
“I am sorry.” Frostbite said softly. “I should not have pushed you until you were ready.” The yeti helped the boy to his chair. “Do you feel well enough to finish the tour? There is one more thing I think you will enjoy. If not, we can return and-”
“No.” The half ghost cut him off, tightly gripping the chair’s armrest. “I’m good.”
He lied, limbs shaky and achy, mind screaming. But… all the concerned gazes on his back... His face burned, embarrassed and ashamed. He…he can’t believe he lost it like that. He… he did that. Had…. had a tantrum like a baby, in front of all those warriors and…
Water welled in his eyes and he furiously whipped it away. “Let’s… let’s just finish.” 
He couldn’t do this. He needed to get it together. Maybe he could still save face, still get some of his dignity back.
“Very well.” Frostbite agreed solemnly. 
The chief led farther down the path, over another snow drift. And…
A fence of woven ice stretched in front of them, a stone building to one side. Frostbite approached, giving a long, loud whistle.
A sound came in reply, something between a whiny and hiss. Dozens of feet pounded. Running from behind the building… a mass of silver bodies. Long necks and tails, thick claws and massive teeth.
Danny’s eyes widened. “Dinosaurs?”
“Ice drakes.” Frostbite chuckled. 
One of the horse-sized lizards approached the fence. Its neck stretched over, snuffling the yeti and then the boy with quivering nostrils. Tentatively, Danny raised his hand. The animal head butted it, making a noise that was almost a coo. Gently, the boy stroked the scaly head.
“I believe she likes you.” The yeti smiled.
Danny just continued staring, amazed. The drake slowly began to rumble, pleased. The stroking grew more confident, from gentle pets to comfortable scritches. 
“Do you want to feed her?”
The boy nodded. Frostbite offered a handful of roughly-shaped purple flakes, like oats but off-color. “Remember to keep your fingers flat.” He demonstrated, holding a palm to the drake’s muzzle. 
The boy copied. With a curious sniff, the creature licked the flakes. One taste and it perked up, eagerly nuzzling at Danny’s hand. The corner of his mouth twitched, a laugh bubbling at the tickle of a rough tongue.
A memory welled to the surface. 
A woman with short red hair and Mom’s eyes pouring oats in his open palm. Eight-year old Jazz to his right, offering her treat-laiden hand to a tall, black horse. The sound of his sister’s giggles.
A stab to his heart and Danny was crying. Roughly, he whipped at his eyes with the other hand.
“It is alright.” A strong arm wrapped around his back. “Do not hold back the tears if they are needed.”
Jazz’s voice, false laughter from a false history rang in his head. Sleetsun’s dish this morning, the Infi-map and its forgotten history, the statue, his too warm core… it was all too much.
The clone boy let the tears fall.
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
Lets talk about Vlad and Danielle's relationship (and Danielle's character as a whole)
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Danielle/Dani Phantom is a character that was introduced in the Season 2 episode ¨Kindred Spirits¨. She shows up in Danny's house and later reveals to be a half ghost just as Danny. Around half of the episode we get the twist that she is a clone made by Vlad and she is his ¨daughter¨.
We know how the rest goes, with help of Danny, Danielle realizes that Vlad is using her and in reality he doesn't care about her because she isn't the ¨perfect human-ghost hybrid clone son¨ that Vlad wanted. Dani helps Danny fighting against Vlad and she runs away after seeing how her ¨father¨ didn't exactly love her.
The episode as whole is very entertaining to watch and Vlad and Danielle's manipulative relationship is interesting to analyse. It shows how Vlad is so obsessed with his plans that he can't see that he has what he wished for so much (someone who sees him as a father figure) and screws it up. Danny gains a new ¨relative¨- someone who is just like him, human-ghost included.
The problem for me is that a lot of what happens in this episode doesn't feel ¨earned¨: The same episode that introduces Danielle it is the same one she rebels herself against her own father figure. We don't know enough about Dani aside from the fact she is more energetic and likes to eat a lot, is a girl and younger than Danny. This is one of the reasons of why some fans couldn't bring themselves to care about her or prefer to ignore her existence as character.
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If this series had been more serialized, what i would have preferred was for Danielle to have her own character arc in which she grows to befriend Danny and others from his social circle and learn that she was fed with lies about the Fenton family from Vlad. Maybe how Jack isn't this terrible man Vlad told her about or just not as bad. That Jack and Maddie really love each other, etc.
We could have seen more of how Vlad and Dani's father-daughter relationship worked and how Vlad acted as a father figure to her. It would have helped a lot with giving characterization to Vlad and Danielle (specially the later). Their relationship in the series previous Kindred Spirits is ambitious, not leaving clear how Dani was raised by Masters.
In result we could have had a more interesting character than who is Dani in the series and her having a proper arc that builds to her realizing Vlad's true nature and her rebelling against him, being a better payoff than Kindred Spirits.
Leaving that aside, lets talk about the relationship they have in Kindred Spirits and some extent D-Stabilized and what could happen between the two if she shows up in AGIT sequel and Vlad wants to keep making amends.
In Kindred Spirits what we see is that Vlad sees Danielle as his ¨pawn¨. He calls her his daughter a few times, yes, and he still does after this episode. What i'm trying to say is that Vlad cares about how useful Dani can be to him and when he got his perfect clone, she would probably turn into a ¨mess he wouldn't clean up¨.
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One thing i want to discuss, based on what the episode shows, is that Vlad in general doesn't raise his voice nor threatens with hurting Danielle during the episode. Most of the time he speaks to Danielle in his usual ¨normal¨ manipulative way, similar to how he talks to Valerie. He fakes caring about Dani and ¨acts nicely¨ around her, leading her to believe that he does love her as a father would.
When he notices that Danielle had been listening to everything him and Danny had been talking about the clones, he manipulates Dani by telling her she misheard what he was saying and he wants to save her from her destabilization (gaslighting)
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So when Danielle goes to capture Danny and returns to Vlad, Vlad talks about how still needs to extract the mid-morph DNA example. He asks Dani to force Danny's transformation by overshadowing him. Dani points out that the other clones that did that melted and she could get hurt because of that. Vlad insists in saying that is fine, Dani questions him again and that is when Vlad loses his patience and reveals his true nature to Danielle.
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As i talked about earlier, Vlad ¨cared¨ about Danielle as how useful she could be to him. Vlad believes that Dani exists to follow his own orders, seeing her as a pawn. This is a whole theme with Vlad and how he sees people, but i don't want to get too off topic.
Dani, at hearing this, she cries for a moment before getting angry and freeing Danny from his prison and helps Danny with fight against Vlad, making the perfect clone getting destroyed in the fight. She later punches Vlad (human form) in his face, telling to stay away from Danny and some hours after she says goodbye to Danny, going around to explore the world.
The fact that Dani decided to change sides for Vlad just snapping at her makes me believe that, again, he probably didn't threaten her that way before and he mostly used subtle emotional manipulation towards her as how he does through the episode. In my personal interpretation, i think Vlad was mostly very emotionally neglectful of Dani while raising her. He likely filled her basic needs like giving her a place to sleep and food but he would ignore her most of the time, avoiding to get attached to her and his focus being in the ¨perfect¨ clone. It is what makes sense to me the most me based on their interactions in Kindred Spirits
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For months Vlad acted as an absent father, not caring what happened to Danielle as, again, she wasn't useful to him. Dani would go from one place to the other, having to steal food to survive on her own. It wasn't until around the events of ¨D-stabilized¨ he looked for Dani to study her ghost-hybrid structure, since she hadn't melted and lasted longer than the other clones did.
In here Vlad sees Danielle more as ¨object¨ he is looking for to get what he wants. He doesn't care about melting down Danielle and if this destroys her completely, since his goal is to study the remains of her DNA. He refers to her as his ¨daughter¨, in way like she is his own possession and he can do whatever he pleases with her.
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An interesting detail is that there is a moment that Dani hints at still seeing Vlad as her parent figure, since she asks him if he is planning on looking for something that could stabilize her structure. It is a sad moment to see because part of her still cares about Vlad in spite of how he treated her.
What Vlad does in ¨D-Stabilized¨ is where he messed up the most in his relationship with Dani. All that happened previous this episode was terrible, but this is where is at its most twisted, putting Dani in danger on purpose to get DNA from her. It is a whole different level to snapping, threaten her and being manipulative.
If you were to ask me, i think Vlad's worst sin in the series is how he treated Dani. As she is his own daughter and was someone that actually loved Vlad. He really screwed up his chance to have something he looked for so long, because of his own obsession of how the clone should be ¨perfect¨.
Having all this in mind, how them meeting again and Vlad trying to make amends with her in A Glitch in Time sequel could go?
Well, for one i think Vlad should be the one looking for Danielle if he wants to make amends with her. It would be a good idea if someone else went with him, like Danny. That way Dani could feel more sure that she isn't being lead into a trap and the other person could explain the situation to her. She could feel more secure having the word of someone who she trusts rather from Vlad's and she may give him a chance to talk to her.
From there it is rather complicated to guess what could happen. The two most common brought up options is that Dani goes to live with Vlad in his mansion or she goes to live with the Fentons (if in this context Danny's secret is out to his parents).
If it is the first option, i think it would be suitable for Vlad's character if he wants to make up for how he negleted Dani all that time post Kindred Spirits. As i have talked in other post, Danielle is Vlad's daughter and it would fit hi give a place to Dani since she is his own responsibility. Of course, this is something that she herself would have to choose, since she would have a roof and a place to stay, but also she would have to coexist with the same parent figure who mistreated her so poorly. This could lead to a lot of complicated feelings and things she probably would rather forget for a long time. It wouldn't be something easy for her to deal with.
In case of the second option, she would have to live with strangers she doesn't know about, but they would be people that she doesn't exactly have a bad history with and she would feel more secure of herself rather than living with Vlad. Danny would also be there along with maybe Jazz, so she would be with someone she considers family at least. In all, i believe she would feel more happy than staying with Masters. However, i think before she fully moved in, Jazz and Danny would have to make their parents do some changes. Jack and Maddie can be... chaotic when it comes to raising their kids, unintentionally negletful and prone to playing around with their gadgets. It would be a good idea for both of them to change some habits for Dani to be safer around the house and pay the proper enough attention to her.
Another third option some people have brought up is Dani staying with someone else, usually the Grays being a possibility. I do agree with this idea, because then Dani could live with someone she doesn't have a bad history like she does with Vlad with nor they would have a not exactly safe environment like the Fentons do. If she stays with the Grays, she would be with Valerie, who is someone she is familiar with.
If Dani chooses staying with someone else that isn't Vlad, then Vlad could help with paying the things she needs (food, education) and maybe do some visits every once in a while to check on Dani, depending if she feels like it. He would still making amends with her but keep his distance if Dani wishes for him to stay away.
One thing i think it would be good is that Dani didn't forgive Vlad or she doesn't it for a long time. If there is one character that is more entitled than anybody else to not forgive Vlad, that would be Danielle. I think it would be more than fair for her to do that and it would be great for Vlad to understand that some people won't forget the things he has done to them and he has to live with that.
In all, Vlad and Danielle's relationship has to be the most messed up of the dynamics Vlad has with other characters. I already explained that my reasoning behind this is because he is supposed to be Dani's father since he created her. If Dani shows up in AGIT sequel, it is going to be interesting to see how the two could interact and how Dani is going to react to Vlad apologizing to her for his actions. It is definitely one of the things it would cost the most for Vlad to make amends for, considering how badly he screw it up with her.
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9haharharley1 · 9 months
I'mma keep it coming with I wanna see your head canons for Danny tbh I wonder if we're similar about the boy. So I guess 002
How I feel about this character:
I love him, I really do! I had such a crush on Danny when I was a teen, made worse (or better, idk) by the fact that when the show aired, I was also just entering high school. So it was one of those, "oh look! A socially awkward teen also has to deal with the stress of living! He's just like me fr (minus the ghost powers on my part)!"
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Romantically? Vlad, Valerie, Clockwork, and Dan, but mostly Vlad.
Want to see him get railed and ruined and crying? Dan, Nocturne, Skulker, Wulf, Walker.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Tucker and Sam (provided Sam can get over some of her holier-than-thou attitude)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
This boy doesn't have a dominant bone in his entire body. I don't like reading top Danny fics, my boy deserves a break, and I'm also not a fan when he's taller and beefier than Vlad either. I stan a short king and I will take no criticism.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
It's a kids' show, so I know this was never gonna happen, but I would have loved to see him have a full psychological break. I'm talking an entire episode dedicated to Danny having a complete and total panic attack, Batman the Animated Series style. Parents want to catch and study him, one of his best friends keeps pushing him to do the superhero thing, parents and peers are pressuring him to date said pushy friend, he's failing in school, he can't retaliate against his primary bully, his future is screwed if he doesn't watch himself, the ghosts keep coming and they won't fucking stop, his sister keeps giving him these worrying looks like she's worried, why should she be worried? He's fine, everything's fine, he's only half-dead, what's the big deal?
Danny eventually has that panic attack the closer he gets to graduating, unsure of his future, scared he's gonna fail and never be able to leave Amity Park, terrified that all he has to look forward to is fighting ghosts and running/hiding from his parents. His future is forever uncertain because the alternate time line, and his friends can't understand, even if they're trying, but they just can't know what's going on with him, and he sees the fear in their eyes every time he brings up that dark future. He could go to Clockwork, but Clockwork will only give so much advice. He doesn't share more than is necessary to keep time in tact, so he eventually breaks and goes to Vlad. Who else could possibly understand if not the only other halfa in existence?
Basically, I would have loved to see him become increasingly overwhelmed until he had no choice but to run away and go to Vlad's. They make a temporary truce long enough for them to bond over their shared plight.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, of course (you will pry this ship from my cold, dead hands)
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
Danny totally had a crush on Vlad the first time they met. He thought he was handsome and charming and all that gross first crush stuff, and he actually enjoyed talking with him, even if him hitting on his mom was super fucking weird. Danny could look past that because he knew his mom wasn't interested, was happily married, and when Vlad wasn't focused on her, he could be pretty cool. Too bad he had to go and ruin it by revealing his evil intentions.
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 months
Just gonna dump some musings about my very very old edgy teenager Danny Phantom OC to document him for no one really but myself.
David Masters, recently adopted son of Vlad Masters transfers into Danny's school with a Future Trunks-ass haircut and fashion sense that screams that he thinks the early 2000s Celtic Cross emo girl is the greatest thing ever. His ghost alter-ego is Shadow Specter, turning his hair black with red accents and curling both sides of his haircut into spiky C-shape with one side flipping up and the other side flipping in the same direction like a lopsided super saiyan and a sort of half-cape that ends around his upper back. Despite being Vlad's adopted son the two don't like each other very much, David being a hollow replacement for Danny and he knows it, making for a strained relationship to say the least despite him generally doing what Vlad tells him to.
Power-wise he's basically a midpoint between Danny and Vlad, basically given a few months of intensive beatings labeled as training by Vlad, the 'showing the ropes' he offered Danny on their first meeting allowed him to get the hang of his powers a lot faster than Danny but he lacks the practical experience and versatility Danny has and has a penchant for getting easily angered and frustrated during fights as opposed to Danny's dry quipping. His signature ability is the power to manifest an ectoplasm sword similar to Fright Knight's but designed by an emo teenager with curves bent into a gentle S shape and similarly curved handles that make it look flame-like despite being solid. His first encounter with Danny goes pretty well and he's able to outmatch him at every step but gets absolutely bodied by the Ghostly Wail which ends the fight in a draw since David flees and Danny is too exhausted to give chase. David essentially flies straight to Vlad and is like "Why the FUCK didn't you tell me he could do that!?" and Vlad's very petty about it saying that Shadow Specter is supposed to be better than Danny in every way and doesn't need the handicap of a full briefing which basically puts some serious tension in their relationship right off the bat.
Throughout various skirmishes Danny slowly catches on to his tricks and is able to exploit his emotional vulnerabilities, though brief flashes show Shadow Specter's eyes glowing red when he becomes really angry, leading to a rage mode that makes him a good deal stronger at the cost of what scant rationality he has, even increasing the size of his muscles and ectoplasm blasts when he really gets going. David knows he's only a placeholder until Vlad can either convert Danny or perfect his cloning technology and his frustration, ruthlessness and instability grows. He hasn't had the time to mature or the support network Danny has and despite being technically stronger he's always just coming up short. This frustration peaks during one of his encounters with Danny after Danny's figured out how to use his ice powers to create makeshift weapons to block his sword and he goes absolutely ballistic eyes turning red as he slashes his sword and ends up ripping a hole to the Ghost Zone, sucking him and Danny inside.
Exhausted from the fight, the two realize they have no idea what part of the ghost zone their in or how to get back to either of the two portals they know of. During this David de-ghosts and lets Danny see he's been one of his classmates all along, not someone he really had any meaningful interactions with but it helps hit home that he's a kid just like him. With some time to reflect, Danny tells David that his voice changed recently and that's why he can use the Ghostly Wail. He says there's been a lot of changes going on with both of them lately (simultaneously solidifying the ghost/puberty metaphor) and that eventually these changes will stop and they'll get used to them, but that doesn't mean that how they handle them doesn't matter. He's noticed his own powers growing in a direction Vlad or his future self could never have predicted because he lived through the pain and angst of being a teenager, and how David's have been growing in response to his anger in frustration, making him feel good and strong when he's angry and vengeful. Danny says he doesn't want to be someone like Vlad, someone buried in revenge and obsession, he doesn't want to live in somewhere like the Ghost Zone, a literal dimension of grudges and regrets, and he doesn't think David should either. He reaches a hand out to David and offers to help him break away from Vlad and his anger so they can both work through these changes together.
David stares at Danny's hand in the silence of the Ghost Zone for what seems like forever, transforming into Shadow Specter one more time and slashing at Danny, coming inches from his neck and ripping open another hole back into the real world. Fleeing from the blow, Danny escapes back to his hometown and looks back to see Shadow Specter standing on the other side of the closing rift in the Ghost Zone with tears in his eyes, believing he's too far gone and resigning himself to the realm of grudges and regrets he's created.
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