#like yo what the FUCK my dude i absolutely do not
cosmicrot · 1 year
I think everyone ever who has tried to tone police, belittle, or complain about disabled and chronically ill people talking about our illnesses and pains.... should have to pay us 500 dollars for every dumbass comment they’ve ever made. 
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pa-pa-plasma · 5 months
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AU where instead of Spectra, it's Dr. Phil with his stupid little studio he just summons Danny into to bully him on live (ghost) television
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eternalwyrm · 2 years
spreading mobaganda wherever i go now
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
I remember reading someone say that they hope Seviathan ISN’T a jerk and if/when he comes to the hotel, he actually wants to help Charlie in her mission of redemption…then ends up with a crush on Vaggie, lol.
Mate, how funny would that be? 😂😂😂 You’re here to genuinely help your ex, then end up falling for her girlfriend. While it isn’t socially acceptable or appropriate, I think it’s cute. I guess Vags has that sort of affect on people.
oh man, if we go the absolute CHAD route for Sevi WHILE imagining him getting a crush on Vaggie... like, dude meets scary lady, doesn't notice how scary his EX gets over him staring at HER girlfriend, and maybe it's time for Sev to have some personal epiphanies?
Seviathan: "Knock knock? Yo Charles-a-lot! This really your hotel?"
Angel Dust: "Oh heyyy, look what the undead boy band dragged in..."
Husk: (snorts)
Charlie: "Sev? SEV! Holy shit what are you doing here!?"
Angel Dust: "Wait a sec, Sev? As in-"
Husk: "Oh shit."
Angel Dust: "Ex boyfriend on the hotel premises oh this is gonna get INTERESTIN'. Bet on how quick he gets maimed?"
Husk: "Fuck no. She'd kill us too."
Angel Dust: "Sigh... S'pose so. Spoil sport spear bitch..."
Seviathan: "I heard about your thing! Figured you could use a hand with the whole... uh... Sinner pet project obsession."
Charlie: "But Isn't there a game on right now-"
Seviathan: "Nah, everything's blocked out by replays of your little slap fight with heaven. Which I totally could've helped with too, if you'd given me a heads up first."
Charlie: "I did call? I said goodbye in case I died and-"
Seviathan: "Didn't hear it. You know I don't check voice mail. Everyone's always blowing up my inbox trying to to hit me up."
Angel Dust: "Oh my fucking gay."
Husk: "Would you hit that?"
Angel Dust: "If I did ya'd have to shoot me afterwards."
Seviathan: "Anyway, that's how I found out you'd actually went ahead and tried this thing out for real! And made a real mess of it. You totally cut off the final quarter of the best game of the year with all that live coverage."
Charlie: "Sorry, sorry- we REALLY didn't have say in the timing on that-"
Husk: "No shit."
Seviathan: "Eh. The team's played like shit anyway ever since I left."
Charlie: "Didn't you get kicked off for hogging the ball-"
Angel Dust: "Shocker."
Husk: "Never would have fucking guessed."
Seviathan: "Not dropping the ball isn't the same as hogging it and I never drop the ball on anything. You sure have though!"
Charlie: "I have? Where? Or er with what??"
Seviathan: "This hotel lobby for a start. Where's the billiards table!"
Charlie: "Ohhh. We don't have one."
Seviathan: "Why the hell not???"
Charlie: "No one's asked?"
Seviathan: "Well what the fuck does everyone here DO all day long? You've got actual people staying here, right? You're not still playing pretend hostess to stuffed animals and stuff?"
Angel Dust: "I kinda hope Vaggisaurus kills him."
Husk: "Don't get your hopes up. You know she's whipped and Charlie's a fucking sweetheart."
Angel Dust: "A bestie can dream..."
Charlie: "No I am NOT playing pretend hostess, thanks for mentioning it by the way, in public, in front of my friends- and yes we DO have guests at the hotel! Some of them here of their own free will even!"
Husk: "Not it."
Angel Dust: "Bullshit."
Charlie: "They have lots of fun activity time too! Even when we're not doing talk circles!"
Seviathan: "Uh huh."
Charlie: "Yes! Mostly we all like watching TV- well almost all of us- or listening to the radio to pass the time, or hanging out chatting, or reading-"
Seviathan: "So they're pussies."
Husk: "Hey."
Angel Dust: "Down, pussycat~"
Husk: (HISS)
Charlie: "They are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Speakin' of pussy...."
Seviathan: "Yeah we're talking about you, what about it? Anyway."
Seviathan: (puts hand on charlie's arm)
Angel Dust: "Here it comes-"
Seviathan: "I've been thinking about us lately, and-" (spear thuds next to his head) "-SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT?!?!"
Husk: "Damn. She missed."
Angel Dust: "Just an openin' shot, Mr. Whiskers." (rubs all four hands together) "Oh this is gonna be goooood~"
Charlie: "Vaggie!" (BEAMING) "I thought we talked about this?"
Vaggie: (swoops down) "He's not a gust yet, babe, so I can greet him spear first if I want to."
Charlie: "Sev's my ex boyfriend though!"
Vaggie: "I know."
Vaggie: (yanks spear out of wall and holds it under his throat) "What the fuck are you doing here."
Seviathan: "I, uhh- is, is that angelic steel..?"
Charlie: (laughing) "Vaggieeee. You're scaring him~"
Angel Dust: "An' turnin' her on."
Husk: (elbows him)
Vaggie: "We said hotel security would be my thing until the threat of random asshole angel attacks went down, remember hun? This is my day job."
Charlie: "I never said I was complaining! Juuuust commentating!"
Vaggie: "Alright then."
Vaggie: (backs Seviathan against wall with her spear)
Vaggie: "Talk. Now."
Seviathan: (swallows hard) "I'm swinging by to help Charlie with the hotel thing-"
Vaggie: "Why."
Seviathan: "She used to be my girl, a guy's got a responsibility-"
Vaggie: "Did she ask you to."
Seviathan: "No? She, she doesn't have to-"
Vaggie: "Did you ask her if you could help."
Seviathan: "It's no trouble, I don't mind a little extra work-"
Vaggie: "Are you here to ask for a room in our hotel."
Seviathan: "In this place? Fuck no, you should see the digs I have, I've got a-"
Vaggie: "So you're trespassing."
Angel Dust: "Ohhh!"
Seviathan: "I'm wha-"
Husk: "Fucking screwed."
Vaggie: "You came here just to swan all over her hard work and stroke your own ego, is what I'm hearing."
Seviathan: "Hey girl, I'm here to he-ULP-!"
Vaggie: "Shut up." (over shoulder) "Charlie?"
Charlie: "Mm....wellllll... Since he's already here, as long he really does help, I'm fine with it. He's harmless. He'd just... um..."
Husk: "A fuckhead."
Angel Dust: "Don't take my fav word in vain, baby."
Charlie: "He's my ex for a reason."
Husk: "Fuck you."
Angel Dust: "Much better."
Vaggie: "He's your ex for an annoying reason, or for being an actual jerk who's earned getting kicked out on his ass for once in his life kinda reason, sweetie?"
Nifty: (popping up from floorboards) "Is he a BAAAAD BOYYYY~?"
Seviathan: "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAt-"
Vaggie: "What part of shut up there's a spear at your throat don't you get."
Seviathan: (jaw clicks shut)
Charlie: "Nope! He's not a boy boy! Just annoying! Mostly."
Nifty: "DAMN IT."
Angel Dust: "How's the huntin' goin' today, Nif?"
Nifty: (pouts) "The last baby bug got away... I hadn't even finished ripping it's little legs off while the mother bug watched it squirm..." (slinks back under floor)
Everyone else: "....."
Charlie: "... so! (claps hands)
Charlie: "Sev, if you really wanna help out that's fine, we're still finishing up the last touches on the new hotel if you feel like doing a little paint work and furniture moving!"
Seviathan: "....."
Charlie: "Sev?"
Seviathan: "..."
Angel Dust: "Think we broke him."
Husk: "I think it's the fucking spear pressed up against his fucking windpipe."
Charlie: "Oh! Whoops. Vaggie, please?"
Vaggie: ".... fiiiine."
Vaggie: (steps back) (wipes spear on nearby curtains) "Answer her."
Seviathan: (staring) "What's your name?"
Vaggie: "Hotel manager. Answer her."
Seviathan: "Charlie-" (still staring at vaggie) "-I would LOVE to help set up your pet sinner terrarium thing!"
Vaggie: "Our WHAT."
Husk & Angel Dust: "Hey!"
Charlie: "It's a hotel, Sev."
Seviathan: "Uh huh yeah sure, that thing!"
Vaggie: (lifts spear)
Charlie: (gently pushes gf spear back down) "Oh I'm going to regret this... ok. Let's, get you some gloves and stuff."
Seviathan: "Alright!" (holds hand up to vaggie) "Give me some skin!"
Vaggie: "...." (lifts spear again)
Charlie: "Excuse us Sev just ONE moment!"
Charlie: (pulls gf safe distance away)
Charlie: "Vaggie..? You okay?"
Vaggie: "Fine."
Charlie: "You're eye's, um. Twitching." (tenderly brushes fringe away from gf's eye) "Are you okay with this? He doesn't have to stay."
Vaggie: "No. It's fine." (sighs) "I want to be okay with it."
Charlie: "It's okay if you're not!"
Vaggie: "I will be, sweetie. Just give me a minute." (leans up for kiss) "But. I need to go do a Niffty and stab something. Really hard. Right now. And if I stay here one minute more, it's gonna be him."
Charlie: "Okay." (giggles) "Have fun stabbing things that aren't my ex?"
Vaggie: "I'll try to."
Seviathan: "Oh hey I'm awesome at stabbing! And the thrusting!"
Angel Dust: "PLEASE stick around, toots."
Husk: (mumbling) "Please fucking stick him."
Seviathan: "Long hard things are totally my thing, I could give you a few pointers on handling them no problem!"
Vaggie: "No."
Seviathan: "Oh come on, how about a hands on demonstration-"
Vaggie: (at charlie) "Keep him away from the kitchen knifes. He looks like he'd stab himself showing off and make a mess."
Charlie: "Heheh~ I'll try to."
Vaggie: "Good luck with that babe." (smooches her) (flies off to go stab)
Seviathan: "...."
Seviathan: "She single?"
Charlie: "She- NO? She is not??"
Angel Dust: (whisper hissing) "Is he blind? Didn't they just kiss???"
Seviathan: "We'll she's gonna be single soon, but not for long."
Husk: "He's dead."
Demon Charlie: "Her girlfriend is ME, Seviathan."
Seviathan: "Girlfriend? So she's-"
Demon Charlie: "VERY VERY GAY and TAKEN, YES."
Seviathan: "Wait, with you? Seriously??"
Demon Charlie: "Yes. Me. For s e v e r a l. Happy. Years."
Husk: (lifts bottle) "Cheers motherfuckers."
Seviathan: "Ohhh, so all that making out with you she did, it wasn't just her flirting with m-"
Angel Dust: "Holy. Fuck."
Seviathan: "I'd let her, to be honest. She's hot."
Husk: "Let her?"
Angel Dust: "Dude."
Husk: "The fuck does he mean, let her? He wouldn't have a fucking choice-"
Demon Charlie: "On second thought maybe you SHOULD'NT help out with the hotel, actually!"
Demon Charlie: (grabbing him by scruff of the neck and marching towards door) "It was VERY nice of you to drop by, PLEASE go have a good rest of your life, you'll probably have a LONGER one if you live it away from here!"
Seviathan: "Aww Charlie, getting nervous over having competition?"
Husk: (spits out drink)
Demon Charlie: "You are SOOOOOO not competition! You might end up being another hotel fatality though!"
Angel Dust: "Bet on which of 'em kills him first?"
Husk: "Shut up I'm trying to listen."
Seviathan: "I just think a woman like that should have her pick from the best hell can offer!"
Demon Charlie: "I'm the princess of hell???"
Seviathan: "Sure, but you hardly ever act like it."
Demon Charlie: "I...! She, she doesn't mind me being like me. She-"
Seviathan: "What, a commanding woman like that is fine with a spineless partner? No offence. But come on."
Angel Dust: "Alright, now I'm gonna kill him."
Husk: "Let her do it herself."
Angel Dust: "Hmph!"
Seviathan: "She's never asked you to try being more of an actual princess sometimes?"
Demon Charlie: "No, she... Not like, not like that..."
Seviathan: "Not like that, huh?"
Demon Charlie: "No." (yanks open door) "And our relationship has NOTHING to do with you."
Seviathan: (grabbing doorframe) "But you know it could."
Demon Charlie: "NO IT WON'T. COULDN'T! WILL NOT, EVER!!!!"
Seviathan: "So why're you throwing me out of your silly hotel thing, then?"
Demon Charlie: "....."
Seviathan: "Scaaaared...?"
Demon Charlie: (drops him) (shuts door) "I trust her."
Seviathan: "Said like no one who ever got dumped so their girl could be with me."
Demon Charlie: "I trust her not to ACTUALLY kill you, I mean."
Seviathan: "Fuck I hope she tries... Maybe I'll let her pin me again."
Husk: (SNORTS) "'Let her'..."
Angel Dust: "He's gonna earn a fucking Darwin award at this rate."
Seviathan: (dusting ash off himself) "Kinda impressed you got all demon-ed so fast for this though. That's new!"
Charlie: "I've told you, it only happens when I'm PISSED. OFF."
Seviathan: "I know but like, it used to take a lot to get you all riled up. I hardly ever got to see you like this in bed even. Maybe if it'd been easier we'd still be a thing?"
Charlie: "You know I realllly really doubt it since I dumped YOU."
Husk: "HA!"
Charlie: "And I dumped you partly BECAUSE you kept trying to 'rile me up' so you could try having sexy scary demon sex with me!"
Angel Dust: "OHHHHH!!!!"
Charlie: "Not that you ever even DID!"
Husk: "Fuck yes."
Charlie: "Because I always had waaaaay more fun sleeping on the COUCH!"
Husk & Angel Dust: (high five)
Seviathan: "...."
Seviathan: "So that's a no to having a threesome with us once I'm dating your soon to be ex girlfriend, huh?"
Demon Charlie: "SEV-"
Charlie: (deep breath)
Charlie: "... why do you even think you like her, Seviathan? You don't know her. She doesn't like you. You don't even know her name."
Seviathan: "She's hot."
Charlie: "Can We Try To Be More Specific, Please."
Seviathan: "I don't know? It was cute how she tried bullying me against a wall like that. All snapping orders like she was some kinda drill sergeant, or like a hot coach lady, treating me like some kinda bug crawling by her shoe- Who doesn't think that's hot?"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "Ohhhh."
Angel Dust: "Oh FUCK!"
Husk: (laughing) "The motherfucking alpha man-"
Angel Dust: "He's a fucking sub!!!!"
Seviathan: "What, like the sandwich? Shit. Are my pants fitting too tight again-"
Charlie: "Angel Dust."
Angel Dust: "Yesssss oh fearless leader...?
Charlie: (covers eyes) (turns) (escapes)
Charlie: "He's all yours."
Seviathan: "Whoa wait, where're you going-"
Charlie: "I'm gonna go surprise MY longtime girlfriend with kisses!"
Seviathan: "Hold on don't leave me with these two! Charlie!?"
Charlie: (already gone)
Seviathan: "For fuck's sake then I'm outta here too! I didn't come here to hang out with lame guys-"
Angel Dust: "Oh my little baby boy."
Angel Dust: (grins) (leans in) ".....how's the idea of a woman standin' over you with a whip make ya feel?"
Seviathan: "Good?"
Angel Dust: "Mm-hmm. An' if ya was wearing a collar?"
Seviathan: "..." (takes off hat) (holds it over crotch)
Husk: "Great. Another horrible memory to drown away with booze." (swigs)
Angel Dust: (draping arm around seviathan) "C'mon, let's find ya a dom who WON'T for real rail you with her spear~"
Seviathan: "Oh whoa."
Husk: "Oh fucking save me booze..." (down in one)
Niffty: (sobbing under floorboards)
Husk: "What the fuck? What's wrong with you?"
Niffty: "Th-the bad boys..." (sniffling) "... why are so many of them turning out LAME? Even the king of HELL asked me if I was OKAY when he stepped out his door in his ducky slippers and found me lying in front of it like a rug! WHAT IS WRONG WITH BAD MEN THESE DAYS!?"
Husk: "...."
Husk: "Here."
Husk: (hands down drink)
Niffty: (hands popping out to grabby grabby) "IT'S SO SAAAAAD HUSK!" (snatches) (gulps) (gulps) (faint thump and snoring)
Husk: "I can't fucking believe I risked my fucking life for this place."
Husk: (smiles anyway)
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kunikame · 2 months
[08] - boys night! (ace has a crush) | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, mentions of sewerslide, ace trappola is cringe as hell, mentions of blood sacrifices and summoning demons
! w/c : 933
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“so, why did you suddenly call this, anyway?”
ace lifted his gaze from the stack of cards in his hands to direct it towards epel, one eyebrow raised, “why not? i mean, [name] holds ‘girls nights’ all the time, right? ones we’re not even invited to in the first place–”
“not me, yall stay safe though. i was invited and had a blast,” deuce said before placing down a card on the stack in the middle of their small circle.
“yeah, that should’ve been me, just so you know,” said epel with a mouth full of candy, “you know nothing about girls or self care, it's absolutely beyond me why she invited you out of all of us. if anything, i was the most worthy candidate.”
“in my defense, malleus was there too. he doesn’t seem very girly to me, either.”
“you know what, fair enough..”
jack let out a sigh from his spot between the two, then redirected the groups attention back to ace, “you were saying?”
the ginger startled for a second, having completely forgotten he said anything in the first place, “oh, right. since we’re not invited to those, i just figured we could have our own. that’s all.”
a momentary silence passed before sebek placed down a card, “it’s a little weird you hold no malicious intent behind this invite, but if that really is all it is, i’m not complaining. it does ache my heart i had to leave malleus’ side for this, however.”
“trust me, malleus didn’t even notice you left,” said the ginger, placing down his next card, “if anything, he’s celebrating the sudden silence your absence brought.”
a round of laughter rang out at sebek's offended expression and flushed cheeks. if this scene were animated, you could probably see steam coming out of his ears. “whatever, i’m sure your absence would bring similar effects.."
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a couple hours and several game rounds later, the 5 first years lay sprawled out on the floor, staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing they’ve ever seen.
“this is soooo boring, dude.. what the hell do girls do during these?” came jacks voice from deuce's end of the room.
ace heard epel hum softly to his left, before he spoke up, “paint nails, talk about life, watch movies, summon demons, do karaoke, blood sacrifices, talk about crushes, –”
ace sat up with a start, “what did you just say?”
epel turned to him, confused “listen, i know you’re incapable of feeling things and all that, but cru–”
the ginger shook his head with a groan, “no, not that, you dumbass, what did you say before that.”
epels beautiful face scrunched up in thought and out of the corner of his eye, ace saw deuce and jack sit up aswell, before his roommate spoke up. 
“he said ‘blood sacrifices’, i believe..”
a momentary silence falls on the room, before sebek gets up abruptly and starts walking towards the door.
“yeah, no, i’m out.”
“dude, i was joking.”
sebek stops with his hand on the knob, turns to look at epel in doubt, then returns to his spot on the floor. he supposes he’ll just have to trust his classmates for now. if anything seems suspicious, he can just jump out through the window.
the ginger host puts a finger to his lips in thought, only to ultimately disappoint himself. they can’t do, like, half of those things. the one thing they could do is talk about crushes, but none of them have one. unless, of course…
“yo, deuce, you got a crush?” he asked with a wicked grin. he’s gonna milk any chance he gets to embarrass his roommate, obviously. this is ace trappola we’re talking about.
as expected, the raven haired boy's pale face goes up in flames. seriously, it’s almost as red as their uniforms. “dude- what- no! no, i don’t! what the fuck?!” with his arms flailing all over the place. oh, deuce brings him so much amusement, sometimes it’s great to have him around.
“ooooh, you’re so red, you totally do!” and he can always count on epel to hop on the train.
“i don’t, seriously! what is it with you people?!”
“then why is your face so red?”
deuce stuttered so bad he just had to stop talking altogether. he took a deep breath to collect himself, and the blush slowly started to fade, “i’m just.. i respect women a lot, okay? they’re so pretty it’s intimidating..”
“awwww, deucey, that’s so cute!” the purple haired first year gushed around him and praised him for his ‘pure soul and beautiful heart’, as ace delved deeper into his thoughts.
“they are, aren’t they? with their pretty [color] eyes and [color] hair, kind personality and selfless soul and–”
once he noticed the room became too silent all of a sudden, he looked up from his hands only to notice 4 pairs of wide eyes boring holes into his face.
epel gusp a gasp so heavy it had the others gasping and creating a choir of gasps in the havoc duo’s room of the heartslabyul dorm. ace finds himself momentarily worrying they might wake riddle, but that thought was knocked out of him as rapidly as it came.
knocked out literally, since epel jumped on him with so much force it had the ginger fly back and hit his head on the wooden floorboards.
“ace trappola explain yourself. you have a crush on the ramshackle dorm prefect [name]?! our most beautiful, kindest, dearest prefect?!”
yeah, that was.. not part of his plan, safe to say.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone. ❞
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity @junebunny06 @norylight @dyedracoonhair @persm1net @meowbuscompany @sugarrush-blush @oopsie-daisy-doo @yuumei-strawberry-shortcake // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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thekrakenlolz · 6 months
Start up Fic - Ellie Williams x Reader
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part 2
Summary: You switch dorms at your boarding school after you and your girlfriend go through a messy break up and you no longer can handle being roommates with her. Only your new one is a different kind of problem
a/n: I wrote the first chapter only to realize I have no idea what comes next. So here's my plan: if y'all like the set up, you can give me suggestions for what you want to happen next. I basically just laid down the base. So you can read it if you want and see if you have any ideas. But just as a warning, I'm not gonna write smut without a plot, I'm not about that life. I have a vague idea of what I can put next but it's very cliche and overdone sooooo yeah, thanx in advance<3
Also, English is my third language so expect bad grammar
Your eyes wandered over the walls as you walked along them. The paint was starting to flake off, revealing the concrete underneath. Your school was old. Like old, old. Like Victorian ages old. Something most of your friends scoffed over, but you personally liked. You thought it gave it character. Of course a little bit of a touch up wouldn't hurt, but bathroom doors that are actually still attached to the stall hinges were overrated anyways.
You were following Miss Jenkins, your housemother, hunched over as you were balancing three of your bags on your back. Uncomfortable, yes, but you were trying to minimize the amount of trips you had to make to move all your shit over to your new dorm. Anything to avoid seeing Samira more than absolutely fucking necessary.
"Here we are" Miss Jenkins sighed, stopping in front of one of the gray doors. It took everything in you not to roll your eyes. You were still pissed that you had to put in 4 requests over the duration of 2 months before they finally assigned you a new room, but now she was acting like she was doing you a huge favor. Like taking 15 minutes out of her day was so much to ask for. But you kept it down, thanking her again before opening the door and stepping in.
The lengthy process of actually getting a new room gave you plenty of time to stress over who your new roommate would be. This girl, however, didn't even come to mind. You weren't even sure what her name was, your social circle and her's didn't interact much. E-something? Or was it L?
Mystery girl was sitting at her desk, headphones in, and carefully shading out something in her notebook. You noticed she had tucked her left leg under her, a bad habit you also possessed. She didn't register your presence, her eyes still fixed on the paper. You threw your bags next to your bed, which finally caught her attention. "Oh fuck" she jumped up from the desk and hurried over to your bed, picking up the stuff she dumped on it. "Hello to you too" you mused.
Sweatshirts, textbooks and pencils started flying over onto her bed. "I'm sorry, I thought I had until Sunday to get my shit off your side" She explained, tossing a hairbrush across the small room. You watched it hit the wall and fall down onto her Zelda themed sheets. Cute, you noted. "No worries, take your time, I still have stuff to move over"
So you were back in the hallway, slowly but surely making your way back to your old dorm and with that, to Samira. Now that you were by yourself, you took the time to think about your new roommate. You still didn't know her name but one thing was for certain: she was incredible looking.
Her thick straight auburn hair cut off above the shoulders and her cheeks were densely dotted with freckles. She was very toned, especially in the arms. She was probably in the lacrosse team.
You did notice she was more on the masculine side, so might maybe even be gay. You full stopped, forcing yourself to remember, that's exactly the type of shit that got you in your current situation in the first place. No fucking your roommate, dude, we talked about this.
You took a moment to collect yourself before entering your old room. You drew a breath in, scanning the ugly grey door that separated you and her. 12B the lettering read, touched up with some sharpie. You reached for the knob.
She was sitting at her desk, scrolling on her phone and demonstratively ignoring your presence. You bit down on the inside of your cheek. This wasn't what you expected. Somehow you preferred another stupid fight over this new silence.
You stacked two backpacks on one arm and three bags on the other. The weight made your walk out rather inelegant. You stopped in the doorway. "Goodbye Sami."
You could practically feel her hesitate.
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nctsplug02 · 1 year
Husband mark fucking his pregnant wife plss
GENRE: father mark, fluff and smut!
WARNINGS: dilf!mark, pregnant milf!reader, kissing, breast play, breeding, praising, dirty talking, spanking, shower sex, and just pure fluff!
AN| happy (late) father’s day! i know, i know. i’m late to this post BUT, you know me, im late to/with everything! anywho, i want to say thank both my daddies. my dad dad and my bf daddy. ANYWHO! happy father’s day to my dad who lives miles and miles away from me, i love you dearly and wish you the best without having the best daughter in the world next to you. and to my daddy who’s next to me in bed (resting after having good pussy), i love you too.
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the door unlocks and you try your best to quickly scramble up from the couch with your pint of ice cream in one hand and a fork in the other.
you hear a deep sigh and a bag being dropped on the ground.
at last, you’re able to lift yourself off the couch and onto your feet.
being seven months pregnant with a big belly was a struggle.
“mark, hunnie?” you call out and walk over to the front door space. “mark— oh, jesus christ!” you jump when mark jumpscares you.
“shit— baby, you scared me— oh, my god. i’m so sorry, baby.” marks hands land on your lower back and the side of your belly.
you sigh and attempt to wrap your arms around mark but your belly keeps you two at a distance. mark giggles at your cuteness and pulls you in front of him, putting his arms above your belly and dipping his chin on your shoulder.
“i’m sorry, hunnie.” you rub his arms and rock side to side. “no, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to scare my pregnant wife— just didn’t expect us to go separate paths.” he laughs.
“it’s alright— anyways, how was work?” mark groans and drops his head back before dropping his forehead on the back of your head.
mark sighs, “i’m so pissed. it’s father’s day and they wouldn’t allow me to go home early so i could spend time with you and jae-mi. they said they’d let us leave early because they knew we had plans for father’s day but still were planning to keep us until midnight until taeyong spoke up and they finally just let us leave.”
you frown, “aw, i’m sorry, baby. i’m sorry you are under such a shitty company who doesn’t care about you. and, i’m glad taeyong spoke up. i genuinely was gonna be a karen tonight and march on over to your practice room and complain about you not being home and missing out father’s day— jae-mi was really upset that you weren’t coming home. every hour that went by, she asked and asked if you were coming home yet. it was so disappointing to tell her that you weren’t just yet.”
“not a karen,” mark laughs. “just a loving, worried, moody wife who cares about her husbands well being under my shitty company who doesn’t care about me at all.”
“but, what did you and jae-mi do for father’s day while i was out on schedules?” you smile and bite on his hand crossed in front of you. “we just baked a bit for you, y’know— made some strawberry shortcake cupcakes and brownies.”
“uhhh,” you jump and mark pauses. “let’s go to the kitchen and i’ll let you know else we did.”
you continue to tell mark about what you and your five year old did without mark while walking over to the kitchen.
“woah— woah! what the— woah!” mark gasps and lets go of you. “dude— what! yo, this is sick!” mark jumps excitedly as he sees the frosted (and topped off with cut up strawberries) cupcakes and powered brownies.
you laugh at how mark went from being pissed to being so hyper from seeing sweets.
“wait, that isn’t even the best part. look,” you go around the island and grab the drying white paper from the fridge. “look, look!” you hold up the paper and mark squeals.
“who made this?” mark says, grabbing the paper from you. “this is an absolute masterpiece, what the!” mark says, admiring the art piece.
you tuck your hands behind your back and tilt your head. “jae-mi made it for you. she said she wanted to make something for you that you’d like and.. she made.. a heart with the letter ‘M’ in it.”
“oh, right! she made more for you, look.” you grab the other pieces of paper from the dining table and you pass them to mark.
“aww, this is sick. where’s my little girl?” mark says looking through the art works.
one was a glitter-glued-on-written sign that said, happy father’s day to the best daddy, in blue glitter.
another said, #1 daddy, in pink glitter.
“your little girl is sound asleep in her bed.” mark evens the papers and sets them on the island. “well, i’ll tell her tomorrow morning that her art pieces for me were beautiful.”
“wow, those are really messy.” mark says looking down at his now glitter covered hands.
you giggle and nod. “you should’ve seen mine earlier— jae-mi and i had to take two showers.”
mark grabs you by the shoulder and slams your back onto his chest, wrapping his heavy arms around your shoulder. “now, what did mommy make for me?”
you laugh and shake your head. “mommy helped your little girl make you these nummy desserts.” you push out of his hold and you grab a cupcake from the tray, peeling away the cupcake liner and taking a big bite into the cupcake.
“mmm,” you moan, chewing and then licking your top lip to get the extra whipped cream. “hm, try it.” you hold the cupcake in front of marks mouth and mark licks his lips, leaning forward and then taking a bigger bite.
“holy shit— mm, that’s so good. oh my god.” mark moans and nods, jumping around while holding his crotch and shaking his head.
you laugh and continue to eat the cupcake until all that’s left is the liner.
“alright, baby. let’s go take a shower, yeah?” you whine and shake your head. “this’ll be my third shower of the day— i’m so tired of taking showers.”
you lean your chin on marks chest and you shut your eyes. mark mocks your whine and places his chin on your head.
“but, i’m stinky, baby. i’m all sticky and sweaty.” you push off mark and he interlaces hands with you. “then shower by yourself.” you say with sass and mark laughs. “but, i wanna shower with you.”
you tsk, “fine. but, you have to carry me to the bathroom. now, hurry, let’s go before i change my mind.”
mark quickly yanks his hands from yours and lifts you off your feet by carrying you bridal style. “mark!” you laugh unstably as mark bounces while running up to the bathroom.
“are you crazy?!” you laugh as mark kicks the bathroom door open and sits you on the counter. “what, you said to hurry up before you changed your mind, no?”
he was right, so you couldn’t be mad.
“just, tsk— start the shower will’ya!” you make an angry face and mark laughs.
mark walks over to the shower and turns on the shower, in an instant, hot water squirts out the shower head.
“get undressed, baby.” mark says, walking over to the closet next to the shower and pulling out clean towels.
“mm, why don’t you undress me yourself?” mark stops in his tracks and looks up at you, trying his best to hide the shy smirk.
you place both hands on either sides of your legs and you smirk. “i said why don’t you undress me yourse—?” you gasp as mark drops the neatly folded towels and jogs over to you, quickly grabbing at your oversized shirt that was honestly his from his side of the closet.
mark tosses the shirt behind him and goes for your loose jamies. he undoes the knot and tugs them off with needy grunts.
“mark,” you giggle while being tossed around on your ass. “don’t forget about yourself, you dummy.” mark nods.
marks pupils grow when seeing your huge breasts— thanks for your pregnancy that bumped you from a C cup to a double D cup.
his hands shake as they go to undo your bra. “geez, when did they get this big.” mark says as the push-up bra releases your mochi like breasts.
“they’ve been growing ever since my third month.” you say with creased eyes and an innocent grin as mark massages them in his hands.
“mark, stop,” you giggle as he tweaks your nipples. “you can do that in the shower but i’m getting cold and i can just feel the hot steam from the shower.”
“alright, alright.” mark frowns as he forces himself to pull away from your breasts and helps you down from the counter.
mark walks with you to the running shower after pulling off your panties and you turn around and you stop him.
“what?” he looks down at you.
“you’re still fully clothed, hunnie.” you point out while softly laughing.
mark looks down and laughs along with you. “i forgot,” he rubs his nape and sighs. “wanna undress me?” you tilt your head and sigh. “you’re a big boy, aren’t you?” you see the disappointment in marks eyes and you laugh even more.
“kidding, i’d love to, markie.” you pat his head when seeing him melt.
you pull up his shirt and you purposely run your hand down his toned abs just to make him flex for you. “you’re a cutie, markie.” you tap the tip of his nose and in a reflex for that, he scrunches his nose up.
you finish off by going on your knees and pulling down his sweats and his boxers all together.
“oh,” your eyes slightly cross when marks semi-hard cock bobs in your face. “markie,” you say in a teasing tone. “is this for me?” mark sticks the tip of his tongue out and scrunches up his face in embarrassment.
“let’s continue in the shower?” you ask and mark quickly nods.
mark helps you up off your knees and follows you into the shower like a lost pup.
you turn and give mark a kiss under the pouring showering which quickly leads to a hot and heated makeout sesh. “m—mark,” you attempt to call for him in the middle of the kiss but mark doesn’t stop, he’s addicted.
you somehow manage to pull away from marks needy kisses and you burst into a fit of laughter when seeing how swollen and red his lips are.
“geez, you needy needy man!” mark touches his lips and suddenly turns all red when feeling the swollen-ness.
“i just— it feels like i haven’t kissed you for so long, y/n.” you laugh, holding his forearms. “we kissed this morning before you went off to schedules.”
“not like that, we didn’t.”
“uh, yes we did. don’t tell me you don’t remember our quickie this morning.” mark takes a moment and then finally it clicks. “oooohhhh, right. dude, i totally forgot, i’m sorry.”
you shake your head while rolling your eyes. “whatever, just hurry up and fuck me.”
mark turns you and bends you perfectly so your hands can grasp the tiled walls. “don’t tell me what to do.” mark spanks you and you cry out.
“don’t be so harsh—!” mark spanks you once more. “i said don’t tell me what to do.” you look back when feeling his tip poke at your entrance.
“then don’t be so harsh— and stop teasing me, will’ya— nghh!” you moan when feeling mark ease into you.
“oh, fuck.” mark says, pinching your hip with one hand and using the other hand to hold himself up from leaning all his weight on you.
“baby,” mark groans. “you feel so good, baby. oh, my god.”
his pulsing cock pushes past your gummy walls and continues that many times. “mark,” your cheek pressed against the tiles and your hands laid flat against the tiles.
“harder, markie.” you grunt, grabbing his wrists from behind and crying out when mark starts ramming into your cunt.
“oh, mark!” you wail, moving yourself up onto your tip-toes.
marks face scrunches in pleasure as he feels you clench around him.
your hand reaches down and you begin to rub your nub that’d cried for attention. “f—fuck, i’m gonna cum soon. i’m s—so close.” you pant, rubbing quick circles on your clit and moaning like a wild animal.
you and mark both let out groans when feeling you squirt, the liquid runs down your hand and down marks cock.
“god— mark, i’m cumming.” you cry out to mark who continues to plow into you. “god, i’m cumming.” you whisper.
your knees wobble and buckle as your orgasm hits you. mark quickly holds under your belly and catches you, making sure he gives nice and slow thrusts while holding you up.
“cum, mark. i wanna feel your cum dripping out of my pussy.” you whisper to mark, slowly recovering from your orgasm.
“you want me to cum in your pussy? your pregnant pussy?” you nod, whining at how much more turned on you got just from hearing mark dirty talk to you.
mark does as you pleaded for and cums into your cunt.
his sloppy thrusts come to a halt and he stays balls deep in your cunt. marks cum dripping past his dick and falling straight on the tiled ground, it washes away from the powerful impact of the hot water being sprayed out the shower head.
“geez— i need to sit down.” you pant when mark pulls out of you— slowly.
mark lowers himself to the floor and sits you on his lap. “i love you, you know that, right?” mark chuckles. “of course i do. y’know that i love you too, right?” you nod tiredly. “to the moon and back?” you nod, again.
silence fills up the bathroom.
“so,” you start. “round two?”
“i’ll meet you in the bedroom in ten.” mark says, pushing you back onto your feet.
you leave the bathroom with a purple towel around you and you wait for mark.
ten minutes was too long and by the time mark was finished with his shower, you were sound asleep on his side of the bed with the towel still wrapped around your body.
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wqnwoos · 1 year
on pick-up lines and cheek kisses
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idiots 2 lovers & college!au / requested by @wheeboo / cw cheesy pick up lines. i’m not sorry. i find them hilarious. ft. bestfriend!vernon.
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“okay, okay! rate this one,” you giggle, reading it from your phone. “are you a time traveller? because i see you in my future.”
seungkwan groans, throwing an arm over his eyes. “___, whyyy?”
“it’s funny! i like it!” you defend, still laughing.
the two of you are splayed out on the wooden floor of seungkwan and vernon’s apartment. the latter is nowhere to be seen — most likely in his room with his headphones in — but you and your best friend are taking a much needed break from studying: pizza, while he listens — unwillingly — to the many, many pickup lines you offer.
“it’s awful, is what it is,” he retorts. “like, 3 out of 10.”
“not even a 4?”
“3.25. at best.”
you roll onto your side to scowl at him, poking his side. “boooo. you’re miserable.”
seungkwan turns his head and sticks a childish tongue out at you. “no, your pickup lines are just pretty awful.”
“well,” you say, eyes sparkling. “i think you’re just pretty.”
“oh my god, if you don’t stop — ” seungkwan grouses, trying his absolute best to hide the flush creeping up his cheeks. it seems to be his lucky day, because you don’t comment, simply laughing again, before sitting up and checking the time.
“okay, boo, i’m outta here,” you declare, standing up. he wants to whine, pull you back down and ask you to stay, but he knows you won’t. and you’d also never let him live it down.
“text me when you get home, okay?” seungkwan sits up to watch you slip your shoes back on and pile your things together. “and i mean it,” he warns, waving a threatening finger slightly too close to your nose. “don’t go falling asleep on me again.”
“that was one time!” you pause. “okay, twice, but — doesn’t matter! i won’t do it today.” you grab your phone from the table, and then you lean down and peck his cheek. “see you tomorrow, kwan!”
seungkwan is indescribably glad that you’ve turned your back on him — too fast to see the way his cheeks absolutely flame at the feeling of your lips touching his skin. you don’t kiss his cheek often, but whenever you do it, it feels like he is dangerously close to passing out. he can’t decide whether he likes that feeling or not.
he’s still thinking about it when he’s curled up in bed, waiting for your text. he’s still thinking about it when the text finally arrives (didn’t fall asleep!! home safe, thanks for today kwannie. goodnight! 🤍 ), and he’s still thinking about it when he finally drifts off to sleep, one hand grazing the skin your lips brushed.
“vernon. vernon. vernonieeee!”
it takes a minute, but vernon finally takes off his headphones and looks at his roommate. “yo.”
“how do you tell if someone’s flirting with you?”
vernon blinks, considers solemnly for a moment. “fuck if i know,” he pronounces finally, and seungkwan rolls his eyes. “why?” vernon questions. “who are we talking about?”
“nobody.” seungkwan’s answer comes slightly too quickly, and his voice is pitched slightly too high.
vernon suddenly pauses, letting out an understanding ahhhh. “is this about ___?”
“what? no! maybe! kind of! okay, yes it is!”
(seungkwan has never been good at hiding things.)
“dude,” vernon says deeply, reaching out to pat his shoulder with sympathy. “you’re late to the party.”
“what party? literally what goes on inside your head?” seungkwan snorts, half embarassed, half baffled.
“you’re just late, man. they’ve been flirting with you, like, forever.”
it takes a moment to process that — several moments, in fact, but by the time seungkwan has recovered from the shock and launched into denial —“you’re lying! there’s no way!” — vernon has already slipped back on his headphones, bopping his head silently to the beat.
despite his initial reaction, things are starting to make a lot more sense to seungkwan.
why you help him study, patiently explaining a concept over and over until it makes sense. why you bring him coffee in the mornings and tell him to have a good day. why you always give him a bite of whatever you’re eating.
not to mention your recent obsession with pickup lines.
suddenly it’s obvious, and he feels stupid for not realising it before — maybe because he was too caught up in wallowing in his own feelings. he didn’t even think to check for yours.
he’s still considering this deep emotional turmoil the next time he sees you; he drops over to your apartment one afternoon, partly because you offered cookies, but mostly because he’s finally plucking up the courage to ask you the truth.
“___,” he begins tentatively, as he sits on your couch. you’re scrolling through netflix to find something to watch, but you hum to show you’re still listening. “vernon said something recently, and it had me thinking — ”
“if he’s trying to take my spot as number one best friend, tell him to suck a dick,” you cut in, brows furrowed.
“ha — ha, no — ” seungkwan swallows nervously as you return your gaze to the tv. “haveyoubeenflirtingwithme?”
“i don’t know what language that was.”
seungkwan inhales, slowing his garbled words. “have you been flirting with me?”
“oh. yeah, for about three years now, but thank you for noticing, i guess,” you reply, glancing at him and then away. “hey, what about shrek 2?”
“oh. yeah, i guess you can’t go home and face vernon if you watch the second instead of the first.”
“not that!” seungkwan splutters, and you finally look at him. “what the fuck? three years?”
“and counting!” you chirp. “i’m glad you’ve noticed, though. i don’t like keeping secrets.”
“oh my god.”
“yeah. i love you seungkwan, but you’re a bit of an idiot.”
“i am! i am an idiot!” he wails, and you scoot closer with a laugh.
“it’s okay. you’re my favourite idiot,” you reply, patting his cheek. there’s one short moment of silence as the two of you look at each other — until you break it. “so, uh, do you wanna kiss?”
“oh god. absolutely.”
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an / i have a horrible feeling that this is BORING. if it is, i’m sorry. it’s past 1 in the morning rn, i have Nothing in my brain.
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fairlyang · 8 months
Starstruck 🕷️
in which miguel is a famous singer that bumped into you, you only knowing who he is because your sister is in love with him
w/c: 11.4K
pairing:famous!miguel x latina!reader
tags: you despise his ass so bad, your sister is a borderline stalker, she makes you tag along to find him, he accidentally knocks you out, 18+ smut. journey starts after that, you forcibly follow him around, change of heart, making out, fingering
notes: this is one of my personal favs bc I loved starstruck the movie by disney sm, just made it mexican/latine 🫶🏼
"I just love Miguel O'Hara." I heard my sister say when I walked into the living room, staring dreamily at the tv.
I widened my eyes and felt one of them twitch, is this girl serious? Again?
I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the tv standing there on purpose, earning myself an immediate yell and groan, "Y/n!!!"
"Oh perdón Saraí, am I blocking your view of what's his name?" I say and give her a fake pout as her face distorts in pure annoyance. Score. (Sorry)
"Mhmm," she mumbles with a nod and continues, "Entonces muévete o yo te muevo hermanita." she warns and I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. (So move or I'll move you little sister)
Just then our parents walk in, my dad with our suitcases and my mom with some laundry she'd just done. "Ya agarren sus maletas." My dad said making me sigh. (Come grab your suitcases)
"Vengan agarrar su ropa para empacar." My mom calls out placing the laundry basket next to Saraí. (Come grab your clothes to pack)
"Nos vamos al aeropuerto mañana después de que salgan de sus clases." She adds making Saraí squeal, hurting my poor ears. (We're leaving to the airport tomorrow after you guys get out of your classes)
I open the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, placing it on the counter then walking over and open the cabinet, grabbing a glass. I freeze watching Saraí take out my clothes and make faces at them. This girl-
"In less than twenty-four hours I'll be in California where Miguel lives!!!" She says excitedly making me raise an eyebrow.
I walk back to the counter and pour myself a glass. I take a sip while Saraí just keeps going, "what if he picks me up at the airport-"
I burst out laughing, the juice immediately spilling all over the place while I quickly shut my mouth and wipe the remnants off the side of my face. "Bitch why the fuck would he do that?!?" I say after calming down still giggling to myself.
She quickly turns to me and glares, "I'm like his number one fan, I follow all his accounts, listen to every single song and keep track of everything he's doing on his blog." I blink at how absolutely insane my sister sounds when she adds, "Te aseguró, el me quiere conocer." (I assure you, he wants to meet me)
Just then my mom walks in behind me and I turn to her desperately, "ya es muy tarde para ser la única hija?" (Is it too late to be the only daughter?)
"Si." She says not even turning to look at me. (Yes)
"Entonces por favor me puedo quedar?" I plead and she finally looks up from her phone. (So can I please stay home)
"Porque?" (Why?)
"Porque tu abuela no te ha visto en dos años y estás son tus vacaciones." She says and brings a hand up to my cheek.
My dad walks in and chuckles at my sad state, "y que jovencita va reclamar de ir a California?" He says and laughs. (And what young woman is going to complain about going to California?)
I sigh and shake my head, "pero tiene que ser con ella." (but it has to be with her)
Suddenly Saraí shushes all of us and leans in, her eyes wide as she turns the volume up on the Mexican news channel talking about this man.
I walk behind her and cross my arms against the chest watching the fucking news segment this dude got after getting awards at the Latin American Music Awards. There he was carrying four awards in his arms as he was giving a speech on the red carpet.
"Les quiero decir muchas gracias a los fans que me han apoyado durante toda mi carrera, los amo mucho." He says and shines a bright smile directly into the camera. (I just wanna say thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout my whole career, I love you so much)
"Es tan increíble." Sara sighs and smiles up at the tv. (He's so incredible)
"Definitivamente no es increíble." I say and shake my head. (He definitely is not incredible)
"Um claro que si lo es, y si tu lo conocías como yo lo conozco, no dirías eso." She says turning her head to look at me. (Um of course he is, and if you knew him like I knew him, you wouldn't say that)
"Estas loca? Vivimos en Michigan, tu no lo conoces." I spit out and roll my eyes. This bitch is crazy. (Are you crazy? We live in Michigan, you do not know him)
"Pero lo se, yo sé todo sobre el." She says facing back to the tv. (But I do know, I know everything about him)
"I know where he works, eats, shops, surfs, and parties." She says and sinks into the couch.
I groan and walk out of the living room heading to my room, she's going to be so insufferable.
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It was the next day and I was stood by Saraí and her friend, Lina as I was telling her about going to the campus-wide dance one of the fraternities was holding soon. She laughed in my face and shook her head, "No estas invitada hermana." (You're not invited sister)
"Como que no- it's a campus-wide dance." I say and roll my eyes. (What do you mean-)
"Y tu no bailas- qué vergüenza." She says and elbows Lina. (And you don't dance- how embarrassing)
"You won't have to worry about that, I'll just be there to write for the school newspaper..." I tell her and roll my eyes.
"Oh..." She says and I chuckle. Bet she feels somewhat bad now.
"Oh vas a llevar tu cámara contigo a California?" Lina asks and Saraí turns her attention to her. (Oh are you gonna take your camera with you to California?)
"Lina, por supuesto que me lo voy a llevar." She says and grins. (Of course I'm going to take it)
"Porque todavía necesitamos más fotos de Miguel...." Lina says taking out a fucking scrapbook with a picture of said man and I feel my eye twitching again. (Because we still need more pictures of Miguel...)
Are all the girls insane???
"Hablando, caminando, cantando, bailando, moviéndose, respirando... todo posible." She adds and I was just dumbfounded. (Talking, walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing. Anything possible)
They are insane.
"Porque están tan obsesionadas con este tipo?" I ask and they both immediately turned to look at me in disgust. (Why are you both so obsessed with this guy?)
"Este tipo?!?!" Lina exclaims, her eyebrows knitted in a deep cut glare at me. (This guy?!?!)
"Mhm. Ahora ves con que vivo." Saraí retorts and rolls her eyes at me. (Now you see with what I have I live with)
"Pobre de ti." Lina mutters making me laugh. (Poor you)
Saraí turns to me and gives me a smile, "Hermanita cuando estemos en California, tu puedes jugar lotería con abuela, pero yo voy a conocer a Miguel O'Hara." (Little sister when we're in California, you can play bingo with grandma, but I'm going to meet Miguel O'Hara.)
"Y cómo estás planeando hacer eso?" I ask and chuckle. (And how are you planning on doing that?)
Suddenly Lina opens the scrapbook and in the first pages is filled with notes, scribbles, hearts. "Pues hemos trazado cada uno de sus movimientos durante los últimos dieciocho meses." She says, acting as if this isn't the most psychotic thing ever imaginable. (Well we've traced every one of his movements for the past eighteen months)
"Yo sé cuándo y dónde es probable que esté cada segundo de cada día." Saraí says too casually. (I know when and where he's likely to be every second of every day)
"About the time we'll be leaving for LA, he'll be having his daily meeting with his managers." She says and they both sigh looking off into the distance. Freaks.
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"Do not fucking tell me you brought homework to California-" Saraí says looking at me dumb-smacked.
"No- I am reading, you should try it some time." I tell her and snort.
"I read-"
"These-" I start and turn behind me to grab one of her hundreds of magazines, "are fucking pictures, this doesn't count."
She gasps and quickly smacks my hand away, grabbing her magazine back. She gives me a glare and then looks out to the parking lot, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "Why are they dragging ass-"
"Ugh just get me a car so I can go meet Miguel O'Hara!!" She squeals and I look behind her and shrug.
"You can't drive." I say and she scoffs.
"Yes I can, I have my license dumbass." She snorts and I shake my head.
"No you can't, sign!" I say and point behind her.
She turns around and reads the sign that says you have to be at least 25 to rent a car from the specific rental we were by. And so sad she barely turned 23 a few months ago.... "What?"
"How am I meant to go out and about-"
"Y hacer que?" My dad asks, as he and my mom walk towards us. (And do what?)
"Llevar a mi hermanita de turismo!!" She says and quickly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. (Take my little sister sightseeing!!)
"Creo que tu abuela tiene un carro que te puede prestar." He says and she lets go of me and sighs. (I think your grandma has a car you can borrow)
"Gracias a Dios." She mutters making me snicker. (Thank god)
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
We arrived at my grandma's house and right as my dad parked my mom took off her seat left and got out of the car because grandma was on step stools cutting off leaves off a hedge which of course put mom on edge.
We all followed with her besides Saraí staying in the car, and grandma came down with the help of a man we haven't seen before. "Mija cálmate estoy bien-" (calm down I'm okay)
My mom stood behind her watching her as the man helped her down, "Héctor me estaba ayudando!" She says with a wide smile as she gives my mom a hug. (Héctor was helping me!)
When grandma pulled away my mom just gave her a look and she just innocently smiled then went on to give my dad a hug. I walk over to her and immediately go in for a hug, "Abuela te extrañe!!" I say and squeeze her gently. (Grandma I missed you!)
She hugs me back then pulls away bringing a hand up to my cheek, lightly pinching. "Yo también te extrañe mi angelita." She says and grins. (I missed you too my little angel)
She then turns to Saraí admiring grandma's 2012 baby pink Volkswagen Beetle. "Saraí la puedes usar cuando gustes." Grandma tells her making Saraí just nervously laugh. (You can use her whenever you'd like)
"No me van a encontrar muerta en esta cosa-" she says and groans, almost throwing a hissy fit. (You wont catch me dead in this thing)
"Entonces nos vas acompañar a jugar lotería?" I joke and she glared at me but it had grandma giggling. (So does that mean you'll be joining us to play bingo?)
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I walked into the room Saraí was sleeping in because grandma was saying she was pacing too much. "Abue dice que te calmes, que vas hacer un agujero en el piso." I say and she stops to look at me with crazy eyes. (Grandma says to calm down, that you're gonna make a hole on the floor)
"I just got off the phone with Lina who saw a tweet about a blog account who got a text about Miguel O'Hara. He's singing at Lyla's birthday party. I have to go-" she rants and I blink. Who the fuck is Lyla- actually it's better I don't ask...
"Good luck convincing mom and dad." I say and walk away from her doorway.
"Come with me." She says and I turn back around.
I scoff and shake my head, leaning against the doorway staring at her not a slightest bit shocked. "No."
"Si tu vas conmigo me van a dejar ir!!" She says and and I roll my eyes. (If you go with me they'll let me go!!)
"Y yo para que quiero ir-" I say then stop, "ya me hartaste de tu mentado Miguel O'Hara-" (And why would I wanna go? You've made me tired of your mentioned Miguel O'Hara-)
"I'll shut up."
"If you come with me and I meet Miguel, I'll shut up about him.... For the rest of our trip." She pleads and I bite my lip.
"Mejor por el resto de tu vida." I mutter and she looks at me expectantly. (better yet for the rest of your life)
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She drove us down to apparently some popular club Miguel was at and I really couldn't believe my older sister had stalker tendencies like this. It was absurd.
But not as absurd as fucking parking where it clearly says no parking zone. "Dude can you really not read??!?" I ask and she waved me off as she slipped out of the drivers seat and into the back to change.
"It's fine. If one person is in the car it isn't even parking it's just waiting." She says and I roll my eyes.
"Just get behind the wheel!!" She demands and i scoff.
I do so anyway and carefully maneuver to the drivers seat while she's singing to a song on the radio. God her not talking about him for the rest of the trip is not going to be enough-
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We hear a loud car engine and she quickly popped up from the back seat and looked over to the entrance. She gasps and quickly straps her heel on. "It's him!"
She quickly opens the door and gets out slamming it shut before opening it up again and peeps her head through. "Just stay here! Don't move a muscle." She says blowing me a kiss then slams the door shut again.
I hear her squeal and watch as she walks across the street to the front of the club. She walks over to some guy kissing his cheeks then poses for some cameras. Oh god-
I slap my hand over my forehead cringing at the sight then see as she tugs him away inside, but she didn't even have to wait in line so maybe this won't take so long....
A brunette following close behind them with an annoyed look on her face. I sigh and turn my body towards the steering wheel and changing the radio stations to not have to hear that man's voice.
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I look down at my phone and realize it's midnight and I've been sitting here waiting like a fucking fool for half an hour. I groan and grab my bag, I turn the car off and take the keys out. I open the door and get out, gently closing the door then lock it. I'll just quickly find her and we can go back home.
I get to the sidewalk and swing my bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stoplight. I walk over to the street where the club was and mentally wish I hadn't agreed to this. The line was so long.
I get to the street where the back of the line was and roll my eyes. There has to be another entrance.
I make my way past the people and walk towards an alleyway right next to the club. Surely there's another entrance here.
I walk in the middle of the alley my eyes searching for a door when I finally spot one. I go to open it when the door hits me and I fall back onto my ass. "Fuck-" I groan and hold onto my head.
"Did I just hit you?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes.
"Nahhh the door hit me by itself." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"This is not good." The guy muttered and i scoff.
"For you or for me? Because right now this feels worse for me." I snap and rub my head slowly. Shit, that was gonna leave a mark.
"This is really not good." He mutters making me furrow my eyes in confusion.
Then the realization hit.
"You're Mig-" I start then a hand is covering my mouth before I can even finish.
"I will give you merch and tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name-"
I shove his hand away from me and scoff. "I don't want any of that shit-"
He lifts his hands up in defense and cocks an eyebrow up. "Okay.. I need to get you to a doctor...." He mumbled just then we hear a car engine and he carefully helps me up.
He then goes down and grabs my phone and keys before grabbing my hand. "What about Saraí-" I mumble and widen my eyes realizing I just left her.
"Whose Saraí?"
"My sister- she's in the club." I say and curse under my breath. She's gonna be so mad.
He holds my hand and leads me towards the car where a man gets out of the car and walks over to us, "Miguel what did you do-"
"Just help now and I'll tell you later Peter." Miguel tells Peter and lets me go.
Peter puts his hand behind my back leading me to the passenger seat and helps me inside the car. He leans down to look at Miguel and I just look back and forth between both men. "Who is this?" Peter asks confused wanting some kind of clarity.
"Seatbelt." Miguel looks to me and Peter hands it to me while Miguel places my things on my lap.
"Y/n." I say and take the seatbelt and buckle it.
"Pues mucho gusto conocerte." He says and I roll my eyes. (Well nice to meet you)
"Ningún gusto para mi." I mutter and Peter snickers to my right. This white man understands Spanish? (It's not nice for me) 
I look at Miguel and he just gives me a smile, his teeth were a bit crooked but very white. The crookedness was kinda cute-
Wait- what the fuck am I thinking?!
Then I feel my stomach gurgle and I widen my eyes, "I don't feel too good..."
"Don't puke on May I just got her fixed up!!" Peter says and I nod.
"Okay." I mumble then lean over to the side and puke my guts out.
After my stomach was emptied my throat felt so patchy and disgusting and I sat back up onto the seat and leaned against the head rest. "Not my favorite converse!!!" Peter groans and I feel bad but physically feel off.
"I'll get you new ones- close the door-" Miguel says and Peter complains some more but closes the door.
"Keys." He says and I hand them to him.
"Make sure her sister Saraí get home okay." Miguel tells Peter and hands him the keys to my grandma's car. Oh fuck-
"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells him and Peter waves him off look down at the mess on his shoes.
"What's she look like? What's she wearing?" He asks and I cough.
"Uhh like an older version of me... except with dark red hair and she's wearing a.... Mm oh dark purple dress." I say almost forgetting what she wore as if she wasn't making me look at every outfit she wanted to wear.
"What did she dress up as Starfire on purpose?" He joked and I chuckle.
"I should've made her wear green instead for Poison Ivy-" I say letting out a laugh then Miguel interrupts and turns the car on.
"Just find her and make sure she gets home, please." He tells Peter and then drives away.
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We got to a nearby hospital unseen which I guess was good for Miguel. I was sat in a bed looking at a light the doctor was making me follow. I looked at it left and right then she pulled away. "The scans came out fine and you look good to go." She says and gives me a smile.
"So she's okay?" Miguel peeps his head through the door and the doctor scolds at him.
He closes the door and the doctor proceeds to tell me I don't have a concussion which was a surprise to me considering I was hit on the head with a fucking door.
"Then why'd I throw up?" I ask and the doctor chuckles.
"Maybe something you ate earlier," she says then quickly adds, "or maybe just meeting this latoso." (Annoying fuck)
I laugh then close my mouth when Miguel pops in and glares at the doctor. I mean it shouldn't be normal that a doctor talks shit like this but I couldn't help but find it funny... plus was she really wrong.. "you have to know each other right? No way a doctor would just talk about someone like this." I say and laugh as Miguel walks in with his hands on his hips.
"My brother's wife." Miguel says and smiles.
"So I can go now...."
"Yes just make sure to ice it until you get home." She says and I nod.
She hands me an ice pack, smiles and excuses herself when Miguel's phone rings. And he just lets it ring. "No vas a contestar o que...." (So you're not gonna answer or what....)
Then he walks out leaving the door ajar and answers the call. I sigh and look down at the floor while I leave the ice pack on my head. How did this end up happening to me of all people?
Suddenly I see the doctor come back through the little window on the door and I see her telling Miguel something. That we can't leave because there's guys with cameras in the lobby...
How the fuck does a hospital just let those people come inside......
Then they start talking about a switcharoo and I sigh. This was going to be such a long night.
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They ended up doing the swap and we ended up with a rusty car that had us bumping up and down with every movement. And with every time he'd stop, our bodies would move forehead then harshly back. I groaned when my head hit the head rest and Miguel coughs. "It's not so bad..."
"Don't fucking lie." I say and laugh.
"Just listen to the engine it's fucked." I mutter, staying quiet to hear the rumbling.
"We'll be fine." He says and takes a hand off the wheel to wave me off.
Then there's a loud bang, almost sounding like a gunshot making me yell and hit my elbow. "Chingesumadre-" I groan and bite my lip. (Motherfucker)
"Cálmate!" (Calm down)
"No me digas que me calme- ya llévame a mi casa!" I whine and groan. (Don't tell me to calm down- just take me home!)
"Okay!!" I exclaim and smack his arm with my left hand.
"Que te pasa?!?" He yells and I roll my eyes. (What is wrong with you?!?)
"Nomas quiero ir a casa y ya!!" I whine and he groans. (I just wanna go home and that's it!!)
"I'll take you there!!" He says then quietly adds, "soon enough..."
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"What are we doing here?!?" I ask and he holds a finger to my lips for a second then grabs my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Oh so now you're hiding me-"
"Yes I am! Do you wanna be tomorrows main event for Univision?!?" He mutters and I groan following him up.
"Well no-"
"Pues para con tus berrinches y sube." He demands but I just comply. (Stop throwing a fit and go up)
We go up like three floors worth of stairs and we finally reach the top, "big ass house." I mutter making him chuckle.
He leads me to a bedroom and opens the door before letting me go inside. I sigh and go in, admiring the tall ceiling, color scheme, and decor for only a few seconds before I turn to look at him. "Be my guest- Ahorita vengo." He says and walks a step back then turns to look at me. (I'll be right back)
"Just stay put." He says and I roll my eyes.
I bring my hands up to my chest and fold my hands as if they're paws, "woof."
He groans and walks away closing the door behind him leaving me alone in this big guest bedroom. I shake my head in disbelief that this is my life and not my sister's. I didn't ask for this.
I sit down on the bed and put the ice pack on the bedside table. I then lay back on the bed, having my feet hang off the bed to not dirty these probably expensive comforter and blankets. I sink my head into the cloud like pillow and sigh.
Left alone with my thoughts I realize he didn't seem like an asshole or like he was acting a certain way for the tabloids, he seemed somewhat normal. Empathic, somewhat funny. And even I couldn't deny how gorgeous he was but with all the nonstop chatter Saraí has blabbed on about him for months on end I didn't wanna hear or see anything about him again.
At least after he takes me home...
He had the prettiest smile and thank god I had the urge to throw up before I let myself melt into his gaze earlier. God that would've been so embarrassing for me.
And his eyes.
Brown eyes but up close and in the light there were specs of light brown. Almost like a pool of honey. So warm and pretty.
Suddenly I hear some cheers and take notice there's a balcony door. I shrug and get up and walk over to it. Might as well.
I open it and walk out to the small patio and look down at what looks to be a party.... With Miguel sitting down in front of the pool playing the guitar. I was high up but because the crowd was so silent I was able to hear his voice clearly.
I mean deep down I knew I liked a few of his songs, hell maybe even had one or two saved in some playlist but actually hearing his voice, singing without a microphone or him wearing ear pieces to hear himself- it was mind blowing how he was able to sound almost identical.
Besides the occasional breeze rattling the trees making it harder for me to hear him. It sounded like he was singing the chorus and I lean against the railing and listen closely.
Love dovey lyrics, soft tone, nice strums of his guitar. Not too bad.
Suddenly he looks up at me and gives me that smile after finish the chorus, I try to ignore the way my stomach was doing flips and give him the smallest smile possible.
He looks away from me and back to the crowd making me let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I calm myself down as his strumming slows down and he hits the final note, instantly earning himself an applause.
I take that as my sign and I walk out of the patio and into the bedroom. I quickly fix the bed then walk out and head towards the stairs. I go down the stairs fast and careful, and after a good minute I made it to the main floor but there's already lots of people all around and mostly by the front door.
I freeze and look to my right to see a side door so I hope for the best and walk towards it. I open the door and slide in unnoticed only to be met with a garage and five different cars. Damn.
I sigh and walk in front of the cars not even sure how I'll get home. Lord this was such a long night-
Suddenly the door opens and I prepare for the worst which it was, being Miguel. God now he's gonna be thinking I was trying to be nosy on purpose...
"A donde vas?" He asks walking in and shutting the door shut behind him. (Where are you going?)
"A la casa? I think I've overcome my stay." I say and shrug. (Home?)
And I really don't want to explain all of this to my family...
"Alright pick a car." He says and motions to his variety of cars.
I scoff and roll my eyes then turn my head to the last car, a red supra. It looked gorgeous.
Well since he was offering...
I hear him laugh and I stride over to the car. I made my way to the passenger seat and I couldn't believe I was going to ride in a car like this... I mean me of all people?
He unlocks the car and I carefully open the door then hop in. The interior was so nice to look at and it even smelled nice, maybe it was new. I'm sure Saraí would know..
He hops in and turns the car on, revving the engine a little making my eyes go wide. Damn.
I didn't know too much about cars but I knew if they looked sexy on the outside and sounded like that then they were definitely good.
He opens the garage and asks me for the address which I happily tell him to get there as fast as possible but he said he wasn't planning on driving fast, which I thought defeated the purpose of practically having a race car but he said it was because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. So dumb.
As if we weren't riding in a fucking apple.
He drives and we're sat in silence which I didn't mind so I can quickly think of an excuse as to why I abandoned my sister and not the other way around...
And to try to ignore my growing attraction to this man... because why the fuck did he have to look good driving?
I shook my thoughts away and pressed my now melted ice pack on my head, I won't turn out like my sister. I can't.
He turns the radio on and coincidentally one of his songs started playing. And it had to be one that I actually liked...
He hums the lyrics and I just turn my head to look out the window and mouth the words but making sure to not let out any noise. It was a decent song, a duet he sings with another artist that had such a beautiful melody and perfect guitar playing in the background.
Well I couldn't deny how pretty the song actually was, and he had a decent voice too...
But my way of thinking is different from Saraí, she is obsessed with this man and everything about him. But I can appreciate a song or two. To myself. And never out loud because I wouldn't hear the end of it....
We spent the rest of the car ride like that, except whenever a song that wasn't his, I'd actually start to quietly sing to it. I just couldn't bring myself to sing to his knowing deep down it'd be hypocritical of me to.
I finally saw the familiar street of my abuela's house and he pulls up to the driveway. He parks and we sit in silence for a few seconds. "Listen I was just wanted to apologize-"
"No need, it was an accident. It happens I guess." I say and shrug, undoing my seatbelt.
"Now you can go back to your lavish amazing life and I'll go back to mine." I say turning to face him and give him a forced smile.
He sighs and shakes his head, "eres tan difícil." (You're so difficult)
"No te preocupes, no me vas a tener que ver después de esto." I snarl and roll my eyes. (Don't worry, you won't have to see me after this.)
"Thanks for the ride and see you never." I mutter and open the door.
I get out and close the door shut without turning back and walk along the side entrance of the house.
I sigh opening the door and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get myself a cold water bottle then open it before chugging half of it down when I hear a knock on the window by the front door.
I sigh and close the water bottle, leaving it by a coffee table before walking on over to the window. I move the curtain and groan, I quietly open the window and feel my eye twitch. "Leave-"
"I will give you five thousand dollars if you can do me a favor." Says the man who I didn't want to see ever again.
"It's not a favor if you're paying for it." I scoff making him grin.
"So you'll do it?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
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I open the garage door for him and as soon as his supra can go in he slides in almost making me scold him in case it fell down or something but I kept my mouth shut.
He parks then gets out of the car and walks on over to me, "you'll be gone before the morning, right?" I say and he just chuckles.
"No one will even know I was here." He says and I roll my eyes as I got on a step stool to reach for a blanket.
"I will unfortunately know." I say and hit it on his head making him groan.
"Thanks." He responds sarcastically giving me a face and catches the blanket.
"Is there anything I can wear para que los chismosos no me reconozcan?" He asks and I shrug, lazily pointing to the boxes behind him. (so the annoying paparazzi won't recognize me?)
"You can check inside those." I mutter slowly feeling the tiredness creep in. "But is this really necessary." I add and he just groans.
"You've got no idea." He says then opens the top one, going through whatever is inside until he picks up a black baseball cap that had a small Mexican flag on the side.
I recognize it and frown but then smile at the memories of my grandpa always wearing it when he's mow the lawn, or plant his vegetables. It was his favorite thing in the world and of course had to have his flag on it.
"Era de mi abuelo, siempre se lo ponía cuando arreglaba su jardín." I tell him and look at the hat in his hands. (It was my grandpa's, he'd always wear it when he worked on his garden)
"Oh- perdón-" he murmurs and quickly takes it off but I wave him off. (sorry)
"Esta bien- te queda un poco bien." I reassure and give him a small smile. (It's okay- it fits you kind of good)
My words versus my expression were somewhat contrasting one another but he just chuckles and puts it back on.
"So are you all good?" I ask and he nods.
"I think so." He answers and looks back at his car.
I'm sure he'll be sleeping like a baby in there...
"Alright well goodnight-" I start to say and was about to walk off when he grabs my arm.
"Y/n." I turn to look at him and he starts to smile, I swore his eyes were sparkling-
"Stop doing that." I say and shake my head. I need to stop too..
"Doing what?" He asks making me roll my eyes. He cannot be serious...
"Ya lo sabes- y más seguro se lo haces a todas." I start and then feel myself stuttering as well as feeling nervous. (You know it- and you probably do it to all the girls.)
"Les haces..." I say and motion to his face making him grin, leaning in, "esa cara y expertas que todas se enamoren de ti." (You do... that face and expect all the girls to fall in love with you)
I take a step back and cross my arms against my chest, "pero no va funcionar para mi, entonces vas a tener que soportar." With the final word I walk to the door and press the button to close the garage then walk out. (But it won't work on me so you'll just have to deal with it)
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It was the next morning and I had completely forgotten that Miguel slept in my grandmas garage until said grandma told Saraí that the news was doing a story on Miguel.
I rolled my eyes then quickly came to the realization of last nights events and ran to the living room beating her to it. I try to grab the controller until I feel her on top of me and her hands gripping the other half of the controller. "Que te pasa wey- you don't even like him!!!!" She exclaims and I let out fits of coughs to try to be louder than the tv. (What is with you- you don't even like him)
She screams in annoyance and shoves me making me land on the couch. She puts the volume up and excitedly looks at the tv, oh god...
"Lyla llegó a su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche sin su mentado novio. Aunque nadie lo vio llegar al club para la celebración, testigos confirman que Miguel O'Hara hizo una apariencia secreta para cantar para la casa llena de invitados." Says the reporter making me feel sick to my stomach. No one knows. (Lyla arrived to her birthday party without her supposed boyfriend. Although no one saw him arrive at the club for the celebration, witnesses confirm that Miguel O'Hara made a surprise appearance to sing for the full house of invitees)
"Testigos dijeron que el cantante se fue inmediatamente después de cantar una canción, nomás para reaparecer en su mansión de Beverly Hills, horas después, con una diferente chava." My heart drops to my stomach and I suddenly feel nervous and ill. (Witnesses said that the sunder left immediately after singing one song, only to reappear in his mansion on Beverly Hills, hours later, with a different girl)
How the fuck did they know????
My eyes were wide and mouth agape while Saraí next to me was just scoffing and shaking her head. "Mis informantes me dicen que está chava misteriosa tal ves le robó el corazón de nuestro favorito galán musical." I tried my hardest not to gag, especially since mom and abuela were still nearby but god did they really have to exaggerate that much? (My sources/informants fell me that this mystery girl might have stolen the heart of our favorite musical heartthrob)
I then look at Saraí and try to snatch the remote from her again but she yells and tries to get it back. "Que haces?!?" (What are you doing?!?)
"Lo quiero ver!!!" She complains and I just shake my head. (I wanna watch!!)
"Porque? Son puras mentiras y exageran todo posible!!" I say trying not to give myself anyway. (Why? They're all just lies and they exaggerate everything possible!!)
"Y que te importa?! Ni te gusta-" (and why do you care?! You don't even like him-)
"No pero para que quieres caer en mentiras de los reporteros!?!" I say and push the remote towards me but she wasn't budging. (but why do you wanna fall for the lord of those reporters!?!)
"Oigan!! Ya paren!" My dad yells but we still don't stop. (Listen!! Stop that now!)
Suddenly my grandma stands up and reaches behind her to grab her car keys, "ya se! Esta hermoso afuera, saquen el caro y vayan a la playa!" (Oh I know! It's gorgeous outside, take the car out and go to the beach!)
She threw the keys to Saraí who let go of the remote and caught the keys with ease, "gracias abue!!" (thanks grandma!!) 
She skips out of the kitchen until my mom yells at her, "Lleva a tu hermana!!!" (Take your sister!!!)
She groans and stomps her feet on the ground then walks off. My mom turns to me and gives me a look before nodding to where Saraí made her dramatic exit. "Ve." (Go)
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And just like that we had made our way to the beach, Saraí found a lucky spot really close to the beach. I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. "Why are we in Malibu? Weren't we gonna go to Venice?" I ask and she rolls her eyes as she gets out and walks to the trunk of the car.
"Because Miguel surfs in Malibu." She says matter-of-factly earning herself a glare.
Jesus she's obsessed.
She gets the beach chair she got for herself and closes the trunk then locks the car. I follow her lead as she squeals and looks left to right. On the lookout.
"Today is the day- I feel it in my bones, he's here." She says and I just chuckle.
"Sure he is." I say sarcastically but she just ignores me.
"I'm praying he's not with Lyla, she's not pretty enough for him." She says making me laugh. Damn.
"I wonder what his eyes look like.... Like really up close...." She rambles and lets out a sigh.
"Chocolate brown. A really pretty brown." I imply but she just completely ignores me and runs off to a random direction.
I stand there watching her leave me and scoff. Sisters.
I sigh and take a look around the beach to see where I can sit and just chill without her nagging me about that man anymore.
Suddenly I see something familiar out of the corner of my eye and I look around me and see that no one has noticed what I have.
I shrug and stroll on over to a man sitting by himself next to an empty chair, "hey is this seat taken?"
I walk behind the chair and place my bag on the floor, taking a seat ignoring that he didn't respond. "Don't mind if I do." I tell the man and sigh.
"Esta tan bonito afuera hoy, no crees?" I turn to look at the familiar man who I ended up spending a lot of time with yesterday. (It's so pretty outside today, don't you think?)
He then shifts in his seat and I can't tell if he's recognized me or not but I'll have some fun with this. "Ay perdón estaba dormido- lo desperté?" I ask and smile. (Oh I'm sorry you were asleep- did I wake you?)
He shakes his head and looks down crossing his arms against his chest, as if a small ass hat and little sunglasses are gonna hide his big stature.
"No? Ah que bueno! Me puede poner bloqueador en la espalda?" I ask teaching over to my bag and pulling up a bottle of sunscreen. (That's good! Can you put sunscreen on my back?)
He then turns to look at me and tips his glasses down so I could see his eyes, then laughs and shakes his head. "Como sabías que fui yo?" He asks and gives me that smile I've now seen plenty of times. Jesus. (How'd you know it was me?)
"La cachucha." I respond and look up at my grandpas hat. (The hat)
"It smells like grass." He says making me chuckle.
"Might just be you." I reply and he laughs.
He gives me another smile before taking off his glasses and turning to face me, "what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Go home." I joke and he sighs.
"I tried...."
He looks away and waves me off, "no lo entenderías." (You wouldn't understand)
I scoff and roll my eyes, "ahh entonces crees que eres tan especial que alguien normal como yo no podría entender que difícil es ser tu?" (so you think that you're so special that someone normal like me isn't able to understand how hard it is to be you?)
He laughs then shrug, turning his head to face me again, "hay diez carros de los chismosos afuera de mi casa." (there's ten cars filled with paparazzi outside my house)
"Damn.... That's fucked..." I mutter and refrain from saying something stupid.
He hums in agreement and we sit there in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, "necesito un carro que ellos no reconozcan para ir a las casa." (I need a car that they don't recognize so I can go home)
I hum and fight the urge to offer our car, I couldn't even imagine him driving abuela's baby pink beetle. He definitely wouldn't fit in it anyway.
Then he looks me up and down, plotting something and asks, "que estás manejando tu?" (what are you driving?)
I grin and lean towards him, "oh you'll love it, it's a classic. Really pretty."
I bite my lip to not laugh and he smiles, "perfect I could pay you-"
"Stop- stop doing that-"
"Stop doing what?”
"Throwing your money around like that. Todavia me debes cinco mil por quedarte en el garaje de la abue." I say and he chuckles. (You still owe me five thousand for staying at my grandma's garage)
He smiles at me and I smile back, "give me your keys." I say and bring my hand up to him and motion for him to give me them.
"Why....." he asks and raises an eyebrow. As if he couldn't trust me.
I could've easily asked for more money... I really should've..
"Well if you're gonna have our car you can't just leave us without one." I say and he hesitates.
His face crunches up and it really looks like he's about to change his mind. He cannot be serious....
He reaches down to his pocket and grabs his keys, I open then close my hand ready to snatch em as soon as he gives them to me. He brings them up and right as I was gonna close my hand he pulls them away. I give him a look and he gives me one right back. "Okay listen-" I try to grab them but he pulls them back.
"She's a-" I try to snatch them again but he brings his hand up. Oh my fucking god-
"She's a three hundred and twenty horsepower-" he brings his hand down slightly and I try to grab it but again he moves it. This piece of shit-
"1998 model-" Hand comes back down and I quickly try to grab it but again no use.
"Brand new wrap-" He moved his hand making me groan.
"Look I love Gabi okay?" He says with such a serious look and tone.
He nods and I prevent the urge to roll my eyes at him, "you name your cars?"
He nods again hesitantly and I now grab the keys from his hand. I give him a look then roll my eyes getting up and walking over to where Saraí was tanning.
I tip toed to her which didn't matter because she had headphones on and eyes were closed. Perfect.
I grab the keys to grandma's car then slide in Miguel's keys before making my way back to him.
I motion for him to follow me and he stands up, jogging over to me as I lead him to his hot new ride. I walk us towards where the beetle is with Miguel on my tail and still on the lookout.
I then stop in front of the car and grin up at him, "Miguel meet Petunia."
He stops and blings his sunglasses down, face disgusted. "Bring her back within the next hour." I tell him and grab his hand, putting the keys on his hand while letting out giggles.
Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down, hiding us behind the car while mumbling to himself. "How the hell did they find me-" he says grabbing my hand and making me follow him to be by the hood of the car.
"Oh please my sister found you easily and we're from Detroit." I mumble and he turns to look at me for a second with a puzzled look and I just shrug.
We then hear the sound of vans pulling up to the parking lots and doors opening with people talking. He lets go of my hand and takes his glasses off, "here put them on."
I take them and look at them for a few seconds before he gives me a look, "Now. And get in."
I lift my hands up in fake defense and put them on as  he goes to the drivers seat. I walk on over to the passenger seat and fix the glasses when the door opens and hits me in the face.
I fall back and I quickly get up to glare at him through the window, "you cannot be serious- quit fucking hitting me O'Hara." I hiss and he shoots me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- get in- get in-" he mumbled and I roll my eyes, opening the door and hop in.
He then opens the glove compartment and goes through it, "what the fuck are you doing now-"
He shushes me and pulls out a scarf and hands it to me, "put this on."
"Just do it."
"Okay Nike sponsorship." I mutter and wrap it around my head.
He then starts the car and start to reverse, he propped his shoulder up and his head down then leaned over as if he had back issues. I bring the glasses to my nose and hold my breath, sinking int the sink as I felt and heard the paparazzi outside the car thinking he was in here. Which they technically weren't wrong about.
But nonetheless they groaned and pulled the cameras away from the car and us. Thank god.
After leaving the beach I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him, "manejas como mi abuelo!" (you drive like my grandpa!)
He shifts and gets more comfortable, "Y tu te ves como mi abuela!" He jokes making us both laugh as I looked forward and to the highway while taking off the scarf. (And you look like my grandma)
"Necesito mis lentes." He says and I smile, shrugging feeling his gaze on me. (I need my glasses)
"No se... creo que me gustan..." I say and fix my hair, putting some strands behind my ear. (I don't know.... I think I like them...)
"Te los regalo... al rato." He says and I gasp. (I'll give them to you... later)
"De verdad?!?" I ask then quickly continue trying to mimic Saraí, "mis amigas nunca me lo van a creer que yo, tengo un par de Miguel O'Hara lentes que el mismísimo Miguel O'Hara se a puesto!!" (For real?!? My friends will never believe that I, have a pair of Miguel O'Hara sunglasses that have been worn by Miguel O'Hara himself!!!)
I then gasp and turn my body to face him, "me los firmas porfis?!?" I beg and he just rolls his eyes. (Sign them for me please?!?)
"Te crees bien graciosa eh?" He says making me grin and nod. (You think you're so funny)
"Que?" I tease and give him an innocent smile. "No pero de verdad si quiero estos lentes." I say and look at the dark maroon color of the frames. (What? No but seriously I want those glasses)
"Un huh... dámelos. Come on." He says and does grabby hands. (Give me them)
I sigh and take them off handing them over to him. "So how long am I stuck with you this time?" I ask earning myself a laugh.
"Until the paps leave the beach...." He says then turns to look at me, "let's go do something."
"Like what?" I ask and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Anything. What have you seen since you got here?"
"Nothing. I've been too busy following you around." I say and his eyes bright up.
"Really?" He says in a soft tone and I just playfully roll my eyes.
"With my sister... she idolizes you." I say and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
Why'd it seem like he was disappointed?
I shrug and continue, "I mean I couldn't care less about you or your city."
He gasps and shakes his head in disbelief, "I already knew you didn't like me but you don't have to take it out on Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, yknow what, I'll be your tour guide."
"I thought you were going home..."
"Meh I'll just take the long way." He says and gives me that smile as he puts his glasses back on.
He turns the radio on and just to my luck his song came on. He gives me a grin and I just sigh, relaxing into my seat as he drives us to who knows where.
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He ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, Venice beach, Rodeo Drive to buy me stuff (which I wasn't complaining about), the walk of fame to see the stars of my actual favorite celebrities, to the Hollywood sign which was huge in person.
He had bought me a Polaroid camera while we were at the pier and ended up using all the film, and he bought me a two pack. Now I just had forty little Polaroid pictures in my purse along with other cute souvenirs.
We were singing along to the songs on the radio when I noticed he drove us back to his house. "Gonna keep me for longer huh?" I tease and chuckle, looking up at the huge mansion he calls home.
He smiles and nods as he parks in front of his house and unlocks the doors. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door getting out of the car.
I had shocked myself today, actually enjoying myself and letting myself not be so judgmental of Miguel as well as getting to know the real him. He was nice, very sarcastic and somewhat funny. But I'm not gonna admit that to his face.
I was appalled when finding out he wasn't narcissistic or rude and was actually chill and fun to be around. Again not admitting that to his face.
And he was a total gentlemen, opening doors for me, paying for everything even though I kept fighting him on it. It felt like a first date even though our circumstances were just odd and weird. And it technically wasn't even a date.
I followed him inside and he beckoned me over to his living room while he went to get us something to drink. I plopped down on the longer couch and it felt like a cloud.
Didn't even look too luxurious which was a green flag in my books. I laid back and sighed, what have these two days been?
How did this happen to me? And why was I enjoying it more than I thought I would?
Miguel comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine, I laugh as he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. He pours both glasses and hands me one which I gladly took.
Free wine? Say less.
I take a sip then immediately take another, was pretty good...
He plops down next to me and I turn my body to face him, I couldn't even deny how attractive he was. Not that I did before but he just looked really good today...
Kept giving me that look with those eyes and that pretty smile flashing me his pearly whites that were the smallest bit crooked but still looked pretty.
I take another sip then place the glass on the table and put all my attention to him. "So couldn't get enough of me, you had to bring me back?" I tease and lean my side into the couch.
He laughs and shrugs, "Well I thought we had a fun day..." he says and scoots closer to me.
I nod and try not to react too much, if he moved just a tiny bit more his leg will be touching mine... and I wouldn't even mind.
"And I thought why not continue the fun..." he says and leans in, his face now much closer to mine.
I felt my skin grow warm and tried to calm my breathing. Why was he making me so nervous?
Did one day really just change my entire mindset on him?
"Surely this isn't the wine hitting you already right?" I tease in a softer tone, wanting some kind of reassurance I'm not imagining things. No way I'm delusional after the day we've had...
He laughs then gives me a smile, "it's definitely not the wine."
I hum and nod, my cheeks growing warmer by the second and I just prayed he couldn't see it. This felt so embarrassing.
"Is this okay?" He whispers and scoots until there was no more space between us.
His leg was touching mine and I couldn't trust myself to speak so I only nodded. He then reached over and placed his glass on the table before leaning back on the couch, turning to face me. Why did he have to look so good?
Even better up close-
My thoughts were cut short when I felt him place his hand on my thigh, touching my bare skin. I looked into his eyes noticing he was even closer now, my nerves never leaving my body. I look down to his lips and god I really wanted to kiss him.
As if thinking the same I was, he brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and close the gap, kissing him gently. He kisses back instantly and I feel his hand squeeze my thigh then running his fingers up and down making me gasp.
He slides his tongue in and I gladly let him, bring my hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. I twirl some curls between my fingers then lightly pull on them, earning myself a groan from him.
I felt myself growing more needy, craving more and feeling the familiar heat rising down to my core so I squeezed my thighs together then pulled away for a second and nibbled on his bottom lip. I felt his hand graze my inner thigh, fingers slipping under my shorts making me let out a sigh.
He turned my head and attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses all over while his fingers kept rubbing but not where I needed them most. I tilted my head back and spread my legs to which he slid his hand up and to the zipper of my shorts.
He sucked gently on my skin then kissed it a few times before I felt his hands slip down. I let out a whine and buck my hips up, to which i then felt his touch right above my centre. I squirmed and was about to lay my head back until he grabbed me, moving my body and placed me between his legs.
His hands trailed down my legs slowly then came back up and to my stomach. Thinking he'd stop there I was left shocked seeing and feeling his fingertips work their way between my tits then back down.
I laid my head back against his hard chest and let out a shaky breath. He turns his head to kiss my neck and continue his grazing. I was already breathless and he's barely touched me, I needed him.
"Estas tan hermosa." He whispers in my ear making me whimper and squirm against him, now directly on his crotch. (You're so beautiful)
"Miguel-" I breathe out but cuts me off by pecking my lips softly.
I moan into his mouth then feel his fingers coming back up but this time he groped my tits with both hands. I whined and grind against him as he continues kissing me, leaving me a mess already.
He groans and squeezes them, fondling them in his hands as I kiss him back. Suddenly he brings a hand down, slowly trailing it down my body until he reaches the waistband of my shorts.
He undos it then quickly pulls the zipper down before quickly sliding his hand in and starts rubbing my soaked cunt through my panties. I feel my eyes fluttering as he moves his hand steadily while I bring my left hand to grip his left arm that was now pinching my nipple.
I bite my lip, moving my hips up and down, needing more. "Miguel por favor-" I breathe out and he just hums. (please)
"Dime que quieres nena, te quiero escuchar." He purrs into my ear making me whimper. (Tell me what you want baby girl, I wanna hear you)
"I- fuck-" I mutter and close my mouth with my right hand.
He was now rubbing circles over my clit, so fucking slowly. This piece of shit thought it was nice to tease me like this?!? As if he couldn't feel how badly I wanted this...
"Dime que quieres amor." He murmurs continuing his teasing pace as I buck my hips up but still doesn't change anything. (Tell me what you want love)
"Te necesito Miguel- por favor-" I plead and whimper when he slows down again. (I need you- please-)
"Me necesitas?" He mocks in my ear and I just nod repeatedly as he speeds up the tiniest bit. (You need me?)
"Pero todavía no haz dicho que quieres nena..." he murmurs and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. (But you still haven't said what you want baby girl...)
I felt my eyes flutter and a blush rose to my cheeks, why did he have to sound so perfect?
Just his words alone were enough to make me more wet for him. He was driving me insane.
"N-necesito tus dedos..." I whimper and spread my legs as he moves my panties to the side, "por favor fóllame con tus dedos-" I whine and he slides two of his long fingers inside without another word. (need your fingers, please fuck me with your fingers-)
I gasp feeling them fill me up, surprised to feel how thick they were. I felt my legs shake slightly while I tried to keep my breathing steady considering he was just starting. He was already filling me up so nicely and it felt incredible. "So tight and wet for me baby." He whispers and pumps his fingers inside me, my walls enveloping them.
He worked on my cunt almost expertly, curling them up making me arch my back against him. With his available hand he wrapped it around my waist, as if to make me refrain from moving. "Miguel- M-Miguel-"
He hummed and started going faster, I could feel my creamy juices slip down to my asshole as he went faster and deeper. I let out whines and closed my eyes when I feel his lips on my cheek then on my ear. "Such a pretty mess for me huh baby?"
I whimpered and couldn't help but clench against his fingers making me let out more whimpers. "S-so good-" I moan out and kisses my neck softly.
"I know baby, I know." He murmurs and goes even faster leaving me a moaning mess on top of him.
"Estas tomando mis dedos tan bien princesa." He praised making me whimper and clench against him once again. (You're taking my fingers so well princess)
"Te gusta que te hable así hm?" He teases and I open my eyes only to roll them and bite my lip. (You like when I talk to you like that)
Starting to despise him again, I hated his teasing but couldn't help but like it.
"Contéstame nena." He purrs in a low tone, that making my orgasm quickly approach. (Answer me baby)
"Si- si me gusta mucho- me encanta como me hablas-" I moan out and he slows down but fucks me deeper. (Yes- yes I like it a lot- I love way you talk to me-)
"Good girl." He moans and starts pumping his fingers faster again.
I whimpered and tried to buck my hips up but his strong arm didn't let me and just gripped me to stay still. I held on to it and laid my head back against his chest, then look down at the sight. His fingers fucking me effortlessly with my arousal being the main thing that's being heard in the room. "Aren't you just taking it so well baby?" He purrs and I nod, looking up to look at him.
I crash our lips together and he suddenly starts fucking me even faster making me moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue inside my mouth as I continue moaning and try to kiss back.
I felt the familiar feeling of my orgasm approach in the pit of my stomach as he continued fucking me fast as well as deep. "I'm gonna-" i murmur against his lips and he just hums, continuing with our kiss.
I glide my tongue against his but then stop, letting out whines and whimpers as my orgasm hit me hard with Miguel not stopping. "Fuck- Miguel!" I whimper feeling my legs shaking violently.
He lets me ride my orgasm and slows his pace down as he gives me light pecks while I try to catch my breath. He then pulls away after one final peck and leans his forehead against mine. Not able to keep my eyes open, I lean into his touch, a weak smile forming on my lips. "That was incredible." I say and let out a small giggle.
He nods and grins, "you did so good love."
He kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way when I feel him slowly slip his fingers out of me. His fingers come out and I feel more of my juices slip down to my asshole, "oh my god baby-" he moans and brings his fingers up to our faces.
I grab his hand and lazily open my mouth, taking his fingers into my mouth and lick my arousal clean. I looked at him and innocently bat my eyes while he groans. I made sure to lick every drop before he finally slips his fingers out and crashes his lips onto mine.
I immediately kiss back and move my body to no longer be on his crotch but on the couch with my legs over his thighs. His tongue slid into my mouth making me melt as I felt one hand go to cup my jaw and the other to my thigh.
He rubbed my skin softly and I felt myself melt into his embrace, "you're incredible." He murmurs against my mouth making me pull away.
I lean my head against his chest as he now wraps both arms around my body, feeling shivers run down my spine. "No you are." I whisper and chuckle.
Then we just sat there in comfortable silence, I was listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and my breathing was now back to normal.
"So do you like me now?" He whispers and I burst out laughing.
I then stop and shrug, "maybe a little bit..."
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
So I'm taking matters into my own goddamn hands-
Meeting Mirage ;)
Either Noah or Mirage might be a little OOC, but I'm giving it a shot
Takes place after the movie, with fem pronouns
Dude, where the hell are you?
Y/N was currently sent a page to Noah, her best friend of 3 years. He was suppose to pick her up from work, as her car broke down and is still getting fixed at the mechanics, but it was well over 20 minutes and he still hasn't showed. He was suppose to be there at 7:30, and now it's almost dark.
I'kl be there in 10 minutes! Domething just csme uo
Several typos, whatever the hell is happening over there is really making him either rush or panic... actually those are both kind of in the same sense.
Letting out a sigh through her nose, Y/N quickly typed out a response.
Yeah, yeah. Better keep to your promise, Sonic.
Not even letting him respond, the H/C-nette shoved the device into her coat pocket. Sure it may be the beginning of the summer, but she get cold easily.
And I mean very easily.
"Man, I really need a hot shower right now."
10 minutes breezed by quickly, seemingly in a blink of an eye. About to page Noah again, Y/N stopped in her tracks when a honk sounded in front of her.
Looking up, her eyes widen in complete surprise at the image in front of them. Her best friend, Noah Diaz, in a fucking Porsche. Well, it looked like it seen better days, but still.
"Yo, you gonna get in or are you just gonna stand there looking so surprised?" Noah shouted from inside the car, a smug look on his face.
Snapping out of it, Y/N got inside the car, buckling in her seatbelt.
Once the seatbelt clicked, Noah started the car onto the route back to Y/N's apartment complex. 5 minutes in and the two are making small talk and all that before Y/N asked him a question.
"So, what happened?"
"To the Porsche. Looks like Frankenstein's monster."
Noah let's out a small chuckle at the comment, "Oh uh, some guy sold it to me for a good price. Because it was all banged up and stuff. Couldn't even start."
"When did you get it?"
"Got it 2 months ago, still has some kinks that need to be fixed. But we've made some progress." He patted the dashboard in a comforting way, a somber smile on his face.
"2 months ago? Weren't you in Perú during that time? Also is Reeks helping you fix the car?"
"Yeah. I think I made a pretty good decision going there..also Reeks is just helping me get the parts, I'm mainly doing the fixing."
"Mm, pretty good job so far. I could help with the paint job? The blue and silver seems to be fading out, but I think it a fresh coat will make it look gorgeous."
After she finished that comment, the car felt like it heated up a little. Not too much to notice, but just enough.
"By the way, what did you do in Perú again?"
"Oh, to study for a job I was doing..got to see some of the landscapes and all that..and nearly died-"
"What was that?"
"Wha-nothing! Don't worry about it at all."
A silence fell between you too, an awkward silence to be exact. He's a little more fidgety than usual.. probably from exhaustion. It's something he does whenever he's very tired. Man, he must be more exhausted than usual.
"Sorry I called you so late, like right after your new job and stuff. It must be tiring."
"Nah I don't mind, you're my best friend after all. Just returning the favor when you babysat Kris last minute." Now Y/N absolutely loves Noah's family. First time she met them, it felt like a bond just, instantly clicked within. So from that day on, she makes a little time out of her day just to visit the Diaz family, especially Kris. He was so sweet, and like the little brother she never had. So whenever Noah or his mom were busy, she babysits him, and brings some food so they can enjoy together.
"I don't mind babysitting Kris at all. He's like a little brother to me anyway."
"Yeah, that's Kris. Best little brother I could ever ask for." A soft smile comes to his face, maybe he should bring some food from that burger joint his family likes, before he goes home so his mom doesn't have to cook tonight.
"Yeah..Hey do you mind if I put in my playlist?"
"Go for it."
Grabbing a mixtape from her pocket, she inserts it into the slot right above the radio, turning the knob to hear what was currently playing.
The familiar rhythm of Virgen by Adolescent's Orquesta brings a smile to your face, increasing the volume as one of her favorite songs plays through the car. Every so often, she would sing along to the lyrics, taping her fingers against the door.
What Y/N didn't know, was a certain Autobot mech was observing her in the passenger seat mirror, noticing the small things about her that seemed to have caught even more of his interest. The moment she got in the car, Mirage had to admit, she was PRETTY. And the compliments she said? Wooo that was feeding his ego.
And she was drop-dead gorgeous, in his optics, he doesn't even know her one bit and he's on his knees just from the sound of her voice. Oh her voice, don't even get him started on her voice. Most purest thing he has ever heard since he had stepped foot on Earth. Got her filling his tanks with a fluttery feeling, or as Noah sometimes likes to refer to, butterflies. What a weird thing to say. (Ngl, I head cannon Mirage to fall in love FAST)
After those few thoughts, the mech started observing her other features. Her eyes, hair, lips, cheeks, hands, even the smallest of moles/freckles that were dotted across her face. Oh and when her smile plastered her face, Mirage felt his spark beat faster.
She was a beauty, a beauty in her own category..
Sadly he wasn't able to admire her much longer, as they stopped in front of her apartment, the sky now completely dark. About to open the car door, the lock clicks, preventing Y/N from getting out. Thinking nothing of it, Y/N goes to unlock it, but it keeps repeatedly locking itself. With a huff, Y/N turns to Noah.
"Dude can you stop that shit?"
"It's not me I swear! Li-like I said, Mir-! The car was all banged up when I got it, still got a few bugs in it.." And as subtly as possible, kept kicking right above the pedals. Not to harshly, but to get the message across to stop messing around.
Finally after what seemed to be forever, the car doors unlocked, with Y/N getting out of the car, making sure to grab her tape. Running a hand over the hood, not noticing the shudder of metal, Y/N waves goodbye to Noah before entering her building, already getting excited for her hot shower.
When Y/N was out of sight and earshot, Noah turned to the radio, somewhat pissed.
"Mirage, what the hell was that??"
"Whaaaat? I did nothing wrong. Also, ouch. Do you have to kick me that hard? I'm still recovering y'know." You could hear the teasing smile on his face, pulling the recovery card whenever.
"Mirage you can't do that."
"Why not? Not like she noticed anything."
"You just can't!"
"Aww but I wanna keep admiring la angel bonita un momento más."
"I wanna keep ad-"
"I know what you said, but, seriously?"
"You gotta introduce me to her one day, Sonic."
"Mirage she's going to freak out!"
"Mm but what are the chances she won't? Pleaseeee? I won't stop bothering you unless you say yesss~" He coos in a sing-song voice.
"Nu uh, ain't happening. Just because you're acting like a kid doesn't mean you're getting it."
"Fine. But whenever you give her ride home, I'll just keep locking the doors."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Noah leaned back into the recliner, pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. Whenever Mirage says he'll do something, he will follow through. He's ambitious like that. So either; Stay with the no but have Mirage be a brat for who knows how long, or, just get it over with.
"Sooo..Is that a yes?"
He was quiet for a bit, before letting out a sigh,"Fine, fine! Yes, it's a yes."
"Hell yeah, baby! Oh I already have so many places to meet up for dates-"
So that concludes my first post! I like how this (somewhat) turned out, but it's a first. I've made some edits to this and the second part will be out soon, so I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting!
Part 2 here!
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ohlawdthebirds · 6 months
Truth or Dare (Vi x Reader)
Euughh, its been a while since I've posted a fic. Enjoy! This is a modern au inspired by those Cut 'truth or drink' videos.
Cw: Mild mention of drinking (swapped out the alc for juice, so hopefully that's not a trigger for anyone). Other than that, slight violence mention.
Also! Thank you to @pixievi for these links!
Gonna tag a few of my mutuals here because I think they'd enjoy this (I hope that's okay! Please let me know if not and I'll remove you from the list!): @sweetercalypso @xthescarletbitch @vvynia @kittyt-hexxed @ellsss
“So, do you know why you’re here?”
You can just barely make out the person standing behind the camera. The build of the camera blocks off most of their face and for a moment it creeps you out; being in this sterile warehouse, sitting at a table with your best friend across from you has you briefly wondering just what Vi is cooking up. The two of you often joked about being put in Saw traps but you weren’t entirely sure you’d be willing to part with your organs and appendages should the occasion call for it.
“Ah, I think so,” you say. Vi turns to you, gently nudging your foot under the table. You recognize the gesture immediately: it was something the two of you did when you were younger and wanted to check in on the other. In this case, the nudge meant Are you okay? We can go if you need to. You nudge her foot back twice, your way of saying I’m okay.
“I’m here to do truth or drink, best friends edition. At least, that’s what she told me,” You reply, gesturing at Vi. She ducks her head, cheeks visibly coloring. The person behind the camera, someone you now suspected was the producer, speaks up once more.
“Okay then, you two can get started with a shot if you want.”
Vi grabs an unlabeled bottle and fills up both shot glasses before nudging yours towards your awaiting fingers. You bring the glass up, clinking it with Vi’s, before bringing it to your mouth. You are surprised when sweet juice instead of alcohol hits your tongue. Vi peeks out at you from under her fringe, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She knew you were trying to cut back on your alcohol intake, so knowing that she asked for an alternative warmed your heart. Vi sets her shot glass down and reaches out to the middle of the table, selecting a card from the stack. She leans back in her seat, huffing out a soft laugh.
“How did we meet?” She places the card down and looks at you expectantly. You grin, sitting up straighter in your seat.
“Okay so we went to the same high school, right? Vi had an…interesting haircut,” Vi barks out a laugh at this while you try (and fail) to suppress your chuckling, “Yeah, it was like…like someone threw scissors at her head and hoped for the best. It was like the unholy merging of a slick back, a pixie cut, and a fuck ass bob.” You barely finish your sentence as laughter wracks your body. Vi’s bark turns into a howl that you soon join. As soon as your laughter dies down, you continue, “This group of boys came up to her during lunch one day and were making fun of her. I stepped in and was telling them to leave her alone when she jumps out of her seat and absolutely socks this guy in his face! He falls, his friends jump in to try and defend his honor, and next thing you know it’s me and her against these dudes. It was brutal I tell you. They lost and ended up transferring schools and Vi and I were sacked with in-school suspension for a week. It was glorious.”
You reach out to grab a card. “What is your favorite feature of mine? Can be physical or personality-wise,” you place the card down and sit back. Vi leans her elbows onto the table, eyes meeting yours. “You have gorgeous eyes,” she says, “They’re so expressive, and I love the way they light up whenever you’re happy or excited. It’s one of the things that drew me to you back in high school. You were so bright and fiery, and the way you jumped in to help me with no hesitation has always amazed me.”
Your hands come up to rest on your heated cheeks. She leans forward once more to select a card off the pile. “Didn’t expect you to do two of them,” you giggle out. Vi feigns shock, replying “Ah, my bad, didn’t even realize it.” But the glint in her eyes tells you she absolutely meant every word.
“What are my green flags?” Vi drops the card back down to the table. You fold your hands under your chin and lean against them.
“You’re one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. And I don’t just mean physically, I mean emotionally as well. You don’t let anyone tell you what to do, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you genuinely scared. And it’s not like you don’t get scared, but you’re usually so on top of things, y’know?”
“Oh yeah, I’m definitely on top of things,” Vi smirks. You don’t bother holding back a grin. “But yeah, you make me want to be stronger. I want you to be able to rely on me the way I’m able to lean on you.” The blush on Vi’s cheeks only deepens. You lean forward once more to grab a card from the table.
“How good are you at kissing?” This time you don’t fully put the card down, instead twiddling and fidgeting with it. Vi chews on her bottom lip for a second before her eyes lock with yours. You expect to see her signature smirk on her face once again, but you’re surprised by the sincerity in her eyes. Vi thinks for a moment before reaching over to the bottles and pouring herself a shot. Your eyes widen with mirth.
“Oh, not going to tell me?” you grin.
Vi pauses for a moment before looking at you over the top of her shot glass. “You can always find out for yourself, you know,” she says before knocking back the drink. You gape at her, astonished, and not for the first time you wonder what Vi’s lips would feel like on yours. It’s been a reoccurring thought ever since high school, one that you’d tried to brush off time and time again. Years of friendship between the two of you had culminated in you developing an intense crush on Vi. There were numerous moments over the years where you thought about confessing to her, but something always stopped you. Whether it was you fearing the potential end of your friendship, or someone literally interrupting you, you were never able to tell Vi how you truly felt.
“Alright, so as you can see, there is only one card left on the table. Vi, that one is yours. Make sure you read it out loud and clear, okay?” The producer chirps out. Vi tenses before reaching out and sliding the card to herself. She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before flipping it over.
“I, um…so, this last card is daring me to tell you the real reason you’re here.” You quirk an eyebrow. Vi continues, “I didn’t bring you here just because you’re my best friend.”
Your heartbeat picks up and for a moment you worry it will pound right out of your chest.
“I brought you here to tell you…that I have a crush on you,” Vi said, her lips curving into a sheepish grin. For a moment, the world goes still, and you wonder if you’re dreaming. You cough out a “What?”, eyes fixated on the woman in front of you. “You have a crush on me?”
Vi nods. “Ever since that day in high school you’ve been it for me. I know this has been a long time coming, but I could never find the right time to tell you.”
“I could never find the right time to tell you!” You exclaim. “All this time, all these years, you mean to tell me we were both crushing on each other?”
Your hands cover your face as you let out a groan that soon evaporates into a laugh. Vi joins you with a laugh of her own. The absurdity of it all is hilarious to you: of the woman you’ve been crushing on for years not only reciprocating your feelings but going to the trouble of dragging you into a video to confess said feelings.
Once your laughter has subsided, you and Vi are left gazing at each other. “Well, at least we finally know we’re on the same page,” she says. You nod, attempting (and failing) to hold back a grin.
“Alright, so you guys clearly feel the same for each other!” The producer says. You hear the mischief in their voice and brace yourself for what’s coming. “You guys should definitely seal the deal, y’know?”
“H-how do you suppose we do that?” You stutter out.
“You could always seal things with a kiss!”
The heat on your cheeks only flares hotter. Vi’s own face is searing by this point. There’s no way you could kiss her! And in front of a camera no less! But at the same time you wonder if this is the only chance you have, if the adrenaline coursing through you was enough to propel you forward. Just when you were internally making a pros and cons list (the pro being to kiss your best friend and the con being potential ridicule from internet strangers) Vi nudges your foot under the table. Are you okay with this?
Only a moment later do you nudge back twice: I’m okay with it. I’m really okay with it.
With a surge of courage, you sit up in your seat and lean forward. Vi follows suit, meeting you in the middle of the table. It only takes a moment for your lips to meet.
You grin into the kiss, tilting your head just the slightest to deepen it. Vi’s hand comes up to cup your cheek. Your hand reaches up to rest on it and it’s only when the producer and crew begin clapping and cheering do the two of you separate.
The two of you are beaming harder than you thought possible, and everything feels limitless. Despite having no alcohol in your system, you feel fuzzy and warm. Vi sneaks in one last peck to your lips before you sit down. Once things calm down and you’re seated the producer speaks up one last time.
“We actually have one bonus card for you two.” A crew member steps forward and lays a card down in front of Vi. Her brows furrow in confusion but she picks it up nonetheless and reads it. A tiny smile graces her lips as she sets the card down, reaching across the table to place her hands on yours. “Will you go on a date with me?”
You gently clasp your hands with hers, bringing them up to place a kiss on the backs of them. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Vi.”
A few weeks after filming, you and Vi are notified that your video was live on the channel. You pull it up on your laptop and snuggle next to your girlfriend on her couch. Vi snorts and laughs the whole way through it while you hide behind your hands and join in her laughter. The comments are surprisingly wonderful, everything from people cooing over how cute the two of you are, to others lamenting over being single. Every last one of them brings a smile to your face. And as Vi keeps clicking through and pointing out the funniest ones, you lean into her side, pressing kisses to her skin.
“Hey love?”
“Yeah?” She asks.
“I’m really glad you brought us on a random YouTube video.”
Vi turns and presses a kiss to your lips.
“Me too.”
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Yo Evou!! I hath returned, my idea for this time is;
How would the monster trio, and whoever else you would like to add, react to you staying up for around 48 hours?
Basically we’re all sleep deprived, so our judgement is impaired and you get more clumsy and all that. And basic tasks become harder too.
(I’m doing it right now, so if there’s spelling/grammar mistakes, that’s why 😉😉)
Here’s a pic of my dog btw, his name is Shanks funnily enough!
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Anyways take care of yourself!! 💟💟💟
a/n - your dog is absolutely ADORABLE 😭💜💜 important question tho- (is he missing an arm?)
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader
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- oh he can stay awake for literally forever because- well- he’s Luffy 💀 but he’s not normal ok? So when you stay up it’s a whole different story
- it’s hour 48, and you were way past the point of drinking tea or coffee. The dark circles under your eyes were that of Law’s, no- probably worse 💀
- you could barely keep your eyes open, and holy shit going down the stairs was dangerous asf 😭 i pray for your safety
- “Hey y/n!!! Can you make me one of sanji’s sandwiches from yesterday? I’m soooo hungry :)”
- the way you turned around and even Luffy was shocked, (you looked like pre-timeskip law college drunk, missing an assignment, drank 10 cups of coffee law)
- “WHOA-! Uh- y/n…. Are you ok?”
- “yeah mhm! Totallyyyyyy fine 👍”
- no you’re not fine.
- you looked in the fridge to see a couple extra sandwiches, and you tried to reach inside and grab it. But your depth perception was so off that you were I think a foot away from grabbing it 💀
- luffy was a saint, waiting as patiently as he could as he watched you struggle and fall asleep a couple times as you tried to grab a sandwich
- when you finally grabbed it, cutting open the paper wrapping was going to be…. A rollercoaster-
- grabbing the scissors, you literally almost sliced one of your fingers off multiple times, you had Luffy looking like this right in front of you
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- man is scared for your safety. But he still let you struggle until you finally got it 😭 when you slowly handed it to him, he made you sit down and eat the sandwich
- man was literally trying to shove it all in your mouth because he thought you were just low on meat (he thinks it’s meat itself is a vitamin)
- “Y/n! Open your mouth wider!”
- *snoring*
- in the end, nami slapped him and made him go help you upstairs to get some much needed rest, and Luffy hugs along with it :)
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- the fact that you can stay up that long is amazing to this man, and without a single nap? Damn that’s admirable 😂
- staying up for that long comes with consequences though, and they were hitting… HARD.
- “Y/n where did you go?” -zoro
- you were in front of him the whole time he just got lost and went the other way 💀
- “here..”
- you were on top of the stairs, slowly making your way down, taking wobbly steps and barely being able to hold onto the rails
- he could see that you were about to fall but the dude was just confused as to why you looked like you hadn’t slept in years
- sure enough, you skipped a step and started to fall down, skidding down the wooden steps as zoro stared like an idiot
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- didn’t even catch you 💀💀💀💀 what a loser (jk)
- you fell asleep immediately after you fell in front of him, and man was so confused
- “Are you sleeping?”
- no y/n’s not sleeping, WHAT DO YOU THINK FUCKING MOSSHEAD???
- started poking you and literally trying to check if you were sleeping or not 💀 but don’t worry! He actually carried you to bed and just watched over you, even put the covers over you too 👍
- took the day off from training to make sure you were ok- because you scared the mosshead
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- if there’s a time Sanji has even let you stay up this long it’s this time- this guy KNOWS mental health and sleep is super important. He’d totally make you sleep at a decent time
- but this was an exception, you had a ton of stuff to do around the thousand sunny, and the fights seemed to never end on the island you went to with nami
- when you got back oh god you looked terrible 😭 disheveled to say the least
- you were dying. Dying
- “Y/n! Welcome ba-“ HORSE WHEEZING GASP
- man had a heart attack, those dark circles sent him to the all blue and back 💀💀💀
- wasted no time in forcing you to drink water and do all your tasks for you, don’t worry, pervy cook’s on it 💪
- “Y/n, do you need some more tea? I’ll go and buy more of your favorite!”
- “Sanji- that island is… hell”
- “I would gladly go to hell for you my love”
- everyone needs someone like Sanji 💜
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a/n - love anime’s ideas because I’m laughing as I’m writing them like an idiot
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
anything for you (k.s)
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helllo, my loves! i hope everyone is having a wonderful day/evening. are we ready for the next part of my skz street racer series?? i absolutely love this fic 🥹 it's so adorable, and seungmin is 😩 happy readings 💓
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
"You did it!" You squeal, running towards your boyfriend, Kim Seungmin.
Seungmin catches you after you jump into his open arms. He swings you around as your arms wrap around his neck. "Thank you for being here," he whispers into your ear, tightening his grip on you.
He sets you back on your feet before leaning down to kiss you. One of your hands rests on the back of his neck, your fingers playing with the small hairs.
"Of course I'd be here. It's your big race, baby," you chuckle, placing a few kisses on both of his cheeks. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Seungmin smiles fondly at you, bringing a hand to your cheek. He strokes it before he gently pinches it. "I love you so much, baby," he breathes out, capturing your lips in another kiss.
"I love you too, Seungmin. So fucking much," you grin, lacing his hands with yours.
You're snapped out of your thoughts when someone slaps their hand on the table. You jump in your seat, quickly glancing towards the culprit.
Suyeon smiles at you while sitting in the seat across from yours. "Finally, I got your damn attention," she laughs, shrugging her bag off of her shoulders. "What were you thinking about?"
"It's nothing," you brush off the topic, not wanting to open that can of worms. "Work's just been crazy."
Your friend flags a waiter over to your table before she meets your gaze. "Has it really? Or are you lying to me?" She asks, leaning her chin against the palm of her hand.
A light chuckle escapes your lips. "I can't get anything past you, can I?" You joke with her, dropping your gaze to the ice cold drink in front of you. "I was thinking about Seungmin."
"Again?" She asks with a sigh, her shoulders deflating.
You tilt your head up, stopping the tears from blurring your vision. "You say it like I have a problem," you mutter, pursing your lips. "I was practically in love with him, Suy."
She reaches across the table, grabbing a hold of your hand. "I know. I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you so upset over him," she mentions with a frown.
"Yeah," you laugh, wiping some of the tears away. "I hate it too."
Suyeon gently strokes the back of your hand with her thumb as the two of you sit in silence. The door to the café opens, and the sound of the bell echoes off the walls. You glance towards the group of people that just walked in, and your eyes widen, knowing exactly who they are.
"Dude, I'm so sick of this Seungmin guy," one of them rants to another, not bothering to keep his voice low.
You squeeze your best friend's hand, causing her to look in your direction. "What -" You cut her off by giving her a look, flicking your gaze towards the group standing in line.
"Are you sick of him because you suck?" The dude's buddy asks with a laugh, earning a slap to the back of the head. "Ouch, dude, the fuck?"
"I don't suck. I'm just as good as him. He's just a little fucking pest."
You release Suyeon's hand before grabbing your phone and texting her. "They're talking about Seungmin. I know who they are. They're not good people."
"Yo, are you serious?? How do you know them??"
"It's… a long story. Seungmin is a street racer. He's very good, and it seems like that guy isn't very fond of him winning all the time."
"Wait, wait, you dated A STREET RACER!? AND I JUST NOW KNOW ABOUT IT?!"
You roll your eyes at her message, giving the brunette a funny look. You look back down at your phone, texting her back.
"Well, I didn't know until about a year into our relationship. He didn't want me involved because they could get a bit dangerous. Which is what I'm currently thinking about these guys."
"What are you gonna do? Warn Seungmin?"
You let out a deep breath, leaning back into your chair. "I haven't talked to him in almost four months," you say out loud.
Suyeon glances towards the group of guys at the counter. "Yeah, but if they have intentions of hurting him. I'm sure he'd appreciate the heads up," she mentions, tapping her fingers against the top of her phone case.
"I know," you mutter.
After the group of guys grabbed their order, they started filing out the door one by one. "He's going to be at the race tonight," the same guy says to the other, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll run him off the road. Make a big accident."
"Good idea. Then you won't have competition anymore."
They exit the café and your gaze meets Suyeon's. "I have to call Seungmin," you tell her before standing up from your seat.
She nods her head in understanding before you run out the door. You scroll through your contacts, quickly finding Seungmin's name. You click on it and press the device against your ear, leaning your back against the brick building.
It rings for what feels like a while, praying that he answers the phone. "Come on, come on," you repeat to yourself, glancing around the semi-busy streets. Your call goes to voicemail, and you release a sigh. "I don't know why I expected him to answer."
You try to call him again, receiving the same result. You curse at yourself and tilt your head back. "Well," you push yourself off of the wall, "I guess I'm going to a street race tonight."
"Are you sure you should be going by yourself?" Suyeon asks you through your phone.
You shrug your shoulders as you walk closer to the street they usually start on. "Probably not but I didn't want to involve you," you mention, checking each direction before walking across the street. "If anything, I have pepper spray in my bag."
Your friend sighs. "Okay, but if it goes south, let me know," she mentions.
"I will, I promise," you tell her, noticing the line of sports cars up ahead. You see Seungmin's immediately, easily spotting his vehicle. "I see his yellow ass car. I gotta go."
"Stay safe. Love you."
You bid her goodbye and quicken your steps, wanting to reach him before the race starts. You look down at your watch, taking note that you've got about seven minutes to warn him.
A pit of nerves sets off in your stomach as you get closer and closer. He hasn't changed a bit. He still looks like the boy you fell in love with two years ago.
You weave around the vehicles, noticing one of his friends hanging out with him. "Seungmin," you call out to him, gaining his attention.
"Y/N?" He asks with a confused look. Seungmin says something to Changbin before making his way over to you. "What are you doing here?"
"That group of guys over there?" You stealthily point in the direction they're standing in, Seungmin's gaze following. "They're out for you."
He laughs at your accusation. "What? What do you mean they're out for me?" He asks you while crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't have time for this.
You start to panic again when he starts walking away from you. "Seungmin -" you start but he quickly cuts you off.
"No, Y/N. I have a race to focus on," he stops, turning to face you.
Tears pool in your eyes, thinking about what could happen if he participates in this race. "I- Listen to me please," you beg, moving forward before reaching a hand out to him. "I overheard them talking earlier today. They're jealous that you're so good at this, and they're planning to cause a major accident… with you in it."
His eyes soften as you explain the situation, noticing the tears in your eyes. "Okay, take a deep breath," Seungmin tells you softly, one of his hands grabbing yours. You do as he tells you, taking a deep breath in before letting it out. "There you go."
"I don't want you to get hurt," you whisper, leaning forward to rest your head on his shoulder. "I still care about you despite the fact that we're broken up."
Seungmin brings his free hand to your back, gently rubbing it. "I appreciate you telling me. I'm sorry I didn't believe you," he mumbles. "I can't back out of the race now, though. It's too late."
You pull away from him before wiping your face. "What if I join you? They wouldn't take out someone they don't know, right?" You ask him, squeezing his hand.
"And if they do? I don't want you getting hurt either," Seungmin sighs while stroking the back of your hand.
"Then we don't give them the chance," you suddenly say, lifting your head to look him in the eyes. "You're the best street racer I know. Make them eat dust."
Your ex-boyfriend laughs, and your heart races at the sight of his smile. "I will make them eat dust," he confirms with a nod. "But, you are staying here. I'm not risking you getting injured."
"Fine," you mutter, crossing your arms over your chest.
The two of you walk over to his vehicle together. Seungmin opens the driver's side door before getting into the driver's seat. Once he's settled, you shut the door for him and lean your elbows against the open window frame.
"Be careful, okay?" You whisper after hearing the announcer call all racers to the starting line.
"You know I will," he smiles at you before giving you a cheeky wink. "Wait for me. I'll bring you home after."
You nod your head, pulling back from the vehicle. Seungmin grabs a hold of your hand before you can get too far and brings it to his face, kissing the back of it.
You feel yourself getting shy, missing the way his lips felt against your skin. "I love you," you whisper to him, swallowing thickly.
His eyes widen at your words, his hand gently squeezing yours. "I love you too," Seungmin mutters, a smile coming to his lips. "I gotta go."
You nod your head, taking a step back from his vehicle. The two of you smile at one another before he starts it. You move across the street after he drives away. You weave through the group of people, trying to get towards the front.
You see Seungmin's yellow car towards the front of the line. You clasp your hands together as the flag woman walks in front of them. She raises the black and white flag, waving them around before suddenly dropping them.
The eight cars speed off, and you clench your fists as Seungmin quickly gets in first, watching each car disappear around the first corner.
"You got this, Seungmin," you whisper to yourself.
You stand on your toes, waiting for the racers to come back. One of the other driver's is live streaming their race, and you've caught small glimpses of it. A large smile comes to your lips when you notice Seungmin was still first.
"This Kim guy is crazy," one of the guys you're standing with says.
"He is," you agree.
The sound of their cars grow louder and louder, signaling that they're close to the finish line. You shove your hands in your pockets, keeping your eyes on the street behind you.
Seungmin drifts around the corner, causing you to release a sharp gasp. The smile on your lips widens as his vehicle speeds past you. You scream loudly as he crosses the finish line, jumping up and down excitingly.
"Yes, baby!" You clap your hands before sprinting down the street. He exits the vehicle after pulling off to the side, his smile making your heart flutter some more. "I'm so proud of you!"
You wrap your arms around his neck, feeling his arms snake around your waist. "I did it," he whispers into your ear, spinning you in circles. "I did it… for you."
A gasp escapes your lips, pulling back from him a bit. "For me?" You ask in a quiet voice, running your fingers through his hair.
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry for letting you go four months ago," he apologizes to you, his arms gently squeezing you.
You grin down at him, moving your hands to his face. You stroke his cheeks before smashing your lips against his. His fingers trail up your spine as he kisses you back, deepening it instantly.
"I love you, Kim Seungmin," you whisper after pulling away.
"I love you, Y/N L/N," he says before kissing you again. "Now, let me get you home."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @foxinnie8 @moon0fthenight @luckieleaf @stayconnecteed @tiaxa @yoonrimin @sunny-future @daysofskz-ateez @endzii23 @sweetbutpsychovalkyrie @bunnies-only
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blueskylinesx · 2 months
Tomato Red Chapter 3
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Parings: Jesse Cash x Female Reader
Warnings/Triggers: Language, anxiety/nervousness, sexual tension, fluff, masturbation, smut, self doubt, friends to lovers.
Summary: The local cafe/bookstore down the street was Jesse's usual hang out spot where he spent hours reading books and working on music. Until one day when he meets a new barista working the bookstore cafe. Suddenly, Jesse's reasons for visiting the bookstore down the road were no longer just for reading and work... but were suddenly meant for much more.
Author’s Note: I intended on having this chapter posted way sooner. I greatly apologize for the delay! This chapter took me a bit longer to write since life kept getting in the way. But, it’s a long one so I hope that makes up for it. 🩵 I used this little clip of Jesse from the ERRA Cure album videos because this is the EXACT look I was going for in this chapter. Enjoy loves!
Tag List: @thefallennightmare @xxkittenkissesxx @collidewiththesav @thatchickwiththecamera @cncohshit @lma1986 @arkiliastuff @lonelydragonlady
If you would like to be added to the tags list let me know! I would be happy to do so!😊
Thank you all SO fucking much for all the support on Tomato Red. It means the absolute world to me. Writing this story has been so fun and helps keep my mind occupied. I love you all so so so much!☕️🍅
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Holy shit. What was in those orange scones? I thought to myself.
I sat in the backseat of Michael’s car. Holding the paper cup from the cafe in between my hands that rested in my lap. Replaying all of what just happened in my mind while looking out of the window as the familiar buildings and cars passed by. 
Never getting her smile or her beautiful greenish-blue tinted eyes out of my mind. I glanced back down at the cup in my lap and traced my thumb over the black letters that Y/N wrote on the back. A smile spreading across my face every time I read it.
“This is my sister's favorite drink and she’s the only one I make this special for. But, you seem pretty special yourself so this only seemed fitting. I hope you like it. 
P.S that hat looks cute on you.”
Followed by her number that was written out directly underneath it. With a small black flower that she drew next to it.
I usually am never blunt enough to ask a girl for her number. Especially right to her face. Maybe it was the added pressure from the guys or whatever magic Y/N put into those scones. But, whatever it was, I was grateful for the confidence boost it gave me. 
I now have Y/N’s phone number.
“Soooo, you two seemed to be getting pretty cozy over there.” Michaels voice from the driver's seat caused me to look up to meet his gaze in the rearview mirror.
“Did they kiss? I couldn’t tell if they kissed or not.” Jolly asked from the seat next to me.
Oh boy, we just left the cafe only ten minutes ago and they're already starting.
“Nah, I don't think they kissed. I was sitting right in front of Jesse and I definitely would have seen it.” Noah said from the front passenger seat.
“Hey! Do you think maybe you could slide your chair up a few inches man? You’re practically sitting in the backseat with me and Jesse. My legs are starting to cramp.” Jolly interrupted while pushing on the back of Noah’s chair.
Noah reached down to pull the lever from under the seat and used his legs to push the seat further back, slamming into Jolly’s legs.
“Oh, is this better?” Noah asked with a sly smirk on his face.
Jolly responded with a long frustrated sigh, “You’re such a dick.” Then wrapped his legs around the seat, resting his feet onto Noah’s chest, and then swinging both of his arms around the back of his head to rest his head onto them. “Ahhh, this is much better.”
“Dude! You’ve got your fucking shoes on and this is one of my favorite shirts! You’re gonna get Jesus all dirty! Have some respect man!” Noah exclaimed while throwing Jolly’s feet off of him.
“Then move your seat up!”
“Yo! You guys are gonna break my car!” Michael shouted while pulling into the driveway of our house.
“It’s like living with toddlers, I swear. I said as Michael put the car in park. I then turned to grab the door handle and stepped out onto the pavement.
Jolly and Noah were still bickering behind me as I made my way up to the front door. Then inserted my house key into the lock and stepped inside.
“Oh yuck, it’s way too hot in here. Who the fuck touched the AC?” Noah proclaimed while stepping into the house after me and walking over to the thermostat that sat on the wall.
Michael who was now standing next to me threw his hands up, “It was me! I woke up this morning and could see my fucking breath dude. That’s not normal! I’m going to get a cold.”
“Oh quit being a fucking pussy.” Noah responded while clicking the AC back down. “My session with Ash is in thirty minutes and I swear if this thing is touched by the time I get back I’m fucking shit up.” 
I headed towards the staircase to make my way up to my bedroom. Leaving the voices of my bickering roommates to fade into the background. I then made my way down the hall and towards the first door on the right. Grabbing the silver handle of my bedroom door and then stepping inside. 
Once in my room I kicked off my black boots and slid them to the side of the door with my foot. I then set the white paper cup from earlier on the nightstand next to my bed and then plopped down on the mattress before me.
Once situated in bed I turned over to grab my phone out of my back pocket then looked over at the cup sitting next to me on the nightstand.
Opening up the contacts tab of my phone, I clicked the create new contact button. Entering in Y/N’s number and then saving the contact as, "The most beautiful girl in the world.” 
The moment I stepped back behind the counter after speaking with Jesse, Kate was immediately on me. Dying to hear all about mine and Jesse’s conversation and all of the details.
It was Sunday so the cafe and bookstore closed early. It was the only day of the week we closed at 6pm.
Since Sunday’s typically were the slowest day of the week for us Kate always scheduled me and her to close together. 
While we spent the rest of our shifts cleaning up and closing down the cafe, I told Kate all about mine and Jesse’s conversation and how he had asked me for my number. To which I’m sure my face was bright red the entire time.
I then told her about me writing my number on the cup but left out the details about the other note I had written above it. That was for Jesse only. 
“Soooo, do you think he’s going to text you tonight?” Kate asked with anticipation while she was counting down the register drawer.
“I don’t know, but I sure hope so. He seemed really happy after I wrote my number down for him.”
“Well of course he did, Y’N. You’re gorgeous and you’re one of the kindest people I know. He would be dumb to pass up any opportunity with you.”
“That’s very sweet of you but, you’re my sister and you’re supposed to say those things.” I responded back with a chuckle.
“I don’t have to say anything. It's true. You’re not like the other typical girls here in LA. No shade to them, but you have more interests than shopping, Cesar salads, and Starbucks.” 
I let out another chuckle at her response while finishing wiping down the espresso machines. 
“Jesse lucked out by crossing paths with you, Y/N. Like I said before, he would be stupid to pass up something like this. But my gut tells me that Jesse also isn’t like the other typical guys in LA. You know my gut feeling is usually never wrong.”
I hated to admit it but it was true. Kate always had a way of knowing things. I’ve always joked with her about how she chose the wrong degree to pursue and instead of going to school to become an art teacher, she should have gone to school to become a detective.
I also joked with her that if the art teacher thing didn’t pan out, at least she would have a back up plan. She also never found that one very funny either.
My phone suddenly vibrated in my front hoodie pocket and I eagerly pulled it out, almost dropping it onto the floor. 
“Nice catch.” Kate said while she turned to look back over at me after putting the cash from the drawer in the safe envelope.
“Thank you”, I replied back while clicking open my phone to quickly scroll past my Lock Screen and over to my notifications.
Medication Log
This is your reminder to take your 7pm “Birth Control”.
With a disappointing sigh I clicked the button on the side of my phone to turn off the screen and slid it back into my front hoodie pocket. 
“I take it that it wasn't a text from Jesse?” Kate asked while taking off her apron.
“No, just my birth control reminder.” 
“I’m sorry sis, maybe by the time we get back home he’ll send a text? He might not want to come off desperate or anything. He’s a guy, they’re usually always overthinking those kinds of things.” 
Untying my apron and wrapping it over my arm, I turned to click off the cafe lights and then opened the silver door for me and Kate to walk through. 
We then made our way to the back office where we kept our belongings and I grabbed my purse out from under the desk and pulled my car keys out of the front pocket.
Looping them around my finger and then motioning towards the back cafe door and out into the parking lot.
With Kate behind me she turned to insert her cafe key into the lock, double checking and twisting the knob a few times to make sure the door was securely locked before we both headed towards our cars. 
Before opening her car door Kate hollered over at me, “Hey don’t let it get to you too much. He could just be busy or something. When we get home I’ll order us a pizza and we can watch those cheesy paranormal investigation shows you love so much.”
“Yeah”, I sighed into my car door. “You’re right, he’s probably just busy or something. But pizza sounds good. I follow you tonight on the way home?” I asked before finally opening my car door to sit inside.
“Sounds like a plan!” Kate yelled out from her window before starting her car and backing out of the parking space. 
I inserted and turned the keys into the ignition and then backed out of the parking space to follow behind Kate towards our apartment.
Once me and Kate got back home I immediately headed towards my bedroom. Thankfully my bathroom was attached to my room so once I was inside I stripped myself out of my coffee scented work clothes. 
Tossing them into the hamper inside my closet and then making my way to the bathroom to turn the shower on, twisting the handle all the way to the hot side.
Before getting undressed I had set my phone on my nightstand and plugged it into the charger. Hopeful that I would receive a text from a certain someone. So I wanted to make sure my battery was fully charged. Just in case.
I pulled the shower curtain back once the bathroom was filled up with enough steam letting me know the water was hot. I then stepped inside and let the water run over my back and my face.
When my eyes shut I immediately envisioned Jesse’s face in my mind. 
I began to wonder what it would be like if he was here, in the shower with me right now. How he would look standing in front of me, completely naked, while the hot water dripped down the tattoos that covered his skin.
My hands began to lower from my face and slowly down my neck making way to my chest. The thoughts kept coming, each time growing louder and louder, all filled with Jesse.
How if he were here he’d have his arms wrapped around me, leaving kisses all over my shoulders and back. Holding me tightly against him while our bodies molded perfectly to each other.
Then how he’d have me pinned up against the tiled wall, holding me up with both of his hands on my ass, fucking ruthlessly into me. The both of us moaning into each other's mouths while the hot water continues to fall on both our bodies.
My hands now past my breasts sliding further down my core and making their way to my pussy. I slipped two fingers between my folds and I was soaked. These thoughts of Jesse alone set both my heart and my pussy on fire.
I inserted both fingers inside of me and began to pump them in and out while continuing to picture Jesse having his way with me. How he’d slap my ass and bite my neck, and how I would lightly scratch my nails into his back and tug on his curls while his cock stretched me open. 
My fingers moved faster and faster and I could feel my core tightening. I bit my bottom lip and desperately wished that it was Jesse’s fingers inside of me right now rather than my own. 
Feeling my release building up I let out a moan while my orgasm shook through me. My legs almost buckling out from under me.
It had been a long time since I last masturbated. With all the hours I was working at the cafe I was always too tired to even think about pleasuring myself these last few weeks. 
“This man is going to be a problem.” I said out loud to myself while pulling the shower head down from the holder. 
I began to run the water over the rest of my body so I could finally begin washing my hair and my body. 
Noah came back from his session with Ash about two hours ago. While he was gone Michael, Jolly, and I played Grand Theft Auto out on the living room TV.
All of us seated on the couch laughing together, spending way too long putting in cheat codes to fall out of the sky and trying to land into the swimming pools.
Michael had mentioned ordering Chinese food earlier so I sent Noah a text asking if wanted anything. 
Which ended up working out since the martial arts academy where Noah trains is in the same complex as the Chinese restaurant we always order from. So he was able to walk next door and grab the food before coming back home. 
All of us were seated in the kitchen. Noah was sitting on top of the counter still in his kickboxing shorts and black tee shirt from his session earlier. Michael sat on the island countertop across from Noah in just a pair of blue and white plaid pajama pants. 
Jolly and I sat at the kitchen table together. Jolly was also wearing a pair of solid black pajama pants and a white tank top. I had changed into a pair of blue sweatpants and a gray tee shirt earlier before coming down to play GTA with the boys. 
“So Jesse, have you texted Y\N yet?” Noah asked while taking a bite out of his lo-mein.
I’ve been thinking about texting her since the second I got into the backseat of Michael’s car.
“No not yet, I know she was busy at work and I didn’t want to be a bother. I think the cafe closes around nine or ten? So I was waiting until around then to shoot her a text.” 
“My guy!” Jolly shouted with his mouth full from the egg roll he just bit into. “Smart to text her when she isn’t distracted. That way you can get a better conversation going.”
“For once Jolly is making sense.” Michael started with a laugh. “I’m proud of you Jesse. She seems really into you man and you both seemed real into each other back at the cafe. I can’t remember a time when you weren’t out in public somewhere shaking with nerves.”
“I’m not always shaking with nerves when I’m out in public.”
“Being on stage with ERRA doesn’t count man.” Jolly chimed in.
“Hey that’s different Jolly you know that.” Noah stated while going to take another bite of his fried rice.
I brushed a hand over my face before going back in to take a bite of my wonton soup. “Gee guys, thanks for the pep talk.”
“We’re just giving you a hard time Jess. Seriously we’re super stoked for you man. She seems like a cool girl and you two really hit it off.” Michael said while hopping down off the counter and placing the lid back on top of his chicken chow mein.
“Thanks man, she is a super cool girl and I can’t wait to talk to her and learn more about her.” 
“Just take it slow, I know you know what you’re doing. But take it from me dude, don’t jump into something super fast without really analyzing the situation from all points.” Noah added.
“I appreciate all the words of advice and encouragement guys. Seriously. Even though you all get on my goddamn nerves I love you and it’s nice to share a space with you all sometimes.”
“Sometimes?!?!l" Jolly blurted out with his mouth still full of food. “Don’t act like I’m not your favorite roommate Jess. Who else would jump off the roof with you and into the pool at 3am?”
“That’s very true. Noah was too busy getting his beauty sleep and Michael was too much of a pussy to step out onto the roof.”
“Hey! It had rained earlier that day and the roof was wet. I was not about to put myself in a dangerous situation where I could have slipped and potentially died.” Michael responded while throwing his hands up.
“Such a drama queen.” I said with a laugh.
I clicked the lid back onto the wonton soup that was left over in the container. Then I made my way towards the fridge to set the container of soup inside on the top shelf next to the other items of food that were mine.
“Well, it’s time for this old man to get to bed.”
“You mean to go text Y/N?” Noah responded.
With a smile on my face and a roll of my eyes I turned from my three roommates and made my way out of the kitchen and back into the front room to ascend up the stairs and towards my bedroom. 
“Have fun!!” The three of them all called out from the kitchen.
Making my way back into my room, I pulled my phone out from my pocket and pulled up Y/N’s contact. Clicking on the message bubble underneath her contact photo, working my fingers against the screen to type out a message. 
I then sat down in my black office chair and set my phone screen side up on the desk before me. Then I rolled the chair over to grab my red Ibanez guitar off the stand to play a few notes to keep my anxious mind occupied while I awaited a response back.
Finishing with washing my body I turned to shut the shower off. Wringing the water out from my hair before stepping onto the black bath mat.
I reached over to the towel rack and grabbed my lavender colored hair towel bending over to wrap my hair up first. Once my hair was securely wrapped I then grabbed the larger green towel to wrap around my body. 
Once covered I made my way to the sink and did my nighttime face routine. Finishing it off brushing my teeth and with a garggle of mouth wash. 
I then opened the bathroom door fully and stepped out into the chilly air of my bedroom. The goosebumps casting over my body being a definite sign Kate had already set the thermostat down to the usual temperature of Alaska for the night.
I walked over to my dresser to open the smallest drawer on the top that was filled with all my panties. Grabbing the first pair on top which was a sheer black thong. I then bent down to the third drawer which was filled with all my t-shirts and pulled out an old oversized rainbow tie dye shirt I got forever ago back in Florida.
Then finished my nighttime pajama set with a pair of fluffy pink socks to help keep my toes from going numb in the middle of the light.
Before making my way into bed I grabbed my phone off the nightstand that was sitting face down. I took a deep breath before turning it over to click the screen on. A text notification suddenly showing up across the top of the screen from a number I didn’t recognize.
Was this him?
With my heart beat picking up pace I scrolled up on my Home Screen and clicked the text notification to pull up the text thread. 
From Unknown Number: Hey you, I was going to text you earlier but I figured you were busy with work. Hopefully it’s not too late and I didn’t wake you. I just couldn’t stop thinking about you and those delicious orange scones. Hope to hear back from you soon. - Jesse😊
A giant smile spread across my face as I quickly saved Jesse’s number to my phone. Then eagerly typed back my response.
Y/N: Hey, I’m sorry for responding back late. I was in the shower and just now got out and saw your text. Work thankfully wasn’t too busy after you guys left. Sundays are usually pretty easy since we close at 6 and it’s always me & Kate closing. But, I’m definitely going to have to make a mental note to make an extra plate of orange scones, just for you.😉
JESSE🌺: You don’t ever have to apologize for responding late. Admittedly, I’m a bad texter myself so I totally get it. But, I’ll try to make a habit out of becoming better, especially now that I’m texting you. Also will definitely be looking forward to my own special plate of Y’N scones.
Y/N: You know how to make a girl blush, Jesse. I’m glad you liked the scones. Did the matcha latte come to meet the same standards? You can be honest…
JESSE🌺: I’ve never had a matcha latte before today and I honestly didn’t even know what that was. But, I will never order any other drink again. Hands down the best latte I’ve ever had. Thank you for helping me get outside the box and trying something new.
God, this man was making my heart flutter. I swear it could have beaten right out of my chest.
Y/N: Are you sure? Or are you just saying that to try to get on my good side?🤔
JESSE🌺: Wait. Was I not on your good side before?🥺
Y/N:  Hmm…Well, as long as you keep coming to see me then yes, I’d say that you’re on my good side, Jesse.
JESSE🌺: Are you working tomorrow? I’m craving an orange scone and a matcha latte… and another face to face conversation with the beautiful girl that made them for me.
My cheeks instantly flushed pink and I could feel the warmth building from within them. My stomach was doing flips and every time a new message from Jesse came through I would let out a little squeal. I forgot what it felt like to feel like this for someone. Jesse made me giddy with excitement and every time I talked to him, I just couldn’t help but smile the entire time. 
I took a deep breath in an attempt to help calm my nerves before texting Jesse back.
Y/N: I’m actually off tomorrow, which is a miracle.  I worked the last three weekends straight to help Kate out with the morning bakes so she promised to give me this weekend off. 
I bit my bottom lip and let my fingers dance over the keyboard of my phone. Feeling braver than normal, I  typed out another text and quickly hit send before allowing myself to overthink the situation and backing out.
Y/N: But, I don’t have any plans or anything. If you wanted to maybe catch up for a bit, if you’re free?
Oh god. Was that too forward? Is he going to think that I’m weird? Already asking to hang out outside of the cafe only after our two short conversations. I shouldn’t have sent the second text. I got too confident and now I probably blew it.
My phone suddenly buzzed against my chest and I eagerly flipped it over to open the incoming text message.
JESSE🌺: Did you read my mind? I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go grab lunch together since you aren’t working. Do you like sushi?
My giant smile instantly returned.
Y/N: Great minds think alike I guess! But yes, I love sushi!😊
JESSE🌺: There’s this really great sushi place that’s a few minutes from my place. Me and my roommates eat there all the time and it’s one of my favorite spots in all of LA. If you’d like I can pick you up and we could ride over together? If you’re comfortable of course.
Another squeal left my mouth and I excitedly tapped away my response.
Y/N: That’s very kind of you, Jesse. I would love to ride over together! What time should I be ready?
JESSE🌺: I can pick you up at 11:30? Then we’d make it there right on time at noon for lunch. If that works for you.😊 
Y/N: 11:30 is perfect! I’m looking forward to it!
JESSE🌺: Me too, and I was already having a hard time keeping you off my mind… Now I’ll be up all night counting down the hours until I’m seeing you again.
Y/N: You really are a charmer, Jesse. I’ll be counting down the hours until I see you again too, handsome. Thank you again for inviting me out.🥰
JESSE🌺: Anytime, gorgeous. I hope you have sweet dreams. I’m going to attempt to force myself to go to sleep so that the time goes by quicker. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
Y/N:  Sweet dreams to you too, Jesse. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow as well. Good night.❤️
I rolled over on my side to face my nightstand once again. Grabbing my charger off the top and inserting it into the bottom of my phone to charge.
I opened up my alarm app and set an alarm for 9am to ensure I had plenty of time to wake up and get ready for tomorrow. 
With my alarm set, I rolled back over in bed, kicking my feet under the covers with excitement. The cold air that filled my room suddenly forced itself under the covers once I kicked my feet and I immediately tucked the blankets back underneath me in a makeshift cocoon. 
With one arm lazily laying on the pillow above my head I closed my eyes, with a big smile still spread across my face, and attempted to fall asleep so I could be greeted with the sight of Jesse once again. 
Holy fuck. I did it, I’m taking Y/N out for lunch tomorrow.
Throughout texting with Y/N I had made my way back over and into my bed. I was tucked under my dark green comforter and my room was casted in a cozy glow from the red lava lamp that sat atop my dresser.
Me and Y/N had spent the last few hours texting back and forth. Her last message came through at almost 1am.
I laid here in bed in an attempt to drift off to sleep once I shut my eyes. But, my mind kept wandering back to that first text message I had received from her.
“Hey, I’m sorry for responding back late. I was in the shower and just now got out and saw your text. Work thankfully wasn’t too busy after you guys left. Sundays are usually pretty easy since we close at 6 and it’s always me & Kate closing. But, I’m definitely going to have to make a mental note to make an extra plate of orange scones, just for you.😉”
One specific part replaying in my mind.
“I was in the shower.”
Fuck. It’s not right to be thinking those thoughts about her. What would she think if she knew that the last few hours while talking with me, I couldn’t help myself from picturing what she looked like standing there, with the warm water running down her naked form. 
I shook my head in an attempt to keep the thoughts out.
But it was unsuccessful. They immediately came crawling right back the second I closed my eyes again. I could feel my cock twitching underneath the covers from within my briefs.
What was this hold she had over me? No other girl has ever consumed me like she does. She’s intoxicating and my soul longs to get its fix, never fully satisfied, always desperately longing for more. 
More time with her, more conversations with her, more of her in general. 
Images of Y/N standing bare in the shower kept flashing in my mind. Water running down her slender form, the steam casting a warm glow all over her body. 
I licked my lips at the thought alone. Wishing so desperately this vision was real. That I was standing there in that shower with her.
My eyes tracing over every single curve. Dragging my hands over her entire form and leaving sweet kisses all over her body. 
My cock was hard and I could feel it pressing even harder against my briefs. Begging for release. 
I ran my hand under the covers, pulling my cock out, and firmly grasped it, beginning to slowly stroke up and down. 
Grunts creeped out of my mouth as I continued to stroke my cock up and down. Taking my thumb to brush along the top, gathering the precum that was oozing out of the slit.
I pictured myself behind Y/N, having her bent over with both of her hands placed on both sides of the tub, bare ass up in the air for me as the warm water fell over both of our bodies.
My hands gripping the sides of her hips and as I dig my fingertips into her to keep my grip. 
Her breasts motioning back and forth from me fucking her from behind, droplets of water falling from her nipples and onto the tub below us. 
Y/N’s soft moans echoing off of the bathroom walls, sounding like pure bliss to my ears. With the sounds of our skin smacking against each other. 
“Oh god Jesse. Your cock feels so fucking good inside of me.”
I smack her ass, leaving a light pink hand print on the side of her left ass cheek. 
My strokes getting faster now and my breathing becoming erratic. My heart was pumping with adrenaline and I knew it wouldn’t be much longer before my release spilled into my hands.
My stomach began to tighten and my orgasm seconds away from completely overtaking me.
“YO JESSE!” Three loud bangs to the front of my bedroom door. 
I sprang up in my bed, knocking the sheets off of me and onto the floor, my heart almost falling right out of my ass. 
“We know your ass isn’t asleep! Whenever you’re done in there texting your little crush get your ass downstairs! Noah wants to rewatch Game Of Thrones!” Michael shouted from the opposite side of my door.
“Uhh, uh, yeah, just give me a minute and I’ll be down there.” 
“Why do you sound so out of breath? Oh no, don’t tell me… GUYS I THINK JESSE IS BEATING HIS MEAT!!”
Just like that, my dignity was gone along with my orgasm. 
“Fuck off! I was just tidying up my room and the sheets were giving me a hard time. The top right corner kept coming off.” I replied while still trying to catch my breath.
“Riiiiiiight. Well we’ll be on the couch waiting while you get your dick back in your pants.”
“My dick is in my pants idiot.” I replied while pulling my sweatpants back up my legs and over my briefs. 
With a long sigh I quickly patted down my messy bed ridden hair and adjusted my shirt. With everything back in order and my breathing back to normal I headed over towards my bedroom door and opened it. Being greeted by Michael who was leaning against the wall with a sly smirk on his face.
Ignoring him, I immediately turned towards the staircase and made my way down to the front room where my two other roommates were laying on the couch with the Game Of Thrones opening playing on the TV.
My alarm abruptly woke me from my deep sleep. I turned over to silence it and to look at the time. The clock read back 9am.
I set my phone back down on the nightstand before me and stretched out my arms above my head and let out a long yawn. 
Mine and Jesse’s text messages replaying in my mind from last night. 
I finally rolled out of bed, the excitement of mine and Jesse’s lunch date giving me all the energy I needed to not snooze my alarm another four times like usual.
I sprang over to my closet and clicked on the light switch. Rummaging through all my clothes on the hangers before me. I wanted to make sure my outfit was perfect for today. 
Something that would be cute and show effort, but nothing too crazy that made me look like I was trying too hard. 
I finally came across one of my short black dresses and I pulled it out to take a full look at it. Not remembering the last time I had worn it. Which was a real shame because I had forgotten how much I loved this dress. 
I turned to the opposite side of the closet where I kept my long sleeves and sweaters hung. I reached for a white turtleneck long sleeve. I wanted to pair it with the dress to look a little more formal for a lunch date. 
With the dress and shirt both in my hands I made my way back out to my bedroom and tossed them on the bed. I then made my way over to my dresser along the wall and reached into my sock drawer to pull out a pair of black sheer tights. 
Walking back over to my bed, I quickly undressed out of my oversized shirt and socks from last night and began dressing in the clothes before me. 
With everything on I walked over to my black sticker covered mirror that hung on the wall beside my closet. 
Taking a good once over at my outfit. I was happy with how everything looked. I then made my way back into my closet to pull out my black platform doc marten boots. 
Grabbing a pair of high black socks out of my dresser and putting them on before slipping into my doc’s.
My outfit now finally complete. I made my way into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and settled on putting my hair into a braid. It was a warmer day in LA today and with the longsleeve and tights I knew it would be too hot to wear it down. 
Once back into my bedroom I decided to throw on some jewelry. I opened the small jewelry box that sat on top of my dresser and grabbed out a few silver rings and a simple silver chain necklace. I then grabbed out a pair of my black dangle flower earrings and did one last look over in the mirror. 
Adjusting my hair to sit on my right shoulder, I smoothed down my dress and then grabbed my black bag off the hook from the back of my bedroom door. Then sprayed myself all over with my coconut vanilla body mist. 
Before grabbing the door handle I quickly checked my phone. The time now showing 10:15am. I let out a small nervous breath and shook out the nerves before finally opening my door and stepping out into the hallway. 
I ended up falling asleep after texting Jesse so I never made it back out to watch Ghost Adventures with Kate last night. 
Thankfully she worked this morning so I was able to avoid her wrath until later tonight when I got back home. 
I walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out from the fridge. Taking a few sips to help with the nervous knots that were forming in my stomach. 
My text tone suddenly went off from my phone in the front pocket of my purse. I reached in to grab it and pulled it out to be greeted with a text message from Jesse showing across the screen.
Those giddy butterflies suddenly forming again. 
JESSE🌺: Good morning, gorgeous. I just wanted to let you know that I’m walking out my front door and heading to my car now. Could you text me your address?
The excited squeals also came back as I typed out my address and hit send.
JESSE🌺: GPS says I should be there in 15! Looking forward to lunch with you. See you soon.😊
Y/N: Looking forward to lunch with you too, handsome. Thank you again for coming to pick me up. See you soon!🩵
Letting out a deep breath I inserted my keys into the ignition and turned on the car. The AC immediately blasting me in the face. 
I reached over to the center console below the touch screen radio and twisted the AC knob down a few clicks. 
With Y/N’s address loaded up on my phone, I reached for my phone chord and plugged it in to showcase the GPS on the center screen before me. 
Before clicking go, I did a quick look over in the rear view mirror and adjusted my hair. Making sure my curls were in order. 
I patted down the gray corduroy botton up that I layered over one of my white t-shirts and dusted off a few pieces of lint from the top of my jeans. 
Finally hitting go on the maps app on my phone the directions loaded up onto the screen and I put my car in reverse to back out of the driveway and onto the street. 
Y/N’s place was only a fifteen minute drive from my house. 
I pulled into her apartment complex, driving through the street slowly to make sure I didn’t pass up her building. The nerves now starting to set in. 
What if she decides not to come out? Is my outfit okay? Should I have worn something else? Is my cologne strong enough? I hope I smell okay…
Shaking the thoughts out in an attempt to clear my head I appeared in front of Y/N’s apartment building. Parking in one of the guest spots out front. 
I reached over for my phone and pulled up her contact to send her a quick text message letting her know that I was outside. 
Y/N: Coming down now!😊
Oh shit. She’s coming. This is actually happening. 
Letting out another deep breath I clicked the unlock botton for the doors and anxiously waited for her to make her way into the parking lot while nervously tapping my hands on my knees.
When all of a sudden she appeared out from the staircase in the center of the building. The sunlight bouncing off of her hair that she put into a braid, resting on her shoulder. 
Her pale skin glistened with every step she took and the black dress she wore hugged her body perfectly. The black sheer tights wrapped around her toned legs and I licked my lips at the sight of her. She was fucking beautiful. 
As she neared closer I quickly reached for my door handle and stepped out of my car. Making my way over to the passenger side to open the door for her. 
The bouquet of pink flowers I had purchased earlier this morning rested on the passenger seat. 
“Hey you!” Y/N said with a smile on her face as she came up next to me. “You didn’t have to get the door for me Jesse, I feel bad that you had to get out of the cool AC.”
I returned a smile back to her. “I would never make a girl as gorgeous as you open the door while I just sat inside the car.” 
Y/N bent down, her face lighting up as soon as she saw the flowers sitting in the seat. “Oh my gosh Jesse, are these for me?”
“Yeah, I hope it’s not too much. I saw them today when I was out doing some grocery shopping with my roommates. That shade of pink is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen and it reminded me of you.” 
I swallowed hard, hoping that what I just said didn’t sound weird. But it was true, I meant every word. 
With Y/N now sitting in the seat with the flowers resting in her lap I closed the door behind her and made my way back over to the driver's side. Climbing in and pulling my seatbelt down over me. 
“Jesse, thank you so much. These are beautiful!” Y/N brought the flowers up to her nose to take a small whiff. “And they smell incredible.” 
“You don’t have to thank me. If anything I should be thanking you for giving me the pleasure of taking you out to lunch today.” I pulled up the address of the sushi place on my phone and put it on the center console screen. 
As I put the car in reverse I glanced back over at Y/N who was sitting with her legs crossed. Her legs looked so sexy in those tights and thoughts of rubbing my hands over her thighs quickly rushed into my brain. 
This was the first time I had seen her outside of the cafe and the first time her legs weren’t hidden behind her usual work attire. It was driving me crazy. 
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you look absolutely beautiful Y/N.” 
She looked over at me and I could feel her gaze casting against the side of my cheek as I stared at the road before me. Both hands nervously gripping the steering wheel. 
“That’s very sweet Jesse. I hope you don’t mind me saying this either, but you look very handsome. I really like that shirt on you.” 
I wasn’t sure if her licking her lips after saying that was real or if I had imagined it. However, it didn’t help the thoughts that kept creeping into the back of my mind. Or the temptation of stealing glances at her crossed legs. 
I could feel my cock starting to get hard from under my jeans and I adjusted in my seat in an attempt to hide it. 
The AC caused a few of her stray hairs to blow around and as she tucked them behind her ears I began to pick up on the smell of her vanilla coconut perfume. The same scent that hit me like a ton of bricks the first time she walked past me that first day I saw her. 
“Is the AC okay? I asked while clearing my throat. “If it’s too hot or too cold I can adjust it.” 
“Oh no, it’s perfect actually.”
She was perfect.
“I seriously can not thank you enough Jesse, for all of this. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
I made a left turn to pull into the parking lot and pulled into one of the spots directly out front of the sushi restaurant. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N. Seriously, it’s the least that I could do. I can’t thank you enough for coming to get sushi with me. I’ve been looking forward to this since you agreed last night.
 I put the car in park and clicked off my seatbelt. After turning the car off I reached for the door handle and stepped outside onto the pavement. Then I made my way around the car and back at the passenger side to open Y/N’s door. 
“Do you think the flowers will be ok in the car while we eat?” She asked while stepping out and flattening down her dress. 
“We shouldn't be in there for too long so they should be fine.” 
“Okay, they’re just so beautiful I don’t want anything to happen to them.” She said with a light giggle and then placed the flowers gently back down in the seat. Then reached for the seatbelt and clicked it over the bouquet. 
“There. That way they’re extra secure.” 
She was the cutest damn thing.
I closed the door behind her and motioned towards the door of the restaurant before us. 
“Have you ever been here before?”
Y/N walked right next to me, our arms gently brushing against each other as we inched closer to the front door of the restaurant.
“No, never. This will be my first time so I’m super excited.”
A warm feeling crept over me knowing that this will be Y/N’s first time eating here and that it was with me. This was one of my usual go-to places and I was happy to be the first one she was going to experience it with. 
I reached for the door handle and pulled the door open with my hand hovering over Y/N’s back as she stepped inside. The cool breeze from the AC once again blew her scent into me. My mouth always watering from the smell of vanilla coconut. 
“Table for two?” The young lady from behind the counter asked as we approached the hostess stand. 
“Yes please.” I replied.
She grabbed two menus out from the menu holder beside her and motioned for us to follow behind her. 
Me and Y/N yet again walking side by side as our arms gently grazed up against one another. 
The lady set the menus down on the table before us. “Your server will be over shortly.” 
“Thank you.” I let Y/N climb into the booth first, picking which side she preferred. Once she was seated, I scooted into the booth opposite of her. I thought about sitting on the same side as her, but worried that may be too much for our first time hanging out together. 
I didn’t want to do anything to make her uncomfortable or to overstep any boundaries. 
Y/N picked the menu off of the table, “Oh my gosh, everything here looks delicious.” She then flipped the menu over to the back, “They even have gyoza! I can already tell I’m going to love this place.”
“Yeah, their gyoza is really good! I used to get it all the time but I could never finish it by myself so I always ended up giving the rest to one of my roommates.”
“Would you wanna share an order with me?” She asked while peering up from the menu.
I looked up to meet her gaze, “Yeah, I’d love to.” 
Our server suddenly appeared at our table and laid out a stack of napkins before us, “Sorry for the wait guys, I just got double sat so I’m trying to get caught up. Thank you for being so patient. My name is Amanda and I’ll be your server this afternoon. What can I get you two to drink?” 
“Oh, no worries at all! Could I have a sweet tea please?” Y/N asked.
“Ok one sweet tea and would you like lemon?”
“No thank you.”
“What can I get for you, sir?” Amanda turned her gaze away from Y/N to now look at me.
“Can I have a Coke please?”
“Alrighty one Coke. Did you guys want to start with any appetizers?”
“Yes please, we wanted to do an order of the gyoza.” I replied back. 
“Would you guys like them steamed or fried?”
I glanced over at Y/N, “ladies choice.”
Y/N smiled and a slight pink hue flushed to her cheeks, “Hm, I think I’m feeling rebellious today, let’s go with fried.”
“Ok so I’ve got one sweet tea with no lemon, a Coca Cola, and an order of fried gyoza. That sound right?”
“Perfect.” I answered.
“Alright I’ll go put the gyoza in and I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
Amanda stuffed her server book into the front pocket of her apron before heading back over to the kitchen.
“It’s so cute in here, I can’t believe I’ve never checked this place out before! Especially since it’s right down the road from mine and Kate’s apartment.”
I looked around at all the Japanese themed decor and the large bonsai tree that sat in the center of the restaurant.
“Yeah it is huh? I typically order take out whenever I eat here so I sort of forgot how this place looks from the inside. Kinda feels like this is my first time here too.” I joked.
Amanda appeared back at the table with our drinks and set them down before us with two straws. “Your gyoza will be out in just a few. Have we decided on what we are having for lunch?”
“Ladies first.” I motioned over towards Y/N.
“Can I please do one of the California rolls and then one of the spicy tuna rolls?” 
“Good choice.” Amanda said while writing Y/N’s order down. “How about you, sir?”
“I’ll also do one of the California rolls and one of the spicy salmon rolls please.” 
“Also another good choice. Anything else or will that be it?” Amanda asked with a click of her pen.
“I think that will do it for us.” I answered back. 
Amanda grabbed our menus off the table. “Alright we will have that right out for you. Your gyoza should be about ready now I’m gonna go check on it.”
Amanda reappeared a few moments later and set the plate of gyoza down in front of us. “Here you go, enjoy!”
“Thank you so much.” Me and Y/N both said at the same time.
Me and Y/N both reached for one of the gyoza’s and our hands brushed against one another. The warmth of her skin sent a shiver down my spine. 
Y/N glanced up at me with those beautiful eyes and I swallowed hard. I couldn’t believe someone as beautiful as her was sitting before me right now. She made it hard to breathe.
I still don’t know what I did in this life to get so lucky to have Y/N cross my path. But whatever it was, I will spend eternity giving all my thanks. 
Y/N was easily the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. The fact that I was sitting across from her and eating lunch with her right now still never fully set in. 
She was way out of my league and I knew that I couldn’t do anything to fuck up whatever this could potentially be. 
“Holy shit, this is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.” 
I looked up from the plate of gyoza to see Y/N chewing with the biggest smile across her face. “I’m glad you like them.”
“Jesse, this is hands down the best gyoza I’ve ever eaten. Thank you so much for bringing me here.”
I laughed at her comment and the cuteness of her cheeks puffing out from the gyoza she had shoved in them. “Anytime, especially if it’s with you.”
My cheeks burned from how much blushing I’ve been doing the last few hours I’ve spent with Jesse.
Our sushi orders came out earlier and we both were just about finished with our meal. “Ugh, I’m absolutely stuffed.” I said while holding a hand over my stomach.
“Agreed I ate way too much, but it’s just so good I couldn’t stop.” Jesse replied back. 
Our server Amanda went to go grab us boxes so we could take home the leftovers.
Jesse had his hand up on the table and I had spent the entire time stealing glances down at his hands. The way his fingers would tap against the table made my pussy clench. He had the sexiest hands I’ve ever seen and I desperately wanted them all over me. 
My phone started ringing from inside my purse, causing me to break sight from Jesse’s fingertips. I reached in and pulled it out. Kate’s contact photo appearing on the screen. 
“I’m so sorry, Kate is calling me. Do you mind if I take it?”
“Of course. You don’t ever have to ask permission Y/N.”
I clicked on the green answer button bringing the phone up to my ear. 
“So Jasmine called out tonight, of course, but before you have a heart attack, don’t worry. I’m not calling you to ask you to come in. I’m just gonna stay and close with Kristina and get my overtime pay. But I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be home until later tonight.”
“Oh shit, are you sure you’re okay with staying and closing Kate? You’ve been there since four this morning. There’s no one else you can call to come in?”
“Unfortunately no, the only person I could call in would be Tyler but he already worked this morning and I know he won’t come back and work a double.” Kate then let out a frustrated sigh. “But whatever, it’s fine. The overtime pay will get me through it.”
I glanced over at Jesse who was now putting both of our left over food into the to go boxes. 
“I’m so sorry sis. If you need anything at all just text or call me.”
“I will Y/N, but I’ll be fine. It’s nothing I haven’t done before. Just one of the awesome perks that comes with being a manager. But I gotta go, Kristina is out on the floor by herself so I better go make sure she isn’t burning the place down. I’ll see you later tonight. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I replied back before pulling the phone from my ear to disconnect the call. 
“Everything okay?” Jesse asked.
“Yeah, Kate got stuck having to close the cafe tonight. She’s been there since four this morning so she’s not too happy about it.”
“Oh shit, that sucks. If you need to go and help her out I totally understand. I can drop you off at the cafe if you need me to.”
“You’re so sweet to offer, Jesse. Thank you. But I couldn’t work tonight even if I wanted to. If I did it would put me in overtime and since I’m not a manager I’m not allowed to work any hours over my usual forty.” 
Our server Amanda came back to the table and laid the bill upside down. “Take your time no rush! I’ll come back whenever you guys are ready.”
Jesse grabbed the bill and pulled his wallet out from his back pocket. He grabbed his card and handed it along with the receipt back to Amanda.
“Jesse what are you doing?” I asked with an eyebrow raised. “Why did you pay the bill?”
“I already told you, it’s the least I can do for you giving me the pleasure to take such a beautiful girl out to lunch with me.”
“I hope you know I’m paying you back.” I said while reaching into my purse to pull out my wallet.
“Well, what are you doing after this?” 
I glanced back up at him, “Well, Kate is going to be gone all night so I’ll just be sitting at home by myself. It does get kind of creepy there at night though…”
A thought popped into my head and I wanted to take advantage of being able to spend more time with him.
“If you wanted, you could come back to the apartment with me. It would make me feel a lot safer with someone else being there. We could hang out on the couch, maybe watch a movie? Only if you’re comfortable! No pressure of course.”
Jesse stared straight into my eyes now. My heart began to pick up pace and my fingertips tingled with anticipation. 
“If it gets me more time with you, I’d love nothing more. As long as you’re okay with it.”
Amanda came back to the table and handed Jesse’s card to him. “Thank you guys so much. You both have a great day and come back soon.”
Jesse wrote his signature down on the receipt and I went to stop him before he wrote down an amount on the tip line. 
“You paid for lunch, at least let me get the tip.”
“Not a chance.” Jesse responded while going back to finish writing out the tip amount on the receipt.
“You’re a stubborn one, Jesse.” I said with a smirk on my face. 
“You know, that’s not the first time someone has told me that. You can make it up to me with a promise of more orange scones to come.” He responded back with a wink. 
Jesse then pushed up off the table with both hands standing up out of the booth and took a step to stand directly in front of where I was sitting. 
He then put his hand out, “You ready to get outta here?”
I reached for his hand and he helped me up out of the booth. “Thank you, Jesse.” His hand was softer this time but as warm as ever. 
My hand fit perfectly inside of his, like it was meant to be there. When he closed his hand to wrap around the front of mine I let out a shaky breath. The only thing I could think about was how bad I didn’t want to let go. 
We walked through the restaurant hand in hand and towards the front door. Making our way back out into the parking lot.
Jesse kept his hand in mine all the way back to his car before making sure to open the passenger side door once again for me.
I climbed inside of the car and Jesse made his way back over into the driver's side seat. “So, back to your place?” He asked before putting my address back into the GPS and clicking go.
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southparkhcsocs · 1 year
Hii can you maybe do main 4+ butters and how they act when they are jealous? Maybe another boy is talking with you and maybe flirting idk btw I loveeeee your page🩷🩷🩷
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I got you and i hope i did yous proud my bbs!
Stan Marsh
oh stan
well he thought it would be fun to take you to the gym
yass power couple goals
but he went to refill his water bottle for like 1 second
and some dude bro comes over "checking out your form"
Stan so wanted to punch the guy in the face
and like he totally would of but uhhh you know reasons!
so anyway he say's he's fine even though he's barely spoken since
a good couple hours later and our boy BANGING on your door
"am I not good enough for you!!?" "what?" "is it because I put on some weight? I'm tryign to lose it!" "Stan what are yo-" "i love you please don't leave mee...."
Dude fucking REAKS of booze
clearly drunk
clearly mad and sad and confused and scared
feels like absolute shit in the morning
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Kyle Broflovski
oh oh oh
yall just out for a lovely meal couple of drinks
Kyle goes to pay the tab cause dude a fuckin gentleman
old fashioned type of guy
and when he see's some guy ogling you
he was about to fight
but this is a nice place
one of your favorites
so he's not about to get himself band
so just a little warning to the guy
maybe a little dressing down
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Kenny McCormick
Let's be real
if he sees someone flirting with you
he's not going to stop them
your a worldie
but you need to be comfortable while other guys fucking gawk over you
and oh whats that you feel???
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Eric Cartman
Lets say Cartman doesn't kill the guy
at least not in front of you
dude gonna assert dominance
I mean it's technically your fault
why did you have to dress like that
did you want to piss him off??
he's gonna make sure the dude knows you are HIS
the audacity of this guy
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Leopold "Butters" Stotch
im sorry
he's not gonna get aggressively possessive
he's gonna stick to you like glue tho!
lucky he's cute.
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235 notes · View notes
rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter sixteen
Crawl Home to You
Series masterlist
Previous Part: Everything will be Okay Next Part: Endgame
Word Count: 7,532
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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You stopped in your tracks.
Walking the empty main hall of the compound towards where Steve, Scott, Bruce and Nat were conducting a time travel test, the only sound was the echoed thumping of your sneakers against the floor.
Steve advised you to wait it out in the living room until they were done so he knew you'd be safe and sound, then he texted you that they were all done. However, that text came in the middle of a business call, so you told him you'd come down to them when it wrapped up.
So now, here you were, approaching the pull up zone outside and trying to figure out where that noise came from.
"Sunflower!" You heard the loud whisper again.
Knowing that literally everyone here but Steve only ever called you Sugar Cookie, you knew exactly who it was already.
"Where are you?" You giggled, turning around in a complete circle to find him.
Then, he bashfully turned the corner. Arm behind his back, with a cheeky, genuine smile on his face.
"What's gotten into yo-" You asked with a giggle before he fully turned the corner and you saw what he was trying to sneak around. Your laugh turned into a gasp and your jaw happily dropped. "No fucking way!"
He propped his arm up, and attached to it was the red white and blue shield. "Tony just gave it back to me. We made up, it was actually really nice."
You stepped closer to inspect it, "I can't believe I've been with you for this long and I've never seen the shield before!"
Steve laughed at your body language. Your hands were crossed behind your back, and instead of getting even closer, your few steps kept you at a comfortable distance away from it, yet you still leaned forward and squinted your eyes to see all of its details.
"Are you so happy to have it back?" You asked, looking up at him for a brief moment to see his facial expression.
"It's like reuniting with an old friend, feels like no time has passed." His free hand lovingly pat the front of it. You still seemed very timid, and his step forward caused you to take a step back. "Are you... scared of it?"
"What? No." You denied, shaking your head.
As a test he stepped forward again but this time you stayed put. Steve gave you a confused look, unable to gauge your reaction. "You wanna touch it?"
He extended his arm out to you, and you shook your head again. "I can't just touch it!" You exclaimed like he had gone absolute mad.
"Why not?" He asked with a laugh.
"Why not?! I don't even want to breathe too hard near it! That's like an artifact, dude! Are you crazy?!" You explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I have lotion on my hands, and it's gonna get all over it."
"Baby, it's made out of the strongest metal on earth." Steve explained, gently grabbing your wrist and placing your palm flat to the front of it. "See? Nice shield!"
"Woaaahhhh, that's so cool." Your face turned from concerned to amazed before you ran your finger around the grooves. Then, you made a cheeky big smile at Steve, "Can I hold it?"
"Wow, quick turn around time" He noted how fast you went from 0 to 100 as he pulled his arm out of the straps.
He instructed you to hold your arm out before sliding it through one strap, and to grip the other in your palm.
"How's she feeling?" Steve asked. "I can make it tighter."
"It feels so cool!" You said giddily.
"Looks even cooler, Baby" His heart melted at the sight of his love holding it.
"What do you think? Should I get me one of these?" You asked.
"I think you need lots of training and a small lump some of money to obtain this much vibrainum, but I believe in you!" He kissed your cheek and started guiding you down the hallway again, right back towards his room.
"Sooooo, how did the test run go?" You asked, walking tall and proud with the shield on your arm.
"Not too great. We accidentally tuned Scott into a baby and an old man. But pay no mind to any of that because Tony is here, and he figured it out. So he's going to build a real time travel machine, oh- and Rocket and Nebula just got here too. Rocket and Bruce are going to go get Thor."
"What?" He questioned nonchalantly.
"Is Scott back to normal?" You asked. "Why did you just brush over that part?"
"Oh yeah, he's back to Scott-ish age now." He confirmed.
"Okay great." You giggled.
"Woah!" Sounded from behind you.
Admittedly, it scared you at first. You didn't hear any footsteps, and you definitely didn't sense anyone nearing. You jumped, shrieked, and dropped the shield straight into the floor.
Steve laughed and he swiftly bent down to pick it up, and you turned to address the terrifying elephant in the room.
None other than Tony stark. "Sugar cookie stuck around, huh?"
"Nice to see you again, Mr. Stark." You greeted him while puffing out a breath and clutching your chest.
"She's polite." Tony acknowledged, Steve nodded with pride. "Just Tony works."
"Oh, sorry." You apologized for using an incorrect title.
"Rogers, didn't I just tell you to keep that under wraps because I didn't bring enough for everyone?" Tony joked, pointing at the shield.
"What could I say? She just looked so cute holding it" Steve justified.
"She looked even cuter dropping it." Tony joked. Then his eyes met yours. "You really are beautiful by the way, thanks for sticking around. Contrary to popular belief around here, I do like seeing Rogers happy."
"Thank you, Tony. I'm happy to be here." You responded politely, unsure of how to let your guard drop around the billionaire.
"Steve, meeting room in 10. We have a lot of thinking to do." Tony told Steve, then turned to you. "Would it be inappropriate to tell you o could really go for some brownies right now?"
"No, not at all." You shook your head. "I'll get right on it... Do you happen to know if Raccoons can eat chocolate?"
"This isn't about the build-a-bear." Tony shook his head. "Okay, gotta go. Kinda have half the universe counting on me to build a Time Machine."
And just like that, he walked off.
You sighed. "When he says it like that, I guess he really does deserve some brownies."
Steve giggled and leaned down to kiss your cheek. "I'm guessing you're headed off to the store now?"
"Depends. Do the Avengers have any dark cocoa powder handy?"
With his free hand, Steve reached into his back pocket and handed you the keys to his car. "Nobody here is smart enough to know how to bake anything. Of course we don't have cocoa powder."
You laughed at his statement, a little snort passed through. "I just love you so much, Stevie."
"I can tell, nobody would put up with any of this for any other reason." He acknowledged. "I love you too, Baby."
You rocked up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. "Use your big brain, smarty pants. They need it."
"Oh, and by the way," Steve started, smug look on his face. "If you're holding the shield and you get scared, best practice is to hold it in front of you and not drop it on the floor. It can't really do much for you all the way down there."
"Yeah, yeah" You playfully rolled your eyes.
Over the next few days, Steve watched you connect with the team in ways he wasn't quite sure he's ever had. Honestly, it came quite naturally for you.
If someone was upset, it's like your brain didn't even have to think about what to do. You'd autopilot hugs and comforting words. And if someone needed a break to rest their tired brain, they'd always come to you for some fun conversation. If anyone fell asleep, you were there to throw a blanket over them.
No matter how happy it made him, he reminded you time and time again that you didn't have to stick around if you didn't want to. The conversations they were having were heavy, and he could tell a lot of them took a toll on you regardless of your efforts to not show that they did.
But you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep at night without being here for him. You wanted to make sure he was okay first and foremost, and you knew he couldn't sleep at night if you weren't there. It was a tricky balance, but one you'd do almost anything to keep the scales from tipping.
Steve had warned you not to get too attached to any of the team, he told you realistically how it works. They get along and work well together, but when the mission was done they all went back to their separate lives. He knew you and your sweet as sugar heart, and he wanted to protect it from the reality of the people he surrounded you with.
Perhaps Sam, Bucky and Nat were the exceptions. He always knew they would be there for him no matter what. Oh how he wished you could've met Bucky, he knew the two of you would be like two peas in a pod.
But in the time it took to get the whole team assembled and the machine built, he could tell his advice to you had flown out the window.
You and Nat were just too precious to separate. And Thor; sweet, poor Thor. He was really having a rough time, and you just couldn't help yourself from comforting him. Steve saw Thor bond with you in a way he had never quite seen him bond with anyone before. You made Rocket how very own tray of blondies since he definitely couldn't eat the brownies. He even saw Tony giving you business advice, that spiraled into him giving you opinions on everything about the new bakery you were working tirelessly on. Tony complemented your business model and taste in interior design on multiple occasions, which was a very high compliment.
Two days before they decided the machine was good enough for a test run, Steve decided that's when he would feel most comfortable bringing you home.
Everything in him was screaming to get you to safety, but his heart was screaming to never let you go. So, he decided the day he brought you home he'd spend the night at home with you, then go back the next morning. He knew a little bit of peace away from the craziness would help him go into the mission with a stronger, more rested mind.
Honestly, driving through the neighborhood with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand being held between both of yours, he had never been so sure that this was his home now.
Even in just the relatively short time away, he missed everything about it. Your shared home, the bed, the running trails, the lake view lookout cliffs, and breakfast burritos from the diner.
He even almost missed the feeling of being watched by Georgia's careful eyes every time he simply exited near the view of her living room window.
When the two of you pulled up the driveway, put the car in park and turned off the transmission, he looked over at you. You were lost in thought, staring out of the window with no awareness to your surroundings. Steve felt a little crack in your heart knowing exactly what you were thinking about.
"Baby," he squeezed your hand, grabbing your attention. "You'll see them again, okay?"
You grinned and squeezed his hand right back. "I just want you guys to stay safe, that's all."
"We will be." He nodded. "You have to know that saving the world is the goal but getting home to you is number one priority. We all have too much to lose to put anything on the line."
You leaned over the center console to give him a kiss. "I trust you."
Instead of a response, his eyes were open when you pulled away, staring straight ahead. Instead of asking what he was looking at, you followed his eyes and saw Georgia conveniently out on her porch.
Rather than the perfectly put together version of Georgia everyone knew, she looked... off. Rather than a proper outfit, she was in comfortable clothes. The color in her face looked drained, other than her cheeks which were blushed pink.
This time you weren't so sure she came out to see what the two of you were up to. Especially when she slowly walked towards the railing of her porch and barely made it the few steps it took to get there. Stumbling over her own two feet to grab onto the railing, and even when she wasn't walking, she was slowly swaying like she couldn't even stand up.
"Something's wrong." You mumbled, unsure if it was to yourself or the superhero in the drivers seat.
You could tell he was thinking the same thing as you, and every issue you've ever had with her completely flew out of the window and wasn't even a thought in either of your minds as you both un-clicked your seatbelts and got out of the car as fast as you could.
Your legs carried yourself over to her faster than you even looked both ways to check for cars before crossing the street. Steve's legs were longer, they got him to her first. He walked up her porch stairs two at a time before putting his hand on her shoulder to steady her.
"Are you alright?" He questioned, full of concern.
"I'm sorry, I just haven't been feeling good an-" She started explaining, before noticing you approaching right behind Steve.
"What's wrong, Georgia?" You wanted her to keep going.
"Baby, you know I wouldn't be asking for help if I didn't need it." She told you.
You were even more worried as you could hear shakiness and mumbling in her voice. She could barely separate words on her tongue, the syllables were slurring together.
"It's okay, tell me what's going on." You reassured her, caring a lot more about her well being than anything that's happened between the three of you.
Steve was already three steps ahead of this situation. He was looking around and making a plan in his head, he knew just by looking at her that she was very very sick with something. Just with one hand on her shoulder he could feel the heat radiating off of her yet her arms had visible goosebumps.
"I just have the flu or something, but I can't go- go to the store to get any medicine." She slurred.
Her swaying was getting worse, eyes growing heavier by the moment. Getting increasingly more concerned by the second, Steve had to make a judgment call.
"Baby." Steve got your attention, now with one hand on Georgia's back and another on her upper arm. "Call the paramedics." He mouthed as to not make Georgia more concerned.
You nodded, understanding why he didn't speak it out loud. "I'm going to go grab you a few things from my house, why don't you let Steve take you inside so you can get comfortable okay? I'll be right back."
"Really I'm f-fine. Just need some cold medicine or someth-" She didn't finish her sentence.
"Georgia?" Steve tried getting her to respond, but her eyes closed.
Having already bracing for this, Georgia became unconscious and fell backwards onto Steve, but he caught her gracefully before she even had a chance to come close to the floor.
You pulled out the phone and immediately called for an ambulance as Steve set her down as gently as he possibly could before sitting down next to her and rolling her head to the side.
He was worried with a fever this high she would have a seizure following the loss of consciousness, and while you were on the phone, your big concerned eyes found his calm ones.
You answered all the questions as best you could before the dispatcher told you the paramedics would be there as soon as they could, then you hung up.
Calm as a clam, Steve sat with her with a watchful eye.
"Do you want to stay with her, or do you want to grab me a few things in the meantime?" He asked.
"I'll stay" you nodded, feeling overwhelmed and worried sick.
"Okay, I'll be right back." He nodded, swiftly standing up and jogging across the street.
He came back not even a full minute later with everything he needed to start treatment while waiting for proper medical care.
You watched as he slipped a pillow from the porch swing under her head, then put a cold wet rag on her forehead, and put down a cold water bottle just in case she woke up. Sitting down next to you on the ground, he reached out and let you play with his hand.
"She'll be okay" He explained. "I think she has a really high fever and hasn't been trying to keep it down enough. They'll probably take her and keep her for a few days, but it's an easy fix. Nothing to be worried about."
"How do you know?" You questioned sadly.
"I spent the first 23 years of my life sick as a dog." He grinned emphatically. "I know because I've been here so many times before."
You nodded silently and played with his fingers before a quiet tear slipped down your cheek and you tried your hardest to not alert Steve of your emotions, but he was always far more observant than you ever hoped he would be.
"Hey, baby." Steve pouted. "Talk to me, are you scared?"
"I'm sad." You corrected. "I care about her and love her so much, and I still do even after all this time and everything that's happened. I don't understand why it has to be like this."
"I'm sorry, Honey." Steve pouted. Though unspoken, his apology had a double meaning. I'm sorry it had to be this way, and I'm sorry for being the wedge in the strained relationship.
"I could've been here taking care of her had she just heard me out and opened her heart to you. It never had to be this way. It should've never come to this." You shook your head. "And now I feel guilty that she's alone. I feel like I have everyone and she has no one."
"That's not your fault." Steve reminded you gently. "You aren't the one who decided for any of this to happen."
"I hope she can see that I still love her, and that you're a good man when all of this is said and done because I hate this stupid grudge."
Although Steve still admittedly hated what she did to you, and wanted to be petty and hold onto it for as long as he could, he understood where you were coming from.
It reminded him of his relationship with Tony. There was a long time in which he thought it was past the point of reconciliation, but not all things were impossible, and the love he had for him never went away.
"You have the best heart, and she's lucky to still be loved by you even after all this time" Steve told you, both of you could hear sirens blaring in the distance.
"She has a sister I should call, do you think I should go to the hospital with her?"
"I think you should do whatever will make you feel like you're doing the right thing." Steve advised you. "I know this is tricky, there's no right or wrong answer, but what we already did was the right thing to do. Anything else is above and beyond."
The sirens got too loud to even respond to him, and the paramedics rushed up to to take her and treat her with urgency. But no matter how quickly they worked, a few concerned neighbors still came out to ask you and Steve about what was going on.
Apparently the nice couple two doors down from her had formed a pretty close friendship, and the wife made a pretty mindless decision to get into the back of the ambulance with her with almost no second thought. It did a lot to ease your mind, especially knowing she wasn't as along as you once thought she was.
After calling her sister who also assured you that she was on her way to the hospital, you felt a lot better and decided to stay home and spend time with Steve who would be quite literally traveling through time in just a short day away.
Eventually you dragged your two feet through the front door, Steve closing it and locking it behind you as you kicked off your shoes.
"Straight to the couch, young lady. I don't want to hear any if's, and's, or butt's about it!" Steve joked.
You followed his instructions with giggle and you plopped down right before he did. It wasn't long before he had you cuddled up to him, with the fluffy blanket on top of the two of you.
Face to face, he gently pushed your hair behind your ear before letting his palm warm your cheek.
"Thank you for helping her even though you had no reason to." You spoke quietly. With barely any distance, words didn't need to travel far anyways.
"I always have a reason to. Helping is what I do best."
Non-verbally agreeing with him, you came to terms with your own thoughts. "These next few days are going to be really hard."
"They will be, I don't think there's anyway we can sugar coat that." Steve agreed. "But I believe in our ability to get through hard times together."
"There's no one else I'd rather be by my side."
"Couldn't agree more." He grinned. "Can I add two more codes to the sunflowers?"
"What do you want to add?" You asked.
"I think in case of emergency, we should do 4 blinks." He suggested gently.
"But there's not going to be an emergency." You raised an eyebrow.
"If course there isn't" Steve agreed with you, though you both knew the chance was pretty high. "And on the contrary I think one long blink should signal that I'm okay. I want you to have peace of mind and a quick way to communicate that to you whenever we need it."
"Ooh, I love that one!" You enthused, earning the sweetest smile from your favorite boy.
"I knew you would"
"What do you want to do before you leave in the morning?" You questioned, fully devoted to making him as happy and relaxed as possible.
"You." He stated smugly.
You gasped and your cheeks immediately turned pink before hiding your face into his neck. He laughed as you squealed like a teenage girl, because even after all these years his sexual comments still pulled great reactions out of you. "Naughty!... but I think we can arrange that."
"You're so cute" he giggled, now cradling the back of your head with his hand.
"I'm trying to hide that I'm blushing!"
"Well it's not so secret anymore, is it?"
You lifted your head to glare at him, and sure enough, your cheeks were painted rosy pink. "What else do you want to do?"
"This is fine by me." Steve shrugged. "Just wanna spend time with you."
"You want a breakfast burrito tomorrow morning, don't you?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I want to spend time eating breakfast burritos with you." He reiterated,
"I know how to read in between the lines, Baby." You giggled.
Besides the forefront of your mind being full of concern over Georgia, Steve, and the Avengers, the two of you managed to spend a really nice day away from the chaos.
You slipped in one phone call to make sure Georgia was okay, then the rest of your time was occupied by Steve and Steve only. Long conversations ranging from heavy topics to funny ones that made the two of you laugh so hard you couldn't breathe, to making sweet sweet love that never failed to make you feel so appreciated and your souls interconnected.
And just as important as making you feel loved during sex was to Steve, making sure you felt just as loved after the fact was arguably even higher priority for him. He never could let go of hearing all the ways you were used and manipulated in the past. All he ever wanted was to make a life for you in which you never had to even be worried about feeling that way every again.
Every single year you've been together has been a constant reminder to him that you always felt safe, loved, and the most comfortable version of yourself when he was around. But that didn't mean he would ever stop being as attentive as he could to you. And you loved to return the favor to him as well.
So after the fun came even more fairytale romantic intimacy in the form of a long, hot shower. The two of you washed each others hair, exchanged kisses, sweet words, and his strong hands even gave you a nice relaxing shoulder massage.
One thing he quickly learned is that a baker's shoulders were always tense, always over worked, and most of the time your right shoulder was hurting you. So some shoulder rubs always released mental and physical tension, and it almost always made you sleepy.
That night Steve felt a sense of accomplishment when he successfully lulled you to sleep after being convinced you wouldn't sleep a single wink until the mission was over, Georgia was no longer sick, and everyone was home safe.
But when the two of you cuddled in up in nothing more than a sports bra, some underwear, and your softest blankets, the warmth and comfort of his bare skin and sweet words sent you straight to dreamland without even processing that it was happening.
Not a single thought in your brain could keep you awake when it was full of nothing but thoughts of how much you loved him, and how lucky you were to be loved by the gentle giant.
When his big frame engulfed you like the cutest little teddy bear, your soft and even breathing always knocked him out quickly too. Though the two of you weren't quite married yet, he was a firm believer in the happy wife, happy wife notion.
You woke up the morning of his departure a lot less relaxed than you were last night, and you could tell that was the case for him too considering he was awake, yet quietly hiding away with his face shoved into your chest and the blankets pulled up to his ear.
For as long as the two of you could afford, you played with the short hair on the back of his head, squeezed him tight and peppered gentle kisses to the crown of his skull.
"Good morning, handsome." You spoke quietly, only to be responded with by him shaking his head. You laughed and gave him another kiss knowing he definitely wasn't ready to start the day.
A few more minutes of cuddles later, he finally poked his head and peaked at you through his eyelashes. "G'morning."
"Maybe if we keep sleeping you don't have to leave." You suggested, feeling the mutual dread over the lack of unknown.
"I just tried that, it didn't work." Steve pouted.
Your arms squeezed him as tight as they could for just a few seconds, and he appreciated every second of you trying to love him to death. That was until his phone ringing interrupted the peace.
He groaned in complaint while you reached over to grab it for him. "It's Tony"
"Let it go to voice mail." Steve half joked.
"You want me to send Tony Stark to voice mail?" You raised an eyebrow.
"It helps keep him humble" He rolled into his back, squinting his eyes to hide them from the harsh daylight.
You clicked the answer button and put Steve's phone to your ear. "Hello, Anthony."
"Oh, even lovelier than hearing Rogers' voice in the morning." He commented. "Where is he, by the way?"
"He's really busy right now." You joked with a smile, everyone knew it was bullshit. He was now hiding his eyes in the ditch of his elbow.
"I'm just gonna assume he's pooping. How are you? Happy to be home?"
"I'm great, but I miss you already."
Steve let out a little complaint, he couldn't believe how well you and Tony got along. He should've expected it, you got along with everyone, but there was something about Tony being able to butter you up that just really got under his skin. He poked your ribs, so you put the call on speaker phone.
"Miss you too, Sugar Cookie. I've been meaning to ask you. When are you and Rogers getting married? If he hasn't proposed yet just let me know and I'll pester him about it. I'll even pitch in for a ring, make sure it's real pretty."
"You're so inva-" Steve started.
"Helpful. Thank you." You cut him off.
"That got him here quick!" Tony noted.
"I think the wedding will be sometime next year, but I'll make sure you get a hand delivered invitation."
"Steve? Do you need some money?" Tony asked, earning a laugh from you.
"I'm more than fine, Tony. I have a big boy job." Steve denied.
"Oh! It's actually funny you bring that up because I was talking to a few of your colleagues, they were all thinking we do the whole time heist thing today instead of tomorrow. So if you want to keep your big boy job to buy that rock we were just talking about, you should probably get here like... soon-ish."
"Okay, then I'll be there soon-ish." He agreed.
"How soon is soon and how ish-y is the ish?" Tony asked.
"Well the soon part is the whole flying a jet thing, and the ish is eating a breakfast burrito and getting dressed so give me 2 hours."
"Hey sugar cookie?" Tony called your attention.
"What's up?"
"When this is all done, Team party at the bakery?"
"The doors are always open for you guys." You agreed.
"Great. See you soon. Rogers, see you soon-ish." Tony said before hanging up.
Both of you dragged yourselves out of bed to put some clothes on and eat breakfast together before sending him off.
Outside of the diner you two hovered next to his car, leaning on it, trying to selfishly take every single moment you could. He briefed you on everything that would go down, you soaked up the information, and unfortunately it was time to say goodbye.
"Remember, I'll be gone for a few hours, but for you it'll only be a few minutes. I'll let you know when I get back by holding down the sunflower, okay?"
"Okay. One long glow." You nodded. "You're going to do great, Baby. And by all means, you're fucking time traveling. Enjoy it, but be safe."
"Always." He squeezed your hands. "I've got the most important thing in the whole world right here, nothing else comes before that. Shit, even if I die and they bury me underneath a concrete slab, you best believe I'm climbing my way out and crawling my way home to you"
"First of all, don't say that. Second of all, don't even think that. Third of all, that sounds horrifying. And fourth of all, that's really sweet, thank you." You schooled him with a giggle.
"I just love you that much!" He enthused.
"I love you too." You smiled. "I'd help dig you out, by the way."
"Teamwork makes the dream work." He cupped your cheeks and gave you a kiss. "When you see that I'm back, stay home, alright? We don't know what the world is going to look like when we bring everyone back. I want you to stay safe too."
"Got it" You agreed with a nod, and one more kiss. "You still have your good luck charm?"
"That $20 was the first thing that made it to my new suit." He reassured you.
"Perfect. Go get 'em Soldier."
"Yes ma'am." He followed your orders, opening his car door. "I love you!"
"I love you more."
Upon his departure, you knew you needed to keep yourself busy. So you decided to eat your own pride and bring a bouquet of flowers to the hospital to check up on Georgia and hopefully start the mend of your broken relationship.
She was asleep when you got there, but her sister let you know she was doing well and will be home tomorrow. Not wanting to disrupt, you left the flowers then made your way back to your second home.
The bakery welcomed you in with the smell of fresh baked cookies and a warm waft of air from the ovens that felt like a big hug.
Time always flew by when you became truly focused on running the place and taking care of orders, but it was never enough to completely rid you of the knot in your stomach you were trying so hard to ignore all day long.
Before you knew it, your sunflower lit up with a big long glow as you were adding on final touches to the cake on your turn table. The last one of the day. You send him a little three glow message to acknowledge that he was back safe and that you loved him before wrapping up at the bakery and heading home like he told you too.
The sun was starting its decent as you were getting comfortable at home. You had gotten into pajamas, pulled your hair back into a ponytail, and cleaned the kitchen as you anticipated hearing all the details about Steve's day.
You wondered where exactly he had gone, what year he went to and what happened while he was there. It took a lot to hold back your desperate yearning to call him, you knew he was probably busy and exhausted from the day he had.
The calmness in your heart turned into a brick in your stomach when you got a text, and clicked the notification on your screen.
Steve: Hey baby, Danielle is on her way to our place right now. Please call me when she gets there <3
Danielle was a decorator of yours at the bakery back before the snap. She quickly became a very close friend of yours and Steve's through the years. Though she left the bakery for a corporate job, she was always there for you both when you needed her.
The knowledge of her arrival and him wanting to talk to you after made your heart thump out of your chest and your legs weaken with anxiety. You knew Steve. If there was bad news he couldn't deliver straight to your face, he would never give it to you over phone or text if he knew you were alone.
So sending a trusted and close friend over to you for support and company before laying it on you was definitely what was about to happen.
It was barely even five whole minutes before there was a gentle knock on the door, and you rushed to open if like your life depended on it.
She stood there with a sad, sympathetic look on her face. She was in sweatpants and a shirt much like you, a bag slung on her shoulder. The pout on her lips and big eyes full of dread told you that there was definitely something wrong.
"Dani, what happened?" You didn't even bother saying hello, this was way beyond that. "Steve told me he was okay. He's okay, right?
She stepped inside your house, and quickly set her bag down. "He's fine, I just talked to him. But you need to call him, he will tell you everything."
You sunk into yourself, and Danielle wrapped her arm around you. "Come on, let's get comfortable on the couch."
With hands so shaky and legs so wobbly did just that before you grabbed your phone, and called Steve. It barely even rang once before he picked up.
"Hi, Sunflower." He spoke, you could hear the bad news in his voice before he even said what happened. He sounded sad, his voice hoarse, raspy, and deeper than usual.
"Oh baby." You felt a physical pain in your chest just from him speaking two greeting words to you. It was like you could feel his pain. "What happened? I thought everything was okay?"
"The mission is okay, we got all six of the stones. We're working on getting them in the gauntlet. But, Honey..."
"No. No buts. You always tell me no buts." Your heart cracking more and more by the second.
"I know. I'm so sorry I have to tell you this but Nat, she's gone." He finally got the words out.
"What do you mean she's gone?" You needed him to clarify, pure disbelief and denial racing through your mind.
"We didn't realize the soul stone was only retrievable with a trade. A soul for a soul. She sacrificed herself. I'm so sorry." That's when the tears started. You hurt for yourself, the amount of grief that flooded over you felt immense, but mostly you hurt for Steve. Steve was in a family of four before he met you. Him, Sam, Bucky and Nat. Nat was the only one he had left and now she was gone in an instant. "I know you two were close, and I hope you know how much your friendship meant to her. You really were a light in her life especially recently when things felt so dark. She told me all the time how much she loved you."
"Can't you just go back again? Just get her?" You cried.
"I wish we could." He gently denied, his own tears flowing quietly. "This is irreversible, we would do anything to get her back if we could. You know I would."
"I'm so sorry, Honey. Are you okay?" You questioned feeling so awful for him.
"I'm devastated." He admitted, his voice shook even though he was trying to be strong. "But we still have a job to do. We can't let her have died for nothing."
Understanding the heartbreak and unfathomable amount of pressure this added to his shoulders, all you wanted to do was hug him. "I wish I could be there for you."
"This is awful." Steve cried and laughed at the same time. "I'd do anything just to be with you, yet the only thing that would make me feel worse than having you states away is having you here in the compound. I need you to be safe."
"I know, I know." You understood where he was coming from. "How's everyone handling it?"
"Everyone is upset and not it great spirits, but again, we have to keep going." Steve sighed. "It's been a really long day."
"I could only imagine." You shook your head with a sad sniffle. Half of your sadness was hearing him cry on the phone and not being able to do anything about it.
"We're going to rest up tonight, and finish this damn thing in the morning. I'll be home the very second I can be."
"Okay, but try to take care of yourself in the meantime. You can't be saving the world without saving yourself first." You reminded him.
"Are you going to be okay?" Steve asked you sympathetically.
"Obviously this is devastating, but I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."
"I always worry about you." He denied your claim.
"I know you do." He managed to pull a smile out of you. "But don't let that distract you from the bigger goal here."
There was a pause on his end, a sad sniffle, then a sigh. "I'm exhausted."
"It'll be over soon, Baby." You reminded him, but deep down you knew exactly what he meant.
He wasn't sleepy, his body wasn't sore and his mind was alright beyond the obvious, but there were unspoken truths about his life recently that he just couldn't get himself to verbalize.
Steve was exhausted of being Captain America.
You knew that without him even having to say it straight to your face. He told you in little ways, like how every time he left Greenwood to report to duty his feet would drag out of the house and his back would slump. When he was gone away from you, your sunflower would light up so much sometimes you were concerned that whatever was inside of it to make it glow would burn out one day. Then when he got back, the very first thing he would do after greeting you was put all of his tactical gear completely out of sight so he could get it out of his mind.
Just as secretly as he kept his longing for a life where Cap wasn't around anymore, you secretly hoped he was catching on to your subtle reassurance that there was so much more to him than the stars and strips he's worn since he was only 23 years old.
The complexities of his existence never ceased to amaze you, and much like you felt since the moment you found out the cutie next door was a superhero, his job was one of the least important qualities you found in him.
His sensitive heart, compassion, and love for life would always remain regardless of the status of a shield on his arm and a star on his chest.
You didn't need him to be strong, you just needed him to be happy.
Truly, wholly, and undeniably happy.
So when you said it would be over soon, you hoped he understood that you already knew what was to come. All you wanted was to help him make peace with what you already knew.
Steve Rogers always has been and always will be enough.
You were met with more silence. He was completely shut down, and that broke your heart even more. You knew he never used to be like this, he'd tell you all the stories from before the Civil War about how he lived his life bouncing from mission to mission, plucking off one threat at a time all while meeting and losing people along the way without a single glance at what happened behind him.
What broke your heart even more was that you knew he'd wake up tomorrow morning and put on his brave face. Not a single complaint, not a single tear, not a single speck of anything considered to be a lack of bravery would slip past him just so everyone on the team would have someone to look to.
"I miss this morning." He admitted, breaking down as a deep inner thought slipped passed his composure.
"There's going to be another morning tomorrow." You wiped tears off your cheeks, Danielle wrapped her arms around you and hugged you tight."But then there will be another morning the day after tomorrow, and it'll only get a little better every day after that. You remind me of that all of the time."
"Even just hearing your voice has made me feel infinitely better."
"Call me whenever you need to, okay? Even if it's in the middle of the night I'll be here for you." You reminded him.
"Same goes to you, you know that."
"Of course I do. But you seem tired, I think you should get some well deserved rest."
As you said that, he allowed your words to be true in his mind. He did deserve rest.
"If all goes well, I'll see you tomorrow."
"It's going to be just fine, so I will see you tomorrow."
"I'll dream of you until then." Steve said, making your tears fall just a little harder because you still didn't know what you did to deserve to be loved the way he loved you. "I love you, Sunflower."
"Goodnight, Honey. I love you too."
When the line disconnected, you accepted the big hug your best friend wrapped you up in and all the way in New York Steve dug his face into his pillow, and clutched the pillow you slept on not even a full 48 hours ago to his chest.
Regardless of the distance, you both hoped that the result of tomorrow promised a better future and a long, happy life chalk full of everyone you loved.
If anyone could do that for you, and the whole universe, it was Steve Rogers. He was more than enough.
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Next: Endgame
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