#like youre not more important than anyone else my dude
klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
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(I did try to write a Yandere!Lost Boys but considering the way they are 24/7 it’s difficult to not consider them Yandere all the time🤣)
I got many requests for another Poly!Lost Boys fic so I hope you like this!
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Paul and Marko had seen you first and they knew exactly what you were.
Their mate.
Your eyes were locked onto Paul’s as you froze on the boardwalk, stopping short of meeting your brothers, one of which was staring at David who was happy to see Star had attracted someone to finally feed on.
Marko and Paul both started their bikes, never once looking away as Paul winked, an arrogant smirk on his face. David and Dwayne pulled away with Star and Laddie on their bikes, the other two hesitating, not wanting to leave their mate after just finding her but knowing they couldn’t stay, it would be daylight soon and so they waved, shocking you. You lifted your hand, unsure if they were even looking at you at this point but pushing down the instinct to check behind you and make sure before they pulled off and you felt like you could breathe again.
David snapped at them when they caught up at the cave, angered they had left but the excitement on his brothers faces was startling.
‘We found her.’ Paul exclaimed and David, knowing instantly what he was taking about, looked to Marko who he knew wouldn’t back up such an outlandish claim if it wasn’t true, their mate was too important. Dwayne joined the group away from Laddie now as he heard the possibility of his mate being close and Marko nodded to their eldest brother.
‘Where is she?’ David snapped again, pissed they hadn’t told him before.
‘She was standing behind the dude that was following Star! Looked right at me the whole time, I think she would’ve stripped right there if I’d asked.’ He joked but as Marko snorted, Dwayne grabbed ahold of his collar and snarled at him, instantly livid. All 4 of them wanted their mate but Dwayne, while just as desperate for her as his brothers, was a possessive person by nature and the idea of Paul “showing off” their Queen was infuriating.
‘He’s kidding bud, it’s a joke!’ David stopped him while Marko yanked Paul away.
‘Yeah, joking man! She was perfect is my point! You know I would never let anyone else look at what’s ours like that!’ Paul was shockingly defensive, he’s normally a huge joker but he had looked for their mate just like all of them.
The boys had been looking for their mate ever since Max told them about the possibility of finding her. Vampire females are far more rare, women not taking to the life quite as well as often (for example: Star) and so most often multiple vampires will share a female and be considered a ‘pack’. Max would have had one as well but he never turned anyone he felt drawn to before David who was more like a son than a brother. Max wanted his mate who he now realized was Lucy, all to himself.
‘We just need to find that dude again and we should find our mate. The little one was his brother right, she must be their sister.’ Marko guessed, Dwayne pulling out of David’s grip after calming himself down. They all felt excited in their own way about having their mate, one that would completely accept them for all they were, monsters and murderers alike.
David enjoyed the idea that there would be someone he could let his guard down with a bit more than he could with his brothers. Not that he didn’t trust them, but they looked to him for guidance and as a leader to always make the right choices, he loved it, but the thought of having his mate to just be himself with was something he was desperate for and had been for years.
Dwayne had always wanted to get married and have a family, of course he wouldn’t change being a vampire here with his brothers for anything in the world, but the chance of still having a women that was perfect for him, be there without judgment for their eternity was extremely important to him.
Marko was excited about a mate as well as a new pack member, he had been excited for Star joining them too but she had been an ultimate let down, his mate would not be! He would never again need to spend his time with idiot women on the boardwalk that were just excited by the idea of being with a punk in a biker gang just to get a decent fuck, he would have someone who he loved and could be loved by.
Paul was much like Marko in his excitement, and while most people that look at him see a confident, cocky and flirty guy, Paul hadn’t always been like that. His new life was just that, a new life. Being a vampire had opened up the ability to be a different person but inside he’s still the guy that he had always been before turning and becoming the one that gets the boys their meals half the time, the guy that ends up feeding on sexy women every night. He was ready for his mate, the person who would know that side of him he tried so hard to bury, and the girl that was with him because she loved him and not as a chance to brag to her friends the next day about fucking the ‘biker guy’ (even if none of them ever made it that far).
‘Tomorrow, we’ll find her then and make sure she knows who she belongs to. She’ll be drawn to us and we’ll be sure she stays.’ David smirked while just thinking about their mate as a vampire…though the idea of her drinking Max’s blood gave him pause. David knew she had to drink their blood and only their blood, the idea of Max having any kind of control over their girl made him want to rip his makers heart out.
‘What if she needs us before that? We need to go and find her now!’ Dwayne insisted but David grabbed his shoulder.
‘It’s too late right now. The sun is about to come up-‘
‘I don’t like it either, none of us do.’ David told him, gesturing to Marko and Paul who both nodded, clearly wanting to have her now just as he did. ‘But tomorrow will have to be enough. She’ll be ours brother, don’t doubt it, and it’ll be our blood she’s drinking from.’
The smirk that came over their faces would have been terrifying to anyone else, and it did terrify Star who had been listening to everything they were saying, scared for what was going to happen to the poor girl who they clearly wanted even more than they had her.
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Y/n had been unable to get those boys out of her head all night. They were all attractive of course, and she felt guilty about that since they weren’t the kind of guys she should be attracted to. These weren’t boys she would be going to school with in a month at the end of the summer, these were men, all at least 19-21, riding motorcycles, smoking and taking home God knows how many girls every night. They were nothing but trouble and heartache which is why she decided she would have nothing to do with them…though that was easier said than done as she couldn’t get them out of her mind, every one of them just as hot as the last. The cute boyish one with that patchy jacket and the huge grin on his face, tall dark and sexy who thought it was okay to ride around without a shirt, torturing the female population! The bleach blonde leader with a look that could easily kill anyone stupid enough to challenge him, and finally the blue eyed cutie with the Lion mane for hair, the one who smiled and waved, who clearly liked her already with his Cheshire friend…who is she kidding? He’ll have long since forgotten about her by tomorrow, at least that’s what she thought.
Later that night she once again found herself on the boardwalk, and even though Michael wasn’t supposed to leave her side, she was inevitably left alone. However, someone else was left alone as well, someone very familiar she realized as she saw the young boy looking around frantically before bumping into her and nearly falling onto his ass.
‘Woah! Hey, are you alright kid?’ Y/n asked as she steadied him on his feet and he looked up to see the girl that Paul and Marko had been talking about the entire morning before they went to bed. Laddie knew how much his “father” had wanted her last night and Laddie knew that not only would he be safe with her, but that Dwayne would be proud of him for finding her for them.
‘Star left me to go find some guy and now I can’t find my big brothers…’ he admitted it sadly, knowing she would want to help him as most women did. Laddie had brought the boys meals before when he got “lost” but he liked this girl and he knew she wasn’t going to die like the rest of them.
‘That’s awful! Don’t worry, I’ll help you find them. You’re talking about the guys on the bikes I saw you with last night, right?’ He nodded and Y/n sighed. So much for staying away from them, but she can’t leave this boy on his own in the supposed “Murder Capital of the World”, so she took his hand and made her way down the boardwalk with him. ‘I’m Y/n by the way. What’s your name?’
‘I’m Laddie! Thank you for helping me Y/n.’ He smiled up at her and her heart melted. Who could leave this poor boy all alone with no one to watch out for him?
‘You’re very welcome Laddie. Does Star do this a lot?’ He shrugged.
‘She likes to go to the concerts without me but she always comes to get me before we have to go home so Dwayne doesn’t know. He would be angry.’
‘He should be angry! You shouldn’t be left alone here! Of all the irresponsible-I’m sorry. It’s not my choice how your brothers girlfriend takes care of you, but damn.’ Laddie shook his head quickly, not wanting her to be confused about Star, knowing how much his brothers really like this girl and not willing to let Star screw it up!
‘She’s our sister.’ He clarified and her eyes widened.
‘That’s Even Worse!’ She exclaimed as they walked up to the bikes, not seeing his brothers anywhere. ‘Okay, we can wait for them here, I’m sure they’ll be back eventually…are you hungry?’ She asked as she noticed him looking at a venders cart and he nodded. ‘Come on.’ They walked over to the cart and Y/n giggled as Laddie stared at the cotton candy. ‘Can we get 2 corn dogs, please?’ She ordered and as the guy turned she grabbed 2 plastic bags of the cotton candy and shoved them to the kid who grinned excitedly up at her before running off back to the bikes before the man turned and handed her the 2 foot long corn dogs. ‘Can we have some ketchup too, please?’ He sighed but as he turned again she grabbed 2 cans of coke and shoved them into her pockets before smiling at the man and handing him a 10 dollar bill.
‘I can’t believe you did that! You are awesome!’ Laddie exclaimed in excitement as she walked back to him. Y/n just rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile as they sat beside the bikes on the board walk.
‘Well thank you, stealing is never right, but I didn’t plan on feeding a kid tonight and if your stealing to eat then just make sure you don’t get caught.’ She explained, handing him a can of soda and winking which made him laugh excitedly, taking his corn dog and eating it happily. They sat there for about 10 minutes together before Laddie looked up suddenly, hearing his brothers voices and jumping to his feet, running to them.
‘Dwayne!’ He cheered, jumping into his arms and he caught the boy, instantly confused.
‘Laddie? Why are you alone?! Are you alright?!’ He looked the boy over for injuries quickly and Y/n found her heart melting at that. They way Laddie talked about his brothers, especially Dwayne, was beautiful and he clearly loves the boy dearly.
‘Where’s Star, kid? She should be with you.’ David spoke, angry at the fact that they now have to watch Laddie while they look for their mate.
‘She left me to find that guy but I found her for you! I found her!’ He whispered excitedly before turning and seeing Y/n standing there awkwardly. ‘Y/n took care of me!’ Laddie explained, getting Dwayne to put him down and running back to her.
‘Oh no! “Took care” is probably not right, I got him some dinner and I waited with him for you. I just didn’t want him to be all alone.’ You spoke, ruffling the boys hair and making him laugh.
10 minutes ago Dwayne would have said he already couldn’t love you anymore and he hadn’t even set eyes on you properly yet, but here he stood, staring at you for the first time and seeing you caring for the boy he looked at as his own son…you are a Goddess and he would never let you out of his sight again. Paul and Marko stared much like they did last night, excitedly and hungrily, already undressing you in their minds and David…David actually had to close his mouth and make sure he wasn’t drooling. You are absolute perfection and you’re already protective of the youngest and weakest of their family? There’s no way you could be a more perfect mate for them.
‘I can’t thank you enough for watching out for him, you’re so sweet babygirl, aren’t you?’ Dwayne smiled, stepping closer and ruffling Laddies hair as he looked down at you. Your face caught fire, feeling like you had never blushed quite this hard before.
‘She really is Dwayne. Thank you for taking care of our brother.’ David spoke next, at your side before you even saw him move.
‘It’s no biggie, I just got him a corn dog and some cotton candy-‘
‘She means she stole me cotton candy and soda! It was awesome-‘
‘Eat your candy.’ You deadpanned and the boy just smiled, cheekily. ‘Okay, well I’m glad he’s safe. I should be going home now-‘
‘Oh, please don’t go?’ The wild haired one Laddie had told you was Paul finally spoke up, his stare feeling just as intense as last night. ‘Come for a ride with us? We would love to get to know Laddies new friend.’
‘You can ride with me! I’m a wonderful driver.’ Marko smirked, taking your hand into his and pulling you towards his bike.
‘Oh, I’m sure you are but I shouldn’t-‘
‘Please?’ Laddie asked making you turn to see him climbing onto Dwayne’s bike behind him. ‘You can come see where we live, it’s so cool!’ His excitement was contagious and you couldn’t find it in yourself to deny him anything.
‘My brother is gonna end up leaving without me and-‘
‘I’ll take you home Kitten.’ David cut you off. ‘Or you can just stay with us, which ever one you prefer.’ You could tell he was flirting and while a part of your body was telling you to run like hell, you didn’t want to, you wanted to fall into his arms and never let go for as long as you live.
‘…okay! Fine! But just for a little bit!’
‘YES! You are gonna love our place so much you’ll never wanna leave Princess!’ Paul teased, jumping to his bike and kissing your cheek on his way which made you blush even harder before Marko lifted you onto his bike.
You gasped, clutching onto him as if he would drop you and he just grinned. ‘Hold on as tight as you’d like Angel, but I would never let you fall.’ He whispered it into your ear and it felt so personal somehow, not like him openly flirting like it should, instead it felt like a very important promise and it made your stomach flutter and your smile grow.
Marko hopped onto the bike in front of you and kickstarted it quickly, all 4 of the bikes roaring to life and now as David winked back at you, pulling off down the boardwalk, you wrapped your arms around Marko’s body and tried to ignore the intense vibration from the machine between your legs. You needed to hold yourself to him quite closely to be able to put your chin on his shoulder and see but he didn’t seem to mind as you giggled, watching people jump out of their way on the crowded boardwalk.
‘Laughing at scrambling tourists! You’re already one of us Angel!’ Marko laughed and it made you blush before looking back and seeing Paul right behind you and clearly staring at your ass before winking at you and making you blush that much harder.
Suddenly the bikes came to a stop and you gasped, looking back around and seeing David staring at their sister who was with…Michael?! Fuck!
‘Where do you think you’re going Star?’ David asked, his voice clearly a warning that even you heard but she chose to try and ignore it.
‘For a ride…this is Michael.’ She tried to get onto his bike quickly but David spoke up again, his voice a bit more teasing but she seemed to get the message as all he did was speak her name and she turned, climbing on behind him. You felt an odd weight in your gut as she wrapped her arms around David and you pushed the jealousy that was building as far down as you could because it made no sense…right?
‘I can’t beat your bike.’ You heard your brother tell David who snorted, knowing that was damn well true. You’ve never been allowed on Michaels bike before because he didn’t want to share it with his sister even to give a ride to the mall or the boardwalk, but you’d seen enough to know David’s Triumph would beat him a million times over. ‘Y/n?! What the fuck are you doing?!’ Michael snapped and you flinched which seemed to be something (going by how tight Marko held your hand suddenly and how quickly Paul revved his bike closer beside you) the boys didn’t like.
‘Y/n is coming for a ride with us. See, she took care of Laddie while you were off looking for Michael, it was very good of her, and good Kittens get treats.’ David was clearly taunting your brother but when he looked to you as he talked about giving you a treat…the chill it sent through your body was more intense than the vibrations of Marko’s bike could ever be.
‘No way! Get the fuck off Y/n! You’re going home! No way in Hell are you coming-‘
‘Clearly I am, I’m already on the bike. And unless you want me to tell mom about how you ditched Sam and I 2 nights in a row, and on top of that was about to leave me stranded to fuck some girl, you’ll shut up and stay out of my business.’ Mike looked shocked, you never stick up for yourself but you were determined not to look like a pussy in front of these guys and to enjoy your ride because just riding down the boardwalk was an amazing experience.
Paul whistled. ‘Damn, Princess got some fight in her!’
‘Our Kitten has some claws for sure, can’t wait to see you use them babe.’ He smirked, his eyes seeming to almost glow as he looked at you with an expression you could only imagine was “turned on”. ‘Let’s go!’
‘Hold on tight kid, we’re goin’ for a ride.’ You heard Dwayne tell Laddie and you were touched by it, Dwayne noticing how you watched to make sure he was comfortable before he took off. You held onto Marko as tightly as you could when he rocketed down the steps onto the beach, sand exploding everywhere as they all now rode passed beach parties and bonfires, howling like maniacs. Watching even Laddie join in prompted you to relax and just enjoy the ride, something inside of you knowing that Marko would never let you get hurt even if you did crash (which was an odd thought). You planted your feet on the sides of the bike and held onto his shoulders firmly, now standing up and leaning against him as you howled into the air as loudly as you could.
All of the boys suddenly cheered, howling and whooping along with you before Marko tugged you down again and you internally thanked him as they all swerved under the boardwalk, turning and skidding around the wooden beams before you were out again and now riding through the woods. ‘Keep your arms in Angel!’ Marko warned and you could see the little branches sticking out that he was making sure didn’t touch you.
When you made it out of the trees you could see the boys had fallen back, clearly purposely as Michael was now riding alongside David who was egging him on. Your brother had always been an idiot, and he had always been a jerk to you, therefore you felt no need to stand up for him or help him in anyway. If he wants to challenge David then more power to him, because David seems like the last guy anyone would want to fight (even if he didn’t have 3 friends for backup). You rested your head against Marko’s back as you rode now, waving at Laddie who was grinning at you before they all came to a stop and you heard your brother screaming.
Michael was off his bike and his fist suddenly collided with David’s face, Dwayne, Paul and Marko rushing to pull him back while you held Laddie behind you, his small hand clutching tight to yours before tugging you and you turned to follow him down the rickety steps to the mouth of a cave. ‘Wait up bud! We don’t want Y/n falling and getting hurt, do we?’ Dwayne asked, catching up and lighting a torch like log on fire to be able to see, holding your other hand and carefully leading you down, lighting the gallon drums on fire to brighten up the whole cave.
‘Such gentlemen, the both of you.’ You thanked, releasing their hands now that you were on (relatively) flat ground.
‘Come see my room!’ Laddie insisted, excitedly. He took your hand again and pulled you over to the other side of the cave where a large bed was and around a corner there was a small area where his bed resided. It was cut off from the rest of the cave so he had privacy and a built in little shelf for his stuff which seemed to hold comics, a few action figures and some unique seashells.
‘This is very cool Laddie, and it’s exactly where I would have chosen to sleep.’ He smiled and you sat down on his bed with him, looking over his comics for a few moments before David’s head popped around.
‘So this is where you ran off to. I knew it was you that stole her.’ David teased and Laddie smiled. He seemed like he had a level of fear when it came to David, not like he felt the need to get away from him, but almost a level of respect in how the kid looked at him and it was odd. ‘Come on Kitten, we’re gonna get some food soon.’ He took your hand in his and it felt wonderful as he pulled you to his side, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
‘Do I smell nice?’ You joked but he growled, pulling you against him and looking at you firmly.
‘You smell amazing Kitten, fucking perfect!’ He pressed his lips to yours quickly, so fast you debated for a moment if it had really happened before he pulled back and led you back to the center of the cave, dropping into his wheelchair and tugging you into his lap which made you gasp in surprise.
‘Get the Rock Box little dude!’ Paul shouted to Laddie who grabbed the big boom box and carried it to the dilapidated fountain, rock music quickly spilling out. ‘Princess.’ Paul gained your attention, handing you a joint and you looked at it unsure. ‘It won’t bite you…though I might.’ He teased, kneeling in front of where you sat across David’s lap and nuzzling against your thigh.
‘I don’t want to fall off the bike on the way home.’ You explained and David rolled his eyes.
‘We would never let you fall Kitten.’ His promise felt like Marko’s, serious, and like on some level he believed it was his job to protect you. ‘Besides, you can just stay here for the night, you’re already ours. Might as well just move in now.’
You laughed at what you thought was a joke, relaxing and taking a few hits from the joint, but what you didn’t know was that David was very serious. You were theirs, and they were never going to let you go, especially not home with that idiot you called a brother.
You took a few more hits and ended up dancing around the fountain with Paul to the music, high and happy, while Dwayne skateboarded around you both, eventually grabbing you from Paul and lifting you into his arms while never once even wobbling on the board.
‘Wow! Your balance is incredible!’ You giggled, holding on around his neck and giving him the chance to nuzzle your throat.
‘You’re so perfect, do you know that?’ You snorted but his arms got tighter. ‘You are. You need to know that! You are fucking perfect! Perfect, pretty, sweet Babygirl.’
‘Aw, Dwayne. You’re so sweet…and clearly stoned.’ He rolled his eyes, kissing your cheek before dropping you onto the couch and laying down over you. He held himself up on one arm, running his fingers through your hair tenderly before readjusting and beginning to play with it with both hands. ‘What are you doing you dork?’ You giggled, loving the feeling of his hands tugging on your hair.
‘I’m Braiding…you know back before I moved in with David and became a Lost Boy, my mother was serious about practicing our ancestors ways of life. One thing she always stressed to me was the importance of a women’s hair. The only people in the world allowed to touch it is herself, her mother and her husband, not even her brothers or father can, anyone else would risk getting their hands cut off if her father found out.’
‘Wow…that’s beautiful…does that mean my brother has to cut your hands off? Cause that would be sad…I think I like them too much to see them chopped off.’ I admitted and he grinned in a way that suggested he knew so much more than I did.
‘No need to worry Babygirl, you’re ours now, and that’s better than me being your husband. I’ll braid your lovely hair every single night and never grow tired of touching it.’ He looked as if he was lost in a dream as he finished the intricate braid and tied it at the end with some kind of ribbon.
‘You’re dramatic. And trust me, marrying me wouldn’t be any kind of fun. I think my mother proved that the women of our family aren’t the marriage type…or the fun type.’ I teased but I could tell instantly that he didn’t like my self deprecating humor.
‘You’ll understand eventually, you’re already ours Babygirl, always have been…’ he hesitated as he looked down at you before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours much more firmly than David had, hand holding the back of your neck. You wound your arms around his neck and pulled him closer before he was suddenly yanked off of you.
‘That’s my sister!’ You heard Mike scream but as he went to punch Dwayne, the shirtless man move his head inches to avoid it before punching Mike so hard he flew back nearly 5 feet.
‘Don’t you ever come anywhere close to her with violent intentions again, if she gets hurt because of you I will flay you and hang you on a post outside the cave.’ You pushed your hand against Dwayne’s chest to try and move him back however it was clear that you were like a 2 year old to him, but even though you couldn’t have moved him, he stopped, not fighting you to get at Michael, not trying to move you out of the way, he just looked down at you with the softest eyes.
‘You weren’t punching him to defend your sisters honor or some bullshit like that, you did it for you and your ego. I would have respected you for defending me Mike, but that was all about you, and not wanting your new friends to see your sister as a whore. You’re a pussy.’ You told him and while he was already livid with you, his face became more red as Paul broke down in tears from laughing so hard.
‘Marko! You Missed It!’ Paul shouted as Marko walked in with a box full of food. You sat on the couch beside Dwayne and held his hand in your lap.
‘Thank you for stopping.’ He nodded his head.
‘I will never put you in danger, if you are hurt it means that we need to kill someone, and your brother is towing the line on that one.’ You smacked his chest playfully as Marko appeared beside you.
‘Are you alright Angel?’ You nodded your head, smiling at how sweet he was.
‘Yes Marko. What do you have to eat?’
‘I have rice, regular, pork fried and chicken fried, noodles, sweet and sour chicken and sweet and sour shrimp. What would you like Angel, you get first dibs.’ There were something like 12 box’s of food that he had and you had to laugh at imagining him riding it home.
‘Can I have sweet and sour chicken and pork fried rice…will you share the rice with me?’ You asked Dwayne who nodded. ‘Cool, I won’t eat it all. And I’m stealing this soda.’ You grabbed a large glass bottle of coke that he had in the box along with a few others.
‘Anything you want, my Angel.’ He gave you the box’s, the chop sticks and a kiss on the head before throwing Dwayne’s and Pauls food at them quite aggressively. He tossed David’s his as well before dropping onto the couch beside you before Paul did making the boy whine and you laugh.
You tried to ignore Michael and David’s conversation, though seeing the blonde man fuck with your bitch of a brother so bad was quite fun before they started drinking wine out of a fancy bottle, the boys cheering Michael on which seemed a bit strange but you went with it as you were comfortably high and full of Chinese food now.
‘Do you want some, Babygirl?’ Dwayne offered and you looked over before shrugging.
‘I’m not a big wine drinker, but sure. Why not?’ You were snuggled into his side at this point and Paul was the one to jump up bringing you a whole different bottle, making you look at him questionably.
‘Only the best for a Princess. Drink up baby, Be One Of Us Forever.’ His words were heavy, like Marko’s and David’s had been about not letting you get hurt and it threw you off a bit but it sounded sweet and honestly, the idea of living here with them and abandoning your shitty life sounds like perfection, even if it was just a fun fantasy.
‘Go on Kitten, have a taste and tell me it’s not delicious!’ David spoke up as Michael now sagged against the bed post beside Star, drinking from the bottle, all the boys looking at you.
‘Okay, okay!’ You slugged the bottle back and took several gulps before pulling back and realizing how sweet the taste really was. It was rich like chocolate, but the sweetness was odd and you couldn’t place it, but you didn’t need to as the boys all cheered making you giggle, drinking some more before Marko wrapped his arms around your waist and swung you around, playfully before you staggered into David.
‘Drink as much as you want baby, it’s all yours, only ever for you.’ David whispered before he kissed the side of your head and swayed with you to the music as your head began to feel wobbly. You had nearly finished the bottle as David held your body weight up against him before lifting you into the air and carrying you to a bed on the other side of the room from Star’s. It was large and covered in blankets and pillows, looking like it had been made recently. ‘Paul and Marko made this for you.’ David said though it sounded like a whisper in your ear…like everything was far away.
‘Really?!’ You mumbled, leaning heavier into his chest before falling into the bed, the bottle being taken from your hand making you whine. ‘Hey! That’s mine!’
‘Of course it is, it’s all yours Babygirl, and it always will be.’ As you looked back, seeing David and Dwayne standing over you, everything was fuzzy. David tucked you into the blankets and you settled back tiredly into the bed.
‘Thank you! Im-I-Imma take a few minute nap, okay? Wake me up in 20!’ You instructed as your eyes fell closed, Paul and Marko both moving to kiss your cheeks and Dwayne kissing your hair before going back to deal with Michael. David was the last to walk away, knowing that you would be safe here in the cave while they’re gone, and for the day.
‘Sleep tight Kitten.’ He spoke, moving to leave with his brothers as Laddie crawled up into the large bed and snuggled under the covers against your side. 20 minutes came and went but they never woke you, not wanting you out of their sight again for the rest of eternity.
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The comfort of the bed you were in was the first thing you noticed when your mind became alert again. You had been the one to stay in the attic and the bed up there was less than comfortable, so this bed was everything you could ever want, but you knew you had to leave it.
The guys were nowhere to be found when you stretched, your eyes sore from the light and shielding them as much as you could as you crawled your way out of the cave and began making your way through the trees and back to the boardwalk. The sun was killing you more than normal, even making your skin burn a bit, your body pushing you to lay down and go back to sleep before you caved and crawled into a taxi to take you the rest of the way home, paying him quickly and walking up your steps.
‘Y/n! There You Are! Get in here!’ Sam shouted, pulling you into the house. ‘Where have you been?!’ He exclaimed and you just stared at him, trying to force your eyes open.
‘I was at a friends, I’m going to bed Sam.’ And that’s just what you did, slinking your way up to the attic and stripping to your underwear, sliding into the itchy sheets and instantly regretting not staying in the cave with the boys who very clearly all had a thing for you. If only you were willing to share one guy, let alone 4, then maybe you could have had all of them.
You fell asleep once again and felt as if you were out for 10 minutes before Sam burst in. ‘Y/N! Wake Up! Look in this mirror! We need to see if you’re one of them too!’ Sam was shouting like crazy and it scared you awake, which was never a good way to wake you.
Sam was shoving a handheld mirror in your face first thing in your conscious state and you were not having it. ‘Sam…you have 5 seconds to get the fuck out before I break your hands.’ He was staring at your full reflection for a second before backing off.
‘Y/n! Mike is a vampire! Like in the book!’ He held out a comic book and you took it, opening it and seeing that it was a horror comic.
‘Jesus Sam! No wonder you’re freaking out! You shouldn’t be reading scary stuff like this-‘
‘No, Y/n! I thought it was you, see? Look here!’ He opened the comic and showed you a pretty/horrifying vampire girl surrounded by other vampires. ‘Girl vampires who take to the life are rare, that’s why every pack only has one female for 3 or 4 males and they practically worship her! It can’t be you though, your reflection is still here, Mikes is disappearing! I’m calling mom! She needs to know!’ I continued looking at the comic and seeing the coven of vampires with the female.
“The Coven will change the female once they feel the connection (feeding her their blood), the Males will do anything to protect their mate and keep her happy, even give their own lives if they have to.”
It was like something clicked in my head. They were all so drawn to me, so needy for my attention and approval…any one of them coming onto me any other day would be insane let alone all 4 of them…and they had given me that bottle of wine that was different from Mikes…Holy Shit!
“The Female is often the meal ticket for a vampire pack, tempting their prey to be able to feed, even though she is never touched by anyone other than her mates. Male vampires possessive nature goes beyond that of any human behavior ever exhibited in nature, they will not let other men touch, speak to or often even look at their female.”
That thought is not at all comforting when it comes to the idea of living a normal life however the dark part of me that is slowly taking up my rational thinking is telling me the idea of them all possessive of me is enticing…
I tried to ignore the feeling rising in my lower belly and making my pussy clench but I couldn’t. The sudden image of Dwayne protecting me from my own brother, nearly knocking his head off when he hadn’t touched me at all…what would they do if someone did?
I looked back down at the comic book to see if it said anything else on the page about mates.
“Beware: Vampires will slaughter any who stand in between them and their Female. While many Covens make a game out of hunting and playing with their meals, threatening a Packs Female has often been likened to Suicide. Harming, Killing or Kidnapping a Packs Female is an imminent road to death.”
I need to stay away from them! I can’t be anywhere near them, God forbid I make them even more angry and dangerous with my presence alone.
As I thought this I was suddenly overcome with a painful wave of sadness through my entire body. The idea of not being around the boys was painful already and I’m not even a full vampire yet. I wanted to be back at the cave wrapped up in my warm, comfortable bed that Paul and Marko had put so much effort into making me, wanted to be back in Dwayne’s arms on the couch with him toying with my hair…I guess he was right about being better than my husband. I wanted to be back in the cave, sitting on David’s lap and nuzzling into his neck, those blue eyes drew you in and never let you go. I could practically feel his gloved hands on my body, feel the scratchy stubble on his cheeks between my legs as he shoves his face into my cunt, his mouth devouring me frantically and-
I gasped hard, my eyes flying open to see that I’m still sat on my bed with the comic book on my lap. I opened the pages again and turned to the one after the page Sam handed me seeing that there was more.
“The connection between a vampire pack is intense, they are one with each other, and once all fully vampires they are able to read each others thoughts, feel each others presence and sense each others moods. It makes it extremely easy to find one another and gauge how pack members are feeling. A pack will only ever change their Female with their own blood making them her sire. That bond connects them on an even deeper level which allows them to see what she sees and show her their thoughts, such as showing her dreams or visions.”
Suddenly everything they were saying makes sense, they had given me a different bottle because it was their blood!
“Unlike human men, vampire males are extremely considerate of their Female. They will care for her always, hunt for her if need be, and often display their need for her to show her how important she is to their pack dynamic.”
Their promises of taking care of me suddenly seemed to mean so much more, I’m never going to be able to get away from them…do I want to get away from them?
Warning to all Hunters:
“If at all possible, avoid vampire packs with Female members. Females are much quicker to anger, and much more protective of their nest and pack. Your chances of successful eradication of Coven will plummet.
⚠️Danger Level 10/10⚠️”
Sam came back in quickly, snatching the book and running back out prompting me to slam the door behind him. The reflection in the mirror on the back of my door was fading, I was see through, translucent.
I knew in that moment that I couldn’t be around my family, if Dwayne’s behavior with Mike was any indication of people safety, then I need to stay far away from everyone…
For the next day and a half I hid up in my room, staying clear of the boys and trying to keep away from my family as well. They were just convinced that I didn’t want to be around my blood sucking brother, but I had also nearly ripped Sam’s throat out the day before and I know that this is just safer. That is until Sam burst into my room with 2 other boys making me growl in anger.
‘Is she one of them?!’ The one in the bandana hissed, holding up a stake.
‘No Edgar! She’s just my sister who hates being woken up or bothered. She’s a normal teen girl!’ Sam chastised him and I snorted before Sam was pulling me up out of bed. ‘Come on! We’re going to kill the head vampire to save Mike and his girlfriend!’ The other boy helped Sam lift me against my will and drag me down the stairs.
‘What?! You can’t kill a pack of vampires! You’re kids!’ I didn’t want them dead…but I didn’t want my boys dead even more. A thought that terrified me to my core.
‘This is what we do ma’am. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.’ One of the idiots promised as I was forced into Grandpas car.
‘Stop flirting with my sister Alan! We have a job to do!’ Sam demanded, Mike slamming on the gas and driving like a crazy person all the way to the cave. If the sun is pulling him to sleep anywhere near as strong as it is me then I don’t know how he’s doing this. I could barely keep my eyes open in the light as we got to the cliff and everyone jumped out, filing in before Mike snapped at the idiots to not hurt Star. I moved to my bed quickly, shaking the small boy awake and seeing his bright smile as I did.
I clamped my hand over his mouth quickly and he looked confused. ‘Hide. Do you understand me Laddie, I need you to get under this bed and hide until I come find you.’ He nodded quickly, jumping from the covers and doing as I said before I ran to catch up with the kids. ‘They’re not here, we should get out of here before we end up dead!’ I snapped only for Edgar to glare at me.
‘Why are you so keen on us not killing them, huh? Maybe you don’t want your vampire boyfriends dead?!’ He hissed, Sam shoving his way between us before Edgar could threaten me again.
‘Back off my sister Edgar, she’s not-AHHH!’ Sam shrieked as his eyes looked up and found my boys all hanging from the ceiling, sleeping like baby bats. ‘I thought they slept in coffins!’
‘That’s what this place is! One giant coffin! We’ll have to kill them all!’ He exclaimed, grabbing a stake and starting to climb up towards Marko.
‘No! Just the leader!’ Sam shouted and I was suddenly thrown back into thoughts of my Cheshire vampire. As I watched Edgar climb up the make shift ladder all I heard in my head was Markos promise to me our first night together.
“I would never let you fall…”
His words played in my mind over and over again, his teasing voice reminding me how much I loved him in that moment before I even knew what the strange promise meant…he would never let me fall…I can’t let him fall either.
As Edgar lifted the stake I felt the fangs in my mouth jut out and I jumped, levitating up to the ceiling and grabbing ahold of him roughly, causing him to scream out in terror, stabbing the stake back into my side before falling to the ground with me attached to him, shoving his head into the wall and knocking him out. As we hit the ground everything went silent for what felt like minutes, but could only have been 3 seconds before all 4 vampires roared angrily at the idea of being woken up, looking around frantically before all 4 sets of eyes landed on me.
‘Get up! Y/n! Let’s Go!’ Sam grabbed ahold of me and I yelped as the wooden stake that was deep in my side was jostled before I was dragged to the opening again and Sam began pulling me out as fast as he could. ‘Alan! Pull!’
‘Sam! Let go!’
‘No! We have to help her! Pull!’ He demanded as Alan grabbed ahold of me, when suddenly an angry vampire face was growling in ours, 3 more showing up behind an already pissed off David. ‘Ahh!’
‘Pull! Keep pulling!’ Alan demanded, sounding ready to piss himself.
‘We have to go! Y/n, help us! Move!’ Both boys were yanking on my jacket now when suddenly both of my legs were grabbed and I saw David holding one leg and Paul holding the other, pulling me back into the cave much stronger than the human boys.
‘Let go Sam! It Hurts! Let go!’ I begged and saw his eyes, wet with tears.
‘No! I won’t let you go!’ He shouted, yanking me back once again before I let my arms go slack, the jacket they were pulling on sliding right off of me as Paul and David yanked me down once again, Paul lifting me into his arms and growling at Sam and Alan who were now protected by a ray of sun. ‘Y/n! No!’ My little brother screamed, Alan holding him back from crossing the sun while Paul moved back through the tunnel with ease and laid me back against his chest, Marko, Dwayne and David now in front of me, worried looks on their now human faces.
‘You came to kill us?’ David questioned. I had expected him to be angry but he just said it like he was asking a normal, everyday question.
‘They did, dragged me out of bed and into the car…he was gonna kill Marko.’ I mumbled, all of them looking at each other, shocked.
‘You saved me…you really are an Angel, aren’t you?’ I snorted, nodding my head.
‘Couldn’t let you fall.’ His eyes widened a bit before that Cheshire smile was back on his face and he leaned in to kiss me roughly which made me whimper as the stake shifted again and they were suddenly all staring down at it.
‘Time to join the club, Kitten.’ David instructed, moving to grab ahold of Edgar who was still unconscious. ‘Ready?’ I shook my head frantically.
‘Drink Babygirl!’ Dwayne demanded as he yanked the stake from my side quite painfully, David cutting into his neck and pushing it into my face before I couldn’t help myself, the smell being too much, causing me to dig my fangs into his throat and drink until he was drained and my wound was healed.
‘Thank you for saving me Angel.’
‘I couldn’t let you die…my chest hurt at the thought of it and I…I couldn’t-‘
‘He’s your mate, we all are and even as a half you felt it. You could have ignored it much easier than we could, but you didn’t. You were born to be one of us Kitten, start getting used to it.’ David’s words were true, I could feel it in my body and I hated him for it, but I knew that I would never let anyone hurt any of my mates…mates? That word feels so possessive to me now and I turned, wrapping my arms around Marko tightly before he lifted me into his lap.
‘It’s okay Angel, I’m right here-‘
‘But you almost weren’t!’ I half growled half sobbed, the anger that I felt towards those idiots for putting Marko in immortal danger now turning into unbridled rage. ‘They tried to kill you, what if I hadn’t been here?’
‘But you were here Babygirl, no more “what ifs” because we’re all safe and together now.’ Dwayne spoke, brushing his fingers through my hair which he knew made me feel immediately better and I knew did the same to comfort him.
‘Fuck yeah Princess, and we’re gonna destroy those wanna be hunters together!’ Paul laughed, clearly excited before kissing the side of my head. David then pulled me back which made me snarl at the idea of letting go of my mate that had nearly been lost to me.
The next thing I knew I was flat on my back with David pinning me down to the ground, claws around my throat and vampire visage in my face. ‘We’re gonna get something straight Kitten. You’re our mate, and we’ll do anything for you, but you do not growl at us. You’re not in charge here, got it?’ I glared up at him but the overwhelming urge to submit to him was too tempting to resist, prompting me to bare my throat to him. ‘Good Girl.’ I couldn’t stop the purr that built in my throat as he called me that and they all made a pleased rumble in response.
‘Keep making that noise Babygirl, you’re gonna drive us wild!’ Dwayne smirked, fangs flashing as he pulled me from David and kissed my neck.
I couldn’t hide my yawn a moment later, a heavy sleepiness suddenly taking over me. ‘Alright Kitten, time for sleep. The sun is gonna pull you down even stronger because you’re new, you need to rest.’
Just as I leaned back against Dwayne to get comfortable I realized something was missing, gasping and jumping up to my feet, moving towards the tunnel. ‘Angel! Stop! You Cant Touch The Sun Anymore!’ Marko shouted and I froze just before the ray of sunlight, his arm circling my waist not even a full second later. ‘What are you-‘
‘Laddie!’ I shouted, trying to be as loud as I could to make sure he could hear me. ‘Laddie! Come Here Sweetheart! You Can Come Out Now!’ When I didn’t hear a response a moment later I tried to pry Markos arm from my waist.
‘Y/n! Stop-‘
‘No! No, I told him to hide! I need to make sure he’s okay! Let go Marko-’
‘You Can’t Touch The Sun!’
‘I Don’t Care! I Need To-‘ I stopped pulling away when I saw a head of dirty blond hair crawling through the tunnel and I felt my whole body relax. ‘Oh Thank God!’ I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I was so relieved, Laddie crawling into my arms and hugging me before Marko dragged me back down. ‘Are you alright sweetheart?’ He nodded up at me as Dwayne quickly looked him over, practically shoving Marko out of the way.
‘I hid under the bed like you told me. Star made Michael look for me but when the hunters came running from here, he just took her and left. I stayed hiding after they left and didn’t come out till I heard you, just like you said!’ He smiled, proud of himself and I kissed his head, hugging him to my chest.
‘Yes you did, just like I told you. You are such a good boy, and when the sun goes down we’re gonna go to the boardwalk and get you some cotton candy.’ His face lit up in a smile and he hugged me tighter, though he quickly yawned into my chest and I realized how tired he must be. ‘Alright. Sleep time, kid.’ I was pulled back into Dwayne’s chest as he leaned against the wall of the cave which couldn’t have been comfortable, but he said nothing as everyone joined us. David was leaning beside Dwayne with a gloved hand clutching mine while Laddie snuggled into my torso and passed out immediately. Both Marko and Paul moved to rest their heads on my thighs, after Marko covered Laddie with his jacket.
‘Yes, sleep time! And when the sun goes down, we hunt!’ Paul growled and I purred once again, nuzzling close to Dwayne as we all got as comfortable as we could.
‘We’ll teach you how to hang tomorrow, Angel.’
‘Tonight, when you wake, they will all find out how bad an idea fucking with a Packs mate is.’
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Lost Boys Masterlist
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torakowalski · 2 months
More Swimmer Steve! He's not an Olympian yet, but he's (front) crawling his way there. Late 1986 or early 1987:
(continued from part one | part two)
"And then goddamn Phillips came out of fucking nowhere and took the win."
Steve comes stomping out of the bathroom, followed by a cloud of steam that Eddie can feel on his skin, still ranting as though there wasn't a break while he showered.
"Yeah, dude, I was there - " Eddie looks up and freezes, feeling a gulp get lodged in his gullet. "Jeez," he wheezes. "Pants?"
Steve, naked as the day he was born, looks down, shrugs at his own free swinging dick, and pulls the towel down from his shoulders to wrap around his waist.
"Better?" he asks, like Eddie's the one being unreasonable.
"Better." Eddie sits up on the bed, tactically pulling his knees up in front of himself so anything happening in his own pants area is his own business.
They've been sharing hotel rooms around the country on and off for months now. Seems like Steve has gotten too comfortable around him. Eddie needs to find a way to nip that in the bud before Steve's jockish love of nudity goes any further.
"That win was mine," Steve grumps, stomping around the room, pulling underwear out of his suitcase, thank god. "Now I'm gonna be in the goddamn fifth lane tomorrow."
"And you'll win from there," Eddie tells him, confidentally. He means it; Steve's been winning everything important since he started competing. He knows Steve has superstitions about certain lanes, but Eddie's never noticed any real difference.
Because Eddie knows about swimming now. There's a lot of travel involved in trying to make swimming your career, apparently, and Steve's been going to competitions all around the country all year.
Robin's at college, the kids are in school, but Eddie's barely healed and fully unemployed, so more often than not, he's the one who goes with Steve.
(He can't be left alone! Robin had wailed, pained. Eddie had laughed at her, but privately, Eddie agrees. Steve takes this shit really seriously; he needs someone to shake him out of his funks when he doesn't meet his own expectations.)
"Ugh," says Steve and drops his fucking towel again to angrily yank on his briefs. He throws himself down onto his stomach onto the other bed. His perfect, round ass curves up between the strong hollow of his lower back and his hairy, muscular thighs.
Eddie looks away.
"Fifth lane isn't that different from fourth," he tells the ceiling. "You'll still be in the middle and you'll destroy 'em all tomorrow."
Steve's quiet for a moment, then he rolls onto his side. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Eddie says, firm as he can. He lets his eyes flick down to Steve's shaved chest, just a little glance at all that skin and muscle, before pulling his attention back to Steve's face. "Yeah, you've got this, man."
Steve bites his chapped bottom lip. His hair is wet from the shower and sticking to the sides of his face. Eddie wants to push it back for him. Then Eddie wants to just linger, cup Steve's stupid, handsome face, tell him he's great and talented and a fucking joy to watch. That he lights up when he's in his element.
He's a coward, so he doesn't do any of those things.
Instead, he makes a stupid face at Steve, wrinkling up his nose then making himself go cross-eyed.
Steve laughs, his lip sliding free of his teeth and his expression relaxing. He pillows his head on his folded elbow, still facing Eddie. He's always tired after a long time in the pool, not as recovered as he pretends and pushing himself to be faster and stronger than everyone else.
"Thanks," he says. Then, dark eyelashes fluttering, eyelids losing a fight with gravity. "I'm glad it's always you who's here."
"Anyone wants to take my place, they're gonna have to fight me," Eddie tells him and means it way more than he hopes Steve knows.
(continued here)
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kingconia · 1 year
(Aka. In their ’signature’ character trait.)
A/N: Idia was left out, because this author had no idea how to write his part.
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— It is not a secret that Riddle might appear a little bit obsessed, when it comes to rules. He knows all of them, and he merely can't understand how others can be so careless!
— And since no one learned them, excluding him, they trusted with each word he said. Mostly, Riddle said truth, following the codex precisely;
— But, oh, he is still a human. Sometimes, he can make mistakes or confuse things...
— That is why, when a new student of his suddenly stood up to point out at his mistake, Riddle doesn't even know what to do: be happy that there is someone else like him, or get annoyed for a necessity to admit his wrong?
”Hmph, how dare you call yourself a housewarden of Heartslabyul, when you can't follow elemental rules?”
As other students gasp, shocked by this kind of braveness, Riddle feels his cheek heating. Either from anger or from a strict gaze of yours, that reminds him much of his mother.
”You said that the ’only ever drink tea with slice of lemon on even thursdays’ rule is under 53 number,” you repeat, with hands on the tips, and with no care to Trey, who tries to stop you.
”That, I did,” regaining his coldness, Riddle admits.
Truth to be told, he sensed that he made some kind of mistake with this one. But recently he had been more tired than usual, and it is not like someone else know those rules but him, right?
”Well," you huff. ”It is under number 35.”
”I...” Riddle tries to ignore others eyes on him, fingers digging in the fabric of his pants.
He fights an urge to lie about checking other students, instead of admitting his fault. You don't give him time for any of that.
”Well, keep that in mind then,” you say. ”I expect my housewarden to respect our dorm rules, after all.”
With that, you merely leave.
Riddle has a very mixed feelings about this encounter...
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— When headmaster Crowley stops him not for yelling at him for missed lessons, but to speak of another troublemaker from Savanaclaw, Leona is caught off guard;
— It appears, a new freshmen, gained a quite awful reputation. You seem to be sleeping all the time—you did, in the ceremony; and you do, if you appear on lectures, though, mostly, you don't at all—and the only good thing about you is your surprisingly high grades;
— Truth to be told, Leona is just amused by that. All those warnings some pretty familiar, so, he decides to see you himself;
— Of course, Leona couldn't expect you to be so familiarly annoying!
”Shit,” you yawn, a frown touching your face instantly. ”Dude, you must have a really good reason to wake me up.”
Leona blinks; his curiosity changing with irritation quickly as he hears you speaking so carelessly, while stretching under the tree, not even standing up to meet him properly.
”Oi, brat, pay some respect to your housewarden!” He hisses. ”Perhaps, you are forgetting who are you speaking with?”
”Leona-sama,” you sigh tiredly, not impressed by his answer, ”I can't pay respect to someone, who thinks that distracting me from my power nap, is fine.”
Leona is speechless. Mostly, because he doesn't know how to argue about this—he agrees that sleep is more important than anyone or anything in this school, after all. But the amount of disrespect...
”Do you have an idea of your reputation? Headmaster plans to expel you from the school if you continue like this.
Leona internally cringes from these words.
”Sure,” you hum lazily. ”Good luck with throwing off the best first-year student, just because they find those lectures boring.”
Leona can't even answer to you properly. You just fall asleep as soon as you stop speaking, with your tail wrapping around your legs peacefully. At least, he understands Ruggie now...
Azul Ashengrotto. 🩵
— Azul makes a quick background check on all of his students, of course. For safety reasons. More or less;
— So, he is surprised, when one of the freshman, who happens to be you, is too secretive. Azul can't find anything on you at all, even the smallest piece of information, and so, he gets curious;
— His first plan—to get twins stalker on you—fails, when you catch them in the action, somehow. Even worse, you somehow make a pact with them, which stops them from trying to dig in your past more...
— Your next step is to send Azul invitation for a little friendly lunch in the Monster Lounge. Sadly, when he agreed, he couldn't know that was expecting him here...
”I am failing to understand a purpose of our meeting,” Azul locks his hands together, staring at you without even blinking.
You make another sip of the apple juice you ordered, lips stretching in a soft smile.
”I am here to offer you a pact, Azul-sama.”
Azul almost bursts in the laughter. Who do you think you are, making this bold offer, going against him? What an amusement.
”Oh? Surprise me, then.”
”As far as I know, you spent last three weeks, trying to gain a little information about me. But, oh, all for nothing. Just as I tried to find an answer for a few questions considering you and the Monster Lounge, and failed... So, what I am proposing, is to exchange our secrets mutually,” you wink. ”What do you think?”
How stupid of you to think that he will agree on something like this!
”And why would I want to make a pact with you?”
Suddenly, you search for something in the inner pocket of your jacket. And as you find some envelope, you offer it to him.
”Because you don't want this to get leaked, perhaps?”
It takes a few minutes from him to process what is inside, but when he does, colours leave his face instantly.
How did you?..
”It is a deal, then.” You laugh.
Azul hates how there is nothing he can say to you...
Kalim Al-Asim. 🧡
— Kalim tries to befriend each student of his house naturally! But, sometimes, others don't want to return his sentiment as he is too loud and too naive for them, so they avoid him or offer a fake sympathy;
— So, when one of the students rushes to befriend him first, smiling widely as they met their old friend, Kalim is very, very happy!
— You match instantly, your undying energy and enthusiasm about everything bringing you close as soon as you start speaking;
— Even better, you take him seriously, too. It is something other do rarely, seeming him stupid and air-headed, but you know that is more than that. It goes in both way, after all.
”I... I must admit, I am very happy to be your friend,” you muse softly, back pressing to the carpet as both of you taking your short flight around the school. ”I think, I annoy a lot of people here... But I am not annoying you, am I?”
Kalim looks surprised with this question—after all, you knew him better than anyone!—as he rushes to shake his head in denial.
”No, no! You would never.”
You hum, turning on your stomach slowly. Head pressed on your crossed hands, you nod at him.
”That's good. Thank you.... And, Kalim?”
”Yes?” He asks, mirroring your pose, your shoulders pressing together.
”I think you are amazing housewarden, too. Don't allow anyone think otherwise.”
Before you manage to understand, Kalim is already tucking you on the back, to hug rightly. Just how you always know what to say to him, or how to make him happy?
Vil Schoenheit. 💜
— Everyone knows that despite his tight schedule, Vil always checks on all of his students, so they could fit standards of their dorm;
— He takes more time to deal with new students, though. Most of them are still not aware of Pomefiore rules and expectations, so, he needs to speak with all of them individually;
— So, Vil is slightly taken aback, when someone is already instructing new students before him. He watches as you explain others common rules, while giving them random advice on how to enhance their skin and hair routine, basing on different problems and offering interesting solutions, curiously:
— Of course, Vil can't wait to speak with you personally!
”Y/n Y/s, right?” You pause your speeches, nodding at Vil, who just entered the room. ”I had been watching you for a while, and, I must say, you have impressive qualities. And style, too.”
Vil partly expects you to become all shy over his compliment—that is what happens usually, at least—but, instead, you became even more serious than before.
”I appreciate that, but I believe my wish to help other classmates is partly selfish. And selfishness shouldn't be praised.”
It is not what he thought he will hear.
”And how so?” He asks with unhidden curiousity.
”I strive for perfection, and perfection can only be achieved by the hard work,” you punctuate firmly, raising your chin higher. ”But I also believe that your surroundings should fit you—and so, my dorm, classmates, and housewarden should meet my expectation for myself, too. Therefore, I need to guide them in perfection alone with myself.”
Vil can't help but smirk. What an absolute pleasure to speak with someone, who knows what they are doing, who has right morals!
”Well, well,” he folds arm on his chest. ”I can't wait to see more of your hard work, then.”
”I would never disappoint.”
But as the conversation is finished, Vil already knows who is going to be the next housewarden, when he leaves.
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— When Lilia tells him that they now have another half-dragon creature in the Diasomnia, Malleus is partly curious. It is a rare thing to have someone of his own kind, after all;
— But, of course, Malleus can't just walk to you and start a conversation. Instead, he tries to see you more often; in school or corridors;
— It doesn't give him much. You seem very cold, and other classmates ignore your presence constantly, though, you don't seem to be interested in them, either;
— He finally has a chance to speak with you personally, when he finds you walking around gargoyles in the evening, though.
”Malleus-sama,” you bow your head, noticing his presence even earlier than he announces it. ”Good evening. How this one can help you?”
”Y/n,” he slightly nods, examining you closer. ”If I am not mistaken, there is party for the first-years in the school. Why are you here?”
Malleus can't help but notice hints of confusion, raising in your eyes, before you cover it with the usual stoic expression of yours. With a quiet sigh, you start petting the statute affectionately, much like an animal.
”Is that so? I am afraid, I wasn't invited, then.”
He rewards you with sympathetic look.
”I see,” he adds, awkwardly: ”I am sorry to hear that.”
”Oh, no time for regrets,” your fangs bare in a smile. ”Actually... Malleus-sama, I planned to ask you something for a while, but never had a chance to speak with you before. Can I?”
”Of course.”
”Headmaster told me, that you are leading the club of the researches that are dedicated to gargoyles... And so, I wanted to know what I need to join it. You see...”
As you start rumbling about the importance of gargoyles, Malleus can't help but wonder why he saw you as someone cold before. Was it something others thought of him, judging by short glimpses of his attitude in school?
But it doesn't matter anymore. He thinks, your company is very enjoyable, after all.
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penkura · 3 months
last forever [10/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: I kind of hate how Zoro dresses in Dressrosa. He doesn't look right. Oh well. This isn't how I thought this chapter would go, but, I hope it works. I'm more excited for the last couple chapters! (don't worry, we are not glossing over Dressrosa in where you belong, it's way too important for that)
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9]
Trafalgar Law doesn’t get you and Zoro, he’s not sure he’s seen two crewmates as close as you two are without there being something romantic going on, whether hidden or not. While your crew was separated, you were lucky enough to miss being body swapped with another of your crewmates, choosing to stay with them and watch over the children they’d tried to rescue while Zoro went with Brook and Sanji (in Nami’s body at the time) to bring back the Samurai missing his torso. You’re sure you didn’t miss too much, and that Sanji or Zoro would fill you in later.
Once the alliance between your crew and the Heart Pirates is set in place, you start trying to speak to Law more, even with your personal issues, you’d like to make friends with him l though he seems like he doesn’t care for the most part. Sanji just tells you to ignore it and not take it personally if Law doesn’t really talk to you, he doesn’t appear to be the talkative type to him. You still try once all of you, including Kin’emon and Momonosuke, are back on Sunny, Law beginning to open up a little bit and talk to you, which makes you smile.
He still notices how you’ll hang onto or around Zoro more than anyone, how he doesn’t push you off, he almost looks like he leans into you, especially when you start to say something to him. You are very odd, both of you. If there’s anything going on, nobody shows that they know anything, so Law leaves it alone. It’s not his problem anyway.
When you hear that this alliance is going to lead you towards Wano, Law thinks he’s the only one who notices the slight flinch that comes from you, giving you a side eye that you try to ignore. You’ve had no problem being around Kin’emon and Momonosuke, but hearing Wano be mentioned is enough to make you act differently, just slightly. Zoro noticed this too, giving you a confused look while you just smile at him, you don’t want to explain anything yet. Not right now anyway, another time.
It's not like you’re going to run into your fiancé or anything.
“So, have you been to Dressrosa?”
Law shakes his head at you, you’d walked over and again struck up a conversation with him, leaning against the railing. Everyone else is doing their own thing, whatever Sanji is making for dinner is making you hungry while you wait.
“Have you? Seems like you know about Wano.”
You flinch a tiny bit again, but shake your head in return.
“No, never been to the New World until now. My parents have been out to Wano before…”
“They never brought you?”
“I…never wanted to go…”
Before Law can try and get more information out of you, information you may not be comfortable sharing, Zoro calls for you to follow him to crow’s nest, and you quickly tell Law you’ll talk to him later as you run off. He still can’t tell what it is with you and Zoro, but there’s something he’s missing, he's sure of it.
Well, whatever it is, if it doesn’t mess up the plan, it’s not Law’s problem right now. There’s more pressing matters to worry about, not your weird relationship with Zoro.
You end up on the Caesar drop off team once you all arrive in Dressrosa, being with Robin, Usopp, and Law. Zoro at first doesn’t like the idea, he feels like you’re getting too close to Law, even after you constantly telling your husband that you love him. He partly wonders if his only stating that his stating that he knows and thanking you is making you drift away, but even if it is, he can’t force you to stay with him, despite your relationship. It’s still new no matter how long you’ve technically been married, Zoro doesn’t want to hinder you from going where you want, you’d had enough of that living with your parents.
You deserve to do whatever you want, he’s not going to stop you from going with Law, especially since Robin and Usopp will be with you.
Zoro does surprise you before letting you go back to everyone by kissing your forehead and telling you to be safe. It’s still weird to you sometimes how soft he acts, but you don’t hate it at all. It’s a stark difference from how you two started off, how he acted after your impromptu marriage, and a very welcome change.
What’s not so welcome is all that happens while you’re in Dressrosa. The initial plan to drop off Caesar was going well, even with your encounters with giant sea beasts that threatened your safety crossing the bridge, up until you, Usopp, and Robin are basically kidnapped by the Tontatta people, who come to view Usopp like a savior despite your side-eye towards him that he fights to ignore.
When you eventually make it back into Dressrosa everything moves so fast, you aren’t sure what’s happening half the time. You knew where most of your crew still in Dressrosa were, you knew the Sunny had taken off towards Zou with the rest of them, and knew Luffy and Law were in the middle of fighting Doflamingo, while the birdcage the Warlord had set up was beginning to close in on the country, moving buildings and causing the citizens to run for their lives.
You do your best to help direct them, alongside the Marines that were around, not one of them bothering to try and take you in due to the situation. There’s so much going on and so many people screaming in fear that you don’t even stop moving towards the center yourself while you call for people to follow you. You aren’t even sure how it happens but a boy and his little sister end up attached to you, the girl having you carry her since she’d twisted her ankle as her brother holds onto your hand while you keep moving, telling him to keep running too.
You don’t stop until you see the strings are fading away, giving you the relief you need to finally breathe, the kids both gripping onto you like you’re their only hope for safety (not even a Marine could get them to let go of you).
The two are still holding onto you when Zoro finds you a bit later, he’s trying not to make the worry he felt for you the whole time visible. Of course he was focused wholly on his own battle against Pica then attempting to stop the birdcage, but every second he didn’t see you had him concerned underneath it all.
“Hey! There you are!”
You barely have a moment to realize it’s even him before Zoro has you pulled to him in a hug, nearly squishing the little girl you’re still holding, though she doesn’t seem to complain. Her brother is the one to say something, making you pull yourself away from Zoro, who looks confused as to why you’re carrying this toddler with her brother gripping your shirt still.
“I was helping them run from the birdcage, the girl twisted her ankle. I…should go help them find their parents, huh?”
While you laugh at the situation, Zoro doesn’t say anything else, instead just nodding while you crouch down to eye level with the boy, giving him a smile and asking him to help you find their parents. Zoro does go with you, not wanting you out of his sight again to ensure you get back to the rest of the group safely, keeping one of his hands on your back to make sure he doesn’t lose you, moving to your shoulders after you finally find the parents of the kids and hand them off, not without copious amounts of thank you’s from them, especially their mother.
“You almost seem disappointed.”
Looking up at Zoro, you raise an eyebrow as he continues to lead you back to Luffy and everyone else.
“Handing them back to their parents. Almost like you wish they were yours.”
“Oh,” Shaking your head, you smile a bit, “No, I’m glad they’re back with them…I’d like to have one or two someday, but not now, you know? We’ve got bigger things to do.”
Zoro nods and agrees with you, but he doesn’t tell you his own thoughts about that at the moment. Another time perhaps, he’ll let you know that he wants the same thing later on, once everything has been settled with your respective goals.
He’ll become the world’s greatest swordsman and you’ll become a world renowned swordswoman, one day.
Then after that, you can revisit that idea of having kids together.
If you stay together, that is.
Leaving Dressrosa, finally, you’re excited to get back to the rest of your crew and the Sunny, and, you suppose, head for Wano next. The thought still makes you feel nervous, but what are the chances you run into your parents chosen suitor for you while you’re there?
Very slim, this is the time of year he takes off to one of his current wives’ hometowns, likely showing off his wealth or their newest child, whatever the case you’re glad for Zoro rescuing you from such a life.
Still, it’s the only hang-up with the alliance and your coming arrival there, making you more nervous the closer you get. Robin knows your reason why, you’d told her and Nami recently about the situation, and both promised to keep the man away from you should they see him, or, well, hear of him, since they don’t know what he looks like. Law notices you acting strange, different from how he’s come to perceive you, though he doesn’t say anything, it’s not his place to do so, he thinks. Usopp, Franky, and even Luffy seem none the wiser, not noticing any changes from you.
Zoro however does, and keeps you close to him where he can just in case you need him. A few times while on Bartolomeo’s ship, you leave his side to talk to Robin or Law, maybe Luffy if he’s nearby, but Zoro keeps an eye on you, he can tell something is up but he isn’t sure what.
That doesn’t change when you all arrive and make it to the top of Zou, as you work your way through the remnants of what looked to be a city and then the forest, before you’re finally guided to the rest of your crew by the Minks. The absence of Sanji is obvious and when you hear the explanation as to why he isn’t there, you feel your heart drop at the words ‘arranged marriage’ from Brook. So you two had the same problem, parents trying to decide what’s best for you and how you should live your life, forcing you into loveless marriages. Somehow it makes more sense as to why you and Sanji are so drawn to each other, why your friendship is so strong. He’s gone through his own struggles too.
Your swordsman’s watchful eye stays on you after that, even as a party is thrown that evening to celebrate the Minks safety, Raizou reuniting with Kin’emon and Kanjuro, and possibly your arrival. Zoro doesn’t let you out of his sight, even while you’re across the way with Nami, Robin, and Ikkaku from the Heart Pirates. He watches you quietly talk with them, laughing every now and then as you down drink after drink and he’s wondering what’s gotten into you. You don’t normally drink or eat this much, but it’s almost like something has triggered you to do so.
He knows you’re going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning and you might get sick from everything you’ve eaten, making Zoro sigh when he does get up from his own spot, leaving his drink there, to cut you off.
There’s got to be something you aren’t telling him.
“How much did you drink?”
Your slurred speech and incessant giggles make Zoro roll his eye while he takes you to a room the Minks set aside for you to stay in. You're over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, which you'd normally complain about, but the amount of alcohol in your system is keeping coherent sentences from leaving your mouth.
“Dumbass, you know you can't handle your liquor.”
“Hehehe, sorry…” you giggle again and try to lift your head, but it makes everything spin so you just let yourself hang while Zoro takes you to your room. “Drinks good.”
“I know.”
“Food good.”
“I know that too.”
“Nausea not good…”
“You throw up on me and I'm dropping your ass on the ground.”
Your giggles and hiccups make Zoro smile slightly. You were more than likely coping with Sanji not being there with everyone, seeing as how he'd become your closest friend and confidant, but that didn't mean you needed to try and match Zoro, of all people, in how much you could drink. Hell, you even tried to match Luffy with the amount of food you ate, it was no wonder you felt nauseous, though, Zoro does realize that the way he's carrying you isn't helping. So once he reaches the set of treehouses you'd been granted by the Minks to stay in, he adjusts you to where you've got your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist to keep you from falling, telling you to hold on or you'd fall to your death which made you laugh and tighten your hold on him.
“You'd never let me fall…remember?”
He does, he remembers telling you that after you landed on Skypiea, when you were nervous about joining them on the cloud sea. How drunk you could bring that up, and sound so sentimental about it at the same time, he doesn't understand.
Once Zoro gets you to your room, he drops you on your bed and moves to leave, before you grab hold of him and almost start begging him not to go. It's several minutes of you telling him to stay, and Zoro denying, before he notices your demeanor, how you're about to cry.
He'd forgotten how emotional of a drunk you could be.
“Hey, what's wrong with you?”
“I…I just…I missed you.”
Your statement confuses Zoro immensely. You two had stayed in Dressrosa together, you'd been on Bartolomeo's ship on the way to Zou, how could you have possibly missed him?
Granted, yes, he understands you two had been separated for a good portion of your time in Dressrosa, and then again on your trip to Zou as you were helping Robin and Law with various things while Zoro was minding Luffy mostly, but you two still had time to talk and spend time with each other. Even a few nights sharing a bed because you couldn't stand to be away from him, despite your still not being sure where you two stand as friends or a couple or what you are.
“What do you mean you missed me?”
“I…I don't…” You sniffle a bit before covering your face with your hands, biting your lip and trying not to cry more. Zoro thinks you're so wasted you don't even know what you're saying, but he still tries to get an answer out of you.
“Hey, come on, talk to me. I know you're drunk but I wanna know what you mean.”
“I just…I missed you…while we were all apart. Did I…I ever tell you?”
You hadn't, not until now. Everything had moved so fast after you all came back together in Sabaody, that you'd not really gotten to talk to each other about your two years apart. Zoro figured you missed him, especially with how you attached yourself to him lately, but didn't think it was that bad. Something had seemed slightly off at times, but he never knew what it was.
“I had…nightmares about you…”
His brows furrow and Zoro finally relents to you, letting you pull him into your bed and hug him close, like you thought he was going to disappear. Zoro returns your hold and keeps you close as possible, before he quietly responds to you.
“What happened in the nightmares?”
Surely it couldn't be that bad, it wasn't something that made you afraid of him that was for certain. Even sober, you'd never be so close to him if you were afraid of him.
“You…Thriller Bark and Sabaody…I…I thought you were gonna die…”
Finally, Zoro has an answer as to why, after everything that happened at Thriller Bark, you were in his bed in tears nearly every night before your crew was separated. Why you had attached yourself to him even more than usual. It wasn't nightmares about your parents, about the man they wanted you to marry, no. It was nightmares about him not making it through those events that took place.
He wants to tell you that those are stupid nightmares and that he wasn't dying anytime soon, he wanted to tell you that.
But for some reason, he doesn't. He's not even sure why, the words just won't come out. He knows it would soothe you to hear him say that, even if for that night, but if more nightmares come?
He's not sure simple reassurance is enough.
“Do you…still have those nightmares?”
You shake your head, snuggling yourself closer to Zoro, hoping he'll stay with you.
“No…I'm okay now. Cause I know you'll come back to me.”
Zoro still doesn't say anything, just watching you finally fall asleep. He's not even sure if he believes you, but the fact that you hadn't gone to his bed in tears every night since you all reunited, he views as a good thing, you probably are telling the truth. It is annoying, that he feels responsible for your distress when he didn't really do anything to cause it. The life you live is a dangerous one, you know that and Zoro knows that, better than anyone most likely.
So, that's why, while he quietly, gently kisses your forehead, Zoro brings you closer to him and makes a promise you don't hear and even if you did, you wouldn't remember in the morning.
“I promise, as long as I'm married to you, I'm not gonna die. You're my wife…and I'm gonna keep you safe too.”
With everyone getting ready to leave the next morning, Nami stops just long enough to give you a raised eyebrow when she comes to get you. You’ve got a blanket around your shoulders and the grumpiest look she’s ever seen from you, but that’s not what has her attention.
It's the fact that Zoro is still in your room, mainly the fact he’s in your bed, and she starts to get ideas that make her give you a sly look. You’re about to slam the door in her face when she throws an arm around your shoulders and brings you close to whisper.
“Give me all the details and I won’t charge you to keep this a secret~”
“Nothing happened, Nami. I was drunk and fell asleep, now please, get me some medicine and water, my head is killing me.”
Rolling her eyes, Nami doesn’t fully believe you, but she shrugs it off.
“Whatever. So,” pulling you closer, your navigator gets even quieter, just in case Zoro or someone else is listening, “Are you going to be okay…? Going to Wano, I mean…”
“I don’t think Luffy will care if you come with us to get Sanji back, but Zoro might.”
You sigh and nod, your head still aching but you glance over your shoulder to Zoro still asleep in your bed, thinking. She’s right in that Luffy would likely let you go to retrieve Sanji, but Zoro may fight against that if you did so. Not because he thinks you’re weak or anything, but because it’s for Sanji, you and Nami know very well how those men are with each other.
After another moment or two, you finally nod again.
“I’m going to go to Wano. Zoro will be there…I’ll be okay, Nami.”
She’s not sure she believes you, but Nami gives you a hug anyway, that you return without saying anything else.
“I’ll get Chopper to bring you some medicine. See if you can wake your boyfriend or husband, whatever you guys are calling each other. Breakfast is about ready.”
“Sounds good, thanks for everything.”
You wave each other before you’re caught off guard by Zoro wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Feel okay, wife? Not gonna get sick on Traffy’s ship when we leave, right?”
Giggling a little, you shake your head.
“No, I’ll be fine, Zoro, thanks.”
Nodding, Zoro hugs you a little tighter, making you look up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you smile a bit, which causes Zoro to do the same in return, “I know.”
Everything will be okay, nothing bad is going to happen, not with Zoro around.
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maxlarens · 3 months
oscar and 31?
31) doing a pinky swear
random but i listened to this and this dj set while writing this
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It’s difficult to resist the lure of the music, the dance floor that churns and pulses at your back. The DJ cycles through euro-pop, 2000s anthems and countless club classics that make you itch to get up and dance, something tugging in your gut when you don't.
Max and Lando have already gone into the thick of it, leaving you and Oscar at the booth. And you've decided that you're not leaving Oscar. If he's not getting on the dance floor then you aren't either. Even if your leg is about to fall off from how much you've been tapping it to the beat and you keep tipping your head back to say oh, dude, I love this song.
He'd made some offhand comment the other day, when you and Lando first made these plans, something about how he was boring, of all things. How he wouldn't be any fun at a club. It's been eating at you since. The way he'd said it, not like it was something he came to on his own, but rather, like it was something someone had told him.
The absolute last thing Oscar Piastri is is boring.
You hate that he thinks he is, you hate that he thinks he needs to be a certain way to make you happy. To make anyone happy. And you certainly don't care if he doesn't want to dance at a club— no one's going to die if he doesn't, and you'll survive a few hours in the booth until Max tires of Lando and his boundless energy.
Across from you, Oscar's taking sips of his vodka pineapple. His pale cheeks have been steadily turning more red the more alcohol that he drinks, it's cute. You're turning your drink in circles, watching it leave condensation rings on the linoleum table. The DJ is playing a remix of Murder on the Dancefloor and you're about to tip your head back and groan oh my god I love this song,
but Oscar is laughing before the words can even leave your mouth.
"You love this song too?", he raises his very nice eyebrows at you, smiling that closed mouth polite cat smile everyone likes so much.
You sigh, laugh, then roll your eyes at yourself, "Yeah. Love it."
He smiles into his drink, it turns into something a little bittersweet after a moment of you watching him. You think of the sad way he'd twitched his nose the other day, while he was telling you he was boring. Without thinking, spurred on by the alcohol, you lean across the table and swat his hand with yours. But you don't move after, you just slip your fingers into the grooves of his knuckles.
"What are you thinking?"
He bites the inside of his bottom lip, shrugs, "Nothing important."
You're not convinced.
"Is this about you thinking you're boring, Oscar?" —he raises an eyebrow at you, one that says maybe, one that says go on— "Because you are not fucking boring, Piastri."
He laughs, but its critical, disbelieving. More of a scoff than a laugh, but he doesn't want you to catch on. He's trying to act like it's all fine. That's how he is— it's fine it's fine he says and he doesn't let anyone see that things hurt him. He's so good, so nice, so unwilling to make anyone else feel bad.
Positive, optimistic to a fault.
"You're not," you insist, pressing your fingertips into his knuckles.
He shrugs again, "I'm keeping you here. I know you want to go dance. You should go.”
You’re shaking your head before he can finish, “Oscar. Please, I will live. Anyway, sometimes I want to spend time with you without Lando hanging around, y’know.”
Oscar snorts, sincerely this time, “Yeah, he’s—”
“Annoying,” you supply.
“I was going to say a pain.”
“Same thing.”
“Mm,” Oscar snickers, “S’pose so.”
“Are you sure you want to stay here with me?”
You slide your fingers down to his wrist, gently turning his arm around so it faces upward. His skin is smooth where you trace the lines in his palm. You're both quiet, looking down at your hands where they're intertwined. If you're honest, you've kind of forgotten why you did that— your thoughts feel loose, a bit disconnected. Oscar is warm and sweet and here. You just wanted to touch his hand you think. You trace a line up his ring finger without thinking.
"I'm sure," you say, a little breathless for no good reason.
"Huh?", you drift your gaze up to his.
Polite cat smile, he repeats, "Promise?", it's more of a question now.
You nod seriously, curling your fingers into a fist and sticking your pinky finger out, "I pinky promise, Oscar."
He does the same, lifting his hand up in offering. Your pinkies lock together, he squeezes tightly and you pull against him, like the tighter the promise is the more that you mean it.
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elaemae · 7 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 6
I get really happy every time one of you guys like, reblog, or comment on my chapters, Thanks guys :3
CW: ANYTIME that MC is referred with male address or pronouns it's going to be color blue. There's also a shit-ton of cursing here.
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You can feel your blood pressure ascending into the Celestial Realm (faster than a newly deceased good person) as this Azul Asheng-something mf drags you into his oh-so-fancy "Monstro Lounge" while you're just peacefully trying to fuck off from his dorm.
You were unfortunately curious enough to go poke your head into the mirrors leading to the dorms to see what they've got and use it as inspiration, but then this greasy-ass bitch sadly spotted you and literally hounded you to go in.
You would've socked him in the face for a second time but it turns out that he's a pretty important figure in this school.
You don't really wanna get in trouble for doing that.
(You may be able to do it to Crowley but you don't know if this attempted-bangle-thief has influential parents or something.. Crowley meanwhile, acts pretty parent-less for you.)
You are keeping an eye on him though.
If he tries any bullshit then he's getting his ass kicked.
Social hierarchy be damned.
You didn't rein in 10 demons, 3 angels, The greatest sorcerer in all of humanity and The literal fuckin grim reaper, (who're all constantly dragging you onto bullshit as either an accomplice or the baby-sitter) just for some dude in an Emo-friendly-cut-my-life-into-pieces college to best you.
• • • •
Jade did a double-take.
He blinked.
Azul is sending him SOS signals by blinking morse code at him.
Jade rubbed his eyes for a few seconds.
Nope, still the same.
Azul: *Blinking for help intensifies*
He bit his lip to stop his laughter from escaping.
Who would've thought that he'll see a day where his precious housewarden is having his face passive-aggresively squished and kneaded by a new student? And also, probably getting himself threatened based on the eerie smile on the students' face.
Azul should be grateful that floyd isn't here, lest he'll have two people on his hands that are more than happy to squish him around. He should be grateful there isn't anyone else around, really.. Lest the reputation he took so long to build crumbles.
Oh he can just imagine it at the top of his head.. The poor octo-mer will probably combust from embarrassment and maybe even go find himself an octo-pot that he can shimmy himself into.. oh how he misses those days...
(Elae: I'm just imagining baby Azul shimmying into a lil pot.. Ugh, so adorable I'm getting cute aggression.)
He does eventually step in to stop the student from treating Azul's face like a squishy piece of dough He took a couple of pictures ofc. he ain't an amateur, but not before almost getting his own face fall victim to the new students' hands.
• • • •
"You try this shit again and see what happens." You smiled at him as you squished his face.
He's still holding onto your wrists but he seems to have given up from escaping your passive-aggresive face massage. Instead, he seems to have settled in blinking so fast he can almost fly with his eyelashes.
This bitch really had the audacity to try and get you to sell your jewelry to him in exchange for a room in his frankly unimpressive dorm. (You have more than a dozen rich and powerful simps. A dorm in a college ain't gonna be enough to impress you anymore.)
"— I know that you must not have any money to pay but maybe we can compromise, it's gonna be hard for you and your friend (Yuu) to keep staying in the infirmary after all.."
"We can manage—"
"And my benevolence will not allow me to let some poor unfortunate souls be without accommodations... So what if, for a week of stay each, you give me your jewelry in retur—"
You got so pissed at the audacity that you almost strangled him but changed your tactic into a hateful squeezing the last second. (You can't be reported for physically violent behavior rn.)
He speaks as if the entirety of this college and its dorms can actually be worth even a single piece of the ring in your left hand.
But seriously? 15,000 madols (that's the price Azul told you) for one night of stay?? If you're gonna be paying that much money for a single room, then that room better solve all your problems, fulfill your greatest ambitions and then suck your imaginary dick afterwards.
Your annoyed musings were cut off when a hand tries to remove your grip from Azul's face.
You absent-mindedly reach your other hand, trying to deliver another kneading to a new victim.
• • • • •
Azul covers his face with his hand, embarrassed of how the situation played out.
It doesn't help that Floyd is cackling like a deranged maniac at him right now.
Thank goodness they're in his office.
"Can you stOp?!"
Poor bbg was so embarrassed his voice cracked :<
Jokes on you, even if he got embarrassed today he still got closer to your jewelry.
And now, he can 100% confirm that those ornaments aren't just for decorations.
The strong magic from your rings that were pressed against his face confirmed it.
Those things are definitely custom-made magical artifacts of the highest caliber.
Now.. How to get them...
• • • • •
You stopped walking, feeling someone's gaze on you.
Looking around discreetly, you didn't see anyone but you can still feel the eyes on your form.
Yeah no.
You continue on, ignoring the feeling of being watched, but not going to dark places or spots where you'll be all alone.
Time to check in on Yuu and their unwilling gang of window cleaners.
See if they're done already.
The sun is starting to go down, after all.
• • • • •
Mc... We're going to come find you.
Don't worry..
Please stay safe..
Please don't forget that we love you more than anything else in existence..
0u® |!gHt įN tH€ d@RkN€§$
← Pr. 5 | Chapter List | Pr. 7 →
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Oh welp, ain't nothing I can do about it now..
Thanks for reading this far, readers☺️
Reblog or I'll bite ya ankles😈
@caprinaesprout (should I put you in the permanent tag list for this series?)
Tagging isn't working for some reason so I can't tag some of y'all. The usernames I tagged just fuckin disappearing.
Tumblr is messing with me rn.
You wanna throw hands, Tumblr??
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Chaggie AU where Vaggie is a member of a holy order devoted to slaying monsters. As part of her becoming a holy knight, she must commune with an Angel to be granted their divine power... only something goes wrong with the ritual, and the being that appears before her is none other than the Princess of Hell.
Lute: “Gay?! She’s supposed to be HOLY!”
Adam: “Yeah, hot.”
Lute: “…let. Me. See. That. SuMMOnINg sCRiPTuRE.”
Adam: “Sure thing dude. Here.”
Lute: “This isn’t a holy rite, this is… WRITINGS OF SAPPHO!”
Adam: "Heh, heathen and homoerotic. WLWhoops?"
Charlie: “You should really be more careful next time!"
Vaggie: "Uh."
Charlie: "Lot’s of other demons would be thrilled to get yanked into the mortal world without a circle of binding to hold them- especially by someone as cute as you-
Vaggie: "Excuse me?"
Charlie: "And when I say thrilled, I mean in the blood and guts and screaming kinda way, NOT just in the 'can feel hellfire in my cheeks' kinda way. Safe summoning is important!!”
Vaggie: “Why’re you drawing the circle in yourself, then. With your… claws.”
Charlie: “Because you didn’t?” (dusts fire off her hands) “Anyway you should be good now, ask me anything!”
Vaggie: “You’re seriously not taking advantage of being summoned but not bound?"
Charlie: "I'm taking advantage of the view!"
Charlie: (beat)
Charlie: "Of the, mortal world, I am enjoying the pretty scenery."
Vaggie: "It's dark."
Charlie: "I'm enjoying the beautiful knight. Night. Night without a 'K'. Not knight like YOU'RE a knight, not that you aren't beautiful-"
Vaggie: "I'm. What."
Charlie: "The one who should be talking now! Not me. I think I've done enough talking for now. I think I'm good on having said stuff recently. I think I should be quiet for a bit."
Vaggie: (gay) (not immune to adorable ladies) "WHY are you here. You're not, what I expected."
Charlie: “I'm not the usual demon- As hell princess I get first dibs on all summons! After dad anyway.”
Vaggie: (of COURSE she's a princess) “Why answer this one.”
Charlie: “You’re missing an eye? It looks painful?"
Vaggie: "...so?
Charlie: "?? I thought maybe you wanted help with that.”
Vaggie: "It's a penance. You can't help with it."
Charlie: "oh."
Vaggie: “...That’s it? You're not here for anything else?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “You um. You look very cool in that armor.” (cringes) “Awesome.” (cringes more)
Vaggie: “Are you a siren or a succubus or something.”
Charlie: “What!? No! No I’m just, I just think girls are hot! Cool! You look great!! …girls all look great, and you’re a girl, and you…”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Do you need any demons slayed?”
Charlie: “Ahaa, no.”
Vaggie: “Holy quests completed?”
Charlie: “No?”
Vaggie: “Are you gonna eat me.”
Charlie: “N-not on the first date- I- OH YOU MEAN ACTUALLY-? No no no! I don’t, I’m, I don’t eat souls. Or people.”
Vaggie: “So what’s the catch here. The price.”
Charlie: “Nothing. I just wanted to help.”
Charlie: “Okay and maaaaybe have a nice conversation for once. Kinda short on them in hell.”
Vaggie: “… is there ANYTHING I can help you with?”
Charlie: “Well I just broke up with-”
Vaggie: “I’ll kill them.”
Charlie: “-and I could really use a date for the ball, I mean! No killing needed!! Dad isn’t going again, mom’s um, busy. And it’ll be a lot less awkward if I already have a dance partner, you know?”
Vaggie: “You want me to find you a dance partner.”
Charlie: “Oh no I, I was hoping- do YOU dance?”
Vaggie: "Me."
Charlie: "If you want to?"
Vaggie: “You’re asking me to go to hell.”
Charlie: “Shit. Right, dumb idea. It’s my home but, yeah. It’s not like anyone enjoys being here.”
Vaggie: (fuck she's cute) (fuck she's SAD)
Vaggie: “No one does? What about you?”
Charlie: “I… just wish the people would be nicer. A place is the people who live there, right?”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “I’ll come.”
Charlie: “You wha?”
Vaggie: “I’ll come to the dance.”
Charlie: "But- hell! Why-"
Vaggie: "Hell’s a better place than I thought."
Charlie: "You've never even BEEN here!"
Vaggie: "I've met you."
Charlie: ".... I'm not... the usual demon."
Vaggie: "I'll take my chances. I'll need to borrow a dress though. All I have up here is, armor."
Charlie: "I can, I can change that. A dress. N- no problem."
Vaggie: "It's a deal then." (holds out hand) "A dance for a dress?"
Charlie: (takes her hand and shakes it eagerly while bowing) "ITS A DATE!"
Vaggie: (chuckles) "Yeah, I guess that's a better word for it."
Charlie: "And I PROMISE when we dance I WON'T trample your toes with my hooves!"
Vaggie: "... should I just keep the sabatons on?"
Charlie: "I promise to find you a dress that goes good with your armored shoes so your toes don't get trampled on."
Vaggie: "We're gonna be quite the pair, aren't we."
Charlie: "Heheh~"
Vaggie: "Does taking her heart count?"
Adam: "Whoooo VaGEEE! Totally FUCKED that demon huh!!"
Vaggie: "Mm, not totally sir."
Vaggie: (smiling) (softly to herself) "Not on the first date."
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haunting-venus · 7 months
line 'em up and measure ↳ lo'ak sully x male!human!reader
content warnings | smut ( mdni ), characters are aged up, brief description of wounds, slight intoxication, mutual masturbation, literal dick measuring contest, xenophilia ( alien biology ), dirty talk, praise
word count: 3995
notes | this was originally supposed to be for the last day of @eywaite and @tallulah477 romancing pandora event, but life got in the way. still, i couldn't get this out of my head so please enjoy this now !
na'vi dictionary | narlor — beautiful ( visually )
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It was stupid—absolutely fucking insane, really—the situation you’ve planted yourself in. You knew you were a trespasser, not looked upon with any grace by Eywa on this exomoon but fuck, this must be some kind of sick joke.
“Dude, my dick is definitely nicer than yours.” Lo’ak’s cheeks are flushed with alcohol, grin toothy and shit-eating as his knee bumps yours.
You’d come across the Omatikaya purely by chance—a lone xenobotanist presumed dead after the tragic and fiery crash of your research team’s buggy in the depths of Pandora’s forests. You’d been warned about the local indigenous population, of course, and had been explicitly told your group was not important enough to risk more lives should you fuck up this exploration.
No one was looking for you, and you were alone on an alien planet with nothing but a scalpel and a faulty research tablet.
You’d wandered for hours, bleeding and disoriented, ears ringing with the impact of your buggy into the tree and heart pounding in fear at the inescapable situation you were now in. You were certain that you were smaller than anything in this forest, and that your sluggishly bleeding wounds and pounding headache would soon make you easy prey for whatever roamed in these woods.
You’d thought the time had finally come as you gasped against a tree for air, vision blurring with pain as your legs shook with the exertion to keep you upright. The air was rife with beastly screeching, the sound so high-pitched you thought briefly that this might be what death sounds like. The deafening flapping of giant wings had you scrambling to the forest floor, using the last of your strength to move pitifully away from the gnashing jaws of the creature who landed in front of you.
You were able to catch a glimpse of worried golden eyes and a lean blue frame that towered over you before the world slipped into inky blackness.
You’d learned afterwards that the Omatikaya did routine patrols in the areas known to the RDA, scheduled bouts of precautionary scouting should the Earth’s military ever stray too far from their boundaries. Well, you’d strayed a lot, apparently.
The man who’d saved you had carried you in a princess hold before the chief, his strong arm holding up your back and looped under your bent knees. It should’ve been embarrassing, you thought, a grown man having to be carried like a ragdoll by a stranger who was bargaining for your life to be saved. Then again, you didn’t exactly have time to worry about how tough you looked when you were on the verge of slipping unconscious again.
It had taken over a week in the medical care of the nearby human outpost before you were on your feet again, body weak from dehydration and healing minor fractures. The man who saved you, Lo’ak, came to check on you regularly, asking questions about your life and your intentions—how you’d wandered into the Omaticaya borders, why you were traveling in the forest, if you had any trackers on you, if anyone was following you.
After several days of him poking and prodding at you with questions, he returned with a much more intimidating man at his back—The chief, Jake Sully, adorned in ornate feathered regalia and a stern expression.
You knew you were best off telling the truth—you were a researcher with many injuries, nowhere else to go, and of no harm to any of the People. You’d even offered to leave once you healed, return to the RDA encampment with tight lips and fake amnesia, though Jake Sully had quickly brushed that off. It was in the People’s best interest that the RDA never knew you came in contact with them, and the only way you could do that was by never returning.
You were met with a mix of fear and anger from the local population. You were an intruder, an unwanted reminder of just how closely war knocked at their doorstep. It would’ve been easy to feel isolated, a bird without a nest.
Except you were surrounded with the most incredible flora and fauna you had ever laid your eyes on, the lands near the village so much more rife with life than the secluded bases of the RDA. The scientists at the outpost just outside the village welcomed you eagerly, sharing their notes and knowledge and living space with open arms. Then, of course, there was Lo’ak.
Lo’ak was a friend, one of the few that you’d acquired in the months since the crash. Turns out, one of his best friends was a human boy who’d grown up in the labs outside the Na’vi encampments, Spider, so he was neither scared nor angry with you. He was mostly curious, poking and prodding you with questions about Earth and showing you hidden wonders of the Forest when he got a rare day off.
He was also damn beautiful—tall and indigo-skinned, with lean muscles and swirling tattoos over the length of his strong arms and the curve of his ribs. You would be able to get over your little infatuation with some ease, you’d met plenty of good-looking people in your life, except he wasn’t just beautiful. He was fucking kind too, and it drove you nuts. 
So yes, Lo’ak was beautiful, funny and kind. He made you feel safe and wanted in a world that wanted to kill you at every turn, and he did it with the most endearingly toothy smile you’d ever seen.
He was also the chief’s son, which made him explicitly off-limits even if you did have any chance in any multiverse of getting to be with him. Which was exactly why you shouldn’t be in this situation right now, lazing together on a couch that is far too small for the two of you, passing a leather flask of pxir that was quickly emptying.
You must have been more drunk than you thought, letting the rogue idea slip between your teeth. It was supposed to be a joke, really—a dumb quip about how much you missed getting dicked down back on Earth. Your options were extremely limited, even more than they had been in the RDA outpost. At least over there there had been some sexually repressed military guys to get it on with. Here, everyone was either decades your senior, or definitely not your type.
“You just need to get some Na’vi cock. It’ll make you forget all about whatever puny action you were getting on Earth, bro.” Lo’ak laughed
 You were two young men, tipsy and comfortable with one another, it was completely natural to talk about sex. You knew that the Na’vi were extremely comfortable with sex, seeing it as a connection between life forms, something natural and beautiful. Plus, humans were inherently curious, not to mention repressed and hormonal. You figured that sexual experimentation between the two species was something nearly inevitable.
Still, it made you hot beneath the collar, having Lo’ak’s eyes so keen on you with hazy comfort as he suggests you get down and dirty with a Na’vi. With someone like him.
“Hey, watch how you talk about human cock. I’ve still got one, dude.” You scoff, taking another deep swig of the bitter alcohol. It’s always been so easy this way, hiding your discomfort behind sarcasm and dumb jokes. “Besides, it can’t be all that different.”
“Dude, my dick is definitely nicer than yours.”
It should be insulting. It is insulting, you tell yourself. That’s why your cheeks flush so devastatingly red, definitely. “Oh, fuck you, pretty boy. If that’s what you tell yourself to sleep at night, go ahead.”
“Well, there’s one way to find out.” Lo’ak’s eyes glisten with amusement, obviously reveling in the dumbstruck look on your face.
That was another thing you’d come to love about Lo’ak. He was always competitive, even over the stupidest things, even with stuff that will get him smacked or killed. He jumps at any opportunity to prove to himself and others that he was capable and brave. It usually made your heart flutter with admiration, now it just puts you on edge.
“You’re not seriously suggesting to whip it out, are you?” You chuckle
“What, you’re scared I might be right?” He goads.You’re about to deny him, about to insist you’ve had too much to drink when you’re barely even feeling a buzz so you can  
Except that Lo’ak is already pulling his hips up from the couch, moving to sit up on the arm of the seat so he can untie his loincloth. His muscled torso stretches while he extends his body, black swirling lines of tattoos he acquired with the reef tribes etched down his ribs and tapering just at the edge of the v-line leading into his bottoms.
It’s completely stupid and irrational. It’s definitely something that could get you smacked or even exiled if people found out. Hell, Lo’ak could never talk to you again if he knew what dirty things were running through your mind. It’s also the start of every stupid, dirty fantasy you’ve been unable to repress for months.
If you were a stronger man, you’d get up and leave. Except, you’re not.
“Alright, pretty boy. Put your money where your mouth is.”
Lo’ak’s grin is a little smaller than before, still confident but edged with something that seems bashful, his tail swinging leisurely behind him. It only takes a few tugs of his practiced fingers for the leather of his loincloth to loosen, then fall to the tiled ground of your room.
You feel ashamed for looking, even though that was the whole point of this stupid competition, if it could even be called that. You try to keep your face neutral as Lo’ak lighty spreads his legs, brows furrowing a bit. The apex of Lo’ak’s legs resembles more of a human female’s anatomy than anything. His skin is smooth, hairless just as the rest of his body, the darker stripes on his skin narrowing to a slit in his crotch
You swallow heavily, tucking one of your legs up to your chest to hopefully obscure the growing bulge in your shorts. You try to keep your voice even, teasing, even as it shakes. “From where I’m standing, looks like there’s nothing to compare, bro.”
“Fuck off, just give me a second.” Lo’ak mutters, cheeks warm as he brings a hand between his own legs. “Only humans are dumb enough to have their shit hanging out all the damn time.”
You’re glad to see a flush on Lo’ak’s cheeks, hear the gruff rasp of his voice. It’s comforting to know you’re not the only one a little affected, and you feel a bit of hope blossom inside your chest.
His fingers move between his legs, parting the slit with soft movements, his fingers shining with slick between his legs as he coaxes the opening open. He keeps his lips tight, chest moving with heavy breaths at each of his own touches.
Your eyes are rapt at his every movement, heart pounding .You briefly wonder if this is how he touches himself when he’s all alone, if he makes the same heavy breaths and twitches of his ears.
It takes only moments for something to begin breaching the folds of Lo’ak’s slit, his breath coming a little heavier. Slowly, a cock emerges from the sheath inside his body, a lighter shade of blue tapering to pinkish at the tip. There’s no balls that follow it, though the base seems a bit swollen as he hangs at half-mast before you. 
“Whoa.” You clear your throat quickly, averting your gaze from Lo’ak’s laughing eyes. “Thought you’d be bigger, honestly.”
It’s a big fat lie, and an obvious one too. Even without being fully hard, Lo’ak’s cock almost easily matches the length of your forearm.
“Oh, fuck off. I can smell you, you know. I know just what you think of your first Na’vi cock.” His tone isn’t malicious, just teasing, each word laced with 
Your face flushes, fingers twitching anxiously against your thigh that still sits tucked up against you. It’s easy to forget how superior Na’vi senses are when you spend so little time with them, especially outside of the lab. You briefly wonder if Lo’ak has been able to tell every time you’ve felt a flare of arousal in his presence, if he had connected the dots that your brain constantly wandered to your filthiest thoughts in his presence.
He leans forward, pressing one hand on the arm of the couch behind you. He’s close now, his breath near ghosting over your face as his eyes search yours. “Your turn. Not much of a competition if I’m the only one showing off, now is it?”
This is quickly treading into dangerous territory, something that sobers you up quicker than any water of coffee could. Lo’ak’s hand is still cradling his length, just ghosting lightly along the enlarged base as he leans over you with his muscled body. You know you’re hard, can feel the blood rushing from your head to pound between your thighs, can feel your length pressing uncomfortably against the cotton of your shorts. Unlike him, there’s nowhere for you to hide, no way to conceal just how affected you are.
You feel like you’re free-falling, diving head first into all the emotions you’d convinced yourself would be better off tucked away. Part of you wanted to keep it all at arm’s length, to let this be a moment of lust, another memory to be tucked away. The other part wanted to jump in feet first, consequences be damned, fuck the fallout.
You steel your nerves as Lo’ak backs off a little, giving you the space to undo the buttons of your pants. You know you can end this all with a few words, that if it really bothered you Lo’ak would forget this ever happened and never bring it up again, because he was that kind of guy. Except, you’re sure you aren’t imagining the lingering heat in Lo’ak’s gaze, or the excited flick of his tail as his eyes follow the movements of your fingers as you drop your pants.
You don’t need visual confirmation to know you’re already hard and leaking, the tip of your cock red and aching as your fingers ghost along your thighs.
“Looks like I win.” Lo’ak’s voice is breathier than before, his knee brushing against your leg as he lingers closely to you. His hand still sits close to his own cock, which has made no signs of retreating back into his body.
“Okay, you’re obviously gonna be bigger than me. You’re a fucking giant.” Your face flushes, trying to ignore the throb in your cock as Lo’ak’s eyes trail across your body.
“Don’t be so hateful, bro. No one likes a sore loser.” 
“Yeah, well, at least I have more stamina than you.” It’s so easy to slip back into teasing sarcasm, like a shield you can put around yourself to keep all the confusing emotions at arm’s length. It helps you feel some control that has been steadily slipping away, grasp onto some sort of reality.
Lo’ak just chuckles lowly. “More stamina? I’m a trained warrior, bro. Stamina is my game.”
You snort, trying desperately to forget the fact that you’re both naked beneath the waist. “You’re the most reckless fucker I’ve ever met. I bet you blow your load in two seconds.”
“Oh, come on, you’re the pent up little scientist. You really think you can last longer than me?” Lo’ak’s voice deepens, one of his hands trailing up across the outside of your thigh as he shadows over you.
“Try me.”
Lo’ak’s mouth is on yours before you have a chance to regret the challenge. He’s so much bigger than you, and the way his entire mouth encompasses yours is strange but not unpleasant. One of his hands eagerly comes up under your shirt and along your ribs, the other holding up his weight on the couch behind you. You run your fingers up along the planes of his body, tracing the ridges of his ribs and the curve of his shoulders, to embed them in your memory.
He gasps as he pulls away from you, his hips dipping to nudge his hardening cock against your hip as he leaves a line of wet kisses from the corner of your mouth to underneath your jaw. You vaguely register his tail thumping excitedly into the plush of the couch, the way his ears twitch forward to catch every hitch of your breathing.
“Shit, you’re so hot.” Lo’ak’s voice mumbles across your skin, canines grazing the sensitive skin of your neck as he pushes himself closer to you.
“Touch yourself.” You gasp, tightening your grip on Lo’ak’s bicep as he pushes his hips down into you.
Lo’ak pauses. “What?”
“Come on, you wanted to talk a big game. Let’s see how long you really last.” Your grin is devilish, edged with excitement and desire as you trail your fingers teasingly across the muscle of his arms. You delight in the little shiver that passes through him.
“Wouldn’t you rather be the one to touch me?” His voice is raspy, breathless as he nibbles along the curve of your neck.
“Oh, where’s the fun in that, pretty boy?” You bite your lip in a grin, resting your forehead along his own. “We want this to be a fair trial, and having my skilled hands on you could definitely skew the results.”
Lo’ak laughs, removing his hand reluctantly from your ribs to palm along his own cock. “Fine, no touching. For your results.”
You can feel yourself steadily losing control as you lean back and watch Lo’ak—the way he teasingly trails his fingers down his own chest and across his cock, the little gasp he lets out when he tightens his fingers around the base, the desperate hitching of his hips as he keeps his eyes firmly on you as he works himself over.
Lo’ak’s eyes flick expectantly towards your own hard cock, moaning loud as he finally sees you grip yourself in your palm. You’re so sensitive and it’s been so long, each touch feels magnified with Lo’ak above you, watching your every move with panting breaths. Lo’ak slows his movements on himself a bit, moving to grip himself at the swollen base of his cock. His reaction is immediate, a deep groan vibrating through his chest as his eyes roll a bit.
You tighten your grip on the base, heat shooting through you as you drink in the sounds of Lo’ak’s moans. Fuck, of course he’s loud. Your lips brush against his own as you speak. “Jesus, the sounds you make are fucking incredible.” 
A knowing smile reaches across Lo’ak’s flushed face. He parts his lips to run over yours, drinking in the sigh you let out. “Really? Well, you’ve got a pretty incredible mouth too.”
“S-shut up-” You gasp. You know you should go slow because some stupid part of you still wants to win, to make Lo’ak come undone first because of you. Yet, you can’t help the way your fist tightens at each wet little gasp coming from Lo’ak’s mouth, the way your hand quickens around yourself as you watch his pretty cock move through his fist.
“It’s true. You don’t know how many times I’ve done this thinking of your stupid smart mouth, how it would feel.” Your breath hitches at Lo’ak’s words, each breath emphasized with the roll of his hips into his own fist.
“Oh, oh, shit.” You know your desperation is seeping into your tone, suppressed moans barely being hidden by your gritted teeth. You’ve always been weak to Lo’ak, and now is no exception, especially now with the admission that he’s thought of you before.
“You look so sexy like this, all spread out under me. You know, you’re always calling me pretty boy but you’re putting me to shame here, narlor.” Lo’ak’s eyes are hazy but calculating, watching each expression on your face as the filth he’s saying echoes into the air around you. He has a look in his eye, like he knows he’s winning.
“Oh fuck you.” You groan, your hips moving desperately up into your hand. You can feel the heat of Lo’ak’s body encompassing you, the head of your cock brushing against his leg with each movement of your hips. “I know what you’re doing.”
“Hah, really?” Lo’ak gasps. The sly grin that comes across his face is all the confirmation you need.
“You’re trying to get me off, by…by saying that stuff. I-it’s cheating.” You moan as your fingers snag against the head of your cock, catching the precum leaking from your tip to slicken the slide of your fist.
“Oh, that wasn’t in the rules,” he teases, licking a stripe up your neck. He lowers himself closer to you, the head of his cock bumping against your stomach where your shirt has ridden up. “Not my fault I can’t stop thinking how perfect you’d feel wrapped around me.”
Fuck, you don’t know if he means your mouth or your ass but it really doesn’t matter, either one of the images sending your brain into a frenzy. A moan rips through you, fingers twisting around your cock. It’s so easy to picture how Lo’ak would look inside you, or how he would fall apart on your fingers. It has you hurtling dangerously close to the edge.
Your breath quickens as you look up into Lo’ak’s eyes, dark pools ringed with the slightest amount of gold. His tail coils around himself, wrapping possessively around your shin.
“Fuck, look at you. It’s like you’re out of a wet dream.” Lo’ak grits his teeth, pushing his cock up against you as he strokes himself. You can see the slick from his slit dripping across his cock and down his thighs, a sweet and musky smell coating the air.
“Hah, have a lot of d-dreams about me?” You tease, but your voice is thready, more pleading than asking.
He grins against your lips. “Maybe. Wouldn’t you like to know.”
And fuck the thought has you reeling. It’s so easy to see Lo’ak in your mind, waking up hot and needy to dirty thoughts of you, half-asleep as he stuffs a fist in his mouth and strokes himself to completion with your name on his lips.
“S-shit, shit, Lo’ak, I-” your breaths come in quick gasps, too turned on to care about any embarrassing sounds that are leaking from your throat.Your body is thrumming with energy as heat coils tightly in your stomach.
“I want you to come, narlor. Right now, on me.” Lo’ak groans and you can feel his fist bumping into your hip with his rapid movements. Your eyes are clenched shut, riding the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm 
“Come, let me see it. Now.” His voice is urgent, pleading.
“Oh, f—uh-”
The muscles in your thighs clench as you buck up into your fist, your cock bumping Lo’ak as you come across your fist and stomach, smearing your release onto your partner with each movement onto Lo’ak. Your nails dig into the skin of his shoulder, a moan tumbling from your throat as you come harder than you ever had. Maybe there was something to Lo’ak’s theory about Na’vi cock after all.
Lo’ak isn’t far behind you, panting into your mouth as his hips move unsteadily against you. His throat strains around a loud groan, and you’re able to open your eyes just soon enough to see his face scrunch in pleasure, ears twitching with each rolling wave of pleasure pulsing through him. 
You try to commit the look to memory, down to the lopsided and dopey grin that stretches across his face. Lo’ak sighs with satisfaction, his dirty hand coming to rub softly across your hip. “Told you I would win.”
You can’t help the giddy smile that comes across your face, giving a peck to his grinning lips. “Best two out of three?”
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vampirevatican · 7 months
nsfw levi headcanons, bc the thoughts won't stop...
long forked tongue.
he has a snake and water motif, yeah?
he's a water type, yeah??
he's a serpent. so for important reasons, he has a forked tongue and a dual dong
it's like a snake's wee wee anatomy, so yes phallic but very tentacle and wiggly
he can sheath and unsheath his hemipeen
so... does he look a bit like a ken doll with it sheathed?? yes, and ofc there's a slight lump there and if you rub it you'll awaken the peni
now if you're wondering my thoughts on size?? he's pretty average, i wanna say 5 inches
and listen if that's not enough im sorry but, dude is blessed with TWO and if anyone has something bigger than average??? it's gotta be diavolo and/or beel
anyway, can he unhinge his jaw you ask!? why yes, yes ofc he can.
how else is he supposed to fit that long, flexible, forked tongue in his mouth
can move his tongue pretty fast if you catch my drift
speaking about his mouth... yes he has shark teeth and ofc he's careful with them and warns you before things get too heated
his tail, you ask?! ofc, thiccest where it connects at the base of his spine and tapers to a point.
so when it slides in... he makes sure to do it nice and slow.... unless y'all are doing more than one round or you're already loose
yes he is a sub and simp boy but also he can be very rough if desperately horny and possessive, so be careful
masochist. there's no other way to say it. dude gets off on having his peni stepped on and being degraded
though ofc he only takes the degrading from you, and mainly in steamy situations
perv too. i said it before and i'll say it again, mfer would sniff your undies and shudder in delight.
fantasies about you being his little cam whore, but just for him. he is the avatar of envy after all.
cosplay sex?? oh it happens. yes i am saying this because of brief and panty, don't look at me like that.
sexting?? that's when he can be his most confident and dominant, because he doesn't have to physically see you and overthink his actions
even better do rp chats with him, with y'all's fave pairings?? oooh wee, after a certain point if you show up at his door be prepared to be pulled in so fast and to stay in his room til midnight or the next morning
very much a pushover, so when ur the dom anything you say goes.
when he's dom he enjoys every second of your submissive compliance, it really boosts his ego
okay... to finish this off. no he is not buff or built. yes he has demon strength and because of his body type being on the lean, kinda scrawny side he's got that secret build going for him.
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE
Read Part 3 HERE
NOTES: I literally put my whole heart and pussy into the previous part and it's just so THRILLING to see all the immense love and support!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️
I'm reeeally hoping y'all will like this part, too! Steven has an extremely special place in my heart, but this time we're shifting focus and giving our lovably murderous Moon Boy JAKE his time to shine!! \(^o^)/
Now as we all know, Jake unfortunately hasn't had a lot of screen time yet. I also watched Moon Knight for the third time and besides his confirmed appearance in the post-credits, there are some other more subtle scenes that I'm PRETTY sure Jake was in and it was a lot of fun for me to think so and obsess over!
But I digress! Anywhore, as I was saying, since Jake hasn't been on a lot the way I write him is PURELY made up. Of course, I try my best to capture the vibes I personally get from him, but until Season 2 drops (because I am NOT giving up on that) we don't know for certain what his personality's actually like (and I haven't read the comics please don't shoot me). It was a little challenging, but I really enjoyed getting to explore Jake and his perspective quite a bit! Though he ended up being a bit sadder than I intended CUZ THIS BOI JUST NEEDS AND DESERVES A WHOLE LOTTA LOVIN'❣️
Furthermore, I am not a Spanish speaker. Jake obviously is and I wanna stay as true as possible to the character by having him speak some (*cough* S E X Y *cough*) Spanish throughout, but if I made any mistakes at all then please kindly correct me as I mainly just use Google Translate and/or search up Spanish terms! For example, I was made aware that "ese" means "that" in Spanish. However, it's also Spanish slang for "dude", "man", etc. and I just find it fitting for Jake to call the boys that 😅
Also, Jake is...rough 😳 Don't worry, he loves and cares about you a LOT, but this is a fair WARNING in case you're not into that! And this part got pretty long, IDK I probs blacked out somewhere in the middle and this is le horny result~
Additionally, do y'all think the relationship between reader x Steven/the boys is going too fast? I really try to make it as natural as possible, but hey this is only fiction after all and I think Steven, for one, falls in love FAST since in the show he was already simping for Layla the first time they met 😂 But I can't judge Steven cuz I'd be the same if I ever met Oscar Isaac I mean, I'm already simping now but YOU GET IT
And a lil funny coincidoink, Like A Virgin came on the radio which I guess was your guys' universal push for me to continue this ASAP!
I truly am sorry for the wait!! Life is hard but I simp harder xD
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland @the-ginger-draws @bitchyglitterfox @readingfan @spidey-3 @minigirl87 @wandasupremacy @simba-will-live-on @wavychelle @thepowerthismanhasoverme @blackholegladiator @kittytiddywinks @literalfkinsimp @valen-yamyam16 @shaunalouie @howellatme @aleat0ri0 @bean-is-reading @indigxjunipxr
Part 4: Gonna give you all my love, boy
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Your chest rose and fell with each soft, blissful snore. Your face void of any burden, open and peaceful; plump lips parted slightly, looking so kissable. And that's exactly what Steven did, lonely lips descending to meet yours--his slumbering goddess.
An insatiable part of him longed for you to awaken, to spend more time fumbling around in the sheets until sunrise. But he knew, more than anyone else, that sleep was important. And he had no doubt that after all the...unique events that progressed your relationship, you deserved all the rest you can get.
Like the proper gentleman he was, he had cleaned you up before snuggling in bed together until dreams inevitably consumed you. And now here you were, using one of his arms that he can't feel anymore as your pillow and your bodies exchanging heat.
Then his mouth lowered, down your chin, to your throat, and to the delicate dip between your neck and shoulder. Planting butterfly kisses on your skin, lips tracing and eyes memorizing every perfect imperfection that dotted your body like constellations.
He noticed your breathing slowly growing uneven, your nipples salaciously peaking through your tank top. He knew he had to stop. He had to, but...
He lifted his free hand, inching towards your breasts before freezing, clenching into a tight fist that had his nails digging into his palm.
His cheeks bloomed red, pulling away and laying on his back as he stared up blankly at the ceiling. What the fuck was he doing?
"Jake, mate... I know you're there, might as well say something, yeah?" Steven whispered.
'Your senses are improving, ese.' Jake snickered. 'Is that why you stopped? No need to be shy, it's just the same as watching porn.'
Steven turned redder, clearing his throat. "Jake, you know you can meet Y/N too, right?"
Silence greeted him. Steven waited patiently, giving his alter all the time he needed. As rough around the edges as they may be, the boys all cared about each other and Steven knew that all Jake needed--deserved--was time. Hell, he and Marc didn't even know Jake existed for a while until he finally felt comfortable enough to reveal himself.
'Nah, ese.' Jake snorted, though his voice held a certain heaviness to it. 'She's all yours. You deserve her, Steven.'
"You're a part of me, Jake. You deserve her, too."
'Don't think your little cariño would appreciate it so much that you're wanting to hand her off to some other asshole.' Jake scoffed.
"I'm not 'handing her off', you git. I wanna...share." Steven mumbled the latter, gulping thickly.
'Steven...' Jake sighed, but Steven sensed intrigue in his tone. 'I don't know what the fuck you expect from this talk, ese. We only share the same body, that's it.'
"You're lying and you know it. Two months working with Y/N, I never said anything, but I knew you were always there. This damn body isn't the only thing we share, 'cause I know your feelings are just the same as mine."
It was then that you mewled softly, shifting and wrapping an arm around Steven's waist and cuddling close to his side with a content little smile on your lips as you slept.
Steven melted and he felt Jake do so, too.
"I'm not giving you an out, mate." Steven chuckled, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head. "I'm absolutely buggered and so are you."
Steven, that absolute fucking puta.
As soon as Jake opened his eyes, dread filled him. Slowly turning his head and seeing your back to him, he knew Steven gave up control at some point and forced Jake to come out from the shadows.
He's tried multiple times to drag that pendejo back out, but Steven has obviously put up a block between them. Jake sighed frustratedly, his gaze lingering on you once more.
His heart ached. And fuck it hurts.
He wasn't Steven.
He did not deserve you.
He was dirty--rotten. He was only good for causing pain; even the ways in which he protected the boys were brutal, inhumane.
And he loved the chaos. Thrived in it.
When Steven met you for the first time, two months ago, that was what Jake intended to cause as well. Pain. Heartbreak.
Nothing more than another pretty notch to add to his belt.
But you...surprised him. You actually cared about Steven, gave him basic human respect and the time of day when no one else did and just fucking listened. Accepted him with open arms and such a kind, blinding smile. And pretty soon, Jake yearned for that, too. From you. Just you.
You didn't even know he existed--you didn't fucking care about him--and yet you smashed his glass heart into a thousand pieces, leaving him to find the sharpest shard and continuously stab himself as punishment.
That's what he deserved. Not you.
But oh... You looked so cold. Why were you so far away? What the hell were you thinking, pulling away from him?
Like a lion stalking its prey, Jake crawled towards you until he was on top of you. His dark eyes trailed down your sleeping form, so beautiful, so vulnerable. He didn't realize his hand was shaking slightly as it reached up to caress your face, breath hitching as his thumb glided across your bottom lip before slowly slipping it inside your mouth.
He watched, completely entranced, as your saliva coated his thumb and the way in which you squirmed so that you were now laying on your back, facing him. You were still asleep, though your brows creased together and your breathing grew shallow.
What were you dreaming about, Jake wondered? Were you dreaming about last night? Steven didn't feel him then, but Jake was there and it was the best torture he's ever endured.
He can make you feel good--better. And if there was any room in your heart (and legs) for him, he'd more than happily prove it to you.
But you were so kind, so sweet... Surely you'd accept him, too, right?
Surely you'd relieve him of his huge fucking hard-on, right?
He found himself lowering, lowering, lowering--then stopped just as his lips were about to meet yours.
You didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve him.
As if he was just burnt, he sprang away from you and sat at the foot of the bed, keeping as much distance as possible. His head hung low, hands scrubbing his face in frustration before turning into self-loathing slaps.
He quickly got a hold of himself, lest you have a cruel awakening to him. Not Steven.
He looked over his shoulder. You really did look cold. He unchained the ankle restraint then stood up, walking over to your side and tucking the blanket over your unfairly scantily clad body.
God... How he wished he was the one keeping you warm.
He then shook his head, glancing towards the wall clock. 5:40 a.m.
He can sneak out and do some business for Khonshu. And by the time he returns, hopefully Steven does, too.
He has to.
You rolled over in bed, expecting to cuddle up next to something much more solid than a pillow. Your brows furrowed, a hand flying out to pat the bed and not finding what--who--it was seeking.
Your eyes snapped open and you bolted upright. You looked around in a frenzy, eyes still bleary with sleep and finding the apartment completely empty.
You then noticed the time on the wall clock. 7:20 a.m.
You were off work today, but you weren't sure if Steven had a shift. But even if he did, it was still too early for the museum to open.
Where the hell was Steven?
He couldn't have ditched you...could he? No, that wasn't possible, this was his flat.
But wait... What if this was his subtle way of telling you to get lost? That he didn't want to see you still here when he comes back from wherever the fuck he went to?
You overstayed your welcome, didn't you? This was what it was about, isn't it? This was all your fault, right?
You were on the verge of hyperventilating when, at the corner of your eye, you spotted a bright yellow sticky note on top of the books on the bedside table. You quickly ripped it off, reading the messy, rushed handwriting.
Don't know when I'll be back. Just relax. Food for you is in the kitchen, amor.
You blinked away tears you didn't realize were forming once, twice, then bursted into laughter.
"Fuck, seriously, what is wrong with me?" You berated yourself, still laughing.
This was Steven. Of course he would never abandon you, and you would never abandon him.
He proved it to you, after all. The memories of last night terrorizing your brain once more, making you blush like a virgin (which you were--for now).
You wanted to prove yourself to him, too. And you're sure you'll think of something, but at the moment you became distracted as your eyes landed on Steven's black sweatshirt sprawled carelessly across the floor.
You put on your glasses then hopped off of the bed and picked up the sweatshirt, tugging it on and letting out a giggle as it drooped over your thighs, turning the sleeves into little hand mittens and your body and heart just feeling so warm.
You ambled over to the kitchen, seeing a plate of slightly burnt toast and scrambled eggs clumsily covered in plastic wrap on the small dining table. You chuckled softly, taking the plastic off before sitting down and having breakfast.
As you chewed, once again your brain couldn't help but wander off.
It was only a little thing. Such a stupid thing, really. But still, it just would not stop nagging you.
Amor. It was French for 'love'.
But... Steven didn't spell it with a U. It was supposed to be amour.
Amor, no U, was the Spanish spelling. And Steven, who seemed fluent in French, should know that.
But people make mistakes, and who were you to judge such a minuscule, silly mistake?
Before you could entertain yourself by ruminating over such nonsense some more, your ears perked up when you heard the lock click and the door opening and shutting close. You kept quiet, watching as Steven slowly trudged in.
He was wearing a flat cap and a trench coat, and from your spot in the kitchen he hasn't noticed you yet. But he looked...different.
You couldn't quite explain it, but he seemed...tense. On edge. An air of agitation surrounding him, stiff in his movements yet carrying a sense of confidence at the same time.
You then swallowed, standing up from your chair and silently making your way over to Steven with his back turned to you as he busied himself with stripping off his coat and hanging it on the coat rack.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling him jolt. But before he could react, you spoke up.
"I missed you..." You murmured, embracing him more tightly as you pressed your cheek to his back. "Don't do that again, please. At least wake me up if you're leaving."
Steven didn't say anything, completely rigid and gloved hands balled into tight fists.
Then it clicked.
"You're not Steven...are you?"
His shoulders jerked, and you pulled your face away to look up at him. But you never removed your arms, keeping them in place around his waist.
Then his shoulders drooped, hearing him take a sharp intake of breath before ever so slowly turning his head over his shoulder.
"Caught red-handed." His lips curled up into a smirk, dark eyes gleaming down at you. "You're much more observant than I thought, princesa."
Your breath hitched, mouth agape and eyes blown wide as you gawked at him. You didn't know what to feel. Well, there was definitely excitement, but you weren't sure if it was appropriate for you to feel such a way.
Regardless, you were glad Steven was open and honest with you from the get-go. You knew, at some point, it was inevitable that you'd meet the two other men he's mentioned. So, you weren't too taken aback to be experiencing this right now.
"Judging from your accent and what you called me just now... You must be Jake?" You queried, cocking your head to the side as you stared up at him. Funny, he shared the exact same body as Steven, but he was still...different. The way he held himself, the little quirk to his lips, the look in his eyes--it was all very distinct.
"Don't see why you gotta keep asking me questions, princesa. Seems like ya got it all figured out." Jake scoffed, amusement in his tone.
"Well... You certainly made an...impression when you asked me out." You spoke slowly, carefully, as if not daring to spook some wild animal. You wanted Jake to feel safe, welcomed; because it felt like Jake hasn't at all expected to be here right now, but you wanted to let him know that you didn't mind him. You were happy to be meeting him.
But Jake took it the wrong way. He read your body language as aloof, like you were just trying to be polite. And why wouldn't you be? You were naturally kind, but he knew better.
He was absolutely not supposed to be here. He was never supposed to meet you, never planned to. After all, you preferred Steven.
...Didn't you?
His jaw ticked, his hands untangling your arms around his waist before he spun on his heel to fully face you. You gasped as he did, paling at the sight of blood on his shirt.
"What happened?!" You panicked, your hands immediately touching his body, eyes frantically searching for any injuries. "Did someone hurt you?! Oh my god, who did this to you?!"
"It's not my blood."
You froze, a chill coursing through your veins. Slowly, your head tilted up, meeting his gaze. It was much darker than before, flecks of savagery brewing within. And yet, you also saw...loneliness.
"Are you scared, Y/N?"
You held your breath, his voice cracking as he uttered your name for the first time. It was a simple question that had a painfully simple answer.
"I am."
Jake shut his eyes, inhaling deeply and letting it out in a wavering breath.
He fucking knew it.
"Jake..." His eyes snapped open at your voice, so soft, so unexpectedly calm. "Will you...hurt me?"
"I would never." He whispered--promised--holding your gaze sincerely. "I couldn't."
"I'm scared of the...things you can do, Jake." You admitted, noticing his Adam's apple bob as he gulped. His gaze fell to the floor, but you reached up, gently cupping the side of his face. "But...I'm not scared of you."
Jake met your eyes once more, his hardened expression softening as he sighed, nuzzling into your comforting hand. For the first time in a long time, he felt...safe. He was not one of Khonshu's pawns, he was not Steven or Marc's ruthless protector, he was simply...
Jake Lockley.
"I'm sorry..." He murmured, trembling hand reaching out and caressing your cheek; tenderly, fondly, lovingly. "I...was never supposed to meet you. I was fine watching you quietly. But last night, Steven said he wanted us to meet. For me to be a...part of what you have with him."
A deafening silence rang in your ears. Jake watched you with those intense, soulful eyes, brows furrowed and jaw clenched as he waited with bated breath for your reaction. Any reaction.
"Jake..." You have no idea how you even managed to speak, your volatile heartbeat replacing the silence. "Take a shower first, we'll talk after."
Water dripped from Jake's hair, his hands pressed against the wall with his head tilted down as he watched the pristine white tiles of the shower's floor stain red.
This was an all too familiar situation for him. Washing off blood that didn't belong to him, his body getting cleaned though never his damned soul. But it never bothered him before...until now.
He knew there was a chance you'd be awake when he returned, but he figured that he can just pretend to be Steven at least until that idiot takes control of the body again. Jake's done it convincingly enough a few times before back when Steven and Marc were still unaware of his existence, acting as one of them whenever something triggered them and he suddenly had to front.
But when you hugged him, he just...froze. It felt as if he was struck by lightning because this was real--you were real. Your heart-wrenching kindness and beauty were all directed towards him, and he was no longer just a pathetic fly on the wall through Steven's eyes.
But how could he be so fucking dumb? He never should've shown himself, he should've stayed away from the apartment even if it took all day and just let Steven deal with the consequences. And yet...he came back.
Because, the absolute truth is, he wanted to meet you. At his very core, he was a selfish bastard who wanted to be with you, no matter the punishment inflicted on him--he inflicts on himself.
But was he really being selfish?
As drastically different as they were, Steven and Marc managed to control their own separate lives. Steven had his job that he despised, but also the comfort of regularly getting a paycheck that provided for his daily needs. Marc was Khonshu's (main) Avatar and as draining as it was, he could still unwind after a long day with a pack of beer and a Chicago Cubs game playing on TV.
And then, of course, there were Moon Knight and Mr. Knight that ultimately tied them together.
But what about Jake? Was he nothing more than a punching bag for Marc and Steven, only seizing command and handling whatever shitshow they got themselves into that they were too weak to finish?
Jake knew that was his job--his purpose. And honestly, it was okay. He cared about the boys, and keeping them safe meant the same for him as well.
...Until you came along. And for the first fucking time, he actually wanted something. Yearned for someone. Just for himself, and not because of anyone else's expectations or demands of him.
He didn't realize it until you came crashing into Steven's--and his--life like some fucking meteorite, but he was empty. And on the extremely rare occasions that Jake was entitled to the body all for himself, he grew tired of being tired from aimlessly hopping bar to bar. Nearly wiping all his fucking memories out with heavy drinks and the need--the desperation--to forget about the problems he deliberately ignores, hides, even for one single measly night through fucking some random stranger he didn't and won't ever care about.
But you weren't a stranger, that was perfectly clear. Days bled into weeks, and weeks into months; and here you were now, looking all cute--tempting--wearing Steven's sweatshirt, eating breakfast in his home, as his girlfriend.
Steven's girlfriend. Not Jake's girlfriend.
"Jake, you know you can meet Y/N too, right?"
Steven's words from last night echoed in Jake's head, taunting him. And the ridiculous proposition that followed afterwards, of the two of them sharing you.
"You're a part of me, Jake. You deserve her, too."
And maybe, just maybe...Steven's right.
Maybe Jake did deserve you.
But did you deserve him?
"What's got you looking all emo?" Jake's head abruptly whipped around, seeing you with one hand holding the shower curtain open while the other clutched onto a towel covering your body.
Your naked body.
Jake's mouth went dry, completely paralyzed. All he could do was let his eyes scan you from head to toe, undressing you in his mind. He's already seen you last night and he thought he'd be fine just basking you in from Steven's point of view, but oh...he thought dead wrong.
Because now he really wanted to touch you. Feel you. Make you come undone, all because of him. All for him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" His question came out sharper than he intended it to, eyes narrowing as he watched your gaze drop, shifting on your feet uncertainly along with the tantalizing way you bit your lip.
You seemed to be engaging in a silent war with yourself before you shook your head, straightening up as you dared to meet his eyes and slowly dropped the towel to the floor.
"I told Steven this before, but I prefer to get things over with." You smiled a bit sheepishly, stepping into the shower; the warm drizzle of water helped to thaw the ice cold sensation anxiety gripped you with. "I'm a very impatient woman, Mr. Lockley."
"And you think jumping into the shower completely naked with a man you barely know is the answer to your impatience, señorita?" Jake arched a brow, an amused smirk playing on his lips.
"Well, it's not like I can get into the shower with clothes on, right? That's just fucking stupid." You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes. "Besides... It's because I want to get to know you that I'm here."
"This is a dangerous game you're playing, princesa." Jake murmured, his smirk instantly vanishing; that furrowed brows, clenched jaw sternness once more overtaking his striking features as he regarded you. "I'm not your sweet, sensitive little boyfriend. I'm not Steven." He practically hissed out the name, though there was more sadness to it than venom.
"This isn't a game to me, Jake." You stated firmly, standing your ground as you held your chin high and levelled your gaze with his. "None of this is. I take Steven very seriously--I take our relationship very seriously." You paused, taking a deep, shaky breath. "And I know, maybe I'm moving too fast, and I totally understand your doubts about this--about me. But I'm not a fucking dumbass. I know you're not Steven and I like you, anyway."
Jake was rarely speechless, but even as his mouth parted to say something--anything--nothing came out. He felt something fall down his cheek, and he wasn't too sure if it was water or the strange liquid that suddenly made his vision all blurry.
But he didn't have much time to ponder on it when your hand gently pressed against his cheek, your eyes kind and full of adoration, the same adoration you always bless Steven with and something Jake believed was only a far-off miracle for him.
"Y/N..." He choked out, glossy dark eyes intently set on you. "I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster, Jake." You were quick to counter, taking a step closer, now being chest to chest with Jake. "You're a part of Steven, and anything--anyone--that's a part of him is beautiful. And you sure as hell deserve to live your own life, too. And, well, if you'll have me..." You blushed, looking down. "...I would really, really like to get to know you better, Jake Lockley."
Silence smothered you, wrapping its invisible claws around your neck, and you now fully understood what people meant when they say something takes forever. You thought it would be easier and much less frightening if the ground actually opened up and swallowed you whole, but Jake finally put you out of your misery, his hand turning off the shower and a low chuckle bubbling out of him.
"Well... Damn." He smirked, cocking his head down at you, though his smug demeanour couldn't mask the rosiness that dusted his cheeks. "You really do like me and Steven, huh, querida? Or maybe it's just your boobs up against me that's convincing me."
"Well, if it's helping you to believe me, then I'm not complaining." You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, pushing your breasts against him. Both of your breaths stuttered at the close, intimate contact, and you whimpered as his hands landed on your hips, callused fingers squeezing your soft flesh.
"Dios mío..." He growled lowly, his hands slowly, reverently travelling up the curves of your body, leaving a burning wake, before dipping once more and giving your ass a hard smack.
"Ah..!" You gasped, lurching forward, your face bumping against his solid chest. You felt his chest vibrate as a deep laugh rumbled out of him, one hand fisting your hair and pulling your head back.
"I ain't lying when I said I'm not your sweet, sensitive boyfriend." There was mania in his eyes, baring shiny white teeth as he grinned widely at you; like a shark who's smelled blood--your blood--from a mile away, he's set his target and can't be satisfied by anything, anyone else. "Then again, if you could see Steven's thoughts like I can, 'sweet and sensitive' aren't completely accurate for him."
You gulped, but not from fear. You squeezed your thighs together, pupils dilating as you stared up at Jake. "I-I don't mind if you or Steven aren't sweet and sensitive. I wanna be treated nice, but there are plenty of ways 'nice' can be translated to..." You placed a hand on his abs, lips parting as you traced along his taut muscles, looking like some fucking Greek sculpture--a god--with the way his wet body shimmered a divine bronze. "Don't you think so...Papi?"
With no warning, you felt the air get knocked out of you as his lips collided with yours, attacking you; tongues intertwining with a clash of teeth, the moist smack of your lips harmonizing with the vulgar moans Jake drew out of you.
You felt Jake's neediness, the desperation underlying his roughness--as if this was not just the first, but the only time he'd get to kiss you and have you for himself.
As if you'd ever allow for this to be the only time.
Your hands fell to his shoulders, nails breaking his skin and marking him with crescent indents. He groaned as you did, kissing you with even more fervour, fiery passion never ceasing as you both chased after that hellish ecstasy; seizing, bruising, suffocating you.
More, more, more. Giving and taking, taking, taking.
You just could never have enough, clueless as to where you started and Jake ended, Jake's tongue practically down your throat now. You know you needed air, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, but your body refused.
If this was how you died, then you'd die an elated woman.
But Jake suddenly pulled away from you, making you whine loudly. Your hands pawed at his chest, tears springing to your eyes and your ears couldn't even register the pitiful pleas that tumbled out of your mouth for more, more, more.
"You're such a fucking slut, aren't you, mi amor?" Jake snickered, one hand wrapping around your neck, thumb stroking the column of your throat, squeezing just enough to feel as if your head was floating. "Steven always saw you as this pure, innocent angel. But you're not, aren't you? You wanna be corrupted, don't you? You wanna be my pretty little devil, slut?"
"I'll be anything for you, Papi." You replied breathlessly, tears staining your scarlet cheeks. "Just be my everything."
"I'll be whatever--do whatever--for you, mi vida." His voice was low, barely above a whisper, but you heard him loud and clear, his earnesty and sweetness cloying. His other hand caressed your face before he leaned down, his tongue licking away your salty tears, a reprieve from the rapturous flames that engulfed him. "Now... What do you want Papi to do?" He purred, smirking wolfishly down at you. "You want me to fuck you? Spread your little virgin pussy, fill you up with my cock? Wanna see how much you can take, cariño. Take all my cum, don't waste a single fucking drop."
As tempting as his filthy words were, as much as you wanted to, you remembered how Steven refused to have sex with you last night. Of his promise that he'll make love to you another time, when he was better prepared with condoms. And fuck, you wanted him--them--so badly. Steven and Jake. But you respected Steven and his decision, and you did also want for your lovemaking to be special.
"Can I taste your cock, Papi?" You asked, biting your lip as you met Jake's gaze shyly. You felt like a mouse and he was the lion, yet you held the power in whatever was going to happen. "I-I promise I'll take it all... Take all your cum, like a good girl."
Jake knew that you chose not to have sex with him out of respect for Steven, and that only made him love you more. He felt a pang in his heart and a smile tugged up the corners of his lips, eyes locking with yours, full of tenderness and affection.
Right then and there, he knew that you were "the one". For him and Steven.
"Get on your knees like a good fucking girl, then." He breathed, and you didn't hesitate as you instantly dropped to your knees, breasts jiggling slightly as you did. Your eyes widened as his cock stood proudly, mere inches away from your face.
"I...I'm sorry if I'm...bad." Your voice came out as a squeak, mentally slapping yourself before clearing your throat. "I-I've never done this before!"
"You better have not or else I'll hunt down and kill all the fuckers you've ever been with." He barked out a laugh, but his eyes were dark and serious.
Murder was not something Jake Lockley ever joked about, after all.
Strangely enough, you found his possessiveness...sexy. Which only meant that Jake was already corrupting you.
But was that really such a bad thing?
You shook your head, focusing on the cock--erm, task--at hand. Your hand wrapped around his shaft, hearing Jake breathe sharply through his nose as you did. You licked your lips as you watched the pre-cum drip out of the tip, so curious, so transfixed like a moth to a flame.
Your tongue then darted out, experimentally licking the milky fluid. Jake threw his head back with a guttural groan; you've barely even started, and it made you fucking giddy that he reacted like this.
"Jake..." You murmured, giggling softly. You peered up at him through your long lashes, flashing him a dazzling smile. "You're so beautiful, Jake."
"That ain't something you should call a man, mi vida." Jake scoffed, but the crimson tint on his cheeks have spread like wildfire to the tips of his ears and neck. "Especially not when you're the beautiful one."
"Going soft on me now, Jakey?" You teased lightheartedly, slowly beginning to stroke his length.
Jake's breath hitched, brows furrowing as he watched you intently, attentively. "You really are a little devil, Y/N." He chuckled deeply, and you knew that meant trouble. "You think I'm going soft? Looks like you really have a lot you need to know about me."
Like before, his hand fisted your hair, pulling your head back and making you look up at him. "Open up, slut." And you did, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. You flinched slightly as his cock hit your tongue, his other hand grabbing his member and moving it around on your tongue, painting it white.
"Now you're gonna be a good cocksucker, got it?" He grinned down devilishly at you, eyes twinkling with sheer, wicked glee. "You're gonna make Papi cum, like the good whore that you are."
You nodded hastily, eagerly. And you just couldn't fucking take it anymore, jostling forward and burying his cock in your wet, hot mouth.
"That's. Fucking. It." Jake hissed, his grip on your hair tightening ever so slightly. Slowly, you began to bob your head, your mouth accommodating his size. You briefly wondered how anyone could ever even compare this to a banana or a popsicle stick; it was much bigger and your jaw started to hurt, which Jake quickly noticed as you tensed.
"Hey, relax." He cooed, reaching down to tenderly wipe away the tears you didn't realize were flowing down your cheeks. "Easy, Y/N. Relax your mouth, loosen up your throat... Fuck, yeah, that's it. Keep going, hermosa."
With newfound confidence and assurance, you gradually increased your pace. You hollowed your cheeks, your tongue sliding along the underside of his cock with each rhythmic bop of your head. Up, down, up, down--Jake's sinful groans bouncing off the walls of the bathroom, never breaking eye contact as you burned all of him into memory.
Then your surprised gasp was muffled as his foot pressed against your clit, only offering you a cocky smirk in return.
He began to move his foot, his toes budging your clit and stroking along your pussy. You moaned around his cock, grinding against his foot for more friction. Then his other hand grabbed onto your hair, both of his hands now pushing and pulling your head up, down, up, down--drool spilling down the sides of your mouth, resisting the urge to gag as the tip of Jake's cock pounded your throat, your hands floundering to his thighs as you clung on for dear life.
"Fuck, look at you... Una putita tan bonita solo para mí." He laughed, the thrusts of his hips growing fiercer, more rabid as he mercilessly fucked your throat. "Wanna taste me, mi vida? Think you've earned it?"
All you could do was nod, nod, nod--looking up at him pleadingly as you continued to desperately grind yourself against his foot, your own orgasm fast approaching.
Jake's jeering laughter soon stuttered into a heavy, gasping moan; his eyes squeezing shut as his head fell back, hitting the wall. You felt his cock twitch, releasing his seed, shooting down your throat and his balls slamming against your chin.
Your own release coated Jake's foot, your entire body shuddering from the intensity of it all and coughing as Jake finally withdrew his cock out of your mouth. But you didn't have time to revel in the afterglow as Jake's hand wrapped around your neck once more, dragging you up and crashing his lips with yours. You swapped spit and cum, but neither of you cared; the two of you groping, squeezing, clinging onto each other any which way your needy hands could fumble.
You didn't keep track anymore of who pulled away first, laughter ringing in your ears as you both grinned at each other; spent, happy.
The dawn of something new, exciting, promising shining between the two of you.
Wordlessly, Jake turned on the shower again. Then he grabbed the soap, his hands gliding along your smooth skin, his lips attaching to the crook of your neck where he could see the faint pinpricks of his handprint slowly materializing.
"Did I hurt you, mi vida?" As rough of a lover as Jake was, none of his pleasure mattered if you didn't enjoy yourself.
"A little bit." You admitted, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing the top of his head. "But it's okay. I...liked it." You blushed furiously.
"Fuck..." He grumbled, pulling away and looking very much like a kicked puppy, something that you thought only Steven was a pro at. "As cute as you are blushing like that, princesa, I'm so fucking sorry. I know I should know when to stop, when to be gentle...but those are not really what I'm good at." His eyes drifted down, and you can tell that he had a lot more to say. A lot more to regret. "I'm sorry, Y/N."
"I forgive you, Jake. Now please... Stop beating yourself up, okay?" You cupped his face, pecking his nose and meeting his gaze. "I'm not lying when I said I liked it, but don't blame yourself too much. I also should've done something, spoken up if it was too painful for me." Your fingers ran through his hair, smiling softly, lovingly at him. "All of this is new for me--for us. But it's okay, 'cause we can learn together, yeah? And if you'd like, we can come up with a safe word if things get too rough."
Jake hesitated, wondering if you were really telling the truth and not just trying to comfort him. But one look at your sweet, loving smile was more than enough for his worries and doubts to fade away, his own smile gracing his lips and his hands holding your own that were so gently, kindly cupping his face.
"I think that would be great. Any idea what the safe word should be?"
"I was thinking 'Khonshu'." Your answer made Jake snort before he bursted into laughter, you joining shortly after.
"Mi vida, if you say that bastardo's name while we're fucking, you really are gonna make me go soft." He chuckled, pinching your cheek and kissing your forehead.
"Fine, fine! Clearly coming up with a safe word is what I'm not good at. Let's figure it out together." You playfully rolled your eyes, giggling and kissing his cheek. "Anyway, I'll head out first. But don't take too long or else I'll jump in the shower with you again and for the sake of Steven's water expenses, you do not want that happening."
"On one condition, señorita. You have to wear my clothes when you get out, not Steven's." He hummed to which you laughed and nodded, but just as you were about to step out of the shower, Jake suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to his chest.
He leaned down to your ear, voice a low purr as he spoke; like it was a secret, a sacred oath between only the two of you.
"El amor de mi vida, mi salvavidas... Nunca te dejaré ir."
Your lips curled up into a smile, your heart swelling achingly within your chest. You turned around and leaned up on your tiptoes, your lips melting perfectly together with Jake's, becoming one.
"I love you, Jake Lockley." You whispered, sealing your oath. "Now... Don't keep me waiting. You know I'm an impatient woman."
Jake watched with a dumb, lovestruck grin as you pulled away giggling, finally stepping out of the shower and closing the bathroom door behind you. And as soon as you were gone, Jake piped up to the other occupant in the bathroom.
"Steven, ese... I know you're there, might as well say something, huh?"
'Bloody HELL, mate...' Steven's words stumbled out in a rushed, breathless breath. 'That was MENTAL.'
"You're welcome for the free show, ese." Jake chuckled, standing under the spray of the shower as he washed himself off.
Although Jake couldn't see Steven, he knew that the poor, flustered English man was having a damn heart attack at this very moment.
'That was...that was...' Steven was completely at a loss for words, making Jake smirk.
"The hottest fucking thing you've ever seen? Yeah, I know. Y/N's our sexy girlfriend, after all." Jake turned off the shower, hopping out and drying himself off with a towel. "You're right, by the way. We're both absolutely fucked."
'I'm just glad it all worked out, mate.' Steven replied, relief and happiness flooding his voice. 'You deserve her. WE deserve her. It's just...' He trailed off, sighing deeply. 'Now that I think about it, I'm worried about Marc.'
"Fuck Marc." Jake snapped, his eyes settling on the mirror, Steven's reflection staring back at him with an anxious crease between his brows and lips downturned. "We deserve to live our own lives, too, Steven. That cabrón's just gonna have to deal with it."
And deal with it, Marc will. But...
You'll have to deal with Marc, too.
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ohisms · 9 days
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 ! ( a collection of sentence starters from season  1 of nbc's “ good girls ”. adjust phrasing as necessary . will be updated in the future . mature themes are present . )
specificity is good , but that's over the top .
chill , i'm like two minutes late .
alright , everybody be cool and nobody gets hurt .
do you think i could make it in L.A. ?
i don't need all that . i just want to be super famous .
you know , i'm just not really much of a church person .
maybe next time you'll take security more seriously .
oh my god , can you please just listen to me for one damn minute ?!
shame on you . shame on all of you .
move it before i shoot your face off , let's go !
you should probably get yourself a lawyer .
why is it so crazy ? i mean , it's a victimless crime .
can't you have my back on one thing , ever ?
this is me helping you not ruin your life .
damn . that was a good sell .
i should have been more careful , i panicked .
no ! i mean ... i don't know . maybe .
we're gonna rob that store .
have you lost your mind ?
we can't sit back and let everything be taken away from us .
no one's gonna fix this . we have to do it ourselves .
[ name ] ... hello ? are you okay in there ?
how did you have the money for all of this ?
i'm here to clean up a mess , [ name ] .
it's not a knock , we all have our strengths and weaknesses . you're a beautiful dummy . it doesn't make you a bad person .
this is five grand . enough for a plane ticket , and to get you started .
i guess you won't mind if i go to the cops , then . right ?
i handled it because you couldn't .
you've got a little ... on your face , kind of looks like blood .
what am i looking at right now ? WHAT am i even looking at right now ?
[ name ] , this is life or death .
i choose death . GIVE ME DEATH .
i have ... sort of a favor to ask .
it's not like you can't afford it .
what do you need that much money for ?
thank you for making me completely humiliate myself for no reason .
this is what winning feels like .
i'm gonna need you to say it with me . we are winning .
it's not like you're gonna kill me .
you don't have the guts . you're not killers .
thought you'd pull a fast one , huh ? make a quick buck ?
girls like you , you never think things through .
you've done this your whole life . you make these big messes and expect everyone else to clean it up . then you just ignore it .
you can't leave me here forever .
you are an incredible liar .
when bad things happen to good people , everyone goes crazy .
if it could happen to us , it could happen to anyone .
roll the dice . tell them to pull the trigger . see what happens .
hey , looks like we've got a survivor .
i am going the speed limit . i don't wanna get a ticket .
where does he think he's going ? boy , this is hard to watch .
if you go to the cops , so will i .
i thought we were done with this .
oh ! you'd rather just declare a kilo at customs ?
– or we could just steal it .
are you hearing yourself right now ?
do not call me crazy .
what if we get caught ?
there's always a choice .
dude , it's never gonna end . unless we end it .
i'm not gonna shoot him , i'm just gonna scare him a little !
forgive me lord jesus , i did not mean to shoot that man .
are we supposed to knock or something ?
i wanted my music for the road trip .
how long has it been bleeding like this ?
i need to take you to the hospital , i think you need stitches .
i wish everything could go back to the way it was .
i had no damn idea how good i had it until it was gone .
i know you hate me right now .
i'm sorry . i suck .
i had to do something really , really important .
what's more important than me ?
is there something you want to ask me ?
just making conversation .
you know the tradition is jordans over a phone line , right ?
be outside in two minutes or you're dead , i mean it .
it's so crazy , even saying it .
you asked for this ? you ASKED for this ?
you can't sign people up for criminal activity like it's a bake sale !
that is NOT what i meant when i said i'd do another job .
so you think you get to pick and choose what you do and when you wanna do it ?
no , i'm sorry . that is not gonna work .
what's your gut say ?
i can prove it ! i mean i can't ... but i want to .
why should i apologize ?
chill out with the cayenne .
maybe we need like , smelling salts or something .
well , i want him to not die in my house .
i am so tired of almost dying .
hey ! ... don't be mad .
you're a dead man .
shut up , just don't say anything . i will handle it .
just say you're sorry .
i wanted to do something nice , so that maybe we could start fresh .
i'm not proud of my part in everything .
oh , yeah ? what does that mean ?
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kieran-kennedy · 1 month
Everyone was at the house in Rhode Island. Everyone except for Kieran. Things had felt … difficult, over the last several months. Reuniting with Selene hadn’t been at all what he’d expected. She was marrying Kane, and every day that passed was one day closer to this sham of a wedding.
Kane: What time will you be here? Kaia: please tell me you’re coming!! ☹️ i bought my wii so we could play just dance at 2am like we used to! kane said he was down!! Mom: Are you sure you can’t come? It would make your father’s night if you were here. Parker: Dude, just swing by for the night. It’s boring without you. My dad and your dad are one drink away from saying something mildly offensive and you can’t miss it.
At least Parker’s text made him laugh.
It was the last push that Kieran needed to get on the road. Kieran didn’t actually have any sort of project that he was working on, but that’s what he was telling everyone. Super important merger with deadlines and red tape and Kieran really couldn’t afford to delegate this to anyone else.
(Except he could).
The three hour drive to the Kennedy home in Rhode Island was loud and fast and mindless. Kieran couldn’t really think about anything while he drove. If he thought too much about what waited for him at his destination, he would’ve turned the vehicle around.
Or wrapped his car around a tree.
At least his dad was always in a good mood around his birthday, and Kieran came with a perfectly wrapped gift sitting in the backseat.
When Kieran finally pulled into the massive, 8 bedroom mansion, he thought long and hard about getting out. Was it too late to change his mind? Yes. He’d been spotted already by the security and staff.
Kieran pushed open the massive front door. There was laughter in the kitchen. There was a massive pile of gifts near the entrance. Kieran placed his there, too, before wandering into the kitchen.
Kaia and Parker were on one side of the island, sipping on some 4th of July themed cocktails, and — on the other side — Selene and Kane. Kieran couldn’t look at them for very long.
“Kieran!” Kaia was the first to notice. She slammed her drink down on the counter. Kieran forced a smile, hoping that it felt sincere and warm instead of hollow and cold, which is exactly how he felt. Kieran wrapped his arms around Kaia, greeted her with a kiss to her temple. Parker came next. They shook hands, and Kieran wrapped an arm around his oldest friend, before … well. Kane and Selene were left.
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“Hey, man. I’m really glad you came,” Kane said warmly. Kieran offered him a hug, too, and he could tell that his older brother was being sincere. Selene was the only one left to greet. They’d been in this kitchen before, a lifetime ago. Kieran had to store those memories away just as quickly as they’d resurfaced. Otherwise, they’d devastate him. He offered Selene an empty smile.
“Hi Selene,” he offered, unable to maintain more than just a few moments of eye contact with his former friend. His brother’s fiancé. Thankfully, Parker slipped a cocktail into Kieran’s hand.
Kane chimed in. “Kaia made this round of drinks. That’s why they’re … extra strong.”
"Selene helped, too," Kaia said, rolling her eyes playfully.
Kieran's smile faltered ever so slightly.
“That’s okay. I could use a strong drink right now. ”
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hikarimiyanaga · 2 months
The Queen's Bride (Part 4)
Warnings : Omegaverse. Stark!Reader. Omega!Reader x Alpha!Daenerys Targaryen. Modern!AU.
Taglist : @kelloggs4cereal
You pace around the mansion's living room.
Even though you had class today, you opted to skip in order to know Sansa's second gender first. Your sister is more important than anything else.
"Mom! I- Y/N! You're back?" You smile at her.
"Yeah, just for a bit. How did your test go?"
"Beta. I am a beta." You sigh in relief and hug her tight.
"Good for you, my baby sis!"
"What- I'm not a baby." She pushes you away.
"Sansa, you are to me. Tonight, we celebrate! I'm taking everyone to your favorite restaurant!"
"With dad's money?" You wink at her.
"My own."
The truth was, you and Tyrion have a lucrative business. You guys help high school students cheat. It wasn't an ethical business but it did fill your pocket and secret bank account.
It also helps that your father has given you free reign on your allowance that is refilled monthly.
As you promised, you did take everyone except your mother, father and Robb as they were all busy.
"So what is the occasion, big sis? Why take us here?" Rickon asks and you smile at him.
"This is for your big sis's freedom!" You grim then turn to Sansa. "At least you get to have decisions regarding your marriage and your course. Do not choose any of the Lannisters even if they offer. I will kill you in your sleep."
"How about the Targaryens?"
"No. I'm already marrying one of them."
"Theon?" Arya asks innocently and both you and Sansa gag.
"Ew. We grew up with him. Borderline incest."
"Then who?" Sansa asks and you grin.
"Grow old without anyone."
"Y/N!" She slaps your arm and you laugh.
"Just stop looking at Westeros' Nobility and we're good."
"Are you oppose to any second gender?" You shake your head at that.
"No. Choose anyone you like."
"Okay." She leans on your shoulder and you pat her head.
"Come on, Sansa, order up. I can pay for everything if you want."
"No. Just because we brought Arya doesn't mean we can eat everything." You chuckle then turn to the other three.
"Choose anything you guys like, okay?"
"Even dessert?" Rickon asks, clearly excited.
"Yes. But that's after a meal. Eat up first."
"Okay!" Rickon says as he scans the menu.
It was an eventful evening. You had fun with all of them before all of you went home to the Stark Mansion.
You came inside carrying an asleep Rickon, a very sleepy Arya, and a barely awake Bran. Thankfully, Sansa is still awake.
"Looks like you guys had fun." Robb greets you and you roll your eyes at him.
"Too bad, you weren't there. Jerk." He laughs at that.
"Hey, someone had to man the company."
"Sure, you did." You carry Rickon up to their room while dragging Bran. "Bran, just a few more steps, okay? I'll help you guys change into pajamas."
"Thanks, sis." You sigh in relief as you reach their room and deposit Rickon in his bed.
"Come on, dude. Toothbrush then change. I'll help you find your clothes." Bran nods at that then he goes in the bathroom. You get their change of clothes and place Bran's on his bed. Then you carefully changed Rickon's clothes. Bran finishes up in the bathroom and changes into pajamas. He yawns loudly and smiles at you.
"Thanks for the fun night, sis. Goodnight."
"You're welcome, Bran. Goodnight." You kiss his forehead and tuck him in. "Sweet dreams, little brother." Bran sleeps with a smile on his face. You go downstairs and see a now sleeping Arya on the couch.
"Hey. Who are you texting?" You ask Sansa as you carry Arya.
"Margaery. She's also a beta." You hum.
"The Tyrells, huh?"
"Yeah. She's asking about you too." You raise an eyebrow at her.
"Yeah. You're taking knightho-" you cover her mouth and frown.
"Stop. Father doesn't know. Your room. Now." Sansa nods and goes to her room while you carry Arya to hers. You tuck her in quickly and go to Sansa's room.
"Dad doesn't know?" You shake your head as you close the door.
"Mom doesn't either. They both think that I'm only taking management."
"Why are you hiding it from them?"
"Because they only want management for me." You sigh as you sit besides her.
"Because I'm a weak omega." Sansa tilts her head at that.
"Weak? You?" You nod at her. "Does mom and dad need glasses????" You chuckle at her comment and pat her head.
"Everyone keeps thinking that omegas are only good for well-"
"Breeding?" You glare at her. "What? Margaery told me."
"Do not ever say that word again. Got it?" Sansa nods. "But pretty much, yeah. Why do you think one of the Targaryens are willing to marry me?"
"Because you're awesome?" You shake your head at her. "Omega?" You nod and smile at her sadly. Sansa has never seen you so sad.
"An omega from one of the noble families is considered a rarity. After all, Alpha and Beta bloods are much stronger. So they fought for me."
"Is that why you didn't want me to be an omega?" You nod at her.
"It's much better to be married by love than by being a trophy." You couldn't help the tear as it fell from your eye. Sansa panics now. You're her big sister and she has never seen you cry, not even when you get scolded by Ned or Catelyn. "I'm okay." You assure her as you wipe your tear. "Father might choose someone for you but I'll fight him every step of the way, okay? You, Arya, Rickon and Bran deserve freedom."
"What if they become omegas too?"
"By then, I'll be a Targaryen so-" you sit beside her. "So I can protect them." Sansa hugs you and you hug her back.
"I'll choose someone good, sis." You smile then kiss her head.
"That's all I want, little sister."
You get back to your class the next day.
Oberyn raises an eye at you.
"Did you get fucked all day yesterday?" You glare at him as you sit.
"Do tell, how the hell did you get into that conclusion?"
"Well, you've been wearing that outfit since two days ago." You look down and realize that he was right.
"Yesterday was Sansa's result day."
"Oohh. Do the Starks have another omega?" Oberyn says loud enough and almost everyone in the class looks at the both of you. Everyone here wants to know if there is another omega from the Starks that'll be fought for by every noble house in Westeros.
"No, dear loud mouth." You pinch his arm, pretty annoyed by him. "She's a beta." Everyone else looks away when they hear the disappointing news. Oberyn slaps your hand away and you glare at him.
"You must be relieved then?" You nod.
"So much."
"Congrats on her freedom, then." You smile as you nod then you bring out your notebook for the class.
You were about to go home when Daenerys sees you and takes you away. You look confused as she just looks at her phone.
"Where are we going?"
"It's one of the Baratheon's birthday or something. The daughter of the eldest?"
"You mean Shireen?"
"You know her?"
"I met her before. Why are you going? Aren't the Baratheons your enemies?" You recall the bad blood between them.
"Still, I have a responsibility. Or did you really think the "heir" will come?"
"Ah. Okay. But I have nothi-"
"We'll pick up a suit and dress on the mall."
"You thought of everything." You deadpan at her and Daenerys smiles at you.
"You can't escape."
You arrive at the Baratheon's villa and unbutton the collar of your suit. It was suffocating the air out of you.
"We're here." You help Daenerys out of the car and hum.
"Do we have an invitation? the Baratheons can be picky about their guests." You still remember the one time you attended a gala of theirs without Robb and they rudely kicked you out.
"I am a Targary-"
"Yeah, that won't work here." Daenerys was about to refute you when-
"Y/N!" Someone calls out and you were suddenly lifted off.
"Ah! Uncle Robert!?" You struggle against the big man and glare as you find your footing.
"It is you!" Robert slaps your back and you feel like your spine broke. Jeez, the strength of this man.
"Yes. I didn't know it was Shireen's birthday today."
"It is. One of the reasons why I came home."
"What? Are the brothels not treating you well?"
"Ah, this jerk!" He slaps the back of your head and you rub it in pain.
"Y/N. Who-"
"Ah, this must be Daenerys! Your fiancé, right?"
"She is." You admit and sigh. "Daenerys meet Robert Baratheon. Unmarried. Although he has countless kids. Commander of The Baratheon Forces. And my father's best friend." Robert laughs at your introduction.
"Nice addition of titles, young one. You learned well."
"Is Gendry okay? He should be in high school, right?" Gendry and Shireen were the cousins from the Baratheon that you didn't mind talking to.
"He is. He likes Sansa, did you know?" You pale at that. As much as Gendry was a good person, you still didn't like the thought of high school romance, specially when it involves one of your younger siblings. "Maybe we'll finally be family!" He laughs wholeheartedly while you politely nod.
"We should get inside." Daenerys can feel that you are uncomfortable with the current topic so she tugs your arm.
"Right. It was nice talking to you, Uncle."
"Go. Tell your father that I will see him soon." You nod at him and escort Daenerys to the door.
"Sorry about that." You open the door and Daenerys just nods.
"So you're pretty close with the Baratheons?"
"No. Only Uncle Robert. He's kind of seen as a separate entity."
"And why is that? He is the middle child, is he not?"
"True, but he doesn't like to be in the family mansion. Or be associated with his siblings that much."
"Why?" You shrug at her.
"I don't know the particular details but some say bad blood between the three."
"I see."
"Y/N!" Shireen runs through the crowd and hugs you.
"Hi, cousin. Happy Birthday."
"Yeah! Although you did celebrate with me two days ago."
"Yeah. But I also got dragged to this gala." Shireen giggles.
"Who dragged you?"
"Hi there. I'm Daenerys. Her fiancé." Shireen looks at you.
"Fiancé? But Y/N! You promised me." Shireen gets teary-eyed and you panic.
"Huh!? Wait, wait, don't cry? Shireen? What promise?"
"That I'd be the one you married!" You chuckle and ruffl her hair.
"Not happening, little cousin, and besides we had a condition, didn't we?"
"Yeah." She sulks and crosses her arms.
"And? What was it?"
"That you'll only do it when you're a beta."
"Good girl!" You ruffle her hair even more and she pouts at you.
"Do you like her?" Shireen points at Daenerys as if she wasn't there and you chuckle as you bring down her hand.
"Yes. Incredibly so." And you realize as you say it, that it was the half-truth. You fell in love with her at first sight but you also knew why she wanted to get married to you.
"Then, uh-, Daenerys!" You beckon her closer as Shireen holds out her hand.
"You win! But um- don't you dare break Y/N's heart!" Dany forces a smile on her face as she shakes Shireen's hand.
"I promise."
The gala ends around midnight and you take off your jacket as you board Dany's Limousine.
"Not close to the Baratheons?" She asks and you nod.
"Not really. Shireen is special. She's the only one in that mansion that doesn't have a malice bone in her body."
"Do you like her?"
"As a cousin, yes. She's inquisitive and a reader like me."
"Are you in love with her?" You look at Daenerys with a dumfounded expression and she glares at you. "Answer me!"
"The fuck? No! Not at all! She's my little cousin, for the gods' sake!"
"We all know how famili-"
"Do not even say it. It's making me feel disgusted." You shudder as you even think about hearing the word.
"So, do you like someone?" You raise an eyebrow at her.
"Like- you want to date them or something." You shake your head.
"None at all. Being an omega meant everything was going to be chosen for me. Even the people I hang out with. No more betas or Alphas. No more close friends. Just need to find me a suitable fiancé." You successfully hide the bitter tone in your voice but not the way you clenched your fist.
Daenerys, thankfully, stop questioning you and just drop you off at your apartment building.
'As if I ever had a choice.' You think as you board the elevator. 'I wonder how that'll be.'
Writer's block defeated once again... For how long, I don't know.
Also, I got a job! So that's cool!
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no, they'd probably protect you more than a white "tme" (afab, whatever you call it now to imply being seen as female from birth, and seen as a failed woman, is a privilege) because you would then make it everyones problem that they didn't put their lives at risk for you
Look you can have whatever disagreements you want about who has privilege over who and whatever but you really should take it as a bad sign that you somehow construed a trans woman advocating that her life is as important as anyone else's as some nagging bitch demanding way too much from the world. Like you got more dangerously misogynistic than a lot of cis guys a know this fast all cause you saw some tranny say it's fucked up I don't get looked out for as a potential victim of misogynistic violence like others do and immediately started acting like advice as simple as "watch a girls drink at a party when there's weird dudes around" or "make sure she gets home safe so you know she isn't followed" is me demanding people risk their life for me. Like dude get out of my inbox and go back to your frat house
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crazypsychonerdstuff · 4 months
Alright, self-indulgent Alastor queer-platonic fluff below!
I need him in my life so badly. I don't care that he's a psychotic, cannibalistic serial killer! New comfort character alert!!!
Very random and disjointed, I haven't read through it, and I typed it straight into the drafts, so that's why it's probably really messy 😅
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It would definitely take a long time for the two of you to become close, and even longer still for him to admit to you being significantly more important than anyone else to him.
You are the only person (except maybe Nifty) who is allowed to touch him, though he'd much appreciate if you asked first and not just surprised him with touching him.
In relation to that^, though he may not be too fond of hugs and cuddles, at least at first, he will allow you to lean into him on occasion without much protest. Though never in public.
On tge flip side, he's ALWAYS touching you. Whether it's patting you on the head, leaning on your shoulder, putting an arm around your shoulders/waist, holding your hand, physically moving you rather than asking you to move
Despite his... questionable eating habits, the dude's actually an excellent cook and he will often make meals for the two of you.
He likes to spend his spare time with you, the two of you listening to the radio +/ reading.
No TV. Just no.
Though if you ask nicely enough, he MIGHT join in on movie night. Though if he does, expect him to be giving a commentary throughout the whole thing (ie, him verbally pulling apart the movie and pointing out any inaccuracies that occur no matter how seemingly insignificant.)
He likes music and will happily listen to your recommendations (he might not like them all, but he's willing to listen)
I get the feeling he'd like some stuff by Aurelio Voltaire. And maybe a couple of songs by Abney Park.
Don't get me started on his ears! They are so soft and fluffy! He is really reluctant to let you near them at first, but eventually he will give in and let you pet them.
He's actually really surprised that he enjoys it too, so after that he will let you stroke his ears on occasion, usually when he's had a rough day and needs comfort.
His tail is floofy too, but he's not too keen on you touching it. He won't get mad at you as such, just give you an unamused look and move out of reach.
So yeah, don't touch the tail... on purpose.
You two have taken to hanging out in that spooky forest that's somehow attached to his room. It keeps everyone else away and face it, if you're close to Al, you probably don't mind creepy stuff!
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slafkovskys · 10 months
okay so how do they all have a conversation about them all sharing her? like how did that happen?
luke’s arms were safe. and no matter what came out of the conversation they were about to have, as long as she was there, she was okay.
she had asked the boys to meet them at the end dock when they got back from their round of golf, adding extra emphasis on not bringing anyone back with them. we need to talk, she had said (typed), it’s important.
“they’re late,” she fidgets against her boyfriend. she watches as a frog leaps from the land and splashes into the water. she swore that her heart was about to beat out of her chest, “what if they aren’t coming?”
“they’re coming,” luke reassures her, chuckling softly as he presses a kiss to the top of her head, “you know how long golf can take. they could be hours-”
“they have been hours, lu,” she sighs, “i’m going to be sick. i shouldn’t have said anything-“
as soon as the words leave her lips, she hears the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, then the sound of two car doors slamming and the familiar shout of, “luke? y/n?”
“we’re down here!” luke’s voice is a lot more clear than hers would have been at that point. she tilts her head and watches as the boys round the house, shoving each other as they make their way down to the two of them. “if you changed your mind, you don’t have to do this. we can make something up.”
“i want to,” she plays with his fingers, “you’re sure that you’re okay with it?”
“sharing you with my brothers? kinda hot,” he makes a face and she squeezes his arm in warning. jack’s heavy footsteps make their way up the dock, causing the wood to creak under the weight. luke reaches a hand up, doing their little handshake over the top of her head, “who won?”
“quinner,” jack is annoyed as he takes a seat across from the two. he stretches out his legs and he’s so close, but so far.
“if you wouldn’t have tried to cheat, you probably would have,” quinn rolls his eyes as he takes up the space beside his middle brother. he leans his weight back on his hands, staring at the two youngest of the bunch with an obvious curiosity, “so, what’s so important?”
“are you pregnant?” jack interrupts, eyes boring into hers.
“dude, shut up,” luke scoffs and she straightens up against his chest. his arms loosen around her body and she crosses her legs in front of her, “we need to talk to you both about something and we want you to listen, hear us out before you open your mouths. deal?”
the last part was directed to one person in particular, but they both agreed. she swallowed the lump in her throat, looking between quinn and jack before taking a deep breath, “i’m with luke.”
quinn raises an eyebrow, “we’ve heard.”
luke sends a sharp quick to his brother’s leg, “what did i say?”
“it’s fine, luke,” she nods, now avoiding the questioning expressions of both the boys across from her, “i’m with luke and i love him, but i also want to be with you.”
a beat of silence passes before jack clears his throat, “who?”
she looks towards luke for assistance in conveying her message and he hums, “the both of you.”
“wait,” quinn blinks slowly, “so you want to be with luke,” she nods, “and jack,” she nod again, “and me?”
a final nod.
quinn turns his attention to luke, “how do you feel about this?”
“i see the way that you both look at her. the way she looks at you. she would be loved and i trust the two of you,” luke gently taps his fingers on her thigh, “i wouldn’t do this with anyone else. it would make her happy, so it makes me happy.”
“is it, like, just sex or,” jack trails off, “can i take you on dates and the stuff that he gets to do?”
“it’s not just sex. i’m not an object that you would get to pass around whenever you wanted. i have the same feelings for you that i feel for luke and those are so much more than just fucking. you don’t have to say yes,” she’s sure that she’s going to be sick, “i don’t know the details, how we would make it work. obviously it wouldn’t be easy considering that everyone knows luke and i are already together, but we can figure all of that out. all of us. if you’re up for it.”
the wind pushes past them, shaking the wind chime she had hung from one of the trees close to the dock a few weeks before. she watches as the butterflies float back and forth in the breeze, bumping against the bells that hang beside them.
“i want to be with y/n,” jack announced, breaking the silence that had settled between the four of them, “but i’m not with either of you. like, if you try to cuddle with me, i’m going to hurt you.”
the other two hughes brothers chime in and she darts her eyes across all of them, a look of hope, a feeling of want spreading through her chest. she squeezes at luke’s hand before leaning forward just slightly, “so does this mean…”
“that you’re ours?” jack finishes the sentence with a small smirk on his lips. his hand reaches out and squeezes her ankle comfortingly.
her eyes settle on quinn who had been the most quiet during the proposal and she watches as he tilts his head back, letting the warm rays of the setting sun bean down onto his skin. he’s not looking at her when he says, “you’re sure that this is what you want, y/n?”
“she’s the one who brought it up to me,” luke chuckles from behind and her cheeks burn at his admission.
“alright,” the oldest hughes hums and tilts his head forward. unlike his brother, he has a soft smile on his lips as he patted his thigh. she’s not the least bit embarrassed by how easily she goes to him, though a little shocked at how quickly luke lets her be stolen by his brother. she’s easily situated in between quinn’s thighs and she spares a glance towards luke who’s watching with eyes that hold so much interest and so many questions. she lightly kicks at his ankle before quinn clears his throat, “looks like we have some details that we need to work out.”
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