#lizard watches the royals
mushroomsie224 · 3 months
The look. The. Look.
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yaksha-lover · 9 months
lol this is so dumb and self-indulgent but short drabble of waking up beside malleus and leona and their bickering hehe
cw: very mild suggestive, implied throuple(?)
The first thought you have is how muggy it is. There’s a humidity to the warmth that envelops you that’s quickly becoming less than pleasant.
You try to move, but your limbs are held in place by strong sinew. Even relaxed, the muscles of the arms wrapped around your waist are impressive in their strength. Leona’s training certainly wasn’t for show.
Not to be outdone, Malleus’ own arms envelop your shoulders, inviting your head to lay on his chest.
You nudge gently at the two of them, rousing Malleus and a grouchy Leona from sleep. The latter grumbles for you to leave him be.
“It’s too hot,” you groan.
“Hmm, you didn’t think so last night,” Leona smirks at you. He leans in to run a quick, affectionate stripe up your neck with his tongue. “Ugh, you smell of lizard. The taste is all swampy.” His face contorts in disgust.
You don’t see Malleus roll his eyes, but you’re sure that’s what’s happening on the opposite side of the bed.
“How interesting. I was just about to remark that it smells of wet cat.”
The two glower at each other. You’re forced to sit up and shield them from each other’s view so they don’t start wrecking your furniture in their spat.
“Can we please save the fighting for after breakfast? I’m too hungry to deal with this right now.”
“Who said anything about fighting, my love? It’s only some gentle banter between…classmates.”
“Classmates? You’re literally sharing a bed right now.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Leona makes a face. “I’m sharing a bed with you, herbivore. Unfortunately, he happens to be here too.”
“For once, we are in agreement, Kingscholar.”
“Hey, don’t lump yourself in with me. We got nothing in common.”
“Except for me.”
Leona rolls his eyes. “Except for you,” he concedes.
“And being non-human, rich, royal princes who lack emotional support from their families and are often misunderstood as being-”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep talking and we’ll miss breakfast.”
Leona and Malleus both stand to get properly dressed, but you remain in bed, content to watch them.
You’re still a bit drowsy from sleep. You pop your eyes closed, hoping a few more seconds will make you feel less tired. “Will someone help me up?”
When you finally open your eyes, you’re greeted with two hands offering themselves to you; one on each side. Seeing this, Leona and Malleus glare at the other, but you take each of their hands in one of yours, and that seems to placate them enough to not argue as you walk.
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bucket-barnes · 7 months
I am slightly miffed about unrelated things: here’s some descendants headcannons
-if a version Rupaul’s Drag race exists in Auradon- Evie watches it solely for the design challenges and Jay will occasionally watch with her because he finds the lipsync for your life entertaining
-they complain about judges critiques together and Jay has a bias for any queen who can do acrobatics
-Gil sews (which is cannon- see Uma’s wicked book) so he ends up taking up a part time apprenticeship with Evie
-Harry has his sisters’ names tattooed over his heart. He didn’t tell anyone, but the lost revenge crew found out because of one of the massive holes in his shirt happened to act as a frame for the tattoos whenever his coat isn’t on
-once he comes to Auradon, he starts modeling for Evie and more people end up finding out about the tattoos and he ends up gaining a reputation in Auradon as a “bad but sad boy” which he has decided not to question…there are numerous fan edits
-while working his way through Vet school, Carlos ends up becoming royal tech support because king beast has zero clue how to use any form of technology and Ben has gotten tired of trying to explain it
-Gil adopted a dog during his and Jay’s travel around the world
-now he and Jay share custody of a perpetually angry looking Pomsky they named Scout
-they go on hiking trips together with Scout as family bonding time
- Mal still gets strawberries as fan gifts and gifts from other royals- castle beast now has a strawberry cellar to compensate for the overflow
-eventually the cellar became so full the “Auradon strawberry festival” was created to get rid of them. This has become an annual event, held the week after Mal’s birthday
- Mal also dresses up lizard Maleficent for special events with Gil and Evie making her little hats to put on the former mistress of evil
-Hades also partakes in this as a way to get back at his ex-wife
- As the unofficial “Queen of the Isle” Uma has to go to royal events, she brings Harry because he keeps the more annoying royals away by simply being himself
-Uma also comes in full pirate captain getup to these events for no other reason than she thinks the looks people give her when she walks into a room with a pirate’s hat and cutlass with Harry Hook on her arm are funny
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shortnotsweet · 10 months
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— The Killers, Hot Fuss (2004)
Princess Rhaenyra’s insolence is wearing her stepmother’s patience thin. Queen Alicent is not ten years her senior, but even during her own sixteenth year, she cannot recall herself behaving so brazenly. She would never burst into courtly discussions in nothing but gilded armor and the underskirts of her riding leathers, awash in blood. (She would never be spotted in blood that was not her own, anyway. Alicent has never picked up a sword, not one that belonged to her.) Nevermind that Rhaenyra is attending to diplomatic affairs with bared teeth and scales, no—the crux of the matter is just that, her affairs. Rhaenyra is the Realm’s Delight, a beauty incomparable to any fair maiden, Alicent included. She indulges herself with appetite of a spoiled child, the confidence of man, and the pickings befitting only to her royal blood. Criston Cole. Daemon Targaryen. Harwin Strong. Laena Velaryon. She’s full of love, isn’t she? That selfish, foolish girl. What does Rhaenyra Targaryen know of love, of duty? She is a child in so many ways—she thinks killing makes her a man, thinks the throne is hers despite being a woman, thinks she can have her knight and her uncle and her protector and Laena Velaryon in one fail swoop. She’s wrong. She doesn’t know herself half as well as Alicent does. Alicent, who sees her for what she truly is, who wants to see all of her and more of her and none of her. Alicent has been stolen into the Keep by her own father—both of their fathers—but Rhaenyra is the key to this place, is the window to everything barred. Rhaenyra Targaryen has a dragon. Rhaenyra can fly.
That’s what Rhaenyra had promised her once, with her lips pulled back in a grin, exposing the white of her teeth like the violently radiant creature she was. “Perhaps when you grow tired of plotting against me, we shall ride on dragonback together,” she had said. The tease.
Alicent had yanked her into an empty corridor by the silk of her sleeve, ready to chastise her for her ill behavior. Conversing with the lords and ladies of the court at a feast was one thing, but chattering about her bloody encounters in battle over the pudding tureen were another. The lord at her elbow was going green. Alicent’s own face was likely red; her heart raced whenever Rhaenyra got like this. Alicent had never seen the battlefield—only seen battered men in dented armor and the slumps of corpses lined along dirt roads in the aftermath of war—but her own imagination terrified her like nothing else.
(Rhaenyra is better with a sword than half of the knights in Westeros, and more lovely than the lot. Her reign has not yet begun, but already the commoners flock to her—lured in by tales of her beauty and fine hair—and soldiers would follow her into battle. Alicent would not follow, but she would watch and bite her nails down to the quick.
She thinks of the figure Rhaenyra cuts in full armor, the heat in her gaze underneath the slots of her helmet. Alicent remembers the weight of her own hand in Rhaenyra’s—which was gloved—when the princess rode up to the spectators box and grasped it in her own, bringing Alicent’s knuckles to her lips. She thinks of Rhaenyra murdered in the sky, skewered with another man’s sword, plummeting to the ground, torn in half, streaking crimson across the clouds. Alicent would scream, or cry. She might laugh. She would throw herself from the window of her tower. Rhaenyra’s bloody exploits terrified Alicent for reasons she could not identify, and excited her for reasons she refused to.)
“I’d sooner be confined to the castle for the rest of my days than get on the back of that bloody lizard,” Alicent scoffed. Rhaenyra only tucked her hand over Alicent’s, where it was resting on her forearm. She flexed her fingers, moving to release her grip on the dark fabric, but Rhaenyra intertwined their fingers and held them fast.
“You’re confined already. You are already accustomed to such a thing. I know you. But—”
“But you forget yourself. You think you’re invulnerable, Rhaenyra. You don’t know who you are.” Alicent intends for it to be a sneer, but instead it comes out quietly, and too gentle for disdain. She can’t know. Rhaenyra is as trapped as she is, but they’re trapped together. They belong together. She belongs with Alicent.
“I am Rhaenyra Targaryen, Heir to the Iron Throne and all of Westeros. I am a dragonrider. I am—I am your daughter. In a way. Your sister, too. Your enemy. Your sword, your shield.”
“And what am I?” What else is left for me? Alicent wonders.
“My Queen. For now.” Rhaenyra cocks her head, and the gleam in her eyes burns like fire raining down. “When I am Queen, you will be my lady.”
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celestialprincesse · 8 months
Anymore thoughts on this?? love love love!!
Ofc!!! my little nerdy history heart is so happy writing this😚
Simon's nerdy gf is OBSESSED (I cannot stress this enough) with conspiracy theories. Buzzfeed unsolved, watcher, Johnny Harris. She will sit there for hours on end watching videos about assassinations and the royal family being lizards - she eats that shit up.
Yes she will make him take the almost three hour train journey to London so that they can go to the natural history museum. She's currently trying to boycott the British museum - When Simon looks confused at her flat out refusal of going there instead of the natural history, she goes on a tangent that lasts almost the whole train ride about the injustice of the stolen artefacts, even gets a little teary at the fact that the Acropolis museum has an empty space for one of the stolen Erechtheion marble figures.
If the Pomegranate tattoo on the back of her neck isn't testament to her adoration of history and mythology (and women💕) she's not sure what is.
They spend hours traipsing around the museum, and Simon doesn't really understand when she gets super, jump up and down excited over some old blade or a bracelet, but if she's happy, he's happy.
Every vacation they take when Simon has a decently long leave added up, she's first out the door to get to museums and historical sites, she also gets stroppy when people don't respect the rules for cultural heritage sites. She saw someone wearing a bikini top at the Parthenon and gave them evils until Simon literally dragged her away. "Wha's she done to hurt you, eh?" He chuffed with an amused eyebrow raised at her. "This is a temple, Si! I'm not a prude, but seriously? It says on the booklet that visitors should dress respectfully!" (She's not a prude, she's just about the most feminine, unbothered historian there is. Until it comes to heritage sites)
Simon is desperate to get back to their hotel and spend their time more productively, but they've only got a week!! and she has to go to the Acropolis!!
When they do get back to their room, she's so jittery with excitement that she doesn't notice he's trying to get her in bed until he's literally pulling her panties down. "Tell me you're not wet from looking at some fucking columns." "Oops?"
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christall77 · 8 months
~❦A Dragon's Treasure❦~
M! Dragon x GN! Reader
I was gone for a long while but I hope it's still not too late to say Happy New Year! (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^)
So I had this idea after I made an AI chat bot of this character so yeah, hope you guys enjoy and if you should find any mistakes feel free to tell me!
TW: Mentions of minor character deaths
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Finally after days of traveling on the back of your horses, both you and your friend Adrian reach the destination of your quest. Or more so, Adrian's quest. The huge mountain is in sight, where the castle and home of the infamous dark dragon Ryunir should reside in. Including the princess the beast has stolen away from the kingdom. Every person around the land knows about the legendary maneating dragon, who hoards unfathomable amounts of gold and riches inside his castle and his hate for humanity. All stolen from kings and royals alike, but it seemed like he had a special grudge against the royals in the kingdom Adrian and you call home. The king was rightfully scared about the danger that could strike any day, so he sent an army of knights to get rid of the fire breathing lizard. Only to never hear from them again and have his precious daughter, princess Amelia get taken by the massive beast.
Many other knights have tried to save her, especially now after the king has promised his daughter's hand in marriage. Your friend being one of them. Him and the princess always acted all lovey dovey around each other even while you were there watching the whole thing unfold. So it was only a matter of time until he asked, no begged you to come with him on this quest to save her. Despite your own hesitation and second thoughts. You two have been through thick and thin, he's been there for you when you needed him and vise versa, which is the reason why you're now standing on the edge of the mountain. Having already dismounted your horse as Adrian follows.
“Are you really sure we should do this?”, your voice comes out after you gulp down the lump in your throat at the sight. Right at the edge a small wobbly bridge is the only thing that connects the ground of the mountain and castle, the dark abyss below surrounding it. Adrian gives you a comforting pat on the shoulder, the determination evident on his face. “Don't worry (y/n), we have been successful with all our quests so far. Besides, I can't sit around and have princess Amelia locked up forever!”, “That's what the other knights must've thought as well before they most likely busted into flames...”
Not wasting any more time he approaches the creaky bridge and gives the robes an experimental tug. Waving you over after deeming it save enough. The darkness below doesn't make the way any less nerve wrecking, but Adrian makes sure to have a good hold on you while carefully moving alongside with you. A sigh of relief you were holding in leaves you once making it safely to the other side, now entering the darkened castle as quietly as possible through the creaky doors. The sounds echoing through the long and high hallways in front. It definitely would take a lot of time until any of you would find the right tower or room where the princess is hidden away.
Each step has to be chosen carefully, as any sound might alert the massive dragon residing somewhere deep within the castle. The floors and walls littered with cracks and damages, evidence that this place is much older and hasn't been taken care of in ages. Adrian clutches his sword tightly in his hands beside you, looking left and right towards each different corridor. With a nod to himself he turns to you and whispers, “Maybe we should split up...”, taking a few steps forward he chooses to go straight ahead. “You guard the entrance and distract the dragon, if he finds you first and I'll search for Amelia.”
“Are you crazy?!" You whisper shout towards him as your head almost snaps back towards him, keeping your tone down, ”I get that we might cover some more space this way, but mind you there's no way it would improve our chances with the dragon! Wait- Adrian!“ Before you could protest any further he speed walks away. Leaving you alone in the middle of the halls. ”I swear if I die I'll kill him if the dragon doesn't.“ You grumble to yourself, stepping through one of the hallways closest to the left. One hand hovering over the weapon in your belt just in case as you reassure yourself internally.
It almost feels like hours wandering around but finding nothing but even more halls and even the occasional bones of previous living humans who've entered the castle, which causes shivers to run down your spine. You've probably walked around in circles now but kept yourself close to the entrance like Adrian asked you to. Eventually the soles of your feet start to bother you and you decide to take a small seat on a small staircase. Checking your equipment and hoping that Adrian has found the princess in the while you were walking around aimlessly.
”This is so stupid... Should've known he would run off by himself again. Probably to also show off and be 'the knight in shining armor' for her.“ Consumed in your own little quiet rant and thoughts, you fail to notice the dark silhouette that starts to stirr behind you from your words. A large single golden eye opening and gazing down at the small human sitting below. Only once the massive beast rises and its hot breath blows against your back do you freeze, before slowly and anxiously turning around to face the dragon. It certainly was a sight you can't deny, after all you always had a respect and fascination with dragons, but at this moment survival is more important. A deep gutteral growl rumbles in the back of its throat, followed by a fierce ear piercing roar.
Stumbling up from your seat you make a run for it, barely managing to avoid its jaws, screaming in terror as the rumbling of footsteps follow close behind. In hopes of loosing the creature you run through every hall and corridor possible, making sure to take sharp turns, but no matter what you do the dragon keeps up without trouble. Shooting fireballs at you from time to time which you barely manage to avoid thankfully. It's only once you come to a dead end do you start panicking fully, looking around for any possible way out but finding none you press yourself against the wall. Hoping that the hard surface behind somehow swallows you up and takes you away from this place as your body trembles in fear. Wings unfurled from his back in an intimidating display the dragon approaches slowly, as if savoring the fact that you're trapped and about to face your demise.
Unable to think straight your brain decides to do the unthinkable as your widened eyes take in the size of him almost filling the entire hallway you're in. Instead of drawing your weapon or getting out of there you hurriedly blurt out, ”P-Please spare me big beautiful dragon.!“ Closing both eyes tightly, you await a fireball to roast you, or sharp teeth clamping down and kill you. Yet nothing happens. Opening one of your eyes you see the dragon has stopped in front of you, he seemed caught of guard by that compliment and tilts his head as puffs of smoke leave through his nostrils.
Never in his life was the red scaled beast complimented by a human, either having faced insults, fear and anger thrown at him. So this surprises him greatly, in a pleasant way. ”You think I'm beautiful human?“ He rumbles, his voice echoing through the halls as it bounces off the walls. Seeing that it somehow stopped the dragon from attacking you quickly nod. It might've been something you said in a panic, but after taking a good look at the creature you can't deny his majestic and powerful presence.
”Y-yes. I mean it's not every day one is face to face with an amazing creature of legends like a dragon.“, Your genuine interest in his kind stirrs a strange warmth within his large scaly chest, but not the usual heat he emits, it's foreign yet pleasant. A feeling he now wants to continue experiencing out of newfound curiosity. Moving his long neck down so his head is a little closer the creature gives you an expectant look as if asking what made you say all of this. ”Tell me, what about me is so beautiful little human?“
In response you let your gaze wander over the different parts of him, pointing out everything that intrigues you. ”Well for starters I've never seen wings so huge and cool like this. It always sounded interesting to experience flying, though I could only read about it in books.“, a small nervous chuckle leaves you before you continue while the huge dragon listens intently how you compliment him more. Things like how shiny his wine red scales look, those horns that give him an even more intimidating yet regal appearance and so on and so forth.
”But I think your eyes are the most beautiful thing of you, they shine like gold..“ At this point you seem to be rambling on as if forgetting about the danger you've been in. Though the dragon doesn't mind, in fact he likes it. Your last compliment struck a chord inside, feeling the beating of his heart quicken as his pupils dilate and the subtle sound of purring reverberates through his entire being. A pleased purr leaves the dragon as his head tilts so his large eye is peering down at your smaller frame better. ”What is your name little one?", he inquires curiously. Once you introduce yourself, a small smile makes its way onto his face when he tastes your name upon his tongue.
“It suits you little one. I'm Ryunir, it's very much a pleasure meeting you.” There's a strange haze that crosses his gaze which makes you fidget underneath its intensity. Another puff of warm air blows against your frame as he inhales and exhales deeply, taking in your scent. “Thank you, I'd like to chat a little longer but uhm...”, you pause trying to find the right words to say next. “I need to find my friend again so we can leave in peace.”
The dragon frowns upon hearing the word 'leave'. Since Ryunir has set his eyes upon you, he had a feeling you didn't come here all the way alone and were either here to steal the gold or rescue the princess he took. No matter which one it was he doesn't care anymore. Stealing the princess was only to spite the king who has made Ryunir's life more miserable by sending countless knights for centuries, before (y/n) and their friend to kill him for not only his riches, but also for his scales and head. Which is why he has started to reign terror over the people of this kingdom ever since. Yes he did keep the girl away from being saved, but Ryunir never liked having her here either. But now that you're here? Your friend could rescue the royal away for all he cares, what he wants is to have you by his side for the rest of his life.
In the dragon's eyes you've become his most priced treasure, his mate. Ryunir can't believe it himself entirely as well, yet there's something inside him that tells him that you are meant to be his. Wether it's instincts or the fact that he's been lonely without any positive interactions for as long as the beast can remember for the recent few 100 of years, one thing is for sure. You've made your way into his heart and there's nothing that's going to take you away from him.
“Leave? No... Stay with me little one.”, before you could protest or say anything further the dragon leans down with a soft whine. Snatching you up by the back of your gear, like a mother cat carrying her kittens and taking you deeper into the castle. “W-Wait! No I can't stay.! Adrien!” Paying your calls for help no mind, the dragon continues with a small pep in his step. The sound of his footsteps echoing through the silent empty hallways until entering a large chamber filled with riches. Mountains upon mountains of gold, jewels and many more things that has some type of value as far as your eyes can see. Reaching his desired spot surrounded by a few pillars, Ryunir gently drops you down before coiling his tail around you in a warm and protective embrace. Lighting up the torches and chandeliers hanging upon the walls, ceiling and columns with a light breath of fire, surrounding the both of you in a more cozy atmosphere.
Holding you close to his red scaly body as he gets comfortable, curling up and nuzzling his snout against your smaller head. His entire being vibrating as he purrs affectionately. “Comfy my dear treasure?”, Ryunir rumbles softly in question. “Yes?” Your answer comes out more like a question than intended but the beast takes it nonetheless with a pleased growl. “Don't worry, I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. You're mine now and I intend to have my mate protected and satisfied no matter what."
His words are filled with honesty and utter devotion. A promise to keep you safe and under his care for as long as he lives. Tenderly brushing a few strands of hair out of your face with his claw, making sure to not hurt or scratch you with it. Despite your initial reluctance you end up enjoying his company more than anticipated. Keeping light conversations all the while showing nothing but tenderness and longing towards you. His heat emitting from his body also helps calming down your thoughts, practically melting into his coils until the both of you take a rest together and doze off.
It's only after what felt a few moments later that someone is trying to shake you awake. With a small groan your eyes meet Adrian who has a panicked look on his face, the princess hiding at the doorway of the gigantic chamber. ”(Y/n) wake up!“ He whisper shouts, making sure to not wake the beast sleeping beside you. Blinking both eyes open, startled you meet your friend's gaze. ”Oh now you're showing up? Where were you almost an hour ago?!“, flailing your hands in expiration you then let out a deep sigh after hearing your friend's apology.
”I'm sorry (y/n), but this beast has trapped me earlier but luckily I made it out. And look! I found Amelia!“ Gesturing towards the girl she gives you a quiet wave of her hand, yet she's visibly tense by the fact that the dragon is here. Adrian freezes swiftly when the dragon in question shifts but doesn't wake up just yet, instead pulling you closer towards his head despite still being asleep. ”Lets get you out of here...“, he whispers climbing up the pile of gold, as sneakily as those allow him to be until he reaches you and holds out his leather gloves hand. Grasping yours and trying to pull you out of the tight coils around your frame.
”Adrian, please stop. Just leave!“ Ushering him away in a hurry as the tail tightens around you. ”Take Amelia and go.“, Adrian pauses then shakes his head, ”I'm not leaving you here with this monster (y/n)!“ He gives you a look that tells you that he won't back down no matter what. With a final pull with both of his hands he manages to get his friend out, almost falling down the gold pile in the process, managing to catch the both of you steady just barely.
Though the quiet celebration was short lived once the eye of the beast opens, as if sensing that his mate is not within his hold anymore. His pupils turn into slits upon seeing the both of you, in particular your friend holding you close. With a furious roar he rises, the riches around you flying and getting thrown everywhere as he moves. ”Come hurry! This way!“ Princess Amelia yells out, holding the door open as Adrian pulls you along as fast as possible. Just narrowly escaping Ryunir's jaws and rushing towards the entrance with you and the princess in tow who points out the direction towards the exit she has found at a time in her own attempts to escape.
Behind you the enraged dragon roars out and wastes no time chasing after the group of three, through every hallway possible. Luckily with Amelia on their side there won't be a chance to run into any dead ends. Soon the exit is in sight and Adrian pushes the both of you forward, stopping in his tracks to face Ryunir with a determined face. Before the dragon could let out his breath of fire, your friend cuts the rope beside him which was holding the massive metal gate of the entrance up, only to have it slam down upon the dragon's scaly back. A furious and pained shriek getting forced from his being. Successfully trapping him underneath as he trashes wildly on hopes of getting out. Not wasting any more time Adrian pushes you and the princess forward onto the wobbly bridge until you finally reach the mountain once more.
Relief rushes through the other two once the group got onto their horse and gallop away, yet as you leave in tow the cries of Ryunir still can be heard in the distance. As if calling out for you to return at the loss of your presence. With a heavy heart and head held low you stay quiet for the rest of the trip back until reaching the kingdom at last heart still beating wildly from the escape.
When Adrian brought back the king's daughter he was allowed to, as promised, to be wed to Amelia, which of course he couldn't turn down. Days have gone by until the wedding finally comes around, you couldn't be happier for your friend but the events from the castle still linger in your mind. As absurd as one might think it is, you actually ended up enjoying your time with Ryunir even if it was a rough start and he tried to kill you initially. But somehow he wove himself into your heart and leaving him made you feel bad.
As you sit by the lake by yourself lost in thought Adrian approached you from behind and gives you a concerned look. ”What's wrong (y/n)? This is my wedding party, have some fun... I don't want to see my best friend down on such a beautiful day.“, squeezing your shoulder gently he tries to lighten up the mood but ends up sitting down beside you on the grass not caring if his white suit gets dirty. ”Something is bothering you...“ he points out, already knowing that it must be something that happened regarding the quest. Finally nodding your head you turn to him, ”Remember the dragon?“
Scrunching his eyebrows he nods giving you a concerned look. ”Has he hurt you?“, he questions, ”No it's not that, he seemed to like me... We actually talked and it felt nice.“ Adrian listens to your ramblings, showing his surprise and disbelief at the story you're telling him. After all, how could the dark dragon which the kingdom has feared for so long be the same you described?
All of a sudden a shadow casts overhead making the two of you blink in confusion. The roar and beating of large wings in the distance unmistakable. And speak of the devil, Ryunir has arrived. He must've freed himself somehow and now is circling the castle before diving down. Hearing screams and distressed yells from the people the both of you rush towards the chaos. Men and women running frantically to get safe as the king shouts orders towards his knights to take down the monster. Adrian joins them as you stand there for a moment to let the situation process in your head.
Ryunir lands harshly in the middle of the town, growling fiercely as his gaze fleets over the crowd of humans. Hoping to find his mate somewhere in those masses. Not caring if he steps over buildings or other structures, knocking them down in his frantic search. Picking up people with his claws that might resemble your appearance before tossing them away carelessly after seeing it's not the human he's looking for. The knights rush into the scene and start firing arrows upon arrows at the beast, only angering him further even though they barely even pierce his skin. Becoming annoyed by their attempts to kill him he lifts his head high in the air before surrounding the army with hot flames. Some manage to get out of the attack just barely yet badly wounded. Leaping into the air to move more inward of the kingdom he continues looking until a lone knight catches his attention. Recognizing Adrian immediately his nostrils flare up with smoke, seeing the one that has in his eyes, taken away his mate from him fills himnwith unbridled rage.
Seeing the anger flash across the dragon's visage your friend turns around a corner to avoid the incoming fire blast. The flames almost burning his suit. He has to find you quickly, if what you told him was true then Ryunir must be here for a special reason. Avoiding one fire ball after another, Adrian rushes towards the castle grounds towards the woods where he last saw you. With a loud roar the dark dragon climbs up one of the towers and leaps down, the force shaking the ground, sending dust all over and making Adrian stumble the powerful force of the wind throwing him against a nearby tree.
Forcing your friend against the wooden bark, Ryunir's throat starts heating up as he prepares to end the human in front of him, mouth wide open to rip him into pieces. ”Stop!“, Ryunir's jaws clamp shut just inches away, immediately turning his head towards the sound of your voice. The panic and worry on your face very much evident, you hurry over just to stand a safe distance away to keep his attention away from your friend. When he finally sees you standing there in the flesh, his wings lower and his eyes soften. His pupils dilating as he slowly steps closer, ”(y/n)...“, with an almost inaudible murmur Ryunir utters your name. Standing before you his head lowers towards you, sniffing and taking in your scent as if to make sure you're really there in front of him. Finally placing both of your hands upon his scaly snout he rumbles contently and closes his eyes, calming down against the soft caresses.
Adrian's gaze fleets between his friend and the massive dragon as he catches his breath. ”What's happening..?“, slowly he tries to force himself onto his feet with a groan, leaning against the trunk of the tree for support. The dragon immediately starts growling again turning his heated gaze back, but before any of you could say or do anything Ryunir gently lifts you off the ground just like the first time he did, sending Adrian another glare with a loud huff before spreading those massive wings and flying away.
Instead of landing at the castle like you assumed he stops at a far distance away in a clearing amidst the woods, landing safely by a lake and making sure to set you down on your two feet. ”There, you're safe now my mate.“, he announces proudly puffing out his chest, ”That bad human won't steal you away from me again.“ Ryunir wraps his tail around you and pulls you close, a pleasant warmth running through his entire body when you return the gesture.
”He's actually my friend Ryunir, he wasn't trying to steal me away. Adrian thought you would've eaten me back then in the castle.“, you clarify. For a moment his purring comes to a halt as he stares down into those eyes of yours, when he sees that you're actually being serious he averts his gaze almost like a pet that has been caught in an act. Yet he doesn't seem to be bothered by the chaos he's caused and quickly focuses back on the human before him. ”Oh well that doesn't matter. What matters is having my beloved treasure by my side again.“, without thinking he leans down and gives you a loving lick on the cheek. Seeing how stunned you are from his action he lets out an amused chuckle, curling up around your smaller frame, his head resting against yours. ”And there's nothing that will seperate us. That's a promise“
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Genocide Frisk: The True Tragic Villain Of The Story
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Hear me out...
It's already been talked about how Chara and Asgore are misunderstood characters... now it's Genocide Frisk's turn.
Do I think that what Frisk did is right? No.
Do the monsters deserve to be wiped out completely? No.
Are any of the main characters innocent? No.
But does almost everyone keep forgetting that Frisk is a child that died countless times and was given a dangerous power that they never asked for? Yes.
Imagine things in Frisk's point of view...
You're a child that fell into a mountain full of monsters. You could have a loving family. You could have a horrible family. You could be an orphan. You could be younger than a 10-year-old.
A talking flower tried to kill you. A motherly goat saved you. But then she leaves you by yourself. Almost every monster in the Ruins tries to kill you. And maybe a few succeed.
She offered you a place to stay and gave you pie. You want to go home. You asked how to leave.
She tries to destroy the exit and hurts you with fire.
You somehow managed to convince her to let you leave. But she tells you to never come back. She doesn't even give you a coat for the freezing snow.
A skeleton scares you as a prank. His taller brother wants to hurt and capture you, so he can be a royal guard and be popular. The smaller skeleton asks you to play along with his brother, like possibly imprisoning you is a game. More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you.
The taller skeleton hurts you, both with his traps and his own bone attacks. He fails to defeat you and feels sorry for himself. You say you could be his friend, both out of pity and so he can let you pass.
More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you. You hide from a giant scary knight. The giant, scary knight silently chases you and tries to kill you with glowing spears. She later reveals to be an angry and mean fish lady. She calls you a coward for refusing to fight her, mocks you for not attacking monsters and saying that everyone would be better off with you dead.
You only escape her, when she collapses from the heat of the lava. For some reason, you give your constant killer some water and she simply walks away, with no words or apologies.
You find a stereotypical nerdy lizard who has been spying on you and claiming that she wants to help you. But she also said that before meeting you, she built a human-destroying tv-star robot and the robot broadcasts your suffering. She keeps helping you defeat her creation, but something about it feels off.
The smaller skeleton decides to reveal that he promised the goat lady that he would watch and protect you. A promise that he failed to keep. Then he scares you at the restaurant, as a cheap mean joke.
The robot reveals that the lizard is tricking and using you to feel better about herself. The robot then tries to kill you and steal your soul, to become famous on the surface. And your suffering is still being broadcasted for the kingdom's entertainment.
The smaller skeleton has the nerve to come back one last time, to judge you.
You meet the King and the souls of his victims.
Souls that could've been children like you.
Eventually... after enough pain, deaths and resets... you feel something inside of you break...
But it's not your soul...
...it's your mind.
You're all the way back to the very beginning.
When you had first fallen down.
But this time, things are gonna be different.
These monsters had hurt you.
They killed you.
They had enjoyed killing you.
They killed others.
They want to kill everyone you know.
You can't let this happen.
You can't let them kill anymore people.
They are monsters.
Insane, cruel, blood-thirsty monsters.
You have to do this.
Even if you know what you're doing is horrible.
Even if it makes you no better than their 'beloved' king.
Even if it makes you hate yourself.
Because if you don't, they'll destroy humanity, including your loved ones.
And if that makes you the villain, then fine.
You're the villain...
(Basically, my version of Genocide Frisk is similar to Asgore. Genocide Frisk/Asgore are doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. They both think that wiping out the other species is the only way to keep their own species safe. Also, constantly dying had driven Frisk a little bit insane. Maybe more than a bit... But remember, this is only a theory, like Chara possibly being the story's narrator.)
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Request: Hello, this was translated with Google so sorry if there are errors, it's my first time making a request too so I'm very nervous. Well, I was wondering, if it's not a bother, if you could agree to write some headcanon about Syzoth and the reader is a shapeshifter (she can be a woman and a wild fighter just like the animal she transforms into, also her diet is based on raw meat just for the convenience of the story, I would greatly appreciate it) shapeshifter that is preferably a Jaguar? I love these big cats. With the following situation: she was captured by Shang Tsung for his experiments, it turns out that she also came to where Syzoth was (whom she initially considered evil because he was practically the sorcerer's servant) but they only saw each other a couple of times, until they moved her to another place (where she would meet Syzoth's family) and would continue the experiments causing her to have a condition where while she was in her human form she would have traces of Jaguar fur scattered over her body and face (similar to vitiligo but instead of spots would have a feline coat). After a while, she, along with other experimental subjects would try to escape, including Syzoth's wife and son, but only she and the small reptile could escape together since the mother of the small reptile would sacrifice herself to save her son from an attack, both would end up injured after escaping, which would make Shang Tsung think that they are dead. A couple of months after Syzoth learned that her family was "murdered" and Shang Tsung's plot against the empress, she would meet the reader and her son, whom he would quickly recognize, but she is on the defensive because she believes that he is a subordinate of Shang Tsung and tries to attack him (at this point the boy and the shapeshifter reader should already be like a family because she took care of the little boy as if he were her baby) the little boy stops her and then reunites with his father, She wants to go with him but she doesn't want to leave the girl and so she follows them to take care of the child. Then simply how does the relationship with Syzoth and reader develop? Sorry if it was too long, I just wish I could read something like that and I really like how you write, I hope you can accept my request.
A/N: Alright, dang, this is a long one. I hope I did this justice. Next time, @destructor-mk, just use my inbox, please.
The Lizard and Jaguar
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You are a proud Osh-tekk warrior and a born warrior through and through, proudly serving the Royal House to bring you, your people, and your family great honor. You have set your sights on climbing the ranks through Outworld’s military to serve as equals with General Shao, his second-in-command Reiko, and your King Kotal. Yet, for all your knowledge, your eagerness for any task, and your rare ability to turn into a Jaguar, you always seemed to fall short.
No matter what you do or how many hours you spend trying to practice harnessing the sun’s power, you can never seem good enough to be promoted. It seemed you had hit a wall and may spend the rest of your days as just an ordinary guard at the Royal palace. Never to see a real battle or taste the glory that came with it. Your frustration would often lead you to wander the edges of Sun Do in its seedier alleyways, looking for someone to fight to blow off steam and hopefully grow stronger.
This is how you met Shang Tsung, one of Sindel’s newly appointed Sorcerers. He watched as you entered another street fight, blending among the gathered crowd as they placed bets on who would win. Shang Tsung watched first to see if you and your opponent would make adequate test subjects. Yet, his attention was caught when, just as it seemed you were beaten, you made a comeback by transforming into a giant jaguar to make the winning blow. You let a roar in victory as the crowd cheered before transforming back, taking your winnings.
Shang Tsung intercepted you as you returned to the palace, hoping to make it before sunrise. He first complimented you on your tenacity and fighting abilities before inquiring why, for all your skill, he does not recognize you from General Shao's army. You bitterly explained that you can't maintain your jaguar form for long; otherwise, you know you would be a general by now. You mutter to yourself how you'd give anything to become stronger.
You didn't notice the devious smirk the Sorcerer gave before making you an offer you couldn't refuse. Shang Tsung told you that since he's a Sorcerer, he could make you stronger, faster and make your secondary form last longer and more powerful. All you had to do was meet him in the alley he met you in and at the same time. You accepted but didn't stop and think about how Shang Tsung's offer sounded too good to be true. If you did, you could've avoided what happened in that alleyway.
You arrived just as Shang Tsung instructed, only to find no sign of the Sorcerer. Instead, you were surrounded by a thick fog that made your head spin with each inhale you took. You let out a growl and demanded to know what is the meaning of this since, as a member of Outworld's military, you won't take this lying down. That's when a green figure blindsided you and knocked you to the ground. You rolled with the hit before returning to your feet, coming face to face with a masked figure. He held up his hands before speaking.
"Please stop; you'll make this more difficult for us both."
You growled before charging towards the masked figure to exchange blows. But as much as you were determined not to, you eventually faltered, allowing Syzoth to finally knock you out. You didn't hear his whispered apology as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. When you awoke again you were restrained on a metal table with Shang Tsung above you, with the most devious smile on his face.
"I assure you, I will give you all you want. Although, whether or not you will survive will remain to be seen."
You only knew pain from there. Shang Tsung would pump your veins full of a blue elixir for the first few days, setting your blood ablaze. You would scream and roar as you struggled against your restraints, which dug into your arms and legs. Then, just as the pain gets to a point that it's nothing but a dull throb. You would be released and then dragged to your cell before being tossed onto its unforgiving stone floors. After a while, you'd pull yourself into a corner of the cell and curl up there.
Each night, you would be left there with the only sounds from your cell: your bones shifting and cracking, teeth hitting stone, and low growls mixed in with pained heaves. You often scratched at your skin as the fur underneath grew in patches. The fur pattern matches the texture and pattern of your jaguar form, leaving you with a messed-up version of vitiligo. Your teeth eventually grew back, but they all sharpened and resembled your jaguar form.
The only positive, which is a very low bar at that point, of this torment was that every night, the same man that you fought before your capture would stop by your cell and slip in a heaping pile of meat through a small hatch. You just dug in and devoured it like the wild beast you now resembled. Teeth quickly dug into the meat like it was warm butter. However, you did care to learn the name of one of your captors after overhearing Shang Tsung reprimanding him for the close call with you earlier. Syzoth was his name, a name you would come to loathe for the part he would take in your torture.
After 12 days, you shockingly survived the transformation and all the elixirs Shang Tsung pumped into you. Unfortunately, that didn't mean the end of your torment or seeing your captors. Seeing as your condition stabilized, they immediately put you through more arduous tests. If you didn't willingly comply, Shang Tsung would punish you using electric shock in hopes of breaking you. When Shang Tsung finally decides he's done with you for the day and you're too exhausted or beaten to fight, he'd have his other minions take you back to your cell.
You received a new cell after surviving the initial experimentation. However, you had to share that cell with at least three other people, fellow experiments like you, plus two Zaterrans being held prisoner. A mother and her young son. You didn't speak much with the latter, often minding your business as you knew you must be horrifying to the two who never asked to be there. However, you would occasionally step in whenever a fellow experiment got too rowdy with the two, which mostly ended in you having to brutally kill them. Afterward, you'd return to your part of the cell to lick the blood off your fur and remaining skin.
But, unlike before, you weren't huddled in one spot to whimper like some newborn cub. This time, you were slowly digging an escape tunnel; you hid under your cot. The dirt you would get rid of by secretly dumping them out of your pockets either in a chamber pot or when being led to another round of testing. At one point, the Zaterran woman noticed your hole late at night, but she stared at you for a few tense moments before going back to sleep. She never said anything out loud, which did relieve you.
one night, during lights out, Shang Tsung flicked on the lights and opened all the cell doors. He announced that he would be pouring in toxic gas that would kill everyone. However, he would spare any of those who could kill another experiment and cease the gas. The Sorcerer explained that he was running out of room in his cells and wanted only the strongest experiments pandemonium broke out.
You aided the Zaterran woman and her son by ripping off the cloth from your cot to have them tie around their snouts so they don't breathe in so much of the toxic gas. You and the Zaterran woman fought side by side as you ripped and tore through many Tarkatan hybrids, all to protect the young boy behind both of you. However, the Zaterran couldn't fight for long, her stamina began to give, subjecting her to more deadly blows. Noticing this, you led her and her son back to your shared cell before closing the cell door, with the Zaterran tying it closed with her makeshift mask.
You ripped off a piece of your tunic to try and stop the bleeding in Zaterran's stomach, only for her to brush you off. Instead, she asks you if you'll take her son with you. When you tried to press her again, she only asked if you'd take her son out of this hellhole, so you acquiesced. You then watched the mother and son exchange their final words, with the son crying as he hugged his mother tightly and begging that she come with him. However, the mother reasons that she'll only slow him and you down. She tells the boy that he must live for both their sakes before pressing their foreheads against one another and parting. The Zaterran woman then rips away your cot before leading her son into it. You briefly stop to assure the woman.
The woman gives you a toothy smile before placing the cot back in place. You heard the woman give out a roar before the sound of wet tearing followed shortly after. You then took Jaguar form and started moving the tunnel as a huge section collapsed behind you. You only had a few feet left to dig before freedom, but you weren't sure you could dig it away in time. Luckily, you didn't, as the distraught Zaterran boy vomited acid at the wall in front of you, leading you to your freedom. After escaping, you and the boy were quick to limp away from Shang Tsung's horrid laboratory just as rain began to pour down on you both.
Afterward, you two made your way to the jungles of Zatera, where you both remained hidden for months. You knew the Royal Guard was out as you had overheard General Shao speaking at one point. He did nothing to help you or the people who were captured and experimented on, which just broke your heart.
During this time, you helped the boy learn how to hunt and stalk his prey, with or without his camouflage, which he was still trying to master. Sometimes, the boy will tell you about his life before Shang Tsung's laboratory, including his mother and father. Although the father wasn't captured with the boy and his mother, the boy assumed his father to be either missing or dead based on what the "Bad Man" would tell him and his mother.
You swore to the Boy that you will train him in the ways of the Osh-week so he may take his vengeance upon that vile Sorcerer for what he did to him and his family. The boy hugged you in return, which you reciprocated with a purr, much to your surprise. You would often let him sleep against you while you're in panther form to keep him warm and stay awake as long as you need to when he's inevitably awakened by his night terrors, unable to forget the horrors he's seen.
Meanwhile, a now-freed Syzoth would eventually catch word of a "Jaguar Woman" around the jungles of Zaterra just outside Zikandar. Thinking he knew who it was, as your body was never recovered, he made his way into said jungles, hoping to redeem himself for what he was complacent in.
After a long search and many close calls with some traps that included a Tygore trap, Syzoth did find the Jaguar Woman, you. You were not happy about it. In fact, so much so that when you decided you were done playing cat and mouse with Syzoth, you made yourself known to him. You cared nothing for the shapeshifter’s apologies and excuses, as you just wanted him DEAD. For the lives he helped taken and the pain he has caused, which Syzoth takes full accountability for.
He’ll also admit that you’ve gotten far stronger than the last time you two fought. You made quick and brutal work out of him, however just as you were about to deal the killing blow, your young charge appears before you, begging you not to kill his daddy.
You hesitated, torn between your love for the boy and your rage, but ultimately, your love won out and you spared Syzoth. The boy embraced his father, both crying as they held each other tight. The boy explaining how you have been protecting him this whole time, and Syzoth for how he thought he died alongside his mother.
Knowing this and hearing Syzoth’s side of the story, you two decided to return to civilization to co-parent his son. However, that didn’t mean you forgave Syzoth. And to say your relationship with him was rocky would be putting it mildly. Still, you two can at least agree on wanting the best for the boy, and bond over the horrors Shang Tsung inflicted on to you both.
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
Outlanders at the Pool headcanons
AKA sneaking into the Pridelands and chilling in Lake Matope/Urembo River until they get caught jfhhfhfgf
It was Janja’s idea after hearing Chungu and Cheezi complain that there wasn’t anywhere they could swim, with Tamka and Nduli doing the same. Janja says “f it” and invites all the hyenas, jackals, and crocodiles to go to a lake or river and take a day off while Jasiri’s away (probably making peace treaty with other kingdoms)
Shupavu and Njano come along, but only to sunbathe. They convince Kenge to join them
Mzingo acts as a lookout for the Lion Guard or any other notable Pridelanders (like the Royal family or key leaders like Makuu and Ma Tembo). If he sees any of them nearby, he’ll tell the Outlanders to hide
Cheezi started spinning in the water for no reason, then Chungu started copying him, then Goigoi. Tamka and Nduli think they’ve gone a little coo-coo crazy. Can’t blame them cuz all they see is three mammals going “Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! :D”
Kiburi’s float offers everyone rides. Yes, even Kiburi himself lets Janja ride on him. JUST THIS ONCE. FOR A LITTLE BIT. THEN HE CAN NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN
Janja rides on Kiburi, Chungu on Tamka, and Cheezi on Nduli. Nne and Tano take turns riding on Neema
Reirei likes swimming on her back…until Janja pushes down on her belly, dunking her underwater. The hyenas think it’s hilarious, Reirei does not
It’s okay though, cuz Dogo does the same thing to Janja
Kenge CAN swim, he’s just prefers not to cuz he’s not very good at it. He eventually joins the rest after Janja assumes he can’t
“Nice try, but lizards can’t swim.” *Kenge swims up to him, growling* “AHHH! LIZARDS CAN SWIM!”
Kenge also has Shupavu and Njano on his back while doing so. They’re acting all smug cuz they get to tease Janja and he can’t do anything about it hfhfgf
Goigoi: Should I bother Kenge?
Janja: Do you wanna die?
(Probably happens at some point hfhfgry)
I feel like either Janja or Shupavu would quote the “you’re all going to hell! Goodbye!” vine while gliding by on Kiburi or Kenge bfhfgfgf
The kids have their own version of chicken fights. Wema and Tunu playfully wrestle on Tamka and Nduli’s backs respectively. It started with Tamka telling Wema how crocs roughhouse in the water, then going “watch this!” and splashing Nduli and Tunu. Nduli retaliates by splashing Tamka back and before they knew it, Wema and Tunu started pawing at each other. It’s even more fun when Dogo and Kijana decide to join in on Neema
Everyone gets into a splashing war where nobody, not even Mzingo is safe. Janja and Kiburi started it
Overall, it’s a very fun and relaxing day with absolutely no interrupt—oh shit is that Vitani’s Lion Guard??? SHIT THEY CAN’T KNOW THEY’RE HERE! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WATER! GO GO GO!!!!!
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starsurface · 6 months
Hello!!! ^_^ i really enjoy your headcanons like... a lotSHSJSJNE. And i was wondering if you could write some hcs about CG!Syzoth with a babyspace regressor? :3 its totally fine if not!!!
Hi!!! I'm so glad you like them!!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Syzoth w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🦎 Really good CG!!! Absolutely adores regressors!!!
🦎 He’s really good with almost any headspace too!!! Might get a bit confused with middle regressors, but he’s learning <3
🦎 If you thought you were clingy, you haven’t meet Syzoth 🙄
🦎 Syzoth loves cuddles!! Adores them even!!!
🦎 He constantly wants to hold you, or have you on his hip, or hold you hand while walking about
🦎 This is very good with clingy or dependant regressors
🦎 But if you like your personal space or being slightly independent? He’ll give you some space, but would atleast like some cuddle sessions every now and then
🦎 Was actually so scared to turn into his lizard form while you were small
🦎 He knew you could handle it when you were big, but even that took a lot of convincing
🦎 What if your were scared of him! What if you start crying, or his teeth scare you, or his claws terrified you? Or-
🦎 Bap him on the nose and call him silly for thinking all those bad thoughts
🦎 Lizard Syzoth is also super cuddly, but even more so!!! (Your so warm and squishy!! Not at all like his reptile form)
🦎 Although he’s also very careful around you, he has sharp claws and teeth, and is also pretty big, so if you wanna cuddle with the big lizard, he makes sure he’s extra careful <3
🦎 Doesn’t matter what CG nickname you use, but Dada is definitely one of his favorites
🦎 The first time you called him any sort CG nickname, he kinda . . . broke down
🦎 Not that you did anything wrong!!! He just got really sad, remembering his son calling him all kinds of nicknames
🦎 But he does encourage you to continue calling him whatever you want, and apologies for scaring you
🦎 ^ A nice cuddle session would help him feel better, but if you wanna color him a picture instead, he would be over the moon
🦎 Calls you many nicknames!! Hatchling, Little One, Tiny, Sweetheart, and more!!
🦎 Keeps any pictures you make!!! He thinks they’re all beautiful, and got a binder just for them!! :D
🦎 From scribbles to detail, or coloring pages, all your drawing get praised!! <3
🦎 And if you wanna hang up any on the wall or fridge, he’s all for it!! 
🦎 Likes dance parties
🦎 I dunno why, but I could see him really enjoy spinning you around or just doing tiny hops with some pretty music in the background
🦎 Really good with any kind of protection (padding), and very soft and encouraging about it
🦎 Your go-to babysitters are kinda . . . everyone, from the Earthrealm friends, to the Royal House
🦎 ^ But Tomas, Ashrah, and Kitana are probably your biggest ones
🦎 He does get really upset when he has to leave you with them, especially when your already regressed, it just makes you both upset
🦎 He wants to watch after you!! Your his baby!! Does he really need to travel to deliver this letter? :(
🦎 Learnt how to control a phone just to communicate with you when he’s not there <3
🦎 I dunno about you, but I get super squeamish around bugs (had my siblings fight D’Vorah for me in MK11)
🦎 And if you also don’t like bugs, he’ll try not to eat them in front of you, atleast when your small
🦎 . . . Also one time he ate a butterfly and you sobbed so hard, he felt terrible
🦎 But if you do like bugs, that’s great!! :D
🦎 He’ll take you outside, help you finds them, and be very excited when you show them to him (no, he won’t eat them when you show them to him . . . He’ll eat them later, when your bigger)
🦎 He’ll take you outside even if you don’t like bugs, sitting on a blankie and sunbathing, or reading you a book
🦎 Your naptime is his naptime . . . because he gets to snuggle you <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually love Syzoth, he's super cool!! :D
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
First Meetings (Hero’s Shadow backstory!)
The highlands were particularly chilly today as Link looked out into the dunes of Gerudo territory. It was strange how he could be so close to barren heat while also freezing his butt off.
Trilling his lips, the half-Sheikah warrior stretched lazily, gaze drifting from spot to the next. He had been transferred to guard duty along the Hyrulian-Gerudo border for his new assignment. It was his first time truly far from home, and it was honestly pretty thrilling. Link loved to see and learn new things, and the Gerudo Highlands were so vastly different from the lush, wet valleys and mountains of home. Kakariko Village was tucked away near Lake Hylia, and Link had spent most of his youth swimming and rushing to the large Cracked Mountain - legend said an earthquake had caused the large split along its center, and it held mystical treasures within its belly, but all Link had managed to do as a child was get stuck halfway through and give his elders a heart attack.
Either way, he loved exploring, and this place was all entirely new. The Highlands were visible from the capital on the Royal Plateau, but he’d never really known what to expect of any of it. Now that he was assigned here, he wanted nothing more than to explore every inch of the place.
But at the moment he was on duty, and so he stayed in his position.
It wasn’t as if the Gerudo were particularly hostile. They were not part of the kingdom and needed to be watched, and they were a warrior people, making them more threatening than others, but still… they hadn’t really caused problems for Hyrule, nor vice versa. There was definitely a wariness between the factions, though, and it created tension.
Movement caught Link’s eye, and he turned, wondering if maybe it was another lizard (he had already collected three), when he realized it was a person. Small, far in the distance, but someone nonetheless. Curious and a little wary, Link crept closer, hand slowly resting atop his katana, and then he got a closer look.
It was a Gerudo. A teenager, from the looks of it - maybe even around his age. She had twin scimitars, and she was practicing with them, slicing hydromelons with ease. Link watched her a little while, watched the way she moved so fluidly, the way her muscles rippled with each twist and turn, the way her hair reflected the sun far more than the sands did. He felt himself staring a little too long, his heart fluttering a little, and he stepped back, a little overwhelmed. The girl seemed to sense his scrutiny, stopping and looking around before glancing upward at him. Link swallowed, throat dry.
She—she was—she was beautiful.
Link heard a sandal on stone, and his adrenaline immediately spiked, every nerve on high alert, just in time to see a shadow cast over him. He looked up and saw a large figure seemingly falling out of the sky towards him, large mace in hand, and Link gasped a little, rolling out of the way as the weapon slammed into the earth.
Grabbing the hilt of his katana with his left hand, the thirteen-year-old immediately went into action. The initial removal from the scabbard was a wide slash, pushing the figure—a man who bore Gerudo traits (but weren’t all the Gerudo women? That’s what he’d heard)—back a little to avoid getting eviscerated. The sun shone behind the man, blinding Link a little, and he changed his position, breaking the kata in order to get a better view. It gave his opponent an opening, and he took a large step forward, swinging the mace horizontally. Link ducked, thankful for his small stature, and jabbed his blade directly forward. His enemy twisted to the side to dodge, and Link’s flank was wide open, giving the man an opportunity to do a one-handed swing with his weapon.
It hit true, slamming Link in the ribs.
The young warrior went flying, hitting the cliffside and falling to the ground, trying desperately to catch his breath. He heard the person walk towards him, and then heard under his breath, in a bemused tone, “A child?”
Link gasped life back into himself, ignoring how his ribs protested, and he sprang back to his feet, gripping his blade with both hands as he did another sweeping cut to drive his enemy back. He jerked a little at the end of the fluid motion, hissing in pain. His ribs were definitely broken.
Did he have a fairy? An elixir? He didn’t remember packing anything, but—
Link’s eyes widened as the man strode forward purposefully, both hands around the leather handle of the enormous mace, and he swept it right where Link’s head was. Clapping his hands together, the teenager channeled his magic, feeling the air sucked out of his lungs as he disappeared before the weapon could land a hit.
Ganondorf stared, blinking at the blank space where the child had just been. Despite being caught off guard by the Hylian’s age, he was still armed and he’d still been watching his daughter, which merited a swift response. The Gerudo king looked around a moment, confused, before hearing clothes fluttering. He turned around wildly, still seeing nothing, and then the sun reflected off something bright just above him, and he looked up and—
The child was about to stab him in the head.
Hissing, Ganondorf pushed hard with his right leg, jerking his body to the side just in time for the Hylian to slice his blade across his shoulder and part of his chest. Ganondorf bit back a yell, his blood pumping faster than it had in ages, and when he’d finished dodging, he’d almost had to laugh.
He didn’t know how this child was actually managing to put up a fight, but this was actually kind of invigorating. The boy had even landed a blow!
Ganondorf knew he’d won, though, based on how the boy struggled to breathe, so he paused before continuing the fight. “Who are you, child?”
The boy immediately hesitated, clearly caught off guard by his change in tone, and he stood hesitantly in a ready stance. “My name is Link.”
“Link,” Ganondorf repeated, humming and putting the mace on a strap on his back. The Hylian hesitated, red eyes curious and hopeful and far too trusting. In an instant, Ganondorf pulled out his spear, slamming the boy’s abdomen with the blunt end. The child gasped, falling to his back, and the fight was over. Ganondorf approached him slowly, watching his chest heave as he struggled to breathe. He pulled out a red potion, plopping it on the ground next to the boy, and dug the sharp end of his spear into the earth beside the child’s light blonde hair. “Don’t watch my daughter again.”
With that, the Gerudo king walked away, wondering what in the world Hyrule Kingdom was doing sending children to its borders anyway. But he had to admit… he was impressed by the boy’s fighting prowess.
Link grimaced, turning enough to grab the potion and chug it, wondering what in the world just happened.
Despite reporting the incident to his superiors, not much was really done. Apparently, there was concern that this was the actual King of the Gerudo himself, and no one would dare cause problems by claiming the king had attacked a lowly Hyrulian guard. Link wasn’t important enough to merit a war. He also felt immensely guilty he’d even managed to bring about any concern for one.
Sighing, the teenager resumed his post the next day, a little more wary and more than a little put out.
When he heard a foot scuff on stone, he immediately drew his blade, wondering what kind of insanity he was going to deal with now.
Instead, he saw the girl he recognized from yesterday, carrying a basket and looking apologetic.
“Hey,” she said softly, holding her hands up to appease him. “I don’t mean any harm.”
“This is the Hyrule border,” Link warned, not moving.
“Yeah. I know.” The teenager replied dully, as if it were obvious. Well… it was, but still. What else was he going to say?
“That means you can’t be here,” he explained, though there was less force in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah,” the girl replied dismissively. “Technically I can’t cross the line. That’s somewhere between you and me. I’m still in Gerudo territory.”
Link lowered his sword, growing confused. “Yeah, but… what do you want?”
“I wanted to say sorry,” the girl replied, lowering her arms and gripping the basket with both hands. “My dad is… overly protective. But… yeah. You want food?”
Link blinked. Blinked again. “Uh… sure?”
The girl smiled, trotting over and grabbing a stick. She traced a line in the dry earth, easily creating a division between them. “There. There’s the border. I won’t cross this line. But we can have a picnic in the meantime.”
Link stared at her, then at the line, then back at her. And then he giggled. “A picnic sounds nice.”
The two sat across from each other, the center of the basket placed directly over the line, and slowly they started to eat and chat. And if they stayed there for hours until the sun started to set, neither really commented on it.
And if they saw each other the next day for another picnic, neither complained.
And if a King and Queen of the Gerudo stood exasperatedly at the bottom of the cliff the tenth time it happened, neither of them noticed.
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house-of-mirrors · 7 months
I'm gonna write a fic about a production of Macbeth performed in the Royal Beth
September gotta be there too because it's the Scottish play
Imagine all the real blood from the walls that can accentuate the scenes. And of course washing hands in the fountain
The witches' familiars are the cats and lizards
May hates the Masters but Mr Fires said it loved Lady Macbeth in that one season conclusion so why not, why not write it trying to shove its head in to watch. Solid B plot right there
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the-empress-7 · 7 months
I can’t stomach the conspiracy theories about Kate anymore!
You know in all my years of Royal watching I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit on here. And I have to say the absurd stories about Kate are giving “the BRF are lizard people” theories a run for their money.
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nerdyvocals · 2 months
Well, well, well, three films deep and it's time for a wedding! @look-at-those-niceass-rocks and I watched the Royal Wedding short film way back when we finished up D3, and I had originally planned on including it on that post as a bonus, but we had more to say about that than I thought, so it gets its own post. As per usual, the dumbassery is under the cut.
Evie: But wouldn't it be nice if people saw the dress too? Some people worked very hard on it. And I mean me, I'm some people. Bee: It's me, I'm bitches
Me: I'm sorry, why is Audrey planning the wedding?
Mal: Even my dad is coming! Evie: Oh! Don't forget your mom! Me: Why is she still a lizard???
Ben: Is that-? Bee: Your mother-in-law?
Bee: Why do you care so much about your dad walking you down the aisle, this relationship is entirely unearned
Mal: My dad wouldn't ruin my wedding on purpose Us: Wouldn't he???
Bee: I love that Chad's fit is just a recreation of Ben's coronation outfit
Me: Why did they have to kill of Carlos Bee: They didn't have to! Me: He said he wanted to be a vet, couldn't he just be stuck at school or something???
Bee: Jay could walk her down the aisle Me: That's the better choice here
Me: Uma, you should not be this eager to help your ex get married
Me: Why have they whitewashed Audrey so bad
Bee: Sometimes deadbeat dads can just be deadbeats dads, you don't have to redeem them
Fairy Godmother: Let's do this! *Music Starts* Me: Did this need a song? Bee: It sounds like a background song Mal: *stats singing* Bee: It is not!!!
Me: Where are Jane, Doug, and Lonnie??? Bee: Not in the budget
Me: Carlos is actually stuck at school and Jane is with him. Bee: That's all I'm saying
Bee: Does Ben not have any groomsmen??? Me: I guess not? Bee: I think Ben doesn't have any friends
Next up: Rise of Red
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bunchashapes · 2 years
any music recs?
i could have made this very short or entirely too long. i opted for the latter:
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I know. There's a lot of music out there. Well have no fear, because I've selected, organized AND categorized a fine number of music selections, just for you! I tried to keep it to just stuff you probably haven't heard of before, but I make no promises. Hopefully you'll find at least one new thing you can take with you into 2023.
Sounds good! Let's start with a few of those:
Vulfpeck - Okay you may already know about Vulfpeck. Sorry. If you HAVEN'T, they're a wonderful group of dudes from Michigan that are all insanely talented. They have a wide-range of styles they cover and pretty much every member has gone on to do other solo stuff, which may also suit your interests. They also have a spin-off band called The Fearless Flyers that I'll cover a little further down.
Jacob Mann (As well as his Big Band) - Jacob's solo stuff has a nice laid-back feel to it, while his big band stuff is slightly more bombastic, but all of it is fun and groovy. Great example of a musician effectively switching between different toolsets, whether its a whole group of talented musicians at his disposal or just a bunch of nice Roland presets.
EMEFE - They haven't been very active lately but EMEFE is an incredible ensemble with plenty of amazing music for you to listen to. Their live album from 2017 makes me wish i could go back in time and watch it live.
Louis Cole - Louis Cole's also pretty popular, but maybe you haven't heard of him! Originally hailing from Knower, he's collaborated with a ton of musicians (including Vulfpeck AND Jacob Mann Big Band, mentioned above) as well as produced an impressive array of solo music. I can't understate how much I love this guy.
Thundercat - Know who else he's collaborated with? Thundercat. Have you listened to Thundercat? You should really do yourself a favor and listen to Thundercat.
Sammy Rae and The Friends - Only learned about Sammy Rae very recently but The Feeling (linked) was an earworm that lodged itself in my brain for months. Infectiously positive vibes, a great ensemble and really brilliant singing.
Silk Sonic - Okay they played at the Grammys so it definitely doesn't count as a deep cut but listen to Silk Sonic anyway okay? Okay.
Can do. Your metric of kickass may vary but at least one of these should work for you:
King Gizzard and The Wizard Lizard - King Gizz has put out such an unbelievable volume of music that it's hard to just recommend ONE thing from them. I've linked Nonagon Infinity, a great little album with the fun gimmick of seamlessly looping front to back. They really haven't put out a single bad album, so just go wild.
Royal Blood - Royal blood's bassist plays through an octave pedal, giving their stuff this fuckin' beefy sound that's well-rounded enough you'd never guess the band is just a bassist and a dummer. Their style has gotten poppier lately but it's still all worth listening to.
Tricot - Tricot's been around for around 10 years now and their stuff has only gotten better over time. I feel like Math Rock is kind of an obtuse genre for most people but their recent stuff is absolutely worth checking out even if that's not your usual sort of thing. Makkuro (真っ黒) is my favorite album of theirs by far.
Thank You Scientist - Stranger Heads Prevail is probably one of my favorite prog albums ever and you'll probably like it too. Insanely good ensemble (the amazing triple threat of sax/trumpet/violin is such an integral part of their sound) and really fun vocals.
Nova Collective - Another incredible prog group. As far as I know they've only put out one album but it whips ass.
Ask My Bull - These guys popped out of the woodwork a few years ago and I've been obsessed with them ever since, I can't wait to see what they do next. If you're a horn-loving freak like me you absolutely need to listen to them.
Fearless Flyers - The previously aforementioned Vulfpeck spin-off band, guest starring Mark Lettieri of Snarky Puppy and the incredible Nate Smith on drums. Their album Tailwinds is easily one of my favorite albums ever, the addition of a sax trio takes their stuff from incredible to legendary.
Daikaiju - Kaiju-themed surf rock. That's really all that needs saying.
Well you're in luck! A wide range of things fit the bill:
Snarky Puppy - A powerhouse jazz/funk/rock ensemble full of insanely talented musicians. Just give this song a listen, you won't regret it.
The Dear Hunter - Dear Hunter (not Deerhunter. Different band) has remained my favorite band since high school. The band has a number of different projects, A collection of EPs for each color of the rainbow, a 5-part rock opera/narrative concept album (with a 6th part that may be a movie??) and other more straightforward albums that still cover a broad range of genres and styles. I think they're great and hopefully you will too.
Hiromi Uehara - Hiromi's probably my favorite pianist ever. Just watch that video. She's ridiculous. She also plays in an incredible trio and guest stars on my favorite Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra song! Preposterously talented and insanely fun to watch. I love her.
The Bad Plus - Speaking of great trios, you can't go wrong with The Bad Plus! Really vibrant arrangements and generally incredible musicianship throughout their work.
Esperanza Spalding - Obscenely talented bassist AND singer AND songwriter. As someone who sings and plays bass (not at the same time, of course) watching her do effortlessly do both at the same time is mesmerizing. I love her.
Chon - Chon's also pretty big now but I want you to imagine you're me at a Dear Hunter (see above) concert back in 2015 and one of the opening bands walks onstage and you're like "well okay what's these guys' deal" and then they start playing these fucking insane picking solos in perfect unison. I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. I wish everyone could experience Chon through those eyes.
You need ambient? I got your ambient right here.
Hiroshi Yoshimura - I was first exposed to the wide, wide world of Japanese ambient music back in college and in all my years since then, few things have been able to beat Yoshimura's atmospheric soundscapes. If you need music to shut your brain off (and who doesn't, from time to time), look no further.
Chihei Hatakeyama - Another Japanese ambient powerhouse, Hatakeyama's got a huge discography of music and all of it will knock your lights out (very pleasantly).
Green-House - Very much inspired by Japanese ambient, Green-house is described as "music for plants". I only wish there was more of it.
Joep Beving - Not exactly an ambient artist but a masterful practitioner of minimal, atmospheric piano. His style is understated but filled with emotion, a great mix of more classical elements with a modern cinematic flair. Great to work to!
You got it boss:
Yellow Magic Orchestra - You've probably heard of these guys by now. I've only known about them for 6-ish years after they had a moderate burst of fame here but I think it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say these guys were one of the principle pieces of genetic memory that coalesced into the DNA of modern electronic music. All three of the principle members, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Haruomi Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi (rest in peace) have all had really prolific solo careers in a ton of styles of music that are all worth your time.
T Square - An absolute titan of Japanese jazz fusion, their album Adventures is a veritable Rosetta Stone of video game music, directly inspiring a good number of video game songs including the dang mario brothers theme! Their stuff is an absolute joy to listen to.
Tatsuro Yamashita - Yamashita is often called the king of city pop and is (according to wikipedia) credited for pioneering Japanese "soft rock". Having grown up on the pacific coast, there's some ineffable truth in his schmaltzy surf music that touches me deep in my soul. You may not have the same experiences as I do, but I hope listening to him will allow you to tap into that divine spark and enjoy it for yourself.
Masayoshi Takanaka - Perhaps not quite as famous as Yamashita, Takanaka is a brilliant guitarist and musician known for that same schmaltzy pacific rock (just look at that damn guitar. I love him) as well as a number of other styles of rock and jazz fusion. He's got a huge discography and it's all incredible.
Casiopea - I would be remiss if I didn't mention Casiopea. I'm not an expert in Japanese music obviously, but I think it'd be fair to say they and T-Square are the two titans holding the glory of late 70's-early 80's jazz fusion like Atlas shouldering the world. Do yourself a favor and listen to Mint Jams.
Himiko Kikuchi - Truthfully I don't know much of Kikuchi's discography other than Flying Beagle (linked) but she absolutely killed it. Do yourself a favor and listen to that too.
I'm always happy to recommend unconventional stuff. Here's a few albums that I love to close us out:
Tom Waits - Alice - First of all, you should listen to Tom Waits. I know you know him as the Funny Voice Guy but he's had such an incredible musical career that starts great and only gets more and more amazing over time. Anyway, in the 90's, Tom and his wife (and writing partner since the 80's) Kathleen Brennan were scoring weird experimental musicals in Germany, namely The Black Rider (also worth listening to) and Alice. The musical is a strange extrapolation of Alice in Wonderland, namely inspired by Charles Dodgson's (Lewis Carroll) relationship with Alice Liddell, generally accepted as the real-life inspiration for Alice. Though the actual specifics of their relationship are uncertain, the age discrepancy and Charles' general fixation with Alice leads many to assume....the worst about their relationship, an interpretation the musical runs with. The actual musical is hard to find evidence of (there's some documentary footage from the 90's and I've found the script) but Tom rearranged his music for the show and released it in 2002, which in my eyes is the definitive version of the music. The album is unbelievably melancholic, heart-wrenching, at times deeply uncomfortable, and absolutely filled with beauty. Lost in the Harbor is maybe one of my favorite songs of all time. If ANY of this sounds even slightly interesting to you, I implore you to check it out. It also has Colin Stetson on saxophone and clarinet, which segues quite nicely to the next album.....
Colin Stetson - New History Warfare Vol. 2 - You may have actually heard Colin's music before, he's scored films like Hereditary, Color Out Of Space and the newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. New History Warfare is one of his experimental solo projects, most characterized by Stetson recording basically everything in a huge room filled with microphones, creating this incredible impression of scale. It's filled with some of the craziest shit I've ever heard someone do on a saxophone; long, galloping phrases with no pauses for air thanks to circular breathing, mixing in the sound of the valves opening and closing, and an incredible unnatural-sounding delay all achieved with live recording. The Righteous Wrath of An Honorable Man is one of the coolest things I've ever heard in my life (you've probably already heard it before) but the whole album is absolutely captivating.
Caroline Shaw - Partita for 8 Voices - Caroline Shaw is an amazing musician, singer and composer. All of her stuff is really beautiful and worth listening to, but few things stand out as much as this composition, written for and performed by a cappella group Roomful of Teeth (which is probably the sickest possible name for a choral group). I feel like a cappella music has a woefully bland perception among most people (thanks in no small part to Pitch Perfect); all lavish arrangements of pop music with absolutely no soul. If this is what you think all a cappella music is, I urge you to listen to this album. It's a masterful blend of speech, song and energy, filled with a vibrancy and passion I have a difficult time putting into words. You really just have to listen to it.
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hlficlibrary · 2 years
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✤ Neighbors Fics✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ In Dreams by dolce_piccante / @haydolce [M, 23k]
AU. When Harry moves to a new city, his new flat come with a number of sweet, anonymous gifts and surprises that brighten his days. Could it be a friendly ghost? Another friendly presence in his new building is his tattooed neighbor, Louis, who seems determined to put a smile back on his face.
2️⃣ I Didn't Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) by @allwaswell16 [E, 20k]
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
3️⃣ happiness comes in on tiptoe by scagnetism [NR, 9k]
There is a supermodel standing at Louis’ door. He suddenly feels extremely insecure about his unwashed hair and clothes that have seen better days. He’s sure his mouth has fallen open, but there is a supermodel standing on his doorstep.
Or, the AU where Louis is new to the neighborhood and Harry is the angel living next door.
4️⃣ That's How I Know by @allwaswell16 [E, 19k]
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees.
Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
5️⃣ please don't be in love with someone else by wildestdreams / @butyouneverdo [E, 18k]
Harry ran after Niall, out the door, pausing at the doorway, realizing he was only in his boxer briefs and yelled out, “Niall! You forgot your lunch.”
Just as Niall paused from all the way down the hall, the door opposite theirs opened and the hottest boy Harry had ever seen walked out, eyes widening when he spotted a half naked Harry.
Harry was so fixated upon the boy across from him, who was staring right back with his mouth now hanging open, he’d missed it when Niall bounded back towards him and grabbed the lunch before popping a kiss on his cheek and leaving again. The kiss snapped Harry out of his daze and he let out a breathy laugh as the pretty boy walked out furthermore, closing his door behind him. He gave Harry a small smile back, raising his eyebrows in amusement while looking down past Harry’s waist and then back up.
or The one where Harry and Louis are neighbors and there's a lot of overthinking, misunderstandings, Backstreet Boys sing alongs, embarrassing moments in the hallway, and pining. They somehow still make it work.
💎 deFENCEless by solvetheminourdreams / @cursethedaylight [T, 27k]
"I moved here first," Louis says with finality, crossing his arms over his chest.
Harry shoots him an unimpressed look before leaning forward, leaving only a tiny gap between them.
"Then get the fence first," he whispers, lips a mere inch or two away from Louis'.
When Louis butts heads with his new neighbor who loves to garden a little too much, all he can do to protect his yard (and heart), is keep on building up his fence(s).
💎 Cut to The Feeling by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry [E, 16k]
Louis has just moved into his new apartment in the fancy Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in London. All was well until he notices that his neighbour rarely closes the curtains which makes for an unlikely friendship to form.
Or AU where Louis is a ghostwriter working from home, and Harry is his firefighter neighbour who happens to have the cutest dog on Earth.
💎 a garden in bloom by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry [G, 10k]
Louis used to live the quiet sweet life of a small business owner in the English countryside.
Then Harry Styles came along.
💎 Through the Wall (Through the Wall) by @taggiecb [M, 5k]
"We live in adjacent apartment and one day I accidentally knocked a hole in the wall and into your living room. I'm really sorry oh my God you're naked" AU 
💎 Love Mail by @neondiamond [G, 5k]
A week after moving into a new apartment complex, Harry discovers the mailman doesn’t seem to know the difference between numbers 23 and 28. He’s not too mad about it when he finds out just how handsome his neighbour from apartment 28 really is.
Or the one where Harry and Louis keep mistakingly receiving each other’s mail (and also fall in love).
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