#look if you haven’t played it do yourself a favour and do it immediately
super-antelope · 5 months
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DOLORES DEI - The Greatest Innocence
”When her innocence was declared -- and the queen she had advised for years fell on her knees before her -- she was so overcome with emotion that her *lungs* started *glowing* in her chest.”
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Hotch x reader - not so secret
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Hello, I hope it's not too much to ask. Could you possibly do a Hotch x BAU!reader, where they get caught (nothing spicy tho, if that makes sense) in his office by his team. - Anon💜
Slipping into the office, you closed the door quietly behind you and grinned a little as you turned around.
“Didn’t I tell you to take the day off?” Hotch asked.
“Well, yeah, but I was bored.”
Hotch hummed a little, closing the file on his desk.
“You haven’t had a proper day off in weeks.”
“Neither have you.” You countered.
Hotch chuckled a little bit, standing up and he closed the blinds, walking over to you and he brushed his knuckles along your cheek.
He leant down, pressing his lips to your forehead, and you closed your eyes.
“I’ll be fine.” He whispered.
“Just take a small break Aaron, before you overwork yourself…”
Hotch smiled softly at you, running a thumb along your cheek.
“Alright, a small break. Now show me what’s in your pockets.”
You walked over to his desk, reaching into the pockets of your jacket you pulled out a cup of coffee, setting it down, then you reached into the other pocket, pulling out another cup.
“(Y/N), darling, I love you, but I’ve told you to stop putting coffee cups in your pockets.”
“Ha, jokes on you aaron I have more.”
You unzipped your jacket, reaching into the inside pockets to pull out a bag, and Hotch walked over, looking inside of it.
“Okay, so now you’re carrying a bag of doughnuts?”
You grinned and him and Hotch placed a hand on your shoulder, turning you around and reached into your other pocket, pulling some candy bars out.
“I plan on staying so suck it up.”
He chuckled again, holding the back of your jacket so you could take it off and he hung it up with his own before walking back over.
Hotch placed his hands on your waist, and you cradled his face between your hands, letting him lean into your touch.
The moment your hands held his face he immediately relaxed, letting out a sigh of content.
“You need to take care of yourself too… I’m worried about how hard you work…” you whispered.
“I know… I know I’m sorry…”
Hotch leant down, brushing his lips against yours in the ghost of a kiss.
He wasn’t always one for initiating physical contact, sometimes he over thought, and so you leant forward to kiss him.
You moved a hand to the back of his head, playing with the hairs in the base of his neck, and he smiled into the kiss.
He pulled away only slightly.
You frowned a little bit.
“They’ll catch us out eventually..” he whispered.
You shrugged a little bit, placing your hand on the back of his head.
“I don’t care…”
This made him chuckle a little bit and lean back down to give you another kiss before he finally pulled away fully.
Hotch picked up your coffee cup, handing it to you, and picked up his own, sitting down in front of his desk.
You sat down with him, resting your head in his lap as you looked up at him, setting your coffee down in favour for holding his hand in yours instead.
You held your hand in the air, staring up at your conjoined fingers.
“So, have you thought anymore about the weekend?” He asked.
“You mean going away?”
He hummed a little, nodding his head.
“Yeah, what do you think about it? You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to, Jack is as begging me all last night to ask you again.”
You laughed softly, resting both your hands on your stomach.
Hotch set his coffee down, bringing his other hand up to run his hand over your hair.
“I think it sounds pretty cool, I loved camping when I was a kid, my dad taught me everything I know.”
“So, does that mean you can pass your well rounded knowledge of camping down to Jack ready for his trip next month?” He grinned a little.
You laughed softly, bringing his hand up so you could kiss the back of his hand.
“Yes dear, I will pass my camping wisdom on to your son and teach him all he needs to know.”
Hotch grinned a little, leaning down and you met him halfway so you could kiss him.
“You’re a lifesaver…” he whispered.
“I’m just that great.” You beamed.
He chuckled again, leaning down to kiss you once more, and his office door was opened.
You tilted tour head back, and he looked up, you grinned a little bit while he just stared at Garcia.
“Garcia don’t do it.” He warned.
She squealed a little bit, clamping a hand over her mouth.
“Garcia?” You asked.
“I’m sorry I can’t! Oh this is so juicy!” She equaled.
“Garcia!” You both yelled.
It was too late because she was already running down the stairs and you snickered a little, resting your head back on Hotch’s lap.
He sighed, but let out a small chuckle.
“Guess times up on keeping this hidden.”
You hummed a little, sitting up and turning around to face him.
“Is it really so bad?”
“No, it isn’t. I’m happy to know that they all know, but you’re answering all the questions.”
“Is that really a wise idea Aaron?” Rossi asked.
You and Hotch stood up, turning to the faces of the grinning team who were blocking the exit.
“You’re both going to answer all our questions.” Derek smirked.
“Interrogation time you two, sit.” Emily said.
You and Hotch sat down at his desk, you in his chair while he sat on the desk in front of you.
You knew they weren’t going until you two had answered all their questions, you were both going to be there for a while
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: MOON AERA, born on the 18th of JUNE, 1997 and bears a striking resemblance to LEE SAEROM. they’re a FIRST year BACHELOR OF MUSIC COMPOSITION student and HAVE BEEN IN MULTIPLE COMMERCIALS — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a FAMOUS CELEBRITY, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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“it’s a girl?! you really are pleased with yourself, aren’t you hyung? such a lovely princess after two boys must be nice — and dad must be happy too after so many grandsons… oh, by the way, are you and your boys free next saturday? my yejun has been begging to see his cousins.”
“oh dear, jihye… i know you said your daughter was a doll but i wasn’t expecting such a… well, lovely girl.”
(KKT → 김XX) she must think she runs the goddamn school (KKT → 송XX) she isnt even half as pretty as you (KKT → 송XX) and her nose is so big omfg id rather die (KKT → 김XX) and those eyes… ㅋㅋㅋ (KKT → 김XX) her older brother is so cute tho (KKT → 김XX) and i hear theyre rich so we have to play nice (KKT → 송XX) thats true… oh get this (KKT → 송XX) my friend from her class told me she might have exo over for her birthday party (KKT → 김XX) EXO??? now ur just making things up
“there’s no way i’m letting that bitch moon aera get the black bishop seat. she’s so full of herself. like who does she think she is, anyway? she acts like she already has it.” “uhhh, minah? i think that was her washing her hands just now. the one that just left.” “…well, whatever! what can she do to me anyway?”
(KKT from 임민수) cho minah just resigned (KKT from 임민수) not sure what happened but (KKT from 임민수) congratulations (KKT from 임민수) now i just have to make it so it’s us two (KKT from 임민수) since we’re both nominated by bc8 i mean (KKT from 임민수) no other reason…
“top 10 hottest girls? first has got to be moon aera, man. haven’t you seen that milk commercial that’s everywhere now? yeah, i’d hit that. and if she ever became famous, i could brag about how i had sex with a celeb!”
[+69, -107] sooooo obvious moon aera can’t f*cking sing so why does the company keep pushing her instead of the rest of the members who have been there since debut… her face honestly pisses me off so much
[+145, -23] I LOVE YOO SIAN <3 she’s such an adorable character ㅋㅋㅋㅋ so scatterbrained… aigoooo…how did she get into the police force like that… can anybody tell me who’s the actress playing her? is she a newbie? how come i haven’t seen her in dramas before? she’s so good
“no way! you haven’t heard the news? oppa, weren’t you their manager longer than me? well… you didn’t hear it from me but rumour goes that ouiwish’s disbanding pretty soon. shocking, right? and after all that hype during their previous comeback too — aera’s going to be so pissed she did all that vocal training for nothing.”
“yeah, a soloist. dad pulled some strings to bring you to our company so we can take care of you better. dunno what mr. baek was thinking, letting you take all that hate from those bitches. as if the haters weren’t enough. so much for that favour. yeah, just focus on your current schedule for now. uh-huh. yup. yup. okay bye, say hi to your brothers for me.”
[+412, -56] her solo debut was insanely good but this comeback?? she might win korea’s hearts with this, she’s improved so much!! AAHHH i love you so much aera, i’m sosososo glad you didn’t give up after wiwi disbanded ㅠㅠ
“hi babe! this’ll be fast so just listen; director jung’s looking for a female lead for his new thriller movie. you know how picky he is, right? we’ve had to cast three different actresses because he keeps kicking them out when it’s time to film their scenes — says they just aren’t right, wants a new one asap. boom! immediately thought of you and showed him your clips from that police drama. he says he wants you to come in tomorrow for a test shoot. you can make it, right? atta girl. i’ll send you the script, make sure to memorise it by tomorrow. don’t embarrass me.”
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yaksha-lover · 2 years
You Vamp!Au of TWWL is lovely. Can we introduce some GenZ!Mc in there? U know. For chaos
GenZ!MC + Twst Vampire AU
cw: entirely crack, i tried to make this serious but i can’t, i’m deeply sorry but also i’m gonna have to preface this by saying if the “humour” (it’s not actually funny) is cringe it’s because i am actually a very cringe individual with the sense of humour of a 12 year old. also i’m pretty sure i lost multiple iq points writing this
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“Malleus, I have something to tell you. It’s very hard for me to say but,” you pause to work in a sniffle, “I’ve been diagnosed with Ligma. I don’t know how much time I have left.”
With fake tears and tissues straight out of a youtuber apology video, you begin your torment on poor, innocent Malleus.
He’s silent for a moment. Malleus gets up, straight-faced and pulls you into his arms.
“I’m deeply sorry, child of man. I haven’t heard of this illness before but it matters not. Lilia and I will do everything in our power, scour every corner of the earth until we find a cure,” Malleus says, without breaking eye-contact.
“LIGMA BALLS,” you yell. Malleus’ arms loosen in surprise, and you’re able to run, high-five a hiding Ace who’s face has turned red from laughter, and escape to who knows where.
Malleus feels ten years get taken off his life.
You’re sitting on the couch with Rook, legs splayed on his lap. Vil is sitting across from you, as far away as he can presumably get, looking disgusted at Rook for associating with you. You make eye contact and blow him a kiss. Vil swerves it, clearly disturbed.
“Begone thot.”
“I don’t know Vil, that’s not what your mom was saying last night when I-“
Rook clamps a hand down on your mouth. It seems even he’s astonished by your depravity. You make eye contact with him before slowly licking his hand. He doesn’t pull away. Okay, now you’re the scared one.
Vil can feel the stress lines forming on his face. He gets up, presumably to start an extensive skin treatment.
Sitting in the living room with Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack, playing a game of cards when suddenly your next victim walks in. You put down your winning hand, forgoing your victory for what you know is a good cause, a worthy sacrifice.
“Hey, Trey. Would you mind doing me a favour?” You ask him, tone neutral and inconspicuous.
He stops his path to the kitchen, and turns towards your table.
“Of course, MC, what can I do for you?” Trey smiles in his usual friendly way, unaware of the pain that he’s about to endure, the cringe that will keep him awake at night.
Ace is quite literally dying, Deuce is covering his face with his hands, and Epel is already groaning, knowing your antics far too well. Jack, per usual, is unaffected and keeps playing the game, completely apathetic at this point.
“Well since I’m not allowed to leave the mansion, would you mind picking up something for me in town? There’s this baker Joe told me about who’s apparently amazing,” you gush, watching Trey’s face diligently. You don’t want to miss a single moment of this.
“Joe? Who’s Joe?”
“JOE MAMA BITCH,” you get up and immediately start fortnite dancing on his (figurative) corpse. Trey collapses to his knees. Life has no meaning to him anymore. Ace and Deuce are crying, simultaneously tears of laughter and pain stream down their faces. Epel is curled up in a fetus position on the floor, rocking himself back in forth to try and escape the pure agony. Jack continues playing by himself, now alone at the table.
You’ve had mercy on Riddle, thus far, knowing his small body can only contain so much emotion at one time. Alas, the day has come where you can no longer hold yourself back. The day that will be known as ‘the great bofa incident’.
A plan that has been weeks in the making, Riddle has no idea that he’s been perfectly set up to take the bait. With Trey as your accomplice (you told him if he did this for you, you wouldn’t target him again - a lie), Riddle’s been given a recipe that Trey’s assured him needs to be followed exactly, lest the entire dish be ruined.
Together in the kitchen, you sit on the counter while Riddle stands near the stove. He turns to you, holding Trey’s recipe.
“Trey has created quite the intricate dish. Even I haven’t heard of this ingredient. Has Trey provided you with this…bofa? Is that some kind of herb?”
If Riddle had bothered to look up as he spoke, he would see the evil smile forming on your face. Weeks of effort, all culminating into this one moment. Some might call it a waste of time, such a tedious process for such a small moment?
Those who would make such claims are those who have never experienced the pure joy, the rush that comes from a getting someone so unsuspecting with such a fantastic, ingenious even, line.
Riddle is stunned. Flabbergasted, even. You expect some kind of reaction, maybe even anger or an outburst but he gives you nothing. You leave him alone in the kitchen, simply disappointed.
Riddle locks himself in the his room for weeks following the incident. No one knows if he’s dead or alive. He can’t even cry anymore, only capable of sitting in the corner and staring blankly ahead, trapped in an existential crisis and losing his will to keep going a little more each day.
Idia has been going on and on to you about his latest experience with an online troll during one of this gaming sessions. Ample opportunity is created for you to strike again, and you cannot resist your true calling.
“Who?” You say to Idia.
“I don’t know their name, it was just a stranger-“
“No, who asked?”
With this sick blow, you’ve completely shattered all of Idia’s already non-existent self-confidence. He deflates, face planting on the floor and not having the will to get up. Idia is reduced to a heap of blue, becoming a stranger to all emotions except for pure cringe. The doctors say he won’t ever recover.
“Gottem,” you say to yourself as you walk out, leaving the carnage you created behind.
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Two Worlds Collide.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: You and Eddie strike up an unlikely friendship, built on the foundations a little white lie, are things going to unveil and fall apart, or will he overlook the slight dishonesty in favour of something more?
Warnings: No warnings, this is kinda sweet/fluff content. Unless you count a couple of curse words as needing a warning? Idk, I haven’t written fanfics in like 8 years so I’m a little rusty…
Note/Request: Requested by anonymous. “So, imagine this preppy/cutesy reader asking Eddie to help to them find more “alt” clothes. the reader says it because they’re in the drama club and they need it for their next play, but reader just wants a date with Eddie ;)"
Word Count: 2.8k
Send me prompts to write about!
You walked into class wearing a pastel pink sweater, the collar of your white shirt underneath poking out from the neckline. Light blue denim jeans with the ankles cuffed, white tennis shoes on your feet, your hair was in loose braids as you took your seat at your desk. It was just another Monday morning for you, sipping from your pink reusable water bottle once you had tugged out your notebook and pencil case to settle them on the desk in front of you.
Glancing up from your spot as someone loudly threw themselves into their seat beside you, persona the opposite of your own. Long curly hair framing their face, dressed in beaten up Reeboks, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and chains on the hips, some sort of grunge t shirt that you couldn’t pinpoint from where you sat, somehow he was wearing both a denim and leather jacket simultaneously. The student smelled of cigarettes and strong cologne, a vast difference from your fruity body mist, but you almost didn’t mind it. There was an edge to this guy, it was alluring, it’s like they had gotten the two most alternative students and placed them side by side for comparison.
“Nice to see you actually decided to join us, Edward!” your tutor announced, voice full of amusement and sarcasm, causing him to scoff in response.
You didn’t recognise him, but you didn’t think he was new. Maybe, like the teacher implied, he ditched too often for you to have gotten the chance to make his acquaintance. That didn’t matter though, the bell signalled above, and the glass settled down to allow Ms. Butler to start the first class of the day.
A tap of a pencil on your table captured your attention, looking in the direction of the culprit, Edward. He was offering you a lazy smile before leaning closer to mumble to you, avoiding the gaze of the strict teacher up front.
“Hey, Pinkypie. Can you do me a solid?” he mumbles.
Shrugging your shoulders, waiting to see if he was going to ask you for something that was actually attainable, seeing him visibly relax as you hadn’t shooed him away immediately.
“I’m like really behind in this class, can you write me up a copy of your notes, please?”
Looking confused, you scrunch up your face as if to silently ask why you should be helping someone that cant even be bothered to study. His leg bouncing impatiently as he’s constantly flickering his gaze between you and the teacher, letting out a soft groan as he leans closer again, “please,” he begs.
You nod, taking pity on him. He looked exhausted, and he wasn’t asking you for too big of a favour, although you made it abundantly clear that this wouldn’t become a common occurrence for you both. Neatly ripping out a page from your notebook, you start working on copying up your notes so that the poor guy had a version he could keep up with, sliding it his way just seconds before the bell rang, he snatched it up with a grateful smile on his face.
“You’re the best, thank you!” he grins, standing up from his desk once the bell went, shooting you another look of appreciation before he disappeared out of the room, leaving you to pack up your things in a hurry.
For the past couple of months, it became a routine. You had sworn to yourself that you weren’t going to help him like this, but the way his eyes would crinkle as he smiled at you and the way he said your name so softly, you were smitten. The routine went as follows; he slumps down late beside you and places a can of your favourite soda on your desk, grape soda, you would already have two sets of notebooks out on the desk and spend the class writing everything out twice so you both had a copy. When the bell rings? He would ruffle your hair each and every time with a bright smile and a proud “thank you” before the bundle of curls would disappear out of the door. It was a simple arrangement that you really didn’t mind being part of it and it only took a couple of times before he was bringing you a present, so you didn’t feel extorted. Your parents didn’t allow you to have soda, so this was Eddie’s way of repaying you for the fact you were so willing to help him.
Somehow you had developed a small crush on the slightly older student, you had no interactions outside of this arrangement and yet the way he would look at you so fondly had your heart in a chokehold. He didn’t seem like he would be your type, rough around the edges and quirky, a juxtaposition to your preppy “good girl” image, but you were never one to expect to put people into boxes and judge them for their appearance. You felt yourself wanting to get to know him a little better, you were on a first name basis and boy did he say your name so beautifully. But it still felt very platonic and brief, and it was, but you wanted more. You would take note of a new band shirt whenever he sported one you didn’t recognise, wanting to look into his interests to try and learn about him a bit more.
Today was different, you had traded your usual sweaters with an AC DC tshirt that you tucked into the waistband of your blue jeans, your tennis shoes traded in for a black pair of Vans sneakers. It wasn’t a massive difference on the grand scheme of things, it was a very safe option for anyone else, but it was completely out of your comfort zone. You didn’t know more than a couple of songs from them, but you knew he liked them and that was a good enough excuse for you.
Once you slid Eddie his notes at the end of class, he thanks you as always before stopping to look down at your torso, this was the first time he didn’t sprint away immediately. Raising a brow in shock as he wouldn’t pin you as the kinda person to be into his kind of music, you hadn’t even realised he was looking at you as you packed your bag.
“Cool shirt, man.” He says simply, smirking in your direction.
“O-oh, thank you?” your voice full of nerves and clearly unsure of yourself.
“I love AC DC, they’re epic!” he announced proudly, this was definitely the most interested he had been in your conversations in a while, your cheeks warm to the touch, “wouldn’t expect you to be a fan, Pinkypie…” he laughed fondly.
“I know a couple songs, and the shirt was just really cool, you know? Plus, I need to play a cool ‘alternative’ girl for my drama class so I’m just getting into character..” you mumble nervously, to which he just gave you a reassuring grin.
“Lemme know if you need any more recommendations, yeah?” he squeezed your bicep before running off to his next class, leaving butterflies soaring around your stomach.
Since that day, you had slowly introduced a few more band shirts into your collection, all considered pretty mainstream bands in terms of the metal scene. You had only just scratched the surface, but you were definitely trying to explore this more expressive sense of style. Your hair was still in soft braids, but your sweaters had soon been replaced by these shirts, your denim jeans had been traded in for high wasted skater skirts that you occasionally paired with fishnet tights. Sometimes you still wore your frilly socks that poked out the tops of your shoes, a perfectly adorable blend of preppy and metal, it was definitely catching Eddie’s attention.
“I was thinking…” Eddie starts, setting down your soda on your desk.
“Don’t hurt yourself” you interrupt with a giggle, causing the sweet metal head to playfully (and gently) smack your arm with the back of his textbook, before he continued.
“Rude! Okay, I was thinking that after school I could show you where to find more of those shirts, yeah? For your performance? How’s that sound?” he offers.
“That—That would be great, thank you so much.” Cheeks pink at his offer.
He just smiles in your direction, slumping back in his desk and drawing random doodles on his paper, he had the time to do his own notes but did he? No. He would much rather poke you or make you giggle or tell you a lame joke whilst you did the hard work, and truly you didn’t mind that either.
The bell rung. Class ended. You traded papers before disappearing to opposite ends of the school for the remainder of the day. You were a nervous ball of energy for the rest of your classes as you were full of excitement knowing that you and Eddie were going to hangout together alone for the first time ever. You walked back to your locker to drop everything in place for the night, grabbing your homework that needed to be completed for the morning, squealing in shock as hands cup your shoulders from behind.
“Jesus, its just me Y/N!” he laughed, making you giggle too, “ready?” he questions.
Shutting your locker and swinging your backpack over your shoulder, you nod once in agreement before happily following alongside him as he guided you back to his van, him talking excitedly about all the band shirts he wanted you to look at and all the places he was going to take you to. He was clearly a master in this subject, and you were more than willing to be his student, soaking in any information he threw your way and making a mental note of what he told you to avoid.
The drive to the mall was quicker than expected, climbing out of the van as Eddie lead you into the less populated side of the mall, the side where all the music and skate shops were located, a few second-hand shops mixed in there too. He immediately took you into the music store, guiding you to the back where the merch was on the shelves, talking you through all his favourites as you picked up a couple items in your size. Picking up a black Sex Pistols shirt and passing it to you, you take it with flushed cheeks as he casually says, “this will look cute on you.”
Six shirts, four new cassettes and just shy of $100 later, you and Eddie found yourself leaving the mall with smiles on your faces. Bags in hands whilst you both licked at the Ice Cream you’d purchased from one of the stands at the food court, his chocolate and yours strawberry with sprinkles. Throwing everything in the trunk of the car before you both lean against the hood of the car whilst you ate, slightly exhausted from the hot mall zapping your energy.
“So, what’s the play about?” he questions, voice full of interest.
“Play?” you seemed confused, so caught up in the excitement of hanging with Eddie that you had forgotten the ruse that had gotten you into this situation in the first place.
“Yeah? Y’know, the reason we got these shirts?” voice full of confusion as he finished up his ice cream and wiped his fingers on the side of his skinny jeans.
“Oh! Oh… Uh… shit,” you mumble, deer in headlines as you were terrible at coming up with things on the spot, scrambling for something to say whilst Eddie just stands there with a smug grin on his lips, reading you like a book.
“There never was a play, was there?” his question came out as more like a statement before you could even cover your ass, you just shake your head in shame. You didn’t want him to think badly of you, but you also couldn’t lie to him any further.
“I’m sorry…” you sigh, drying your hands with your napkin once you were done with the treat.
“For what?” folding his arms as he glanced you up and down.
“For lying to you? Wasting your time?” you ask, braving looking up at his face.
“The lie was harmless, I can get over that, but you didn’t waste my time.” He said simply, a sigh of relief escaping your lips, “This has been so much fun, I love having someone invest in my interests, even if it was for a fake reason,” he laughed.
“I do like these bands, I swear!” you got a little defensive, the role was the lie, your interest in his music and his hobbies were completely genuine.
“Name one song from the Master of Puppets record, and do not say the title track, I’m waiting.” he chuckles, testing you.
“Battery, Welcome Home, Disposable Heroes…” you start to list them, a smug grin on your lips as you were able to successfully name not one, but three of their songs, he looked impressed with you. “And I know you can play Master of Puppets on your guitar, and you want the Iron Maiden zombie face thingie tattooed!”
“Okay, okay, I get it!” hands up in defence whilst he laughed, you truly had been paying attention and taking notes on everything that he had taught you recently. He had a fond look on his face as he realised you paid more attention to him than most people did, others would have brushed him off, but you went to the effort of lying to get into his circle and get him to open up to you. You clearly gave a shit about this more than originally thought.
“Am I forgiven?” you ask sheepishly, to which he snorts a laugh.
“Totally. Its not everyday that a cute little lady goes above and beyond to get my attention, I’ve gotta say, it’s incredibly sweet.” He confesses, nudging your arm with his shoulder fondly, causing you to sway a little before grinning up at him.
“Oh, shut up! I’m not cute!” you defend, whining as your cheeks betray you whilst they flush pink and start to hurt from how hard you are smiling.
“You’re the liar here, not me, Pinkypie.” His voice oozing with smugness as you swat playfully at his chest with your hands to silence him, pouting as he catches your wrist and uses that to tug you closer to him.
Suddenly his hands were on your hips, and you were standing chest to chest with him as he leant back against the car, still towering over you even at this angle. You had your hands up against his chest, eyes wide as you took a moment to admire each other in silence.
“H-Hi..” you stumble out.
Shaking his head with the most affectionate smile on his face, voice tender as he responds with a simple “Hi, love.”
A few seconds pass where neither of you said a word, unsure on what he was thinking or planning as he just seemed to keep his eyes on you with his smile only growing wider, he could feel your heartbeat pounding outside of its chest.
“Let me take you to dinner?” he asks, tone hushed so only you could hear him.
You faceplant his chest to avoid the nervous squeak that escapes you from being heard, his arms wrapping tightly around your midsection to squeeze you in his grip, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he grins into your hair.
“But… Wear that cute little pink sweater? You rocking these band tees is mega hot so like, don’t you dare return these suckers, I just kinda miss it.” He mumbles into your hair.
Looking up at him as your chin rested against his chest, gauging his expression to see if he as messing around or actually suggesting you wear that, cheeks rocket hot as yet another compliment just tumbles out of his mouth in your direction.
“You miss seeing my preppy clothes?” you ask in pure disbelief.
“I like both sides of you, don’t get me wrong. But there’s just something about how sweet and innocent you looked before that just does it for me,” he smirks.
You smack his chest once more in a light and playful manner before bursting into a happy fit of giggles, a nod of your head solidifying that you would love to go on a date with him. You promised to wear the sweater, heart fluttering at the pure reaction he gave you, he made you feel beautiful without even trying.
“Saturday. Seven o’clock. Diner?” he asks.
You nod enthusiastically, the pair of you beaming at one another.
“It’s a date,” you confirm proudly, receiving a kiss to your forehead as you did so.
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atreiidesluvr · 3 years
You Love Me? Pt. 1 | Paul Atreides X Reader
Pairing: Paul Atreides x Fremen! Reader
About: short lil blurb one shot thing i wrote for people who feel constantly compared to/never good enough
A/n: Part 2 on the way!
Warnings: Paul is a simp! reader is compared to Chani (i love her though this is just for the plot) maybe not accurate because i haven’t read the books
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Chani had always been the more favoured one out of the two of you. She was stronger, faster, and more extroverted. You had overheard the elders talk about how Chani's destiny was to bring the Messiah to Arrakis and how they would restore peace across the planets.
It would be a lie to say that you weren't slightly jealous of her. Of course you loved her, she was your friend, but at the same time you couldn't help but feel so ordinary and mundane.
Throughout your life people would only talk to you if they needed something from Chani. Boys would befriend you to become closer to her, and even your own friends seemed to like to talk to her more than you.
You felt utterly and inexplicably invisible.
But when the boy with green eyes showed up, everything you thought you knew about yourself changed.
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Whilst Stilgar, Chani and other Fremen went to look for the so-called Messiah, you stayed behind in Sietch Tabr, patiently waiting for their arrival.
"Y/n! Y/n! They're back! They've come back!!" You heard one of your friends call out. You ran outside to see them, but the streets of Sietch Tabr were full. Many people were just as excited as you to see the Maud'Dib.
"Which one's the Maud'Dib?" You asked your friend.
"They say it's the one with green eyes."
You saw Stilgar beyond the crowd, then your eyes immediately started scanning the group for Chani.
And then you met his gaze.
His eyes on yours made you feel as if it were just you and him on the entire planet. He looked at you, not hungrily as many men have looked at you before him. But longingly.
"It's him." You whispered. "Harah look, it's him."
The two of you kept eye contact for a while until he disappeared into the crowd of people.
“He’s kind of handsome isn’t he?” Harah asked.
“Yeah I guess he is.”
After everything died down, you decided to look for Chani. You were expecting many stories about sandworms and the Harkonnen and you wouldn't leave her alone until she told you.
You were nearing Chani's house until you felt someone grab your arm from behind. "Hey!-"
"Y/n." And there, standing behind you was the Maud'Dib. The Messiah, the One, the Usul. His green eyes stood out and you couldn't help but stare into them.
"What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with Chani?" You couldn't lie though, having the Maud'Dib know your name made you blush. His grip on you loosened and confusion riddled his face.
"Who's Chani?" Then it was your turn to be confused.
"What do you mean? She's your destiny, you know. The one in your dreams??"
"What are you talking about? You’re the one in my dreams.”
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“Paul..” You said in a sing-song tone. “Wake up ya hayati.” A smile plastered Paul’s face as you played with his curls. “Get off of me Y/n.” He whined, trying to get you off of him weakly. “We both know you don’t want that.” The both of you chuckled and Paul stared at you, trying to burn the image of you into his mind. “Is there something on my face?” You asked, sitting up while straddling his lower abdomen. “No, you’re just beautiful.”
Another dream.
Paul had been having dreams of someone named Y/n for the past few months. He didn’t understand why he had them, all he knew was that they were pleasant and to say that he enjoyed them was an understatement.
He couldn’t tell his mom, she would tell him that he’s projecting his longing for love in his dreams or worse, she would tell him that he’s being a horny adolescent boy.
“..Who are you, Y/n?”
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It was unusual for Paul to feel like he had known you so well while to you he was just a stranger.
After meeting the woman in the cave, he figured that maybe she would be his destiny and Y/n was just a figment of his imagination.
But as soon as he stepped foot into Sietch Tabr and saw you, he knew that he had to do everything in his power to find you.
He couldn’t just forget all the dreams about soft kisses under the moonlight and whispered “I love you’s.” Paul knew that you were his destiny, he was going to make sure of it.
“So you’re telling me that in your dreams, I’m your destiny??”
“Yes, and also I think you’re my girlfriend.”
You scoffed.
After the encounter with Paul, you took him to your living area to speak more about the issue at hand. What were people gonna say? Were they gonna hate Chani? Were they gonna hate you?
“Paul, right?” He hummed. “Paul, did someone put you up to this? I won’t be mad if-”
“Ya hayati.” Your eyes widened.
“That was.. What my parents used to call me, before they- How do you know that?” You sat down on your bed in shock. Maybe he was telling the truth.
“I don’t know what it means, but in my dreams you would call me that.” He sat down next to you, hesitantly putting his hand atop yours. “I know you don’t know me. But I know you, and I know this is a lot to take in but I love you Y/n.”
For a moment, there was nothing but silence. “It means ‘my life.’” You were still trying to process the fact that everyone you had ever known was wrong. You were the Maud’Dib’s destiny. Not Chani, not anyone else, you.
“My entire life, I’ve been told that I was never good enough. So why am I the one for you?” You spoke, finally making eye contact with Paul.
“What are you talking about, mon coeur, I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else but you.”
Part 2
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flusteredloser · 3 years
sugar sweet
richie tozier x fem reader
category: fluff, fluff, literally just fluff
word count: 3,3k
content warnings: swearing, stealing, slight nsfw (sexual innuendos... bc it’s richie tozier), a driving scene written by a bitch who can't drive, overbearing fluff, sonia
a/n: hello here’s a lil soft fic i wrote in a hyper state today <3 i had ‘beverly’ by ben wallfisch from the it 2017 soundtrack stuck in my head while i wrote the ending so !! enjoy
"sweetheart, if you don't put your head back in, i'm afraid i'm gonna have to marie antoinette you."
you laughed dismissively at his empty threat, feeling a grin take over. you let the wind crash against your face and through your hair, the scent of sea salt softly filling your nose. if richie thought that you were going to give this feeling up, oh, was he wrong.
despite what he was saying, the sight of morning sunlight streaking through your flying hair and your torso poking out the passengers' window was one richie wished he could get used to. despite his nagging for the past half hour, ranting about the dangers of vehicular manslaughter and mishaps, he couldn't help but beam at your laughter. 
he almost hit himself in the head for getting all worked up about safety like eddie always did, but it was something he found himself doing often with you. keeping you safe and sound was one of the few things that kept him from staying up all night. besides, you guys were going to see eddie and the rest of the losers in a bit anyways. the designated role of the pedantic worrier would soon be shrugged off richie's shoulders.
keeping one hand on the wheel, richie’s free hand never left the edge of your knee, not once in the hour-long drive. no matter how far you reached your body out his car's window, his fingers stayed glued around you. you never said anything about the gesture apart from placing your hand over his. being his was something you never got used to, but you were far from complaining.
"richierichierichie i think we're here!" you exclaim, ducking your head back inside the car.
"you sure, dummy? the massive ferris wheel and circus tent means we're close to the carnival?"
your hand leaves his to go shove his temple, "fuck off, rich."
"i know i know, you're really excited," he taps your knee, "so am i."
he pulls into the parking lot, expertly navigating his way through the crowded area before finding a space. an empty space which was coincidentally beside a sketchy beat-up minivan painted with "URIS," in fat letters.
richie laughs, "what are the fucking odds.”
his hand moves from the skin on your knee to the back of your seat, his body shifting to face the rear. you subtly eye your boyfriend sitting in the driver's seat and tried not to physically express any of the thoughts firing in your mind right then. dear god, did he look good today. you end up shamelessly staring at him as he strains his neck to squeeze his way through tight space. his knuckles turn to this ghostly shade of white when he flexed them against the wheel, his rings glinting under the sunlight.
once he finally put the car in park and shifted his weight back to you, he catches your gaze. throwing a wink, he pulls out the keys and stuffs his belongings into his jean pockets. 
you’re sure he has zero clue about the effect any of this had on you. sure, he was your boyfriend but sometimes you found yourself feeling scared at how much you liked him. this boy has you wrapped around his finger and he barely knows half of it.
you reach over and run your fingers through his unruly hair a couple more times, enjoying the way the curls bounce back. “you look so good, rich.”
he rolls his eyes at your remark, but you don’t miss the way a small blush reaches tips of his ears. “enjoy it while it lasts, i can’t let the guards recognise me again.” 
“i still can’t believe you got fired and banned on the same day, rich. that’s genuinely so impressive, you know that?"
richie rolls his eyes but you see the hint of a grin on his face, “you going soft on me, sweets?”
“could never.” you ruffle his hair, letting your nails glide along his scalp and you laugh at the way his head naturally tips back. richie had no clue why the feeling of your hands in his hair that made him short-circuit, but he wasn’t complaining.
“do we really have to go see them...” richie groans, grabbing your hand and placing it back onto his head when you pulled away.
“richard tozier. i did not pester you to drive us an hour away just so you could fold at me playing with your hair.”
he side-eyes you. “why did i agree to this again?”
“because every day for the last month you wouldn’t shut up about ‘taking eddie’s slushee v-”
“ed’s slushee virginity, riiiight,” he breaks out in a smile, “jesus, can you believe sonia never let him near one in his entire life?”
you tug his fringe towards you and the rest of his head followed, “well, now that he’s all alone there, someone’s got to be there to guide him through his first time, right?” 
he faux-pouts back at you, the mischievous glint in his eye sparkling brighter. “fine.”
finally, you let go of his hair and he pecks a kiss against your cheek before putting on his sunglasses and tipping his cap further down his face. opening his car door, you sit there dumbfounded as you watch the 6'2 disguised dork clamber out of his side with your tote bag on his shoulder.
he glances back, offering a hand as if you were going to climb out on his side as well, “c’mon, we don’t have all day.” and richie made sure you knew that by dragging you through the park, evading the guards left and right in under a minute. it was only so long before you spotted a group of idiots wandering aimlessly. bev’s bright red hair was the instant identifier, and watching this bill’s lanky frame grab a fistful of stan’s curls to yank it about sealed the deal. 
“stanley, darling,” richie yelled through the crowd, “if you wanted someone to pull your hair that badly you could’ve asked me nicely.”  “shut the fuck up, trashmouth!” stan yelled back. “wait. rich?”
you walk over and sling your arm around bev, “you guys haven’t been waiting long, have you?”  she grins at the sight of you, “no, but if i have to hear mike argue one more time that the high striker is apparently ‘broken’ i’m going to kill somebody.”
“do me a favour and kill me, bev!” stan’s voice cuts through, followed by a shriek when richie too grabs a handful of his hair. 
bev’s hand leaves yours to go smack both boys upside the head. “y’all better stop acting like children before i get fucking fired. i’m not going out like dumbass richie here did.” she eyes the rest of them, who all halt in their tracks.
“yes, ma’am,” the chorus sighed.
"ed's, i swear on your mother's smokin’ bod that blue is the. best. flavour. there's literally nothing wrong with it."
"you just called blue a flavour, richie-”
"because it can be. it doesn’t matter if blue and red colouring are the same, you can feel the difference.”
"no, i really can't. i don't understand how the colour blue could possibly be-"
richie groans, "fine, eat your mommy's packed lunch like the big boy you are." he teasingly starts to wave his cup in front of eddie's eyes.
"quit it, rich. if eddie doesn’t want toxins in his body, leave him be." ben interjects before sipping his own neon drink.
the boys huddled together around a picnic table they had managed to snatch before the carnival’s lunch rush swept over. richie and bev used to work in the carnival last summer, the two-week period spent with one another supposedly being “worse than the devil’s asscrack.” the comment itself earned richie five slaps, one each from the boys, and a high-five from bev. that was until richie got permanently banned (which you still don’t know how) and now bev carried on by herself whenever they roll back into derry. 
currently, you and bev were on your way back from the concession stands, attempting not to spill anything. you each held at least four bags of carnival foods and drinks in your arms, bev also balancing the few candy bars she stashed under her shirt. teeter-tottering your way back to the boys, richie burst out in laughter at the sight of you struggling. 
“as graceful as a job you’re doing with that, sweets, do you want some help?” he smirks, already swinging his leg over the chair.
“nope, nothing to see here,” you groan at richie’s smug grin. “rich, i swear to god if you come near me i am going to-”
“hurt me, hit me, murder me, mmhm. i’m sure you’ll do a whole lot of damage.” he winks, swiping the bags from your arms.
“freaky.” stan muttered, churning his slushee with the straw. you grumble at richie’s endearing irritating act of heroism and plop yourself next to stan empty-handed. 
“here, you want some?” stan raises an eyebrow, offering his blue slushee towards you.
“thanks stan, but he’s got my...” you glance towards richie, half-expecting to see him distributing the snacks, only to see him aggressively nudge the slushees in eddie’s face. “you know what, i’ll take it.” 
stan scoffed, “what, you thought i was offering this from the depths of my generous heart? i thought you knew me better-"
the sound of plastic crinkling and eddie’s yelp cut through stan’s sentence. 
you look back at the sight of richie threatening to pour the ice into eddie’s hair, eddie shrieking and wildly missing punches at richie. dear god, your boyfriend was such a menace. richie and eddie never spent a day where they weren’t at eachother’s throats though, but anyone with a pair of eyes could see that they deeply loved one another. rich had that effect on people, you think. he was rarely overtly loving, but it’s not like he needed to be. you guys just knew.
ben smiles sweetly between you and your gaze on richie. “you’re staring again, y/n.”
you immediately snap out of it and go to slug ben in the shoulder. “was not.”
“was too.”
"was. not."
"was too!"
you narrow your eyes at ben who sheepishly smiles in innocence. he reaches over to grab a couple onion rings from your bag to which you lightly slap the back of his hand. he groans, trying again from another angle, “just because i pointed out your goo-goo eyes at trashmouth?”
bev snatched a couple rings from across you and threw them at ben. he chuckles gleefully at the perfect catch. “you know, he’s not wrong,” she points out.
“for the last time, i wasn’t staring,” you groan.
“not about that, genius. the way you’re absolutely whipped for that dick.” she smiles. “i mean,” you barely conceal your smirk, “the dick is pretty g-”
"not what i meant," bev sighs while the rest of them groan at your words.
“seriously though,” bill asks with genuine curiosity, “how did you even end up together? how do you even like someone that much?” bev tuts from the other side, “tread lightly there, denbrough.” 
“shut up, you know what i mean. it’s trashmouth we’re talking ’bout here.” bill grins, “it’s a mystery how someone can shut him up so quick.”
you laugh to yourself, thinking about the few times you get to see richie completely speechless. “it’s not that hard, you know?” you shrug softly at the way the losers nod. you may all pretend to hate the life out of him but he always had a special place in each of your hearts. “he cares with everything he’s got, no matter what. he’s always there for you even if you don’t want him to be. i just...i don’t think he’s been anything less than...” 
“-if you say ‘perfect’, i’m going to hit you.” stan says.
you roll your eyes at stan, “fuck off, but... but yeah. it’s so easy to love him and i honestly owe you guys an apology for being so annoyingly whipped for that dork,” you joke.
aside from the distant bickering coming from richie and eddie in their own little world, a silence hung over the six of you. it was too quiet. wondering if you said something wrong, you scan over them, only to be met with six variations of a smirk. more than confused, you chuckle nervously. “i was joking about the apology thing but if you really want-”
“you said ‘love.’” bev laughed.
“you said ‘love,’” she repeated. “that you loved him.”
“i... of course i love him, he’s..” not trusting any more of the words coming out of your mouth, you cut yourself off and gather your thoughts.
of course you loved richie. each and every one of you loved your resident trashmouth, he was one of your best friends. the two of you were the closest of friends, an insufferable duo for years before you began dating. it might have only been a few weeks since he asked you out, but it’s not like too much changed from when you were friends. 
there was only more love, more affection, only slightly more sexual innuendos (majority of them were solely just to piss off stan). 
so of course you loved him. more than you did when you were friends. which he’s gotta know... right?
“fuck, maybe i do owe you guys an apology.” you joke.
“don’t think twice about it, this is nothing compared to him. if i took a shot for every time he went on some sort of love ramble about you, i’d be fucking dead.” bev replies, “and then he would carry on.”
you laugh, shaking your head in denial, “c’mon, he does not do that.”
“are you blind?” mike speaks up. “you’ve had him since the first day you joined us at the barrens. i can still see fourteen-year-old richie ogling you clear as day.”
you stammered at your response, tripping over your words. “mike, i think you broke her. she’s become bill,” stan teases.
you go to shove stan again and sorely miss. “anyways, my point is...” 
you avoid their eye contact and go back to churning stan’s slushee. “he has my heart, fuck, he’s got all of our hearts. like, is he an asshole? sure. does he get on my nerves every other day? definitely. will he be the death of me? probably. but i l-”
“i sure hope you’re winding up to something there, sweets.” 
you snap your head up from your dreamy rambling to see richie smirking next to you and eddie squeezing himself next to bill. you feel yourself go bright red at the realisation that he had been listening. 
“i- no. that was it.”  
“you sure? you going off about me... ‘but’...” richie pushes, quoting your words.
“richie, if you genuinely think you have redeeming qualities, i suggest some self-reflection.” stan quipped. “yeah, i was just pointing how much you bother us. no ifs, no buts,” you jokingly agree.
“mean,” richie rolls his eyes, shifting back in his seat next to you.
he’s gotta know... right? 
you wink and stick your tongue out playfully, to which richie raises an eyebrow at. he glances between the blue drink in your hand and your tongue, his gaze on your lips making you nervous. 
“now, what?” you sigh, wiping the ice from your mouth and pretending that you weren’t dying to know what was churning in that brain of his. 
“nothing,” richie shrugs smugly, “just that i’ve always wanted to know how my cock looked blue.”
the comment took you off guard, your instant blush only fuelling richie’s grin. without hesitation, you lean over with a faux-pout, an act that has richie’s eyes wide. “careful there, trashmouth,” you tease loudly. “you keep this up and you’ll see how stan’s looks blue.”
bev immediately gasps with her hand over her mouth, followed by mike’s stifled cackle as he slapped richie’s back. the rest of the group looks frankly stunned, and stan’s face is on a whole different level of red. 
richie doesn’t even look the least bit angry. his jaw is dropped slightly and he runs his hand over his jaw, trying to stop the chuckle that leaves his throat. if anything he looks proud. 
shaking his head with a smile, he slings his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer. “that’s my girl,” he grins.
“yeah, that for sure is tozier’s,” bill says.
there’s no way any of you miss the way richie’s face goes red under that comment and your heart skips a beat when he squeezes your side. when no one’s looking, you lean up and kiss by his ear, absolutely delighted by the deeper shade of red on his face. 
“darl, if you don’t stop that i’m going to go as red as stan,” he whispers into your hair. the both of you look back at the boy who’s trying to concentrate on his slushee and not the blush that’s continued to creep to his neck. “i’m actually getting concerned.”
you giggle, “shh, he’s fine.”
“no really, i give it a couple seconds before eddie pulls out his medical fanny pack,” richie says.
you look up at him as you’re tucked into his side, his arm still slung around your shoulder. his dark hair and eyelashes caught the sunlight, his blue eyes glinting as he glanced back. his lips were tipped into their signature cheeky smile, almost like a cue that he was going to say something out of hand. you felt the swell of your heart grow as he raised his eyebrows, prompting what he knew you were going to say. 
“you know, earlier...” you whisper, looking down to his hand intertwining with yours. “i just... i wanted to say that i... you know... that i-”
“i feel like i should be offended at how hard it is for you to tell me you love me, sweets,” he whispers back, clearly trying to keep a straight face.  fuck.  “oh god please, you know i-” richie shushes you, kissing the crown of your head. “it’s okay, i know.” you can feel the curve of his lips against your hair. “i love you too.”
trying to tame the aggressive blush and stupid smile that reached your face, you follow his gaze over to eddie. just like richie joked, he had this fanny pack laid on the table in front of stan. you weren’t listening to anything they were saying, but you watched the way stan was squirming from eddie, insisting he did not have heatstroke. mike stood right behind stan, pinching his cheeks and periodically wrapping his strong arms around stan to stop him from squirming. bev was leaning across ben and bill’s laps, joining in and poking her fun at eddie and you notice how bill’s hands traces figures along bev’s side. ben gazes at the group of them, chiming in every so often when stan’s quips got too violent. 
it was one of those moments you wish you could freeze. 
after a while, richie whispers into your ear. “do you think they’d even notice if we left for the ferris wheel?”
you break your eye contact from the group to gaze up at him. “nope, not at all. you think you can sneak us some tickets?” 
“please, you think i got kicked out of here for nothing?” he scoffs.
“is this how you’re going to get banned again?” you grin, poking his side, “stealing tickets for your girl?”
with a soft smile, he takes your hand to subtly stand and back away from the group. with stifled giggles, the both of you manage to make it at least twenty feet without the losers even noticing. the second you two were out of earshot, richie wraps his hand around yours and begins to run, “i wouldn't want it any other way."
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blu-joons · 3 years
Late Night Call ~ Park Jimin
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“I’m sorry,” Jimin whispered as he hung up the phone, turning back to the boys in the recording booth with a twang in his heart.
When Jimin told you that he was busy for the evening, your heart sunk as your eyes began to water once again. At the end of a long day, there was only one thing that you needed, but unfortunately Jimin was busy, and you were left alone.
You understood better than most how busy he was, late nights were a part of the parcel of being a singer, and despite having a tough day yourself, you knew just how much pressure he was under every single to make sure that he delivered.
Delivery had been where you had failed, after yet another scolding from your boss over a failed order, you felt stranded in your office. Very few people knew the hardships you were going through, only Jimin, but sadly for you, he was facing his own.
You’d lost all track of time as you spent the rest of your evening on the sofa, a Netflix suggestion playing in the background as the soundtrack of your worries. You could think of nothing else but the turmoil you’d face at work the following day as you tried to deliver once again.
It was only when a gentle knock hit against you front door, did you finally acknowledge just how late it was. As you saw that it had just passed two, your eyes widened in horror, pulling yourself up off the sofa to see who was at the door.
The walk was cold and dark, but eventually you managed to find where you had put your key, opening up the door only to come face to face with the last person that you expected to see, admiring the smile that they wore excitedly on their face.
“It’s not too late, is it?” Jimin chuckled, instantly stepping forwards as a tear ran down your cheek quickly.
His arms wrapped around you as he invited himself in, kicking your front door shut with the back of his foot. The two of you stayed in the entryway to your home for several minutes, as your tears dampened the sleeve of Jimin’s shirt.
“I didn’t realise things had gotten this bad at work,” he whispered into your ear, brushing his hand over the top of your head. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to come and be here earlier, it’s just been so busy with work, and getting this song organised has been a bit of a nightmare.”
“You need to rest,” you whimpered as you pulled away from Jimin, studying his tired eyes. “It’s two in the morning, and you’ve got to go back again early in the morning. You shouldn’t be here Jimin, you need to look after yourself more.”
His head shook immediately, he could tell by the sound of your voice on the phone that something was wrong, and for however much or little time he had spare to be with you, he was going to make sure he was there.
“I’ve got three hours, and I’m all yours,” he smiled across at you, wiping his thumbs underneath your eyes, “we can stay up and talk, or maybe head to bed for a bit, you look as if you haven’t slept for even a wink so far this evening too.”
“I can’t think about anything else but work,” you dejectedly admitted, “every time I try and close my eyes, I just replay the scene of being in the boss’ office earlier today.”
“I always thought that guy was a bit of a loser anyway, but even more so now.”
“But he pays me,” you frowned, allowing Jimin to take your hand and lead you into the living room, “I feel like I’m stuck, I’ve got no other choice but to continue to deal with him.”
For some time Jimin had known that your boss had been placing plenty of work on you, with little reward. There had been many evenings when you’d come home snowed under, and dealt with it, but today was the final straw for your patience to wear out.
Knowing that you’d be overthinking anything, Jimin knew he couldn’t leave you alone. As soon as Namjoon suggested calling it a night, there was no other place that Jimin thought to be other than in your apartment and taking care of you.
“You can’t let him get to you,” he frowned, taking a seat on your sofa and pulling you tightly into his side, “or you could just quit, I keep telling you that I’d support you until you found something new.”
“Working there is all I’ve ever known, leaving terrifies me,” you murmured.
“I know it’s daunting, but sometimes new can be good, especially if it stops you getting as upset as this, I don’t want to see you sad,” Jimin comforted.
Your head nodded as a gentle kiss was placed against the top of your head. “I don’t want to dampen things by just talking about me, how’s everything going with you, at work? You must be pretty busy too to be working as late as this.”
“Have you ever heard the saying too many cooks in the kitchen? I think there’s about fifty people too many trying to stick their noses in on this album,” Jimin offloaded, “somehow it seems the seven of us are the last people that get to have their opinions listened to.”
“But you’re the ones singing the songs,” you frowned as Jimin’s head nodded in agreement. “Maybe it seems we both need to have a word with our bosses and stop ourselves being treated this way, otherwise we’ll be wide at two in the morning a little more often.”
“That might not be such a bad idea,” he smiled, pulling you in a little closer, “tomorrow, or today now, could be a fresh start for the both of us. I’ve got to go at five, but maybe we could stay up for a while and brainstorm how we’re going to make ourselves feel better?”
Your head nodded at his idea, reaching behind you to the back of the sofa, yanking down one of the blankets you had draped along it, tucking it around the two of you as you settled in for a long night of planning together. “This wasn’t quite how I had foreshadowed my evening going when you told me that you couldn’t come over.”
Jimin’s smile widened as he made sure to tuck the blanket around you to stop you getting cold from the early morning breeze. With his arm firmly around your waist, he rolled onto his back so that the two of you could look at one another comfortably.
“I just knew when I heard you on the phone that I had to do everything in my power to see you,” he responded, “even if it was just for five minutes.”
“Three hours is enough, it’s more than enough, you didn’t have to be here.”
His head shook as he kissed softly against your forehead, “I did have to be here, for all of the times that you’ve been here for me, it’s about time that I repaid the favour and made sure that I was here for you when you needed me too.”
You smiled appreciatively up at him, “you’ve dug me out of a big hole tonight Jimin, I hope you realise how much you being here means.”
“Of course,” he laughed, “now, where shall we start? We’ve got three hours to put things right.”
“Three hours is plenty, don’t you worry.”
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missallsundaes · 3 years
May I have a notsafeforwork Buggy x nb reader where he's in a FOUL mood and everyone's like pssst take one for the team and cheer the bastard up since its obvious to everyone but Buggy and reader their into one another anyway. Thanks x
oooh fun fun prompt.. I love Buggy… probably too much. BUT that means that yeah you can absolutely have nsfw Buggy.
CW: face fucking, devil fruit nonsense, doggy style.
The clown had definitely been taking his anger out on the Big Top, you could nearly retrace his steps through the destruction in the hallways. You definitely wished that today wasn’t the day you were looking for him, especially to deliver some bad news delivered via DenDen Moshi. You found Cabaji and Alvida before you found the Captain. They were deep in talk on the deck of the ship, and as soon as they say you, Alvida’s eyes lit up, plan already hatched in her mind.
“Just the errand keeper I needed,” She said, waving you over. “Buggy is in just a terrible mood today isn’t he, Cabaji?”
He nodded, “I don’t know what’s wrong with the Captain but he’s mad at just about everything.”
“So I was thinking,” Alvida continued, barely giving Cabaji time to finish confirming her previous sentence, “You know how the Captain has a shine for you?”
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, “Does he?” You weren’t quite playing dumb, you just really hadn’t noticed any favourable conditions he had given you, though you admitted you had seen him more than once in different states of undress that made your mind wander.
Cabaji nodded as Alvida continued, “Yeah, definitely, have you never noticed the way he watches you?” She laughed. “Anyway so we were thinking, what’s the best stress relief? Sex. Right. Sex. So what you’re gonna—“
Your face flushed red, “You want me to fuck the Captain?”
“Well there’s not.. anyone better suited for it,” Alvida said, and Cabaji nodded again. She opened the door near where you were standing. “He’s in the Captain’s Office, I believe” The shouting and smashing from down the hallway would make you believe that was definitely the case. She gave you a little push down the hallway, giving you a smile and a thumbs up before shutting the door behind you.
You were suddenly much more nervous to find your captain than you were a minute ago, especially because you weren’t sure if he had talked to Alvida before you had. You knocked on the door to his office, and the door swung open almost immediately.
The clown’s face was in yours as the door swung open, “WHAT?” He shouted, his eyebrows knit together over the crossbones drawn on his face.
“Uh, Alvida sent me?” You tried, maybe going with the subtle, if he hadn’t talked to her yet.
“For fucks sake, why? Do I not have enough to deal with today?” He turned around, stomping back to his desk and flipping over paperwork. “This goddamn Warlord paperwork is more than I want to do, I’m a pirate I’m not meant to do paperwork, I’m meant to pillage and loot!” He said, gesturing wildly at the room, as if talking to a crowd and not just you behind him.
You slid into the room, shutting the door behind you.
“If It would help relieve some stress,” You said, summoning the courage from deep inside your belly, “You could.. pillage me?”
His head whipped around, disconnecting from his neck in an absolutely terrifying sight, “Are you suggesting what I think?”
“I mean, if it would help.” You nodded, “It’s not like I haven’t had fantasies about you Captain..” Oh gods, that was more than you meant to admit but now it was out there and you were just gonna deal with those consequences.
His hands were on your hips in seconds, lifting you up and pulling you towards him, he had turned his body to face you now as well, a crooked dirty smile on his lips, and hungry look in his eyes.
“You know your Captain doesn’t share, right?” He said once you were positioned in front of him, his voice husky and deep on your ear, breath sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m just yours Captain.” You managed to croak out, his hands now exploring your body, his gloved fingers exploring your bare skin, one tracing down your spine and the other down into the front of your trousers to feel your arousal.
His body pressed into you, he nibbled on your neck, leaving marks behind as he tracked his way to your chin. You could feel his erection against your thigh, pressing desperately, impatiently into your soft skin.
His left hand reattached to his wrist, the other pawing at your sex, making you writhe and mewl for more of his ministrations.
His arm moved around you and he scooped you up into his arms and set you on the desk, scattering the paperwork across the floor, he ripped open your top, buttons flying across the room from his violent action, his teeth finding your bare skin to bite and suckle on, making you moan for him more. He pulled his hand from your body, causing you to whine at the missing sensation, and you felt him smirk against your body.
“Like it that much, did’ya?” He crooned, you looked down at him, nodding weakly, seeing the red of his lipstick smeared on his face and across your chest, sending new fire to your loins.
“Yes Captain, please more,” You mumbled, reaching your hands up to find his hair spilling from the corners of his hat, but he moved quicker, taking the hat off completely and letting his hair fall down around your face.
“What was that, Couldn’t hear you?” He said, pulling down your trousers and underwear from your hips, letting gloved hands tease down your thighs.
“Please Captain Buggy, more,” You said, feeling him tugging down his trousers, “Please Captain, let me suck your dick” You moaned as he bit your nipple, leaving a ring of his lipstick around your areola. “I want to suck your dick.”
He backed up from you, sitting in his chair behind the desk, “Come on then, suck my cock.” He said, gesturing to his hard member standing at attention between his legs. You let yourself slide off the desk and between his legs, wrapping a hand around the base of his cock and your lips around his swollen glands. He moaned above you, his hands finding their way into your hair and pressing you to swallow more of his cock. You flattened your tongue, sucking down more of his dick and rotating your hand to stimulate him at the same time. Flicking your tongue against the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft as you hollowed your cheeks on his member, devouring him like he was your last meal.
The hand on your head pulled you back, freeing your mouth and letting your spit dribble from the corners of your lips. You breathed deeply, catching your breath and trying to get back to his cock, tongue lolling out of your mouth in a greedy slutty show for him, but he was holding you just out of range, sadistic smile on his face above you.
“Are you that hungry for me, you little tramp,” He said, letting you pull your own hair as you tried to reach his member with your lips again. “Ask again for what you want,”
“I want your cock, Captain,” You said without hesitation, licking your lips as you looked up at him in his chair, “Please Captain let me have it.”
He brought you down swiftly, your mouth opening on instinct to take him to the hilt, he held you in place before using your hair as a handle to fuck your face. His hips eagerly thrusting with the same rhythm as his hand as he used you like a personal toy.
You could feel his posture tighten under you, and he held you still, trying to not let himself come yet, his dick down your throat and twitching, eager to let loose the pent up seed. He let himself calm down before pulling you off of him and letting go of your hair.
“I need to fuck you, I need to be inside you.” He said, voice deep and commanding. You eagerly stood up, laying yourself across his desk, knee up on the firm oak of the desk so he had easy access to your awaiting hole.
“Mmm, good, well trained already,” He hummed behind you, standing behind you to position himself, but wasting no time in slipping himself in. He barely gave you time to adjust to his dick inside you before his hands were gripped on your hips, thrusting deeply into you, making you gasp and moan for him with each pump of his hips.
You weren’t going to last long, even with so little foreplay on yourself, the rough treatment and being treated like his personal fucktoy had gotten you going something fierce, added to the loyalty, love, and devotion you already had for your captain and you could feel the tight coil inside you pressing and straining.
“Captain, let me cum for you,” You moaned, not knowing what you would do if he said no, you were desperate for it, desperate to cum and feel him cum inside you. Without answering you, his hands found your sex, teasing you along to the same rhythm that he fucked you with.
“Come for me,” He moaned, voice sounding desperate himself, his hands making sloppy movements on you as he felt himself beginning to come, but his first spasm inside you was the last straw you needed to feel the spring within you release, and you came messily together, as he pulled out to cum across your back, stroking himself and you in turn with both of his hands until your orgasms had both subsided.
“Fuck I needed that,” He said, slumping back into his chair, pulling you by the waist to sit down on his lap. He nuzzled his face into your neck, leaving kisses on the skin he could touch.
“oh Captain,” You moaned, settling down into his arms, “In all my fantasies its never been that good.”
He laughed into your shoulder, “Just wait until next time, I can always top my best.”
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jimlingss · 3 years
(sorry my tumblr app glitched so im not sure if this was sent twice) taking a chance for the requests! how about a seokjin or namjoon arranged marriage au with this: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” 🎄 happy holidays!!
↳ Playground Promises
1.9k || 100% Light Fluff || Kim Seokjin
The bell rings.
Moments later, children are sprinting from the doors and flooding the playground. You watch in fondness as some climb the monkey bars while others sit and dig into the sandbox. All of them were forging their first friendships they’ll remember forever and you were their witness.
This is one of your favourite times of day. You enjoy seeing the kids have their fun, listening to their laughter and giggles, watching their games of tag to play pretend. But today, your enjoyment is interrupted by a certain male teacher that comes to stand behind you.
Tall. Dark. And handsome. His broad shoulders carry the weight of the third-grade class and practically the entire elementary school. But you’d never admit that out loud.
“It’s a bit chilly out today. You should’ve brought your coat with you.”
You hum.
Every staff member, married and single, swoons over Kim Seokjin. It’s hard not to. But if others knew what your relationship was with him, you’re sure you’d never hear the end of it. The kids would make a big fuss and so would all the staff and faculty, and you’d rather avoid that.
“I didn’t know you were on playground duty today.”
“I switched with Sana,” he says and leans over to smile. “Thought you could use some company.”
You scoff. “She’s perfectly fine company.”
The corner of his plump lip pulls. “If you want to talk about the mathletes program. And I’m pretty sure you don’t.”
Before you can respond, a boy approaches the two of you with pink cheeks and wind-swept hair. “Mr. Kim, can I go to the bathroom?” the third-grader asks in the midst of catching his breath and the older man nods.
“Go ahead. But don’t run in the hallway, Lucas.” 
Said boy grins and dashes off.
Seokjin turns to you and lowers his voice. “My mom’s been asking about the kids.”
Your brows furrow. “Why? They’re a good bunch.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t mean your class’ kids, I mean our kids.”
You blink owlishly. “There are no our kids.”
“That’s the problem.”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “Wasn’t getting married enough for them?”
Seokjin shrugs with a faint, mischievous smile. “They want to go out for brunch with your parents this Sunday. Are you free?”
“When am I not free?” you retort lightly, but slip your phone out of your pocket to check your calendar anyhow. Seokjin glances over to your screen and once you finish, you slip it back into your pocket. “I have some marking to do, but I’ll probably finish by then.”
“Okay.” The pair of you turn back to continue monitoring the children playing and you’re glad to revel in the silence that’s been created between you. But after a beat, Kim Seokjin pipes up again. You don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s quite the talkative guy. “Hey, Y/N.”
You look over and he meets your eye.
He asks, “Am I your lock screen?”
Your face heats. If you were once cold, now you were warm from head to toe. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” you mumble. It was just a picture from the other day and you wanted to change things up on your phone. You had nothing else to use. It was convenient. That’s it.
Your entire relationship with him is built on convenience. At least...on his side it is.
Still, Seokjin grins and fortunately, he doesn’t tease.
You rush to change the subject. “A-Anyway, yeah, Sunday works for me. But we should probably talk about this after work.”
“Why? No one’s around.” His smile is spread from ear to ear and he leans in, whispering, “Are you that scared of people finding out we’re married?”
Immediately, you whip your head in all directions. Luckily, there’s no kid or nosy faculty member. You turn back to him, glaring. “I already said, I like to keep my private life under wraps.”
“I remember. But if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were embarrassed of me.”
You scoff and a murmur unintentionally spills out of you, “That’s impossible.”
You don’t notice Seokjin’s smile.
It’s been three months since you got married. It was a summer wedding. More importantly, it was an arranged marriage. And not because you were both wealthy and needed to be wedded to get the inheritance under some arbitrary contract rule or because it was your grandmother’s dying wish. No. You live a much more mundane, normal life than the dramas, movies and books.
It was your mom who threw a fuss. She was scared you’d be alone and unmarried, an old maid like your aunt — you didn’t say it, she just heavily implied it. But following her practically senile meltdown, you agreed. Partly to appease her worries and partly just out of curiosity.
You always wanted to get married. And deep down, you always wanted your own kids. But at the rate you were going, you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to meet someone on your own.
What you didn’t expect on that blind date was for the other person to be Kim Seokjin, third grade teacher. Down the hall from you at the school. Someone across the room every lunchtime. Your dads were apparently long time colleagues, but Jin was still as equally shocked as you were during that first meeting. Yet, he easily agreed to getting married when you brought it up. Even when it was only after two months of occasionally seeing one another outside of your workplaces.
You still don’t know why he said yes.
“Ms. L/N!”
You’re torn out of your trance by a little girl at your knees. 
She pouts. “Jennie won’t let me play on the slide!”
“Did you ask her to share?”
Before any more can be said, she drags you over and Seokjin trails after you. There’s another girl with brown braided hair climbing on the slide, and she swivels her head over as the two of you approach, eyes the size of saucers. 
“Are you taking turns, Jennie?” you ask her, and she vigorously nods.
“I am!”
“Well, you’ve been on it for a while. How about Lisa takes a turn next.”
“Okay,” she draws out and gets off of the slide before turning to her friend. “Here you go.”
It’s always little problems you have to solve — from sharing to knee scrapes and monkey bar accidents. Sometimes it’s difficult for the children to compromise, difficult for them to apologize and difficult for you to find a good solution. But you undoubtedly wish your own issues were this simple.
While you’re stuck in your thoughts, you miss Jin watching you fondly. 
“You’re good with kids,” he says as you move out of the way of running children and walk back to the perimeter.
“I wouldn’t be doing this job if I wasn’t. But I deal with older kids much better.” There’s a reason you teach fifth graders and not any lower than that. Seokjin knows it too.
“Remember when we had to supervise that kindergarten class together?”
You shudder. “It was a nightmare.”
“You weren’t that bad,” he tries to say but then laughs. You feign a glare, and he adds on, “Okay. I’m sorry, but I still mean it. It’s not as terrible as you thought. You’d make a good mom.” 
At that, your glare vanishes in favour of furrowing brows. You really shouldn’t, but you can’t help it when curiosity pries — so you break your own rule against discussing private matters at work. 
“Do you want my kids?”
Seokjin is wide-eyed and he turns to you. “Why not? We’re married.”
“But? Do you not want kids?” 
“No! I definitely want them,” you declare, almost a bit too boldly. He nods and you explain, “It’s just...I don’t know if you’re serious.”
Seokjin blinks. “I’m being perfectly serious.”
“I mean I don’t know if we’re serious.” You add, “Enough to have kids.”
“What’s more serious than being married?” Jin has a genuinely inquisitive and amused expression, head quirked to the side. 
You inhale a sharp breath and his gaze coaxes you to go on, so you do. “It’s just that you agreed so quickly to be married to me. It doesn’t….feel real. I don’t know if you wanted to marry me, if you did it on a whim, if this is some kind of joke—”
He frowns. “This isn’t a joke, Y/N. I wanted to marry you.”
Your mouth hangs open. Your eyes are rounded.
“Mrs. L/N!” You’re interrupted by your fifth-grader, Park Jimin. He sprints to you, huffing and puffing, before leaning his hands onto his knees to catch his breath. “Have you seen Taehyung?! We’re playing tag!”
“No, I haven’t.”
Jin suddenly points to the left. “He went that way.”
Jimin books it.
Silence fills the spaces between you and Seokjin again, but it isn’t like normal. It’s filled with unanswered questions and the suspenseful cliffhanger of an unfinished conversation. The laughter of kids on the playground and field resound around you, but for the first time, you don’t listen to it. 
It fades into the background as you turn to Seokjin, wanting to know more. “What did you just say?”
The man smiles softly. “You have to know.”
“I don’t,” you assert. “So tell me.”
“I’ve always liked you.”
You blink and he continues, “Since you substituted for the art teacher and I saw you squirt red paint all over yourself. It’s something I couldn’t forget. Plus, the way you draw those stick people.” Seokjin laughs heartily and you’re trapped in your spot, unsure of how to react or what to say. He reads your expression and softens. “Did you really think I would rush into a marriage if I didn’t have feelings for you?”
“I…” Your mouth is agape. “I don’t know. Why did we never talk about this?”
Seokjin shrugs. “You never asked and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t feel the same way. I knew you married me for convenience.”
“That’s not true,” you retort within a beat. This whole time, you thought he married you for convenience sake. But it wasn’t entirely like that for you.
Seokjin’s eyes are big and you swallow down your embarrassment. “Isn’t it obvious every single breathing person loves you? It’s hard not to.”
Slowly but surely, a grin spreads into Seokjin’s puffy cheeks and he’s smiling from ear to ear again. “Well, you’re very good at hiding it then.”
Suddenly, the bell rings.
All the children reluctantly climb off the equipment, some dusting their hands while others grabbing their friends, and they rush into their lineups. There’s a few stranglers lugging their legs while groaning. But busy in their small playground worlds, no one turns around to notice you leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Seokjin’s mouth. It’s shy and brief, like the first peck exchanged between two for the first time. And you pull away just as fast, lips left tingling.
“We can continue this later, Mr. Kim.”
You stride off while Seokjin’s left smiling. After a breathless moment, he chases after you like children who have just made promises of their first love on the playground.
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sluttyminghao · 4 years
a different kind of workout | k.sy
w.c: 2k request: yes genre: smut pairing: soonyoung x female!reader contains: semi-public sex, dirty talk (mans gotta filthy mouth), slight nipple play, marking, oral (f.receiving), this is also very unedited i apologise a/n: this is just a pile of filth and i blame it all on kwon soonyoung and this video
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When you agreed to go and do a workout at the gym with Soonyoung, you figured he would go nice and easy on you, and make you sweat maybe a little. You figured that it would be a breeze and he would show you the ropes, maybe even do some spotting for each other with the weights and just enjoy each others presence while hyping each other up in the process.
You were wrong. You were so, so very wrong.
With the time of night you both attended the gym, which was quite late in the evening after most had already gone to bed, there were no other signs of life present in the building, not even at the front desk where you signed in. As you walked behind your boyfriend, you took the time to admire his back muscles that were rippling slightly from his movements. His singlet shirt obstructed any more of your view of his delectable body, but you knew that getting to see him workout would highlight those areas you loved even more, and had your mouth watering at the thought.
You headed into the gym room, with all the equipment set up neatly and the room smelling faintly of sweat and metal. You heaved a sigh as you looked around at all of the equipment, your mind wandering off to how some of this equipment even worked. Soonyoung had already found what he was going to be doing, and made a beeline towards his favourite pieces of equipment. 
What you didn't expect, however, was when he had stopped in front of the equipment, his shirt had come off and tossed into his duffel bag, ultimately exposing his entire upper body to you and causing your eyes to almost bulge out of your skull, almost comically. He had been working on his upper body quite a lot recently when he came to the gym, which was evident in his toned abs and biceps that were growing bigger by the week. 
Your gawking didn't go amiss by Soonyoung, who only merely smirked at you with no words spoken and headed straight to the weights table. He picked up a 10kg dumbbell in each hand and began moving them up and down in a steady pace. As you continued to watch his arms move fluidly, you ogled the bulge on his arm, noting a large vein that ran through the muscle. You admired him from afar, slowly setting your own duffel bag down and heading towards the elliptical machine. 
His eyes followed you as you set yourself up on the gym apparatus, his cock twitching when you bent down and he got a nice view of the curve of your ass. As you began to move on the elliptical slowly, a smirk fell upon his lips when he noticed how your boobs bounced inside of your cropped shirt. “That top looks good on you, sweetheart, but maybe you should take it off. We don't want it to get sweaty or anything,” he spoke nonchalantly, moving his hand down so that the weights were now back on the table.
You all but stumbled over your own feet at his sudden comment, your face burning with embarrassment. Luckily he didn't seem to notice, as he had now turned his back to you and moved over towards the pull up bar. Your eyes deceived you however, as they drifted further down on his body, landing directly on his sharp v-line that didn't seem to end. You bit your lip as you watched him stretch out, his muscles contorting and you let out a small moan. God he was so hot.
Your movements on the elliptical machine slowed significantly as he jumped and let his body dangle from the bar, his back muscles even more prominent even though he was hardly doing anything. You kept your eyes trained on his back as he began to push himself up and over the bar, his muscles contracting and moving so deliciously under his skin. The lighting in the gym didn't do you any favours either, only enhancing how beautifully toned he was.
You felt your tongue swipe out across your lips, and it was only then that Soonyoung noticed you in the mirror, and he chuckled. Your trance was broken at his laugh, and it was only then you realized how wet you were, and you couldn't help but to squeeze your thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure that was beginning to build up inside of you.
He continued to notice your movements, mainly the way you were shuffling around and moving to lean against the elliptical which had now been long forgotten in your eyes. He did a few more reps on the pull up bar, before he let go and planted his feet on the ground. He whipped around quickly and took fast steps to where you were still leaning against the elliptical, with a large smirk painted on his face.
“You like what you see huh? You haven't been able to take your eyes off of me the entire time we’ve been here,” he commented, his eyes becoming lidded they grazed hungrily over your body, clad with only your crop top and some active shorts. You could hardly find the words to reply to him, your mind becoming clouded with lustful thoughts of your boyfriend.
You were snapped back to reality with Soonyoung’s fingers being pressed firmly  against your jaw, and his dark eyes boring into your own. “I expect you to answer me, sweetheart, or are you too busy thinking about me fucking you right here and now?” His voice was saccharine sweet in comparison to his filthy words, and only made you clench your thighs tighter.
All you could do was nod your head and whimper a little as his grip tightened once more on your jaw, a dark chuckle falling from his lips. “Such a needy girl you are, huh? Don’t you worry, I’m going to take care of you,” he muttered softly into your skin. Before you could say a word to him, his hands had made quick work of your crop top, pulling it over your head and throwing it on top of the elliptical machine. His hands were immediately on your breasts, fondling and caressing your nipples and the skin surrounding it.
“Soonyoung...” you finally whined out, your hands flying up to his hair and tugging on it softly. A soft hiss left his lips at the tugging, and he slammed his lips into yours, his kiss hungry and wanting. He pulled himself away from your lips seconds later, a small string of saliva connecting the two of you as he moved. When he was fully standing, he pulled your hand up so that you would stand also, his body flush against yours. He wasted no time pulling your shorts down your legs, exposing your wetness and throbbing pussy to the air and his eyes. 
He groaned at the sight of your pussy, which made him immediately bend down so that he was situated on his knees and spread your thighs apart, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips. “So beautiful, i cant wait to fuck you, but first, I need a taste of this sweet pussy of yours” he spoke against your skin, leaving light kisses on the tops of your thighs. You pushed your hand further into his hair, a louder whine escaping your lips from his teasing.
“Stop...teasing...” you whispered, your eyes scrunching shut as you felt his tongue sweep across your inner thighs, collecting the juices that had been spread across them. Without warning, his tongue poked out and licked a flat stripe up your folds, an appreciative hum coming from his mouth while a broken moan escaped yours.
“M-more please!” You managed to squeak out between his quick tongue movements, making Soonyoung chuckle and spread your legs even further apart, and he began a steady pace alternating between licking and sucking on your folds, and loving how your legs were beginning to shake from his tongue alone. 
You couldn't help but open your eyes to peek at your boyfriend between your legs, his platinum blond mop of hair the only thing you could see until he looked up at you briefly with a cheeky grin. His chin was covered in your juices, and you felt your face burn up out of sheer embarrassment, before you were shoving his head back down between your thighs so that you could reach your high.
“You taste so fucking good, sweetheart, maybe you taste even sweeter because we might get caught here?” He spoke briefly, his tongue dipping to poke at your entrance. You yelped at his action, and a lewd moan left your lips when he repeated the action over and over, the familiar tension in your abdomen from your incoming orgasm building up inside of you.
He chuckled at how needy you had become in such a short span of time, before he was removing his tongue from you and wiping his hand over his lips, sucking up the excess juices. You whined in annoyance and felt your entrance clenching around nothing, but you didn't have time to complain to him when you felt his erection prod at your entrance.
“You’re such a needy little slut, only want my cock huh? You can’t even go a few hours without it, we’re having sex in a fucking gym because you can't stop ogling at my body,” he spoke through gritted teeth, pushing himself inside of your tight entrance. Your fingers clawed at his lean shoulders, a lascivious moan escaping your lips at the feeling.
His filthy words bounced around in your mind constantly, alongside his quick thrusts that made your eyes roll back in your head. The adrenaline was pumping through both of you in high amounts, at the thought of possibly being caught and how you were doing it in such a public and open space. Soonyoung’s thrusts began to pick up speed once more, his moans becoming louder the closer he got to his orgasm.
Your mind was so clouded with lustful thoughts and of Soonyoung fucking you in a gym, that you didn't even register him leaning down and sucking on your neck, leaving light bruises to bloom on your skin. When he was satisfied with his work, he chuckled and ran a hand through your hair, tugging at your roots so that you would make eye contact with him.
“God you’re so fucking tight, and you keep clenching around me and sucking me in...your pussy is made for me, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, his hips beginning to stutter. You could feel the tension in your abdomen about to snap, and your whines grew higher in pitch and drove Soonyoung to his brink, his cum beginning to spill inside of you.
As he painted your walls white with his cum, he moved one of his shaky hands down to your clit and rubbed it quickly and roughly, sending you into a mind-blowing orgasm that made your back arch and your eyes roll. Soonyoung’s chest swelled with pride at the sight of you all fucked out on his cock, your breathing heavy and skin glistening with sweat.
Once you had come back from your high, you noticed Soonyoung had already redressed himself and was bringing out a towel from his bag, walking back over to you and wiping the towel over your skin gently. “Well, that was a different kind of workout wasn't it?”
You could only grin at him as you began to redress, pulling your top over your head and smoothing out your shorts. “You could say that, but were you really complaining? You got to fuck me in a gym,” you countered, his cheeks glowing pink at your statement and turning away from you.
“It was very fun, I’ll admit that, I just hope that no-one has to look at the cctv cameras unless they really want to enjoy a show,” Soonyoung chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you walked out into the cool night breeze.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hi can I req d...amage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body (cuts, bruises and all) with Fred?
Hi there, i loved this request, thank you so much!! I hope you like it!✨
Finally some freddie, i missed him <3
The Plan
Summary: soulmate au in which everyone can feel any damage done to their soulmate.
Warnings: bruises?
Word Count: 1195
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"I can't believe this!" you huffed at your friend while on the way towards your first class of the morning. "Look at this! It's unbelievable!"
You had your arms stretched out in front of you, a look of utter shock on display on your face. Hermione couldn't help but giggle lightly at your outburst.
"Hermione, i'm serious! How is it possible that someone gets hurt at least once a day?! I woke up with these!" you gestured to the yellowish bruises that adorned your arms with your eyes still wide and Hermione just shrugged her shoulders.
"You know how it works, damage done to a person also-"
"Also translates into their soulmate's body! I know, I know, but why did i have to be the one whose soulmate likes to bump into walls and earn a new bruise every day?!"
Hermione chuckled once more and your look of disapproval only made her laugh louder.
"Why so blue today? Still haven't found your soulmate, y/n?" a voice came from behind and the source of it soon appeared at your side, George Weasley.
You quickly rolled down the sleeves of your robes as he encircled his arm around your shoulders and you noticed his twin doing the same with Hermione although his gaze was set on you.
"Why so cheerful, Georgie? Finally found yours?"
"Not yet, but me and Fred have a plan." he winked at you and you noticed the other twin raise his eyebrows defiantly.
"Not just a plan, the definitive solution. We'll find our soulmates, whether our soulmates want to or not!"
"Knowing you two, i have a feeling they don't want to." Hermione replied cheekily, clutching her books to her chest and you smirked as the two boys feigned offense.
"What's this plan of yours anyway? I could use it..." you intervened.
"Oh that's a secret, we can't reveal anything." said Fred straightening himself. "You'll see when it'll be time."
He shot you one last grin before setting off with his twin, leaving you and Hermione shaking your head in disapproval in the corridor.
The lessons went by rather quickly, the thought you would have hung out with your friends after classes successfully making the time go by faster. You joined Ron and Harry at the quidditch pitch with Hermione, attending the gryffindors' practice.
Already on their brooms, you noticed the rest of the team but a particular redhead caught your eyes.
"How was arythmancy?" asked Ron as he saw the two of you approaching.
"Enlightening, as always. Much better than divination anyway." replied Hermione haughtily but your eyes were still set on that same redhead who was soaring though the sky, hitting the bludger around.
"We better go, see you later!" you waved Ron and Harry goodbye and settled in the bleachers. Being herself, Hermione opened a book and began reading, leaving you to watching the practice.
Fred seemed to finally took notice of you in the stands and started smirking at you. You rolled your eyes even though he probably couldn't see you from up there and signaled him to keep playing, but his eyes were still set on you. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on his broom, hands behind the nape of the neck as if he was sprawled on the gryffindor's common room couch.
You tilted your head towards the other players but he didn't seem to care about them, his piercing eyes never once leaving yours. Until it hit him.
George warned him just in time, but even though Fred regained his posture quickly enough, the bludger hit him square in the shoulder, making him lose his grip.
You sprang from your seat, startling Hermione who hadn't even noticed what was happening, and ran towards the field. Oliver successfully took hold of the bludger, tying it back in its case while the others started descending towards the ground.
Once safely landed, Fred tightly clutched his shoulder, the hit obviously painful. You ran towards the small crowd out of breath with Hermione in tow.
"Freddie, are you ok?" you asked breathlessly, eyes wide in shock and full of guilt, knowing he was distracted because of you.
"I'm fine, i'm fine, i was entranced by something far more interesting than quidditch." he said smugly and you immediately relaxed seeing he wasn't too badly injured.
You lightly jabbed him in the arm and he immediately recoiled, a fake hurt expression on his face.
"Hey! I just got severely hurt, you should be more careful!"
You laughed lightly but a sudden pang of pain in your shoulder made you stop and clutch it quickly.
"Are you ok, y/n?" Fred's previously smiling expression turned into one of worry and his hands settled on your forearms protectively.
"Yes, my shoulder just started aching, it might be another one of those stupid bruises..." you said, glancing at your hand still clutching your shoulder and then up at Fred.
His expression was now one of amusement as the corners of his mouth curled upwards.
"I just told you my shoulder aches, does this amuse you? I can't believe you sometimes, i-" you stopped mid-sentence and let realization flow over you.
The big grin that was spread on Fred's face confirmed your thoughts.
"You let yourself be hit by a bludger just so you could find your soulmate, you idiot?!" you shrieked as Fred's chuckle filled the air.
Oliver motioned to the others to return to their practice, leaving you and Fred some time alone.
"I might have, yes, but it did work, didn't it?" he looked somewhat proud of his actions and you just stared at him in perplexity.
"You could have gotten really hurt and what if it hadn't been me? How could you have found your soulmate?!"
"Well, i thought the hit would have been bad enough to go to the hospital wing and that i would have met them there but honestly, i'd hoped it was you."
His smile softened, from complacent to genuine, and for a moment the pain blazing in your shoulder seemed to disappear.
"You are an outright fool, Fred Weasley." you said, stifling a giggle. "You could have just asked me!"
"And what if it hadn't been you? I would've looked even more like a fool than i do now, asking people if they were my soulmate or not..."
"You could have just asked to see my arms and see if we had similar bruises."
Fred opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediate, the idea obviously much better than his plan.
"But it wouldn't have been as theatrical, would it?"
"I suppose not." you smiled up at him.
"Now, i would like to invite you on our first date." began Fred, offering you his arm. "I'm bringing you somewhere very exclusive, the hospital wing, we'll have a complete service. I know the lady, she's very nice and she owes me a favour." concluded Fred grinning.
You slung your own around his. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go."
And the two of you took off towards the hospital wing, laughing like idiots and eventually forgetting about the pain that brought you together.
Did i just use the same concept I've already used a thousand of times? Yes. Will I use it a thousand times more? Most probably. Anyway i hoped you like it, dear anon!
Taglist <3
@eunoniaa @astoria-malfcy @90smalfoy @sanctimoniousslytherpuff @maybesandohnos @malfoysbiitch @wh0re4blaise
[if your name is crossed out, check your privacy settings!]
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meltwonu · 4 years
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11. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
35. “Bite me.”
        “If you insist.”
notes; panther-hybrid!minghao, bunny!reader, the slightest whisper of jealous!minghao, heat fuckin, breeding!kink, oral(fem receiving), dirty talk, mentions of breath play, spitplay! Also this is so random but ive noticed this trend where sometimes when im posting sth for the day, THAT member will also be posting on like twt or doing a vlive or sth and i know its like theres only so many members! And im like YEA but its funny to me bc its like theyre saying ‘hey u stop that sinful content rn and enjoy this wholesome one instead’ and im just like hahah nope 😈💕 all I do is sin babyyyyyy 🤣 anyway thank you for requesting! enjoy! 💕
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“Fuck, this can’t b-be happening…! Ugh!”
You try redialing Chan’s number, only for it to go straight to his voicemail after only a few rings again. A soft cry spills from your lips as you pace around your living room; palms clammy around the small device.
Your heat had come early and your usual heat partner, Chan, seemed to be either ignoring your calls or way too busy to notice you’d already phoned him five times. “F-fuck, please…” You attempt to dial him one more time, biting your lip and rubbing your already slick thighs together as you listen to the phone ringing.
‘I’m sorry, the number you have dialed--’
“Damn it!”
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Minghao lives in the apartment next to you.
The quiet panther hybrid kept to himself most of the time and the only real times you’d seen him, he’d briefly smiled at you in passing whenever you’d both be in the hallways or elevator. You didn’t really know much about him in all honesty, but in the moment, you didn’t really care.
You storm out of your apartment, nervousness wracking your body as you stop right in front of his door. Raising a hand to knock, you momentarily think about your options.
A. Go back to your apartment and hope Chan picks up eventually
B. Ask Minghao this one time for the biggest favour of your life.
“Fuck it.”
Before you can change your mind, you quickly knock on his door, yelling a small ‘it’s me!’ as if Minghao would know. The door opens after a few tense seconds; Minghao’s tall form coming into view when he opens it wide enough.
A look of realization washes over him and he’s quick to smell you in the few moments that the two of you just seem to stare at each other. “What exactly are you doing in front of my door like this?” He drawls.
Minghao doesn’t really anticipate the effect it has on you, but you quietly whimper in return, thighs clamped tight and body shivering at the dominating aura that the panther hybrid already exudes.
“Please… I--my h-heat partner is--isn’t responding and I… Please b-breed me… I can’t--can’t wait any l-long and it--it h-hurts...”
Minghao raises an eyebrow as he leans against the door; sharp eyes fixating on your body that won’t stand still. 
“Get inside, right now.”
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Your fingertips tangle into Minghao’s hair as he eats you out; careful of his sleek yet fluffy black ears that protrude from his mess of hair.
Loud cries spill from you when he dips his tongue into your wet entrance before dragging it back up to your clit, teasing you as he takes his time.
“Fu--fuck, Minghao! More, more!”
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” He teases; lips easing into a smirk before he sucks your clit into his mouth. You let out a loud garbled moan as your entire body trembles with his touch. “I’m, ah, m-my heat…” You trail off, unsure of where you were even going with your sentence when Minghao flattens his tongue and drags it through your soaking folds. “Oh god, I--I can’t--!”
Before you can even stop yourself, you’re cumming on his tongue; fingers tightening in his messy locks and hips raising off of the bed as you grind against his flattened tongue. “Minghao, Minghao, Minghao!” The pleasure continues to wash over you even when he shakes your fingers loose from his hair and he sits up.
“You’re cute, y’know.” He smirks, lips coated in your wetness. “Just a cute ‘lil bunny getting her pussy eaten out in a panther’s bed. Aren’t you scared? I could eat you up right now, sweetheart.” His tone is teasing; eyes glimmering with mischief when your teary eyes meet his.
“Bite me. S-since, you’re so, ah, big ‘n b-bad…” You gulp as you watch him lean over you, suddenly feeling small underneath him.
“If you insist.”
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Minghao has never really helped anyone through their heat.
But he’s surely heard you go through yours plenty of times.
“Oh--oh, Minghao! H--harder! Please, f-fuck me harder!” Your nails dig into his bed sheets, drool dripping from your lips as he fucks you from behind.
“Fuck, you’re so loud.” He chuckles, “Do you know how loud you are, bun? When you’re getting fucked.”
Your cheeks burn hot at his question, “H-huh…?” Minghao stops his thrusts for a second, grinding against you as you moan loudly in response. His chest meets your back as he leans over you; peppering gentle kisses along your shoulder blades before nipping at your skin. The small action has goosebumps rising on your skin almost immediately as you bite your lips to hold in your noises.
“The walls aren’t soundproof, y’know. I can hear all your cute ‘lil moans and cries whenever you’re going through your heat. I can hear how rough you like to take it and how you beg and beg and beg for more.” Minghao pauses, smirking against your skin when you clench around his cock. “The way I’m fucking you is nothing compared to how you really like it, right, bun? I hear the things you’ve said to that heat partner of yours. The walls are just so thin~” Gulping, you wait for him to continue, unable to deny the way you seem to get wetter and wetter the more he talks.
“You beg whoever it is to fill you up with cum, over and over, and all night too. And I hear the way you always tell them to be rougher with you, to choke you and spit in your cute ‘lil mouth, but do they ever give it to you?”
Minghao grins, kissing your skin one last time before he straightens his back and starts fucking you at a much quicker pace. He wraps his fingers around your small fluffy tail at the small of your back, tugging on it lightly as you cry out his name. “That’s right, bun~ You just need someone like me who’ll put you in your place, right? Like the good ‘lil bunny you are.”
Garbled noises spill from your lips as he talks and you can already feel yourself on the brink of another orgasm once he starts to angle his thrusts to hit your g-spot. “Ngh, M--Minghao, fuck, ah, r-right there! More, p-please!” You move your hips in tandem with his; frenzied movements letting the panther hybrid that you were close to cumming again.
“Your cute ‘lil cunt is so fuckin’ tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could get used to you, bun. You should come see me more often~” Minghao licks his lips as his fingers continue to play with your tail; eyes trained on the way your body shivers underneath him. “You’re scared of me but you want me to fuck you all day, don’t you? Breed your hot ‘lil pussy until you’re full of my cum. But even then you’d still be begging me for more.”
He lets go of your tail, instead reaching around your body until his fingertips are on your clit.
“Cum for me bun, let me feel how tight you get around my cock.”
A high pitched whine is all you can manage when you cum on his command; eyes clamped shut as the pleasure washes over you. You let out a choked sob in the midst of your high, already itching to get to another orgasm.
Minghao opts to grind against you as you ride out your pleasure and he can’t help but grin at the way you keep trying to fuck yourself on his cock.
Your stuttered breaths and whines are the only noise in the room when Minghao draws his hips back; eyes fixated on his cock that’s covered in your wetness when he pulls out. He gently maneuvers you onto your back as you groan.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired already, bun? I still haven’t bred your cute ‘lil cunt. Don’t you want me to fill you up with cum? Get you nice ‘n full like you want?”
Your bleary eyes blink up at him, shaky fingertips reaching down to your soaking folds. Licking your lips, you spread yourself for him, letting him see how much wetter you were getting with each passing second. He raises a brow at you, noting the lust that pools in your eyes. 
“Hurry and b-breed me then, M--Minghao… I wanna, ah, feel you c-cumming too..”
The panther hybrid grins; eyes twinkling with playfulness as he positions himself at your entrance.
“Don’t mind if I do, bun~”
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bwbatta · 4 years
three - all bets on
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship, right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: lil bit of swearing, lil bit of angst, lil bit of jealous Draco
Word count: 3825
A/N: GET READY (this ones a big boi) taglist for this series is still open and so is a permanent taglist for my other work (HP or not!), so let me know if you’re interested in any of them! 
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part 2 | Part 4
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A voice whispered loudly from behind you, trying to get your attention as you tried to ignore it.
“Psst, (Y/N)... (Y/N)!”
You were doing a spectacular job of ignoring the whisperer who desperately was trying to get your attention, but your patience ran thin when a sharp pain ran through your back.
“Ow!” you hissed, turning around with your eyes blazing “Did you just stab me with your quill?!”
“...It was really more of a poke to be completely honest”
You shot an angry glare towards the red headed boy who now looked quite sheepish.
“What do you want, Ron?” You asked annoyed
He shared a look with Harry who sat next to him and both looked hesitant to say anything, which of course only made you more impatient.
“Well? Are you going to ask me a question because I’d rather like to get this finished so I can leave to get dinner”
“Have you shagged, Malfoy?”
Both Harry and you looked at Ron with varying expressions, yours was complete shock and Harry’s was a mix of slight embarrassment and curiosity.
“No, I haven’t shagged him” you narrowed your eyes towards the pair. “And even if I had, it would be none of your business”
“Are you sure you’re not being forced into dating him?” Harry questioned with a concerned look “We can help you if you are!”
“While I appreciate the help you’d offer, the answer is no. I’m not being forced into dating him” you sent the pair a glare “I’m dating Draco because I really like him”
“Well that’s a lie,” Ron scoffed “no one likes Malfoy”
“Well, okay, I agree that’s true” you shrugged “I actually love him”
Turning back round to finish your work, you tried to conceal the smile on your face as the two boys started pestering you again, trying to get your attention when suddenly a note landed on your desk.
The note was folded like a bird, and had been obviously charmed to act as such, as it jumped around your desk like a small robin would do.
Curious, you opened it up and immediately a smile spread across your face as you read the message.
Can I copy down your notes later? If yes, I adore you. If no, what do I have to bargain with this time? 
Also fancy dinner in the kitchens tonight? I’ve got an idea.
P.S pretend this is a cute love letter or something to piss Potter and Weasley off”
Your eyes shot over to the blonde who was already staring at you with a grin on his face.
You sent a smile of your own back, nodding to him, signalling he could copy your notes later. Thinking quickly, you also went one step further and blew him a kiss.
Draco’s cheeks blushed a little but the look he sent you could’ve melted you right where you sat.
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve described it as true heart eyes. 
But you did know better. 
He was just acting.
It also seemed to do the trick as Ron stabbed you in the back again with his quill, breaking your concentration from each other. You whirled around again with a glare in place.
“Stop stabbing me with your quill” you hissed
“Is that note from Malfoy?” Harry asked trying to get a look at it
“It might be”
“What does it say?” Ron questioned
“Why are you so curious? Jealous I’m getting love letters and you’re not?” you sent him a smirk 
“So it’s a love letter?” Harry asked slight disgusted at the thought of you getting one from Malfoy.
“Yes, it is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get dinner with my boyfriend, who I love very much” 
Picking up your books, you stuffed your papers inside your bag and stood up, making your way to the door where Draco was conveniently waiting. 
The fact he was going to copy your notes later, meant as soon as he saw you pack up to leave, he jumped up, his own bag already packed, ready to join you down in the kitchens for dinner.
Harry and Ron sat watching you wander over to Draco with a grin on your face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your temple to rile up the two Gryffindor boys.
“Ready to go?” your fake boyfriend asked you with a smile to which you nodded, eager for food away from prying eyes and curious questions.
The two of you made your way down to the kitchens, talking about what you were hungry for and before you knew it, a huge plate of a roast dinner was placed in front of you.
“Oh my,” you practically drooled “look how pretty this is”
“I hope you have the same reaction when you see me?” Draco joked
“Unless you suddenly turn into a plate of food, it’s a no, sorry honey”
“Maybe not a plate of food, but I am a snack”
You did not address the comment, only sent him an amused look which he smirked proudly at getting some sort of reaction from you. 
The two of you dug into your meals, chatting about absolute nonsense gossip you’d heard throughout the day. Apparently you’d missed Seamus Finnegan blowing up not only his own water goblet, but the rest of Gryffindor table’s, trying to turn it into Firewhiskey when you were in the Library.
Through a mouthful of roast potato, you suddenly made an exclamation like you’d suddenly remembered something, catching the blonde boy’s attention.
“Yes?” he asked amused at you trying to swallow your food quick enough to say something before you forgot your thought process.
“What was your idea you mentioned earlier?” you finally managed to ask. “The one you mentioned in your note?”
“Ahh” he began as he set down his knife and fork “I have an idea about something we can do to make people believe we’re a couple more?”
“Go on?” You asked curious, taking another bite of your food
“We could make out?”
Well, you didn’t expect that.
And the fact you were now choking on your mouthful, showed that perfectly well.
Draco patted your back as you trying to regain your breath. Finally able to swallow your food, you took a gulp of water to clear your mouth.
“Sorry” you muttered
“No worries, if I knew you were going to react like that I would’ve prepared you” he grinned at your embarrassment.
“Piss off”
You rolled your eyes at him before locking his gaze with your own unamused look.
“So?” He pressed
“Um... yeah, I guess that could work”
You fiddled with your sleeve as you tried to pull off an unbothered expression, when all you could now think about in your head was the fact you’d be kissing your best friend.
“Right?! That’s what I was thinking! No one would be able to deny we weren’t dating after we’d kiss in the Great Hall or something where everyone could see.”
“Yeah” you collected yourself and yanked yourself back into your confident persona “I mean, go big or go home right?! All bets on.”
“Exactly” he nodded in agreement “We do this and everyone will believe it”
You mirrored his nod and shot him a smile, hiding your nervousness immaculately. If there was one thing you could do, it was hide your true emotions.
“Yeah... everyone”
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“Hey, when’s the potions essay due again?”
Hermione gave you an unamused stare as you sat across from her in the Gryffindor common room.
The witch had made you promise to study with her for the test Flitwick had set for charms, especially since neither Harry nor Ron felt it urgent to do so.
“Don’t tell me you forgot about it?!”
“Nope, it was totally intentional for me to leave an entire essay due to do the night before” you shrugged sarcastically causing Hermione to send you another of her stares. 
To be completely honest, you probably would’ve done it last night if Draco hadn’t taken you to the kitchens for dinner. You two ended up staying there for the rest of the evening, partly for the instant snacks from the house elves, partly because you two just enjoyed each others company more than anyone else. You had to admit though, the pumpkin pasties were worth it.
“Well don’t come running to me for help when you need it” Hermione miffs “I told you to get it done as soon as it was set otherwise you’ll forget it, and look what’s happened? You’ve-”
“Forgotten it, yes okay, thank you. You getting a good view up there from your high horse?!”
“Don’t be silly” 
Hermione went to say something else but was interrupted.
“Hey, (Y/N)”
Lee Jordan smiled at you effortlessly as you sent him a smile back, slightly confused as to why he was there in the first place. He looked slightly nervous when you looked closer, his fingers playing with the edge of his sleeve.
“Hi, Lee. You alright?”
“Yeah, I actually wanted to ask you something, if you’re not busy?”
“Go ahead, I’m not doing anything interesting”
An annoyed scoff from the witch sitting opposite you said different.
Lee’s eyes flicked between the two of you before they settled back on you.
“I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the next Hogsmeade weekend with me?”
You were confused. Surely everyone, especially Lee because of the twins, knew you were going out with Draco. It had been all anyone had asked you about for the past week.
“Um... I actually was going to go with Draco” you told him slowly “You know, my boyfriend?”
“Yeah but that’s not actually true is it?!” Lee laughed a little like the idea was preposterous. “I mean come on, you don’t actually like the guy, right?”
You bristled slightly at the way Lee spoke about Draco. Sure, the boy was an wanker to most of the Gryffindors, if not all of them, but he wasn’t a truly bad person. 
Most of the way he acts is down to how he was raised by his parents, and after meeting Lucius one summer, you could understand why.
“Nope, I actually love the guy, which is part of the reason why I’m his girlfriend”
“You love him?!” Hermione jumped in, just as surprised as Lee
The tone Hermione used also didn’t sit right with you 
“Yep, we’re super in love” you grinned at her unfazed, not showing any hesitation about the subject. “So as nice as your offer is, Lee, I’ll have to turn it down, sorry”
The boy looked taken aback as if he thought you wouldn’t turn him down.
“Right, well, okay. Sorry to bother you” Lee smiled at you which you returned before he walked away.
You were still slightly shocked that Lee had just asked you out, when it was pretty much common knowledge for everyone in the castle, that you were in a relationship. 
It solidified the point that Draco and you needed to make it more convincing though. 
Nonetheless you turned back to your study notes, hoping to put this from your mind, but before any more studying could be done, the notes were snatched away.
“Nope, you’re not doing anything else until you tell me what’s really going on”
Laughing slightly you rolled your eyes at the dramatics of your friend. 
“Really! And despite the fact you somehow think I’m stupid-”
“You’re far from stupid, Mione-”
“Shhh” she actually shushed you as you interrupted her causing you to snort under your breath. “You really didn’t think I wouldn’t pick up on how Malfoy just so happens to not make any more insulting comments towards me?”
“Like I’ve told you before, he’s not a bad person and it’s not a huge change-”
“Yes it is!”
You stilled slightly at the conviction in her voice, words dying on your tongue before you could even utter them.
“He used to call me a mudblood every time we were in the same room, (Y/N). Now he nods to me and actually acts like I’m not some piece of dirt on his shoe? Somethings up.”
You never thought the dynamic between the two was really that bad, so you found yourself not really knowing what to say. Hermione continued regardless of your silence.
“I know you don’t know how much he used to insult me, or torment me because regardless of anything, the boy absolutely adores you so much so he would bite his tongue whenever you were in the room. Though now he’s actively going out of his way to be civil with me, even when you’re not around? I don’t trust it.”
Again, you were at a loss for words. But overwhelmingly you felt like a terrible friend.
“Hermione... I didn’t know it was that bad between you”
“Well it is, or was” she shook her head as if to centre her thoughts. “Look, fine, don’t tell me what’s going on, just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“Careful of what?” you asked confused as to what she was talking about now.
Sighing heavily, Hermione grabbed her books and started to pile them up. Standing up she paused, letting her eyes rest on you as you could tell she was debating what to say to you.
“Just be careful you don’t get caught up in whatever game you’re playing too much” 
With that being said, the witch turned and headed towards the Gryffindor girl’s dormitories, no more words said between the two of you. The ones last said being enough to linger in your head.
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“Hey, Sweetheart”
You were surprised for a second which showed on your face before you quickly gathered yourself and sent a dazzling smile back to the blonde who had sat down next to you.
Hermione’s words had been on your mind since the previous night, enough to distract you as you were up, attempting to write your essay in the small hours of the night. You were exhausted, but somehow seeing Draco had made you feel just that little bit better.
“Morning” you replied, blushing slightly as Draco pressed a kiss to your temple (which was now becoming a normal thing for him to do), and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“You two are awfully cosy this morning” Blaise remarked as he took the seat opposite.
“What, am I not allowed to sit with my girlfriend for breakfast and show her some affection?!” Draco asked whilst grabbing a few slices of bacon from the buffet in front of him.
“Never said you weren’t” Blaise rolled his eyes at his best mate “just that you guys are disgustingly close”
“Aww thanks Blaise” you smiled at him innocently, clutching your coffee mug close to your chest, as he shot you a look which made you chuckle.
Pulling you closer to him, Draco leaned down to your ear to stage whisper loud enough so the boy opposite could hear.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just jealous he’s single and doesn’t have someone to kiss in the morning”
“Alright, piss off you two. If (Y/N) wanted to go out with anyone I had hoped it would’ve been me, but I’ll live” Blaise joked as you chuckled along with him. 
Draco sent his friend an amused look.
“Stop hitting on my girl, Zabini”
“Yeah yeah, I’m just joking” the wizard rolled his eyes at the Malfoy boy as the two of you shared a chuckle. This was until a prominent thought popped into your head.
“Oh, guess what happened last night?” you asked the blonde wizard who sent you an inquisitive glance as he took a bite out of a slice of toast. “Lee Jordan asked me out.”
At once, Draco’s face dropped it’s curious expression to form one of annoyance and agitation. 
“What?!” he practically hissed. “Does he not know you have a boyfriend?”
“Apparently, he thought it was a joke” you told him, eyes quickly assessing his reaction.
Leaning into you and pressing his forehead to your temple, it would’ve looked couple-y to anyone else but it just meant he could whisper to you so no one else would hear.
“What did you say?” he whispered 
“I said that I was your girlfriend” you whispered back, playing with his fingers of the hand wrapped around your shoulder. “I let him know I was taken, don’t worry.”
“But I am worrying (Y/N), he doesn’t know it’s a joke!”
“...Are you jealous? Offended someone else asked me out?”
“No! I just don’t like people asking out my girlfriend”
You turned your head so both your foreheads rested together. Resting your hand on his cheek, your thumb brushed over his cheekbone as his gaze met yours.
“I’m yours okay... for however long you want me to be your fake girlfriend” you caught yourself with an awkward chuckle. “I’m all in.”
Draco felt a smile creep up on his lips and he could help but take you in. You had this calming aura around you, which he felt like was almost soothing his soul just being next to you. 
He found it addicting.
A cough from opposite the table caught your attention and both your eyes snapped over to Blaise how pointedly looked towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
Catching sight of Pansy entering the hall, eyes darting round, no doubt looking for the blonde boy next to you, you couldn’t help the noise of irritation which left your lips.
Draco smiled at the sound, enjoying the fact you were as annoyed as him when it came to the girl. He pulled you closer to him, slotting you under his arm as you wrapped your own arm around his waist in turn tucking yourself into his side.
“Bitch incoming” you muttered under your breath
Draco snorted under his breath before rolling his eyes at the smile Pansy sent him as she wandered over to the three of you.
“Oh Merlin” Blaise groaned as she took the seat next to him, opposite from you.
“Hi guys”
“Is there some reason you’re sitting with us?” you found yourself asking as the girl shot you a snide glare.
“I just wanted to sit with my friends, is that such a crime?”
“What friends?” Blaise muttered loud enough for everyone present to hear.
“Pansy, we’d rather eat without your face putting us off our food” Draco shrugged.
Pansy eyed the arm holding you securely to him with a look of envy and disgust, like it was disturbing her immensely.
“Oh Drakey, don’t be mean, where else am I meant to go?!”
“If you ask nicely, the pound might take you back” you joked which earned you amused snorts from both boys.
Any expression on her face, which was put on for politeness, dropped instantly and Pansy glared at you like looks could kill.
“So first you steal my boyfriend and then you insult me?”
“I wasn’t your boyfriend, I will never be your boyfriend” Draco sighed like the topic was getting old.
“And then,” Pansy continued, completely disregarding the Malfoy boy’s comment, “you think you can just play around with a rumour that you two are together, and everyone’s just going to believe it? Come on, I haven’t even seen you two kiss. This little act you’re putting on might just ruin that friendship of yours.”
There was no doubt about it, Pansy Parkinson was jealous, vengeful and relentless. 
You knew convincing her would be the biggest problem of this whole plan but that’s exactly what you needed to do; convince her.
With this in mind, you sat up straight and looked her dead in the eyes.
“You don’t believe us because we haven’t kissed in front of you?”
“I think the fact that you two haven’t kissed in front of anyone proves you’re just faking it” she shrugged.
“So you want proof?” Draco asked with a scoff “That I would choose (Y/N), a decent, good human being, over you, to be in a relationship with?”
Pansy pulled an expression like her question was obvious.
“Alright, how’s this for proof?”
The arm wrapped around your shoulder changed and Draco cupped your face in the palm of his hand. 
Brushing back a lock of your hair with the other hand, he took a brief moment to study your face, thumb rubbing softly on your cheekbone. Your eyes met his and the same determination was reflected within your own eyes at how much you wanted to show this bitch, that the boy now looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, was yours. 
Leaning down, Draco’s eyes never left yours, looking for any uncertainty, but found none. This gave him the confidence he needed and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
You were certain your brain short circuited. 
His lips were soft but determined, as the kiss you shared started slow, almost finding comfort in each other, before his other hand rose to cup the other side of your face. 
That was when your heart really skipped a beat.
It was like a fire was burning in your chest, almost painfully as you put everything you had into this kiss with Draco, and everything around you drowned out except for the boy in front of you.
He was addicting. 
Draco however, could hardly express how right this kiss felt. 
He really hadn’t expected how your lips would’ve felt until he met them, yet this was better than he could’ve ever predicted. You were all consuming, you were perfect, you were everything.
Holding your face between his hands like you were the most delicate thing, he just sunk into the feeling of kissing you. It was almost like finding something he had been missing.
Like he had been missing kissing you.
Pulling back after what felt like forever, when it could’ve only been seconds? Minutes? Draco wasn’t sure. Time had completely escaped him.
His eyes met yours and it was like the two of you were lost in each other. 
The fact that the two of you were so wrapped up in each other, you didn’t see how whispers spread through the Great Hall and soon everyone was watching the pair of you.
You didn’t see how the golden trio shared a look between the three of them, each concerned about you, and how wrapped up you were in Draco. 
You didn’t see how Fred handed George five galleons, an obvious bet having been made between the two of them.
You didn’t notice how Pansy, filled with envy and rage, left the Hall in a strop, Blaise’s amused gaze following her. 
You did however, notice how easy it was to get lost in the blonde wizard.
Especially his lips, and the way he whispered three words against them, not breaking eye contact with you.
“I’m all in.”
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Series Taglist: (If you’re in bold I’m unable to tag you for some reason, sorry!)
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Draco Taglist:
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karmelek-writes · 3 years
comfort zone I part 4 - teaser #2
Harrison Osterfield x fem!reader, Tom Holland x fem!reader
Synopsis: What do you do when you love them but want someone else?
A/N: Hi guys! Firstly, I want to apologise for my long absence. I don't want to dwell on it too much, last month was extremely busy for me. However, I'm back now and to those who were patiently waiting for me to post - thank you for staying here and I love you guys! This is yet another teaser for part 4 of comfort zone. I'm about to finish writing it soon so I will post the whole part in a few days, but I wanted to make up for not posting for a while! I hope you're excited and I can't wait to read your thoughts! Love, W.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes!
Read part 1, part 2, and part 3
In Harrison’s mind winning you over wasn’t hard. He had a plan and it included being the best man he could be for you. Not that he normally wasn’t nice but when it came to you, he made sure to put extra effort in everything he was doing because he wanted to impress you so much. He failed to understand one thing, though, and it was his own admiration towards you. You were a good girl from a good house and Harrison knew that, he was your friend before but he couldn’t make out when he first realised he liked you and when liking you turned into being into you and when that turned into completely and utterly adoring you. His feelings crushed at him at the most unexpected moment and it scared him and thrilled at the same time. He was eager because you never failed to keep him on his toes, making him submit to you and falling in love with you every single day but also afraid because he never in his life felt such intense feelings towards any girl and he didn’t quite know what it meant for him. However, Harrison wasn’t stupid. He was more than aware of Tom’s feelings for you even if the man himself wasn’t yet. The way Tom spoke about you, with how much love your name rolled out of his mouth started making Harrison sick to his stomach. He was Tom’s friend but he couldn’t bring himself to stop talking to you or blocking you from his life. Harrison was breaking the bro code and he hated to be that person but he didn’t want to choose between love and friendship. That’s why he never told Tom about you. In his eyes, you and Harrison were just good friends who reconnected after losing contact. The blonde didn’t have the heart to reveal the truth, especially when Tom was venting to him about how he fucked up your friendship and how bad he wanted you back. He didn’t even have the courage to back up when the oldest Holland asked him for help with winning you back. That’s how he knew that Tom was about to call you tonight to make things right and that was the reason for your little adventure. Well, it wasn’t the only reason because he still wanted to do something nice for you and spend some quality time together but he still wished you forgot about Tom. He wished that after today you would see that Harrison was better for you than the bruette, because even though he was assured of your mutual attraction, he knew you still liked Tom. Another thing was that Harrison knew he was always the second choice. Most girls only talked to him to get with Tom and he was sick of being treated like a means to an end. Once in his life he wanted to be the chosen one, he wanted you to choose him. He hated himself for competing with his best friend for your favours, but what made him feel even worse was using Tom’s feelings to his advantage. Despite everything, they were still best friends. Harrison had Tom’s plan of making you like him again written in his head that’s why he was ten steps ahead in their game. He didn’t like referring to you as a prize someone could win, you weren’t an object that could satisfy anyone but that was how he felt - like a player who was too proud to back up even if he knew he should. The truth was Harrison was desperate. It’s been too long since he got a sense of comfort from someone, since he felt needed and wanted, and to his liking and hating, since someone made his skin burn just by a simple brush or caused his blood rush south just by glancing at him. He wanted- no, he needed that intimacy. He did what he did because it’s been too long since he felt like he was alive.
“Hey, are you okay?” your sweet, dripping with concern voice brought Harrison back to harsh reality.
“Oh, sorry. Yes, yes, I’m okay,” he didn’t know if he was trying to convince you or himself but it seemed to work as your full of worry eyes gleamed with their usual playfulness.
“You haven’t been listening to anything I said, have you?” a lopsided smile and apologetic glance sent your way were enough to confirm your suspicion. “It’s okay, it wasn’t anything interesting anyway,” you faked a chuckle to relieve some tension as you felt stupid for rambling. That must have been the reason Harrison zoned out, you thought, mentally scolding yourself for boring him.
“Hey, hey, no! Look at me, please,” at his plea you moved to face the blonde and you immediately melted just from looking straight into his ocean blue eyes. “I’m sorry for zoning out. Please, don’t think that I’m not interested in what you’re saying. It’s just um…” you sent him a warm smile noticing the hesitation in his melodic voice hoping it would help him to open up. The trick did its job as Harrison giggled at you. “It isn’t fair, you know?” he groaned playfully.
“What are you talking about?” you played stupid, sending him another “innocent” smile.
“THIS is what I’m talking about! You can’t just smile at me like that, it makes my knees weak and I want-” Harrison bit his tongue just in time to stop himself from saying something he’d regret later. He wasn’t ready to tell you about his feelings yet, as horrible as it sounded he needed to take Tom out of the picture first.
“And you want…” you didn’t let him get away with continuing, as you nodded at him to go on. Harrison cursed under his breath, not sure what to do next.
“I’ve just been having a rough time lately,” his mood shifted slightly and you probably wouldn’t notice if it wasn’t for him fidgeting with his fingers. You picked up that it was one of the things he used to do when he was nervous so you took matters into your own hands to lighten up the mood. You took his hand into yours, fingers intertwining with his as you squeezed his palm to silently assure him of your presence and support. Turning to face him you made a bold move to place a gentle kiss right at the corner of his mouth. You didn’t know what gave you confidence but you wanted to make him feel better, to show him you were there for him too. Pulling out slightly you made a mistake to avert your gaze from his lips and look him in the eyes. It felt as if the time stopped when Harrison subtly titled his head to the side without breaking eye contact. Desire evident in his azure irises consuming your soul, yet he hesitated to press his soft lips to your own. Noses brushing, you could feel his hot and uneven breath on your burning skin. Suddenly you forgot how to breathe, too occupied by the rapid heartbeat buzzing in your ears to pay attention to Harrison’s thumb caressing your rosy from excitement cheek.
“Whatever it is that you’re struggling with, I’m here for you,” you were scared to speak up so as not to ruin the sweet moment, so you whispered the words as delicately as you could, wishing that it could last forever. Harrison nodded at you, implying that he understood what you tried to say, too busy admiring your beauty from up close. After seeing his stare wandering on your features you suddenly became highly alerted of every single imperfection evident on your skin. Insecure of yourself, you turned away to look at the smouldering flames, too embarrassed to notice Harrison’s loving gaze.
Taglist: @osterfieldshollandgirl, @tom-holland-is-spiderman-archive, @harryhollandsgirlfriend, @peachyafshawn, @whltlock
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Years Passed [Chapter Two]
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Part Summary: Spencer and Emily question Y/N about her missing neighbour. 
previous chapter / next chapter
Years Passed Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Many different emotions were flowing through Y/N as she stared up at the man she thought she would never see again. From the looks of it, he recognised her too but like Y/N, he didn’t say anything. It had been thirteen years since she had last seen Spencer and she had never even heard from him since she walked out of their shared apartment. There were times when Y/N wondered if he still worked for the FBI - now she had her answer. 
“I’m SSA Emily Prentiss and this is Doctor Spencer Reid.” The woman introduced as they both presented their badges. 
Of course Y/N knew who Spencer was but she wasn’t going to say anything about it. It was clear that they were here for an important reason, that reason being unknown at this moment in time. 
“Would we be able to come in and ask you a few questions?” Emily asked.
“About what?” Y/N questioned, still shielding her apartment behind her door. She didn’t exactly want two FBI agents to come into her house especially when Harper was just in her bedroom. 
“We need to ask you some questions about your neighbour Ava Pierce?” Emily said.
“Ava?” Y/N questioned, “Why do you need to talk to me about Ava?”
“She has recently gone missing and you were the last person she contacted.” Spencer spoke up for the first time. 
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, “Of course come in, whatever questions you have I’ll try my best to answer.”
Y/N opened her door wider and allowed Spencer and Emily to walk in. As they stepped in, Y/N took note of Spencer’s eyes scanning around her apartment. His eyes lingered on her painting and photographs a little too long at times. Y/N led them over to the couch and they sat down while Y/N sat in the armchair opposite. 
“So what do you need to ask me?” Y/N questioned.
“How did you know Ava?” Emily asked.
“Well we’re friends, I moved back here six months ago and she helped me settle in. Anything I needed help with I could go to her and it’s the same with me.” Y/N explained.
“Why did she contact you at six in the morning?” Emily questioned.
“Well she needed a house sitter as she was going to be away for a few days. She forgot to ask anyone else so she phoned me.”
“Do you know why she was going away?” Spencer asked.
Y/N shook her head, “No, she never said, all she said was that she would be gone for a few days if I worried about her.”
“Did anything seem off with Ava? Did she sound panicked?”
Y/N thought back to her phone call with Ava.
Y/N hummed along to the music playing at a quiet volume to not disturb Harper. Currently Y/N was packing Harper's lunch for school like she did everyday. As Y/N zipped up the lunch bag, her phone started to ring. Without looking at who was calling, Y/N picked it up. 
“Y/N?” Ava’s voice came through the phone.
“Ava? It's odd that you’re calling me at this time, I’m surprised you’re not asleep.” Y/N joked.
Ava let out a breathy laugh from the other end of the phone, “Yeah I’m shocked with myself too, but I need to ask you a big favour.”
“What is it?”
“Could you house sit for me for a few days? I realised that I forgot to ask anyone else.” Ava said.
“Of course I will,” Y/N said, “Are you going anywhere?”
“I don’t know.” Ava said quietly.
“You don’t know?” Y/N questioned.
“Yeah,” Ava said quickly, “My friends are planning a long weekend away for me but I don’t know where we’re going.”
“Well have fun won’t you?” Y/N said.
“I will,” Ava said, “Bye Y/N.”
“Bye Ava, make sure you-”
The phone was cut off before Y/N could finish speaking. 
“Now that I think about it, she did sound off,” Y/N said, “She said she didn’t know where she was going and that her friends were taking her away on a long weekend. She didn’t sound too excited about it though, she sounded nervous and scared.”
“She must’ve been with the person who took her,” Emily said, “If she called you then her captor must’ve not wanted you to draw suspicions as to where she went.”
“Wait,” Y/N said, breathing in deeply, “She was with the person who took her when she phoned me. I could’ve done something-”
“Mummy! Are we going to the park now?” Harper said, coming into the room.
Y/N put a smile on her face for Harper’s sake as she walked over to her. 
“Yes we will but can you do something for me?” Y/N asked and Harper nodded, “Could you take my phone and ring Melanie and tell her that we’ll be a little late. I just have to finish talking to these people and then we’ll go.”
Harper turned around and noticed the two people sitting on the couch. Immediately she shrunk into Y/N’s side, “Who are you?”
“Harper, these two people work for the FBI, they help catch bad guys,” Y/N answered, not wanting to go into detail about their job.
Y/N noticed that Spencer gave Harper a small smile so as not to seem threatening. Harper stepped away from Y/N and gave Spencer a small smile back. 
“Now can you go to your room and call Melanie like I asked?” Y/N questioned, pressing a small kiss to the side of Harper’s head. 
“Yes mum.” Harper said before taking Y/N’s phone and heading back into her room. 
“Sorry about that.” Y/N apologised
“There’s no need to apologise,” Emily said, “And there is no reason to blame yourself for this. You couldn’t have known that Ava was with her abductor.”
Y/N sighed, “I know but it doesn’t stop me from feeling any less guilty.”
Spencer and Emily shared a look before they both stood up from Y/N’s couch, “Thank you for answering our questions Ms. L/N. You’ve been a big help.” Y/N only nodded slightly. “We’ll show ourselves out.”
Y/N stood up  from her seat and turned to face out of the window. She couldn’t believe that Ava was taken and she was with her abductor when she called her. Y/N couldn’t help but feel guilty about it, she knew that there was nothing she could have done but the guilt still resided within her. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer questioned. 
Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin, turning around to face Spencer with her hand on her heart, “Spencer! You nearly scared the life out of me.”
“Sorry.” He apologised sincerely. 
“I thought you were seeing yourself out?” Y/N questioned.
“I was but I wanted to check up on you.” Spencer stated. 
Y/N couldn’t help but let a small smile appear on her lips, “Ever the selfless person Spencer Reid.”
“So you do remember me?” Spencer said, a grin forming on his face.
“How could I ever forget you Dr, Reid?” Y/N said. 
“It’s good to see you,” Spencer commented, “You look good.”
Y/N noticed a tinge of red spread across his face after he gave her the compliment, “Thank you Spencer, you look good too. What has it been, like thirteen years?”
“Thirteen years, four months and fifteen days.” Spencer answered. 
“Wow, okay, that’s very specific.” Y/N said. 
Spencer cleared his throat, “Are you okay?”
Y/N sighed, “I will be, I just hope you catch this bastard who took Ava.”
“We will,” Spencer said and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a piece of paper with a number written on it and handed it to Y/N, “Call if you remember anything else that could help us with the investigation.”
Y/N took the slip of paper and looked down at it, “This is your number?” Spencer nodded. 
Looking down at the number written on the slip of paper, Y/N couldn’t help but let her heart swell slightly. It was the same phone number he had thirteen years ago. It was as if Y/N’s mouth worked separately from her brain as she spoke her next words.
“Would you mind if I use it for something other than this investigation? What if I wanted to catch up with an old friend?” As soon as the question left Y/N’s mouth, she wanted to retract it immediately.
“Then I will eagerly be awaiting your call.” Spencer said, trying to repress a small smile. 
“Mummy!” Harper yelled from her room. 
“I think I should go and see to Harper,” Y/N said, “You can see yourself out right?”
“Oh yeah, I can.” Spencer said.
“I’ll see you soon Spencer.” 
When Y/N and Harper met up with Melanie and Toby at the park, Melanie could tell that something was wrong with Y/N immediately. As soon as Harper and Toby ran to the park to play, Melanie turned to Y/N.
“Right, so what’s up with you?” Melanie questioned.
Y/N was taken back by the question, “What? There’s nothing up with me.”
“Then why do you look so distant?” Melanie questioned, “And why did Harper call me saying that there were two BFI people in your house. I definitely know that she meant FBI.”
Y/N sighed, “My neighbour Ava, well she’s gone missing and the FBI came to question me about it,” Y/N explained, “I was the last person she contacted and she was with her abductor when she called me.”
“Oh, Y/N I’m sorry.” Melanie said, sympathy flooding her eyes. 
“I guess there wasn’t much I could have done but I can’t help but think there was, y’know?” Y/N said and Melanie nodded her head, “I just hope that they find her.”
“They will, that’s what the FBI do.” Melanie said. 
Y/N nodded, “Yeah a team of FBI agents that my ex-boyfriend is a part of.”
Melanie’s eyes went wide, “What? Why did you never tell me that you had an ex-boyfriend who worked for the FBI?”
“It never came up in conversation,” Y/N commented, “He was one of the agents who showed up at my house.”
“No way!” Melanie said, “Did he say anything?”
“Not at first,” Y/N said, “He stuck around after they were done questioning me and we had a conversation, he gave me his number in case that there was anything else I remembered that could help them with the investigation...and I might’ve accidentally asked him if I could use the number if I ever wanted to hand out with him.”
“You didn’t…” Melanie said.
“I did,” Y/N sighed, “I don’t know why I did it. I just haven’t seen him in thirteen years and I guess it was nice to see him again.”
“Was it nice to see him again or nice to look at him again?” Melanie questioned, a smirk growing on her face. 
Y/N felt her face heat up, “Shut up,” She nudged her friend, “It was nice to see him.”
“Mm-hm, I believe you…” Melanie trailed off. 
“I really don’t know why I did it,” Y/N said, “Considering that I don’t know if he has a family of his own and what the time of year is… it was stupid of me to ask him.”
Melanie placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, “Y/N, you didn’t ask him to marry you, you only asked him if he wanted to hang out as friends and catch up, that’s perfectly normal for two people who haven’t seen each other in years,” Melanie said, “And for the time of year, you can choose if you feel up to going out with him, remember you don’t have to if you don’t feel up to it.”
Y/N only nodded before turning to face the park where Harper and Toby were playing on the swings - or attempting to. 
“Mummy - come and help me please!” Harper called out. 
Y/N chuckled to herself before turning to Melanie, “If I’m going to get sand in my shoes, so are you, come on.”
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