#look maybe its just a joke (most likely) but i am Trying so hard not to commemt this on every post about it
I think people are forgetting or don't realize that most of the people who died on the Titanic were 3rd class passengers and crew...
Some of you did not have a bizarre and intense Titanic phase as a kid and it shows.
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pastadoughie · 7 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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hirukochan · 1 year
Can I please request a snape smut fic? The reader and him have been friends since school and she is in love with him only he does not know it or realize his feelings till Sirius is flirting with her and it leads to a fight between them leading to them confessing to their feelings. Maybe some dirty talk biting and rough smut
Sooo...I got a bit carried away with this...definetly not the roughest smut I've written, but I hope you like it anyway.
Severus and his sunshine
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Pairing: Severus Snape x fem!reader
warnings: Smut, loss of virginity
Wordcount: 7402 (oops...)
Read on Ao3 or below the cut:
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“To the youngest Professor in the history of Hogwarts!” You cheer and raise your glass clumsily into the air, spilling half your drink down your arm. “Oops-” You giggle. 
It’s not the first drink of the evening and not the first time you toast to Severus’ new job - and certainly not the last. It bears repeating after all because how fucking awesome is this? You have always known that Severus is the most intelligent and brilliant and ingenious person you’d ever meet! It’s unfair - no, a bloody shame! - how many people never realised it just because Severus’ is a bit awkward and rude and- alright he’s a downright cunt sometimes but he has every bloody right to be with the road his life has taken so far! With a father like that and that awful Potter and his stupid goons!
“We need to cut you off.” He drawls, the corner of his lips curling, and tries to snatch your glass from you. You jump off the chair you're standing on and cradle your drink protectively to your chest, firewhiskey dripping down your arm.
“Try and I’ll bite your finger off!”
“You’re drunk.”
“No, I’m not.” Severus shakes his head but doesn’t try to get your drink again, instead focusing on his own (the second of the evening - what a bore). The pub is crowded and loud, nobody pays any attention to the two of you sitting at a table in the corner.
You plop back down on your chair and take a sip of your drink. 
Severus’ eyes have gone distant again. That happens a lot lately. Like something is on his mind that he lacks the words to tell you. Social interactions aren’t his strong suit. You’re the ‘Severus-translator’ Lily used to joke when you three were still friends because you always knew what Severus wanted to say but couldn’t. You always made sure he was included in conversations, told others to shut up so he could speak or smooth over his rough edges whenever someone didn’t get Severus’ dry and dark sense of humour. 
One look at him from across the Great Hall during breakfast and you knew whether he was in a good or bad mood. You knew when he had a nightmare the night before and needed a gentler touch or when to bluntly tell him he’s being a cunt.
This you can’t seem to figure out. 
He smiles less these days. Even less than usual. The four years since you finished school have been hard, especially for him, especially with the war. 
Emotions are not Severus’ thing.
His long black hair falls into his face, hiding his grave expression from the world and you. His face has lost its boyish features. His jaw is more prominent, complementing his high cheekbones. His hooked nose suits him. It’s something about the proportions or symmetry of his face - you can’t quite put your finger on it. Most people seem to be put off by his appearance, but to you he has always held something uniquely beautiful.
He taps his finger against his glass repeatedly. His fingernails are still painted black…You made him let you paint them last time he was at your flat. It suits him.
You place your hand over his, stopping his fidgeting. You wish you’d know what’s going on in his head, clearly whatever it is puts him on edge, but you trust he’ll talk to you when he is ready. 
“You’ll be great.” You say. “I have no doubt. You’re a bloody genius, Severus! These kids are so lucky. They can learn so much from you!”
“I am certain they will share your attitude.” He says sardonically and you snort. Severus downs his drink and takes your empty glass to get another round (and probably a glass of water for you because he’s such a mum sometimes). You smirk as you watch him make his way through the crowd. 
He sticks out like a sore thumb in these new robes he got, but you think they too suit him. It’s probably the first time he isn’t wearing hand-me-downs. He’s wearing all black of course. The most colour you ever saw him wear was at Hogwarts in the form of his emerald green school tie. 
Severus looks intimidating. It makes him look older, stronger somehow. It’s such a stark difference to the beat up jeans, the The Cure bandshirt you gifted him one Christmas and the shabby leather jacket.
But not in a bad way.
He looks good. 
Maybe it’s the fact he has grown taller since graduation. He’s a head taller than he used to be and shed his bend over posture. Escaping both Hogwarts and his recently deceased father agrees with him. That and your continued effort of forcing him to eat three whole meals a day, every day.
His wide shoulders and dark hair disappear behind people and you rip your eyes from the spot you last saw him.
So much has changed in the last four years but that little flutter in your heart whenever you look at him has not changed. When it first started in your fourth year you didn’t even realise what it was about. You’d start stammering around him, earning you silent glares and raised eyebrows from Severus at which you’d blush. After an embarrassingly long time you finally accepted that you had developed a crush on your best friend. 
You’re too terrified of losing him as a friend to ever tell him though.
Severus isn’t good with feelings. They are too complicated. Too messy. He doesn’t need messy. His life is messy enough and so you swore to yourself to never tell him.
Your friendship was already a miracle. You are his polar opposite. You are outgoing and friendly, polite - too polite sometimes - bubbly and optimistic. Severus is - well Severus. He is grumpy and quiet and rude.
You decided to befriend him in your first year. You saw him during the sorting and something about him pulled you in. You really wanted to get to know him and when you heard him talk during your first potions class you made the decision to gain his friendship however long it would take.
You started by sitting at the table next to his in the library. You’d sit there everyday, quietly doing your homework and when he stopped shooting you irritated looks when he thought you weren’t looking, you moved to sitting at his table. You simply smiled at the befuddled Severus and did your work. 
You approached befriending Severus like one might approach gaining the trust of a wild animal. Over the year a truce-kind-of study group had formed between you.
Towards the end of term he asked for your help collecting some things from the forbidden forest - Lily would never break school rules, but you are certain Severus didn’t actually need help, he just didn’t know how to tell you he wanted to spend time with you.
During the summer you send him letters, even after not receiving any back from him and when you saw him by himself in the Hogwarts Express in September you sat down next to him and you’ve been friends since.
You know a romance is even less likely than your friendship was.
“Merlin! I almost didn’t fucking recognise you!” A familiar voice says and you throw up a little in your mouth.
“Black.” You say monotonous. As if he owns the place Black sits down opposite of you on Severus’ currently empty chair.
“You’re hot! How come we never snogged in school?”
“Because whenever I am forced to face the fact that you exist I want to smash my head against a wall.” You say with a honey-sweet tone of voice at which Black’s grin only grows. He doesn’t get the hint. 
“How come you’re drinking alone, gorgeous?” Black continues undeterred, a poised and arrogant grin on his lips.
“I’m not.” His grin wavers ever so slightly but Sirius Black has always believed himself so utterly irresistible that such small details don’t matter to him.
“I don’t see anyone.” He is wearing muggle clothes, trying just a tad too hard to look like a rockstar, but he talks and holds himself like a pureblood still. He might have run away from home but he is still living off of his family’s wealth and he hasn’t changed one bit since school.
Black is (as usual) utterly unaware that he isn’t welcome. Black’s eyes roam over your face and down to your chest like he is appraising you, determining how much effort you are worth putting into seducing you. 
“I think it’s fate we meet like this! You look-” He licks his lips and a shiver of disgust rushes over your arms. “So different. Bet you cut loose that tosser Snivellus. He was clearly dragging you under. A frown on such a pretty face should be considered a fucking crime.” You clench your fists under the table. You have your wand in your boot. It would be so easy to hex him-
“Someone as stunning as you- Oi! I was about to head to this club in Dublin that recently opened to meet Moony and Wormtail - You should join me!” He winks.
“As I said - I am here with someone.”
“But you could be with me!” He laughs as if he just made a joke but you know he is dead serious. He thinks you’d gladly ditched whomever you are here with for the chance of spending time with him. “Bring her too - the more the merrier.” There is a not so subtle suggestive tone to his words and he wiggles his eyebrows. “Come on gorgeous! Someone as sexy as you should not be so uptight! Let’s have some fun, let loose a little - it’ll be worthwhile to you, I swear.”
“What a compelling offer.” Sneers Severus and your heart drops. Great. “I wonder how many you made that promise to, Black, and how many you left disappointed.” Black’s grin falters for a split second.
That’s right.
Severus is different.
He stands taller. He’s fierce and strong and you aren’t at Hogwarts anymore where it’s four against one with the teachers turning a blind eye. You have no doubt Severus would pull out his nastiest curses on Black given the chance.
“Let’s leave, Sev.” 
“Come on, gorgeous!”
“That’s not her name, but one can hardly expect a simpleton like you to care for such fine details as names.”
“No wonder she looked like somebody was fucking murdered in front of her eyes when I found her - how Lily could bear being close to you for so long I’ll never understand.” Black turns towards you. “Kick this dick to the curb - I’ll buy you a drink, gorgeous.”
“She does not need you for that-”
“I can buy my own drinks.” You hiss and when Severus still makes no move towards leaving, you grab your jacket and storm off. Let them duel like little children if they want, but you won’t get in the middle of that. 
The cold hair of the night hits you while you run down the street. Tears sting in your eyes and you feel so stupid and pathetic for crying. Nothing even happened. You don’t know what’s going on- that’s a lie. Severus sounded like he was about to suggest you’re with him and therefore don’t need Black to buy you drinks which…it’s not wrong. You were at the pub with Severus and you were going to make him pay (he’s a Professor now after all and from what Sev let on the pay isn’t bad) but it wasn’t a date. And Severus suggesting or intending to suggest that hurts. You want it to be a date goddamn! You’ve wanted it for over eight years!
Severus calls your name but you just wrap your arms tighter around yourself and continue down the empty street on the outskirts of London.
“Just wait!” He catches up to you. “What a fucking wanker.” He huffs.
“What did he say to you? I should have hexed him! I knew it!”
“Drop it.”
“No, I will not drop it! He made you cry- come on tell me what he said and I’ll-”
“What?!” Abruptly you stop walking and spin around to face Severus. He looks at you perplexed, his cloak billowing behind him in the breeze. “You’ll go and start a duel? Why? I told you to drop it.”
“He’s a fucking cavemen! Just the way he looked at you-” Severus grimaces. A muscle in his jaw tenses and he flexes his wand hand.
“Why the fuck do you suddenly feel the need to defend my honour?! You just ignored me in there- nevermind. I’m tired. I want to go home.”
“Don’t let Black ruin our night-”
“You ruined our night! I asked you to leave, you ignored me. I ask you to drop it, you ignore me. I don’t want you to fight Black! We aren’t at school anymore - you’ll get arrested!” Something you have never before seen crosses through Severus’ eyes. Something dark. A cold shiver runs down your spine and you take an involuntary step back.
“I wouldn’t be arrested, Sunshine.” He says, voice low, rumbling like thunder, a muttered promise of destruction and ruin and heat pools in your belly. That he called you by his nickname for you which he uses very sparingly, if ever, doesn’t help the matter. Severus takes a step forward. The heat morphs into a twisting, curling mass that takes your breath away. Severus looms over you, shadows dancing over his pale skin, drawing his cheekbones into an even sharper contrast and you gulp.
“You think Luci is going to come and rescue you?”
“Lucius? I don’t need Lucius for that.”
“Do you even fucking hear yourself?!” Your voice echoes through the empty streets, thrown back off the house.
“He made you cry!”
“Why does it matter?!”
“Because-” He clenches his jaw, his fists shake with suppressed rage. His nostrils flare and for a split second a tingling sensation winds around your heart at the expression in his eyes - the softness in the middle of a raging storm. A lone, untouched, unbothered island in the midst of a roaring ocean. 
Severus exhales. Tension falls off his frame and the expression is gone.
“Fine.” He says quietly. “Let’s go then.” And he walks past you.
“No.” You can hear his steps stop behind you. Tears drip over your cheeks and you stubbornly wipe them away. “Say what you wanted to say.”
“I thought you’re tired.”
“Say it.”
“It’s- it doesn’t matter.”
“I’m not moving until you say it.” You cross your arms in front of your chest. Behind you Severus sighs and you can practically hear him pinch the bridge of his nose like he does whenever you annoy him.
“You sound like a spoiled child.”
“Good practice then. You’ll have to deal with a lot of those, Professor.”
“Are you- I have the feeling you’re angry with me.” You spin around and glare at Severus. He’s not good with emotions, sure - but now he’s just being dense.
“What made you think that?” You deadpan. He rolls his eyes and his disregard for your feelings drives you mad. 
“Black’s a bastard-”
“This is Warren all over again!”
“Yeah and I was fucking right about Warren wasn’t I?” A vein on his forehead pulses, but you don’t give a shit. Warren was your first boyfriend and Severus behaved absolutely rotten towards you.
“Warren was a huge mistake, yes - but he was my mistake to make! What- do you actually fucking think I would ever fucking touch Black? Just the thought gives me an STD!” The barest flicker of amusement flashes over Severus’ features. “I just- I don’t get why you overreact like this everytime I talk to a guy. And it’s not like I was engaging Black there! The fucknugget is just to stupid to get a hint!”
“There it is again! You did it again! What is it that you can’t tell me? Come on Sev! You can tell me everything. When did you start having secrets from me?” It’s a hit to your ego as much as you don’t like admitting it. 
You have always been Severus’ safespace. 
He told you things he never even told Lily! Something you didn’t know until third year when Lily asked whether Severus’ parents are ‘fighting again’ when you knew Tobias dickward Snape beat Sev with his belt the day before the Hogwarts Express left for the new term. You fucking healed him in you compartment because his ribs were broken and she asked whether they were fighting. 
Why can’t he tell you this?
Another tear slips over your lower lid and slides down your check. Your bottom lip quivers. You suppress a sniffle and nod. 
You have never felt further away from him than you do at this precise moment. It feels like Severus is sand slipping through your fingers and the harder you try to hold onto him, to the way it was before, the faster he slips away. Maybe too much has changed. Maybe he’s too different. Maybe this unlikely friendship was doomed from the beginning.
You know you’re about to start bawling and that’s the last you want Severus to see.
“Alright…I see.” You whisper. “Life’s different now. We’re keeping secrets now…”
“No- no, ‘tis fine-” You roughly wipe your eyes. “See you- see you sometime….congratulations again.” You turn around to find a quiet alleyway to disapparate to your flat and break down there like a pathetic little teen that got her pathetic little heart broken without ever even working up the courage to confess her pathetic feelings. 
Your steps sound horribly loud in the dark, cold night and with every step you take away from Severus you feel like you’re losing him more, every step is another crack, another break, another insurmountable obstacle between you. The cold wind cuts through your clothes with ease and you shiver. 
“I love you.”
You stop dead in your tracks. Your heart skips a beat or two or maybe it forgets how to work entirely. 
Severus’ voice is quiet, uncertain like it has not been since second year when he thought you didn’t want to be friends with him anymore after he lashed out at you.
“Sunshine- I knew Warren would only hurt you. That he’s not good enough for you. He bragged in the Slytherin common room that you showed him your boobs- He said all sorts of awful things and I- I just sat there. I should have said something, defended you, made him shut up but- Warren was two years above us and…” He takes a shuddering breath, dispelling old shame and insecurity from his voice. “Black’s just like that. He never cared for you before and now all of a sudden he is dying to go out with you? You don’t even realise it, Sunshine but- you- you are stunning. You have changed so much since school, you are- fuck I don’t know- words-” He sighs and rubs his hands over his face. 
You feel numb and like you’re on fire at the same time. Of course you knew Warren spread some shit about you around, it’s why you broke up and broke his nose in the process for good measure, earning three weeks detention with McGonagall, but you wished you would have known sooner... 
And- Severus loves you? No- that can’t be right- He’s in love with Lily- it’s always been Lily-
“You’re happier somehow- you- you’re radiant and beautiful and- you’ve grown up so much and- and- I love you. I’ve loved you for years- I want to protect you. I want to guard your happiness and yes I’d go back to knock out every single one of Black’s teeth for talking to you like that. You just have to say the word - sunshine - I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. And I know I’m not bloody good enough for you- I am rude and surly and miserable to be around - I don’t expect you to feel the same…I- fuck I don’t know-”
“You love me?”
“I love you.”
“I thought you love Lily.”
“Lily is- was- still is- I have no goddamn clue- she’s like a sister. I love her. And I think marrying Potter was a huge mistake and that she’ll divorce him in about three years - if she manages to stand him that long and when she does I hope- I hope we can mend our friendship…maybe- but- but I don’t love her like that. Not like I love you.”
Severus loves you.
Has loved you for years.
Severus loves you… You swirl around and before your anxiety can overpower your heart, screaming and aching and thrashing about in your chest you cup his face with your trembling hands and press your lips against his.
Severus stiffens. For a moment you just stand there, on your tiptoes to be able to reach him, holding onto him, feeling his heat against you, your lips exploding with electrifying tingling. Your stomach clenches and twists, flip flops and gives birth to a thousand erratic butterflies and all flutter around in a whirlwind of emotions that are too colourful, too many, too intense to ever find words worthy of describing the sensation.
Cautiously Severus puts his hands on your back and moves his lips against yours. You’re still crying, tears stream over your cheeks and run along the curves of your face to your lips. 
As if woken from an enchanted slumber, Severus drags you against his chest and kisses you fiercely. One arm wrapped around your back and clutching at your waist, and one hand cradling the back of your head, long slender fingers threading through your hair. You grab the front of his robes and cling to him. 
You both stumble a few steps and your back hits the brick wall of a house. Severus licks along the seam of your lips which you happily part for him. Your kiss grows sloppy and desperate. Your tongues meet gingerly at first but soon the slight air of discomfort and wariness at this development vanishes, flies away into the cool air of the night, gone and forgotten, as unimportant as your stupid fight.
Severus is kissing you. You are finally kissing Severus. He loves you. He has loved you for years.
Everything is good.
“Sev-” You whimper against his lips between two kisses. You try to break them, to wrench an inch of air between you but Severus is like a man dying of thirst that finally found a water source and is clenching his burning thirst. “Sev-” You push against his chest. Severus releases your lips, but doesn’t move away, doesn’t let go of you. 
He leans his forehead against yours and blinks back at you, his dark eyes seemingly trying to pervade yours, to find a direct path to your deepest thoughts, a link between you and him that is untouchable by anybody else, that runs deeper than any other connection between two people.
“Don’t you want to invite me back to your place?” You murmur and tug playfully at the button just above his throat. Severus’ eyes darken. A muscle in his jaw jumps. Your cunt clenches around nothing. Needy, desperate, wanting.
He clears his throat and steps back. How the fuck does he still look put together? How can he manage to reign in that storm in his eyes so expertly, so fast and clean while you’re a panting, sweaty, needy mess after just a few damn kisses?
“You won’t like what I’d do then.” He says, voice heavy with what he leaves unsaid. You push yourself off the wall and wrap your arms around his shoulders. You trail a few chaste kisses up the side of his jaw and flick the tip of your tongue over his earlobe. Severus inhales sharply and flexes his hands again.
“I don’t break easy, Sev.” You whisper and press a kiss to his ear. “You should know that.” He takes another shuddering breath and just when you think you’ll have to deal with the aftermath of his kiss on your own while picturing him nestled between your thighs (once again), he pulls you against his chest and holds you in a bone-breaking grip. You feel the familiar pull of side-along apparition and in the next moment you smell the even more familiar, dusty scent of Severus’ house. The smell of books is new, added after Severus renovated the house enough to evict his father’s influences and put his own touch to it - namely by adding a shittone of books.
Severus doesn’t give you time to catch your breath. He grabs your hand and pulls you up the stairs. You giggle and run to keep up with him. He practically kicks the door to his old room open (you know for a fact he has not even touched the door to his parents room since his father died) and crushes his lips against yours as soon as he pulls you over the threshold.
The burn marks from where Severus used to zap flies with his wand are still on the ceiling. The little pencil sketches you made near the baseboards are as well. He replaced his bed though. A brand new double which you are being steered towards now.
“Severus-” You moan against his lips and tear at the buttons of his new robes.
“Is this real?” He whispers back and leans his forehead against yours again, watching you struggle with his clothes. “I’ve pictured this so many times- thought about how I would feel to have you here- is this happening? Or am I sleeping?”
“It’s real.” You say, lips against his recently freed throat. “I’m here.”
“You’re here…”
“Severus-” You hesitate and pause your quest of revealing Severus’ body to your eyes. “I’ve never done this-” Suddenly you feel shaky and overwhelmed.
“Is full of shit. He lied- about all of it. Have you-” He nods, but there’s a distant expression in his eyes that tells you it’s not something he wants to talk about. Probably something he’s ashamed of. You know the kind of company Lucius, Mulciber, Rosier and the other’s like to keep and don’t pry further.
“I’ll trust you then.” You murmur and sit down on the bed, pulling Severus down with you.
“I’d never want to hurt you, Sunshine.” You kiss and between kisses scoot up the bed until your head is resting on the soft pillows and Severus’ lean body between your thighs. “I’ll take care of you.” He mutters against the corner of your mouth and kisses your cheek. “Such good care.” He trails down your jaw. “Like Black or Warren never fucking could.”
“I never wanted them.” You moan. Your body moves on its own, knowing precisely what you want and need even if your mind has yet to catch up. Your legs wrap around his hips, your back arches, pressing your breasts to his chest. You thread your fingers through his silky hair. “Only you.”
“Only you. Always you. Whenever I thought about it…when I pictured how it would feel while touching myself I only ever pictured you.”
“Oh sunshine-” He groans and rolls his hips against you.
“Sev-” Severus draws his wand and mutters a quick spell. Something curls in your stomach, it’s the weirdest sensation and for a second you are utterly confused, but then your gaze meets Severus’ and you understand. Contraception spell. You didn’t even think of that. Of course Severus did. You smile. 
He mutters another charm and your clothes vanish. You squeak, blush and hide your face behind your hands.
You can hear the clanking of wood hitting wood as Severus tosses his wand onto the nightstand.
“You- fuck…” Cautiously you peek between your fingers. A faint pink tinge has spread over Severus’ cheeks and nose, down to his now fully exposed neck. He looks cute. Adorable. You take a deep breath and drop your hands. This is Severus. Your Severus. There is nothing to be afraid of with him. “You put to shame all great beauties of the comprehensive history of this world.” His words brush over your skin like a tender caress and make you shiver and burn with embarrassed heat at the same time.
“It’s true. The old greek masters wish they would have had a model like you sit for their marmour statues. Such beauty has to be preserved for the ages - but you…you are just mine.”
“Who are you and what have you done to my stammering, cute, insecure Severus?” You tease. Severus’ eyes are still pinned to your breasts. He visibly snaps out of his thoughts and looks up to you. There he is. Flashing through his impossibly dark eyes for the flicker of a second before they return to the heavy gaze, consumed by carnal desire that has been ignored for too long and has now broken free with demanding force.
“He knows he’s about to find out how you feel.”
“Come and find out then.” You shoot him a challenging grin. Severus kisses you in response. He kisses you and settles more of his weight on you. His very much hard cock presses against your exposed cunt. You gasp and clutch at Severus.
“Shit- Severus- that won’t fit!”
“It will.”
“You sure?” He chuckles, his eyes lighting up with amusement like they do so rarely and you relax.
“I’m sure.” You trust him. You love him. You want him. He’ll take care of you. 
You let him take control. Severus kisses you more. He seems determined to cover every inch of your body with all the confessions of his love he has missed out on. All the elapsed opportunities. All the kisses you could have shared if you both had had just a little more courage. But it doesn’t matter. You are here now. You are together in his bed, skin pressed against skin, breathing the same air, staring into each other’s eyes longingly while his hand slips between your thighs.
You’re soaked and whimper when his slender fingers gather your slickness, brushing your aching cunt with featherlight touches. He draws gentle, slow circles over your clit. Pressure and heat build in your belly and deep inside your cunt fast. You cling to his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin without even noticing.
“I wondered so many times how you’d look…” He murmurs. His lips brush over yours as he speaks. His breath dances across your cheeks.
“...in the throes of pleasure.” Severus’ voice is deeper than you’ve ever heard it. A smoky rumble that goes straight to your core.
He teases your entrance until you’re squirming and rolling your hips against his touch before finally plunging a finger inside you. “I wondered how you’d sound…how I would feel knowing it was me making you feel like that…” You give him the answer promptly. Moaning and whining, gasping for air.
“Sev!” You throw your head back and arch your back. The pressure keeps building and building, beyond anything you ever managed yourself. He adds a second finger and with it a delicious, stinging stretch. He curls his fingers and presses the heel of his palm to your clit. You squirm under Severus’ intense gaze that seems to look right through you, through your skin down to your very soul. He watches every flicker of pleasure and desperation he paints onto your face with utter, devoted, undisturbed attention to you and nothing else. Nothing else matters.
Severus knows you like no other. It feels right to share this with him as well.
He loves you.
You still can’t believe it. 
“Cum for me, sunshine. Cum on my fingers. I want to know- I’m done wondering. I want to know.” You do. Crying out and panting his name, thrashing about beneath him as waves upon waves of intense pleasure run havoc over you, but it’s fine. You can let go with Severus.
“I need you Sev- please-” You gasp even before your orgasm has released you from its clutches. “Please please please- Sev-” He groans. 
“Fuck and I thought you sounded needy in my head.” Severus mutters and aligns himself with you. He takes his time, giving you time to adjust to his girth, slowly pushing deeper and deeper into your still spasming channel, forcing it to give way to him. He grunts and whispers praise, how tight you are, how good you feel for him, how well you’re taking him. You whimper and hold onto him, leaving red streaks across his back. Severus doesn’t even bat an eye at it.
He buries his head in the crook of your neck and savours your every sound, every twitch and throb of your cunt finally, finally gloved around him.
“Severus…” More words aren’t needed. He rests there, deep inside you, his body pressed to your trembling smaller one, shielding you from the cold of his room and the world itself and you know there is a promise in there somewhere.
“I can’t believe it-” He murmurs and kisses your collarbone, down to your sternum. He kisses and licks, sucks, grazes your skin with his teeth. “You feel…incredible…you’re so good for me sunshine-” He kisses your breasts, flicks his tongue over your hardened nipples, licks broad strokes and teasingly closes his lips around them.
When Severus finally moves again he does so in slow, measured thrusts. He watches your expression with hidden wariness, watches your every reaction. He can’t hide from you though. He is waiting for you to regret this. To tell him to stop. He’s afraid of letting go, afraid of scaring you off, of losing you.
But he’ll never lose you.
You buck your hips and whine impatiently. “Come on Sev.” You whimper. “Fuck me like you really want to fuck me.”
“It’s your first time I will not-”
“It’s done, Sev. Bye bye virginity! That train of stupid little things society places far too much worth in has left the station indefinitely. Now fuck me.”
“Severus Snape! Fuck. me. properly.” He groans. His eyes roll to the back of his head.
“Fine.” Severus grunts and a rush of excitement pulses through your stomach and drenches his throbbing cock in more fluids. “I warned you.”
The bed creaks dangerously under his thrusts. His hips slap against yours with a wet, fleshy sound that drives you crazy.
“Oh fuck yes- yes- just like that- that’s-” You babble more nonsense, moaning and shredding Severus’ back with your nails. He fucks you mercilessly into the mattress, spearing you open with his cock with each hard thrust. Your entire body trembles under his thorough attention. Your cunt yields to him in wet, fluttering excitement. It cherishes the promise of soreness his thrusts leave behind. 
Any attempt at grasping for and trying to hold onto one of the many thoughts rushing through your fuzzy, hazy mind is a fruitless endeavour.
“Fuck! Ahhh- so good…” Severus mutters against your collarbone and plunges his cock into your drenched cunt again before pulling out almost completely and driving back in with such force he knocks your head against the headboard. You both laugh.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You weave your fingers through his hair and pull him down into a sloppy, passionate kiss. You gasp and moan into the kiss and drink up the way Severus continues to lose the iron grip on his emotions he had cultivated since graduation, revealing more and more of the love-starved, unapologetic, fierce man you know him as. The man that feels so freely, so intensely, so deeply that it hurts him so much.
Every thrust, every kiss, every exploring hand gliding over your sweaty skin, squeezing your breasts in testing, careful motions is a testament to how deep his feelings for you run and have been running for so long. 
It breaks free of him in violent bursts and buries you beneath roaring pleasure. 
Severus is not good with words.
But he will be damned if he doesn’t show you what he can’t figure out how to say.
“Severus-” You moan, joining the creaking bed and his grunts, the symphony of your love. This would not be a pretty, romantic, fairytale like love. You are both messy and broken in your own ways. It will be hard. It will take work and compassion and will seem impossible at moments, especially in the midst of a war, but Severus is worth it.
To you he is worth it.
He always was and will always be.
You whine in protest when Severus pulls out of you but before you have a chance to voice it otherwise or even glare at him, Severus flips you over.
“Put your hands on the headboard.” He rasps in your ear. You are shaking and struggle to keep yourself upright, but Severus’ arms around your waist stabilise you. You hold onto the headboard so tight your knuckles turn white. Severus is kissing your neck, nibbling and sucking, painting his marks onto you as if to say ‘I was here’ or maybe ‘back off’. Maybe both. Maybe more.
He fills you up again, reaching much deeper than before and you gasp at the unfamiliar, intense feeling.
“Your cunt clutches me so hard-” He grunts and bottoms out. “Sucks me in- all soaked and desperate.”
“Hmm…yes. I’m here…” He sucks the delicate skin on your neck into his mouth and bites down gently, at which a loud, wanton moan breaks free of you and he bites down harder. 
You meet his thrust with your hips, his cockhead hits a spot inside you it previously missed and you fall apart. His grip around your waist turns bruising and Severus pulls you back. Your grip around the headboard goes slack. You melt into his touch, twitching and shivering, whimpering, mind fuzzy with always new, higher, stronger, more intense levels of pleasure.
Severus holds you to his chest, your thighs on either side of his, useless, hands helplessly holding onto his arms, and moves your body up and down his hard shaft. Using you and the fluttering of your cunt as your orgasm continues to coarse through you. He grunts and bites your shoulder, harder than before and a particularly strong spasm shakes your body. You drop your head onto his shoulder, melting further against him.
“Again-” You rasp and present your neck to him. A grin flashes over Severus’ lips. Sweaty strands of hair stick to his forehead, his eyes are glazed over with hazy lust.
“My pleasure.” He coos, but instead of indulging you, he kisses you. One small, chaste peck after another. You squirm against his grip, claw at his arms, painting more red streaks on his pale skin.
“You never told me you got a tattoo-” You murmur. The sight of the jet black snake and skull on Severus’ left inner arm pulls your mind out of its haze and into a brief moment of clarity. Severus hesitates ever so slightly in his thorough, teasing attention he’s paying to your neck. Something about the tattoo unsettles you, though you can’t exactly decide why.
“Must have forgotten. It’s new.”
“Hmm…very metal.”
“I don’t like it.”
“Why’d you get it then?”
“I thought I would.” Severus sucks on your neck and that plummets you back into mind-numbing, all-consuming, ecstatic pleasure.
“Maybe we should go to Dublin after.” Severus purrs in your ear. “Show Black all your pretty marks.”
“Idiot.” You giggle.
“I’m going to cum-”
“Cum inside me.”
“I don’t have to.”
“Please, Sev! Cum in me.” Severus pushes you forward and you fall face first into the mattress with a tiny outrages squeal. Severus laughs at you and grips your hips, adjusting them to sit flush with his own. He fucks you roughly into the pillows. You clutch at the sheets. Severus loses more and more of what little composure he still had. He mutters things you can’t make out.
His thrusts are accompanied with lewd, wet noises and the headboard hitting the wall.
“I’ll fill you up ahh- with my cum- leave you dripping-”
“Yesyesyes-” He moves your hips with each thrust, pulling you back into him as he buries his cock inside you. His balls hit your sensitive cunt. His fingers dig into your skin, sure to be leaving bruises. 
Severus cums with your name on his lips, tumbling over them in a low, reverent, lust-drenched prayer which you join with your own faint, desperate whimpers.
Feeling the hot spurts of cum hit your inner walls violently kicks you over the edge for the third time. Severus slumps above you, pressing his forehead to your back between your shoulder blades, panting and spent.
You stay like that for a while. Both of you trying to catch your breath, relishing in the buzzing glow of your aftershock and the feeling of each other’s love on your skin and warming you from the inside.
Gently Severus pulls his softening cock from you and lies down next to you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
“Sorry.” He murmurs in your hair and presses a tender kiss to the top of your head. “I hurt you.”
“I liked it.” You murmur back and place your hands against his chest, nuzzling your face to his neck. “Why did it take us so bloody long to finally do this?” He chuckles. He tugs a strand of messy hair behind your ear. You look up to meet his gaze. It’s heavy with emotions, a swirling storm of love and care and fear. You reach out to him in a futile attempt of soothing it. The pads of your fingers meet his cheek and he shudders under your touch, before leaning into it. His eyes fall closed and for a brief moment he looks at peace. Content. Home.
“I-” He opens his mouth as if to say something but closes it again. His brows pull together into a frown, a deep crease forming between them. His lips go white as he presses them together into a thin line. His jaw tenses. “I’ve made a terrible mistake-” His voice is hoarse from unshed tears and the effort of suppressing them. He loses. One escapes from between his closed lids and slides down his cheek, meeting your fingers. You wipe it away, but more follow. 
“I’m trying to fix it- I am! But I-”
“It’s ok.” You whisper and press a tender kiss to his jaw. 
So he did it…You had your suspicions, of course you did, but a part of you refused to believe Severus capable of those horrible acts committed by the Death Eaters. And you were right. The pain, regret and self-loathing is so evident in his face. He can’t bear to look at you.
“We’ll fix it. Together. It’ll be fine.”
You are there when the Aurors storm his house to arrest him. You were sitting on the threadbare sofa in his arms as he read to you. 
You tell him not to resist, to not tell them anything.
You send an owl to Dumbledore.
You are at the trial, sitting on one of the benches. Severus looks miserable sitting in the middle of the courtroom, deep shadows under his eyes, a tremor in his wand hand. The chains of the chair are wrapped tightly around his arms. He avoids your eyes.
Dumbledore defends him passionately. Recounting Severus’ turning spy for him, reporting you-know-who’s steps to Dumbledore, how invaluable his intel had been. He recounts the dangers Severus was willing to face. He demands he is released. And he is. The Wizengamot clears him of all charges and you walk out of the Ministry with him, holding his still trembling hand in your own.
“Is this real?” He whispers and you bite the inside of your cheek to not start crying. You want to be strong for him.
“Yes.” You kiss his cheek and wrap your arms around his neck. “It’s real. You’re a free man. I’m here. I will always be here. We’ll figure this out.”
“Together. I love you, Severus.”
“I love you too, Sunshine.”
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predestinatos · 6 months
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you mean everything - MV1 ೀ⋆。🌷
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summary: max needed a wedding date and you were used to being his fake partner.
tags: max verstappen x fem!reader, fake dating, friends to lovers, max is so whipped, fluff, a bit angsty maybe?, mentions of alcohol
word count: 2k
notes: i've been writing (and thinking) so much about max... my period is coming please give me a break i'm sensitive. also would love to get some feedback if possible so i know if it's worth making a series out of this!!!!
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"If you want to make it believable at least hold my hand" you half-whispered to Max, who was buttoning his blazer while getting out of the car, you behind him.
"Sorry, I'm not used to this with you" he said chuckling. His sweaty palm held yours tightly, and the feeling of it was odd. Knowing Max for so long meant that these romantic gestures felt almost cringeworthy to you both, and you both had to put up award winning performances every time you played this game.
The game in question being fake-dating. It started as a funny joke where you both thought it would be great to test out the Get A Champagne Bottle For Free At This Restaurant If You Propose theory (which worked, by the way). From then onwards, you used each other as dates whenever asked by annoying family members, creepy coworkers, or just because you felt like lying.
The talking wasn't hard - you both felt comfortable in that part, lying with words coming off almost dangerously natural - but when it came to acting the part, both of you felt awkward, like kids who found relationships absolutely repulsive.
This time, though, the performance would last longer than usual: it was a wedding. Max's friend's wedding. Max could've just gone along, or bring a friend (even you as a friend). Yet he had told his friend, after one too many shots on his Bachelor's Party, and after being chosen as The Guy Who'll Take the Longest to Settle, that he had, in fact, a girlfriend. His friends didn't believe him, so he showed a picture of you two together - a selfie really, nothing much. And they still said they didn't believe it. So here you are.
You couldn't blame him, even if you wanted to. You agreed to use each other as a fake partner for as long as you could in as many situations as required, although when it all started none of you ever thought it would lead to wedding attendances.
So now there you were, Max's hand on yours, entering the small church. His eyes locked with the groom, who waved and called for you to sit near the altar.
"So you ARE real" he said, nervousness laced in his voice even as he tried to lighten the mood himself. You giggled at the irony of it, nodding as you said your congratulations.
"Just wait until the guys see this" he continued gesturing towards the bench where 3 other men around his age sat. Men you had seen before in some Instagram pictures, men you spent the previous night trying to memorize basic information about so you didn't sound suspicious.
Max's hand now fell on your waist almost instinctively - it wasn't instinctively, he told himself once he noticed its positioning. And if it was, it was only because he took this so seriously, almost as a sort of method acting. Sitting down next to his friends, he noticed how all of them seemed surprised at your presence, and something like pride filled his chest. He loved winning, loved being right even if he was lying; but most especially, he loved how jealous other men seemed to be over the fact that he was (at least in their minds) dating you.
He couldn't deny - though he tried, really - that you two looked good together. His rougher features mixed with your softer ones gave you both an aura of near unreachability, which yes, was pretentious of him to think but he thought nevertheless.
The ceremony was quick and endearing, a smile spread across everyone's faces at the shared loved between the bride and the groom. As the crowd clapped, Max leaned into you, "don't tell me you're crying". "I am, just to think that I'll have to keep pretending to date YOU for the next 10 hours" you replied, his mocking smile recognizing the joke.
The reception hall was beautifully decorated with shades of soft green and violet orchids. Max tried not to think about how much it matched the shade of your dress, how you looked like you had come to life from a classical novel. He tried to feel like anyone but Mr. Darcy as you felt so much like Elisabeth Bennett to him.
Sitting down next to him, you found this part easier - mingling and socializing was something you enjoyed more than he did - especially with alcohol in the mix. It's a wedding, you thought; this is what weddings are for.
So you drank the wine with the main course and sipper champagne to celebrate and ordered a few cocktails when it was time to dance and talk - and you felt it on your body almost as much as you felt Max's hand occasionally sitting on your thigh, but not even close to how strongly you felt his thumb caress your skin as he did so. Truth was, he too was drunk; his eyes looked smaller and his cheeks were flushed, and the amount of times he ran a hair through his dirty blonde hair had caused it to look messier. As you looked at him, you felt he never looks as attractive as when he is like this - loose and carefree, his shirt sleeves rolled up and a smile on his face when he notices people laugh at his joke.
"I have to admit I didn't think it was true" his friend said when Max left to go to the bathroom. He looked drunker than the two of you combined, his words hard to decypher, like a riddle. "He's been talking about you for months now and we never saw you for real so we thought you didn't exist" he laughed, and you laughed back before it registered.
"Months?" you asked him, eyebrows furrowed yet attempting to remain composed. You shouldn't have asked it - a supposedly month old girlfriend wouldn't be surprised but you were his fake month old girlfriend and you weren't understanding it anymore.
"Yeah. He talks about you so much all the time I think even we started to date you" he laughed again, yet this time you didn't find the joke so funny. You were frozen in your seat, merely blinking as if trying to put the confusing puzzle together, the pieces not quite fitting the way you thought they would.
A touch on your shoulder unfroze you, almost like magic, like a disney film come to life. You turned around to find the groom, somewhat sober, smiling at you while also looking somewhat concerned. "He's calling for you... And he's also absolutely wasted" he said, pointing to the door of the hall.
"Shit" you cursed, getting up from your seat at a speed you couldn't believe, worry filling your heart, making you forget the conversation you were just having.
Opening the door to the garden outside, you found Max sitting down against the wall, shirt partly unbuttoned and disheveled hair. When he saw you, he grinned, such genuine happiness laced with tipsiness.
"Lightweight" you mocked as you crouched in front of him, trying to balance yourself on your heels, somehow managing it despite your own drunkness.
"You're laughing at my mis- Shit- my misery" his throat bobbed up and down, exaggerating his own agony with a hand on his chest and another on his forehead like a Shakespeare character.
"I have to admit it's quite fun sometimes" you bit your lip as you fixed his hair as best as you could, hands brushing through its soft, blonde mess.
"You're so– you're so sweet" he said, his words dragged and messy. He brought a beer bottle to his lips but you stopped him before any liquid touched them.
"I think that's enough of that for tonight" you grabbed it and placed it behind you, sitting in front of him.
"See now... Now you're being mean" his hand grabbed a strand of your hair and played with it softly as he pouted.
"Okay big boy I'm gonna get you some water" you say, getting up once again, yet his hand stops you, grabbing your wrist tightly.
You looked at him, startled. His drunken state is visible, and it felt frustrating that you had to be the one sobering up for him. The music vibrated through the wall he leaned against, somehow tickling him, making him giggle.
"Stay," he managed to say, eyes half closed, "I'm so glad we're- Fuck things are spinning so much" his hands rushed to his eyes and his head hung low, "Ah fuck. I'm so glad we're datin- Fuck, no, oops-" he continued laughing despite how sick he felt, the whole situation sounding hilarious when filtered through alcohol.
You giggled along with him, mostly because you wanted to see if you could convince him to move, scared he might feel worse or pass out on the cold floor if he doesn't do so. "Fake dating. Fake dating, I know. I knowww" he continued, his words dragged and his finger pointing at you before poking your nose with such innocent sweetness you were taken aback.
"Max" you tried to sound more assertive but found it hard to do so, your own intoxicated state making the situation lighter than what it actually was. Your heart racing was a symptom of it, one you wouldn't feel if sobriety was an option, you thought. Max's eyes wouldn't seem to stare at you differently were he sober as well, and the way he scanned your features, his gaze staying on your lips for longer than expected, wouldn't affect you in the slightest had you not drank some alcohol.
"I like it when you say my name" he looked up at you innocently, pleading, almost.
"Want me to say it again?" you asked, smiling. You complied with these demands because you knew they were childish whims of an intoxicated man, his happiness a priority in times like these. Upon his nod, you started saying his name, half teasingly, half reassuringly, the leaves rustling in the garden behind you.
"Max... Max!! Max Max-"
He shouldn't. It would complicate things, and he liked when they were simple, clean and organized. He knew he shouldn't even when his whole vision spun and his brain convinced him that he should do things he would never do otherwise. But every time he refrained from saying something he would stumble across all his words and trip and fall and his head would only hurt more, and it seemed as if he could only focus if he kept listening to you and talking to you and looking at you.
The lights shone behind you in a way that made it feel as though he was dreaming, like you were a mirage, too good to be true. Maybe his friends were right - you weren't actually real. He wanted to be sure, in that moment. That you were real and that he wanted you as much as he thought. And though he shouldn't, though it was a terrible idea, he couldn't help but lean over to kiss you.
He tasted like champagne - bubbly and slightly sweet, his movements sloppy given his state, yet you couldn't help but drink it all in. Part of you - a big part - reciprocated the kiss, felt his fingers on the side of your neck, pulling you messily towards him, and tried to steady him, guiding him gently with your own lips.
It was odd, how this felt so right yet the fake hand holding didn't. As Max kissed you, that thought entered his clouded mind - did it feel wrong because it was fake and this was real? Your skin felt so soft, so much softer now he could touch it freely and unapologetically.
"Fuck-" he started, pulling away, his head resting against the wall once again as he stared at you, noticing how it hasn't hit you yet; what you just did, how it affected everything. "I fucking love you" he shrugged as you fixed your hair, pausing with arms raised for a few seconds before smiling softly.
"You're drunk" you replied, looking at his own grin, the gleam in his eyes making him appear both innocent and guilty of so many things.
"I'm drunk and I fucking love you"
"Max..." you started, and he said your name back to you with such tenderness you couldn't believe his lips tasted of alcohol earlier and not something sweet.
"We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" you continued, waiting for the silence to swallow you both.
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chriss-slut · 4 months
Fuck me even if you hate me
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~ Dom!Chris x sub!fem!reader ~
Synopsis: You're now living with your enemy but he gets jealous of you hooking up with other guys.
warning: SMUT!!!! slightly toxic!Chris and reader, a few petnames (ma & slut), rough sex, unprotected p in v, a little bit of fingering and breast kissing, cursing, i guess thats all?
A/N: Its my first time doing this so im sorry if its horrible 😭
Chris and I have always hated each other in highschool. He was a cocky, arrogant, popular guy and I was... well, the same. We were both popular in our sides. Two popular people, opposite genders, the same personality, but who despised each other.
Chris was the most handsome guy in school. I cant deny he was hot, but the only thing that came to my mind when i see him is our rivalry.
We both were always partying and hooking up with several guys and girls (me with guys, him with girls), so we're both intimitading people, at least for us, everyone loved us.
After graduation, i was happy i'd finally get rid of him. A brand new start: college life.
Right now, I'm about to meet my new roommate. I slowly open the door and... no way.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I ask Chris, looking at him sitting on one of the beds, scrolling on his phone.
Chris looks up and his eyes widen "What are you doing here??"
"I'm in my dorm" i speak, already slightly pissed off, stepping in the room.
"Uh, no. You're in my dorm." Chris speaks, that smug tone of voice that i hated.
I roll my eyes and say back, sighing "well, i guess its our dorm now..."
"Who the fuck put us both together??" Chris asks me, fixing his position in bed so he's facing my way.
"You're asking me?? How am i supposted to know?? The only thing i know is, it was a horrible person."
Chris nods quickly, also rolling my eyes at my attitude. "Yeah, it must've been the worst teacher in here... or maybe, just someone random, since we're both new in this school, dumbass!"
I roll my eyes and sit down in my bed, leaning against the headboard. I grab my phone and speak to Chris while looking at my phone. "Let's make a deal. I don't bother you. You don't bother me. Let's not make this harder than it already is."
Chris does the same as me, but putting on his headphones, ready to listen to music. "Deal."
After a few hours, its now 10pm. I stand up from my bed and i start putting on my leather boots
"Where you goin'?" I hear Chris asking from his bed.
"Uh... why do you wanna know?" I ask back, now finishing putting my boots on.
"Well, maybe 'cuz its 10pm?"
"And? Its not like you don't do the same thing... 'm going to a party." I speak, now putting on my jacket.
"A party? At the first day of school? Alright, miss popular!" Chris says, mocking me with his hands raised in "defense".
I roll my eyes and open my dorm door, "g'night!" I say before going out and closing the foor behind me.
Hours later, at 4am, i slam the door open. My hair and make up all messed up, panting hard.
"What the fuck happened to you?? Got hit by a truck?" Chris asks, laughing at his own joke, looking at me from his bed.
I roll my eyes "A truck no. A guy."
Chris' eyes widen, he seems a bit... jealous? "Oh. I didn't want to know that."
I giggle softly, still panting slightly "You asked!"
Chris roll my eyes and turns around in bed, going back to his phone. I lay down in my bed for a bit, trying to get my breath to normal. Once it's done, i stand up and go over the bathroom, not locking the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Come in!" I yell from the bathroom, bent over the sink as i take off my make up
Chris gets caught off guard from me letting him come in but he opens the door, his eyes widening as he sees my position. He steps in and closes the door behind him, leaning back against the wall, staring at me.
"What??" I ask, looking at him in the mirror.
"Nothin'... just came to see what was taking so long." Chris says, teasingly.
I frown at him through the mirror. "mh... why, you missed me?" I ask cocky with a smirk.
Chris rolls his eyes "No."
"You wanna use it?" I ask him in a more kind tone.
Chris looks up and down at me, now walking towards me. "Sure do." He says teasing, putting his hands around my waist and pulling me closer.
"What the fuck are you doing??" I ask him, feeling his crotch against my covered ass.
Chris chuckles softly, now caressing my sides. "Just wanted your attention..." He speaks, looking down at my body.
"Hm... why? Did you get jealous of me hookin' up with another guy?" I ask cocky with a smirk, still doing my skin care.
Chris rolls his eyes, getting a little more annoyed when i mention the guy again. He starts to press me against him a little bit more forceful, his crotch rubbing against my ass harder. Chris leans over to my height, his face just next to mine in the mirror. "Yeah I was… I got a bit annoyed when you were talkin’ about that guy." He mutters in a low voice as his eyes stare into mine through the mirror.
"Oh yeah?" I smirk cocky "well, then, i should tell you how goood that was... oh, he made me feel so satisfied..."
Chris growls annoyed, him pressing more against my ass and his hands in my waist tightening. "you dont know with who you're talking to..." Chris mumbles between his teeth.
"Actually, i do... i bet you're not even big. I'm not feeling a thing against me" I speak arrogant.
Chris’ eyes widen as i speak down to him like that, making his possessive nature take over. He quickly spun me around and backed me up against the sink. "Say that again, you little brat…" He speaks, his hands firmly gripping my hips. He got a little rougher with his movements, his touch more demanding as he pull me closer in. I would be lying if i say it didn't turn me on.
I look up at him, smirking "i said i didn't feel anything in those pants" i say, now looking down at his sweatpants.
Chris grabs my chin and making me look up at him. His eyes are sharp as he glares down at me, his expression somewhat cold. "You got anything else to say?" He mutters in a warning tone, watching as my cocky expression forms on my face once again. "Nah... you're not worth my words"
Just the tone of my voice really pushes Chris off the edge. He was already possessive, but now he definitely has it in him. "Shut up…" Chris growls as he grabs my jaw, his grip firm and somewhat painful. He has me shoved against the sink, his hands tightly gripping my chin.
"Or what?" I ask with a cocky smirk.
Chris’ eyebrows furrow at my tone of voice. He didn’t like that bratty attitude of mine. Without any warning, he suddenly presses his lips roughly against mine, his kiss demanding and forceful.
I quickly move my hands to his neck, kissing him back. Our tongues fighting for dominance as we make out roughly. Chris was taken back with my dominance, but it just turned him more on. He tightens his grip in my neck as we kiss.
Suddenly, Chris puts his hands under my ass, in my thighs, and picks me up to sit on the sink, him standing in front of me, between my legs.
We pull away from the kiss and he speaks "you want me to prove you you're wrong?"
I pout thoughtful, sarcastic "hmmm, why not?"
Chris rolls his eyes and move his hands up my body, taking off my black crop top. He stared at my half covered breasts and bite his lips. He slides his hands to my back and unbuckle my bra, tossing it to the floor.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but, you're hot." Chris says, looking at my bare chest, now leaning to kiss around my nipples.
I smile softly at him and say "you're a bit hot yourself."
Chris pulls away from me and pull his sweatpants down. His now half-hardened dick bulging his boxers. I look down at it and my eyes widen. Wow, he's huge!
Chris laughs at my face "What? You like what you see?"
"U-uh... n-no..." i lie, trying to look away from him.
"Dont worry about it." Chris speaks low, now pulling down his boxers. His hard cock hitting his lower stomach, making my eyes shine at the view.
He walks closer to me again and grip my hips. "You gonna stay staring or you're gonna strip yourself f'me?" Chris says in a dominating but somewhat gentle tone.
I just nod and help him take off my skirt, just as my thong. He looks down at my, now wet, pussy and he smirks. "Already wet, huh?" Just by hearing him say that made my slit wetter.
I don't even have time to respond before i feel Chris' fingers slide inside of me, earning a moan of me.
"Oh, look at how wet you are... not even that tight to my fingers. How many guys you already fucked, you slut?" Chris whispers in my ear, his fingers slowly going in and out my wet cunt, making me moan again.
Chris fingers me for more 10 seconds and pull out, making me let out a frustrated moan "c-chris... p-please..."
Chris lets out a little chuckle "needy already? I guess you'll have to beg a bit for it... what do you want?" Chris asks me, his hand gripping my jaw, making me look at him.
"I-i want you... p-please... p-please, i need your dick inside of me..." i whine, looking up at him with puppy eyes.
Chris chuckles and mutters "pathetic.." before slamming into me, i moan loud, not expecting it at all.
Chris stays still for 5 seconds, letting me adjust to his huge size and then starts thrusting in and out of me, not fast but not slow. "Fuck, you're so tight. How can a stupid girl like you can have such a delicious pussy?" Chris says, pounding into me as i moan loud. His hands gripping my jaw and my hip, not letting me look away from him.
"f-fuck, y-youre so d-deep..." i moan out, my breathing heavy already.
"Huh? What did you say? I thought you said i wasn't big." he says with his stupid smirk on his face. I just moan in response, my eyes rolling back from his cock hitting the right spot every time he pounds into me.
My back arches as my eyes roll back "c-chris... i-..." i moan out, hardly speaking.
"You're close already? I didn't even started..." Chris says cocky, now starting to speed up the pace, going faster and harder into my cunt. I moan loud, my head would be leaning back if he wasn't gripping it, i can feel the knot in my stomach approaching, my pussy slightly clenching around him already.
"Mmmh, fuck, ma... why do you have to be so hot? Why do you have to fit perfectly around my cock?" Chris speaks softly, moaning a bit too. He starts thrusting faster and harder, making me moan loudly again
"O-oh gosh, Chris! F-fuck, it's so g-good!" I moan out.
"It is, isn't it? C'mon, tell me you like it. Show me how much of a slut you are." Chris speaks, his breathing heavy already, groaning softly.
I moan loud, my nails digging Chris' shoulders. "I-it f-feels so good... y-your cock feels-.. amazing in me..." i moan out.
"Oh yeah... you're missing something, ma." Chris speaks, now leaning to kiss, nibble and suck my neck.
"I... i-i.. i-I'm a s-slut... i-I'm a slut f-for you..." i stutter, my orgasm coming close already.
"For me?? Just for me??" "J-just f-for you..."
Chris leans to whisper in my ear "you're never fucking other guys again, got it? You're mine"
My cunt clenches around Chris as he says that, i nod frantically, now desperate to cum.
"Good." He whisper to me, now going faster and deeper, driving me crazy.
"O-oh Chris! Chris, 'm so... so close!" I moan out, my voice now high-pinched.
Chris lets out a cocky breathy laugh, thrusting into me harder while kissing my neck. "S-same, ma... h-hold on a sec..."
"I-i can't!" I moan loud, high-pinched, as my cunt clenches around Chris' cock, making it start to twitch inside of me.
Chris bites my neck harshly and mumble "cum f'me. Cum in my cock, ma.". That sends me over the edge, my whole body shaking as i cum around chris' dick, also feeling him panting my walls white. We both collapse into each others arms, panting hardly.
Once we both recover, chris pulls out and grips my jaw, making me look at him. "No one will ever know about this, you hear me?" He speaks in a mad tone. I nod as i look up at him, still with puppy eyes. He leans and give me a peck on the lips. "Good girl" he says, before dressing up and get out of the bathroom, leaving me there. What the hell just happened???
I hope you liked itttt!! Pls tell me what you think in the comments, i'd appreciate it :) xoxo
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adkawariatka · 5 months
Hi, it turns out that fanfiction is really addictive and I still cant move past any recomendations without checking it out. So I have another idea for a dcxdp crossover….
Danny is living on Gotham streets for 4 months. Its perfect hiding place becouse of its aura. Many tradic deaths and general danger on every corner creats ideal barier for all sorts of ghost hunting equipment. Danny wos relucant about Gotham at first but after few failed attempts at finding hiding space, he decided that to hell with that and he will at least try. And thank the ancients that he did because its perfect. No one pays him any attention there is too much homless out there. Even if most kids are staying at Crime Alley seeking Red hood protection. thats one of the reasons why he hestitated at coming to ghotam: vigilinates. They are dangerous, becouse of partnership with goverment…. Who according to Anti-Ecto laws considers him non-sentient and in need of contamination or more often elimination. So yes Danny wos relucant but it turned out fine….. for now. No ghost or human gosthunter found him yet so he counts it as a success. Any other city, forest, mountains or everything else he tried didn’t last longer that a month. He might not be proud of his surviving technics like stealing, laying and dumpster diving but its not like he has a choice…. He is too much alive to be accepted in to infinite relams for good which is dumb if you ask Danny becouse he is at the same time its Crown Prince. But maybe Danny is just too naive or something. He does not care. On the other hand he is too dead to be accepted by humans so he kind of floats in between never to fit properly anywhere. He is surviving, and for about a year he wos completly alone until that one day…
Danny wos sitting on the bench in his favourite park close to lovely Café that had really beatifull cupcakes with blue whipped cream. He liked to pretend that he is a customer there and just waits for his order….that wos never placed…. Well who is he kidding he is just creepy homless kid that stares at people eating sweets from across the street. Pretty pathetic IF you ask Danny but he prefers not to dwell on his mental health thank you very much. So he is staring when a group of kids takes one of the outside tables. And like a serious creep listens in to their conversation. Well its not like he can swich off his super hearing.
The boys are talking about some homework from school. Danny assumes they are classmates becouse of their maching clothes. When to their table comes another one with darker skin and black hairs. The occupants share meanigfull glances and let the newcommer sit. Danny knows that look. It does not indicates anything good. Its the expression that Dash would make whenever he wos about to do something awful to him. Then the guy with blonde hair says
- Damian why don’ t you eat with us?
And then procedes to push the plate with cookies closer to the boy
- I thought I informed you Winser that I do not eat anything made of milk or other animals products. I am vegan.
Answered Damian with monotone voice. He sat incredybly straight and wos so stiff that Danny thought that must hurt.
- But its so good. beside I offered it. wouldnt it be polite of you to at least try?
Wisner insisted. Sly grin on his lips.
- Leave him be Mike he probably has problems with digesting such hard avaible products.
Said boy to the left with massive collection of pimples on his Chin. Danny named him spotty.
- I do not have any „digestive problems” as you put it Jenkin. I simply choose not to.
- of course pardon our lack of knowledge. Its just we worry that your… original diet wos a little lacking… or maybe you ate a little too much chocholate when you where younger. Thats all
And all of the group snickers to spotty „jokes”. Danny Thinks its primitive and disgusting. Racizm is low blow specially after Damians next words:
- I do not understand
And they laught even more. Damian just sits there confused and oblivious to insults vowen in to conversation. And Danny listens and decides that he must tell that boy the truth. He cant turn blind eye to that. He may no longer be a hero but that? He can help with that. Soon bullies get bored of throwing hidden insults at Damian and go away. Damian sits at their table alone staring at the crumbs of cookies. He looks lonely. Danny standard and walks over to him. But before he reaches the table his occupant whirles to face him. His eyes are very green. Not like ectoplasm but close. They are pretty expresive. Danny can see frustration and confusion in them.
-hi there!
Geats cheerfully.
- I don’t have any cash on me right now
Its the first thing Damian says to him. Rude Danny thinks even if he does looks like a beggar with his thorn jeans and dirty jumper, but he has a mission. And he does the one thing that helps him in stressfull, akward or life treathening situations: he turns it into a joke
- Shame but I will make an exeption for you and give you my services for free
- I am not interested
Damian seems irritated now. Danny procedes to ignore him and sits at the table.
- Well as an expert in friendship I can tell you that those guys weren’t your friends. Better keep away from them
- Thats none of your business. Go away
- well maybe not but you should know what they were saying to you….
And then Danny proceded to inform Damian about the hidden insults and racizem comments. Damian tried to say something and even walk away but Danny wos presistent. When he finaly finished Damian exploded
- Leave me you insolent lowborn go find yourself another imbecyle to milk for money! Or I will stab you!
- Wow that same fancy insults there. I havent Heard lowborn yet. Anyway have a good day!
And Danny proceded to turn on his heel and walk away. He left Damian dumbfoned staring at his back. if the boy decided to do something about this then good if not then Danny at least feels like he did everything he could in this situation.
Damian wos confused. That homless lowborn wos strange. He wos not familiar with Damian nor his family. But. Damian couldnt stop thinking about what he told him. About his classmates their words and hidden meanings. Damian wos not hier to Demons head and son of Batman without a reason. He had skills, keen mind and wos curious. So he checked, he spent almost all night reading different forums and sites about bulling and racizem. He tried not Think about how much he resembled Drake in the morning. What he found wos…. Not plesant. It turned out he missed a lot of signs of his position at school. It wos unbeconing of someone of his class. He wos glad to be aware of that problem but now he did not know what to do with it. Father and Grayson expected him to make „friends” and up until yesterday he thought he fullfiled their orders thru his classmates but now he realised it wos failure. He did not want father to Discover his mistake. So now he has different problem he does not know exacly what that „friendship” wos supposed to be. Internet wos not really helpfull, there were so many diversive definitions that he wos confused about what wos true. He wos not going to admit to father or Grayson his incompetence. He will find solution himself. He has one idea that just might work. The lowborn named himself expert in friendship. Damian just has to find him and ask. He seemed willing to sell his knowledge.
Danny wos a little confused and suprised to see angry boy from two days before him. In his defense Danny did not start this conversation. It wos Damian who came to his bench across the café and demanded his services. Which wos weird in itself even before he asked about the price. But he did remember that he made a joke about services so that checks.
- look I am not…
Started Danny but Damian cut him off.
- you introduced yourself as an expert in friendship so I require your services. I will pay generously.
God now Danny wos going to be arrested for child manipulation and thieft. No that can’t happen. He already is hunted for his halfa status that’s enough.
- Listen I don’t want any money. I joked that day. I saw a kid being bullied and stepped in. Further events does not concern me.
Danny tried to leave but the kid wos presistent.
- Well your knowledge proved usefull. I want more
-kid, Damian I don’t want to get in trouble by using you or something. I am pretty sure there is some paragraph for that. Ask Google, it’s better option. And without me involved
- you think I didn’t do it already?! I am not stupid, but the information there are contradicting itself and I can’t distinguish what is true and what is not!!!!
Danny looks at Damian. He is shaking a little, and his words are colored by desperation. Ancients this is trouble… but he wos in this situation before wosnt he? A boy who does not know basic social skills in foreign dimension…alone and lost. Fuck he can’t leave Damian hanging. He can feel his fear in the air. Damn ghost abilities.
- Fine what’s your problem?
Danny has been meeting with Damian for over 2 months now. the kid wos socially awkward but quick witted and genarlly nice company. Well Danny wos alone for so long that his judgement may be clouded by he does not dwell on that. It’s nice having someone around. And Damian talks to him. He missed that. First few meeting wos a little awkward but it got better. Danny tried to be helpful,?first they talked about the school interactions, who even wos a friend. But then they got deeper, it turned out that Damian knew about social interactions little to nothing. They talked about family how it works, what it should be like. It wos ironic considering Danny neglectful parents and dangerous home. But he knew how it should look like. Jazz make sure of that when she wos alive. Then Damian started to open up about his origin. Trainings, mother and weird hierarchy. Well Danny saw a lot wilder shit in the zone. A kid from assassin cult wosnt the most shocking but still fucked up. He thinks that Damian might be even winning his little competition: „who had more screwed childhood” He thinks that his calmness helped Damian to share. Ancients he feels like Jazz…. It is not that bad. Damian brings him snacks, becouse Danny refused any money. And Danny talks to him too. Tells him about the stars, laughs about stories of Sam and Tucker Damian will never know who is he talking about so there is no harm. First time from death of everyone loved he does not feel alone.
Damian didnt plan to get close to Danny. It wosnt the plan. But he wos such good listener. Danny wos systematic in his explanation of reactions and habits that are „normal” in society. He wosnt showing horror or acted surprised when he told him about discipline in league or it’s hierarchy. He didn’t even flinch when he conveyed stories of trying to establish his position in manor by attempting to murder Drake. He listened then pointed out how different manor and league functioned and then calmly suggested that he should talk to Timothy. Just like that no screaming or anger. Now he knows why father wos so frustrated with him. According to Danny family doesn’t have strict hierarchy or rules punishable by death. It wos strange to have everything finally explained. He understands so much more. He sees that Grayson tried to explain it to him before. But as much as he is fond of the man he wos unsuccessful in his attempts. But he still has one problem… father told him to make friends. It’s a mission that he is failing right now. And if he is being honest he is not talented in this department. Not that he will admit it to anyone… well apart from Danny. When he asked him what else he should do to accomplish this mission he got quiet and fidgeted for a while and then offered
- well if you want I can be your friend
Damian stopped his walk and stared at him. Did Danny filled all the requirements? He did helped Damian not expecting anything in return which friends are supposed to do according to Danny himself, his presence wos entertaining. They understood each other. Both suspicious of their surroundings and cautious in every situation. They know about each other a lot of useless information like favourite food (Danny loved burgers), colors, hobbies or general interests.
-yes that would be acceptable
Damian saw the happy glint in Danny’s eyes and the way he relaxed. They started to walk again as if it wosnt admission of most importance.
So I may post a little follow up about how Tim reacted to Damian apology? I will see. As you can see my writing isn’t the best sorry😅. So in here Danny’s family and friends from Amity are dead and he is 16-isch Damian is fresh from the league and is obviously confused.
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gammasnippets · 7 months
Drive T
SNSD Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader
12,260 words (Co-edited by @capslocked and @sparkynsfws)
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Wimbledon—one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world, known for its rich history and iconic traditions. It's the highlight of the tennis season, where the best players from around the globe compete for the coveted title on the hallowed grass courts of the All England Club. This is where names are made, and where legends are born. From casual fans to hardcore tennis enthusiasts, everyone is eager to witness the thrilling matches and the breathtaking displays of skill the players unleash on the courts. And with only a few months to prepare, you do your best to be in your best physical and mental condition for the coming tournament.
That is… If you're one of the qualifying players.
Something suddenly hits your head, snapping you out of your daydreaming. It was a tennis ball, rolling down your face. It's not even a hard hit, but it sure is enough to knock you back to reality. You then scan the tennis court looking for the culprit. Not far from you stands a woman, one hand on her racket and the other on her hip, and she doesn't look pleased.
"Hey! Quit your daydreaming, will you?" says the woman, sounding annoyed.
"That was uncalled for, you know?" you retort as you rub the point of impact, a spark of irritation in your voice.
"I just finished warming up here and the next thing I know, you're in your own world!" she snaps back, clearly unapologetic for her errant shot.
"Well, if only you didn't arrive late, we could've started our practice session on time," you reply, trying to maintain your composure.
The woman doesn't seem to like your response and walks towards you, her face slowly turning red.
"So it's my fault that you scheduled our practice session at such an inconvenient time?"
"What? You told me that you're only available today and that you really wanted to practice," you protest, feeling both confused and frustrated.
"At fucking midnight?" she exclaims, raising her voice.
"Well, it's only an hour after…"
"11 PM, 12 AM… Whatever! It's late in the evening, you dumbass!"
She kinda has a point. Despite the great discount you received for renting the tennis court at nighttime, you begin to realize that scheduling a session close to midnight wasn't the wisest decision.And she has every right to be angry about the inconvenience.
You take a step back, realizing that this argument is getting out of hand.
"Alright, alright… I'm sorry, Taeyeon-noona. I should've checked with you first."
To your relief, her anger softens slightly, and she sighs.
"Well, we're way past that now. Might as well make use of the time while we're here."
"Thanks for understanding…"
"Just don't you ever do this again," she says as she points her racket at you, her tone still sharp. "Or I'll make sure to hit you harder next time."
"Okay. I get it," you reply, feeling intimidated by her fiery demeanor.
You were always intimidated by Taeyeon's fiery demeanor. As your former teacher and tennis club advisor, she's known to be as strict and disciplined. You can't forget the torture she put you through, but that didn't sway you from leaving the sport you're passionate about. And for better, or more likely worse, you and Taeyeon are still in touch after all these years. Maybe you could've found a better partner, but you've never been more comfortable with anyone else other than her.
You and Taeyeon proceed to continue your practice session on the tennis court. Both of you are determined to make the most of the remaining time and improve your skills, ignoring the tension that still lingers in the air. The court fills with the sound of powerful swings, focused footwork, and the occasional grunt of exertion as you both push yourselves to the limit. Well-deserved breaks are taken to catch your breath, sip some water, and exchange a few friendly jokes amidst the intensity.
After a few rounds of intense practice, the two of you decide to take a much longer break.
"Fuck… I need a break," you pant, collapsing onto a nearby bench.
"Jeez. You're tired already?" Taeyeon teases you, as desperate for air as you are.
"You're the one to talk," you retorted, throwing the tease back at her.
"Well, you're the one who keeps on making me run all over the court!" she grumbles as she retires beside you, pouting her lips.
"You gotta do what you gotta do," you reply, smirking.
"Yet I still won," she boasts, a smug grin spreading across her face.
"I only let you win, you know?" you shrug nonchalantly.
Taeyeon laughs out loud at your cocky remark.
"As if! You always trip when you're returning my drop shots."
"Hey… It only happened once."
"More like twice!"
You raise your hands in mock surrender.
"Okay… It happened twice. Happy now?"
"You bet," she continues to laugh. "God, that was funny."
Taeyeon can't help but giggle at your mistakes during the game. As much as you find her laughter infectious, her teasing you might have hit a nerve. You want to retaliate by telling her how equally awful she was at returning her serves. But maybe she deserves this after the earlier exchange.
"So, wanna do a few more rounds?" you propose to Taeyeon, eager to win against her.
"Already? Can't we relax a bit more?" she asks, her body still slumped against the bench.
"Come on. We still have a lot of time left," you urge her, giving her a good nudge with your elbow.
"Exactly! Can't we use the time to rest longer?" she complains, faking an exhausted expression.
You sneer at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Noona, please. Don't be such a baby. You're too old for that," you tell her.
She then lets out a loud gasp. You obviously hit a nerve.
"Hey! I'm not old, you fuck!" she exclaims, raising her voice.
You chuckle. "Yeah, but you're definitely older than me."
"I'm only 34!" she yells, her cheeks turning slightly red.
"You can even pass as my aunt," you joke, unable to resist pushing her buttons even further.
In a hurry, she ejects herself from the bench, ready to argue back.
"Listen here, you little shit. You can joke all you want, but I can kick your ass right here, right now."
Seems like your teasing had the wrong effect on Taeyeon. As if a fuse inside her was lit, she's ready to fight you with words, fists, and probably anything else she can get her hands on.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," you apologize, trying to appease her.
But Taeyeon's not having it, and she's still fuming.
"That's not gonna cut it, you asshole," she continues to rant. "Y'know what? Let's make this interesting."
You don't know what's going through her head, but whatever it is, you don't like it.
"What? Interesting, how?"
"Since you think I'm such a weak old lady, even though I've beaten you many times…"
"We're almost even," you interject, but she's quick to cut you off.
"Shut up! You're not helping your case," she barks, glaring at you.
You shut your mouth and let her finish.
"Anyway, I bet I can beat you in a singles match," she declares, her tone serious.
The proposition sounds appealing to you, but it does feel like you're being manipulated.
"You can't be serious, right?"
"Do I look like I'm not?"
You scan her face carefully. Her expression doesn't waver and looks dead serious. You begin to regret messing with her earlier, and you're unsure what to say next.
"Well?" she asks again, expecting a clear answer.
You can't help but let out a deep sigh.
"Okay… What's on the line, then?"
"The loser has to follow the winner's every command."
You're a little taken aback by the wager, not because it's particularly absurd, but rather that you can't believe how quickly she's able to come up with this kind of proposition.
"That… That's quite a bold bet," you say, feeling a bit intimidated by the conditions.
"Are you backing out already? I thought you're a better player than that."
"No, I'm not! I'm just… Surprised," you stutter, unsure if you're able to take the challenge.
"Don't be such a chicken," she taunts you, a devilish smirk forming on her lips.
The teaser now becomes teased, and her expression is the one that you would never want to see. She's ready to fight you, and not just with her words. You can sense her desire for victory emanating out of her, and that scares the hell out of you.
Suddenly, immense pressure is crushing you down, and you begin to doubt yourself. Taeyeon's always been a formidable player, even with her age and size. If it weren't for her teaching you, you wouldn't have learned all the tricks that you've used to win many matches. You start to regret your decision to play with her, and you have no choice but to swallow the lump in your throat.
"Alright… You've got a deal," you agree, taking the challenge.
She gives a smug grin.
"That's what I wanted to hear," she chuckles. "Well, we've got plenty of time. Shall we have a nice game?"
"I guess so…"
The two of you prepare for the match, putting your rackets and other equipment away. As you're preparing, a thought pops into your mind, and you have a burning question to ask Taeyeon.
"You do realize that a singles match is longer than doubles, right?"
"Well, we can adjust the rules. This isn't an official match, after all."
"Alright. So how do you want to do this? Best out of three sets?"
"Sounds fair enough."
With the agreement, you and Taeyeon prepare to take the court once again. Both of you are determined to win and get the advantage over the other.
You set off the game with your first serve, hitting a fastball to the far corner of the service box. Taeyeon returns with a strong swing, hitting a high-speed shot that you're unable to defend. She takes the first point.
"Shit," you curse under your breath, as the scoreboard shows 15-0.
You try not to lose your focus as you return to the baseline and prepare for the next serve.
You decide to be more careful, not wanting to repeat the same mistake. Your next serve is a lot slower and hits the back of the service box. Taeyeon's return is weaker, allowing you to defend easily. With the advantage, you go on the offense and score a point.
"Yes!" you celebrate, pumping your fist.
"Hey. Not bad," Taeyeon concedes, not wanting to praise you.
"You can't expect me to let you have the advantage all the time," you brag, not letting her dampen your spirit.
"Try me."
Those two words somehow have a strange effect on you, and your confidence quickly wavers.
You try to be a little bit more aggressive on your next serve, and she's forced to make a mistake, throwing the ball off bounds. The score is now tied at 15-30.
The two of you continue your game, fighting tooth and nail to get the advantage. You give your best and so does her. Neither of you are willing to let the other gain any sort of upper hand.
The score eventually reads 40-30, with Taeyeon holding the lead. A single point would end the set and give her a huge advantage.
The volleys between you and Taeyeon are fast and aggressive, but with a strong swing, she manages to catch you off guard, scoring the winning point. She wins the first set.
She cheers at her victory, a wide grin spread across her face.
"Not bad. Didn't think I'd get the first point, huh?"
"Yeah, but the first set doesn't matter," you retort, not wanting to get discouraged.
"Is that so, hotshot? You can try."
You grit your teeth, and you're not sure whether Taeyeon's taunt was meant to annoy you, but her words had its desired effect. You're now ready to prove her wrong and win the second set.
She starts off the second set, preparing for her next serve.
"Let's see if you can return this one," she challenges you with a sly smile on her face.
"Bring it," you reply, your focus unwavering.
Taeyeon lets out a fast serve, aiming for the corner of the service box. Luckily for you, you manage to read her serve and position yourself perfectly to return it with a strong forehand. A few quick exchanges later, you score with a cross-court shot to start the second set with a point in your favor.
It's now your turn to serve. You perform a tricky flat serve, hoping to catch Taeyeon off guard. She anticipates your serve, returning it with a well-placed backhand slice that lands just over the net. In your hesitation to reach the ball, you mistakenly returned it too high and Taeyeon seizes the opportunity, smashing with a powerful overhead shot. The score is now tied at 15-15 in the second set.
You didn't let this setback discourage you. Instead, you double down on your serve, determined to not repeat the same mistake. Taeyeon is also focused and prepared to return your next serve.
With a swift motion, you throw another fast serve, and Taeyeon returns it with a powerful forehand, forcing you to make a mistake. But you managed to return the ball at an awkward angle, giving her a difficult ball to return. You seize the opportunity and score the next point.
The tension between you and Taeyeon is at an all-time high as the second set moves closer to its conclusion. Each point is fought fiercely, and there are a lot of close calls. Neither of you is willing to concede even a single point.
With both of you on the verge of exhaustion, the match is now coming down to the wire.
The score is now 15-40. You need a single point to win the second set.
You have the opportunity to serve. Taeyeon prepares herself, ready to receive your next serve.
"Here goes," you mutter, trying to psych yourself up. With a powerful serve, you launch the ball over the net. You watch anxiously as the ball flies toward the opposite side of the court. She reacts quickly, running towards the ball and returning with a strong forehand. You are forced to return the ball with a lob.
In the air, the ball curves towards the left, landing just outside the lines. You can only hope that Taeyeon isn't able to return it. But with her usual finesse, she returns the ball with a backhand lob, landing just in front of you. It's your turn to seal the deal with a powerful backhand of your own that hits the corner of the court, earning you the final point of the second set.
You try to keep your composure despite the win, but deep down you're ecstatic.
"Nice job," she compliments you.
You only give her a nod in return.
"So, shall we start the last set?"
"Yeah. Let's."
The chill of the midnight air dissipates as the final set begins. With both of you equally fired up and determined to win, you prepare for the final round.
This is it. The last set of the match. There's no time to lose.
You take the serve, performing a tricky jump serve that she struggles to defend. With a powerful swing, you hit a fastball that she's unable to return. You take the first point.
Taeyeon's serving next. With a fast serve, she catches you off guard and you're unable to defend her serve. The score is now 15-15 in the final set.
The pressure is mounting on you as the set progresses. You want to win. You both do. But there's something in her that drains you of your will. You're not sure if she's just playing a good mind game, or if she really has the upper hand.
The turn to serve goes back to you. You're determined not to let Taeyeon get a free pass. With a slow flat serve, you try to catch her off guard. She returns it with a well-timed forehand. You quickly move towards the ball and return it with a sharp topspin that lands just inside the line. She's unable to return the ball and you score a point.
The score is now 30-15 in your favor. The momentum is shifting in your direction. But it feels as though it isn't.
Taeyeon's serving next, and she looks determined to break the momentum. She hits a fast serve, hoping to catch you off guard. You return it with a powerful forehand. But her next shot is even faster, hitting a topspin that forces you to return it with a weak lob.
At that point, she brandishes her trademark move.
She rushes towards the ball, winding up for a smash. You prepare yourself to counter her attack… Only for Taeyeon to swing her racket sideways as it falls down, hitting the ball with a strong topspin. In a rush, you chase after the ball, but it bounces erratically, almost at a 90-degree angle. Before you can do anything, the ball lands outside the line.
“Drive T” is what she calls it. Not only does she swings her arms in a T shape, but the topspin she generates causes the ball to draw a cross, or rather a small letter T, as it bounces uncontrollably on the court. It’s a move that is very hard to predict, both to the players and spectators alike. You’ve seen her used that technique on many occasions, both to intimidate her opponents and to finish the game quickly. It is her dangerous weapon.
And she just used it against you.
Your jaw hangs open in shock. You can't believe she did that.
"Now that's a topspin!" Taeyeon boasts, laughing.
As much as you want to respond to her, you're not sure if you can. As "friendly" as this game is, you can't help but feel a creeping sense of dread at how serious this is turning out.
The score is now tied 30-30. The tension is getting even higher, and your mind is racing. You want to win. You need to win.
You take a deep breath as you prepare for your next serve. As calm as you can be, you send the ball towards her with a powerful serve that sails all the way to the other end of the net. But with her quick reflexes, Taeyeon effortlessly returns the serve with a perfectly executed backhand. You send it back with a swift backhand of your own, making her chase the ball towards the sideline. She manages to get to the ball just in time, and with a flick of her wrist, she sends a sharp topspin towards your corner.
Your heart races as you anticipate the spin and speed of the approaching ball, adjusting your movement to counter her shot with a controlled forehand. However, as you send the ball back, she has positioned herself near the net, swinging it downwards with incredible power and speed. You already put all your strength in returning the previous shot that you have no more time left to react accordingly, making the ball slip past you and land out of your reach.
Taeyeon grunts with satisfaction as her shot gives her a crucial point, bringing the score to 40-30 in her favor.
You curse under your breath, realizing that you may have bit off more than you can chew. But you have no option to back down now. All that's left is to turn the tables and win.
You take another deep breath as you wait for her to make her next move.
Your eyes remain locked on Taeyeon as she prepares to serve, her intense focus indicating that she's not going to make this easy for you. What happens next is like a blur as the ball immediately zooms towards you the moment she tosses it into the air, not even letting it wait for gravity to pull it down. With her on match point, she has all the reasons to end this game as quickly as possible.
You quickly run to intercept the ball, swatting it with a powerful forehand. She stays on her toes, moving swiftly to return your shot with a skillful backhand slice that barely clears the net. The distance is quite the challenge, but it's something you can still manage. You make a sprint towards the net, just in time to hit it back with a drop shot that catches Taeyeon off guard. With her nimble feet, she manages to reach the ball, though she has to dive in for the last few inches just to keep the rally going. And with a desperate lob, she sends the ball soaring high into the air, giving you enough time to deliver a crushing overhead smash that lands just inside the baseline, completely out of Taeyeon's reach.
As the ball connects with the court, a sense of triumph washes over you, pumping your fist in the air. You managed to buy yourself some room to breathe in this fiery match and gain a much-needed point, leveling the score at 40-40. Taeyeon recovers herself from her dive, letting out a sigh as she recovers her breathing. You're exhausted yourself, struggling to catch your breath after the intense rally. But there's no time to rest. You lock eyes with her, both of your eyes burning with determination to win over the other. The next serve could very well be the turning point of the entire match.
Once again, it's your turn to serve. Everything is suddenly hazy as if the world around you blurs into a complete mess of colors. All that's clear in your eyes are the ball in your hands, the lines on the court, and the woman in front of you. It could be the adrenaline. It could be the fear of losing. It could be anything. But none of that matters. Send the ball her way, swing it back if she dares to return it, repeat.
The next few rounds are nothing but intense back-and-forth as you and Taeyeon fight for every point. The ball flies across the court in a flurry of precise shots and strategic placement. You're tired as hell, and maybe, so is she. But neither of you can afford to let up even for a moment, not even an inch, as the score remains neck and neck.
After a few deuces and grueling rallies, the tension on the court reaches its peak. She has managed to bring the score to what could potentially be the final point of the entire match. You're both sweating profusely, your bodies glistening under the harsh stadium lights. The cold air that should be a reprieve feels suffocating against your heated skin. She could be on her last legs, but you're kind of on the same page.
You prepare yourself as Taeyeon prepares her to serve, her eyes locked on yours like a hawk, unwavering and intense. Her serve is swift, darting through the air with deadly accuracy. You react quickly, heading forward to meet the ball with a powerful forehand return. She then easily steps into position, returning the ball with a soft backhand shot. You match her shot with a well-executed slice, aiming to throw her off balance. But she still manages to reach the ball with a quick flick of her wrist, sending it sailing over the net with surprising speed and precision.
As the ball hurtles towards you, you summon every ounce of your pent-up aggression to smack the ball back with an explosive topspin shot, making the ball draw a sharp curve towards the sideline. This is all you have left. You can feel your strength draining as you shout your heart out with that final, desperate shot.
Unfortunately… Your tough opponent, Taeyeon, is right there, ready and waiting.
In a matter of seconds, the distance between her and the ball closes as she lunges forward, her body contorting with the grace and agility of a seasoned athlete. And as she swings her racket in a cross through the air, you know that she isn't just going to return the ball - she's sealing the deal with her Drive T. She hits the ball with such power that it spins wildly as soon as it's airborne. You watch it making its landing not far from you and with your heart pounding, you scramble to retrieve it. But with the ball's unpredictable spin, it bounces away from you instead of it landing in your control.
And as the ball bounces down to a stop, Taeyeon wins the match, winning 2 sets to 1.
"Yay! I won!"
She screams in joy and hops up and down with excitement as if all her exhaustion has instantly evaporated. Meanwhile, you collapse to the ground, completely outplayed and spent. As she celebrates her victory, she notices that you've been anchored to the ground. She makes her way towards you, skipping lightly in joy.
Trying not to feel bitter about your defeat, you raise your hand, giving her a thumbs up and a genuine smile. She responds in kind, before extending her hand to help you up.
"Well, looks like you took the match. That was nice," you say as you sit up, catching your breath as you try to compose yourself after the intense match.
"Thanks. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just need a moment to recover. My legs feel like they're burning, though."
"Oh. Same here… But I'm good."
"Damn. How do you even do that?"
"I told you many times to work on your legs! I always tell you to do more than just jog," she scolds you as if losing to her wasn't enough.
"Alright, alright," you reply, rolling your eyes. "I'll start next week."
"Well you better be," she chuckles, tapping her racket lightly against your shoulder.
You chuckle amidst the exhaustion, the frustration you felt at losing to Taeyeon fading away.
"So, is that your dare for me?" you ask her.
"You won, right?"
"Oh! Right! The bet!" Taeyeon's eyes then widened in realization.
You shake your head lightly, amused by her sudden forgetfulness.
"And you still deny that you're old—ow!"
She smacks you again with her racket, albeit harder this time.
"What did I just say about calling me old?"
"Okay, okay! Jeez, what a killjoy," you mutter, rubbing your shoulder.
"What was that?" she taunts, preparing to hit you again.
"Nothing! I said nothing," you quickly respond, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Good!" she exclaims, giggling.
"Now, what do you want me to do?" you repeat, trying not to provoke her.
Her attitude changes quickly.
"You're actually gonna go through with it?"
"I mean, you won, so…"
"Are you sure?"
"Come on, just tell me what you want me to do," you urge her.
She pauses for a moment, contemplating the terms of her victory.
"Well, since I beat you pretty badly…"
"That was close," you protest, only to earn a glare from her.
"It wasn't. Now shut up and listen."
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod.
"Y'know what? You look like a tired mess right there. Let's head over to the bench and I'll think of a good prize."
"But my body's still—"
She lets out a loud, exasperated sigh.
"Alright. Get up, you lousy ass," she extends her hand, offering to pull you up.
You take it and let her lead the way to the benches. It's not that far, but the short walk to the benches is enough to make your knees wobble and legs ache. The two of you collapse onto the bench, finally able to relax and rest for a bit.
"Jeez, I didn't think the match was gonna be that hard. You did really well," she says, giving you a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Well… I was against you, after all. Of course, it'll be hard," you respond, your tone slightly annoyed.
"Hey! Don't get me wrong. It's still a nice game."
"I guess. Thanks," you say, shrugging.
A moment of silence ensues, and the two of you sit quietly, basking in the cool air. Despite feeling sore, a little break is all you need to recharge after the intense game. You then look at Taeyeon, and she doesn't seem to show any signs of exhaustion, despite sweating profusely and having her breath ragged after the match.
"Say, how come you don't look as tired as I am?" you ask her, breaking the silence.
"Well, for starters, I've got a lot more years of experience than you," she quips, grinning smugly.
You roll your eyes and sigh, too tired to give a smart retort.
"But seriously, though. You should take better care of your body. You're still young," she says, her tone sounding more like a concerned mother than a friend.
"You've been saying that for a while now," you grumble.
"Well, that's because I was your teacher! Jeez! Don't be so stubborn," she protests, giving your shoulder a light shove.
"I'm not being stubborn. I'm just tired," you then let out another deep breath. "You took all the air out of me"
"Exactly. And that's why I'm telling you to take care of your body better," she says, her tone firm.
"Okay, fine," you concede.
"Now, shall we move on?"
"Sure. Let's talk about my dare," you say, eager to finally know what she wants.
"Right. Are you sure you're in on this?"
"I'm sure. Yeah," you assure her.
"100%? No take-backs, okay?"
"If it's not anything too extreme."
"Don't worry. It's nothing like that."
You look at her, and she smirks at you. Something tells you that you'll regret this, but curiosity gets the better of you.
"Fine. Shoot it."
"Pull down your shorts."
Your jaw hangs open. You expected her to ask for a silly dare, like a funny photo or something along those lines. But this? You didn't expect this at all.
"H-huh? W-what did you just say?" you stammer, your cheeks burning red.
"Come on. It's not gonna kill you."
"But… That's—"
"Just a little fun, really."
You're speechless, your eyes wide as you process the words.
"I… I don't think I can do that."
"Hey. The deal was the loser has to do everything the winner asks, right? You lost. So, do it."
You swallow the lump in your throat and sigh. There's no getting around this.
"Okay… Fine," you reluctantly agree, slowly sliding down your shorts.
The fabric brushes against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. Your heart beats fast, your palms sweating profusely as you slowly reveal more and more of your bare thighs. Your boxers are the only thing separating your modesty from the woman sitting beside you, and you can't deny her the sight of your growing erection.
Taeyeon's lips curl into a satisfied grin, and she bites her lower lip as she sees the tent forming between your legs.
"You're really turned on by this, huh?" she says, teasing you.
"It… It's not like that, I swear."
"Sure, whatever you say," she giggles.
"So… Is this it? Did I pass the dare?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
"Well, technically… But now I'm interested in something else," she replies, her voice dropping an octave.
"And? What would that be?"
"Let's just say I want to see what's underneath those boxers."
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach, and you instinctively cross your legs.
"Noona… There could be people watching us," you tell her, scanning the entire area.
"It's 3 AM. Do you think those guards will even bother walking around at this hour? No one's gonna see," she reasons.
"The deal?"
"Okay, fine. I'll do it."
Slowly, you take a deep breath and reach down for your boxers.
"Ugh… What am I doing?" you mumble, cursing at yourself.
You grab the hem and pull down the fabric grazing against your shaft. Your erection springs up, freed from the confines of your underwear.
"Wow. Now that's quite a view," Taeyeon chuckles, ogling your exposed member.
You turn away, too embarrassed to look her in the eye.
"I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey. Don't be. Especially when you have this…" she bites her lip, her eyes fixated on your dick. "Big thing right there."
Your cheeks burn a bright red, and you feel like you could explode.
"You're kidding me, right?"
"Of course not! Come on, you can't tell me it's not hot."
You stay silent, unable to answer.
"Alright. Lemme suck that," she says, leaning in closer to you.
"W-what? Y-you can't be serious!"
"Hey. No take-backs."
"But this is—"
"Listen. You clearly look like you're not in on this."
"I… I didn't say that…"
"So? What's with the hesitation?"
"I-it's just that… This is kind of sudden," you reply, unable to think straight.
"Then let me ease you into it," she says, grabbing your dick with her hand.
Your breath hitches, the sudden contact of her soft hand against your sensitive shaft taking you by surprise. She slowly moves her hand up and down, gently massaging your dick. You can't help but let out a low moan as her fingers run across the tip, sending shivers down your spine.
"How does that feel?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I-I don't know…" you manage to say, your mind in a daze.
She smirks at your reaction, totally getting turned on by your response.
"You did your best so… I'll give you a consolation prize."
"H-huh? What do you mean?"
Before you can say anything, she leans in, her face just inches away from your cock.
"Wait… You can't be serious. You're going to—"
"Let me give you a little treat. You can tell me to stop after, but I hope you won't,” she says, her warm breath brushing against your shaft. “It'll be a shame, really,"
You're speechless, your mouth hanging open as you stare at her in disbelief.
"Well, here I go," she announces, leaning forward and enveloping your cock with her lips.
The sudden warmth sends a shock through your body, and you let out a moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. She starts sucking on the tip, and her tongue swirls around the head, lapping up the beads of precum. You can't believe it, but it feels so good. Your breathing quickens as she continues to suck, taking your dick deeper into her mouth. She moans against your cock, and you can feel her voice vibrating through your shaft.
"Oh, fuck…" you curse, the pleasure driving you insane.
She then grabs the base of your shaft with her hand and starts stroking you in sync with her mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, and you can't help but grab a fistful of her hair, gripping it tightly. She picks up the pace, her hand moving faster as her head bobs up and down. Her eyes lock with yours, and she's clearly enjoying this. You can see the lust in her eyes, and it's all too much for you.
The pressure builds up, your mind goes blank, and all you can think about is the intense pleasure coursing through your body. Your muscles tense up, and before you know it, your body starts shaking uncontrollably. You can feel your balls tightening, and the urge to cum is overwhelming.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
With one final thrust, you unload your seed into her mouth. Taeyeon suddenly looks surprised as you unleash a torrent of cum, filling her mouth. She then pulls out, coughing, the excess dripping down her chin.
"Sorry! I didn't know if you were ready," you apologize, worried that you might have forced her.
She continues to cough, and she wipes the excess cum off her face, taking a moment to catch her breath.
"It's okay. I was kinda taken by surprise, but it's fine," she manages to say, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I'm so sorry. I just couldn't hold it any longer," you apologize again, embarrassed by what happened.
"I told you it's okay," she tells you.
"Well… If you say so."
"And besides… It's not every day that I get to do it with a virgin," she winks as she lets out a soft laugh.
"Hey! I'm no virgin!" you protest, trying to defend your ego.
"Is that so?" she teases, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"I… I've experienced this before," you mutter.
"Sure, and that's why I got a mouthful," she chuckles, licking her lips.
"I was… I was holding out!" you retort.
"But of course," she laughs. "Just admit that you're a total virgin."
You're left speechless, unable to defend yourself. She just grins at you, clearly amused by your reaction. You want to say something, but she has you beat.
"Alright… Off to the next one!" she then exclaims, looking rather excited.
"Next one?"
"You didn't think I was just gonna leave you like this, did you? We're just getting started," she winks, giving your dick a squeeze.
"Wait, what?"
"That was just the warm-up. I have a lot of other things planned for us."
"Like what?"
"Let's just say this is gonna be the night of your life. And by the time the sun rises, you'll be thanking me,"
"I'm not so sure about this…"
"Trust me. I know what I'm doing," she reassures you, flashing you a devious smile.
She lets go of your dick. You feel relieved that her tight grip is no longer on your throbbing cock, but also a bit disappointed at the loss of her warm touch. She then takes off her clothes, exposing her voluptuous body. Her breasts are barely covered by an orange lace bra, and her hips are accentuated by a matching thong. You gulp as you take in the sight, and you can feel your dick getting even harder.
"What's wrong? Getting nervous?" she asks, giggling.
"Uh, yeah. This is really sudden. I'm not sure what's going on," you admit, unable to look away from her gorgeous body.
"Come on, it's nothing you can't handle. Just enjoy it," she says, grabbing your hand and placing it on her waist.
You can't deny the electricity that runs through your body the moment her skin makes contact with yours. Her body is so soft and warm, and it feels so good to touch her. It's intoxicating at the least, and you can't help but be swept up by the moment.
"Now, I'll let you have a taste of my body. You better make the most of it," she whispers, her lips brushing against your ear.
You let out a soft moan, the sensation driving you wild.
"So? What are you waiting for?"
"It's okay. You can touch me," she assures you, guiding your hands towards her breasts.
"But, Noona…"
"Touch me more."
You hesitate for a moment, but she urges you on, and you give in.
Your fingers trace the outline of her bra, feeling her erect nipples through the fabric. As if by instinct, you gently squeeze her breasts, eliciting a moan from her.
"Mmmh… That's it. More," she purrs, arching her back.
Your heart races as her breasts push against your palms, her nipples rubbing against the thin material of her bra. The friction feels incredible, and the pleasure drives you crazy. You're not sure how much longer you can hold out, but you don't want it to end.
"You're so cute. You look like you're enjoying this," she teases, smiling.
Guilty as charged.
"Just relax. I'll take care of everything."
She then presses her lips against yours, her tongue pushing past your lips. Your tongues dance, and you savor her sweet taste. She then nibbles on your lower lip, and you can't help but moan.
"Nggh! Noona, wait," you breathe out, pulling away from her.
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"I… I think this is too fast."
She giggles. "Awh. Poor thing."
She then cups your face with her hand and kisses you again, a much slower, passionate kiss this time. You feel her smile against your lips, and it sends a shiver down your spine. It feels so good, so addicting. Yet you don't want to admit it.
"Taeyeon-noona, I…"
"Do you want to take it slow?"
You only gave her a nod.
"There. Just tell me what you want."
She then reaches back and unhooks her bra, tossing it to the side. Her bare breasts glisten under the dim lighting, and you can't help but stare in awe.
"There. I hope this evens us out," she smirks. You can see her cheeks blushing as she puts her magnificent assets on full display.
"Y-you don't have to, y'know? I'm fine with—"
Before you can utter another word, she pulls you towards her, pressing your face against her plump, supple breasts. Muffled, you try to push back, but she holds you firmly against her, not letting go. The warmth of her skin and the softness of her breasts overwhelm your senses, slowly melting your hesitations away.
Before you know it, you feel your hands explore the rest of her exposed body, gliding across everything you can reach.
She can't help but laugh and moan simultaneously as you explore her body.
"Getting braver, aren’t we?"
You choose not to answer and instead let your actions speak for you.
Taeyeon's skin feels so soft and smooth, and it's a wonder to touch. You can't help but want to touch her even more, to explore every inch of her. You suck on her erect nipples, and her breath hitches, letting out a soft moan.
"That's it. Take it all in," she whispers, running her fingers through your hair.
Your heart races as her scent fills your nose, and it's driving you crazy. You can't help but want more, and you feel yourself getting lost in the moment.
"Shhhh… Don't say a word. Just enjoy it," she replies, her voice low and seductive.
Obliging, you continue to taste her, relishing in the sweet, salty taste of her skin. Your hands travel across her body, touching every inch of her. She bites her lip and arches her back as you trace the curve of her spine, and her breathing quickens as you explore her thighs.
"Oh, fuck…" she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your hands then find their way to her butt, and you squeeze her cheeks, feeling the soft, firm flesh in your hands. She looks at you with lustful eyes, and you can see the desire written all over her face.
"Oh, my… You're getting good at this," she purrs, smiling seductively.
You blush slightly, her compliment clearly lifting your confidence. You shoot a smile back at her, fueled with confidence and hunger for more. She smirks at your newfound boldness, welcoming your hunger with equal enthusiasm.
Your lips lock with hers for another round of torrid passion, the heat between your bodies intensifying with each passing second. Your tongues dance in a fiery tango, exploring every crevice and making each other elicit a fervent moan. Neither of you is backing down, eager to win over the other as if your earlier spar wasn't enough.
"Noona, you're… Amazing," you manage to gasp between heated kisses, unable to contain the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
She smirks. "You're no slouch either."
"But, you… I…"
"Mhhh… Don't stop now," Taeyeon whispers, her voice dripping with need.
"But let me just…" you struggle to remove your shirt despite the urgency of the moment.
With her expert guidance, you quickly shed your shirt and throw it aside, giving your partner an unobstructed view of your bare chest.
"There we go. Better?"
"Yeah. You were on top of me so I had trouble taking it off." you jest, a playful smirk spreading across your face.
She then chuckles, hitting you playfully on the shoulder.
"And you blame me for that?"
"Why not? You keep on pushing me down."
"Jeez… I'm not that heavy, you know?"
"I know, I know. You're just so aggressive," you tease, running your fingers through her skin.
Taeyeon coos at your touch, her body pulsating with desire.
"Hmmm? Is that your way of flirting with me?"
You shrug. "Well… It's worth a shot."
She replies with a soft chuckle.
"Consider it a successful shot," she breathes, her voice laced with lust.
You blush, feeling a surge of pride at having successfully aroused Taeyeon.
"Well… Thank you."
"Then let's get back to it, shall we?" She purrs, her hands eagerly tracing the contours of your chest all the way to your abdomen. You shiver at her touch, goosebumps appearing on your skin.
She then looks at you with an inviting gaze, and her lips curl into a sly grin. You can't help but stare in awe, mesmerized by her beauty.
"W-what? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, silly," she giggles. "I want you to touch me, too."
"Oh. Right."
"I can't be the only one enjoying this, y'know?"
"My bad, noona."
You resume your passionate makeout session. The two of you moan against each other's lips, exploring each other's bodies. The two of you are so lost in the moment that the world around you begins to fade, and all that matters is the heat, the electricity, the passion.
"Fuck. You taste so good," Taeyeon moans, her voice dripping with lust.
"Mmmh… You do too. Fuck," you reply, the heat and desire growing within you.
"But seriously…"
"Learn to get a hint," she giggles.
"Heh. Sorry," you mumble, trying to regain control. "I was kinda lost."
"Understandable," she snickers. "It's your first time, after all."
"H-hey. You're making me sound like a virgin."
"Well… You kinda are."
"Come on now…"
Taeyeon can't help but chuckle at your response, amused by your reaction.
"Fine. Let's not talk about that."
"I'm not that innocent, you know," you retort, pouting.
"Really, now?"
"Y-yeah. Really."
"So you wouldn't mind if we take things further… Right?"
You gulp, suddenly aware of what she means.
"Well… I guess?"
She then reaches down and slowly pulls down her panties. You just realize how wet she is as you stare in awe. She then grabs your hand and leads it to her core. You hesitate for a moment, but she guides you, urging you to take things further.
"It's okay. You can touch me."
You gently cup her mound, feeling the slickness of her wet folds. Her pussy is hot, and her juices flow freely. She shudders as your fingers brush against her sensitive bud, and her body tenses up.
"Yes… That's it!" she moans, biting her lip.
"Is this it? Are you sure?"
"Mhmm… Just go ahead."
Your fingers explore her core, and you find her swollen clit. You rub her bundle of nerves in a circular motion, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
"Oh, fuck! That feels so good."
"Are you sure? Am I doing it right?"
"Yes! Just keep going," she moans, her voice barely above a whisper.
You increase the pace, applying a bit more pressure. She writhes under your touch, her body trembling with pleasure.
"F-fuck… Y-yes!" she moans, her voice shaking.
The heat is building within you, and you can't hold back any longer. You decide to switch positions, with Taeyeon now resting her body on the bench. At this view, she looks so small, so inviting. You proceed to kiss her thighs as your hand continues its assault.
"Mmmh! Oh shit! Yes! Keep going!"
You then kiss her core, licking her wet folds. She shrieks, her voice ringing in your ears. She grabs a fistful of your hair, holding on for dear life. You then lick her clit, eliciting a loud moan from her. She can't hold on much longer, her body writhing in ecstasy.
"Fuck! You're so good! I'm… I'm close!"
You can't help but be proud, and you redouble your efforts, sucking on her clit. She arches her back, and she screams, her orgasm tearing through her body.
"I'm gonna cum! Shit! I'm gonna fucking—aghh!"
You watch as her body spasms, and her legs quiver. She rides out her orgasm, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure. She finally collapses, panting, her body slick with sweat.
"Holy shit. That was… Amazing," she breathes, her voice shaky.
"Did… Did I do good?"
"Of course, you did. Not bad for a first-timer."
"Well… Thanks."
"Now, let me return the favor," she says, a smirk spreading across her face.
"What do you mean?"
"It's your turn now," she says, licking her lips.
"B-but I already—"
She interrupts, putting a finger against your lips.
"I know you have some left in you" Her hands move down towards your privates, massaging every bit of it. "And besides…"
She then leans over and whispers to your ear, her voice seductive.
"I'm still not satisfied."
As if on cue, you can feel your member throbbing in response, as if beckoning her to touch you even more.
"Looks like someone's ready for more," she giggles.
"Hey… I'm just sensitive," you protest, looking at her with your best puppy-dog eyes.
Taeyeon lets out a laugh, seemingly caught off-guard by your adorable attempt at innocence.
"Oh, cut that out. That doesn't suit you in the slightest," she playfully retorts.
"I just thought I'd give it a try," you reply, looking disappointed.
"Don't you ever do that again, alright?"
"Why not?"
She then pulls you closer. You can see the sheer desire in her eyes burning through her gaze. She seems to want more from you than just a casual encounter.
"I don't want cute and innocent from you."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to be as fierce as you were earlier," she whispers, her tone low and seductive.
"As you wish, Miss Winner," you say, a cheeky grin spreading across your face.
"Show me what you got," she says, her tone challenging.
Without a moment's hesitation, you crash your lips against hers for yet another round, kissing her passionately. She reciprocates, and her hands grip your body, her nails digging into your skin. It hurts, but the pain is drowned out by the intense pleasure.
You break the kiss and attack her neck, nibbling on her soft flesh. She moans, and her hands wrap around your back, pulling you closer. You continue your assault, and she writhes underneath you, her breathing ragged.
"Ooh, shit! Yes! That's it!" she gasps, her voice cracking.
You continue your trail down her body, planting soft kisses along her collarbone. She whimpers, and her hands run through your hair, encouraging you to keep going. You then move further south, planting a soft kiss on her chest, right between her breasts.
"Yes… Yes! Please, keep going," she whispers, her voice breathy and needy.
You then plant another kiss on her left breast, followed by a soft bite on her nipple, making her whimper.
"Ahh shit!" she groans, her body shaking with pleasure.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No… Please don't," she pleads, her voice dripping with need.
"Well then," you say, kissing her other breast, biting her nipple.
"Oh, fuck!"
"Like that?"
"Yes! I like that!"
"What about this?"
You move further south, trailing kisses down her belly. She moans as your lips caress her skin, her body writhing with pleasure. You then reach her thighs, and you give them a soft kiss.
"Yes! Oh, god!" she moans, her body trembling.
You then spread her legs apart, exposing her pink pussy, glistening with her juices.
"Oh, fuck. Look at you," you marvel, staring at her womanhood.
"I know. It's fucking amazing," she says, a satisfied smile on her face.
You then move closer, and your tongue finds her slit. You slowly drag your tongue along her wet folds, eliciting a moan from her. She throws her head back, her eyes closed, as she relishes in the sensation.
"Shit! There it goes again! That fucking tongue!"
"Do you want me to stop?"
She opens her eyes, staring right at you.
"No! Don't you fucking dare!"
"Alright," you chuckle, continuing your assault.
You lap at her wet folds, lapping up her juices. You savor her sweet, musky taste, and it makes you feel drunk.
"Ooh, shit! That's the spot," she gasps, her hands gripping the back of your head.
You continue your assault, licking her clit and teasing her wet entrance. Her body trembles and her moans get louder.
"Ooh, fuck! I'm getting close," she pants, her voice shaky.
You intensify your assault, sucking on her clit while inserting two fingers inside her.
"Are you gonna cum?" you ask, staring right into her eyes.
"I'm… I'm close," she whimpers, her voice barely audible.
"Do you want to?"
"Yes… Yes! I want to cum!" she gasps, her hips bucking.
As her screams go a few pitches higher, you let go of her. Taeyeon is left hanging, her body shaking with frustration.
"Huh? W-what the fuck?"
"I don't want you to cum yet," you explain.
"But I was so close, you fuck! You could've—"
You withdraw fully from assaulting her core, only to show her your own erection standing at full attention.
"I could've just let you cum…"
You position your shaft against her pussy, brushing her entrance.
"But I want to do it…"
You rub your shaft against her wet slit, making her groan.
"When I'm inside you."
"Oh f-fuck," she bites her lip, anticipating your next move.
"This is what you wanted all along, right?"
You press your tip against her entrance, and her eyes widen.
"Yes. You finally get—ooh!"
You continue to tease her, rubbing your cock against her entrance.
"Then, shall I?"
"Yes. I want you to—agh fuck!"
"Tell me how much you want it."
"I… I want it! I want you to fuck me!"
You continue to tease her, pushing the tip of your cock into her, making her moan.
"I don't think you're sincere, noona," you tease, pushing your cock further into her.
"Fuck you! Stop teasing me and start fucking me, you asshole!" she cries out in desperation.
"Then tell it to me like you mean it," you tell her, tapping her entrance with your length.
Her hips then shake as if begging for something. Her breathing is heavy, and her eyes are filled with lust and need.
"Please… I need it," she whimpers, her voice shaking and full of need.
"Then say it, Taeyeon."
She grits her teeth, and her eyes glaring at you, filled with both anger and frustration.
"Fuck me, alright? Fuck me like you mean it! I want you to fill me up and make me cum! Make me scream! Make me fucking lose my mind! I need it! I need your fucking dick inside me! Right. Fucking. Now!"
Without warning, you push your cock into her, eliciting a cry of both pain and pleasure from her.
"You mean like this?"
"Ah! Ahh fuck!"
You slam your cock into her, and she moans, her body shuddering.
"Enjoying this, aren't you, noona?"
"Fuck… I'm really gonna cum!"
Her back arches and her hands grip the bench. You continue to fuck her, and her moans get louder. You can feel her pussy tightening around your cock, and her body trembles.
"Shit! Shit! I'm cumming—ahh!"
Taeyeon screams, her body quaking in pleasure as her orgasm rocks through her body. Excess fluids gush from her core, coating your shaft and dribbling onto the bench, until it creates a small puddle underneath. You can't help but smile as you watch her, her expression filled with pure ecstasy.
She then falls limp, her body relaxing as her orgasm subsides. She looks at you, a satisfied smile on her face.
"How was it, noona? Was it good?"
"That was… Incredible," she manages to say, her voice still shaky.
"I'm glad I was able to satisfy you," you chuckle, pulling her into an embrace.
"Yeah… You did good for a newbie," she smirks, chuckling.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. But you still have a lot to—ooh!"
You slam your cock into her, catching her by surprise.
"You say that but…"
You thrust in and out, and her eyes widen.
"Looks like you're losing your mind…"
"Oh fuck."
"To a virgin," you slam your cock deep inside her, her body shaking.
"Ahh! This fucking cock! Ahh!"
"So, tell me… What was that you said again?"
You pound her relentlessly, and her moans get louder. Her body shakes, and her breathing is ragged. For a stick-up mentor and tennis partner, she sure is enjoying her role reversal.
"I… I can't… Fuck! Oh, shit!"
"Pretty please?" you ask, slowing down the pace of your thrusts.
"N-no! No! Please don't slow down!" she pleads, her voice trembling.
"Then say it."
"Oh fuck you—ahh! I can't take it anymore!"
"I can do this all day."
"Agh! You asshole!"
You slam into her, and she screams, her body convulsing.
"Fuck! Not that spot!"
"Say it, Taeyeon. Say it."
With her face painted red in anger and embarrassment, she gives in.
"F-fine. Fine! You… I love your fucking cock! Your fucking virgin cock!" she screams at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing through the court.
"That's it. Let everyone hear you."
"Oh, fuck. I fucking love you," she moans, her voice dripping with need.
Her last few words catch you off-guard, but the sight of her drunk-hazed face and her pleasured moans make you forget it almost immediately.
"Then I'm yours."
You slam into her once more, and her eyes roll to the back of her head. With arms around your back, she pulls you in as she incoherently screams into your ear. Taeyeon has finally lost her mind, and you love to see it.
"Oh fuhg… It'sh sho gud!"
"What is good, huh? Tell me."
"Y-your cock… Your cock ish sho gud," she whimpers, her body spasming.
"And how does my cock feel inside you?"
"Sho big… It'sh filling my pusshy sho mush!"
"And whose is it?"
"Yoursh! All yours! My pusshy ish yoursh!"
"I can't quite hear you, noona."
"Your pusshy! It'sh all yoursh!"
"Good. Keep telling me. I love to hear it."
"Aahhh… Y-your cock… Fuck me more!"
You fuck her senseless, and her body writhes in pleasure. She continues to babble nonsense, her mind gone blank from the pleasure. You continue to slam into her, her tight cunt sucking in your shaft. You can feel her walls clenching, her pussy desperate to milk your cock.
"Taeyeon-noona, fuck… You feel so good."
"Aah! More! Give me more!"
"You want more? How about this?"
You then pick her up and fuck her as she's suspended in the air. Her eyes widen, and her mouth is agape.
"Oh fuhk… No. No!
She screams, and her legs wrap around your waist. You hold onto her tight, and your pace quickens.
"Oh, shit! You're sho deep!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Ahh… Y-yesh… More… Harder!"
"As you wish, noona."
You increase your pace, slamming into her faster and harder. With her light, small frame, you can go deeper than before, as if it's nothing. Or maybe all that rigorous training is finally paying off.
"Oh fuck! Fuck!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Y-yesh… I like it…"
"Good. Now, let me give you a reward."
You thrust faster and deeper, and her moans get louder. And as you do, you can feel your balls churn, the pressure building within them.
"Oh, fuck. Taeyeon-noona, I'm going to cum soon," you warn her, feeling the sensation rising.
"Yesh… Ghiv me your cum!"
"Are you sure? Are you sure you can handle it?"
"Yesh! Let me have it!"
"Alright then."
You amp up the pace as you reach your climax, and your thrusts get harder and faster. Her body is shaking, and her voice cracks as she moans uncontrollably.
"Oh fuhk! Here it cumsh!"
You slam into her one last time, burying your cock deep inside her. With a loud moan, you erupt, unloading a torrent of hot, thick cum. She screams, her voice ringing through the court, as your load fills her up, flooding her womb with seed. She clenches her eyes shut, and her hands grip your shoulders, holding on for dear life.
"Shit, noona… I can't stop!"
"Jush giv it all to me!"
You keep pouring into her, not stopping for a moment. Her body shakes, and her pussy tightens, squeezing out every last drop. You feel like you're being squeezed dry. Painful, yes, but you can't help but moan at the overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh fuck… I think I'm done…" you finally gasp, your thrusts slowing down.
"Ahh… So mush cum…" she sighs, her voice breathy and sultry.
You pull out of her, and her eyes are unfocused. A deluge of white ooze seeps out of her pink hole, a mixture of your fluids and hers. You can't believe the amount you have ejected, and neither can Taeyeon, as it creates a larger puddle on the ground.
"Holy shit," she gasps, her glazed eyes widening with disbelief.
"Fuck… I think I went overboard," you tell her, watching your semen flow out of her.
"You let out… So much…" she breathes, her weak body barely holding her upright.
"Well, I couldn't control myself. Not with you."
"Hahh… Thanks," she smiles, a hint of pride in her tone.
You both catch your breaths, the smell of sex hanging heavily in the air. Your body tells you that you've exhausted your reserves, and maybe so did Taeyeon's. But the sight and sound of your previous actions still linger in your head and your desire for more remains.
"Say… Noona…"
Your shaft slowly stands back up, throbbing at her entrance and eager to continue. She lets out a soft gasp as she notices your eagerness. You can see the hesitation in her eyes, fueling your hunger even more.
"Can we?"
"You're restless today, aren't you?" she giggles.
"Can't help it," you grin, rubbing your length against her slit.
"Fuck… That feels so good," she moans, closing her eyes.
"So? Can we?"
"Hmmm… Alright. I guess one more time wouldn't hurt."
"Thank you," you tell her, a big grin forming on your face.
"So, what do you want to—whoa!"
Before she could finish, you swiftly lowered her to the ground and spread her legs apart. You position yourself in front of her, your shaft poised and ready. She looks at your erection, her face flushing a shade of red.
"Fuck… Here we go again," she sighs, anticipation in her eyes.
You then guide your shaft into her, and she whimpers, her pussy swallowing you whole.
"Urgh! You're so fucking tight, noona!"
"More like you're too fucking big," she grunts, her walls straining to accommodate your girth.
"And you're loving it," you reply, smiling sheepishly.
"Mhmm…" she nods, biting her lip.
"That's what I like to hear," you smirk, and without warning, start thrusting.
"Ahh! Oh shit! Fuck me harder!"
You comply, slamming your cock into her at a rapid pace. Her voice echoes through the court, a melody that fills you with immense satisfaction. The sound of her skin slapping against yours only adds to the pleasure, and you find yourself thrusting even harder.
"Fuck… Yes… Harder! Fucking pound my pussy!"
You slam into her faster, harder, and deeper. Her body writhes with pleasure, her hips bucking and her legs quivering. She can't help but wrap her arms around you, her hands digging into your skin. Her legs also have you locked in, the intensity of her hold surprising.
"Shit, Taeyeon-noona… You're so good," you groan, relishing the tightness of her pussy.
"Yes! Fuck! Right there! Keep fucking me like that!" she cries, her voice cracking.
"Here? Like this?"
You hit a spot inside her, and her body jolts.
"Aghh! Yes! There! Right fucking there!"
"You like that?"
"Yes! Fuck! I fucking love it!"
You continue to slam into her, wild like a beast in heat, hitting the same spot over and over again. She can't stop screaming, her voice cracking and her body shuddering with pleasure. and her pussy clenches around you, tightening even more. You can't help but let out a groan, the sensation driving you mad. You feel her orgasm coming, and you're not far behind.
"Shit… Noona, I'm gonna cum again!"
"Me too… Me too!"
"Hrgh! Here it goes! Take it all!"
"Yes! Cum with me! Cum inside me! Fill me up with your fucking cum!"
You feel the pressure rising, and you can't hold it any longer. You ram your cock deep into her, and with one last thrust, you let out a primal roar, releasing a torrent of hot cum into her. She screams, her voice ringing through the court as your thick load fills her up once again.
She cums right after, her pussy convulsing around your cock, unleashing a flood of her own juices. As if a dam had been burst, her fluids flowed freely, gushing out of her pussy and coating your cock. It's as if you're drowning, the intensity is overwhelming.
"Oh fukh! There'sh sho mush!"
"Taeyeon… You're so… Tight!" you gasp, your cock trapped by her pussy.
Not that you can, nor that you could. Your hips continue to buck, the pleasure almost unbearable. It's as if her cunt is trying to squeeze every last drop out of you, and it's succeeding. You keep pouring into her, filling her womb up to the brim.
"Ahh! It'sh not shtopping! Your cum ish sho mush!"
As your thrusts come to a halt, you slam your cock one last time, burying yourself deep inside her. Excess fluid squirts out of her, adding to the already impressive puddle underneath you. You can feel her pussy milking your shaft, squeezing out the last drop of cum.
After what seems like an eternity, your orgasm subsides, and you slowly pull out of her, your cock still oozing with cum. She sighs, and a copious amount of white liquid drips from her entrance. A mixture of both your cum and hers. After your earlier outburst, you can't believe how much you manage to let out, and neither could she.
"Fughk… Sho mush…" she pants, her eyes glassy.
"Noona… That was intense," you tell her, trying to catch your breath.
"Fuhk. Yes… I feel sho dihzzy."
You can't help but chuckle at her expression, her face flushed with exhaustion.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
"Yeah… I guesh," she mumbles, a sleepy smile spreading across her face.
You then carry her as you sit on the bench, her exhausted body resting against yours. With her remaining strength, she slowly wraps her arms around your back, pulling herself closer. You reciprocate, enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"Ow, ow!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're hugging me too hard!"
"Oh. Sorry. I went overboard, noona."
"Heh. Don't be," she laughs, nuzzling against you.
The two of you spend some time recovering from your intense session, the cool breeze a nice reprieve from the sweltering. She then looks up at you, her eyes full of desire.
"What? Do you want more?" you ask.
"No, I'm tired… Just hold me, okay?"
"If you say so," you chuckle, giving her a soft peck on the forehead.
She giggles, snuggling against you.
"We were kinda loud, weren't we?"
"Do you think someone saw us?"
"I hope not," you chuckle, rubbing her shoulders.
"I do!"
From somewhere on the bleachers, a man's voice suddenly blurts out, emerges, the sound of his shoes echoing through the court. Your heart sinks as the two of you search for the source, finding a man sitting on the bleachers.
"Oh shit. There was someone," you gasp, your face flushing with embarrassment.
"Sorry for not telling you two," the stranger, wearing what might me a janitor's uniform, apologizes, looking rather bashful.
"How long were you there?" Taeyeon asks, yelling, her voice tinged with embarrassment.
"I heard screaming and moaning, so I went to check it out. And there I saw the two of you going at it."
"And you didn't stop us?" she retorts.
"Why would I? You lovebirds seem to be enjoying it," the stranger says, his tone nonchalant.
You and Taeyeon then exchanged glances, your faces blushing red.
"And besides…"
The two of you look back at the stranger.
"Security here doesn't give a shit during these hours."
"Really? Do they not monitor the cameras?"
"They do."
You both shudder at his response.
"But they'd rather get some shut-eye than deal with any after-hours shenanigans," he answers, chuckling at his own statement.
"So… Do they not care about what happens here?"
"Are you crazy? We've seen enough of that stuff already! It's common during these hours."
The stranger's words echoed in your ears, leaving you both stunned and relieved by the realization that your bold escapade wasn't as discreet as you
"Heh. I guess I did pick the right time---ow!"
Taeyeon suddenly hits you in between your playful comment with a playful yet embarrassed smirk on her face.
"You sonovabitch! You let people watch us? In public, of all places? I hate you!"
"Hey! Hey! It was your idea to have some fun in public," you protest, rubbing your arm where she hit you.
"But you made the reservation! You sneaky fuck… You probably knew about this!"
She continues to scold you, her words laced with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. For such a soft punch, they sure are quite painful.
"No, I swear! I didn't know anyone would be here!"
"I swear, the next time you have your way with me, I will…"
"Hey. Don't blame me! You pulled me in on this!"
"Why you…"
"Before you lovers continue to be all playful and whatnot…" the janitor interrupts, "You might want to pack things up."
"Huh?" the two of you ask in unison.
He then points towards the sky as the dawning sun begins to peek over the horizon. You quickly check the time on your phone and realize that the time you reserved for your outdoor rendezvous is nearly up. With your exhausted bodies and flushed faces, you hurriedly gather your belongings, discarded clothes and all, trying your best to fix yourselves as fast and as composed as possible.
"What about the mess?" Taeyeon suddenly blurts out, her cheeks still flushed from the recent activities.
"What mess?" you ask, your focus shifting between the looming sunrise and Taeyeon's concerned expression.
"This mess!" She gestures towards the puddles of sweat and other bodily fluids that soak the bench and the concrete ground beneath it.
You exchange a panicked glance, realizing the evidence of your passionate encounter is scattered for all to see.
"What are we gonna do with this?" she exclaims, worry evident in her voice.
"Fuck… Uhh, shit! Gimme a sec…"
You quickly think of ways to resolve the situation.
"Hey! Don't worry about that," the janitor calls out, waving his hand dismissively.
"What? You're gonna clean all this?" you ask, a mix of relief and surprise in your voice.
"Uhh… Yeah! That's my job," he chuckles.
"Well… Thank you, sir!" you yell, waving your hand at him.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" Taeyeon cries out, her voice ringing with relief. She then pulls your arm, nudging you to leave the scene with her. "We have to go!"
You and Taeyeon then rush towards the exit, your hearts pounding with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. From what was initially a harmless tennis practice session, things took an unexpectedly erotic turn, allowing you and your partner to unleash all your pent-up desires in a frisky and uninhibited display of passion. Fucking on a public tennis court was definitely not part of the plan, but it was an experience neither of you would soon forget.
"Ugh… Walking without underwear is the worst," you groan as you and Taeyeon hurriedly walk outside of the building, your exhausted dick swaying freely beneath your shorts.
"You think? I haven't even put anything underneath in a hurry!" she replies, frustration lacing her voice. Her breasts bounce under her clothes with each hurried step. "Hngh… I can feel some of your cum dripping down my thighs."
"It does?" you ask, shocked and curious, leaning in to inspect her arousing situation. "Lemme see…"
She then prepares to swing her arm to hit you. Her face furious yet blushing.
"Don't you even dare!"
"Alright, alright. My bad," you chuckle, raising your hands in surrender.
As the sight of the parking lot comes into view, the two of you sprint towards your car, not minding of anything else around. You quickly open the passenger door for Taeyeon, and she jumps in eagerly. You then jump into the driver's seat, heart pounding with nervousness and you start the engine and leave the place for good.
"Right," you breathe out as you adjust yourself in your seat.
"Let's go to my place," she tells you.
"Well, duh. Of course I'll drop you at your place, noona. Where else would I even…"
"Huh? What do you mean ‘no’?"
"I mean, you're all sweaty and whatnot, so…"
Twiddling with her hair, Taeyeon then looks at you with a coy expression on her face.
"If you want… You can take a shower at my place. I wouldn’t mind.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
And that's another SNSD member written down! I'm halfway there... Maybe. I really can't imagine her other than the "Noona You'd Like to Date" and with my renewed interest over the "Prince of Tennis" series, I thought I'd give this idea a shot. I don't know much about tennis tho... So I hope I did a decent job at least. 🙏
Also... Some of you may not know this, but a few hours from now is my Queen Taeyeon's birthday! Going 35 and still one of the hottest idols in the industry. God-fucking-damn. 🥵
I have more stories lined up (and waiting to be written by yours truly OMFG I hate myself) and I'm very eager to share them to everyone. The "Spotlight" series is still. Don't worry. I didn't forget about it and hopefully I don't. I just thought of making stories of other idols in between to break it up a bit.
Once again, thank you to @capslocked and @sparkynsfws for your help in polishing this story, as well as to @braaan for yet another fire poster. Thank you so much! 🤗
Thank you for reading! 🙇
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cloudcountry · 2 months
Yooooooo happy to see that field of mistria are making you happy ^-^ i'd like to request reader helping march dye his hair ( lots of bickering and threatening to turn him pink instead ) but since ik you don't really like him and might not feel inspired here's another idea ( choose whichever one you feel most comfortable writing for ) how about flower picking with Celine :)
SUMMARY: when the saturday market can't come to town, you offer to help march dye his hair instead
COMMENTS: no pls wifey im very much joking w you i like march :(( hes just a bitch and im going to stab him. with a plastic sword. gently.
i dont have dividers so i am recycling my header ITS FINE DONT WORRY ABOUT IT
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“Ow, would you quit pulling my hair like that?” March groans, shooting you a dirty look over his shoulder, “For all that skill you claim to have you don’t act—”
“Oh will you hush?” you huff, gently tugging on a handful of March’s hair on purpose, “If you stopped squirming and whining, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so bad!”
He grumbles something under his breath that you don’t catch, but you’re far too busy sectioning off his surprisingly thick hair to prepare for the (tacky) bright red hair dye.
“Why the fuck is your hair so thick?” you comment, very much amused.
“Oh shut up.” March snaps, “If I could reach back there and grab a fistful of your hair to yank around I would, you little—”
You click your tongue, interrupting him once again. “Worry about yourself, March. Wouldn’t want my hand to slip and for you to end up with pink hair, now would we?”
He grumbles again, and you giggle.
It occurs to you that, if anyone were to overhear this conversation, they’d assume you and the blacksmith were a hair’s breath away from killing each other.
You pat yourself on the back for the winning pun you just made. Holt would be proud.
“Oi, I can feel your smugness from here. Whatever you’re thinking about, it’s making me sick.”
“I was just thinking about you.” you comment offhandedly, snatching up the bottle of dye flippantly, “You must be pretty awful if you make yourself sick.”
“Don’t say shit like that, it’s weird.” he crosses his arms in his chest and sinks into the chair, his back hunched as if trying to make himself smaller.
You wonder why he’s shriveling up now. Normally he'd return your scathing insult.
Instead of asking, you opt not to. You pop the cap off the dye bottle and start applying it to his scalp, massaging it into the roots. You try not to feel smug about the way March so obviously relaxes, shoulders dropping and head falling into your touch, his breathing shifting from frustrated to calm.
You also try not to feel warm about the way he looks right now, vulnerable and soft, you try not to think about how it’s just the two of you here, with his brother who knows where, and you try not to think about the very tempting open space of his forehead, which is finally not all wrinkly for once.
You don’t want to smooth over those wrinkles with your thumb at all. And you certainly do not want to kiss them after a hard day’s work.
Even when he’s sweaty.
Especially when he’s sweaty.
You cough loudly into your arm, trying your best not to squirm where you’re standing, lest you mess up March’s hair.
Fully expecting him to turn around and scold you for ruining the moment, you’re surprised when he doesn’t move.
“You’re such a weirdo.” he says, but his voice his soft and there’s no real bite to them.
The smile that threatens to burst out of you is barely held back by your desire to keep the solemn, dare you say affectionate atmosphere going.
“So are you.” you reply, and your voice is equally as soft.
March snorts, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say it was a genuine laugh.
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diorsluv · 9 months
feather , part 19
“ you act like a bitch ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by lhughes_06 and 674 others
missseraphina not quite golden hour but you make it feel like it anyway 🌅
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username16 i’m gagging.
username47 fuck no lmaooo
username3 so cringe
username92 luke isn’t even commenting he’s only liking her posts 😭😭
→ username96 i knowww like this has got to be the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever seen
username77 miss girl is trying way too hard
username30 ignore the haters babe!
liked by missseraphina
username25 i honestly would off myself
username81 god please tell me this is all just a bad dream
username20 this is my 13th fucking reason. i need my dryshughes crumbs rn
yourusername super cute! golden hour is any hour when you’re with the one you love 🥰
→ missseraphina thanks i guess? lmao and yeah maybe that’s why he always tells me i’m glowing
username1 don’t fucking tell me she just implied that luke loves her in lil drizzy’s replies
username6 there’s no way luke didn’t comment but his ex girl did
→ username49 lmfaooo i don’t think she’s his ex
→ username37 at this point she might as well be
username42 stopp this is so adorable
username21 so happy for u!!
username69 someone gouge my eyes out i’m begging
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liked by jackhughes, markestapa, yourusername, and 77,298 others
lhughes_06 throwback time? 🫣
tagged: yourusername
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trevorzegras kid u make me laugh LMAOOO
→ lhughes_06 glad i could be of service
→ _alexturcotte fr this is too funny
→ colecaufield who needs netflix when you have luke
username56 I CANTTT they all see it as a joke
→ username84 it is a joke bro 💀 like luke’s just fucking around w mississippi
yourusername were u just keeping these photos locked up for months 🙄🙄
→ lhughes_06 i mean they’re not even that old tbh
→ yourusername aw just wanted an excuse to post me huh?
→ lhughes_06 dont even need an excuse
username73 i just bet my friend $30 they get together by the end of the hockey season
→ username50 ur investing a lot into a relationship that doesn’t even exist yet
→ username73 key word: yet
missseraphina oh but the retro days have been over, no need for a throwback 😁
dylanduke25 i vividly remember you got us kicked out of the restaurant as soon as you threw her over your shoulder
→ lhughes_06 no you got us kicked out bc u squirted ketchup all over mackie
→ mackie.samo you stained my favorite white shirt and i’m still waiting for you to replace it 😒
→ yourusername that was your doing dyl don’t even
→ markestapa i thought it was because eddy kept screaming
→ dylanduke25 🙁🙁
_alexturcotte i left you on the curb for a minute so i could heat up the car and i came back to you snuggling
→ lhughes_06 we were tired
→ yourusername WE WERE NOT SNUGGLING
→ jackhughes i mean you did look pretty cozy
→ lhughes_06 i was pretty cozy
username75 luke’s just stirring it up and i’m here for it
→ username21 fr cuz that other girl was bein a bitch to MY girl 🙄
username98 lmfaooo mississauga doesn’t even realize he dont gaf abt her
next chapter notes ) mississippi be doin too much frfr, but its okay bc luke dont even want her 🥱
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02
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tmntxthings · 8 months
Could we please have some head cannons with the rise boys reactions to their best friend/crush laughing and giggling on the phone like a maniac?
Who would be the most jealous and how would they go about it?
Also, i love your work sm. 💜💜💜💜
Jealous Headcanons
author’s note: thank you, hope you enjoy this one as well, sorry for the wait c:
warnings: none to note, unedited
Mikey wouldn’t be jealous, though he’d definitely get nosy and ask, “What’s so funny angel??” He’d have a grin on his face just from your laughter. Because duh even if it’s not due to his jokes he likes to see you happy! Dare I even say he would be the least jealous of all his brothers? I think Mikey would instantly be trying to befriend all of your friends just so everyone could hang out together! Though if you ignore his question and just keep on laughing he may get a little butt-hurt. Expect him to start getting closer, and closer to wherever you’re lounging. His eyes twitching with a bit of mania in his grin now, “C’monnn I wanna know too!!” If you’re still keeping quiet and ignoring him then maybe you should get ready for him to jump you completely. In your lap, wanting recognition, “Hellooo I know you hear me!!! Is this a prank?? Am I being recorded???”
Raph is honestly just happy you’re here. The worst you can do to this turtle is be gone too long from his side. Remember he isn’t too keen on being alone. I think he would be like Mikey in that your laughter is infectious and he’d probably be grinning to himself despite not knowing why you’re even laughing. If the phone call goes on forever though he may get a little jealous that you’re here with him yet not really paying much attention. He’ll go grab one of his stuffed teddies for comfort. All the while giving you looks of longing. His snaggle-tooth digging into his lower lip because he doesn’t really want to interrupt your call. But his body language is begging the person on the other end of the call to hang up already!!
Donnie would play off his jealousy with annoyance. You were over in his lab and the incessant giggles were becoming a distraction. He’d huff and throw glares your way, trying to catch your gaze so you would maybe feel a tad guilty for being so obnoxious in his presence! Who was making you laugh so hard anyway?? And he thought he was the funny one! He’d start grumbling and mumbling to himself that maybe you should just go over to this person’s cool lab and listen to all their jokes in person! He’d sulk once you were off the phone, completely denying any form of the word jealousy. “Jealous?! Hah! That’s preposterous does he have a fully decked out turtle tank? Or a genius-built lab? OR-“ the list would go on and on until you sedated him with cuddles and compliments.
Leo would be the most jealous. Why? Because he thinks he’s funnier. Plain and simple. Laughing at even his brothers makes him twinge with a bit of jealousy. So you can just imagine his heated stare from above his Jupiter Jim comic when you answer a phone call from “just a friend” and its been over ten minutes with nonstop laughter. He loves his comics but this one may be a bit crinkled due to his own strength getting the best of him. When your phone call is over he doesn’t know whether to ignore you purposely out of spite, or try to get you to laugh even harder at his own jokes to rebuild his pride. If you told him whatever joke had made you laugh so hard, he’d deny it was funny at all. “That’s funny to you??” He’d sneer. “If you say so!” Leo is p-e- to the t-t-y!
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buwheal · 9 months
[You've Got Mail!]
You can now send your favorite salesman emails!! YAY!!
Here's some rules and information about the askbox.
First and foremost;
I try to answer as many asks as I can, but I will not answer every single one. Sometimes I just cant do anything with it that will work realistically with the perimeters of the world, and I apologize!! Its nothing against you guys!!
(Unless you break the rules ofc.)
So if you dont see yours after a long while, it’s probably something that wont work, sorry! You can always send more than one ask whenever and see if that one works instead!
Besides that, here’s the rest of what you need to know!
Spamton physically PRINTS OUT each "email", so dont send asks that have a physical interaction. Sorry! Thats just how i decided to set up the world/situation, and is not really anything against you guys :-)
(more of a request than a rule tbh) Preferably try to send real questions or statements. most joke asks are funny, but are surprisingly hard to create an in character response for. You can still send joke asks if you really want to, just dont always expect an answer X-P (i.e. asks that contain nonsense,, you can still be funny and make jokes, and i should probably specify that, but things that are like "you look like a worm" or smth idk i have no clue what to do with lol)
I know he may be a personification of spam emails... BUT DONT SPAM!!! I mean it! It clogs the askbox and is a real pain. You can send him more than one ask, though, as long as you arent repetitively sending a ton in a short burst!! Send as many as you'd like as long as they dont qualify as spam.
Dont be sexual or romantic, please! Even "As a joke". I dont like Spamton like that and it makes me uncomfortable, plus I can't really answer that in character in a way that wouldnt provoke more of that. Thank you!!
Be respectful and patient!! I am just one person doing everything, lol, and this got far more popular than anticipated, so i will take a long time. I try my best to get at least one out every other day but i'll need breaks eventually!!!
I cannot give/spawn/materialize things for/to Spamton if you ask because of the way it’s set up. You are really just lines of text from a computer to Spamton, BUT... You can still do a lot if you think outside the box. or,, errr,, outside the computer. More like IN the computer. Kind of. Your words and your actions affect him and his reactions to you, so word it correctly and you can get him to do something or say something. Hes not stupid though, and he CAN usually tell when your intentions are... less.. than good.
[YGM!] is technically an AU!!! not only do the events of the game not occur, but this is also set before then!
Asks are put out one a day, regardless if i have more than one, UNLESS i need to connect two(or more) to complete one event. Or i feel like it. a little treat.
I am one person doing every ask and every unique frame of art, so expect 1 ask (If youre lucky, two) maybe every other day Monday-Friday depending on my workload per day.
This is just for fun!! I am using the askbox to exercise my drawing consistency, Spamton's personality, and the way he speaks and responds to different situations! This is a way I am using to improve my understanding of him as a character, so it wont be always consistent as I am growing and learning!
Just a little disclaimer, he WILL be mean. He is a sour, nasty, grumpy, bastard and I am absolutely not opposed to him responding as such. Just keep that in mind when sending an ask if you dont want that!
If you want a common outcome, talk to other people about it! go crazy! I dont mind long threads on my posts if you want to create a plan. Infact, I can even help and tell you things occasionally!!
What you say to him DOES and WILL affect the way he responds. Trust is lost far easier than it is gained, so keep this in mind. It is possible to regain his trust, but still hard. He is not a trusting person to begin with and being mean certainly doesnt help. BUT.. I am not opposed to being mean. Infact, they are quite fun to do. Either way is entertaining for me, so do as you will. YOU can choose to hurt or help him.
Using tone tags, while not required, are really helpful and assist me in understanding the intention in your ask if you think it may be interpreted another way! (i.e. sarcasm) :-)!!
I pick and choose asks depending on his situation, or if i have a good idea for a response, so you may need to wait a bit before i can get to yours!! Ones that i have an idea for take priority, especially when its to progress a scene. Or, alternatively, i am saving your ask for something i have planned.
I WILL reuse frames and poses to get these out faster and for my convienence :-) especially for the frames where there is no need to change his pose! So like.. dont think too hard about it lol.
Also, i prefer if you specify if the ask is for me /or/ Spamton. I do still do normal asks, lol. If its for me, just let me know!! I can usually tell, but most asks will be interpreted as for Spamton. I appreciate ones that start with his name before said thing is asked/stated specifically!! (i.e. "Spamton, __ __ __")
I wont be consistent with the way its answered. Sometimes it's one panel, sometimes its a couple panels, or sometimes they're animated gifs!! It varies depending on what i feel, so if youre lucky you can get a gif, lol. Those take longer usually though. Ive mostly switched to a gif format rather than multiple panels in a comic style, because its much easier to view! The animation quality can vary :-)
Thats about it!! Have fun!! ^_^
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obeyme-and-myfics · 2 years
Hi!can I ask a general hc about the bros w/ a really short MC?thx(Idk if your requests are still open if not ignore this)!
Of course! I'm on the shorter side of 5'5 and I get bullied(/pos /Playful) all the time for being on the shorter side I feel bad for people who are undeniably short lmfao Thank you for the request I hope you enjoy this <3
most of this isn't necessarily romantic but I simp for them so I am gonna add a few of them
Part 1(Here)| Part 2
Prompt: Y/N is short
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
🖤🤍Headcanon list🤍🖤
CW: Teasing, slight NSFW stuff in Mammon's(It's really just a dick joke)
Nicer than most of his other brothers about your height
Makes sly comments about your height
"I'm unsure a human of their... stature, would be able to accomplish such a task," or something like that
He doesn't make these comments often though
Leans down to your level
That's mostly so he doesn't hurt his neck looking down at you and so you don't break your neck looking up at him
Will physically pick you up and move you if you refuse to leave a restricted area(Like the stairs to the attic)
Purposely asks you to get things off higher shelves that are just barely within reach to watch you struggle
He wouldn't readily admit that, that's what he's doing tho
On a more wholesome note he happily gets things off the top shelf for you
He's extra protective over you since he worries other demons may take advantage of how small you are
He doesn't doubt your capabilities its just that these are DEMONS they're a lot stronger than humans despite your or their height
The height thing 100% makes him more concerned however
He does make jokes about carrying you around in his pocket
He's a very private person but when you two are alone he very much enjoys holding you in his arms.
He thinks its cute and funny that your feet don't touch the ground when he hugs you
This was the first thing he pointed out about you
“Woah you couldn’t have picked one that wasn’t so tiny”
It was all fun and games(Short jokes) until you had his ass in a pact by the end of day 1
He definitely respected you 100% more after that
He's never gonna admit it tho so he still says dumb shit
Stuff like "How am I supposed to take ya seriously when you're that close to the ground?"
and "Ya know maybe you ended up here BECAUSE you're short. Short people are closer to hell ya know."
Whoop his ass
He'd also joke that you're dick sucking height(even if you're not) if your relationship progresses to something more serious
Uses you as an arm rest
Holds stuff above you and just out of your reach
Puts your belongings on the top shelf when he gets mad at you
Crouches/leans down to your level in a demeaning kind of way
Most importantly he loves to kiss your forehead since its the easiest part of your face to smooch
If you ask him to lift you up to see something better he'd do it no hesitations or questions asked
He is however going to try to play it off like he was just trying to shut you up and not actually being a sweet and loving partner
"It's not like I actually cared if you could see the damn show or anything... Don't look at me like that! I just wanted ya to shut up is all..."
He is staring so hard lmfao
Not in judgmental way but more of a "could I convince you to cosplay with me" type of way
He's making you cosplay every short ass character he can think of
He's definitely more careful with you than he would be if you were taller
If you bitch at him to stop he will tho
Doesn't really care that you're short he just wants to be a nerd(/Affectionate) with you
Will still make short jokes at your expense to a slightly lesser extent than Mammon
Likes it when you sit in his lap while he's playing games so he can rest his chin on the top of your head
Encourages you to climb shit cuz he's not willing to grab stuff that's too high for you to grab
I'm getting my chancla and yeeting it at him for you
He's a little too preoccupied with his games/shows to help
If he's really excited to tell you about something and you're doing something he just grabs you and carries you off
He's not gonna potato sack you tho, no, he's holding you in some weird ass position.
Asmo 100% got a picture of it at least once and sent it to the group chat
He also enjoys holding you close while watching shows
He's red in the face the whole time tho ngl
Another one of the nicer brothers about you being short
He's happy to help with most things your height prevents you from doing with ease
He doesn't make shorts jokes to your face but he's definitely thinking that shit
Scolds/threatens Mammon when he makes excessive short jokes
Doesn't bend/crouch down to your level
He respects you as a person enough not to demean you like that
He might make comments on your height but he's not trying to be an asshole
If you tell him he's being rude he'd apologize and try to rephrase his statement
"Oh. Sorry I meant..."
He'd be more curious on why Diavolo and Lucifer brought such a small human to devildom
He wouldn't dwell on it for long though
He's more concerned about whether or not you'd be interested in indulging his latest book obsession
Definitely enjoys teasing you by making you look up at him
He likes sitting down or picking you up for kisses
Its mostly sitting down cuz he's a book nerd and reads on his bed/couch a lot
Also he doesn't wanna make you hurt you neck or hurt his own back
Unintentionally the worst about your height
Comments about it constantly
He just thinks its cute how much shorter you are than him
It doesn't happen often that he has to look so far down at someone I apologize for my transgressions since he's one of the shorter brothers(5'9)
He's 100% taking full advantage of this to try everything to fluster you.
Gently grabbing your chin to make you look up at him, hugging you in the most sensual way possible, shoving you into his mitties(Man titties), etc
Calls you pet names related to being small (i.e. little sugar plum or some shit like that idk)
Has the audacity to mention your height any chance he gets
God forbid he catches you climbing/getting a step ladder or something to grab something higher up
Has commented on the height difference between you and Diavolo VERY loudly before
If you confront him about it he's not gonna stop because he doesn't mean anything by it so why should you care
That's how he thinks about it anyway
If he finds out its an insecurity (if it is) he's gonna do everything in his power to make you love your height
Cuz he loves it why shouldn't you???
The best brother about your height
He doesn't care
Like he literally could not give less of a fuck
He's the tallest brother and is used to most people being tiny compared to him
He definitely just carries you around sometimes cuz he wants to hang out
Man is carrying you like an American football
That or you're being potato sacked
If you need help getting stuff from high places he's either gonna lift you up or grab it for you
The worst he's ever said to you about your height is asking if you wanna bulk up a little with him to make up for your lack thereof
If you tell him that was fucked up he'll immediately apologize and be careful not to say anything like that again
He is a bit more careful than he would be with you if you weren't short
Will either sit down or lift you up to talk to you eye to eye
He just does wanna hurt his or your neck
How else are y'all gonna lift together??? Can't lift if you hurt yourselves!
He likes hugging you the most
There's just something about it that makes him feel peaceful
He's a bitch about it
Or at least he was at first
Compared you to an ant, shrimp or krill many MANY times
When he was insulting you in the attic he definitely called you puny
After all of that mess was over and done with he lightened up
He's still making fun of your height but to a lesser degree
Drags you away to skip school and take naps
Too lazy to get shit off higher places but will definitely help you down if you get stuck on the counter
Will then make fun of you for having to climb on top of shit to get what you're looking for
Pats your head and uses it as an arm rest
If he falls asleep next to you he's using you as a body pillow and a head rest
He's one of those "I can bully you but if anyone else bullies you I'm whooping their asses" type of person
So if any lower demons or his brothers(Mammon) are being too harsh about it he's gonna do something about it
If you tell him to ease up on the teasing he'll try but no promises
He actually really enjoys watching you stand up for yourself
There's a sense of pride there when you really give someone a piece of your mind
He's NOT more careful with you because of your height
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chuuyasfanboy · 10 months
Just had some random thoughts so pulled up an old blog I never used and am now deciding to write fics! I've had this stuck in my head for two days now but like- Skk as parents... enjoy <3
Wrote three sections! One with Chuuya, one with Dazai, and ofc them together. It can be read from either adopted or blood perspective, I hope? Kind of scattered, I was just goin for it guys
Iffff you liked this, please req something! I'm having major bsd brainrot and I need ideas...
Soukoku as Parents Platonic x Gn!Child!Reader
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The SILLIEST father EVER guys.
For actual years he was fully under the impression he HATED all kids with a passion. I mean guys look at how badly he treated Aku-
Well then he had you and things changed
It's just something about you being his kid, not a subordinate or random kid on the street
He's your dedicated apologist
In fact, he encourages your mischief!
When you were younger, it was a lot harder to handle you. He even found himself on his last fuse sometimes. Usually, he left Atsushi or Yosano to deal with you
He didn't want to revert to old habits and accidentally traumatize you :(
When he can handle himself, though, he's only halfway controlling you-
He's right along with you in the heinous activities half of the time
Hiding Ranpo's candy (for as long as it lasts), misplacing Kunikida's glasses, hell you two have probably snuck into the infirmary and changed the sheets to something very colorful and very childishly wolf themed...
He's not really a mature dad, nonono. But he's doing his best
He fully supports all of your wildest interests, even tries out some of the more entertaining ones
He struggles to act excited when you're younger and all your interests are very out of his range, but as you grow older he's actually a bit intrigued by them sometimes
Best birthday gift ideas, too. He's very creative when he wants to be.
He also has way more money than he should be ALLOWED to have
For your Sweet Sixteen, he most definitely got you an obsessively large custom pinata of your favorite character...
He makes sure EVERYBODY gets you gifts, because you are his world and thus you must be everybody else's as well
He really does try to keep you out of work, and especially away from his suicide biz
Maybe HE doesnt have a reason to live, but he certainly doesnt want you picking up those thoughts, because he knows you have a real big destiny to live up to someday
I mean, what would the world be without you?
When you hit the age of 13 though, its really hard to hide anything from you
You're so scary when you grow up! And you're way too smart!!4
Did you get that from him? oops...
Now, he doesnt have any plans of living that long, but if you do grow big and strong and smart one day, and you join the ADA, he's definitely got some favoritism.
Surprisingly, Fukuzawa actually gives you your first few proper missions with him
(Because he knows Dazai will not be letting any harm come to you, he trusts Dazai with his life and he knows you trust Dazai even more)
If you have different plans for adulthood though, he's still so supportive
If you go to uni, you're going to have to show him off
Because, guys, he's a dilf
Nobody's gonna be mean to the kid with a dilf father, they all want him
He jokes about it constantly
But rest assured, stupid and immature uni kids are NOT his type, no matter how nice the ones his age look
He's got his eyes set on that waitress and at least four other men at the moment
If you go straight into the workplace instead of uni, he's going to use his connections to get you a good job early!
Fukuzawa has a good way with words and Dazai himself is a pretty good reference contact
Just tell them he's your teacher, or something
It's not like they'll know his hobbies, he's wayyyy too big a mystery for that
Overall: 7/10 dad
A little rough around the edges, but he's trying hard to improve himself for you
And he's trying hard to give you the best life he can offer
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Did I say Dazai was a dilf?
I lied out of my ass.
Chuuya is the real dilf here
But we'll get to that later! (Just know he has plenty of men and women at his feet and they're definitely being way too nice to you because they want him so bad guys)
You're SO SO SO SO spoiled.
So bad you might even be a little bit of a brat growing up
It's fine, not toward him, he almost never says no to you so theres no need
There's absolutely no amount of money that can't be spent on you.
Luxury clothes, professionally cooked dinners, fancy rooms, home staff, the whole works
Despite all that though, he's insistent you go to a public/private school
He's not tutoring you, wont even hire one
It's not because he CAN'T, it's because he KNOWS how important it is for you to get your sense of independence early
Sure, you'll always have financial support, even if he dies (Trust fund babyyyyy)
But thats not what's actually important to your future
You need social skills, you need friends, you need and education and the taste of disappointment
Dont worry, though, he's not sending you unprepared
You're not eating school lunches unless you want to (but fuck why would you?)
He's sending you to school with top notch food every day
And clothes
And supplies
Plus, you'll have a tutor at the ready for anything you need a little extra help in
But for the most part he keeps as far as he can out of that section of your life
You friends are yours, not his
He's polite when they have sleepovers, and he's more than willing to host parties and hangouts
But he doesn't try too hard to impress them, and he doesn't talk to them unless its related to you
Because as much as he loves being around kids (a real big father he wants to adopt everybody he sees)
He doesn't want to impose on any boundaries YOU may have
As a side note though, he's still very observant of your relationships with them
If he overhears any manipulation, or shit talking (about you or not), he's not going to let it sit and exist
If it comes to it, he will contact the parents (And holy fuck they are TERRIFIED i mean imagine a publicly known MAFIA EXECUTIVE contacting you to tell your kid fucked with his ABSOLUTELY NOT GUYS)
If you're into any extracurriculars, he is ALWAYS there
Even if he's overseas on a mission, he has some lower rank attend and clears his schedule so he can watch through a call
Also guys, he practically funds your school?
Your teachers are terrified to cross you because if they do there will be NO SALARY
You complain about anything that happened? He's fixing it up in any way he can
You are his ANGEL, NOTHING will ruin your day as long as he can prevent it.
When you grow up, your options are very clear in his eyes
Either you go to uni and live independent of the mafia, or you inherit his spot when he dies
If you go for neither, he may be a bit shocked, but he'll hesitantly step back
He'll see how it goes, but he's not very confident at first
If it goes well? Fuck, great! He's always in your corner rooting for you
If it doesn't go so well, you always have him as a backup
He'll always be there to take you back with open arms and give you a second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chance. Always
If you do join the mafia, there will be no low rank experience for you
You're straight to the upper ranks. At first, you'll probably be in a position similar to Akutagawa under Dazai or how he was under Koyo
Direct subordinate, his apprentice, his prodigy
And when he dies, you're next in line for his exec spot
There's not even a worry about your skillset, he knows he's trained you well, ability or no ability.
Finally, back to the dilf topic I've mentioned at the beginning
If you go to uni, he has the same problem Dazai had, but WORSE
Fuck guys, he swears he tries to keep out of your friendships, but suddenly everyone's adults and they wont leave him alone.
It's at this point he stops hosting your events (except birthdays) and separates himself
No way is he getting involved with crazy college kids, no way
Overall: 9/10 father
He's a bit absent in your social circle, but he's your dad and thats that
He screams support from the stands and that's really the best you can ask for in a dad <3
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theyre so pathetic together-
theyre all the entertainment you need growing up
constant bickering (lovingly)
they dont involve you in all that
it comes with them both being in seperate factions, but they BOTH work very hard to keep you out of the professional lives
you're their kid, they dont want you in any of the doublesided danger that could get you in
you're probably a secret to everyone except the ADA and the other mafia
And your existence is on a need-to-know basis for everybody else
Dazai is the more present figure in your life, simply because Chuuya has to be a bit more distant
It's the nature of his line of work, anyone he's seen with is a target, and he doesn't want that to be you
He will be at your schooling events still, though. He will be YELLING AND SHOUTING in the stands
Into sports? Every time theres an unfair play he will cuss the living daylights out of the ref
And they just have to let him because theres nothing they can really do about
Dazais the same way, but with less scare factor and way less vigor
After games, he's going to complain WITH you about how lame the whole thing was if you lost, how everything was judged unfairly
They may not get along the best together, but they love each other and especially love you, so they're improving for you
Read: Chuuya is making them improve for you
Dazai thinks hes the victim in all this!
But oh well, if Chuuya makes him apologize when they argue in front of you, he will
When you're all grown up, they both encourage you to find your own path
You've got the chance, thanks to them, and they dont want you involved in their little wars
It's not like you can join any sides, because who would want to be against your dad :(
So really your only choice is moving out, maybe even away-
If you really do want into their business, they both insist you join the ADA
It's safer there for you, and Chuuya would rather have to order his men to not under any circumstances EVER hurt you, than have to watch someone he can't control put you in danger
Plus, he knows Dazai will keep you in the safest position possible
Overall: 7/10 together
They're a nightmare at dinner, and Dazai is sleeping on the couch almost every night
But they adore you and every move you make, so there's no way you're feeling unloved at all
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lynnbanks · 3 months
(we know that Luke doesn't drink coffee but imagine he is dating a girl who drinks a little bit more than she should. i didn't know how to end it and it is kinda short I just wanted to put something out for yall.i am still healing after reading "before we were strangers" i hope you guys like it. <3 <3)
it was an average day in the life of a hockey player in the off-season; Luke was up with the sun to get ready for a day of training and decided to make his sleeping girlfriend a coffee to start her day with before he left for the morning; placing her coffee on the nightstand and waking her up by planting kisses all over her face "Good morning beautiful I made you coffee." her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling "Thank you lukey it is indeed a good morning. She opened her eyes to see his face and took a sip of her coffee "mmhh perfect I love you." dramatically flopping back onto the bed to put on a show for how good the coffee tastes making Luke giggle.
"I have to go, but I will see you later maybe we up meet for lunch if you are up for it." Y/n sits up to say goodbye." That works for me; love you see you later yeah?" Luke leans down to meet her lips " See you later baby I love you" leaving her to get ready for the day he texts her that he will call when he is on the way to the restaurant they go to all the time. When he shows up she is sitting in a booth and a straw in her mouth sipping on an iced coffee when she sees him she smiles and he leans down to kiss her forehead and then her lips before sitting across from her. "Hello handsome" she smiled at him "Hi baby you look beautiful today. I like that dress." looking down at her cream-colored dress with little red roses that he got for her as a gift for a date night last summer.
"thank you, my boyfriend, got it for me." she joked "Did he? he must have known how good you look in dresses." he flirted back with her making her blush at his compliment. Taking her in he noticed her shakey hands as she put her now empty coffee down why does she do this to herself he thought as he grabbed her shaking hands " I thought we talked about cutting back your coffee intake" he said kinda sternly this being the second time this month they are having this conversation. y/n looked at her empty glass before speaking " I know we have I just wanted a pick-me-up I will slow down lukey don't fret."
And as much as he would like to not "fret" she makes it hard when most days she will have two cups of coffee before she has had a meal and walks around dizzy from too much caffeine. " did you even eat breakfast?" her silence tells him all he needs to know "Y/n are you kidding me you have to stop doing that it is not healthy." y/n sighed " I know I will stop I promise"
The next day before Luke leaves He brings her tea instead of coffee "Luke." she says staring up at him but he doesn't back down "Y/n" she deflates against the headboard " Luke I hate tea." he pushes the hair that has fallen in her face behind her ear and hands her the mug " just try it you won't know until you actually give it a chance." she rolls her eyes and took a tiny sip her face contorted in disgust " Luke it so bad." he rolled his eyes at dramatic reaction " baby you can't keep drinking coffee like its water you will run yourself to an early grave; will you give it a chance it might make you feel better instead of making you crash after every cup."
Y/n had cut down to one small cup in the morning and tea when she needed a pick-me-up and both Y/n and Luke had noticed a difference; she slept better at night and surprisingly she had more energy throughout the day and Luk didn't have to worry about her dizzy spells anymore.
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saey707 · 10 months
Hello! Love you writing! I've been trying to think of a request and I was wondering if you could do one of Ezreal with a fem!reader of him getting jealous? Maybe his SO is getting a little too much attention from someone else. Thank you!
✿ Prompt: Ezreal is jealous ✿
♡ champion focus: ezreal ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi, anon! Thanks so much! I'm happy you like my work~ ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა I thought this was the perfect time to drabble on about Ez and insert that not only is Ezreal jealous, but also a bit insecure (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) Poor boy has low self-esteem! But it's okay we still love him! Enjoy ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭
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Ezreal has always been an insecure man. Most days, he felt you could do so much better than him. He felt like he wasn't good enough to be your boyfriend. He felt like he was beneath most people because of how he looked...
Still, the pop star prince put on a façade. One that tricked everyone into believing he was entirely confident in himself, his looks, and his abilities when in reality he wasn't.
However, lately, Ezreal felt like his façade was crumbling under the weight of his own insecurities. He saw the way other men and women looked at you, with nothing but sheer admiration in their eyes. And how could they not? You were kind, beautiful, everything that Ezreal felt he didn't deserve.
And at the same time, he so selfishly believed he was the only one deserving of you. Why should anyone else get to look at you so lovingly, so joyously, when he was right beside you? Why should anyone get to lay a finger on you or make you smile with a witty joke when he can do that and more for you? Was it scummy for him to think this way? Was it wrong of him to be so... jealous?
Even then, the most Ezreal could do was stare from afar, eyes glowering with hatred for the woman standing before you: Seraphine. She was talented. Pretty. A globally hit sensation even. But what was so great about the conversation you both were having anyway and why were you smiling so happily talking to her? Were you in love with her? Was she in love with you or falling in love with you? These questions ate away at the former pop star.
And from afar, you were able to spot Ezreal's discomfort. Your glowing grin faded into a look of concern when you looked his way, resting your hand on Seraphine's arm, speaking indecipherable words to her. She nodded, and Ezreal immediately began to look away when you started walking his way.
His hand awkwardly made its way to the back of his head. He leaned against the concrete wall behind him, kicking his feet. You stood before him, a concerned little grin on your face.
"Ezreal-" "Yeah?" He interrupted, pouting and peering towards you. "What's going on? Are you alright?" You asked, reaching a hand out to him. He huffed with a crass smile. "Yeah. Never better."
From the tone of Ezreal's voice alone, you immediately knew something was wrong, and it was just a matter of prying out what you did to make your boyfriend so upset. Crossing your arms, you looked at him.
"Did I do something wrong?" You asked. Ezreal was quietly brooding. You reached your hand forward, pulling his face so he would look straight at you. You shook your head disapprovingly, "You look upset, Ez. Come on, this isn't like you. What's wrong?"
You felt his jaw tighten under your hold, turning your head to see what he was staring at... Or instead, who he was staring at. Your eyes fixed on the selfie-taking, blue-haired woman.
"Oh my god... Are you jealous of Seraphine?" You queried Ezreal, Ezreal's face flushing red. He swallowed hard, eyes shifting away from you. "I... I just don't like the way she looks at you, babe!" He whined, shocked when you took his face into both of your hands, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Am I not allowed to have girlfriends, Ez?" you teased, the golden-eyed boy sinking into your touch. "I'd rather you didn't..." "You're overreacting." "Nuh uh..." You snickered, brushing his hair away from his face.
"I'm yours, Ezreal. And you're mine... Now say it." Ezreal pouted. "I'm yours..." He quietly spoke. You shook your head, gripping the sides of his face tighter.
"Say it again..."
"...I'm yours." He repeated a smidge louder.
"That's right. You're mine. And I can't imagine being with anyone else but you, Ez. Compared to everyone else in this universe they're all insignificant. You're the one I want to be with..."
It felt like the weight Ezreal was carrying was effortlessly slipping from his shoulders, grounding him. It wasn't the first time you needed to remind him of who he was to you and how much he meant to you, and it certainly won't be the last.
"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked, his shy smile returning on his handsome face. You kissed his nose, shaking your head. "What did I do to deserve you?"
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delacyrose224 · 1 year
Late Night Talking
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Pairing: Lee Minho x reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Word Count: .9k
Author's Note: Song of the day is Late Night Talking by Harry Styles!
“...do you miss me?”
It’s so quiet, you almost think you’ve made it up.
Minho clears his throat softly and repeats himself.
“Do you miss me?”
He looks at you earnestly, but can’t hold eye contact for very long before he’s glancing off to the side, running his fingers through his long hair making it even messier than it was to start off with.
You smile, though he doesn’t see it.
“Of course I miss you. Who else can I bother on a daily basis?”
A small smirk works its way across his face as a signature glint of mischief sparkles in his eyes.
“It better just be me. If not, I’ll start sending you those memes you hate. And spam you with pictures of Jisung.”
You roll your eyes, huffing out a laugh.
“Ah, so that’s who you’ve replaced me with since you can’t bother me in person.” Though you’re joking, Minho notices the small frown on your face, even through his phone screen.
“You know I miss you, right?” His face is devoid of any joking, complete earnestness coloring his expression (and his ears, which are turning pink). “I’ve never felt this way about anyone this quickly.” Minho is matter of fact, succinct when it comes to his feelings. That’s how you know he’s telling the truth.
“Minnnnnn…” You hide behind your hands, embarrassed. One of the reasons the two of you had bonded in the first place was because of your difficulties in sharing deeper emotions.
He’s got a full blown smirk on his face now. “Glad I can still make you flustered, even from thousands of miles away,” he laughs. “How was your day?” His eyes soften, genuinely interested in what you have to say.
“It was…dumb, to be honest.”
“Tell me why.” Minho lays across his bed in the hotel room he’s sharing with Changbin, propping his phone up against the pillows.
“Well, I was running late this morning to start things off. Maybe because I made a stop to see your kids…” you laugh. Minho can feel his heart skip a beat in his chest at the mention of you caring about his cats.
“And then once I got to work, I ended up spilling coffee on myself-” You see Minho’s mouth start to open in protest, but you cut him off. “I didn’t burn myself, I just stained my new dress, don’t worry. But then I had meetings most of the day, and you know how my students sometimes just try my patience. But then I came home and changed into comfy clothes and watched a few episodes of that new show we talked about before. And here I am, talking to you-easily the best part of my day.” You smile softly at the man in front of you.
“Well one, I’m sorry you had a bad day. Two, did you put stain remover on your dress? Three, how dare you start that show without me. Four, this is the best part of my day too.”
“You’re worried about the stain on my dress?” You can’t help but laugh-what other man would be so concerned with laundry?
“Well, you spent your hard earned money on it!” he huffs, brows knit together in agitation.
“Yes, Mr. Clean, I put stain remover on it and immediately put it in the wash. And you said you didn’t like period pieces, that’s why I started it without you!”
“Well, I wanted to watch it with you,” he pouts.
“Fine…I’ll rewatch the first episode with you,” you concede. 
“Right now?” Your eyes widen.
“Do you have time right now? Where’s Binnie? And you had a show earlier, you must be exhausted!”
“Not exhausted enough to not spend time with my best girl. And Binnie’s just left to go to the gym, he won’t be back for a while.”
Your cheeks flush at his pet name for you, but you’re excited to spend more time with Minho. After a quick setup and syncing of the show you were going to watch, the two of you settle into your respective beds.
It’s just as good as the first time…well, as much as you sit through. 45 minutes in, you’re both nodding off, and before you know it, you’re sound asleep.
A bright beam of sunlight hits your face, forcing your eyes open. 
“What…happened?” You push up onto your elbows, rubbing out sleep out of your eyes, only to flop back down on the bed in protest. A deep groan comes from next to you, but there’s no one there.
Shoving your hands underneath the covers, you search until you grab your phone from the tangle of blankets. There on your screen is Lee Minho, yawning with long hair almost completely covering his face.
“Hi sleepyhead,” you giggle, watching him push the long strands out of his eyes.
“Hi love,” he yawns. “I’m guessing we fell asleep watching that show last night?” You nod. “Guess we were both more exhausted than we thought.” He lays his head on his hand, smiling softly at you.
“You’re smiling an awful lot lately, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, well, it’s hard not to when you’re around.” His smile widens, his eyes staying just as soft as before.
“You keep this up, and Stay is gonna figure out something’s up. The cold Ice King is melting,” you laugh.
“I think they’d be happy that I’m happy,” he muses, then starts to frown. “I have to go get ready for a schedule soon before Chan yells at me…can we do this again soon? In person?”
You nod.
“...it’s a date, then.”
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam
You can find more of my work here!
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