#look this one can be either romantic or platonic I just think it's funny
teatitty · 26 days
I think if Atem ever found out that Yugi solved his puzzle knowing full well it was likely a super cursed object that was the cause of some absolutely horrific deaths and was genuinely excited about it because he thought it was cool he would have an aneurysm. Like, on one hand he is so so so concerned about Yugi fucking around like that with other ancient cursed things because he's so protective of his other half. But on the other hand, he can't deny Yugi was right that solving the cursed object ending up being a good thing. And he would be so pissed off that he can't argue against that despite how much he really really wants to
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pomefioredove · 30 days
So idk if I'm requesting in the right place. But I would love a twst scenario with a yuu that just says all their intrusive thoughts. Like just out of NOWHERE, as they reach for a water bottle hanging out with the first years they go.
“I robbed a house back home”
Or when Azul tries cornering them with the twins for something they just blankly turn to Floyd going.
“duck off you look like you can't steer a shopping cart”
But feel free to do it with whoever you want and if you don't want to do mine that's perfectly fine and I hope you have a great day :)
summary: reader who speaks all their impulsive thoughts type of post: headcanons characters: heartslabyul, octavinelle, scarabia, diasomnia additional info: platonic or romantic, reader isn't specified to be yuu, reader is gender neutral author's note: for some reason I had the hardest time thinking up new nonsense, so many of these dialogue lines are from lewis carroll poems, which I have a wonderful nostalgia for. check those out as well!
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Ace and Deuce are pretty much used to you saying whatever's at the top of your mind... with no filter
so used to it that it barely even registers with them anymore
whenever it's quiet, they can expect you to come out with some incomprehensible nonsense.
if you didn't, they'd probably ask what's wrong
"I robbed a house back home,"
"Yeah, okay,"
Riddle, on the other hand, gets frustrated alarmingly fast
despite running an entire dorm based on nonsensical rules, he has a low tolerance for outside nonsense
and... well, despite his name, he's not really a fan of riddles
Trey matches your energy immediately
no joke. he doesn't even bat an eye
"I eat plastic,"
"hm. sometimes I eat muffin wrappers,"
honestly, sometimes his tangents get even weirder than yours
Cater probably wasn't listening very closely when you first started going off, or maybe he's just become accustomed to riddles, though the next time you say something he just thinks it's cute
might use your "thoughtful anecdotes" as a caption for his next post
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would it be surprising if I were to say Azul is used to randomness?
Floyd has a tendency to say the strangest things out of nowhere, after all, and the sea itself can be a surprising place
he does not, however, appreciate how you keep speaking in tongues when he's trying to have serious business conversations with you
(seriously, how hard can it be to swindle one person?!)
"Please, just talk normally,"
"But the mome raths outgrabe!"
he doesn't know what that means, but it sounds like an insult
...and then will refuse to converse with you again until you're in a "better mood" (in his own words)
Jade, on the other hand, finds you quite fascinating
he keeps a little notepad on him just to jot down the things you say. why? you can't imagine. he just finds it interesting, you suppose
"'Twas brilling..."
"Really? How interesting. Go on,"
Floyd isn't really paying much attention
your funny words amuse him at best and annoy him at worse
if you ever find yourself in a bad place with the octotrio, you can just say something like:
"You look like you can't steer a shopping cart,"
and Floyd will take actual offense to that, and just straight up leave
(much to Azul's dismay)
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Kalim adds on right away
and keeps going
and keeps going... and keeps going...
"How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail..."
"Oh, I know! He pours waters on every shining scale,"
at one point Jamil has to pull you aside and beg you not to encourage him
"No promises!" is your answer
Kalim even buys a parrot to add onto the fun
it becomes a three-person (or two-person-and-a-bird?) act
...even if you're not really doing it on purpose
Jamil is who ends up taking care of the parrot while it squawks your old nonsense thoughts, though
he likes the parrot much better than either of you
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Malleus will entertain you based on his own curiosity
none of his other human classmates speak in such odd and puzzling words, so he knows it's a "you" thing
might try to solve them if they sound like riddles
but he mostly just thinks they're cute
"O, oysters, come and walk with us,"
"How interesting... I do wonder where you come up with all this,"
Sebek will listen to you because Malleus does, and Silver has enough nonsense to deal with as it is. will definitely fall asleep while you're talking to him
Lilia responds in like terms
meow at him? he'll meow back
in fact, he'll meow at you every time he sees you until you say something else to capture his curiosity
might go ahead and start speaking to you in tongues before you even say anything
he just thinks you're neat!
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
I had an alastor ask you can ignore this but what about an alastor x wife!reader where one day one of the readers old friends from their living days manifest in hell it can be angsty or fluffy but I just really wanna see how you think alastor would react to suddenly remembering that the reader had a whole different life before hell and before him
You're an amazing write and I wanna see your take on this, if not thats ok too !! Have a lovely day 🩷
Ooh this is just juicy-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being sad, Alastor being jealous
Description: 👆⬆️
Look, Alastor is a smart man who knows you had a life before you met him, before you died
He knows this, he also had a life before you
A rather violent one towards the end there, but still...
But when one of your friends from when you were alive suddenly runs into you???? It suddenly feels like that previous life is coming to slap him in the face
"Y/N? Is that you?"
The way your face lights up with familiarity and you two rush to hug each other, obviously close
It makes him...feel something bad...
The conversation with your friend starts out simple and innocent enough, the two of you catching up with each other
You introduce your husband and Alastor can tell that your friend is surprised, probably not expecting you to be shacked up with the radio demon himself
He preens with your introduction, ready to hear your friend either gush about your amazing husband or shrink away in fear of him
Or at least that's what Alastor assumes the shocked look means
But then your friend mentions something about an old flame of yours and Alastor just kinda??? Gets a white hot flash of anxiety??
You get visibly upset at the mention of them, mumbling something to your friend that Alastor can't hear because he's not listening
You're scolding your friend for bringing up someone you hardly even thought about anymore, someone so unimportant in comparison to your husband
You had someone before him?? Someone you loved and cared about before you died and became stuck in hell?
Would you still go to them now if you had the choice? No, you wouldn't, he's one of the strongest demons in hell. Why would you leave him?
Because you loved people for more than that...
Then your friend is talking to him about your life when you were alive, telling him every stupid, funny, kind thing you did
Everything you enjoyed without him in your life
He's stuck in his own head and hurting his own feelings, the smile on his face painfully tight
"Alastor? Darling?"
Your concerned voice and gentle squeeze on his arm brings him back to reality, your friend having already left without his realizing
"Are you alright? You got quiet on me and that's not like you..."
And he's back to being his charming self, squashing down his ugly emotions
"My apologies my dear~! I just suddenly remembered I must meet Rosie today!"
He's gone before you can even question it, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your gut
The next few days after that Alastor is distant from you even though he's trying to play it off as being busy
Everyone at the hotel can see it and think that you two must be having a fight
You have to reassure them that no, mommy and daddy aren't fighting
He's been off ever since you ran into your friend and they brought up-
...your past...
Oh that stupid man of yours
It takes a lot of work to corner Alastor, he's stupidly clever and always has an excuse to avoid you
You however, did NOT become his wife by giving up easily
One time, he even straight up turned around and ran from you
And you almost fucking caught him if he hadn't cheated and melted away into the shadows
But you manage to catch him in his radio tower, using all your demonic power to sneak up on him
He jumps at the feeling of your arms draping around his neck from behind, feeling your lips on his temple
He's missed being so close to you, he really has
"We need to talk, darling one..."
This is exactly what he's been avoiding though, trying to get his uncomfortable feelings to go away so things can go back to normal between you two
"What is there to talk about, my dear~?"
He's pulling you into his lap, uncharacteristically enthusiastic about giving you affection all of a sudden, kissing up your neck and rubbing your thighs
You know he's trying to seduce you to get out of having to talk about his feelings so you stop him, placing a firm hand on his chest
"You've been avoiding me ever since we ran into my friend."
He visibly cringes at being so obviously caught, his smile strained, sharp teeth clenched tight
"I've simply been busy, I'm sorry if I've been neglecting my little wife..."
He's going in for another kiss, but you pull away with reluctance, you're attracted to your husband after all
You pull on his cheek and sigh, hugging his neck as you lean back to look at him
"Alastor, you know I hate it when you lie to me..."
Now he feels bad, he hates disappointing his wife like this...
"I suppose I have been a bit out of sorts..."
So he does his best to explain to you his uncertainty in your life, wondering if you've simply settled for him because you died
If you would choose your old life over him if ever given the chance, or leave him for a chance at heaven with people from your old life
He won't look at you the entire time he says this, leaning into you and hiding his face in your neck
Just run your fingers through his hair, maybe rub his ears a little, and listen to him vent
He doesn't like being open and vulnerable
"Oh darling, I didn't even know what love really was until I met you. Being here in hell with you has been more fulfilling than any life I had before..."
Not him making a little deer bleat before growling out of embarrassment, clutching you a little tighter
"You wouldn't-"
"Alastor, if anybody even tries to make me leave you, I'll kill them myself."
That makes him chuckle, leaning back to finally look at you
"Oh, you twisted wonderful wife~"
He's literally immediately back to himself after that, almost as though none of it ever happened
You're always surprised by how quickly your husband recovers
Maybe it's just because he trusts you so much, your words alone were enough to reassure him of his place in your world
You meant every word
When your friend comes back to visit you, Alastor actually engages with them this time
He wants to know more about who you used to be now that his confidence in his marriage has been restored
The dude is literally walking around like he got laid for the first time
Angel...shut up...
Holds you close to him the entire time, relaxed as he listens to you and your friend go on about old times
"Wait...you jumped out of a third story window? While being chased by a man with one leg?"
"And LIVED!"
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p1utofairy · 9 months
PAC: “i just wanna be your favorite…” ⭐️🎀💍
• which fictional characters is your person most like?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i also just wanna say thank y'all from the bottom of my heart for the support <3 it means so much to me. enjoy!
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pile 1 💸 —
"i can't wait 'til i get you on the floor, good-looking. hey, going hot, so hot, just like an oven. and ow! burned myself, i just had to touch it. but it's so fire, and it's all mine."
hiii pile 1! let me start off by saying your person is one fineeee m'fer! they look straight out of an old hollywood movie. suit & tie by justin timberlake ft. jay z won't stop playing in my head lol, their vibe is literally that song. they're gonna love taking you out to fun events and showing you off to people hehe i heard "trophy wife." this isn't in a superficial way by any means, they just really love how you look and how bright your personality shines. you have a mesmerizing appearance and an extraordinary personality to match. i feel like your eyes or their eyes is another main focus that will garner lots of compliments. ok, wow. back to the topic at hand! the characters i channeled were jay gatsby from ‘the great gatsby’, lon hammond from ‘the notebook’, and napoleon solo from ‘the man from U.N.C.L.E.’ now of course your person may not exactly look like these characters but the ✨vibes✨ are very much there. you're gonna have the time of your life with this person lol they are so damn fun and charismatic. i can hear them teasing you and and saying "don't be a brat, baby." with a sly smirk on their face LOL they're gonna make you feel so tingly and giddy inside ahhh. i feel like it was hard for them to settle down before you came into their life pile 1. they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. i mean this person could honestly have whatever they want, but you actually make them work for this relationship and they're not used to that. people (romantically and platonically) just fall for them at the drop of a dime because they are just so damn sexy, and it doesn't help that they're good with their words and actions. i just heard smooth operator by sade and ego by beyoncé at the same time lol this person is seriously a charmer! they can't help it though, they just love to socialize and have a good time. on the flip side, this sometimes weighs them down. the constant attention and socializing can make them feel overwhelmed at times. i'm thinking of ‘the great gatsby’ when jay kept throwing elaborate parties and inviting thousands of people to attend them, so that he could eventually catch daisy's attention. i'm hearing "when you're happy, they're happy!" random thought, but for some of you…your person could be from the UK/have a thick british accent. i also feel like your person is funny af, they've got jokes for dayssssss. they honestly take nothing serious…like if either of you had a bad day at work or just in general, TRUST that they will find a way to turn it around. like it'll actually amaze you how they just go through life vibing and you'll just be like how??? and i can hear them saying "i don't know, babe. i just got it like that." lol they're so cocky (but in an annoyingly hot way) you will never be able to stay mad at them. like if you were being petty and giving them the silent treatment for whatever reason…i can see you getting ready and they'd come up all close behind you, arms around your waist, kissing your neck and they'd be like "you still mad at me, baby?" and your brain would literally malfunction like €|>~€\€,\!|!]€]€YESNOYESNO.!:!,&:’ i'm crying this is hilarious. never a dull moment with them, pile 1. i'm telling ya!
other channeled messages:
theme from new york, new york by frank sinatra, gene kelly, tuxedo, her way by partynextdoor, sophisticated, expensive cologne, j'adore dior, pearly white teeth, cartier watch, swarovski crystals, meet me on the dance floor, babydoll by mariah carey, british, sprinter by dave & central cee, love island, damson idris, i'll make it happen, ballin’ by partynextdoor, diamonds are a girl's best friend
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pile 2 💣 —
“who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway. cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché. who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché.”
okayyyy pile 2, i see y'all with the bonnie and clyde vibes! let's buckle down and get serious though. i already feel like your person is very misunderstood. they might've had a rough childhood growing up or possibly struggled with connecting to their family. they feel like they fuck things up? they kinda think to themselves "why should i even try to be in a relationship, i'm a mess. i mess things up." it's actually sad because i feel like they're a great person (very soft and gentle) and when things go left/don't work out they immediately blame themselves because the blame was always put on them as a child. i'm hearing it's a "trauma response" :( aw pile 2 i feel like crying…your person really takes it on the chin and keeps it pushing. i can see them sitting on porch steps, gazing at the skyline and kinda just shrugging saying "that's just life i guess." they tend to self-sabotage before things even go into motion but before you two meet, they'll be pushed to confront their problems/fears. they have this cool, in-control, idgaf type of vibe on the outside but internally it's the opposite. i'm hearing pretty little fears by 6lack ft. j cole wow pile 2 they'll really have a soft spot for you. the characters i channeled were damon salvatore from ‘the vampire diaries’, luke glanton from ‘the place beyond the pines’ and tyler durden from ‘fight club’ which are some pretty complex personalities whew. your person is a loner by default, they feel like they really can't depend on many people. they've been left out in the cold so many times it's like they had no other choice but to become independent fast. when they meet you, pile 2…you're going to awaken them. i'm hearing j cole's verse in pretty little fears, “i'm loving your light, vulnerable. letting your guard down is honorable. 'specially when the past ain't been that friendly to you, but…there's magic in that.” it's gonna be insane to them how someone like you could display so much love, care and devotion towards them. i can see them keeping a really cute picture of you (or you two together) in their wallet/bag and just staring at it with a small smile on their face. you give them so much hope pile 2. they never knew they were capable of such strong emotions; love, happiness, joy. i can see you two laughing about something…you have this big grin on your face and when you turn your head to look at them, you just see them with a dopey smile on their face and a glint in their eyes just staring at you in awe. and you're just like "what?" but you don't even know how much you really mean to them in that moment. I'M ABOUT TO BURST INTO TEARS PLS I CAN'T. they're not used to anything stable, but you give them hope and anticipation for their future…with you. y'all are going to have to have so many enlightening, deep and forward-thinking conversations. i see them holding your hand and kissing your knuckles, taking random drives at night together while blasting music and going to the movies and talking/debating afterwards about what you hated and what you loved. k i'm crying, bye!
other channeled messages:
west coast by lana del rey, west side, successful relationship, turning tables by adele, cigarettes out the window by tv girl, well my boyfriend's in a band, ultraviolence album, someone like u (interlude) by ariana grande, toxic upbringing, scorpio moon, aries, smoking weed, american psycho, it's a forever thing
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pile 3 🐚 —
“every little thing you do got me feeling some type of way. when you gimme that thunder you make my summer rain.”
welcome to your reading pile 3! idk why i wanted to say pile 333 hehe let's take that as a sign that you're about to meet your person soon. your person is so easy-going…like their energy feels so carefree and warm; like a nice summer breeze (i feel like some of you that chose this pile watch/really love the summer i turned pretty) i can see your person adjusting their sunglasses and saying "i'm just happy to be here." they're such a vibe lol. ok and why did i just randomly hear "no you're cute jeans." their sense of humor is so sjhfjdjcjdsn y'all are gonna have a lot of inside jokes together; internet memes especially. that "i'm sorry, i'm just in a silly goofy mood" shemar moore video just popped up in my head LMFAOOOO your person is hilarious pile 3. i channeled johnny storm from ‘fantastic four’, chad meeks-martin from ‘scream vi’, stefan salvatore from ‘the vampire diaries’ and conrad fisher from ‘the summer i turned pretty’ which are all pretty different but i see the vision pile 3…i see the vision. i feel like your person has just gotten back to themselves, because for awhile they weren't this upbeat and silly. i feel like this has to do with a past hurt/betrayal from either a friend or an ex-lover…that person took them for granted and made them feel small. i just randomly heard "katherine pierce" so maybe that person was very sneaky and never had good intentions in the first place. when they're with you though, they feel like a moth drawn to a flame. best friend by 50 cent just came to mind, "if i was your best friend, i want you 'round all the time. (i want you 'round me all the time) girl, i'll be your best friend if you promise you'll be mine (girl, promise you'll be mine)." i see you both posting funny photo dumps of you two together on instagram/instagram stories. i feel like y'all will be a PDA couple, and even if you aren't one of those type of people that likes all that…they're definitely gonna make you so happy that people visibly see the love between the two of you. i can see them kissing the side of your head, you slightly leaning into them…them giving you their hoodie/jacket to wear when you're cold. it's subtle things like that 🥹 so so so cute. you two have a very sacred, beautiful and divinely protected relationship. your person will be very generous with their time, money and love when it comes to you pile 3.
other channeled messages:
there goes my baby by usher, one in a million by ne-yo, connie baby, it's your world i'm just living in it, positions by ariana grande, unlock it by charlie xcx ft. kim petras & jay park, right my side by nicki minaj ft. chris brown, long walks on the beach, forever boy, vintage camera/digital camera, breakin’ my heart (pretty brown eyes) by mint condition, taylor swift, peter parker
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pile 4 🌹—
“moment of honesty. someone's gotta take the lead tonight, who's it gonna be? i'm gonna sit right here and tell you all that comes to me. if you have something to say, you should say it right now.”
heyyy pile 4. i'm kinda stunned rn cause your person is sooooooooo captivated by you. like they wanted to skip all the bullshit and get right into it, and honestly…i #respect it. they think you're an absolute badass, you handle tough situations with so much grace. i'm hearing "you're better than me." lol they play no games pile 4, especially when it comes to you! i'm hearing that you've been through a lot, and it hasn't been easy for you to get to the point in your life that you're at now. they just wanna kiss you and make everything better. kiss it better by rihanna just started playing, "kiss it, kiss it, better baby." yeah your person is sensual af pile 4, it's givingggg taurus vibes. this is random af but i feel like they really love your back? if you wear a backless top or a backless dress, they will go absolutely FERAL. like fingers ghosting down your spine, their lips kissing down your neck…and don't get me started on the eye contact. their gaze is INTENSE. i’m hearing lyrics from nobody by selena gomez, "no kiss, no lips, no feel, no rush can keep me high, i swear no one…can love me like you do. can love me like you do, no." the characters i channeled were tobias eaton from ‘divergent’ and anakin skywalker from ‘star wars prequel trilogy’ which is so on brand. those 2 did not play about tris and padmé, ok?! you are their whole world pile 4. if it's not you, they don't want it. they feel so relaxed around you…like they can finally breathe. i can see them standing in a serious stance (obviously tense af) pondering about something and you just come behind them and wrap them in a big bear hug and they just…melt. they finally take that deep breath that they didn't even realize they were holding in for so long. they usually keep their feelings to themselves, but you create such a great safe space for them to be so open, honest and vulnerable; and vice versa. i'm also hearing that they are a very hands-on type of person, so whatever you need done/fixed, they sure as hell will find a way to do it for you. i can also see you two chilling/relaxing together a lot. don't get me wrong this person will always find something for you two to do, but there's something about that downtime (watching a movie while cuddled up with you on the couch, spending time with you and your loved ones/friends or taking a late night drive with you) that makes them think to themselves, "damn i really love life." 😮‍💨 you've got them locked in pile 4. it's so sweet & amazing.
other channeled messages:
1 of 1, peppers by lana del rey ft. tommy genesis, skywalker by miguel ft. travis scott, adore by cashmere cat ft. ariana grande, it's us against the world baby, 90210, pisces, dream guy, sauvage cologne, miss dior, sagittarius rising, virgo's groove by beyoncé, 1:11, best i ever had (remix) by drake & nicki minaj, all i want is you by miguel ft. j cole, bouquet of flowers, tennis bracelet, wild thoughts by dj khaled ft. rihanna & bryson tiller, cpr by summer walker
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
*shuffles in* au where Luke is good and where he tries to pursue Percy’s older sister reader (reader also likes Luke too)?
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Recently you’ve began to take notice how every interaction you had with Luke -past a certain period of time- had shifted somewhat in a different direction that had only seem plausible within your dreams.
What was it that had changed?
He has began to enclose the distance between you and started ramping up the physical affection that anytime you talked to him, it felt as though you were pushing the boundaries between romantic and platonic. Not to mention how when he needed to get back to his camp duties he seemed to hesitate on the idea of leaving your side, his already dark eyes somehow had gotten even more darker in colour with disappointment that your time was cut short, and the way his hand seemed to share the same disappointment by slowly moving down your arm and lingering at your hand longer then usual before pulling away completely; leaving a trail of warmth in it’s wake as though it was still slowly dragging it’s way down your arm.
‘See you at dinning pavilion yeah?’ He’d always ask and you’d always say yes, which seemed to be the right thing to say as his smile became a little less forced and more genuine and his eyes brightened at the prospect of seeing you again, as though it was the only thing that mattered most to him.
Today was no different than any other. It started out like it usually does, with you waking up, getting Percy up and heckling him a little as you tended to do before the both of you got changed and started marking your way out to start the day, where you saw Luke standing nearby the steps of the dinning pavilion, obviously waiting for someone.
Percy to scoff and nudge you in the side. ‘Lover boy is waiting for you, again.’
‘He isn’t my lover boy Percy, so lay off him alright.’ You replied, playfully shoving him by the shoulder and ruffling his hair, smiling when he batted your hand away, unamused.
‘I don’t know,’ he drew out, ‘it seems to me that you’re the only one at camp who’s oblivious to the fact that he’s trying to woo you and doing it way too hard in my opinion.’ He muttered the last bit under his breath as he tried concentrating on sorting out his hair. ‘And besides it’s not like he’s trying to make an attempt in hiding it either I mean look at him! He looks like an excited puppy dog seeing their owner after a while with you!’ Just as Percy said those words, Luke’s expression immediately brightens upon seeing you and he starts to make his way over.
‘Heya Sea angel.’ He greeted before realising that Percy was also there, hands on his hips and looking at him with a raised brow, and laughed. ‘Heya Percy.’ Your brother only smiled briefly at him, ‘hi Luke,’ he said shortly only to then look towards you and patting your arm sympathetically. ‘See ya later coral for brains, don’t choke now will you?’ He smirked teasingly before leaving you both to yourselves; You wanted to smack your brother upside the head for his comment but instead said ‘say hi to Annabeth for me will ya fish breathe?’ At this Percy only looked back at you with a look that told you that’s exactly where he was going, causing you to laugh at how well you knew your brother.
You looked back to Luke and saw him staring at you with a look you only seen him give you in your dreams, a soft look in his eyes that seemed permanently locked onto you and a dopey smile, you had to subtly pinch your arm to make sure that you were awake and not still sleeping before clearing your throat and smiling at him.
‘Heya golden boy, have I ever told you that it’s a mystery how you can always be all bright and chipper at this time whilst the rest of us look like dead.’ You joked and despite not thinking it was at all that funny, Luke still laughed and you didn’t notice that you were showing more attention to the way he ran his fingers through his dark hair until he began speaking. ‘Well maybe I have something that I always look forward to seeing first thing every morning.’ You didn’t know if you were reaching but the way Luke worded that and the way he was looking at you made you believe that he was talking about you in that moment.
‘Whatever it must be has got to be quite important, especially if you’re willing to get up this early.’ You replied, hoping that you weren’t looking eager or desperate so early into your conversation to knowing who this mysterious person was.
‘Yeah they really are.’ Luke admits as he steps closer to you and reaches to brush something off of your shoulder, but let’s his hand linger there as his thumb absently begins to stroke patterns into your clothed skin; You swallowed thickly and tried to remain focused and not let all of your attention to be drawn to the hand on your shoulder. ‘So Luke Castellan, golden boy of Camp Half-Blood has a crush?’ You questioned, putting a hand over your chest as though hurt and sighed dramatically. ‘Whatever will your little groupies who clamber to watch you train will think of this?’
Luke scoffed at this as his hand squeezed your shoulder. ‘They’ll live and besides I’ve had my eyes on this person for a long while and have been trying to muster up the courage to ask them out on a date but only…’ He trails off as his hand drags down your arm excruciatingly slow before grasping your hand, causing your breath to hitch, his eyes seemed to flicker down to your lips on multiple occasions before settling on looking deeply into your eyes. ‘Only if they wanted to, that is.’ You swallowed the lump in your throat, suddenly hyperaware of how this all looked from an outsiders perspective, and feeling at a genuine loss for words but still tried your best to act unaffected.
‘What’s holding you back from doing so?’ You asked, voice barely above a whisper. ‘For all I’m aware you’re a great guy Luke, so I’m sure they’ll say yes because anybody would be lucky to date you.’ You heard Luke inhale deeply and you thought you said the wrong thing but before you could backtrack Luke had already beaten you and said;
‘Then date me.’
You blinked once, twice, three times. ‘I’m sorry?’
‘If you think I’m such a great guy, then why don’t you date me then?’ He continued.
‘I-i mean-‘ you were stammering now at his straightforwardness.
‘You just said that anyone would be lucky to have me, then be the one who’s lucky sea angel.’ He concludes, he was practically pinning you against one of the columns of the pavilion now, his forehead was pressed against your own and you could feel his lips brush against your own with every word that past your lips, you felt like you were going to faint then and there but held strong because when were you going to get another chance like this? ‘What’s happening right now?’ You asked, feeling a little lost and out of your element at this instance. You wanted it to be what you think this was, he was literally confessing to you but your brain couldn’t comprehend what your heart had been waiting for so long.
‘I’m asking you out sea angel.’ Luke said with a charming smile, ‘so what do you say?’
You didn’t need to think twice about your answer that came out of your mouth almost automatically. ‘Took you long enough Golden Boy because i originally thought I was going to have to make the first move. I’m glad that I’m wrong.’
‘So am I.’ Luke replied as he casted his eyes downwards to your lips, licking his own. ‘Can I kiss you now?’ You scoffed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and closing the last remaining bit of distance between you two, muttering against his lips before passionately kissing him. ‘You didn’t need to ask but I appreciate the sentiment.’
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bluexiao · 2 years
#your highness, do you love me?
—how do they treat you with favor if you’re the tsaritsa’s heir
CHARACTERS. fatui harbingers (Tartaglia / Childe, Arlecchino, Pantalone, La Signora, Sandrone, Scaramouche, Il Dottore, Columbina, Il Capitano, Pierro); Tsaritsa’s heir! Gn! Reader
THEMES. Can be platonic/romantic, it’s on you; fluff; crack on some
WARNINGS. reader is a simp for everyone /hj; sandrone is gaslight gatekeep girlboss; obv tsaritsa is your mother here… biological or not is not really implied
NOTES. You are free to think what’s the reader’s age or appearance as i did not really specify those things here~ p.s. i tried to write for pulcinella… but i really can’t lmao
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Archons, in general, do not pass down their divinity to their own blood. But for you and the Fatui, this was different. For them, the Tsaritsa was the one that built them and made them who they are now—giving them power and the ability to conquer the world of Teyvat.
TARTAGLIA, being the newest member of the Fatui Harbingers, is expected to do what newcomers do: be too showy with their loyalty—however, this is already quite apparent with his personality all the more, which made him stand out for you as he was twice as showy as the others than you’ve ever seen.
He was not exactly a good person, but he was the Harbinger that did not mind talking to you casually, especially after your permission. And you liked it. It was a breath of fresh air, and it gave you a sense of being one with them, not just someone who had a position just because you were their Queen’s heir.
“Are you leaving?” you question, catching him along the hallways, on th way out of your mother’s throne room.
“Hm? Why? Are you going to miss me?” he lets out a sly smirk to which you chuckled—how he can make you laugh in amusement within seconds still amazes you up to this very day.
“You’re so funny, Tartaglia.”
“So… you won’t miss me?”
You could only smile and send him look, “You’re free to guess, Eleven.”
ARLECCHINO gives you the same respect as she does with the Tsaritsa. She knows her place and her role, and she may not talk to you unless you talk to her first.
“Knave, Knave, have you heard? I heard Tartaglia went to look for Scaramouche. Would you be going as well?”
“I am not,” she answers, “not unless the heir wishes for me to go, then I shall-”
“Ah, no! Don’t!” You immediately interrupt her, “How about spending time with me instead?”
“If that is what you wish, Your Highness.”
“Knave…” you gave her a look—and for her, it was a look she often saw from the Tsaritsa, whenever she is displeased, that is—“I told you to call me by my name, did I not?”
A shiver runs down her spine, bowing her head down, “I apologize, Yo—Y/n.”
She feels a flutter in her stomach when she catches you smiling brightly—as bright as the sun that does not dare to peek in the land of Snezhnaya—what was this? Is this of worry that she had displeased the heir? Or was this because it’s you? Either way, both do not go well with her—this could jeopardize her standing as a Harbinger as well.
“Good! Now, accompany me? Knave?”
“Very well… Y/n.”
PANTALONE treats you quite handsomely (just like he is…) actually. He has a ton of gifts for you, especially when he came to realize how you liked being given one. He’d shower you with material things, and would even give them personally quite a few times—your birthdays most likely.
To be frank, he only did this at first to earn your favor, at the very least, make you have a good word to say about him to your mother just in case.
But things got out of hand.
“Ah, be careful! Lord Pantalone is fond of Your Highness’ heir. He would not tolerate it if he heard you say anything about them!”
Even the others had noticed the (not-so) subtle actions of the Harbinger, and yet it was him who thought that all this time, he was only doing this for such a simple reason.
But why does he find it infuriating just by hearing others say your name? Or whenever he sees you act more friendly to the other Harbingers.
He certainly has to find a reason why.
And the only way is to go and find you and have a nice chat.
Yes… just a chat.
LA SIGNORA is known for being one of the Tsaritsa’s closest aides, and that was how you came to know her as well.
As she is closer to your mother than the others, you’ve seen her far too many times and was able to also converse with her as well.
However… she’s quite…
“Ah, well it isn’t you, little one.”
“I… why do you always call me that?” you purse your lips, almost pouting in front of the Eighth Harbinger, to which she could only giggle.
“Why? Are you displeased with such a thing? Would you rather I call you…” she paused leaning in ever so slightly and making you lean back… but she didn't say anything else—just giving you a knowing smirk and look.
“C-call me… what?” You tried to question, entertaining her response, whatever it is.
“Hmm,” she hums yet never answers the question. She stays in that position a moment longer before she leans back and crosses her arms.
“Seeing as you couldn’t propose a new name, I’ll continue calling you the same, little one.”
SANDRONE does not really speak to you much, but people could feel that she truly favors you, probably much more than the other Harbingers and even the Tsaritsa.
Yet that favor seems to have come from somewhere else.
“I see you all are unaware, yet unawareness is not an excuse for this treachery. Your Highness, if you may allow me to punish them for their disrespect towards you,” the woman bows her head with a hand on her chest, making the Fatui members tremble at their leader’s words.
“T-the heir themselves! Please have mercy-!”
“They are my subordinates and yet they do not know who the heir of Your Majesty is. I am disgraced by such,” she raises her head and sends a look at you, eyes gleaming, “Your Highness should not let themselves be treated this way.”
Is she… urging you?
“Have mercy, Your Highness-!”
You looked away, closing your eyes with a sigh.
“I’ll leave it to you, Sandrone.”
She smirks—which you failed to see—and replies, “As you wish, Your Highness. You truly are a great fit to the throne.”
SCARAMOUCHE is not favored by everyone, and maybe that’s why he does find satisfaction whenever you show your kindness to him.
Like a lone moon in the middle of the dark.
Not that he’d ever admit to such a thing.
He grits his teeth, jaw and shoulders tensing at the way you referred to him—and at the mere sound of your voice. He bit back the words he so wanted to blurt out, aware of his surroundings—the eyes and ears that your call had caught attention of.
After all, it is not that usual for you, the heir of the Tsaritsa, to call someone—let alone a Harbinger with a nickname.
“Your Highness,” he hisses, and pauses just as soon as he had faced you, glaring at you as he mutters in a low tone, “do you love me?”
“W-what?!” You staggered and instinctively looked around. It was a good thing he had questioned you without letting others hear or else—
“I said—”
“I heard you for the first time, Sixth.” Your firm voice made him halt, as well as probably caught more attention from the people around you. It was not that usual for you to talk seriously in front of others—especially to SCARAMOUCHE.
He raised a brow at your tone, only to let out a scoff when you drop the serious look on your face and smile at him again.
“Have you lost your mind?”
“No! But you got my heart!”
He makes a disgusted look on his face, only to face away with a huff, crossing his arms. Ah, he should really make you stop… but it’s not like he could—or that he’d want to.
IL DOTTORE… Well, you probably found him scarier than Pierro honestly. At first.
As time went on and you continued to observe him, you realized that...
Just as much as someone like him craves for things that are interesting for him, he was the one who you found interesting.
“Ah… you’re here again, Your Highness! A pleasure for you to join us.”
You found yourself smiling at the grin that the Doctor gave you, standing at your usual place and placing your arms on the desk—one that is quite far from his workplace, as he’d one time told you it was “dangerous to come near”.
“What is it that you’re up to today, Dottore?”
“My, my, aren’t you a curious little cat?” He hums and turns to face you, “this time will be a secret, however. Fear not! Your expectations will be granted once I present to you what this experiment is about.”
“Oh? A surprise? I didn’t know you like surprises.”
“Oh I don’t” he smirks, “but I know you do.”
You adored COLUMBINA’s voice the moment you heard her, and it was you who gave her her name.
“Damselette, truly fitting, isn’t it?”
“I am grateful, Your Highness.”
Anyone could tell that there is something going on between the two of you—either you favor her greatly or that she follows whatever you say as if it is law.
“Isn’t she the Harbinger that the Heir is fond of?”
“I bet that she only became a Harbinger because of the Heir.”
“What are you saying?! That Harbinger is terrifying! Did you not hear what she did on her most recent missions?”
“What? What did she do?”
You were passing by with COLUMBINA when you caught the voices of the Fatuus not too far away from both of you, before they could say any more, you halted from your tracks and reached for your companion’s ears, cupping them and preventing her from hearing anything.
She perks her head but does not say anything. You could still hear the others’ voices, to which prompted you to signal from the guards that were accompanying you, and they knew full well what the look on your face tells.
Removing your hands from COLUMBINA’s ears once the guards had taken the talkative Fatuus’ away, your heart swelled on the smile that she flashed onto you, bowing her head and letting you hear her sweet voice.
“Your Highness is always there for me, and this humble servant shall always be by Your Highness’ side.”
You scoffed, smiling back.
IL CAPITANO… he knows his place—his title as a Fatui Harbinger, but he also would have tendencies where would show some human kindness that probably very few of his colleagues do possess… every once in a while. And honestly, that was what you liked about him. That regardless of his strength and title, you could see an ounce of humanity in him—despite there being a chance that he’s not anymore.
You’d never know.
Nonetheless, it shows whenever he was with you—or when you see him, actually. You two are not that close, it was difficult to. You are the heir of their Queen, who were you to make friends with technically her subordinates? Your mother would not permit you to, nor would she let them do the same.
One day, however, changed it all.
It was the day that you had seen IL CAPITANO training on his own. Ever since, you were mesmerized. It’s quite unknown to you whether it was because of him and his movements or was it your desire to fight.
But nonetheless, it broke all the walls down and prompted you to ask “Could you teach me?”
You caught his attention—maybe way before that day.
“I mean… could you train me? To be as strong as you. You’re strong… right? I’ve heard Eleventh ask you to spar with him before. Maybe… you can teach me that too. To spar.”
“I don’t see why I shouldn’t. '' You could hear the grin in his voice, but you can’t really see it with his mask on.
Actually, you think to yourself, you shouldn’t, you replied to him in your mind, only to merely smile.
Not that he’d ever know.
Not now, that is.
You cannot really remember when was the first time you met PIERRO, as he was already there when you were born, and he had been a constant in your life. Maybe you almost forgot a time where he wasn’t present and by your side.
Nonetheless, you’ve always seen him as quite intimidating, but also somewhat of a protector. At one point, you had heard your mother tell him to guide you on the right path. And since then, you’ve always noticed him whenever he was near.
And one time, you had the courage to walk up to him and actually talk to him.
He was… rigid, so to speak, but he entertained your talk and the conversation, so it didn’t stop you from trying to speak or have a chat with him every once in a while, sometimes even in his office where you just talk his ears off and he listens. He indulges you, you think. And honestly, you were just there because you were quite curious if he’ll ever tell you off or scold you in any way—just like your mother would whenever you try to initiate long nonsense chats with her.
But he doesn’t.
And maybe… you’re still trying up til this day, and he already knew your intentions whenever you try to talk to him.
“Your Highness… you’re here,”
“Ah, yes, I have another story to tell you!”
“I have reports to finish but,” he pauses, sending a look to you, “I shall listen to whatever you have to say.”
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Reblogs and comments are appreciated~
Taglist is on the reblogs!
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helluvapoison · 4 months
Hey can you write headcanons for alastor, angel dust(both platonic) and sir pentious (romantic) with a gen z/millennial reader? Just general stuff and interactions (like maybe talking about how things are for the lgbt community with angel and talking to alastor about gramophones and how they're coming back in style) and just some shenanigans
I know you don't have these characters listed in your writing list, and it's completely fine if you cant write for them but i love your writing style and characterization so I wanted to know how you'd imagine things would go
Alastor, Angel Dust (platonic) and Sir Pentious (romantic) x Reader
˚✧₊⁎ Alastor ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• “Hey Al! Loving the drip, it’s giving strawberry cow meets dark academia core.”
• Now he knows what others feel like when speaking to Zestial. He doesn’t understand half of what you say
• You taught him “tea”. Originally he thought you were providing real tea, something useful, not tedious gossip about— Oh. Oh. That could come in handy, actually. Alastor begins to pencil you into his afternoon tea. Sometimes you bring him useful information, others he has to sit through petty issues that make his eye twitch
• Alastor outright bans you from using your phone around him. He has no interest in this “meme” that reminds you of him (Don’t bring it out again, next time he’ll break it)
You groan, “It’s not as funny if I have to explain it!”
“It must not be very humorous in the first place.” He retorts
• He thinks you’re complimenting his taste in decor when you call it vintage
• You’ve proven yourself a useful acquaintance. Like Nifty, he’s grown accustomed to your presence and learned it may be better not to understand the inner workings of your mind
• “Got any aces?” someone asks while you play Go Fish with Husk, Angel and Sir Pina Colada. You never fail to jab a thumb in Alastor’s direction, cackling and kicking your feet
• They give you a peculiar look in reply
“Fuck you guys, I ate.”
• Yeah, they don’t get that one either
˚✧₊⁎ Angel Dust ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• It feels like every day Angel’s mid-insult and snapping his fingers at you, beckoning for you to conjure up a fresh comeback
• “Ooh! You just got cancelled, take the L, you fucking poser!”
He cackles, “Yeah! What they said!”
• Started calling himself an e-girl because you said it once about Charlie and never elaborated. He thinks it means cute… He’s not wrong? You don’t correct him, it’s funnier this way
• Playful arguments 24/7
“RIP, Angel, you would have loved Mean Girls— Wait, if a movie dies would it come to Hell? Never mind, don’t answer that, it would obviously go to Heaven.”
“I’ve met some real weirdos down here, sweetheart, and you outrank almost all of ‘em.”
• Something Angel noticed he could only appreciate from you is how different you react to his relationship with Val. He already knows it’s not healthy and he knows he gets defensive when people bring it up. Like the others, you listen, you comfort, you get furious on his behalf. You also offer him insight and labels he never thought would be helpful
• You hold up two fingers like you’re conducting an orchestra as you speak, “Say it with me; boundaries, bitch.”
“Boundaries..? S’at like bondage–?”
• Angel’s the only one that makes HellToks with you. The dances he learns faster and performs them better than you, often adding his own choreography to them. The “pass the phone” challenges never end well– especially when he tries to rope Nifty or Alastor in on them (RIP your old phone)
• Honestly, you’re pretty surprised you get along with Angel as well as you do. Y’know, considering he died a thousand years before you—
“I ain’t that old!”
“Your death certificate says otherwise, fam!”
˚✧₊⁎ Sir Pentious ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• He’s not sure how to handle how touchy you are first. You go around high-fiving everyone, freely holding hands with whoever lets you, offering hugs and– thump. Your head hits his lap, staring straight right at him with a goofy grin. And that.
• “Say slay,”
• Oh. He quite likes the laugh that gets out of you
• Starts saying the word as much as possible, puffing his chest out proudly when you double over laughing. You don’t have the heart to tell him he’s using it wrong 99.9% of the time
• When you began consistently picking him for a chair instead of the others, he was stuck between throwing you across the room and making a break for it or pointing and laughing in the faces of everyone else. You chose him! HA!
• Bless his soul, the way he asked you out was so sweet
“I’ve done extensive research and found the equivalent of going sssteady in your language! I would like for us to move forward with the relationship ssstatus.”
“Huh? Oh. You want to go out with me? Yeah!”
“Fuck yesss!“
• Pentious gives ride or die a new definition. Everything you say or you do, he will back you up. His eyes sparkle from the praise you give him
• That, and making him blush takes little effort on your part. Complimenting him like you always do (at least he thinks you are, sometimes he’s not certain) has his cheeks glowing in seconds
• After following you around for an hour, because Pentious wanted to make sure you could get along with the Egg Boiz without him, they adopt bits of your personality and bizarre phrases. “Now we have two parents!” “No cap!” “Yes cap, you’re wearing a hat!”
• You’ve single handedly make the Egg Boiz worse in the eyes of everyone but Pen. He’s ecstatic over the results, he doesn’t know what he would do if he had to choose between you and his eggs
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ this was so silly and fun, i hope you enjoy anon!
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g3llyfish · 1 month
Hey I wanted to request something funny.
Like redson and macaque ( separately ) kidnaps one of mk’s friends, fem s/o and they start laughing ( not like mocking them ) but more like ( I can’t believe this happened ) while saying “ no no I’m sorry..it’s just..this is the most effort a man has ever put into me 😂 “
Idk i thought it was funny in my head 🤔 hope this was okay
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Redson x FEM! reader x Macaque (Seperate)
Either platonic or romantic
Redson and Macaque judging the reader, Reader being delulu, MK just wants his best friend back TT
MY FIRST ASJ AAA Tbh, it can also be considered as GN!reader cause I mostly do second pov but I still hope you enjoy!!
🔥 || REDSON !!
It has been a few week of him trying to defeat the noodle boy to get his staff
As expected, he fails again and again, machines after machines being crushed by that stupid staff and that stupid monkey boy
Knowingly that there's no use for his machines since they only go to his scrap corner
Until an idea pops up in his big demon smart boy brain
What if he kidnaps someone who is dear to MK and bargain them for the staff!
I mean, if that stupid noodle boy loves his friends so much he would do everything to get his best friend back!
Brilliant! Amazing plan even!
Meanwhile, you were hanging out with Mei and MK in the anti-gravity arcade, having the greatest time if your life
Until the ceiling broke down...
You were immediately grabbed by the demon bull clones and tied up so you wouldn't escape.
     "Redson?! Get back here with our best friend!" MK shouted at the bull prince who has you in his arms as you struggle.
     "Never! Catch me if you can, noodle boy and dragon horse girl!" Redson yells back as he laughs dramatically and surrounds him, you, and the bull clones with his fire to teleport away.
     Now you are hung from the ceiling in his lair, if that's what you like to call it considering the lava pool, tools, materials, engines, and many more are laying around the gigantic room.
     "Let me go!" You demanded "What are you planning now, Redson? Y'know MK is gonna MK.O!!™ you again right?"
     Redson scoffs a laugh, lifting up his welding mask to look up at your hanging state as he puts down his blowtorch.
     "After I finish my invention, we will go up to the mountain where my father was imprisoned..." He started to monologue "and then... I will exchange your life for the staff! ...that noodle boy cares for you so much that he will give it to me willingly! And once I have the staff is mine... MY FATHER WILL GAIN HIS POWER AND BE THE GREATEST RULER OF THE WORLD!"
     Redson's dark and overdramatic laughs echoes through the room as the lava's light reflected behind him, creating a giant menacing shadow of himself on the walls.
     Meanwhile you only blink twice at him, not being effected by the intimidating aura that the prince made.
     "You think I'm worth more than the staff?" "What"
     "Well, you basically said that I'm the same price as the staff... Do you think I'm that special?" You grin at him while he was only flabbergasted by your words.
     "W-what?! NO YOU IDIO--" "I don't know, like, you kidnapping me, thinking that I'm enough to be exchanged with the staff, you could've picked Mei but you chose me!"
     Redson gave you a dumbfounded look, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration as you explain your conclusion.
     "Like, you took effort to kidnap me, you think I'm that worth of effort? No one has ever done that for me" You continue as you sniffle a bit.
     "Did-did you forget about the part where I said about my world domination?" Redson simply ask as he gives you a deadpanned stare.
     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just so happy right now, you think I'm worth more than the staff? You think I'm that unique?" "Shut up, you're delusional."
While he made his invention to secure his plan, you were in the background trying to make him admit that he thinks you're special
You're not what he thinks you are that's for sure, with you being a giggling mess while you're LITERALLY CAPTURED BY TYE DEMON BULL PRINCE
He expected you to be like MK and Mei, someone who wrecklessly fighting anything that move...
Not someone who is off to delulu land with quips at the back of your hand
He definitely regrets the kidnapping plan
🍌 || MACAQUE !!
After the 'stealing-wukong's-powers-from-MK' plan didn't work, he couldn't find anymore information or updates in MK's life
Macaque has to keep a close eye on him afterall, considering he is Wukong's apprentice
So why not get one of MK's best friends? He can't just lurk in the shadows
Sure, that'll work but he needs more dept and personal stuff about MK, to find something to hold him back
So while you were on your way back home, not paying attention to your surroundings that was when Macaque took the opportunity.
You took a step and before you knew it, you were falling down to the ground into a theater place for shadow puppet shows.
You landed on your back on the wooden ground, making you raise your brow in confusion cause you remember that you were walking on a pedestrian.
As you look around the place, you hear a dark echoey chuckle from behind you making the hair on your skin rise.
You stood up immediately to see none other than the shadow of the six-eared Macaque.
"Hey, doll..." He chuckles again, his grin getting wider as his shadow shrinks and he turns into his monkey form.
"Macaque?! What am I doing here?! Are you here to hurt me?! Well bad luck, monkey!" You glared at him making him smirk.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to borrow you for a while" Macaque says shrugging, getting closer towards the stage that you stood on.
"Me?" You ask in full confusion, your body relaxing as you put down your defenses.
"Mhm... You see, hiding in the shadow is not enough for getting information and I need you get me some," Macaque answers.
You pause as each side of your lips starts to slowly rise, "Me?"
"Yup, if you don't comply... then I might take back the 'I won't hurt you' part, simple, hm?" Macaque threatens with a hum.
You pause again, longer this time "me?"
"Yes, you..." Macaque sighs as he gives you a 'are you deaf?' look.
You held your laugh for a while before laughing aloud, Macaque, ofcourse felt as if you're underestimating him as he gets a little grumpy at your reaction.
"Wh- why are you laughing huh?!" "Pfft-- sorry! Sorry, sorry, it's just... I don't know it's funny"
"Funny how?" Macaque ask as he raises his eyebrow in frustration and crosses his arms.
"I don't know, you could've chosen anyone that could stalk MK for you but you chose me! Hah! I just didn't expect that someone would actually put effort on me" you laugh out.
"Effort?" Macaque questions, he wouldn't disagree with himself but he's definitely worried for your well-being.
"Yeah, I mean, you could've just sended me a text saying 'give me information or you're dead' text like my other exes, but here we are!" You continue to blabber making Macaque give you a concerned look.
"I-what..." "Yeah! I'm kinda flattered that you put so much effort on me, kidnapping me, tracking me down, watching which street I go to-- okay that's kinda creepy--" "okay, stop"
Macaque has to make you stop so he can continue his plan
He's mostly concerned about you cause who tf reacts like that?
He had to make a deal with you to proceed with his 'information gathering' plan but you always gawk at the fact that he chose you out of all people
Plan unsuccessful (?)
I'm sorry if it isn't to your expectations TT tell me criticisms if you'd like but I still hope you had fun with the fix as much as I did, love you pooksters :P
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euovennia · 1 year
I am yet again requesting headcanons for the 141 (or whoever you want <3) with a reader who has an angry resting face. And to add onto that, they are very expressive with their love but it comes off as aggressive (not on purpose) because they always look, you know, mad. Like when reader says "I love you," it sounds like a threat and really, they look like they wanna kill them, but they don’t.
whew, i'm so sorry for the wait on this! i took a small break from tumblr so i could focus on finishing some assignments i had for my classes, but they're all completed and turned in so i should be good for now! also i wasn't 100% sure if you wanted this to be platonic or romantic, so i tried to write it to where it could be interpreted as both. thank you for requesting and, as always, i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: none other than the fact that i don't know how to stop myself from typing more than i need to
summary: the 141 learns to adjust to life with their newest recruit; you.
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john 'soap' mactavish
when price first introduces you to the group, he can't help but feel like he's done something wrong
and honestly no one can really blame him for feeling that way
the expression that paints your face when you make eye contact with him practically screams, "sleep with one eye open"
and while it is mildly terrifying, he only sees it as a challenge
because in his mind, if he can get the mighty ghost to warm up to him, he can get anyone to warm up to him
so as soon as price cuts you loose from the brief introductions, he's already right by your side pestering you with various questions
and while it was a bit off-putting, you weren't really surprised because price had already told you all about soap before he decided he wanted you on his team
so you just kinda stood there and let him fire off his questions while answering them with that angry expression and bored monotone voice that he can't help but love
like you're standing there, arms crossed with perhaps one of the most pissed off expressions he's ever seen in his life but all his mind can think is >:(
needless to say, he doesn't take your prickly exterior too seriously and it's because of this he's able to get closer to you a lot quicker than the other members do
and it's because of this he tends to vouch for you a lot more to the other members when it comes to getting to know you
"they're not that bad, i swear!"
"johnny, they look like they wanna rip your arm off every time you're near them."
"but they don't, that's the funny part!"
best believe this man is fighting for his life whenever your rbf gets brought into the conversation
and i imagine that one day you actually manage to overhear one of these little debates/conversations (tbh they could go either way with how divided they can be over it, especially when it's gaz vs soap)
and you can't just ignore the way your heart warms as you hear soap valiantly defend your honor
it's one of the few times you're genuinely thankful for his big mouth
after listening in to the conversation for a few more minutes you eventually decide to walk away, heart full and the smallest of smiles pulling at the edge of your lips
i think it goes without saying that you go a little sweet on him after that encounter
as sweet as you can go when you're the human embodiment of >:(
at least in the opinion of soap
you don't really see the resemblance tbh
you start doing little things for him
things like offering to take watch for him when you're both on a mission because you noticed that he hadn't really bothered getting any rest
sitting by his side and letting him ramble on about his family, especially how he always begged his parents to let him stay with his nan over the summer because she owned a little family farm that he absolutely loved to run around on
and even the time you learned how to make scotch pie using his mom's recipe he had tucked away in his room
no matter how much he may deny it, that last one had him tearing up as soon as he took a bite
but honestly, can you blame him?
the man barely gets to visit his parents back home because of his work and it crushes him
honestly, it was probably one of the first few things he confided in you when you first started talking
so naturally when price announces that the 141 has been approved for a two week leave, you don't hesitate in logging onto the computer and buying him the first tickets back to scotland
what you do hesitate with is actually giving them to him
so you decide to gloss over that part completely and instead opt for shoving the tickets inside an plain envelope with his name scribbled on the front and a small note that simply reads, "go." before sliding it under his door the night before everyone is scheduled to depart from base
the moment soap gets his hands on those tickets he can't help the way he runs through the halls and bursts into your room to give you the biggest hug you've ever had in your life
unfortunately for you both, you'd already left base by the time he discovered the tickets
and so with a heavy heart, soap makes his way back to his room before packing his bags with a new vigor
the plane leaves in six hours, but he's so excited he can't help but want to arrive early
needless to say those are probably the best two weeks of his life
and while the others are interested in hearing all about his trip, he simply brushes them off in favor watching the door so he can be there for the exact moment you walk in
and after making him wait more than what he felt was necessary, you finally walk in
and this man
the way he shoots up from his seat and runs over to hug you
it's almost enough to send you both flying to the ground
but luckily you've got some stellar balance and manage to save yourselves from being teased by the rest of the team
but with the way soap is squeezing onto you while repeatedly whispering, "thank you," into the nape of your neck, you don't doubt they'll make fun of you for that
even with the mild embarrassment you feel, you simply wrap your arms around the scottish man and offer him a few pats on the back
and as sweet as it is for the other men to witness such a tender scene, they can't help but notice how upset you look
it's almost laughable
and as much as they want to step in and tell soap to back off, they can't help but notice the way you cling onto soap with that soft look in your eyes
so they remain quiet as you and soap hang onto each other, hearts full of warmth
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kyle 'gaz' garrick
i'm gonna say it now
out of anyone in the 141, he was probably the one most intimidated by you
he's the youngest out of everyone and so it stands that, naturally, he has less experience than others
it's for this reason i think he's so keen on staying close to price
i mean the man practically plucked him off the streets and said, "you're mine now," so i think it's reasonable that gaz grows a tad more attached to price than the other members
so when he catches a few glimpses of you around base barking orders at the recruits and slamming them into the mats during sparring sessions, he's not exactly dying to meet you
even so, he finds he's not too worried about the possibility
with how often the 141 departs base to go on various missions and how you always seem to be too caught up in whatever you're doing at the time to be bothered to even glance his way, he eventually comes to the conclusion that you'll never meet
until one day price strolls into the common area where he and the rest of the team are minding their own business with you trailing right beside him looking aggravated as ever
he's already a bit uneasy with the fact you now know where the team goes to relax, but that unease slowly shifts to downright horror when price reveals that you're the newest member of the team
now gaz is usually a pretty easygoing and friendly guy so any chance to meet and bond with new people is always bound to be a good time in his book
but he can't help the shiver that crawls up his spine whenever you're around
seriously, who or what made you look so pissed off all the time?
because he's so hesitant of being around you, he tries his hardest not to bother you
which basically means he tries not to be in the same room as you
and while you may not really notice or care, the rest of the team certainly does
especially price
he's the type of man who prides himself on having a team that knows they can all rely on one another on and off the field and so he'll be damned if you and gaz are the ones to ruin his little streak
so guess who gets assigned to accompany you and the recruits on your morning workouts from now on?
and while he's not necessarily thrilled about the idea of being forced into such close proximity to you, especially first thing in the morning, he respects price enough to not question his decision and just ends up going along with it
and at first he doesn't really pay you much attention in an effort to not do anything to accidentally make you even more upset than he already assumes you are
but then he starts to notice something
he notices the way the recruits light up whenever they see you, whether it be during the morning workout sessions or when you're walking around base
and it baffles him because you just look so upset, he can't possibly imagine why they're all so keen on sending you wide smiles or enthusiastic waves
but one day he looks just a little bit closer and he can see the faintest hint of amusement on your face as your lips showcase the ghost of a smile
that's when he really starts to pay attention
and suddenly he can't help but feel a little ashamed of himself
because now he can practically feel his heart melt every time you interact with the recruits
like how you would bring extra ice-cold water bottles to the morning workouts for the recruits who'd forget to bring their own
or the way you wouldn't hesitate to slide them some money if they mentioned being hungry while you were around
and especially how you don't hesitate to lend an ear for them if they seemed to be troubled by something
it's in those few little moments that he can see just the tiniest cracks through your annoyed expression and heated glares
you're not angry at all, he decides, just real shit at expressing yourself
and upon deciding this, he realizes you're not so scary anymore
so now instead of avoiding you like the plague, he actively seeks you out
at first it's to help you out with carrying the extra water bottles for the recruits in the morning and planning the workouts for the week
but then it turns into him asking to sit with you at the mess hall over dinner and keeping each other company in the commons area
and as much as he tries not to, he can't help the giddiness that floods his body when you start to show him that aggressive love he sees you dish out to the recruits
shoving snacks into his hands when you notice he hasn't eaten in a while
quietly sitting with him while he goes through paperwork because you both know he has a tendency to get distracted
and his personal favorite, draping your jacket over him when you walk in on him sleeping anywhere that isn't his room
he always wakes up with a smile tugging on his lips
and despite how cold and distant you may look while doing these things, he doesn't give it much attention anymore
not when he can see the love and care that's reflected in your eyes
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simon 'ghost' riley
despite you and ghost having similar exteriors, it becomes more and more apparent to gaz and soap that you're actually quite different
which isn't a bad thing, of course! just a bit unexpected
but it's because of this striking difference that you and simon tend to keep a majority of your interactions on the field
and you both are more than happy to keep it this way
gaz and soap however, are not
so naturally they put together a plan; a plan that consists of soap giving you his most treasured tactical pen so you can use it to write away in that little journal of yours on the ride back from missions just so he can later "confront" ghost and admonish him for stealing said pen
and during all this, gaz simply remains on the sidelines just looking pretty
after laying into simon for a good ten minutes, soap walks away from the encounter with a small smile before walking up to gaz and saying something like, "now we wait"
and they do wait
but after a full two weeks pass by and neither gaz or soap can find any evidence of their so called "master plan" working, they can't help but feel a little discouraged
unbeknownst to them, it totally worked
just not in the way they envisioned
you see, by the time soap came up to simon to lecture him about stealing his pen, ghost had already come to notice you scribbling into your notebook with it
so once soap had finally decided to leave him alone, he immediately confronted you about framing him for such a crime
but you just kinda stare up at him with that annoyed look of yours before revealing soap had willingly given it to you
and things just kinda click into place for the two of you; soap wanted to get you talking
and while you and simon had to admit it wasn't a bad plan, you didn't want to give the scotsman the satisfaction of knowing it had actually worked
so whenever you and simon find yourselves in the company of the rest of the team, you decide to remain distant
but when it's just the two of you?
you're straight chilling
especially when you visit him in his room or vice versa
like just imagine the two of you drinking tea that simon was nice enough to make and watching war movies while bashing all the inaccuracies and bad calls the characters make
or when the two of you are out and about on base free from the prying eyes of gaz and soap because they're out doing their own thing
you and simon love finding random groups of rowdy soldiers just to intimidate them
i don't know about you, but i can definitely see simon just standing there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed while you rest your hands on your hips with your lips pulled into a frown
price definitely gets complaints about the two of you
he does nothing about them
and for a while that's pretty much the gist of how you and simon spend your time together
but i like to imagine that after a particularly rough mission, simon would seek you out just to sit with you
and i can see him as a stress smoker so when he finally does manage to find you and take a seat beside you, you slide him a pack of cigarettes and a lighter
he doesn't ask how you know his cigarette preference, but instead gives you a small nod of approval before pulling up his mask over lips and taking a drag
and that's how you spend your night
just sitting beside each other as you watch the evening sky gradually begin to fill with stars
i think it would depend on how bad the mission went in order to determine exactly how long the two of you stay sitting under the stars, but it doesn't matter because it'll end the same way; you reaching over and giving simon's hand a quick squeeze with a small, "get some sleep, simon. you need it," before you walk away
and he finds himself confused to two reasons
reason one: why did you grab his hand why did he like it?
reason two: how can you say such sweet words but still look so mad?
as much as he wants to play that moment over in his head just to make sure he was remembering things right, he decides against it in favor of heeding your words and getting some sleep
but it's after that moment he can't help but notice how your mannerisms have changed
not only are your words of reassurance more apparent than before, he's also noticed you have a tendency to give his hand/shoulder a reassuring squeeze every now and then
he can't help the small smile that threatens to pull at his lips when you do
but he also can't help but notice how distant and reserved your face looks when you do all of these things
he doesn't really mind it though
but he eventually does bring it up to you one day
it's probably after he tells you one of his god awful dad jokes
like he'll look over at you and notice your sour expression and say something like, "don't look so pissed, they're not that bad."
and you'll respond with a tilt of your head as you tell him, "i'm not pissed. i like your jokes."
then he'll nudge your shoulder before telling you, "with that face? coulda fooled me."
and you'll roll your eyes in faux annoyance as you brush him off with a simple, "that's just my face."
and then he'll look down at you, thankful for his mask so you can't see the small smile making its way onto his face
he might even say something dumb and cheesy like, "i know. i like it."
and you give him one of your rare smiles
and i could end it there and say the two of you are bffs
or i could sprinkle in something about soap running up on the two of you chanting, "my plan worked, my plan worked!"
that's for you to decide
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malikselfindulgence · 8 months
Content: reader is gender neutral, could be interpreted as either romantic or platonic
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Headcanons under the cut!
☆ tries his best to keep you actually focused on the task at hand- doesn't let you goof off, but will allow consistent breaks
☆ but alas, once you've asked him a single question he'll derail the conversation twenty times over until he's completely off-topic and explaining something not even in your curriculum
☆ not that you mind- it's nice seeing him get passionate over topics he's into
☆ he tends to get absorbed into whatever he's working on, so study dates are a good way to get him to eat and drink water regularly alongside you
☆ I headcanon him as autistic, so parallel play is one of his favorite things! Enjoys being in your company while you each do your own seperate thing
☆ gets very easily frustrated if you're studying something not in his field of expertise [think molecular biology, literature, world geography] and you ask for his help only for him to not understand the question
☆ now it's your turn to try and keep him focused instead of going on a long-winded rant about how he's very smart and knowledgeable and this book is actually stupid and also he's-
☆ you get a surprising amount of work done when you're with her!
☆ Mei's pretty good at balancing work and fun- she knows when to leave you be so you can focus on your studies, and when to strike up a conversation so you don't get too bored or stressed out
☆ she has a study date playlist specifically for the both of you that she updates frequently- she tries to keep her rock/metal songs out of it so it doesn't startle you and break your attention
☆ she's very horrible at explaining things- you ask her to help you with a question and although she understands the concept, she uses such convoluted metaphors and analogies that leave you more confused than before
☆ she likes holding your hand or sitting in your lap while you both work- just touching you in some way
☆ comes up with funny abbreviations for things you have to memorise
☆ gives you little pecks/kisses every once in a while, and near the end of your date when you're both burnt out, she'll give you a sleepy cuddle session while flipping through your flash cards
☆ oh boy
☆ where do I even start
☆ half of it is spent trying to wrangle MK into his desk, and the other half is spent trying to get him to open his books
☆ has a surprising amount of niche hyper-specific knowledge about various subjects, but if you ask him about the basics his mind'll blank
☆ tries his best to make the environment as comfortable for you as possible- utensils all set, cushions for your back, snacks and drinks on the table, reminders to stretch so your back doesn't hurt
☆ playing loud music tends to help him settle down and get some work done- you have to be holding his hand so he doesn't fidget around, though
☆ doodles on your notebooks/sticky-notes, usually small sketches of you or of himself giving you a thumbs up, flowers, hearts, little messages about how you're doing super well and you're super smart. It's really endearing and helps keep your morale up
☆ his attention span is very very low [I headcanon him as having ADHD], so he has to take multiple breaks in between. If you're still working while his mind is un-focused he'll braid your hair to keep his hands busy
☆ yeah, you're not getting anything done today
☆ Mei and Mk together are a force to be reckoned with- and Red Son only adds fuel to the fire
☆ Mei and Mk'll make stupid jokes, Red Son'll tell them to shut up so he can focus, they'll make fun of him, he'll reply with a defensive and louder insult, and the cycle repeats
☆ if you ask a question, everyone'll be fighting to try and take a look at your book and help
☆ cue ensuing argument that lasts well into 20 minutes because all of them have a different answer
☆ upon googling it, you tell them that they're all wrong, actually
☆ even though you end up not doing anything, it's still a lot of fun- they're moreso just normal hangouts with the false advertisement of being productive
☆ the only time you get any work done with them is if it's the night before finals and you have to cram- the stress radiating off of you keeps their mouths shut
[Reminder that requests are open!]
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youronlylie · 19 days
hello people in my phone
BOONE head cannon list, just a mix of stuff that'll probably change later ( THERE WILL BE MORE ) 1/?
• He undoubtedly was ripped/heavily worked out being in the ncr, after moving to novac and loosing his wife he undoubtedly lost a lot of muscle but...guys he still is literally like beefed.
• He cannot fucking cook for shit, he understands what shouldn't be put in your body but from there he has no clue.
• Going off of cooking, he has strict times where he eats, like routine from the ncr.
• For some reason he strikes me as a guy who really enjoys fruit whenever he can get his hands on it.
• Cannot tolerate any sort of spice.
• Smells very mettalic, sweaty, like man must.
• Has a soft spot for cats.
• 1000% is not bald, just shaves his head as he probably prefers the look.
• I feel like with a romantic partner, since he isn't one much for talking his love language would be physical touch or gift giving, I could imagine him seeing stuff he knows they'd like and saving it for later, excited to see how they'd react.
• He would definitely have a special place in his heart for fantasy movies, he doesn't seem to be able to express himself well and I feel like the creativity of something like lord of the rings would get him going.
• I seriously cannot pick so I'll include both, he is either an extreme cuddler with a romantic partner or on very rare occasions, he's just terrible at expressing emotion.
• If the courier and him are something like romantic partners he'd definitely never be able to sleep, often awake staring and listening for noises, waiting for the next cascade of legionares but it never happens and he eventually learns that.
• I don't think he'd ever get married again unless it'd be over 20 or so years in the future, it's a type of commitment that I don't think he could mentally handle whatsoever unless he is totally over Carla.
• I definitely do think boone could find love again in another person, he's scared and alone, fearful for any sort of attachment.
• 10000% has really really nice man hands, like large hands with nice fingers.
• Is definitely tall but not close to arcade tall, 6' ish at MOST, I just feel like looking at his build and concept art that he is definitely a tall man.
• Secretly really has a thing for drawing whenever he can, especially when he was nested at novac, sitting up top the dinosaur scribbling stuff on old receipts or whatever else it helps him get his emotions and thoughts out.
• irl he would be so patriotic it's not even funny, like he'd go all out for fourth of July but is the somber type so he'd cook hot dogs and whatever else then sit in the corner and watch everyone else.
• Has a thing for memorizing features, very very very intuitive and will remember almost anything you tell him.
• He is so the type of guy to enjoy snow, like yeah he'd probably be kinda pissy for a bit but if you pushed his buttons enough I feel like he'd mess around with the courier.
• He absolutely like no doubt has nightmares, like the ones where you erupt in cold sweat and your throat is sore.
• If he does sleep like ever, along with nightmares he grips the sheets, rolls around a whole lot, mumbles. In the ncr he was the total opposite, stone faced, layed straight and slept some what peacefully until later on in his ncr years.
• Yearns for someone, even platonic, to just sit beside him, no words and scratch his back and kinda just touch him lightly. I don't think he'd cry but it's something I could imagine would bring him close to tears.
• He absolutely probably finds almost everyone annoying, like, he just is done with everything and doesn't give two shits about what anyone has to say unless the courier puts some sense into him.
• Really disagrees with gambling, just doesn't like it.
• Wishes he had a nice farm house, out somewhere away from everything, where it has everything he needs and could be away from absolutely everyone. ( of course after extracting revenge on the legion )
• He wants to learn how to play guitar, either he has tried and is horrible or has just never gotten the chance, I have a feeling he'd really be into (irl) like classic rock or something smooth.
• Cannot look at people with features his wife had the same, down to personality or looks.
• Absolutely dreads deep down without realizing going back to novac when the courier disbands him.
• He would like having books read to him, he's a listener not a reader, likes hearing people's voices just not his own.
• At a point probably had a nickname for his rifle, something like Beth or something that was a joke between him and Manny.
• Manny 1000% at a point tried hinting to boone or even confessing his love for him, either the point never got across or they got over it together. ( somewhat ish at a point )
• In all reality I play him out to be a really sweet guy, which I can imagine and he can somewhat tend to be but he ultimately really doesn't care, he'll kill in order to get what he wants ( so be it revenge or whatever else ) even if he isn't necessarily fond of it.
• At a point, consumed by guilt he forgets what Carla looks like and that eats him up inside, like the teeth gritting soul crushing ache for revenge, and a year or two leads him to completely forget her complexion.
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Omg can we get the twins (separately) reacting to reader looking at their ass and in that scenario, since Tom wear big ass pants, what if reader just decided to grab it juste randomly sine they can't actually see it. But the looking happens like a lot it's not just a one time thing-
And this can be romantic or platonic i don't mind either at all<3
(I can just imagine their faces and its so funny, thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!)
Ass Cheek Grabber
Tom Kaulitz
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He is always smug about his ass when he catches you staring
When he does he lifts up his pants so you can actually see his ass
He just it out and goes
"Like what you see, baby?"
All laughing, thinking it's funny and for jokes
But you took that shit seriously and decided to grab it
Just a little smoosh
He turned to you, shocked before his look melted all smug with a grin
"Didn't know you were kinky like that, (Name)."
It's all a giant ass game to him
But for real he finds it funny when you're staring at his ass
If you're dating he'll sneak his own glances
You both probably grab each other's asses all the time
If you just grabbed it randomly and freeze for a moment
He'll ask why you did that
He just shrugs it off once you answer
He got a booty, deal with it
He's the type to just go over to you as your sitting down, turn around and shake his ass in your face
Especially if he's got a fatter one than you
Bill Kaulitz
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Bill didn't notice your stares at his ass for a long time
He had to actually catch you staring at his ass
Worse of all he could see your thinking face and every expression because he was looking in the mirror while you were behind him
He just looked at you once it clicked
"Are you staring at my ass?"
Just be upfront with it
He'd be shocked and also shy about it
He's asking why and why
Especially if you grabbed it
He will yelp so loud
He feels like dying on the floor as you stare at your hand and he's holding his ass in surprise
The jeans give it away but no harm in taking a squish
If you're dating, it turned into a revenge game of grabbing the others ass
He gets embarrassed by ass grabbing in public
Especially on stage
He will be side eyeing you and feels like pushing you into the crowd
He'll get you back in a few songs, don't worry
Keep in mind, he's a pincher
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evawritesstuff · 6 months
You all talk about Albus jealousy in fics but Scorpius is a possessive boi as well.
He didn't want Delphi to tag along because he was irritated by her flirting with Albus. The script was written as if he first declared that Delphi shouldn't come, the justification comes second. They could have found a way to make her not stand out but Scorpius was like no don't come either way. And Albus priority is Scorpius so there's no way he would say no to him. And I think that's a trope in their relationship later on. Scorpius understands that someone tries to get between them and discreetly pulls Albus away from them and Albus is like "ok, sure".
He was mad when he heard that Albus owled her not because Albus didn't owl him( he figured out Harry was the one to separate them ) but because he felt like this girl now could just snoop in and he could do nothing about that. It's like a homophobic dad split apart his son and his lover and the latter is wondering how many times this other girl is seeing his love interest. And the question " are you okay, red and sweaty at the same time" clearly meant " did you like it? Because it looks like it", because come on no-one can get hurt by a kiss on the cheek, it was meant to be accusatory. Scorpius appears naive and dorky on these subjects but in reality he might know much more about that stuff than Albus. By that time, he hasld already visualised him and Albus in several non platonic scenarios and he is also the first one to give a romantic hug ( I mean, he hugs him from steps below and rests his head on Albus heart? ) This hug suggests adoration and longing, I mean look at his smile, it screams " I love that man and want to cuddle with him".
Albus jealousy can serve in fics as comedic effect because he is impulsive, direct, funny and petty. But Scorpius jealousy is just sad and deep because the boi can pick up on the subtlest form of interest coming from another person for Albus. And a part of him will always fear that Albus Potter being conventionally more handsome and socially acceptable can find someone better even tho Albus proves him wrong every single day.
It's interesting to note that Albus got jealous when Scorpius showed interest in another person and Scorpius got jealous when another person showed Albus interest. Albus deep down fears that he might not be a good boyfriend to Scorpius and that might make the latter feel unfulfilled and unconsciously look for someone else. Scorpius is much more confident as a boyfriend ( and he is a faster learner when it comes to interpersonal and intimate practicalities compared to Albus ) and his biggest fear is that the other people that show interest in Albus might make him realise he settled for Scorpius when he could have so much more.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
A reader who loves singing? Does Alator let her sing his radio show?
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being petty, Alastor eating people, Vox being bullied
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor loves having an wife who can sing, any talent of yours he celebrates but singing especially is his favorite
Alastor is the type of husband to brag to a room of strangers about how good his wife sings
Even the other overlords are SICK of hearing about you and your beautiful, heavenly, mesmerizing voice
Except maybe Zestial and Rosie, the two of them actually genuinely interested in hearing you sing
Alastor is absolutely embarrassing to take anywhere that there is a live band/music
Mocks any other singer on stage just to get a reaction out of people so he can get you up there instead
He loves your voice best 👌
"They're a fine singer, sure, I'm only saying that I've heard better~"
Not him throwing you on stage
Is your biggest fan, making sure everyone claps and cheers for you because he will eat them if they don't
You're going to be blushing the entire time on stage because he's going to be giving you the most sinful look while you sing
Even if he doesn't necessarily like the song you're singing, Alastor is content to just admire your vocal talent
He won't let anybody try to make deals or contracts with you over your voice, usually just giving people a terrifying grin as he pulls you close
Vox has asked you a few times to perform for his show, but Alastor is proud to say that his wife has better taste than that
He also exaggerates the story of how you turned him down, claiming you kicked Vox in the groin and shattered his screen
"Alastor! That's not how that happened-"
"No? Funny, that's how I remember it~"
And he usually does something funny to get back at Vox for even trying
In Alastor's opinion, there are only two ways to enjoy your voice
Either in person or on his radio show
Putting you on TV would only dull your natural sparkle and talent, take away how special it is to really listen to you
That's his opinion anyway
Will ask you to sing at the hotel instead, but really what he's asking is if you'll sing for him
Because if you perform at the hotel then he's not missing a single moment of it, each performance from you is a gift
Will have brief intermissions in his broadcast so that you can sing to all his listeners
Treats you as the Lilith figure for his show, believing that your singing does have some power to it but also just so he can rub his woman in Lucifer's face
"Seems as if her majesty wasn't the only one with a pretty voice~ Aren't we all so lucky to have Y/N~?"
Alastor, maybe don't piss off Lucifer by shit talking the mother of his child?
He'll play piano as long as you promise to sing, the two of you would have the BEST DUETS
If you sing him a love song, then he can't resist singing along with you and pulling you in for a dance
"You should serenade me more often, my dear~ I think I deserve such a treat from you every now and then~"
"You ate like six people today, I think you should think again."
Little nose boop for your husband
Not him biting your finger playfully as you go to pull it away
"You two are so fucking sweet it's making me sick, I'm outta here."
Sorry Angel
Sometimes he hums along with you if you're singing while you're working, content to harmonize with you
Lowkey gets jealous when other people sing with you but gets irritated if someone who can't sing tries to sing with you
He has gone so far as to threaten them for singing badly and ruining your song
"If you're going to open your mouth, it would do you well to mind the shit that comes out of it."
If you ask him for it, Alastor will pull all the strings he can to get you a place just for you to sing
It'll be his shrine to your voice
No Mimzy, you can't borrow Y/N for your own business
Only people with refined tastes such as his own will be allowed in, Alastor makes sure it's the proper clientele
Oh and Husk will be the bartender
Alastor likes taking your voice to it's limits, likes hearing all the different sounds you can make
And that includes in bed
Even if you sing a wrong note or mess up, he'll call it an artistic choice and praise you
He still cuts in on just about every song you sing because he can't help himself, music and Y/N? It's Alastor bait
Plus, the two of you get to show off together, compliment each other, and make everyone green with envy
Y'all are just too fucking cute
It's a dream come true for Alastor to have a wife who can sing
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Oops! This became another Wife!Reader one...sorry... 🫡
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rhondafromhr · 1 month
Max and Steph roleswap AU where Steph’s the school bully/self-proclaimed God of Hatchetfield High. She started dictating what everyone can and can’t do and who’s cool and who’s a nerd and whether Kyle can date Brenda (the answer’s still no, by the way!) to gain a sense of control. Solomon scrutinizes her every move and doesn’t let her do ANYTHING that might make him look remotely bad and affect his reelection prospects. Her mom dissapeared after winning the Honey Queen pageant (but as far as Steph knows she just up and left). She has absolutely no control in her home life and had to find it elsewhere.
Do you see my vision?? We’d get a sapphic Stephgrace version of Dirty Girl. We’d get Mariah as the villain. She’s the star QB. To impress the high school football obsessed voters, Solomon forced her to either do that or cheer. It turned out she was actually really good at it and she started getting praise and admiration for once (she also gets none of that at home). Between that and being the mayor’s daughter, nobody can stand up to her. Kyle and Jason are her lackeys. Kyle still gets punched in the face for calling Grace a two bagger. Max is around and he’s like “no, I agree with Steph, Grace is kinda cute” he gets decked in the face too because he BETTER not be thinking of asking her out (poor Jason has to carry them both out).
Max is still a jock, but he plays a sport nobody at Hatchetfield High really cares about (idk lacrosse maybe), so he’s more of a fringe cool kid. Not having the power over the school he has in canon, he had to find a different way to cope with his Whole Deal so became more apathetic and adopted a cool/tough guy persona instead. He usually manages to fly under the radar, but Steph does pick on him occasionally - she copes with Solomon constantly insulting her intelligence by doing the same thing to others and Max “I’m so fuckin’ scared of skele-uhns” Jägerman is an easy mark. Kyle usually joins in out of desperation for Steph’s approval. Jason will too, but only when the others pressure him into it.
Max needs to get his grades up or he’ll be kicked off the team, so he cheats off one of the nerds, gets caught and eventually asks them to tutor him. Doesn’t matter which one, pick your poison depending on which ship or friendship you want to be the Lautski of this universe. I’m gonna make it platonic and say Richie because I love their potential friendship dynamic, I love aroace Richie and I love treating friendships with the same narrative weight as romantic relationships. Steph says hell no, the Pasqualli’s incident happens and Grace convinces them all to plan the prank.
Of course, Steph wouldn’t fall for it like Max did. She realizes what they they’re up to almost immediately, but she’s still delighted. She finds it kind of funny and endearing that they thought they could scare her with cheap costumes and creepy music. She likes that they planned the prank to get her to change her ways because it means they still think she has the potential to be good. Then she falls and they do Grace’s bury the body plan, but this is the mayor’s daughter and the police can’t write it off like they do most disappearances in Hatchetfield so they’re hot on their trail.
Also, I’m losing it thinking about how powerful Solomon’s death would be. And how fucking scared Max would be during the summoning.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Asthma is a distinguished gentleman(not really he's a cannibal) and I wanna see Asthma In a top hat- and a mustash.
Or funny enough him in w bowling ally- not like a Bowling ball but I mean those pin things you knock over I want Asthma in it
Facial Hair Headcanons
Hazbin Men x GN! Reader
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A/N: LISTEN I KNOW YOU JUST SAID ALASTOR BUT NOW YOU’VE GOT ME THINKING AND THATS DANGEROUS. Also it’s giving gender envy so let me have this as I can’t have facial hair rn. Also Alastor’s could be seen as platonic or romantic. Platonic with Angel Dust
-🦌 Now I really don’t see him having a lot of facial hair, he either cuts it all off or on the off chance he does leave it to grow out, he’s gonna have a handlebar mustache with stubble around or just the mustache itself.
-🦌 If he catches you staring at it he’s either gonna disappear to shave it off or puff his chest out with pride. Please tell him if you like it, your opinion is the only opinion that matters to him (besides his own but that goes unsaid)
-🦌 He won’t let anything else grow out as in 1920’s to 1930’s small mustaches were the thing back then. Either the handlebar mustache or the English mustache.
-🦌 His facial hair is going to be a black/darkish brown as his hair. He pairs it with a good suit and god be damned he’s got everyone taking a second glance at him. 
-🦌 The stubble or 5 o’clock shadow makes him more iffy, he likes it but he also likes everything about him to be cleaned up nicely. To him it looks gross and he will definitely shave that off, unless you say something to him. Then he might keep it just to annoy you with it.
-🦌 I’m talking about like, rubbing his cheek to your cheek to make you feel the hairs and it always make you laugh. He tries and fails on annoying you but he always wins cause he gets to see you smile and hear you laugh.
-🦆Lucifer 🦆-
-🦆 I know canonically he doesn’t have facial hair but let me dream damn it.
-🦆 To me Lucifer either has a full on beard to no beard at all. There is a small inbetween, which is a goatee. He will be hellbent on having a goatee if he’s not wanting to have a full beard.
-🦆 This man has a rigorous routine of beard upkeep. He’s not playing when it comes to himself. He may have depression but to him self care is very important and it’s okay to have bad days and ask for help. 
-🦆 For his full beard? It’s either a Ducktail beard or a Hollywoodian style beard. He loves to run his fingers through it and feel all powerful (despite him being the Literal king of hell).
-🦆 Another man who asks your opinion on if he should keep the beard or go to his normal goatee or no beard at all, he’s not picky.
-🦆 You compliment him or say something about his beard (could be sexual or not) his cheeks go bright red and he gets super flustered but his chest puffs out proudly.
-🦆 Like the rest of his hair, it’s blonde but there is a more noticeable white streak if he has the beard. Don’t point it out please, he gets upset. He’s not old, he’s in his prime. (GOD IM SWOONING A WELL GROOMED BEARD GETS ME-)
-🎰 Husk 🎰-
-🎰 Husk our favorite bartender and our grumpy loveable cat. Before anyone can say anything, hush. I know he’s all fur and a cat but let me have this okay?
-🎰He’s grumpy and I’ll be honest, he just looks like a guy that let’s his facial hair grow out all the time.
-🎰 I do see him having the Balbo facial hairstyle or the imperial mustache. The only way you can differentiate it is by the longer fur on his snout and chin. 
-🎰 Once again, it’s mainly white with some black hair in it to deal with the pattern of his fur. Once again, the only beard care he does is trimming and brushing it at best.
-🎰 He loves kissing you as it’s only other ways you can tell if he’s growing his facial hair out, the little hairs just brushing against your chin and lips. But he saves that for private moments.
-🕷️Angel Dust 🩷- 
-🕷️  Now this one will be short but I don’t see Angel really like having a lot of facial hair. THE SAME THING WITH HUSK I KNOW HE IS FUR BUT PLEASE LET ME HAVE THIS-
-🩷 He will only allow stubble and only for a little bit before he shaves it off completely. So get used to it.
-🕷️ Baby boy can’t have any due to his line of work and also he doesn’t like how it feels.
-🩷It ruins his whole night time/facial routine and if he can’t shave that morning or night, he’s gonna be grumpy all day.
-🕷️ If he does let it grow out, it’s gonna be white but with specks of pink in there. It’s more prominent on his jawline and chin but if you look real close you can see more on his upper lip it’s just very hard to see.
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