#luna lovegood is too good
February 13th
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Happy birthday to our beloved and whimsical Luna Lovegood. Can always count on her for the best advice, even if it sometimes comes off as a bit unnerving.
“I can see them too. You're just as sane as i am.”
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elisedonut · 5 days
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Not me using anime face claims because I'm lazy and didn't feel like editing irl images because editing with real people is so much more annoying to me
Lavender FC: Kiryu Tsukasa(im@s) Percy FC: Keito Hasumi(Enstars)
Full Collection
At nearly 14k words I have completed Microfic May 2024!
While completely ignoring the whole microfic part um- anyway~
I had a lot of fun doing this challenge and feel like I've improved a lot because of it! even though it's a bit hard to tell since the order the fics went up and the order they were written in is pretty mixed up.
Thank you very much to the hosts of the challenge!! @microficmay I know its the last year you're hosting this so I'm happy i got the chance to participate!
Individual Links and Fic Summaries and Such Below The Cut!
Also keep an eye out for the five marked with a "🪻" Because that means I consider them my favorites c:
🍎 Day 1: Create
Characters/Ship: Molly Weasley & Percy Weasley
WC: 312
Percy accidentally staying up far too late to make a shirt for his teddy bear Tallyton.
🍐 Day 2: Warmth
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood (Perciver)
WC: 290
Percy brings Oliver home with him and Oliver is confused that something that was always there is suddenly not.
🍎 Day 3: Horizon 
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 97
Lavender is dying and she knows it.
🪻Day 4: Decision - Wand for a Kiss?🪻
Characters/Ship: Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley (Stercy)
WC: 820
Percy was going to miss his soulmate when he had to go back to Hogwarts. So, he chose to stay home while his family went to Egypt. To be able to spend time with him.
🍐 Day 5: Dreams & Reality - Once you decipher it, what will you see?
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Luna Lovegood
WC: 240 
A few weeks before you find your soulmate they'll start haunting your dreams.
🍐 Day 6: Flare
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
WC: 71
Bill is distracted.
🍎 Day 7: Innocuous - Are you sure he would like that?
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour & Molly Weasley
WC: 248
Fleur and Molly are present shopping for Percy.
🍎 Day 8: Will - I'll bid my farewell to you without saying a word
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 538
Percy had only a single hour to change things, to bring Fred back to his family. Another Percy decides to do something to get Fred back for his family at his own detriment fic.
🍎 Day 9: Agony
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey & Dennis Creevey
WC: 122
Dennis will return to Hogwarts even if he has to grit his teeth to do it.
🍐Day 10: Rise & Fall
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour (fleurvender)
WC: 206
Fleur can feel herself being pulled towards her.
🍎 Day 11: Curse
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 298
'Her scars don't define her.' Is what they keep telling her but it's difficult to believe it.
🪻Day 12: Vivid - Our path, dyed in blue.🪻
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley (Denperce)
WC: 736
Until you first kiss your soulmate you will only see colour in the places that they have been, on things that they've touched. Dennis only sees colour for the first time when he enters Diagon Alley.
🍎 Day 13: Talisman - Talismans & Rabbits
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 499
Lavender needs to find the right item to use for a new assignment.
🍎 Day 14: Humility
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 74
Percy thinking about something Penny said once.
🍎 Day 15: Nothing & Everything - Spacing Out
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey
WC: 216
Sometimes it's easier to just feel nothing.
🍐 Day 16: Squabble - None of Their Concern
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 249
Bill and Fleur like inviting others into their bed, some of the Weasleys find that weird.
🍐 Day 17: Worthy - To Be Good Enough
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 484
Marcus is a fuck up but he's working on it.
🍐 Day 18: Healing - Pamper Me
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley
WC: 715
Dennis wants to be pampered more. Percy wants to finish his work.
🍐 Day 19: Impatience - Listen To Me
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 901
Tutoring Flint was typically an easy affair. When he's more interested in the clock and window then the words coming out of Percy's mouth though, not so much.
🪻Day 20: Push & Pull - Together with the waves, could we become happy?🪻
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Lavebleur)
WC: 632
Lavender feels like she barely even knows herself anymore. Acting out in ways that seem to make sense in the moment but feel so cruel later. Luckily, she has someone around who understands what she's going through.
🍎 Day 21: Idle - Everything Changes
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 157
Percy never liked moving.
🍐 Day 22: Precious - Every time we talk, "I like you" just loops in my mind
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil (Pavender)
WC: 268
Lavender loves days when the dorm is empty of everyone but the two of them.
🪻Day 23: Mistake - Gossip Club🪻
Characters/Ship: Angelina Johnson/George Weasley
WC: 970
A normal night in the Weasley-Johnson household. Gossip and cooking just go so well together.
🍐 Day 24: Elation - Doomed From The Start
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey/Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood
WC: 737
Magic will always want you to meet your soulmate and sometimes to achieve that, rules that are known to be true have to be bent a bit. Oliver and Percy handle finding their third differently to say the least. The right answer isn't always so clear cut though.
🍎 Day 25: Day & Night - No Way of Defying The Waves of Time
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 522
Percy got a great deal on this house, now if only it wasn't haunted.
🍎 Day 26: Vex - Who Do You Think You Are?
Characters/Ship: Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Remus Lupin/Percy Weasley
WC: 804
Fred and George never thought of themselves as protective but learning that your brother's soulmate doesn't seem to want him would make anyone a little angry.
🍎 Day 27: Dandy - He's Not Blind
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies & Percy Weasley
WC: 355
Roger is more observant than people give him credit for.
🍐 Day 28: Fetching - Masked Savior
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies/Percy Weasley
WC: 1,103
Percy has to agree to social events to keep his family off his back, but he accidentally bites off a bit more than he can chew.
🪻Day 29: Thrall - Touching Those Petals And Asking For Their Name🪻
Characters/Ship: Sirius Black/Percy Weasley (percius)
WC: 599
Sirius hates being at Grimmauld Place. Drowning himself in alcohol and avoiding thinking about it too much by roaming around the house.
🍎 Day 30: First & Last - That Time Dudley Almost Let his Daughter Fly Away.
Characters/Ship: Dudley Dursley & Daisy Dursley
WC: 588
Daisy Dursley has had bouts of accidental magic in the past, but flying? Floating? He really thinks she's going to be the death of him one of these days.
🍐 Day 31: Fulfilment - Promise
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 110
Bill is thinking too much again.
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soggypotatoes · 1 year
yo I just met the psychiatrist the new hospital I was moved to yesterday put me with and there was an Instant connection and I really really liked her and she said really interesting helpful things and I'm so relieved I'm crying hfjdjfksls
been seeing different psychiatrists for 8 years and the ones I've had have triggered me and made me worse and ik I've only seen her once but I think she will *actually* help me thank GOD
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wildflowergirlie · 6 months
xenophilius lovegood the silly little guy that you are supremacy
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wordsarelife · 3 months
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pairing: soft!mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: mattheo had been liking you for years and when you loose your cat, it's finally his time to prove how good of a boyfriend he would be
warnings: really small mention of a loved one dying
notes: y/n is a bit luna lovegood coded
the morning was hotter than the days before, even though it was slowly becoming fall. mattheo and his friends had decided to stay inside for the first time in weeks and were now sitting in the Iibrary, busy understanding their potions homework.
"so" enzo mumbled, the words a bit harder to recognize, because he had the tip of his quill between his lips "what is the answer to number eight?"
"if i tell you, you won't learn anything" theo, the only one who was really understanding the task at hand, groaned.
"yeah, but we would stop wasting our time" mattheo mumbled just silent enough so theo wouldn't hear. blaise, who sat next to him, laughed.
"come on, mate" draco started pleading "you know i normally get these, but it's so hot outside, i'd rather swim in the lake"
"well, you have to earn that first" theo was not budging under the pleading of his friends. blaise, draco, enzo and mattheo groaned simultaneously
"where is pansy? shouldn't she sit here with us and be annoyed at you?" blaise asked, while his eyes wandered to the empty spot next to draco, that was normally occupied by the girl.
"she's got detention with mcgonagall, i'm copying the answers for her" draco answered
"well, now that's unfair" mattheo shook his head "why don't you say anything about that, theo?"
it seemed like theo hadn't even listened to what his friends were talking about. he was busy reading the next number and looked up confused. "what?"
"forget it" mattheo hid his face in his hands, while blaise and enzo exchanged a look, rolling their eyes
"woah" blaise suddenly made next to him "isn't that y/n?"
mattheos head turned, so did the rest of his friend's.
it was indeed you. the slytherins watched in confusion how you climbed the ladder leaning against the shelf. their confusion only grew when you didn't stop climbing at the highest shelf, but used your arms to pull you up on top of the shelf.
"what is she doing?" enzo mumbled
“i have no clue” mattheo watched you closely, following your every move.
he had been kind of in love with you since the third grade. his friends found his crush on you quite interesting, considering you were a bit curious and weird, but somehow all of them agreed that it was in a cute way, a bit too stubborn, a bit too much in your own world.
maybe the carelessness and constant happy mood you were spotted with only added to their confusion. mattheo wasn’t normally the guy to go for girls like you. and it was out of the ordinary to see him as nervous as he was around you. girls normally didn't make him nervous, but you did.
they all gasped simultaneously, as one of your hands hit the shelf a bit too far left and almost made you fall down.
“oh” you said, both at your close call and their presence, you had only noticed them now. “hi” you used the hand that had almost caused you to fall to wave at them
“hey, y/n!” theo raised his hand, copying your greeting, while his eyes were still fixated on the potions book on the table in front of him. he was the only one of his friends who was also friends with you, a result of your similar interest in astronomy.
mattheo watched you closely. he had stood up to catch you, in case there was another close call. him and the rest of his friends watched you as you crawled along the shelf.
“what are you doing?” enzo asked, louder than he had planned which resulted in madam pince shushing him. "sorry" enzo cringed, but it was already too late.
his voice had been so loud and sudden, that it had made you shriek. like mattheo had predicted, you lost your balance and fell down the shelf. luckily, he caught you before you could hit the ground.
“thanks” you smiled, patting his chest and climbing out of his arms.
mattheo was stunned at how relaxed you still were after almost falling to your death. well, maybe not death but you still could've gotten hurt really bad.
“i was looking for my cat” you smiled as if it was the most logical explanation, answering enzo’s question, without any hard feeling about him causing you to fall. “but she isn’t up there”
“ahh, alright” enzo nodded, acting like he understood what you were talking about, but he looked as lost as mattheo felt.
“see you later” you waved your hand at the boys before you turned around and left the library.
mattheo quickly grabbed his potions book, ready to follow you.
“what are you doing?” theo looked at him with narrowed eyes, almost sounding offended “we haven’t finished number nine yet”
“i was trying to..” mattheo trailed off, pointing at where you had last stood
“go” draco directed, pushing theo, who was ready to get up and discuss things with mattheo, back down in his seat.
blaise plastered a hand over theo’s mouth as he started protesting. mattheo nodded at his friends, silently thanking them, before he ran out of the library, hoping to still catch you.
to his luck, you had enough time on you to walk through the halls slowly.
“hey” mattheo breathed, matching your step “do you need help looking for your cat?”
“sure” you seemed happy enough about his suggestion “her name is starlight, but she doesn’t really answer to that, so there’s no point in calling her”
“okay” mattheo nodded “and she normally spends her time on top of the library shelves?”
“sometimes” you shrugged “she mostly spends her time all over the castle”
“do you often do things like that?”
“what?” you smiled “climb on top of shelves and let pretty boys catch me? not really, no” you shook your head laughing, while mattheo was still stuck on what you had described him as.
“how does starlight look like?” he tried a different approach as he followed you through the halls, almost sure you were heading to the astronomy tower.
“she’s a ginger cat”
“well, that’s explains a lot” mattheo laughed and you joined in “why doesn’t she answer to her name?”
“she belonged to my grandfather, she would only ever answer his calling, or react to his voice in general” you explained “he died a few months ago and my parents thought about giving her away, so she's now staying with me”
“that’s sad” mattheo frowned “i’m sorry about your loss”
“don’t be” you smiled up at him with big eyes and he almost missed a step on the way up. “he wasn’t the nicest, i don’t think he even liked anyone apart from his cat, but she’s nice enough most of the time”
“i get it” mattheo nodded understandingly “so where would she normally hide?” he looked around the room, trying to spot the orange fur of your cat. now that he thought about it, he remembered you chasing her around the halls a few times.
“you mind helping me up?” you pointed at the wooden beam over both of your heads
“seems like she prefers the higher spots, huh?” mattheo asked sarcastically, before he picked you up without another word of protest
you climbed on top of the beam, turning your head, before you finally shook it and mattheo helped you back down.
“where could she be if she isn’t here either?”
“i have one last spot in mind” you nodded, thinking “if she isn’t there, then i don’t know where she could still be”
“well, hopefully she is”
“as long as she’s fine” you smiled
mattheo followed you back down the steps of the tower, pending what he could still ask you. he wouldn’t waste any time he could spend with you, he would make the most of it.
his mind was racing, trying to come up with something, but the only thing he could remember was the list of thirty six questions blaise had shown him the day before, swearing that those were the best icebreakers at a first date.
well, this was far from a first date, but it did not hurt to try
“given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?” he muttered, recalling the first question.
your face lit up at his sudden question. “that’s a fun question” you smiled “let me think about it. does the person have to be alive?”
mattheo shook his head
“well then i would pick my grandmother, i think” you smiled, deep in thought “she was a great woman. i remember my grandfather being a decent person back when she was alive. she used to make these crocheted hats for me. i have them in almost every color”
“that sounds nice” mattheo smiled as he noticed how your features lit up while talking about your grandma. he followed you into the great hall, not even questioning it.
“what about you?” you asked him, taking a quick turn and walking up the steps around the wall of the entryway.
“what about me?” mattheo repeated confused
“yeah” you laughed at his forgetfulness “who would you have dinner with?”
“i don’t know” mattheo shrugged
“i don’t accept that answer” you shook your head “i can't believe that no one comes to mind at that”
there was someone coming to mattheo’s mind. but he couldn’t tell you. right now, he only wanted to have dinner with one person and that person was you, and maybe your cat, because not finding her would probably mean that you would be sad otherwise.
“merlin” mattheo answered quickly and you raised your eyebrows
“the biggest” mattheo grinned and cringed the moment your eyes left his face. he was ready to turn around and run away, but your sudden calling kept him from it.
“starlight!” you laughed, holding out your arms and catching the orange cat that had been about to fall from the highest shelf.
“hey” mattheo cooed, softly stroking the cat’s head. the cat hissed at him and he quickly pulled his hand back.
“she likes you” you smiled brightly despite starlight proving the opposite.
“you really think so?” mattheo asked unsurely.
“of course” you were pulling the cat close to your chest “she’s smiling at you”
mattheo wasn’t so sure about that. starlight looked like she was ready to claw his eyes out if left unattended in the same room.
starlight settled on top of your shoulder as you began to walk back down the stairs. mattheo was ready to follow, but starlight hissed at him over you shoulder and it took him a second longer to catch up to you.
despite anything you had previously said, he was sure that that cat absolutely loved you, even if she often spend her time sleeping in the most ridiculous places and making you search for her. he was sure you loved her just as much, even you had so casually talked about the cat's situation he had noticed that you couldn't have endured your parents just giving her away. he had also noticed the worry in your eyes when stalright hadn't been in the astronomy tower.
additional to that, he was also sure she already hated him. maybe she could sense the inappropriate thoughts he sometimes had about you.
“thank you for your help” you had walked mattheo back to the doors of the library, after he had claimed that his friends would probably appreciate his return to finish the homework.
“no problem” he smiled and he had almost sighed at how pretty you were, just simply standing in front of him “i’d do anything” he mumbled under his breath.
“what?” you laughed, not having understood a sound of what he had mumbled. starlight was busy playing with a strand of your hair. mattheo had to smile at that and you mirrored his expression.
“doesn’t matter” mattheo shrugged and his smile grew brighter as he watched you laugh at him.
you softly held a hand in front of starlight's eyes, before you stood on your tiptoes, softly kissing mattheo's cheek. “thank you, maybe we could have dinner some day” you said, before you waved him a final goodbye “say goodbye starlight” the cat hissed at him once again and you smiled pleased, before you turned around and walked back in the direction of your dorm.
“i’d do anything” mattheo repeated his earlier words when you were far enough away. his cheeks were red and his hand touched the spot on which your lips had rested a few seconds ago. “anything”
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ellecdc · 4 months
A Man With a Plan (prologue)
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
A/N: Hello! I've been stuck in my head about the idea of a whimsical reader (think Luna Lovegood) after reading the many sweet writings of other writers on Tumblr (specifically @ moonstruckme)! I totally ship a character like this with Remus because I feel like Remus has a tendency to overthink and get stuck in his own head and a character like this would be a breath of fresh air for him and balance him really well. Please note: whimsical does not = stupid! Rather, quite smart but people find her odd and reduce this to lack of intelligence. This is my little prologue, a sort of soulmate-esque AU - what do we think? Do we like this idea? Would we read it???
CW: swearing (cuz it's Remus 'Werewolf McSwearWolf' Lupin's POV, duh)
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If there was one thing people ought to know about Remus John Lupin, it was that Remus was a planner. At any given point, it would be safe to assume that Remus had a plan.
As would be typical of Remus Lupin’s luck, however, most of his plans got fucked to shit.
Example A:
As a child, Remus planned to grow up to be a wizard like his da, or a nurse like his mum. That plan was fucked to bits just before his 5th birthday when Fenrir Greyback damned him to a life of lycanthropy and a side serving of prejudice. 
Example B:
Remus Lupin planned to never be accepted to Hogwarts on account of his previously stated damnation. That plan also went sideways when an owl dropped a letter into his porridge on the morning of his 11th birthday, containing an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Remus’ da told Remus it was likely a mistake and they would rescind the offer once they learnt of his lycanthropy. Once again, plans were nullified when headmaster Dumbledore himself showed up on the doorstep of the Lupin Cottage after not receiving a response from them.
Example C:
Once he confirmed his acceptance to Hogwarts, Remus Lupin planned to be completely invisible throughout his time at school. This meant: no embarrassing himself, no bringing attention to himself, and absolutely, under no circumstances, would he make friends.
Of course, as should have been expected, this plan was fucked upside down and backwards seven ways to Sunday when the likes of James Fleamont Potter and Sirius Orion Black set their sights upon him.
Though Remus Lupin did have a plan, he was still just a boy. He’d been homeschooled his entire life due to being unable to explain his absences to muggle teachers as well as his scars/injuries from every full moon, and the village kids were quite fearful of the scarred boy. All this to say; he’d never had friends before.
So, sue him for relishing in the interest these boys seemed to have in him.
No matter: Remus could handle this. “How?” You may be wondering. By a plan, of course! 
Remus Lupin would allow these two (and Peter who went about befriending the boy in a much gentler way, so let’s make it three) friends, and planned to ensure that they never learned of his lycanthropy. He’d only just made friends; he wasn’t about to lose them. 
Of course, Sirius being the nosey fucker he is, James being the doting mother hen he is, and Peter being far too perceptive for anyone’s good – that plan was fucked to shit as well.
Remus, then, planned then to never let anyone else ever learn his secret again.
That plan was once again fucked by none other than Sirius Black and his unfortunate ‘prank’ on Severus Snape that could have cost Remus and Severus both of their lives, or at the very least, their lives as they knew it.
Remus Lupin then planned to never forgive Sirius Black for that horrible, thoughtless prank. 
Remus was admittedly not all that sad to say that this particular plan was shot too, though he ensured Sirius suffered at least a little during the process of his forgiveness. 
So, as he sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall in September of his 7th year listening to his friend’s wax poetic about their different love interests or conquests that they had made over the summer (i.e., James’ love for Lily, Sirius’ many hook-ups, and Peter’s enthusiastic support of them both), Remus made yet another plan.
Remus John Lupin planned to never, ever, fall in love. 
Moony, it would seem, had other plans. 
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Continue to the first chapter here.
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moonstruckme · 6 months
just finished a rewatch of ootp and i forgot how cute luna and harry’s friendship is!! had me start thinking about what a james potter x luna lovegood-esque reader relationship would look like and i RAN to your ask because i just have to see what your take on it would be! love love LOVE ur writing, no pressure to write this tho if the inspo doesn’t hit!! thank u lovely <333
I forget how sweet they are all the time too! Thanks for requesting honey <3
James Potter x whimsical!reader ♡ 986 words
James comes home to find all of his pants on the floor. 
“Unless I’ve started sleepwalking,” he says, and you look up at the sound of his voice from where you’re crouched next to one pair of jeans, apparently digging through his pockets, “I’m fairly sure I put these away after I took them out of the dryer last night.” 
“Oh, don’t worry,” you reassure him in that quiet, breezy way of yours. “You did. If you were sleepwalking, I would tell you.” 
James waits a second for you to elaborate, then realizes how foolish that is of him. “Then what are they all doing on the floor, my love?” 
“It’s the first day of the waxing moon.” Coins clink in your palm as you remove it from his pocket, and then—to James surprise—simply submerge your hand in the opposite pocket, dropping the change in. “You keep a lot of money in your pants, did you know? It’s lucky the dryer didn’t shake it all out.” 
Actually, he had found a few coins after taking out his laundry the night before, but apparently there’s still some left over in his deep pockets. “What does the moon have to do with anything? And are you robbing me? If so, you’re doing a horrible job, sweetheart.” 
You sit back, setting your bum on your heels, and smile at him in that indulgent way you do when you think he’s being silly. It emits a soft glow, and James can’t help but squat in front of you, pecking you on the lips in belated greeting. 
You kiss him back without complaint, lips soft and pliant and curved against his. “You switch your coins to the opposite pocket for good fortune during the waxing moon, Jamie. You can’t tell me you haven’t done it before.” 
“I can tell you most certainly that I haven’t,” he promises, tucking a hand behind your ear to cradle your head. You lean into the touch absentmindedly even as your lips draw into a little frown. 
“Then how did your family get to be so rich?” you muse softly. 
It takes some effort for James to smother the laughter that rises in his chest, turning it into a pensive hum. “I suppose they might’ve always known and just kept it a secret from me. My mum did say she wanted me to make my own way in the world.” 
“Oh.” You nod, certainty restored to your countenance. “That’s it, then. Not very considerate of them not to give you the tools for success, but I suppose every parent has their own ideas about those things.” 
James only hums again, lips curving of their own volition. “Anything else we need to do tonight to accommodate the waxing moon, darling?” 
You laugh, the sound light and lovely as the tinkling of wind chimes. “Jamie, the waxing moon lasts for fourteen days. We’ve got two weeks for everything we want to do.” 
“Oh, how silly of me.” He grins at you, stealing another quick kiss. “Everything, you say? What might that be?” 
“Well,” you say, returning to your task with the next pair of pants closest to you, “the waxing moon helps draw good things toward you. Like fortune” —you hold up a sparse palmful of coins for him to see before transferring them to the other pocket— “or a good harvest, or new love, or new job—didn’t you say you were thinking about asking for a promotion? This would be a good time.” 
“Maybe,” James replies with due consideration, but truly his mind has gotten snagged on one idea and not let go. “Love, eh?” He grins at you, reaching to wrap his hands around your waist and sliding you across the floor to him. “Should I be prepared to feel extra besotted for the next couple of weeks?” You smile and lean your head onto his shoulder to look up at him, going lax in his embrace. You’re a rather placid thing by nature, but he knows you secretly love it when he manhandles you like this. You go all soft and cloudy-eyed, and even now, you certainly seem far from scolding him for interrupting your task. “I’m pretty far gone already,” he says, just to hammer it home, “so I’m not sure how much worse it can get.” 
He’s rewarded with a light flush across the tops of your cheekbones. “It’s new love, Jamie,” you correct him. “The waxing moon doesn’t affect love that already exists.” 
“Oh, I see.” He narrows his eyes down at you. “So this is your opportunity to ditch me for some new bloke, is that it?” 
The adoration doesn’t leave your gaze, but you shrug. “I’m not manifesting that, so I suppose it’s up to the moon to decide.” 
Some of the levity leaves him. “Wait, so if some other guy said he was drawn to you by the waxing moon, you’d consider it?” 
You let your head weigh heavily on his shoulder, pursing your lips slightly in contemplation. “I suppose I’d at least hear him out. It’s powerful magic during this time, you know? I’d at least be curious what drew him. Or them, you never know.” 
Now James is the one who’s frowning. “That’s not very reassuring, sweetheart.” 
You seem to come back to yourself, eyes focussing on his again and a small smile returning to your lips. “Don’t worry, Jamie.” You lean up to kiss him before slipping free of his hold, going to find another pair of jeans to dig through. “I’d obviously wait until the clarity of the full moon to decide on anything.” 
“Obviously,” James echoes, feeling somewhat dazed as he stands. “Um, angel? If you meet someone who tells you the moon sent them to you, would you at least let me know? I think if I tell Sirius about it, you may find they don’t stick around until the full moon anyway.” 
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a proper meeting || theodore nott x reader
a/n: ur still a girl sorry. pt 2 to before you meet. we're slowburning this shit man
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ever since that afternoon in the courtyard he found himself thinking about that girl constantly. he didn't know who she was. he knew that she was friends with luna lovegood, so maybe he could ask her. but he'd rather not go to the one person that would definitely tell you that he was asking after you. he decided to ask malfoy one night while they were sitting in the slytherin common room.
"do you remember that girl in the courtyard? with the paper bird?" he asked malfoy nonchalantly.
"loony lovegood?" malfoy peered at his friend skeptically.
"no, um...the other one."
"the mudblood?"
"don't call her that," theo snapped before he could stop himself. "do you know her name?"
malfoy scoffed at him before answering, "(y/n) (l/n). why? do you like her?" he asked mockingly.
"and what if i do? what's it to you?"
"i care about who my friends are seen with. and you really shouldn't be surrounding yourself with mud-" theo shot him a look and malfoy stopped to correct himself with gritted teeth. "muggleborns. it reflects poorly on us all."
theo rolled his eyes and left the common room and went to his dorm. he went to bed that night thinking of the best way to finally get to know her.
*the next day, in slughorn's potions class (we're going the half-blood prince route)*
theodore was sat at a table with draco and blaise, waiting for class to begin. then, three more people walked into the classroom. harry potter, ron weasley, and (y/n) (l/n), along with professor mcgonagall.
"professor slughorn, these students will be joining your N.E.W.T. level course if that's alright," she announced.
"the more the merrier!" slughorn said merrily, then addressing the three new students. "alright then, sit wherever you'd like."
harry and ron immediately went to the table with hermione and (someone else idk, probably terry boot whoever the fuck that it, just, there's FOUR PEOPLE AT A TABLE) while (y/n) was left gazing around the room for an empty seat. she spotted the one at the slytherin table, but seemed hesitant. when it was clear that there were no other seats available, she made her way to the table and sat in the empty seat next to theodore.
theodore's heart was beating fast as she got her supplies for the class out. draco looked at him mischievously, and theo could only hope that he didn't say anything uncouth towards her. instead of mocking her, draco did something that was far worse in theo's eyes.
"well this is lovely, weren't you asking me about (y/n) just yesterday nott?" draco asked slyly. theo's eyes widened at draco and he shot the blond boy a look that said "shut the fuck up!!!"
she looked between the two boys skeptically.
"oh no, don't worry (l/n), it was all good things." malfoy drawled, smirking at theo. "it was after he couldn't stop staring at you in the courtyard."
she blushed and opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment slughorn began the lesson. (also no amortentia yet we can do that later hheheheheh)
theodore could hardly focus on the potion he was brewing during class. he was too distracted by her. her concentrated face as she chopped the ingredients and the faint flush on her face from the steam had theo borderline staring at her again. draco snickered to blaise as they both witnessed his weird behavior in front of her.
after class was finished, draco and blaise left quickly, leaving theo and (y/n) alone for a few moments.
"i'm sorry about malfoy..." theo said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "he likes to start shit."
"that's okay, i know what he's like," she answered, packing her things away. "he's usually a lot worse to me, so today was a nice change." she half-heartedly jokes.
"i'm theo, by the way," he said quickly, not wanting to lose his chance to finally introduce himself.
"yeah, i know," she said, before saying in a teasing tone, "you might not know this, but you're pretty popular. i'm (y/n)."
"i also already know who you are," he joked a little bit. "that's what draco was talking about earlier...i was asking for your name..."
"when you were staring at me?" she teased, although she was blushing. "well i'll see you tomorrow theo," she said softly, before exiting the potions classroom.
he stood there for a moment longer, before leaving to go back to his own dorm. once he got there he flopped on his bed. staring up at the emerald green curtain on his bed, he smiled to himself. he may have found one more reason for potions being his favorite class.
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 months
Harry Potter Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to my general or character specific tag list!
George Weasley:
In my defense...
1- Black Hole Sun
 2-One hundred sleepless nights (NSFW)
 NSFW Headcannon
But what if...Jk...unless...
A small piece of Home
Dirty Little Secret
Kissing In Cars
Mix Up
Fred Weasley:
Good Night Moon
Drunk and Half Asleep
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Anger Management 
Lighten up?
Draco Malfoy:
Protective Draco
Neville Longbottom: 
You’re too Sweet
Luna Lovegood:
Achilles come Down
Regulus Black:
Look at The Stars, Look How They Shine for You
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luveline · 2 years
can I request a baby blurb with either eddie or steve x reader, where the reader‘s a little like luna lovegood and she gets bullied? Like one day some people from school hide her shoes and she has to walk home without them. You can decide what steve/eddie does when he finds out or sees her without shoes🤍
eddie <3 everlasting patience and good looks <3
A familiar van slows to a crawl on the road beside you. You come to a stop, the asphalt hot under your socks. 
"Hey, Eddie," you say, very happy to see him. 
"Y/N. Pray tell, where are your shoes?"
"I was getting changed after gym and they were gone," you explain easily, fingers at the rolled down window. "It's unfortunate. Hot out." 
"Get in." 
You swing open the passenger door and climb in, resting your head heavily against the seat. Your mind feels microwaved. It usually does, but today it's worsened by the hot weather.
Eddie gives you a once over. "You were gonna walk home without shoes?" 
"Yes. Can I turn on the radio?" 
He rolls his eyes though you don't get why. "Sure, babe." 
You smile mildly and flip on the radio. It's set to a metal station he enjoys. You turn up the volume and stretch your hands out over your knees, skin hot from the sun. 
Eddie starts toward your house, sneaking glances at you every now and then. You're busy looking at your knees.
"How'd you do that?" he asks.
You scratch your thumbnail lightly over your grazed skin and shrug. "Fell over." 
"In gym? You should be more careful." 
Everyone always says that. Be more careful. You're starting to wonder how careful a person can possibly be. 
"Y/N, listen… I want you to come find me when stuff like this happens." 
"When I fall over?" 
He chuckles. "Yes. When you fall over and when people take your shoes. Whenever anyone tries anything with you. You understand?"
"I don't think someone stole my shoes." 
"Where did they go, then, sweet thing?"
"Fairies, probably."
"Yeah?" he asks.
You squint, but he doesn't sound like he's making fun of you. 
"Yeah. They're devious. They might give them back in a week, but if they do they're not gonna be the same ones. You look pretty right now." 
He smiles at you like he knows you're sweet on him. You are, obviously. You've never been very good at hiding how you feel. Plus, it doesn't feel like flirting with Eddie to tell him he's pretty: he must know. 
"You look prettier," he promises. "You wanna come back to my place? I'll fix your knees up." 
Eddie laughs again, a quick exhale coloured by the highest pitch of his voice. "Alright. I have some shoes you can take, too. Can't have my best girl walking around barefoot." 
"I have socks on." 
"Jesus Christ." 
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lilithslittleworld · 15 days
Doing it with the Harry Potter characters is like (headcanons):
Hermione Granger: mostly submissive, though she 100% sets the pace w Ron. I feel like she's really delicate and loving, a soft kind of seduction. She looks really pretty and sounds even prettier if yk what I mean ;) She most definitely looks up or over at you with doe eyes.
Luna Lovegood: Switch 100%. Like Hermione, she's angelic and so soft, her fingertips are as gentle as the breeze. She isn't too loud but still sounds so lovely. Her dominant side is very encouraging, filled with praise and pretty words towards you.
Ginny Weasley: More dominant than submissive. Ginny seems like the kind of girl that knows what she wants and gets it. Definitely into praising you but would rather see you on your knees begging. Totally into dirty talking.
Harry Potter: total sub, what can I even say? He loves to please you and make you feel good, even if he is a little shy about it. Will listen and follow any request or demand you give. Definitely into being restrained and watching you touch yourself. Whimpers.
Ron Weasley: switch but leans more towards the submissive side. Like Harry, he loves making you feel good but isn't shy about it. (he was at first.) Into roleplay and having sex in risky situations/places. Makes a lot of noise and isn't ashamed about it (he sounds so hot).
Fred Weasley: Dominant with an exception for sometimes being submissive. Fred loves teasing you, watching you squirm in anticipation. Into anything that involves sex in risky places/situations, sensory deprivation, tying you up and making you watch him, etc. Dirty talk throughout every interaction but with a lot of praise. His more submissive side is literally submitting to you fully, like on his knees and up for anything you ask of him.
George Weasley: George is really wholesome and loving during sex. Like his brother, he's after making you feel good but from a softer approach. Loves caressing you, watching you as he makes you feel good, telling you he loves you, and especially loves it when you moan his name.
Draco Malfoy: Draco's a tricky one because he gives off both very dominant and very submissive vibes, depending on context. I say he's a switch but is never a hard dom. He's really caring, though he doesn't show it in public. Loves when you wear different sets of lingerie and when you take the upper hand. Ngl, he probably likes being humiliated a little LOL.
Tom Riddle: very passionate. very. Is more dominant than submissive and likes to be in charge of what and how much you feel. Loves when you beg, when you look up at him, watching you touch yourself but also loves when you watch him too. Into literally almost anything. However, he cares deeply for you and is loving in his own way.
(Marauder's era) Remus Lupin: switch, leaning towards more submissive. Loves pleasuring you and having you tell him what to do. Quiet and shy but in the hottest way. Loves worshipping you and telling you how much he loves you. Soft, caring, sweet and wholesome vibes.
(Marauder's era) Sirius Black: definitely dominant. Similar to Freddie, Sirius loves teasing you, having you beg for him, and watching you squirm under his touch/words. Loves head, both giving and receiving, dirty talking to you (praise mixed with humiliation) and hearing you say his name, especially when you cum.
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔡𝔬 𝔭𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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pile 1, green eyed cat:
when you leave the room, people think that you’re just really tired and stressed. it’s like you carry a black cloud with you. you look tired and you feel tired emotionally. people can see that you’ve been fighting. with yourself / with others, depends on your personal situation. they can see that you’re a passionate and high energy individual usually but am using that energy in different negative ways. the vibe im picking up on is aries energy and rainy days. it seems like you’ve been stabbed in the back and just drained of positive energy. keep in mind this is just how they see you when you leave. they feel empathy for you and wish you the best though, your ambitions will stay true to you and things will be alright soon. 
message for you: it’s all gonna be ok one day stop overthinking it and stay calm
pile 2, white cat:
when you leave the room, people think that you’re an intellectually strong person. you’ve got fresh ideas and strategies in your mind, you’re a smart person. you seem kind of quiet to others, the vibe i’m getting is white roses and air signs. emotionally healing, comforting, hopeful. they feel like you’re going through something though, and you’d rather just stay in and be with yourself and your own energy. people think you’re an introverted mini extrovert. they feel subconsciously that you seem to be burdened with something, stressed, and just want to take a mental break. you do have a certain aura about you that makes you look beautiful, but in a luna lovegood way if you know what i mean? also, you seem like a great debater when situations arise.  
message for you: take a break and please sleep and rest more 
pile 3, black cat: 
when you leave the room, people think that you give off heavy family energy in a good way pile 3. people see you as someone who is very caring, kind, and emotional. heavy ‘mommy’ energy too 👀👀. some may like your curves / chest especially, you look physically warm if you know what i’m saying. they think that you relate well with nature and have a grounded vibe with you. empathetic, and a sensitive person. they sense that you are a poetic and romantic person in love. for me i’m getting the vibes of like pisces sign and baby’s breath bouquets. someone who likes to take care of people but regrettably neglects themselves sometimes (eg. self care, mental health care). someone who always gives gives gives but doesn’t give back to themselves. 
message for you: do that self care buy that skincare product and start doing art
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
The HP Epilogue: JKR's trashfire ending to a trash book series
I was reading snippets from the epilogue for the first time and everything about the epilogue is just frustrating. And I want to share things I found intolerable about it to let off steam. These are MY opinions so if you feel differently, I am happy for you. But here is a summary of my gripes.
The names of the Hinny Harry's kids
James Sirius. Albus Severus. Lily Luna. I can empathize with wanting to honour people you love by naming your kids after them...but this is just overkill. Not one of Harry's kids has an original name. Not one! And I said Harry's kids because it seems like Ginny had absolutely no input in the names. If I am being generous, maybe the Luna name was hers, but given the naming pattern of the kids, I am sure that Luna references Lupin and not Luna Lovegood. Sometimes I feel as if Harry has a domineering vibe in Hinny and the kids' names are not doing any favours to combat that. Not surprising as everything about the Hinny romance was dictated by Harry's wants. Who cares about Ginny?
Muggleborne discrimination is bad but pureblood discrimination is A-ok
‘You’re right, sorry,’ said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, ‘don’t get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood.’
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. It's like Ron forgot that HIS family is pureblood! It's the same vibe as a black parent telling their black or mixed kid not to marry another black person! Luna is pureblood! Neville is pureblood! Do the Weasleys have some kind of self-hatred?? Another point to purebloods slowly dying out but who cares? As far as JKR is concerned, the wizards should be aiming to all be mutts with mixed blood :)
BTW the Scorpius/Rose pairing fills me with revulsion. I like Albus and Scorp as friends though! But not so much as lovers.
Marriage is the only way to be truly part of a family
‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
Got some heavy Hinny vibes from this line of dialogue. Harry did not become a true Weasley until he got with Ginny after all :)
I know Lily is a kid and she means no malice, but I truly felt disgust towards this line. It just bothers me, especially in the context of Hinny and how Ginny functions as a way for Harry to become a Weasley member. Teddy is Harry's godson, he should be like a big brother to Lily. How does becoming a cousin-in-law make him more of a family member compared to being her surrogate big bro??
Do Hogwarts alumni swear an oath of secrecy?
‘And you don’t want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts,’ Harry put in.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus’s face when he said it.
So James Sirius is telling Albus Severus exaggerated tales about Hogwarts similar to what the Weasley twins did to Ron. But how is this possible? Do the parents not talk about Hogwarts to their kids? If my kid was going to my alma mater, I would tell him/her all about the school when I went there. I don't understand why it seems like parents don't talk about Hogwarts. At least Draco's parents seem to talk to him about the school at least.
Muggle abuse is still funny Ha. Ha.
‘As a matter of fact, I did Confund him,’ Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus’s trunk and owl on to the train. ‘I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let’s face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that.’
Remember that Ron is an Auror! A wizarding cop! But nah muggles are still lesser than wizards so even a guy like Ron who's supposed to be a good hero character feels no shame in messing with their autonomy. Ron is literally so disgusting in the epilogue. Never thought I would end HP finding Ron the least tolerable of the trio when Ron is usually my fav of the 3. Not that the bar is very high for the other two.
JKR really does not like Draco
His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasised the pointed chin.
Of course, JKR can't end the series without throwing more shade at Draco. He's rocking the middle-aged man look, only has one kid and has a love interest that we know squat about. And then in CC, Draco's wife dies! Sigh, I really hate Drastoria...
All is not well
There is still house discrimination. Magical creatures likely still have fewer rights. Aurors like Ron and everyday wizards abuse their powers against muggles. Purebloods are dying out. Wizards like Albus act like they did not grow up in a magical world, aka wizards still have low brain cell counts. But sure, Harry's scar is fine so ALL IS WELL!
I can't believe there are people out here calling JKR a good writer! I see the vast potential of the book series and I feel so sad sometimes. I am so happy that HP never existed in my childhood.
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starlingflight · 3 months
Ginniversary Drabble 6
Prompt - N42 - it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife
AO3 or read below:
Is The Chosen One Choosing Marriage? 
As famous witch and occasional novelist Jane Austen said, ‘it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife’, and today it appears even the Wizarding World’s most eligible saviour is not exempt from the basic laws of nature as Ginny Weasley, Holyhead Harpies star Chaser, and long-time girlfriend of Harry Potter, Auror and defeater of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, steps out bearing a new, and rather eye-catching piece of jewellery. 
Weasley, 20, set tongues wagging as she left the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade late last night accompanied by longtime friends, esteemed Auror, Neville Longbottom, and lauded Magizoologist, Luna Lovegood; sporting a ruby and diamond ring which could be seen from across the street, and left none but the most oblivious in any doubt as to the size of Potter’s fortune [pictures page 4]. 
Sources from within the Hogsmeade establishment say that Weasley and friends were seen enjoying a round of drinks, over which she flaunted the ring for the admiration of her companions, accepting enthusiastic congratulations, and a hug from Longbottom that some suggest may have been too familiar. 
There was no sign of the illustrious Mr Potter in attendance, but this can come as no surprise as sightings of the couple together outside of Weasley’s matches are rare, leading many rather optimistic readers, to speculate on several occasions previously that the pair had parted ways.  
In an interview with popular wireless host, Lee Jordan, last year Weasley stated, “we’re not concerned with the headlines. As I’ve said to my brothers on many occasions, mine and Harry’s relationship is between us, and it’s no one else’s business… Now, let’s talk about Quidditch.”
Potter and Weasley were first officially spotted together in the Summer of 1998 [pictures page 5], though sources from their Hogwarts days advise the relationship has been going much longer than that [full relationship timeline, page 6]. 
“Weasley got her claws in him back in our fifth year,” said Romilda Vane, former classmate of Ginny Weasley. “She still had a boyfriend when she snogged Potter in front of the whole common room. It was quite pathetic actually.” 
Other sources have debunked the suggestion that there was overlap between the beginning of Potter and Weasley’s relationship, and any of her previous romantic partners, of which there were apparently many. 
Dean Thomas, up-and-coming artist, and one such conquest, has stated, “I’m only going to answer this once, Ginny and I were over before anything happened with her and Harry. We weren’t right for each other, we both knew it, and we’re both now with the people we’re meant to be with. We remain good friends, and, for the love of Merlin, I would like to be excluded from this narrative.” 
We will, of course, let our readers draw their own conclusions. 
Despite the rumours that abound about the couple's sordid past, the future apparently looks bright for Potter and Weasley, though no official statement has been forthcoming from the supposedly happy couple. When asked for comment, both Weasley’s and Potter’s representation declined to give one, leaving us here at Witch Weekly no choice but to speculate on if, and when, the pair will make it down the aisle. 
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goldenromione · 4 months
im a big fan of luna... shes so cool and thoughtful like the whole mural she painted in her bedroom ?? how calm she is in every situation but also shes extremely confident in herself + will stand up for what she believes is right without yelling or being brash?? her magic is powerful too like shes an oddball and i love her for it
Luna was introduced at the perfect time in Harry's life.
5th year, Harry was experiencing a profound loneliness. The public and his peers were against him. They called him a liar, blamed him for the resurgence of Voldemort, and ostracized him from the place he had come to consider his home.
He felt hurt by his friends, who hadn't been responding to his letters, and by Dumbledore, who had effectively left him alone that summer to deal with the Dursley's and the attack on him and Dudley alone.
So, going back to Hogwarts, he was disillusioned. Jaded. He was still irritated with everyone, even after Hermione and Ron apologized and explained why they couldn't owl him back.
And, at a time as vulnerable as that, he meets Luna Lovegood. A fellow outcast. She goes to show him the beauty of being alone and demonstrates how euphoric living can be when you aren't constantly seeking out the approval of others.
Most importantly, she was everything weird about the Wizarding World rolled into one. It almost felt like being a kid again.
She is a reminder to both Harry and to the reader that, through all the bad, both experienced and soon to come, good will always prevail. Because magic doesn't have to bring pain. It can bring whimsy, and fun, and it can be an expression of joy.
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sparklingsin · 1 year
— lost time | ron weasley
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+ ron weasley x witch!reader
boy, the lack of ron fics on here is saddening. my goofy king is so under-rated so i just had to write someting. this is purely self-indulgent because i'm obsessed with auror!ron and miss hogwarts. can you imagine dancing with ron in auror robes? swoon.
tags: fluff, getting-together, aged up/adults, after hogwarts
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You're not sure how long you've been staring. It might have been an embarrassing amount of time — if you cared to check.
Time has been good to him. He is taller than you remember, lankier than ever, cheeks hollowing out and accentuating his strong, angled jaw. He's dressed in Auror robes no doubt, the thick black material cutting into the pale, freckled flesh and contrasting tastefully with his fiery red hair.
You spot Harry Potter beside him, who, to no one's surprise, is surrounded by a swarm of people as Ron snickers at him from the edges of the group. Harry throws him a disgruntled look. Their boyish tendencies make you smile, as your mind's eye turns back in time, to your years at Hogwarts.
While most people in your year had been obsessing over the Boy who Lived, you had had your eyes set out for his best friend. He had been, after all, your then closest friend's brother. But nothing had ever happened except for him once borrowing a quill from you and then he was someone else's.
And now, years later, there's just a small flutter in your heart at the sight of him. The dysrhythmia induced by a school girl crush has long disappeared but he's plenty handsome and that is hard to ignore.
"If you'd like me to introduce you, you need only say the word," Ginny's voice stirs you out of your daze.
You blush, tearing your gaze away from the red-head and look at the witch beside you. There's an all too familiar glint in her eyes that makes you frown. You had already caught up with each other several minutes ago, delighted at finally being able to meet each other at this Hogwarts Reunion, which was otherwise impossible because of your busy schedules.
"It's Harry you should be worried about," you retort, gesturing at the sea of innumerable witches he has now disappeared amidst.
"Ron's not seeing anyone at the moment," Ginny notes nonchalantly and you almost choke on your drink.
"It was a school crush, Ginevra," you mutter, but your words sound hollow to yourself as you watch Ron Weasley tilt his head back and laugh at something Luna Lovegood had just said.
"If only you had told me before year seven...," she mumbles, trailing off into her own thought. Only when Harry, Ron and Hermione had famously left their last year at Hogwarts to go on a quest to save the world (a story that was now a bed time tale for the new generation of wizards and witches) did you confess to Ginny that you had had an unrequited crush on her brother. But then the world almost ended, lives were lost and you lost touch with your only link to the Weasleys.
"If only. Too bad a dark, evil wizard was trying to kill us all," you mutter and Ginny throws you a look.
"You're actually perfect for Ron, you know," she remarks and you sigh, sipping the last of the enchanted beer.
"Why are you trying to play cupid, anyway? Do you not have people to meet? Hear Slughorn's looking for you," you say, in a vain effort to change the subject.
"He was?" Ginny asks, suddenly perking up and looking around with a troubled expression.
"If he asks for me again, I was never here," she whispers, slinking off into the crowd and out of sight.
Finally managing to shake off the flaming presence of one, adamant Weasley, you weave your way towards the bar. You order another round of the butter beer and look off to your left and back, only to find yourself standing beside... Ron Weasley himself.
"Hi," you say, a little out of breath, having been caught like a deer in headlights. He looks shocked too, not expecting someone to ambush him at the bar counter.
"I'm Y/N L/N," you add, trying to compose yourself and smile awkwardly.
"Oh...Y/N...?" his expression remains blank.
"Ginny and I used to be close...," you say, trying hard not to let the disappointment shine through in your voice.
"Ahh," Ron mumbles looking away and you're not convinced that means anything to him.
You wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. You're about to make a run for it and apparate, to save yourself from the embarrassment, when Ron speaks up.
"You wouldn't happen to be the girl who set Dean and Ginny up back then, did you?" he asks, as he gestures for the bar tender - Mrs. Rosmerta's son you've learnt.
You frown. "No, I don't think that was me. Why?" you ask, curious.
"Oh they were trouble, don't know why anybody thought they were a good idea," he mutters and you chuckle.
"'Suppose it's better having your best friend date your sister," you note, grateful for an excuse to keep the conversation going.
Ron turns towards you. "You'd think. But every time he's home, she takes up all his bloody time," he murmurs, so very sincerely, that you can't help but laugh.
"Don't tell him I said that though," he says, turning his head to look at Harry in the crowd who has finally managed to find his way to his old friends. "Don't need his head getting any bigger."
You grin. "I doubt it'll ever come up but I'll keep it in mind," you chirp, pausing to take a sip of the drink hat the bar-tender's handed to you.
You fall into easy conversation then, the awkwardness disappearing as Ron's smile gets wider and you start feeling more relaxed. He's sitting much closer to you now, drink in hand, smelling slightly like an old comforter and toothpaste and you're so happy, you've forgotten your drink beside you.
"We had a good run here," Ron is saying. He looks up and around him, at the adorned walls of the Great Hall and you nod.
"She's still so beautiful," you murmur, looking at the ceiling that has been bewitched to twinkle like with sky with stars today.
Ron sighs, wistfully. "Merlin, I miss Hogwarts."
"What do you miss the most?"
"Everything, you know, the food, the teachers, these halls, the dormitories. Blimey, even the classes, the girls—"
"What was so bad about the girls?" you ask, pretending to be offended and Ron's ears turn red.
"No, hell, I mean, it was so difficult to talk to girls back then.... but I'd take that over what I have going on right now."
He looks at you sheepishly, running a hand through his hair.
You frown at him.
"What do you mean?"
"What with work and everything, you know, there's no time," he admits, sighing.
"I'm sure any witch would make time for a wizard like you," you muse, eyes twinkling.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron echoes, quirking an eyebrow at you but there's a playfulness to his tone.
"I mean— you're an Auror— a great, distinctly famous wizard— and a good man from what I've heard," you say, as the red-head's eyebrows shoot up higher.
"And you're gorgeous," you add after a beat, not quite looking at him but Ron turns crimson. It's bold, for your standards and you decide to blame the beer.
"It's not that easy you know," he says after a moment, clearing his throat.
You look back at him through your eyelashes. There's a new shine in his eyes, a little pucker at the corner of his lips that makes your heart beat a little faster.
You're in the mood to play, so you lean over. "Oh, it's not? Do tell..."
"Well, I've been sat here twenty minutes," he says, leaning closer, voice dropping low, "...trying to rack up the nerve to ask a witch out for a dance and been failing spectacularly so far."
A shiver travels down your back and you tongue the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning. "Maybe try now?"
Ron suppresses a grin.
"Do you...," he's turned a slight shade of pink and you can't help but smile.
"Do you reckon you'd like to dance with me?" he asks, running a hand through his hair, tousling it and you have a mad urge to smooth it out but resist. There's a blush tinting his cheeks but the bashful grin on his face makes your cheeks heat up.
"I'd like that," you whisper as Ron stands up and bows before you, extending his hand.
You weave through a large part of the crowd hand in hand, to a somewhat empty space is the middle and Ron pulls you close to himself, taking one of your hands in his and placing a gentle one on your waist, taking the lead.
You blush a little, surprised by the charge he takes. You definitely like this cooler, confident Ron with bits of awkwardness and goofiness sprinkled in.
"You're a lot different than I remember," you blurt out, regretting it the minute the words roll off your tongue.
To your surprise, Ron looks amused.
"You have memories from school about me?"
You start swaying to the music, falling quite easily into the step of waltz.
Trapped. "Well...I was one of your sister's closest friends and you were only one of the most famous wizard's best friend," you say quickly, before you can embarrass yourself more by letting out your secret.
The song slows down, as you gently sway to the music, painfully aware of how warm Ron's breath is on your face. The hall is quieter now, the couples swaying silently on the floor as others watch and the gravity of the situation sinks in.
You're dancing with Ron Weasley.
You try to contain the flurry of butterflies erupting in your stomach at the realisation, but it's hard to focus when he's so gently holding you against him. You dance in quiet embrace for the rest of the song, fighting a losing hormonal battle, and just as it segues into something slightly faster, Ron spins you out on one arm.
"I'm sorry I don't remember you from school much," he says softly.
It's nothing— it's a pinch, a paper cut if anything. You already know he doesn't remember you but you can't help the flutter of disappointment in your chest his words.
You roll back into his arm gracefully and look up into his piercing blue eyes.
"Quite a shame really, you'd think I'd not be stupid and remember one of the most beautiful witches I've ever seen," he says, a genuineness in his eyes that makes you falter.
You freeze briefly in your little step, a wave of heat erupting over your chest at his swift words. School-girl-you would've melted into a puddle on the floor at these words, but adult-you knows better and wills your rapidly beating heart to slow down.
"You'd think so," you reply breathily, feigning disappointment and Ron chuckles.
"I'm sorry. You've got to excuse teenage Ron, he was a right git," he says and you can't help but laugh.
"I forgive him," you say. "We were all gits when we were sixteen."
"You know," he pipes again, pulling you away from the center of the floor. The music has turned faster now and by the time he's pulled you to the very edges, the floor is a chaotic flurry of limbs.
"We could make up for lost time."
You quirk up an eyebrow at him, surprised by his forwardness.
"For someone who was struggling to ask me for a dance only minutes ago, you're being awfully direct."
Ron blushes but the grin on his face grows wider.
"Something an old friend told me about letting people know you fancy them when you fancy them," he mumbles and you quirk an amused eyebrow at him.
"You fancy me?"
He smiles sheepishly. "I thought it was obvious," he quips, pulling you closer by your fingers.
"I'd like to get to know you better then," you whisper. Ron smiles down warmly at you, turning your stomach to mush.
"I'd like to get to know you better too," he says, and his smile quickly turns into a smirk.
"Your place or mine?"
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i write for harry & ron (and possibly others if inspiration strikes) please send in requests and your thoughts!
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