#make no mistake i enjoyed the movie very much! i'm just not sure how i feel about it in relation to 2021 diabolik which i love
youssefguedira · 1 year
maybe it's because we didn't see too much of him in the actual movie (diabolik once again relegated to a side character in his own series) but i'm not quite certain about gianniotti's diabolik Yet. so far he's like. fine. and he's definitely heading in a similar direction to comics diabolik in terms of Just Saying Things but so far i am not entirely sold
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rkvriki · 7 months
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ things that make their heart flutter
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HI I KNOW I'M BARELY ACTIVE ON THE TIMELINE IM SO SORRY LMAO. something really intersting is coming very soon so keep an eye out hehe!!! make sure to leave feedback and reblog! my requests are closed and my talk box is always open so lets talk!
WARNINGS ! mentions of hoon feeling down; my inspiration to write this was very low so the las ones ended up being longer than the first three im so sorry :'); mentions of won being stressed; ni-ki not being proud of himself :(
word count: 1.5k
– kissing him when he’s still half-asleep
the sun rays started shining through the curtains, hitting your eyes. you slowly opened them trying to adjust to the strong (late) morning light. it had been a long week and you needed to sleep as much as you could, giving your body the rest it needed. you stretched your body before turning to the side, seeing your boyfriend still asleep with his arms stretched by his head. you smiled softly at the sight before you, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. when you pulled back you watched as his eyes fluttered, still in between sleep and reality. heeseung opened his eyes, trying to look at you, but sleep was stronger than him and his eyes closed back again. you let out a quiet laugh and leaned down to kiss his pouty lips this time. the corners of his lips twitched upwards and his cheeks were getting warmer, making you chuckle at him before kissing his cheek and getting up to start your day.
– looking at him from across the table
you and jay had been invited to a dinner with all of your friends. it was in a very fancy restaurant. high ceilings and big chandeliers. you were sat with your girlfriends while he sat with his friends, further from you. you hadn’t seen them in what felt like forever, work had been keeping all of you busy now that the year was ending. you were all engaged in a conversation, keeping up with everything going on with each other and spilling the latest gossip at work. you were so immersed in the conversation you kind of forgot jay was there too and this wasn’t just a casual dinner with your friends so you looked behind you and saw jay with his sleeves rolled up, laughing with his own friends. it was in moments like this you wondered how you had scored a man like this. too lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice jay looking back at you. when his eyes made contact with yours, you playfully winked at him, making him look away while blushing, making you laugh at his behaviour as you tuned back into the conversation.
– brushing his hair away
it was one of those peaceful days where both you and jake had a day off from work. jake had slept over at your house and you two spent the whole day basically doing nothing but enjoying each other company, which is something rare since lately he’s had a busy schedule because comeback is just around the corner. you had a whole movie marathon planned for the day and you were already on your fourth movie. the clock had just hit 7pm and you were starting to feel sleepy. jake was currently lying with his head on your lap as you were sat with your legs spread on the couch. you looked down at him, seeing him focused on the movie, his cheeks flushed from sleepiness. you smiled softly at the sight, your hand making its own way down to his cheek, caressing the soft skin. he looked up at you, smiling softly as he tried to rub the sleep off his eyes. his hair was falling on his eyes so your hand moved upwards to brush his hair away from his eyes. he closed his eyes at the touch as he felt his cheeks warm up and his heart flutter at the simple yet affectionate action.
— running your hands through his hair as he speaks
today had been a long day for sunghoon. everything felt like it was going wrong. from the way his day started with him forgetting to bring his umbrella and getting soaked on his walk from work, him continuously making mistakes during dance practice to him spilling his drink he had ordered along with some food for lunch. his day was not bound to go well and he had already accepted his fate. he was so frustrated with himself. hoe could he keep making stupid mistakes during rehearsal? even though everyone kept reassuring him it was fine to have off days he just couldn’t be easy on himself. he just needed nothing but spend time with you and feel your confronting presence. sunghoon was currently lying down in your bed as you sat on the edge of it by his head. you were letting him ramble about his day. since the moment he stepped inside your house you knew something was up with him and if you didn’t insist on him he would just bottle all those feelings up. he was ranting about all his unpleasant events of the day as you looked down at him with a soft gaze. as he spoke he felt your hand starting to caress his hair until it was running smoothly through its strands, making him stutter his words. you laughed at him as he covered his face, hiding his blushing cheeks.
– the way you stare at him when he speaks
sunoo is a very talkative person and he isn’t ashamed of it. he loves talking about the things he loves and sharing them with you. every time he is telling you about something that happened to him he will not miss any details. you obviously didn’t mind, you loved listening to him talk and you would do it for hours (as if you didn’t already). every time you didn’t see each other for a long time, like when he went on tour he would tell you everything that happened while he was abroad. it was happening today. sunoo had just come back from tour and you both missed each other more than anything so you took a day off to spend together. you both walked through the centre of the city, walking by the river as you watched all the people gathered there. you went shopping and stopped by a plush store and sunoo literally begged you to let him buy you one just because it resembled you. now, you were both taking a break in a cafe, eating every kind of pastry while drinking hot drinks as sunoo told you funny stories that happened during their concerts. you watched as he spoke with such a happy face, showing just how much he loved what he did. your head was propped in your hand as you stared at him lovingly. he stopped talking, hiding his blushing cheeks, scolding you for looking at him in such a manner. you just smiled and leaned forward to leave a peck on his lips.
– holding his hand when he’s stressed
being a leader is probably the hardest position to be in a group, especially when you’re a young one. now, jungwon loves being a leader, he loves to know that the members rely on and trust him like no one, but when he is expected to give speeches wherever they go, it gets him really anxious and even stressed. he’s done it multiple times and he almost always used to it, but sometimes, like today, he needs to talk to a bigger crowd in a bigger event. he’s been restless for the whole day, reading his script over and over again, trying to memorize it. you heard it so many times you could probably do the speech yourself without looking at the paper. he was sitting next to you on a couch backstage. his leg was bouncing up and down and he was sighing way too many times. you were getting worried he would get it all wrong just because of stupid nerves. you grabbed his hand, making him still in his movements. he looked at you and you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, making him smile and nod at you appreciating the comfort you were trying to bring him.
– communicating without words
ni-ki loved performing more than anything in this world. it was what he did for a living and he couldn’t be more grateful for that. everyone, even without an artistic eye, could tell he was damn good at what he did, but somehow, he was never proud of his work. he would always point out flaws here and there that nobody noticed. he was too hard on himself and it made you sad that he couldn't see how good he does when he’s on stage. today was an important performance for him, he was going to have a solo dance project and he had been practicing so hard for it there was no way he would make a mistake. ni-ki had invited you to watch the recording and you gladly accepted. you watched him as he danced with the two backup dancers with such good chemistry. when the recording wrapped up he had to walk straight to an interview. he was walking past you and from the looks of it he wasn’t too happy with the result of things. he turned to look at you, seeing you nod proudly at him as you silently clapped and gave him a thumbs up with a grim, making him smile as looked down to the floor, visibly flustered and warmed up cheeks.
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randomshyperson · 2 months
My Sweet Valentine - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: Delayed in planning Valentine's Day, you and Wanda try to do something together. The spider routine ends up getting in the way, but that doesn't mean the date was lost.
Warnings: (+18) bottom!wanda, enchanted strap, creampie, fingering, dry humping, very fluff and domestic, established relationship, both r and w are briefly specified to be introverted. | Words: 3.206k
A/N-> I had this idea while I was rewatching Sound!Euphonium, I didn't catch the relation to it but I ended up writing this on my phone again so forgive me if there are spelling mistakes. It's always great writing Spider!Reader, I hope you enjoy it.
General Masterlist | AO3 |
To plan Valentine's Day with your girlfriend should be an easy thing. 
But for two Avengers who happen to be the most introverted antisocial people on earth - and those were Natasha's Romanoff words, not yours - the task could be really hard.
But it was you and Wanda's first Valentine's Day as a couple and you were really late on schedule.
While Natasha planned to have the most incredible and romantic trip to Greece with Maria and Tony and Pepper made reservations at some exclusive fancy Italian restaurant, you and Wanda were side to side laying on your apartment carpet. Trying to decide what you could do together by reading some flyers that were spread around the floor.
Wanda had one of the fancy restaurants in her hands when she suggested: “How about dinner?”
You gaze at the restaurant propaganda, recognizing the name and the building from your little web-swinging adventures.
“The Geller’s is nice but it will be really crowded during Valentine's. And we both hate when places are too full.” You reason, receiving an agreement sound. “Maybe we can ask for takeout?”
Wanda chuckles. “On Valentine's Day? Every place will mess up our orders, I'm sure of it. Places are normally understaffed, ordering food on holidays is like asking for them to mess up your food.”
You sigh deeply. “Yeah, you're totally right. So, maybe I can cook?”
She smiles. “We are going for food poisoning then, huh?” She teases making you chuckle with an expression of false offense. You playfully bumped your shoulder on hers but you don't move away after. The touch is warm and nice. “You cook then.”
“Yeah, but is not like we would find any free spots anywhere. We delay this way too much.” She mutters without sounding really upset. Her words were true, you both have been dancing around this date for almost three months now ever since Tony showed everyone his and Pepper's reservations. But neither of you was that anxious to be locked with another hundred couples in some loud restaurant with extra expensive and not-that-good food.
The restaurants were not the only thing discarded - Yelena and Kate's idea of a date, and band concerts were also politely declined. Mostly because neither you nor Wanda felt like facing a whole weekend of poor public hygiene and the crazy routine of musical festivals while babysitting Natasha's little sister who would definitely get really drunk with her girlfriend.
Steve was the one who suggested the most quiet and family thing, a road trip to the countryside. But since he was going with Bucky and you and Wanda didn't wish to be traumatized by their physical display of affection, their invitation was also declined.
Back on the floor of your apartment, you helped Wanda with the papers around the floor.
You were worried she would be upset about the lack of plans - even Sam with his eternal bachelor status was having a date night with some old colleague from the army. You worried that Wanda might think you're not excited to spend time with her when it is pretty much the opposite of it.
“You know, we don't really have to do anything just because everyone is doing.” You start, hands ready to catch the papers she's bringing. “We could just watch a movie.”
Wanda smiles, the papers are put in your hands but she doesn't move hers away.
“If you brought wine it would be like any other date night.”
“That's not a bad thing, right?” You retort immediately, eyes anxious towards hers. She frowns, a confused chuckle escaping her.
“No, I mean… you think that too right?”
You shrug; “I just want to spend Valentine's and any other day with you, Wands. What we are doing doesn't matter much.”
She smiles, coming closer to kiss you on the lips. But the kiss is quicker than you wished. One of her hands caresses your cheek as she speaks:
“Good to know, darling, 'cause I'll be watching you do the dishes tonight.”
You chuckle, rolling her eyes at her teasing but pouting when she escapes your attempt at a second kiss.
Valentine's Day is unfortunately a busy day for the spider.
It was true that you and Wanda didn't plan anything big but you wanted to bring her some flowers and her favorite chocolate but after fighting another dressed-up lunatic at the city hall and avoiding three different catastrophes, anything inside your backpack was definitely destroyed.
You swing back into your apartment with the mess of your gifts dripping to the floor. The wine bottle broke and soaked the chocolate and the poor flowers. Bye-bye to any college homework you forgot there.
Throwing the item at the sink, your body towards the couch was the second thing you threw. 
And against the soft pillows the day tiredness caught up at you. With the thought that you would rest your eyes for five minutes, you woke up hours later with the door locked.
Wanda's angry arrival was also an efficient clock.
“God, what is wrong with you? I've been calling you all day!” She slammed the door behind her, and the next second the day's newspaper was thrown at you. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? We have talked about this! You can't just fight some three-sized villain and vanish without a word! I thought-” But she stops herself, taking a deep breath when her voice cracks. You feel so terrible sorry. You know very well that Wanda has lost enough people for the whole ghosting thing to be too hard on her. Intentional or not. 
You get up. “Hey, I'm so sorry Wands, my phone broke and I came right here and closed my eyes for like two seconds. I'm sorry.” But Wanda shook her head, covering her eyes for a moment. She was not even that mad at you, it was clearly an accident that you forgot to call. But she has been so nervous all day worried about you that she needed a minute. Suddenly, she catches a glimpse of the wine-soaked flowers at the kitchen counter and frowns. “What is that?”
The slight indignation about the mess of an apartment you both worked hard to keep clean vanished the second she realized those were gifts.
You fixed your hair awkwardly. “Hm, I was trying to make a romantic gesture. But I forgot I'm always on some freak radar.”
Wanda's hands reached for the flowers and as gentle as her touch, her magic flowed from her fingers to take all the wine away. In no time, the petals were as beautiful and healthy as when you brought it.
“This is really not fair, darling.” She starts, moving to check the rest of the gifts. “You made it to the front page and I have every right to be mad you didn't call through the suit to let me know you're alive.” You wanted to mutter that you're still getting used to the new suit and its high-tech functions, but Wanda is turning at you again with crossed arms.
“It’s not fair, how hard you're making to stay mad at you.”
You gave her a lopsided smile. “So, you like the chocolate that much, huh?”
She rolled her eyes, trying to contain her smile. “Why don't you go shower while I make dinner? There's grease from Rino's suit all over your face.”
You click with your tongue, swinging a little. “Let me guess, you not joining me at the shower is my punishment for not calling through the suit?”
She finally let that smile escape. “Clever girl.”
You chuckle to yourself before nodding and heading to the bathroom.
Forgotten dinner plates at the living room table when Wanda reached the chocolate box. She shared them with you during the sitcom marathon you too were doing but after finding yourself hypnotized by her laugh for the fourth time in a row, you gave up eating at all.
The last chocolate was put away when she caught you staring.
“What what?” You retort with a chuckle, having some pride over the soft blush of her cheeks.
“You were staring.” She says then, drifting her gaze from the TV to you with some resistance. You know her enough that it's because Wanda is terrible at hiding her own shyness under your loving glance. She always was. 
“Can you blame me?” Your teasing just makes her blush more. You just decide to make it worse. “You're simply too charming not to be looked at. So gorgeous, so pretty. I feel so lucky.”
“Stop it.” She giggles with rosy cheeks at your praise. But despite her words, she opens her arms as an invitation for you to come closer. You practically jump from your spot - a few centimeters from her since your last trip to the kitchen to grab sodas - and greet the warmth of her embrace.
Wanda hugs your body while you melt into her, the soft caress on your spine being more than enough to bring back your interrupted slumber that evening. But somehow you manage to stay wide awake, perhaps because the way you press your face into her boobs makes her giggle and playfully tug at your hair, which happens to have a completely different effect on you. 
Her body tenses up a little when your lips start sucking at her collarbone, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. You suddenly recall that it has been some time, a week maybe two since you had enough free time to be this close. 
Your lovely girlfriend probably missed you as much as you missed her.
The soft sucking turns into something more determined, then into a bite and a licking that turns Wanda into a panting mess. She grows restless under you, fingers tugging at your hair with some guidance towards your movements in her neck until finally, your mouth meets her again.
Hot open-mouthed kisses before softer ones. You kiss and she kisses you back until all of your clothes are disheveled around your bodies and she looks up at you with pleading eyes and slightly open lips. Begging for more.
“Wanna take this to the bedroom?” You suggest inches from her lips but she shakes her head, fingers dancing under your shirt.
“You can have me right here.” She whispers back, stealing all your coherent thoughts for a second. 
Your hands are shaking a bit with eagerness when you pull at your clothes, with Wanda's help they are off in no time. Her chest heaves when you take her top off and Wanda stares back while you can't seem to be able to look away from her tits.
“You good there?” She teases you breathlessly when your lack of action lingers. You chuckle, hands at her sides. 
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” You retort managing an affectionate roll of eyes from her.
“You're such a dork.” She giggles but purposely lifts her chest in your direction, making you swallow hard. When you don't take the bait immediately, she sighs. “I would love for you to more than stare, detka.”
You groan, hovering over her. “Well, your wish is my command, madam” You reply, leaning down to capture her lips. Teasing Wanda with soft bites on her lower lip every time you break the kiss before starting another turns her into a needy mess under you. She gets impatient very quickly and brings her hands to your cheeks, pulling you down with determination. Her tongue takes the lead in a heated kiss that takes all the air out of your lungs. 
Panting against her mouth while trying to match the intensity of her demand, you let your hands grope around her body towards her chest, effectively taking the lead again when you start playing with her hardened nipples and Wanda loses her ability to kiss you back.
When she whimpers into your mouth, her hips restless while your fingers pinch her cute tits, you chuckle. “Ah, is there something you want, baby?”
She struggles to speak firmly. "I need you to stop teasing and fuck me." You grunt at her answer. You would have obeyed immediately if you hadn't been able to feel Wanda shaking. She gasps as you adjust, your knee finding her middle and giving her something to grind against as you resume your actions on her breasts. She throws her head back, biting her lip hard as her hips move almost of their own accord.
It's a hot mess, her first orgasm of the night. You didn't even have to take off all her clothes. When Wanda shivers terribly, and you feel the wetness against your knee, you bite down at her tit and that makes her let out a muffled scream.
Wanda is panting and her face is very flushed when you look at her again, her expression satisfied after an intense orgasm.
You hum happily, moving your hands down as you tilt your face to kiss her on the lips. She gasps into your mouth when she feels your fingers draw a path through her ruined panties.
"You made such a mess, sweetheart." You whisper between one kiss and another, two digits pushing gently without even removing her underwear. Wanda arches toward you, squeezing your shoulders for something to hold on to. Her green eyes are completely dilated now and you love how they display a vulnerable begging. Pulling your fingers out again, you let your thumb draw circles on her covered clit and enjoy the way her thighs tremble around you. "Tell me what you want, Wanda."
She has a little difficulty responding while feeling you teasing her, but despite noticing her heartbeat against your fingertips, you don't interrupt your movements. If anything, they become even more determined. Wanda pants, hips trying to match the rhythm of your fingers.
"C-can we use the strap tonight?" She manages out of breath. "I like feeling you come inside me."
Your witch girlfriend's favorite toy is somewhere in the room, and given the busy schedule of two superheroes, it wasn't used as often as you would like. Wanda has barely suggested, and you're already nodding, panting aroused just imagining yourself stretching Wanda again.
But suddenly your fingers push the fabric out of the way, and you sink inside her without warning, ripping a moan from her throat.
"Give me one more first." You demand, watching as Wanda nods in near desperation, brow furrowed at her rapidly building orgasm. Your rhythm is brutal, and she squeezes and squeezes until you can barely push your fingers inside her. You bring your free hand to one of her thighs, forcing her open as you adjust to improve your reach. Wanda sees stars. She lets go of your shoulders to grab the cushions and ends up destroying half of them with magical expelling when she finally falls over the edge.
An impressed chuckle escapes you at the scene. You're usually the one responsible for destroying things with your spider strength - It's always nice to see Wanda lose some of the control she's fought so hard to have.
Kissing her softly, you feel her smile in some exhaustion. She needs a few seconds, so you pull out your fingers and suck them clean while green eyes watch you from below. Wanda wants to kiss you again, but you adjust to carry her on your lap, and after two orgasms in a row, she won't contradict you.
She feels the soft blankets against her back a moment later and relaxes fully into the bed as you move around the room working to find and put on the strap. It doesn't take more than two minutes, yet Wanda sighs impatiently before letting her hands roam her own body, pinching her breasts and teasing downwards. She bites her lip at the soaked state she finds herself in, tentatively collecting some of that moisture before hearing a husky laugh that makes her look up.
"You don't have to play alone, I'm right here." You let her know softly, but Wanda swallows at the sight of your naked figure and the enchanted hardness between your legs. Of all the things she learned to do, that honestly has to be her best spell. One of your hands grabs the silicone, instinctively or not, imitating the masturbation gesture that Wanda is making and she shudders to the tips of her toes, her body on fire. Her hand moves out of her panties immediately, raising it into the air in a beckoning gesture. You don't need to be told twice.
It's a breathless kiss when you reach her face again, equally eager to feel each other, there's a little war of pushing and pulling until Wanda feels completely pressed into the bed, the strap rubbing against her entrance.
You pull away when she whimpers - It's just to pull down her panties, and Wanda kicks the item away as you climb back up. Your mouth finds hers again so that when you align the strap and sink into her, you can swallow her moans.
The stretch is slow and careful, very different from the breathless way you were making out a few minutes ago. Wanda lets her nails dig into your lower back as you fight the urge to be rougher.
She gets used to the size very quickly, the creaminess of her previous orgasms making an obscene sound that makes her ears redden. You break the kiss to ask if she's ready and the only response you get is a determined throw of her hips up that registers her impatience.
In all quickies, you're always rough. Desperate to feel her, because you miss Wanda as much as she misses you, and in the rush, there's no time to prolong moments like this. But it's the first time in many months that you're relaxed, and you can thrust slowly and sensually inside Wanda, letting her feel every movement of your cock inside her warm walls as you kiss her and whisper praises in her ear.
Heat is spread under your skin, and sweat accumulates with the slow stimulation. You feel closer each time you sink inside her, and when Wanda starts whimpering in your ear, it feels like an impossible task to hold it.
"You're close?" You pant, hips starting to buckle. "I don't think… I can hold it anymore... Wands-" You choke, letting your face fall against her collarbone. The knot in your abdomen explodes without warning, and you moan deeply as you spill yourself inside Wanda, the enchanted strap vibrating inside her. It turns out that feeling you come was the push she needed, and Wanda sobs as she feels the blinding pleasure hit her, following you into climax a second later.
For a moment, all that can be heard in that room are your breathless sighs until your hoarse and satisfied chuckles emerge.
You remain inside her when you adjust so that you rest your elbows on the mattress and see her face.
"Hey, little witch."
She pushes back her sweaty hair with one hand, the other moving to rest on your neck. "Hey, spider."
Your nose brushes against hers. "I think we nailed Valentine's Day."
She giggles before pulling you for a kiss.
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paigestrap · 2 months
the surprise
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anon requested
paige x fem!reader
warnings: smut (minors dni), lingerie, swearing
~3k words
you plan a surprise for paige but it gets ruined when she flakes to hang out with her teammates. realizing her mistake, she makes it up to you.
enjoy yall i made this instead of writing my 15 page essay 😵😵😵
you were so excited...
you had planned a surprise date with p for the entire day, it was your way of thanking her for the many amazing dates she would take u on and you couldn’t wait to spend the entire day with her. it was one of her days off and she had told you yesterday that she was super excited to spend the entire day with you. unfortunately, your plans and day were ruined when she had texted you this afternoon.
p: hey baby ik i said id hang out with u today but ice and kk have been begging me all day to do something with them do u mind if i go see a movie with them and then get food? i promise i'm all yours tonight ;)
fuck. your stomach dropped and suddenly all your excitement for your plans faded away. you didn’t know what to say to her, you really wanted to spend this time with her and you had made a big effort planning this surprise for her but you didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t spend time with her friends.
but you were also kind of… mad? it hurt you that even though she spends all her time with her teammates and sees them at practice almost everyday she would rather spend her free time with them than with you. it may have been a toxic mindset but it still bothered you. you decided to go with a passive aggressive response.
you: sure, see u later.
you sighed as you collected yourself, putting away the groceries you bought to make her dinner. and filling up a vase with water for the roses whose pedals you had planned to sprinkle in the bath after dinner. you hang your newly purchased lingerie set in the closet, feeling silly for going out of your way to do all this just to be let down. you changed into pajamas and threw a frozen meal in the microwave, preparing yourself for a day full of sulking and watching reality tv.
you saw that paige had responded to your message, but you turned your phone off, not wanting to respond to her. you sat in front of the tv and put on some shitty show while you pulled out your laptop to do some homework (aka what the writer of this fic should be doing right now instead of writing this 😭). at some point you drift off to sleep.
u woke with a start, not even realizing you had fallen asleep or how much time had gone by, getting up to answer your door.
it was your girlfriend with a look of worry and annoyance, soaking wet and panting at your doorstep.
“why haven’t you been responding? i called u three times and texted you a bunch???” she questioned you, the worry had mostly faded into annoyance as she realized you were perfectly fine.
“oh, sorry i haven’t been on my phone, i guess i fell asleep” you answered to your very unsatisfied looking girlfriend.
“you can’t just send me some passive aggressive text and then ignore me for two hours. that’s unfair babe, you’d be so upset if i did that to u” she said, exasperated. she was clearly upset with you, but you didn’t care to be honest because you were also upset. you decided then you should tell her how you feel.
“it’s not fair that on your day off you decide to spend time with the teammates you see everyday instead of your girlfriend who you can barely make time to see as is. i understand they’re your best friends and spending time with them is important to you but i was so excited to spend the day with you i even planned a surprise for you and i was just feeling really neglected,” you watch as her expression softens. she walks in, and gives you a hug and kisses your head. you hate to admit it but her display of affection and attention made you feel a lot better.
“you’re absolutely right, baby. i was a dick for that. i had a feeling you were hurt by the way you responded. i just got really worried when you were ignoring me and shit i literally left in the middle of the movie and ran here in the rain” she admits to you, still holding you and running her hand up and down your back. “i didn’t know you had something planned for us. i’m so sorry you must’ve been so disappointed and upset i know that’s how i would’ve felt so i’m so sorry i made you feel that way”
you move to look up into her eyes, sincerity plastered on her face, and your annoyance and anger towards her began to fade away. “it’s okay, you didn’t know that i had planned something for us and i was just being petty. i should’ve told u that i was bothered so it’s my fault for not being honest with you. i was just hurt,” knowing that all it took for you to feel better was admitting how you felt and her apologizing made you feel silly for ignoring her earlier in the day. this could’ve all been avoided if you had just told her how you felt.
“its okay baby i understand. if i'm not too late, id like to make it up to you. what was it that you had planned?” she smiled at you, still holding you in her arms.
“well, i was going to cook you dinner, and then i bought all these roses so we could take a romantic bath together and then, well, i had another surprise for later” you start to blush, remembering the set hanging in your closet that you bought with her in mind. you hide your shy smile by burying your face into her chest.
“oh yeah? what’s that, do i still get that surprise too?” she grinned mischievously, clearly understanding the nature of your last surprise,
“i haven’t decided yet, let’s first see if you can make it up to me,” you joke with her, knowing in the back of your head that the night would end with the set on your body and paige inside you.
“fair enough,” she laughed, also seeming to know the future. “can i help you cook at least? what’s on the menu?” finally breaking the embrace she makes her way to the fridge to look at what you had bought to make dinner.
“i was just gonna make spaghetti and meatballs, you can start the noodles if you want and i can start with the other stuff.” you walk towards her, planting a kiss on her lips, “thank you for coming, P. i love you.”
she smiles and kisses you again, cupping your cheeks in her hands and looking at you endearingly “of course, my sweet girl, i’m excited to spend tonight with you. especially for whatever you have planned at the end of it” she winks and playfully slaps your ass, heading for the cabinet where the pots are to start the water. you bite your lips and blush, knowing what’s in store.
dinner preparation goes smoothly for the most part. other than the two times you stopped for a make out sesh, and paige’s incessant comments about how hot you looked while cooking her dinner. she really knew exactly how to rile you up and it was so infuriating and sexy at the same time.
you are so worked up by paige’s advances and endless flirting that you can barely think at all once you set the table and finally sit down to eat. she knows the effect she’s having on you and that only fuels her more. “you’re so fucking cute when you’re worked up, just wanna make u like this all the time”
“you are beyond annoying paige, seriously, do u enjoy making me suffer?”
“yes,” she deadpans, staring at you with a look that practically undresses you on its own. you cross your legs, feeling the heat in between your legs increasing. if paige notices she doesn’t say anything, and you enjoy the rest of your meal together without anymore teasing.
when dinner is over she insists on cleaning up the mess and even though you try to object she shoos you away. you head into your room with the roses to draw the bath. your stomach stirs knowing you and her will be in it together soon. you add the bath salts, leaving it smelling amazing in the bathroom, and slowly and carefully drop the pedals into the water, desire seeming to rise with each pedal you drop. you finally light a few candles you had brought in the bathroom and turn off the lights.
as if on cue, paige enters the bathroom. looking around the room and then at you. “this is adorable baby. i love it. thank you so much for doing this for me.” she walks over to u and plants a kiss on your lips, her hands meeting either side of your waist as she looks in your eyes. your heart melts.
you break away from her and begin to undress, and her eyes never move from you as you take each piece of clothing off. her piercing stare making the color of your cheeks pink. once fully undressed you make your way into the bath, the hot water shocking your skin and not helping your growing desire for the blonde girl whose gaze was still fixed on you. you look at her, wanting her to join you so you can finally touch her. she understands and undresses as well smirking at you as you stare shyly at her beautiful body.
“like what you see?” she teases you as she pulls her final layers off, her naked body on full display in front of you.
“i’d like it a lot better if you were in here with me, hurry up” you say impatiently, wanting to touch her so badly. she finally joins you, scooting to the back and leaning on the bath walls, opening her legs so you can lay in between them. you allow her body to engulf yours as you lay the back of your head on her chest, savoring every inch of her skin that’s in contact with yours.
“you’re so pretty baby, can’t believe you’re all mine” she moves your hair away from your neck and places soft kisses along it, trailing down to your shoulder. soft whimpers leave your mouth as your body reacts to her touch, each kiss intensifying the desire that's been brewing all night. "have i made it up to you yet baby?" she whispers in your ear.
your brain goes fuzzy, barely able to think with her sinful lips and voice in your ear, "i'm not sure, i think there might be something else you could do to make it up to me" you try to tease her, but your voice betrays you as it comes out breathless and in between moans.
she laughs, and then whispers again in a low and seductive voice "oh yeah? whats that baby? tell me" she ghosts her finger around your nipple with one hand, and traces circles around the sensitive parts of your stomach, all while continuing to kiss your neck. you are fully gone at this point, shamelessly whining while she works you into total submission.
"cant. not right now. the last surprise. still need to show you." you are so worked up and words are not coming easy at all. you desperately want to get out of the bath and into your set so she can fuck you senseless in bed.
“okay baby, we can get out now. wanna go get that surprise ready?” she puts her hands on your shoulder and stops kissing your neck, you let out a whine at the absence of her touch, but find yourself slowly coming back to reality.
“yes, you wait in here and drain the water and i’ll let you know when you can come in” you say, making your way out of the bath and wrapping a towel around your figure. she nods and pulls the drain while getting out of the bath.
once in your room with the bathroom door shut, you make your way over to your closet and pull out the set you bought. it’s a light purple babydoll slip dress and a matching thong, there’s a bow in the bra part that can be untied to uncover your tits. you bite your lip as you feel your pussy get wet just thinking about her reaction. slowly, you put it on, making sure everything is in order and the bow is pretty for her, even though you know it won’t be tied for long.
“okay. you can come out now, i’m ready” you stand awkwardly, impatiently awaiting her presence and reaction to you. she opens the door and her mouth drops as soon as her eyes meet you. she stands there for a while, unable to say or do anything in awe of you.
“you’re amazing” she says, eyes running you up and down as she takes you in. she is star struck.
“come here and touch me please. make up for today” you whine, feeling so small under her gaze and so needy for her touch. she walks over to you, fingers touching all over you as she gazes at you perplexed.
“so fucking beautiful, all for me” she whispers, one hand cupping your cheek and another snaking its way down your back to grab your ass. her hand moves to the bow covering your chest, and slowly, she pulls the cloth until it unravels and your tits are on full display for her. she shamelessly stares at them, fondling one in her hand and running her thumb around your nipple, eliciting the most obscene noises from you as she does so. "your tits are a masterpiece, cant believe theyre all mine," she admits. both of her hands grip your thighs as she hoists you into her arms and lays you down on the bed, fully on top of you. "want me to fuck you in this baby? is that what you want?" she asks you, hands running up and down your thighs.
"yes. paige. oh my god please." you beg, laying all your desires out in front of her as you let her take full control. she kisses you passionately, hands traveling the expanse of your body and touching you in all of your most sensitive spots.
"so worked up for me huh? tell me how i can make it up to you baby, i'll do whatever you say", she says in a low voice in between kisses, hands traveling dangerously close to the place you need them most as she plays with the band of your panties.
"please fuck me paige, i need you in me right now" you beg, barely holding it together. her hands grab your underwear and she pulls them off of you, leaving your wet and throbbing pussy on full display. her fingers slide in between your folds, rubbing your clit and feeling your wetness.
"youre soaking baby, all because of me yeah? im gonna fuck you so good my sweet girl, make you forget all about what happened" you can barely hear her lude remarks as she rubs your clit. you fear you wont last long with how good her fingers are making you feel.
she slips two fingers in you, your wetness allowing them entrance with ease, she curls her fingers in you as your walls clench around them, touching your sensitive spot as she does so. your hips rut in reaction and moan her name loudly as she rakes in and out of you, "thats my good girl, so fucking loud for me," her pace quickens as she feels you tightening up against her. she knows youre close and is making no effort to prolong your orgasm, wanting to make you feel as good as possible. she moves her thumb to rub up and down against your clit, increasing the sensation as your body reacts to both points of contact.
you were so close, your body in her full control and needing release. "paige. please, faster. im gonna come" you plead. she moves right next to you and sucks on your neck while speeding up her pace inside of you,
"anything for you baby, you can come for me, i love you so much." she whispers, pace quickening as her fingers travel deeper inside of you .
her voice in your ear telling you to come is all you need to send you over the edge. you moan her name as you orgasm and she continues whispering, "so so good, all mine, love how you feel when you come. you look so beautiful right now baby" she slows her pace as you ride out your orgasm, kissing your neck as she continues talking you through it.
as you feel the waves of pleasure subside and you start to come back to your senses, you kiss her for a long time, whimpering in her mouth at the same time. she slowly pulls her fingers out of you, pushing them in your mouth as you lick up your mess. she lays down next to you, holding you in her arms.
"yeah. you definitely made it up to me" you say looking at her and pecking her lips.
"oh, there's more where that came from. i'm all yours tonight baby." she smiles, hand cupping your cheek as she kisses you lovingly.
it was going to be a long night.
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lilywastaken · 1 year
CC!DreamWasTaken, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!Wilbur Soot x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: CCs and their love languages <3.
WARNINGS: SFW! Fluff, Fluff, Fluff and fluff.
A/N: I'm alive!! Very late valentine's post, but classes and homeworks have been crazy :(( anyways, I hope these are good!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you for reading! <333 If you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to let me know, please!!!
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Physical touch — Dream thrives on your touch, whether it be a quick caress to his hand or one of his long required cuddle sessions. He loves the feeling of your skin on his (he's a bit touch starved, a global pandemic and being a faceless YouTuber will do that to you.), and will take any opportunity given to hold your hand when he walks along with you or sneak up behind you to press your body against his.
Due to him not using a cam on his streams, he sometimes asks (more like demands) you to pull up a chair next to him just so he can just feel you next to him, your hands playing absentmindedly with his free one, playing with his rings and slowly making your way onto his lap, where you have a better view of his monitors and an easier way to press kisses onto his freckled cheeks.
Words of affirmation — Much like any other person, Dream enjoys the simple reassurance that his partner appreciates him, a small "I love you." will cause him to shut down immediately. He as well is very vocal when it comes to his love for you, complimenting you on the daily and expressing how much you mean to him even when you've just woken up and you're pretty sure you're comparable to the girl from The Ring, but to him, you're breathtaking whenever and however.
He also likes the small moments you both spend at night in bed just whispering how much you love each other, soft giggles and the wet sounds of kisses resonating around the bedroom.
Dream's very fond of sending you short and sweet messages at random times of the day, even when you're a few inches away from him, he'll start giggling like a schoolgirl as he watches you read over his sappy message.
Quality time — He has a lot of free time on his hands when he's not working on content, and he prefers to spend it with you and his friends, going out to restaurants and just walking around, enjoying the time he can now spend outside without worrying about anyone recognising him.
Dream likes eating out with you a lot, before his face reveal dates consisted of whatever take out was available and some shitty movie Sapnap had chosen before falling asleep on the sofa. But now they consist of some fancy restaurant of his choosing and holding your hand over the table, thumb rubbing over your knuckles and talking about whatever.
Receiving/giving gifts — Dream LOVES spoiling you. I mean, have you seen how he acts with George? He's an unofficial sugar daddy for you both. He sees your eyes linger on some piece of jewellery or an item of clothing he thinks would look amazing on you, expect for it to appear in a little box or a bag on your bed the next day. He also goes all out on Valentine's Day, booking a table for two at a fancy restaurant and gets you a single rose, since he knows it's more meaningful than an extravagant bouquet of flowers (Don't let him fool you, he's given you many bouquets before.), and some small present he knows you'll love.
Like any other person, he likes receiving gifts, and can always count on you to get him something he will love, like a little teddy bear with a Sooners jersey one with his name on the back.
Acts of service — Although he's not very good at it, Dream does enjoy cooking for you at times, and although he does try and make the end product look fancy, you can always tell that it's box Mac and cheese or some fancy ramen he got out of a packet, but it's the thought that counts. He also is very keen on cleaning for you when he's over at your flat, he likes helping on mundane chores like washing and drying the dishes or lifting up furniture so you can reach those pesky corners full of dust.
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Physical touch — Sap is very big on physical touch, he enjoys being close to you in any way he can, brushing his hand against the small of your back when he walks past you in the hallway, melting in your arms when you come behind him while he's on his computer and hugging him from behind, he lives for your affection.
He's also very cuddly during your down time together, needing to have you in his arms whenever he's sitting or lying down on the sofa and subconsciously gravitating towards your own body during nighttime, hands grabbing at your waist to pull you into his warmth.
Words of affirmation — I don't see Sapnap really being in touch with his emotions until further into your relationship, so at the beginning, you'd have to be the one to initiate that type of communication with him, but he won't actively confirm his feelings until a few months into your relationship.
Once he's comfortable, he will spend hours at a time just lying in bed with you murmuring about how much he cares for you, loves you, appreciates you being with him.
He's the kind of person to ignore any previous texts you've sent him just to send out an "I love you" text and go back to ignoring you.
He does really enjoy being reassured about your love for him as well, please cup his face in your hands and tell him how much you love him.
Quality time — Sapnap spends a lot of his time playing video games, we know that, so he doesn't really get much one on one time with you that isn't hanging out on a discord call together or having you perched up on his lap doing your own thing while he shouts obscenities at the other players.
So when you two get your time together, he makes the best of it, taking you to ridiculous places you'd never have gone to before, fancy restaurants that would inevitably end up giving you food poisoning, or just lying with you on the sofa watching a movie until George comes in and ruins it.
He honestly doesn't really care what you two do in your spare time, having your hand in his and listening to your ramble on about anything is enough for him, no matter the place or time.
Receiving/giving gifts — Sometimes, just for shits and giggles, Sapnap just buys your entire wishlist and watches your reaction when tons of boxes arrive at your porch, laughing and snickering as you run after him to chastise him for using up so much money on you.
But he doesn't care, he has money for a reason, and he likes the sparkle in your eye whenever he gives you something or he accepts some gift from you, he just enjoys spoiling you AND being spoiled.
Acts of service — When it comes to him, it's the little things. Standing in the corner of the kitchen waiting for you to ask him to cut or peel something, holding the Christmas decoration box while another hand lays on your back making sure you don't fall as you hang baubles on the tree, washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen after you make a meal for the both of you, brining you snacks or a proper meal when you're working… Just small things that show his affection towards you.
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Physical touch — George is not that big on physical touch, but he won't actively run away from it when presented with a hug or a kiss from you. He's not the type of person to initiate touch out of the blue, he's the type to take it slow and move towards a nice cuddle session while taking it easy.
But when you finally get him to yourself, know that he will be putty in your hands almost immediately, head slotted in your chest and eyes drooping closed, your warm touch and soft kisses and reassurance enough to send this man to sleep.
He's also the type to roll his eyes or groan out in disgust whenever you kiss him in public or in front of his friends, but secretly gets nervous and giddy whenever he sees you lean in to press your lips to his or move your hand to grasp his.
Words of affirmation — George isn't really good at expressing his emotions, but he does show them through other ways like his actions. That doesn't mean he won't ever say "I love you" or tell you how much he appreciates you, it's just very rare for him to actually find the words and way to express them to you.
He finds it easier to communicate those kinds of things through text, so expect a few messages written in such a way that are able to rival those 16th century love letters randomly sent throughout the day.
Quality time — George doesn't spend much time streaming (as we all know) so he's got quite a lot of time on his hands to spend with his friends and you, whether it's just sitting next to you while you work doing his own thing or actively going out on a date or staying inside to play a game together ( he always loses but makes you think that he did on purpose ).
Also please be the one to organise dates, because although George does reservate date nights at nice restaurants or clear his schedule to take you somewhere, he will forget. You'll be in the middle of a cuddle session with him, half watching the movie, half focusing on your boyfriend's pretty face when he suddenly jumps in place, eyes wide as he shouts about a reservation he just remembered. But he tries, at least. He won't always forget your reservations, but there will be a few moments where he does act like a dumbass.
Receiving/giving gifts — This man likes being spoiled, that's a given. See how happy he gets when Dream just takes out his credit card unasked? He's a prince who loves to be spoiled by his partner. So don't hesitate to get him something, even if it's a small thing like a scarf or a piece of jewellery you think would look good on him, he will take it and appreciate it a whole lot, even if it's the most useless thing in the world, he'll love it. It came from you, one of the people he loves the most and will treasure it as if it's the crown jewels themselves.
Acts of service — He's quite lazy sometimes, but that doesn't mean he won't do anything for you. As stated before, he doesn't really show his love through words, so his actions are the way to show his appreciation for you. He does chores for you around the house, the dishes, cleaning up any dirty laundry he can find strewn across the floor, cooking any random shit he can find and trying his best to make it look appetising for you, etc.
But apart from those mundane chores, he also does more little things like Sapnap: helping you with your makeup or hair or clothes, trailing after you while you cook waiting to help, instantly taking over whatever task you're working on whenever you need a break, making sure you're week hydrated and rested when you spend more time than usual in front of a screen.
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Physical touch — Wilburs a very touchy person as he's confirmed himself, always finding his hand wrapping around yours or resting on your shoulders, pulling your back to his chest so he can rest his chin on the crown of your head, enjoying how flustered you get whenever he pulls that kind of shit in public or around your friends.
He immediately gravitates towards you whenever you're both in the same place/room, his eyes finding yours and sending you a flashing smile before scurrying towards you just to press himself to your side, hand running over your back and busying himself with drawing on your skin; or if you're facing away from him when he finds you, he'll grab your waist from behind and watch you scream out of shock before hitting his chest, snickering as he pulls you into his arms.
Words of affirmation — Wilbur is a fucking poet when it comes to his love for you, spending hours at a time at his desk writing sickengly sweet verses in his little notebook about you and how fucking in love he is, leaving his notes around the house just so you'll pick them up and read through them, smiling brightly whenever you bring them back to him and ask him about it. He's very open with his love, whispering soft "I love you"s into your ear at random times of the day, strumming idly in his guitar and trying to find some type of melody that fits in with all the beautiful words he's written about you. Also expect lots of compliments through text as well, a "you look breathtaking today" sent when he's across the room from you, a goofy smile on his face as he watches you read it.
Quality time — It's the little things for Wil, like the feeling of lifting you in his arms and peppering kisses across your face the moment after a concert ends, adrenaline rushing through his veins making him more brave than usual; taking you out to bars and pubs with your friends just so you both can curl into one of the leather sofas and sip your drinks together; sitting on your bed while you scroll through your laptop as he strums on his guitar, singing softly to you or asking for your opinion on whatever riff he just came up with.
You don't really get much one-on-one dates. Let me explain. Wilbur tries his best to get a nice restaurant reservation, and when he finally gets a table, he's waiting for you to show up with a bright smile and a positive outlook on the evening, only for you to end up arriving with Tommy or James somehow tagging along with Wilbur when he leaves the office. Doesn't mean you don't have a nice time, though.
Receiving/giving gifts — Wilburs not a big gift giver, so he doesn't really mind if you don't either, but he will appreciate it massively if you do. Get him a new guitar and his old one will be out of the window (not actually, he'd probably give it to Tommy or just mount it on the wall), or some new sweaters that look amazing on him and he'll just burn every other item of clothing he owns. He isn't one to never buy stuff for his s/o, though, you see something you like and don't think you have enough for it? He's waving his card in front of your face. Tommy comments on something he heard you say you wanted? It's showing up a few days later. Also does his best to go all out on holidays/birthdays.
Acts of service — Wil enjoys showering with you a lot. Like just rubbing in the shampoo into your hair and playing with your locks, then leaning down so you can do the same to him? Peak acts of service for him. Also making tea for you (or coffee, but his specialty is tea) and bringing it to you on a cold night, cooking some recipe he saw online and making sure it's perfectly done so you're able to stomach it, and just doing chores around the house while you work or are busy.
Also will melt if you do small things like change his guitar strings or clean his desk while you're at his office.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
" You...Adopted...6 siblings?"
Diana nods, sunstream smile bright and golden on her lips. She proudly shows off pictures, too.
Three boys playing video games, one of them using his crutches to push the others away. " Freddy and Eugene love bothering Billy."
Another is Diana helping an adorable little cherub of a girl with outfits for her doll's world domination meeting. " Darla has such a rich imagination!"
Then there's her, helping a teenager with what looks to be her book report, as another boy serves them snacks. " Mary is a dedicated leader for her projects. Pedro enjoys cooking!"
" But...6?"
" I wasn't going to split them up! Families are strongest together! Billy wouldn't have accepted otherwise. He's a loyal, exceptional big brother. I couldn't ask for a better son."
Shazam blushes, to their confusion.
" And do they know about... You know. Mega hot Goddess guarding Earth thing, or are you just a regular milf?"
" Hal!"
" You all know what I'm about!"
" Not yet! I figure It'll come out at some point. But I enjoy being a parent. They've been a delight to have around. Parenthood is not the beast I expected."
Bruce laughs. Batman laughs. It's like watching something eerie and unnatural. Barry squints. " Am I...High? Did someone buy that brew that makes me spinny again?"
" You, - you think. This will be EASY."
Diana frowns, tilts her head like a confused puppy. " Well, yes. They've been very pleasant thus far. We haven't even argued, and they follow rules well, - "
Batman full on cackles now. Holding onto Superman's cape for support.
" I think they're very special! I'm sure they'll stay like this for longer than we all expect. They're very mature!"
They have to carry Batman away because he physically can't stand up. Diana doesn't particularly appreciate being laughed at, but the man's face deserves some happiness on it, so she'll take it.
Shazam approaches her after. " So, uh... Did you mean it? About - you know, those kids being..Good kids? Or something?"
" Of course! They're all unique and special in their own way. In fact, I have many examples of it. Billy allowed Darla to put him in a sparkly dress for the premiere of her movie and it is the sweetest act-"
" I got it! I got it," Shazam shuffles his fingers, looking younger than his massive height, asking for something that Diana recognizes but can't name,
" And... Just... You know - they're grateful for you. Even if they're going to be brats, or if they'll be angry and break rules and not listen to you...They appreciate you. A lot. I guess I just don't want you to regret them."
" I could never!" Diana is offended by the mere mention. " Children are people, and people will disappoint, and hurt. But they're so much more. I'll make mistakes, too. Hopefully I'll be mother enough to fix them."
" You are," Shazam tries to smile on his wobbly lips, before coughing around the emotion lumping his neck. " You're a great warrior. So you'll be a great mother."
" What's the difference?"
She doesn't know how Shazam figured out her favorite coffee mix, but she's grateful.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
[squints at the MCU] Tony Stark has displayed more ability to weather interrogation and torture than Steve Rogers.
This is "(displayed more)(ability)," not "(displayed)(more ability)," to be clear.
(I know fiction’s depiction of torture is famously propagandafied, but in this case, it’s not about torture for information so much as physical traumas shown on screen.)
(Anyway, have a rant I did on discord the other day.)
It's not really so much about "resisted the urge to hand over information" as "survived a truly harrowing experience and still came out of it trying to do good."
Tony's very first movie involves getting repeatedly drowned while in constant pain from bomb injuries as a civilian contractor, and I… don't think I can remember anything even a little similar with Steve
I don't think he's ever been captured for long before breaking out? All his injuries are in active battle, not torture.
Like... Steve went through something horrible with the ice and losing Bucky, nobody can argue that. But I think it's very telling, sometimes, that movie Steve, especially 2012 movie Steve, is completely unaware of the absolute nightmare that Tony experienced in his solo movies.
I have so many feelings about Tony Stark being the epitome of "guy who was raised and manipulated into being a bad person by someone he trusted, and (after a horrible experience) attempts to be a better person, constantly and consistently, even if he sometimes fucks up in the execution."
And the way that some fics elide his experiences in cleaning up other people's messes (first Obadiah's, then Howard's) and how that doubtlessly compounded his many neuroses from fixing messes that he did actually create himself is just
I have a lot of feelings
And am also feeling a little bitter and salty about how Tony Stark's MCU incarnation reportedly took some inspo from Elon Musk... and a little petty and satisfied about just how drastically we've all be shown that Musk can never live up to the idea of 'billionaire with inherited wealth who actually, without hesitation, risks his own life to save millions' that he tried to use PR to achieve in the media with 'my electric cars are gonna save the world' stunts about things he didn't actually have a hand in inventing
I'm just reading some fics I really enjoyed when I was still in the YA fandom, and there was a reference to a line Steve said in the movies and I started thinking (again) about how frequently fans take lines from Steve or Sam about Tony as gospel, because they haven't seen Tony's movies, and the lines from the star spangled boys are contextually meant to show that they don't know jackshit about Tony or his life, because they are directly contradicted by multiple prior films.
Also like... how often Steve's traumas get explored (in fic) in a way that Tony's just... don't? At most, his issues about Howard get explored, but that's it.
There's this moment in CACW that people take as Accurate and it infuriates me.
Tony Stark: [Back in the cell.] Just look. Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. [He shows a holographic image of Doctor Broussard.] Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong. Sam Wilson: That's a first.
Which, like... it's a bad movie. Obviously. But also
That line is immediately followed by Tony revealing that he's here to help the others and is sabotaging the security to make sure Ross can't take advantage, and yet fanfic still uses Sam's quote to promote anti-Tony agendas!
And 'Tony admits he fucked up' is. Like. Listen to me
Tony's first solo movie is fixing Obadiah's machinations. *
His second solo movie is fixing his Dad's fuckup.
His first team movie is fixing Thor's mistakes.
His third solo movie is fixing something that is only tangentially his fault.
It's not until AoU that the fuck-up is really his and his alone (well, not counting Bruce), and even then, even then, a massive portion of the blame is narratively laid at Wanda's feet!
And only then do we get this man, who has spent five movies seeing what happens when people don't take responsibility for their actions, or have anyone riding them to be ethical, who has criticized himself for neither having that oversight nor providing that oversight for people who snuck shit under his nose, that is when we get Tony weighing in on the side of "most countries on the planet are agreeing with this and it's for a reason, please work with me here, maybe we can get some of it rolled back to be less authoritarian and more reasonable."
* and removing himself from the military industrial complex he was raised and groomed to be in, but that's a system and not an individual act or a set 'villain'
Or as @firebirdeternal put it:
I would say that his first solo movie does have a large element of fixing his own mistakes too, it's just that his "mistake" was Trusting the Wrong Person and not taking personal responsibility for how his actions are affecting the world. (Which, he immediately does upon coming back from being captured? "We're going to immediately stop making weapons, because it's making the world worse" and then when Obadiah cuts him out of the company he goes "Oh. Okay no that didn't work, have to personally fix all this then.") and yeah it's just Tony have plenty of reasons to be on the side of "Someone needs to have oversight over this"
IM1 is such a good exploration of someone in privilege saying "this stops now" in a situation where they do have control because they have been confronted with their mistakes in a way that's unavoidable
It's also like, a great example of the fantasy of the Super Hero. Because Tony Stark, the businessman, even with all his wealth and knowledge, isn't able to stop the systemic harm being caused by His Own Company. One person isn't able to do that, even with the best of intentions. It isn't until he becomes something else, something more, a Super Hero, that he's able to make any kind of meaningful change on his own. Like IM1 is just a phenomenal movie. It understood it's subject material so incredibly well.
And people skip it and then take Steve and Sam at their word about Tony's strength of character and moral convictions and I scream.
Yeah, like, that Jump on the Grenade mentality is something that he and Steve actually literally share.
They both had 'jump on the explosive to save people' moments in their introductory movies.
I find so much more strength and inspiration in stories like Thor and Tony, where they are inherently fuck-ups and were shitty people and they are trying so damn hard to be better, which is more Tony than Thor really, but both of them and their first movies are just. I find that more inspiring than Steve or T'Challa or any other hero who was already a good person and just Became Great.
Tell me about the person who has to struggle to find that moral choice. Tell me about Natasha dragging herself from her oceans of blood and Tony fighting the government over whether they have the rights to use weapons he's created and about Thor having to reckon with his family's power being born of imperialistic ravaging of other cultures.
I want to hear about the people for whom being good is hard and a choice they don't have to make, but then they make it anyway.
Also I stand by "I am Iron Man. [infinity snap]" being the most amazing bookend the MCU could have done and probably the best part of the Endgame.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I’d like to see some yandere romantic concept for Sunset Shimmer from MLP please! I love her so much I need something for her! 😍
Can confirm as a fellow Sunset Shimmer fan I adore her too. Been awhile since I've seen Equestria Girls so I'm sorry if she's OOC. This concept takes place in the Human World since I don't do much of those.
Took a classic yandere take with this. Not fully proofread, expect mistakes!
Yandere! Sunset Shimmer Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Fear of abandonment implied, Jealousy, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Violence, Threats/Threats of murder, Brief blood mention, Kidnapping, Isolation, Forced relationship.
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Obviously Sunset Shimmer's yandere type changes depending on if she's a villain or not.
I'll be looking at reformed Sunset Shimmer in this concept, so her after the first movie.
She is the leader of the group when Twilight isn't in the human world.
She's in charge of any magic spikes or magical problems in general.
She knows not a lot of people like her due to what she's done... but she's trying to get better!
She's trying to build her confidence and acts very kind to those around her.
She writes to Twilight often about her findings.
She's intelligent and compassionate... but can lose her composure and temper easily.
Sunset Shimmer tries her best to be a good person... she even manages to make a new friend.
My idea was that Sunset Shimmer's obsession makes her relapse into her old behavior a bit.
She's better now but occasionally might find herself giving into a more selfish and manipulative side.
Her relapsing is unnoticeable to her at first... but soon she realizes it the more she's around you.
When she met you she realized you two get along well.
You often hang out at each other's homes and play games, talk, and just enjoy each other.
Soon Sunset Shimmer starts to develop feelings for you....
You have no clue about her true origins as a Unicorn but she doesn't really plan on telling you... right off.
She's still curious and stunned by her new feelings towards you.
She... she hasn't felt so warm towards anyone before... let alone like this.
She struggles on if she should let Twilight know about such a thing.
Speaking of which... Sunset Shimmer, as Twilight's student, may have a similar yandere type to the princess.
She wants to learn all about her new feelings, she notes everything down about you...
Perhaps even follows you around to an obsessive degree.
She plays it all off as just being clingy.
After all... she's been through a lot... so surely you'll forgive her, right?
Originally doesn't mind you around her group of friends... but soon she ends up jealous.
She may eventually try writing to Twilight... saying she feels overly obsessive and controlling towards you...
However... maybe midway through the letter... she stops.
Why should Twilight know?
What if Twilight sees her affection for you as a bad thing.
What if she takes you away?
As a result, Sunset Shimmer never tells Twilight.
Sun Shim's friends get concerned when they see her always ask about you.
She even glares at people around you... a fire igniting within her whenever she sees others speak to you.
Eventually Sunset Shimmer may give into her darker desires.
The demonic grasp on her heart appears again.
Soon she's threatening others around you and slowly controlling you to spend more time with her.
She tries to ignore the violent thoughts she has... but soon she may act upon those too.
Eventually she confesses to you... opening her heart to you in hopes you'll accept.
If you don't... she doesn't take it well.
In fact... her heart tells her to take you.
To tie you up... to lock you away...
To hide all the evidence of her obsession... no matter how much blood is on her hands.
She apologizes next time she comes to your home... knocking you out and catching you softly.
She doesn't tell a soul once she takes you home and sits you on a bed.
Twilight doesn't need to know... her friends don't need to know...
If anyone asks she'll get rid of them.
You two are meant to be together... she just knows it.
Her dark desires pour into her heart once again... she can't help but kiss you softly when she sees you wake up.
To your dismay... it doesn't seem like she changed at all from before... she's still a selfish demon who only cares for herself in the end.
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marchiekana · 11 months
Hiii, Anon H is here and is very happy that you're back I loved what you did with my prompt. And I hope you had a good time camping !
Y'see I'm very sleep deprived because of my work lmao. Then I thought, 'yeah let's just be super self indulgent I'm too tired for this'. Like a reader that's either overworked, physically drained and / or has a hard time sleeping overall at night. They keep doing the same thing everyday but with less and less sleep. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I might just fall asleep any second now.
😔 I feel ya
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And also, anon H please take care of yourself!
Asta x reader
March 7th x reader
Kafka x reader
I think I made kafka's and maybe Asta's a bit angsty(not very much)
✨ some angst in kafka's, mentions of death, fainting and falling sick, overworked reader, physically tired reader. Tell me if there anything else!
Also not proofread so there might be some grammer mistakes
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Asta and you are twinning. She's got loads of work and bills and reports that need to be filled and so do you, all because of one uninterested owner of the space station.
Asta's worried about you more because in the end, she can assign someone else to do some of her work but yours I'd different, but she'll still try to make sure that you get some rest and stay fit. She's scared that you'll faint if it's too much work and to make sure you don't she stuffs you with food.
Will force you to sleep no matter what! And she'll even offer to do your work even when she has a lot herself, all cause she's scared you might fall I'll or hurt yourself more.
And if you can't sleep she'll take you out of your room instead of letting you drown in your work. You'd go to see the stars near the main lobby of the spaceship, even though it's the same as always.
Overall she's always ready to do anything for you, as long as you're happy she's happy too
March 7th
(Your one of the astral crew members cuz I say so.)
March and you are polar opposites. She's the bright, energetic one while you look like your gonna commit crimes and die any moment now. That's just how it is.
Everyday, while she does her skincare routine and have fun the whole day, you'd be busy lying around and recovering from a mission, absolutely drained and your body aching all over.
She worried for you to say the least, she can see the fatigue in your eyes and how tired you look but no worries cuz March always comes to the rescue!
Will force you to get some rest and not overexert yourself for a tiny battle. I can basically hear her saying "no need to worry, when I'm here!" Or "I'll protect you !" She just cute like that~
And she'll teach you how important it is to eat well and take good care of yourself! You'll have little sleepovers where you both do each other's nails and wear face masks while watching a movie or just talking, spending time with eachother
And when you can't sleep, she'll be by your side, braiding your hair, combing it, or just hugging you to sleep💜 (I love her)
Its her no.1 mission now, to make sure you take care of yourself properly!
Your not getting enough sleep? No worries, just take a sip of Himeko's coffee and you're out cold.
Jokes aside, she's gonna make sure you stay healthy and stay back with her and welt for most missions. Its not like she wants you to not go out and enjoy but more like she's worried that you'll get hurt and overwork yourself trying to help others.
I'm sorry that's all cause now my brain ain't running.
Kafka is amused more than worried about it. She questions why you joined the stelleron hunters if you're gonna get tired after every mission. But she sets such thoughts aside and warmly smiles at you as she takes care of you
She'd first make sure you eat so that you're more stronger physically. If she sees you sleeping on the couch she'd go get a blanket to drape on you with a pillow for support.
She's scared that someday your fragility will be the end of you, scared that you'll leave her and that she'll never be able to see her again.
And if you can't sleep shes there by your side massaging your hair or your shoulder so that you relax. And if you can't sleep no matter what she does, even though she hates to use her mind ability on you, she'd use it to tell you to sleep.
She finds it pathetic honestly. Sad that she has to resort to such methods just so you could sleep. But she'll never show it, even when shes worried about you she'd still act chill and laid back. And she'll never let you know how she feels. She loves you after all and doesn't want to lose you.
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Iahh himeko's is too short! But I just can't think of what she'd do
I was listening to first love/late spring while typing kafka's and now blame the song for making me feel angsty.
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work!
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kaepop-trash · 11 months
not sure if you’re still taking requests for chance encounters but i just read the whole thing in one sitting and love it sm!!! i love your more angsty drabbles so i was wondering if you’d do one where yn and johnny are on a “break” 🥹
Give Up, Give In
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There were a lot of requests for going back to the club so I'm just adding some of my favourites:
Anon: I'm just a girl standing here asking for more Johnny (CE) yearning. Make him suffer ma'am 🙏🏻 [Yes ma'am🫡]
Anon: The club is your Chekhov's Gun and it's still lying unfired on the table. [This is the best ask I've ever gotten since this account started]
Anon: Just. More. Dom. OC. [Short and sweet. How can I refuse?]
Mini Masterlist
I was in quite the headspace when I was writing this and you can tell. In contrast to most other things I've published, I edited this painstakingly. Somewhere in the middle I watched Casablanca again and you can actually tell where.
This is just very intense. Idk what came over me, I think the characters came back to me like past lovers do in a dream. I wrote this in a daze. I also surprisingly like this. I'm posting it with love instead of just shrugging responsibility of it. Enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, Angst, Angst; A lot of references to a movie older than the Czech Republic; (There are just a lot of sexual warnings in this one girls) Smut, Voyeurism, Friction play, Light BDSM, Handcuffs and Whipping (not the main characters), Dom! OC/Sub! Johnny, Dom! Johnny/Sub! OC (They are switches in the most literal sense of the term), ribbon play (male receiving) [is that even real?], Abs riding, grinding, Dirty Talk, Degradation; Intense, INTENSE; So much angst like what was I thinking; Johnny's a bit of a babygirl in this lol idk how else to explain it; Pussy-whipped Johnny you are my #1; OC is mean, but Johnny actually likes it (He told me); A lot of misplaced anger and resentment (in a sexy way); Alcohol; Johnny has the kind of sadness in him that you only see in east european gay porn; There is some homosexual themes in this, don't forget that in this world everybody is bisexual (except Tenmin, they are full fruit loops); Bisexuality(?).
WC: 18.6 k (Honestly this can and should be read as a standalone.)
Her focus came in and out of the moment, mostly being drawn back by the occasional whimper or hiss that echoed loud against the cement walls.
It was a mistake coming here tonight. she knew it the moment Hyuck bought it up.
"You look lethal." Yuta crossed his arms the moment she walked into his house, equally confused and somehow proud. Beside him, Hyuck whistled. Both of them eyed her top to bottom, taking in the very nice dress she bought herself this week.
“Absolutely deadly.” Hyuck agreed, crossing his arms in front of him, “So where are we going?” He looked between the both of them.
“For dinner. A bar maybe, judging by how our friend is dressed.” Yuta mused, turning to (Y/N) for confirmation of the plan she laid out.
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” She frowned. 
“What?” Hyuck looked between both of them, confused, “We aren’t going to your club?”
Yuta chuckled, “No (Y/N) is staying away from the hallowed grounds.”
“Why?” Hyuck turned to her, looking offended. “I shaved my balls for this.”
Both Yuta and her turned to the boy, incredibly confused and horrified by the information he willingly volunteered
She cleared her throat, deciding it best to ignore it outright, “That’s none of your business, Lee Donghyuck.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“I just told you I shaved my genitals and you’re bringing up personal businesses?”
“You volunteered that information.” She grimaced, wondering why she didn’t see this coming. “You can’t just go to there on a whim. There’s a list that’s fixed a week in advance.”
“Aren’t you literally friends with the owner?” Hyuck mirrored her arms.
“The owner's friends gets benefits." Yuta shrugged, "You're roped in by extension, it seems.”
The very mention of the person who was not to be named made her spine straighten, “We are not going to the club. I don’t want him to think I am in his space, I don’t want him to think I need to. It’s a horribly petty thing to do.”
“He might not be there at all.” Yuta offered.
“We are not going.” She repeated herself, looking at the both of them with a sense of finality.
They ended up at the club less than two hours later. After dinner, entering a “normal” club reminded her exactly why she stopped doing this after undergrad. She wanted to just go home but Hyuck and Yuta were both slick menaces. And now she was here.
One of the men in front of her cursed, bringing her attention back to the present. 
Her original reasoning to slip into the basement the moment she entered the club was to mitigate even the most remote possibility of being confronted by Johnny. Another part of her was overcome with intrigue once the idea materialised.
The basement was one place she hadn’t had a chance to explore. Initially, Johnny would tease her with the idea of it, but he never lived up to his own promise in that department. A couple of months in, their visits to the club reduced considerably as work got harder and their apartments got more comfortable. Then the matter was never brought up again.
Sitting in it now, she tried to imagine what Yuta meant when he compared it to the few dungeons he frequented in Amsterdam. A few with Ten even— back when he was still single of course.
The place was a lot more elegant than the floors above, divided into confined rooms that felt larger than they were owing to the incredibly tall ceilings. Unlike the rooms on the second floor though, there was no pretence. Instead of looking like hotel rooms, each room was mostly minimal. Despite the baroque display of velvets and satins, each only had one tall bench and a few chairs. The lighting was also much brighter than the intimate dimmed ones above. The lights here were yellow and brazen, nothing hid under them. The most apparent of which were the contraptions and tools displayed audaciously on the walls, ranging from curious to downright frightening. 
Despite all that attention, the rooms were also open: no door, not even a curtain to lend privacy to the inhabitants. If she was clueless about what the requirements on this floor were, taking a walk down the length of the corridor gave her the clarity she needed. 
Pain of this magnitude wasn’t something she was ready to give or receive from a stranger. But she did gather that spectatorship was a part of the experience on this floor. The chairs in most rooms had at least one person seated, watching as other people made use of the various instruments available.
That is how she ended up here.
One of the rooms seemed to be void of any onlookers. Two men occupied the bench inside, looking at each other with tender trust. She stopped at the entrance, deciding that this was the palatable option. She might even learn a thing or two, she wagered.
At first, they seemed unaffected by her presence. She pulled a chair and sat down at a considerable distance, still feeling trepidation about the intrusion. She watched as they got comfortable with each other, imagining that they met here for the first time today. They decided to trust each other despite, was what she decided. 
Sometimes she wished that was how her initial visit to the club went.
“What should we use?” One of the men asked the other, the yellow sleeves of his shirt brushing over the man's cheek. The other looked to be the one calling the shots, so she was waiting to know as well. But he surprised her, turning to look at (Y/N) instead.
Her eyes went wide for a moment, not sure why she was being acknowledged.
“Well? You’re wearing silver aren’t you?” The man asked, his hooded eyes impatient.
Her hand went to touch the chain that Yuta had so creatively woven into her hairpin. It was supposed to be half a joke. 
Owing to the spontaneous visit, they were unaware that there was a theme tonight. It was classic movies night and none of the three were dressed for the occasion. So they decided to keep the spirit, deciding on pursuing otherwise uncustomary situations. Hyuck said he'd do anything the first person he met told him. Yuta claimed that today would be the day he pursued his favourite bartender. And she put on the silver chain and walked into the basement. A decision taken for the interesting stories it would birth. Much like this one, she relented.
She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to think of what she could possibly say.
“I don’t think–” Yellow shirt began to speak, probably sensing her panic.
“Did I ask you?” The other was quick to interject, keeping his eyes on her.
She looked at the two men carefully, the more compliant one much taller than the one clearly in charge.
“Take your shirts off.” She said first, “You’ve been rubbing against each other like kids at church. It’s pathetic.” Hooded eyes smirked, pleased to get what he was looking for.
“You heard her little boy.” He turned back to his partner, reaching out.
“You’re own clothes. Not each other’s.” She clicked her tongue, expressing her disapproval through her tone.
And that was how it began. They were excellent at following her instructions and slowly she began to take more liberties.
People came and went behind them. The first hint of another presence had surprised her. After that she started ignoring the sound of occasional shuffling. 
Except one that spoke with a voice she could not ignore. A familiar one.
Johnny was comfortable in his corner, pretending to listen to Ten explain the theme again.
“I was watching this movie with a friend while she was recovering from a broken leg. And it came to me!” He told yet another person, “Unfortunately, she isn’t here today.”
“What are you talking about?” One of Ten’s friends sat up at that, “I saw (Y/N) an hour ago.” She looked at Johnny for confirmation.
Johnny looked up, at least two pairs of eyes already on him. He shrugged, trying to play off his nonchalance by taking another sip of his drink.
“Babe,” The woman continued, poking the man beside her. “You remember seeing (Y/N) downstairs, right?”
Johnny snorted, “You must be confusing her with someone else.” He said with utter confidence. She would not be anywhere near him if she had the choice. Not after what he said.
“She’s in a white dress today, right?” He asked his partner, who nodded.
“Yeah, she’s downstairs. Martin told me when I went for a cocktail. I wasn't looking or anything.” He added quickly. “Don’t glare at me man.”
Johnny looked away, not realising he was. His mumbled apology wasn’t even trying to be genuine.
“There’s Yuta,” Ten raised his arm to call the man. “Let’s ask him.”
“There is no need.” Johnny groaned, but Ten ignored him with ease.
“What?” Yuta came up, looking thoroughly annoyed. No doubt being interrupted in the middle of something.
“Is (Y/N) here with you?” Ten asked.
Instead of answering, Yuta turned to Johnny. The cautious look he gave him gave him the answer he was looking for.
“Yeah.” He turned back to Ten.
“Where is she? It’s her theme tonight!” Like most other people, Yuta too did not care about Ten’s theme.
“You would not guess.” He said with a grin, sitting down with a conspiratorial chuckle.
And that's how Johnny ended up in the basement for the first time in a year. He walked past each room, looking in to find what he was looking for.
Johnny wasn’t sure what he’d even do when he found it. Would he stop her? Would he watch? Or would he leave her alone like he had himself wanted?
Johnny slowed his steps, only for a moment. Why did she have to come to the basement now? If she wanted to, why didn't she mention it to him? He thought she wouldn't like it. Or maybe he wasn't the one she wanted to share that with. That last thought was alone to add a spring to his step.
His thoughts only spurred him on as he passed more rooms without her in it. Almost crossing one, he stopped to take a few steps back. He had to be sure that the back that was facing him was the one he was seeking.
She was in white like Ten's friend had stated, a dress he never had the privilege of seeing before tonight. Head rested on her hand, she was watching someone else. He relaxed, walking further into the room. Once her side came into view, the relief that came over him seemed to piss him off. Any thought of leaving her alone evaporated with it. This was supposed to be what he wanted.
“I had to see it for myself.” He scoffed, the novelty of the situation only just coming to him. (Y/N) turned in her chair, looking up at him with surprise in her eyes. “Trying new things? You could have told me if you wanted to come down here. At least I know what your limits are. You were never the best communicator.”
“I would assume that I know my own limits best.” She turned away from him, back to the two men in front of her. Not a hint of kindness in her eyes.
He really must have said too much that night. 
One of the men sat quietly on the large wooden bench every room had, yellow shirt hanging over his shoulders, in place because his hands were cuffed behind him. The other man stood over him, a flog in his hands. His white pants matched her dress.
“Has he stopped asking for more?” She questioned the one standing. Both the men were watching her, waiting.
“Then why did you stop?” She questioned, voice impatient. “Does the little boy want something stronger?” Yellow shirt nodded like he was waiting for the question.
(Y/N) chuckled, getting up to walk to the small chest of cupboards. She leaned over, making Johnny finally notice the length of her dress— high above her knee. Pure instinct made him turn to the other people in the room, watching her with undoubtedly the same thought on their minds.
“Someone isn’t on theme.” Johnny clicked his tongue. It made the guys turn to look at him, then between the two of them.
Suddenly Johnny felt like they were the spectators, and he was the one on display with her.
“I didn’t plan on coming here tonight, so I didn’t receive the memo.” She didn’t even look at him, standing up with a thick whip in her hand.
“Eyes on me boys.” She turned to the boys, “Do you want this?” She questioned and the one meant to be on the receiving end nodded eagerly. 
She chuckled, walking over to them and handing the tool over. 
“Such an obedient boy, aren’t you?” She cooed, hand on his chin. Yellow shirt nodded enthusiastically. Giving in to her so easily that it nauseated Johnny. That would get them nowhere.
Keeping her eyes on his face and her fingers stroking his cheek, she handed the whip to the other guy.
“Start slow. You’re being too hostile.” She turned to the man with a warning.
“He likes it.” He defended, her hooded gaze remained bemused.
“I’m the one who’s calling the shots, am I not?” She raised a brow. The man swallowed, giving her a quick nod. As complaint as his companion.
This was no fun.
Johnny scoffed rather loudly, but she ignored him and as a consequence, the boys ignored him as well.
“What will you tell me you'd do?” She continued, focused on the man.
“I will listen and follow instructions.”
“Like a what?”
“Like the slut I like to pretend I’m not.” 
She smiled, letting the one in yellow go to run a hand through this one’s hair. He closed his hooded eyes to enjoy the feeling.
“Good. Now do what you’re told.” He nodded and she let go, turning around to walk back to where she was.
Her eyes met Johnny’s finally.
“Can I help you?” She asked him, the tyrannical tone bleeding into the question. Johnny’s cock twitched for the first time that evening.
“You can start by reminding yourself who you’re speaking to, pet. Or do you need assistance?” Johnny tongued his cheek, shoving his restless fingers into his pocket.
She looked at him with disbelief for a moment. When she rolled her eyes, he was sure she was taunting him.
“You can keep your reminders to yourself.” She rubbed her hands together, “I didn’t come here to play with you.”
“Why are you here at all?” Johnny raised a brow, unable to hide the vexation in his voice. Why didn't she tell him she wanted to come to the basement?
It earned him the first flash of anger in her, so far, apathetic gaze. “I didn’t realise you were marking territory? Am I barred from coming here now?”
“I was asking a question.” He took in a cautious breath, realising that she thought he meant the club. Perhaps, the alternative made him look less bothered. 
“Can't you see?” she pointed at the two boys, “I'm simply minding my own business. Why have you come down here? Looking for me?” She leaned against the head of the chair she was seated in before, waiting for his response.
Johnny let out a humourless laugh, “Who said I was looking for you?”
“I haven’t known you to come to the basement before.” She pointed.
“Just because I haven’t come here with you, doesn’t mean I’m a stranger to the place."
The words did what they were intended to do, her anger flared with an inhale she tried to play off. Johnny had to bite down his smile.
“Okay, be on your way then.” She flicked her hand towards the exit, dismissing him. "There are other rooms."
Johnny took a step towards her instead, “I stopped at this one because I could not believe you could be a watcher. I wanted to see for myself."
“She told you to leave man, why are you ruining our night?” The boy in yellow whined, making Jaehyun turn to find both men watching the exchange. The other one kept his eyes on Johnny.
She turned to meet his gaze, “Did I say you can speak?” She questioned. The boy gulped, shaking his head. “If you’re that impatient then get on with it. I didn’t say you can stop.” He nodded, turning back to the man in white pants with a demand, his eyes still watching Johnny. He looked familiar.
Johnny whistled and hissed, bringing her attention back to him. “Look at you. Even I almost believe that look on your face. What’s wrong, baby? You sound mad.” He cooed, mocking her.
“What’s wrong is that you’ve sauntered in here to ruin my night.” She failed to hide her frown.
"Ruin?" Johnny's voice raised in taunt. "I'm sorry to disturb your little pageant. You must have been enjoying just how easy this was before I walked in. They're eating up your every word, you must be elated."
Her jaw flexed and Johnny had to resist the urge to close the gaping distance between them.
"If you're done with your tantrum. You can leave now." She aimed her gaze at the door, a single and final order. It was Johnny's turn to flex his jaw. Tantrum.
"If you think this is a tantrum then what should we call your fucking fits?" He clamped his jaw the moment he heard the edge in his voice.
"We don't have to call them anything." Her volume rose, taking a step forward, daring him to continue.
"There it is." He smiled victoriously, "Why don't you stomp your foot while you're at it. Let's show everybody what you're really like under this act."
He could see the way she got blinded by her rage. For him he realised, that was something only he was capable of pulling out of her.
He should have backed off but Johnny stayed pinned in place, momentarily consumed by his sick desires to always get a rise out of her. He knew she wanted it too, her breathing hitched but eyes stayed glued on him. It was deranged but this is what he has signed up for with her.
“Fine," She said after a well contemplated silence. Johnny's lips quirked, knowing he was right as usual. Finally she was going to give in to him. For once. "Take off your chain and I’ll give you what you want.”
His smile faltered, brows furrowing. He regained himself quickly, reminding himself that he was being foolish to believe it would be that easy. Not after he was the one who told her they'd be taking a break. Not after the unnecessary things he'd said.
It was a silly thing that he regretted the moment he proposed it. But the tone she had ignored him for no reason still made his blood boil. At least he had the decency to lay down his intentions in front of her. She had absolutely no right to be angry. And yet, she was furious at him. It was evident in how she refused to so much as look at him since he had made the proposition, acting like he wasn't even there. Refusing to share an elevator, refusing to bring papers to his office.
He wanted to be civil but she went to great lengths to stay out of his path. Even reminding him that he wanted this when he asked her why she was sending interns with tasks that were done easier without the middleman.
It was infuriating and it only offended Johnny further. Even now, he was the one to come here with his pride between his legs. He told himself that he would not give in till she relented first. 
“And what is it that I want, Kitten?”
“What you always want.” She turned to walk back to her chair, pulling the object closer to him, letting it grate against the cement floor harshly. “Me.”
Johnny's teeth against each other. Taking his hands out of his pocket, he folded his arms. No, it was her turn to give in.
“I will give you what you want if you take that chain off.” He pointed at her head.
“What I want is for you to leave. If you can’t do that, I will have to abandon my new friends.” She pointed behind her.
They reached a stalemate with her words, silently sizing each other up. In the back, the boys had forgotten about the commotion all together. The sound of clicking locks signalled the introduction of the bondage frame. The next sound was the clean crack of a whip, followed by a harsh inhale once it touched skin. Johnny took in a sharp inhale himself, the sounds tempting him.
“What good will taking mine off do?” Johnny spoke through raspy breathing, “You give up too soon anyway. You don’t know how to be in charge.” Another slash echoed against the walls, this time Johnny exhaled slow. “You only know how to be a brat.”
Despite his words, she smiled, watching him shift on his feet. “Two weeks without being inside me and you’re already forgetting things.”
“Has it been that long already? I didn’t even notice.”
“Sure. The last time you went this long, you were throwing tantrums like this.”
It was Johnny’s time to be racked with anger, his exhale slow, dangerous.
The whips increased in frequency and moans filled the large roam, bouncing across the walls with urgency.
“Go slow.” She lashed, turning her attention back to the couple.
“Sorry." Both of them said together, the one whipping dropped his arm. The other opened his glazed eyes.
Johnny should have brought (Y/N) to the basement himself.
“Sorry what?”
“Sorry, miss.” They said in tandem.
Johnny scoffed, “I never realised what a good teacher I was.”
“What do you fucking want?” She turned back to him, lips twisted with irritation. “You wanted a break, didn't you? What was it that you said?” She finally sat down, leaning back and crossing her legs. “That’s right. “You wanted a change. What happened, are you bored already?"
"No," Johnny shrugged, unclasping his arms from his chest to walk towards her. "I just wanted to see what you were doing with your free time. It's such a pity to see you waste it. The only person bored here is you apparently." This time he did smile, enjoying the way she averted her gaze, "So I came to offer you a game just for tonight."
"Not interested. You need to come up with better excuses."
Johnny hummed like he didn't believe her, shadow falling over his entire form as he came closer. Her brows knit, gearing up to defend the truth. He cut her off before she could even speak.
"Stand up." He ordered, stopping his stride only when his knee touched the chair.
She blinked, practically rendered silent by his audacity. What pissed her off more was how she almost did it, the chair audibly screeching back before she could reign her instincts in.
(Y/N) crossed her arms, mirroring his stance from earlier as she sat back to play off the slip, pretending she was just trying to sit back.
She knew it didn't work when Johnny smirked. She was busy preparing herself for when he asked again, to stand her ground with more conviction. Instead, he leaned down, kneeling in front of her. The act was in sharp contrast to his previous words, giving her whiplash and leaving her out of depth.
His fingers brushed her dress, staring at her lap in a way that made her think he would rest his head against it. It was a thought that had no place in the given circumstances. Slowly he looked up with a tender gaze that was equally out of place.
"What game do you have in mind?" She asked, mostly to distract herself from the way her heart leapt when she met his eyes. After all this time, he still had the ability to make her feel so excruciatingly timid.
"It's movie night." His voice was soft, "Let's pretend to be different people." He ran his tongue over his cheek.
She wasn't sure what to make of the statement. After all this time he never stopped being an enigma.
"Who are you dressed as?" She looked down at his white shirt, making a note of the undone bowtie, "Roger Moore as James Bond?"
"I prefer Sean Connery."
She took the bowtie between her fingers, "You don't have his raw sexual magnetism."
Johnny's lips twitched and she couldn't help the way her own mirrored it.
"If we're going to be playing parts," She sighed, not entirely sure how he'd managed to lure her in. Then again, she was always too ready to give in to him, "Let's play ones different from who we really are. Something to keep this night out of our," She failed to hide the sliver of indignation in her deep inhale, "Current situation."
Johnny licked his lips, looking somewhere between amused and rattled. Yet again, she was stunned by his audacity.
"In that case, I have the perfect thing." He took her hand in hers, bringing it up to kiss her palm. This time her indignated inhale came before a pained exhale.
He came closer instead of finishing his thought, leaning till their noses touched. 
"Let's pretend we're in love."
Her eyes froze over in an instant, a foreign gasp making her turn back to the people who were now spectators to her vulnerability. Both of them watched with bated breaths, their own preoccupations long forgotten. They watched her, waiting for her response.
She pushed Johnny without looking at him. Predictably, he did not budge. When it happened the third time she did turn back, liquid rage dripping from her glare. Her mind mulled over a response multiple times, the sort of words that would express her outrage without hinting at her agony. It fell short, not finding the right ones to express how deeply unkind his words were. Not without betraying her closely guarded secret.
He was still close to her, close enough to let her count the lashes that framed his amber eyes, to see the stray one that fell on his cheek. This close it was easy to see that he was the most beautiful man on earth, easy to forget everything and just fall an inch closer. It was easy to want nothing more than to press her lips against his, to forget they were meant to be apart. This close she didn't need to pretend to be in love.
"Oh god." She heard Yuta's voice, cutting through the haze of lust that began to overcast her decisions. "(Y/N)." He marched up to them.
Only when she heard his footsteps stop beside did she turn from Johnny.
"Let's go, babe." He pointed his thumb at the door, whistling to play off the urgency.
She turned back to Johnny, who had moved back a few inches now. Miles, as far as their usual proximity was concerned.
She sighed, pushing her chair back.
"What do you need (Y/N) for?" Johnny asked casually.
"I need to keep her away from you." Yuta clicked his tongue, laughing awkwardly when Johnny turned to frown at him. "Nothing personal, buddy. She made me promise I would." He pointed at her.
Johnny turned to her, raising a brow. Waiting for confirmation.
"Don't bother. My instructions are to take her away whether she likes it or not. You know how crazy our (Y/N) is." Yuta chuckled like he was making small talk. She got out of her chair with a loud screech.
"Let's go." She grabbed Yuta's arm to turn him around, "I need a fat drink."
"You need a fat something." He scoffed, knowing himself that he deserved the smack she landed on his arm
"At least try to think before you speak sometimes." She groaned.
"Just tell her man." One of the boys spoke up, reminding Johnny of their presence. It was the one in yellow, his brows furrowed in deep thought. His companion scoffed, shaking his head.
"Did anybody say you can stop whipping?" Johnny raised a brow at the guy with the object in his hand. "Did you tell him to stop?" He asked the one tied up. Both shook their heads.
"In that case, you need to focus on your own endeavours." Johnny stood up from the floor, brushing the dirt of the knees of his good pants. "Enjoy your night."
As he turned to walk away, the sound of a whip cracked through the silence.
(Y/N) seemed to find more than a few merits in the basement. On top of being less crowded, the basement bar also housed some interesting liquor choices. A tequila bottle with a worm and some Baiju with an entire snake sat side by side on the shelf at eye level. While she would not be trying them, she could respect Ten's sense of humour.
Yuta also swore that this was the bar with the best cocktails. Martin, the bartender, was a legend on the premises if her best friend's claims were true. Patrons would sometimes grace the floor to only stop for a drink. She was sufficiently intrigued.
Nails tapped against the stone surface of the bar as they waited for the cocktails in question. She also waited for Yuta to speak, getting impatient and agitated from his stare.
"I just don't understand why you keep doing this." He huffed. Never one to express any overt opinion on the matter, she was caught off guard by his frustration. "If you really want to stay out of his way then do it."
"I'm trying. He came to me."
“You and I both know that you can enforce a boundary when you want to.” He groaned, looking away like the whole thing was making him uncomfortable. “Look, I don’t want to sit here and act like I can give you any real advice. I just want to ask you if you’re sure about what you’re doing.”
She could never lie to Yuta, not in a convincing way at least. She stopped tapping her nails, rubbing her fingers together and watching the bright lights above reflect on her nails.
“I know what I'm supposed to be doing. What it’s supposed to be like.” She mumbled the confession, spotting a chip in her nail enamel. “But it’s confusing with him. Everything is confusing with him.” Teeth ground against teeth as she let the words wash over her. She needed a manicure. She needed to stop doing this to herself.
"This has started to feel self-inflicted to me." Yuta assessed with accuracy.
"It needs to end." She spoke, the words rattling her to the core.
It was the only way left now.
"Then do it? What exactly are you waiting for?" Yuta raised a brow, making it blatant that he was baiting her.
Her lips parted, answer ready on her lips. She bit her tongue the next moment, putting the thought away.
"How do you just expect him to notice that you're this in love with him when you put so much effort into hiding it?"
She looked up at him fast, "I’m not–"
"Spare me, (Y/N)." He cut her off, "The only person who can't tell is the man himself. And that’s only because he’s too busy being in love with you.”
“Stop.” She shook her head, “That just isn’t true.”
“Are you stupid?”
“Fuck off, Yuta. You don’t know all of it. You’ve seen him be nice, you’ve seen him take me to the orthopaedic’s, seen him get me drinks. But you don’t know how he is. If Johnny loved me, he would say it.”
“Like you say it?” His brows furrowed, looking angry. She had never seen Yuta angry at her.
“It’s not the same.” She took a deep breath, her lungs fracturing from the force. A sound of wood cracking filled the air, followed by the laughs of multiple people. She turned back to see the cause of the commotion. Someone shouted that a bench broke, followed by a reassurance that everybody was fine.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yuta spoke after, “You keep torturing the guy because you don't know what to do about how you feel. And you torture yourself because you don't want to make a decision." Yuta paused, giving a sympathetic sigh. "I love you, but it's not fair, you know that. He drops everything for you, I can’t believe you don’t see how he lets you toy with him. He’s always at the mercy of your whims and he doesn’t even mind it. Do you want to be the kind of person who does that to someone? He’s a decent guy."
She knew he was right. But he also didn't know all of it. 
"I don't want to torture him." She admitted, keeping her eyes fixed on the white bar top, “He's always trying to get a rise out of me and I just,” She paused to sigh, yet again feeling confronted by her own state. These were things she’d never said before. “So I give him what he wants, a fair fight. I don't know how this ended up being the kind of thing where we keep pushing to see how far it can go.”
Yuta frowned, visibly bothered by the notion. She couldn't blame him. It seemed to be like this all the time now. Both of them looked for reasons to fight lately, like they were testing to see who would get up and call it off first. Loving him made her angry and picking fights made it easier to pin that anger on the right target. He had begun to find her frustrating as a result.
"Why not just talk it out? It can't be worse than it is now?" Yuta questioned.
About this, he would be wrong. She knew Johnny too well by now. He would try to play it off, say that they can give it a shot without meaning it. Johnny was used to being admired, he would never understand its intensity. He would take it as easy as he took most things and it would ruin her.
"I think," She paused, looking up at the ceiling with a groan. "I'm not afraid of rejection. If he said no it would hurt, but I'd move on." She looked back down at her friend with a heavier heart. "What I'm afraid of is that he would say yes without meaning it. He's okay with everything. If I asked him for a relationship he'd say okay, if I ask him I never want to see him again he'd say okay too. If I asked him for the real thing I'd want it to work. But I don't know what he wants." 
She sighed, thinking about how complacent he was about everything. When she decided to ignore him on a whim he left it alone, when she decided to spend the last week of her recovery at Yuta's he was okay with it. He was okay with her sleeping with Doyoung and when she told him they don't anymore he was okay with that too.
"Johnny is just always okay with everything." She spat the words, before she sighed again. "I know that's not fair I just–" She paused again, entirely lost on what she even wanted. "If he loves me, he does a terrible job showing it."
“Oh,” Yuta said. To his credit, she could tell that he was trying to understand. “That does sounds complicated.”
That was what finally made her laugh. Complicated was exactly what she’d spend her entire life avoiding. It was why she spent her weekends with her friends and why she was insistent on keeping things casual with Johnny.
She nodded in agreement, a pitiful smile lifting her lips. "I'm ready to take all of it too. That's how afraid I am to be without him. I keep playing his games and I keep making new ones. Hoping it will keep him interested. Hoping that for once he'd say more than okay. Even if it was a no." She groaned, once again angry at herself.
"What happened to you?" Both of them laughed, her face scrunching.
"I don't know, man. I've tried so many times to figure out how I let a person rattle the peace I’ve spent my entire life protecting. A man who could replace me without any effort."
"No one can replace you." He sounded offended.
She scoffed, mostly finding his reassurance touching.
"I get that you're moping, but you make no sense." Yuta's brows furrowed, "He's wrapped around your fingers."
"That's just because I keep him on his toes." She shrugged, "To overthrow predictability is to strive for more compelling experiences." She repeated the words Johnny had said to get once, the words leaving her tongue bitter. 
Yuta tapped his knuckles on the bar with a frustrated groan, pointing an accusatory finger at her. " I told you to not play fuck monopoly. You've gone and turned it into a tournament." Yuta groaned, knocking his shoulder against hers.
"I should have listened to you.” She admitted, lips twitching when Yuta looked surprised at the confession. “Sometimes I wish it wasn't so combative. If I wasn't so afraid of losing him every second he's with me, then maybe I'd love him without fighting it all the time."
The words left her heavier than she imagined, wishing she really could do it. When she wasn't so busy fighting it with all her might, she knew that loving him was worth all of the things it came with.
"You can just love him." Yuta's words made her close her eyes in denial, "Everybody is at the risk of being lost, no? Nobody comes with a guarantee, why should he? I could have a heart attack tonight while having the best sex of my life and you will never see me again. You don't fight our friendship? Why fight this?"
She looked up a little at loss, unnerved by the wisdom Yuta suddenly imparted.
"What?" He asked.
"I can't believe you just live, laugh, loved this." She snorted. Despite everything, she felt more grateful for Yuta now than she ever had before. "I appreciate this. Really, you are my ride or die." She gave his hand a squeeze.
"Aw, you're so sentimental. Do you still want me to keep you away from Johnny?"
Yuta sighed, "I guess I was also being too optimistic expecting you to change overnight. Think this through when you can."
"I will." She promised.
"That's good enough for me."
Leaning against the bar, head resting on her palm, she took in another deep sigh. (Y/N) had lost count of how many it had been. A deep melancholy had settled in her bones and it could neither be shaken off nor be cured.
"What can I get you?" The bartender came up to her.
Her order came to the tip of her tongue like it was second nature, a glass of whatever red was the best. But she stopped herself when she realised that it was Johnny's second choice, not hers. Then she thought to ask for a whiskey but immediately realised that it was Johnny's first. Maybe making a simple decision shouldn't be so complicated.
"A gin and tonic for the lady, Martin. The one you make with the lavender gin." Johnny spoke as he took the seat in front of her. "Since she walked into my gin joint of all places."
The words made her finally realise what he meant to dress as, a humorous smile tugging at her lips. 
It had been a while since she'd seen him properly. Johnny had spent most of the past few weeks on a work trip, spending the remainder of his time on the recording floor. The rest, she took the effort of being out of his way, taking his need for a break to heart. A break from her, he meant. It was the least she could do.
Right now, in the depths of her despair and with two glasses of two different liquors in her, she allowed herself a good look.
To her misfortune, he looked as he always did. As breathtaking as the first day she walked into this club. He was different behind these walls too; always at ease, not exhausted, not burdened by the condition of his position. In here Johnny was always just a man.
She seemed to understand then. He wanted a break to get back to this, to be carefree and fun. Without the predictability and bitterness that had settled into what they had. Her fingers squeezed the edge of the bar.
Johnny ran his index finger over the rim of his glass, mixing the sound with the tapping of his shoe— making some unknown melody. The action brought her attention to the flicker on his wrist, from where hung a single gold chain. Her eyes wandered to his collar, where the silver chain from earlier was missing.
"What brings you here, Miss?" He sat back in his chair, his eyes sparkling under the sparse lights.
She took a moment, taking his words in. His question was an open ended request. She could be anybody she wished right now, say whatever she wished. She could be carefree and fun, be as unpredictable as she liked. 
She could make him stay.
"A miscalculation. I thought it would be an enjoyable night. Yet I'm stuck making boring small talk with a man who thinks he can order drinks for me." She couldn't help the words, the anger from before still remaining. If he wanted time away from her then why did he keep coming in her way? Why did he make it hard for her to walk away from him?
She could be anybody at that moment. Yet, (Y/N) chose to be herself.
Johnny's eyes danced with embers, tongue darting out to lick his eager lips. He chose to be himself too.
"My apologies, Miss." He tipped his head, not meaning it in the slightest.
"You seem to know my tastes." She picked the drink up once Martin placed it in front of her, giving him a quick smile.
"I am a man of many talents." Johnny answered.
"I was talking to the bartender, Sir." She turned to him, nose raised high. Martin chuckled, apologising to Johnny almost immediately after he could. The title was meant to mock the one he used for her. Yet the very formation of the word on her tongue reminded her that it was a word between people they were trying to run away from at the moment.
Johnny's lips twitched and she couldn't tell what it implied, what he was reacting to.
"What brings you here?" She asked, humouring him at last.
"To this place?"
"To me."
Johnny chewed his bottom lip, clearly a little frustrated at her adamant need to be difficult. In truth, she couldn't be sure why she was being like this either. But Johnny liked when he was cornered, rendered retortless. And the distress marked so clearly across his face made the depths of her belly twist in a way it hadn't in weeks.
"Do you gamble?" She asked him, once again steering the conversation away from the dead ends she sent them into herself.
"I did once, lost everything I had."
"That must have been hard. My condolences to you."
"It doesn't matter to me. At least we'll always have Paris." He gave her a smile that was uncharacteristically warm. It pulled her out of the act, reminding her of what she was missing.
(Y/N) remembered making Ten and Johnny watch the movie. One of her all time favourites, she had warned him when he complained about the cliché premise. She knew that was why he was doing this. She just couldn't tell if it was out of spite or affection.
"My husband is waiting for me upstairs. I must go to him." She stood up, breath catching in her throat when he caught her wrist.
"Your husband is gambling."
"My husband doesn't gamble."
"We all gamble, my love."
She jerked her hand out of his hold, the words stinging her like a live wire. Sucking in her teeth she couldn't help the way her face twisted, seething.
"You will be back." Johnny sat back, face neutral.
"Why would I?" She tapped her hand on the bar, lifting her drink into her free hand.
"Because we all have something at stake." He let her hand go, eyes shifting with sorrow. She wondered if he'd always been such a good actor.
Johnny played her face over in his mind so many times that he hoped it would dull the pang in his chest. Could it really be that bad? Did she hate the idea that much? Was being in love with him that unpleasant a thought to her?
He groaned, sitting up on the sofa. The sound earned his friends attention, Ten turning to him with a particularly impatient gaze. He looked ready to say something.
"Can you just–" He began, his husband's hand coming up to stop him.
"Johnny needs another drink." Taemin gave Ten a warning look, turning to Johnny after. "There's a good Japanese whiskey out today." He offered with a smile, pitying him.
Johnny wanted to scoff, but he was aware that he had successfully over wrung everybody's patience. So he nodded and got up to leave.
He realised that he had become the reason he avoided the fancies of things as tedious as love, sitting here by himself drowning his aching sorrows in alcohol too expensive to be drunk so copiously. Just like the movie he had made fun of, Johnny was yet again a cliché.
"This needs to stop." He mumbled to himself, not remotely drunk enough to pull half the antics he did tonight.
Johnny had always believed that he’d find love when the time was right. He never sought it out because he believed that these things happened on their own. The fact that he spent the entirety of his twenties building his company was something he was proud of. He didn’t believe he had wasted the time.
In truth, Johnny had spent his entire life working towards something. Too occupied to ever feel loneliness in the way it was perhaps meant to be experienced. Which was probably why he wasn’t prepared for it. Love had finally found him and Johnny was plunged headfirst into wanting something that he failed to work towards. There was nowhere to go. What he wanted was right in front of him. He just didn’t have the courage to grab it.
He heard the hesitant intake of breath he’d recognise anywhere. The sound dragging him out of his musings.
"You were right." Her words pierced through his thoughts.
Johnny halted the urge to whip his head immediately at the sound.
"Are you here to finally gamble?" He spoke to his glass. She came around to stand in front of him, shaking her head.
Her hand reached out, moving the few stray strands off his face, When he flinched at the touch, she retreated her fingers quickly. 
"You aren't the only one to have lost everything in Paris." She spoke carefully.
He sighed, the sound more like the wince of hot sand when it finally rained. Looking up, his eyes met her vulnerable ones, the ones he’d keep making the same stupid mistakes for. The ones he'd happily run into a million dead ends for.
Johnny put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She didn't fight it and he was sure that his relief was written across his face as he rested his forehead against hers.
“Who are you really?” He sighed.
“We said no questions.” She sighed along with him; caressing his hair, playing his game.
"We have to stop doing this to each other. To ourselves." He let the liquor speak for him, soaking up the courage it came with. Johnny took a breath, telling himself to take the leap; to say what he needed to say, to ask for what he yearned to have.
Her hand landed on his arm, squeezing. “Johnny.” Her whisper trembled past her lips.
“Hmm?” He said with incredible caution, squeezing her tighter and bringing her closer. Slowly he opened his eyes, waiting for her to speak.
“Let me go. I don't like this game anymore.” She tried to get away from his hold.
Johnny’s brows furrowed, “What?” He breathed out, not expecting that. He was being serious, he needed to speak before he lost his nerve.
“Just,” She huffed. “Move. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She hit his shoulder when he didn’t listen.
“You came to me.” He reminded her.
“Yes, and now I want to go.” She grit her teeth. “Please.” She pleaded, practically whimpered in pain, and his hands relaxed the very next moment, letting her go.
“Whatever, (Y/N). I’m tired of this.” He turned away from her.
Despite her earlier insistence, she faltered. He could see her watching him from the corner of her sight, hesitating. Just as he turned to call her out on it, or to finally ask (he wasn't sure), a voice called his name. Both of them turned.
“Hey Johnny,” It was Jessica, the model. “Can you come with me for a moment?”
Johnny turned his gaze to look at (Y/N), finding her jaw gritted and eyes fixed on the girl. His lips quirked despite himself, tongue sliding over his lower lip as it lifted.
“Sure.” He sat up, “I was done here anyways.” He stood up from his seat.
“What?” Johnny stopped in front of Ten. If the way he snapped didn’t betray his irritation, he hoped his face did. “Why did you send Jessica to call me?”
Ten turned to Johnny, taking in the apparent displeasure with a frown of his own.
“Yuta mentioned that he’s meant to keep the two of you apart. I thought I would add to the effort.” Ten shrugged.
Johnny ran her hands through his hair, “Okay.” He groaned, sounding anything but. “But why did you send Jessica?”
“She was passing by and she knows you.”
“Yeah but now (Y/N) thinks–” He paused, exhaling in a way that sounded like another groan. “Nevermind. Did you even want anything?”
“Not really.” Ten smacked his lips, “If I avoided all the people you’ve slept with in my club then I would have had to go call you myself.”
“You should have since you’re so passionate about this. (Y/N) can make her own decisions, just leave it alone.” He flicked a pillow from behind Ten, making the guy fall back into the sofa.
Ten turned around, eyes laced with intention.
“You’re a coward Johnny.”
“Ten.” Taemin cautioned but his conviction did not falter.
“You need to grow up and have a real conversation with the girl you love.” He continued, giving his best friend a pertinent look. “You’re just punishing yourself and that girl for no reason.” His face softened for a moment, looking like he was pitying Johnny. “Sometimes we ruin things beyond repair by letting it be.”
“You need to,” Johnny took a step closer, “Leave it alone.” It was a plea, partially because he knew Ten was right.
“He’s right.” Taemin interjected, “You can’t meddle in his matters.”
"I'm not meddling." Ten hissed at his husband, "I'm tired of watching my best friend wallow in a misery of his own making." He looked at Johnny, "It won't go away if you ignore it. And it won't change till you do something about it. So why?" He asked.
Johnny rubbed his hand over his face, not in his right mind or place to have this conversation. “You don’t get it.” He said with a lost voice.
“You have to do something, Johnny. Do you expect to live in limbo?” Ten added.
He expected her to deal the death blow. Something he would not say out loud. This entire time he had expected— practically hoped— that she would be the one who would have left by now. He would have accepted it, he would have swallowed it as an inevitable, and he would have taken solace in having been right from the start. That she would get bored of him.
He had been so sure of it that he wasn't prepared for this. He hadn't accounted for ever making it this far.
Johnny nodded to Ten, a silent promise. His friend was right, no matter how much it pissed him off. Johnny knew he would at least have to make a decision soon.
(Y/N) walked away from Johnny with cold hands. This was it, her steps faltered. She walked as far away as she could. All the preparation she had done for that exact moment had evaporated with his words. She couldn’t believe that she ran away like she did, only delaying the inevitable.
He was ready to do it, she could feel it in her bones. She could read it all over his face.
I’m tired of this.
That was the exact indifference to the matter she had feared most of all.
It was like being stabbed by a rusted knife— messy and unnecessary in its cruelty.
Whatever, (Y/N).
Her head hurt, she pushed through to get deeper into the club. To somewhere she could not be found. She needed to prepare herself better for this. She was afraid she’d beg him to say, afraid she’d cry. This wasn't the place or the state of mind she needed to be in for this.
She took a deep breath. No, she needed to prepare herself better.
She couldn’t believe that he would do it here. And he would have. Her exhale came out irate, he would have held her in place and told her he was tired of her.
He would have finished the thought had it not been for the model. Miss belly button herself. Her next breath came out utterly furious.
She was tired of this too, she coaxed herself. Tired of being stuck in limbo with the most elusive man she could have possibly laid hands on. She was tired of loving him too, she lied to herself.
She stopped, realising that she was in the emerald alcove. Yuta’s favourite corner. It was a cosy spot lined by arches that circled the area, littered with chairs that were closer together. Each arch had large and thick curtains that were never drawn, but nonetheless served as a visual policy that added to the sense of seclusion it was meant to emulate.
It was also the part of the club where Johnny had fucked his blonde companion on that night. 
(Y/N) shoved the thought out of her head as fast as it emerged. The first order of business would be to stop thinking about him all the damn time.
She picked up her drink from the bar, a sweet and potent cocktail this time, her kind of drink. Looking around to find a corner to sit in, her eyes landed on a man at the bar. One she recognised. One of the guys from the basement. The rough one with hooded eyes.
"The glasses really change your face." She sat down on the bar stool beside the one he occupied. The man looked up, surprised to see her.
"Usually people tell me how used to my glasses they are, that my face feels empty without them," He smiled to himself. "But I suppose we met under extraordinary circumstances." He tapped his glass, still giving her an odd look.
"You look disconcerted by the memory." She pursed a smile.
"Not particularly, I just didn't think I'd see you again. I'm a little surprised in all honesty." He commented.
"It's a small world." She shrugged.
"It's an even smaller guest list."
This time she did smile.
"I do finally understand why new faces are such a sensation around here." She continued into a new territory, enjoying the confusion on his face.
"Isn't it so?" He snapped back into a casual retort almost immediately. "It gets awkward really fast when everybody is a friend of a friend."
"Speaking of, where's your friend?" She looked around, wondering if he was close.
The guy smiled, almost like he was expecting it. "Why? Would you prefer his company to mine?"
She looked back, "I'm just curious." Her shrug was noncommittal.
"He must be around here somewhere." The man shrugged back, equally evasive. "We aren't friends, we just fuck sometimes. These big, important men and their secret need to be in the palm of someone's hand." He told her like she somehow knew what he was talking about.
She gave him a puzzled look that made him chuckle. 
"I thought Johnny Suh used to wear copper as a joke." This time he steered the conversation into new waters, "But you, I always knew were the silver type." He pointed a finger at her, more victorious than accusatory.
"Nonsense." She laughed.
"You're a natural. I knew it on the day the man spent the entire evening on the floor with your foot in his lap."
"I," She paused, stunned at the mention of the day. From the perspective of a virtual stranger nonetheless. "I can't believe you saw that." She blushed, the memory coming back. It was a joke, something they did to see how their friends would react. It never occurred to her before now how it might look to an onlooker.
"Small pool." He shrugged, "When I first started coming here, I had my eyes on him. But it's easy to tell that he's not the surrendering type. So when I saw that, I couldn't help but have my eyes on you."
She was surprised by the easy confession, an effortless breeze .
"Did I live up to your expectations or was it disappointing?" She questioned, playing her surprise off as flirtation.
"Yes and no." The man smiled, pushing his specs higher up. "On one hand I've finally solved the mystery that is Johnny Suh."
"Oh.” She stopped to wonder if she should ask him to elaborate, thinking against it immediately after. “And on the other?" She asked instead.
"I really wish you did more than just watch."
Her mouth opened with evident surprise, the words so easily said. An absolute and uncomplicated request. The man laughed, clearly enjoying the surprise on her face. It made her snap back.
"Maybe in a few months, we can get back to this." She half joked.
"Months?" He winced, "Are you going on a trip?" He sniggered.
She smiled, not willing to elaborate any further.
"Something to look forward to nonetheless." He raised a glass, "I think your usual is waiting for you." He pointed over her shoulder, making her turn.
Her usual was sitting on one of the sofas, at a considerable distance. She wouldn't even have noticed him without the prompt.
"Well, your glasses work for sure." She squinted. "Trying to get rid of me?" She asked while trying to gauge Johnny's expression. She was unfortunately not wearing her own glasses.
The man laughed, "No, I just believe that some things are best left unbreached." His voice was careful.
She turned back, "And here I thought you were flirting with me."
"Oh I absolutely am. I just have different tastes. Also best left unencroached." He licked his lips.
Her eyes fell on the movement, "I have ears and an open mind." She looked up deliberately slow.
"I don't know, will you just using me to make a point?" He teased, eyes darting behind her.
"You don't seem to mind being used."
His cheeks turned red and it made her lips twitch. She had been denying herself the extent of what the club had to offer, (Y/N) realised.
The man's eyes went behind her again just as she heard shuffling. She rolled her eyes to the heaven's themselves. Eventually, she'd tire of Johnny's predictable antics. Maybe then she'd tire of her own too.
"Is she bothering you again?" Johnny put a hand on her waist, effortless and clear in its intention.
"We were just getting to know each other." The man smiled.
She realised that she hadn't caught his name yet.
"Are you finally socialising?" The question was blatantly aimed at her. But she pretended not to understand, turning to call the bartender over instead.
"A repeat?" The server pointed to her glass but she shook her head.
"Time for us to go home, babe?" Johnny leaned down, his breathy question warning her neck. The heat from his hand burned her through her dress as well. The assumption in his words burning her pride.
"You're intruding." The words slipped from her tongue. She didn't look at Johnny but the other man looked up at him with a glint in his eyes.
Johnny laughed again, this time a little more nervous. Good, she thought. She was done pretending to take him in stride.
"(Y/N)–" Johnny began, his words careful.
"Go home, Johnny." She interrupted. "Didn't you say you were tired?" She turned to look at him. Johnny looked down at her with a heavy frown. She braced herself for some dreaded response. But he said nothing, just watching her for a fleeting moment in a way that gave her hope. Hope that immediately soured when he looked away.
"I'm actually tired." She said simply. "You might have to go look for belly button again. What was her name, again?"
"You never asked her name."
"Right. It's for the best, I suppose." She grit her teeth, hands tightening around her glass. "It would be a long day if I tried to keep up with them all."
His eyes glimmered with ill intention as he leaned closer to her face. Pride made her stand her ground, not look away.
"I've done it to you too. If you want me to do it again just ask." He licked his lips, a heated reminder of a few months ago when things were so very different. Every inch of her skin flushed.
"Fuck you." She spat, the implied consolation in the words enraging her from head to toe. Especially when he didn't sound consolatory at all. 
She turned when she heard the chair beside her move.
"Leaving so soon?" She asked the man. He shrugged, adjusting his glasses and giving her a nod.
"Come on." Johnny nudged her, "We're done."
"No, I'm just getting started." She met his gaze from the corner of her eyes, You can go back to whatever cunt you crawled out of." She eyed Johnny's unruly hair, ruined by god knows what, truly at the tail end of her patience and pretence.
She turned back to give the man a smile, "I'm sorry, please just ignore him."
He gave an uneasy laugh, looking up at Johnny before back at her. Before the man could get another word in, she felt Johnny close in again. This time his fingers slid down her arms. 
He did it so deliberately slow, so expertly, that apart from breaking into goosebumps, she also visibly shivered. His lips part against the shell of her ear, the sound rattling her spine.
"The only cunt I'm crawling in or out of is yours. I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure that out by now." He kissed the skin under her ear, making her shut her eyes. The words and the action did exactly what he intended. She melted against him, heart soaring at the confession. 
The chair beside her slid back further, making her eyes open. "Never a boring day in this club." The man chuckled to himself, walking away after giving her a last wave and Johnny an amiable nod.
"I hate you." She spat at Johnny once he was gone. 
"Okay." Johnny said, not even pretending to take her seriously. "Come, I want to fuck you." He brushed his fingers over her knuckles. The words made her stomach twist and clench. "I even wore your favourite little chain."  He took her hand in his, the gold chain hanging from the wrist.
Her lungs slammed her heart, no doubt exhausted by its flightless fancies. He was giving her what she wanted. It was all she would have. Johnny was giving in to her for once.
Fuck. She cursed in her head. Just this once.
She still didn't turn to look at him, "Will you honour it?" The words came out easier than she would have liked. Johnny hummed against her ears, lifting her hand to his lips.
"Anything you want." He kissed the tips of her fingers one by one.
"Are you still playing your game?" Doubt made her ask the question, finally daring to turn just enough to see his face. She wanted him to say no. He looked up and remained silent instead.
Her ensuing exhale was one of surrender, "Fine, let's play."
A game was all it was, she supposed.
Johnny lay back in bed with a kind of cocky smirk that looked like he had already won. She couldn’t fathom what he was so proud about. But then again, he had no clue what was to come.
“How will you have me?” He asked, undeterred by the weight of any consequences. He put his arms behind his head, relaxing further into the bed. She didn’t answer him, turning her back to him to peek through the amenities drawer. After rummaging through all the intriguing objects, she settled on a long satin cloth. Running it between her fingers she closed her eyes to feel it, deciding that this would have to do.
When she turned, his eyes were waiting, taking the object in.
“Are you going to blindfold me to deprive me of your pretty face? Or will you do it to yourself to pretend I’m someone else. The man from earlier, perhaps?” He raised a brow.
She said nothing, keeping her eyes roaming and on anything but him. Gently, she put the cloth down at the very foot of the bed before walking into the washroom.
When she returned, Johnny’s brows were furrowed. He tried to smooth it out when she came into view, but the subconscious frown on his lips remained. It made her purse a smile.
For all his menacing ways, Johnny was a generous lover. His intention was to push her beyond the edges of her flimsy patience, going a little further each time till she was surprised at her own limits. 
But he was also kind in a way that he didn’t realise. Johnny would take his time, but the man always gave in before he intended. True to his personality, he went with the flow and stayed starkly aware of his partner. She could always trust that he would never push her beyond a limit she could not handle.
She however was not the same. Not as seasoned as he was, she was driven solely by her need to stake a claim on his bottomless patience. 
Her need to control him was unique to him only. (Y/N) had never desired to conquer a man like she wanted to conquer Johnny Suh. It made her petty and it made her unpredictable. He had known how to push her buttons from the first day she walked into this place. Even before that, Johnny always knew how to push her professionally. He drove her to blinding rage that left her vulnerable.
It made her mean in retaliation. Her method was to distress him in an effort to shatter his usual easygoing resolve. She liked to watch him beg as much as he did her, but more than that she liked to watch him as he let her get away with it all. 
She was always at his fingertips. But he was also wrapped around her fingers. And she'd take every opportunity she had left to remind him of that.
He turned to look at her, trying to hide his growing impatience. She untied her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders with a sigh.
She stopped at the edge of the bed, eyes going over his entire form. Her eyes halted at his legs, returning to his waiting gaze with a silent instruction. Johnny decided to play dumb, raising both his brows in clueless question.
She didn't move, watching him with such impassive patience that a part of her was impressed by her own restraint. There was a silent stare off that she promised to win on account of the indignation she'd been holding at bay for two weeks.
Johnny smiled, a thought sparking his eyes.
"You do it." He stared at her, "Please?" His voice dripped with his taunt.
She turned away from him, walking back to the foot to pick up the sash she left. His eyes followed her as she came back. Sitting beside him, she placed her hand across his torso. Tilting her head to her shoulder she watched him for a second, eyes storming with contemplation.
"Come here." She finally said, fingers brushing over the buttons of his pants. He moved so fast that he almost threw them both off the bed. Her lips twitched and she had to look away to bite it back.
"We don't know each other." She said softly, fingers flicking the button off. When she looked up, Johnny's brows were furrowed in confusion. "We're strangers who met here today. That's the people we can pretend to be."
Johnny chewed on his bottom lip, looking like he wanted to say something.
"It's my turn. That's the part I want to play." She reinforced her idea, taking his silence as agreement. 
Johnny nodded, confused but intrigued by where this was going. She was angry, it was plain to see. Johnny had never really seen how her fury looked when it boiled over. But he hadn't expected it to be this silent. He tried to push down the fear it brewed deep within his bones. With all his pushing, Johnny also knew how to pull back. So he allowed himself to go along with the game, hoping he hadn't pushed her too far.
When she did pull his pants down, Johnny's dick stood up like it was peering to catch a glance. As usual, a traitor. She unclenched her fingers, the sash falling on his legs. Still unsure of its purpose, he extended his hands to her, wrists held together.
She looked up at him with cold amusement, "Do you want to be restrained that bad?"
"What else could it be for?" He asked, voice betraying his impatience.
"You don't need to be tied, Johnny. You never do. It's not like something so flimsy would hold you anyway." He watched her toy with the object, gingerly wrapping one end of the cloth around her palm a few times. The other end still resting against his thigh.
"What? Don't trust me?" She raised an expectant brow.
"Right now, I'm not sure what you're going to do." He gave her a cautious gaze, yet again failing to gauge her state of mind.
"Just lie back."
So he did, he listened to her and relaxed back against the pillows.
She raised her hand flicking the sash up, the material brushed against his dick, making it twitch again. She did it again, moving it back and forth against his tip till he was clenching his thighs.
"What are you doing?" He asked between rapid breaths.
"Don't like it?" She questioned, meeting his gaze. When she moved it again, the smooth cloth brushed over the underside of his cock, grazing the vein that was now bulging. Johnny's hips lifted off the bed. "You seem to like it." She hummed.
She looked back down, spinning the sash around this time. The thing wrapped around his cock in hypnotising circles, covering the length with feather light brushes. When it brushed over his tip, Johnny had to close his eyes.
He had been so on edge all evening, so excruciatingly hard, that his dick was beyond sensitive. It made the delicate friction shoot liquid electricity up his legs, fresh blood pumping into his already stiff dick.
Then she tugged the ribbon with one harsh pull, the entire thing tightening around his length in one exquisite clench.
"Fuck." He groaned, hips bucking up again. "That's–" He began, but the material was already coming loose, making his eyes shoot open just as she let it fall slack. 
Before words could form in his mind, before Johnny even tried, she was moving it back and forth again.
"What are you trying to do?" He asked, feeling as confused as he did aroused.
"I'm going to get you off. That's what you want, right?" She blinked up at his face, giving him an innocent look.
He wanted her to touch him. But that felt like a confession of subjugation.
"I'm not going to get off like this." He said instead. Her lips twitched, the glint in her eyes telling him that he'd said the wrong thing.
"Are you assuming, or is that a promise?" She questioned.
Johnny didn't respond, knowing well when he'd walked into one of her traps. She knew it too, returning to the task at hand with a chuckle.
"I'll take that as a promise then." She spoke softly, words as gentle as the satin that brushed against his dick over and over.
With each stroke, he felt the skin get more sensitive than he thought possible. His hips squirmed more frequently, eyes fluttering shut, the fabric edging him to insanity. The precum that was beading at his tip began to make each brush a little harsher. 
It wasn't enough to even pretend to search for the beginnings of a build up. Yet it made his cock twitch a little more with each brush, just enough to feel good in what it was denying him. Johnny's lips parted when she wrapped the ribbon around his dick again, brows creasing as she tugged the thing tight around his length. He would have laughed at his state had he not felt so incredibly turned on.
"You love this." She seemed to choke on her own realisation, just as he felt the cloth begin to wrap around his dick again. Knowing what was coming, he braced himself. "Look at you, Whore." She clicked her tongue, "Your fingers are going to tear the sheets."
Heat spread from his forehead down his chest, suddenly too aware of the effect this was having on him.
"I'm trying not to grab your hair and put your mouth where it belongs." He opened his eyes, just in time for her to pull the sash taut again. A moan slipped past his open mouth.
"Where does my mouth belong?" She goaded him, "On your cock?" A dismissive hum slipped past her lips. "Looking at you now, I think my mouth is too good for you."
With that, Johnny could agree. Her mouth was too good for anyone. He wasn't sure that he wouldn't come the moment she so much as brushed her lips against it.
"You've kept me hard and waiting all night. There's only so much a man can take." His thighs unclenched as the ribbon released his length, falling around the base in circles.
"I told you to go bury your busy cock in some other hole."
"And I told you I only want to bury myself in you." He raised a brow, annoyed that she refused to believe him.
He saw the shift in her gaze and the red that tinted her cheeks.
"Let me feel how wet you are." The words rushed out with desperation, taking the liberty the moment gave him. Slowly, he dragged his hands closer to her. Despite the caution she was menacing, tightening the cloth against his base with a swift jerk. The friction made him wince, his hips lifting off the mattress again.
"Take your time with your game. I just want to see how much your pussy missed me."
Her breath came in and out in sharp waves, never too far to not be affected by the right words. Words he knew best.
"Behave." She warned him.
"No." He sat up, enjoying the uneven rise and fall of her chest.
"Alright." She said, letting the sash go entirely. 
Johnny raised his head, a little surprised by her agreement. He also couldn’t believe the pang of disappointment that racked through him at the loss of the touch.
"Take your shirt off." She pointed her chin to his chest.
Experience told Johnny that there was a catch, but it also told him to do what he was told. He took off his buttons rapidly, afraid she'd change her mind.
“You’re very eager.”
“I’ve had a long night.”
She got off the bed, bending over to pull her panties off. Johnny licked his lips before he could truly understand and control the urge. She caught the sight, lips cocking in an arrogant smirk. Both of them turned to catch his dick twitch.
She stood up once the garment was off, walking back towards him while Johnny curbed the urge to demand she take her dress off too.
Slowly, she got on the bed. Resting either knee over his waist, Johnny put his arms behind his head to watch her straddle him. Feeling cocky himself, he let a smirk light his lips. When she caught it, her own smirk looked to pity him.
“You’re also very presumptuous.” She started moving forwards. His tip brushed against her clit as she moved, both of their breaths seizing in tandem.
To his surprise, she got a hold of herself before he did, lifting herself higher to avoid a repeat.
Having already lost the upper hand in the situation, Johnny parted his lips. “Do it again.” He asked shamelessly.
She ignored the words, not even refusing or reminding him of his current station. When she sat down, it was on his abdomen. For a moment, his senses blurred. 
Johnny could feel the smooth glide of her wet slit, practically slipping.
“Fuck Kitten, You’re so wet.” He hissed, stomach clenching tight along with his fist as he resisted the desire to grab her waist.
“I’ve always wanted to do this.” She breathed out, the shake in her voice betraying the intensity of the sentiment.
“Just listen to your sopping pussy squelch for me.” He groaned, head falling back as he heard the sound of her pressing against him. “You just love using me, don’t you?”
“How can you tell? Are you used to being used?” She questioned.
Johnny thought it was a joke, lifting his head with humour in his eyes. But upon meeting her gaze, he saw it bore into him, looking displeased.
He forgot they were strangers.
“I know the type.” He answered after several moments.
“Oh? A lot of experience in the area?”
“Mmhm.” He hummed.
Both her hands pressed against his chest, “Eager and presumptuous men should be used once in a while. Keeps you grounded, don’t you agree?” Her hips slid forward, head falling over almost immediately.
She bit back a moan. Johnny smiled.
“I’m not sure I do.”
“No?” Her next glide came as Johnny flexed his stomach, pulling a hiss from her. “You need a change in perspective.”
“Is that what you’re here to do? Enlighten me?” He raised a brow.
She nodded, eyes fluttering closed. With each glide of her hips, it got harder for her to hold still. Soon, her legs were tightening around his waist. They still shook, despite the tight grip.
“Your legs will be sore tomorrow.” Johnny warned.
"You should be more concerned about yourself right now."
"I think I'm doing good." He sighed, lips lifting in a relaxed smile.
"That's unfortunate. We can't have that." Her breath stuttered as Johnny flexed his stomach in retaliation.
Johnny scoffed, "You just love to make it harder for yourself, don't you? Just wait till later."
"Later?" She hummed, hips coming to a halt. "Do you think you'll see me again?"
Johnny chewed on the inside of his cheek. That was not funny to him at all. It leeched what little enjoyment he had and he had to close his eyes to take in a furious breath as she began humping into him again.
(Y/N) couldn't tell why he had gone quiet all of a sudden. She wasn't supposed to care, she wasn't going to. He was doing what she had intended to do. She told herself that his silence was also a tactic. That is why she felt bothered. Her hands pressed against his chest with more urgency, the movement of her hips getting faster.
"Enjoying yourself?" He asked after so long that she gasped at the sudden sound. She nodded, her pace increasing as she felt the knot in her stomach tie itself tighter.
She looked up at his eyes, this close the building pleasure in her core muffled her brain further. (Y/N) leaned in, eyes fixed on his lips. Everything aside, she always missed kissing him the most.
She didn't expect his hand to move at all, nonetheless to grab her chin. He squeezed her cheeks harshly, lifting her face to meet his gaze as he sat up.
"I don't kiss strangers." He reminded her, making her crumble inside. "Understood?" He raised an irate brow. She nodded and he let go as fast as he had grabbed her, bringing his hands back to his sides and relaxing again.
Her pace slowed down a little despite herself. She felt rattled by the words.
She forgot that he could be cruel too when he wanted to be. At least in these cases, they were true equals.
After losing her rhythm, the tightness in her belly slipped away. No matter how fast she moved her hips, what angle or pattern she tried, she felt frustratingly far away from the build up that never came.
"You don't seem to be doing too good. Need help?" His words were a taunt. She thought it best to ignore it, moving down to sit atop his length. Johnny's head fell back as a sigh left her.
"I think I can manage." She muttered, too distracted by her own frustrations.
"I don't think you can." He spoke through a tight jaw, "Ever used a man before, honey? I don't think you know how to do this." He continued to provoke her.
"And you do?" She asked, sliding over his length. Both of them gasped when his tip nudged her clit, leaving his length wet from her leaking insides. "You look too busy being pussy drunk."
"I'm nothing if not a multi-tasker." He groaned, hips bucking once before he pressed it back down with the sheer force of his will.
She smiled, "That's a lot of promises."
"Give me a chance and I'll show you."
She thought about the first time he was at her mercy like that, the time feeling like it was years ago instead of just one. His every overconfident claim drove her mad, even more so when he lived up to each claim and more.
She thought about her first night here, not even strangers back then. She thought about the first time she had met him. About how she knew him as the man who had built himself a monolith. 
In truth, Johnny had never been a stranger to her. She walked into her interview the same way she had walked into the room much like this one a year ago.
Absolutely enamoured by him.
She stopped moving entirely, "Fine."
Johnny lifted his head to look at her, "What?"
She thought about the little things that could have been different the first time around. Whether they would have produced a different outcome.
"Show me." She lifted her arms, surrendering to him.
His hands came to her back in a flash, lifting her and dropping her down in a heartbeat. Her head fell on the very edge of the bed, knocking the air out of her.
"Are you sure?" He asked, eyes boring into hers.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Have you known me to offer anything if I wasn't?"
He raised a brow, forehead gathering. "I thought we didn't know each other."
"Your turn." She told him.
The words made him chew on his bottom lip, his free arm tracing up and down her leg and driving her wild.
"Alright. Sit up." He nodded, pulling back.
Confused, she regardless did what he asked. As she sat up, his hands came to her waist, keeping her on his lap.
Her nose knocked into his, the proximity to his stormy eyes making her dizzy.
"First thing," He whispered, hand coming to her hair. "We don't need these." He unclasped the pin that held the chain in her hair, taking the one on his wrist off right after. 
She gave him a confused look but didn't question it.
"We play my parts now." His breath hitched, "There are no winners. I don't want to fight, I don't want to win. I don't want to be strangers." She heard the small clink of the two chains being placed on the table, his eyes coming back to hers right after, "I want to make love to you." He kissed her eyelid.
Her chest crumbled at the words, caving in and grinding itself into pieces. Helplessly, she nodded.
He shifted, gently placing her head on the pillows.
"Wrap your legs around my waist." He whispered, words as delicate as his actions. She did what she was told.
"Why are you doing this?" She couldn't help but ask, needing an answer.
"You said you wanted to be furthest from who we are. We're already strangers, (Y/N). Despite everything, I still don't know you."
"You could just ask." She whispered, brushing her knuckles over his chin. "I'd tell you anything you want. All you have to do is ask."
Johnny's eyes steeled over at the words and she bit down on her lips hard, cursing herself for letting her sentiments get ahead of her.
"You were truly born to drive me crazy." He groaned, leaning down to kiss her jaw. She froze, expecting him to kiss her. But his lips moved lower instead, hands coming up to the ends of her bunched dress.
"Taking this off." He mumbled against her skin. She nodded.
He pulled back to do the task, watching her with intoxicating intensity as she lifted her hips off the bed.
"So beautiful." He sighed, "I don't understand how you're mine." He breathed out, making the growing cavity in her chest swarm with butterflies. The lines between pretence and reality blurred long before they even existed.
"The same way you're mine." She dared to say, the thought itself as devastating as it was euphoric.
Johnny groaned with approval, hands slipped between them to pull her panties off, "Should I ease you into it?" He asked, finger brushing over her entrance.
Despite seeing white spots in her vision at the touch, she shook her head. "No, I'm good."
His head lifted, eyes coating with tenderness, something she didn't realise she had been yearning for, "Still, it's been a while."
She tugged at the edge of his shirt, bringing him closer, "Your dick is inside me more than it's outside it." She wiggled under him, her impatience already fighting with her need to cherish this moment, "I promise you, I can take it." She huffed.
"What a filthy mouth," He curled his smiling lips, leaning forward till their foreheads touched. She held her breath, again expecting him to kiss her, but he just brushed his lips over the corner of her mouth. "Did you miss my cock?"
"Johnny," She whined, "Please. I need you."
"Answer me, (Y/N)." He asked and she nodded.
Her eyes screwed shut, "I–Fuck." Her words jumbled, when she felt him nudge against her writhing hole.
"Did you?" He asked with a wispy voice, stuttering.
More than anything else, she missed him. All of him. The confession at the very tip of her lips, threatening to flow.
They were playing a part she reminded herself. For a few moments, she was safe behind it.
She forced her eyes open, "It was you I missed. God I miss you so much I might just go mad."
Johnny forsake his control, slowly beginning to ease himself into her. Every muscle in her body went stuff, endless mutters leaving her lips.
"Really?” He asked through his teeth.
"Every goddamn day." She responded with the same gritted jaw.
He hummed, sounding infuriatingly unconvinced. "Why didn't you come to me then?" He stopped after only a few inches, pulling back out again.
"You told me you wanted a break. From me. What was I supposed to do? You weren't even here. You did everything you can to avoid me."
"You did it to me too." He muttered. To her surprise he pouted, the gesture giving her whiplash as he entered her again a little further this time. "You're so wet, baby. So tight." He groaned, eyes shutting for a moment like he was taking it in.
Baby. It was something he had never called her before. Her insides clenched around him in the same way her heart squeezed around those words— holding the moment as tight as she could. He'd used an array of words to refer to her, to call her, to praise her and degrade her. Yet nothing ever felt like this one. As unassuming as it was. Maybe she was actually mad.
"I can't come and just demand your attention. I'm not like you, I just can't do it." She huffed, frustrated and relieved at the same time.
"You're always demanding my attention."
"That's untrue."
"Is it?"
It wasn't. She did always make an effort to be at the forefront of her mind. Of course like many other things, she'd assumed she was good at keeping it covert. In actuality, like most other things, he was just letting her get away with it.
But this was different. This wasn't about teasing him or toying with his need for excitement. This was him wanting a change. She knew that because he told her as much. It hurt her beyond consolation and she couldn't be in front of him with that. 
It had been a year and she had probably become stale to him.
"Why are you fighting with me?" She said instead of acknowledging those things, "I thought you wanted to be in love?"
"This is how love feels like," He looked over her face. "So I'm told." He marched the words with the slow retreat of his length.
On this, she could agree with him. Of all the things people had to say about love, no one warned her how gut wrenching it could also be. She'd hate it if the good parts hadn't made up for it and more.
Her overwhelmed mind made the next question spill, "What does it feel like to you?" She asked him, not sure what she was expecting.
"Like this." He sighed, beginning to push so slightly back inside her. "Like being inside you."
The words made her clench around him yet again. She wanted nothing more than for him to mean those words. Moments like this made her wonder just how she had managed to mask her real feelings for so long. Especially now, when every inch of her seemed to be bursting with it.
"Kiss me, Johnny." Her eyes fluttered open, swallowing whatever remained of her pride to ask for what he already denied her. “Show me just how much you love me."
Johnny’s eyes softened like they melted— glistening despite being in the shadow.
Then his lips pressed against hers and she felt like her entire being lit up with the brunt of her relief. Her hands came to his neck, his to her hips, holding each other like it was the only thing they knew.
She sighed into his mouth without meaning to, the faintest moisture collecting in the corner of her eyes. She had truly missed kissing him. He had ruined the act of it. He had given her the privilege of kissing her, and now she considered it a privilege outright.
It would also be the thing she would miss the most. That and his smile, the sound of his voice when he laughed, the way he said her name. (Y/N) wondered if she'd ever truly be able to kiss another person again.
Johnny's lips moulded over hers like they were completing a puzzle. His hand stroked her thigh gently as her head tilted up to deepen the kiss. He kissed her slow and he kissed her fast, taking his time to navigate each familiar crevice. His sigh was touching, one of relief and comfort. She could get lost in that alone, locking the sound away in her memories.
She'd miss him so much when he was gone that she missed him already. Her arms pressed him closer to her, with more urgency. When he trailed his kisses down her neck, she used the opportunity to wipe her eyes against her shirt, still hanging on his shoulder.
Now Johnny entered her completely, and it took her breath away. Her arm squeezed his neck, his shoulder muffling her moan.
"Good?" He questioned, more as a gauge of her state than to fish for compliments.
"The best." She couldn't help herself if she tried. When he probed the thicker part of her walls she moaned his name so loud that she was sure it could be heard all the way to the basement.
"Yes right there." She added once the stars in her vision dulled.
"Yes, I know." He chuckled, peppering kisses all over her neck and cheek. "I know." He reassured.
"Don't stop." She whined, the pleasure mixing with the flurry of emotions to drive her mad. "Johnny, please."
"I won't." The words accompanied a tender hush. "I've got you." He promised.
"Johnny, I'm so—" He cut her off by grabbing her chin, lifting himself higher and making her look into his eyes.
"I love you. You." He tripped over his words. "I love you so much. More than life itself." He groaned, brows furrowing. "Fuck, you were just made for me and I spend all my time thinking about just that." His thrusts started to get sloppy, only spurred on by her tight grip around him. "That and just how much I fucking love you."
Her lips parted on their own accord, "Johnny, I–" But the words were cut off by a moan as he came with a sudden shiver. The feeling of his come shooting inside her sending her into her own orgasm as he kept up his ridiculous pace.
(Y/N) had never felt hollow the way she felt when he pulled out of her after what felt like hours of just laying there. She couldn't even feel the relief of his weight lifting off her chest. 
He was staring at her from the side, she could feel his eyes looking her over, analysing each movement on her face. When he took in a breath— to say something, she got out of bed. Once again fear grabbed at her, mind filling with every possible explanation he would have to dismiss everything that had just happened.
"I should get cleaned up." She mumbled to the floor, not even bothering to gather any of her clothes. She just went into the bathroom and stayed in the tub. Long enough to be sure he was asleep. 
Or gone.
(Y/N) woke up to the feel of Johnny’s hand sliding up her legs, resting on her hip. She smiled, pulling her head back to look at him through her slitted gaze.
“Morning.” Johnny’s voice, as deep as it was on most mornings, was too cautious. Her brows knit, confused for a moment. Then the previous night came back to her, reminding her that this wasn’t most mornings.
She hummed in response, “Where did you get pajamas?” She asked, eyeing the dark green t-shirt and pants that she was certain weren’t from his closet.
“The bottom drawers in the dresser always have a pair or two.” He informed her, the first she heard of this.
“Why didn’t I get one?” Her brows gathered. Johnny just gave her a cheeky grin.
“We haven’t spent a night here before, have we?” He questioned her.
“I haven’t.” She mumbled, shifting to bury her face further in his neck then she found it when she woke. But the reminder had ruined the harmless mood.
Pulling away felt too awkward to pull off so she just tried to shift again. Johnny must have read her mind because his arm came back to her leg, pulling it up on his own and leaving a chaste kiss on her forehead. A sigh left her lips, finding comfort in the familiar situation despite the circumstances. The air in the room was, nonetheless, tense. She told herself she'd take away these moments as relics.
None of them spoke to fill the silence. In truth, there was nothing to say. Only when it got too hot did she pull back from him. 
Silently, (Y/N) slipped out of bed, looking around to spot her clothes. A knock on the door made her rise, grabbing one of the robes that always hung from the bathroom door.
She opened it to find Charlie, one of the servers, standing with her things in his hand.
“Mr. Nakamoto sent your things.” He reached his hands out with her bag, “I took the liberty of bringing Mr. Suh’s things as well.” He handed her the paper bag as well.
“Thank you, Charlie.” She smiled, “I heard that you’re getting married?” She beamed and the man blushed in response, giving her a shy nod.
The overnight bag she had packed for Yuta’s house was heavy and made it difficult to open it with both hands full. She reached into the packet in which Charlie handed over Johnny’s belongings, taking his wallet out to pick out a note to hand to the man for his efforts.
“Next time you’re manning the bar, I want to know how you met your partner.” She smiled at him and he thanked her for the tip. Once she closed the door, she could put the bags down. Sighing from the release of the burden, she opened her bag to fish her own wallet out, replacing the money she took from Johnny.
“You didn’t have to do that.” His voice came from behind. She turned, finding him leaning against the wall and watching her carefully, arms crossed in front of his chest. She just shrugged in return, coming up to hand him his things before walking into the bathroom.
When she emerged, she was dressed for the day. Johnny was laying in bed with his feet on the floor, looking up from his phone when she walked into his line of vision.
“Where are you going?” He asked, brows furrowed like he was somehow expecting her to stay.
“Yuta and I are supposed to have brunch today. Hyuck too.” She spoke while clasping her watch.
“The breakfast here is pretty good. You can just eat downstairs.” Johnny sat up, phone dropping on his chest and then on the bed.
She looked up at him, lost. Breakfast was another thing she did not know the club provided.
Johnny seemed to catch on, eyes lighting up with amusement. "Really, it's like a hotel if you can ignore the large bowls of condoms everywhere."
She laughed under her breath, “Ten’s more entrepreneurial than you are.”
“I’ll have you know that it was my idea.” He said defensively, smiling nonetheless.
“Oh.” She chuckled, “My apologies. The condoms or the breakfast?" Picking up her shoes, (Y/N) sat down at the edge of the bed.
"The breakfast. The condoms are more of a legal failsafe. Your department more than mine."
Both of them laughed.
The next several moments were silent till she finished putting on her shoes, his hand coming to her waist as she started getting up.
He snaked the arm around her to halt her efforts, “Stay.” It was a single word packed with a heavy request. She could feel his eyes on her in the mirror in front of them, keeping her own gaze fixed on the floor.
“I can’t.” It was an equally simple response, laced with a heavy implication. She looked up at the mirror, meeting his gaze. “We have reservations.” It was a flimsy excuse that seemed to get a rise out of him. 
His soft eyes hardened, “You came prepared to stay the night, it seems.” His eyes drifted to her large bag.
It was a petty thing to say and for a moment she wondered if she should lie, give him the shot of provocation that he was seeking when he said the words. But the antagonism that filled the previous night had weighed down on her. She was tired.
"My original plan was to go for dinner and crash at Yuta's. It was Hyuck who insisted on coming here.” 
Johnny hummed, the sound heavy with the words he held back, unconvinced. It made her turn to him, “I have no reason to lie to you.” The words were the simple truth and she could tell that it did the very thing she was trying to avoid.
Her eyes wandered over his face, taking in the way he was trying to hide his outrage. She wondered if it was his ego or if she wanted to delude herself into thinking he actually cared. “All this time and I still don’t understand you.” She bit the corner of her mouth, regretting the words for the argument it would spur.
“It’s not like you ever ask.” He slid closer, nose knocking against hers. His eyes looked up from her lips expectantly. 
She wondered if he wanted a question or a kiss.
Her phone rang while she debated and she told herself it was divine intervention. Except it was just her best friend.
“Ask Johnny if he wants to go for brunch with us.” Yuta skipped the greetings to land the poignant jab. Of course he already knew who she was with. There was never going to be anybody else.
“No.” She got up from the bed, gathering her things. 
Despite every ounce of sense telling her otherwise, she turned to look at him, meeting his gaze to give him a silent farewell. There was the brimming fear of this being the last time, afterall.
The thought made her still. She had to shake her head and look away.
“Meet me downstairs. Did you find Hyuck?” She asked, walking out of the room.
Another week passed and (Y/N) had begun the process of mourning. Taking the last two days of the work week off, she had holed herself up in the safety of her apartment for three days now. The time had been spent consuming enough sugar to remind herself that she never had a sweet tooth, before shifting to the store of sour candy that was seemingly endless. Putting the first one in her mouth made her eyes well. 
Finally, she started looking for a different job, her constantly blurring eyes making the task take much longer than intended. 
That Saturday night, she fell asleep trying to imagine how she would hand in her resignation to him. What could she even say? How would she avoid explaining to him that she couldn’t be around him. 
She simply was not as aloof as she wanted both of them to believe.
The building phone never rang. The day doorman never had to see people come to her apartment unless they were with her or he knew them as her regular guests. The one on the night shift was new. 
Her first thought was the most obvious one. It was Johnny, it had to be. But she reminded herself that she had other people in her life. It could be Yuta with some ridiculous situation that only he could have. It could be Doyoung since she had let it slip that her non-relationship with her boss was beginning to sizzle off.
“Hello?” She finally answered the phone.
“I’m sorry Miss, there’s a man here that refuses to give his name. He says you know who it is. I told him that you don’t take visitors this late.”
She huffed. That reduced her guesses to two of the three. Nonetheless, she was grateful for the man’s caution.
“I’ll be down in a moment.” She sighed.
The elevator dinged and she clenched her hands inside the pocket of her hoodie. The one that was not hers. Despite her reasonings, she of course knew who was the moment the phone rang.
Johnny stood in the lobby with his hands on his hips, a frown set deeply on his face. His hair glistened under the lights and her eyes drifted to the doors behind him. 
It was raining.
“Your new place is definitely high on safety.” He remarked, lips still downturned. "Your doorman thinks I'm a thief who'd walk through the front door." He pointed behind him, a small grunt leaving his frustrated lips.
She loved him, she realised for the millionth time. This time with a sudden jolt. Despite every rational thought begging her to do otherwise. She loved him so dearly and so hopelessly that she didn't know what to do with it at all.
Johnny looked restless, his feet tapping against the floor. She could understand and she could forgive it. That was how much she loved him.
She loved him. A sigh of relief left her, like the crashing of waves on a rocky shore after it finally met land. It was useless to pretend otherwise. She loved him and she'd let him in anytime he showed up.
He was in a suit, the rain ruining the fabric permanently. She wondered why he was in one on a Saturday at midnight.
His hands dropped to his side, “You haven’t been coming to work.” He said as the gap between them began to close with each stride. “I was preparing for the quarterly distributor meeting and Kun’s notes made no sense. He’s on a work trip too. I had to call the entire legal team into work today because all of the copyright issues seem to be funnelled through you.” 
She stopped a few metres short of being in his personal space. “I’m entitled to my leaves.”
“Then you should brief the team properly so work doesn’t stop when you aren’t around.”
He was right, she gave him a nod to affirm it as well.
“Did you get what you needed?” She asked, flexing her fists in the safety of the deep pockets of the hoodie.
“Yes. The intern, Hendery, had a decent idea. I hired him tonight.”
“Good. He’s good enough to replace me with enough training.”
Johnny’s frown went from expressing discontent to a confused one. She'd put the hint in his mind now. 
“HR said you’re sick.” Johnny mumbled after a moment of silence, shuffling.
“It’s a cold. I just needed the time off to feel better.” 
Johnny nodded, hands coming back to his hips. He kept nodding, deep in thought.
“Is that the reason you came all the way here? I was sleeping.” She finally huffed, feeling the brunt of her own indignation suddenly.
His brows knit, arm coming up so he could glance at his watch.
“Oh.” His face smoothened in one go, “I didn’t realise it was this late. I was just driving around to clear my head.” He slowly put his hand down, biting down on his bottom lip.
She finally took her own hands out of her pockets, only to cross her arms in front of her chest. She knew why he was here, but she wanted him to admit it. She needed him to confirm so she could act like she wasn't giving in without a fight. Her dignity was the one thing she wanted to walk away with.
“I’m sorry!” He finally huffed, following with a groan that came from somewhere deep inside him. She blinked, incredibly surprised. “Is that what you want me to say?” He huffed again.
The last part ticked her off, “I don’t want you to say anything. What are you sorry for? Is it for waking me up because that is fair, but it’s not the first time you’ve done it.” The words were deliberately cautious.
Johnny groaned, running a hand over his face. “You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be.”
“What are you sorry for?” She asked, raising her chin and burying her brimming hope.
He gave her a look of furious disbelief.
“For once,” He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose like he was second guessing himself.
“What?” She asked with more anger bubbling in her words, taking two steps closer. He took notice, his own two steps closing their gap. Now they were in each other’s personal space.
“For once, can’t you give in to me?” There was a desperation that made the edge of his words blunt.
She stared at him with disbelief. "From the moment I met you I've only ever given into you."
"I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about work, or bed. I mean your pride. Put it aside for once. Tell me you want me. Give in to me." He took just another step closer.
Remembering the place, she turned to the doorman, “You can let him in next time.” She raised her voice enough to be heard by the man. 
Her gaze softened when it came back to Johnny and she prayed to god that he couldn’t see the glisten in them. Finding a real touch too scathing to execute, she settled for hooking her finger through one of his belt loops.
"You wouldn't be here if you believed I don't."
"I'm here because I'm giving up. I'm done. I don't want a change, I want you."
The confession washed her in a flood of relief. She would love him as long as he'd let her.
"And I came down here because I'm giving in. I don't want a break. Either leave me once and for all or never say that to me again."
Johnny chewed on his bottom lip, taking in the tempest in her eyes.
“Take me upstairs.” He asked like that wasn’t exactly where she was taking him. Like it wasn’t the inevitable outcome he had in mind when he walked into the lobby. For all his claims, he knew how quick she gave into him. “You can sleep, you look so tired. I don't want anything, I just want to be here.”
“You will sleep too.” She announced, turning away to pull him towards the elevator.
Once on the elevator, a thought made her freeze, “The place is a mess.” She warned him, remembering the cave she had turned the place into in the past week. 
He gave her a cautious look, “(Y/N). Baby.” He laughed, her gut kicking up an assault at his tender tone. “Your place is always a mess.”
 She frowned, taking her hand out of his to smack his chest. 
“Hey!” She huffed.
Johnny groaned, a grin tugging at his lips after.
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hunieday · 1 month
Re:vale - Dengeki Girl's Style February 2018 interview
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
This is an interview from 2018, which means it's been released before part 4!
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your hard work with the shooting and outfit change!
Interviewer: Without further ado, let's start the interview right away in this room. Pleased to work with you.
Momo: Yes! Pleased to work with you too!
Yuki: Likewise.
Interviewer: Congratulations on the release of your new single!
Momo: Thank you very much! Have you guys listened to our CD yet!?
Yuki: I don’t think so? I heard that it comes out at the same time as this magazine.
Momo: Hng! I can’t wait for everyone to listen to it soon!
Yuki: I’m sure they’ll be buying it along with "DENGEKI Girl'sStyle". Right, everyone?
Yuki: Oh, am I not allowed to ask like this?
Momo: Those kinda lines from you excite Momo-chan greatly.
Yuki: I know.
Momo: You know~~!
Yuki: And anyways, I’m sure whoever’s reading this interview right now is already our fan.
Momo: That would be awesome! After all, the cover of the February issue of "DENGEKI Girl'sStyle" is...
Yuki: The cover is...?
Momo: We, Re:vale, were in charge of it!
Yuki: It's an honor to be chosen for the first cover of the new year.
Interviewer: The honor is ours to be able to work with Re:vale! Thank you very much.
Interviewer: How was the photoshoot for the cover?
Momo: The shoot used props that had New year’s vibes! Especially Yuki's fan!
Yuki: That's true.
Momo: The outfits we wore were cool, but Yuki holding the fan looked like a timeless hunk, which was awesome!
Yuki: Thank you... But isn’t “timeless” a bit of an exaggeration?
Momo: Really? You were in a good mood, talking like a lord during the shoot!
Yuki: Well, I might have said stuff like "approach at once" because of the fan.
Momo: And then I said "I shall approach immediately~!" and moved closer!
Yuki: I feel like I looked more evil than usual on the cover, but that's probably because I was getting into the role of an evil dictator.
Momo: Ahaha! Don’t worry, Yuki is handsome even as a villain!
Yuki: Thank you.
Momo: But if someone was intrigued by the cover with us on it and picked it up, won’t we startle them!?
Momo: Re:vale is always full of surprises!
Yuki: Just don't step on the gas too hard.
Momo: I'll make sure to hit the brakes!
Interviewer: I think your interactions would be an enjoyable read!
Momo: I’m glad!
Yuki: Then let's continue with our usual selves.
Momo: Yup!
Interviewer: Please carry on!
Interviewer: Now, please tell us about the songs you recorded for the album and what we can look forward to in it.
Momo: The lead song "NO DOUBT" is the theme song for the "Mission" movie Yuki’s starring in, so many of you might’ve heard it in commercials or something?
Yuki: We approached the song with a high level of production, including the music video. Please listen to it.
Momo: You should definitely watch it if you haven’t yet! The MV was crafted with the world of "Mission" in mind.
Momo: Yuki's role as a detective is super handsome!
Yuki: My role as a detective is directly carried from the drama so it's not that fresh. Momo's role as a mischievous criminal is probably more refreshing, right?
Momo: Ehehe! As Yuki mentioned, Momo-chan also appears as a mischievous criminal!
Yuki: Because it’s a Re:vale MV, it has to be Momo and I.
Momo: Thanks, it was nerve-wracking though~! I didn’t want to ruin the “Mission” world Yuki had built!
Yuki: You say that, but I wasn't worried. In fact everyone in the production team praised the MV when they saw it.
Momo: Really!? That's a relief!
Yuki: The B-Side track "Taiyo no Esperanza" is a passionate song with a bit of a Latin flavor, which I think will give the listener a fresh feeling.
Momo: The outfits are also styled based on the image of a bullfighter, with red and black as the main colors!
Yuki: Yeah. The instrumentals, lyrics, and outfits are provocative and unusual for Re:vale.
Momo: At the risk of sounding conceited, I think listening to it will greatly motivate you!
Yuki: Indeed. I'd be happy if it could inspire you to do your best.
Momo: Everyone, please support Re:vale's new single~!
Interviewer: I'm looking forward to listening to it even more now! Thank you very much!
Interviewer: Now, let me ask the next question. As the cold days stretch on, could you please tell us your recommended way to spend them?
Momo: He-he-he! Let Momo-chan give you a direct answer!
Momo: My recommendation is to have Yuki make a delicious hot pot and eat it together, warming both your heart and body!
Yuki: That's an experience only Momo can have.
Momo: Oh right… I recommend it, but only I can experience this precious feeling…
Yuki: So you want me to do it for someone other than you?
Momo: Ugh...
Momo: I want to say there's no way, but while Yuki’s mine you are also everyone else's... I can’t be greedy...ughhh…
Yuki: Are you seriously struggling with this?
Momo: Umm, everyone should have hot pot with their loved ones! That's all!
Yuki: Haha, you sure put an end to that question.
Momo: Momo-chan will make you cook it again today!
Yuki: I didn't know that.
Interviewer: So you’re eating Yuki-san’s hot pot tonight...! I’m jealous of you.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to all the readers!
Momo: Yes, yes! Thank you for always supporting Re:vale! We were featured on the cover of a magazine so early in the New Year and released a new CD thanks to you!
Momo: ...But, since it’s still December right now as we speak, they haven't been released yet! Um, I believe it's been released by now without trouble!
Momo: We'll do our best together this year too, so please continue supporting Re:vale!
Yuki: Momo said everything, so I'll keep it short. I hope you’ll listen to a lot of Re:vale's music this year as well.
Interviewer: Thank you both very much!
The End.
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slightlysadfilter · 6 months
So Saltburn: a story of obsession and control
Warning: spoilers ahead
You bet I'm gonna dissect this mfing movie. It left me scarred at 3 am on a workday so here I am, giving my own personal interpretation. Enjoy!
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So as I've anticipated, I think the entirety of the movie is a battle between obsession and control. Specifically, Oliver's need to control everything and anyone, and his very clear obsession with Felix. But how does it unfold? And are the two conciliatory, or is Oliver a walking oxymoron? Why does he fuck a grave? We'll get to that.
Part I: Obsession.
We know nothing of Oliver's past. We come to know, very shockingly, that he has a peaceful-looking family, in an alright neighbourhood. The only hint we might've been given about his past behaviour is how his mother immediately tries to soothe the situation when he refuses lunch and wants to leave. But still, too little, so for the purpose of this dissection, Oliver starts with Oxford.
I believe that, at the beginning of the movie, Oliver is more inclined towards obsession. He picks his god (Felix) and yearns to please him. Still, we also notice his need to control very early (actually we do at the end, but yk, early). The control aspect is apparent in his manipulations, this new reality he carefully crafts, but all of it is to appeal to Felix. "He's a scholarship guy who buys clothes from Oxfam", he clearly doesn't want to be that. He doesn't want to be part of the equation-spurting loner group, to be a kid from a boringly simple family and a modest, row-house neighbourhood.
He needs to appeal to Felix, so he takes control of everything. Here, obsession and control go hand in hand. The only reason Oliver is doing what he's doing, is to feel seen by his god. To seat at the "olympus" table with all the trendy, rich kids and their godly-like aura. He threads slowly at first: he knows he can't become them, so he plays the poor-guy part. Crappy family, no money, but still so, so generous and ready to listen. His god is surely pleased; not only that, Felix feels protective of him. He's gained a spot in paradise, albeit due to someone else. Then he makes a mistake, he gets too comfortable and lets too much of his desire of perfection slip. Felix gets annoyed and he's kicked out of heaven. Therefore, more manipulation, more offerings: oh no my dad is dead. Please Felix notice me again, make my tragic story part of your entertainment, let me in again to delight you further.
And so he does.
Part II: Control.
It is a gradual event, control eclipsing Oliver's obsession. For a while, the two co-exist almost equally.
It is very subtle at first. He appears shy, but he's not: I reckon runny eggs don't really make him sick. But he gets to order someone around and he surely takes the chance. For the first time, the reality he's crafted doesn't only need to appease a "superior being" but also, himself.
Then, we have Venetia. It's the first time we clearly see what a little of control does to him, his first true sliding through the cracks of Saltburn like termites. Control is a high for Oliver, fusing with arousal. He likes telling her what to do, to share his excitement and make her do his bidding with it. And still, he is entertaining someone: he's the guy who doesn't cower around period blood and actually plays with it. He's stepped up, but he's still surrounded by higher beings.
Of course, we can also see how obsession remains in how he, uhm, slurps some delicious bathwater and also readily denies having anything to do with Venetia. Felix is still his god after all, and the fake reality exists to appease him. Not Venetia. She gets thrown to the side.
Then, Farleigh, who is actively trying to sabotage him. He wants him gone, he looks down on him, he likes to remind Oliver just how ephemeral he is at Saltburn. They already had moments of tension at Oxford, but now it's pathological: Farleigh is a risk of getting kicked out again. And so again, Oliver deals with it through arousal. Being able to bend him to his will is exciting, control is exciting. He's getting a better taste.
Then, the tragedy. Felix finds out about all the lies. Oliver's god is enraged, outraged. He's still in paradise, but on borrowed time and clearly unwanted. But the worst of it all: Oliver's object of obsession can never, ever accept his offerings again. His entertainment. Though he tries to salvage it, it's gone, the sparkle; and he's been getting skilled at control. So the night of the party, last night in heaven, he kills his god. If he can't please him, he'll conquer him. If he can't obsess over him, he'll take his place. (the symbolism is also very strong in this one!!! Felix having wings, and Oliver antlers to represent horns, or perhaps just earthly beings.)
So why does he fuck a grave? Quite simply, in my humble opinion, he's weeping the death of his god and getting aroused by his conquest at the same time. That's what I mean when I say he's a paradoxical character, and the conflicting nature of him is more prominent in this scene than in any other.
Now that Felix is gone, the road is easy. He's taken one of the highest spots and he wants more. Farleigh? Gone. Venetia? Disposed of. The plan halts upon the father's ultimatum (who, though apparently soft, is still head of this paradise) but when he dies, it is back in motion. The mother is too trusting, too desperate for a friendly face. Oliver is now the one with power over her, it's so easy to kick her out. Her slow assassination is partially merciful, partially ecstatic for Oliver, once again. But he's won, he has complete control (and so, he thankfully doesn't fuck her comatose body.)
His crafted reality is now real. He does not only belong to paradise, he runs it. He has become the god he's killed, and his last funky dance shows how control has definitely taken over obsession. No need for that, he sits at the top.
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jullbnt · 5 months
Bonjour! I'm a big fan and your art inspires me so much. I'm currently learning French to communicate with my friends, do you happen to have any tips on learning another language? I'd love some advice. ^_^
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Bonjour bonjour ! Thank you for gracing my inbox with such a cute little Time, I adore him 🤩
And I'm glad I can inspire you!!
About your question I don't really have unique advice on learning another language, I guess you're asking me because I happen to be French? ^^
I'd say find lessons to learn the basics first, and maybe use an app or something to learn vocabulary (I did that for Japanese a few years ago and quiz apps make things a lot easier and fun! I'm still a beginner though, I don't have enough time but I'd love to start again). There's an app called Anki that lets you create your own quiz cards to test yourself with, or you can download pre-made decks (search for "Anki French decks" and you'll find what you need). I've used Anki a lot for studying, I love it!
Once you're comfortable enough start having basic conversations with your friends, and you can also try watching the French version of a movie you know well (or I don't know... try playing a LoZ game in French for example haha). If you already know the dialogues it can help! Maybe you can also listen to French youtubers that share your interests? I'm sure you'll find lessons from native speakers on Youtube too :)
And then of course consume French media, read in French, listen to French music... That's how I learnt English for the most part, I didn't really try (and the language classes we get in French school are really unhelpful). But I guess it's much easier with English cause it's everywhere and very much needed to get involved in fandom stuff online.
(Also be careful about comments from French users on social networks, sadly a lot of us make a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes so don't trust everything you read... I don't see the same thing happening in the same proportions with English speakers, I guess French is hard for natives too).
And lastly, we're always pleased and impressed when a foreigner bothers to learn our language, even if it's just a few sentences, and you don't need to speak flawlessly to be understood! French can be hard but don't put too much pressure on yourself ^^
I'm not sure this was very helpful, but I tried haha. Good luck with your learning and I hope you'll enjoy speaking French!
Passe une belle journée :))
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thatwildnya · 2 years
@thicity-dicity , round three of your commission! enjoy~
pre relationship headcanons Octavinelle edition!
Azul Ashengrotto
mistakes his feelings for thinking he just wants you as an underling
the twins watch him fumble around occasionally feeding into the misconception until he starts to go mad oh no
when he starts stressing too much is when Jade decides to step in the lounge is losing profit and he’s being forced to do more work this is not very cash money
now he’s set on showing off and reels you into (hehe fish pun) the lounge with the promise of deals on food and drinks
of course the twins make it their mission to embarrass him whenever possible
“Hey shrimpy did you know Azul spits ink if you catch him off guard?” “FloyD SO HELP ME-!”
study dates except you don’t know they’re dates only Azul
to you they are study sessions
we are not the same person
well you probably have an inkling they might be more than a simple get together
I mean, he’s turned the VIP room into a private dining room it’s a lil sus
if you point it out he waves you off and redirects your attention
if you show up with others unexpectedly he’s scrambling to find a different place he can’t have his secret found out
lowkey pouts through the whole session it’s cute
it takes some time but he will get used to flirting with you
he won’t pull out the big guns until he’s sure you’re at least somewhat interested in him
asks you to come to the lounge and surprises you with a fancy dinner and everything to confess
tries to be a suave gentleman when you accept but instead ends up getting flustered thanks to the twins
Jade Leech
you won’t ever know he’s smitten with you unless he wants you to know
or Floyd outs him, otherwise you’re left in the dark
will invite you on his mountain excursions so he can show off his survival nature skill knowledge
he’s always watching you and taking note of your reactions to different situations
somehow figured out your hobbies before you told him don’t ask how he knows it’s better for your health
if he finds them interesting enough he’ll try out some of your hobbies so you can bond together
ask to see his merform and you’ll get roped into a late night date
how did you end up like that? the world may never know
keeps inviting you to try out mushroom dishes he makes
don’t worry there aren’t any dangerous ones in there he would never do that to you
others however
same as in the case of Leona you kinda end up together without either of you confessing
when you come to the realization you’re in the middle of snuggling as you watch a movie
“Wait are we dating?” Jade pauses the movies. Pulling you into his lap and holding you snug against his body, he grins at you.
“I don’t know my pearl, are we?” he chuckles at your flustered state, taking advantage of your confusion to til your face up and gives you a gentle smoochie smooch.
“That, my dear,” he says, reaching for the remote, “is a suitable enough answer for you I hope.”
Floyd Leech
There is no pre relationship.
He realizes his feelings immediately and confesses the moment he sees you next. Will not take no for an answer dear god he will follow you whining until you give him the answer he wants. Now you have an oversized teenager clinging to you like a barnacle that demands your attention 24/7.
Have fun, I'm praying rooting for you.
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itsscromp · 10 months
Jaime Reyes/Blue beetle x reader platonic
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Hey everyone, once again thank you so so much for the love and support on these blue beetle fics, It means the absolute world to me, One thing I will say, After this, I'll be taking a slight break from writing blue beetle until I'm able to see the movie. It won't be for long :D But for now, I hope you enjoy it. warnings, Angst but fluff at the end. Word count:1.1k
You and Jaime were tasked to do a speech for your English class at the local Library town meeting. But also Jaime had a date, one he's been looking forward to for weeks. He got so excited that he forgot about the project leaving you alone. A stumbling stuttering mess.
"So... global warming huh ??" You nervously chuckled.
The next day at school, you were beyond mad at Jaime for ditching you for a date. Yes you would understand in some sense he was excited but it didn't give him the right to leave you on your own. Now you were likely gonna fail class.
"Hey y/n.."
You slammed the locker and walked off, not even acknowledging Jaime. He was beyond baffled as to why you stormed off, even ignoring him the whole day. Not even sitting with him at lunch, This was so unlike you.
"Y/n I don't know what's going on with you but can you please tell me.."
"I'll tell you what's going on, You left me on my own to do OUR speech. Our speech alone !!!"
Jaime gasped, realizing what he did.
"Y/n... I'm so sorr.."
"Save it Reyes, !!! You are a complete jerk for leaving me on my own for a date !!."
Jaime never seen you lash out like this. Normally you would never be mad at him, even saying that there was no way you could be mad at him.
"Do you know how embarrassing that was to stand in front of lots of people to deliver a group speech ??"
"Y/n I'm sorry please let me make it up to you please !!"
"Save it Jaime, leave me alone"
You stormed back home. not wanting to be near him, Jaime was heartbroken hearing that. He immediately regretted what he did, you two were meant to do this and he let you down. He had to make it up to you.
You lay on your bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about what you said, you felt regret. You just yelled at your best friend for a simple mistake. maybe you could call him and apologies.
"Hey y/n can you go down to the store and get a few things for me please ??" You dad called out.
"Sure thing"
After leaving the store with the ingredients in hand, you headed off home. Until you felt chloroform in your breath slowly passing you out. waking up out near the rural part of El Paso, you had a bag on your head.
"Get it off, em," A man with a very deep voice said and it was taken off. you saw 5 armed men and then a bigger man, he was extremely muscular, having a tube on his wrist and a luchador mask. This was bane.
"What do you want..."
"I heard from a friend of a friend that your dad worked in a lab, the best in all of El Paso. So I thought a good idea to have him make my venom" He smirked under the mask.
"If you think that my dad will..."
He then grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and stared at you menacingly.
"You will do as I say cabrón, or do you want me to break you !!!"
You were beyond scared, tears stinging your eyes as you nodded forcefully.
"Good, somebody get a phone out."
Jaime sat at home thinking of an apology, This was a big thing to try and get y/n's forgiveness. He had to make it up to you, his thoughts were interrupted when his abuela gasped at the TV.
"¿Qué pasa abuela?" (What's wrong grandma ??)
The TV was playing a news story about you, and you looked scared out of your mind.
"This... is a message for d/n l/n, Bane has only one request. For you to supply him of his venom, if this demand is not met by midnight tonight. He'll break me..."
Jaime immediately rushed out and activated his blue beetle suit, flying around to find you. He had to save you.
"Scarab scan the area to find y/n"
"From the looks of the news report, y/n could be in the outer parts of town, Be careful Jaime. Bane is a very formidable foe"
"Well, if batman could beat him so can I"
And just like that Jaime zoomed in to save you. He needed to make sure you were ok. Reaching the sight of where you are he made sure he wasn't seen, scarab zooming in and sighting the armed men and bane.
"Holy... He's big"
"Jaime I need you to listen to me..."
Scarab then told Jaime how to defeat the armed men one by one leaving Bane last. He needed to do this and he needed to do this now. So with that he then stealthily took down the guards one by one, leaving only Bane left.
"Well well, 3 hours to midnight, clocks ticking"
You were done for, this was how it ended. you started to cry, without forgiving Jaime.
"I'm sorry..." You muttered
Jaime was now beyond angry, his best friend was being threatened and it was too much for him.
"LET THEM GO !!!" he yelled readying mega fists.
"Blue beetle, we finally meet."
Bane then activated his venom tube and within seconds the venom increased his strength. The two began a huge fight, this was the strongest enemy that Jaime had ever faced. He delivered much stronger punches than the average.
"Enough !!" Bane picked Jaime up and tossed him to a nearby boulder, damaging his suit. He began to walk over to you and picked you up holding you high.
"One more step and I break them !!!"
"Please help !!!!"
Jaime was now getting angry, this has gone on far enough.
"You wanna play rough big guy lets play rough, scarab activate super strength."
"Activating super strength"
His suit glowed a bright blue as he charged at bane punching him square in the jaw, sending him back into a boulder knocking him unconscious. within seconds Jaime rushed over to you.
"Y/n are you ok ??"
"Jaime I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you.." You were visibly scared beyond belief.
"Hey hey shhhhh... you're safe now. you're safe."
Police arrived and took Bane back to Arkham Asylum and Jaime brought you back to your place. deactivating his Blue Beetle suit before entering inside where your dad embraced you thanking god you were safe. Ultimately Jaime stayed over for the night to help calm you down.
"Jaime..., I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to yell at you.."
Y/n... It's my fault, I let my own thoughts get in the way of our project and I almost ruined it for us."
Jaime looked really sad seeing you like this. He got up and hugged you tightly. You returning the gesture and hugging him just as tight'
"I forgive you Jaime..."
No matter what happens, You and Jaime will always be best friends. If the world put you two in the worst scenario possible. You two would still be best friends.
taglist: @callofdudes
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silenzahra · 6 months
Anything for him ✨
It's Luigi's Mansion time! 👻
Okay, it took me some time to understand how AO3 works, but it's finally here! 🤩
I just posted the first chapter of my Luigi's Mansion fanfic! 💃🥳👏✨
AAAHHH I'm so happy I finally did it! 😭😭😭 I really really hope you guys like it if you give it a chance! Thanks in advance if you do so, btw! 🥹 And know that I will always love you with all my heart 💖
Here's a little sneak peek of what you'll find in this first chapter! ✨
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As I said in notes, I wrote this fanfic in Spanish and then translated it into English, so please excuse me if there's any mistake 🙏 Of course, feel free to let me know so I can learn from them and fix them! 💖
Any kind of feedback you'd like to give me is very well appreciated 🥹💖
See you guys soon with chapter 2! (which will be kinda angsty btw 👀🤭)
EDIT: Here's Chapter 2! ✨
EDIT 2: Decided to add the chapter here too for anyone who'd rather read it on Tumblr! Please keep reading below the cut if you haven't yet!
Chapter 1: Luigi
When Luigi opens the door to the room, he is greeted only by darkness.
Fearing what might be lurking in the shadows, he hurries to turn on the Poltergust 3000’s flashlight and illuminates the room. It is the same one where he first entered just an hour ago and where he ran into Professor E. Gadd, who tried to capture the orange ghost that sprung on him. Luigi swallows with a shudder and sweeps the beam of light around the room. He knows that, at any moment, that same ghost may reappear, and that this time, he will have to catch it.
Will he be able to do so?
At least, he thinks, the lobby and entrance stairs are clear and well-lit. At least, as soon as he leaves that room, he will no longer be immersed in the deepest blackness. He grips the end of the Poltergust 3000 tightly and repeats to himself that he can do it, that he has learned how to use the machine, that he has practiced with the professor before returning to the mansion, that he will be able to capture the ghosts.
He has to.
For Mario.
His brother went to the house before he did to make sure that there was no danger, that the contest was not a scam, that Luigi had really won that building that looked so bright and colorful on the flyer. His brother, always so committed to protecting him, always looking out for his welfare, has chosen to go ahead and risk entering the place alone.
And now, because of Luigi’s stupidity, Mario is being held in some place of that gloomy mansion.
Luigi is going to rescue him whatever it takes. He will do anything for him.
He reprimands himself once again for having been so gullible. When he received the brochure, it did not even occur to him that it might be a fraud. He only saw that sudden reward as a chance to help the impoverished, for the house could certainly serve as a place of refuge for the ones in need. Luigi and Mario would make sure to check it from top to bottom and tidy it up so that everyone would be welcome, so that no Toad in the Mushroom Kingdom would be helpless. He even thought of setting aside a wing for tourism, so that creatures from all corners of the world would have a place to stay while enjoying the enchanting landscapes that the Mushroom Kingdom had to offer.
Luigi purses his lips while taking quick glances at his surroundings. If he had not been so naïve, he might not be there now. He would be at home, getting ready for bed, as he has always liked to go to sleep early, even if he does not manage to do so every night. His brother would have not gone missing, but would most likely be in the living room, watching one of those horror movies he loves so much, before going to bed some time later.
A sigh escapes from Luigi’s mouth. He would give anything to be living such a daily scene instead of the one he is experiencing, composed of darkness and terror.
Luigi takes a deep breath. He can no longer turn back. His only option is to go forward, explore the mansion and find Mario as soon as possible, so, on shaky legs, he begins to walk around the room. He finds a rectangular table covered with a tablecloth that, when vacuumed, presents him with a few coins. To the left he comes across another table, this one round and small, with a bottle and two glasses on it and a chair right next to it, and behind it he glimpses a cupboard that does not seem to contain anything interesting.
Suddenly, at his back, the sound of a candle being lit.
Luigi gasps and turns immediately, his heart racing. To his bewilderment and horror, he glimpses a bright purple flash coming from more than one candle, although he cannot see how many from his position. He swallows and walks slowly to the center of the room, the end of the Poltergust clenched in his fingers.
As he approaches, he begins to distinguish some candles from others. As if the color of their flames, far from the orange tone of conventional fire, were not creepy enough, Luigi notices that there are six candles, held by two candlesticks hanging on the wall.
And in the middle of both, more blackness.
With his body cringing, Luigi looks from one to the other and several questions begin to assault his mind. Why are those candles purple? What are they supposed to illuminate despite the paltry light they emit? Should he let them burn, ignore them and continue to search for his brother?
Or maybe he should… extinguish them?
Panic paralyzes him just thinking about it. Vacuuming those feeble flames would mean to remain, once again, plunged in the deepest darkness, with no other source of light than the one coming from his flashlight. Yet, somehow, he knows that this is exactly what he must do, for only in this way will the ghosts finally show themselves to him.
And, therefore, he will be able to start hunting them down.
So, plucking up his courage, Luigi grits his teeth, points the end of the Poltergust 3000 at the first candelabra and presses the vacuum button. Before he has time to regret or think twice about what he is doing, he slides the machine towards the other candles without lifting his finger from the button and, in just a few seconds, the little dim light that remained in the room disappears.
Immediately, he hears a laugh that makes him shriek in horror and his blood run cold.
Then, right in the middle of the two candlesticks that Luigi has just extinguished, a luminescent glow emerges, allowing him to finally glimpse the portrait hanging between them, which had remained in the shadows until now. On it, he can make out the image of a man with a dense mustache and a bristly beard, dressed in one of those jackets that used to be worn in times past, and Luigi cannot help but wonder who it could be.
Suddenly, the portrait shakes, as if the man in it were jolting, and an angry voice reaches Luigi’s ears.
“WHO put out my candles?! YOU, Mr. Lime-Green?”
Luigi’s mouth opens so wide that he thinks his jaw is going to fall off. He cannot believe it. Did that portrait, that man who is nothing more than a painting, really just speak to him?
Is he going crazy?
Before he has time to process it, a new glow, this one somewhat dimmer, arises to his left, drawing his attention to a painting depicting a woman in one of those antique dresses of bygone eras. Her voice, so soft that it sends shivers down his spine, soon fills the room.
“Well, dark rooms are very dangerous around here… Did you know that?”
If it were not for how terrifying her words are, Luigi might have believed that the woman was trying to seduce him with the delicate cadence of her tone.
A new racket, coming from his left, makes him turn around once more, so that the first portrait is at his back. This time he discovers the picture of another man, with big ears, a pointed nose and a bow tie under his chin, and Luigi freezes as he hears his mocking warning.
“They love the dark… and now they will come to get YOU! Bloo-heh!” he adds, prolonging the vowels.
“No…” Luigi mumbles, shaking his head as he takes a step back.
Catching still another din, Luigi turns to face the portrait of another woman, this time slightly older, with her hair pulled back in a wide bun on top of her head and a dress so tight around her neck that Luigi cannot help but think it must be choking her.
“Be prepared,” the lady threatens him in a shrill voice. “You are about to find out what it is like to be afraid… Now you are in for it!”
Luigi covers his face with clenched fists. He closes his eyelids tightly and shrinks in on himself, wishing that it would stop, that the portraits would stop talking to him, that this nightmare would finally end.
But the ghosts of times past are not done. A new voice fills Luigi’s ears, barely a hiss, a whisper, as if its owner does not really want him to hear it. His words, however, reverberate through the room like an echo before fading away.
“Just like that little guy in red who came before you…”
Luigi gasps and lifts his head like a spring.
“Mario?” he asks urgently.
But only the first portrait answers him, and his words offer him not a scrap of comfort.
“May you wander lost in the entrails of the night… forever!” he sentences, his voice echoing in the blackness.
Luigi jumps, frightened, and holds a hand to his chest, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. His gaze begins to wander around the room, but in his panic, he has not remembered to hold his flashlight again, so he is unable to take in anything around him, beyond the luminescent flashes of the five portraits that have spoken to him.
“Poor thing,” continues, mockingly, the voice of the first painting. “You are AFRAID of the dark, are you not, little man?”
Luigi wishes he could stop shaking, find his voice, try to coax some information about his brother out of those dead people, but he cannot get it together. All he can think about is what they have told him, their veiled threats, their taunts about how scared he is of the dark, their warnings about what is about to happen.
“Boo!” shouts the man in the first portrait, and a hysterical shriek escapes from Luigi’s throat. “Here they are…”
He prolongs the vocalic sound again for a moment before he becomes completely mute, and Luigi is left alone.
He gasps as he finds himself surrounded by darkness and hurries to reach the end of the Poltergust 3000. It takes him a couple of tries due to the nervous state he is in, and as he holds it and presses the button on the flashlight, he berates himself for being so easily startled and for having let himself be frightened once again. He begins to direct the light everywhere in a frenzy and tells himself that he must strive to remain calm, that he must act with composure, that he cannot allow panic to get the better of him again.
If he wants to save his brother, Luigi must do everything he can to overcome his fear of darkness and ghosts.
Mario needs him and Luigi will not fail him.
Still, when he hears a shrill chuckle behind him, Luigi jumps and lets out a loud gasp. He feels the urge to turn and focus the flashlight on whatever has appeared behind him, but fortunately he remembers the professor’s advice in time. Even though his whole body trembles up and down, Luigi does not turn around. He clenches his fingers tightly around the end of the machine and takes a small step forward. His attention lays on what is happening behind him, alert to any sound his ears can get.
It is not long before he perceives, too close, the cold presence of a specter, which is undoubtedly preparing to attack him.
Panic grips his body, but Luigi will win this battle.
He can do it. He can catch that ghost. He can take him and all the other souls waiting for him in the mansion. He will hunt them all down, one by one, until the only ones left in the whole building are him and Mario.
He will hunt them all down, and this is going to be the first one.
With a deep inhalation to try to build up his courage, Luigi counts backwards from three and, without hesitation, turns on himself in a single motion with his lantern held high.
The light illuminates a rather small, short, orange-colored ghost, which remains suspended with its arm raised and a frozen smile on his terrifying face, in which two entirely yellow eyes gleam, with no trace of a pupil in them.
Despite the shock of coming face to face again with that specter, the same one that attacked him the first time he set foot in that place, Luigi hurries to press the suction button and prepares himself for what is about to happen.
As soon as it notices the power of suction trying to capture it, the ghost reacts: he throws its hands to its head with a chilling scream and starts trying to get away from Luigi. But Luigi, despite the fact that the being’s deep voice has penetrated his pores, does not intend to let it escape. With a frown on his face and the determination to save his brother running through his veins, he plants his feet on the ground, tightens his grip around the Poltergust 3000 and pulls, pulls with all his might, not lifting his finger from the button.
The ghost resists, flies around the room, flails its arms as it tries to flee, but Luigi goes after it. He does not let go of the machine, he does not release the button, he does not allow the ghost’s strength to overcome him, although it does drag him somewhat around the room in its eagerness to escape.
Luckily, Luigi manages to avoid colliding with any furniture, as the orange glow of the spirit allows him to glimpse them in the darkness. His grip is strong, his will unbreakable, his hear emboldened by the motivation to rescue Mario, and the fear, inside him, has transformed into a rage that invades him from top to bottom. How dare these ghosts scare him? How dare they take Mario away? How dare they snatch his beloved brother, the most important person in his life?
If they think they are going to get away with it, they are sorely mistaken.
Luigi is not going to let them.
The growl that emerged from his throat due to the effort to maintain the connection with the specter becomes, little by little, a scream of anger. Luigi pulls harder, furious, and the ghost resists, flails harder, tries to flee, but does not stand a chance against the power of the Poltergust 3000 combined with the resolution that directs Luigi’s movements.
At last, the vacuum cleaner begins to swallow the orange spirit. Luigi’s scream is muffled for a second, only to be replaced by a mute exclamation of surprise that rises from his gut as the specter disappears through the end of the machine. Luigi, in disbelief, remains still for a few seconds, not varying the position of resistance he has adopted while struggling to catch the being, and pants as, slowly, his mind assimilates what he has just done.
He has succeeded.
He has captured his first ghost.
A stunned laugh escapes his lips. Wide-eyed, he finally relaxes his body and rests a hand on his knee as he tries to catch his breath. He keeps laughing, nervous. Did he really just do that? Is there really a spirit inside the vacuum cleaner on his back?
His laughter turns into a guffaw that prompts him to throw his head back. He raises a fist in the air and lets out a scream of victory, feeling more elated and self-satisfied than he has ever felt in his entire life.
“Yes!” he exclaims, still laughing.
He did it! He still cannot quite take it in, he still finds it hard to believe that he, Luigi, Mario’s little brother, who has always needed help and has never been able to face anyone on his own, has just captured a ghost. All by himself.
Oh, how he wished Mario could have seen him… Would he be proud of him if he did? Luigi would like to think so. He has never wanted anything more in his entire life than to make his big brother proud of him.
Of course, now that Mario is lost in some corner of that gloomy mansion, Luigi’s wish has changed: he just wants to find his big brother, rescue him, bring him back home safe and sound, make him well and happy and never leave his side again. He would do anything to see his wish fulfilled.
He would do anything for Mario.
And, armed with the Poltergust 3000, Luigi is sure to succeed.
Ghosts may still frighten him, but now that he is aware of how powerful the machine on his back is, Luigi knows he can beat them.
So, very proudly, in the middle of the darkness, he takes in as much air as he can and lets it out in a shout that he finds liberating.
“I ain’t afraid of no ghost!”
He bursts out laughing, exultant, and hopes that the remaining specters have been able to hear him. Maybe they will continue to scare him, maybe he will continue to be startled when he feels them appear, maybe fear will invade his heart again and the desire to find Mario and get out of there as soon as possible will paralyze him and make him wish he had never entered that mansion. Maybe the rest of the spirits will put up more of a fight than the first one and he will need to gather much more strength and courage to catch them.
But in that moment of happiness, Luigi allows himself to celebrate his first success with joy and to take those few seconds to think about the road ahead.
It is all right. He can handle anything. Whatever happens, he will save his brother and they will leave this place, never to return.
Clutching the Poltergust 3000 again, Luigi lets out a long sigh and closes his eyes as he conjures up the image of his brother, smiling at him, holding out a hand, counting on him. Luigi puts a hand to his heart and smiles.
“I’m coming, Mario.”
When he opens his eyes again, he is met with a new orange glow in front of him.
But for once, Luigi is not afraid.
He holds the vacuum cleaner in both hands and prepares to continue his mission.
Soon, he and Mario will be back home.
And they will never be separated again.
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