#mama arc au
howlingday · 2 months
Triple mama arcs they have pyrrha and team rwby baby sit adrian to see how naturally they take to a child care.
Adrian: (Holds up picture)
Ruby: Aw! You drew a picture~?
Adrian: (Nods)
Ruby: It looks so good~! What did you draw?
Adrian: (Pouts)
Ruby: (Thinking) Oh no! He thinks I already know! Take a shot, Ruby! Take a shot!.
Ruby: Is... Is it an owl?
Adrian: (Face lights up)
Ruby: Oh, thank goodness...
Weiss: Oh? Do you like that toy?
Adrian: (Reaches)
Weiss: (Hands him toy)
Adrian: (Plays with it for a few minutes, Drops)
Weiss: No? Okay then. (Puts toy back)
Adrian: (Doesn't fuss over toy taken away)
Clerk: (Despising Weiss never buying toys)
Blake: Huh? You want to eat with me?
Adrian: (Pours candy, Slides half to Blake)
Blake: Okay. (Eats one)
Adrian: (Eats one)
Blake: (Eats one)
Adrian: (Eats one)
Yang: Ready, buddy?!
Adrian: (On Yang's motorcycle, Holds bars)
Yang: Here we go~! (Drives slowest ever) Whee~!
Adrian: (Giggling)
Pyrrha: Are you tired?
Adrian: (Whines)
Pyrrha: I'm tired, too. (Lays down with him) Here, we'll watch Pumpkin Pete, okay?
Adrian: (Snuggles into Pyrrha)
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villainleoau · 24 days
animated this like
checks watch
a year ago
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lion dog mask and new mask versions!
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
The Arc Family 16
Mama Arc: Honey, Jaune needs a tutor for his math class.
Papa Arc: He needs a tutor! Sorry darling, we can't afford it right now.
Mama Arc: Honey, I know, but we need someone to teach him.
Papa Arc: I understand, but unless we find someone cheap, I don't know what else we can do.
*Ding Dong*
Papa Arc: Huh? *Checks the front door* Hello?
Little Bleiss: I heard you were looking for a math tutor. *Showing her excellent grades in all subjects*
Papa Arc: Yes, but I can only pay you $10
Little Bleiss: Ok! *Gets inside the house*
Mama Arc: Isn't she too young to be a tutor? And how did she know that we need one?
Papa Arc: I don't know and I don't care. In the end Jaune has the tutor he needs.
Suddenly the two hear a door open on the second floor of the house.
Little Bleiss: Oh boyfriend~💕
Little Jaune: Wha- *Gasp!* I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!
The parents then see Jaune run down the stairs and out of the house.
Little Jaune: Help!!
Little Bleiss: *running behind him* Where are you going, boyfriend? ~💕
Mama Arc: Next time we'll do a background check.
Papa Arc: Of course, honey.
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rwac96 · 1 month
A whiteknight ask when weiss gets horny she gives jaune this look:
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Weiss: "Jaune. You, me, bed, Now!"
*Jaune was talking with his parents, who looked at the middle Schnee child with wide eyes*
Jaune: "I'll catch up with you guys." *gets dragged by Weiss*
Papa Arc: "Remember: Pace yourself!"
Mama Arc: "Also, pulling out makes the God of Light cry!"
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singsofecho · 4 months
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echo as a Mando from a self-indulgent au <3
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
Pokemon rwby au Jonah doesn't get how pokemon battles work, so when he was invited out to do one, he Fist Foght a Machamp. It's the story of how he earned the respect of his first pokemon.
Kid!Jaune: I caught a pokemon!
Mama Arc: Oh that's nice- DEAR?
Jaune: *Bruised, holding up a struggling buneary* See!
Mama Arc: JAUNE!
Jaune: Wha?
Mama Arc: *Taking the buneary from him* That's not how you're supposed to catch a pokemon!
Jaune: But She's hurt and I need a potion for her!
Mama Arc: Fine, Just- Arg! You look like you needa potion to- Go wash up and get some ice packs while I help this little one, okay?
Buneary: *Slowing down* Bun?
Jaune: I wanna do the potion!
Mama Arc: *Huff* fine.
Papa Arc: So you Got a pokemon Buddy-Boy?
Jaune: *Spraying a potion* K-Kinda?
Mama Arc: He doesn't have a license Blane.
Papa Arc: So what? If he's got a 'mon, he can battle.
Jaune: I can fight!
Mama Arc: ... *Sigh* Fine. Just go easy on-
Buneary: *Shivering* EARY-EARY!
Jaune: *Hiding Juniper* I've got you, I've got you!
Papa Arc: C'mon kiddo! Show me what you got!
Jaune: ... Okay? *Sprinting at the Machamp* HAAAA-
Jaune: *Clutching his wrist crying* AAAAAHHH-
Jaune: I dislocated my wrist. Had to wear a cast for the better part of the year.
Jaune: *Scratching Juniper the Lopunny's head* but Juni's stuck by my side ever since!
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
First Impressions
Patroclus Nikos: *sips his tea* I must say, young man, you seem very nice and trustworthy! I’m happy to see that our little warrior princess is in a relationship!
Pyrrha: Daaaaaad…! Stoooooop…!
Jaune: *awkwardly sips his tea* Thanks, mister Nikos! Pyrrha’s a very special girl!
Achilles Nikos: *squeezes Jaune’s biceps* Ha! And quite a strong lad too! Just what I wanted to see in my daughter’s first boyfriend! She’s always been a little firecracker, and it takes some grit to keep up with her!
Pyrrha: *blushing* Father, please!!!
Jaune: Well, Pyrrha’s really the reason I started training so much! She has a really tough workout regimen! 😅
Patroclus: *leans against his husband* I’m so happy our little girl has found someone to care for her, but I’m even happier that meeting Pyrrha’s boyfriend wasn’t an embarrassing disaster like when I met Achilles’ family!
Achilles: Let’s not tell that story! Our daughter and her boyfriend don’t need to hear about something that embarrassing…! 😫
Jaune: *glances at Pyrrha* 😒
Pyrrha: *uncomfortably poking her fingers together and avoiding eye contact* 😥
A few weeks ago…
Pyrrha: Back away from MY MAN, you hussies!!! I sculpted this butt from noodly clay, and I’m not about to give up my good boy to a gaggle of blonde bimbos, no matter how beautiful you are! You didn’t want him before, you don’t get to thirst over him now! *brandishing her spear with one hand and groping Jaune’s ass with the other to stake her claim*
Jaune: …uh…Pyrrha, meet my sisters! *gestures to the seven blonde women being threatened by his partner*
Arc Sisters: 😒
Pyrrha: Your…sisters…? 😨
Jaune: …also, my mom…
Mama Arc: 🤨
Pyrrha: 😱
Jaune: …and…you’re still grabbing my butt…! 😣
Pyrrha: 🫣
Papa Arc: …I like this girl! 🤣
(This happened immediately afterwards!)
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hawkytawky · 1 year
An Arc's Chance Part 0
On a cool fall afternoon sixteen year old Jaune Arc sat in his bed doing Jaune things. Which is to say, he wasn't doing anything very important. But then-
His mother came crashing through his window. Doing a coll roll to properly introduce her character.
Jaune: What the heck mom!
Mama Arc: Son, do you remember how you wanted to be a huntsman, but I forbid you from ever doing so?
Jaune: Umm, yeah?
Mama Arc: Well for reasons that I can't explain right now, I've changed my mind.
Jaune: ...What?
Mama Arc: I've decided to let you try to be a huntsman. Try being to important word there. Since despite the fact you really want to be one, you haven't really worked out at all or done much studying on what huntsmen do. Do you even know what aura is?
Jaune: It's like a soul force field.
Mama Arc: That's close enough to right.
Mama Arc: So anyways, you're starting at Signal Combat School in two weeks.
Jaune: Signal? Where's that?
Mama Arc: Patch.
Jaune: Where's Patch?
Mama Arc: It's on a small island close to Vale.
Jaune: And I only have two weeks to prepare to go to a combat school?
Mama Arc: Indeed. In fact, you have to make up for the three years of training you missed. If I'm being completely honest you basically have a snowball's chance in Vacuo of graduating, and basically none of being accepted into an actual academy.
Jaune: Oh... that's not good.
Mama Arc: But you're a main character. So you'll probably pull something out of you butt to manage it.
Jaune: ...Main character?
Mama Arc: Don't worry about that. Here's a sword, but you should make a gun.
Jaune: ...
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kettlefire · 1 year
Danny finds Vlad.
The house felt... Wrong. That was the best way Danny would explain it as he approached his front door.
The air seemed thicker, a darkness seemed to shadow over the Fenton home. And just his house. A glance around his neighbourhood confirmed it.
Anxiety and terror gripped heavy at his heart, in a way Danny couldn't explain. He slowly unlocked the front door and entered the house.
It felt almost like diving into an ice cool pool of water, but not as comforting. The chill that reached his bones was not the type of cold he liked.
Heat seemed to lick at the edges of his existence. Pushing and shoving against him, but just out of reach.
A shiver ran down his spine, a familiar puff of air followed.
Danny knew it wasn't danger. Whatever ghost that was here wasn't a threat. Not with the way the house's security system hadn't kicked in.
Not in the way his parents were chatting animatedly in the kitchen. Munching away at leftover pizza and fudge as they spoke of their current experiment.
"Danny-Boy! You wont believe this!"
"We have none other than the Wisconsion Ghost in the lab!"
The heat suddenly made sense. Danny turned wide eyes toward the closed lab doors. His parents excitment only fueled his fear.
They had Vlad.
They had him, and they could have done absolutely anything to him. The lack of mentioning Vladimir Masters only meant one thing.
Vlad hasn't broken.
"Feel free to take a look, we'll be down in a bit after our break."
Maddie's words with kind and light but that did nothing to stop Danny from suddenly feeling terrified.
For the first time, Danny truly felt terrified by his parents. A strange sense of fligh or fight filled him at the sight of them.
The smell of fresh ectoplasm that clinged to them. The traces still noticeable in the threads of their jumpsuits.
Danny barely managed to force an excited smile, taking his mother up on the offer. Made his way down the lab stairs on shaking knees.
He barely stopped the scream from tearing itself from his throat. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at the scene before him.
Plasmius, no, Vlad was restrained to the table that has haunted Danny's nightmares in the past. Metal securing his limbs, a thicker, greener piece wrapped tightly around his throat.
Black hair splayed unrully against the table, an IV was attached to one arm, a strange green and pink substance inside.
Danny voice shook and cracked as he spoke, soft steps leading him closer to the still figure.
Bile rose in the back from his throat, tears finally springing free at the sight.
Pale blue-tinted skin peeled back to expose the array of organs laid beneath. Ribs cracked and pulled open.
That wasn't what did it. No, it was the glowing red and orange core that stared back at him. The piece of muscle that used to protect is pulled back just the same.
Vlad's voice was hoarse enough to allude to the screaming he likely did. Hazed over red eyes gazed over at the teen. A hand twitched.
Danny couldn't stopped the choked sound that left him. With shaking hands, he tried to make quick work of putting him back together. Shifting skin, bone, muscle and viscera back in it's place.
Letting out soft apologies at ever pained noise Vlad made. Every soft curse, or muscle twitch.
Ears perked and ready to warn of his parents decent if they came down before he was done.
He hoped against everything they didn't. He didn't think he could ever look at his parents the same ever again. Not without the images flashing before his eyes, and bile rising once more.
The teen did the best he could to detatch himself from the fact at hand. The enemy that he had to put back together.
The enemy he's called a monster on more than one occasion. Right now, the only monsters he could think of were his parents.
Right now, Vlad wasn't just his enemy. He was the man who helped him learn more about being a Halfa. He was the man that protected him from his own parents, even in the middle of battle.
He was the only other Halfa in existence.
He was his God-Father.
Even if Vlad hissed at the touch, Danny coated the incisions in a layer of ice. Ensuring there would be no concern of spillage once he moved him.
Next, the restrains were removed. Following was the removal of the IV.
Summoning all his strength to hold up the limp body of Vlad against him. Brain trying to figure out the next course of action.
The word was so soft and broken, without his enhanced hearing, Danny was sure he would have missed it.
It felt like ages, yet not long enough before Danny found himself at Vlad's mansion. Laying him down in the first bed he found.
Watched as the ice melted away into steam, Vlad's core finally kicking in to take over. More smoke rose as the skin at the incision mark bubbled and reddened. Burning together and closed.
Danny quickly gathered an ointment Vlad had in his bathroom medicine cabinet, likely to help their ghostly nature. Along with a damp towel, bottled water, and a prescription for high-dose pain medication.
He made quick work at trying to help Vlad get more comfortable. Trying to be as gentle as he could, still apologizing every time Vlad made a noise of pain and discomfort.
The aggressive heat Danny felt before had give way, leaving being a soft warm feeling of a camp fire. Vlad's eyes flickered open and closed, trying to watch Danny despite the exhaustion that pulled at him.
Moments blurred together, and Danny wasn't sure when Vlad reverted back to human form. The shift made Vlad look all the more like a victim of monsters than when he had the inhumane touches.
Danny couldn't pull himself from Vlad, staying right by his side as he softly wiped sweat from his forehead, and held his hand.
Despite everything Vlad has put him through, Danny couldn't leave him. Not like this. Not now. Not ever.
"Thank you, Little Badger."
Danny swallowed against the lump in his throat, squeezing the hand he held as tears leaked from Vlad's blue eyes.
Exhaustion seemed to finally win the battle, Vlad settled into medicated sleep. Danny whispering a promise that he wasn't going anywhere.
Because he wasn't.
There was no way in hell that Danny was going back home. He couldn't. It didn't matter if his parents might never do this to him if they ever found out.
What matter was that they actually did it. After all the talk, and threats for years, they finally actually did it.
They held a ghost defenseless and trapped, and cut him opened. Reveled in it. They had been bursting with pride and excitment at their work. Fear and disgust slowly gave way to anger.
He was never going back.
And he'll be damned if he let them get their hands on Vlad once again.
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Poor jaune, every time he gets some closure the wounds are opening up. But that's beside the point: When did he learn he was adopted and did it play on him wanting to become a huntsman? Did his family try to help him more? It doesn't change much except maybe a year of training more than what he had would already get him a long way.
He learned he was adopted when he was about four or five, they didn’t want to put it off any longer than that
His family make it clear every day that they love him and that he’s their son, regardless of blood relation. Genetics only get you so far, as far as his family is concerned he’s an Arc in all ways that matter
It didn’t affect him wanting to be a huntsman that much. It did a little, because he wants to prevent what happened to him (parents dead and orphaned) happening to other kids. He also might’ve wanted more than usual to become a huntsman as a way to prove that he’s really an Arc, but only subconsciously
Papa/Mama Arc don’t train him any extra, although he asks often once he’s old enough. They don’t want him to become a Huntsman because their son has already lost so much, lost people he doesn’t even remember because of the Grimm they don’t want him to have to go through that again
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Family . . . Lost & Found - Prelude
Written with permission from @jboy44
Jaune stumbled out of the bullhead and into the terminal by himself.  All flights to Argus City had been cancelled, but flights from there were coming in quicker than could be expected.
But why?
Why were people coming from Argus, but not going?
He got an answer as he rushed towards the docking Bay.  
Lined up, lying on stretchers, missing limbs, bandaged in awkward places, or covered in dust and marred with cuts and bruises were the people of Argus City.
What had happened?
How had any of this happened?
Who was okay?
Then he remembered.
The reunion . . .
"Oh Gods . . ." He breathed.
His family.
They were all in Argus.  
His mother . . .
His father . . .
His seven sisters and their families . . .
"Uncle Jay-Jay!" The shout of a boy rang out.
It caught Jaune's attention.  He knew who that was.
"Anakin!" He hollered back.
And he made a mad dash towards the voice.  It didn't take long to find him.  There he was.
"Uncle Jay-Jay!" Anakin hobbled towards him, his baggy clothes were a mess.,
"Anakin!" Jaune was horrified.
Anakin was his eldest sister's eldest son.  He was short, his skin was fair, he had dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes.  Jaune wasted no time and effortlessly scooped him up.
"Anakin, what are you doing here?" He asked him, “Where’s your mom?”
The poor boy just screamed into Jaune’s shoulder, he’d already been crying.  Jaune felt surprised.
“Anakin?” He tried again.
He felt his nephew shake his head against him, then the boy leaned back, and pointed to a corner.  Jaune followed and looked, to his relief, he saw Terra there, clutching Adrian tightly.  Tucker was there too, sitting protectively in front of her and her son.  He rushed over through the crowd.
“Terra!” He shouted.
Tucker's ears flicked and he jumped to his feet with a yip. Terra looked up, a relieved expression crossed her face, but was quickly snuffed out; he trembled as she set Adrian next to Tucker and Jaune wrapped her in his arms.
“Jaune . . .” She gasped, hugging him tightly back, “Oh, thank the Gods . . .”
“Terra, please,” He set Anakin down next to Adrian, “What happened?”
“. . . They . . . they’re gone . . .” Terra finally said, “They're all gone . . . They destroyed it . . .”
“What- destroyed what?” Jaune tried, “Who destroyed? Who's gone?”
“Argus . . .” Terra choked, “We were attacked . . . at the . . . reunion . . . Dad, he- he was . . . he and Jean tried to huh- hold them- . . .”
She couldn’t keep it up anymore, and with a heaving gasp, Terra buried her head in Jaune’s shoulder.
That one sentence collapsed Jaune’s world in a snap.
All of them?
He didn’t know what to think . . .
Or what to say . . .
“Mom and Mary Jane are in the hospital now.” Continued Terra, “But- but Mary, shes’s-”
Terra couldn’t say anymore, she just hugged Jaune as tightly as she could.  Hiccuping and whimpering, she began to cry.  Jaune, shaken from his stunned state, held Terra as close as he dared, fearing if he let her go now, she would disappear.
“Hey- hey,” He cooed softly, rubbing her back, “You- you’re okay now . . . we’re all here.”
“I tried.” Terra was a mess, “I really tried . . . I wasn’t fast enough . . . Saph . . . ”
Jaune said no more, he just kept holding Terra, trying not to cry himself.  Anakin and Adrian, by their feet, held each other, and the Golden Retriever too.  Feeling them nearby, they brought everyone in, keeping them all close.
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howlingday · 6 months
Trio Mama Arc: Did Jaune ask if Nora could be adopted? Also do any of the moms realize Blake's origins and try to reach her parents?
Jaune: Hey, uh, Mom? I was wondering if you had a second to talk about Nora.
Mama Arc: Oh no, honey, is something the matter?
Misses Arc: Did you steal her from Ren?
Madame Arc: We didn't raise a homewrecker, Jaune.
Jaune: ...No, no, it's not like that! It's just, well... She and I were talking and we were wondering if she ever wanted you to adopt her...
Mama Arc: Well, she'd always have a place in our home.
Madame Arc: We have more than enough space for all of you and your families.
Misses Arc: But you're certain that you didn't steal?
Jaune: Mom, I think I would know if a girl was interested in me.
Mama Arc: ...
Misses Arc: ...
Madame Arc: ...
Jaune: ...What?
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ninjagirlstar5 · 3 days
It had only been two weeks since Green had made his channel with his friends, and he had already landed himself in hot water.
It's not as if he was in the wrong. (He was.) He was just…trying to create content for his viewers! The kind that they would want to see. Green would do anything for them.
That was when his latest video had backfired on him horribly with his friends caught in the crossfire. To make matters worse, his twin sibling, Blue, had taken the brunt of it.
Everyone had fussed over him. Everyone had comforted them. Green even bowed his head and didn't dare look him in the eye for the entire day out of shame.
But the shame wasn't enough to stop him from editing the footage and uploading the video.
He thought it'd be fine. It'd be fine to just edit out the more awkward parts of the video. Edit parts in ways that would be more funny. Before the part where everything had backfired.
It wasn't fine.
His viewers had still noticed how off everything was. How the the Color Gang didn't seem happy to be there. How weird it was that the video cut off so abruptly. (He had forgotten to put in the closing credits. He needed to have told them to like and subscribe but Blue's…incident was enough to scramble his brain. Idiot.)
And then his friends found out that he uploaded the video and they all blew up at him.
Red's was expected, really. Second and Yellow were more tame in comparison, but their disapproval could be sensed from miles away.
But Blue? Kind and pacifistic Blue? Blue, that would cook someone's favorite meal at the drop of a hat just to cheer them up?
Blue had lunged at Green and screamed.
It was the most furious Green has ever seen of them. And that was ignoring the erased memories of their own childhood.
And now, here he was, standing in the forest with just the clothes on his back and Primal, his mother, moving aside foliage to scavenge for food.
"Why didn't we take a car?" He asks.
"I'd be giving you an out if I did." She said.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months
The Arc Family 17
At the park.
Mama Arc: Saphron, where is your brother?
Saphron: *On her phone* I don't know
Mama Arc: What do you mean you don't know where your brother is?! I told you to keep your eyes on him!
Saphron: Relax, he's old enough to take care of himself.
Mama Arc: Find him, NOW!
Saphron: Uhggg! FINE!!!
Moments later
Saphron: Where did that little shit go?
Little Jaune: Is over Whitley!
Saphron: Jaune?
She turns to where she heard her brother's voice. In one of the games, at the top of a slide, Jaune was standing and at the end of said slide was a little boy with white hair.
Little Jaune: I have the high ground!
Little Whitley: You turned my sister against me!!
Little Jaune: No, I didn't!!
Little Whitley: Yes you did!!!
He tries to climb the slide but when he reaches the top Jaune gives him a little push. Making him lose balance and slide down.
Little Jaune: You were the chosen one! You were supposed to be my little brother, not my enemy!
Little Whitley: I HATE YOU!!!
Saphron: *sighs* They are so dumb.
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rwac96 · 9 days
Professor Au
8 months of carrying their first child, weiss finally given birth to the baby girl, jaune was there with her providing support, in the waiting room friends and family are waiting to meet Arc-Schnee love child, when nurse said it was ready to meet the baby, jaune's mother rushed in pushing her son aside.
"Oh, my Gods," said a relieved Jaune Arc, his ocean eyes staring at his newborn daughter with Weiss. "She's...She's beautiful."
"She is," Weiss nods lightly, holding the swaddled infant. "Hello, sweetie." The Middle Schnee coos to her baby.
"Hey," Jaune says in a similar tone, reaching out with his finger to touch his daughter's cheek, who gurgled in response.
"Gawds!" Nora groaned as she lay against one of the chairs in the waiting room, "How long does it take to squirt a baby out?!"
"Nora!" Ren calmed his wife down, "It takes time."
"Oh, Gods," the hammer-wielder grimaced, her teal eyes moving down to her own slightly swollen stomach. "I'm dreading when it's my turn."
"It's not so bad," Terra Cotta Arc said, sitting next to Saphron while their seven-year-old son was sound asleep. "I mean, it was painful when I gave birth to Adrian."
"Mama!" Squeaked a blonde, cat-eared toddler sitting on Blake's lap. "I'm tirsty."
"Okay, Nala," Blake reaches into her violet bag, pulling out a sippy cup and handing it to her daughter.
"I hope Weiss' okay," Ruby Rose said, clutching Oscar's hand as she worried for her best friend and teammate.
"I'm sure she'll be okay," the former host of Ozma spoke up, "she's been through worse."
"Childbirth's different, Oscar," Yang pointed out, "my first memory: Mom screaming like a banshee when Ruby was comin'."
"YANG!" The leader of Team RWBY's cheeks reddened at her sister, who snickered in response.
Then, the doors opened, and a nurse stepped out. "Ladies and gentlemen," she spoke, "you can now see the baby--."
"FINALLY!!" Juniper "Mama" Arc screamed as she rose out of her seat and rushed towards the delivery room, despite her age and the protest of the nurse. "I WANNA SEE MY NEW GRANDBABY!!"
"Uh," Adrian opens his eyes due to his grandmother's outburst, "is my new cousin here yet?"
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 6 months
Incredibly self indulgent post ahead.
Mama's Villain Arc
Taiyang held stead fast to the wheel of his rented boat - he'd been through hell trying to complete this mission, trying to get back to his family.
He'd fought through Grimm and Human alike, both individuals and members of gangs, but now he was so close to home-
When the Engine died, the dinghy coming to a sudden halt as though he'd hit a Rock.
Taiyang: What in the goddamn-
???: There you are, Coward~
Taiyang: Prismeya?
Prismeya (Mama Arc): *Laying in the water* The one and only~ Now, I always try and be a good hostess to my guests, but sometimes they go where they shouldn't, and take things that aren't theirs
Taiyang: ... What do you mean Arc?
Prismeya: You hurt my family and, well, I can't quite just let anyone go after that.
Prismeya: I've got a reputation I've got a name to uphold So I can't go letting you walk or 'else the world forgets I'm cold
Prismeya: Now get in the Water.
The ocean suddenly surged, rocking the small craft and nearly tumbling Tai into the ocean.
Prismeya: Get in the Water.
Prismeya: Or I'll raise the Tide so high,
Water began climbing up the coast of Patch, like it intended to swallow the land whole.
Prismeya: that all of Patch will Die~
Prismeya: Get in the Water.
Taiyang: Wait!
Prismeya: Get in the Water.
Taiyang: Stop! Please!
The Ocean Surged, nearly capsizing Tai's boat, racing so quickly up the shore that the few dockworkers scrambled to higher ground, a few getting dragged under the waves
Prismeya: I"l make Tidal Waves so profound, That you wife and your Kids will Drown
Taiyang: NO!
Prismeya: DON'T MISTAKE MY THREAT FOR BLUFF! You have lived more than enough!
Prismeya: Get in the water! Get in the water!
Prismeya: Now Get in the water!
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