#marin dupain cheng
payper-arts · 2 years
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I decided like forever ago to redesign the Ladybug suit to be more masculine and a bit more accurate to how an actual ladybug looks as a visual aid for whenever I get around to the trans au that I said I was gonna write…. Maybe. Who knows if it’ll actually happen.
Anyway, in my usual fashion, this has been sitting in my WIP folder completely finished and unposted but then my mutual @siphisket yelled at me and told me I was grounded until I posted some art lol
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adeva-eira · 2 years
Do you have any new art for us?
It's a bit older but I haven't Posted it yet.
I'm trying out some things (different eyes, scars, New canvas size and so on) and this was the first attempt at doing that.
It's nothing big or special but I tried to draw some genderbend Jasonette and I always love me sum Jasonette xD
Marin/ette ALWAYS is the bottom, no matter their gender. I don't make the rules...
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danidoesntart · 1 year
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I don't know why I did this
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in the daytime I'm Marinette
Ladybug redesign 🐞
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angellyslion · 2 years
BioDad Barry Allen
Ma classe et moi étions à Central City pour un voyage scolaire d'une semaine pour avoir fini le collège.
J'étais contente, je pourrais enfin revoir mon père après cette longue séparation. Je ne lui avais pas dit que je venais. Cela sera une surprise pour lui. Sauf si les méchants m'aperçoivent avant et le révèlent à mon père.J'avais hâte d'être à la fin de la semaine car mon parrain Oliver organise un gala et ma classe est invitée. J'en profiterai pour dévoiler mon identité secrète qui est MDC. Nous arrivons à Starlabs. Nous avons le droit à une visite guidée.Quand mon groupe quitte le bâtiment, nous nous faisons attaquer par Léonard et Mick.
« Regarde Rory qu'avons-nous là ? Des étudiants étrangers !
- Qu'allons-nous faire d'eux ?
- Faire en sorte que leur voyage reste inoubliable !
- Je vous ne laisserai pas faire !
- Flash ! S'émerveille ma classe.
- Sérieux ? Vous ne pouvez pas reporter ça à une autrefois vos querelles d'amoureux ? Je voudrais bien arriver en un seul morceau au gala d'Olliver.
- Et voilà, la seule protégée de tout le monde ici à Central City.
- Mari pourquoi tu ne m'as pas dit que tu venais ?
- Je voulais te faire une surprise papa ! Eux deux, ont tout gâché ! Vous trois j'attends vos excuses à la maison !
- Tu n'es pas sérieuse Nette ?
- Si très et si vous ne le faites pas, je ferai en sorte que vos costumes soient extravagants et pas à votre taille ! Et je ferai en sorte que toutes les caméras soient braquées sur vous lors de l'événement !
- On les fera petite princesse, répond rapidement Léo. Ils savent que mes menaces, ils ne faut pas les prendre à la légère.
- Bien. La classe je vous ramène à l'hôtel et moi après j'irai chez moi.
- Marinette, tu ne peux pas faire ça ! Tu dois rester avec nous ! Je suis ta responsable !- Vous vous trompez Miss Bustier. J'ai organisé ce voyage d'A à Z. J'ai récolté l'argent nécessaire pour les billets d'avion et toutes les sorties liés au voyage. Rédiger le papier de sortie et l'autorisation de quitter le territoire pour les familles. Si vous avez pris la peine de lire le mien vous serez que je reste avec ma famille. J'ai même la signature de mes tuteurs de Paris plus celui de mon père biologique. Et puisqu'il est là, vous pouvez lui poser la question !
- Alors... Monsieur... Concernant Marinette ? Demande ma professeur dans un anglais qui laisse à désirer.
- Elle reste avec moi, son père biologique ainsi que ses pères par mariages.
- Très bien Marinette, tu peux rester avec ton père !
- Merci Miss Bustier, je souris. »
Je n'aurai pas besoin de les supporter tout le voyage. Merci ma chance.
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d011zk1ll · 5 months
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Guys I have more im gonna reblog with the rest
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mochinek0 · 1 year
I'm a Princess
Chloe sipped her champagne as she looked around the Waynes' Gala. She spotted many people that were clients of her mother and some that promoted Gabriel. She noticed a few other designers, but the rest of the people…..well, they at least dressed the part. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a girl who she could have sworn was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl had darker skin and green eyes, but her face, her eye shape!
Chloe sauntered over and shoved the champagne flute in front of her face.
"Go on." she demanded, "Get me another drink."
The girl looked her up and down.
"You still wear Gabriel?" she questioned, "Ew."
Chloe gasped, "He is an amazing designer!"
"He's an asshole." the girl retorted.
"You better shut your mouth, you Twerp!" Chloe bristled.
"Or what?" the girl commented, "You're gonna tell my mommy about your horrible fashion choices?"
"How dare you!" the Bourgeois heiress cried.
"No. How dare you show up to the Wayne Gala in something that is four seasons old!" the girl claimed.
"I am a Princess and-" Chloe began.
"No." the girl interrupted, "You are the daughter of a hotel owner, who didn't even wear clothes designed by her mother. You decided to wear trash."
Chloe was fuming. She had never been spoken to this way and the face of the girl wasn't helping.
'Her face is irritating! She looks just like Baker Girl when she started pushing back!'
"I am a princess and-" Chloe spoke again.
"I'm a princess." the girl declared, "Technically, after Great-Grandfather and Grandma passed way, Daddy became King. I'm a princess; you're playing dress up."
Chloe scowled, "You little-"
"Princess Amaya Wayne, lovely to see you again." a voice called out.
"King Ali of Achu." Amaya curtsied, focusing her attention on him.
Chloe closed her mouth and focused on the interaction in front of her.
'The Waynes have royalty in their blood and this….brat is actually a princess?'
"I'm very sorry, Ms. Bourgeois, but I must get going. My family will be summoning me soon." Amaya smiled, "King Ali, why don't you accompany me? I'm sure Father would love to discuss the next fundraiser for the children's hospital."
"Of course." the king answered.
The hotel owner fumed as they walked away. She lost sight of them in the crowd; Ali had never forgiven her for that fish-smell fiasco when they were younger. Chloe had to see for herself if the girl who humilated her was actually a Wayne. She followed them from a distance and tried to blend in with other girls nearby. She was too focused on Amaya to notice the judged looks thrown her way, as she tried to incorporate herself into their circle talks.
Sure enough, King Ali walked Amaya up to Bruce Wayne and someone else. Chloe couldn't make out who the guy was, but she heard the King of Achu refer to him as Damian. Amaya hugged Bruce and call him 'Grandfather', before he was asked to answer some questions for the Daily Planet.
'She's actually a Wayne!'
Bruce excused himself and the hotel owner was able to get a clearer view of the guy. He looked exactly like Bruce, but his complexion was similar to the kings' and he had green eyes.
"Why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow, Your Highness?" Damian spoke, "There are some things I want to go over without prying eyes or ears."
The King nodded and walked off.
"Have you seen your mother, Amaya?" Damian questioned.
"I believe she is with Uncle and people watching, as usual." she smiled, "She does love to look at everyone's outfits."
Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. As Adrien walked out of the crown, Chloe scowled as she noticed his companion: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe dropped her glass as Marinette Dupain-Cheng walked over and kissed Damian Wayne.
"Mother." Amaya smiled, before hugging Marinette.
'Baker Girl; she married into the Wayne family! How did she manage to weasel her was into a family with royal blood?'
Chloe stomped and politely shoved her way through the crowd towards the stage. She couldn't believe that she saw that brat was hugging her Adrikins, after she disgraced the Gabriel name!
"You look lovely as always, Amaya." Adrien complimented, "You definetly get your beauty from your mother."
Amaya smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Adrien."
"Don't act high and mighty!" Chloe demanded, "You were just trash talking his father a few minutes ago!"
"Chloe." Marinette spoke.
"Baker Girl." the hotel owner sneered back.
Adrien and Damian were quick to push the girls behind them.
"So what?" Adrien asked, "Who cares if my niece talks shit about Gabriel?"
Chloe looked at him in shock, "But you-"
"Left his place and company when I was eighteen and I never looked back." Adrien declared, "I hated being a model and everything that came with it. The rules, the photoshoots, the diet, the loneliness, that stupid schedule pack dictating when I woke up, went to bed! I couldn't even hang out with my frineds!"
"But we're suppose to run an empire together!" Chloe shouted back.
"Is this some bullshit my father told you?" the former model questioned, "The last time I saw him was twelve years ago and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, was eight. I don't know what he told you, but I never wanted to own Gabriel. I can't draw to save my life; I never want to model again. I don't know what you would do, but it's certainly not draw."
"I can draw!" the hotel owner shouted.
Adrien smiled, "Really? Anytime there was a competition, you tried to steal Marinette's sketches and frame her. You have never put in any effort to practice drawing. I never even saw you take fashion classes. You just decided since your mommy was a fashion designer, you would be too. Audrey probably des more in a day, then you do in a week!"
Chloe could feel the promises she was fed start to crumble. Gabriel had told her that once Adrien was done with his vacation, they would run the company. Adrien was telling her that was never going to happen. She had been waiting for the da when she didn't need to watch over the hotle anymore. It was annoying having to serve others and make sure their needs were met. What about her needs? She wanted a trip to Cancun! She wanted to sail the Caribbean! She wanted to sleep past six am!
She snarled, "What about Baker Girl, huh? You seriously expect-"
Damian was quick to get in her face, "Call my wife that again and you'll be thrown out on the street."
"She is-" Chloe faltered
"My wife is a fashion designer." Damian stated proudly, "Number one in the country and number three internationally."
"Hah!" Chloe smiled, thinking she had caught them in a lie, "Zahr is-"
"My wife." Damian replied, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist, "She makes all designs and has total control of her own design company. It's not even associated with Wayne Enterprise."
Amaya laughed "She's just sore that her gown is horrible."
"Amaya!" scolded Marinette.
"It's true." Amaya declared, "She tries to act big, but that spray painted gold just screams 'Look At Me; I Deserve Attention'!"
Adrien began to laugh since Chloe had been wearing the same color scheme since they were toddlers. Her attitude certainly hadn't changed. Damian just smirked at his daughter's decleration.
"And what is with that horrible blue eyeshadow?" the Wayne heiress continued, "No one wears eyeshadow that blue; it's outdated. It doesn't even match your dress or skin tone. If anything it makes you look a bloated fish. Why on Earth would you wear a nude lip shade of color? Even in the 50's, when they did use that shade, at least they had red lips."
Chloe's jaw dropped. Never had she imagined a child would tell her off for how she dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette biting her lip and could see Adrien laughing himself to tears.
"Yep." Adrien cried, "Tha-That's definetly your kid, Damian."
Mari sighed, "Is Yami and Malik gonna be the same way?"
"You do love honesty, Habibiti." Damian pointed out.
His wife groaned, "I'm gonna get so many phone calls when the twins go to school."
Chloe scowled and began to stomp away. She couldn't believe that someone who was related to bakers talked to her like that. The trash that came out of that girl's mouth left her fuming!
"Good." Amaya called out, enough for Chloe to hear, "Grandma is leaving. My eyes were starting to hurt, just from looking at her. Thankfully, the galas are at night. If we had it during the day, we'd have a disco ball on the floor with all that metallic strips sewn in."
Chloe could hear the baker's daughter snort, before laughing along side her Adrien.
"Amaya, you know how much your grandfather cares about appearances at these." Damian stated, causing his daughter to sigh, "Grounded for a week."
"Yes, Baba." Amaya spoke, "I only did it to get back at her for being a bully to Maman, when she was my age."
Mari kissed her daughter's head, "As long as you're not like this at school."
"Never, Maman." their daughter answered.
"Come along, Amiriti (Princess)." Damian spoke, "Let's go find your grandfather."
Chloe looked back to see the baker's daughter on her husband's arm. Adrien and her bratty daughter were right behind them, talking and laughing. Chloe had never felt so humiliated before.
'Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!'
Nothing was like how it was before when they were all in Francois Dupont College. She was no longer the Mayor's Daughter. Her father had moved to NYC with her mother, after high school. She had taken over as the owner of the hotel. Chloe had tried to use the same control she had in school to dictate the hotel's conditions and staff, but it failed miserably. People started to leave bad reviews of the hotel; some of the staff quit. When her father had heard about it, he offered to come back for a few months to show her how to run it properly; she had hung up on him.
Chloe Bourgeois couldn't believe that promises she had overheard as a child were over. She was suppose to marry Adrien Agreste; he was her Adrikins!
'I never should have helped him runaway from home to get into school!'
Chloe knew that was the moment everything changed in their realtionship. Everyone had turned him against her! He started speaking up more, defending others from her, and calling her a bad friend. She had hoped that one he finished 'exploring' that his new habit would be broken and they would get married after university. She had never even looked at another guy so when she found out that he had quit modeling, she thought he was getting ready to take over the company and propose. The proposal never came and Adrien had left Paris, without a word.
'It was all Baker Girl's fault! She ruined my Adrikins! Her Adrikins never behaved like this 'til he met her!'
She continued to glare at Marinette. She hated how Marinette was now rich, even richer than her. Marinette always got what she never had; a loving home, parents who cared about her, and now a husband and family. Chloe refused to believe she was jealous.
'I deserve more! I deserve my happily ever after with My Prince!'
Chloe turned her gaze to Adrien and she felt her heart stop. Adrien was on his tip-toes, kissing some guy taller than him. To add insult to injury, he looked just like Marinette. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Adrien Agreste had always been her dream Prince Charming, but she wasn't his Princess. Apparently, Adrien Agreste was the princess.
Chloe walked away as she heard Amaya ask if Uncle Adrien and Uncle Jon were excited for their wedding next month.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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asti-doodles · 1 year
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Request by my dearest gremlin @halfahelix but I myself am very awesome and cool for the idea and also drawing it.
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lily-drake · 1 year
Lesson 8: Find What's Worth your Protection
Random: *glares at Marin* Marin: *blinks* … Jon: *leans slightly towards her* what’s her deal? Marin: if looks could kill.. *grins* well, I still wouldn’t care but- Jon: she’s glaring at you like you killed her mother. Marin: *blanks* …. Jon: did.. did you ki- Marin: *snaps her attention towards him* no???? *smiles warily* at least I don’t think so- Jon: Marin! Marin: *pushes his shoulder playfully* what??? *looks back at the Random* I had many missions, who knows, maybe shes a cousin or whatever. Jon: *groans into his hands* ~~~~~~~ Marin: …you’re not fazed by this. Jon: you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has. Jon: again, you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: …which means? Jon: that you both were raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care? Marin: …you’re not fazed by my molds. Jon: *grimaces* Damian kind of.. explained the situation. Marin: *blinks* …did he? Jon: yeah… Marin: … Jon: sorry-? Marinette: *shrugs* its whatever, so what are we going to do later? Jon: uhh- homework-??? Marinette: sweet!! Let’s go. Jon: uh-huh..
Damian stared at the letter laid across his desk.  He had read it, reread once, twice, thrice, and yet he still couldn’t fully process the words. 
“ I don’t want to be found so don’t look for me.  I am going to be who I want, I’m going to act how I want, and I’m not going to force myself to do things that will make me feel terrible.  You will no longer be able to pressure me, and that means you will NOT pressure someone else instead. ”
Was he truly that terrible?  Was it truly his fault for pressuring her and unintentionally pushing her away in the process?  
“ I love my dearest little brother.  Stay strong and know that I will one day visit.  For now, I’m figuring things out for myself, and I finally feel like I have a grasp on my life. ”
He reread those few sentences over and over and over again reassuring himself.  She would return, she would come back.  She never broke a promise, not once.  He scowled when he had read the last part of the letter, Jon was afraid of him!  But then again, Jon still hadn’t told him despite the fact that Marin had been gone for three weeks now.  It was infuriating.  Speaking of Jon, he hadn’t heard his annoying voice at all yet, something was up.
Damian tucked the note away in his desk almost reverently before he stood up and marched out of his room.  He would check the kitchen first, but the only one there was Beast Boy.
“Where is Kent?”  He demanded while crossing his arms.  Beast Boy turned to him with a confused frown before he shrugged.
“No clue man.  Last I heard he had a “private call” to make, something about someone calling him, or whatever.”  Damian’s frown deepened.  It didn’t matter, he would just head to the training room, nothing defeating the highest level of holographic enemies wouldn’t fix.
______ Jon was on a secret mission, well, secret in the fact that he just didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing.  What was he doing, well, currently he was trying not to let the craziest of the al Ghul-Waynes cut his head off.  “Hey, hey!  It’s me Marin!  Please don’t kill me!”  He shouted, keeping his hands up and forward in a show of peace and surrender.  Her eyes were dark and predatory as she studied him.
“What are you doing here?”  She growled, baring her teeth in a way that was definitely threatening.
“Is it so wrong to want to make sure my friend is okay after weeks of radio silence?”
He could hear her heart skip slightly at that, she was surprised.  “What makes you think we’re friends?!”  She snarled, pushing the blade that no doubt had bits and pieces of Kryptonite in it, further against his neck.  He was so screwed.  Why did he think this was a good idea again?
“The fact that we spent years together attending Gotham Academy and you know, our side job.”  He replied nervously, making sure to keep perfectly still unless he really did want that dagger slitting his throat.  
Marin let out a small hum, thinking over his words while allowing the dagger to stay firmly planted against his neck.  “Fine, your answer is acceptable.”  And just like that, the dagger was removed and hidden in one swift motion.
Jon let out a sigh of relief, moving slightly away from Marin to catch his breath.  “Damian still thinks he’s scarier than you and I still don’t know how to convince him he’s wrong.”  Jon gasped, cupping his throat as if that would protect it.  He could feel the slight sting against his next from where the blade laid across the skin.
“Damian assumes much and understands little.  He will not allow himself to believe that others can be feared more than himself.  That’s one thing that will never change.”  Marin stated with a roll of her eyes,  “Now, why are you really here?”  She demanded with a simple raise of her brow.
“Is it really too much to believe that I just came to check-up on you?”  He asked, trying to show how sincere he was.  All he really knew was that there was a falling out between Marin and the rest of her family that was so bad that she refused to come back.  He wouldn’t pry or ask details, but he wanted to make sure his friend was okay.  Her heart quickened slightly.
“As it’s coming from you, I guess not.”  She replied flippantly.  Jon honestly could not tell what she was thinking, she’d always been hard to read.  
“So while I’m here, why don’t we go somewhere?”  Marin sent him a sharp glare, and Jon quickly put his hands up in surrender once more. “Somewhere public of course.  And it doesn’t have to be somewhere you visit often!  I just wanted to catch up with you is all.”
“If you try anything, I will disassemble you piece by piece with my strongest and dullest kryptonite knife.”  She watched the way the boy paled, enjoying the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed back his fear. Why did he think this was a good idea again?
Marin gave him a sharp nod before she turned on her heel and started walking away.  Jon stood there for a few moments more, still frozen in shock before he hurried after her.  “Wait up Marin!  Come on, it’s not like we’re in school right now.”
Marin just rolled her eyes, a small smirk on her lips as she watched Jon running after her.  Once Jon was right at her side, her smile was gone without a trace.  “Sooo…” Jon began, side eyeing her with a large grin.
“None of your business.”  She replied sternly.
“Come on, I didn’t even ask anything yet.”  He whined.  Marin rolled her eyes, but never faltered in her steps.
“Doesn’t matter, the answer is still the same.”
Jon sighed and crossed his arms, “I just wanted to know if you like anyone you’ve met here.”  They walked in silence for a few minutes, before she finally answered.  It wasn’t that she hated this type of silence, she just liked making people wait in suspense.
“There are a few people that I’ve come to tolerate.”  She replied flippantly.  His eyes lit up with curiosity.
“Oooh, is that so?  And what have these people done for you to even “tolerate” their existence?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I would, that’s why I asked.”  Goodness, she forgot just how infuriating this farmboy was.
“Well isn’t that just a shame, guess you’ll just have to suffer in your curiosity.”  She mocked as she weaved through the crowded streets with ease, all while Jon attempted to stay by her side.  
“You never were the merciful twin.”  He muttered to himself.
“Only when it suits what I need.”  She shrugged, stretching her arms slightly.  Jon gave a small exasperated huff before they continued walking together in silence.  It lasted all of five minutes before Jon slightly nudged her to gain her attention.  She raised a silent questioning brow at him, usually he just called her name.  She watched as he tilted his head slightly to the left in the direction of a middle aged woman that was glaring at her, and specifically her.
* Marin blinked a few times, trying to see if the woman was familiar at all, because no one glared at her like that without a reason.  She felt as Jon moved in slightly, whispering next to her ear, “What’s her deal?”
“If looks could kill,” she started, a small grin creeping up her face, “well, I still wouldn’t care but-”
“She’s glaring at you like you killed her mother or something.”  Jon muttered jokingly, cutting her off.   Marin didn’t falter in her steps, but it was a near thing as any signs of amusement quickly fled her face.  Jon actually pauses and stared at her with a mix of fear and worry in his eyes.  “Did…did you ki-”
Marin felt her body snap to attention, a jolt of fear rushing through her.  For a second, she thought Bruce was there, waiting to catch her slipping up so he could finally turn her away.  But he wasn’t here, she needed to remember that.  He. Isn’t. Here.  “No?”  She tried to give Jon a smile, pulling in as much of Rebecca as possible, but came out as more of a grimace than anything.  “At least I don’t think so…”  She said trailing off slightly, trying to recall if she actually had done that.  Rebecca was always getting lost in thought, she was always the dreamer.
“Marin!”  Jon hollered in shock.  She needed to focus right now, maybe Rebecca was the wrong mold to use.  But she was also very nice and playful, so she’ll stick with it.  Rebecca Marin playfully shoved Jon at his shoulder, before continuing her walk, almost skipping down the street, forcing Jon to pick up the pace after her once more. 
“What?”  She said with a smile, glancing at the seemingly random person one last time before looking forward.  “I had many missions.  Who knows, maybe she’s a cousin or whatever.”  She said in an almost playful tone.  She could hear Jon’s muffled groan, but she didn’t care, she just needed to get away from this place.  Get away from the people she may have harmed when she was in the League.  
Jon watched Marin, he could tell she was currently using one of her molds, it was a little jarring at times, but he understood why she did it.  As they walked farther and farther away from the crowds he watched as she slowly removed her mask, returning once more to being Marin.  He had seen her do this so many times when they were at school or on missions, but no matter how many times he watched her do it, it never took away the sense of hurt he felt for her.
They stayed silent for another long while, traveling everywhere yet nowhere at once.  This time, it was Marin to interrupt the silence, “...You’re not fazed by this?”  Her tone was flat, not giving away any of her emotions.  Marin was officially back.
“You’re Damian’s sister.”  He replied with a nonchalant shrug.  
“I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has.”  She countered.
“Again, you’re Damian’s sister.”  He responded as if that explained everything.  
With a small huff of frustration she asked, “Which means?”
“That you and your brother were both raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care?”  Marinette watched from the corner of her eyes as he tilted his head slightly with an unsure, almost sarcastic, smile.
“So, you're not fazed by my molds?”  She asked, raising her brow in challenge.
Jons smile became more of a grimace as he glanced away uncomfortably.  “Damian kind of…explained the situation,” he answered hesitantly.
Marin really shouldn’t have been surprised, but as she blinked at Jon, she could admit (never out loud) that she was a little shocked. “...Did he?”  Damian always tried to avoid talking about the League, and especially her molds.  Damian hated them, so it was a little shocking that he would even tell someone else about them rather than pretending she had Multi-Personality Disorder….Now that she thought about it-NO!  She wasn’t going down that rabbit hole right now.
“Yeah…Sorry?”  he still wasn’t looking her in the eye.  She didn’t like that, but who cares.  It’s not like it really mastered in the end.  When she looked away from Jon and back to the street in front of her, she noticed that she was in front of the bakery.  Well, if he wasn't fazed, then it didn’t really matter who she was right now.  
So, with a shrug of her shoulders and a lightness to her step that always seemed to follow Marinette, she replied.  “It’s whatever, so what are we going to do later?” She asked with her brightest smile, it almost felt real when she watched Jon’s reaction to her switch.  
“Uhhh, homework?”  he asked more than stated, obviously unsure where this was headed.
“Sweet!  Let’s go.”  She cheered as she grabbed ahold of his arm and started dragging him towards the bakery, and away from the eyes she could feel following them.
“Uh-huh.”  Jon let her tug him forward with a roll of his eyes, his farm drawl coming out slightly.  She would never admit this out loud, but it was nice to have an old friend teammate here, and hopefully for once, she wouldn’t be the reason they got killed.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninja @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses @buginetye @humanoid606 @ev-cupcake @blackroserelina @rainbowbunny0159 @bambicambi
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dylanrosales25 · 4 months
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
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guys this joke has been in my head for like a year. Now you must see it
[image description: an admittedly less-than-stellar quality screengrab of the superheroine Ladybug from the tv show Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir; she is in her underwater power up form and has a crazed expression. Text reads “There are many benefits to being a MARINEtte Biologist”]
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quickspinner · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: Poll Edition
This piece wandered into my brain as I was thinking about the "Not your average mermaid" prompt for LBSC Mermay, and here's the thing. I'm undecided where to go from here. I think there's a lot of fun potential, but the idea of starting another potentially large fic when I still have Indelible, Guard My Heart, and Beautiful Dreams hanging out there is giving me pause.
So, beneath the cut there is a snippet and my first ever poll!
Option 1, I could post it like this, clean it up a little bit and let this be just a little prompt fic post. Option 2, I could work on it as a full fic, put together a complete story for it, but I probably wouldn't be finished before MerMay is over and I kind of hate to post it as a first chapter and then have another unfinished fic hanging out until I get to writing the rest of it, so I might just save it until I've got more of it ready to go. Which, let's be real, who knows when that will be. Option 3, I could look at the other mermay prompts and make it a series of ficlets centered around this Luka and Marinette. Sort of the way I did Hey Gorgeous. Although the last two times I said that were for the Hallmark fic and Indelible and they both got way bigger than I expected, so...check out the piece under the cut and let me know what you think. (l will of course do what I think is best and doable in the end, but I want some opinions to take into account here before my brain runs itself in circles.
This…was not how this type of thing was supposed to happen.
Well, it wasn’t supposed to happen at all, because mermaids were supposed to be a myth, a legend, a fantasy. 
But if it could happen, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be shadowy, fleeting glances. The flip of a tail, a shape passing under the boat. Eerie eyes staring out of the darkness of the sea at night, and then winking out like lanterns. Little glimpses that made you question your own senses and doubt your own sanity before you finally found out the truth.
Mermaids were not supposed to swim up to your boat in broad daylight, and rest their elbows on the swim deck of your boat, tilting their head to look at you with undisguised curiosity. 
Also, mermaids were usually girls. Of course it made sense that if there were such a thing as mermaids, there ought to be such a thing as mermen, and so it made just as much sense for there to be a man’s torso leaning on her boat while his tail swished idly in the water behind him, probably to keep his balance. 
Marinette found that she was doubting her own sanity despite the very clear sight of the merman leaning on her boat, nearly close enough to touch, close enough to see clear, intelligent blue eyes, and short shaggy black hair that shaded blue at the tips, and the sharp line of his jaw and the way water rolled down his tanned skin—why would a mermaid be tanned, was that just his natural skin tone? Shouldn’t he be pale?
Marinette continued to sit there with the water he had splashed up onto the boat soaking into the seat of her shorts, leaning back on her hands where she had fallen, and they just…stared at each other. 
He smiled.
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sugarfluff59 · 7 months
Marin Dupain-Cheng strolled confidently through the bustling halls of Francoise Dupont High School. His charisma and effortless coolness drew the attention of every girl in sight. The once shy and reserved boy had transformed into a magnetic force that left the female population of the school enamored.
Dahlia Wayne, daughter of Gotham's billionaire Bruce Wayne, had transferred to Francoise Dupont for a change of scenery. She had heard about Marin's legendary coolness and couldn't help but be intrigued. However, when Dahlia laid eyes on Marin, her composed demeanor faltered, and she found herself captivated by his charm.
As Marin navigated the sea of admirers, Dahlia struggled to find the courage to approach him. Her friends, noticing her newfound bashfulness, decided to take matters into their own hands. Lila, an ambitious girl with a reputation for bending the truth, devised a plan to win Marin's heart.
Lila, armed with a concoction of flattery and deceit, approached Marin one day after school. She complimented his style, praised his talents, and spun tales of her own adventures. Marin, though appreciative, remained unfazed by the attention. Unbeknownst to Lila, his heart already belonged to another.
Meanwhile, Dahlia watched from afar, her heart sinking with each word Lila spoke. Jealousy brewed within her, and an unfamiliar sense of competition ignited. Determined to make her own mark on Marin's heart, Dahlia sought the guidance of Alya, Marin's best friend.
Alya, a trustworthy confidante, listened to Dahlia's feelings and agreed to help. Together, they orchestrated a plan to showcase Dahlia's genuine qualities. They arranged for Dahlia and Marin to spend more time together, hoping the shy heiress could break through her shell and reveal her true self to Marin.
The plan unfolded with various encounters – casual conversations, shared interests, and even a few accidental meetings. Slowly, Marin began to notice Dahlia's genuine kindness and unique personality. His heart, once immune to the charms of others, felt a subtle shift.
As Marin and Dahlia's connection deepened, Lila's attempts to win his affection grew more desperate. She spread rumors, fabricated stories, and even organized a grand gesture to catch Marin's attention. However, Marin remained steadfast in his growing fondness for Dahlia.
The climax of the story unfolded during the school's annual masquerade ball. Lila, determined to make a grand impression, planned an extravagant dance routine to capture Marin's heart. The entire school gathered in anticipation, including Marin and Dahlia.
Lila's performance was indeed impressive, but as the applause echoed through the hall, Marin's eyes sought out Dahlia. The heiress, dressed in an elegant mask, stood in the shadows, her eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope. Marin, captivated by Dahlia's authenticity, approached her with a warm smile.
The two danced the night away, oblivious to the whispers and stares around them. As the final notes of the music echoed, Marin and Dahlia shared a heartfelt moment, sealing the beginning of a genuine connection.
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Can you believe it took seven years for this??
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adeva-eira · 2 years
Have been inaktive for a while now but yay...I'm back!
Now, I want to Start writing Fan fictions again and I have 4 ideas already but I can't decide what to write first...so you can decide! Here are four Prompts and even some art to show you what you can expect uwu please tell me your favorite so that I can see what to write first!
1. Death in the family (ya I took that title from the Batman Movie lol). Basically Reverse Robins with Marinette in there. The family dynamic with Marinette already is established too. Bruce is dead, Damian is Batman, Tim, who died instead of Jason, is Wren, Marinette is Cardinal, Jason is Red Bird and Dick will become Robin later on.
Shortly after Bruce Died, Marinette wanted to help her Brother, Damian, relax. Knowing that he loves animals she takes him to a Circus. There they witness the death of the flying Graysons. They don't hesitate and take in their son, Dick Grayson. Family shenanigans, drama and Lots of fun in this fic!
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2.Gotham Sirens. Marinette is a Rouge (just to Mess with good ol' Batsy) and meets and Joins the Sirens. Selina adopts Mari and just enjoys annoying her Ex, Bruce, with her new Daughter. Harley and Ivy have fun too, doing the same thing only with the Joker....hehe...
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3. The life(death) of Marin(ette). Marin Cheng is a very deadly Rouge and fought the Bats ever since he could hold a knife. He gets mortally wounded though and as he dies, the last thing he Sees is Red Hood, who refuses to leave his side as he dies.
Tikki takes pity on him though and throws his soul in the body of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, another self of him from another universe, who Fell into a coma due to her real soul giving up on her.
Now Marin has to Deal with being a girl, a Super hero and a teenager while also trying to get to Gotham to protect this universes Red Hood, as a way to thank him for not leaving him on his death bed.
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4.Miraculous Lanterns. Marinette HATES Green Lantern(Hal Jordan) with a Passion. One day she wakes up, only to find a Blue Ring floating in front of her. As in trance she speaks the oath and becomes a Blue Lantern. Now she has TWO Hero personas, has to stay close to Green Lantern to use her rings full Potential and has to Deal with the longing to just smash Jordans head into the ground...
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pandaofsecrets · 10 months
What's in a Name? — Miraculous Ladybug
1.1. Dupain-Cheng
Dupain: "of bread", in French.
Cheng: most likely from 程 (chéng) meaning "schedule", "journey", or "procedure". It is the surname of Chinese-born French academician and writer François Cheng.
Marinette: a diminutive of "Marie" and sometimes used as a form of "Marine", it is ultimately derived from an Egyptian name meaning "love, beloved", which was later associated with the Hebrew words for "bitter" and "rebellion". It is etymologically connected to the name of the Ladybug Miraculous: in languages like English and German, the ladybug is named after the Virgin Mary.
"Marinette" is also a noun in French, namely the feminine form of "marin", meaning "sailor", and was thus most likely also chosen in reference to Sailor Moon. In Middle French, it also meant "compass"—a tidbit to keep in mind when watching Captain Hardrock.
The name is very old-fashioned. It was most frequently used from 1927 to 1957, owing to the popularity of the book series "Contes du chat perché", whose main characters were named Delphine and Marinette.
Tom: short form of "Thomas", which comes from an Aramaic word meaning "twin". References series creator Thomas Astruc.
Sabine: from the name of an Italic tribe that inhabited what is now Lazio. Is a reference to the woman who initially inspired Thomas Astruc to create Miraculous Ladybug.
Gina: short form of several Italian names that end with "-gina", such as Regina or Georgina. Was popularized by Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, whose birth name was Luigina.
Rolland: English variant of "Roland", which is in turn derived from two Germanic elements meaning "fame" and either "land" or "brave". Roland was the name of a semi-legendary Frankish military leader, whose story is told in the epic poem "La Chanson de Roland". Aside from the historical associations, it was probably chosen as a pun on "rolling pin".
Wang: "king", in Mandarin.
1.2. Agreste
Agreste: meaning "rustic" in French, it's also used in the figurative sense of "rude, uncivilized". Is also the French word for the greyling butterfly (Hipparchia semele).
Adrien: ultimately derived from the name of an Etruscan city, which in turn might have been derived from a word meaning "water". Was probably chosen in reference to the Adriatic Sea, since Marinette, Luka, and Félix's names also have a nautical theme.
Athanase: from "Athanasios", a Greek name meaning "immortal".
Gabriel: "God is my strongman", in Hebrew. This is the name of an archangel associated with carrying messages from God. Was most likely chosen in reference to fashion designer Coco Chanel, whose real name was Gabrielle.
Émilie: of Latin origin, it is probably derived from the word "aemulus", which means "rival" or "envious, jealous", and is etymologically related to the word "emulate". Is also most likely a reference to Emily Lyman, mother of Harry Osborn.
1.3. Graham de Vanily
Graham: from two Old English words meaning "gravel" and "homestead".
de Vanily: from the word "vanilla". Together with Emilie and Amelie's first names and their other surname, it forms a pun: in French, "Emilie/Amelie Graham de Vanily" sounds kind of like "un milligramme de vanille", meaning "a milligram of vanilla".
Fathom: from a unit of length equal to about 1.8 meters (6 feet, for the Americans), chiefly used in nautical measurements. As a verb, it means "to measure the depth of something", and is also used figuratively to mean "to comprehend, understand".
Félix: from a Latin word meaning "happy, lucky". Used to be Adrien's name in previous drafts of the story, and was thus most probably a reference to both Felix the Cat and Felicia Hardy.
Amélie: from a Germanic word meaning "work, activity".
Colt: from an English word meaning "young male horse", it was most famously the surname of American industrialist Samuel Colt, owner of the Colt firearms company.
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