#marvel pride and prejudice au
circusdraw · 2 years
pride and prejudice AU pt.2
“–I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.
–I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.”
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mollywog · 4 months
Regarding WipWednesday and Regency!Everlark:
This isn’t my fandom but I’m a sucker for ask games. (I have read the books though!)
Katniss is always in demand as a partner, it seems. Peeta knows he has one shot at getting on her card at the upcoming Netherfield Ball. Is he going to ask for the first set, the second set, or the supper set?
Ooo oo oo okay so, most of my history knowledge is based on the vibes from fictional stories, so I did some poking around and found this: Ballroom etiquette
Let me tell you, realizing that a set lasted 30 min to an hour puts some things in perspective
Mr. Collins, awkward and solemn, apologizing instead of attending, and often moving wrong without being aware of it, gave her all the shame and misery which a disagreeable partner for a couple of dances can give. The moment of her release from him was ecstasy.
I’m picturing an AU inspired by Mary King (a la Pride and Prejudice)
Katniss is of the lower gentry with little dowry until a distant relative passes leaving the Everdeen sisters an inheritance. Overnight they become highly desirable partners.
Peeta has been in love with Katniss since they were children, but as a third son he’s expected to marry rich or take up a career. He’d planned on becoming a clergyman, against his family’s wishes, and upon securing a career begin wooing Katniss
But her inheritance puts a wrinkle in his plan: if he pursues her now, he’ll appear a fortune hunter, and if he doesn’t he risks her marrying before he’s settled.
Peeta notices Sir Cato and Mr. Marvel, known fortune hunters, approaching her at the Netherfield ball and decides to take the risk. He intercepts the pair and asks for her remaining set before the others can.
They’re immediately smitten, until Katniss overhears Mrs. Mellark, gloating that her son has ensnared the ‘simple girl’. This causes Katniss to believe Peeta’s affections are all an act and he’s after her money.
Heartbroken, she flees to the seaside to stay with her friend Ms Cresta.
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Pride and Prejudice AU Anger Management (dp x dc)
Guess who just finished reading+watching Pride and Prejudice? And guess who’s now obsessed with making an Anger Management AU based on it? It’s me babyyyy (btw it's sorta more of a fusion than a proper AU I think?)
Casting: Jason as Elizabeth, his siblings as the bennet sisters. Alfred is mr bennet, Bruce is mrs. Bennet except they’re not silly they’re instead paranoid and emotionnaly stunted.
Jazz as Darcy, Danny as Georgiana. 
Kon as Bingley (with Tim being Jane looool)
Vlad is lady catherine and dani is cousin anne.
Wickham is both the Al Ghul (Talia and Ra's) they pretended to be nice to the Fenton before trying to enslave/exorcice Danny.
Plot (which is basically just P&P but like slightly modified so it works):
Jazz & Danny got spit out the pits. The Al Ghuls pretended to be kind and honorable and stuff, and Jazz was just so happy the dimension they ended up in had some nice (though weird and formal) people. Then, she ends up finding Danny tied up and Ra’s talking about what an interesting specimen he is, and how he’ll help them figure out how to be immortal and all that. Jazz goes full-on Beserk mode and destroys the base + burying pits.
Vlad and Dani end up there too a little later, but she doesn’t tell them the specifics just not to interact with the League of Assassins. Danny is hurt and Jazz is still a bit feral. They end up in Kansas where the Kents offer them a place to stay for a while. So they do stay, and Superman+family end up being really nice people. She doesn’t tell them about the Ra’s, just that the trip between dimension was rough. She also says nothing about Danny’s power and keeps that secret because he’s still hurt and she doesn’t want anyone trying to take advantage of him.
Magic users recognize her as Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms and like everyone who’s met her agrees she’s a fair and kind ruler, so they respect her a lot. So Captain Marvel, Zatanna and Wonder Woman (after they mention Pandora) all vouch for the Fentons and they’re generally just considered really powerful and benevolent.
Anyways danny is severely injured (plus his powers are really reduced) and Jazz is so stressed about it not to mention the queen regent thing (she has paperwork and correspondence with Frostbite, Pandora and Clockwork for all kind of stuff to do, including making sure there is no war after the future King was kidnapped by humans wanting to experiment on him again!!!) plus making a good impression on the league. So she comes off as a little bit stand-offish especially to the heroes she doesn’t know super well. She’s been burnt by the Al Ghul and is just so busy and stressed she has little energy for socialization. She accidentally snubs Dick which everyone in the batfam takes as an insult plus a lot of the younger generation heroes do too. General consensus is that she’s a bit stuck-up and only makes an effort for the big names (Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel). 
Jazz makes a comment about Jason after Kon teases her about him (like “I know his type, pretty bad boy with a list of issues a mile long, not to mention how shit at emotions the bats apparently are”) and he overhears and is like not like I would want to end up with such an arrogant snob no matter how handsome she looks.
So anyways, they end up going on a few missions together and Jazz gets to see that Jason is actually a really good person who does his best and wants to help everyone so bad. Also, he’s so good with kids and Jazz is 100% sure Danny would love him despite him hating most of her previous boyfriends.
Meanwhile, Jason sees how she keeps taking down the villains faster than him and even takes on some of his that he was handling thank you very much, and assumes she’s being condescending instead of trying to be helpful. 
She also talks about school that she’s started and how much she enjoys it because she heard he likes to read but he takes it at a dig at how he never completed his formal education which is a sore spot. She also sometimes completely disregard his suggestion when they go after supernaturals which fair but like super rude?! But it’s just Jazz being used to being in charge and having to wrangle a bunch of go in first, think of a plan later type of people.
(Talia has come by and fed the batfam an edited story of what happened with the pits, which makes Jazz look really shady.)
Danny sees Jazz is completely crushing on this dude and after hearing her talk about him for so long, he’s on board with Jason and also curious to get to know him. Danny tells her to go for it and ask him out. Meanwhile, they each agree to tell Vlad nothing, because he might not be as crazy as he used to be, but he’s still a complete ass.
So at some point, after a mission, she takes Jason aside and asks him out, while insulting his family accidentally (like makes a joke about reserving an extra table for his brothers to spy on them). She means it as a gentle tease, but Jason takes it as a giant insult, since it’s also super true so instead of just saying no, he goes for the snark.
“Thanks and all but I dont date future villains.”
Jazz is fucking insulted. “Ok wow. From what I heard everyone in your family has at least one alternate version of themselves whos a villain, so keep talking shit?!”
“Not even trying to hide your contempt for us now are you?”
“I don’t have contempt for you guys.”
“No? You told Kon he shouldn’t date Tim!”
“That is NOT true! I said to take it slowly while he deals with his identity issues as a clone first to make sure he doesn’t jump into something new while he’s not ready!”
“Yeah, sure. I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with how 'shit at emotions' my family is.”
“Well, it doesn’t help that you’re all emotionally stunted, no!”
“That’s your excuse for Tim, sure. But what about that nice little tale Talia told us?”
“Talia Al Ghul?”
“Yeah. Now why would a hero like yourself cause the complete collapse of a secret organization they should have no knowledge of considering they had arrived in the dimension less than a week ago? I mean, I know they’re assassins and all, but I thought you guys had landed in Smallville, Kansas. That’s a long way to go if you really didn’t have designs on the fucking pits. Did you or did you not burry the pits where no-one except someone who can go invisible and doesn’t need to breathe could access it?”
“I did.”
“And you want to tell me you’re not a villain? You may have everyone else fooled, but I know what you are.”
“Fine,” she says. “If that’s what you want to think. Sorry you had to endure my presence for so long.”
She leaves him a note still, because she knows at least some of the batfam have had contact with the pits. She knows he’s a good person and actually really trustworthy plus how much he cares about children, so she trusts him with Danny’s secret. She explains how Talia and Ra’s have plans with the pits and liminals, and to look out for himself. She tells him to verify with Zantanna if he wants because she’s the one who helped put up the wards to hide Danny’s presence while he recuperates.
Jason is like, ok so maybe she’s not a future villain. So he feels a little bad about his outburst plus dumb about trusting Talia about anything, she’s a liar that is well-known. But he still stands by turning Jazz down coz she is genuinely sort of a snob a lot of times.
After that they go on a few missions together and Jazz acts much better, she actually listens to his feedback even if most of the time she doesn’t need to when it’s supernatural beings. She also seems way less wound-up and doesn’t say a word about how emotionally constipated the bats are, which she used to do way more often. She’s being polite, kind and open to suggestion and Jason is like so maybe I judged a bit fast. He also starts to see how many responsibilities she actually shoulders (Queen Regent, her brother, Justice League stuff) and he’s a little humbled by how well she does it. At some point he meets a Realm Ghost who talks about what a great Queen she is and all that she’s done for them and Jason starts feeling some feelings.
They meet up again for a low-level mission with a supes, it’s like undercover/surveillance about white collar crimes or something, and the vibe between Jazz and Jason is super good until he gets a call. 
Damian/Cass end up captured on a mission by the Al Ghuls to experiment on. All the batfam is losing their minds and Jazz is like this is my fault they know about ectoplasm at all, because she trusted them and talked to much while Jason is like no I’m the one who should’ve told them. 
Jazz goes and rescue the batkid. In exchange she offers one vial of pure ectoplasm (ecto dejecto) which she was saving for emergency in case she gets injured. She tells the Al Ghuls this is worth all the test subjects “from which you’ll try and extract it and it probably won’t work. So do your crazy experiment on that and leave liminals alone.”
So yeah the designated batkid is rescued (tho they don’t realize by who cause they’re unconscious) and Jazz asks Superman to take the credit for it. Jason learns it was Jazz and feels so guilty and grateful. He bakes/cooks something and goes to thank her. He meets Danny who is super excited to meet him and doesn’t know about the messy rejection coz Jazz didn’t tell him because she thought she might have deserved it a little bit. 
So Jason sees how sweet Jazz is with Danny and how much more relaxed she is at home and he’s like ok, so maybe, maybeee I have a feeling about this. Meanwhile, Jazz is still completely gone on him (the man can cook!) and Danny approves. Jazz doesn’t really have the heart to tell him it’s not happening.
All the while, because of Jazz’s connection to the pits the batfam are super suspicious of her and keep making digs at her. Jason feels terrible about it (since she literally saved the batkid) but Jazz just takes it and answers back politely, cause she likes Jason still and doesn’t want to antagonize his family.
Meanwhile, Kon and Tim started dating and the whole batfam are like ‘finally!’ Kon defends Jazz anytime one of the batfam says something about her and they think he’s a little naive but they like him so they stop when he’s there.
Vlad ambushes Jason at some point and tells him he’s not allowed to date Jazz. And Jason is just like “fuck you I do what I want”. He eventually admits to Vlad he isn’t dating her, but when Vlad asks him promise he never will, Jason says “I’m not promising that, she and I can do what we want.” 
At some point Jason and Jazz meet together by coincidence, and it’s a little awkward. Jazz has not been able to forget about him, she just likes him a lot so she goes, “I heard Vlad came by.”
“Yeah, what a weirdo.”
“Yeah, Sorry about him.”
“Hey you have to deal with my crazy family, it’s only fair.”
They laugh
“Sorry if this makes you unfomfortable, say the word and I’ll never mention it again, but I can’t help but ask. I still like you a lot and I wanted to know, could you maybe might have changed your mind about a date?”
“Yes. Uh, I mean for the date, yes I’d like to go on one.”
“Yeah. I, actually, Um. I like you a lot too?”
So they end up dating and they actually like each other a whole lot. Danny is over the moon, as is Dani. Vlad still thinks Jason isn’t good enough for Jazz. The whole batfam is like wtf, I thought you hated her. Dick is the first to be like gotta make an effort for Little Wing’s girlfriend and ends up thinking she’s actually pretty cool. The rest are slower to follow, and Bruce is snail-pace. Alfred just likes that Jason is happy so he’s all for it.
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kirythestitchwitch · 7 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Waffle House AU - Kol Drinks Coffee (questionable)
Part One here Part Two here Part Three here Part Four here Part Five here
“Order your own,” she glared.  
“How can I when—”
“Oh sorry, Caroline!” Short June scooted up next to the table, pulling her pad and a pen from her apron. “Didn’t see you had company, and Marcy’s in the back.” She shook her short black bob out of her face and smiled at Kol. “What can I get you?”
Kol leaned one arm on the table and propped his head up on his hand. “Hello darling. What can you get me?” His smile was all charm.
Caroline kicked him under the table.
“Oh.” His smile bounced off June like a rubber ball. She pointed at the menus stacked behind the condiments at the end of the table by the window. “Menus are right there, I can come back after you’ve had a chance to look them over. Do you know what you want to drink?”
Caroline was having this horrible moment of kinship with Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice—the 2005 version, her favorite—when she asked if they are soon to be beset by every Bennet in the countryside: was every Mikaelson in the area going to show up and personally annoy her?
“Oh, he’s not stay—” she started.
“Coffee would be excellent.” Kol’s smile followed June as she left, and then he turned back to Caroline. “That hurt, you know,” he pouted.
She ignored that. “So fine, you’re alive. Congrats! What are you doing here?” Déjà vu.
“Well for starters, I’m—oh marvelous, darling,” he said, as June stopped by with another mug, a dish of creamers, filled his cup up, and left.
“For starters,” he continued, “I’m having coffee in what the internet informs me is a staple of Southern Americana.”
“You googled Waffle House?” Caroline asked, momentarily distracted by that detail.
Kol began opening creamers and dumping them into his coffee until it was an astonishingly light color. “I google everything. It’s the only way to catch up after being in a box for—” he lifted a hand, silently counted a few fingers, “—ninety-six years.” Pulling six sugars out of the sweetener caddy, he ripped them open and dumped the lot in. Stirring his concoction with a spoon, he said, “I love YouTube. Learned how to drive from that.”
Caroline winced as he took a sip from his cup. Good thing vampires couldn’t get cavities. “Okay so your no doubt stellar driving aside, what are you doing here, bothering me? We’ve literally never said two words to each other.”
He smirked at her over the rim of his mug. “Is Rebekah the only one who’s allowed to visit now? My, that will twist Nik’s knickers.” He snickered at the alliteration.
She leaned back in the booth and crossed her arms. “Your evil sister—”
“She’s my only sister, the evil part is implied.” Picking up the menu, he perused his choices.
“—wasn’t visiting, she was interrupting my late night study session. The way you’re doing.” She glanced pointedly at her notebooks.
“Didn’t look much like studying.” Kol smiled now, with teeth. “Looked like hunting.”
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jakeperalta · 1 year
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hi everyone! it's creator appreciation time!! one day i will get back to consistently making these posts each week, but until then here's another big long list of creations that i've particularly loved recently 💚 everything mentioned here and in previous posts can be found in my creator shoutout tag for easier scrolling!
1. the hunger games katniss/peeta "sweet nothing" gifset by @bi-alinaoretsev
2. the hunger games katniss/peeta "as the world caves in" gifset by @smblmn
3. 911 eddie diaz gifset by @azrphales
4. 911 buck/eddie gifset by @eddie-diaz-911
5. 911 buck/eddie gifset by @captain-hen
6. 911 evan buckley gifset by @buck-eddie
7. 911 evan buckley + text posts gifset by @azrphales
8. 911 x "speak now" gifset by @eddiediaaz
9. taylor swift "august" gifset by @cametotheshowinsd
10. taylor swift "august" gifset by @usergif
11. taylor swift eras tour posters graphic by @bybdolan
12. taylor swift 1989 tv redesign graphic by @wastlandsbaby
13. taylor swift lover album concept graphic by @ssafeandsound
14. taylor swift lover gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
15. marvel steve/peggy + paddington au by @margaretacarter
16. the martian gifset by @dailyflicks
17. sabrina carpenter albums gifset by @sabrinauniverse
pt 2 (this is just the red white & royal blue section lol)
18. rwrb alex/henry book excerpts gifset by @swearphil
19. rwrb henry fox "what was i made for" video by @djdangerlove
20. rwrb alex/henry "king of my heart" gifset by @captain-hen
21. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @lemon-lyman
22. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @roseapothecary
23. rwrb alex/henry "miss americana & the heartbreak prince" gifset by @simon-eriksson
24. rwrb alex/henry "illicit affairs" gifset by @captain-hen
25. rwrb alex/henry quote gifset by @sheisraging
26. rwrb alex/henry "paper rings" gifset by @eddiediaaz
27. rwrb rainbow gifset by @chrissiewatts
28. rwrb alex/henry "the great war" gifset by @eddiediaaz
29. rwrb alex/henry "peace" gifset by @captain-hen
30. rwrb alex/henry book quotes gifset by @rachelsennott
31. rwrb vibrant gifset by @rainbowgifs
pt 3
32. gilmore girls rory/logan x "speak now" gifset by @lavenderhazed
33. the wilds 1x01 gifset by @lady-arryn
34. emma 2020 gifset by @h-f-k
35. emma 1996 gifset by @lady-arryn
36. halsey iichliwp gifset by @h-f-k
37. la la land poster graphic by @cellphonehippie
38. mamma mia sam/donna + "folklore" gifset by @andtosaturn
39. pride and prejudice darcy/elizabeth graphic by @laylakeating
40. fleabag fleabag/priest "hard feelings" gifset by @henwilsons
41. maisie peters "you signed up for this" graphic by @imkindatheman
42. sex education aimee/maeve gifset by @meliorn
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quillofspirit · 1 year
I read fics!
If anyone wants to send me either their own fics, friend-fics or just want to share a fic so they can talk madly about it with someone, my inbox is always open!
I love reading stuff, and I love to be able to talk about what I thought while reading.
Let's read together :3
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I will block hate speech.
I support the rights and freedoms of Trans, Ace, Bi, Lesbian, Gay, and all other LGBTQ+ folks.
I support the rights and freedoms of the autistic and neurodivergent communities.
I support the rights and freedoms of visible minorities.
I support the rights and freedoms of disabled and chronic pain folks.
I will block hate speech.
I read;
Most types of works (AU, with any warnings though please refrain from sending strictly smut)
I love original works, and can beta read if you want
The fandoms I will understand the best; DC, Ghibli, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Outlander, Pride and Prejudice, Shadowhunters, 9-1-1.
Everything else I can do but may need a little more time and I will have a few questions, though I am never opposed to falling into a new obsession.
I can read any of these formats; Tumblr, AO3, Wattpad, PDF.
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These are my dividers, please do not use them.
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liss-art · 1 year
Star wars
Dragon age
Mass Effect
Detroit BH
The Witcher
My Hero Academia
The Lord of the Rings
Blade Runner
Cyberpunk 2077
Noir - LA NOIR, Mafia
Pride and Prejudice
Takeshi Kitano action movies
Samurai Au
The Matrix
Divinity original sin
Western - red dead redemption
NIEr Automata
Alice in Wonderland
Judge Dredd
Warhammer 40000
Assassin's Creed 2
Made a list of things for crossovers XDDD
sorry not sorry
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honeymouthedtales · 4 months
may i ask here for fic recs from you? any ship, any tags. i do trust your judgment very much and dearly love everything that you write. it's so difficult to find something that captures me as intensely as your art does :'( if it's too much of a hassle to share, maybe a top 5? or if you have answered this before already, pardon me and ignore all of this. thank you nevertheless and bye <3
a top 5 fics is really hard, i do read a lot. i've shared many mh recs in the past so i won't share them again but i can share same that i really liked from other fandoms. in no particolar order btw
Prevenient by bazooka (only available to people with registered ao3 accounts) and in general all their ancient bakery au: the fandom is seungkyunkwan scandal but you don't need to know much about that to understand the story since it's an au. it's a three parts story and i think in total it'll be like 150k? maybe more? but written so well it makes me cry
(after a while) you learn by curledupkitten (kittebasu): it's an exo fic and again the pairing or whether you know them or like them doesn't matter, it could easily be an original. it's one of the fics that inspired me the most when writing modern aus because i want my characters to be seen and understood the way they made me understand theirs
anything written by dirgewithoutmusic on ao3: they most write short works and they have a lot of different fandoms like marvel, narnia, hp, lotr... i love their voice. the way they say things when writing makes me want to listen forever. they have also written an original fantasy book series which i have read and really liked, but they tend to stay on the short side on ao3.
A hit, a very palpable hit by Shem: the fandom is Pride and Prejudice, the main ship is Kitty/OC, and boy I never say I have favorite books or movies but I think P&P is my favorite book and I love every variation of it but it's hard to read fics because the writers can rarely reproduce the genius of Jane Austen's words and her wittiness and everything that makes me love the books, but Shem does it right. I've read everything by this author but this is my favorite of their works. Not recommended if you aren't into P&P tho ahah
Sansûkh by determamfidd: fandom is LOTR, and like above, if you like LOTR you will love this fic.
Random extra rec:
i could whet your appetite by beizhaan: fandom is MDZS, it's a alpha/incubus au and tbh I could've put a lot of fics here but since I was really unsure I was looking at my bookmarks and this piece stood up because the s3x was good ahah so I included it.
I would've included more het fic recs because I do read them, but most of them would've been hp fics and I'm not actively reccing hp anymore to boycott jkr
Hope this gave you some food, I tried to keep the recs diverse since idk which fandoms you could be into but idk if they're as interesting for other people as they are for me :v
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
Fic-Writer Interview
Not tagged but picked up from @mercurygray :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Affinity War (3182)
3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian (2688)
The Great Madripoorian Snake Off (2245)
"Stare Enough" (1843)
Alright on Paper (1463)
Picture a t-shirt bearing the exhausted Ben Affleck smoking meme and the words, "I survived the MCU and so can you!" (My top 5 were written for Spider-Man and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
Do you respond to comments?
Respond and proceed to treasure forever.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
After poking around in my catalogue of fics, it's either one I wrote for Bodyguard, "Don't Ever Let Me Start," or "The Pretty Ones (Who Try to Kill You)" for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of what I write does have a happy ending. Hmm... Love Me Like You Drew (for Nancy Drew) and "Same Day, Different Jumpsuit" (the one and only Natasha/Mobius fic on AO3) are both near and dear to my heart.
Do you write crossovers?
Nope! I'm a real compartmentalizer.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes! So fun! It typically boils down to "I don't like the ship(s) and/or character(s) in this fic and am here to complain even though you tagged everything properly and I could have just scrolled past!" Fic hate is silly. I chuckle all the way to the "delete" button.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*shakes smut variety pack* What kind ya lookin' for?
Click here for my E-rated fics on AO3.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep, I've had people post my fics on other platforms without my permission, thinking that as long as they added my username for "credit," it was all good 🙄
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, by choice.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I'm an editor and an only child, so.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I've written for so many pairings (and a few trios), but Midge/Lenny from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has an evergreen ability to set my heart aflutter.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Rude. Probably my Scream AU of Nancy Drew. I would love to write it, but I can't currently see going back and reacquainting myself with all the characters I'd planned to include.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing humour, in dialogue or otherwise. Also descriptions packed with metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I. Hate. Plot. I'm here—on this planet, on the internet—to create atmosphere, not complex storylines.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Love it! Like @mercurygray, I speak some French and Italian, so those are the ones I tend to add if I'm going beyond English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls (specifically A Year in the Life), and I am ready to return to it TOMORROW if Amy Sherman-Palladino provokes me with more bad characterization.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Nothing comes to mind! With both ships and fandoms, I pretty much jump when I wanna jump. I'm also always open to hearing requests.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh! Oh! What a question! It's my baby, my Pride and Prejudice AU, For Now, We May Remain Silent. I wrote it with my copy of Austen open on my desk next to my laptop, going line by line. I worked on it while coping with the final illness and death of someone I loved very much, so a lot of love went into it, and I'm glad I have the fic as a reminder of that time.
From "Studio Tour," still my favourite chapter:
Here are her paintbrushes, disorganized and held in the loose grip of big, old coffee cans. The brushes rattle when Peter runs his finger over their handles, the faded red bristles spinning. A thick, flat brush with discoloured yellow bristles might be his favourite. Glancing over his shoulder, he furtively strokes the uneven hairs with his thumb. They all have this well-used quality that makes his chest clench confusingly. Michelle’s been living a whole life with these in her hand, he thinks, and I don’t know anything about it.
Tagging: Any and all fic-writers following me! Say I tagged ya!
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setaripendragon · 8 months
WIP Game
No one tagged me, I tagged myself in because I want to and you can't stop me =P And I'm tagging everyone who sees this that writes! Do it! Dooo iiit!
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't actually have a WIP folder, I have WIP folders, plural. So, I'm adding a rule that I can't have posted any of the fic online anywhere for it to qualify, and I also have to have worked on it some time in the last... four years?
Let's see if that keeps me below the 50 fics mark (place your bets now)...
A Song of Ice and Fire
Codywan In Westeros
King Eddard Stark
Time-travel TyrionSansa
Pevensie Starks
Cat SI
Assassins Creed
Desmond's PLP
Desmond meets Darcy
The Lost Nomads
Ursakoda Canon Crossover
Phole Time Travel
Dimension Hopping Chris and Wyatt
Gramarye Book 2
Critical Role
Molly Lives... In Caleb's Head
Molly Does a Time Travel
The Patchwork Bower
Slave AU
OT3 Does a Time Travel
FullMetal Alchemist
Time Travel Outsider PoV
What Is Remembered Forever
RoyEd Adopts Harry Potter
Ed Gets Time Swapped
Wei Wuxian as a RoyEd Baby
A Body for a Body
Psychic Wolves AU
RoyEd Time Travel
RoyEd Arranged Marriage
Rise of the Guardians
Hold Out Your Hand Sequel
Everyone Loves Pitch
The Journal of General Kozmotis Pitchiner
Time Travelling Eggsy
The King's Whores
Chavs and Gentlemen
Kingsman's Wolves
Lord of the Rings
Durincest Polyamory
On the Hunt
Sam Time Travel Adventure
Courting Fate
Seven Ladies Time Travel Epic
Gimli As Celebrimbor Reincarnation
Thilbo Reincarnation
Polyamorous Hobbits
Three for a Marriage Four for a Birth
Soulmarks Book 3: Our Song
Heterodyne Legacy #2
One Piece
Secret Marriage
StrawHat Time Travel
Trans Sanji
Who Are You
Peaky Blinders
Time Travel
Soulmate Colours
Heart of Birmingham
Self Insert AU
Pride and Prejudice
A Better Timeline
Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
Friends in Low Places
Skyfall (James Bond)
Calendar Novel: Time-travelling Q
Harry Potter Crossover
JAQ Polyamory Negotiations
Q Has a Symbiote
Fathers and Daughters
Star Wars
Obi-wan is a Slut
Firefly Crossover
Egg-preg Drabbles
CodyMace Time Travel
404 Battalion Not Found
Aitash Tu Akos
Release My Soul
Strange and Norrell
All Other Wives
Miss Jennifer Strange
ArabellaChildermassSegundus Time Travel
SI: Childermass Family Drabbles
How to Make a Baby with an Angel
Atlantis Sideplot: Princess Mia
Wayward Hunters: Where Are the Winchesters
Time Travel Wish Fulfillment
Rising Star #2
Teen Wolf
Noah and the Tattoos
The Blue People Movie (Avatar)
Tsu'tey's Twins
Time Travel Fix It
The Untamed (MDZS)
In Memoriam
WangNingXian Reincarnation
Ed as Zangse Sanren
Zangse and Changze Save the Day
WangXian Reborn as RuoShan
The Witcher
River God and the Sorceress
Curse of the Black Sun
VesiJask: The Sacking of Kaer Morhen
Old Guard Ianto
Aaand the total comes to 90! At least it's less than a 100... And that's just the stuff I've worked on recently! (Yes, four years is recent. I have fics I haven't actually touched in 6+ years that are still marinating in my brain, waiting for the pieces to fall into place) If you've trawled through all of those to get here, you've got more stamina than I do!
Please ask about anything that piques your interest! I'd love to talk about some of these, see if it gets the creative juices flowing. (Also feel free to ask about any of the WIPs I have posted on here or Ao3!)
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
rest in peace technoblade <3 i will miss you forever.
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hi! welcome to my blog!
i'm lunelic! (or lune, i dont mind either!)
[I DO NOT support or even remotely like dream or dteam itself. I will not argue with you on this, and I do not want you on my blog. Thanks.]
[You may see some fanwork of characters that Wilbur Soot has created that I've reblogged. Despite this, please know that I have stopped supporting that man completely ever since Shelby has released her statement. Thank you.]
i consider myself to be a multi-fandom account! meaning i post/reblog things that span across different pieces of media! you may catch me mostly posting about/reblogging things from:
qsmp (lore & some content creators)
doki-doki literature club
the arcana (im a lucio hater)
danganronpa (all games, but mostly dr2)
the amazing digital circus
faith: the unholy trinity
the mandela catalogue
percy jackson & the olympians (will be reblogging tv spoilers)
the bear
stardew valley (i am in love with doctor harvey)
sleep deprived podcast & sdmp
criminal case (yes. the facebook mobile game.)
jujutsu kaisen (anime & manga)
and although rarely:
your turn to die
my hero academia (anime & manga)
marvel cinematic universe
stanley parable
animal crossing (new horizons)
the office (us)
south park
the group chat podcast
telltale's the walking dead (#1 clouis defender)
ace attorney (trilogy)
detroit: become human
aphmau (mcd & mystreet usually)
mortal kombat 1
spider-man adjacent media (itsv/atsv, insomniac games, etc)
(i also like to reblog a bunch of posts from specific medias like, the day that i actually get into them. for example, pride and prejudice 2005 and barbie 2023)
[I will absolutely be spreading awareness posts about the acts of genocide happening in the world. This includes what's going on in Palestine. Zionists are free to leave my blog.]
i do enjoy the occasional liveblog (especially for quackity and slimecicle streams, and i've recently done it more for big events such as the 2024 streamer awards), but i'll sometimes forget to tag them. if you notice me forget about the tag and you want to filter it or something, shoot an ask or message my way and i'll happily do it! 🙏
if you see me thirsting on main, mind your business, i'll get over it. /j
i make die/delete your blog jokes with some close mutuals, and i often joke about killing myself over minor inconviences a lot. if you want me to trigger tag those, i gladly will do so!
[do not interact with my blog if you are in 💐blr. i do not want you here, and i will block you.]
any extra personal information like my pronouns are in my blog description!
this is my ao3!
[i'll only really respond to any kind of anon hate if it's funny, so don't bother lol]
— as for tags, i only have a few custom ones:
• lune's drabbles - little drabbles of writting!
• lune's writing - full fics/one-shots!
• lune oc tag - things about my personal ocs!
• lune's random headcanons - random headcanons i have about dsmp characters!
• lune's mandela catalogue au - my tntduo mandela catalogue au!
• lune's snippets - snippets of fics im working on!
• lune's writing again - little shitposts i make about my fics!
• lune cc notices - self explanatory, but just something i made for myself!
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tafadhali · 7 months
Femslash February Rec Set
Love to do a rec set for Femslash February, and I haven't done a general grab bag of one since 2018. So here is some of my favorite stuff I've read and watched since then!
This Hell by januarium (Do Revenge, Eleanor/Drea)
Heart Shaped Box by sisabet (Killing Eve, Eve/Villanelle) ★
Black Tie by such_heights (A League of Their Own, queer community) ★
Now I Can Fly by walkthegale (A League of Their Own, Jo DeLuca-centric)
Melodrama by mithborien (MCU, Gamora/Nebula) ★
I'm a Man by snarkwithasmile (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena-centric) ★
Lost on You by periru3 (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Adora/Catra)
If U Seek Amy by elipie (A Simple Favor, Emily/Stephanie)
Bad Guy by AudreyV (Star Trek: Discovery, Burnham/Georgiou)
Become You by ultraviolet_catastrophe (Xena, Xena/various)
Whatever You Like by periru3 (multifandom, be gay do crime) ★
Wherever Is Your Heart by cosmic_llin (multifandom, older wlw)
Eyes Always Seeking by igrockspock (Away, Mei/Lu, 1k)
you can be who you are any day of the week by Sonni89 (Baby-Sitters Club, Mary Anne/Stacey, every member of the BSC comes out to Mary Anne, 8k)
Farm-to-Table, Non-GMO, Responsibly Sourced by impertinence (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Amy/Rosa, undercover as a couple, 6k)
Let It Bleed by elviswhataguy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Willow, post-canon, 94k)
and you're on the gossip team by palms (DC comics, Babs/Dinah, 6k)
don't tip the boat over (love and devotion) by merriweather (Derry Girls, Clare/Michelle, 15k) ★
i have crawled over town with your hair in my mouth by Princex_N (Dimension 20, Sam & Zelda, background Sam/Penelope, 4k)
i'm an expert, i'm the one by irisnebula (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, college AU, 21k)
let the heavens falter by allapplesfall (Dimension 20, Tracker-centric, background Tracker/Kristen, 28k) ★
Starlight by pigflight (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, Tangled AU, 15k) ★
the sound of your heart in your head by pigflight (Dimension 20, Adaine & Ayda, Fig/Ayda, 2k)
The Yunk and the Restless by Nomad (Discworld, Polly/Maladict, 3k)
don't know what a slide rule is for by heart_nouveau (Ghostbusters, Patty/Holtzmann, 3k)
The Other Big One by yeahitshowed (Gilmore Girls, Paris/Rory, canon divergence, 3k)
I Think I Just Blacked Out by Telanu (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, Brianna POV, 7k)
More Than I Have by chainofclovers (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 4k) ★
to know even in the deepest sleep that it is you by millerpertuis (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 3k) ★
Signature Color by scioscribe (Legally Blonde, Elle/Vivian, Star Trek AU, 5k)
Comes Out Wrong by Sineala (Marvel comics, Jess/Carol, Secret Invasion-era, 2k)
the only place worth being by overnights (Marvel comics, Kate/America, 17k)
the journey is a work of art by GotTheSilver (My So-Called Life, Angela/Rayanne, future!fic, 4k)
An Officer and a Gentleman by cedarboots (Persuasion, Anne/Frederick, trans, 47k) ★
Return Flight by cedarboots (Pride & Prejudice, Eliza/Darcy, trans, 10k)
they say love is a virtue (don't they?) by yasaman (Scholomance, El/Liesl, 3k) ★
I Made Phone Calls with Foreign Coins by out_there (Sports Night, Dana/Natalie, 1k)
Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend by impertinence (Spy, Raina/Susan, 9k) ★
don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo by firstaudrina (Stranger Things, El/Max, post-S3, 1k)
Girlfriends by thingswithwings (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 1k)
I'll Wear the Red Dress Tonight by leiascully (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 4k)
When It Comes to Nightlife by Muccamukk (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 6k)
Inside the Noise by scioscribe (Thoroughbreds, Amanda/Lily, post-canon, 7k) ★
Five Earth Gifts That Dorothy Brought Home by ErinPtah (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 5 things, 2k)
the skin you're in by stifledlaughter (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 6k) ★
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fallenstar88 · 2 years
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Some Kind of Love by fallenstar88 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, regency au, Inspired by Bridgerton (TV), Inspired by Pride and Prejudice, Mood Board Summary: Mood board fill for @tonystarkbingo square A5 - AU: Regency
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Thoughts on newsies' favourite books? - @roideny
Elliot you know me so well, hmm let’s see
Okay first, in this au Spot, Jack, Charlie are adoptive brothers, their mom is Medda. Race and Romeo are birth brothers (because why not)
Also David, Race, and Katherine are academic buddies, they are also rivals and have a love/hate relationship going on
Probably adventure/fantasy stuff, escapism through reading and all that
He had a (ongoing) Percy Jackson phrase
His favorite is The Lightning Thief
He also like Marvel/DC comics
Ehhh I have no idea who is his favorite you’ll need to ask someone that had actually read those
He likes dystopian/sci-fi
His favorite is The Hunger Games series and Animal Farm
I would say more but those are still on my tbr so I can’t judge
He really loves The Great Gatsby (after Race and David forced him to read it)
Don’t read that much but got rope into whatever Spot & Jack (especially Jack) is into at the moment
He leans on the coming of age stories
He likes The Little Prince
I think David would like detective/crime/mystery (whatever it’s called) and literature (again whatever it’s called in English)
Like Sherlock Holmes, Arsène Lupin, and Agatha Christie’s stuff
He likes to solve the mystery
He and Spot are dystopian buddies
His favorite would be To Kill A Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby
Romance, literature and modern (again what’s its name)
Her favorite author is Jane Austin
Favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and the Selection series
David got her into Crime stuff, she likes And Then There Were None
Oh oh she likes Circe
She read The Iliad/The Odyssey first -> The Song of Achilles/Circe-> PJO
Literature, modern, and romance
Also like adventure/fantasy, reality is not satisfying enough for him
Of course he likes pjo
He and David had a bet that he can’t finish Les Misérables, he did and he Like It A Lot
He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
His favorite is Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, The Great Gatsby, and Pride and Prejudice
Tuck Everlasting has a special place in his heart
Like adventure/fantasy/action stuff but he doesn’t read and watch the movies instead
Also like PJO but he watched the movies first and got bullied into reading the books
Read about the same level as Spot
Likes Sci-fi and Fantasy
Let’s face it finch is part of the pjo gang
And he likes Diary of a Wimpy Kid as well
His favorite is The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Call to the Wild, and The Hunger Games series
And he had a Warrior Cats phase
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jakeperalta · 1 year
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hello!! it's time to appreciate some creators!! this is my latest selection of the wonderful, creative work that i've loved recently which i hope some of you guys will love too 🧡 as always, everything featured can also be found in my creator shoutout tag!
period dramas + rain gifset by @greengableslover
red white & royal blue alex/henry gifset by @rachelsennot
red white & royal blue henry spotify profile gifset by @roseapothecary
red white & royal blue alex/henry "slow dancing" gifset by @scullyblr
red white & royal blue alex/henry pride and prejudice au art by @noodles-and-tea
red white & royal blue henry + richard siken quote gifset by @roseapothecary
911 buck/eddie + casey mcquiston quote gifset by @captain-hen
911 buck/eddie playlist gifset by @aziraaphales
911 buck/eddie lyric gifset by @eddiediaaz
911 eddie + "subtract" gifset by @alexisrosemullens
taylor swift "invisible string" lyric graphic by @ialmostdotv
taylor swift eras vinyl concept graphic by @venka
taylor swift red taylor's version art by @connorrcoleman
the hunger games katniss/peeta graphic by @everlarking-always
marvel yelena & natasha + taylor swift songs gifset by @jeschastain
maisie peters "you signed up for this" gifset by @maisiepetersnetwork
julie and the phantoms spotify page gifset by @catoptrific
little women (2019) fall vibes gifset by @kateverdeen
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recitedemise · 5 months
forgive me for taking up so much of your time. (regency au!)
PRIDE & PREJUDICE STARTERS: still accepting.
Huh. He's not following anymore. In fact, for a long while now, so long that the season is now nearing its end, he has felt a twinge buffeted like a boat at storm.
Secret, stood there in a way he believes is half-panicked, is acting--and has been!--abundantly strange. Things have been easy, of course, in all manner of their friendship that had grown so beautifully, but suddenly, there are thorns and barbs and the curling grasp of vines. Gale, baffled, could only stare. She'd found him at his lowest. In fact, she'd been his singular joy in his grey-dark days. However, now substantially close, her favorite poems in his head slotted fondly by her stories, she's now withdrawing in the likeness of the ocean at the shore. And she's pulling. Rushing. And far away.
Gale can scarcely grasp it. He eyes her, confusion as clear as day. He turns from his spyglass, the stars all glimmering in the nighttime cold. This, he had thought, would be a marvelous showing, an hour lit prettily with the rarest constellations--but now, there comes distance, an ocean, and an endless gulf.
You-- "You haven't taken anything I hadn't happily offered," Gale starts. He's a good man. She must hurt and use him. She must make him a fool and tear on out his heart! (Up above, another disastrous betrayal...can his dear heart bear it?) "Right. As you know, loathed am I to start making my demands, but I believe this...whatever this is has been going on long enough. If you're amenable at all, I'd like to know what's bothering you."
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