#masculine presentation
spirk-trek · 4 months
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really love that for the metron design they went with "androgynous angel dressed head to toe in glitter"
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Girls girls girls
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First recap was ok, but I'm in the mood to draw characters and I wanted to do a proper lineup/height charts (and then promptly drew maul in heels and Padmé on tiptoe..... I am a genius)
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[PART 1] - [PART 2]
Rambling below vvv
It's always so temping to dress maul in white, and I once again caved kflodkd
Also ! I always draw her pre tpm, because it's a) the time in her life when I see her wear silly/'extravagant' outfits the most (can't really do that when you're a half dead giant spider eating rats in a garbage world fkldodi and after *that* I don't think her spirit is really into accessorizing and wearing cute fits- still a slut tho) and b) mechanical limbs are hard to draw and a pain to render (one day I will draw her old I swear !)- but ! All this to say : she stay "small" even after getting bisected ! The bones are staying in the pussy !! Let her be short, then a spider, then short once again but this time with cool metal legs :)
I usually draw Padme all serious, but she can't be all business like when frolicking in a field with her dumbass girlfriend and I think drawing her silly healed a bit of my soul <3 (also took liberties with the yellow dress design- wanted to make it a bit my own and I kind of hate the original faded yellow ngl)
For Obiwan and Anakin, I wanted them in civilian clothing because Jedi outfits are a bit boring (for what I'm doing here)- but I also wanted to stay in the same color scheme as their Jedi's outfit (and I ended up swaping them because I wanted to see obiwan dressed in black kxkdldk). I am very proud of Obiwan's outfit !! I think it fits her, while staying relatively in character :D and next to her you get no rizz butch anakin :)))
I'm having a lot of fun making these :D even if this rendering style takes so fucking long- next up is either Palpatine, Vader, Dooku, boba fett or leia, han, lando, chewie (and maybe luke, we'll see)
PS : I have never watched the 3D clone war show, this is mostly based on the movies :)
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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[DC] doodled these two a lot this week
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spartalabouche · 1 month
sometimes its really obvious how much people dont actually believe presentation=/=gender when they see their nonbinary friend go from extremely masculine to relaxing back into femininity once theyre comfortable with their gender and every time they call it detransitioning with zero indication thats what their friend is calling it. i dont know how to tell you this but sometimes you present a certain way for social reasons and not because thats how you actually feel. sometimes you experience dysphoria about your body that is actually related to how people view you and not how you feel about your body. i really dont think its that uncommon for trans people to swing really hard in one direction for the affirmation and then relax back into a different presentation once they are more comfortable in their gender
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guardpupleo · 3 months
oh, darling, you make for such a pretty boy, you know that?
you look so much like a fag with your five o'clock shadow in that dress. you've always been pretty, but god, you're a pretty boy now. and that just feels different, being called that, doesn't it?
you really oughta let it grow out a little.. shave it just a little longer for me? yes, i know it's barely there in a lot of places. you gotta get through the awkward growth phase to actually get a beard like mine. mines still filling out evenly, anyway. it takes time, handsome.
you're more of a boy in this dress and in your skirts and everything in your wardrobe you adore than any plain man off the street in his jeans and tshirt. you're more of a man than them, at the very least.
it makes you so much hotter to me, too. seeing you stand proud as that man in a dress. man in a skirt, a sleazy chest window top, anything people would deem 'girly.' you look better as a man in a dress than a girl in a dress, anyway..
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
That post I reblogged about Imogen '8 strentgh' Temult being fanonized as burly is mostly lighthearted, but it also reminded me how the fanon depiction of Imogen has shifted. Earlier in the campaign, when Laudna was perceived as the stronger of the two, the one who took care of poor little innocent, anxious, migraine afflicted Imogen, fanon-Imogen was this short, round, soft looking person. Now, as canon has made it very clear that Imogen is the (mentally) stronger of the two, the one who's trying to stop Laudna from spiraling, her fanon self has shifted into something more traditionally masculine, leaning into the farmgirl aesthetic of pants and cowboy hats and muscles, even as her canon design has only gotten more feminine with sheer dresses and skirts.
And I'm not one to pass up on fun fanon designs; I've certainly reblogged my fair share of muscly Imogen because I'm only human and Imogen with muscles hot. I don’t think these designs are done with any larger motive than 'she looks good like this'. But I also kind of think we need to have a conversation about how fandom keeps trying to slot these two characters in a non-heteronormative relationship into heteronormative roles of (feminine) soft, weak, innocent person to be cared for/saved and (masculine) strong, heroic, saviour taking care of them, however unconsciously it’s done.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
because in TKC most Eyes match the gender of the god they host (and just in general in-universe it seems most immortals and hosts in possession/possession-like scenarios are the same gender) this implies that the two outliers we know of - Zia (rejected hosting a goddess but was able to host a god instead) and Percy (Eye of Nekhbet) - may be trans. so uh happy pride to Zia and Percy specifically
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
sometimes I think about the fact that Anne Lister gets called the First Modern Lesbian when her (allegedly) more femme and non-male-attracted wife Ann Walker is apparently...nothing? a nonentity whose queerness only exists with a masc woman to cast it into relief?
anyway. happy pride.
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juney-blues · 4 days
june egbert is proof that half of you people can't even comprehend the idea of a pre-transition trans woman.
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clandestinegardenias · 9 months
I just taught a sociology class on masculinities this past semester and I had my students do a media analysis of masculine representation in a movie or show of their choosing and—
Now I’m constantly thinking about The Terror.
And of course there’s SO MUCH THERE, I could do a fucking thesis, probably, but
I’m so interested in James Fitzjames and his relationship to masculinity, particularly as a performance. He’s so incredibly image-conscious, and has HAD to be in order to hide the realities of his birth. He buys into the social norms and goals of his time, HARD. He also has, as is slowly revealed in the show, a variety of more feminine longings and traits that are probably part and parcel of his insecurities.
So he adopts this sort of…overperformed masculinity, but a very specific upper-socioeconomic British Navy type. It also makes him very bragadocious (the China story) in an attempt to cover over those insecurities, and I think this is part of why Francis dislikes him at first.
Because Francis also has a variety of reasons to be insecure in his masculinity, potentially, as an Irish man. He’s denied the upper eschelons of male privilege (marrying Sophia, having command of an expedition) despite performing well on all expected metrics.
Yet he takes a very different approach from James. Once he realizes he’ll never be allowed to meet the hegemonic ideal, he kind of just…stops trying. He rejects the performance, the ideal, all of it (and also is uhhh super depressed and reliant on alcohol). And I think he sneers at James because James is doggedly doing the very performance Francis is fed up with.
Then. Later. He learns how much of it WAS a performance to cover up for those self same “failings” of being an outsider that plagued Francis himself. And that bonds them. Besides the fact that Francis APPRECIATES femininity, respects it, in a way that a lot of the other men don’t (see his relationships with both Sophia and Silna) and probably appreciates whatever feminine aspects of himself James chooses to reveal.
But BACK TO JAMES, I gotta talk about the dress scene.
It hurts so much. Because James BUYS INTO Carnivale, and it allows him to express his more feminine creative side in a way that is socially acceptable—it’s for the morale of the men, and maybe finally James’ true self can be a BOON to his role as leader instead of a drawback. He has the opportunity to combine those masculine and feminine parts of himself and have that combination be CELEBRATED and lauded as good leadership.
And then. The blood at his hairline. And reality comes crashing back down. And he doesn’t wear the dress.
Anyway, this is just some preliminary ramblings. Obviously a lot more going on here, esp re: intersectionality and race and class.
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eddith · 6 days
I feel like the bigender identity fits Sanji a lot and I've seen a lot of trans women, trans fem and other headcanons, but there's something about Sanji embracing both genders and preforming them - sometimes separately, sometimes together - that just resonates with me a lot.
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Someone on Twitter asked "'She'? I thought you're non-binary?"
Need, need, need people to understand (and I mean this in a non-negative tone) that pronouns are not 1 to 1 with gender identity all of the time.
My being non-binary isn't negated if I only use she/her pronouns, someone using they/them doesn't mean they aren't still a man if they identify as one, and so on and so forth. I can be a man and only want masculine address but also use he/she/they, someone can be agender but have specific gendered pronouns they want to be referred by.
You can have whatever pronouns you like and whether that matches the common ideas of your gender and presentation or not doesn't invalidate your identity.
She/her doesn't always mean female, he/him doesn't always mean male, and they/them doesn't always mean non-binary.
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menlove · 2 months
yknow i fully respect ppl that think mcbeardy is too masculine & thus don't find it attractive but this always baffles me bc To Me i'm like. no that's still my pretty princess. he's just depressed and you can see the lack of sleep and mania in his eyes. it's like how his pepper's mustache somehow just made him more feminine. he was TRYING to do hyper-masculinity as a shield (which he's even talked about growing the beard to hide) but it did not work. that's still a pretty pretty woman. look at him with his big doe eyes that have seen The Horrors. he is climbing up equipment and being a cunt and singing "build me up buttercup" while crying. what else could i ask for in a man.
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thenatureofbutch · 1 year
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You playing ball with these handsome ass studs or you watching from behind the fence?
Screen grabs taken from ‘studs world’ a lesbian masculine off centre series on YouTube.
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autistic-wolf-pack · 2 months
Sometimes being a system means getting dressed in an outfit one morning that you think looks great, only to look in the mirror halfway through the day and think “holy shit I look way too fem/masc/whatever” or “this is not my style at all wtf”, and then like three hours later just sitting there like “wait I got dressed this morning? Huh, guess I did considering I don’t think I wore this shirt yesterday”, and then realize you feel detached from every single memory of the events from today you can recall
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Personally I think Alastor, Lucifer AND Angel are on the pretty boy side of the scale and none of that has to do with their preferences in bed. More like in... How to say it... Body type and behavior? All three are obviously men but don't quite adhere to the masculine/feminine dichotomy.
With Alastor it seems to me that he is closer to "masculine" but not in an alpha range, but in that he sees himself as a "gentleman" and at least a part of him consciously or unconsciously knows that the male representation has more privilege, but he doesn't particularly care as much
AAngel just does his thing, and I think Angel has benefited from and used looking more "delicate" or "feminine" more than once to his advantage in getting underestimated. I think that gender in general is quite fluid for Angel, but not so much because he has thought about it but because living and dead, roles have been imposed on him that he has taken as a mask for himself.I imagine he is very comfortable with himself now but the impression I got is that Angel oscillates between hating and loving his own traits due to how little control he has and how he is perceived.
(I'm thinking specifically about how he talks about his body and how attractive it is but sees himself as only important because of those kinds of things. After E4 it's obviously in a much better place. What I'm saying is that with Angel it's complicated because it's part his own feelings and part coping mechanis)
Lucifer actually exudes an aura of seduction, it's just those bedroom eyes and his whole vibe when he decides he's going to crush this guy he met 5 minutes ago. But I think the show did well to represent a beauty that tends more towards androgynous with him. And as we've already talked about, Lucifer gives off very versatile vibes, I think he would be the middle ground.
I definitely agree that all three of them are on the pretty boy side. Pretty, pretty, pretty boys
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(I couldn't find a better gif of Angel forgive me)
Though, I do see Alastor more on the feminine side than the masculine side. He is a gentleman, but sometimes I think people lean too far into him being a gentleman.
Like, not to bring Websters Dictionary into this (Cambridge Dictionary technically) but the definitions of gentleman are:
A polite way of talking to or referring to a man. Obvious one, but not the definition people use.
A man of a high social class. Which, yeah, considering Alastor is an Overlord in Hell, technically he is part of a high social class. But that's not typically the type of gentleman he is depicted as either.
A man who is polite and behaves well towards other people, especially women: This is the one I think people lean on, which I find funny because Alastor is polite and he can behave well, but typically that is only aimed at women. Not people in general. I see him being a gentleman with women, but even then, not all the time - does that make sense?
Like, there are times he still acts like a mean little bastard, even to women (albeit less often) like when Charlie was having a break down in her bedroom cuz she found out her girlfriend has been lying to her for years and she'd essentially doomed everybody she cared about. Alastor had no sympathy for her, he didn't actually care about the situation, he went up there with the sole intent to get something from her. He was blunt, rubbed her situation in her face, and then gaslit, gatekeeped, and girlbossed his way into getting a deal out of her.
Yes, his words were crafted in a way that can seem gentlemanly, but that doesn't mean he was being a gentleman. He wasn't being polite, he was being a sassy, condescending little shit.
And I'm not saying Alastor isn't a gentleman, he definitely acts like a one when he wants to be, especially around those he likes or respects (like Rosie, Niffty, and Zestial - and yes, even Charlie and Vaggie). But like...most of the time? He's just a smooth-talking bitch with fancy words (affectionate).
Don't get me wrong, I definitely see Alastor as being a gentleman, but I don't see him being as much of a gentleman as people make him out to be, which actually might be the reason why he so often loses his clownish, trolling nature in fanon, because that gentlemanly characteristic he's been given implies some level of general politeness and good behavior, which cancels out when he's trolling and/or insulting people. He can be more passive-aggressively and subtle about it, like he did with Lucifer, but I still wouldn't call that being a gentleman.
I agree with Angel though! I think, while Angel has benefitted looking more feminine, he also enjoys presenting as feminine. I can see him being very fluid in it.
"the impression I got is that Angel oscillates between hating and loving his own traits due to how little control he has and how he is perceived."
THIS! ⬆️ Definitely agree with this. 100%. Perfectly said.
As for Lucifer, I do see the seduction side of him, even if I think it's overblown at times. He has amazing bedroom eyes. I agree that there is an androgynous beauty to him, but at the same time, idk a lot of the time, he still came off as very masculine to me. Could've been the way he carried himself. Could've been his voice. Could've been the way he spoke. Don't know for sure.
I think Lucifer can fluctuate before feminine and androgynous, but overall, he felt masculine most of the time.
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