#maui & sons
teenagedirtstache · 7 months
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dysco-lymonade · 1 year
Top 5 Maui pics
I have 1638489273 pictures of this doge and you want my TOP FIVE?!?
I’ll try.
1. Me with him on the day we brought him home.
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2. My sister worked at the vet’s office where he was neutered. She sent me this pic pre-op.
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3. He just looks high as balls here.
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4. So fucking handsome during golden hour.
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5. A sleepy baby yoda eared boy.
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katienelsonrau · 6 months
August 2023: China experienced a series of unexplainable events that, in their culture, are bad omens. https://youtu.be/qpjB-IXOGJk?si=L3EoAXOUxVPCtd4R August 8, 2023: Maui, Hawaii suffered great loss from a devastating wildfire. https://www.britannica.com/event/Maui-wildfires-of-2023 October 2023: Hamas attacked Israel. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-october-7-2023/ December 17, 2023:…
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bestadventureproducts · 6 months
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BMC Fourstroke 01 THREE | AdventureHQ Explore the BMC Fourstroke 01 THREE. With integrated safety, effective APS dual-link suspension, and Big Wheel Concept geometry, its lightweight Premium Carbon frame is built for performance. https://adventurehq.ae/products/bmc-fourstroke-01-three
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zepskies · 9 months
Smoke Eater - Epilogue
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.
🔥 Series Masterlist
AN: We made it, friends. 🥹
Word Count: 2,800 Tags/Warnings: Fluff and feels, that is all.
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Epilogue: “Easy as Pie”
The week after the incident at Stull Storage, John, Sam, Dean, and Eileen sat down to a family dinner that you cooked in the brothers’ apartment. Aside from Eileen, all of you had injuries in one form or another (but even Sam’s shiner was healing up nicely). 
For dessert, you were a bit nervous as you brought out a freshly baked apple pie. Dean caught you mentally bracing yourself before you set it down on the table. He shot you a reassuring smile.
“Looks great,” he said.
Your returning smile was tentative as you divvied out the first piece. Dean was just a bit disappointed when you handed it to John. His eyes followed the plate.
You smiled more genuinely, and made sure the next generous piece you cut was for your boyfriend.
After everyone was served, you sat down with your own plate and encouraged them all to dig in. Forks hit the crumbly top and cinnamon apple filling, and there were collective hums of pleasure throughout the room.
You brightened and glanced over at the rest of the table. John looked contemplative. His fork rested on the plate for a moment.
He gave a rare smile. “That’s some damn good pie.” 
Sam nodded. “For sure.”
Dean looked over at you after he’d already demolished half of his serving. A smile spread across his face.
“Best slice of pie since I can remember,” he said, giving you a wink.
Both of you knew the weight of that review. It humbled you, making you blush.
You smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek, rough with stubble.
“I guess this recipe’s a keeper then,” you said.
He hummed in agreement. When he went in for a real kiss, it was sweet indeed.
From then on, you all spent the evening talking, eating, laughing, with you and Sam drinking wine and everyone else their beer. You updated them on Andréa and Benny, who were planning their trip to Greece in a few months.
"We should take a vacation," Dean pointed out, gesturing around the table. "All of us."
Sam raised his brows at his brother. "Oh yeah? Where would you wanna go?"
Dean thought about it for a moment. He glanced at you, and found you smiling.
"The beach," he said. "Somewhere warm and chill, with those fancy little umbrellas in your drink."
"Hmm...I like that," you said, as your smile grew. Tropical, relaxing, a warm sun on your face, and your boyfriend in some board shorts. You could definitely go for some of that.
"Sounds nice," Eileen agreed.
"I'll look into some destinations," Sam nodded. Dean nudged his brother's shoulder.
"One word, dude. Maui."
Sam snorted. "We can't afford Maui."
"Hey, you never know, man! Time to check out some Groupons."
"You can't get a Groupon to go to Hawaii," Sam said. His face was scrunched in what Dean liked to call, his "Know It All" face.
"Are you kidding me?" Dean shot back. "There's a friggin' Groupon for everything nowadays!"
Of course, that devolved into a familiar sibling argument that was only disrupted when John broke into the conversation. He admitted something shocking—that he was taking some time off work, for the first time since he took his sons camping when they were kids. Sam and Dean teased the workaholic for finally "slowing down" in his old age, but it was all in good fun.
You and Eileen shared a knowing look. It all felt as close to family as you’d had in a long time.
And for Dean, it felt like he could breathe again. He’d gotten a text shortly after dessert—from Cas.
Jo made it into the Police Academy. She starts training in a few weeks.
Dean’s lips quirked with a smile.
How do you know?
I’ll be instructing a couple of her classes. Firearm Safety and Weapons Training.
Dean nearly laughed.
Good luck, buddy. Try not to get your ass shot.
To which Cas replied:
My ass will be nowhere within range, I assure you.
Dean did chuckle at that. When you turned to him and asked what was so funny, he just shook his head and grabbed onto your hand on the table.
“Nothin’. I’m good,” he said. He pressed your knuckles to his lips. “I’m real good.”
You smiled at that.
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Later that night, Dean walked his father to the door while you and Sam were locked in a trivia game, and Eileen tried to play mediator between two very competitive nerds.  
“Dad,” Dean said.
John stopped with a hand on the door, turning back to his eldest.
Dean paused to gather his thoughts, but he eventually grasped his father’s arm and met his gaze.
“Just wanted to say thank you, for what you did for her,” he said, discreetly nodding at you. He kept his voice quiet. “You protected her when I couldn’t.”
John paused, seeming surprised. His brows furrowed as he shook his head.
“You don’t need to thank me for that, son,” he said.
“Yeah, I do,” Dean insisted. He’d heard every bit of that conversation between John and Daniel in that warehouse. His father had been willing to lay down and die for you, not a moment’s hesitation.
Cas was right, Dean had realized. His father did have a line.
John let out a breath. “What matters is we made it here.”
Dean nodded, though he dimmed.
“Yeah, came with one hell of a price tag.”
It still weighed heavily on him, what he’d had to do to end Daniel Savage. In the end, John had lied on his statement of the events. He’d taken responsibility for grabbing Daniel’s gun and shooting him between the eyes.
“It’s the only thing I can do to keep you out of this,” John had told his son. “Should’ve been my hand anyway.”
Dean appreciated what his dad had done to protect him from the law, and his career, but it still made him feel dirty. A strike to his integrity as a first responder, and as a man. That was something he’d just have to deal with, along with everything else.
John distracted him, however, by gripping his shoulder this time.
“You saved my life, Dean,” he said. And with a hint of a smile, “It’s what you’re good at.”
Dean met his dad’s gaze. He wasn’t quite able to smile back, but there was new warmth in his chest.
“Oh,” said John, raising a finger. “Before I forget…”
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a silver engagement ring with a small stone. To Dean, it looked familiar…
When it finally struck him what this was, he looked up at John in surprise. Dean glanced back to make sure you weren’t looking before he tentatively took the ring.
“Is this…Mom’s?” he asked.
John nodded. “The stone’s nothing special. You might wanna get it reset. Sam already figured out his uh…situation on his own. Maybe you want to find your own too.”
Dean knew what he meant. Sam had bought a ring last year, but he'd proposed to Eileen just a few days ago. They were already planning to get married a year from now, along with buying their first house together.
Dean examined the ring he held with a softer smile.
“Nah, it’s perfect,” he said.
He didn’t know yet if you two were ready for that step. A lot had happened in such a short amount of time…but he knew he wasn’t going anywhere.
He had time to do things right with you.
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A few months later, Dean’s medical leave ended. He was physician-approved for duty, psych evaluation and all. He showed up for his shift bright and early.
He entered the doors of Firehouse 25 to a host of his friends and makeshift family cheering, complete with cheesy streamers and an even cheesier cake that Meg held. On the top was scrawled: Good Job Cracking Your Head.
“A smoke eater returns to the house!” Benny remarked with a grin. “Good to see ya, brother.”
He clapped Dean heavily enough on the back that it earned a grunt and a laugh out of him.
“You too, man,” Dean replied.
Meg set down the cake on the table and was the next one to playfully punch him in the shoulder.
“You have a nice little vacation?” she teased.
Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, complete with bottomless margaritas and little umbrellas.”
She smirked, but she was still earnest when she touched his arm.
“Welcome back.”
Dean chuckled. “Ooh, now I know you missed me.”
It was her turn to roll her eyes as she waved a dismissive hand at him. Chuck and Jack gave more sincere well wishes, with the latter actually hugging Dean. He’d tolerated it with a smile.
Gordon clapped him on the shoulder once Jack was finally done, and Dean sent the Candidate off with a bright smile on his face.
Gordon smiled. “Welcome back, Lieutenant.”
Dean nodded and shook the other man’s hand. “Thanks for holdin’ down the fort, man.”
“No problem,” Gordon said. “Any time you wanna go on sabbatical, you just let me know. Acting Lieutenant’s almost better than the real deal. It’s not as much paperwork.”
Dean chuckled, but before he could sling back a retort, the alarm went off. There was a working house fire downtown, according to the dispatcher in the overhead speaker.
Bobby appeared in the hall and clapped his hands once.
“All right, gear up. We’re startin’ off the day right,” he said. He gave Dean a look that was somehow both pleased to see him and stern at the same time. Bobby addressed him with a point of his finger.
“See me in my office before the end of shift,” he said. “We’ve got somethin’ to talk about.”
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A few days later, Dean had the rare pleasure of welcoming you home from work on his day off. You trudged into the apartment with several bags and rolling a cooler behind you. He got up from the couch and grabbed some of the bags for you on your way to the kitchen.
“How did it go?” he asked, reaching out a hand to rub some flour off your cheek. You smiled brightly.
“Well, there was a little snafu with the mini quiche, but they loved the menu I proposed. They want me to cater the whole wedding!” you said.
“Whoa, that’s a lotta food,” Dean remarked. Once you’d dumped the rest of your stuff on the kitchen table, he slid an arm around your waist and brought you flush against him, earning a squeal from you.
You clung to his shoulders. “You still on for being my official taste tester?”
He stared at you with mock offense.
“Uh, obviously. Mini quiche are my weakness,” he teased. “Just another form of pie, far as I’m concerned.”
You giggled into his lips as he claimed you for a kiss. It was both sweet, and a bit naughty as his hands moved to squeeze your ass. His words were no less heartfelt.
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Dean said. “I really am.”
 You smiled and stroked his cheek in answer.
The Monday morning after that family dinner a few months ago, you’d quit your job at Savage & Co. After a month of wracking your brain and your savings, you decided to start your own catering business.
It was your way of starting small, to try and get people in this town to know you for your food and baked goods. And maybe, if you were successful enough, you’d be able to open up your own bakery in a couple of years.
For once, you were going after what you truly wanted…but now, your career was only part of it.
You hadn’t forgotten your conversation with Dean about what he wanted for his future: of getting married someday, and having a family. Something he could build for himself. 
Not only did you want that for him, but you’d begun to crave that for yourself as well: a family of your own.
Realistically, you knew that part was years away for you and Dean. However, you had that in the back of your mind. Having your own business had always been your dream, but sometimes your dream could adjust. 
Or, it could become something new.
You’d also sold your grandparents’ house. You had contemplated going back, but you didn’t want to be reminded of how the police and the Arson Department had torn it apart after Daniel Savage threatened your life. You didn’t want to be reminded of where both of your grandparents died.
You loved that house, but you also knew it was time to let it go…
Because you finally understood what your grandfather had tried to tell you months ago.
A house did not make a home. And now, you’d managed to make a new one.
For his part, Dean had been happy to have you stay in his apartment. Sam was getting ready to move out in a few months anyway, as he and Eileen were deep into house hunting and planning their wedding.
“So…I’ve gotta tell you something,” said Dean, after he parted from your lips for a moment, and allowed you to breathe. His tone made you tilt your head in suspicion.
“It’s nothing bad,” he said, though he looked a bit nervous.
Your brows furrowed. You led him to the couch, where he held your hands in his. It took him a moment to get started. He seemed stuck on what he wanted to say, or maybe just how he wanted to say it.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure I can handle it,” you teased.
Dean gave you a smile. His shoulders relaxed a little.
“They want to promote me to Captain,” he said.
Your mouth fell open and your eyes went wide.
“They? Who’s they?” you asked.
Dean blew out a breath and scratched at the small scar on the side of his head.
“Apparently it came from the Battalion Chief.”
He explained that the Fire Department had gotten the full debrief from both Sam and John about Dean’s involvement in ending the serial arsons and murders committed by Nick and Daniel Savage. Without you and Dean, they wouldn’t have figured out Azazel’s identity, let alone stopped his criminal enterprise.
You smiled wide with excitement as you held Dean’s face in your hands.
“That’s amazing!” you said. You pulled him in for a hug. Though he held you back, you soon realized that you were happier than he seemed to be. You pulled back and carded your fingers through his hair, earning his gaze.
“What’s wrong, baby? This is great news!”
Dean’s lips pursed. “I don’t know. I broke ranks and defied a direct order at the Savage & Co. fire. And at the warehouse, I was even more reckless. I don’t want to be promoted for disobeying orders.”
You frowned at that, even as you continued to stroke through his hair.
“What did Bobby tell you?” you asked.
Once again, Dean sighed. He’d been called into Bobby’s office a few days ago, after his first shift back at 25.
He’d surprised the hell out of Dean.
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“Did you break ranks that day, and put not just yourself, but Benny and the rest of your men in danger?” Bobby said. “You bet your ass.”
Dean averted his gaze. He stood with his hands drawn behind his back, willing to take whatever punishment the Chief saw fit.
“But,” Bobby continued. His fingers tapped on his desk, where he sat on the edge across from Dean. “It wasn’t fair of me to stop you from lookin’ for your girlfriend.”
Dean’s attention sharpened at that, and he frowned in confusion. Bobby didn’t apologize. Ever.
“Sir?” Dean asked uncertainly.
Bobby softened the slightest bit. He heaved a sigh.
The man was a widower, but he still wore his wedding ring. He toyed with it now on his finger.
“We could’ve radioed in with the other teams already at work. I could’ve paired half of your team with the top floor units. But in the heat of the moment, I made a judgment call,” Bobby said, leveling Dean with a look. “As a leader, you’ll continue makin’ mistakes. You’ll make the wrong call. It’s how you learn to keep leading that matters. And there ain’t a person in this house that wouldn’t have gone up to pull your fool head outta that fire.”
Dean stayed quiet in his discomfort. He still wasn’t entirely sure why Bobby was telling him all of this.
“That being said, this is coming from the top,” Bobby said. His gruffness was back. He took a folder off his desk and handed it to Dean. “Here’s the next step, if you choose to accept it.”
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You were crying by the end of his story. Dean cupped your cheek and caught your tears with his thumb. You grabbed that hand and gently squeezed.
“He believes in you, Dean,” you said. “So do I. And it’s my turn to be so damn proud of you.”
Dean graced you with a smile for that one. Yours brightened. You moved off the couch and slid into his lap, twining your arms around his neck. Dean welcomed you with an arm around your waist and a hand sliding up your jean-clad thigh.
“Guess I’m gonna have to get used to calling you Captain,” you said with a smirk.
Captain Winchester, Dean considered, rolling the weight of it around in his mind.
He chuckled. “Okay, maybe I'm liking the sound of that.”
“Mhmm, that’s what I thought,” you said, shortly before you pressed your lips to his. He squeezed your hip while your deft fingers once again slipped into his hair. With each new kiss, Dean felt more of his uncertainty melt away.
A new thought occurred to him then. It made him start to grin against your lips, and you parted from him.
“What?” you asked in amusement.
Dean slipped a hand into his pocket, where he felt the outline of his mother’s newly resized ring.
“Hey,” he said. Your brows drew together in suspicion at the gleam in his eye. 
“Hey, yourself,” you quipped. 
Dean breathed in deep, steeling himself. He looked into your eyes, and he smiled. 
“I’ve got a question for you.”
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AN: ...And I think we all know what her answer was. ❤️‍🔥
I can't believe it! I started posting this story on September 15, the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. Almost four months later, we finally made it to the end of Smoke Eater. 🥹
Thank you to all of you who've been following along at any point of the journey. Your comments and feedback have truly touched me, and have helped keep me going! 💕
Read the Sequel Story:
Ready for more Smoke Eater?
Here's Something Real:
Summary: Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
▶️ Keep Reading: Something Real
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420 @illicithallways
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teddynivvy · 2 months
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☀︎ before the sun. chapter 1.
pairing: jschlatt x she/her reader. 2.5k words.
warnings: mentions of infidelity. reader wears a dress.
a/n: chapter 1 is here! ty for so much love on the prologue, i hope you enjoy.
summary: on the first day of your hawaii trip with your family, you meet your parent's friend's son.
Stepping off the plane into the humid Maui air was more suffocating than it probably intended to be. You felt sticky immediately, your top clinging to your stomach and shorts pressed to your thighs, tote bag slung over your shoulder. Your mom took a deep breath in, the smile on her face bright as she pulled you in close. 
“What a perfect day!”
The sun was yellow-orange in the sky as you made your way through the airport and out onto the shuttle to take you to the resort. Your bag was heavy and annoying, strands of hair sticking to the side of your face as you pushed your headphone deeper into your ear, watching the palm trees pass you by. Lush green grass, and the soft rustle of the trees accompanied the drive as you felt yourself get sleepy, music in your ears turned to a low volume. You’d tuned out your parents musing about their planned excursions with their friends, most likely leaving you at the resort to fend for yourself for the week. They had mentioned something about a big dinner tonight with their friends and their son.
You were starting to get nervous about this babysitting situation you were likely going to be put in. You didn’t know much about Dan and Sarah, other than they’d moved to New York for Dan’s job a few years ago. Your parents were super close with them, and you’d heard stories of their son in passing, but not enough to know anything about him. The thought of being back home lulls you into a gentle sleep, forehead pressed against the cold windowpane of the air-conditioned bus for the remainder of your journey to the resort.
Your mom gently shakes you awake half an hour later, to which you feel grossly under slept and a little annoyed. She had a soft smile on her face, offering her hand as she helped pull you up, leading you off the bus and onto the resort grounds. It was grand, for sure - a big blue waterfall with the name of the resort above it, in cursive writing. The sun was hot now, beating down on your face as you followed the white-brick path to the check-in desk. Your parents had (very graciously) gotten you your own room, just down the hall a few doors from theirs. They handed you your room key, a white, nondescript card.
White Sands All Inclusive Resort and Spa.
“We’re going right to the beach,” your dad mused, putting his arm around your mom. “Whatcha gonna do, kiddo?” 
You looked down at the suitcase in your hand and the keycard in your other. “I’m gonna go try and find my room. Maybe lay down for a bit.”
“We have a reservation at the steakhouse tonight, at 7. You can meet us there?”
You nodded as your mom pressed a kiss to your head, watching your downcast eyes and rubbing your shoulder.
“Try to have some fun, pumpkin. I know it’s hard.”
You flipped the keycard over in your palm as you gave her a tight lipped smile, trying not to let tears well up in your eyes again. “I will. I promise.”
The room they booked for you is exquisite - bright white linens and billowy curtains, with a view of the deep blue ocean, palm trees lining the beach. Soft white sand, people milling about below, being served brightly coloured drinks with little tiny paper umbrellas. Vast pools with swim up bars, lively music and the expanse of the water kissing the shore line.
You weren’t in a particularly good mood, but goddamn, was it beautiful.
The binder full of room service selections was calling to you, so you flipped it open. Calling in an order of truffle fries and one of those fruity little cocktails, you began to unpack your bag. It was apparent to you now that the headspace you were in while packing was not a good one, pulling out skimpy tops and shorts, along with sundresses you haven’t worn for years. You stuffed them into the drawers of the dresser before noticing a very distinct piece of clothing missing.
“Did I fuckin’ forget my swimsuit?” 
You blushed red at your own mistake, palm pressed to your forehead, searching every hidden pocket of your suitcase.
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” you huffed out, looking down at the time on your phone. There was a knock on your door shortly after, where a man dressed in all white pushed a tray of food into your room. 
“Is there anywhere on the property to buy a bathing suit?” You laughed, rather incredulously. “I have somehow managed to… misplace mine.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered. “There is a surf shop in the lobby area that has a selection of swimwear.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, closing the door behind him and once again letting out a sigh. You stuffed a few fries into your mouth and took a long sip of the drink, as tequila and fruit juice slid down your throat and cooled you down. The chilled drink immediately made you want to lay down in the soft sheets, which quickly brought you into a deep sleep once again.
A few hours later, you were awoken by a gust of ocean air coming through your window. The sun was hanging low in the sky, painting it a blood orange, as you rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock beside the bed.
6:46 PM
“Fuck,” you groaned, pulling yourself out of bed and walking over to the dresser. You pulled out one of the sundresses you’d packed, not being able to think for long, as you knew you had to meet your parents in less than 15 minutes. You took a quick look at yourself before grimacing at what looked back at you. Tired eyes, red and bloodshot from lack of sleep. Hair unruly, dress a little too tight around the hips, your nose still looking a little red from all the crying you’d been doing these past few weeks. 
It was, unfortunately, the best you were going to get right now.
Luckily, the steakhouse your parents had made a reservation at was only a few minutes away, which allowed you to explore the resort a little more. You took in the clean white finishes, servers moving around with trays of drinks, of which you were offered one as you passed by. You happily took it, downing the glass before putting it on a nearby surface and approaching the restaurant, where you could see your parents and their friends sitting at the table already. 
The other person sitting next to them, you were sure you’d never seen before. A baseball hat turned backwards on his head, button up Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts on his body. He had groomed facial hair, from what you could see, and a broad back.
“Hi,” you smiled as you approached their table, pulling out the vacant chair. “Sorry, I was asleep,” you explained, shooting a smile to Dan and Sarah.
“Nice to see you again,” you offered politely, your dad lightly rubbing your shoulder as you sat next to him.
“Nice to see you too sweet pea! My, have you grown up!” Sarah mused, her hand finding yours across the table. “So pretty!”
You blushed at her compliment, squeezing her hand and smiling back. “Thank you.”
“This is our son, Jay,” she introduced him, as he looked across the table from you.
Honey brown eyes, with bold facial features and fluffy brown hair peaking out from under his hat. He already had slightly sunburnt cheeks, freckles sprouting across his nose as he smiled at you politely, putting an awkward hand up to wave.
“No one calls me Jay. I usually go by Schlatt.”
“Sure, nice to meet you,” you offered, watching as his eyes fell from your eyes to your lips.
Your parents certainly didn’t mention that their friend’s son was so fucking handsome. 
Dinner went off without a hitch, your parents sharing stories of what they’ve done in the last year since they’d seen each other. Dan was still working at some big law firm, Schlatt living out of the house in his own place. 
A few drinks deep, and his mom started to ramble.
“I still don’t really know what he does on that computer all day,” she laughs, corners of her eyes squeezing shut. “Gun to my head, couldn’t tell ya. But his landlord isn’t after him for rent so it works for me.”
You shared a giggle as you looked down at the ice in your drink, deciding whether or not to get another one. The light buzz was starting to get to your head, and despite the afternoon nap you’d taken, it was making you unbelievably tired. 
“What do you do?” 
Schlatt’s soft voice brought you out of your trance as you looked up to him. The adults continued their conversation on the other side of the table as you sighed, putting your drink down on the coaster. 
“I work in social media management,” you shrugged, playing with a loose thread on your dress. “It’s fun, I like it. I can relate to your parents having no idea what you actually do.”
He nodded at that, downing the rest of his drink.
“I stream video games and make YouTube videos,” he laughed, deep and hearty, as you smiled back. “They have no idea what the fuck I’m doing.”
You felt yourself smile for real, for the first time in probably an entire month. Your hand ran down the condensation of your glass, leaving finger-tip streaks. He could tell you were distracted, but didn’t say anything.
“You wanna go walk on the beach for a bit?”
“Yeah, um,” you felt yourself warm. “I actually forgot my swimsuit. So I need to go to the lobby and get something before tomorrow, if you don’t mind coming with me.”
“You forgot your swimsuit?”
You met his eyes, now noticing how handsome he really was. Golden hour was illuminating his soft features, reflecting in his eyes as he palmed the whiskey glass, fingers wrapped around the base.
“Yes, don’t tell my mom. Or anyone else for that matter, I’m horrifically embarrassed.”
He laughed to himself before sliding his glass onto the table, standing up and offering you a hand to help you up. 
“Sure. I don’t mind an adventure.”
The surf shop was not full of options, per se - especially a nice, family appropriate swimsuit. You weren’t exactly trying to show your whole ass to the beach, or to Schlatt’s mom and dad. 
You settled on a basic black one-piece, still rather cheeky and boob-y for your liking, but it was the best option. It cinched low in the back, corset style around your waist. You picked at it in the mirror, pulling on the tight fabric and shaking your head. “Whatever, I’m just gonna get it.”
“It looks nice on you,” Schlatt offered, and you found yourself blushing as you closed the curtain. “You really have nothing to be insecure about.”
You bit your bottom lip as you peeled the swimsuit off and threw your dress back on. 
“Thanks. You’re sweet.”
Schlatt picked up a bottle of sunscreen and a bag of sour gummy worms, tearing open the bag behind you. You looked back at him, with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk.
“I get snacky at night,” he shrugged, dropping a gummy worm into his mouth and offering you the open bag. 
“Thanks,” you picked out a red one, sucking it between your lips and offering a thumbs up. 
You pulled off your flip-flops as soon as you reached the beach, feeling the warm sand between your toes as you and Schlatt walked alone the shoreline. The wind was slightly blowing his hair out of his face, and you couldn’t help but look at him.
“So, who wants to start talking about why we’re on vacation with our parents first?”
You felt the lump in your throat at the question - you had managed to avoid thinking about your ex for this entire evening. 
“You can go first.”
Your eyes were downcast at the sand as Schlatt stopped at the shoreline, dipping his toes into the warm ocean. He sat down and motioned for you to follow, which you did.
“My parents say I spend too much time holed up in my place,” he laughed. “Which is probably true. But I also like to be alone, ya know?” You nodded along, drawing lines in the sand and looking out into the horizon. “I certainly wasn’t planning on coming, but they convinced me it would be fun so… now I’m here.”
A nod and a smile as you avoided his gaze, you rubbed your fingers together. Grains of sand falling through your palm back into the mound below, forming a small pile as you swallowed down the lump in your throat.
“I broke up with my ex like, a month ago. He cheated on me.” you finally said, once again avoiding his gaze. “We’d been together for a long time so… I moved back in with my mom and dad, and now I’m here. On vacation with them to ‘cheer me up’, I guess.”
Schlatt was silent, suddenly feeling very awkward that he even asked.
“That fuckin’ sucks,” was all he could offer. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re good,” you laughed, digging your toes deeper into the sand and feeling the evening sun on your face. “It’s nice to be here. Unfortunately, they were right, it is cheering me up already.”
You felt your eyes move to Schlatt’s face, your knees pulled to your chest, leaning your head on your arm. The warmth of the sun was making you feel tired once again, your eyes fluttering closed as you looked at Schlatt’s silhouette. The slope of his nose, poutiness of his lips evident against the tangerine background. The sounds of the ocean relaxed you heavily, before you noticed Schlatt standing up and offering his large hand to you. 
“Let’s go back, you probably don’t want to fall asleep on the beach.”
You took his hand as he pulled you up, his bicep bulging under his shirt. It did not go unnoticed how strong he really was, broad chest and shoulders, forearm muscles prominent when he pulled you. 
You pushed the sand off of your dress and let go of his hand, offering another awkward smile, before following him back to the resort.
You made small talk on your way there, learning that Schlatt really didn’t have much planned for his stay. His parents were planning on doing something every day - golfing, hiking, excursions to waterfalls, and all sorts of other activities. 
“I just want to lay on the beach,” he laughed, turning into the dim hallway, with you following. He fished in his pocket for his room key, standing in front of the white door, stopping your conversation. 
“This is me,” he motioned up to the door, with black lettering. Room 1106.
“Oh, no way,” you pushed past him slightly, feeling the brush of his arm on yours. “I’m 1108.”
“Sweet,” he laughed, tapping his key on the door. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
You felt yourself blush once again, leaning against the door as you smiled politely. 
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Goodnight, Schlatt.”
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dreamwritersworld · 4 months
His daughter (sully family x reader) part 3
Days went on and soon months went on and the two teens continued to grow a stronger bond. Jake had tried multiple times to make something out of their friendship but all siblings denied it was anything more than that. Neytiri slightly knew that it was becoming more however..
“…and he walked me to our Maui…Ao’nung is sweet mama, he’s perfect..my best friend!”
Neytiri saw it, she saw the love begin to form in Y/n’s eyes and voice as she continued to speak about Ao’nung and their small walks around the island. Being in a new area of course had the parents on alert, but for once Neytiri allowed it. This would be the first person Y/n genuinely talked to since their move, she felt as a mother she should let her be free for once. Neytiri realized that it would all go by calmly if everyone just settled in and got comfortable with their ways…who was she to tell Y/n to deny the leaders son whom was attempting to show her more of his world and perspective? At least that’s the excuse she held in her head, and when Jake questioned their relationship..she stayed quiet.
Everyone knew. The group of teens even knew.
“Where you going Y/n-“
“With Ao’nung Neteyam!”
In between the pause was a smirk shared between him and Lo’ak, teasing Y/n about her relationship that was waiting to begin. Everyone got comfortable in their steering bond waiting to become more, even Tuk!
“Wait! Wait sister! Can I come?!”
Kiri quickly got up to pull Tuk with her and Tsireya, wanting it to just be Ao’nung and Y/n.
“no..sh!…stop it.”
There was whispered protesting to Tuk’s request from Kiri but Y/n would never deny her baby sister even if everyone wanted her to.
“Come on Tuk! We can find some gems!”
Tuk ran like never before allowing Ao’nung to pick her up onto his shoulders. To the rest of the teens who saw their back facing them…they looked absolutely perfect. They were walking in the sunset, and without looking at their face you’d think they were a beautiful family..
At first it must not be denied that Tonowari and Ronal were iffy about the relationship and they too had denied it being “something”. However with a smile that wide from Ao’nung every time he came home after spending time with her … how much more can you deny it?
Tonowari and Ronal especially grew to accept the relationship. They saw Y/n prosper in their world and environment. She was good at that, accepting Eywa’s world. The strict parents didn’t deny or forbid Ao’nung from continuing to fall in love with Y/n…because they felt the same. Y/n was good with the people and she loved them every part of someone’s culture even if it wasn’t hers.
So there Y/n was sitting at the shore laughing with Ao’nung about every aspect of their world. It was obvious to Y/n that Ao’nung had some troubling parts of him, far to unserious and she was fine with that because she also viewed him as responsible.
It should be noted that although Jake knows they aren’t the top tier family anymore, he still treats his family as they were to be. He expected even higher expectations from them since he knew all of the island had their eyes on them. Jake was even told things by villagers about his daughter…
“Yes! My family is loving your guys culture and the ways of water.”
The group of men laughed at him.
“Yea we’re sure of that! Your daughter is settling in just fine with our future leaders! And so is your son! I’d say a little over friendly even!!”
Jake awkwardly laughed at this, trying to gloss over the fact that he just said that about his kids. Lo’ak had openly been getting friendly with Tsireya and that was fine because they were just kids it’d pass over…but Y/n? She could never do that. She was too gentle for that kind of position in this environment the clan would rip her apart since she wasn’t from there. Jake sat quietly next to the group of men who continued their conversation…he sat there brewing all these thoughts of Ao’nung and Y/n, they were just friends weren’t they?..
For the most part, Ao’nung was ok with her father not knowing because they were just “friends” at the moment. The group knew them as friends who had liked each other but they didn’t believe they’d admit it..until they did.
Y/n and Ao’nung happened to be doing chores together, trying to rush so that they’d have time for themselves. They were laughing in front of each other and suddenly they felt super close..close enough to kiss. And so Y/n did, she went for it and pulled Ao’nung forward. When they pulled away there was a moment of surprise from the both of them..
“I’m sorry..I-i don’t know-“
Ao’nung interrupted her ramble before kissing her again and for the first time they finally embraced each other. They allowed what they denied for the longest to finally become true. Both of them went home with love and prosperity growing stronger within them.
The couple inevitably knew to keep their relationship underground, sure everyone speculated..but it’s nothing compared to actually being confirmed. The clan loved Y/n but it would all come down to their parents…most importantly Y/n’s parents…Their love would have to shamefully be kept a secret for the months to come..
But that secret was cut short…because what the teens had not known was that Jake had caught them when he passed by to drop off some supplies that Tonowari told him Ao’nung would need. It took everything in him to not stop them right then and there, he knew that he’d separate his daughter and Ao’nung for good if he just waited till she got home. And so it was tonight that Jake told Y/n that she should hang out less with Ao’nung because she clearly wasn’t doing the best in adapting to the island, it was a total lie considering what he said was the opposite. He said it though because he knew it’d bother Y/n and Jake believed she wouldn’t even argue against him this time…considering, she would be more concerned with her improvements…however she wasn’t. She knew her father’s ways and she tried to break out from his chain peacefully.
Jake was standing there furious and upset against the Maui, working on his weapon and cleaning them up.
“…you should see Ao’nung less. I’m requesting you to listen this once Y/n..they say you aren’t improving and you aren’t the best compared to everyone. It wasn’t like that at home with you Y/n.”
“This isn’t my home father-“
“It is now. You need to be careful with your words Y/n.”
Y/n sighed trying to go about it peacefully so that he would ease up on the idea of separating her and Ao’nung.
“…he’s just a friend sir-“
“Just a friend? Do you seriously think I don’t know what’s going on?”
“Of course not father, because there isn’t anything-“
“Y/n you spread another lie out that mouth and you aren’t seeing him anymore.”
The teen stood there, staring at him as he continued sharpening the blade. It was like he was scaring her heart with each sharpening, she had finally grew a real connection with someone and now Jake wanted to take that away. In that moment Y/n tried her best to hold the desperation in her voice low..
“…I’m sorry. I know that sometimes you think I lie and not be a good person. But…”
He continued sharpening harsher and ignoring her words
“I’m not lying. We’re just friends so…please don’t tell me that Ao’nung and I can’t speak.”
“I can say whatever I want to say to you Y/n! How could you?! You and Ao’nung are already seeing each other! I saw you two on the beach! I mean seriously keeping the biggest secret like that away from me?!”
Y/n gasped at the words coming out her father’s mouth and all she could do was let out a sob. He was ready to take whatever he wanted away from her…and he didn’t even care.
“Please. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I-I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m ungrateful and I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I wanted more..but please don’t forbid him from me…please.”
“Y/n! This conversation is over!”
Right then and there Y/n collapsed to the floor, crying and begging Jake to just look at her and feel an ounce of sympathy. If only Jake took a little bit of more time to realize the Y/n and Ao’nung were practically his own love story…except this time…it was someone who raised Y/n and whom she grew up to trust…that would ultimately betray her.
It hurts Neytiri to watch Y/n beg for more than just a book to live by, she was practically begging for love.
For that single moment Y/n heard ringing in her ears as she drained out everything just crying on the floor begging him.
“…Jake that’s enough.”
“Neytiri? Are you kidding me? She’s a little girl-“
“She’s your little girl yes, but to the world? She isn’t. In front of Eywa, she’s already growing up to be a women…allow her this Jake, Y/n can swear that they’ll remain friends during her training.”
The sigh Jake let out shower pure frustration at his wife’s needs..
“fine. Y/n I will allow you to be friends with Ao’nung but nothing more.”
Y/n looked up from her blurry hands, disparity and anger wash over her as she looks up to her father. An exhausted and emotional Y/n couldn’t no longer argue and instead shook her head to walk away.
She knew, he showed no signs of relenting no matter how much y/n argued, begged, or cried.
When it came down to who to comfort. For the first time, Neytiri chose Y/n. When her mothers skin touched her, she settled in it and fell asleep to the hand that was running through her hair.
In the early morning when everyone asleep but them, Neytiri decided to just ask the question. How was Y/n really..?
“My child is it true?”
“…is what true?..”
“That you want us to “let you go” as you say, that you feel almost “too tight”
“Yes, please. I want to at least breathe my own air. I love you mother but I cannot keep doing this to myself.”
Neytiri’s heart ached for the longest…she took a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Y/n could see her mother struggling to understand or process the words Y/n has expressed, she couldn’t bare to be disappointed again.
“..you know im just tired of talking about it. im tired-“
“No. You can talk to Ao’nung Y/n please talk to him. Continue whatever relationship you have, but always remember that I’m here. Just don’t keep arguing with your father it tears my heart.”
In the moment Y/n agreed happily but as they sat in the silence Y/n couldn’t help but get frustrated. She was upset that she agreed to not argue with her father anymore knowing it was something she could not keep. She was also upset that these arguments hurt her mother as well…
Feedback please! And what kind of plot twist would you guys be looking for?? If so, I don’t know if this is my last one, this is just for fun :) Again, js trying to find my way back🩷
Tag list: @ruyaas-world @neteyamyanw3 @elegantkidfansoul @adaydreamaway08 @luxiniary @venomsvl @ratchetprime211 @mushy-mushroom04 @alohastitch0626 @sillysillygyal
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2023himbotournament · 2 years
Coming to you all soon: The 2023 Grand Himbo Tournament!!
Inspired by the @nonbiney-swag-competition mainly, created and hosted by @makerofmadness
edit: guys it's already started pleas catch up I can't tell everyone who thinks it hasn't started yet dndndndndndn
Edit 2; The tournament has officially concluded! Thanks for your participation, I will still be using this blog for helping spread other tournaments, and also posting cringe
Welcome one and all, to the most ambitious tournament probably so far (that is to say, I chose way too many characters but in my defense I had found a blank template for a smash bros character roster thing and wanted to fill the whole thing up, even if I had to turn to the dark side to do so for one or two picks): The 2023 Himboff!
Round 1 Part 1 will begin on Friday, hopefully giving everyone enough time to prepare themselves for battle (I describe this as if it's a war and not a tumblr pollnament-).
EDIT: Yes I am being told that I may have included characters who may not fit the himbo criteria perfectly but in my defense i am not in every fandom and my research consisted of furious googling so if google lied to me then blame that
Now, without further ado, here is our roster!!
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The himbos, in order from top to bottom, left to right:
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)
Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)
Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
John F Kennedy (Clone High)
Joseph Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Knuckles (Sonic Boom)
Chandlo Funkbun (Bugsnax)
Hercules (Hercules)
Milo (Pokémon)
Tom Dupain (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Jake English (Homestuck)
Launchpad McQuack (Ducktales)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Jonathan Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Lupin III (Lupin III)
Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
Big the Cat (Sonic)
Joey Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Maui (Moana)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Sun Wukong (RWBY)
Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Brock (Pokémon)
Emile (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Gladiolus Amicitia (Final Fantasy)
Groose (The Legend of Zelda)
Hector (Fire Emblem)
Gonta Gokuhara (Danganronpa)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Tyko (Harmoknight)
Okuyasu Nijimura (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Zeke von Genbu (Xenoblade)
Reyn (Xenoblade)
Koichi Zenigata (Lupin III)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Killer T Cell (Cells at Work!)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Muscle Cookie (Cookie Run)
Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)
Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants)
Kofu (Pokémon)
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Larry the Lobster (Spongebob SquarePants)
Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)
King Fergus (Brave)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Troy Barnes (Community)
Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia) (sincere apologies)
Andy Dwyer (Parks and Recreation)
Thor (Marvel)
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl)
Valhallen (Powerpuff Girls)
He-Man (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Leon (Pokémon)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100)
Clawd Wolf (Monster High)
Guillermo (Himbo Harem Homicide)
Galio (League of Legends)
Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
See you all on Friday for when the Himboff commences!
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boatmediatourney · 1 year
🚢Boat Song Lineup & Links🚢
*links are on the boat emojis. most of the artists listed are specific to the linked versions, and many are folk songs with no single or known author. all the links are youtube links.*
🚢 32 Down on the Robert MacKenzie (Due South), Paul Gross
🚢 A Pirate Looks at 40, Jimmy Buffett
🚢 A Sailboat in the Moonlight, Billie Holliday
🚢 The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle (theme song)
🚢 The Ballad of Harbo and Samuelson, Shanghaied on the Willamette
🚢 The Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The Corries
🚢 Bluenose, Stan Rogers
🚢 Boat on the River, Styx
🚢 Canadee-i-o, Nic Jones
🚢 Come Sail Away, Styx
🚢 Day-O (Banana Boat Song), Harry Belafonte
🚢 Friggin in the Riggin, The Sex Pistols
🚢 Ghosts of Cape Horn, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 Go to Sea No More, The Dubliners
🚢 The Good Ship Kangaroo, Planxty
🚢 Hard on the Beach Oar, Johnny Collins
🚢 Haul Away Joe, The Eskies
🚢 Highwayman, The Highwaymen
🚢 I'm on a Boat, The Lonely Island
🚢 I'm Shipping up to Boston, The Dropkick Murphys
🚢 James Craig, The Maritime Crew
🚢 The Last Bristolian Pirate, The Longest Johns
🚢 Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her, Coda
🚢 The Leaving of Liverpool, The Dubliners
🚢 The Little Boat, The Wiggles
🚢 Lord Franklin, Pentangle
🚢 Lowlands Away, The Corries
🚢 Lukey, Great Big Sea
🚢 The Mariner's Revenge, The Decemberists
🚢 Marie Christine, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 The Mary Ellen Carter, Stan Rogers
🚢 Mingulay Boat Song, The Corries
🚢 Mr. Andrews' Vision ("Titanic: A New Musical"), Maury Yeston
🚢 The Mistress, Dramtreeo
🚢 My Sails Are Set (One Piece live action)
🚢 Orinoco Flow, Enya
🚢 Overture/Prologue/The Launching ("Titanic: A New Musical"), Maury Yeston
🚢 The Pacific, Dave Malloy
🚢 The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (Veggie Tales)
🚢 Proud Mary, Ike and Tina Turner
🚢 Race to be King, Seth Lakeman
🚢 Rolling Down to Old Maui, Stan Rogers
🚢 Roll the Old Chariot (sea shanty)
🚢 Round the Cape, The Longest Johns
🚢 Row, Row, Row your Boat (nursery rhyme)
🚢 Running Down to Cuba, Colm McGuinness
🚢 Sailing, Christopher Cross
🚢 Sailor's Farewell (sea shanty)
🚢 Santiana, The Longest Johns
🚢 Santiano, Hugues Aufray
🚢 Saturday, Jonathan Eng and Stephanie Hladowski
🚢 Save the Whales!, Country Joe McDonald
🚢 Ship in a Bottle, Fin Argus
🚢 Ship of Fools, The Grateful Dead
🚢 Song for the Bowdoin, Larry Kaplan
🚢 Song of the Volga Boatmen, Soviet Army Chorus & Band
🚢 Son of a Son of a Sailor, Jimmy Buffett
🚢 South Australia, Johnny Collins
🚢 Tow Rope Girls, Daniel Kelly
🚢 The Wellerman (sea shanty), Nathan Evans
🚢 The Wild Cape Horn, Friends Of The Shipyard and Fisherman's Fayre
🚢 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 Warlike Seamen, Jerry Bryant and Starboard Mess
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teenagedirtstache · 2 months
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lejindaryikiki · 11 months
Omg, I just watched Once Upon A Studio!
Here are some screenshots which I captured.
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The big hero 6 gang 😃 (baby Hiro is here!)
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Isa, Abuela and Calhoun spotted ❤️
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Miraboo (and Taff)! ♥️🤭
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My two bbys (Lewis and Wilbur) 😍
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Boun, my son 😃
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Dolores (and Jaeger is behind her)
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Felix, my birather 🫡
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Namaari, Camilo, Baymax, Ralph and Vanellope spotted ❤️❤️❤️
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My fav characters (Elsa, Anna, Maui, Moana, Pua, Kristoff) together 😚😚
And at last,
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The grand picture together 😚😚😁
I'm fluffing sobbing 😭😭
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Descendants Background Characters Names (Redone) Part 1;
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Judy the guidance counselor.
Nessie, daughter of Marlon (Ariel's cousin).
Elle Athanasiou of Tirulia, Eric and Ariel's adoptive daughter.
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Christopher 'Topher' Thompson, great nephew of Smee.
Hershel Fenner, son of Harvey Fenner.
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Tsunami, niece of Ariel.
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Cascade daughter of Ariel's friend, Coral.
Harmony, youngest daughter of Ariel.
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Jamilah, daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin ( @cleverqueencommander 's oc).
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Hilda Bjorgman, daughter of Kristoff Bjorgman and Anna.
Jacoba/Coba, daughter of Bernadette.
Nora Nattura, daughter of Honerymaren and Elsa.
Catharina/Cato Bones, daughter of Katrina and Brom Bones.
Addy Colyar, is the daughter of Buford (from Princess and the Frog).
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Demurra Foxworth, daughter of Nibs and Jenny Foxworth.
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Genie (in human form).
Coach Reese Jenkins.
Inspired by this fic.
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Girls in the back:
Chi Fu's daughter, Min.
Roger and Anita's daughter, Amy.
Chien-po and Su's daughter, Chao.
Girls in the front:
Jehan Frollo's daughter, Jeanette Frollo.
Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Carolina Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Tyra.
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First girl is Naveen and Tiana's daughter, Nina. Twin of Tyrone. @cleverqueenchild 's oc.
Girl behind Chad is Chi-fu's daughter, Min.
Girl behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Aloisia Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's son, Prince Brendan Westergaard La Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy next to Doug is Naveen and Tiana's son, Tyrone. Twin of Nina.
Girl behind Audrey is Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Lian.
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Demurra Foxworth is the daughter of Nibs (From Peter Pan) and Jenny Foxworth (Oliver & Company).
Princess Aloisia Westergaard-La Bouf is the daughter of Lars Westergaard (Prince Hans' brother) and Charlotte La Bouf (from Princess and the Frog).
*Chow is the daughter of the Matchmaker (from Mulan).
Becca Colyar is the daughter of Buford (from Princess and the Frog).
Princess Reyna Olympian-Westergaard is the daughter of Alana Olympian (Ariel's sister) and Maximilian Westergaard (Hans' brother).
Princess Shi is the daughter of Prince Jeeki.
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(I only named the ones who faces you can kind of see).
Sheldon is the son of Mole.
Ronan is the son of Maudie (Brave).
Zoey Marquez-Madrigal is the daughter of Isabella Madrigal and Bubo Marquez.
Inaya is the daughter of Prince Achmed.
Mary-Grace is the daughter of Vladimir.
Mary-Ellen is the daughter of Phil.
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Macarla is the daughter of Megara and Hercules.
Ronnie is the son of Phlegmenkoff.
Kaiyah is the daughter of Raya.
Kaida is the daughter of Raya.
Cesar is the son of Malina and Kuzco.
Spencer is the son of Mole.
Sawyer is the son of Mole.
Shen is the son of Mole.
Tanya is the daughter of Colette Tatou and Alfredo Linguini Gusteau.
Braxton is the son of Joshua Sweets.
Robbie is the son of Audrey Ramirez.
Gabe is the son of Vinny.
Fatima is the daughter of Kida and Milo.
Agatha is the daughter of Vidia.
Zara is the daughter of Maui.
Topher Thompson is the Great Nephew of Smee.
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Cassius 'Cash' Clayton, son of William Clayton.
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Shan Deja, daughter of Shan Yu.
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Gemma LeGume, daughter of Gaston LeGume and the Enchantress.
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Raymonda Snoops, daughter of Madame Medusa and Mr. Melvin Snoops (who is under Harriet's care).
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Kathleen 'Cat' Bimbette, daughter of Claudette Bimbette.
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Top Row:
Claire Bimbette, daughter of Claudette Bimbette.
Domonic Salt, son of Damien Salt.
2nd Row:
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, son of William Clayton.
Chantelle and Imani; they are the children of petty criminals.
3rd Row:
Hassan, bio son of Mozenrath and Sadira, and adopted brother of Reza.
Axel Huntsman, son of the huntsman.
Lamar, son of one of the Jolly Roger's Crew.
Last Row:
Alya and Omar, adopted children of Mozenrath and Sadira, and adopted siblings of Reza.
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Top Row:
Henry McLeach, son of Percival McLeach.
Edith Olympian, daughter of Eris.
Mako, son of Sharky.
Middle Row:
Nova, orphan girl under Harriet's care.
Lin, Su, and Fen; daughters of the Huns.
Sean, son of the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Anais, orphan under Harriet's care.
Last Row:
Wolfrick Wolfe, son of Big Bad Wolf and enemy of Harriet Hook.
Jia, orphaned daughter of one of the Huns.
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Top Row:
Raven Bog, daughter of Chernabog and enemy of Harriet Hook.
Na’vi, orphan boy under Harriet's care.
Middle Row:
Kingsley King, son of the Horned king and enemy of Harriet Hook.
Queenie Bog, daughter of Chernabog and enemy of Harriet Hook.
Last Row:
Holiday 'Holly' Sinclair, daughter of Helga Sinclair.
Donnie Salt, son of Damien Salt.
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Rory Ratcliffe, son of Governor Ratcliffe.
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Top Row:
'Mark' and 'Misha' Mullins, twin sons of Mullins from Hook’s crew and member of Uma’s crew.
Steward Starkey, son of Mr. Starkey from Hook's crew.
Middle Row:
Annalise, orphan girl who is Rachel's bestie.
Rachel Ratcliffe, daughter of Governor Ratcliffe.
Last Row:
Brigitta, Annalisa’s sister.
Alvar, son of Vor.
Raina, daughter of Prisma.
Aj Slade, daughter of Amos Slade.
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, son of William Clayton.
Magnus, son of King Magnifico.
More will be added later as I come up with them, as will ages.
Feel free to suggest ages for any of the characters or potential parents.
Thanks for the help @casinotrio1965 .
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forestshadow-wolf · 11 months
This is for @rainerestored because reasons (my DMs are open if you want)
Soap and ghost come out of a mission that went bad. Like every thing that could go wrong, went wrong. Intel was shite, there were too many enemies, the were WAY under prepared. They'd had to run and hide at a safehouse until exfil. And the worst thing about it? The "package" (some crimelord's son in exchange for info) wasn't even there.
Intel said it was a small compound, 1 building, 3 floors, 12 guards. That means 6 guards each, averaging 2 per floor per person, or 4 on each floor for both of them combined. They're capable, plus there were good vantage point to snipe from, before the even set foot in the building. Easy enough, right? WRONG
Intel laughs in their face with its, 3 dozen extra soldiers. To say that complicates things would be an accurate statement. It's not impossible, they've done it before, but they weren't exactly armed for it...
To look at the silver lining, and they are trying to find the silver lining, clearing the area was a good workout at least... also the target wasn't even there.
Now you're probably thinking, well why did they have to retreat to a safehouse? Well because there were 3 dozen soldier in the base when they entered, and an extra 12 soldier arrived as they were leaving, and they were out of ammo. Which is oh so great for them...
a little worse for where, but relatively unscathed. The "safehouse" (if it can even be called that) was a rickety shack with uneven walls and boarded up windows... man, fuck the military. Now they sit on the cold dirt ground, leaning against each other, and contemplating their life choices.
They both almost died, and yet neither of them are hurt, how in the hell did they get here. Well- the do know, just... you get it.
"Lets get married."
It was ghost who broke the silence first. Which in and of itself isn't that surprising. It's what he said that was.
Why? Because ghost had already made it know that while he did love soap, with all he had, it was just that "married" life never fit him. And soap was always okay with that, he didn't need to be married to ghost, as long as he had him, he was happy.
"Lets. Get. Married."
"I thought- "
"I changed my mind. I wanna get married. To you."
It was said kinda rushed. Like it was urgent. Or like ghost was trying not to panic.
Ghost seemed to relax just a tiny bit after that.
"We'll need an ordained minister. And at least one witness." He said.
"I'll call up my sister when we get out of here. She can do it. And we'll have price and Gaz watch. Or we can invite the whole base and have a big party." Soap was quick to problem solve.
He wasn't sure what exactly brought this upon ghost, he had his suspicions, but he didn't need to know. All he needed was to be with ghost, and for them to be happy.
"I want a big party. But I want it soon, so nothing extravagant."
"We can do it on base, invite whoever wants to come. It'll be a week from today. Maybe Price cam pull some strings for a honeymoon."
"Yeah. Definitely. He can call it a training exercise. He's send us to the beach. Maui or Hawaii, maybe."
Soap nodded along.
"But you hate the beach."
"But you love it." Ghost said, his smile shining through in his voice.
"We don't have rings..."
"We'll use paper rings. One of the privates used to blacksmith, I think, private Weller. We can commission his to make us some."
"We can't wear them on the field." Soap fretted
"We'll put them on our tags. So they close.to our heart." Ghost soothed.
It almost seemed like this wasn't the first time he'd though about this. What changed? Soap didn't know, but something did, and it seemed like it scared ghost, and this was his way of dealing with it. Like maybe he thought they didn't have enough time to be together. Soap would indulge him.
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love your new pfp! Also I have you to thank for my introduction to batfam. Have any fic recs?
hiiii thank you!! I’m so honoured to be your batfam intro omg have my undying love and loyalty ♥️
i havent read a whole lot of DC fic yet so this is just me throwing stuff I liked from my history at you lol sorry these are mostly whump/angst that’s what I thrive on (mind the tags and warnings!)
Letter by ARC_0025 - a bit of shameless self promo post-Death in the Family, Bruce finds a letter Jason wrote him in case of an untimely death. He writes one back, never expecting his son will ever read it. Years later, upon returning to Gotham, Jason finds a letter on his desk.
forgive us(as we forgive those) by anD_nOw_tHe_wEaThEr - the Catholic!Jason fic. this fic rewired my brain watered my crops cleared my skin etc etc I have been thinking about it for 204894844 days.
Gifts From the Sea by Raberba girl - Mer AU! Dick is a lonely merboy in captivity until Bruce attempts to actually treat him humanely. has a very ‘nice kid Dick, angry Jason’ characterisation.
That One's Jason, Right? by batsandthebirds - Dick and Jason get magically de-aged. Assumptions are made. Those assumptions turn out to be very wrong. (funny contrast with the characterisation of the previous fic on this list)
little menace by InkpotSprite - another deaging fic, with Tiny Tim this time! half adorable half menace all trouble
Wake Like Dead Men by incogneat_oh - utter fluff. Jason encounters a Tim who hasn’t had his daily coffee yet
Like A Breath Of Fresh Air by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet - Jason chronic illness fic, based on this wonderful Pit Withdrawal fanart series by ky-landfill
Screaming Fear by Sishal - Jason and Bruce angst featuring panic attacks and protective Batdad also based on ky-landfill art!
candy mountain: a holiday mystery by mqonlight - haven’t read this one yet, but Batfam Christmas fluff go brrrrrrrr
Maui Melon Mint by motleyfam - Batfam sickfic feat. LOTS of sibling banter. and vomiting. and banter about said vomiting
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weirdenbyferret · 1 month
Just watched a moana two trailer, and I was very worried seeing the scene where maui is fighting the villain, seeing and hearing that the villain is a woman surrounded by bats, because I was worried that it was Leutogi the bat goddess, who was a princess who was married off to a king who was already married and had a child, saved a bat and nursed it back to health, was put in charge of their son, failed to save him from an illness, almost burned to death because of that but saved by bats, and banished to a barren island but taken care of by said bats (theres more to it but this is already long), but thank goodness it is not, its a goddess of the underworld called matangi (unsure if thats a made up goddess or a goddess from actual polynesian stories), not them villainizing Leutogi
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peonierose · 6 months
Losing Game (3/4)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Rating: Mature / Angst
TW: Mental Health
Words: 3,000+
Summary: Bryce visited his dad in prison and now he and Luna are oceans apart, but after a scare during his surgery he can only think of one person to call.
A/N: In case you missed the parts before here they are: Part 1, Part 2
2nd A/N: I went a bit off canon with Bryce and what happened with his parents, just as an fyi. Also thank you for everyone for reading this story and giving it a chance 🩷
Side note: I also made a playlist for Part 3, the previous two parts include a playlist as well.
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Maui, Hawaii 
A few years ago…
I sang along to some song playing on the radio, still pumped from a round of basketball with my friends. I kicked Kainalu‘s ass and ran laps around him. I still can’t believe I beat him this time around, he cursed throughout the game. But it was just a game between friends.
When I turned the corner to our house I saw blue flashing lights, alerting me that something was wrong. I put the car in park and slammed the door as I got out.
Did something happen? This is a pretty safe neighborhood. My parents made sure we had the best-equipped security system around. The best money could buy.
Several cop cars have pulled up in front of our driveway. I saw two police officers escorting my dad into a police car. My eyebrows rose high. Not able to make sense of this whole situation and what is unraveling right in front of my eyes.
I ran towards the entrance of our house where officers were carrying out some of our things. Such as computers, laptops, phones, everything, and putting them into evidence bags. I kept staring as if this was a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from.
When I wanted to enter our house an officer stopped me.
”You can’t get inside.“
”What do you mean I can’t get inside? I live here.“ I replied, with a sharpness I reserved for people who get on my nerves.
”Please Officer, that’s my son.“ My mom‘s voice came from the entrance. The officer looked me up and down and finally, after what felt like hours passed, he nodded and let me enter.
”Alright. He can enter. But don’t touch anything.“ He called out after me.
I got inside and my mom pulled me to the side.
”Let’s go to the kitchen.“ I followed my mom as if I were in a trance. My body moved, but my mind was somewhere else.
The questions kept circling in my head like hungry vultures ”What the fuck is going on here? Why are there cops in our home? Why did Dad get arrested? What did my parents get themselves into?“
I whirled on my mom, but she put her forefinger on her lips telling me with her eyes not to ask any questions that were burning on my tongue. Then she hugged me and whispered into my ear.
”Listen carefully, we don’t have much time. There’s a small bag in your sister's closet. Take it and get her out of here. There’s enough money that should last you for a while. Since I’m sure they froze all of our accounts.“
I wanted to break off the hug and look at my mom. But she held on tight.
”Do as I say ku’uipo. Know that your father and I love you. Take care of your little sister until we figure things out. You hear me?“ My mom hissed. I nodded slightly. ”Good.“
We broke off the embrace and it’s as if I’m seeing a different mom. Not one who kissed my bruised knee when I fell from my bike as a seven-year-old, or who sang me Hawaiian songs when I had the flu.
She put her hand on my cheek as if she sought comfort from me. She kissed my cheek and a feeling of dread settled in my stomach. I let out a breath I’ve been holding in.
After a few seconds, I went upstairs. Before heading up, I took another look at my mom, tired lines had etched themselves into her bronze skin. I turned around, taking one last close look at her before I climbed the stairs leading to our bedrooms.
As I went up I looked for the bag my mom mentioned. Though Keiki is nowhere in sight. I sprinted to the closet and when I opened it I whistled when I saw all the cash, fake IDs, and passports inside the bag. Whatever they did, they must’ve had a backup plan.
I recognized a fake ID when I saw one. I used one to get into clubs and bars while still underage. This isn’t a simple bag, this is a run-for-the-hills, get-out-of-town for a while kind of bag.
I replaced the bag my mom prepared with my gym bag that was slung over my shoulder a few minutes ago. Making sure no one saw me swap the bags I went outside and looked for my sister.
”Kei-Kei?“ I went to my room, and there she was. Hugging her green sea turtle to her chest. I gave it to her last Christmas.
She was sitting on my bed. Scared to death if her tear-streaked face was any indication. Her dark brown hair was held in a ponytail by a pink elastic. I kneeled next to her.
”Keiks? Come on, let's go.“
She looked at me and I took her little hand into mine. Her hands were shaking and I covered them with mine to lend her some strength.
”Go where? I’m so scared.“ Her big brown eyes, so much like my own, were full of more unshed tears.
”I know you are scared. But I’ve got you Kei-Kei.“ When she hesitated I smiled and squeezed her hand.
”I’m scared too, Keiks. But why don’t we go to a safer place? Hmm?“
”Today is my birthday, Bry. Are we going to celebrate with mom and dad?“ She asked, looking up at me.
I closed my eyes. Shit. It’s her birthday. How do you explain this shit show to your six-year-old sister?
”We‘ll go to some friend's house for a few days. You and I will celebrate with some cake and ice cream. Mom and Dad will join us when they can, okay?“
”Okay. But I want a big cake. With mango flavor.“ She said excitedly.
”You got it Kei-Kei.“ I said and smiled at her. When she saw me smiling at her she smiled back, nodded, and wiped her tears away.
I put the bag over my shoulder and hoisted Keiki up, carrying her downstairs. She clung to me and I winked at her which made her smile. Officers were still taking everything and bagging it as evidence.
Damn what the hell happened? I’ll have to ask my parents another time. First I needed to make sure Keiki was alright.
Though from the looks of it, our lives would inevitably change forever.
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Honolulu, Hawaii’
Present Day…
With a start my eyes snapped wide open, looking left and right, seeing familiar surroundings, making me relax in bed. I reached for my glass of water on the white nightstand next to me, since my throat was all dried up.
I haven’t had memories resurface like this in a long time. Moments from when my parents were arrested. I’ve always wanted the memories gone and I’ve suppressed them. Guess they’re coming back in full force now.
I rubbed my tired eyes. When I turned my head I saw that Luna's side of the bed was rumpled. Though her side was empty.
I didn’t have to be at work until later in the afternoon. As I turned my head I looked at the clock at my bedside. The green numbers said 7.35 am and I just wanted to stay in bed all day, but I knew I’ve got to get my shit together and get out of bed. No matter how hard it is.
I rubbed my eyes again and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom to take a cold shower. Maybe that’ll wake me up.
15 minutes later I was dressed and ready to face the day. The first thing I noticed as I got downstairs was that the kitchen was empty except for Keiki and Evie sitting at the kitchen table talking in hushed tones.
After the flashback I just had, it feels weird to see Keiki all grown up now. As if you fast-forwarded turning Keiki 23, instead of 6.
When I entered they stopped talking.
”Good morning,“ I walked towards the coffee machine to get some coffee. Starting the day without coffee? Impossible.
”Morning Bryce,“ Evie said while Keiki kept herself busy with Cheerios and some mango slices.
Looking at me, her eyes full of questions I don’t have the answer to. I put it aside to answer later. Because as of right now? I don’t know what to say. Honestly.
”You know an apple would be good for you. Instead of all that sugar, you eat all the time,“ I said pointing to the bowl in front of her.
”How about no? Also, I have some mango smartass.“ She said and stuck out her tongue at me.
I grinned.
”Real mature Keiks,“ I replied and sat down at the kitchen table, across from Evie. Keiki's phone chimed and she went upstairs to take the call.
Evie scooted closer.
”Is everything okay Bryce? Luna is usually up before you. She’s usually in the kitchen preparing breakfast or ordering in and singing around. You know, since you and making breakfast usually almost turns into having to call the fire department,“ she grinned but her green eyes turned serious within seconds.
I chuckled but the sound was more hollow than rich with joy.
”It’s complicated. Let’s leave it at that Eves,“ I said, not really in the mood to hash out what happened last week. Too restless to sit, I get up and just lean against the fridge.
Evie got up too and she squeezed my arm.
”I get it, this is between you and Luna. And you want to solve this on your own. I won’t pressure you for details. But Bryce? You’re one of my favorite guy friends, well make that the only one. So if you ever need to talk, or just get wasted? I’m your girl. You went through a lot. I can tell. So if there’s something you’d like to get off your chest I’m here. Don’t bottle it up. When you’re ready we’re all here. For you and Luna. You’re family okay? You’re not alone,“ she aimed a watery smile at me.
I nodded and hugged her, not able to say more than that. She gave me another hug and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.
”At least one person in this house eats healthy,“ I said teasingly.
”I heard that,“ came Keiki's shout from upstairs.
”Good,“ I shouted back.
I do what I always do when everything gets too much. I go to Manoa Falls when I feel upset. It’s my and Luna’s favorite place in the world.
Sitting there on the moss-covered stones and hearing the rush of the waterfalls? It’s like you’re one with nature. That peacefulness? Food for the soul. When I get there I let the silence and chirping of birds envelop me and ground me. My phone chimes with a text, my heart sped up and I think it might be Luna, but it’s just a Spotify alert. Suggesting a new song to one of my playlists. I unlock my phone to see which song it is. It’s , which must be for Luna she loves Maddie & Tae. I sigh when I lock my phone again.
Only too soon do I have to get back because my shift is about to start.
I got dressed for work and before I was out the door I heard Keiki calling my name and I turned around keys in hand.
”Hey are you guys okay? I could tell Luna was upset about something,“ she asked gently.
I nodded.
”We’ll be okay again. We’re just going through a rough patch. It’s all going to work out,“ I said and kissed my sister on the forehead.
She nodded.
I walked out the door to get to work. Hopefully, work will distract me from my problems for now.
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Later that day…
Aubrey got out of the OR. Her brown eyes blazing.
”What the fuck is wrong with you Lahela?“ She asked me.
I leaned on the wall. Trying to get a breath out. But all that came out was a wheezing sound rather than an actual breath.
She noticed I was not saying anything and must’ve seen my face. Pale as a ghost.
”Deep breaths Lahela. Come on. You got this. Deep breaths. In and out,“ she instructed me and I did as she said.
My hands started to tremble earlier during surgery. Again. What the fuck is going on?
I tore the surgical cap away and threw it onto the floor. Tearing at my longer hair. Not seeing where the cap landed and not really caring at this moment.
”Okay talk to me. What’s wrong?“
When my breathing was under control again I looked at Aubrey.
I was breathing slowly, still not able to talk to anyone.
”I had a fucking panic attack. That’s what’s wrong.“ I said a heartbeat later.
”Okay. Just breathe and relax. Just stay here, okay?“ She said and left to give me some space.
This happened before but I didn’t see it as a panic attack.
I thought I just had some anxiety left from the day before when I talked to a family who were seeking answers for a surgery I couldn’t perform because it was too risky.
What if complications occur? They will blame me for it.
It’s a pretty complicated surgery and I didn’t know how well they would handle any complications or repercussions I told them about.
I sighed again. I didn’t even realize that I pulled out my phone and dialed Luna’s number.
”Hey B, what’s wrong?“ She said and I could hear other people mutter in the background. She must be at the store or something.
”Can you come to the hospital? I know we’ve fought, but I really need you.“ I said quietly.
”Of course, I’ll be right there.“ She said. It‘s as if our fight was forgotten.
I don’t even know how I got to the locker room as I’m sitting on the cold, hard linoleum floor. My head is resting between my knees.
As I’m trying to get my breathing and my heart rate under control.
Breathing exercises didn’t cut it. But slowly my heartbeat normalized and I could breathe freely again.
I didn’t know if she’d even come if I called her. After our fight, everything seemed out of balance.
But Luna is the only person I wanted to see. I just wanted to feel her soft touch and smell her guava shampoo. Knowing she’s close and I can hug her when my anxiety is high? Deeply comforted me.
I was still sitting like that on the floor when I felt soft hands caressing the hair at the nape of my neck.
I shivered and when I turned around I saw Luna’s concerned face.
”What happened?“ She asked and opened her arms for me.
I hugged her because I needed her. For the first time in a week after our fight, I felt good again.
It’s as if I‘m a functioning human being, who’s been deprived of human touch for so long. However weird that sounded, it helped to hug her. That physical contact from the person I love is exactly what I needed.
We barely talked, just exchanged a few words here and there. But it’s not like it’s usually with us. Jabs and teasing here and there. Laughter and kisses.
I missed her. I didn’t know you could be in the same room with the person you love, yet feel so lonely. As if you’re miles apart.
She stroked my hair and just whispered some lyrics of a song to me. I think it was ”I Have a Dream by ABBA“.
”My hands started shaking and I panicked during surgery.“
”Oh B I‘m sorry that happened, but I think ever since you visited your dad you came back differently.“ She pointed out carefully as if she wasn’t sure what my reaction would be.
”Of course I did. There are way too many emotions eating me up right now. I just needed to sort them all out.“ I remarked.
”B please tell me what’s going on. Please, I don't know how to help you if you don’t tell me,“ Luna whispered.
”I feel lost. Lost and sad and I don’t know.“ I admitted. I broke down. I wrapped my arms around her as I cried silently and she held me close, showing me she was right here with me.
”I’ll give you anything you want Bryce. I love you so damn much. I’d even eat some oatmeal.“ She shivered involuntarily. The disgust of having to eat oatmeal was evident on her face. She hates it. I laughed through my tears. She pushed some strands of my hair that had gotten longer out of my face and I squeezed her hand.
”Would you be willing to go to therapy? We could go together if you want. Or you could go alone. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.“
To be honest I’ve been thinking of going to therapy for a while. I’ve been a wuss to go though.
”I’d like that. Know any good ones?“
Luna nodded.
”I do. We can make an appointment. And we can go whenever you feel like you want to go.“
I nodded and just kept leaning into her. I turned my head and looked into her blue-green eyes.
”I never meant to hurt you when I didn’t tell you I visited my dad. I…just don’t know…“
Luna took my face into her hands.
”It’s okay B. We’ll figure it out together. And if you want to spend some time figuring things out with your parents I support you.“ She said and after a heartbeat, she continued.
”I suffer from anxiety and depression. I know what it’s like when it’s getting too much and when I don’t know what to do with my emotions. When I want to scream and cry and just get out of my skin for a while. I get it. That’s what painting is for me. Maybe we can find something you can find comfort in.“ I smiled. Even now when we’re still not sure where we stand exactly, she tries to help and support me. I couldn’t love her more if I tried.
”I always liked working with my hands. Building things. I was always good at it. I once built a princess castle for Keiki.“
”That is so sweet. I bet it was pink.“ Luna smiled softly and I smiled back at her. If there’s one person who loves pink? It’s Luna. But it’s endearing and I love that about her.
”Maybe you can work something out with Adam?“ She suggested.
”You think he’d let me?“ I asked not sure if Adam would let me help with any of his projects.
”Of course. Adam loves you like a brother. He’d help you. Especially if he knows it helps you to feel calm.“
I admit feeling ashamed and mortified that my hands would start to shake again. Is something wrong with me?
”There’s nothing wrong with you B. Sometimes emotions boil over. It’s when you’ve bottled things up too many times. I know that. That’s why I’ve turned to art. When I create art it lets me get out some emotions I‘ve been feeling. We can do some painting together if you want.“
I didn’t realize I'd spoken out loud. I nodded, not able to look at her, afraid she’d see how emotionally exhausted I was.
First visiting my dad, our fight, and now this panic attack during the surgery. Maybe some vacation would do me some good. I‘m sure I can work something out with the chief of medicine. Alana is amazing and she‘s very understanding.
”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my dad. I just didn’t want to share it because I was scared that if you saw and knew everything you’d…“
”What? Run away? B there’s nothing that could make me run away from you. No matter what happens. Sure I was hurt that you didn’t say anything, but I understand that sometimes certain conversations aren’t that easy. Especially when it’s with a family member you haven’t talked to in a while. But whether we fight or if we have a make-out session all day, a relationship is never easy. But we work on it. We compromise, and most importantly we love each other. Come hell or high water.“
I looked up at her and I could tell from the expression in her eyes that she meant every word.
She hugged me again and I simply leaned into her, borrowing some of the strength that she was offering. We sat like that for another 10 minutes, until Luna had a pained look on her face and I could’ve slapped myself by letting her sit on the ground.
”B not to be rude, but can we maybe go somewhere else? I feel a bit uncomfortable sitting like this.“
”Oh my god I’m sorry of course. Here let me help you up.“ I got to my feet and helped her up.
”Thank you. For being there for me.“ I kissed her soft lips, giving you that warm, cozy feeling as if you were coming home.
”Always.“ She smiled tenderly.
I knew we’d fought, but things will get better again. I believe that.
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