#maybe it’ll stop by again at night at I’ll leave out something for it
caravanlurker · 1 year
Oh my fucking god my brother and I were walking home and I spotted a cat in front of our yard and my brother approached it nicely and it started doing the affectionate leg rub at neck push and belly roll on the floor and we squatted there for 10 mins while it was doing that back and forth between us and it followed us to the front door and we were both squinting up at the sky it’s so cute but we can’t take it over for the night because we have 3 dogs that compete over attention like it’s the olympics gwaaaaagh
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moonstruckme · 6 months
omg hi! I love your writing so much and I’ve seen that you asked for doctor Remus requests and he’s on my mind day and night, I simply love how you write him. I don’t know if it’s a thing in other countries as well but in mine you have to go to the doctors around your birthday for like check ups and stuff like that, mine is coming up and I’m already dreading it (mostly because of the blood test, I end up fainting every time😣) but I’m sure it would be better if it was with Remus instead🥰
Thanks for requesting sweetheart, hope it goes okay!!
cw: description of anxiety, mention of needle, implied blood
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 972 words
The doctor’s voice is so soothing you keep almost forgetting where you are. You don’t even think he’s doing it on purpose. 
“Alright.” He catches your ankle before you can kick him, sharing a smile with you as he pockets the small mallet he’s been using to test your reflexes. “Everything seems perfect.” 
“Thanks,” you say, then feel stupid.
You don’t know why you’re acting like he’s complimented you. You’re getting flustered by his raspy timbre and attractive hands (which had, just a few minutes before, felt gently along your neck and the underside of your jaw like you were a thing to be treated with care. Not that that’s important). The doctor—Remus, he’d told you to call him—smiles politely anyway. 
“All that’s left to do is get you sorted at the lab,” he says, typing something quickly into his computer, “and then you’re free to go. Ready?” 
“Um, yeah.” It’s a struggle to hear yourself over the beating of your heart. You can only hope you sound normal. You’d known this was coming, and still it’s giving you the cold sweats. “I just feel like I should maybe warn you, I tend not to do well with the blood test.” 
He glances over. “You’ve had problems before?” 
“I sometimes faint.” Your foot starts jiggling of its own accord. You don’t notice until Remus’ gaze drops to it. You stop. “Every time, actually.” 
“That’s fine,” he says, straightening and turning away from the computer. “In that case, I’ll probably keep you in here so we can do it with you lying down. Does that sound alright?” 
You blink. “Um, sure.” 
The nerves are hard to miss in your voice now, and you can’t quite meet Remus’ eyes as he directs a gentle smile your way. He gives your knee a squeeze on his way to the door.
“I’m going to go get some things,” he tells you. “I’ll be back soon, but while I’m gone I just want you to practice taking some deep breaths, yeah?” 
You nod. Another flash of that small, reassuring smile as he goes out the door. 
You try to do as he says, forcing your lungs to fill and then empty and attempting to ignore the pounding of your heartbeat. You can feel it in your face, in your temples, in your teeth. You’ll think you’re starting to get it to slow, and then a pair of footsteps will come down the hall and it’ll speed right back up again. 
It’s almost a relief when Remus comes back, putting an end to your apprehensive torment. 
“You can go ahead and lay back, love,” he says, holding the supplies low where you can hardly see them, and you take care not to try. The paper crinkles underneath you as you flatten out on your back. Remus chuckles when it tears a bit and you wince. “You’re fine, it can’t be helped. I’m just going to feel for a vein, alright? Not doing anything just yet.” 
You keep your gaze on the ceiling as his gloved finger probes gently at the crook of your elbow. It’s hopelessly plain and undiverting up there, no tiles to count or anything. 
“How are you feeling?” Remus asks conversationally. 
“Okay.” Your voice comes out with a bit of squeak to it, not entirely convincing. 
“Keep breathing for me.” The warmth of his touch leaves, and then a rubbery tourniquet is being tied around your arm. “I don’t want you to worry about fainting. It’s perfectly alright if you do, but we’re going to do our best to keep that from happening, okay?” 
You nod. “Okay.” 
“Good, just try and stay relaxed.” His voice drops lower, and now you know the soothing effect is intentional, each of his words mellow and mollifying. “Any plans for after you leave here?” 
“I, um.” You tense when you feel the cold wipe swipe over your elbow. Remus thumbs over your forearm calmingly. “I don’t know.” 
“Seems like you deserve a sweet or something after this, yeah? What sort of things do you like?” 
“I did buy myself ice cream,” you admit, “to have after I get home.” 
“Smart girl.” There’s a smile in Remus’ voice. You’re tempted to lift your head and see it for yourself, but you don’t. “I like the pre-planning. What kind is it?” 
You feel the odd bite of the needle into your skin, and your breath catches. 
“You’re alright,” he promises you, rubbing the inside of your forearm again. “What kind of ice cream did you get, sweetheart?” 
You swallow. “It’s that new, fancy gelato kind.” Your voice sounds higher than before. 
“Oh, I haven’t tried that yet. What flavor?” 
You’re starting to get a bit dizzy. “Chocolate cherry?”
“That sounds fantastic. I’m quite partial to chocolate myself.” You feel something shift, and Remus says, “Nearly done. You might be convincing me to pick some of that up. You’ll have to come back here and give me your thoughts once you’ve finished it.” 
You laugh a little, and he echoes it. 
“Keep still,” he reminds you. 
“No, don’t be.” You feel the needle come out. It surprises you, a quiet whimper slipping from inside your throat. He tsks kindly. “All done, love. You did really well.” 
“Seriously?” You lift your head, and Remus’ eyes are faintly amused as they meet yours. He’s sticking a bandage over your arm. 
“Very seriously,” he confirms. “You did beautifully. That ice cream is well deserved.” 
The laugh that leaves you is light and pitchy with disbelief. “Thank you. I really owe you your own ice cream, after this.” 
He wraps a hand around your elbow, helping you to sit back up. “Careful,” he says lightly, “I might hold you to that. Next time I see you, I’ll be expecting a detailed review at the least.”
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Remember that one scene where Arthur is training with Merlin and Merlin is fighting for his life while Arthur repeatedly knocks him on his arse? I can’t remember what episode but it was early in season 1.
I like to imagine Merlin starts being sarcastic with every hit in hopes it’ll piss Arthur off enough to storm off and leave him alone. It backfires when Arthur starts replying and it turns into a venting session.
Like, Uther said some dumb shit about Arthur? Merlin starts a fight about it.
The knights can’t follow orders? Merlin is disobedient enough that Arthur starts yelling about how dangerous it is when his men don’t follow orders.
Arthur’s feeling bad about someone he couldn’t save? Merlin makes him see why he’s doing enough by arguing with him about it and reminding him that he’s only human.
And Arthur knows what he’s doing, he catches on eventually and will occasionally walk up to Merlin, push his shoulder only enough to be annoying until Merlin stops whatever he’s doing, then Arthur will just say “Fight me.” and Merlin will either say something he knows will get Arthur angry or he’ll throw a punch he knows Arthur will block and they’ll start sparring. (Merlin learns to fight eventually, neither of them realise it’s happening until he sucker punches a bandit and he’s out cold)
Anyway, it becomes something they do to help Arthur vent his frustrations.
The best part? It works.
So Arthur sees Merlin upset. It goes on for about a week when Arthur realises what’s going on. He sits down next to Merlin on the floor one night, nudges his shoulder like he would if he wanted to fight, and says, “why are you upset? It’s not like you’ve got anything to worry about.” In a purposefully taunting way.
Merlin scowls and keeps working, and Arthur tries again, “Really. All you do is follow orders. It’s not hard.”
And so Merlin looks up, clearly angry until he sees what Arthur is trying to do, so he puts down what he’s doing and starts fighting back, “no, just exhausting when those orders are given by a prat.” Or “Maybe if I had a day off once in a while.” I don’t know, I suck at dialogue.
It goes on for a while, until they get too close to the issue, Merlin snaps, tells Arthur he’s a dick and sobs, yelling about magic, and the great dragon being manipulative, loosing his father, loosing Freya, Gaius lying to him about his father and thinking Uther is a good king and a good man, and literally everything else that’s gone wrong.
Arthur pulls him in and hugs him, then tells Merlin they’re fighting together from here on out. It takes a while, but they work it out.
There’s plenty of “fights” about Arthur feeling betrayed by Merlin keeping secrets and Merlin being mad at his situation in Camelot and then being frustrated that he can’t get himself to feel angry at Arthur (I’ve got a half baked character analysis for Merlin and Arthur’s codependency somewhere in my drafts. I’ll come back to it eventually.) but they’re okay and they figure it out and end up stronger for it.
I’m holding back on sharing the major character death/dark!Arthur angsty alternate ending for this, but let me know if you want to see it :)
Edit: Part 2 - (the angsty alternate ending)
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Inspired by this TikTok. Thank you to @lesservillain for the idea and to @emsgoodthinkin for brainstorming with me!
Summary: Eddie jumpscares you one too many times, and so you decide to freak him out at work. But who will be more shocked: him, or you?
Warnings: fem!reader, friends-to-lovers, idiots in love, brief description of (fake) gore, joke about throwing up (doesn't actually happen), kissing as a joke (please only kiss w/ consent irl)
WC: 1.3k
It was just a joke. 
A joke that had started when Eddie had barged into your house—the man wouldn’t knock if his life depended on it—and proudly announced, “I got the job!”
The job in question was a haunted house performer at Hawkins’ annual Fall Festival. You’d both been going since you were kids, and his favorite part had always been the haunted house. 
He’d gotten word about his new job in early September. By mid-October, you’re fully sick and tired of his antics. 
“Boo!” he’d yelled as he jumped out from behind the Wheeler’s couch, making you leap out of your seat. 
“Raaahhh!” he’d growled in your ear while you were in the midst of a conversation with Robin, and once your heartbeat returned to normal, you flipped him off. 
His enthusiastic “Gotcha!” during your history quiz was the final straw. You’d yelped, actually shrieked in the middle of class, clapping a hand over your mouth as Mrs. Click glared at you. 
“I’m gonna get you back for that,” you’d hissed once you’d turned in your exam, growing more irritated when he’d just shook his head. 
“You can’t scare me,” he retorted with a smirk, leaning up against a locker. “You’ve never been able to freak me out, and you never will. Don’t even try, little girl.”
Challenge accepted. 
You spend the rest of the week wracking your brain for ideas. What is Eddie Munson afraid of? What will shock him?
The obvious answer is hiding a prized possession and making him think it was stolen or lost. You grin to yourself as you picture him frantically searching for Sweetheart; maybe you could leave a ransom note of sorts. 
But that plan has too many moving pieces, so you scrap it. You’re about to give up entirely when Robin inadvertently gives you an idea. 
“You guys coming to Steve’s party tomorrow?” she asks in between bites of her turkey sandwich. 
“I’m down,�� you eagerly agree, itching to have a night out with friends. 
When Robin turns to Eddie, he shakes his head. “Gotta work,” he reminds her, wiggling his fingers to emphasize the spooky nature of his job. 
Robin rolls her eyes. “Fine, okay. Stop by after. I promise we won’t make you play spin the bottle again.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, cheeks redden, and he gets up from the lunch table without another word. 
The plan is set: on Friday, before Steve’s party, you’ll pay Eddie a visit at the Fall Festival. It’ll be a visit he’ll never forget, you’re sure of that. 
Robin stands with you outside the haunted house, picking at a funnel cake with powdered sugar-coated fingers. “I’ll wait out here,” she promises, “but when you’re done, I wanna hear everything. Especially the look on his face.”
“You got it.” You shoot her a thumb’s up as you jog up to the bored-looking attendant taking tickets. 
You’re in. 
The first room just sets the tone. Eerie organ music pulses through an ancient sound system, and a fog machine creates a steam that prevents you from seeing the floor. Cobwebs hang in the corners of the ceiling, though you’re suspicious that they’re not intentional decorations. 
Eddie’s not in the next room, either; just a woman wearing a blood-spattered wedding dress, wielding a knife and clutching a plastic severed head. She’s screaming something about, “teaching him not to cheat with a bridesmaid,” and looks vaguely annoyed that you’re not quaking with terror. 
You go through three more rooms, getting increasingly irritating with the lack of Eddie in each one. He’s working tonight, so he has to be here—
Loud, stomping footsteps follow you into the dungeon-themed section of the house, and your heart skips a beat as you lay eyes on him. A distorted mask covers his face, but his unruly curls give him away despite the mad scientist costume he’s donning. He holds up a knife and creeps closer, a low growl emanating from his throat. You run until you no longer can, and he easily traps you, the cold metal gate pressing into your back. 
If you’re going to do it, now’s your chance. 
In one swift motion, you turn him so he’s backed up into the gate. A soft, confused “wha—?” leaves his lips as you lift his mask and lean in before you lose your nerve. Your lips press against his; hands on his cheeks as he accepts the way you melt into him.
Why isn’t he pulling away? Why isn’t he laughing and appreciating your prank? Why does it seem like he wants this…like he’s BEEN wanting this?
Fuck. Fuck. 
This isn’t what you were expecting. He’s kissing you back, surprised but hungry, and you’re the one who ends up breaking away. 
Before he can begin to question what’s happening, you dash out of the room. No. No, no, no. Your head spins as you attempt to process the emotions pulsing through your veins. 
It was supposed to be a way of getting him back for his unwavering desire to scare you. Show him what it’s like to be the one on the other side of the joke. Because that’s all it was; a joke. 
So why do you want to kiss him again?
Fresh air hits you like a slap in the face, and once you find Robin, you cling to her like a lifeline. 
“We have to go,” you mumble, dragging her to the exit and refusing to make eye contact. 
“Whoa, what happened?” When you refuse to answer, she sighs but doesn’t relent. “C’mon, did he, like, throw up or something?”
You shake your head. “I think he liked it.”
“Of course he did,” she says with a laugh, “the guy’s in love with you.” She nudges your hip with her own. “Toldja he would lose his shit.”
Your mouth goes dry. “Robs…when I said that I wanted him to ‘freak out,’ what did you think I meant?”
Robin crinkles her nose. “Um, that the Dingus-ette—that’s you—and her doting Dingus were finally going to admit that they have big, stupid crushes on each other?” Her expression falters when you stop in your tracks. “What did you mean?”
“I wanted,” you start, swallowing hard like a gob of peanut butter is stuck to the roof of your mouth, “I wanted to get him back for scaring me. I wanted to freak him out.”
“Mission accomplished.”
She’s no longer looking at you when she speaks, and you follow her gaze to where Eddie’s shuffling over to you. You want to beg her to stay, but she just squeezes your hand in a silent good luck. 
“Hi.” Eddie’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet. “Can we talk?”
You can only nod in response. His mask is atop his mess of curls, and you can see the longing in his eyes. How have you never noticed it before? How did you not notice the need within yourself?
“Actually, I’m lying. I don’t want to talk.” With that, his arms pull you into him, torsos pressed together, and he’s kissing you. It’s like a missing link in a chain you hadn’t realized was broken, and you allow your hands to drape over his shoulders. You can feel him trembling slightly as he deepens the kiss. 
“You okay?” you murmur against his lips. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he answers, ducking his head behind his curtain of hair. “Guess ‘m just a little freaked out that this is really happening.”
A smile twitches at the corners of your mouth, and you lace your fingers with his. 
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solbaby7 · 10 months
While the Cats are Away, the Mice will Play
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warnings: some swearing, dirty dancing, it’s mostly just fluff (reader isn’t meant to look like the gif—she’s just there bc she matches the vibes) jealous batboys
summary: you and Mor have a goal to get Nesta out the house and make her have fun—the boys crash the party to watch.
“Come on, Nesta,” You beg, pushing past the creaky old door to her apartment. The air inside smelled stale, as if she hadn’t opened a window since the day she’d moved in and judging by the overflowing dishes piling in the sink, that had been pretty neglected as well. “You’re wasting away in here and I won’t watch it anymore. Just come out with us. One night.”
“One night?”
“Just one.”
Her arms cross over her chest, steely glare unwavering as she mulled over the offer. “And you’ll leave me alone?”
“Probably not, but I won’t start bothering you to come back out again for at least a week.”
There’s a pause, a silence that’s so deafening that you nearly take a step back, fully intending to give up and leave her to brood but something flickered in those blue-grey eyes, a brow raising and caution laces her tone when she asked, “Where exactly are you trying to take me?”
“Just a bar that Mor and I found,” You start, dangling the only bait you were certain that she’d take and you pray that with her new fae hearing that she can’t make out the frantic pounding of your heart, innocent excitement welling deep within your chest. “They move all the tables out after nightfall and it turns into a dance floor. Please, it’ll be fun.”
“Just us?” The underlying question is evident. Will Cassian be there?
“Me, you and Mor.”
Nesta lets out a scoff, hands smacking at her sides as she flicks at the grey material of her dress. The ends were a little worn, a few stains splotched here and there and if you looked close enough there was definitely a hole on the left shoulder but you refrained from pointing it out. Instead, you smile timidly as if luring an injured animal towards you, promising food and water and safety if they just trusted you for a second. “I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Your hand clamps around her wrist before she can protest, tugging her behind you and slamming the creaky front door behind you before urging her forward. “I’ve got plenty of clothes that you can wear—I’ll even do your hair if you want.”
If your hand wasn’t around her wrist, you’d have thought Nesta wasn’t even there judging by her silence but you didn’t dare stop, guiding her through the streets until you could see Mor and her golden locks blowing in the breeze, her gaze fixed on a chip in her nail varnish. “I didn’t think she’d do it.”
“You owe me three gold coins—I got her to come and she didn’t throw a single thing at me.”
Nesta’s sharp gaze bounced between you both, mouth pursed as she prepared to say some snarky comment intended to hit below the belt; to push you away and find her too dark and twisty to bother with and maybe even leave her alone to rot. “You bet on me?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Mor stepped forward, burgundy red cloth cinching at her waist with a golden ring. “I was the one who had to stitch up Cassian after his last visit—sue us for preparing for the worst.” She doesn’t give Nesta enough time to answer, her palm flat against yours and Nesta’s shoulder and within seconds you were winnowed back to the Night Court.
You ignore Ferye’s raised brows when you walk past the sitting room with Nesta in tow, rambling about different outfits and jewelry to match her eyes. You pray she doesn’t say anything, certain that a conversation with her sister will surely pull her out of the partying mood and you make sure to pick up the pace when you see the Cursebreaker peek out the doorway with Elaine in tow. “I’ll get a bath going.” You feel Nesta go tense, her fingers curling around your wrist subconsciously before you can leave and immediately you nod. “Or a shower? So you can stand? I can even leave the door open so it doesn’t feel too stuffy.”
Her brows raise, surprise spreading across breathtaking features and after what felt like hours of staring she answers. “As long as you leave the door open.”
You’re quick to gather fresh towels and a washing rag, offering a plethora of scented soaps before Nesta snatched up the one with lemon slices fused inside. You wait outside the door, back pressed to the wall until you hear her enter the shower with a sigh. A minute passes, two and once you’re sure she was okay you disappear off to the closet picking up a silky pair of pants before deciding against it—Nesta always looked the most uncomfortable when forced into her fighting leathers, hands always fumbling with the fabric as if it just wouldn’t sit right.
Your fingers trace over an assortment of hanging dresses, some soft like velvet while others were a little itchy but the patterned lace always looked pretty when worn correctly. “I like that one,” Nesta says from behind you, hair wrapped in a thick towel, her dirtied dress bunched in her hands but she doesn’t stop staring at a soft blue dress tucked in the corner, tight at the top, long at the bottom with the entire back exposed and lined with pretty pale pearls. It’s not exactly meant for a night out but it was most similar to something she would’ve worn back then—before the Cauldron, before when Feyre had just been an Archeron and not the Cursebreaker.
“That one it is.” You trade dresses and disappear off to find some jewelry and a pair of shoes you’re sure might fit if you loosen the straps a little. Nesta takes her time and you use that go get ready yourself, shooing off Rhys when he tried to slip into the room just for a peek. “No. It’s a girls night—no boys allowed.”
Rhysand’s hands are tucked in his pockets, shoulder leaned against the wall with one glossy shoe stubbed between the doorway. “That’s a dumb rule.”
“Baby, I really need to finish getting ready.”
He nods. “I can help, we can figure out something else for you to wear.”
You glance down at your outfit—Mor had picked it out herself. It was black with long sleeves that hooked at the thumb with a swooping neckline. The corset like middle cinched you in just tight enough to add a little shape before smoothing out near the skirt. One deep slit was cut on the left side, broadcasting leg all the way to the crease of your hip. “What’s wrong with what I have now?”
“Nothing pretty girl, I simply just want to help you find the rest of it.”
Your eyes roll on their own accord, hand pressing into his hard chest to push him back before slamming the door back into place—double checking that it was locked for good measure. “You want a drink?”
“What do you have?”
“Whiskey,” You drawl out, eyes scanning over the bar cart Rhys kept tucked near the desk. “—and wine. Very, very old and expensive wine.”
Nesta emerged from the closet, her cheeks still a little too gaunt and the shadows under her eyes would need more than makeup in the long run but for once Nesta looked content, gaze tracking her own figure in the mirror. “I’ve been poor for a long time,” She muttered, peering up at you through the reflection, a hint of a smile forming. “I’d say it’s only fair we break into the good shit.”
And with that, you popped the cork free.
Three generous glasses later and you’d finally stopped laughing long enough to finish Nesta’s hair and makeup, arms interlocked as you bounded down the stairs, heels clacking against the glossy floors. “Mor, let’s go!”
Nesta breaks out into a grin with Elaine emerged, a plate full of cookies in her grasp and three have been snatched away before Elaine can even comprehend Nesta—dressed up, smiling and eating and not wasting away in that dingy apartment. “Save me some of those for when we come back.”
Elaine leaned into Ferye, watching Nesta winnow away with you and Mor with small smiles and teary eyes; too elated to notice Rhysand lurking in the shadows, violet eyes sharp as he searched the spot the girls previously stood. “Did they tell you where they were going?”
“I, honestly, was too afraid to ask.” Ferye rested a hand on her hip, eyes low with amusement as Rhys paced the room, a hand rustling through onyx locks. “Look, if you’re so worried, why not just ask Azriel or Cassian to tag along to make sure they’re okay?”
She regrets the words the second she says them, a lightbulb seeming to go off in the High Lords head before he’s stalking down the hall, muttering a soft, ‘good idea’ under his breath as he passed. Down the hall second door on the right, Rhys bounded through, both people he was looking for in the same spot.
Cassian turned from where he sat, a blade in hand as he sharpened its sides. “You good?”
“We’re leaving. Right now.”
Azriel doesn’t show any surprise at the blunt command but his shoulders straighten out at attention, shadows lurking around them. “What’s wrong?”
Rhys doesn’t even have to look at them when he says. “They’re at a bar and Mor was in charge of dressing them.”
Cassian frowned. “Them?”
“Yeah,” He nods, growing impatient. “She’s with Nesta and Mor.”
A brief silence before the sword he was cleaning sheathed back into place and when he stood, Azriel was beside him. “Let’s go.”
“What is this?” Nesta questioned wearily, steely eyes crossing slightly as she held up the glass filled to the brim with an alarmingly green substance.
“Don’t ask, just take it back and don’t throw up.” You and Mor tap your glasses against the tabletop before clinking against one another, waiting expectantly for Nesta before knocking it back.
Her face screws up the second it’s down, a balled up fist pressed firmly to her lips before finally releasing a deep breath. “That was disgusting.” A hand settled over her stomach, waving the barkeep over for a glass of water. “Why does it still burn?”
Mor stands from the stool with ease, an inebriated smile tugging at her mouth. “Come dance to take your mind off it—it’ll help.”
Nesta shakes her head in defiance and you let out a soft sigh, reaching out your hand to follow Mor but you never look away from the Archeron sister. You make sure put a little extra oomph into your dancing, bright smiles and bouncing curls and jewelry that clanked when the upbeat music shifted to something sexier.
You stalk towards her like a predator searching for their prey, gaze seductive but playful as you reach out for her. “Just one night Nesta, you agreed.”
Her eyes roll when she smacked her hand into yours with a sigh, heels clicking against the floor as she followed you back to where Mor was. You make a point to give her a bit of distance, dancing to yourself and getting lost in the music hoping that it radiated low expectations—willing a calm aura to wash over her in attempts to get her to just let loose.
And surprisingly, after a second, it worked.
Nesta’s dress flowed as she allowed her hips to sway in tandem with the beat, head bopping casually to the side before full on copying your motions. Where you raking up your body, she mirrored it, hips swaying and hair flying around her cheeks.
The three of you linger about, dancing alone, dancing together, grabbing more drinks before all that can be felt is the overflowing confidence that ensued with liquid courage. You grin mischievously at Nesta, all too aware of the eyes that can’t seem to tear away from your trio. “Watch this.” You glide through the crowd, hips swishing from side to side, one leg peeking out with each stride until you found Mor.
It’s second nature when she slides up to sit on the stage, feet dangling as you danced beneath her, hands teasing up your figure, painted nails teasing at her legs and the men that swarmed were positively ravenous.
Still, none of them ever touched. Never stepped too close.
Maybe they’d heard of Mor and how she’d conquered in her great battles.
Maybe they’d heard about Nesta and how Hybern had created her from scratch and the surplus of power she’d snatched back because of it.
The thought doesn’t linger and soon Nesta is close behind, following suit with moves of her own, a foaming beer she didn’t buy clutched in her grasp. “You think they’re watching us?”
You scoff, all too aware of the High Lord hiding in the corner with Cassian and Azriel, thick shadows mostly concealing them but you’d never miss that scent—of a strong male and his dark power and that damn night-blooming jasmine soap he insisted on using. “I’d put money on it they’ve been watching us since we stepped through the front door.”
Nesta lets out a laugh, cheeks flushed and chest rising and falling rapidly from all the dancing. “Thanks for getting me out of the house.”
“Thanks for letting me.”
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luveline · 8 months
Would u ever write about early days kbd! Steve and reader?? Maybe newly married or finding out about being pregnant for one of their babies?? I just love them so much ♡
kisses before dinner au —mom!reader, 1k
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom really quickly and then I’m leaving,” you call. 
Steve calls back. “Okay, babe. Avery, say bye to mommy! Can you say bye? How about you, Beth?” 
Avery calls a happy goodbye. Beth babbles unintelligibly. I’ll say goodbye in a second, you think, slinking into the bathroom with a plan in mind. 
You bend down under the sink where you keep things that wouldn’t hurt anybody should they get pulled out; ointment for wet rash, diapers, and the little disposable pregnancy tests for emergencies. 
You and Steve are careful after your lovely first Avery. She’d been a surprise, and you weren’t willing to be blindsided again, but now that you’re actively trying the more expensive pregnancy tests have been taken upstairs and in tens. How many have you taken in the last three or four months? Too many to count, and the latest only last night. 
The test said negative, but you’ve been pregnant twice already. You know what it feels like. You’d woken up this morning and turned to watch Steve still sleeping, and you’d thought about waking him, but you didn’t want to get his hopes up again without knowing for sure. 
You let the test develop on the sink, contemplative, drying your washed hands slowly. You can hear Steve laughing like a kid in the kitchen, Bethie’s infectious baby laughter quick to follow. 
Avery shouts something like, “Stop, dad!” but you’re not sure what they’re fighting about. 
Trying for a baby is fun. It’s stressful, sure, but you enjoy the process (whoops) and there’s something so hopeful about waiting to see when it’ll happen. Steve is doubly excited, his anticipation contagious, and you want another baby so much you’ve started buying baby clothes, a wardrobe full of onesies and you’re stuffing in new socks and footie pyjamas every other day. You’ve even picked out the new wallpaper for the nursery. 
You really, really want another baby. 
The test finishes developing. You stare at it until your eyes cloud with tears. 
Last night, you took a test that didn’t come out with anything. Steve hadn’t baulked. He never does. He’d given you a short kiss and a longer hug, whispered, “It’s okay, we’ll just have to try again,” into your hair. 
You can’t help yourself. You grab the test and sweep out of the bathroom down the hallway to the kitchen. Bethie’s eyes glow when she sees you, her small arms held out to you waiting to be picked up. 
You’re very very sorry, but you throw yourself at Steve instead. 
“Hey!” he laughs, pushing you away. “I’m covered in sugar!” 
You wrap your arms behind his neck, “I don’t care!” 
“What?” he asks, totally perplexed. Then, despite his confusion, Steve hugs you tight and lets out a contented sigh. “Why are we so happy?” 
You make some space between you again to show him the test. His hand comes up under yours slowly, bigger, often gentler, cupping your fingers as he bends down to see it. “Oh,” he says. He falls quiet for a few seconds. 
When he looks up, he’s smiling. “Honey!” His smile abruptly catches, tears filling his eyes. “Oh my god.” 
“No, don’t,” you say, your voice wobbling. 
Steve tries to pick you up and spin you around, but there’s no room and you’re too heavy, too sure-footed, arms around his neck and kissing up his cheek. “You’re acting like I’m the one pregnant!” he says, fighting to kiss your cheek instead. “I’m so happy,” —he kisses you— “I could die,” —his lips press rough to the highest point of your cheek— “I could cry!” 
“You are crying,” you laugh wetly. 
Tears rush down his cheeks. “Three is so many.” 
“What? Don’t say that.” You wince as Bethie starts crying. “She thinks that too.” 
Steve picks Bethie up from her high chair and Avery in all her little Steve-ness gives you a brown eyed, doe-wide smile, pointing at your face. “Sad,” she says. “You’m crying, mom.” 
“I’m not–“ You wipe your cheeks with the backs of your hands. “I’m not sad, babe, I’m happy! Mommy’s so happy! It’s making me cry because I’m super happy, I’m not sad.” You smile at her sweetly. “Do I look sad, my love?” 
“Up, mommy,” she says, lifting her hands. You pick her up and laugh another round of tears down your cheeks as she starts to wipe them away. “Happy.” 
“Extremely happy,” Steve says. 
“Dad, you–” She looks between you both with a cartoonish frown. “Dad cry too?
“We are both so happy,” you say. 
Avery mumbles some strange garble of words in her high voice, and then asks more clearly for her buppy. Steve starts to open one of her bottles but his tears suddenly escalate, and he can’t see enough to finish pouring in her formula. 
“We’re having another baby,” he says to you. 
You breathe in a much needed breath. “Yeah, H. Another baby.” 
He passes you Beth, forcing you to manage both of the girls in your arms, and gets about halfway down the hall before he whoops loud enough to make you jump. 
“Okay,” he says, jogging back. “Can I call Robin? I’m so fucking excited.” 
You dot kisses against small foreheads. “We can tell, can’t we?” you ask, to Avery’s amusement. 
“Can tell, dad!” she parrots. 
Steve grabs you and pulls the three of you into an ironclad embrace. “I love you,” he says, much quieter now. You honestly don’t need him to tell you, you can feel it in every moment you spend together, but you take the confession greedily. 
“Too much,” he says. He starts kissing you again, an overflowing heap of them, until the girls are too jealous to speak and you’re as late for work as you’ve ever been. 
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forever-rogue · 10 months
hello, lovely! i've been re-reading your works like CRAZY, you're so talented! 🩷 can i pretty please request for a friends-to-lovers one with eddie where the reader's ex suddenly comes back to her life and tries to win her back, and eddie realizes his feelings for the reader? i LIVE for jealous!eddie too sksksks thank you! 🩷
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AN | Nothing good happens when the ex comes to town, right? 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Modern!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.5k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Guess what,” you walked into Eddie’s cozy coffee shop, waving at a few regulars as you made your way over to the counter. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you with expectant eyes, a lazy little half smile on his features, “hiya!”
“Hi sweetheart,” he leaned onto the counter, resting his chin in his hands as he looked at you gently, “lemme guess…chicken butt?”
“Very funny,” you leaned in and kissed his cheek before you reached over and helped yourself to one of his brownies. He always saved at least one for you, which was something that always made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, “but no.”
“Do tell then,” he grinned as he turned back to the espresso maker, “gingerbread flat white?”
“Ooh, yes please,” you watched him work in awe before he came back over to you, setting the cup carefully in front of you, “no, the exciting thing that happened to me was that I saw August today!”
Eddie’s face dropped immediately as his jaw clenched, “August.”
“Yes!” you looked happy and somehow that made his stomach churn, “he came into the office today to consult with one of the designers and I saw him when I was leaving! He had no clue I worked there and I had no clue he was there.”
“Your ex,” he pointed out as you lifted up the cup and started to drink the delicious latte, “August, your ex.”
“Yes,” you raised an eyebrow before sighing lightly, “we’re still…well I wouldn’t say friends. But we needed things amicably if you don’t remember.”
“You cried over him for weeks,” he almost shouted but quickly dropped his voice as he narrowed his eyes, “he broke your heart!”
“Yes, he broke up with me, but it wasn’t over anything bad,” you cringed when you remembered that you really had been upset when August had broken up with you, “we just weren’t good together. That’s all.”
“I never liked him,” that was the understatement of the century. Eddie didn’t just dislike August, he hated and loathed him entirely. You’d broken your heart and Eddie couldn’t stand that. Just like he hated the face that he was dating you in the first place. Eddie had been in love with you for as long as he could remember. Probably since the day he’d met you over ten years ago, “he’s always been a little bit…scrungly.”
“Scrungly?” you repeated, almost choking on the coffee in between your giggles, “what does that even mean?” 
“I don’t know, just like scrungly,” he flailed his arms dramatic, “either way I don’t like him.”
“I’m well aware, Edward,” you reached over and gave his hand a squeeze, “but it is what it is…and we’re going hang out and go bowling soon.”
“You’re what?” he looked like he was going to explode and you couldn’t help but laugh nervously. You’d always wondered why he didn’t like August but he never really had a solid reason. You figured it was just some weird guy thing, “why are you hanging out with him?!”
“Because he asked if I wanted to hang out and there’s no reason not to,” you straightened up and grabbed your coffee, “look, Eddie, I know you mean well, but you don’t have to worry. It’ll be fine. I’ll be fine. We’re just going to hang out once and if it’s completely terrible I never have to see him again, and if it goes well maybe we can be friends. Okay?”
“Yeah,” he lied right through his teeth, “okay.”
“I’ve gotta go,” you took a step back and offered him a small smile, “see you tomorrow for movie and pizza night?”
“Of course,” like he would miss a chance to spend time with you, “love you.”
“Love you too, Eddie,” you promised. If only he knew how very much, “thanks for the coffee.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey!” you looked up from your phone when you heard the sound of August’s cheery voice. Tucking your phone into your pocket, you walked over and met him halfway to say hello. He pulled you in for a friendly hug, “you look great. It’s good to see you again. Really good.”
“It’s good to see you too Auggie,” you felt your face warm up but decided to ignore it as you walked up towards the bowling alley. You reminded yourself that this was a friendly outing and not a date, “I can’t believe you’re back in Indy now.”
“I can’t believe you work as an interior designer,” he held the door open and you were immediately overwhelmed by the sounds of people bowling, talking, and laughing. You looked at him with a shy smile and shrugged. It hadn’t been a career you would have thought of either, but Eddie had nudged in the direction after you’d helped him design his cafe. Besides becoming friends with Eddie, it was one of the best designs you’d ever made.
“It just sort of happened but I love it,” you walked towards the counter to get your shoes and a lane, “you remember Eddie, right? He helped me get there, he was a huge supporter.”
You both gave your shoe sizes to the bored looking clerk and when he told you the price for everything, you moved to reach for your wallet but August gently pushed your hand away, “I’ve got this.”
“Okay,” you gave him a starry eyed smile as he grabbed both pairs of shoes and started to head towards the lane that was now reserved for you. The bowling alley always had a very distinct smell but it was so nostalgic to be there, “I haven’t been bowling in forever. This was a good idea! I think the last time I went was a couple of years ago with Eddie.”
“Eddie,” you couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking from the tone in his voice, “you’re still friends with him?”
“Of course,” you finished pulling on your shoes and looked at him curiously, “he’s my best friend.”
“He’s in love with you,” okay. That was definitely annoyance in his voice and you had no clue why, “I’ll be honest with you, it was one of the reasons we broke up in the first place. Sometimes it felt like you were dating him, not me.”
“I…he’s not in love with me,” your mind was reeling at what he had said and you couldn’t help but wonder - what if? What if Eddie really was in love with you? No…you weren’t even going to bother to entertain that thought, “you broke up with me because of Eddie?”
“It wasn’t entirely him,” he dropped his voice and looked at you sweetly, “but people change and grow, you know? You never know what could happen.”
There was definitely a suggestive tone to his voice that was not lost on you. You only managed a small smile in return before clambering nervously to pick up your bowling ball. You felt his fingers brush along your back as you moved, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin. 
“You never know,” you agreed nervously, voice almost a squeak as you went to take your first shot. That did have you thinking though - would you want to get back together with him? You had never really thought about it…but the idea wasn’t all that bad either. It wasn’t like people were lining up out the door to ask you out…sometimes you had to take what you could get. 
A part of you was excited by the prospect - he was a good looking, nice guy that you did love once upon a time. On the other hand, you didn’t want to open that can of worms and let anything happen that could end with another broken heart. Plus there was the issue of Eddie. Realistically it was a non-issue. But you knew that your heart would always long for and yearn for Eddie. You loved him, you’d known that for a long time, but you always knew that nothing would ever happen or change between the two of you.
August continued to be friendly enough and you didn’t think anything of it, but as the night progressed, you could tell that things had changed. You hadn’t done anything, not to your knowledge anyway, to act flirty or make it seem like you wanted anything but friendship with him. It was his comments about Eddie that had you experiencing a feeling of unease. The way he’d talked about him just didn’t sit right with you.
By the time the two of you felt the bowling alley and parted with August pressing a kiss to your cheek, you’d realized that this definitely had been a date. 
Fuck. You really hadn’t expected this to happen. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ever since the night you’d gone out with August, Eddie was behaving oddly towards you. You couldn’t quite place it but you hated the idea that he was any bit mad or annoyed with you. 
You’d been texting with August back and forth, and you were both following each other again on social media. You’d made plans for a casual lunch date soon; it was since Eddie had learned about your second outing that he’d been acting weird. You were pretty sure that he was just downright ignoring you. But you weren’t about to let that stop you from being his friend. 
“Hey there,” you walked into the shop when you knew it would be slow and he’d be there. You were almost positive that he’d been avoiding you and had his employees cover for him when you came to the shop. Eddie’s face paled as soon as he saw you, but he still managed a tight lipped smile, “everything alright, Eddie? I feel you’ve been…avoiding me.”
“I haven’t been…I’ve just been busy,” he shrugged noncommittally as he went back to scrub at the counter, “that’s all.”
“You’ve always been a horrible liar, Edward,” you walked up to the counter and offered him what you hoped was a reassuring smile, “did I do something wrong?”
“I…no. You didn’t,” he still wouldn’t meet your eyes but pushed a muffin towards you. Of course he still would save your favorite for you, “it’s nothing.”
“Funny,” you willed him to look at you but the boy still refused, “it doesn’t feel like it. Ever since I hung out with August you’ve been…weird.”
"You don't get it, do you?" He sighed in frustration, tossing his rag to the side and waving his hands around dramatically as you looked at him in confusion. He inhaled and exhaled deeply before brushing his wild curls out of his face, "I want you. I want to date you. I'm in love with you."
"Oh," it came out more as a small squeak than anything as you looked at him to make sure you'd heard him correctly. Eddie looked close to tears as he waited for some kind of response from you. You pointed at yourself before whispering, "me?"
"Yes," he nodded seriously, "you. I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear but it's the truth. And I just wanted to get it out there."
"Oh," this time realization set in. Eddie Munson was in love with you. Not some other girl like you'd always assumed, "you're in love with me."
"Yes. Yes," he felt so nervous he was surprised he didn't just barf then and there, "listen-"
"I'm in love with you too,” your voice was quiet and shaky, but Eddie heard you loud and clear. When he didn’t say anything at first, you completely freaked out and ran through the back of the cafe and into the chilly evening. He followed after you immediately and didn’t stop still he caught up. 
He perked up and looked at you from under his lashes, studying your face to make sure he’d heard you correctly. You offered a small, shy smile along with a shrug, “I’m…nervous. I dunno, I kind of always thought you knew but you never said because you didn’t want to hurt my feelings or let me down.”
“I - ugh, what…I’m - sweetheart,” the nickname sounded so sugary sweet now that you knew the true intentions behind it, “if I had any clue that you felt the same way, I would have said something long ago. I should have just done that anyway.”
“Oh,” your cheeks warmed up, a combination of nerves and the chilly of the winter air as you looked at the pretty boy. You were stopped from saying anything else as big, flat snowflakes starting coming down on the two of you. A grin spread across your face as you held up your hand to catch a few flakes in your hand, “it’s snowing.”
Eddie watched you in awe, enamored by every little bit of you. He reached over and put his hand on your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat as you look at him expectantly. You knew what was coming but at the same time you didn’t want to assume anything, “I really want to kiss you.”
“I really want you to kiss me too,” you grinned as you leaned in closer, meeting him halfway until your lips met his. It was a sweet, slow thing, tender but hungry at the same time. Both of you had been wanting this for way too long, and now your dreams were finally coming true.
A first kiss in the middle of the first snow of the season. How could it get any more perfect? 
Eddie took your face in his hands, and peppered your face in kisses, which only caused you to giggle, “c’mon pretty girl. Let’s get inside and get some hot chocolate.”
“That sounds perfect,” you reached for his hand and laced your fingers together and pulled him back towards the cafe, “c’mon handsome.”
“But first promise me one thing,” he stopped you nervously as you raised an eyebrow at him, “promise me you won’t see him again. He’s the worst.”
“I promise,” you definitely weren’t planning on ever seeing him again, “it’s only you for me, Eddie.”
“Yeah,” he agreed softly, “you’re it for me too, sweetheart. Only you.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
i need a little rival coworkers with miguel and the one bed trope😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Warnings- gets a lil spicy at the end.. got a lil carried away. The song I got inspired from 😍😍
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬?
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It was supposed to be a small, easy mission. But it made you both end up running around a dimension you weren’t familiar with.
“Fuck, you let him get away!” He groaned, rubbing his temple. His fangs showing as he grew more and more agitated.
“How did I let him get away? That was all you!” You took off your mask.
“Hijo de puta.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Hey, I heard that!” You rolled your eyes.
“Just shut up. Let’s just get a hotel or something. I’m exhausted.”
“Shouldn’t we get back?”
“Takes too much time and energy that I don’t have. Luckily he’s not that big of an issue, and I can track him. We’ll start up again tomorrow.” He said, and started looking around.
“Maybe there?” You pointed to a small building, with the words “motel” on it. It was kinda far, but it didn’t matter.
“Alright.” He said, not even bothering to put his mask back up, and instead just started swinging.
You followed, thinking about how it was weird how he wanted you specifically to help him with this mission and not Jessica.
He told you “you’re just more fit for this mission, don’t make it a big deal.”
But you didn’t believe it.
After a little bit, you both reached an alley next to the motel. You both went into an alley first to get out of your suits. You took out your normal clothes from a bag you always carried, handing Miguels his.
As he took off his suit, you couldn’t help but take a glance. He was faced the other way, his back turned to you so luckily he didn’t see you. You quickly took off your suit, putting it in the bag. And then you changed into your normal clothes.
“Here.” He said, throwing you his suit, he was in nothing but grey sweatpants now, you swallowed when you saw it. He then put on his shirt, and you both continued to walk to the motel.
“Hey, we need one room. Or two, if possible.” The man behind the desk said while he read a newspaper.
“Only one room left, sorry.”
“Alright. That’s fine.”
He put his newspaper down, staring at you both for a while.
He sighed, stood up and he kept his eyes on you specifically. You played with the end of your shirt, feeling uncomfortable.
Miguel noticed, standing in front of you.
“How many nights?” He asked finally.
“One. Just one.”
“100 dolla-?!”
“100 dollars?!”
“100 dollars, yeah.” The man said.
You took out some money from your pocket, sighing and putting it on the counter.
The man gave you a key, and you both left.
“I’ll pay you back.” He grumbled, clearly annoyed about something.
“What’s wrong?” You sighed and looked at him.
“That man’s a fucking creep is what’s wrong.”
You shrugged. “It’s whatever.” You looked around for the right room number.
Miguel found it, and you followed him. You gave him the key and he opened it.
“Are you serious?” He said to himself when he opened the door.
“Fuck!” You groaned when you saw what was wrong.
“Goddamnit. I’ll just sleep on the floor.” He said.
“Don’t do that-“ you sighed “just- the beds big enough for the both of us.”
He snickered “doubt it.”
“It’ll be fine. Let’s just go to sleep.”
“You’re right.” He said.
You took off your shirt, leaving only the pants you had on. He stared at you as you did, hoping you wouldn’t notice. You did.
He was sitting on the bed, messing with his watch and checking to see where the guy you were chasing was. He laid down now, still on top of the covers as you put your shirt in the bag.
“My feet are fuckin’ hanging off.” He complained.
“Stop whining.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not fucking whining.”
You scoffed “go to sleep.” And pulled the covers out and pulled them over you.
He sighed and got under them as well.
“Move your damn feet!” You said, when he was moving trying to make himself comfortable.
He rolled his eyes and turned to look at you.
You both stared at each other for a while. You glanced at his lips, and he noticed.
“You still pissed off about that guy?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking pissed.”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You were just teasing at this point.
You both quickly moved to kiss each other, the kiss was desperate and fast. His tongue found its way around your mouth, and you both sat up on the bed now. His hands cupped your cheeks, and you grinded against him shamelessly. He pulled away from the kiss.
“Fuck, You’re so fucking hot, I should’ve done this forever ago.” He mumbled as he messed with the clasps of your bra, and threw it across the room.
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 5
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: We’re setting things up, baby!! I’m not sure about this part tbh. It’s been a bit since I updated, so hopefully the length of this will make up for it!! 💕
Warnings: slight drinking, mentions of sex, I almost had someone order a sweet tea before I remembered that doesn’t exist much outside the south
(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (masterlist)
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It was quite impressive, really, how Rhysand took half an hour to eat his bowl of cereal just to piss off his brother. Azriel was pacing, wanting to see you as soon as possible. Truthfully he had been waiting since you left their apartment that morning, inviting him and Rhys to come out with you and Feyre.
Azriel thinks he deserves an award for the patience he’s harboring over Rhys’s movements.
They eventually walk into your apartment, much to Rhys’s delight, to find you and Cassian bickering in your kitchen over his inability to turn the tv off at night.
“Cassian, please, stop leaving the tv on at night. I woke up at 3 in the morning and was blinded by the idle Netflix screen.”
“I’ll try, but it’s a big ask. You want me to find the remote when I’m very sleepy and just shut it off?”
“Uh, yeah that’s what I said,” you respond, leaning against the counter, waving to Rhys and Az. Rhys elects not to comment at the way you perk up at the sight of his brother. “Somehow I don’t think it’ll be the end of the world.”
Cassian mumbles out, “I’ll try,” before acknowledging his brothers. Him and Rhys start talking about something but your phone vibrates, distracting you from their conversation.
Feyre: I’m here
“Awesome, Fey’s here - let’s go.”
The four of you head down, taking the elevator down. Cassian thought about pushing all the buttons, but he knew it was a surefire way to find an axe imbedded in the side of his head within the hour.
You all head down to the parking lot, spotting Feyre leaning against her car. The second you point it out Cassian yells, “shotgun!”
You retort back, “how old are you again?”
Cassian responds, having reached the passenger door, “the laws of shotgun are anti-discriminatory, they’re not bound by age.”
You roll your eyes at him, as Azriel holds the door open for you to get into the back. You sit in the middle seat, squished between Azriel and Rhys. And if you lean further into Azriel, his thighs pressed against yours, that’s between you and Feyre’s silver prius.
The five of you walk in and find the place nearly empty. After signing consent forms and paying, you notice that there’s a bar. You and Cassian immediately get drinks, a beer and a seagram’s, and head over to the lane the owner told you to go to.
“Maybe having alcohol and an axe to throw isn’t a great idea,” you mutter, taking a sip anyway.
Cassian saunters up first, putting his beer down before grabbing the axe.
“I’m sure I’ll be a natural at this,” he tells you all, before swinging the axe back and throwing it, all of you watching as it bounces off of the target.
You snicker, but it’s Rhys who says what you’re all thinking. “Mmm, a natural. I see it.”
You all take turns in the two lanes provided, throwing a few times until eventually you all get the hang of it.
Rhys and Azriel fare much better than Cassian with their initial throws, but you and Feyre were struggling for a while, until eventually you guys began keeping score as you went. Feyre began shooting better, telling everyone that she just “needed a few practice swings in”.
In between your turns, you kept finding yourself next to Azriel, joking and poking fun at everyone else’s shooting. You were too busy with Azriel to notice Feyre and Rhys swapping phone numbers as Cassian was throwing.
Cassian turned from the lane, noticing both of his brothers having paired off with girls. He’s slightly annoyed at the fact that no one congratulated him on his bullseye. He places the ax back where it belongs and clamps down on Azriel’s shoulder as he sits next to him.
“Your turn,” Cassian grins. Azriel wants to object, peeferring to stay in your company, but decides against it, walking over to throw. You turn to watch him, but Cassian starts speaking.
“So you have the hots for my brother,” he says, voice low, causing you to choke on your drink. You turn to him, spluttering as he looks at you expectantly.
“Uh, Rhys is very nice but I don’t-“
Cassian’s raised hand interrupts you. “Not that one, sweets.”
You debate whether or not you should deny it, but Cassian looks at you and you sigh. You start ripping the label off your drink and nod your head just slightly.
Cassian grabs his beer and stands up. He looks at you over his shoulder before saying, “I think it’s mutual.”
You don’t have time to mull over his words. Your phone buzzes, and pulling it out, you see Mor’s contact lighting your screen. You answer, putting the phone to your ear. Az sits back down next to you, watching you answer.
“Hi sweetie,” Mor’s smooth voice crackles over the phone. “Do you wanna get dinner?”
Az looks over at you, the sound of Mor’s voice familiar to him.
“Uh I’m out with Feyre, Cassian, Rhysand, and Azriel.”
Mor huffs, “without me? You go out with my favorite guys and don’t invite me?”
You scratch the back of your head at her admonishment, “uh well it was kinda spur of the moment.”
Az takes a sip of his water as he watches you on the phone, curious about your friendship with Mor. He knew Mor somewhat well, actually. Rhysand brought her around fairly often, and Cassian brought her around somewhat regularly. He can’t believe the blonde would hide you away from them for so long and why she especially wouldn’t try to set the two of you up at some point.
Mor was, above all, convinced she was a matchmaker. No one escaped her clutches of trying to pair people up.
“Okay, whatever. I’ll forgive you if all of you come out to dinner with me tonight.”
You laugh, “ah a guilt trip. Where should we meet you? And when?”
Mor thinks for a minute, “meet me at that Mexican restaurant out on Main street. In an hour?”
You nod, even though she can’t see you. “Okay, but I can’t guarantee everyone will come. I haven’t asked.”
You know she’s rolling her eyes as she responds, “just tell them I said pretty please - they’ll come. And tell them that I’ll pay.”
Your eyebrows raise, “are you sure? I live with Cassian - I’ve seen that man eat a rotisserie chicken as a snack.”
“Well I won’t be paying, I’ll put it on my lovely father’s credit card. I’ll consider it payment for that awful dinner a few weeks ago.”
“Well, let me ask them and I’ll let you know.”
“Okay, I gotta go. Bye, love youuuuu,” Mor’s drawn out affections end as you hang up, coming back to your surroundings. Feyre has an axe in her hand, and you hear Rhys cheer as she hits a few feet from the bullseye.
“Do you guys want to get dinner with Mor? She told me she won’t forgive me if you guys don’t come.”
Azriel and Rhys share a look, but you continue. “She did say to tell you all “pretty pleasaaase.” You bat your eyelashes in a fairly spot on impression of Mor, “and that she’s paying.”
Cassian comes up next to you, slinging an arm around your shoulders. “Lead with the free food next time, sweetheart.”
Leaving axe throwing behind a bit later, Cassian is grumbling about how Azriel outscored everyone substantially. Rhys leads the group outside and grins at Cassian declaring, “shotgun.”
Cassian huffs but trudges to the back with you and Azriel. The backseat is even more cramped, seeing as Cassian’s thighs could take up a seat of their own. You’re practically having to sit on both of them, and Azriel is pressed against the door to give you as much space as possible.
Between no one paying attention to him during your group outing and the fact that he lost, Cassian was overcome with the need to stir something up, so he turns to you and asks, “the world is ending and you have to sleep with one of us to save the world, who do you pick?”
You turn to Cassian, shock on your face. Azriel perks up in his seat a bit, wanting to hear what you’ll say. Feyre and Rhys even stop their conversation up front to hear.
“What kind of apocalyptic event is this, Cass?”
“A horny one?” He asks, not really sure himself.
You all laugh, “okay so I sleep with one of you and the world is saved?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“I’d pick Feyre. She’d be a gentle lover,” you say, looking towards your friend as she drove. Feyre gives you a wink through the rearview mirror, and Cassian groans.
“Nope, it can’t be Feyre.”
“Well you didn’t say that earlier,” you point out.
“Well I’m saying it now.”
“Why don’t you just tell me the parameters of who I can have sex with to save the world,” you say, a bit exasperated at this imaginary scenario.
“Me, Rhys, and Az.”
“Cassian,” you say, matter of factly, and Azriel feels his heart fall through his chest. He tries to even his breathing so you don’t notice him shattering next to you, but your voice picks up again as Cassian is cheering.
“I wouldn’t have sex with you, even in a world ending event.” You pat his shoulder. “I’d let all of us die before doing that.”
Rhys throws his head back laughing and Cassian crosses his arms, leaning back in the seat, huffing. Azriel smirks slightly, and he notices that you don’t actually answer the question Cassian posed. He also notices your eyes nervously glancing in his direction every few seconds.
The restaurant comes into view as Cassian keeps grumbling, his unanswered question long forgotten. The five of you pile out of the car, and Azriel offers his hand to you to help you get out. His hand is a little cold in yours, but you hold it a little longer than necessary, soaking in the contact.
You all walk up to the front to find Mor aggressively waving her hands at you all, trying to make sure you see her. You chuckle, and Cassian starts waving back just as dramatically.
“It’ll be about 20 minutes,” she tells you all, texting someone. You all hear the ding of Cassian’s phone right as she’s done talking, but none of you point it out.
Mor and Cassian huddle together talking, leaving the four of you to mingle. The presence of both of them and Feyre makes everyone pause, uncertain of what to say. You had never really realized how much easier talking was with Cassian nearby.
Feyre asks, “so what do you guys major in?”
“Computer science,” Azriel says.
“I’m a double major with business and engineering.”
Rhys’s major does not shock you at all. The well-tailored clothing he wears every day do nothing to combat the business major stereotype. The engineering part does, however, surprise you.
Feyre asks him about his classes, and you perk up when he mentions the organic chemistry class you’re a TA for. The two of them keep talking, bur you turn your attention to Azriel.
“Why computer science?” You ask Az, curious. It suits him, you think. It’s easy to see him behind a computer, developing websites.
“I like software development and coding.”
You groan in disgust, “I don’t know how you like coding. I have to do it for a research project and I hate it. It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“What about it doesn’t make sense?”
“It’s just like a new language no one taught me.”
“I could help you,” he says, hesitating to be too forward, “if you- if you want, of course.”
“Yes, I’d love that!”
The two of you are so enraptured in your conversation you don’t notice the looks Rhys and Feyre are sharing at how obvious the two of you are.
The looks between you and Azriel, and Feyre and Rhys, are interrupted by Mor’s chiming. “It’s ready!”
The six of you walk towards a booth in the back, you, Azriel, and Feyre on one side, Cassian, Mor, and Rhys on the other. The waitress provides you all menus, and before she can walk away Cassian asks for “enough queso to make a grown man cry”.
You’re looking at the menu when Azriel nudges you with his elbow. “You never said what your major was.”
“Oh, uh I’m a biology major.”
“Biology?” He asks, a bit surprised.
“Yeah, I really like evolution and ecology. I like the diversity of life.”
“And what is your project that requires coding?”
“Oh- it’s a population survey. For the past two years I’ve been reviewing trail cam footage around the campus for what kinds of animals live on campus.”
His eyebrows raise, “you started research as a sophomore?”
“Yeah, I set up the trail cameras in August that year. They’re in the more woodsy parts of campus or areas where there’s freshwater like the fountains.”
“So you have to view thousands of hours of camera footage?” He sounded genuinely interested in your project, a response you hardly received.
You laugh, “no, it’s motion activated. But it’s still a lot to comb through.”
“If you ever want any company while you do it, I could bring some of my coding assignments and we could just work together.”
You’re about to tell him you’d love to, when the waitress comes by, taking everyone’s drink orders and dropping off chips, salsa, and queso. Cassian, who had been grumbling about how hungry he was, gives his drink order through a mouthful of chips.
After you ask her for a water and a soda, you tell Az, “I’d love that.”
Cassian pulls you into a conversation between himself and Mor, but you do catch a glimpse of the little smile Azriel gives you as you tell Cassian about the time Mor streaked across the football field during a game in high school.
The dinner is fun, made even moreso by Mor picking up the check. You all wish a Mor good night as you head back to Feyre’s car. Once the doors to the restaurant open, Rhys and Cassian yell out, “shotgun,” at the same time, and both begin sprinting to Feyre’s car, pushing each other as they run.
The three of them trudge ahead of you and Azriel, as you two walk in step next to each other. He pulls out his phone, his screen lighting up his face in the night. He turns his phone to you, an empty contact page facing you.
“I-uh just realized I don’t have your number,” he swallows hard, looking down at his phone, watching as your fingers gently grab his phone and begin typing.
He watches you click ‘send message’, watching you type something out before handing it back to him. He chuckles as he reads the message you sent yourself.
Az: oh beautiful, stunning, wonderful woman, thank you for blessing me with your phone number
His phone vibrates in his hand as your response comes through.
You: oh, Az. Flattery will get you very far.
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
List of “we just happen to love hate fucking each other” prompts (pt. 2)
“I don’t know, maybe you should hop off my dick for a second. Just a thought.” “That’s not what you said last night.”
“I told you not to leave marks on my neck! How the fuck am I supposed to explain this?” “…You were just so sensitive there, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Why’s your heart beating so fast? It shouldn’t— this isn’t normal.” “…Well, sex is physically exerting so…”
“Let me just make this clear: I like you for what you do to me, not for you.” “Mm, okay. Keep convincing yourself with that bullshit; maybe it’ll work one day.”
Character A confesses how they’ve fallen for Character B, and Character B’s like, “You’re not in love with me; you’re in love with the version of me you get to fuck. It’s not love, it’s lust.” Character A, offended that their affections are being dismissed so easily, tells them, “That’s not true. I know what I feel, and it’s not just lust. It hasn’t been just lust for a while now.”
“Do—” Character A inhales sharply, pupils dilated in absolute pleasure and arousal; voice dropping lower, almost a whisper as they continue, “Do that again and I might just fall in love with you.” (Bonus: Character B smirks. “Then fall. But just a word of warning, I won’t be there to catch you.”)
“I thought you said you hated them?” “I do!” “Then why the hell did I see you guys walking out of the bathroom together?” “Ever heard of cubicles?” “This is my house, [name], not a public fucking toilet. There are no cubicles in there. It’s a one room kind of deal you’ve got here.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you, it’s driving me up the walls; do you realise what exactly you’re doing to me?” “Oh, I know. I know what I’m doing to you and I’ll gladly have you fall to your knees for me.”
“…Why are you staying the night?” “Because it’s late and I’m feeling too tired to drive/walk home. Now scoot the fuck over, someone needs to get their sleep.” “Okay, but how about sleep on the floor instead? I don’t want you near me.” “That’s not what your body language was telling me just moments ago, love.”
“What are we doing right now?” “Fucking. What else?” “…It feels more than just fucking.”
Character B getting hella jealous when they see Character A out and about with their date and end up following them around. Character A catches them and is like, “Why are you following me?” And Character B’s like, “To tell your date how much of a dick you are so they can avoid dating someone like you.” (or, alternatively: Character B cornering Character A about it, and Character A being like, “But why do you care?” and Character B saying, “I don’t.” And then they somehow end up fucking them in a random alleyway or at a back of a bar or something. You can fill in the details on how they get to that point.)
“Careful — if you stare for longer than that then you’re going to fall in love with me and I won’t be there to catch you.” “Fuck you, like I’d fall for someone like you.”
The first time being purely on accident — the other times being on accident on purpose (because they just can’t get enough of each other but won’t admit it, and would make excuses about how they’re just doing this because there’re no other options when it’s becoming increasingly clear that that’s not the case).
“This is a mistake.” “You keep saying that but you keep coming back so is it really a mistake at this point?”
“You’re going to fucking break me one day.” “That’s my goal, sweetheart.”
“…Why’d you just kiss me?” “Huh?” “We promised everything intimate stays behind closed doors.” “…Okay, but why’d you kiss back?”
“You left your [insert clothing item] at my house.” “Why would you give it back to me out in the fucking open?!”
“Just because I like making out with you doesn’t mean I have to like you.” 
“…Do you know exactly just how gorgeous you are?” “I know. Why else would you want to fuck me if it wasn’t for that?”
“So, like… Do you want to fuck me up or do you want to fuck me?” “Can’t it be both?”
(pt. 1)
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the-doomed-witch · 1 year
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Yeah, she’s your ex. But can’t two people reconnect? // based on bad idea, right? by Olivia Rodrigo
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY; MINORS + MEN DNI. exes with benefits?, very little to no plot, dom!reader sub!nat, oral (r giving), fingering (r giving), use of names (whore, angel), ig that’s all lmao
Author’s Note: well i wasn’t going to write this but i did it in like 30 minutes with no proof reading so if this is horrible kindly pardon 🙏
(gif credits to creator)
— ✦ —
You stare blankly at the notification as soon as your phone lights up. Why are you smiling at it? You don’t even want Wanda to know about the reason. “Uh, Wanda, could you excuse me for a minute? I need to get this one.” You feel rude interrupting her, but maybe it’ll put you in the best place.
Leaving your friend perplexed at the table, you get up and walk to a corner of the café. Soon as privacy is ensured, you dial her number, “What’s up?”
“Fuck. Your voice, Y/N.”
“God, Natasha. Why are you like this?”
“Are we still meeting tonight?”
“You think I’ll not turn up? After the night on Tuesday, seriously?”
“That was so hot, I’ll have to admit.”
“Shut up. I’ll see you later, bye.” You hang up the call and immediately scurry back towards Wanda, face adorned by a radiance of excitement.
“Now, what’s that smile about?” She rests her chin on her right palm, “Something I should be knowing about? Or rather, someone?”
“Oh it’s nothing. I just, um, got some shit sorted out.”
“I think you’re hiding this person from me. Tell me about them.” She gives you a typical wink to accompany her curiosity. You couldn’t dare tell her about Natasha, Wanda would most certainly throw you into the lake without a second thought.
It felt bad, it really did, but Natasha was just so good. Who was to know about it anyway? There were no feelings left anymore, both of you knew that this arrangement was only meant for casual sex.
Your break up wasn’t amicable, and Wanda had to give whatnot to try to at least avoid violence of any kind. It was more tedious for her than the job usually would have been, because she decided not to exercise her powers. Of course, brainwashing and manipulating two people into breaking up nicely was obviously the easiest option, but not the most righteous one.
“Y/N I swear if it’s-”
“Stop! We just want to keep it a secret. Jeez, let me have some privacy!” you blurt out, face flustered at the thought of being caught. You lowkey regret it, knowing well that your words hurt Wanda.
“Fine. Do whatever the hell you want.”
— ✦ —
You ring the doorbell, waiting outside Natasha’s apartment. She doesn’t take more than a second to swing the door open and pull you inside. As soon as you’re inside, she pins your back against the door.
“You’re right on time, baby.” She says before clashing her lips against yours in the dense heat between you two. Suddenly, your entire body is on fire, and her hands are trying to tame it.
You’re quick to throw her t-shirt off to the floor, making yourself room to bite on her skin without a care.
Neither Nat, nor do you realise when the two of you are naked. Maybe it happened on the way to the bedroom, maybe inside it - you couldn’t care less. All your mind can think of is fucking the woman to soreness.
“Gonna be a whore for me tonight again, aren’t you?” You slowly trace your fingers down to her pelvic arch, practically combusting her insides.
“Yes. Yes I am. Fuck-”
“Mind your language. Or you know what punishment you get for that.”
She groans, writhing beneath you. Her body was worth worshipping, you could never admire Nat enough. The scars across her abs were even sexier. You start by gently tugging on her nipples, in awe of her perfect arch - the way her chest rose and fell, the sound of her hissing at your pinching.
“Y/N, please. Please, please, please.”
“Please, what? Use your words angel.”
Her thighs get into a tightening clasp against each other. There is no way she can hold herself back for another minute. “Please Y/N, touch me. Fuck, ruin me. I need you.”
“You are irresistible.”
Satisfied with her pleas, you decide to go down on her. Each of your hands spread her thighs apart, giving yourself complete access to taste her. Your tongue moves along her folds, often teasing her lightly.
Nat’s hands entwine themselves in your hair, pulling you as deep inside her as she could. A tiny breathy whisper against her cunt jerks her entire body, “So wet, so perfectly wet, baby.”
She moans your name over and over till it echoes inside your head. “Oh my God Y/N. There, ah- right there-” Her grip on your head intensifies. The pain is of no significance to you when you can wholly gorge yourself on her pussy.
It doesn’t take her long to get close to her climax. “Ca- can I come?” she asks you between heavy breaths and difficulty. You immediately pull yourself back, ceasing all your tongue movements. Her undeniably agonised scream makes you smirk. “You think you could get off so easily, angel?”
“B- but I-”
“B- but I-” you mockingly repeat her thwarted stammering. You softly push a tress of her fierce red hair from her neck and bend down to nibble on it. Her chest heaves against your own torso, so you place a hand on her to calm her down. Her heartbeat is almost in your hands, as you feel it against your palm.
Nat’s hips slowly buckle and she begins to rub her intimacy against your thigh between her legs to relieve the burning sensation inside of her.
“You’re so pretty when you’re needy. I love it.” You plant another kiss below her ear before stopping her hips in place. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, you penetrate her hole with your fingers. “Fuck. I love it when you’re so tight for me.”
Your fingers pump in and out of her quickly, as you feel her clench and get closer to an orgasm again.
You don’t let Natasha get a chance to ask for permission, her words are drunk down by you in another kiss.
A little more stimulation on her clitoris does it. She gushes white onto your palm, rolling her eyes with pleasure. You let her have some time to bring herself back to reality.
Her sweat is still fresh and her breath is still heavy when she says, “Tell me more of it Y/N.”
“More of what, angel?”
“What else that I do that you love.”
You meet her eyes for the first time in the past few hours. They’re greener, more vibrant than you’d last truly seen them. “I love it when you come, I love it when you lose your breath because of it. I love it when you beg for me. I love it when you repeat my name again and again and again. I love it when-”
“Fucking goodness.” she says before pulling you down for another kiss. A sigh is elicited from her when she tastes herself on your tongue, as your hand reaches down to grab her ass tightly.
“Let me return the favour, would you now?”
“You don’t really have to…”
She doesn’t listen.
— ✦ —
“Y/N, you fucking never listen!” Wanda screams at you when you reach back to your apartment the next morning. You give her a confused and perplexed expression, unsure of what she meant.
“Don’t give me that look, I know you slept with someone and it’s Natasha!”
“Dude, it’s like 8 in the morning, and I literally never even said whose bed I was in. Could you calm down?”
“It was her, wasn’t it?”
“What if I tell you it’s not her? Would you leave me the fuck alone? I want to sleep right now.”
Wanda gives up and sighs. It was never in her power to make you understand anyways. Was it really difficult for her to comprehend that two people can just reconnect?
Your phone lights up with another text message.
Are we seeing each other tonight?
You reply: Sounds like a bad idea, I’m in. You should probably not. But whatever, fuck it, it’s fine.
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intoxicated-chan · 8 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 ║ ❝𝐘𝐨𝐮❜𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭❞
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(A/n) ➳ I’m planning for the next chapter to be a longer one, I’m working on my writing on smut and testing out a couple of things. If you guys wanna be added to the Taglist you can check it out HERE.
Word Count ➳ 1.3k
Content Warnings ➳ Sexual content, p-in-v, overstimulation, swearing, praising, pet names (darlin’), mentions of dangerous situations, TERRIBLE FLIRTING…
JUDAS Masterlist
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Throwing your head back as your mouth opened to let out another loud moan as your orgasm came crashing down on you.
You must’ve been on the fifth… Seventh? Maybe more? You lost count, Daryl made you lose count.
He was brutal, ruthless, fucking you over and over again. Yet you had no complaints.
All night, you were worried about something you shouldn’t have to be worried about. He made you lose your mind, losing yourself, and letting go in the pleasure.
“Let me hear ya.”
“Gotta be patient for me.”
“Jus’ like tha’.”
“Doin’ a good job for me.”
Your body went limp for a second but it didn’t stop Daryl from slowing down, he kept your sweaty body close to his, thrusting his hips up as his arms wrapped around you.
“Daryl!” You whined, chanting his name like a mantra.
“Goin’ weak on me?” He grunted.
You attempted to shake your head, your no getting cut off by another gasp.
“One more, gimme one more.” As if he didn’t say that hours ago. Daryl knew what he was doing, driving you to the edge each time.
Daryl pushed you onto your back, your head hanging off the bed, his hands moved to clutch your waist.
Your hands come to his chest, hooking your legs around him. “Please, Daryl!” Starting to feel overwhelmed.
“Ya can take it, darlin’.”
You sat at the table, a cup of freshly brewed coffee in your hands. Daryl left in the early hours of the morning, giving you a vague answer as he left your apartment.
Amy came into the kitchen, as she had come over to your place an hour after Daryl left. She saw you sitting in silence but she could see it in your eyes.
“So, spill it.” Amy smirked, pouring herself a cup of coffee from the pot. “How was the night with Mr. Leather jacket mysterious man?”
You let out a small laugh, feeling your face warm up. “He was… Different. Excitin’. He ain’t like anyone before.”
Any leaned against the counter, bringing the hot cup to her lips, careful not to burn herself. “Different how?”
You paused, trying to find the right words. “He’s… He’s unpredictable. B-But in a good way! It brings this energy into my life, fillin’ what was missin’ in my life.”
Amy lifted an eyebrow. “All that from one night? A couple of hours?” Her voice filled with concern and suspicion. “And Shane? He’s crazy about you.”
“I-I know, but I know if I’m with Shane. It’ll be somethin’ I don’t want to settle, especially settle for him. I don’t want that.”
Amy slowly nodded. “But (Y/n), I’ve seen too many girls in my college choose the adrenaline life over a safety net given to them and most of the time, it doesn't end well.”
You opened your mouth to speak but Amy’s groan interrupted you. “Shit. I gotta go before my professor docks my damn grades.” She took the cup with her as she rushed to your door. “Remember! Tell Shane you don’t want him!”
“I’ll try!”
“You will! I don’t wanna hear you complaining about him!”
You happily waved her off, letting her leave with your cup. But you knew she would come back with it, wouldn’t be the first time.
You stood with a huff, walking to the kitchen to dump the rest of your coffee down the kitchen drain.
You turned on the faucet to wash the cup, a knock startling you. You turned the faucet off and headed to your door to look through the peephole.
You grumbled, seeing Shane on the other side. You debated for a moment but decided to open the door to him.
“Hey.” Shane greeted you, his hat in his hands. It seemed like he was fumbling with it.
“What are you doin’ here Shane?” You asked him. “Thought you had work.”
“I was in the neighborhood. Did you get my voicemail?”
Right… He was calling you back when you were in the club, probably calling you when you were getting screwed by Daryl.
“Sorry. I had a rough night.”
“Is it alright if I come in? I jus’ wanna talk.”
You stepped aside, letting him come in and take a seat at the table. You closed the door and locked it.
You sat as well, feeling the atmosphere become tense. You were unsure how to start the conversation or if you wanted to talk at all.
Shane cleared his throat, setting his hat down on the table. “I, uh, wanted to talk to ‘bout the yesterday mornin’.”
“Right…” You knew where the conversation was going to go or how it was going to end. Better to say it now, you don’t want this biting you in the ass. “Shane-”
“Maybe they’re onto somethin’.” Shane immediately said, leaning in. “We’ve known each other for so long. I care ‘bout you, (Y/n).” He then took your hand, holding it tightly. “I want my future to have you in it.”
Your eyes shifted around the room, Shane’s eyes to the table, the door, and the coat rack. “I don’t know, I-I mean, I see where you’re comin’ from but-”
Disappointment was clear across his face. “But? But what? We have somethin’ special between us, don’t you want that?”
You started to panic, your eyes coming back to him. “I do but-!”
“But what?” He repeated. “Is it time you want? I ain’t a patient man. Jus’ give me a night, a chance, I’ll show you-”
Your phone ringing cut him off.
You pulled it out and saw the caller ID, an unknown number.
“Go, take the call.” Shane’s tone was cold, he reluctantly released your hand.
You retreated to your bedroom, shutting the door quietly. You opened the phone and brought it to your ear. “…Hello?”
“Daryl.” You heard him over the phone. “Nearly thought you lost yer voice.” He laughed.
“How did you get my number?”
“It don’t matter. Ya free tonight, midnight?”
You were taken aback by the invitation Daryl gave you. “Uh, yeah… Why?”
“I’m taking ya ridin’.” Daryl replied.
A smile formed on your lips, nearly calming you. “That sounds great.”
After a few more words, you put your phone back in your pocket and came out of your room. When you returned to the kitchen, Shane was gone. You sighed, ashamed.
Amy was going to have your head.
You hurriedly got ready, opting to wear loose-fitting clothing such as a skirt and a v-neck lace blouse. You’ve been wanting to wear it for a while but never got the chance to.
With a glance and a posing session in front of the mirror to test if the outfit was good or if you would need to change for the hundredth time. You grabbed your jacket and keys and headed out the door.
You heard a rumble of a motorcycle engine, it got louder as you made your way to the parking lot.
You spotted Daryl leaning against his sleek motorcycle, a grin across his face.
“Right on time.” Daryl commented, feeling his eyes on you.
“Wouldn’t want to keep you waiting.” You replied you couldn’t help but smile widely. “You ready to take me for a ride, Judas?”
Daryl handed you a helmet, his fingers brushing against yours. “Only if ya can handle another one, darlin’.” He teased you.
Taking the helmet, you shot him a playful glare as you secured it in place. You swung your leg, and straddled the seat, finding his waist to hold.
“Hold on.” Daryl warned you. “Wouldn’t want ya fallin’ for me too soon.”
He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the open road, the air suddenly whipping through your hair.
You gasped at the sudden speed, your heart nearly pounding out of your chest…
Amy can get your head later.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @deansapplepie , @ladylincoln , @gamingfeline , @lady06reaper , @alanamarie , @daryldixmedown , @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @itsrainingbisexualfrogs , @ingstadstarlight ,
⊰ Chapter 1 ⊰ » » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 3 ⊰
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6okuto · 2 years
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bokuto + gn!reader | established relationship, fluff
personally i would Not try to go alone. but you know. gotta write what you gotta write for the fic prompt
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“kou?” you gently shake bokuto’s shoulder. your boyfriend had fallen asleep in the middle of your show and you didn't have the heart to wake him up; there was something comically adorable about him curled into you, tucked under a fuzzy blanket. but you were hungry, and you knew there was no more of your favourite snacks in the kitchen.
kotaro's eyes stay closed, but he hums at the sound of your voice. “hm?”
“’m gonna go get some food, okay?”
“okay,” he replies quietly. his arms unwrap from your waist and groggily, he reaches up for the side table where his wallet rests. “d’you have—do you wanna use my card?”
“no, it’s fine, it’ll just be some snacks," you promise. the both of you shift so you can get up, and you make sure to leave a quick kiss on his nose before moving to get ready.
“m’kay.” he exhales and moves to lay on his back, rubbing his eyes to wake up a little more. his voice is raspy when he speaks. “when did i fall asleep? what time is it?”
“you fell asleep an hour ago—i paused the episode by the way. it’s almost 10 i think?”
“oh, ’kay.” kotaro hums again. there’s a beat of silence as he listens to you put your shoes on and wonders how he fell asleep, but he shoots up a second later after finally processing your response. “wait, what?”
“i’ll be back soon, love you,” you call out, disregarding the sound of him pushing the blanket off of himself and it hitting the floor.
“what, no, what? baby, what—” he trips a little as he reaches for his phone on the coffee table in front of him. the brightness makes him squint, but he stutters again when he sees the 9:54 pm staring back at him.
“i’m coming with you, hold on. lemme put on my shoes, wait,” he cuts you off frantically. there’s a second where he notices he isn’t wearing socks, nor is there a pair nearby, and he reaches for his slip ons instead. 
“kou, you don’t have to, seriously,” you try not to laugh as he brushes his fingers through his messy hair.
“yeah i do,” he says while walking past you to reach his jacket. he only stops for a second so he can pull you in to plant a kiss on your forehead. bokuto looks at you, and he seems a little bit out of breath, but he still tells you matter-of-factually, “i’m your boyfriend.”
there’s little you can do other than watch him get ready with a small frown. you try to reassure him again, “it’s okay. you’re tired, kou. i’ll be fine–”
“no, i’m coming with you,” he says determined. “you don’t know what could happen this late. what if there’s someone dangerous, or like, a super big monster?”
“a what?” you snort. “i think the show got to you, baby. also what would you do against a monster?”
“well, maybe, but i’m just saying! you don’t know when you could be proof of the supernatural in a 7 eleven parking lot. and obviously i'd distract it until you got the car going and i'd jump in.”
the both of you look at each other, and you open and close your mouth trying to think of a response. because despite his words, and how his brows are furrowed and his mouth in a pout, bokuto's tone in genuinely concerned.
the store isn’t far, you’ve made the 5 minute trip yourself before. and you're sure if you wanted to stand your ground, promise to text or call, he'd (begrudgingly) stay behind. but it was bokuto. you never really rejected more time together, and you're not sure why you'd start now—even if it was only a 15 minute snack run.
so you admit defeat, exhale and smile softly at him. “okay, yeah, you’re right. maybe not the monster part, i hope, but, thank you.”
bokuto's expression quickly turns into a grin before he grabs the car keys. his other hand finds its way into yours, just as warm as usual. he pulls you along to unlock the front door, a bounce in his step as if he didn't just wake up. “did you wanna pass by a drive-thru? i’ll pay.”
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starkwlkr · 6 months
let the light in (sv5)
cause i love to love, to love, to love, you i hate to hate, to hate, to hate you — lana del rey
i wait for you masterlist
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The following morning, Sebastian had woken up to Sofia on his bed while he was on the sofa in the most uncomfortable position ever. He was pretty sure his body would ache for the rest of the day. Sofia was perfectly fine, apart from a small headache from last night’s previous events. She sat in Sebastian’s bed watching reruns of the Golden Girls.
“Morning, champ. I thought you weren’t going to wake up until the afternoon.” Sofia chuckled.
“You thought wrong. I’m actually going to be productive . . as soon as my bones stop aching.”
“Let’s go get breakfast, my treat.” Sofia said as she stood up, letting the sheets fall to the ground. She had slept in one of his shirts and her favorite pair of silk pajama shorts, something Sebastian liked. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” She said to him before leaving his room.
On her way out, she had bumped into into Mark and Fernando, who were also on their way to get breakfast. “Hey.” The woman greeted them casually as she walked back to her room.
“Hi?” Mark gave a tiny wave then looked at the room she had just come out of.
“Are they . . . you know?” Fernando questioned Mark.
The Aussie shrugged. “I don’t know. . .” They stayed silent for a few seconds then heard the hotel room door open once again. Sebastian, with his hair all messy, walked outside. “Hey mate, what’s going on?” Hoping they would get an answer out of him.
“Not much.”
Fernando wasn’t taking that for an answer. “Are you and Sofia seeing each other?”
“Oh god.” Mark mumbled clearly embarrassed.
“Me and Sofia? Why? Who’s asking?” Sebastian was fully awake now.
“Me.” Fernando replied. “I did hear one guy from MotoGP was thinking of asking her out. I can’t remember his name though.”
Suddenly Sebastian felt like his world came crashing down. Someone else had a crush on Sofia? No, that couldn’t be true.
“MotoGP? So . . . We should find out who because those MotoGP guys are not good enough for Sofia.” Sebastian confidently said. “They’ll break her heart and probably leave her crying.”
“Oh! I remember his name!” Fernando said. “Casey Stoner!”
“Another Aussie?” Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully.
“Funny.” Replied Mark, followed by a deep sigh. “Just don’t do anything stupid. Knowing you, you’re going to do it anyway, but just remember that I warned you.”
“You’re such a dad or maybe like an older brother. Are you an older brother? You give me dad vibes though.” Fernando told Mark as the pair walked away to the elevator.
Sebastian brushed it off and thought about his choices. He could either tell Sofia about his true feelings and possibly get rejected or say nothing and watch the love of his life be with someone else. . . Why did life have to be so confusing?
“Shit.” He mumbled to himself. “Fuck!” He said rather loudly which caused Mark and Fernando to give him some confused looks.
“What’s wrong with him? He’s the world champion, he’s got nothing to worry about.” Fernando said as the elevator doors opened.
‘If only you knew’ Mark thought to himself.
Sofia was talking to Jenson when Sebastian spotted her in the lobby. She had some denim shorts and a simple white shirt that fit a little big on her. She said goodbye to Jenson since he was leaving for his flight. It was all fine until she turned around to face Sebastian. On her shirt was a Casey Stoner graphic. Sebastian could feel his world come crashing down. Yeah it was just a shirt, but it felt like a thousand knives stabbing his heart. Dramatic? Yeah, but this was Sebastian we’re talking about.
“Nice shirt.” He looked at her outfit.
“Thanks! I got it a few months ago, well I didn’t buy it. Casey gave it to me when some friends and I went to a MotoGP race. We should go to a race together, come on, it’ll be fun.” Sofia encouraged.
“Casey? You two are on first name basis now?” He wondered.
“Well that’s his name?”
“Yeah, but . . . Never mind.”
All Sofia said was a simple “okay?”
Instead of being the usual talkative person, Sebastian stayed rather quiet during their entire breakfast. He would occasionally make a little conversation, but he didn’t make an effort, which didn’t go unnoticed by Sofia.
“Alright, what’s wrong with you?” She had enough of the quietness that Sebastian was giving. “You’re acting weird and honestly, Seb, you’re upsetting me in front of my waffles.”
“It’s only weird if you make it weird.” He replied.
“Now you’re being an asshole. What’s wrong? Are we not friends?”
Friends. That hurt.
“Yes, but nothing is wrong.”
It was clear that he had made the wrong choice, one that he would regret for so many years.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 months
tasm peter with
• one character covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep watching a movie on the couch
+ forehead kisses and maybe reader wakes up and pulls him in for cuddles?
I didn’t follow the prompts super closely because the muse had me in her grasp so I hope this is ok :)
Let’s all pretend this isn’t literally 4 months late…
Sleep is never something that has come easily to you. You’re either too hot or too cold, wired up or unable to get comfortable, with most nights consisting more of your flopping around than actually sleeping. It’s been this way as long as you can remember, so you’ve learned to live with it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t irritate you constantly.
“That much caffeine could kill a horse,” Peter jokes as you pop the tab on your energy drink. Most days, you try to limit your caffeine, but you’ve been getting less than five hours of sleep for the past week and you’re nearing desperation. You feel sorry for Peter, the sweetest boy imaginable having to deal with you and all your irritability, but he still presses a kiss to your cheek as he leaves the kitchen.
“It’s like I’m cursed or something,” you complain after taking a long pull from your can, relishing in the carbonation. You’re sure Peter’s tired of your grousing, but he still listens to every grumble, nodding sympathetically at your exhaustion.
“Maybe we can watch a movie later, it’ll help you relax even if you don’t sleep,” he suggests, and you know how much this kills him, knowing you’re uncomfortable and tired and upset all the time and not being able to do anything about it. He’s suggested everything to you, going out and buying supplements and sleep aids and blackout curtains just to try and see if they help you sleep even an hour longer. It melts your heart every time, almost as much as it breaks your heart seeing his disappointed frown when you tell him it didn’t help. You’re just waiting for the crash, knowing that soon enough your body will lose its fight and you’ll sleep soundly for a few nights, only for the cycle to start all over again.
“I’ll stop and buy snacks on my way home,” you respond, if only to see the way his smile lights up his entire face. You always think he looks beautiful, whether he’s laughing or crying or anything in between, but something about his smile makes him ethereal, and you do your best to make him smile as much as possible with the selfish motivation of ogling him just for a moment.
When you finally make it to the end of the day, exhaustion weighing you down like a ton of bricks, you make sure to pick up Peter’s favorite snacks, almost certain he has one of your favorite movies all queued up for your return. Upon your return, you’re a little shocked at the way he’s transformed your living room into your own home theater, making good use of the blackout curtains he’d bought and piling your couch with more pillows and blankets than two people could possibly need. He’s lit candles all throughout the room, casting a warm glow and just enough light for you to see the takeout spread across the coffee table, which with the snacks you’d bought, is almost more food than necessary.
In the gentle glow, you see him waiting for you, bringing your favorite drink out from the kitchen. You’re sure your relief is palpable, certain he can see the way your shoulders relax and your breathing settles, just a bit, at how wonderfully relaxing he’s made your apartment and how excited you are to finally be home. You set the snacks down, arranging them on the coffee table to compliment the takeout, and Peter shakes his head when he sees the spread, as if you’re ridiculous for buying his favorites when he must have spent hours making the living room as comfortable as possible.
You’re vindicated when the opening credits to one of your favorite movies rolls, and sitting next to Peter under your mountain of blankets, eating your favorite food with your favorite boy by your side, you’re more relaxed than you’ve been in weeks. A few minutes in, with a full belly and tired feet, your eyes start to feel like lead, and it takes more energy than you have to keep them open. Despite the pile of pillows, your head slumps against Peter’s shoulder, and he’s far too caring, far too relieved to see you asleep, that he wouldn’t ever dare to move.
It’s an awkward angle, but he presses a kiss to your forehead anyway, sweet and featherlight in an attempt not to wake you. He winces when you stir, eyelids fluttering, but you settle quickly, and he resists the urge to sigh in relief, certain the movement would only wake you.
You sleep through the night, and even though Peter’s lost feeling in his left arm and it seems like his neck has a permanent crick, he’d do it all again in a heartbeat.
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hoe-for-hopper · 7 months
Forget About Eddie
Bestfriend!SteveHarrington x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of Eddie being a fuckboy, a lil fluff and a lil smut.
Word Count: 2247
Summary: You and Eddie have just broken up, but you're still hung up on him. Steve hates seeing you so down and just wants to make you feel better (better than Eddie could).
A/N: idk i'm on a smut writing spree, expect some more fics tomorrow (maybe some eddie, maybe some slashers, who really knows). i hardly edited this and i feel like the ending might be a lil rushed, but hey, smut is smut.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMUT BELOW THE CUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I just don’t really know what to do, you know?” You and your best friend, Steve Harrington are walking to his car after your shift at Scoops. You’ve been upset all night over a fight you had with your ex-boyfriend, Eddie. 
You and Eddie had been broken up for a couple of months now, but you were still sneaking over to his trailer in the middle of the night. You couldn’t help it, you were young, horny, and Eddie was pretty good in bed. It was easy enough, until you had to get dressed and do the walk of shame across the trailer park. You know keeping this up wasn’t a smart idea, but a part of you also still loved Eddie. Even if you knew that he was just using you to get what he wanted.
“I don’t know why you’re still so hung up on that loser. You’ve always been too good for him and he didn’t deserve you.” Steve says as he unlocks the car doors and slides into the driver’s seat. He looks over at you and seeing your sad face says, “Alright, we’re going back to my place and having a movie night. I’ll call Robin and see if she’ll come over. You need to have some fun.”
You almost protest, but that does sound like it’ll get your mind off things. And if you’re at Steve’s  you won’t be as tempted to go to Eddie’s.
“Well Robin can’t come over. She’s got a date or something. So I guess it’s just you and me.” He says as he places a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of you. “What do you wanna watch first? I just got a tape of The Outsiders. Remember that movie?” 
“Yeah that sounds good. Thanks for the popcorn.” You reach for the bowl as Steve sits down next to you.
Throughout the movie you can feel Steve looking over at you until he finally reaches over to slide his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, I know you’re upset, but just try to forget about Eddie and whatever stupid fight you guys have had.”
“I know, Steve, It’s just really hard. I miss him and I can’t seem to stay away. I keep going over whenever he calls like I’m just some booty call and not his ex-girlfriend of TWO YEARS! It’s like that’s all he wanted me for in the first place!” You put your hands over your face and shake your head.
“Wait. You’re still going over there and sleeping with him? Why would you do that? You’re way too good to be waiting around for his phone calls just so he can get off and leave you upset.” Steve pauses the movie and turns toward you. You didn’t mean to tell him all of that, you’d been telling Steve and Robin that you hadn’t seen Eddie since the breakup. You never told them that you two had been secretly fucking every other night.
“Uh… I mean it’s hard, Steve! We were together for a long time, I can’t just stop seeing him!” You reach for the remote to play the movie again, but Steve grabs your wrist to stop you.
As you look up at him he says, “I know. I’m sure it is hard. But he can’t be that great that you’re still doing…that with him.” Steve’s arm tightens around your shoulders. He’s staring down at you with a look you’ve never seen from him before. His right hand moves from your wrist to your cheek as he brushes his thumb down to your chin.
“I mean…I don’t know.” It’s hard for you to get words out. Steve has been your best friend since you guys were kids. But all of a sudden something feels a little bit more with him. The way he’s looking at you and lightly gripping your chin is making you dizzy. You’ve never thought about him in any other way, but now your heart is beginning to flutter.
Steve notices it too, his eyes go to where his hand rests on your chin before looking back into your eyes. He slowly tilts your chin up and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. 
You kiss him back before he pulls away and says “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I think I just got carried away.” He drops his hands, grabs the remote and flips the movie back on.
“It’s… it’s okay.” You can’t think of anything else to say so you sink back into the couch and continue to watch the movie like nothing happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get home later that night, you can’t stop replaying that kiss in your head. You’ve never even thought about doing anything like that with Steve. He’s your best friend. You two have practically known each other since you two were in diapers. And besides, he isn’t your type at all. Apparently your type is self obsessed bad boys who break your heart yet still call you up at 1 in the morning. Look where that’s gotten me, you think. Steve is sweet, nice, caring. Everything that Eddie turned out not to be. 
You fall asleep thinking about what would have happened had Steve not come to his senses.
Steve has been thinking about the kiss since he dropped you off at your apartment. He’s not sure what came over him at that moment. But he does know that he enjoyed it. He knows that he definitely wanted more. But he also knows that you’re his best friend and you’re still getting over that asshole, Eddie Munson. He doesn’t want to force you into anything else.
But he still can’t see what you see in that guy. He didn’t know Eddie that well. They ran in different circles when they were in high school, but he still didn’t notice anything particularly great about the guy. 
And he was so tired of seeing you heartbroken over it. Steve thought you deserved so much more than Eddie.
Steve knew he could make you feel better than Eddie ever could.
Steve continued to think about that kiss as his hand slipped beneath the fabric of his boxers.
Two days go by before you see Steve again. He’s giving you a ride home from Robin’s house after a girls night.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come pick me up. I would’ve been fine walking home.” You say as you meet him outside.
“I know, but Robin’s is on my way home from work.”
Not much is said on the drive to your house. You’re still thinking about the kiss from the other night and you’re not sure if Steve is thinking about it as well. And if he is, you’re not sure what he’s thinking about it. Does he think it was a mistake? Does he want to do it again? You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t realize you’ve pulled up in front of your house until you hear Steve saying “Hellooooo. Did you hear me? I asked if you were okay with me coming in and hanging out for a while?”
“Oh. Um. Absolutely, that’s totally fine.” Both of you got out of the car and walked into your small apartment. “So uh, what did you want to do?” You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. You felt like the dynamic between you and your best friend had completely changed since the other night, yet Steve seemed perfectly normal.
“I was actually just wanting to talk to you. You know, make sure you’re doing okay? After that fight with Eddie?” Steve sat down on your small sofa and kicked his shoes off.
You sat down next to Steve, taking your shoes off as well. “Yeah, actually I’m doing a lot better. He hasn’t called since the fight which helps too. I’ve still thought about calling him though.”
Steve just stares at you. You recognize the look on his face as the same one from the other night. The look right before you kissed you. You’re trying not to get your hopes up that it’ll happen again, but your heart is beating a thousand beats per minute. Finally, he says “Look, I hate seeing you like this. I know you two were together for a long time, but he doesn’t deserve you. He never has. He took you completely for granted.”
You weren’t sure what to say. Steve continued, inching closer to you, “I guess I just don’t see what’s so great about Eddie.” He placed his hand on top of your thigh and slowly inched his other hand along the tops of your shoulder. He said what he’d been thinking about the other night. “I bet I could make you feel better than he ever did.” Steve tilted your head up once again and kissed your lips. Rougher than the first time, but still tender. He didn’t pull away this time. 
You reached up to grab his face in your hands, kissing him with more force. Steve took hold of your hips, pulling you onto his lap before running his hands through your hair. The two of you were holding so tightly onto each other it was almost painful.
You were the first to pull away, gasping for breath. “Are we… is this…” the words died on your lips as you noticed the way Steve was looking at you with lust filled eyes.
“It’s okay. Let me make you feel good. Let me make you forget about him.” Steve lifted you up and sat you down on the couch, pushing your legs open so he could kneel between them. He peppered kisses from your neck to the top of your jeans. He began unbuttoning your pants and slipping them off of you as he looked up at you through his long lashes. He pulled down your panties and tossed them to the side before trailing his fingers around your swollen clit.
You almost couldn’t believe what was happening. Steve Harrington, your best friend, was on his knees with his face dangerously close to your core. Steve Harrington was rubbing circles on your sensitive bud. You threw your head back and let your moans escape.
“That’s it, baby.” Steve continued rubbing circles as he leaned forward and inserted his tongue inside your soaking hole. Your hands flew down to grab and pull at his hair and he hummed in response sending vibrations throughout your body.
You almost couldn’t take it anymore, you had to have him now. You were too impatient, too needy, for something you didn’t even know you wanted until right now. “Steve.” you breathed as you pulled him back up to you, foreheads touching.
“Shh.” Steve unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down just enough to release his hard cock. He kissed you one last time, letting his lips linger on yours as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He pushed himself into you slowly, gently, taking his time and relishing the feeling of your walls clenching around him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, moaning into his ear. “God, you feel amazing. I bet I feel better than him.” He said it with a sneer as he pumped in and out of you. You couldn’t respond, you just continued to moan. “Mhm, that’s what I thought.” 
Steve leaned back and started rubbing circles around your clit. You almost couldn’t hold yourself together any longer. The tension that had been building in your stomach was about to explode. “Steve, I- I’m gonna come.” You managed to breathe out in between your moans.
“Come for me, baby, come on.” Steve’s thrusts grow faster as you reach your climax. He puts his hands on your face, the pads of his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks as you come down from your high. “That’s it, sweetheart.” 
He bends forward to kiss your forehead before moving his hands to your hips, gripping them a little too hard. His thrusts grow more erratic as his own climax nears. Steve’s mouth grazes your ear as he continues to pump in and out of you. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good.” He almost can’t hold himself together any longer. He pumps one last time before pulling out and shooting thick white ropes onto your stomach. He slumps forward laying next to your side and runs his hands through his hair. 
Steve stands up and pulls his jeans back up. He takes his shirt off and wipes your stomach clean before sitting on the couch next to you and pulling you towards him. With your head resting on his chest, you say, “Wow. I…wow.”
You can feel his eyes looking down on you as he brushes his hand through your hair. “I know. I’ve been thinking about you since the other night.”
You nuzzled tighter into his chest, “Do you want to stay the night?”
He chuckles as he picks you up and begins carrying you to your room. “Of course, babe.” He lays you down on your bed and slips under the blankets with you, pulling you to his chest once more. You feel so at home cuddled into Steve’s chest.
“So tired, Steve.” You mumble as your eyes begin to close.
“That’s alright baby, get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”
As you start to drift to sleep you can hear Steve say, “So, did you forget about Eddie?”
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