#mcgonagall's girl
monoceros260 · 2 years
Oh, thought I'd mention that I finally updated McGonagall's Girl again.
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marauderstars · 5 months
The reason we all love Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Mary Macdonald and Minerva McGonagall so much in the same way is because they all serve cunt.
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sp7-mr · 2 months
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theliliesofwatersedge · 3 months
Marauders AU but McGonagall is everyone's therapist but only she knows they're all going to her.
I feel like it would start with Sirius going to get help with his childhood trauma (Cause let's be honest, our boy needs it) so he starts unpacking his relationship with his brother.
And then comes Regulus...
Regulus starts seeing McGonagal every Wednesday (while Sirius sees her on Mondays) and IMMEDIATELY, poor old Minnie's heart skips a beat seeing their similarities. The moment Regulus name-drops his brother ("My older brother Sirius and I have been estranged since we were teenagers") she thinks she's about to go into cardiac arrest.
She quickly grows really fond of both brothers, however, neither brother knows they're going to the same therapist and s\McGonangall doesn' know how to break it to them.
In walks James fucking Potter.
Regulus starts talking about this guy he's seeing and saying how he doesn't know whether or not to let him in because he seem super sweet and our poor boy Reggie has some self-esteem issues (even tho he acts like a king) so of course Minnie goes into Mother mode and in a therapist-y but also mother-like-way starts asking all these questions about him. And like the gentlemen he is, our boy James comes to Regulus up from his session and a light ball goes off in the back of her head.
James Potter
James fucking potter that her other client is always talking about.
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greenerteacups · 9 months
favorite relationship (non romantic or otherwise) in the hp canon? one thing I love about lionheart is Harry and hermione’s friendship - criminally overlooked in the books imo pidgeonholing hermione into only the “nagging mum” role for so much of it ! these two are siblings!
interesting parameters! my favorite non-romantic relationship in canon is ron and harry, actually. i think that hermione has great friendships with both of them, but the sheer intensity of the bond between ron and harry is unmatched anywhere outside romantic pairings in the books. harry latches onto him basically at first sight and imprints like a baby goose, and goes, "excellent, at last, a Friend; i will now spend all of my time and attention on you Forever." what's that? hungry you say? sad you say? i will buy you All The Food. then draco "definitely homeschooled" malfoy rocks up with his hilariously incompetent friend overtures and harry says right that's cool, but you threw shade at ron, so you can fuck right off forever. i've had this weird little ginger in my life for less than a day and if anything happens to him i'd kill myself. bye.
and ron drinks! it! up! because he's never had it! he's never been First for someone before, and he LOVES it! and he responds by becoming an instant ride-or-die for harry. that's not a reading, either, that's straight up text: in book 3, ron says, verbatim, "if you want to kill harry, you'll have to kill me." and he's thirteen!! takes him about five minutes to get there, too — in the ten weeks they've known each other before christmas break, eleven-year-old ron weasley tells his MOM about his new cool friend, and whatever he writes is so glowingly effusive that molly knits harry a goddamn family sweater (if you knit, you Know) without having stone cold met the kid! not to mention — ron (at eleven! eleven years old, ron weasley!) decides to pass up his only chance to see his parents until june, not to mention missing his family christmas, so he can stay at hogwarts and keep harry company! because harry potter will never be lonely if ron weasley can help it!!
basically. ron and harry are the original platonic soulmates. they ARE the catherine-heathcliff "he's more myself than i am" dig-up-his-grave-so-you-can-lie-in-it type of love. they are each other's destiny and each other's choice.
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thexultimatexmarauder · 5 months
Shipping war round 3b (this might be the semi semi finales)
(Can’t choose choose the one that would more likely get away with murder together)
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ladiesofhpfest · 2 years
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snapeaddict · 2 years
[Looking at Slytherins and Gryffindors]
McGonagall: Why's everyone so desperate for them to mix? I think we should keep them separate
Snape: I think we should keep them in cages
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atyd1960 · 2 years
WLW Ships in the marauders era: A guid for the confused ones:
Marylily/Macevans (Mary McDonald/Lily Evans)
Marlily (Marlene McKinnon/Lily Evans)
Dorlily (Dorcas Meadowes/Lily Evans)
Lilydora/Pandalily (Pandora Lovegood/Lily Evans)
Crystalflower (Sybil Trelawney/Lily Evans)
Andybill\Syndy (Andromeda Black/Sybil Trelawney)
Wholeflower/mirrorflower/evanity (Emma Vanity/Lily Evans)
Nobleflower (Alice Fortescue/Narccisa Black)
Narlily/flower²/Lilycissa (Narcissa Black/Lily Evans)
Zablack/Narini (Louise Zabini/Narcissa Black)
Mysteryquill (Rita Skeetet/Louise Zabini)
Dorlene (Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon)
Marylene (Mary McDonald/Marlene McKinnon)
Mardora (Marlene McKinnon/Pandora Lovegood)
Maryline/Emmary (Emmeline Vance/Mary McDonald)
Wonderflower (Alice Fortescue/Lily Evans)
Dormary (Dorcas Meadowes/Mary McDonald)
Pandoracs (Pandora Lovegood/Dorcas Meadowes)
Sydora (Sybil Trelawney/Pandora Lovegood)
Sybline (Sybil Trelawney/Emmeline Vance)
MacPop/Wiseflower (Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey)
Emmaline (Emma Vanity/Emmeline Vance)
Ameline (Emmeline Vance/Amelia Bones)
Emmelia (Emma Vanity/Amelia Bones)
Amedora (Amelia Bones/Pandora Lovegood)
Vanjones (Emma Vanity/Hestia Jones)
Vansjones (Emmeline Vance/Hestia Jones
Quillkiller (Rita Skeeter/Bellatrix Black)
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padfootsaphrodite · 2 years
Peter- " Look, whatever happens in there we have to stick together, we have to back each other up"
Peter- "It has nothing to do with me! Yes, okay, I was there, I admit that. But I didn't do anything! It was Sirius! It was all Sirius! I'm not going down for something I didn't do! If anyone should be punished it should be Sirius!"
Minnie- " Well, I think it's safe to say that we've all lost a bit of respect for you there Peter."
(I think this might be first year because Peter obviously enjoyed causing trouble)
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penisgeneticist · 8 months
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james from derry girls is a remus variant
remus is the only marauder that is actually included in the girls’ shenanigans, you cant tell me they dont poke fun at him for being welsh also, clare is lily, mary is erin, michelle is marlene and pandora is orla.
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saintsenara · 1 year
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five motets for a time of mourning minerva mcgonagall & severus snape general | 6.5k words
here, at least, at the edge of the forest, life was trying to continue. the leaves were decaying, yes, but they would mulch the ground for things to creep and crawl, and rot into the earth to bring life forth anew. she heard birdsong, defiant in the morning air.
it reminded her of fawkes.
five snapshots from hogwarts castle, in that dreadful year when snape was headmaster.
this piece was written for week three of @ladiesofhpfest, which is on the theme of hogwarts hotties [you can find the masterlist for this week’s fics here].
and so - given the topic - its star couldn’t really be anyone else but our favourite strict scotswoman, minerva mcgonagall.
author’s notes under the cut
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i really like the backstory given for mcgonagall on pottermore [which isn't something i say a lot about jkr’s post-series writing], which establishes her as the half-blood daughter of a witch and a presbyterian minister - particularly for the way this cultural-religious background explains the more dour aspects of her canon characterisation…
but i also really like the insight it gives into something which the books address only obliquely - the fact that witches and wizards with muggle connections find it difficult to exist in two worlds, and end up picking a side [or, indeed, picking one side - the magical one] accordingly.
this is something we see mostly clearly in canon with hermione - who gradually removes herself from her parents’ lives over the course of the series, well before the explicit break she forces between them in deathly hallows when she modifies their memories - but i think mcgonagall also makes a really interesting study of the phenomenon. the pottermore backstory mentions her breaking an engagement to a muggle man because she believed it would be impossible to make such a relationship work - not least because she recognised that her mother felt so limited and disjointed within her own mixed marriage [and i do think it’s really striking in canon that we don’t meet any mixed muggle-wizard marriages which actually seem to be successful…] - and i found the loneliness that this causes, and the contribution this loneliness makes to mcgonagall’s canonical flintiness, really interesting to draw out while writing this piece.
but i also found it very interesting to explore how decisively picking between her two worlds contributes to the more negative aspects of mcgonagall’s character, which are crucial to understand if we want to consider her with real nuance. something which is very striking about her in canon is that she - like many of the series’ “good guys” - is largely concerned with the maintenance of the status quo. the order of the phoenix is fighting for a world which is - essentially - the same as it always has been [one which contains a deeply entrenched class-system; one in which the oppression of non-human minorities is state-sanctioned; one in which muggles are condescendingly viewed as inept], with only a few cosmetic changes to make the state’s prejudice more polite.
we can see the way this lack of radicalism manifests itself in mcgonagall in canon - when she advises harry to keep his head down instead of antagonising dolores umbridge in order of the phoenix [which she reflects on in this piece]; when she stays in post following voldemort’s takeover of the school - but i wanted to emphasise in five motets the role that it played in snape’s decision to become a death eater. mcgonagall notes that she was aware of snape’s poverty in the muggle world and the isolation this brought to him in the wizarding one - and how this led to him embracing magic with the zeal of the convert [and it’s worth emphasising that whole-hearted conversion to a cause, religious or political or social, is a real-world risk-factor for radicalisation], but that she didn’t feel the need to act on this at the time.
much like dumbledore fails to act to prevent the radicalisation of the young voldemort.
mcgonagall’s relationship with dumbledore in canon - especially her profound loyalty to him - really stands out to me in that it’s so similar to harry’s. which means i always wonder how rattled she must have been during deathly hallows to discover that he’d kept her [and the rest of the order] in the dark not only about his background but about what harry had been sent off to do.
[i also imagine that - much like lupin - she accepted dumbledore’s assessment of snape’s loyalties while he was alive because she considered him basically infallible, and that she is hugely shaken by the revelation that dumbledore’s read on snape was apparently so wrong.]
so the first major theme of this piece is - unsurprisingly - faith. and - in particular - how faith has a magic of its own, even for those [like minerva’s father] who don’t have magical powers.
and the second is hope - which lives on the other side of the coin. i really liked writing the teachers choosing to hope that snape’s loyalties might not be as clear-cut as they had believed following dumbledore’s death, and choosing to hope that their faith in dumbledore to know what he was doing had not been misplaced.
hope - especially the quiet hope which lives in grieving and waiting - is a phenomenon which isn’t given a lot of credit in the series, since the genre conventions it uses foreground the inevitability of harry’s triumph. it’s really striking, for example, that even though harry becomes - at the end of deathly hallows - an explicit allegory for christ, with his walk into the forest to die for the salvation of the world mirroring christ’s walk to calvary and his resurrection from the dead mirroring… the obvious, he doesn’t really have experiences which are parallels for the events which bookend these in the easter story: christ struggling with what is being asked of him at gethsemane; being betrayed by judas; being sentenced to death at the whims of a hostile crowd; being denied by peter; and not being recognised by his followers on the road to emmaus.
but the triumphs which make up the christian liturgical year [christmas, easter, ascension day, etc.] are really small breaks in a cycle of mourning, waiting, and hoping - a constant circle of dying, grieving, and rising again, which is mirrored [as it is in this piece] by the constant cycle of regeneration in the natural world. four of the five feasts mentioned in this piece - all saints’ day, christmas eve, ash wednesday, and good friday - are ones which emphasise the twin forces of hope and grief. the fifth - pentecost - is the triumph which comes afterwards.
[this is also the reason why harry isn’t really present in this story. i thought it was important to foreground the fact that all of hogwarts’ students are affected by the long shadows of grieving and waiting which are caused by both wars, especially those who take a leading role in the hopefulness of resistance in deathly hallows. this is something which the books don’t really spend any time on - harry is frequently surprised, for example, to discover that people other than himself have relatives who were killed fighting the death eaters in the 1970s…]
in thinking about hope, though, this piece also thinks specifically about hope and gender. obviously, the christian references are to the centrality of women to the easter story - the women who visit christ’s tomb, find it empty, and believe in the resurrection far quicker than the male disciples - but what i really wanted to focus on in five motets was how feminine-coded snape is in canon. the things mcgonagall describes as “women’s ways of being” in this piece - especially the way that love endures and atonement takes place in secret faith, solemn silence, and mournful hope - are all ways that snape’s love, guilt, and grief over lily manifests itself.
[and, finally, the five motets, in some of their most magnificent choral settings: justorum animae; ne irascaris domine; miserere mei, deus; stabat mater; and veni creator spiritus.]
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aesthetic--mood · 2 years
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Minerva McGonagall Aesthetic
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rhiaflamesong · 1 year
@sapphicmicrofics prompt: Beach, 50w
After a whole year with this idiot Lockhart they had earned their vacation in Spain. Lying on the beach their greying hair mingled, hands woven together. Poppy, Minerva, Pomona and Rolanda enjoyed not having to hide their relationships. Damn Albus and his "only single teachers" policy. They did not care.
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
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For week 15, we’re celebrating and honoring all the girls who love traditionally girly, feminine things. We're looking at you, Lavender, Pansy, and Parvati! It’s time for us to indulge in the feminine arts, and all the characters who love them too.
Pansy Parkinson! Let her have some girly fun because she CAN.
Parvati and Lavender have an in-depth discussion about butterfly clips and other fashion accessories.
Ginny, Luna, and Hermione have a sleepover! Hermione's going to introduce them to the wonderful world of romcoms. 
Is anyone doing magical makeup? What if Marietta Edgecombe's run-in with Hermione's jinx leads her to make high-end cosmetics for witches? 
Fashion! Fabrics! Patterns! Did Andromeda have an eye for fashion? Which characters wanted to be the next Madam Malkin? Or make their own brand of fun, cute, and sexy witchy lingerie? 
Barbie x Ladies of Harry Potter crossovers?!
2023 Fic Masterlist
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thexultimatexmarauder · 10 months
So Bella or Minnie is third place but i thought why not make a poll of more people that that so a group fight against the death/ who you like more
( you only have one day to choose)
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