#me saying bella looks like her when she was first cast Called It
crucefix · 2 years
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- I’m not family? - No. You’re cargo. THE LAST OF US | 2023
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childotkw · 6 months
What will Bellatrix and Hadrians relationship be like? If she survives into the sequel that is. I imagine there could be some good scenes between the too… a lot of jealousy I’d imagine. Snippet?
I’d say there would always be jealousy from Bellatrix towards Hadrian 😂 even long after she accepts that he’s not going anywhere and that Voldemort’s interest isn’t going to waver. It’s not even that she’s romantically interested in Voldemort in CS - it’s more like a favoured child feeling overlooked because their parent has a new beau.
The door opened and Hadrian was helpless to stop the glance over his shoulder - stupid, really, to take his eyes off of Tom for any length of time - but he quickly decided the woman who had entered was not one he trusted at his back.
Bellatrix Lestrange, coy smile and vicious eyes, caught his gaze mockingly. She swept into an over-acted bow, her chest damn near spilling out of her dress from how low she dropped, and her simpering my Lord had Hadrian sneering in reflexive disgust.
“Ah, Bella, thank you for coming,” Tom said, stepping around Hadrian to stand beside him. A possessive hand cupped his shoulder, fingers squeezing lightly as if to soothe away the rigid anger winding its way through Hadrian’s form.
“You call and I answer, my Lord,” Bellatrix breathed, staring up at the man adoringly. Hadrian shifted, uncomfortable and hating the spark of irritation in his gut at the blatant worship on the woman’s face.
“Your diligence is appreciated,” Tom offered with a charming smile. “Now, onto business. I asked you here for a reason -”
And Hadrian knew where this was going. He moved sharply out of Tom’s hold, casting accusing eyes at him. “Absolutely not.”
“Now now Hadrian,” Tom said, looping an arm around his waist and tugging him back into place. “Listen to the full proposition before rejecting it.”
Hadrian’s lips pulled into a snarl. “I will not have anyone, let alone her, following me around for days on end. I don’t require a bodyguard. You of all people should know that.”
Tom’s smile pinched, as it always did at the reminder of their fight so long ago. Hadrian’s arms loosened from where he had crossed them over his chest, a silent apology bleeding into his eyes.
His frustration at the situation was not worth reopening old wounds.
“Your safety is important to me,” Tom said, upfront and confident even when admitting what he considered a weakness. The parseltongue, and the implications behind his use of it, had Hadrian’s stomach swooping. “I know you are powerful, but it would ease my mind if you also had my very best at hand should something happen.”
Hadrian inhaled, looking up at his partner then sliding his gaze over to the woman in question. Bellatrix was watching them with fascination, her attention dipping down to study how closely Tom held him. Those black eyes met his once more, swimming with condescending amusement and an unhealthy amount of intrigue. He had always disliked Bellatrix, ever since their first meeting, but he knew she had earned her reputation and that if Tom ordered it of her, she would guard Hadrian to the very best of her capabilities.
He would be untouchable.
Hadrian looked back at Tom, pettily responding in the same language and enjoying the intake of breath from their audience. “Fine, but I reserve the right to use her as a human shield.”
Tom’s grin was - dare he say it? - smitten. “I would be disappointed if you did not, darling.”
The deliberate switch to English for the endearment made Hadrian roll his eyes, if only to distract from the faint flush on his cheeks.
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sashi-ya · 4 months
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a valentine's mini story 𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬 Kuchiki Byakuya x F! Reader
🩰 tw: sfw. beware of spoilers, if you haven't read tybw and don't wish to be spoiled, please do not read. ShunUki mentioned. I suggest you read it with this song. Happy Valentines! 💕 🦢 wc: 579
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Slowly dancing, like drifting away with your feet on top of his. His hand, so delicate, grazes your palm and squeezes it tightly. Everything feel so light, so weightless, like being guided by an angel to heaven.
The sharp side of his mandible, his eyes closed with long eyelashes casting little shadows on porcelain cheeks…
So, this is love?
Yes, and it’s always been. There, when his blade protected you. There, when he scolded you for putting yourself at risk. And also, there, and now, on a terrace of Venice. Looking right at the Bridge of Sighs, dancing the night away to the soft melody of Bella Notte.  
“Byakuya-sama, thank you for this night” you murmur, placing your ear on his chest. Your cheek receives the expensive brush of a pure silk tie; never once you’ve seen his hair down, completely free from his noble garments.
“It wasn’t me, but I promise this won’t be the last… this is just the start” he answers back, for the first time with a trembling voice full of, perhaps, shyness.
Traveling to Venice had been a wonderful idea that none of you had planned. In fact, wearing Gigai for so many hours felt -almost- like torture. Why two creatures from other dimension wander the world of the living as humans?
“This is a mission, a special mission” the head captain of the Gotei 13 assured. The tickets were bought. The hotel, booked.
“Kyoraku Taicho, but this… it says your and Jushiro’s name on it” you sighed, right next to a much more mature -and now captain- Rukia.
The head captain painfully smiled. Valentine’s after the war with the Quincy had changed. Jushiro… he couldn’t make it.
“Take Nii-sama! He loves Venice!” Rukia intercepted, to somehow dissipate the gloomy cloud of sadness that had fallen upon Shunsui’s office.
You stayed silent… was it that noticeable?
“He didn’t tell me, we saw you with Renji…” she continued, giggling and tracing circles over her incipient pregnant belly...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ...
Your eyes blur, as sprouting wetness pools in your lower eyelids. Never, have you ever, been treated this way; the things you thought only happened in the movies were now happening to you.
The night ahead, barely starting, takes over the sky of orangey tints. The canal right by your room seemed as peaceful as ever, and the little Gondolas slide their romantic ways through it. As if Venice knew, today, the humid fog didn’t appear.  
“I’m so in love with you, Byakuya-sama” you murmured, still pressing your cheek against his chest. His heart, raising the beat of it, complimented yours in such exquisite way… in such peaceful but intense way.
But, even if his heart wouldn’t stop beating faster and faster, Byakuya couldn’t keep breathing… He let go of your hand, and his arms surrounded you so tightly, as if he couldn’t let you go for the rest of eternity. His chin, rested on top of your head. And for some moments silence reigned the place.
“I am not exactly sure how to call what my heart feels, it’s been long enough that I have neglected it… but my soul won’t ever let you go, (Name)” he whispers, visibly affected. His cheeks, in pure red shades, invite you to kiss them ever so softly.
You place a peck on his warm skin, being so sure that names aren’t needed to give such a deep feeling a meaning, but still whispering back a simple word…
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Amore”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Amore mio”
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forfoxessake · 1 year
March (2023)
It’s silly but I’m happy I managed to watch some recent works that I was interested in, I sometimes get trapped into watching what I think I should watch, and not what I want. I can say the same for books, although I’m still finding it difficult to truly focus for more than a few pages. 
8 films
Catherine Called Birdy (2022) - directed by Lena Dunham, Bella Ramsey is a coming-of-age story, with a lovely cast and a profound reflection on what is to be a woman, and how you can find yourself among all the many things expected of our “designated roles” in society. Bella truly shines here and I want her to do more diverse roles. 
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Disenchanted (2022) - I love the original film and was genuinely excited for this, the trailers looked fun, and I was disapointed by the quality delivered, it’s a good idea badly executed, and while Amy Adams is forever delightful, and especially when she is being bad, but it’s not enough to make this an enjoyable film, not even for a 10 year old. 
Glass Life (2021) a short documentary insanely full of references, I could barely keep up with it and need to watch it at least 5 times more. But I loved it. It’s a reflection on our choices in regard to our daily life, our capitalism image-obsessed life. 
Holy Spider (2022) directed by  Ali Abbasi (who also directed two great The Last of Us episodes) it’s not an easy film to watch, a real-life story about a serial killer who targeted sex workers and used a religious belief to justify his killing. It doesn’t hide anything, it hurts to watch it, but it’s necessary, it can be like many other similar crime films that make it all seem glorious. 
Happy Together (1997) directed by Wong Kar-wai  I’m slowly going through his most famous work and loving the way his movies have textured, you can feel them with our of our senses. It’s love in a non-Hollywood way, it’s real.
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A Quiet Place II (2020) The first one is so refreshingly good, unfortunately, the sequel is unnecessary, more of the same but not in a good interesting/captivating way.
Inherent Vice (2014) directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, this was the wrong movie to start watching on a long daytime flight back home, and it took me many weeks to finish it, and I won’t pretend to understand anything that was happening here, I’m not even sure we are supposed to understand anything. 
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)  Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage have fun being meta. Paddington 2 is in fact the best movie ever. 
4 books 
Anton Chekhov - read two of his plays, Uncle Vanya and The Cherry Garden, both really good works and now I need to watch “Drive My Car” again to better understand how they use the complexity of the play in the film's narrative. 
Victor Hugo - Toilers of The Sea - I have read Moby Dick so I didn't think I could have a hard time reading something complex about the sea, and especially something written by Victor Hugo who does it so beautifully, but I just suffered silently until there was only 20% left and everything was sewed together beautifully.
Bernard Cornwell - The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories, #1) I love the Netflix series and postponed reading the books until it was all over, I wanted to focus on that, and not to confuse any divergent timelines or anything like that. Because I believe Cornwell is an exceptional historical/fantasy writer and I knew this was going to be good.
 3 tv series
Landscapers (2021) it’s a true crime mini-series that does a wonderful job integrating the main character's (Olivia Colman) fantasy of old Hollywood life into the narrative, making her seem almost innocent, and childlike. We almost forget that she did kill her parents and buried their bodies in their backyards. 
Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake (2022) a shocking natural disaster that leads to the worst of humanity. I saw this alongside the last few episodes of The Last of Us, and that helped me understand what they were trying to say. 
The Last of Us (2023 -) already one of my favorite series ever, a brilliant first season, it says so much more than anyone was ever expecting. I’m not a fan of apocalypse-based fiction, and I give this a shot thinking that it sounded more than that, and I was right. There’s a lot more here than mushroom zombies, what is even more frightening is what we do as humans to survive, and how far we will go. It’s almost what we see on a smaller scale happen in Aftershock. 
Vide - Hanging By the Bayou Light (2020)  weirdly, this helps me focus on studying, I call it atmospheric black metal. 
Comeback Kids - Heavy Steps (2022) I love when my friends recomend me stuff that fits my mood perfectly 
Paramore - This is Why (2023) I gave this a try even though I have never really enjoyed their work, what made me listen to it was a vinyl reviewer tik toker that said this sounded almost nothing like their original work, more jazz than pop rock. 
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
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there will be game spoilers here which will most likely spoil the hbo series as well, so i’m just gonna play it safe. i get that the game is 9 years old but some ppl don’t know yknow?🤷🏻‍♀️
also i doubt anyone is gonna read all of this LMAO it’s more for me bc i have a terrible memory and i just felt like doing it :) but if you do read all of it I’M SORRY lmao
hours played: around 6-7ish?
i started crying at the start menu
and i cried during the first cutscene
then i of course cried when the scene with joel and sarah happened
the score is fucking phenomenal. gustavo really fuckin killed it
i got chills when the opening credits were playing. SO. FUCKING. GOOD.
the quarantine zone looks really cool and it makes me anxious to see what the show is gonna look like
i also noticed that Joel has some broad ass shoulders. great casting hbo LMAO
i love that they establish immediately that Joel is very protective. he asks Tess about the cut pretty early on in their conversation, and even helps her clean it up. he obviously cares and is protective of his friends. makes sense given this is the apocalypse, and Joel seems really closed off to others.
for example, when they’re walking through the QZ Tess is the one talking to everyone while Joel is pretty quiet. i love how they’re establishing his character this way :)
i really like the option of doing things stealth! trying to get used to it as i know there are probably going to be a lot of stealth sections. and i also wanna save ammo!
also just the thought that joel becomes ellie’s father figure all bc robert sold guns to marlene, and the only way to get them back was smuggle ellie out of the city. now we have 2 games! LMAOO
just the thought of joel grumbling “all because of some fuckin guns” when ellie’s giving him a hard time HAHA
already seeing that ellie will go to the fucking mat for the people she cares about is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
like she was fully prepared to shove a shiv into Tess
holy fuck the outdoor stealth in the rain had me clenching the whole time
the wrecked skyscrapers look so fucking cool. also terrifying. but still cool.
the sound design is also fucking amazing. i’m terrified by these infected sounds dude. and the sound of the building groaning like it’s about to collapse? fuckin awesome
i am perpetually stressed trying to get through this fucking city
when joel & ellie are looking at the city and the sun is coming up it literally looks like bella and pedro from behind
ANYWAY i love seeing all 3 of them start to warm up to each other and their dynamic as a trio. it’s really cute :)
i’m literally checking every single fucking nook and cranny for supplies
i feel bad for joel, tess, and ellie bc they FINALLY made it to the state house and everyone’s dead :( they’re so fucking tired and everything just went to shit after they were like “home stretch! :D” and then they open the door and it became “D:”
sorry no but this literally fucking sucks. i LOVE tess. the way joel kept calling her boss. he clearly respected her, and felt comfortable with her enough to joke around with her. AND NOW SHE’S FUCKIN BIT. AND WE’RE LEAVING HER BEHIND.
i’m gonna fucking cry hearing gunshots and tess screaming dude. UGH. this game is so emotionally and mentally challenging haha I’M tired bro
i had to pause the game seeing her on the floor from the balcony. i cannot IMAGINE what Joel is going through if i feel like this, and only knew her for like 5-6 hours. rip tess I LOVE YOU.🤍
ellie is probably like “believe me now asshole?” when he had to put a mask on but she didn’t
swimming in the subway had me stressed bro i was like “THERE’S GONNA BE AN INFECTED THAT CAN SWIM” i was wrong. but still waiting for shit to hit the fan again.
walking in the woods is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking nice after all the bullshit in Boston goddamn
i am very much a country/woods person so this is very much more my speed :)
i also like the banter between joel & ellie already. joel establishing boundaries for the teen to follow. such a dad.
still waiting for shit to hit the fan again. bc joel and ellie cannot catch a fucking break.
i feel like i should stop here bc i am fucking exhausted after all that but I AM FINALLY OUTSIDE
i went a bit farther but stopped before going into the settlement to see if bill’s there!
all in all, GODDAMN. first play session felt pretty long, but that’s bc i choose stealth over shooting my way out 99% of the time. it takes me a while to figure out a game plan and find each enemy’s patterns. it’s been a HOT minute since i’ve had to do it. and i’m an overthinker so there’s that
i already loved joel before playing this from what i saw of the game before now. after playing it? holy fucking shit. i L O V E joel. and i fucking L O V E ellie. playing this makes me so goddamn excited for the hbo series!!
this session isn’t as long as my first rdr2 session (13 hrs🥴) but it’s a pretty good start!
i know i still have a long way to go, so i’m just gonna let my brain recharge before i’m back at it tomorrow!
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longwheel · 2 years
Make a rope bat with water noodle
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#Make a rope bat with water noodle how to#
#Make a rope bat with water noodle series#
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#Make a rope bat with water noodle series#
Shania Twain will replace Sheridan Smith as a judge on ITV's Starstruck after the actress quit after just one series due to 'scheduling conflicts' Oti Mabuse puts on a busty display in a glamorous black velvet jumpsuit as she joins ab-flashing Emma Willis and stylish Rochelle Humes at ITV event Vanity Fair journalist friend of Anna Delvey who was conned out of $60,000 by fake heiress SUES Netflix claiming Inventing Anna drama made her look 'greedy, snobbish, and vile' Pregnant Heather Rae Young flaunts baby bump in pink blazer and mini-skirt while filming Selling Sunset Sharon Stone, 64, reveals she was DUMPED by a younger man when she refused to get Botox after near-fatal stroke turned her against the procedure 'It squeaks when I walk - I can barely sit down': Lizzie Cundy, 53, says she's like a 'new woman' after undergoing vaginal tightening procedure Love Island fans call out Luca Bish for going official with Gemma Owen in OTT fashion - after his reaction to couples making a show of going exclusive 'Who IS advising Harry and Meghan?': Royal expert says Sussexes are 'simply not taking the advice given to them' amid backlash over Meghan's latest bombshell interview Newlywed Sam Fox enjoys second romantic honeymoon with new wife Linda Olsen after last holiday was cut short due to cancer scareĮxpecting somebody? Frogmore Cottage is pictured days before Harry and Meghan are due to return to Britain after keeping it as a permanent base Move over Kaia Gerber! There is another beauty related to Cindy Crawford - her niece Lark Skov, 24 - who is a dead ringer for the 1980s pinup just six months after welcoming first child Jennifer Lawrence wows in figure-hugging exercise gear as she heads to yoga class. Nelson Mandela's grandson slams Meghan Markle for suggesting South Africans celebrated her wedding the same way as his freedom 'It was awful!' Tom Parker's widow Kelsey admits she 'felt guilt' while giving birth to son Bodhi while her 'emotional' late husband battled terminal cancer Pictured: Bruce Willis, 67, smiles and laughs as he poses with a fan and her child in rare public outing five months after aphasia diagnosis was revealed 'It's important to show this, too!' Alison Hammond shares unfiltered version of her VERY sexy swimsuit snap as she embraces her natural cleavage 'An incredible place': New video shows David Beckham gushing about Qatar as the £10m face of the tourism industry - despite it being illegal to be gay there Pirelli Calendar 2023: Cara Delevingne wears a racy leather bra with a rope skirt whilst Bella Hadid stuns in a sheer seashell encrusted bodysuit for shoot
#Make a rope bat with water noodle how to#
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: not superhero themed. I just read midnight sun and had this idea and I don’t feel like making another blog so.... hope you like twilight lol
There will be a part two, and just a reminder, I’m still looking for beta readers so DM if you’re interested!
* It probably starts with you reading midnight sun, you remember reading the books/watching the movies when you were younger.
* Man, you really forgot how bad this book was. The writing itself is good, but the plot...
* It’s like everything revolves around Bella, everything is created for her.
* You almost feel bad for the other characters
* Well, whatever, you’ll finish the rest of the book tomorrow and never think about that awful franchise again.
* When you wake up you feel an ache in your head. But you didn’t drink last night, maybe you’re dehydrated
* You shift, noting the smooth silk of the covers. Now you’re alarmed.
* You don’t have silk sheets
* You see a mirror in the corner of the room, and rush over
* The face that looks back at you is different then yours
* It’s the same in some ways, but different all the same
* The curve of your nose is slightly off, your lips are thinner, eyes a little closer together.
* The memories begin to flood in, in this world you were on a graduation trip with your parents, you got an all inclusive package. Three days of sightseeing in Volterra.
* You got sick on the last day, when you were signed for a tour of the castle, your parents went without you
* That was the last you saw of them
* You dumbly followed, asking question where you shouldn’t. And ended up at the volturi’s door
* Aro had grasped your hand to see how much you knew, only too see nothing. Likewise Jane’s powers did not work as well
* They were astounded by this, it appears this was several years before Bella was introduced to the story
* And so, you became a prisoner of the tower
* Your soul must have been in this body for quite some time, but you’ve only remembered now, that’s the only explanation for why their powers didn’t work on you. Your consciousness is not of this world.
* There’s a short knock on your door
* “Are you decent?”
* You call back and Alec pops his head in.
* “Ready to go to the library?”
* He looks so kind. The boyish grin that stretched across his face as you shook your head.
* It was in direct contrast to the sadistic personality you had become accustomed to in the books
* “I need a few more minutes”
* You half expect him to lash out at you for being slow. By he only nods, closing the door and waiting outside for you to finish.
* He was you friend. You realized
* He IS your friend
* You think back as you turn on the faucet. He didn’t like you at first, being assigned to guard a human was insulting
* But he started to warm up to you once he heard you play the piano
* This body was quite used to the ivory keys. And so you charmed him as best you could, half for your survival, because the happier you kept him the less likely he was to kill you.
* And half because- you were so lonely, the Loneliness echoed in this body like an ache. Suddenly an orphan, in a continent where you knew no one. All you had was this boy.
* How long have you been here? You kept a talley at one point, but abandoned it after the thirtieth day. What was the point? You would either die or become one of them
* A shiver erupts through at the thought, in your past life you were a vegetarian, you didn’t relish in the idea of killing something alive and moving.
* You pull on a sweatshirt, ripping of the chanel tag. They bought you the nicest things money could buy, the most lavish food you could have.
* They did the same thing with the tourists they lured, keeping them happy and well fed, the same way the cows that became wagyu beef might be cared for. That way when it came time to slaughter, the meal was that much more delicious.
* You suspected this was similar, that should you be an unnecessary addition, you would make a meal suitable for their palette
* Alec basically talks your ear off the entire way to the Volturi library, mostly about literature
* “What are your thoughts on Anna Kerenina?”
* “That the patriarchy needs to be burned to the ground.”
* “That is.... valid”
* He even talks when you’re at the library, much to the annoyance of a few of the other patrons
* “Which book are you looking for now?”
* You stop mid motion on the ladder and turn to look at him. His ruby eyes glowing, he looks bloated. Like he’s fed too much.
* “Alec, why are we friends?”
* You really should keep your mouth shut. Alec was the only real ally you had, you shouldn’t say anything that might put him off
* And yet, it unnerved you, because the Alec in front of you was a very different character then the one you had come to see.
* He looks at you like you hung the moon,
* “Because you’re the most interesting human in the world”
* You burst out laughing, earning several glares.
* “I-I’m sorry Alec, but I’m not, I’m just the most interesting human you KNOW, there’s way more people who are more interesting than me.”
* You expect to see him offended, and he does, but there’s a twinkle in his eyes
* “I’m not so sure about that”
* The days creep by, reading books, eating snacks, it’s nice
* You learn, that Alec hasn’t talked to a human in a very long time. Outside of the screams he heard after devouring one.
* He hasn’t been outside the castle walls in many years, possibly a century.
* “What’s the best part of the human world?” He asked you once
* It’s the 90’s, so smartphones haven’t been invented yet.
* “One tree hill and friends”
* “Well you have a friend right here”
* “No friends the show”
* “The what?”
* And that’s how you got Alec hooked onto cable television
* Who knew the cure to vampire- sadism was a healthy dose of Jennifer Aniston fumbling about on screen
* “Is this what life is like?”
* You shrug, it was what college had been like for you in your past life.
* “It’s kinda what schools like, but i never got to be on my own”
* This body was only 18 after all.
* Alec doesn’t say anything, but his expression falters
* Alec’s only now starting to understand the life you will be denied once Aro decides when to turn you
* Jane joins later
* One day when you and Alec are lazing around the library when she appears, she says nothing, just sits down next to Alec and reads a book
* You’re sure they hear the uneven thumping of your heart as you turn back to your book. Her power doesn’t work on you, you remind yourself
* Not that she even needs it, she could snap you apart like a Kit Kat bar
* And if it came down to it, you’re sure Alec would let her, he might like you but his loyalty’s always remained with his sister
* “So... you watch human television together?” Her bright red eyes flickered from Alec to you.
* You nodded, never sure what exactly it was that would set Jane off
* You had seen enough in the books to know her moods were compatible at best.
* “I would...like to join” she awkwardly looking away, and you were sure if she could, she would be blushing.
* Honestly it’s kind of cute.
* “Sure, the more the merrier”
* And that’s how you basically adopted the sadist twins
* It’s a little harder to get Jane to open up, but once you make a comment about how Phoebe was the best character in friends, she starts to open up
* “Humans are cruel, even when they’re kind it’s only because they want something from you.”
* “Is that what you think about me? That I’m only nice to you because I want something?” she meets your eyes for a few minutes before turning away
* “I’m not sure”
* You understand very gradually why they’re so twisted
* They’d been treated terribly during their human life, in every kind act lingered a dark shadow, in even minor misunderstanding the image of a monster
* Their centuries in the Volturi didn’t help. Under Aro’s ruthless tutelage, and Caius’s sadistic tendencies, They had no one they could trust but each other.
* They were only surviving just as you were
* “Sometimes I wonder how much of my loyalty is real, and how much of it is Chelsea.” She whispers one day, so quietly you barley hear it
* You rest your hand on hers, it’s the only comfort you could think to offer
* When Jane grasps your hand in hers, she breaks every bone in your hand
* She doesn’t understand the pained screams or your mangled hand fit a second, and then she realizes what she did
* Alarmed she carries you halfway around the castle screeching for someone to help
* You pass out from the pain, when you come to you’re in your bed, a very cold hand holding your own
* “How are you feeling?” You don’t recognize this vampire, but you don’t really know anyone outside of Alec and Jane.
* You feel light headed, a warm feeling washing over you, you must be on some strong drugs
* “My body’s still grieving, but my mind is sharp.”
* It’s incoherent at best, but there’s truth to it, your body is still grieving for your parents and the life you’ve lost, but your otherworldly mind is ten steps ahead, cross referencing every action.
* The man offers a short chuckle
* “You really did a number on your hand. I’ve done what I can but...”
* You look down to your hand, half surprised by the bright yellow cast encasing it
* You had figured you would wake up to be a vampire, it just made sense, these were unfamiliar human aches to them after all and vampirism was a simple and effective cure
* They must want something from you, if they’re keeping you human
* You suspect it’s something along the lines of how they waited until Jane and Alec were burning at the stake to save them, so their power would be that much more potent
* Maybe they’re doing the opposite with you, trying to make you as happy as possible to see what effect it has on your ability
* It’s too bad you don’t have one
* “Thank you for your hard work.” You mumble, being human for a little bit longer is well worth the pain.
* “How did you break your hand?”
* “I held Janes’ hand”
* Your doctor let’s out a short laugh
* “That sounds about right”
* You smile, it does sound right, of course you would break your hand that way
* The conversation flows naturally after that, you talk about all sorts of things
* “You think vampires have souls?” He quirks an eyebrow
* “I’m of the opinion that a soul is something you create through hardship and struggle, being able to live longer means that you have more opportunities to have the experiences that result in a soul”
* “That’s an intriguing notion, I wish I had brought my son with me.”
* You’re about to ask about his son, when you’re interrupted by the door swimming open
* “I heard you were awake, are you alright?” Alec rushes in, his eyes frantic
* “Yeah these drugs are top notch” you press the button that releases the pain killers and let out a giggle
* “Is that alright? Humans are awfully sensitive.” Jane pipes up from behind Alec, you hadn’t noticed her in your haze.
* Your doctor chuckles
* “I’m aware,” he’s smiling but it’s strained
* “What’s wrong?” You ask, he was so calm until a second ago, he doesn’t answer you
* “I’ll give you three a moment.”
* You only register he’s gone when you hear the door close
* The twins rush over to you, Jane is kneeled by your side, while Alec hovers over you
* “I-I’m sorry I hurt you, I forgot-I didn’t remember.” You we’re sure Jane would be crying if she could
* “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it.” You raise your cast encased hand and give her a gentle pat on the head. “From now on, physical signs of affection will just be one sided.” You joke, which makes Jane grin
* “I’ll practice with some animals before I try touching you again”
* The three of you chat for a bit, they’re both surprised by your cast and ask several questions about its “primary function”
* “I didn’t know there was a doctor here” you murmur, feeling drowsy
* “Carlisle’s not with the Volturi, he’s from another coven in the new world.”
* Your drowsiness flies away in a second
* “That was Carlisle?”
* Jane looks somewhat confused but nods.
* A flutter of hope erupts in your chest, it’s so strong even your grief stricken body feels it
* You might have a chance. It’s slim, Carlisle has a family he loves and needs to protect. But still, they were strangers once too. No different than you.
* It’s a way out of here
* The next few days follow in a drugged haze, Alec and Jane visit every so often, and Carlisle engages you in occasional conversation while checking progress on your hand
* “Why are your eyes gold?” You know, but well, you need him to believe the lie
* “It’s a bit of a long story” he says with a wary smile.
* “I’m not going anywhere”
* He sighs, a genuine smile encompassing his face as he recounts the tale.
* Even though you’ve already heard it all before, it still makes you cry
* Even in the haze, you know something’s.... off
* There’s something about the way Alec won’t meet your eyes when he talks to you, and the uneasy weight that lingers in the air whenever someone else is in the room
* On the third day, it’s Aro who visits you, Alec and Carlisle in tow behind him.
* “Oh my, all that internal bleeding, how awful”
* Even you can feel the insincerity, but it’s the first you heard about internal bleeding
* So that explains it, the drugs and the aches all along your body, it wasn’t just your hand, you were dying
* “Don’t worry, we’ll save you” Aro’s smile is cruel “won’t we Alec?”
* Alec looks afraid, almost pained, but he nods
* Ah, so this was punishment for Alec too. Until that moment, when Jane broke your hand, Aro must have been ignorant to how close the three of you had gotten.
* You close your eyes, you knew this would happen eventually. There were only two ending to this story, and it seemed one had finally been picked
* You feel a pinch on your neck, right above your collar bone, no worse than a flue shot.
* You wait for the pain, the vivid screams you remember from the books and movies, but it never comes.
* Instead it’s just a warm numbness that spreads across your neck and left shoulder.
* “It doesn’t hurt” you murmur, you feel a cold hand rest against your forehead, Alex’s hand.
* It’s so gentle, he must have practiced on some animals first, you think.
* “No the pain comes later.”
* And so you drift into inky black unconsciousness, the last sleep of your human life in this world.
* You dream that you’re sitting at the bottom of a tree, a fig tree, like the one Sylvia Plath wrote about
* Each fig a different path, half of them have already fallen off, dark, as they rot at your feet
* “How do you do it?”
* You look to your side and find the person who’s face you see in the mirror, they’re hugging their knees to their chest, dark circles under their eyes
* “How do I do what?” You ask, they bite their lip
* “How can you be so strong when you’ve just lost everything?”
* You see their eyes brim with tears, and you look away, to the tree that looks over you both
* “I don’t know” It’s the truth, you have an unfair advantage in this world, because you know all the secrets each person carries, while yours remain shrouded in darkness. And yet... it’s not why you persevere
* “All I do know, is that I want to give them hell”
* Your counterpart grins at that, and to your surprise, you feel a smile stretch out across your face
* Yeah, it’s not about power, you just want raise some hell in this backwards misogynistic world.
* “I guess that’s the one you’re picking then huh?” Your counterpart points to a fig, it’s on the tallest branch of the tree, so far out of reach it almost seems unobtainable
* But you only nod
* “Yeah, I think that’s the way I’m going to go”
* They look at you and smile.
* “If you ever get the chance, I hope you punch that jerk Aro right in the face”
* You laugh.
* When you finally awake, you’re still laughing. A smile etched onto your face.
* Everyone’s there, all looking at you with concerned glances.
* Yeah, you’re going to have a lot of fun in this world.
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Day 55: Music
One afternoon Harry returned from work earlier than his boyfriend anticipated.
When he came into the flat, the sound of piano music drifted through the doorway and wrapped itself around him. The notes flowed together, floating around him and tugging at his gut, and Harry followed the music into the other room, imagining that Draco probably had the wireless on the old classical station that he liked to listen to when he got into a blue mood.
He was not prepared for his lovely partner to be sitting at a piano (that hadn't been in their living room that morning) with his back straight and fingers dancing over the keys.
He played with his whole body, and Harry was mesmerized by the way his hair long, blond hair swayed with his movement; by the way his long, elegant fingers stretched across the keys; by the way his hands seemed to move effortlessly over the keyboard.
He watched as Draco's body curved in on itself as the music got quieter, sadder; watched the way his presence seemed to expand with the music as it rose to it's climax. And he felt it all the way down his toes as Draco slowed the last few bars, his fingers drifting over the keys with great care, before landing on the final chord.
The last notes hung shimmering in the air and Harry's breath caught and held until Draco released the chord, lifting his fingers from the keys and foot from the pedal, leaving the room in silence.
"That was amazing," Harry breathed when he could finally call words to mind again.
Draco startled so badly that Harry feared he was about to fall off of the piano bench, "Merlin, Harry," he gasped, a hand clenched over his heart. "What on earth are you doing here?" he asked as he stood up from the bench.
"I live here," Harry replied.
"But you're early," Draco informed him, before casting a quick 'finite'.
Harry watched as the piano rearranged itself into the writing desk it had been earlier once more. "You play beautifully," he said.
Draco shook his head, "It's nothing."
"No seriously," Harry pressed, "You're so talented! I had no idea-"
"Yes, for a reason," Draco snapped.
(Read more below the cut)
Harry blinked, Draco didn't often use that tone with him anymore. They'd both worked hard to sand down all of their rough edges so they could stop carelessly cutting each other. They'd worked hard at communicating, at infusing the love they felt for each other into their words. He exhaled slowly.
"Sorry," Draco finally said, running his fingers through his hair, "It's nothing. Really. Can we please just drop it?"
Harry looked at him, looked at the desperate look on his face, and he knew what that felt like. When you weren't ready to talk about something that still cut you up inside. "Okay," he said with a nod. "But maybe not forever?" he asked.
Draco nodded once, "Maybe not forever," he whispered.
Harry gave him a little smile, "What are you thinking for dinner? I was thinking on my way home that I could go for some Thai."
It was six months before Harry managed to hear Draco play again, and not for lack of trying. As often as he could, he'd sneak out of work a bit early and head home, hoping to catch his boyfriend playing piano again but he didn't manage it.
Until the day that he forgot his lunch at home and decided to go home to grab it. He stopped dead when he opened the door because there was music drifting through the rooms again. Softer this time, sadder somehow. He tiptoed through the kitchen and into the living room, watching as Draco moved with the music and he was entranced once more.
Something must have given him away, because Draco's head shot up and he looked over at Harry. The notes faltered for a moment and Harry feared he was about to stop.
But he didn't, after a moment, he turned back and started playing once more, fingers drifting over the keys.
When the song ended, Harry couldn't help but whisper, "You're incredible."
Draco didn't turn to look at him, he stared straight ahead as he said, "When I was young, my parents insisted I learn an instrument." His pale fingers stroked lovingly over the keys. "All respectable, pureblood children learn an instrument. Even Greg learned how to play the french horn." He shook his head, "I hated it at first. The hours of practice, the lessons with the old woman who always smelled like mothballs."
An image of Mrs. Figg teaching piano sprang to mind but Harry didn't share it. Whatever Draco was trying to tell him was difficult for him and he didn't want to distract him.
"Eventually, I got quite good at it," he continued, and Harry could see that it was true. "I once told my parents that I might like to pursue music. They told me I was being ridiculous. My father said if I was going to play piano for a living, I might as well have been a squib and they might as well disown me."
"That's horrible," Harry murmured stepping closer and lightly resting a hand on Draco's shoulder in a sign of support.
Draco shrugged, "Not as bad as Auntie Bella," he confessed. "She heard me playing once and whatever it was, must not have struck her fancy because she came in and cast a spell that broke all of the bones in my fingers."
"Circe, Draco," he gasped, his hands unconsciously reaching for Draco's. He sat down beside him on the piano bench and carefully took his hands then pressed a kiss to each finger.
"My mother heard me screaming and came and fixed them immediately," he said, voice calm and steady as though this was all the most reasonable thing in the world. "But I didn't play again. Not for a long, long time. Not until we moved in here, actually," he added with a little smile.
"Why here?" Harry asked, looking around at the tiny flat they'd moved into together.
He cupped Harry's cheek and traced his cheekbone with his thumb, "Because there's so much of you here," he murmured. "Because you are music. I spend every moment I'm with you composing in the back of my mind. Songs for when we cook together, songs for when you wash the dishes, songs for when we clean the flat, for when you wake me up in the mornings just as the sun's rising. Songs for our nights together, for our fights with each other. Songs for the way you kiss me, the way you hold me, for the way you make love to me." He shook his head helplessly, "You are music, Harry."
Harry's hands cupped his face and he drew Draco's lips to his, kissing him breathless because he didn't know what he was meant to say. He didn't know it was even possible to feel this much, to love someone this much. "It's completely unfair," Harry murmured against his mouth.
"What is?" Draco asked, drawing back slightly to look at Harry.
"You have your beautiful music, and your beautiful words, and then I'm just completely awful at this."
Draco laughed, "What do you mean?"
"Just," he huffed, "I think that I made out a lot better than you in this relationship."
He shook his head and leaned in to brush his nose over Harry's, "Don't be ridiculous. I see it on your face and feel it in your touch; in the way you cast warming charms on my side of the bed before we get in. I feel it whenever you hold my hand when we're walking down the street, like you're proud to have me by your side."
"I am," Harry grumbled.
"I know," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips.
When Draco pulled back, Harry asked, "Does this mean I can hear you play more often?"
"Only if you get me a real piano," Draco replied. "The weight of the keys is always wrong when I transfigure it."
Harry called out sick from work and went out to buy a piano that afternoon.
Day 54: There Was Only One Bed | Day 56: Phone Call
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What if Aro at the end of the Dawn wakes up in the past, at the time of the New Moon? What do you think he would do?
He’d turn Bella when she comes to Volterra.
First, on the Bella note, 99% of Aro’s problems are solved if he simply turns Bella in Italy. She doesn’t even have to join the Volturi, though of course she is invited to do so, but if he turns her there then the Renesmee debacle never happens.
If he allowed the Renesmee thing to happen then things get complicated. Even though he knows that Renesmee is probably not a threat, he probably still would have Irina coming to nark, and while he can call up Carlisle saying, “HINT HINT, WINK WINK, IT’S COOL BRO” Carlisle will likely not bring Renesmee to Volterra where this can be dealt with relatively peaceably. Aro won’t be presented convincing evidence to convince anyone, let alone Caius, that it’s all fine. So he’d likely end up at Breaking Dawn again, crying. Even if he manages to magically track down Nahuel, and says, “Oh look, Caius, I randomly found this fine young gentleman who might prove that these creatures we never even contemplated are not soulless man-eating vermin. Huzzah for us, this may become relevant in six months” it’s not going to be enough to stop everything if Carlisle insists on gathering an army (which he probably still would). 
More, Bella being turned earlier makes things much less complicated. Bella has run off to Italy, she’s already effectively disappeared with an albeit for her death. It means Charlie Swan being in the know never happens (something Aro does know about through Breaking Dawn). Yes, Jacob Black knows, but Jake won’t say anything to the greater community and the Cullens have already left town. When Victoria realizes Bella’s not coming back, she may change tactics or else never create the newborn army. If she does, then the Cullens are out of the way and make a much less tempting target for Caius. As Aro realizes exactly what’s happening early on this time around, they take care of the problem easily and efficiently. 
Now, this could cause Edward to have a mental breakdown. In fact, it very likely will. This is the worst possible outcome for Edward. He was going to nobly kill himself, and instead, he is responsible for Bella becoming a demon. This is what Edward has nightmares about, long before New Moon, when he was spying Bella from the bushes and a cloud cast a shadow upon her. He thinks of Bella becoming a vampire and he shudders in horror.
Alice sees all this and probably tries to talk him out of it but... Ultimately, she favors Edward far more than she does Bella. She brought Bella to Italy likely very certain that Bella would not walk out of this alive.
But back to Edward.
I think the guilt and the horror will cause him to crack like an egg. And when Edward cracks, there is literally know telling what he might do. If you want me to guess at the mess that is Edward Cullen’s brain... I think he’d murder Bella. He’ll murder Bella as soon as he gets the opportunity to put her out of her misery, carefully not touching Aro leading up to this.
Which, probably horrifies Aro but... at least Bella Swan, the greatest modern threat to the Volturi, isn’t hanging out with the Romanians. Though he probably is out of words at this point.
Edward then demands the Volturi assist his suicide as they just forced him to murder the love of his life. Aro can’t even, he tells Carlisle to take the soonest possible flight that he can. Whether Edward does something necessitating his death in the meantime is entirely possible.
In which case, Aro will have to execute Edward, and will have the world’s most awkward conversation with Carlisle. 
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tyb1 · 3 years
If It’s The Right Thing To Do.
Part 1
Words: 2118
Character: Seth Clearwater 
 Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Series List
Dialogue prompt: “What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren’t you guys traitors anyway.” I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they did leave me behind.”
*this is my first twilight imagine so be nice :)*
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I stretched every muscle in my body to grab my phone that was sitting on the desk by the bed. I looked at the caller ID but it was from a number that I didn't recognize. My mom always told me not to answer those calls but I did anyway. I had the sudden urge to be bold today.
"Hello?" I rolled back on my bed to finish the stale popcorn that was at least 3 hours old.
"(Y/N)!" the voice spoke frantically over the phone. "(Y/N)....is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
I sat up on the bed trying to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. The voice sounds panic so it caused me to be panic. The voice from the phone sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"This is she....why?"
(Y/N)! This is Jake! Listen, I need you to make your way over to the Cullens house!"
"What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren't you guys traitors anyway." I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they left me behind.
I heard Jacob huff over the phone. Then the phone sounded like someone grabbed a piece of paper and started crumbling it over the microphone. I lay back down on my bed the anxiety in my chest slowly fading away. "Listen Jake I don't have time for games I-"
"Shut up the hell up Jacob! (Y/N)! It's Leah, get your ass over to the Cullens now!" And just like that, the phone hung up without any explanation as to why I have to go to the Cullens.
I sat my phone back on the desk. There was no way in hell I could go to the Cullens. For one Sam wasn't on patrol tonight and two he would smell them on me if I ever decided to come back. "Those are two good reasons for me to stay in tonight." But why would they call me to come over to the Cullens when they knew for a fact I wasn't allowed near them........."
I jumped from my bed throwing on a hoodie and some pajama pants. I could barely maintain my breathing, There was something wrong with Seth I just felt it in my soul. Something bad probably happened to him and I wasn't there to prevent it.
I slowly walked out of my room seeing that all the lights were off. The door to Sam's and Emily's room was slightly opened. The sound of Sam's snores filled the air. I slowly closed the door then crept down the hallway to the keys.
"We only have one chance to let's make the most of it," I muttered to myself, I grabbed the keys from the shelf while trying not to step on the wood that creaked. I quickly made my way to the back door closing it softly.
"Okay, now the easy part is over." All I had to do now was get in my car and drive to the Cullens. What I was doing right now could coat me all the respect the pack has for me. If I stepped off this property Sam could label me as a traitor right along with Jake, Seth, and Leah.
"It's now or never if Sam hates me for what I'm doing so be it. Seth needs me right now." I mustered up all my courage to drive off the reserve. The drive to the Cullens was so agonizing. The only thing I could think about was the fight that caused us to be distant. We've never fought and when we did we'd make up instantly. This time I was the cause of it, his heart broke in front of me and I did nothing about it. I never meant to say the harsh words but I wanted him to hurt just like he was hurting me.
I ran behind Seth as he ran behind Jacob. He claimed that he was leaving my brother's pack to join Jacobs pack because "it was the right thing to do". At first, I thought he was being delusional but now that I'm running after him I knew he was being serious.
"Seth come back!" He stopped running causing me to bump into his toned back.
He grabbed my shoulders trying to turn me back towards the reservation."No (Y/N)! I have to do this, go back to Sam!"
I bit his hand then shoved him away."I'm not staying there unless you're with me, Seth!" He shook his head then ran farther into the woods.
"Seth if you leave me then I'll never forgive you!" I began to cry then the cries became sobs. I watched him through my blurry vision as he stopped mid-run. I knew if he stepped foot off the reserve onto the Cullens I would never see him again. Sam would ban me from ever seeing him again because he turned his back on the pack.
Jacob appeared behind a tree watching the whole situation."Seth, are you willing to go against your family, the pack, and your sister?"
Seth turned to Jacob with fire in his eyes. "If it's the right thing to do."
"You'd even turn your back on (Y/N)?"
Seth turned to me, staring into my eyes. It was like I didn't recognize him anymore. Those bubbly brown eyes of his were no longer the same.
"Like I said if it's the right thing to do."
My whole world stopped. Hearing those words come out of my lover's mouth felt like someone just gutted my heart out. My heart was telling me to say one thing while my brain was telling me to say another.
"Seth Clearwater, I hate you!" The words felt so wrong but so right at the same time. I turned my back to him so he wouldn't see me cry anymore.
"You don't mean that (Y/N)! You love me!"
I turned to him with pure hate in my eyes. "I can't love someone who's dead to me."
I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I heard him running after me screaming his voice cracking every time he called out to me. I never looked behind he was a traitor now and he said it to the world, his back was now turned on me.
I wiped the tears from my face as I drove farther off the reserve. Seth and I bond was stronger than any other relationship in the pack. We went from friends to lovers to enemies by force. Now I have to face him. It'll be the first time we've spoken in 2 months.
I got out of the car with my heart pounding profusely. I looked up at the house, Jasper, and Emmet stood at the door to greet me. I nodded to both of them then made my way to the living room. Jacob was sitting on the couch nervously shaking his leg while Bella was pacing back and forth. A piercing scream came out of nowhere. Everyone turned their attention upstairs to where the scream came from. I knew something was up when I saw Rosalie with a guilty expression on her face.
"What happened......why did that sound like Seth?" I didn't bother to sit nor make friends with them. I walk straight into the living room each step I took became bolder and bolder. I sat there staring at them but no one was talking so I decided to make my way upstairs where the scream came from.
Jacob ran to grab me before I could make it to where Seth was. I turned to glare at him as he tightened his grip around my arm."(Y/N)! Wait! Don't go up there not just yet....wait until Carlisle gives us the clear."
"Then tell me what happened to him, Jake."
Jacob sighed, "Listen Bella and I got into an argument things got a bit out of hand and Seth got hurt."
"How did Seth get hurt?"
"Bella accidentally threw him into a tree."
I shot a glare at Bella. "How do you accidentally throw someone into a tree!"
"(Y/N) I honestly didn't mean to. I'm so sorry I don't know what else to do." Bella walked over to me with an apologetic look. The glare that was cast upon my face never left.
I looked around at all the Cullens and Jake "None of you tried to stop her. You just let her throw someone who is so innocent and pure into a fucking tree."
I left without saying another word to them. The journey to the room felt so long but yet it was so short. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans before I knocked on the door. I heard groans from the other side of the door. My heart sank when I heard him scream again. The door opened revealing Carlisle and Esme, they were both smiling sweetly at me.
Esme hugged me which I gladly returned back. "(Y/N) it's so good to see you. I'm sorry that we had to meet again in unfortunate circumstances."
"I know, I would come to visit more often but my brother would have my head." I began to shift uncomfortably on my feet. I tried to peek behind them but Carlisle's tall built body blocked my way.
Carlisle coughed, "We're trying to make him as comfortable as possible but you can have a minute with him." He stepped aside letting me into the room. "We also gave him some morphine to ease the pain so he may be a tad bit sleepy."
I nodded my head before I entered the room. My gaze was fixed on the floorboard. I was too scared to look at him.
"(Y/N), I'm so happy to see you."
I gasped when I saw his bruised chest. I ran over to the side of the bed where he laid. The little skin that was showing was now purple, blue, and swollen the rest was covered with bandages. I went to touch his arm to comfort him but he pulled back screaming out in pain."Seth! Are you okay? Oh my god look at your chest!"
"(Y/N) you actually came!" I could tell from his eyes that he was still in disbelief that I was standing in front of him.
"Of course I would come." I began to run my hair through his hair trying to make him as comfortable as possible. I sat down near him being careful not to touch any of his body parts.
"I'm tired (Y/N)...please stay here until I wake up."
I jumped from the bed staring at him as if he had lost his mind. "There's no way I can stay here without Sam knowing that I am missing Seth, I have to go back."
He placed his bruised hand on top of mine trying to intertwine them. Seth had a genuine smile on his face, "Don't go, stay here. I'll deal with Sam once I wake up."
I sighed as I looked back and forth between the door and Seth. I didn't want to leave him but I couldn't afford Sam coming out here dragging me back home. Everyone would look at me with disgust if they smelled the Cullens on me.
"Seth I honestly don't know if this is the right thing to do."
"Trust me (Y/N) it's the right thing to do."
I laughed at his corny remark. I knew without asking him, that was our way of making up since the fight. Seth rolled the blankets off of him ushering me to get under. At first, I wanted to reject but I knew he would somehow convince me that it was okay. I rested my head on the pillow that was next to his. I immediately relaxed once I felt the heat from his body come upon mine.
Seth sighed, he tried to roll over to face me but I placed my hand on his cheek to stop him.
"What are you trying to do?"
He grunted, "I'm trying to apologize for what I said two weeks ago."
I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, he laughed sweetly then kissed me back.
"I guess I'm forgiven."
"I could never be mad at you Seth Clearwater."
If I was being honest with myself I was actually contradicting myself.  At first, I was really mad at him. I even went as far as to rip up our pictures. Now looking back I actually regret everything I said to him and did. "Seth I'm sorry too, I should have never said the things I said."
He laughed, "It's okay, I could never be mad at you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi there, I'm a really big fan of your metas and I appreciate the perspective you bring since you are a lot more focused on canon than most people I follow (I personally prefer the ~vibe of twilight over the execution so Im guilty of a lot of canon-divergent "what-if-ing" lol). I'm not sure if you've addressed this before but I was wondering: what draws you most to twilight? Is there anything you would want to change about the series? I hope you're having a nice day! -bellaslilpapercut
Ooh this is a fun ask. And thank you for your kind words!! For the record I too enjoy my what-ifs, too much in fact. Fanfic is a years-long addiction of mine.
As for what draws me to Twilight, I’ll just bullet point them.
The vampires Meyer’s vampires aren’t really vampires at all, they’re aliens who call themselves vampires. They’re absolutely fascinating creatures, terrifying and inhuman in a way so few authors manage to create true inhumanity. (I find so many supernatural creatures end up basically being gimmicks, enhanced humans at best. If you can’t tell your vampire apart from an MCU superhero, you’re doing it wrong.)
The worldbuilding There are many things I like about Meyer’s worldbuilding, one of them being her restraint. There are vampires, shapeshifters, and a one-off reference to the nearly extinct werewolves. That’s it. She created the creatures her story needed, and not one leprechaun more. And I like that for a lot of reasons, the big one being that it makes her creatures serve the story, rather than the other way around. Another major thing I like about her worldbuilding is that a lot of fantasy stories want to have their regular modern world the reader can recognize and eat the vampire cake too. You get these universes where the supernatural exists, only it’s secret and hasn’t impacted the world we know in any way because... reasons. The Vampire Diaries is a great example, we have vampires eat people with abandon yet their existence is a secret to the world at large. Why is that? Why, in a world where the supernatural is commonplace, does the world not look different? Twilight answers these questions.
The characters Meyer creates so many great characters. I have my favorites, of course, but I find nearly all the characters she created interesting. (Well, considering how so many of the characters we get to know in the Guide are hilarious, perhaps “entertaining” is a better word for it) More, while there are some characters that could have been cut (Esme and Emmett come to mind), on the whole most characters in the story have a reason to be in it. And that’s not a given at all, Harry Potter is a shining example of a cast where 90% could have been cut. (Example: remove the Crouch family from Goblet of Fire and have Pettigrew abduct Harry instead of Barty Crouch Jr.. The plot doesn’t change at all. The Crouch family has failed the sexy lamp test. So have almost all of Harry’s classmates.)
The unreliable narrator Caveat - I think all narrators are in some way unreliable. The difference is how much, and to how great a degree what’s actually happening shines through to the reader. And Twilight is a story where there’s stuff happening behind the scenes all the time, people Bella doesn’t understand doing things for reasons Bella doesn’t know about, and Bella never realizes any of it. This makes Twilight a lot of fun to engage with.
The loose threads I sort of get into this below, but there are so many loose threads in Twilight, which means endless fanfic material. Other fandoms, where I wouldn’t change a thing, end up being fandoms I don’t write anything for either. (See Prometheus - loved it, never writing fic for it) Why change perfection? Twilight, on the other hand, I get ideas faster than I can write them.
As for what I’d change...
I’m happy with the story. It’s not quite the story I would have written, off the top of my head I would have gone a different direction with Victoria and had her successfully kidnap Bella in New Moon, only to find that killing this human when Edward clearly doesn’t care would be no revenge at all, and that this human is really all she’s got left at this point. (See? I do like my what-ifs!). 
Alternatively, if I was writing the story that occurs in Twilight, then I would have chosen Carlisle’s point of view and it would have been Othello with vampires, featuring Aro as Desdemona. I mean, that already is the story, it’s just that Bella’s narration is so oblivious she never realizes.
This is not to say I wouldn’t have done a lot of things very differently if I were writing Twilight. Jasper, for instance, I would not have him drop “fun fact, I fought for the right to own slaves!” mid-conversation and then never bring it up again. And bigger things, such as I would have cut Jacob and the wolves entirely (And now we’re back to “Victoria kidnaps Bella and the story turns into femmeslash”. I end up with weird ships in Twilight, and the thing is that I see no way around them. How do you people who ship the canon pairs do it?! Tell me your secrets!).
Point being, I would have changed a lot of things. Breaking up the Cullens is another big one, that coven is unsustainable and I'm like a Persian warrior because all I wanna do is watch these Olympics fall.
And there’s one thing I’d change unequivocally, the first thing I’d change, the thing I would pull into a dark alley and stab, and that’s the imprinting. It’s a life-ruiner for everybody involved, it plays into this nasty theme of the shapeshifters losing their free will, and it doesn’t even serve the story to make up for it. Jacob and the Quileutes had no need to be in the story in Breaking Dawn, the Cullens could have left town (and were going to) and that would have been it. So, I would cut the imprinting. With a knife.
This is not to say I don’t like what Meyer did, though. I agree with the decisions the characters make, big and small, at no point in the series do I go “X wouldn’t do that, that’s OOC!”. I even like the plot of Breaking Dawn. Everything that happens in the story makes sense to me. I do, sincerely, enjoy Twilight. It’s just- well, it’s not how I would have told this story.
Oh, and of course - the use of a real minority the way Meyer did was egregious and she should never have done it. More, I was shocked and disappointed to learn the Quileute tribe didn’t profit from this. You would think they would have been involved in merch for Twilight - this could have become a huge source of income for them - but nope. Others have spoken far more eloquently than me on this matter and have said everything I could, so I’ll just note that no fictional series should use (there’s really no other word for it) a real and oppressed minority the way Twilight did. The fact that the Quileute tribe didn’t even get to see any of that Twilight money is just salt in the wound.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Theo Hotchner breaks his arm.
A mini-fic set post ITSWM. (I know I haven’t finished posting that yet but I wrote some fluff for this universe because I needed the serotonin, and thought you might too.)
Rating: General
Words: 2.5k
It happens in slow motion. Aaron watches as Theo falls from the jungle gym, landing awkwardly on his arm as he hits the ground. There’s a beat of silence, a moment where Aaron thinks everything might be ok when runs over, and then his son starts crying hysterically as he sits up. 
When he sees Theo’s arm, bent at an unnatural angle, his first thought is that Emily was going to kill him.
Emily feels her phone ring in her pocket for the second time in as many minutes and the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She knows it’s Aaron without looking, having rejected his initial call only a minute before with the intention of calling him back the minute she was free. He never calls her at work, knowing the pressure of her job since he had once done it himself. 
He usually texts her, sends her a photo of the kids as they do something adorable or slightly mischievous. Photos of Amelia smiling widely at the camera, or Theo and Jack playing Mario Kart together, matching looks of concentration on their faces. They helped, reminding her of what was waiting for her when she got home from horrific case after horrific case, that despite everything she still had her family. 
She’d never tell Aaron that they also hurt at times. Tiny reminders of what she missed out on when she was away. 
The fact he was calling her twice in such quick succession could only mean something was wrong. 
Emily looks at the team as they deliver the profile to the local detectives. Dave catches her eye and gives her a quick nod as she lifts her phone and tilts her head down a hallway. 
She answers the phone just as it’s about to ring out. “Aaron, is everything ok?”
Aaron sighs over the phone. “It’s Theo, he’s okay I promise, but he’s broken his arm.” 
For a moment she swears her heart stops in her chest, panic seeping through her body at the thought of her precious little boy being hurt. “He’s not okay if he’s got a broken bone, Aaron.” 
“Sweetheart.” He says firmly, preventing her from spiralling any further. “He’s in a bit of pain but he’s ok. He’s just convinced me this means we get to have ice cream for dinner.” 
She barks out a laugh that catches in her throat. “That boy will do anything for ice cream.” She pauses to take a breath, her emotions still overwhelming despite Aaron’s attempts to distract her. “What happened?” 
“He fell off the jungle gym.” 
She frowns at this, indignation running through her veins. “Aaron, I-”
“Yes, I know you told me he has almost fallen off of it before. I can’t exactly tell him he can’t go on it though sweetheart.” 
She sighs, and feels the anger leave her just as quickly as it came. She looks over her shoulder when she hears the room full of local officers and detectives start to disperse. 
“Do you want to talk to him?” Aaron asks gently. 
“Yes please.” She breathes out, and waits a second as she hears Aaron talking to Theo in the background, the sound of the emergency room they were in almost drowning out their conversation. 
“Hi, Mommy.” He sniffs, sounding incredibly sorry for himself. Her chest feels tight at the sound of it, at the use of the name ‘mommy’ when her 8 year old had mostly been calling her ‘mom’ lately. 
“Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?” 
“My arm hurts.” He grumbles. “The doctor said I could get a cast in any colour.”
“Really?” She asks, voice full of fake enthusiasm. “What colour are you going for?”
“Green.” He sniffs again, a sign that he had been crying that broke her heart. “Are you coming home?” 
Emily closes her eyes, and she blows out a breath. “I can’t, sweetie. I’m working, remember? I’m in Texas.” 
“Okay.” The disappointment in his voice is palpable, and it takes everything in her to not start crying there and then. Thoughts of how she could leave in the middle of the case, assign someone else as agent in charge and just go home and hug her son.
And maybe smack her husband for letting Theo go on the jungle gym in the first place.
“Emily.” Dave’s voice interrupts her and she turns to look at him, holding up a finger to show she just needed another minute.
“Theo, honey, I’ve got to go okay. I love you so much. I’ll call later.”
“Love you too.”
She smiles at that, as she has done every single time since he first said it. “Can you pass me back to Dad?”
There's another shuffle on the other end of the phone, a quick curse from her husband as one of them nearly drops the phone. “Sweetheart?”
“I’ve really got to go, I’m sorry.”
“Baby, we get it.” He reassures, clearly able to hear how sad she is, how torn she is over what to do. “Theo gets it too usually, you know you’re the first thing any of us wants when we’re sick or hurt.”
Emily nods despite the fact she knows he can’t see her, and she hastily wipes away the tear the movement drops onto her cheek. “I know, you Hotchner’s really can’t cope without me.” She jokes.
“We can get by until you wrap up the case.” He replies, and she can just imagine the grin on his face, the way it would bring out his dimples. “I’ll text when we’re home okay?”
“Yeah, thank you. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.” 
She hangs up the phone and turns back to Dave, who is standing behind her still, with concern all over his face. “Is everything okay at home?”
Emily sighs as she puts her phone back in her pocket and starts to walk back to the conference room, Dave keeping pace at her side. “Theo’s broken his arm, so Aaron took him to hospital.”
Despite how neutrally she tries to say it she clearly fails, Dave coming to a stop and putting a hand on her arm. “The poor kid. We can always manage here if you need to head back.” 
She frowns at him. “I can still do my job, Dave.” 
He holds his hands up in surrender. “I never said you couldn’t, Bella. I just know that you aren’t going to believe he’s fine until you see him for yourself.” 
“I appreciate your concern, but I am fine.” She practically growls at him before walking past into the conference room.
“Yeah.” Dave says to himself. “That was definitely said in a way a person who was fine would say it.”
Emily was aware that she was in a foul mood, snapping at the team as they asked questions or every time they came up against a dead end. The need to get home as quickly as possible clawing at her throat. Photos that Aaron had sent her the night before of Theo with his bright green arm cast, and a bowl of ice cream in front of him only further deepening that need. 
It culminates in her shouting at Derek like she never had before, something that made him say the ‘Hotch attitude’ was finally rubbing off on her. She threatened him with victimology for the rest of his career and then stormed out, ignoring the way the locals looked at her as she did. 
She finds solace in the women’s bathroom, or at least she did right up until Dave followed her in.
“You shouldn’t be here, Dave.” She says as she briefly turns to look at him, before going back to looking at her weary face in the mirror. Sleep had not come easy for her the night before, George Foyet always making his way back into her subconscious every time someone in her family was hurt. 
“Neither should you, Emily.” He clears his throat, clearly ready for an argument. “Which is why I’ve booked you a flight home.” 
Emily turns quickly at that, stares him down. “You did what?” 
“I booked you a flight, it leaves in two hours. I’ll drive you to the airport.” 
She takes a step towards him and crosses her arms across her chest. “I can’t just leave in the middle of a case. I am the Unit Chief.” 
“And you’re a damn good one, but you’re also an excellent mother. And I know that you need to see your little boy more than he needs to see you.” 
Emily stares at him before nodding, relenting to doing exactly what she had been wanting to do in the 30 hours it had been since Aaron had called her. “You’re right. I’ll go. But I expect updates about what's going on here.”
“As you wish.” He stands out of her way so she can get past him and leave the bathroom. “The ticket is first class by the way, so drink some free champagne and do everyone a favour and chill out.” 
Emily grimaces as they walk back towards the conference room. “Have I really been that bad?” 
“You owe everyone at least one drink. I think you owe Derek a month off of paperwork.”
“He wishes.” Emily scoffs.
Aaron watches in amusement as Amelia climbs onto the couch next to Theo and starts to, not very gently, stroke his hair. It’s what Emily did for all of them, Aaron included, when they were sick or hurt and Theo lets his sister do it, despite it clearly being the last thing he wanted. Watching his two year old daughter mirror her mother made his heart constrict, and he wished more than ever that his wife was here. 
His phone rings and he grabs it, smiling as he sees Emily’s name and picture on the screen. “Hey, how are things?” 
“I’m on a plane.” She replies, a small laugh in her voice. “Dave bought me a ticket and drove me to the airport. Took me as far as security would let him to make sure I got onboard.” 
Aaron couldn’t pretend he was anything other than relieved. He’d noticed the tension in his wife during the brief phone calls and text exchanges about their son’s injury. Not to mention Theo was miserable, barely putting up with his little sister's antics anymore, and getting crankier by the second. 
“What time do you get in?”
“Too late for you to even think about picking me up, I’ll get a cab home.” 
He wants to argue, to go get her and tell her everything is fine, but he knows that's not what she needs him to do. She would want him here, in their home, with their kids. “Okay, just text me when you land.”
“I will. Love you.”
“You too.” He says as he hangs up. 
“Everything okay, Dad?” Jack’s voice comes from behind him. 
Aaron turns to look at his 17 year old son. “Yeah, Emily is on her way.” 
Jack smiles at him, the same smile he inherited from Haley. “Uncle Dave sent her home?” Jack laughs at Aaron’s nod. “That’s a whole day sooner than you said it would happen.” 
Aaron laughs. “She must have been in a really bad mood.”
When Emily gets home it’s already well past Theo’s bedtime. As soon as she is in the house she sneaks into his bedroom and her chest tightens at the sight of his bright green cast laid on a pillow next to him. Archie held tightly under Theo’s good arm. She walks over to his bed and presses a kiss to his forehead, whispering apologies for not being home earlier into his hairline. 
Amelia is also asleep. Emily sits down on the edge of her bed and tucks her in a little bit tighter and runs her fingers through her daughter's increasingly unruly hair.
Jack was still up, playing video games online with his friends. She pops her head in his room and quietly says hi, aware she had accidentally embarrassed him in the past. He throws her a grateful smile and a wave and she closes the door behind her. 
When she gets to her own room Aaron is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her, and immediately stands as she closes the door behind her. She’s in his arms before she can really register it, and the lump that had sat in her throat since Aaron called her about Theo dissipates almost immediately. 
Emily wraps her arms tightly around him, and presses her face into his soft t-shirt. “Hey.”
Aaron presses a kiss to the top of her head and rubs a hand up and down her back. “Hey sweetheart.”
He encourages her to get ready for bed, and joins her. Their nighttime routines are easily done around each other, years of practise behind them. Once they settle into bed he immediately pulls her into his arms and rests her on his chest. 
“You ok?” He asks gently, fingers running up and down her arm.
“Yes.” She swallows against the word, and it tasted like a lie. “No. I just feel like a bad mom.” She admits into his chest, the fear that had been circling around in her head for longer than the last couple of days bursting out of her. “I know I’m not.” She says as she feels him take in a breath to admonish her, and she rubs the tension from his chest with the palm of her hand. “Being their mom is my favourite thing, but when I can’t be here when my son hurts himself...it really sucks.”
Aaron hears the way her voice cracks, and the way her body shudders when she tries to hold back the tears he had no doubt she had been putting off since he called her to tell her about Theo’s accident. 
“You’re okay, Em. And so is he.” Aaron kisses the top of her head. “He’ll be so happy when he wakes up to see you tomorrow, and I’ll go back to being second favourite even though I gave him ice-cream two days in a row.” 
She pushes herself up by the hand on his chest, her tearstained face coming into view. “Two days in a row?”
Theo is delighted to see her the next morning, all but forgetting about his broken arm as he launches himself at her. He begs her to sign his cast, to draw a picture on it for him, and she smiles when she sees the scribbles on it clearly left by Aaron helping Amelia hold the pen.
When her daughter realises she is home she squeals and demands to be held by her mother for hours. 
They watch a movie together, all of them piling into the living room. Theo chooses the movie, Monsters Inc, and Aaron levels a glare at Jack when he opens his mouth to complain. 
“Breaking your arm is fun.” Theo exclaims as he sits in between his parents, ready to watch his favourite movie. 
Aaron and Emily exchange a look over the top of their son’s head and they both suppress a laugh.
They were all going to be fine.
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sibsteria · 3 years
all the angels [cast & angels & chuck]
prompts: ''run away with me''
summary: [bare with me, this is a long summary and concept] throughout the decades, y/n and the angels lived in harmony, her being the only being with powers on par with chuck. an immortal life with your angels sounds good, doesn't it? something goes wrong and y/n gets projected into the world of the spn actors. she had never met god, despite being made for the angels because of him. the thing is, she doesn't remember anything of her life with the angels and this messes with reality. the world of reality, along with y/n, are all magically convinced she has always been in their universe as a fellow cast mate. what happens when most of her favourite angels and a certain hellish man team up to collect her in the middle of a con?
characters: Rob Benedict, Richard Speight Jr, Mark Pellegrino, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Sebastian Roche, Chuck Shurley, Gabriel, Castiel, Lucifer, Balthazar, Crowley
warnings: I dreamt something along the lines of this and it's just pure crack, I apologise, fluff, angst, everyone is single because it gets weird. I wrote this at 4am :/
''So let's talk about Y/n's character! She hasn't been explained too much but we know her backstory.'' Wow, thank you, Mark Sheppard.
''Well, I'm pretty sure the fans already know.'' I shrug, but a glare from the man before me makes me roll my eyes.
''Come on, don't leave them in the dust, also sharing a name with your character is weird right?'' He teases me, I resist the urge to walk over and playfully slap him.
''Fine. She was created by God to please the angels in whatever way they needed, with her consent obviously. She creates a connection with Gabriel and their connection become the focus of her life, until she meets Crowley-'' I look over at Sheppard and paint a fake scowl on my face, sending the audience into light laughter. ''-who is also vying for her attention, but as you all know, she had been killed off at the end of the last season. Y'all didn't see that blinding golden light and her disappearing act?'' I raise my eyebrow at the crowd. They murmur amongst themselves.
''Are you sure she was killed off?'' Richard snickers from next to me. ''What if her dear Gabe just snapped her away for some-'' He wags his eyebrows to out fans. ''-angel on paragon action.''
''It's literally in the script shut up- or you know, believe this idiot.'' I smile, showing I meant no offense
''Scripts change! You know that!'' Misha reasons, aggressively.
''I suppose so.'' Leaving audiences in an unsolved mystery is the fun of cons.
Sitting in the green room, it's sweaty and warm after the panel. We are instantly greeted by our colleagues awaiting their next instructions such as Mark Pellegrino, Sebastian Roche and Rob Benedict.
''Welcome back, you little bastards.'' Sebastian's voice rings throughout the room, I groan, faceplanting onto the couch where Rob sat, fiddling with an acoustic guitar.
We sat, talked, ate, I napped, yknow the usual.
''So, do you think they will bring you back for the next season?'' Misha asks, I bite my lip and answer him.
''I have no idea, no one has said anything so maybe not. I'll be joining our widdle Kings of Con if not.'' I give a baby voice when talking about the couple that is R2.
''Hey!'' Rob's voice wavers in his distinct little way.
''Rude of you to call me little.'' Richard winks and I shoot gag at him, he feigns a frown.
''In other news-'' Mark Pellegrino's cut-in is interrupted by a blinding golden light, surrounding the room. I grip onto Rob's arm as the ground begins to shake, burring my head into his chest, I cover my eyes from the light. He holds me back just as tight, hiding in the comfort of my shoulder. One of many weird, intimate moments with him that makes people believe we are together.
A loud, pitched, sound rattles around us. A few of us scream in pain but I just whimper and move closer into Rob.
Suddenly, everything stops and stills.
I can't force myself to move.
''What the fuck?!'' I hear Misha, making me not want to move even more.
''Ha! Look, she's cuddling you. Awe.'' I hear Richard's voice, but it wasn't him, it didn't sound like him. I pull myself away from Rob's chest and look at the scene unfolding.
'What the fuck?'' I whisper, repeating Collins' earlier comment. Stood here, a few feet in front of us are Gabriel, Balthazar, Castiel, Crowley, Lucifer and Chuck. Did I miss something?
''Not happy to see us, darlin'?'' Gabriel smirks, a foot of his approaches me, I look at them in confusion and shock.
''W-What's going on?'' That is the first time I have ever heard Pellegrino stutter.
''We should probably talk...'' Chuck wavers his hands to us all, motioning us to listen to him.
''So, uh, Y/n here? She's our Y/n, from our reality and we kinda want her back.'' Gabriel shuffles his weight between each of his feet, I'm in too much terror to even speak, so is everyone else.
''You hear him, dickbags? We want her back.'' Lucifer crosses his arms, staring dead into Pellegrino's soul, presumably to make him uncomfortable.
''I don't understand-'' I stop myself, leaving it at that.
''Wait, do you not remember?'' Gabriel looks at me, broken eyes reflect his inside pain.
''Of course she doesn't, you bollock! Can't you see the look on her face?'' Crowley rolls his eyes but for some reason I can sense his true sadness.
''I will explain, better.'' Castiel takes a step towards me. ''You are Y/n Divine, our Divine, your the celestial from our existence. Your our...?'' He struggles to find the words, Balthazar answers for him. Not the lot of explaining I need there, Cas.
''Our collective soulmate, so to speak.'' He nods.
''Yeah, that's who I am in Supernatural but- this isn't the show, this is reality. I gotta be dreaming, oh my God-'' Chuck interferes (doesn't he always).
''That's me.'' The nervous laugh from the bearded almighty almost makes me laugh, almost, but the situation was too real for it. ''Would it help if I...showed you?'' He says, unsure of his choice of words.
For some reason, I pour my trust into him, and walk towards the clone of my almost boyfriend, I wished.
''Mind if I show all of you?'' Chuck asks, before ignoring some of the 'no's in the room and he snaps, bringing us into a dream state.
Scenes flow through our brains, ones that weren't in the show
Dressed in a white kaftan with golden afflictions, there was Y/n, lay in the greenest of grass. And next to her? Gabriel the Archangel. Almost in a Bella-Edward meadow position, the two looked into each other, reading one another's soul.
''Run away with me.'' Gabriel whispers, lighter than air.
''What?'' She snaps out of her dreamy daze.
''Let's leave, you don't need any other angel that isn't me.'' This breaks her heart, although Gabriel was her favourite and the one she had a special connection with, she had a duty to remain near the other angels.
''I want to-'' Gabe's heart lifts but sank soon after. ''-but you know I can't. I wasn't created to defy my purpose, I would cease to exist if I did.'' A tear rolls down her cheek, the light from the fading sun rested gracefully on her skin.
''I know. Oh, what was I thinking? My father will come after us and- I would rather now think about what he would do to us, to you.'' He looks away from her to relish in his pain.
''Don't be like that, my little Aurelian enchanter-'' She mentions the colour of his golden wings, which lay across the ground behind him, a beautiful sight. ''-the time will come where no angel needs me, then I can devote myself to you, only you.'' She mumbles, pressing a sure kiss to the peak of his nose. He huffs in a peaceful array of emotion.
''At least you don't kiss any other of my brothers or estranged family.'' He nudges back at her, nose to nose.
''That was sickening to watch.'' Pellegrino chuckles into the dark abyss of our voices, unable to see each other but still recognising each other within the blindness.
''Shall I show you another one?'' A rhetorical question from the Lord from above, as he whisks us into another memory.
She sat on a bench, clad in elegancy, the world was still new and beaming. New angels were being created, not all of them needed a divine celestial to aid them, so she spent her days watching the creations live. The bees harvesting pollen from the flowers was one of her favourite sights.
She felt an angelic presence appear next to her, but a new one, an unknown one.
''Who might you be?'' She asks, not tearing her eyes away from the fuzz of a creature.
''I am Castiel.'' Short and stat, seems like the kind of being he was, without a vessel he could be read more easily.
''No vessel yet, I assume?'' She looks towards the beam of light beside her.
''No, not yet. I hardly think there's a need for such a thing.'' His voice was the most beautiful she had heard, of all the angels, no vessel and no front made him so much more enticing.
''Well, nice to meet you. You're wings...they're black? Pretty though, new as well.'' She smiled at Castiel, his aura positively increased, the interaction helping them both. Just a simple amount of time in company can help an angel.
''Thank you.''
''So that's Castiel?'' Misha seems uneasy.
''Would you like to see the encounter between her and his vessel?''
She sat, with Balthazar, just grooming his beautiful wings. An act she did for her most favourite angels.
''Have you seen Castiel's vessel?'' He smiles up at her, in his own vessel.
''Not yet but I am excited though, from the comments I'm hearing, he is a most handsome fellow.'' She brushes past a certain spot, making Bal shiver in delight, not in a sexual manner.
''Ugh, like you don't find yourself infatuated with my golden winged brother already, don't go falling for another one.'' He groans in disgust, she laughs, melodically.
''I can promise you, I won't.'' That was a future lie.
''Hello, Y/n.'' A new voice from behind her, sensing the energy, she knew it was Cas.
A wide grin stretches across her features, ''Castiel!'' She shouts, whipping round to face the angel in his new restrictions. ''My, my, good choice, my angel.'' A nickname specifically reserved for the defying being.
''I would say 'thank you', but it would be a most similar and repetitive interaction.'' She sighs in relaxation, reliving her first encounter with Castiel.
''You are always welcome, you're one of my favourites.'' She boops his nose, squeaking 'boop' at the same time, Cas cocks his head in confusion.
''Boop?'' He questions her, she shrugs her shoulders.
''You're cute, so I booped you.'' She giggles, Castiel couldn't refuse the stutter in his 'emotions' as she spoke.
I heard Mark Sheppard's voice throughout the void, ''YoU'rE cUtE, sO i BoOpEd YoU!'' His badgering voice pointing fun at me.
''Shut up.'' I mumble.
It was beautiful, the winding waterfall gushing down the rocks, watching it flow. She sat, in deep thought, things between Lucifer and Michael were getting tense, she was scared for the future.
''You don't need to worry about us, my little cherub.'' Lucifer's voice mixed eloquently with the sound of the waves slowly connecting the lake below.
''It's part of my job, I couldn't help it if I tried.'' She shrugged, she stared at the water, taking in the fresh air.
''I know that things aren't simple, they never will be, just know you will always have me. I have never spoken to anyone in such a tone before, you should be honoured, little one.'' This made her accumulate, she leaned back into hold, he was a median temperature. It was nice.
''My Lucifer.'' She grinned in thought. ''You always have been the most intriguing, I will never give up on you, I promise you that.'' She craned her neck to look at the blonde, before pressing the smallest of kisses to his jaw. She had never seen him so vulnerable, so honest with himself, and she wouldn't again for some time.
''My dear, this is too dangerous. You are not a warrior, you are a healer and an abettor. I can't let you, I'm sorry.'' Crowley's gruff rumble soaked the thin air, she wanted to fight for her angels- with her angels. She held the power, but not the will.
''I was made for this moment, this is my purpose, I have to do something.'' She pleads, tears stinging her eyes.
''Listen to me, darling, they need you alive more than you're help. Listen to what I'm saying, although I am nonpartisan, I can't remain unbiased. I fear that my little, fascination with you is what keeps you safe. The angels may not love it, but it keeps you safe whilst they handle their own. They want you safe, so that is what I will do.'' His short monologue seemed to flip something within Y/n, she stayed silent for a moment, reeling in thought. Hearing his repetition of the word safe just made her wish the same for her angels.
''I-I guess you're right. I don't want anything to happen to them, you remember last time, when it all-'' She couldn't bring herself to continue, relishing in the agony of remembering when Lucifer was cast.
''Yes, my dear, and you nearly got caught in the crossfire. It can't happen again, there is no other being like you and there never will be. The stories are that God nearly killed himself trying to create you, you are everything he wanted humanity to be.'' She smiled at this, he was trying to cheer her up with a bit of complimenting. ''Even if you are stubborn.'' She slapped his chest, as a farce and let out a small cachinnate.
Everyone was silent, things started to get heavy on thought and reason. No one could think of a word to say.
''One more for good measure, then we will asses you, Y/n.'' Uh, what does that mean?
The quiet air that surrounded the two was comforting and safe, content and peaceful. Y/n and Gabriel sat opposite one another, his wings lay in her lap as she did what she does best. Her hands traced up the outer lining of his wings, from top to bottom, before moving in the the inner feathers. She rolled a collection of feathers between her fingers each time she moving a few inches down, softly and gently. Working out the stress and the tightness that wound itself within them, he holds onto her knee, using it as a gripping post every once in a while. It wasn't a pain thing though, it was quite the opposite, the gratification and the bliss he was receiving from such a special moment was intense.
''I don't know why, I think your wings are my favourite.'' She hums out, brushing out the feathers she had been fixing in a swoop from the height of his wing and downwards, before moving on to the next section.
''Oh, really?'' Gabriel couldn't resist the playful tone residing in his comment, but that was what Y/n loved, he wasn't afraid to tease her.
''Without a doubt, they're mesmerising. Such a beautiful colour, and shape. They suit you so well.'' Slowly, she leans forward to kiss the corner of his mouth, before gently pulling herself back.
''Come on, sweetheart! You can do better than that-'' His voice is cut off by a staggering gasp as she unwinds a knot in his feather,  gripping her knee tight, he swoons.
She doesn't say a word, yet she picks up her head again, craning towards the angel's face. While continuing to brush out his ailerons of flight, she kisses him again, direct and strong. She moves against his lips with such care but much passion, Gabriel couldn't resist the slip of his tongue to her, she wasn't in any way complaining.
''Okay, that was upsetting to watch.'' Richard grumbles, we find ourselves back inside the green room, standing in front of us remain Chuck and Gabriel.
''You're telling me.'' I let a slanted expression reach my face.
''You mean you still don't remember?'' Gabriel's frown tugs at my heart, I feel something for him, but not as immense as what we have been watching.
''I have something that might work, but it might...do something?'' Chuck gives out a nervous chuckle, small and barely there.
''Do it, I need her back, I don't care about the consequences unless it hurts her.'' The strain and torment in his intonation is dismal.
''It won't hurt her, but it might- never mind, if it happens then it happens, if it doesn't then you will be happy you didn't know.'' Chuck walks towards me with purpose and I cower back slightly, a stern alarm on my face.
''W-Woah there, what are you doing?'' I reach out my hands in a 'stop' motion, he grabs hold of them.
''Bringing back your memory, I need you to focus on the moments you just watched, think about how you felt during them.'' I thought back, I felt as if I was the girl in the grass, and in heaven and the girl who loved the angels. I revelled in the select memories, the beautiful memories. ''Good, carry on thinking about them and how you felt.''
I felt a warmth surge through my hands, as they remained connected to Chuck's.
''It's working.'' I peek open my eyes and look down at our hands. Mine are white and hold a holy glow, my eyes widen as I look at the magic.
''This is you?'' I ask, Chuck shakes his head.
''It's you, well, it's us. You have your own powers, but this kind can only be used when I am touching you. You know you have angelic advantages, from the show?'' He explains in a way I understand, I nod. ''D-Do you want to remember this world? Along with your true one?'' I bit my lip before answering.
''I would, some people I can't let go.'' I look towards Rob, who stood off towards the side, the group of my colleagues still in shock of the situation, some whispering to each other.
''I see. Are you ready?'' The heat is getting more intense in my hands, a burning hot white light shines from then.
''I think so.''
''I need to warn you, you may not like what could happen next.'' He unclasps our hands before reaching up to sandwich my head between them. It wasn't painful, it was peculiar, my body went numb. This took around a minute before he took his hands of me.
My mind and his instantly travelled to a secluded world. It was barren and empty, but beautiful, Red sand and burnt skies surrounded me, small oasis' patched around. The sun was in a constant set, never going up nor down.
''Where are we?'' I asked Chuck, he was dressed in a white pant and shirt, I looked down towards myself. I was enclosed by a gorgeous lengthy white garment, a golden sash across my waist.
''We're in your head. How are you feeling?'' I smile.
''Like myself, thanks Chuck, nice to meet you by the way- can't believe I haven't said that yet, after all Gabe has told me.''
''Um, okay, this is going to be awkward to ask. What do you feel? When you look at me, that is.''
''Hm...'' I look into his soft eyes. I felt as if I belonged there, like it was home. My whole existence within his soul.
''That's- not good.'' He must have read me, because I didn't say that out loud. I widen my eyes, starting to panic. ''I-I mean, it could be? It depends how you feel on the matter.'' He tries to soothe me.
''Explain.'' Was all I said.
''We- well. I've linked us, not on purpose. You're life's fulfilment is with me now, along with the angels. I'm not your creator anymore, I'm your equal. Yet you are not light nor dark, your the meld of both, a mediator if you will. The love for the angels, can be found within myself now. I'm sorry, I never thought it would actually happen.'' I'm guessing this is the first time he has ever apologised, I don't know how but- I feel like I know everything about him. The almost humanitarian way he dabbles jn his powers is confronting.
''Yes, that's another edge you have, you know everything about me now, you know who I am and what I've done.'' He looks ashamed and off to the side.
''You may not be proud of who you are, but I am-'' I hold his hand and turn his head with my other. ''You're the creator, just because you have done bad things, does not mean you're a bad person.'' I feel like I've known him my whole life, I technically have. He remains silent.
''We will have our time, go seem them. If you ever need to see me and I'm not around, think of this place and I'll meet you here, no matter how far apart we are.'' He extracts us from the sanctuary.
I'm back in my own body, looking around at the awkward faces of my peers. We must have been stood, staring into space for some time.
''Hey-''I turn to Gabe as he speaks, walking towards him before I stop dead in my tracks. I swiftly run back to Chuck, slamming my lips against his, I feel my heart stutter in the shock of my own actions. He kisses me back with much more passion, before I pull away. I look at Rob, his mouth his hung open, using my power I look into his head.
He's shocked and- jealous. He thinks it's invigorating to see a version of himself kiss you. Realising he could've admitted his feelings to you, perhaps you wouldn't have gone back to them.
''Well- okay, that's new.'' Gabriel mutters, his voice cracks in the middle of his speech.
I turn and run towards Gabe.
''Don't worry, you're still my favourite.'' He yanks me into a hug, pulling me into a compact hug, I wrap my legs around his waist.
He whispers some enochian into my ear, I bite my lip and smile. Along the lines of 'should I book the hotel now or later?'.
''You know full well we don't need to do that.'' I couldn't help but tease him back, he sighs in content, happy to have us back.
''I'm- confused, what the fuck is going on?'' Sebastian calls.
''If you want, you can make them forget, Y/n.'' Chuck announces, a valley of yelling and protests wash over me from the Supernatural cast.
''Can I? It could be for the best...'' I trail off, the cast look at me with hurt in their eyes, I decide to communicate with Rob through his head.
'Rob' He looks around, alarmed. 'I'm in your mind, don't panic'
'How could you? I know you aren't meant to be here but please don't make me forget you' I could hear the pain within him.
'I won't completely, you'll know me, but not as who I am. You will know me as your colleague and friend, I'll visit you'
'I love you, I'm sorry I never said it' I heard his heart shatter.
'I love you too, maybe we can develop something in the future' Maybe I was asking too much of myself, maybe not.
''You ready to go back?'' Chuck waltzes toward me and Gabriel. ''Other angels want to see you, I can hear them, it's rather annoying.'' I smile at the thought of seeing them all again, this time knowing who they are to me.
''I think so.'' I turn back to say my goodbyes.
''Misha, you are one of the most genuine and kind people this Earth can offer, I'm so happy I met you.'' I move forward to hug him, channelling my power, as soon as I leave this plane it will activate- leaving them in the state they were before.
''Mr. Sheppard, you smarmy bastard, never change. The world couldn't take it. I'll see you soon.'' I step forward to hug him.
''My, my, Pellegrino, a tear? Not going soft on me, are you?'' He shakes his head, rolling his eyes at me. ''I'll miss you and your karaoke.'' I hug him, he holds on a little longer, refusing to let me go. I look at him with sad eyes, before turning to Sebastian.
''You and your attitude Roche, you're such a light person, you'll see me again and I promise you that. Keep up the humour, you're not yourself without it.'' I hug him, ejecting a powerful wave.
''Richard, I will admit you are my best friend, even when you're trying to sleep with everything that walks. Take care of Robbie for me, I won't be too long before my next visit, so hold on.'' I grip him in my arms, pulling gently on his beard as we part, before getting mockingly swatted away.
I couldn't sat goodbye to Rob, looking at his disheartened face. ''R-Robbie-'' I tried not to cry, saying goodbye to so many friends is breaking me.
''I can't explain how much you mean to me, I love you, in every way you can imagine. I love you all.'' I hug Rob, not wanting to let go.
''Please don't go.'' His whimper makes me finally let out tears.
''I need to. I promise I'll return.'' I think about my next action, before deciding on it.
'Pull away if you don't want this.' I say to him, his head is swimming with agony.
Kissing him, very lightly, I feel tears mix on my lips. I pull away before I get too attached.
''Gonna miss you, so much.'' He whispers to me, clutching my shirt in his hands.
''I have to go, bye Benedict, till we meet again.'' I try to spin a comedic affect into my words, stepping away from my best friends.
Chuck holds out his hands, Gabriel and I connect to them. I shut my eyes, I can't face what I'm leaving behind. I feel a golden illumination against my shut eyelids.
It's not forever, but I will miss them.
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Request: Rescued (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
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You let out a scream, but the collision never came. You watched in horror as Demetri Volturi of all people had a tight grip on the newborn vampire and with impossible speed, he and Felix ripped the vampire apart. 
The two Volturi guards slowly turned to you. Felix and Demetri looked at each other briefly before Demetri approached. You inhaled sharply, trembling in fear as you anticipated that you were next. He crouched down to your level.  "You're safe." 
He'd never actually spoken to you before. He'd only ever stare at you when in his presence. 
After the battle with the Newborn army, you were more than ready for bed. You had just came back into your room after brushing your teeth, taking off your hoodie before gasping in fright. 
There, sitting on the bottom of your bed, was Demetri Volturi. He was quiet at first, seemingly in thought before breaking the silence. "You feel it too." Demetri said simply. You knew almost immediately that he was talking about the pull. The longing you had to be around him. "You feel it?" You asked quietly. Demetri slowly nodded with a grim expression. "I want to understand this but I can't with everyone surrounding us." "You and the others...killed that girl." You began quietly, listening to your voice of reason. "She lived longer than she should have." Demetri answered. "Am I supposed to believe that I won't meet the same fate?" You asked. Demetri sighed. "I'm not here to the play this game with you. I'm not here as a Volturi guard and I know for a fact that you are not as loyal to the Cullen's as you'd have us believe. You and I have to be seen a certain way, play a role and this bond doesn't care for that. So I suggest we figure it out together and cast those roles aside." Demetri swallowed, his voice lowering again. "So do you want to continue roleplaying or come to bed?" You were alarmed by the question, that was exceptionally forward, especially considering the little time you had known each other. You stammered. "As in-?" "Was that not what you were about to do? Go to bed?" You exhaled. "So you're not asking to..." You trailed off. After a moment, Demetri seemed to catch on, a slight smirk growing on his face. "There will be plenty of time for that in the future, love." The smirk vanished. "I just want to be near you, try to understand this." After a moment, you agreed. 
One thing was clear, Demetri wasn't entirely good at being open with humans. Then again, you didn't imagine he had much time for humans unless flirting.  It was clear, Demetri didn't want to do that with you. He wanted to get to know you and this was the way he decided to do it. 
You moved passed him, climbing into your bed. After a moment of watching you. He followed suit. You felt the bed dip as you moved to give him room. The two of you were silent. You felt his arm graze your back and you immediately turned to face him. Like clockwork, you both moved closer to each other and you curled into him.  You expected it to feel awkward, cuddling into a stranger, a dangerous one at that. However it wasn't. In fact it felt like you had been waiting for that moment. "Did you know?" You asked quietly. "In Italy? Did you know?" "I had my suspicions." He responded quietly. "I have so many questions. I want to know more about you." You admitted. "I know." Demetri replied. "As do I. However, there will be time for that. Next time. The next time we get peace like this, I'll answer your questions." 
As time passed, you were almost inseparable. Whilst your bond only grew stronger, so did the challenges. Such as when Bella fell pregnant. Things weren't supposed to go this way. You were at a loss of what to do. You couldn't tell your father what was happening to his daughter. Reality sank in that one day you'd have to look your father in the eyes and tell him Bella had died knowing full well that she was still around. You hated the situation but it only got worse. 
Whilst that was going on, Irina discovered Renesmee and thought her to be an immortal child. She fled before anyone could explain. Seeing there was a law against immortal children, she ran to the Volturi. You hadn't breathed a word to Demetri about any of it. You never got the chance to. The silence on his end was terrifying. Weeks going by with no contact. Soon enough, you wanted to distract yourself. Usually Alice would be a great help in this but she and Jasper had gone, leaving only a note. 
As you were heading back home, your eyes connected with a familiar blonde's red ones. Demetri gestured for you to come with him before he led you through the trees. "Were you ever going to tell me? What they did?" "Demetri, it wasn't-" "Were you?"  "I-" "Were you ever going to tell me about that child!? I highly doubt you didn't know about it." Demetri pressed. "I did but she was wrong!" You blurted out. "The child isn't immortal!" Demetri immediately sighed in frustration. "Is that what they're telling you? At least it will save you- that works." "They aren't telling me anything, I've seen it!" "You don't understand how serious this is. Children can't keep secrets!" Demetri said louder. You paused, biting your lip swallowing back the lump in your throat. "What works?" You asked quietly. Demetri looked at you, void of emotion whilst your emotions began to build. You continued. "After all this time, you didn't say a word to me. I've been here terrified and you didn't send as much as a letter or a call. I was frightened I would be dead, that you would be in trouble that my sister and her family would be in trouble- this whole time!" The more you told him, the closer you got to him, fighting back tears. Demetri grasped your elbows. "I couldn't because when I was angry and when I wasn't angry, I've been talking to Aro, Caius and Marcus. To make sure that at least you'd be safe in all of this. I convinced them you couldn't have possibly have understood, have known enough to ever piece it together. The only reason it worked was because you're my mate! If you were anyone else...you wouldn't get the chance." Demetri took a breath to calm himself. "If you would have told me, this would have been much more simple." Your lip quivered. "I-I try to keep up, I do but..." You shook your head. "I don't know enough about your kind to ever understand." "I know." Demetri said quietly. "That's what's going to save you, my love. I'm sorry, I am so sorry that you're in this position but I'm going to fix it. I just need you to trust me and I need you to be honest. Never ever out yourself in this situation again." Demetri pulled you closer to him, searching your eyes. "I know I went silent for some time and I'm sorry I left you worrying but it's alright now. I'm fixing it." Demetri cracked a small lighthearted smile. "Didn't you miss me?" Your mouth twisted, his attempt at cheering you up failing. However he continued to prod. "(Y/N), didn't you miss me?" His lips brushed against your own. "Even a little?" "Of course, I missed you." You breathed. You pulled back before he could kiss you and he tilted his head in confusion. Your eyes darted at every angle ad though making sure you were alone. "Are you reluctant to kiss me because you feel it's betraying them?" Demetri asked. You looked alarmed. That's exactly how you felt. "No-I-uh..." You stuttered, mind going blank with no excuses at all. "This is interesting." Demetri hummed, looking less than pleased. "It's really plaguing your mind isn't it? You don't know what to do. Be with me and you're betraying your sister or join your sister and betray me. You have no clue what to do." Your eyes fell to the forest floor, almost ashamed you could he read so easily. "Listen, if we're fine-" "Kiss me." Demetri interrupted. Your eyes darted up to his, wide in surprise. "Kiss me." Demetri repeated, moving closer to you. "We are completely alone. No one is watching and no one can hear us. It's only you and I here.Everything that has happened, everything that will happen- forget it. Just as I said, back when we first spoke. Take away our roles and it doesn't matter to us. So even for just the next five minutes, let's just forget everything. Be my (Y/N). No catch, no consequences, just us here and now. Kiss me, (Y/N)." 
In an instant, you closed the gap, capturing his lips with your own. Demetri cradled your face as he kissed you back with just as much force. You broke the kiss, leaning your forehead against his. "If I do as you ask." You whispered. "If I trust you, completely give in to you and let you deal with this. Promise me, I won't regret it." Demetri kissed you again. "I'm going to fix this it'll be easier if you trust me. It's all I ask." 
When the day arrived that the Volturi would come, it was bittersweet. To see Demetri again always tugged in your heart strings but under these circumstances, you couldn't be sure that was important. Aro and Carlisle were the first to speak and to your surprise. Aro got straight to business, starting with you.  "Firstly, I'd say we should get the first issue dealt with." Aro said, his eyes falling on you. "(Y/N)...why dont you come with us?" Your eyes widened in surprise and after a moment of silence, Demetri stepped forward. "(Y/N)!" He called softly. "Come." He held out a hand. The pleading look he sent you made you aware that this was it. 
This is what he meant. You realised that this was him fixing it. Carlisle's words rang in your mind. The Volturi often spared those they deemed innocent. All of those people ended up being in the guard. Due to their remarkable gifts. You didn't have one but what you did have, was the heart of his prized tracker and one of the higher guards. If he wanted to keep Demetri loyal to the Volturi, He'd have to bring you. Your heart beat faster in your chest realising you'd be the next. Although Demetri's words were the last thing you remembered. Him asking you to trust him and you did, you wanted to. You felt terrible as you moved forward. Bella sent you a pleading look and you didn't dare look at her. If you thought about it, or even cast a glance to her, you'd feel the guilt. Demetri was quick to take your hand and pull you tightly into his side. His arm pressing you against him. You realised he was taking a protective stance, ready for any attack. 
When Renesmee and the Cullen's were proven innocent, only Irina taking the fall, did you realise what would happen. You looked to Demetri. "I can't go back, can I?" You said quietly. Demetri shook his head slightly with a slightly apologetic gaze. "I'm sorry. It was the only way." You felt tears build up and Demetri pulled you into him tighter. "Please stay with me. I can't lose you." You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I know. I know. It's okay." It wasn't. Your human life was cut short. You could never see your family ever again. Your sister would never want to see you again.  Slowly, you turned your head to look at her. She met your gaze and to your surprise she nodded with a soft gaze. You couldn't believe it. Bella was encouraging you to go. She said nothing but you knew what she would say. She'd reassure you it was okay. You could go. Bella recognised how much you gave for her happiness with Edward and now it was time to repay the favour. Demetri also caught sight of this before lifting you into his arms. He couldn't help but smile as he began to walk away with many other guards, taking off with you in a blur. 
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morelike-bi-light · 4 years
unplanned unexpected unwarranted vampire charlie au
au where bella decides she cant leave her dad behind like her mom did and convinces edward and carlisle to protect him too. carlisle ushers him out of the house and explains things to him, providing proof as needed - as much as he can. they go to arizona to hide out, charlie stumbling over his words to convince renee that he and bella were threatened and are in enough danger to need to hide out in a different state.
bella still gets the phone call, and renee doesn't answer when either of them call. when the others are distracted, she still gets away to meet james, but when the cullens go to save her, charlie's waiting outside with esme and rosalie (who are guarding him on the road instead). victoria is there too - and she gives them more trouble than they anticipated. emmett and jasper are distracted by the redhead and the noises from inside the studio getting louder and more concerning by the second.
when a scream rings out — he's never heard bella sound like this, not even when she was a mousy little girl buried under his seahawks baseball cap far too big for her head — charlie can't help but wrench open the door and run inside. his baby is cowering away from a bloodthirsty monster and there's not even a pause in his step as he sprints over to shield her form with his own, squeezing her against his chest and praying for the first time since he heard she wanted to come up to forks for the rest of school
his prayer's interrupted by a loud shattering sound and a malicious laugh. "aw, look at that! daddy's trying to save you. what a noble, pointless sacrifice!" a smack like stone hitting stone. "well far be it from me to deny a man his dying wish."
he doesn't hear what he says next - he doesn't hear anything, or see anything, because everything is white and sharp and pain, burning like a star, blooming in the crevice where his shoulder meets his collarbone. nothing exists right then but the cold fire in his skin, burrowing in his bone. it feels like hours before anything changes. the first thing to slip through is wet on his cheek and cool hands scrabbling to clutch at his.
"dad! dad!" bella? "edward! carlisle! anybody, any of you, please, I need help! my dad — needs help!" a hand on his cheek, trembling and frantic. "dad just hang in there! somebody help us!"
his fingers twitch, stretching towards her. "bella —you okay — bells — "
"im okay! im okay, im so sorry, dad, im so sorry! im sorry, it shouldnt have been you — this is all my fault — edward! edward please, you have to help him!"
hers is still the only voice he can discern but there are more emerging, blending together but getting closer. he catches snatches of words like 'bit', and 'spread', and 'minutes', and 'sorry', and 'safety'. a pale shape stands at the edge of his vision, and at once he's lifted from the floor. he convulses, eliciting another audible choke from his sweet daughter, and he recognizes a familiar, soothing voice from above.
"we can't stay here..."
"what? what do you mean?"
"we'll bring him back with us..."
"what are you going to do?"
"let him take him, bella, please"
"we'll watch over him, i promise."
"Im not leaving him, i can't just let him go!"
"i promise," softer. "jasper — will he sleep?"
the world softens and fully crumbles away. there's nothing left. nothing but fire.
time doesn't exist here, but then the fire, it doesn't go out. yet it stops hurting. it stops eating. it starts feeding. a single thought pops into his head that will make no sense to him when he recalls it later — a weary 'oh. i see.'
three days after the ballet studio, he wakes up to a brown popcorn ceiling. he blinks. he can see every crack and cranny in the plaster.
"mr. swan?" a tinkling voice says, and he sits up. "good, I thought you'd be up." the little black haired cullen girl beams up at him, chipper but sorry. her hand is curled around his wrist. "bella will be back any moment, and carlisle soon after. they're just across the hall, actually. he says we'll need to look after you for a while, just in case, —"
she pauses, just soon enough to avoid being interrupted by the sound of beeping and pressing keys and the door swinging open. bella is whole and wonderful — he can see every inch of her and she's really actually fine, not even a scratch — and she freezes seeing him but then she's flinging herself forward, pale face contorting
"b-bells," he stands up, quickly, too quickly, to meet her, tugging alice along with him, but edward catches his girlfriend's hand and holds her back as he voices her objections to her entering at all. charlie scowls at first, when a scent reaches his nose — a smell that might've made his stomach growl if it could. his eyes cast up in open question.
edward is stiff, eyes looking conflicted but legs poised to pounce. "it's her."
"oh." charlie shifts uncomfortably on his feet, properly spooked, willing the despairing thirst away. as moments pass since making the connection, the scent of blood — of food — fades, to the point he can hardly detect it at all. it's a sharp relief.
"you — how do you feel," bella forces out, eyes locked with his with an uncomfortable intensity that makes him squirm and anxiously rake a hand through his hair. carlisle and the others filter in behind her and he's grateful for something else to look at, now he knows she's safe.
"better," he settles on. "than before, I mean. was that — did —" he waits for someone to interrupt him and fill him in, but it's quiet. "are you okay?"
a bark of laughter bursts from her chest and she assures him she's fine, eyes wide and brows furrowed like she can't believe he's a real person, the way she gets sometimes when he says something so awkward and sincere it makes her want to groan. but she doesn't want to groan anymore. instead she's torn between crying and singing.
"what do you remember?" carlisle asks, gently stepping forward, his gaze a mix of clinical fascination, wary confusion, and personal concern. charlie would flush beneath it... but the heat never comes to his cheeks.
"exactly how much are you looking for," he grumbles. "last thing i recall..." no need to go into the pain. "finding bella with that... guy at the studio."
"just finding her?"
"trying to protect her," he amends, focused on avoiding everyone's gaze. "and... it was..." then he notices how much there is to see, even when hes trying not to look at anything. he frowns. absorbing this much — it feels like a headache, minus the pain itself. overload. "it was him wasnt it. he bit me"
esme and jasper nod, but carlisle and bella just look away, the brunette visibly cringing. edward's jaw tightens, and for some inexplicable reason, the sight of that is what makes it all click for him.
"so," he fumbles for a second, but the word comes out so clean and sure when he says it, not at all like he feels. his mouth is physically incapable of tripping over itself like hes used to, no stammer, no stumbling. he grimaces and all the muscles pull exactly like he intends them too. he shakes his head. "he bit me. and? can i assume that's what's got me feeling so weird? the... some sort of effect of the bite?"
bella doesnt answer. neither does carlisle. surprisingly, it's that blonde girl that replies, though not to him.
"show him," she says, and after a moment, esme creeps forward, gesturing for his hand. he hesitates, but takes it. edward shifts to place bella behind him, as if she needs to be protected from him the way charlie protected her from james, a move that breaks his heart. gently, esme maneuvers him over to the bathroom. she turns on the lights, though she didn't really need to. he blinks. red. in the middle of a face with skin more suited to a shelf at a morgue than the tasteful backsplash of the bathroom, framed with dark, curling, concerningly long lashes, his irises were red. that wasn't it, either.
"am i..." he huffed. "am i seeing things, or am i way better looking than usual?"
a ripple of good humor disturbs the room, from esme's warm giggle, to a watery chuckle from bella, to a great, booming crow from emmett.
"way to focus on what's important, chief," alice nods, at the man's back in an instant. she doesn't sound nearly as sarcastic as those words should warrant. "finally, a man after my own heart."
"wait till you try running for the first time," emmett interjects, joining her behind him. "mind, blown."
some of the other family members sigh and shake their heads. charlie runs his eyes along his sharper jaw, still sprinkled with the stubble he'd acquired in the preceding chaos, now even and almost roguish where before hes pretty sure it made him look old and unkempt. he looks younger, he thinks, not young exactly, but good. better than his age.
he pulls away from his reflection, eyes flickering from face to face around him. he might even have said that he fit in with the mythically beautiful family. hes struck by how silly he was to dismiss the strangeness of the gorgeous, antisocial group out of hand, now that he sees how strange he's become himself, before his eyes fall to his daughter.
"im sorry dad" she mumbles, humor evaporating, and a pain resounds like a crack in his chest.
slowly, carefully, he moves forward, and the rest of the vampires stand on high alert as they realize what he's about to do. bella's eyes are bloodshot and he presses his lips together in a bittersweet line as he wraps her in his arms and tucks her close, just under his chin. a shudder runs down his spine as a phantom pain ghosts over his shoulder, but he brushes it aside and it evaporates like water. when he breathes in, she smells the way she always has, and he is not hungry.
"it's okay, kiddo. we'll get through this. im just glad you're okay."
and they do. charlie's vampiric powers are related to shielding, like his daughter, but his are more like putting things on mute, if that makes sense. small things, obviously, and usually physical. he's got a great deal more resistance to thirst than most newborns, for example, because it's muted by his powers, particularly for those he cares about. unfortunately this makes it likelier for him to, uh, die of thirst, as it's possible for him to forget to feed. and he can't block edward from hearing his thoughts completely, but they're muffled naturally by his powers (and always will be. hes not helping anyone into his head any time soon, especially not his daughter's boyfriend). he can also mute his own scent to the shapeshifters — which means he and billy, after things are all sorted, will still be able to hang out and be best friends!! he can also mute his own footsteps,
anyways this started as a meme post intending to go into how comedic it would be if charlie got changed and bella spent the rest of the series complaining that edward wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her father but not with her but then i got struck with some mad charlie feels and this happened so anyways vampire!charlie everyone @charlieswanismyrealdad @effervescent-emmett @cullen-trash @emmettmccartycullen @jaspell @leahclearwaterdefensesquad is this anything
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ravenluvsppnbc · 3 years
today’s prompt was “near death” so this is what i did. what a clutz move beca. enjoy.
“The air smelled of grease and sweat. Gross. But it was a carnival, so it seemed less gross at that minute. The Bellas arrived at three, minus Chloe, who unfortunately had to work. The sun was shining and children ran all around. 
The Bellas played rigged games, ate gross fair food, and rode rides for a few hours before Aubrey spotted the ferris wheel. Aubrey claimed that you always had to go on it. It’s a classic ride. So, ten college girls joined the line for the ferris wheel. It seemed like a long line, but it moved fairly quickly. After only about twenty minutes, the girls were able to board the ride.
Emily squeezed into a car with Beca, as the other girls found their way into the seats. It was a pleasant ride. The sun was just beginning to set as the wheel turned. Beca thought about Chloe, and how she would love to watch the sunset from up here. She snapped a photo to show her later. Beca and Chloe had been dating for around six months now—Chloe was kinda all Beca could think about. She loved everything about her.
Beca and Emily shared a nice conversation as the ride went on. Suddenly the ride stopped. Beca looked down. They were already unloading. Beca watched as an old couple exited the ride. The ride starts and then stops, again. This time, they’re at the top. “Oh my god what is that?” Emily shouted, looking down at their seat.
Beca jolted to the side, shaking the cart, when she noticed the huge spider who had apparently been riding the ferris wheel with them. “What the hell,” She said, shaking her hand towards it, “Get out!” This only seemed to anger the spider.
The two girls both start freaking out, trying, desperately, to move the spider. The whole seat is shaking now. “Sit still in your seat please, we will be unloading you shortly.” A man shouts from below them. Neither of them register it, as the spider is still planning on coming along for the ride.
Then it happens. The mistake. Beca leaned forward, shooing the spider off of the seat, only to go with it. She fell over the rail, tumbling to the ground. Emily starts panicking. Screaming, as she watched Beca hit the ground. “Get me off please! My friend is dying!”
The wheel slowly turns again, letting Aubrey and Stacie exit the ride. “Shit!” Aubrey yells, rushing through the crowd of people in line. 
“Chloe is gonna kill us.” Stacie mumbles, scrambling over to the other side of the ride.
“What the hell happened Emily!?” Aubrey shouts when Emily exits the ride. The crowd of people gathered around Beca is huge. Everyone is trying to help her up. She can barely catch her breath.
“She just. Fell. I don’t know.” Emily said, pulling Beca up off of the ground. Beca winces as she tries to walk. The Bellas can tell that she’s trying to hide the amount of pain she’s in. Maybe that’s just her. 
Amy carries Beca to the car, where the girls start arguing, after they start driving. “So. Which one of you guys wants to call Chloe and explain this? I’m driving, so it can’t be me.” Aubrey says, looking in the rearview mirror. 
“Not me. Chloe’s gonna go insane.” Stacie says, looking back at the rest of the girls.
“Word. I vote Emily. I mean, you were in the same seat as her. It’s half your fault.” Amy says, half jokingly, pointing to Emily.
“Okay. I guess that’s fair. I mean there was no way I could have stopped her from falling, but..”
“Emily. Phone. Now.” Aubrey said, pulling out of the parking lot.
“Right.” Emily mumbles, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. She dials Chloe’s number, and listened to it ring. 
“Hey Emily, are you guys having fun?” Chloe asked. God. Why does Chloe have to be so happy? Emily was so nervous. She was about to give horrible news.
“Don’t be mad.” Emily says, her voice shaking, as she puts Chloe on speakerphone. 
“What did you do?” Chloe asked, immediately growing suspicious. 
“Well. It’s kinda dumb. I don’t really know how to tell you.”
“Where are you? Put Beca on the phone.” Chloe demands.
“Beca…” Emily starts, and then looks around at the girls in the car, “Is a little tied up right now. Um. Can I take a message?”
“Emily. Don’t be an ass. Just tell her what happened. Stop stalling.” Aubrey chimed in, from the front of the car, still trying to focus on driving. She’s definitely speeding.
“What happened?”
“Beca is injured.” Emily says, Stacie shooting her a confused look.
“Where are you?”
“We’re pulling up at the hospital.” Emily said, examining their surroundings.
“Emily. I swear to God. If my girlfriend isn’t in one piece when I get there, you’re dead.”
“Got it. See you soon.” Emily said, rushing to unbuckle her seatbelt.
“What can I do for you ladies?” A man nurse says, as the girls enter the hospital.
“My friend here, fell off of a ferris wheel like ten minutes ago. I don’t know how American hospitals work, but whatever you can do to like fix that issue would be good.” Amy blurted out, chuckling.
The nurse immediately rushes them all to a hospital room where they sit Beca down and start checking everything. “Alright, we’re just gonna ask you guys to stand outside while we run some tests and get her all fixed up.”
“Okay. But beware. Her girlfriend is on the way and is definitely gonna go psycho. Just letting you know ahead of time.” Stacie says, as the nurse closes the door.
“Yeah. Legacy that’s yours to deal with.” Amy says, pointing her finger at Emily, again.
Sure enough. Just a few minutes later, Chloe arrives at the hospital. “Where is she?” Chloe asked, approaching the group.
“Uh we can’t see her yet, they’re doing… whatever it is that they do when they do ‘tests’” Aubrey says, pulling Chloe into a hug. Chloe’s eyes are full of worry and fear. 
A few moments of silence pass, all of the girls trying to avoid telling Chloe of the days events. Chloe is the first to break the silence. “So is no one going to tell me what the hell happened?” she shouted, with a bit more anger and way louder than she had intended to.
“Well. Emily, if you want to…” Aubrey started, before Chloe interrupted.
“Yeah Emily, if you could tell me what’s going on, that would be great.”
“So, we were just y’know, riding rides and stuff. We all decided to get on the ferris wheel together. And it was all going okay until they were unloading.” Emily starts to explain, using an unnecessary amount of hand gestures. “We were just waiting to be unloaded and this huge spider just walked into our uh. Our seat. And we were both kinda freaking out. Beca moved to the side and the whole seat started to like move around, and then she moved forward and fell off… the ferris wheel…”
“You let Beca fall off the ferris wheel?”
“I don’t know how good my reaction time is but-”
“Not good enough.” Chloe interrupted, anxiously pacing the hallway.
“She could have died, Emily!”
“Chloe I don’t think she’s going to die, don’t worry.” Aubrey said, grabbing Chloe.
“I just. I can’t-” Chloe started, bursting into tears. 
“I know.” Aubrey said, pulling her into a hug.
After a while, the nurse comes back out of the room and announced that they can go in to see her now. He begins to walk the group towards a room. Stretching out his hand to the door, the girls begin to enter. Chloe pushes through the small crowd, entering the room first. She slams the door behind her, throwing her coat onto the floor.
“Yeah that’s the-” Amy starts to say.
“Psycho girlfriend?” The nurse finishes, chuckling. The girls all hum in response. “Ah. Gotcha. I’ll come back in a few minutes.”
Beca turns her head, smiling to see her girlfriend. She is wearing a cast on her wrist and has scratches on her face. Her forehead also houses a bruise. Chloe caresses Beca’s cheek, dragging her finger across a scratch.
“Dude you can’t do that. Scared the shit out of me.” Chloe says, smiling at her girlfriend.
“Do what?”
“Fall off a ferris wheel? Are you crazy?” Chloe exclaims, pulling her girlfriend into a tight hug, running her hand up and down her back.
Beca pulls away after a moment and looks at Chloe. “Yeah, crazy for you.”
 “Beca. You almost just died. And you’re flirting?”
“Yeah. It was just like when I fell for you.” Beca says, her eyes scanning Chloe’s body. Chloe hums, smiling into beca’s lips as they connect with her own. What had gotten into Beca? She giggled as Chloe sat down on the hospital bed. “You’re pretty.”
“I love you.” Chloe blurts out. For the first time. A smile that Chloe has never seen before appears on Beca’s face. A smile so big. She climbed into Chloe’s lap, kissing her lips.
“I love you too.” Beca whispers just an inch away from her girlfriend’s lips. Beca had just begun kissing Chloe’s neck, when there was a knock at the door.
“Hello? Are you guys done with hospital makeout shit? We want to see the bitch who fell off the ferris wheel. Make sure she’s not dead.” Amy yelled from outside the door. Chloe instantly started chuckling.
“She’s not dead!” She shouted, Beca giggling into her neck as the door swung open. The nurse enters the room again, accompanied by ten a cappella girls, who immediately bombard Beca with questions. Beca falls back into Chloe’s arms as the conversation continues.
When it was time to leave, the whole room is soon in tears of laughter, including the nurse, who quickly became friends with the Bellas.
As soon as they get into the car, Chloe deciding to drive a few of the girls back home so that they wouldn’t be squished into Aubrey’s car, Beca finds a permanent marker. “Hey, wanna sign this shit?”
“Obviously.” Chloe says, taking the pen, scribbling away.
“Better be cool,” Beca says, waiting.
It takes a second for Beca to readjust to view her cast. “Chloe Beale’s lover?!” Beca shouts, reading the new inscription on her cast. The whole car erupts in laughter.”
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