#meanwhile harry would be clean
orangepajamas · 11 months
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stinky-sock kitsuragi and green chartreuse du bois
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in-flvx · 4 months
I truly do not understand how much of the arguments about the marauders intelligence are being tied to their detentions.
It's always "Remus pulled the strings behind the scenes, he was just better than sirius and james at not getting caught" and I have to entirely disagree with this.
We know that sirius and james can keep a secret, and can do incredibly complicated magic in secret, right under the nose of a teacher who had done the same process herself. They became animagi at 15, they snuck out every full moon after that without getting caught, they made a map of the entire castle that nobody knew about, they made the most useful and accurate form of long distance communication known to wizard kind, which again nobody knew about, just to make their detentions less boring.
If they had wanted to not get caught for hexing their fellow students, they wouldn't have been.
Harry mentions that the two often got detention for cruel things, for being bullies basically. And I am not saying that they weren't.
But also, they went to school during a war, and both of them were squarely against pureblood ideology. They were also both proud of their position, and very proactive about it. They were fighting the war in hogwarts, even before joining the order. And both of them maintain a pretty traditional view of chivalry and honor. Sirius outright condemns Peters desire to stay in the shadow rather than being outright about his standing.
So why would either of james and sirius hide away as they hex blood purists. They are proud of it!
Meanwhile, Peter and remus are less often part of the detentions. Peter, as we've covered, likes to stay out of the lime light, and just be grouped in by proximity.
Remus acts differently. We see him operate, and, yes he has a talent to bully in such a way that he doesnt end up punished. He is a trickster, even if he's basically as open in his mockery as sirius and james are.
This isn't about intelligence or capability.
It matters to remus and for remus what being caught could mean for him, how much it would open a target on him if he didn't operate this way.
And it matters to sirius and james to show very openly where their loyalties lie. It matters to them to not hide away when the only consequence would be writing lines or cleaning cauldrons or even getting hexed in turn.
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Little Helpers
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Harry needs a bit of help, and who's better than his two little gremlins...
90sRockstar!Harry × Reader
A/N- Happens wayyyyyyy long in the future, like at least 10 years after they meet. Harry and reader are in their mid 30s
Only Angel Masterlist // Masterlist
It was your birthday.
And Harry was struggling.
You've been out in New York for last week or so for work while he has been staying home with kids.
To say they're pain in the ass is an understatement, but he made his bed (or hot tub), so he had to lay in it.
Harry was the "fun" parent, to say the least, cause he can't say no, and those gremlins even tho they're only four years old are way too good at getting things their way.
Meanwhile, you knew how to shut down something you knew they didn't need. Like the large Nerf gun, Harry got them in secret and then had to listen to you yell at him while those two giggled from the stairs in timeout.
But that wasn't the problem right now.
The problem was that the house was mess, the kitchen was mess, it was your birthday and he doesn't know how to cook, clean all at the same time while taking care of kids who are already running around in backyard.
It was times like these he was amazed by how his mother, and even you did everything so efficiently. Never once did he saw a thing out of place when you stayed with kids, and he had to go out.
(Maybe cause you made the kids clean up after themselves while he sees one look of their puppy eyes and melts)
He took a deep breath in and called for the kids, "Jack! Soph! come back inside" He yelled, which caught the twins' attention. Their little head snapped towards him, and soon enough, they were running in giggling still in their pjs.
Harry shook his head and walked back inside and saw them talking to themselves. They were literally each others best friends, always attached to the hip, partners in crime, and he hoped they're like this when they grow up.
"Kids, kids and kids!" He announced dramatically. Twins giggled again, "There is only two of us, dada. Why are you saying kids three times?" They looked at each other and laughed again at Harry's trying to be mad face.
"Hey smartasses listen to me." He flicked their head lightly, "It's your maa's birthday today"
The twins' eyes went wide, and then Soph jumped, screaming "birthday" making Harry laugh. "That means we will get cake?" Jack asked his dad.
"You will if you help me" Harry shrugged, "Whoever helps me out the most will get the bigger piece!" Harry said.
Twins looked at each other again and then their dad and nodded their head quickly, "I will help you" Jack said, "Me too" Soph said in tow.
"Well then, let's start with this room. Pick up all your toys and everything else and put them where they should be." He said, walking towards the kitchen sink. It was an open plan, so he could still see the kids while cleaning up the kitchen.
He looked at the clock, and it was still 4 hours left to your arrival. He could do it.
He hopes he can do it.
Harry was surprised and amused when he looked up and saw two heaving toddlers sitting on the ground.
"Well done babies, you did such a great job" He said, squatting down to their level and kissing both of their heads.
"We know" They said together. Harry laughed at that cause even if the kids looked like him, their personality was yours. Sassy, witty and smart for their age.
"We put everything in different boxes so you could see who did more work, and my box is the most filled" Jackson said cockily and Soph rolled her eyes.
"I'm just going to steal more from dad's plate" she said without any care as much as Harry would like to think otherwise it was true. He lost his right to have his own food when he become father and he's okay with it (to certain level). Harry still very much amused with their banter over cake slice, goes to the kitchen, and fetches both of them their water bottles along with a bowl of fruits.
"Why don't you two drink some water and eat all those fruits and then come help me bake the cake?" Harry asked them immediately, getting nods as an answer from hungry babies.
He took out all the ingredients while the kids ate and arranged them, so it was easier for kids to "help" him.
Soon enough, they were all done with their snacks and were standing on the large wooden stool beside Harry, watching him make the cake. Both of them have large chefs hat on and custom matching aprons Harry got for all of them for when they would cook together on Sunday mornings.
He was in the middle of cracking egg when Sophie started to fuss, "Dada I want to do it too!" She said, pouting.
Harry brought the bowl in front of her and stood behind her holding her hand, which had egg in it, and then cracked it open and put it in the bowl. Sophie giggled, finding amusement in cracking eggs, which made Jack feel left out so Harry did the same with him too.
The kids helped him as much as they could, with bringing him stuff, and finally, the cake was in oven.
Jack and Soph sat in front of the oven watching the cake like hawk cause in their words, "we want it to be perfect like maa makes it". Harry cleaned the rest of the kitchen.
"C'mon babies bath time." He announced which much to kids displeasure meant they had to move away from the oven. Harry literally had to drag them upstairs with Soph in his left arm and Jack in right.
"You two are getting heavy for me to pick you up and roam around" he said, groaning at the feeling of back ache rising.
"No, you're just getting old, dada." The twins laughed. Harry rolled his eyes at them and flicked their heads.
"In the bath. Your maa will have my head if you two are dirty" He said, starting the warm bath of them.
There have been times Harry felt proud of himself, and right now, as he watches the clean house, clean kids, and a not burned cake, he feels proud of himself.
Kids were watching TV in the living room when they heard the car pull up in the driveway, and everyone was set on their mission.
Harry quickly lit up all the candles. Meanwhile, kids stood in the position near the door with paper confetti in their hands to throw at you.
Meanwhile, you feel exhausted as you get out of the car. The fashion week of this year was hectic. You were so busy you didn't even remember it was your birthday until you opened he door.
Colorful confetti flew on your face as you heard "happy birthday" in unison. Your kids stood near the door with the biggest smile on their faces with your husband behind them with cake in his hand.
"Omg, thank you so much my little munchkin" you said, sitting down on your knees and pulling twins into tight hugs. All exhaustion and stress were lost as you saw your favorite people.
"Hey, I'm also here." You heard Harry whine, making three of you laugh.
"C'mon maa, we want cake!" Jack said, first making you laugh. You kissed both of their cheeks and stood up, walking towards your husband.
You pecked his lips and smiled, "Thank you, baby." you said with a warm smile matching his. "My absolute pleasure angel" He said, kissing you again.
"Those gremlins helped me, or I was ready to have a panic attack this morning," he said, chuckling.
You brought the cake to the kitchen, Harry stood beside you his arms around your waist, and kids stood on the stool on your other side.
"Maa make a wish!" Soph said. You nodded and wished for your family to stay just like this forever and blew the candles. Jack and Soph clapped while Harry leaned down and kissed your cheeks.
Cake slices were cut and put in plate for all four of you and as you and Harry stood in the kitchen with your head on his shoulder watching your kids banter over who's slice is bigger you never felt more content.
This is all you ever wanted.
I think they're my favorite couple after Harry and Autumn.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
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twopoppies · 2 months
HI. I apologize in advance if I ask the same question to more bloggers, but, as a new Larrie, I don't know many things and I don't have clear ideas. a veteran Larrie, here on Tumblr, thinks that H and L broke up at least a year and a half ago (this would also be demonstrated by the fact that Louis, completely drunk, fell and broke his arm) and that what is happening in these days is made possible precisely by the fact that they are no longer together. This statement struck me. what do you think?
Hi, love. I mean, people are going to have different interpretations of things. IMO, if they’d broken up after a dozen years of fighting to be together, and Louis was flinging himself around getting wasted because of it, casually being in the same room would be a way bigger deal to them than whoever that person who said that is thinking.
Harryween where Harry dressed as Danny Zuko and sang Hopelessly Devoted to You (Lou) happened less than two weeks before the broken arm. Louis saying that song was his favorite from the movie (“a banger”) happened more than a month after Harryween. Are we saying that within the span of less than 2 weeks they went from hopelessly devoted to breaking up and Louis went on a bender but was still talking about Hopelessly Devoted to You? Meanwhile, Harry remained joyously happy? It just doesn’t add up to me.
I just think there are reasons other than a breakup that could explain some of Louis’ behavior (over-enjoying the “rock star” life on the road again after so many years of being held back, or a decision to position himself as far away from the squeaky clean boybander he was in order to change his image, are two reasons off the top of my head. I’m sure there could be any number of other causes).
I don’t know if they’re still together, but IMO having them in the same place, in the same room, yesterday points to them being together much more so than to them having broken up.
As with everything, you’ve got to decide for yourself. Even “veteran larries” can misinterpret things and as with everything having to do with these two fuckers, we just have to wait and see what comes next. 💖
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ki-yomii · 10 months
b.d.e | ksj
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➥ pairing | kim seokjin x f!reader
➥ word count | ~800
➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; dirty talk, orgasm control/edging, pet names, mild praise kink, wet & messy, oral (f receiving), prep, big dick Jin
➥ summary | don't you know he'll never fit if he doesn't prep you first?
➥ notes | gotta feed my lovely cinnabon wife @supertuna-sideblog 😘
💚 masterlist | inbox | AO3 💚
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“Shh, that’s it - just like that, baby. You’re doing so well.”
Whining low and wounded, the sound scraped up from the depths of your raw throat, you thought - not for the first time, and certainly not for the last - how unreasonable Kim Seokjin could be.
After almost a year of (secret) dating, his ability to worm his way under your skin only flourished, and he used it to his full advantage much to your detriment.
Case in point: what initially started out as a necessity quickly became a fun little indulgence for him, and a zero-sum game for you.
Winning, losing; every time he got you on your back, you were both victor and victim.
Not only had it taken him months to put his hands anywhere below the waist.
You were half convinced he never would have taken it any further had you not pushed, pressed, prodded until he quite literally snapped one day, bent you over a counter, and fucked you so hard you limped for days afterward.
It wasn’t necessarily his fault - you said you could handle it… which was, in fact, a bald-faced lie.
His cock was thick and long and stuffed you to the brim until tears clung to your lashes. The stretch stung, settling behind your navel like a lead ball.
And even though you dripped onto the tile, it wasn't smooth. But you were so satisfied, your walls quivering and clamping down on his shaft with every jerky thrust of his hips, that you didn’t care.
In the aftermath, you loved how rough he’d been - even if your new best friend was the ice pack from your freezer - whereas Seokjin vowed to prep you thoroughly before his dick got anywhere near your nethers from then on.
He didn’t want to ruin his precious baby, after all.
At least, not in the way you begged him too.
No, the devious bastard came up with a solution all on his own. Instead of outright wrecking you on his cock until you were sore and bruised, cum dumb, and cock drunk, he preferred the more discreet, insidious path.
He wound you up: softened your resolve with butterfly kisses peppered from the apples of your cheeks to the curve of your belly, and teasing caresses of his fingers over the peak of your nipple, the back of your thigh, the dip of your belly button.
Then, when you least expected it, he’d swoop in; spread your sticky folds open with his thumbs, and wrap those pretty lips around your clit while his tongue traced your entrance, lapping at the honey of your cunt with a low hum of approval.
Meanwhile, you’d writhe, whine, wrap your hands around his broad shoulders, and claw for freedom.
He brings you right to the edge, your trembling thighs clamping down on his ears, and then he pulls away, strings of your arousal clinging to the swollen, red plush of his mouth, the flicker of his pink tongue as he licks himself clean with a smirk.
Your chest flutters with every harried breath, heat pooling deep behind your navel; pulsing in time with your heartbeat. Your pussy clenches, twitches as the cool air brushes over your abused folds as your orgasm is snatched from you.
“Please - please, no more.”
Your skin feels tight, and itchy like a bad sunburn. Your hands flutter about the sheets, unsure where to settle as lighting crackles down your spine.
"Give me your cock, or let me cum."
“I can’t do that, baby. Not yet.”
“No, you can!”
A low hum rumbles from his chest, and his eyes - twin pools of heated black - dart from the tremble of your chin to the throb of your poor clit.
“No. We’ve gotta make sure your pretty little pussy can take me, yeah? You’re still too tight.”
Tears bead at the corners of your lash line, and you say, “No, ‘m not. You’ve done enough prep, I promise. It’s - it’s too much. Please just fuck me now.”
“Oh, baby,” Seokjin breathes, reaching down to smear your slick over your tender clit with the ball of his thumb, groaning when you hiccup as the little bundle of nerves jumps beneath his touch, “you know better. I don’t want to hurt you again. Now be a good girl, and let me take care of you.”
“Shhh. It’s all right, I’ve got you. Soon, okay? I still need to play with you a little bit more.”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandere Molly Weasley w/ Harry’s Muggle!Aunt!Reader Headcanons (platonic)
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(Related to a post I did here awhile ago.)
Molly would absolutely adore Harry’s beloved aunt to no end. The absolute love and care they so unashamedly show for him just made her heart want to burst. In a good way of course.
The first time Molly ever saw you, let alone met you, was at the train station after Harry, Ron and Hermione’s first year ended. You had been amongst the family there to pick him up. She remembers so vividly how much you stood out from the other’s around you. They were stiff and looked extremely uncomfortable, like they had rather been anywhere other then there. On the other hand you were a ray of sunshine amongst rainy clouds that day. And you only shown brighter once you caught sight of Harry. She couldn’t help but notice how much happier and at ease he looked when he saw you too. Molly knew right then and there that you were a good one.
In second year when Harry ends up at the Burrow he of course gushes about his precious aunt, especially to Molly. It’s no surprise that he’d be reminded of the one true place he’s ever felt genuine belonging and love when surrounded by the warmth of the Weasley’s and he just couldn’t help himself but to share how amazing his aunt is compared to the family he was forced to stay with. Meanwhile Molly couldn’t be all the happier hearing how highly and adoring Harry spoke about you. She really did want to better know the person who meant oh so much to him.
Molly would especially want to bring Harry’s aunt into the Weasley family after getting word of their kindness and generosity from Ron and or her other children. When she heard that you had gone out of your way to gift not only gift their children with Christmas presents but also her and Arthur as well. And muggle presents at that (Arthur was completely over the moon)! She was incredibly overcome with emotion. She immediately got to work on knitting you a jumper of your very own and writing such a sweet letter, as well as nagging her children to write their very own letters as well.
From then on Molly would consistently stay in contact with you. It was something that really made her happy. It especially made her day whenever she got a letter from you, although with Errol she always worried whether you’d get hers or not. (Ron would often tell Harry how giddy his mother got when she heard from you.) Molly would most definitely share her recipes with you and absolutely adoring the ones you sent back. Even if she didn’t quite understand them.
When the holidays come along you can bet Molly invites you and Harry to spend said holidays at the Burrow with them. But when she gets an answer back accepting her invitation, as well as an invitation for them to do the same and visit you and Harry any time, she is a mess. She’s absolutely and utterly excited but she’s just as nervous too. Molly would spend the weeks and days leading up to your arrival cleaning and trying to make the Burrow look as perfect as possible but it doesn’t last long. By the time you get there it’s already a chaotic mess but you don’t mind. It’s their home and that’s all that matters. Molly never thought she could adore you more than she’s grown to but that one statement means the absolute world to her and her heart melts. She can’t help herself, she pulls you into a bone crushing hug and doesn’t let go for sometime.
Molly would be increasingly protective of Harry’s aunt. Not only because you’re Harry’s most treasured person but also because of you being a muggle and not having any magical capability. That she knew of at least. To her you were vulnerable and in need of taking under her wing. And she would do just that. Molly would even be overprotective towards you around her own family, particularly the twins and Arthur when he tried to bombard you with questsions about muggle related things.
Once Molly has you in person she doesn’t want to give you up. She’s more than happy chatting the night away with you. She’d be inclined to stall you from going home, persuading you into staying the night allowing her even more time with you. Only for the cycle to continue again and again every time you came to visit or vice versa when they visited you at your home.
I feel like Molly would be the type to take the aunt’s word for gospel. Like, whatever you said she’d be more likely to agree and go with it. Like, for example when meeting Bill with his long hair and fang earring as much as Molly dispproves of it, if you were to say you liked it or that it suited him or anything positive then Molly would undoubtedly leave him alone about it when you’re around. Or maybe even leave him alone about it permanently. Molly wouldn’t want you to view her negatively if she were to continue to be openly disapproving of.
Molly would completely and utterly love to take you to Diagon Alley. Having heard how Harry talks about how excited and amazed you get Wehrmacht it comes to magic and particularly his homework, Molly would make any excuse to show you magic and anything pertaining to the magical world in general.
Whenever you’re around Molly would definitely show of her magical capabilities. The look of utter amazement and wonder shining in your eyes would be really too hard not to want to see again and again. The one thing she would be extremely adamant against you having any interaction with is Fred and George’s Weasley Wizard Wheezes. She doesn’t care if you find it admiring and or incredible, Molly will not take any chances with you and their products. No doubt the twins would still find a way to get their products to you, ‘gifts’ as they call it. Of course the much more tame and less altering ones of course, Harry said so.
Overall, Molly would absolutely cherish Harry’s beloved aunt. She’d be overprotective and loving towards them similar to Harry. They would not only become a great friend to her but also very much a permanent part of the Weasley family. And if Molly’s invested so is the rest of the family.
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msmoony7 · 5 months
When Stars Align Chapter 1: Collide
Fic Summary: James Potter finds his perfect and orderly life upturned by the arrival of Regulus Black, former Beauxbatons student who fled France with his brother, Sirius, to escape their abusive family. Unexpectedly, their two worlds align. While James is trying to make sense of the unplanned, Regulus is trying not to fall in love.
Meanwhile, Remus Lupin, a boy hyper focused on school with no room for anything else, never imagined himself as a romantic. To him, it was distant and unimaginable. After Sirius Black enters his life, he finds himself entangled in an unsuspected romance, with the once unseen possibility of love unfolding before his eyes.
I'll be posting this fic on ao3 and the first two chapter are up now! but i'm posting the first chapter here too :) hope u like it!
When Stars Align - Chapter 1 - msmoony7 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Wake up, eat a breakfast large enough to feed an army, say goodbye to his parents at the train station, sit in a train compartment with his friends on the way to school, catch up with everything they missed over the summer apart. Every September first for the last six years has been the same for James Potter. Routine keeps him sane, and he holds familiarity close to his heart.
He expects his seventh and final year to be all the same as all the others and it was starting out so. He got up bright and early, he has always been a morning person, and went downstairs to greet his mother who was making breakfast. 
“Mornin’ Mum,” he says while giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Mornin’ Dad.” He ruffles his dad’s hair before sitting down at the table. Normally, he would help his mum out with breakfast and setting the table. But on September 1st, she loves getting everything together herself for her not so baby boy. Breakfast is ready quickly and the three of them eat while chatting about anything and everything to fill up their last few moments together before James is off to school once more.
“I remember your first trip to Hogwarts like it was yesterday.” His dad starts reminiscing over past September 1st’s as he does each year. “You cried the whole way to King’s Cross,” he adds teasingly.
“You remind me every year,” James smiles back. His first trip to Hogwarts is one he won’t forget. Scared and young, he had no friends and had never been away from home or his parents before. He cried the entire trip to the train station and almost the entire train ride, only to be consoled by a small boy by the name of Peter Pettigrew. Quiet Remus Lupin was also in the train compartment but was no help to James and quite literally just stared at him as he sobbed. The sorting ceremony came next and thankfully, all three boys were sorted into the same house. Having a familiar face nearby always helped James out. Since that day, the three have been inseparable. After going through this the first time, his friends have made the trip and distance from home easier. Still, he makes sure to treasure his time home with his family.
After helping his mum clean up, against her wishes, his parents load up the car with his luggage and get ready to leave for the train station. Surely he can get there himself, but his parents want to see him all the way to the train. 
The drive is filled with laughter, which eases James’s nerves. Even after doing this six times before, he still gets anxious about leaving home. Once at the station, the three of them walk inside and prepare to run through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. This has always been James’s favorite part of the entire day.
Once through, he quickly finds the Lupin and Pettigrew Families minus Remus and Peter. 
“How’d summer treat you?” Remus’s dad, Lyall, asks James. His accent is thick and almost too difficult to understand. But after years of being Remus’s friend, he’s caught on to the Welsh twang. Casual chit chat fills the air between James and the adults while James is filled with excitement on the approaching school year. Too excited to see his friends, he says a quick goodbye to the adults as he pulls his parents away to say their goodbyes. 
“I’ll miss you guys,” James says to his parents, holding back tears. This is the worst part, he thinks. And no matter how many times he does it, no matter how many friends are waiting on the train for him, he’ll never be able to do it without tears brimming his eyes. 
“We’ll see you soon, honey.” His mom consoles him, running her thumb across his cheek. 
“Please, no more trouble either,” his dad adds light-heartedly. Over the past years, he and his friends have been given the title of troublemakers in the halls at Hogwarts. “No promises,” he replies, pulling his parents in for one last hug before boarding the train in search of his friends.
Every year on September 1st, the three boys sit in the same compartment they met in. James heads over to their designated spot near the front of the train and yells to his friends as he opens the door. “Remus-” he cuts himself short as he realizes that Remus, in fact, is not in the cart. His eyes lock with a curly black haired boy he’s never seen before. 
“What the fuck is a Remus,” he says annoyed as he looks up from his book. James blushes slightly at his French accent and his attitude. 
“Oh, sorry. I’m looking for my friend Remus. We sit here every year.”
“Okay,” the mystery boy says as he looks back at his book, leaving James standing in silence. “Are you gonna stand there and stare all day? I want to finish this before we get to school.” He says without looking up from his book.
James blushes. “Sorry,” he mutters quietly before shutting the door. It takes a lot to get James to revert into himself, yet this boy did it in less than a minute. 
“James! In here!” James is saved by his friends calling him over a few compartments down.
“James!” Peter yells once he enters the compartment. “How was summer?”
“Amazing, how was yours?” James poses to both boys, trying to include Remus in the catchup. Conversation flows naturally between the three boys and they talk about everything from what books Remus was reading to new quidditch rules passed over the summer. 
“What’s with that boy in our seats?” James asks. 
“No clue,” Remus replies. “Didn’t get more than a sentence from him, not even his name. Knew he wasn’t gonna move so we just sat here.”
“Yeah,” James says quietly.
“It’s okay that we’re not in the same compartment,” Peter says, trying to comfort James, knowing exactly what he’s thinking.
“I know, just that it’s our last year here. It’s kinda sad.”
“We’ll ride the train a few more times before the year’s over. We’ll get there soon, don’t worry.” 
The conversation falls into comfortable silence. Remus goes to read his book and Peter has fallen asleep. James decides this is a good time to stretch his legs and walk around. Staying in one place too long is one of his least favorite activities. He gets out of the compartment quietly and begins walking down the narrow hallways of the train. The sun is setting and everyone is in their prospective areas, many of which are sleeping. Sleeping on the train was always difficult for James, so walking was how he passed the time this late into the evening. 
His train car was near the front of the train, so he decided to walk towards the back. He glanced into every compartment he passed if he was able to; He was a sucker for people watching. He noticed friends in his year, students in the younger years, and first years who looked scared out of their minds. It wasn’t until he got to the very last compartment in the car that he stopped in his tracks. Isolated in the very last car, he’s met by a boy who looks scarily similar to the one in his usual seat. Weird, he thinks. At first, James is intimidated by his appearance. He’s wearing a black leather jacket, black jeans, black Doc. Martens, and has messy eyeliner smudged across his eyes. The boy notices James staring and opens the compartment door, smiling, which puts James at ease. 
“Sirius Black,” he smiles. “What’s yours?”
“James Potter,” he says tentatively. “Who are you? I’ve never seen you around here.”
“Just transferred here from Beauxbatons. You wouldn’t have happened to see a pretentious twat in here reading that book?” 
“Pretentious twat. That’s a little aggressive, don’t ya think?”
“If you had a younger brother that shadows you with academics so hard that he literally jumps to your year, you’d understand.” 
“I did see a boy reading a book. I gotta be honest, he kinda scared me.”
“Typical Regulus fashion.” Regulus, that’s a nice name, he thinks
“So, you’re not sitting with your brother?” James questions as he takes the seat across from Sirius.
“No,” he replies, “he likes being alone and he walked me to the opposite end of the train to ensure we aren’t near each other. I know better than to bother him. Saves us the argument.” James nods in response. 
“So, what was Beauxbatons like?” 
“Fine, just needed a change I guess,” Sirius mutters quickly. James takes note of his change in expression and changes the conversation.
“Hogwarts is great, you’ll love it here.”
“Thanks, I hope so. It took a lot to get here and I know Regulus will be displeased if it’s any less than he expects.”
“I’m sure it’ll be better than he expects.”
The two boys spend the next few hours talking. Turns out, they have a lot in common. Laughter fills the compartment and James knows that he’s found a new best friend. After Sirius tells a joke that has James gripping his sides in laughter, he hears the door to the compartment open. One look up and everything in him stops. His laughter, his breathing. He swears even his heart stops.
“Oh god not you again,” Regulus says while looking at James.
“Me again!” James teases. After speaking with Sirius for hours, he feels to have gained some confidence when speaking to Regulus that he was lacking the first time. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a brother? He’s a joy.”
“Can you leave? I need to speak with him.”
“Dramatic as always, Reggie,” Sirius says.
“I told you not to call me that,” Regulus says sternly.
“Told you,” Sirius says looking at James now, “he’s a twat.” 
“I should get back to my friends now,” James says. “You guys are welcome to come over,” he adds.
“Thanks, but I better stay with him. He seems to be getting cranky.” Regulus smacks Sirius on the arm as James gets up to leave.
“Suit yourself,” James laughs. “I’m sure I’ll see you two around,” he says.
“Hopefully not,” Regulus adds.
James laughs once more on the way out before scurrying back to his friends.
“So there’s two new French students here and you think you’re in love?” Remus says in response to James’s twenty minute tangent after he got back from his three hour walk.
“Essentially. That’s pretty much the gist. Yeah.” His face looks prideful in his discovery. 
“Now I’m not saying no,” Remus starts, “but you should think before you barrel down the hallway confessing your love. I don’t think your ego can afford another Lily.”
“Well Lily told me if she wasn’t in love with Mary, I’d be first on her list, so my ego isn’t too damaged thank you very much,” he beams in response. Nothing can knock his pride down. 
“Whatever, I know nothing I say will stop you.”
“See, that’s why you’re my best friend.”
The rest of the train ride is filled with James boasting about his new friend and new lover, leaving Peter and Remus to count the minutes until the train arrives at Hogsmeade station. Thankfully for Remus and Peter, that time comes sooner rather than later and all three boys are off to the carriages. Once on, James is sure to point out Sirius and Regulus in the distance. Remus is thankful it’s dark out, blush creeping out on his cheeks at the sight of Sirius. 
“See, I told you they’re cute,” James says to Remus. 
“Oh shut it.” Remus can’t help but slide further into his seat as heat fills his cheeks once more. He tries to push the thought of Sirius to the back of his head, but there’s a small sliver of him begging to be paid attention to. Remus would have to work on this.  
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gurugirl · 7 months
Babygirl, last night I had a dream and daydreaming whole day I wrote the entire plot in my head and it's destined to be written by ya 🙌
It's the medieval times, 1800s to be exact, there is a lord called Harry Edward Styles who is slightly older (+35) and lives alone in his big palace with gardeners and servants. One day he finds a girl begging in streets on his way back from work, she is petite, limpidly beautiful, have this soulful eyes that in scruffy face and hair kept shinning and mesmerising Harry himself in. He learns she ran away from his stepfather household bc he was gonna sell her to a brothel. He takes this girl, giving her a place in his home, among servants and all. Time passes and he falls in love with her, like lusting after her. When she is kitchen, bending over the counter he "accidentally" bumps into her while taking beer cups from the upper side. Or when she cleans the windows he scolds her, saying she doesn't wipe the glasses properly so he gets behind of her taking the wet rug from her hands cleaning the already clean glass doors and meanwhile grinding her from behind and she is so committed to be good girl for him and doing everything right so that he doesn't regret bringing her home, doesn't even realise he is actually hard (and like she in her idk 22 23 n virgin or less experienced so doesn't get the clues) or you can write something lord Harry comes after work, demanding her to wash him in his fancy, big washroom. She sitting the side of the vintage yorkshire bathtub while he is in it, scrubbing his arms and back, after she stands up he sees the side of the marble she sat on is ✨️ wet ✨️ but not from bath water and he licks it when he is alone and from all that nutritious food he provides for her makes her healthy, plump, young lady and tasting immaculate.
So in the end he kinda forces her to marry him and breeds her.
You're welcome :)
Interesting!!! I love something maybe from the medieval times/Middle Ages (which is technically around between 500-1500 ce)!!
Oh my gosh okay! Love this!
So I have had this little idea cooking for awhile about something similar 😏 Harry’s father dies and he’s pushed into the role of king and Harry’s mean in this one… he also is being forced to find a wife to make queen but bc he doesn’t like to listen to anyone and take a woman from royalty as he is advised he picks a poor young woman at random just to shock the kingdom (would love to incorporate your idea here) and soon he starts looking at her differently and falls in love and feels bad for treating her so poorly at first…
I think I love the idea of what you suggested here to go with the little idea I’ve had! Ahhh thank you!! 😩
You guys have such good ideas 😭
Couple of king Harry ai pics just because 😏
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
A guide for those watching today's House Budget Committee hearing, where I will be testifying
Alex Epstein
Sep 19, 2024
Today I will be testifying for the House Budget Committee at a hearing called “The Costs of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis.” The main point I'll be making is that the policy of government-dictated “green” energy, practiced by Biden-Harris and many other governments, is ruinous. When you shackle the most cost-effective and scalable source of energy, fossil fuels, and subsidize unreliable solar and wind, energy necessarily becomes more expensive, less reliable, and less secure.
In preparation for the hearing, I wanted to see what the witness in favor of the Biden-Harris energy policy, Trevor Higgins of Center for American Progress, would say in its defense economically. I saw that he testified recently on this very topic.
I found his claims in favor of government-dictated green energy to be appallingly inaccurate and misleading, so I wanted to make sure that the elected officials at today’s hearing and anyone else hearing these claims had access to refutations of them.
Myth: “Clean electricity has become the most affordable source of energy there is.” Truth: If this were true “clean electricity” wouldn’t need enormous preferences in the form of subsidies, mandates, and no price penalty for unreliability—and “clean energy” opponents wouldn't feel compelled to cripple fossil fuels by punishing investment, production, refining, transportation, and use.1 In reality, since “clean electricity” from unreliable solar and wind can go to near zero at any given time, it depends on reliable electricity. It doesn't replace the cost of reliable electricity, it adds to the cost of reliable electricity. That's why the more solar and wind we've used as a nation the higher our prices have gotten.
Myth: Inflation has slowed since the passage of the IRA, so the IRA worked. (Higgins: “Since the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act, overall inflation has slowed by two-thirds, grocery price inflation in particular has slowed by nine-tenths, and energy price inflation has not only slowed but fully reversed and dropped 7 percent. Meanwhile, wages have risen 8.5 percent, far outpacing inflation. Since enactment, total employment has grown nearly 4 percent and economic output is up 10 percent. This is an exceptionally strong record.”) Truth: This is a blatantly dishonest example of the “post hoc” fallacy—the first thing happened before the second thing, therefore the first thing caused the second thing. The IRA couldn’t have possibly lowered inflation because its significant effects are not in force yet. And when the IRA’s effects are in force, they will obviously be inflationary due to its huge subsidies, which will increase our debt burden and therefore inflation.2
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smilesstyless · 2 years
Christmas time
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Summary: Y/n spends with Harry and Rosie Christmas
Pairing: Singledad!harry x reader
Wordcount: 1k
Trigger warnings: none
Harry wanted to invite Y/n to their Christmas dinner, he knew she doesn’t have any friends in town and her family is living too far away, it would be too late to fly home at this time of the year, and it was also snowing outside.
Rosie is standing on a chair and decorating the cookies. She wanted to make some for y/n, she got some chocolate in her face. Harry’s apron and Face is covered in flour, she threw some around, and now she is quiet and decorating the cookies.
“Where’s y/nn?” She looks up at her dad who helps her with the chocolate.
“She’s home but she will be there soon,” he kisses the top of her head. He’s happy that she can’t remember her mom, otherwise, these days would be depressing for both of them. She brings him joy, she looks like her mom, and she got his hair and his eyes. He hates sometimes that she looks like her mom, but he can’t change it.
The keys jingle in the keyhole, Rosie jumps down the chair and runs forwards the door. Y/n got a key from him because she has to babysit her quite often.
“No running—” Harry was cut off by y/n.
“You have to listen to your daddy, no running in the house,” she picks her up and brings her back to the kitchen.
“Sorry daddy,” Harry noticed she has better behavior since y/n babysits her because of his work. She gets all excited when y/n is coming and she always asks Harry when she’s coming.
“Made ya coockies,” Rosie holds one cookie out. Y/n takes the cookie from her hands and bites into it.
“They are super delicious,” Y/n says with a full mouth. Harry takes her coat and also her shoes and brings them to the Wardrobe. She puts her purse on the kitchen counter. “Have you been nice?” She nodded her head and ate a cookie.
“You know Santa sees everything,” Harry added as he entered the room. “You have to be good otherwise you will get only coals,” he sits her down on the chair and cleans her face.
“‘I ‘m good,” she tells her dad. He looked at y/n and she nodded her head.
“It’s like she is a new person,” he mutters under his breath.
Harry stands up and walks over to her. “When's the present time? I don’t think we can do that any longer,” he whispers into her ear. Harry’s hands rest on her hips and she flinches as she feels his hands. Harry rests them on his hips and apologizes.
“Rosie, you wanted to show me something the last time in your room. Do you still wanna show me?” She grabs y/n’s hand and walks with her into her room.
Meanwhile, Rosie is distracted in her room. Harry gets the present and lays them under the Christmas tree. He also got y/n a couple of presents.
“I think we should go back to Harry,” she runs out of her room and sees all the presents.
“You two missed Santa,” Rosie doesn’t care about the fact, she sits down and opens the big present. “You should look too,” he nudges her lightly.
“Harry, you shouldn’t buy stuff for me.”
“Hush, it’s a thank you for taking care of my Angel and I don’t take a no as an answer,” he tells her. Y/n kneels next to Rosie and gives her the next present, she looks for a package with her name on
it. Rosie gave her one package and she opened it.
She stares at him, “I can’t accept that,” she looks at the pearl necklace.
“Santa gave it to you,” Rosie smiled and ripped the next present open. “Exactly Santa gave it to you,” he has a smirk on his lips. He knows she can’t say anything against it because his daughter is here and if they tell her about Santa she would be shattered.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Buying things for me was never the deal,” she mumbles between her glass of wine.
“It’s called friendship, you should know Rosie wants you to move in with me,” she stares into her beautiful eyes. He could get lost in her eyes. “You know I never got to ask you about your age,” he added. His mom told him when he was younger he should never ask a woman about her age but he was just curious and wanted to know.
“Twenty-nine. Never buy anything for me again.” She threatens him.
“What are you working on? I’m every Tuesday and Thursday and Friday with her,” she wanted to take another sip of her wine but Harry placed the glass on the coffee table.
“I’m a professor of literature, and these days the students can come and ask me things about homework, assignments and also stuff they don’t understand, what about you?” He takes another sip from his wine.
“Funny thing,” she chuckles, “I work in a bookstore,” she smiles at the good-looking smile with the curls. “Nice to meet ya Professor styles,” she giggles.
“You should sleep,” he wanted to help her up but then he remembered she didn't want his hands on her body.
“One more question,” he nodded his head. “Rosie, how do you do that? I mean you work full-time and have a daughter to raise,” She raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t know, she’s growing up so fast that in a year she will be in school. I don’t know what I should do. She is my little girl and she loves you way too much. I wanted to stay friends with you and now I have to ask you out,” he mutters the last part under his breath.
“First of all I only see you as a friend, there won’t be more, and second, she will always be your little girl and won't forget that. She will learn to write and count properly. She will make you proud so many times don’t forget that” y/n kisses his cheek. He needed to hear that.
“You’re right about Rosie,” he tells her.
“I think I should get—”
“You sleep here, I will sleep on the couch,” he insists that she sleeps at his house. It's dark and he couldn't forgive himself if something happened to y/n while she was walking home. He wants her safe at home.
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renx01 · 3 months
Playing Along - part 5
Prompt: “Just play along, please” inspired this multiple part fic, in which agent Galahad and Kay are on a mission together in the French Alps. Here, they have to pretend to be a couple, despite the two of them being rivals and Kay always wanting to beat him at everything. Pairing: Harry Hart x Kingsman!Reader Fandom: Kingsman Tags/Warnings: fake dating, slowburn, rivals Word count: 1564
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The two of you eventually settled down. While you sit at the dinner table and are checking some things on your laptop, Harry sits opposite you reading through some files. You haven’t  spoken much. In fact, you’re convinced neither of you has said anything the past two hours. It’s a comfortable silence, and you suppose the other agent’s apology has helped with getting the awkward tension to lessen. You hope that this will be a more permanent development, and that you’ll be able to work together more easily in the future.
When you hear your colleague put down the files he was holding, you look up. ‘Dessert?’ He asks you. ‘That sounds quite lovely, thank you.’ He stands up and walks to the fridge, grabbing the tiramisu you’d picked out at the supermarket. You stand up as well, walking up next to him. ‘Would you like some coffee with it?’ You look up and smile at him as you ask him the question. He smiles back at you and nods. Turning around, you grab the Moka Pot and ground coffee out of the cupboard, and start preparing it. ‘I hadn’t expected you to know how to use one of these.’ ‘And why is that, mister Hart?’ Smirking, you turn from the stove and back to him. He’s closer than you’d expected, so you have to look up to meet his eyes. ‘Why, I just assumed that to be the case…’ He pauses. ‘Well, you discover something new every day.’ Grinning, you continue to tease him a bit while the water inside the Moka Pot comes to a boil. He joins in shortly after. ‘Is there anything else of note I should know, Cam?’ ‘Hmmmm, I suppose you can just figure that out over time. It wouldn’t be any fun otherwise, now would it?’ He laughs heartily at that. Moments after, you have to turn back to the Moka Pot and pour two cups of coffee. Meanwhile, Harry plates two portions of tiramisu. ‘Any milk or sugar?’ ‘No thank you, I drink it black; just like my soul.’ The last comment catches you off guard and you let out an unintentional snort. He just grabs the plates and sets them onto the table before taking a seat himself. You follow closely behind with the coffee, setting the cups down and grabbing your chair so you can sit next to your colleague rather than across from him. It’s mostly because your laptop and files surrounding it are taking up quite a bit of space and you’d rather clean that up after you’ve had your break. ‘This is a pretty good tiramisu, considering that it’s from the supermarket.’ You nod and agree. ‘Having coffee with it does help in terms of flavour, I suppose.’ The two of you continue eating in silence, making a few remarks whenever it feels appropriate. It’s almost ten when you’ve finished and cleaned the plates. You go through the same motions as you’d gone through after dinner, with you doing the dishes and Harry drying them before putting them away. The weather seems to be getting worse. Rather than the light snow that had been predicted, it seems as if it is about to turn into a storm. Following your gaze, Harry looks outside as well. ‘That doesn't look too good.’ You nod, quietly agreeing. 
After a while, you pull your gaze from the view outside and start cleaning up the mess of papers you’d left on the table. You also put away the laptop you’d been using before turning to Harry to tell him you’d be heading off to bed. ‘I’m going to turn in for the night, Harry.’ He was closer than you’d expected, only a few centimetres separating the two of you. Slowly, he raises his hand to your face and leans in. The air is tense and you momentarily forget how to breathe. His thumb brushes over your cheek. ‘Eyelash.’ he whispers before pulling back. You don’t know how you do, but you manage to keep your composure and thank him. He tells you not to worry about it and that he’ll see you in the morning.
The following morning your suspicions of the night before are proven to be correct. Rather than there only being a little bit of snow throughout the day, it seems to have turned into a full-blown snowstorm. While you’re brewing some tea, you’re joined in the kitchen by your colleague, who looks as if he hasn’t slept very well. ‘Are you alright, Harry?’ He tells you he’s fine, but his body language tells you otherwise. You choose to ignore it and shrug your shoulders before checking your phone for the conditions on the mountain. It’s still loading when you bring the man who’s now sitting behind you at the small table his cuppa. ‘Thank you, you’re a saint.’ You smile at him in response, but decide to say nothing. You grab your phone and own cup of tea from the kitchen counter before sitting down across from him. The website has finally fully loaded when you do so, and you check the conditions on the mountain and whether they’ll be open today. ‘It’s still unclear whether they’ll open today, there will probably be an update in about an hour.’ You say before sipping your tea. ‘But I suspect there won’t be much skiing today.’ 
Your prediction was, in fact, correct. The mountain and lifts wouldn’t be opening all day, possibly even for multiple days, due to the unexpected snowstorm. Once it had been announced, you sent Merlin a message informing him. You decide you’ll work on a couple of profiles of the people that you’ve met the past few days. Harry, helping you with the process, moved his seat to sit next to you, as it gives him a better view of the laptop screen. Because of the table’s size, his body is quite close to yours, especially when he’s pointing things out and slightly leans over you. The both of you opted to wear quite comfortable and warm attire, given the circumstances. Harry’s wearing a white shirt and a tan cardigan over top, paired with the same trousers as the previous night. You, on the other hand, are wearing a dark green knitted jumper that’s slightly oversized and black trousers. Neither of you are wearing shoes, opting to walk around on your socks while you remain inside, as the heated floors help you stay warm. The morning passes rather quickly, only having a meeting with Merlin towards the end of it to confirm and discuss what you'd sent him earlier. While Galahad works on the finishing touches, you make some lunch for you both. He thanks you when you serve it and sit across from him once again. After putting away what you’d been working on, he rejoins you and starts eating in silence. It doesn’t feel as if there’s any need for conversation, the soft jazz music your colleague had put on earlier filling your senses. It’s calm, peaceful even. A feeling that’s quite rare during missions, and you hadn’t expected this one to turn out in the way it did. ‘Kay, I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk in the snow.’ Harry enquires after cleaning up both your plates. You smile and nod somewhat enthusiastically. ‘That sounds like a wonderful idea Galahad.’ The storm had calmed down quite a bit throughout the morning, and while it’s still snowing outside, it cannot be classified as anything but lovely. From experience you do know, however, that nice weather in the valley doesn’t equate to the same being the case on the mountain itself. Still, taking a walk around the premises does seem like a good idea, especially after being cooped up inside all morning. ‘I shall get ready to go outside then.’ You finish your cup of tea before getting up. ‘I’ll be back momentarily.’ As you leave the room, the man calls after you to make sure you wear clothes that are able to withstand the amount of snow that awaits you outside. Following his advice, you opt to wear thermal underwear, the black ski overalls you’d worn yesterday and your jumper, which is quite warm, but thin enough to be able to still wear your ski jacket over it. When you walk out of your room, you’re greeted by Galahad in a similar get-up, though his is more form-fitted and consists of mostly blue-tones. ‘I was thinking the boots we were provided with should be most fitting for the weather.’ You state as you walk towards the door, next to which your shoes and boots have been stored. ‘Yes, I would assume so as well.’ He mutters as he walks up behind you, brushing past to grab his pair. ‘Have you informed Merlin of our walk?’ You ask as you’re tying your boots. He nods. ‘I have. We have to report back to him when we return, since the weather could change quite unexpectedly and rapidly. We wouldn’t want to have him accidentally send a rescue team.’ That last part sounds as if he has previous experience with such a situation. ‘Has he had to before then?’ You ask as you finally finish tying your shoes and start putting on some thick gloves. ‘Perhaps.’ That’s all you needed to hear to confirm your suspicions.
Note: sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter, but I really haven't had time to write much because of uni exams. Anyway, the end is in sight and I'll be done after next Friday :) Also, I made a character info post for agent Kay if anyone's interested!
Taglist "Playing Along" series: @crazymela
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farfaripol · 10 months
Have a nice evening, Mister Potter!
Here you are! Take a tkl Harry Potter fanfiction. I'm sorry, I recently watched movie and died at Harry's cuteness. So here you go, enjoy with Lee! Potter;))
Summary: Harry goes to Snape's evening detention, but Mrs. Umbridge has added new conditions for punishment.
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Lee: Harry
Ler: Severus Snape
Warnings: Tickling. Magic?
Harry reluctantly dragged himself along the dungeon corridor. Snape's detention had ruined his plans for the evening, which, coupled with the prospect of scrubbing boilers all evening, made his mood especially foul. Approaching the audience, Harry knocked and pushed the door, entering. Snape greeted him with his signature grin and pointed to a pile of dirty cauldrons:
"Your detention for today, Potter."
Harry walked up to the cauldrons and Snape's voice was heard from behind him.
"Oh yes, I must warn you that Professor Umbridge has introduced new penalties for offending students."
"Sir?" Harry turned back in surprise.
"Just a little spell cast on the boiler brushes. You will see." Snape was clearly enjoying his student's confusion.
Harry walked over to the table on which the brush and detergent lay, and with some apprehension took the tool. Nothing happened. Harry glanced quickly at Snape. he sat leaning back in his chair, clearly anticipating something with a nasty smile on his lips.
Harry quickly turned away from applying the detergent and resolutely grabbed the brush tightly. Maybe if you deal with it quickly, there will still be a little evening left for yourself...
Harry began to quickly rub the cauldron, but almost immediately doubled over with giggles: the sensations from the friction of the brush were transferred to his stomach and it was terribly ticklish!
Holding his breath, he carefully ran the brush along the wall of the cauldron and involuntarily giggled when the invisible brush just as slowly and carefully stroked his side. "Ah! Aheheh.."
Taking a deep breath, as he would before jumping into cold water, Harry resolutely began scrubbing the cauldron with a brush. This time he even managed to continue washing the cauldron, when the spell transferred to his feet the feeling of hard bristles scurrying across them, but he could not contain his laughter.
And, as if the tickling wasn't enough, Snape began to taunt Harry in his usual manner:
"What's the matter Mister Potter? What's so funny?"
"Nohoho, s-sihihir. Ahahahh.."
"Then what are you laughing at?"
"I'm ticklihihish!"
"Oh, so are you ticklish?" Snape is clearly teasing.
"I think I should give you additional punishment for your behavior."
"Yes, sir." He still couldn’t stand it and stopped cleaning the boiler. Snape might be angry at this, but he didn't have the strength to take the tickling anymore.
Are you tired already, Potter? - Snape said mockingly. - You give up quickly!
Harry gave him an angry look and leaned over the cauldron again. More than half still needed to be washed. Will he be able to withstand?..
Meanwhile, Snape took out his wand and cast a spell, apparently slightly changing the magic of the brush. Harry started scrubbing the cauldron again, but then dropped the brush with a yelp. This time the invisible bristles targeted the stomach, and Harry's stomach was Harry's most ticklish spot. On top of that, this time the tickling sensation didn't go away immediately, but rather concentrated in his navel, causing Harry to wrap his arms around himself and double over, laughing desperately.
His legs gave way and he almost fell to his knees, but then, fortunately, the tickling finally stopped, allowing the unfortunate guy to catch his breath.
Yes, Potter, now the tickling won't stop as soon as you stop. And each time the delay will be longer and longer, so that you are not tempted to rest too often - Snape said mockingly.
Will this sadist really force him to tickle himself continuously all evening? He squeezed the brush in his hand and clenched his teeth, preparing to endure. This time he even managed to endure it in silence for a couple of seconds. Invisible bristles crawled in Harry's left armpit as Harry washed the cauldron with his right. Quiet chuckles escaped from his throat. But I still managed to endure the tickling
But as soon as I thought about it, the tickling went down and played with the left side, causing Harry to squeak.
"Eek! Ahahahh.." Harry was all twisted, involuntarily pressing his right elbow to his side, but continuing to wash the cauldron with sheer stubbornness.
"The spell will change the location of the effect, Mr. Potter, so that you do not get used to the tickling." Snape commented kindly, apparently guessing what had happened. Harry did not answer him, completely focused on one goal: despite the hellish tickling, to clean this damn cauldron!
Finally, after a painful half hour of twitching, laughing and occasional squeals, the boiler was cleaned. The tickling stopped and Harry could catch his breath. Not for long. Snape pointed him to the next cauldron, and Harry had to obey.
And again the bristles scurrying over the body, the laughter that Harry can no longer contain, and the ever-increasing despair. This boiler will never get clean! Harry had practically no thoughts left in his head except the all-consuming tickling.
He desperately rubs the walls of the cauldron, twitching his left leg, the foot of which some unknown sadist tirelessly rubs with a terribly ticklish brush. But this sadist gets tired of the Gryffindor’s foot and the tickling bristles are transferred under the knee, making Harry giggle shrilly and shake his head.
And after a while, the stomach is tickled, and Potter convulses, laughing at the top of his lungs. The brush falls out of the naughty fingers, and after fifteen seconds the tickling stops.
He is ready to beg to stop the torture, but he no longer has the strength to do so: everything disappears into laughter. Finally the tickling stops and you can catch your breath.
–continue Mr. Potter.
–"I can't" Harry screams desperately "Professor Snape, I beg you, I will go crazy!
–Okay then, – Snape suddenly agrees – You can go, Mister Potter, your work is completed, I will deal with the rest of the boilers myself.
Harry looks in amazement and takes a timid step towards the door. Had Snape really let him go? looks in amazement and takes a timid step towards the door. Had Snape really let him go? At this time, Snape makes a careless wave of his wand, and the brush thrown by Potter rushes towards a pile of dirty cauldrons. Its bristles begin to vigorously rub the wall of the cauldron... and their invisible counterparts are Harry's stomach!
— NO! — Potter manages to shout out before he collapses on the floor with a laugh, wrapping his arms around himself.
The tickling moves to his armpits and Harry is able to gain some control over himself. But only partially. He almost cries from this painful sensation:
- Professor Snape! Hah... Plehease no mohore!..
Mr. Potter, you must receive your punishment to the end. But I'll tell you a secret: The effect of this spell weakens with distance, so I advise you to quickly get to Gryffindor Tower, — Snape replies and grins, watching as Harry, undermined by these words, hurries to get away. — Have a nice evening, Mister Potter!
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
OTP challenge - day 15
here it is! part 2/2! (because i simply suck at keeping myself short) -> link to part 1
[link to day 14]
TW: detailed description of needles and stitches. knife wound.
15: teaching each other how to do something
(pt. 2/2)
[Last sentence from part 1: But soon this something, that danced in the room to the tone they had played together, was interrupted by the thunder of upstairs-running kid's feet.]
That was last week. Tonight John had invited Sherlock over for dinner with him. Rosie had a movies night with her aunt Harry. (John seriously wasn't sure who whorshipped whom more. These two were soulmates, no joking.)
The doctor was determined to make Sherlock a nice proper meal. He didn't cook often, but he ought to get better at it, he can't keep ordering takeout with a kid at home. What if Rosie will never eat anything homemade?! That could end up into an embarrassing situation at a friend's house...
Lost in his thoughts he prepared his 'easy but fancy meal' (no, he hasn't googled this). He had ended up with Lasagna. The bechamél sauce was the difficult part about it, but he was confident it would work out. He heard the bell ring and - wiping his hands on the ridiculous apron Harry got him (it says 'BAMF' in pink, purple and blue colors on it. According to her that means 'bad ass motherfucker', which he thought was absurd, but, well, he didn't wanna get his shirt dirty) - he went to open the door for a very early Sherlock. Who has apparently just been in a massive fight.
"Bloody hell, Sherlock! What happened to you?"
"Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight. Still managed to cut me however, that imbecile."
"They cut you? How deep? Where? Let me see.", John Watson was in immediate doctor mode.
"Not that deep.", Sherlock said waving his hnd dismissively.
"Oh no! We are not doing this! Go sit down somewhere, I'll get my doctor's kit.", John commanded and went into the bathroom to wash his hands and get the kit.
When he came back, Sherlock was sitting on the couch, no coat and jacket on, limps spread out around him, right hand to his side, the blood running through his fingers.
"Jesus. Sherlock.", John was frozen for a second, anxiously staring at his friend, regretting he couldn't protect him anymore whenever he decided to run after a serial killer.
Then the feeling faded and with his usual professional tone he told Sherlock to take his shirt off. The great idiot detective sighed but obeyed. Meanwhile John put on surgical gloves and poured disinfectant onto a cotton ball. When he looked up and stared at his friend's freed stomach he gulped. Not because he hasn't seen worse, but because it was Sherlock who was the injured. What if he wouldn't get away so easily next time? John wasn't sure how he would take another one of Sherlock's funerals. A real one this time. Internally John shook himself and focused on his task.
"I'm gonna clean the wound and see if it needs stitches now.", John told his patient. When he started disinfecting, he heard Sherlock take in a sharp breath. That, and a few seconds of cleaning, made him realize, "Sorry, mate, but the wound is deep enough for sutures. I'm gonna call an amb-"
"No!", Sherlock immediately protested and his face was a mask of pain. "It's you or nothing at all."
John stared at him, he had done that often before, back in the days, but how could Sherlock still insist on John stitching him up? With a resigned sigh, because he knew there was no reason in arguing, he took off his gloves. "Alright, I'll get you some ice. It will help with the pain and the swelling."
When he came back, he sat back down and put on a fresh pair of gloves. "Listen. I hate you getting injured, and I am honored you let me have you stitch up but you will have to learn to do this yourself. I am not available 24/7 and I can't risk you passing out while having a fever dream from the blood loss, simply because you refuse to seek medical attention like a child. So you gonna watch, listen, hell- observe while I am doing this. You got me?"
Sherlock had a neutral facial expression, but stared deep into John's eyes. "Yes, sir."
"You already know who is in charge here, that's a good start.", John smirked. Then their eyes met and just how it always has been, there was a connection between the two men which took actual willpower to break. When they did, John started explaining, "Step one: sanitize and examine the wound. Deeper than half an inch? Sutures are needed.
"Step two: if the wound is swollen, ice it.", John nodded at the ice on Sherlock's stomach, while he disinfected the needle and thread.
"This will provide a numbness as well. Helpful, when there's no local anasthetics available."
"Step three, actually- step zero: wash hands, and wear gloves to prevent infection. Always wash your hands and wear gloves, hear me?", John fixed his gaze on Sherlock. The detective was determined to show no pain but he couldn't fool John. A simple nod satisfied John.
"Good. Step three: Disinfect needle and thread and the rest of the equipment. I use a needle holder, to ensure no infections will occur. Holding it with your hand may easily cause them." John was glad Sherlock had his voice to focus on. That he had given that genius brain something to fixate on, to save into a room or a file or whatever in his mind palace with every little detail. Because the stitches - even with the ice - are gonna add another pain level.
"Step four: with your forceps" - John grabbed them - "check the skin and determine what needs to be done.", John did as he was explaining, wishing he had a mask to further protect Sherlock from a possible infection.
"Step five: punctuate the skin and make sure the needle penetrates the skin up to 0.5cm, exit on the other side of the wound. The needle needs to be held perpendicular to the skin and you rotate your hands clockwise.", when the needle sank into Sherlock's skin, his patient groaned in pain. "For this you'll need to release the needle holder by pulling it right with your ring finger-", John did as he was explainig. "-and pushing it left with your thumb.
"Step six: hold the needle holder and pull the thread. Leave 3-5cm on the side of the wound. Step seven: hold the thread with your right - in your case left - hand and wrap it around the tip of the needle holder. Catch hold of the thread on the left of the wound using the needle holder. Make the wrapped thread pass out of the needle holder and tie it around the loose thread and then cut the excess thread.", John was glad Sherlock was a genius because when he had first learned this, he still had had a million questions.
Satisfied John looked at his work. "This was it - you had made a secure knot. Now, step eight: repeat this process by moving up the wound about 0.6cm to perform the next suture."
Sherlock was making pained noises while John performed step eight. "Do you think you can focus on my hands and describe what I am doing? Might be a good distraction.", the doctor suggested.
Sherlock gritted his teeth, nodded and did as he was told. Indeed, his pained sounds decreased and his observation-mode was turned on.
After a while John said, "There. Sutures are done. Now the final step is putting a sterilized pad and bandage on. Here, sit up."
Sherlock did and John wrapped the bandage around Sherlocks rib cage; tight but not too tight. His breath gave Sherlock's skin, that had broken out into a sweat during the suturing process, goosebumps. John followed them up... over side, arm, chest, nipple. John licked his lips. Then he cleared his throat and stood up. "I'll look for a shirt that will fit you. You hardly can wear that one over there." John pointed at the ripped and blood covered dressing shirt on the ground.
"Your clothing choice is a rather interesting one, too.", Sherlock countered, a hint of a raised eyebrow visible on his carefully controlled face.
For a second John was confused, but when he looked down at himself he remembered his 'BAMF' apron... John's eyes widened.
"Fucking hell!", he swore. John ran into a kitchen and already saw smoke coming through the oven. "THE LASAGNA!"
A bunch of further curses escaped John's mouth while he took the burnt piece of pasta out. Sherlock followed him into the kitchen. He leaned on the door frame crossing his arms over his bare chest. "Apparently bisexual Badass Motherfuckers can't cook.", he stated.
Waving around with a kitchen towel and opening a window to get rid of the smoke, John was busy with other things. But when Sherlock's words sank in he slowly turned around. "I'm sorry- what?", he asked incredulously.
Sherlock nodded at John's garment. "Your apron. It's in the bisexual pride colors."
With oven mittens on, palms up, John stared down at his apron. "Oh. Oh, Harry that absolute-"
"-genius lesbian with her evidently accurate observations regarding sexuality?", Sherlock finished, pushing himself off the wall. He slowly walked over to John.
"Hold on one second! How many times did i say I am not-"
"-Gay? No, but bisexual you are, my dear Watson.", with that Shelock stood in front of him, his upper body only wearing a bandage John had put on him only a moment ago.
The blogger shook his hands in denial. "I- I am not..."
But he didn't get further because Sherlock pressed his lips against his and John forgot what he wanted to say. Soft, cupid bowed lips, rested against chapped, thin lips. Until John pulled back and stared at a rather precarious Sherlock. And without another thought he ripped his oven mittens off and clasped his hands around this face, this familiar beautiful face and kissed Sherlock again. He was moving on pure instinct, none of this was his brain's doing, it was all his body's. It knew what it had wanted for years and now wouldn't let the opportunity slip. They kissed and gasped and pulled and moaned. Until Sherlock hissed in pain, because John had eagerly pulled him close and it hurt his freshly sutured wound.
John loosened his grip and they let air drift between their bodies again. "I- you-", John tried.
"Harry and I might have a point?", Sherlock said with cocky grin.
John sighed, laughed, and let his forehead drop into his hand. "Yeah. I suppose you might."
They caught their eyes and then started giggling, like they did after their first case.
Sherlock's gaze fell on the burnt lasagna behind John. "Takeout?"
"Starving", John replied with a soft but genuine smile on his face.
this time i have to thank my lovely friend (lol are we even friends?!) @safedistancefrombeingsmart for 1. telling me that John can't cook and should teach Sherlock how to make proper stitches instead. And 2. for her genius photoshopoed bi-colored BAMF sweatshirt. This oneshot would have been a lot less fun without you. Thank you, smartin'! ;)
this part required a lot of research (as i am an absolute no-hoper at anything medical). i must admit i partly directly quoted from the site. check it out if you're interested!
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed 💚) @catlock-holmes @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @boredsushi @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @7arantellgrrl @ssmeowl123 @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee
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winterinhimring · 5 months
1, 5, and 6 for the latest ask game
Thanks for sending this!
1: Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
The current project that's most consistently under construction is The Right Question, a fix-it for The Amazing Spider-man 2 (NOT something I ever expected to write fic for) which could very well be subtitled "Gwen Stacy and Aunt May Fix Everything (Harry Helps A Bit)". It's making pretty good progress and most of the main conflict has already been solved, so really what's left now is cleaning up loose ends and revelling in the fix-it a bit before I wrap things up. I think what I love most about it is the dynamic that's developing between Harry, Peter, and Gwen. Harry and Peter have spent most of the fic trying to express friendship for each other by mutually going 'I will sacrifice myself for you. Let me sacrifice myself for you PLEASE. I AM GOING TO JUMP IN FRONT OF THIS BOLT OF LIGHTNING FOR YOU DON'T YOU DARE TACKLE ME OUT OF THE WAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SAVING ME I AM SUPPOSED TO BE SAVING YOU'. Gwen, meanwhile, has the brain cell, and has spent most of the fic trying to get them to actually TALK about all the things they sorely need to talk about, but crises keep happening and the boys keep running off into the blue before she can sit them down and sort them out properly. It honestly cracks me up laughing.
I'm also planning to add another arc to A Lot Can Happen In Twenty Years, a collection of short stories set after my rewrite of Spider-man: No Way Home in A Far, Far Better Thing (a series that started life as 'let's fix the post-Endgame MCU' and ended up spanning the entire live-action Spider-man multiverse). So far, entries to that have included lots of Osborn family bonding and a Raimi-verse edition of Electro; the next arc, if I ever actually write it, will be about the Raimi-verse Vulture, whose existence I've teased in previous fics, but who has never actually shown up on screen. So far, it's just in the planning stage, because I'm trying to get The Right Question written before I start it. However, I can already tell that it's going to be chock full of father-son feels and bonding between Norman and Harry, which is one of my favourite things, so I'm really looking forward to when it's written. (I don't want to have to WRITE it but alas, such is life.)
Finally, there is my oldest and least consistently worked-on project, aka That Pesky Original Novel, aka The Finding. It's about a pair of college students who stumble across what I can probably most easily describe as a magical artifact (though magic is really a bit of a misnomer for the way I've set up this world, and in-universe everyone would insist, correctly, that it's NOT magic), find themselves in the sights of quite a lot of interested parties, and have to figure out who to trust and what to do. It has been nominally in the process of being rewritten ever since I first drafted it in high school, but it has actually made some progress lately. It might get finished this year or it might take me another decade; who knows?
5: What character that you're writing do you most identify with?
This is a tough one! I tend to write characters that are similar to me in some crucial ways (I don't think I've ever written someone who's naturally open with their emotions, because that is simply baffling to me on a fundamental psychological level), but very different in others. It's not quite a case of opposites attract, but it's pretty rare for me to look at a character I write and strongly identify with him or her. I can find bits or pieces of myself in most of the characters I write (my sense of morality in Peter, my determination in Gwen, my dislike of emotional vulnerability in Norman, my snark in just about everyone, etc.), but I don't see my whole self in any of them.
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
It depends on a lot of things! Right now, though, probably Harry Osborn, because he's (a) ridiculously dramatic and can always be relied upon to take a plot in new and interesting (by which I mean supremely angsty) directions, and (b) SUCH a snarky little dude who WILL unleash it on anyone he considers deserving at the slightest provocation. He considers quite a lot of people deserving and I love writing snark, so it's a writer and character partnership made in heaven.
Thank you for sending this question! I had lots of fun answering it.
Ask game is here.
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bengiyo · 2 years
BL 2022 Review
I debated how I would go about reviewing this year, and quickly tossed out any sort of list approach. Anything like a top 10 or 20 would feel disrespectful to many of the smaller projects I watched this year that had something worthwhile to discuss. Instead, I’ve decided to talk about BL with major topics that stick with me as I review the 80+ shows I watched this year. 
Reviewing the totals, as of the writing of this post I have completed, attempted, or am watching three shows from the Philippines, 49 from Thailand, five from Taiwan, 20 from South Korea, one from mainland China, 14 from Japan, and five from the West, for a total of 79 completed or watching plus 13 attempted. This included other QL projects as well. I’m reviewing a list of all BL projects from this year and the number was approximately 131. We’ve never had more choice than this, and I absolutely cannot watch this much again next year. 
In this long essay, I plan to talk about what I enjoyed out of the actor chemistry this year, the ways BL has become more political, how specific and powerful coming of age narratives continue to be in genre, the ways BL used the supernatural to talk about grief and loss, the intergenerational relationships appearing in genre, the expansion of the genre into adulthood, the ongoing competition amongst college narratives, our first forays into GL, and the continued divide with the West. That’s a lot, so I’m just going to put all of that behind a cut.
First, Some Thanks
Before we get started, I want to give shoutouts to the clowns I got to know this year and who have been so much fun to engage with this year since we met on Bad Buddy. In no particular order: @shortpplfedup​, @kyr-kun-chan​, @liyazaki​, @elnotwoods​, @flukenatouch​, @gilly-bean​, and so many more whose handles I always forget outside of our other chats. Also a shout out to the 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us fandom. We were tiny, but I loved interacting with all of you.  
The Boys Who Were Ready to Risk It All
I don’t always require the boys to have high levels of heat in my romances, but I do like believing that the characters genuinely desire each other. With Japan reentering the genre with their specific brand of reticence, and with Korea clearing the lane for their own form of clean romance*, I was not surprised to see Thailand turning up the heat in their shows to compete. All-in-all, this was an absolutely stellar year for chemistry across the board. 
Starting with the Philippines, I noticed that I watched far fewer shows from them this year, but two in particular made me BELIEVE. In Gameboys 2 Elijah Canlas and Kokoy de Santos continued to display the absolutely electric and believable desire between Cairo and Gavreel. You could feel how suddenly their attraction came on, and the desperation of their quarantine bubble’s time ticking away as they tried to make being a couple work. I especially enjoyed how they explored their differing levels in sexual experience and readiness before delivering one of the better bed scenes of the year.
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Meanwhile, in Sleep With Me Janine and Lovi made the first time between Harry and Luna look genuinely fun for their characters. The morning after sharing between them was one of the most comfortably intimate things I’ve seen all year.
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Thailand offered up a wide array this year, from the extremely light or chaste La Cuisine and 21 Days Theory; to the passionate in Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul and Triage, to the shows-with-something-to-prove in KinnPorsche, Love in the Air, and Love Mechanics. However, I’d like to highlight how much I genuinely believed in the sexual desire from Mile and Apo in KinnPorsche, Boy and Tod in Ghost Host, Ghost House; Zee and NuNew in Cutie Pie; both Boss and Noeul, and Peat and Forth, in Love in the Air; and Mos and ISBANKY in Big Dragon. No disrespect to Yin and War, but we already knew they could bring it. 
With Apo and Mile, we saw expressions of sexual acts and desire from guys in this genre that it almost feels taboo for the genre to use with its preference for top/bottom acts. “A blowjob in a helicopter” became a “jumping the shark” joke for this year for a lot of valid reasons, but Kinn and Porsche engaging in mutual masturbation and oral sex was the most refreshing part of the sexual chemistry of that show.
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Tod and Boy gave such a believable show of wanting each other that it gave me flashbacks to ITSAY Episode 3. Pluem’s clear love for Kevin’s legs, and their frank conversation about sex and readiness, along with their language play about making each other equal with English pronouns, made them one of my standouts for the year. Beyond that, the way they quickly fell into casual intimacy in the latter half the show elevates it above much this year.
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We knew Zee could deliver on heat from Why R U (2020) with Saint, but I was surprised by how effectively he arrived at that same level with newcomer New Chawarin. I still think about the kitchen scene where Lian lifts Nu-Kuea onto the counter to stare up at him with open love and desire as he reassures him that he is everything to him. Thai fans jokingly review bombed the kettle model used in that scene for interrupting it, that’s how intense that scene was.
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As usual with MAME, Me Mind Y casts for high heat and chemistry well, and clearly has an effective process for building up physical comfort between their casts, because everyone brought so much enthusiasm to their scenes that they literally let Boss and Noeul take charge of their own bed scenes. During my watch, I praised the way they used angles to allow for some actor modesty, and it’s clear everyone had fun working with their partner. Truly something special. There is a lot to unpack with Love in the Air, and I don’t think it’s for everyone, but in terms of heat, the cast delivered.
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Speaking of shows that didn’t really work for me, I wasn’t a fan of Big Dragon. That being said, ISBANKY and Mos were absolutely willing to go there physically with each other, and managed varying levels of emotion and intensity in their intimate scenes across the season. I didn’t want to end the year without acknowledging that. 
As expected from Japan, they were about as chaste as I expect them to be outside of their darker BLs, but we have a few things worth mentioning. The final minutes of episode 4 of Old Fashion Cupcake was the most sexually charged interaction to come out of Japan all year, and I’m glad it happened between characters in their 30s and 40s.
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I was proud of Minato’s Laundromat for delivering a satisfying pair of kisses in the finale, and confirming that the characters were finally getting it in in the final shot. We also got some solid bed work from Sora Inoue and Komiya Rio in Eternal Yesterday, but the fact that Koichi was dead probably excused that for Japan’s weird relationship with onscreen intimacy. Finally, we almost hit something really interesting about first desire in Takara-kun to Amagi-kun, but the show backed off and never went back.
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While we’re talking about heat and Japan, I’m going to vent for the final time that the show was called Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss!” and yet they didn’t give a satisfying kiss! Something MBS kept experimenting with this year was having a dubcon or asymmetric emotional kiss very early in their shows, and then not delivering on a good couple one later. It felt a bit cheap and manipulative, and I’m quite glad we didn’t get that in Eternal Yesterday nor so far (as of episode 2) of Color Candy Paradox. 
With Korea, this was as @absolutebl​ calls it, the year Korea learned that boys can kiss. We returned to To My Star 2 this year for a very messy BL that I loved for the chemistry between the leads. Hwang Da Seul did it twice with the pair in Blueming.
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Watcha showed a willingness to go there with Semantic Error with the Parks that was a real relief after the forgettable kiss in Light on Me the previous year. Strongberry proved again why they’re one of the best with both couple dynamics in Choco Milk Shake, the Cherry Blossoms After Winter pair were willing to go there, and the branded pair from Kissable Lips did it twice this year with Roommates of Poongduck 304. Holland and Han Gi Chan did a decent job in Ocean Likes Me, which was significant for me because Holland is a Known Gay. Seriously, Korea came to play this year.
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*NOTE: Because of the impacts of military occupation in the first half of the 20th century, I don’t often comment on Korea’s particular brand of kissing or heat levels. If they’re still sorting out how they want to be perceived when it comes to intimacy and romance, I’ve elected to stay out of that cultural conversation and praise what I enjoy only. 
BL Got Political
Across the board, it felt like BL realized it could not longer remain politically neutral and remain relevant. Almost every Thai show went out of its way to call for marriage equality this year, with the standouts being Cutie Pie for its entire focus on marriage and Big Dragon with a memorable lament about the issue. From Japan, Cherry Magic: The Movie elegantly illustrated why marriage is so important for queer couples.
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I want to highlight the shows that went a bit further and explored some queer themes beyond the ongoing struggle for marriage equality in Thailand.
In 21 Days Theory, we had a side plot where Q’s gay uncle traveled with Q’s mom to talk to their father off-screen about Man’s queerness and start rebuilding their relationship.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us focused on the way bullying and internalized homophobia leave wounds that shatter the people connected to that trauma, and became one of my standout shows of the year.
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My Only 12% asked what the value was in queer media that leaves queer people feeling sad and broken at the end by questioning the role of Love of Siam (2007) in our history.
Papa & Daddy 2 challenged the artifice of rainbow capitalism and how only an acceptable brand of queerness is allowed to make money.
DNA Says I Love You explored a section of the alphabet mafia that we rarely touch upon (I don’t want to spoil it).
Both Not Me and The Eclipse challenged the structures of Thai society.
Outside of BL, Koisenu Futari did not mince words in its demands that aromantic asexual people should not be forced to form procreative units for the sake of others happiness.
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We accelerated rather quickly on this, but it’s good to see that the makers within the genre know the score.
The Summer ‘22 High School Extravaganza
Starting this summer, we were treated to an amazing series of shows exploring first love in high school with Minato’s Laundromat and Takara-kun & Amagi-kun from Japan; About Youth from Taiwan; 21 Days Theory, My Only 12%, and The Eclipse from Thailand. We didn’t let up into the fall with Eternal Yesterday, and the currently-airing My School President.
There were so many shows this year, but statistically, the high school shows made up such a small portion of the genre overall. I appreciated how all of these shows tackled the commonalities of coming of age. 
With Minato’s Laundromat, we got to see Shin struggle against the barriers that said he couldn’t care for someone older than him, while Minato struggled with the way he’d refused to let himself mature from his own internalized homophobia.
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We got to experience first desire and intense infatuation in Takara-kun to Amagi-kun, and how you’ll need the help of your friends to manage that intensity.
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We had an absolutely adorable pair of couples falling in love in About Youth in the gentlest of these shows. Truly, this is a show so enjoyable that I have watched it more than once on my own.
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My Only 12% explored the reality of falling in love with your best friend, and having them finally fall back years later as you also come to terms with your own queerness.
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The Eclipse tackled the institutional and long-term effects of internalized homophobia across nine different characters and how they were all impacted by it.
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21 Days Theory gave us a somewhat messy process of falling in love, but gave us support from a queer elder that let the show end up being shorter.
My School President is shaping into the much-needed successor to Lovesick and is turning Bad Buddy into a blueprint.
Finally, Eternal Yesterday tackled the grief of losing your first loved one unexpectedly to tragedy with a grace I think only Japan could pull off.
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Yes, there were a lot of high school shows this year, but I think they were among the best offerings this year.
Ghosts! The Supernatural as Allegory for Grief
With BL reaching for higher concepts to stand out in the crowd, supernatural stories opened up spaces for shows to explore impossible romances and grief within the genre. I wrote extensively about how Eternal Yesterday tackled this, and how it is beneficial for some viewers to unpack their feelings. Even though I didn’t enjoy all of the shows I will mention in this section, I want to reiterate that I don’t ever want creators to stop trying to reach a strong thematic core with these supernatural concepts. 
Thailand displayed a specific notion about posthumous bureaucracy in both Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Soul, Something in My Room, and Ghost Host, Ghost House. All three of these shows expressed a ton of rules about the afterlife for ghosts that I couldn’t always track, but has felt specifically Thai. Ghost House stood out for me amongst these offerings with the way Kevin continued to mourn his friend who died in the US, and how the ghost of his friend continued to protect Kevin without his knowledge.Something in My Room ended up feeling like a weaker version of He’s Coming to Me (2019). 
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Japan relied on magical forces to draw people together in Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss! and Cherry Magic: The Movie. The yin and yang dynamics about unluckiness and luckiness led to a truly enjoyable pairing between the leads. Adachi not losing his powers until he was truly ready to connect to Kurosawa ended up being far more enjoyable than I expected. Meanwhile, in Korea, Color Rush 2 without one of the leads ultimately left the series feeling incomplete on a somewhat disappointing note.
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Korea has had three different reincarnation stories this year with First Love, Again; Choco Milk Shake, and The Director Who Buys Me Dinner. Choco Milk Shake ends up being the weirdest, what with Jungwoo’s pets reincarnating as very hot human men to try and help him manage his loneliness. In the other two shows, one partner is either immortal or has full recollection of his previous lives as he tries to reconnect with the other partner.
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Kissable Lips tried out vampires, mostly unsuccessfully. Without enough time, it didn’t get to explore some complex themes about long-lived beings. Interview With the Vampire will be the queer vampire show that gets remembered this year for the toxicity of their failed marriage and the abuses therein.
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We had two different time loop shows with Triage from Thailand, and Once Again from Korea. I enjoyed Triage more for the way it showed how hard it is not to love someone when you become obsessed with them, but there was something special about the painful way Once Again doled out a sliver of hope.
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Vice Versa managed to tell something interesting with the body swapping across universes concept, even if I found myself frustrated with one of the leads. Self also attempted to use the supernatural with a character losing his reflection, but it ultimately felt like a plot delivery shorthand.
Whew! For all the talk about the number of high school shows we got this year, we had more supernatural ones.
Finally: Adults to Take To Brunch
We had a lot of standout adults this year that I want to highlight. Inter-generational queer relationships are extremely important to me. No matter how loving and supportive families may be, most queer people are going to be raised by straight people. We have to venture out to find our people and each other. So, being able to find that within your family or within your own community is so important. As such, these are the characters from this year I’d want to take to brunch and hang out with.
My favorite pair this year are Cheep and Dej from My Ride. The breakfast they share with Mork and Tawan in episode 8 about how maintaining a long term relationship is not so much about amorous love and romance, but more about trust, commitment, and communication. The frankness with which they discuss how they don’t always get along, and yet continue to choose each other, was so stellar. I hope someday to have a love as durable as theirs.
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I also want to mention Uncle Man in 21 Days Theory. I suspect the show introduced a gay uncle to accommodate its short run time. They needed a queer presence to explain Q’s familiarity with queerness, and Uncle Man’s advice and guidance saved us a lot of navel gazing as a character came to understand himself. Regardless, at one point in the show, Q gets jealous of Man because he thinks Man is flirting with X. Man pulls his nephew aside and reads him to pieces for being so irrational, and reminds Q that he’s not interested in boys. It was such a stellar moment that has stuck with me for months.
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Framboise from Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized is probably my favorite character of the year. From his first appearance, he radiates queer self love and joy. He is so excited to be amongst his people and connect with them, and them to each other. He gives solid advice in the few interactions we had with him, and he’s so determined to make sure Mamouru joins in with other creators. I have so much more to say about him, but know that he is what I aspire to be. (Gif credit to @liyazaki​, used with permission)
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Alex from My Tooth Your Love needs to join us so he can have a break from holding the entire restaurant together. Alex may have been stern, but it was so fun to see a character set in where he was in his life while helping take care of others. He also deserves to be teased for being so fond of a baby gay.
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Mama Xu from About Youth is also invited to the brunch. Not only has she managed to keep her son in good spirits after the painful loss of his father even as her brother terrorizes them, she also does that while staying out of his business.When Ye Guang came to her for advice about Qi Zhang, she kept her advice nonspecific enough that she didn’t invade their relationship. I love her, and she deserves to be pampered.
Though he had such a small role that they only named him Uncle, Uncle from Choco Milk Shake needs to join us because of the way he’s clearly supported his nephew without judgment for years, even knowing that a deep melancholy gripped him. 
While talking about My Tooth Your Love, all of the 30-somethings that got together this year are welcome at brunch, including Xun’an and Bai Lang from My Tooth Your Love; Nomoto Yuki and Totoko Kasuga from She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat; Togawa and Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake; the entire adult cast of Papa & Daddy 2; Seo Joon and Ji Woo from To My Star 2; and the entire adult cast of Plus & Minus.
Lian and Yi from Cutie Pie are not invited because they are too wrapped up in the lives of young 20s folks and will bring the wrong energy to the brunch. Speaking of which, we’ve invited enough people that this has turned into a luncheon. 
QL Got Jobs This Year
One of the real joys of being part of the genre for so long is seeing enough money enter the field  that we can afford to leave the school settings. This year, we finally started seeing office romances more often. 
Scrolling through my watch list reveals: 609 Bedtime Story, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender, Candy Color Paradox, Check Out, Cherry Magic: The Movie, Choco Milk Shake, Close Friend S2, Coffee Melody, Dear Doctor I’m Coming for Soul, The Director Who Buys Me Dinner, Even Sun, First Love Again, Gameboys 2, GAP, Ghost Host Ghost House, Happy Ending Romance, Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desire to be Recognized, KinnPorsche, Koisenu Futari, Love Stage!!, Meow Ears Up, My Ride, My Tooth Your Love,The New Employee, Ocean Likes Me, Oh! Boarding House, Oh! My Assistant, Old Fashion Cupcake, On Cloud Nine, Physical Therapy, Plus & Minus, Rainbow Prince, Roommates of Poongduck 304, Senpai This Can’t be Love!, She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat, Sleep With Me, Sky in Your Heart, Tinted With You, That’s My Candy, To My Star 2, Triage, To Sir With Love, The Tuxedo, Vice Versa, War of Y, and What Zabb Man!. 
That’s 47 shows; that’s more than half my watch list. We can talk about how much stuff happens in school settings, but we had some options this year!
In a real relief for me, we started to see more workplace romances or romances starting between adults. Early in the year it started with My Ride for me, and then the slate of Korean shows. I suspect it comes down to where it was pragmatic to shoot. In Seoul, there’s probably office space for rent for these sorts of productions because of kdrama, whereas Thailand seems to have a disused campus that hosts many of the shows. Still, I count at least 16 that involve people falling for people they work with.
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A special note for the Philippines: Rainbow Prince was fantastic. Yes, the production values are way lower than most people’s tastes, but that show was so funny. They absolutely committed to being the first BL musical, and the songs are a ton of fun. That show has “a heart so big it could crush this town.” It even does the classic musical thing of giving an antagonist one of the better songs on the set.
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Looking at the projects being advertised next year, we might see non-school shows take the vast majority. What a time for us!
The College Shows That Didn’t Suck
Where I found that the high school shows have done a fantastic job this year, the college shows were really hit or miss for me. I’m not sure if it’s because that particular setting has run out of intriguing ideas, but I want to highlight the shows that I think didn’t suck.
First up: Thailand.  You’re My Sky felt like the first true post-ITSAY pulp. They really reached for solid production values and tried to bring a higher level of cinematography. I also think they handled the three relationships really well. Many folks dropped it, but it was a quiet gem of this year for me. Cutie Pie was a bit of a slog sometimes, but I still recommend it. Mark and Vee are not my favorite pairing, but the new version of Love Mechanics was still well done. It needed a side couple though.
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Next: Japan. Despite my gripes, Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss! was actually a really fun watch. Obviously we can’t end a year without acknowledging the continued parody fun of Absolute BL 2.
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Finally: Korea. Semantic Error is going to be one of the banner shows of this year when we refer back to this year and talk about how people got into BL, what with the way it brought K-pop fans into the genre. Blueming gave us another stellar entry from Hwang Da Seul (To My Star). While I don’t really enjoy stepbrothers pairings, Cherry Blossoms After Winter was compelling. Love Class held its own, even if it wasn’t exactly to my taste.
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Finally, though it isn’t exactly a school show, DNA Says I Love You is a really special show from Taiwan worth checking out.
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LET’S GO LESBIANS! We Finally Had Multiple Quality GL Offerings
We finally started seeing GL productions on the field. Surprisingly, Korea has had the most offerings. I’ve watched She Makes My Heart Flutter and Our Relationship Ended Before it Began. My favorite pieces so far are Sleep With Me and GAP.
Sleep With Me worked so well because of the way they focused on disability and how it impacts romance. The queerness mattered to the storytelling, but it doesn’t spend much time in angst about that, when their material concerts are so much more present. I’ve been shouting for months for more people to watch it, so please sign up on Gaga and watch it. You can check out the first episode on YouTube.
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GAP is still airing, but oh my goodness am I having fun with the costuming on this show. There is a specific lesbian gaze to this show that has been so refreshing to experience. It’s even unlocked all new tropes with us with “let me put this lipstick on you so I can taste it.”
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat feels like the lesbian little sister to What Did You Eat Yesterday? Unlike WDYEY, the pair are not together at the beginning, but it has been a darling of a show that I really hope NHK continues next year. I do love the shows where everyone cooks.
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In Koisenu Futari, we got to see two aromantic asexual people build a platonic support system together while dealing with a lot of unwanted allosexual scrutiny. This was one of the most vital things I watched this year.
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While there aren’t a ton of offerings yet, it’s been an encouraging start. 
Meanwhile, In the West
Though it pains me how many Western fans of queer media will not cross over into BL, there were some things from the West I enjoyed this year. 
Closest to BL, I enjoyed Heartstopper and Young Royals. Both fit into the same coming of age space BL loves and were easy recommendations for people who enjoy high school romance. 
Probably my favorite show was Chucky. That the Chucky character has been terrorizing victims across five decades is amazing, and I’ve enjoyed how some of the queer themes always at the core of the series are now front and center. A young romance between two boys undergirds much of the drama of the first two seasons, and it's a rare American show that became appointment television for me.
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The biggest surprise of the year for me came from HBO with Our Flag Means Death. Obviously, we all know that pirates are gay culture, but I was not expecting HBO to be this explicit and play a textual romance out between Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi as Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard respectively. It also featured an explicit open relationship between two other crewmembers, and had a clearly nonbinary character aboard as well. All of this is handled with a comedic grace that felt so easy.
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Also distributed by HBO is the Canadian show Sort Of, in which a trans-nonbinary nanny deals with the fallout of one of the parents falling into a coma. I first saw it at TIFF 2021, and it is really just so good. It’s hard to really sell in text like this, but it’s a fantastic show.
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Finally, of what I watched, AMC gave us an adaptation of Interview With the Vampire, that shows a gay romance souring into something truly toxic over decades. I had a few qualms with specific choices the team made, but this show was absolutely compelling.
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While I’m impressed with a few of the offerings we have here, I’m still not sold on Western queer storytelling funded by the major distribution systems. 
So…What’s Next?
That’s the real question, isn’t it? I think, for me, I’m going to have to be more discerning next year. Watching this much stuff really isn’t sustainable for me anymore, and it means I’m going to have to pick my winners, because I find I have little time to catch up on shows. I also enjoy the week-to-week interaction about shows too much to be late to the party. 
Overall, I’m genuinely encouraged by what I’ve seen teased so far for next year. GMMTV is getting more confident in its post-school storytelling, and is doubling down on using veteran talent instead of newbies to lead their shows. With their original stable starting to age up, they’re trying out more high-concept stuff. The Midnight Series begins airing this week, and I think will be our first glimpse of what’s to come. 
Beyond GMMTV, Star Hunter Entertainment and Domundi seem like they’re going to hold strong for the coming year. Me Mind Y also doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. That means we’ll be covered on high heat and genre stories as well. Finally, Wayufilm is still active, so we’ll continue to see them experiment.
Unfortunately, I don’t see Korea taking a big leap forward yet. They seem satisfied with the 20 minutes max for their shows and at most 8 episodes. Still, I expect them to dominate the low-heat shows that focus exclusively on romance. 
I’m not sure what to expect from Japan after this year of BL o’clock ends for MBS. My only hope is that the relationships with GagaOOlala and Viki don’t end, and what new productions do come out Japan make it onto both platforms. 
I worry about the Philippines getting too walled in. I haven’t been able to watch a production from The IdeaFirst Company easily in a very long time, and I don’t know what’s going on with their international distribution anymore. I’m still watching to watch Pa Thirsty and Two and One. I have hopes for Oxin Films’ next productions, but they always seem to be working on a thin budget that delays their projects.
I’ve also fallen off of Vietnamese productions for now. The fundraising pushes are too much for me. 
That’s all from me. It’s been the most enjoyable year in BL I’ve ever had, and maybe all of queer media. It’s so fun seeing different kinds of BL fans in the space now find their niches, and to see fandom wars moving off my dashboard as people find other people to engage with instead. We passed supersaturation a long time ago, so I hope the bubble doesn’t burst any time soon. 
See you all next year!
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Do you have more hcs? They pretty fun to read!!!
Yay! Hi, anon! I have sooo many PeFel headcanons it's a bit ridculous, but here are some (mostly) romantic ones!
Peter Parker x Felicia Hardy Headcanons (Pt 2!)
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GIF by sbidey
Unbeknownst to both of them in the beginning, the hardest thing for the both of them was opening up.
Peter would never admit it, but a part of him was terrified that the closer Felicia got to him, the more she'd be disappointed. Felicia loves Spider-Man. Spider-man and Black Cat are spiritual soulmates. He felt like he had so much to live up to. He just had no idea if that would translate to Peter Parker and her.
Peter lives in a studio. His pantry is mostly empty and his rent is overdue. He has a job that kicks his ass and luck that throws salt in the wound. He's not exactly who you'd think is behind the Spider-man mask.
Felicia doesn't care about any of that. Meanwhile, she's more worried that for her, the seperation between 'Hero' and 'Civilian' is not that clean-cut. She's not like Peter. To her, Black Cat and Felicia Hardy are one in the same - she'll rob you in an evening gown or a cat suit. She can't 'turn off' being Black Cat the way he can 'turn off' being Spidey.
So Peter is terrified that Felicia won't have much interest in his hectic, mundane life. Felicia is scared that Peter will be disappointed that there isn't some other, mundane life she's hiding.
It comes to the happy medium because that means that from very early on, Felicia is very happy to take an interest in Peter's life. So much so that it almost takes him by surprise.
Felicia is charasmatic as hell. She hangs with MJ all the time. Miles thinks she's a blast, Harry and her are like best friends. And above all else, Aunt May adores her. Sure, she thinks Felicia is a handful, but she adores her. Both of their fears were completely unfounded.
Felicia ends up saying 'I love you' first.
It completely catches Peter off guard and he kinds of stammers over his words, and within seconds she immediately backtracks. She takes his hesitation as rejection, and just completely plays it off. She meant it, but a big part of Felicia is terrified that he just wouldn't say it back, and that he was into her but not that into her. Peter is sidelined, and pretty bummed about it, but this is Cat we're talking about, and he's use to their back and forth.
A couple weeks later Peter decides to say 'I love you' first, and Felicia feels so much relief she just kind of throws herself in his arms.
Now they both claim to have said 'I love you' first.
They have pretty heated debates. Not arguments, debates.
Peter and Felicia have always had very different views on crimes and morals and exactly where the line is. As they date and start working as a unit more super-hero wise, I think they'd talk a lot about crime and the news and justice.
Peter sees stopping bank robbers as justice, Felicia doesn't. Felicia sees robbing or humiliating a corrupt politician as justice, Peter begs to differ. Their talks can get heated, but less like in an argument kinda way, and more in a 'foreplay' kinda way.
Though, other times it can make things a bit tense. Especially the more they work together. Most times their views are complimentary, but sometimes not. For example: Black Cat hates the police. Her job is to outsmart them and outmanuver them. She'll refuse to work with them at all costs. Meanwhile, Peter is no stranger being a bit buddy-buddy with the boys in blue.
Peter learned how to cook for Felicia. And he's damn good at it.
Peter's the kind of guy whose okay living entirely on pizza and take-out. Hell, half the time he'll forget to eat if he's running around like he usually is. But he knows Felicia like's fancy stuff. And he really wants to impress her.
He starts learning dishes he can't even pronounce. French entrees, Swiss deserts. At one point, he even starts trying out cocktails.
Miles teaches him how to make arroz con pollo. He even asks Miles for his mom's recipes too.
Felicia is a woman of expensive taste, and what's more fancy and expensive than fashion and food? If Peter can't buy her the latest clothes, he can at least make her a killer croquembouche.
Her favorite is his creme brulee and lobster tails.
Them dating takes their super-hero thing to another level.
And at first, Peter isn't sure how he feels about it.
That's one of the weird things about dating Black Cat. It's not like Spider-man. Being The Black Cat is Felicia's full-time job. Peter became Spider-man when get got bit. Felicia's been the Black Cat since the day she was born.
The closer they get, the more they start to collaborate. Their hero styles are polar opposites, yet they work together well.
Felicia's a planner. Peter isn't. He get's the call, he starts swinging, he kicks ass and prays no one gets hurt. Unless it's a huge scale threat, Peter doesn't really plan.
Felicia however is a meticulous planner. It comes with the job. She's use to scheming, pouring over building blueprints, paying bribes and doing the research. She's about that efficiency.
They start planning a lot more. Like half of their apartment is superhero shit and planning and photos Peter has taken of evidence. Peter's science experiments, new developments for webbing, new upgrades for their suits, you name it.
Their response time to crime gets better by the year. Occassionally, MJ plays Oracle for them (ala Batman) when her journalism job allows it.
They start doing things Peter hadn't thought of before, like nailing down concrete patrolling schedules, having communicators to talk to each other, or having safehouses.
Rapidfire Headcanons
Their favorite date spot is atop the Brooklyn Bridge. Pe's from the Queens-Brooklyn area, and Fe's lived most of her adult life in Manhattan. The Bridge is big, private, and a perfect view of the places they grew up. So whether it's for a date or a meet-up, they meet there.
Felicia and Peter have two anniversaries. If you ask when their anniversary is, Felicia will tell you the date they started dating as heros. If you ask Peter, he'll say the day they started dating as civilians. They celebrate on both dates.
Felicia loves making Peter use his powers. She'll often toss things his way and yell 'Catch!', knowing he'll catch it. Or trying to hide behind things and going 'Boo!', knowing he'll just say "I knew you were there."
Peter will crawl on walls and ceilings or use webbing on things, because no matter how long they've been together, he knows it makes her smile.
Felicia, Harry, and MJ get their nails done together every week or so. It's their gossip time.
Peter was always really curious about this, but he waits until he moved in with Felicia to ask if she bleaches her hair. Her immediate answer is 'What?'
Felicia is really into pole fitness. Peter is really into the fact that Felicia is really into pole fitness.
The two of them are the bane of Tony Stark's existence. Felicia loves harrassing him for stuff and Peter gets himself into death-defying situations on the weekly.
The two of them are always on Tony's radar one way or another. They're the source of his gray hair. He'd block Felicia's number, but she'd just call on Peter's phone anyway.
Anndd that's all I have in me now lol
Sorry this took so long, the ADHD kicked in but I have another headcanon post in drafts of things that came up in this that I got carried away with! I'll probably post that soon
Thanks again for asking this, I really enjoy doing this!
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