#meditation for abundance
starksolid · 5 months
Science Meets Spirituality: Unveiling the Benefits of Joe Dispenza Meditation
Table of ContentsWhat Is Joe Dispenza’s Meditation?Rewiring Your Reality with Joe Dispenza’s MeditationSome of the meditation types offered by Joe Dispenza include:1- Meditations for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself:2- Guided Visualizations:3- Breathwork Meditations:Embarking on Your Journey: Starting Your Joe Dispenza Meditation Practice1- Explore Joe Dispenza’s Work:2- Choose Your…
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sparklingself · 3 months
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daily reflections #5
Let go of control. This is one of the most important realisations you can have.
You've likely encountered the following: you want something really bad. You imagine the wish-fulfilled. You're fulfilled for a second. But then you start checking the outer-world. Is it here yet? Why isn't it here yet? What can I do to make it come? You're unfulfilled again. You couldn't trust in your imagination. You resorted to fear and the need for control.
You might be inclined to imagine again and again and again in hopes of actually realising it. You're not actually fulfilling yourself. You're not trusting. You're coming from fear and anxiety, not acceptance.
Developing trust can take time. An understanding of the law and regular practice of it aids your finding of trust.
It can be discouraging to imagine for weeks, months, years, decades and not see results.
The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be, of already having what you desire. (Neville)
It will come about in a natural way. In such a way that at first you might not realise it was your own imagination the induced the event. It will come when you least expect it.
Naturalness is achieved through the state of wish-fulfilled and persistence in it. This doesn't mean compulsively imagining at every minute, but rather achieving a state of mind where you trust in it. That is the naturalness Neville is speaking of. Success or failure is entirely in your own hands.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalms 23:4)
Even though you might endure the worst circumstances, you will fear nothing for God (self, imagination) is with you and will comfort you. This is the point of this all. To feel good. To curate a paradise within yourself. Fear nothing, as it is all you.
Whatever happens outwardly, let it be. Just fulfil yourself within. And know, in peace, that this inner-fulfilment will inevitably lead to outer-fulfilment. But the outer-fulfilment and the "how" is not important right now. Right now it's important to merely feel the loveliness of self. That's what brings true happiness.
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how2loa · 1 month
how do i wake up to my dream life?
HOW2LOA : manifest overnight !
thank you for the ask! this is a really good question and it’s one i’m sure a lot of people have so hopefully this post is helpful!
first off, i would like to mention that i personally do not recommend manifesting on a time crunch. focusing on time can cause you to think your manifestation is just out of reach and make you identify as the version of yourself that doesn’t have your desire and is manifesting. now, in principle, there is nothing wrong with manifesting, but we want to be the version of ourself that IS and HAS, rather than the version that is TRYING TO BE and IS MANIFESTING. focusing on time might stress you out and discourage you if your manifestations don’t come before your set deadline. if that is the case, i recommend revising on the spot and pretending you did receive your manifestation.
now, onto how to actually wake up in your dream life!
# 1 — think it is possible!
you do not need to 100% believe in manifestation for it to work, however having that belief to fall back on is crucial. it is what will keep you motivated and trusting that this is not just wishful thinking and you’re not crazy. even having 5% belief in the fact that manifesting is just that easy and you can have all that you want in 24 hours or less is enough.
# 2 — pick a method!
we all know that repetition is key and that is how our brain learns quickest. there are multiple ways to do this, either through roboting affirming, rampaging, sats, scripting, embodiment, the list goes on. pick what you prefer and stick to it. doing a technique, being impatient, blaming the technique and switching to a different one again and again will get you nowhere. however make sure you pick a technique you enjoy or have had previous success with. different ways work for different people so what might work for me might not work for you.
# 3 — saturate your mind!
depending on your method, this might look a bit different for each person. before you fall asleep, lay in a comfortable position, relax yourself and practice your chosen method. if you like robotic affirming, start to affirm in your head until you fall asleep. falling asleep in this state is really important as you are in the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies where your subconscious is wide open. this means it will accept whatever you feed it as true. persist persist persist in your new story!
# 4 — assume your desire is fulfilled!
accept that you making the decision to be the version of yourself that is living their dream life is enough to shift you to that reality. no crazy rituals, no crazy techniques or affirming for 82619462 hours. just following your happiness, staying consistent with living in the end and flipping opposing thoughts. you are who you claim to be NOW- not in the future, not next month. the moment you decide i am this version of myself, that becomes true for you because that is how powerful you are! you need to repeatedly go back to that version of yourself whenever you fall out of the state as your 3D will reflect your dominant state.
# 5 — reminders!
do not get discouraged if you wake up the next day and your desires haven’t manifested. what we are doing here is breaking the habit of being your old self. sometimes we are so used to thinking and behaving a certain way, identifying as a version of ourselves that doesn’t serve us any good, that it can be hard to truly settle in the new identity of ourselves overnight. stay determined and believe with conviction that you are all that you desire to be. because you are! the version of yourself that you want to manifest isn’t some different character outside of you, it’s still YOU!! and since you control your reality, whatever you say goes ;)
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urloveangel · 7 months
at some point you realize stress, worry, frustration are unnecessary and only slow you down…
you can move through life with compassion, love, acceptance and joy instead, and thrive with much more ease 🫶🏼
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lavender--fairy · 2 years
My sister got into the void state.
So my sister got into the void lmao, and the funny part is that she knows nothing about the law or the void. She has exams and i see her panicking all the time so i recommended her to to meditate (meditation to her is whatever calms her down and brings her joy) and this morning she came up to me and said "yk i was imagining myself with *her comfort characters* and it felt so nice that i kept wanting to feel it over and over again so started to loop the scene over and over again and suddenly i couldn't hear or feel anything and it all went black and it was so peaceful, i felt like i was floating and there was no one else, just me but then i realized that i actually can't hear anything, freaked out and came back, it was so much fun" i asked her how she did it and she said that "just imagine whatever that brings you joy and makes you feel "fulfilled" and make sure its something you really really like only then you will want to loop the scene otherwise it will feel forced. And once you find a scene that makes your happy keep repeating it, dont think anything else just keep repeating it and because its a scene you like you should have no problem doing that and i know that because i tried repeating this one scene but i didnt like it that and it felt so frustrating." I asked her what if you have random thoughts coming up or you dont feel like imagining and she said "for random thoughts just keep coming back to the scene and for your other question thats what i am saying it should be something you really really like, make it soooo nice that you dont wanna imagine anything else but that" and she said if you can't visualize and its bothering your just touch or hear stuff, like maybe you desire wealth then start touching money in your imagination, if you want clear skin, touch your skin etc.
I also think that it was so easy for her because her only goal was to feel fulfilled thats all she wanted, she didnt care about anything else and just wanted to feel fulfilled make that your only goal and secondly she wasn't doubting or second guessing stuff. Let this be a reminder to untangle all the strings in your mind, take it easy, calm down, don't over analyse.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
-Affirmations by Alanna Foxx from her Self love guided mediation
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🤍I deeply love and appreciate myself just as I am .
🩰I am beautiful and strong.
🤍Life treats me well and I treat myself well.
🩰I am worthy of my desires.
🤍I am fulfilled with gratitude for who I am .
🩰I have unique talents that the world needs.
🤍I am worthy of love and prosperity.
🩰I bring light to those around me.
🤍I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished.
🩰I am now creating the life that I love .
🤍I have enough. I am enough. I do enough.
🩰I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
🤍I believe in my own magic and the difference I can make in this world.
🩰I will always take good care of myself.
🤍I deserve new postive and exciting experiences.
🩰I am worthy of being loved , cherished and celebrated.
🤍I am full of potential and I have so much to offer the world.
🩰My life is full of abundance and happiness.
🤍I attract wonderful people and opportunities into my life.
🩰I am living to my fullest potential.
🤍I deserve all that is good.
🩰My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
🤍I radiate confidence, self -respect and inner harmony.
🩰I am wise and humble
🤍I am truly a beautiful soul .
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audrinawf · 1 year
one thing I love about meditating is that you come to a point where you quiet your mind so hard that you’ll ask the universe give you an idea and you’ll get in instantly!!! I don’t think y’all understand how incredible the human mind is. when we quiet it down it’s better than google. you’ll find all the answers. I mean where do you think all the ideas on the internet originated from? it started in someone’s head.
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sophiakaufman · 3 months
NOTICE HOW THEY ARE ALL ANONYMOUS, I know its easier to believe that all of your struggles can be cured with one night of entering the void but the truth is humans are natural liars, if something is too good to be true it most likely is
DONT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WONDERING IF YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG OR NOT BEING POSITIVE ENOUGH, simply live your life getting a little bit better everyday and knowing that the only thing you can truly control is yourself
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Thxx 💋
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seductive-whisperss · 2 years
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Positive Affirmations
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evangelineshifts · 8 months
˗ˏ✎ [ LOA !] *ೃ
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⁀➷ stressing like it’s not already done !
⁀➷ self concept #1 !
⁀➷ subconscious has no eyes !
⁀➷ I’m sorry people are so jealous of me!
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impartialspectator · 2 months
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sparklingself · 3 months
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daily reflections #4
Hard circumstances + staying in the wish-fulfilled is hard. And I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to praise you. Most people would probably give up much sooner. Struggling in the outer-world, but continuously trying to find yourself, to stay grounded - I think it's worth praise. You should be proud of yourself for not giving up.
I've been struggling as well (and I'm saying this as I know a lot of you think of me as someone who has mastered everything - I assure you, even as I've been studying this for almost 3 years, I still struggle and I would say I haven't mastered anything). I have days where I'm so stuck in the outer-circumstances, I find imagining well and staying grounded excruciatingly difficult.
But, truth be told, whenever these days happen, when I'm incredibly bothered by the outer-world, it's merely a sign of what aspect of myself I just need to better within. The law isn't just about "getting", it's a whole lifestyle encompassing your whole mindset. It's not merely a tool, it's everything.
There's really no going back once you commit to this law. Your whole perspective changes and once you're really in, you can't really go back to that old perspective filled with lack. You could be outwardly struggling and may be tempted to think that maybe this law isn't "real", but when you understand this law, you'll shortly realise that even if it were all fake, imagining the wish-fulfilled is the best thing you can do. And just through logical deduction with consciousness is the only reality (which is a statement with which I really cannot find an adequate counterargument), your imagination really is everything and everything stems from it. And you can prove that to yourself.
So, really, this isn't about giving up. You can't give up the law. You're exactly where you need to be right now, in order to truly rise up. You're having to endure what you're having to endure because you have yet to resolve this within. Your SP is not reciprocating, because within yourself you have told yourself this narrative that you're perhaps unworthy of their love. You're experiencing this because it's time to resolve.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Meditation • how to control thoughts
No, you don’t control thoughts, let it be.
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Meditation involves cultivating awareness to remain in the present moment for an extended period of time, allowing one to achieve a meditative state.
Rather than trying to avoid or suppress negative thoughts, the practice of meditation involves embracing all thoughts and emotions, and cultivating a positive mindset.
While many people practice meditation in silent environments, it is not necessary for all types of meditation.
With approximately 60,000 daily thoughts, it is impossible to focus only on positive thoughts during meditation.
Consistent and repeated practice is key to improving meditation skills.
Be the observer
Abhyasa, or the practice of detachment (Vairagya), involves letting go of attachment to the outside world and its desires, which can be a source of suffering.
Attachment to desire is the root cause of suffering.
To establish a successful meditation practice, it is recommended to set aside a dedicated time for practice and eliminate distractions such as social media and other sources of stimulation.
How to let go
When you focus on something during meditation, it can feel like a game where distractions are constantly vying for your attention and causing you to lose focus. This is why setting an intention is important for your meditation practice.
Setting an intention can be compared to catching a flight at the airport. You travel a long way to reach your destination, but at some point, you will need to return home.
Similarly, during meditation, you may find yourself caught up in your thoughts and feelings. However, the difference is that as an observer, you can see through your thoughts rather than letting them control you. By acknowledging and detaching from your thoughts, they can dissolve and you can return to a state of inner stillness and peace.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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urloveangel · 8 months
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lavender--fairy · 2 years
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𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞
I got into manifesting because it was my last hope to get things the rest of the world declared "impossible" to attain. I wanted health, wealth, beauty and the law gave me so much more than that. It gave me freedom, the freedom to feel anything i want without asking "but" "why" or "how" i can feel loved by someone and my imagination doesn't say "but they don't love you", i could feel excited for tomorrow for no reason and it won't say "but tomorrow is just another day", i could feel like the most beautiful person to walk on earth and it won't say "but your nose doesn't form the perfect slope" i can feel confident, i can feel like there is nothing to fear, i can feel like everything is going to be fine and most importantly i can feel fulfilled. Everything i could ever imagine can be fulfilled in my imagination instantly and without conditions and no one has to know what i am doing in my imagination since its my personal reality where i truly am the queen, the goddess. I suffer when i reject the gifts its offering me by calling it "fake" or "just in my head" and then complain when 3d precisely reflects just that, there is nothing wrong with the 3d in fact its doing its job perfectly, its me, i refuse to be fulfilled until my desires appear in the outer world but the 3d won't reflect something that isn't imagined first. The 3d doesn't care if what you are imagining is good or bad its job is to just reflect regardless and so it does. So when i learn to accept what imagination is giving me i say "with imagination by my side i have nothing to fear"
❝ I couldn’t possibly be worried about anything if I really believe that imagining creates reality. ❞ -Neville
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hardtreekoala · 3 months
Trust in the Universe when there is a change in your life. Change means something greater is coming. Trust that!
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