#meep. short. sorry.
ramblebramblefun · 1 month
Katsuki didn't start all this crap to get back at Deku or something, so don't get it fucking twisted. He's doing this for Deku's own damn good and that's that.
Don't you get it? Deku wants to be a fucking hero.
If Deku becomes a fucking hero, he'll die.
That's the long and fucking short of it. Even Deku's precious Eraserhead, if he really exists, has got a quirk to fall back on even if he fights quirkless most of the time. Allegedly.
Deku ain't got nothing. He's fucking quirkless. Quirkless, useless, stupid, vulnerable.
He can't be a fucking hero.
Katsuki can, because Katsuki's got the goddamned quirk for it, but Deku-
How was Katsuki supposed to know? He was like, three when he got his quirk, ahead of the pack right from the start. He'd thought that Deku's quirk would come in at four like everyone else's did. A whole year of dreaming.
Course, then Deku had to ruin it. That fucker.
Katsuki can feel those bug-eyes burning... Right about... There!
"Quit following me!" He screams, because he's beginning to suspect that Deku's deaf as well as stupid.
Stupid fucking- A quirkless wonder can't be a hero. No amount of following Katsuki around scribbling in little stalker notebooks is going to change that.
"Yeah!" Fingers yells. "Quit following us!"
Fingers is a fucking sheep. Baa baa baa, all fucking day, saying everything Katsuki says one beat behind.
Katsuki doesn't know why he keeps him around. Deku would be more interesting, but he can't let Deku follow him because then the little fuck will follow him right into U-fucking-A, and Katsuki can't- He won't-
It's not fucking happening.
Deku creeps out from behind the bush with his head tucked right down into his collar, like some kind of turtle, and if he had a turtle quirk then at least he'd have some kind of armour to protect him but he doesn't because he's fucking quirkless.
And he wants to be a hero.
Can't forget that. Not until Katsuki beats it out of him at least.
He has to.
If he doesn't do it now, someone else, a villain most likely, will teach Deku the real fucking hard way and Katsuki can't-
"Deku." He growls, popping off explosions.
Deku meeps at him, honest to god. Little fucking-
Katsuki lunges, and Deku shrieks but doesn't fucking run, because he's an idiot that only ever stands his ground at the worst fucking times and if he actually lets Katsuki catch him with these hands then Katsuki might actually kill him himself and save the world the trouble.
Katsuki will make it quick. Way quicker than a villain, at any rate.
And then Katsuki will go to jail and not be able to be a hero and it will be entirely Deku's fault and-
Fortunately for himself and Katsuki's future career, Deku throws himself backwards at the last fucking second. Katsuki's hands slap nothing but air.
"Yeah, you better run." He hisses, despite Deku not really doing any such thing.
He's just standing there, really. Looking at Katsuki with those big bug-eyes, clutching his notebook to his chest.
"Sorry, Kacchan! I didn't mean-"
"Go away, Deku." Katsuki snarls. He raises a crackling palm demonstratively.
"Take a fucking hint."
He's standing close enough now that he could actually land a hit, and Deku fucking knows it, the way he's watching Katsuki's hands.
"Right." Deku mutters to himself.
He starts muttering some other things too, but Katsuki is not fucking listening. He strides away while Deku's distracted, shoving at Fingers and What's-his-face to get them moving too.
They immediately begin warbling about how Katsuki 'sure showed him', or something equally obnoxious and not worth the time to process. Where can he go that Deku won't think to follow?
Nowhere, the fucking stalker knows everything about him.
Okay, new plan.
"Alright, extras," he says sweetly. "I'm letting you decide where we're going next."
This prompts a chorus of bleating, sheep being terrible at making their own decisions. What's-his-face eventually coughs something out, and Katsuki shoves him to the front.
The extra fucking hesitates.
Katsuki pops his palms meaningfully.
The sheep startles, and scurries, and Katsuki follows after like a herding dog, because that's the only way he deigns to follow anyone.
He's in charge of this circus, make no mistake.
That does not, however, mean that he wants to go to the fucking circus. The things he does for that little-
Whatever. Forget him. Katsuki's going to enjoy the rest of this day Deku-free.
Or else.
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violetasteracademic · 4 months
Favorite ships:
Of all time
Not Elriel (ACOTAR related)
Secondary fave ship
What ship would you want to live in real life?
Crack ship
A toxic ship you love?
Best fanfic for ship of your choice?
(feel free to send to others)
Meep! Thank you @nikethestatue for this!
Fave ships:
Of all time: Kanej
Acotar: Elriel 🌸🦇 with FERVOR
ToG: Manorian
CC: Night and Day
Secondary fave ship: Ahhhh this is tough. I love Feysand and Nessian for different reasons. I think both of their relationships have bright spots and flaws, but I feel Feysand edges out just because we have so much more perspective of their relationship and they are the OG's! I wish I could read their story again for the first time probably more than any other couple in the SJMverse.
What ship would you want to live in real life?: Genuinely, Elriel. The peace and quiet girlies get it. The house husband girlies get it. I am truly a person who requires a great deal of alone time and quiet time to recharge. I, much like Elain, enjoy a great deal of solitary activities. Writing, baking and gardening. I like filling my free time making something. It gives me a sense of peace and purpose outside of the capitalist hellscape we live in. I have yet to experience a romantic partnership where my "me" time or quiet time was treated as valuable or important. Nothing will ever be more romantic to me than Elain and Azriel simply wanting to be around each other, even if in silence. Sitting together quietly in the sun. Or Azriel listening to Elain talk about her gardening plans, because he is interested in the things she thinks about creating.
It's a special type of connection, to not constantly need high energy conversation to feel close to someone or learn about them. Being at peace with one another, being interested in each other's minds, and understanding what someone else needs to feel calm and grounded, that is really beautiful to me.
Crackship: Ansel and Rolffe, but also Gwyn and Fenrys!! I am a Twilight of the Gods theorist and genuinely believe the Valkyrie will play a huge role in the Ragnarok retelling. Fenrys is one of my fave SJM men, but he and Gwyn have a lot in common. Both were twins who got horrifically SA'd after witnessing their twins murder. Both have a sassy sense of humor, and a long complicated history being loyal to and in service of powerful and short tempered leaders (Maeve and Merril.) I personally see a lot of connections there, and see Gwyn and Fenrys both as side characters in their respective series that may likely become key characters in the multiverse!
A toxic shop you love: Klaroline 🙈 still not over it.
Best fanfic for ship of your choice?: Okay, despite the nearly 100k multi chapter fanfic I wrote in April, I am still brand new to the fic world and haven't read a lot of fics yet! So I'm still gathering recommendations and figuring out where to start! But I did read Pretty Little Angel by DottieLovegood after a friend sent it to me over a year ago, and it essentially became my religion. I can't wait to keep diving into all the talented writers in the Elriel community! I've read some great one shots by @tswaney17 and @bloomingdarkgarden (ehoney on AO3) and have years worth of fics to catch up on!! I'm sorry I'm such a newb 😭 and taking recommendations!
Tagging @faeprincesswarrior @enigmaticexplorer @nikachansstuff @gracie-rosee to see your answers!
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themore12 · 1 year
I need votes on what project I need to continue next
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Famous S/O Winners (Ft. Ace, Leona, Floyd, and Sebek)
Idol!S/O or Famous!S/O
When their S/O is a Famous Idol what will they do with that information?
Will they Boast about it until everyone in school, and whoever in their right mind follows them know?
Will they Fight your fans about who you love more?
Will they get Angry but Laugh at your fans for their delusions?
Or Will they become Protective of you in fear that your fans might harm you?
(HC + short written)
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In Dire Need of Comfort (Ft. Azul, Rook, Jade, and Malleus)
Your Love is what brings them Comfort.
Why would they Need your comfort?
Deep in the night, someone wakes up from a Nightmare from the past.
They say when someone can't Protect their S/O from harm they become angry and frustrated.
When someone can't Obtain what they really want, they become sad.
When someone comes to terms with their own Mortality it feels like a weight in their heart has been lifted. But what if someone else comes to terms with their S/O's mortality?
(Long written + short hc)
(i physically acnt do angst hepl)
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Love Expressions?! (Ft. Cater, Trey, Jamil, Epel, and Lilia)
How do they convey that they love you?
Do they convey it through-
Words of affirmation? Affection through spoken words, praise, or appreciation.
Quality Time? Giving undivided attention.
Acts of Service? Nice things you do that make them feel loved and appreciated.
Physical Touch? Love through physical affection.
(short written + hc)
(theres no gift giving sorry i could not fit it in there)
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Ideal Date (Ft. Riddle, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, Kalim, and Silver)
The ideal date for them and why!
Amusement park to let out their inner child?
Getting to know his hometown perhaps?
How about hitting the gym? Or what about YOUR ideal date?
How does watching life hacks and having a fun time sound?
How about a young, rich, a little tall, and handsome boy take you out shopping?
Or perhaps just hanging out in his place and spending time together sounds great?
We'll find out!
(Long hc + short written/maybe long written)
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A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N (Idia)
What happens when your gremlin of a house warden misses you badly?
It has been exactly 7 hours and 4 minutes and 23 seconds since your last reply to him. Do you not love him anymore?
Ok, maybe he was overreacting, 4 hours isn't that long and he needs to give you your own space because that's what lovers normally do.
3 minutes pass...
Ok, he can't.
(attention by new jeans) (Long written + text messages)
I'm not going to spoil anything huge. But there are text messages in here(attention)! Tell me if you guys want text messages with the boys in the future!
Also the header may or may not be the vibes of each story lol
that sam request is hard since idk how to write for sam sorry
also i apologize i was gone for so long i wrote for other fandoms lol
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sunlitmcgee · 8 months
I am finally FINALLY able to hang this print I bought from @copepods redbubble in a frame. Very sorry if this tag is a bit random or awkward,I simply wanted to let you know that this lovely piece is finally gonna be on someone's wall! Somewhere! (<-meep lives in an attic with a very short slanty roof)(not much wall space)(but i will try)(autism much like life finds a way)
Please go check out the artist's page! Yayay Yaya for art!
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Steven Universe x Reader Headcanons
💚Comfort Buddies💙
Peridot and Lapis x Female Reader(platonically)(Request by @hyenalover2630 who really need this)
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You were stressed out due to a lot of things. Mostly because you have a large family and you had a promotion in school, but not all of your family came..along with other things in life.
You went to the two for some comfort and they were..at least, concern about your mental health. They don’t know a lot about humans’ mental health so they did the best they can, by researching and asking for some advices. They mostly went to Connie and Steven..but Mostly Connie with her parents being humans.
Peridot would talk to you about facts she learned about Earth and talking about their meep moop. You didn’t mind listening to her..plus it was a good distraction from all the stress going on..ofc, Pumpkin would join and let you pet the baby pumpkin.
As for Lapis. She was very confused of what to do to make you happy or cheer up..but the best would be stargazing and making things out of water..sometimes put a little show for you out of water. Peridot would also helped by telling the story. I imagine one time, you and pumpkin would watch them doing a water play at night and after watch the stars.
Ofc, Camp Pining Hearts is always an option. The four of you would watch every episode of Camp Pining Hearts and even talk about the ships and drama and etc. and if things overwhelmed your mind..the two would try their best to comfort you and you guys would end up sleeping together on the couch.
Overall, the two don’t know much about anything of mental health, but they would do their ever best to make sure you are happy and comfortable
(Sorry for this being so short. I’m on vacation and I really wanna get this done so I don’t forget. I hope you enjoy)
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goddess47 · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @thekristen999
How many works do you have on ao3?
1173 at the moment
What's your total ao3 word count?
1,794,075 words  (I *know*... where did that come from?)  I have a bunch of older fic on Live Journal and Dreamwidth that I keep meaning to move over for completeness but never take the time to do the work. So there's more out there...
What fandoms do you write for?
I mostly write for: Stargate Atlantis and SG-1, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, 9-1-1. My dashboard says I have 23 fic in Shadowhunters but that's misleading because I borrowed Magnus and Alec for a Teen Wolf fic.
Top five fics by kudos:
The Wedding Planner
Forced Bonding
Breaking Point
What You Ask For
Broken Pack Bonds
Huh. All Teen Wolf fic... interesting
Do you respond to comments?
Not as well as I should... meep! (And I'm sorry if I owe you a response to something!)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I know there's something out there... Embrace the Silence - an SGA fic for an 'apocalypse' fest where I killed almost everyone off!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Writing happy endings is my goal; there are mostly happy endings out there.  Not sure I could pick which one has the happiest ending.  
Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I get an occasional snippy comment about something nitpicky or a choice I made that the commenter didn't like.
Do you write smut?
Actually, not as much as I used to... LOL...
Craziest crossover:
For the "Into a bar..." fest, I wrote a Stargate SG-1 and Check, Please crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
There was a 'thing' a while ago where someone stole hundreds of fic and tried to pass them off on Amazon. One of mine got scooped up but it was quickly taken down.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lots of times. I have open permission for translations in my profile. But most stop by and ask.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really
All time favourite ship?
Oh, man. That's hard. I love my boys... I'm going to go back to John Sheppard/Rodney McKay in Stargate Atlantis. My first love.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Disturbance in the Force - set up as a series and a crossover between Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and 9-1-1.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm decent at dialog. And writing short. I've written lots and lots of drabbles in the past few years.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I don't always add the cues for what the setting of the story is.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I borrow foreign words for 'alien' words but rarely use dialog in another language because I know I'm not good at it.
First fandom you wrote in?
Stargate SG-1
Favorite fic you've written?
In Plain Sight, which is listed as a series but I was filling daily prompts for an AU fest. It's a Harry Potter story that I was very pleased with.
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themeeplord · 1 year
[Respectfully, to break the trend I’m currently doing, and to be funny…Meep. Hi. :)
I’m politely not breaking and entering into your ask box. I am politely entering my head in to leave a silly appreciation message <3]
So hello Meep! I hope that you and your followers are having a good day today.
It’s me, Fandom from Instagram. Finally got a Tumblr account haha
I really appreciate your Cryptid Sightings fanart, but also the other content that you create as well.
The way you draw your different designs always intrigues me. It’s impressive with what you come up with and I love reading the info behind them if you leave notes in the post about them!!
(Ex: Like how you came up with one of your CS!Eclipse designs, I recall you breaking down the clawed feet he had based on certain animal anatomy for an ask. I really liked reading it, since it provided a great insight into your creative process!! 🙌)
I’m kinda a noob at knowing about different animal anatomies, but I find it wonderful that you incorporate that knowledge into the artwork you produce :D
So thank you for not only serving groundbreaking pieces of work that make me go “🤯‼️” every time, but also providing the details behind it.
I don’t see all of your works, but I liked the art piece you posted not so long ago on Instagram with the person hugging that giant frog. It was very cute!! Gave me some Studio Ghibli vibes tbh
And every time you create fanart for Naff? And when she reblogs it?
I just. *Staring* so disrespectfully at all of the yummy shading, sketch lines, the lighting - the poses??? Hello???
Everything from the angst to the fluff gets me Meep. I’m not normal about your stunning art like. Help 😭💔
Eating it all up like it’s the finest cuisine 😮‍💨🍽️
Odbdodno but anyways!!
Sorry this is very short, but I promise once I reblog your fanart I’m going to scream and cry at you in the tags >:)/pos
Thank you for your time if you see/or answer this!!
I shall now throw my heart emojis at you for more appreciation
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AAA- I wasn't ready! 💕❤️💖💕💖❤️💕
Hi Fandom!! Oh AAA this is so sweet, you're so sweet I AA Thank you!!! :'3
So glad to finally have you on tumblr! Hope you're enjoying this wacky place so far~ and hope your day is going well too!
Thank you again, this is so lovely and it's made me so happy to read over and over❤️💕💖
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babiebom · 6 months
Doctor Who Villains and how I Feel about Them
A/N: idk why I’m on a doctor who streak right now(yes I do it’s taken the place of number one special interest again) but here’s some more of my scuffed content regarding it as a person who has only seen the revival of the show. Though I’ve said I probably won’t watch classic who the edits are getting to me and I might watch all of classic who literally just for Sarah Jane and the Doctor(all of them) being chaotic in a different way than they are in nuwho(I did not know the man used to throw hands like that why did no one tell me?). No the master is not included as a villain because they’re the loml and neither are the Ood it’s not their fault people be mind controlling them. The ratings are how much they scare me so 10 is a lot 0 is none
Tw: mentions of murder, cursing, death, yk dw things!!
Bc: at least 3 or 4 for each maybe more lmao
Doctor Who Masterlist
Idk they’re not really scary to me
Like I’d probably be killed by them but they don’t scare me
Like oh no they can shoot at me
I’m from Texas people have guns here that’s like basic
Like I don’t think they’d let me get close enough
But if they did I think I could beat a dalek up
I would actually find a way I genuinely think they’re annoying
Literally became one of the sounds I copy
Kinda iconic ngl but they show up way too damn much
I feel like the characters should be allowed to curse when Daleks are around
Like oh my fucking god YOU AGAIN?
Literally I’m on season one of classic who and they show up HERE like WTF
Cybermen only scare me bc they kinda give me uncanny valley vibes bc they’re used to be humans.
Like that creeps me out
But I do think I could survive them if I hid well enough
Like actually they’re like only finding people who are making it obvious that they’re hiding
I’m turning off all the lights and opening the doors to make it look like my house has already been gone through
Like zombies but robots
Weeping Angels
Actually I hate them so much
and as a black person I do NOT want to be sent back in time
I think I’d attempt to do the blink one eye at a time thing but I think I’d fail bc I’d be to focused on that
I WOULD however attempt to hit them with a sledgehammer
Like actually I would try to destroy them and then probably be sent back bc I don’t think that’s possible unless it is
I haven’t seen anyone try to just wreck they shit
They’re not scary at all
What are they gonna do fart me to death
I’m pretty sure it’s something like baking soda that you can kill them with
Like actually they’re no match for my feralness
And since they need larger people (in size and in height) they won’t go after me bc even though I’m chubby I’m short so they won’t try to get me anyways
Literally so easy
And I think they could just be straight up shot
They have no necks how are they gonna get me fr
Like actually again all they’re gonna do is shoot me
What are they gonna do CHASE ME?
Like if I hide well enough I can bonk them like Donna did
I feel like if I asked for hand to hand combat they might indulge me
They don’t know I know this one simple trick (being an absolute menace)
Beep The Meep
Unlike Rose Temple-Noble (or Noble-Temple)
I would not have been nice
I would’ve killed him with a hammer bc wtf
But probably if I didn’t kill him he would’ve killed me bc it’s hard to manipulate me because I’m always confused
Like he would actually get tired of me
And I don’t want the police at my house so you gotta go sorry
Like my dogs will tear you apart get out of here loser
The Empty Child
Have you seen my mommy
Like actually scawwy
Like he’s just a baby and I would be gasmasked immediately bc I can’t help but try to comfort a child
I mean I literally work in childcare it’s something that I can’t help but to be like “omg well find your mommy baby it’s gonna be okay!!” Then immediately I’m possessed or whatever he did to those people
Kid is adorable tho
The Carrionites
The witches
They’re not really scary
And I don’t think I’d be in their way because I’m a woman and not powerful at all
So they won’t try to kill me or anything
Like actually irrelevant to their plot and they’re irrelevant to mine
Kinda funny tho
I mean in the words of the ninth doctor what is she gonna do? Moisturize me?
Like she’s a sentient trampoline she’s not scary at all
Literally throw something at her and she’s dead
Like somehow she managed to take over Rose’s body but like she wouldn’t do that to me
Not scary at all
Moisturize meeeeeeeeeeee
The Celestial Toymaker
I want to be twirled around by him!!!!!!!
But also I’m bad at games and can only win by accident
So I would actually be trapped in his dimension bc I would lose
But like eh? Not so bad me thinks
Especially if I can get him to change the terms of the game
He just seems so fun but tbh I think I would get tired of him quickly lmao
The Family of Blood
I’ve only watched the episodes once each because I actually hate them
So I don’t remember anything other than Martha threatening them with a gun
And honestly if they could be killed by that I think I’m fine
Like what were their powers or like ways of killing people
I don’t remember honestly just possessed people I think
Like that’s like not really scary seeing as they weren’t climbing walls and their heads weren’t spinning as far as I remember
The Thing in Midnight
Terrifying but also funny
Like haha you’re copying me
Jokes on you I’m not scared I’m just gonna be amused bc I’m gonna make you say stupid things
But also scary bc do not take my voice or my movement that’s mean
I just wanna make you say things that I think are funny be NICE TO ME
like actually I would’ve had fun but would’ve been scared in that episode
Though again in not easily manipulated so I wouldn’t have been part of the screaming and panic
Like would I have committed violence against stupid married couple and the train lady like WYM KICK HIM OUT OF THE SHIP ARE YOU DUMB
I feel like they all lacked common sense that episode but again I’m supposed to be talking about the thing
They’re literally just people but cannibals?
With sharp teeth
Like that’s not really scary that stuff exists right now
Like it didn’t looks like they ran faster nor did they have like special abilities
We’re afraid of guns and could be kept out by a fence
Actually just people
I could literally just shoot at them and they’d leave
Like okay you’re cannibals so are people now you’re not special and people get body mods all the time.
Scary because they’re dumb
Like they don’t really understand anything except for their concept of justice and would kill me in an instant
Also kinda ugly
I like the way they talk
But also if you’re innocent odds are they’ll leave you alone?
Unless you try to fight against them
So not really scary just like…honestly similar to the bad cops out there
Like scary but I shouldn’t be in their presence because I don’t think I do anything wrong
The NotThings
Honestly I just think clones are scary
Like you know that thing that’s like what would you do if a clone of you was right in front of you and it’s like fuck it or whatever
I would kill her
Not because I hate myself but seeing myself would terrify me and I would have to kill her out of sheer panic
And the fact that the more you think or talk the more they copy until they’re 100 percent an exact copy of you.
And irl with my friends I do have an unhinged sense of humor so they wouldn’t even be able to tell anything is wrong bc I talk about eating them and keeping them as a taxidermied thing every day because that how I portray my love (I swear I’m normal)
So they would be able to say all sorts of shit and my friends would be like lmao yeah that’s her unless they eat or do something I would absolutely never do
9/10 scary
The Silence
Do they even do anything except for be there?
Like I don’t think they bother people unless they’re feeling particularly evil I guess
They’re literally just npc’s
Like the most terrifying thing is like them being there when I poop or shower or something and I just keep forgetting they’re there.
So scary kinda but not really
They’re just kinda ugly
The Beast
I don’t remember anything about this person or thing
Other than it’s just like…satan?
Don’t kill me but I haven’t gone back to watch any season 2 episodes so I don’t really remember
So not really scary just alien satan
Like all I remember is the drawing on dudes face like oh well
And I’m pretty sure the doctor defeated him by breaking some vase or something
Because I don’t remember he gets a low scare rating
The Smilers
But I was not happy with the doll head thing turn around and look angry
Like NAUR WHAT DID I DO?????????
Was this the episode with the big ass space whale????
I think they were feeding the whale
They kinda terrified me bc imagine going to like a fortune teller booth with the little fake people and it just gives you a bad fortune and it’s face is mad at you now
Like HUH was misfortune am I gonna have because of this
Like 6/10
A literal Sun
I just rewatched 42
Honestly scary in the fact that I hate the sun because it’s too hot and I hate it when it’s hot
And the fact that it’s a LIVING SUN and can POSSESS PEOPLE
Like WTF do you mean??????
But also I would have never done what miss girl did so I would not be forced to burn
Also I just read a hella good fic on ao3 that’s tenmartha and the sun is still possessing ten and is OBSESSED with Martha and literally only wants love.
So that has also changed my opinion
So like 5/10 scary but wouldn’t try to kill me because I’m nice.
I’m not scared of her nor will I ever be
Would beat her to death with my own hands
Or with a hammer
Deserves no kindness
Like actually who takes advantage of an actual child?????
Insane people that’s who
She better hope she never sees me out in these streets
This just makes me sad
Like they really wanted to go to Utopia and ended up as these things???????
Also just balls that can shoot you????
I think a baseball bat and a good swing would allow you to survive as long as it’s only like one or two
They also have the spinny knives but I think you can avoid them if you try and aren’t trapped
Like haha you stupid metal ball try to get me now as I go in all the hidey holes that you can’t fit in because you’re METAL
Vashta Nerada
like what do you MEAN there’s little monsters in shadows
I have to SLEEP in the dark
What do you MEAN they’re responsible for the bones left in roadkill WTF
actually terrifying
Can just kill me whenever it’s dark?
They’re name is actually cool though
Also the episode we meet miss mother river song
But like can turn me into just bones in a second
That’s rude
Literally no way to survive unless you’re always in light
And they can turn lights off (I think) so like ur fucked dude
The Autons
I’m already scared of mannequins and this is like a nightmare come true.
The only way I survive this is if I immediately run
Like I don’t think y’all understand I HATE MANNEQUINS
Also the fact that their limbs can still move detached is scary
Like actually being an adult that’s already afraid of these things I would actually just piss my pants and die on the spot
Only funny part is nine being choked in the back ground and even my first time watching I was so nervous for him
And auton Mickey is actually a nightmare I hated that
9/10 hate them
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doevademe · 2 years
PROMPT. Emmy's friends crushing on dilf Percy cause ofc he doesn't look his age and is too charming and clueless for his own good as usual. 😂
P.s when i propose this I do it out of hilarity I understand if you find the promt unsettling.
"Dad, I'm home!" Emilia called. Behind her were her friends Erica, Mark and Jules.
"Hey sweety, did you end up bringing your friends?" Her dad asked from the kitchen.
Emilia sighed.
"Yeah I did... are you cooking?" She asked, halfway between curious and aprehensive. She wasn't offering her friends buttered noodles or omelettes for dinner.
If Asher wasn't on his stupid school excursion and their papa away on a mission, it wouldn't need to come to this.
"Nah, just looking for a snack in the fridge," he said, closing the door to the fridge. "I'll order some Thai for all of us later."
Her friends peeked curiously. It was the first time they came to her house.
She heard Jules gasp as they stared at the kitchen. Emilia looked back, only to see her three friends staring at her dad.
"Oh, hey there!" Her dad greeted, giving that smile that always seemed a bit too friendly to Emilia. "You must be Emmy's friends. Erica, Jules and... wow Mark, you've grown since I last saw you!"
Mark blushed and looked down giving a 'meep'.
Emilia's eyes widened.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr di Angelo-Jackson," Erica said, smiling timidly.
Erica. The girl who once punched someone for embarrassing her crush. Acting demure and shy.
"Just Jackson, actually." Percy laughed. "But Percy is also fine."
"Papa is Italian," she explained quickly before they got the wrong idea. "Italians don't take their spouses' last names."
"And he wouldn't let me either," Percy said, grinning.
"But... your last name is hyphenated, Emilia," Jules pointed out.
"Because I'm the daughter of both of them," she explained. "Now, let's go, we need to start that group project!"
She practically shoved them towards her room, while her dad, oblivious as always just waved at them.
"Good luck!" He called, and Emilia swore she heard her friends swoon.
"What the hell?" She asked once the door was closed.
"Mark, why didn't you tell us Emilia's dad was hot?" Erica demanded, grabiing Mark by his shoulders.
"I last saw him when I was like 7! I wasn't paying attention to boys at that age, much less men!" Mark said, defending himself.
"And what a man!" Jules gushed, hugging one of Emilia's pillows against their chest.
Emilia felt like she was going to puke.
"Ew, guys! You're talking about my dad!" She said, glad her papa had soundproffed her room. "My happily married dad!"
"Emmy, you know I prefer women," Erica said seriously. "You know that, like, only one in three million men will hold my attention. Well, your dad is one in three million."
Emilia covered her ears and started chanting. She was not going to hear this!
"And you tell me he's over 40?" Jules asked Mark, who nodded. "Wouldn't put him a day past 30!"
"That's still too old for you!" Emilia shouted. "Stop talking about him!"
"So? That we can't touch doesn't mean we can't look," Erica said simply. "And believe me, girl, we're looking."
Emilia had half a mind to fetch her Celestial Bronze short sword and start stabbing her friends. The divine ore would go right through them, but the shock it would cause would be so satisfying!
"Sorry, Emmy," Mark said, noticing her distress. "I... I'll try to stop."
"Why are you bisexual?" She asked, full of dispair. "Why couldn't you be interested in only girls? Or at least girls and boys who aren't my dad!"
"I'm not interested!" Mark said, voice full of indignation. "I just have eyes! And... and your dad is a very attractive man. It's not like I want to date him or anything."
"Yeah, Emmy, none of us want that," Erica said, voice softer. "It's like those models in magazines, we just like looking, right Jules?"
They all turned to look at their friend, who remained oddly quiet.
"Jules?" Mark pressed.
"I mean, if he offered..."
"Jules!" All three of them shouted.
"All right, all right, it's just eye candy!" They held up their hands in surrender. "Better?"
"Not really, but it will have to do." Emilia sighed. She suddenly got an idea. "I need to use the bathroom, can you guys get started with the project?"
"Yeah, don't worry," Erica said, waving her off. Emilia smiled gratefully and discreetly grabbed a drachma from her desk.
"Dinner's ready!" Her dad's voice shouted. Emilia smiled and dropped her pen, opening her door.
"Coming!" She said happily. The other's raised an eyebrow, but Emilia just followed her nose.
Right now, it smelled her papa's pomodoro.
"Hello there," her papa said with a halfway amused voice as the other three teenagers stopped dead in their tracks like deer in the headlights. "Percy did tell me we had visits."
"Your papa finished his... errand early," her dad informed her as he hugged his husband from behind. "Isn't that great?"
"Yeah, I was getting tired of takeout," Emilia said as she sat down. She smirked and turned to look at her friends. "Aren't you guys eating?"
The three shook off their surprise and stiffly walked to the table as Mark sat on her right, Erica on her left, and Jules on Mark's right.
"It smells really good," Mark said quietly. Nico hummed.
"Why, thank you," he said courteously. "It's an old family recipe."
They all ate in silence as Emilia watched her dad obssess over her papa's wellbeing like he always did after one of his missions.
Usually, her papa would just shake him off, but considering the situation, he was for once letting him touch and kiss him all over.
"A sandwich sounds really good right now..." Jules muttered. Emilia whipped her head at them, glaring.
"What?" she said dangerously. Jules gulped.
"Y-you know, for the meatballs!" They said nervously. "These things are delish, Mr. di Angelo!"
Nico laughed, and Emilia watched in horror as her three friends all hung up on the sound.
"I think we have some ciabatta, if you'd like," he offered. "Percy, be a dear and bring it."
Her dad smiled. He kissed him on the cheek.
"Sure thing, Ni!"
"Two, two in three million," Erica whispered.
Mark shook his head frantically to reassure Emilia, but she could see he was blushing again.
Her papa went back to his meatballs.
Why were both of her parents oblivious idiots?!
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When Your Feelings Get Uno-Attacked 
Description: Kazuichi struggles with gender expectations and Zoey worries about being a good person as a game of Uno Attack turns into an emotional roller coaster. 
Very long (3,344 words) a piece of my selfship fic that I decided to write instead of drawing. This was fun.
Humor, pining, hurt/comfort
Closeted trans girl Kazuichi x Zoey (self insert), background ship of Gundham x (implied enby) Sonia, 
Trigger warnings: Intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts mentioned.  
I feel like I should add a disclaimer that my later teen years had me going through a bout of depression/intrusive thoughts/suicidal feelings, and this fic includes this as a conflict for Zoey. But please dont worry, irl I am no longer suicidal, and my intrusive thoughts don't come as often and are not as intense as they used to be. My life and my outlook on life is a lot better now. I use this fic in part to process how I used to feel (feelings about feelings). And I will give relevant trigger warnings at the beginning of every post.  
"Hey Gundham!" Kazuichi yelled, ready to start some shit. Gundham put down the book and glanced up at Kazuichi from his seat. "You wanna fucking go?" The mechanic huffed, trying to hype herself up. "You and me, let's-" 
Gundham stood up, his frame instantly towering over Kazuichi. 
"Meep!" And just like that, Kazuichi's fiery rage was extinguished into a panic that almost made her jump. What was she thinking doing this?! What was she thinking?! 
"Uh. U h uhj .. le-let's go - uh-"  
"Play basketball!" Zoey jumped next to Kazuichi, startling her even though Kaz knew that Zoey had been watching. She did wonder where Zoey got the basketball. It seemed appropriate though, as Zoey always seemed to wear boy's gym shorts.  
"Hmph," Gundham rolled his eyes, clearly not interested. 
"No I’m shit at sports!" Kazuichi hissed to Zoey in between clenched teeth, attempting a whisper.  
"Oh." Zoey had hoped this would help. "Then uh, maybe I'll win and get Miss Sonia's heart!" Zoey giggled at her own joke, but stopped at Kazuichi's unamused frown. She threw out a quick "sorry!"
"Then what form of battle do you propose?" Gundham asked, eyebrow raised to Kazuichi.  
Before Kazuichi could say anything, Zoey piped up. "I have another idea!"  
In a short time, the three were now sitting at a table with Uno cards as Zoey explained- 
"When someone puts down THIS card, the next player has to press THIS!" She pressed the button on the Uno Attack machine. It conveniently spit out like a dozen cards at once.  
"Whoa!" Kazuichi stared in awe.  
"A beast forces us to carry a heftier burden!" Gundham exclaims. "And thus, the victim's time in the game is extended, as is the likelihood of their doom."  
Kazuichi side eyed Gundham, and then turned to Zoey. "So it's just like regular Uno, but we get a cool machine that spits cards at us? Okay! We can totally take down Gundham like this!"  
Zoey smiled back at Kaz. She wasn't sure what Kazuichi meant by this "we" business; since they werent sharing cards Zoey was just going to try to win herself. Still, it always made her happy to see her crush friend reaffirm that the two of them were a team.  
"Oo, I love this game." At the sound of another voice, Zoey's smile dropped. It was Miss Sonia, who must have snuck over when Zoey was thinking about Kazuichi. "I would love to play as well, if that's alright." Miss Sonia asked, icy blue eyes staring into Zoey. 
Zoey nearly jumped in fear (tall girly girl, way too good at hiding her emotions, no idea what her intentions are) but quickly tried to bring her smile back. Tried to at least. Kazuichi is probably happy about this, right? So Zoey should be happy for her friend. Yay, her platonic friend's crush gets to join them. And maybe after the game Miss Sonia and Kaz can run off into the sunset and have a million babies forever after or something. That didnt make Zoey sad or jealous, not at all!  
"Sure!" Zoey said, taking the deck, ready to deal out the cards. "You can sit-" She was about to invite Miss Sonia to sit next to Kazuichi somehow (even if Zoey had to switch her own seating arrangement, being the good buddy she was), but she realized that Kazuichi was no longer sitting at the table with them. 
In fact, she was in the distance, running away from the scene. 
W h a t .  
Stunned, Zoey finished with "... I ... I guess you can... take Kaz's seat?"  
Miss Sonia nodded and sat down. Zoey took a breath and dealt out the cards. She would try not to let Kazuichi's disappearance ruin Uno Attack.  
Try not to at least. 
Zoey was on the verge of winning. She only had one card left! But at the same time, so did Gundham, and his turn would be before her’s, so he had a better chance.  
Still, she could get lucky. Maybe Gundham’s last card would not be playable yet?  
She emotionally prepared herself for a loss. If Gundham wins, fair enough, she would keep smiling and say “good game, you guys wanna play again?” Then, if they didn’t feel like playing again, she wouldn’t take it to heart and she would get to bring this game over to Kazuichi. She didn’t have too much invested in this win. 
The order was Miss Sonia, Gundham, and then herself. And Miss Sonia put down... a red Draw 2!  
"Im afraid the Prince of Ice must now draw 2. Hm hm!" Miss Sonia giggled.  
Zoey giggled too. She still wasnt sure if she should really be friends with Miss Sonia (per Kazuichi's insistence,) or even trust her as a good person or not, but the light mood was contagious.  
And now she realized was definitely gonna win. While Gundham drew 2 cards, Zoey could put down her last card! She kept wishing Kaz were here to see her impending victory, but also kept trying to push out that thought and just be happy, genuinely happy, in the moment. 
She was about to win. 
"Mwahahaha..." Gundham chuckled in a manner most villainous. "You think you have bested me, but it is The Sheppard of Wolves who shall taste the losing blow!" Zoey (aka "The Sheppard of Wolves") frowned in confusion. (She wasn't sure why Gundham and Miss Sonia gave her this nickname, but she liked it.) 
Gundham placed down his last card, which was another Draw 2 card. "The curse of the Dark Monarch has doubled in power and is passed to The Sheppard, who must now Draw Four. But this matters not, for with my last card down I have just emptied my hands and sealed my victory!"  
"Hurray!" Miss Sonia clapped. 
Zoey's face scrunched and she couldn’t disguise the disgust (or the whining) in her voice. "Wait -wait- you cant do that! Draw 2 cards dont stack like that! And even if they did- it's not your turn- it got missed because - The rules say that-!" 
"The commoner rules are commonly recognized as heresy- card stacking is a superior method!"  
Zoey watched in anger as Miss Sonia and Gundham celebrated Gundham's "victory". Was this a joke?! Their joy stabbed into her like she was a pincushion with a circle of sewing needles closing in on her. She stopped breathing. She could feel in the air that she was "supposed to" ignore the blatantly broken rule, congratulate Gundham and collect the remaining cards, shuffling and asking for a second round, like the polite, friendly fun person she was. 
But... she just couldn't muster that anymore. 
Everything was attacking her, and once again everyone else was having a good time while she was feeling cheated and alone...so alone....she was always so alone...she was the only one who felt like this... everyone else was having so much fun because they didn't understand...and she would always be so alo- 
And where the heck was Kazuichi?! 
In one last plea, she whined "But that's not the real rules...!"  
"In Novaselic, card stacking is the official rule." Miss Sonia stated. 
She couldn't look at anybody. She just glared into her last card, the Wild Draw 4 card that was supposed to be her win, ("The Sheppard, who must now draw four,") now felt like it was mocking her. Just like everything else. 
"Yeah, of course it is." She muttered, not bothering to mask her bitterness. "That's freaking stupid!" 
It only took her a second to snap out of it and assess the damage she dealt. Miss Sonia's face remained neutral, but her eyebrows were raised. Still, Zoey didnt need any context clues to know that was the wrong thing to say.  
"Im sorry!" Zoey exclaimed. "I shouldnt have said that- I didnt mean it! Im just-" She was trying so so hard not to cry. She really thought of herself as a good sport (at least better than Kazuichi), a good person, and here she was insulting Miss Sonia's entire country just because she lost a stupid card game! "That was stupid! Im stupid! It was a good game guys, thank you! Im sorry!"  
Zoey felt some silent awkward energy from Gundham and she heard Miss Sonia's "Wait!" and "Please!" but she couldn't stop herself from getting ready to leave. It was like she was moving too fast for her brain to hear it. Gotta get up and go, gotta get up and go, gotta get up and go, time to go... She picked up her backpack and left the Uno game and the basketball (which wasn’t her’s anyway) behind. 
But then she did hear it. Miss Sonia was going to apologize? She shouldn't just ignore that! She had already ran a few steps away, but quickly turned around.  
She saw Miss Sonia, Gundham, and now Akane and Nekomaru out of nowhere, were playing the game. They were smiling and talking. Zoey was too late now, she knew it. They were probably having so much fun, so much more fun now that the dumb spoil sport was gone. 
Dont worry guys, Im going away, maybe going away forever. Zoey put her mouth in her arm to bury the uncontrollable crying noises. She wasn’t trying to draw attention, she didn't want to look like a total baby right now. She didn’t want to act so stupid about losing at Uno.  
She almost went home, but with suicidal thoughts filling her head faster and harder than she expected, and she knew she had to go see Kazuichi right now. 
Unsurprisingly, and to Zoey’s relief, Kazuichi had simply gone back to her own cabin. 
"Oh, hey." Kazuichi muttered, not even looking up from the bike engine she had buried herself in. "How was 'Uno Attack'?"  
The coldness in her love friend's voice, as well as the refusal to look her way, broke Zoey's heart. Dammit, Zoey thought she was finally finished crying and could be calm but now it was happening again. 
"Terrible!" She exclaimed. "Why did you leave mee?"  
Kazuichi turned her body to face Zoey, voice on the defense. "Yeah, well, while you guys were having fun I-" 
And then Kaz's processing delay caught up to her. Terrible? "Wait, what?" And at the sight of Zoey crying at her front door, she took off her work gloves and ran to see her. 
"I- I guess it was fun at first-!" Zoey started. "Even though I really wanted you to be there! But then Gundham kind of basically cheated and won-!"  
And she explained and over-explained and went on and on and repeated herself a bit to talk about the Great Draw 2 Controversy.  
The part that scared her the most was that she could make Kazuichi mad at her for insulting Miss Sonia in such a big way. On the walk over here, she had mentally prepared a dozen scenarios where Kazuichi expressed her absolute disgust at Zoey's actions and proclaimed that they could no longer be friends anymore if she would dare insult the princess like this. 
But at the scary part, Kazuichi just blinked. "Miss Sonia's not gonna be mad at you just cuz you insulted a card game."  
"But I insulted her entire country! I cant believe they all play the game wrong!" Agh, there she goes again! She was not helping to fight the stereotype that her country was full of xenophobes. "I mean, they all play it different! And I know there's nothing wrong with-with-" 
At this point, Zoey was crying again, and couldn't make her words make sense any more. It felt like gibberish. And Kazuichi had gotten closer to her, closer, until she wrapped her arms around Zoey in a hug. A tight, wonderful hug! Zoey sobbed but her better senses told her to try to stop, and just breathe, and bury herself in her crush's wonderful, wonderful scent. 
Downbad. Her thoughts mocked her. If this smell wasn't coming from a pretty girl that you're crushing on... Okay, yeah but shut up brain, she did NOT care right now. She needed this. For her mental health. 
"It's - It's okay." Kazuichi said, her voice shaking. "You're, um, you're okay..." Zoey could tell Kazuichi wasn't used to comforting with words, but that made her love her even more. 
"Miss Sonia's still gonna be your friend." Okay, that wasn't Zoey's biggest priority here, but she could respect why Kazuichi might think so. "Miss Sonia really...likes you..."  
There was an awkward pause before Kazuichi continued.  
"You're a nice girl, and you're caring and sweet and fun and- - and I dont think you could ruin that with a bad card game, cuz Miss Sonia... likes you..."  
Okay, Kazuichi sounded genuine and reassuring, but Zoey could also hear some jealousy slipping through this comfort. She stopped hugging and looked directly at Kazuichi. Kazuichi tried to quickly shift her face into a smile, but Zoey saw the concerned look she had before (She also saw the tears. She didn’t realize Kazuichi had been crying with her!) The frown Zoey saw for a second didn't look mad, like Zoey would have expected (and was worried about), instead she got the vibe that Kazuichi was just...insecure? 
"You're a nice girl too!" Zoey said quickly. "You're really nice and sweet too!" 
Kazuichi blushed. She smiled for a second, but she frowned and looked at the ground. "No I'm not. I know I'm not." She said quietly. 
"Hey! No! You are! And you should have played with us! You could have shown Miss Sonia that, um-"  
"No I couldn’t!" Kazuichi sobbed. "Gundham was there!"  
Now Kazuichi was the one crying and explaining. 
"I wanted to play with you guys! But not with Gundham there too! Or maybe we could have played with Gundham without Miss– I mean –AGHH! It's not even him, it's just - I can't - this is how -!"  
Now Zoey gave Kazuichi a hug. And once again she felt Kaz's big, strong, wonderful arms wrap around her. It was so lovely. Will these hugs always feel so bittersweet?  
Will these hugs always last? With that depressing thought, Zoey figured she better savor this while she could. 
Kazuichi continued, still crying. "I hate being a boy! I can't just be friends with Miss Sonia the way you can! I can't just play a game with Miss Sonia and Gundham! I have to act like a big man against Gundham! And I'm so sick of it!" Now Zoey cried again, with Kazuichi. "It’s not like I wanted to fight him!"  
"Then why-?" Zoey stopped herself from asking the obvious. " 'M sorry." She said instead. 
"D-don't-...- you – you didn't-" Kazuichi cried. “I really didn’t mean to – to leave you!” 
Oh yeah, Kazuichi broke her promise.* Technically.
“I’m sorry!” Kazuichi yelled. 
Zoey forgave her. “It’s okay!” Zoey yelled back. 
Zoey squeezed tighter. 
Kazuichi squeezed tighter. 
They cried, and cried, and then calmed down. After some silence, they moved apart from the hug.
Zoey had an idea. "Do you want me to fight him for you?" she asked. 
"Wha??" Kazuichi responded.
“I’ll do it. I’ll fight him.” She almost rolled up her long sleeves, and then realized she wasn’t wearing long sleeves, so she mimed rolling up long sleeves until she scrunched up her T-shirt sleeves, to show she was serious serious. 
“N-n-no! Don’t!” Kazuichi stopped Zoey from scrunching her t-shirt sleeves and laughed nervously. Zoey couldn’t tell if this laugh was from fear that Gundham would beat her or from thinking she was just kidding, and was offended by both reasonings. “Don’t do that! That’s not what girls do!” 
Ew. Shut up. “Then you shouldn't fight him either!” 
Kazuichi smiled, looking relieved for a second, then frowned again. “No! Wait! I can’t just get out of it like that!”  
“Why the hell not?!” 
“Cuz I have to show Miss Sonia that I can fight the competition! That I’m not – not just gonna let some – some other guy have her!” 
“Ew!” Zoey couldn’t help it, this time she vocalized her disgust at the gender roles Kazuichi kept forcing in this situation. “Fine! Then I’ll freaking fight her instead!” 
Zoey quickly corrected her Freudien slip. “I mean then I’ll fight him! Freaking fight –him. I’ll fight Gundham for you! Even if he puts a big curse on me! I don’t care!” 
“You know he can’t actually – But –but- don't fight him!” Kazuichi tried to chill out and stop yelling at Zoey (she was really trying to be better at this, really!) “I know – you're trying to help me – but that’s not how it works! You...you can’t fight him for me, for Miss Sonia... do you get what that looks like?”  
“No.” She actually did, but she wondered if acting confused and making Kazuichi explain it would help the situation. “What’s it look like?” 
Kazuichi stood there for a second. “Huh? You actually don’t -?...” 
Kazuichi messed with her hat a little bit while she tried to cobble together an explanation. “....Okay, so...I’m fighting Gundham to show him I’m - you know – I'm top dog, like, I’m the best Miss Sonia’s, um, that I’m supposed to be her...boyfriend... instead of – and then you – if you fight Gundham – it's not gonna make me look good! It’ll make me look, ah, cowardly, and then – so you can’t! Just don’t! Also, what if you get hurt? Also, Gundham’s not gonna fight a girl!”  
Zoey huffed. She hated being called a girl in contexts like these. Also, she had hoped Kazuichi would realize midway through explaining it how stupid this was, but it looks like Kazuichi still agrees with this bullshit. Ughhhh. 
“Do you get it now?” Kazuichi asked, looking like she was ready to explain more if she needed to. Zoey was almost tempted to ask her to repeat her explanation like it was a video game option.  
She decided not to be annoying on purpose.  
She thought about what might help prevent what Kazuichi was saying. “What if I fight Gundham, but I let everyone know in the moment it’s because I’m being a loyal friend and not because you’re cowardly? Sorry! Not calling you cowardly! I mean, I just mean that I would announce it to everyone, without the ‘cowardly’ part, so they all know it’s not like you need me to fight! Maybe you could try to ‘stop’ me, and I’m so, uh, set on fighting him I just punch-” 
Kazuichi instinctively panicked and put her hands on Zoey’s fists.  
Zoey smiled. “Yeah, like that!”  
This made Kazuichi freeze again, then laugh, and Zoey joined in.  
Everything was starting to feel better now.  
“Okay, okay, I won't fight him.” Zoey said, feeling more willing to let this go (maybe because Kazuichi was touching her hands). 
Kazuichi giggled. “Why’re you always trying to fight people for me?” 
Zoey tried to put on a poker face. “Because I’m a.... v-very loyal f-friend.” She felt like a robot trying to say that. She could feel her face burning. Because I have a big fat crush on you. Because I’m angry at the world and I would punch it for you. Because I want to protect you from everything. Because I really am a loyal friend, but also I would get married and/or take my pants off if you asked me to, which is not my normal loyal friend behavior but it’s- 
“Aww, you’re blushing!” Kazuichi pointed out. 
“I’m not!” Zoey said, accidentally yelling, instinctively covering her face with her hand. “Oh, I - I am???” She pretended to be surprised at this shocking revelation. “I - I guess I have ---- allergiiiies~--?”   
Kazuichi laughed and hugged her. Another hug! Zoey may have lost at Uno Attack, but she felt like she was winning today. 
“Awwww, you’re so cute! I’m really glad we’re friends too!” Kazuichi said. 
Zoey was still smiling, she was still in a good mood, but also, did she just get friendzoned again?! Mother FUCKE- 
(The end of this piece) 
*Kazuichi promised in an earlier chapter that she would never "leave Zoey". I can't explain too much, but this promise was more about the context of leaving the friendship instead of leaving a social situation.
(A/N: Zoey friendzoned Kazuichi first and then gets surprised Pikachu face when Kazuichi returns the gesture. She is a hypocrite lol. They all are. Almost every character I write is hypocritical. I find it funny.
Also, throughout this fic Kaz and Zoey keep unintentionally playing this game of who can be more obvious about their crush before the other one stops being oblivious.)  
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fastenwick · 11 months
Wick's IZ characters meet the OCs that inspired them: Part One
D1b Membrane meets Kaster Bluewing
(@ambassador-d1b created in 2022, Kaster created in 2013
Ft mentions of @ukagaka-zim , @honeysicklesprouts , @game-slavers , and @aik-membrane)
Two characters are put in a nearly empty room. No doors, windows, or decor. Just two chairs, a table with food, and a note. The note reads "Enjoy your time together." The food products are Mac N Cheese, roasted pieces of meat with a type of savory jam dipping, gum drops, chunks of dried sugar, and coffee.
D1b blinked and looked around. He couldn't quite remember how he got here, some person put him here? But he couldn't remember their face… Oh well, Zim would come get him soon. He wasn't hurt or anything. He spots the table and reads the note to himself.
"Huh… Enjoy my time with the food? Is it poisoned?" D1b popped a gum drop into his mouth to check. Tasted fine.
Suddenly, a blue creature had joined D1b. He was a bit shorter than D1b. He wore a black vest that seemed two sizes too big for him and well worn with matching shorts. He had dark blue skin, overgrown black hair with an uneven cut, and vibrant green eyes and a cat-like slit for a pupil. Instead of five blunt toed feet, he had three sharp toes, almost like claws or talons. And he seemed to be covered with scales, and there was a scar shaped like claws down his cheek.
"Woaaaah." D1b's jaw dropped and the gum drop fell out, forgotten.
The boy blinked and stepped backward. "Uhhhhh. Hi? Who are you?"
"What are you??" D1b rushed forward to study the newcomer.
The kid meeped quietly in surprise, tense, but not protesting as D1b poked his shoulder, touched his hair, and checked his mouth.
"You have fangs!" D1b squealed. "And so many sharp teeth… Scales and claws! Ooooh, a snake tongue!"
"Uh huh?" The kid just nodded stiffly.
D1b realized he just swarmed a stranger and scrambled back. "I am so sorry!"
"It's. Fine?"
"It's just, I've never seen anything like you before! And that's saying something, I work with aliens and have seen all kinds of crazy shit," D1b rambled.
The kid nodded, making a popping sound by pressing his lips together and separating them quickly.
"Anyway, I'm D1b Membrane." D1b held out his hand to the kid.
The kid tilted his head and looked at D1b's hand, trying to see if something was inside.
"Oh, you shake it," D1b explained.
"Shake. It?"
"Like this." D1b took the kid's hand and gently shook it.
"Huh. What for?" The kid took his hand back quickly.
"It's a human way of greeting."
"What's a human?"
"I'm a human." D1b gestured to himself. "What's your name?"
"Kaster Bluewing."
"Nice to meet you, Kaster!"
"Nice to meet you too? Where are we?"
"I have no clue." D1b looked around. "This note says to just enjoy our time tog-... Ohhhhh, someone wanted us to meet!"
"No clue."
"Oh. I have no clue either. Probably even less of a clue than you. Actually wait no, no clue is zero clue and I can't have less than zero clue, that doesn't make any sense. Unless you have slightly more than me? Since you were here first? I'll shut up." All the words practically fell out of Kaster's mouth a million miles an hour, with no pauses for breathing or replies. Kaster sat in the chair, looking embarrassed.
D1b blinked, trying to catch up. "Uh. I mean no? I don't. I don't know anything. What?"
"What?"The two sat in silence for a second.
Kaster sighed. "Sorry, I'm not the most… social person."
D1b chuckled. "It's okay, I'm not either."
Kaster seemed confused. "You said you work with… al-ee-ens?"
"I do, that's about all I socialize outside of my family," D1b explained, taking another gum drop and sitting down on the other chair.
"What are… aliens?"
"Oh, basically just creatures not from Earth." D1b waved his hand in dismissal.
"What's… E-urth?" Kaster asked hesitantly.
"Aaaand you're an alien. Earth is my planet," D1b said, offering Kaster a gum drop.
Kaster took it, studying it between his claws."What's your planet like?"
"Timore? Oh, not anything special. I haven't seen much of it anyway, maybe the other Shards are more special." Kaster set the gum drop down on the table and picked up one of the pieces of sugar.
"I've never heard of it," D1b mused.
Kaster shrugged.
"What do you mean Shards?" D1b took a sip of coffee.
"Oh, the planet is split into six pieces called Shards and slowly collapsing in on itself," Kaster said casually, biting into his sugar.
D1b choked on his coffee.
"You would think more people would notice that before it became a problem, but nope! Took two something thousand years, I think. We're working on it, though!" Kaster didn't even notice D1b choke.
"Elves??" D1b squealed.
"What else is on your planet??"
Kaster rubbed the back of his neck, thinking very hard. "Uhhh. Imps, werewolves, sprites… griffins, uhm. Tesels of course. And those are just the nice ones I've met so far. The mean ones are gargoyles, trolls, and wraiths."
D1b sat there stunned for a moment.
"I know there are others too, my dad told me about fish people called sirens," Kaster continued. "Well they're not really fish people, they have fishy tails and then they look more like a tesel on the top. They have scales like me, though!"
"I know fish people!"
"You do??" Kaster practically bounced out of his seat.
"Yeah, one of my best friends! Sprouts is a fish person, kind of. Also they're dating a werewolf," D1b explained.
It was Kaster's turn to choke on his piece of sugar. "They're DATING?? Oh my gosh, how did you get them to get along???"
"I. Didn't? They've always been friends." D1b seemed confused.
"How?? I have issues just getting a tesel, imp, and werewolf not to kill each other, much less be friends," Kaster huffed.
D1b shrugged. "You'd have to ask them?"
"Maybe I will. If I can. Wait, they're on your planet, aren't they? I can't then, that sucks," Kaster sighed.
"Well, I could give them your contact information?" D1b offered.
Kaster blinked. "My what? Like where I live? I don't have a village."
"No, like your phone number."
Kaster just looked at D1b blankly.
"Do you not have a phone?"
"... no," Kaster admitted sheepishly.
"Do you know what a phone is?"
"Uhhhhh nooo…" Kaster rubbed the back of his neck.
D1b sighed. "Well, what does your planet use to keep in contact?"
"Uhm. Talking?"
"No no, what device?"
"None? Well, letters. I mean there's some magic spells for long distance messages, but Lurya knows more about that than me, I don't know magic." Kaster munched on a piece of the meat.
D1b blinked. He'd never run into a planet that had no tech at all. "You guys have no technology?"
"Oh no, we do. Well, the gargoyles do. But we don't know what exactly. Some sort of teleporter," Kaster explained.
D1b was silent, momentarily baffled at the idea of a planet having teleporters but not phones or something similar.
Kaster got nervous in the silence. "Did I say something wrong?"
"Oh, good. I say the wrong thing a lot. Well not a lot a lot, but often enough to know that there is a chance I said the wrong thing. A pretty high one. Not like as high as the chance of Erxi saying the wrong thing, but higher than Baraq. Wait no, maybe we're equal? No no, I think my chance of saying the wrong thing is definitely higher than Baraq," Kaster said, once again the words tumbling out of him at high speeds.
D1b blinked and shook his head. "What?"
"Uhm. Sorry, my internal monologue wasn't internal again… That kind of happens when you're not used to anyone listening. That isn't sad, by the way!"
D1b still hadn't quite caught up with what Kaster was saying. "Huh?"
"No no, I just mean it sounds sad! But people don't ignore me, I swear! I just haven't really talked to people in. Six years? Four? Somewhere around there." Kaster continued to munch.
D1b's brain failed him for a moment while Kaster chewed. "That. Was a lot of information."
"Sorry…" Kaster sighed.
"It's alright, I ramble too sometimes. It drives Gaz crazy," D1b chuckled.
"Who's Gaz?" Kaster asked.
"My sister."
"You have a sister??" Kaster gasped.
"Yep, and a brother." D1b chuckled more.
"Hey, I have a brother too!"
"Oh yeah? What's he like?"
"Oh he's Baraq Trapsin. We're twins that got split up years ago, and we didn't know we had a sibling for a long time. He was a surprise!" Kaster grinned.
"My brother was a surprise too! I thought he was dead, my dad never told me about him. Zim helped me learn about him," D1b explained.
"Who's Zim?" Kaster asked.
"My husband. He's the best, so adorable," D1b said with a wistful sigh. "I hope he doesn't get too worried about me being here…"
Kaster tilted his head.
"Do you have anyone like that?"
"No, not really. I think Erxi has a crush on Baraq though. Closest thing I can think of," Kaster explained.
"Eh, don't rush it. You look young, you don't need to worry about it. How old are you?" D1b asked, eating another gum drop.
D1b blinked. "You look younger."
"Yeah, most dragons do, I'm told."
"Sorry, what?"
Kaster looked around, then back at D1b, confused. "Most dragons look young?"
"You're a DRAGON??" D1b gasped.
"Well, dragon slash tesel half breed, why?"
"Can you breathe fire???"
D1b stammered with excitement.
Kaster got flashbacks to Baraq's reaction to meeting him. "Are you okay?"
"Yep! I'm great! Hell, you're so cool. Do you want to be friends?"
"Well, sure!" Kaster nodded.
"What else can you do? You don't look anything like how I've seen dragons depicted," D1b mused.
"Oh, you probably just saw my other form," Kaster said casually.
"Other form?"
"Yeah, I have two forms. This one, and a much larger one that looks like a giant lizard with wings. If I turn into it here, I'd squish you. And I don't want to do that, so I'll stay small," Kaster explained.
"Oh my gosh, you SHAPESHIFT TOO??"
"Uh huh!" Kaster was starting to get excited. "And I can block out magic spells with my mind! It's really cool, and I can control fire and not just breathe it!"
"That's awesome! Can you show me?" D1b asked.
Kaster thought for a moment, then took a piece of odd looking paper out of his pocket and crumpled it in his hands. He blew gently on it, and it lit up in flames in seconds.
"Woaaaah…" D1b gasped.
"Not done yet." Kaster waved his hand and the fire turned into a tiny dancer. It floated around his hand, very dainty and graceful.
D1b watched, excited and barely able to stay in his seat.
After a moment, Kaster touched the figure with a claw and the flame extinguished. He looked at D1b with a wide grin, showing off his sharp teeth.
"That was amazing!" D1b clapped.
Kaster chuckled shyly. "Thanks…"
"You're so cool, I wish I could keep in touch with you somehow…" D1b thought for a minute.
Kaster let D1b think.
"I could give you a phone?"
"Sure?" Kaster shrugged.
D1b opened a panel on his watch. "I just have to get a spare one from Gaz or Aik…"
Kaster blinked, the slits of his eyes widening like a cat entranced by a shiny object. "What's that…" He pointed at D1b's watch.
"Oh, this? This is my watch. It does lots of cool stuff. Check this out." D1b extended his lazer shield.
Kaster squealed quietly with glee. "It's so pretty!"
"And deadly too, don't touch it, it'll burn you," D1b warned.
"Okay, I won't."
"I've also got these." D1b retracted the shield to extend his PAK legs, letting them raise him into the air.
"Woah sitch, that is so cool! You're like taller now!"
D1b chuckled. "I know, right??"
"What else can you do??" Kaster stood up, bouncing up and down on his feet.
"Translate languages, create holograms, give electric shocks," D1b counted off, retracting his PAK legs to stand normally.
"I only know what the first one is, but the others sound so cool!"
A dart whizzed through the room, a note on it, and it struck the wall.
Kaster and D1b both yelped and jumped slightly. They glanced at each other in sync and then started to giggle.
They quickly both burst out laughing, their giggles infecting the other and growing stronger in seconds.
After a few moments of laughing, D1b finally sighed and checked the note. His smile dropped. "Oh no…"
"What?" Kaster asked, looking at the note.
The note read "Say your goodbyes, you'll be going home soon."
"I haven't gotten a phone for you yet…" D1b said sadly.
"It's okay, maybe we'll come back here and see each other again?" Kaster suggested.
"Maybe…" D1b sighed and set the note down. "I have so many questions for you…"
"I have questions for you too…" Kaster looked sad too. "Hey, can I give you a…" He took a moment to remember the word. "Hug?"
"Sure, why not." D1b opened his arms.
Kaster made a small happy squeal and then hugged D1b, who chuckled and hugged back.
A second passed before D1b heard a familiar rumbling coming from Kaster.
"Oh my gosh, you purr??" D1b gasped.
"Oh no, I-I-I didn't mean to…" Kaster stammered, letting go and stepping back.
"I purr too!" D1b began to purr.
Kaster gasped loudly. "You purr!"
D1b nodded. "You purr!"
"We purr??"
"We purr!!"
"This is amazing!" Kaster cheered.
D1b nodded excitedly. "It is! Oh my gosh, there's still so much we could do and it's just going to end…"
"Yeah…" Kaster looked at the ground.
D1b stepped forward to hug Kaster again. Kaster hugged back.
"Bye, new friend," Kaster said softly.
"Bye, take care. I hope your planet stays safe," D1b said.
"Me too."
And with that, they were suddenly both returned to their own worlds and lives.
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nightzskii · 1 year
Can you tell me the story of how we became friends? <:3 👉👈 it can be as sillyies as you want, or as serios as you can, it can be a mystery or fantasy or what ever! :D it can also be short or long /nf
(<:3c i just wanted to ask something silly and my brain made this up)
* hmmmm okay!! sorry that this is relatively late by the way, I kept falling asleep haha :')
* But, everytime I think of how we became friends i think of my source and a different world where my thoughts run wild so I'll be using those two for this!
* There actually was someone in source like you and other people, so its not that hard to be like " oh okay i feel so comfortable saying this "
* I also went on a ramble I'm sorry.
How we became friends.. well. At first, I've seen you walk around the kingdom a couple of times, you weren't always aware that you walked by it and sometimes when you were aware we'd have a little chat every time while i was in a disguise (my more human one, but it had demon features)
But promptly after a discussion yesterday, I heard a commotion outside the kingdom and went to check it out to only see you having a misunderstanding with some goops (They're very violent and really territorial if you aren't another goop(scratches head)), I had went to try and calm the situation down but a different goop tried eating you so it was a full on battle with the rest of them while i hid you inside my own goop (don't question, it I'll send the doc about my source and goops after.....)
I won (since I was more powerful (being the son of a god has its perks)) but still kept you hidden until we made it to my castle to which i helped you out of my goop after!! We were chatting and everything to help you calm down from the situation and even some of your friends came by (since they would also walk around the castle with you) to help calm you down
You'd visit a lot after and I'd be waiting for you at the start of the castle since i hadn't known where you lived, and everytime You'd visit or stay for a couple of days we'd have tea at least once and then do all sorts of things
I taught you all about my species and the kingdoms cultures, the different songs (some are actually real songs too (i was excited when i knew this)), the different type of foods (same as some music), how many gods there were and how i was also considered one, a lot of things and i also TRIED teaching you my language but.. it, it didn't work out (teaching meep, goop, zip, beep or anything else is SO HARD HELP. It's like cats meowing but DIFFERENT.) So whenever we'd want to have a private convo out in the open, I'd shapeshift a bit to have the same species as YOU so we could talk in your language instead
We'd always help brush each others fur, and when i first told you my goop was fur you were so surprised i ended up laughing like a tea kettle. I'd also polish all your accessories and clean you clothes while giving you some of mine to wear as I did so, it ended up being like a model thing, where me and some of our friends had to rate the different clothes you wore (I'd keep giving you a 10 because you genuinely did look great in every clothes i gave you :3)
We painted each others nails once, me in my more human form and you just being you as we were gossiping about the latest drama, (I told you about some guys fighting over cabbage and you told me about some glass being knocked over by someones grandma)
There was a time you died too, but i resurrected you and gave the god who did it a scolding of their entire life time (all in a different language too so you wouldn't hear me say some... words)
I also kinda like blessed you. on accident. so that you wouldn't get injured by gods anymore since they were.. extremely powerful (not as.. powerful as me for some reason idk).. and blessing is like, a weird process depending on the god or person trying to get blessed... it wasn't weird for us but it was still like " when thr fuck did i do this " and i still don't know how
Oh yeah!!! I also gave you a personal guard one time but they lost you so fast and we laughed about it cause you were purposefully trying to lose them
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years
Animaniacs Reboot Season 3 Episode 3 Review
Again I’ll mention I’m only rewatching the Warners because I don’t fully know P&TB. (This took so long I’m sorry I was busy.)
Variable Verse: Fair pay for trainees! -Dot
Planet Warner
The announcer sounds like Winnie The Pooh. Same voice actor? Reminds me of Nighty Night Toons.
They’re asleep on stage. Long nights. Also is that the girl from the P&TB short in season one? The one where Brain said “hell?” I don’t remember.
How come they’re not in bed? Also I had to look up adolescent because I thought it was teenager. It’s 10-19.
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I love the fact that all their jumping animations are different! Cannonball, jump, and twirl.
I get the feeling that this short is a retelling of what actually happened? Lol maybe they did the character from a hat just for this episode.
You know I just thought of something. Back when new cartoons were drawn on paper, toons leapt from it. Can…can they still do that from the computer? Or are they trapped until let out? …oh god.
Boingy boingy boingy! Ralph’s eyes were red the whole time. Yikes. Hello? Yakko’s the most frail member? Damn. So many implications.
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The cave reference! Looney Tunes melody too! Meep meep!
Aquaclaus sequels reference Rocky sequels?
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Why do some of these remind me of existing characters? Like the bottom left looks like Lola.
The snaps her assistants do. Lol I forgot where that’s from.
See I feel bad when the character isn’t even allowed on the bus. But it’s showing the harsh reality of life of being rejected. Especially in entertainment.
Dang that’s a lot of tamales. Wakko’s literally just eating the wrappers.
Fourth wall break. Not as annoying as usual. They’re definitely projecting. Yeah watch ALL the characters.
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The earth is pretty!
I do love this short. Not only do we see the Warners act like themselves more than usual, but it’s educational! It shows how production and pitching an idea in the entertainment industry works. And it doesn’t shy away from reality either - ideas don’t work so they get thrown out. I like the contrast on how the Warners are successful and live comfortably and the new toon is the opposite. I do feel bad for him, though.
Wakko’s the main character here. Finally. He’s the most underused. The animations they did throughout were nice.
I did notice the segments sometimes are more about the background characters more than the established characters. I know it’s easier on a blank slate, but it’s still the Warners show. This segment was fine; I was just mentioning it because it’s been a problem before.
Talladega Mice
D’awww. Cute baby Brain. The references throughout were nice. Cool how they used Orson Welles. Pinky whats with the finger? Why does the balloon sword looks like something else? The other mouse! Oh my god.
I feel like they should’ve done something with Fort Knox. Or at least mentioned it at the end. They have a habit of repeating episodes from the OG. They’re aware of it, too. New ones would be nice, please.
DI Why
So you’re telling me they’re gonna frame the poster with Wakko’s [redacted] showing? Also I forgot about the adult jokes until I heard it. It caught me off guard.
I thought they were gonna go ham with the worker but I guess not. I like Yakko’s line. Don’t flick his nose.
What’s the song the workers sing referencing?
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Ah, he was gonna say belly. You notice how they’re drawn with their hands in front of them? Usually in a begging motion?
Don’t you pun Yakko. Dot noticed. Kinda wish they didn’t scoff at them. They did it all the time and were fine with it.
Yakko’s the boomer dad. Or millennial.
I like how both brothers were happy when a song was gonna begin.
How come Dot’s the only one in a cute outfit??? Tragedy.
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I actually really like this picture. Wakko stole all those pots and then just smashed them. Lol.That lamp with the leg is an old reference.
Did Wakko just say rehab? What rehab?
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This is cute.
Wakko’s head shakes saying “philosophy” while his sibs mouths just vibrate. Cute.
Okay. I love it. Very catchy. They all got a chance to shine. It’s just a nice and sweet song with no bad jokes. Beautiful. Wakko’s voice is the best oh my god.
I like how they all smile when they’re in the water.
Bro Dot got double smacked. Her poor frame broke, too.
Can’t see the Warners doing that to the fans? I honestly don’t remember their relationship with fans besides running away. But it was fine. P&TB cameo.
Again I feel like if there was no story or buildup and just the song it would be fine. Or better. There doesn’t need an explanation for everything.
Planet Warner - 9
Talladega Mice - 8
DI Why - 9
Avg - 8.7
So far this is my favorite episode with rewatchability for me. (Well, for the Warners.) Heck yes.
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steele-soulmate · 3 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 12
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
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A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
CHAPTER WARNINGS: none applicable
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
I frowned as I looked at the printed packets that the king had made up for me- one for Saint Christopher’s Academy, one for Theodore Day School and one for Saint Claire’s Academy for Young Ladies. I glanced out the window that overlooked the backyard and smiled at the sight of Aria and Evie giggling as they gave chase to the falling leaves.
I looked at Theodore Day School’s dress code, listed on the fourth page. My nose wrinkled up at the ugly uniform that a boy and a girl were pictured modeling- a pair of pants and a pleated skirt- both in a dirty black- a yellow shirt with green buttons marching up the front, a yellow jacket and a green tie. Clunky brown shoes and itchy red socks completed the look.
“No, no and no…” I muttered, glancing over the rule rubrik on the next page that listed the rules.
No talking in the hallway in between classes allowed
No makeup allowed on students or faculty
All students must purchase school issued lunches- no exception
“NOPE.” I drew a messy red X over the front of the packet, half wondering why the king would even want to send the girls to such a prison.
I sighed, glancing up at the clock and taking in the time- 12:19- and I smiled at the idea of the four of us out on our first family date day in a short while. The king would take us to the local Home Depot, where we would pick out paint colors for the girls’ bedrooms and grab some cardboard packing boxes before going out for lunch. He had sent me a text a few minutes ago, telling me that we were having burgers and asked me what the three of us would have. I had told him simple cheeseburgers and fries all around. I had received a thumbs up emoji in response, and I had returned to reading up on the schools.
A little while later, I looked up with a smile as I felt the vibrations of the garage door opening below me, signaling the return of the Ratajczyk family patriarch. For the hundredth time, I wondered if he would let me transition from Miss Molly Anne Harper into Mrs. Molly Anne Ratajczyk.
I certainly hope so, I thought as I sensed him coming into the house. I tugged playfully at the line that tethered our hearts together, summoning him to me in his office, located at the back of the house.
I squeaked at the playfully dark rumble that sounded out from behind me, cowering in place as he crossed over to me, getting down onto his knee to capture my face into his strong hands.
“Why would you want to send the girls to a Nazi academy such as Theodore Day School?” I meeped nervously, shutting my eyes as I felt him smiling at me.
“Sweetheart, can you look at me, please?” I opened my eyes as his gentle ask, being met by his handsome face. “There we are now- hello beautiful soulmate of mine.”
“Hello your majesty,” I meeped out nervously, watching as he took the scribbled over packet from the trash and looked it over, the expression on his face ugly.
“Jesus fuck, I’m so sorry sweetheart,” he apologized meekly, his thumb rubbing a circle into my jawbone. “I was looking online last night at schools in the general neighborhood, and Theodore Day School was where my dad went. I guess this explains so much.”
“You know you could’ve always asked me what parameters I have for where the twins go for school, don’t you?” I didn’t mean to sound like I was scolding him. “You don’t have to do this alone, you know.”
“And you don’t have to do this alone,” he reminded me, chuckling as the girls turned around and stampeded back into the house, shouting and giggling the whole way. “Never again. You won’t ever need to be a single parent ever again.”
I was kept from responding as the I heard back door slamming open and the girls spilled inside, both of them flying through the house before finding us- me in his desk chair and the king on his knee before me.
“Daddy! You’re home!” Aria cheered happily before latching around him in a death grip, her younger twins following suit.
“Hello girls!” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around the both of them with an affectionate smile on his face. “Sweetheart, I called ahead to Tenny’s Burgers and placed an order- because I’m such a large man, I oftentimes eat a large amount of food, as I’m certain you know already.”
“Sounds good,” I chuckled. “When will you all be ready to go on out?”
“Can you three please give me twenty minutes to change from my monkey suit into something much more comfortable to go run errands in?” he asked, pressing kisses to our foreheads.
“I guess so…” Aria whined playfully, giggling at the expression on her father’s face. “I’m just kidding, daddy!”
“Tease,” he snarled, moving us off of him and stomping upstairs to get ready.
When he came back downstairs once more, he was wearing a long sleeved dark green t-shirt, black jeans and his “badass stomping boots” as affectionately dubbed by Aria.
“Alright, we ready now?” he asked, chuckling at Aria’s overexuberant cheers and Evie’s excited squeals. “Alright- I’ll get the car out of the garage and you three come downstairs and join me whenever, alright?”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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Ok so Dr Who thoughts
Obviously spoliers
He’s literally standing like
I think it’s so funny that he just puts the box back on the stack once he sees it’s her.
His confusion with Roses name is so funny to me, eventually he just like gave up
I forget her name, the badass UNIT person, who has MOTHERFUCKING BOMBS IN HER WHEELS!!! Most UNIT people who meet the Doctor are like “oh I’ve wanted to meet you all my life” and then this bad ass bitch is like “you wish”
I LOVE how they’re approaching Rose being trans, how it’s been difficult for Sylvia o adjust but how protective Donna is of Rose. Like Sylvia wasn’t the greatest mother to Donna so Donna makes sure that Rose knows she is proud of her and how much she loves her.
The Meep was such a plot twist.
Rose being like “uhm, just gonna assume?” And the Doctor is like “yeah your totally right, I’m sorry” I love it when characters who are right put him is his place. When characters who aren’t right do it, it’s annoying.
Donna just being Donna is amazing and I don’t think I realized how much I missed her until this.
The Doctor handing Donna the screwdriver is just like instinct to the both of them and i love it
When watching this my mom said that the guy sleeping should have been James Cordon’s character from 11 and I totally agree
When he got out of the car I was like “ohhhh he’s got his grumpy face on, shit here we go”
The wig
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Are you flipping kidding me
Again, the fucking Meep, what the shit
Donna like doing things that are just like instinct to her cause things are making sense again.
When he says “you can’t get involved” Donna’s like don’t tell me what to do skinny man” it’s her bitch face and I love it.
This whole ep Donna hasn’t really been the Donna we knew, and I get that the passage of time will change people, but it didn’t feel right then she was Donna fucking Noble again. I was so happy
That little short out goodbye was really sweet
Rose being the genius that she deserves to be
When I heard that Donna’s daughter was gonna be named Rose, I thought it was because Donna had like this instinct to name her Rose cause of Rose Tyler but Rose picking it because of the Metacrisis was awesome too
Donna is right that if Rose stepped into the TARDIS something would’ve gone wrong, something did go wrong but it’s Donna and the Doctor again so it’s fine.
Wilf will love to see the Doctor (with that face) and Donna (with her memories) together again. Hopefully that’s is the third special, Bernard Cribbins filmed stuff for this before he passed (rip), so holding out hope.
Puppy dog eyes from the Doctor and Donna for the win
The new TARDIS looks so fun, it looks very real and practical so that’s awesome. Hopefully Donna spilling it and setting it on fire doesn’t mean that 15 has a different one.
All the walkways are amazing for an ADHD time lord who gets the zoomies. Like the second he put his coat down he was zooming and when he was at the panel he was fiddling with everything. This is probably my second favorite console room, the first being 12s
The Doctor remembering the way Donna likes her coffee is just so wholesome I’m gonna be sick
I don’t like how they’re talking about his just visiting, that’s not how he rolls and it also makes me scared that Donna’s gonna die and he’s gonna wish he said yes
Donna spilling the coffee in to the console 5 minutes after entering the TARDIS again is such a Donna thing to do.
Dude you need a fire extinguisher nearby at all times. The sonic should have that setting.
I’m very satisfied with how they kept Donna alive and it’s not something outerworldly like a weird alien drink or something. It’s just her awesome daughter.
My brother and mother had no idea that Yasmin Finney was trans and they were kinda shocked, I only knew cause of Heartstopper, she is so pretty.
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arthur-rex · 5 years
Starter for Ygraine Pendragon
They scatter herbs round his feet. Burning incense that releases a heady mix of intoxicants into the midnight air. The humming of words in Old English fills almost every thought in his head, causing his eyelids to flutter. It’s magic, yes, but Arthur can no longer find it within himself to resist. The promise of what this ceremony has to offer overcomes his aversion, subsuming his fear. Panting lightly, Arthur lets the youngest of the High Priestesses touch his shoulder gently, guiding him towards the altar.
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The tallest of the women, dressed in crimson robes, awaits him there. Golden tresses fan out around her graceful, swan-like neck, while dark piercing eyes give the impression of a demon animating a human body. Arthur frowns in his stupor, vaguely recollecting that he knows this woman. The hungry expression on her face certainly suggests his presence has been anticipated. As her fellow Priestesses manoeuvre the unresisting prince into position, the woman raises her arms to the heavens, invoking her deity’s blessing. 
Arthur watches it all happen mutely, as if in a slow-moving dream. 
The voice of the High Priestess echoing around the stone table. The slow reveal of the dagger. The hush of the other women. His arm stretched forward to meet the curved blade. Sharp pain. His blood pooling out from the deep cut made in the palm of his right hand. The broken flesh pressed firmly against the rim of a golden chalice. 
The sky overhead rolls with thunder. The blonde woman collecting Arthur’s crimson offering shudders as an ancient magic rushes over her. The blood of the Pendragon is the blood of prophecy, carrying within it the power to determine the fate of many great kingdoms. With Arthur’s blood, destiny itself could be subverted, u n r a v e l l e d... plunging the future into chaos. 
The leader of the High Priestesses laughs obscenely as she observes the cup filled to the brim. Lifting the chalice towards the stars, she raises her voice high above the others: 
“Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon. Your offering to the Goddess has been accepted. Speak now your desire of us, for surely it can no longer be denied.” 
Silence follows the immediate aftermath of her words. Against the stone altar, the light panting of the prince’s breathing grows more pronounced. Wearily, Arthur raises his head. This is what he has been waiting for, after all. The promise offered for the blood sacrificed. His blue eyes shine with crystal-clear purpose. But there is a sorrow in their depths too; evidence of an aching loss that has never truly been eased.
The High Priestess slides a hand under his jaw, holding his gaze with hers. “Your desire, my prince?” She repeats.  
Arthur struggles; the thud of his heart labouring in his ears. “My mother.” He gasps finally. “I want you to- bring me back my mother. Alive.” 
Morgause’s lips twitch at the request. “So be it.”
The response is almost immediate. The ground itself trembles as magic violently erupts from the deepest of places. Arthur closes his eyes, swaying with fatigue as his blood continues to spill out of his hand, staining the stone underneath. 
Mother, please... forgive me. 
From high above the clouds, gigantic stalactites of lightening leap down from the heavens, releasing their power upon the earth. The veil between the living and the dead ruptures in a heartbeat. All sound, all movement - all life - stops still in its tracks. 
And the world flashes a blinding white. 
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